Avaya contact recorder инструкция на русском

Avaya Contact Recorder – система для выборочной или полной записи разговоров.

Под катом будем ее устанавливать.

Если интересно, прошу.

Нам понадобится:

CD диск — Avaya Contact Recorder(Linux) из состава Avaya Aura Workforce Optimization

(раньше это ПО называлось Witness, хотя кроме названия ничего и не поменялось)

DVD диск — Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5.4

(обратите внимание нужна версия именно 5.4 rhel-server-5.4-x86_64-dvd.iso)

RPM-пакет openssl097a-0.9.7a-9.el5_2.1.i386.rpm

(именно эта версия, если будут трудности с ее поиском, то два варианта

репозитарий rhel


Конфигурационный файл — ks.cfg

(получается при помощи утилиты kickstart2.exe из состава Avaya Contact Recorder,

при создании не забываем переставить радиобаттон на rh5)

Утилита для работы с iso образами — например ultraiso.

Если интересно, прошу под кат.

Далее из всего перечисленного нужно собрать один образ (на основе rhel).

Внутрь положить папочку, например witness содержащюю

все с диска Avaya Contact Recorder(Linux)

RPM-пакет openssl097a-0.9.7a-9.el5_2.1.i386.rpm

конфигурационный файл — ks.cfg

Полученный iso пишем на болванку и…

Полнокомплектный установочный диск Avaya Contact Recorder готов!

Далее нам понадобятся

Сервер (можно использовать виртуальный — например на ESXi)

Собранный в первой части образ rhel-5.4-witness.iso записанный на диск.

Пара не очень кривых рук

Загружаемся с собранного диска в приглашающей строке пишем

linux ks=cdrom:/witness/ks.cfg

при условии, что конфигурационный файл, вы сложили в папку witness

далее вся установка пройдет в автоматическом режиме, единственное что у Вас попросят это лицензионный ключик rhel, если он у Вас есть вводите, если нет, просто пропустите данный шаг.

в соответствии с конфигурационным файлом создастся учетная запись

root с паролем ContactStore

после установки логинимся заходим в папочку witness на диске и запускаем autorun, если ничего не происходит, то два варианта


в ручную устанавливаем 3 rpm пакета




именно в таком порядке

Если в процессе вылезет ошибка касающаяся lib.so.4, то ставим еще и



лезем в инструкцию по установке

и запускаем autorun из терминала

cd /media/cdromlabel
sh ./autorun

и во всплывшем окошечке жмем инсталл

после установки сервер перезагружаем и по порту 8080 на ip адресе сервера нам становится доступен

web-интерфейс Avaya Contact Recorder

Пароль при первом заходе


Система сразу попросит его сменить, воспользуемся ее мудрым советом.

Ставим AES без которого Contact Recorder не сможет взаимодействовать с СМ и соответственно выполнять свою роль.

Нам понадобятся:

Диск Avaya Aura™ Application Enablement Services

Диск Avaya Aura™ System Platform

Сервер (так же подойдет виртуальный сервер на ESXi например, с установкой на виртуалку есть нюансы, все-таки гипервизор на гипервизор, так что на любителя)

Сначала ставим Avaya Aura™ System Platform, при установке ничего необычного не спрашивают.

Есть бага/фича — после первого запуска не доступен web-интерфейс управления.

Лечение простое — reboot.

Так же может понадобиться включить/выключить ip forwarding, делается это из под учетной записи администратора

admin/admin01 (если не меняли в процессе установки)

ip_forwarding enable
ip_forwarding disable

Еще полезно войти под рутом и проверить состояние XENа


xm list

должны быть активны Domain-0 и udom

Далее идем на web-интерфейс под учетной записи администратора admin/admin01 (если не меняли в процессе установки)

Virtual Machine Management -> Solution Template -> Install Template From — далее выбираем источник в нашем случае dvd диск — SP CD/DVD — search

Выбираем найденный темплейт — aes r6-1-1-30, жмем установить

Стартует установка — всплывающим окном спросит про ip адрес и пароль на логин cust

На root пароль тоже запросит, но не поменяет.

По-этому используем в последствии root/root01 admin/admin01

После удачной установки по команде

xm list

появится третья строчка.


Осталось настроить Communication Manager и AES.

но это, в следующий раз.

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Avaya Contact Recorder – система для выборочной или полной записи разговоров.

Под катом будем ее устанавливать.

Если интересно, прошу.

Нам понадобится:

CD диск — Avaya Contact Recorder(Linux) из состава Avaya Aura Workforce Optimization
(раньше это ПО называлось Witness, хотя кроме названия ничего и не поменялось)

DVD диск — Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5.4
(обратите внимание нужна версия именно 5.4 rhel-server-5.4-x86_64-dvd.iso)

RPM-пакет openssl097a-0.9.7a-9.el5_2.1.i386.rpm
(именно эта версия, если будут трудности с ее поиском, то два варианта

репозитарий rhel

Конфигурационный файл — ks.cfg
(получается при помощи утилиты kickstart2.exe из состава Avaya Contact Recorder,
при создании не забываем переставить радиобаттон на rh5)

Утилита для работы с iso образами — например ultraiso.

Если интересно, прошу под кат.

Далее из всего перечисленного нужно собрать один образ (на основе rhel).
Внутрь положить папочку, например witness содержащюю

все с диска Avaya Contact Recorder(Linux)
RPM-пакет openssl097a-0.9.7a-9.el5_2.1.i386.rpm
конфигурационный файл — ks.cfg

Полученный iso пишем на болванку и…
Полнокомплектный установочный диск Avaya Contact Recorder готов!

Далее нам понадобятся

Сервер (можно использовать виртуальный — например на ESXi)
Собранный в первой части образ rhel-5.4-witness.iso записанный на диск.
Пара не очень кривых рук

Загружаемся с собранного диска в приглашающей строке пишем

linux ks=cdrom:/witness/ks.cfg

при условии, что конфигурационный файл, вы сложили в папку witness

далее вся установка пройдет в автоматическом режиме, единственное что у Вас попросят это лицензионный ключик rhel, если он у Вас есть вводите, если нет, просто пропустите данный шаг.

в соответствии с конфигурационным файлом создастся учетная запись

root с паролем ContactStore

после установки логинимся заходим в папочку witness на диске и запускаем autorun, если ничего не происходит, то два варианта

в ручную устанавливаем 3 rpm пакета


именно в таком порядке

Если в процессе вылезет ошибка касающаяся lib.so.4, то ставим еще и


лезем в инструкцию по установке

и запускаем autorun из терминала

cd /media/cdromlabel
sh ./autorun

и во всплывшем окошечке жмем инсталл

после установки сервер перезагружаем и по порту 8080 на ip адресе сервера нам становится доступен
web-интерфейс Avaya Contact Recorder

Пароль при первом заходе


Система сразу попросит его сменить, воспользуемся ее мудрым советом.

Ставим AES без которого Contact Recorder не сможет взаимодействовать с СМ и соответственно выполнять свою роль.

Нам понадобятся:

Диск Avaya Aura Application Enablement Services
Диск Avaya Aura System Platform
Сервер (так же подойдет виртуальный сервер на ESXi например, с установкой на виртуалку есть нюансы, все-таки гипервизор на гипервизор, так что на любителя)

Сначала ставим Avaya Aura System Platform, при установке ничего необычного не спрашивают.

Есть бага/фича — после первого запуска не доступен web-интерфейс управления.

Лечение простое — reboot.

Так же может понадобиться включить/выключить ip forwarding, делается это из под учетной записи администратора

admin/admin01 (если не меняли в процессе установки)

ip_forwarding enable
ip_forwarding disable

Еще полезно войти под рутом и проверить состояние XENа


xm list

должны быть активны Domain-0 и udom

Далее идем на web-интерфейс под учетной записи администратора admin/admin01 (если не меняли в процессе установки)

Virtual Machine Management -> Solution Template -> Install Template From — далее выбираем источник в нашем случае dvd диск — SP CD/DVD — search

Выбираем найденный темплейт — aes r6-1-1-30, жмем установить

Стартует установка — всплывающим окном спросит про ip адрес и пароль на логин cust

На root пароль тоже запросит, но не поменяет.
По-этому используем в последствии root/root01 admin/admin01

После удачной установки по команде

xm list 

появится третья строчка.


Осталось настроить Communication Manager и AES.
но это, в следующий раз.

Модератор: Administrator


Новый участник форума
Сообщения: 6
Зарегистрирован: Пт 10 фев 2017, 08:58

Выгрузка из Contact Recorder

При сохранении записей разговоров из Avaya Contact Recorder за указанный промежуток времени, не выгружается за один раз более 10 вкладок. За каждый день поступает примерно 2000 звонков и приходится выбирать промежутки по полчаса, чтобы сохранить все записи через программу. Есть ли способ упростить создание бэкапов записей? Например скрипт, стороннее приложение или хотя бы увеличить количество вкладок.


Участник форума
Сообщения: 126
Зарегистрирован: Ср 05 дек 2012, 15:24

Re: Выгрузка из Contact Recorder


koltras » Ср 15 мар 2017, 17:04

Задавал этот вопрос представителям AVAYA
Ответ: это фича.
Причем в последней версии все то же самое :(

Но я удивлен, что вы делаете бекапы вручную.
Их нужно настраивать на самом ACR на внешний носитель (DVD, флешку, сетевое хранилище)

Или можно забирать записи напрямую с сервера. Лежат они в директории Calls в корне диска. Только осторожно )


Новый участник форума
Сообщения: 6
Зарегистрирован: Пт 10 фев 2017, 08:58

Re: Выгрузка из Contact Recorder


Aleksandr48 » Чт 16 мар 2017, 08:54

У нас на работе это делали вручную до меня. Когда я пришел сюда, очень сильно удивился. На выгрузку одного дня уходит 10-15 минут в день. И это в век автоматизации.) Однако мне все те, кто до меня сталкивался с этой программой, говорят, что иначе никак.


Участник форума
Сообщения: 126
Зарегистрирован: Ср 05 дек 2012, 15:24


Участник форума
Сообщения: 126
Зарегистрирован: Ср 05 дек 2012, 15:24

Re: Выгрузка из Contact Recorder


koltras » Чт 16 мар 2017, 15:06

Aleksandr48 писал(а):DVD-привод есть.

Значит нужно настроить один раз и жить спокойно :) Только диски менять не забывать

Aleksandr48 писал(а):Повезло вам с версией.) Здесь стоит софт примерно восьмилетней давности.

Просто обновили недавно

Ставим Avaya Contact Recorder (Linux)
Avaya Contact Recorder – система для выборочной или полной записи разговоров.

Под катом будем ее устанавливать.

Если интересно, прошу.

Нам понадобится:

CD диск — Avaya Contact Recorder(Linux) из состава Avaya Aura Workforce Optimization
(раньше это ПО называлось Witness, хотя кроме названия ничего и не поменялось)

DVD диск — Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 5.4
(обратите внимание нужна версия именно 5.4 rhel-server-5.4-x86_64-dvd.iso)

RPM-пакет openssl097a-0.9.7a-9.el5_2.1.i386.rpm
(именно эта версия, если будут трудности с ее поиском, то два варианта

репозитарий rhel

Конфигурационный файл — ks.cfg
(получается при помощи утилиты kickstart2.exe из состава Avaya Contact Recorder,
при создании не забываем переставить радиобаттон на rh5)

Утилита для работы с iso образами — например ultraiso.

Если интересно, прошу под кат.

Далее из всего перечисленного нужно собрать один образ (на основе rhel).
Внутрь положить папочку, например witness содержащюю

все с диска Avaya Contact Recorder(Linux)
RPM-пакет openssl097a-0.9.7a-9.el5_2.1.i386.rpm
конфигурационный файл — ks.cfg

Полученный iso пишем на болванку и…
Полнокомплектный установочный диск Avaya Contact Recorder готов!

Далее нам понадобятся

Сервер (можно использовать виртуальный — например на ESXi)
Собранный в первой части образ rhel-5.4-witness.iso записанный на диск.
Пара не очень кривых рук

Загружаемся с собранного диска в приглашающей строке пишем

linux ks=cdrom:/witness/ks.cfg

при условии, что конфигурационный файл, вы сложили в папку witness

далее вся установка пройдет в автоматическом режиме, единственное что у Вас попросят это лицензионный ключик rhel, если он у Вас есть вводите, если нет, просто пропустите данный шаг.

в соответствии с конфигурационным файлом создастся учетная запись

root с паролем ContactStore

после установки логинимся заходим в папочку witness на диске и запускаем autorun, если ничего не происходит, то два варианта

в ручную устанавливаем 3 rpm пакета


именно в таком порядке

Если в процессе вылезет ошибка касающаяся lib.so.4, то ставим еще и


лезем в инструкцию по установке

и запускаем autorun из терминала

cd /media/cdromlabel
sh ./autorun

и во всплывшем окошечке жмем инсталл

после установки сервер перезагружаем и по порту 8080 на ip адресе сервера нам становится доступен
web-интерфейс Avaya Contact Recorder

Пароль при первом заходе


Система сразу попросит его сменить, воспользуемся ее мудрым советом.

Ставим AES без которого Contact Recorder не сможет взаимодействовать с СМ и соответственно выполнять свою роль.

Нам понадобятся:

Диск Avaya Aura™ Application Enablement Services
Диск Avaya Aura™ System Platform
Сервер (так же подойдет виртуальный сервер на ESXi например, с установкой на виртуалку есть нюансы, все-таки гипервизор на гипервизор, так что на любителя)

Сначала ставим Avaya Aura™ System Platform, при установке ничего необычного не спрашивают.

Есть бага/фича — после первого запуска не доступен web-интерфейс управления.

Лечение простое — reboot.

Так же может понадобиться включить/выключить ip forwarding, делается это из под учетной записи администратора

admin/admin01 (если не меняли в процессе установки)

ip_forwarding enable
ip_forwarding disable

Еще полезно войти под рутом и проверить состояние XENа


xm list

должны быть активны Domain-0 и udom

Далее идем на web-интерфейс под учетной записи администратора admin/admin01 (если не меняли в процессе установки)

Virtual Machine Management -> Solution Template -> Install Template From — далее выбираем источник в нашем случае dvd диск — SP CD/DVD — search

Выбираем найденный темплейт — aes r6-1-1-30, жмем установить

Стартует установка — всплывающим окном спросит про ip адрес и пароль на логин cust

На root пароль тоже запросит, но не поменяет.
По-этому используем в последствии root/root01 admin/admin01

После удачной установки по команде

xm list 

появится третья строчка.


Осталось настроить Communication Manager и AES.
но это, в следующий раз.

Автор: snorck


Логотип Avaya

Avaya Inc. является поставщиком цифровых коммуникационных продуктов, решений и услуг. Он предлагает платформы унифицированных коммуникаций и контакт-центров, приложения и устройства для многоканальных вызовов, обмена сообщениями, совещаний и совместной работы в команде. Их официальный webсайт Avaya.com.

Каталог руководств пользователя и инструкций для продуктов Avaya можно найти ниже. Продукты Avaya запатентованы и зарегистрированы под торговыми марками Avaya Inc.

Контактная информация:

Адрес: 4655 Great America Parkway Санта-Клара, Калифорния 95054 США
Тел: +1-908-953-6000
Эл. почта: info@avaya.com


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Руководство пользователя IP OFFICE 9504 НАСТОЛЬНЫЙ ТЕЛЕФОН КЛАВИШИ И ФУНКЦИИ ТЕЛЕФОНА СООБЩЕНИЕ LAMP ИНДИКАТОР ЗВОНКА: ВКЛ.: Указывает на наличие новых сообщений в ящике голосовой почты, мигание указывает на поступивший вызов. ДИСПЛЕЙ: показывает информацию о вызове, сведения о функциях системы и внешний вид вызова. увидеть 24 дополнительных …

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Руководство пользователя IP OFFICE 9504 НАСТОЛЬНЫЙ ТЕЛЕФОН КЛАВИШИ И ФУНКЦИИ ТЕЛЕФОНА СООБЩЕНИЕ LAMP ИНДИКАТОР ЗВОНКА: ВКЛ.: Указывает на наличие новых сообщений в ящике голосовой почты, мигание указывает на поступивший вызов. ДИСПЛЕЙ: показывает информацию о вызове, сведения о функциях системы и внешний вид вызова. увидеть 24 дополнительных …

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Communication Manager

Contact Center

Guide to ACD Contact Centers

Release 1.3


Issue 1.0

May 2003


Related Manuals for Avaya Communication Manager Contact Center

Summary of Contents for Avaya Communication Manager Contact Center

  • Page 1
    ™ Avaya Communication Manager Contact Center Guide to ACD Contact Centers Release 1.3 555-233-516 Issue 1.0 May 2003…
  • Page 2
    While reasonable efforts were made to ensure that the information in this the limits for a Class A digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the document was complete and accurate at the time of printing, Avaya Inc. FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable can assume no liability for any errors.
  • Page 3
    Link disclaimer Part 15: Personal Computer Statement Avaya Inc. is not responsible for the contents or reliability of any linked This equipment has been certified to comply with the limits for a Class B Web sites and does not necessarily endorse the products, services, or computing device, pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCC Rules.
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    ™ Avaya Communication Manager Contact Center Guide to ACD Contact Centers Contents About this document ……..

  • Page 6
    How agents handle calls ……. . . ACD and call management systems — BCMS and Avaya CMS ….
  • Page 7
    CMS representation of IP trunk member port-ids ….. Display of physical (non-IP) member port-IDs on Avaya CMS and CMS Supervisor . . .
  • Page 8
    Contents Considerations ……..Interactions .
  • Page 9
    Contents Service Observing ……..Administering Service Observing .
  • Page 10
    Contents BCMS/VuStats field Descriptions ……Implementation notes ……..Contact Center System Parameters .
  • Page 11
    Using NTP/SNTP to synchronize the switch to UTC time ….Using Avaya Site Administration to set up a TOD synchronization schedule ..
  • Page 12
    Contents Appendix B: Administering VRUs/IVRs as station ports ….Glossary ……..Index .
  • Page 13: About This Document

    About this document This document describes the Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) feature of Avaya communication servers. Avaya communication servers are a family of cost-effective digital communication systems. These systems: Route voice and data information between various endpoints (telephones, terminals, computers)

  • Page 14: Intended Audience

    Administration documents The primary audience for these documents consists of communication server administrators who work for external customers and for Avaya’s dealers. The satisfaction and needs of our external customers is the primary focus for the documentation. Administrator Guide for Avaya Communication Manager, 555-233-506 – Provides…

  • Page 15: Contact Center Documents

    These documents are issued for Avaya contact center applications. The intended audience is contact center administrators. Avaya Communication Manager Contact Center – Call Vectoring and EAS Guide, 555-233-517 –…

  • Page 16: How To Get Help

    For those times when you need additional help, the following help services are available. You may need to purchase an extended service agreement to use some of these help services. See your Avaya representative for more information. Avaya Centers of Excellence —…

  • Page 17: Chapter 1: Automatic Call Distribution (Acd) Basics

    Category A — allows for all ACD-related features to be implemented, according to what the customer purchases. Category A supports the CMS and CAS adjuncts. Category B — includes Avaya BCS and GuestWorks. Category B allows for all basic ACD-related features to be implemented, excluding EAS, Avaya Business Advocate, and Avaya CMS Supervisor.

  • Page 18: Acd Terminology

    Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) basics ACD terminology The following terms provide general familiarity with the ACD environment. An agent is a person assigned to one or more splits/skills and handles calls Agent to/from an extension in those splits/skills. Depending on the ACD software, an agent can be a member of multiple Agent In Multiple splits/skills.

  • Page 19
    Avaya Business Advocate is a collection of ECS features that provide new Avaya Business flexibility in the way a call is selected for an agent in a call surplus situation and Advocate in the way that an agent is selected for a call in an agent surplus situation.
  • Page 20
    Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) basics Look Ahead Interflow. LAI allows users to balance the call work load between multiple contact centers on separate communication servers. LAI uses ISDN to allow multiple servers to communicate and interflow when appropriate. Available only with Category A. Leave Word Calling is a system feature that allows messages to be stored for Leave Word any ACD split/skill and allows for retrieval by a covering user of that split/skill or a…
  • Page 21
    A split/skill supervisor is assigned to monitor/manage each split/skill and Split/Skill split/skill queue to accomplish specific split/skill objectives. A supervisor can Supervisor assist agents on ACD calls, be involved in agent training, and control call intra/interflow. A threshold is a point in time or criteria that determines a certain action by the Threshold system.
  • Page 22: Communication Server Features

    Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) basics Communication server features This section defines ACDs and explains how they work. The section contains the following topics: Trunks, trunk groups, and extensions Automatic-in processing definition The attendant communication server with attendant and extensions Direct Inward Dialing processing with an example Automatic-in processing of ACD calls DID processing of ACD calls Call processing on an ACD communication server.

  • Page 23: Automatic-In Processing

    Communication server features a trunk group carries incoming calls (that is, calls made outside the company’s communication server location) to the communication server, the communication server then connects the calls to their proper destinations within the company. The communication servers previously listed, in addition to connecting incoming calls to the proper destinations, are also like private COs for company employees.

  • Page 24: Direct Inward Dialing Processing

    Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) basics Direct inward dialing processing With Direct Inward Dialing (DID) processing, incoming trunks do not connect the CO directly to an employee’s phone; instead, the incoming trunks are pooled by the communication server, and this pool of trunks is then shared by employee phones. Extension numbers may serve as the final digits of employee phone numbers for incoming calls.

  • Page 25: What The Acd Does

    What the ACD does What the ACD does Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) is a communication server software feature that processes high-volume incoming, outgoing, and internal calls and distributes them to groups of extensions called hunt groups or splits. The communication server also sends information about the operation of the ACD to the CMS which stores and formats the data and produces real-time and historical reports on ACD activity.

  • Page 26: Did Processing Of Acd Calls

    Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) basics DID processing of ACD calls The communication server enables you to dial directly to various extensions such as a VDN, a hunt group, an agent, or a login ID. Each extension can be assigned to a split as a DID extension.

  • Page 27: Priority And Normal Split Queues

    Split queues Calls queue only if no agents are available, a queue is assigned to the split, and the queue is not full. If the queue is full, the caller hears a busy tone or the call goes to coverage. If the split is vector controlled, then this step will fail.

  • Page 28
    Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) basics For communication servers with the Call Vectoring feature, announcement capabilities are more flexible than those described in this section. See Call Vectoring on page 128. Related features The communication server supports both internal and external announcement devices. The announcement delay time can be from 0 to 99 seconds.
  • Page 29: Answer Supervision And Abandoned Calls

    Split queues Announcement queuing External and internal announcement units are available. The number of calls that can be queued to an announcement depends on the size of the communication server you have. The capacity tables in the System Description have details for each communication server model.

  • Page 30: Intraflow And Interflow

    Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) basics Intraflow and interflow Intraflow and interflow allows you to redirect ACD calls to another split or other local or remote destinations. Redirecting calls to a local destination is called intraflow. Redirecting calls to a destination outside the communication server is called interflow. Things to know before you start Intraflow and interflow are set up differently on the Generic 3 and newer communication servers.

  • Page 31: Assigning Queue Status

    Split queues Splits can also be set up to intraflow calls when one or all of the following criteria are met: Don’t Answer – Calls redirect if not answered within the assigned Don’t Answer Interval (1 to 99 ringing cycles). Busy –…

  • Page 32: Night Service

    Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) basics This combination of unconditional and conditional intraflow allows Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS) numbers to appear on agent display telephones. In this case, the DNIS number is actually a dummy split extension (that is, the split extension has no assigned agent extensions).

  • Page 33: Trunk Group Night Service

    Split queues Trunk Group Night Service Trunk Group Night Service redirects all calls arriving over a split’s assigned trunk groups to an internal destination. The Night Service destination for the trunk group and the telephone button used to activate the feature are assigned through communication server administration.

  • Page 34: Distributing And Handling Calls

    Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) basics Distributing and handling calls This section describes how calls are distributed to agents and how agents handle the calls. The section contains the following topics: Call distribution methods without EAS Call distribution methods with EAS How agents handle calls Split supervisor telephone buttons.

  • Page 35
    Distributing and handling calls UCD-MIA When the UCD-MIA call distribution method is used, the communication server searches for the agent extension that has been idle (waiting) the longest and delivers the call to that extension if the agent is available to handle an ACD call. This type of call distribution ensures a high degree of equity in agent workloads even when call-handling times vary.
  • Page 36: Call Distribution Methods With Eas

    Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) basics If ACW Agents Considered Idle? is n, the agent is queued when ACW completes. Note: If you are using an Expert Agent Distribution method (EAD-MIA or EAD- Note: LOA), then the agent is put back in queue(s) after completing an ACD call based on skill level.

  • Page 37: How Agents Handle Calls

    Distributing and handling calls EAD-MIA The EAD-MIA call distribution method selects the most idle agent with the required skill to handle the call and the highest skill level. This method of call distribution adds a layer of processing on top of the Most Idle Agent distribution call processing.

  • Page 38
    Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) basics Things to know before you start The capability of a telephone to receive EXT-IN calls or to make EXT-OUT calls can be restricted through communication server administration. The following descriptions of agent call handling assume that the Multiple Call Handling (MCH) feature is not assigned. Agent availability and call handling are different for splits assigned the MCH feature.
  • Page 39
    Distributing and handling calls Agent states and call answering modes Agent State is the current status of an agent. Work modes are the work function(s) the agent is performing at a given time. When the agent is engaged in an ACD call, the agent is in the ACD agent state. After staffing an extension, the agent is in the auxiliary work (AUX-WORK) mode, which is considered non-ACD work.
  • Page 40
    Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) basics Ringing (called “manual answer” in communication server administration) or zip tone (called “automatic answer” in communication server administration) is established on a per-telephone basis through communication server administration. Auxiliary Work (AUXWORK) and After-Call-Work (ACW) To temporarily stop ACD calls from arriving at an agent’s telephone, an agent can press the Auxiliary Work (AUXWORK) or After-Call-Work (ACW) button.
  • Page 41
    Distributing and handling calls The following table lists additional agent states/work modes that may display. Agent state/ Description work mode Unstaffed (Agent State). UNSTAF The agent is not logged in and being tracked by CMS. The agent is on a direct agent ACD call. DACD The agent is in the after call work state for a direct agent ACD call.
  • Page 42
    This information is reported in CMS exception reports and is useful for trouble-shooting trunk and extension problems. For more information, see, Avaya CMS Administration, 585-215-515. Stroke count button 0 is used for reporting audio difficulty.
  • Page 43
    Distributing and handling calls Press this button to put a call on hold. The ACD will not send any more calls to an HOLD agent who has a call on hold. For communication server with Multiple Call Handling, an agent can put an ACD or non-ACD call on hold and receive an ACD call by pressing the AUTO-IN or MANUAL-IN button.
  • Page 44
    Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) basics Queue status lamps The lamps associated with the queue status buttons provide the following information: The lamp associated with the NQC (Number of Queued Calls) button tells the agent that calls are in queue and when the number of calls in queue has met or exceeded the assigned queue threshold for the split.
  • Page 45
    Distributing and handling calls Telephone button definitions The following telephone buttons are available only to the split supervisor’s extension: The split supervisor presses this button to send all calls to night service. The NIGHT Night Service may be Trunk Group Night Service or Split Night Service. Also, a SERVICE separate button for each type of night service may be available.
  • Page 46: Acd And Call Management Systems — Bcms And Avaya Cms

    ACD and call management systems — BCMS and Avaya CMS This section does the following: Describes BCMS (Basic Call Management System) Describes the Avaya Call Management System) Lists items that CMS records and reports Describes the four main ACD reporting databases. Basic Call Management System (BCMS)

  • Page 47
    ACD and call management systems — BCMS and Avaya CMS Data measured by CMS CMS measures data on ACD splits, agents, extensions, trunks and trunk groups. If Call Vectoring is purchased, ACD will report on VDNs and Vectors. The following table summarizes the types of data generated by the ACD and measured by the CMS.
  • Page 48: Call Pickup

    Multiple Call Handling (MCH) Avaya communication servers have options to the Multiple Call Handling feature that can force agents to receive one or more ACD calls with other ACD calls or extension (non- ACD) calls on hold or active.

  • Page 49
    When a ringing call times out and is requeued to the same split/skill by the Redirection On No Answer feature, Avaya CMS counts an outflow and an inflow for the split/skill. That is, the redirected call appears as two offered calls to the split/skill. If the call redirects from ringing to a VDN, there is outflow from the initial VDN and from the split/skill.
  • Page 50
    Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) basics This capability is important in areas where the public network scommunication servers do not provide disconnect supervision. Without this capability, short-duration calls that queue to a split/skill and are answered by an ACD agent or other answering position are counted as ACD calls, even if the calling party hangs up before the call is answered.
  • Page 51: Universal Call Id

    Avaya Business Advocate (Category A only) Avaya Business Advocate is a collection of features that provide flexibility in the way a call is selected for an agent in a call surplus situation and in the way that an agent is selected for a call in an agent surplus situation.

  • Page 52
    Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) basics 52 Communication Manager Guide to ACD Call Centers…
  • Page 53: Chapter 2: Acd Contact Center Features

    Chapter 2: ACD contact center features This chapter describes Avaya contact center features that are administered on the Avaya communication server. Features that apply only to Category A are identified when applicable. These features cannot be used with Category B (Avaya BCS and GuestWorks).

  • Page 54: Related Feature Or Form

    262 VuStats (Category A only) on page 271 Related feature or form Refer to the Administrator Guide for Avaya Communication Manager, 555-233-506, for more information about the following related features or forms: Announcements/Audio Sources Calling Party/Billing Number. CallVisor Adjunct-Switch Application Interface.

  • Page 55: Abandoned Call Search

    Outside of the U.S., a flash of this duration may be handled differently. For more information about trunk flash Administrator Guide for Avaya Communication Manager, 555-233-506.

  • Page 56: Considerations

    ACD contact center features Considerations Abandoned Call Search works with ground-start analog trunks that do not provide disconnect supervision and that do react to a 500-ms break. Some older COs can take as long as two minutes to notify the communication server of a disconnect.

  • Page 57: Add/Remove Skills (Category A Only)

    To determine if they need to add or remove a skill, agents and supervisors can use: Queue-status indications Avaya Basic Call Management System Reporting Desktop VuStats Avaya Call Management System (CMS) or Basic Call Management System (BCMS) information When adding a skill, the agent must specify the skill priority level (1 — 16).

  • Page 58: Considerations

    ACD contact center features Considerations A skill cannot be removed from an agent’s skill set if the agent is on a call for that skill or in the After-Call-Work (ACW) state for that skill. With EAS, agents cannot remove their Direct Agent Skill. Interactions Auto-Available Skills (AAS) –…

  • Page 59: Agent Call Handling

    Note: Adjunct/Switch Applications Interface (ASAI). For more information about the CallVisor Adjunct-Switch Application Interface, see Administrator Guide for Avaya Communication Manager, 555-233-506. Administering Agent Call Handling The following forms and fields are required to administer the Agent Call Handling feature.

  • Page 60: Detailed Description

    ACD contact center features Required forms – Agent Call Handling (continued) Form Field Station (multi- Button/Feature Button Assignments appearance) — manual-in — auto-in — aux-work — after-call — assist — release — work-code — stroke-cnt Active Station Ringing (DCP, Hybrid) Idle/Active Ringing (Callmaster) VuStats Stations (all)

  • Page 61
    Agent Call Handling Agent login and logout To receive ACD calls, an agent must log into the system. An agent can be logged into multiple splits/skills. If a hunt group is measured by Call Management System (CMS) or Basic Call Management System (BCMS) or is a skill, an agent must enter a login ID; otherwise, the login ID is optional.
  • Page 62
    ACD contact center features Agent answering options An agent can answer ACD calls by using either a headset, handset, or speakerphone. You can assign an agent as either Automatic Answer or Manual Answer. Note: Use Automatic Answer with a headset. See Agents with Automatic Note: Answer…
  • Page 63
    Agent Call Handling The attempt is cancelled and the agent receives an intercept if the agent: Tries to enter a work mode for an invalid split/skill Tries to enter the work mode for a split/skill of which he or she is not a member Dials an invalid FAC Auxiliary Work mode An agent should enter Auxiliary Work mode whenever taking a temporary break.
  • Page 64
    ACD contact center features Timed After Call Work With Timed ACW administered, an Auto-In agent is immediately placed in ACW mode for a specific length of time after completing the currently-active ACD call. When the Timed ACW interval expires, the agent automatically returns to the Auto-In work mode. If the agent activates ACW while not on a call, the agent is placed in ACW (not timed) mode regardless of whether the agent is in Auto-In or Manual-In mode.
  • Page 65
    Agent Call Handling Attendants should press the Start button before pressing the Assist button. This allows them to later transfer the call. This rings like a priority call at the supervisor’s set. When the agent presses the Assist button, the following happens: 1.
  • Page 66
    ACD contact center features Call work codes (Category A only) Call work codes are up to 16-digit sequences that ACD agents enter to record such customer-related information as account codes, social security numbers, or phone numbers. You define the codes for your site. Codes that agents enter are sent to CMS for storage for splits/skills measured by CMS and only when the link to the CMS is up.
  • Page 67: Expanded Technical Information

    With this feature, Advocate counted agents are still counted as ACD agents. The agent sizing limit is administered by authorized Avaya personnel via the Logged-in ACD Agents option (and Logged-in Advocate Agent Count) on the System-Parameters Customer-Options form.

  • Page 68
    Call Management System (CMS) logged in ACD members (agent-split/skill pairs) limits assigned. Both a Avaya setup and customer-administered limit is assigned in CMS. These limits are related to the CMS memory/hardware configuration equipped and are passed over the link to the communication server to reduce/set the externally measured logged-in ACD member component of the Hunt Group member limit to that supported by CMS.
  • Page 69: Considerations

    Agent Call Handling When the maximum number of ACD agents are logged in or any of the other above limits are reached, an agent who attempts to log in hears reorder tone or is otherwise denied log in. Also with EAS, an agent logging in may not have all the assigned skills logged in if the ACD member limit is reached.

  • Page 70: Interactions

    ACD contact center features Agents logged into multiple splits/skills If an agent is logged into multiple splits/skills, the agent may become unavailable for calls to one split/skill because of activity at another split/skill. For example, if an agent enters After Call Work mode for one split/skill, the agent becomes unavailable for calls to other splits/skills.

  • Page 71: Call Coverage

    Timed ACW for the split/skill. Additionally, if an ACD call is routed to an agent in an adjunct-controlled split/skill, the agent is not placed in Timed ACW when the call ends. Avaya CMS Timed ACW is reported on CMS reports in the same way as any other ACW. CMS gives exception notification only on ACW intervals that are longer than the defined threshold.

  • Page 72
    ACD contact center features Conference If an agent receives an ACD call through a VDN and then conferences in other agents, the agents added to the call use the Timed ACW interval associated with the number dialed to conference them. An ACD agent on conference with more than three parties may cause inaccurate CMS measurements.
  • Page 73
    Agent Call Handling Voice Response Integration If an ACD call routes on a converse vector command, any VDN-Timed ACW associated with the call is ignored for agents in the converse split/skill. However, if the converse split/skill has an administered Timed ACW interval, the answering agent associated with the split/skill is placed in Timed ACW when converse vector command processing completes.
  • Page 74: Auto-Available Split/Skill

    Verify that the ACD field is set to y on the System Parameters Customer-Options screen. If this field is not set to y, contact your Avaya Services representative. Verify that the ACD field form is set to y on the Hunt Group.

  • Page 75: Considerations

    Auto-Available Split/Skill Once an agent is logged into an Auto-Available split/skill, it is immediately moved to the Auto-In work mode and subsequent requests to change out of that mode are denied. Agent logout with AAS For splits/skills with AAS, agents are automatically logged out under the following circumstances: CMS completes an Agent Move request out of an Auto-Available split/skill.

  • Page 76
    ACD contact center features If an agent in an AAS with an Auto-Answer telephone goes off-hook, the telephone is logged into any Auto-Available splits of which it is a member. To log out of the AAS splits/skills, the agent goes on-hook, is placed in AUX work mode, and then presses the RELEASE button on nonanalog sets or disconnects on analog sets.
  • Page 77: Automatic Call Distribution

    Automatic Call Distribution Automatic Call Distribution Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) allows incoming calls to connect automatically to specific splits/skills. An ACD split/skill is simply a hunt group that is designed to receive a high volume of similar calls. Calls to a specific split/skill are automatically distributed among the agents, or hunt group members, assigned to that split/skill.

  • Page 78
    ACD contact center features Typical ACD Arrangement 1. Incoming calls 13. Announcement 2 2. ACD switch 14. Intraflow (Call Coverage) 3. Trunk group 1 15. Split 2 Personal Travel (3rd 4. Trunk group 2 choice) 5. Trunk group 3 16. Split 3 Group Travel (2nd 6.
  • Page 79: Administering Acd

    Automatic Call Distribution Administering ACD The following forms and fields are required to administer the ACD feature. Required forms – ACD feature Form Field Trunk Groups Incoming Destination WATS Class of Restriction Can Be Service Observer? (optional) Can Be Service Observed? (optional) Attendant Console Headset, Auto Answer Station…

  • Page 80: Detailed Description

    For information on how announcements are affected by call forwarding and call coverage, see Administrator Guide for Avaya Communication Manager, 555-233-506. 80 Communication Manager Guide to ACD Call Centers…

  • Page 81
    Automatic Call Distribution First announcement After a call enters a queue, the caller hears ringing and the first announcement delay interval begins. If an agent becomes available during the first announcement delay interval, the call is connected to the agent. Otherwise, the interval expires and the system tries to connect the incoming call to the first announcement, with one of the following results: If the first announcement is available, the caller hears ringing, then the first…
  • Page 82: Forced Disconnect

    ACD contact center features If the announcement is not busy but is still unavailable (for example, it may have been deleted), then the system tries to connect the call to an agent. After a forced first announcement, the caller always hears ringback (or music-on-hold, if administered) until the call is answered or is connected to a second delay announcement.

  • Page 83
    Automatic Call Distribution Announcement rules The following rules govern announcements a caller hears: Calls that reach a split/skill directly always hear a forced first announcement, if assigned, regardless of subsequent call coverage, call forwarding, night service, or busy signal processing. If these calls queue long enough, they hear first and second announcements.
  • Page 84: Queue Status Indications

    ACD contact center features Priority queuing Priority queuing allows priority calls to be queued ahead of calls with normal priority. You can implement priority queuing in two ways: Assign Priority Queuing to a calling party’s Class of Restriction (COR). Assign Priority on Intraflow to an ACD split/skill. This allows calls from the split/skill, when intraflowed into another split/skill, to be queued ahead of nonpriority calls.

  • Page 85
    Automatic Call Distribution How Direct Agent calling works Direct Agent calling works as described below: Callers can dial the agent’s Login ID as part of a DID or from auto attendant as an extension number. DA calls have a special ringing sound, regardless of the agent’s work state, and the current work mode button on the agent’s telephone flashes.
  • Page 86: Considerations

    ACD contact center features Whenever an outside caller dials the agent’s extension, the communication server looks at the entry in that field to determine the skill for tracking call data. On page 8 of this Feature-Related System Parameters form, you may specify: A Direct Agent Announcement Extension that plays an announcement to Direct Agent callers waiting in queue.

  • Page 87
    Automatic Call Distribution Announcements Announcements can be analog, aux trunk, DS1, or integrated. Integrated announcements use the TN750, TN2501AP, or co-resident announcement board, and queuing is based on whether one of the playback channels is available. When a channel becomes available, any announcements on the board can be accessed, including the announcement already being played.
  • Page 88
    ACD contact center features For MEGACOM 800 Service with DNIS over a wink/wink-tie trunk, if all agents are logged out or in AUX work mode, incoming MEGACOM calls receive a busy signal if no coverage path is provided (unlike other automatic-in trunk groups, which receive ringback from the central office).
  • Page 89: Interactions

    Automatic Call Distribution Interactions Attendant Call Waiting – An attendant can originate or extend a call to an ACD split. Attendant Call Waiting cannot be used on such calls. However, such calls can enter the split queue. Attendant Intrusion – Attendant Intrusion does not work with ACD split extensions because an ACD extension has many agent extensions.

  • Page 90
    ACD contact center features Calls can be forwarded to an off-premises destination to activate Intraflow and Interflow. Intraflow and Interflow on page 135 for more information. Data Call Setup – Telephone or data terminal dialing can be used on calls to or from a member of an ACD split/skill.
  • Page 91: Basic Call Management System

    — Trunk Group — Trunk Group Summary — VDN — VDN Summary For a detailed description of BCMS and the reports it provides, see Avaya MultiVantage Call Center Software Basic Call Management System (BCMS) Operations, 555-230-706. Issue 1.0 May 2003…

  • Page 92: Administering Bcms

    Interactions Call redirection and conference calls — For information about how BCMS records redirects and conferences calls, see Avaya MultiVantage Call Center Software Basic Call Management System (BCMS) Operations, 555-230-706. 92 Communication Manager Guide to ACD Call Centers…

  • Page 93
    Basic Call Management System Move Agents From CMS — If agents are moved from one split/skill to another split/skill via CMS/Supervisor, measurements are stopped for the agent’s “from” split/skill and started for the agent’s “to” split/skill. If an attempt is made to move an agent from a non-BCMS-measured split/skill to a measured BCMS split/skill via CMS/Supervisor, and the move would exceed the maximum number of measured agents, the communication server rejects the move.
  • Page 94: Best Service Routing (Category A Only)

    Best Service Routing is summarized in this chapter. For complete information on how to get the most from BSR, see “Best Service Routing” in the Avaya Communication Manager Contact Center – Call Vectoring and EAS Guide, 555-233-517.

  • Page 95: Before You Start Using Bsr

    Best Service Routing (Category A only) You can benefit by… As a result of… Improved productivity Increased agent occupancy rates — Improve your service without adding staff, or reduce staff while maintaining your current level of service. Faster delivery of interflowed calls —…

  • Page 96: Communication Server Requirements For Bsr

    ACD contact center features CAUTION: To ensure your network meets the requirements for BSR support presented CAUTION: below, contact your Account Executive about BSR network certification. Communication server requirements for BSR Your communication server has to meet all of the requirements shown below to support Best Service Routing.

  • Page 97: Network Requirements For Bsr

    Best Service Routing (Category A only) Network requirements for BSR To support BSR, networks must meet both the criteria for LAI call control operation over switched networks (see ‘Look-Ahead Interflow (Category A only) on page 171) and the following criteria: The network must support end-to-end transport of codeset 0 user data, either as a User- to-User Information Element (UUI IE) or by QSIG Manufacturer Specific Information (MSI IE), in the ISDN SETUP and DISCONNECT messages.

  • Page 98
    ACD contact center features Administering Single-site BSR The following forms and fields are required to administer the BSR feature in a single-site configuration. Required forms – Single-site BSR Form Field System Parameters G3 Version Customer-Options Vectoring (G3V4 Advanced Routing) Vectoring (Best Service Routing) Feature-Related Adjunct CMS Release System Parameters…
  • Page 99
    Best Service Routing (Category A only) Required forms – Multisite BSR (continued) Form Field BSR Application BSR Available Agent Strategy Call Vector Complete a form for each vector (primary, status poll and interflow vectors) in a BSR application 1. Settings in the fields Codeset to Send TCM, Lookahead and Send Codeset 6/7 LAI IE on the ISDN trunk forms do not affect BSR.
  • Page 100: Administering Bsr Polling Over Ip Without B-Channel

    ACD contact center features Administering BSR polling over IP without B-Channel For MultiVantage software release R11 or later, BSR Polling can be configured so that the use of a B-channel is not required when a polling signal is sent over an H.323 IP trunk. This feature offers the following advantages: Improved trunk efficiency –…

  • Page 101: Administration Forms For Bsr Polling Over Ip Without B-Channel

    Best Service Routing (Category A only) Required form administration To enable BSR polling over IP without B-channel, you must: Set up the signalling group for H.323, QSIG, and NCA-TSCs Set up the designated trunk group for ISDN and IP, with at least one trunk assigned. Important: Important: If an IP Media Processor circuit pack is not installed, the Trunk Group…

  • Page 102
    ACD contact center features display route-pattern 32 Page 1 of Pattern Number: 32 Grp FRL NPA Pfx Hop Toll No. Inserted DCS/ IXC Mrk Lmt List Del Digits QSIG Dgts Intw 1: 32 user user user user user user BCC VALUE TSC CA-TSC ITC BCIE Service/Feature BAND No.
  • Page 103
    Best Service Routing (Category A only) An example signaling-group form configured for BSR polling over IP without B-channel is shown below. display signaling-group 32 SIGNALING GROUP Group Number: 32 Group Type: h.323 Remote Office? n Max number of NCA TSC: 10 Max number of CA TSC: 10 Trunk Group for NCA TSC: 32 Trunk Group for Channel Selection: 32…
  • Page 104
    ACD contact center features Trunk group — Page 1 display trunk-group 32 Page 1 of TRUNK GROUP Group Number: 32 Group Type: isdn CDR Reports: y Group Name: OUTSIDE CALL COR: 1 TN: 1 TAC: 732 Direction: two-way Outgoing Display? n Carrier Medium: IP Dial Access? y Busy Threshold: 255…
  • Page 105
    Best Service Routing (Category A only) Trunk group — continued display trunk-group 32 Page 2 of TRUNK FEATURES ACA Assignment? n Measured: none Wideband Support? n Internal Alert? n Maintenance Tests? y Data Restriction? n NCA-TSC Trunk Member: 1 Send Name: y Send Calling Number: y Used for DCS? n Hop Dgt? n…
  • Page 106: Operation

    ACD contact center features Feature-Related System Parameters form (ISDN) Use the change system-parameters feature command to display the Feature-Related System Parameters form. Verify that your administration settings comply with the following requirements: The QSIG TSC Extension: field must specify an unassigned extension number that is valid for the dial plan.

  • Page 107: Interactions

    Best Service Routing (Category A only) Interactions The BSR polling over IP without B-channel feature is associated with the following interactions: CMS records poll attempts, but not trunk measurements, since no B-Channel trunk facility is used. If sufficient trunks are assigned, the trunk group can also be used for H.323 IP voice calls, but an IP Media Processor must be installed.

  • Page 108: Bsr Detailed Description

    ACD contact center features BSR Detailed description To use Best Service Routing on a single communication server, you simply use special commands and command elements that are part of the call vectoring language. As a result, BSR for a single location can be easily added to existing vectors without modifying other parts of the communication server.

  • Page 109
    BSR Detailed description BSR can use any of the five strategies shown in the table below to select an agent when agents are available. BSR available agent strategies If BSR Available The call will be delivered to… Agent Strategy is set to……
  • Page 110
    ACD contact center features The available agent adjustment applies to the UCD-MIA, UCD-LOA, EAD-MIA, and EAD- LOA call distribution methods. For the most idle agent distribution methods, the adjust-by lowers the idle time value returned by the agent/site. For the least occupied agent distribution methods, the adjust-by raises the returned occupancy level of the agent/site.
  • Page 111
    BSR Detailed description Vector commands and usage for single-site BSR (continued) Commands and command elements Use this … Conditional to prevent calls from being queued to an wait-improved additional split/skill when the reduction in Expected Wait Time isn’t enough to be useful. “Wait improved”…
  • Page 112
    ACD contact center features Vector commands for multi-site BSR The following table summarizes the vector commands and command elements that support multi-site BSR applications. Vector commands and usage for multi-site BSR Commands and command Use this… elements to obtain the Expected Wait Time or agent data needed to identify consider Commands the best local resource.
  • Page 113: Considerations

    BSR Detailed description Vector commands and usage for multi-site BSR (continued) Commands and command Use this… elements to prevent calls from being queued to an additional split/skill—local wait- Conditional or remote—when the reduction in Expected Wait Time isn’t improved enough to be useful. “Wait improved” means that a call’s EWT must be improved by a specific amount (a figure you specify in seconds) over its current EWT or the communication server will not queue it to the additional split/skill.

  • Page 114: Interactions

    Best Service Routing (BSR)/LAI Restrictions and interactions that apply to LAI also apply to BSR status poll and interflow calls. See the Avaya Communication Manager Contact Center – Call Vectoring and EAS Guide, 555-233-517, or Look-Ahead Interflow (Category A only) on page 171 for more information.

  • Page 115
    (MSI) BSR will not function with systems from other vendors (unless that vendor develops a corresponding capability that works with the Avaya communication server). Expert Agent Selection EAS is required to use the EAD-MIA or EAD-LOA Available Agent Strategy. EAS VDN skills (1st, 2nd, 3rd) can be used in consider skill commands.
  • Page 116: Network Access

    ATM trunking and IP trunking can be set up to emulate ISDN PRI. For Note: information on setting this up, see Administration for Network Connectivity for Avaya Communication Manager, 555-233-504, and ATM Installation, Upgrades and Administration using Avaya Communication Manager, 555-233-124.

  • Page 117
    Look-Ahead Interflow route-to number vector step, BSR queue-to best vector step, and the Adjunct Routing vector steps. For more information on path replacement, see the Avaya Communication Manager Contact Center – Call Vectoring and EAS Guide, 555-233-517.
  • Page 118
    ACD contact center features VDN Override VDN Override applies to the BSR Application Number and the Available Agent Strategy option assigned on the VDN form. It also applies to the VDN name forwarded via Information Forwarding. When a consider step is executed, the application number and available agent strategy assigned to the active VDN for the call will be used.
  • Page 119: Call Management System (Category A Only)

    78 for a graphic illustration of a typical ACD CMS configuration. Administering the communication server-to-CMS interface For detailed information on administering the interface between the communication server and the CMS, refer to Avaya CMS Switch Connections, Administration and Troubleshooting, 585-215-876. Enabling CMS measurements…

  • Page 120: When Assignments Exceed Capacity

    ACD contact center features Each extension-split assignment requires additional storage in CMS. Therefore, assigning extensions to multiple splits can quickly consume agent storage capacity on CMS. For example, if you assign 50 agent extensions to six splits, the communication server sends 300 extension-split assignments to the CMS.

  • Page 121: Determining Allocation Of Measured Trunks And Unmeasured Facilities

    Call Management System (Category A only) Determining allocation of measured trunks and unmeasured facilities Maximum values for measured trunks and unmeasured trunk facilities are specified for each ACD in the CMS Data Storage Allocation window. For CMS release R3V11, the total capacity for measured trunks and unmeasured facilities across all ACDs is 40000.

  • Page 122: Display Of Physical (Non-Ip) Member Port-Ids On Avaya Cms And Cms Supervisor

    T04000 0008000 Display of physical (non-IP) member port-IDs on Avaya CMS and CMS Supervisor Port IDs for IP trunks that terminate on a G700 Media Gateway are displayed in a different format than that used for normal port network equipment locations on other Communication Manager systems.

  • Page 123
    Call Management System (Category A only) The following table compares the standard equipment format for port IDs to the G700 format. Port network trunk equipment location formats on Avaya communication servers. Regular port network trunk equipment G700-terminated trunk equipment location format…
  • Page 124
    ACD contact center features Based on the format rules shown above, the following table shows how G700-terminated trunk equipment location formats are listed on Avaya communication servers and different CMS systems. G-700 port ID representations on communication servers, CMS and CMS Supervisor…
  • Page 125: Call Prompting

    Call Prompting The guide contains information that is critical to the effective and efficient use of this feature. For more information about Call Prompting, see Avaya Communication Manager Contact Center – Call Vectoring and EAS Guide, 555-233-517. Call Prompting uses specialized vector commands to process incoming calls based on information collected from the caller or from an ISDN-PRI message.

  • Page 126: Considerations

    ACD contact center features Required forms (continued)– Call Prompting feature (continued) Form Field Announcements/Audio Sources Complete all fields for each extension that provides a Call Prompting announcement Hunt Group Vector Call Vector Complete a form for each Call Prompting vector Station (multi-appearance) Button/Feature Button Assignments — callr-info…

  • Page 127
    Call Prompting CallVisor ASAI (Category A only) ASAI-provided digits can be collected by the Call Vectoring feature via the collect vector command as dial-ahead digits. CINFO is passed to CallVisor ASAI. Hold With the exception of CINFO, if a call is put on hold during the processing of a collect command, the command restarts, beginning with the announcement prompt, when the call is taken off hold.
  • Page 128: Call Vectoring

    171. Depending on your system, see one of the following documents for a detailed description of Call Vectoring: Avaya Communication Manager Contact Center – Call Vectoring and EAS Guide, 555-233-517, or Avaya MultiVantage Call Center – Call Vectoring Guide for BCS and Guestworks, 555-233-518.

  • Page 129
    Call Vectoring Required forms – Call Vectoring Form Field System Parameters Vectoring (Basic) Customer-Options Vectoring (G3V4 Enhanced) (Category A only) Vectoring (G3V4 Advanced Routing) (Category A only) Vectoring (ANI/II-Digits Routing) (Category A only) Vectoring (Attendant Vectoring) Vectoring (Holiday Vectoring) Vector Directory Number Announcements/Audio Complete all fields for each extension that…
  • Page 130
    ACD contact center features Fields that do not allow a VDN extension. (continued) Form Field Call Coverage Paths Coverage Point Assignments, other than the last coverage point Console Parameters CAS Back-up Extension Feature-Related ACA Long Holding Time Originating Extension System Parameters ACA Short Holding Time Originating Extension Extensions With System wide Retrieval Permission Controlled Outward Restriction Intercept Treatment…
  • Page 131: Interactions

    Call Vectoring Fields that allow VDN extensions You can enter a VDN extension in the following fields. Fields that do allow a VDN extension Form Field Abbreviated Dialing Lists Call Coverage Paths allow it as the last coverage point only Hunt Group Night Destination Listed Directory…

  • Page 132: Automatic Callback

    ACD contact center features AUDIX Interface A route-to step in a vector may call the AUDIX extension. If a voice port can be seized to that adjunct, vector processing is terminated. The system sends a message to AUDIX requesting retrieval of messages for the originating extension (not the VDN). AUDIX may also be accessed by the queue-to split and check split commands.

  • Page 133
    Call Vectoring Call Detail Recording You can administer the Feature Related System Parameters form so that the VDN extension is used in place of the Hunt Group or Agent extension. This overrides the “Call to Hunt Group — Record” option of CDR for Call Vectoring calls. If a vector interacts with an extension or group that has Call Forwarding All Calls active, normal Call Forwarding/CDR interactions apply.
  • Page 134: Class Of Restriction

    ACD contact center features Class of Restriction Each VDN in the system has a COR associated with it. This VDN COR is used to determine the calling permissions/restrictions, the AAR/ARS PGN, and the priority queuing associated with a vector. Code Calling Access A VDN cannot be used as the argument to the code calling access feature access code.

  • Page 135
    Call Vectoring Individual Attendant Access A call sent to an attendant by a route-to number command can wait in the attendant priority queue. The call is removed from vector processing. Integrated Directory VDN names and extensions are not available in the Integrated Directory feature. Intercept Treatment A VDN cannot be used for Intercept Treatment.
  • Page 136: Redirection On No Answer

    ACD contact center features Recorded Announcement The first announcement extension, second announcement extension, first announcement delay, second announcement delay, and recurring second announcement do not exist for a vector-controlled hunt group. Redirection on No Answer If an ACD split/skill or Direct Agent call is not answered after an administered number of rings, RONA can redirect that call to a VDN for alternate treatment.

  • Page 137: Vdn In A Coverage Path

    Call Vectoring VDN in a Coverage Path A call covering to a VDN can be routed to any valid destination by the call vectoring command route-to. The coverage option for the route-to digits command is disabled for covered calls. In other words, the route-to digits with coverage=y functions like the route-to digits with coverage=n command when processing covered calls.

  • Page 138: Avaya Business Advocate (Category A Only)

    Avaya Business Advocate (Category A only) This section provides an overview of Avaya Business Advocate. For extensive information on implementing and using Advocate, refer to the Avaya Business Advocate User Guide, 585-210-711. Advocate is a collection of features that provide flexibility in the way a call is selected for an agent in a call surplus situation and in the way that an agent is selected for a call in an agent surplus situation.

  • Page 139: Administering Advocate

    Avaya Business Advocate (Category A only) Administering Advocate Based on the needs and challenges of your contact center, you will determine which combination of call and agent selection will give you the best results and administer those methods on the communication server. See the…

  • Page 140
    ACD contact center features Required forms – Avaya Business Advocate (continued) Feature Decision Administered form level Service Objective Vector Directory Number form Service Objective Service Objective (activate for agent) Agent Agent LoginID form Service Objective (set target Skill Hunt Group form…
  • Page 141: Call And Agent Selection

    Avaya Business Advocate (Category A only) Call and agent selection Call selection Call selection methods are used when calls are in queue and an agent becomes available. This is known as a call surplus condition. During such conditions, the communication server considers the call selection method that is administered for the agent on the Agent LoginID Form to determine which skill to serve.

  • Page 142
    ACD contact center features Call selection at a glance The following table shows what happens during call surplus conditions, according to the call selection methods that have been administered on the communication server. IF calls are waiting when an THEN the communication server takes the highest agent becomes available and priority call: the agent’s selection method…
  • Page 143
    Avaya Business Advocate (Category A only) Combining agent and call selection methods Advocate provides a variety of features to help meet your business goals and to help you manage your agent resources. The table below shows some of the ways you can combine call and agent selection methods to meet your company’s specific needs.
  • Page 144
    Avaya offers a subscription service for Advocate customers that provides access to skilled consultants with expertise in understanding how Advocate helps to solve business problems.
  • Page 145
    Avaya Business Advocate (Category A only) Call selection methods (call handling preferences) The following table shows the features that work effectively with the various Advocate call selection methods. Call selection method Recommended to work with Greatest Need Predicted Wait Time…
  • Page 146
    ACD contact center features Agent Selection Method Recommended to work with UCD-LOA Greatest Need Predicted Wait Time Service Objective Service Level Supervisor EAD-LOA Skill Level Predicted Wait Time Service Objective Service Level Supervisor Percent Allocation Dynamic Percentage Adjustment Auto Reserve Agents Service Level Supervisor Feature combinations to avoid The PAD agent selection method should not be used with Greatest Need or Skill Level call…
  • Page 147: Expert Agent Selection (Category A Only)

    Expert Agent Selection (Category A only) Expert Agent Selection (Category A only) Use Expert Agent Selection (EAS) to route incoming Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) calls to the agent who is best qualified to handle the call, that is, the agent with the specialized skills or experience required to best meet the caller’s needs.

  • Page 148: Administering Direct Agent Announcement

    ACD contact center features Required forms — EAS feature (continued) Form Field Call Vector Feature-Related Expert Agent Selection (EAS) Enabled System Parameters Minimum Agent-LoginId Password Length Direct Agent Announcement Extension/Delay Message Waiting Lamp Indicates Status For 1. If the Message Center field is set to AUDIX on the Hunt Group form, the Skill and ACD fields must be set to y, but the Vector field can be set to either y or n.

  • Page 149: Detailed Administration For Eas

    Expert Agent Selection (Category A only) You must also have enabled either Expert Agent Selection (EAS) or ASAI Adjunct Routing (or both). Required forms – Direct Agent Announcement Form Field System-Parameters Customer-Options Vectoring (Basic) Expert Agent Selection (EAS) ASAI Adjunct Routing Feature-Related Direct Agent Announcement Delay System Parameters…

  • Page 150: Call Handling Preference Administration

    ACD contact center features Agent administration Assign skills to each agent. In addition, assign a skill level to each skill for the agent. When a vector routes incoming calls to a skill, the call is delivered to an available agent with the skill assigned.

  • Page 151
    Expert Agent Selection (Category A only) MIA Across Splits/Skills In addition, both UCD and EAD can be used in conjunction the MIA Across Splits/Skills option. With MIA Across Splits/Skills, one available agent queue is set up for the entire system. When an agent answers a call for any skill, the agent is removed from the MIA queue.
  • Page 152: Considerations

    ACD contact center features Direct Agent calls are treated as ACD calls and receive zip tone answer, queue as other ACD calls do, allow the agent to enter after call work following the call, and are measured by BCMS and CMS. Any of the agent’s skills can be the Direct Agent skill.

  • Page 153
    Expert Agent Selection (Category A only) Administration Without Hardware EAS Login ID extensions are extensions without hardware. Login ID extensions require space in the dial plan. Agent Work Mode States With EAS, agents can only be in a single work mode at any one time for all their skills. Assist The Assist feature can be used with a skill hunt group (for example, where there is one supervisor per skill hunt group).
  • Page 154: Directed Call Pickup

    ACD contact center features Call Pickup Skill hunt group extensions and EAS Login ID extensions cannot be members of a call pickup group. Class of Restriction (COR) Skill hunt groups do have a class of restriction. This is used if the skill hunt group extension is called directly.

  • Page 155: Message Waiting Lamp

    Message Waiting Lamp can be changed so that it tracks the status of messages waiting for the physical extension where the agent is logged in. For more information about Feature-Related System Parameters, see Administrator Guide for Avaya Communication Manager, 555-233-506.

  • Page 156: Inbound Call Management

    ACD contact center features Inbound Call Management Inbound Call Management (ICM) allows you to integrate features of the communication server with host-application processing and routing, and automate delivery of caller information to agents’ displays. You can create a sophisticated system to handle inbound calls for applications such as telemarketing and claims processing.

  • Page 157
    Inbound Call Management Required forms – ICM (continued) Form Field Hunt Groups Group Type Queue Vector Measured Supervisor Extension Controlling Adjunct Queue Length Calls Warning Threshold Calls Warning Port Time Warning Threshold Time Warning Port Class of Restriction Direct Agent Calling (optional) Call Vector Station (agent stations) Agent LoginID (EAS only)
  • Page 158: Detailed Description

    See the Avaya MultiVantage CallVisor ASAI Technical Reference, 555-230-220, for additional application scenarios. Agent data screen delivery applications You can use the Conversant voice system to deliver appropriate display data about callers to agents.

  • Page 159
    Simplified ICM configuration for data screen delivery 1. Telephone 5. Conversant 2. ISDN-PRI 6. Host 3. Avaya switch 7. Agent data terminal 4. ASAI 8. Agent telephone General processing for this type of application occurs as follows. 1. The Conversant voice system or host requests notification for events such as call offered, call ended, call connected, call dropped, call transfer, and alerting.
  • Page 160
    Simplified ICM configuration for speech processor integration 1. Phone 6. Tip/ring lines 2. ISDN-PRI 7. Agent phone 3. Avaya switch 8. Agent data terminal 4. ASAI 9. Host 5. Speech processor General processing for this type of application occurs as follows: 1.
  • Page 161: Considerations

    Conversant. Considerations Administrators and planners must consider: ICM traffic Rated communication server capacity CallVisor ASAI interface traffic Rated capacity of the adjunct application processor Avaya Technical Design Center can provide planning assistance. Issue 1.0 May 2003…

  • Page 162: Interactions

    ACD contact center features In addition, you must consider the following: CallVisor ASAI and BX.25 CPN/BN-ANI are not supported simultaneously. Direct Agent Calls (DACs) are allowed only if the caller and the receiving agent have a Class of Restriction (COR) that allows Direct Agent Calling. DACs cannot go through vectors.

  • Page 163: Information Forwarding (Category A Only)

    Information Forwarding (Category A only) Information Forwarding (Category A only) Whenever the communication server interflows a call over ISDN trunk facilities (for example, PRI or BRI) by means of a route-to (with Look-Ahead Interflow active), queue-to best, or check best command, the following information is sent with the call via user-to-user information transport (via UUI IE) and can be used by adjuncts or displayed at the receiving communication server: ASAI user information…

  • Page 164
    ACD contact center features The following table lists the form and fields needed to administer information transport on trunk groups. Required forms – UUI feature Form Fields Why is this field needed? Optional field? ISDN UUI IE Set field to either: Trunk Group Treatment However, this…
  • Page 165: Detailed Description

    Information Forwarding (Category A only) 4. If you want to change the default size of 128 in the Maximum Size of UUI IE Contents field, then enter the number for the maximum UUI size. If you want to keep the default size, go to Step 5. You must administer the trunk groups to send the appropriate amount of user information over the connected network.

  • Page 166: Considerations

    ACD contact center features Support of contact center features Information transport supports these contact center features: Enhanced Look-Ahead Interflow—routes calls from busy contact centers to centers that are less busy (see Look-Ahead Interflow (Category A only) on page 171). Note: Look-Ahead Interflow information can be forwarded using information Note: transport or the traditional codeset 6/7 LAI IE.

  • Page 167: Interactions

    For non-QSIG or QSIG trunk groups to the communication server that require information forwarding, the UUI IE Treatment should be shared and the Send Codeset 6/7 LAI IE should be n. Information transported via the Shared UUI will not work with non-Avaya switches unless they adhere to the proprietary encoding. Troubleshooting…

  • Page 168: Intraflow

    Interflow. If a coverage point station or split/skill is forwarded/interflowed, it is taken out of the coverage path. For details on how to forward calls to an external extension and on Call Coverage redirection criteria, see Administrator Guide for Avaya Communication Manager, 555-233-506. See Call Vectoring…

  • Page 169: Detailed Description

    Information Forwarding (Category A only) Detailed description Assign an inflow threshold for each split/skill receiving Intraflow and Interflow calls. This threshold prevents a split/skill from receiving new ACD calls if the oldest call in the queue has been there longer than the threshold. If an ACD call is forwarded or redirected through Call Coverage, but cannot be routed to another split/skill or coverage path point, it remains in queue at the original split/skill even though coverage tone may be heard.

  • Page 170: Interactions

    ACD contact center features Interactions Call Coverage All splits/skill with the same coverage path are automatically assigned the same Don’t Answer Interval. The default Don’t Answer Interval is 2. If Intraflow via Coverage is active, the Coverage Don’t Answer Interval associated with Call Coverage begins when a call enters the split/skill queue.

  • Page 171: Look-Ahead Interflow (Category A Only)

    Look-Ahead Interflow (Category A only) Look-Ahead Interflow (Category A only) Use Look-Ahead Interflow (LAI) to balance the load of ACD calls across multiple locations. With Look-Ahead Interflow, you can optionally route a call to a backup location based on your system’s ability to handle the call within parameters defined in a vector. In turn, the backup system can accept or deny the call also based on parameters defined in a vector.

  • Page 172: Considerations

    ACD contact center features System-Parameters Customer-Options — For full functionality, options must be enabled at both the sending and receiving communication servers. If Look-Ahead Interflow is not optioned on the receiving communication server, interflow still results on a look-ahead basis. However, the forwarded Dialed Number Identification Service (DNIS) (sending communication server VDN name) information is ignored and tandem Look-Ahead Interflow is not provided.

  • Page 173
    Look-Ahead Interflow (Category A only) Interim call handling before LAI is accepted by receiving communication server Until the look-ahead attempt is accepted by the receiving communication server, the caller continues to hear any feedback applied by the sending communication server vector and will remain in any split/skill queues.
  • Page 174: Authorization Codes

    ACD contact center features Attendant Control of Trunk Group Access Calls will not route over a trunk with Attendant Control of Trunk Group Access set. Authorization Codes Authorization Codes must not be required for interflow routing. Assign a high enough FRL to the VDN so that the route desired for routing interflow calls can be used without requiring an Authorization Code entry.

  • Page 175
    Distributed Networking — Manufacturers Specific Information (MSI) LAI (whether enhanced or not) may not function with systems from other vendors (unless that vendor develops a corresponding capability that works with the Avaya communication server). Facilities Restriction Level and Traveling Class Marks The FRL for interflow over ARS/AAR route choices is assigned to the original VDN used for the incoming call.
  • Page 176: Service Observing

    QSIG LAI and information forwarding function over QSIG trunk facilities if the remote locations are Avaya communication servers. You may get LAI call control functionality with other vendors if an Avaya communication server is the starting point. Redirect on No Answer (RONA) Calls redirected to a VDN by RONA can be subsequently processed and routed by LAI applications.

  • Page 177: Multiple Call Handling

    Multiple Call Handling Multiple Call Handling Multiple Call Handling (MCH) allows agents to receive an ACD call while other types of calls are alerting, active, or on hold. Note: MCH Forced is available only with Category A only. Note: Administering MCH The following forms and fields are required to administer the MCH feature.

  • Page 178: Mch Settings

    ACD contact center features MCH settings On request In on-request splits/skills, the following is true: If an agent goes into Auto-In or Manual-In work mode, but there are no calls in the queue, the agent is placed at the bottom of the MIA queue or at the bottom of their skill level in the EAD queue, or is made available in the DDC queue.

  • Page 179
    Multiple Call Handling If a one-per-skill call is active or held, the agent does not automatically receive additional calls from that skill. However, the agent can request another ACD call from a one-per-skill in the usual way. If an agent with multiple skills is active on an ACD call for a one-per-skill group, the agent could be forced an ACD call for one of his or her other skills if those skills are many-forced or one-per-skill MCH.
  • Page 180: Considerations

    ACD contact center features MCH call delivery example (continued) Skill 3 call held, no other action Extn call held, then AI/MI selected Skill 1,2,3, or 4 call held, then AI/MI selected Agents and supervisors in on-request MCH splits/skills can use Queue Status, VuStats, and BCMS/CMS reports to determine if a waiting call must be answered immediately.

  • Page 181
    Multiple Call Handling Call Work Codes and Stroke Counts Agents handle multiple ACD calls simultaneously with MCH can enter CWCs and Stroke Counts. When an agent does so with multiple calls on the station, the code/count is associated with the last call the agent handled. If an agent enters a code/count during an active call with calls on hold, the code/count is associated with the active call.
  • Page 182
    ACD contact center features Redirection on No Answer If an agent has a call active or on hold and the RONA timer expires for another ringing ACD call, RONA redirects the alerting call back to the split/skill or administered VDN. The agent is not taken out of service when the call redirects, but is placed at the bottom of the Most Idle Agent (MIA) or Expert Agent Distribution (EAD) queue.
  • Page 183: Network Call Redirection (Ncr) (Category A Only)

    Full administration support of the NCR feature is provided with the DEFINITY ECS R8.3 SAT. In addition, route-to-number support for ~r vector administration is available with Avaya CMS R3V9 and Avaya Visual Vectors Version 9.0. CMS R3V6 or newer administration support for BSR will support NCR. NCR is not supported on Category B communication servers.

  • Page 184
    ACD contact center features Required forms – NCR (continued) Form Field Value System Parameters ISDN Network Call Customer Options Redirection Best Service Routing Net Redir? Application form (for the location to receive the call) For NCT or 1998 Enhanced ANSI ECT. . . Trunk Group form Group Type isdn…
  • Page 185
    Network Call Redirection (NCR) (Category A only) Required forms – NCR (continued) Form Field Value For non-BSR applications or for standard or enhanced Look-Ahead Interflow applications replaced by NCR supplementing BSR applications. . . Call Vector form leftmost position in the ~r for each vector that will invoke route-to number vector step…
  • Page 186
    ACD contact center features Supplementary Service Protocol: Telcordia-TBCT change trunk-group 29 Page 1 of TRUNK GROUP Group Number: 29 Group Type: isdn CDR Reports: y Group Name: 5ESS-1 COR: 1 TN: 1 TAC: 729 Direction: two-way Outgoing Display? y Dial Access? n Busy Threshold: 255 Night Service: Queue Length: 0…
  • Page 187
    Network Call Redirection (NCR) (Category A only) Supplementary Service Protocol: NCD change trunk-group 30 Page 1 of TRUNK GROUP Group Number: 30 Group Type: isdn CDR Reports: y Group Name: BT-1 COR: 1 TN: 1 TAC: 729 Direction: two-way Outgoing Display? y Dial Access? n Busy Threshold: 255 Night Service:…
  • Page 188
    ACD contact center features To increase the chance that there will be a trunk available to place the second leg call, some trunks in the two-way trunk group can be reserved for outgoing-only use by using Call-by-Call Service Selection Usage Allocation capabilities. 1.
  • Page 189
    Network Call Redirection (NCR) (Category A only) Signaling Group form: NCT change signaling-group 4 Page 1 of SIGNALING GROUP Group Number: 4 Associated Signaling? y Max number of NCA TSC: 0 Primary D-Channel: 01B1024 Max number of CA TSC: 0 Trunk Group for NCA TSC: Trunk Group for Channel Selection: Supplementary Service Protocol: a…
  • Page 190
    ACD contact center features CAUTION: The number administered in the ~r vector step on the Call Vector form CAUTION: should not have any ARS prefix or trunk access code. Refer to the following figure. Call Vector form with ~r vector step in NCR change vector 37 page 1 of 3 CALL VECTOR…
  • Page 191: Administration For Support Of At&T In-Band Transfer And Connect

    Network Call Redirection (NCR) (Category A only) Administration for support of AT&T In-band Transfer and Connect For transfer and connect data forwarding support, the ISDN NCR customer options must be active. Only some of the trunk administration for NCR should be assigned, as compared with NCT or NCD administration.

  • Page 192: Network Call Transfer

    ACD contact center features Network Call Transfer NCT occurs after the incoming call is initially answered. With NCT, the communication server is required to set up the second leg of the call and then wait for the second site to acknowledge before requesting the PSTN to transfer the first leg of the call to the second leg, and before the PSTN drops the trunks to the communication server.

  • Page 193: Information Forwarding Support For At&T In-Band Transfer And Connect

    Network Call Redirection (NCR) (Category A only) Note: There may be limits placed on the number of times a call may be redirected Note: over the public network. These limits are imposed by the public network service provider. For example, in the United States, MCI currently allows only one redirection per call.

  • Page 194: Considerations

    ACD contact center features Considerations This section contains basic information on troubleshooting, as well as important information about administering NCR. Troubleshooting General troubleshooting of NCR can be accomplished by using the following techniques: The ISDN message trace information provided by the Message Sequence Tool (MST) Vector events displayed by the display events administration command.

  • Page 195
    Network Call Redirection (NCR) (Category A only) 324 NCR: PSTN NCD no disc 325 NCR: Internal system err Things to know The following important items should be known. Failures Failures can occur in NCR after the queue-to-best or the ~r route-to number vector step is executed.
  • Page 196: Interactions

    ACD contact center features ASAI drop event Successful NCR call redirection causes an ASAI “drop” event to be sent to the CTI application with a CV_REDIR cause value of decimal(30) after the redirection is completed. Only one NCR “drop” event is received for a successful NCR operation when the NCT PSTN feature is used, even though two trunks are dropped by the PSTN.

  • Page 197
    NCR will be provided by the following Lucent products: — Release 3 Version 6 (R3V6) CMS or later (reporting), administration of ~r with R3V9 — Release 6 Avaya CMS Supervisor or later (reporting) Issue 1.0 May 2003…
  • Page 198
    ACD contact center features — Avaya Visual Vectors Version 1.0 or later (administration, BSR vector support) — Avaya Network Reporting Version 8 or later (reporting) Currently, the ~r vector step used to activate NCR cannot be administered with CMS. Beginning with R3V9 CMS and Release 9 Visual Vectors, the ~r vector step can be administered using those products.
  • Page 199: Queue Status Indications

    Queue Status Indications Queue Status Indications Queue Status Indications allows you to assign queue-status indicators for Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) calls based on the number of split/skill calls queued and time in queue. You can assign these indications to lamps on agent, supervisor, or attendant telephones or consoles to help users monitor queue activity.

  • Page 200: Detailed Description

    ACD contact center features Detailed description There are two types of Queue Status Indications: Number of queued calls (NQC) – The system report the total number of calls, excluding direct agent calls (DACs), in queue at a hunt group. Oldest queued time (OQT) – The system reports the time in queue of the oldest call in a split/skill queue.

  • Page 201: Reason Codes (Category A Only)

    Reason Codes (Category A only) Reason Codes (Category A only) Reason Codes allows agents to enter a numeric code that describes their reason for entering Auxiliary (AUX) work mode or for logging out of the system. Reason codes give contact center managers detailed information about how agents spend their time. Use this data to develop more precise staffing forecasting models or use it with schedule- adherence packages to ensure that agents are performing scheduled activities at the scheduled time.

  • Page 202: Detailed Description

    ACD contact center features Required forms – Reason Codes feature (continued) Form Field Reason Code Names Station Detailed description Forced reason codes If you have administered forced reason codes, agents cannot enter AUX work mode or log out until they enter a code. Agents can enter codes 1 — 9, but not default code 0. If an agent enters an invalid code or fails to enter a code within the 10-second timeout interval, the change is denied and the agent remains in the current work mode.

  • Page 203: Considerations

    Reason Codes (Category A only) Logging out To log out with a reason code, the agent dials the logout FAC, hears a second dial tone and enters a reason code. The agent hears confirmation tone and is logged out. Default code Default code 0 is used when the system puts an agent into AUX work mode or logs the agent out without the involvement of the agent.

  • Page 204: Interactions

    ACD contact center features Interactions Abbreviated Dialing You can program FACs for AUX work mode or logout with or without an associated Reason Code on automatic-dial buttons or in abbreviated-dial lists. At the reason code prompt, when an agent selects an abbreviated-dial or automatic-dial button, the first digit of the button is taken as the reason code.

  • Page 205: Redirection On No Answer

    Redirection on No Answer Redirection on No Answer Redirection on No Answer (RONA) redirects a ringing ACD split/skill call or Direct Agent Call after an administered number of rings. RONA prevents an unanswered call from ringing indefinitely. The call can redirect either to the split/skill to be answered by another agent or to a VDN for alternative call handling.

  • Page 206: Detailed Description

    ACD contact center features Detailed description When RONA is invoked for a call, the system: Places an agent in AUX work mode, and thus unavailable to receive calls from other splits/skills. In an AAS, the agent is logged out. Redirects split/skill calls back to the split/skill or administered VDN. Redirected calls are requeued at the highest priority so that they are distributed before any other split/skill calls.

  • Page 207: Other Applications

    Redirection on No Answer Example vector – Providing automatic backup for a complete VRU failure CALL VECTOR 01 wait-time 0 secs hearing ringback 02 converse-on split… (VRU returns the digit “1” as a return code followed by additional digits for the application) 03 collect 1 digits after announcement none 04 goto step 6 if digits = «1»…

  • Page 208
    ACD contact center features RONA Routing Sequence for Split/Skill Calls Redirection Explanation Destination RONA VDN If a RONA VDN is administered, calls redirect to the VDN. Requeue to split/skill If a RONA VDN is not administered, calls redirect to the split/skill. Coverage path In nonvector-controlled splits, if calls cannot requeue to the split, they redirect to the split’s coverage path if one is administered.
  • Page 209: Considerations

    Redirection on No Answer Returning AAS agents to service When RONA redirects a call that was directed to an AAS, the agent is logged out. To return an AAS agent to service, readminister the agent as a member of the AAS split/skill to be logged in again in one of the following ways: For ACD splits, remove the agent from the split and then resubmit the split Hunt Group form with the agent added to it.

  • Page 210
    ACD contact center features If RONA occurs on the last VRU port in an AAS split, the call is not requeued to the converse split, but is processed by the next vector step. Any calls queued to a split/skill that has been taken out of service may be left at this split/skill.
  • Page 211
    Redirection on No Answer The adjunct makes an agent query (as part of the value query capability group) to determine the agent’s state. Once the call is requeued to the split, the adjunct receives a call-queued event report if event reporting is active for the domain (VDN or nonvector- controlled split/skill).
  • Page 212
    ACD contact center features RONA/ASAI events (continued) Stage of Call ASAI Event ASAI Associations 5. Call routed to split’s Call redirected followed by Domain (station) control (for agent ext existing operation of ASAI that call is leaving) coverage path Events 6.
  • Page 213
    Redirection on No Answer If no other point is available to accept the call, the call remains queued or continues to ring the current coverage point. When RONA times out at the coverage point, the following occurs: RONA does not reset the Subsequent Redirection/CFWD No Answer timer. The timer that expires first controls the call.
  • Page 214
    ACD contact center features Call Vectoring RONA applies to vector-controlled ACD splits when calls are queued via the queue-to split, or converse-on split, or check split commands. Also, RONA applies to nonvector-controlled and vector-controlled ACD splits when calls are routed to the split via a route-to or a messaging split command.
  • Page 215
    Redirection on No Answer If an agent with a coverage path is made unavailable by a RONA time-out on a non- covered Direct Agent call, the call follows the agent’s coverage path. With EAS, the agent’s logical extension coverage path for Direct Agent calls is used. If the agent has no coverage path or if the path is unavailable, the call cannot be redirected and the caller hears previously-provided feedback.
  • Page 216: Interactions With Other Ringing Call Timers

    ACD contact center features Night Service When Night Service is activated, calls (including RONA calls) for the hunt group redirect to the night station extension. If the night service split has RONA assigned, RONA timing is reapplied to the redirected call. Queue status indications Calls that RONA requeues are counted in the queued calls total.

  • Page 217
    Redirection on No Answer When a coverage timer expires, RONA timing is canceled only when the call goes to coverage. If RONA times out first, the other timers continue timing or are stopped and may later be reset. RONA interactions with other timers are summarized in the following table. Summary of RONA-Timer interactions RONA-timer interaction Timer…
  • Page 218: Remote Logout Of Agent

    ACD contact center features Remote Logout of Agent The Remote Logout of Agent feature allows a user to logout an idle ACD or EAS agent without being physically present at the agent’s station. The user who is logging out the agent can be locally or remotely located.

  • Page 219
    Remote Logout of Agent Verifying system parameters to enable the Remote Logout of Agent feature To verify that the system parameters are set for use of this feature, complete the following steps: 1. For the Class of Service form, set up a Class of Service (COS) with console permissions set to y.
  • Page 220
    ACD contact center features Administering permissions for users to remotely logout agents The Remote Logout of Agent feature can only be used if user permissions are administered appropriately for the person who is attempting to use the feature. The communication server administrator must ensure that the appropriate users have permissions administered so that they can use this feature.
  • Page 221
    Remote Logout of Agent With the Remote Logout of Agent feature, a vector is administered with a route-to number step that contains the FAC for remote logout. The FAC can be followed by the agent’s loginID or the supervisor can dial the loginID after the VDN with an appropriately programmed vector.
  • Page 222: Considerations

    ACD contact center features Considerations The Call Center Release field on the System-Parameters Customer-Options form must be set to 9.1 or higher in order for Remote Logout of Agent to work. The Remote Logout of Agent Access Code is set on the Feature-Access-Code form. The user who performs the remote logout must have the appropriate Class of Restriction and Class of Service assigned to his/her station set.

  • Page 223: Service Observing

    Service Observing Service Observing Service Observing allows a specified user, such as a supervisor, to observe or monitor another user’s calls. In this section, “observer” refers to the supervisor who is observing calls. “Agent” refers to the extension, attendant, or logical agent being observed. A vector directory number (VDN) call can also be observed (Category A only).

  • Page 224: Detailed Description

    ACD contact center features Required forms – Service Observing feature (continued) Form Field Feature Access Code (FAC) Service Observing Listen Only Access Code (remote/by FAC, VDN, Logical Agent ID) Service Observing Listen/Talk Access Code (remote/by FAC, VDN, Logical Agent ID) Vector Directory Number Observe on Agent Answer (VDN)

  • Page 225
    Service Observing Only one observer can observe an extension at one time. An observer cannot observe a logical agent ID extension at a physical terminal that is already being observed. Likewise, an observer cannot observe a physical extension that is being observed as a logical-agent ID extension.
  • Page 226: Service Observing Indicators

    ACD contact center features Remote observing is initiated through Remote Access or Call Vectoring. With Remote Access, an observer accesses a communication server via a trunk group dedicated to Remote Access or via a DID to the Remote Access extension. Remote observing works with all types of DID trunks, including ISDN-PRI and tie trunks, and DCS over analog, T1, or PRI.

  • Page 227
    Service Observing The following tables show the indicators that observers receive when they activate and use Service Observing. In these tables: Wait state means that the observer has activated Service Observing but there are no calls or a call cannot be observed. A call appearance is not reserved. The observer must have an idle call appearance available to be used by Service Observing when an observable call comes in.
  • Page 228
    ACD contact center features Feedback to observer when activation allowed — at time of activation Condition State Lamp Tone Active-eligible call observing steady/ confirmation tone followed by winking connection to call No active call wait state flash confirmation tone followed by silence Call ineligible wait state flash…
  • Page 229
    Service Observing Feedback to observer when activation allowed — after observe activated (continued) Condition State Lamp Tone Eligible VDN call (out of vector processing SO listen/talk winking hear/talk on call in listen/ talk) Press button while observing in vector SO listen steady no change to processing…
  • Page 230
    Use the following guidelines for remote observing. Use Barrier Codes and Authorization Codes to limit the use of Remote Access to authorized users. Refer to Administrator Guide for Avaya Communication Manager, 555-233-506 for information about these codes and other Remote Access security measures.
  • Page 231: Considerations

    Service Observing Use Facility Restriction Levels (FRLs) and restrictions such as the Authorization Code COR to restrict Remote Access service observer access to other destinations (for example, stations or trunks). Use Call Prompting to create additional access security. Assign the VDN, Barrier Code, and Authorization Code calling and Service Observing permissions and set Can Be Observer to yes on the associated COR form.

  • Page 232
    ACD contact center features Multiple observers Multiple observers can observe a single VDN simultaneously, but only one observer is observing a given call to the VDN. There is no limit to the number of observers observing a single VDN as long as the total number of observers actively observing VDNs does not exceed 50.
  • Page 233: Interactions

    Service Observing Interactions ASAI (Category A only) A call to an observed VDN continues to be observed after it routes to an adjunct. A call can be routed to a Service Observing FAC by the adjunct routing command in the same way that it can be with the route-to command.

  • Page 234
    ACD contact center features Call Waiting A call cannot wait on a single-line phone that is being observed. Call Work Codes/Integrated Directory The observer does not hear agent dialing with these features because the digits are passed to the communication server in S-channel messages. CMS (Category A only) When an observer is bridged onto a VDN call, CMS is notified.
  • Page 235
    Service Observing Hold Observers cannot place calls on hold while observing. If an observed agent places a call on hold, the observer is put in wait state. A VDN observer continues to monitor the caller placed on hold. Leave Word Calling Parties on an observed call cannot use LWC.
  • Page 236
    ACD contact center features Redirection on No Answer A VDN observer continues observing a call after it is redirected or rings “in limbo”. Route-to Number Vector Command Calls connected by the route-to number command are observed by the VDN observer after “answer”…
  • Page 237
    Service Observing VuStats (Category A only) Nonremote observers using 2-line displays can activate VuStats for an agent. An observer must activate VuStats before using Service Observing. The agent’s statistics appear on the second line of the observer’s display. Zip tone VDN observers do not hear the zip tone that the answering agent hears.
  • Page 238: Universal Call Id

    For example, you can combine data from many locations and print reports that enable you to track a call throughout its lifecycle. For information about such reports, refer to Avaya CMS Reports, 585-210-929. Note: Although UCID is intended for contact centers, a communication server Note: configured to create UCIDs will assign one to every call—not just to…

  • Page 239: How Are Ucids Tracked

    Universal Call ID When are UCIDs created? Once the communication server or the Conversant is administered to create UCIDs, these products assign a UCID to each call. For incoming calls over ISDN trunks, the communication server determines whether or not the call already has a UCID. If so, the communication server preserves the existing UCID and does not create a new one.

  • Page 240
    ACD contact center features Station-to-station calls This scenario describes what happens when Phone I calls Phone II (both phones are on the same communication server). The communication server creates a new UCID (such as UCID “a”) for any call originated by an internal station user.
  • Page 241
    Universal Call ID If the call is transferred to another communication server, only the UCID for the transfer (UCID “b”) gets passed on. This is because the communication server cannot merge UCIDs if the call is not completed within the communication server. Note: If, during the conference or transfer, the incoming call drops before the Note:…
  • Page 242
    ACD contact center features 6. UCID “y” overrides UCID “x” because the communication server views Phone IV as the primary party in the conference initiated by step 5. 7. The UCIDs associated with each segment of the complex conference are sent to CMS if the parties in the call are measured (for this example, if the parties are ACD agents in a measured split/skill).
  • Page 243
    Universal Call ID When the communication server is before INTUITY Conversant: 1. The communication server receives an incoming call over an ISDN trunk. 2. The communication server does one of two things: If the incoming call has a UCID (such as UCID “x”), then the communication server passes it along.
  • Page 244
    ACD contact center features 3. The communication server temporarily creates a new UCID (such as UCID “a” or UCID “b”) for the transfer portion of the call (the original UCID is quickly merged into the call). Switch 4. The UCIDs of the transfer segment and merged call are returned to INTUITY Conversant in ASAI acknowledgment messages.
  • Page 245: Interactions

    Universal Call ID When INTUITY Conversant is before the communication server: 1. INTUITY Conversant receives an incoming call with UCID “x”. INTUITY Conversant creates a new UCID “y” and associates it with the incoming call (if the call has no UCID already associated with it). Note: For INTUITY Conversant to recognize an incoming UCID (such as UCID “x”) Note:…

  • Page 246: Before You Start

    (ISDN trunk group, ASAI connection, or CMS software) be administered to disallow the sending or receiving of UCID. For example, if an Avaya communication server is connected to a non-Avaya switch, then the connecting ISDN trunk must be administered to not send UCID over that trunk for outgoing calls.

  • Page 247: Administering Ucid

    Universal Call ID Administering UCID These instructions assume you’re using the SAT (System Administration Terminal) screen or a terminal emulator to access the communication server software. There are three tasks involved in administering UCID on the communication server. Complete these tasks in the following order: Task A — Check ASAI Interface before enabling UCID Task B — Set the communication server to create and send UCIDs Task C — Enable UCID Transmission on Trunk Groups…

  • Page 248
    ACD contact center features Task B: Set the communication server to create and send UCIDs You must administer each communication server that you want to create UCIDs. If you do not administer a communication server, it will pass along an already-created UCID, but it won’t create one if a call comes to it first.
  • Page 249: Considerations

    Universal Call ID 12. Press Enter to save your work. 13. In the command line, enter release mis. Task C: Enable UCID transmission on trunk groups When you send UCIDs over ISDN trunks, it is administered on a trunk group basis. The following table provides the form and field information that you need to perform this task.

  • Page 250: Troubleshooting

    ACD contact center features Troubleshooting The following troubleshooting hints should be reviewed when UCIDs are not transmitted, even though you received no error messages while administering the UCID feature, and all software and connections meet the minimum requirements: A tandem communication server has the Send UCID? option set to y for all trunk groups that AAR/ARS or station users may use to tandem an incoming call.

  • Page 251: Vdn In A Coverage Path

    VDN in a Coverage Path VDN in a Coverage Path VDN in a Coverage Path (VICP) enhances Call Coverage and Call Vectoring. If Basic Call Vectoring or Call Prompting is enabled on your communication server, you can assign a Vector Directory Number (VDN) as the last point in a coverage path. Calls that reach this coverage point can be processed by a vector or by Call Prompting.

  • Page 252
    ACD contact center features ASAI (Category A only) For direct calls to a VDN, the adjunct routing command operates like the command route to digits with coverage=y. For calls that cover to a VDN, however, the adjunct routing command operates the same as a route to digits with coverage=n command.
  • Page 253
    VDN in a Coverage Path Call Park A parked call will not cover to a VDN. When a call is parked at an extension with a VDN in its coverage path, the call will continue ringing the extension. If the call is parked to a hunt group extension and the call is in queue, the call will remain in the queue until it is retrieved, or answered by an agent, or abandoned by the caller.
  • Page 254: Hunt Groups

    ACD contact center features Class of Restriction (COR) The COR assigned to the covering VDN governs the vector routing of the call. Conference Calls in an established conference will not cover to a VDN. Once a call covers to a VDN, a conference cannot be established until the call is delivered to an extension and vector processing ends.

  • Page 255
    VDN in a Coverage Path Phone Display Calls covering to a VDN and then directed to an agent in a split or hunt group by a queue- to, check, converse, or route-to command display the following information to the agent: a=EXT 3174 EXT 3077 In this example, station A called station B.
  • Page 256: Vdn Of Origin Announcement (Category A Only)

    ACD contact center features VDN of Origin Announcement (Category A only) VDN of Origin Announcement (VOA) provides agents with a short message about a caller’s city of origin or requested service based on the VDN used to process the call. Use VOA messages to help agents to respond appropriately to callers.

  • Page 257: Detailed Description

    VDN of Origin Announcement (Category A only) Detailed description The agent cannot hear the caller while the VOA message is playing. The caller is not connected to the agent until after the message completes and cannot hear the message or the agent during the message.

  • Page 258: Considerations

    ACD contact center features Considerations Because callers are kept waiting while a VOA plays, messages should be kept very brief — no more than 1.5 seconds in length. Agents should use a speakerphone or headset, so they do not miss the VOA while they are picking up the handset. If agents cannot use a speakerphone or headset, administer phones with a VOA Repeat button.

  • Page 259: Interactions

    VDN of Origin Announcement (Category A only) Interactions Agent Call Handling (Answering Options) Automatic Answer — ACD agents at phones in Auto Answer mode hear a zip tone, then the VOA. You can also administer a zip tone after the VOA completes, to alert agents that an announcement is complete and a caller is connected.

  • Page 260: Expert Agent Selection (Eas)

    ACD contact center features Converse-on split/skill A converse-on split/skill is one used in a converse-on vector step. When a converse- on vector step is executed, a VOA is not applied. After returning to the vector, the call can be routed to a station or VDN where the answering agent receives the VOA (as if the converse-on step had not been processed).

  • Page 261
    If you use long VOAs or multiple VOAs, there may be a delay between the zip tone and the announcement. The system provides multiple announcement circuit packs to help prevent announcement delays. Contact your Avaya representative for more information. Issue 1.0 May 2003…
  • Page 262: Voice Response Integration (Category A Only)

    ACD contact center features Voice Response Integration (Category A only) Voice Response Integration (VRI) integrates Call Vectoring with the capabilities of voice response units (VRUs) such as the Conversant Voice Response Unit (VRU). With Conversant, you can: Run a VRU script while retaining control of a call in vector processing Run a VRU script while a call is queued, retaining its position in the queue Pool Conversant ports for multiple applications Use a VRU as a flexible external-announcement device…

  • Page 263: Administering Vri

    Voice Response Integration (Category A only) Administering VRI Enable Call Prompting to allow the system to collect digits from the caller and Conversant to return data. You must have Call Prompting to administer the Converse Data Return Code and use the digits keyword for the <data_1> or <data_2> fields on the converse- on command.

  • Page 264
    ACD contact center features Call Prompting allows you to collect and use digits that the VRU returns. These digits are handled as dial-ahead digits. Rules for collecting and processing VRU digits are the same as for Call Prompting. You can use digits returned from the VRU in the following ways: To display for the answering agent’s (automatically for 2-line displays or with the CALLR button for other displays)
  • Page 265: Interactions

    Voice Response Integration (Category A only) converse-on split 10 pri m passing none and none (VRU returns 11 digits) collect 3 digits after announcement none goto vector 23 if digits <> 234 collect 8 digits after announcement none route-to digits with coverage n Interactions Converse splits interact like other vector-controlled splits unless noted here.

  • Page 266: Call Park

    ACD contact center features Auto-Available Split/Skill (AAS) A converse-on vector step can place a call to an AAS. Use auto-available converse splits/skills for VRI except when ASAI controls the converse split/skill. Automatic answering When you administer Conversant ports as agents of a converse split/skill, do not administer agents as automatic answer.

  • Page 267
    Voice Response Integration (Category A only) Direct Department Calling You can administer a converse split/skill as a DDC split/skill. Distributed Communications System If an incoming DCS call is placed to a vector with a converse-on split/skill x pri m passing ani… step, the caller’s DCS extension is sent to the VRU. Expert Agent Selection Converse-on steps can place calls to a skill hunt group.
  • Page 268: Message Center

    ACD contact center features Look-Ahead Interflow If an incoming call or a call routed by a converse-on vector step is answered by a VRU, or is queued to the converse split/skill while a Look-Ahead Interflow call attempt is outstanding, the attempt is accepted. Message Center Converse-on steps can deliver calls to message hunt groups.

  • Page 269
    Voice Response Integration (Category A only) Although only one caller can be connected to each port, up to 48 callers can be connected simultaneously to Conversant. The maximum number of callers that can be connected to a VRU simultaneously varies with each VRU. Redirection on No Answer (RONA) If a converse-on step calls a hunt group with “no answer timeout”…
  • Page 270
    ACD contact center features Transfer A call delivered by a converse-on step cannot be transferred. If an attempt to transfer a converse-on call is made, a vector event is logged, the line to Conversant is dropped, and processing restarts at the next vector step. If a human agent tries to transfer a call, the transfer fails and the agent reconnects to the call.
  • Page 271: Vustats (Category A Only)

    VuStats (Category A only) VuStats (Category A only) VuStats presents Basic Call Management System (BCMS) statistics on phone displays. Agents, supervisors, contact center managers, and other users can press a button and view statistics for agents, splits/skills, VDNs, and trunk groups. These statistics reflect information collected during the current BCMS interval, information collected since the agent logged in or since the day began, or historical data accumulated over an administered number of intervals.

  • Page 272: Administering Vustats

    ACD contact center features Administering VuStats The following forms and fields are required to administer the VuStats feature. Required form – VuStats feature Form Field System Parameter Customer-Options BCMS/VuStats Login ID BCMS/VuStats Service Level VuStats or VuStats (G3V4 Enhanced) Feature-Related System Parameters ACD Login Identification Length BCMS/VuStats Measurement Interval BCMS/VuStats Abandoned Call Timer…

  • Page 273
    VuStats (Category A only) — BCMS/VuStats Measurement Interval — This interval determines how frequently BCMS polls and records data for BCMS reports and VuStats displays. Set this field to half-hour or hour. If you specify hour, an entire day of traffic information is available for BCMS history reports.
  • Page 274
    ACD contact center features Do not administer IDs for VuStats displays with the agent object type. Agent object type displays are limited to statistics for the logged-in agent. IDs allow supervisors and agents to bypass entering an agent extension, split/skill, or VDN number when viewing statistics.
  • Page 275: Detailed Description

    VuStats (Category A only) Detailed description The following forms and fields determine information that VuStats displays. Forms that determine what information appears on the VuStats display Access Trunk Group Measured Agent LoginID form All Fields Attendant Console form Feature Buttons VuStats Display Format form Format Number Next Format Number…

  • Page 276
    ACD contact center features Period VuStats can show statistics that have accumulated for the day, or for an administered number of intervals. For example, if you administer VuStats to display the number of ACD calls for the past 4 completed intervals, it displays the number of ACD calls received in the past 2 hours (1/2-hour intervals) or 4 hours (1-hour intervals) plus those completed during the current interval.
  • Page 277
    VuStats (Category A only) How the information looks The following fields on the VuStats Display form determine how information looks on the VuStats display. VuStats statistics appear on the second line of 2-line DCP telephone displays or on the first line of 1-line DCP telephones and all BRI telephones.
  • Page 278: Considerations

    ACD contact center features You can also administer VuStats to update displayed statistics every 10, 20, 30, 60 or 120 seconds or every time an agent changes work mode or a BCMS Measurement Interval is completed, or not update at all. Considerations Some VuStats data is accumulated for an agent’s login session.

  • Page 279
    VuStats (Category A only) Moving an agent from one split/skill to another does not affect the ID assigned to the vu- display button. If an agent is moved from one split/skill to another, the system does not associate VuStats buttons from the agent’s previous split/skill to the new split/skill. Therefore if you must frequently move agents between splits/skills, do not associate agents’…
  • Page 280
    ACD contact center features 280 Communication Manager Guide to ACD Call Centers…
  • Page 281: Chapter 3: Acd Contact Center Switch Forms

    Chapter 3: ACD contact center switch forms This chapter defines the switch forms that are used to administer the ACD contact center features. List of contact center forms This chapter describes the following administrative forms: Agent LoginID (Category A only) on page 282 Best Service Routing (BSR) Application Plan (Category A only) on page 288 BCMS/VuStats Login ID (Category A only) on page 291…

  • Page 282: Agent Loginid (Category A Only)

    ACD contact center switch forms Agent LoginID (Category A only) This form is used to administer Agent LoginIDs for the Expert Agent Selection feature. Agent LoginID administration commands Use the following commands to administer the Agent LoginID form. Action Object Qualifier agent-loginid xxxxx (extension) or next…

  • Page 283: Agent Loginid Form Instructions

    Agent LoginID (Category A only) Agent LoginID form instructions An example Agent LoginID form is shown below, followed by descriptions of the various fields included in the form. add agent-loginID 9011 Page 1 of AGENT LOGINID Login ID: 9011_ AAS? _ Name: _________________________ AUDIX? _ TN: 1__…

  • Page 284
    Percent allocation delivers a call from the skill that will otherwise deviate most from its administered allocation. Percent-allocation is available only with Avaya Business Advocate software. For more information, see Avaya Business Advocate User Guide, 585-210-711 Service Objective This field is displayed only when the call handling preference is greatest-need or skill-level.
  • Page 285
    Agent LoginID (Category A only) Enter y if this extension will be used as a port for an Auto Available Split/Skill. Default is n. Important: Important: Entering y in the AAS field clears the password and requires execution of Important: the remove agent-loginid command.
  • Page 286
    ACD contact center switch forms Password Only displayed if both the AAS and AUDIX fields are n. Enter up to nine digits as the password the Agent must enter upon login. Valid entries are the digits 0 through 9. The minimum number of digits that must be entered in this field is specified in the Minimum Agent-LoginID Password Length field on the Feature-Related System Parameters form.
  • Page 287: Example List Agent-Loginid Form

    Agent LoginID (Category A only) SL (Skill Level) Enter a skill level for each of an agent’s assigned skills. If EAS-PHD is not optioned, 2 priority levels are available. If EAS-PHD is optioned, 16 priority levels are available. In releases prior to R3V5, level 1 was the primary skill and level 2 was the secondary skill. PA (Percent Allocation) If the call handling preference is percent-allocation, you must enter a percentage for each of the agent’s skills.

  • Page 288: Best Service Routing (Bsr) Application Plan (Category A Only)

    ACD contact center switch forms Best Service Routing (BSR) Application Plan (Category A only) Use this form to identify the remote locations used in each BSR application. Note: For an explanation of BSR application plans see Best Service Routing Note: (Category A only) on page 94.

  • Page 289: Bsr Application Field Descriptions

    Best Service Routing (BSR) Application Plan (Category A only) BSR application plan form BEST SERVICE ROUTING APPLICATION Number: 1 Name: International Maximum Suppression Time: 60 Lock? y Location Name Switch Node Status Poll VDN Interflow VDN Net Redir? Denver 95022011 3035389425 New Jersey 95022111…

  • Page 290
    ACD contact center switch forms Status Poll VDN In this field, enter the routing number (including the dial access code) your switch will use to access the Status Poll VDN at the remote location. Valid entries may be up to 16 characters long and contain the digits 0–9, * or #, p (pause), w/W (wait), m (mark), and s (suppress) characters.
  • Page 291: Bcms/Vustats Login Id (Category A Only)

    BCMS/VuStats Login ID (Category A only) BCMS/VuStats Login ID (Category A only) You must administer the BCMS/VU-Stats Login IDs form, if: The EAS feature is not optioned. The BCMS/VuStats Login ID field on the Feature-Related System Parameters form is set to y. This field is located in the Call Management System section of the form.

  • Page 292: Bcms/Vustats Field Descriptions

    ACD contact center switch forms BCMS/VuStats Login IDs form change bcms/vu-stats login IDs Page 1 of x BCMS/VU-STATS LOGIN IDS Assigned Numbers: 300 of 400 Login Id Name Login Id Name 1: _________ _______________ 17: _________ _______________ 2: _________ _______________ 18: _________ _______________ 3: _________ _______________ 19: _________ _______________…

  • Page 293: Implementation Notes

    Contact center System Parameters are listed on two pages of the Feature-Related System Parameters form. For a complete discussion of the Feature-Related System Parameters form, see Administrator Guide for Avaya Communication Manager, 555-233-506. Administration commands Use the following administration commands to administer the contact center System Parameters.

  • Page 294: Field Descriptions For Feature-Related System Parameters («Eas» Page)

    ACD contact center switch forms Field Descriptions for Feature-Related System Parameters (“EAS” page) change system-parameters features Page x of x FEATURE-RELATED SYSTEM PARAMETERS CALL CENTER SYSTEM PARAMETERS Expert Agent Selection (EAS) Enabled? y Minimum Agent-LoginID Password Length: _ Direct Agent Announcement Extension: _____ Delay: ___ Message Waiting Lamp Indicates Status For: station VECTORING…

  • Page 295
    Contact Center System Parameters Delay Only displays if Expert Agent Selection (EAS) or ASAI on the System-Parameters Customer-Options form is y. Enter the number of seconds (0 to 99) the caller will hear ringback before the Direct Agent Announcement is heard by the calling party. Message Waiting Lamp Indicates Status For Only displays if Expert Agent Selection (EAS) on the System-Parameters Customer-Options form is y.
  • Page 296
    ACD contact center switch forms Note: If a circuit pack has been used for end-to-end signalling to the VRU, and has Note: then been used to send digits to a different destination, the VRU timers may stay in effect. To reset your timers to the system default, pull and reseat the circuit pack.
  • Page 297: Field Descriptions — Feature-Related System Parameters (Agent And Call Selection Page)

    Contact Center System Parameters Service Observing: or Conference Tone Service Observing (Basic) on the System-Parameters Customer-Options form must be y before this field may be administered. Enter y to assign a warning tone to be given to the caller and the agent when a call that is being service observed is conferenced with another extension.

  • Page 298: Field Descriptions

    ACD contact center switch forms Field Descriptions MIA Across Splits or Skills? Enter y to remove an agent from the MIA queue for all the splits/skills that the agent is available in when the agent answers a call from any of his or her splits/skills. The default is ACW Agents Considered Idle? Enter y (default) to have agents who are in After Call Work included in the Most-Idle Agent queue.

  • Page 299
    Measurement Interval field, the system displays the following error message: <value> cannot be used; assign either BCMS or VuStats first If you receive this message, see your Avaya representative to turn on BCMS (Basic) and/or VuStats on the System-Parameters Customer-Options form.
  • Page 300: Call Vector

    ACD contact center switch forms Validate BCMS/VuStats Login IDs Enter n to allow entry of any ACD login of the proper length. Enter y to allow entry only of login-IDs that have been entered on the BCMS Login-ID form. Clear VuStats Shift Data Enter on-login to clear shift data for an agent when the agent logs in.

  • Page 301: Call Vector Form Instructions

    Call Vector Call Vector form instructions An example Call Vector form is shown below, followed by descriptions of the various fields included in the form. Note: The call vector form can include 32 vector steps, which are continued on Note: pages 2 and 3 of the form.

  • Page 302
    Meet-me Conference Appears when the meet-me conference feature is enabled. Valid entries are y and n. For more information, see the “Meet-me Conference” chapter in Avaya MultiVantage Call Center Software Call Vectoring and EAS Guide, 585-230-714. Attendant Vectoring Appears only when Attendant Vectoring is optioned.
  • Page 303
    Call Vector EAS (Category A only) Display-only field. Indicates whether the Expert Agent Selection (EAS) option is enabled on the System-Parameters Customer-Options form. Valid values are y or n. When Expert Agent Selection (EAS) is enabled, the help messages and error messages associated with this form will reflect a terminology change from “Split”…
  • Page 304: Holiday Table

    ACD contact center switch forms Holidays Display-only field. The value of y appears if Holiday Vectoring is set to y on the system Parameters Customer Options form. Lines 01 through 32 Enter vector commands as required (up to the maximum allowed in your configuration). Valid entries are adjunct, announcement, busy, check, collect, consider, converse-on, disconnect, goto, messaging, queue-to, reply-best, route-to, stop, wait-time.

  • Page 305: Holiday Table Form Field Descriptions

    Holiday Table Example Holiday Table form change holiday-table 1 Page 1 of 1 HOLIDAY TABLE Number: 1 Name: Bank Holidays ______START_______ ________END________ Month Day Hour Min Month Day Hour Min Description Christmas New Year’s Day Holiday Table form field descriptions Make assignment as required for the following fields on the form: —…

  • Page 306
    ACD contact center switch forms If an hour/minute is entered, the corresponding month/day must be entered. If a month/day is entered, the corresponding hour/minute is not required. If an end month/day is entered, the corresponding start month/day must be entered. If a start month/day is entered, the corresponding end month/day is not required.
  • Page 307: Hunt Group

    Hunt Group form instructions Examples of the Hunt Group form pages are shown below. See Administrator Guide for Avaya Communication Manager, 555-233-506 for a description of each field on the forms. Note: Hunt Group for page 4 and the following pages are used to assign agent Note: extensions to the split hunt group.

  • Page 308
    ACD contact center switch forms Hunt Group form (pages 1 of x) change hunt-group xxx Page 1 of X HUNT GROUP Group Number: ___ ACD? Group Name: __________________________ Queue? Group Extension: ____ Vector? Group Type: Coverage Path: ____ Night Service Destination: _____ COR: MM Early Answer? Security Code: ____…
  • Page 309
    Hunt Group Hunt Group form (page 3 of x) change hunt group xxx Page 3 of X HUNT GROUP Message Center:___ LWC Reception:______ AUDIX Name:______ Messaging Server Name:______ First Announcement Extension:___ Delay (sec):___ Second Announcement Extension:___ Delay (sec):___ Recurring?_ Hunt Group form (page 4 of x) change hunt group xxx Page 4 of X HUNT GROUP…
  • Page 310: Reason Code Names (Category A Only)

    ACD contact center switch forms Reason Code Names (Category A only) Use the Reason Code Names form to assign names to Reason Codes. You can assign a different name to each Reason Code for Aux Work and for Logout. Administration commands Use the following administration commands to access the Reason Code Names form.

  • Page 311: Sit Treatment For Call Classification (Category A Only)

    SIT Treatment for Call Classification (Category A only) Aux Work For each Reason Code enter the name to be associated with this Reason Code when the agent uses this Reason Code to enter Aux Work mode. Names can be up to ten characters long.

  • Page 312: Sit Treatment For Call Classification (Category A Only) Administration Commands

    Use the following administration commands to administer the SIT Treatment For Call Classification form. In some cases, just the most commonly used commands are shown. See Administrator Guide for Avaya Communication Manager, 555-233-506, for a complete listing of all administration commands, the command structure, and the use of abbreviated command words when entering a command.

  • Page 313
    SIT Treatment for Call Classification (Category A only) SIT Ineffective Other Sample announcement following this SIT — “You are not required to dial a “1” when calling this number.” Valid entries are answered and dropped. Default is dropped. SIT Intercept Sample announcement following this SIT —…
  • Page 314: Vector Directory Number (Vdn)

    MAX is the maximum number available in your system configuration.For more information, see Hardware Guide for Avaya Communication Manager, 555-233-200. VDN form instructions An example VDN form is shown below.

  • Page 315
    Vector Directory Number (VDN) VDN form (page 1) with Attendant Vectoring field set to n. change vdn xxxxx page 1 of 2 VECTOR DIRECTORY NUMBER Extension: 2001 Name: vdn 2001 Vector Number: 1 Attendant Vectoring? n Allow VDN Override? n COR: 1 TN: 1 Measured: internal…
  • Page 316: Vdn Field Descriptions

    ACD contact center switch forms VDN field descriptions Make assignment as required for the following fields on the form: Extension Enter the extension associated with the VDN when completing a paper form. The extension is a number that starts with a valid first digit and length as defined by the System’s dial plan.

  • Page 317: Cor

    Vector Directory Number (VDN) For Expert Agent Selection (EAS) (Category A only), if this field is y on the original VDN, the Skills of the new VDN will be used. If this field is n on the original VDN, the Skills of the original VDN will be used.

  • Page 318
    ACD contact center switch forms VDN of Origin Annc. Extension (Category A only) Only displayed if VDN of Origin Announcements is enabled on the System-Parameters Customer-Options form. Enter the extension number of the VDN of Origin announcement. Default is blank. 1st/2nd/3rd Skill (Category A only) Only displayed when Expert Agent Selection is enabled on the System-Parameters Customer-Options form.
  • Page 319: Implementation Notes

    An adjunct routing step routes a direct agent call, with the coverage option set to y For more information, see “Displaying VDN names for direct agent calls,” in the “Considerations for Call Vectoring Features” appendix, in Avaya MultiVantage Call Center Software Call Vectoring and EAS Guide, 585-230-714.

  • Page 320: Vector Routing Table (Category A Only)

    ACD contact center switch forms Vector Routing Table (Category A only) This form is used to store ANI or Digits that you refer to in goto vector steps. It is available to you only if the Vectoring (G3V4 Enhanced) field on the System-Parameters Customer- Options form is set to y.

  • Page 321: Vector Routing Table (Category A Only) Form Instructions

    Vector Routing Table (Category A only) Vector Routing Table (Category A only) form instructions Vector Routing Table form (1 of 3) Page 1 of 3 VECTOR ROUTING TABLE Number: ___ Name: _______________ Sort? n 1:________________ 17: ________________ 2:________________ 18: ________________ 3:________________ 19: ________________ 4:________________…

  • Page 322
    ACD contact center switch forms Number (1-32) Enter a number. Default is blank. Entries in this field also can include the + and/or ? wildcard. The + represents a group of digits. The ? represents a single digit. The field is limited to 16 characters and these characters are restricted as follows: You may enter only a plus sign (+), a question mark (?), or the numbers 0 through 9.
  • Page 323: Vustats Display Format (Category A Only)

    VuStats Display Format (Category A only) VuStats Display Format (Category A only) Use the VuStats Display Format form to define the content and layout of information on VuStats telephone displays. The system has 50 different display formats; the first display is a predefined example format, which can be changed;…

  • Page 324: Vustats Display Format (Category A Only) Form Instructions

    ACD contact center switch forms VuStats Display Format (Category A only) form instructions VuStats Display Format blank change/display form VUSTATS DISPLAY FORMAT Format Number: ___ Object Type: _______________ Next Format Number: _____ Update Interval: ___________ On Change? _ Data Field Character: _ Display Interval: ______________ Number of Intervals:__ Format Description: ________________________________________…

  • Page 325: Vustats Display Format Field Descriptions

    VuStats Display Format (Category A only) VuStats Display Format field descriptions Enter the data as required for the following fields on the form: Format Number The system generates a format number automatically when it creates a VuStats display. You cannot change this number. You can create 50 different display formats. Format Number 1 is a predefined sample format that you can modify.

  • Page 326
    ACD contact center switch forms 60 – Updates every 60 seconds 120 – Updates every 2 minutes On Change Enter y to update the display whenever the agent’s state changes. The update on agent state change is in addition to the update as a result of the value entered in the Update Interval field.
  • Page 327
    VuStats Display Format (Category A only) Some data types have preset maximum field length limits based on the switch administration. For example, the data type acceptable-service-level is taken from the BCMS Acceptable Service Level field on the Hunt Group and Vector Directory Number forms;…
  • Page 328
    ACD contact center switch forms — Format The format for displaying the data type. The format is required only for a data type with a time value. Enter one of the following Format values. Default is blank. Valid Description Minimum Input Input Length…
  • Page 329: List Vustats Display Format Screen

    VuStats Display Format (Category A only) — Top references the first-administered, highest-level skill for EAS agents, or the first split/skill logged into for non-EAS agents. Note: With EAS, the top skill for VuStats is the first administered, highest level skill Note: measured internally or both.

  • Page 330: Vustats Display Formats Field Descriptions

    ACD contact center switch forms VuStats Display Formats field descriptions No — Number. The unique identifying number of each display format. — Next The number of the next display if the current display is linked to (followed by) another display format, or none if the current display format is not linked to another display format.

  • Page 331
    VuStats Display Format (Category A only) Required and allowed fields — agent and agent-extension data types (continued) VuStats data type Format Period Threshold Reference extension-calls required allowed extension-incoming-calls allowed extension-outgoing-calls allowed percent-acd-call-time required allowed shift-acd-calls allowed required shift-aux-time-1 required allowed shift-aux-time-2 required allowed…
  • Page 332
    ACD contact center switch forms Required and allowed fields — agent and agent-extension data types (continued) VuStats data type Format Period Threshold Reference split-agents-in-aux-3 allowed required split-agents-in-aux-4 allowed required split-agents-in-aux-5 allowed required split-agents-in-aux-6 allowed required split-agents-in-aux-7 allowed required split-agents-in-aux-8 allowed required split-agents-in-aux-9 allowed…
  • Page 333
    VuStats Display Format (Category A only) Required and allowed fields — agent and agent-extension data types (continued) VuStats data type Format Period Threshold Reference split-oldest-calling-waiting required allowed required split-percent-in-service-level required allowed required split-total-acd-talk-time required required allowed required split-total-after-call-time required required allowed required split-total-aux-time…
  • Page 334
    ACD contact center switch forms Required and allowed fields — split data types VuStats data type Format Period Threshold acceptable-service-level required acd-calls required allowed after-call sessions allowed agents-available allowed agents-in-after-call allowed agents-in-aux-1 allowed agents-in-aux-2 allowed agents-in-aux-3 allowed agents-in-aux-4 allowed agents-in-aux-5 allowed agents-in-aux-6 allowed…
  • Page 335
    VuStats Display Format (Category A only) Required and allowed fields — split data types (continued) VuStats data type Format Period Threshold calls-abandoned required allowed calls-flowed-in required allowed calls-flowed-out required allowed calls-waiting allowed oldest-calling-waiting required allowed percent-in-service-level required allowed split-extension split-name split-number split-objective total-acd-talk-time…
  • Page 336
    ACD contact center switch forms Required and allowed fields — VDN data types VuStats data type Format Period Threshold acceptable-service-level required acd-calls required allowed average-acd-talk-time required required allowed average-speed-of-answer required required allowed average-time-to-abandon required required allowed calls-abandoned required allowed calls-flowed-out required allowed calls-forced-busy-or-disc…
  • Page 337
    VuStats Display Format (Category A only) Required and allowed fields — trunk group data types (continued) VuStats data type Format Period Threshold outgoing-completed-calls required allowed outgoing-usage required required allowed percent-all-trunks-busy required allowed percent-trunks-maint-busy required allowed trunk-group-name trunk-group-number trunks-in-use allowed trunks-maint-busy required allowed 1.
  • Page 338
    ACD contact center switch forms Agent and agent-extension data types (continued) VuStats data type Description BCMS report: field name/column heading average-extension- time The average amount of time an agent spent Agent Report/Agent on non-ACD calls while logged into at least Summary Report: AVG one split/skill during the reported interval.
  • Page 339
    VuStats Display Format (Category A only) Agent and agent-extension data types (continued) VuStats data type Description BCMS report: field name/column heading shift-aux-time-2 The amount of time an agent has spent in None AUX work mode for Reason Code 2 during the administered period.
  • Page 340
    ACD contact center switch forms Agent and agent-extension data types (continued) VuStats data type Description BCMS report: field name/column heading shift-average-acd- talk- The average talk time for ACD calls for a None time specific agent during the administered period. skill-level The skill level at which the skill was assigned None to the agent.
  • Page 341
    VuStats Display Format (Category A only) Agent and agent-extension data types (continued) VuStats data type Description BCMS report: field name/column heading split-agents-in-aux-6 For a specific skill, the number of agents None currently in Aux work mode with Reason Code 6. split-agents-in-aux-7 For a specific skill, the number of agents None…
  • Page 342
    ACD contact center switch forms Agent and agent-extension data types (continued) VuStats data type Description BCMS report: field name/column heading split-average-after- call- The average time for call-related ACW System Status: AVG time completed by agents for this split (the same AFTER CALL as average-after-call-time, but only available for agent and agent-extension object types).
  • Page 343
    VuStats Display Format (Category A only) Agent and agent-extension data types (continued) VuStats data type Description BCMS report: field name/column heading split-number The administered number for a split/skill. Split Report/Split Status: Split Name System Status: SPLIT split-objective The administered objective for a split/skill. None split-oldest-call- waiting The time the oldest call has been waiting for…
  • Page 344
    ACD contact center switch forms Agent and agent-extension data types (continued) VuStats data type Description BCMS report: field name/column heading total-available-time The time an agent was available in at least Agent Report: TOTAL one split/skill. AVAIL TIME total-hold-time The total amount of time ACD calls were on Agent Report: TOTAL hold at a specific agent’s phone.
  • Page 345
    VuStats Display Format (Category A only) Split data types (continued) BCMS report: field VuStats data type Description name/column heading agents-in-aux-3 The number of agents currently in Aux work None mode for Reason Code 3 for the referenced skill. agents-in-aux-4 The number of agents currently in Aux work None mode for Reason Code 4 for the referenced skill.
  • Page 346
    ACD contact center switch forms Split data types (continued) BCMS report: field VuStats data type Description name/column heading agents-on-extension- calls The number of agents in a specific split who Split Status: Extn are currently on non-ACD calls. agents-staffed The number of agents currently logged into Split Status: Staffed the specified split.
  • Page 347
    VuStats Display Format (Category A only) Split data types (continued) BCMS report: field VuStats data type Description name/column heading calls-waiting The number of calls that have encountered System Status: CALLS a split/skill but have not been answered, WAIT abandoned, or outflowed. oldest-call-waiting The time the oldest call has been waiting in System Status:…
  • Page 348
    ACD contact center switch forms VDN data types VuStats data type Description BCMS report: field name/column heading acceptable-service- level The number of seconds within which calls VDN Status/VDN must be answered to be considered Report: Acceptable acceptable. Identified on a per-VDN basis. Service Level Timing begins when the call enters the vector.
  • Page 349
    VuStats Display Format (Category A only) VDN data types (continued) VuStats data type Description BCMS report: field name/column heading oldest-calling-waiting The time the oldest call has been waiting in VDN Status: OLDEST the VDN. Timing begins when the call enters CALL the vector.
  • Page 350
    ACD contact center switch forms Trunk group data types (continued) VuStats data type Description BCMS report: field name/column heading outgoing-usage The total trunk holding time for outgoing calls Trunk Group: in hundred call seconds. OUTGOING CCS percent-all-trunks- busy The percent of time all the trunks in a Trunk Group: % ALL specified trunk group were busy during a BUSY…
  • Page 351: Chapter 4: Implementing The Time Of Day Clock Synchronization Feature

    Maintenance of accurate TOD settings is important for many functions, such as: Creation of time stamps for items like error logs, Malicious Call trace records, Avaya BCMS and CMS data…

  • Page 352: Tod Synchronization Methods

    Scheduling Time Synchronization tasks through Avaya Site Administration In this method, which is available only for certain Avaya switch platforms, the Avaya Site Administration tool, is used to set up a regularly scheduled synchronization task for switches on a contact center network. The time used to synchronize the switch platforms is obtained from the system clock of the client PC.

  • Page 353: Using Ntp/Sntp To Synchronize The Switch To Utc Time

    Using NTP/SNTP to synchronize the switch to UTC time This method applies to certain Avaya switches on which the platform OS (Linux or Windows 2000) uses either the Network Time Protocol (NTP) or Simple Network Time Protocol (SNTP) to obtain highly accurate UTC data from an Internet Time Server. The time on the operating system clock, which is continuously adjusted to match polled UTC time, also provides the basis for the switch clock time.

  • Page 354: Using Avaya Site Administration To Set Up A Tod Synchronization Schedule

    This method for TOD clock synchronization, which applies to certain Avaya switch platforms, uses the Avaya Site Administration tool (release R1.10 or later) installed on a client PC to set up a synchronization task schedule. In the recommended configuration, Avaya Site Administration is installed on the client PC along with NTP or SNTP software.

  • Page 355: Prerequisites

    To implement a TOD clock synchronization schedule through Avaya Site Administration, the following prerequisite conditions must be met: Avaya Site Administration (Release R1.10 or later) must be installed on the client, and it must also be running on the client when synchronization runs are scheduled to occur.

  • Page 356
    Daylight Savings Rule on the local PC, and resends the adjusted time back to the switch. When you calculate offset values to use as input in the Avaya Site Administration Time Synchronization feature, you must do the following:…
  • Page 357
    Run synchronization tasks in the middle of CMS archive intervals Avaya CMS is designed to run archives at regular intervals of 15 minutes, 30 minutes, or 1 hour. Synchronization tasks should be scheduled so that they run near the middle of an archive interval.
  • Page 358: Designing A Tod Clock Synchronization Schedule

    ACD. Designing a TOD clock synchronization schedule The following example scenario shows how to design an Avaya Site Administration Time Synchronization schedule for a multi-site call network that spans several time zones. The example sites and their respective time zones are shown in the following figure.

  • Page 359
    Standard Time using the set time command. To calculate offset values that represent the time difference between the Avaya Site Administration client PC and switch locations, all location times should be normalized to their Standard Time equivalents.
  • Page 360
    After you have calculated accurate offset values, you can determine when the synchronization task should be scheduled to run on the Avaya Site Administration client PC. Again, the most reliable method is to normalize all local times to Standard Time equivalents.
  • Page 361
    Using Avaya Site Administration to set up a TOD synchronization schedule Note: You should always establish clock synchronization run times on the basis of Note: low-traffic time intervals for the switch. In the following example, a single local switch time is used as the synchronization run time for all of the switches.
  • Page 362
    3. If the PC client clock is currently set to DST rules, add 1 hour to the synchronization start time that you specify in the Avaya Site Administration Schedule dialog. If the PC client and switch locations do not use the same DST rules, see Special considerations for synchronization start times page 362.
  • Page 363: Creating Dedicated Switch Connections On Which To Run Tod Synchronization Tasks

    To set up a TOD clock synchronization schedule for a switch on your contact center network: 1. Start Avaya Site Administration on the client PC, and select a switch from the pull- down list on the main toolbar. 2. In the browser pane located to the right side of the main application window, select the Fault &…

  • Page 364
    Determine what the local time will be at the switch when the synchronization runs. If necessary, adjust this time to its Standard Time equivalent, as described Example derivation of synchronization task run time on the Avaya Site Administration client PC on page 361.
  • Page 365: About Ntp/Sntp And Internet Time Servers

    The following recommendations and conditions are in effect for SNTP configuration on these systems: For Linux platforms, Avaya recommends that the IP addresses for at least three different Internet Time Servers be configured. The following web site provides a list of time servers: http://www.eecis.udel.edu/~mills/ntp/servers.htm…

  • Page 366: Sntp On Platforms That Synchronize Through An Avaya Site Administration Client Pc

    Avaya does not support this configuration. SNTP on platforms that synchronize through an Avaya Site Administration client The following Avaya switch platforms must use the Avaya Site Administration Time Synchronization feature to maintain switch synchronization: DEFINITY G3csi…

  • Page 367: Setting Up Acd Offset Times For Cms Reporting

    CMS reports based on unadjusted data. However, you can use Avaya CMS Supervisor to adjust CMS data derived from remote ACDs in a way that allows you to view data from different time zones in a common time format. This provides you with a more convenient way to view and assess simultaneous contact center activity across time zones.

  • Page 368
    Implementing the Time of Day Clock Synchronization feature 4. From the main menu, select: Actions > Modify 5. Repeat the procedure for any other ACDs for which a switch time zone offset is required. 368 Communication Manager Guide to ACD Call Centers…
  • Page 369: Appendix A: Recorded Announcements

    Recorded announcements and automatic wakeup on page 382 Refer to the “Managing announcements” and “Recorded announcements” chapters in the Administrator Guide for Avaya Communication Manager, 555-233-506, for instructions on adding, recording, saving, copying, restoring, and deleting announcements. Issue 1.0 May 2003…

  • Page 370: Administering Recorded Announcements

    Recorded announcements Administering recorded announcements The following table lists the forms that you will use to administer announcements. Required forms Form Field Announcements/Audio Sources (includes Integrated Announcement Translations) Feature Access Code (FAC) Announcement Access Code Station Data Modules (for Save/Restore/Copy) Netcon Data Module System Port Data Module (SAP) Announcement Data Module…

  • Page 371: Recorded Announcement Types

    Recorded announcement types Recorded announcement types The switch supports several recorded announcement types. Each support announcement type is described below. Analog line types If you are using an analog line, then it is required that you use an external announcement machine for recorded announcements.

  • Page 372: Auxiliary Trunk Types

    Recorded announcements The ds1-id and ds1-sa types provide a forward disconnect via transitions of the “A” signaling bit to the device, which indicates when playback should be stopped. Callers listening to announcements do not hear clicks when the device disconnects (goes on- hook).

  • Page 373: Integrated Types

    The integrated announcement type stores announcements internally on the switch on an Integrated Announcement circuit pack (TN750, TN2501AP, or co-resident). Co-resident integrated announcement circuitry is included with the Avaya S8000 and S8300 media servers. The TN750 circuit pack has 16 ports and the TN2501AP circuit pack has 31 ports that are available for playing announcements.

  • Page 374: When To Use Recorded Announcements

    Recorded announcements When to use recorded announcements The most common applications for recorded announcement include: DID calls cannot be completed as dialed. Incoming private-network access calls cannot be completed as dialed. Calls enter a split or skill (first announcement). DDC, UCD, or direct-agent calls have been in queue for an assigned interval. ACD and Call Vectoring calls have been in queue for an assigned interval.

  • Page 375: About Barge-In

    About barge-in About barge-in Normally, the system connects multiple callers to the beginning of an announcement, regardless of announcement type. However, you can also administer auxiliary trunk announcements, DS1 announcements, and integrated announcement to allow callers to begin listening to an announcement after the system has begun playing its message. This capability is called “barge-in.”…

  • Page 376: Integrated Announcements And Announcements Recorded On External Devices

    CCITT u-law/a-law, 8kHz, 8-bit mono files using a utility such as Microsoft’s Sound Recorder on a computer or using an Avaya switch telephone. Each TN750 circuit pack has 16 ports and can play up to 16 simultaneous announcements.

  • Page 377: Multiple Integrated Announcement Circuit Packs

    Multiple integrated announcement circuit packs Multiple integrated announcement circuit packs can be installed in Avaya switch platforms. However, only one of these circuit packs can be a TN750 or a TN750B. Any additional circuit packs must be TN2501AP or TN750C circuit packs.

  • Page 378: Compression Rates

    Two options are available with the TN2501AP circuit pack, a high-end offer and a low-end offer. The offer is set by way of the VAL Full 1-Hour Capacity and the Maximum VAL Boards fields on the Customer Options form. Administrator Guide for Avaya Communication Manager, 555-233-506 for details.

  • Page 379: Procedures For Recorded Announcements (Tn750, Tn750B, Tn750C And Tn2501Ap Circuit Packs, And G700 Vval)

    Procedures for recorded announcements (TN750, TN750B, TN750C and TN2501AP circuit packs, and G700 Procedures for recorded announcements (TN750, TN750B, TN750C and TN2501AP circuit packs, and G700 VVAL) Use these procedures to record announcements on the TN750, TN750B, TN750C and TN2501AP circuit packs, as well as for G700 Gateway embedded VAL announcements (referred to herein as virtual VAL or VVAL).

  • Page 380
    Recorded announcements Record the announcement If the you dial 1, the switch attempts to start a recording session and you will receive one of the following outcomes: If an announcement already exists and is protected (designated as protect = y), then you will hear an intercept tone.
  • Page 381
    Procedures for recorded announcements (TN750, TN750B, TN750C and TN2501AP circuit packs, and G700 Delete the announcement If you dial the FAC, the extension, and then 3, the switch deletes the announcement and you hear a confirmation tone. If the announcement is protected or is currently being played, then the system does not delete the announcement and you will hear a reorder tone.
  • Page 382: Recorded Announcements, The Acd, And Other Contact Center Features

    Recorded announcements Recorded announcements, the ACD, and other contact center features Recorded announcements are used extensively for ACD, Call Vectoring, Call Prompting, Expert Agent Selection, VDN of Origin Announcement, Direct Department Calling, and UCD features. See the individual features for interaction details. Recorded announcements and automatic wakeup Recorded announcements allow Automatic Wakeup to use the built-in TN750B or later announcement circuit pack in place of the Audichron adjunct.

  • Page 383
    “type” required by the VRU/IVR ports. The types for VRU/IVR ports supported by Avaya switches are:…
  • Page 384
    Administering VRUs/IVRs as station ports Type VRU/IVR Forward Station Description C&D tones ports disconnect type to support needed needed lineside ds1sa ds1sa provides an EIA/TIA special- DS1/DS0 or access type DS1 interface. The lineside T1/E1 forward disconnect signal is a toggle of the “A”…
  • Page 385: Glossary

    Glossary 3B2 Message Server A software application that combines voice and data messaging services for voice- terminal users whose extensions are connected to a system. 800 service A service in the United States that allows incoming calls from certain areas to an assigned number for a flat-rate charge based on usage.

  • Page 386
    access tie trunk access tie trunk A trunk that connects a main communications system with a tandem communications system in an electronic tandem network (ETN). An access tie trunk can also be used to connect a system or tandem to a serving office or service node. Also called access trunk.
  • Page 387
    A feature that allows administration of ports without associated terminals or other Hardware (AWOH) hardware. asynchronous data unit (ADU) on page 389. Advocate See Avaya Business Advocate. access endpoint on page 385. after-call work (ACW) A mode in which agents are unavailable to receive ACD calls. Agents enter the ACW mode mode to perform ACD-related activities such as filling out a form after an ACD call.
  • Page 388
    AIOD AIOD Automatic Identification of Outward Dialing ALBO Automatic Line Build Out All trunks busy (ATB) The state in which no trunks are available for call handling. ALM-ACK Alarm acknowledge American Standard Code ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) on page 389.
  • Page 389
    asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) APLT Advanced Private-Line Termination appearance A software process that is associated with an extension and whose purpose is to supervise a call. An extension can have multiple appearances. Also called call appearance, line appearance, and occurrence. See also call appearance page 394.
  • Page 390
    All trunks busy (ATB) on page 388. Attention dial (ATD) on page 390. attendant A person at a console who provides personalized service for incoming callers and voice-services users by performing switching and signaling operations. See also attendant console on page 390 asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) on page 389.
  • Page 391
    B8ZS Automatic calling unit A device that places a telephone call. (ACU) Automatic Circuit A feature that tracks calls of unusual duration to facilitate troubleshooting. A high Assurance (ACA) number of very short calls or a low number of very long calls may signify a faulty trunk.
  • Page 392
    bandwidth bandwidth The difference, expressed in hertz, between the defined highest and lowest frequencies in a range. barrier code A security code used with the Remote Access feature to prevent unauthorized access to the system. baud A unit of transmission rate equal to the number of signal events per second. See also bit rate on page 392 and…
  • Page 393
    bridge (bridging) The appearance of a voice terminal’s extension at one or more other voice terminals. The ISDN Basic Rate Interface specification. bridged appearance A call appearance on a voice terminal that matches a call appearance on another voice terminal for the duration of a call. British Thermal Unit buffer 1.
  • Page 394
    call appearance call appearance 1. For the attendant console, six buttons, labeled a–f, used to originate, receive, and hold calls. Two lights next to the button show the status of the call appearance. 2. For the voice terminal, a button labeled with an extension and used to place outgoing calls, receive incoming calls, or hold calls.
  • Page 395
    CDOS Centralized Attendant Service or Call Accounting System CCS or hundred call A unit of call traffic. Call traffic for a facility is scanned every 100 seconds. If the seconds facility is busy, it is assumed to have been busy for the entire scan interval. There are 3600 seconds per hour.
  • Page 396
    Call Detail Recording (CDR) on page 394. CDRP Call Detail Record Poller CDRR Call Detail Recording and Reporting CDRU Call Detail Recording utility (CDRU) on page 394. Channel-expansion multiplexing center-stage switch The central interface between the processor port network and expansion port (CSS) networks in a CSS-connected system.
  • Page 397
    control cabinet Class of Restriction A feature that allows up to 64 classes of call-origination and call-termination (COR) restrictions for voice terminals, voice-terminal groups, data modules, and trunk groups. See also Class of Service (COS) on page 397. Class of Service (COS) A feature that uses a number to specify if voice-terminal users can activate the Automatic Callback, Call Forwarding All Calls, Data Privacy, or Priority Calling features.
  • Page 398
    control carrier control carrier A carrier in a multicarrier cabinet that contains the SPE circuit packs and, unlike an R5r control carrier, port circuit packs. Also called control cabinet in a single-carrier cabinet. See also switch-processing element (SPE) on page 428. controlled station A station that is monitored and controlled via a domain-control association.
  • Page 399
    data terminal equipment (DTE) Customer-service document Centralized System Management See center-stage switch (CSS). CSSO Customer Services Support Organization Channel service unit Clear to Send call work code on page 394. 1. Dial access code or Direct Agent Calling 2. See digital-to-analog converter (DAC) on page 401.
  • Page 400
    Decibel Decibels in reference to amperes. dBrnC Decibels above reference noise with C filter. Direct current Data-communications equipment D-channel backup Type of backup used with Non-Facility Associated Signaling (NFAS). A primary D- channel provides signaling for an NFAS D-channel group (two or more PRI facilities). A second D-channel, on a separate PRI facility of the NFAS D-channel group, is designated as backup for the D-channel.
  • Page 401
    digital trunk digit conversion A process used to convert specific dialed numbers into other dialed numbers. digital The representation of information by discrete steps. See also analog on page 388. digital communications A proprietary protocol used to transmit both digitized voice and digitized data over protocol (DCP) the same communications link.
  • Page 402
    DIOD DIOD Direct Inward and Outward Dialing direct agent A feature, accessed only via ASAI, that allows a call to be placed in a split queue but routed only to a specific agent in that split. The call receives normal ACD call treatment (for example, announcements) and is measured as an ACD call while ensuring that a particular agent answers.
  • Page 403
    duplication option domain-controlled A station for which a Third_Party_Domain_Control request has been accepted. A station domain-controlled station provides event reports for calls that are alerting, connected, or held at the station. domain-controlled A station that is active on a call, and which provides event reports over one or two station on a call domain-control associations.
  • Page 404
    Dynamic Queue Position An Avaya Business Advocate feature that gives you the ability to queue calls from multiple VDNs to a single skill, while maintaining different service objectives for those VDNs.
  • Page 405
    electronic tandem A tandem tie-trunk network that has automatic call-routing capabilities based on the network (ETN) number dialed and the most preferred route available. Each switch in the network is assigned a unique private network office code (RNX), and each voice terminal is assigned a unique extension.
  • Page 406
    ETSI ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute expansion archangel A network-control microprocessor located on an expansion interface (EI) port circuit (EAA) pack in an expansion port network. The EA provides an interface between the EPN and its controlling switch-processing element. expansion-archangel A link-access function on the D-channel (LAPD) logical link that exists between a link (EAL) switch-processing element and an expansion archangel (EA).
  • Page 407
    FNPA external measurements Those ACD measurements that are made by the External CMS adjunct. external call A connection between a communications system user and a party on the public network or on another communications system in a private network. Feature Access Code facility A telecommunications transmission pathway and associated equipment.
  • Page 408
    foreign-exchange (FX) foreign-exchange (FX) A CO other than the one providing local access to the public telephone network. foreign-exchange trunk A telecommunications channel that directly connects the system to a CO other than its local CO. foreign numbering-plan An area code other than the local area code, that must be dialed to call outside the area code (FNPAC) local geographical area.
  • Page 409
    ICHT An ISDN information transfer rate for 1920-kbps data defined by CCITT and ANSI standards. handshaking logic A format used to initiate a data connection between two data module devices. hertz (Hz) A unit of frequency equal to one cycle per second. high-reliability system A system having the following: two control carriers, duplicate expansion interface (EI) circuit packs in the PPN (in R5r with CSS), and duplicate switch node clock…
  • Page 410
    Incoming call identifier Inbound Call Management IDDD International Direct Distance Dialing Intermediate distribution frame Information element immediate-start tie trunk A trunk on which, after making a connection with a distant switching system for an outgoing call, the system waits a nominal 65 ms before sending the digits of the called number.
  • Page 411
    in-use lamp Integrated Services The interface between a communications system and terminal that includes two 64- Digital Network Basic kbps B-channels for transmitting voice or data and one 16-kbps D-channel for Rate Interface (ISDN- transmitting associated B-channel call control and out-of-band signaling information. BRI) ISDN-BRI also includes 48 kbps for transmitting framing and D-channel contention information, for a total interface speed of 192 kbps.
  • Page 412
    INWATS INWATS Inward Wide Area Telephone Service Information outlet ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) on page 410. ISDN Gateway (IG) A feature allowing integration of the switch and a host-based telemarketing application via a link to a gateway adjunct. The gateway adjunct is a 3B-based product that notifies the host-based telemarketing application of call events.
  • Page 413
    LINL LATA Local access and transport area Pound Line buildout Listed directory number Long-distance service Local exchange carrier light-emitting diode (LED) on page 413. light-emitting diode A semiconductor device that produces light when voltage is applied. LEDs provide a (LED) visual indication of the operational status of hardware components, the results of maintenance tests, the alarm status of circuit packs, and the activation of telephone features.
  • Page 414
    local area network (LAN) local area network (LAN) A networking arrangement designed for a limited geographical area. Generally, a LAN is limited in range to a maximum of 6.2 miles and provides high-speed carrier service with low error rates. Common configurations include daisy chain, star (including circuit-switched), ring, and bus.
  • Page 415
    MA-UUI Message-Associated User-to-User Signaling Mbps Megabits per second M-Bus Memory bus Mbyte Megabyte Multicarrier cabinet Message Center Service Malicious Call Trace Multipoint control unit Main distribution frame Modular data module Message detail record Memory memory A device into which information can be copied and held, and from which information can later be obtained.
  • Page 416
    minor alarm minor alarm An indication of a failure that could affect customer service. Minor alarms are automatically displayed on LEDs on the attendant console and maintenance or alarming circuit pack, sent to the alarm log, and reported to a remote maintenance facility, if applicable.
  • Page 417
    multirate Millisecond MS/T Main satellite/tributary Message servicing adjunct Message service Material stocking location Modular System Management Mass storage system MSSNET Mass storage/network control Management terminal MTDM Modular trunk data module Maintenance tape processor Multitasking terminal multiappearance voice A terminal equipped with several call-appearance buttons for the same extension, terminal allowing the user to handle more than one call on that same extension at the same time.
  • Page 418
    Message-waiting lamp Method of determining redundant backup requirements. Example: if four rectifier modules are required for a DC-powered single-carrier cabinet, a fifth rectifier module is installed for backup. N x DS0 N x DS0, equivalently referred to as N x 64 kbps, is an emerging standard for wideband calls separate from H0, H11, and H12 ISDN channels.
  • Page 419
    Network Inward Dialing Network management National number node A switching or control point for a network. Nodes are either tandem (they receive signals and pass them on) or terminal (they originate or terminate a transmission path). Nonfacility-associated A method that allows multiple T1 and/or E1 facilities to share a single D-channel to signaling (NFAS) form an ISDN-PRI.
  • Page 420
    Oldest queued time OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Act Open Systems Interconnect Operations Support System OSSI Operational Support System Interface OTDR Optical time-domain reflectometer othersplit The work state that indicates that an agent is currently active on another split’s call, or in ACW for another split.
  • Page 421
    pulse-code modulation (PCM) on page 423. PCOL Personal central-office line PCOLG Personal central-office line group Permanent switched calls processor data module (PDM) on page 423. Premises Distribution System Processing element Price element code Processor element interchange personal computer (PC) A personally controllable microcomputer. PGATE Packet gateway Partitioned group number…
  • Page 422
    Point of presence port A data- or voice-transmission access point on a device that is used for communicating with other devices. port carrier A carrier in a multicarrier cabinet or a single-carrier cabinet containing port circuit packs, power units, and service circuits. Also called a port cabinet in a single-carrier cabinet.
  • Page 423
    processor data module A device that provides an RS-232C DCE interface for connecting to data terminals, (PDM) applications processors (APs), and host computers, and provides a DCP interface for connection to a communications system. See also modular processor data module (MPDM) on page 416.
  • Page 424
    random-access memory (RAM) random-access memory A storage arrangement whereby information can be retrieved at a speed (RAM) independent of the location of the stored information. Robbed-bit signaling Radio controller Restricted call list read-only memory (ROM) A storage arrangement primarily for information-retrieval applications. recall dial tone Tones signalling that the system has completed a function (such as holding a call) and is ready to accept dialing.
  • Page 425
    RMATS Remote Maintenance, Administration, and Traffic System Route-number index (private network office code) read-only memory (ROM) on page 424. Routing-plan number RS-232C A physical interface specified by the Electronic Industries Association (EIA). RS- 232C transmits and receives asynchronous data at speeds of up to 19.2 kbps over cable distances of up to 50 feet.
  • Page 426
    SCOTCH SCOTCH Switch Conferencing for TDM Bus in Concentration Highway SCSI small computer system interface (SCSI) on page 426. SDDN Software-Defined Data Network Switched Digital International SDLC Synchronous data-link control Software-defined network SFRL Single-frequency return loss Station-identification number simplex system A system that has no redundant hardware.
  • Page 427
    switch Switch Processing Element SPID Service Profile Identifier split ACD work mode on page 386. split condition A condition whereby a caller is temporarily separated from a connection with an attendant. A split condition automatically occurs when the attendant, active on a call, presses the start button.
  • Page 428
    switchhook switchhook The buttons located under the receiver on a voice terminal. switch-node (SN) carrier A carrier containing a single switch node, power units, and, optionally, one or two DS1 converter circuit packs. An SN carrier is located in a center-stage switch. switch-node (SN) clock The circuit pack in an SN carrier that provides clock and maintenance alarm functions and environmental monitors.
  • Page 429
    time interval A digital transmission standard that in North America carries traffic at the DS1 rate of 1.544 Mbps. A T1 facility is divided into 24 channels (DS0s) of 64 kbps. These 24 channels, with an overall digital rate of 1.536 Mbps, and an 8-kbps framing and synchronization channel make up the 1.544-Mbps transmission.
  • Page 430
    time slice time slice time interval on page 429. time slot 64 kbps of digital information structured as eight bits every 125 microseconds. In the switch, a time slot refers to either a DS0 on a T1 or E1 facility or a 64-kbps unit on the TDM bus or fiber connection between port networks.
  • Page 431
    UART Universal asynchronous transmitter Uniform call distribution UCD-LOA See Uniform Call Distribution-Least Occupied Agent. UCD-MIA See Uniform Call Distribution-Most Idle Agent. Unrestricted call list Uniform Dial Plan (UDP) on page 431. Underwriter Laboratories User manager Uniform Call An agent selection method for delivery of calls. With UCD-LOA implemented, calls Distribution-Least are delivered to the available agent with the lowest percentage of work time since Occupied Agent (UCD-…
  • Page 432
    vector directory number (VDN) vector directory number An extension that provides access to the Vectoring feature on the switch. Vectoring (VDN) allows a customer to specify the treatment of incoming calls based on the dialed number. vector-controlled split A hunt group or ACD split administered with the vector field enabled. Access to such a split is possible only by dialing a VDN extension.
  • Page 433
    work mode One of four states (Auto-In, Manual-In, ACW, AUX-Work) that an ACD agent can be in. Upon logging in, an agent enters AUX-Work mode. To become available to receive ACD calls, the agent enters Auto-In or Manual-In mode. To do work associated with a completed ACD call, an agent enters ACW mode.
  • Page 434
    434 Communication Manager Guide to ACD Call Centers…
  • Page 435: Index

    Service Observing ….69, Avaya CMS …..

  • Page 436
    ….Agent Call Handling, (continued) ANI/II-Digits ….logins/logouts announcements see also Recorded Announcement and VDN of Origin…
  • Page 437
    ……77-91 AUDIX Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) interactions ACD splits, see under splits .
  • Page 438
    Avaya CMS ….QSIG Avaya National Customer Care Center Support Line ..Redirection on No Answer (RONA) … . .
  • Page 439
    ..Expert Agent Selection (EAS) … Avaya Business Advocate ..VDN in a Coverage Path .
  • Page 440
    Call Pickup Call Vectoring, interactions, (continued) ….. . . directed call pickup Class of Restriction (COR) interactions … . Code Calling Access .
  • Page 441
    ..CallVisor ASAI consider split/location adjust-by x interactions considerations … VDN in a Coverage Path … 59, Agent Call Handling Consult .
  • Page 442
    direct agent calling (DAC), (continued) Expert Agent Selection (EAS), interactions, (continued) ….. . . RONA routing sequences automatic answering ….Service Observing .
  • Page 443
    ….feature compatibility … features that work together ..Feature-Related System Parameters .
  • Page 444
    Intercom—Dial logouts (agent) ….interactions Agent Call Handling ….Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) Auto Available Split (AAS) .
  • Page 445
    ..Minimum Agent-LoginID Password Length most idle agents (MIA) ….across splits or skills ..283, 289, 293, 301, 305, 316, Name .
  • Page 446
    ….. . . Port Reason Codes, (continued) ….
  • Page 447
    … . . Redirection on No Answer (RONA), interactions, (continued) Service Level Supervisor ..182, Multiple Call Handling (MCH) Service Level Supervisor Call Selection Override … . . 139, Service Level Target .
  • Page 448
    Service Observing, interactions, (continued) skills, (continued) . . 236, VDN of Origin Announcement (VOA) settings … . . many forced MCH ….
  • Page 449
    ….SNTP software Distributed Communications System (DCS) ..using Avaya Site Administration to set up ….Remote AUDIX timed after call work (ACW) .
  • Page 450
    Universal Call ID (UCID), (continued) VDN of Origin Announcement (VOA), (continued) tracking interactions ……complex conference Agent Call Handling .
  • Page 451
    vector directory numbers (VDN) Voice Response Integration (VRI), interactions, (continued) ….Agent Call Handling override Expert Agent Selection (EAS) ..Redirection on No Answer (RONA) .
  • Page 452
    VuStats, (continued) ….detailed description ….display formats ..wait answer supervision timers (WAST) .

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