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  • 7/25/2019 cnc kad user manual



    Cutting Tutorial

  • 7/25/2019 cnc kad user manual



  • 7/25/2019 cnc kad user manual


    Laser Cutting Tutorial


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  • 7/25/2019 cnc kad user manual




  • 7/25/2019 cnc kad user manual


    Laser Cutting Tutorial


    Table of Contents

    Laser Cutting Tutorial

    Laser Tutorial Overview and

    How to use this

    A brief explanation about

    1 Exercise 1 Basic Drafting and Cutting

    1.1.1 What you will learn in this exercise:
    …………………………………………………… 9

    1.1.2 Tips

    1.2 Creating a New Part

    1.3 Selecting the Active Machine

    1.4 Positioning Holes with Help Lines

    1.5 Creating the Inner

    1.6 Filleting

    1.7 Geometry

    1.8 Saving the Part

    1.9 Cutting the

    1.10Defining the Sheet Size

    1.11Generating the NC Code

    1.12Simulating the NC

    1.12.1Running the


    2 Exercise 2 Setting Cuts Manually


    2.1.1 What you will learn in this exercise:

    2.2 Saving a File Under a New Name

    2.3 Adding a Dimension

    2.4 Stretching the

    2.5 Deleting Existing Cuts on the

    2.6 Setting Auto Cut

    2.7 Setting Individual

    2.8 Summary

    3 Exercise 3 Advanced Drafting


    3.1.1 What you will learn in this exercise:
    Creating Notches and Bend Relief

    3.3 Trimming Lines

    3.4 Adding a Rectangular

    3.5 Chamfering a Corner

    3.6 Filleting Corners and

    3.7 Creating a Circular Array

    3.8 Creating Rectangular Arrays

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    3.9 Adding a Marking Point


    4 Exercise 4 — Advanced Cutting


    4.1.1 What you will learn in this exercise:

    4.2 Cutting a Previously Cut Part
    Deleting Cuts

    4.2.2 Replacing Cutting Definitions with Auto

    4.3 What Are Cutting Tables

    4.3.1 Cutting Tables

    4.4 Corner Treatment

    4.4.1 Max Angle

    4.5 The Global Cut Tab

    4.6 Rounding Corners

    4.7 Slowing

    4.8 Using
    Editing Corner Parameters

    4.8.2 Setting Corner Parameters

    4.9 Point

    4.9.1 Options for


    5 Index

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    Laser Cutting Tutorial


    Laser Cutting Tutorial

    Laser Tutorial Overview and AimsThis Tutorial is designed to
    give the newcomer to cncKada quick and easy start withthe program,
    while teaching the use of some of the most common commands. The

    exercises are set out so that the user may work with the program
    in conjunction withthis book.

    The exercises are of varying difficulty, each one designed to
    teach the new user adifferent aspect of the program — various
    drafting techniques as well as utilizing lasercutting technology.
    Each exercise is accompanied by detailed steps that allow a newuser
    to create and learn everything from the easiest to the most
    complicatedprocedures within the program.

    Having completed the exercises in this book you will be able to
    successfully drawand cut your own sheet metal parts, using many of
    the commands in cncKad. Youwill be able to take the geometry and
    cuts and create a working NC program that canbe sent to your

    This Tutorial should be used in conjunction with the cncKad
    Drafting & NestingManualand the cncKad Laser Manual. Working
    with these manuals will give you theultimate reference and teaching

    How to use this Tutorial

    The first page of each chapter shows the part we will create
    during the exercise.Throughout the exercise you will find tips that
    will help you create the draft and thencut it. These tips will be
    denoted by the sign, e.g.:

    The Shapescommands are quick and easy methods for building

    different contours that are typical to the sheet metal

    You may want to try creating these parts before looking at the
    following pages for thedetailed explanation and part creation

    This book is written for work in conjunction with version 8 of
    cncKad. If you have the

    DOS version of cncKad please refer to the appropriate books.If
    you have a different version of cncKad Windows, while most of the
    exercises andcommands are compatible, you may find slight
    discrepancies between thecommands and the procedures as listed here
    and your software. If such a case,please consult the user manual
    that came with your copy of the program or theupdate pamphlet.

    A brief explanation about Cl icking

    When working with cncKad, it is important to remember that the
    basic unit of draftingis the Entity.

    An Entity can be a Line, an Arc, a Circle or a Point.

    As you create parts, you will often need to choose a specific
    Entity or processing

    definition for manipulation.When you click your mouse to choose
    a specific Entity, it is imperative you rememberthat cncKad uses
    the following rules to interpret your action:

    1. Which Entity has been chosen?

    2. Which Endpoint of the entity has been chosen? (lines and arcs
    have 2Endpoints)

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    3. Which Side of the Entity has been chosen?1

    The following example illustrates this interpretation

    When selecting a processing definition, you must still select
    the Entity

    associated with this definition.

    LineAhas been cut; if you wish to manipulate this processing
    (e.g. change CuttingSpeed), you can click on points 1or 2, but NOT
    on 3, 4or 5.

    1When clicking on an Entity that is in a closed Contour, your
    click represents a choice of

    InsideOutside for this Contour.

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    Laser Cutting Tutorial


    1 Exercise 1 Basic Drafting and Cutting

    1.1 OverviewThe aim of this first exercise is to give you the
    ability to open a new file in cncKad,create a basic drawing, place
    cuts on the drawing and simulate the NC code created

    from the geometry.In this exercise we will be creating the
    following part:

    1.1.1 What you wil l learn in this exercise:

    1. Opening a new part file.

    2. Selecting the active machine for a workstation.3. Placing
    shapes and holes on the part.

    4. Creating inner rectangle.

    5. Creating fillets.

    6. Running geometry checks.

    7. Saving a part.

    8. Adding laser cuts.

    9. Defining the sheet size.

    10. Generating NC code.

    11. Simulating the NC.

    1.1.2 Tips

    When the new drawing is opened a rectangle is created this will
    be thebasis for drawing the part.

    The bottom left corner of the draft is placed at coordinate
    position X=0, Y=0.

    You can position the shapes and circles using absolute

    You can use Help Linesto find a position on the part.

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    1.2 Creating a New Part

    1. Double click on the cncKadIcon to open cncKad.

    2. From the Filemenu (at the top of the screen) select the New
    => New Part

    option, or click the New PartButton from the Standardtoolbar.
    Thefollowing dialog will be displayed.

    The procedure for opening new files in cncKadis the same as

    opening any new file in Windows programs — press the Ctrl+N

    combination on your Keyboard.

    3. In the File Namebox type Exer1 instead of Part1. You can do
    this bydouble-clicking on the name «Part1» and then typing-in the
    new name. Whenyou are done, click on the Savebutton.

    4. The following dialog will now be displayed:

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    Laser Cutting Tutorial


    Remember that you define the size of the part when you open a
    new part

    and not the size of the sheet.

    If you make a mistake while typing the values — use the
    Backspace key to

    erase the value and retype it, and the Tab key to move between

    5. This dialog allows you to define the part Size, sheet
    Material and Thickness.In Part Size, set the Xsize to 300and Ysize
    to 200.

    6. Select a material from the drop-down list and define the
    thickness as 1mm.Leave all the rest of the options at their
    defaults. For the time being we willnot fill out the User Data
    options, so just click on the OKbutton to confirmyour part

    The User Data tab allows the user to associate certain
    information with

    the part, for instance — Order Number, Drawing Name, Revisions,

    Notes. This information can then be inserted in the Report

    7. A white rectangle of the defined size will appear on the

    1.3 Selecting the Active Machine ModelIt often happens that a
    workstation supports more than one machine model, forexample one
    (or more) for laser cutting and one (or more) for punching.

    Before beginning to draft the part, we should make sure that we
    are working on alaser cutting machine.

    To select the machine model that will be the active one:

    1. Click on the Machine button at the left side of the cncKad

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    2. A list will open with the models that are installed on this
    workstation, with theactive one marked by a check mark:

    3. To change the active machine, simply click on the one you

    1.4 Positioning Holes with Help LinesIn this stage we will be
    placing holes on the drawing and positioning them bysnapping them
    to intersections of the Help Lines.

    We will place these Help Lines on the drawing in order to enable
    the exactpositioning of the holes.

    Help Lines are always displayed as green lines that cross the

    extent of the screen.

    Any position can be located by entering the absolute coordinate,

    sometimes it is easier to use Help Lines to find the

    1. From the Help Linestoolbar click the

    Parallel Help-Line by Distance button.

    2. In the dialog that appears define a distance of 50and click
    on the OKbutton.

    3. Position the Help Line by clicking the mouse on the inner
    side of the leftvertical line.

    4. Repeat this for the right vertical line.

    5. Press the Space bar and re-define the parallel distance as
    30. Click the OKbutton to close the dialog.

    6. Click the bottom horizontal line on its inner side, and then
    click the tophorizontal line on its inner side. The result should
    be as shown below:

    7. From the ShapesToolbar

    select the Draw Circ lebutton . The following dialog box will be

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    Laser Cutting Tutorial


    8. Define a diameter of 15and click on theApplybutton.

    9. The dialog will disappear and you will be able to move the
    circle with thecursor. Click on the Snap=Autobutton on the top left
    side of the screen. Amenu will appear, from this menu select the
    Snap Intersectionoption (orpress F7).

    You can define any Snap position as the default by clicking on
    the Snap

    button at the top left of the screen, and selecting the Snap
    position from

    the menu e.g. Endpoint, Center, and Intersection etc.

    Unless defined otherwise a help line will automatically «snap»
    to the

    nearest snap point. This can be an endpoint of a line, a center
    of a circle

    or line and an intersection between two entities.

    10. Position the cursor near the intersection of the help lines
    and click the mouse.

    The circle will snap to the intersection. Repeat this for the
    other three holes.

    11. From the Delete toolbar click theDelete Help-Linesbutton


    12. The Select Optiontoolbar will open. ClicktheAbutton (or
    press the letter A on your keyboard) and press Entertoconfirm the

    13. Press Esc and clean the screen by clicking on the Redraw
    button (or

    press F2). The part should appear as shown below:

    1.5 Creating the Inner RectangleIn this stage we will be
    creating a rectangle by using the help lines to define therectangle
    corners. We will then draw a line by snapping to the intersections
    of thehelp lines. There are also other methods for creating
    rectangles — for instance youcould use the Shapes options.

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    The Shapes commands allow you to build certain shapes

    i.e. you define the dimensions and orientation of the shapes,
    and to place

    them on the drawing.

    There are eleven types of shapes available (from the
    Shapestoolbar or

    from the Draw=> Shapesmenu) —





    oTrapeze (Connector)

    oBolt Hole

    oBanana Shape


    oPunched Sheet



    1. From the Help Lines toolbar click on the Vertical Help
    Linebutton .

    2. Click the cursor on the bottom horizontal line, near the
    middle of the line. Agreen, vertical help line will be placed
    through the midpoint of this line.

    3. From the same toolbar click on the Horizontal Help Linebutton

    4. Now click the left vertical line near the midpoint. The part
    should now besimilar to the drawing shown below.

    5. From the Help Lines toolbar select the Parallel Help Line by

    . The distance dialog box will appear, enter a value of 100and
    click onthe OKbutton.

    6. Click the vertical help line on either its left or right
    side. A new help line will beplaced 100mm from the original
    vertical help line.

    7. Click the other side of the (vertical) center help line.
    There should now bethree vertical help lines with a 100mm distance
    between each of them.

    8. Click on the Parallel Help-Line by Distancebutton again and
    re-enter thevalue as 50. Click the OKbutton, and click the
    horizontal help line once oneach side. Now the part should be as on
    the picture shown below.

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    Laser Cutting Tutorial


    9. Click the Line, Auto-Snapbutton from the Shapes Toolbar.

    The Line, Auto Snapcommand automatically snaps the cursor to

    nearest Snap position. There is no need to place the cursor
    exactly at the

    desired position. The start and endpoint of the lines will be
    placed at the

    closest snapping positions.The Line, Auto Snapoption is a quick
    and accurate way of snapping to

    intersections created by the help lines.

    The user can define any snap position as the default by clicking
    on the

    Snapbutton at the top left of the screen, and selecting the snap

    from the menu i.e. Endpoint, Center, Intersectionetc.

    10. With the aid of the cursor click the four intersections of
    the help lines, asshown below, and then click the first one again
    (to close the rectangle).

    11. Press the right mouse button. This is the Escapebutton and
    closes thecommand.

    12. From the Delete Toolbar click on the Delete Help Lines
    button . Click theAbutton and then Enterto delete all the help

    13. Click on the Redraw button from the Zoom Toolbar to clean
    the screen.

    The screen can be redrawn any time by using the button.

    Use the Zooming commands to enlarge a portion of the drawing

    enable accurate work.

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    1.6 Filleting ContoursIn this stage we will be placing fillet
    radii on the outer and inner contours.

    1. From the Edittoolbar click the Filletbutton .The following
    menu will appear:

    The Fillet menu gives you the options of creating one single
    fillet on a

    corner, or of creating the same fillet radius on every corner
    making up a

    closed contour, or of creating fillet radiuses on every corner
    of the part.

    2. Select the second option the Contourcommand.

    3. Click the inner rectangle on one of its lines. When asked if
    «OK to filletselected contour «, press the Yesbutton.

    4. TheRadius Definit iondialog will be displayed. Define a
    radius of 10and

    click the OKbutton. The inner contour will be filleted on all
    four corners.5. Click the outer contour. The contour will be
    highlighted and you will be asked

    again if this is the correct contour, click on the Yesbutton.
    Define a radius of20and click on the OKbutton. The outer contour
    will be filleted.

    6. The part should now be as shown below:

    1.7 Geometry ChecksWe will now check the part for any errors or

    It is important to execute these checks before entering the
    cutting stage, so thatcncKadwill be able to recognize the part

    These checks not only verify the legality of the existing
    geometry, but also repair it, ifneeded you can choose to delete
    duplicate entities (e.g. Circles placed on top of

    each other), join all the breaks in the geometry, examine the
    part to see if all thecontours are connected properly.

    1. From the Viewmenu (at the top of the screen) select the
    Checkoption, or

    click the Checkbutton .

    2. The dialog, as shown below, will be displayed. Make sure that
    the options areset as shown:

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    Laser Cutting Tutorial


    3. Press the OKbutton, to execute the checks. If there are any
    gaps in contoursbigger than 1mm, the examination process will stop,
    a red Xwill be placed atthat position and you will be allowed to
    press Enter to continue with thechecks.

    Gaps in the contours that are smaller than 1mm will be

    automatically. The size of the repaired gap can be set by
    editing the

    Connect Tolerancefield.

    1.8 Saving the PartIt is important to save your part after each
    important change you make, so that youwill not loose a lot of work
    if there is a problem. To do this, select the Savebutton

    from the Filetoolbar.

    You can also do this by pressing the Ctrl+Skey combination on


    If you want to change the parts name select Save Asfrom the
    Filemenu. Thefollowing dialog will appear:

    Type-in a new name for the file and click the Savebutton. The
    dialog will disappearand the part will be saved under the new

    1.9 Cutting the PartThe parts drawing is now complete, and it is
    time to cut it.

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    The cuts will be presented on the drawing as yellow lines,
    placed to one

    side of the contour (white) lines.

    To cut the part we will use the Auto Cut option.

    Click theAuto Cut button on the Commontoolbar, and the following
    dialog willopen:

    At this point we will not go into all the options this dialog
    offers — simply click the Run button.

    The part will be cut automatically (as you will see from the
    addition of the yellowcutting lines), and the following message
    will appear:

    Confirm by clicking OKand view your part:

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    Laser Cutting Tutorial


    The dotted lines are the Rapid Tool Path. You can turn this
    feature on

    and off from the Viewmenu, or by pressing the Alt+Bkeyboard


    The Entry into a cut is marked with the circular

    1.10 Defining the Sheet SizeWe will now define the size of the
    sheet, the number of parts that fit on it and theoffsets of the
    actual parts from the sheets edges.

    When defining a sheet size, cncKad will attempt to fit in as
    many part

    copies as possible. These copies are called «multiple parts».
    The amount

    of parts that fit on the sheet is displayed in the Number of
    Partsfields,below the Sheet Sizedefinition fields.

    1. Click the Set Sheet and Clampsbutton from the Commontoolbar
    (youcan also access this dialog from the CAMmenu).

    2. The following dialog will appear. Go to the Sheettab and
    define the SheetSizeand the Offsetsas shown below:

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    3. Click on the Parttab and note the Distance between
    Partssection; here youcan define the distances of each part from
    the next.

    It is important to separate the parts enough to allow for the

    Exitfor the cuts of the parts outer contours.

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    Laser Cutting Tutorial


    4. Confirm the new definitions by clicking the OKbutton. Your
    sheet should nowlook like this:

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    Remember to Saveyour work periodically.

    1.11 Generating the NC CodeIt is now time to convert the parts
    drawing and cutting definitions into NC code.

    1. Click the button in the Commontoolbar, or open the Filemenu
    andselect the Post Processoption.

    2. The User Datadialog will open; at this point we will ignore
    it. Click the Nextbutton continue.

    3. This dialog shows you for which machine this NC code is being
    generated(which post processor is being used).

    4. This dialog deals with Laser Optimization. You can leave the
    definitions asthey are, or set different ordering for the cuts. For
    now, accept the defaultsand click the Nextbutton.

    5. This dialog enables you to add Tool Functionsto your cuts.
    Again, click the

    Nextbutton to skip it.6. This dialog is the Post Processor
    Options. Here you can define the name

    and directory for the NC file, whether or not to create a Report
    file and variousother options. For now accept the defaults and
    click the Finishbutton.

    7. The Post Processor will start and when it finishes you will
    receive a summarysuch as the following:

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    Laser Cutting Tutorial


    8. Click the OKbutton and the Simulation program will open
    showing yoursheet.

    1.12 Simulating the NC ProgramAfter the Post Processor finishes,
    the Simulation program opens showing your sheet:

    As you can see, there are two main elements in the Simulations

    A graphic representation of the sheet.

    The NC code generated for this sheet (on the right side).

    1.12.1 Running the Simulation

    The simulations running and speed are controlled by the

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    To run the simulation, simply click the Run button .

    To Pauseor Stopit, use the and buttons.

    To adjust the speed, use the slider .

    You can also run the NC code line after line:

    1. Click the Linebutton on the left side of screen so that it
    shows Line=ON.

    2. Click the Run button to move from one line to the next

    To exit the simulation from the Filemenu select the

    1.13 SummaryIn this exercise we created a simple part, used
    theAuto Cut feature to process it,defined a sheet size and created
    multiple parts, generated NC code for it and run thiscode in the

    You might want to create a few parts on your own and process
    them to gain some

    confidence before continuing to the next exercise, which will be
    more advanced.

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    Laser Cutting Tutorial


    2 Exercise 2 Setting Cuts Manually

    2.1 OverviewIn this exercise we will use the part we created in
    Exercise 1 to see how we canmanually set the cuts on our part.

    2.1.1 What you wil l learn in this exercise:

    1. Adding Dimensions

    2. Stretching

    3. Setting Auto Cut definitions

    4. Editing individual cuts

    2.2 Saving a File Under a New NameBecause we will now make
    changes to the part, it is good procedure to save it undera new

    1. Select Save Asfrom the Filemenu. The following dialog will

    2. Type-in Exer2 in the File namefield and click the

    The dialog will close and the part will be saved under the new

    2.3 Adding a DimensionAmong the other drafting tools,
    cncKadenables you to add dimensions on your part:

    1. From the Dimensiontoolbar , select the

    Add Dimension button .

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    2. TheAdd Dimension/Text dialog will open. Define the parameters
    as bellowand click OK:

    3. Click on the parts left side and then on its right side. A
    Dimension line will bedrawn on the cursor, moving as it moves.

    4. Move the cursor above the part and click. The Dimension will
    positioned andits size shown:

    2.4 Stretching the PartIt often happens that you want to re-size
    a part, or a section of it:

    1. From the Transformtoolbar , select the

    Stretchbutton .

    2. The cursor will change to a cross with a Wletter. This
    indicates that you needto select a window to perform the Stretch.
    Click positions 1and 2as shown

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    Laser Cutting Tutorial



    Entities that are entirely inside the Stretching window will be
    moved, not

    re-sized note the two round holes.

    3. This defines the Entities that will undergo the Stretching.
    The Stretchdialogwill open; set dXvalue of 50and click OK:

    4. The part will be re-sized as below:

    Note that the cutting definitions have been updated, and also
    that theDimension now shows the new size.

    2.5 Deleting Existing Cuts on the Part

    1. From the Delete toolbar, click theDelete CAMsbutton .

    2. Click theAButton (or press the letter A on the Keyboard) and
    press Enter.

    3. From the Zoomtoolbar, click the Zoom Partbutton (or press

    As you can see all the cuts have been removed from the part.

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    2.6 Setting Auto Cut Definitions

    The changes we make here are reserved for specialized cases

    the standard setting should be used.

    We will now add new cuts, using manual definitions.

    1. Click theAuto Cut button on the Commontoolbar, and theAuto
    Cut willopen.

    2. Un-check the Use Technology table for Entry and Exitoption,
    andApproach and Exit sections will be un-grayed:

    3. For theApproachand the Exit, set the Geo-Typeand
    Lengthparametersas above, click the Run button, and the part will
    be cut with the newdefinitions.

    4. Using the Zoom Windowbutton zoom to the inner rectangle, to
    thesection with the Entry and the Exit:

    Note that the Entry (marked with the piercing) is much longer
    and steeperthan the Exit, as per our definitions.

    When you set the Auto Cut Approach/Exitdefinitions, you do it
    for the

    entire part zoom-in to other contours on the part to see

    2.7 Setting Individual CutsWe will now see how to change the
    cutting definitions for an individual cut.

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    Laser Cutting Tutorial


    1. From the CAMtoolbar , click the Edit CAMbutton


    You can also press the letter Eon your keyboard.

    2. Click anywhere near the parts outer contour, and the Edit
    Contour Cutdialog will open:

    3. Define the Contour Overlapas 5, and click OK. Zoom-in to note
    thedifference in the cut:

    Before: After:

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    4. Click on one of the holes and the Edit Contour Cutdialog will
    open. For theExit, define the Geo-TypeasArc 90, and the Lengthas

    5. Click OKto confirm the new definitions, and the hole should
    now look like:

    6. Do the same for the other three holes and Saveyour part.

    2.8 SummaryIn this exercise we learnt how to manually set Auto
    Cut to create cuts to suit ourneeds, and how to edit individual
    cuts after they have been created.

    You may want to play around with these features, to see the
    effects of variousdefinitions.

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    Laser Cutting Tutorial


    3 Exercise 3 Advanced Drafting

    3.1 OverviewIn this exercise we will create a more intricate
    part, using some new commands.

    We will also be using commands we have used before, so some of
    the explanations

    are less explicit.In this exercise we will be creating the
    following part:

    3.1.1 What you wil l learn in this exercise:1. Notching.

    2. Bend Relief.

    3. Trimming.

    4. Filleting single corners.

    5. Chamfering corners.

    6. Round and Rectangular Arrays.

    3.2 Creating Notches and Bend Relief1. Start a new part, name it
    Exer3 and give the dimensions Xequals 250and

    Yequals 150.

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    2. From the Edittoolbar click the Notchbutton . The following
    menu willappear:

    3. Set the parameters as above, click OK, and the part near the
    bottom leftcorner.

    A notch can be inner or outer, depending which side of the
    contour was

    selected; so you need to make sure you click the right one.

    4. Press the Space bar to re-open the Notch dialog, select the
    OffsetRectangular Notchtab, and set the parameters as below:

    5. Click OK, and then click inside the bottom right corner, near
    the bottom line.

    6. Use Zoom Window to zoom in on the corner notch you created,
    andthen from the Editmenu, select the Bend Reliefoption.

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    Laser Cutting Tutorial


    7. The Bend Reliefdialog will open; enter a diameter of 2and
    click OK:

    8. Click near the corner:

    9. Redraw the part with the button to see the result, and then
    do the same

    for the two corners you created with the rectangular notch.10.
    Re-open the Notchdialog, select the Corner Notchtab, and set

    parameters as below:

    11. Click near the top right corner, closer to the top line. If
    your click is nearer theside line, the Notch will not be created
    correctly; remember the explanationregarding clickingat the
    beginning of this Tutorial.

  • 7/25/2019 cnc kad user manual




    12. Your part should now look like this:

    3.3 Trimming Lines

    Trimmingmeans deleting a section of an Entity.

    1. Click the Parallel Help Line by Distancebutton and set a
    distance of100.

    2. Click just above the parts bottom-most line.

    3. Press the Space bar to re-open the dialog, set a distance
    of20.21, and clickjust above the existing Help Line. You should now

    4. Click the Help-Line by Absolute Anglebutton , enter a value
    of 30(degrees), and click near the intersection of the bottom Help
    line with the leftside of the part.

    5. Click on the Vertical Help Linebutton , and click near the
    intersection ofthe angular Help Line with the upper one.

  • 7/25/2019 cnc kad user manual


    Laser Cutting Tutorial


    6. Click the Line, Auto Snapbutton , and click the intersections
    numbered1,2 and 3 as shown below:

    7. Delete the Help Lines (click ,Aand then press Enter).

    Remember you can clean the screen by clicking on the


    8. From the Edittoolbar, click the Trimbutton . All the lines
    will be colored alight blue.

    When an Entity is colored light blue it indicates it has been
    selected for

    the current action.9. Click the lines running from ato 1and from
    ato 3in the picture above, and

    Redrawthe part.

    10. Your part should now look like this:

    3.4 Adding a Rectangular Hole1. Click the Parallel Help-Line by
    Distancebutton, enter a distance of 30and

    click just inside the parts top horizontal line.

    2. Press the Space bar to re-open the dialog, redefine the
    parallel distance as66.7, and click on the right side of the
    vertical line we drew in the last stage(the line running from 2to
    3in the illustration).

    We will use the resulting intersection to position our
    rectangle. This is an

    easy and precise way to positions shapes.

  • 7/25/2019 cnc kad user manual




    3. Click the Draw Rectanglebutton and define the settings as

    4. Click OKand then click on the intersection we made with the
    Help Lines.

    Note that the Rectangles outline is ghosted around the cursor,
    movingas you move it.

    5. Delete the Help Lines and Saveyour part.

    3.5 Chamfering a Corner

    1. From the Edittoolbar, click the Chamferbutton , and define
    theparameters as below:

    The 1stvalue sets distance (from the corner) along the first
    line where

    the chamfering line will start. The 2ndvalue is the distance
    (from the

    corner) along the second line where it will terminate.

    2. Click the vertical line of the top right notch, and then
    click the parts top-mosthorizontal line.

    3. Redraw the part and compare how the corner has been chamfered
    with the

    order in which you clicked the corners lines.

    3.6 Filleting Corners and Contour

    1. Click the Filletbutton and select the second option

    2. Click the inner rectangle on one of its lines. When asked if
    «OK to filletselected contour «, press the Yesbutton to confirm the

    3. TheRadius Definit iondialog will be displayed. Define a
    radius of 6and clickthe OKbutton. The rectangles contour will be
    filleted on all four corners.

  • 7/25/2019 cnc kad user manual


    Laser Cutting Tutorial


    4. Click the Filletbutton again, and this time select the first
    option Single.

    To Fillet a single corner, you must select the two lines that
    comprise it.

    5. Note that the Radiusis set to 6from before, and zoom-in to
    the parts top leftarea:

    6. Click the lines marked above in the following sequence 1 then
    2, 2 then 3, 3then 4. When you finish, Redrawthe part.

    7. Click the Filletbutton again, and again select the

    8. Set the Radiusto 10and zoom-in to the parts top right

    9. Click the lines marked above in the following sequence 1 then
    2, 2 then 3.

    10. Redraw the part, and its upper section should now look like

    Do not forget to Saveyour part periodically.

    3.7 Creating a Circular Array1. Click the Parallel Help-Line by
    Distancebutton, set a distance of 52.5and

    click the parts bottom most horizontal line.

    2. Press the Spacebarand set the value to 62.5and click the
    parts left mostvertical line. You should now have two Help Lines
    whose intersection marksthe center of the circular array we will

    3. Press the Spacebar, redefine the distance as 22.5, and click
    the vertical helpline on its left side.

    4. From the ShapesToolbar select the Draw Ovalbutton . The
    Ovaldialogwill be displayed. Enter the definitions as shown below
    and then click on the

  • 7/25/2019 cnc kad user manual




    OK button:

    5. Click the intersection of the left Help Line with the
    horizontal one and the ovalwill be positioned with its center on
    the intersection.

    6. Zoom-in to the new oval, and from the Transformtoolbar

    click theAr ray button .

    7. The Selecttoolbar will open and you should click the

    button , and make a window that contains the entire oval.

    When using the Windowselection, the first click opens the window

    the second sets its size.

    8. Press Enterto confirm the selection and theAr ray dialog will
    open. Definethe parameters as below and click OK:

    9. Now, you must select the center of the array; click the
    intersection of the rightHelp Line with the horizontal one and the
    array will be drawn around it.

  • 7/25/2019 cnc kad user manual


    Laser Cutting Tutorial


    10. Delete the Help Lines and Redraw your part. It should now
    look like:

    3.8 Creating Rectangular Arrays1. Place a Parallel Help Line at
    a distance of 10on the right of the left vertical

    side of the rectangular notch:

    When you want to place the same type of Help Line and at the

    distance setting, simply click where you want to put it you do
    not have

    to re-click the button

    2. Place another Help Line parallel at a distance of 10from this
    notchshorizontal line.

    3. Press Space bar to re-open the Parallel Help Line at
    Distancedialog, set adistance of 15and click above the horizontal
    Help Line you just placed.

    4. Your part should now look like this:

    5. From the Shapestoolbar, click the Draw Circlebutton , set a
    Diameterof 4, and click the bottom intersection of the Help

    6. Click the Draw Rectanglebutton , set the Lengthand Widthto
    10, andclick the top intersection of the Help Lines.

  • 7/25/2019 cnc kad user manual




    7. Click theAr ray button, click the new circle and press
    Enterto confirm yourselection; set the parameters as below, and
    then click OK:

    8. Now, use the Windowselection to select the new square,
    confirm with Enter,

    set the parameters as below, and then click OK:

    9. Delete the Help Lines.

    3.9 Adding a Marking PointWe will now add a marking on the part
    to help later in bending it to shape.

    1. Create a parallel Help Line inside the right side of the
    part, at a distance of 2.

    2. Create another parallel Help Line at a distance of12.5,
    frominside oftheparts bottom line.

    3. Put a Circular hole with a diameter of 0.30at the
    intersection of these Help

    Lines.4. Delete the Help Lines and Save.

  • 7/25/2019 cnc kad user manual


    Laser Cutting Tutorial


    5. Your part should now look like this:

    3.10 SummaryIn this exercise we learnt new drafting techniques,
    including Notching, Chamfering,Trimming and different kinds of

  • 7/25/2019 cnc kad user manual




    4 Exercise 4 — Advanced Cutting Definitions

    4.1 OverviewIn this exercise we will go over some of the options
    you can use to set the way partsare cut.

    4.1.1 What you wil l learn in this exercise:

    1. What Cutting Tables are

    2. How Cutting Tables relate to Sheet Material and Thickness

    3. Corner Treatment

    4. Point marking

    4.2 Cutting a Previously Cut PartIn this chapter we will often
    re-cut our part, to see the different treatments available.

    To begin with, open the part we created in the previous chapter
    and run Auto Cut onit.

    When we want to re-cut a part, we have two options: Deleting the
    previous cuts and cutting again.

    Running Auto Cut and thereby automatically replacing the

    4.2.1 Deleting Cuts

    To delete a cutting definition from an Entity, simply click the
    Delete CAMsbuttonon the Deletetoolbar, and use the Selection
    options to select one, some, or all thecuts on the part.

    4.2.2 Replacing Cutting Definitions with Auto Cut

    We can also runAuto Cut and have it automatically replace
    existing cutting

    definitions.To do this, we must enable the Delete old before
    runn ingoptions in the Auto Cut

    dialog — .

    Note that there are two of these options:

    In the Holessection this will affect only the holes in a

    In the Partssection this will affect the contours of parts.

    4.3 What Are Cutting TablesCutting Tables are charts that cover
    all aspects of cutting a material which Gas touse, what the Feed
    Rate is, the Approach and Exit definitions for different
    sizedEntities, how to pierce the material and many other

    These Tables are specific for both material typeand thickness
    the table forAluminum 1mm is different from the one for Steel 1mm,
    but also from the one forAluminum 5mm.

    Also, the Tables are specific for machines the Tables for Trumpf
    are different thanthe ones for Amada or Bystronic.

    cncKad comes with standard Tables appropriate for the machine

    you installed, but in any case where these clash with the
    definitions from

    your machines manufacturers recommendations you should

    these recommendations.

  • 7/25/2019 cnc kad user manual


    Laser Cutting Tutorial


    Because the Cutting Tables are machine-specific, we will not
    give any in-depthexamples.

    Once you are familiar with your machine and the manufacturer

    recommendations you may wish to study this matter on our

    To view the Tables, click the Cutting Tablebutton from the Cut
    toolbar —


    A dialog will open, showing data such as the following:

    As discussed before these tables are machine-specific, Trumpf
    6030 in

    this case, so your tables may show different values.

    Try changing the Thickness, and note that the parameters in the
    chart at the bottomchange for each value, and the same if you
    change the Gas, Heador Lens(if youhave more than one value
    available for these).

    For now, set the Material to Steeland the Thicknessto 2, and
    close the dialog.

    4.3.1 Cutting Tables Example

    We will now see an example of how the Cutting Tables affect the
    cuts placed on apart.

    1. Click the Set Sheet and Clampsbutton to open the dialog, go
    to theSheettab and set the Material Listto 0 Steel with Sheet
    Thicknessas 2(or a close value).

    At this point you can also set the Sheet Size.

  • 7/25/2019 cnc kad user manual




    2. Open the Cutting Table the Cutting Tableby clicking on
    thebutton , go tothe Geometrytab, and note theApproach Path Min/Max

    As noted before this table is machine-specific, Trumpf 6030 in
    this case.

    3. Close this dialog and runAuto Cut . Make sure that all the
    options called UseTechnology Tableare enabled.

    4. If your table is close to mine, the square holes in the array
    will be cut in thefollowing manner:

    5. The entry to the cut was made just beside the hole’s center
    point (the white X,which is 5mm from the holes edge). Note in the
    Table above that theApproach Path Maximum is set as4.5for the

    6. Now, open the Set Sheet and Clampsdialog, set the Sheet
    Thicknessas 6(or a close value), close this dialog and re-open the
    Cutting Table.

    7. The Geometry table has changed, and now theApproach Path
    Maximum isset as6.5for the Largecategory:

    8. Close this dialog and runAuto Cut . Now the square holes are
    cut like this:

    9. You can tell from its position relative to the holes center
    that the Entry is nowlonger than before, as per the parameters in
    the Table.

    This is a simple example of the way the Cutting Tables affect
    the way a part is cut.

  • 7/25/2019 cnc kad user manual


    Laser Cutting Tutorial


    As mentioned before, each machine manufacturer provides

    recommendations for these tables to allow for the machines

    and unless you are sure they are inadequate you should follow


    4.4 Corner Treatment

    Cutting corners is often problematic they can be easily damaged
    without carefulhandling, leading to scrapping the entire part.

    cncKad has several strategies to handle this problem, of which
    we will review three.




    Before we discuss strategies, we must understand the concept of
    Max Angle, andthe role of the Global Cuttab in the Set Sheet and

    4.4.1 Max Angle

    When we look at the corners of a part, the way we want to cut
    them often depends

    on a corners angle an acute angle will require special
    treatment, while an obtuseone can be left alone.

    The Max Angleparameter defines the maximum angle that a corner
    can have sothat it will be subject to treatment.

    For example:

    In our part we have two types of angles:

    Straight angles —

    Obtuse ones —

    If we set the Max Angle as 90, only the straight (and smaller)
    angles will be affected,

    while those with an angle greater than 90 will be left

    4.5 The Global Cut Tab

    To get to this tab, click the Set Sheet and Clampsbutton .

    The definitions in this tab set an overall (i.e. global) cutting
    strategy for the sheet onwhich you are currently working.

    This means that any definitions you set for the current part
    will not be

    saved for the next part you create.

    For now, set the Max Ang leto 90, make sure all
    theActivecheckboxes are notenabled, and close the dialog.

    4.6 Rounding CornersRunAuto Cut with the following settings:

  • 7/25/2019 cnc kad user manual




    Make sure that in the Corner Treatmentsection, the Use
    Technology Tableoption

    is not enabled, and that the Delete old before running options
    are indeed enabled.Now zoom-in to corners of the part, and they
    should look as follows:

    The Bend Relief The Notch outer corners The Chamfered

    If your corners look like this:

    Toggle the Full Cut Tool Widthoption in the Viewmenu. You can

    use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+B.

    We will now add Rounding to the corners. OpenAuto Cut again, go
    to the GlobalCut tab and set the parameters as follows:

    Max Angle 90

  • 7/25/2019 cnc kad user manual


    Laser Cutting Tutorial


    Rounding,Active enabled

    Rounding, Size 0.5

    RunAuto Cut again, and look at the corners:

    The Bend Relief The Notch outer corners The square holes

    Note that in each case the cutting line is an arc instead of a
    straight angle.

    4.7 SlowingThis time we will use the Slowing strategy to process
    the corners.

    OpenAuto Cut again, go to the Global Cuttab and set the
    parameters as follows:

    Max Angle 90

    Rounding,Active disabled

    Slow,Active enabled

    Slow, Distance Before Corner 8

    Slow, Distance After Corner 5

    Slow, Under Radius 0

    RunAuto Cut again.

    In order to see the difference in the speed of the cut, toggle
    the Colored Tool Pathby Speedoption in the Viewmenu.

    After you enable the coloring, the regular speed cuts are
    colored yellow, while theslow ones are orange:

    To see this more clearly, toggle the Full Cut Tool

    Note that the Chamfered corners are still cut with the regular

    Re-openAuto Cut , go to the Global Cuttab, set the Max Angleto
    160, and re-cutthe part.

    Now the Chamfers obtuse angles (153 and 115) are included in the
    angle valuegoverning the Slow processing:

    4.8 Using LoopsWe will now see two ways to set individual corner
    processing parameters:

    Selecting a corner and then setting parameters for it (click
    then set).

    Setting parameters and then selecting one or more corners (set
    then click).

  • 7/25/2019 cnc kad user manual




    The procedure we will use for using the Corner Parametersdialog

    create Loops can also be used for defining the other cutting
    strategies for

    corners Slowing, Cooling and Rounding.

    4.8.1 Editing Corner Parameters

    1. Click the Edit Corner Parametersbutton from the Cut
    toolbar.2. Now you must select a corner. Click the bottom left
    corner, and the Corner

    Parameters dialog will open.

    3. In the Loopssection, select Yesfrom theActivedrop-down menu,
    set Sizeto 3 and click OK.

    4. Zoom-in to this corner and note the loop that was added on

    Note that the Slow cutting definition has been removed from this

    no need for slowing when you are cutting the loop.

    You can now click on a different corner and set the parameters
    for it, but we will notdo this at this point.

    4.8.2 Setting Corner Parameters

    1. Click the Set Corner Parametersbutton from the Cut

    2. The Corner Parametersdialog opens immediately; In the
    Loopssection,select Yesfrom theActivedrop-down menu, set Sizeto
    2and click OKandthe dialog will close.

    3. Click on the left corner of the rectangular notch at the
    bottom, and a loop willbe added on it.

    4. Click on this notchs other corner, and again a loop will be
    added to thecorner.

    4.9 Point MarkingAs you will recall, we put a 0.30hole on the
    part. Zoom-in to this hole and look how it

    has been cut.

    As you can see, it is marked in blue. This means that it will be
    engraved, instead ofbeing cut.

    1. The reason that this particular hole has been marked in this
    way is becauseof its size: Open the Cutting Table, go to the

    2. Note the Min Diametervalue for the first entry. Anything
    below this diameteris considered an Undersized Hole.

    3. Now, open theAuto Cutdialog and go to the Technologytab. Here
    you willfind an item calledAction for undersized holes , with a
    drop-down menu toselect the action.

    4.9.1 Options for Marking

    By default, the undersized hole was marked with a point, but you
    can define foryourself what kind of Marking will be used.

    Click the Set Sheet and Clampsbutton and go to the Cutting
    Parameterstab,and find the section called Point Marking.

    Here you can select the Marking type and its size:

  • 7/25/2019 cnc kad user manual


    Laser Cutting Tutorial


    4.10 SummaryIn this chapter we have gone over some of the ways
    in which you can define the wayyour part will be cut. We have seen
    ways to do this on three levels:

    For the entire workstation the Cutting Technology Table.

    For an entire part from the Set Sheet and Clampsdialog.

    For specific items in a part individual corner treatment.

    This three-tier system is often found in cncKad, because some
    definitions you wantto be permanent, some just for the current
    part, and other for individual items in thecurrent part.

    Whenever you change a definition, it is important to be sure you
    are working at thecorrect level dont change workstation definitions
    when all you want is a small

    correction on a part.

  • 7/25/2019 cnc kad user manual



    5 Index

    A brief explanation about ClickingLaser
    …………………………………………………… 1

    Adding a Marking Point …………………………..34

    Adding a Rectangular Hole ………………………29

    Advanced Cutting Definitions…………………..36Advanced

    Auto Cut Definitions………………………………..22

    Basic Drafting and Cutting

    …………………………………………………… 3

    Chamfering a Corner

    Creating a Circular Array …………………………31

    Creating a New
    Part…………………………………..4Creating Notches and
    Bend Relief …………….25

    Creating Rectangular Arrays …………………….33

    Creating the Inner Rectangle ………………………7

    Cutting a Previously Cut Part ……………………36Cutting

    Cutting Tables Example …………………………..37

    Cutting the Part ……………………………………….

    Defining the Sheet Size ……………………………13

    Deleting Cuts

    Deleting Existing Cuts on the Part …………….21

    Dimension ………………………………………………

    Editing Corner Parameters………………………..42

    Filleting Contours

    Filleting Corners and Contour…………………..30

    Generating the NC Code…………………………..16Geometry

    Global Cut

    How to use this Tutorial


    Laser Cutting
    Tutorial………………………………..1Laser Tutorial
    Overview and Aims ……………..1



    Options for Marking…………………………………42

    Overview………………………………… 3, 19, 25,


    Positioning Holes with Help Lines………………6

    Replacing Cutting Definitions with Auto


    Rounding Corners
    ……………………………………39Running the Simulation

    Saving a File Under a New Name ……………..19Saving the
    Part ………………………………………..11

    Setting Corner Parameters ………………………..42

    Setting Cuts Manually………………………………19

    Setting Individual Cuts …………………………….22

    Simulating the NC

    ………………………………. 18, 24, 35, 43



    What you will learn in this exercise:3, 19, 25, 36

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CncKad Overview

This program is the only system that combines drawing & processing functions in one module: geometry, dimensions & processing techs (punching/cutting) are completely interconnected, modules will change when change in drawing.

It offers the following capabilities: plane (2D) and volumetric (3D) modeling, AutoNest — automatic nesting of parts, generation of NC codes, visual control using graphic simulation and data transfer to the machine.

Moreover, it also has multiple language support: English, Arabic, Greek, Spanish, Italian, Chinese, Korean, German, Portuguese, Romanian, RUSSIAN, Slovak, Thai, Turkish, French, Czech, Japanese and so on.

Features of CncKad

Importing file types including DXF and DWG
Part handling
Material based cutting tables
Common line cutting
WireJoint and MicroJoint positioning
Tool path optimization
Estimation data
Tube cutting, simulated in 3D
Support for laser, plasma, punch, shear, coil, busbar, water, combination machine types

System Requirements and Technical Details

Supported OS: Windows 10 / Windows 8.1 /Windows 7
Processor: Multi core Intel Series or above, Xeon or AMD equivalent
RAM: 4GB (8GB or more recommended)
Free Hard Disk Space: 4GB or more recommended

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2.10 GB

Zip password: 123

Program details

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  • Last updated

    Before 1 Year

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Сегодня мы рассмотрим еще один полезный инструмент Metalix cncKad. Представьте себе, если  бы ваша CAD-система могла автоматически определять толщину детали, материал и ее количество из текста, который нанесен на эту деталь. В Metalix cncKad есть такая возможность благодаря использованию префикса.

Префикс — это некий текст, по которому Metalix cncKad определяет толщину детали, материал и ее количество. Правила форматирования очень просты. Символы которые находятся до знака равенства являются префиксом, а символы которые находятся после знака равенства явяляются значение этого префикса.

Рассмотрим пример:

Tks=1.0 Mat=Aluminium_5052 Q=100

Tks является префиксом толщины металла, Mat — префиксом материала, Q — количество деталей.

Назначается префикс в настройках импорта (вкладка «Текстовые параметры»). Префикс можно задать для материала, толщины, количества, номера чертежа, заказчика и проекта.

Один раз потратив время на настройку своей CAD-системы на включение текста с префиксами в DXF-файлы, вам не придется в последствии тратить время на назначение каждой детали толщины, материала и количества.

Это отличная возможность систематизировать базу данных деталей для максимального сокращения затрачиваемого времени на подготовку программ для лазерного раскроя. Рекомендуем использовать назначение параметров деталей в качестве правила для оформления внутренней конструкторской документации и для сторонней документации, получаемой при оказании услуг другим компаниям.

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