Efc 3610 инструкция на русском rexroth

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The Drive & Control Company

Frequency Converter

EFC 3610 / EFC 5610 Series

Operating Instructions

Edition 05



Related Manuals for REXROTH EFC 3610 Series

Summary of Contents for REXROTH EFC 3610 Series

  • Page 1
    The Drive & Control Company Frequency Converter EFC 3610 / EFC 5610 Series Operating Instructions Edition 05 R912005854…
  • Page 2
    This document, as well as the data, specifications and other information set forth in it, are the exclusive property of Bosch Rexroth (Xi’an) Electric Drives and Controls Co., Ltd. It may not be reproduced or given to third parties without its consent.
  • Page 3
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Deutsch English Français Lebensgefahr bei Danger to life in Danger de Nichtbeachtung der nachstehenden case of non‑compliance with the mort en cas de non‑respect des Sicherheitshinweise! below-mentioned safety consignes de sécurité figurant ci- instructions! après !
  • Page 4
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Deutsch English Français Electromagnetic / Champs Elektromagnetische / magnetische magnetic fields! Health hazard for électromagnétiques / magnétiques ! Felder! Gesundheitsgefahr für persons with heart pacemakers, Risque pour la santé des porteurs de Personen mit Herzschrittmachern, metal implants or hearing aids! stimulateurs cardiaques, d’implants…
  • Page 5
    Rexroth competente. en el idioma de su país, diríjase a su responsável da Rexroth. distribuidor competente de Rexroth. Solo personale qualificato può Apenas pessoal qualificado pode eseguire lavori sui componenti di Solo el personal debidamente trabalhar nos componentes de comando.
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    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Español Português Italiano Campi ¡Campos Campos elettromagnetici / magnetici! Pericolo electromagnéticos/magnéticos! eletromagnéticos / magnéticos! per la salute delle persone portatrici ¡Peligro para la salud de las personas Perigo de saúde para pessoas com di pacemaker, protesi metalliche o con marcapasos, implantes marcapassos, implantes metálicos…
  • Page 7
    Kontakta din Rexroth-återförsäljare givne anvisninger. om dokumentationen inte medföljer Mocht u niet beschikken over på ditt språk. Kontakt din Rexroth-forhandler, hvis documenten in uw landstaal, kunt u dokumentationen ikke medfølger på contact opnemen met uw plaatselijke Endast kvalificerad personal får dit sprog.
  • Page 8
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Svenska Dansk Nederlands Elektromagnetiska/ magnetiska fält! Hälsofara för Elektromagnetiske/magnetiske Elektromagnetische / magnetische personer med pacemaker, implantat felter! Sundhedsfare for personer velden! Gevaar voor de gezondheid av metall eller hörapparat! med pacemakere, metalliske van personen met pacemakers, implantater eller høreapparater!
  • Page 9
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Suomi Polski Český Näiden Zagrożenie Nebezpečí života v turvaohjeiden noudattamatta życia w razie nieprzestrzegania případě nedodržení níže uvedených jättämisestä on seurauksena poniższych wskazówek bezpečnostních pokynů! hengenvaara! bezpieczeństwa! Před uvedením výrobků do provozu si Ota tuote käyttöön vasta sen jälkeen, Nie uruchamiać…
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    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Suomi Polski Český Pola Elektromagnetická/ Sähkömagneettisia/magneettisia elektromagnetyczne / magnetyczne! magnetická pole! Nebezpečí pro kenttiä! Terveydellisten haittojen Zagrożenie zdrowia dla osób z zdraví osob s kardiostimulátory, vaara henkilöille, joilla on rozrusznikiem serca, metalowymi kovovými implantáty nebo sydämentahdistin, metallinen…
  • Page 11
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Slovensko Slovenčina Română Življenjska Nebezpečenstvo Pericol de nevarnost pri neupoštevanju ohrozenia života pri nedodržiavaní moarte în cazul nerespectării naslednjih napotkov za varnost! nasledujúcich bezpečnostných următoarelor instrucţiuni de pokynov! siguranţă! Izdelke začnite uporabljati šele, ko v celoti preberete, razumete in Výrobky uvádzajte do prevádzky až…
  • Page 12
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Slovensko Slovenčina Română Câmpuri Elektromagnetna / magnetna polja! Elektromagnetické/magnetické polia! electromagnetice / magnetice! Pericol Nevarnost za zdravje za osebe s Nebezpečenstvo pre zdravie osôb s pentru sănătatea persoanelor cu spodbujevalniki srca, kovinskimi kardiostimulátormi, kovovými stimulatoare cardiace, implanturi vsadki ali slušnimi aparati!
  • Page 13
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Magyar Български Latviski Turpinājumā Опасност за живота при alábbi biztonsági útmutatások doto drošības norādījumu неспазване на посочените по-долу figyelmen kívül hagyása neievērošana var apdraudēt dzīvību! инструкции за безопасност! életveszélyes helyzethez vezethet! Sāciet lietot izstrādājumu tikai pēc Използвайте…
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    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Magyar Български Latviski Електромагнитни / магнитни Elektromágneses / mágneses mező! Elektromagnētiskais / magnētiskais полета! Опасност за здравето на Káros hatással lehet a szívritmus- lauks! Veselības apdraudējums хора със сърдечни стимулатори, szabályozó készülékkel, personām ar sirds stimulatoriem, метални…
  • Page 15
    Kui Teil puuduvad emakeelsed materjalid, siis pöörduge Rexrothi Εάν δεν υπάρχει τεκμηρίωση στη Jei Jūs negavote aprašo gimtąja kohaliku müügiesinduse poole. γλώσσα σας, απευθυνθείτε σε kalba, kreipkitės į įgaliotus Rexroth εξουσιοδοτημένο αντιπρόσωπο της atstovus. Ajamikomponentidega tohib töötada Rexroth. üksnes kvalifitseeritud personal.
  • Page 16
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Lietuviškai Eesti Ελληνικά Elektromagnetilised / magnetilised väljad! Terviseohtlik Ηλεκτρομαγνητικά/μαγνητικά πεδία! Elektromagnetiniai / magnetiniai südamestimulaatorite, Κίνδυνος για την υγεία ατόμων με laukai! Pavojus asmenų su širdies metallimplantaatide ja καρδιακούς βηματοδότες, μεταλλικά stimuliatoriais, metaliniais implantais kuulmisseadmetega inimestele! εμφυτεύματα…
  • Page 17
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG 中文 如果不按照下述指定的安全说明使用,将会导致人身伤害! 在没有阅读,理解随本产品附带的文件并熟知正当使用前,不要安装或使用本产品。 如果没有您所在国家官方语言文件说明,请与 Rexroth 销售伙伴联系。 只允许有资格人员对驱动器部件进行操作。 安全说明的详细解释在本文档的第一章。 高电压!电击导致生命危险! 只有在安装了永久良好的设备接地导线后才可以对驱动器的部件进行操作。 在接触驱动器部件前先将驱动器部件断电。 确保电容放电时间。 危险运动!生命危险! 保证设备的运动区域内和移动部件周围无障碍物。 防止人员意外进入设备运动区域内。 在接近或进入危险区域之前,确保传动设备安全停止。 电磁场/磁场!对佩戴心脏起搏器、金属植入物和助听器的人员会造成严重的人身伤害 ! 上述人员禁止进入安装及运行的驱动器区域,或者必须事先咨询医生。 热表面(大于 60 度)!灼伤风险! 不要触摸金属表面(例如散热器)。驱动器部件断电后需要时间进行冷却(至少 15 分钟)。 安装和运输不当导致受伤危险!当心受伤! 使用适当的运输和安装设备。 使用适合的工具及用适当的防护设备。 电池操作不当!受伤风险! 请勿对低电量电池重新激活或重新充电(爆炸和腐蚀的危险)。 请勿拆解或损坏电池。请勿将电池投入明火中。 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…
  • Page 18
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…
  • Page 19: Table Of Contents

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Table of Contents Table of Contents Page Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls……1 Definitions of Terms…………….1 Explanation of Signal Words and the Safety Alert Symbol….General Information…………….4 1.3.1 Using the Safety Instructions and Passing Them on to Others….4 1.3.2…

  • Page 20
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Table of Contents Page 6.1.1 Input………………..6.1.2 Output………………..6.1.3 V/f Control Performance…………..19 6.1.4 SVC Control Performance…………..19 6.1.5 Main Functions………………20 6.1.6 Communication………………21 6.1.7 Operating Panel………………. 21 6.1.8 Protection……………….. 6.1.9 Conditions………………. Technical Data………………23 6.2.1…
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    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Table of Contents Page 8.3.2 Control Terminals…………….Control terminals figure…………… 54 Control terminals description………….. 55 Digital input NPN / PNP wiring…………Digital output DO1a, DO1b load pull-up / pull-down wiring….58 Analog input terminals (AI1, AI2, EAI, +10 V, +5 V, Earth and GND)..
  • Page 22
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Table of Contents Page Operating Panel and Dust Cover…………10.1 LED Panel……………….. 10.2 LED Display………………87 10.3 Dust Cover………………. 10.4 LED Indicator………………89 10.5 Operating Descriptions……………. 90 10.6 Fast Access to Parameters with Button Combinations……
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    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Table of Contents Page 12.2.7 Relay Card Terminal Configuration………… Set the relay terminals…………… 122 Perform the self-test function…………123 12.3 Power Stage Configuration…………..124 12.3.1 Set the Control Mode……………. 12.3.2 Normal / Heavy Duty Setting………….. 124 12.3.3 Carrier Frequency Setting…………..
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    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Table of Contents Page 12.5.4 Start Behavior Setting…………… Start mode selection…………….. Start directly………………154 DC-braking before start…………..Start with speed capture…………..156 Automatic start / stop according to setting frequency…… 12.5.5 Stop Behavior Setting……………. 159 Stop mode setting…………….
  • Page 25
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Table of Contents Page 12.9.7 PID Engineering Value Display…………12.9.8 PID Status Indication…………….. 194 12.9.9 Sleep / Wake Function…………… 195 12.9.10 Pump Protection Function…………..12.10 Protection Functions…………….199 12.10.1 Converter Protection…………….. Overload pre-warning……………. Stall overvoltage prevention…………..
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    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Table of Contents Page 12.12.3 PMSM SVC control…………….233 SVC Control loop configuration…………Torque Limit in Speed Control Mode……….233 Initial Position Checking…………..12.13 ASF Function………………235 12.13.1 Function Description…………….. 12.13.2 ASF Parameter………………. 12.13.3 ASF Management…………….237 Download ASF……………….
  • Page 27
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Table of Contents Page 13.4.19 Error 30 (OL -2): Motor Overload…………246 13.4.20 Error 31 (Ot): Motor over Temperature……….13.4.21 Error 32 (t-Er): Motor Parameter Tuning Error……..247 13.4.22 Error 33 (AdE-): Synchronous Motor Angle Detection Error….
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    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Table of Contents Page 14.3 Modbus Protocol…………….257 14.3.1 Protocol Description…………….257 Brief introduction…………….Transmission………………258 14.3.2 Modbus Interface…………….259 14.3.3 Modbus Function and Message Format……….Supported functions…………….259 Function example…………….261 Function 0x06: Write one register word……….262 Function 0x08: Diagnostics…………..
  • Page 29
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Table of Contents Page Parameter configuration of master………… GSD file………………..285 Accessories………………286 15.1 Optional Accessories…………….. 15.2 Operating Panel…………….. 286 15.3 Panel Mounting Plate…………….. 287 15.3.1 Function Description…………….. 15.3.2 Recommended Opening Dimensions at Control Cabinet….
  • Page 30
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Table of Contents Page 15.10.2 Brake Resistor Type for Braking Ratio of 10 %……..15.10.3 Brake Resistor Type for Braking Ratio of 20 %……..15.10.4 Brake Resistor Dimensions…………..15.11 Shielding Connector…………….Maintenance………………16.1 Safety Instructions…………….315 16.2…
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    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Table of Contents Page C2: V/f control parameters…………..C3: Vector control parameters…………338 19.3.4 Group E: Function Control Parameters……….339 E0: Set point and control parameters……….339 E1: Input terminal parameters…………E2: Output terminal parameters…………
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    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Table of Contents Page Safety Function Disable…………..Input Channel Parameter…………..383 19.6.3 Commission………………19.6.4 STO Function Diagnosis and Status Indication……..385 19.6.5 Technical Data………………386 Data Related to Safety Standards…………386 19.6.6 Maintenance………………19.6.7 Abbreviations………………388…
  • Page 33: Safety Instructions For Electric Drives And Controls

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls 1 Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls 1.1 Definitions of Terms Documentation A documentation comprises the entire documentation used to inform the user of the product about the use and safety-relevant features for configuring, integrat- ing, mounting, installing, commissioning, operating, maintaining, repairing and decommissioning the product.

  • Page 34
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls as well as control and power circuits, which have been assembled for a specific application. A machine is, for example, intended for processing, treatment, movement or packaging of a material. The term «machine» also covers a combi- nation of machines which are arranged and controlled in such a way that they function as a unified whole.
  • Page 35: Explanation Of Signal Words And The Safety Alert Symbol

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls 1.2 Explanation of Signal Words and the Safety Alert Symbol The Safety Instructions in the available application documentation contain spe- cific signal words (DANGER, WARNING, CAUTION or NOTICE) and, where re- quired, a safety alert symbol (in accordance with ANSI Z535.6-2011).

  • Page 36: General Information

    You must follow these safety instructions. Bosch Rexroth is not liable for damages resulting from failure to observe the ● safety instructions.

  • Page 37
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls which measures of risk reduction for personal safety depend on electrical, electronic or programmable control systems. The information given in the application documentation with regard to the use ●…
  • Page 38: Hazards By Improper Use

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls 1.3.3 Hazards by Improper Use High electrical voltage and high working current! Danger to life or serious in- ● jury by electric shock! High electrical voltage by incorrect connection! Danger to life or injury by ●…

  • Page 39: Instructions With Regard To Specific Dangers

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls 1.4 Instructions with Regard to Specific Dangers 1.4.1 Protection Against Contact With Electrical Parts and Housings This section concerns components of the electric drive and control system with voltages higher than 50 volts.

  • Page 40: Protective Extra-Low Voltage As Protection Against Electric Shock

    On components of an electric drive and control system provided by Bosch Rexroth, all connections and terminals with voltages between 5 and 50 volts are PELV («Protective Extra-Low Voltage») systems. It is allowed to connect devices equipped with basic insulation (such as programming devices, PCs, notebooks, display units) to these connections.

  • Page 41
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls that faulty drive movements will occur. The extent of faulty drive movements de- pends upon the type of control and the state of operation. Dangerous movements! Danger to life, risk of injury, serious injury or property…
  • Page 42: Protection Against Magnetic And Electromagnetic Fields During Operation And Mounting

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls and radio equipment in its possible positions of normal use. It might possibly be necessary to perform a special electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) test. 1.4.4 Protection Against Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields During…

  • Page 43: Protection Against Contact With Hot Parts

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Safety Instructions for Electric Drives and Controls 1.4.5 Protection Against Contact with Hot Parts Hot surfaces of components of the electric drive and control system. Risk of burns! Do not touch hot surfaces of, for example, braking resistors, heat sinks, sup- ●…

  • Page 44: Important Directions For Use

    The user alone carries all responsibility of the risks. Before using Bosch Rexroth products, make sure that all the pre-requisites for appropriate use of the products are satisfied. Personnel that in any way or form use our products must first read and under- ●…

  • Page 45: Documentation Information

    Do not attempt to install or put the product into operation until you have com- pletely read and understood the descriptions in this documentation! 3.2 Reference For documentation available in other type or language, please consult your local Bosch Rexroth sales partner or check www.boschrexroth.com/efcx610. Documentation type Short text / Type code Language…

  • Page 46: Delivery And Storage

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Delivery and Storage 4 Delivery and Storage 4.1 Product Identification 4.1.1 Packing Nameplate Check if the model information on the packing nameplate is the same as you or- dered immediately after receipt. If the model is wrong, please contact Bosch Rexroth distributor.

  • Page 47: Product Nameplate

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Delivery and Storage 4.1.2 Product Nameplate Check if the model information on product nameplate is the same as you or- dered immediately after unpacking. If the model is wrong, please contact Bosch Rexroth distributor.

  • Page 48: Visual Inspection

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Delivery and Storage 4.2 Visual Inspection Check the product for transport damages, e.g. deformation or loose parts, im- mediately after unpacking. In case of damage, contact the forwarder at once and arrange for a thorough review of the situation.

  • Page 49: Transport Of The Components

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Delivery and Storage 4.4 Transport of the Components Description Symbol Unit Value Temperature range ℃ -25…70 a_tran Relative humidity – 5…95 Absolute humidity – 1…60 Climate category (IEC 721) – – Moisture condensation –…

  • Page 50: Drive System Overview

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Drive System Overview 5 Drive System Overview Fig. 5-1: Drive system overview ①: To select an appropriate fuse, see chapter 8.2.1 «Power Cables» on page ②: Excessively frequent starting and stopping will shorten the life time of relay contacts and DC-bus capacitors, and may destroy the resistor for capacitor charging and current limitation.

  • Page 51: Frequency Converter Overview

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Frequency Converter Overview 6 Frequency Converter Overview 6.1 Product Features 6.1.1 Input 1P 200…240 VAC (-10 % / +10 %) (IT-Net, TN-Net) Power supply voltage 3P 380…480 VAC (-15 % / +10 %) (IT-Net, TN-Net) Power supply frequency 50 / 60 Hz (±5 %)

  • Page 52: Main Functions

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Frequency Converter Overview 6.1.5 Main Functions Analog setting: 1/1,000 of maximum frequency Frequency setting resolution Digital setting: 0.01 Hz Analog setting: ±0.1 % of maximum frequency (25 ℃ ± 10 ℃) Frequency setting accuracy Digital setting: ±0.01 % of maximum frequency (-10…50 ℃)

  • Page 53: Communication

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Frequency Converter Overview 6.1.6 Communication Standard communication protocol Modbus Standard communication interface RS485 Depending on communication module Optional communication protocol and interface (Needs to be ordered additionally) 6.1.7 Operating Panel Display: Display parameters, settings, status codes, warning codes and error codes…

  • Page 54: Conditions

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Frequency Converter Overview 6.1.9 Conditions Rated ambient temperature -10…45 ℃ Derating / ambient temperature 1.5 % / 1 °C (45…55 °C) Rated storage temperature -20…60 ℃ Rated altitude ≤ 1,000 m Derating / altitude 1 % / 100 m (1,000…4,000 m)

  • Page 55: Technical Data

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Frequency Converter Overview 6.2 Technical Data 6.2.1 Electric Data Motor power 200 V / 240 V 200 V / 240 V Output capacity Model [kW] Input current [A] Output current [A] [kVA] 0K40 6.2 / 5.1 2.4 / 2.0…

  • Page 56
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Frequency Converter Overview 30K0…90K0: available with ONLY EFC 5610. Please select the power rating of the frequency converter according to the motor rated power on the nameplate. Motor power 380 V / 480 V…
  • Page 57: Derating Of Electric Data

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Frequency Converter Overview 6.2.2 Derating of Electric Data Derating and ambient temperature The ambient temperature for Frequency Converter EFC x610 is -10…55 ℃. Out of this range, there will be no possibility to install and run the frequency con- verter, even the performance data have been additionally reduced.

  • Page 58: Derating And Mains Voltage

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Frequency Converter Overview Derating and mains voltage Reduce overcurrent based on mains voltage. Frequency Converter EFC x610 is thermally dimensioned for the rated current. This rated current is available with the specified rated voltage. With deviating voltages in the permissible range, please pay attention to the following: <…

  • Page 59: Derating And Carrier Frequency

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Frequency Converter Overview Derating and carrier frequency In case of higher carrier frequency, the output current is reduced so that the power dissipation in power section remains more or less constant. The figure below shows the current reduction based on the carrier frequency for the fre-…

  • Page 60
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Frequency Converter Overview I / I % Percentage of rated output current Normal duty rated Heavy load PWM or carrier frequency Fig. 6-4: Derating and carrier frequency for 5K50…22K0 models 28/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…
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    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Frequency Converter Overview I / I % Percentage of rated output current rated PWM or carrier frequency Fig. 6-5: Derating and carrier frequency for 30K0…90K0 models (ND and HD) 29/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…
  • Page 62: Maximum Length Of Motor Cables

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Frequency Converter Overview 6.2.3 Maximum Length of Motor Cables Maximum length of motor cables Model Configuration C3 [m] C1 [m] EFC x610 (internal EMC filter) – EFC x610 (internal EMC filter) + – External EMC filter 0K40…4K00…

  • Page 63: Frequency Converter Mounting

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Frequency Converter Mounting 7 Frequency Converter Mounting 7.1 Installation Conditions The frequency converter must be vertically installed. If one frequency converter is arranged above another, make sure the upper limit of air temperature into the inlet is not exceeded (see chapter 6.1.9 «Conditions»…

  • Page 64: Heat Dissipation

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Frequency Converter Mounting 7.2 Heat Dissipation 1P 200 VAC Heat dissipation Frame Model [BTU/h] 0K40 0K75 1K50 2K20 Tab. 7-1: 1P 200 VAC heat dissipation 3P 400 VAC Heat dissipation Frame Model [BTU/h] 0K40…

  • Page 65: Air Flow Of Fans

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Frequency Converter Mounting 7.3 Air Flow of Fans 1P 200 VAC Fan for heat sink Fan for internal components Frame Model [CFM] [CFM] /min] /min] 0K40 – – – – 0K75 – – –…

  • Page 66
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Frequency Converter Mounting Quantity of fans Models 5K50…22K0 have only one fan for internal components. ● Models 30K0 and above have no fan for internal components. ● Models 1K50…7K50 have only one fan for heat sink.
  • Page 67: Figures And Dimensions

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Frequency Converter Mounting 7.4 Figures and Dimensions 7.4.1 Figures Fig. 7-2: EFC x610 0K40…4K00 dimensions figure Fig. 7-3: EFC x610 5K50…22K0 dimensions figure 35/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…

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    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Frequency Converter Mounting Fig. 7-4: EFC 5610 30K0…37K0 dimensions figure 36/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…
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    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Frequency Converter Mounting Fig. 7-5: EFC 5610 45K0…55K0 dimensions figure Fig. 7-6: EFC 5610 75K0…90K0 dimensions figure 37/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…
  • Page 70: Dimensions

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Frequency Converter Mounting 7.4.2 Dimensions Dimensions [mm] Screw Frame Model ① weight Ø size ② [kg] 0K40 0K75 1K50 2K20 Tab. 7-5: EFC x610 1P 200 VAC dimensions Dimensions [mm] Screw Frame model ①…

  • Page 71
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Frequency Converter Mounting ① : The complete type code for frequency converter is: ● EFCX610-xKxx-xPx-MDA-xx-NNNNN-NNNN, see chapter 19.2 «Ap- pendix II: Type Coding» on page 324. E.g., type code for EFC 5610 5K50 (3P 400 VAC model) is: EFC5610-5K50-3P4-MDA-7P-NNNNN-NNNN.
  • Page 72: Din Rail Mounting

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Frequency Converter Mounting 7.4.3 DIN Rail Mounting Besides wall mounting with screws, Frequency Converter EFC x610 also pro- vides DIN rail mounting for models 0K40…7K50. Mounting buckle Disassembly handle Mounting rail Fig. 7-7: DIN rail mounting and disassembly…

  • Page 73: Frequency Converter Wiring

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Frequency Converter Wiring 8 Frequency Converter Wiring 8.1 Wiring Diagram Fig. 8-1: Wiring diagram For cable size, fuse, screw torque, see chapter 8.2 «Cable Specifi- ● cations» on page For terminals, see chapter 8.3 «Terminals» on page ●…

  • Page 74: Cable Specifications

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Frequency Converter Wiring 8.2 Cable Specifications 8.2.1 Power Cables Cable specification for international without USA / Canada ONLY USE copper wires of 90 ℃ or above with XLPE or EPR insu- ● lation according to IEC60364-5-52.

  • Page 75
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Frequency Converter Wiring Power cables installation mode EFC x610 Fuse (gG) PE Cable Torque / Screw Model [N·m / lb·in] (Mx) 30K0 125.0 35.0 50.0 35.0 25.0 3.80 / 33.6 (M6) 37K0 125.0 35.0 50.0…
  • Page 76: Cable Specification For Usa / Canada

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Frequency Converter Wiring Cable specification for USA / Canada ONLY USE copper wires of 75 ℃ or above according to UL 508C. ● It is recommended to use shielded cables to connect the motor.

  • Page 77: Dimensioning Variables Of The Table Values

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Frequency Converter Wiring Dimensioning variables of the table values 1. Installation types: B1 according to IEC 60364-5-52, e.g. stranded wires routed in cable ● duct B2 according to IEC 60364-5-52, e.g. multi-core line routed in cable duct ●…

  • Page 78
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Frequency Converter Wiring Characteristics In the case of error (e.g. ground error at connections L+, L -), fuses of characteristic gL (general-purpose fuse link for cables and lines) and gG (general-purpose fuse link for general installations) protect the lines in the frequency converter system.
  • Page 79: Control Cables

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Frequency Converter Wiring 8.2.2 Control Cables The following requirements are applicable to the signal connection wiring: Flexible cables with wire end sleeves ● Cable cross-section: 0.2…1.0 mm ● Cable cross-section for connectors with insulation sleeves: 0.25…1.0 mm ●…

  • Page 80: Terminals

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Frequency Converter Wiring 8.3 Terminals 8.3.1 Power Terminals Power Terminals Figure ① 1P 200 VAC 0K40…2K20 1P AC: Single phase AC power supply ② 3P 400 VAC 0K40…4K00 3P AC: Three phases AC power supply ③…

  • Page 81: Notes On Dc-Bus Terminals

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Frequency Converter Wiring Fig. 8-5: Grounding and PE terminals 1: Grounding terminal for mains cables 2: Reserved for PE / shielding adapter (Order additionally) 3: Reserved for PE / shielding adapter (Order additionally) 4: Grounding terminal for motor cables Fig.

  • Page 82
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Frequency Converter Wiring Motor a Motor b Fig. 8-7: Wiring of DC-bus in parallel Conditions for DC-bus in parallel In the above typical application, FC runs in generation mode and FC runs in ●…
  • Page 83
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Frequency Converter Wiring Wiring of DC-bus with external DC power supply FENL Mains choke External DC power supply Frequency converter Motor Fuse Softstart resistor Magnetic contactor Magnetic contactor of softstart resis- Fig. 8-8: Wiring of DC-bus with external DC power supply…
  • Page 84
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Frequency Converter Wiring Conditions for DC-bus with external DC power supply DC-bus voltage is within the specified range: 457…745 V. ● Use mains choke. ● Select fuses according to chapter «DC-bus fuse specification» on page ●…
  • Page 85
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Frequency Converter Wiring DC-bus fuse specification The fuse rating depends on the fuse type (gG) and the temporary overload capa- bility of the frequency converter. If no overload happens in an application, the fuses can be selected directly according to the power rating of the frequency converter.
  • Page 86: Control Terminals

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Frequency Converter Wiring 8.3.2 Control Terminals Control terminals figure Fig. 8-9: Control circuit terminals CAUTION The frequency converter might be damaged! Please make sure that the power supply of the frequency converter has been switched off before plugging or unplugging the connector.

  • Page 87: Control Terminals Description

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Frequency Converter Wiring Control terminals description Digital inputs Terminal Signal function Description Signal requirement Multi-function Inputs via opto-electric couplers: X1…X5 digital inputs See Group E1 24 VDC, 8 mA / 12 VDC, 4 mA Pulse input Pulse input: Max.

  • Page 88: Digital Outputs

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Frequency Converter Wiring Digital outputs Terminal Signal function Description Signal requirement DO1a Open collector output: See Group E2 Open collector output or Max. 30 VDC, 50 mA pulse output DO1b COM is reference Pulse output Max. frequency: 32.0 kHz…

  • Page 89: Digital Input Npn / Pnp Wiring

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Frequency Converter Wiring Digital input NPN / PNP wiring ① ③ NPN wiring with internal power supply PNP wiring with internal power supply ② ④ NPN wiring with external power supply PNP wiring with external power supply Fig.

  • Page 90: Digital Output Do1A, Do1B Load Pull-Up / Pull-Down Wiring

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Frequency Converter Wiring Digital output DO1a, DO1b load pull-up / pull-down wiring ① ③ Load pull-up wiring with internal power Load pull-up wiring with external power supply supply ② ④ Load pull-down wiring with internal…

  • Page 91: Analog Input Terminals (Ai1, Ai2, Eai, +10 V, +5 V, Earth And Gnd)

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Frequency Converter Wiring Analog input terminals (AI1, AI2, EAI, +10 V, +5 V, Earth and GND) Fig. 8-12: Analog input terminals The figure for AI2 and +5 V is similar to the figure above.

  • Page 92: Relay Output Terminals

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Frequency Converter Wiring Relay output terminals When relay output terminals are connected with inductive loads (relays, contac- tors, solenoid valves, motors, etc.), following noise suppression circuits need to be applied at the coils of the inductive loads, as close as possible to the induc- tive loads, in order to reduce the electromagnetic interference generated from inductive load action.

  • Page 93: Notes On Dc_In Terminal

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Frequency Converter Wiring Notes on DC_IN terminal Converter in running status: Converter stops with error ‘UE-1’ at AC power loss Conditions Description ‘UE-1’ remains to be displayed on the panel ‘Power loss restart’ function does NOT work…

  • Page 94
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Frequency Converter Wiring Limited* Parameters Code Name Code Name b0.00 Access authority setting E9.01 Automatic error reset interval E0.45 Power loss restart mode E9.05 Last error type E0.46 Power loss restart delay E9.06 Second last error type E8.00 Communication protocol…
  • Page 95: Electromagnetic Compatibility (Emc)

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 9 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 9.1 EMC Requirements 9.1.1 General Information The electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) or electromagnetic interference (EMI) includes the following requirements: Sufficient noise immunity of an electric installation or an electric device ●…

  • Page 96: Minimum Immunity Requirements For Pdss Intended For Use In The Second Environment

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Minimum immunity requirements for PDSs intended for use in the second envi- ronment Basic standard Performance Port Phenomenon for test Level (acceptance method criterion) 4 kV CD or 8 kV AD…

  • Page 97: Minimum Immunity Requirements For Pdss Intended For Use In The First Environment

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Minimum immunity requirements for PDSs intended for use in the first environ- ment Basic standard Performance Port Phenomenon for test Level (acceptance method criterion) 4 kV CD or 8 kV AD…

  • Page 98: Evaluation Criterion

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Evaluation criterion Evaluation criterion Explanation (abbreviated form from EN 61800-3) Deviations within allowed range Automatic recovery after interference Switched off without automatic recovery. Device remains undamaged Tab. 9-3: Evaluation criterion 66/389…

  • Page 99: Noise Emission Of The Drive System

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 9.1.3 Noise Emission of the Drive System Causes of noise emission Controlled variable-speed drives contain converters containing snappy semiconductors. The advantage of modifying the speed with high precision is achieved by means of pulse width modulation of the converter voltage. This can generate sinusoidal current with variable amplitude and frequency in the motor.

  • Page 100
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Curves of limit IEC / EN In this CISPR 11 Explanation value 61800-3 document characteristic One of the following 3 requirements must have been fulfilled: Mains connection current > 400 A, ●…
  • Page 101
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 1.1 C3 2 3.2 C2 1 environment, QP, I > 100 A (class environment, AV (1 environment, A, group 2, I > 100 A) even if source of interference in 2 1.2 C3 2…
  • Page 102
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Second Environment, Industrial Area Facilities not directly connected to a low-voltage mains to supply buildings in residential areas. If the limit values in an industrial area separated from public supply by a transformer station only have to be complied with at the property boundary or in the neighboring low-voltage mains, the filter might not be necessary.
  • Page 103
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) See the following chapters for the limit classes (as per categories C1, C2, C3, C4 according to EN 61800-3) which can be reached for Bosch Rexroth Frequency Converter EFC x610. 71/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…
  • Page 104: Ensuring The Emc Requirements

    2008-02-26. EMC Properties of Components Drive and control components by Rexroth are designed and built, in accordance with the present state-of-the-art of standardization, according to legal regula- tions of the EU Directive EMC 2004/108/EC and the German law.

  • Page 105
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Case 2: Acceptance test of a machine or installation with the installed drive ● systems. The product standard for the respective type of machine/installation, if exist- ing, applies to the acceptance test of the machine or installation. In the last years, some new product standards were created at present.
  • Page 106: Emc Measures For Design And Installation

    The following rules are the basics for designing and installing drives in compli- ance with EMC: Mains Filter Correctly use a mains filter recommended by Rexroth for radio interference sup- pression in the mains supply of the drive system. Control Cabinet Grounding Connect all metal parts of the cabinet with one another over the largest possible surface area to establish a good electric connection.

  • Page 107
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Twisted Wires Twist unshielded wires belonging to the same circuit (feeder and return cable) or keep the surface between feeder and return cable as small as possible. Wires that are not used have to be grounded at both ends.
  • Page 108: Emc-Optimal Installation In Facility And Control Cabinet

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 9.3.2 EMC-optimal Installation in Facility and Control Cabinet General Information For EMC-optimal installation, a special separation of the interference-free area (mains connection) and the interference-susceptible area (drive components) is recommended, as shown in the figures below.

  • Page 109
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) even better, via grounding straps with the same cross section. Make sure con- nection points have good contact. 77/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…
  • Page 110: Control Cabinet Mounting According To Interference Areas — Exem- Plary Arrangements

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 9.3.3 Control Cabinet Mounting according to Interference Areas – Ex- emplary Arrangements Fig. 9-3: Control cabinet mounting according to interference areas – exemplary arrange- ments 78/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…

  • Page 111: Design And Installation In Area A — Interference-Free Area Of Control Cabinet

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 9.3.4 Design and Installation in Area A – Interference-free Area of Con- trol Cabinet Arrangement of the Components in the Control Cabinet Comply with a distance of at least 200 mm (distance d1 in the figure): Between components and electric elements (switches, pushbuttons, fuses, ●…

  • Page 112
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Routing and Connecting a Neutral Conductor (N) If a neutral conductor is used together with a three-phase connection, it must not be installed unfiltered in areas B and C, in order to keep interference off the mains.
  • Page 113
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Point of Connection for Environment Grounding Conductor at Machine, Installa- tion, Control Cabinet The equipment grounding conductor of the power cable of the machine, installa- tion or control cabinet has to be permanently connected at point PE and have a…
  • Page 114: Design And Installation In Area B — Interference-Susceptible Area Of Control Cabinet

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 9.3.5 Design and Installation in Area B – Interference-susceptible Area of Control Cabinet Arranging Components and Lines Modules, components and lines in area B should be placed at a distance of at least d1 = 200 mm from modules and lines in area A.

  • Page 115: Design And Installation In Area C — Strongly Interference-Susceptible Area Of Control Cabinet

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 9.3.6 Design and Installation in Area C – Strongly Interference-suscepti- ble Area of Control Cabinet Area C mainly concerns the motor power cables, especially at the connection point of the drive controller.

  • Page 116: Ground Connections

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 9.3.7 Ground Connections Housing and Mounting Plate By means of appropriate ground connections, it is possible to avoid the emis- sion of interference, because interference is discharged to ground on the short- est possible way.

  • Page 117: Installing Signal Lines And Signal Cables

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 9.3.8 Installing Signal Lines and Signal Cables Line Routing The following measures are recommend: Route signal and control lines separately from the power cables with a mini- ● mum distance of d5 = 100 mm (see «Division into Areas (zones)»…

  • Page 118: General Measures Of Radio Interference Suppression For Relays, Contactors, Switches, Chokes And Inductive Loads

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) 9.3.9 General Measures of Radio Interference Suppression for Relays, Contactors, Switches, Chokes and Inductive Loads If, in conjunction with electronic devices and components, inductive loads, such as chokes, contactors, relays are switched by contacts or semiconductors, ap- propriate interference suppression has to be provided for them: By arranging free-wheeling diodes in the case of d.c.

  • Page 119: Operating Panel And Dust Cover

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Operating Panel and Dust Cover 10 Operating Panel and Dust Cover 10.1 LED Panel The LED panel is removable and composed of two areas: display and buttons. The display shows mode settings and operating state of the frequency converter.

  • Page 120: Dust Cover

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Operating Panel and Dust Cover 10.3 Dust Cover Fig. 10-3: Dust cover Frequency Converter EFC x610 are available with Dust Cover instead of LED Panel on demand. To operate frequency converters with Dust Cover, Order an LED Panel additionally, and then set the frequency con- ●…

  • Page 121: Led Indicator

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Operating Panel and Dust Cover 10.4 LED Indicator Mode Power ① Power off Ready Green / Off Off / Green Run (FWD) Green Green Run (REV) Green Green Run pending Blinks in green DC-braking at start…

  • Page 122: Operating Descriptions

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Operating Panel and Dust Cover 10.5 Operating Descriptions Fig. 10-4: Operating mode Fig. 10-5: Operating example 90/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…

  • Page 123: Fast Access To Parameters With Button Combinations

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Operating Panel and Dust Cover 10.6 Fast Access to Parameters with Button Combinations EFC x610 provides fast access to parameters within a parameter group with ‘<Func> + <▲>’ or ‘<Func> + <▼>’ combinations. This function is only valid for the tens digit of the function code index ‘□□.x□’.

  • Page 124: Digit Shifting Function For Modification Of Parameter Values

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Operating Panel and Dust Cover 10.7 Digit Shifting Function for Modification of Parameter Values EFC x610 also provides the digit shifting function for modification of parameter values. To activate this function, press ‘<Func> + <▲>’ or ‘<Func> + <▼>’ once when the frequency converter is displaying a certain parameter value.

  • Page 125: Quick Start

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Quick Start 11 Quick Start 11.1 Checklist before Quick Start 11.1.1 Step 1: Check application conditions Rated ambient temperature -10…45 ℃ Derating / ambient temperature 1.5 % / 1 °C (45…55 °C) Rated storage temperature -20…60 ℃…

  • Page 126: Quick Start Parameters

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Quick Start 11.2 Quick Start Parameters Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. C0.05 Carrier frequency C1.05 Motor rated power 0.1…1,000.0 kW Stop C1.06 Motor rated voltage 0…480 V Stop C1.07 Motor rated current 0.01…655.00 A…

  • Page 127: Control The Motor

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Quick Start 11.3 Control the Motor WARNING Ensure the enclosure is in place before the device is powered on. Wait for at least 5 minutes after powering off to allow the DC capacitor being discharged,…

  • Page 128: Motor Parameters Auto-Tuning

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Quick Start 11.4 Motor Parameters Auto-Tuning For SVC control and applications with higher requirement to control accuracy in V/f control, motor parameter auto-tuning is necessary. Two modes of auto-tuning are available, static auto-tuning and rotational auto-tuning. The former mode is mainly used for V/f control and the latter is used mainly for SVC control.

  • Page 129: Possible Errors During Quick Start And Respective Solutions

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Quick Start 11.5 Possible Errors during Quick Start and Respective Solutions Errors Solutions Over current (SC, OC-1 or OC-2) Increase the acceleration time occurs during acceleration Over voltage (OE-3) Increase the deceleration time occurs during deceleration Over current (SC, OC-1 or OC-2) Incorrect wiring.

  • Page 130: Functions And Parameters

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12 Functions and Parameters 12.1 Basic Settings 12.1.1 Parameter Group Access Control This function is used to set parameters or read parameter settings fast. Five ac- cess modes are available with parameter b0.00.

  • Page 131
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters If a parameter in group ‘-PF-‘ is changed back to its default set- ● ting, that parameter is still visible in group ‘-PF-‘. It is invisible af- ter exit from and re-access to group ‘-PF-‘.
  • Page 132: Parameter Initialization

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.1.2 Parameter Initialization This function is used to restore parameter settings to factory defaults when a frequency converter fails to drive the motor due to wrong parameter settings. Be sure that the parameter settings match with the motor data and the actual applications after factory defaults restore.

  • Page 133: Parameter Replication

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.1.3 Parameter Replication This function is used for setting multiple frequency converters with the same settings via the operating panel. With this function, users only need set parameters of one frequency converter (source converter), and then replicate its settings for all the other frequency converters (target converters).

  • Page 134
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Read-only parameters are marked with Read in parameter list, see ● chapter 19.3.1 «Terminology and Abbreviation in Parameter List» on page 331 Any of other operations is inactive in parameter replication ●…
  • Page 135: Parameter Set Selection

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.1.4 Parameter set selection This function allows to switch between two sets of parameters. It is used if the motors are switched at the output of the frequency converter and two motors should be driven by one device.

  • Page 136
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Fig. 12-1: Parameter set selection by b0.12 By digital input: ● Parameter set switch will be carried out with an digital input if one of the pa- rameters E1.00…E1.04 or H8.00…H8.03 is set to option “46: Parameter set selection”.
  • Page 137: Password Protection

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.1.5 Password Protection Two types of passwords are available, user password and manufacturer pass- word: User password: used to protect parameter settings from unauthorized or un- ● intended changes. Manufacturer password: for service ONLY.

  • Page 138: Input And Output Terminals Configuration

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.2 Input and Output Terminals Configuration 12.2.1 Digital Input Configuration 5 multi-function digital inputs are available with PNP and NPN wiring. Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. E1.00 X1 input –…

  • Page 139
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Used for the 3-wire control mode, see chapter 12.6.3 «2-wire / 3-wire Control (Forward / stop, reverse / stop)» on page 168. 26: Simple PLC stop ● 27: Simple PLC pause ●…
  • Page 140: X5 Pulse Input Configuration

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.2.2 X5 Pulse Input Configuration X5 digital input can also be used to receive pulse signal with a 30…70 % duty ratio. This pulse input can be used in 3 purposes: Frequency setting source ●…

  • Page 141
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Fig. 12-3: Curve 1 [E1.75]…[E1.78] are used to define characteristics of curve 2: Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. E1.68 Analog input curve setting 0…7 – E1.75 Input curve 2 minimum 0.0 %…[E1.77]…
  • Page 142: Analog Input Configuration

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.2.3 Analog Input Configuration Please read through the information on ‘Wiring diagram’ and ‘Terminals’ before configuration of ‘Analog inputs AI1, AI2’, see chapter 8 «Frequency Converter Wiring» on page 41 chapter «Analog inputs» on page 55 respectively.

  • Page 143: Digital Output Configuration

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.2.4 Digital Output Configuration Please read through the information on ‘Wiring diagram’ and ‘Terminals’ before configuration of ‘Digital output’, see chapter 8 «Frequency Converter Wiring» on page 41 chapter «Digital outputs» on page 56 respectively.

  • Page 144
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 11: Converter overload pre-warning ● chapter «Overload pre-warning» on page 199. 12: Motor overload pre-warning ● chapter «Motor overload pre-warning» on page 207. 13: Converter stop by external error ● chapter «Reaction to External Error Signals» on page 204.
  • Page 145: Analog Output Configuration

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.2.5 Analog Output Configuration Step 1: Set AO1 output mode Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. 0: 0…10 V E2.25 AO1 output mode – 1: 0…20 mA Step 2: Select AO1 output signal…

  • Page 146
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. E2.52 Output curve 1 maximum [E2.50]…100.0 % 100.0 E2.53 Output curve 1 maximum value 0.00…100.00 % 100.00 0.01 AO1 output Ref. Reference Fig. 12-5: AO1 output curve Analog output status is monitored by parameter d0.35 ‘AO1 output’.
  • Page 147: I/O Card Terminal Configuration

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.2.6 I/O Card Terminal Configuration Set digital input terminals Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. H8.00 EX1 input – Stop H8.01 EX2 input – Stop 0…46 H8.02 EX3 input –…

  • Page 148: Set Analog Input Terminals

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 40: Counter reset 41: PID deactivation 46: User parameter set selection I/O card digital input status is monitored by parameter d0.43 ‘I/O card digital input’. Set analog input terminals Code Name…

  • Page 149
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Curve 0 definition: Fig. 12-6: Definition of curve 0 H8.06 ‘EAI input polarity setting’ defines how the input polarity information can be used for operation. [H8.06] = 0: Polarity inactive ●…
  • Page 150
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters – EAI as direction control has a higher priority than actual panel and terminal setting. For example, the terminal control is giving a FWD signal, but during the running process, the EAI’s input is becoming negative, then the final di- rection would be changed to negative.
  • Page 151
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Fig. 12-8: EAI example 2 3. H8.06 = 2 H8.15 = -100.0, H8.16 = -50.0, H8.17 = 100.0, H8.18 = 50.0 Fig. 12-9: EAI example 3 When [H8.05] = ‘5: -10…10 V’ and [H8.06] = ‘2: Polarity active with…
  • Page 152: Set Digital / Analog Output Terminals

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Set digital / analog output terminals Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. H8.20 EDO output setting – Stop 0…20 Extended relay output H8.21 – Stop selection H8.25 EAO output mode 0: 0…10 V;…

  • Page 153
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Broken wire detection function is also active for I/O card when ● [H8.05] = ‘1: 4…20 mA’ or ‘4: 2…10 V’, see chapter «Analog Input Broken Wire Detection» on page 203.
  • Page 154: Relay Card Terminal Configuration

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.2.7 Relay Card Terminal Configuration Set the relay terminals Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. H9.00 Extended relay 1 output selection – Stop H9.01 Extended relay 2 output selection –…

  • Page 155: Perform The Self-Test Function

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Perform the self-test function Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. 0: Inactive 1: Relay1 diagnosis 2: Relay2 diagnosis H9.97 Relay card output channel diagnosis – Stop 3: Relay3 diagnosis 4: Relay4 diagnosis…

  • Page 156: Power Stage Configuration

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.3 Power Stage Configuration 12.3.1 Set the Control Mode This function is ONLY available with Frequency Converter EFC 5610. For Fre- quency Converter EFC 3610, ONLY ‘V/f control’ is available. Code…

  • Page 157: Carrier Frequency Setting

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.3.3 Carrier Frequency Setting Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. C0.05 Carrier frequency 0: Inactive C0.06 Carrier frequency automatic adjustment – Stop 1: Active When output frequency is less than 5 Hz, the carrier frequency is 2 kHz;…

  • Page 158: Fan Control

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.3.4 Fan Control This function is used to set the running mode of the fan for the heat sink. The fan for the capacitor is switched on and running all the time once the frequency converter is powered on.

  • Page 159: Fan Maintenance Reminder

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.3.5 Fan Maintenance Reminder This function is used to remind users maintaining the cooling fan in time. The maintenance time can be set according to the actual application conditions. Code Name…

  • Page 160: Basic Frequency Setting Sources

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.4 Basic Frequency Setting Sources 12.4.1 Function Description Four means of frequency setting sources are available with priority (0, 1, 2, 3) as shown in the figure below. Only frequency setting source of the fourth priority ‘3: Basic frequency setting sources’ is introduced in this chapter.

  • Page 161: Select The Frequency Setting Source

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.4.2 Select the Frequency Setting Source General setting Different frequency setting sources can be selected by setting parameter E0.00 ‘First frequency setting source’ or E0.02 ‘Second frequency setting source’. Code Name…

  • Page 162: Frequency Setting Source Switching

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Frequency setting source switching When [E0.04] = 0, ‘Frequency setting source combination’ is inactive. The setting frequency can be switched between the first and second frequency setting source by digital input.

  • Page 163: Frequency Setting Sources Combination

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Frequency setting sources combination It is possible to combine the two frequency setting sources for complicated ap- plications. First frequency setting source Setting frequency SRC1 Second frequency setting source SRC2 Fig. 12-11: Combination of frequency sources…

  • Page 164: Adjust The Setting Frequency By Panel Potentiometer

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters To use the frequency setting source combination function, take the following steps: Step 1: Be sure that [E1.00] ≠ ’30: Second frequency setting source activation’ to deactivate the frequency setting source switching function Step 2: Set parameter E0.00 and E0.02 to select the first and second frequency…

  • Page 165: Adjust The Setting Frequency By Analog Inputs

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Adjust the setting frequency by analog inputs When analog input AI1, AI2 or EAI is used as the frequency setting source, the relationship between AI1, AI2, EAI and the setting frequency is shown as the fig- ure below: Fig.

  • Page 166: Adjust The Setting Frequency By Digital Input Up / Down Command

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Adjust the setting frequency by digital input Up / Down command The setting frequency can also be adjusted with command of Up / Down / Reset, by setting the status of digital inputs.

  • Page 167
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Fig. 12-14: External control terminals Connect switch K1 to X1, and set [E1.00] = ’20: Frequency Up command’. Connect switch K2 to X2, and set [E1.01] = ’21: Frequency Down command’.
  • Page 168: Adjust The Setting Frequency By Multi-Speed Function

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Adjust the setting frequency by multi-speed function Multi-speed function offers flexible, switchable 16 independent stages of setting frequency. The rotation direction of each stage depends on both the ‘Stage ac- tion’ and the ‘Run command source’, see the table below:…

  • Page 169
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters if the setting frequency of next stage is higher than that of the current stage, it will accelerate to the next stage with the acceleration time of next stage. Code Name…
  • Page 170
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. E3.60 Stage 0 action – Stop 011, 012, 013, 014, 015, 016 ,017, E3.62 Stage 1 action – Stop 018, 021, 022, 023, 024, 025, 026, E3.64 Stage 2 action…
  • Page 171
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Fig. 12-15: Bit definition of rotation direction, acceleration and deceleration time Fig. 12-16: Multi-speed control via digital inputs Case 1: 8 or less stages Set [E1.15] = 0 or 1 first.
  • Page 172
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Connect switch K3 to X3, and set [E1.02] = ‘3: Multi-speed control input 3′. Connect switch K4 to X4, and set [E1.03] = ’35: Forward running (FWD)’. Connect switch K5 to X5, and set [E1.04] = ’36: Reverse running (REV)’.
  • Page 173
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Setting frequency Acc. / Dec. time Closed Closed Closed Open [E3.53] [E3.20] / [E3.21] Closed Closed Closed Closed [E3.54] [E3.22] / [E3.23] Tab. 12-6: Multi-speed settings for 9 or more stages…
  • Page 174: Acceleration And Deceleration Configuration

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.4.3 Acceleration and Deceleration Configuration Acceleration and deceleration time configuration Acceleration / deceleration time setting is the time for frequency increase from 0.00 Hz to [E0.08] ‘Maximum output frequency’ / the time for frequency de- crease from [E0.08] to 0.00 Hz respectively.

  • Page 175: Acceleration And Deceleration Curve Mode Configuration

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. E3.21 Deceleration time 7 0.1…6,000.0 s 10.0 E3.22 Acceleration time 8 0.1…6,000.0 s 10.0 E3.23 Deceleration time 8 0.1…6,000.0 s 10.0 E1.00 X1 input –…

  • Page 176
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. Acceleration / deceleration 0: Linear mode E0.25 – Stop curve mode 1: S-curve E0.28 S-curve starting phase factor 0.0…40.0 % 20.0 Stop E0.29 S-curve stopping phase factor 0.0…40.0 %…
  • Page 177
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters [E0.25] = 1: S-curve ① ④ [E0.28] Acceleration starting phase [E0.28] Deceleration starting phase ③ ⑥ [E0.29] Acceleration stopping phase [E0.29] Deceleration stopping phase Fig. 12-20: S-curve acceleration and deceleration Stage ①, ③: a percentage of setting acceleration time.
  • Page 178: Output Frequency Limitation

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.4.4 Output Frequency Limitation Direct output frequency limitation Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. E0.08 Maximum output frequency 50.00…400.00 Hz 50.00 0.01 Stop E0.09 Output frequency high limit [E0.10]…[E0.08] Hz 50.00…

  • Page 179
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters For applications, in which the running frequency cannot be too low, define the low limit frequency running mode when the output frequency is lower than [E0.10] ‘Output frequency low limit’. [E0.15] = 1: Running with low limit frequency ●…
  • Page 180: Frequency Setting Saving

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.4.5 Frequency Setting Saving With the ‘Frequency setting saving’ function, unexpected data loss of commis- sioning or actual application engineering process can be avoided. Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri.

  • Page 181: Run- / Stop- / Direction Command Source

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.5 Run- / Stop- / Direction Command Source 12.5.1 Function Description The Run- / Stop- / Direction Command can be configured by the following means: First priority: PID control ● Second priority: Simple PLC ●…

  • Page 182: Run Command Source

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.5.2 Run Command Source First and second run command source configuration Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. E0.01 First run command source 0…2 – Stop E0.03 Second run command source 0…2…

  • Page 183: Stop Command Via Panel Button

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Stop command via panel <Stop> button After the run command source configuration, set U0.01 ‘Stop button control’ to define the function of <Stop> button on the operating panel. Code Name Setting range Default Min.

  • Page 184: Direction Control

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.5.3 Direction Control Direction control via operation panel The actual direction is controlled by the configuration of parameter [U0.00] ‘Di- rection control by panel’ and [E0.17] ‘Direction control’. Code Name Setting range Default Min.

  • Page 185: Direction Change Dead Time

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Direction change dead time A dead time exists if the direction is changed from forward / reverse to reverse / forward, which can be defined according to actual application. Code Name…

  • Page 186: Start Behavior Setting

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.5.4 Start Behavior Setting Start mode selection Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. 0: Start directly 1: DC-braking before start E0.35 Start mode – Stop 2: Start with speed capture…

  • Page 187: Dc-Braking Before Start

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters DC-braking before start DC-braking is used in applications, in which regular deceleration to stop or a quick stop is required. The larger DC-braking current, the larger braking force. However, the withstanding capability of the mo- tor has to be considered before use the DC-braking function.

  • Page 188: Start With Speed Capture

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Start with speed capture This mode is used after transient power fault in applications with a large inertia load. The frequency converter firstly identifies the rotation speed and direction of the motor, and then starts with the current frequency of the motor to realize smooth starting without shock to the rotating motor.

  • Page 189: Automatic Start / Stop According To Setting Frequency

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Automatic start / stop according to setting frequency With this function, the converter starts when the setting frequency from analog input is higher than the threshold, and stops when the setting frequency from analog input is lower than the threshold.

  • Page 190
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters When the setting frequency is higher than [E0.41], the frequency converter ● starts and runs to the setting frequency automatically. – Pressing <Stop> at this time, the frequency converter stops. – Pressing <Run> again, the frequency converter runs again.
  • Page 191: Stop Behavior Setting

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.5.5 Stop Behavior Setting Stop mode setting Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. E0.50 Stop mode 0…2 – Stop E1.00 X1 input – Stop E1.01 X2 input – Stop E1.02 X3 input –…

  • Page 192: Dc-Braking During Deceleration To Stop

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters DC-braking during deceleration to stop Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. E0.50 Stop mode 0: Decelerating stop – Stop Stop DC-braking frequency E0.52 0.00…50.00 Hz 0.00 0.01 Stop threshold E0.53 Stop DC-braking time 0.0…20.0 s (0.0: Inactive)

  • Page 193: Overexcitation Braking

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Fig. 12-29: Stop DC-braking Overexcitation braking This function is used to obtain an optimized braking performance of the fre- quency converter in V/f control mode. To realize this function, increase ‘Convert- er output voltage’ by fine tuning of parameter E0.55 ‘Overexcitation braking fac-…

  • Page 194: Resistor Braking

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.5.6 Resistor Braking This function is used to obtain an optimized braking performance of the fre- quency converter in either V/f control mode or SVC control mode. By default, the resistor braking is disabled. This function can NOT be activated when the converter is in stop status.

  • Page 195
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Fig. 12-30: Braking duty cycle t1 = t2 x [C0.16] / 100 %; t2 = 1 / 100 Hz = 10 ms Fig. 12-31: Hysteresis The hysteresis for different models is as listed below: 1P 200 VAC: 24 V ●…
  • Page 196: Special Running Behaviors

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.6 Special Running Behaviors 12.6.1 Skip Frequency This function is used to avoid the mechanical resonance of the motor by defini- tion of skip frequencies. Code Name Setting range Default Min.

  • Page 197
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Parameter E0.74 is used to control the acceleration / deceleration speed inside the skip-window, the range for this factor is 1 (normal speed) to 100 (100 times speed of the normal speed).
  • Page 198: Jog Function

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.6.2 Jog Function The ‘Jog command’ has a higher priority than and is independent of the ‘Run / Stop command’. This function can ONLY be set by digital input or communica- tion.

  • Page 199
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters – ‘Jog command’ active: Accelerate to [E0.60] ‘Jog frequency’ according to [E0.61] ‘Jog acceleration time’. – ‘Jog command’ inactive: Decelerate to prior ‘Setting frequency’ accord- ing to [E0.27] ‘Deceleration time’. Fig. 12-33: Jog acceleration / deceleration time…
  • Page 200: 2-Wire / 3-Wire Control (Forward / Stop, Reverse / Stop)

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.6.3 2-wire / 3-wire Control (Forward / stop, reverse / stop) 2-wire control mode 1 Step 1: Activate 2-wire control mode 1 Set [E1.15] = ‘0: 2-wire forward / stop, reverse / stop’.

  • Page 201: 2-Wire Control Mode 2 (Forward / Reverse, Run / Stop)

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 2-wire control mode 2 (Forward / reverse, run / stop) Step 1: Activate 2-wire control mode 2 Set [E1.15] = ‘1: 2-wire forward / reverse, run / stop’. Step 2: Define two digital inputs Set one of digital inputs as ’35: Forward running (FWD)’ ●…

  • Page 202: 3-Wire Control Mode 1

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 3-wire control mode 1 Step 1: Define 3 digital inputs Set one of digital inputs as ’35: Forward running (FWD)’ ● Set one of digital inputs as ’36: Reverse running (REV)’ ●…

  • Page 203: 3-Wire Control Mode 2

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 3-wire control mode 2 Different from the 3-wire control mode 1, 3-wire control mode 2 has a edge sen- sitive characteristic for direction control terminals. Step 1: Define 3 digital inputs Set one of digital inputs as ’35: Forward running (FWD)’ ●…

  • Page 204: Special Functions

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.7 Special Functions 12.7.1 Counter Function The internal counter counts the input pulses received from ‘digital input’ and compares it with the setting value of ‘Counter middle value’ or ‘Counter target value’.

  • Page 205
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Fig. 12-38: Digital input configuration Connected K1 to X1, and set [E1.00] = ’39: Counter input’. Connected K2 to X2, and set [E1.01] = ’40: Counter reset’. Running status Status Inactive Inactive –…
  • Page 206
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Fig. 12-39: Output behavior If the setting of any parameter E2.80, E2.81 and / or the status of ● the defined digital inputs is changed, the counter value will be re- set and the digital outputs will be inactive immediately.
  • Page 207: Frequency Arrival

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.7.2 Frequency Arrival This function is used to detect the difference between the output frequency and the setting frequency. When the difference is within the frequency detection width, an indication signal will be generated for further engineering in the appli- cation.

  • Page 208
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Fig. 12-40: Frequency arrival 176/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…
  • Page 209: Frequency Level Detection

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.7.3 Frequency Level Detection This function is used to detect the difference between the output frequency and the setting frequency. An indication signal will be generated ONLY when the out- put frequency is HIGHER than the lower limit of the frequency detection level.

  • Page 210: High Resolution Current Display

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Fig. 12-41: Frequency level detection 12.7.4 High Resolution Current Display Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. E5.01 High resolution output current filter time 5…500 ms d0.98 High resolution output current –…

  • Page 211: Simple Plc

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.8 Simple PLC 12.8.1 Function Description Simple PLC is an automatic running mode based on the current acceleration / deceleration time, setting frequency, duration and rotation direction. Simple PLC consists of 16 stages, each of which has its own settings of acceler- ation time, deceleration time, setting frequency, rotation direction and duration.

  • Page 212: Set The Simple Plc Mode

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.8.2 Set the Simple PLC Mode Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. E3.00 Simple PLC running mode 0…3 – Stop E3.01 Simple PLC time multiplier 1…60 Stop E3.02 Simple PLC cycle number 1…1,000…

  • Page 213: Set Speed / Direction / Acceleration And Deceleration Time

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.8.3 Set Speed / Direction / Acceleration and Deceleration Time Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. E0.07 Digital setting frequency 0.00…[E0.09] Hz 50.00 0.01 E3.40 Multi-speed frequency 1 0.00…[E0.09] Hz 0.00…

  • Page 214
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. E3.67 Stage 3 running time 0.0…6,000.0 s 20.0 Stop E3.69 Stage 4 running time 0.0…6,000.0 s 20.0 Stop E3.71 Stage 5 running time 0.0…6,000.0 s 20.0…
  • Page 215: Stop And Pause Simple Plc Control

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.8.4 Stop and Pause Simple PLC Control Active ‘Simple PLC control’ can be stopped or paused by configuration of digital inputs with functions of ‘Simple PLC stop’ or ‘Simple PLC pause’.

  • Page 216: Indication Of Simple Plc Status

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.8.5 Indication of Simple PLC Status An indication signal is active via ‘DO1 output’ or ‘Relay 1 output’ when a simple PLC cycle or stage is complete. Define the output with respective indication signals as below:…

  • Page 217
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters If the set frequency of next stage is higher than that of the current stage, the frequency converter accelerates to the next stage with the acceleration time of next stage. 8: Simple PLC cycle complete ●…
  • Page 218: Pid Control

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.9 PID Control 12.9.1 Function Description PID control is used in process controls such as flow control, pressure control, temperature control, and in control of other engineering values. In PID control, a…

  • Page 219: Selecting The Reference And Feedback

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.9.2 Selecting the Reference and Feedback Before using PID control function make sure [E1.00]…[E1.04] ≠ ’41: PID deacti- vation’. Take the following steps to configure the PID reference: Step 1: Select the PID reference channel…

  • Page 220
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 1: AI2 analog input ● Feedback value is set by AI2 analog input. 2: X5 pulse input ● Feedback value is set by X5 pulse input. 3: EAI analog input ●…
  • Page 221: Control Loop Configuration

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.9.3 Control Loop Configuration Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. E4.15 Proportional gain — P 0.000…60.000 1.500 0.001 0.00…100.00 s E4.16 Integral time — Ti 1.50 0.01 (0.00: no integral) 0.00…100.00 s…

  • Page 222: Pid Regulation Mode Setting

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.9.4 PID Regulation Mode Setting Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. E4.30 PID deadband 0.0…20.0 % This parameter is used to set the limit of the deviation between reference and feedback value.

  • Page 223: Pid Feedforward Control

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.9.5 PID Feedforward Control Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. E4.19 PID feed forward dynamic limit 0.00…100.00 % 10.00 0.01 E4.20 PID feed forward limit offset 0.00…100.00 % 2.00 0.01 E4.33 PID feedforward settings…

  • Page 224: Pid Deactivation By Digital Input

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.9.6 PID Deactivation by Digital Input Fig. 12-47: PID deactivation by digital input The PID control is deactivated in the following ways: ‘PID reference channel’ [E4.00] = ‘0: No PID control’ or ●…

  • Page 225: Pid Engineering Value Display

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.9.7 PID Engineering Value Display This function is used to display an engineering value which is convenient for the application engineering with scaling the output value, follow the equations be- low: User-defined setting speed: ●…

  • Page 226: Pid Status Indication

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.9.8 PID Status Indication Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. E4.32 PID engineering value detection width 0.01…100.00 1.00 0.01 E2.01 DO1 output setting – Stop E2.15 Relay 1 output selection –…

  • Page 227: Sleep / Wake Function

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.9.9 Sleep / Wake Function This function is used to achieve the maximum extent of energy-saving according to type of loads in actual applications. Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri.

  • Page 228
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Fig. 12-49: Sleep and wake up process After [E5.16] ‘Sleep delay’, the PID controller boosts up with [E5.18] ‘Sleep boost amplitude’ within [E5.17] ‘Sleep boost time’, and then enters to sleep mode.
  • Page 229: Pump Protection Function

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.9.10 Pump Protection Function Two modes of pump protection are available: Pump dry protection: Protecting the pump from running without water load ● (e.g., water pump without water) Pump leakage protection: Protecting the pump from running with leakage ●…

  • Page 230
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters The ‘Pump dry protection delay at start-up’ E5.07 and the ‘Pump ● leakage protection delay at start-up’ E5.10 are used to prevent the two modes of protection at start-up process. These two modes of protection are only valid when PID control is ●…
  • Page 231: Protection Functions

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.10 Protection Functions 12.10.1 Converter Protection Overload pre-warning When the frequency converter output current is higher than [C0.29] ‘Converter overload pre-warning level’ and lasts for longer than [C0.30] ‘Converter overload pre-warning delay’, the ‘Converter overload pre-warning’ signal will be active on the selected digital output terminal.

  • Page 232: Stall Overvoltage Prevention

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Stall overvoltage prevention This function is used to prevent the frequency converter from overvoltage during deceleration when the load is excessively heavy or the deceleration time is ex- cessively short. Code…

  • Page 233: Stall Overcurrent Prevention

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Stall overcurrent prevention This function is used to prevent the frequency converter from overcurrent when the load is excessively heavy or the acceleration time is excessively short. This function is always active during acceleration or at constant speed.

  • Page 234
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Fig. 12-52: Stall overcurrent at constant speed [Output current] > [C0.27] ● The output frequency decreases till the output current is lower than [C0.27] with defined deceleration time. [Output current] < [C0.27] ●…
  • Page 235: Phase Loss Protection

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Phase loss protection Error code ‘IPH.L’ is displayed on the operating panel in case of input phase loss error occurs; error code ‘OPH.L’ is displayed on the operating panel in case of output phase loss error occurs.

  • Page 236: Reaction To External Error Signals

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Reaction to External Error Signals The frequency converter stops once an external error signal is active and the error code ‘E-St’ will be displayed on the operating panel if one X1…X4 input is defined as either ‘Error signal N.O.

  • Page 237: Power Fault Ride-Through Setting

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Power Fault Ride-through Setting Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. 0: Inactive 1: Output disabled C0.40 Power loss ride-through mode – Stop 2: Regain kinetic energy 3: Regain kinetic energy, de-…

  • Page 238: Motor Protection

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.10.2 Motor Protection Motor derating frequency at low speed This function is used to reduce the overload and thermal risks as motors have worse cooling performance at low speed, compared at rated speed.

  • Page 239: Motor Thermal Protection Without Temperature Sensor

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Motor thermal protection without temperature sensor This function is to realize the motor thermal protection based on the thermal model of motor. Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. 0: Inactive C1.69 Motor thermal model protection setting…

  • Page 240: Motor Thermal Protection With Temperature Sensor

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Motor thermal protection with temperature sensor For a temperature sensor with voltage supply, use terminals +10 V, AI1 / AI2 / EAI and GND on the frequency converter. Fig. 12-56: Temperature sensor with voltage supply For a temperature sensor with current supply, use terminals AO1 / EAO, AI1 / AI2 / EAI and GND on the frequency converter.

  • Page 241
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. 0: 0…20 mA 1: 4…20 mA 2: 0…10 V H8.05 EAI input mode – Stop 3: 0…5 V 4: 2…10 V 5: -10…10 V 0: 0…10 V…
  • Page 242
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 200 ℃: 1,758 Ω Supply source to the temperature sensor: If [E2.26] = ’11: Motor temperature sensor power supply’ (or [H8.26] = 11), ● the analog output is shifted with current supply mode regardless of the set- ting of E2.25 (or H8.25).
  • Page 243: Asynchronous Motor(Asm) Control

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.11 Asynchronous Motor(ASM) Control 12.11.1 Motor Parameterization Nameplate parameters configuration Most of motor data are available on the motor nameplate, based on which the following parameters of the frequency converter need to be set accordingly.

  • Page 244: Motor Parameter Auto-Tuning

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Fig. 12-58: Slip frequency compensation If the slip frequency compensation is excessively large, the motor speed may exceed the synchronous speed. Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. C1.12 Motor rated slip frequency 0.00…20.00 Hz…

  • Page 245
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. C1.23 Leakage inductance 0.00…200.00 mH 0.01 Stop C1.24 Mutual inductance 0.0…3,000.0 mH Stop For SVC control and applications with higher performance requirement in V/f control, motor parameter auto-tuning is necessary.
  • Page 246
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Code Name Level C1.12 Motor rated slip frequency C1.13 Motor inertia mantissa C1.14 Motor inertia exponent C1.15 Torque constant C1.20 Motor no-load current Physical parameter level C1.21 Stator resistance C1.22 Rotor resistance C1.23…
  • Page 247
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Set E0.08 according to motor parameters and actual application conditions. ● Disconnect the load from the motor shaft for rotational auto-tuning. Set auto-tuning mode and start motor parameter auto-tuning Set the following parameter according to the control mode of the frequency con-…
  • Page 248: V/F Control

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.11.2 V/f Control V/f curve selection Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. C2.00 V/f curve mode 0…2 – Stop The frequency converter provides three curve modes: 0: Linear ● This mode refers to linear voltage / frequency control, which is used for nor- mal constant torque loads.

  • Page 249: User-Defined V/F Curve Configuration

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters This mode refers to voltage / frequency control with curve defined according to actual application, which is used for special loads of dewatering machines, centrifuges, etc. Fig. 12-61: User-defined V/f curve…

  • Page 250
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters In this mode, the output voltage is limited to 100 % even if [C2.06] ‘V/f volt- age 3’ is higher than 100 %. Fig. 12-62: User-defined V/f curve when [C2.05] ≤ [C1.08] User-defined V/f curve when [C2.05] ≥…
  • Page 251: Slip Compensation Factor Configuration

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Slip compensation factor configuration This function is used to compensate [C1.12] ‘Motor rated slip compensation’ ac- cording to the actual applications in V/f control. Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri.

  • Page 252: Torque Boost Setting

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Torque boost setting The torque boost function is used to obtain higher output torque and better sta- bilization by boosting the output voltage, especially at low speed. Code Name Setting range Default Min.

  • Page 253
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Fig. 12-65: Manual torque boost with square curve In automatic boost mode, the output voltage boost percentage is determined au- tomatically by the output frequency and the load current. The linear and square V/f curves for automatic torque boost are shown as figures below.
  • Page 254
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Fig. 12-67: Automatic torque boot with square V/f curve For further adjustment of the voltage boost, set parameter C2.22 ‘Automatic tor- que boost factor’. Its default value 50 % means no adjustment. The calculation equation is shown as below: [Voltage boost] = √3 x 0.5 x I…
  • Page 255: Optimization Functions For V/F Control

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Optimization functions for V/f control Heavy load voltage stabilization This function is used to suppress the output voltage and current oscillation caused by large impact to DC-bus voltage in case of heavy load.

  • Page 256
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Output current limitation This function is used to avoid the tripping caused by over current when the load has large inertia or sudden changes. Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri.
  • Page 257: Svc Control (Efc 5610 Only)

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.11.3 SVC Control (EFC 5610 ONLY) SVC control loop configuration Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. C3.00 Speed loop proportional gain 0.00…655.35 0.01 C3.01 Speed loop integral time 0.01…655.35 ms 0.01…

  • Page 258: Torque Control Mode

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Torque control mode When torque control mode is active, the frequency converter follows the torque reference change. In torque control mode: The motor speed is limited by [E0.09] ‘Output frequency high limit’.

  • Page 259
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Define the voltage / current mode for analog inputs before setting the torque reference. Parameter C3.41 ‘Torque reference channel’ is used to set torque reference ● channel. Parameters C3.42 ‘Torque reference minimum value’ and C3.43 ‘Torque refer- ●…
  • Page 260
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Output torque REV Reverse Run Run command Rated torque rated Stop Stop command Time FWD Forward Fig. 12-69: Set the direction of torque reference by operating panel Example 2: [E0.01] = ‘1: Multi-function digital input’ [E1.15] = ‘0: 2-wire forward / stop, reverse / stop’…
  • Page 261
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters [C3.41] = ‘0: AI1 analog input’, [C3.42] = 0.0 %, [C3.43] = 150.0 % Output torque REV Reverse X1 input Rated torque rated X2 input Time FWD Forward Fig. 12-70: Set the direction of torque reference by digital input For run command setting source information, see chapter 12.5 «Run- / Stop- /…
  • Page 262: Permanent Magnetized Synchronous Motor (Pmsm) Control (Appli- Cable For Efc 5610 Model)

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters 12.12 Permanent Magnetized Synchronous Motor (PMSM) Con- trol (Applicable for EFC 5610 Model) 12.12.1 The Setting of Motor Type The motor type must be set properly. Before running PMSM, set C1.00 = ‘1’.

  • Page 263
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters Check and make sure the following points before auto-tuning: The motor is in standstill and not at high temperature. ● The power rating of the frequency converter is close to that of the motor.
  • Page 264
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Static auto-tuning Rotational auto-tuning Parameters obtained by auto-tuning √ √ C3.06: Current loop integral time – √ C3.00: Speed loop proportional gain – √ C3.01: Speed loop integral time Tab. 12-20: Parameters obtained by auto-tuning No-load current C1.20 is auto-tuned to 25% of rated current.
  • Page 265: Pmsm Svc Control

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.12.3 PMSM SVC control SVC Control loop configuration Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. C3.00 Speed loop proportional gain 0.00…655.35 0.01 C3.01 Speed loop integral time 0.01…655.35 ms 0.01 C3.05 Current loop proportional gain 0.1…1,000.0 C3.06 Current loop integral time…

  • Page 266
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Applicable for small inertia systems which do NOT allow reverse running at the startup and cause no change to rotor position after the system stop. C3.51=2: Detection at every running ●…
  • Page 267: Asf Function

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.13 ASF Function 12.13.1 Function Description EFC x610 supply the function of ASF (Application Specific Firmware), the fre- quency converter can load different ASF (such as «Water supply», «Tension con- trol» , etc.) based on different applications. This can realize flexible and fast re- quirement from user.

  • Page 268
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Definition 7…3 Reserved ASF authenticated API compatible ASF activated Tab. 12-21: ASF status bit definition When the frequency converter loaded an effective and certified ASF, the value of F0.10 is 0x0007.
  • Page 269: Asf Management

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.13.3 ASF Management Download ASF The ASF can be managed by engineering software tool «ConverterWorks». Open the menu of ASF management on ConverterWorks before loading the ASF, a dialog box is shown as below: Fig.

  • Page 270: Certify Asf

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Functions and Parameters Fig. 12-72: ASF management window Certify ASF Choose the target file in «Certify ASF» area, then click «Certify». When the indicator light on the certified item changes from red to green, it means that the certification is successful.

  • Page 271: Asf Diagnosis

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Functions and Parameters 12.13.4 ASF Diagnosis ASF system error Error code Display Description F8060 ASF- ASF error Tab. 12-22: The information of ASF system error ASF running platform detects the ASF objects and triggers the fault when there have problems.

  • Page 272: Diagnosis

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Diagnosis 13 Diagnosis 13.1 Display of LED Characters Character Display Character – Display – Tab. 13-1: Display of LED characters 13.2 Status Code Code Description Displayed at power on, detecting the operating panel ‘-‘ ‘—‘ ‘—‘ ‘—-‘ ‘——‘ During parameter backup……

  • Page 273
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Diagnosis Code Description APF1 APF2 Warning which can be thrown by the application, description in application man- APF3 APF4 APF5 241/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…
  • Page 274: Error Code

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Diagnosis 13.4 Error Code 13.4.1 Error 1 (OC-1): Overcurrent at Constant Speed Possible reason Solution Sudden load change in run mode Reduce occurrence and scale of sudden change Low mains voltage Check input power supply…

  • Page 275: Error 4 (Oe-1): Overvoltage At Constant Speed

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Diagnosis Possible reason Solution Motor power and frequency converter Motor power has to match with frequency converter power power do not match Excessive overexcitation braking factor Reduce [E0.55] Wrong motor parameter setting Correct motor parameters setting 13.4.4 Error 4 (OE-1): Overvoltage at Constant Speed…

  • Page 276: Error 7 (Oe-4): Overvoltage During Stop

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Diagnosis 13.4.7 Error 7 (OE-4): Overvoltage during Stop Possible reason Solution ● Increase deceleration time (E0.27) Excessive inertia on the load ● Use suitable brake components Surge voltage from the power supply Check input power supply 13.4.8 Error 8 (UE-1): Undervoltage during Run…

  • Page 277: Error 12 (Ess-): Soft Start Error

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Diagnosis 13.4.12 Error 12 (ESS-): Soft Start Error Possible reason Solution Soft start resistor value has been changed Contact with service due to over temperature Power failure Check the input power supply Input phase loss occurs during start-up (3 phase) Remove the input phase loss…

  • Page 278: Error 22 (Uh): Converter Under Temperature

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Diagnosis 13.4.15 Error 22 (UH): Converter under Temperature Possible reason Solution Provide a reasonable ambient temperature that frequency Ambient temperature is lower than -10 °C converter requires Temperature sensor defect Contact with service 13.4.16 Error 23 (FF): Fan Failure…

  • Page 279: Error 31 (Ot): Motor Over Temperature

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Diagnosis Possible reason Solution Excessive overexcitation braking factor Reduce [E0.55] Wrong motor protection parameter set- Adjust settings of C1.74, C1.75 and C1.76 according to tings actual motor situations 13.4.20 Error 31 (Ot): Motor over Temperature…

  • Page 280: Error 40 (Dir1): Forward Running Lock Error

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Diagnosis 13.4.25 Error 40 (dir1): Forward Running Lock Error Possible reason Solution Direction control [E0.17] = ‘1: Forward only’ Correct the parameter setting Direction command is reverse 13.4.26 Error 41 (dir2): Reverse Running Lock Error…

  • Page 281: Error 45 (E.par): Parameter Settings Invalid

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Diagnosis 13.4.30 Error 45 (E.Par): Parameter Settings Invalid Possible reason Solution 1. Check parameter group ‘-EP-‘ and modify the parameter values ap- Parameter settings are invalid after firmware update or ex- peared in ‘-EP-‘ tension card removed or parameter copy 2.

  • Page 282: Error 53 (Fdi-): No Valid Process Data

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Diagnosis 13.4.37 Error 53 (Fdi-): No Valid Process Data Possible reason Solution No valid process data is received from remote communica- tion server, the remote communication server may be turned Check remote communication server 13.4.38 Error 54 (PcE-): Remote Control Communication Error…

  • Page 283: Error Handling

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Diagnosis 13.5 Error Handling 13.5.1 Restarting after Power Loss Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. 0: Inactive E0.45 Power loss restart mode 1: Active for panel control – Stop 2: Active only for 2-wire control E0.46 Power loss restart delay…

  • Page 284: Automatic Error Reset

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Diagnosis 13.5.2 Automatic Error Reset Automatic error reset function is used to ensure continuous running without hu- man intervention in the case of occasional errors, such as overcurrent or over- voltage at start or in the run mode. This function can be activated by setting [E9.00] ≠…

  • Page 285: Error Reset By Digital Input

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Diagnosis 13.5.3 Error Reset by Digital Input The error reset input can be defined with one digital input. This function works in the same manner as the panel error reset function does, which allows remote error reset.

  • Page 286: Communication

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Communication 14 Communication 14.1 Brief Introduction EFC x610 frequency converters provide standard RS485 communication inter- face to realize the communication between the master and slaves via Modbus protocol. With the help of a PC, a PLC or an external computer a ‘single master /…

  • Page 287: Setting The Data Format

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Communication 14.2.3 Setting the Data Format Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. E8.11 Modbus data format 0…3 – Stop 0: 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity ● 1: 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, even parity ●…

  • Page 288: Communication Disruption And Response

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Communication 14.2.6 Communication Disruption and Response Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. Communication error E8.01 0.0…60.0 s (0.0: Inactive) Stop detection time Communication error E8.02 0, 1 – Stop protection mode When [E8.01] = 0.0 s, the disruption detection function is inactive.

  • Page 289: Modbus Protocol

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Communication 14.3 Modbus Protocol 14.3.1 Protocol Description Brief introduction Modbus is a master / slave protocol. Only one device may send commands in ● the network at a particular time. The master station manages message exchange by polling the slave stations.

  • Page 290: Transmission

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Communication Transmission The transmission is of RTU (Remote Terminal Unit) mode with frames containing no message header or end mark. A typical RTU frame format is shown below: Slave address Function code Data 1 byte 1 byte 0…252 byte(s)

  • Page 291: Modbus Interface

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Communication 14.3.2 Modbus Interface The Modbus communication is via RS485 interface, see descriptions on RS485+ and RS485- in chapter 8.1 «Wiring Diagram» on page 41 chapter 8.3.2 «Control Terminals» on page 14.3.3 Modbus Function and Message Format Supported functions The main function of Modbus is to read and to write parameters.

  • Page 292
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Communication Slave Test word 1 Test word 2 CRC16 0x08 Hi | Lo Hi | Lo Lo | Hi Tab. 14-7: Function 8_Master request and slave response (in same format) Address of Number Number…
  • Page 293: Function Example

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Communication Function example Function 0x03: Read N register words, range: 1…16 Example: It is necessary to read 2 continuous words starting from communica- tion register 3000H of the slave frequency converter addressed at 01H. The frame structure is described in the tables below.

  • Page 294: Function 0X06: Write One Register Word

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Communication Function 0x06: Write one register word CAUTION Frequent writing may damage the internal registers! When data is written into the internal registers, there is a limit on the writing ● times. The register address may be damaged once the writing times is beyond the writing limit.

  • Page 295: Function 0X08: Diagnostics

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Communication Function 0x08: Diagnostics Example: To test the communication loop of 2 continuous words 1234H and 5678H with frequency converter slave address 01H, the frame structure is de- scribed in the tables below: Message start Transmission time for 3.5 bytes…

  • Page 296: Function 0X10: Write N Register Words, Range: 1

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Communication Function 0x10: Write N register words, range: 1…16 Example: To modify 2 continuous registers start from 4000H with words 0001H and 0000H with slave frequency converter address 01H. The frame structure is described in the tables below: Message start Transmission time for 3.5 bytes…

  • Page 297
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Communication Message start Transmission time for 3.5 bytes Slave address Modbus function code Higher byte of read register start address Lower byte of read register start address Higher byte of read register number Lower byte of read register number…
  • Page 298: Error Code And Exception Code

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Communication Error code and exception code If a slave receives the request without a communication error, but cannot handle it, the slave will return an exception response which includes error code and ex- ception code informing the master of the nature of the error. The error code is formed by setting the MSB of the function code to 1 (i.e.

  • Page 299: Communication Mapping Register Address Distribution

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Communication 14.3.4 Communication Mapping Register Address Distribution Frequency converter parameter address Frequency converter parameter registers correspond to the function codes one- to-one. Reading and writing of related function codes can be achieved through reading and writing of the contents in frequency converter parameter registers via Modbus communication.

  • Page 300: Communication Control Register (0X7F00)

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Communication Communication control register (0x7F00) The address of command word register for communication control is 0x7F00. This register is write-only. The frequency converter is controlled through writing data into the address. The definition of each bit is shown in table below:…

  • Page 301: Communication State Register (0X7Fa0)

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Communication Communication state register (0x7FA0) The frequency converter state can be monitored by reading the register. This register is read-only. The definition of each bit is shown in the table below: Value Description 15 … 8 –…

  • Page 302: Additional Status Register (0X7Fa1)

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Communication Additional status register (0x7FA1) Additional status register is the extension of main status register(7FA0H), it stores other status information of frequency converter. This register is read-only. The definition of each bit is shown in the table below:…

  • Page 303: Fault Status Register (0X7Fb0)

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Communication Fault status register (0x7FB0) The fault status of frequency converter can be monitored by reading the regis- ter.This register is read-only. The definition of each bit is shown in the table be- low:…

  • Page 304: Modbus Communication Example

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Communication 14.3.5 Modbus Communication Example One slave address is 01H. The frequency setting of the frequency converter has been set to ‘Given by communication’ and the RUN command source is set to ‘In- putting commands by communication’. It is required for the motor connected to the frequency converter to run with 50 Hz (forward rotation).

  • Page 305: Special Notes

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Communication 14.3.6 Special Notes 1. The external computer can not write to function codes b0.11 ‘Parameter copy’, U1.00 ‘Run monitoring display’ and U1.10 ‘Stop monitoring display’. 2. b0.20 ‘User password’ and b0.10 ‘Parameter initialization’ do not support multiple write including single write in multiple write;…

  • Page 306: Communication Networking

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Communication 14.3.7 Communication Networking Networking The communication network is shown in figure below, with a PC, a PLC or an ex- ternal computer as the master and all frequency converters as slaves, which are connected by shielded twisted pair cables.

  • Page 307: Profibus Protocol

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Communication 14.4 PROFIBUS Protocol 14.4.1 Protocol Description PROFIBUS is an open serial communication standard, which enables data ex- change among various automation control devices. PROFIBUS mainly includes three types: PROFIBUS-FMS (Fieldbus Message Specifications), PROFIBUS-DP (Distributed Peripheral Equipment) and PROFIBUS-PA (Process Automation).

  • Page 308: Requirements For Profibus Link

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Communication 14.4.3 Requirements for PROFIBUS Link Cables used in PROFIBUS are shielded twisted pair cables. The shielding is able to improve electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) ability. Unshielded twisted pair cable may be used if there is less electromagnetic interference (EMI). Impe- dance of the cable should be within 100…200 Ω.

  • Page 309: Emc Measures

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Communication 14.4.5 EMC Measures The following EMC measures needs to be taken in order to improve the stability of PROFIBUS communication network: The shielding layer of the communication cables must be well grounded at all ●…

  • Page 310: Pkw Parameter Area

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Communication Output Master output Control word Input Master input Status word Parameter identifier Reference / Setting frequency Parameter index mark Actual output frequency VALUE Parameter value Fig. 14-2: PPO telegram type PKW parameter area…

  • Page 311
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Communication Request data frame in PKW area Word Identifier Value Description 15…8 Reserved No request 7…0 Read Write 15…8 Group No. for parameter Index No. of function code within the 7…0 group VALUE_high 15…0…
  • Page 312
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Communication Error message after execution failure in PKW area Error code Meaning Reason Password locked User password is locked Invalid command code Command codes (bit 7…bit 0 of ID) are not 0, 1 or 2.
  • Page 313: Pzd Process Data Area

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Communication Example 2 Modifying value of parameter E0.26 ‘Acceleration time’. 0x30 is the parameter group, 0x1A is the index No. of the function code within the parameter group. If the modifying value is 0x0064, then request and response data frames in PKW…

  • Page 314
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Communication Examples for operation of PZD process data area Example 1 The master communicates with the slave via PPO4, see fig. 14-2 «PPO telegram type» on page 278. If we need to start frequency converter for forward rotation at 50.00 Hz (0×1388).
  • Page 315: Communication Parameter Configuration

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Communication 14.4.7 Communication parameter configuration Communication related parameter settings Parameter Name Parameter settings E0.00 First frequency setting source 20: Communication E0.01 First run command source 2: Communication E0.02 Second frequency setting source 20: Communication E0.03…

  • Page 316
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Communication In the operation controlled by communication, if the frequency converter is stop- ped by the Stop key on the operating panel, the frequency converter stops re- sponding to the control commands by communication. To enable the control by communication, re-power the frequency converter or send Stop command to the frequency converter by communication.
  • Page 317: Parameter Configuration Of Master

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Communication Parameter configuration of master For master related parameter configuration, refer to descriptions for master. The address configured for slave in the master should be consistent with the param- eter address configured for the slave. Communication baud rate and PPO tele- gram type are determined by the master.

  • Page 318: Accessories

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Accessories 15 Accessories 15.1 Optional Accessories Optional accessory Type Descriptions Operating panel: — LED panel FPCC02.1-EANN-7P-NNNN – — Dust cover FPCC02.1-EANN-NN-NNNN – Panel mounting plate FEAM02.1-EA-NN-NNNN Cabinet mounting FRKS0006/002,0 Communication cable for cabinet control…

  • Page 319: Panel Mounting Plate

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Accessories 15.3 Panel Mounting Plate 15.3.1 Function Description With the operating panel mounted at the control cabinet, the user can operate and control the frequency converter from the outside of the control cabinet con- veniently.

  • Page 320: Mounting The Plate And The Operating Panel

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Accessories 15.3.3 Mounting the Plate and the Operating Panel Step 1 Push the mounting plate into the opening at the control cabinet: Fig. 15-2: Push the mounting plate into the opening (back view) Step 2 Fix the mounting plate with a metal bar and 2 M4x8 screws: Fig.

  • Page 321: Step 3

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Accessories Step 3 Push the operating panel in the direction perpendicular to the mounting plate: Fig. 15-4: Mount the operating panel (front view) Step 4 Connect the operating panel to the frequency converter with the connection ca- ble and fix the cable connector on the mounting plate with 2 M3x10 screws: Fig.

  • Page 322: Communication Cable For Control Cabinet

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Accessories 15.4 Communication Cable for Control Cabinet 2 m long cable FRKS0006/002,0 or 3 m long cable FRKS0004/003,0 can be used for the connection of the operating panel. 15.5 Extension Card Module 15.5.1 Extension Card Module Mounting…

  • Page 323: Extension Module Mounting

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Accessories 15.5.2 Extension Module Mounting Fig. 15-7: Extension module mounting 1. Remove 2-M3 screws ① on back of the extension card module. 2. Remove the front cover of the extension card module. 3. Insert one extension card into the card slot with the metal plate beside the extension card terminals placed in ②.

  • Page 324
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Accessories Fig. 15-8: Terminal labels of extension cards Maximum two extension cards can be mounted in one extension ● card module. Extension cards in the two card slots CANNOT be the same. ● ONLY ONE type of communication card can be mounted in one ex- ●…
  • Page 325: I/O Module

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Accessories 15.6 I/O Module 15.6.1 I/O Card I/O card terminals label Fig. 15-9: I/O card terminals label I/O card terminals descriptions Terminal Signal requirement Description Multi-function digital inputs: EX1…EX4 24 VDC, 8 mA / 12 VDC, 4 mA…

  • Page 326: I/O Card Terminals Wiring

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Accessories I/O card terminals wiring Fig. 15-10: I/O card terminals wiring ①: NPN with internal power supply ②: NPN with external power supply ③: PNP with internal power supply ④: PNP with external power supply X1…X5, SC, +24 V, COM are control terminals of the frequency con-…

  • Page 327: Relay Card

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Accessories 15.6.2 Relay Card Relay card terminals label Fig. 15-11: Relay card terminals label Relay card terminals descriptions Terminal Signal requirement Description R1a, R1c, R1b Rated capacity: See Group H9 R2a, R2c, R2b 250 VAC, 3 A…

  • Page 328: Communication Module

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Accessories 15.7 Communication Module 15.7.1 PROFIBUS Interface Fig. 15-12: PROFIBUS DB9 interface Terminal sign Terminal name Function description – Reserved – Reserved PROFIBUS_B PROFIBUS terminal_B PROFIBUS data cable B Request for signal sending –…

  • Page 329: Profibus Card Led

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Accessories 15.7.2 PROFIBUS Card LED Fig. 15-13: PROFIBUS card LED Color Function Status Description Fast blinking Data exchanging 0.4 s per cycle Communication established PROFIBUS card configuration Green H11/H21 ① status PROFIBUS card successfully parameterized and configured =>…

  • Page 330: Plug-In Connector For Control Section

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Accessories 15.8 Plug-in Connector for Control Section For details on plug-in connector FEAE05.1-B2-NNNN, see fig. 8-9 «Control circuit terminals» on page 15.9 External EMC Filter 15.9.1 External EMC Filter Type EFC x610 model External EMC filter type 0K40-1P2 FCAF01.1A-A050-E-0010-N-03-NNNN (0010-N-03)

  • Page 331: Technical Data

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Accessories 15.9.2 Technical Data Dimensions Fig. 15-14: 0010-N-03 299/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…

  • Page 332
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Accessories Fig. 15-15: 0020-N-03_0025-N-03 300/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…
  • Page 333
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Accessories Fig. 15-16: 0025-A-05 301/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…
  • Page 334
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Accessories Fig. 15-17: 0036-A-05, 0050-A-05 Fig. 15-18: 0066-A-05 302/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…
  • Page 335
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Accessories Fig. 15-19: 0090-A-05 Fig. 15-20: 0120-A-05 303/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…
  • Page 336
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Accessories Fig. 15-21: 0250-N-05 304/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…
  • Page 337: Electric Data

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Accessories Fig. 15-22: 0320-N-05 Electric data Electric data of EMC filter for 1P 200 VAC models When using EMC filters in mains grounded via outer conductor, use an isolating transformer between mains and EMC filter.

  • Page 338
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Accessories 0010- 0020- 0025- Description Symbol Unit N-03 N-03 N-03 Mains voltage at IT mains Not allowed Tolerance U (UL) – – -10…+10 % Input frequency (UL) 50…60 Nominal current L_cont Calculation of leakage current <…
  • Page 339
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Accessories Electric data of EMC filter for 3P 400 VAC models 0025 0036 0050 0066 0090 0120 0250 0320 Description Symbol Unit A-05 A-05 A-05 A-05 A-05 A-05 N-05 N-05 Degree of protection according to IEC –…
  • Page 340: External Brake Resistor

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Accessories 15.10 External Brake Resistor 15.10.1 Braking Ratio Brake resistors with different power ratings are available to dissipate braking en- ergy when the frequency converter is in generator mode. The tables below list the optimal combination of frequency converter, brake re- sistor and the number of components required to operate one frequency con- verter with respect to a given moderating ratio OT.

  • Page 341: Brake Resistor Type For Braking Ratio Of 10

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Accessories 15.10.2 Brake Resistor Type for Braking Ratio of 10 % 1P 200 VAC Brake resistor Converter model Type Specification Number 0K40 FCAR01.1W0060-N400R0-B-03-NNNN 400 Ω / 60 W 0K75 FCAR01.1W0100-N190R0-B-03-NNNN 190 Ω / 100 W 1K50 FCAR01.1W0200-N095R0-B-03-NNNN…

  • Page 342: Brake Resistor Type For Braking Ratio Of 20

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Accessories 15.10.3 Brake Resistor Type for Braking Ratio of 20 % 1P 200 VAC Brake resistor Converter model Type Specification Number 0K40 FCAR01.1W0100-N400R0-B-03-NNNN 400 Ω / 100 W 0K75 FCAR01.1W0200-N190R0-B-03-NNNN 190 Ω / 200 W 1K50 FCAR01.1W0400-N095R0-B-03-NNNN…

  • Page 343: Brake Resistor Dimensions

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Accessories 15.10.4 Brake Resistor Dimensions Fig. 15-24: Brake resistor dimensions_1 Fig. 15-25: Brake resistor dimensions_2 311/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…

  • Page 344
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Accessories Fig. 15-26: Brake resistor dimensions_3 Fig. 15-27: Brake resistor dimensions_4 312/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…
  • Page 345: Shielding Connector

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Accessories 15.11 Shielding Connector The shielding layer of shielded cables must be reliably connected to the shield- ing terminals of the frequency converter. Accessories (a connector and two screws) for shielded cable connection are available for the connection conven- ience.

  • Page 346
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Accessories Fig. 15-29: Shielded cable connection with accessories for 5K50…22K0 Connection steps Step 1: Place component ① of the connector on the two screw holes inside of and tighten the screws (component ②: M4 x 12).
  • Page 347: Maintenance

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Maintenance 16 Maintenance 16.1 Safety Instructions WARNING High electric voltage! Risk of death or severe bodily injury by electric shock! Only those trained and qualified to work with or on electric equipment are ●…

  • Page 348: Periodic Inspection

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Maintenance 16.3 Periodic Inspection In addition to daily inspection, periodic inspection of frequency converters is al- so necessary. The inspection cycle should be less than 6 months. For operation details, please see table below:…

  • Page 349: Removable Components Maintenance

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Maintenance 16.4 Removable Components Maintenance 16.4.1 Construction Overview Operating panel Heat sink mounting plate I/O interface adapter Back fan / Fan for heat sink Housing / Frame Back fan cover Internal components Front fan cover…

  • Page 350: Disassembly Of The Operating Panel

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Maintenance 16.4.2 Disassembly of the Operating Panel Fig. 16-2: Disassembly of operating panel Step 1: Press two buckles as circles indicating in the above figure ● Step 2: Hold component 1 and pull it out horizontally from component 2 ●…

  • Page 351: Disassembly Of Fans

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Maintenance 16.4.3 Disassembly of Fans Fig. 16-3: Disassembly of fan Step 1: Press the buckle(s) on component 8 or 9 in the above figure ● Step 2: Hold component 8 or 9 and lift it up ●…

  • Page 352: Service And Support

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Service and support 17 Service and support Our worldwide service network provides an optimized and efficient support. Our experts offer you advice and assistance should you have any queries. You can contact us 24/7.

  • Page 353: Environmental Protection And Disposal

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Environmental protection and disposal 18 Environmental protection and disposal 18.1 Environmental protection Production processes The products are made with energy- and resource-optimized production pro- cesses which allow re-using and recycling the resulting waste. We regularly try to replace pollutant-loaded raw materials and supplies by more environment- friendly alternatives.

  • Page 354
    Used batteries can contain hazardous substances, which can harm the environ- ment or the people´s health when they are improper stored or disposed of. After use, the batteries or accumulators contained in Rexroth products have to be properly disposed of according to the country-specific collection.
  • Page 355: Appendix

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix 19 Appendix 19.1 Appendix I: Abbreviations EFC x610: Frequency Converter EFC 3610 or EFC 5610 ● FPCC: Operating panel ● FEAM: Panel mounting plate ● FRKS: Communication cable for control cabinet ● FEAE: Accessories, electric ●…

  • Page 356: Appendix Ii: Type Coding

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix 19.2 Appendix II: Type Coding 19.2.1 Frequency Converter Type Coding Fig. 19-1: Frequency converter type coding 324/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…

  • Page 357: Operating Panel Type Coding

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix 19.2.2 Operating Panel Type Coding Fig. 19-2: Operating panel type coding 19.2.3 Panel Mounting Plate Type Coding Fig. 19-3: Panel mounting plate type coding 325/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…

  • Page 358: Communication Cable For Control Cabinet Type Coding

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix 19.2.4 Communication Cable for Control Cabinet Type Coding Fig. 19-4: Communication cable for control cabinet type coding 19.2.5 Extension Accessories Type Coding Fig. 19-5: Extension card module type coding 326/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…

  • Page 359
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix Fig. 19-6: I/O module type coding Fig. 19-7: Communication module type coding 327/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…
  • Page 360: External Emc Filter Type Coding

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix Fig. 19-8: Plug-in connector for control section type coding 19.2.6 External EMC Filter Type Coding Fig. 19-9: External EMC filter type coding 328/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…

  • Page 361: External Brake Resistor Type Coding

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix 19.2.7 External Brake Resistor Type Coding Fig. 19-10: External brake resistor type coding 329/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…

  • Page 362: Shielding Connector Type Coding

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix 19.2.8 Shielding Connector Type Coding Fig. 19-11: Shielding connector type coding 19.2.9 Engineering Software Type Coding Fig. 19-12: Engineering software type coding 330/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…

  • Page 363: Appendix Iii: Parameter List

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix 19.3 Appendix III: Parameter List 19.3.1 Terminology and Abbreviation in Parameter List Code: Function / parameter code, written in bx.xx, Cx.xx, Ex.xx, Hx.xx, Ux.xx, ● dx.xx Name: Parameter name ● Default: Factory default ●…

  • Page 364
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. 0: Parameter set 1 active b0.12 Parameter set selection – Stop 1: Parameter set 2 active b0.20 User password 0…65,535 b0.21 Manufacturer password 0…65,535 Stop 332/389…
  • Page 365: Group C: Power Parameters

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix 19.3.3 Group C: Power Parameters C0: Power control parameters Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. 0: V/f control Control mode C0.00 – Stop 1: Sensorless vector con- (EFC 5610 only) trol 0: ND (Normal duty) C0.01…

  • Page 366
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. 0: Automatically controlled C0.50 Fan control – 1: Always on C0.51 Fan total running time 0…65,535 h Read 0…65,535 h C0.52 Fan maintenance time Stop (0: Inactive)
  • Page 367: C1: Motor And System Parameters

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix C1: Motor and system parameters Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. 0: Asynchronous motor C1.00 Motor type – Stop 1: Synchronous motor (only for EFC 5610) 0: Inactive 1: Static auto-tuning C1.01 Motor parameter tuning –…

  • Page 368
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix ① : ONLY for EFC 5610, and motor load must be decoupled before ro- tational auto-tuning. ② : 0.00: Automatically identified; 0.01…0.99: Power factor setting. 336/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…
  • Page 369: C2: V/F Control Parameters

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix C2: V/f control parameters Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. 0: Linear C2.00 V/f curve mode 1: Square – Stop 2: User-defined C2.01 V/f frequency 1 0.00…[C2.03] Hz 0.00 0.01 Stop C2.02 0.0…120.0 %…

  • Page 370: C3: Vector Control Parameters

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix C3: Vector control parameters Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. C3.00 Speed loop proportional gain 0.00…655.35 0.01 C3.01 Speed loop integral time 0.01…655.35 ms 0.01 C3.05 Current loop proportional gain 0.1…1,000.0 C3.06 Current loop integral time 0.01…655.35 ms…

  • Page 371: Group E: Function Control Parameters

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix 19.3.4 Group E: Function Control Parameters E0: Set point and control parameters Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. E0.00 First frequency setting source 0…99 – Stop E0.01 First run command source 0…2 –…

  • Page 372
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. E0.36 Start frequency 0.00…50.00 Hz 0.05 0.01 Stop E0.37 Start frequency holding time 0.0…20.0 s Stop E0.38 Start DC-braking time 0.0…20.0 s (0.0: Inactive) Stop E0.39 0.0…150.0 %…
  • Page 373
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix 4: EAI analog input 10: X5 pulse input 11: Digital input Up / Down command 20: Communication 21: Multi-speed settings 99: Inactive Setting range of E0.01, E0.03: 0: Panel 1: Multi-function digital input 2: Communication Setting range of E0.04:…
  • Page 374: E1: Input Terminal Parameters

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix E1: Input terminal parameters Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. E1.00 X1 input – Stop E1.01 X2 input – Stop 0…46 E1.02 X3 input – Stop E1.03 X4 input – Stop E1.04 X5 input 0…47…

  • Page 375
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. E1.77 Input curve 2 maximum [E1.75]…100.0 % 100.0 E1.78 Input curve 2 maximum frequency 0.00…[E0.09] Hz 50.00 0.01 Setting range of E1.00…E1.03 (0…41), E1.04 (0…47): 0: Inactive…
  • Page 376
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix Setting range of E1.15: 0: 2-wire forward / stop, reverse / stop 1: 2-wire forward / reverse, run / stop 2: 3-wire control mode 1 3: 3-wire control mode 2 4: 1-wire control Setting range of E1.68:…
  • Page 377: E2: Output Terminal Parameters

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix E2: Output terminal parameters Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. E2.01 DO1 output setting 0…99 – Stop 0: Converter output frequency 1: Converter output voltage E2.02 DO1 pulse output setting – Stop…

  • Page 378
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. Frequency detection level E2.74 0.01…[E2.73] Hz 1.00 0.01 FDT2 width E2.80 Counter middle value 0…[E2.81] E2.81 Counter target value [E2.80]…9,999 Setting range of E2.01 (0…19) and E2.15 (0…18):…
  • Page 379: E3: Multi-Speed And Simple Plc Parameters

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix E3: Multi-speed and simple PLC parameters Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. 0: Inactive 1: Stop after selected cycle E3.00 Simple PLC running mode – Stop 2: Continuously cycling 3: Run last stage after selected cycle E3.01…

  • Page 380
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. E3.54 Multi-speed frequency 15 0.00…[E0.09] Hz 0.00 0.01 0: Digital setting frequency 1: AI1 analog input 2: AI2 analog input E3.59 Stage 0 frequency source –…
  • Page 381
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. E3.87 Stage 13 running time 0.0…6,000.0 s 20.0 Stop E3.89 Stage 14 running time 0.0…6,000.0 s 20.0 Stop E3.91 Stage 15 running time 0.0…6,000.0 s 20.0…
  • Page 382: E4: Pid Control Parameters

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix E4: PID control parameters Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. E4.00 PID reference channel 0…9 – Stop 0: AI1 analog input 1: AI2 analog input E4.01 PID feedback channel 2: X5 pulse input –…

  • Page 383
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix 8: Analog reference E4.03 9: Speed reference E4.04 Setting range of E4.31: 0: Stop integral regulation when frequency arrives at upper / lower limit 1: Continue integral regulation when frequency arrives at upper / lower limit…
  • Page 384: E5: Extended Function Parameters

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix E5: Extended function parameters Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. High resolution output current E5.01 5…500 ms filter time E5.02 User-defined speed scaling factor 0.01…100.00 1.00 0.01 E5.05 Pump dry protection threshold 0.0 %…[E5.08]…

  • Page 385: E8: Standard Communication Parameters

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix E8: Standard communication parameters Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. 0: Modbus E8.00 Communication protocol – Stop 1: Extension card Communication error 0.0…60.0 s E8.01 Stop detection time (0.0: Inactive) Communication error 0: Freewheeling stop E8.02…

  • Page 386: E9: Protection And Error Parameters

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix E9: Protection and error parameters Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. 0…3 E9.00 Automatic error reset attempts – Stop (0: Inactive) E9.01 Automatic error reset interval 0.1…60.0 s 10.0 Stop E9.05 Last error type –…

  • Page 387
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix 24: Pdr, pump dry 25: CoL -, command value lost 30: OL -2, motor overload 31: Ot, motor over temperature 32: t-Er, motor parameter tuning error 33: AdE-, synchronous motor angle detection error…
  • Page 388: Group F0: Asf Parameters

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix 19.3.5 Group F0: ASF Parameters Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. F0.01 ASF version – – – Read F0.02 ASF identifier 0x0001 … 0x0FFF – – Read F0.03 ASF API required version –…

  • Page 389: H1: Profibus Card Parameters

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix H1: PROFIBUS card parameters Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. H1.00 PROFIBUS local address 0…126 Stop 0: None 1: 9.6 kbps 2: 19.2 kbps 3: 45.45 kbps 4: 93.75 kbps H1.01 Present baud rate 5: 187.5 kbps…

  • Page 390
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. H1.30 Input PZD 1 – Stop H1.31 Input PZD 2 – Stop H1.32 Input PZD 3 – Stop 0: Not used H1.33 Input PZD 4 –…
  • Page 391: H8: I/O Card Parameters

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix H8: I/O card parameters Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. H8.00 EX1 input – Stop H8.01 EX2 input – Stop 0…46 H8.02 EX3 input – Stop H8.03 EX4 input – Stop 0: 0…20 mA 1: 4…20 mA…

  • Page 392
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. H8.27 EAO gain 0.00…10.00 1.00 0.01 0: Inactive 1: EAO diagnosis H8.87 I/O card output channel diagnosis 2: EDO diagnosis – Stop 3: ERO diagnosis 4: All output diagnosis Setting range of H8.00…H8.03:…
  • Page 393
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix 41: PID deactivation 46: User parameter set selection Setting range of H8.06: 0: Polarity inactive 1: Polarity active without direction control 2: Polarity active with direction control Setting range of H8.20, H8.21: 0: Converter ready…
  • Page 394: H9: Relay Card Parameters

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix H9: Relay card parameters Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. H9.00 Extended relay 1 output selection – Stop H9.01 Extended relay 2 output selection – Stop 0…20 H9.02 Extended relay 3 output selection –…

  • Page 395: Group U: Panel Parameters

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix 19.3.7 Group U: Panel Parameters U0: General panel parameters Code Name Setting range Default Min. Attri. U0.00 Direction control by panel 0: Forward; 1: Reverse – 0: Active only for panel control U0.01 Stop button control –…

  • Page 396
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix 40: Digital input 1 43: I/O card digital input 45: DO1 output 47: I/O card EDO output 50: Pulse input frequency 55: Pulse output frequency 60: Relay output 62: I/O card relay output…
  • Page 397: Group D0: Monitoring Parameters

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix 19.3.8 Group d0: Monitoring Parameters Code Name Minimum unit d0.00 Output frequency 0.01 Hz d0.01 Actual speed 1 rpm d0.02 Setting frequency 0.01 Hz d0.03 Setting speed 1 rpm d0.04 User-defined setting speed d0.05…

  • Page 398
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix Code Name Minimum unit d0.98 High resolution output current 0.01 A d0.99 Firmware version 0.01 366/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…
  • Page 399: Appendix Iv: Certification

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix 19.4 Appendix IV: Certification 19.4.1 CE Declaration of conformity For Frequency Converters EFC x610 (0K40…90K0), there are declarations of conformity which confirm that the devices comply with the applicable EN Stand- ards and EC Directives. If required, you may ask our sales representative for the declarations of conformity.

  • Page 400
    “Company Name: Rexroth”. UL listing Fig. 19-14: UL listing UL standard UL 508C (0K40…18K5), UL 61800-5-1 (22K0…90K0) Company name BOSCH REXROTH (XIAN) ELECTRIC DRIVES AND CONTROLS CO., LTD. Category name Power Conversion Equipment File number E328841 UL ratings For using the components in the scope of UL, take the UL ratings of the individu- al component into account.
  • Page 401
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix Requirements for United States / Canadian installations (UL/cUL): Suitable for use on a circuit capable of delivering not more than 5,000 rms Sym- metrical Amperes, 480 VAC maximum, when protected by UL/cUL -certified Class J fuses only.
  • Page 402: Eac

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix 19.4.3 EAC Frequency Converters EFC x610 (0K40…90K0) have EAC certification. EAC mark- ing is required for Custom Union, including Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. EAC marking Fig. 19-15: EAC marking 370/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…

  • Page 403: Rcm

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix 19.4.4 RCM Frequency Converters EFC x610 (0K40…90K0) comply with the relevant ACMA standards made under the Radiocommunications Act 1992 and the Telecommu- nications Act 1997.These standards are referenced in notices made under sec- tion 182 of the Radiocommunications Act and 407 of the Telecommunications Act.

  • Page 404: Appendix V: Parameter Change Record

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix 19.5 Appendix V: Parameter Change Record Parameter changes between version 03V12 and 03V08 are shown as below: Change Code Name Change description type C0.41 Recovery delay C0.42 Power loss ride-through action voltage Power loss ride-through recover volt- C0.43…

  • Page 405
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix Change Code Name Change description type Added «3: Regain kinetic energy, decel- C0.40 Power loss ride-through mode erate to stop» to setting range C1.72 Motor thermal sensor type Added «3: PT1000» to setting range Changed setting range to: «-120.0 %…
  • Page 406
    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix Change Code Name Change description type Deleted None Tab. 19-2: Parameter changes between version 03V12 and 03V08 374/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…
  • Page 407: Safe Torque Off

    The residual risk of danger to persons is then considerably reduced. The integrated Rexroth safety technology provides the user the facilities, on the control unit and drive side, for realizing functions of personal and machine pro- tection with a minimum of planning and installation work required.

  • Page 408: Sto Function Introduction

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix Easy commissioning ● Independent of control units ● STO Function Introduction The normative definition of STO function is in § of the IEC 61800-5-2 (on the 07/2007 version): «Power, that can cause rotation (or motion in the case of a linear motor), is not applied to the motor.

  • Page 409: Safety Notes

    Off», e.g. in case of a vertical axis, this motion has to be safely prevented by additional measures, e.g. a mechanical brake or a weight compensation; for such axes, Bosch Rexroth recommends that you use the safe braking and holding sys- tem.

  • Page 410: Standard Relevant To Safety Function

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix Standard Relevant to Safety Function EFC 5610 frequency converter* is comply with the following relevant safety standards: Standard Description Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic IEC 61508 2010-4 safety-related systems Safety of machinery-safety-related parts of control systems-Part 1:…

  • Page 411: Installation

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix 19.6.2 Installation Terminal Definition Connection Signal name Function COM is the reference of +24 V STO1+ Input channel 1 STO1- The reference of Input channel 1 STO2+ Input channel 2 STO2- The reference of Input channel 2…

  • Page 412: Connections

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix Connections There are several connection cases for using the STO function of EFC 5610. Case 1: Dual-channel Wiring with External Power Supply Fig. 19-18: Dual-channel wiring with external power supply Case 2: Four-channel Wiring with External Power Supply Fig.

  • Page 413
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix Case 3: Daisy-chained Connection Type Fig. 19-20: Daisy-chained connection type 381/389 DOK-RCON03-EFC-X610***-IT05-EN-P…
  • Page 414: Safety Function Disable

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix To protect the drive against malfunction by dirt or moisture, it has ● to be mounted in a IP 54 cabinet. The +24 V DC external power supply has to meet SELV / PELV-Re- ●…

  • Page 415: Input Channel Parameter

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix Input Channel Parameter Input signal Unit Typ. Allowed input voltage Logical 0 (Low) Logical 1 (High) Input current Impedance kΩ > 3 Filtering time ① < 20 Response time ② Tab. 19-6: Input channel parameter ①…

  • Page 416: Commission

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix 19.6.3 Commission Always test the operation and reaction of the STO function before commission- ing. WARNING Dangerous movements! Danger to life, risk of in- jury, serious injury or property damage! Do not commission the installation without having it checked by a qualified per-…

  • Page 417: Sto Function Diagnosis And Status Indication

    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix 19.6.4 STO Function Diagnosis and Status Indication The normal state is that the device run normally and the STO function is in standby stage, if either of the input channels or both are de-energized, the STO…

  • Page 418: Technical Data

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix 19.6.5 Technical Data Data Related to Safety Standards Standard Parameter Value 0.36 FIT β 1.5% βd 1.5% IEC 61508 2010-04 HFT for four channel parts SFF for four channel parts > 90% IEC 61800-5-2 2007…

  • Page 419
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Appendix The failure rates of components used in the calculation process of ● related safety parameters mentioned above are based on the Sie- mens database: SIEMENS NORM SN_29500. The PFH value is less than 2% of the total failure budget of a SIL3 ●…
  • Page 420: Maintenance

    Bosch Rexroth AG EFC x610 Series Appendix 19.6.6 Maintenance For preventive maintenance, the STO function must be activated once a year. The main power supply of the device must be turned off and then on again be- fore this preventive maintenance. Active the STO function and confirm the oper- ation and reaction of the STO function is normal.

  • Page 421
    EFC x610 Series Bosch Rexroth AG Notes…
  • Page 422
    The Drive & Control Company Bosch Rexroth (Xi’an) Electric Drives and Controls Co., Ltd. No. 3999, Shangji Road, Economic and Technological Development Zone, 710021 Xi’an, P.R. China Phone +49 9352 40 5060 Fax +49 9352 18 4941 service.svc@boschrexroth.de www.boschrexroth.com R912005854…

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Технические данные

Страна Германия
Производитель Rexroth
Применение Для вентиляции
Серия модели EFC
Напряжение, В 230
Сила тока 2,00
Мощность, кВт 0,40
Фазность 1
Состав Пластик
Назначение Общее / Бытовое / Коммерческое / Промышленное / Специальное
Вес 1,5 кг
Степень защиты IP 20
Размер, мм 166x95x167
Гарантия от производителя, мес 12

EFC 3610 / EFC 5610

Nr. Code


1 OC-1

Overcurrent at constant speed

2 OC-2

Overcurrent during acceleration Output current above limit at motor accelerating

3 OC-3

Overcurrent during deceleration Output current above limit at motor decelerating

4 OE-1

Overvoltage at constant speed

5 OE-2

Overvoltage during acceleration DC bus voltage above limit at motor accelerating

6 OE-3

Overvoltage during deceleration DC bus voltage above limit at motor decelerating

7 OE-4

Overvoltage during stop

8 UE-1

Undervoltage during run

9 SC

Surge current or short circuit

10 IPH.L Input phase loss

11 OPH.L Output phase loss

12 ESS-

Soft start error

20 OL-1

Converter overload

21 OH

Converter over temperature

23 FF

Fan failure

24 Pdr

Pump dry

25 CoL-

Command value lost

30 OL-2

Motor overload

31 Ot

Motor over temperature

32 t-Er

Motor parameter tuning error

Synchronous motor angle detec-

33 AdE-

tion error

35 SPE-

Speed control loop error

Analog input broken wire detec-

38 AibE


39 EPS-

DC_IN power supply error

40 dir1

Forward running lock error

41 dir2

Reverse running lock error

42 E-St

Terminal error signal

43 FFE-

Firmware version mismatch

44 rS-

Modbus communication error



Output current above limit at motor running at constant


DC bus voltage above limit at motor running at constant


DC bus voltage above limit at converter stopped

DC bus voltage below limit at converter running

Output current sharp increase or short circuit occurs on

motor cable or converter power module has internal


Mains cable disconnected or input imbalance occurs

Motor cable disconnected or output imbalance occurs

Soft start circuit is not working properly

Converter load is above limit for too long

Converter temperature is too high

Converter fan is not working properly

PID feedback is excessively low when converter running

at output frequency high limit

Command value from panel is lost

Motor load is above limit for too long

Motor temperature is above limit for too long

Error occurs during motor parameter auto-tuning

Error occurs during synchronous motor angle detection

The speed loop difference is outside [C3.26] over a

time of [C3.25]

Analog input wire is disconnected

DC_IN power supply voltage is out of range 20…28 V

Direction can only be forward but command is reverse

Direction can only be reverse but command is forward

Error signal is received from digital inputs

Firmware version of panel or extension card does not

match that of control board

Modbus communication is not working properly

Bosch Rexroth AG



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  • Эритромицин 250 таблетки инструкция по применению взрослым