Хендай соната 2006 инструкция по эксплуатации

Автосервис Москва, Авиамоторная

Автосервис ЮВАО, ВАО — метро Авиамоторная:

Автосервис Серп и Молот | Автосервис Красноказарменная | Автосервис Лефортово

Ближайшие станции метро — Авиамоторная, Площадь Ильича, Шоссе Энтузиастов, Чкаловская, Бауманская, Семеновская. Ближайшие для подъезда улицы — третье транспортное кольцо (ТТК), проезд завода Серп и Молот, Лефортовский вал, Красноказарменная улица.

Автосервис Москва, Октябрьское поле

Автосервис СЗАО, САО — метро Октябрьское поле, станция Зорге МЦК (район Щукино, Хорошёво—Мнёвники)

Ближайшие станции метро — Октябрьское поле, Полежаевская. Станция Московского Центрального Кольца — Зорге. Ближайшие для подъезда улицы — Маршала Бирюзова, Берзарина, Народного ополчения, Зорге, Куусинена, Расплетина.

Автосервис Москва, Измайлово

Автосервис ВАО — метро Соколиная гора (район Измайлово)

Ближайшие станции метро — Соколиная гора, Партизанская, Измайлово, Шоссе Энтузиастов, Черкизовская. Ближайшие для подъезда улицы — Вернисажная, Шоссе Энтузиастов, проспект Будённого, Северо-Восточная хорда, Щербаковская улица, Большая Черкизовская улица.

Автосервис Москва, Щелковская

Автосервис ВАО — метро Щелковская (район Гольяново)

Ближайшие станции метро — Щелковская, Черкизовская, Бульвар Рокоссовского, Первомайская, Партизанская, Измайловская. Ближайшие для подъезда улицы — Щелковское шоссе, Амурская, Сиреневый бульвар, Монтажная улица, Байкальская улица, Открытое шоссе.


Франшиза автосервиса, Вакансии автосервиса

Ремонт (сервис) корейских автомобилей. Специализированный техцентр (автосервис) в Москве. Copyright © 2000-2023. Все права сохранены. Обращаем Ваше внимание на то, что данный сайт носит исключительно информационный характер и ни при каких условиях не является публичной офертой, определяемой положениями Статьи 437 (2) Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации.

Компания «АвтоМиг» является НЕОФИЦИАЛЬНЫМ техническим центром по обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей марок KIA и HYUNDAI. Никакого отношения ни к официальным представителям (дилерам), ни к самим производителям транспортных средств автосервис не имеет! Все упоминания торговых знаков (марок автомобилей) на данном сайте носят исключительно ИДЕНТИФИЦИРУЮЩИЙ характер (используются не в качестве средства индивидуализации), указывают, какие именно автомобили обслуживает техцентр (в соответствии со ст. 1474, 1487 Гражданского Кодекса РФ).

Блокировка дверей
1. В комплект входят несколько ключей: основной (один или два) и запасной. В зависимости от комплектации автомобиля различают следующие комплекты основных ключей: для…

Блокировка замка боковой двери
1. Для отпирания/запирания замка водительской двери и двери переднего пассажира снаружи, необходимо вставить ключ в дверной замок и повернуть его вправо/влево. 2. Кроме…

Центральный замок
Примечание: если какая-либо дверь была открыта при срабатывании центральной блокировки замков дверей, то замок данной двери будет автоматически заблокирован после ее…

Штатная противоугонная система
Примечание: противоугонная система предназначена для защиты от несанкционированного проникновения в автомобиль. 1. Активация режима охраны. Внимание: запуск двигателя…

Маршрутный компьютер
1. При нажатии на кнопку переключения режимов работы ЖК дисплея, находящуюся слева от спидометра можно переключать показания маршрутного компьютера. Для сброса показаний…

Тахометр (частота вращения)
Тахометр показывает частоту вращения (обороты) коленчатого вала двигателя в минуту (об/мин). Внимание: во время движения следите за показаниями тахометра. Его стрелка,…

Указатель количества топлива
1. Указатель показывает уровень топлива в топливном баке, когда ключ в замке зажигания находится в положении «ON» («F» — полный бак; «Е» — пустой). Емкость топливного…

Указатель температуры охлаждающей жидкости
1. Указатель показывает температуру охлаждающей жидкости двигателя, когда ключ в замке зажигания находится в положении «ON». 2. Если при работающем двигателе стрелка…

Индикаторы комбинации приборов
Комбинация приборов (модели для Северной Америки) 1 — индикатор «проверь двигатель» (CHECK ENGINE), 2 — тахометр, 3 — индикатор указателей поворота, 4 — указатель…

Часы на приборной панели
1. Часы расположены на центральной отделки панели приборов и работают, когда ключ в замке зажигания находиться в положении «ON» или «АСС». 2. Настройка времени…

Примечание: во избежание разряда аккумуляторной батареи, избегайте использования электрических стеклоподъемников при неработающем двигателе. 1. Электрические…

Световая сигнализация на автомобиле
1. Включение габаритов, фар, подсветки комбинации приборов и номерного знака. Примечание: переключатель наружных световых приборов работает независимо от положения ключа…

Система коррекции положения фар
Ручной корректор фар 1. Корректировка направления пучка света фар осуществляется вращением регулятора системы коррекции положения фар , как показано на рисунке. 2….

Освещение салона
Примечание: во избежание разряда аккумуляторной батареи не оставляйте освещение салона и багажного отделения включенными на длительный промежуток времени, когда…

Капот автомобиля
1. Для открывания капота необходимо произвести следующие процедуры: а) Потяните рычаг привода замка капота на себя, как показано на рисунке. б) Слега приподнимите капот…

Крышка багажника
Чтобы открыть крышку багажника из салона потяните за рычаг привода замка багажника, как показано на рисунке. Чтобы открыть крышку багажника снаружи автомобиля, вставьте…

Лючок топливно¬заливной горловины
1. Заглушите двигатель перед заправкой топливом. 2. Для открывания лючка топливно-заливной нажмите на кнопку, как показано на рисунке. 3. Откройте крышку заливной…

Очиститель и омыватель лобового стекла
1. Очиститель и омыватель лобового стекла работают, если ключ в замке зажигания находится в положении «ON». 2. Для включения или остановки очистителя лобового стекла…

Регулировка положения рулевого колеса
1. Для регулировки высоты расположения рулевого колеса, придерживая рулевое колесо рукой, потяните рычаг-стопор на себя и, перемещая рулевое колесо, установите его на…

Управление зеркалами
Боковые зеркала заднего вида с электроприводом Внимание: не соскребайте лед со стекла зеркала, так как это может привести к повреждению зеркальной поверхности. Если лед…

Передние и задние сиденья автомобиля
Внимание: Обязательно отрегулируйте сиденье перед поездкой. Отрегулируйте высоту подголовника так, чтобы его центр находился на уровне глаз. После регулировки убедитесь…

Ремни безопасности
1. Чтобы защитить Вас и Ваших пассажиров в случае дорожно-транспортного происшествия, рекомендуется всем людям, находящимся в автомобиле, пристегнуться ремнями…

Люк — открытие и закрытие
Управление люком возможно, когда ключ в замке зажигания установлен в положение «ON». Внимание: При закрытии и открытии люка или при регулировке наклона люка будьте…

Система поддержания скорости
1. Система поддержания скорости автоматически поддерживает заданную скорость без нажатия на педаль акселератора. Данной системой рекомендуется пользоваться при…

Управление отопителем и кондиционером
Общие сведения 1. На моделях с ЖК дисплеем не кладите вещи на датчик солнечного света. Кроме того, не закрывайте отверстия для датчиков температуры воздуха. 1 — датчик…

Магнитола на приборной панели
Магнитола. Примечание: описание переключателей приведено в разделе «Магнитола и проигрыватель компакт-дисков». Основные моменты эксплуатации Примечание: расположение…

Работа прикуривателя
Прикуриватель работает, если ключ в замке зажигания находится в положении «ON» или «АСС». Для включения прикуривателя нажмите на него, когда прикуриватель накалится, то…

Управление автомобилем с АКПП
1. Для управления автоматической коробкой передач на центральной консоли, сбоку от водителя, установлен рычаг селектора, с помощью которого можно задавать диапазон…

Управление автомобилем с МКПП
1. Схема переключения передач показана на рисунке. Кроме того, схема изображена на ручке рычага. Прежде чем переключать передачу, всегда полностью выжимайте педаль…

Антиблокировочная система тормозов (ABS)
Внимание: используйте шины одинакового размера, конструкции и нагрузочной способности с исходными шинами автомобиля, поскольку использование шин другого типа может…

Противобуксовочная система (TCS)
Внимание: если используются шины различного размера, конструкции и нагрузочной способности (например, «докатка»), то убедитесь, что противобуксовочная система отключена…

Советы по вождению в различных условиях
Общие рекомендации Внимание: Перед началом движения убедитесь, что стояночный тормоз полностью отпущен. Не держите ногу на педали тормоза во время движения. Это может…

Буксировка автомобиля
Внимание: Буксировка автомобилей с АКПП разрешается при скорости не выше 50 км/час на расстояние не более чем 25 км. При необходимости буксировки на расстояние больше 25…

Буксировка прицепа
Общая информация 1. Несмотря на то, что буксировка прицепа будет оказывать негативное влияние на управление, эксплуатационные качества, торможение, долго-вечность и…

Запуск двигателя
Внимание: не допускайте длительной работы двигателя на повышенных оборотах и резких ускорений при непрогретом двигателе. Замок зажигания 1. Положение «LOCK». Двигатель…

Неисправности двигателя во время движения
Остановка двигателя во время движения 1. Постепенно снизьте скорость. Отведите автомобиль с дороги в безопасное место (например, на обочину). 2. Включите аварийную…

Запасное колесо, домкрат и инструменты
1. Домкрат хранится в специальном кронштейне крепления, который расположен в нише под накладкой пола багажника. Там же хранится запасное колесо (или докатка) и комплект…

Поддомкрачивание автомобиля
1. Установите автомобиль на ровной, горизонтальной твердой поверхности. 2. Заглушите двигатель, поверните ключ в замке зажигания в положение «LOCK» и включите аварийную…

Замена колеса
1. Если необходимо заменить колесо в дороге, то постепенно снизьте скорость и отведите автомобиль, в безопасное место. 2. Остановите автомобиль на ровном месте с твердым…

Рекомендации по выбору шин
1. При выборе шин обращайте внимание на маркировку. Геометрические размеры, грузоподъемность и максимальная скорость должны строго соответствовать рекомендациям…

Проверка давления и состояния шин
1. Регулярно проверяйте шины на отсутствие повреждений и утечки воздуха. Проверяйте давление в шинах через каждые две недели или, по меньшей мере, раз в месяц. Не…

Замена шин
1. Рекомендуется менять все четыре шины или, по меньшей мере, обе передние или задние шины одновременно (см. » Рекомендации по выбору шин «). 2. После ремонта шины…

Замена дисков колес
1. Замене дисков колес следует уделять должное внимание. Убедитесь, что устанавливаются диски с одинаковыми нагрузочной способностью, диаметром, шириной обода и вылетом….

Плавкие предохранители
Расположение 1. Для предотвращения повреждения электрической системы в результате короткого замыкания или перегрузки каждая отдельная электрическая цепь оснащена плавким…

Замена ламп
Перед заменой лампы убедитесь, что зажигание и все осветительные приборы выключены. Используйте только лампы с номинальной мощностью, приведенной в таблице. Внимание:…

Ссылка в разных форматах на этот раздел


  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Bookmarks

Related Manuals for Hyundai 2006 Sonata

Summary of Contents for Hyundai 2006 Sonata

  • Page 1
    2006 nfhma-11.p65 5/6/2005, 9:50 AM…
  • Page 2
    HYUNDAI GENUINE ATF SP III, DIAMOND ATF SP III, SK ATF SP Pump Octane Rating of 87 (Research Octane Number 91) or higher. III or other brands meeting the SP III specification approved by Hyundai Motor FUEL TANK CAPACITY Co.. Damage caused by a nonspecified fluid is not covered by your new vehicle US.gal (Imp.gal., liter) 17.7 (14.7, 67)
  • Page 3
    A000A01A-AAT This Owner’s Manual should be considered a part of the car and remain with it when it is sold for the use of the next owner. OWNER’S I.D. ORIGINAL OWNER ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP CODE DELIVERY DATE (Date Sold to Original Retail Purchaser) DEALER NAME DEALER NO.
  • Page 4
    A020A01A-AAT RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE The maintenance requirements for your new Hyundai are found in Section 5. As the owner, it is your responsibility to see that all maintenance operations specified by the manufacturer are carried out at the appropriate intervals.
  • Page 5: Specifications

    Specifications A030A01NF-A All information in this Owner’s Manual is current at the time of publication. However, Hyundai reserves the right to make changes at any time so that our policy of continual product improvement may be carried out. This manual applies to all Hyundai models and includes descriptions and explanations of optional as well as standard equipment.

  • Page 6
    Your Hyundai should not be modified in any way. Such modifications may adversely affect the performance, safety or durability of your Hyundai and may, in addition, violate conditions of the limited warranties covering the vehicle. Certain modifications may also be in violation of regulations established by the U.S. Department of Transportation and other federal or state agencies.
  • Page 7
    Your Owner’s Manual will introduce you to the features and operation of your new Hyundai. It is suggested that you read it carefully because the information it contains can contribute greatly to the satisfaction you receive from your new car.
  • Page 8
    A090A01A-AAT SAFETY AND VEHICLE DAMAGE WARNING This manual includes information titled as WARNING, CAUTION and NOTE. These titles indicate the following: WARNING: This indicates that a condition may result in harm, serious injury or death to you or other persons if the warning is not heeded.
  • Page 9
  • Page 10
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS (I) B250A01NF-AAT B250A01NF-A nfhma-0.p65 4/28/2005, 9:00 AM…
  • Page 11
    1. Electronic Stability Control (ESC) Switch 7. Power Outlet 2. Power Adjustable Pedals Switch (If Installed) 8. Ashtray 3. Panel Brightness Control Knob (Rheostat Switch) 9. Cigarette Lighter 4. Hood Release Lever 10.Digital Clock 5. Steering Wheel Tilt Lever (If Installed) 11.»PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF»…
  • Page 12
    INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROLS (II) B250B01NF-AAT B250A02NF-A nfhma-0.p65 4/28/2005, 9:00 AM…
  • Page 13
    Fuse Box Audio System (If Installed) Multi Box 10. Passenger’s Airbag Instrument Cluster 11. Glove Box Multi-Function Light/Front Fog Light Switch 12. Heating/Air Conditioning Control Panel Audio Remote Control Switch (If Installed) 13. Shift Lever Horn and Driver’s Airbag 14. Parking Brake Lever Windshield Wiper/Washer Switch 15.
  • Page 14
    YOUR VEHICLE AT A GLANCE B255A01NF-AAT INDICATOR SYMBOLS ON THE INSTRUMENT CLUSTER SRS (Airbag) Warning Light Door Ajar Warning Light Turn Signal Indicator Lights Low Fuel Level Warning Light Seat Belt Reminder Light Check Engine — Malfunction Indicator Light (MIL) ABS Service Reminder Indicator (If Installed) High Beam Indicator Light Electronic Stability Control (ESC) Indicator…
  • Page 15
    Hyundai Genuine Parts are the same parts Hyundai Genuine Parts? used by Hyundai Motor Company to manu- facture vehicles. They are designed and Look for the Hyundai Genuine Parts Logo on tested for the optimum safety, performance, the package (see below). and reliability to our customers.
  • Page 16: Table Of Contents

    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI Fuel Recommendations ………… 1-2 Breaking in Your New Hyundai ……… 1-3 Keys ………………. 1-3 Door Locks ……………. 1-4 Theft-Alarm System …………1-8 Windows …………….1-11 Seats …………….1-14 Seat Belts …………….1-21 Child Restraint System …………1-28 Advanced Supplemental Restraint (AIRBAG) System (SRS) …………..1-36…

  • Page 17: Fuel Recommendations

    Gasohol (a mixture of 90% unleaded gasoline Fuels containing methanol (wood alcohol) should and 10% ethanol or grain alcohol) may be used not be used in your Hyundai. This type of fuel UNLEADED in your Hyundai. However, if your engine devel-…

  • Page 18: Breaking In Your New Hyundai

    Operation in Foreign Countries rpm and 4,000 rpm. Master key o Use moderate acceleration. Don’t start If you are going to drive your Hyundai in another B030A01NF quickly or depress the accelerator pedal country, be sure to: For greater convenience, your Hyundai has fully.

  • Page 19: Door Locks

    A code number is attached on the number tag tion switch will be illuminated for your conve- that came with the keys to your Hyundai. This nience, provided the ignition switch is not in the key number tag should not be left with the keys «ON»…

  • Page 20
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B040B01JM-AAT B040C02Y-AAT B040D01NF-AAT Locking, unlocking front doors with a Locking from the Outside Locking from the Inside LOCK UNLOCK UNLOCK LOCK B040C01NF-A HNF2008 The doors can be locked without a key. To lock To lock the doors from the inside, simply close…
  • Page 21
    HNF2011-1 B040G01NF The central door locking switch is located on the Your Hyundai is equipped with left and right side «child-protector» rear door locks. When the lock driver’s and front passenger’s armrest. It is mechanism is engaged, the rear door cannot be operated by depressing the door lock switch.
  • Page 22
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI o The driver’s and front passenger’s doors B070F01NF-AAT Locking doors KEYLESS ENTRY SYSTEM can be opened by pulling the inside door 1. Close all doors. handle even if the front portion of the NOTE: 2. Push the «LOCK ( )»…
  • Page 23: Theft-Alarm System

    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI THEFT-ALARM SYSTEM B070A01A-AAT 2) Make sure that the engine hood and trunk lid B070C01NF-AAT Alarm Stage are closed and latched. This system is designed to provide protection 3) Lock the doors using the transmitter of the from unauthorized entry into the car.

  • Page 24
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B070E01NF-AAT B070E01NF-GAT Panic Warning Replacing the battery CAUTION: When the transmitter’s battery begins to get Avoid trying to start the engine while the weak, it may take several pushes on the button system is armed. to lock or unlock the doors, and the LED will not light.
  • Page 25
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI Battery HNF2005 2. Remove the old battery from the case and note the polarity. Make sure the polarity of the new battery is the same(+side facing up), then insert it in the transmitter. nfhma-1a.p65 4/28/2005, 8:47 AM…
  • Page 26: Windows

    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI WINDOWS B060D01NF-GAT 1. Driver’s door power window switch 2. Front passenger’s door power window switch 3. Rear passenger’s door power window switch (left side) 4. Rear passenger’s door power window switch (right side) 5. Window lock switch HNF2017-1 nfhma-1a.p65…

  • Page 27
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B060A01NF-GAT Auto Up/Down Window Window lock (Driver’s side) POWER WINDOWS (Driver’s side) The auto up/down window is controlled by the main switch on the driver’s armrest. Open Close To fully open the window automatically, press the switch fully down. To fully close the window automatically, pull the switch fully up.
  • Page 28
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI NOTE: B060C01NF-AAT Automatic Reverse Window The power windows can be operated for 30 seconds after the ignition key is turned to (Driver’s side) WARNING: the «ACC» or «LOCK» positions, or removed o Be careful that someone’s head, hands If the upward movement of the window is blocked from the ignition switch.
  • Page 29: Seats

    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI SEATS B080A01A-AAT B080B02A-AAT B080C01A-AAT ADJUSTABLE FRONT SEATS Adjusting Seat Forward and Rearward Adjusting Seatback Angle WARNING: Never attempt to adjust the seat while the vehicle is moving. This could result in loss of control or an accident which may cause death, serious injury, or property damage.

  • Page 30
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B080D02JM-AAT Adjustable Headrests WARNING: WARNING: To minimize risk of severe injury in the event of a collision or a sudden stop, both the driver and passenger seatbacks should always be in an upright position while the vehicle is in motion.
  • Page 31
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B081D01LZ-AAT B083D01NF-AAT B080E01Y-AAT Tilting Headrest Forward and Rearward Active Headrests (If Installed) Lumbar Support Control (Driver’s Seat Only) (If Installed) B081D01NF HNF2041-1 The headrest may be tilted forward to three The active headrest is designed to move for-…
  • Page 32
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B080F01NF-GAT B090A01Y-AAT B090B01NF-GAT Seat Height Adjustment POWER DRIVER’S SEAT (If Installed) Adjusting Seat Forward and Rearward (Driver’s Seat Only) The driver’s seat can be adjusted by using the control knobs on the left side of the seat. Before…
  • Page 33
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B090C01Y-AAT B090D01NF-GAT Seat Cushion Height Adjustment Adjusting Seatback Angle WARNING: To minimize the risk of personal injury in the event of a collision or a sudden stop, both the driver’s and passenger’s seatback should remain in an upright position while the car is in motion.
  • Page 34
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B100A01NF-AAT B110A01NF-GAT SEAT WARMER (If Installed) FOLDING REAR SEATBACKS WARNING: Do not turn on the seat warmers, if the seat is occupied by someone who cannot moni- tor the temperature and turn off the seat warmer, if it becomes too warm. The seat…
  • Page 35
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B120A01NF-GAT REAR SEATBACK SAFETY LOCK WARNING: The purpose of the folding rear seatbacks B140A01S-AAT is to allow you to carry longer objects than REAR SEAT WARNING could otherwise be accommodated. Do not allow passengers to sit on top of the folded…
  • Page 36: Seat Belts

    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI SEAT BELTS B150A01S-AAT B150C02A-AAT SEAT BELT PRECAUTIONS Larger Children WARNING: Children who are too large for child restraint Every person in your vehicle needs to be systems should always occupy the rear seat WARNING: properly restrained at all times, including and use the available lap/shoulder belts.

  • Page 37
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B150E01A-AAT B160A01A-AAT Injured Person CARE OF SEAT BELTS WARNING: A seat belt should be used when an injured Seat belt systems should never be disassembled Sitting in a reclined position or lying down person is being transported. When this is nec- or modified.
  • Page 38
    You can adjust the height of the shoulder belt tions concerning seat belt operation should be anchor to one of 3 positions for maximum directed to your Hyundai Dealer. comfort and safety. If the height of the adjusting seat belt is too near your neck, you will not be getting the most effective protection.
  • Page 39
    Although a combination retractor is also installed in the front passenger seat position, Hyundai strongly recommends that children always be seated in the rear seat. NEVER place any infant restraint system in the front seat of the vehicle.
  • Page 40
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI NOTE: B200A01A-AAT Adjusting Your Seat Belt o Although the combination retractor pro- vides the same level of protection for WARNING: seated passengers in either emergency o For maximum restraint system protec- or automatic locking modes, it is recom-…
  • Page 41
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B210A01A-AAT B200A01NF-AAT To Release the Seat Belt SEAT BELTS — Rear Seat Center 3-Point System With Combination Locking Re- tractor B220A02NF-A 3. After confirming that (a) and (b) are latched, B210A01NF pull the seat belt out of the retractor and insert The seat belt is released by pressing the re- the metal tab (c) into the buckle (d).
  • Page 42
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI WARNING: WARNING: o When using the rear seat center belt, you o Lock the metal tab (a) and the buckle (b) must lock all metal tabs and buckles. If immediately after folding rear seatbacks any metal tab or buckle is not locked, it will increase the chance of injury in the event of collision.
  • Page 43: Child Restraint System

    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI CHILD RESTRAINT SYSTEM B220C02A-GAT B230A03Y-AAT To Release the Seat Belt Children riding in the car should sit in the rear seat and must always be properly restrained to WARNING: minimize the risk of injury in an accident, sudden o A child restraint system must be placed stop or sudden maneuver.

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    If the seat belt will not properly fit the child, Hyundai recommends the use of an approved booster seat in the rear seat in order to raise the child’s seating height so that the seat belt will properly fit the child.
  • Page 45
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B230C04A-AAT For vehicles with adjustable headrests, route Rear seat package tray Installing a Child Restraint Seat with the the tether strap under the headrest and Child Restraint Hook Holders between the headrest posts, otherwise route «Tether Anchorage» System the tether strap over the top of the seatback.
  • Page 46
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B230D03E-AAT Securing the Child Restraint Seat with ISOFIX Anchor Position Indicator the «ISOFIX» system WARNING: ISOFIX Anchor o Do not install a child restraint seat at the center of the rear seat using the vehicle’s ISOFIX anchors. The ISOFIX anchors are only provided for the left and right out- board rear seating positions.
  • Page 47
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI Follow the child seat manufacturer’s instruc- B230G03Y-AAT To install a child restraint system in the rear Installation on Rear Seats tions to properly install safety seats with ISOFIX seats, extend the shoulder/lap belt entirely from or ISOFIX-compatible attachments.
  • Page 48
    HXG229 inside the pre-tensioner will release some of the o Do not install any child restraint system Your Hyundai vehicle is equipped with driver’s pressure on the affected seat belt. in the front passenger seat. Should an and front passenger’s pre-tensioner seat belts.
  • Page 49
    Hyundai dealer inspect the seat belts were activated. pre-tensioner seat belt or SRS airbag WARNING: system as soon as possible.
  • Page 50
    Do not attempt to inspect or replace the pre-tensioner seat belts yourself. This must be done by an authorized Hyundai dealer. o Do not strike the pre-tensioner seat belt assemblies.
  • Page 51: Advanced Supplemental Restraint (Airbag) System (Srs)

    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI ADVANCED SUPPLEMENTAL RESTRAINT (AIRBAG) SYSTEM (SRS) B240D01NF-AAT 1. Driver’s front airbag 2. Passenger’s front airbag 3. Side impact airbag 4. Curtain airbag HNF2052 nfhma-1a.p65 4/28/2005, 8:48 AM…

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    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B240A01NF-AAT The SRS uses sensors to gather information Additionally, your Hyundai is equipped with an Driver’s and Passenger’s Front Airbag about the driver’s and front passenger’s seat occupant classification system in the front position, the driver’s and front passenger’s seat passenger’s seat.
  • Page 53
    If you are considering modification of airbags will only deploy once. Seat belts your vehicle due to a disability, please must be worn at all times. contact the Hyundai Customer Assis- tance Center at 1-800-633-5151. nfhma-1a.p65 4/28/2005, 8:48 AM…
  • Page 54
    If the airbags deploy, they must be re- ing the driver should always wear their placed by an authorized Hyundai dealer. o Do not tamper with or disconnect SRS seat belts whether or not an airbag is…
  • Page 55
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI 11.Side Impact Sensor The airbag modules are located both in the 12.Retractor Pre-tensioner Assemblies center of the steering wheel and in the front 13.Side Impact Airbag Module passenger’s panel above the glove box. When 14.Curtain Airbag Module…
  • Page 56
    If this occurs, have your vehicle immediately inspect- B240B04NF ed by your Hyundai dealer. o Before you replace a fuse or disconnect a battery terminal, turn the ignition key to the «LOCK» position and remove the CAUTION: ignition key.
  • Page 57
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B990A01NF-AAT legs comfortably extended and their feet on the *1) The system judges a person of adult size as OCCUPANT CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM floor), the «PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF» indi- an adult. When a smaller adult sits in the front…
  • Page 58
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B990A07O B990A08O B990A02O o Sit with hips shifted towards the front of the — Lean on the center console. o Put a heavy load in the front passenger seat. seat. — Sit on one side of the front passenger seat.
  • Page 59
    After the still on, ask the passenger to move to the rear is being driven, have an authorized Hyundai initial stage of about 30 seconds, the dealer inspect the occupant classification seat.
  • Page 60
    B990B02LZ illumination of the «PASSENGER AIR are safer if they are restrained in the rear, Your Hyundai is equipped with a side impact BAG OFF» indicator. as opposed to the front seat. It is recom- airbag in each front seat. The purpose of the…
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    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI WARNING: WARNING: o For best protection from the side impact o To prevent unexpected deployment of airbag system and to avoid being injured the side impact airbag that may result in by the deploying side impact airbag,…
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    Hyundai technician. Improper handling of the tions to the body structure, can ad- SRS system may result in serious personal versely affect SRS performance and lead injury.
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    Hyundai dealer. nfhma-1a.p65 4/28/2005, 8:48 AM…
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    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI o Never hold an infant or child on your lap. The infant or child could be seriously injured or killed in the event of a crash. All infants and children should be properly restrained in appropriate child safety seats or seat belts in the rear seat.
  • Page 65: Instrument Cluster And Indicator Lights


  • Page 66
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI 1. Tachometer 12. Parking Brake/Low Brake Fluid Level Warning Light 2. Door Ajar Warning Light 13. Low Oil Pressure Warning Light 3. Seat Belt Warning Light (Driver’s side) 14. Charging System Warning Light 4. High Beam Indicator Light 15.
  • Page 67: Warning And Indicator Lights

    This fog indicator light comes on when the signals. If the arrow comes on but does not blink, a Hyundai dealer before the car is driven again. ignition key is turned to the «ON» position and the blinks more rapidly than normal, or does not front fog light switch is on.

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    If the light stays on fully driven to a Hyundai dealer for inspection. WARNING: while the engine is running, there is a malfunc-…
  • Page 69
    The chime sounds until the key is when the ignition key is turned to the «ON» position, removed from the ignition switch or the take your car to your nearest authorized Hyundai driver’s side front door is closed. dealer and have the system checked.
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    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI INSTRUMENT CLUSTER B260Q01NF-GAT B260S01NF-GAT B280A01NF-AAT CRUISE Indicator Light Low Windshield Washer Fluid FUEL GAUGE Level Warning Light The cruise indicator light in the instrument clus- The low windshield washer fluid warning light ter is illuminated when the cruise control ON/ comes on when the washer fluid reservoir is OFF button on the steering wheel is pushed.
  • Page 71
    (See «If the engine overheats» on the page 3-4.) and the water pump drive belt. If you suspect cooling system trouble, have your cool- ing system checked by a Hyundai dealer as soon as possible. Zone B330A01NF…
  • Page 72
    The alteration may void your warranty cov- erage. B300A01NF-A Your Hyundai’s speedometer is calibrated in miles per hour or kilometers per hour. nfhma-1a.p65 4/28/2005, 8:48 AM…
  • Page 73: Trip Computer

    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI TRIP COMPUTER To shift from TRIP A to TRIP B, press the TRIP B400B01NF-AAT With Automatic Transaxle (With Automatic Transaxle)(If Installed) switch. TRIP A: First distance you have traveled from your origination point to a first destination.

  • Page 74
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI TRIP SWITCH RESET SWITCH 1. Tripmeter (Miles) Tripmeter Odometer B400B03NF-A B310B02NF-A B400B01NF-A Pushing in the TRIP switch when the ignition Push in the RESET switch more than 1 second o This mode indicates the total distance trav- to initialize the displayed information such as switch is in «ON»…
  • Page 75
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI 2. Drive Time 3. Average Speed (MPH) 4. Average Fuel Consumption (MPG) Drive time Average speed Average fuel consumption Odometer Odometer Odometer B400B05NF-A B400B04NF-A HNF2084-A o This mode indicates the total time from the o This mode indicates the average speed from…
  • Page 76: Multi-Function Light Switch

    Check for a burned- miles (50 km), the distance to empty digits (- out fuse or bulb or see your Hyundai dealer. o This mode indicates the estimated distance —) will blink until more fuel is added.

  • Page 77
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B340B01A-AAT B340C03A-AAT B340D01A-AAT Lane Change Signal Headlight Switch High-beam Switch B340B01NF B340C01NF B340D01NF To indicate a lane change, move the lever up or To operate the headlights, turn the barrel on the To turn on the headlight high beams, push the down to a point where it begins flashing.
  • Page 78
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B340E01A-AAT B340G01LZ-AAT Headlight Flasher Auto Light (If Installed) Auto light sensor B340G02NF-A NOTE: HNF2094 B340E01NF o Never place anything over the sensor To flash the headlights, pull the switch lever To operate the automatic light feature, turn the located on the instrument panel to en- barrel on the end of the multi-function switch.
  • Page 79: Windshield Wiper And Washer Switch

    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI WINDSHIELD WIPER AND WASHER FRONT FOG LIGHT SWITCH SWITCH B360B01L-AAT B350A01A-AAT B350B01O-GAT Windshield Washer Operation B360B02NF HNF2101-A To turn on the front fog lights, place the switch HNF2103-A The windshield wiper switch has three posi- in the «ON» position. They will light when the…

  • Page 80
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI HAZARD WARNING SYSTEM B350C01NF-AAT B370A01A-AAT Mist Wiper Operation Adjustable Intermittent Wiper Operation B370A01NF-A HNF2104-A HNF2102-A The hazard warning system should be used If a single wipe is desired to clear mist, push the whenever you find it necessary to stop the car…
  • Page 81
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI REAR WINDOW DEFROSTER DIGITAL CLOCK SWITCH B380A01HP-AAT B400A01NF-GAT With Manual A/C CAUTION: Do not clean the inner side of the rear window glass with an abrasive type of glass cleaner or use a scraper to remove foreign…
  • Page 82
    Do not hold the cigarette lighter pressed in. This can damage the heating element and create a fire hazard. If it is necessary to replace the cigarette lighter, use only a genuine Hyundai replacement or its approved equivalent. CAUTION: Do not use electric accessories or equip- ment other than the Hyundai genuine parts in the socket.
  • Page 83
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI ASHTRAY DRINK HOLDER B430A02NF-GAT B450A01NF-GAT Front Drink Holder CAUTION: o Use the power outlets only when the engine is running and remove the plug from the power outlet after using the electric device. Using the power outlets…
  • Page 84
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI SHOPPING BAG HOLDER B450B01NF-GAT B540A01NF-AAT Rear Drink Holder WARNING: o Use caution when using the drink hold- ers. A spilled beverage that is very hot can injure you or your passengers. Spilled liquids can damage interior trim and electrical components.
  • Page 85: Sunroof

    If your vehicle is equipped with this feature, you B460A01NF can slide or tilt your sunroof with the sunroof Your HYUNDAI is equipped with a sliding sun- control buttons located on the overhead con- shade which you can manually adjust to let in sole.

  • Page 86
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B460C01NF-GAT Sliding the sunroof Close Tilting the Sunroof System Auto slide open To close the sunroof, press the SLIDE OPEN ) button on the overhead console and hold To use the auto slide feature, momentarily it until the sunroof is closed.
  • Page 87
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B460D01NF-GAT Manual Operation of Sunroof CAUTION: If the sunroof does not operate electrically: o Do not open the sunroof in severely cold temperatures or when it is covered with ice or snow. o Periodically remove any dirt that may have accumulated on the guide rails.
  • Page 88
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI INTERIOR LIGHT B460E01NF-AAT B480B01Y-AAT B490A02NF-GAT Resetting the sunroof Map Light Interior Light Without sunroof Whenever the vehicle battery is disconnected or discharged, or you use the emergency handle to operate the sunroof, you have to reset your sunroof system as follows: 1.
  • Page 89
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI SPECTACLE CASE STORAGE BOX B491A03O-GAT B500A01Y-AAT GLOVE BOX CAUTION: Do not leave this button pressed for an extended period of time when the vehicle is not running. HNF2183 The spectacle case is located on the front HNF2175 overhead console.
  • Page 90
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B500B01NF-GAT B500B01HP-DAT B500A01NF-GAT Illuminated Glove Box MULTI BOX ACCESSORY BOX Opening the glove box will automatically turn on the light when the multi-function switch is turned to the first position. B500A01NF B500B02NF-A The accessory box may be opened by pushing The multi box may be opened by pulling it out by the knob downward.
  • Page 91
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI CENTER CONSOLE COMPARTMENT B505A01NF-GAT The center console box is used for storing B505B01NF-GAT Center Console Box Center Console Armrest cassette tapes or small articles. To use the center console box, pull up the (If Installed) handle and lift the lid as shown.
  • Page 92
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI OUTSIDE REARVIEW MIRROR B510B01Y-AAT Electric Type CAUTION: WARNING: o Do not operate the switch continuously Do not place cups or cans in the drink for an unnecessary length of time. holder when the console box lid is used as o Scraping ice from the mirror face could an armrest.
  • Page 93: Mirror

    With Manual A/C With Automatic A/C B520A01NF Your Hyundai is equipped with a day/night inside rearview mirror. The «night» position is selected by flipping the tab at the bottom of the mirror toward you. In the «night» position, the glare of headlights of cars behind you is reduced.

  • Page 94: Homelink Mirror

    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI HOMELINK MIRROR B520C01NF-AAT Automatic-Dimming Mirror with Z-Nav™ Electronic Compass Dis- play and HomeLink ® (If Installed) Your vehicle comes with a Gentex Automatic- Dimming Mirror with a Z-Nav™ Electronic Com- pass Display and an Integrated HomeLink ®…

  • Page 95
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI Automatic-Dimming Function Automatic-Dimming Night Vision Z-Nav™ Compass Display ® Safety™ (NVS ) Mirror To protect your vision during nighttime driving, The NVS™ Mirror in your vehicle is also your mirror will automatically dim upon detecting equipped with a Z-Nav™ Compass that shows The NVS ®…
  • Page 96
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI To adjust the Zone setting: 1. Determine the desired Zone Number based upon your current location on the Zone Map. 2. Press and hold the button for more than 3 but less than 6 seconds, the current Zone Number will appear on the display.
  • Page 97
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI ® Programming HomeLink Integrated HomeLink ® Wireless Control System NOTE: CAUTION: o When programming a garage door The HomeLink ® Wireless Control System pro- Before programming HomeLink ® to a ga- opener, it is advised to park the vehicle…
  • Page 98
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI NOTE: Standard Programming Rolling Code Programming There are 30 seconds in which to initiate To train most devices, follow these instructions: Rolling code devices which are «code-pro- step3. 1. For first-time programming, press and hold tected» and manufactured after 1996 may be ®…
  • Page 99
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI then rapidly after several seconds upon suc- button and observe the red Status Indicator cessful training. LED. If the indicator light stays on constantly, programming is complete and your new WARNING: device should activate. Operating HomeLink ®…
  • Page 100
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI PARKING BRAKE TRUNK LID B530A01A-AAT B540A01S-GAT Remote Trunk Lid Release WARNING: The trunk lid should always be kept com- pletely closed while the vehicle is in motion. If it is left open or ajar, poisonous exhaust gases may enter the car and serious illness or death may result.
  • Page 101
    «LOCK» position. trunk to open the trunk lid. o HYUNDAI recommends that cars be kept locked and keys be kept out of the reach of children, and that parents teach their WARNING:…
  • Page 102
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI REMOTE FUEL-FILLER LID RELEASE HIGH-MOUNTED REAR STOP LIGHT B540C01Y-AAT B550A02Y-AAT B560A03Y-AAT To unlock using the key B550A01NF B560A02NF HNF2012 In addition to the lower-mounted rear stop lights The fuel-filler lid may be opened from inside the…
  • Page 103
    If you need to replace the securely closed, and then start the filler cap, use a genuine Hyundai re- engine. placement part. — Do not smoke or try to light cigarettes around a gas station.
  • Page 104: Hood Release

    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI HOOD RELEASE B560B01L-GAT B570A01NF-GAT 3. Raise the hood by hand. Manual Fuel Filler Lid Release When closing the hood, slowly close the hood and make sure it locks into place. WARNING: o Always double check to be sure that the hood is firmly latched before driving away.

  • Page 105
    Illuminated Vanity Mirror Sun Visor Extender B580A01NF HNF2172 Your Hyundai is equipped with sun visors to give B580C01NF the driver and front passenger either frontal or Opening the lid of the vanity mirror will automati- Your vehicle is equipped with sun visor extend- sideward shade.
  • Page 106
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI STEERING WHEEL B600A01NF-GAT B600B01NF-GAT Tilt type Tilt and telescopic type CAUTION: (If Installed) After adjusting the steering wheel, try mov- ing it up and down to make sure it is locked in position. WARNING: Do not attempt to adjust the steering wheel…
  • Page 107
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI FRONT DOOR WARNING REAR SEAT ARMREST HORN LIGHT B620A01S-AAT B610A01L-GAT B611A01Y-AAT B610A01NF B620A01NF B611A01NF-A A red light comes on when the front door is Press the pad on the steering wheel to sound the This armrest is located in the center of the rear opened.
  • Page 108: Cruise Control

    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI CRUISE CONTROL NOTE: B660A01S-AAT If the vehicle speed decreases more than The cruise control system provides automatic 9 mph (15 km/h) below the set speed or speed control for your comfort when driving on decreases below 25 mph (40 km/h), the…

  • Page 109
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B660C01NF-AAT B660D01NF-AAT If the control switch «RESUME(ACCEL)» is To Cancel the Cruise Speed To Resume the Preset Speed selected, the cruise «SET» indicator in the instrument cluster will illuminate. 2. Accelerate to desired speed and release the control switch.
  • Page 110
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI AUDIO REMOTE CONTROL SWITCH RADIO (FM1 → FM2 → AM) → CD → CDC B610A01NF-AAT (If Installed) WARNING: o Keep the cruise control ON/OFF switch off when not using the cruise control. MUTE Switch o Use the cruise control system only when o Press the MUTE switch to slience the sound.
  • Page 111: Heating And Cooling Control

    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI HEATING AND COOLING CONTROL B710A01E-GAT B710B01NF-GAT Center Ventilator/Side Ventilator The center ventilators are located in the middle of the dashboard. The side ventilators are located on each side of the dashboard. To change the direction of the air flow, turn the control knob under the vents.

  • Page 112
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI HEATING AND VENTILATION B670A01NF-GAT B670E01A-AAT B670B02O-AAT Rotary and Push Button Type Temperature Control Fan Speed Control (Blower Control) Cool Warm HNF2118-A HNF2125-A HNF2126 This is used to turn the heating system on and 1. Temperature control This is used to select the blower fan speed.
  • Page 113
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B670D04O-AAT Air Flow Control HNF2120 HNF2121 Face-Level Bi-Level HNF2119-A This is used to turn the blower fan on/off and to direct the flow of air. Air can be directed to the Selecting the «Face» mode will cause air to be Air is discharged through the face vents and the floor, dashboard outlets, or windshield.
  • Page 114
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI HNF2122 HNF2123 HNF2124 Floor-Level Floor-Defrost Level Defrost-Level Air is discharged through the floor vents, wind- Air is discharged through the windshield de- Air is discharged through the windshield de- shield defroster nozzle, side defroster nozzle froster nozzle, the floor vents, side defroster froster nozzle, side defroster nozzle and side and side ventilator.
  • Page 115
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI NOTE: If the air flow control is set to the floor- defrost or the defrost mode, the A/C will o The air intake control switch will change turn on automatically but the A/C indicator to «…
  • Page 116
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI HEATING CONTROLS B670C02Y-AAT NOTE: B690A01O-AAT Air Intake Control o It should be noted that prolonged opera- tion of the heating system in » » mode will give rise to fogging of the wind- shield and side windows and the air within the passenger compartment will become stale.
  • Page 117
    B700A01NF-A B710A02NF-A obstructions. Your Hyundai is equipped with bi-level heating To operate the ventilation system: o To prevent interior fog on the windshield, set controls. This makes it possible to have cooler…
  • Page 118
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM B740A01S-AAT B740B03O-AAT o Set the temperature control to «Cool». («Cool» Air Conditioning Switch Air Conditioning Operation provides maximum cooling. The tempera- ture may be moderated by moving the con- (If Installed) Cooling trol toward «Warm».) o Adjust the fan control to the desired speed.
  • Page 119
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B740C02O-AAT B740D02Y-AAT De-Humidified Heating Operation Tips o If the interior of the car is hot when you first get in, open the windows for a few minutes to expel the hot air. o When you are using the air conditioning system, keep all windows closed to keep hot air out.
  • Page 120
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI DEFROSTING/DEFOGGING B720A02E-AAT Manual A/C Automatic A/C Manual A/C Automatic A/C B720A01NF-A B720A02NF-A Use the heating/ventilation system to defrost or defog the To remove frost or exterior fog on the windshield; windshield: o Set the air flow control to the defrost ( ) position.
  • Page 121
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI AUTOMATIC HEATING AND COOLING CONTROL SYSTEM B970A01Y-AAT TYPE A (Without Air Quality System) (If lnstalled) Your Hyundai is equipped with an automatic heating and cooling control system controlled by simply setting the desired temperature. B970B01NF-GAT Heating and Cooling Controls 1.
  • Page 122
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI NOTE: B970C01NF-AAT Automatic Operation If the battery has been discharged or dis- connected, the temperature mode will reset to Centigrade degrees. This is a normal condition and you can change the temperature mode from Centi- grade to Fahrenheit as follows;…
  • Page 123
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B980A01Y-AAT B980B01NF-GAT B670C02Y-AAT MANUAL OPERATION Fan Speed Control Air Intake Control Switch (Without A.Q.S) The heating and cooling system can be con- trolled manually as well by pushing buttons other than the «AUTO» button. In this state, the system sequentially works according to the order of buttons selected.
  • Page 124
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI With the «Fresh» mode selected, air enters the B980C03Y-GAT Recirculation mode : Air Intake Control Switch vehicle from the outside and is heated or cooled Air from witin the passenger compartment will according to the function selected.
  • Page 125
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B980E01NF-GAT Air Flow Control CAUTION: If the windows fog up with the Recircula- tion or A.Q.S mode selected, set the air intake control to the Fresh air position or A.Q.S control to «OFF». B980D01Y-AAT Heating and Cooling System Off…
  • Page 126
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI HNF2122 HNF2121 HNF2123 Bi-Level Floor-Level Floor-Defrost Level When selecting the «Bi-Level», the indicator light When selecting the «Floor-Level», the indicator When selecting the «Floor-Defrost» mode, the will come on and the air will be discharged light will come on and the air will be discharged indicator light will come on and the air will be through the face vents and the floor vents.
  • Page 127
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B980F01NF-AAT B980G01NF-AAT The air conditioner filter is located in the right Defrost Switch Auto De-humidified Control side of the instrument panel. It operates to decrease the amount of pollutants (If Installed) entering the car. There is a humidity sensor in the middle of the To replace the air conditioner filter, refer to page instrument panel.
  • Page 128: Stereo Sound System

    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI STEREO SOUND SYSTEM B750A02A-AAT AM reception FM radio station How Car Audio Works Ionosphere FM reception Mountains Unobstructed Ionosphere area Buildings Iron bridges Obstructed area B750A02L B750A03L AM broadcasts can be received at greater FM broadcasts are transmitted at high frequen- distances than FM broadcasts.

  • Page 129
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI B750B04Y-AAT Using a cellular phone or a two-way radio When a cellular phone is used inside the vehicle, noise may be produced from the audio equip- ment. This does not mean that something is wrong with the audio equipment. In such a case, use the cellular phone at a place as far as possible from the audio equipment.
  • Page 130: Audio System

    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI AUDIO SYSTEM V480A01NF-AAT STEREO RADIO OPERATION (V480) (If Installed) 5. SCAN Button 4. SEEK Operation 7. EQ Button 3. Tune/Adjustment Mode Select Knob 6. PRESET STATION SELECT Buttons 2. BAND Selector 1. POWER ON-OFF / VOLUME Control Knob V480A01NF nfhma-1b.p65…

  • Page 131
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI V480B01NF-AAT 4) Speaker balance adjust 3. Tune(manual) / Adjustment Mode Se- 1. POWER ON-OFF / VOLUME Control Speaker sound distribution can be adjusted lect Knob between the right and left speakers by rotat- Knob ing the AUDIO SEL knob.
  • Page 132
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI 6. PRESET STATION SELECT Buttons The radio is equipped with six preset station CAUTION: memory controls. These buttons can be used o Do not place beverages close to the to select up to 6 preset AM stations and 12 audio system.
  • Page 133
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI V480C01NF-AAT COMPACT DISC PLAYER OPERATION (V480) (If Installed) — Compatiable with MP3 9. CD EJECT 3. SCAN Button 4. FF/REV Button 2. TRACK UP/DOWN 1. AUDIO/MP3 CD Select Button 7. TEXT/EQ Button 8. Adjustment Mode Select Knob 6.CHANGE DIRECTORY(DIR)
  • Page 134
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI V480C01NF-AAT o Press and hold the REV button until the 2. TRACK UP/DOWN 1. AUDIO/MP3 CD Select Button desired selection is reached. If the beginning o Press (down arrow) to revert to the of the disc is reached, the CD will begin play CD mode may be entered by pressing the CD previous track of the current disc.
  • Page 135
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI o Press the RND button until the desired shuffle 8. Adjustment Mode Select Knob 9. CD EJECT mode is displayed. The audio system will o Press the EJ button to stop and eject a CD. Pressing the AUDIO SEL knob will initiate Audio then engage the desired random mode.
  • Page 136
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI CAUTION: o Do not insert warped or poor quality discs into the CD player as damage to the unit may occur. o Do not insert anything like coins into the player slot as damage to the unit may occur.
  • Page 137
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI V490A01NF-AAT STEREO RADIO OPERATION (V490) (If Installed) 4. SEEK Button 5. SCAN/EQ Button 3. Tune/Adjustment Mode Select Knob 6. PRESET STATION SELECT Buttons 2. BAND Selector 1. POWER ON-OFF / VOLUME Control Knob V490A01NF nfhma-1b.p65 3/9/2005, 10:49 AM…
  • Page 138
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI V490B01NF-AAT 4) Speaker balance adjust 3. Tune(manual) / Adjustment Mode Se- 1. POWER ON-OFF / VOLUME Control Speaker sound distribution can be adjusted lect Knob between the right and left speakers by rotat- Knob ing the AUDIO SEL knob.
  • Page 139
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI EQ Button- Equalization Feature The radio has five EQ modes: OFF, CLASSI- CAUTION: CAL, POP, ROCK, and JAZZ. o Do not place beverages close to the Each press of the EQ button will advance to the audio system.
  • Page 140
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI V490C01NF-AAT COMPACT DISC PLAYER OPERATION (V490) (If Installed) — Compatiable with MP3 2. LOAD Button 6. CD EJECT 7. FF/REV 4. TRACK UP/DOWN 1. AUDIO/MP3 CD Select Button 11.Adjustment Mode Select Knob 10.MP3 TEXT mode 9. CHANGE DIRECTORY(DIR) 5.
  • Page 141
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI NOTE: V490D01NF-AAT 2. LOAD Button 1. AUDIO/MP3 CD Select Button o This CD player is suitable only for 4.7 The load feature allows you to load single CDs inch discs, do not use irregular shaped CD mode may be entered by pressing the CD into the player internal to the audio.
  • Page 142
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI Display description EQ Button — Equalization Feature 7. FF/REV There are six CD slots in the audio system. The radio has five EQ modes: OFF, CLASSI- o Press and hold the FF button until the desired When a disc is loaded into a particular slot (1- CAL, POP, ROCK, and JAZZ.
  • Page 143
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI NOTE: RANDOM(RND) 11. Adjustment Mode Select Knob o To assure proper operation of the unit, When engaged, the random feature has three Pressing the AUDIO SEL knob will initiate Audio keep the vehicle interior temperature different modes: Random Disc, Random Di- Mode.
  • Page 144
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI CAUTION: o Do not insert warped or poor quality discs into the CD player as damage to the unit may occur. o Do not insert anything like coins into the player slot as damage to the unit may occur.
  • Page 145: Antenna

    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI CARE OF DISCS ANTENNA B870D01Y-AAT B850A02F-AAT Storage Glass Antenna Proper Handling When not in use, place your discs in their individual case and store them in a cool place away from the sun, heat, and dust.

  • Page 146
    FEATURES OF YOUR HYUNDAI CAUTION: o Do not clean the inner side of the rear window glass with an abrasive type of glass cleaner or use a scraper to remove foreign deposits from the inner surface of the glass as this may cause damage to the antenna elements.
  • Page 147: Driving Your Hyundai

    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI Engine Exhaust Can Be Dangerous! ……2-2 Before Starting the Engine ……….2-3 Key Positions…………..2-3 Starting …………….. 2-4 Operating the Manual Transaxle ……..2-5 Automatic Transaxle …………. 2-8 Power Adjustable Pedals ……….2-11 Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) ……..2-12 Electronic Stability Control (ESC) System ….2-13…

  • Page 148: Engine Exhaust Can Be Dangerous

    Hyundai dealer. o Do not run the engine in an enclosed area.

  • Page 149: Before Starting The Engine

    C040A01A-AAT COMBINATION IGNITION SWITCH Before you start the engine, you should always: o If your Hyundai is equipped with a manual 1. Look around the vehicle to be sure there are LOCK transaxle, place the shift lever in neutral and no flat tires, puddles of oil, water or other depress the clutch pedal fully.

  • Page 150: Starting

    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI STARTING NOTE: C070C01A-AAT C050A01A-AAT To remove the ignition key Do not hold the key in the «START» position for more than 15 seconds. o «ON» LOCK When the key is in the «ON» position, the ignition is on and all accessories may be turned on. If the engine is not running, the key should not be left in the «ON»…

  • Page 151: Operating The Manual Transaxle

    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI OPERATING THE MANUAL TRANSAXLE (5 SPEED M/T) C050B01A-AAT 4. Turn the ignition key to the «START» position C070A01NF-GAT Normal Conditions: and release it when the engine starts. After the engine has started, allow the engine The Starting Procedure: to run for 10 to 20 seconds prior to placing the vehicle in gear.

  • Page 152
    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI o Do not use the shift lever as a handrest C070B02A-AAT Using the Clutch during driving, as this can result in pre- mature wear of the transaxle shift forks. The clutch should be pressed all the way to the floor before shifting, then released slowly.
  • Page 153
    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI C070E02O-AAT C070D02O-AAT RECOMMENDED SHIFT POINTS Good Driving Practices WARNING: The shift points as shown on the chart are o Never take the car out of gear and coast o Avoid high cornering speeds. recommended for optimum fuel economy and down a hill.
  • Page 154: Automatic Transaxle

    The function of each position is as fol- NOTE: C090A01NF lows: Depress the brake pedal when shift- The highly efficient Hyundai automatic transaxle ing. o P (Park): has four/five forward speeds and one reverse speed. The individual speeds are selected au- The selector lever can be shifted freely.

  • Page 155
    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI C090C01A-AAT C090F02L-GAT o R (Reverse): Sports Mode CAUTION: Use for backing up the vehicle. Bring the car to o In sports mode, the driver must execute a complete stop before shifting the selector upward shifts in accordance with pre- lever to «R»…
  • Page 156
    If you need to use the shift lock release, it could mean your car is developing a problem. Have the car checked by your Hyundai dealer. nfhma-2.p65 5/6/2005, 9:49 AM…
  • Page 157: Power Adjustable Pedals

    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI POWER ADJUSTABLE PEDALS C090N03O-AAT C100A01NF-AAT Good Driving Practices (With Automatic Transaxle) (If Installed) WARNING: o Never move the gear selector lever from «P» o Avoid high cornering speeds. or «N» to any other position with the accelera- o Do not make quick steering wheel move- tor pedal depressed.

  • Page 158: Anti-Lock Brake System (Abs)

    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI ANTI-LOCK BRAKE SYSTEM (ABS) C120A03A-AAT Setting the driver’s position (If Installed) 1) Be sure the parking brake is engaged. WARNING: The Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) is designed 2) Move the accelerator and brake pedals to ABS (ESC) will not prevent accidents due to to prevent wheel lock-up during sudden braking the front most position by pushing the «…

  • Page 159: Electronic Stability Control (Esc) System

    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI ELECTRONIC STABILITY CONTROL (ESC) SYSTEM C310A01NF-AAT loss of control. It is still your responsibility to C310B01NF-AAT (If Installed) ESC ON/OFF Mode drive and corner at reasonable speeds and to leave a sufficient margin of safety. When the ESC is operating, the ESC indicator in the instrument cluster will blink.

  • Page 160: Good Braking Practices

    (manual transaxle). If your not return to normal, stop as soon as it is safe car is facing downhill, turn the front wheels to do so and call your Hyundai dealer for into the curb to help keep the car from rolling. assistance.

  • Page 161: Driving For Economy

    Keep your car clean. For maximum service, sary braking. This also reduces brake wear. pedal or parking brake. your Hyundai should be kept clean and free o Drive at a moderate speed. The faster you of corrosive materials. It is especially impor- drive, the more fuel your car uses.

  • Page 162: Smooth Cornering

    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI SMOOTH CORNERING WINTER DRIVING o Remember, your Hyundai does not require C150A01A-AAT C160A01A-AAT extended warm-up. As soon as the engine The more severe weather conditions of winter Avoid braking or gear changing in corners, is running smoothly, you can drive away. In result in greater wear and other problems.

  • Page 163
    Section 6. The level of charge may damage the paint finish. in your battery can be checked by your Hyundai dealer or a service station. nfhma-2.p65 5/6/2005, 9:49 AM…
  • Page 164
    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI HIGHER SPEED MOTORING C160I01L-AAT C160K01A-AAT C170A01A-AAT Don’t Let Your Parking Brake Freeze Carry Emergency Equipment Pre-Trip Inspections Under some conditions your parking brake can Depending on the severity of the weather where 1. Tires: freeze in the engaged position. This is most…
  • Page 165: Trailer Or Vehicle Towing

    Ask your chassis. Hyundai dealer for further details before towing. The hitch should be bolted securely to the car and installed by a qualified technician. DO NOT USE A HITCH DESIGNED FOR TEMPORARY…

  • Page 166
    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI NOTE: C190E01NF-AAT Trailer Weight Limit 1. Never load the trailer with more weight in the back than in the front. About 60% of CAUTION: the trailer load should be in the front half o Never connect a trailer brake system on the trailer and the remaining 40% in directly to the vehicle brake system.
  • Page 167
    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI 3. The front or rear axle weight must not C190F01Y-GAT Trailer or Vehicle Towing Tips exceed the Gross Axle Weight Rating (GAWR) shown on the vehicle identifi- WARNING: 1. Before towing, check hitch and safety chain cation plate (see page 8-2). It is possible…
  • Page 168: Vehicle Load Limit

    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI VEHICLE LOAD LIMIT 8. When parking your car and trailer, especially 15.If you have to stop while going uphill, do not C190F01JM-AAT Tire and Loading Information Label on a hill, be sure to follow all the normal hold the vehicle in place by pressing on the precautions.

  • Page 169
    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI hicle, the number of people that can be (4)The resulting figure equals the avail- Example 1 in your vehicle and vehicle capacity able amount of cargo and luggage weight. load capacity. For example, if the «XXX» amount equals 1400 lbs, and Steps for Determining Correct Load there will be five 150 lb.
  • Page 170
    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI Refer to your vehicle’s tire and loading Example 2 Example 3 information label for specific informa- tion about your vehicle’s capacity weight and seating positions. The combined weight of the driver, passengers and cargo should never exceed your vehicle’s capacity weight.
  • Page 171
    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI C190G02JM-AAT This label also tells you the maximum Compliance Label weights that can be supported by the WARNING: front and rear axles, called Gross Axle o Overloading your vehicle can Weight Rating (GAWR). To find out the…
  • Page 172
    DRIVING YOUR HYUNDAI NOTE: o Overloading your vehicle may WARNING: cause damage. Repairs would not Items you carry inside your vehicle be covered by your warranty. Do can strike and injure people in a not overload your vehicle. sudden stop or turn, or in a crash.
  • Page 173: What To Do In An Emergency

    WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCY If the Engine Will Not Start ……….3-2 Jump Starting …………..3-3 If the Engine Overheats ……….3-4 Spare Tire …………..3-5 If You Have a Flat Tire ……….3-6 Changing a Flat Tire …………3-6 If Your Vehicle Must Be Towed ……..

  • Page 174: If The Engine Will Not Start

    3. Check the fuel line in the engine compart- create a fire hazard. ment. 4. If the engine still does not start, call a Hyundai dealer or seek other qualified assistance. D010D01A-AAT If Engine Stalls While Driving HNF5017 1.

  • Page 175: Jump Starting

    When jump starting, wear pro- positive (+) post or cable of the discharged your Hyundai dealer. tective glasses and be careful not to get battery. acid on yourself, your clothing or on the car.

  • Page 176: If The Engine Overheats

    If there is no visible loss of Do not remove the radiator cap when the be checked as soon as possible by a Hyundai engine coolant and no steam, leave the engine is hot. This can allow coolant to be dealer.

  • Page 177: Spare Tire

    WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCY SPARE TIRE D040A02GK-AAT 4. As the temporary spare tire is spe- D040B01NF-GAT TEMPORARY SPARE TIRE Handling the Spare Tire cifically designed for your car, it The following instructions for the tem- should not be used on any other porary spare tire should be observed: vehicle.

  • Page 178: If You Have A Flat Tire

    WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCY IF YOU HAVE A FLAT TIRE CHANGING A FLAT TIRE D050A01A-AAT D060A01A-AAT D060B01NF-GAT 1. Obtain Spare Tire and Tool If a tire goes flat while you are driving: 1. Take your foot off the accelerator pedal and let the car slow down while driving straight ahead.

  • Page 179
    WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCY D060C01A-AAT D060D01A-AAT D060E01A-AAT 2. Block the Wheel 3. Loosen Wheel Nuts 4. Put the Jack in Place Flat tire HNF4011-A D060E01NF-A HNF4009 The wheel nuts should be loosened The base of the jack should be placed Block the wheel that is diagonally oppo- slightly before raising the car.
  • Page 180
    WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCY D060F02E-AAT Raise the car high enough so that the D060G02Y-AAT 5. Raising the Car 6. Changing Wheels fully inflated spare tire can be installed. To do this, you will need more ground clearance than is required to remove the flat tire.
  • Page 181
    WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCY D060H02O-AAT 7. Reinstall Wheel Nuts WARNING: If there is, remove it. If there is not good contact on the mounting sur- face between the wheel and hub, the wheel nuts could come loose and cause the loss of a wheel.
  • Page 182
    WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCY D060I01E-AAT Wheel nut tightening torque: 8. Lower Vehicle and Tighten Nuts Steel wheel & aluminium alloy wheel: 65-80 lb.ft (900-1,100 kg.cm) D060J02O-AAT After Changing Wheels HNF4013-A Then position the wrench as shown in D060I01NF the drawing and tighten the wheel nuts.
  • Page 183: If Your Vehicle Must Be Towed

    If your vehicle has to be towed, it should be done Towing the Vehicle cap after checking or adjusting tire by your Hyundai dealer or a commercial tow pressure. If the cap is not replaced, air truck service. This will help assure that your vehicle is not damaged in towing.

  • Page 184
    WHAT TO DO IN AN EMERGENCY NOTE: o Automatic Transaxle: Be sure to use a towing dolly under the front Before towing, check the level of the auto- wheels. matic transaxle fluid. If it is below the «HOT» CAUTION: range on the dipstick, add fluid. If you o When towing the vehicle, take care not to cannot add fluid, a towing dolly must be cause damage to the bumper or under-…
  • Page 185: Emergency Towing

    D080D01NF-AAT D120A01A-AAT Before towing, check the level of the auto- If you lose your keys, many Hyundai dealers matic transaxle fluid. If it is below the «HOT» can make you a new key if you have your key range on the dipstick, add fluid. If you number.

  • Page 186
    CORROSION PREVENTION & APPEARANCE CARE Corrosion Protection …………. 4-2 To Help Prevent Corrosion ……….. 4-2 Washing and Waxing ………… 4-3 Cleaning the Interior …………4-5 nfhma-4.p65 3/9/2005, 10:45 AM…
  • Page 187: Corrosion Protection

    Some of the struction practices to combat corrosion, common causes of accelerated corrosion are Hyundai produces cars of the highest quality. road salts, dust control chemicals, ocean air However, this is only part of the job. To achieve E020B01A-AAT and industrial pollution.

  • Page 188: Washing And Waxing

    These should be carried only in proper contain- These are available at your Hyundai dealer or ers and any spills or leaks should be cleaned up, auto parts outlet. Don’t use strong household flushed with clean water and thoroughly dried.

  • Page 189
    To protect the paintwork of the car Always wash and dry the car before polishing To clean plastic wheel covers, use a clean against corrosion, you must clean your Hyundai or waxing or using a combination cleaner and sponge or soft cloth and water.
  • Page 190: Cleaning The Interior

    Then apply In the normal course of use, leather upholstered Hyundai. They are: a solution of mild soap or detergent and water surfaces will, like any material, pick-up dust and using a clean sponge or soft cloth.

  • Page 191
    Cleaning the Carpets Cleaning the Windows If you have any questions about the care of your car, consult your Hyundai dealer. Use a foam-type carpet cleaner. Cleaners of You may use any household window cleaner on this type are available in aerosol cans in liquid the windows.
  • Page 192: Vehicle Maintenance Requirements

    VEHICLE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS Maintenance Intervals ……….. 5-2 Scheduled Maintenance ……….5-4 Maintenance under Severe Usage Conditions ….. 5-6 Explanation of Scheduled Maintenance Items ….5-7 nfhma-5.p65 4/28/2005, 8:58 AM…

  • Page 193: Maintenance Intervals

    To ensure that you receive the greatest number The maintenance required for your Hyundai These are the procedures such as inspections, of miles of satisfying operation from your Hyundai, can be divided into three main areas: adjustments and replacements that are listed in certain maintenance procedures must be per- the maintenance charts starting on page 5-4.

  • Page 194: Scheduled Maintenance

    These are the regular checks you should per- o Whenever you have your Hyundai serviced, o Receipts for all emission control system form when you drive your Hyundai or you fill the keep copies of the service records in your services should be retained to demonstrate fuel tank.

  • Page 195
    VEHICLE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE F030A01NF-AAT The following maintenance services must be performed to ensure good emission control and performance. Keep receipts for all vehicle emission services to protect your warranty. Where both mileage and time are shown, the frequency of service is determined by whichever occurs first. F030B03NF-AAT R :Replace I : Inspect and, after Inspection, clean, adjust, repair or replace if necessary.
  • Page 196
    VEHICLE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS F030C01NF-AAT R : Replace I : Inspect and, after inspection, clean, adjust, repair or replace if necessary MILES X 1000 22.5 37.5 52.5 67.5 82.5 97.5 112.5 127.5 142.5 DESCRIPTION KILOMETERS X 1000 MONTHS GENERAL ITEMS DRIVE BELT (AUTO-TENSIONER, ALT, P/STR’G, A/CON, W/PUMP) COOLANT See Note * MANUAL TRANSAXLE OIL…
  • Page 197: Maintenance Under Severe Usage Conditions

    VEHICLE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS MAINTENANCE UNDER SEVERE USAGE CONDITIONS F040A01NF-AAT The following items must be serviced more frequently on cars normally used under severe driving conditions. Refer to the chart below for the appropriate maintenance intervals. R : Replace I : Inspect and, after inspection, clean, adjust, repair or replace if necessary MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE DRIVING…

  • Page 198: Explanation Of Scheduled Maintenance Items

    VEHICLE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS EXPLANATION OF SCHEDULED MAINTENANCE ITEMS F060M01A-AAT F060B01NF-GAT F060F01A-AAT o Engine Oil and Filter o Drive Belts o Vacuum, Crankcase Ventilation Hoses The engine oil and filter should be changed at the Inspect all drive belts for evidence of cuts, intervals specified in the maintenance sched- cracks, excessive wear or oil saturation and Inspect the surface of hoses for evidence of…

  • Page 199
    Air Cleaner Filter Check brake fluid level in the brake fluid reser- NOTE: A Genuine Hyundai air cleaner filter is recom- voir. The level should be between «MIN» and If the oil level is low, check for possible leaks mended when the filter is replaced.
  • Page 200
    VEHICLE MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS F070J01A-AAT F070M01Y-AAT F070Q01A-AAT o Brake Pads, Calipers and Rotors o Steering Gear Box, Linkage & Boots/ o Air Conditioning Refrigerant Lower Arm Ball Joint, Upper Arm Ball Check the pads for excessive wear, discs for Check the air conditioning lines and connec- Joint run out and wear, and calipers for fluid leakage.
  • Page 201
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE Engine Compartment ………… 6-2 General Checks …………6-4 Checking the Engine Oil ……….6-5 Changing the Engine Oil and Filter …….. 6-6 Checking and Changing the Engine Coolant ….6-8 Spark Plugs …………..6-11 Changing the Air Cleaner Filter ……..6-14 Checking the Transaxle Oil (Manual) ……
  • Page 202
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE ENGINE COMPARTMENT G010B01NF-AAT (2.4 DOHC) CAUTION: When inspecting or servicing the engine, you should handle tools and other heavy objects carefully so that the plastic cover of the engine is not damaged. G010B01NF 9. Automatic transaxle oil level 1.
  • Page 203
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE G010A01NF-AAT (3.3 V6) CAUTION: When inspecting or servicing the engine, you should handle tools and other heavy objects carefully so that the plastic cover of the engine is not damaged. G010A01NF 1. Coolant reservoir cap 5. Fuse and relay box 9.
  • Page 204: Engine Compartment

    Seat belt condition and operation o Sun visor operation If you notice anything that does not operate correctly or appears to be functioning correctly, inspect it carefully and seek assistance from your Hyundai dealer if service is needed. nfhma-6.p65 4/28/2005, 8:56 AM…

  • Page 205: Checking The Engine Oil

    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE CHECKING THE ENGINE OIL NOTE: G030A01A-AAT (3.3L) o For good fuel economy, SAE 5W-20 (5W- Engine oil is essential to the performance and 30), ILSAC GF-3 engine oil is preferred service of the engine. It is suggested that you regardless of regional option and en- check the oil level at least once a week in normal gine variation.

  • Page 206: Changing The Engine Oil And Filter

    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE CHANGING THE ENGINE OIL AND FILTER G030D01O-AAT 1. Remove the oil filler cap by turning it counter- G040A01NF-AAT Adding Oil clockwise. (2.4L) 2. Add oil, then check the level again. Do not (2.4L) Oil filler overfill. 3. Replace the cap by turning it clockwise. The distance between the «F»…

  • Page 207
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE The engine oil and filter should be changed at (2.4L) those intervals specified in the maintenance schedule in Section 5. If the car is being driven in severe conditions, more frequent oil and filter changes are required. The procedure for changing the oil and filter is as follows: 1.
  • Page 208: Checking And Changing The Engine Coolant

    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE CHECKING AND CHANGING THE ENGINE COOLANT NOTE: 5. Remove the oil filter by turning it counter- G050A01A-AAT clockwise with a oil filter wrench of the proper Always dispose of used engine oil in an size. A certain amount of oil will come out environmentally acceptable manner.

  • Page 209
    -31 (-35) level frequently. If the level drops again, visit cool. your Hyundai dealer for an inspection and -49 (-45) diagnosis of the reason. nfhma-6.p65 4/28/2005, 8:56 AM…
  • Page 210
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE HNF5008 G050D02NF-A G050D01NF 3. Be sure your drain receptacle is in place. 6. Run the engine at idle until the coolant circu- 2. Wrap a thick cloth around the radiator cap Open the drain cock on the radiator. Allow all lates.
  • Page 211: Spark Plugs

    When spark plugs are replaced, always use spark plugs recommended by Hyundai. The use of other spark plugs can result in loss of perfor- mance, radio interference or engine damage.

  • Page 212
    1. Remove the engine cover. NOTE: It is recommended that the spark plugs for 3.3L engines be changed by an authorized Hyundai dealer. G060C01NF G060C02NF 2. Using a clean cloth, remove any dirt that has 3. Remove the cover of the ignition connector 4.
  • Page 213
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE G060C03NF G060C06NF G060C05NF 6. Remove the mounting bolt (3) of the ignition 10. To install the new spark plug, guide the coil with a socket wrench. socket down over the spark plug, being 7. Pull straight up on the ignition coil (4). careful not to damage the ceramic insulator.
  • Page 214: Changing The Air Cleaner Filter

    Over-tightening can damage the threads in its place. the aluminum cylinder head. Also, leaving them too loose can cause the spark plug to Genuine Hyundai replacement parts are rec- get very hot and possibly result in damage ommended. to the engine.

  • Page 215
    If the wipers continue to streak or smear the HHR5048 glass, replace them with genuine Hyundai re- 1. Push down the wiper blade with the locking placement parts or their equivalent.
  • Page 216
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE FILLING THE WASHER RESERVOIR G090A02NF-AAT To install the wiper blade (2.4L) HHR5051 G090A01NF 2. Pull up the wiper blade until you hear an HHR5050 audible «click» to engage in the end of the (3.3L) 1. Put a new wiper blade onto the wiper arm and wiper arm.
  • Page 217: Checking The Transaxle Oil (Manual)

    Section Recommended Oil WARNING: o Windshield washer fluid agents contain Use only HYUNDAI GENUINE PARTS MTF some amounts of alcohol and can be 75W/85 (API GL-4) in the manual transaxle. flammable under certain circumstances.

  • Page 218: Checking The Transaxle Fluid (Automatic)

    SP III specification ap- Park the car on level ground with the engine off. proved by Hyundai Motor Co.. If you are having your vehicle serviced at a facility 1. Using a wrench of the correct size, loosen…

  • Page 219
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE G110C01NF-AAT G110D02O-AAT Transaxle Fluid Capacity To Check the Transaxle Fluid Level The fluid capacity of the automatic transaxle is: Park the car on level ground with the parking brake engaged. When the transaxle fluid level is checked, the transaxle fluid should be at 2.4L 8.24 U.S.
  • Page 220: Checking The Brakes

    Follow the instructions printed on the operation of the car, it is suggested that container. they be checked and inspected by your Hyundai dealer. The brakes should be G120D01A-AAT checked and inspected for wear at those To Check the Fluid Level intervals specified in the vehicle mainte- nance schedule in Section 5.

  • Page 221: Air Conditioning Care

    Handle brake fluid carefully. It can damage not cold, have the air conditioning system your vision if it gets into your eyes. Use only inspected by your Hyundai dealer. DOT 3 or DOT 4 specification fluid from a sealed container. Do not allow the fluid can or reservoir to remain open any longer than required.

  • Page 222: Changing The Air Conditioner Filter

    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE CHANGING THE AIR CONDITIONER FILTER B145A01NF-AAT (For Evaporator and Blower Unit) (If Installed) The air conditioner filter is located in the right side of the instrument panel. It helps to decrease the amount of pollutants entering the car. HNF2163 HNF2164 3.

  • Page 223
    If it is not, have it inspected by your to changes in resistance that mark the limits of CAUTION: Hyundai dealer and adjusted or repaired if the free-play. If the free-play is greater than To prevent pollutants from entering the car, necessary.
  • Page 224: Checking Drive Belts

    If the brake pedal clearance is not within the fied in the illustration above. If it is not, have it limits specified in the illustration, have it in- inspected by your Hyundai dealer and adjusted spected by your Hyundai dealer and adjusted Power steering or repaired if necessary.

  • Page 225: Checking And Replacing Fuses

    If this ever happens, have a Hyundai dealer determine the cause, repair the system and replace the fusible link. The fusible links are located in a relay box in the engine compartment for easy inspection.

  • Page 226
    Hyundai 4. Replace the blown fuse by pressing a new be the reason. If the fuse has burned out, you dealer for diagnosis and repair.
  • Page 227: Checking The Battery

    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE CHECKING THE BATTERY G210A01A-AAT o If battery fluid is on your skin, flush the G210B04A-AAT Checking the Battery affected areas with water for at least 15 minutes and then seek medical assistance. Keep the battery clean. Any evidence of corro- o If battery fluid is in your eyes, rinse out your sion around the battery posts or terminals eyes with water and get medical assistance…

  • Page 228
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE CHECKING ELECTRIC COOLING FANS G220A01A-AAT WARNING: WARNING: WARNING: If electrolyte gets on your skin, Always read the following in- thoroughly wash the contacted The cooling fan is controlled by engine structions carefully when han- area. coolant temperature and may sometimes dling a battery.
  • Page 229: Power Steering Fluid Level

    If you desire additional information about main- markings on the fluid reservoir. taining and servicing your Hyundai, you may purchase a factory Shop Manual at your Hyundai NOTE: dealer’s parts department. This is the same Grinding noise from the power steering…

  • Page 230: Headlight Aiming Adjustment

    Have the driver WARNING: or equivalent weight placed in driver’s seat. Horizontal aiming should be adjusted by 4. Clean the headlight lenses and turn on the an authorized Hyundai dealer. Ground line headlights (Low beam). 5. Open the hood. G260B01GK…

  • Page 231: Replacement Of Light Bulbs

    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE REPLACEMENT OF LIGHT BULBS G260A01L-GAT G270A01NF-AAT SPECIFICATION: HEADLIGHT, FRONT TURN SIGNAL Before attempting to replace a light bulb, be sure «H» LIGHT AND FRONT FOG LIGHT the switch is turned to the «OFF» position. Horizontal center line of headlights from ground The next paragraph shows how to reach the : 26.73 in.

  • Page 232
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE 5. Disconnect the power cord from the back of 7. Disconnect the connector from the bulb base in the headlight. the back of the headlight. 8. Push the bulb spring to remove the headlight bulb. HNF5023 4. Using a socket wrench of the correct size, HNF5025 remove the headlight assembly mounting bolts.
  • Page 233
    NOTE: It is recommended that the front fog light bulb should be replaced by an authorized Hyundai dealer. HNF5029 2. Remove the cover on the inside of the rear luggage trim by turning the knob counter- clockwise.
  • Page 234
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE G270C01L-AAT LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT LIGHT 1. Open the trunk lid. HNF5042 HNF5030-A 3. To replace the rear combination light (stop/ 4. Loosen the mounting screws of the trunk lid tail light, rear side marker light and rear turn trim with a phillips screwdriver and remove signal light), remove it from the bulb holder the trunk lid trim.
  • Page 235
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE G270G01L-AAT INTERIOR LIGHT Screwdriver HNF5035 HNF5032 3. Disconnect the power cord. 2. Replace with a new bulb. HNF5034 1. Remove the plastic cover with a flat-head screwdriver. HTB284 4. Replace with a new bulb. nfhma-6.p65 4/28/2005, 8:57 AM…
  • Page 236
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE G270L01L-AAT G270K01L-AAT MAP LIGHT GLOVE BOX ILLUMINATED LIGHT 1. Open the glove box. Screwdriver G270G02NF 2. Replace with a new bulb. G270G01NF 1. Remove the plastic cover with a flat-head HNF5036 screwdriver. 2. Remove the glove box illuminated light cover with a flat-head screwdriver.
  • Page 237
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE HJM5039 3. Disconnect the power cord. HTB284 4. Replace with a new bulb. nfhma-6.p65 4/28/2005, 8:57 AM…
  • Page 238: Bulb Wattages

    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE BULB WATTAGES G280A01NF-AAT G280A01NF-A Part Name Wattage Socket Type Part Name Wattage Socket Type Headlight P x 26d Stop / Tail Light 28/8 BAY 15d Low beam High beam P14,5s High Mounted Rear Stop Light w2.1 x 9.5d Front Turn Signal Light/Front Position Light 28/8 BAY15d…

  • Page 239: Fuse Panel Description

    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE FUSE PANEL DESCRIPTION G200C01NF-AAT Engine Compartment HNF4005 NOTE: Not all fuse panel descriptions in this manual may be applicable to your vehicle. It is accurate at the time of printing. When you inspect the fuse box on your vehicle, refer to the fuse box label. nfhma-6.p65 4/28/2005, 8:57 AM…

  • Page 240
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE DESCRIPTION FUSE RATING PROTECTED COMPONENTS ABS.1 ABS/ESC control module, Multipurpose check connector ABS.2 ABS/ESC control module, Multipurpose check connector I/P B+1 Fuse 23, 24, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35 RR HTD Defogger relay BLOWER Blower relay FUSIBLE P/WDW Power window relay, Fuse 16 LINK…
  • Page 241
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE G200E01NF-AAT Inner Panel HNF4003 nfhma-6.p65 4/28/2005, 8:57 AM…
  • Page 242
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE FUSE FUSE RATING PROTECTED COMPONENTS (Spare) Seat warmer switch BCM(Body Control Module), Sunroof control module, Electronic chrome mirror ESC module, High blower relay, Humidity sensor Cigarette lighter (Spare) Illumination lights, Right : License light, Rear combination light, Headlight, Glove box light Front fog light relay, Left : License light, Rear combination light, Headlight Headlight washer relay, Right headlight leveling actuator DRL control module, Headlight relay, AQS and ambient sensor, Left headlight leveling actuator…
  • Page 243
    DO-IT-YOURSELF MAINTENANCE FUSE FUSE RATING PROTECTED COMPONENTS Audio amp Door lock/unlock relay Hazard switch, Hazard relay Power seat manual switch(RHD) Instrument cluster Hazard switch BCM(Body Control Module), Instrument cluster, Yaw rate sensor, ESC switch (Spare) Burglar alarm relay (Spare) Rear fog light relay Trunk lid relay, Fuel filler door and trunk lid switch (Spare) Power seat manual switch…
  • Page 244
    EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEMS Emission Control System ……….7-2 Catalytic Converter …………7-3 nfhma-7.p65 3/9/2005, 10:29 AM…
  • Page 245
    Engine Control Module (ECM); when the that you have your car inspected and main- engine coolant temperature is low during idling, tained by an authorized Hyundai dealer in ac- the PCSV closes so that evaporated fuel is not H010C01S-AAT cordance with the maintenance schedule in this 2.
  • Page 246
    Maintain the engine in good operating your best source of assistance. condition. Extremely high catalytic con- o Do not stop your Hyundai over any com- verter temperatures can result from im- bustible material such as grass, paper, proper operation of the electrical, igni- leaves or rags.
  • Page 247
    Tire Traction …………..8-10 When to Replace Tires ……….8-10 Tire Maintenance …………8-11 Spare Tire and Tools ……….. 8-11 Warranties for Your Hyundai Vehicle ……8-12 Consumer Information ……….8-12 Reporting Safety Defects ……….8-14 Binding Arbitration of Warranty Claims ……. 8-15 nfhma-8.p65…
  • Page 248: Engine Number

    I020A02A-AAT I010A01O-AAT I010B01A-AAT TIRE INFORMATION (2.4L) The tires supplied on your new Hyundai are chosen to provide the best perfor- mance for normal driving. If you ever have questions about your tire warranty and where to obtain ser- vice, see the tire manufacturer’s book- let included with your vehicle’s Owner’s Manual Literature Kit.

  • Page 249: Recommended Inflation Pressures

    CONSUMER INFORMATION, REPORTING SAFETY DEFECTS & BINDING ARBITRATION OF WARRANTY CLAIMS I030A01NF-AAT RECOMMENDED INFLATION PRES- SURES WARNING: o Lower-than-recommended tire pressures cause uneven tread wear, poor handling, poor fuel economy or tire failure. o Higher-than-recommended tire I030A03NF-A pressures can cause poor han- dling, uneven tread wear or tire failure.

  • Page 250: Checking Tire Inflation Pressure

    CONSUMER INFORMATION, REPORTING SAFETY DEFECTS & BINDING ARBITRATION OF WARRANTY CLAIMS Check the tire’s inflation pressure when I030B01NF-AAT o Check the pressure of your spare TIRE SIDEWALL LABELING the tires are cold. — «Cold» means your tire each time you check the pres- vehicle has been sitting for at least sure of other tires.

  • Page 251
    CONSUMER INFORMATION, REPORTING SAFETY DEFECTS & BINDING ARBITRATION OF WARRANTY CLAIMS 1. Manufacturer or Brand name o V: Speed Rating. The speed rating o Four numbers represent the week o Manufacturer or Brand name is denotes the speed at which a tire is and year the tire was built.
  • Page 252: Tire Terminology And Definitions

    CONSUMER INFORMATION, REPORTING SAFETY DEFECTS & BINDING ARBITRATION OF WARRANTY CLAIMS 6. Maximum load rating I030D01JM-AAT Cold Tire Pressure: The amount of air TIRE TERMINOLOGY AND DEFINI- This number indicates the maximum pressure in a tire, measured in pounds TIONS load in kilograms and pounds that per square inch (psi) or kilopascals Air Pressure: The amount of air inside…

  • Page 253
    CONSUMER INFORMATION, REPORTING SAFETY DEFECTS & BINDING ARBITRATION OF WARRANTY CLAIMS Intended Outboard Sidewall: The side Occupant Distribution: Designated Sidewall: The portion of a tire between of an asymmetrical tire, that must al- seating positions. the tread and the bead. ways face outward when mounted on a Outward Facing Sidewall: The side of Speed Rating: An alphanumeric code…
  • Page 254: All Season Tires

    Vehicle Normal Load on the Tire: whichever is less. That load on an individual tire that is Hyundai specifies summer tires on some Do not drive faster than 75 mph (120 determined by distributing to each axle models to provide superior performance…

  • Page 255: Tire Rotation

    A tire that is out of balance may affect Hyundai dealer so the cause may be installed to keep the wheels. If it is handling and tire wear. The tires on your corrected.

  • Page 256: Tire Traction

    0.06 in. (1.6 mm). The tire should be o Wheels that do not meet Hyundai’s replaced when these appear as a solid dimensional specifications may bar across two or more grooves of the fit poorly and result in damage to tread.

  • Page 257: Tire Maintenance

    I110A01A-AAT TIRE MAINTENANCE SHOP MANUAL In addition to proper inflation, correct A Hyundai Shop Manual is available from your authorized Hyundai dealer. It’s written for pro- wheel alignment helps to decrease tire fessional technicians, but is simple enough for wear. If you find a tire is worn unevenly, most mechanically-inclined owners to under- stand.

  • Page 258: Warranties For Your Hyundai Vehicle

    Emission Defect Warranty — Federal Vehicle mation on uniform tire quality grading. Your quality grades are molded on the o California Emission Control System War- Hyundai dealer will help answer any questions ranty (if applicable) you may have as you read this information. sidewall.

  • Page 259
    CONSUMER INFORMATION, REPORTING SAFETY DEFECTS & BINDING ARBITRATION OF WARRANTY CLAIMS Traction AA, A, B, C — The traction Temperature A, B, C — The tempera- grades, from highest to lowest, are AA, ture grades are A (the highest), B, and WARNING: A, B, and C.
  • Page 260: Reporting Safety Defects

    REPORTING SAFETY DEFECTS I130C01A-AAT I130D03A-AAT Southern Region: Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Hyundai motor vehicles are designed and manu- Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, North Caro- If you believe that your vehicle has a defect factured to meet or exceed all applicable safety lina, South Carolina, Oklahoma, Tennessee, which could cause a crash or could cause standards.

  • Page 261
    (via certified mail) to Hyundai All other arbitration costs shall be borne Motor America, Attn: Consumer Af- by Hyundai Motor America. You are not fairs, 10550 Talbert Avenue, P.O. Box responsible to pay any of the costs 20849, Fountain Valley, CA 92728-0849.
  • Page 262: Vehicle Specifications

    VEHICLE SPECIFICATIONS Measurement …………..9-2 Engine …………….9-3 Lubrication Chart …………9-4 nfhma-9.p65 4/28/2005, 8:58 AM…

  • Page 263
    VEHICLE SPECIFICATIONS J010A02NF-AAT J030A01NF-AAT MEASUREMENT in.(mm) TIRE Standard P215/60R16 ITEM 2.4L/3.3L Option P225/50R17 189.9 (4800) Overall length Spare T125/80D16 (Temporary) 72.1 (1832) Overall width 58.0 (1475) Overall height 107.4 (2730) Wheel base J040A01NF-GAT ELECTRICAL Front 61.6 (1565) Wheel tread Rear 61.1 (1550) Item 2.4L…
  • Page 264
    VEHICLE SPECIFICATIONS ENGINE J070A01NF-AAT ITEMS 2.4L 3.3L Engine Type 4-Cyl., In-line DOHC 6-Cyl., V-type DOHC Bore x Stroke in.(mm) 3.46 x 3.81 (88 x 97) 3.62 x 3.29 (92.0 x 83.8) Displacement cu.in.(cc) 143.9(2,359) 203.9 (3,342) Firing order 1 — 3 — 4 — 2 1 — 2 — 3 — 4 — 5 — 6 Valve clearance (cold engine) Intake…
  • Page 265
    HYUNDAI GENUINE PARTS MTF 75W/85 (API GL-4) 2.0 (1.67, 1.9) Manual HYUNDAI GENUINE ATF SP III, DIAMOND ATF SP III, SK ATF SP III or other 2.4L : 8.24 (6.86, 7.8) Automatic brands meeting the SP III specification approved by Hyundai Motor Co..
  • Page 266
    INDEX nfhma-10.p65 3/9/2005, 10:22 AM…
  • Page 267
    Air Conditioning Pedal free-play …………….6-24 Care ………………..6-21 Practices ………………2-14 Filter ……………… 1-112, 6-22 Breaking-In your New Hyundai …………1-3 Operation …………….1-103, 6-21 Switch ………………1-103 Antenna ………………1-130 Care of Discs …………….1-130 Ashtray ………………… 1-68 Catalytic Converter …………….
  • Page 268
    If the engine overheats …………..3-4 Corrosion protection Number ………………. 8-2 Cleaning the interior …………… 4-5 Oil ………………..6-5 Protecting your Hyundai from corrosion ……..4-2 Starting ……………….. 2-4 Washing and waxing …………..4-3 Engine Exhaust Can Be Dangerous! ……….2-2 Cruise Control ……………… 1-93 Fan Speed Control …………..
  • Page 269
    INDEX Fuel High-Mounted Rear Stop Light …………1-87 Capacity ………………9-2 Hood Release ……………… 1-89 Gauge ………………. 1-55 Horn ………………..1-92 Recommendations …………….. 1-2 Fuel Filler Lid Remote release …………….1-87 Ignition Switch ………………2-3 Fuse Panel Description …………..6-39 Instrument Cluster and Indicator Lights ………
  • Page 270
    INDEX Maintenance Intervals Rear Seat Explanation of scheduled maintenance items ……5-7 Armrest ………………1-92 Maintenance under severe usage conditions ……5-6 Folding rear seatbacks …………… 1-19 Scheduled maintenance …………..5-4 Rear seatback safety lock …………1-20 Service requirements …………..5-2 Warning ………………
  • Page 271
    If you have a flat tire …………..3-6 Information ………………8-2 Maintenance …………….. 8-11 Warning and Indicator Lights …………1-52 Pressure ………………8-3 Warranties for Your Hyundai Vehicle ……….8-12 Replacement …………….8-10 Windows Rotation ………………. 8-9 Power ……………….. 1-11 Sidewall labeling …………….

Да, тут в БЖ целая энциклопедия!

Спасибо, полезная информация)

наугад, можно и блок сжеч…

Андрюха, никак я тоже не могу найти схем подключения Cruise, а к ОД ты не хочешь ехать?

неа… они свечи не умеют менять. те 3, что неудобно выкрутить… все подключил. осталось распиновку кнопки круиза. ту что включает сам круиз

дак а там не должно же быть больше трёх контактов, по старинке наугад, или тестером

3 на кнопку
4 на блок
5 подсветка


3 на кнопку
4 на блок
5 подсветка

—один провод идет в щиток, на нем +, если его замкнуть на мссу то горит лампа CRUIZE

—один идет на лампу включения круиза (как на туманках желтая полосочка)

—один на индикатор CRUISE в приборке

—один минус

— один плюс

а вот что куда мать их… и на подсветку что?

Ну, незнаю, я бы нашёл что куда)

Я вот тоже тонировку отодвинул, знаю что куда крепить, куда подцепить, нонадо съездить отдохнуть, поздравить моего родственника долгожителя со столетием. Привожу лайнер в идеальное состояне техническое, потом всякие феньки)

А ты не нервничай, и живи честно) Залог долголетия)

Body Repair Manual Hyundai Sonata 2005 г.

Руководство на английском языке по кузовному ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Sonata 2005 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Hyundai Motor Company
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 129
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  • Размер: 11,1 Mb

Electrical Troubleshooting Manual Hyundai Sonata 2005 г.

Руководство на английском языке по ремонту электрооборудования автомобиля Hyundai Sonata 2005 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Hyundai Motor Company
  • Год издания: 2004
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  • Размер: 46,6 Mb

Electrical Troubleshooting Manual Hyundai Sonata.

Руководство на английском языке по ремонту электрооборудования автомобиля Hyundai Sonata.

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  • Издательство: Hyundai Motor Company
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 330
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Service Training Hyundai Sonata NF.

Учебные материалы по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей Hyundai Sonata NF и Hyundai NF.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Hyundai Motor Company
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Shop Manual Hyundai Sonata 1991 г.

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Sonata 1991 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Hyundai Motor Company
  • Год издания: 1990
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  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 88,4 Mb

Shop Manual Hyundai Sonata 2005 г.

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Sonata 2005 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Hyundai Motor Company
  • Год издания: 2004
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  • Размер: 161,3 Mb

Руководство по ремонту и ТО Hyundai Sonata с 1993 г.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Sonata с 1993 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 1,8/2,0/3,0 л.

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  • Издательство: Арго-Авто
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  • Страниц: 256
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Hyundai Sonata NF с 2006 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Hyundai Sonata NF и Hyundai Sonica с 2006 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Hyundai Sonata YF с 2009 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Hyundai i45 и Hyundai Sonata YF с 2009 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 2,0/2,4 л.

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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Hyundai Sonata с 2001 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Sonata с 2001 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 2,0/2,4/2,7 л.

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  • Издательство: Монолит
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Руководство по эксплуатации Hyundai Sonata 2001 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобиля Hyundai Sonata 2001 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Hyundai Motor Company
  • Год издания: 2001
  • Страниц: 179
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 10,0 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации Hyundai Sonata NF 2008 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобиля Hyundai Sonata NF 2008 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Hyundai Motor Company
  • Год издания: 2008
  • Страниц: 448
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 8,1 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации Hyundai Sonata YF 2010 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобиля Hyundai Sonata NF 2008 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Hyundai Motor Company
  • Год издания: 2010
  • Страниц: 430
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 5,9 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации, ТО и ремонту Hyundai Sonata NF с 2006 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Sonata NF с 2006 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Автомастер
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 242
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Устройство, ТО и ремонт Hyundai Sonata NF 2004-2010 г.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Sonata NF 2004-2010 годов выпуска с двигателями объемом 2,0/2,4 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Легион-Автодата
  • Год издания: 2010
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Устройство, ТО и ремонт Hyundai Sonata с 2001 г.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Sonata с 2001 года выпуска с двигателями объемом 2,0/2,4/2,7 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Легион-Автодата
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 408
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  • В отдел рекламы для руководства
  • Фезам инструкция по применению цена в казахстане
  • Витамин в комплекс в таблетках инструкция по применению цена отзывы
  • Мануал на хонду риджлайн
  • Транквезипам инструкция по применению цена таблетки как принимать взрослым