Camry 1996 руководство

  1. Руководства по ремонту
  2. Руководство по ремонту Тойота Камри 1996-2001 г.в.

Руководство по ремонту Toyota Camry / Тойота Камри 1996-

Общая информация об автомобиле.

Toyota Camry 1996-2001

Выпуск машин под маркой Toyota Camry начался в 1983 году, когда концерн приостановил выпуск автомобилей модельного ряда Corona и бросил свои силы на завоевание американских потребителей. Какова была дальнейшая судьба автомобилей данной марки, и сколько потребовалось времени и сил компании Toyota, чтобы обойти своего главного конкурента вы узнаете в данном обзоре.

В 1983 году лидером продаж в США была Honda Accord. Первое поколение этих авто было выпущено ещё в 1976 году в кузове хэтчбек, через год в производство был запущен седан, а в 1981 с конвейера сходит уже второе поколение этих авто, сборка которых проходила уже в Америке. Итак, в 1983 году Toyota начинает продажу иномарок нового класса, призванных потеснить автомобили Honda, лидировавшие по уровню продаж в США на то время.

С этого момента начинается соперничество двух автопроизводителей. Новая Toyota Camry обладала более совершенными техническими характеристиками, чем Honda и вскоре достигла уровня продаж фирмы-конкурента. Так, в борьбе за потребителя каждая из компаний старалась улучшить свои автомобили. В результате в 1985 Toyota расширяет цветовую гамму своих авто и добавляет 3 л.с. к мощности двигателя. А уже в 1988 было разработано новое, второе по счёту, поколение ряда Camry. Из нововведений стоит отметить увеличенную мощность двигателя, она составляла 115 л.с. и опережала Honda на 17 л.с., кроме того, разработчикам удалось улучшить шумоизоляцию двигателя, ну и плюс ко всему, теперь выпускали автомобили не с пяти, а с четырехдверным кузовом. Уже через год были реализованы новые конструкторские разработки: двигатель V6 DOHC, объёмом 2,5 литра и мощностью 153 л.с. и система полного привода. В том же году, благодаря своей растущей популярности среди американцев, был построен завод по производству Toyota Camry в Соединенных Штатах.

Вплоть до 1992 года особых изменений в конструкцию автомобиля не вносили, поскольку его популярность и так была достаточно высокой. А вот уже в 1992 году были изменены размеры кузова (ему придали обтекаемость), двигатель отныне мог иметь объем 2,2 литра и мощность 130 л.с.

Стоит отметить, что подобный тип двигателя был установлен в моделях серий DX, LE, XLE, а для настоящих поклонников марки был выпущен автомобиль серии SE, обладавший двигателем V6 объемом в 3 литра и мощностью 185 л.с., что позволяло развивать скорость до 100 км/час всего за 8 секунд. В комплектацию SE также входили спортивные подвески, шины большого радиуса, спортивные кресла и задний спойлер. Модели DX и LE были настолько просторными, что могли вмещать в себя до семи человек.

Без ложной скромности можно сказать, что 1992 год стал годом своеобразного триумфа для завода Toyota в Америке, поскольку 75 % седанов Toyota Camry, проданных в США, были выпущены именно на заводе в Кентукки, и 100% универсалов, проданных по всему миру, также были выпущены именно там.

↓ Комментарии ↓

1. Приборы и органы управления

1.0 Приборы и органы управления
1.1. Транспортные средства с правосторонним управлением
1.2. Информация перед вождением автомобиля
1.4. Технические характеристики
1.5. Несколько советов при покупке автомобиля

2. Техническое обслуживание

2.0 Техническое обслуживание
2.2 График техобслуживания Toyota Camry/ Avalon
2.3 Первичные и вторичные проверки
2.4 Проверка уровня масла и жидкостей
2.5 Проверка состояния шин и давления в шинах
2.6 Проверка уровня жидкости системы гидроусиления рулевого управления
2.7 Проверка уровня жидкости АКПП
2.8 Замена моторного масла и масляного фильтра
2.9 Осмотр и замена щеток стеклоочистителей
2.10 Проверка, техобслуживание и зарядка аккумулятора
2.11 Проверка, регулировка натяжения и замена приводного ремня
2.12 Проверка и замена шлангов в двигательном отсеке
2.13 Проверка системы охлаждения
2.14. Перестановка колес
2.15 Проверка тормозной системы
2.16 Замена воздушного фильтра
2.17 Проверка системы питания
2.18 Проверка уровня жидкости дифференциала (АКПП)
2.19 Проверка уровня масла МКПП
2.20 Проверка рулевого управления и подвески
2.21 Проверка чехлов полуосей
2.22 Проверка выпускной системы
2.23 Высота и свободный ход педалей сцепления и тормоза
2.24 Замена топливного фильтра
2.25 Замена охлаждающей жидкости и промывка системы охлаждения
2.26 Проверка системы, контролирующей выделения паров топлива
2.27 Замена жидкости АКПП
2.28 Замена масла МКПП
2.29 Проверка креплений кузова
2.30 Проверка и замена свечей зажигания
2.31 Проверка и замена проводов свечей зажигания
2.32 Проверка и регулировка зазоров клапанов
2.33 Замена прокладки крышки заливной горловины топливного бака
2.34 Проверка и замена клапана вентиляции картера

3. Двигатели

3.0 Двигатели
3.1. Проверка компрессии
3.2. 6-цилиндровые двухрядные двигатели V6 3,0 л
3.3. Переборка двигателей
3.4. Электрооборудование двигателя

4. Система охлаждения

4.0 Система охлаждения
4.2 Технические характеристики
4.3 Термостат
4.4 Охлаждающие вентиляторы
4.5 Радиатор и расширительный бачок
4.6 Водяной насос
4.7 Датчик температуры охлаждающей жидкости
4.8 Электрическая цепь мотора нагнетательного вентилятора
4.9 Электродвигатель нагнетательного вентилятора

5. Отопление и вентиляция

5.0 Отопление и вентиляция
5.2 Панель управления обогревателем и воздушным кондиционером
5.3 Радиатор обогревателя
5.4. Системы кондиционирования и обогрева
5.5 Электрическая цепь сцепления компрессора воздушного кондиционера
5.6 Влагоотделитель системы кондиционирования воздуха
5.7 Компрессор воздушного кондиционера
5.8 Холодильник системы кондиционирования воздуха
5.9 Испаритель системы кондиционирования воздуха

6. Топливная система

6.0 Топливная система
6.2 Технические характеристики
6.3 Сброс давления в топливной системе
6.4 Топливный насос и давление топлива
6.5 Топливные трубки и соединения трубок
6.6 Снятие и установка топливного насоса
6.7 Регулятор давления топлива
6.8 Датчик указателя уровня топлива
6.9 Топливный бак
6.10 Чистка и ремонт топливного бака
6.11 Кожух воздушного фильтра
6.12 Тросик акселератора
6.13 Электронная система впрыска топлива
6.14 Дроссель
6.15 Топливная магистраль и инжекторы

7. Выхлопная система

7.0 Выхлопная система
7.1 Системы снижения токсичности отработанных газов
7.2 Технические характеристики
7.3 OBD II-система
7.4 Компьютер OBD II-системы (Powertrain Control Module)
7.5 Датчик поворота дроссельной заслонки
7.6 Датчик абсолютного давления во всасывающем коллекторе
7.7 Датчик массового расхода воздуха
7.8 Датчик температуры всасываемого воздуха (IAT-датчик)
7.9 Датчик температуры охлаждающей жидкости (ECT-датчик)
7.10 Датчик вращения коленвала
7.11 Датчик вращения распредвала
7.12 Контактный датчик давления гидроусилителя
7.13 Датчик содержания кислорода в отработавших газах
7.14 Датчик детонации
7.15 Датчик скорости автомобиля
7.16 Перепускной воздушный клапан холостого хода (IAC-клапан)
7.17 Система выбора канала всасывания (ACIS-система)
7.18 Система вентиляции картера
7.19 Система рециркуляции
7.20 Система улавливания паров бензина
7.21 Нейтрализатор
7.22 Три в одном – или как уберечь катализатор

8. Трансмиссия

8. Сцепление
8.0 Трансмиссия
8.1. Уход за МКПП
8.2. Автоматическая коробка передач

9. Ходовая часть

9.0 Ходовая часть
9.1. Технические характеристики
9.2. Рулевое управление
9.3. Полуоси

10. Тормозная система

10.0 Тормозная система
10.2 Технические характеристики
10.3 ABS-система
10.4 Колодки дисковых тормозов
10.5 Суппорт тормоза
10.6 Диск тормоза
10.7 Колодки барабанных тормозов
10.8 Колесный цилиндр тормозов
10.9 Главный цилиндр тормозов
10.10 Шланги и трубки гидропривода
10.11 Удаление воздуха из гидропривода тормозов
10.12 Вакуумный усилитель тормозов
10.13 Колодки стояночного тормоза задних дисковых тормозов
10.14 Стояночный тормоз
10.15 Тросы стояночного тормоза
10.16 Выключатель сигнала торможения
10.17 АБС: естественный выбор
10.18 Неисправности тормозной системы

11. Кузов

11.0 Кузов
11.2 Виниловая отделка
11.3 Обивка и коврики
11.4 Незначительные повреждения кузова
11.5 Значительные повреждения кузова
11.6 Петли и замки
11.7 Ветровое стекло и неподвижные стекла
11.8 Центральный замок
11.9 Капот
11.10 Замок капота и трос привода замка
11.11 Декоративные панели бамперов
11.12 Переднее крыло
11.13 Крышка багажника
11.14 Защелка и замок крышки багажника
11.15 Трос привода отпирания дверцы топливного бака/ крышки багажника
11.16 Облицовочные панели дверей
11.17 Дверь
11.18 Защелка, замок двери и рукоятка
11.19 Стекло двери
11.20 Стеклоподъемник
11.21 Зеркала
11.22 Центральная напольная секция
11.23 Декоративные панели передней части облицовки салона
11.24 Кожухи рулевой колонки
11.25 Панель приборов
11.26 Облицовка рамы ветрового стекла
11.27 Сиденья
11.28 Вещевой лоток

12. Электрооборудование

12.0 Электрооборудование
12.1. Поиск неисправностей
12.2. Электросхемы

Снятие 1. Отсоедините провод минусовой клеммы аккумулятора. 2. Поднимите и закрепите переднюю часть автомобиля.

Снятие 1. Снимите капот. 2. Спустите давление в топливной системе. 3. Отсоедините провод минусовой

1. Переведите ключ зажигания в положение ON и включите заднюю передачу. Фонари заднего хода

Тросики переключения передач 1. Блок рычага переключения передач; 2. Фиксатор; 3. Шайба; 4. Тросик

Проверка течи из КПП Заключается в проверке герметичности разъемных соединений, прокладок и уплотнителей картера.

Моменты затяжки, Н·м Выключатель ламп фонарей заднего хода 45 Кронштейн выпускного коллектора:   – 4-цилиндровые

Снятие 1. Отсоедините батарею от массы. 2. Снимите трансмиссию. 3. Удалите пружину, достаньте вилку

Тросики переключения передач 1. Блок рычага переключения передач; 2. Фиксатор; 3. Шайба; 4. Тросик

Прокачка системы потребуется всякий раз после проведения разборки и сборки гидропривода сцепления. 1. Заполните

Детали сцепления 1. Маховик; 2. Фрикционный диск; 3. Кожух сцепления; 4. Болт; 5. Выжимной

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Bookmarks

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Part 1




Chapter 1-1

Overview of instruments

and controls


Instrument panel overview


Instrument cluster overview


Indicator symbols on the

instrument panel



Related Manuals for Toyota Camry 1996

Summary of Contents for Toyota Camry 1996

  • Page 1: And Controls

    Part 1 OPERATION OF INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS— Chapter 1-1 Overview of instruments and controls Instrument panel overview Instrument cluster overview Indicator symbols on the instrument panel…

  • Page 2: Instrument Panel Overview

    Instrument panel overview…

  • Page 4: Instrument Cluster Overview

    Instrument cluster overview…

  • Page 5: Indicator Symbols On The Instrument Panel

    Indicator symbols on the instrument panel Rear light failure warning light* Brake system warning light* SRS airbag warning light* Turn signal indicator lights Seat belt reminder light* Headlight high beam indicator light Discharge warning light* Overdrive-of f indicator light Malfunction indicator lamp* Low fuel level warning light* “PWR”…

  • Page 7: Operation Of Instruments And Controls

    Back door parked, leave the subkey with the atten- by a Toyota dealer using the key number. Hood dant. You should also put a copy of the key Since the side doors, back door and trunk number with your important papers.

  • Page 8: Side Doors

    Side doors LOCKING WITH KEY LOCKING WITH INSIDE LOCK KNOB LOCKING WITH POWER DOOR LOCK SWITCH Turn the key towards the front of the Turn the lock knob forward to lock and vehicle to lock and towards the back to backward to unlock the door.

  • Page 9: Power Windows

    Power windows LOCKING WITH REAR DOOR CHILD- The windows can be operated with the PROTECTORS switch on each side door. CAUTION The power windows work when the igni- Turn the lock knob to the “LOCK” Before driving, be sure that the tion switch is in the “ON”…

  • Page 10
    OPERATING THE PASSENGERS’ WIN- DOWS Use the switch on each passenger’s door or the switches on the driver’s door that control each passenger’s window. The windows move as long as you hold the switch. To open: Push down the switch. To close: Pull up the switch.
  • Page 11: Trunk Lid (Sedan And Coupe)

    Trunk lid (sedan and coupe)— —Lock release lever R Never leave small children alone in the vehicle, especially with the igni- tion key still inserted. They could use the power window switches and get trapped in a window. Unat- tended children can become in- volved in serious accidents.

  • Page 12: Luggage Security System

    —Luggage security system Back door (wagon)— This system deactivates the lock re- 2. After closing the trunk lid, insert the master key and turn it counterclock- lease lever so that things locked in the wise to deactivate the lock release lev- trunk can be protected.

  • Page 13: From Outside

    —Power back door lock FROM OUTSIDE To open the back door, insert the key and turn it clockwise to unlock. Then pull the handle and raise the door. To close the door, lower it and press down on it. After closing the back door, try pull- ing it up to make sure it is securely closed.

  • Page 14
    —Back door child protector (with third seat) Hood CAUTION R Before driving, be sure that the doors are closed and locked. Along with the proper use of seat belts, locking the back door helps prevent the passengers from be- ing thrown out from the vehicle during an accident.
  • Page 15: Fuel Tank Cap

    Make sure the cap is tightened securely. denly removed. The indicator lamp goes off after driving several times. If the indicator lamp does not go off, contact your Toyota dealer as soon as possible.

  • Page 16: Electric Moon Roof

    “UP” side. Pushing case of an accident. on the opposite side will lower it. R Use only a genuine Toyota fuel The moon roof works when the ignition tank cap for replacement. It has a switch is in the “ON” position. However, if…

  • Page 17
    CAUTION To avoid serious personal injury, you must do the following. R While the vehicle is moving, al- ways keep the head, hands and other parts of the body of all occu- pants away from the roof opening. Otherwise, you could be seriously injured if the vehicle stops sud- denly or if the vehicle is involved in an accident.
  • Page 19: Chapter 1-3 Seats, Seat Belts, Steering Wheel And Mirrors

    Front seats— Part 1 —Seat adjustment precautions Seats OPERATION OF While the vehicle is being driven, all ve- Adjust the driver’s seat so that the foot hicle occupants should have the seatback pedals, steering wheel and instrument INSTRUMENTS AND upright, sit well back in the seat and prop- panel controls are within easy reach of the erly wear the seat belts provided.

  • Page 20
    —Adjusting front seats (manual seat) ADJUSTING SEAT POSITION ADJUSTING DRIVER’S SEAT CUSH- ION ANGLE Pull the lock release lever up. Then slide the seat to the desired position Turn the knob either way. with slight body pressure and release ADJUSTING DRIVER’S SEAT LUM- the lever.
  • Page 21
    —Adjusting front seats (power seat—type A) ADJUSTING SEAT POSITION ADJUSTING DRIVER’S SEAT CUSH- ION ANGLE Move the control switch in the desired direction. Move the control switch in the desired direction. Releasing the switch will stop the seat at that position. Releasing the switch will stop the seat at that position.
  • Page 22
    —Adjusting front seats (power seat—type B) ADJUSTING SEAT POSITION ADJUSTING DRIVER’S SEAT CUSH- ION ANGLE Move the control switch in the desired direction. Move the control switch in the desired direction. Releasing the switch will stop the seat at that position. Releasing the switch will stop the seat at that position.
  • Page 23
    —Adjusting front seats —Moving passenger’s seat (power seat—type C) for rear seat entry (coupe) ADJUSTING SEAT POSITION Move the control switch in the desired direction. Releasing the switch will stop the seat at that position. Do not place anything under the seat. It might interfere with the seat movement.
  • Page 24
    Rear seats— —Fold-down rear seat (sedan and coupe) CAUTION When returning the seatback to the upright position: R Make sure the seat belts are not twisted or caught in the seatback and are arranged in their proper position for ready use. R Make sure the seatback is secure- ly locked by pushing forward and rearward on the top of the seat-…
  • Page 25: Fold-Down Rear Seat (Wagon)

    —Fold-down rear seat (wagon) CAUTION When returning the bottom cushion to its original position: R Make sure the seat belts are not twisted or caught under the bot- tom cushion and are arranged in their proper position for ready use. R Make sure the bottom cushion is securely locked by trying to pull up the edge of the cushion near…

  • Page 26
    2. Remove the head restraint, unlock 3. After folding the seatback down, 4. Store the head restraint using the the seatback and fold it down while hook the strap to the tab on the reverse head restraint retaining holes in the pushing the bottom cushion forward.
  • Page 27
    —Take-down third seat —Fold-down third seat (wagon) (wagon) 1. Swing the seatback up with the 2. Turn the bottom cushion over with BEFORE TAKING DOWN THIRD SEAT handle. the handle. Stow the third seat belts facing the di- rection shown in the illustration. CAUTION This prevents them from falling out when R Take care not to get your hands or…
  • Page 28
    Head restraints (vertically adjustable type) TAKING DOWN THIRD SEAT 2. Release the lock release lever and To raise the head restraint, pull it up. fold down the seatback. To lower it, press the lock release but- 1. Turn the bottom cushion over. ton and push the head restraint down.
  • Page 29
    Head restraints (vertically and rotationally adjustable type) CAUTION R Adjust the top of the head restraint so that it is closest to the top of your ears. R After adjusting the head restraint, make sure it is locked in position. R Do not drive with the head re- straints removed.
  • Page 30
    Seat belts— —Seat belt precautions Toyota recommends that the driver and R Keep the belts clean and dry. If they passengers in the vehicle be properly re- CAUTION need cleaning, use a mild soap strained at all times with the seat belts pro- solution or lukewarm water.
  • Page 31
    You will hear a click when the seat belt normally, immediately contact your into the buckle. hanger locks in position. Toyota dealer. The seat belt length automatically adjusts to your size and the seat position. The retractor will lock the belt during a sudden stop or on impact.
  • Page 32
    CAUTION Always make sure the shoulder belt is positioned across the center of your shoulder. The belt should be kept away from your neck, but not falling off your shoulder. Failure to do so could reduce the amount of protection in an accident and in- crease the chance of injury.
  • Page 33: Rear Center Seat Belt

    R If the seat belt does not function normally, immediately contact your Toyota dealer. To release the belt, press the buckle- Sit up straight and well back in the release button and allow the belt to re- seat.

  • Page 34
    —Stowing the rear seat belts (wagon) Remove excess length of the belt and To release the belt, press the buckle- The rear seat belts can be stowed adjust the belt position. release button. when not in use. To shorten the belt, pull the free end of the Seat belts must be stowed before you fold belt.
  • Page 35: Seat Belt Extender

    If your seat belt cannot be fastened se- curely because it is not long enough, a personalized seat belt extender is avail- able from your Toyota dealer free of charge. Please contact your local Toyota dealer so that the dealer can order the proper re- quired length for the extender.

  • Page 36: Srs Airbags

    R If the seat belt does not function normally, immediately contact your Toyota dealer. The SRS (Supplemental Restraint Sys- This indicator comes on when the tem) airbags are designed to provide ignition key is turned to the “ACC” or further protection to the driver and “ON”…

  • Page 37
    However, this threshold velocity will be considerably higher if the vehicle strikes an object, such as a parked vehicle or sign pole, which can move or deform on im- pact, or if it is involved in an underride col- lision (a collision in which the nose of the vehicle “underrides”, or goes under, the bed of a truck).
  • Page 38
    When the airbags inflate, they produce a fairly loud noise and release some smoke CAUTION along with the nitrogen gas. This is not R The SRS airbag system is de- harmful and does not indicate a fire. Be sure to wash off any residue as soon as signed only as a supplement to possible to prevent minor skin irritation.
  • Page 39
    R Do not use a rear-facing child re- R When using a R Do not sit on the edge of the seat forward-facing straint system in the front seat be- child restraint system in the front or lean over the dashboard when cause the force of the rapid infla- seat, the seat must be moved as far the vehicle is in use.
  • Page 40
    R Do not modify, remove or open any component or wiring, such as the steering wheel, column cover, front passenger airbag cover, front pas- senger airbag, center airbag sensor assembly or front airbag sensors. Doing any of these may cause sud- den SRS airbag inflation or disable the system, which could result in personal injury.
  • Page 41
    NOTICE Do not perform any of the following changes without consulting your Toyota dealer. Such changes can interfere with proper operation of the SRS airbag system in some cases. _ Installation of electronic items such as a mobile two-way radio,…
  • Page 42: Child Restraint- -Child Restraint Precautions

    Child restraint— —Child restraint system —Child restraint precautions Toyota strongly urges the use of child A child restraint system for a small When not using the child restraint system, keep it secured with the seat belt or place restraint systems for children small…

  • Page 43
    R Do not insert coins, clips, etc. in ing or a collision. the buckle as this may prevent you from properly latching the tab and buckle. R If the seat belt does not function normally, immediately contact your Toyota dealer.
  • Page 44
    2. Make sure the belt is tight by pulling its 3. If your child restraint system requires free end while you firmly push down the the use of a top strap, latch the hook onto child restraint system. the anchor bracket and tighten the top strap.
  • Page 45
    4. To remove the child restraint system, (B) INSTALLATION ON REAR SEAT OUTSIDE (forward-facing rear seat press the buckle-release button and un- CAUTION only) hook the top strap. When installing a rear-facing child re- Push and pull the child restraint straint system, follow the same procedure system in different directions to be as when installing a forward-facing child…
  • Page 46
    R Do not insert coins, clips, etc. in ing or a collision. the buckle as this may prevent you from properly latching the tab and buckle. R If the seat belt does not function normally, immediately contact your Toyota dealer.
  • Page 47
    3. Place the shoulder belt between the 4. if your child restraint system requires vehicle seatback and the child restraint the use of a top strap, latch the hook onto system and allow it to retract. To hold the the anchor bracket and tighten the top child restraint system securely, let the strap.
  • Page 48
    5. To remove the child restraint system, (C) TOP STRAP ANCHORS AND LOCATIONS press the buckle-release button and al- CAUTION Sedan and coupe—On the filler panel low the belt to retract. Unlock the top behind the rear seat strap. Make sure the seat belt is securely a.
  • Page 49
    To comply with Canada Motor Vehicle Safety Standards, vehicles sold in Cana- da are provided with a bracket set in the glovebox, designed for use with any of the 3 anchor locations shown in the illustra- tion. Wagon—On the rear trim c.
  • Page 50
    R If the seat belt does not function system on the front seat. normally, immediately contact your Toyota dealer.
  • Page 51
    2. Fully extend the shoulder belt to put in 3. Place the shoulder belt between the 4. If your child restraint system requires the lock mode. vehicle seatback and the child restraint the use of a top strap, latch the hook onto system and allow it to retract.
  • Page 52: Tilt Steering Wheel

    Tilt steering wheel 5. To remove the child restraint system, To change the steering wheel angle, press the buckle-release button and al- hold the steering wheel, pull up the CAUTION low the belt to retract. Unhook the top lock release lever, tilt the steering strap.

  • Page 53
    Tilt steering wheel 5. To remove the child restraint system, To change the steering wheel angle, press the buckle-release button and al- hold the steering wheel, pull up the CAUTION low the belt to retract. Unhook the top lock release lever, tilt the steering strap.
  • Page 54: Outside Rear View Mirrors

    —Rear view mirror remote —Power rear view mirror Outside rear view mirrors— control control Adjust the mirror so you can see the To adjust the rear view mirror, simply To adjust a power rear view mirror, first side of your vehicle in the mirror. operate the control lever.

  • Page 55: Anti-Glare Inside Rear View Mirror

    Anti-glare inside rear view Vanity mirrors mirror Pull the lever toward you to reduce To use the vanity mirrors, swing down glare from the headlights of the ve- the sun visor and open the cover. hicle behind you during night driving. On some models, the vanity light comes on when you open the cover.

  • Page 56: Operation Of Instruments And Controls

    Part 1 Headlights and turn signals OPERATION OF FIRST CLICKSTOP: Only the parking, tail, license plate, side marker and instru- INSTRUMENTS AND ment panel lights turn on. SECOND CLICKSTOP: The headlights CONTROLS— also turn on. The lights automatically turn off when the driver’s door is opened with the ignition Chapter 1-4 turned off.

  • Page 57: Emergency Flashers

    Emergency flashers For high beam, push the lever away For signaling turns, move the lever up To turn on the emergency flashers, from you. Pull it toward you for low or down in the conventional manner. push the switch. beam. For the headlight flasher, pull it The key must be in the “ON”…

  • Page 58: Instrument Panel Light Control

    Instrument panel light control Interior light Ignition switch light To adjust the brightness of the instru- To turn on the interior light, slide the For easy access to the ignition switch, ment panel lights, turn the knob. switch. the ignition switch light comes on when any of the side doors are With the switch in the “DOOR”…

  • Page 59: Personal Light

    Windshield wipers and washer Luggage compartment light Personal light (with interval adjuster) (wagon) To turn on the personal light, push the To turn the luggage compartment light To turn the wipers on, move the lever. switch. To turn it off, push the switch on, open the back door and push the To make the washer squirt, push the once again.

  • Page 60
    Windshield wipers and washer (without interval adjuster) If the washer does not work, check to see In cold weather, warm the windshield with whether the washer tank is empty. For in- the defroster before using the washer. formation on adding washer fluid, see This will help prevent icing, which could “Adding washer fluid”…
  • Page 61: Rear Window Defogger

    Rear window wipers and washer (wagon) Rear window defogger NOTICE Do not operate the rear wipers if the rear window is dry. It may scratch the glass. To turn the rear wipers and washers on, To defog or defrost the rear window, twist the knob at the end of the lever.

  • Page 62
    Make sure you turn the defogger off when the window is clear. Leaving the defogger on for a long time could cause the battery to discharge, especially during stop-and- go driving. The defogger is not designed for drying rain water or for melting snow. NOTICE When cleaning the inside of the rear window, be careful not to scratch or…
  • Page 64
    Part 1 Headlights and turn signals OPERATION OF FIRST CLICKSTOP: Only the parking, tail, license plate, side marker and instru- INSTRUMENTS AND ment panel lights turn on. SECOND CLICKSTOP: The headlights CONTROLS— also turn on. The lights automatically turn off when the driver’s door is opened with the ignition Chapter 1-4 turned off.
  • Page 65
    Emergency flashers For high beam, push the lever away For signaling turns, move the lever up To turn on the emergency flashers, from you. Pull it toward you for low or down in the conventional manner. push the switch. beam. For the headlight flasher, pull it The key must be in the “ON”…
  • Page 66
    Instrument panel light control Interior light Ignition switch light To adjust the brightness of the instru- To turn on the interior light, slide the For easy access to the ignition switch, ment panel lights, turn the knob. switch. the ignition switch light comes on when any of the side doors are With the switch in the “DOOR”…
  • Page 67
    Windshield wipers and washer Luggage compartment light Personal light (with interval adjuster) (wagon) To turn on the personal light, push the To turn the luggage compartment light To turn the wipers on, move the lever. switch. To turn it off, push the switch on, open the back door and push the To make the washer squirt, push the once again.
  • Page 68
    Windshield wipers and washer (without interval adjuster) If the washer does not work, check to see In cold weather, warm the windshield with whether the washer tank is empty. For in- the defroster before using the washer. formation on adding washer fluid, see This will help prevent icing, which could “Adding washer fluid”…
  • Page 69
    Rear window wipers and washer (wagon) Rear window defogger NOTICE Do not operate the rear wipers if the rear window is dry. It may scratch the glass. To turn the rear wipers and washers on, To defog or defrost the rear window, twist the knob at the end of the lever.
  • Page 70
    Make sure you turn the defogger off when the window is clear. Leaving the defogger on for a long time could cause the battery to discharge, especially during stop-and- go driving. The defogger is not designed for drying rain water or for melting snow. NOTICE When cleaning the inside of the rear window, be careful not to scratch or…
  • Page 72: Chapter 1-5 Gauges, Meters And Service Reminder Indicators

    INSTRUMENTS AND the fuel tank immediately. The indicator lamp goes off after driving CONTROLS— several times. If the indicator lamp does not go off, contact your Toyota dealer as soon as possible. Chapter 1-5 Gauges, Meters and Service reminder indicators…

  • Page 73: Engine Coolant Temperature Gauge

    Engine coolant temperature gauge Tachometer NOTICE _ Do not remove the thermostat in the engine cooling system as this may cause the engine to overheat. The thermostat is designed to control the flow of coolant to keep the temperature of the engine within the specified operating range.

  • Page 74: Odometer And Trip Meter

    Service reminder indicators Odometer and trip meter and warning buzzers The odometer records the total dis- tance the vehicle has been driven. The trip meter may be set to zero to record the distance on each trip. To reset the trip meter, press the trip meter reset knob.

  • Page 75
    Unless the driver fastens the belt, If this light comes on and stays on while your Toyota dealer as soon as possible. the light stays on and the buzzer stops af- you are driving, slow down and pull off the (e) Low Fuel Level Warning Light ter about 4 to 8 seconds.
  • Page 76
    Have it checked If this light comes on when the headlight the ignition key in the “ACC” or “LOCK” by your Toyota dealer as soon as pos- switch is turned on (at the first or second position.
  • Page 78: Chapter 1-6 Ignition Switch, Transmission And Parking Brake

    Part 1 Ignition switch with steering lock OPERATION OF You must push in the key to turn the key from “ACC” to the “LOCK” position. On INSTRUMENTS vehicles with an automatic transmission, the selector lever must be put in the “P” AND CONTROLS—…

  • Page 79: Automatic Transmission

    Automatic transmission…

  • Page 80: Maximum Allowable Speeds

    Your automatic transmission has a shift 3. Release the parking brake and brake MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SPEEDS lock system to minimize the possibility of pedal. Depress the accelerator pedal km/h (mph) incorrect operation. This means you can slowly for smooth starting. “2”…

  • Page 81
    Never shift into reverse while the R When towing a trailer, in order to main- For ordinary driving, Toyota recommends vehicle is moving. tain engine braking efficiency, do not using the “NORM” mode to improve fuel use overdrive.
  • Page 82: Manual Transmission

    Manual transmission Recommended shifting speeds Maximum allowable speeds The transmission is fully synchronized To get on a highway or to pass slower traf- and upshifting or downshifting is easy. fic, maximum acceleration may be neces- sary. Make sure you observe the following For the best compromise between fuel maximum allowable speeds in each gear: economy and vehicle performance, you…

  • Page 83: Parking Brake (Lever Type)

    Parking brake (lever type) Parking brake (pedal type) CAUTION Be careful when downshifting on a slippery surface. Abrupt shifting could cause the vehicle to spin or skid. NOTICE Make sure the vehicle is completely stopped before shifting into reverse. To set: Pull up the lever. To set: Fully depress the pedal.

  • Page 84: Cruise Control

    Cruise control SETTING AT A DESIRED SPEED CAUTION On vehicles with automatic transmission, the transmission must be in “D” before R To help maintain maximum control you set the cruise control speed. of your vehicle, do not use the Bring your vehicle to the desired speed, cruise control when driving in press the “SET/COAST”…

  • Page 85
    “RES/ACC” direction will your vehicle checked by your Toyota deal- restore the speed set prior to cancellation. er at the earliest opportunity.
  • Page 86: Air Conditioning System

    Part 1 Car audio system operating tips _ Fading and drifting: On the average, OPERATION OF You can listen to the car audio system when the ignition key is at “ON” or the broadcast range of FM stations is INSTRUMENTS “ACC”.

  • Page 87: Cassette Tape Player

    _ Multipath: Because of the reflection Before extending the power antenna, Keep the playback head, capstan and confirm that no one is close enough to get characteristics of FM, direct and re- pinch roller clean. injured by it. flected signals may reach the antenna Remove tape coating residue accumu- at the same time (a phenomenon lated on the head, capstan and pinch roll-…

  • Page 88: Compact Disc Player

    When not in use, take the Disc out of the player, put it back into its case and store it away from dust, heat, damp and direct sunlight. Leaving Discs on the dashboard in the sun may damage or warp them. If the Disc gets dirty, wipe it clean with a soft cloth, wiping radially out from the center.

  • Page 89
    AM-FM radio with electronic tuner…
  • Page 90
    (a) Listening to the radio Preset tuning: Use for tuning-in to a de- (c) Presetting a station sired preset station. 1. Push the “PWR_VOL” knob to turn the 1. Tune in the desired station. (See “(b) radio on. Push the station selector button which Selecting a station”.) has been preset to the desired station.
  • Page 91
    AM-FM radio with electronic tuner and cassette tape player (type A)
  • Page 93
    (a) Listening to the radio (b) Selecting a station If the radio scans over all frequencies without stop because the signals are too 1. Push the “AM_FM” button to turn the Tune in the desired station using one of weak or just because you leave it going, radio on and select either an AM or FM the following methods.
  • Page 94
    The preset station will be cancelled when The tape player can also be turned on by 6. To turn the player off, push the “PWR the power source is severed (battery dis- pushing the “PWR VOL” knob if the tape VOL”…
  • Page 95
    AM-FM radio with electronic tuner and cassette tape player (type B)
  • Page 97
    (a) Listening to the radio (b) Selecting a station Scanning for all frequencies—Push the “SCAN” button and hold it until a beep is 1. Push the “AM_FM” button to turn the Tune in the desired station using one of heard. With “SCAN” on the display, the ra- radio on and select either an AM or FM the following methods.
  • Page 98
    (c) Presetting a station (e) Adjusting the sound balance The Dolby B NR mode reduces tape noise by about 10 dB. The Dolby C NR mode re- 1. Push the “AM_FM” button repeatedly To balance the sound between the right duces tape noise by another 10 dB, or until the desired selection, “AM”, “FM1”…
  • Page 99
    You can eject the cassette only once after The maximum number of settings is nine. Push the “RPT” button while the program the system is turned off. The tenth push on the button will cancel is being played. As this is done, “RPT” will the function and “APS”…
  • Page 100
    You may until “SEC” appears on the display. make up to nine errors, but no more! “HELP”—The number of errors you can make was exceeded. The audio system is completely inop- erable. Contact you Toyota dealer.
  • Page 101
    3. Press the “1” button while holding the 4. Input your identification number by 5. With your identification number ap- right side of “TUNE” button in. “- — -” and pressing the “1”, “2” and “3” buttons re- pearing on the display, press the “SCAN” the tape operation indicator will appear on peatedly.
  • Page 102
    “SEC” appears. Try again indicator light also comes on. If this from step 3 in “Setting the anti-theft sys- tem”. occurs, contact your Toyota dealer. At the time of resale of your vehicle, can- cel the system for the new owner.
  • Page 103
    If the anti-theft system is activated See “Cancelling the anti-theft system” for notes on the figure with “Err”. The audio system made inoperable by the activated anti-theft system will be oper- able if you give it the correct identification number. 1.
  • Page 104
    AM-FM radio with electronic tuner, cassette tape player and Compact Disc player…
  • Page 108
    (a) Listening to the radio (b) Selecting a station Scanning for all frequencies—Push the “SCAN” button and hold it until a beep is 1. Push the “AM_FM” button to turn the Tune in the desired station using one of heard. With “SCAN” on the display, the ra- radio on and select either an AM or FM the following methods.
  • Page 109
    The radio has two FM selections, “FM1” To memorize the setting you have se- (f) Listening to the cassette tape and “FM2”. You can preset any desired six lected, push the “EQ” button for 2 sec- 1. Put the cassette into the slot, with the stations in each selection.
  • Page 110
    To play a tape recorded without Dolby (g) Selecting a program 2. Repeat the push until the number indi- NR*, push the button until the Dolby NR cates how many programs ahead of/be- 1. Push the “PROG” button to select a indicator disappears.
  • Page 111
    This function does not work properly un- Push the “R M” button. “R M” appears on The Compact Disc player can also be less the blank portions on the tape have 3 the display. In this mode, if you push the turned on by pushing the “PWR VOL”…
  • Page 112
    Push the “SCAN” button. With “SCAN” on the display, each program will be played audio system is completely inop- erable. Contact your Toyota dealer. for 10 seconds from the beginning and scan to the next. To continue listening to the program of your choice, simply push…
  • Page 113
    Setting the anti-theft system 3. Press the 1 button while holding the 4. Input your identification number by right side of “TUNE” button in. “- — -” will pressing the 1, 2 and 3 buttons repeated- 1. Make sure the radio unit is turned off appear on the display.
  • Page 114
    5. With your identification number ap- The system will be activated if the electri- Cancelling the anti-theft system pearing on the display, press the “SCAN” cal power source is disconnected from the 1. Follow the steps 1 to 4 described in button and hold it in until “SEC”…
  • Page 115
    “SEC” appears indicator light also comes on. If this on the display. “SEC” will go off to indicate occurs, contact your Toyota dealer. that the system is reset and the audio sys- tem is operable. If invalid buttons have At the time of resale of your vehicle, can- been used, “Err”…
  • Page 116
    Air conditioning controls (type A)
  • Page 118
    (a) Controls and functions If the indicator light flashes, contact your For detailed information on air flow control Toyota dealer as soon as possible. There including other settings, see “(f) Air flow The temperature control knob is used to may be slippage of the drive belt or trouble selection”.
  • Page 119
    For detailed information on air flow control 3. Turn the air flow control knob to the BI-LEVEL position—This position directs including other settings, see “(f) Air flow WINDSHIELD position. the air flow to face level and the floor. Ex- selection”. cept in ventilation, the air to the floor is For detailed information on air flow con- slightly warmer than that to face level.
  • Page 120
    R To help cool down the interior after parking in the hot sun, drive for the first few minutes with the windows open. After the excess heat has blown away, close the windows. R When driving on dusty roads, close all windows.
  • Page 121
    Air conditioning controls (type B)
  • Page 123
    For detailed information on air flow control air. If the indicator light flashes, contact your including other settings, see “(f) Air flow Toyota dealer as soon as possible. There selection”. Turn the knob toward the HIGH position may be slippage of the drive belt or trouble for higher temperature and toward the 4.
  • Page 124
    For detailed information on air flow control 3. Press in the WINDSHIELD button of FLOOR button—This button directs air including other settings, see “(f) Air flow the air flow control buttons. flow mostly to the floor. selection”. For detailed information on air flow con- FLOOR/WINDSHIELD button—This but- 4.
  • Page 125
    R When driving on dusty roads, close all windows. If dust thrown up by the ve- hicle is still drawn into the vehicle after closing the windows, it is recom- mended that the air intake control but- ton be set to the OUTSIDE AIR mode and the fan speed control knob be turned anywhere except the “OFF”…
  • Page 126: Heater Controls

    Heater controls…

  • Page 128
    (a) Controls and functions (b) Heating (c) Ventilation The temperature control knob is used to 1. Turn the temperature control knob 1. Turn the temperature control knob to turn on and off the heater and adjust the anywhere except the NO HEAT position. the NO HEAT position.
  • Page 129: Side Vents

    Side vents R If following another vehicle on a dusty BI-LEVEL position—This position directs the air flow to face level and the floor. Ex- road, or driving in windy and dusty con- cept in ventilation, the air to the floor is ditions, it is recommended that the air slightly warmer than that to face level.

  • Page 130
    Lower vent The lower vent may be opened or closed as shown.
  • Page 132: Cigarette Lighter And Ashtray

    Use a Toyota genuine cigarette lighter or Once the electrical power source has equivalent for replacement. been disconnected from the clock, the time is automatically set to 1:00 (one o’clock).

  • Page 133: Glove Box

    Glovebox Miscellany holder CAUTION To reduce the chance of injury in case of an accident or sudden stop while driving, always push the ash- tray back in completely after using. To open the glovebox door, pull the le- To open the holder, pull the lever as ver.

  • Page 134: Cup Holder

    Cup holder Luggage cover To use the cup holder, pull it out com- USING THE LUGGAGE COVER Wagon with third seat— pletely. Make sure the shoulder belt passes To use the luggage cover, pull it out of through the hanger when using the lug- The cup holder is designed for holding the retractor and hook it to the an- gage cover.

  • Page 135
    HOLDING THE LUGGAGE COVER 2. Fold the luggage cover edge. Then pass the strap through the eyelet and EDGE UPRIGHT hook it onto the tab on the reverse side When using the third seat, fold up the of the luggage cover. luggage cover edge so that it does not When using the luggage cover, hook the interfere with the passengers.
  • Page 136: Floor Mat

    Parcel straps (wagon) Floor mat To secure your parcels, hook the par- cel straps to the catches and tighten the straps by pulling on the free end. See “Luggage stowage precautions” in Part 2 for precautions to observe in load- ing luggage.

  • Page 137
    CAUTION Make sure the floor mat is properly placed on the floor carpet. If the floor mat slips and interferes with the movement of the pedals during driving, it may cause an accident.
  • Page 138: Information Before Driving Your Toyota

    To help prevent gas station mixups, your YOUR TOYOTA to the future economy and long life of your Toyota has a new smaller fuel tank open- vehicle: ing. The special nozzle on pumps with un- R Do not drive over 88 km/h (55 mph).

  • Page 139: Gasolines Containing Alcohol

    Operation in foreign countries Use of unleaded fuel with an octane num- If the use of gasolines containing MTBE If you plan to drive your Toyota in ber or rating lower than stated above will causes poor driveability and/or poor fuel another country…

  • Page 140: Three-Way Catalytic Converters

    A large amount of unburned gases soon as possible. Remember, flowing into the three-way catalytic your Toyota dealer knows your converter may cause it to overheat vehicle and its three-way catalyt- and create a fire hazard. To prevent ic converter system best.

  • Page 141: Engine Exhaust Cautions

    Facts about engine oil Engine exhaust cautions consumption FUNCTIONS OF ENGINE OIL R Keep the trunk lid or back door CAUTION Engine oil has the primary functions of lu- closed while driving. An open or bricating and cooling the inside of the en- unsealed trunk lid or back door R Avoid inhaling the engine exhaust.

  • Page 142
    Toyota recommends that the oil level be A new engine consumes more oil, since checked every time you refuel the vehicle. its pistons, piston rings and cylinder walls have not become conditioned.
  • Page 143: Brake Booster

    Brake system TANDEM MASTER CYLINDER BRAKE The brake pedal pulsation caused by the R Even if the power assist is com- anti-lock brake system may indicate haz- SYSTEM pletely lost, the brakes will still ardous road surface conditions. Although work. But you will have to push the The tandem master cylinder brake sys- the anti-lock brake system assists in pro- pedal hard—much harder than…

  • Page 144: Brake Pad Wear Limit Indicators

    Brake pad wear limit indicators Even if the anti-lock brake system should fail, the brake system will still operate con- ventionally. Have your vehicle checked by your Toyota dealer as soon as possible. DRUM-IN-DISC TYPE PARKING BRAKE SYSTEM (all 1MZ-FE engined…

  • Page 145: Luggage Stowage Precautions

    Keep luggage or This is the primary identification number packages low, as close to the floor for your Toyota. It is used in registering the as possible. ownership of your vehicle. R Never allow anyone to ride in the enlarged trunk room or the lug- gage compartment.

  • Page 146
    The engine number is stamped on the engine block as shown.
  • Page 147: Theft Prevention Labels (Except For Canada)

    Theft prevention labels (except for Canada) Types of tires Your new vehicle carries theft preven- Make sure what kind of tires your ve- tion labels which are approximately 56 hicle is originally equipped with. mm (2.20 in.) by 16 mm (0.63 in.). 1.

  • Page 148: Starting And Driving

    How to start the engine— Part 3 (a) Before cranking Before starting the engine STARTING AND 1. Check the area around the vehicle be- 1. Apply the parking brake firmly. fore entering it. 2. Turn off unnecessary lights and acces- DRIVING 2.

  • Page 149: Tips For Driving In Various Conditions

    To dry them, drive the vehicle cautiously while lightly pressing the brake pedal with the parking brake pulled. If they still do not work safely, pull to the side of the road and call a Toyota dealer for assistance.

  • Page 150: Winter Driving Tips

    If you are not sure about celeration or engine braking could cause the vehicle to spin or skid. which oil to use, call your Toyota dealer— he will be pleased to help. Keep the door locks from freezing.

  • Page 151: Trailer Towing

    This product is available at your Toyota dling, performance, braking, durability dealer and most auto parts stores. Follow Some of the things you might put in the ve- and driving economy (fuel consumption, the manufacturer’s directions for how…

  • Page 152
    R The load on either the front or rear R The trailer cargo load should be CAUTION axle resulting from distribution of distributed so that the tongue load the gross vehicle weight on both is 9 to 11% of the total trailer R The total trailer weight (trailer axles must not exceed the Gross weight, not exceeding the maxi-…
  • Page 153
    For correct ball with a light coat of grease. Sedan and coupe safety chain procedures, follow the R Toyota recommends removing the 5S-FE engine hitch or trailer manufacturer’s rec- trailer hitch whenever you are not tow- Front 210 (2.1, 30)
  • Page 154
    BREAK-IN SCHEDULE form to any applicable federal, state/ R Because stopping distance may be in- R Toyota recommends that you do not provincial or local regulation. If not, creased, vehicle-to-vehicle distance tow a trailer with a new vehicle or a ve-…
  • Page 155
    R Avoid jerky steering and sharp turns. R In order to maintain engine braking ef- 1. Apply the brakes and hold. The trailer could hit your vehicle in a ficiency, do not use fifth gear (manual 2. Have someone place wheel blocks un- tight turn.
  • Page 156: How To Save Fuel And Make Your Vehicle Last Longer, Too

    How to save fuel and make your vehicle last longer, too R Avoid continuous speeding up and Getting more kilometers/mileage from a li- CAUTION ter/gallon of fuel is easy—just take it easy. slowing down. Stop-and-go driving It will help make your vehicle last longer, wastes fuel.

  • Page 157
    R Keep the bottom of your vehicle free from mud, etc. This not only lessens weight but also helps prevent corrosion. R Keep your vehicle tuned-up and in top shape. A dirty air cleaner, improp- er valve clearance, dirty plugs, dirty oil and grease, brakes not adjusted, etc.
  • Page 158: In Case Of An Emergency

    If the light is O.K., but the engine still will If you cannot shift automatic not start, it needs adjustment or repair. transmission selector lever Call a Toyota dealer or qualified repair If you lose your keys shop. NOTICE Do not pull- or push-start the ve- hicle.

  • Page 159
    If the engine still will not start, it needs ad- justment or repair. Call a Toyota dealer or To avoid serious personal injury and qualified repair shop for assistance.
  • Page 160: Jump-Starting Procedure

    4. Connect the jumper cables in the exact 8. If removed, replace all the battery vent R The gas normally produced by a order shown in the illustration: positive plugs. battery will explode if a flame or terminal (“+” mark)-to-positive terminal If the cause of your battery discharging is spark is brought near.

  • Page 161: If Your Engine Stalls While Driving

    If the engine will not start, see “If your ve- 4. If the coolant is leaking, stop the en- hicle will not start”. and turn on your emergency flashers. Put gine immediately. Call a Toyota dealer for the transmission in “P” (automatic) or neu- assistance. CAUTION tral (manual) and apply the parking brake.

  • Page 162: If You Have A Flat Tire

    If the coolant is leaking, stop the en- and turn on your emergency flashers. Put gine immediately. Call a Toyota dealer for 3. Firmly set the parking brake and put the transmission in “P” (automatic) or neu- assistance.

  • Page 163
    R The compact spare tire was de- The compact spare tire is identified by the signed especially for your Toyota. distinctive wording “TEMPORARY USE Do not use it on any other vehicle. ONLY” molded into the side wall of the tire.
  • Page 164
    —Required tools and spare tire (sedan and coupe) 1. Get the tool bag, jack and spare tire. When removing the jack, turn the joint by To remove the spare tire: hand towards the CONTRACT direction To prepare yourself for an emergency, 1.
  • Page 165
    —Required tools and spare tire (wagon with third seat) 1. Get the tool bag, jack and spare tire. When removing the jack, turn the joint by To remove the spare tire: hand towards the CONTRACT direction To prepare yourself for an emergency, 1.
  • Page 166
    —Required tools and spare tire (wagon without third seat) 3. Loosen and remove the bolt. 1. Get the tool bag, jack and spare tire. When removing the jack, turn the joint by hand towards the CONTRACT direction To prepare yourself for an emergency, 4.
  • Page 167: Removing Wheel Ornament

    —Blocking the wheel —Removing wheel ornament To remove the spare tire: 2. Block the wheel diagonally oppo- 3. Remove the wheel ornament. site the flat tire to keep the vehicle from Pry off the wheel ornament, using the bev- 1. Loosen and remove the bolt and rolling when it is jacked up.

  • Page 168: Loosening Wheel Nuts

    —Loosening wheel nuts —Positioning the jack 4. Loosen all the wheel nuts. 5. Position the jack at the correct jack point as shown. Always loosen the wheel nuts before rais- Make sure the jack is positioned on a level ing the vehicle. and solid place.

  • Page 169: Changing Wheels

    —Raising your vehicle —Changing wheels 6. After making sure that no one is in 7. Remove the wheel nuts and change Before putting on wheels, remove any the vehicle, raise it high enough so tires. corrosion on the mounting surfaces with a that the spare tire can be installed.

  • Page 170: Reinstalling Wheel Nuts

    —Reinstalling wheel nuts —Lowering your vehicle —Reinstalling wheel ornament 8. Reinstall all the wheel nuts finger 9. Lower the vehicle completely and 10. Reinstall the wheel ornament. tight. tighten the wheel nuts. Put the wheel ornament into position and Reinstall the wheel nuts (tapered end in- Turn the jack handle counterclockwise to then tap it firmly with the side or heel of ward) and tighten them as much as you…

  • Page 171: After Changing Wheels

    —After changing wheels 11.Check the air pressure of the re- placed tire. Adjust the air pressure to the specification designated in Part 8. If the pressure is lower, drive slowly to the nearest service station and fill to the correct pressure. Do not forget to reinstall the tire inflation valve cap as dirt and moisture could get into the valve core and possibly cause air…

  • Page 172: If Your Vehicle Needs To Be Towed

    If towing is necessary, we recommend From rear— R Manual transmission: you have it done by your Toyota dealer or a commercial tow truck service. We recommend using a towing dolly Proper equipment will help ensure that under the front wheels. If you do not…

  • Page 173: Emergency Towing

    —Emergency towing CAUTION If the engine is not running, the power assist for the brakes and steering will not work so steering and braking will be much harder than usual. (c) Towing with sling type truck If towing service is not available in an emergency, your vehicle may be tem- NOTICE porarily towed by a cable secured to…

  • Page 174: If You Cannot Shift Automatic Transmission Selector Lever

    If you cannot shift automatic transmission selector lever If you lose your keys Many Toyota dealers can make a new key if you can give them the key num- ber. See the suggestion given in “Keys” in Chapter 1-2. If your keys are locked in the vehicle and…

  • Page 176: Corrosion Prevention And Appearance Care

    Now, it is up to you. Proper your vehicle, particularly the underside, CARE care of your Toyota can help ensure long- as clean as possible and to repair any term corrosion prevention. damage to paint or protective coatings as The most common causes of corro- soon as possible.

  • Page 177: Washing And Waxing Your Toyota

    3. Rinse thoroughly—dried soap can to resist corrosion. Your Toyota dealer will cause streaking. In hot weather you may be happy to assist in supplying and instal-…

  • Page 178: Cleaning The Interior

    The vinyl upholstery may be easily on your vehicle. cleaned with a mild soap or detergent Waxing your Toyota and water. First vacuum over the upholstery to remove Polishing and waxing is recommend- loose dirt.

  • Page 179
    If you have any questions about the After cleaning or whenever any part of the or damage the heater wires on the cleaning of your Toyota, your local To- leather gets wet, dry with a soft clean cloth. rear window.
  • Page 180: Vehicle Maintenance And Care

    These checks or inspections can be done establishment or individual without either by yourself or a qualified technician, or if you prefer, your Toyota dealer will be invalidating this warranty. See Own- pleased to do them at a nominal cost.

  • Page 181: General Maintenance

    They learn to work on Booklet for the details. to your Toyota dealer or a qualified service Toyotas before they work on your vehicle, shop immediately. It is recommended that rather than while they are working on it.

  • Page 182: Inside The Vehicle

    Tire surface and wheel nuts Lights Accelerator pedal Check the tires carefully for cuts, damage Make sure the headlights, stop lights, tail Check the pedal for smooth operation and or excessive wear. See Chapter 7-2 for lights, turn signal lights, and other lights uneven pedal effort or catching.

  • Page 183: In The Engine Compartment

    IN THE ENGINE COMPARTMENT Power steering fluid level Check the level through the reservoir. The Items listed below should be checked level should be in the “HOT” or “COLD” from time to time, e.g. each time when range depending on the fluid temperature. refueling.

  • Page 184: Does Your Vehicle Need Repairing

    Be on the alert for changes in perfor- If you notice any of these clues, take your mance, sounds, and visual tip-offs that in- vehicle to your Toyota dealer as soon as dicate service is needed. Some important possible. It probably needs adjustment or clues are as follows: repair.

  • Page 186: Do-It-Yourself Maintenance

    Part 7 DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE— Chapter 7-1 Introduction Engine compartment overview Fuse locations Do-it-yourself service precautions Parts and tools…

  • Page 187
    Engine compartment overview (5S-FE engine)
  • Page 188
    Engine compartment overview (1MZ-FE engine)
  • Page 189: Fuse Locations

    Fuse locations…

  • Page 191: Do-It-Yourself Service Precautions

    R Use eye protection whenever you your warranty coverage. Read the sepa- compartment—the engine, radia- work on or under your vehicle rate Toyota Warranty statement for details tor, exhaust manifold and spark where you may be exposed to fly- and suggestions.

  • Page 192: Parts And Tools

    _ Remember that battery and igni- tenance. Remember all Toyota parts are _ When closing the engine hood, designed in metric sizes, so your tools tion cables carry high currents or check to see that you have not for- must be metric.

  • Page 193
    Checking power steering fluid Checking and replacing fuses Parts (if level is low): Parts (if replacement is necessary): R Automatic transmission fluid DEX- R Genuine Toyota fuse or equivalent RON -II or -III with same amperage rating as original Tools: Tools: R Rag or paper towel R Screwdriver (for passenger’s side kick…
  • Page 194: Engine And Chassis

    Part 7 Checking the engine oil level DO-IT-YOURSELF CAUTION MAINTENANCE— Be careful not to touch the hot ex- haust manifold. Chapter 7-2 If the oil level is below or only slightly above the low level line, add engine oil Engine and Chassis of the same type as already in the en- gine.

  • Page 195: Engine Oil Selection

    ENGINE OIL SELECTION 1MZ-FE engine—Use API SH, “Energy- Conserving II” multigrade engine oil or IL- 5S-FE engine—Use API SH, “Energy- SAC multigrade engine oil. Conserving II” multigrade engine oil or IL- Recommended viscosity (SAE): SAC multigrade engine oil. Recommended viscosity (SAE): Oil identification marks Either or both API registered marks are SAE 5W-30 is the best choice for your…

  • Page 196: Checking The Engine Coolant Level

    Do not use alcohol type antifreeze pump. or plain water alone. If you can find no leak, have your Toyota dealer test the cap pressure and check for leaks in the cooling system. CAUTION…

  • Page 197: Checking Brake Fluid

    Checking brake fluid Checking power steering fluid If the level is low, add SAE J1703 or FMVSS No. 116 DOT 3 brake fluid to the brake reservoir. Remove and replace the reservoir cover by hand. Use only newly opened brake fluid. Once opened, brake fluid absorbs moisture from the air, and excess moisture can cause a dangerous loss of braking.

  • Page 198: Checking Tire Pressure

    If a tire frequently needs refilling, have it damage. Keep your tire pressures at the proper checked by your Toyota dealer. level. The following instructions for check- CAUTION ing tire pressure should be observed:…

  • Page 199: Checking And Replacing Tires

    The tires on your Toyota have built-in REPLACING YOUR TIRES core and cause air leakage. If the caps tread wear indicators to help you know…

  • Page 200: Rotating Tires

    See “If you have a flat tire” in Part 4 for tire Toyota recommends all four tires, or at change procedure. least both of the front or rear tires be When rotating tires, check for uneven replaced at a time as a set.

  • Page 201
    R Avoid sharp turns or locked- type. as the original tires on your Toyota. wheel braking, as use of chains Use SAE Class “S” type radial tire chains may adversely affect vehicle han- Do not use tires other than those men- except radial cable chains or V-bar type dling.
  • Page 202: Replacing Wheels

    WHEEL SELECTION to damage the aluminum wheels. When replacing wheels, care should R Use only the Toyota wheel nuts and be taken to ensure that the wheels are wrench designed for your aluminum replaced by ones with the same load wheels.

  • Page 204: Electrical Components

    Checking battery condition— Part 7 —Precautions DO-IT-YOURSELF R If electrolyte gets on your skin, CAUTION thoroughly wash the contact area. MAINTENANCE— If you feel pain or burning, get BATTERY PRECAUTIONS medical attention immediately. R If electrolyte gets on your clothes, The battery produces flammable Chapter 7-3 there is a possibility of its soaking…

  • Page 205: Checking Battery Fluid

    —Checking battery exterior —Checking battery fluid There are two types of batteries: main- NOTICE tenance type and non-maintenance _ Be sure the engine and all acces- type. sories are off before performing A non-maintenance battery has “MAIN- maintenance. TENANCE FREE BATTERY” on its top. A _ When checking the battery, re- maintenance type battery does not have move the ground cable from the…

  • Page 206
    Type A Type B GREEN BLUE Good Charging necessary. DARK WHITE Have battery checked by your Toyota dealer. CLEAR or LIGHT Have battery checked YELLOW by your Toyota dealer. NOTICE CHECKING BY THE FLUID LEVEL CHECKING BY THE HYDROMETER Do not refill the battery with water.
  • Page 207: Battery Recharging Precautions

    Battery recharging precautions During recharging, the battery is pro- NOTICE ducing hydrogen gas. Never recharge the battery while the Therefore, before recharging: engine is running. Also, be sure all 1. Maintenance type batteries—Remove accessories are turned off. the vent plugs. 2.

  • Page 208: Checking And Replacing Fuses

    The lid of the fuse box shows the there is a problem with the electrical sys- name of the circuit for each fuse. See Part tem. Have your Toyota dealer correct it as 8 of this manual for the functions con- soon as possible.

  • Page 209: Adding Washer Fluid

    CAUTION washer fluid containing antifreeze. This extensive damage and possibly a product is available at your Toyota dealer fire. Halogen bulbs have pressurized and most auto parts stores. Follow the gas inside and require special han- manufacturer’s directions for how much…

  • Page 210
    A: HB4 halogen bulbs Aiming is not necessary after replacing B: HB3 halogen bulbs the bulb. When aiming adjustment is nec- essary, contact your Toyota dealer. C: Single end bulbs D: Wedge base bulbs E: Double end bulbs…
  • Page 211
    —Parking and front side —Front turn signal lights marker lights (all models) (all models) Use a Phillips-head screwdriver. Use a Phillips-head screwdriver.
  • Page 212
    —Rear turn signal, rear side marker, and stop and tail lights (sedan and coupe) a: Rear turn signal light b: Rear side marker light c: Stop and tail light…
  • Page 213
    —Rear turn signal, and stop —Back-up lights (sedan and and tail lights (wagon) coupe) Use a wrench. a: Rear turn signal light b: Stop and tail light Remove and install the cover clips as shown in the following illustrations.
  • Page 214
    —Stop and tail, and back-up lights (wagon) Use a flat-bladed screwdriver. To pro- tect the paint, place several sheets of paper over the paintwork.
  • Page 215
    —High mounted stoplight (sedan and coupe) a: Stop and tail light b: Back-up light…
  • Page 216
    —High mounted stoplight (wagon) Remove and install the cover clips as shown in the following illustrations.
  • Page 217
    —License plate lights —License plate lights (sedan and coupe) (wagon) Use a Phillips-head screwdriver. Use a Phillips-head screwdriver.
  • Page 218: Specifications

    Part 8 Dimensions and weight SPECIFICATIONS Sedan Coupe Wagon Overall length mm (in.) 4770 (187.8) 4770 (187.8) 4810 (189.4) Overall width mm (in.) 1770 (69.7) 1770 (69.7) 1770 (69.7) Dimensions and weight Overall height mm (in.) 1400 (55.1)* 1395 (54.9)* 1430 (56.3)* Engine 1415 (55.7)*…

  • Page 219
    Engine Fuel Service specifications Model: Fuel type: ENGINE 5S-FE and 1MZ-FE 5S-FE engine Valve clearance (engine cold), mm (in.) Type: Unleaded gasoline, Research Oc- 5S-FE engine tane Number 91 (Octane Rating 5S-FE engine Intake 0.19 0.29 (0.007 0.011) 87) or higher 4 cylinder in line, 4 cycle, gasoline Exhaust 0.28 0.38 (0.011 0.015) 1MZ-FE engine…
  • Page 220: Engine Lubrication

    1MZ-FE engine Recommended oil viscosity (SAE): Coolant type: With air conditioning With ethylene-glycol antifreeze Generator belt (Do not use alcohol type.) Power steering pump belt 115 BATTERY Without air conditioning —Maintenance type battery Generator belt Specific gravity reading at 20_C (68_F): Power steering pump belt 115 1.260 Fully charged…

  • Page 221: Manual Transaxle

    MANUAL TRANSAXLE Fluid type: Automatic transmission fluid Oil capacity, L (qt., Imp. qt.): DEXRON -II 2.6 (2.7 , 2.3) BRAKES Oil type: Multipurpose gear oil API GL-4 or Minimum pedal clearance when depressed GL-5 with the pressure of 490 N (590 kgf, 110 lbf) with the engine running, mm (in.): Recommended oil viscosity: 70 (2.8)

  • Page 222
    Tires Tire size: 5S-FE engined vehicles 5S-FE engined vehicles 1MZ-FE engined vehicles 1MZ-FE engined vehicles U S A U.S.A. Spare tire Except spare tire Spare tire Except spare tire P205/65R15 92H* P205/65R15 92H* Sedan Sedan P195/70R14 90H P195/70R14 90H P195/70R14 90H P195/70R14 90H P205/65R15 92V* P205/65R15 92V*…
  • Page 223
    Tire pressure: Normal driving Conventional tire Sedan and coupe kPa (kgf/cm or bar, psi) For all loads including full rated loads For reduced loads (1 to 4 passengers) Front Rear Front Rear P195/70R14 90H 210 (2.1, 30) 210 (2.1, 30) 210 (2.1, 30) 210 (2.1, 30) P205/65R15 92H…
  • Page 224
    Trailer towing kPa (kgf/cm or bar, psi) 5S-FE engined vehicles 1MZ-FE engined vehicles Front Rear Front Rear Sedan and coupe 210 (2.1, 30) 210 (2.1, 30) 220 (2.2, 32) 220 (2.2, 32) Wagon 220 (2.2, 32) 240 (2.4, 35) 220 (2.2, 32) 240 (2.4, 35) When driving under the above vehicle load conditions at sustained high speeds above 160 km/h (100 mph), in countries where such speeds are permitted by law, inflate the front and rear tires to 240 kPa (2.4 kgf/cm…
  • Page 225
    Fuses Fuses (type A) 8. ECU-B 15 A: Anti-lock brake system, Fuses (type B) daytime running light system, cruise con- 1. HORN 10 A: Horn 17. ECU-IG 15 A: Electronically con- trol system trolled automatic transmission system, 2. HEAD (LH) 15 A: Left-hand headlight 9.
  • Page 226
    21. WIPER 20 A: Windshield wipers and 26. TAIL 15 A: Tail lights, parking lights, Fuses (type C) washer, rear window wipers and washer, license plate lights, instrument panel 33. AM1 40 A: Starting system air bag system lights, rear light failure warning system 34.
  • Page 227
    Fuses (type D) 40. ALT 100 A: Charging system 41. ALT 120 A: Charging system 42. A.B.S. 60 A: Anti-lock brake system…
  • Page 228: Reporting Safety Defects For U.s. Owners And Uniform Tire Quality Grading

    However, NHTSA can- not become involved in individual problems between you, your deal- er, or Toyota Motor Sales, U.S.A., Inc.

  • Page 229: Uniform Tire Quality Grading

    A tire marked C may have poor trac- failure. quality grading. tion performance. Your Toyota dealer will help answer any Warning: The traction grade assigned to questions you may have as you read this this tire is based on braking (straight information.

Руководство по эксплуатации автомобиля Toyota Camry 1 (XV10)

Основной и дополнительный ключи
Внимание! Когда вы покидаете автомобиль, хотя бы ненадолго, обязательно вынимайте ключ из замка зажигания. Это особенно важно, когда в автомобиле остались дети. Они могут запустить двигатель или включить какое-нибудь…

Брелок с кодом ключей
На пластиковом брелке находятся необходимые для заказа запасных ключей номера ключей. Только на основании этих номеров можно заказать в сервисном предприятии TOYOTA запасные ключи. Вам следует особенно надежно сохранять брелок,…

Открытие двери ключом
Снаружи двери водителя запираются поворотом ключа налево, а отпираются поворотом ключа направо. На автомобилях с центральным замком при отпирании/запирании ключом двери водителя все остальные двери также соответственно…

Внутренняя ручка блокировки замка двери
Для закрытия замка двери изнутри поверните ручку закрытия вперед, а для закрытия — назад. На автомобилях с центральным замком дверь водителя может открываться изнутри при заблокированной ручке закрытия. Если необходимо закрыть…

Выключатель центральной блокировки замков
Для одновременного закрытия всех замков нажмите на соответствующую сторону переключателя «DOOR LOCK». Для одновременного открытия всех замков нажмите на противоположную сторону переключателя «DOOR LOCK».

Защелки безопасности для детей на задней двери
В конструкции задних дверей имеются дополнительные защелки для обеспечения безопасности детей. Поверните ручку защелки в торце двери в направлении стрелки и закройте дверь. Внутренняя рукоятка привода замка двери будет…

Управление электрическими стеклоподъемниками
Переключатели стеклоподъемников расположены в подлокотниках дверей. На двери водителя также переключатель стеклоподъемника двери переднего пассажира. Работа стеклоподъемников возможна, только если ключ в замке зажигания…

Регулировка подголовников сидений
Подголовники регулируются по высоте и должны быть установлены в соответствии с особенностями телосложения водителя и пассажиров. Правильно установленные подголовники обеспечивают вместе с ремнями безопасности эффективную защиту….

Передние сиденья — регулировка
Внимание! Передние сиденья должны быть расположены не слишком близко к рулевому колесу и к передней панели. Отрегулируйте положение Вашего сиденья, как это изложено на рисунке. При этом уделите внимание правильности основных…

Задние сиденья — складывание
Для увеличения багажного отделения до спинок передних сидений необходимо откинуть спинку заднего сиденья. По желанию может откидываться каждая половина спинки в отдельности.

Обогрев сидений
Для включения обогрева сиденья необходимо нажать на сторону переключателя с обозначением «HI», а для выключения — с обозначением «LO». Обогрев сидений возможен, только если ключ в замке зажигания установлен в положение «ON». Для…

Установка рулевого колеса по высоте
Внимание! Регулировку положения рулевой колонки следует производить только при неподвижном автомобиле. Внимание! По соображениям безопасности стопорная рукоятка всегда должна быть надежно поджата вниз для того, чтобы во время…

Контрольные приборы
Указатель запаса топлива Указатель работает при включенном зажигании. Желательно, чтобы в любом случае в топливном баке оставалось топлива не менее четверти бака. Если указатель достиг зоны резервного запаса топлива E, необходимо…

Контрольные лампы
Стояночный тормоз При затянутом стояночном тормозе и включенном зажигании контрольная лампа горит. Она должна погаснуть, когда стояночный тормоз отпущен. Тормозная система Внимание! Если после запуска двигателя контрольная лампа…

Эконометр (показатель расхода топлива)
Эконометр информирует водителя о величине потребления топлива. Зеленый цвет индикатора соответствует наиболее благоприятному расходу топлива. Если загорается индикатор желтого цвета, сигнализирующий о повышенном потреблении…

Замок зажигания
Внимание! Вынимайте ключ из замка зажигания только после полной остановки автомобиля! Иначе может включиться на ходу блокировка рулевого управления. START — запуск двигателя стартером. После отпускания ключ автоматически…

Автоматическая коробка передач
Нормальный режим движения (a) Внимание! При перемещении рычага селектора в положение «D» не нажимайте педаль акселератора. 1. Установите рычаг селектора в положение «P» или «N» и запустите двигатель. В положениях селектора «R»,…

Механическая коробка передач
Внимание! Во время движения правая рука водителя не должна постоянно находиться на рукоятке рычага переключения передач; усилие от веса руки передается на вилки включения передач, что может привести к ускоренному износу вилок….

Круиз-контроль (поддержание скорости)
Круиз-контроль предоставляет возможность запомнить и поддерживать любую скорость движения постоянной, начиная от 40 км/ч до практически максимальной. Круиз-контроль не следует включать, если нецелесообразно движение с постоянной…

Система отопления и вентиляции
Регулятор температуры Переключатель температуры изменяет температуру поступающего в салон воздуха. При повороте переключателя в сторону HIGH температура увеличивается, а при повороте в сторону LOW — уменьшается. Регулятор…

Цифровые часы — установка времени
Цифровые часы показывают время, если ключ в замке зажигания установлен в положение «ACC» или «ON». Для установки часов нажимайте на кнопку «H». Для установки минут нажимайте на кнопку «M». При установке времени на полный час…

Ссылка в разных форматах на эту статью



Welcome to the growing group of value-conscious people who drive Toyotas. We

are proud of the advanced engineering and quality construction of each vehicle we


This Owners Manual explains the features of your new Toyota. Please read it and

follow the instructions carefully so that you can enjoy many years of safe motoring.

When it comes to service, remember that your Toyota dealer knows your vehicle

best and is interested in your complete satisfaction. He will provide quality mainte-

nance and any other assistance you may require.

Please leave this Owners Manual in this vehicle at the time of resale. The next

owner will need this information also.

All information and specifications in this manual are current at the time of

printing. However, because of Toyota’s policy of continual product improve-

ment, we reserve the right to make changes at any time without notice.

Please note that this manual applies to all models and explains all equipment,

including options. Therefore, you may find some explanations for equipment

not installed on your vehicle.



All rights reserved. This material may not be reproduced or copied, in whole or in

part, without the written permission of Toyota Motor Corporation.

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