Дания руководство страны

Небольшое скандинавское государство расположилось на материке и 400 островах Датского архипелага. На севере полуостров граничит с Норвегией и Швецией, юге – Германией. Кто возглавляет страну, какая форма правления в Дании расскажем в нашей статье.

Королевская семьяКоролевская семья дании

Датская монархия древнейшая в мире, образовавшаяся 1200 лет назад. Правящая королева Маргрете II принадлежит к династии Гинзбургов. После смерти отца в 1972 году как первая из приемников, приняла престол. Ее популярность вполне объяснима среди датчан.

Королева – образованная личность владеет английским, французским, немецким и шведским языком. Ее (ныне покойный) муж Хенрик после заключения брака сменил титул французского графа на датского. При жизни занимался государственной и общественной деятельностью.

Все приближенные современной правящей династии носящие титул принца или принцессы считаются членами королевской семьи. По традиции наследников престола по мужской линии называют Фредериками, Кристианами. Старшему сыну королевы досталось первое.

Будущий король кронпринц Фредерик получил военную подготовку, окончил Гарвардский факультет политологии. Заключил брак с австралийкой Мэри Элизабет получившей титул кронпринцессы.

Форма правления в Дании – парламентарная монархия. Это означает, что правящее лицо не имеет права принимать независимые политические действия. Принятые законы набирают силу после заверения подписью министров. Представитель власти формирует правительство. После консультации с лидерами правящих партий утверждает его.

К особенностям коронации относится тот факт, что будущий король или королева принадлежат к Евангелической Лютеранской церкви. Последняя – официальный исполнитель власти возглавляемая народным собранием.

Права на преемственностьМаргрете II

Закон, регулирующий права  престола, как наследственной монархии был принят  в 1709 году. Он гласил, что корону получают только по мужской линии.

В 1953 году закон Салика был внесены поправки. Это означало, что женщины, не имеющие братьев, могли беспрепятственно наследовать титул монархини.

Закон о престолонаследии  позволил Принцессе Дании Маргрете получить права наследницы трона. Позднее в 2009 было принято окончательное решение, связанное с абсолютным первородством.

Особенности монархии

Глава государства в Дании представляет интересы на политической арене, следит за происходящими событиями страны. Члены королевской семьи участвуют в зарубежных предприятиях для развития датского экспорта. Представляют первых лиц на мероприятиях государственного уровня.

Обязанности королевы – проводить аудиенции с подданными личного формата.

Датский монарх осуществляет власть через парламент согласно установленной конституции. Основной закон страны освобождает правящее лицо от ответственности за его действия. Согласно 13 статье  – ответственность за правление берут министры.

Как представитель исполнительной власти королева выступает от имени государства в международных делах. Без согласия парламента монарх не может отменить любой заключенный международный договор. А также использовать вооруженные силы против другого государства.

Условия чрезвычайного положения, без согласия парламента позволяют монарху принять только временный закон. Если таковой не будет нарушать права конституции.

По факту всю исполнительную власть осуществляет правительство Дании, что ограничивает возможности королевы. Силовые применения монарха против парламента рассматриваются как государственная измена.

ПарламентПарламент в дании

Согласно конституции Дании высшим законодательным органом государства является парламент. Фолькетинг избирается путем голосования большинства голосов раз в четыре года. Политические силы – многопартийная система, состоящая из ста восьмидесяти депутатов.

Вне зависимости от решения палаты королева переназначит выборы. Согласно реформе 1978 года избирательным правом владеют граждане, достигшие 18 лет.

Состав парламента – высший Исполнительный орган во главе с совершеннолетним наследником престола и премьер министром. Он носит представительские функции, на нем обсуждаются законопроекты и мероприятия.

Форма правления в Дании основывает структуры министерства. Правящие органы имеют равные полномочия, что не дает возможности передавать права другому министру. Действуют эти органы власти вне политики и относятся к гражданским учреждениям. Смена кабинета правительства не взаимодействует с составом руководства министерства.

Coordinates: 56°N 10°E / 56°N 10°E


Danmark (Danish)

Constituent part of the Kingdom of Denmark

Flag of Denmark

Official seal of Denmark
Coat of arms


Guds hjælp, folkets kærlighed, Danmarks styrke (Danish)[N 1]
(English: «God’s help, the love of the people, Denmark’s strength»[1])

Anthem: Der er et yndigt land (Danish)
(English: «There is a magnificent country»)
National and royal anthem: Kong Christian stod ved højen mast (Danish)[N 2]
(English: «King Christian stood by the lofty mast»)
Location of metropolitan Denmark[N 3] (dark green) – in Europe (green & dark grey) – in the European Union (green)

Location of metropolitan Denmark[N 3] (dark green)

– in Europe (green & dark grey)
– in the European Union (green)

Sovereign state Kingdom of Denmark
Consolidation c. 8th century[3]
Christianization c. 965[4]
Constitutional Act 5 June 1849
Faroese home rule 24 March 1948
EEC accession 1 January 1973
Greenlandic home rule 1 May 1979

and largest city

55°43′N 12°34′E / 55.717°N 12.567°E
Official languages Danish

Regional languages

German[N 4]
Ethnic groups


  • 86.11% Danish[N 5]
  • 13.89% Others[5][6]


  • 75.8% Christianity
  • —74.3% Church of Denmark (official)
  • —1.5% Other Christian
  • 19.1% No religion
  • 4.4% Islam
  • 0.7% Others[7][8]
  • Danish
  • Dane
Government Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy

• Monarch

Margrethe II

• Prime Minister

Mette Frederiksen

• Speaker of the Folketing

Søren Gade
Legislature Folketing

• Total

42,943[9] km2 (16,580 sq mi) (130th)

• Water (%)

Highest elevation


170.86 m (560.56 ft)

• February 2023 estimate

Neutral increase 5,935,619[11][N 6] (114th)

• Density

138.22/km2 (358.0/sq mi)
GDP (PPP) 2022 estimate

• Total

Increase $416.568 billion [12]
[N 7] (53nd)

• Per capita

Increase $70,924[12] (11th)
GDP (nominal) 2022 estimate

• Total

Increase $390.677 billion[12][N 7] (41st)

• Per capita

Increase $66,516 [12] (10th)
Gini (2021) Positive decrease 27.0[13]
HDI (2021) Increase 0.948[14]
very high · 6th
Currency Danish krone (kr.) (DKK)[N 8][citation needed]
Time zone UTC+01:00 (CET)

 • Summer (DST)

UTC+02:00 (CEST)
Date format dd/mm/yyyy
Mains electricity 230 V–50 Hz
Driving side right
Calling code +45
ISO 3166 code DK
Internet TLD .dk[N 9]

Denmark (Danish: Danmark, pronounced [ˈtænmɑk] (listen)) is a Nordic country in Northern Europe. It is the metropolitan part of and most populous constituent of the Kingdom of Denmark,[N 10] a constitutionally unitary state that includes the autonomous territories of the Faroe Islands and Greenland in the North Atlantic Ocean.[15] Metropolitan Denmark[N 3] is the southernmost of the Scandinavian countries, lying south-west and south (Bornholm and Ertholmene) of Sweden, south of Norway,[N 11] and north of Germany, with which it shares a short and only land border.

As of 2013, the Kingdom of Denmark, including the Faroe Islands and Greenland, has a total of 1,419 islands above 100 square metres (1,100 sq ft); 443 of which have been named and of which 78 are inhabited.[16] Spanning a total area of 42,943 km2 (16,580 sq mi),[9] metropolitan Denmark consists of the northern part of the Jutland peninsula and an archipelago of 406 islands.[17] Of these, the most populated island is Zealand, on which the capital Copenhagen is situated, followed by Funen, the North Jutlandic Island, and Amager.[18] Denmark’s geography is characterised by flat, arable land, sandy coasts, low elevation, and a temperate climate. It had a population of 5.935 million (1 February 2023), of which 800,000 (2 million in the wider area) live in the capital and largest city, Copenhagen.[19] Denmark exercises hegemonic influence in the Danish Realm, devolving powers to handle internal affairs. Home rule was established in the Faroe Islands in 1948 and in Greenland in 1979; the latter obtained further autonomy in 2009.

The unified Kingdom of Denmark emerged in the eighth century as a proficient maritime power amid the struggle for control of the Baltic Sea.[3] In 1397, it joined Norway and Sweden to form the Kalmar Union, which persisted until the latter’s secession in 1523. The remaining Kingdom of Denmark–Norway endured a series of wars in the 17th century that resulted in further territorial cessions to the Swedish Empire. Following the Napoleonic Wars, Norway was absorbed into Sweden, leaving Denmark with the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Iceland. A surge of nationalist movements in the 19th century were defeated in the First Schleswig War of 1848, though the Second Schleswig War of 1864 resulted in further territorial losses to Prussia. The period saw the adoption of the Constitution of Denmark on 5 June 1849, ending the absolute monarchy that was established in 1660 and introducing the current parliamentary system.

An industrialised exporter of agricultural produce in the second half of the 19th century, Denmark introduced social and labour-market reforms in the early 20th century, which formed the basis for the present welfare state model and advanced mixed economy. Denmark remained neutral during World War I but regained the northern half of Schleswig in 1920. Danish neutrality was violated in World War II following a swift German invasion in April 1940. During occupation, a resistance movement emerged in 1943 while Iceland declared independence in 1944; Denmark was liberated in May 1945. Soviet forces left Bornholm 5 April 1946. In 1973, Denmark, together with Greenland but not the Faroes, became a member of what is now the European Union, but negotiated certain opt-outs, such as retaining its own currency, the krone.

Denmark is a developed country with a high standard of living. Denmark is a founding member of NATO, the Nordic Council, the OECD, OSCE, and the United Nations; it is also part of the Schengen Area. Denmark maintains close political, cultural, and linguistic ties with its Scandinavian neighbours, with the Danish language being partially mutually intelligible with both Norwegian and Swedish.


The etymology of the name «Denmark», the relationship between «Danes» and «Denmark», and the emergence of Denmark as a unified kingdom are topics of continuous scholarly debate.[20][21] This is centred primarily on the prefix «Dan» and whether it refers to the Dani or a historical person Dan and the exact meaning of the —«mark» ending.

Most etymological dictionaries and handbooks derive «Dan» from a word meaning «flat land»,[22] related to German Tenne «threshing floor», English den «cave».[22] The element mark is believed to mean woodland or borderland (see marches), with probable references to the border forests in south Schleswig.[23]

The first recorded use of the word Danmark within Denmark itself is found on the two Jelling stones, which are runestones believed to have been erected by Gorm the Old (c. 955) and Harald Bluetooth (c. 965). The larger of the two stones is popularly cited as the «baptismal certificate» (dåbsattest) of Denmark,[24] though both use the word «Denmark», in the accusative ᛏᛅᚾᛘᛅᚢᚱᚴ tanmaurk ([danmɒrk]) on the large stone, and the genitive ᛏᛅᚾᛘᛅᚱᚴᛅᚱ «tanmarkar» (pronounced [danmarkaɽ]) on the small stone, while the dative form tąnmarku (pronounced [danmarkʊ]) is found on the contemporaneous Skivum stone. The inhabitants of Denmark are there called tani ([danɪ]), or «Danes», in the accusative.



The earliest archaeological finds in Denmark date back to the Eem interglacial period from 130,000 to 110,000 BC.[25] Denmark has been inhabited since around 12,500 BC and agriculture has been evident since 3900 BC.[26] The Nordic Bronze Age (1800–600 BC) in Denmark was marked by burial mounds, which left an abundance of findings including lurs and the Sun Chariot.

During the Pre-Roman Iron Age (500 BC – AD 1), native groups began migrating south, and the first tribal Danes came to the country between the Pre-Roman and the Germanic Iron Age,[27] in the Roman Iron Age (AD 1–400).[26] The Roman provinces maintained trade routes and relations with native tribes in Denmark, and Roman coins have been found in Denmark. Evidence of strong Celtic cultural influence dates from this period in Denmark and much of North-West Europe and is among other things reflected in the finding of the Gundestrup cauldron.

The tribal Danes came from the east Danish islands (Zealand) and Scania and spoke an early form of North Germanic. Historians believe that before their arrival, most of Jutland and the nearest islands were settled by tribal Jutes. The Jutes migrated to Great Britain eventually, some as mercenaries of Brythonic King Vortigern, and were granted the south-eastern territories of Kent, the Isle of Wight and other areas, where they settled. They were later absorbed or ethnically cleansed by the invading Angles and Saxons, who formed the Anglo-Saxons. The remaining Jutish population in Jutland assimilated in with the settling Danes.

A short note about the Dani in Getica by the historian Jordanes is believed to be an early mention of the Danes, one of the ethnic groups from whom modern Danes are descended.[28][29] The Danevirke defence structures were built in phases from the 3rd century forward and the sheer size of the construction efforts in AD 737 are attributed to the emergence of a Danish king.[30] A new runic alphabet was first used around the same time and Ribe, the oldest town of Denmark, was founded about AD 700.

Viking and Middle Ages

The Ladby ship, the largest ship burial found in Denmark.

From the 8th to the 10th century the wider Scandinavian region was the source of Vikings. They colonised, raided, and traded in all parts of Europe. The Danish Vikings were most active in the eastern and southern British Isles and Western Europe. They settled in parts of England (known as the Danelaw) under King Sweyn Forkbeard in 1013, and in France where Danes and Norwegians were allowed to settle in what would become Normandy in exchange of allegiance to Robert I of France with Rollo as first ruler. Some Anglo-Saxon pence of this period have been found in Denmark.[31]

Large stone containing a carved depiction of Jesus Christ

Denmark was largely consolidated by the late 8th century and its rulers are consistently referred to in Frankish sources as kings (reges). Under the reign of Gudfred in 804 the Danish kingdom may have included all the lands of Jutland, Scania and the Danish islands, excluding Bornholm.[32]

The extant Danish monarchy traces its roots back to Gorm the Old, who established his reign in the early 10th century.[3] As attested by the Jelling stones, the Danes were Christianised around 965 by Harald Bluetooth, the son of Gorm. It is believed that Denmark became Christian for political reasons so as not to get invaded by the Holy Roman Empire. A rising Christian power in Europe, the Holy Roman Empire was an important trading partner for the Danes. As a deterrent against this threat, Harald built six fortresses around Denmark called Trelleborg and built a further Danevirke. In the early 11th century, Canute the Great won and united Denmark, England, and Norway for almost 30 years with a Scandinavian army.[31]

Throughout the High and Late Middle Ages, Denmark also included Skåneland (the areas of Scania, Halland, and Blekinge in present-day south Sweden) and Danish kings ruled Danish Estonia, as well as the duchies of Schleswig and Holstein. Most of the latter two now form the state of Schleswig-Holstein in northern Germany.

In 1397, Denmark entered into a personal union with Norway and Sweden, united under Queen Margaret I.[33] The three countries were to be treated as equals in the union. However, even from the start, Margaret may not have been so idealistic—treating Denmark as the clear «senior» partner of the union.[34] Thus, much of the next 125 years of Scandinavian history revolves around this union, with Sweden breaking off and being re-conquered repeatedly. The issue was for practical purposes resolved on 17 June 1523, as Swedish King Gustav Vasa conquered the city of Stockholm. The Protestant Reformation spread to Scandinavia in the 1530s, and following the Count’s Feud civil war, Denmark converted to Lutheranism in 1536. Later that year, Denmark entered into a union with Norway.

Early modern history (1536–1849)

After Sweden permanently broke away from the personal union, Denmark tried on several occasions to reassert control over its neighbour. King Christian IV attacked Sweden in the 1611–1613 Kalmar War but failed to accomplish his main objective of forcing it to return to the union. The war led to no territorial changes, but Sweden was forced to pay a war indemnity of 1 million silver riksdaler to Denmark, an amount known as the Älvsborg ransom.[35] King Christian used this money to found several towns and fortresses, most notably Glückstadt (founded as a rival to Hamburg) and Christiania. Inspired by the Dutch East India Company, he founded a similar Danish company and planned to claim Ceylon as a colony, but the company only managed to acquire Tranquebar on India’s Coromandel Coast. Denmark’s large colonial aspirations included a few key trading posts in Africa and India. While Denmark’s trading posts in India were of little note, it played an important role in the highly lucrative Atlantic slave trade, through its trading outposts in Fort Christiansborg in Osu, Ghana through which 1.5 million slaves were traded.[36] While the Danish colonial empire was sustained by trade with other major powers, and plantations – ultimately a lack of resources led to its stagnation.[37]

In the Thirty Years’ War, Christian tried to become the leader of the Lutheran states in Germany but suffered a crushing defeat at the Battle of Lutter.[38] The result was that the Catholic army under Albrecht von Wallenstein was able to invade, occupy, and pillage Jutland, forcing Denmark to withdraw from the war.[39] Denmark managed to avoid territorial concessions, but King Gustavus Adolphus’ intervention in Germany was seen as a sign that the military power of Sweden was on the rise while Denmark’s influence in the region was declining. Swedish armies invaded Jutland in 1643 and claimed Scania in 1644. In the 1645 Treaty of Brømsebro, Denmark surrendered Halland, Gotland, the last parts of Danish Estonia, and several provinces in Norway.

Seeing an opportunity to tear up the Treaty of Brømsebro, King Frederick III of Denmark, in 1657, declared war on Sweden, the latter being deeply involved in the Second Northern War (1655–1660), and marched on Bremen-Verden. This led to a massive Danish defeat as the armies of King Charles X Gustav of Sweden conquered Jutland and, following the Swedish March across the frozen Danish straits, occupied Funen and much of Zealand before signing the Peace of Roskilde in February 1658, which gave Sweden control of Scania, Blekinge, Bohuslän, Trøndelag, and the island of Bornholm. Charles X Gustav quickly regretted not having ruined Denmark and in August 1658, he launched a second attack on Denmark, conquered most of the Danish islands, and began a two-year-long siege of Copenhagen. King Frederick III actively led the defence of the city, rallying its citizens to take up arms, and repelled the Swedish attacks.[40][41] The siege ended following the death of Charles X Gustav in 1660.[42] In the ensuing peace settlement, Denmark managed to maintain its independence and regain control of Trøndelag and Bornholm.[43] Attaining great popularity following the war, Frederick III used this to disband the elective monarchy in favour of absolute monarchy, which lasted until 1848 in Denmark.[44]

Denmark tried but failed to regain control of Scania in the Scanian War (1675–1679). After the Great Northern War (1700–21), Denmark managed to regain control of the parts of Schleswig and Holstein ruled by the house of Holstein-Gottorp in the 1720 Treaty of Frederiksborg and the 1773 Treaty of Tsarskoye Selo, respectively. Denmark prospered greatly in the last decades of the 18th century due to its neutral status allowing it to trade with both sides in the many contemporary wars. In the Napoleonic Wars, Denmark traded with both France and the United Kingdom and joined the League of Armed Neutrality with Russia, Sweden, and Prussia.[45] The British considered this a hostile act and attacked Copenhagen in 1801 and 1807, in one case carrying off the Danish fleet, in the other, burning large parts of the Danish capital. This led to the so-called Danish-British Gunboat War. British control of the waterways between Denmark and Norway proved disastrous to the union’s economy and in 1813 Denmark–Norway went bankrupt.

The union was dissolved by the Treaty of Kiel in 1814; the Danish monarchy «irrevocably and forever» renounced claims to the Kingdom of Norway in favour of the Swedish king.[46] Denmark kept the possessions of Iceland (which retained the Danish monarchy until 1944), the Faroe Islands and Greenland, all of which had been governed by Norway for centuries.[47] Apart from the Nordic colonies, Denmark continued to rule over Danish India from 1620 to 1869, the Danish Gold Coast (Ghana) from 1658 to 1850, and the Danish West Indies from 1671 to 1917.

Constitutional monarchy (1849–present)

Liberal movement and cession of Schleswig and Holstein

A nascent Danish liberal and national movement gained momentum in the 1830s; after the European Revolutions of 1848, Denmark peacefully became a constitutional monarchy on 5 June 1849. A new constitution established a two-chamber parliament. Denmark faced war against both Prussia and Austrian Empire in what became known as the Second Schleswig War, lasting from February to October 1864. Denmark was defeated and obliged to cede Schleswig and Holstein to Prussia. This loss came as the latest in the long series of defeats and territorial losses that had begun in the 17th century. After these events, Denmark pursued a policy of neutrality in Europe.


Industrialisation came to Denmark in the second half of the 19th century.[48] The nation’s first railways were constructed in the 1850s, and improved communications and overseas trade allowed industry to develop in spite of Denmark’s lack of natural resources. Trade unions developed, starting in the 1870s. There was a considerable migration of people from the countryside to the cities, and Danish agriculture became centred on the export of dairy and meat products.

Denmark in World War I

Denmark maintained its neutral stance during World War I. After the defeat of Germany, the Versailles powers offered to return the region of Schleswig-Holstein to Denmark. Fearing German irredentism, Denmark refused to consider the return of the area without a plebiscite; the two Schleswig Plebiscites took place on 10 February and 14 March 1920, respectively. On 10 July 1920, Northern Schleswig was recovered by Denmark, thereby adding some 163,600 inhabitants and 3,984 square kilometres (1,538 sq mi). The country’s first social democratic government took office in 1924.[49]

German non-aggression pact and invasion

In 1939 Denmark signed a 10-year non-aggression pact with Nazi Germany but Germany invaded Denmark on 9 April 1940 and the Danish government quickly surrendered. World War II in Denmark was characterised by economic co-operation with Germany until 1943, when the Danish government refused further co-operation and its navy scuttled most of its ships and sent many of its officers to Sweden, which was neutral. The Danish resistance performed a rescue operation that managed to evacuate several thousand Jews and their families to safety in Sweden before the Germans could send them to death camps. Some Danes supported Nazism by joining the Danish Nazi Party or volunteering to fight with Germany as part of the Frikorps Danmark.[50] Iceland severed ties with Denmark and became an independent republic in 1944; Germany surrendered in May 1945. In 1948, the Faroe Islands gained home rule. In 1949, Denmark became a founding member of NATO.

Denmark became a member of the European Union in 1973 and signed the Lisbon Treaty in 2007.

Denmark was a founding member of European Free Trade Association (EFTA). During the 1960s, the EFTA countries were often referred to as the Outer Seven, as opposed to the Inner Six of what was then the European Economic Community (EEC).[51] In 1973, along with Britain and Ireland, Denmark joined the European Economic Community (now the European Union) after a public referendum. The Maastricht Treaty, which involved further European integration, was rejected by the Danish people in 1992; it was only accepted after a second referendum in 1993, which provided for four opt-outs from policies. The Danes rejected the euro as the national currency in a referendum in 2000. Greenland gained home rule in 1979 and was awarded self-determination in 2009. Neither the Faroe Islands nor Greenland are members of the European Union, the Faroese having declined membership of the EEC in 1973 and Greenland in 1986, in both cases because of fisheries policies.

Constitutional change in 1953 led to a single-chamber parliament elected by proportional representation, female accession to the Danish throne, and Greenland becoming an integral part of Denmark. The centre-left Social Democrats led a string of coalition governments for most of the second half of the 20th century, introducing the Nordic welfare model. The Liberal Party and the Conservative People’s Party have also led centre-right governments.


Satellite image

A satellite image of Jutland and the Danish islands

Located in Northern Europe, Denmark[N 3] consists of the northern part of the Jutland peninsula and an archipelago of 406 islands.[17] Of these, the largest island is Zealand, on which the capital Copenhagen is situated, followed by the North Jutlandic Island, Funen, and Lolland.[53] The island of Bornholm is located east of the rest of the country, in the Baltic Sea. Many of the larger islands are connected by bridges; a bridge-tunnel across the Øresund connects Zealand with Sweden; the Great Belt Fixed Link connects Funen with Zealand; and the Little Belt Bridge connects Jutland with Funen. Ferries or small aircraft connect to the smaller islands. The four cities with populations over 100,000 are the capital Copenhagen on Zealand; Aarhus and Aalborg in Jutland; and Odense on Funen.

A labelled map of Denmark

The country occupies a total area of 42,943.9 square kilometres (16,581 sq mi).[9] The area of inland water is 700 km2 (270 sq mi), variously stated as from 500 to 700 km2 (193–270 sq mi).[citation needed] Lake Arresø northwest of Copenhagen is the largest lake. The size of the land area cannot be stated exactly since the ocean constantly erodes and adds material to the coastline, and because of human land reclamation projects (to counter erosion). Post-glacial rebound raises the land by a bit less than 1 cm (0.4 in) per year in the north and east, extending the coast. A circle enclosing the same area as Denmark would be 234 kilometres (145 miles) in diameter with a circumference of 736 km (457 mi) (land area only:232.33 km (144.36 mi) and 730 km (454 mi) respectively). It shares a border of 68 kilometres (42 mi) with Germany to the south and is otherwise surrounded by 8,750 km (5,437 mi) of tidal shoreline (including small bays and inlets).[54] No location in Denmark is farther from the coast than 52 km (32 mi). On the south-west coast of Jutland, the tide is between 1 and 2 m (3.28 and 6.56 ft), and the tideline moves outward and inward on a 10 km (6.2 mi) stretch.[55] Denmark’s territorial waters total 105,000 square kilometres (40,541 square miles).

Denmark’s northernmost point is Skagen point (the north beach of the Skaw) at 57° 45′ 7″ northern latitude; the southernmost is Gedser point (the southern tip of Falster) at 54° 33′ 35″ northern latitude; the westernmost point is Blåvandshuk at 8° 4′ 22″ eastern longitude; and the easternmost point is Østerskær at 15° 11′ 55″ eastern longitude. This is in the small Ertholmene archipelago 18 kilometres (11 mi) north-east of Bornholm. The distance from east to west is 452 kilometres (281 mi), from north to south 368 kilometres (229 mi).

The country is flat with little elevation, having an average height above sea level of 31 metres (102 ft). The highest natural point is Møllehøj, at 170.86 metres (560.56 ft).[56] Although this is by far the lowest high point in the Nordic countries and also less than half of the highest point in Southern Sweden, Denmark’s general elevation in its interior is generally at a safe level from rising sea levels. A sizeable portion of Denmark’s terrain consists of rolling plains whilst the coastline is sandy, with large dunes in northern Jutland. Although once extensively forested, today Denmark largely consists of arable land. It is drained by a dozen or so rivers, and the most significant include the Gudenå, Odense, Skjern, Suså and Vidå—a river that flows along its southern border with Germany.

The Kingdom of Denmark includes two overseas territories, both well to the west of Denmark: Greenland, the world’s largest island, and the Faroe Islands in the North Atlantic Ocean. These territories are self-governing under their own parliaments (the Løgting and Inatsisartut) and form, together with continental Denmark, part of the Danish Realm.


Denmark has a temperate climate, characterised by mild winters, with mean temperatures in January of 1.5 °C (34.7 °F), and cool summers, with a mean temperature in August of 17.2 °C (63.0 °F).[57] The most extreme temperatures recorded in Denmark, since 1874 when recordings began, was 36.4 °C (97.5 °F) in 1975 and −31.2 °C (−24.2 °F) in 1982.[58] Denmark has an average of 179 days per year with precipitation, on average receiving a total of 765 millimetres (30 in) per year; autumn is the wettest season and spring the driest.[57] The position between a continent and an ocean means that the weather is often unstable.[59]

Because of Denmark’s northern location, there are large seasonal variations in daylight. There are short days during the winter with sunrise coming around 8:45 am and sunset 3:45 pm (standard time), as well as long summer days with sunrise at 4:30 am and sunset at 10 pm (daylight saving time).[60]


Beech trees are common throughout Denmark, especially in the sparse woodlands.

Denmark belongs to the Boreal Kingdom and can be subdivided into two ecoregions: the Atlantic mixed forests and Baltic mixed forests.[61][62] Almost all of Denmark’s primeval temperate forests have been destroyed or fragmented, chiefly for agricultural purposes during the last millennia.[63] The deforestation has created large swaths of heathland and devastating sand drifts.[63] In spite of this, there are several larger second growth woodlands in the country and, in total, 12.9% of the land is now forested.[64] Norway spruce is the most widespread tree (2017); an important tree in the Christmas tree production. Denmark holds a Forest Landscape Integrity Index mean score of 0.5/10, ranking it 171st globally out of 172 countries—behind only San Marino.[65][further explanation needed]

Roe deer occupy the countryside in growing numbers, and large-antlered red deer can be found in the sparse woodlands of Jutland. Denmark is also home to smaller mammals, such as polecats, hares and hedgehogs.[66] Approximately 400 bird species inhabit Denmark and about 160 of those breed in the country.[67] Large marine mammals include healthy populations of Harbour porpoise, growing numbers of pinnipeds and occasional visits of large whales, including blue whales and orcas. Cod, herring and plaice are abundant culinary fish in Danish waters and form the basis for a large fishing industry.[68]


Denmark stopped issuing new licences for oil and gas extraction in December 2020.[69]

Land and water pollution are two of Denmark’s most significant environmental issues, although much of the country’s household and industrial waste is now increasingly filtered and sometimes recycled. The country has historically taken a progressive stance on environmental preservation; in 1971 Denmark established a Ministry of Environment and was the first country in the world to implement an environmental law in 1973.[70] To mitigate environmental degradation and global warming the Danish Government has signed the Climate Change-Kyoto Protocol.[71] However, the national ecological footprint is 8.26 global hectares per person, which is very high compared to a world average of 1.7 in 2010.[72] Contributing factors to this value are an exceptional high value for cropland but also a relatively high value for grazing land,[73] which may be explained by the substantially high meat production in Denmark (115.8 kilograms (255 lb) meat annually per capita) and the large economic role of the meat and dairy industries.[74] In December 2014, the Climate Change Performance Index for 2015 placed Denmark at the top of the table, explaining that although emissions are still quite high, the country was able to implement effective climate protection policies.[75] In 2020, Denmark was placed first in the index again.[76] In 2021 Denmark, with Costa Rica, launched the «Beyond Oil and Gas alliance» for stopping use fossil fuels.[77]

Denmark’s territories, Greenland and the Faroe Islands, catch approximately 650 whales per year.[78][79] Greenland’s quotas for the catch of whales are determined according to the advice of the International Whaling Commission (IWC), having quota decision-making powers.[80]

Government and politics

Politics in Denmark operate under a framework laid out in the Constitution of Denmark.[N 12] First written in 1849, it establishes a sovereign state in the form of a constitutional monarchy, with a representative parliamentary system. The monarch officially retains executive power and presides over the Council of State (privy council).[82][83] In practice, the duties of the monarch are strictly representative and ceremonial,[N 13][84] such as the formal appointment and dismissal of the Prime Minister and other Government ministers. The Monarch is not answerable for his or her actions, and their person is sacrosanct.[85] Hereditary monarch Queen Margrethe II has been head of state since 14 January 1972.


The Danish parliament is unicameral and called the Folketing (Danish: Folketinget). It is the legislature of the Kingdom of Denmark, passing acts that apply in Denmark and, variably, Greenland and the Faroe Islands. The Folketing is also responsible for adopting the state’s budgets, approving the state’s accounts, appointing and exercising control of the Government, and taking part in international co-operation. Bills may be initiated by the Government or by members of parliament. All bills passed must be presented before the Council of State to receive Royal Assent within thirty days in order to become law.[86]

Denmark is a representative democracy with universal suffrage.[N 14] Membership of the Folketing is based on proportional representation of political parties,[88] with a 2% electoral threshold. Denmark elects 175 members to the Folketing, with Greenland and the Faroe Islands electing an additional two members each—179 members in total.[89] Parliamentary elections are held at least every four years, but it is within the powers of the prime minister to ask the monarch to call for an election before the term has elapsed. On a vote of no confidence, the Folketing may force a single minister or an entire government to resign.[90]

The Government of Denmark operates as a cabinet government, where executive authority is exercised—formally, on behalf of the monarch—by the prime minister and other cabinet ministers, who head ministries. As the executive branch, the Cabinet is responsible for proposing bills and a budget, executing the laws, and guiding the foreign and internal policies of Denmark. The position of prime minister belongs to the person most likely to command the confidence of a majority in the Folketing; this is often the current leader of the largest political party or, more effectively, through a coalition of parties. A single party generally does not have sufficient political power in terms of the number of seats to form a cabinet on its own; Denmark has often been ruled by coalition governments, themselves usually minority governments dependent on non-government parties.[91]

Following a general election defeat in June 2015, Helle Thorning-Schmidt, leader of the Social Democrats (Socialdemokraterne), resigned as prime minister.[92] She was succeeded by Lars Løkke Rasmussen, the leader of the Liberal Party (Venstre). Rasmussen became the leader of a cabinet that, unusually, consisted entirely of ministers from his own party.[93] In November 2016, Liberal Alliance and the Conservatives joined the government.[94] Liberal Prime Minister, Lars Løkke Rasmussen held the office from 2009 to 2011, and again from 2015 to 2019, with backing from the Danish People’s Party (DF). Following the 2019 general election, the Social Democrats, led by leader Mette Frederiksen, formed a single-party government with support from the left-wing coalition.[95] Frederiksen became prime minister on 27 June 2019.[96] In the November 2022 snap general election, Prime Minister Frederiksen’s Social Democrats remained the majority party, adding two more seats to gain its best result in two decades.[97] The second largest was the Venstre, led by Jakob Ellemann-Jensen. The recently formed Moderates party, led by former prime minister Rasmussen, became the third largest party in Denmark.[98] In December 2022, Frederiksen formed a new coalition government with the top three largest political parties. Ellemann-Jensen became deputy prime minister and defence minister, and Rasmussen was appointed foreign minister.[99]

Law and judicial system

King Christian V presiding over the Supreme Court in 1697.

Denmark has a civil law system with some references to Germanic law. Denmark resembles Norway and Sweden in never having developed a case-law like that of England and the United States nor comprehensive codes like those of France and Germany. Much of its law is customary.[100]

The judicial system of Denmark is divided between courts with regular civil and criminal jurisdiction and administrative courts with jurisdiction over litigation between individuals and the public administration. Articles sixty-two and sixty-four of the Constitution ensure judicial independence from government and Parliament by providing that judges shall only be guided by the law, including acts, statutes and practice.[101] The Kingdom of Denmark does not have a single unified judicial system – Denmark has one system, Greenland another, and the Faroe Islands a third.[102] However, decisions by the highest courts in Greenland and the Faroe Islands may be appealed to the Danish High Courts. The Danish Supreme Court is the highest civil and criminal court responsible for the administration of justice in the Kingdom.

Danish Realm

The Kingdom of Denmark is a unitary state that comprises, in addition to metropolitan Denmark, two autonomous territories[15] in the North Atlantic Ocean: the Faroe Islands and Greenland. They have been integrated parts of the Danish Realm since the 18th century; however, due to their separate historical and cultural identities, these parts of the Realm have extensive political powers and have assumed legislative and administrative responsibility in a substantial number of fields.[103] Home rule was granted to the Faroe Islands in 1948 and to Greenland in 1979, each having previously had the status of counties.[104]

The Faroe Islands and Greenland have their own home governments and parliaments and are effectively self-governing in regards to domestic affairs apart from the judicial system and monetary policy.[104] High Commissioners (Rigsombudsmand) act as representatives of the Danish government in the Faroese Løgting and in the Greenlandic Parliament, but they cannot vote.[104] The Faroese home government is defined to be an equal partner with the Danish national government,[105] while the Greenlandic people are defined as a separate people with the right to self-determination.[106]

Autonomous territory Population (2020) Total area Capital Local parliament Premier
 Faroe Islands (Føroyar) 52,110[107] 1,399 km2 (540.16 sq mi)  Tórshavn Løgting Bárður á Steig Nielsen
 Greenland (Kalaallit Nunaat) 56,081[108] 2,166,086 km2 (836,330 sq mi)  Nuuk Inatsisartut Múte Bourup Egede

Administrative divisions

Denmark, with a total area of 43,094 square kilometres (16,639 sq mi), is divided into five administrative regions (Danish: regioner). The regions are further subdivided into 98 municipalities (kommuner). The easternmost land in Denmark, the Ertholmene archipelago, with an area of 39 hectares (0.16 sq mi), is neither part of a municipality nor a region but belongs to the Ministry of Defence.[109] The provinces of Denmark are statistical divisions of Denmark, positioned between the administrative regions and municipalities. They are not administrative divisions, nor subject for any kind of political elections, but are mainly for statistical use.

The regions were created on 1 January 2007 to replace the 16 former counties. At the same time, smaller municipalities were merged into larger units, reducing the number from 270. Most municipalities have a population of at least 20,000 to give them financial and professional sustainability, although a few exceptions were made to this rule.[110] The administrative divisions are led by directly elected councils, elected proportionally every four years; the most recent Danish local elections were held on 16 November 2021. Other regional structures use the municipal boundaries as a layout, including the police districts, the court districts and the electoral wards.


The governing bodies of the regions are the regional councils, each with forty-one councillors elected for four-year terms. The councils are headed by regional district chairmen (regionsrådsformand), who are elected by the council.[111]
The areas of responsibility for the regional councils are the national health service, social services and regional development.[111][112] Unlike the counties they replaced, the regions are not allowed to levy taxes and the health service is partly financed by a national health care contribution until 2018 (sundhedsbidrag), partly by funds from both government and municipalities.[113] From 1 January 2019 this contribution will be abolished, as it is being replaced by higher income tax instead.

The area and populations of the regions vary widely; for example, the Capital Region, which encompasses the Copenhagen metropolitan area with the exception of the subtracted province East Zealand but includes the Baltic Sea island of Bornholm, has a population three times larger than that of North Denmark Region, which covers the more sparsely populated area of northern Jutland. Under the county system certain densely populated municipalities, such as Copenhagen Municipality and Frederiksberg, had been given a status equivalent to that of counties, making them first-level administrative divisions. These sui generis municipalities were incorporated into the new regions under the 2007 reforms.

Danish name English name Admin. centre Largest city
(April 2021)
Total area
Hovedstaden Capital Region of Denmark Hillerød Copenhagen 1,856,061 2,568.29
Midtjylland Central Denmark Region Viborg Aarhus 1,333,245 13,095.80
Nordjylland North Denmark Region Aalborg Aalborg 590,322 7,907.09
Sjælland Region Zealand Sorø Roskilde 839,619 7,268.75
Syddanmark Region of Southern Denmark Vejle Odense 1,224,100 12,132.21
Source: Regional and municipal key figures

Foreign relations

Denmark wields considerable influence in Northern Europe and is a middle power in international affairs.[114] In recent years, Greenland and the Faroe Islands have been guaranteed a say in foreign policy issues such as fishing, whaling, and geopolitical concerns. The foreign policy of Denmark is substantially influenced by its membership of the European Union (EU); Denmark including Greenland joined the European Economic Community (EEC), the EU’s predecessor, in 1973.[N 15] Denmark held the Presidency of the Council of the European Union on seven occasions, most recently from January to June 2012.[115] Following World War II, Denmark ended its two-hundred-year-long policy of neutrality. It has been a founding member of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) since 1949, and membership remains highly popular.[116]

As a member of Development Assistance Committee (DAC), Denmark has for a long time been among the countries of the world contributing the largest percentage of gross national income to development aid. In 2015, Denmark contributed 0.85% of its gross national income (GNI) to foreign aid and was one of only six countries meeting the longstanding UN target of 0.7% of GNI.[N 16][117] The country participates in both bilateral and multilateral aid, with the aid usually administered by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The organisational name of Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA) is often used, in particular when operating bilateral aid.


Danish MP-soldiers conducting advanced law enforcement training

Denmark’s armed forces are known as the Danish Defence (Danish: Forsvaret). The Minister of Defence is commander-in-chief of the Danish Defence, and serves as chief diplomatic official abroad. During peacetime, the Ministry of Defence employs around 33,000 in total. The main military branches employ almost 27,000: 15,460 in the Royal Danish Army, 5,300 in the Royal Danish Navy and 6,050 in the Royal Danish Air Force (all including conscripts).[citation needed] The Danish Emergency Management Agency employs 2,000 (including conscripts), and about 4,000 are in non-branch-specific services like the Danish Defence Command and the Danish Defence Intelligence Service. Furthermore, around 44,500 serve as volunteers in the Danish Home Guard.[118]

Denmark is a long-time supporter of international peacekeeping, but since the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 and the War in Afghanistan in 2001, Denmark has also found a new role as a warring nation, participating actively in several wars and invasions. This relatively new situation has stirred some internal critique, but the Danish population has generally been very supportive, in particular of the War in Afghanistan.[119][120] The Danish Defence has around 1,400[121] staff in international missions, not including standing contributions to NATO SNMCMG1. Danish forces were heavily engaged in the former Yugoslavia in the UN Protection Force (UNPROFOR), with IFOR,[122] and now SFOR.[123] Between 2003 and 2007, there were approximately 450 Danish soldiers in Iraq.[124] Denmark also strongly supported American operations in Afghanistan and has contributed both monetarily and materially to the ISAF.[125] These initiatives are often described by the authorities as part of a new «active foreign policy» of Denmark.


A proportional representation of Denmark exports, 2019

Denmark has a developed mixed economy that is classed as a high-income economy by the World Bank.[126] In 2017, it ranked 16th in the world in terms of gross national income (PPP) per capita and 10th in nominal GNI per capita.[127] Denmark’s economy stands out as one of the most free in the Index of Economic Freedom and the Economic Freedom of the World.[128][129] It is the 10th most competitive economy in the world, and 6th in Europe, according to the World Economic Forum in its Global Competitiveness Report 2018.[130]

Denmark has the fourth highest ratio of tertiary degree holders in the world.[131] The country ranks highest in the world for workers’ rights.[132] GDP per hour worked was the 13th highest in 2009. The country has a market income inequality close to the OECD average,[133][134] but after taxes and public cash transfers the income inequality is considerably lower. According to Eurostat, Denmark’s Gini coefficient for disposable income was the 7th-lowest among EU countries in 2017.[135]
According to the International Monetary Fund, Denmark has the world’s highest minimum wage.[136] As Denmark has no minimum wage legislation, the high wage floor has been attributed to the power of trade unions. For example, as the result of a collective bargaining agreement between the 3F trade union and the employers group Horesta, workers at McDonald’s and other fast food chains make the equivalent of US$20 an hour, which is more than double what their counterparts earn in the United States, and have access to five weeks’ paid vacation, parental leave and a pension plan.[137] Union density in 2015 was 68%.[138]

Once a predominantly agricultural country on account of its arable landscape, since 1945 Denmark has greatly expanded its industrial base and service sector. By 2017 services contributed circa 75% of GDP, manufacturing about 15% and agriculture less than 2%.[139] Major industries include wind turbines, pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, machinery and transportation equipment, food processing, and construction.[140] Circa 60% of the total export value is due to export of goods, and the remaining 40% is from service exports, mainly sea transport. The country’s main export goods are: wind turbines, pharmaceuticals, machinery and instruments, meat and meat products, dairy products, fish, furniture and design.[140] Denmark is a net exporter of food and energy and has for a number of years had a balance of payments surplus which has transformed the country from a net debitor to a net creditor country. By 1 July 2018, the net international investment position (or net foreign assets) of Denmark was equal to 64.6% of GDP.[141]

Denmark is a major producer and exporter of pork products.

A liberalisation of import tariffs in 1797 marked the end of mercantilism and further liberalisation in the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century established the Danish liberal tradition in international trade that was only to be broken by the 1930s.[142] Even when other countries, such as Germany and France, raised protection for their agricultural sector because of increased American competition resulting in much lower agricultural prices after 1870, Denmark retained its free trade policies, as the country profited from the cheap imports of cereals (used as feedstuffs for their cattle and pigs) and could increase their exports of butter and meat of which the prices were more stable.[143] Today, Denmark is part of the European Union’s internal market, which represents more than 508 million consumers. Several domestic commercial policies are determined by agreements among European Union (EU) members and by EU legislation. Support for free trade is high among the Danish public; in a 2016 poll 57% responded saw globalisation as an opportunity whereas 18% viewed it as a threat.[144] 70% of trade flows are inside the European Union. As of 2017, Denmark’s largest export partners are Germany, Sweden, the United Kingdom and the United States.[71]

Denmark’s currency, the krone (DKK), is pegged at approximately 7.46 kroner per euro through the ERM II. Although a September 2000 referendum rejected adopting the euro,[145] the country follows the policies set forth in the Economic and Monetary Union of the European Union (EMU) and meets the economic convergence criteria needed to adopt the euro. The majority of the political parties in the Folketing support joining the EMU, but since 2010 opinion polls have consistently shown a clear majority against adopting the euro. In May 2018, 29% of respondents from Denmark in a Eurobarometer opinion poll stated that they were in favour of the EMU and the euro, whereas 65% were against it.[146]

Ranked by turnover in Denmark, the largest Danish companies are: A.P. Møller-Mærsk (international shipping), Novo Nordisk (pharmaceuticals), ISS A/S (facility services), Vestas (wind turbines), Arla Foods (dairy), DSV (transport), Carlsberg Group (beer), Salling Group (retail), Ørsted A/S (power), Danske Bank.[147]

Public policy

Danes enjoy a high standard of living and the Danish economy is characterised by extensive government welfare provisions. Denmark has a corporate tax rate of 22% and a special time-limited tax regime for expatriates.[148] The Danish taxation system is broad based, with a 25% value-added tax, in addition to excise taxes, income taxes and other fees. The overall level of taxation (sum of all taxes, as a percentage of GDP) was 46% in 2017.[149] The tax structure of Denmark (the relative weight of different taxes) differs from the OECD average, as the Danish tax system in 2015 was characterised by substantially higher revenues from taxes on personal income and a lower proportion of revenues from taxes on corporate income and gains and property taxes than in OECD generally, whereas no revenues at all derive from social security contributions. The proportion deriving from payroll taxes, VAT, and other taxes on goods and services correspond to the OECD average[150]

As of 2014, 6% of the population was reported to live below the poverty line, when adjusted for taxes and transfers. Denmark has the 2nd lowest relative poverty rate in the OECD, below the 11.3% OECD average.[151] The share of the population reporting that they feel that they cannot afford to buy sufficient food in Denmark is less than half of the OECD average.[151]

Labour market

Like other Nordic countries, Denmark has adopted the Nordic Model, which combines free market capitalism with a comprehensive welfare state and strong worker protection.[152] As a result of its acclaimed «flexicurity» model, Denmark has the freest labour market in Europe, according to the World Bank. Employers can hire and fire whenever they want (flexibility), and between jobs, unemployment compensation is relatively high (security). According to OECD, initial as well as long-term net replacement rates for unemployed persons were 65% of previous net income in 2016, against an OECD average of 53%.[153] Establishing a business can be done in a matter of hours and at very low costs.[154] No restrictions apply regarding overtime work, which allows companies to operate 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.[155] With an employment rate in 2017 of 74.2% for people aged 15–64-years, Denmark ranks 9th highest among the OECD countries, and above the OECD average of 67.8%.[156] The unemployment rate was 5.7% in 2017,[157] which is considered close to or below its structural level.[158]

The level of unemployment benefits is dependent on former employment and normally on membership of an unemployment fund, which is usually closely connected to a trade union, and previous payment of contributions. Circa 65% of the financing comes from earmarked member contributions, whereas the remaining third originates from the central government and hence ultimately from general taxation.[159]

Science and technology

With an investment of 8.5 million euros over the ten-year construction period, Denmark confirms participation in E-ELT.[160]

Denmark has a long tradition of scientific and technological invention and engagement, and has been involved internationally from the very start of the scientific revolution. In current times, Denmark is participating in many high-profile international science and technology projects, including CERN, ITER, ESA, ISS and E-ELT. Denmark was ranked 10th in the Global Innovation Index in 2022, down from 6th in 2020 and from 7th in 2019.[161][162][163]

In the 20th century, Danes have also been innovative in several fields of the technology sector. Danish companies have been influential in the shipping industry with the design of the largest and most energy efficient container ships in the world, the Maersk Triple E class, and Danish engineers have contributed to the design of MAN Diesel engines. In the software and electronic field, Denmark contributed to design and manufacturing of Nordic Mobile Telephones, and the now-defunct Danish company DanCall was among the first to develop GSM mobile phones.

Life science is a key sector with extensive research and development activities. Danish engineers are world-leading in providing diabetes care equipment and medication products from Novo Nordisk and, since 2000, the Danish biotech company Novozymes, the world market leader in enzymes for first generation starch-based bioethanol, has pioneered development of enzymes for converting waste to cellulosic ethanol.[164] Medicon Valley, spanning the Øresund Region between Zealand and Sweden, is one of Europe’s largest life science clusters, containing a large number of life science companies and research institutions located within a very small geographical area.

Danish-born computer scientists and software engineers have taken leading roles in some of the world’s programming languages: Anders Hejlsberg (Turbo Pascal, Delphi, C#); Rasmus Lerdorf (PHP); Bjarne Stroustrup (C++); David Heinemeier Hansson (Ruby on Rails); Lars Bak, a pioneer in virtual machines (V8, Java VM, Dart). Physicist Lene Vestergaard Hau is the first person to stop light, leading to advances in quantum computing, nanoscale engineering, and linear optics.


Denmark has considerably large deposits of oil and natural gas in the North Sea and ranks as number 32 in the world among net exporters of crude oil[165] and was producing 259,980 barrels of crude oil a day in 2009.[166] Denmark is a long-time leader in wind power: In 2015 wind turbines provided 42.1% of the total electricity consumption.[167] In May 2011 Denmark derived 3.1% of its gross domestic product from renewable (clean) energy technology and energy efficiency, or around €6.5 billion ($9.4 billion).[168] Denmark is connected by electric transmission lines to other European countries.

Denmark’s electricity sector has integrated energy sources such as wind power into the national grid. Denmark now aims to focus on intelligent battery systems (V2G) and plug-in vehicles in the transport sector.[169] The country is a member nation of the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).[170]

Denmark exported roughly 460 million GJ of energy in 2018.[171]


Significant investment has been made in building road and rail links between regions in Denmark, most notably the Great Belt Fixed Link, which connects Zealand and Funen. It is now possible to drive from Frederikshavn in northern Jutland to Copenhagen on eastern Zealand without leaving the motorway. The main railway operator is DSB for passenger services and DB Cargo for freight trains. The railway tracks are maintained by Banedanmark. The North Sea and the Baltic Sea are intertwined by various, international ferry links. Construction of the Fehmarn Belt Fixed Link, connecting Denmark and Germany with a second link, Started in 2021.[173] Copenhagen has a rapid transit system, the Copenhagen Metro, and an extensive electrified suburban railway network, the S-train. In the four largest cities – Copenhagen, Aarhus, Odense, Aalborg – light rail systems are planned to be in operation around 2020.[174]

Cycling in Denmark is a very common form of transport, particularly for the young and for city dwellers. With a network of bicycle routes extending more than 12,000 km[175] and an estimated 7,000 km[176] of segregated dedicated bicycle paths and lanes, Denmark has a solid bicycle infrastructure.

Private vehicles are increasingly used as a means of transport. Because of the high registration tax (150%), VAT (25%), and one of the world’s highest income tax rates, new cars are very expensive. The purpose of the tax is to discourage car ownership.
In 2007, an attempt was made by the government to favour environmentally friendly cars by slightly reducing taxes on high mileage vehicles. However, this has had little effect, and in 2008 Denmark experienced an increase in the import of fuel inefficient old cars,[177] as the cost for older cars—including taxes—keeps them within the budget of many Danes.
As of 2011, the average car age is 9.2 years.[178]

With Norway and Sweden, Denmark is part of the Scandinavian Airlines flag carrier. Copenhagen Airport is Scandinavia’s busiest passenger airport, handling over 25 million passengers in 2014.[172] Other notable airports are Billund Airport, Aalborg Airport, and Aarhus Airport.


Population by ancestry (Q2 2020):[19]

  People of Danish origin (including Faroese and Greenlandic) (86.11%)

  Immigrant (10.56%)

  Descendant of an immigrant (3.34%)


The population of Denmark, as registered by Statistics Denmark, was 5.825 million in April 2020.[19] Denmark has one of the oldest populations in the world, with the average age of 41.9 years,[179] with 0.97 males per female. Despite a low birth rate, the population is growing at an average annual rate of 0.59%[140] because of net immigration and increasing longevity. The World Happiness Report frequently ranks Denmark’s population as the happiest in the world.[180][181][182] This has been attributed to the country’s highly regarded education and health care systems,[183] and its low level of income inequality.[184]

Denmark is a historically homogeneous nation.[185] However, as with its Scandinavian neighbours, Denmark has recently transformed from a nation of net emigration, up until World War II, to a nation of net immigration. Today, residence permits are issued mostly to immigrants from other EU countries (54% of all non-Scandinavian immigrants in 2017). Another 31% of residence permits were study- or work-related, 4% were issued to asylum seekers and 10% to persons who arrive as family dependants.[186] Overall, the net migration rate in 2017 was 2.1 migrant(s)/1,000 population, somewhat lower than the United Kingdom and the other Nordic countries.[140][187][188]

There are no official statistics on ethnic groups, but according to 2020 figures from Statistics Denmark, 86.11% of the population in Denmark was of Danish descent (including Faroese and Greenlandic), defined as having at least one parent who was born in the Kingdom of Denmark and holds Danish Nationality.[19][N 7] The remaining 13.89% were of foreign background, defined as immigrants or descendants of recent immigrants. With the same definition, the most common countries of origin were Turkey, Poland, Syria, Germany, Iraq, Romania, Lebanon, Pakistan, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Somalia.[19]

The Inuit are indigenous to Greenland in the Kingdom and have traditionally inhabited Greenland and the northern parts of Canada and Alaska in the Arctic. From the 18th century up to the 1970s, the Danish government (Dano-Norwegian until 1814) have through time tried to assimilate the Greenlandic Inuit, encouraging them to adopt the majority language, culture and religion. Because of this «Danization process», several persons of Inuit ancestry now identify their mother tongue as Danish.

Largest cities in Denmark (as of 1 January 2016)


Rank Core City Region Urban Population Municipal Population
  • view
  • talk
  • edit


1 Copenhagen Capital Region of Denmark 1,280,371 591,481
2 Aarhus Central Denmark Region 264,716 330,639
3 Odense Region of Southern Denmark 175,245 198,972
4 Aalborg North Denmark Region 112,194 210,316
5 Esbjerg Region of Southern Denmark 72,151 115,748
6 Randers Central Denmark Region 62,342 97,520
7 Kolding Region of Southern Denmark 59,712 91,695
8 Horsens Central Denmark Region 57,517 87,736
9 Vejle Region of Southern Denmark 54,862 111,743
10 Roskilde Region Zealand 50,046 86,207
Source: Statistics Denmark


Danish is the de facto national language of Denmark.[189] Faroese and Greenlandic are the official languages of the Faroe Islands and Greenland respectively.[189] German is a recognised minority language in the area of the former South Jutland County (now part of the Region of Southern Denmark), which was part of the German Empire prior to the Treaty of Versailles.[189] Danish and Faroese belong to the North Germanic (Nordic) branch of the Indo-European languages, along with Icelandic, Norwegian, and Swedish.[190] There is a limited degree of mutual intelligibility between Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish. Danish is more distantly related to German, which is a West Germanic language. Greenlandic or «Kalaallisut» is an Inuit language, and is entirely unrelated to Danish.[190]

A large majority (86%) of Danes speak English as a second language,[191] generally with a high level of proficiency. German is the second-most spoken foreign language, with 47% reporting a conversational level of proficiency.[189] Denmark had 25,900 native speakers of German in 2007 (mostly in the South Jutland area).[189]


Christianity is the dominant religion in Denmark. In January 2020, 74.3%[7] of the population of Denmark were members of the Church of Denmark (Den Danske Folkekirke), the officially established church, which is Protestant in classification and Lutheran in orientation.[192][N 17] The membership percentage have been in steadily decline since the 1970s, mainly as fewer newborns are being baptised into it.[193] Only 3% of the population regularly attend Sunday services[194][195] and only 19% of Danes consider religion to be an important part of their life.[196]

The Constitution states that the sovereign must have the Lutheran faith, though the rest of the population is free to adhere to other faiths.[197][198][199] In 1682 the state granted limited recognition to three religious groups dissenting from the Established Church: Roman Catholicism, the Reformed Church and Judaism,[199] although conversion to these groups from the Church of Denmark remained illegal initially. Until the 1970s, the state formally recognised «religious societies» by royal decree. Today, religious groups do not need official government recognition, they can be granted the right to perform weddings and other ceremonies without this recognition.[199] Denmark’s Muslims make up approximately 4.4% of the population[200] and form the country’s second largest religious community and largest minority religion.[201] The Danish Foreign Ministry estimates that other religious groups comprise less than 1% of the population individually and approximately 2% when taken all together.[202]

According to a 2010 Eurobarometer Poll,[203] 28% of Danish nationals polled responded that they «believe there is a God», 47% responded that they «believe there is some sort of spirit or life force» and 24% responded that they «do not believe there is any sort of spirit, God or life force». Another poll, carried out in 2009, found that 25% of Danes believe Jesus is the son of God, and 18% believe he is the saviour of the world.[204]


All educational programmes in Denmark are regulated by the Ministry of Education and administered by local municipalities. Folkeskole covers the entire period of compulsory education, encompassing primary and lower secondary education.[205] Most children attend folkeskole for 10 years, from the ages of 6 to 16. There are no final examinations, but pupils can choose to sit an exam when finishing ninth grade (14–15 years old). The test is obligatory if further education is to be attended. Alternatively pupils can attend an independent school (friskole), or a private school (privatskole), such as Christian schools or Waldorf schools.

Following graduation from compulsory education, there are several continuing educational opportunities; the Gymnasium (STX) attaches importance in teaching a mix of humanities and science, Higher Technical Examination Programme (HTX) focuses on scientific subjects and the Higher Commercial Examination Programme emphasises on subjects in economics. Higher Preparatory Examination (HF) is similar to Gymnasium (STX), but is one year shorter. For specific professions, there is vocational education, training young people for work in specific trades by a combination of teaching and apprenticeship.

The government records upper secondary school completion rates of 95% and tertiary enrollment and completion rates of 60%.[206] All university and college (tertiary) education in Denmark is free of charges; there are no tuition fees to enrol in courses. Students aged 18 or above may apply for state educational support grants, known as Statens Uddannelsesstøtte (SU), which provides fixed financial support, disbursed monthly.[207] Danish universities offer international students a range of opportunities for obtaining an internationally recognised qualification in Denmark. Many programmes may be taught in the English language, the academic lingua franca, in bachelor’s degrees, master’s degrees, doctorates and student exchange programmes.[208]


Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen. Rigshospitalet is the most specialized hospital in Denmark and receives over 350,000 unique patients a year.[209]

As of 2015, Denmark has a life expectancy of 80.6 years at birth (78.6 for men, 82.5 for women), up from 76.9 years in 2000.[210] This ranks it 27th among 193 nations, behind the other Nordic countries. The National Institute of Public Health of the University of Southern Denmark has calculated 19 major risk factors among Danes that contribute to a lowering of the life expectancy; this includes smoking, alcohol, drug abuse and physical inactivity.[211] Although the obesity rate is lower than in North America and most other European countries,[212] the large number of Danes becoming overweight is an increasing problem and results in an annual additional consumption in the health care system of DKK 1,625 million.[211] In a 2012 study, Denmark had the highest cancer rate of all countries listed by the World Cancer Research Fund International; researchers suggest the reasons are better reporting, but also lifestyle factors like heavy alcohol consumption, smoking and physical inactivity.[213][214]

Denmark has a universal health care system, characterised by being publicly financed through taxes and, for most of the services, run directly by the regional authorities. One of the sources of income is a national health care contribution (sundhedsbidrag) (2007–11:8%; ’12:7%; ’13:6%; ’14:5%; ’15:4%; ’16:3%; ’17:2%; ’18:1%; ’19:0%) but it is being phased out and will be gone from January 2019, with the income taxes in the lower brackets being raised gradually each year instead.[113] Another source comes from the municipalities that had their income taxes raised by 3 percentage points from 1 January 2007, a contribution confiscated from the former county tax to be used from 1 January 2007 for health purposes by the municipalities instead. This means that most health care provision is free at the point of delivery for all residents. Additionally, roughly two in five have complementary private insurance to cover services not fully covered by the state, such as physiotherapy.[215] As of 2012, Denmark spends 11.2% of its GDP on health care; this is up from 9.8% in 2007 (US$3,512 per capita).[215] This places Denmark above the OECD average and above the other Nordic countries.[215][216]


Denmark is the only country to have officially used the word ‘ghetto’ in the 21st century to denote certain residential areas.[217] From 2010 to 2021, the Danish Ministry of Transport, Building and Housing published ghettolisten (List of ghettos) which in 2018 consisted of 25 areas.[217][218] As a result, the term is widely used in the media and common parlance.[219] The legal designation is applied to areas based on the residents’ income levels, employment status, education levels, criminal convictions and non-Western ethnic background.[218][219][220] In 2017, 8.7% of Denmark’s population consisted of non-Western immigrants or their descendants. The population proportion of ‘ghetto residents’ with non-Western background was 66.5%.[221]

In 2018, the government has proposed measures to solve the issue of integration and to rid the country of parallel societies and ghettos by 2030.[220][221][222][223] The measures focus on physical redevelopment, control over who is allowed to live in these areas, crime abatement and education.[218] These policies have been criticised for undercutting ‘equality before law’ and for portraying immigrants, especially Muslim immigrants, in a bad light.[218][224] While some proposals like restricting ‘ghetto children’ to their homes after 8 p.m. have been rejected for being too radical, most of the 22 proposals have been agreed upon by a parliamentary majority.[217][219]

In 2021, the term ghetto was dropped and replaced by parallel society and vulnerable region.[225]


Denmark shares strong cultural and historic ties with its Scandinavian neighbours Sweden and Norway. It has historically been one of the most socially progressive cultures in the world. In 1969, Denmark was the first country to legalise pornography,[226] and in 2012, Denmark replaced its «registered partnership» laws, which it had been the first country to introduce in 1989,[227][228] with gender-neutral marriage, and allowed same-sex marriages to be performed in the Church of Denmark.[229][230] Modesty and social equality are important parts of Danish culture.[231] In a 2016 study comparing empathy scores of 63 countries, Denmark ranked 4th world-wide having the highest empathy among surveyed European countries.[232]

The astronomical discoveries of Tycho Brahe (1546–1601), Ludwig A. Colding’s (1815–1888) neglected articulation of the principle of conservation of energy, and the contributions to atomic physics of Niels Bohr (1885–1962) indicate the range of Danish scientific achievement. The fairy tales of Hans Christian Andersen (1805–1875), the philosophical essays of Søren Kierkegaard (1813–1855), the short stories of Karen Blixen (penname Isak Dinesen), (1885–1962), the plays of Ludvig Holberg (1684–1754), and the dense, aphoristic poetry of Piet Hein (1905–1996), have earned international recognition, as have the symphonies of Carl Nielsen (1865–1931). From the mid-1990s, Danish films have attracted international attention, especially those associated with Dogme 95 like those of Lars von Trier.

A major feature of Danish culture is Jul (Danish Christmas). The holiday is celebrated throughout December, starting either at the beginning of Advent or on 1 December with a variety of traditions, culminating with the Christmas Eve meal.

There are seven heritage sites inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage list in Northern Europe: Christiansfeld, a Moravian Church Settlement, the Jelling Mounds (Runic Stones and Church), Kronborg Castle, Roskilde Cathedral, and The par force hunting landscape in North Zealand and 3 in the World Heritage list in North America: Ilulissat Icefjord, Aasivissuit — Nipisat, Kujataa within the Kingdom of Denmark.[234]

Human rights

Denmark has been considered a progressive country, which has adopted legislation and policies to support women’s rights, minority rights, and LGBT rights. Human rights in Denmark are protected by the state’s Constitution of the Realm (Danmarks Riges Grundlov); applying equally in Denmark proper, Greenland and the Faroe Islands, and through the ratification of international human rights treaties.[235] Denmark has held a significant role in the adoption of both the European Convention on Human Rights and in the establishment of the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR). In 1987, the Kingdom Parliament (Folketinget) established a national human rights institution, the Danish Centre of Human Rights, now the Danish Institute for Human Rights.[235]

In 2009, a referendum on changing the Danish Act of Succession were held to grant absolute primogeniture to the Danish throne, meaning that the eldest child, regardless of gender, takes precedence in the line of succession. As it was not retroactive, the current successor to the throne is the eldest son of the King, rather than his eldest child. The Danish constitution Article 2 states that «The monarchy is inherited by men and women».[236]

The Inuit have for decades been the subject of discrimination and abuse by the dominant colonisers from Europe, those countries claiming possession of Inuit lands. The Inuit have never been a single community in a single region of Inuit.[237] From the 18th century up to the 1970s, the Danish government (Dano-Norwegian until 1814) have through time tried to assimilate the indigenous people of Greenland, the Greenlandic Inuit, encouraging them to adopt the majority language, culture and religion. Denmark has been greatly criticised by the Greenlandic community for the politics of Danization (50’s and 60’s) of and discrimination against the indigenous population of the country. Critical treatment paying non-Inuit workers higher wages than the local people, the relocation of entire families from their traditional lands into settlements, and separating children from their parents and sending them away to Denmark for schooling has been practised.[238][better source needed][239] Nevertheless, Denmark ratified, in 1996, to recognise the ILO-convention 169 on indigenous people recommended by the UN.

In regard to LGBT rights, Denmark was the first country in the world to grant legal recognition to same-sex unions in the form of registered partnerships in 1989. On 7 June 2012, the law was replaced by a new same-sex marriage law, which came into effect on 15 June 2012.[240] Greenland and the Faroe Islands legalised same-sex marriage in April 2016,[241] and in July 2017 respectively.[242] In January 2016, a resolution was implemented by the Danish parliament which prevented transgender being classified as a mental health condition.[221] In doing so, Denmark became the first country in Europe to go against the World Health Organisation (WHO) standards, which classified transgender identity as being a mental health issue until June 2018.[243][244]


Danish mass media date back to the 1540s, when handwritten fly sheets reported on the news. In 1666, Anders Bording, the father of Danish journalism, began a state paper. In 1834, the first liberal, factual newspaper appeared, and the 1849 Constitution established lasting freedom of the press in Denmark. Newspapers flourished in the second half of the 19th century, usually tied to one or another political party or trade union. Modernisation, bringing in new features and mechanical techniques, appeared after 1900. The total circulation was 500,000 daily in 1901, more than doubling to 1.2 million in 1925.[245] The German occupation during World War II brought informal censorship; some offending newspaper buildings were simply blown up by the Nazis. During the war, the underground produced 550 newspapers—small, surreptitiously printed sheets that encouraged sabotage and resistance.[245]

Danish cinema dates back to 1897 and since the 1980s has maintained a steady stream of productions due largely to funding by the state-supported Danish Film Institute. There have been three big internationally important waves of Danish cinema: erotic melodrama of the silent era; the increasingly explicit sex films of the 1960s and 1970s; and lastly, the Dogme 95 movement of the late 1990s, where directors often used hand-held cameras to dynamic effect in a conscious reaction against big-budget studios. Danish films have been noted for their realism, religious and moral themes, sexual frankness and technical innovation. The Danish filmmaker Carl Th. Dreyer (1889–1968) is considered one of the greatest directors of early cinema.[246][247]

Other Danish filmmakers of note include Erik Balling, the creator of the popular Olsen-banden films; Gabriel Axel, an Oscar-winner for Babette’s Feast in 1987; and Bille August, the Oscar-, Palme d’Or- and Golden Globe-winner for Pelle the Conqueror in 1988. In the modern era, notable filmmakers in Denmark include Lars von Trier, who co-created the Dogme movement, and multiple award-winners Susanne Bier and Nicolas Winding Refn. Mads Mikkelsen is a world-renowned Danish actor, having starred in films such as King Arthur, Casino Royale, the Danish film The Hunt, and the American TV series Hannibal. Another renowned Danish actor Nikolaj Coster-Waldau is internationally known for playing the role of Jaime Lannister in the HBO series Game of Thrones.

Danish mass media and news programming are dominated by a few large corporations. In printed media JP/Politikens Hus and Berlingske Media, between them, control the largest newspapers Politiken, Berlingske Tidende and Jyllands-Posten and major tabloids B.T. and Ekstra Bladet. In television, publicly owned stations DR and TV 2 have large shares of the viewers.[248] DR in particular is famous for its high quality TV-series often sold to foreign broadcasters and often with leading female characters like internationally known actresses Sidse Babett Knudsen and Sofie Gråbøl. In radio, DR has a near monopoly, currently broadcasting on all four nationally available FM channels, competing only with local stations.[249]


Denmark and its multiple outlying islands have a wide range of folk traditions. The country’s most famous classical composer is Carl Nielsen (1865–1931), especially remembered for his six symphonies and his Wind Quintet, while the Royal Danish Ballet specialises in the work of the Danish choreographer August Bournonville. The Royal Danish Orchestra is among the world’s oldest orchestras.[250] Danes have distinguished themselves as jazz musicians, and the Copenhagen Jazz Festival has acquired international recognition.

The modern pop and rock scene has produced a few names of international fame, including Aqua, Alphabeat, D-A-D, King Diamond, Kashmir, Lukas Graham, Mew, Michael Learns to Rock, MØ, Oh Land, The Raveonettes and Volbeat, among others. Lars Ulrich, the drummer of the band Metallica, has become the first Danish musician to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Roskilde Festival near Copenhagen is the largest music festival in Northern Europe since 1971 and Denmark has many recurring music festivals of all genres throughout, including Aarhus International Jazz Festival, Skanderborg Festival, The Blue Festival in Aalborg, Esbjerg International Chamber Music Festival and Skagen Festival among many others.[251][252]

Denmark has participated in the Eurovision Song Contest since 1957 and has won the contest three times, in 1963, 2000 and 2013.

Architecture and design

Denmark’s architecture became firmly established in the Middle Ages when first Romanesque, then Gothic churches and cathedrals sprang up throughout the country. From the 16th century, Dutch and Flemish designers were brought to Denmark, initially to improve the country’s fortifications, but increasingly to build magnificent royal castles and palaces in the Renaissance style.
During the 17th century, many impressive buildings were built in the Baroque style, both in the capital and the provinces. Neoclassicism from France was slowly adopted by native Danish architects who increasingly participated in defining architectural style. A productive period of Historicism ultimately merged into the 19th-century National Romantic style.[253]

The 20th century brought along new architectural styles; including expressionism, best exemplified by the designs of architect Peder Vilhelm Jensen-Klint, which relied heavily on Scandinavian brick Gothic traditions; and Nordic Classicism, which enjoyed brief popularity in the early decades of the century. It was in the 1960s that Danish architects such as Arne Jacobsen entered the world scene with their highly successful Functionalist architecture. This, in turn, has evolved into more recent world-class masterpieces including Jørn Utzon’s Sydney Opera House and Johan Otto von Spreckelsen’s Grande Arche de la Défense in Paris, paving the way for a number of contemporary Danish designers such as Bjarke Ingels to be rewarded for excellence both at home and abroad.[254]

Danish design is a term often used to describe a style of functionalistic design and architecture that was developed in the mid-20th century, originating in Denmark. Danish design is typically applied to industrial design, furniture and household objects, which have won many international awards. The Royal Porcelain Factory is famous for the quality of its ceramics and export products worldwide. Danish design is also a well-known brand, often associated with world-famous, 20th-century designers and architects such as Børge Mogensen, Finn Juhl, Hans Wegner, Arne Jacobsen, Poul Henningsen and Verner Panton.[255] Other designers of note include Kristian Solmer Vedel (1923–2003) in the area of industrial design, Jens Quistgaard (1919–2008) for kitchen furniture and implements and Ole Wanscher (1903–1985) who had a classical approach to furniture design.

Literature and philosophy

The first known Danish literature is myths and folklore from the 10th and 11th century. Saxo Grammaticus, normally considered the first Danish writer, worked for bishop Absalon on a chronicle of Danish history (Gesta Danorum). Very little is known of other Danish literature from the Middle Ages. With the Age of Enlightenment came Ludvig Holberg whose comedy plays are still being performed.

In the late 19th century, literature was seen as a way to influence society. Known as the Modern Breakthrough, this movement was championed by Georg Brandes, Henrik Pontoppidan (awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature) and J. P. Jacobsen. Romanticism influenced the renowned writer and poet Hans Christian Andersen, known for his stories and fairy tales, e.g. The Ugly Duckling, The Little Mermaid and The Snow Queen. In recent history Johannes Vilhelm Jensen was also awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Karen Blixen is famous for her novels and short stories. Other Danish writers of importance are Herman Bang, Gustav Wied, William Heinesen, Martin Andersen Nexø, Piet Hein, Hans Scherfig, Klaus Rifbjerg, Dan Turèll, Tove Ditlevsen, Inger Christensen and Peter Høeg.

Danish philosophy has a long tradition as part of Western philosophy. Perhaps the most influential Danish philosopher was Søren Kierkegaard, the creator of Christian existentialism. Kierkegaard had a few Danish followers, including Harald Høffding, who later in his life moved on to join the movement of positivism. Among Kierkegaard’s other followers include Jean-Paul Sartre who was impressed with Kierkegaard’s views on the individual, and Rollo May, who helped create humanistic psychology. Another Danish philosopher of note is Grundtvig, whose philosophy gave rise to a new form of non-aggressive nationalism in Denmark, and who is also influential for his theological and historical works.

Painting and photography

While Danish art was influenced over the centuries by trends in Germany and the Netherlands, the 15th and 16th century church frescos, which can be seen in many of the country’s older churches, are of particular interest as they were painted in a style typical of native Danish painters.[256]

The Danish Golden Age, which began in the first half of the 19th century, was inspired by a new feeling of nationalism and romanticism, typified in the later previous century by history painter Nicolai Abildgaard. Christoffer Wilhelm Eckersberg was not only a productive artist in his own right but taught at the Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts where his students included notable painters such as Wilhelm Bendz, Christen Købke, Martinus Rørbye, Constantin Hansen, and Wilhelm Marstrand.

In 1871, Holger Drachmann and Karl Madsen visited Skagen in the far north of Jutland where they quickly built up one of Scandinavia’s most successful artists’ colonies specialising in Naturalism and Realism rather than in the traditional approach favoured by the academy. Hosted by Michael and his wife Anna, they were soon joined by P.S. Krøyer, Carl Locher and Laurits Tuxen. All participated in painting the natural surroundings and local people.[257] Similar trends developed on Funen with the Fynboerne who included Johannes Larsen, Fritz Syberg and Peter Hansen,[258] and on the island of Bornholm with the Bornholm school of painters including Niels Lergaard, Kræsten Iversen and Oluf Høst.[259]

Painting has continued to be a prominent form of artistic expression in Danish culture, inspired by and also influencing major international trends in this area. These include impressionism and the modernist styles of expressionism, abstract painting and surrealism. While international co-operation and activity has almost always been essential to the Danish artistic community, influential art collectives with a firm Danish base includes De Tretten (1909–1912), Linien (1930s and 1940s), COBRA (1948–1951), Fluxus (1960s and 1970s), De Unge Vilde (1980s) and more recently Superflex (founded in 1993). Most Danish painters of modern times have also been very active with other forms of artistic expressions, such as sculpting, ceramics, art installations, activism, film and experimental architecture. Notable Danish painters from modern times representing various art movements include Theodor Philipsen (1840–1920, impressionism and naturalism), Anna Klindt Sørensen (1899–1985, expressionism), Franciska Clausen (1899–1986, Neue Sachlichkeit, cubism, surrealism and others), Henry Heerup (1907–1993, naivism), Robert Jacobsen (1912–1993, abstract painting), Carl Henning Pedersen (1913–2007, abstract painting), Asger Jorn (1914–1973, Situationist, abstract painting), Bjørn Wiinblad (1918–2006, art deco, orientalism), Per Kirkeby (b. 1938, neo-expressionism, abstract painting), Per Arnoldi (b. 1941, pop art), Michael Kvium (b. 1955, neo-surrealism) and Simone Aaberg Kærn (b. 1969, superrealism).

Danish photography has developed from strong participation and interest in the very beginnings of the art of photography in 1839 to the success of a considerable number of Danes in the world of photography today. Pioneers such as Mads Alstrup and Georg Emil Hansen paved the way for a rapidly growing profession during the last half of the 19th century. Today Danish photographers such as Astrid Kruse Jensen and Jacob Aue Sobol are active both at home and abroad, participating in key exhibitions around the world.[260]


Smørrebrød, a variety of Danish open sandwiches piled high with delicacies

The traditional cuisine of Denmark, like that of the other Nordic countries and of Northern Germany, consists mainly of meat, fish and potatoes. Danish dishes are highly seasonal, stemming from the country’s agricultural past, its geography, and its climate of long, cold winters.

The open sandwiches on rye bread, known as smørrebrød, which in their basic form are the usual fare for lunch, can be considered a national speciality when prepared and decorated with a variety of fine ingredients. Hot meals traditionally consist of ground meats, such as frikadeller (meat balls of veal and pork) and hakkebøf (minced beef patties), or of more substantial meat and fish dishes such as flæskesteg (roast pork with crackling) and kogt torsk (poached cod) with mustard sauce and trimmings. Denmark is known for its Carlsberg and Tuborg beers and for its akvavit and bitters.

Since around 1970, chefs and restaurants across Denmark have introduced gourmet cooking, largely influenced by French cuisine. Also inspired by continental practices, Danish chefs have recently developed a new innovative cuisine and a series of gourmet dishes based on high-quality local produce known as New Danish cuisine.[261] As a result of these developments, Denmark now has a considerable number of internationally acclaimed restaurants of which several have been awarded Michelin stars. This includes Geranium and Noma in Copenhagen.


Michael Laudrup, named the best Danish football player of all time by the Danish Football Union

Sports are popular in Denmark, and its citizens participate in and watch a wide variety. The national sport is football, with over 320,000 players in more than 1600 clubs.[262] Denmark qualified six times consecutively for the European Championships between 1984 and 2004, and were crowned European champions in 1992; other significant achievements include winning the Confederations Cup in 1995 and reaching the quarter-final of the 1998 World Cup. Notable Danish footballers include Allan Simonsen, named the best player in Europe in 1977, Peter Schmeichel, named the «World’s Best Goalkeeper» in 1992 and 1993, and Michael Laudrup, named the best Danish player of all time by the Danish Football Union.[263]

There is much focus on handball, too. The women’s national team celebrated great successes during the 1990s and has won a total of 13 medals – seven gold (in 1994, 1996 (2), 1997, 2000, 2002 and 2004), four silver (in 1962, 1993, 1998 and 2004) and two bronze (in 1995 and 2013). On the men’s side, Denmark has won 12 medals—four gold (in 2008, 2012, 2016 and 2019), four silver (in 1967, 2011, 2013 and 2014) and four bronze (in 2002, 2004, 2006 and 2007)—the most that have been won by any team in European Handball Championship history.[264] In 2019, the Danish men’s national handball team won their first World Championship title in the tournament that was co-hosted between Germany and Denmark.[citation needed]

In recent years, Denmark has made a mark as a strong cycling nation, with Michael Rasmussen reaching King of the Mountains status in the Tour de France in 2005 and 2006. Other popular sports include golf—which is mostly popular among those in the older demographic;[265] tennis—in which Denmark is successful on a professional level; basketball—Denmark joined the international governing body FIBA in 1951;[266] rugby—the Danish Rugby Union dates back to 1950;[267] ice hockey— often competing in the top division in the Men’s World Championships; rowing—Denmark specialise in lightweight rowing and are particularly known for their lightweight coxless four, having won six gold and two silver World Championship medals and three gold and two bronze Olympic medals; and several indoor sports—especially badminton, table tennis and gymnastics, in each of which Denmark holds World Championships and Olympic medals. Denmark’s numerous beaches and resorts are popular locations for fishing, canoeing, kayaking, and many other water-themed sports.

See also

  • Index of Denmark-related articles
  • Outline of Denmark
  • Religion in Denmark

Explanatory notes

  1. ^ «Guds hjælp, folkets kærlighed, Danmarks styrke» has been adopted by Queen Margrethe II as her Language of Choice (valgsprog).
  2. ^ Kong Christian has equal status as a national anthem but is generally used only on royal and military occasions.[2]
  3. ^ a b c The Kingdom of Denmark’s territory in continental Europe is referred to as «metropolitan Denmark»,[52] «Denmark proper» (Danish: egentlig Danmark), or simply «Denmark». In this article, usage of «Denmark» excludes the Faroe Islands and Greenland.
  4. ^ German is recognised as a protected minority language in the South Jutland area of Denmark.
  5. ^ including Faroese, indigenous group Inuit, and minority group German
  6. ^ The Kingdom has a total population of 5,958,380.
  7. ^ a b c This data is for Denmark proper only. For data relevant to Greenland and the Faroe Islands see their respective articles.
  8. ^ In the Faroe Islands the currency has a separate design and is known as the króna, but is not a separate currency.
  9. ^ The top-level domain name .eu is shared with other European Union countries.
  10. ^ Danish: Kongeriget Danmark, pronounced [ˈkʰɔŋəʁiːð̩ ˈtænmɑk] (listen).
  11. ^ The island of Bornholm is offset to the east of the rest of the country, in the Baltic Sea.
  12. ^ Denmark has a codified constitution. Changes to it require an absolute majority in two consecutive parliamentary terms and the approval of at least 40% of the electorate through a referendum.[81]
  13. ^ The Constitution refers to «the King» (Danish: kongen), rather than the gender-neutral term «monarch». In light of the restriction of powers of the monarchy, this is best interpreted as referring to the government Cabinet.
  14. ^ The Economist Intelligence Unit, while acknowledging that democracy is difficult to measure, listed Denmark 5th on its index of democracy.[87]
  15. ^ The Faroese declined membership in 1973; Greenland chose to leave the EEC in 1985, following a referendum.
  16. ^ As measured in official development assistance (ODA). Denmark, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom exceeded the United Nations’ ODA target of 0.7% of GNI.
  17. ^ The Church of Denmark is the established church (or state religion) in Denmark and Greenland; the Church of the Faroe Islands became an independent body in 2007.


  1. ^ «Royal House». www.kongehuset.dk. Royal House of Denmark. Archived from the original on 23 December 2015. Retrieved 7 October 2021.
  2. ^ «Not one but two national anthems». Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark. Archived from the original on 15 May 2014. Retrieved 18 May 2014.
  3. ^ a b c Stone et al. (2008), p. 31.
  4. ^ «Denmark». The World Factbook. CIA. 29 April 2010. Retrieved 11 May 2010.
  5. ^ «Bekendtgørelse af ILO-konvention nr. 169 af 28. juni 1989 vedrørende oprindelige folk og stammefolk i selvstændige stater». Retsinformation.dk. 9 October 1997.
  6. ^ «Den dansk-tyske mindretalsordning». UM.dk.
  7. ^ a b «Folkekirkens medlemstal» (in Danish). Kirkeministeriet. Archived from the original on 10 April 2020. Retrieved 6 January 2021.
  8. ^ Arly Jacobsen, Brian (8 February 2018). «Hvor mange muslimer bor der i Danmark?» (in Danish). Religion.dk. Retrieved 6 January 2021.
  9. ^ a b c «Area». Statistics Denmark. Archived from the original on 14 April 2019.
  10. ^ «Surface water and surface water change». Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Retrieved 11 October 2020.
  11. ^ «Population and population projections». Statistics Denmark. Archived from the original on 30 October 2018. Retrieved 11 August 2022.
  12. ^ a b c d «World Economic Outlook Database, April 2023». IMF.org. International Monetary Fund. April 2023. Retrieved 15 April 2023.
  13. ^ «Gini coefficient of equivalised disposable income – EU-SILC survey». ec.europa.eu. Eurostat. Archived from the original on 20 March 2019. Retrieved 21 June 2022.
  14. ^ «Human Development Report 2021/2022» (PDF). United Nations Development Programme. 8 September 2022. Retrieved 8 September 2022.
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  186. ^ «VAN8A: Immigrations (year) by citizenship, sex and residence permit». Statistics Denmark. Archived from the original on 12 October 2018. Retrieved 18 December 2018.
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  266. ^ Profile | Denmark Archived 14 November 2015 at the Wayback Machine, Fiba.com. Retrieved 24 September 2015.
  267. ^ Bath, Richard (ed.) The Complete Book of Rugby (Seven Oaks Ltd, 1997 ISBN 978-1-86200-013-1) p66. Archived from July 2007 and Retrieved June 2012.

General and cited sources

  • Stone, Andrew; Bain, Carolyn; Booth, Michael; Parnell, Fran (2008). Denmark (5th ed.). Footscray, Victoria: Lonely Planet. p. 31. ISBN 978-1-74104-669-4.
  • Busck, Steen (2002). Poulsen, Henning (ed.). «Danmarks historie  – i grundtræk» (in Danish). Aarhus Universitetsforlag. ISBN 978-87-7288-941-2.
  • Englund, Peter (2000). Den oövervinnerlige (in Swedish). Stockholm: Atlantis. ISBN 978-91-7486-999-6.
  • Frost, Robert I. (2000). The Northern Wars (1558–1721). Pearson Education. ISBN 978-0-582-06429-4.
  • Gammelgaard, Frederik; Sørensen, Niels (1998). Danmark – en demokratisk stat (in Danish). Alinea. ISBN 978-87-23-00280-8.
  • Isacson, Claes-Göran (2002). Karl X Gustavs krig (in Swedish). Lund: Historiska Media. ISBN 978-91-85057-25-2.
  • Jørgensen, Gitte (1995). Sådan styres Danmark (in Danish). Flachs. ISBN 978-87-7826-031-4.
  • Michaelsen, Karsten Kjer (2002). «Politikens bog om Danmarks oldtid». Politikens Forlag (1. bogklubudgave) (in Danish). ISBN 978-87-00-69328-9.
  • (in Swedish) Nationalencyklopedin, vol. 4, Bokförlaget Bra Böcker, 2000, ISBN 978-91-7024-619-7.
  • Parker, Geoffrey (1984). The Thirty Years’ War. London and New York: Routledge. ISBN 0-415-02534-6.

External links

  • Denmark.dk Archived 11 December 2020 at the Wayback Machine
  • Denmark. The World Factbook. Central Intelligence Agency.
  • Denmark entry at Britannica.com.
  • Gosse, Edmund William (1878). «Denmark» . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. VII (9th ed.). pp. 80–94.
  • Gosse, Edmund William (1911). «Denmark» . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 8 (11th ed.). pp. 23–44.
  • Kristiansen, M. (1922). «Denmark» . Encyclopædia Britannica. Vol. 30 (12th ed.).
  • Denmark at Curlie
  • Denmark profile from the BBC News.
  • Key Development Forecasts for Denmark from International Futures.

Politics of Denmark

Dansk politik

National Coat of arms of Denmark.svg

Coat of arms of Denmark

Polity type Unitary parliamentary constitutional monarchy
Constitution Constitution of Denmark
Legislative branch
Name Parliament
Type Unicameral
Meeting place Christiansborg Palace
Presiding officer Søren Gade, Speaker of the Parliament
Executive branch
Head of State
Title Monarch
Currently Margrethe II
Appointer Hereditary
Head of Government
Title Prime Minister
Currently Mette Frederiksen
Appointer Monarch
Name Cabinet of Denmark
Current cabinet Frederiksen II Cabinet
Leader Prime Minister
Ministries 18
Judicial branch
Name General Judicial System
Courts Courts of Denmark
Supreme Court
Chief judge Thomas Rørdam

Christiansborg Palace is home to the executive, judicial and legislative branches of the Danish government.

The politics of Denmark take place within the framework of a parliamentary representative democracy, a constitutional monarchy and a decentralised unitary state in which the monarch of Denmark, Queen Margrethe II, is the head of state.[1] Denmark is described as a nation state. Danish politics and governance are characterized by a common striving for broad consensus on important issues, within both the political community and society as a whole.

Executive power is exercised by the cabinet of Denmark (commonly known as «the Government», Danish: regeringen), presided over by the Prime Minister (statsminister) who is first among equals. Legislative power is exercised by the Folketing, the unicameral parliament, and secondarily by the Cabinet. Members of the judiciary are nominated by the executive (conventionally by recommendation of the judiciary itself), formally appointed by the monarch and employed until retirement.

Denmark has a multi-party system, with two large parties, and several other small but significant parties. No single party has held an absolute majority in the Folketing since the beginning of the 20th century.[2] Thirteen parties have ballot access for the 2019 Danish general election, three of which did not contest 2015 general election. Since only four post-war coalition governments have enjoyed a majority, government bills rarely become law without negotiations and compromise with both supporting and opposition parties. Hence, the Folketing tends to be more powerful than legislatures in other EU countries. The Constitution does not grant the judiciary power of judicial review of legislation; however, the courts have asserted this power with the consent of the other branches of government. Since there are no constitutional or administrative courts, the Supreme Court also deals with constitutional matters.

On many issues the political parties tend to opt for co-operation, and the Danish state welfare model receives broad parliamentary support. This ensures a focus on public-sector efficiency and devolved responsibilities of local government on regional and municipal levels.

The degree of transparency and accountability is reflected in the public’s high level of satisfaction with the political institutions, while Denmark is also regularly considered one of the least corrupt countries in the world by international organizations.[3] The Economist Intelligence Unit rated Denmark as «full democracy» in 2016.[4]


Queen Margrethe II of Denmark (born 16 April 1940) has ruled as Queen Regnant and head of state since 14 January 1972.[5] In accordance with the Danish Constitution the monarch as head of state is the theoretical source of all executive and legislative power.[6] However, since the introduction of parliamentary sovereignty in 1901, a de facto separation of powers has been in effect.[7]

The text of the Danish constitution dates back to 1849. Therefore, it has been interpreted by jurists to suit modern conditions. In a formal sense, the monarch retains the ability to deny giving a bill royal assent. In order for a bill to become law, a royal signature and a countersignature by a government minister are required.[6] The monarch also chooses and dismisses the Prime Minister, although in modern times a dismissal would cause a constitutional crisis. On 28 March 1920, King Christian X was the last monarch to exercise the power of dismissal, sparking the 1920 Easter Crisis. All royal powers called royal prerogative, such as patronage to appoint ministers and the ability to declare war and make peace, are exercised by the Prime Minister and the Cabinet, with the formal consent of the Queen. When a new government is to be formed, the monarch calls the party leaders to a conference of deliberation (known as a «dronningerunde», meaning «queen’s round»), where the latter advise the monarch. On the basis of the advice, the monarch then appoints the party leader who commands a majority of recommendation to lead negotiations for forming a new government.[6]

According to the principles of constitutional monarchy, the monarch’s role is largely ceremonial today, restricted in his or her exercise of power by the convention of parliamentary democracy and the separation of powers. However, the monarch does continue to exercise three rights: the right to be consulted; the right to advise; and the right to warn. Pursuant to these ideals, the Prime Minister and the Cabinet attend the regular meeting of the Council of State.[8]

Political parties[edit]

Denmark has a multi-party system. Ten parties are represented in parliament, while an additional three were qualified to contest the most recent 2019 general election but didn’t win any seats. The four oldest, and in history most influential, parties are the Conservative People’s Party, the Social Democrats, Venstre (the name literally means «Left», but it is a right-wing liberal-conservative party) and the Social Liberal Party. However, demographics have been in favour of newer parties (such as the national conservative far-right Danish People’s Party and the far-left Red-Green Alliance).

No two parties have exactly the same organization. It is however common for a party to have an annual convention which approves manifestos and elects party chairmen, a board of leaders, an assembly of representatives, and a number of local branches with their own organization. In most cases the party members in parliament form their own group with autonomy to develop and promote party politics in parliament and between elections. Parties also have youth wings to promote engagement with the party among young people, such as Social Democratic Youth, Young Liberals, and Radikal Ungdom.

Political blocs[edit]

Though coined in 1994 by then leader of Venstre Uffe Ellemann-Jensen, the terms red bloc and blue bloc first became mainstream around the 2011 Danish general election.[9] Left-wing parties are described as belonging to the red bloc while right-wing parties belong to the blue bloc. The Social Democrats and Venstre have historically served as the de facto leaders of the red and blue bloc respectively, though in 2022 leader of the blue bloc party Conservative People’s Party Søren Pape Poulsen declared his prime minister candidacy alongside leader of Venstre Jakob Ellemann-Jensen.[10]

The Moderates, founded in 2021 by former prime minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen, rebuke bloc politics and support a government with parties from both traditional blocs, and use the color purple to represent this.[11] Similarly, The Alternative have refused their designation as a red party declaring they are a green party.[12]


The government performs the executive functions of the kingdom. The affairs of government are decided by the Cabinet, headed by the Prime Minister. The Cabinet and the Prime Minister are responsible for their actions to the Folketing (the parliament).

Members of the Cabinet are given the title of «minister» and each hold a different portfolio of government duties. The day to day role of the cabinet members is to serve as head of one or more segments of the national bureaucracy, as head of the civil servants to which all employees in that department report.

Head of government[edit]

Enjoying the status of primus inter pares, the Prime Minister is head of the Danish government (as taken to mean the Cabinet). The Prime Minister and members of the Cabinet are appointed by the Crown on basis of the party composition in the Folketing. No vote of confidence is necessary to install a new government after an election. If the Folketing expresses its lack of confidence in the Prime Minister, the entire cabinet must step down, unless a new parliamentary election is called in which case the old government continues as a caretaker government until a new government can be formed.

The current government is the Frederiksen Cabinet, led by Mette Frederiksen from the Social Democrats. It only consists of her own party, but has a majority due to the confidence and supply of the Social Liberal Party, the Socialist People’s Party (SPP), and the Red-Green Alliance. Frederiksen’s government was formed on 27 June 2019, after the 2019 election where Lars Løkke Rasmussen and his Venstre-Conservative-Liberal Alliance coalition lost power.

Since the 1990s, most governments have been coalition governments led by either Venstre or the Social Democrats. Until 2001, Poul Nyrup Rasmussen (S) led a coalition with the Social Liberals, supported by the SPP and the Red-Green Alliance. A coalition of Venstre and the Conservatives, supported by the DPP, was then in power from 2001 to 2011, led first by Anders Fogh Rasmussen (V) and then from 2009 by Lars Løkke Rasmussen (V). The Liberal Alliance formed in 2007. After the 2011 election, Løkke was replaced by Helle Thorning-Schmidt (S), whose government consisted of the Social Democrats, the Social Liberals, and the SPP. The SPP left the government again in 2014, following heavy internal disagreement over the planned sale of state-owned shares in the company DONG (now known as Ørsted). The Social Democrats and Social Liberals continued in power, with SPP and Red-Green support, until the 2015 election when Løkke returned to power in a single-party Venstre government. The Løkke II Cabinet held only 34 seats in the Folketing, making it the narrowest since Poul Hartling’s (V) 22-seat government in the 1970s, and the first single-party government since Anker Jørgensen’s (S) fifth government in the early 1980s. After finding it difficult to govern with such a small government, Løkke invited the Conservatives and the Liberal Alliance to join his government in 2016, turning it into the Løkke III Cabinet.[13]

Following the 2019 general election the Social Democrats, led by leader Mette Frederiksen, formed a single-party government with support from the left-wing coalition.[14] Frederiksen became prime minister on 27 June 2019.[15]

In November 2022 general election, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen’s Social Democrats remained as the biggest party with two more seats, gaining its best result in two decades.[16] The second biggest was Liberal Party (Venstre), led by Jakob Ellemann-Jensen. The recently formed Moderates party, led by two-time former Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen, became the third-biggest party in Denmark.[17] In December 2022, Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen formed a new coalition government with her Social Democrats and the Liberal Party and the Moderates party. Jakob Ellemann-Jensen became deputy prime minister and defence minister, Lars Lokke Rasmussen was appointed foreign minister.[18]

Cabinet government[edit]

According to section 14 of the constitution, the king sets the number of ministers and the distribution of cases between them. The monarch formally appoints and dismisses ministers, including the Prime Minister.[19] That means that the number of cabinet positions and the organisation of the state administration into ministries are not set by law, but subject to change without notice. A coalition of many parties usually means a large cabinet and many ministries, while a small coalition or the rare one-party-government means fewer, larger ministries.

In June 2015 in the wake of the parliamentary election, the cabinet had 17 members including the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister leads the work of the Cabinet and is minister for constitutional affairs, overseas territories and for the affairs of the press. The seventeen cabinet ministers hold different portfolios of duties, including the day-to-day role as head of one or more segments of the government departments.

Government departments[edit]

The Danish executive consists of a number of government departments known as Ministries. These departments are led by a cabinet member and known as Minister for the relevant department or portfolio. In theory all Ministers are equal and may not command or be commanded by a fellow minister. Constitutional practice does however dictate, that the Prime Minister is primus inter pares, first among equals. Unlike many other countries, Denmark has no tradition of employing junior Ministers.

A department acts as the secretariat to the Minister. Its functions comprises overall planning, development and strategic guidance on the entire area of responsibility of the Minister. The Minister’s decisions are carried out by the permanent and politically neutral civil service within the department. Unlike some democracies, senior civil servants remain in post upon a change of Government. The head of the department civil servants is the Permanent Secretary. In fact, the majority of civil servants work in executive agencies that are separate operational organizations reporting to the Minister. The Minister also has his own private secretary and communications personnel. Unlike normal civil servants, the communications staff is partisan and do not remain in their posts upon changes of government.

List of ministers[edit]

The cabinet consists of:[20]

Portfolio Minister Took office Left office Party
Prime Minister’s Office
Prime Minister

Mette Frederiksen

27 June 2019 Incumbent   Social Democrats
Minister for Foreign Affairs

Jeppe Kofod

27 June 2019 Incumbent   Social Democrats
Minister for Finance

Nicolai Wammen

27 June 2019 Incumbent   Social Democrats
Minister of Social Affairs and the Interior

Astrid Krag

27 June 2019 Incumbent   Social Democrats
Minister for Justice

Nick Hækkerup

27 June 2019 Incumbent   Social Democrats
Minister for Commerce

Simon Kollerup

27 June 2019 Incumbent   Social Democrats
Minister for Defence

Trine Bramsen

27 June 2019 Incumbent   Social Democrats
Minister for Employment

Peter Hummelgaard Thomsen

27 June 2019 Incumbent   Social Democrats
Minister for Immigration and Integration

Mattias Tesfaye

27 June 2019 Incumbent   Social Democrats
Minister for Children and Education

Pernille Rosenkrantz-Theil

27 June 2019 Incumbent   Social Democrats
Minister for Health and Elderly Affairs

Magnus Heunicke

27 June 2019 Incumbent   Social Democrats
Minister for Culture and Church

Joy Mogensen

27 June 2019 Incumbent   Social Democrats
Minister for Science, Technology,
Information and Higher Education

Ane Halsboe-Jørgensen

27 June 2019 Incumbent   Social Democrats
Minister for Building and Housing

Kaare Dybvad

27 June 2019 Incumbent   Social Democrats
Minister for Transport

Benny Engelbrecht

27 June 2019 Incumbent   Social Democrats
Minister for Taxation

Morten Bødskov

27 June 2019 Incumbent   Social Democrats
Minister for Climate, Energy and Utilities

Dan Jørgensen

27 June 2019 Incumbent   Social Democrats
Minister for Development Cooperation

Rasmus Prehn

27 June 2019 Incumbent   Social Democrats
Minister for the Environment

Lea Wermelin

27 June 2019 Incumbent   Social Democrats
Minister for Food, Fishery, Equality &
Minister for Nordic Cooperation

Mogens Jensen

27 June 2019 Incumbent   Social Democrats

Tradition of minority governments[edit]

As known in other parliamentary systems of government, the executive (the Cabinet) is accountable to the parliament (the Folketing). Under the Danish constitution, no government may remain in office with a majority against it. This is called negative parliamentarianism, as opposed to the principle of positive parliamentarianism—as in Germany and some other parliamentary systems—a government needs to achieve a majority through a vote of investiture in parliament.[citation needed] It is due to the principle of negative parliamentarianism and its proportional representation system that Denmark has a long tradition of minority governments. Nevertheless, minority governments in Denmark sometimes have strong parliamentary majorities with the help of one or more supporting parties.[2]

The current government of the Social Democrats is stable due to their support by the Social Liberal Party, Socialist People’s Party, and the Red–Green Alliance and informally supported by The Alternative. The previous government coalition between Venstre (the Left), the Liberal Alliance, and the Conservatives had support from the Danish People’s Party despite not being an official member of the government.[21] This system enables minority parties to govern on specific issues through an ad hoc basis, selecting partners for support based on common interests instead of legislative need. As a result, Danish laws are born of extensive negotiations and compromise. It is common practice for both sides of the Danish political spectrum to cooperate in the Folketing.


The Folketing performs the legislative functions of the Kingdom. As a parliament, it is at the centre of the political system in Denmark, and is the supreme legislative body, operating within the confines of the constitution. The Prime Minister is drawn from parliament through the application of the Danish parliamentary principle (a majority must not exist in opposition to the government), and this process is also generally the case for the government also. The government is answerable to parliament through the principle of parliamentary control (question hour, general debates and the passing of resolutions or motions). Ministers can be questioned by members of Parliament regarding specific government policy matters.

General debates on broader issues of government policy may also be held in parliament and may also be followed by a motion of «no-confidence». The opposition rarely requests motions of no-confidence, as the government is usually certain of its majority; however, government policy is often discussed in the plenary assembly of Parliament. Since 1953, the year that marked the reform of the Danish constitution, parliament has been unicameral.


With the implementation of the first democratic constitution in 1849, Denmark’s legislature was constituted as a bicameral parliament, or Rigsdag, composed of Folketinget (a lower house of commoners) and Landstinget (an upper house containing lords, landowners and industrialists).[22] In 1901, parliamentarism was introduced to the Danish Parliament, which made Folketinget the essential chamber, as no sitting government could have a majority against it in Folketinget. With the constitutional reform of 1953 the Landstinget was abolished, leaving only Folketinget.

1943 dissolution of government[edit]

During the occupation of Denmark during the Second World War, on 29 August 1943, the German authorities dissolved the Danish government following the refusal of that government to crack down on unrest to the satisfaction of the German plenipotentiary. The cabinet resigned in 1943 and suspended operations (although the resignation was never accepted by King Christian X).[23]—all day-to-day business had been handed over to the Permanent Secretaries, each effectively running his own ministry. The Germans administered the rest of the country, and the Danish Rigsdag did not convene for the remainder of the occupation[24] until a new one was formed following the liberation on 5 May 1945.


The Folketing is composed of 179 seats, of which two are reserved for the Faroe Islands and two for Greenland. The remaining 175 seats are taken up by MPs from elected in Denmark. All 179 seats are contested in elections held at least every four years and in the present parliament, all seats are taken up by members belonging to a political party.

All parties receiving more than 2% of the votes are represented in parliament. Comparatively, this is quite low; in Sweden the minimum level of support necessary for getting into parliament is 4%. Often, this has led to the representation of many parties in parliament, and correspondingly complex or unstable government majorities. However, during the last decade the political system has been one of stable majorities and rather long government tenures. Independent politicians running for parliament need about 15,000-20,000 votes in the electoral district they ran in. Since the 1953 constitution of Denmark, only one independent, Jacob Haugaard, has been successful in doing this. Only two politicians have done this in the history of the Danish parliament.

Proportional representation and elections[edit]

Denmark uses a system of proportional representation for both national, local, and European Parliament elections. The parliament Folketinget uses a system with constituencies, and a system of allotment is indirectly prescribed in the constitution, ensuring a geographically and politically balanced distribution of the 179 seats. 135 members are proportionally elected in multi-member constituencies, while the remaining 40 seats are allotted nationwide in proportion to the total number of votes a party or list receives. The Faroe Islands and Greenland elect two members each.

Parties must pass a threshold of 2% of the total vote to be guaranteed parliamentary representation. As a consequence of the system, the number of votes required to be elected to parliament varies across the country; it generally requires fewer votes to be elected in the capital, Copenhagen, than it does being elected in less populous areas. Voter turnout in general elections normally lies above 85%, but has been decreasing over time. Turnout is lower in local elections, and lower than that in European Parliament elections.

2019 election

Overall the election was a win for the «red bloc» – the parties that supported Mette Frederiksen, leader of the Social Democrats, as Prime Minister. In total, the Social Democrats, the Social Liberals, Socialist People’s Party and the Red–Green Alliance won 91 seats. Green party The Alternative chose to go into opposition as a «green bloc».[25]

The Social Democrats defended their position as the largest party, and won an additional seat despite a slightly reduced voter share. They were closely followed by Venstre, who saw the largest gains in seats, picking up an extra nine. In the «blue bloc», only Venstre and the Conservative People’s Party saw gains, the latter doubling their seats. The Danish People’s Party’s vote share fell by 12.4 percentage points (pp), well over half of their support. Leader Kristian Thulesen Dahl speculated that the bad result was due to an extraordinary good election in 2015, and that some voters felt they could «gain [their] policy elsewhere».[26] The Liberal Alliance saw their vote share fall by over two-thirds and became the smallest party in the Folketing, only 0.3pp above the 2% election threshold. Their leader Anders Samuelsen was not reelected and he subsequently resigned as leader, succeeded by Alex Vanopslagh.[27][28]

Of the new parties, only New Right won seats, with Hard Line, the Christian Democrats and Klaus Riskær Pedersen failing to cross the national 2% threshold, although the Christian Democrats were within 200 votes of winning a direct seat in the western Jutland constituency.[29] On election night, Klaus Riskær Pedersen announced that he would dissolve his party.[30]

In the Faroe Islands, Republic (which had finished first in the 2015 elections)[31] dropped to fourth place and lost their seat. The Union Party replaced them as the first party while the Social Democratic Party finished in second place again, retaining their seat.[32]
In Greenland, the result was a repeat of the 2015 elections, with Inuit Ataqatigiit and Siumut winning the two seats. Siumut regained parliamentary representation after their previous MP, Aleqa Hammond, was expelled from the party in 2016.[33][34] Hammond later joined Nunatta Qitornai,[35] which finished fourth and failed to win a seat.[34][36]

Popular vote in Denmark
A 25.9%
V 23.4%
O 8.7%
B 8.6%
F 7.7%
Ø 6.9%
C 6.6%
Å 3.0%
D 2.4%
I 2.3%
P 1.8%
K 1.7%
E 0.8%
Others 0.1%

Svgfiles 2023-04-17-23-11-03-063022-15906696849013164772.svg
Party Votes % Seats +/–
Denmark proper
Social Democrats 914,882 25.90 48 +1
Venstre 826,161 23.39 43 +9
Danish People’s Party 308,513 8.74 16 –21
Danish Social Liberal Party 304,714 8.63 16 +8
Socialist People’s Party 272,304 7.71 14 +7
Red–Green Alliance 245,100 6.94 13 –1
Conservative People’s Party 233,865 6.62 12 +6
The Alternative 104,278 2.95 5 –4
New Right 83,201 2.36 4 New
Liberal Alliance 82,270 2.33 4 –9
Stram Kurs 63,114 1.79 0 New
Christian Democrats 60,944 1.73 0 0
Klaus Riskær Pedersen 29,600 0.84 0 New
Independents 2,774 0.08 0 0
Total 3,531,720 100.00 175 0
Valid votes 3,531,720 98.94
Invalid votes 10,019 0.28
Blank votes 27,782 0.78
Total votes 3,569,521 100.00
Registered voters/turnout 4,219,537 84.60
Faroe Islands
Union Party 7,360 28.32 1 +1
Social Democratic Party 6,640 25.55 1 0
People’s Party 6,181 23.79 0 0
Republic 4,832 18.60 0 –1
Progress 638 2.46 0 0
Self-Government 334 1.29 0 0
Total 25,985 100.00 2 0
Valid votes 25,985 99.16
Invalid/blank votes 220 0.84
Total votes 26,205 100.00
Registered voters/turnout 37,264 70.32
Inuit Ataqatigiit 6,867 34.35 1 0
Siumut 6,063 30.33 1 0
Democrats 2,258 11.30 0 0
Nunatta Qitornai 1,622 8.11 0 New
Partii Naleraq 1,564 7.82 0 0
Atassut 1,098 5.49 0 0
Cooperation Party 518 2.59 0 New
Total 19,990 100.00 2 0
Valid votes 19,990 97.16
Invalid/blank votes 585 2.84
Total votes 20,575 100.00
Registered voters/turnout 41,344 49.77
Source: Statistics Denmark, Kringvarp Føroya, Qinersineq

By constituency[edit]

Constituency A B C D E F I K O P V Ø Å
Copenhagen 17.2 16.4 5.3 1.4 1.0 11.5 2.6 0.7 4.2 1.3 15.0 16.8 6.5
Greater Copenhagen 25.8 10.9 9.4 2.3 0.8 9.4 2.6 0.9 8.2 1.9 17.2 7.2 3.1
North Zealand 21.3 11.2 11.2 3.3 1.0 6.9 3.3 1.1 7.5 1.5 23.4 5.6 2.7
Bornholm 34.0 3.3 1.8 1.7 0.9 4.3 1.0 4.1 10.4 1.9 25.3 8.1 3.3
Zealand 28.2 5.8 5.8 2.6 1.0 8.8 1.8 0.8 10.9 2.7 24.3 5.2 2.0
Funen 30.2 7.3 6.2 1.9 0.8 6.7 1.9 1.1 8.9 1.9 23.4 6.8 3.0
South Jutland 26.1 5.9 5.1 4.1 0.7 5.2 2.1 2.2 12.5 1.8 28.5 4.1 1.6
East Jutland 25.8 9.9 5.7 2.0 0.7 8.2 2.9 2.1 7.8 1.5 22.6 7.1 3.4
West Jutland 24.6 5.3 9.2 1.7 0.6 6.2 2.2 5.3 8.4 1.6 29.8 3.4 1.7
North Jutland 33.9 5.1 4.9 2.0 0.8 5.4 1.9 1.6 9.5 1.7 26.8 4.3 2.0

Seat distribution[edit]

The following is the number of constituency seats for each party with each asterix (*) indicating one of the seats won was a levelling seat.[37]

Constituency A B C D F I O V Ø Å Total
Copenhagen 3 3 1 3* 1* 1* 3 4* 1 20
Greater Copenhagen 4 2* 1 1 1 3* 1 1* 14
North Zealand 3 2* 2* 1* 1 1 3 1* 14
Bornholm 1 1 2
Zealand 8* 2* 2* 1* 3* 3* 7* 2* 1* 29
Funen 5* 1 1 1 2* 4* 1 15
South Jutland 6 1 1 1* 1 1* 3 6 1* 21
East Jutland 7* 3* 1 1* 2 1* 2* 6* 1 1* 25
West Jutland 4 1 2* 1 1* 1 5 1* 16
North Jutland 7* 1 1 1 2* 5 1* 1* 19
Total 48 16 12 4 14 4 16 43 13 5 175
2022 election

Social Democrats (Socialdemokraterne) was the biggest party with 50 Denmark seats, gaining two more seats. Liberal Party (Venstre) was the second with 23 Denmark seats, losing 20 seats. The third was the biggest winner, recently founded Moderates (Moderaterne) with 16 Denmark seats. Green Left (Socialistisk Folkeparti) secured 15 seats. In 2022 founded anti-immigration, far-right Denmark Democrats (Danmarksdemokraterne) and Liberal Alliance secured both 14 seats.[38]

Judicial system[edit]

Denmark has an independent and highly professional judiciary.[39] Unlike the vast majority of civil servants, Danish judges are appointed directly by the Monarch.[40] However, since the constitution ensures the independence of the judiciary from Government and Parliament in providing that judges shall only take into account the laws of the country (i.e., acts, statutes and practices),[41] the procedure on appointments is only a formality.

Until 1999 appointment of judges was the responsibility of the Ministry of Justice, which was also charged with the overall administration of the justice system. On accusations of nepotism and in-group bias, the Ministry in 1999 set up two autonomous boards: the Judicial Appointments Council and the Danish Courts Administration, responsible for court appointments and administration, respectively.[42][43]


The Danish Parliamentary Ombudsman, Jørgen Steen Sørensen,[44] is a lawyer who is elected by parliament to act as a watchdog over the government by inspecting institutions under government control, focusing primarily on the protection of citizens’ rights.[45] The Ombudsman frequently inspects places where citizens are deprived of their personal freedom, including prisons and psychiatric hospitals.[44] While the Ombudsman has no power to personally act against the government, he or she can ask the courts to take up cases where the government might be violating Danish law.

The Ombudsman can criticize the government after an inspection and bring matters to public attention, and the government can choose to act upon or ignore his/her criticism, with whatever costs it might have towards the voters and the parliament.

Domestic and foreign relations[edit]

The unity of the Realm[edit]

Iceland, Greenland, and the Faroe Islands used to be dependencies of Denmark. The Danish–Icelandic Act of Union (1918) changed the status of Iceland into that of a kingdom in personal union with Denmark. Iceland remained subordinate to Denmark until independence in 1944 amidst World War II. In the nineteenth century Greenland and the Faroe Islands were given the status of counties, and their own legislatures were disbanded, becoming integral parts of a unitary state.[46] They later gained home rule; the Faroe Islands in 1948 and Greenland in 1979.[46]

Today Greenland and the Faroe Islands are effectively self-governing in regards to domestic affairs,[46] with their own legislatures and executives. However, the devolved legislatures are subordinate to the Folketing where the two territories are represented by two seats each. This state of affairs is referred to as the rigsfælleskab. In 2009 Greenland received greater autonomy in the form of «self-rule».

Foreign policy[edit]

The foreign policy of Denmark is based on its identity as a sovereign nation in Europe. As such its primary foreign policy focus is on its relations with other nations as a sovereign independent nation. Denmark has long had good relations with other nations.
It has been involved in coordinating Western assistance to the Baltic states (Estonia,[47] Latvia, and Lithuania).[48] The country is a strong supporter of international peacekeeping. Danish forces were heavily engaged in the former Yugoslavia in the UN Protection Force (UNPROFOR), with IFOR,[49] and now SFOR.[50] Denmark also strongly supported American operations in Afghanistan and has contributed both monetarily and materially to the ISAF.[51] These initiatives are a part of the «active foreign policy» of Denmark. Instead of the traditional adaptative foreign policy of the small country, Denmark is today pursuing an active foreign policy, where human rights, democracy and other crucial values is to be defended actively. In recent years, Greenland and the Faroe Islands have been guaranteed a say in foreign policy issues, such as fishing, whaling and geopolitical concerns.

Following World War II, Denmark ended its two-hundred-year-long policy of neutrality. Denmark has been a member of NATO since its founding in 1949, and membership in NATO remains highly popular.[52] There were several serious confrontations between the U.S. and Denmark on security policy in the so-called «footnote era» (1982–88), when an alternative parliamentary majority forced the government to adopt specific national positions on nuclear and arms control issues. The alternative majority in these issues was because the Social liberal Party (Radikale Venstre) supported the governing majority in economic policy issues, but was against certain NATO policies and voted with the left in these issues. The conservative led Centre-right government accepted this variety of «minority parliamentarism», that is, without making it a question of the government’s parliamentary survival.[52]
With the end of the Cold War, however, Denmark has been supportive of U.S. policy objectives in the Alliance.

Danes have enjoyed a reputation as «reluctant» Europeans. When they rejected ratification of the Maastricht Treaty on 2 June 1992, they put the EC’s plans for the European Union on hold.[53] In December 1992, the rest of the EC agreed to exempt Denmark from certain aspects of the European Union, including a common defense, a common currency, EU citizenship, and certain aspects of legal cooperation. The Amsterdam Treaty was approved in the referendum of 28 May 1998. In the autumn of 2000, Danish citizens rejected membership of the Euro currency group in a referendum. The Lisbon treaty was ratified by the Danish parliament alone.[54] It was not considered a surrendering of national sovereignty, which would have implied the holding of a referendum according to article 20 of the constitution.[55]

See also[edit]

  • Danish Defence
  • Monarchies in Europe
  • Formateur


  1. ^ Munk Christiansen, Peter; Elklit, Jørgen; Nedergaard, Peter, eds. (2020). The Oxford Handbook of Danish Politics (1 ed.). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198833598.001.0001. ISBN 978-0-19-883359-8.
  2. ^ a b Government of Denmark (2011). «About Denmark > Government & Politics». Archived from the original on 2016-03-09. Retrieved 2011-12-28.
  3. ^ Corruption Perceptions Index 2012 from Transparency International
  4. ^ solutions, EIU digital. «Democracy Index 2016 — The Economist Intelligence Unit». www.eiu.com. Retrieved 2017-11-29.
  5. ^ The Danish Monarchy (2011). «Her Majesty The Queen Margrethe 2». The Danish Monarchy. Retrieved 2012-01-12.
  6. ^ a b c The Danish Monarchy (2011). «The Monarchy today». The Danish Monarchy. Archived from the original on 2015-02-15. Retrieved 2012-01-13.
  7. ^ Gunther, Richard; José R. Montero; Juan José Linz (2002-05-16). Political Parties: Old Concepts and New Challenges. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-924674-8.
  8. ^ Denmark.; Bent Rying (1970). Denmark: An Official Handbook (14th ed.). Copenhagen: Krak. ISBN 978-87-7225-011-3.
  9. ^ Hebsgaard, Thomas (2018-01-15). «Fem grunde til at skrue ned for snakken om rød og blå blok». Zetland (in Danish). Retrieved 2022-11-08.
  10. ^ «‘Bloc politics’: A guide to understanding parliamentary elections in Denmark». The Local Denmark. 2022-10-05. Archived from the original on 2022-11-01. Retrieved 2022-11-08.
  11. ^ «Løkke: Mit parti bygger på mine værdier, og det er ikke til diskussion». Altinget.dk (in Danish). Retrieved 2022-11-08.
  12. ^ «Alternativet vil have sin egen blok». Information (in Danish). 2017-01-22. Retrieved 2022-11-08.
  13. ^ «Danish PM invites support parties into government». The Local Denmark. 21 November 2016.
  14. ^ «Denmark’s new leader joins Nordic swing to left». BBC News. 27 June 2019. Retrieved 27 June 2019.
  15. ^ «Frederiksen prepares to take over as new Danish prime minister». The Local Denmark. 27 June 2019.
  16. ^ «Denmark: Mette Frederiksen’s Social Democrats win the best result in 20 years». The Progressive Post. 8 November 2022.
  17. ^ «Denmark election: Centre-left bloc comes out on top». BBC News. 2 November 2022.
  18. ^ «Danish PM picks right-leaning rivals as key ministers in new government». Reuters. 15 December 2022.
  19. ^ «Section 14». Constitution of Denmark. ICL. Retrieved 6 September 2012.
  20. ^ Deleuran Müller, Thea (27 June 2019). «Danmarks nye regering er nu på plads: Se hele Mette Frederiksens ministerhold her» (in Danish). Retrieved 27 June 2019.
  21. ^ «What Can Denmark’s Left Do With Its Largest Mandate in 60 Years?». www.worldpoliticsreview.com. Retrieved 2019-08-26.
  22. ^ Dickinson, Reginald (1890). «Denmark». Summary of the Constitution and Procedure of Foreign Parliaments. Vacher & sons. pp. 34–45.
  23. ^ Kaarsted, Tage (1976) De danske ministerier 1929–1953 (in Danish). Pensionsforsikringsanstalten, p. 220. ISBN 87-17-05104-5.
  24. ^ Jørgen Hæstrup (1979), «Departementschefstyret» in Hæstrup, Jørgen; Kirchhoff, Hans; Poulsen, Henning; Petersen, Hjalmar (eds.) Besættelsen 1940–45 (in Danish). Politiken, p. 109. ISBN 87-567-3203-1.
  25. ^ Kildegaard, Kasper (6 June 2019). «På en varm dag i juni blev Danmark malet rødt: Nu venter benhårde forhandlinger». Berlingske (in Danish). Retrieved 6 June 2019.
  26. ^ «Thulesen: Vi har fået en vælgerlussing». Politiken (in Danish). 5 June 2019. Retrieved 6 June 2019.
  27. ^ Ingvorsen, Emil Søndergård; Nielsen, Kevin Ahrens (9 June 2019). «Alex Vanopslagh bliver Liberal Alliances nye politiske leder». DR (in Danish). Retrieved 9 June 2019.
  28. ^ Thomsen, Per Bang; Toft, Emma (5 June 2019). «Katastrofevalg til Liberal Alliance: Samuelsen er ude af Folketinget». DR (in Danish). Retrieved 6 June 2019.
  29. ^ Søe, Carl-Emil (5 June 2019). «Kristendemokraterne under 200 stemmer fra at komme i Folketinget». TV2 (in Danish). Retrieved 6 June 2019.
  30. ^ Josevski, Aleksandar (5 June 2019). «Klaus Riskær Pedersen opløser sit parti». TV2 (in Danish). Retrieved 6 June 2019.
  31. ^ Tjóðveldi og Javnaðarflokkurin størstir KVF, 18 June 2015
  32. ^ Af Andreas Krog | 6. juni 2019 kl. 9:05 | Print (6 June 2019). «Løsrivelsespartier ryger ud af Folketinget». Altinget.dk. Retrieved 6 June 2019.
  33. ^ «Omstridte Aleqa Hammond smides ud af rødt valgforbund». DR (in Danish). 19 December 2016. Retrieved 21 May 2019.
  34. ^ a b «Røde partier vinder valget på Grønland». TV 2 (in Danish). 6 June 2019. Retrieved 6 June 2019.
  35. ^ «Grønlandsk løsrivelsesparti er Løkkes sikkerhedsnet». BT. Ritzau. 26 April 2018. Retrieved 3 May 2019.
  36. ^ «Kalaallit Nunaanni Qinersinerit – Valg i Greenland». Valg.gl. Retrieved 6 June 2019.
  37. ^ «Folketingsvalget den 5. juni 2019». Danmarks Statistik. September 2020. p. 84. Archived from the original on 31 October 2020. Retrieved 3 April 2021.
  38. ^ «The 2022 Danish Elections: Social Democrats Secure | IIEA». www.iiea.com.
  39. ^ Domstolsstyrelsen (2009-03-20). «The Danish judicial system». domstol.dk. Retrieved 2012-01-13.
  40. ^ Danmarks Domstole (2010). A Closer Look at the Courts of Denmark (PDF). Copenhagen: The Danish Court Administration. ISBN 978-87-92551-14-6. Archived from the original (PDF) on 2012-11-19. Retrieved 2012-01-13.
  41. ^ «The administration of justice shall always remain independent of the executive power. Rules to this effect shall be laid down by Statute…» The Constitution of Denmark – Sections/Articles 62 and 64.
  42. ^ «The Judicial Appointments Council». Danmarks Domstole. Retrieved 24 October 2016.
  43. ^ Domstolsstyrelsen (2009-03-20). «The Danish Court Administration». domstol.dk. Retrieved 2012-01-13.
  44. ^ a b Folketingets Ombudsmand. «The Danish Parliamentary Ombudsman». Retrieved 2012-11-29.
  45. ^ Gøtze, Michael (2010). «The Danish ombudsman A national watchdog with selected preferences». Utrecht Law Review. 6 (1): 33–50. doi:10.18352/ulr.113.
  46. ^ a b c The unity of the Realm – Statsministeriet – stm.dk. Retrieved 31 August 2012.
  47. ^ Danish embassy in Tallinn, Estonia. «Danish — Estonian Defence Cooperation». Archived from the original on 29 April 2011. Retrieved 22 February 2011.
  48. ^ Danish embassy in Riga, Latvia. «Danish — Latvian Defence Cooperation». Archived from the original on 29 April 2011. Retrieved 22 February 2011.
  49. ^ Clark, A.L. (1996). Bosnia: What Every American Should Know. New York: Berkley Books.
  50. ^ Phillips, R. Cody. Bosnia-Hertsegovinia: The U.S. Army’s Role in Peace Enforcement Operations 1995–2004. Washington, D.C.: United States Army Center of Military History. CMH Pub 70-97-1.
  51. ^ «Danmarks Radio — Danmark mister flest soldater i Afghanistan». Dr.dk. 15 February 2009. Retrieved 5 July 2010.
  52. ^ a b Government of the United States. «US Department of State: Denmark». Retrieved 16 June 2012.
  53. ^ «Maastricht-traktaten & Edinburgh-afgørelsen 18. maj 1993» (in Danish). Retrieved 22 February 2011.
  54. ^ «Denmark and the Treaty of Lisbon». Folketinget. Retrieved 20 October 2011.
  55. ^ «No Danish vote on Lisbon Treaty». BBC. BBC News. 11 December 2007. Retrieved 20 October 2011.

Обновлено: 21.04.2023

Авторы: Б. А. Страшун (Государственный строй), Н. О. Тельнова (Природа), Д. В. Ткачук (Население), И. О. Гавритухин (Исторический очерк: археология), В. В. Рогинский (Исторический очерк), Д. В. Ткачук (Хозяйство), В. В. Горбачёв (Вооружённые силы), В. С. Нечаев (Здравоохранение), А. Г. Матвеева (Средства массовой информации), А. В. Сергеев (Литература), Е. Я. Суриц (Балет), В. В. Миняев (Кино) Авторы: Б. А. Страшун (Государственный строй), Н. О. Тельнова (Природа), Д. В. Ткачук (Население), И. О. Гавритухин (Исторический очерк: археология); >>

Датчане, как и большинство скандинавов, люди либерально настроенные, и такое мировоззрение отражается в политическом и социальном устройстве страны. Послевоенное развитие Дании было основано на соглашении, позволяющем стране сохранить лучшие достижения и при этом соответствовать требованиям современного демократического государства. Результатом такого развития явилось слияние монархии, демократии и рыночной экономики, подкрепленное одной из самых развитых систем социального обеспечения в мире.

Политическое устройство
Дания — конституционная монархия, где Королева выполняет роль главы государства, а правительство формируется из парламента, или «фолкетинга». Парламент в Дании однопалатный; депутаты избираются путем пропорционального представительства, хотя каждый член парламента также представляет избирательный округ. Четыре из 179 членов Парламента избираются от Гренландии и Фарерских островов. В общем, Правительство Дании является правительством меньшинства (не содержащее парламентского большинства), что означает, что политика Дании основана на компромиссах различных политических партий. В случае, если Фолкетинг выражает недоверие правительству, правительство должно уйти в отставку или провести выборы.

По Конституции выборы должны проходить каждые четыре года. Если распределение мест после выборов четко указывает на определенную партию или партии, монарх назначает их как правительство. В случае, если результат выборов не представляется четким, Королева организует ряд совещаний, на которых избранные партии высказывают свои пожелания. Тогда Королева назначает королевского поверенного, чтобы он провел переговоры о формировании правительства с избранными партиями. По окончании переговоров проводится еще одно совещания во главе с Королевой, после которого монарх назначает нового премьер-министра.

Судебная власть
Независимые суды являются частью разделения властей в Дании. Обычно дела рассматриваются в первую очередь местным или городским судом; апелляции по решению городского суда рассматриваются в одном из двух Высоких Судов страны. Некоторые важные дела, затрагивающие административные проблемы, разбираются одним из высоких судов в первую очередь. Высшим органом судебной власти является Верховный Суд. Судей назначает Королева.

Дания в ЕС
Дания, вместе с Великобританией, Норвегией и Ирландией, подали заявки на членство в Европейском Союзе (ЕС) в 1961 и 1967 годах. Однако в обоих случаях президент Франции Шарль де Голль наложил вето на членство Великобритании в ЕС, и Дания, не желая вступать в Союз без Великобритании, также осталась вне Европейского Союза. Только в январе 1973 года Дания вместе с Великобританией и Ирландией стала членом ЕС.

Несмотря на небольшую территорию, Дания – совершенно независимая страна, и это находит отражение в ее иногда капризных отношениях с ЕС. Самым ярким примером такого поведения может служить случай, когда страна проголосовала против Маастрихского договора, что рассматривалось как замедление продвижения на пути к единой Европе, на референдуме в 1992 году (Договор был впоследствии ратифицирован в результате переговоров в следующем году). В 2000 году Дания проголосовала против присоединения к европейской валюте, евро, на референдуме.

Север всегда был и остается важным идеологическим партнером для сотрудничества, что можно наблюдать в работе Северного Совета и нового Балтийского Совета. Пересечение культурных интересов, так же как и северный паспортный союз и свободный внутренний рынок труда, создали тесные связи между Данией и другими северными странами. Одной из задач Дании стало сочетание общности северных интересов с Европейской политикой. После вступления в ЕС Швеции и Финляндии Дания перестала быть единственной северной страной, членом ЕС, однако Норвегия, Исландия, Гренландия и Фарерские острова остаются за пределами ЕС, а северное сотрудничество на сегодняшний день во многом основано на вступлении балтийских стран в Союз.

Дания много сделала для того, чтобы поддержать НАТО как основной инструмент достижения политической безопасности в Европе, и для Дании особенно важно, что США является активным членом НАТО. В области политики безопасности Дания занимает позиции близкие США. Дания также является членом Организации по безопасности и сотрудничеству в Европе.

Религия в Дании
Религиозная деятельность страны подчиняется Конституции Дании, основным принципом которой является предпосылка, что Лютеранская церковь — официальная церковь Дании — должна поддерживаться государством, а также принципом свободы вероисповедания, слова и совести. Поддержка, оказываемая государством, является частично моральной и политической (законодательное закрепление праздника воскресенья, а также законодательство по религиозным вопросам), частично финансовую и административную (участие в зарплатах и пенсиях духовенства, сбор церковных налогов, поддержка управления национальной церковью при помощи Министерства Церковных Дел, помощь в контролировании, консультационных услугах и проч. ).

Скандинавская модель благосостояния
Скандинавская модель благосостояния часто используется как общий термин для описания того, как Дания, Швеция и Норвегия организуют и финансируют свои системы социальной поддержки, программы здоровья и образования.

Принцип, лежащий в основе модели благосостояния, заключается в том, что помощь должна предоставляться всем гражданам, на которых она распространяется, независимо от их социального или семейного статуса. Эта система универсальна, и помощь предоставляется отдельной личности, так, например, замужняя женщина имеет права независимо от своего мужа. В области здравоохранения и занятости, однако, право на получение пособия зависит от предыдущего места работы и иногда от членства в профсоюзе и членских взносов. Тем не менее, наибольшая доля финансовой ответственности лежит на государстве и осуществляется посредством системы налогообложения, которая характеризуется широким охватом и высоким уровнем, а не при помощи особых дотаций.

В области политического устройства все скандинавские страны являются парламентскими республиками, и между политической системой и организациями, представляющими интересы работников и работодателей, существует тесное сотрудничество. Кроме того, лояльное отношение населения к центральным органам управления и другим общественным властям является основополагающей характеристикой политического устройства страны и играет немаловажную роль в скандинавской модели благосостояния.

В последнее время появилось много дебатов о поддержании такой модели благосостояния, которая была разработана сорок лет назад во времена низкого уровня безработицы и сильного экономического роста. Возрастающая необходимость государственного финансирования такой щедрой системы социальной поддержки привела к некоторым изменениям данной модели, чтобы соответствовать изменениям в экономике и обществе.



Общая характеристика государственного управления в Дании

В составе Дании не выделяется публично-правовых образований, обладающих элементами суверенитета, Дания по административно-территориальному устройству представляет с собой унитарное государство. При этом для эффективной организации государственного управления на местах страна поделена на административные единицы – амты, публичное управление в которых реализуют представители главы государства и формируемые населением представительные органы.

Возглавляет государство монарх (король), полномочия которого носят ограниченный характер. В Дании установлена парламентская монархия.

Политический режим Дании характеризуется как демократический: государством гарантируются права граждан, личность признается высшей ценностью, деятельность государства находится под контролем населения и реализуется в целях удовлетворения его потребностей, органы управления формирует население.

Парламент в государственном управлении в Дании

Законодательная власть в государстве реализуется королем и Фолькетингом – высшим представительным законодательным органом страны.

Потому как административно-территориальное устройство Дании носит унитарный характер, парламент страны представлен одной палатой. Число депутатов парламента с середины 20 века составляет 179, из которых:

  • 135 депутатов избираются на основе пропорциональной системы посредством всеобщих выборов, для этого формируется 23 избирательных округа;
  • 40 депутатов (они именуются дополнительными) избираются на местах и распределяются между политическими партиями и списками пропорционально количеству голосов, которые они собрали на выборах;
  • по 2 депутата направляются от Гренландии и Фарерских островов.

Конституцией предусмотрена процедура досрочного роспуска парламента: она может быть реализовано королем по предложению высшего исполнительного органа страны.

Для организации работы парламента формируется следующая структура:

  • управление парламентом осуществляется президиумом, в состав которого входят председатель и его заместители;
  • непосредственное осуществление законодательной деятельности возложено на комиссии, которые создаются по основным направлениям управленческой деятельности. Для решения отдельных вопросов могут создаваться специальные комиссии. Например, такие комиссии создаются для расследования определенных государственных дел. Членам комиссии предоставляется право требовать любую информацию от государственных органов и других лиц для выяснения обстоятельств дела;
  • проверка отчетов правительства осуществляется депутатами, назначенными в качестве ревизоров.

Готовые работы на аналогичную тему

Парламент страны, кроме осуществления законодательной функции, решает также другие управленческие вопросы, в частности, контроль деятельности правительства, реализация внешней политики, объявление войны, заключение мира, решение вопросов формирования вооруженных сил, регулирования финансовой деятельности государства.

Формально монарху Дании предоставлено право вето в отношении принятых парламентом законов, однако на практике глава государства таким правом не пользуется. С законодательной инициативой могут выступить, как депутаты парламента, так и правительство. Так как практически правительство состоит из представителей партии, составляющей большинство в парламенте, поддержкой пользуются законопроекты, выдвинутые правительством.

Традиционно проект закона проходит при чтении:

  • первое чтение. Здесь парламентариев знакомят с поступившим проектом и направляют его на исследование в соответствующую комиссию;
  • второе чтение. Здесь законопроект рассматривается вместе с заключением, данным соответствующей комиссией. Законопроект рассматривается постатейно;
  • третье чтение. Законопроект рассматривается в целом, и по результатам голосования одобряются или отклоняется. Закон считается одобренным, если за него проголосовало большинство членов парламента.

Одобренный закон подлежит подписанию монархом.

Важнейшая функция парламента – это контроль за деятельностью правительства. Правительство ответственно перед парламентом, выражение недоверия парламентом правительству является основанием для его отставки. Кроме того, парламент может выразить недоверие отдельному министру.

Монарх и правительство в государственном управлении в Дании

Юридически монарх обладает широкими полномочиями в государственном управлении: ему предоставлено право назначать и увольнять премьер-министра, других министров, устанавливать их полномочия, монарх имеет право распустить парламент или открыть очередную сессию, в области законодательства ему предоставлено право утверждения закона. На практике монарх в публичном управлении фигура формальная, исполнительную власть непосредственно реализует правительство под контролем парламента.

Формально совет министров как высший исполнительный орган публичного управления формируется монархом, однако фактически Премьер-министром назначается лидер большинства в парламенте, он же формирует состав правительства, выбирая других министров, монарх лишь формально утверждает принятое им решение.

Управленческие решения Совета министров требуют прямой поддержки большинства депутатов парламента. Когда Совет такого большинства не имеет, ему приходится уйти отставку. При этом в политической жизни Дании такие ситуации крайне редки.

Еще одним формальным институтом является Государственный совет – это собрание министров, которое возглавляет монарх. Здесь должны обсуждаться важнейшие законы и управленческие решения, однако фактически этот орган не функционирует, вся полнота исполнительной власти сосредоточена в руках Совета министров.

Все указы монарха должны быть контрассигнованы Премьер-министром или профильным министром.

Местное управление в Дании

В составе Дании выделяются округа и муниципалитеты. Вопросы местного значения относятся к компетенции муниципальных советов, которые формируются населением. Советом избирается мэр как глава муниципалитета.

В Дании значительное число политических вопросов передано на разрешение органов публичной власти регионального и местного уровней.

Получи деньги за свои студенческие работы

Курсовые, рефераты или другие работы

Автор этой статьи Дата последнего обновления статьи: 03 04 2021

Автор24 — это сообщество учителей и преподавателей, к которым можно обратиться за помощью с выполнением учебных работ.

Форма правления в Дании - республика или все-таки монархия?

Небольшое скандинавское государство расположилось на материке и 400 островах Датского архипелага. На севере полуостров граничит с Норвегией и Швецией, юге – Германией. Кто возглавляет страну, какая форма правления в Дании расскажем в нашей статье.

Королевская семья Королевская семья дании

Датская монархия древнейшая в мире, образовавшаяся 1200 лет назад. Правящая королева Маргрете II принадлежит к династии Гинзбургов. После смерти отца в 1972 году как первая из приемников, приняла престол. Ее популярность вполне объяснима среди датчан.

Королева – образованная личность владеет английским, французским, немецким и шведским языком. Ее (ныне покойный) муж Хенрик после заключения брака сменил титул французского графа на датского. При жизни занимался государственной и общественной деятельностью.

Все приближенные современной правящей династии носящие титул принца или принцессы считаются членами королевской семьи. По традиции наследников престола по мужской линии называют Фредериками, Кристианами. Старшему сыну королевы досталось первое.

Будущий король кронпринц Фредерик получил военную подготовку, окончил Гарвардский факультет политологии. Заключил брак с австралийкой Мэри Элизабет получившей титул кронпринцессы.

Форма правления в Дании – парламентарная монархия. Это означает, что правящее лицо не имеет права принимать независимые политические действия. Принятые законы набирают силу после заверения подписью министров. Представитель власти формирует правительство. После консультации с лидерами правящих партий утверждает его.

К особенностям коронации относится тот факт, что будущий король или королева принадлежат к Евангелической Лютеранской церкви. Последняя – официальный исполнитель власти возглавляемая народным собранием.

Права на преемственность Маргрете II

Закон, регулирующий права престола, как наследственной монархии был принят в 1709 году. Он гласил, что корону получают только по мужской линии.

В 1953 году закон Салика был внесены поправки. Это означало, что женщины, не имеющие братьев, могли беспрепятственно наследовать титул монархини.

Закон о престолонаследии позволил Принцессе Дании Маргрете получить права наследницы трона. Позднее в 2009 было принято окончательное решение, связанное с абсолютным первородством.

Особенности монархии

Глава государства в Дании представляет интересы на политической арене, следит за происходящими событиями страны. Члены королевской семьи участвуют в зарубежных предприятиях для развития датского экспорта. Представляют первых лиц на мероприятиях государственного уровня.

Обязанности королевы – проводить аудиенции с подданными личного формата.

Датский монарх осуществляет власть через парламент согласно установленной конституции. Основной закон страны освобождает правящее лицо от ответственности за его действия. Согласно 13 статье – ответственность за правление берут министры.

Как представитель исполнительной власти королева выступает от имени государства в международных делах. Без согласия парламента монарх не может отменить любой заключенный международный договор. А также использовать вооруженные силы против другого государства.

Условия чрезвычайного положения, без согласия парламента позволяют монарху принять только временный закон. Если таковой не будет нарушать права конституции.

По факту всю исполнительную власть осуществляет правительство Дании, что ограничивает возможности королевы. Силовые применения монарха против парламента рассматриваются как государственная измена.

Парламент Парламент в дании

Согласно конституции Дании высшим законодательным органом государства является парламент. Фолькетинг избирается путем голосования большинства голосов раз в четыре года. Политические силы – многопартийная система, состоящая из ста восьмидесяти депутатов.

Вне зависимости от решения палаты королева переназначит выборы. Согласно реформе 1978 года избирательным правом владеют граждане, достигшие 18 лет.

Состав парламента – высший Исполнительный орган во главе с совершеннолетним наследником престола и премьер министром. Он носит представительские функции, на нем обсуждаются законопроекты и мероприятия.

Форма правления в Дании основывает структуры министерства. Правящие органы имеют равные полномочия, что не дает возможности передавать права другому министру. Действуют эти органы власти вне политики и относятся к гражданским учреждениям. Смена кабинета правительства не взаимодействует с составом руководства министерства.

Читайте также:


  • Метод эмпатии в доу

  • Особенности формирования отношения к экстремальным ситуациям кратко

  • Программа театрального кружка в школе дополнительное образование

  • Законы кирхгофа в операторной форме кратко

  • Отчет по школьному парламенту


В Дании сформировали новое правительство

В Дании сформировали новое правительство — РИА Новости, 15.12.2022

В Дании сформировали новое правительство

В Дании сформировали новое правительство, главой МИД стал бывший премьер-министр страны Ларс Лёкке Расмуссен, сообщает издание Copenhagen Post. РИА Новости, 15.12.2022




в мире

ларс лёкке расмуссен

метте фредериксен

маргрете ii





МОСКВА, 15 дек — РИА Новости. В Дании сформировали новое правительство, главой МИД стал бывший премьер-министр страны Ларс Лёкке Расмуссен, сообщает издание Copenhagen Post.Премьер-министр Дании и глава социал-демократической партии Метте Фредериксен во вторник заявила о готовности сформировать новое правительство после выборов, прошедших в начале ноября. Сообщалось, что оно включит в себя также Партию умеренных и Либеральную партию Дании. По данным телеканала TV2, переговоры о формировании нового правительства шли с 1 ноября.Пост премьер-министра Дании, пишет Copenhagen Post, вновь займет Метте Фредериксен. МИД страны, как сообщается, возглавит лидер Партии умеренных, бывший премьер Дании Ларс Лёкке Расмуссен, министерство обороны — председатель Либеральной партии Дании Якоб Эллеманн-Йенсен, он также займет пост вице-премьера страны. Министром экономики станет Троэльс Лунд Поульсен, министром внутренних дел и здравоохранения — Софи Лёде, министром юстиции — Петер Хуммельгорд, министром культуры — Якоб Энгель-Шмидт, министром бизнеса — бывший глава минобороны Дании Мортен Бёдсков. Министром финансов, сообщает газета, останется Николай Ваммен.Как сообщается, министры будут представлены общественности после встречи с королевой Дании Маргрете II.Первого ноября в Дании состоялись парламентские выборы. По последним данным, «красный» блок левоцентристских партий, в который входит Социал-демократическая партия, получает в парламенте 90 мандатов из 179. У правоцентристской коалиции – 73 мандата, у Умеренной партии – 16.




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ФГУП МИА «Россия сегодня»


в мире, ларс лёкке расмуссен, метте фредериксен, маргрете ii, дания

В мире, Ларс Лёкке Расмуссен, Метте Фредериксен, Маргрете II, Дания

В Дании сформировали новое правительство

В Дании сформировали новое правительство, главой МИД стал бывший премьер Расмуссен

МОСКВА, 15 дек — РИА Новости. В Дании сформировали новое правительство, главой МИД стал бывший премьер-министр страны Ларс Лёкке Расмуссен, сообщает издание Copenhagen Post.

Премьер-министр Дании и глава социал-демократической партии Метте Фредериксен во вторник заявила о готовности сформировать новое правительство после выборов, прошедших в начале ноября. Сообщалось, что оно включит в себя также Партию умеренных и Либеральную партию Дании. По данным телеканала TV2, переговоры о формировании нового правительства шли с 1 ноября.

Здание резиденции президента Молдавии в Кишиневе - РИА Новости, 1920, 21.11.2022

Власти Молдавии допустили новые перестановки в правительстве

Пост премьер-министра Дании, пишет Copenhagen Post, вновь займет Метте Фредериксен. МИД страны, как сообщается, возглавит лидер Партии умеренных, бывший премьер Дании Ларс Лёкке Расмуссен, министерство обороны — председатель Либеральной партии Дании Якоб Эллеманн-Йенсен, он также займет пост вице-премьера страны. Министром экономики станет Троэльс Лунд Поульсен, министром внутренних дел и здравоохранения — Софи Лёде, министром юстиции — Петер Хуммельгорд, министром культуры — Якоб Энгель-Шмидт, министром бизнеса — бывший глава минобороны Дании Мортен Бёдсков. Министром финансов, сообщает газета, останется Николай Ваммен.

Как сообщается, министры будут представлены общественности после встречи с королевой Дании Маргрете II.

Первого ноября в Дании состоялись парламентские выборы. По последним данным, «красный» блок левоцентристских партий, в который входит Социал-демократическая партия, получает в парламенте 90 мандатов из 179. У правоцентристской коалиции – 73 мандата, у Умеренной партии – 16.

Дворец Киджи - РИА Новости, 1920, 22.10.2022

Новое правительство Италии принесло присягу

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