Canon legria hf m506 инструкция на русском

Видео Куплю видеокамеру Canon Legria HF M506 (автор: Сергей Александрович)08:30

Куплю видеокамеру Canon Legria HF M506

Видео Какую видеокамеру купить. Видеокамера Canon Legria HF M506 (автор: Сергей Александрович)11:17

Какую видеокамеру купить. Видеокамера Canon Legria HF M506

Видео Распаковка/Обзор Canon Legria HF M506 (автор: Енот Гробовщик)07:09

Распаковка/Обзор Canon Legria HF M506

Видео Unboxing и Обзор - Цифровая видеокамера Canon LEGRIA HF M506 (автор: Распаковки и Первый взгляд)11:19

Unboxing и Обзор — Цифровая видеокамера Canon LEGRIA HF M506

Видео Какую видеокамеру купить. Тест видеокамеры Canon HF M506 tst (автор: Сергей Александрович)06:53

Какую видеокамеру купить. Тест видеокамеры Canon HF M506 tst

Видео Тест CANON LEGRIA HF R506 (автор: KOMAP)09:12


Видео Видеокамера Canon Legria HF M506 (куплю) (автор: Сергей Александрович)01:25

Видеокамера Canon Legria HF M506 (куплю)

Видео Тест камеры Canon LEGRIA HF M506 на чувствительность к освещению (Видеоответ) (автор: ALTElektrik)04:04

Тест камеры Canon LEGRIA HF M506 на чувствительность к освещению (Видеоответ)

Caméscope HD Guide rapide HD…

Guide rapide, Kurzanleitung, Guida rapida

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Caméscope HD

Guide rapide



Цифровая видеокамера HD

Краткое руководство

Videocamera HD

Guida rapida

PUB. DIM-1050-000

Информация о гарантии
приведена в конце настоящего
Краткого руководства.


Caméscope HD Guide rapide HD...


Важные инструкции по эксплуатации

Несанкционированная запись материалов, защищенных законом об авторских
правах, может являться нарушением прав обладателей авторских прав и
противоречить закону об охране авторских прав.

Во избежание опасности поражения электрическим током не допускайте попадания
на данное изделие капель или брызг.

Вилка питания от сети переменного тока выполняет функцию разъединительного
устройства. Вилка питания должна быть легко доступна, чтобы ее можно было быстро
отсоединить при необходимости.

При использовании компактного блока питания не закрывайте и не оборачивайте его
материей, а также, не помещайте его в тесное замкнутое пространство.

Идентификационная табличка блока питания CA-110E расположена на его нижней

Только для Европейского Союза (Европейской экономической зоны).

Эти символы указывают, что данный продукт не должен
утилизироваться вместе с хозяйственно-бытовыми отходами в
соответствии с Директивой WEEE (2002/96/EC), Директивой об
аккумуляторах 2006/66/EC и/или законами Вашей страны,
осуществляющими данные Директивы.
Данное изделие доолжно быть передано в предназначенный для

этого пункт сбора, напрмер, на основе авторизованного обмена “один к одному”,
когда Вы покупаете подобное новое изделие, или в авторизованное место сбора
отходов электрического и электронного оборудования, батарей и аккумуляторов для
переработки. Неправильное обращение с отходами подобного типа может иметь
влияние на окружающую среду и здоровье человека из-за потенциально опасных для
здоровья веществ, которые, как правило, тесно связаны с электрическим и
электронным оборудованием. Ваше сотрудничество в области правильной утилизации
данного изделия вносит вклад в рациональное использование природных ресурсов.
Чтобы узнать больше информации о переработке отходов батарей и аккумуляторов,
пожалуйста, обратитесь в местную городскую администрацию, орган по работе с
отходами или предприятие по утилизации отходов, или зайдите на
(Европейская экономическая зона: Норвегия, Исландия и Лихтенштейн)

Важные инструкции по эксплуатации


Страница 3

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  • Текст






Видеокамера LEGRIA HF M56 соответствует (по состоянию на январь 2012 г.)
правилам по использованию радиосигналов, действующим в перечисленных ниже
регионах. Для получения сведений о других регионах, в которых возможно
использование этой видеокамеры, обращайтесь по адресам, указанным на задней
обложке настоящего Руководства по эксплуатации.

* Франция: использование вне помещений запрещено.


Австралия, Австрия, Бельгия, Болгария, Великобритания, Венгрия, Германия,
Гонконг (особый административный регион), Греция, Дания, Ирландия,
Исландия, Испания, Италия, Кипр, Латвия, Литва, Лихтенштейн, Люксембург,
Мальта, Нидерланды, Новая Зеландия, Норвегия, Польша, Португалия, Россия,
Румыния, Сингапур, Словакия, Словения, Финляндия, Франция*, Чешская
Республика, Швейцария, Швеция, Эстония




Важное замечание о памяти

Когда индикатор обращения к памяти ACCESS горит или мигает,
соблюдайте перечисленные ниже меры предосторожности. В
противном случае может произойти безвозвратная потеря данных
или повреждение памяти.
— Не открывайте крышку гнезда карты памяти.
— Не отсоединяйте источник питания и не выключайте видеокамеру.
— Не изменяйте режим работы видеокамеры.

Товарные знаки

• Логотипы SD, SDHC и SDXC являются товарными знаками компании SD-3C, LLC.
• Microsoft и Windows являются товарными знаками либо зарегистрированными товарными знаками

корпорации Microsoft в США и/или других странах.

• App Store, iPhone, iTunes, Mac OS и Macintosh являются товарными знаками корпорации Apple Inc.,

зарегистрированными в США и других странах.

• «x.v.Colour» и логотип «x.v.Colour» являются товарными знаками.
• HDMI, High-Definition Multimedia Interface и логотип HDMI являются

товарными знаками или зарегистрированными товарными знаками
HDMI Licensing LLC в США и/или других странах.

• «AVCHD» и логотип «AVCHD» являются товарными знаками

корпораций Panasonic Corporation и Sony Corporation.

• Изготовлено по лицензии компании Dolby Laboratories.

«Dolby» и знак в виде двойной буквы D являются товарными знаками компании Dolby Laboratories.

• YouTube является товарным знаком корпорации Google Inc.
• Facebook является товарным знаком корпорации Facebook, Inc.
• Wi-Fi является товарным знаком альянса Wi-Fi Alliance.
• Wi-Fi Certified, WPA, WPA2 и логотип Wi-Fi Certified являются товарными знаками альянса Wi-Fi


• WPS при использовании в параметрах видеокамеры, в экранной индикации и в данном Руководстве

означает Wi-Fi Protected Setup.

• DLNA, Логотип DLNA и DLNA CERTIFIED являются товарными знаками, сервисными знаками, или

сертификационными знаки Digital Living Network Alliance.

• Прочие названия и изделия, не упомянутые выше, могут быть товарными знаками или

зарегистрированными товарными знаками соответствующих компаний.

• В этом устройстве используется технология exFAT, лицензия на которую

получена от корпорации Microsoft.

• Символом «Full HD 1080» обозначаются видеокамеры Canon, поддерживающие

видеоизображение высокой четкости, содержащее 1080 пикселов (строк
развертки) по вертикали.



• This product is licensed under AT&T patents for the MPEG-4 standard and may be used for encoding

MPEG-4 compliant video and/or decoding MPEG-4 compliant video that was encoded only (1) for a
personal and non-commercial purpose or (2) by a video provider licensed under the AT&T patents to
provide MPEG-4 compliant video. No license is granted or implied for any other use for MPEG-4 standard.

Важное замечание о памяти...






Комплект поставки

• Компактный блок питания CA-110E (с кабелем питания) [1]

• Аккумулятор BP-718

• Стилус [2]

• HDMI-кабель HTC-100/S [3]

• USB-кабель IFC-300PCU/S [4]

• 0 Руководство по базовой настройке Wi-Fi

• 2 компакт-диска с программным обеспечением

— Компакт-диск PIXELA*

0 Содержит программу VideoBrowser для систематизации,
редактирования и воспроизведения видеофильмов, а также утилиту
Network Utility для беспроводной передачи записей в компьютер.
1 Содержит программу Transfer Utility для сохранения и
передачи видеофильмов и музыкальных файлов, которые можно
использовать как фоновое музыкальное сопровождение.

— Компакт-диск : LEGRIA

Содержит полный вариант руководства по эксплуатации
видеокамеры (PDF-файл). См. пояснения на следующей странице.

* Данный компакт-диск содержит руководство по работе с программным

обеспечением (PDF-файл). Кроме того, прилагается печатная версия
вводного руководства по программному обеспечению корпорации
PIXELA. Это вводное руководство содержит подробные сведения о
прилагаемом программном обеспечении.





Комплект поставки




Комплект поставки


Значки и индикация на экране


Зарядка аккумулятора


Основные подготовительные операции


Установка даты/времени и языка


Использование карты памяти


Съемка видеофильмов и фотографий


Воспроизведение видеофильмов и просмотр фотографий


Просмотр на экране телевизора


Сохранение записей и их совместное использование


Краткие технические характеристики

О функциях Wi-Fi видеокамеры (только


Можно подключить видеокамеру к сети Wi-Fi для полного
использования возможностей различных функций Wi-Fi. Так как эти
функции Wi-Fi выходят за рамки настоящего Краткого руководства, для
подключения видеокамеры к своей домашней сети Wi-Fi ознакомьтесь
с Руководством по базовой настройке Wi-Fi, прилагаемым к
видеокамере. Полное описание приведено в полной версии
Руководства по эксплуатации (PDF-файл*).

О Руководстве по эксплуатации видеокамеры в виде PDF-файла

Настоящее Руководство содержит вводные сведения и начальные
инструкции по использованию видеокамеры для съемки
видеофильмов и фотографий, а также воспроизведению записей (с
помощью видеокамеры или на экране подсоединенного телевизора).
Чтобы ознакомиться с информацией о более сложных функциях
видеокамеры, важных сведениях о правилах обращения и по
устранению неполадок в случае появления сообщений об ошибках,
прочитайте полную версию руководства по эксплуатации (PDF-файл*).
В настоящем Кратком руководстве значком ; отмечены ссылки
на соответствующую страницу в PDF-файле.

* Для просмотра Руководства по эксплуатации в формате PDF требуется

программа Adobe




6 или более новая версия.

Значки и индикация на экране...

Fr De It Ru Установка Руководства по эксплуатации видеокаме…

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Установка Руководства по эксплуатации видеокамеры (PDF-файл)

1 Включите компьютер.

2 Установите компакт-диск LEGRIA в дисковод компакт-

дисков компьютера.

3 Windows: с помощью проводника Windows откройте

дисковод, в который был установлен компакт-диск.
Mac OS: в приложении Finder щелкните мышью значок

4 Щелкните/дважды щелкните значок Disc_Setup.exe.

5 В панели программы установки щелкните [Instruction

Manual of the Camcorder/Руководство по эксплуатации
видеокамеры] и выберите язык.

6 По завершении установки щелкните [OK], затем [Exit/


Программа установки сохраняет Руководство по эксплуатации
видеокамеры (PDF-файл) и создает ярлык на рабочем столе для
быстрого доступа к нему.

Fr De It Ru Установка Руководства по эксплуатации видеокаме...




Значки и индикация на экране

Съемка видеофильмов (с использованием функции создателя



Кнопка управления [FUNC.]: открытие панели [

Основн. функции]





Smart AUTO (A 25)


Рамка обнаружения лица (




Рамка слежения за объектом: прикоснитесь к движущемуся объекту на
экране, чтобы он всегда находился в фокусе. (




Кнопка управления [PHOTO] – съемка фотографии (A 24)


Кнопка управления [?]: отображение рекомендаций по съемке для
текущего эпизода сюжета


Операция с памятью (




Интеллектуальная стабилизация изображения (




Оставшееся время работы от

— Если этот значок

отображается желтым
или красным цветом, аккумулятор почти полностью разряжен.
Замените его полностью заряженным аккумулятором.



Зум (A 25)



Режим записи (A 23)



Стандарт записи (A 18)



Текущий эпизод сюжета (





Рекомендуемая длительность сюжета (





Декорирование: придайте занятную индивидуальность с помощью
штампов, рисунков, микширования изображений и т. п. (








Значки и индикация на экране

Значки и индикация на экране






Съемка видеофильмов

Ручной режим




Программа съемки: программы съемки позволяют изменять различные
параметры, относящиеся к изображению, в соответствии с Вашими
предпочтениями или использовать специальную сюжетную программу
съемки, подходящую для конкретной ситуации. (





Ручная установка экспозиции: вручную скорректируйте экспозицию,
чтобы получить более темное/светлое изображение, чем
получаемое при использовании автоматической экспозиции,
установленной видеокамерой. (





Ограничение AGC (автоматическая регулировка усиления) (





= Мгновенная АФ/@ Обычная АФ (


201); MF Ручная

фокусировка (





Обнаружения лиц: видеокамера может автоматически обнаруживать
лица людей и использовать эту информацию для настройки
фокусировки и установки оптимальных параметров экспозиции и
управления цветом, обеспечивая получение превосходных
видеоизображений и фотографий. (





Баланс белого: изменяйте эту настройку, чтобы различные условия
освещения не влияли на цвета записей и белые объекты выглядели
действительно белыми. (





Индикатор уровня громкости звука: позволяет вручную настраивать
уровень записи звука. (





x.v.Color: в видеокамере используется цветовое пространство с
расширенной гаммой для получения более насыщенных и
естественных цветов. (



Значки и индикация на экране...

Значки и индикация на экране




Во время съемки/воспроизведения: счетчик эпизода (часы :
минуты : секунды); < Таймер автоспуска (





Стабилизатор изображения (





Телемакро (





Оставшееся время съемки
* На карте памяти; & Во встроенной памяти*


Запись со сменой носителя (



— Когда в памяти больше не остается свободного места,

отображается сообщение [& Кнц] (встроенная память*) или
[* Кнц] (карта памяти) и съемка останавливается.

* Только 0.



Частота кадров (





Эффекты изображения: точная настройка яркости, резкости, цветов и
контрастности записей. (





Микрофонный аттенюатор: служит для предотвращения искажений
слишком громкого звука. (





Выбор аудиоэпизода (





Выход для наушников (





Пользовательская кнопка управления (





Маркер горизонтали: служит для отображения экранных маркеров,
позволяющих проверить компоновку и обеспечить ровные
горизонтальные или вертикальные линии в записях. (





Датчик ДУ отключен (





Монтажный переход (





Автофильтр ветра: фильтр шума ветра устраняет фоновый шум ветра
при съемке вне помещений. При съемке в очень тихом помещении
может потребоваться отключить этот фильтр. (





Направленность дополнительно приобретаемого микрофона
Surround SM-V1 (





Конверсионный объектив (показан телеконвертер) (





Миниатюрная усовершенствованная колодка (





Кнопка управления [FILTER 1] – Кинофильтры: создавайте
уникальные, неповторимые фильмы с помощью кинофильтров.





В режиме паузы записи: общее количество эпизодов

Значки и индикация на экране...


HF M506

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Guide rapide, Kurzanleitung, Guida rapida

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  • Оригинал


background image

Caméscope HD

Guide rapide



Цифровая видеокамера HD

Краткое руководство

Videocamera HD

Guida rapida

PUB. DIM-1050-000

Информация о гарантии
приведена в конце настоящего
Краткого руководства.



Много инструкций

Canon LEGRIA HF M56, HF M506

Данная инструкция на русском языке предназначена для видеокамеры
Canon LEGRIA HF M56, HF M506
, описывает принцип работы и основные моменты эксплуатации устройства.

Производитель настойчиво рекомендует перед включением видеокамеры
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Инструкция для видеокамеры
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Canon LEGRIA HF M506 Instruction Manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

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PUB. DIE-0418-000B

HD Camcorder

Instruction Manual



Related Manuals for Canon LEGRIA HF M506

Summary of Contents for Canon LEGRIA HF M506

  • Page 1: Instruction Manual

    PUB. DIE-0418-000B HD Camcorder Instruction Manual…

  • Page 2: Important Usage Instructions

    For more information about the recycling of this product, please contact your local city office, waste authority, approved scheme or your household waste disposal service or visit (EEA: Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein)

  • Page 3
    * France: Cannot be used outdoors. Statement on EC directive Hereby, Canon Inc., declares that this WM217 is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC. Please contact the following address for the original Declaration of Conformity: CANON EUROPA N.V.
  • Page 4
    • This device incorporates exFAT technology licensed from Microsoft. • “Full HD 1080” refers to Canon camcorders compliant with high-definition video composed of 1,080 vertical pixels (scanning lines). • ANY USE OF THIS PRODUCT OTHER THAN CONSUMER PERSONAL USE IN ANY MANNER…
  • Page 5: Exciting Features And New Functions

    Exciting Features and New Functions Audio Scene Select Wi-Fi Functions (A 111) (A 155) Enjoy the freedom of Wi-Fi Optimize the audio settings of the functions by making your built-in microphone by selecting camcorder an active part of your the audio scene that matches Wi-Fi home network or by your surroundings.

  • Page 6: Image Stabilization

    Smart AUTO (A 46) Smart AUTO automatically selects the best scene mode for the scene you want to shoot. You get spectacular recordings every time without worrying about settings. Video Snapshot Face Detection (A 70) (A 97) Shoot or capture short scenes The camcorder automatically and arrange them into a video detects people’s faces and…

  • Page 7
    Enjoying Your Recordings on Other Devices Eye-Fi Connect the camcorder Use an Eye-Fi card Upload your AVCHD to an HDTV (A 134) (A 152) to wirelessly movies* (A 148) or upload recordings to MP4 movies your computer or a video (A 154) to the Web.
  • Page 8
    Enjoying Your Recordings Using the Camcorder’s Wi-Fi Functions Play video wirelessly directly from the memory on AVCHD- and DLNA-compatible HDTVs and other devices connected to the network (A 170). LAN cable Join a Wi-Fi Transfer your recordings network by first wirelessly from the connecting to an camcorder to a computer or…
  • Page 9: Table Of Contents

    Table of contents Introduction Exciting Features and New Functions About this Manual Getting to Know the Camcorder Supplied Accessories and CD-ROMs Names of Parts Preparations Getting Started Charging the Battery Pack Preparing the Accessories Adjusting the LCD Screen Basic Operation of the Camcorder Using the Touch Screen Using the Menus Operating Modes…

  • Page 10
    AUTO Mode Basic Recording Shooting Video and Taking Photos in AUTO Mode About the Smart AUTO function Intelligent IS Zooming Quick Start Video Basic Playback Playing Back Video 3D Flip View The [Index Selection] Screen: Selecting the Content to Play Back Deleting Scenes and Stories Selecting the Playback Starting Point Onscreen Displays and Data Code…
  • Page 11
    Touch & Track Faders Manually Setting the Shutter Speed or Aperture Manual Exposure Adjustment Automatic Gain Control (AGC) Limit Manual Focus Adjustment Tele Macro White Balance Image Effects Self Timer Audio Scenes and Other Audio Settings Audio Recording Level Using Headphones Using the Mini Advanced Shoe Using an External Microphone Using an External Video Light…
  • Page 12
    Wi-Fi Functions Introduction to Wi-Fi Connecting to a Wi-Fi Network Transferring Files to a Computer or FTP server Uploading Recordings to YouTube and Facebook Uploading Videos Using an iOS Device Wireless Playback on a DLNA-Compatible Device Additional Information 174 Appendix: Menu Options Lists [Main Functions] Panel [Other Settings] Menus 190 Appendix: Onscreen Icons and Displays…
  • Page 13: About This Manual

    About this Manual Thank you for purchasing the Canon LEGRIA HF M56 / LEGRIA HF M506. Please read this manual carefully before you use the cam- corder and retain it for future reference. Should your camcorder fail to operate correctly, refer to Troubleshooting (A 195).

  • Page 14
    indicates that a function is available in the Brackets [ ] are used to refer to operating mode indicated and indicates control buttons and menu options that the function is not available. The operating you will touch on the screen and to mode icons are divided into three groups: the other onscreen messages and first three icons represent the camera mode,…
  • Page 15: Getting To Know The Camcorder

    Getting to Know the Camcorder Supplied Accessories and CD-ROMs The following accessories are supplied with the camcorder: CA-110E Compact Power Adapter (incl. power cord) BP-718 Battery Pack IFC-300PCU/S USB Cable HTC-100/S HDMI Cable Quick Guide Wi-Fi Basic Setup Guide* Stylus Pen * 0 only.

  • Page 16
    (image mix frames). The CD-ROM includes the instruction manual of the software (on PDF file). **CANON iMAGE GATEWAY is an online service that allows you to share mov- ies and photos, make photo albums, and more. This service may not be available in all countries/regions.
  • Page 17: Names Of Parts

    Names of Parts 1 VIDEO SNAP (video snapshot) button Left side view (A 70) 2 HOME (home) button (A 27) 3 U (camera/play) button (A 32) 4 BATTERY RELEASE switch (A 21) 5 USB terminal (A 130, 133, 143, 147) 6 HDMI OUT terminal (A 130, 131) 7 AV OUT terminal (A 130, 132)/ ×…

  • Page 18
    A h Speaker (A 55) Top view A j Zoom lever (A 49) A k Mini advanced shoe (A 118) A l ACCESS (access) indicator (A 44) S q POWER button S a ON/OFF (CHG) (charge) indicator: Green – On Orange –…
  • Page 19
    S d DC IN terminal (A 20) Back view S f Battery attachment unit (A 20) S g Serial number S h Tripod socket (A 215) Bottom view Introduction…
  • Page 20: Getting Started

    Preparations This chapter describes basic operations, such as using the touch panel, navigating the menus, and first time settings to help you learn more about your camcorder. Getting Started Charging the Battery Pack The camcorder can be powered with a battery pack or directly using the compact power adapter.

  • Page 21
    ON/OFF (CHG) (charge) indicator 5 Charging will start when the camcorder is turned off. • If the camcorder was on, the green ON/OFF (CHG) indicator will go out when you turn off the camcorder. After a moment, the ON/OFF (CHG) indicator will turn on in red (battery pack charging).
  • Page 22
    • To prevent equipment breakdowns and excessive heating, do not con- nect the supplied compact power adapter to voltage converters for overseas travels or special power sources such as those on aircraft and ships, DC-AC inverters, etc. NOTES • We recommend charging the battery pack in temperatures between 10 °C and 30 °C.
  • Page 23: Preparing The Accessories

    Preparing the Accessories Grip Belt and Straps Fasten the grip belt. Adjust the grip belt so that you can reach the zoom lever with your index finger, and the Y button with your thumb. You can attach the supplied stylus pen to the grip belt.

  • Page 24
    To attach an optional wrist strap Attach the wrist strap to the rear bracket on the camcorder, adjust the length and fasten. You can also attach the wrist strap to the strap mount on the grip belt to use both for extra convenience and protection.
  • Page 25: Adjusting The Lcd Screen

    Adjusting the LCD Screen Rotating the LCD Panel Open the LCD panel 90 degrees. • You can rotate the panel 90 degrees downward. • You can rotate the panel 180 degrees toward the lens. Rotating the LCD panel 180 degrees can be useful to allow the camcorder to include yourself in the picture when recording with the self timer.

  • Page 26: Basic Operation Of The Camcorder

    Basic Operation of the Camcorder Using the Touch Screen The control buttons and menu items that appear on the touch screen change dynamically depending on the operating mode and the task you are performing. With the intuitive touch screen interface you have all the controls at your fingertips.

  • Page 27: Using The Menus

    Using the Menus Many of the camcorder’s functions can be adjusted from the [ Main Functions] panel and [ Other Settings] menus in the HOME menu. For details about the available menu options and settings, refer to the appendix Menu Options Lists (A 174). HOME Menu Operating modes: The HOME menu is the gateway to…

  • Page 28
    • [ Camera Mode] — From the [ Camera Mode] menu, you will be able to change whether you record movies in mode (camcorder automatically takes care of many settings), mode (you can manu- ally change settings), or mode (using the cinema-look filters, you can make movies with a cinematic feel).
  • Page 29
    mode Drag your finger up Touch to scroll up and down along the or down scroll bar to display the rest of the panel Touch the control button of the desired function You may need to drag your finger up and down along the scroll bar or touch [ ] and [ ] to find the control button of the desired function.
  • Page 30: Operating Modes

    1 Press to open the HOME menu. 2 Touch [ Other Settings] to open the [Other Settings] menus. 3 Touch the tab of the desired menu. 4 Drag your finger up and down to bring the setting you want to change into the orange selection bar.

  • Page 31
    Camera mode Operation Let the camcorder take care of most of the settings while you concentrate on recording (A 44). Great for beginners or if you just (AUTO mode) prefer not to bother with detailed camcorder settings. Enjoy full access to menus, settings and advanced functions (A 86). (Manual mode) Give your recordings a cinematic look and use cinema-look filters to create unique movies (A 69).
  • Page 32
    NOTES • You can adjust the video quality using the r > [Recording Mode] setting. • Some portable devices may not be able to play back MP4 movies recorded with this camcorder. Playback Press the camera/play button T to switch the camcorder between camera (recording) mode and playback mode.
  • Page 33: First Time Settings

    First Time Settings Setting the Date and Time You will need to set the date and time of the camcorder before you can start using it. The [Date/Time] screen (date and time setup screen) will appear auto- matically when the camcorder’s clock is not set.

  • Page 34: Changing The Language

    Changing the Language The default language of the camcorder is English. You can set it to one of 27 languages. Operating modes: 1 Press 2 Select the desired language. [Language !]* > > > Other Settings] > > Desired language [OK] * After changing the camcoder’s language to English, select q >…

  • Page 35: Changing The Time Zone

    Changing the Time Zone Change the time zone to match your location. The default setting is Paris. Operating modes: 1 Press 2 Open the [Time Zone/DST] screen. > > Other Settings] [Time Zone/DST] 3 Touch [«] to set the home time zone, or [#] to set the time zone of your destination when you are traveling.

  • Page 36: Using A Memory Card

    As of December 2011, the movie recording function has been tested using SD/SDHC/SDXC memory cards made by Panasonic, Toshiba and SanDisk. For the latest information on cards that can be used, visit your local Canon Web site. Memory card type: SD memory card,…

  • Page 37
    Compatible operating systems for SDXC memory cards Operating system Compatibility Windows 7 Compatible Windows Vista Compatible (requires Service Pack 1 or later) Windows XP Compatible (requires Service Pack 3 and KB955704 update) Mac OS X Compatible (requires version 10.6.5 or later) IMPORTANT •…
  • Page 38: Inserting And Removing A Memory Card

    Inserting and Removing a Memory Card Make sure to initialize (A 40) all memory cards before using them with this camcorder. 1 Turn off the camcorder. Make sure the ON/OFF (CHG) indicator is off. 2 Open the memory card slot cover.

  • Page 39: Selecting The Memory (Built-In Memory/Memory

    0 Selecting the Memory (Built-in Memory/Memory Card) for the Recordings You can select to record your movies and photos in the built-in mem- ory or on a memory card. The default memory for recording both is the built-in memory. Operating modes: POINTS TO CHECK •…

  • Page 40: Initializing The Memory

    3 Activate the relay recording. > > > Other Settings] [Rec Media for Movies] > > > [&] [Relay Recording] [%]* * The approximate available recording time will now reflect the combined space in the memories used for relay recording. NOTES •…

  • Page 41
    3 Initialize the memory. [Initialize &/*] > > > Other Settings] > > [& Built-in Mem.] or [* Mem. Card] [Initialize] > > > [Complete Initialization] [Yes] [OK] > > [Initialize *] > Other Settings] [Initialize] > > > > [Complete Initialization] [Yes] [OK]…
  • Page 42: Using The Optional Wireless Controller

    Using the Optional Wireless Controller When you use the optional WL-D89 Wireless Controller, you can con- veniently operate the camcorder from a distance when, for example, you are using a tripod to achieve a stable shot. To use the wireless controller, first perform the following procedure to turn on the cam- corder’s remote sensor.

  • Page 43
    Wireless Controller’s Buttons 1 START/STOP button (A 44) 2 G (index selection) button • In any index screen (during playback mode), press to open the [G Index Selection] screen (A 58). • Press and hold for more than 2 seconds to switch between shooting and playback mode.
  • Page 44: Basic Recording

    AUTO Mode This chapter covers how to easily record video and photos in mode, and how to use basic shooting functions like zoom and Quick Start. To enjoy full access to menus and more advanced functions, refer to Recording in Manual Mode (A 86).

  • Page 45
    3 Set the camcorder to mode. > > Camera Mode] [OK] To record video Press to begin recording. • Press again to pause the recording. • You can also press on the optional WL-D89 Wireless Con- troller. • The ACCESS indicator will flash from time to time while the scene is being recorded.
  • Page 46: About The Smart Auto Function

    About AUTO mode • Only the following functions are available in mode. — Zoom (A 49). — Quick Start (A 51). — Video snapshot (A 70). — Face detection (A 97) to get beautiful shots of people every time, tracking the subject even if the person moves. — Touch &…

  • Page 47: Smart Auto Icons

    Smart AUTO icons Background → Bright* Blue skies* Vivid colors* Sunsets (color of the icon) (gray) (light blue) (green/red) (orange) Subject ↓ People (stationary) — People (moving) — Subjects other than people, such as landscapes Close objects — Background → Dark (dark blue) (color of the icon)

  • Page 48: Intelligent Is

    — Do not change the camcorder’s operating mode. • Be sure to save your recordings regularly (A 135), especially after making important recordings. Canon shall not be liable for any loss or corruption of data. • Recordings on an Eye-Fi card will be uploaded automatically after set- ting the camcorder to playback mode, if you are within the range of a configured network.

  • Page 49: Zooming

    • When recording in bright places, it may be difficult to use the LCD screen. In such cases, you can adjust the LCD backlight with the q > [LCD Backlight] setting or adjust the brightness of the LCD screen with the q >…

  • Page 50
    Using the Touch Screen’s Zoom Controls 1 Display the zoom controls on the touch screen. > [FUNC.] [ZOOM Zoom] • The zoom controls appear on the left side of the screen. 2 Touch the zoom controls to operate the zoom. Touch anywhere within the T area to zoom out or anywhere within the S area to zoom in.
  • Page 51: Quick Start

    Quick Start When you close the LCD panel with the camcorder on, the camcorder enters the standby mode. In standby mode the camcorder consumes only about 1/3 the power used when recording, saving energy when you are using a battery pack. Additionally, when you open the LCD panel, the camcorder is ready to start recording in approximately 1 second*, allowing you to record the subject right away.

  • Page 52
    • About standby mode and auto power off: — The camcorder will power off automatically if left in standby mode for 10 minutes. Press P to turn on the camcorder. — You can select the length of time until shut-off or turn off the Quick q>…
  • Page 53: Basic Playback

    Video This chapter covers functions related to movies, including play- back, advanced shooting, using Story Creator and other advanced functions. For details about basic video shooting, refer to AUTO Mode (A 44). Basic Playback Playing Back Video You can use the s >…

  • Page 54
    3 Look for the scene you want to play back. Move the zoom lever toward T to show 15 scenes per page; move it toward S to show 6 scenes per page. ! Open the index selection screen. » Memory being read. # Recording date.** $ Division line between recording dates.
  • Page 55
    During playback: AVCHD movies MP4 movies ! Jump to the beginning of the scene. Double-tap to jump to the previ- ous scene*. » Jump to the beginning of the next scene*. # Pause the playback. $ Fast playback** backward/forward. % Display the volume (A 55) and background music mix balance (A 80) controls.
  • Page 56
    During playback pause: ! Resume playback. » Slow playback* backward/forward. # Capture the displayed frame as a photo (A 122)**. $ Decoration (A 71)**. * Touch several times to increase the playback speed 1/8 → 1/4 the normal speed. ** Not available for MP4 movies. IMPORTANT •…
  • Page 57: D Flip View

    3D Flip View Operating modes: Touch [ ] in the [ Movies] index screen to switch to 3D Flip View. This fun way of displaying scenes grouped by recording date in a 3D layout can be useful to flip through a large number of recordings. ! Recording date.

  • Page 58: The [Index Selection] Screen: Selecting The Content To

    The [Index Selection] Screen: Selecting the Content to Play Back From the [G Index Selection] screen you can select the content you want to play back (original scenes by date or by story, or photos, for example). 0 You can also select the memory from which you want to play back your recordings.

  • Page 59
    NOTES • 0 Fast/slow playback modes are not available for scenes con- verted to standard definition. Scenes in the [SD Movies] index screen can only be played back at normal speed. • You cannot jump to the previous or next scene with MP4 movies. Two playback modes for AVCHD movies: the [ Movies] index screen vs.
  • Page 60
    3 Delete the scene. > > > > [Ý] [Edit] [Delete] [Yes] [OK] Deleting Scenes from the [ Movies] or [ Movies] Index Screen Operating modes: 1 Open the [ Movies] or [ Movies] index screen. For AVCHD movies, to delete all the scenes recorded on a specific date, drag your finger left/right until the desired date appears in the title bar.
  • Page 61
    Deleting a Single Scene from a Story Operating modes: 1 Open the list of scenes of the story that contains the scene you want to delete. > > Gallery] Bring the desired story to the > front [Scene List] 2 In the [Scene List] screen, drag your finger up/down to select the scene you want to delete.
  • Page 62
    3 Touch one or more of the rating buttons to select all the applicable scenes. • A grayed out rating button indicates that no scenes in the story have been given that particular rating. • The number of selected scenes appears on the screen. •…
  • Page 63: Selecting The Playback Starting Point

    IMPORTANT • Be careful when deleting recordings. Once deleted, scenes cannot be recovered. • Deleting a story permanently deletes all the scenes it contains. • When deleting scenes, scenes will be removed from the [ Movies] or [ Movies] index screen and from any stories in the gallery they may have belonged to, regardless of the method used to delete them.

  • Page 64
    3 Touch the desired frame in the timeline ruler to start playing back the scene from that point. ! Touch twice to return to the index screen. » Previous/next scene. # Drag your finger left along the ruler to display the next 5 frames. $ Scene’s recording mode and length.
  • Page 65: Onscreen Displays And Data Code

    Onscreen Displays and Data Code With every scene or photo recorded, the camcorder keeps a data code. For AVCHD movies, the data code includes date/time of record- ing, information about the camera setup, etc. For MP4 movies, the data code is the date of recording. You can choose the information to be displayed.

  • Page 66: Video Stories And Cinema Style

    Video Stories and Cinema Style Using Story Creator to Create Compelling Stories Story Creator is a helpful function that offers suggestions for typical scenes in a number of situations. With Story Creator, creating interest- ing video stories is as easy as selecting one of the story themes, such as [Travel], [Party] or [Kids &…

  • Page 67
    6 Touch [OK]. • A new story will be created and the camcorder will enter record pause mode. The selected story scene category will appear at the bottom of the screen. • If you touch [?], a screen showing the selected theme, story scene (category), shooting advice and the recommended shooting length will appear.
  • Page 68
    To exit Story Creator mode 1 Press 2 Touch [ Recording Standard] and then select a different recording standard. NOTES • When recording video snapshot scenes, you can have the camcorder automatically link the length of video snapshot scenes to the recom- mended length of story scenes with the r >…
  • Page 69: Cinema Mode And Cinema-Look Filters

    Cinema Mode and Cinema-Look Filters (cinema) mode, the camcorder will adjust the frame rate and several other picture-related settings to give your recordings a cine- matic look. In this mode you can also use a variety of professional cin- ema-look filters to create unique movies with a distinctive appearance. Operating modes: 1 Press 2 Set the camcorder to…

  • Page 70: Video Snapshot

    Options ( Default value) The camcorder offers 7 cinema- look filters. Select the desired filter while previewing the effect on the screen. [1: Cinema Standard] [2: Vivid] [3: Dream] [4: Cool] ! Filter number (will appear on [5: Nostalgic] the control button) [6: Sepia] «…

  • Page 71: Decoration: Adding A Personal Touch

    1 Press V. • A blue border appears on the screen. • Press V again to return to normal video recording mode. 2 Press Y. • The camcorder records for a few seconds (the blue frame serves as a visual progress bar*) and then automatically returns to record pause mode.

  • Page 72
    Decorating Scenes while Recording Operating modes: 1 Open the decoration screen. > [FUNC.] [Ò Decoration] • The decoration screen will open automatically also when you stow the LCD panel with the touch screen facing out. 2 Use a tool from the toolbar as explained in the following procedures.
  • Page 73
    & [Ü]** (Image Mix) Choose one of 27 different frames to add onto the canvas. Image mix can be used in combination with the pens, stamps and animated stamps. ‘ [Ý]** In recording mode: pause the live video. Touch [Ý] again to restore the live video.
  • Page 74
    To use [Animated Stamps] 1 Touch [×]. The [Animated Stamps] screen will appear. 2 Touch one of the control buttons. 3 Touch anywhere on the canvas to place the selected animated stamp. You can also drag some animated stamps to a different location.
  • Page 75
    Decorating Scenes during Playback Operating modes: 1 From the [ Movies] index screen or gallery, play back the scene you want to decorate. 2 Touch the screen to display the playback controls. 3 Touch [Ò] to open the decoration screen. 4 Decorate the scene using the tools from the toolbar as explained in the previous section.
  • Page 76: Playing Back Stories From The Gallery

    Playing Back Stories from the Gallery You can play back recordings made using Story Creator to play them back as a single compelling video story following the order of the story’s script. Regular scenes and video snapshot scenes recorded without using Story Creator, will appear in the gallery under the [Unsorted] or [Video Snapshot] stories.

  • Page 77
    3 Select the rating of the scenes you want to play back. > > > [Story Details] [Select by Rating] Desired rating > 4 Touch the story’s thumbnail to start the playback. • The complete story will be played back from the first scene to the last.
  • Page 78: Rating Scenes

    Rating Scenes You can rate story scenes immediately after recording them or during playback. You can then select multiple scenes with the same rating, for example, in order to play back or copy only your favorite scenes. Rating Scenes Immediately After Recording Operating modes: 1 Press 2 Activate the scene rating function.

  • Page 79
    2 Open the list of scenes of the story that contains the scenes you want to rate. > > Gallery] Bring the desired story to the > front [Scene List] 3 In the [Scene List] screen, drag your finger up/down to select the scene you want to rate.
  • Page 80: Playback With Background Music

    Playback with Background Music You can play back movies (or a photo slideshow) using one of the sup- plied music tracks from the supplied LEGRIA CD-ROM as background music. Operating modes: The supplied LEGRIA CD-ROM contains 3 music tracks you can use as background music.

  • Page 81
    ! Select the desired music track. » Adjust the background music balance. # Play back the original sound (no background music). $ Delete the music track selected. % Listen to the music track selected. Touch again (Ñ) to stop the playback. 5 Adjust the mix balance between the original sound and the background music.
  • Page 82: Copying And Moving Scenes Within/Between Stories

    IMPORTANT • If you use copyrighted songs and music tracks in your video creations, remember that music under copyright may not be used without permis- sion from the copyright holder, except for cases permitted under appli- cable laws, such as for personal use. Make sure to follow applicable laws when using music files.

  • Page 83
    1 Open the list of scenes of the story that contains the scene you want to copy or move. > > Gallery] Bring the desired story to the > front [Scene List] 2 In the [Scene List] screen, drag your finger up/down to select the scene you want to copy/move.
  • Page 84: Selecting A Story’s Thumbnail Image

    Selecting a Story’s Thumbnail Image Initially, the image used as the story’s thumbnail is the first frame of the first scene in the story. You can set your favorite scene as the thumb- nail that will represent the story in the gallery. Operating modes: 1 Open the gallery.

  • Page 85
    1 Open the gallery. > Gallery] 2 Select the story whose title you want to change. Drag your finger right/left to bring the desired story to the front. 3 Open the [Edit Title] screen. > > [Story Details] [Edit Story] [Edit Title] 4 Use the virtual keyboard to change the title.
  • Page 86: Advanced Functions

    Advanced Functions Recording in Manual Mode When the camcorder is set to mode, you can enjoy full access to the menus and manually adjust the exposure, focus, white balance and many more of the camcorder’s settings to your preference. Even in this mode, though, the camcorder can help you with the settings.

  • Page 87
    — Do not change the camcorder’s operating mode. • Be sure to save your recordings regularly (A 135), especially after making important recordings. Canon shall not be liable for any loss or corruption of data. • Recordings on an Eye-Fi card will be uploaded automatically after set- ting the camcorder to playback mode, if you are within the range of a configured network.
  • Page 88: Selecting The Video Quality (Recording Mode

    NOTES • For MP4 movies, you cannot review the last movie recorded if, after you recorded the movie, you performed another operation such as opening a menu. Selecting the Video Quality (Recording Mode) The camcorder offers 5 recording modes for recording AVCHD movies and 2 for MP4 movies.

  • Page 89
    NOTES • Movies recorded in MXP mode cannot be saved on AVCHD discs. Use an external Blu-ray Disc recorder to copy MXP movies onto Blu-ray discs. 0 Alternatively, you can use the supplied software Video- Browser to create AVCHD discs*. •…
  • Page 90
    Approximate recording times Default value AVCHD movies in MXP mode are recorded in 1,920 x 1,080 resolution. AVCHD movies recorded using other recording modes are recorded in 1,440 x 1,080 resolution. MP4 movies are recorded in 1,280 x 720 resolution. For AVCHD movies: Recording mode →…
  • Page 91: Selecting The Frame Rate

    Selecting the Frame Rate You can change the frame rate (the number of frames recorded per second) to change the look of your movies. When recording MP4 mov- ies, the frame rate will be [ 25P]. Operating modes: 1 Press 2 Select the frame rate.

  • Page 92: Special Scene Recording Programs

    Special Scene Recording Programs Recording in a very bright ski resort or capturing the full colors of a sunset or a fireworks display becomes as easy as selecting a Special Scene recording program. Operating modes: > > > ú [FUNC.] [Rec.

  • Page 93
    [ÿ SCN: Sunset] To record sunsets in vibrant colors. Œ SCN: Low Light] To record in low-light situa- tions. [œ SCN: Spotlight] To record spotlit scenes. [Š SCN: Fireworks] To record fireworks. [š SCN: Underwater] To record underwater scenes in natural colors. [Ÿ…
  • Page 94
    — White points may appear on the screen. — Autofocus may not work as well as in other modes. In such case, adjust the focus manually. • [Š SCN: Fireworks]: — To avoid camera blur (blur due to the camcorder moving) we recommend using a tripod.
  • Page 95: Advanced Image Stabilization

    Advanced Image Stabilization The image stabilizer reduces camcorder blur (blur due to the cam- corder moving) so you can get nice, stable shots. Select the image sta- bilization mode according to the shooting conditions. Operating modes: 1 Press 2 Select the IS mode. >…

  • Page 96: Pre-Recording

    NOTES • If the degree of camcorder shake is too high, the image stabilizer may not be able to fully compensate. • For surveying and following shots, when you pan the camcorder from side to side or tilt it up and down, we recommend setting the IS mode to [ Dynamic] or [ Standard].

  • Page 97: Face Detection

    • Any of the following actions will deactivate the pre-recording function. — Leaving the camcorder without any operation for 5 minutes. — Changing the operating mode. — Pressing V. — Opening the decoration screen. — Closing the LCD panel to set the camcorder to standby mode. — Touching any of the following control buttons in the [ Main Functions] panel: [Rec.

  • Page 98
    To select the main subject If there is more than one person in the picture, the camcorder will auto- matically select one person it determines is the main subject. The main subject is indicated by a white face detection frame and the camcorder will optimize the settings for that person.
  • Page 99: Touch & Track

    Touch & Track When recording a group of people using face detection, the camcorder will automatically detect one person as the main subject. You can use Touch & Track to tell the camcorder to track and optimize settings for a different person.

  • Page 100: Faders

    Faders The camcorder offers two professional looking transition effects to fade-in or fade-out scenes. You have the option to activate the fader only one time or every time you start or stop recording. Operating modes: > > > [FUNC.] [R Faders] Desired fader* * You can preview the transition effect on the screen.

  • Page 101: Manually Setting The Shutter Speed Or Aperture

    Manually Setting the Shutter Speed or Aperture [’ Programmed AE] is the default automatic exposure (AE) recording program; using it, you can change functions like the white balance or image effects. Select one of the other AE recording programs to control the shutter speed or aperture.

  • Page 102: Adjusting The Exposure

    • When setting a numeric value (aperture or shutter speed), the number displayed will flash if the aperture value or shutter speed is not appropri- ate for the recording conditions. In such case, select a different value. • During exposure lock, the aperture value/shutter speed cannot be changed.

  • Page 103: Manual Exposure Adjustment

    Manual Exposure Adjustment At times, backlit subjects may appear too dark (underexposed) or sub- jects under very strong lights may appear too bright or glaring (overex- posed). To correct this, you can adjust the exposure manually or use the Touch AE function to automatically set the optimal exposure for the subject you select.

  • Page 104: Automatic Gain Control (Agc) Limit

    NOTES • If the recording program is changed during exposure lock, the cam- corder will return to automatic exposure. • When shooting subjects with a strong light source behind them, the camcorder automatically corrects for the backlight*. You can turn off the automatic backlight correction with the p >…

  • Page 105: Manual Focus Adjustment

    Manual Focus Adjustment Autofocus may not work well on the following subjects. In such case, focus manually. • Reflective surfaces • Fast moving subjects • Subjects with low contrast • Through wet windows or without vertical lines • Night scenes Operating modes: POINTS TO CHECK •…

  • Page 106: Tele Macro

    3 Touch and hold [F] or [E] to adjust the focus. • The center of the screen will be magnified to help you focus more easily. You can also turn off this function with the p > [Focus Assistance] setting. •…

  • Page 107: White Balance

    POINTS TO CHECK • Select a recording program other than [Š SCN: Fireworks]. > > > [FUNC.] [ZOOM Zoom] [W]* (tele macro) * Touch again to turn off the tele macro function. • The camcorder will automatically adjust the zoom to the telephoto end.

  • Page 108
    To set the custom white balance Point the camcorder at a white object, so it fills the whole screen, and touch [Set WB]. When the adjustment is completed, Å stops flashing and disappears. The camcorder will retain the custom white balance even if you turn it off. Options ( Default value) Ã…
  • Page 109: Image Effects

    Image Effects You can adjust the color depth, brightness, contrast, and sharpness of the image. Operating modes: POINTS TO CHECK • Select a recording program other than the Special Scene recording pro- grams. 1 Open the image effects screen. > [FUNC.] [Image Effects] 2 Touch [ON] and then touch [Color Depth], [Sharpness], [Contrast]…

  • Page 110: Self Timer

    Self Timer Operating modes: * For movies only. 1 Press 2 Activate the self timer. > > > Other Settings] [Self Timer] [i On <] > • < will appear on the screen. • Repeat, selecting [j Off], to turn off the self timer. Movies: In record pause mode, press Y.

  • Page 111: Audio Scenes And Other Audio Settings

    Audio Scenes and Other Audio Settings You can have the camcorder optimize the audio settings of the built-in microphone by selecting the audio scene that matches your surround- ings. This will greatly enhance the sense of «being there.» Alternatively, you can select [ Custom Setting] in order to adjust the camcorder’s various audio settings to your liking.

  • Page 112
    NOTES • [ Custom Setting] is not available in mode. • After setting [ Audio Scene] to [ Custom Setting], if the camera mode is changed to , this setting will change to [ Standard]. Settings for each audio scene [ä…
  • Page 113
    2 Adjust the auto wind screen. > > > Other Settings] [Auto Wind Screen] > [H High] or [L Low • Repeat, selecting [j Off à], to turn off the auto wind screen. NOTES • Some low-frequency sounds will be suppressed along with the sound of wind.
  • Page 114
    Options ( Default value) Normal] Appropriate for balanced sound under most nor- mal recording conditions. ç Boost LF Range] Accentuates the low-frequency range for more powerful sound. è Low Cut Filter] Filters the low-frequency range to reduce the noise of blowing wind, a car’s engine and similar ambient sounds. é…
  • Page 115: Audio Recording Level

    Audio Recording Level You can adjust the audio recording level of the built-in or an external microphone. You can display the audio level indicator while recording. Operating modes: POINTS TO CHECK • Set [ Audio Scene] to [ Custom Setting] (A 111). Manual Adjustment of the Audio Recording Level 1 Open the manual audio recording level adjustment screen.

  • Page 116: Using Headphones

    To display the audio level indicator Usually, the audio level indicator will be displayed only after activating the manual adjustment of the audio recording level. You can choose to display it also when the audio level is adjusted automatically. > >…

  • Page 117
    3 Connect the headphones to the AV OUT/× terminal. 4 Adjust the volume as necessary. > > [Volume] [Ô] or [Õ]* to adjust the volume * You can also drag your finger along the [Headphones] bar. • Ó will appear on the screen. To adjust the volume during playback mode, and in mode during slideshow playback, adjust…
  • Page 118: Using The Mini Advanced Shoe

    Using the Mini Advanced Shoe Using the mini advanced shoe, you can attach to the camcorder a range of optional accessories to expand its functionality. For details about optional accessories available for use with your camcorder, refer to Accessories (A 221). For details about how to attach and use the accessories, refer also to the instruction manual of the accessory used.

  • Page 119: Using An External Microphone

    Using an External Microphone When recording in very quiet surroundings, the built-in microphone may pick up the sound of the camcorder’s internal machinery. In such case, we recommend using an external microphone. Operating modes: Using the SM-V1 Surround Microphone or DM-100 Directional Stereo Microphone Using the SM-V1 you can add a sense of depth and presence to your recordings with 5.1ch surround sound.

  • Page 120: Using An External Video Light

    • When using the optional SM-V1 Surround Microphone: — Change the microphone’s directionality mode with the p > [Surround Mic Directionality] setting. — If the sound gets distorted, activate the microphone attenuator with the p > [Surround Mic Attenuator] setting. — You can enjoy the full effect of recordings made with 5.1ch surround sound on HDTVs compatible with 5.1ch surround sound connected to the camcorder using the supplied HDMI cable.

  • Page 121: Capturing Video Snapshot Scenes And Photos From A

    Capturing Video Snapshot Scenes and Photos from a Movie You can capture video snapshot scenes, single photos or a series of continuous photos from a previously recorded scene. For example, you may want to print photos from video recorded at a party or create a small video clip using video snapshot scenes from the highlights of an event.

  • Page 122
    • When you start capturing a video snapshot scene less than 1 second from the end of the scene, the video snapshot scene will be captured starting from the beginning of the following scene. • During the playback of video snapshot scenes captured from a previ- ously recorded movie, you may notice some anomalies in the picture/ sound at the point where the playback switches to a new scene.
  • Page 123: Dividing Scenes

    NOTES • The data code of the photos will reflect the date and time of recording of the original scene. • Photos captured from a scene with a lot of fast movement may be blurred. • Photos will be recorded on the memory selected for recording photos. •…

  • Page 124
    5 Divide the scene. > [µ Divide] [Yes] • The video from the division point to the end of the scene will appear as a new scene in the index screen. NOTES • When advancing/reversing frames while dividing the scenes, the interval between frames is about 0.5 seconds.
  • Page 125: Viewing Photos

    Photos Refer to this chapter for details on viewing photos and other photo-related operations. Viewing Photos Operating modes: 1 Press T. 2 Open the [Photos] index screen, if it is not displayed. > Photos] 3 Look for the photo you want to play back. Move the zoom lever toward T to show 15 photos per page;…

  • Page 126
    ! Open the [G Index Selection] screen (A 58). » Memory being read. # Drag your finger left/right for the next/previous index page*. $ Display the next/previous index page. * While browsing through index pages, a larger scroll bar will appear at the bottom of the screen for a few seconds.
  • Page 127: Deleting Photos

    Photo Jump Function When you have recorded a large number of photos, you can jump eas- ily through the photos using the scroll bar. 1 Touch the screen to display the playback controls. 2 Jump through the photos using the scroll bar. >…

  • Page 128
    3 Delete the photo. > > > [Edit] [Delete] Proceed] [Yes] 4 Drag your finger left/right to select another photo to delete or touch [X]. Deleting Photos from the Index Screen 1 Open the [ Photos] index screen. > Photos] 2 Delete the photos.
  • Page 129: Slideshow

    IMPORTANT • Be careful when deleting photos. Deleted photos cannot be recovered. • Photos that were protected with other devices and then transferred to the memory card when it was connected to a computer cannot be deleted with this camcorder. Slideshow You can play a slideshow of all the photos and even set it to music.

  • Page 130: Terminals On The Camcorder

    External Connections This chapter explains how to connect your camcorder to an external device such as a TV, VCR, or computer. 0 You can also use the camcorder’s convenient Wi-Fi functions (A 155). Terminals on the Camcorder Open the LCD panel to access the terminals on the camcorder. 1 AV OUT/×…

  • Page 131: Connection Diagrams

    Connection Diagrams In the following connection diagrams, the left side shows the terminals on the camcorder and the right side shows (for reference only) an example of terminals on a connected device. Connection ! HDMI Type: Digital Quality: High definition Output only Connect to a high-definition TV (HDTV) with an HDMI input terminal.

  • Page 132: External Connections

    Connection » Composite Video Type: Analog Quality: Standard definition Output only Connect to a standard TV or a VCR with audio/video input terminals. Change the following settings on the camcorder: > — s/ [TV Type] according to the TV set (widescreen or 4:3), if the TV cannot automatically detect and change the aspect ratio >…

  • Page 133
    Connection # Type: Digital data connection Output only Connect to a computer to save your recordings, to a compatible digital video recorder to copy your recordings, or to an external hard drive to easily save a perfect copy of an entire memory (0 only).
  • Page 134: Playback On A Tv Screen

    Playback on a TV Screen Connect the camcorder to a TV to enjoy your recordings with family and friends. Playback on an HDTV using the HDMI OUT terminal will ensure the best playback quality. Operating modes: 1 Turn off the camcorder and the TV. 2 Connect the camcorder to the TV.

  • Page 135: Copying Movies And Photos To A Memory Card

    Saving and Sharing Your Recordings 0 Copying Movies and Photos to a Memory Card You can copy your recordings from the built-in memory to a memory card. Scenes and photos will be copied from the index screen or from a story in the gallery in the built-in memory to the same index screen or story on the memory card.

  • Page 136
    Options [date] Copy all the scenes recorded on the date shown in the con- trol button. For AVCHD movies only. [Select] Select individual scenes to copy. [All Scenes] Copy all the scenes. Copying Scenes from a Story by Rating Operating modes: 1 Open the gallery and bring the desired story to the front.
  • Page 137
    3 Copy the photo. > > > [Edit] [Copy (&’*)] [¨ Proceed] [Yes] 4 Drag your finger left/right to select another photo to copy or touch [X]. Copying Photos from the Index Screen Operating modes: 1 Open the [ Photos] index screen. Check that you have selected the &…
  • Page 138: Saving Recordings On A Computer

    IMPORTANT • Observe the following precautions while the ACCESS indicator is on or flashing. Failing to do so may result in permanent data loss. — Do not open the memory card slot cover. — Do not disconnect the power source or turn off the camcorder. — Do not change the camcorder’s operating mode.

  • Page 139
    Saving AVCHD Movies (Windows only) With the supplied software VideoBrowser (0 only) or Transfer Utility (1 only), you can save to your computer the scenes you have recorded. Installation Install the software before you connect the camcorder to the computer for the first time.
  • Page 140
    Saving MP4 Movies and Photos (Windows/Mac OS) With the supplied software ImageBrowser EX you can save MP4 movies and photos to your computer and easily organize them. The main system requirements are as follows. Memory Windows 7 Intel® Core™ 2 Duo, 1 GB (for 32-bit) 1.66 GHz 2 GB (for 64-bit)
  • Page 141
    You can check that the software was installed correctly by looking for the ImageBrowser EX icon in the following location. Windows: From the Start Menu, All Programs > Canon Utilities > ImageBrowser EX Mac OS: In the Dock, on the Desktop.
  • Page 142
    IMPORTANT • When the camcorder is connected to a computer: — Do not open the memory card slot cover and do not remove the memory card. — Do not access, change or delete any of the camcorder’s folders or files directly from the computer as this may result in permanent data loss.
  • Page 143: Memory Save: Saving An Entire Memory Onto An

    0 Memory Save: Saving an Entire Memory onto an External Hard Drive You can easily save all the movies and photos you recorded onto a commercially available external hard drive connected directly to the camcorder*. You can also use the camcorder to play back your record- ings directly from the hard drive.

  • Page 144
    Before disconnecting the external hard drive Before turning off or physically disconnecting the external hard drive, be sure to safely end the connection to the camcorder to avoid dam- age to your files. From the [External Hard Drive] screen: > [Safely Remove Hard Drive] [Yes] IMPORTANT…
  • Page 145
    4 Touch [Play Back from Hard Drive] and select the memory save folder you wish to play back. • If you performed multiple memory save operations on the same day (for example, if you saved the built-in memory and then a memory card), the folder name of memory save folders following the first one will end in a numerical suffix.
  • Page 146
    Initializing the External Hard Drive 1 Power the camcorder using the compact power adapter. Do not disconnect the power source or turn off the camcorder until the initialization is completed. 2 Press T to set the camcorder to playback mode. 3 Connect the camcorder to the external hard drive using the optional UA-100 USB Adapter.
  • Page 147
    Copying Recordings to an External Video Recorder Operating modes: In High Definition Connect the camcorder to Blu-ray Disc recorders and other AVCHD- compatible digital video recorders using the supplied USB cable to make perfect copies of your movies in high definition. If the external digital video recorder has an SD memory card slot*, you can use the memory card to copy your movies without connecting the camcorder.
  • Page 148: Uploading Avchd Movies To The Web

    Connecting Connect the camcorder to the VCR using Connection » or ,. Refer to Connection Diagrams (A 132). Recording 1 External recorder: Load a blank cassette or disc and set the recorder to record pause mode. 2 Turn on the camcorder and set it to mode.

  • Page 149
    Installation Install the software before you connect the camcorder to the computer for the first time. Refer to the Startup Guide (supplied leaflet) and follow the instructions in the Software Guide (PDF file) to install the supplied PIXELA’s software. Converting Scenes into Standard Definition from the [ Movies] Index Screen Operating modes:…
  • Page 150
    7 Touch [OK]. Connect the camcorder to the computer at this point (A 151) to continue uploading the converted videos to the Web. To select individual scenes (step 4) 1 Touch on the individual scenes you want to convert. • A checkmark ! will appear on the scenes you touch. The total number of selected scenes will appear next to the «…
  • Page 151
    2 Select the rating of the stories you want to convert. > > > [Story Details] [Select by Rating] Desired rating > 3 Touch [Edit Story] [Convert HD’SD (%)] and continue the conversion to standard definition from step 5 in the previous procedure (A 149).
  • Page 152
    IMPORTANT • While the camcorder is connected to the computer, do not open the memory card slot cover and do not remove the memory cards. • Observe the following precautions while the ACCESS indicator is on or flashing. Failing to do so may result in permanent data loss. — Do not open the memory card slot cover.
  • Page 153
    2 Convert the desired movies (A 149). • If you are within the range of a configured network, Web upload will start automatically. • The status of the wireless communication is shown by the Eye-Fi icon as follows: — • (grayed out) Communication not established — •…
  • Page 154: Uploading Mp4 Movies And Photos To The Web

    With the supplied software ImageBrowser EX, you can upload your recordings to YouTube (MP4 movies) and Facebook (MP4 movies and photos) from your computer. Additionally, you can use CANON iMAGE GATEWAY* to make photo albums and more. * This service may not be available in all countries/regions.

  • Page 155: Introduction To Wi-Fi

    Wi-Fi Functions This chapter contains information about how to operate the Wi-Fi functions of your camcorder, starting with the Wi-Fi net- work setup needed to add your camcorder to an existing Wi-Fi network. Introduction to Wi-Fi The camcorder’s Wi-Fi functions allow you to send files wirelessly, which means that you will not need to fuss with cables.

  • Page 156
    Wi-Fi connection Ad hoc mode Connect the camcorder to an iOS device (A 167). Use this connection type if you plan to upload videos to YouTube and Facebook on the go (A 166). iOS device Wi-Fi connection Infrastructure mode Connect the camcorder to an access point on a Wi-Fi network (A 157). Use this connection if you plan to play back videos on a DLNA-compatible TV (A 170) connected to the network using a LAN cable.
  • Page 157: Connecting To A Wi-Fi Network

    Connecting to a Wi-Fi Network Wirelessly connecting to a Wi-Fi network via an access point (wireless router) is commonly referred to as infrastructure mode. If your wireless router supports Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS), setup will be easy and require minimal configuring. Refer to Wi-Fi Protected Setup below. If your wireless router does not support WPS or you wish to manually configure settings, refer to Manual Setup (A 160).

  • Page 158
    Operating modes: Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) To use WPS to make a connection using infra- structure mode, make sure your wireless router has the WPS logo. If your wireless router has a WPS button, setup will be easy and all automatic. Some wireless routers that support WPS do not have a dedicated but- ton but use a PIN code instead.
  • Page 159
    4 Within 2 minutes, touch [OK] on the camcorder’s screen. You can touch [Stop] and then [OK] to interrupt the Wi-Fi Protected Setup while it is in progress. 5 Touch [Automatic] to automatically obtain an IP address. • To assign the IP address manually, touch [Manual] and perform the procedure in To manually assign an IP address below.
  • Page 160
    Manual Setup Perform this procedure to wirelessly connect the camcorder to the wireless router (using infrastructure mode) if your router does not sup- port WPS, you wish to manually configure settings, or if your wireless router’s network name (SSID) cannot be detected due to the stealth function being enabled.
  • Page 161
    4 Touch the [Encryption Key] control button to enter the encryption key or password of the wireless access point and then touch [OK]. • If the encryption method of the wireless access point is set to WEP, the WEP index key will appear on the screen. Select the same index key of the access point.
  • Page 162: Transferring Files To A Computer Or Ftp Server

    NOTES • The functions available and the setup method will vary depending on the specifications and characteristics of the Wi-Fi network you want to use. • When using Wi-Fi functions, wireless communication with an Eye-Fi card is not possible. Transferring Files to a Computer or FTP server You can wirelessly transfer recordings directly to a computer running the supplied software Network Utility (Windows only) or an FTP server.

  • Page 163
    For FTP servers: • Correctly configured FTP server, such as a Macintosh computer or net- work-attached storage (NAS) drive. You will need to enter the IP address, port, user name, password and file transfer destination as part of the manual setup. Operating modes: File Transfer Destination Setup for Windows Computers 1 Power the camcorder using the compact power adapter.
  • Page 164
    File Transfer Destination Setup for FTP Servers 1 Set the camcorder to playback mode and then press 2 Connect the camcorder to the Wi-Fi network. > > Wi-Fi] [Wi-Fi Setup] [Transfer Destination > Setup] [FTP Server] 3 Enter the details of the FTP server. >…
  • Page 165
    4 Select the memory that contains the recordings you wish to transfer wirelessly and touch [OK]. • You can select more than one memory. • Touch [All files] to transfer all the recordings, or [New files] to transfer only those recordings that have not been previously transferred. •…
  • Page 166: Uploading Recordings To Youtube And Facebook

    Uploading Recordings to YouTube and Facebook You can upload movies to YouTube and movies and photos to Face- book using the supplied software Network Utility running on a Win- dows computer. Access point Computer POINTS TO CHECK • If you have not done so already, complete the Wi-Fi network setup (A 157) and file transfer destination setup (A 162) in advance.

  • Page 167: Uploading Videos Using An Ios Device

    3 If you are uploading to YouTube, read the YouTube agreement carefully and touch [I Agree] if you agree. 4 Touch the desired connection point to connect the camcorder to the network and then touch [OK]. Once connected, or if only one connection point has been set up, the wireless upload will begin automatically.

  • Page 168
    2 Set up a new connection point. > > > Wi-Fi] [Wi-Fi Setup] [Network Setup] > [Set Up New]* * To replace the current settings, touch [Edit] instead and then manually change the settings. To delete the settings, touch [Delete] and then [Yes]. 3 Enter the details of the connection.
  • Page 169
    A checkmark will appear next to the selected network. 6 iOS device: Use the Movie Uploader app to upload the camcorder’s movies. For details about the Movie Uploader app, visit (English only). 7 Camcorder: When you have finished, touch [End] to end the Wi-Fi connection. IMPORTANT •…
  • Page 170: Wireless Playback On A Dlna-Compatible Device

    Wireless Playback on a DLNA-Compatible Device If you have a DLNA-compatible player, such as an HDTV, on your home network, you can watch your recordings* wirelessly. In such case, the camcorder acts as a digital media server (DMS) and the HDTV acts as a digital media player (DMP).

  • Page 171
    3 Camcorder: Touch the desired connection point and then touch [OK]. 4 DLNA Digital Media Player: Select your camcorder model from the list and then play back your recordings. • The ACCESS indicator blinks during the connection. • Refer to the DLNA device’s instruction manual for details on the procedure.
  • Page 172
    NOTES • Playback may not appear smooth depending on the wireless router’s settings and capability. In such case, try the following. — Remove any objects between the camcorder and wireless access point that may interfere with the wireless signal. — Move the camcorder closer to the wireless access point. — Turn off the wireless functions of other wireless devices other than the DLNA-compatible device being used for playback.
  • Page 173
    Glossary This is a glossary of some of the basic terms used frequently in this chapter. The documentation for your wireless router may also con- tain a glossary you can refer to. Access point A wireless access point (WAP) is a device that allows wireless devices, like your camcorder, to connect to a wired network (includ- ing to the Internet) using the Wi-Fi standard.
  • Page 174: Appendix: Menu Options Lists

    Additional Information This chapter contains troubleshooting advice, screen mes- sages, handling and maintenance tips, and other information. Appendix: Menu Options Lists Menu items not available appear grayed out. For details about how to select an item, refer to Using the Menus (A 27). For details about each function, see the reference page.

  • Page 175
    AUTO n Control Button Setting options/Function [È [ON], [OFF] Powered IS] [ZOOM Zoom] Zoom controls, [START]/[STOP] control [W] (tele macro): Toggle on or off – Audio Standard], [ Music], [ Speech], Scene] Forest and Birds], Noise Suppression] Custom Setting] – [ä…
  • Page 176
    [Edit] Panel — Mode [zSD Movies] Playback Control Button Movies] Movies] Index Pause Index Screen Index Screen Screen <date>, [Select], – – From the built-in [Select], [All Scenes] memory: [All Scenes] [Copy (%)] <date>, – – – From the built-in [Select], memory: [All Scenes]…
  • Page 177
    In the gallery: [Edit Story] from [Edit Scene] from Control Button the [Story the [Scene List] Playback Pause Details] screen screen <by scene rating> – – From the built-in memory: [Copy (%)] <by scene rating> – – From the built-in memory: [Convert HD’SD (%)]…
  • Page 178: Other Settings] Menus

    Other Settings] Menus When the camcorder is in mode, you will not be able to access the p menu. p Camera Setup Menu item Setting options [i On <], [j Off] [Self Timer] [Digital Zoom] [j Off], [n 40x], [o 200x] –…

  • Page 179
    Menu item Setting options [Built-in Mic [í Monaural], [h Normal], Directionality] [î Wide], [ï Zoom] [Surround Mic [ò Surround], [ó Zoom], [ô Shotgun] – 1, 2, 3 Directionality] [i On å], [j Off] [Surround Mic – 1, 2, 3 Attenuator] Option available only for recording movies.
  • Page 180
    [Auto Slow Shutter]: The camcorder automatically uses slow shutter speeds to obtain brighter recordings in places with insufficient lighting. • Minimum shutter speed used: 1/25; 1/12 when the frame rate is set to [¸ PF25] or [ 25P]. • The auto slow shutter can only be activated when the recording pro- gram is set to [’…
  • Page 181
    [ô Shotgun]: Records monaural audio with a highly directional setting that is most sensitive to sound coming directly from the front of the cam- corder/microphone. [Surround Mic Attenuator]: Helps prevent audio distortions due to high audio recording levels when the optional SM-V1 Surround Microphone is attached to the camcorder.
  • Page 182
    r Recording & Connections Setup Menu item Setting options [&] (built-in memory), – – [Rec Media for [*] (memory card) Movies] [Relay Recording]: [j Off], – – – [Recording Mode] [© High Quality 24 Mbps], – – – [¨ High Quality 17 Mbps], [¦…
  • Page 183
    Menu item Setting options 0 [External – – – – Hard Drive Info] Option not available in mode. Option available only for AVCHD movies. This is the only option available when an external hard drive is connected to the camcorder. [Rate Scenes (Recording)]: When set to [i On], the scene rating scene will appear after every scene you record.
  • Page 184: System Setup

    [n Continuous]: File numbers will continue from the number following that of the last file recorded with the camcorder. • If the memory card you insert already contains a file with a larger num- ber, a new file will be assigned a number one higher than that of the last file on the memory card.

  • Page 185
    Menu item Setting options [Notification Sounds] [÷ High Volume], – [ø Low Volume], [j Off] [i On], [j Off 0] [Wireless Remote – Control] [Custom Control [Rec. Programs], – – – Button] [Ä White Balance], [< Focus], [y Exposure], [Ç Powered IS], [R Zoom], Audio Scene], [ä…
  • Page 186
    Menu item Setting options [Date/Time] [Date/Time]: – [Date Format]: [Y.M.D], [M.D,Y], [D.M.Y] (Y- year, M- month, D- day) [24H]: Toggle on (24-hour clock) or off (12-hour clock) [Battery Info] – – [Control for HDMI] [i On], [j Off] – [HDMI Status] –…
  • Page 187
    [LCD Mirror Image]: When set to [ On], you can rotate the LCD panel 180 degrees to let the subject check the image while you record. While the LCD panel is rotated toward the subject you will not be able to deco- rate the scene.
  • Page 188
    [Battery Info]: When you are using a battery pack that is compatible with Intelligent System, this option displays a screen where you can verify the battery charge (as a percentage) and the remaining recording time ( mode) or playback time ( mode).
  • Page 189
    [Firmware]: You can verify the current version of the camcorder’s firm- ware, which is the software that controls the camcorder. This menu option is usually unavailable. [Reset All]: Resets all of the camcorder’s settings. Additional Information…
  • Page 190: Appendix: Onscreen Icons And Displays

    Appendix: Onscreen Icons and Displays Recording Movies (using Story Creator) 1 Control button [FUNC.]: Open the 8 Intelligent IS (A 48) Main Functions] panel (A 28) 9 Remaining battery time (A 194) 2 Smart AUTO (A 46) A q Zoom (A 50) 3 Face detection frame (A 97) A a Recording mode (A 88) 4 Touch &…

  • Page 191
    Recording Movies Manual mode Cinema mode A h Recording program (A 92) S k Frame rate (A 91) A j Manual exposure (A 103) S l Image effects (A 109) A k AGC (automatic gain control) limit D q Microphone attenuator (A 180) (A 104) D a Audio scene select (A 111) A l = Instant AF/@ Normal AF…
  • Page 192
    Playing Movies (during playback) AVCHD movies: MP4 movies: F f Eye-Fi wireless communication F j Data code (A 65, 181) (A 152) F k Volume and background music F g Scene number balance controls (A 55, 81) F h Playback control buttons (A 55) F l File number (A 183) G q Volume controls (A 55) Additional Information…
  • Page 193
    Viewing Photos G a Control button [Edit]: Open the Edit G d Control button [h]: Photo jump panel (A 177) (A 127) G s Current photo / Total number of G f Control button [Ð]: Slideshow photos (A 129) G g Control button [f]: Return to the Photos] index screen (A 125) Additional Information…
  • Page 194
    7 Memory operation Ü Record, Û Record pause, Ð Playback, Ý Playback pause, × Fast playback, Ø Fast reverse playback, Õ Slow playback, Ö Slow reverse playback, Ó Frame advance, Ô Frame reverse. 9 Remaining battery time • The icon shows a rough estimate of 100% the remaining charge as a percentage of the full charge of the…
  • Page 195: Troubleshooting

    — please read the “CHECK THIS FIRST” box before going on to the more detailed problems and solutions. Consult your dealer or a Canon Service Center if the problem persists. CHECK THIS FIRST Power supply •…

  • Page 196: Additional Information

    Canon for use with this camcorder cannot be charged using this camcorder. — If you are using a battery pack recommended by Canon for use with this camcorder, there may be a problem with the camcorder or battery pack. Consult a Canon Service Center.

  • Page 197
    — The camcorder may become hot after using it continuously for long periods of time; this is not a malfunction. If the camcorder becomes unusually hot or it becomes hot after using it only for a short while, it may indicate a problem with the camcorder. Consult a Canon Service Cen- ter.
  • Page 198
    When playing back scenes/slideshow with background music, the music track is not played back correctly. — This can occur when you transfer the music files to a memory card after repeatedly recording and deleting scenes (fragmented memory). Save your recordings (A 138) and initialize the memory card (A 40).
  • Page 199
    — The battery pack is damaged. Use a different battery pack. — Charging has stopped because the compact power adapter or the battery pack is faulty. Con- sult a Canon Service Center. ‹ appears on the screen — The LOCK switch on the Eye-Fi card is set to prevent accidental erasure. Change the position of the LOCK switch.
  • Page 200
    The picture is displayed correctly but there is no sound from the built-in speaker. — Speaker volume is turned off. Adjust the volume. — If the HTC-100/S HDMI Cable or optional STV-250N Stereo Video Cable is connected to the camcorder, disconnect it. r>…
  • Page 201
    Connections with External Devices Video noise appears on the TV screen. — When using the camcorder in a room where a TV is located, keep a distance between the compact power adapter and the power or antenna cables of the TV. Playback looks fine on the camcorder but there is no image on the TV screen.
  • Page 202
    0 Wi-Fi Functions Refer also to the instruction manual of your wireless router and other devices you will use. Wireless playback on a DLNA-compatible device is not smooth. — Playback may not be smooth depending on the wireless router’s settings and capability. — In the [Wi-Fi] menu, set [w] to [On] (A 171) to play back the movie in standard definition.
  • Page 203: List Of Messages

    Cannot communicate with the battery pack. Continue using this battery pack? — You attached a battery pack that is not recommended by Canon for use with this camcorder. — If you are using a battery pack recommended by Canon for use with this camcorder, there may be a problem with the camcorder or battery pack.

  • Page 204
    Cannot play back — There is a problem with the memory. If this message appears often without apparent reason, contact a Canon Service Center. 0 Cannot play back Cannot access the built-in memory — There is a problem with the built-in memory. Save your recordings (A 138) and initialize the built-in memory using the [Complete Initialization] option (A 40).
  • Page 205
    — There is a problem with the memory. If this message appears often without apparent reason, contact a Canon Service Center. 0 Cannot record Cannot access the built-in memory — There is a problem with the built-in memory.
  • Page 206
    Do not disconnect the power source. Do not disconnect the USB cable unless you first use the computer to safely end the connection. — When the camcorder is in mode and is connected to the computer with the supplied USB cable, the camcorder cannot be operated. Disconnecting the USB cable or power source while this message appears may result in permanent loss of the recordings in the camcorder.
  • Page 207
    Need to recover files from the memory card. Change the position of the LOCK switch on the memory card. — This message will appear the next time you turn on the camcorder if power supply was acci- dentally interrupted while the camcorder was writing on the memory card and later the posi- tion of the card’s LOCK switch was changed to prevent erasure.
  • Page 208
    0 Some scenes could not be converted — Some scenes selected for conversion to SD were recorded using another device and then transferred to a memory card connected to the computer. These scenes were not converted. — Among the scenes selected for conversion to SD there are scenes recorded with another device using 24p frame rate and then transferred to a memory card connected to the com- puter.
  • Page 209: List Of Messages For Connecting To An External Hard Drive

    Unsupported gallery data detected. Cannot record or edit. Delete gallery data? — The gallery data of the movies in the selected memory card is not supported. The movies can be played back but you cannot edit them or record additional scenes to this gallery. Select [Yes] to delete the unsupported gallery data.

  • Page 210
    Try using the camcorder in a location farther away from such appliances. — Turn off the camcorder and wireless router. After a short while, turn them on again and try to send the data again. If the problem persists contact a Canon Service Center. Cannot connect to FTP server — Make sure that the camcorder and FTP server have the same IP address configured.
  • Page 211
    Unable to access configuration files — Turn off the camcorder. After a short while, turn it on again. If the problem persists contact a Canon Service Center. Unable to complete WPS. — Turn off the camcorder and wireless router. After a short while, turn them on again and try again.
  • Page 212
    Unable to complete WPS. Try the operation again. — Some wireless routers require pressing and holding the Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) button. For details, refer to the instruction manual of your wireless router. — Make sure to touch [OK] on the camcorder’s screen within 2 minutes of activating the Wi-Fi Protected Setup signal on the wireless router, whether by pressing the button or by entering the PIN code.
  • Page 213
    Try using the camcorder in a location farther away from such appliances. — Turn off the camcorder and wireless router. After a short while, turn them on again and per- form the Wi-Fi network setup again. If the problem persists contact a Canon Service Center. Additional Information…
  • Page 214: Do’s And Don’ts

    (A 135) and save them on a regular basis. This will protect your impor- tant recordings in case of damage and create more free space on the memory. Canon shall not be liable for any data loss. • Do not carry the camcorder by the LCD panel. Be careful when closing the LCD panel.

  • Page 215
    • Do not point the lens at strong light sources. Do not leave the cam- corder pointed at a bright subject. • Do not use or store the camcorder in dusty or sandy places. The cam- corder is not waterproof – avoid also water, mud or salt. If any of the above should get into the camcorder it may damage the camcorder and/or the lens.
  • Page 216
    Regarding the use of non-Canon battery packs • For your safety, battery packs that are not genuine Canon battery packs will not be charged even if you attach them to this camcorder or to the optional CG-700 Battery Charger.
  • Page 217
    • We recommend backing up the recordings on the memory card onto your computer. Data may be corrupted or lost due to memory card defects or exposure to static electricity. Canon shall not be liable for lost or corrupted data.
  • Page 218
    Disposal When you delete movies or initialize the memory, only the file allocation table is altered and stored data is not physically erased. When you dis- pose of the camcorder or memory card or give either to another per- son, initialize the camcorder’s built-in memory (0 only) or memory card using the [Complete Initialization] option (A 40).
  • Page 219: Maintenance/Others

    Maintenance/Others Cleaning Camcorder Body • Use a soft, dry cloth to clean the camcorder body. Never use chemically treated cloths or volatile solvents such as paint thinner. Lens and Instant AF Sensor • If the lens surface or Instant AF sensor is dirty, autofocus may not work properly.

  • Page 220: Using The Camcorder Abroad

    You can use the compact power adapter to operate the camcorder and to charge battery packs in any country with power supply between 100 and 240 V AC, 50/60 Hz. Consult a Canon Service Center for information on plug adapters for overseas use.

  • Page 221: Accessories

    General Information Accessories (Availability differs from area to area) Computer Card reader/writer External hard drive* TV/HDTV Digital video recorder SCART Adapter Optional accessories not listed below are described in more detail in the following pages. SS-600/SS-650 Shoulder Strap IFC-300PCU/S** or IFC-400PCU USB WS-20 Wrist Strap Cable CA-110E Compact Power Adapter…

  • Page 222: Optional Accessories

    Use of genuine Canon accessories is recommended. This product is designed to achieve excellent performance when used with genuine Canon accessories. Canon shall not be liable for any dam- age to this product and/or accidents such as fire, etc., caused by the malfunction of non-genuine Canon accessories (e.g., a leakage and/or…

  • Page 223
    5 CG-700 Battery Charger Use the battery charger to charge the battery packs. Charging, Recording and Playback Times The charging times given in the following table are approximate and vary according to charging conditions and initial charge of the battery pack. Battery pack→…
  • Page 224
    0 Recording AVCHD movies using the built-in memory Recording Recording Battery pack Recording mode Playback (maximum) (typical)* 120 min. 75 min. 190 min. 125 min. 80 min. 190 min. BP-718 125 min. 80 min. 195 min. 130 min. 80 min. 195 min.
  • Page 225
    7 TL-H43 Tele-converter This Tele-converter lens increases the focal length of the camcorder lens by a factor of 1.5. • The image stabilizer is not as effective when the Tele-converter is attached. • The minimum focusing distance at full telephoto with the TL-H43 is 3.3 m. 8 WD-43 Wide-converter This Wide-converter lens decreases the focal length by a factor of 0.7, giving you…
  • Page 226
    A g VL-5 Video Light This video light enables you to record brightly in color even in dark places. It attaches to the camcorder’s mini advanced shoe for cable-free operation. A h VFL-2 Video Flash Light This video flash light allows you to record photos and movies even at night or in dark places.
  • Page 227
    S a SC-2000 Soft Carrying Case A handy camcorder bag with padded compartments and plenty of space for accessories. This mark identifies genuine Canon video accessories. When you use Canon video equipment, we recommend Canon-brand accessories or products bearing the same mark.
  • Page 228: Specifications

    Specifications LEGRIA HF M56 / LEGRIA HF M506 — Values given are approximate figures. System • Recording System Movies: AVCHD Video compression: MPEG-4 AVC/H.264; Audio compression: Dolby Digital 2ch; Dolby Digital 5.1ch* Video compression: MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 Audio compression: MPEG-2 AAC-LC (2ch) * Only when using the optional SM-V1 Surround Microphone.

  • Page 229
    • LCD Touch Screen: 7.51 cm (3 inch), wide, TFT color, 230,000 dots , touch operation • Microphone: Stereo electret condenser microphone with multiple directionality settings • Lens f=6.1-61 mm, F/1.8-3.0, 10x optical zoom, iris aperture 35 mm equivalent: 43.6 – 436 mm •…
  • Page 230
    0 Wi-Fi • Standard: Complies with the IEEE 802.11b/g/n protocol • Frequency: 2.4 GHz • Supported channels: 1 — 13 • Encryption methods: WEP-64/WEP-128, TKIP/AES Power/Others • Power supply (rated) 3.6 V DC (battery pack), 5.3 V DC (compact power adapter) •…
  • Page 231
    Minimum length: 1 second File type: WAV The music data is saved in the memory under the following folders. 0 In the built-in memory: CANONMY_MUSICMUSIC_01.WAV to MUSIC_99.WAV On the memory card: CANONPRIVATEMY_MUSICMUSIC_01.WAV to MUSIC_99.WAV About the image files for the Image Mix function Image files are saved in the memory under the following folders.
  • Page 232: Index

    Index ….57 3D Flip View ….65, 181 Data code .

  • Page 233
    ….48 Intelligent IS ….78 Rating scenes Recording .
  • Page 234
    ….105 ….49 Touch AF Wide angle .
  • Page 235
    Canon UK Ltd CCI Service Centre, Unit 130 Centennial Park, Borehamwood, Hertfordshire, WD6 3SE, United Kingdom Telephone 0844-369-0100 Canon Australia Pty Ltd Tel: 13-13-83 (within Australia only) (61) 02-9805-2555 Canon New Zealand Ltd Tel: 0800-222-666 (within New Zealand only) (64) 09-489-0300…

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