Драгер дыхательный аппарат инструкция по применению


3000 Series


Self contained breathing apparatus


For your safety


General safety statements

Before using this product, carefully read the Instructions for Use.

Strictly follow the Instructions for Use. The user must fully understand and strictly

observe the instructions. Use the product only for the purposes specified in the

Intended Use section of this document.

Do not dispose of the Instructions for Use. Ensure that they are retained and

appropriately used by the product user.

Only fully trained and competent users are permitted to use this product.

Comply with all local and national rules and regulations associated with this product.

Only trained and competent personnel are permitted to inspect, repair and service the

product. Dräger recommends a Dräger service contract for all maintenance activities

and that all repairs are carried out by Dräger.

Properly trained service personnel must inspect and service this product as detailed in

the Maintenance section of this document.

Use only genuine Dräger spare parts and accessories, or the proper functioning of the

product may be impaired.

Do not use a faulty or incomplete product, and do not modify the product.

Notify Dräger in the event of any component fault or failure.

All approved respiratory equipment shall be selected, fitted, used, and maintained in

accordance with MSHA (Mine Safety and Health Administration), OSHA (Occupational

Safety and Health Administration), and other applicable regulations.

Do not use any form of chemical marking or paint on the equipment.

The air supply shall meet the requirements for breathing air according to CGA G – 7.1,

Grade D or higher quality.


Definitions of alert icons

Alert icons are used in this document to provide and highlight text that requires a greater

awareness by the user. A definition of the meaning of each icon is as follows:



Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in

death or serious injury.



Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in

physical injury or damage to the product or environment. It may also be used to

alert against unsafe practices.




Indicates additional information on how to use the product.




Product overview

The Dräger PSS


3000 Series is a self contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) that

provides the wearer with respiratory protection using an open-circuit, pressure-demand,

compressed-air system. The apparatus can be used as a self-contained system, or with an

independent air supply for supplied-air respirator (SAR) operations. The series is compatible

with a wide range of compressed-air cylinders, face masks and lung demand regulators

(e.g. FPS 7000 and Panorama Nova face masks, Dräger lung demand regulators, and

aluminum or composite cylinders).


Feature description

The carrying system uses a lightweight polymer-composite space frame (Fig 1, Item 3).

The shoulder straps and waist belt are fully adjustable and use webbing harness straps and

moulded padding on the shoulder pads and waist pad.

The apparatus uses the Dräger high-performance first-stage regulator (6) that reduces

cylinder pressure and supplies breathing air through a medium-pressure hose (5) and

coupling (1) to an attached lung demand regulator. The apparatus is fitted with a mechanical

pressure gauge (4) that incorporates an end-of-service time (EOST) whistle that sounds to

warn the wearer that there is low cylinder pressure (see Section 8 for the EOST activation

pressures). A dual-pressure hose (7) supplies air to the whistle when it is activated, and

has an internal capillary tube that supplies high-pressure air from the cylinder to the gauge.

The air hoses and the first-stage regulator are integrated into the space frame to prevent

snagging and enhance component protection. The hose clips (2) hold the air hoses in

position on the shoulder straps.

Breathing apparatus serial number

The breathing apparatus serial number is on the first-stage regulator.

Compressed-air cylinders, lung demand regulators and face masks

The Dräger PSS 3000 Series is compatible with a single aluminum or composite material

cylinder of 30 to 60 minute capacity, and is available in 2216 psi or 4500 psi versions. Full

descriptions and user instructions are contained in separate instructions supplied with the

cylinder, face mask or lung demand regulator.


Intended use

The PSS 3000 Series breathing apparatus, when fitted with a cylinder, lung demand

regulator and face mask, is intended for use in applications where a high level of respiratory

protection is required. The assembled breathing apparatus provides the wearer with

respiratory protection for working in contaminated or oxygen-deficient conditions.

The cylinder, lung demand regulator, face mask and other accessories used with this

product must be certified Dräger components, assembled in an approved configuration,

otherwise the operation of the device may be impaired. Contact Dräger for further




This product is not approved to provide protection from military grade chemical, biological,

radiological, and nuclear hazards (CBRN). Do not attempt to use the product for respiratory

protection in CBRN environments.



The Dräger PSS 3000 Series is certified by NIOSH. The apparatus must only be used in

conjunction with compressed-air cylinders approved by NIOSH.


Explanation of marking and symbols

Refer to the relevant authority for explanation of approval body symbols and marking on the

equipment. Examples of other marking on component parts of the breathing apparatus are:


Dräger serial number


Month and year of manufacture

3356812 or R21034

Dräger part number


Standard force coupling


Low force coupling


is a registered trade mark of Dräger





















Only trained and competent personnel should prepare and use breathing

apparatus. Ensure that any accessories, ancillary equipment and other protective

clothing items do not interfere with the apparatus and do not create a safety


The effective working duration of the apparatus is dependent on the initial air

supply available and the breathing rate of the wearer. Fill air cylinders to their

full rated pressure prior to use, and do not commence any operation (including

supplied-air respirator (SAR) operations) using a cylinder that is less than 90

percent full.



Do not apply excessive force or use tools to open or close a cylinder valve, and

do not drop or throw down the breathing apparatus.

Refer to the following additional information before preparing or using the breathing


● The special instructions (see Section 9).

● The NIOSH Approval Label 3359026 for approved configurations.


Preparation for use




The face of the pressure gauge may be fitted with a thin flexible protective

covering. Remove this covering before first use.

1. Carry out a visual inspection of the breathing apparatus (see Section 3.5.1).

2. Fit the air cylinder (see Section 3.5.2).

3. Press the male coupling of the lung demand regulator hose into the female coupling of

the medium-pressure hose until an audible click is heard (do not connect the regulator

to the face mask at this stage).

4. Press the reset button (Fig 2, Item 1) to switch off the positive pressure. Press and

rotate the bypass button (Fig 2, Item 3) to align the red spots and then release the

button to switch off the bypass.

5. Carry out a full functional test of the apparatus (see Section 3.5.3).

6. Align and push the lung demand regulator into face mask port until it latches in position,

and check the attachment by gently attempting to pull the coupling apart.


Putting on the breathing apparatus

1. Fully loosen the shoulder straps and waist belt and put on the breathing apparatus.

2. Check that the shoulder pads are not twisted and take the weight of the system on the

shoulders by pulling the shoulder straps. Do not fully tighten at this stage.

3. Close the waist belt buckle and pull the ends of the waist belt until it fits securely and

comfortably (Fig 3). Tuck the belt ends behind the waist pad or belt.

4. Pull the shoulder straps until the breathing apparatus rests securely and comfortably on

the hips. Do not over tighten. Tuck the belt ends behind the waist pad or belt.

5. Fully loosen the head straps of the face mask and place the neck strap over the back

of the neck.

6. Press the reset button (Fig 2, Item 1) to switch off the positive pressure.

7. Open the cylinder valve (counterclockwise) slowly, but fully, to pressurize the system.

8. Put on the face mask and check for tight fit (see the Instructions for Use supplied with

the face mask).


Instructions for Use


During use



Fully open the cylinder valve and ensure it remains open during use.


Users should be in a safe area before the end-of-service time (EOST) whistle

warning commences. Evacuate to a safe area immediately if the warning

commences during an operation.


Using the bypass button (Fig 2, Item 3) will use air from the cylinder and rapidly

reduce the working duration of the apparatus.

● Regularly check the remaining cylinder pressure on the gauge.

● If additional air is required, briefly press and release the bypass button (Fig 2, Item 3) to

deliver a single jet of air into the face mask.




The emergency air flow procedures below may greatly reduce the operating

duration of the air supply. When activated the user must immediately evacuate

to a safe area. The reason for using the procedure must be investigated and

repaired before reusing the apparatus.

● Additional air flow required (emergency procedure only used in the unlikely condition of

low or blocked airflow) – Press and rotate the bypass button (Fig 2, Item 3) to deliver a


sustained air supply (85 to 130 liters/minute) into the face mask.

● Excessive or loss of air flow (emergency procedure only used in the unlikely condition


of high or loss of airflow) – Close the cylinder valve then immediately begin to slowly

reopen the valve. Use the cylinder valve as a regulating valve to set the air flow to meet

the user requirement. This procedure can be used with screw-type and ratchet-type

cylinder valves.


After use



Do not remove the breathing apparatus until in a safe breathing environment.


1. Loosen the face mask straps. As the seal between the face mask and the face is

broken, press the reset button (Fig 2, Item 1) to switch off the positive pressure. Fully


remove the face mask and extend all of the straps of the head harness.

2. Close the cylinder valve.

3. Press the front button (Fig 2, Item 2) to vent system and then press the reset button

(Fig 2, Item 1) to switch off the positive pressure.

4. Release the waist belt buckle.

5. Lift the shoulder strap buckles to loosen the straps.

6. Remove the breathing apparatus and face mask.

7. Carry out the after use tasks in the maintenance table (see Section 5.1).

8. Remove the air cylinder if required (see Section 3.5.2).

9. Pass the breathing apparatus to the service department with details of any faults or

damage that occurred during use.




Common user tasks


Visual inspection

A visual inspection must check the full breathing apparatus including all component parts

and accessories. Check that the equipment is clean and undamaged, paying particular

attention to pneumatic components, hoses and connectors. Typical signs of damage that

may affect the operation of the breathing apparatus include impact, abrasion, cutting,

corrosion and discoloration. Report damage to service personnel and do not use the

apparatus until faults are rectified.



Air cylinder fitting and removing




High-pressure air release may cause injury to the user or other personnel near

the breathing apparatus. Close the cylinder valve and fully vent the system before

attempting to disconnect an air cylinder.

Impact damage to the cylinder valve or first-stage regulator connector may

prevent valve connection or cause an air leak. Handle the air cylinder and

breathing apparatus with care.




The following instructions are for a CGA-type threaded cylinder coupling. For

other cylinder connector types, refer to the Instructions for Use supplied with the


Fitting the cylinder

1. Check the threads of the cylinder valve port and the first-stage regulator. Ensure that

the O-ring seal (Fig 4, Item 1) in the regulator is clean and undamaged.

2. Lay the apparatus horizontal, with the regulator uppermost, and fully extend the

cylinder strap.

3. Insert the cylinder through the loop of the strap, and align the valve with the regulator.

4. Lift the cylinder and space frame into the vertical position (supported on the end of the

cylinder opposite the valve).

5. Tighten the hand wheel of the regulator, using only the thumb and index finger, until a

definite metal-to-metal contact is felt. Do not use tools or over tighten.

6. Place the unit back into the horizontal position.

7. Take up the slack in the cylinder strap (Fig 5).

8. Pull the strap over the cylinder to operate the cam lock (Fig 6).

9. Secure the strap end using the cylinder strap retainer (Fig 7). Release the cam lock to

adjust the position of the cylinder strap retainer if necessary.

Removing the cylinder

1. Close the cylinder valve and press the front button (Fig 2, Item 2) to fully vent the


2. Lay the apparatus horizontal, with the cylinder uppermost.

3. Lift the cylinder strap retainer.

4. Lift the strap against the cam lock to release the buckle tension, and then loosen the


5. Disconnect the cylinder valve from the first-stage regulator.

6. Lift the cylinder away from the regulator and remove the cylinder.


Functional testing



Failure of the breathing apparatus to meet any of the standards or parameters

described in the functional tests indicates a system fault. Report the fault to

trained service personnel or contact Dräger. Do not use the breathing apparatus

until the fault condition is rectified.

Assemble the breathing apparatus as described in the preparation for use (see Section 3.1)

before commencing any functional testing.

Leak test and whistle warning test

1. Press the reset button (Fig 2, Item 1) to switch off the positive pressure. Press and

rotate the bypass button (Fig 2, Item 3) to align the red spots and then release the

button to switch off the bypass.

2. Open the cylinder valve (counterclockwise) slowly, but fully, to pressurize system.

During pressurization a momentary sounding of the whistle will occur.

3. Fully close the cylinder valve.

4. After one minute, check the contents gauge and then reopen the cylinder valve. The

gauge must not show an increase in pressure of more than 200 psi. If the pressure

increase is more than 200 psi, investigate and repair the fault (see Section 4), and then

repeat the leak test.

5. Fully close the cylinder valve.

6. Cover the outlet port of the lung demand regulator with the palm of the hand and press

the front button (Fig 2, Item 2) to switch on the positive pressure.

7. Carefully lift the palm of the hand to slowly vent the system until the whistle activates,

and observe the pressure displayed on the gauge.

8. The whistle must begin to sound in the range:

2216 psi cylinder: 600 psi to 510 psi

4500 psi cylinder: 1215 psi to 1035 psi

9. Continue to vent the system until fully exhausted.

10. Press the reset button (Fig 2, Item 1) to switch off the positive pressure.

3359001 (A3-D-P)

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Руководства пользователя, инструкции и руководства по продуктам Drager.


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НДА – незаменимое при хирургических вмешательствах устройство, с помощью которого осуществляют общую анестезию, регулируют газовый обмен в организме оперируемого.
Наркозно-дыхательный аппарат «Драгер Примус» применяется в разных сферах медицины – это и анестезиология, и реаниматология, и хирургия. Универсальное оборудование подходит пациентам разных возрастов.

Модель имеет модульную конструкцию, одобренную кардиологами всего мира. Это значит, что возможности прибора можно расширять постепенно, например, со временем подключить монитор, отслеживающий движение крови по сосудам. Для подобных дополнений предусмотрены запасные кронштейны. Выбор опций зависит от специфики использования НДА и условий его эксплуатации.

Функциональные особенности НДА от Dräger Medical

Наркозно-дыхательный аппарат Drager Primus
обладает огромным количеством функций, что упрощает работу медперсонала, а также способствует безопасности пациентов.

  • Работа в разных режимах ИВЛ – IPPV (ДО – 20-1400 мл), PCV, SIMV.
  • Определение ингаляционных и летучих анестетиков, дозирование сочетания из двух препаратов.
  • Система тревожных сигналов (в частности, в случае падения давления кислорода, азота и воздуха) и подача О2 в экстренном режиме.
  • Защита от незапланированного применения двух испарителей одновременно.
  • Анализ таких важных показателей состояния пациента как ДО, давление в дыхательных путях и давление потока, а также отслеживание концентрации О2, N2O , СО2 на вдохе и выдохе.
  • Проверка датчиков перед запуском НДА происходит автоматически.

Наркозно-дыхательный аппарат Drager оборудован цветным TFT-дисплей (12,1 дюймов). На экране визуализировано меню с настройками, отображаются все жизненно важные показатели, включая тренды и три кривые. 

Полезной опцией является в дополнительном порядке подключаемая система удаления отработанного газа. Primus – наркозно-дыхательный аппарат, который может работать в автономном режиме на протяжении 0,5-1,5 часа. Точное время зависит от режима вентиляции.

Компания «Кислородная Империя» поставляет профессиональное оборудование в медицинские центры, клиники, хосписы и больницы с 2007 года. Мы с радостью поможем вам с выбором НДА, его установкой и вводом в эксплуатацию, обеспечим сервисное обслуживание. Чтобы получить консультацию нашего эксперта и сделать заказ, свяжитесь с нами по номеру 8-800-700-75-61 или заполните форму на сайте.

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