Chrysler pacifica руководство по ремонту

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Summary of Contents for Chrysler Pacifica 2004



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Отправлено 30 Июль 2013 — 15:41

Спасибо за ссылки на электронные буквари! Скачал и штудирую

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Отправлено 30 Ноябрь 2013 — 15:41

К сожалению ссылка эта не работает…

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Отправлено 25 Декабрь 2013 — 12:50

ага.. если есть возможность обновите ссылочку

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Отправлено 14 Август 2014 — 10:28

Официальные мануалы тут….owners/manuals/. По этой ссылке часть DOWNLOAD A RECENT OWNER’S MANUAL FOR FREE — это руководства пользователя, а часть FIND & DOWNLOAD MANUALS FROM 1981 TO THE PRESENT — дает ссылку https://www.techauth…ges/Home.aspx (при нажатии кнопки «GO») и на сервисные мануалы, где в части Search by VIN/Enter VIN/Product Type можно ввести VIN и, если выбрать All Product Types. то выйдет список, включая цену, с Product Id и Name (например : Product Id: 81-270-07050 Name: 2007 Chrysler Pacfica Service Manual (English) ) разных мануалов.
Только цены заоблачные !
А если покупать pdf вариант руководства c названием типа «CHRYSLER PACIFICA 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 FACTORY SERVICE REPAIR OEM MANUAL»
на торговых площадках eBay (торговец manualjoy…=p2047675.l2559 ) или на Bonanza он же торговец quick-manual ( http://www.bonanza.c…4877481/profile ), ТО В НЕМ НЕТ РЕСТАЙЛИНГОВЫХ ПАЦИФИК, НЕСМОТРЯ НА НАЗВАНИЕ ЭТОГО ПРОДАВАЕМОГО СЕРВИС МАНУАЛА, ЯКОБЫ СОДЕРЖАЩЕГО ПАЦИФИКИ 2007 И 2008 ГОДОВ ВЫПУСКА ! Наткнулся на эту неприятную покупку и вступал в переписку с этим продавцом, но он «кормил только завтраком», типа разработчики этого мануала работают над этой недостающей частью, но торговец quick-manual не может на них повлиять (деньги, за вычетом комиссии Bonanza, к их чести, предлагали вернуть) ! И так около полугода они мне не дают сервис мануал, в котором содержаться части для рестайлинговых Пацифик 2007, 2008 годов выпуска с 4,0 движком и коробкой 62 TE !
Так, что форумчане, будьте осторожны :excl: при покупке у этого продавца и просите перед покупкой подтверждения наличия содержащихся в товаре частей сервис мануала для рестайлинговых Пацифик 2007, 2008 годов выпуска с 4,0 движком и коробкой 62 TE ! Может все-таки разработчики дополнят недостающее и продавцы смогут показать (выслать письмом) эти странички перед покупкой.
Вобщем я в поисках сервис мануала на своего Рестайлингового Бегемота, где РЕАЛЬНО будут ошибки коробки и движка 4,0. Может у кого-то есть источники, где можно достать то, что мне (и другим) нужно ? Дайте ссылку, плиз, можно в личку.

Сообщение отредактировал Электронщик: 14 Август 2014 — 10:31

Знания не только в знаниях, но и в знании, где найти эти знания.

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Отправлено 23 Сентябрь 2014 — 12:07

В Москве возможно купить «Руководство по эксплуатации Крайслер Пацифика» на сайте на русском языке с цветными электросхемами. Стоимость 405 руб. + 50 руб. доставка в пункт выдачи у ближайшей станции метро.
Это не реклама, сам неделю назад заказал, сегодня получил.

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Отправлено 28 Сентябрь 2014 — 23:16

Просмотр сообщенияRAW (23 Сентябрь 2014 — 12:07) писал:

В Москве возможно купить «Руководство по эксплуатации Крайслер Пацифика» на сайте на русском языке с цветными электросхемами. Стоимость 405 руб. + 50 руб. доставка в пункт выдачи у ближайшей станции метро.
Это не реклама, сам неделю назад заказал, сегодня получил.

Мне похоже больше подходит http://www.autoprese…pacifica-2.html но, что-то народ не хвалит эти книги — объем в сравнении с сервисным мануалом думаю маловат.
Сервисный мануал, он и в Африке СЕРВИСНЫЙ МАНУАЛ ! Вот только найти бы его !

Знания не только в знаниях, но и в знании, где найти эти знания.

  • Наверх




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Отправлено 10 Сентябрь 2016 — 17:21

Есть у кого мануал по ремонту в электронном виде? Скиньте плиз на почту кто может! Огромное спасибо!!!

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    строительство, компьютеры, деньги, золото, море, горы)))

Отправлено 04 Август 2017 — 08:43

тоже хотелось бы посмотреть мануал по ремонту, можно и мне на почту ?

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Отправлено 04 Август 2017 — 11:11

Просмотр сообщенияBossperm (04 Август 2017 — 08:43) писал:

можно и мне на почту ?

Приветствую. Только что отправил письмо на указанную почту. Там ссылка на Яндекс диск для скачивания архива около 30 мегабайт.

Отправлено с моего ASUS Transformer Pad TF700KL через Tapatalk

Знания не только в знаниях, но и в знании, где найти эти знания.

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Отправлено 04 Август 2017 — 11:16

Просмотр сообщенияЭлектронщик (04 Август 2017 — 11:11) писал:

Там ссылка на Яндекс диск для скачивания архива около 30 мегабайт.

А можно и мне ссылочку? video_dom@list,ru

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Отправлено 04 Август 2017 — 11:28

Просмотр сообщенияЭлектронщик (04 Август 2017 — 11:11) писал:

Приветствую. Только что отправил письмо на указанную почту. Там ссылка на Яндекс диск для скачивания архива около 30 мегабайт.

Отправлено с моего ASUS Transformer Pad TF700KL через Tapatalk

А можно адресок тут вывесить? Спасибо

3.5 AWD 2004 SILVER
Самое интересное ЗДЕСЬ

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Отправлено 04 Август 2017 — 11:42


Отправлено с моего ASUS Transformer Pad TF700KL через Tapatalk

Сообщение отредактировал Электронщик: 04 Август 2017 — 13:17

Знания не только в знаниях, но и в знании, где найти эти знания.

  • Наверх




  • Страна:Россия
  • Город:Москва Зеленоград
  • Карта № :110105

Отправлено 04 Август 2017 — 11:53

скачал, открыл, схемы с номерками и всё, где сами сервис мануалы-то?

— —

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Отправлено 04 Август 2017 — 13:08

Просмотр сообщенияMikeSilver (04 Август 2017 — 11:53) писал:

скачал, открыл, схемы с номерками и всё, где сами сервис мануалы-то?

Видимо я перепутал папки (одноименные оказались с разным содержимым), когда загружал на ядиск.
Сейчас добавил п.2 и п.3 (отредактировал сообщение) то что на работе смог загрузить. Если дома еще найду, добавлю еще (возможно в понедельник, т.к. на ADSL не позагружаешь особо).
Сканируйте антивирусом. Там в каких то архивах есть авторан Бат и автора инф — не помню откуда они взялись ( возможно меню их использует).
Что то из этого началось с инета, что то купил на забугорной торговой площадке.
Пока все чем мог…..

Отправлено с моего ASUS Transformer Pad TF700KL через Tapatalk

Сообщение отредактировал Электронщик: 04 Август 2017 — 13:08

Знания не только в знаниях, но и в знании, где найти эти знания.

  • Наверх




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Отправлено 04 Август 2017 — 13:24

Редактировать сообщение закончил (букву F в конце первой ссылки восстановил) теперь все три ссылки должны быть доступны (сам проверил, перехожу). Может не все именно сервис мануалы со схемами, но для нашего Бегемота ).
P.S. пошел на обед.

Отправлено с моего ASUS Transformer Pad TF700KL через Tapatalk

Знания не только в знаниях, но и в знании, где найти эти знания.

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Отправлено 28 Декабрь 2017 — 01:31

Просмотр сообщенияЭлектронщик (04 Август 2017 — 11:42) писал:


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Отправлено 08 Май 2018 — 01:32

«Налетай, торопись …» :dolf_ru_112: МНОГО чего, главное по всем папкам пройтись!!! Может у кого то получиться все дерево папок скачать в неизмененном виде со всем содержимым.
P.S. Хром открывает эту ссылку своим ftp клиентом.

Знания не только в знаниях, но и в знании, где найти эти знания.

  • Наверх

Руководство по эксплуатации, техобслуживанию и ремонту Chrysler Pacifica

Instructions for use, maintenance and repair Chrysler Pacifica

Chrysler Pacifica.jpg

Выпуск: с 2004 по 2008 год
Бензиновые двигатели: 3.5 л EGJ V6, 3.8 л EGH V6, 4.0 л EGQ V6

Production from 2004 to 2008
Gasoline engines: 3.5 L EGJ V6, 3.8 L EGH V6, 4.0 L EGQ V6


Язык: Английский
Формат: PDF
Размер: 67,5 Мб

Language: English
Document Format: PDF
Size: 67,5Mb

Скачать документацию Chrysler Pacifica
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2017 Chrysler PaCifiCa

rePair Manual


Related Manuals for Chrysler Pacifica 2017

Summary of Contents for Chrysler Pacifica 2017

  • Page 1
    2017 Chrysler PaCifiCa rePair Manual…
  • Page 2
  • Page 3
    31 — Collision Information 31 — Collision Information Warning ……. . .3 DURES .
  • Page 4
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 3 Warning…
  • Page 5
    31 — 4 31 — Collision Information SAFETY NOTICE CAUTION: All service and rebuilding instructions contained herein are applicable to, and for the convenience of, the automotive trade only. All test and repair procedures on components or assemblies in non-automotive applications should be repaired in accordance with instructions supplied by the manufacturer of the total product.
  • Page 6
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 5 USE OF HEAT DURING REPAIR WARNING: FCA US LLC engineering’s position on the use of heat during collision repair is as follows: • Any body panel or frame component damaged which is to be repaired and reused, must be repaired using the “cold straightening”…
  • Page 7
    31 — 6 31 — Collision Information SERVICE AFTER A SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT SYSTEM DEPLOYMENT Any vehicle which is to be returned to use following a Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) component deployment must have the deployed restraints replaced. In addition, the following guidelines MUST be observed. •…
  • Page 8
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 7 diagnosis or service. Disconnect the IBS/negative battery cable assembly from the negative battery post, then wait two minutes for the system capacitor to discharge before performing further diagnosis or service. This is the only sure way to disable the SRS. Failure to take the proper precautions could result in accidental airbag deployment.
  • Page 9
    31 — 8 31 — Collision Information for fresh air until the irritation ceases. If irritation continues, see a physician. 1. Begin the cleanup by using a vacuum cleaner to remove any residual powder from the vehicle interior. Clean from outside the vehicle and work your way inside, so that you avoid kneeling or sitting on a non-cleaned area.
  • Page 10
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 9 BASECOAT/CLEARCOAT FINISH CAUTION: Do not use abrasive chemicals, abrasive compounds or harsh alkaline based cleaning solvents on the painted surfaces of a vehicle. Failure to follow this caution can result in damage to vehicle finish.
  • Page 11
    31 — 10 31 — Collision Information FINESSE SANDING, BUFFING, AND POLISHING CAUTION: Do not remove more than 0.5 mils of clearcoat finish when sanding, hand buffing or polishing. Basecoat paint must retain clearcoat for durability. CAUTION: If the finish has been finesse sanded in the past, it cannot be repeated. Failure to follow this caution can result in damage to vehicle finish.
  • Page 12
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 11 PAINT TOUCH-UP If the painted metal surface of a vehicle becomes scratched or chipped to metal, it should be touched-up as soon as possible to avoid corrosion. WARNING: Use an OSHA approved respirator and safety glasses when spraying paint or solvents. Failure to follow this warning may result in possible personal injury or death.
  • Page 13
    31 — 12 31 — Collision Information NET, FORM AND PIERCE REPAIR CAUTION: Failure to follow these recommendations could result in damage or failure to the part and the related parts. Net, form and pierce is a manufacturing process which takes place during the original build of the vehicle. The original part will have a beveled platform that will decrease toward the fastener location mounting hole.
  • Page 14
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 13 RIVET NUT PROCEDURE CAUTION: Failure to follow these recommendations could result in damage to the vehicle Rivet nuts are used for parts installations, when access to the back mounting area is limited or boxed in. It is important to achieve a full seat on the first attempt due to the lack of accessibility on the back side of the rivet nut.
  • Page 15
    31 — 14 31 — Collision Information POLYURETHANE FOAM REMOVAL CAUTION: All NVH foam must be removed from the repair area of the vehicle, as material is flammable. PolyURethane (PUR) foam, is used in certain locations of the vehicle for Noise Vibration Harshness (NVH) purposes and structural strengthening.
  • Page 16
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 15 Window Access Procedure 1. Remove or protect components and the surrounding areas from sparks and welding spatter as necessary 2. With the use of a cut-off wheel, cut a “U” shaped access point (1) in the area of the PUR foam location.
  • Page 17
    31 — 16 31 — Collision Information Structural Adhesive a. Create a metal patch 25 mm (1 in) larger than the opening. b. Grind 13 mm (0.5 in) of the outer edge of the patch and the opening to expose bare metal. c.
  • Page 18
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 17 NON-STRUCTURAL SHEET METAL REPAIR Safety Notice CAUTION: All Service and rebuilding instructions contained herein are applicable to, and for the convenience of, the automotive repair industry only. Proper service and repair is important to the safe, reliable operation of all motor vehicles. The service procedures recommended and described in this publication were developed for professional service personnel, and are effective methods for performing vehicle repair.
  • Page 19
    31 — 18 31 — Collision Information • Urethane Adhesive — Typically flexible and bond well to plastics. However, they usually require primers on metal surfaces to protect against corrosion. Urethanes have good seam sealing and NVH qualities and are frequently the optimal choice for seam sealers.
  • Page 20
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 19 Non-Structural Sheet Metal Repair Table JOINT AND REPAIR TYPES REFERENCE Backer Panel Joint Backer Panel Joint Door Skin Door Skin Replacement Liftgate Inner Panel DO NOT Liftgate Inner Panel DO NOT REPAIR REPAIR Liftgate Outer Panel Liftgate Outer Panel Body Side Aperture / Quarter Panel…
  • Page 21
    31 — 20 31 — Collision Information 14. Remove any remaining adhesive with a grinder or abrasive disc. All adhesive must be removed from the cosmetic repair area to ensure proper adhesion of further repair and refinish materials. 15. Bevel the center of the screw holes and apply fiber-reinforced waterproof body filler to the screw holes and section seam.
  • Page 22
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 21 applicator to level the adhesive, making sure to cover all bare metal to protect against corrosion. NOTE: When applying adhesives be certain any and all drain holes remain open and clear of obstructions. 13.
  • Page 23
    31 — 22 31 — Collision Information utilized in this application requires unique guidelines that must be adhered to. Appearance- • The textured finish differs from a smooth finish typically found on closure panels. • The texture is produced from the casting of the component as compared to smooth stamped sheet metal. •…
  • Page 24
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 23 NOTE: When working with aluminum use dedicated tools, grinding discs and sandpaper to prevent steel cross contamination with the aluminum. Cross contamination of these two materials will cause galvanic corrosion. Preparation: NOTE: When grinding the liftgate outer panel hem flange stop immediately upon perforation.
  • Page 25
    31 — 24 31 — Collision Information 16. Apply an epoxy or anti-corrosion primer. When cured, lightly scuff. 17. Seam seal the entire door. Duplicate the factory seam sealer. Apply a discrete bead around the rest of the door to seal and protect, maintaining the original appearance. 18.
  • Page 26
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 25 NOTE: Be careful not to destroy any areas that may be able to be used as backer panels. 3. If panel is attached with adhesive, you may use heat, from a non-flame heat source, up to 204°C. (400F°). This will aid in loosening the bond.
  • Page 27
    31 — 26 31 — Collision Information 16. Install clamps and screws to locations determined during the dry fit process. 17. Remove all squeeze out of adhesive, prior to curing. NOTE: Structural adhesive manufacturers will vary on time allowed for completion of STRSW in weld bond zones.
  • Page 28
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 27 WELDING AND WELD BONDING Safety Notice CAUTION: All Service and rebuilding instructions contained herein are applicable to, and for the convenience of, the automotive repair industry only The service procedures recommended and described in this publication were developed for professional service personnel, and are effective methods for performing vehicle repair.
  • Page 29
    31 — 28 31 — Collision Information INDEX REFERENCE Training and Qualification Training and Qualification Panel Removal WARNING: Always Wear Safety Goggles, Work Gloves, Hearing Protection and a Dust Mask when removing welded panels this way. Failure to follow these instructions could result in serious or fatal injury.
  • Page 30
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 29 Modified Lap Joint NOTE: Parts shown for example purposes only. Emphasis is on joint design and proper plug weld placement. The repair joint is a combination lap-joint (1) and butt- joints (2) – the panels are lapped in the flat areas and butted in contoured locations and at weld flanges.
  • Page 31
    31 — 30 31 — Collision Information Plug Weld Layout 1 — MIG PLUG WELDS 2 — MIG SEAM WELD The MIG plug welds, or «puddle welds» should be made after drilling 8 mm (5/16 in) holes and should be staggered 12.5 mm (0.5 in) apart following the centerline of the lap and should be alternating above and below the centerline 9.5 mm (3/8 in.).
  • Page 32
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 31 the process was referred to as Metal Inert Gas welding. The GMAW process is currently the most common in the uni-body repair environment. Flux Core Arc Welding (FCAW) • FCAW is an arc welding process where electrode wire is fed through a weld gun and is not surrounded by a shielding gas.
  • Page 33
    31 — 32 31 — Collision Information COMPONENT BODYSHELL EXTERIOR & UNDERBODY TRUCK FRAME PARTS PANELS Material Thickness 2 mm — 4 mm 0.6 mm — 1.02 mm >1.02 mm — 3.0 mm Range ELECTRODE TYPE CLASS. CLASS. CLASS. CLASS. CLASS.
  • Page 34
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 33 Metal Active Gas (MAG) Brazing Applications • Is the recommended method for attaching steel that is greater than 600 MPa when accessibility to perform STRSW or weld bonding is not possible. • It has a reduced heat affected zone as compared to GMAW. •…
  • Page 35
    31 — 34 31 — Collision Information disc should be used to remove the E-coat without damaging other sheet metal coatings • With advancements in technology some STRSW welders now have computer controlled programs. These technologically advanced welders are capable of measuring the thickness and resistance of the panels being welded including multiple tiers and types of metal.
  • Page 36
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 35 Test Weld Coupon NOTE: Periodically check the electrodes tips to determine wether the faces have been contaminated, damaged or increased in size. If any of these conditions have occurred, replace or re-face the electrode tips per equipment manufacturer recommendations.
  • Page 37
    31 — 36 31 — Collision Information Weld Examples Current Level Low for Both Welds 1 — STRUCTURAL ADHESIVE 2 — WELD TOO SMALL 3 — WELD NON-EXISTENT Current Level Medium for Both Welds 1 — STRUCTURAL ADHESIVE 2 — WELD CORRECT SIZE 3 — WELD TOO SMALL…
  • Page 38
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 37 Current Level High for Both Welds 1 — STRUCTURAL ADHESIVE 2 — WELD HAS HEAVY EXPULSION OF METAL AND SUR- FACE MARKINGS 3 — WELD CORRECT SIZE Current Level Adjusted to Provide Acceptable Welds 1 — STRUCTURAL ADHESIVE 2 — WELD CORRECT SIZE 3 — WELD CORRECT SIZE…
  • Page 39
    31 — 38 31 — Collision Information Test Weld Coupon. If the weld is insufficient, adjust the welder per the welder manufacturer recommenda- tions and repeat steps 7, 8 and 9 until the proper weld size is achieved. NOTE: If the first weld becomes too hot before the second weld reaches the correct size, reduce the current settings for the first weld and continue increasing the current setting for the second weld until the proper size for the second has been reached.
  • Page 40
    Service assemblies for body components may be disassembled if utilization of the subcomponents is more appropriate to the repair or to reduce vehicle disruption. The structural and non-structural metal on the Chrysler Pacifica Minivan (RU) may be sectioned in several areas providing the prescribed methods below are adhered to.
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 41 NOTE: It will be necessary to order the complete front rail and create the sectioning pieces at the same cut lines. NOTE: To prevent warping, apply 25 mm. (1 in.) stitch welds until the sectioning joint is completely welded.
  • Page 43
    31 — 42 31 — Collision Information Power Hybrid Electric Vehicle (PHEV) Front Frame Rail NOTE: Right side shown, left side similar. 1 — PHEV Front Frame Rail Assembly (shown with Inner Front Frame Rail removed for clarity) 2 — Front Frame Rail Upper Composite Insert 3 — Side Front Frame Rail To Dash Panel Reinforcement (410 MPa) 4- Front Frame Rail Lower Composite Insert 5- Front Frame Rail Assembly…
  • Page 44
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 43 Body Side Aperture Outer Body Side Aperture NOTE: Right side shown, left side typical NOTE: The Cowl Side Hinge Pillar area is dedicated to where it is to be sectioned, as compared to the general locations within the outlined areas.
  • Page 45
    31 — 44 31 — Collision Information Inner Body Side Components — Do Not Section Do Not Section NOTE: Left side shown, right side similar VERY HIGH STRENGTH STEEL (VHS) REINFORCEMENTS AND PANELS — DO NOT SECTION 1- A-pillar Inner Panel (1300 MPa) 2- Bodyside Front Door Ring Reinforcement (1300 MPa) 3- T-bone Roof Side Rail Inner Panel (1300 MPa) 4- Sliding Door Track Upper Reinforcement (780 MPa)
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 45 Inner Quarter Panel Inner Quarter Panels 1 — Right Inner Quarter Panel (270 MPa) 2 — Left Inner Quarter Panel (270 MPa) 3 — Upper Sectioning Location (Secondary) 4 — Lower Sectioning Location (Primary) Outlined areas represent general sectioning areas within.
  • Page 47
    31 — 46 31 — Collision Information Liftgate Trough And D-Pillar Reinforcements Drain Trough and D-pillar NOTE: Right side shown, left side similar. 1- Inner D-pillar Reinforcement (590 MPa) 2- Outer D-pillar Reinforcement (270 MPa) 3- Liftgate Drain Trough (270 MPa) 4- Inner d-pillar Sectioning Location 5- Outer D-pillar Sectioning Location 6- Liftgate Drain Trough Sectioning Location…
  • Page 48
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 47 Roof D-pillar Composite Reinforcement Composite Reinforcement 1- Drain Trough Panel 2- D-pillar Outer Reinforcement 3- D-pillar Composite Reinforcement 4- Outer Bodyside Aperture Panel WARNING: Composite Reinforcements must be installed to maintain roof strength standards WARNING: Failure to follow these directions may result in serious or fatal injury If the D-pillar composite reinforcement (3) or any component that makes contact with the reinforcement is replaced it…
  • Page 49
    31 — 48 31 — Collision Information Third Row Seat Tub Third Row Seat Tub 1 — Third Row Seat Tub (270 MPa) 2 — Urethane Adhesive NOTE: The Third row seat tub is attached with a bead of windshield grade urethane around the entire perimeter.
  • Page 50
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 49 Rear Rail Rear Rail Cover NOTE: Right side shown, left side similar. 1 — Third Row Seat Tub (270 MPa) 2 — Rear Rail Cover (590 MPa) WARNING: Sectioning of components may only be performed in the described areas if damage to component does not extend past sectioning location.
  • Page 51
    31 — 50 31 — Collision Information Rear Rail Lower Closeout NOTE: Right side shown, left side similar. 1 — Rear Rail Lower Closeout Cut Line 2 — Rear Rail Lower Closeout (590 MPa) CAUTION: To prevent damage to the Inner Reinforcement , extreme care must be taken while cutting the rail.
  • Page 52
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 51 NOTE: Right side shown, left side similar. 1 — Rear Rail Cut Line 2 — Rear Rail (590 MPa) 3 — Third Row Seat Belt Anchor Bolt Hole CAUTION: To prevent damage to the Inner Reinforcement , extreme care must be taken while cutting the rail.
  • Page 53
    31 — 52 31 — Collision Information CORROSION PROTECTION Corrosion Protection Restoration «Corrosion protection» encompasses all the materials and coatings which protect a vehicle from corrosion and include: • Coated steels • E-coat primer on the complete body • Body sealing to eliminate water and air intrusion where panels join •…
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 53 #08891 should be applied to all interior cavities, weld flanges, hem flanges as well as any are affected by the repair especially where any type of welding was performed. Inner panel corrosion protection should be applied using «pressure pot»…
  • Page 55
  • Page 56
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 55 Positions 5 — 7: Define the following: brand, marketing name, drive wheels, cab/body type, drive position, and price series. Chrysler Pacifica (RU) MPV BODY TYPE POSITION SERIES Touring L Touring Touring L Plus…
  • Page 57
    31 — 56 31 — Collision Information STANDARDIZED STEEL IDENTIFICATION In an effort to reduce confusion over the large number of steel grades in use, and the repairability and weldability concerns involved with each, FCA US LLC has instituted new nomenclature which is applicable to material call-outs and Body In White (BIW) views released for use in the repair industry.
  • Page 58
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 57 • LS — Good repairability and weldability (least sensitive to heat). May be attached using the preferred Squeeze Type Resistance Spot Welding (STRSW) process, weld bonding where appropriate, or MIG welding. Materials have a tensile strength of less than 270 MPa.
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 61 WARNING: There are necessary safety factors to follow when working with components made of magnesium and components made of a combination of materials utilizing magnesium that must be followed. • Do not grind on the component. The grinding residue is highly combustible. •…
  • Page 63
    31 — 62 31 — Collision Information BODY OPENING DIMENSIONS NOTE: Body opening dimensions are listed in metric scale millimeter (mm). Principal Locating Points (PLP), fastener locations, and holes are measured to center, unless noted otherwise. Position the vehicle on a level work surface. Remove any weatherstrips, door strikers or any other parts that may interfere with the reference point.
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 63 Front Door Opening Sliding Door and Quarter Glass Opening…
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    31 — 64 31 — Collision Information Liftgate Opening…
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 65 FRAME DIMENSIONS NOTE: Frame dimensions are listed in metric scale millimeter (mm). All dimensions are from center to center of Principal Locating Point (PLP), or from center to center of PLP and fastener location. VEHICLE PREPARATION- Position the vehicle on a level work surface.
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    31 — 66 31 — Collision Information Under Hood Dimensions (1 of 2) Under Hood Dimensions (2 of 2)
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 67 Front View Dimensions…
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    31 — 68 31 — Collision Information GAP AND FLUSH DIMENSIONS…
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 69 NOTE: All dimensions are in millimeters. • O/F = Over Flush • U/F = Under Flush • U/D = Up/Down • F/A = Fore/Aft DIMENSION DESCRIPTION FLUSH Hood to Grill Varies +/- 2.0 Inboard —…
  • Page 71
    31 — 70 31 — Collision Information DIMENSION DESCRIPTION FLUSH Fascia to Fender 0.0 +/- 0.5 Fascia U/F 0.5 +/- 0.5 Lamp U/F 1.0 +/- 1.0 at Headlamp to Fender 1.0 +/- 1.0 Transition to U/F 1.5 at Fascia Lamp U/F inboard 3.5 +/- 1.0 +1.5/- 1.0 Headlamp to Fascia Consistent within 1.5…
  • Page 72
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 71 DIMENSION DESCRIPTION FLUSH 2.0 +/- 1.0 Fender to A-pillar 0.0 +/- 1.0 Parallel within 1.0 Side to side within 1.0 0.0 +/- 1.0 at front 2.0 +/- 1.0 Fender to Sill Moulding Transition to Fender U/F 2.5 at notch 1.5 at rear Front Door O/F below…
  • Page 73
    31 — 72 31 — Collision Information PAINT CODES Exterior vehicle body color(s) are identified on the Vehicle Certification Label or the Body Code Plate. The first digit of the paint code listed on the vehicle indicates the sequence of application, i.e.: P = primary coat, Q = secondary coat.
  • Page 74
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 73 VEHICLE CERTIFICATION LABEL NOTE: Typical example of label shown. A vehicle certification label is attached to every FCA US LLC vehicle. The label certifies that the vehicle conforms to all applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Standards. The label also lists: •…
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    31 — 74 31 — Collision Information SEALERS AND SOUND DEADENERS Terminology • Work Time : The length of time a sealer can continue to be applied or tooled effectively. • Set Time : Time when there is no longer product transfer. •…
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 75 SOUND DEADENER LOCATIONS DESCRIPTION FIGURE PUR Foam Locations Figure 1 Hood Figure 2 Front Wheelhouse Figure 3 Fender Figure 4 Dash Panel Outer Figure 5 Dash Panel Inner (1 of 4) Figure 6 Dash Panel Inner (2 of 4) Figure 7 Dash Panel Inner (3 of 4)
  • Page 77
    31 — 76 31 — Collision Information PUR Foam Locations 1- A-pillar 2- Dash Reinforcement 3- Lower Cowl/Sill 4- B-pillar/Sill 5- C-pillar/Sill 6- D-pillar/Closeout Panel…
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 77 Hood 1- Hood 2- Hood Silencer…
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    31 — 78 31 — Collision Information Front Wheelhouse 1- Left Front Wheelhouse Silencer 2- Left Front Wheelhouse Panel 3- Right Front Wheelhouse Silencer 4- Right Front Wheelhouse Panel…
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 79 Fender 1- Cowl Side to Fender Silencer 2- Fender…
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    31 — 80 31 — Collision Information Dash Panel Outer 1- Dash Panel Outer 2- Dash Panel Silencer…
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 81 Dash Panel Inner (1 of 4) 1- Dash Panel Inner 2- Dash Panel Mastic Pads…
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    31 — 82 31 — Collision Information Dash Panel Inner (2 of 4) 1- Dash Panel Inner 2- Dash Panel Silencer Fiber Pad…
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 83 Dash Panel Inner (3 of 4) 1- Dash Silencer Fiber Pads 2- Dash Panel Inner…
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    31 — 84 31 — Collision Information Dash Panel Inner (4 of 4) 1- Dash Panel Silencer 2- Heater Line Closeout Insulation 3- A/C Line Closeout Insulation…
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 85 Second Row Seat Tub and Mid Floor Pan 1- Second Row Seat Tub 2- Mid Floor Pan 3- Mid Floor Mastic Pads 4- Second Row Seat Tub Mastic Pads…
  • Page 87
    31 — 86 31 — Collision Information Rear Wheelhouse Stuffers 1- Right Body Side Aperture 2- Right Wheelhouse Stuffer 3- Right Outer Wheelhouse 4- Left Body Side Aperture 5- Left Wheelhouse Stuffer 6- Left Outer Wheelhouse…
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 87 Rear Wheelhouse (1 of 2) 1- Foil Butyl Tape 2- Shock Reinforcement 3- Mastic Pads 4- Inner Wheelhouse Panel 5- Rear Rail Cover…
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    31 — 88 31 — Collision Information Rear Wheelhouse (2 of 2) 1- Left Inner Quarter Panel 2- Left Inner Wheelhouse Silencer 3- Right Inner Quarter Panel 4- Right Inner Wheelhouse Silencer…
  • Page 90
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 89 Rear Rail 1- Rear Rail 2- Foil Butyl Tape…
  • Page 91
    31 — 90 31 — Collision Information Inner Quarter Panel 1- Right D-pillar Lower Reinforcement 2- Right Inner Quarter Panel 3- Right Inner Wheelhouse Panel 4- Right Rear Quarter Closeout Insulation 5- Left D-pillar Lower Reinforcement 6- Left Inner Quarter Panel 7- Left Inner Wheelhouse Panel 8- Left Rear Quarter Closeout Insulation…
  • Page 92
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 91 Closure and Liftgate Opening Panel 1- Foil Butyl Tape 2- Closure Rear Inner Panel 3- Liftgate Opening Lower Panel STRUCTURAL ADHESIVE, FLEXIBLE ADHESIVES AND SEAM SEALER LOCATIONS Structural adhesives, flexible adhesives and seam sealers should only be applied by trained technicians. Follow the manufactures instructions for proper applications of products.
  • Page 93
    31 — 92 31 — Collision Information MATERIAL TYPE COLOR Seam Sealer Blue DESCRIPTION FIGURE Hood Figure 1 Front Door Figure 2 Sliding Door Figure 3 Liftgate Figure 4 Front Wheelhouse Panel Figure 5 Engine Box Figure 6 Engine Box (Lower View) Figure 7 Front Wheelhouse Outer Figure 8…
  • Page 94
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 93 DESCRIPTION FIGURE Mid Floor Pan and 3rd Row Seat Tub Underbody (2 of 2) Figure 40 C-pillar and Outer Sill Panel Figure 41 Rear Inner Wheelhouse Figure 42 Rear Frame Rail Figure 43 Rear Crossmember and Third Row Crossmember Figure 44 Rear Inner Wheelhouse…
  • Page 95
    31 — 94 31 — Collision Information Hood 1- Inner Hood Panel 2- Inner Hood Slam Reinforcement 3- Left Hood Hinge Reinforcement 4- Right Hood Hinge Reinforcement A- Structural Adhesive B- Anti-Flutter Adhesive C- Seam Sealer…
  • Page 96
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 95 Front Door 1- Outer Belt Reinforcement 2- Stiffener Beam 3- Impact Reinforcement Beam 4- Front Door Outer Panel (Transparent for clarity) 5- Inner Front Door Panel A- Structural Adhesive B- Anti-Flutter Adhesive C- Seam Sealer…
  • Page 97
    31 — 96 31 — Collision Information Sliding Door 1- Outer Belt Reinforcement 2- Anti-Flutter Beam 3- Impact Reinforcement Beam 4- Sliding Door Outer Panel (Transparent for clarity) 5- Sliding Door Inner Panel A- Structural Adhesive B- Anti-Flutter Adhesive C- Seam Sealer…
  • Page 98
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 97 Liftgate NOTE: Left side Taillamp Pocket (1) shown, right side similar 1- Liftgate Taillamp Pocket 2- Liftgate Inner Panel A- Structural Adhesive B- Anti-Flutter Adhesive C- Seam Sealer WARNING: There are necessary safety factors to follow when working with components made of magnesium and components made of a combination of materials utilizing magnesium that must be followed.
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    31 — 98 31 — Collision Information Front Wheelhouse Panel 1- Front Wheelhouse Panel 2- Front Suspension Tower A- Structural Adhesive…
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 99 Engine Box 1- Left Suspension Tower 2- Left Front Wheelhouse Panel 3- Left Front Frame Rail 4- Right Suspension Tower 5- Right Front Wheelhouse 6- Right Front Frame Rail C- Seam Sealer…
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    31 — 100 31 — Collision Information Engine Box (Lower View) 1- Right Front Rail 2- Left Front Rail 3- Dash Panel 4- Outer Sill Front End Cap 5- Front Floor Pan C- Seam Sealer…
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 101 Front Wheelhouse Outer NOTE: Right side shown. Left side similar. 1- Cowl Side Panel (Transparent for clarity) 2- Front Wheelhouse 3- Front Frame Rail 4- Front Suspension Tower 5- Dash Panel C- Seam Sealer…
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    31 — 102 31 — Collision Information Cowl Side Panel and Load Path Beam NOTE: Left side shown, right side similar. 1- Load Beam Bracket 2- Cowl Side Panel 3- Front Wheelhouse Panel 4- Lower Load Beam 5- Upper Load Beam A- Structural Adhesive…
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 103 Cowl Side Panel NOTE: Left side shown, right side similar. 1- Cowl Side Panel 2- Inner A-pillar Panel 3- Instrument Panel Tapping Plate Bracket A- Structural Adhesive…
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    31 — 104 31 — Collision Information Plenum/Dash Panel NOTE: Right side view shown, left side similar. NOTE: HVAC Inlet Air Dam (4) is located on right side only 1- Dash Panel 2- Plenum Side Gusset 3- Front Suspension Tower 4- HVAC Inlet Air Dam (Transparent for clarity) 5- Cowl Plenum Lower A- Structural Adhesive…
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 105 Cowl Plenum/Dash Panel 1- Cowl Plenum Panel 2- Dash Panel 3- A-pillar Flag Reinforcement A- Structural Adhesive C- Seam Sealer…
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    31 — 106 31 — Collision Information Dash Panel (Interior) 1- Break Pedal Bracket Reinforcement 2- Dash Panel (Transparent for clarity) 5- Front Frame Rail A- Structural Adhesive…
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 107 Sill Inner Reinforcement NOTE: Left side view shown, right side similar. 1- Sill Inner Reinforcement 2- Cowl Side Panel 3- Dash Panel A- Structural Adhesive…
  • Page 109
    31 — 108 31 — Collision Information Dash Panel and Front Floor (Interior) (1 of 2) NOTE: Left side view shown, right side similar. 1- Cowl Side Panel 2- Cowl Plenum Panel 3- Dash Panel 4- Front Floor Pan 5- Second Row Seat Tub Front Crossmember 6- Second Row Seat Tub Front Crossmember Extension 7- Inner Sill Panel 8- Sill Inner Reinforcement…
  • Page 110
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 109 Dash Panel and Front Floor (Interior) (2 of 2) NOTE: Left side view shown, right side similar. 1- Cowl Side Panel 2- Cowl Plenum Panel 3- Dash Panel 4- Front Floor Pan 5- Second Row Seat Tub Front Crossmember 6- Inner Sill Panel C- Seam Sealer…
  • Page 111
    31 — 110 31 — Collision Information Front Floor Underbody 1- Right Front Rail 2- Left Front Rail 3- Dash Panel 4- Front Floor Pan C- Seam Sealer…
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 111 Inner A-pillar Panel 1- Inner A-pillar Panel (Transparent for clarity) 2- T-bone Roof Side Rail Inner 3- Instrument Panel Tapping Plate Bracket A- Structural Adhesive…
  • Page 113
    31 — 112 31 — Collision Information Front Door Ring Reinforcement (1 of 2) 1- Front Door Ring Reinforcement (Transparent for clarity) 2- Front Header Extension 3- T-bone Roof Side Rail Inner 4- Upper Sliding Door Track Reinforcement 5- A-pillar Inner Panel A- Structural Adhesive…
  • Page 114
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 113 Front Door Ring Reinforcement (2 of 2) 1- A-pillar Inner Panel 2- Front Header Extension 3- Upper Sliding Door Track Reinforcement 4- Front Door Ring Reinforcement (Transparent for clarity) 5- Outer Sill Front Reinforcement 6- Outer Sill Front End Cap A- Structural Adhesive…
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    31 — 114 31 — Collision Information Body Side Aperture Front 1- Body Side Aperture (Transparent for clarity) 2- Front Door Ring Reinforcement A- Structural Adhesive…
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 115 Sill Inner Reinforcement NOTE: Left side shown, right side similar. 1- Dash Panel 2- Inner Sill Front End Cap (Transparent for clarity) 3- Inner Sill Reinforcement A- Structural Adhesive…
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    31 — 116 31 — Collision Information Rear Sill Inner Panel NOTE: Left side shown. right side similar. 1- Sill Inner Reinforcement (Transparent for clarity) 2- Rear Inner Sill Panel A- Structural Adhesive…
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 117 Rear Sill NOTE: Left side shown, right side similar. 1- Sill Inner Reinforcement 2- Sill Inner Panel 3- Inner Wheelhouse Panel A- Structural Adhesive…
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    31 — 118 31 — Collision Information Front Door Ring (Inner Lower) 1- Sill Outer Rear Reinforcement (Transparent for clarity) 2- Front Door Ring Reinforcement 3- Sill Outer Front Reinforcement A- Structural Adhesive…
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 119 Sliding Door Lower Track and Lower B-pillar 1- Sliding Door Lower Track 2- Inner B-pillar Panel (Transparent for clarity) A- Structural Adhesive…
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    31 — 120 31 — Collision Information Roof Panel With Sunroof (1 of 3) 1- Roof Panel 2- Front Sunroof Reinforcement Ring (Transparent for clarity) 3- Rear Sunroof Reinforcement Ring (Transparent for clarity B- Anti Flutter Adhesive…
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 121 Roof Panel With Sunroof (2 of 3) 1- Outer Roof Rail 2- Inner Roof Rail 3- Front Sunroof Reinforcement Ring 4- Front Header Panel A- Structural Adhesive B- Anti Flutter Adhesive C- Seam Sealer…
  • Page 123
    31 — 122 31 — Collision Information Roof Panel With Sunroof (3 of 3) 1- C-pillar Roof Bow 2- Rear Header Panel 3- Rear Sunroof Reinforcement Ring A- Structural Adhesive B- Anti Flutter Adhesive C- Seam Sealer…
  • Page 124
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 123 Roof Panel Standard (1 of 2) 1- Center Roof Bow 2- B-pillar Roof Bow 3- Front Header Panel A- Structural Adhesive B- Anti Flutter Adhesive C- Seam Sealer…
  • Page 125
    31 — 124 31 — Collision Information Roof Panel Standard (2 of 2) 1- C-pillar Roof Bow 2- Rear Roof Bow 3- Rear Header Panel A- Structural Adhesive B- Anti Flutter Adhesive C- Seam Sealer…
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 125 Center and Mid Floor (Interior) Rear View NOTE: Left side view shown, right side similar. 1- Center Floor Pan 2- Second Row Seat Tub Front Crossmember 3- Second Row Seat Tub Rear Crossmember A- Structural Adhesive…
  • Page 127
    31 — 126 31 — Collision Information Center and Mid Floor (Interior) Front View NOTE: Left side view shown, right side similar. 1- Center Floor Pan 2- Second Row Seat Tub Front Crossmember 3- Second Row Seat Tub Rear Crossmember A- Structural Adhesive…
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 127 Center Floor and Front Floor Pan Underbody 1- Mid Floor Pan 2- Center Floor Pan 3- Front Floor Pan C- Seam Sealer…
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    31 — 128 31 — Collision Information Center and Mid Floor (Interior) NOTE: Left side view shown, right side similar. 1- Mid Floor Pan 2- Inner Sill Panel 3- Center Floor Pan 4- Second Row Seat Tub Rear Crossmember C- Seam Sealer…
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 129 Upper Sliding Door Track Upper Reinforcement 1- Body Side Aperture 2- Upper Sliding Door Track Reinforcement 3- Roof Rail Outer Upper Panel A- Structural Adhesive C- Seam Sealer…
  • Page 131
    31 — 130 31 — Collision Information Body Side Aperture (Top) 1- Right Roof Rail Outer Upper Panel 2- Right Body Side Aperture Panel (Transparent for clarity) 3- Right C-pillar Outer Upper Reinforcement 4- Left Roof Rail Outer Upper Panel 5- Left Body Side Aperture (Transparent for clarity) 6- Left C-pillar Outer Upper Reinforcement A- Structural Adhesive…
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 131 Mid Floor Pan NOTE: Left side view shown, right side similar. 1- Mid Floor Pan 2- Rear Frame Rail 3- Third Row Crossmember A- Structural Adhesive…
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    31 — 132 31 — Collision Information Mid Floor Pan and Third Row Seat Tub Underbody (1 of 2) 1- Third Row Seat Tub 2- Mid Floor Pan C- Seam Sealer…
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 133 Mid Floor Pan and 3rd Row Seat Tub Underbody (2 of 2) 1- Third Row Seat Tub 2- Mid Floor Pan C- Seam Sealer…
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    31 — 134 31 — Collision Information C-pillar and Outer Sill Panel 1- C-pillar Lower Panel 2- C-pillar Upper Panel 3- Outer Sill Rear End Cap 4- Sill Outer Panel (Transparent for clarity) 5- Jack Location Reinforcement A- Structural Adhesive…
  • Page 136
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 135 Rear Body Side Aperture/Quarter Panel 1- Sliding Door Lower Track Center Reinforcement 2- Rear Body Side Aperture/Quarter Panel (Transparent for clarity) 3- Outer Wheelhouse Panel 4- Sliding Door Striker Reinforcement A- Structural Adhesive B- Anti-Flutter Adhesive C- Seam Sealer…
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    31 — 136 31 — Collision Information Rear Frame Rail NOTE: Left side shown, right side similar. 1- Rear Frame Rail 2- Rear Closure Reinforcement 3- Third Row Seat Tub A- Structural Adhesive…
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 137 Rear Crossmember and Third Row Crossmember NOTE: Left side view shown, right side similar. 1- Third Row Crossmember (Transparent for clarity) 2- Rear Under Seat Crossmember (Transparent for clarity) 3- Rear Frame Rail A- Structural Adhesive…
  • Page 139
    31 — 138 31 — Collision Information Rear Inner Wheelhouse 1- Right Rear Rail Cover 2- Right Rear Inner Wheelhouse 3- Right Shock Tower Reinforcement 4- Right Rear Inner Sill Panel 5- Left Rear Rail Cover 6- Left Rear Inner Wheelhouse 7- Left Shock Tower Reinforcement 8- Left Rear Inner Sill Panel A- Structural Adhesive…
  • Page 140
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 139 Inner Wheelhouses 1- Right Inner Wheelhouse 2- Right Rear Shock Reinforcement 3- Left Inner Wheelhouse 4- Left Rear Shock Reinforcement C- Seam Sealer…
  • Page 141
    31 — 140 31 — Collision Information Left Rear Quarter Inner Panel 1- Left Sill Outer Reinforcement 2- Left Rear Inner Quarter Panel 3- Left D-pillar Lower Reinforcement 4- Left Outer Wheelhouse Panel (Transparent for clarity) A- Structural Adhesive…
  • Page 142
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 141 Right Rear Quarter Inner Panel 1- Right D-pillar Lower Reinforcement 2- Right Rear Inner Quarter Panel 3- Right Sill Outer Reinforcement 4- Right Outer Wheelhouse Panel (Transparent for clarity) A- Structural Adhesive…
  • Page 143
    31 — 142 31 — Collision Information Outer Wheelhouses 1- Right Inner Quarter Panel (Transparent for clarity) 2- Right Outer Wheelhouse Extension 3- Right Outer Wheelhouse 4- Left Inner Quarter Panel (Transparent for clarity) 5- Left Outer Wheelhouse Extension 6- Left Outer Wheelhouse C- Seam Sealer…
  • Page 144
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 143 Third Row Seat Tub 1- Third Row Seat Tub (Transparent for clarity) 2- Urethane 3- Rear Closure Panel 4- Rear Rail Reinforcement…
  • Page 145
    31 — 144 31 — Collision Information Rear Closure Inner Panel NOTE: Left side shown. right side similar. 1- Rear Closure Inner Panel 2- Rear Closure Inner Extension (Transparent for clarity) 3- D-pillar inner Reinforcement 4- Rear Frame Rail Reinforcement A- Structural Adhesive…
  • Page 146
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 145 Rear Rail Reinforcement 1- Right Rear Rail Cover 2- Right Rear Rail Gusset 3- Right Rear Rail Reinforcement 4- Left Rear Rail Reinforcement 5- Left Rear Rail Gusset 6- Left Rear Rail Cover A- Structural Adhesive…
  • Page 147
    31 — 146 31 — Collision Information Rear Interior NOTE: Left side view shown, right side similar. 1- Rear Frame Rail Reinforcement 2- Third Row Crossmember 3- Third Row Seat Tub 4- Rear closure Inner Panel C- Seam Sealer…
  • Page 148
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 147 Rear Header Panel 1- Rear Header Panel (Transparent for clarity) 2- Hinge Closeout 3- Drain Trough Panel (Transparent for clarity) 4- D-pillar Reinforcement A- Structural Adhesive…
  • Page 149
    31 — 148 31 — Collision Information Outer D-pillar 1- Left Outer Wheelhouse 2- Left D-Pillar Outer Reinforcement (Transparent for clarity) 3- Left Outer Wheelhouse Extension (Transparent for clarity) 4- Right D-pillar Outer Reinforcement (Transparent for clarity) 5- Right Outer Wheelhouse 6- Right Outer Wheelhouse Extension (Transparent for clarity) A- Structural Adhesive…
  • Page 150
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 149 Rear Closure Inner Extension 1- Drain Trough Panel 2- Rear Closure Inner Extension 3- D-pillar Outer Reinforcement 4- Rear Closure Exterior Reinforcement (Transparent for clarity) A- Structural Adhesive…
  • Page 151
    31 — 150 31 — Collision Information Rear Quarter Panel Extension 1- Rear Quarter Panel Extension 2- Rear Closure Panel A- Structural Adhesive C- Seam Sealer…
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    31 — Collision Information 31 — 151 Liftgate Drain Trough Panel 1- Roof Panel (Transparent for clarity) 2- Liftgate Drain Trough Panel 3- Rear Closure Outer Panel (Transparent for clarity) 4- Rear Body Side Aperture/Quarter Panel (Transparent for clarity) 5- D-pillar Upper Reinforcement A- Structural Adhesive…
  • Page 153
    31 — 152 31 — Collision Information Rear Closure Outer Panel NOTE: Right view side shown, left side similar. 1- Rear Closure Outer Panel (Transparent for clarity) 2- Liftgate Opening Drain Trough 3- Rear Bodyside Extension Panel A- Structural Adhesive…
  • Page 154
    31 — Collision Information 31 — 153 Rear Closure and Liftgate Drain Trough 1- Roof Panel 2- Liftgate Drain Trough Panel 3- Rear Closure Panel 4- Body Side Aperture/Quarter Panel C- Seam Sealer…
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