Beko wkl 15065 k инструкция на русском языке

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  • Марку и модель вашей машинки.
  • Симптомы неисправной работы. Например, стиральная машина не открывается или из нее течет вода.
  • Подходящий день ремонта.
  • Имя, адрес, телефон.

В назначенный день ремонта наш мастер свяжется с вами, чтобы подтвердить точное время ремонта.

Если ваша стиральная машина BEKO WKL 15066 K сломалась, не медлите с ее ремонтом! Чем скорее вы обратитесь к специалистам, тем выше шансы избежать более сложного и дорогого ремонта. В сервисном центре «РемБытТех» вашу заявку на ремонт примут и обработают уже в течение 24 часов после обращения. Наш мастер качественно отремонтирует стиральную машину любого года выпуска с гарантией до 2 лет на работы и новые установленные запчасти.

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    Washing Machine Стиральная฀машина Mašina za pranje veša WKL 15105 D WKL 15085 D WKL 15065 K

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    of reach of children or dispose them by classifying according to waste directives. 1 Warnings General Safety • Never place your machine on a carpet covered floor. Otherwise, lack of airflow from below of your machine may cause electrical parts to overheat. This may cause problems with your washing

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    with the machine to the water intake valves on the machine. 2 Installation Removing packaging reinforcement Tilt the machine to remove the packaging reinforcement. Remove the packaging reinforcement by pulling the ribbon. Opening the transportation locks A Transportation safety bolts must be

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    too long you may have it shortened. • The maximum length of the combined hoses must not be longer than 3.2 m. Correct load capacity Electrical connection Loading door C Please follow the information in the «Program Selection Table». Washing results will degrade when the machine is overloaded.

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    4 Selecting a program and operating your machine Control panel 3 4 5 1 2 12345- Start/Pause/Cancel Button Auxiliary Function Keys On/Off Button Program Follow-up Indicators Program Selection Knob Turning the machine on You can prepare the machine for program selection by pressing the “On/Off”

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    compared to the “Cottons” program. It is recommended for your synthetic clothes (such as shirts, blouses, synthetic/cotton blended garments, etc.). For curtains and lace, the “Synthetic 40” program with prewash and anti-creasing functions selected is recommended. •Delicates You can wash your

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    No Heat No Spin Spin speed reduction Rinse Hold Rinse Plus Prewash Energy Consumption (kWh) Water Consumption (l) Programme Programme Duration (~min) Max. Load (kg) Program selection and consumption table Cottons 90 5 133 45 1.65 • • • • • • Cottons 60** 5 145 49 0.85 • • • • • • Cottons 40 5 142

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    Spin speed reduction Auxiliary functions Auxiliary function selection keys Select the required auxiliary functions before starting the program. C Auxiliary function buttons may differ according to the model of your machine. Auxiliary function selection If an auxiliary function that should not be

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    cancelled or selected in accordance with the step the program is at. The door can be opened if the water level is suitable. Laundry may be added / taken out by opening the door. Child-proof lock You can protect the appliance from being tampered by children by means of the childproof lock. In this

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    carefully to their places and tighten the hose nuts by hand. Draining any remaining water and cleaning the pump filter Your product is equipped with a filter system which ensures a cleaner water discharge that extends pump life by preventing solid items such as buttons, coins and fabric fibers from

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    6 Solution suggestions for problems Problem Cause Machine may have to self Program cannot switched protection mode due to be started or an infrastructure problem selected. (such as line voltage, water pressure, etc.). Explanation / Suggestion Reset your machine by pressing “Start/Pause/ Cancel”

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    7 Specifications WKL 15085 D WKL 15065 K WKL 15105 D Maximum dry laundry capacity (kg) 5 5 5 Height (cm) 84 84 84 Width (cm) 60 60 60 Depth (cm) 45 45 45 Net Weight (kg) Models 61 61 61 Electricity (V/Hz.) 230/50 230/50 230/50 Total Current (A) 10 10 10 Total Power (W) 2200 2200 2200 800 600 1000

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    1฀Предупреждения Просим฀прочитать฀следующую฀ информацию.฀В฀противном฀случае฀ имеется฀опасность฀получения฀травм฀ или฀нанесения฀материального฀ущерба.฀ Кроме฀того,฀обязательства฀о฀гарантии฀и฀ ответственности฀утратят฀силу. Общие฀правила฀безопасности •฀ Не฀устанавливайте฀машину฀на฀пол,฀

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    •฀ •฀฀ •฀ •฀฀ •฀ •฀ •฀ •฀ •฀ •฀ •฀ •฀฀ ฀ безопасном฀и฀недоступном฀для฀детей฀ месте. нагреваться฀до฀90°С฀и,฀как฀следствие,฀ стекло฀может฀быть฀очень฀горячим. Никогда฀не฀пытайтесь฀открыть฀ дверцу฀загрузки฀белья,฀если฀она฀ заблокирована!฀Дверцу฀можно฀открыть฀ через฀несколько฀минут฀после฀окончания฀

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    2฀Установка฀ •฀฀ Подсоедините฀специальные฀шланги,฀ входящие฀в฀комплект฀поставки,฀к฀ Удаление฀упаковочных฀ креплений Для฀удаления฀упаковочных฀креплений฀ наклоните฀машину.฀Снимите฀упаковочные฀ крепления,฀потянув฀за฀ленту. Удаление฀транспортировочных฀ креплений. A฀ Перед฀эксплуатацией฀машины฀

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    Подключение฀к฀электрической฀ сети Подключите฀машину฀к฀розетке฀с฀ заземлением,฀защищенной฀соответствующим฀ предохранителем. Важно: •฀฀ Подключение฀должно฀осуществляться฀ в฀соответствии฀с฀национальными฀ стандартами. •฀฀ Напряжение฀и฀допустимые฀параметры฀ предохранителей฀указаны฀в฀разделе฀

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    4฀Выбор฀программы฀и฀эксплуатация฀машины Панель฀управления 3 4 5 1 2 ฀฀1-Кнопка฀«Вкл./Выкл.» ฀฀2-Индикатор฀выполнения฀программы ฀฀3-Ручка฀выбора฀программы ฀฀4-Клавиши฀дополнительных฀функций ฀฀5-Кнопка฀«Пуск/Пауза/Отмена฀программы» Включите฀машину Вы฀можете฀подготовить฀машину฀к฀выбору฀

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    программой฀«Хлопок»฀в฀процессе฀стирки฀ используются฀более฀легкие฀движения฀и฀более฀ короткий฀цикл฀стирки.฀Она฀рекомендуется฀ для฀синтетических฀тканей฀(например,฀для฀ рубашек,฀блуз,฀смешанных฀синтетических/ хлопчатобумажных฀тканей฀и฀т.п.).฀Для฀штор฀и฀ тюля฀рекомендуется฀программа฀«Синтетика฀

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    Максимальная฀ загрузка฀(кг) Длительность฀ программы฀(~мин.) Расход฀воды฀(л) Потребление฀энергии฀ (кВт/ч) Замачивание Дополнительное฀ полоскание ฀Остановка฀с฀водой Уменьшение฀скорости฀ отжима Без฀отжима Без฀нагрева Таблица฀программ฀и฀потребления ฀Хлопок 90 5 133 45 1.65 • • • • • • ฀Хлопок 60** 5

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    Дополнительные฀функции панели. Без฀отжима Кнопки฀выбора฀дополнительных฀ функций Перед฀запуском฀программы฀выберите฀нужные฀ дополнительные฀функции. C฀ Кнопки฀выбора฀дополнительных฀ функций฀могут฀отличаться฀в฀ зависимости฀от฀модели฀вашей฀машины. Выбор฀дополнительных฀функций

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    Блокировка฀кнопок Вы฀можете฀защитить฀бытовой฀прибор฀от฀детей฀ с฀помощью฀блокировки.฀В฀этом฀случае฀нельзя฀ изменить฀настройки฀в฀текущей฀программе. Машина฀переключается฀в฀режим฀блокировки฀ кнопок฀одновременным฀нажатием฀кнопок฀1-й฀и฀ 2-й฀дополнительных฀функций฀слева฀в฀течение฀3฀

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    Слив฀остатка฀воды฀и฀чистка฀ фильтра฀насоса฀ Ваша฀машина฀оснащена฀фильтрующей฀ системой,฀обеспечивающей฀очистку฀сливаемой฀ воды฀и฀продлевающей฀срок฀службы฀насоса,฀ путем฀предотвращения฀попадания฀в฀ крыльчатку฀насоса฀твердых฀предметов,฀таких฀ как฀пуговицы,฀монеты฀и฀волокна฀ткани,฀во฀

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    6฀Рекомендации฀по฀устранению฀неисправностей Неисправность Причина Объяснение฀/฀Рекомендация Невозможно฀ включить฀или฀ выбрать฀программу. Возможно,฀машина฀ переключилась฀в฀ режим฀самозащиты฀ из-за฀неисправности฀ инфраструктуры฀ (например,฀напряжение฀ сети,฀давление฀воды฀и฀ т.п.).

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    7฀Технические฀характеристики Модели WKL฀15085฀D ฀WKL฀15065฀K WKL฀15105฀D Максимальная฀вместимость฀ белья฀для฀стирки฀(кг). 5 5 5 Высота฀(см.) 84 84 84 Ширина฀(см.) 60 60 60 Глубинa฀(см.) 45 45 45 Вес฀нетто฀(кг.) 61 61 61 Электропитание฀(В/Гц.) 230/50 230/50 230/50 Потребляемый฀ток฀(А.) 10 10 10

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    1฀Upozorenja Opšta฀bezbednost •฀ Nikada฀nemojte฀da฀stavljate฀Vašu฀ mašinu฀na฀pod฀prekriven฀tepihom.฀ Inače฀nedostatak฀protoka฀vazduha฀ ispod฀Vaše฀mašine฀može฀da฀dovede฀ do฀pregrejavanja฀električnih฀delova.฀To฀ može฀da฀dovede฀do฀problema฀s฀Vašom฀ mašinom฀za฀veš. •฀

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    2฀Instalacija Uklanjanje฀pojačanja฀pakovanja Nagnite฀mašinu฀da฀biste฀uklonili฀pojačanja฀ pakovanja.฀Uklonite฀pojačanje฀pakovanja฀ povlačenjem฀trake. Otvaranje฀transportnih฀brava A฀Transportni฀bezbednosni฀šrafovi฀moraju฀ da฀se฀skinu฀pre฀stavljanja฀mašine฀u฀ pogon,฀inače฀će฀mašina฀da฀se฀oštetiti! 1.฀

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    Elektroinstalacija Deterdženti฀i฀omekšivači Fioka฀za฀deterdžent Fioka฀deterdženta฀se฀sastoji฀od฀3฀odeljka: Raspršivač฀deterdženta฀može฀da฀bude฀u฀dvije฀ različite฀vrste฀prema฀modelu฀Vaše฀mašine –฀(I)฀za฀pretpranje –฀(II)฀za฀glavno฀pranje -฀(III)฀sifon –฀( )za฀oplemenjivač

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    4฀Izbor฀programa฀i฀rad฀s฀Vašom฀mašinom Kontrolna฀tabla 2 5 1 Uključivanje฀mašine Možete฀da฀pripremite฀mašinu฀za฀izbor฀ programa฀pritiskom฀na฀dugme฀za฀Uključivanje/ isključivanje.฀Kad฀se฀pritisne฀dugme฀za฀ Uključivanje/isključivanje,฀lampica฀“Spreman”฀ se฀uključi,฀što฀znači฀da฀฀su฀vrata฀otključana.฀

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    se฀za฀Vašu฀sintetičku฀odeću฀(kao฀što฀su฀ košulje,฀bluze,฀odeća฀od฀sintetike/mešano฀s฀ pamukom,฀itd.).฀Za฀zavese฀i฀čipku,฀preporučuje฀ se฀izbor฀programa฀“Sintetika฀40”฀s฀funkcijom฀ pretpranja฀i฀funkcijom฀protiv฀gužvanja. •฀Osetljivo Na฀ovom฀programu฀možete฀da฀perete฀Vašu฀

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    Maks.฀opterećenje฀ (kg) Trajanje฀programa฀ (~min) Potrošnja฀vode฀(l) Potrošnja฀energije฀ (kWh) Pretpranje Dodatno฀ispiranje Zadržavanje฀ ispiranja Smanjenje฀brzine฀ centrifuge Bez฀centrifuge Bez฀zagrevanja Tabela฀programa฀i฀potrošnje ฀Pamuk 90 5 133 45 1.65 • • • • • • ฀Pamuk 60** 5 145 49 0.85 • •

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    Pomoćne฀funkcije Tasteri฀za฀biranje฀pomoćnih฀funkcija Izaberite฀potrebne฀dodatne฀funkcije฀pre฀ uključivanja฀programa. C฀Tasteri฀za฀pomoćne฀funkcije฀mogu฀da฀ se฀razlikuju฀zavisno฀od฀modela฀Vaše฀ mašine. Biranje฀pomoćnih฀funkcija Ako฀se฀izabere฀pomoćna฀funkcija฀koja฀ne฀

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    5฀Održavanje฀i฀čišćenje Brava฀koju฀deca฀ne฀mogu฀da฀ otvore Možete฀da฀zaštitite฀aparat฀da฀ga฀deca฀ne฀ diraju฀pomoću฀brave฀za฀decu.฀U฀ovom฀slučaju,฀ u฀radu฀programa฀neće฀doći฀do฀nikakve฀ promene. Mašina฀se฀prebacuje฀na฀zaključavanje฀zbog฀ dece฀pritiskom฀na฀1.฀i฀2.฀pomoćnu฀funkciju฀

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    koji฀osigurava฀ispuštanje฀čišće฀vode฀koja฀ produžava฀vek฀trajanja฀pumpe฀sprečavanjem฀ začepljenja฀popelera฀pumpe฀predmetima฀kao฀ što฀su฀dugmad,฀kovanice฀i฀tkanina. •฀฀ Ako฀Vaša฀mašina฀ne฀uspe฀da฀izbaci฀ vodu,฀filter฀pumpe฀može฀da฀bude฀ začepljen.฀Možda฀ćete฀morati฀da฀ga฀

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    6฀Predlozi฀za฀otklanjanje฀problema Problem Razlog Mašina฀se฀možda฀prebacila฀ Program฀ne฀ u฀režim฀samozaštite฀zbog฀ može฀da฀se฀ problema฀infrastrukture฀(kao฀ uključi฀ili฀izabere. što฀su฀napon,฀pritisak฀vode,฀ itd.). Objašnjenje฀/Predlog Resetirajte฀Vašu฀mašinu฀pritiskom฀na฀taster฀

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    7฀฀Specifikacije Modeli WKL฀15085฀D ฀WKL฀15065฀K ฀WKL฀15105฀D Maksimalni฀kapacitet฀suvog฀veša฀(kg) 5 5 5 Visina฀(cm) 84 84 84 Širina฀(cm) 60 60 60 Dubina฀(cm) 45 45 45 Neto฀težina฀(kg) 61 61 61 Napajanje฀(V/Hz) 230/50 230/50 230/50 Ukupni฀napon฀(A) 10 10 10 Ukupna฀snaga฀(W) 2200 2200 2200

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    Действует฀только฀на฀территории฀РФ฀/฀฀/аlid฀for฀Russian฀Federation฀only ГАРАНТИЯ฀2฀ГОДА Адрес:฀ООО฀«БЕКО»฀601010฀Владимирская฀область,฀Киржачский฀р-он,฀завод฀«БЕКО» Телефон฀cлужбы฀сервиса฀฀8-800-200-23-56฀(Звонок฀бесплатный฀на฀всей฀территории฀России) http://www.bеко.ru Гарантийный฀талон

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  • Характеристики стиральной машины beko wkl-15065-k

    Характеристики модели
    Установка отдельно стоящая, съемная крышка для встраивания 
    Тип загрузки фронтальная 
    Габариты (ШxГxВ)
    Максимальная загрузка белья 5 кг 
    Управление электронное (интеллектуальное) 
    Тип сушки
    Цвет белый 
    Вес 60 кг 
    Пузырьковая стирка
    Прямой привод
    Класс энергопотребления
    Защита от протечек воды частичная (корпус) 
    Материал бака пластик 

    +7 (8442) 61-39-05

    background image

    2 — EN

    1 Warnings

    General Safety

    •  Never place your machine on a

    carpet covered floor. Otherwise,

    lack of airflow from below of your

    machine may cause electrical parts to

    overheat. This may cause problems

    with your washing machine.

    •  If the power cable or mains plug is

    damaged you must call Authorized

    Service for repair.

    •  Fit the drain hose into the discharge

    housing securely to prevent any

    water leakage and to allow machine

    to take in and discharge water as

    required. It is very important that the

    water intake and drain hoses are not

    folded, squeezed, or broken when

    the appliance is pushed into place

    after it is installed or cleaned.

    •  Your washing machine is designed to

    continue operating when the power

    restores after a power interruption.

    The machine will resume its program

    when the power restores. Press the

    “Start/Pause/Cancel” button for 3

    seconds to cancel the program (See,

    Canceling a Program)

    •  There may be some water in your

    machine when you receive it. This is

    from the quality control process and

    is normal. It is not harmful to your


    •  Some problems you may encounter

    may be caused by the infrastructure.

    Press “Start/Pause/Cancel” button

    for 3 seconds to cancel the program

    set in your machine before calling the

    authorized service.

    First Use

    •  Carry out your first washing process

    without loading your machine and

    with detergent under “Cottons 90°C”


    •  Ensure that the cold and hot water

    connections are made correctly when

    installing your machine.

    •  If the current fuse or circuit breaker is

    less than 16 Amperes, please have

    a qualified electrician install a 16

    Ampere fuse or circuit breaker.

    •  While using with or without a

    transformer, do not neglect to have

    the grounding installation laid by a

    qualified electrician. Our company

    shall not be liable for any damages

    that may arise when the machine is

    used on a line without grounding.

    •  Keep the packaging materials out

    of reach of children or dispose them

    by classifying according to waste


    Intended use

    •  This product has been designed for

    home use.

    •  The appliance may only be used for

    washing and rinsing of textiles that

    are marked accordingly.

    Safety instructions

    •  This appliance must be connected to

    an earthed outlet protected by a fuse

    of suitable capacity.

    •  The supply and draining hoses must

    always be securely fastened and

    remain in an undamaged state.

    •  Fit the draining hose to a washbasin

    or bathtub securely before starting up

    your machine. There may be a risk of

    being scalded due to high washing


    •  Never open the loading door or

    remove the filter while there is still

    water in the drum.

    •  Unplug the machine when it is not in


    •  Never wash down the appliance with

    a water hose! There is the risk of

    electric shock!

    •  Never touch the plug with wet hands.

    Do not operate the machine if the

    power cord or plug is damaged.

    •  For malfunctions that cannot be

    solved by information in the operating


    •  Turn off the machine, unplug it,

    turn off the water tap and contact

    an authorized service agent. You

    may refer to your local agent or

    solid waste collection center in your

    municipality to learn how to dispose

    of your machine.

    If there are children in your 


    •  Keep children away from the machine

    when it is operating. Do not let them

    tamper with the machine.

    •  Close the loading door when you

    leave the area where the machine is


    Стиральная машина Beko WKL 15065 K — инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.

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    Washing Machine

    Стиральная машина

    Mašina za pranje veša

    WKL 15105 D WKL 15085 D WKL 15065 K

    1 Warnings

    General Safety

    • Never place your machine on a carpet covered floor. Otherwise, lack of airflow from below of your machine may cause electrical parts to overheat. This may cause problems with your washing machine.

    • If the power cable or mains plug is damaged you must call Authorized Service for repair.

    • Fit the drain hose into the discharge housing securely to prevent any water leakage and to allow machine to take in and discharge water as required. It is very important that the water intake and drain hoses are not folded, squeezed, or broken when the appliance is pushed into place after it is installed or cleaned.

    • Your washing machine is designed to continue operating when the power restores after a power interruption. The machine will resume its program when the power restores. Press the “Start/Pause/Cancel” button for 3 seconds to cancel the program (See, Canceling a Program)

    • There may be some water in your machine when you receive it. This is from the quality control process and is normal. It is not harmful to your machine.

    • Some problems you may encounter may be caused by the infrastructure. Press “Start/Pause/Cancel” button for 3 seconds to cancel the program set in your machine before calling the authorized service.

    First Use

    • Carry out your first washing process without loading your machine and with detergent under “Cottons 90°C” program.

    • Ensure that the cold and hot water connections are made correctly when installing your machine.

    • If the current fuse or circuit breaker is less than 16 Amperes, please have a qualified electrician install a 16 Ampere fuse or circuit breaker.

    • While using with or without a transformer, do not neglect to have the grounding installation laid by a qualified electrician. Our company shall not be liable for any damages that may arise when the machine is used on a line without grounding.

    • Keep the packaging materials out

    of reach of children or dispose them by classifying according to waste directives.

    Intended use

    • This product has been designed for home use.

    • The appliance may only be used for washing and rinsing of textiles that are marked accordingly.

    Safety instructions

    • This appliance must be connected to an earthed outlet protected by a fuse of suitable capacity.

    • The supply and draining hoses must always be securely fastened and remain in an undamaged state.

    • Fit the draining hose to a washbasin or bathtub securely before starting up your machine. There may be a risk of being scalded due to high washing temperatures!

    • Never open the loading door or remove the filter while there is still water in the drum.

    • Unplug the machine when it is not in use.

    • Never wash down the appliance with a water hose! There is the risk of electric shock!

    • Never touch the plug with wet hands. Do not operate the machine if the power cord or plug is damaged.

    • For malfunctions that cannot be solved by information in the operating manual:

    • Turn off the machine, unplug it, turn off the water tap and contact an authorized service agent. You may refer to your local agent or solid waste collection center in your municipality to learn how to dispose of your machine.

    If there are children in your


    • Keep children away from the machine when it is operating. Do not let them tamper with the machine.

    • Close the loading door when you leave the area where the machine is located.

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    BEKO WKL 15065 K User Manual

    2 Installation

    Removing packaging reinforcement

    Tilt the machine to remove the packaging reinforcement. Remove the packaging reinforcement by pulling the ribbon.

    Opening the transportation locks

    A Transportation safety bolts must be removed before operating the washing machine! Otherwise, the machine will be damaged!

    1. Loosen all the bolts with a spanner until they rotate freely (“C”)

    2. Remove transportation safety bolts by turning them gently.

    3. Fit the covers (supplied in the bag with the Operation Manual) into the holes on the rear panel. (“P”)

    C Keep the transportation safety bolts in a safe place to reuse when the washing machine needs to be moved again in the future.

    C Never move the appliance without the transportation safety bolts properly fixed in place!

    Adjusting the feet

    A Do not use any tools to loosen the lock nuts. Otherwise, they can be damaged.

    1. Manually (by hand) loosen the lock nuts on the feet.

    2. Adjust them until the machine stands level and firmly.

    3. Important: Tighten all lock nuts up again.

    Connecting to the water supply.


    The water supply pressure required to run the machine must be 1-10 bar (0,1 – 1 MPa).

    Connect the special hoses supplied

    with the machine to the water intake valves on the machine.

    • If you are going to use your double water-inlet machine as a single (cold) water-inlet unit, you must install the stopper*, supplied with your machine to the hot water valve.

    • If you want to use both water inlets of the product, you can connect the hot water hose after removing the stopper and gasket group from the hot water valve.

    * Applies for the products supplied with a blind stopper group.

    • Models with a single water inlet should not be connected to the hot water tap.

    When returning the appliance to its place after maintenance or cleaning, care should be taken not to fold, squeeze or block the hoses.

    Connecting to the drain

    The water discharge hose can be attached to the edge of a washbasin or bathtub. The drain hose should be firmly fitted into the drain as to not get out of its housing.


    The end of the drain hose must be directly connected to the wastewater drain or to the washbasin.

    The hose should be attached to a height of at least 40 cm, and 100 cm at most.

    In case the hose is elevated after laying it on the floor level or close

    to the ground (less than 40 cm above the ground), water discharge becomes more difficult and the laundry may come out wet.

    The hose should be pushed into the drainage for more than 15 cm. If it is

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    too long you may have it shortened.

    • The maximum length of the combined hoses must not be longer than 3.2 m.

    Electrical connection

    Connect the machine to an earthed outlet protected by a fuse of suitable capacity.


    • Connection should comply with national regulations.

    • The voltage and the allowed fuse protection are specified in the section “Technical Specifications”.

    • The specified voltage must be equal to your mains voltage.

    • Connection via extension cords or multi-plugs should not be made.

    B A damaged power cable must be replaced by a qualified electrician.

    B The appliance must not be operated unless it is repaired! There is the risk of electric shock!

    Correct load capacity

    C Please follow the information in the «Program Selection Table». Washing results will degrade when the machine is overloaded.

    Loading door

    The door locks during program operation and the Door Locked Symbol lights up. The door can be opened when the symbol fades out.

    Detergents and softeners

    Detergent Drawer

    The detergent drawer is composed of three compartments:

    The detergent dispenser may be in two different types according to the model of your machine.

    (I) for prewash

    (II) for main wash — (III) siphon

    () for softener

    3 Initial preparations for washing

    Preparing clothes for washing

    Laundry items with metal attachments such as, bras, belt buckles and metal buttons will damage the machine. Remove metal attachments or place the items in a clothing bag, pillow case, or something similar.

    Sort the laundry according to type of fabric, color, and degree of soiling and permissible water temperature. Always follow the advice on the garment labels.

    Place small items like infants’ socks and nylon stockings, etc. in a laundry bag, pillow case or something similar. This will also save your laundry from getting lost.

    Wash “machine washable” or “hand washable” labeled products only with an appropriate program.

    Do not wash colors and whites together. New, dark colored cottons may release a lot of dye. Wash them separately.

    Use only dyes/color changers and lime removers suitable for machine wash. Always follow the instructions on the packaging.

    Wash trousers and delicate clothes turned inside out.

    Detergent, softener and other cleaning agents

    Add detergent and softener before starting the washing program.

    Never open the detergent dispenser drawer while the washing program is running!

    When using a program without pre-wash, no detergent should be put into the prewash compartment (Compartment no. I).

    Detergent quantity

    The amount of washing detergent to be used depends on the amount of laundry, the degree of soiling and water hardness.

    Do not use amounts exceeding the quantities recommended on the package to avoid problems of

    excessive foam, poor rinsing, financial savings and finally, environmental protection.

    Never exceed the (> max <) level marking; otherwise, the softener will be wasted without being used.

    Do not use liquid detergent if you want to wash using the time delay feature.

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    4 Selecting a program and operating your machine

    Control panel






    1 — Start/Pause/Cancel Button

    2 — Auxiliary Function Keys

    3 — On/Off Button

    4 — Program Follow-up Indicators

    5 — Program Selection Knob

    Turning the machine on

    You can prepare the machine for program selection by pressing the “On/Off” button. When the “On/Off” button is pressed, the “Ready” light illuminates indicating that the door is ulocked. Press the “On/Off” button again to shut down the machine.

    Program selection

    Select the appropriate program from the program table and the following washing temperature table according to type, amount and degree of soiling of the laundry. Select the desired program with the program selection button.

    C Each of these programs consist of a complete washing process, including wash, rinse and, if required, spin cycles.


    Normally soiled, white

    cottons and linens.

    Normally soiled, fade proof


    colored linens, cottons or

    synthetic clothes and lightly

    soiled white linens


    Blended clothes including


    synthetics and woolens as


    well as delicate clothes.

    C Programs are limited with the highest spin speed appropriate for that particular type of cloth.

    Main programs

    Depending on the type of textile, the following main programs are available:


    You can wash your durable clothes with this program. Your laundry will be washed with vigorous washing movements during a longer washing cycle.


    You can wash your less durable clothes on this program. Gentler washing movements and a shorter washing cycle is used

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    compared to the “Cottons” program. It is recommended for your synthetic clothes (such as shirts, blouses, synthetic/cotton blended garments, etc.). For curtains and lace, the “Synthetic 40” program with prewash and anti-creasing functions selected is recommended.


    You can wash your delicate clothes on this program. It has more sensitive

    washing movements and does not make intermediate spinning compared to “Synthetic” program.


    You can wash your machine-washable woolen garments on this program. Wash by selecting the proper temperature according to the labels of your clothes. It is recommended to use appropriate detergents for woolens.

    •Hand Wash

    You can wash your woolen/delicate clothes that bear “not machinewashable” labels for which hand wash is recommended on this program. It washes the laundry with very tender washing movements without damaging your clothes.

    Additional programs

    For special cases, there are also extra programs available:

    C Additional programs may differ according to the model of your machine.

    • Super

    This program washes for a longer period at 40°C and gives the same result as the “Cottons 60°C” program, thus it saves energy. It is suitable for clothes for which you cannot use the “Cotton 60°C” program.

    • Mini

    This program is used to quickly wash (30 minutes) a small amount of lightly soiled cotton garments.

    Special programs

    For specific applications, you can select any of the following programs:

    • Rinse

    This program is used when you want to rinse or starch separately.

    • Pump + Spin

    This program spins with maximum possible rpm in the default setting after the water drains from the machine.

    C You should use a lower spin speed for delicate laundries.

    Spin Speed selection

    You can have your clothes spun at the maximum rpm selection on your machine by using the selection knob in models equipped with an rpm selection knob. In order to protect your clothes, your machine will not spin above 800 rpm on synthetic programs and 600 rpm on woolens program. Furthermore, if you want to skip the spin cycle and take your clothes out, turn the rpm selection knob to “no spin” position.

    In machines not equipped with a spin speed selection knob, the machine will spin in the maximum possible rpm in the default setting of the selected program.

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    Program selection and consumption table





































































    Hand wash












    • : Selectable

    * : Automatically selected, not cancellable. **: Energy Label programme (EN 60456)

    Water and power consumption and programme duration may differ from the table shown, subject to changes in water pressure, water hardness and temperature, ambient

    temperature, type and amount of laundry, selection of auxiliary functions, and fluctuations in the supply voltage.

    C The auxiliary functions in the table may differ according to the model of your machine.

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    Auxiliary functions

    Auxiliary function selection keys

    Select the required auxiliary functions before starting the program.

    C Auxiliary function buttons may differ according to the model of your machine.

    Auxiliary function selection

    If an auxiliary function that should not be selected together with a previously selected function is chosen, the first selected function will be cancelled and the last auxiliary function selection will remain active.

    For example: If you want to select pre-wash first and then quick wash, pre-wash will be cancelled and quick wash will remain active.

    Auxiliary function that is not compatible with the program cannot be selected. (see “Program Selection Table”)


    A pre-wash is only worthwhile for heavily soiled laundry. Without pre-wash you save energy, water, detergent and time. Prewash without detergent is recommended for lace and curtains.

    Rinse Plus

    With this function, you can increase the number of current rinsing steps. Thus, sensitive skins’ risk of being affected by the remainder detergent on the clothes will be decreased.

    Rinse hold

    If you do not want to unload your clothes immediately after the cotton, synthetics, woolen and delicate fabrics program, you may release your clothes inside the machine in the last rinsing water by pressing the rinse hold button in order to prevent your clothes become wrinkled. After this process you may spin your laundry by pressing “Start/ Pause/Cancel” button or you may end the program by pressing “Start/Pause/Cancel” button for 3 sec.

    In the machines equipped with spin speed selection knob or button, you can spin by selecting the desired spin speed and press “Start/Pause/ Cancel” button.

    As for machines not equipped with a spin speed selection knob, you can end the program without a spin cycle by pressing the “Start/Pause/Cancel” button and draining the water. If you wish your clothes be spun, you can spin them by selecting “pump+spin” program.

    Spin speed reduction

    You may use the speed reduction button whenever you wish to spin your clothes below the maximum spin speed. When speed reduction button is pressed, spin speed will be at the minimum rpm given on the panel.

    No spin

    You may use this program if you do not want to spin your clothes at the end of cottons, synthetics, woolen or delicate programs.

    No Heat

    If you wish to wash your clothes in cold water, you can use this program.

    Starting the Program

    Press “Start/Pause/Cancel” button to start the program. “Start/Pause/Cancel” button will light up to indicate that the program has started. The door is locked and the “Lid” light fades.

    Progressing a program

    Progress of a running program is shown through the program follow-up indicator. At the beginning of every program step, the relevant indicator lamp will light up and light of the completed step will turn off.

    C If the machine is not spinning, the program may be in rinse hold mode or the automatic spin correction system has been activated because of excessive unbalanced distribution of laundry in the machine.

    Changing the selections after the program has started

    You can use this feature after your machine has started to wash different textile groups in the same batch of clothes under higher or lower temperatures. You must cancel the ongoing program in order to change the washing program.

    For example, press and hold the “Start/ Pause/Cancel” button for 3 seconds to “Cancel” the program in order to select “Cottons 40” program instead of “Cottons 60” program. Select the “Cottons 40” program by rotating the program knob. Press “Start/Pause/Cancel” button to start the program.

    Switching the machine to standby


    Press “Start/Pause/Cancel” button momentarily to switch your machine to the standby mode. Auxiliary functions can be

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    cancelled or selected in accordance with the step the program is at. The door can be opened if the water level is suitable. Laundry may be added / taken out by opening the door.

    Child-proof lock

    You can protect the appliance from being tampered by children by means of the childproof lock. In this case, no change can be made in the running program.

    The machine is switched to child-lock by pressing the 1st and 2nd auxiliary functions from the left for 3 sec. 1st auxiliary function light will flash continuously. To deactivate the child-proof lock, press the same buttons for 3 sec.

    Ending the program through canceling

    In order to cancel the selected program, press the “Start/Pause/Cancel” button for 3 seconds. The machine starts to discharge the water. “Wash” and “Program Finished” lights will light up. “Start/Pause/Cancel” and “Wash” lights will go off after discharging process is over and the “Lid” light will start flashing. “Lid” lamp will light up continuously when the door is unlocked.

    If the program is cancelled in the middle of the process, “Wash” and “Program Finished” lights will light up. The machine can drain all the water or can take in water

    for 3 times at most to cool down the clothes and complete draining process. When the water discharging process is completed, the “Wash” light will go off, the “Program Finished” light will light up and the “Lid” light will continuously flash until the door is unlocked.

    End of program

    The “Program Finished” lamp on the program follow-up indicator will light up when the program comes to an end. The lid is unlocked 2 minutes later, the “Program Finished” and “Lid” lamps will light up continuously. The machine is now ready for a second cycle.

    If any key is pressed when the machine is at the end of the program or if the position of the selection knob is changed, the “Program Finished” light will go off and only the “Lid” lamp will remain as lit. If the door is still locked, the “Lid” light will continue flashing until the door is unlocked.

    Press the “On/Off” button to shut down the machine.

    5 Maintenance and cleaning

    Detergent Drawer

    Remove any powder residue buildup in the drawer. To do this;

    1.Press the dotted point on the siphon in the softener compartment and pull towards you until the compartment is removed from the machine.

    C If more than a normal amount of water and softener mixture starts to gather in the softener compartment, the siphon must be cleaned.

    2. Wash the dispenser drawer and the siphon with plenty of lukewarm water in a washbasin.

    3. Replace the drawer into its housing after cleaning. Check if the siphon is in its original location.

    Inlet water filters

    There is a filter at the end of each water intake valve at the back side of the machine and also at the end of each water intake hose where they are connected to the tap. These filters prevent the foreign substances and dirt in the water to enter into the machine. Filters should be cleaned as they get dirty.

    Close the taps.

    Remove the nuts of the water intake hoses to clean the surfaces of the filters on the water intake valves with an appropriate brush.

    If the filters are very dirty, you can pull them out by means of pliers and clean them.

    Take out the filters on the flat ends of the water intake hoses together with the gaskets and clean thoroughly under streaming water.

    Replace the gaskets and filters

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    carefully to their places and tighten the hose nuts by hand.

    Draining any remaining water and cleaning the pump filter

    Your product is equipped with a filter system which ensures a cleaner water discharge that extends pump life by preventing solid items such as buttons, coins and fabric fibers from clogging the pump propeller during discharge of the washing water.

    • If your machine fails to drain the water, the pump filter may be clogged. You may have to clean it every 2 years or whenever it is

    plugged. Water must be drained off to clean the pump filter.

    In addition, water may have to be drained off completely in the following cases:

    • before transporting the machine (e.g. when moving house)

    • when there is the danger of frost In order to clean the dirty filter and discharge the water;

    1- Unplug the machine to cut off the supply power.

    AThere may be water at 90°C in the machine. Therefore, the filter must be cleaned only after the inside water is cooled down to avoid hazard of scalding.

    2- Open the filter cap. The filter cap may be composed of one or two pieces according to the model of your machine.

    If it is composed of two pieces, press the tab on the filter cap downwards and pull the piece out towards yourself.

    If it is composed of one piece, hold it from both sides and open it by pulling out.

    3- An emergency drain hose is supplied

    with some of our models. Others are not supplied with this item.

    If your product is supplied with an emergency drain hose, do the following as shown in the figure below:

    Pull out the pump outlet hose from its housing.

    Place a large container at the end of the hose. Drain the water off into the container by pulling out the plug at the end of the hose. If the amount of

    water to be drained off is greater than the volume of the container, replace the plug, pour the water out, then resume the draining process.

    • After draining process is completed, replace the plug into the end of the hose and fit the hose back into its place.

    If your product is not supplied with an emergency drain hose, do the following as shown in the figure below:

    • Place a large container in front of the filter to receive water flowing from the filter.

    • Loosen pump filter (anticlockwise)

    until water starts to flow out of it. Direct the flowing water into the container you have placed in front of the filter. You can use a piece of cloth to absorb any spilled water.

    • When there is no water left, turn the pump filter until it is completely loose and remove it.

    • Clean any residues inside the filter as well as fibers, if any, around the propeller region.

    • If your product has a water jet feature, be sure to fit the filter into its housing in the pump. Never force the filter while replacing it into its housing. Fit the filter fully into its housing; otherwise, water may leak from the filter cap.

    4- Close the filter cap.

    Close the two-piece filter cap of your product by pushing the tab on it.

    Close the one-piece filter cap of your product by fitting the tabs on the bottom into their positions and pushing the upper part of it.

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    6 Solution suggestions for problems



    Explanation / Suggestion

    Machine may have

    Program cannot

    switched to self

    Reset your machine by pressing “Start/Pause/

    protection mode due to

    be started or

    an infrastructure problem

    Cancel” button for 3 seconds. (see, Canceling


    a Program)

    (such as line voltage, water

    pressure, etc.).

    There is water

    Be sure the seals of the water inlet hoses are

    There might be problems

    securely fitted.

    coming from

    with hoses or the pump

    Tightly attach the drain hose to the tap.

    the bottom of


    Make sure that the pump filter is completely

    the machine.




    Machine can stop

    It will resume operating when the voltage is

    shortly after

    temporarily due to low

    back to the normal level.

    the program



    The automatic spin correction system might

    have been activated due to the unbalanced

    It continuously

    distribution of the laundry in the drum.

    The laundry in the drum may be clustered


    There may be an imbalance

    (bundled laundry in a bag). Laundry should be

    Remaining time

    does not count

    of laundry in the machine.

    rearranged and re-spun.


    No spinning is performed when the laundry is

    not evenly distributed in the drum to prevent

    any damage to the machine and to its


    In the case of a paused

    countdown while taking in

    The machine will wait until there is a sufficient


    amount of water to avoid poor washing results

    Timer will not countdown

    due to lack of water. Then the timer will start to

    until the machine is filled

    count down.

    with the correct amount of


    In the case of a paused

    countdown at the heating

    It continuously


    Time will not count


    down until the selected

    Remaining time

    temperature for the

    does not count

    program is reached


    The automatic spin correction system might

    have been activated due to the unbalanced

    In the case of a paused

    distribution of the laundry in the drum.

    The laundry in the drum may be clustered

    countdown at the spinning

    (bundled laundry in a bag). Laundry should be


    rearranged and re-spun.

    There may be an imbalance

    No spinning is performed when the laundry is

    of laundry in the machine.

    not evenly distributed in the drum to prevent

    any damage to the machine and to its


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    7 Specifications


    WKL 15085 D

    WKL 15065 K

    WKL 15105 D

    Maximum dry laundry capacity (kg)




    Height (cm)




    Width (cm)




    Depth (cm)




    Net Weight (kg)




    Electricity (V/Hz.)




    Total Current (A)




    Total Power (W)




    Spinning cycle (rpm max.)




    Specifications of this appliance may change without notice to improve the quality of the product. Figures in this manual are schematic and may not match your product exactly.

    Values stated on the machine labels or in the documentation accompanying it are obtained in laboratory in accordance with the relevant standards. Depending on operational and environmental conditions of the appliance, values may vary.

    This appliance’s packaging material is recyclable. Help recycle it and protect the environment by dropping it off in the municipal receptacles provided for this purpose. Your appliance also contains a great amount of recyclable material. It is marked with this label to indicate the used appliances that should not be mixed with other waste. This way, the appliance recycling organised by your manufacturer will be done under the best possible conditions, in compliance with European Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment. Contact your town hall or your retailer for the used appliance collection points closest to your home. We thank you doing your part to protect the environment.

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    Инструкция (руководство пользователя) на Стиральная машина Beko WKL-15065K

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