Фонд наше будущее руководство

Зверева Наталия

Директор Фонда «Наше будущее»


Жигулина Юлия

Исполнительный директор


Сидорова Ольга

Региональный представитель Фонда в ХМАО, ЯНАО, Тюменской области

Космачев Михаил

Руководитель дирекции стратегических исследований и анализа


Давыдов Роман

Советник по развитию


Стрельникова Елена





  Действующая организация

ОГРН 1077799011003  

ИНН 7704273840  

КПП 770401001  

ОКПО 94128663  

Дата регистрации

4 июня 2007 года

Юридический адрес

119019, г. Москва, ул. Знаменка, д. 8/13, стр. 2

Организационно-правовая форма

Общественные фонды

Финансовая отчетность за 2022 год

Выручка: понизилась до 4,8 млн руб.


Чистая прибыль: выросла до 468 млн руб.


Специальный налоговый режим

Не применяется?

ФОНД "НАШЕ БУДУЩЕЕ" - Зверева Наталия Ивановна


Нет сведений об учредителях

Среднесписочная численность работников

Нет сведений?

Единый реестр субъектов малого и среднего предпринимательства

Не входит в реестр


Организация опубликовала 5 сообщений и упомянута в 8 сообщениях

ЕФРСБ (реестр банкротств)

  Нет сообщений о банкротстве


  Не входит в санкционные списки

Оценка надежности

Очень высокая оценка надежности

Признаки фирмы-однодневки не обнаружены

  • Преимущества (8)
  • Недостатки (0)
  •   Долгое время работы

    Организация зарегистрирована 16 лет назад, что говорит о стабильной деятельности и поднадзорности государственным органам

  •   Правообладатель

    По данным Роспатента, ФОНД «НАШЕ БУДУЩЕЕ» обладает исключительными правами на несколько товарных знаков

  •   Не входит в реестр недобросовестных поставщиков

    По данным ФАС, не входит в реестр недобросовестных поставщиков

  •   Нет связей с дисквалифицированными лицами

    По данным ФНС, в состав исполнительных органов организации не входят дисквалифицированные лица

  •   Нет массовых руководителей и учредителей

    Руководители и учредители ФОНД «НАШЕ БУДУЩЕЕ» не включены в реестры массовых руководителей и массовых учредителей ФНС

  •   Нет сообщений о банкротстве

    В реестре ЕФРСБ не найдено ни одного сообщения о банкротстве организации

  •   Прибыль в прошлом отчетном периоде

    По данным ФНС, в прошлом отчетном периоде чистая прибыль организации составила 468 млн руб.

  •   Нет долгов по исполнительным производствам

    По данным ФССП, открытые исполнительные производства в отношении организации отсутствуют

Недостатков не обнаружено


ОГРН? 1077799011003    от 4 июня 2007 года
ИНН? 7704273840  
КПП? 770401001  
ОКПО? 94128663  

Сведения о регистрации

Регистрация в ФНС

Регистрационный номер 1077799011003 от 4 июня 2007 года

Управление Федеральной налоговой службы по г. Москве

Регистрация в ПФР

Регистрационный номер 087105024217 от 11 июля 2007 года

Государственное учреждение — Главное Управление Пенсионного фонда РФ №10 Управление №3 по г. Москве и Московской области муниципальный район Замоскворечье г. Москвы

Регистрация в ФСС

Регистрационный номер 771104066277111 от 11 июля 2007 года

Филиал №11 Государственного учреждения — Московского регионального отделения Фонда социального страхования Российской Федерации

Коды статистики

Код ОКОГУ? 4210014  

Организации, учрежденные юридическими лицами или гражданами, или юридическими лицами и гражданами совместно

Код ОКОПФ? 70400  


Код ОКФС? 16  

Частная собственность

Код ОКАТО? 45286552000  


Код ОКТМО? 45374000000  

муниципальный округ Арбат

Код КЛАДР? 770000000007132  



119019, г. Москва, ул. Знаменка, д. 8/13, стр. 2

Показать на карте

Контакты неверны или неактуальны?

Если вы являетесь владельцем или руководителем ФОНД «НАШЕ БУДУЩЕЕ», вы можете добавить или отредактировать контактную информацию. Также, вы можете подключить сервис «Мой бизнес» для управления этой страницей.

Виды деятельности ОКВЭД-2

64.9 Деятельность по предоставлению прочих финансовых услуг, кроме услуг по страхованию и пенсионному обеспечению?
87 Деятельность по уходу с обеспечением проживания
87.90 Деятельность по уходу с обеспечением проживания прочая
85.42.9 Деятельность по дополнительному профессиональному образованию прочая, не включенная в другие группировки
88.10 Предоставление социальных услуг без обеспечения проживания престарелым и инвалидам
94.99 Деятельность прочих общественных организаций, не включенных в другие группировки
88 Предоставление социальных услуг без обеспечения проживания

Финансовая отчетность

Финансовая (бухгалтерская) отчетность ФОНД «НАШЕ БУДУЩЕЕ» согласно данным ФНС и Росстата за 2012–2022 годы

Мы ежедневно обновляем финансовую отчетность, но сейчас наблюдается задержка данных за 2022 год. Цитируем ответ Федеральной налоговой службы: «По решению ФНС в связи с обработкой большого количества заявлений на ограничение доступа публикация отчётности за 2022 год приостановлена по 30.04.2023».

Чистая прибыль?
2016–2022 гг.

Финансовые показатели
2022 г.



4,8 млн руб.


Чистая прибыль

Чистая прибыль

468 млн руб.




9,1 млрд руб.


Капитал и резервы

Капитал и резервы

9,1 млрд руб.


Финансовые отчеты от ФНС в формате PDF

Финансовые коэффициенты согласно результатам 2022 г.

Финансовая устойчивость
Коэффициент автономии (финансовой независимости)? 0.99
Коэффициент обеспеченности собственными оборотными средствами? 0.97
Коэффициент покрытия инвестиций? 0.99
Коэффициент текущей ликвидности? 37.97
Коэффициент быстрой ликвидности? 37.87
Коэффициент абсолютной ликвидности? 33.05
Рентабельность продаж? 9749.04%
Рентабельность активов? 5.13%
Рентабельность собственного капитала? 5.17%

Руководитель ФОНД «НАШЕ БУДУЩЕЕ»

Директор Зверева Наталия Ивановна

  Нет записи о недостоверности сведений в ЕГРЮЛ

  Нет записи о дисквалификации

  Не входит в реестры массовых руководителей и учредителей


Нет сведений об учредителях организации?


Руководитель ФОНД «НАШЕ БУДУЩЕЕ» также является руководителем или учредителем 1 другой организации

Не найдено ни одной связи по учредителям

ФОНД «НАШЕ БУДУЩЕЕ» не является управляющей организацией

ФОНД «НАШЕ БУДУЩЕЕ» является учредителем 5 организаций

119019, г. Москва, ул. Знаменка, д. 8/13, стр. 2
Вложения в ценные бумаги
2. ООО «СКК»
628485, Ханты-Мансийский автономный округ — Югра, г. Когалым, ул. Дружбы Народов, д. 60
Аренда и управление собственным или арендованным недвижимым имуществом
121069, г. Москва, пер. Хлебный, д. 6
Деятельность рекламных агентств
119019, г. Москва, ул. Знаменка, д. 8/13, стр. 2, этаж 1, помещ. 14, 17
Подготовка кадров высшей квалификации
119019, г. Москва, ул. Знаменка, д. 8/13, стр. 2, подв., пом. 9
Деятельность рекламных агентств

Товарные знаки

Согласно данным Роспатента, организация обладает исключительными правами на 2 товарных знака

Сообщения на Федресурсе

Организация ФОНД «НАШЕ БУДУЩЕЕ» опубликовала 5 сообщений и является участником 8 сообщений на Федресурсе

Самые популярные типы сообщений

  • Результаты обязательного аудита (5)
  • Намерение должника обратиться в суд с заявлением о банкротстве (2)
  • Выпуск независимой гарантии (1)


Сведения об участии ФОНД «НАШЕ БУДУЩЕЕ» в госзакупках в качестве поставщика или заказчика по 94-ФЗ, 44-ФЗ или 223-ФЗ отсутствуют


Согласно данным ФГИС «Единый Реестр Проверок» Генеральной Прокуратуры РФ, за период с 2015 года в отношении организации ФОНД «НАШЕ БУДУЩЕЕ» инициированы 3 проверки

Без нарушений

С нарушениями

Нет сведений о результатах

  • Последняя проверка
  • Предстоящие проверки (0)

№ 77221373165502850485 от 12 августа 2022 года

Объявление предостережения

Орган контроля (надзора), проводящий проверку


Правовое основание проведения проверки

(ФЗ 248) Наличие у контрольного (надзорного) органа сведений о готовящихся или возможных нарушениях обязательных требований, а также о непосредственных нарушениях обязательных требований, если указанные сведения не соответствуют утвержденным индикаторам риска нарушения обязательных требований

Нет сведений о предстоящих проверках по 248-ФЗ, 294-ФЗ, 184-ФЗ или 131-ФЗ

Арбитражные дела

В арбитражных судах РФ были рассмотрены 36 судебных дел с участием ФОНД «НАШЕ БУДУЩЕЕ»



Третье / иное лицо

Последнее дело

№ А40-38377/2023 от 27 февраля 2023 года

Экономические споры по гражданским правоотношениям



Исполнительные производства

  Нет сведений об открытых в отношении ФОНД «НАШЕ БУДУЩЕЕ» исполнительных производствах

Налоги и сборы

Нет сведений об уплаченных за прошлый отчетный период налогах и сборах

  Нет сведений о задолженностях по пеням и штрафам

История изменений


Регистрация юридического лица

Присвоен ОГРН 1077799011003


Регистрация в ПФР, присвоен регистрационный номер 087105024217

Государственное учреждение — Главное Управление Пенсионного фонда РФ №10 Управление №3 по г. Москве и Московской области муниципальный район Замоскворечье г.Москвы

Регистрация в ФСС, присвоен регистрационный номер 771104066277111

Филиал №11 Государственного учреждения — Московского регионального отделения Фонда социального страхования Российской Федерации


Организационно-правовая форма изменена с «Фонд» на «Общественные фонды»


Удалена запись об учредителе Алекперов Вагит Юсуфович


Юридический адрес изменен с «119019, г. Москва, ул. Знаменка, д. 8/13, корп. 2» на «119019, г. Москва, ул. Знаменка, д. 8/13, стр. 2»

Согласно данным ЕГРЮЛ, организация ФОНД «НАШЕ БУДУЩЕЕ» — или ФОНД РЕГИОНАЛЬНЫХ СОЦИАЛЬНЫХ ПРОГРАММ «НАШЕ БУДУЩЕЕ» — зарегистрирована 4 июня 2007 года по адресу 119019, г. Москва, ул. Знаменка, д. 8/13, стр. 2. Налоговый орган — Управление Федеральной налоговой службы по г. Москве.

Реквизиты юридического лица — ОГРН 1077799011003, ИНН 7704273840, КПП 770401001. Регистрационный номер в ПФР — 087105024217, регистрационный номер в ФСС — 771104066277111. Организационно-правовой формой является «Общественные фонды», а формой собственности — «Частная собственность».

Основным видом деятельности организации ФОНД «НАШЕ БУДУЩЕЕ» является «Деятельность по предоставлению прочих финансовых услуг, кроме услуг по страхованию и пенсионному обеспечению». Организация также зарегистрирована в таких категориях ОКВЭД как «Деятельность по уходу с обеспечением проживания», «Предоставление социальных услуг без обеспечения проживания престарелым и инвалидам», «Деятельность по дополнительному профессиональному образованию прочая, не включенная в другие группировки», «Предоставление социальных услуг без обеспечения проживания», «Деятельность по уходу с обеспечением проживания прочая» и других.

Директор — Зверева Наталия Ивановна. Сведения об учредителях отсутствуют.

На 22 апреля 2023 года юридическое лицо является действующим.

Смотрите также

Прочие фирмы и организации


Торговля оптовая кофе, чаем, какао и пряностями

г. Калуга

Производство товарного бетона

г. Сочи

Разборка и снос зданий

г. Пушкино

Торговля розничная преимущественно пищевыми продуктами, включая напитки, и табачными изделиями в неспециализированных магазинах

г. Калязин

Подготовка строительной площадки

г. Москва

Фонд «Наше Будущее» — руководитель:
Зверева Наталия Ивановна (ИНН 771200626552).
ИНН 7704273840, ОГРН 1077799011003.
ОКПО 94128663, зарегистрировано 04.06.2007 по юридическому адресу 119019, город Москва, ул Знаменка, д. 8/13 стр. 2.
действующая с 04.06.2007.
Подробнее >

Компания работает
15 лет 10 месяцев,
с 04 июня 2007
по настоящее время.
Основной вид деятельности «Наше Будущее» — Деятельность по предоставлению прочих финансовых услуг, кроме услуг по страхованию и пенсионному обеспечению и 6 дополнительных видов.

Состоит на учете в налоговом органе Инспекция ФНС России № 4 по г.Москве с 04 июня 2007 г., присвоен КПП 770401001.
Регистрационный номер
ПФР 087105024217, ФСС 771104066277111.
< Свернуть

Our Future

Logo of Our Future Foundation
Formation 2007
Founder Vagit Alekperov
  • Moscow, Russia

Key people

Natalia Zvereva
Website https://nb-fund.ru/en/

The Our Future Foundation for Regional Social Programs (Russian: Фонд региональных социальных программ «Наше будущее») is a non-profit organization that declares its goal to develop social entrepreneurship in Russia. The fund was founded in 2007 by the president and co-owner of the oil company «Lukoil» Vagit Alekperov. The headquarters is located in Moscow. The director of the fund is Natalia Zvereva.[1]

As of November 2019, the fund, according to its own data, supported 254 social entrepreneurship projects located in 58 regions of Russia, 653.2 million rubles were allocated for their implementation in the form of interest-free loans.[2] Among the main infrastructure projects of the fund: the all-Russian competition «Social Entrepreneur», the Laboratory of Social Entrepreneurship, the «More than a Purchase!» program, the «Impulse of Kindness» award.[3][4] In addition to financial and organizational assistance, the foundation provides social entrepreneurs with legal, consulting and information support.[1]

Our Future Foundation is a member of the Global Impact Investing Network (GIIN) and the Asian Venture Philanthropy Network (AVPN).[5] In 2020, the fund took 3rd place in the Forbes ranking among the best charitable foundations of the richest Russians.[6]

According to Vagit Alekperov, he bequeathed his shares of Lukoil to the Our Future Foundation.[7]


The fund was created in 2007 on the initiative of the Russian businessman Vagit Alekperov. Не invited Natalia Zvereva to be the director of the fund.[8] The declared goals are the implementation of long-term socially significant programs and projects based on the principles of social entrepreneurship. According to RBC, the Our Future Foundation became one of the first private foundations in Russia that help disabled people, large families, orphans, and those who are often unclaimed in civilian life.[9][10]



Since 2008, the Fund has been holding the «Social Entrepreneur» all-Russian competition, during which the social projects are selected for providing targeted financial assistance. The first social entrepreneurship project received the support from the fund was the Dospehi [ru] company, which produces orthopedic systems for people with spinal cord injuries — they were allocated 9.5 million rubles in support (4 million were transferred free of charge, 5.5 million were given in the form of interest-free loan for working capital for a period of two years).[11][12]

As of 2020, the competition has been running for 12 years, 254 projects from 58 regions of Russia have won interest-free cash loans for a total amount of 653.2 million rubles.[2] Since 2018, the minimum amount of a loan has been increased from 500 thousand to 2 million rubles, and entrepreneurs participating in the competition were able to apply for loans up to 10 million rubles, on a par with the winners of previous years. At the same time, the maximum loan maturity increased from 7 to 10 years.[13][14] Also in 2018, the fund announced the allocation of interest-free loans to socially transformative projects in the amount of 10 to 40 million rubles with a grace period of up to 3 years within the framework of a competition.[15] In 2021, the Fund announced the transformation of the «Social Entrepreneur» competition in response to the proposals of the Ministry of Economic Development to provide support to social entrepreneurs, including through the provision of soft loans through the state system of microfinance centers. The stated goal of the transformation of the competition is to provide assistance to a number of regions in greatest need. As a result, the competition was divided into two: a competition for social impact projects, the winners of which are granted interest-free loans in the amount of 10 to 40 million rubles (30% of the total budget of the competition) for the purchase of real estate and equipment for up to 10 years, and a competition for social and entrepreneurial projects, following which interest-free loans are issued for the implementation of projects in the amount of 3 to 7 million rubles for a period of up to 5 years.[16]

The foundation also supports social entrepreneurs to develop and market their social business franchises. Currently, support in the development of the franchise has been received by the Stupenki network of full-time recreational kindergartens, Observer [ru] wheelchair repair shops, Chudeevo [ru] art centers for children and adults, Opeka [ru] geriatric centers network, 24-hour social assistance service disabled and elderly people System of Care [ru].[17][18]

Since 2015, the Our Future Foundation and MSP Bank have supported the All-Russian competition of projects in the field of social entrepreneurship «The Best Social Project of the Year», organized by the Russian State Social University in conjunction with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation.[19][20]

In September–October 2022, the foundation held a competition for the development of the «social entrepreneur» distinction mark, similar to the Russian State quality mark.[21]

Impulse of Kindness Award[edit]

«Impulse of Kindness — 2015» award ceremony

Every year, the Foundation awards the Impulse of Kindness prize for contributions to the development and promotion of social entrepreneurship in Russia. The award was established in 2011 with the aim of encouraging the best domestic social entrepreneurs and attracting government attention to the development of social entrepreneurship in Russia.[22]

The first awarding took place in 2012. The prize is awarded in six main categories:[22]

  1. For personal contribution to the development of social entrepreneurship (awarded to an individual)
  2. For a systematic approach to social entrepreneurship (individual or legal entity)
  3. For the best corporate program for the development of social entrepreneurship (legal entity)
  4. For the best regional program to support social entrepreneurship (constituent entity of the Russian Federation) — nomination established by the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia
  5. For the best media coverage of social entrepreneurship (awarded to a medium)
  6. For the best Russian educational program in the field of social entrepreneurship (educational institution)
  7. In 2015, the special nomination «For personal contribution to the development of social entrepreneurship in the field of culture» was introduced. The winners were the actors: Evgeny Mironov (2015), Konstantin Khabensky (2016), Egor Beroev and Ksenia Alfyorova (2017), Sergei Bezrukov (2018). In 2019, the nomination was not awarded.

In 2018, the prize was also awarded in the nomination «For the best project of social entrepreneurship in the digital economy» (for an individual or legal entity).[23][24] At the 7th «Impulse of Kindness» award ceremony on October 4, 2018, an agreement was signed between the Our Future Foundation and the Social Projects Support Fund. In the same year, the Impulse of Kindness prize won first place at the Eventiada IPRA GWA ceremony in the category «Best Project in the Field of Corporate Social Responsibility».[25]

In 2019, the award was presented in a new category «Best startup in a field of social entrepreneurship»,[26] as well as in the special category «For the first issue of green bonds in Russia».[27] With the adoption of the law on social entrepreneurship in Russia, the organizers of the award recorded an increase in the number of applications for its receipt: 332 against 230 a year earlier.[28][27]

Guests of the ceremony have the opportunity to visit the traditional exhibition of innovative projects of social entrepreneurs.[27]
In connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, it was decided not to hold the Impulse of Kindness awards ceremony in 2020. For the same reasons, the next award presentation took place in an online format, on October 27, 2021.[29][30] More than 200 applications were submitted for the award.[31] According to the fund’s own data, 436 applications were submitted in 2022 — more than ever before, the prize fund was increased by 30%, to 4.2 million rubles.[32][33] The award ceremony took place at the end of May 2022, in violation of the established tradition of autumn awarding.[34][35]

Since the award was established, 109 laureates from more than 20 regions of Russia have been awarded it.[32][30]

According to the Doctor of Sciences in Economics V. Y. Kulkova, the nomination «For the best regional program to support social entrepreneurship» of the Impulse of Kindness Award can be used for official recognition of progressive regional practices in the field of social entrepreneurship development in Russia.[36]

Anti-crisis support[edit]

The funds saved due to the cancellation of the «Impulse of Kindness» award ceremony in 2020 were directed by the Foundation to targeted support of 40 social enterprises most affected by the consequences of the pandemic, from among those that have already been supported. Support is provided in the form of grants or product buyouts, which are then channeled to charity. A total of 11.7 million rubles were allocated for these purposes.[29]

The Fund also announced a 6-month deferral for the return of previously issued loans for bona fide borrowers whose activities were suspended as a result of the pandemic.[37]

«More than a Purchase!»[edit]

The «More than a Purchase!» stand at the «Impulse of Kindness» award ceremony, 2016

To promote the goods of Russian social entrepreneurs in 2014, the Our Future Foundation, together with Lukoil, launched «More than a Purchase!» project.[38][39][40]

The project was launched in the form of a competition, the winners will be able to sell their products in the stores of the Lukoil filling station network in most of the regions of Russia.[41]

In the stores of the first two gas stations, immediately after the start of the program in January 2014, one could buy felt boots (which were in the greatest demand), felt bags, transforming pillows, tablecloths, towels, farm dairy products, souvenirs and other products produced by social entreprises.[41][42] All sold goods have a special marking.[40] The assortment changes depending on demand.

By the end of 2014, the experiment was recognized as successful, and the number of gas stations with stands with products of social entrepreneurs in their sales areas increased to 42 (in Russia as a whole).[43]

By the end of 2016, according to the Fund itself, 134 gas stations in 14 regions of Russia were connected to the project «More than a purchase!»[44] It is planned to expand this practice[45] and connect more than 3000 filling stations throughout the country to the project.[46]

In May 2017, the «More than a purchase!» project was awarded the All-Russian Prize «Good Deed», established by the public organization of entrepreneurs «Business Russia», in the special category «For support of social entrepreneurs».[47]

As of 2019, the products of the «More than a Purchase!» brand are sold at 1,550 points of sale in 55 regions of Russia, 55 suppliers are employed in the project and 250 items of goods are presented.[48]

In 2020, in order to create an infrastructure for the market for the sale of social entrepreneurs’ products via the Internet, the Our Future Foundation signed an agreement with the Fair of Masters [ru] Internet platform, the largest platform for handmade products of small businesses, individual entrepreneurs [ru] and the self-employed population.[49]

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the project launched the production of disposable medical masks and gloves.[50]

In 2021, according to the fund’s own data, about 2 thousand retail outlets were already operating within the framework of the project. During the year, goods worth more than 150 million rubles were sold, 35 manufacturers from among social entrepreneurs were supported, including 8 enterprises of the All-Russian Society of the Blind.[51]

In 2022, the program «More than a purchase!» was recognized as the best in the category «Social Entrepreneurship» at the forum «The Best social projects in Russia».[52]

At the beginning of 2023, the products of the «More than a Purchase!» project, in addition to filling stations, are sold in Russian hypermarkets of the O’Key and Selgros networks, as well as on the Wildberries Internet platform.[53]


The Social Entrepreneurship Laboratory was created by the Our Future Foundation in 2014 with the aim of creating new tools for supporting and developing social business in Russia; since June 2014, it has been conducting educational activities. The stated mission of the Laboratory is to assist in the creation and development of social business. The laboratory conducts free and paid training for beginners and already existing social entrepreneurs. Videos of free online courses and seminars are posted on the YouTube channel.

According to its own data, the coverage of educational courses and webinars of the Laboratory of Social Entrepreneurship is 130,000 people. Since 2014, 150 webinars, 26 face-to-face events and 15 thematic courses have been held, 100 trainers have been involved.[54]

In 2017, the Social Entrepreneurship Laboratory won in the category «Best project in the field of corporate communications» and took 3rd place in the category «Best public project» of the international competition of communication projects Eventiada IPRA GWA 2017.[55]

Cooperation with Russian regions[edit]

In 2012, the Foundation provided assistance to the developing interest in social entrepreneurship in the Vologda Oblast; with its assistance, 10 social projects of the Vologda Oblast received grants for development.[56]

In February 2012, the Fund, together with the Ministry of Economy and Trade of Kalmykia, held a competition for social entrepreneurship projects «Fair of Social Ideas» in the republic, the winners were given the opportunity to participate in the second round of the «Social Entrepreneur-2012» competition.[57]

The Foundation regularly holds all-Russian and regional meetings of social entrepreneurs. The first all-Russian meeting took place on 25 April 2012.[58][59][60]

In 2014, the fund supported social entrepreneurship in the Volgograd Oblast by signing a trilateral agreement between the Our Future Foundation, the Ministry of Economy, Foreign Economic Activity and Investments of the Volgograd Oblast and the Center for Consulting and Outsourcing «Our Future» to support social entrepreneurship in this region.[61]

On 19 March 2015, it became known that the Fund, together with the International Forum of Business Leaders, signed an agreement aimed at promoting mentoring in social entrepreneurship with a view to its development. The purpose of the agreement is the organization and subsequent implementation of various joint activities. Other goals of the agreement are the exchange of experience and the promotion of partner initiatives.[62] To begin with, it is planned to use the results of the agreement in a joint project in the Perm Krai, then it is planned to expand cooperation in other regions.[63]

In the fall of 2016, a pilot project for the development of social investment in Ugra was launched.[64] The project became part of a comprehensive model for the development of social entrepreneurship in Ugra, which included a set of regulatory and other documents, tools and mechanisms to ensure the development and support of social projects, interaction of the business community with government authorities. As a result, 30 investors were found who expressed their readiness to finance 8 regional projects in the field of social entrepreneurship for a total amount of 115.6 million rubles. The project developers plan to extend it to other constituent entities of the Russian Federation in 2019.[65]

Our Future Foundation is a partner of the Forum of Social Innovations of the Regions. The second forum took place in Krasnogorsk on 8–9 June 2017.[66][67]

Also in Krasnogorsk, in the House of Moscow Oblast Government, on 16 May 2018, the largest all-Russian gathering of social entrepreneurs, focused on social entrepreneurs — manufacturers of goods, was held, and representatives of retail were invited there for the first time.[68]

On 18 April 2019, the fund signed a cooperation agreement with the government of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.[69] In September 2021, a similar agreement was signed with the Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovative Development of Moscow.[70]

In March 2022, another agreement was signed with the Krasnoyarsk Regional Business Development Center «My Business».[71]

In July 2022, it became known about the participation of the Fund’s experts in testing and subsequent revision of the Federal Law of July 13, 2020 No. 189 «On the state (municipal) social order for the provision of state (municipal) services in the social sphere.».[72][73]

The Foundation supports regional Associations of Social Entrepreneurship. As of August 2022, agreements have been signed with the ASE of St. Petersburg, the Krasnoyarsk and Krasnodar Krais, the Amur and Astrakhan Regions, and the Republic of Bashkortostan.[74]

Cooperation with major business and government agencies[edit]

In July 2013, the Fund signed an agreement to support social entrepreneurship in cooperation with the Support of Russia [ru] organization and Uralsib Bank.[75]

In May 2015, the Fund, together with the Nornickel company, took part in the finalization of 15 business projects, the purpose of which is to eliminate the social problems of the inhabitants of the Arctic.[76]

At the end of 2017, the results of the first grant competition «Act Without Borders» were summed up — a joint project of the Baltika Breweries, which initiated a comprehensive program to support the disabled, and the Our Future Foundation, which was the organizer of the competition. Among budding social entrepreneurs, 9 projects from 6 regions of Russia received financial support for a total amount of over 3.4 million rubles.[77] Among existing entrepreneurs, 7 projects from 7 regions of Russia received financial support for a total amount of over 2.7 million rubles. In addition to grant support, the program runs a thematic Online School of Social Entrepreneurship to train aspiring entrepreneurs to create and develop social businesses aimed at supporting people with disabilities.[78]

In April 2019, the Our Future Foundation and the largest Russian petrochemical company Sibur launched a joint comprehensive program to support and develop social entrepreneurship in Tobolsk and the Tobolsky District. The program was held in the form of a grant competition among social entrepreneurs of the region and continued until the end of 2019.[79] In 2021, the Our Future Foundation and Sibur launched a new cooperation program, named «The Growth Formula».[80]

In July 2019, the Our Future Foundation and the Corporation for the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Entrepreneurship (SME Corporation) entered into a partnership agreement, the subject of which was the opportunity for social entrepreneurs to obtain a loan guarantee from the SME Corporation. The guarantee is considered by the Fund as additional security for the loan.[81]

Educational and consulting activities[edit]

The Our Future Foundation has concluded more than 20 agreements on the support of social entrepreneurship with higher educational institutions of Russia. Among them:[82]

region city institution year
1 Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg Saint Petersburg State University Graduate School of Management 2010
2 Moscow Moscow Russian State Social University 2014
3 Nizhny Novgorod Oblast Nizhny Novgorod N. I. Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod 2014
4 Republic of Tatarstan Kazan Kazan Federal University 2015
5 Krasnoyarsk Krai Krasnoyarsk Siberian Federal University 2015
6 Arkhangelsk Oblast Arkhangelsk Northern (Arctic) Federal University 2015
7 Stavropol Krai Stavropol North-Caucasus Federal University 2015
8 Belgorod Oblast Belgorod Belgorod State University 2015
9 Novosibirsk Oblast Novosibirsk Novosibirsk State University of Economics and Management 2015
10 Sverdlovsk Oblast Ekaterinburg Ural Federal University 2015
11 Rostov Oblast Rostov-on-Don North Caucasus Institute (branch of RANEPA) 2015
12 Komi Republic Syktyvkar Komi Republican Academy of Public Service and Management [ru] 2016
13 Moscow Moscow Plekhanov Russian University of Economics 2016
14 Moscow Moscow Institute for Social Design, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics 2016
15 Rostov Oblast Rostov-on-Don Southern Federal University 2016
16 Perm Krai Perm Perm State National Research University (Higher School of Economics) 2017
17 Irkutsk Oblast Irkutsk Irkutsk State University 2017
18 Kirov Oblast Kirov Vyatka State University [ru] 2018
19 Republic of Kalmykia Elista Kalmyk State University 2018
20 Krasnodar Krai Sochi Sochi State University 2018
21 Volgograd Oblast Volgograd Volgograd State University[83] 2019
22 Astrakhan Oblast Astrakhan Astrakhan State University[84] 2020

Experimental courses on social entrepreneurship are taught in universities, and educational programs developed with the participation of the Foundation are being introduced. It is assumed that these programs will be included in the educational standard for teaching social entrepreneurship on the basis of higher education.[85]

In May 2018, the Our Future Foundation and the Russian Knowledge Society [ru] signed an agreement on «disseminating knowledge in the field of social entrepreneurship».[68]

In 2020, the Foundation signed an agreement with the Agency for Network Innovations, an experimental network platform for additional [ru], pre-professional and professional education for schoolchildren, organized by the Russian Academy of Education [ru] and the Federal Institute for Education Development of RANEPA.[86]

The Foundation provides comprehensive consulting support to social entrepreneurs, the range of which has expanded after the adoption of the law on social entrepreneurship in Russia. Since December 2019, an online assistant has been operating on the Foundation’s website for entering the register of social entrepreneurs.[87] The Foundation distributes brochures on this issue, and since April 2020 has been conducting telephone consultations.[88]

During the COVID-19 pandemic in Russia, the foundation held a two-week online training marathon for social entrepreneurs «How to transfer business online».[89]

In September 2022, a free online course on social entrepreneurship was published on the Stepik educational platform. The course was developed by experts of the Our Future Foundation and RANEPA.[90] Soon it became known about the signing of an agreement between the Our Future Foundation and the National Accreditation Council for Business and Management Education (NASDOBR) on the joint development of educational and professional standards in the field of social entrepreneurship and socially transformative projects.[91]

The international cooperation[edit]

Press conference organized by the Our Future Foundation, with the participation of Grameen Bank founder and Nobel Prize laureate Muhammad Yunus, 2 July 2019

In April 2016, the Our Future Foundation and the Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship (Republic of Belarus) signed a memorandum of cooperation.[92] A similar memorandum was signed in May 2016 with the Eurasia Foundation of Central Asia (EFCA), which is a leader in promoting social entrepreneurship in Kazakhstan.[93]

Outside the post-Soviet space, the Foundation cooperates with organizations and experts from Great Britain, Italy, South Korea, United States, Germany, China,[94] Singapore.[95] In October 2013, the Foundation held the first international conference «Social Innovations» in Moscow.[96] In October 2017, the second international conference «Social Innovation: Defining the Future» was held.[97][98] The closest contacts have developed between the Foundation and the Center for the Management of Social Enterprises of South Korea.[99][100]

In the summer of 2019, the Foundation organized a visit to Moscow for the Nobel Peace Prize laureate, social entrepreneur Muhammad Yunus. Within the framework of the visit, a press conference was held summing up the results of the International Social Business Day and the presentation of Yunus’s book «The World of Three Zeros».[101][102]

Internet projects[edit]

The Foundation has created and maintains two thematic portals: «New Business: Social Entrepreneurship» (nb-forum.ru), covering the activities of social enterprises and entrepreneurs in Russia and in the world, as well as the portal «Bank of Social Ideas» (social-idea.ru) containing information about the ideas of social enterprises — already implemented or ready for implementation.[103]

Research and publishing[edit]

In November 2014, the «Social Entrepreneurship of Russia» catalog was presented, the creation of which was supported by the Foundation.[104] On 3 March 2015, the electronic version of the catalog was made available for free download.[105] In January 2016, the second, expanded edition of the catalog, compiled at the end of 2015, was published.[106] The third edition of the catalog, published in March 2017, includes 436 social enterprises operating in Russia.[107]

The Foundation actively cooperates with the publishing house Alpina [ru]. Over the years, with the support of the Foundation, translations of popular books on social entrepreneurship by David Bornstein, Craig Darden-Phillips, Gill Kikal and Thomas Lyons, Lester Salamon have been published. In 2015, the textbook «Creating a Successful Social Enterprise» by Natalia Zvereva was published.[108] In 2016, with the support of the Foundation, a book on social entrepreneurship in South Korea was published,[109] as well as a brochure by the Foundation’s expert Sergei Ponomarev «Russian and American Practices for Supporting Social Entrepreneurship».[110]

In 2017, the Our Future Foundation began cooperation with the Political Encyclopedia Publishing House (ROSSPEN). The first joint project was the book «Social Transforming Investments. How We Change the World and Make Money», by Anthony Bugg-Levin and Jed Emerson, leading experts in social performance investment.[111]

In the same year, the publishing house Mann, Ivanov and Ferber [ru] published the book Dolphins of Capitalism — a joint project of the Our Future Foundation and the laboratory «Once» by Dmitry Sokolov-Mitrich [ru]. The book includes «10 stories of people who did everything wrong and succeeded.» Among her heroes: Roman Aranin [ru] (Observer), Alexey Mavrin (Guardianship [ru]), Natalya Nikitina [ru] («Pastila from Kolomna» museum and «City-Museum [ru]» in Kolomna), Alexander Meshchankin (center of youth tourism «Wolverine [ru]«) and others. In 2020, the project was continued — the book Dolphins of Capitalism 2.0 included the stories of 8 more successful startups, including «VkusVill», «Life Button [ru]» and «Motorika».[112][113]

In the summer of 2018, with the support of the Foundation, Eksmo published a book by Roger Martin and Sally R. Osberg, Going beyond the Best: How Social Entrepreneurship Works. The preface to the Russian edition was written by Natalia Zvereva, director of the Our Future Foundation.[114]

At the end of 2019, the Fund, with the support of the Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, published the book Atlas of Practices for the Development of Social Entrepreneurship by the Constituent Entities of the Russian Federation, authored by N. I. Zvereva. A printed version of the book is planned for 2020.[115][116]

In 2020, the Our Future Foundation, together with the Higher School of Economics, conducted and published a study «World experience in the development of impact investments». The study, which lasted 11 months, analyzed and summarized the experience of 17 countries in the field of social entrepreneurship and impact investment.[117][118]

In the fall of 2020, with the support of the fund, the Eksmo publishing house published a book by an expert in the field of impact investments Morgan Simon «Real Impact. How investments help build a better world.»[119]

In 2021, the Foundation became a partner of the first literary award «Heroes of social change. Modern literature on charity and social entrepreneurship» of the Forbes Russia magazine. On March 1, 2022, the winners were awarded the I—III degree prize.[120][121]

At the beginning of 2023, the foundation published a collection of methodological materials “Production and placement of social advertising by social enterprises”. The manual was developed by experts from the Gladway Foundation for the Development of Media Projects and Social Programs on behalf of the Our Future Foundation.[122]


In 2020, Our Future Foundation took 3rd place in the Forbes ranking of the 20 Best Charity Foundations of the Welthiest Russians. A year earlier, the fund was in the same rating at the 8th position.[6] In 2021, Forbes published the rating for the third time, and the Our Future Foundation took the 6th line in it, gaining 63.8 points out of 100 possible.[123] The founder of the foundation, Vagit Alekperov, was awarded the «Philanthropist of the Year» prize for supporting social entrepreneurship.[124][125] In 2022, the Our Future Foundation again took 6th place in the Forbes rating, while the criteria for expert assessments were revised, the fund received the highest ratings in the indicators «strategy and systematic approach of the organization» and «openness of information about activities».[126][127][128]

In 2021, Our Future Foundation was awarded the EVPA Data Transparency Label 2021 (European Venture Philanthropy Association) “for active participation in research”.[129][130]

In March 2022, as part of the charitable program to support medical workers and volunteers «Union. Assistance» the Our Future Foundation was awarded a diploma «for contribution to solving social problems caused by the coronavirus pandemic».[131]

In July 2022, the foundation received a diploma from the Donors Forum (association of the largest grant-giving organizations in Russia) for the formation of the ecosystem of social entrepreneurship.[132]

In December 2022, the Foundation was awarded the «Positive Changes 2022» award from the «Factory of Positive Changes» in the nomination «Development of the practice of implementing the evaluation of social projects» with the wording «For the systematization of methods and programs in the field of assessing the socio-economic efficiency of social enterprises and impact-investors».[133]


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Further reading[edit]

  • Sadyrtdinov R. (2020). Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility in the Russian Federation (Social Entrepreneurship and Enterprises in Economic and Social Development ed.). pp. 217–236. ISBN 9780197518311.

External links[edit]

  • Official website
  • New Business: Social Entrepreneurship portal (ru)
  • Social Ideas Bank portal (ru)



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Об организации

ФОНД «НАШЕ БУДУЩЕЕ» образована в 2007 году для вида деятельности — Деятельность по предоставлению прочих финансовых услуг, кроме услуг по страхованию и пенсионному обеспечению. Компания работает 15 лет на данном рынке. Руководителем является: Зверева Наталия Ивановна (ИНН 771200626552). Реквизиты организации ИНН 7704273840, ОГРН 1077799011003. читать далее…

ОКПО 94128663, зарегистрировано 04.06.2007 находится по адресу 119019, г. Москва, ул Знаменка, д. 8/13 СТР. 2. Статус: Действующее с 04.06.2007.
Компания работает 15 лет и 10 месяцев, с 04 июня 2007 по настоящее время. Основной вид деятельности ФОНД «НАШЕ БУДУЩЕЕ» — Деятельность по предоставлению прочих финансовых услуг, кроме услуг по страхованию и пенсионному обеспечению.
Состоит на учете в налоговом органе Инспекция Федеральной налоговой службы № 4 по г.Москве с 04 июня 2007 г., присвоен КПП 770401001. Регистрационный номер ПФР 087105024217, ФСС 771104066277111.
Телефон, адрес электронной почты, адрес официального сайта и другие доступные контактные данные ФОНД «НАШЕ БУДУЩЕЕ» могут быть добавлены / изменены официальным представителем организации.


Проверка наличия сведений в реестре о банкротстве (ЕФРСБ)

Блокировка счетов 

Рекомендуем проверять перед платежом на расчетный счет организации

Документы на внесение изменений в ЕГРЮЛ 

Проверка изменений до официальной регистрации

Наличие обеспечительных мер 

Рекомендуем проверять перед заключением договора с организацией

ФОНД «НАШЕ БУДУЩЕЕ» ИНН 7704273840, ОГРН 1077799011003 зарегистрировано 04.06.2007 в регионе Москва по адресу: 119019, г. Москва, ул Знаменка, д. 8/13 СТР. 2. Статус: Действующее. Размер Уставного Капитала — руб.
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(связанные компании)




Дерево связей

Лента изменений 

История изменений в данных об организации.


Товарные знаки

Рег. номер:

Номер заявки:

Дата государственной регистрации

Дата истечения срока действия

Все товарные знаки (2)

Финансовая отчетность за 2021 год

Основные показатели

Сумма доходов

115.2 млн ₽

107.6 млн ₽

Сумма расходов

62.9 млн ₽

128.2 млн ₽

Прибыль (убыток)

52.3 млн ₽

20.6 млн ₽

Финансовый анализ отчетности за 2021 год


Коэффициент текущей ликвидности 

Коэффициент капитализации 


Рентабельность продаж (ROS) 

Исполнительные производства 


, на сумму
░ ░░░ ░░░ ₽

В качестве Взыскателя

Оконченные в соответствии с пунктами 3 и 4 части 1 статьи 46 и пунктами 6 и 7 части 1 статьи 47 Федерального закона от 2 октября 2007 г. № 229-ФЗ «Об исполнительном производстве»


В качестве Взыскателя



Существенные факты (Федресурс) 


░ сообщений
на Федресурсе


Данные о проведении плановых и внеплановых проверок из Единого Реестра Проверок Ген. Прокуратуры РФ.



Налоговый орган 

Инспекция Федеральной Налоговой Службы № 4 По Г.москве

Дата постановки на учет: 04.06.2007

Сведения о регистрации в ФСС 

Регистрационный номер 771104066277111
Дата регистрации 11.07.2007

Сведения о регистрации в ПФР 

Регистрационный номер 087105024217
Дата регистрации 11.07.2007


Юридический адрес: 119019, г. Москва, ул Знаменка, д. 8/13 СТР. 2
ОГРН 1077799011003
ИНН 7704273840
КПП 770401001
ОКВЭД 64.9


__________________ / Зверева Наталия Ивановна /

Дерево связей

Как работает?

Описание работы с Деревом связей (используется компьютерная мышь):
1. Клик на объект — скрытьраскрыть дочерние элементы (Все кроме «Подразделения»).
2. Удерживая объект левой кнопкой, вы можете двигать его по полю.
3. Двойной клик на пустую область — приблизить объекты.
4. Удерживая левой кнопкой пустую область – вы можете двигать всю область.
5. Прокрутка колеса — приблизитьотдалить всю область.

Товарные знаки

Блокировка счетов

Наличие обеспечительных мер

Документы на внесение изменений

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Ответ на Ваш вопрос или обращение здесь.

ВНИМАНИЕ: Обратная связь поддержки портала ЗАЧЕСТНЫЙБИЗНЕС НЕ ЯВЛЯЕТСЯ ОБРАТНОЙ СВЯЗЬЮ КОМПАНИЙ, представленных на портале. Вся доступная контактная информация представлена в карточках КОМПАНИЙ.

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с администрацией портала
из Личного кабинета

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