Динамо футбол руководства

Тренерский штаб

Славиша Йоканович



Главный тренер

Рафаэль Кристобаль



Помощник главного тренера

Саша Филипович



Помощник главного тренера

Павел Алпатов




Дмитрий Изотов



Тренер по работе с вратарями

Иван Карандашов



Тренер по физической подготовке

Гильермо Герра



Директор по видеоаналитике

Российский профессиональный футбольный клуб «Динамо» города Москва. Принимает участие в Российской премьер лиге. Домашняя арена «ВТБ Арена — Центральный стадион «Динамо» имени Льва Яшина. Официальные цвета клуба синий и белый. «Динамо» является одним из самых успешных российских клубов по количеству титулов: одиннадцатикратный чемпион СССР и Чемпионата России, восьмикратный обладатель Кубка СССР и Кубка России, победитель Первого дивизиона и обладатель Еврокубка. Первый клуб в истории советского и российского футбола, сумевший выйти в финал еврокубка.

Руководство футбольного клуба «Динамо» Москва

     Совет директоров ФК «Динамо»

Соловьев Юрий Алексеевич
Председатель совета директоров, первый заместитель президента-председателя правления ПАО «Банк ВТБ»

Белкин Юрий Николаевич
Генеральный директор АО «ФК «Динамо»

Степашин Сергей Вадимович
Председатель Ассоциации юристов России, доктор юридических наук

Пьянов Дмитрий Васильевич
Член правления ПАО «Банк ВТБ»

Гафин Дмитрий Александрович
Советник первого заместителя президента-председателя правления ПАО «Банк ВТБ»

     Консультативный совет ФК Динамо

Степашин Сергей 
Председатель совета

Георгий Веренич

Михаил Гершкович

Сергей Захаров

Александр Ивлев

Вадим Ковалев

Лев Лещенко

Владимир Пильгуй

Джордж Рижинашвили

Николай Соломон

Петр Фрадков

Михаил Эскиндаров

Состав команды футбольного клуба «Динамо» Москва

     Тренерский штаб:

Новиков Кирилл Александрович
Главный тренер ФК Динамо

Виталий Гришин

Юрий Бавыкин

Дмитрий Изотов
Тренер по работе с вратарями


Антон Шунин
Игорь Лещук
Александр Шепляков


Григорий Морозов
Заурбек Плиев
Владимир Рыков
Игорь Калинин
Сергей Паршивлюк
Иван Ордец
Роман Евгеньев
Константин Рауш
Тони Шунич


Артур Юсупов
Мигель Кардозу
Клинтон Н`Жи
Себастиан Шиманьски
Роман Нойштедтер
Вячеслав Грулёв
Жоаозиньо дос Сантос
Антон Соснин
Шарль Каборе
Оскар Хильемарк


Максимилиан Филипп
Кирилл Панченко
Сильвестр Игбун
Николай Обольский
Рамиль Шейдаев

7 января 2020 года Футбольный клуб «Динамо» подписал контракт на 4,5 года с защитником «Краснодара» Дмитрием Скопинцевым.  Скопинцев выступал за «Краснодар» с февраля 2019 года. Всего за краснодарский клуб он провел 17 матчей и отметился двумя голами. Также он играл за австрийский «Лиферинг», российские «Балтику» и «Ростов». «Динамо» после 19 туров занимает восьмое место в турнирной таблице Российской премьер-лиги, набрав 24 очка.

17 декабря 2019 года состоялось первое заседание консультативного совета ФК Динамо. На заседании обсуждались итоги выступления клуба в первой части чемпионата российской премьер-лиги, развитие футбольной академии имени Льва Яшина, и направления работы с болельщиками. В состав совета вошли Лев Лещенко, Георгий Веренич, Михаил Гершкович, Сергей Захаров, Александр Ивлев, Вадим Ковалев, Владимир Пильгуй, Джордж Рижинашвили, Николай Соломон, Петр Фрадков, Михаил Эскиндаров. Председателем выбран член совета директоров клуба Сергей Степашин.

19 декабря 2019 года главный тренер московского «Динамо» Кирилл Новиков продлил контракт с клубом до лета 2021 года. Прежнее соглашение истекало в конце текущего сезона. 

8 ноября 2019 года руководство футбольного клуба «Динамо» назначило Кирилла Новикова главным тренером команды. Контракт специалиста с клубом заключен до конца сезона-2019/20. Новиков сменил на посту главного тренера ушедшего в отставку Дмитрия Хохлова в связи с неудовлетворительными результатами команды.

8 октября 2019 года исполняющим обязанности главного тренера московского футбольного клуба «Динамо» назначен Кирилл Александрович Новиков, сохранив пост главного тренера молодежной команды. На этом посту специалист сменил ушедшего в отставку Дмитрия Хохлова.

6 октября 2019 года главный тренер московского «Динамо» Дмитрий Хохлов подал в отставку, которая принята руководством клуба в связи с неудовлетворительными результатами. Увольнение тернера произошло после поражения от «Оренбурга», ставшего для бело-голубых четвертым подряд. Исполняющим обязанности назначен тренер молодежной команды Кирилл Новиков.

Тренерский штаб

Имя/амплуа Возраст Нац. Назначен Контракт до Последний клуб
Slavisa Jokanovic Slavisa Jokanovic
54 Сербия
17 июня 2022 г. 30.06.2023 Шеффилд Юнайтед
Pavel Alpatov Pavel Alpatov
Ассистент тренера
32 Россия 03 авг. 2020 г. 30.06.2023 Динамо Москва II
Sasa Filipovic Sasa Filipovic
Ассистент тренера
41 Сербия 22 июня 2022 г. FK Mladost GAT Novi Sad
Dmitriy Izotov Dmitriy Izotov
Тренер вратарей
39 Россия 03 авг. 2020 г. 30.06.2023 Динамо Москва II
Ivan Karandashov Ivan Karandashov
31 Россия
01 июня 2020 г. 30.06.2023
Rafa Cristóbal Rafa Cristóbal
Тренер по физподготовке
49 Испания 20 июня 2022 г. 20.06.2023 Шеффилд Юнайтед
Artur Saveljev Artur Saveljev
Тренер по восстановлению
67 Россия 01 июля 2016 г. Локомотив Москва


Имя/амплуа Возраст Нац. Назначен Контракт до Последний клуб
Zeljko Buvac Zeljko Buvac
Спортивный директор
61 Босния и Герцеговина
01 февр. 2020 г. 30.06.2024 Ливерпуль


Имя/амплуа Возраст Нац. Назначен Контракт до Последний клуб
Pavel Pivovarov Pavel Pivovarov
генеральный директор
41 Россия 12 янв. 2021 г. Зенит Санкт-Петербург
Sergey Stepashin Sergey Stepashin
Член правления
71 Россия 01 июля 2013 г.
Dmitri Gafin Dmitri Gafin
Член правления
45 Россия 01 июля 2019 г.
Yuri Solovjev Yuri Solovjev
Председатель Совета директоров
53 Россия 01 мая 2019 г.

Отдел скаутинга

Имя/амплуа Возраст Нац. Назначен Контракт до Последний клуб
Nariman Akavov Nariman Akavov
Главный скаут
34 Россия 12 февр. 2021 г. Спартак Москва
Yuriy Keosidi Yuriy Keosidi
32 Россия
09 марта 2021 г. Спартак Москва
Jovan Tanasijevic Jovan Tanasijevic
45 Черногория
Maksim Povorov Maksim Povorov
45 Россия
Ivan Vorobyov Ivan Vorobyov

Медицинский отдел

Имя/амплуа Возраст Нац. Назначен Контракт до Последний клуб
Aleksandr Rodionov Aleksandr Rodionov
Глава медицинской службы
38 Россия 01 июля 2021 г. Кайрат Алматы
Matija Majzen Matija Majzen
32 Словения
01 июля 2017 г. Терек Грозный
Nikolay Larin Nikolay Larin
65 Россия 01 февр. 2004 г. Россия
Sergey Putilin Sergey Putilin
36 Россия 29 нояб. 2019 г.
Andrey Alekseev Andrey Alekseev
56 Россия 07 июля 2022 г. Динамо-2 Москва

Другие виды деятельности

Имя/амплуа Возраст Нац. Назначен Контракт до Последний клуб
Gennadi Samodurov Gennadi Samodurov
Менеджер по экипировке
61 Россия 02 марта 2009 г. Динамо Москва II

For the sports club’s departments, see Dynamo Moscow.

Dynamo Moscow

Dynamo Moscow logo.svg
Full name Футбольный клуб Динамо Москва
(Football Club Dynamo Moscow)
Nickname(s) Belo-golubye (White-blues)
Dinamiki (Loudspeakers)
Menty (Cops)
Musora (Pigs)
Founded 18 April 1923; 100 years ago
Ground VTB Arena
Capacity 26,319
Owner Dynamo sports society
General Director Pavel Pivovarov
Head coach Slaviša Jokanović
League Russian Premier League
2021–22 Russian Premier League, 3rd of 16
Website Club website

Home colours

Away colours

Current season

FC Dynamo Moscow (FC Dynamo Moskva,[1] Russian: Дина́мо Москва́ [dʲɪˈnamə mɐˈskva]) is a Russian football club based in Moscow. Dynamo returned to the Russian Premier League for the 2017–18 season after one season in the second-tier Russian Football National League.[2]

Dynamo was the only club that had always played in the top tier of Soviet football (along with Dynamo Kyiv) and of Russian football from the end of the Soviet era until they were relegated in 2016. Despite this, they have never won the modern Russian Premier League title and have won Russian Cup only once, in the season of 1994–95.

During the Soviet era, they were affiliated with the MVD (Ministry of Internal Affairs – The Soviet Militia) and with the KGB[3][4] and was a part of Dynamo sports society. Chief of the Soviet security and secret police apparatus NKVD, Lavrentiy Beria, was a patron of the club until his downfall.

From 10 April 2009 the VTB Bank has been the owner of Dynamo after acquiring a 74% share in the club.[5] Boris Rotenberg Sr. was chairman until he resigned on 17 July 2015.[6] On 29 December 2016, Dynamo Sports Society agreed to buy VTB Bank shares back for 1 ruble.[7] On 14 February 2019, Dynamo Sports Society agreed to sell the club back to VTB for 1 ruble.[8][9] On 24 February 2022, the shares were transferred by VTB back to the Dynamo sports society.[10]

Dynamo’s traditional colours are blue and white. Their crest consists of a blue letter «D,» written in a traditional cursive style on a white background, with «Moscow» written below it, partially covering a football underneath. The club’s motto is «Power in Motion,» initially proposed by Maxim Gorky, the famous Russian author, who was once an active member of the Dynamo sports society.


Foundation and Soviet era[edit]

Commemorative coin of Lev Yashin, the legendary goalkeeper of the team.

Dynamo Moscow has its roots in the football Club Sokolniki Moscow.[citation needed]

After the Russian Revolution, the club eventually found itself under the authority of the Interior Ministry and its head Felix Dzerzhinsky, chief of the Cheka, the Soviet Union’s secret police. The club was renamed Dynamo Moscow in 1923 but was also referred to disparagingly as «garbage», a Russian criminal slang term for «police», by some of the supporters of other clubs.[11]

Dynamo won the first two Soviet Championships in 1936 and 1937, a Soviet Cup in 1937, and another pair of national titles in 1940 and 1945. They were also the first Soviet club to tour the West when they played a series of friendlies in the United Kingdom in 1945. Complete unknowns to the British, the Soviet players first drew 3–3 against Chelsea and then defeated Cardiff City 10–1. They defeated an Arsenal side reinforced with Stanley Matthews, Stan Mortensen and Joe Bacuzzi by a score of 4–3 in a match played in thick fog at White Hart Lane. They then drew 2–2 against Scottish side Rangers, meaning they completed the tour undefeated.[12]

They continued to be a strong side at home after World War II, and enjoyed their greatest success through the 1950s. Dynamo captured another five championships between 1949 and 1959, as well as their second Soviet Cup in 1953. Honours were harder to come by after that time. The club continued to enjoy some success in the Soviet Cup, but has not won a national championship since 1976. Even so, Dynamo’s 11 national titles make them the country’s third-most decorated side behind Dynamo Kyiv (13 titles) and Spartak Moscow (12 titles).[citation needed]

Dynamo’s greatest achievement in Europe was in the 1971–72 European Cup Winners’ Cup, where they reached the Final at Camp Nou in Barcelona, losing 3–2 to Rangers. This was the first time a Russian side had reached a final in a European competition, a feat not repeated until CSKA Moscow won the UEFA Cup in 2005.[citation needed]

VTB Bank era (2009–2016)[edit]

At the end of the 2008 season, Dynamo finished third, qualifying for the 2009–10 Champions League preliminary round. On 29 July 2009, Dynamo recorded a 0–1 away win against Celtic at Celtic Park,[13] which gave them a strong advantage going into the second leg. However, Celtic comfortably defeated Dynamo 0–2 in Moscow to progress,[14] sending Dynamo into the Europa League play-off round where the club was eliminated by Bulgarian side CSKA Sofia after a 0–0 away draw in Sofia and a 1–2 home defeat in Moscow.[citation needed]

In 2012, after a poor start to the season in which they lost their first five league games, Dynamo replaced interim manager Dmitri Khokhlov with the Romanian Dan Petrescu, who managed to pull the club out of the relegation zone into a position in the upper-half of the league table. The team was close to qualifying for a place in European competition, but a failure to win in the last matchday left them in seventh, two points below the last Europa League qualifier position. Despite his efforts, Petrescu’s contract was terminated on 8 April 2014 by mutual agreement after a heavy loss to league outsiders Anzhi Makhachkala 0–4.[15] As Dynamo Director of Sports Guram Adzhoyev stated, «Last year Dan drew the team from the complicated situation, lifted it to the certain level, but recently we have seen no progress.»[16] Petrescu was replaced by Stanislav Cherchesov as manager. Under his management, Dynamo qualified for the group stage of the 2014–15 UEFA Europa League in which they won every game before falling to Napoli in the Round of 16. Dynamo was only able to finish in fourth place in the 2014–15 season after a string of poor results in the latter stages.[citation needed]

In June 2015, Dynamo was excluded from 2015–16 Europa League competition for violating Financial Fair Play break-even requirements.[17][18] As a result, VTB Bank proposed to transfer 74 percent of the shares of the club to the Dynamo sports society. Under the proposed plan, the society would own 100 percent of shares of Dynamo as it did in 2009, while the shares of the VTB Arena would still be held by the Bank. The move would allow the club to comply with the requirements of Financial Fair Play, and VTB Bank would continue to provide support to Dynamo to the extent consistent with Financial Fair Play regulations.[citation needed]

Manager Stanislav Cherchesov was replaced by the returning Andrey Kobelev, and many foreign players, such as Mathieu Valbuena, Balázs Dzsudzsák and Kevin Kurányi, subsequently left Dynamo. Several young Dynamo prospects, such as Grigori Morozov, Aleksandr Tashayev and Anatoli Katrich, who won the Under-21 competition in the 2014–15 season, were introduced to the first-team squad.[citation needed]

On 22 December 2015, Chairman of Dynamo’s board of directors Vasili Titov announced that the shares had not been transferred to the Dynamo society; that FFP compliance rather than the share transfer was the top priority for the club; and that he expected the club to achieve compliance by April 2016.[19]

After the winter break of the 2015–16 season, Dynamo won only one game out of 12 played in 2016 and Kobelev was fired with 3 games left in the season. On the final day of the season, Dynamo lost 0–3 to FC Zenit Saint Petersburg at home, dropped to 15th place in the table and was relegated from the Premier League.[citation needed]

In October 2016, with Dynamo leading the second-tier Russian Football National League at the time, the newly appointed club president Yevgeni Muravyov claimed that club’s debts stand at 13 billion rubles (approximately 188 million euros) and unless a new owner is found shortly or VTB re-commits to covering the club’s debts, the club might declare bankruptcy. That would have most likely meant the loss of professional license and relegation to the fourth-level Russian Amateur Football League.[20]

Dynamo Society era (2016 to 2019)[edit]

On 29 December 2016, Dynamo Sports Society agreed to buy VTB Bank shares back for 1 ruble.[7] On 13 January 2017, VTB Bank announced they will sponsor Dynamo Sports Society to the amount of 10.64 billion rubles for the period from 2017 to 2019 (approximately 167 million euros as of that date). HC Dynamo Moscow and other teams of the society were also to be financed under that deal.[21] On 1 February 2017, former club president Boris Rotenberg said that the 75 million euro debt the football club owes to Rotenberg’s companies has been restructured and «is not harming anybody».[22] On 12 April 2017, with 7 games left to play in the 2016–17 season, Dynamo secured the return to the top level Russian Premier League for 2017–18. That is the FNL record for the earliest a team secured promotion.[2]

On 14 March 2018, Yevgeni Muravyov was dismissed as the club president due to unauthorized payment made as a «bonus» to a third company during the transfer of Konstantin Rausch from 1. FC Köln.[23]

Return to VTB (2019 to 2022)[edit]

The new stadium for the club, VTB Arena was completed in late 2018. Following that, the stadium majority owner and football club’s major sponsor VTB Bank expressed interest in reacquiring the control over the club. On 14 February 2019, Dynamo Sports Society agreed to sell back the club shares to «Dynamo Management Company» (the company that owns the stadium and has VTB bank as the majority owner).[8] The price was the same symbolic 1 ruble.[9] On 26 April 2019, it was reported that the deal is close to be finalized formally, but the price for the stock increased to 10 billion rubles (approximately €138 million). This reported larger number includes accumulated debts and the cost of the club’s training centre.[24] (At the beginning of 2021, the club’s chairman Yuri Solovyov said in an interview that Dynamo’s debts were about 5.4 billion rubles. The then state of the club Soloviev called «shocking».[25]) On 30 April 2019, VTB confirmed that the deal has been closed and formal price is 1 ruble, the debts outstanding from the football club to Dynamo society has been restructured to an 8-year term, and Yuri Belkin was appointed club’s general director.[26]

The 2019–20 season, their first back at the home stadium, started poorly and head coach Dmitri Khokhlov resigned after 12 games played with Dynamo in second-to-last position in the table. Under his replacement, Kirill Novikov, results improved and at the end of the season Dynamo finished 6th. That allowed Dynamo to qualify for European competition (UEFA Europa League) for the first time in 6 seasons.[citation needed]

However, at the end of September 2020, Novikov was dismissed after losing to Locomotive Tbilisi (UEFA qualification) and Khimki (RPL). Sandro Schwarz was appointed as the new coach on 14 October.[27]

In the spring of 2021, the sports press started talking about the «revival» of the Moscow Dynamo. Since the appointment of Sandro Schwarz as coach, the team have won seven victories and four defeats in the Russian Premier League matches. The club’s sporting director, Željko Buvač, has already described the start of the season as «great.»[28] The team finished the season in 7th place, despite gaining 50 points, which was the most points for Dynamo in the Premier League since the 2014–15 season.[citation needed]

Return to Dynamo Society (from 2022)[edit]

On 24 February 2022, as a consequence of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, VTB Bank was sanctioned by the United Kingdom.[29] On the same day, VTB Bank transferred the shares of FC Dynamo back to the Dynamo Sports Society.[10]

After the invasion was launched, former Liverpool F.C. and Ukraine striker Andriy Voronin, who had been the team’s assistant coach, left the club, writing that he could not work in a country that was bombing his homeland.[30]

The club remained in second place in the 2021–22 Russian Premier League and at competitive points distance from first-place defending champions FC Zenit Saint Petersburg for most of the season before some late Dynamo losses allowed Zenit to secure the title with three games left to play in the season.[31] The club also qualified for the 2021–22 Russian Cup final, their first Russian Cup final appearance since 2012.[32] On the last matchday of the league season on 21 May 2022, Dynamo lost 1–5 at home to PFC Sochi and dropped to 3rd place, letting Sochi overtake them. Still, that was the first Top-3 finish for Dynamo since 2008.[33] On 29 May 2022, Dynamo lost the Russian Cup final to Spartak 1–2, with Daniil Fomin missing a penalty kick deep in added time.[34] Manager Sandro Schwarz resigned from the club after the Cup final.[35]

Slaviša Jokanović was hired as a new manager on 17 June 2022.[36] Several key starting line-up foreign players from the 2021–22 season left the club on loan or suspended their contracts before the season due to the continuing Russian war in Ukraine, including Sebastian Szymański, Nikola Moro, Fabián Balbuena, Ivan Ordets and Guillermo Varela. Dynamo took positions in the upper half of the league table, but below the top 3 during the summer/fall part of the 2022–23 season, not going on any long unbeaten or winless streaks. New Cameroonian signing Moumi Ngamaleu was the only Dynamo player selected for the 2022 FIFA World Cup squads (not counting Szymański and Varela who were loaned out before the season).[37] Dynamo went into the winter break of the season in 4th place.[38]

League position[edit]

Season Div. Pos. Pl. W D L GS GA P Domestic Cup Europe Top Scorer Head Coach
1992 1st 3 26 14 6 6 55 29 34 UC 3rd round (Last 16) Azerbaijan Gasimov – 16 Russia Gazzaev
1993 1st 3 34 16 10 8 65 38 42 Semi-finals UC 3rd round (Last 16) Russia Simutenkov – 16 Russia Gazzaev
Russia Golodets
1994 1st 2 30 13 13 4 55 35 39 Semi-finals UC 1st round Russia Simutenkov – 21 Russia Beskov
1995 1st 4 30 16 8 6 45 29 56 Winner UC 2nd round (Last 32) Russia Terekhin – 11 Russia Beskov
Russia Golodets
1996 1st 4 34 20 7 7 60 35 67 Semi-finals CWC Quarter-finals Russia Cheryshev – 17 Russia Golodets
1997 1st 3 34 19 11 4 50 20 68 Runner-Up UC 1st round Russia Terekhin – 17 Russia Golodets
1998 1st 9 30 8 15 7 31 30 39 Quarter-finals Russia Terekhin – 12 Russia Golodets
Russia Yartsev
1999 1st 5 30 12 8 10 44 41 44 Runner-Up UC 2nd round (Last 32) Russia Terekhin – 14 Russia Yartsev
Russia Petrushin
2000 1st 5 30 14 8 8 45 35 50 Quarter-finals Russia Gusev – 12 Russia Gazzaev
2001 1st 9 30 10 8 12 43 51 38 Round of 16 UC 1st round Russia Khazov – 10 Russia Gazzaev
Russia A. Novikov
2002 1st 8 30 12 6 12 38 33 42 Quarter-finals UC 2nd round Federal Republic of Yugoslavia Koroman – 6 Russia A. Novikov
Ukraine Prokopenko
2003 1st 6 30 12 10 8 42 29 46 Round of 32 Russia Bulykin – 9 Ukraine Prokopenko
Czech Republic Hřebík
2004 1st 13 30 6 11 13 27 38 29 Round of 16 Russia Korchagin – 4 Czech Republic Hřebík
Russia Bondarenko
Russia Romantsev
2005 1st 8 30 12 2 16 36 46 38 Round of 16 Brazil Derlei – 13 Russia Romantsev
Brazil Wortmann
Russia Kobelev
2006 1st 14 30 8 10 12 31 40 34 Quarter-finals Brazil Derlei – 7 Russia Semin
Russia Kobelev
2007 1st 6 30 11 8 11 37 35 41 Quarter-finals Russia Kolodin – 9 Russia Kobelev
2008 1st 3 30 15 9 6 41 29 54 Round of 16 Russia Kerzhakov – 7 Russia Kobelev
2009 1st 8 30 12 6 12 31 37 42 Semi-finals CL
3rd qualifying round
Play-off round
Russia Kerzhakov – 12 Russia Kobelev
2010 1st 7 30 9 13 8 39 31 40 Round of 8 Germany Kurányi – 9 Russia Kobelev
Montenegro Božović
2011–12 1st 4 44 20 12 12 66 50 72 Runner-Up Germany Kurányi – 13 Montenegro Božović
Russia Silkin
2012–13 1st 7 30 14 6 10 41 34 48 Quarter-finals EL PO Germany Kurányi – 10
Russia Kokorin – 10
Russia Silkin
Russia Khokhlov
Romania Petrescu
2013–14 1st 4 30 15 7 8 54 37 52 Round of 32 Russia Kokorin – 10 Romania Petrescu
Russia Cherchesov
2014–15 1st 4 30 14 8 8 53 36 50 Round of 16 EL Round of 16 Germany Kurányi – 10 Russia Cherchesov
2015–16 1st 15 30 5 10 15 25 47 25 Quarter-finals EL Disqualified Russia Kokorin – 4
Russia Ionov – 4
Russia Kozlov – 4
Russia Kobelev
2016–17 2nd 1 38 26 9 3 64 25 87 Round of 16 Russia Panchenko – 25 Ukraine Kalitvintsev
2017–18 1st 8 30 10 10 10 29 30 40 Round of 32 Russia Tashayev – 7 Ukraine Kalitvintsev
Russia Khokhlov
2018–19 1st 12 30 6 15 9 28 28 33 Round of 16 Russia Panchenko – 5 Russia Khokhlov
2019–20 1st 6 30 11 8 11 27 30 41 Round of 32 Germany Philipp – 8 Russia Khokhlov
Russia K. Novikov
2020–21 1st 7 30 15 5 10 44 33 50 Quarterfinal EL Second Qualifying Round Russia Fomin – 6 Russia K. Novikov
Belarus A.Kulchy
Germany S.Schwarz
2021–22 1st 3 30 16 5 9 53 41 53 Runner-Up Russia Fomin – 10 Germany S.Schwarz

European campaigns[edit]

As of match played 20 March 2014
Competition Pld W D L GF GA
UEFA Cup Winners’ Cup 35 18 8 9 51 31
UEFA Cup 48 17 11 20 58 74
UEFA Intertoto Cup 6 3 2 1 10 9
UEFA Champions League 2 1 0 1 1 2
UEFA Europa League 21 10 7 4 30 20
Total 112 49 28 35 150 136
Season Round Competition Country Opposing Team Score Venue
1972 RU Cup Winners’ Cup Scotland Rangers 2–3 Camp Nou, Barcelona
1978 SF Cup Winners’ Cup Austria Austria Wien 3–3 on aggregate, 4–5(p) Two-legged
1985 SF Cup Winners’ Cup Austria Rapid Wien 2–4 on aggregate Two-legged

UEFA ranking[edit]

As of 9 July 2021[39]
Rank Country Team Points
147 Netherlands Heracles Almelo 7.840
148 Russia Dynamo Moscow 7.676
149 Russia Arsenal Tula 7.676

FC Dynamo Moscow Women’s team[edit]

In December 2021, according to the strategy of the club, FC Dynamo Football launched Women’s team, as well as Women’s Youth team[40] and Girl’s section in Lev Yashin Academy.[41] Sergey Lavrentiev, graduate of the club UEFA «A» licence holder and former «man at the wheel» of Russian National Women’s team, Chertanovo and CSKA Moscow women’s teams, was appointed head coach of the new-born first squad. Goalkeepers coach Vitaly Shadrin (alongside same duties at Russian National Women’s team) and strength & conditioning coach Yulia Gordeeva have also joined the staff.[42]

Lev Yashin Academy[edit]

In 2021 the academy won both winter and summer championships in Moscow youth league, Club’s League, being the only club to score more than 200 goals (2,85 per match) and conceding as well the fewest number of 47 goals.[43] Soon after, Alexander Kuznetsov, academy’s director since 2013 and since 2006 in the club, has overviewed the evolution of football education in the academy, precising that «we`ve stopped acquiring «running horses» in favour of footballers – creative, technically skilled and able to make right decisions on the pitch». Mr Kuznetsov has also mentioned the role in modern approach in the Academy of Juan Martinez Garcia, Spanish specialist, who had been working in the club for several years a decade ago.[44] In March 2022, the academy and Higher School of Economics became official partners in education and research.[45]


The club has a football Academy named after Lev Yashin (official site), created on the basis of the Dynamo youth team. In recent years, the owners of the club have seriously taken up its development. VTB Group has created an endowment fund with a capital of 5 billion rubles to finance the training of young footballers. The board of trustees of the fund is headed by the former prime minister of Russia, member of the board of directors of Dynamo, Sergei Stepashin.[46]
In 2020, 13 graduates of the academy played for the main team of Dynamo.[47]

In 2020, the academy began to develop a network of branches. The first branch was created in Makhachkala (Dagestan) and then in more than 15 Russian cities and towns. In August and September 2021, the latest franchise football schools of the academy were opened in Barnaul,[48] in Belgorod,[49] in Vladivostok,[50] in Voronezh[51] and in stanitsa Novotitarovskaya in Krasnodar Krai.[52] The next branch, based on local «Junior» school of sports, would be coming soon in Nizhnevartovsk.[53]

In August 2021, the club started providing online workshops as a manual to launch Lev Yashin Academy franchises in any Russian city.[54]

Endowment fund

In September 2021, Alexander Ovechkin, worldwide hockey superstar and former HC Dynamo Moscow forward, was named official ambassador for the endowment fund of Lev Yashin Academy.[55]
Since September 2021, FC Dynamo Moscow has been launched marketing activities to promote the endowment fund of Lev Yashin Academy. Within the first promo offer, 30% of the cost of official new kit is transferred to support young Dynamo players sustainability, and each kit’s buyer could get a number and a name on it for free.[56]

Since September 2021, each purchase in roubles, miles or bonus points by card of VTB Bank could be directly converted into a single donation for the endowment fund of Lev Yashin Academy.[57]

Ownerships, kit suppliers and shirt sponsors[edit]

Period Kit manufacturers Shirt sponsor Owner
?—1992 Adidas Dynamo Sports Club
1992—1997 Umbro Parmalat (1994—1996)
1997—2001 Adidas Economy and Life (1998—1999)
Fedcom (2000—2001)
2002 Nike
2003—2006 Diadora YUKOS (2003)
Fedcom (2004)
Xerox (2005—2007)
Alexey Fedorychev
2006—2011 Umbro Metalloinvest (2008)
VTB (2009—2022)
BetBoom (2023–)
2011—2014 Adidas
2014—2019 Nike
2019—2021 Kelme
2021—2022 Puma
2022— Dynamo Sports Club

B2C Marketing[edit]

Fashion and Merchandise

In August 2021, FC Dynamo Moscow opened the official fanstore with sports and casualwear at VTB Arena as an integral part of club’s renewed brand platform.[58] In December 2021, premiere screening of «Legends of the Future», dedicated to Dynamo’s stars Mikhail Yakushin, Konstantin Beskov and Alexei Khomich, was held at club’s official fanstore.[59]

The first ever vintage Dynamo’s collection was produced in 2008 and then in the late 2010-ies. A new vintage fashion line was launched in August 2021 featuring heritage brand «Olovo».[60]

In September 2021, iconic British designer Nigel Cabourn started cooperating with the club with a fashion line, which will be his first cooperation with a football club, in a view of FC Dynamo Moscow’s centenary in 2022, because vintage has always been a source of inspiration for the designer.[61] In February 2022, Nigel Cabourn presented the whole FC Dynamo Moscow casual range at Pitti Uomo, famous international men’s fashion show, at Fortezza da Basso in Florence.[62]

In October 2021, capsule collection, dedicated to Lev Yashin’s anniversary, was shown in his favourite cinema, Pioner, in Moscow.[63]

In November 2021, the club organized auction to sell all new collection retro shirts, presented by Dynamo’s footballers before the kick-off of the home game with FC Khimki, held on October 22nd, the day of the anniversary of Lev Yashin, for the benefit of endowment fund of FC Dynamo Moscow.[64]

In December 2021, the club launched its first full-range New Year’s collection.[65] In February 2022, in the way to promote the fanstore and the 2nd round of the championship, where FC Dynamo Moscow is running on the Champions League’s 2nd place, the club offered a free ticket for each more than 5000 roubles purchase.[66]

«Dynamo Runners» club

In August 2021, «Dynamo Runners» club was launched to promote Dynamo’s spirit on a larger scale. Running, fitness and healthy lifehacks in Moscow are scheduled for every new training of the club. Olympic champion Yuri Borzakovskiy has become one of the ambassadors of «Dynamo Runners» club together with top bloggers and other celebrities.[67]

Dynamo & VTB Bank day

In October 2021, Dynamo & VTB Bank day was dedicated to 92nd anniversary of Lev Yashin together with school students, invited to Dynamo’s game against FC Khimki, won 4 to 1, and to the official club fanshop at VTB Arena.[68] Communication with school students has been carried on in December 2021 within tours at VTB Arena for school students from Khimki.[69]

Cyber and high-Tech Marketing

The last home matchday vs FC Zenit Saint Petersburg at VTB Arena was powered by the first Augmented reality (AR) show within a football game in Russia.[70]

Dynamo Bookshelf

In February 2022, the club presented two books about Gavriil Kachalin and Igor Chislenko as a part of «Legends and Lives» serie.[71] One year before, the club also published the book about Mikhail Yakushin.[72]

Social Media

In January 2022, according to Deportes y Finanzas, the club became the most popular Russian football team on YouTube in the year 2021.[73]


During the season 2021–22, the club upscaled its charity matchday activities with 100 roubles from each ticket and 20% of merchandise sales provided to numerous charity funds.[74]


Spartak vs Dinamo in Luzhnikí on 14 March 2010.

Since its establishment in 1923, Dynamo’s historical rival has been Spartak Moscow. Clashes between the clubs were seen by their fans and more generally as the most important games in the Soviet Union for more than three decades, attracting thousands of spectators. (Ironically, however, on New Year’s Day in 1936, it was a combined Dynamo-Spartak team that traveled to Paris to face Racing Club de France, then one of Europe’s top teams.) Dynamo clinched the first-ever Soviet League by beating Spartak 1–0 at Dynamo Stadium in front of 70,000 spectators. Spartak responded by winning the championship the following year.[citation needed]


View of the historical Dynamo Stadium, home of Dynamo from 1928 to 2008. In 2011, it was demolished in preparation for a new stadium, which has now been built, and is now known as the VTB Arena.

Dynamo’s ground used to be the historic Dynamo Stadium in Petrovsky Park, which seated 36,540. In 2008, it was closed for demolition. From 2010 to 2016, Dynamo Moscow played their matches at the Arena Khimki, which they shared with their Moscow rivals, CSKA Moscow. They continued to play at Arena Khimki until 26 May 2019, when FC Dynamo Moscow officially «returned home,»
as they played their first match at the newly opened VTB Arena.[citation needed]

Average attendance[edit]

Year Average
1970 30,331
1971 28,833
1972 21,787
1973 19,967
1974 24,333
1975 23,327
1976 15,529
1977 17,667
1978 8,987
1979 10,147
1980 10,088
1981 10,804
1982 8,853
1983 8,576
1984 9,359
1985 9,129
1986 13,527
Year Average
1987 16,507
1988 11,600
1989 13,813
1990 9,233
1991 7,627
1992 4,323
1993 4,465
1994 2,882
1995 3,713
1996 3,476
1997 6,000
1998 5,127
1999 8,367
2000 8,867
2001 6,933
2002 6,800
Year Average
2003 6,600
2004 5,300
2005 8,500
2006 8,067
2007 9,733
2008 13,067
2009 7,752
2010 7,116
2011–12 10,193
2012–13 7,516
2013–14 7,860
2014–15 8,176
2015–16 5,956
2016–17 4,089
2017–18 6,795
2018–19 8,446
2019–20 11,191

In the 1st half of the 2021–22 season Dynamo recorded the best attendance at home among Moscow football clubs, according to official stats provided by Russian Premier League.[75]



Soviet Top League / Russian Premier League[76]

  • Champions (11): 1936 (spring), 1937, 1940, 1945, 1949, 1954, 1955, 1957, 1959, 1963, 1976
  • Runners-up (12): 1936 (autumn), 1946, 1947, 1948, 1950, 1956, 1958, 1962, 1967, 1970, 1986, 1994

Soviet Cup / Russian Cup[77][78]

  • Winners (7): 1937, 1953, 1966–67, 1970, 1977, 1984, 1994–95
  • Runners-up (9): 1945, 1949, 1950, 1955, 1979, 1996–97, 1998–99, 2011–12, 2021–22

Soviet Super Cup / Russian Super Cup

  • Winners: 1977
  • Runners-up: 1984

Russian Football National League

  • Winners: 2016–17


UEFA Cup Winners’ Cup

  • Runners-up: 1971–72


Ciutat de Barcelona Trophy
  • Winners: 1976
Atlantic Cup
  • Winners: 2015
Lev Yashin Cup
  • Winners: 2010


Current squad[edit]

As of 28 February 2023, according to the RPL official website

Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.

No. Pos. Nation Player
1 GK Russia RUS Anton Shunin
2 DF Israel ISR Eli Dasa
4 DF Russia RUS Sergei Parshivlyuk
5 DF Serbia SRB Milan Majstorović
6 DF Paraguay PAR Roberto Fernández
7 MF Russia RUS Dmitri Skopintsev
10 FW Russia RUS Fyodor Smolov
11 MF Russia RUS Daniil Lesovoy
13 FW Cameroon CMR Moumi Ngamaleu
15 DF Georgia (country) GEO Saba Sazonov
16 GK Russia RUS Ivan Budachyov
17 MF Norway NOR Mathias Normann (on loan from Rostov)
18 DF Uruguay URU Nicolás Marichal
20 FW Russia RUS Vyacheslav Grulyov
No. Pos. Nation Player
25 MF Russia RUS Denis Makarov
27 DF Russia RUS Ruslan Shagiakhmetov
31 GK Russia RUS Igor Leshchuk
34 MF Georgia (country) GEO Luka Gagnidze
43 DF Russia RUS Denis Osokin
47 MF Russia RUS Arsen Zakharyan
50 DF Russia RUS Aleksandr Kutitsky
70 FW Russia RUS Konstantin Tyukavin
74 MF Russia RUS Daniil Fomin
78 MF Russia RUS Georgy Sulakvelidze
90 MF Russia RUS Vladislav Galkin
91 FW Russia RUS Yaroslav Gladyshev
93 DF Uruguay URU Diego Laxalt
95 MF Russia RUS Dmitry Begun

Out on loan[edit]

Note: Flags indicate national team as defined under FIFA eligibility rules. Players may hold more than one non-FIFA nationality.

No. Pos. Nation Player
8 DF Uruguay URU Guillermo Varela (at Flamengo)
12 DF Ukraine UKR Ivan Ordets (at VfL Bochum)
DF Paraguay PAR Fabián Balbuena (at Corinthians)
MF Croatia CRO Nikola Moro (at Bologna)
MF Russia RUS Vladislav Karapuzov (at Akhmat Grozny)
No. Pos. Nation Player
MF Russia RUS Vladimir Moskvichyov (at Neftekhimik Nizhnekamsk)
MF Russia RUS Igor Shkolik (at Neftekhimik Nizhnekamsk)
MF Poland POL Sebastian Szymański (at Feyenoord)
FW Russia RUS Maksim Danilin (at Torpedo Moscow)
FW Russia RUS Andrey Mazurin (at Alania Vladikavkaz)

FC Dynamo-2 Moscow[edit]

Following Dynamo’s relegation from the Russian Premier League (which holds its own competition for the Under-19 teams of the Premier League clubs) at the end of the 2015–16 season, the reserve squad FC Dynamo-2 Moscow received professional license and was registered to play in the third-tier Russian Professional Football League, beginning with the 2016–17 season. Following the main squad’s promotion back to the RPL, they stopped playing professionally in the 2017–18 season, with players returning to the RPL U19 tournament. Dynamo-2 returned to PFL for the 2020–21 season.

Notable players[edit]

For further list, see List of FC Dynamo Moscow players.

Most appearances[edit]

R Player Nat. App.
1 Aleksandr Novikov Soviet Union Russia 327
2 Lev Yashin Soviet Union 326
3 Valery Maslov Soviet Union Russia 319
4 Aleksandr Makhovikov Soviet Union Russia 287
5 Gennady Yevryuzhikhin Soviet Union Russia 283
6 Viktor Anichkin Soviet Union 282
7 Sergei Nikulin Soviet Union Russia 280
8 Viktor Tsaryov Soviet Union Russia 279
9 Anton Shunin Russia 274
10 Andrei Kobelev

Soviet Union Russia


Most goals[edit]

R Player Nat. Goals
1 Sergei Solovyov Soviet Union 127
2 Konstantin Beskov Soviet Union Russia 91
3 Vasili Kartsev Soviet Union 72
4 Valery Gazzaev Soviet Union Russia 70
5 Igor Chislenko Soviet Union Russia 68
6 Oleg Teryokhin Soviet Union Russia 67
7 Vasili Trofimov Soviet Union Russia 67
8 Vladimir Ilyin Soviet Union Russia 63
9 Vladimir Savdunin Soviet Union Russia 62
10 Kevin Kurányi Germany 56

One-club men[edit]

Player Nationality Position Debut Last Match
Vasili Trofimov Soviet Union FW 1931 1949
Lev Yashin Soviet Union GK 1949 1971
Viktor Tsaryov Soviet Union Russia MF 1955 1966
Eduard Mudrik Soviet Union Russia DF 1957 1968
Vladimir Kesarev Soviet Union Russia DF 1956 1965
Nikolai Tolstykh Soviet Union Russia DF 1977 1983
Anton Shunin Russia GK 2004

Coaching and medical staff[edit]

Role Name
Manager Serbia Slaviša Jokanović
Assistant manager Serbia Saša Filipović
Assistant manager Russia Pavel Alpatov
Goalkeeping coach Russia Dmitry Izotov
Sci-Sports dept.head Serbia Andrija Milutinovic[79]
Fitness coach Spain Rafael Cristóbal
Conditioning coach Spain Pepe Pastor
Conditioning coach Russia Ivan Karandashov
Director of sports Bosnia and Herzegovina Željko Buvač
Director of sports projects development Russia Alexander Udaltsov
Team manager Russia Yevgeny Kozlov[80]
Press office Russia Igor Yershov
Chief doctor Russia Alexander Rodionov
Physiotherapist Slovenia Matija Majzen
Youth team head coach Russia Pavel Figon

Former head coaches[edit]

FC Dynamo Moscow coaching history from 1936 to present
  • Soviet Union Konstantin Kvashnin (1936)
  • Soviet Union Viktor Dubinin (1937)
  • Soviet Union Mikhail Tovarovsky (1938)
  • Soviet Union Viktor Dubinin (1939)
  • Soviet Union Viktor Teterin (1939)
  • Soviet Union Lev Korchebokov (1939)
  • Soviet Union Boris Arkadyev (1940–44)
  • Soviet Union Lev Korchebokov (1944)
  • Soviet Union Mikhail Yakushin (1944–50)
  • Soviet Union Viktor Dubinin (1950–51)
  • Soviet Union Mikhail Semichastny (1952–53)
  • Soviet Union Mikhail Yakushin (1953–60)
  • Soviet Union Vsevolod Blinkov (1961)
  • Soviet Union Aleksandr Ponomaryov (1962–65)
  • Soviet Union Vyacheslav Solovyov (1965–66)
  • Soviet Union Konstantin Beskov (1967–72)
  • Soviet Union Gavriil Kachalin (1973–74)
  • Soviet Union Aleksandr Sevidov (1975–79)
  • Soviet Union Viktor Tsaryov (1979)
  • Soviet Union Yevgeny Goryansky (1980)
  • Soviet Union Vyacheslav Solovyov (1980–83)
  • Soviet Union Vadim Ivanov (1983)
  • Soviet Union Aleksandr Sevidov (1983–85)
  • Soviet Union Eduard Malofeyev (7 Jun 1985 – 1 Nov 1987)
  • Soviet Union Anatoliy Byshovets (3 Nov 1987 – 12 Jul 1990)
  • Soviet Union Semyon Altman (13 Jul 1990 – 1 Apr 1991)
  • Soviet Union Russia Valery Gazzaev (3 Apr 1991 – 15 Sep 1993)
  • Russia Adamas Golodets (1993)
  • Russia Konstantin Beskov (1 Jan 1994 – 1 Sep 1995)
  • Russia Adamas Golodets (1995–98)
  • Russia Georgi Yartsev (16 Jun 1998 – 14 Jun 1999)
  • Russia Aleksei Petrushin (18 Jun 1999 – 31 Dec 1999)
  • Russia Valery Gazzaev (1 Jan 2000 – 15 April 2001)
  • Russia Aleksandr Novikov (2001–02)
  • Ukraine Viktor Prokopenko (6 April 2002 – 2 Nov 2003)
  • Russia Sergei Silkin (caretaker) (3 Nov 2003 – 31 Dec 2003)
  • Czech Republic Jaroslav Hřebík (1 Jan 2004 – 12 Jul 2004)
  • Russia Viktor Bondarenko (2004)
  • Russia Oleg Romantsev (4 Nov 2004 – 18 May 2005)
  • Russia Andrei Kobelev (caretaker) (18 May 2005 – 8 Jul 2005)
  • Brazil Ivo Wortmann (8 Jul 2005 – 11 Nov 2005)
  • Russia Yuri Semin (11 Nov 2005 – 6 Aug 2006)
  • Russia Andrei Kobelev (8 Aug 2006 – 27 Apr 2010)
  • Montenegro Miodrag Božović (27 Apr 2010 – 21 Apr 2011)
  • Russia Sergei Silkin (caretaker) (21 Apr 2011 – 21 Jun 2011)
  • Russia Sergei Silkin (21 June 2011 – 6 Aug 2012)
  • Russia Dmitri Khokhlov (caretaker) (6 Aug 2012 – 18 Aug 2012)
  • Romania Dan Petrescu (18 Aug 2012 – 8 Apr 2014)
  • Russia Stanislav Cherchesov (10 Apr 2014 – 13 Jul 2015)
  • Russia Andrei Kobelev (13 Jul 2015 – 10 May 2016)
  • Russia Sergei Chikishev (caretaker) (10 May 2016 – 6 Jun 2016)
  • Ukraine Yuriy Kalitvintsev (6 Jun 2016 – 7 Oct 2017)
  • Russia Dmitri Khokhlov (7 Oct 2017 – 5 Oct 2019)
  • Russia Kirill Novikov (8 Oct 2019 – 29 Sep 2020)
  • Belarus Alyaksandr Kulchy (caretaker) (29 Sep 2020 – 14 Oct 2020)
  • Germany Sandro Schwarz (14 Oct 2020 – present)


  • Boris Arkadyev

  • Mikhail Yakushin

  • Konstantin Beskov

  • Anatoliy Byshovets

  • Valery Gazzaev

  • Andrei Kobelev

  • Sergei Silkin

  • Dan Petrescu

  • Dmitri Khokhlov


Club management[edit]

Role Name
Chairman of the Board of directors Yuri Soloviev
General Director Pavel Pivovarov
Sporting Director Željko Buvač
Security Director Pavel Konovalov


In the Dynamo organization, the position of «president» has not always been present; several times the head of the club was titled as «chief executive officer (CEO),» or general director.

Nikolai Tolstykh, president of Russian Football Union in 2012–2015. Tolstykh played his entire professional career for Dynamo from 1974 to his retirement in 1983 after a serious injury. After retiring, he served as the team’s president and general director on numerous occasions.

Date Position/name
1989–90 Soviet Union Vladimir Pilguy
1991–92 Russia Valery Sysoyev
1993–97 Russia Nikolai Tolstykh
General director
1998 Russia Nikolai Tolstykh
1999 Russia Nikolai Tolstykh
General director
2000–01 Russia Nikolai Tolstykh
2002 Russia Vladimir Ulyanov
2002–06 Russia Yuri Zavarzin
2006–09 Russia Dmitry Ivanov
2009–12 Russia Yury Isayev
2012–13 Russia Gennady Solovyov
2013–15 Russia Boris Rotenberg
Club president
2015–16 Russia Vasily Titov
2016 Russia Vladimir Pronichev
General director
2016–18 Russia Yevgeni Muravyov
2018–19 Russia Sergei Fedorov
2019–21[81] Russia Yuri Belkin
2021-[82] Russia Pavel Pivovarov


  1. ^ uefa.com FC Dinamo Moskva
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  6. ^ Борис Ротенберг покидает пост президента (in Russian). FC Dynamo Moscow. 17 July 2015.
  7. ^ a b ВФСО «Динамо» приняло решение купить акции одноименного футбольного клуба у банка ВТБ (in Russian). RIA Novosti. 29 December 2016.
  8. ^ a b «Сообщение для прессы» [Press release] (in Russian). Dynamo Sports Society. 14 February 2019.
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  39. ^ UEFA Club Coefficients – UEFA.com
  40. ^ «Начался набор в женскую молодёжную команду Динамо» (in Russian). FC Dynamo Moscow official site. 17 December 2021.
  41. ^ «Дополнительный конкурсный набор девочек в футбольную академию Динамо» (in Russian). FC Dynamo Moscow official site. 17 December 2021.
  42. ^ «Сергей Лаврентьев – главный тренер старшей женской команды Динамо» (in Russian). FC Dynamo Moscow official site. 9 December 2021.
  43. ^ «Академия Динамо стала абсолютным чемпионом Клубной Лиги 2021 года» (in Russian). Officila site of FC Dynamo Moscow. 26 November 2021.
  44. ^ «Директор Академии Динамо: Мы перестали брать лошадей и берём футболистов: креативных, техничных» (in Russian). Sports.ru. 2 December 2021.
  45. ^ «Динамо и НИУ ВШЭ подписали соглашение о сотрудничестве» (in Russian). FC Dynamo Moscow official site. 3 March 2022.
  46. ^ «Группа ВТБ создала фонд для развития футбольной академии «Динамо»«. sportrbc.ru (in Russian). 3 December 2020.
  47. ^ ««Такого нет ни у кого в РПЛ». «Динамо» установило рекорд сезона по числу воспитанников». championat.com (in Russian). 19 December 2020.
  48. ^ «Футбольная школа московского Динамо откроется в Барнауле» (in Russian). Алтапресс. 23 August 2021.
  49. ^ «В Белгороде открылась футбольная школа «Динамо»» (in Russian). fcdynamo.ru. 11 August 2021.
  50. ^ «New Dynamo Academy football school opened in Vladivostok». FC Dynamo Moscow. 1 September 2021.
  51. ^ «Lev Yashin Academy branches, powered by VTB, are now opened in Russian cities». FC Dynamo Moscow. 9 September 2021.
  52. ^ «Another branch of Lev Yashin Academy has been opened in Krasnodar Krai». FC Dynamo Moscow official site. 12 October 2021.
  53. ^ «Для юных вартовчан откроют филиал академии ФК Динамо» (in Russian). МК-Югра. 6 October 2021.
  54. ^ «Бесплатный вебинар Футбольная школа Динамо в вашем городе» (in Russian). FC Dynamo Moscow Official site. 25 August 2021.
  55. ^ «Alexander Ovechkin becomes ambassador of Dynamo endowment fund». FC Dynamo Moscow. 2 September 2021.
  56. ^ «Эндаумент фонд академии и магазин Динамо запустили совместную акцию» (in Russian). academydynamo.ru. 15 September 2021.
  57. ^ «Теперь вы можете поддержать эндаумент-фонд академии Динамо в программе Мультибонус ВТБ» (in Russian). FC Dynamo Moscow. 25 September 2021.
  58. ^ «Solemn opening of the official fan shop». FC Dynamo Moscow official site. 13 August 2021.
  59. ^ «Презентация фильма Легенды будущего» (in Russian). FC Dynamo Moscow official site. 23 December 2021.
  60. ^ «Динамо представляет коллекцию одежды, разработанную совместно с брендом Олово» (in Russian). FC Dynamo Moscow official site. 6 August 2021.
  61. ^ «Британский дизайнер Найджел Кейборн совместно с брендом Олово выпустит линию одежды для Динамо» (in Russian). FC Dynamo Moscow official site. 12 September 2021.
  62. ^ «Dynamo at the international fashion show Pitti Uomo». FC DYnamo Moscow official site. 13 January 2022.
  63. ^ «Динамо выпустило капсульную коллекцию к дню рождения Льва Яшина» (in Russian). FC Dynamo Moscow official site. 21 October 2021.
  64. ^ «Dynamo makes an auction of retro shirts for the endowment fund» (in Russian). FC Dynamo Moscow official site. 1 November 2021.
  65. ^ «Динамо представляет новогоднюю коллекцию» (in Russian). FC Dynamo Moscow official site. 10 December 2021.
  66. ^ «Получите бесплатный билет на матч при покупке от 5000 рублей в клубном фан-шопе» (in Russian). FC Dynamo Moscow official site. 4 February 2022.
  67. ^ «Динамо запускает свой беговой клуб» (in Russian). FC Dynamo Moscow official site. 25 August 2021.
  68. ^ «School students took part at Dynamo & VTB Bank day». FC Dynamo Moscow official site. 23 October 2021.
  69. ^ «Школьники из Химок побывали на экскурсии на ВТБ Арене» (in Russian). FC Dynamo Moscow official site. 1 December 2021.
  70. ^ «Первое AR-шоу на футболе в России и могучий Дед Мороз: как прошёл новогодний матчдей на игре с Зенитом» (in Russian). FC Dynamo Moscow official site. 23 December 2021.
  71. ^ «Гавриил Качалин и Игорь Численко вошли в серию Легенды и судьбы» (in Russian). FC Dynamo Moscow official site. 1 February 2022.
  72. ^ «В Москве презентовали книгу о Михаиле Якушине» (in Russian). FC Dynamo Moscow official site. 25 February 2021.
  73. ^ «Динамо самый популярный клуб в ютубе в 2021» (in Russian). Ведомости. 27 January 2022.
  74. ^ «Динамо проведёт благотворительную акцию на матче с Ростовом» (in Russian). FC Dynamo Moscow official site. 17 March 2022.
  75. ^ «Russian Premier Liga Statistics». Russian Premier League. 25 February 2022.
  76. ^ «USSR (Soviet Union) – List of Champions». Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation.
  77. ^ «USSR (Soviet Union) – List of Cup Finals». Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation.
  78. ^ «Russia – Cup Finals». Rec.Sport.Soccer Statistics Foundation.
  79. ^ «Андрия Милутинович продлил контракт с Динамо» (in Russian). FC Dynamo Moscow official site. 4 January 2022.
  80. ^ «Сергей Якунчиков покидает Динамо». FC Dynamo Moscow official site. 13 January 2022.
  81. ^ «Yuri Belkin resigns from post as Dynamo President». fcdynamo.ru. 28 May 2021.
  82. ^ «Pavel Pivovarov named General Director of FC Dynamo Moscow». premierliga.ru. 12 January 2021.

External links[edit]

  • FCDM.RU – official site
  • fcdin – official fan site

Официальное название
АО «Футбольный клуб «Динамо-Москва»

Город и год основания
Москва, 1923

«ВТБ Арена»

Главный тренер
Славиша Йоканович

Достижения клуба

Серебряный призёр чемпионата России – 1994

Бронзовый призёр чемпионата России – 1992, 1993, 1997, 2008, 2021/22

Обладатель Кубка России – 1994/95

Финалист Кубка России – 1996/97, 1998/99, 2011/12, 2021/22

Чемпион СССР – 1936, 1937, 1940, 1945, 1949, 1954, 1955, 1957, 1959, 1963, 1976

Серебряный призёр чемпионата СССР – 1936, 1946, 1947, 1948, 1950, 1956, 1958, 1962, 1967, 1970, 1986

Бронзовый призёр чемпионата СССР – 1952, 1960, 1973, 1975, 1990

Обладатель Кубка СССР – 1937, 1953, 1967, 1970, 1977, 1984

Финалист Кубка СССР – 1945, 1949, 1950, 1955, 1979

Нужно ли бояться тени Клоппа? «Динамо» — одна из самых больших загадок этой весны в РПЛ

15 февраля 2020, 15:00 МСК

Желько Бувач и Юрген Клопп

Команда впервые за долгие годы может побороться за высокие места…

Последние две громкие новости, связанные с «Динамо», — приход на пост спортивного директора бывшего помощника Юргена Клоппа Желько Бувача и запрет на регистрацию новых игроков. Казалось бы, привычная для всех картина в «Динамо», с внутренними конфликтами и итоговыми печальными последствиями…

Но факты говорят о другом. «Динамо» начнёт вторую часть сезона с высокой стартовой позиции, хорошо поработав на трансферном рынке и без каких-то серьёзных внутренних противоречий.

Возможно, впервые за долгое время в клубе всё прозрачно и логично.


В январе «Динамо» объявило, что спортивным директором станет Желько Бувач, экс-помощник Юргена Клоппа. «Тень Клоппа» — так прозвали специалиста в английской прессе. Вместе с наставником «Ливерпуля» Бувач проработал больше 15 лет.

Все сразу же вспомнили недавнее противостояние главного тренера Дмитрия Хохлова и спортивного директора Романа Широкова, которые весело и азартно ругались, в том числе и через прессу. Аналогия была бы вполне уместна, если вспомнить, что Бувач на протяжении всей своей карьеры имел отношение к тренерской работе. Версия, что «Динамо» нашло замену главному тренеру, если у молодого Новикова что-то пойдёт не так, выглядела уместно.

Если не знать, что Бувач человек не публичный и к работе главным тренером вовсе не стремящийся. Его стихия – аналитика, наука. Разрабатывать тренировочные методики он умеет и хочет, а управлять командой с бровки – не его. Об этом уже подробно писал коллега Антон Михашенок.

В «Динамо» Бувач будет заниматься селекцией, причём в его обязанности будет входить поиск игроков для всей клубной вертикали, начиная с академии.

«Его знания футбольного рынка и умение разглядеть в игроках нужные качества совершенно точно помогут «Динамо» не только с точки зрения стратегического становления основной команды, но и развития академии, нашей молодежки и всей вертикали динамовских команд.

Желько приходит к нам в качестве спортивного директора со всеми надлежащими полномочиями. Будет работать в тесном контакте с тренерским штабом основной команды, но без какого-либо участия в тренировочном и игровом процессах. Здесь все полномочия как были, так и остаются у Кирилла Новикова», — прокомментировал назначение Бувача председатель совета директоров «Динамо» Юрий Соловьёв в интервью Sport24.


Кирилл Новиков — пока главное тренерское открытие нынешнего сезона. Раньше он был известен в футбольном мире как грамотный и образованный специалист, который отлично умеет работать с молодёжью, а теперь сразу же воспользовался полученным шансом на высшем уровне. Когда Новиков принял команду, она шла на 15-м месте. При новом наставнике «Динамо» выдало шестиматчевую беспроигрышную серию, в том числе были обыграны ЦСКА, «Ростов» и «Локомотив», и на зимний перерыв команда ушла на восьмом месте. До еврокубков — 10 очков.

Новиков сумел быстро перестроить игру команды, вписать в игру команды летних новичков, в том числе дорогостоящего Филиппа, и наладить атмосферу в раздевалке. Через месяц после назначения Новиков избавился от приставки «и.о». В декабре клуб продлил контракт с тренером ещё на один сезон, до 2021 года. В январе в тренерский штаб Новикова вошёл его отец, легендарный защитник «Динамо» Александр Новиков. Кроме того, руководство клуба организовало для тренера заграничную стажировку.

Всё говорит о том, что в клубе всерьёз рассчитывают на тренера в долгосрочной перспективе. Во-первых, свой воспитанник. Человек, который и играл за «Динамо», и работал в клубе на различных тренерских должностях. Во-вторых, Новиков исповедует скоростной и атакующий футбол, который не может не нравится болельщикам.

«Мне хочется играть в более скоростной, быстрый футбол, с прессингом и высокой интенсивностью», — говорил Новиков в интервью сайту «Динамо».


Зимой «Динамо» усилилось Дмитрием Скопинцевым и Николаем Комличенко. Это футболисты, которые подходят под игру Новикова и приобретение которых руководство клуба согласовало с главным тренером. Скоростной, умеющий качественно сыграть на нескольких позициях Скопинцев мощный центрфорвард Комличенко на данный момент должны дать новому главному тренеру больше возможностей для тактического маневра. Тем более что в этом смысле Новиков вообще не консерватор и под его руководством «Динамо» играло и в пять защитников, и в четыре.

На данный момент трансферная компания «Динамо» окончена, тем более что клубу запрещено регистрировать новых игроков. Так решила Палата по разрешению споров. Вот здесь подробности.

Вопрос с Шейдаевым клуб намерен решать в суде.


Руководители клуба нечасто выступают публично и о громких задачах публично не говорят. Но очевидно, что если в клубе всё будет идти, как идёт сейчас, мы впервые за долгие годы будем следить не за скандалами внутри клуба, а за его игрой.

Чемпионат России 2 место 1994 1 3 место 1992, 1993, 1997, 2008, 2021/22 5 Чемпионат СССР 1 место 1936 (в), 1937, 1940, 1945, 1949, 1954, 1955, 1957, 1959, 1963, 1976 (в) 11 2 место 1936 (о), 1946, 1947, 1948, 1950, 1956, 1958, 1962, 1967, 1970, 1986 11 3 место 1952, 1960, 1973, 1975, 1990 5 Чемпионат России D2 1 место 2016/17 1 Чемпионат Москвы 1 место 1928, 1930 (о), 1934 (о), 1935 (в), 1942 (в) 5 2 место 1926, 1927 (о), 1934 (в), 1942 (о), 1943 5 3 место 1929 (о), 1933 (о) 2 Кубок СССР победитель 1937, 1953, 1966/67, 1970, 1977, 1984 6 финалист 1945, 1949, 1950, 1955, 1979 5 Кубок России победитель 1994/95 1 финалист 1996/97, 1998/99, 2011/12, 2021/22 4 Кубок обладателей кубков финалист 1971/72 1 Кубок сезона победитель 1977 1 Молодёжное первенство России 1 место 2002, 2003, 2011/12, 2013/14, 2014/15, 2019/20 6 2 место 2012/13 1 3 место 2011, 2017/18, 2018/19 3 Чемпионат СССР среди дублеров 1 место 1952, 1957, 1970, 1971, 1973, 1988 6 2 место 1947, 1951, 1956, 1958, 1969, 1974, 1980 7 3 место 1946, 1962, 1966, 1967, 1968, 1976 (в), 1983 7 Кубок Москвы победитель 1941 1 финалист 1942, 1944 2

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