Фольксваген гольф плюс руководство по эксплуатации

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Volkswagen Golf V / Golf Plus / Jetta / Touran с бензиновыми двигателями: BCA/BKG/BLN 1.4 л FSI/TSI (1390 см³) 75-90-170 л.с./55-66-125 кВт, BGU/BSE/BSF 1.6 л (1595 см³) 102 л.с./75 кВт, BAG/BLF/BLP 1.6 л FSI (1598 см³) 115 л.с./85 кВт, AXW/BLR/BLX/BLY/AXX/BPY 2.0 л FSI/TSI (1984 см³) 150-200 л.с./110-147 кВт и дизельными BRU/AVQ/BJB/BKC/BLS 1.9 л TDI (1896 см³) 90-105 л.с./66-77 кВт, BDK/AZV/BKD/BMM 2.0 л SDI/TDI (1968 см³) 75-136-140-170 л.с./55-100-103-125 кВт; Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту, полные технические характеристики, устройство, цветные электросхемы, диагностика, ремонт, особенности конструкции. Производственно-практическое издание Фольксваген Гольф 5 (1K1), Гольф плюс (1KP), Джетта (1K2) и Туран (1T1) модели выпуска с 2003 года

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Видео VW Golf V/ Golf Plus/ Jetta/ Touran замена ремня ГРМ и стекла зеркала заднего вида/ guide for removing the wing mirror glass (Гольф 5/+ и Туран 2003)

Volkswagen Golf Mark V / Golf Plus / Jetta / Touran общая информация (Фольксваген Гольф 5, Гольф плюс, Джетта и Туран)

Данное Руководство предназначено для того, чтобы автолюбитель мог грамотно обсудить и спланировать ремонт автомобиля с профессиональным механиком или выполнить его своими силами. Руководство поможет Вам определить, какую необходимо сделать работу (даже если вы решите, что Вам могут выполнить ее в мастерской), провести диагностику и предоставить информацию о техническом состоянии, определить последовательность действий и диагностики при обслуживании или ремонте. Тем не менее, надеемся, что Вы воспользуетесь данным Руководством именно для самостоятельного выполнения работ.
Проведение простых работ займет намного меньше времени, чем обслуживание автомобиля в мастерской, куда необходимо дважды приехать, чтобы оставить и забрать автомобиль. И, конечно же, самое главное, можно с:экономить немного денег, которые уйдут на оплату работы.
Для проведения технического обслуживания и ремонта необходимо иметь хороший набор метрических гаечных ключей, отверток и измерительных щупов, так как эти простейшие ручные инструменты используются при выполнении большинства работ. Иногда для ремонта необходимы спец инструменты или специальная подготовка. Об этом говорится в предупреждениях, изложенных в данном руководстве.

В Руководство включены рисунки и описания, показывающие функцию различных деталей и их расположение. Работы описываются и фотографируются в поэтапной последовательности, благодаря чему может выполнить даже новичок. Руководство состоит из 11 Разделов. Разделы поделены на Части и Главы. Имеется много иллюстраций, особенно в тех частях, где приводится детальная последовательность операций, которые нужно выполнит. Текст сопровождается пояснительными иллюстрациями. Они пронумерованы десятичными числами в соответствии с номером Главы и номером пункта в ней, например: 6.4 — иллюстрация относится к пункту 4 Главы 6. В начале Руководства дается подробное Содержание, по которому можно легко найти интересующий Вас вопрос.
«Лево» или «право» автомобиля рассматривается относительно человека, который сидит на сидении водителя лицом вперед. Если не оговорено чего-либо другое, гайки и болты отвинчиваются поворачиванием против часовой стрелки и закручиваются поворотом по часовой стрелке. Производители постоянно модифицируют автомобили, внося изменения в спецификации, технические условия и рекомендации и при уведомлении мы как можно быстрее вносим их в наше Руководство.

Пятый модельный ряд автомобилей VW Golf был представлен покупателю в сентябре 2003 года. Этот модельный ряд включает автомобили с кузовом «седан», Golf Plus и Jetta. Со сменой модельного ряда происходит почти вынужденное увеличение размеров кузова. Golf пятого поколения также стал больше в сравнении со своим предшественником. Он стал длиннее предыдущей модели на 55 мм, шире на 24 мм и выше на 41 мм при габаритах 4204 мм в длину и 1759 мм в ширину. VW Golf имеет объемную систему пассивной безопасности, элементам и которой являются подушки безопасности водителя, переднего пассажира, боковые подушки безопасности и подушки в подголовниках, натяжители ремней безопасности на передних сиденьях.
Автомобили серийно оборудуются системой стабилизации устойчивости (ESP) и усилителем тормозной системы. Усилитель тормозной системы предназначен для экстренной остановки автомобиля в случае аварийной ситуации благодаря гидравлическому приводу. Устройство увеличивает тормозное усилие даже при легком нажатии на педаль тормоза и таким образом сокращает тормозной путь в экстренных ситуациях. Автомобили Golf оснащаются разными по мощности, рабочему объему и конструкции бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями. Этим обеспечивается возможность выбора между экономичными или мощными спортивными автомобилями в соответствии с персональными потребностями и запросами. Мощность двигателя реализуется как на привод только передних колес, так и полный привод всех четырех колес.
Golf Plus
Golf Plus появился: в продаже в январе 2005 года. В сравнении с автомобилями с кузовом «Седан» он выше, а задние фонари оборудованы светодиодными лампочками.

Автомобили Jetta в продаже с августа 2005 года. Заднее стекло имеет плавный наклон, что придаёт автомобилю контур седана. Задние фонари, как и у Golf Plus комплектуются светодиодными лампочками.
В марте 2003 года в продажу поступил компактный вэн Touran. В салоне Touran установлены пять сидений, а при необходимости может дополнительно устанавливаться шестое. Преимуществом Touran является возможность изменения конфигурации салона и его большая вместимость, составляющая 1989 литров.
Коллектив создателей данного Руководства благодарит Вас за покупку книги и желает успехов в обслуживании и ремонте Вашего автомобиля. Убеждены, что книга окажется Вам полезной.

Габаритные размеры Фольксваген Гольф 5, Гольф плюс и Туран (dimensions VW Golf V/ Golf Plus/ Touran)Габаритные размеры Фольксваген Гольф 5 ГТИ (dimensions VW Golf V GTI)

Основные технические характеристики (General technical specifications) VW Golf 5 GTI 2007 трехдверный с мотором 2.0 литра

Спецификация / Specs Данные
Габариты (мм/mm) и масса (кг/kg) / Dimensions and Weight
1 Длина / Length 4204 (4213-4216 GTI)
2 Ширина (без/с зеркалами) / Width 1759 (1759-1779 GTI)
3 Высота (загружен/пустой) / Height 1485 (1501 GTI)
4 Колёсная база / Wheelbase 2578
5 Дорожный просвет (клиренс) / Ground clearance 115 (89 GTI)
6 Снаряжённая масса / Total (curb) weight 1335
Полная масса / Gross (max.) weight 1860

Двигатель / Engine

7 Тип / Engine Type, Code Бензиновый, жидкостного охлаждения, четырехтактный, AXX
8 Количество цилиндров / Cylinder arrangement: Total number of cylinders, of valves 4-цилиндровый, 16V, рядный, DOHC с верхним расположением двух распределительных валов
9 Диаметр цилиндра / Bore 82.5 мм
10 Ход поршня / Stroke 92.8 мм
11 Объём / Engine displacement 1984 см³
12 Система питания / Fuel supply, Aspiration Непосредственный впрыск топлива, TSI, Motronic MED 9.1
Двухступенчатый турбонаддув и промежуточное охлаждение наддувочного воздуха
13 Степень сжатия / Compression ratio 10.5:1
14 Максимальная мощность / Max. output power kW (HP) at rpm 147 кВт (200 л.с.) при 5100-6000 об/мин
15 Максимальный крутящий момент / Max. torque N·m at rpm 280 Нм при 1800-5000 об/мин

Трансмиссия / Transmission

16 Сцепление / Clutch type Однодисковое, сухое, с диафрагменной нажимной пружиной и гасителем крутильных колебаний, постоянно замкнутого типа
17 КПП / Transmission type МКПП 6 шестиступенчатая механическая, двухвальная, с синхронизаторами на всех передачах переднего хода

О Книге

  • Название: Volkswagen Golf V / Golf Plus / Jetta / Touran Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации
  • Бензиновые двигатели: BCA/BKG/BLN 1.4 л FSI/TSI (1390 см³) 75-90-170 л.с./55-66-125 кВт, BGU/BSE/BSF 1.6 л (1595 см³) 102 л.с./75 кВт, BAG/BLF/BLP 1.6 л FSI (1598 см³) 115 л.с./85 кВт, AXW/BLR/BLX/BLY/AXX/BPY 2.0 л FSI/TSI (1984 см³) 150-200 л.с./110-147 кВт и дизельными BRU/AVQ/BJB/BKC/BLS 1.9 л TDI (1896 см³) 90-105 л.с./66-77 кВт, BDK/AZV/BKD/BMM 2.0 л SDI/TDI (1968 см³) 75-136-140-170 л.с./55-100-103-125 кВт
  • Выпуск с 2003 года
  • Серия: «Авторемонт»
  • Год издания: 2007
  • Автор: Коллектив авторов
  • Издательство: «Ассоциация независимых издателей»
  • Формат: PDF
  • Страниц в книге: 264
  • Размер: 57.09 МБ
  • Язык: Русский
  • Количество электросхем: 28

Volkswagen Golf V / Golf Plus / Jetta / Touran Руководство по эксплуатации, техобслуживанию и ремонту

инструкцияVolkswagen Golf Plus (2011)


Owner’s Manual 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

California Emissions Warranties 377. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mobile Phone Package 392. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

RCD 310 Radio 426. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Supplement 477. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

USA Warranty and Maintenance 487. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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The new Golf Plus

The new Golf Plus

Volkswagen Information Service. Telephone 0800 333 666

Internet: www.volkswagen.co.uk

© Volkswagen Group United Kingdom Limited 2009.

Issue: 1 April 2009. Printed in UK.



Related Manuals for Volkswagen GOLF PLUS

Summary of Contents for Volkswagen GOLF PLUS

  • Page 1
    The new Golf Plus The new Golf Plus Volkswagen Information Service. Telephone 0800 333 666 Internet: www.volkswagen.co.uk © Volkswagen Group United Kingdom Limited 2009. Issue: 1 April 2009. Printed in UK. PVW400PLUS…
  • Page 2
    Optional equipment Wheels Paint Upholstery and combinations Technical specification Technology Dimensions Volkswagen service Model shown is new Golf Plus SE with optional Silver anodised roof rails and metallic paint. 02 – The new Golf Plus The new Golf Plus – 03…
  • Page 3
    car. Endless possibilities. Introducing the new Golf Plus. Specially created for those who want to get a little bit more out of life. Not only does it offer masses of extra space, but more ways of using it, thanks to a whole wealth of clever features, designed to increase its functionality, comfort and safety.
  • Page 4
    1,007 millimetres high. Enough headroom for even the tallest passengers. Interior shown is new Golf Plus SE with optional ‘Vienna’ leather upholstery, carpet mats, multifunction steering wheel, 2Zone electronic climate control and metallic paint. 06 – The new Golf Plus The new Golf Plus –…
  • Page 5
    Volkswagen design. And while its appearance hints at the exceptional spaciousness within, it’s the exterior aesthetics that really turn the eye. Whether you’re looking at the front, side or the rear.
  • Page 6
    Numerous storage compartments. Where’s the MP3 player? Next to the sunglasses? How about some spare change for parking? And what about the mobile phone? A million different combinations. Whatever you need to store in the new Golf Plus, up to 25 storage compartments provides you with an infinite number of possibilities, ensuring you keep all your essentials within easy reach.
  • Page 7
    From extreme climate conditions to salt water and bumpy and enhancing performance. roads, the Volkswagen test track shows no mercy. Model shown is new Golf Plus S with optional black roof rails and metallic paint. 12 – The new Golf Plus 12 –…
  • Page 8
    Over miles of freedom. On one tank of petrol. Yes, that’s right – petrol. Thanks to the economical engines of the new Golf Plus, you can cover more than 500 miles* on a single tank of fuel, not only with a diesel engine, but now with a TSI petrol engine too. A combination of direct fuel injection and intelligent turbocharging technology delivers exceptional engine efficiency, ensuring TSI engines achieve extremely economic driving, while providing maximum drive enjoyment.
  • Page 9
    The new Golf Plus S As soon as you sit in the new Golf Plus S, you’ll experience the uncompromising attention to detail and the high quality of the materials used throughout. From the contemporary upholstery to the chrome-ringed instrument panel, the cabin exudes a feeling of well-being, and is even more luxurious, comfortable and spacious than you would have guessed from the exterior.
  • Page 10
    The new Golf Plus SE The new Golf Plus SE epitomises the height of luxury, with everything designed for your total comfort and driving pleasure. The story starts as you approach the SE, with stylish 16 inch ‘Atlanta’ alloy wheels, and a sporty black radiator grille with chrome- plated louvres setting the scene.
  • Page 11
    Safety The new Golf Plus is not only practical and versatile, but it also offers intelligence too, as demonstrated by its first class safety specification designed to help you manage such occurrences as bad weather, sharp bends and tight parking spaces. From curtain, front and side impact airbags to an Electronic Stabilisation Programme, these active and passive safety features help make every journey as safe as possible for all the occupants of the new Golf Plus.
  • Page 12
    Engines and gearboxes Volkswagen’s ground-breaking engine and gearbox technology ensures exceptional performance. A choice of some of the most innovative engines available means you can look forward to driving a car delivering the ultimate sporty drive, yet still offering great fuel economy and environmental credentials.
  • Page 13
    Model shown is new Golf Plus SE with optional Silver anodised roof rails, front fog lights, 17″ ‘Seattle’ alloy wheels, ‘Vienna’ leather upholstery and metallic paint. 24 – Optional equipment – The new Golf Plus The new Golf Plus – Optional equipment – 25…
  • Page 14
    Optional equipment The latest technologies in audio playback, state-of-the-art navigations systems and connectivity provide you with the ultimate multimedia experience, enabling you to do more and enjoy more than ever before in the new Golf Plus. The RCD 310 radio/MP3 compatible CD player features eight speakers with an output of 4 x 20 watts.
  • Page 15
    Whether you’re looking for a stylish 15 inch or a sporty lightweight 17 inch alloy wheel, Volkswagen offers a choice of wheel options for the new Golf Plus, ensuring you find exactly what you want. And whichever you choose, there are three things of which you can be sure: its superior quality, design and driving characteristics.
  • Page 16
    Paint Black Silver Leaf Non-Metallic Metallic Candy White Reflex Silver Non-Metallic Metallic Tornado Red Shadow Blue Non-Metallic Metallic Passion Red Steel Grey Metallic Metallic Georgia Blue Deep Black Metallic Pearl Effect Cashmere Blue Graphite Metallic Pearl Effect Standard Optional at extra cost Please note: The print processes do not allow exact reproduction of the paint colours.
  • Page 17
    Upholstery Titan Black Titan Black ‘Zone’ cloth ‘Vienna’ leather* † Standard on S Optional on SE Titan Black Corn Silk Beige ‘Plaza’ cloth ‘Vienna’ leather* † Standard on SE Optional on SE Standard Optional at extra cost Please note: The print processes do not allow exact reproduction of the upholstery colours. Combinations Seat upholstery Carpet…
  • Page 18
    Technical specification S, SE S, SE 1.4 litre 80 PS 1.4 litre TSI 122 PS 2.0 litre TDI 110 PS 2.0 litre TDI 140 PS Engine Engine type Four cylinder petrol Four cylinder petrol Four cylinder diesel Four cylinder diesel Cubic capacity, ltrs/cc 1.4/1390 1.4/1390…
  • Page 19
    Dimensions Technology Technical specification notes Exterior dimensions Length, mm 4204 01) The maximum power output figures are quoted in PS (or Pferdestärke, which is the metric equivalent of horsepower). Width – excluding door mirrors, mm 1759 To convert from metric to imperial horsepower, divide the PS figure by 1.0139. Width –…
  • Page 20
    ± Volkswagen Insurance is underwritten and administered by Zurich Insurance plc. Volkswagen Insurance is a trading name Volkswagen are pleased to offer you a choice on how your new Golf Plus is serviced. The appropriate selection is entirely dependent of Volkswagen Insurance Service (Great Britain) Limited which is an appointed representative of Volkswagen Financial Services on how the car is likely to be driven and its general use.

Техническая документация по ремонту автомобилей Volkswagen Golf Plus ( все годы выпуска) Бесплатно, без регистрации и СМС

Автозапчасти для автомобилей СКАЧАТЬ АВТОАКСЕСУАРЫ

Руководство по ремонту, эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию Volkswagen Golf Plus

  — полные технические характеристик

 -особенности эксплуатации

 — устранение неисправностей Volkswagen Golf Plus

  — цветные электросхемы Volkswagen Golf Plus

Руководство по эксплуатации Volkswagen Golf Plus
— полные технические характеристики Volkswagen Golf Plus
— особенности эксплуатации

— устранение неисправностей

— цветные электросхемы


Руководство по ремонту Volkswagen Golf Plus в фотографиях
— полные технические характеристики

— особенности эксплуатации Volkswagen Golf Plus
— устранение неисправностей
 в фотографиях своими руками
— более 1980 фотографий процесса ремонта


Каталог деталей и сборочных единиц Volkswagen Golf Plus
— таблица взаимозаменяемости деталей автомобилей

— предназначен для работников СТО и владельцев автомобилей Volkswagen Golf Plus
— каталог деталей Volkswagen Golf Plus


Подробная электросхема Volkswagen Golf Plus
— полное описание электрооборудования Volkswagen Golf Plus , подробная интерактивная электрическая схема Volkswagen Golf Plus
— подробно описан алгоритм поиска неисправностей электрооборудования (стартер, генератор, система зажигания, впрыск, инжектор)
— подробная схема электрооборудования ( электро схема ) Volkswagen Golf Plus
— распиновка разъемов электрических, распиновка электро проводки Volkswagen Golf Plus


Руководство по ремонту двигателя Volkswagen Golf Plus
— полные технические характеристики двигателя Volkswagen Golf Plus
— особенности конструкции и ремонта двигателя Volkswagen Golf Plus
— подробное описание процессов разборки, дефектовки и сборки двигателя с фотографиями, ГРМ


Руководство по ремонту коробок передач Volkswagen Golf Plus
— полные технические характеристики КПП
— особенности конструкции и ремонта КПП Volkswagen Golf Plus
— устранение неисправностей КПП трансмиссия, валы, шестерни, ШРУС
— подробное описание процессов разборки, дефектовки и сборки КПП  с фотографиями

а вот здесь можно заработать на новую машину, и тогда старую не придется ремонтировать!!!

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Volkswagen Golf Plus 2005 Service Manual

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Workshop Manual

Golf 2004 ➤

Golf Plus 2005 ➤

4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine)

Engine ID

Edition 01.2009

Service Department. Technical Information







Related Manuals for Volkswagen Golf Plus 2005

Summary of Contents for Volkswagen Golf Plus 2005

  • Page 1
    Service Workshop Manual Golf 2004 ➤ Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) BKC BRU BLS Engine ID Edition 01.2009 Service Department. Technical Information…
  • Page 2
    In addition, the normal basic safety precautions for working on motor vehicles must, as a matter of course, be observed. All rights reserved. No reproduction without prior agreement from publisher. Copyright © 2010 Volkswagen AG, Wolfsburg K0059000420…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Contents 00 — Technical data ……….. .

  • Page 4
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Parts of lubrication system ……….
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    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 23 — Mixture preparation — injection ……..166 Diesel direct injection system .
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    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Contents…
  • Page 7: Technical Data

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 00 – Technical data Technical data Engine number ⇒ page 1 Engine data ⇒ page 1 Engine number The engine number (“code letters” and “serial number”) can be found at the joint between engine and gearbox.

  • Page 8: Removing And Installing Engine

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 10 – Removing and installing engine Removing and installing engine Removing engine ⇒ page 2 Securing engine to assembly stand ⇒ page 7 Notes on installing ⇒…

  • Page 9
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 ♦ Torque wrench -V.A.G 1331- ♦ Torque wrench -V.A.G 1332- ♦ Engine and gearbox jack — V.A.G 1383 A- ♦ Spring-type clip pliers -VAS 5024- ♦…
  • Page 10
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 WARNING When doing any repair work, especially in the engine compart‐ ment, pay attention to the following due to the cramped condi‐ tions: ♦…
  • Page 11
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Remove bolt -arrow A- and pull air filter housing upwards out of mounting. – Remove battery and battery tray. – Disconnect fuel supply and return lines as well as coolant line on cylinder head.
  • Page 12
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Open all cable guide fasteners -arrows-. – Remove wiring harness from cable guide on longitudinal mem‐ ber and lay to side on engine.
  • Page 13: Securing Engine To Assembly Stand

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Unbolt assembly mounting on engine side from engine bracket -arrows-. Note To remove securing bolts, use stepladder -VAS 5085- . – Unbolt assembly mounting on gearbox side from gearbox bracket -arrows-.

  • Page 14
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Check clutch release bearing for wear and renew if necessary. – Lubricate splines of input shaft lightly with G 000 100. – Check whether dowel sleeves for centring engine and gearbox are in cylinder block and install if necessary.
  • Page 15
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Ensure that the edges of the support arm on the gearbox as‐ sembly mounting -2- and gearbox support -1- are parallel. Dimension -x- must be identical at top and bottom.
  • Page 16: Assembly Mountings

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Specified torques Threaded connection Specified torque Bolts, nuts 10 Nm 20 Nm 45 Nm 60 Nm Assembly mountings Engine assembly mounting A = 20 Nm + 90° (1/4 turn) further B = 40 Nm + 90°…

  • Page 17
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Pendulum support Always note the size and strength class of bolt. Different specified torques are valid. Caution From model year 08, in manual gearboxes 02Q Heli Coil in‐…
  • Page 18: Crankshaft Group

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 13 – Crankshaft group Dismantling and assembling engine Assembly overview — poly V-belt drive ⇒ page 12 Removing and installing poly V-belt ⇒ page 13 Assembly overview — toothed belt drive ⇒…

  • Page 19: Removing And Installing Poly V-Belt

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Removing and installing poly V-belt Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Locking pin -T10060 A- ♦ 16 mm open-end spanner -T 10241- 1.2.1…

  • Page 20
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Lock tensioning element in position with locking pin -T10060 A- . – Remove poly V-belt. 1.2.2 Installing poly V-belt – Installation is carried out in the reverse sequence of removal.
  • Page 21: Assembly Overview — Toothed Belt Drive

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Assembly overview — toothed belt drive 1 — Toothed belt guard upper part 2 — 100 Nm 3 — 25 Nm 4 — Camshaft pulley 5 — Hub ❑…

  • Page 22
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 22 — Cover 23 — Toothed belt ❑ Mark direction of rotation before removing. ❑ Check for wear. ❑ Do not kink. ❑ Removing, installing and tensioning ⇒…
  • Page 23
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Separate push-on connectors of fuel lines -arrows-. Note Do this by pressing in catch of push-on connectors. ♦ Ensure that no fuel escapes (use a cloth).
  • Page 24
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Raise engine with support bracket -10-222A- until both upper bolts of engine support can be loosened and removed. – Lower engine with support bracket -10-222A- until lower bolt can be loosened and removed.
  • Page 25: Assembly Overview — Crankcase

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Assembly overview — crankcase 1 — Cylinder block ❑ Removing and installing sealing flange and fly‐ wheel ⇒ page 20 ❑ Removing and installing crankshaft ⇒…

  • Page 26: Removing And Installing Sealing Flange And Flywheel

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Removing and installing sealing flange and flywheel Assembly overview — sealing flange and flywheel ⇒ page 20 Removing and installing engine speed sender ⇒…

  • Page 27: Renewing Crankshaft Oil Seal — Pulley End

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 7 — 15 Nm ❑ Renew 8 — Sealing flange with oil seal ❑ Renew complete with oil seal and sender wheel only.

  • Page 28
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Remove crankshaft toothed belt pulley. To do this, lock tooth‐ ed belt pulley using counterhold tool -3099- . Note When bolting on counterhold tool, place two washers between toothed belt pulley and counterhold tool.
  • Page 29: Removing And Installing Sealing Flange — Pulley End

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Press oil seal in to stop using assembly tool -T10053- and centre bolt. – Install and tighten toothed belt ⇒ page 50…

  • Page 30
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Remove crankshaft toothed belt pulley. To do this, lock tooth‐ ed belt pulley using counterhold tool -3099- . Note When bolting on counterhold tool, place two washers between toothed belt pulley and counterhold tool.
  • Page 31: Renewing Crankshaft Sealing Flange — Flywheel End

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Apply silicone sealant bead as shown to the clean sealing sur‐ face of sealing flange. – Install sealing flange immediately and tighten all bolts lightly.

  • Page 32
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Remove engine speed sender -G28- -arrow- using a commer‐ cially available ball-ended hex key socket ⇒ page 31 – Unscrew sealing flange securing bolts.
  • Page 33
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 2.4.3 A — Assembling seal with sender wheel on assembly tool -T10134- – Screw in hexagon nut -B- to just before clamping surface -A- of threaded spindle.
  • Page 34
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Push sealing lip support ring -A- downwards in direction of ar‐ row until it lies on flat surface. – Upper edge of sender wheel and front edge of sealing flange must align -arrows-.
  • Page 35
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Screw hexagon nut -B- to end of threaded spindle. – Press threaded spindle of assembly tool -T10134- in direction of arrow, until hexagon nut -B- lies against assembly housing -A-.
  • Page 36
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 2.4.6 D — Pressing sender wheel onto crank‐ shaft flange using assembly tool — T10134- – Tighten hexagon nut of assembly tool -T10134- to 35 Nm us‐…
  • Page 37: Removing And Installing Engine Speed Sender G28

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Install engine speed sender -G28- -arrow- and tighten secur‐ ing bolt to 5 Nm. – Install sump ⇒ page 88 – Install intermediate plate.

  • Page 38
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 ♦ Hexagon key extension, 4 mm -T10370- ♦ Or commercially available ball-ended hexagon key socket, 5 Note Two different bolts are installed, check which tool is to be used.
  • Page 39: Crankshaft

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Crankshaft Assembly overview — crankshaft ⇒ page 33 Crankshaft dimensions ⇒ page 38 Assembly overview — crankshaft 1 — Bearing shells 1, 2, 4 and 5 ❑…

  • Page 40
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 3.1.1 Renewing needle bearing in crankshaft — vehicles with dual clutch gearbox 6-speed dual clutch gearbox: If the engine or gearbox has to be removed during repairs, check needle bearing in crankshaft.
  • Page 41
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 1 — -1- Kukko 21/2 2 — Centring mandrel -3176- 3 — Drift -VW 207 C- Puller -T10055- with adapter -T10055/3- Procedure •…
  • Page 42
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Pull out needle roller bearing using Kukko 21/2, adapter — T10055/3- and puller -T10055- . 7-speed dual clutch gearbox No gearbox oil cooler is installed.
  • Page 43
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 1 — -1- Kukko 21/2 and -4- Kuk‐ ko 22/1 2 — Centring mandrel -3176- 3 — Drift -VW 207 C- Procedure •…
  • Page 44: Crankshaft Dimensions

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Drive needle bearing in with drift -VW 207 C- or with centring mandrel -3176- . – Carefully drive needle bearing in. – Always measure the driving depth when driving in.

  • Page 45: Pistons And Conrods

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Pistons and conrods Assembly overview — pistons and conrods ⇒ page 39 Separating new conrod ⇒ page 40 Checking piston projection at TDC ⇒…

  • Page 46: Separating New Conrod

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 ❑ Do not interchange used bearing shells. ❑ Insert bearing shells centrally. ❑ Check for secure seating. ❑ Axial clearance, wear limit: 0.37 mm.

  • Page 47: Checking Piston Projection At Tdc

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Checking piston projection at TDC Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Measuring bridge -VW 382/7- ♦ End dimension plate -VW 385/17- ♦ Dial gauge…

  • Page 48: Piston And Cylinder Dimensions

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Cylinder head gasket identification ♦ Part number = arrow 1 ♦ Production control code = arrow 2 (can be disregarded) ♦ Holes = arrow 3…

  • Page 49
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Clean ring groove before checking. Piston ring Wear limit dimensions in mm 1. compression ring 0.06…0.09 0.25 2. compression ring 0.05…0.08 0.25 Oil scraper ring 0.03…0.06…
  • Page 50: Cylinder Head, Valve Gear

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 15 – Cylinder head, valve gear Cylinder head Note When installing an exchange cylinder head with fitted cam‐ ♦ shaft, the contact surfaces between the bucket tappets and the cam must be oiled before installing the cylinder head cov‐…

  • Page 51: Assembly Overview — Cylinder Head

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Removing and installing cylinder head cover ⇒ page 48 Removing, installing and tensioning toothed belt ⇒ page 50 Removing and installing cylinder head ⇒…

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    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 17 — Pressure regulating valve ❑ For crankcase ventilation. 18 — To turbocharger. 19 — Sealing cap ❑ Renew seal if damaged 20 — Seal ❑…
  • Page 53
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 37 — Glow plug ❑ 15 Nm ❑ Checking ⇒ page 198 38 — Tensioning roller ❑ Remove engine support in order to remove and install ⇒…
  • Page 54: Removing And Installing Cylinder Head Cover

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Removing and installing cylinder head cover Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Torque wrench -V.A.G 1331- ♦ Sealant -AMV 174 004 01- ⇒…

  • Page 55
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Engine codes BLS, BXJ: to remove cylinder head cover, addi‐ tionally remove: ♦ -1- upper toothed belt guard ♦ -2- intake hose ♦ -3- intake manifold flap Renew seal.
  • Page 56: Removing, Installing And Tensioning Toothed Belts

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Cylinder head cover, engine codes: BJB, BKC, BRU, BXE, BXF – Screw on cylinder head cover hand-tight in the sequence -1 to 13.- –…

  • Page 57
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 -2-: Engine support bolted further away from engine ▸ (removal not necessary) ⇒ page 60 1.3.1 Removing and installing toothed belt (vehicles with engine support bolted…
  • Page 58
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 ♦ Support bracket -10-222A- with adapters -10-222A/1- ♦ Counterhold tool -T10172- with pins -T10172/4- ♦ Crankshaft stop -T10100- (on vehicles with oval crankshaft belt pulley)
  • Page 59
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Set up support bracket -10-222A- with adapters -10-222A/22- and support engine in installation position. Note If toothed belt is to be removed in order to remove cylinder head, set up support bracket -10-222A- with higher adapters -10-222A/ 13- .
  • Page 60
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Characteristics of crankshaft toothed belt pulley A = Round belt pulley, lock using crankshaft stop -T10050- , TDC marking at 12 o’clock B = Oval belt pulley, lock using crankshaft stop -T10100- . TDC…
  • Page 61
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Note Turn crankshaft until marking on crankshaft pulley and tooth seg‐ ment of camshaft pulley is on top. The marking on the rear toothed belt guard must align with the marking on the camshaft sender wheel -arrow-.
  • Page 62
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Now turn pin wrench -T10020- clockwise to stop and tighten securing nut -1- hand tight. – Remove toothed belt first from coolant pump and then from remaining pulleys.
  • Page 63
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Fit counterhold tool -T10172- with pins -T10172/4- as shown. Press counterhold tool -T10172- in direction of arrow, keeping camshaft toothed belt pulley under tension.
  • Page 64
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Lock hub with locking pin -3359- whilst turning engine in di‐ rection of rotation. – Check whether the crankshaft can be locked with crankshaft stop -T10100- .
  • Page 65
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Set engine bracket against cylinder block and tighten securing bolts -arrows- to 40 Nm + / 2 turn (180 °) further. Note Before installing assembly mounting, tighten all engine bracket bolts to prescribed torque.
  • Page 66
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 1.3.2 Removing and installing toothed belt (vehicles with engine support bolted further away from engine) Note A revised engine support has been introduced gradually and it is no longer necessary to remove the engine ♦…
  • Page 67
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Remove two-piece engine cover ⇒ page 4 WARNING ♦ In extreme cases the fuel lines and the fuel can reach a temperature of 100 °C on vehicles with unit injector en‐…
  • Page 68
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Pull fuel filter out of bracket -arrow-. – Unscrew bolt at filler neck -2- for windscreen washer system reservoir. – Unscrew bracket -3- for fuel filter.
  • Page 69
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Note Turn crankshaft until marking on crankshaft pulley and tooth seg‐ ment of camshaft pulley is on top. The marking on the rear toothed belt guard must line up with the marking on the camshaft sender wheel -arrow-.
  • Page 70
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Now turn tensioning roller eccentric clockwise -arrow- onto stop and tighten securing nut -1- hand-tight. – Remove toothed belt first from coolant pump and then from remaining toothed belt pulleys.
  • Page 71
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Fit counterhold tool -T10172- with pin -T10172/4- as shown in illustration, and keep the toothed belt under tension on pulling side, by pressing in -direction of arrow-.
  • Page 72
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Turn crankshaft slightly against engine direction of rotation until the pin of the crankshaft stop is positioned just before the hole in the sealing flange -arrow-.
  • Page 73: Removing And Installing Cylinder Head

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Removing and installing cylinder head Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Drip tray -V.A.G 1306- or drip tray -VAS 6208- ♦ Torque wrench — V.A.G 1331-…

  • Page 74
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Note All cable ties which are opened or cut through when cylinder head is removed must be replaced in the same position when cylinder head is installed.
  • Page 75
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Remove bolt -arrow A- and pull air filter housing upwards out of mounting. – Remove insulation tray. ⇒ General body repairs, exterior;…
  • Page 76
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Screw retainer -T10014- into threaded hole above coolant pump and tighten to 20 Nm. – Lift engine slightly using spindle -A- until spindle -B- is relieved.
  • Page 77: Checking Compression

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Fit cylinder head and tighten all cylinder head bolts hand-tight. – Tighten cylinder head in four stages in sequence as shown as…

  • Page 78
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Jointed spanner -3220- ♦ Torque wrench — V.A.G 1331- ♦ Adapter -V.A.G 1381/12- ♦ Compression tester — V.A.G 1763-…
  • Page 79
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Screw in adapter -V.A.G 1381/12- in place of glow plugs or ceramic glow plugs. – Check compression using compression tester -V.A.G 1763- .
  • Page 80: Valve Gear

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Valve gear Note Cylinder heads with cracks between the valve seats may be used without reducing engine life, provided the cracks are small and not more than 0.5 mm wide.

  • Page 81
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 6 — Valve cotter 7 — Valve spring plate 8 — Outer valve spring ❑ Removing and installing: with cylinder head removed, use valve spring compressor -2037- ; with cylinder head installed ⇒…
  • Page 82: Checking Valve Guides

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Checking camshaft axial clearance Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Universal dial gauge bracket -VW 387- ♦ Dial gauge Check with bucket tappets removed and with first, third and last bearing caps fitted.

  • Page 83
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 ♦ Universal dial gauge bracket -VW 387- ♦ Dial gauge Test procedure – Insert new valve into guide. The end of the valve stem must be flush with the guide.
  • Page 84: Renewing Valve Stem Seals

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Renewing valve stem seals Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Assembly tool -2036- ♦ Puller -3047 A- ♦ Fitting tool -3129- ♦ Valve lever -VW 541/1A- ♦…

  • Page 85
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Insert valve assembly device -2036- and adjust mounting to height of studs. – Remove valve springs using valve lever -VW 541/1A- and press tool -VW 541/5- .
  • Page 86: Removing And Installing Camshaft

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Removing and installing camshaft Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Counterhold tool -T10051- ♦ Puller -T10052- ♦ Torque wrench (5…50 Nm) -V.A.G 1331- ♦…

  • Page 87
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Loosen hub securing bolt -1-. – To do this, use counterhold tool -T10051- . – Loosen hub securing bolt about 2 turns.
  • Page 88
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 2.4.2 Installing Note When camshaft is installed, No. 1 cylinder cams must point ♦ upwards. Do not interchange used bearing shells (mark). ♦…
  • Page 89
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Push camshaft toothed belt pulley onto hub. Note The toothed segment -arrow- of the camshaft toothed belt pulley must be on top.
  • Page 90: Removing And Installing Camshaft Oil Seal

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Removing and installing camshaft oil seal Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Fitting sleeves -10-203- ♦ Oil seal extractor -3240- ♦ Torque wrench -V.A.G 1331- ♦…

  • Page 91
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 2.5.2 Installing Note The oil seal sealing lip must not be additionally oiled or greased. – Remove oil residue from camshaft journal using a clean cloth.
  • Page 92: Lubrication

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 17 – Lubrication Engine oil Note The oil level must not be above the max. mark — danger of damage to catalytic converter! Markings.

  • Page 93: Parts Of Lubrication System

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Parts of lubrication system Caution Finding metal shavings or a large quantity of small metal par‐ ticles during engine repair could indicate that the crankshaft bearings or conrod bearings are damaged.

  • Page 94: Removing And Installing Sump

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 9 — 15 Nm 10 — Suction line ❑ Clean strainer if soiled 11 — Baffle plate 12 — 15 Nm 13 — 15 Nm 14 — Sump ❑…

  • Page 95
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 ♦ Torque wrench -V.A.G 1331- ♦ Hexagon key extension, 5 mm -3249- ♦ Hand drill with plastic brush attachment ♦ Silicone sealant -D176404A2- ♦…
  • Page 96
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Remove sealant residue on sump using a rotating brush, e.g. an electric drill with a plastic brush attachment (wear safety goggles). – Clean sealing surfaces. They must be free of oil and grease.
  • Page 97
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Apply silicone sealing compound bead as shown to the clean sealing surface of the sump. (The figure shows the position of the sealant bead on the cylinder block.) –…
  • Page 98: Oil Filter Bracket, Oil Pressure, Engine Oil Cooler And Oil Supply Line

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Oil filter bracket, oil pressure, engine oil cooler and oil supply line Assembly overview — oil filter bracket and oil cooler ⇒ page 92 Checking oil pressure and oil pressure switch ⇒…

  • Page 99: Checking Oil Pressure And Oil Pressure Switch

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 ❑ Checking engine oil cooler for leaks ⇒ page 112 15 — Gasket ❑ Renew. 16 — Bracket 17 — 10 Nm Checking oil pressure and oil pressure switch…

  • Page 100: Assembly Overview — Oil Supply Line To Turbocharger

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Remove oil pressure switch -F1- and screw into tester. – Screw tester into oil filter bracket in place of oil pressure switch.

  • Page 101: Removing And Installing Oil Supply Line To Turbocharger

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Removing and installing oil supply line to turbocharger Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Torque wrench -V.A.G 1331- 3.4.1 Removing – Remove engine cover.

  • Page 102
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Loosen securing nut -2- from retainer -5-. – Start union nuts for oil supply line on connections. – Tighten union nut -8- on oil filter bracket hand tight.
  • Page 103: Cooling

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 19 – Cooling Parts of cooling system WARNING When doing any repair work, especially in the engine compart‐ ment, pay attention to the following due to the cramped condi‐…

  • Page 104: Parts Of Cooling System, Body Side

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Perform leakage test of cooling system using cooling system test‐ er -V.A.G 1274- and adapters adapter -V.A.G 1274/8- and adapt‐ er -V.A.G 1274/9- .

  • Page 105: Parts Of Cooling System, Engine Side

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 15 — Retaining clip ❑ Check for secure seating. 16 — Radiator outlet coolant temperature sender -G83- Parts of cooling system, engine side 1 — To top of expansion tank ❑…

  • Page 106
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 20 — Connection ❑ For thermostat. 21 — Thermostat ❑ Removing and installing ⇒ page 108 ❑ Observe installation position ⇒ page 108 , removing and installing thermostat.
  • Page 107: Coolant Hose Schematic Diagram

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Coolant hose schematic diagram 1 — Expansion tank 2 — Bypass flap 3 — Exhaust gas recirculation cooler 4 — Heat exchanger for heater…

  • Page 108: Draining And Filling With Coolant

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Draining and filling with coolant Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Refractometer -T10007- ♦ Drip tray -V.A.G 1306- ♦ Spring-type clip pliers — VAS 5024 A- ♦…

  • Page 109
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – To drain coolant from radiator, open drain plug -arrow-. – To drain coolant from engine, also remove coolant hose from engine oil cooler -arrow-.
  • Page 110
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 1.4.2 Filling Note In vehicles as of model year 2008, only G 12 plus-plus ac‐ ♦ cording to TL VW 774 G may be used as coolant additive.
  • Page 111: Removing And Installing Radiator

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Removing and installing radiator Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Refractometer -T10007- ♦ Drip tray -V.A.G 1306- ♦ Torque wrench — V.A.G 1331- ♦…

  • Page 112: Removing And Installing Coolant Pump

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Removing and installing coolant pump Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Refractometer -T10007- ♦ Drip tray -V.A.G 1306- ♦ Torque wrench — V.A.G 1331-…

  • Page 113
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Remove securing bolts -1- for coolant pump -2- and carefully remove coolant pump. 1.6.2 Installing Installation is carried out in the reverse order. When installing, note the following: –…
  • Page 114: Removing And Installing Thermostat

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Removing and installing thermostat Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Refractometer -T10007- ♦ Drip tray -V.A.G 1306- ♦ Torque wrench — V.A.G 1331- ♦…

  • Page 115
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Remove securing bolts -1- of connection -2- and remove con‐ nection -2- with thermostat -4-. – Turn thermostat -4- / 4 turn (90°) to left and remove it from connection -2-.
  • Page 116: Checking Cooling System For Leaks

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Checking cooling system for leaks Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Cooling system tester — V.A.G 1274- ♦ Adapter for cooling system tester -V.A.G 1274/8-…

  • Page 117
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Attach cooling system tester -V.A.G 1274- with cooling system tester adapter -V.A.G 1274/8- to expansion tank. – Use hand pump on tester to create a pressure of about 1.0 bar.
  • Page 118: Checking Engine Oil Cooler For Leaks

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Checking engine oil cooler for leaks Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Refractometer -T10007- ♦ Hose clamps up to Ø 25 mm -3094- ♦…

  • Page 119
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 ♦ Cap -1J0 121 324- ♦ Coolant hose -251 265 056- ♦ Screw clamp Test prerequisite: • Engine cold Test procedure – Remove noise insulation tray ⇒ General body repairs, exteri‐…
  • Page 120: Fuel Supply System

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 20 – Fuel supply system Safety precautions when working on fuel supply system WARNING When doing any repair work, especially in the engine compart‐…

  • Page 121: Rules For Cleanliness

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Rules for cleanliness When working on the fuel supply and injection systems, pay care‐ ful attention to the following “6 rules” for cleanliness: ♦…

  • Page 122: Fuel Tank, Vehicles With Front-Wheel Drive

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Fuel tank, vehicles with front-wheel drive Observe safety precautions ⇒ page 114 Observe rules for cleanliness ⇒ page 115 Assembly overview — fuel tank ⇒…

  • Page 123: Emptying Fuel Tank

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 12 — Fuel delivery unit ❑ With fuel gauge sender (G). ❑ Note installation position of flange on fuel tank ⇒ page 117 ❑…

  • Page 124
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 ♦ Fuel extractor -VAS 5190- ♦ Fuel tank sender unit tool -T10202- ♦ Torque wrench (40…200 Nm) -V.A.G 1332- – Note safety precautions before beginning work ⇒…
  • Page 125
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Pull off supply line -arrow- and catch escaping fuel with a cloth. – Connect fuel extractor -VAS 5190- with adapter for fuel ex‐…
  • Page 126
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 3.2.2 Emptying fuel tank if it is more than full Caution Secure earth wire of fuel extractor -VAS 5190- to a bare metal part of the body.
  • Page 127: Removing And Installing Fuel Tank

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Remove cover from fuel delivery unit. WARNING Fuel supply line is pressurised. Wear eye protection and pro‐ tective clothing to avoid possible injury and skin contact. Before loosening hose connections, wrap a cloth around the connec‐…

  • Page 128
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 3.3.1 Removing – Note safety precautions before beginning work ⇒ page 114 Observe rules for cleanliness ⇒ page 115 Note Before carrying out further work, disconnect battery earth ♦…
  • Page 129: Removing And Installing Fuel Delivery Unit

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 ♦ Install breather and fuel hoses free of kinks. ♦ Ensure that fuel hose connections are tight. ♦ Do not interchange supply line and return line (return line blue or with blue marking, supply line black).

  • Page 130: Removing And Installing Fuel Gauge Sender

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Note Press buttons on hose couplings to do this. WARNING ♦ The fuel and the fuel lines in the fuel system can become very hot (danger of scalding)! ♦…

  • Page 131: Checking Fuel Pump

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Release connector tabs of lines -3- and -4- and pull them off. – Raise retaining tabs -1- and -2- using a screwdriver and pull fuel sender off downwards -arrow-.

  • Page 132
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Connect diode test lamp -V.A.G 1527 B- to outer contacts of connector using auxiliary cables from auxiliary measuring set -V.A.G 1594 C- .
  • Page 133: Fuel Tank, Vehicles With Four-Wheel Drive

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Fuel tank, vehicles with four-wheel drive Observe safety precautions ⇒ page 114 Observe rules for cleanliness ⇒ page 115 Assembly overview — fuel tank ⇒…

  • Page 134: Emptying Fuel Tank

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 7 — Cap ❑ Renew if damaged. 8 — Securing bolt ❑ Tighten to 1.5 Nm. 9 — Earth connection ❑ Check for secure seating.

  • Page 135
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 ♦ Fuel tank sender unit tool -T10202- ♦ Torque wrench (40…200 Nm) -V.A.G 1332- – Note safety precautions before beginning work ⇒ page 114 Emptying fuel tank when fuel pump is intact ⇒…
  • Page 136
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Connect fuel extractor -VAS 5190- with adapter for fuel ex‐ tractor -VAS 5190 /3 — to fuel supply line. – Connect a diagnostic tester.
  • Page 137
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Remove cotter -2- from shaft -1- of fuel extractor -VAS 5190- . – At distance -a- = 1180 mm from end, mark extraction hose with insulating tape -arrow-.
  • Page 138: Removing And Installing Fuel Tank

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Pull connector and fuel lines off flange. Note Press buttons on hose couplings to do this. – Open locking ring using fuel tank sender wrench -T10202- .

  • Page 139
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Note Vehicles up to 06/2007 are fitted with a two-part propshaft. For these vehicles it is sufficient to remove the rear propshaft. Vehi‐…
  • Page 140
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Unscrew filler neck from body -arrows- and unclip electrical wire from filler neck. – Remove bench seat ⇒ General body repairs, interior; Rep.
  • Page 141: Removing And Installing Fuel Gauge Sender 2 G169

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Support fuel tank using engine and gearbox jack -V.A.G 1383 A- and unscrew tensioning straps and securing bolts. – Slowly lower fuel tank.

  • Page 142
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Note Ensure that the fuel gauge sender is not bent. ♦ If necessary, drain fuel tank using fuel extractor -VAS 5190- . ♦…
  • Page 143: Removing And Installing Suction-Jet Pump

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Fit suction-jet pump on sender on inside of fuel tank. Locating lugs must engage. – Place a new flange seal dry into opening in fuel tank and mois‐…

  • Page 144: Checking Fuel Pump

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Checking fuel pump Checking voltage supply of fuel pump -G6- ⇒ page 138 Checking current consumption of fuel pump -G6- ⇒ page 139 4.6.1…

  • Page 145
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Connect diode test lamp -V.A.G 1527 B- to outer contacts of connector using auxiliary cables from auxiliary measuring set -V.A.G 1594 C- .
  • Page 146: Repairing Fuel Supply System

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Repairing fuel supply system Assembly overview — fuel filter ⇒ page 140 Removing and installing fuel cooler ⇒ page 141 Assembly overview — accelerator mechanism ⇒…

  • Page 147: Removing And Installing Fuel Cooler

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 13 — Fuel filter lower part 14 — 8 Nm 15 — Bracket 16 — Seal ❑ Renew. 17 — Retaining clip ❑ Check for secure seating.

  • Page 148: Assembly Overview — Accelerator Mechanism

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Assembly overview — accelerator mechanism 1 — Connector ❑ Black, 6-pin. 2 — Accelerator position sender -G79- ❑ Not adjustable. ❑ The accelerator position sender passes the posi‐…

  • Page 149: Checking Tandem Pump

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Before removing accelerator pedal module, remove cover in footwell by removing plastic nuts -arrows-. – Lever out cap ⇒ Item 4 (page 142) using a screwdriver.

  • Page 150
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 ♦ Diagnosis cable, 3 m with voltage supply -VAS 5051/1- or di‐ agnosis cable, 5 m without voltage supply -VAS 5051/3- ♦ Tandem pump tester -VAS 5187- ♦…
  • Page 151
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Procedure – Remove plug -arrow-. – Connect tandem pump tester -VAS 5187- as shown. – Start engine and run at idling speed. – Connect vehicle diagnosis, testing and information system — VAS 5051- and select “vehicle self-diagnosis”…
  • Page 152
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 5.4.2 Checking for internal leaks Note The tandem pump must be checked for internal leaks between fuel side and oil side after reinstalling a used tandem pump, for example after renewing or repairing a cylinder head and/or when installing a «short»…
  • Page 153: Removing And Installing Tandem Pump

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Connect compressed air hose -1- (compressed air source) to charge air system tester -V.A.G 1687- . Note If there is water in the sight glass, drain at water drain screw -6-.

  • Page 154
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Torque wrench -V.A.G 1331- ♦ Hand vacuum pump with accessories -V.A.G 1390- ♦ Water drainage container — V.A.G 1390/1-…
  • Page 155
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Remove bolt -arrow A- and pull air filter housing upwards out of mounting. – Pull vacuum line from brake servo -1- off tandem pump -4-.
  • Page 156
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Connect hand vacuum pump with accessories -V.A.G 1390- and water drainage container -V.A.G 1390/1- to return hose -2-. – Operate hand vacuum pump -V.A.G 1390- until fuel comes out of return hose.
  • Page 157: Turbocharging/Supercharging

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 21 – Turbocharging/supercharging Charge air system with turbocharger Safety precautions ⇒ page 151 Rules for cleanliness ⇒ page 151 Installing hose connections with connector couplings ⇒…

  • Page 158: Assembly Overview — Turbocharger

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 ♦ When system is open: do not work with compressed air if this can be avoided. Do not move vehicle unless absolutely nec‐…

  • Page 159
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Engine codes BJB, BKC, BRU, BXE and BXF ⇒ page 153 Engine codes BLS and BXJ ⇒ page 155 1.3.1 Engine codes BJB, BKC, BRU, BXE and BXF…
  • Page 160
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 19 — 20 Nm ❑ First hand tighten all bolts 20 — 20 Nm ❑ Renew. 21 — Heat shield 22 — Gasket ❑…
  • Page 161
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 1.3.2 Engine codes BLS and BXJ 1 — 10 Nm 2 — Bracket 3 — Heat shield 4 — Oil supply hose ❑ To oil supply line con‐…
  • Page 162: Removing And Installing Turbocharger

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 ❑ With oil return line 20 — Exhaust gas temperature sender bank 1 -G235- , 45 Nm ❑ Lubricate thread of sender using high-temperature paste -G 052 112 A3- ❑…

  • Page 163
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Caution When a mechanical fault is found on the turbocharger, e.g. a destroyed compressor impeller, it is not only sufficient to renew the turbocharger. To prevent this from causing further damage, perform the following repairs: ♦…
  • Page 164: Assembly Overview — Parts Of Charge Air Cooling

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Unbolt pendulum support -arrows-. – Remove turbocharger support and oil return line. – Remove connecting pipe to exhaust gas recirculation cooler. – Separate charge pressure line from turbocharger.

  • Page 165
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Engine codes BJB, BKC, BRU, BXE and BXF ⇒ page 159 Engine codes BLS and BXJ ⇒ page 160 Installing hose connections with connector couplings ⇒…
  • Page 166
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 1.5.2 Engine codes BLS and BXJ 1 — 8 Nm Fitting location ⇒ page 160 2 — Bracket ❑ Note installation posi‐ tion.
  • Page 167: Hose Connections

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Hose connections Installing hose connections with connector couplings ⇒ page 161 Hose connections with spring band ring ⇒ page 162 1.6.1 Installing hose connections with con‐…

  • Page 168: Checking Charge Air System For Leaks

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 1.6.2 Hose connections with spring band ring Note There is a danger of a “hose detaching” whilst driving after re‐ moving and reinstalling charge pressure lines with spring-type clamps.

  • Page 169
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Connect charge air system tester -V.A.G 1687- to adapter — V.A.G 1687/10- as shown. – Connect compressed air hose -1- (compressed air source) to charge air system tester -V.A.G 1687- .
  • Page 170: Vacuum Hose Schematic Diagram

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Vacuum hose schematic diagram Vehicles with particulate filter ⇒ page 164 Vehicles without particulate filter ⇒ page 165 1.8.1 Vehicles with particulate filter…

  • Page 171
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 1.8.2 Vehicles without particulate filter 1 — Solenoid valve block 2 — Non-return valve ❑ Note installation posi‐ tion. 3 — To brake servo…
  • Page 172: Mixture Preparation — Injection

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 23 – Mixture preparation — injection Diesel direct injection system The diesel direct injection system control unit is equipped with a fault memory. Read fault memory before and after making repairs or adjustments.

  • Page 173: Rules For Cleanliness

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Rules for cleanliness When working on fuel supply and injection system, pay careful attention to the following rules for cleanliness: ♦ Thoroughly clean all unions and adjacent areas before dis‐…

  • Page 174
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 1 — 20 Nm + / 4 turn (90°) fur‐ ther ❑ Renew 2 — Rocker arm shaft ❑ With rocker arms ❑ Removing and installing ⇒…
  • Page 175: Removing And Installing Unit Injector

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Removing and installing unit injector Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Universal dial gauge brack‐ et -VW 387- ♦ Special wrench, long reach -3410- ♦…

  • Page 176
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Insert puller -T10055- in place of the clamping block in the slot on the side of the unit injector. – Pull unit injector out of cylinder head seat with gentle upward taps.
  • Page 177: Adjusting Non-Contact Gap Of Unit Injectors

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Check dimension “a” from outer edge of cylinder head to roun‐ ded surface of unit injector with a vernier gauge (measuring range min. 400 mm).

  • Page 178: Removing And Installing O-Rings For Unit Injector

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Removing and installing O-rings for unit injector Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Assembly sleeves -T10056- 1.6.1 Removing – Lever old O-rings very carefully out of unit injector.

  • Page 179
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Place assembly sleeve -T10056/2- onto stop on unit injector. – Slide the middle, thinner O-ring carefully onto assembly sleeve and into seat on unit injector.
  • Page 180: Assembly Overview — Intake Manifold

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Assembly overview — intake manifold Engine codes BKC, BRU, BXE and BXF ⇒ page 174 Engine code BJB ⇒ page 175 Engine codes BLS and BXJ ⇒…

  • Page 181
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 1.7.2 Engine code BJB 1 — Intake manifold ❑ Tighten securing bolts to 22 Nm. 2 — O-ring ❑ Renew. 3 — Intake connecting pipe ❑…
  • Page 182: Cleaning The Intake Manifold Flap Support, Engine Code Bls And Bxj

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 1.7.3 Engine codes BLS and BXJ 1 — Gasket ❑ Renew. 2 — Intake manifold ❑ Tighten securing bolts to 22 Nm 3 — Seal ❑…

  • Page 183: Assembly Overview — Air Filter

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 WARNING Acetone is highly inflammable. Please observe the accidental regulations and safety notes when handling with highly inflam‐ mable fluids. Wear eye protection and protective clothing to avoid possible injury and skin contact.

  • Page 184: Engine Control Unit

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Engine control unit Reading and clearing engine control unit fault memory ⇒ page 178 Adapting functions and components ⇒ page 179 Removing and installing engine control unit, Golf ⇒…

  • Page 185: Adapting Functions And Components

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Push diagnosis cable connector onto diagnosis connector. – Start engine and run at idling speed. Only when engine does not start: – Switch on ignition.

  • Page 186: Removing And Installing Engine Control Unit, Golf

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Removing and installing engine control unit, Golf – Before removing engine control unit, read the control unit iden‐ tification and thus the coding of the current control unit.

  • Page 187
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 ♦ Grip pliers Note If the engine control unit is to be renewed, connect vehicle ♦ diagnostic, testing and information system -VAS 5051B- and perform “Renewing engine control unit”…
  • Page 188
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Lever up protective housing using screwdriver -A- and pull to side off bracket -arrow-. – Bend catch open slightly -1-. – Then push engine control unit out of retainer -arrow-.
  • Page 189: Removing And Installing Engine Control Unit, Golf Plus

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Removing and installing engine control unit, Golf Plus Note If the engine control unit is to be renewed, connect vehicle diag‐ nostic, testing and information system -VAS 5051B- and perform “Renewing engine control unit”…

  • Page 190
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Note If the engine control unit is to be renewed, connect vehicle ♦ diagnostic, testing and information system -VAS 5051B- and perform “Renewing engine control unit” in guided functions.
  • Page 191
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Tighten securing bolts -arrows- to 10 Nm. – Install cover of protective housing. – Tighten new shear-head bolts -arrows- evenly until heads shear-head off.
  • Page 192: Exhaust System

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 26 – Exhaust system Exhaust system Assembly overview — front exhaust pipe with catalytic converter ⇒ page 186 Assembly overview — front exhaust pipe with particulate filter ⇒…

  • Page 193: Assembly Overview — Front Exhaust Pipe With Particulate Filter

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Installation position of clamp Position clamp at distance -a- = 5 mm from marking on front ex‐ haust pipe. Assembly overview — front exhaust pipe…

  • Page 194
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 1 — 8 Nm 2 — Exhaust gas pressure sen‐ sor 1 -G450- 3 — Bracket ❑ For control lines 4 — 10 Nm…
  • Page 195: Assembly Overview — Silencer With Mountings (Vehicles With Front Wheel Drive)

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 18 — 40 Nm 19 — Bracket ❑ Bolted to cylinder head Installation position of clamp – Position double clamp -a- = 5 mm from marking on front ex‐…

  • Page 196
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 6 — 25 Nm 7 — Tunnel bridge 8 — Front silencer 9 — Mounting ❑ Renew if damaged. Installation position of rear clamp (repair double clamp) –…
  • Page 197: Assembly Overview — Silencer With Mountings (Vehicles With Four-Wheel Drive)

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Install repair double clamp so that end of bolt does not extend beyond lower edge of clamp. • Bolted connection faces rear.

  • Page 198: Aligning Exhaust System Free Of Stress

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Installation position of clamp – Install clamp so that ends of bolts do not protrude beyond bot‐ tom of clamp. Aligning exhaust system free of stress Prerequisite •…

  • Page 199: Exhaust Gas Recirculation System

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Exhaust gas recirculation system Assembly overview — parts of exhaust gas recirculation Engine codes BKC, BRU, BXE and BXF ⇒ page 193 Engine code BJB ⇒…

  • Page 200
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 1 — 22 Nm 2 — Intake manifold ❑ With exhaust gas recir‐ culation valve and in‐ take manifold flap motor -V157- .
  • Page 201
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 2.1.2 Engine code BJB Note The exhaust gas recirculation system is activated by the diesel ♦ direct injection system control unit -J248- via exhaust gas re‐…
  • Page 202
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Pin assignment on solenoid valve block for engine code BJB Vacuum connection (on non-return valve for brake servo) Exhaust gas recirculation valve Intake manifold flap…
  • Page 203
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 ❑ Renew only together with exhaust gas recirculation cooler 2. Exhaust gas recirculation system…
  • Page 204: Glow Plug System

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 28 – Glow plug system Checking glow plug system Removing, installing and checking glow plugs ⇒ page 198 Characteristics of ceramic glow plugs ⇒…

  • Page 205: Characteristics Of Ceramic Glow Plugs

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 – Connect voltage tester -V.A.G 1527 B- cable to battery posi‐ tive, using clamps from adapter set -V.A.G 1594 C- . – Place probe of diode test lamp -V.A.G 1527 B- on each glow plug one after the other.

  • Page 206: Removing, Installing And Checking Ceramic Glow Plugs

    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Removing, installing and checking ceramic glow plugs Special tools and workshop equipment required ♦ Jointed spanner -3220- ♦ Torque wrench (5…50 Nm) -V.A.G 1331- ♦…

  • Page 207
    Golf 2004 ➤ , Golf Plus 2005 ➤ 4-cylinder diesel engine (1.9 l engine) — Edition 01.2009 Note Never oil or grease thread of cylinder head bore or of ceramic glow plugs. – Screw ceramic glow plugs into cylinder head by hand using U/ J extension and socket, 10 mm -3220- .

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