Eclipse 706 руководство по эксплуатации

Magnetrol Eclipse 706 Operating Manual

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Model 706





Operating Manual

Software Version 1.x

High Performance, 4th Generation

Guided Wave Radar

Level Transmitter

Use in conjunction with

I&O manual BE 57-606


Related Manuals for Magnetrol Eclipse 706

Summary of Contents for Magnetrol Eclipse 706

  • Page 1
    Eclipse Model 706 ® fieldbus ™ OUndatIOn Operating Manual Software Version 1.x High Performance, 4th Generation Guided Wave Radar Level Transmitter Use in conjunction with I&O manual BE 57-606…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    ® Eclipse Model 706 GWR transmitter with F Fieldbus Output ™ OUNDATION Table of Contents 1.0 F fieldbus ……….4 4.0 Model 706 Transmitter Configuration ……32 ™ OUNDATION 1.1 Overview…………..4 4.1 Configuration Information ……..32 1.2 Device Description (DD)……….5 4.2 Menu Transversal and Data Entry ……33 1.2.1 F fieldbus ™…

  • Page 4: Foundation Fieldbus

    Fieldbus ™ OUNDATION Overview fieldbus is a digital communications system ™ OUNDATION that serially interconnects devices in the field. A Fieldbus system is similar to a Distributed Control System (DCS) with two exceptions: • Although a Foundation fieldbus system can use the same ™…

  • Page 5: Device Description (Dd)

    Device Description (DD) An important requirement of Fieldbus devices is the concept of interoperability, defined as “the ability to operate multiple devices in the same system, regardless of manufac- turer, without loss of functionality.” Device Description (DD) technology is used to achieve this interoperability.

  • Page 6: Intrinsic Safety

    Intrinsic Safety The H1 physical layer supports Intrinsic Safety (IS) applica- tions with bus-powered devices. To accomplish this, an Intrinsically Safe barrier or galvanic isolator is placed between the power supply in the safe area and the device in the hazardous area. H1 also supports the Fieldbus Intrinsically Safe Concept (FISCO) model which allows more field devices in a net- work.

  • Page 7: Standard Function Blocks

    Standard Function Blocks Overview The function of a F fieldbus device is deter- ™ OUNDATION mined by the arrangement of a system of blocks defined by the Fieldbus foundation. The types of blocks used in a typi- cal User Application are described as either Standard or Advanced.

  • Page 8: Universal Fieldbus Block Parameters

    2.1.1 Universal fieldbus Block Parameters The following are general descriptions of the parameters common to all function blocks. Additional information for a given parameter may be described later in a section that describes the specific block. ST_REV: a read only parameter that gives the revision level of the static data associated with the block.

  • Page 9: Resource Block (Rb)

    Under normal operating conditions, it should be “On-Line.” DD_RESOURCE: A string identifying the tag of the resource that contains the Device Description for this device. MANUFAC_ID: Contains Magnetrol International’s fieldbus ™ manufacturer’s ID number, which is OUNDATION 0x000156.

  • Page 10
    CYCLE_TYPE: Identifies the block execution methods that are available. CYCLE_SEL: Allows the user to select the block execution method. MIN_CYCLE_T: The time duration of the shortest cycle interval. It puts a lower limit on the scheduling of the resource. NV_CYCLE_T: The minimum time interval between copies of non-volatile (NV) parameters to NV memory.
  • Page 11: Additional Resource Block Parameters

    BLOCK_ALM (Block Alarm): Is used for configuration, hardware, connection, or system problems in the block. The cause of any specific alert is entered in the subcode field. ALARM_SUM (Alarm Summary): Contains the current alert status, the unacknowledged states, the unreported states, and the disabled states of the alarms associated with the block.

  • Page 12
    FD_OFFSPEC_MAP: Maps conditions to be detected as active for the OFFSPEC alarm category. FD_MAINT_MAP: Maps conditions to be detected as active for the MAINT alarm category. FD_CHECK_MAP: Maps conditions to be detected as active for the CHECK alarm category. FD_FAIL_MASK: Used to suppress an alarm from being broadcast for single or multiple conditions that are active in the FAIL alarm category.
  • Page 13: Transducer (Tb)

    “simulation” indicator in the Block Error parameter. SERIAL_NUMBER: Read-only parameter that corresponds to “Magnetrol Serial Number” in the Transducer Block. FIRMWARE_VERSION: Read-only parameter that corre- sponds to “Firmware Version” in the Transducer Block. HARDWARE_VERSION: Read-only parameter that corre- sponds to “Hardware Version”…

  • Page 14: Tb Parameters

    2.3.1 transducer Block Parameters The first six parameters in the TRANSDUCER Block are the universal parameters discussed in section 2.1.1. After the universal parameters, six additional parameters are required for Transducer Blocks. The most notable of these parame- ters are UPDATE_EVT and BLOCK_ALM. It should be noted that these six additional parameters must exist but do not have to be implemented.

  • Page 15: Configuration Parameters

    On the other hand, part of the advantage of F OUNDATION fieldbus™ is to provide the ability to monitor changes and make adjustments to a transmitter. The Fieldbus™ concept allows a user to make adjustments if deemed necessary. 2.3.4 Eclipse Model 706 FF device-Specific Configuration Parameters Please refer to ECLIPSE Model 706 I/O Manual BE 57-606 for detailed information on the Model 706 device-specific…

  • Page 16
    ST_REV: a read only parameter that gives the revision level of the static data associated with the block. This parameter will be incremented each time a static parameter attribute value is written and is a vehicle for tracking changes in static parameter attributes.
  • Page 17
    CHANNEL: The number of the logical hardware channel that is connected to this I/O block. (This information defines the transducer to be used going to or from the phys- ical world). L_TYPE: Determines if the values passed by the transducer block to the AI block may be used directly (Direct), or if the value is in different units and must be converted linearly (Indirect), using the input range defined for the transducer…
  • Page 18: Ai Block Diagnostics

    LO_LO_ALM: The status for low-low alarm and its associ- ated time stamp. BLOCK_ERR_DESC: Reports more specific details regard- ing some errors reported through BLOCK_ERR. The MODE_BLK parameter (within both the TB and AI Blocks) must be set to AUTO to pass the PV Value through the AI to the network.

  • Page 19: Ai Out Display Screens

    NOTE: There are many reasons that AI block Out values can deviate from the measurement value originating in the Transducer block, and because the keypad and local display will only pro- vide access to Transducer block parameters, there is no way to change (or view) the other fieldbus configuration items affecting the AI block output using the keypad and LCD.

  • Page 20: Ai Block Configuration

    2.4.4 aI Block Configuration Below are shown some examples of various typical AI Block configurations. Example 1: standard Configuration configuration for trans- mitter with probe of Probe Length length PL inches or cm. Transducer Level Offset AI Block Output Block + [setup by factory as [To FF segment] XD Scale EU at 0%…

  • Page 21: Simulation Feature

    2.4.5 Simulation Feature The ECLIPSE Model 706 with F fieldbus ™ OUNDATION supports the Simulate feature in the Analog Input block. The Simulate feature is typically used to exercise the opera- tion of an AI block by simulating a TRANSDUCER block input.

  • Page 22
    BKCAL_IN: The analog input value and status for another blocks BKCAL_OUT output. BKCAL_HYS: The amount the output must change away from its output limit before the limit status is turned off, expressed as a percent of the span of the output. BKCAL_OUT: The value and status required by the BKCAL_IN input for another block.
  • Page 23
    IN: The connection for the PV input from another block. LO_ALM: The LO alarm data. LO_LIM: The setting for the alarm limit used to detect the LO alarm condition. LO_LO_ALM: The LO _LO alarm data. LO_LO_LIM: The setting for the alarm limit used to detect the LO_LO alarm condition.
  • Page 24: Advanced Function Blocks

    STATUS_OPTS: Allows one to select options for status handling and processing. STRATEGY: Can be used to identify grouping of blocks. ST_REV: The revision level of the static data associated with the function block. TAG_DESC: The user description of the intended applica- tion of the block.

  • Page 25
    TOTAL_SP: The set point for a batch totalization. OUT: The block output value and status. OUT_RANGE: The high and low scale values, engineering units code, and number of digits to the right of the decimal point associated with OUT. GRAND_DENY: Options for controlling access of host computers and local control panels to operating, tuning, and alarm parameters of the block (not used by the device).
  • Page 26: Arithmetic Block (Ar)

    INTEG_OPTIONS : A bit string to configure the type of input (rate or accumulative) used in each input, the flow direction to be considered in the totalization, the status to be considered in TOTAL and if the totalization residue should be used in the next batch (only when INTEG_TYPE=UP_AUTO or DN_AUTO).

  • Page 27
    The nine arithmetic functions are: • Flow Compensation Linear • Flow Compensation Square Root • Flow Compensation Approximate • Btu Flow • Traditional Multiply and Divide • Average • Summer • Fourth Order Polynomial • Simple HTG Compensate Level ST_REV: The revision level of the static data associated with the function block.
  • Page 28
    GRANT_DENY: Options for controlling access of host computers and local control panels to operating, tuning, and alarm parameters of the block. INPUT_OPTIONS: Option bit string for handling the status of the auxiliary inputs. IN: The block input value and status. IN_LO: Input of the low range transmitter, in a range extension application.
  • Page 29: Input Selector Block (Isel)

    BLOCK_ERR_DESC: Reports more specific details regard- ing some errors reported through BLOCK_ERR. 3.3 Input Selector Block (IS) The Input Selector (IS) function block can be used to select the first good, maximum, minimum, or average of as many as four input values and place it at the output. The block supports signal status propagation.

  • Page 30: Signal Characterizer Block (Sc)

    IN_2: The block input value and status. IN_3: The block input value and status. IN_4: The block input value and status. DISABLE_1: Parameter to switch off the input from being used 0- Use, 1 — Disable. DISABLE_2: Parameter to switch off the input from being used 0- Use, 1 — Disable.

  • Page 31
    TAG_DESC: The user description of the intended applica- tion of the block. STRATEGY: The strategy field can be used to identify grouping of blocks. This data is not checked or processed by the block. ALERT_KEY: The identification number of the plant unit.
  • Page 32: Model 706 Transmitter Configuration

    4.0 Model 706 Transmitter Configuration Although the ECLIPSE Model 706 transmitter can be delivered pre-configured from the factory, it can also be eas- ily reconfigured in the shop or at the installation using the local LCD/Keypad. Bench configuration provides a conve- nient and efficient way to set up the transmitter before going to the tank site to complete the installation.

  • Page 33: Menu Transversal And Data Entry

    4.2 Menu Traversal and Data Entry The four push buttons offer various forms of functionality for navigation and data entry. The Model 706 user interface is hierarchical in nature, best described as a tree structure. Each level in the tree contains one or more items.

  • Page 34: Entering Numeric Data Using Digit Entry

    4.2.3 Entering Numeric Data Using Digit Entry This method is used to input numeric data, e.g., Probe Length or level offset. Push button Keystroke Action Moves up to the next highest digit (0,1,2,3,..,9 or decimal point). If held down the digits scroll until the push button is released.

  • Page 35: Enter Character Data

    4.2.5 Entering Character Data This method is used for parameters requiring alphanumeric character entry, such as for entering tags, etc. General Menu Notes: Push button Keystroke Action Moves to the previous character (Z…Y…X…W). If held down, the characters scroll until the push button is released.

  • Page 36: Model 706 Menu: Step-By-Step Procedure

    This password will be provided, when necessary, by Factory technical support. Factory Password Calibration-related and other factory settings are further protected by a Factory Password. 4.4 Model 706 Menu: Step-By-Step Procedure The following tables provide a complete explanation of the software menus displayed by the ECLIPSE transmitter.

  • Page 37
    MAIN MENU Pressing any key on the Home Screen will present the Main Menu, consisting of three basic menu labels shown in all capital letters. DEVICE SETUP DIAGNOSTICS MEASURED VALUES As shown, the reverse video represents a cursor identifying the selected item, which will appear in reverse video on the LCD.
  • Page 38: Model 706 Configuration Menu: Device Setup

    Home Screen Probe Mount: Main Menu Flange Device Setup Quick Start NPT/Flushing Identity Product Name (read only) BSP/Flushing Magnetrol S/N (read only) Flange/Flushing Hardware Version (read only) Hygienic Firmware Version (read only) Physical Device Tag Device Address Level Units: Date Code…

  • Page 39
    2.6.5 Model 706 Configuration Menu — device Setup Model 706 Configuration Menu — Device Setup Home Screen Level Units: Probe Model: Inches 7YD Coax HTHP Main Menu Feet 7YF Sngl Rod Tanks Millimeters 7YG Sngl Rod Cages Device Setup Quick Start Centimeters 7YJ Sngl Rod HTHP Cages Identity…
  • Page 40
    4.5 Model 706 Configuration Menu — Device Setup Home Screen Main Menu Device Setup Quick Start Identity Basic Config Measurement Type: I/O Config Level Only Display Config Interface and Level Advanced Config Volume and Level Factory Config Flow System Units Level Units: Probe Model: Flow Units:…
  • Page 41
    4.5 Model 706 Configuration Menu — Device Setup Home Screen Main Menu Device Setup Quick Start Identity Basic Config Display Config Language: Head: Probe Buildup: Advanced Config English (Flow mode only) (Buildup Detection = On) Factory Config French Hide Hide German View View…
  • Page 42
    4.5 Model 706 Configuration Menu — Device Setup Home Screen Main Menu Device Setup Quick Start Identity Basic Config Display Config Advanced Config Factory Config Sensitivity: Sloped End Dist: Reject Curve Mode: 0 to 100 echo strength units (used when Lvl Thresh Mode is Level Sloped) Distance…
  • Page 43
    4.5 Model 706 Configuration Menu — Device Setup Home Screen Main Menu Device Setup Quick Start Identity Basic Config Display Config Advanced Config Factory Config Fiducial Gain: 0 to 255 (read only) Fid Threshold Value SZ Hysteresis (Safe Zone Hysteresis): (not used when Safe Zone Alarm is None) 0 to 100 feet (0 to 30 m)
  • Page 44: Troubleshooting And Diagnostics

    5.0 Troubleshooting and Diagnostics The ECLIPSE Model 706 transmitter is designed and engi- neered for trouble-free operation over a wide range of oper- ating conditions. The transmitter continuously runs a series of internal self-tests and displays helpful messages on the large graphic liquid crystal display (LCD) when attention is required.

  • Page 45: Diagnostics (Namur Ne 107)

    While changing any transmitter parameters using the local display or through a system configuration tool (with the MODE_BLK in OOS), the output might be inaccurate because of the changing parameters. When the device is set to OOS, the TRANSDUCER BLOCK will still output level but the QUALITY will be shown as “Bad”…

  • Page 46
    In essence, this approach ensures that the right diagnostic information is available to the right person-at the right time. In addition, it allows diagnostics to be applied, as most appropriate, for a particular plant application (such as process control engineering or asset management mainte- nance).
  • Page 47: Diagnostic Indication Simulation

    No Probe Torque HF nut. Failure No Probe Connected. Clean gold pin on transmitter and socket on probe. Contact MAGNETROL Technical Support. Torque HF nut. Clean gold pin on transmitter and socket on probe. No Fiducial Check settings: Failure Reference signal too weak to detect.

  • Page 48
    5.1.3 diagnostic Indicator table default Priority Indicator name Explanation Remedy Category Check settings: Dielectric Range No Echoes Sensitivity Failure No signal detected anywhere on probe. EoP Thresh Value Increase Sensitivity. Lower EoP Thresh. View Echo Curve. Check settings: Upper Dielectric, Echo Lost Blocking Distance, Signal from upper liquid too weak to…
  • Page 49
    Error Internal signal timing out of limits causing Out of Spec Replace transmitter electronics. inaccurate distance measurement. Contact MAGNETROL Technical Support. High Elec Temp Electronics too hot. May compromise Shield transmitter from heat source or Out of Spec level measurement or damage increase air circulation.
  • Page 50: Diagnostic Help

    ITEMS from the top level of the DIAGNOSTICS tree. When Present Status is highlighted, the highest MAGNETROL priority active diagnostic indicator (numer- ically lowest in Table 5.1.3) is displayed on the bottom LCD line as shown above. Pressing the ENTER key moves…

  • Page 51: Diagnostic Parameters

    ECHO HISTORY SETUP – The Model 706 contains the unique and powerful feature that allows waveforms to be automatically captured based on Diagnostic Events, Time or both. This menu contains those parameters that configure that feature. Eleven (11) waveforms can be saved directly into the trans- mitter.

  • Page 52
    diagnostic/Condition Process Variables Quality Sub-status Limit All PVs except No Echoes Sensor Failure Constant limited Elec Temperature All PVs except Lvl Below ProbeEnd Sensor Failure Constant limited Elec Temperature All PVs except EoP Below ProbeEnd Sensor Failure Constant limited Elec Temperature Software Error All PVs Device Failure…
  • Page 53
    diagnostic/Condition Process Variables Quality Sub-status Limit All PVs except Initializing Uncertain Initial Value Constant limited Elec Temperature Distance Good Non-Specific High limited Level Ifc Level Upper Thickness Good Non-Specific Low limited Volume Dry Probe Flow Head NR Totalizer Good Non-Specific Constant limited R Totalizer TB Config Changed…
  • Page 54: Foundation

    fieldbus ™ Segment Checklist 5.3 F OUNDATION There can be several reasons for a F fieldbus ™ OUNDATION installation to be in a faulty condition. In order to ensure that communication can be established, the following requirements must be met. •…

  • Page 55: Appendix A: Block Mode Operation (Oos)

    Appendix A Block Mode Operation (OOS) Screens such as shown below (which can be from a 475 Field Communicator, NI Configurator, AMS, DTMs, etc.) can be an indication that the block should be set to Out of Service (OOS): BE57-646 ECLIPSE Guided Wave Radar Transmitter — F fieldbus OUNDATION…

  • Page 56: Appendix B: Transducer Block Tables

    Appendix B transducer Block table Item Parameter name Parameter Label BLOCK_STRUCTURE BLOCK STRUCT ST_REV Static Revision TAG_DESC Tag Description STRATEGY Strategy ALERT_KEY Alert Key MODE_BLK Block Mode BLOCK_ERR Block Error UPDATE_EVT Update Event BLOCK_ALM Block Alarm TRANSDUCER_DIRECTORY Transducer Directory TRANSDUCER_TYPE Transducer Type XD_ERROR Transducer Error…

  • Page 57
  • Page 58
    7XK Scale Offset FACTORY_PARAMETER_1 Factory Parameter 1 FACTORY_PARAMETER_2 Factory Parameter 2 FACTORY_PARAMETER_3 Factory Parameter 3 FACTORY_PARAMETER_4 Factory Parameter 4 MAGNETROL_SERIAL_NUMBER Magnetrol S/N DATE_CODE Date Code CONFIG_CHANGED_MODE TB Config Chgd Mode RESET_CONFIG_CHANGED Reset Config Changed USER_PASSWORD New User Password LOCAL_DISP_MEAS_VALUES Local Disp Meas Values…
  • Page 59
  • Page 60
  • Page 61
    VESSEL_CONICAL_HEIGHT Vessel Conical Height VESSEL_WIDTH Vessel Width VESSEL_LENGTH Vessel Length VOLUME_TABLE_TYPE Volume Table Type LEVEL_INPUT_SOURCE Level Input Source VOLUME_TABLE_LENGTH Volume Table Length VOLUME_TABLE_PT_01 Volume Table Pt 01 VOLUME_TABLE_PT_02 Volume Table Pt 02 VOLUME_TABLE_PT_03 Volume Table Pt 03 VOLUME_TABLE_PT_04 Volume Table Pt 04 VOLUME_TABLE_PT_05 Volume Table Pt 05 VOLUME_TABLE_PT_06…
  • Page 62
    LEVEL_HIGH_LIMIT Level High Limit ENTER_PASSWORD Enter Password PRESENT_STATUS Present Status STATUS_INDICATORS_1 Status Indicators STATUS_INDICATORS _2 Status Indicators STATUS_INDICATORS _3 Status Indicators STATUS_INDICATORS _4 Status Indicators STATUS_INDICATORS _5 Status Indicators STATUS_INDICATORS _6 Status Indicators TREND_VOLUME_VALUE Volume Flow transducer Block table Item Parameter Name Parameter Label BLOCK_STRUCTURE…
  • Page 63
    R_TOTALIZER_MODE R Totalizer Mode R_TOTALIZER_MULTIPLIER R Totalizer Multiplier R_TOTALIZER R Totalizer R_TOTALIZER_UNIT R Totalizer Unit R_TOTALIZER_TIME R Totalizer Time RESET_R_TOTALIZER Reset R Totalizer REFERENCE_DISTANCE Reference Distance MAXIMUM_HEAD Maximum Head MAXIMUM_FLOW Maximum Flow LOW_FLOW_CUTOFF Low Flow Cutoff FLOW_ELEMENT Flow Element PALMER_BOWL_FLUME_WIDTH Palmer Bowl Flume Width PARSHALL_FLUME_WIDTH Parshall Flume Width…
  • Page 64
    FLOW_TABLE_PT_18 Flow Table Pt 18 FLOW_TABLE_PT_19 Flow Table Pt 19 FLOW_TABLE_PT_20 Flow Table Pt 20 FLOW_TABLE_PT_21 Flow Table Pt 21 FLOW_TABLE_PT_22 Flow Table Pt 22 FLOW_TABLE_PT_23 Flow Table Pt 23 FLOW_TABLE_PT_24 Flow Table Pt 24 FLOW_TABLE_PT_25 Flow Table Pt 25 FLOW_TABLE_PT_26 Flow Table Pt 26 FLOW_TABLE_PT_27…
  • Page 65
    otes BE57-646 ECLIPSE Guided Wave Radar Transmitter — F fieldbus OUNDATION…
  • Page 66
    otes BE57-646 ECLIPSE Guided Wave Radar Transmitter — F fieldbus OUNDATION…
  • Page 67
    otes BE57-606 ECLIPSE Model 706 Guided Wave Radar Transmitter…
  • Page 68
    SERVICE POLICY Owners of Magnetrol products may request the return of a control; or, any part of a control for complete rebuilding or replacement. They will be rebuilt or replaced promptly. Magnetrol International will repair or replace the control, at no cost to the purchaser, (or owner) other than transportation cost if: a.



Эклипс 706 — это высокотехнологичный прибор. Благодаря современным технологиям и уникальным разработкам данный уровнемер показывает превосходные результаты при измерении уровня или раздела сред.

  • Характеристики
  • Сертификаты
  • Инструкции
  • ПО
  • Отзывы
  • Истории успеха


  • Выходной сигнал 4-20 мА, HART 7, Fieldbus, Profibus, Modbus
  • Температура процесса: -196… +450 °C
  • Температура окружающей среды: -60… +80 °C
  • Давление процесса: от полного вакуума до 430 бар
  • Точность измерений: 2 мм или 0,1 % от длины зонда
  • Диапазон измерений: до 30 м
  • Присоединение к процессу: резьба или фланец
  • Взрывозащита типов ExiaIICT4, Exd[ia]IIВT6 и ExnIICT6
  • Аттестован на применение в цепях надежности классов SIL 2, SIL 3
  • Корпус из двух отсеков: отсек электроники и отсек питания
  • Материал корпуса: алюминий или нержавеющая сталь
  • Исполнение с выносной электроникой (до 3,6 м)
  • ПО для настройки уровнемера PactWare

Отличительные особенности:

  • Не зависит от параметров измеряемой среды
  • Изменение параметров среды не влияет на показания
  • Не требуется калибровка
  • Возможность установки в существующие внешние камеры
  • Отображение эхо-кривой на дисплее
  • Усиленный сигнал
  • Более защищенная электроника и ВЧ разъем, прокладка вокруг модуля индикации
  • Новое расширение DTM
  • Русифицированное меню
  • Сегментирование коаксиальных зондов
  • Возможность подключения дисплея без отключения питания
  • Возможность промывки зонда без снятия с резервуара





Истории успеха

Компания Magnetrol. Крупнейший реализованный проект на территории России – ЯМАЛ СПГ.


По результатам 2019 года наибольшую долю в обороте нашей компани…


Magnetrol Eclipse 706: Available Instructions

Note for Owners: webproject is not a service center of Magnetrol trademark and does not carries out works for diagnosis and repair of faulty Magnetrol Eclipse 706 equipment. For quality services, please contact an official service center of Magnetrol company. On our website you can read and download documentation for your Magnetrol Eclipse 706 device for free and familiarize yourself with the technical specifications of device.

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