H руководство по эксплуатации opel astra универсал

Технические данные определены по нормам ЕС. Возможны изменения. Данные, приведенные в техническом паспорте автомобиля, всегда имеют приоритет перед данными в Ин
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Первые 1000 км
Бережное отношение к силовому агрегату на начальном этапе эксплуатации транспортного средства является залогом надежного и эффективного функционирования его в т

Общая информация При покупке автомобиля владельцу предоставляется комплект из двух ключей. В зависимости от комплектации автомобиля ключи могут быть механически

Общая информация и меры предосторожности Внимание: Покидая автомобиль, не забывайте извлекать ключ из замка зажигания, взводить стояночный тормоз, закрывать все

Взведите стояночный тормоз, на моделях с АТ удостоверьтесь, что рычаг селектора находится в положении «Р». Рукоятка рычага отпускания защелки замка капота распо

Заливная горловина топливного бака
Внимание: Бензин является легко воспламеняющимся и взрывоопасным продуктом — при заправке автомобиля не забывай те глушить двигатель и ни в коем случае не прибл

Главный вещевой ящик
Для отпускания защелки вещевого ящика достаточно просто потянуть его ручку вверх (см. иллюстрацию 6.1) — защелкивание фиксатора происходит автоматически при зак

Верхний люк
На моделях соответствующей комплектации переключатели (см. иллюстрацию 7.1) управления электроприводом крышки люка и солнцезащитной шторки помещаются на потолоч

Единый замок
Единый замок Замечание: При соответствующей комплектации единый замок объединяется в единую структуру с системой противоугонной сигнализации. Организация систем

Ремни безопасности
Внимание: Серьезное отношение к использованию ремней безопасности является залогом максимального сокращения риска получения тяжелых травм и летального исхода пр

Перевозка детей
Внимание: Анатомические особенности строения детского организма определяют повышенный по сравнению со взрослыми риск получения ими травм при срабатывании подуше

Регулировка и трансформация сидений
Положение сидений и подголовников Водительское сиденье должно быть установлено в положение, обеспечивающее лицу, управляющему автомобилем, максимальный комфорт

Панель приборов и центральная консоль
Схема расположения элементов управления на панели приборов, рулевом колесе и центральной консоли представлена на иллюстрации 15.1. 1 Панель переключателей наруж

Контрольно-измерительные приборы
Подсветка приборов активируется при включении ходовых огней. Выбора яркости подсветки производится при помощи поворотного регулятора, расположенного на панели п

Сервисная индикация
При соответствующей комплектации сервисная индикация высвечивается вместо показаний обнуляемого счетчика пробега и информирует об одном из ниже перечисленных со

Контрольные лампы и световые индикаторы
Замечание: Некоторые контрольные лампы/индикаторы встроены в соответствующие выключатели, расположенные на панели приборов/центральной консоли автомобиля, поряд

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Поле циферблата тахометра
Контрольная лампа отказов системы Open&Start . Контрольная лампа активируется в проблесковом или постоянном режиме, если в системе Open&Start обнаружена ошибка

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Центральное поле комбинации приборов
Оформленные в виде стрелок индикаторы указателей поворота/аварийной сигнализации имеют зеленое свечение и служат для контроля исправности функционирования соотв

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Поле циферблата спидометра
Контрольная лампа отказов системы управления двигателем (MIL/«Проверьте двигатель») активируется при включении зажигания и должна гаснуть спустя несколько секун

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Звуковые индикаторы
На моделях соответствующей комплектации звуковая индикация (сигнальный гонг) используется в следующих случаях: При пуске двигателя или во время движения: при от

Подушки безопасности
Принцип функционирования фронтальных подушек безопасности Модули фронтальных подушек безопасности вмонтированы в ступичную часть рулевого колеса и в правую част

Противоугонная система
Рассматриваемые в настоящем Руководстве автомобили могут оборудоваться одним, либо несколькими из перечисленных ниже противоугонными устройствами: Противоугонна

Прикуриватель, пепельницы
Внимание: Пепельницы не должны использоваться только для сбора пепла, не складывайте в них легко воспламеняющиеся предметы! Сборка пепельницы и прикуривателя дл

Розетка отбора мощности
Розетка отбора мощности предназначена для подключения дополнительных потребителей электроэнергии, рассчитанных на напряжение питания в 12 В и мощностью потребле

Вещевые ящики и карманы
Главный вещевой ящик Главный вещевой ящик помещается в правой части панели приборов и оборудован откидной крышкой ( см. Раздел 6 ). При соответствующей комплект

Салонное зеркало заднего вида
Перед поездкой следует отрегулировать салонное зеркало заднего вида, стараясь добиться, чтобы в его центре был виден центр оконного проема двери задка (зеркало

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Солнцезащитные козырьки
Солнцезащитные козырьки обеспечивают защиту глаз водителя/переднего пассажира от ослепления прямыми солнечными лучами. Козырьки закреплены на кронштейнах поворо

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Откидные столики
На моделях соответствующей комплектации на задней стороне передних сидений оборудованы откидные столики. Для перевода столиков в рабочее положение их следует по

Оборудование багажного отделения
Внимание: Багажное отделение ни при каких обстоятельствах не должно использоваться для перевозки пассажиров! Общая информация Багажное отделение предусмотрено д

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Информация по регулировке и трансформации сидений приведена в Части А ( см. Раздел 12 ).

Графический информационный дисплей (GID)
Графический информационный дисплей позволяет осуществлять управление функциями и настройками некоторого оборудования. Вид экрана дисплея при включении зажигания

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Система контроля (Check Control)
Система контроля осуществляет мониторинг основных рабочих параметров, определяющих безопасность эксплуатации транспортного средства. В зависимости от комплектац

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Элементы распределения воздушного потока
Подача воздуха в салон автомобиля осуществляет по сети воздуховодов системы вентиляции, оканчивающихся соплами, оборудованными неподвижными, либо поворотными де

Панель управления HVAC
Сборка управления HVAC помещается в нижней части консольной секции панели приборов (см. иллюстрацию 15.1). В зависимости от комплектации на автомобиль устанавли

Система HVAC с ручной настройкой
Активация/деактивация системы и регулировка интенсивности воздушного потока Поворотный переключатель скоростного режима вентилятора расположен в правой части па

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Нет изображений

Система защиты от кражи
Информационно-развлекательная система оснащена электронной системой защиты от кражи. В электронное устройство введен индивидуальный охранный код — активировать

Информационный дисплей
В зависимости от комплектации в панель приборов вмонтирован дисплей одного из трех вариантов исполнения (подробнее см. Раздел 17 ). Трехфункциональный информаци

В отличие от устройства со стационарной антенной существуют особенности приема радиосигнала автомобильным радиоприемником, которые определяются близким располож

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CD/MP3 проигрыватель
CD-проигрыватель может воспроизводить записи только с обычных CD диаметром 12 см. Не используйте диски с бумажными наклейками. Внимание: Не допускается использо

Система Twin Audio
На моделях соответствующей комплектации система Twin Audio предоставляет задним пассажирам возможность слушать музыку независимо от источника аудиосигнала, вклю

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Телефон и радиостанция
Внимание: Во время движения все внимание водителя должно быть сосредоточено на управлении автомобилем — в целях безопасности движения не рекомендуется разговари

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Подготовка к поездке на автомобиле
Перед запуском двигателя и началом движения автомобиля всегда производите его наружный визуальный осмотр. Убедитесь, что движению автомобиля ничто не препятству

Запуск двигателя
Модели с механическим ключом зажигания a) Взведите стояночный тормоз; b) Включите нейтральную передачу (РКПП)/переведите рычаг селектора в положение «Р« или «N»

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Специальные режимы вождения
На моделях, оборудованных AT/Easytronic, при соответствующей комплектации доступны дополнительные режимы управления движением автомобиля, контролируемые при пом

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Спортивный режим вождения (SPORT)
На моделях соответствующей комплектации при активации спортивного режима во время движения изменяются параметры подвески, рулевого управления, приемистость авто

Зимний режим вождения
Зимний режим вождения не допускает резкого увеличения оборотов двигателя при разгоне, трогания с места с пробуксовкой колес, а также изменения передаточного чис
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Общая информация Принцип функционирования и конструкция компонентов тормозной системы подробно рассмотрены в Главе 9 настоящего Руководства. Все компоненты торм

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Контроль давления воздуха в шинах
Дополнительная информация о колесах и шинах приведена в Главе 1 Раздел 5 . Общая информация Внимание: Неправильная и несвоевременная корректировка давления возд

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Нет изображений

Нет изображений

Дополнительные советы водителю
При движении по снегу или льду используйте специальные шины, либо цепи противоскольжения (если это не запрещено законодательством в регионе, по которому проходи

Нет изображений

Советы по экономичному вождению
Расход топлива во многом определяется стилем вождения и условиями эксплуатации автомобиля. С целью сокращения потребления горючего старайтесь придерживаться сле

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Буксировка прицепа: общая информация
Замечание: При буксировке прицепа снижается срок эксплуатации автомобиля и его экономичность, т.к. возрастает нагрузка на компоненты, задействованные в передаче

Тягово-сцепное устройство
Внимание: При движении без прицепа шаровую опору следует демонтировать! Установочные размеры тягово-сцепного устройства приведены в Спецификациях . При соответс

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Система стабилизации прицепа (TSA)
При соответствующей комплектации TSA контролирует характер движения автомобиля с прицепом. Если система фиксирует сильное «рыскание», автоматически понижается м

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Поддомкрачивание и замена колеса
Хранение запасного колеса и домкрата Запасное колесо и комплект инструмента хранятся в нише багажного отделения ( см. Раздел 17 ) Порядок выполнения процедуры С

Много людей покупают машины из вторых рук, как правило книжки по эксплуатации при этом отсутствуют, у меня не однократно спрашивали инструкцию по эксплуатации. Выкладываю кому нужно скачивайте. Уточняю это инструкция по эксплуатации, а не по римонту! yadi.sk/d/P6cjSXG6Ur5ieQ


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Opel 2010 Astra H Owner's Manual

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  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Bookmarks

Related Manuals for Opel 2010 Astra H

Summary of Contents for Opel 2010 Astra H

  • Page 1: Table Of Contents

    Contents Introduction ……..2 In brief ……….6 Keys, doors and windows …. 20 Seats, restraints ……47 Storage ……..65 Instruments and controls ….. 83 Lighting ……..114 Infotainment system ….121 Climate control ……124 Driving and operating ….132 Vehicle care …….

  • Page 2: Introduction

    Introduction Introduction Back to overview…

  • Page 3
    «Service and prices. Experienced mechanics maintenance» and «Technical data» ■ The Owner’s Manual uses the trained by Opel work according to as well as on the identification plate. factory engine designations. The specific Opel instructions. corresponding sales designations…
  • Page 4
    Disregarding this information may lead to vehicle damage. Symbols Page references are indicated with 3. 3 means «see page». We wish you many hours of pleasurable driving. Adam Opel GmbH Back to overview…
  • Page 5
    Introduction Back to overview…
  • Page 6: In Brief

    In brief In brief Vehicle unlocking Electronic key Radio remote control Initial drive information When in possession of the electronic key, simply pulling the door handle Press button q to unlock and open will unlock the vehicle and open the door.

  • Page 7
    In brief Seat adjustment Seat backrests Seat height Seat positioning Turn handwheel. Do not lean on seat Lever pumping motion when adjusting. = higher Pull handle, slide seat, release Seat adjustment 3 49, Seat position down = lower handle. 3 49, Folding front passenger seat Seat adjustment 3 49, Seat position Seat adjustment 3 49, Seat position backrest 3 52.
  • Page 8
    In brief Seat inclination Head restraint adjustment Seat belt Pull lever, adjust inclination by Press release button, adjust height, Pull out the seat belt and engage in shifting body weight. Release lever engage. belt buckle. The seat belt must not be and audibly engage seat in position.
  • Page 9: Mirror Adjustment

    In brief Mirror adjustment Exterior mirrors Steering wheel adjustment Electric adjustment Interior mirror Unlock lever, adjust steering wheel, then engage lever and ensure it is Select the relevant exterior mirror and Swivel the lever on the underside to fully locked. Do not adjust steering adjust.

  • Page 10
    In brief Back to overview…
  • Page 11
    In brief Instrument panel overview Left heated seat ….52 18 Ignition switch with Deflation detection system .. 188 steering wheel lock ….. 133 Light switch ……114 Tyre pressure monitoring Sensor panel for Instrument illumination ..118 system ……… 187 emergency operation of Rear fog light …….
  • Page 12
    In brief Back to overview…
  • Page 13: Exterior Lighting

    In brief Exterior lighting Headlight flash, high beam and Turn and lane-change signals low beam To the right = Lever up Turn light switch To the left = Lever down Headlight flash = Pull lever = Off High beam = Push lever = Side lights Turn and lane-change signals Low beam…

  • Page 14
    In brief Hazard warning flashers Horn Washer and wiper systems Windscreen wiper Operated with the ¨ button. Press j. Hazard warning flashers 3 116. & = fast % = slow $ = timed interval wipe or automatic wiping with rain sensor §…
  • Page 15
    In brief Windscreen and headlight Rear window wiper and washer Climate control washer systems systems Heated rear window, heated exterior mirrors Pull lever. Wipers on = push lever Wipers off = push lever again Windscreen and headlight washer Heating is operated by pressing the Wash = push lever and hold system 3 84, Washer fluid 3 161.
  • Page 16
    In brief Demisting and defrosting the Transmission Manual transmission automated windows Manual transmission N = neutral o = drive Air distribution to l. Reverse: with the vehicle stationary, + = higher gear Set temperature control to warmest wait 3 seconds after depressing = lower gear level.
  • Page 17
    In brief Automatic transmission Starting off Starting engine with ignition switch Check before starting off ■ Tyre pressure and condition 3 186, 3 234. ■ Engine oil level and fluid levels 3 159. ■ All windows, mirrors, exterior lighting and number plates are free from dirt, snow and ice and are operational.
  • Page 18
    In brief Starting engine with Start/Stop Parking If the vehicle is on a downhill slope, engage reverse gear or set the button ■ Always apply the parking brake selector lever to P before switching without pressing the release button. off the ignition. Turn the front Apply as firmly as possible on wheels towards the kerb.
  • Page 19
    In brief ■ The engine cooling fans may run after the engine has been switched off 3 158. ■ After running at high engine speeds or with high engine loads, operate the engine briefly at a low load or run in neutral for approx. 30 seconds, before switching off in order to protect the turbocharger.
  • Page 20: Keys, Doors And Windows

    Keys, doors and windows Keys, doors and Keys, locks Press button to extend. To fold the key, first press the button. windows Keys Car Pass Replacement keys The Car Pass contains security The key number is specified in the related vehicle data and should Keys, locks ……..

  • Page 21
    Keys, doors and windows Used to operate: ■ Overload of the central locking Key with foldaway key section system by operating at frequent ■ Central locking system intervals, the power supply is ■ Anti-theft locking system interrupted for a short time ■…
  • Page 22: Start/Stop Button

    Keys, doors and windows Radio remote control Open&Start system synchronisation After replacing the battery, unlock the door with the key in the driver’s door lock. The radio remote control will be synchronised when you switch on the ignition. Memorised settings Whenever the key is removed from the ignition lock, the following settings are automatically remembered by the…

  • Page 23
    Keys, doors and windows If the ignition has been switched off Radio remote control Emergency operation and the vehicle is stationary, the steering wheel lock activates automatically when the driver’s door is opened or closed. Control indicator 0 3 98. Note Do not put the electronic key in the load compartment or in front of the…
  • Page 24
    Keys, doors and windows Replacing battery in electronic Replace the battery as soon as the system no longer operates properly or the range is reduced. The need for battery replacement is indicated by InSP3 in the service display or by a check control message in the Info-Display.
  • Page 25: Central Locking System

    Keys, doors and windows To replace the battery, press the Central locking system Unlocking locking mechanism and remove the Unlocks and locks doors, load Radio remote control cap by applying light pressure. Press compartment and fuel filler flap. the cap on the other side outwards. A pull on an interior door handle Replace the battery (battery type unlocks the entire vehicle and opens…

  • Page 26
    Keys, doors and windows Electronic key Radio remote control Touch the sensor field in the door handle of one of the front doors. The electronic key must be outside the vehicle, within a range of approximately 1 metre. The other electronic key must not be inside the vehicle.
  • Page 27
    Keys, doors and windows Press the m button: the doors are Turn key or emergency key 3 22 in fuel filler flap remain locked. To deactivate the anti-theft locking locked or unlocked. the driver’s door lock as far as it will system, switch on the ignition 3 30.
  • Page 28: Doors

    Keys, doors and windows Doors Locking Child locks Load compartment Opening Insert key or emergency key 3 22 into 9 Warning opening above lock on inside of door and operate lock by pressing until it Use the child locks whenever clicks.

  • Page 29
    Keys, doors and windows Note Closing The installation of certain heavy accessories onto the tailgate may affect its ability to remain open. Central locking system 3 25 Saloon 4-door With the doors centrally locked, the boot lid cannot be unlocked with Use the interior handle.
  • Page 30: Vehicle Security

    Keys, doors and windows Vehicle security Activating with the radio remote Activating with the electronic key control Anti-theft locking system 9 Warning Do not use the system if there are people in the vehicle! The doors cannot be unlocked from the inside.

  • Page 31
    Keys, doors and windows It monitors: Activation without monitoring of 3. Close doors passenger compartment and ■ Doors, load compartment, bonnet, 4. Activate the anti-theft alarm vehicle inclination system. The LED illuminates. ■ Passenger compartment, After approx. 10 seconds, the ■…
  • Page 32: Exterior Mirrors

    Keys, doors and windows Exterior mirrors During the first 10 seconds of anti- The alarm siren can be silenced by theft alarm system activation: pressing a button of the radio remote control or by switching on the ignition. Convex shape = Test, ignition delay The anti-theft alarm system is illuminates…

  • Page 33: Electric Adjustment

    Keys, doors and windows Electric adjustment Folding Electric folding Press the n button and both exterior First select the relevant exterior mirror For pedestrian safety, the exterior mirrors will fold. then swivel the control to adjust. mirrors will swing out of their normal mounting position if they are struck Press button n again — both exterior with sufficient force.

  • Page 34: Interior Mirrors

    Keys, doors and windows Interior mirrors Heated Automatic anti-dazzle Manual anti-dazzle Operated by pressing the Ü button. Dazzle from following vehicles at night is automatically reduced. Heating functions with the engine To reduce dazzle, adjust the lever on running and is switched off the underside of the mirror housing.

  • Page 35: Windows

    Keys, doors and windows Windows In the event of closing difficulties due to frost or the like, operate the switch several times to close the window in Power windows stages. 9 Warning Central switch for electric windows, Astra TwinTop Take care when operating the power windows.

  • Page 36
    Keys, doors and windows Child safety system for rear Radio remote control Open&Start system windows Press q or p until all windows have To close, touch the sensor field in the door handle until all windows are opened or closed. Switch z can be used to activate or completely closed.
  • Page 37: Sun Visors

    Keys, doors and windows Fault Operated by pressing the Ü button. Panoramic windscreen If the windows cannot be opened or Heating functions with the engine closed automatically, activate the running and is switched off window electronics as follows: automatically after a short time. 1.

  • Page 38: Roof

    Keys, doors and windows Roof Sunroof 9 Warning Take care when operating the sunroof. Risk of injury, particularly to children. Keep a close watch on the movable parts when operating them. Ensure that nothing To close roof lining: Move forward to Operated via a rocker switch in the becomes trapped in them as they a suitable position.

  • Page 39
    Keys, doors and windows Sunroof on Saloon 4-door Lowering Caution Press button l until the sunroof is closed. When using a roof rack, check the free movement of the sunroof in Operating sunroof from outside order to avoid damage. It is only Keep button &…
  • Page 40: Retractable Hardtop

    Keys, doors and windows Hold H depressed to close Retractable hardtop Stand-by with ignition key in lock from position 1, or for Open&Start-System completely. switch on ignition. 9 Warning Sunblind on Saloon 4-door Requirements: The sunblind is manually operated. Take care when operating the ■…

  • Page 41
    Keys, doors and windows There must be no objects in front of With vehicle stationary unlock the The door windows are opened slightly the rear window or in the pivot area of vehicle. Press button q again and before the roof is closed. If button the roof and boot lid.
  • Page 42
    Keys, doors and windows ■ The load compartment blind must ■ Activating the roof on uneven accompanying instructions for Astra always be closed during roof ground can lead to malfunctions TwinTop. Professional assistance is operation. and damage. recommended. ■ There must be no one and no ■…
  • Page 43
    Keys, doors and windows Deployable anti-roll bars The airbag control indicator v 9 Warning illuminates if the anti-roll bars have been deployed. The roof cannot be closed or Note opened if the anti-roll bars are Do not place any objects on the extended.
  • Page 44
    Keys, doors and windows The roof can only be opened if the Failure of electric drive For the version with spare wheel, the load in the load compartment does wind deflector is folded away in the Push locking lever forward. not exceed the height of the load load compartment.
  • Page 45
    Keys, doors and windows Pull the toggle of the right and left locking pin and turn to lock. Straighten out the wind deflector, turn the toggle back and engage the locking pin in the recess in the side trim. Join together the unfolded ends of the Insert the guide clips of the wind wind deflector: Press in the pin at the deflector in the seat belt recesses…
  • Page 46
    Keys, doors and windows Removing Remove in reverse order, wind deflector is completely folded down in the load compartment: ■ for tyre repair kit in the compartment below the loading floor cover ■ for version with spare wheel , place in load compartment The wind deflector must never protrude upwards or sideways above…
  • Page 47: Seats, Restraints

    Seats, restraints Seats, restraints Head restraints Adjustment Front and rear outboard head Position restraints Head restraints ……47 9 Warning Front seats ……..49 Rear seats ……..53 Only drive with the head restraint set to the proper position. Seat belts ……..53 Airbag system ……

  • Page 48
    Seats, restraints Rear centre head restraint Adjusting the rear head restraints, Active head restraints are identified Astra TwinTop by the lettering ACTIVE on the head restraint guide sleeves. Note Approved accessories may only be attached to the front passenger seat head restraint if the seat is not in use.
  • Page 49: Front Seats

    Seats, restraints Front seats ■ Sit with shoulders as far back ■ Adjust the lumbar support so that it against the backrest as possible. supports the natural shape of the Set the backrest rake so that it is spine. Seat position possible to easily reach the steering wheel with arms slightly Seat adjustment…

  • Page 50
    Seats, restraints Seat positioning Seat backrests Seat height Pull handle, slide seat, release Turn handwheel. Do not lean on Lever pumping motion handle. backrest when adjusting. = higher down = lower Back to overview…
  • Page 51
    Seats, restraints Seat inclination Lumbar support Adjustable thigh support Pull lever, adjust inclination by Turn handwheel. Do not lean on Press the button and slide the thigh shifting body weight. Release lever backrest when adjusting. support. and audibly engage seat in position. Back to overview…
  • Page 52: Seat Folding

    Seats, restraints Seat folding In vehicles with a panoramic window: Heating to tilt seats forward, push head restraints down and lift up sun visors. Armrest Lift release lever and fold backrest Adjust heating to the desired setting forwards. Slide seat forwards. by pressing the ß…

  • Page 53: Rear Seats

    Seats, restraints Rear seats Seat belts Armrest, TwinTop Armrest Armrest, Saloon and Station wagon Pull the armrest by the strap, pivot it down and position on the sit with the The belts are locked during heavy flat side up. acceleration or deceleration of the vehicle for the safety of the The armrest is held in place on the occupants.

  • Page 54
    Seats, restraints Seat belts are only designed for use Belt tensioners Triggered belt tensioners must be by one person at a time. They are not replaced by a workshop. Belt suitable for people younger than tensioners can only be triggered 12 years of age or smaller than once.
  • Page 55
    Seats, restraints Withdraw belt from retractor, guide it Removing 9 Warning untwisted across the body and insert the latch plate in the buckle. Tension The belt must not rest against hard the lap belt regularly whilst driving by or fragile objects in the pockets of tugging the shoulder belt.
  • Page 56: Airbag System

    Seats, restraints Airbag system Seat belts on rear seats, TwinTop Note The control electronics of the airbag To prevent the seat belts from making systems, belt tensioners and flapping noise when the sun roof and/ The airbag system consists of deployable anti-roll bars are located or the windows are open, the seat a number of individual systems.

  • Page 57
    Seats, restraints Control indicator v for airbag systems The front airbag system is triggered in 3 93. the event of an accident of a certain severity in the depicted area. The ignition must be on. Front airbag system Seat occupancy recognition 3 60. Child restraint system with transponders 3 64.
  • Page 58: Side Airbag System

    Seats, restraints The side airbag system consists of an 9 Warning airbag in each front seat backrest. This can be identified by the word Optimum protection is only AIRBAG. provided when the seat is in the proper position 3 49. Keep the area in which the airbag inflates clear of obstructions.

  • Page 59: Curtain Airbag System

    Seats, restraints Curtain airbag system The risk of injury to the head in the The curtain airbag system is triggered event of a side impact is considerably in the event of an accident of a certain The curtain airbag system consists of reduced.

  • Page 60
    Opel child restraint system with transponders. The curtain airbag system remains activated. Back to overview…
  • Page 61: Child Restraints

    Seats, restraints Child restraints When transporting children, use the child restraint systems suitable for the child’s weight. Child restraint systems Ensure that the child restraint system When a child restraint system is being to be installed is compatible with the used, pay attention to the following vehicle type.

  • Page 62: Child Restraint Installation Locations

    Group III: 22 to 36 kg or approx. 6 to 12 years = Limited, only with seat occupancy recognition and Opel child restraint system with transponders. If the child restraint system is being secured using a three-point seat belt, move seat height adjustment to uppermost position.

  • Page 63
    Seats, restraints Permissible options for fitting an ISOFIX child restraint system Weight class Size class Fixture On front passenger seat On rear outboard seats On rear centre seat Group 0: up to 10 kg ISO/R1 Group 0+: up to 13 kg ISO/R1 ISO/R2 ISO/R3…
  • Page 64
    A label on the child restraint system mounting brackets. indicates that it is fitted with transponders. Opel child restraint systems with transponders are automatically detected if correctly installed to the front passenger seat with seat occupancy recognition.
  • Page 65: Storage

    Storage Storage Storage compartments Lockable glovebox, Astra TwinTop with Open&Start system Glovebox In addition to the electronic key of the Open&Start system, there is Storage compartments ….65 a standard key without remote control for the glove compartment lock. Load compartment ……. 66 Roof rack system ……

  • Page 66: Sunglasses Storage

    Storage Load compartment Sunglasses storage Armrest storage Storage in the front armrest Load compartment extension, Saloon 3-door / 5-door Folding down rear backrests Fold down and open. Do not use for storing heavy objects. To open, press button and open upper part of armrest.

  • Page 67
    Storage Folding down centre backrests Load compartment extension, Saloon 4-door Folding down rear backrests Before restoring backrest to an upright position, guide the seat belt Push head restraint down as far as through the belt guides to protect possible 3 47. against damage.
  • Page 68
    Storage Do not trap safety belts when erecting Disengage the backrest (single or seat backrests. split) using the release button on one or both sides and fold it down onto the The three-point seat belt for the seat cushion. centre rear seat can only be pulled from the reel if the backrest is properly Raise the seat cushion and fold the engaged.
  • Page 69
    Storage Push head restraint down as far as possible 3 47. Disengage backrest using lever and fold onto seat cushion. If the seat cushion is raised, fold it forward until it engages. Remove rear outer head restraints Disengage backrest (one-piece or and push centre head restraint all the split) using release button, fold way down 3 47.
  • Page 70
    Storage Load compartment extension, TwinTop Loading area between rear seats With the seat cushions raised: insert The cover behind the armrest can be head restraints in backrests and locked from load compartment: adjust 3 47. Fold back seat cushions, horizontal position = locked making sure the belt buckles are vertical position = unlocked…
  • Page 71
    Storage The tyre repair kit is on the right side Station wagon Pull the cover towards the rear using behind the cover 3 190. the handle and engage it in the Do not place any heavy or sharp- retainers at the sides. edged objects on the load Load compartment cover compartment cover.
  • Page 72: Load Rails And Hooks

    Storage Removing TwinTop The roof can only be operated with the blind engaged in the recess. Load rails and hooks Open the load compartment cover Opening and detach the hooks from the head Release load compartment blind from restraints. recesses on left and right, blind rolls up automatically.

  • Page 73: Lashing Eyes

    Storage Lashing eyes Variable partition net The system consists of ■ adapters Insert an adapter into each rail: fold The lashing eyes are designed to ■ variable partition net open the handle plate, insert adapter secure items against slippage, e.g. into upper and lower groove of rail using lashing straps, luggage net or ■…

  • Page 74: Loading Assist

    Storage To remove, press the net rod together Cargo box Loading assist and remove from the adapters. Fold open the adapter handle plate, disengage from lower groove and then from upper groove. Hooks and net pocket Foldable box under the floor cover On TwinTop: The loading aid Easy used to divide the load compartment.

  • Page 75
    Storage ■ Observe marked maximum load Note height ■ Do not place objects on or near the ■ Suspend the load compartment load compartment blind blind from the rear window frame ■ The folded roof can only be lowered and engage in the recesses. The when the blind is closed.
  • Page 76: Safety Net

    Storage ■ One minute before the end of the Installation Behind the rear seats hold time for the raised loading aid, a warning buzzer will sound to remind you to lower the roof ■ The loading aid is only operable when the vehicle is unlocked ■…

  • Page 77
    Storage Behind front seats Removal Load compartment grille Adjust strap length on safety net by Tilt length adjuster of the net To transport long objects, part of the attaching the upper hook to the eye of tensioning belt upwards and detach load compartment grille behind the the strap and attach to eyes in the the belt.
  • Page 78: Warning Triangle

    Storage Do not place any heavy objects on the For vehicles with cargo box: Lift the folding tray. warning triangle with the right half of the cargo box. Pull out the warning triangle to the right. Warning triangle Saloon 4-door Saloon 3-door / 5-door, TwinTop Lock grille in open position.

  • Page 79
    Storage Station wagon, Van First aid kit Saloon 4-door Saloon 3-door / 5-door Stow the warning triangle in the space Attach the warning triangle and first in the tailgate and fasten with the right aid kit in the load compartment Secure the first-aid kit to the right load and left straps.
  • Page 80
    Storage Station wagon TwinTop Fasten the first-aid kit to the left load Place first aid kit in stowage Store the first-aid kit in the recess compartment wall with a retaining compartmen behind the driver’s seat. behind the strap in the left load strap.
  • Page 81: Roof Rack System

    Storage Roof rack system Loading information Lift the covers from the fitting openings. Roof rack Fasten the roof rack at the fastening points. For safety reasons and to avoid damage to the roof, the vehicle Version with roof railing approved roof rack system is recommended.

  • Page 82
    Storage ■ When transporting objects in the ■ Astra TwinTop: pay attention to gravity. Distribute the load evenly load compartment, the backrests of maximum loading height with roof and secure it properly with retaining the rear seats must not be angled open.
  • Page 83: Instruments And Controls

    Instruments and controls Instruments and Controls Steering wheel controls controls Steering wheel adjustment Controls ……..83 Warning lights, gauges and indicators ……..89 Information displays ….. 99 Vehicle messages …… 106 Trip computer ……109 The Infotainment system and the Info-Display can be operated via the controls on the steering wheel.

  • Page 84: Horn

    Instruments and controls Horn Windscreen wiper/washer Run through the windscreen wiper stages by pushing the lever past the Windscreen wiper resistance point and holding. An acoustic signal sounds at §. Do not use if the windscreen is frozen. Switch off in car washes. Adjustable wiper interval Press j.

  • Page 85
    Instruments and controls Automatic wiping with rain sensor Pull lever. Washer fluid is sprayed on the windscreen and the wiper wipes for a few strokes. If the lights are on, washer fluid is also sprayed on the headlights. The headlight washer system is then inoperable for 2 minutes.
  • Page 86: Outside Temperature

    Instruments and controls The rear screen wiper comes on icy road conditions. : remains Clock automatically when the windscreen illuminated until temperatures reach Date and time are shown in the wiper is switched on and reverse gear at least 5 °C. Info-Display.

  • Page 87
    Instruments and controls depressed for 2 seconds again to Connecting electrical accessories switch to the next unit and to exit while the engine is off will discharge setting mode. the battery. Do not exceed the maximum power Automatic time synchronisation consumption of 120 Watts.
  • Page 88: Ashtray

    Instruments and controls Cigarette lighter Ashtray, front Press in cigarette lighter. Switches off automatically once the element is Press ashtray cover to open. The cigarette lighter is located behind glowing. Pull out lighter. the ashtray cover. Press ashtray cover to open. Ashtrays Caution To be used only for ash and not for…

  • Page 89: Warning Lights, Gauges And Indicators

    Instruments and controls Warning lights, gauges To empty, grip both sides of the ashtray insert and pull upwards. and indicators Ashtray, rear Instrument cluster In some versions, the needles of the instruments briefly rotate to the end position when the ignition is switched Speedometer To empty, press spring and pull the ashtray straight out rearwards.

  • Page 90
    Instruments and controls Odometer Tachometer Fuel gauge The bottom line displays the recorded Displays the engine speed. Displays the fuel level in the tank distance. depending on the operation mode. Drive in a low engine speed range for each gear as much as possible. Control indicator Y illuminates if the Trip odometer level in the tank is low.
  • Page 91: Service Display

    Instruments and controls Service display The control indicator colours mean: = Danger, important reminder, Yellow = Warning, information, fault, Green = Confirmation of activation, Blue = Confirmation of activation. The message InSP appears when it is time for servicing. Further information 3 203.

  • Page 92
    Instruments and controls Back to overview…
  • Page 93
    Instruments and controls Turn signal Flashes 9 Warning After starting off until the seat belt is O illuminates or flashes green. fastened. Have the cause of the fault Illuminates Fastening the seat belt 3 54. remedied immediately by The control indicator illuminates a workshop.
  • Page 94: Charging System

    Instruments and controls Illuminates when the ignition is Flashes when the engine is 9 Danger switched on and goes out shortly after running the engine starts. Fault that could lead to catalytic If a child restraint system is fitted converter damage. Ease up on the Illuminates when the engine is and the control indicator is not accelerator until the flashing stops.

  • Page 95: Ultrasonic Parking Sensors

    Instruments and controls Flashes with switched on ignition Flashes Sport mode Fault in the electronic immobiliser On vehicle with automated manual 1 illuminates yellow. system. The engine cannot be started transmission, flashes for a few The symbol is illuminated when Sport 3 32.

  • Page 96
    Instruments and controls Electronic Stability Program The control indicator ! goes off as Caution soon as the self-cleaning operation is v flashes or illuminates yellow. complete. Coolant temperature too high. Illuminates for a few seconds when Diesel particle filter 3 134. the ignition is switched on.
  • Page 97
    Instruments and controls Interactive driving system, Illuminates when the engine is Check oil level before seeking the assistance of a workshop 3 159. running continuous damping control, sport mode Caution Low engine oil level IDS+ illuminates yellow. S illuminates yellow. Illuminates when the ignition is Engine lubrication may be Engine oil level is checked…
  • Page 98
    Instruments and controls Open&Start system Apply footbrake If the swivelling device for curve lighting fails, the corresponding low 0 illuminates or flashes yellow. j illuminates yellow. beam lamp is deactivated and the fog The engine with manual transmission lamp is switched on. Flashes automated can only be started if the The electronic key is no more within…
  • Page 99: Information Displays

    Instruments and controls Information displays Cruise control Board-Info-Display m illuminates green. Triple-Info-Display Illuminates when the system is on 3 149. Door open Q illuminates red. Illuminates when a door or the tailgate is open. Displays time, outside temperature and date or Infotainment system information.

  • Page 100
    Instruments and controls Select using the Infotainment system Select using the left adjuster wheel on System settings buttons the steering wheel Press the Settings button of the In the Settings menu, use the OK Press the adjuster wheel to open the Infotainment system.
  • Page 101
    Instruments and controls Automatic time synchronisation Setting date and time Language selection The RDS signal of most VHF The value ready for modification is The display language for some transmitters automatically sets the marked with arrows. Use the arrow functions can be selected. time.
  • Page 102
    Instruments and controls Setting units of measure Graphic-Info-Display, Colour- Selecting functions Info-Display Functions and settings of the Infotainment system and electronic climate control system are accessed via the display. Selections are made via the menus and buttons, the multifunction control of the Infotainment system or the left adjuster wheel of the steering wheel.
  • Page 103
    Instruments and controls Select menu items via the menus and Press the multifunction control to Function areas using the Infotainment system select the highlighted item or confirm buttons. The OK button is used to a command. select the highlighted item or confirm To exit a menu, turn the multifunction a command.
  • Page 104
    Instruments and controls System settings Setting date and time On Infotainment systems with navigation, time and date are also harmonised upon receipt of a GPS satellite signal. The function is activated by ticking the field in front of Synchron. clock automatical.
  • Page 105
    Instruments and controls Setting units of measure Adjusting contrast (Graphic-Info-Display) Selection is indicated by a 6 in front of the menu item. Select menu item Units from the In systems with voice output, when Settings menu. Select menu item Contrast from the the language setting of the display is Settings menu.
  • Page 106: Vehicle Messages

    Instruments and controls Vehicle messages Always day design: black or coloured ■ If the vehicle has automated text on light background. manual transmission and the driver’s door is opened when the Always night design: white or Messages are given via the engine is running, a gear is coloured text on dark background.

  • Page 107: Battery Voltage

    Instruments and controls ■ Gong tone if the tailgate is not ■ Persistent warning buzzer when Engine cooling level closed during roof operation. closing the tailgate, if the lowering process of the electric load aid is ■ Gong tone if the tailgate is not fully not complete or has been open during operation of the load interrupted.

  • Page 108
    Instruments and controls Lighting Anti-theft alarm system Important exterior lights, including System fault in anti-theft alarm cables and fuses, are monitored. In system. Have the cause of the fault trailer mode, trailer lighting is also remedied by a workshop. monitored. Trailers with LED lighting must have an adapter that enables Tyre pressure light monitoring as with conventional…
  • Page 109: Trip Computer

    Instruments and controls Trip computer Instantaneous consumption Average speed Displays average speed. The Trip computer in Board-Info- measurement can be reset at any time. Display Stoppages in the journey with the Access the data by pressing the BC ignition off are not included in the button on the Infotainment system or calculations.

  • Page 110
    Instruments and controls Range is calculated from current fuel Select the function. Press the OK To display other trip computer data, tank content and current button or the left adjuster wheel on the press the BC button on the consumption. The display shows steering wheel to start or stop the stop infotainment system, select the trip average values.
  • Page 111
    Instruments and controls Absolute consumption Displays fuel consumed. The measurement can be reset at any time. Average consumption Displays average consumption. The measurement can be reset at any time. Restart trip computer The measurement or calculation of the following trip computer When the fuel level in the tank is low, Distance information can be restarted:…
  • Page 112
    Instruments and controls Stop watch The information of the two trip To reset all information of a trip computers can be reset separately, computer, select menu item All Select menu item Timer from the making it possible to evaluate data values.
  • Page 113
    Instruments and controls Driving Time incl. Stops The current pressure of each tyre is displayed. The time the vehicle is in motion is recorded. The time the vehicle is Further information 3 187. stationary with the ignition switched on is included. Travel Time Measurement of the time from manual activation via Start to manual…
  • Page 114: Lighting

    Lighting Lighting Exterior lighting Automatic light control Light switch Exterior lighting ……114 Interior lighting ……118 Lighting features ……119 Light switch set to AUTO: When the engine is running, headlights are switched on when external light Turn light switch: conditions are poor.

  • Page 115: Headlight Range Adjustment

    Lighting High beam Headlight range adjustment 2 = all seats occupied and load compartment laden Manual headlight range 3 = driver’s seat occupied and load adjustment compartment laden Vehicles with automatic level control system 0 = front seats occupied 1 = all seats occupied 1 = all seats occupied and load compartment laden 2 = driver’s seat occupied and load…

  • Page 116: Hazard Warning Flashers

    Lighting However, when driving in countries On vehicle without automatic light The light beam pivots based on where traffic drives on the opposite control, 9 must be switched on when steering wheel position and speed. side of the road, adjust the headlights it gets dark for illumination of the Motorway lighting to prevent dazzling of oncoming…

  • Page 117: Rear Fog Light

    Lighting Turn and lane-change signals Move the lever to the resistance point Rear fog lights and hold for longer indication. The rear fog light can only be Switch the turn signal off manually by switched on when both the ignition moving the lever slightly.

  • Page 118: Reversing Lights

    Lighting Interior lighting When parked, the parking light on one Front courtesy light side can be activated: Instrument panel illumination 1. Set light switch to 7 or AUTO. control 2. Ignition off. 3. Move turn signal lever all the way up (right parking light) or down (left parking light).

  • Page 119: Exit Lighting

    Lighting Lighting features Courtesy lights and rear reading Reading lights lights Centre console lighting Spotlight in interior mirror housing. Daylight-dependent, automatically regulated centre console lighting. Entry lighting After unlocking the vehicle, the instrument panel lighting and the number plate lights come on for a few seconds.

  • Page 120
    Lighting Headlights and reversing lights come on for approx. 30 seconds after the system is activated and the driver’s door is closed. Activating 1. Switch off ignition. 2. Remove ignition key. 3. Open driver’s door. 4. Pull turn signal lever. 5.
  • Page 121: Infotainment System

    Infotainment system Infotainment system Introduction Radio Operation Radio reception The Infotainment system is operated Radio reception may be disrupted by Introduction …….. 121 as described in the Infotainment static, noise, distortion due to Radio ……… 121 system manual. ■ changes in distance from the Audio players ……

  • Page 122: Audio Players

    Infotainment system Audio players Rear seat infotainment Phone Auxiliary devices Rear seat audio system Mobile phones and CB radio equipment Installation instructions and operating guidelines The vehicle specific installation instructions and the operating guidelines of the mobile phone and handsfree manufacturer must be observed when installing and operating a mobile telephone.

  • Page 123
    Infotainment system Seek advice on predetermined Caution installation points for the external antenna or equipment holder and Mobile telephones and radio ways of using devices with equipment may lead to a transmission power exceeding 10 malfunctions in the vehicle Watts. electronics when operated inside Use of a handsfree attachment the vehicle with no exterior…
  • Page 124: Climate Control

    Climate control Climate control Climate control systems J = to windscreen, front door windows and foot well K = to foot well Heating and ventilation system Intermediate settings are possible. Climate control systems ….. 124 Temperature Air vents ……..130 = warm Maintenance ……

  • Page 125: Side Air Vents

    Climate control ■ Open side air vents as required and Cooling n Air distribution to l: Air recirculation direct them towards door windows. is deactivated. Operated with the n button and is functional only when the engine and ■ For simultaneous warming of the Maximum cooling fan are running.

  • Page 126
    Climate control ■ Open side air vents as required and = Cooling Intermediate settings are possible. direct them towards door windows. 4 = Air recirculation Temperature preselection V = Demisting and defrosting ■ For simultaneous warming of the Set the temperature control to the foot well, set air distribution control Heated rear window Ü…
  • Page 127: Electronic Climate Control System

    Climate control The air conditioning system cools and ■ Cooling n on. Electronic climate control dehumidifies (dries) when outside system ■ Set air distribution control to M. temperature is above a specific level. ■ Set temperature control to required Therefore condensation may form temperature value.

  • Page 128
    Climate control The preselected temperature is The electronic climate control system Fan speed automatically regulated. In the is only fully operational when the The selected fan speed is indicated automatic mode the fan speed and air engine is running. with x and a number in the display. distribution automatically regulate the Do not cover the sensor on the If the fan is switched off the air…
  • Page 129
    Climate control Individual menu items are marked by Cooling Select menu item Automatic blower turning the centre control and from the Climate menu and select the selected by pressing it. desired fan regulation. To exit a menu, turn the centre control Manual air recirculation mode until Return or Main appear and The manual air recirculation mode is…
  • Page 130: Air Vents

    Climate control Air vents Residual climate control can only operate for a limited period of time. To cancel, press the AUTO button. Adjustable air vents At least one air vent must be open Auxiliary heater while cooling is on in order to prevent the evaporator from icing up due to Air heater lack of air movement.

  • Page 131
    Climate control Maintenance Air conditioning regular operation Air intake In order to ensure continuously efficient performance, cooling must be operated for a few minutes once a month, irrespective of the weather and time of year. Operation with cooling is not possible when outside temperature is too low.
  • Page 132: Driving And Operating

    Driving and operating Driving and Driving hints Starting and operating operating Control of the vehicle New vehicle running-in Do not brake unnecessarily hard for Never coast with engine not the first few journeys. running Driving hints ……. 132 During the first drive, smoke may Many systems will not function in this occur because of wax and oil Starting and operating ….

  • Page 133
    Driving and operating Ignition switch positions Starting the engine Starting engine with the Start/Stop button Starting engine with ignition switch 0 = Ignition off The electronic key must be inside the 1 = Steering wheel lock released, vehicle. Operate clutch and brake, ignition off automatic transmission in P or N, do Operate clutch and brake, automatic…
  • Page 134: Engine Exhaust

    Driving and operating Engine exhaust Overrun cut-off If the vehicle is on a downhill slope, engage reverse gear or set the The fuel supply is automatically cut off selector lever to P before switching during overrun, i.e. when the vehicle off the ignition.

  • Page 135: Catalytic Converter

    Driving and operating consumption may be higher during this period. The emission of smells and smoke during this process is normal. The control indicator ! extinguishes Stopping the journey or switching off as soon as the self-cleaning the engine during cleaning is not operation is complete.

  • Page 136: Automatic Transmission

    Driving and operating Automatic transmission Selector lever Caution The automatic transmission makes Fuel grades other than those listed automatic shifting possible on pages 3 151, 3 209 could (automatic mode) and the version damage the catalytic converter or with ActiveSelect also makes manual electronic components.

  • Page 137
    Driving and operating Do not accelerate while engaging a gear. Never depress the accelerator pedal and brake pedal at the same time. When a gear is engaged, the vehicle slowly begins to creep when the brake is released. Gears 3, 2, 1 3, 2, 1 = Transmission does not shift above the selected gear.
  • Page 138
    Driving and operating Rocking the vehicle Move selector lever out of position D ■ The automatic neutral shift function towards the left and then forwards or automatically shifts to idling when Rocking the vehicle is only backwards. the vehicle is stopped with permissible if the vehicle is stuck in a forward gear engaged.
  • Page 139
    Driving and operating Activate the Winter programme to Kickdown Version without manual mode assist starting off on a slippery road 2nd gear is not available. Manual surface. shifting: = 1st gear Activation on vehicles without manual = 3rd gear mode 3, D = 4th gear Press the T button with P, R, N, D or 3 engaged.
  • Page 140: Manual Transmission

    Driving and operating Manual transmission 3. Push the yellow catch forward If the battery is not the cause of the with a screwdriver and move the fault, release selector lever: selector lever out of P. 1. Apply parking brake. To engage reverse, with the vehicle 4.

  • Page 141: Manual Transmission Automated

    Driving and operating Manual transmission If the Winter programme is activated, Caution T is illuminated. automated It is inadvisable to drive with hand Starting the engine resting on the selector lever. The Easytronic transmission permits manual (manual mode) or automatic Depress the foot brake when starting gear shifting (automatic mode), both the engine.

  • Page 142
    Driving and operating Selector lever Starting off high engine speed has been reached. It shifts down in good time when Depress the foot brake and move the braking. selector lever to A, + or -. The transmission is in automatic mode Manual mode and first gear is engaged.
  • Page 143
    Driving and operating Manual mode Electronic driving programmes Winter programme T If a higher gear is selected when the ■ Following a cold start, the operating engine speed is too low, or a lower temperature programme increases gear when the speed is too high, the engine speed to quickly bring the shift is not executed.
  • Page 144: Interruption Of Power Supply

    Driving and operating ■ switching to manual mode (when Fault switched back to automatic mode, To prevent damage to the manual the Winter programme is again transmission automated, the clutch is active) engaged automatically at high clutch ■ when clutch temperature is too high temperatures.

  • Page 145: Brakes

    Driving and operating Brakes 5. Using a flat-head screwdriver, Seek the immediate assistance of turn the adjusting screw under the a workshop. cap clockwise until clear The brake system comprises two resistance can be felt. The clutch independent brake circuits. has now been disengaged.

  • Page 146: Brake Assist

    Driving and operating ABS starts to regulate brake pressure Fault Control indicator R 3 95. as soon as a wheel shows a tendency to lock. The vehicle remains 9 Warning Brake assist steerable, even during hard braking. If the brake pedal is depressed If there is a fault in the ABS, the ABS control is made apparent quickly and forcefully, maximum…

  • Page 147: Ride Control Systems

    Driving and operating Ride control systems Hold the SPORT button depressed 9 Warning for about 4 seconds. Control indicator v illuminates. ESPoff also appears in Electronic stability program Do not let this special safety the service display. Electronic stability program feature tempt you into taking risks (ESP®…

  • Page 148
    Driving and operating Sport mode Deactivation The automatic level control is activated after the vehicle has been Briefly press the SPORT button. Suspension and steering become driven for some distance, depending Sport mode is deactivated the next more direct and provide better on the vehicle loading and the road time the ignition is switched on or if contact with the road surface.
  • Page 149: Cruise Control

    Driving and operating Cruise control With automatic transmission or Reduce speed manual transmission automated, only With cruise control active, hold down activate cruise control in automatic button g or briefly press it repeatedly: The cruise control can store and mode. speed is reduced continuously or in maintain speeds of approx.

  • Page 150: Object Detection Systems

    Driving and operating Object detection systems Activation 9 Warning Parking assist Under certain circumstances, various reflective surfaces on objects or clothing as well as external noise sources may cause the system to fail to detect obstacles. Deactivation Deactivate the system by pressing the r button.

  • Page 151: Fuel

    Driving and operating Fuel a biodiesel (= FAME according to Refuelling EN14214) content of max. 7% by volume (like DIN 51628 or equivalent Fuel for petrol engines standards) may be used. Only use unleaded fuel that complies Do not use marine diesel oils, heating with DIN EN 228.

  • Page 152
    Driving and operating The fuel filler cap can be retained in The figures given must not be taken 9 Danger the bracket on the fuel filler flap. as a guarantee for the actual fuel consumption of a particular vehicle. Fuel is flammable and explosive. Caution Furthermore, fuel consumption is No smoking.
  • Page 153: Towing

    Driving and operating Towing For trailers with low driving stability The permissible trailer loads are and trailers with a permitted gross specified in the vehicle documents. In vehicle weight of more than 1300 kg general, they are valid for gradients General information (Saloon)/1200 kg (Station wagon) up to max.

  • Page 154: Towing Equipment

    Driving and operating The maximum permissible vertical Towing equipment Fitting the coupling ball bar coupling load (75 kg) is specified on the towing equipment identification Caution plate and in the vehicle documents. Always aim for the maximum load, When operating without a trailer, especially in the case of heavy remove the coupling ball bar.

  • Page 155
    Driving and operating Checking the tensioning of the Insert the tensioned coupling ball bar coupling ball bar in the opening and push firmly upwards until it audibly engages. The rotary handle snaps back into its original position resting against the coupling ball bar without a gap.
  • Page 156
    Driving and operating Eye for break-away stopping cable Dismounting the coupling ball bar Trailer stability assist Attach break-away stopping cable to If the system detects snaking eye. movements, engine power is reduced and the vehicle/trailer combination is Check that the coupling ball bar is selectively braked until the snaking correctly installed ceases.
  • Page 157: Vehicle Care

    Vehicle care Vehicle care General Information ■ Drain washer fluid reservoir. ■ Check coolant antifreeze. Accessories and vehicle ■ Adjust tyre pressure to the value modifications specified for full load. General Information ….157 We recommend using genuine parts ■ Park vehicle in dry, well ventilated Vehicle checks ……

  • Page 158: Vehicle Checks

    Vehicle care Vehicle checks ■ Check the engine oil level. 9 Danger ■ Check the coolant level. Performing work ■ Fit the number plate if necessary. The ignition system and Xenon headlights use extremely high voltage. Do not touch. End-of-life vehicle recovery Information about end-of-life vehicle The caps for topping up the engine oil, recovery centres and the recycling of…

  • Page 159: Engine Oil

    Vehicle care Pull the release lever and return it to Engine oil its original position. The engine oil level is checked automatically, Vehicle messages 3 97. However, check the engine oil level manually on a regular basis to prevent damage to the engine. Ensure that the correct specification of oil is used.

  • Page 160
    Vehicle care We recommend the use of the same Coolant level grade of engine oil that was used at last change. Caution The engine oil level must not exceed Too low a coolant level can cause the MAX mark on the dipstick. engine damage.
  • Page 161: Washer Fluid

    Vehicle care Fill with clean water mixed with 9 Warning a suitable quantity of windscreen washer fluid which contains Allow the engine to cool before antifreeze. opening the cap. Carefully open the cap, relieving the pressure Brakes slowly. A squealing noise indicates that the Top up with antifreeze.

  • Page 162
    Vehicle care Batteries do not belong in household Wiper blade replacement Wiper blades on the windscreen waste. They must be disposed of at Service setting for front an appropriate recycling collection windscreen wipers point. Laying up the vehicle for more than 4 weeks can lead to battery discharge.
  • Page 163: Bulb Replacement

    Vehicle care Bulb replacement Wiper blade on the rear window To replace bulbs on the right side of the engine compartment, detach the air hose from the air filter. On the left Switch off the ignition and switch off side, detach the plug to the fuse box. the relevant switch or close the doors.

  • Page 164
    Vehicle care 5. Insert the bulb holder, engaging the two lugs into the reflector and rotate clockwise to secure. 6. Rotate bulb carrier to the right as far as it will go. 7. Install protective cover. 8. Close the opening in the wheel housing with the cover.
  • Page 165
    Vehicle care 4. Disengage spring clip from 2. Remove protective cover 1. 4. Remove bulb from socket and retainer by pressing forward and renew the bulb. then swinging downwards. 5. Insert holder in reflector. Install 5. Withdraw the bulb from reflector the headlamp protective cover.
  • Page 166: Xenon Headlights

    Vehicle care Xenon headlights High beam 3. Rotate left bulb holder and disengage. 1. Replace bulbs through the openings in the wheel arches. Headlamps have separate systems 4. Remove the bulb holder with bulb for low beam 1 (inner bulbs) and high from the reflector.

  • Page 167
    Vehicle care 5. Detach bulb from bulb holder. 4. Remove bulb from socket and renew bulb. 6. Insert new bulb so that the two lugs on the bulb holder engage in 5. Insert holder in reflector. Place the recesses in the reflector. protective cap in position and close.
  • Page 168: Tail Lights

    Vehicle care Tail lights Saloon 5-door 3. Push bulb slightly into the socket, 3. Loosen fastening nuts with wheel rotate anti-clockwise, remove and bolt wrench and unscrew by hand. renew bulb. Vehicle tools 3 184. 4. Insert bulb holder in the reflector, 1.

  • Page 169
    Vehicle care 4. Detach bulb housing towards the rear. 6. Remove and renew the bulb. 8. Ensure that the seals are applied to the bulb holder and fixing Reverse light (1) screws. 5. Unscrew the three screws using Turn signal light (2) a screwdriver.
  • Page 170
    Vehicle care Saloon 3-door 4. Detach bulb housing towards the rear. 3. Loosen fastening nuts with wheel bolt wrench and unscrew by hand. 1. To change the bulbs, fold down Vehicle tools 3 184. 5. Remove seal from the fastening the cover.
  • Page 171
    Vehicle care Saloon 4-door 6. Remove and renew the bulb. 8. Ensure that the seals are applied to the bulb holder and fixing Reverse light (1) 1. To replace bulbs, fold up cover in screws. Turn signal light (2) load compartment after twisting 9.
  • Page 172
    Vehicle care 2. Release the bolts behind the 5. Press out six locking catches on cover using a conventional bolt the bulb housing and remove bulb wrench, and remove. carrier. 4. Press tail lights back, holding the bulb housing from the outside. Remove plug from bulb carrier.
  • Page 173
    Vehicle care 8. Attach the plug connector. Place bulb housing in body, clipping the round- head bolts into the recesses. Attach bulb housing to the body with four screws. Close cover and lock. Station wagon, Van 2. Detach plug connector from bulb 4.
  • Page 174
    Vehicle care 5. Remove and renew the bulb. 1. Unscrew retaining nuts. Reverse light/brake light (1) Turn signal light (2) Reverse light (3) Fog light, may be only on one side 6. Engage bulb holder in bulb housing and screw in place. Insert the bulb housing into the body and tighten the fastening nuts by hand.
  • Page 175: Number Plate Light

    Vehicle care Number plate light 5. Remove and renew the bulb. 7. Fit seal on bulb holder. Ensure that the seal is flat in the area of Reverse light/brake light (1) the screws. 1. Insert a screwdriver in the Reverse light (2) housing, press to the side and 8.

  • Page 176
    Vehicle care Interior lights Front courtesy light, reading lights 4. Rotate bulb holder anti-clockwise 2. Remove bulb housing to disengage. downwards, taking care not to pull on the cable. 5. Remove bulb from holder and renew bulb. 3. Lift flap and disconnect wiring 1.
  • Page 177: Electrical System

    Vehicle care Electrical system Glovebox light, load compartment light, foot well light Fuses Data on the replacement fuse must match data on the defective fuse. The vehicle has two fuse boxes: one behind a cover on the left side of the load compartment and one in the front left of the engine compartment.

  • Page 178
    Vehicle care Place the fuse extractor on the various types of fuse from the top or side, and withdraw fuse. Fuse extractor A fuse extractor may be located in the fuse box in the load compartment. Back to overview…
  • Page 179
    Vehicle care Engine compartment fuse box Fuse assignments in conjunction with load compartment fuse box version A No. Circuit Interior fan climate control system Interior fan, heating, air conditioning system Radiator fan Insert a screwdriver into the opening as far as it will go and tilt it sideways. Radiator fan Open the cover upwards and remove.
  • Page 180
    Vehicle care Fuse assignments in conjunction No. Circuit No. Circuit with load compartment fuse box 12 Mobile telephone, Infotainment 27 Heating, air conditioning system version B system, display 28 – No. Circuit 13 Courtesy light 29 Power steering 14 Windscreen wiper 30 Engine electronics 15 Windscreen wiper 31 Rear window wiper…
  • Page 181
    Vehicle care Load compartment fuse box No. Circuit No. Circuit 14 Windscreen wiper 29 Transmission electronics 15 Windscreen wiper 30 Engine electronics 16 Control module electronics, 31 Adaptive forward fighting, Open&Start system, ABS, headlight range adjustment brake light switch, TwinTop 32 Brake system, air conditioning 17 Diesel fuel filter heating system, clutch switch…
  • Page 182
    Vehicle care Saloon 4-door Fuse box version B To open, twist catch anti-clockwise and fold down cover . TwinTop No. Circuit Fog light – Load compartment power outlet To open, pull the two knobs, remove the clips and fold the cover upwards. Reversing lights Fuse box version A Rear power windows…
  • Page 183
    Vehicle care No. Circuit No. Circuit No. Circuit Front power windows 16 Seat occupancy recognition, 29 Cigarette lighter, front power Open&Start system outlet – 17 Rain sensor, tyre pressure 30 Rear power outlet Instruments monitoring system, interior 31 – mirror Heating, air conditioning system, electronic climate 32 –…
  • Page 184: Vehicle Tools

    Vehicle care Vehicle tools TwinTop No. Circuit The tools for emergency operation of 43 – Tools the convertible hardtop are stowed in the glove compartment. 44 – Vehicles with tyre repair set The tool kit and tyre repair set are in a storage compartment below the floor cover in the load compartment.

  • Page 185: Wheels And Tyres

    Astra OPC on special alloy wheels damage. Do not trap tyres on the kerb and a correspondingly shallow tread. approved by Opel. when parking. The tyres provide sportily oriented Run-flat winter tyres may only be Regularly check the wheels for…

  • Page 186: Tyre Designations

    Vehicle care Driving with a damaged tyre = Load index e.g. 91 is Caution equivalent to 618 kg A loss in tyre pressure is indicated by = Speed code letter the tyre pressure monitoring system Check tyre pressures regularly or the deflation detection system. even if run-flat tyres are fitted.

  • Page 187: Tyre Pressure Monitoring System

    Vehicle care On vehicles with tyre pressure Tyre pressure monitoring monitoring system, screw the adapter system to the valve. The tyre pressure monitoring system Tyre pressure 3 234 and on the label continually checks the pressure of all on the inside of the fuel filler flap. four wheels when vehicle speed The tyre pressure data refer to cold exceeds a certain limit.

  • Page 188: Deflation Detection System

    Vehicle care External high-power radio equipment Tyre deflation detection press and hold the DDS button for could disrupt the tyre pressure approx. 4 seconds, control indicator system monitoring system. w flashes three times. The tyre deflation detection system System initialisation continually checks the rotation speed Tread depth of all four tyres.

  • Page 189: Wheel Covers

    Vehicle care indicators (TWI). Their position is Wheel covers Tyre chains indicated by markings on the Wheel covers and tyres that are sidewall. factory approved for the respective If there is more wear at the front than vehicle and comply with all of the the rear, swap round front wheels and relevant wheel and tyre combination rear wheels.

  • Page 190: Tyre Repair Kit

    Vehicle care Saloon, Station wagon, Van: tyre Apply parking brake and engage first chains are only approved on tyres of gear, reverse gear or P. size 215/45 R 17 if the vehicle was equipped with 18-inch wheels in the factory. The use of tyre chains is not permitted on the temporary spare wheel.

  • Page 191
    Vehicle care 4. Screw the compressor air hose to 9. Connect the compressor plug to 12. All of the sealant is pumped into the connection on the sealant the accessory socket or cigarette the tyre. Then the tyre is inflated. bottle.
  • Page 192
    Vehicle care tyre is too badly damaged. Seek If tyre pressure is more than 1.3 Note the assistance of a workshop. bar, set it to the correct value. The driving characteristics of the Repeat the procedure until there repaired tyre is severely affected, Drain excess tyre pressure with is no more loss of pressure.
  • Page 193: Wheel Changing

    Vehicle care Wheel changing ■ Never crawl under a jacked-up Alloy wheels: Disengage wheel vehicle. bolt caps with a screwdriver and Some vehicles are equipped with remove. To protect the wheel, ■ Do not start the vehicle when it is a tyre repair kit instead of a spare place a soft cloth between the raised on the jack.

  • Page 194: Spare Wheel

    Vehicle care 4. Set the jack to the necessary 11. Stow the replaced wheel 3 190 height before positioning it directly and the vehicle tools 3 184. below the jacking point in 12. Check the tyre pressure of the a manner that prevents it from installed tyre and also the wheel slipping.

  • Page 195
    Vehicle care Station wagon TwinTop Accessing the spare wheel when the roof is open: Engage load compartment cover on the rear window frame and activate the loading aid 3 74. Raise the floor cover in the load compartment. Temporary spare wheel Use of the temporary spare wheel could affect driveability.
  • Page 196: Jump Starting

    Vehicle care Jump starting The following applies to tyres fitted ■ A discharged battery can already opposing the rolling direction: freeze at temperatures of 0 °C. Defrost the frozen battery before ■ Driveability may be affected. Have Do not start with quick charger. connecting jump leads.

  • Page 197
    Vehicle care ■ The vehicles must not come into 3. Connect the black lead to the 4. Switch on electrical consumers contact with each other during the negative terminal of the booster (e.g. headlights, heated rear jump starting process. battery. window) of the vehicle receiving the jump start.
  • Page 198: Towing

    Vehicle care Towing Caution Towing the vehicle Drive slowly. Do not drive jerkily. Excessive tractive force can damage the vehicle. When the engine is not running, considerably more force is needed to brake and steer. To prevent the entry of exhaust gases from the towing vehicle, switch on the air recirculation and close the Screw in the towing eye as far as it will…

  • Page 199: Towing Another Vehicle

    Vehicle care Towing another vehicle For other models unclip locking tabs Caution downward and pull off the cover upwards. Drive slowly. Do not drive jerkily. The towing eye is stowed with the Excessive tractive force can vehicle tools 3 184. damage the vehicle.

  • Page 200: Appearance Care

    Vehicle care Appearance care window wiper must be switched off. Polishing and waxing Remove antenna and external Wax the vehicle regularly (at the accessories such as roof racks etc. Exterior care latest when water no longer beads). Otherwise, the paintwork will dry out. If you wash your vehicle by hand, Locks make sure that the insides of the…

  • Page 201
    Vehicle care Clean smearing wiper blades with Underbody When washing the engine with a soft cloth and window cleaner. a steam-jet cleaner, do not direct the Some areas of the vehicle underbody steam jet towards components of the have a PVC undercoating while other Sun roof antilock brake system, air critical areas have a durable…
  • Page 202
    Vehicle care Towing equipment Plastic and rubber parts Do not clean the coupling ball bar with Plastic and rubber parts can be a steam-jet or high-pressure jet cleaned with the same cleaner as cleaner. used to clean the body. Use interior cleaner if necessary.
  • Page 203: Service And Maintenance

    Service and maintenance Service and General information Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United maintenance Kingdom. Service information Service display 3 91. In order to ensure economical and safe vehicle operation and to International service intervals maintain the value of your vehicle, it General information ….

  • Page 204: Recommended Fluids

    Service and maintenance Recommended fluids, Fixed service interval Display of remaining distance: lubricants and parts When service is due, InSP appears in 1. Switch off ignition. the service display for approx. 10 2. Briefly press the trip odometer seconds when the ignition is switched Recommended fluids and reset button.

  • Page 205
    Service and maintenance aging control, whereas viscosity Alternative qualities if GM-LL-A-025 Additional engine oil additives grade gives information on the oil’s or GM-LL-B-025 are not available: The use of additional engine oil thickness over a temperature range. additives could cause damage and ACEA-A3/B3 or = Petrol engines invalidate the warranty.
  • Page 206
    Service and maintenance The system is factory filled with coolant designed for excellent corrosion protection and frost protection down to approx. -28 °C. This concentration should be maintained all year round. The use of additional coolant additives that intend to give additional corrosion protection or seal against minor leaks can cause function problems.
  • Page 207: Technical Data

    Technical data Technical data Vehicle identification Vehicle Identification Number Vehicle identification ….207 Vehicle data ……. 209 The Vehicle Identification Number may be embossed on the instrument panel visible through the windscreen. The Vehicle Identification Number is stamped on the identification plate and on the floor pan, under the floor covering, visible under a cover.

  • Page 208: Identification Plate

    Technical data Identification plate Information on identification plate: 1 = Manufacturer 2 = Type approval number 3 = Vehicle Identification Number 4 = Permissible gross vehicle weight rating 5 = Permissible gross train weight 6 = Maximum permissible front axle load 7 = Maximum permissible rear axle load…

  • Page 209: Vehicle Data

    Technical data Vehicle data Engine data Sales designation 2.0 Turbo Engine identifier code Z 12 XEP Z 14 XEP Z 16 XER Z 16 LET Z 20 LER Z 18 XER Number of cylinders Piston displacement [cm 1229 1364 1598 1598 1998 1796…

  • Page 210
    Technical data Sales designation 2.0 Turbo 1.3 CDTI 1.7 CDTI Engine identifier code Z 20 LEH Z 13 DTH A 17 DTJ Z 17 DTH A 17 DTR Number of cylinders 1998 1248 1686 1686 1686 Piston displacement [cm Engine power [kW] at rpm 5600 4000…
  • Page 211
    Technical data Sales designation 1.9 CDTI 1.9 CDTI 1.9 CDTI Engine identifier code Z 17 DTJ Z 17 DTR Z 19 DTL Z 19 DT Z 19 DTH Number of cylinders 1686 1686 1910 1910 1910 Piston displacement [cm Engine power [kW] at rpm 3800 4000…
  • Page 212
    Technical data Performance Saloon 5-door Engine Z12XEP Z14XEP Z16XER Z16LET Z18XER Maximum speed [km/h] Manual transmission Manual transmission automated – – – Automatic transmission – – – – Engine Z20LER Z13DTH Z17DTH Z17DTJ Z17DTR Maximum speed [km/h] Manual transmission 185 / 188 Manual transmission automated –…
  • Page 213
    Technical data Engine A17DTJ A17DTR Z19DTL Z19DT Z19DTH Maximum speed [km/h] Manual transmission Manual transmission automated – – – – – Automatic transmission – – – – Saloon 3-door Engine Z14XEP Z16XER Z16LET Z18XER Z20LER Maximum speed [km/h] Manual transmission Manual transmission automated –…
  • Page 214
    Technical data Engine A17DTJ A17DTR Z19DTL Z19DT Z19DTH Maximum speed [km/h] Manual transmission Manual transmission automated – – – – – Automatic transmission – – – – Saloon 4-door Engine Z16XER Z18XER Z13DTH Z17DTH Maximum speed [km/h] Manual transmission Manual transmission automated –…
  • Page 215
    Technical data Engine Z13DTH A17DTJ A17DTR Z17DTH Z17DTJ Maximum speed [km/h] Manual transmission 185 / 188 Manual transmission automated – – – – – Automatic transmission – – – – – Engine Z17DTR Z19DTL Z19DT Z19DTH Maximum speed [km/h] Manual transmission Manual transmission automated –…
  • Page 216
    Technical data Engine Z17DTR Z19DTL Z19DT Z19DTH Maximum speed [km/h] Manual transmission Manual transmission automated – – – – Automatic transmission – – – TwinTop Engine Z16XEP Z16LET Z18XER Z20LER Z19DTH Maximum speed [km/h] Manual transmission Manual transmission automated – –…
  • Page 217
    Technical data Fuel consumption — CO -emissions Saloon 5-door Tyre width up to 205 mm with manual transmission / manual transmission automated / automatic transmission Engine Z12XEP Z14XEP Z16XER Z18XER Z13DTH urban [l/100 km] 8.0/–/– 8.0/7.7/– 8.7/8.5/– 9.7/–/10.4 /6.4/– extra-urban [l/100 km] 5.0/–/–…
  • Page 218
    Technical data Engine Z12XEP Z14XEP Z16XER Z16LET Z18XER Z20LER Z17DTH urban [l/100 km] 8.2/–/– 8.1/7.8/– 8.8/8.6/– 10.3/–/– 9.8/–/10.5 13.1/–/– 6.5/–/– extra-urban [l/100 km] 5.2/–/– 5.1/5.0/– 5.3/5.1/– 6.2/–/– 5.7/–/6.2 7.1/–/– 4.3/–/– total [l/100 km] 6.3/–/– 6.2/6.0/– 6.6/6.4/– 7.7/–/– 7.2/–/7.8 9.3/–/– 5.1/–/– [g/km] 138/–/–…
  • Page 219
    Technical data Saloon 3-door Tyre width up to 205 mm with manual transmission / manual transmission automated / automatic transmission Engine Z14XEP Z16XER Z18XER Z13DTH Z17DTH urban [l/100 km] 8.0/7.7/– 8.7/8.5/– 9.7/–/10.4 6.3/6.4/– 6.4/–/– extra-urban [l/100 km] 5.0/4.9/– 5.2/5.0/– 5.6/–/6.1 4.1/4.2/–…
  • Page 220
    Technical data Engine Z14XEP Z16XER Z16LET Z18XER Z20LER Z20LEH Z17DTH urban [l/100 km] 8.1/7.8/– 8.8/8.6/– 10.3/–/– 9.8/–/10.5 13.1/–/– 13.0/–/– 6.5/–/– extra-urban [l/100 km] 5.1/5.0/– 5.3/5.1/– 6.2/–/– 5.7/–/6.2 7.1/–/– 7.0/–/– 4.3/–/– total [l/100 km] 6.2/6.0/– 6.6/6.4/– 7.7/–/– 7.2/–/7.8 9.3/–/– 9.2/–/– 5.1/–/– [g/km] 138/–/–…
  • Page 221
    Technical data Saloon 4-door Tyre width up to 205 mm with manual transmission / manual transmission automated / automatic transmission Engine Z16XER Z18XER Z13DTH Z17DTH Z17DTJ urban [l/100 km] 8.8/8.6/– 9.7/–/10.5 6.5/–/– 6.4/–/– 5.6/–/– extra-urban [l/100 km] 5.3/5.1/– 5.6/–/6.2 4.3/–/– 4.2/–/–…
  • Page 222
    Technical data Station wagon Tyre width up to 205 mm with manual transmission / manual transmission automated / automatic transmission Engine Z14XEP Z16XER Z18XER Z13DTH urban [l/100 km] 8.0/–/– 8.8/8.6/– 9.7/–/10.5 6.3/–/– extra-urban [l/100 km] 5.0/–/– 5.3/5.1/– 5.6/–/6.2 4.1/–/– total [l/100 km] 6.1/–/–…
  • Page 223
    Technical data Engine Z14XEP Z16XER Z18XER Z16LET Z20LER A17DTJ A17DTR urban [l/100 km] 8.1/–/– 8.9/8.7/– 9.8/–/10.6 10.3/–/– 13.2/–/– 7.0/–/– 7.0/–/– extra-urban [l/100 km] 5.1/–/– 5.4/5.2/– 5.7/–/6.3 6.2/–/– 7.2/–/– 4.8/–/– 4.8/–/– total [l/100 km] 6.2/–/– 6.7/6.5/– 7.2/–/7.9 7.7/–/– 9.4/–/– 5.6/–/– 5.6/–/– [g/km] 149/–/–…
  • Page 224
    Technical data Tyre width up to 205 mm with manual transmission / manual transmission automated / automatic transmission Engine Z14XEP Z13DTH Z17DTH Z17DTJ Z17DTR urban [l/100 km] 8.0/–/– 6.3/–/– 6.4/–/– 6.6/–/– 6.6/–/– extra-urban [l/100 km] 5.0/–/– 4.1/–/– 4.2/–/– 4.4/–/– 4.4/–/– total [l/100 km] 6.1/–/–…
  • Page 225
    Technical data TwinTop Tyre width up to 225 mm with manual transmission / manual transmission automated / automatic transmission. Engine Z16XER Z16LET Z18XER Z20LER Z19DTH urban [l/100 km] 9.0/–/– 10.5/–/– 10.0/–/10.7 13.3/–/– 7.6/–/– extra-urban [l/100 km] 5.5/–/– 6.4/–/– 5.9/–/6.4 7.3/–/– 5.1/–/–…
  • Page 226
    Technical data Vehicle weight Kerb weight, basic model, Saloon, 5-door Astra Engine Manual transmission Manual transmission Automatic transmission automated without/with air conditioning Z12XEP 1240/1260 –/– –/– [kg] Z14XEP 1240/1260 1240/1260 –/– Z16XER 1270/1290 1270/1290 –/– Z16LET –/1355 –/– –/– Z18XER 1278/1298 –/–…
  • Page 227
    Technical data Kerb weight, basic model, Saloon, 3-door Astra Engine Manual transmission Manual transmission Automatic transmission automated without/with air conditioning Z14XEP 1220/1240 1220/1240 –/– [kg] Z16XER 1250/1270 1250/1270 –/– Z16LET –/1335 –/– –/– Z18XER 1265/1285 –/– 1278/1298 Z20LER –/1365 –/– –/–…
  • Page 228
    Technical data Kerb weight, basic model, Saloon 4-door Astra Engine Manual transmission Manual transmission Automatic transmission automated without/with air conditioning Z16XER 1278/1296 1278/1296 –/– [kg] Z18XER 1278/1296 –/– 1349/1367 Z13DTH 1365/1383 –/– –/– Z17DTH, Z17DTJ 1386/1404 –/– –/– Back to overview…
  • Page 229
    Technical data Kerb weight, basic model, Station wagon Astra Engine Manual transmission Manual transmission Automatic transmission automated without/with air conditioning Z14XEP 1278/1298 –/– –/– [kg] Z16XER 1278/1298 1278/1298 –/– Z16LET –/1395 –/– –/– Z18XER 1278/1298 –/– 1350/1370 Z20LER –/1393 –/– –/–…
  • Page 230
    Technical data Kerb weight, basic model, Van Astra Engine Manual transmission Manual transmission Automatic transmission automated without/with air conditioning Z14XEP 1235/1250 –/– –/– [kg] Z13DTH 1335/1350 –/– –/– Z17DTH 1365/1380 –/– –/– Z17DTJ, Z17DTR 1385/1400 –/– –/– Z19DT 1385/1400 –/– 1420/1435 Z19DTL 1385/1400…
  • Page 231
    Technical data Additional weight, Saloon 3-door / 5-door, Station wagon Engine Z14XEP, Z16XER, Z16LET, Z18XER Z13DTH, A17DTJ, A17DTR, Z17DTH Z17DTJ, Z17DTR Edition/Enjoy [kg] 2.9 Cosmo [kg] Sport [kg] 24.5 24.5 24.5 Engine Z20LER Z19DTL, Z19DT Z19DTH Edition/Enjoy [kg] – Cosmo [kg] –…
  • Page 232: Vehicle Dimensions

    Technical data Additional weight, Van Engine Z14XEP, Z13DTH A17DTJ, A17DTR, Z17DTH, Z17DTJ, Z17DTR, Z19DTL, Z19DT, Z19DTH Edition/Enjoy [kg] – – Cosmo [kg] – – Sport [kg] 19.3 10.5 Heavy accessories Accessories Sun roof Towing equipment Split rear seat backrest Headlamp washer system Weight [kg] 23 (not on Saloon 4-door) 21 (not on TwinTop)

  • Page 233
    Technical data Saloon 5-door Saloon 3-door Saloon 4-door Station wagon Van TwinTop Height of load compartment opening [mm] 614 – – Wheelbase [mm] 2614 2614 2703 2703 2703 2614 Turning circle diameter [m] 11.20 11.20 11.50 11.50 11.50 11.20 Capacities Engine oil Engine Z12XEP,…
  • Page 234
    Technical data Tyre pressures Saloon 3-door / 5-door Comfort with up to 3 people ECO with up to 3 people With full load Engine Tyres front rear front rear front rear [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar](psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) Z12XEP…
  • Page 235
    Technical data Comfort with up to 3 people ECO with up to 3 people With full load Engine Tyres front rear front rear front rear [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar](psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) Z16XER 185/65 R 15, 230/2.3 (33) 210/2.1 (30) –…
  • Page 236
    Technical data Comfort with up to 3 people ECO with up to 3 people With full load Engine Tyres front rear front rear front rear [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar](psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) Z18XER 185/65 R 15, 230/2.3 (33) 210/2.1 (30) –…
  • Page 237
    Technical data Comfort with up to 3 people ECO with up to 3 people With full load Engine Tyres front rear front rear front rear [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar](psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) Z20LEH 240/2.4 (35) 240/2.4 (35) –…
  • Page 238
    Technical data Comfort with up to 3 people ECO with up to 3 people With full load Engine Tyres front rear front rear front rear [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar](psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) Z17DTH 195/65 R 15, 210/2.1 (30) 210/2.1 (30) 250/2.5 (36) 250/2.5 (36)
  • Page 239
    Technical data Comfort with up to 3 people ECO with up to 3 people With full load Engine Tyres front rear front rear front rear [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar](psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) Z17DTJ 195/65 R 15, 230/2.3 (33) 210/2.1 (30) 290/2.9 (42) 270/2.7 (39)
  • Page 240
    Technical data Comfort with up to 3 people ECO with up to 3 people With full load Engine Tyres front rear front rear front rear [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar] [kPa/bar](psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) Z19DTL, 205/55 R 16, 230/2.3 (33) 210/2.1 (30) 270/2.7 (39) 250/2.5 (36)
  • Page 241
    Technical data Comfort with up to 3 people ECO with up to 3 people With full load Engine Tyres front rear front rear front rear [kPa/bar](psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) Z13DTH, 195/65 R 15, 220/2.2 (32) 220/2.2 (32) –…
  • Page 242
    Technical data Comfort with up to 3 people ECO with up to 3 people With full load Engine Tyres front rear front rear front rear [kPa/bar](psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) Z16XER 185/65 R 15, 230/2.3 (33) 210/2.1 (30) –…
  • Page 243
    Technical data Comfort with up to 3 people ECO with up to 3 people With full load Engine Tyres front rear front rear front rear [kPa/bar](psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) Z18XER 185/65 R 15, 230/2.3 (33) 210/2.1 (30) –…
  • Page 244
    Technical data Comfort with up to 3 people ECO with up to 3 people With full load Engine Tyres front rear front rear front rear [kPa/bar](psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) Z13DTH 185/65 R 15, 230/2.3 (33) 210/2.1 (30) –…
  • Page 245
    Technical data Comfort with up to 3 people ECO with up to 3 people With full load Engine Tyres front rear front rear front rear [kPa/bar](psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) A17DTR 205/55 R 16 230/2.3 (33) 210/2.1 (30) 270/2.7 (39) 250/2.5 (36)
  • Page 246
    Technical data Comfort with up to 3 people ECO with up to 3 people With full load Engine Tyres front rear front rear front rear [kPa/bar](psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) Z19DTL, 205/55 R 16, 230/2.3 (33) 210/2.1 (30) 270/2.7 (39) 250/2.5 (36)
  • Page 247
    Technical data Comfort with up to 3 people ECO with up to 3 people With full load Engine Tyres front rear front rear front rear [kPa/bar](psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) Z13DTH 185/65 R 15, 230/2.3 (33) 210/2.1 (30) –…
  • Page 248
    Technical data Comfort with up to 3 people ECO with up to 3 people With full load Engine Tyres front rear front rear front rear [kPa/bar](psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) 225/40 R 18 Temporary spare 420/4.2 (61) 420/4.2 (61) –…
  • Page 249
    Technical data Comfort with up to 3 people ECO with up to 3 people With full load Engine Tyres front rear front rear front rear [kPa/bar](psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) [kPa/bar] (psi) 225/40 R 18 230/2.3 (33) 210/2.1 (30) –…
  • Page 250
    Technical data Towing hitch installation dimensions Saloon/Hatchback Back to overview…
  • Page 251
    Technical data Station wagon, Van Back to overview…
  • Page 252
    Technical data TwinTop Back to overview…
  • Page 253: Customer Information

    Customer information Customer Vehicle data recording ■ with the consent of the vehicle owner or, if the vehicle is leased, and privacy information with the consent of the lessee, ■ in response to an official request of Event data recorders police or similar government office, The vehicle has a number of ■…

  • Page 254: Index

    Index Accessories and vehicle Battery ……..161 modifications ……157 Battery discharge protection ..120 Adaptive forward lighting ..98, 116 Battery voltage ……107 Adjustable air vents ….130 Board-Info-Display ……. 99 Airbag, belt tensioners and anti- Bonnet ……..158 roll bars……..

  • Page 255
    Climate control ……15 Electronic Stability Program 96, 147 Fuel for diesel engines ….151 Clock ……….86 End-of-life vehicle recovery ..158 Fuel for petrol engines ….151 Continuous damping control ..148 Engine compartment fuse box … 179 Fuel gauge ……..
  • Page 256
    Load compartment ….28, 66 Operation ……..121 Load compartment cover ….. 71 Outside temperature ….86 Identification plate ….. 208 Load compartment fuse box ..181 Overrun cut-off ……134 Ignition switch positions ….. 133 Load compartment grille….77 Immobiliser ……..
  • Page 257
    Recommended fluids and Steering wheel adjustment ..9, 83 Trip odometer ……90 lubricants …….. 204 Steering wheel controls ….83 Turn and lane-change signals … 117 Refuelling ……..151 Stop watch ……… 112 Turn signal ……..93 Retractable hardtop ….. 40 Sunglasses storage …..
  • Page 258
    Washer and wiper systems ..14 Washer fluid ……. 161 Washer fluid level …… 108 Wheel changing ……193 Wheel covers ……189 Wheels and tyres ……. 185 Windscreen wiper/washer … 84 Winter mode …….. 95 Winter tyres ……. 185 Wiper blade replacement ..

background image


Инструкция по эксплуатации

Снятие Внимание: При вытягивании цапфы приводного вала из соответствующего шлицевого соединения вал необходимо тянуть

Замечание: Так как внутренний шарнир триподного типа не подлежит снятию с вала, замена его

Приводные валы Тип — Открытые, неравной длины, с шарнирами равных угловых скоростей на обоих

1. Промежуточный вал предназначен для уменьшения длины правого приводного вала, за счет чего исключается

Проверка 1. Явно вышедший из строя ШРУС можно выявить по характерным ударам при изменении

Внимание: Используемая в качестве рабочего тела в тракте привода сцепления тормозная жидкость относится к

Внимание: Помните, что вырабатываемая в процессе износа фрикционных накладок ведомого диска сцепления пыль может

1. От боковых шестерен дифференциала развиваемый двигателем крутящий момент передается на передние (ведущие) колеса

Сцепление Тип — Однодисковое, сухое, с диафрагменной пружиной и гидравлическим приводом Диаметр ведомого (фрикционного)

1. Процедуры проверки и корректировки уровня масла приведены в Главе 1, Раздел 4. Проверка

Service and Repair Manual Opel Astra 1991-1998 г.

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Opel Astra 1991-1998 годов выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Haynes Publishing
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 244
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 142,4 Mb

Service and Repair Manual Opel Astra 1998-2000 г.

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей Opel Astra/Zafira и Vauxhall Astra/Zafira 1998-2000 годов выпуска с дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Haynes Publishing
  • Год издания: 2001
  • Страниц: 337
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 65,8 Mb

Service and Repair Manual Opel Astra 1998-2000 г.

уководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей Opel Astra/Zafira и Vauxhall Astra/Zafira 1998-2000 годов выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Haynes Publishing
  • Год издания: 2003
  • Страниц: 301
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 17,6 Mb

Workshop Manual Opel Astra 1991 г.

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей Opel Astra и Opel Kadett 1991 года выпуска

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Delta Motor
  • Год издания: 1993
  • Страниц: 1070
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 36,9 Mb

Инструкция по эксплуатации Opel Astra H.

Сборник руководств по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобиля Opel Astra H 2010-2014 годов выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Opel AG
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц:
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 42,6 Mb

Инструкция по эксплуатации Opel Astra J.

Сборник руководств по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобиля Opel Astra J 2013-2015 годов выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Opel AG
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц:
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 74,1 Mb

Ремонт без проблем. Opel Astra J с 2009 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Opel Astra с 2009 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями.

  • Автор: С.Н. Погребной, А.А. Владимиров
  • Издательство: Третий Рим
  • Год издания: 2010
  • Страниц: 360
  • Формат:
  • Размер:

Ремонт без проблем. Opel Astra с 2004 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Opel Astra с 2004 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 1,4/1,6/1,8/2,0 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Третий Рим
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 320
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Ремонт и ТО Opel Astra 2004-2008 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Opel Astra 2004-2008 годов выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Алфамер
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 312
  • Формат:
  • Размер:

Ремонт и эксплуатация Opel Astra 1991-1998 г.

Мультимедийное руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобиля Opel Astra 1991-1998 годов выпуска.

  • Автор:
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  • Год издания:
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  • Формат:
  • Размер: 146,9 Mb

Руководство по ремонту и ТО Opel Astra 1998-2005 г.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту + каталог расходных запчастей автомобилей Chevrolet Viva 2004-2008, Opel Astra и Opel Zafira 1998-2005 годов выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Легион-Автодата
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 402
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  • Размер:

Руководство по ремонту и ТО Opel Astra 1998-2005 г.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту + каталог расходных запчастей автомобилей Opel Astra и Opel Zafira 1998-2005 годов выпуска с дизельными двигателями объемом 1,7/2,0 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Легион-Автодата
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 368
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Opel Astra H с 2003 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Opel Astra и Vauxhall Astra с 2003 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 352
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Opel Astra с 1998 г.

Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации автомобилей Chevrolet Viva, Opel Astra с 1998 и Opel Astra Classic с 2004 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 230
  • Формат:
  • Размер:

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Opel Astra 1991-1999 годов выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Гуси-лебеди
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 328
  • Формат:
  • Размер:

Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Opel Astra с 1998 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Opel Astra и Opel Zafira с 1998 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Петит
  • Год издания: 2005
  • Страниц: 296
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 6,6 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации, ремонту и ТО Opel Astra 1998-2005 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей Opel Astra и Opel Zafira 1998-2005 годов выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Арго-Авто
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 520
  • Формат:
  • Размер:

Руководство по эксплуатации, ремонту и ТО Opel Astra с 2004 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Opel Astra с 2004 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Арго-Авто
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 728
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  • Размер:

Руководство по эксплуатации, ТО и ремонту Opel Astra 2004-2006 г.

Мультимедийное руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Opel Astra 2004-2006 годов выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство:
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц:
  • Формат:
  • Размер: 268,7 Mb

Руководству по ремонту и эксплуатации Opel Astra J с 2009 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Opel Astra с 2009 и Buick Excelle XT с 2010 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 370
  • Формат:
  • Размер:

Устройство, обслуживание, ремонт Opel Astra H с 2004 г.

уководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей Opel Astra и Opel Zafira с 2004 года выпуска.

  • Автор: Б.У. Звонаревский
  • Издательство: Арус
  • Год издания: 2006
  • Страниц: 329
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 19,5 Mb

Устройство, обслуживание, ремонт Opel Astra J с 2009 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Opel Astra с 2009 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Арус
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 348
  • Формат:
  • Размер:

Устройство, обслуживание, ремонт Opel Astra с 1998 г.

Мультимедийное руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей Opel Astra и Opel Zafira с 1998 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство:
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц:
  • Формат:
  • Размер: 252,4 Mb

Устройство, ремонт и ТО Opel Astra.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Opel Astra с бензиновыми двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство:
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 246
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 53,3 Mb

Эксплуатация, обслуживание, ремонт Opel Astra 1998-2006 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей Opel Astra и Opel Zafira 1998-2006 годов выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Мир Автокниг
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 406
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 401,1 Mb

Эксплуатация, обслуживание, ремонт Opel Astra J с 2009 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Opel Astra с 2009 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Мир Автокниг
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 352
  • Формат:
  • Размер:

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