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Talgil FILTRON 1-10 DC User Manual

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1-10 (DC/AC)

U S E R ‘ S




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Summary of Contents for Talgil FILTRON 1-10 DC

  • Page 1
    TALGIL Computing & Control Ltd. ISRAEL TALGIL COMPUTING & CONTROL LTD. NAAMAN CENTER, HAIFA — ACCO ROAD 7000 P.O.BOX 775 KIRYAT MOTZKIN 26119, ISRAEL TEL: 972-4-8775947; 972-4-8775948 FAX: 972-4-8775949 E-mail: FILTRON 1-10 (DC/AC) U S E R ‘ S…
  • Page 2: List Of Features

    FILTRON 1-10 (DC/AC) List of features The “FILTRON 1-10” is a modular backflushing controller for automatic filters of 1 to 10 stations. There exist DC and AC models. The DC model can be powered either by 6v DC or 12v DC and it activates 2 wired 12v DC latching solenoids.

  • Page 3
    How to program the controller The controller is equipped with an LCD display and 4 keys as displayed below. When the unit is left untouched for a minute the display is switched off and the only life signal is given by a beep sound that can be heard every 20 seconds.
  • Page 4
    The Flush Time Defines the duration of the flushing time per station. The following options are selectable: 5-20 sec in steps of 1 sec 20-55 sec in steps of 5 sec min in steps of 0.5 min The DP Set Point At this field the user defines the pressure difference between the filter’s inlet and outlet that when reached, a flushing cycle will take place.
  • Page 5
    The unit will detect how many “plug-in” boards (each of 2 outputs) are used in the particular case. How will the outputs be allocated depends on the definitions made during the configuration process described below. The following rules apply: Backflush valves will be allocated starting from output 1 and up. The last backflush valve can be canceled and then its allocated output will be left unused.
  • Page 6
    Handling Endless Looping problems As explained above, endless looping problem will be declared when the number of consecutive flushing cycles triggered by the DP sensor exceeds the “Looping limit” defined during configuration. The fact that endless looping problem was detected will be indicated on the display and will cause the activation of the Alarm output, additionally, the DP indication will no longer be considered as a trigger for flushing.
  • Page 7: Timing Diagram

    Timing Diagram Without Delay Valve Main valve Flush time Dwell Valve 1 Dwell time Valve 2 Valve 3 Valve 4 Including Delay Valve Main valve Dwell Valve 1 Dwell time Valve 2 Valve 3 Valve 4 Flush time Delay valve Valve Delay…

  • Page 8: Wiring Diagram

    Wiring Diagram DC MODEL The drawing below shows the wiring of the DC model of the controller. Notice that: The External DP sensor is optional and it is intended for use in cases there is no Embedded Electronic DP included. The powering of the unit can be either by 6v DC or 12v DC.

  • Page 9
    AC MODEL The drawing below shows the wiring of the AC model of the controller. Notice that: The External DP sensor is optional and it is intended for use in cases there is no Embedded Electronic DP included. The powering of the unit is by 24VAC transformed from 220/110 VAC. The solenoids will be of 24VAC.
  • Page 10: Technical Data

    TECHNICAL DATA DC MODEL 6v supplied by 4 x 1.5 “D” size alkaline batteries. Power source: or 12v DC dry battery or 12v rechargeable battery with solar panel of 2 watts Outputs : 12v DC latching solenoids. Embedded electronic analog DP sensor or external dry contact DP sensor.









TEL: 972-4-8775947; 972-4-8775948 

FAX: 972-4-8775949 




1-10 (DC/AC)













Основные функции

“FILTRON 1-10” это модульный (на 2, 4, 6, 8 или 10 выходов) контроллер для промывки 

батарей автоматических фильтров, состоящих из 1 – 10 фильтров.

Существуют модели переменного (AC) и постоянного (DC) тока. 

Модели постоянного тока могут питаться напряжением 6 или 12 вольт, и предназначены 

для управления 2-х проводными 12-ти вольтовыми соленоидами-защёлками (LATCH).

Модели переменного тока имеют встроенный блок питания, который может быть 

подключен к сети с напряжением 220 или 110 вольт и который понижает напряжение до 


вольт для управления соленоидами.

Цикл промывки может быть запущен по времени или когда разность давлений, 

измеренная встроенным электронным датчиком DP, достигает заданного значения или 

по замыканию контакта внешнего датчика разности давлений. Возможен также ручной 


Контроллер производит обнаружение неисправности «Бесконечная промывка» если 

количество непрерывных промывок по DP превышает заранее заданное значение.


Контроллер может управлять Главным Краном, Клапаном Задержки и устройством 


Контроллер снабжён специальным ЖК-дисплеем и клавиатурой.

How to program the controller

The controller is equipped with an LCD display and 4 keys as displayed below. When the unit is left

untouched for a minute the display is switched off and the only life signal is given by a beep sound that

can be heard every 20 seconds. Holding down any of the keys for a few seconds will bring the screen

back to life.

The Actual DP value.

Available only when

the built in electronic

DP is used

The desired flushing

time per station

The screen consists of several fields, some of them are editable and some of them are not. For

inserting EDIT MODE the ENTER key has to be pushed. The EDIT MODE is indicated by blinking of

the characters at the currently editable field. Each time the ENTER key is pushed again, the next

editable field becomes under focus and starts blinking. While in EDIT MODE the «+» and «-» keys can

be used for changing the value under focus. Pushing the ENTER key again will set the selected value

to the current field and move the focus to the next editable field which will start blinking. Once entering

this process of passing through the editable fields, the user has no way back but by pushing the

ENTER key repeatedly, he passes through the chain of editable fields until arriving back to the FLUSH

TIME field, meeting no more blinking fields.


The chain of editable fields

Following is the chain of editable fields. The existence of the DP SET-POINT field depends on whether

the system contains a built-in electronic DP or not.






Notice that before the first use of the unit, it may be necessary to pass through

the configuration process prior to defining the flushing program in order to

adjust the features of controller to the specific application. The configuration

process is described below.











The DP Set-Point.

Available only when

the built in electronic

DP is used


The desired flushing

mode. Contains either the

flushing interval or the

letters «dp» when the

flushing is triggered by

dp only.

TALGIL  и отвечает всем требованиям для управления промывкой фильтров, дешев и прост в эксплуатации.“FILTRON 246” выпускается в трех модификациях, на 2, 4 и 6 выходов.

Прибор может питаться от источника постоянного тока (DC) или от источника переменного тока (АС). Приборы DC питаются от внутренней сухой батареи 12V, приборы АС от встроенного трансформатора 24 V. Выбор программы промывки производится двумя круговыми переключателями, расположенными в середине панели. Установка пауз и длительности промывки фильтров производится переключателем DIP SWITCH, находящемся внутри прибора. Имеется возможность заказа прибора со счетчиком, подсчитывающим количество циклов промывки.


Приборы DC или AC;

Выполнение промывки по команде дифференциального манометра;

Выполнение промывки по команде дифференциального манометра и/или по времени цикла

Параметры режима работы включают в себя:

1. Выбор способа работы: включение вручную; только по сигналу дифференциального манометра (DP), работа по сигналу DP и/или по времени ;

2. Выбор времени между промывками;

3. Выбор продолжительности промывки каждого фильтра;

4. Выбор времени паузы между промывкой отдельных фильтров;

5. Выбор времени задержки реакции на изменение состояния DP;

6. Выбор количества непрерывно повторяющихся циклов промывки по DP, для определения неисправности DP.



Table of Contents for Talgil FILTRON 1-10 DC:

  • 3 The Flush Time Defines the duration of the flushing time per station. The following options are selectable: 5-20 sec in steps of 1 sec 20-55 sec in steps of 5 sec 1-6 min in steps of 0.5 min The DP Set Point At this field the user defines the pressure difference between the filter’s inlet and outlet that when reached, a flushing cycle will take place. This field is meaningless

  • 6 Main valve Valve 1 Valve 2 Pre Dwell Flush time Valve 3 Valve 4 Dwell time Main valve Valve 1 Valve 2 Pre Dwell Flush time Valve 3 Valve 4 Delay valve Dwell time V V Valve Delay Timing Diagram Without Delay Valve Including Delay Valve

  • 9 TECHNICAL DATA DC MODEL Power source: 6v supplied by 4 x 1.5 “D” size alkaline batteries. or 12v DC dry battery or 12v rechargeable battery with solar panel of 2 watts Outputs : 12v DC latching solenoids. DP: Embedded electronic analog DP sensor or external dry contact DP sensor. Pressure Sensor: Dry contact pressure sensor Operating temperature: 0-60 C. AC MODEL Power source: 220

  • 1 FILTRON 1-10 (DC/AC) List of features The “FILTRON 1-10” is a modular backflushing controller for automatic filters of 1 to 10 stations. There exist DC and AC models. The DC model can be powered either by 6v DC or 12v DC and it activates 2 wired 12v DC latching solenoids. The voltage for the solenoids switching is boosted by a charge pump. The AC model contains an internal transformer that can be powered by 110v or 220v from which it

  • 8 AC MODEL The drawing below shows the wiring of the AC model of the controller. Notice that: 1. The External DP sensor is optional and it is intended for use in cases there is no Embedded Electronic DP included. 2. The powering of the unit is by 24VAC transformed from 220/110 VAC. 3. The solenoids will be of 24VAC. Make sure to DISCONNECT the POWER before inserting / removing the 2 ouputs plug-in unit.

  • 2 How to program the controller The controller is equipped with an LCD display and 4 keys as displayed below. When the unit is left untouched for a minute the display is switched off and the only life signal is given by a beep sound that can be heard every 20 seconds. Holding down any of the keys for a few seconds will bring the screen back to life. ENTER +- MANUAL The screen

  • 7 Wiring Diagram DC MODEL The drawing below shows the wiring of the DC model of the controller. Notice that: 1. The External DP sensor is optional and it is intended for use in cases there is no Embedded Electronic DP included. 2. The powering of the unit can be either by 6v DC or 12v DC. 3. The solenoids will be of 12VDC latch.

  • 5 Handling Endless Looping problems As explained above, endless looping problem will be declared when the number of consecutive flushing cycles triggered by the DP sensor exceeds the “Looping limit” defined during configuration. The fact that endless looping problem was detected will be indicated on the display and will cause the activation of the Alarm output, additionally, the DP indication will no longer be considered as a trigger for flushing. Th

  • 4 The unit will detect how many “plug-in” boards (each of 2 outputs) are used in the particular case. How will the outputs be allocated depends on the definitions made during the configuration process described below. The following rules apply: 1. Backflush valves will be allocated starting from output 1 and up. 2. The last backflush valve can be canceled and then its allocated output will be left unused. 3. Alarm output, Delay-Valve and Main-Valve when

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