Фотоаппарат nikon coolpix инструкция по эксплуатации

Видео Видеообзор фотоаппарата Nikon Coolpix A (автор: М.Видео)04:01

Видеообзор фотоаппарата Nikon Coolpix A

Видео Nikon Coolpix A. Видео тест (автор: PhotoWebExpo)16:40

Nikon Coolpix A. Видео тест

Видео Ricoh GR vs. Nikon Coolpix A Shootout (автор: TheCameraStoreTV)10:29

Ricoh GR vs. Nikon Coolpix A Shootout

Видео Nikon Coolpix A Review (автор: PhoneDog)03:29

Nikon Coolpix A Review

Видео The Nikon Coolpix A - Product Review (автор: IAMNIKONSA)03:19

The Nikon Coolpix A — Product Review

Видео Nikon Coolpix A Review (автор: Jeremy Smith)17:44

Nikon Coolpix A Review

Видео Fuji X100s vs Ricoh GR vs Nikon Coolpix A comparison review incl AF performance (автор: mike kobal)05:26

Fuji X100s vs Ricoh GR vs Nikon Coolpix A comparison review incl AF performance

Видео Nikon Coolpix A Camera Review Video (автор: Amateur Photographer TV)07:42

Nikon Coolpix A Camera Review Video



Подробное руководство


ЦИФРОВАЯ ФОТОКАМЕРА Ru Подробное руководство пользователя...

ii Элементы меню, параметры и сообщения, отображаемые на мон…

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Элементы меню, параметры и сообщения, отображаемые на мониторе
фотокамеры, набраны жирным шрифтом.
Карты памяти
Карты памяти SD и SDHC/SDXC называются «карты памяти» в данном
Настройки фотокамеры
Объяснения в данном руководстве даны с учетом использования заводских
Используйте данную функцию фотокамеры для получения справки об
элементах меню и по другим вопросам. См. стр. 12 для получения более
подробной информации.

A Меры безопасности
Перед началом работы с фотокамерой прочтите сведения о мерах
безопасности в разделе «Меры безопасности» (

0 vi–viii).

ii Элементы меню, параметры и сообщения, отображаемые на мон...

iii Содержание данного руководства Поищите информацию для ре…

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Содержание данного руководства

Поищите информацию для решения проблемы в следующих разделах:

Оглавление ………………………………………………………………….. 0 xiii
Меры безопасности …………………………………………………….. 0


Опции меню…………………………………………………………………. 0 16
Предметный указатель ……………………………………………….. 0 253
Поиск и устранение неисправностей …………………………… 0 238
Сообщения об ошибках……………………………………………….. 0 242







Основы фотосъемки

0 27


Запись и просмотр видеороликов

0 38



P, S, A и M

0 52


Пользовательские настройки: Режимы U1 и U2

0 60


Режим съемки

0 63


Качество и размер изображения

0 69



0 74


Чувствительность ISO

0 81



0 85


Баланс белого

0 89


Коррекция изображения

0 99


Фотосъемка со вспышкой

0 112


Другие параметры съемки

0 121


Больше о режиме просмотра

0 132



0 154


Меню фотокамеры

0 172


Технические примечания

0 226

iii Содержание данного руководства Поищите информацию для ре...


Чтобы быстро начать работу с фотокамерой COOLPIX A, выполните
следующие шаги. Информацию по технике безопасности см. в
разделе «Меры безопасности» (

0 vi).


Присоедините ремень фотокамеры.

Надежно прикрепите ремень к проушинам фотокамеры.


Зарядите батарею (

0 20).


Вставьте батарею и карту памяти (

0 21, 23).

Краткое руководство



Вставьте зарядное устройство в розетку


Задняя сторона

Гнездо для карты

Краткое руководство



Включите фотокамеру

0 2).

При первом использовании
фотокамеры, Вам будет
предложено выбрать язык
(language) и установить часы
фотокамеры (

0 25).


Поверните переключатель
выбора режимов
фокусировки в положение
t (автофокусировка; 0 75).


фотографию (

0 29).


Сфокусируйте и сделайте
снимок (

0 30).

Фокусировка завершиться,
когда зона фокусировки
загорится зеленым цветом.


фотографию (

0 33).

Переключатель выбора режимов

Кнопка K

 Включите фотокамеру ...


Меры безопасности

Перед началом работы с данным устройством внимательно изучите
следующие меры безопасности во избежание получения травм и
повреждения изделия Nikon. Сохраните инструкции по технике
безопасности в месте, доступном всем пользователям данного устройства
для дальнейшего ознакомления.



При появлении неисправности выключите
При появлении дыма или
необычного запаха, исходящих из
фотокамеры или зарядного
устройства, немедленно
отсоедините зарядное устройство от
сети и извлеките батарею, стараясь
избежать ожогов. Продолжение
работы с устройством может
привести к травме. После
извлечения батареи или отключения
от источника питания, отнесите
изделие для проверки в сервисный
центр компании Nikon.


Не разбирайте устройство
Прикосновение к внутренним частям
фотокамеры или зарядного
устройства может привести к травме.
Ремонтные работы должны
выполняться только
специалистами. Если фотокамера
или зарядное устройство
раскололись в результате падения
или другого несчастного случая,
доставьте изделие для проверки в
сервисный центр компании Nikon,
после отключения продукта от сети
и/или снятия батареи.


Не используйте фотокамеру или зарядное
устройство вблизи легковоспламеняющихся
Использование фотокамеры в
присутствии горючих газов, таких
как, пропан, газолин, а также
воспламеняющихся аэрозолей или
пыли может привести к взрыву или


Обращайтесь с ремнем фотокамеры
Никогда не надевайте ремень на шею
младенцу или ребенку.


Храните в недоступном для детей месте
Не храните изделия в местах,
доступных для детей. Это может
привести к травме. Следует
соблюдать особую осторожность,
чтобы избежать попадания батареи
или других мелких деталей в рот


Не допускайте длительного контакта с
фотокамерой, зарядным устройством или
сетевым блоком питания, когда устройства
включены или используются
Некоторые части устройств
нагреваются. При длительном
непосредственном контакте
устройств с кожей возможно
появление низкотемпературных


Данным символом обозначены предупреждения и сведения, с
которыми необходимо ознакомиться перед использованием
данного изделия Nikon, чтобы избежать возможной травмы.

Меры безопасности

vii A Храните вдали от прямого солнечного светаКогда фотокам…

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Храните вдали от прямого солнечного света
Когда фотокамера не используется,
выключите ее для закрытия крышки
объектива и храните ее вдали от
прямого солнечного света. Свет,
сфокусированный на объектив,
может стать причиной пожара.


Соблюдайте осторожность при обращении с
Неправильное обращение с
батареей может привести к
протеканию, перегреву или взрыву.
Соблюдайте следующие меры
предосторожности при
использовании батареи с данным

Перед заменой батареи, выключите


Данная фотокамера использует

только литий-ионную
аккумуляторную батарею EN-EL20
(входит в комплект поставки),
которую необходимо зарядить с
помощью поставляемого
зарядного устройства MH-27.
Дополнительное дистанционное
управление ML-L3 используется
только с 3 В CR2025 батареями.

При установке батареи не

пытайтесь вставить ее верхней
стороной вниз или другим концом.

Не замыкайте и не разбирайте

батарею и не пытайтесь удалить
или повредить изоляцию батареи
или корпуса.

Не подвергайте батарею сильному

нагреву или воздействию
открытого огня.

Не погружайте батареи в воду и не

допускайте попадания на них воды.

При транспортировке батареи

закройте контакты защитной
крышкой. Не храните и не
транспортируйте вместе с
металлическими предметами,
например, шпильками или

Полностью разряженная батарея

имеет тенденцию протекать. Во
избежание повреждения изделия
извлекайте из него разряженные

Немедленно прекратите

использовать батарею, если
заметили в ней какое-либо
изменение, например, изменение
окраски или деформацию.

Если жидкость из поврежденной

батареи попала на одежду или кожу
немедленно промойте большим
количеством воды.

В случае попадания жидкости,

вытекшей из поврежденной
батареи, в глаза, немедленно
промойте их чистой проточной
водой и обратитесь за
медицинской помощью.

Не пытайтесь заряжать

неперезаряжаемые батареи.


Соблюдайте следующие меры
предосторожности при обращении с
зарядным устройством
Берегите устройство от влаги.

Несоблюдение этого требования
может привести к возгоранию или
поражению электрическим током.

Пыль на металлических частях

сетевой вилки или вокруг них
необходимо удалять сухой тканью.
Продолжение эксплуатации может
привести к возгоранию.

Не прикасайтесь к сетевой вилке и

не находитесь рядом с зарядным
устройством во время грозы.
Несоблюдение этого требования
может привести к поражению
электрическим током.

Не прикасайтесь к сетевой вилке

или зарядному устройству
мокрыми руками. Несоблюдение
этого требования может привести к
поражению электрическим током.

vii A Храните вдали от прямого солнечного светаКогда фотокам...


Не используйте с

преобразователями напряжения
или преобразователями
постоянного тока. Несоблюдение
этого указания может привести к
повреждению изделия, а также к
его перегреву или возгоранию.


Используйте соответствующие кабели
При подключении кабелей к
входным и выходным разъёмам и
гнездам фотокамеры используйте
только специальные кабели Nikon,
поставляемые вместе с фотокамерой
или продаваемые отдельно.


С подвижными частями обращайтесь
Будьте осторожны, чтобы ваши
пальцы или другие предметы не
были зажаты крышкой объектива
или другими подвижными частями.


Запрещается воспроизводить
компакт-диски, прилагаемые к
изделию, на проигрывателях
компакт-дисков. Воспроизведение
компакт-дисков с данными на
проигрывателе может привести к
потере слуха или повреждению


Соблюдайте осторожность при
использовании вспышки
Использование вспышки на близком
расстоянии от глаз Вашего объекта
съёмки может вызвать временное
ухудшение зрения. Особую
осторожность следует соблюдать
при фотографировании детей, в этом
случае вспышка должна находиться
на расстоянии не менее 1 м от
объекта съемки.


Не направляйте вспышку на людей,
управляющих транспортными средствами
Несоблюдение этого требования
может привести к аварии.


Не используйте вспышку, когда ее
излучатель соприкасается с человеком или
Несоблюдение этой меры
предосторожности может привести к
ожогам или пожару.


Избегайте контакта с
жидкокристаллическим веществом
Если монитор фотокамеры разбился,
соблюдайте осторожность, чтобы не
пораниться осколками стекла и
избежать контакта
жидкокристаллического вещества с
кожей, а также попадания этого
вещества в глаза или рот.


Следуйте указаниям персонала больницы и
Извлеките карты Eye-Fi из
фотокамеры перед посадкой на
самолет и отключите питание
устройства во время взлета и
посадки или по требованию
персонала авиалинии или больницы.
Радиоволны, излучаемые
устройством, могут мешать работе
медицинского или бортового
навигационного оборудования.




Никакая часть руководств, включенных

в комплект поставки изделия, не может
быть воспроизведена, передана,
переписана, сохранена в
информационно-поисковой системе
или переведена на любой язык, в
любой форме, любыми средствами без
предварительного письменного
разрешения компании Nikon.

Компания Nikon сохраняет за собой

право изменять любые характеристики
аппаратного и программного
обеспечения, описанного в данных
руководствах, в любое время и без
предварительного уведомления.

Компания Nikon не несет

ответственности за какой-либо ущерб,
вызванный эксплуатацией данного

Были приложены все усилия, чтобы

обеспечить точность и полноту
приведенной в руководствах
информации. Компания Nikon будет
благодарна за любую информацию о
замеченных ошибках и упущениях,
переданную в ближайшее
представительство компании (адрес
предоставляется по запросу).

Памятка для пользователей Европы

Данный символ означает, что
электрическое и электронное
оборудование должно
утилизироваться отдельно.

Следующие замечания
касаются только
пользователей в европейских странах:
Данное изделие предназначено для

раздельной утилизации в
соответствующих пунктах утилизации.
Не выбрасывайте его вместе с
бытовыми отходами.

Раздельные сбор и утилизация

помогают сберегать природные
ресурсы и предотвращают
отрицательные последствия для
здоровья людей и окружающей среды,
которые могут возникнуть из-за
неправильной утилизации.

Подробные сведения можно получить

у продавца или в местной организации,
ответственной за вторичную
переработку отходов.

Этот символ на батарее
указывает на то, что данная
батарея подлежит раздельной

Следующие замечания касаются только
пользователей в европейских странах:
Все батареи, независимо от того,

обозначены ли они этим символом или
нет, подлежат раздельной утилизации
в соответствующих пунктах сбора. Не
выбрасывайте их вместе с бытовыми

Подробные сведения можно получить

у продавца или в местной организации,
ответственной за вторичную
переработку отходов.



x Уведомление о запрещении копирования или репродукцииНеобхо…

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Уведомление о запрещении копирования или репродукции
Необходимо помнить, что даже простое обладание материалом, скопированным
или воспроизведенным цифровым способом с помощью сканера, цифровой
фотокамеры или другого устройства, может преследоваться по закону.
• Материалы, копирование или

воспроизведение которых запрещено законом
Не копируйте и не воспроизводите
денежные банкноты, монеты, ценные
бумаги, ценные государственные
бумаги и ценные бумаги органов
местного самоуправления, даже если
такие копии и репродукции отмечены
штампом «образец».

Запрещено копирование и
репродукция денежных банкнот, монет
и ценных бумаг других государств.

Запрещено копирование и
репродукция негашеных почтовых
марок и почтовых открыток,
выпущенных государством, без
письменного разрешения
государственных органов.

Запрещено копирование и
репродукция печатей государственных
учреждений и документов, заверенных
в соответствии с законодательством.

• Предупреждения на копиях и репродукциях

Копии и репродукции ценных бумаг,
выпущенных частными компаниями
(акции, векселя, чеки, подарочные
сертификаты и т. д.), проездных
билетов или купонов помечаются
предупреждениями согласно
требованиям государственных
органов, кроме минимального числа
копий, необходимых для
использования компанией в деловых
целях. Не копируйте и не
воспроизводите государственные
паспорта; лицензии, выпущенные
государственными учреждениями и
частными компаниями; удостоверения
личности и такие документы, как
пропуски или талоны на питание.

• Уведомления о соблюдении авторских прав

Копирование или репродукция
продуктов интеллектуального труда,
защищенных авторским правом – книг,
музыкальных произведений,
произведений живописи, гравюр,
печатной продукции, географических
карт, чертежей, фильмов и фотографий
– охраняется государственным и
международным законодательством
об авторском праве. Не используйте
изделие для изготовления незаконных
копий, нарушающих законодательство
об авторском праве.

x Уведомление о запрещении копирования или репродукцииНеобхо...


Главная > Производители > Nikon > Руководства к фотоаппаратам Никон

Руководства к фотоаппаратам Никон

NikonФотоаппараты японского производителя Nikon являются оптическими электронными устройствами для обработки фотографий. Они очень популярны и востребованы во многих странах мира. Фотоаппарат Никон, инструкция которого размещена на сайте, делает очень качественные и яркие снимки.

Камера Никон руководство пользователя по моделям:

  • AW100
  • AW130
  • D40
  • D80
  • D90
  • D200
  • D300
  • D300S
  • D600
  • D750
  • D800
  • D810
  • D3000
  • D3100
  • D3200
  • D3300
  • D50
  • D500
  • D5000
  • D5100
  • D5200
  • D5300
  • D5500
  • D5600
  • D7000
  • D7100
  • D7200
  • L23
  • L27
  • L29
  • L31
  • L110
  • L120
  • L310
  • L340
  • L810
  • L820
  • L830
  • L840
  • P100
  • P500
  • P510
  • P520
  • P530
  • P900
  • P7700
  • P7800
  • S2500
  • S2600
  • S2700
  • S2800
  • S2900
  • S3500
  • S3600
  • S3700
  • S4300
  • S6200
  • S6300
  • S6400
  • S6500
  • S9100

Фотоаппарат Никон инструкция по применению которого скачивается на русском языке, разделяют на три основные серии: Nikon Coolpix, Nikon 1 и зеркальные камеры. Все три вида достаточно популярные среди пользователей. Компания по праву считается одним из лучших производителей фотокамер.

Камеры Nikon Coolpix инструкция к которым быстро скачивается на нашем сайте, относят к традиционным камерам. Они компактные, многофункциональные и выполнены в разнообразных цветовых решениях.

Среди фотоаппаратов Никон Кулпикс инструкция к которым размещается в формате PDF, есть модели с многократным оптическим зумом, водонепроницаемые модели, а также есть камеры на операционной системе Android, с различными мультимедийными возможностями этой ОС.

Серия Nikon 1 – это камеры со сменными объективами. Фотоаппарат Nikon инструкция по применению которого размещена в отличном качестве, обладает такими же возможностями как и традиционные камеры этого производителя, но отличается возможностью сменять объективы. Это позволяет Nikon 1 усиливать различные параметры оптики под те или иные задачи.

Инструкция по эксплуатации фотоаппарата Nikon 1 есть на нашем сайте мануалов, Вы сможете легко скачать ее на русском языке. Мануал загружается бесплатно и легко.

Зеркальные фотокамеры Nikon позволят Вам в полной мере контролировать создаваемые снимки, делать наилучшие фотографии. Руководство фотоаппарата Nikon Вы сможете скачать на нашем портале мануалов.

Среди зеркальных камер Никон есть аппараты как для новичков, так и для профессионалов. Все они воспроизводят фотоснимки высокого качества. Фотоаппараты этого производителя отличаются наилучшим соотношением цены и качества.

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Чтобы найти руководство по эксплуатации фотоаппарата Никон, перейдите в раздел этого производителя или воспользуйтесь поиском на сайте. Кликните на поисковую строку, введите название и модель своего устройства и нажмите «искать». Попав на страничку с Вашей камерой, найдите PDF файл «инструкция фотоаппарат Nikon».

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Вам нужна инструкция к фотоаппарату Nikon Coolpix? Перейдите в раздел Никон и найдите там свою модель камеры, или воспользуйтесь поисковой функцией на сайте, укажите там название устройства и его модель. На страничке с Вашей техникой будет размещен PDF файл «фотоаппарат Nikon Coolpix инструкция по эксплуатации», кликнув на который мануал откроется в новой вкладке.

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Надеемся наши мануалы, такие как цифровой фотоаппарат Nikon Coolpix инструкция или инструкция по пользованию фотоаппаратом Nikon 1 помогут Вам быстро освоить все функции камеры. Вы узнаете, как включать фотоаппарат, как выбирать разные режимы или как настроить вспышку, и многое другое.

Фотоаппарат Никон Кулпикс инструкция станет Вашей подсказкой в вопросах по использованию этой камеры. Благодаря руководству Вы сможете узнать все правила по эксплуатации и по уходу за своим устройством. Приятного пользования.

  • Page 1
    DIGITAL CAMERA Reference Manual…
  • Page 2: Trademark Information

    High-Definition Multimedia Interface are trademarks or registered trademarks of HDMI Licensing LLC. • All other trade names mentioned in this manual or the other documentation provided with your Nikon product are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders. AVC Patent Portfolio License…

  • Page 3
    Introduction Parts of the Camera and Basic Operations The Basics of Shooting and Playback Shooting Features Playback Features Recording and Playing Back Movies Using GPS General Camera Setup Reference Section Technical Notes and Index…
  • Page 4: Read This First

    Introduction Read This First Thank you for purchasing the Nikon COOLPIX P510 digital camera. Before using the camera, please read the information in “For Your Safety” (Avi) and familiarize yourself with the information provided in this manual. After reading, please keep this manual handy and refer to it to enhance your enjoyment of your new camera.

  • Page 5: About This Manual

    About This Manual If you want to start using the camera right away, see “The Basics of Shooting and Playback” (A17). To learn about the parts of the camera and basic operations, see “Parts of the Camera and Basic Operations” (A1). Other Information •…

  • Page 6: Information And Precautions

    Before taking pictures on important occasions (such as at weddings or before taking the camera on a trip), take a test shot to ensure that the camera is functioning normally. Nikon will not be held liable for damages or lost profits that may result from product malfunction.

  • Page 7
    For the COOLPIX P510, the log data saved on the memory card is handled in the same way as other data. You can delete unsaved log data from the memory card using Create log ➝ End log ➝ Erase…
  • Page 8: For Your Safety

    For Your Safety To prevent damage to your Nikon product or injury to yourself or to others, read the following safety precautions in their entirety before using this equipment. Keep these safety instructions where all those who use the product will read them.

  • Page 9
    USB cable, place it under heavy objects, or expose it to heat or flames. Should the insulation be damaged and the wires become exposed, take it to a Nikon- authorized service representative for inspection. Failure to observe these precautions could result in fire or electric shock.
  • Page 10
    Use appropriate cables When connecting cables to the input and output jacks, use only the cables provided or sold by Nikon for the purpose, to maintain compliance with product regulations. Handle moving parts with care…
  • Page 11: Notices

    Modifications The FCC requires the user to be notified that any changes or modifications made to this device that are not expressly approved by Nikon Corporation may void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. Interface Cables Use the interface cables sold or provided by Nikon for your equipment.

  • Page 12
    State of California to cause birth defects or other reproductive harm. Wash hands after handling. Nikon Inc., 1300 Walt Whitman Road, Melville, New York 11747-3064 Tel: 631-547-4200 Notice for Customers in Canada…
  • Page 13: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents Introduction … ii Read This First … ii Confirming the Package Contents… ii About This Manual… iii Information and Precautions… iv For Your Safety… vi WARNINGS … vi Notices … ix Parts of the Camera and Basic Operations … 1 Parts of the Camera …

  • Page 14
    Table of Contents Shooting Features … 39 A (Auto) Mode… 40 Changing A (Auto) Mode Settings… 40 Scene Mode (Shooting Suited to Scenes) … 41 Changing Scene Mode Settings… 42 Characteristics of Each Scene … 42 Using Skin Softening … 54 Special Effects Mode (Applying Effects When Shooting) …
  • Page 15
    Recording and Playing Back Movies… 95 Recording Movies … 96 Changing Movie Recording Settings (Movie Menu) … 99 Playing Back Movies… 100 Using GPS … 101 Starting GPS Data Recording… 102 Changing the GPS Settings (GPS Options Menu)… 105 General Camera Setup… 107 The Setup Menu …
  • Page 16
    Table of Contents Editing Movies… E31 Extracting Only the Desired Portions of the Movie… E31 Saving a Frame from a Movie as a Still Picture … E32 Shooting Menu (j, k, l or m Mode) … E33 Image Quality and Image Size… E33 Picture Control (COOLPIX Picture Control) …
  • Page 17
    The Setup Menu … E74 Welcome Screen … E74 Time Zone and Date… E75 Monitor Settings… E78 Print Date (Imprinting Date and Time on Pictures)… E79 Vibration Reduction … E80 Motion Detection… E81 AF Assist… E82 Digital Zoom… E82 Assign Side Zoom Control … E83 Sound Settings…
  • Page 18
    Table of Contents Technical Notes and Index … F1 Caring for the Products… F2 The Camera … F2 The Battery… F3 Charging AC Adapter … F4 The Memory Cards… F5 Caring for the Camera … F6 Cleaning … F6 Storage … F6 Troubleshooting…
  • Page 19: Parts Of The Camera And Basic Operations

    Parts of the Camera and Basic Operations This chapter describes the parts of the camera and also explains the main functions of each part and the basic camera operations. Parts of the Camera …2 The Camera Body …2 Controls Used in Shooting Mode …4 Controls Used in Playback Mode …5 Changing the Angle of the Monitor …6 Attaching the Camera Strap and Lens Cap…7…

  • Page 20: Parts Of The Camera

    Parts of the Camera and Basic Operations Parts of the Camera The Camera Body Eyelet for camera strap …7 Power switch/power-on lamp…25 w (FUNC) button… 110 Mode dial…28 Microphone (stereo) … 88, 96 GPS antenna… 103 Flash…66 m (flash pop-up) button …66 USB/Audio video connector…

  • Page 21
    Side zoom control… 109 f : Wide …31 g : Tele…31 Speaker …88, 100, 109 x (monitor) button …16 Diopter adjustment control…16 Electronic viewfinder …16 s (display) button … 15 b (e movie-record) button … 11, 34, 96 Command dial …57 Monitor…8, 28 Charge lamp…20, E89 Flash lamp…
  • Page 22: Controls Used In Shooting Mode

    Parts of the Camera Controls Used in Shooting Mode Control Zoom control Rotary multi Command dial d (menu) release button Delete button Delete the last image that was saved. b (e movie- record) button Name Main Function Mode dial Change the shooting mode. Rotate toward g (i) (telephoto zoom position) to zoom in, and rotate toward f (h) (wide-angle position) to zoom…

  • Page 23: Controls Used In Playback Mode

    Control Name x (monitor) button s (display) button Side zoom control Controls Used in Playback Mode Control Name Playback button Zoom control Rotary multi selector Command dial Apply selection button d (menu) button Parts of the Camera Main Function Switch the monitor display. Switch the information displayed on the monitor.

  • Page 24: Changing The Angle Of The Monitor

    Parts of the Camera Control Delete button Delete images. release button b (e movie- record) button x (monitor) s (display) Changing the Angle of the Monitor The angle of the monitor can be lowered down to 82° or raised upward to 90°. This is convenient when taking pictures with the camera held at high or low positions.

  • Page 25: Attaching The Camera Strap And Lens Cap

    Parts of the Camera Attaching the Camera Strap and Lens Cap Attach the lens cap to the strap, and then attach the strap to the camera. Attach the strap at two places. Lens Cap • Remove the lens cap before you shoot a picture. •…

  • Page 26: The Monitor

    Parts of the Camera The Monitor • The information that is displayed on the monitor during shooting and playback changes depending on the camera’s settings and state of use. Press the s (display) button to hide or show the information on the monitor (A15). Shooting Mode 29m 0s 29m 0s…

  • Page 27
    Shooting mode…28, 29 Focus mode…73 Zoom indicator …31 Focus indicator…32 AE/AF-L indicator…E7 Zoom memory…62 Flash mode …67 Flash exp. comp…62 Battery level indicator …24 Vibration reduction icon …108 Eye-Fi communication indicator … 111, E93 Log display…105 GPS reception …104 Noise reduction filter …62 Noise reduction burst …43 Motion detection icon …109 View/hide histograms…74, 108…
  • Page 28: Playback Mode

    Parts of the Camera Playback Mode Full-frame display (A15) 15/05/2012 15/05/2012 15/05/2012 12:00 12:00 12:00 9999.JPG 9999.JP 9999.JPG 9999/9999 9999/9999 9999/9999 Date of recording… 26 Time of recording … 26 Voice memo indicator… 88 Battery level indicator … 24 Protect icon… 88 Eye-Fi communication indicator …111, E93 Recorded GPS information indicator…

  • Page 29: Basic Operations

    Basic Operations Switching Between Shooting Mode and Playback Mode The camera has two modes of operation: Shooting mode, which is used for taking pictures, and playback mode, which is used for viewing pictures. Press the c (playback) button to switch between shooting mode and playback mode.

  • Page 30: Using The Rotary Multi Selector

    Basic Operations Using the Rotary Multi Selector Operate by rotating the rotary multi selector, pressing up (H), down (I), left (J) or right (K) on the rotary multi selector, or pressing the k button. • The “rotary multi selector” is also referred to as the “multi selector” in this manual.

  • Page 31: Using Menus (The D Button)

    Using Menus (the d Button) When the d button is pressed while the shooting screen or playback screen is displayed, the menu for the current mode is displayed. Once the menu is displayed, various settings can be changed. Shooting mode 25m 0s 25m 0s 25m 0s…

  • Page 32: Switching Between Tabs

    Basic Operations Switching Between Tabs Shooting menu Image quality Image size Picture Control Custom Picture Control White balance Metering Continuous Press the rotary multi selector J to highlight the tab. Selecting Menu Items Shooting menu Image quality Image size Picture Control Custom Picture Control White balance Metering…

  • Page 33: Switching The Information On The Monitor (S Button)

    Switching the Information on the Monitor (s button) To switch the information displayed on the monitor during shooting and playback, press the s (display) button. For Shooting 25m 0s 25m 0s 25m 0s 1/250 1/250 1/250 F5.6 F5.6 F5.6 Display information Display the picture and the shooting information.

  • Page 34: Switching The Monitor Display (X Button)

    Basic Operations Switching the Monitor Display (x button) Press the x (monitor) button to switch between the monitor and viewfinder. Switch to the one that suits the shooting conditions. Monitor 1/250 1/250 1/250 F5.6 F5.6 F5.6 Using the Viewfinder Use the viewfinder to frame pictures when bright light makes it difficult to see the display on the monitor.

  • Page 35: The Basics Of Shooting And Playback

    The Basics of Shooting and Playback Preparation Preparation 1 Insert the Battery …18 Preparation 2 Charge the Battery …20 Preparation 3 Insert a Memory Card…22 Shooting Step 1 Turn the Camera On…24 Setting the Display Language, Date, and Time (First Use Only) …26 Step 2 Select a Shooting Mode…28 Step 3 Frame a Picture …30 Step 4 Focus and Shoot…32…

  • Page 36: Preparation 1 Insert The Battery

    The Basics of Shooting and Playback Preparation 1 Insert the Battery Open the battery-chamber/memory card slot cover. Insert the included EN-EL5 battery (rechargeable Li-ion battery). • Use the battery to push the orange battery latch down in the direction indicated by the arrow (1), and fully insert the battery (2).

  • Page 37: Removing The Battery

    Removing the Battery Turn the camera off (A25) and be sure that the power- on lamp and the monitor have turned off before opening the battery-chamber/memory card slot cover. To eject the battery, open the battery-chamber/ memory card slot cover and push the orange battery latch in the direction shown (1).

  • Page 38: Preparation 2 Charge The Battery

    Preparation 2 Charge the Battery Prepare the included Charging AC Adapter EH-69P. If a plug adapter* is included with your camera, attach the plug adapter to the plug on the Charging AC Adapter. Push the plug adapter firmly until it is securely held in place. Once the two are connected, attempting to forcibly remove the plug adapter could damage the product.

  • Page 39
    Understanding the Charge Lamp Status Flashes slowly (green) The battery is charging. The battery is not charging. When charging is complete, the charge lamp flashing slowly in green stops and is turned off. • The ambient temperature is not suited to charging. Charge the battery indoors with an ambient temperature of 5°C to 35°C (41°F to 95°F).
  • Page 40: Preparation 3 Insert A Memory Card

    Preparation 3 Insert a Memory Card Confirm that the power-on lamp and the monitor are turned off and open the battery- chamber/memory card slot cover. • Be sure to turn off the camera before opening the cover. Insert the memory card. •…

  • Page 41: Internal Memory And Memory Cards

    Removing Memory Cards Before opening the battery-chamber/memory card slot cover, turn the camera off and confirm that the power- on lamp and the monitor are off. Press the memory card in lightly with your finger (1) to partially eject it, and then pull it out straight (2). High Temperature Caution The camera, battery, and memory card may be hot immediately after using the camera.

  • Page 42: Step 1 Turn The Camera On

    Step 1 Turn the Camera On Remove the lens cap and press the power switch to turn on the camera. • If you are turning the camera on for the first time, see “Setting the Display Language, Date, and Time” (A26). •…

  • Page 43: Turning The Camera On And Off

    Turning the Camera On and Off • When the camera is turned on, the power-on lamp (green) lights and the monitor is turned on (the power-on lamp turns off when the monitor is turned on). • To turn off the camera, press the power switch. Both the monitor and the power-on lamp are turned off.

  • Page 44: Setting The Display Language, Date, And Time

    Step 1 Turn the Camera On Setting the Display Language, Date, and Time Dialogs for language selection and camera clock setting are displayed the first time the camera is turned on. Press the multi selector H or I to choose the desired language and press the k button.

  • Page 45
    Press H or I to choose Yes and press the k button. • After finishing the setting, the lens extends slightly and the shooting screen is displayed. Daylight Saving Time If daylight saving time is in effect, press the multi selector H to enable the daylight saving time function while setting the region in step 3.
  • Page 46: Step 2 Select A Shooting Mode

    Step 2 Select a Shooting Mode Rotate the mode dial to select the shooting mode. • The following describes how to take pictures in A (auto) mode as an example. Rotate the mode dial to A. • The camera switches to A (auto) mode and the shooting mode icon changes to A.

  • Page 47: Available Shooting Modes

    Available Shooting Modes j, k, l, m mode (A57) Choose these modes for greater control over shutter speed and aperture value. Settings in the shooting menu (A60) are available to suit the shooting conditions and the type of shot you want to capture. A (auto) mode (A40) Shoot easily with basic camera operations without…

  • Page 48: Step 3 Frame A Picture

    Step 3 Frame a Picture Ready the camera. • Keep your fingers, hair, strap and other objects away from the lens, flash, AF-assist illuminator and microphone. Frame the picture. • Point the camera at the subject. ISO Sensitivity E (ISO sensitivity, A8) may be displayed on the shooting screen. When E is displayed, the ISO sensitivity is automatically raised.

  • Page 49: Using The Zoom

    Using the Zoom Rotate the zoom control to activate the optical zoom. • To zoom in so that the subject fills a larger area of the frame, rotate toward g (telephoto zoom position). • To zoom out so that the area visible increases in the frame, rotate toward f (wide-angle position).

  • Page 50: Step 4 Focus And Shoot

    Step 4 Focus and Shoot Press the shutter-release button halfway, i.e., press the button slightly until you feel resistance. • When you press the shutter-release button halfway, the camera sets the focus and exposure (shutter speed and aperture value). Focus and exposure remain locked while the shutter-release button is pressed halfway.

  • Page 51: More Information

    Note on Recording Images and Saving Movies The indicator showing the number of exposures remaining or the indicator showing the maximum movie length flashes while images are being recorded or while a movie is being saved. Do not open the battery-chamber/memory card slot cover or remove the battery or memory card while an indicator is flashing.

  • Page 52: Step 5 Play Back Images

    Step 5 Play Back Images Press the c (playback) button. • When you switch from shooting mode to playback mode, the last image saved will be displayed in full-frame playback mode. Use the multi selector to view previous or next images. •…

  • Page 53: Changing How Images Are Displayed

    Changing How Images Are Displayed When using playback mode, you can change how images are displayed by rotating the zoom control toward f (h)/g (i). Playback Zoom 15/05/2012 15/05/2012 15/05/2012 15:30 15:30 15:30 0004.JPG 0004.JPG 0004.JPG 4/ 4/ 132 4/ 132 Image is displayed in full- frame playback mode.

  • Page 54: Step 6 Delete Unwanted Images

    Step 6 Delete Unwanted Images Press the button to delete the image currently displayed on the monitor. Press the multi selector H or I to select the desired deletion method and press the k button. • Current image: Only the current image is deleted. If the key picture of a sequence is selected, all images in the sequence are deleted.

  • Page 55
    Operating the Erase Selected Images Screen Press the multi selector J or K to select an image to be deleted, and then press H to display y. • To cancel the selection, press I to remove y. • Rotate the zoom control (A31) toward g (i) to switch back to full-frame playback or f(h) to display thumbnails.
  • Page 57: Shooting Features

    Shooting Features This chapter describes each of the camera’s shooting modes and the features that are available when using shooting mode. By referring to this information, you will learn how to select different shooting modes and adjust settings according to the shooting conditions and the kind of images you want to capture.

  • Page 58: A (Auto) Mode

    Shooting Features A (Auto) Mode Shoot easily with basic camera operations without going into detailed settings. The camera selects the focus area for autofocus in accordance with the composition or subject. • When the camera detects the main subject, it focuses on that subject (Target finding AF).

  • Page 59: Scene Mode (Shooting Suited To Scenes)

    Scene Mode (Shooting Suited to Scenes) When one of the following scenes is selected using the mode dial or the scene menu, images are captured using settings that are optimized for the selected scene. y (Scene) Press the d button to display the scene menu and choose one of the following shooting scenes.

  • Page 60: Changing Scene Mode Settings

    Scene Mode (Shooting Suited to Scenes) Changing Scene Mode Settings • “Features That Can Be Set Using the Multi Selector“ (A65) vary with scene mode. See “List of the Default Settings” (A75) for more information. • Functions that can be set using the d button: The image quality and image size can be set (A77).

  • Page 61
    c Landscape Use this mode for vivid landscapes and cityscapes. Press the d button to select Noise reduction burst or Single shot in Landscape. • Noise reduction burst: This enables you to shoot a sharp landscape with a minimum of noise.
  • Page 62
    Scene Mode (Shooting Suited to Scenes) o Backlighting Use when light is coming from behind the subject, throwing features or details into shadow. Press the d button to set HDR (high dynamic range) compositing using the HDR setting. • When HDR is set to Off (default setting): The flash fires to prevent the backlit subject from being hidden in shadow.
  • Page 63: Shooting Operation

    y M x Scene auto selector When you frame a picture, the camera automatically selects the optimum scene for simpler shooting. e/b: Portrait, f: Landscape, h/c: Night portrait, g: Night landscape, i: Close-up, j/d: Backlighting, d: Other scenes • When the camera automatically selects a scene mode, the shooting mode icon changes to that for the scene mode currently enabled.

  • Page 64
    Scene Mode (Shooting Suited to Scenes) y M b Portrait Use this mode for portraits. • The camera detects and focuses on a face (see “Using Face Detection” (A85) for more information). • After the skin softening feature makes facial skin tones softer, the camera records the image (A54).
  • Page 65
    y M e Night portrait Use this mode for portraits taken at sunset or at night. Flash is used to illuminate the subject while maintaining the mood of the background. Select Hand-held or Tripod on the screen that is displayed when e Night portrait scene mode is selected.
  • Page 66
    Scene Mode (Shooting Suited to Scenes) y M f Party/indoor Suitable for taking pictures in parties. Captures the effects of candlelight and other indoor background lighting. • The camera focuses at the center area of the frame. • When shooting in a dark location, hold the camera steadily to avoid the effects of camera shake.
  • Page 67
    y M k Close-up Use this mode to photograph flowers, insects, and other small objects at close range. Select Noise reduction burst or Single shot on the screen that is displayed when k Close-up scene mode is selected. • Noise reduction burst: This setting enables you to shoot a sharp picture with a minimum of noise.
  • Page 68
    Scene Mode (Shooting Suited to Scenes) y M u Food Use this mode when taking pictures of food. • The focus mode (A72) setting is changed to p (macro close-up) and the camera automatically zooms to the closest position to the subject where the camera can shoot. •…
  • Page 69
    y M p Panorama Use this mode for shooting panorama pictures. On the screen that is displayed when p Panorama scene mode is selected, select V Easy panorama or U Panorama assist. • Easy panorama (default setting): Shoots panorama pictures that can be played back on the camera by moving the camera in the direction you want to create a panorama picture.
  • Page 70
    Scene Mode (Shooting Suited to Scenes) y M O Pet portrait Use this mode for shooting pictures of dogs or cats. • Select Single or Continuous on the screen that is displayed when O Pet portrait scene mode is selected. — Single: One picture is captured at a time.
  • Page 71
    y M s 3D photography Use this mode for taking 3D pictures viewable in three dimensions on a 3D-compatible TV or monitor. The camera takes one picture for each eye to simulate a three-dimensional image. Pictures taken in this mode are saved with Normal as the image quality and O 1920×1080 as the image size.
  • Page 72: Using Skin Softening

    Scene Mode (Shooting Suited to Scenes) Using Skin Softening In the following shooting modes, the camera detects up to three human faces when the shutter is released, and processes the image to make facial skin tones softer before saving the image. •…

  • Page 73: Special Effects Mode (Applying Effects When Shooting)

    Special Effects Mode (Applying Effects When Shooting) The effect can be applied to pictures during shooting. One of the nine special effects is selected to shoot. To select an effect, press the d button to display the special effects menu. •…

  • Page 74: Changing Special Effects Mode Settings

    Special Effects Mode (Applying Effects When Shooting) Option Selective color Painting High ISO monochrome Silhouette Special Effects Mode Settings When Movie options (A99) is set to h HS 120 fps (640×480), Soft, Nostalgic sepia or Painting cannot be selected. More Information See “Note on the Command Dial Operation When Menus are Displayed”…

  • Page 75: J, K, L, M Modes (Setting The Exposure For Shooting)

    j, k, l, m Modes (Setting the Exposure for Shooting) Pictures can be shot with greater control by setting the shooting menu (A60) items in addition to setting the shutter speed or aperture value manually according to shooting conditions and requirements. •…

  • Page 76: Adjusting The Shutter Speed

    j, k, l, m Modes (Setting the Exposure for Shooting) Adjusting the Shutter Speed Faster 1/1000 s Adjusting the Aperture Value Larger aperture (Small f-number) Aperture and Zoom The aperture value (f-number) indicates the lens brightness. Large apertures (expressed by small f­numbers) let more light into the camera, and small apertures (large f-numbers) let less light.

  • Page 77
    j (Programmed auto) (E10) Use for automatic control of the exposure by the camera. • Different combinations of shutter speed and aperture value can be selected without changing the exposure by rotating the command dial during shooting (“flexible program”). While flexible program is in effect, a flexible program mark (A) is displayed next to the mode indicator (j) in the upper left of the monitor.
  • Page 78: Changing J, K, L, M Modes

    j, k, l, m Modes (Setting the Exposure for Shooting) Changing j, k, l, m Modes • See “Features That Can Be Set Using the Multi Selector” (A65) for more information on flash mode (A66), self-timer (A69)/smile timer (A70), focus mode (A72) and exposure compensation (A74).

  • Page 79
    Option Adjust colors in the image closer to the colors as they appear to the eye. Although Auto (normal) (default setting) can be used under most types of lighting, you can apply the white balance setting suited to the sky White balance conditions or light source to achieve better results if the default setting results are unsatisfactory.
  • Page 80
    j, k, l, m Modes (Setting the Exposure for Shooting) Option When Single AF (default setting) is selected, the camera focuses only while the shutter-release button is pressed halfway. When Full-time AF is selected, the camera Autofocus mode focuses even when the shutter-release button is not pressed halfway.
  • Page 81: M (User Setting Modes)

    M (User Setting Modes) Setting combinations that are frequently used for shooting (User settings) can be saved in M. Shooting is possible in j (Programmed auto), k (Shutter-priority auto), l (Aperture-priority auto) or m (Manual). Rotate the mode dial to M to retrieve the settings saved in Save user settings.

  • Page 82: Saving Settings In M Mode

    M (User Setting Modes) Saving Settings in M Mode Rotate the mode dial to the desired exposure mode. • Rotate to j, k, l or m. • Settings can be saved even if rotated to M (the default settings of shooting mode j are saved when the camera is first purchased).

  • Page 83: Features That Can Be Set Using The Multi Selector

    Features That Can Be Set Using the Multi Selector Press the multi selector H (m), J (n), I (D), or K ( the following functions. n Self-timer (A69)/ Smile timer (A70) Self-timer D Focus mode (A72) Autofocus Available Functions Available functions differ according to the shooting mode as follows. •…

  • Page 84: Using The Flash (Flash Modes)

    Features That Can Be Set Using the Multi Selector Using the Flash (Flash Modes) You can shoot pictures with a flash by raising the flash. You can set a flash mode that suits the shooting conditions. Press the (flash pop-up) button to raise the flash.

  • Page 85: Available Flash Modes

    Lowering the Flash When not using the flash, gently push to lower the flash until it clicks shut. Effective Range of the Flash The flash has a range of about 0.5 to 8.0 m (1 ft 8 in. to 26 ft) for wide-angle position, and about 1.5 to 4.5 m (5 ft to 14 ft) for telephoto zoom position (when ISO sensitivity is set to Auto).

  • Page 86
    Auto with Red-eye Reduction This camera uses advanced red-eye reduction (“In-Camera Red-Eye Fix”). If the camera detects “red-eye” when a picture is taken, Nikon’s own In-Camera Red-Eye Fix processes the image before it is recorded. Note the following when taking pictures: •…
  • Page 87: Using The Self-Timer

    Using the Self-timer The self-timer is suitable for taking group pictures and reducing the vibration when the shutter-release button is pressed. When using the self-timer, use of a tripod is recommended. Set Vibration reduction in the setup menu (A108) to Off when using a tripod to stabilize the camera. Press self-timer) on the multi selector.

  • Page 88: Smile Timer (Shooting Smiling Faces)

    Features That Can Be Set Using the Multi Selector Smile Timer (Shooting Smiling Faces) When this mode is selected, the camera detects smiling faces and automatically releases the shutter even if you don’t press the shutter-release button. • This function can be used when the shooting mode is A (auto), j, k, l, m, M, scene mode Portrait or Night portrait.

  • Page 89
    Notes on Smile Timer • The digital zoom is not available. • Under some shooting conditions, faces and smiling faces may not be detected properly. • See “Using Face Detection“ (A85) for more information. • The smile timer cannot be used simultaneously with certain shooting modes. See “Available Functions”…
  • Page 90: Using Focus Mode

    Features That Can Be Set Using the Multi Selector Using Focus Mode Choose a focus mode according to the desired scene. Press focus mode) on the multi selector. Use the multi selector to choose the desired focus mode and press the k button. •…

  • Page 91
    Available Focus Modes Autofocus The camera automatically adjusts the focus according to the distance to the subject. Use when the distance from the subject to the lens is 50 cm (1 ft 8 in.) or more, or 1.5 m (5 ft) or more at the maximum telephoto zoom position. Macro close-up Use for close-ups of flowers or small objects.
  • Page 92: Adjusting Brightness (Exposure Compensation)

    Features That Can Be Set Using the Multi Selector Adjusting Brightness (Exposure Compensation) By adjusting exposure compensation when taking pictures, you can adjust overall image brightness. Press exposure compensation) on the multi selector. Press the multi selector H or I to select a compensation value.

  • Page 93: List Of The Default Settings

    Exposure Compensation Value • The changed exposure compensation value applied in j, k or l mode is saved in the camera’s memory even after the camera is turned off. • When the shooting mode is the Fireworks show scene mode (A50) or m (Manual) (A59), the exposure compensation cannot be used.

  • Page 94
    Features That Can Be Set Using the Multi Selector The default settings in scene mode are described below. Flash mode (A66) j (A42) c (A43) W (A44) x (A45) b (A46) d (A46) e (A47) f (A48) Z (A48) z (A48) h (A48) i (A48) k (A49)
  • Page 95: Changing The Image Quality And Image Size

    Changing the Image Quality and Image Size The image quality (compression ratio) and image size can be selected for recording. Available Image Quality Display the shooting screen M d button (A13) M Shooting menu M Image quality Lower compression ratios result in higher quality pictures, but also larger file sizes, limiting the number of pictures that can be recorded.

  • Page 96: Available Image Size

    Changing the Image Quality and Image Size Available Image Size Display the shooting screen M d button (A13) M Shooting menu M Image size You can set the image size (amount of pixels) for pictures recorded. The larger the image, the larger the size at which it can be printed or displayed without becoming noticeably “grainy, ”…

  • Page 97
    Number of Exposures Remaining The following table lists the approximate number of pictures that can be stored in the internal memory and on a 4 GB memory card, at each combination of Image size (A78) and Image quality (A77) settings. Note that the number of exposures that can be stored differs depending on the composition of the image (due to JPEG compression).
  • Page 98: Features That Cannot Be Used Simultaneously

    Features That Cannot Be Used Simultaneously Some shooting settings cannot be used in combination with other functions. Restricted function Focus mode (A72) Continuous Flash mode (A61) Exposure bracketing (A61) Self-timer/Smile AF area mode timer (A61) AF area mode Focus mode (A61) Continuous Image quality…

  • Page 99
    Restricted function Setting Picture Control White balance (A60) Active D-Lighting Picture Control (A62) Active D-Lighting Metering (A62) Continuous (A61)/Exposure bracketing (A61) Continuous/ Exposure bracketing Self-timer (A69)/Smile timer (A70) Picture Control (A60) Smile timer (A70) Focus mode (A72) AF area mode Picture Control (A60) White balance…
  • Page 100
    Features That Cannot Be Used Simultaneously Restricted function Continuous Print date (A61) Continuous (A61) Sound settings Exposure bracketing (A61) Smile timer (A70)/ Continuous Blink warning (A61)/Exposure bracketing (A61) Smile timer (A70) Focus mode (A72) Continuous Digital zoom (A61) AF area mode (A61) Zoom memory (A62)
  • Page 101: The Control Range Of The Shutter Speed (J, K, L, M Modes)

    The Control Range of the Shutter Speed (j, k, l, m Modes) The control range of the shutter speed differs depending on the aperture value or the ISO sensitivity setting. Additionally, the control range changes in the following continuous shooting settings. Setting Auto Fixed range auto…

  • Page 102: Focusing On Subject

    Focusing on Subject The focus area or focus range for adjusting focus varies depending on the shooting mode and focus mode (A72). • In j, k, l, m or M mode, an area can be set to adjust focus by selecting AF area mode (A61) in the shooting menu.

  • Page 103: Using Face Detection

    Using Face Detection In the following shooting modes, the camera uses face detection to automatically focus on human faces. If the camera detects more than one face, a double border is displayed around the face that the camera will focus on, and single borders are displayed around the other faces.

  • Page 104: Focus Lock

    Focusing on Subject Focus Lock Use focus lock to focus on off-center subjects when center is selected for AF area mode. To focus on off-center subjects when AF area mode (A61) is set to Center in j, k, l, m or M mode, use focus lock as described below. Position the subject at the center of the frame.

  • Page 105: Playback Features

    Playback Features This chapter describes the features available when playing back images. 15/05/2012 15/05/2012 15/05/2012 15:30 15:30 15:30 0004.JPG 0004.JPG 0004.JPG 4/ 132 4/ 132 4/ 132 Playback menu Quick retouch D-Lighting Skin softening Filter effects Print order Slide show Protect…

  • Page 106: Features Available In Playback Mode (Playback Menu)

    Playback Features Features Available in Playback Mode (Playback Menu) When viewing images in full-frame playback mode or thumbnail playback mode, you can configure the following functions by pressing the d button to display the menu, and then selecting the c tab (A13).

  • Page 107
    Option Display a sequence of images shot continuously as C Sequence display individual images, or display only the key picture of a options sequence. Change the key picture for the series of pictures that were shot continuously (Pictures in a sequence, E13). x Choose key picture •…
  • Page 108: Connecting The Camera To A Tv, Computer, Or Printer

    Connecting the Camera to a TV, Computer, or Printer You can enhance your enjoyment of images and movies by connecting the camera to a TV, computer, or printer. • Before connecting the camera to an external device, make sure the remaining battery level is sufficient and turn the camera off.

  • Page 109: Using Viewnx 2

    • Windows XP Home Edition/Professional (Service Pack 3) Macintosh • Mac OS X (version 10.5.8, 10.6.8, 10.7.2) Refer to the Nikon website for the latest information on operating system compatibility. Start the computer and insert the ViewNX 2 Installer CD into the CD- ROM drive.

  • Page 110
    The following software is installed: • ViewNX 2 (consisting of the three modules below) — Nikon Transfer 2: For transferring images to the computer — ViewNX 2: For viewing, editing, and printing transferred images — Nikon Movie Editor: For basic editing of transferred movies •…
  • Page 111: Transferring Images To The Computer

    Import File using Nikon Transfer 2 and click OK. 2 Double-click Import File. If the memory card contains a large number of images, it may take a while for Nikon Transfer 2 to start. Wait until Nikon Transfer 2 starts.

  • Page 112: Viewing Images

    Transfer images to the computer. • Confirm that the name of the connected camera or removable disk is displayed as the “Source” on the “Options” title bar of Nikon Transfer 2 ( 1 ). • Click Start Transfer ( 2 ).

  • Page 113: Recording And Playing Back Movies

    Recording and Playing Back Movies You can record movies by simply pressing the 25m 0s 25m 0s 25m 0s 1/125 1/125 1/125 F5.6 F5.6 F5.6 In playback mode, press the 15/05/2012 15:30 15:30 15:30 0004.MOV 0004.MOV 0004.MOV 10m16s 10m16s 10m16s movie-record) button.

  • Page 114: Recording Movies

    Recording and Playing Back Movies Recording Movies You can record movies by simply pressing the Color tones, white balance, and other settings are the same as they are when taking still images. Turn on the camera and display the shooting screen.

  • Page 115: Notes On Movie Recording

    Notes on Movie Recording • When saving a movie onto a memory card, a memory card with an SD speed class of Class 6 or higher is recommended (A23). If the transfer speed of the card is slow, the movie recording may end unexpectedly.

  • Page 116
    Recording Movies Maximum Movie Length Movie options (A99) d HD 1080pP (1920×1080) e HD 1080p (1920×1080) f HD 720p (1280×720) iFrame 540 (960×540) g VGA (640×480) All figures are approximate. The maximum movie length varies with the make of the memory card and the bitrate of the recorded movie.
  • Page 117: Changing Movie Recording Settings (Movie Menu)

    Changing Movie Recording Settings (Movie Menu) The following option settings can be changed. Display the shooting screen M d button M e tab (A13) Option Select the type of movie recorded. The camera can record normal speed movies and high speed (HS) movies, which Movie options can be played back in slow motion or fast motion.

  • Page 118: Playing Back Movies

    To delete a movie, use full-frame playback mode (A34) or thumbnail playback mode (A35) to select a movie and press the l button (A36). Note on Movie Playback Movies recorded with cameras other than COOLPIX P510 cannot be played back. Description Rewind the movie while the k button is pressed down.

  • Page 119: Using Gps

    Using GPS The Global Positioning System (GPS) is a satellite-based navigation system using the electro-magnetic waves of a network of GPS satellites placed into orbit. This chapter describes how to record the position information on the image using GPS.

  • Page 120: Starting Gps Data Recording

    Using GPS Starting GPS Data Recording The camera’s internal GPS receives signals from the GPS satellites and calculates its current time and position. Calculation of the position is known as positioning. The position information (latitude and longitude) can be recorded on the pictures to be shot.

  • Page 121
    Notes on GPS • It takes a few minutes to obtain position information when positioning is performed for the first time or in a situation where positioning cannot be performed for a long period of time, or just after the battery is replaced. •…
  • Page 122
    Starting GPS Data Recording Note on Pictures with Recorded Position Information An individual may be identified from still pictures that have been recorded with location information. Observe caution when you transfer still pictures recorded with location information, or GPS log files to a third party or upload them to a network such as the Internet where the public can view them.
  • Page 123: Changing The Gps Settings (Gps Options Menu)

    Changing the GPS Settings (GPS Options Menu) In GPS options menu, the following option settings can be changed. Press the d button z (GPS setting) tab (A14) Option Record GPS data: When set to On, signals are being received from the GPS satellite and positioning starts (A102).

  • Page 125: General Camera Setup

    General Camera Setup This chapter describes the various settings that can be adjusted in the z setup menu. 25m 0s 25m 0s 25m 0s 1/250 1/250 1/250 F5.6 F5.6 F5.6 • See “Using Menus (the d Button)” (A13) for more information about using the camera’s menus.

  • Page 126: The Setup Menu

    General Camera Setup The Setup Menu Press the d button M z (setup) tab (A13) From the menu screen, select the z tab to display the setup menu, and then you can change the following settings. Option Welcome screen Time zone and date Monitor settings Print date Vibration reduction…

  • Page 127
    Option When the camera detects camera shake or subject movement at the time of shooting, it automatically increases ISO sensitivity and shutter speed to reduce blurring. The default setting is Auto. The r indicator lights in green when the camera Motion detection detects camera shake or subject movement and increases shutter speed.
  • Page 128
    The Setup Menu Option TV settings Fn button Charge by computer Toggle Av/Tv selection Reset file numbering Blink warning Filmstrip Description Adjust settings for connection to television. • When the camera is connected to a television using an audio/video cable but no picture is displayed on the television, set Video mode to NTSC or PAL according to the type of signal compatible with the television.
  • Page 129
    Option Set whether or not to enable the function for sending Eye-Fi upload images to a computer using a commercially available Eye-Fi card. The default setting is Disable. Set the +/– display direction of exposure indicator to be Reverse indicators displayed when the shooting mode is m.
  • Page 131: Reference Section

    Reference Section The Reference Section provides detailed information and hints for using the camera. Shooting Taking Pictures with Manual Focus … E2 Using Easy Panorama (Shooting and Playing back) … E3 Using Panorama Assist … E6 Using 3D Photography… E8 j, k, l, m Modes…E10 Playback Playing and Deleting Images Captured Using Continuous Shooting Mode…

  • Page 132: Taking Pictures With Manual Focus

    Reference Section Taking Pictures with Manual Focus Available when the shooting mode is j, k, l, m, M, special effects mode or the Sports scene mode. Press the multi selector I (p focus mode). • Use the multi selector to choose E (manual focus) and press the k button.

  • Page 133: Using Easy Panorama (Shooting And Playing Back)

    Using Easy Panorama (Shooting and Playing back) Taking Pictures with Easy Panorama Rotate the mode dial to y M d button M Select V Easy panorama and press the k button. Select the shooting range from Wide (360°), and press the k (180°) or button.

  • Page 134
    Using Easy Panorama (Shooting and Playing back) Press the shutter-release button all the way, and release it. • The I icons showing the panorama direction are displayed. Move the camera straight and slowly in one of the four directions to start shooting. •…
  • Page 135: Viewing Easy Panorama (Scroll)

    * Scrolling can also be performed by rotating the multi selector. Note on Viewing Pictures Recorded with Easy Panorama Panorama pictures recorded with functions other than easy panorama of the COOLPIX P510 may not be scrolled or zoomed on this camera.

  • Page 136: Using Panorama Assist

    Using Panorama Assist Using a tripod makes the composition easier. When using a tripod to stabilize the camera, set Vibration reduction ( Rotate the mode dial to y M d button M Select U Panorama assist and press the k button.

  • Page 137
    Press the k button when shooting is completed. • The camera returns to step 2. Notes on Panorama Assist • Set the flash mode, self-timer, focus mode and exposure compensation before releasing the shutter for the first picture. The settings cannot be changed after shooting the first picture. Pictures cannot be deleted, nor can zoom, Image quality (A77), or Image size (A78) be adjusted after shooting the first picture.
  • Page 138: Using 3D Photography

    Using 3D Photography The camera takes one picture for each eye to simulate a three-dimensional image on a 3D-compatible TV or monitor. Rotate the mode dial to y M d button M s 3D photography Frame the subject. • The focus area that the camera focuses on can be moved to areas other than the center of the frame.

  • Page 139: Taking 3D Pictures

    Taking 3D Pictures • Moving subjects are not suited to 3D photography. We recommend shooting still subjects. • Pictures have a less pronounced 3D feel as the distance between the camera and background is increased. • Pictures may have a less pronounced 3D feel when the subject is dark or when the second picture is not aligned precisely.

  • Page 140: J, K, L, M Modes

    j, k, l, m Modes j (Programmed auto), k (Shutter-priority auto) or l (Aperture-priority auto) Rotate the mode dial to j, k or l. Rotate the command dial or multi selector to set the exposure. • In j mode, the flexible program (A59) can be set using the command dial. •…

  • Page 141: M (Manual) Mode

    m (Manual) Mode The user controls both the shutter speed and aperture value. • The shutter speed can be set in a range from a maximum speed of 1/4000 to 8 seconds. Rotate the mode dial to m. Rotate the command dial to set a shutter speed.

  • Page 142
    j, k, l, m Modes Note on Shooting When zooming is performed after the exposure is set, aperture value may be changed. Note on ISO Sensitivity When ISO sensitivity (E45) is set to Auto (default setting) or Fixed range auto, ISO sensitivity is fixed at ISO 100.
  • Page 143: Playing And Deleting Images Captured Using Continuous Shooting Mode (Sequence)

    • Select an image: Rotate the multi selector or press J or K. • Zoom in: Rotate the zoom control toward g (i) (A35). Note on Sequence Pictures captured continuously with cameras other than COOLPIX P510 cannot be displayed as a sequence. Sequence Display Options Select Sequence display options (E63) in the playback menu to set all sequences to be displayed using their key pictures or to display them as individual images.

  • Page 144: Deleting Images In A Sequence

    Playing and Deleting Images Captured Using Continuous Shooting Mode (Sequence) Changing Key Picture in Sequence A sequence’s key picture can be changed using Choose key picture (E63) in the playback menu. Playback Menu Options Available When Using Sequence When the d button is pressed during an image sequence playback, the following menu operations are available.

  • Page 145: Editing Still Images

    • When no faces are detected in the picture, skin softening cannot be applied (E18). • If a copy created using the COOLPIX P510 is viewed on a different digital camera, it may not be possible to display the picture properly or transfer it to a computer.

  • Page 146
    Editing Still Images Restrictions on Image Editing The following restrictions apply when editing pictures that were created by editing. Editing functions used Quick retouch D-Lighting Skin softening Filter effects Small picture Black border Crop • Copies created by editing cannot be edited again using the same editing function. •…
  • Page 147: Quick Retouch: Enhancing Contrast And Saturation

    k Quick Retouch: Enhancing Contrast and Saturation Select a picture (A34) M d button (A13) M Press the multi selector H or I to choose the setting level, and press the k button. • The original version is displayed on the left and the edited version is displayed on the right.

  • Page 148: Skin Softening: Softening Skin Tones

    Editing Still Images e Skin Softening: Softening Skin Tones Select a picture (A34) M d button (A13) M Press the multi selector H or I to choose the setting level, and press the k button. • A confirmation screen is displayed, and the image is displayed zoomed in on the face edited by skin softening.

  • Page 149: Filter Effects: Applying Digital Filter Effects

    p Filter Effects: Applying Digital Filter Effects Select a picture (A34) M d button (A13) M Option Keep only the selected image color and make other colors Selective color black-and-white. Produce star-like rays of light that radiate outward from bright Cross screen objects such as sunlight reflections and city lights.

  • Page 150: Small Picture: Reducing The Size Of An Image

    Editing Still Images Confirm the result and press the k button. • A new, edited copy is created. • To cancel, press J. • Copies created by editing with filter effects can be recognized by the c icon displayed in playback mode. g Small Picture: Reducing the Size of an Image Select a picture (A34) M d button (A13) M Press the multi selector H or I to choose the…

  • Page 151: Black Border: Adding A Black Border To Pictures

    j Black Border: Adding a Black Border to Pictures Select a picture (A34) M d button (A13) M Press the multi selector H or I to choose the desired frame thickness, and press the k button. • Choose a frame thickness from Thin, Medium or Broad line.

  • Page 152: Crop: Creating A Cropped Copy

    Editing Still Images a Crop: Creating a Cropped Copy Create a copy containing only the portion visible on the monitor when u is displayed with playback zoom (A35) enabled. Cropped copies are stored as separate files. Enlarge the picture for cropping (A35). Refine copy composition.

  • Page 153: Connecting The Camera To A Tv (Viewing Images On A Tv)

    Connecting the Camera to a TV (Viewing Images on a TV) Connect the camera to a television to play back pictures on the television. If your television is equipped with an HDMI connector, you can connect it to the camera with a commercially available HDMI cable to play back pictures. Turn off the camera.

  • Page 154
    Connecting the Camera to a TV (Viewing Images on a TV) Tune the television to the video channel. • See the instruction manual provided with your TV for details. Hold down the c button to turn on the camera. • The camera enters playback mode, and the recorded pictures are displayed on the TV.
  • Page 155: Connecting The Camera To A Printer (Direct Print)

    • When connecting the camera to a printer, use a fully charged battery to prevent the camera from turning off unexpectedly. • If the AC Adapter EH-62A (available separately) (E100) is used, COOLPIX P510 can be powered from an electrical outlet. Do not, under any circumstances, use an AC Adapter other than the EH- 62A.

  • Page 156: Connecting The Camera To A Printer

    Connecting the Camera to a Printer (Direct Print) Connecting the Camera to a Printer Turn off the camera. Turn on the printer. • Check the printer settings. Connect the camera to the printer using the included USB cable. • Be sure that the plug is oriented correctly. When disconnecting the cable, do not pull the plug at an angle.

  • Page 157: Printing Individual Images

    Printing Individual Images After connecting the camera to the printer correctly (E26), print pictures by following the procedure below. Use the multi selector to choose the picture to be printed, and press the k button. • Rotate the zoom control toward f (h) to display 12 thumbnails, or toward g (i) to switch back to full- frame playback mode.

  • Page 158: Printing Multiple Images

    Connecting the Camera to a Printer (Direct Print) Choose the desired paper size and press the k button. • To specify the paper size using the printer settings, choose Default in the paper size menu. Choose Start print and press the k button. Printing starts.

  • Page 159
    Choose the desired paper size and press the k button. • To specify the paper size using the printer settings, choose Default in the paper size menu. Choose Print selection, Print all images or DPOF printing and press the k button. Print selection Choose the pictures (up to a maximum of 99) and number of copies (up to nine per picture).
  • Page 160
    Connecting the Camera to a Printer (Direct Print) Print all images All pictures stored in the internal memory or on the memory card are printed one per each. • When the menu shown on the right is displayed, choose Start print and press the k button to start printing.
  • Page 161: Editing Movies

    Editing Movies Extracting Only the Desired Portions of the Movie The desired portions of a recorded movie can be saved as a separate file. Play back the movie to be edited and pause at the start point of the portion that is to be extracted (A100). Use the multi selector J or K to choose I on the playback control, and press the k button.

  • Page 162: Saving A Frame From A Movie As A Still Picture

    Editing Movies Notes on Editing Movies • Use a fully charged battery to prevent the camera from turning off during editing. When the battery level is B, movie editing is not possible. • Once a movie is created through editing, it cannot be used again for extracting a movie. To extract another range, select and edit the original movie.

  • Page 163: Shooting Menu (J, K, L Or M Mode)

    The icon for the current setting other than Standard is displayed on the monitor Notes on COOLPIX Picture Control • The COOLPIX Picture Control feature of the COOLPIX P510 cannot be used with other makes of cameras, Capture NX, Capture NX 2 and ViewNX 2 Picture Control feature.

  • Page 164
    Shooting Menu (j, k, l or m Mode) Customizing Existing COOLPIX Picture Controls: Quick Adjust and Manual Adjust COOLPIX Picture Control can be customized using Quick adjust, which allows for balanced adjustment of sharpness, contrast, saturation and other image editing components, or manual adjust, which allows for detailed adjusting of the components individually.
  • Page 165
    Types of Quick Adjust and Manual Adjust Option Adjust the sharpness, contrast and saturation levels automatically. Five levels of adjustment are available from -2 to Quick adjust Choose from options between -2 and +2 to reduce or emphasize the effect of the selected COOLPIX Picture Control. The default setting is 0.
  • Page 166
    Shooting Menu (j, k, l or m Mode) Option Toning Quick adjust is not available in Neutral, Monochrome, Custom 1 and Custom 2. The values set manually are disabled if quick adjust is used after manual setting. Not displayed for Monochrome. Only displayed for Monochrome.
  • Page 167: Custom Picture Control (Coolpix Custom Picture Control)

    Custom Picture Control (COOLPIX Custom Picture Control) Rotate the mode dial to j, k, l or m M d button M j, k, l or m tab (A13) M Custom Picture Control The picture editing options created by customizing COOLPIX Custom Picture Controls can be registered up to two options.

  • Page 168: White Balance (Adjusting Hue)

    Shooting Menu (j, k, l or m Mode) White Balance (Adjusting Hue) Rotate the mode dial to j, k, l or m M d button M j, k, l or m tab (A13) M White balance The color of light reflected from an object varies with the color of the light source. The human brain is able to adapt to changes in the color of the light source, with the result that white objects appear white whether seen in the shade, direct sunlight, or under incandescent lighting.

  • Page 169
    Using Preset Manual Use when you want to make pictures taken under unusual lighting conditions (e.g., lamps with reddish-light) look as though they were shot in normal light. Use the procedure below to measure the white balance value under the lighting used during shooting.
  • Page 170: Metering

    Shooting Menu (j, k, l or m Mode) Metering Rotate the mode dial to j, k, l or m M d button M j, k, l or m tab (A13) M Metering The process of measuring the brightness of the subject to determine the exposure is known as “metering.

  • Page 171: Continuous Shooting

    Continuous Shooting Rotate the mode dial to j, k, l or m M d button M j, k, l or m tab (A13) M Continuous Change the settings for continuous shooting and BSS (Best Shot Selector). Option Single (default setting) Continuous H Continuous L Pre-shooting cache…

  • Page 172: Iso Sensitivity

    Shooting Menu (j, k, l or m Mode) Option BSS (Best Shot Selector) Multi-shot 16 Intvl timer shooting The icon for the current setting other than Single is displayed on the monitor (A8). Notes on Continuous Shooting • Focus, exposure and white balance are fixed at the values determined with the first shot in each series. •…

  • Page 173: Interval Timer Shooting

    Pre-shooting Cache When Pre-shooting cache is selected, shooting begins when the shutter-release button is pressed halfway for 0.5 seconds or longer, and images captured before the shutter-release button is pressed all the way are saved along with images captured after the shutter-release button is pressed all the way.

  • Page 174
    • To prevent the camera from turning off unexpectedly during shooting, use a fully charged battery. • If the AC Adapter EH-62A (available separately) (E100) is used, COOLPIX P510 can be powered from an electrical outlet. Do not use any other make or model of AC adapter. Failure to observe this precaution could result in overheating or damage to the camera.
  • Page 175: Iso Sensitivity

    ISO Sensitivity Rotate the mode dial to j, k, l or m M d button M j, k, l or m tab (A13) M ISO sensitivity The higher the ISO sensitivity, the less light needed for taking pictures. The higher the ISO sensitivity, the darker the subject that can be shot. Additionally, even with subjects of similar brightness, pictures can be taken at faster shutter speeds, and blurring caused by camera shake and subject movement can be reduced.

  • Page 176: Exposure Bracketing

    Shooting Menu (j, k, l or m Mode) Exposure Bracketing Rotate the mode dial to j, k or l M d button M j, k or l tab (A13) M Exposure bracketing The exposure (brightness) can be changed automatically during continuous shooting.

  • Page 177: Af Area Mode

    AF Area Mode Rotate the mode dial to j, k, l or m M d button M j, k, l or m tab (A13) M AF area mode You can set how the focus area is determined for autofocus. Option The camera automatically detects and focuses on a face (see “Using Face Detection”…

  • Page 178
    Shooting Menu (j, k, l or m Mode) Option x Manual y Center s Subject tracking Description Choose manually the focus position from 99 areas in the screen. This option is suited to situations in which the intended subject is relatively still and not positioned at the center of the frame.
  • Page 179
    Option When the camera detects the main subject, it focuses on that subject. See “Using the Target Finding AF” M Target finding AF (A84) for more information. Notes on AF Area Mode • When the digital zoom is in effect, the camera focuses on the subject at the center of the frame regardless of the applied AF area mode option.
  • Page 180: Using Subject Tracking

    Shooting Menu (j, k, l or m Mode) Using Subject Tracking Rotate the mode dial to j, k, l or m M d button M j, k, l or m tab (A13) M AF area mode Choose this mode to shoot moving subjects. Subject tracking begins once you select a subject to be focused on, and the focus area will move and follow the subject.

  • Page 181: Autofocus Mode

    Notes on Subject Tracking • The digital zoom is not available. • Set the zoom position, flash mode, focus mode, or menu settings before registering a subject. If any of these are changed after a subject is registered, the subject will be canceled. •…

  • Page 182: Flash Exp. Comp

    Shooting Menu (j, k, l or m Mode) Flash Exp. Comp. Rotate the mode dial to j, k, l or m M d button M j, k, l or m tab (A13) M Flash exp. comp. Flash exp. comp. option is used to adjust the flash output. Use this option when the flash is too bright or too dark.

  • Page 183: Active D-Lighting

    Active D-Lighting Rotate the mode dial to j, k, l or m M d button M j, k, l or m tab (A13) M Active D-Lighting “Active D-Lighting” preserves details in highlights and shadows, creating photographs with natural contrast. The image taken reproduces the contrast effect that is seen with the naked eye.

  • Page 184: Zoom Memory

    Shooting Menu (j, k, l or m Mode) Zoom Memory Rotate the mode dial to j, k, l or m M d button M j, k, l or m tab (A13) M Zoom memory Option Off (default setting) Notes on Zoom Operation •…

  • Page 185: The Playback Menu

    The Playback Menu For more information about image editing functions; (Quick retouch, D- Lighting, Skin softening, Filter effects, Small picture and Black border), see “Editing Still Images” (E15). a Print Order (Creating a DPOF Print Order) Press the c button (Playback mode) M d button (A13) M a Print order If you choose to use one of the following methods to print pictures that are stored on a memory card, the pictures to print and the number of copies can be set in advance on the memory card.

  • Page 186
    The Playback Menu Choose whether or not to also print shooting date and shooting information. • Choose Date and press the k button to print the shooting date on all pictures in the print order. • Choose Info and press the k button to print shooting information (shutter speed and aperture value) on all pictures in the print order.
  • Page 187: Slide Show

    b Slide Show Press the c button (Playback mode) M d button (A13) M b Slide show View pictures stored in the internal memory or on a memory card in an automatic slide show. Use the multi selector to choose Start, and press the k button.

  • Page 188: Protect

    The Playback Menu d Protect Press the c button (Playback mode) M d button (A13) M d Protect Protect selected pictures from accidental deletion. In the image selection screen, choose a picture and set or cancel protection. See “The Image Selection Screen” (E59) for more information. Note, however, that formatting the camera’s internal memory or the memory card (E85) permanently erases the protected files.

  • Page 189: The Image Selection Screen

    The Image Selection Screen The image selection screen is displayed in the following menus. Only one image can be selected for some menu items, while for other menu items, multiple images can be selected. Functions for which only one image can be selected •…

  • Page 190: Rotate Image

    Notes on Image Rotation • Images captured with cameras other than COOLPIX P510 cannot be rotated. • Images captured using 3D photography cannot be rotated. • While only the key picture of a sequence is displayed, images cannot be rotated. Apply the setting…

  • Page 191: E Voice Memo

    • Voice memos cannot be attached to pictures taken with cameras other than COOLPIX P510. • Voice memos of the images with the Protect setting (E58) cannot be deleted.

  • Page 192: Copy (Copy Between Internal Memory And Memory Card)

    The Playback Menu h Copy (Copy Between Internal Memory and Memory Card) Press the c button (Playback mode) M d button (A13) M h Copy Copy pictures between the internal memory and a memory card. Use the multi selector to select an option from the copy screen, and press the •…

  • Page 193: C Sequence Display Options

    Message: “Memory contains no images.” If there are no pictures stored on the memory card when playback mode is selected, the message, the Memory contains no images., is displayed. Press the playback menu to copy the pictures stored in the camera’s internal memory to the memory card. More Information See “File and Folder Names”…

  • Page 194: The Movie Menu

    The Movie Menu Movie Options Display the shooting screen M d button M e (Movie) tab (A13) M Movie options You can choose the type of movie to shoot. The camera can record normal speed movies and HS (high speed) movies (E66), which can be played back in slow motion or fast motion.

  • Page 195
    HS Movies See “Recording Movies in Slow Motion and Fast Motion (HS Movie)” (E66) for more information. Option h HS 120 fps (640×480) i HS 60 fps (1280×720) j HS 15 fps (1920×1080) * The maximum movie length for a single movie is 30 seconds when it is saved in the internal memory.
  • Page 196: Recording Movies In Slow Motion And Fast Motion (Hs Movie)

    The Movie Menu Recording Movies in Slow Motion and Fast Motion (HS Movie) Display the shooting screen M d button M e (Movie) tab (A13) M Movie options HS (high speed) movies can be recorded. Movies recorded using HS movie can be played back in slow motion at 1/4 or 1/2 of normal playback speed, or played back in fast motion at a speed two times faster than normal speed.

  • Page 197
    Notes on HS Movie • The sound is not recorded. • Zoom position, focus, exposure and white balance are locked when the button is pressed to start recording. HS Movie Recorded movies are played back at about 30 frames per second. When Movie options (E64) in the movie menu is set to HS 60 fps (1280×720), movies that can be played back in slow motion can be recorded.
  • Page 198: Autofocus Mode

    The Movie Menu Autofocus Mode Display the shooting screen M d button M e (Movie) tab (A13) M Autofocus mode Choose how the camera focuses when recording normal speed movies (E64). Option A Single AF Lock on the focus when the b (e movie-record) button is pressed (default to start recording.

  • Page 199: Gps Setting Menu

    GPS Setting Menu GPS Settings Press the d button M z (GPS setting) tab (A13) M GPS options Option When set to On, signals are being received from the GPS satellite, and Record GPS data positioning starts (A102). • The default setting is Off. Signals from the GPS satellite are used to set the date and time of the camera’s internal clock (only when Record GPS data in GPS Synchronize…

  • Page 200: Turn On The Camera

    Download the latest A-GPS file from the website below, and use it to update the file. http://nikonimglib.com/agps2/index.html • The A-GPS file for COOLPIX P510 is only available from the website above. • To update the A-GPS file, set Record GPS data to Off. When On is selected, the A-GPS file cannot be updated.

  • Page 201: Create Log (Record The Log Of Moving Information)

    Create Log (Record the log of moving information) Press the d button M z (GPS setting) tab (A13) M Create log When log recording starts, the measured tracking information is recorded until a preset time has elapsed at the interval set for Log interval. •…

  • Page 202: View Log

    GPS Setting Menu Select Save log, and press the k button. • The log data is saved to a memory card. Notes on Log Recording • If the date and time are not set, the log cannot be recorded. • Use a fully charged battery to prevent the camera from turning off during log recording. When the battery power becomes exhausted, loge recording ends.

  • Page 203: View Log

    View Log Press the d button M z (GPS setting) tab (A13) M View log Check or erase the log data stored in the memory card using Create log (E71). Use the multi selector to select the log data to be displayed, and press the k button.

  • Page 204: The Setup Menu

    The Setup Menu Welcome Screen Press the d button M z tab (A13) M Welcome screen Choose whether or not to display the welcome screen on the monitor when the camera is turned on. Option None Display the shooting or playback screen without displaying the (default setting) welcome screen.

  • Page 205: Time Zone And Date

    Time Zone and Date Press the d button M z tab (A13) M Time zone and date Option Set the camera clock to the current date and time. Use the multi selector to set the date and time. • Choose an item: Press K or J (selected in the following order: D (day) ➝…

  • Page 206
    The Setup Menu Setting the Travel Destination Time Zone Use the multi selector to choose Time zone, and press the k button. • The Time zone screen is displayed. Choose x Travel destination and press the k button. • The date and time displayed on the monitor change according to the region currently selected.
  • Page 207
    Time Zones The camera supports the time zones listed below. For time differences not listed below, set the camera clock using Time zone and date. UTC +/- Location Midway, Samoa Hawaii, Tahiti Alaska, Anchorage PST (PDT): Los Angeles, Seattle, Vancouver MST (MDT): Denver, Phoenix CST (CDT): Chicago, Houston, Mexico City…
  • Page 208: Monitor Settings

    The Setup Menu Monitor Settings Press the d button M z tab (A13) M Monitor settings Option On (default setting): Picture is displayed on the monitor immediately Image review after shooting and the monitor display returns to shooting screen. Off: Picture is not displayed immediately after shooting. Choose from five settings to select the monitor brightness.

  • Page 209: Print Date (Imprinting Date And Time On Pictures)

    Print Date (Imprinting Date and Time on Pictures) Press the d button M z tab (A13) M Print date The shooting date and time can be imprinted on pictures at the time of shooting. This information can be printed even from printers that do not support printing of the date and time (E56).

  • Page 210: Vibration Reduction

    The Setup Menu Vibration Reduction Press the d button M z tab (A13) M Vibration reduction Option (default setting) k Off • When using a tripod to stabilize the camera, set vibration reduction to Off. When On is selected, an icon for this setting is displayed on the monitor (A8). Notes on Vibration Reduction •…

  • Page 211: Motion Detection

    Motion Detection Press the d button M z tab (A13) M Motion detection Enable motion detection to reduce the effects of camera shake and subject movement when shooting still pictures. Option If the camera detects the movement of the subject or camera shake, the ISO sensitivity is raised and the shutter speed is increased to reduce their effects.

  • Page 212: Af Assist

    The Setup Menu AF Assist Press the d button M z tab (A13) M AF assist Enable or disable the AF-assist illuminator that assists the autofocus when the lighting is dim. Option Auto (default setting) Digital Zoom Press the d button M z tab (A13) M Digital zoom Enable or disable the digital zoom.

  • Page 213: Assign Side Zoom Control

    Assign Side Zoom Control Press the d button M z tab (A13) M Assign side zoom control Choose the function to be performed during shooting when the side zoom control is used. Option When shooting, use the side zoom control (A31) to adjust the Zoom (default setting) zoom.

  • Page 214: Sound Settings

    The Setup Menu Sound Settings Press the d button M z tab (A13) M Sound settings Adjust the following sound settings. Option Button sound Shutter sound Notes on Sound Settings • In Pet portrait scene mode, even when On is set, the button sound and shutter sound are disabled.

  • Page 215: Format Memory/Format Card

    Format Memory/Format Card Press the d button M z tab (A13) M Format memory/Format card Format the internal memory or a memory card. Formatting permanently deletes all data in the internal memory or memory card. The deleted data cannot be recovered. Be sure to transfer important pictures to a computer before formatting.

  • Page 216: Tv Settings

    The Setup Menu TV Settings Press the d button M z tab (A13) M TV settings Adjust the settings for connecting to a TV. Option Video mode HDMI HDMI device control HDMI 3D output HDMI and HDMI-CEC “HDMI” is an abbreviation of High-Definition Multimedia Interface, which is one type of multimedia interface.

  • Page 217: Fn Button

    Fn Button Press the d button M z tab (A13) M Fn button Assign the frequently used shooting menu to the w (FUNC) button (A2). • This can be used when j, k, l, m or M is chosen for shooting mode. Option Image size (A78) Display the setting for image size.

  • Page 218: Charge By Computer

    • When the camera is connected to a computer, an application installed on the computer, such as Nikon Transfer 2, may start. If the camera was connected to the computer for the sole purpose of charging the battery, exit the application.

  • Page 219
    The Charge Lamp The following chart explains charge lamp status when the camera is connected to a computer. Option Flashes slowly (green) Battery charging. Battery not charging. If the charge lamp changes from slow flashing (green) to off while the power-on lamp is lit, charging is complete. •…
  • Page 220: Toggle Av/Tv Selection

    The Setup Menu Toggle Av/Tv Selection Press the d button M z tab (A13) M Toggle Av/Tv selection Switch the method for setting the flexible program, shutter speed or aperture value. • This feature can be used when shooting mode is set to j, k, l, m or M. Option Do not toggle selection (default setting)

  • Page 221: Blink Warning

    Blink Warning Press the d button M z tab (A13) M Blink warning Choose whether or not blinking eyes are detected when using face detection (A85) in the following shooting modes. • In the following scene modes: Scene auto selector (A45), Portrait (A46) or Night portrait (when Tripod is selected) (A47) •…

  • Page 222: Filmstrip

    The Setup Menu Filmstrip Press the d button M z tab (A13) M Filmstrip Allows you to select whether or not filmstrips are displayed when you rotate the multi selector quickly in full-frame playback mode (A34). Option Off (default setting) Note on Filmstrip Display In order to display the filmstrip, at least ten images must be saved in the camera’s internal memory or on the memory card.

  • Page 223: Eye-Fi Upload

    Eye-Fi Upload Press the d button M z tab (A13) M Eye-Fi upload Option Upload images created by the camera to a preselected Enable destination. Disable Images will not be uploaded. (default setting) Notes on Eye-Fi Cards • Note that images will not be uploaded if signal strength is insufficient even if Enable is selected. •…

  • Page 224: Reverse Indicators

    The Setup Menu Reverse Indicators Press the d button M z tab (A13) M Reverse indicators Change the +/– display direction of the exposure indicator displayed when shooting mode is m. The + side of the indicators is set to the left and – side is set to the right in the default setting.

  • Page 225
    Landscape Menu Option Landscape (A43) Backlighting Menu Option HDR (A44) Special Effects Menu Option Special effects (A55) Shooting Menu Option Image quality (A77) Image size (A78) Picture Control (E33) White balance (E38) Fine adjustment in white balance (E38) Metering (E40) Continuous (E41) Intvl timer shooting (E43) ISO sensitivity (E45)
  • Page 226
    The Setup Menu GPS Setting Menu Option Record GPS data (E69) Log interval (E71) Log recording duration (E71) Setup Menu Option Welcome screen (E74) Image review (E78) Brightness (E78) View/hide framing grid (E78) View/hide histograms (E78) Print date (E79) Vibration reduction (E80) Motion detection (E81) AF assist (E82) Digital zoom (E82)
  • Page 227: Firmware Version

    Reset all is performed. To change these settings back to the default settings, use Reset user settings (E53). Firmware Version Press the d button M z tab (A13) M Firmware version Displays the current camera firmware version. The Setup Menu Default value Default Key picture only COOLPIX P510 Ver.X.X Back…

  • Page 228: File And Folder Names

    • A folder for storing files is automatically created using the following naming convention: “Folder number + NIKON” (e.g., “100NIKON”). If there are 200 files in a folder, a new folder is created. (For example, the folder name following “100NIKON”…

  • Page 229
    • When image files or voice files are copied to or from the internal memory or memory card (E62), the file naming conventions are as follows: — Selected images: Files copied using selected images are copied to the current folder (or to the folder used for subsequent pictures), where they are assigned file numbers in ascending order following the largest file number in memory.
  • Page 230: Optional Accessories

    2 When using in other countries, use a commercially available plug adapter as necessary. For more information about plug adapters, consult your travel agency. See our websites or product catalogs for up-to-date information on accessories for the COOLPIX P510. E100 1, 2…

  • Page 231: Error Messages

    Error Messages The following table lists the error messages and other warnings displayed on the monitor, as well as the solutions for dealing with them. Display Clock not set. (flashes) Set date and time. Battery exhausted. Battery exhausted. Charge or replace the battery. Battery temperature is high.

  • Page 232
    Error Messages Display Memory card has not been formatted for use in this camera. Card is not formatted. All data stored on the memory card is deleted when formatted. Format card? If there is any data on the card that you want to keep, select No, and backup the data to a computer before formatting the memory card.
  • Page 233
    Copy from the playback menu. File contains no File not created with COOLPIX P510. image data. File cannot be viewed on this camera. View file using the computer or any other devices which was This file cannot be used to create or edit this file.
  • Page 234
    Error has occurred in camera’s internal circuitry. Turn off camera, remove and reinsert battery, and turn on System error camera. If the error persists, contact retailer or Nikon-authorized service representative. Could not obtain GPS The camera clock is not set correctly.
  • Page 235
    Display Specified size of paper is not loaded. Printer error: check Load the specified size of paper, select Resume and press the paper k button to resume printing.* Paper has jammed in the printer. Printer error: paper Remove the jammed paper, select Resume and press the k button to resume printing.* No paper is loaded in the printer.
  • Page 236
  • Page 237: Technical Notes And Index

    Technical Notes and Index Caring for the Products …F2 The Camera…F2 The Battery…F3 Charging AC Adapter…F4 The Memory Cards…F5 Caring for the Camera …F6 Cleaning…F6 Storage …F6 Troubleshooting…F7 Specifications…F15 Supported Standards… F18 Index …F19…

  • Page 238: Caring For The Products

    Technical Notes and Index Caring for the Products The Camera To ensure continued enjoyment of this Nikon product, observe the following precautions when using or storing the device. Be sure to read and follow the warnings of “For Your Safety” (Avi to Aviii) thoroughly before using the products.

  • Page 239: The Battery

    • Images on the monitor may be difficult to see under bright lighting. • The monitor is lit by an LED backlight. Should the monitor begin to dim or flicker, contact your Nikon-authorized service representative. The Battery • Be sure to read and follow the warnings of “For Your Safety” (Avi to Aviii) thoroughly before using the battery.

  • Page 240: Charging Ac Adapter

    Caring for the Products • If the battery will not be used for some time, insert it in the camera and run it flat before removing it for storage. The battery should be stored in a cool location with an ambient temperature of 15°C to 25°C (59°F to 77°F). Do not store the battery in hot or extremely cold locations.

  • Page 241: The Memory Cards

    The Memory Cards • Use only Secure Digital memory cards. See “Approved Memory Cards” (A23). • Be sure to observe the precautions in the memory card documentation when you use the memory card. • Do not affix labels or stickers to the memory card. •…

  • Page 242: Caring For The Camera

    Caring for the Camera Cleaning Avoid touching glass parts with your fingers. Remove dust or lint with a blower (typically a small device with a rubber bulb attached to one end that is pumped to produce a stream of air out the other end). To remove fingerprints, oily substances, or other stains that cannot be removed with a blower, carefully Lens/ wipe the lens with a dry soft cloth or eyewear cleaning cloth, using a spiral…

  • Page 243: Troubleshooting

    Troubleshooting If the camera fails to function as expected, check the list of common problems below before consulting your retailer or Nikon-authorized service representative. Refer to the page numbers in the right-most column for more information. • See “Error Messages” (E101) for more information.

  • Page 244
    Troubleshooting Problem • Camera is off. • Battery is exhausted. • Standby mode for saving power: Press the power switch, shutter-release button, c button or b (e movie-record) button, or rotate the mode dial. Monitor or • Monitor and viewfinder cannot be used simultaneously. Press viewfinder is blank.
  • Page 245
    Data already recorded is not affected. In the event of continued malfunction, contact your retailer or Nikon-authorized service representative. Cause/Solution Troubleshooting 108, E79 –…
  • Page 246
    Troubleshooting Shooting Issues Problem Cannot set to Disconnect the HDMI cable or USB cable. shooting mode. • When camera is in playback mode, press the c button, shutter-release button or b (e movie-record) button. • When menus are displayed, press the d button. No picture can be •…
  • Page 247
    Problem • Flash is set to W (off ). Flash does not fire. • A shooting mode where flash cannot fire is selected. • Another function that is set now is restricting the flash. • Off is selected for Digital zoom in the setup menu. •…
  • Page 248
    Troubleshooting Problem • Flash is set to W (off ). • Flash window is blocked. • Subject is beyond flash range. Pictures are too • Adjust exposure compensation. dark • Raise the ISO sensitivity. (underexposed). • Subject is backlit. Raise the flash, and set the scene mode W (Backlighting) with HDR to Off or set the flash mode to X (fill flash).
  • Page 249
    • Confirm that the operating system used is compatible with connected to a the camera. computer. • Computer is not set to launch Nikon Transfer 2 automatically. For more information on Nikon Transfer 2, refer to help information contained in ViewNX 2. The PictBridge…
  • Page 250
    Troubleshooting Problem Pictures to be • Memory card contains no pictures. Replace memory card. printed are not • Remove memory card to print pictures from internal memory. displayed. • Pictures taken by 3D photography cannot be printed. Paper size cannot be selected from the camera in the following situations, even for PictBridge compatible printers.
  • Page 251: Specifications

    Specifications Nikon COOLPIX P510 Digital Camera Type Compact digital camera Effective pixels 16.1 million Image sensor 1/2.3-in. type CMOS; approx. 16.79 million total pixels Lens 42× optical zoom, NIKKOR lens 4.3-180mm (angle of view equivalent to that of 24-1000 mm…

  • Page 252
    Specifications Image size (pixels) ISO sensitivity (Standard output sensitivity) Exposure Metering Exposure control Shutter Speed Aperture Range Self-timer Built-in flash Range (approx.) (ISO sensitivity: Auto) Flash control Interface Data transfer protocol MTP, PTP Video output HDMI output • 16 M 4608×3456 •…
  • Page 253
    Audio/video output; digital I/O (USB); I/O terminal HDMI Mini Connector (Type C) (HDMI output) Receiver frequency 1575.42 MHz (C/A code), geodetic system WGS 84 Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Chinese (Simplified and Traditional), Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, Supported languages German, Greek, Hindi, Hungarian, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, Vietnamese •…
  • Page 254: Supported Standards

    (W × H × D) Weight Specifications • Nikon will not be held liable for any errors this manual may contain. • The appearance of this product and its specifications are subject to change without notice. Supported Standards • DCF: Design Rule for Camera File System is a standard widely used in the digital camera industry to ensure compatibility among different makes of camera.

  • Page 255: Index

    Index Symbols R E7, E8 l Aperture-priority auto mode 57, k Apply selection button 5, 12 A Auto mode 28 o Backlighting 44 l Delete button 4, 6, 36, E61 s (display) button 5, 6, 15 o Exposure compensation 12, 74 m Flash mode 66 m Flash pop-up button 66 p Focus mode 72…

  • Page 256
    Index Close-up k 49 Command dial 4, 5 Computer 90 Continuous 61, E41 Contrast E35 COOLPIX Custom Picture Control 60, COOLPIX Picture Control 60, E33 Create log 105, E71 Crop E22, E31 Custom Picture Control 60, E37 Date and time 26, E75 Daylight saving time 27 Delete 36, E61 Digital zoom 31, 109, E82…
  • Page 257
    Lens cap 7 Li-ion rechargeable battery 18, E100 Lithium-ion type battery 20, E100 Macro close-up 73 Manual focus 73, E2 Manual mode 57, E11 Memory capacity 24 Memory card 22, 23 Memory card slot 22 Metering 61, E40 Microphone 96, E61 Minimum shutter speed 61, E45 Mode dial 11, 28 Monitor 6, 8, 10, F6…
  • Page 258: Welcome Screen

    Index Shooting 28 Shooting menu 60 Shutter sound 109, E84 Shutter speed 57 Shutter-priority auto mode 57, E10 Shutter-release button 4, 6, 32 Single 61, E41 Single AF E51, E68 Skin softening 54, 88, E18 Slide show 88, E57 Slow sync 67 Small picture 88, E20 Smile timer 70 Snow z 48…

  • Page 260
    No reproduction in any form of this manual, in whole or in part (except for brief quotation in critical articles or reviews), may be made without written authorization from NIKON CORPORATION. FX2B02(11) 6MM18711-02 © 2012 Nikon Corporation…

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