Холли джексон руководство по убийству от хорошей девочки

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A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder

A Good Girl's Guide to Murder.jpg
Author Holly Jackson
Genre Young adult fiction
Publisher Electric Monkey

Publication date

May 2, 2019

A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder is a young adult mystery debut novel by Holly Jackson. The novel is the first in a series of three novels and one novella: A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder (2019); Good Girl, Bad Blood (2020); As Good As Dead (2021); and Kill Joy (2022). Except for Good Girl, Bad Blood, all books were published by Electric Monkey. Good Girl, Bad Blood was published by Delacorte Press.

The plot follows an investigation carried out by 17-year old true crime enthusiast Pippa “Pip” Fitz-Amobi, a high school student in the fictional town of Little Kilton, Buckinghamshire (or Fairview, Connecticut in the US version). In the novel, Pip plans to investigate a five-year-old murder-suicide case involving the murder of popular student Andrea «Andie» Bell and the suicide of her perpetrator Salil «Sal» Singh under the guise of a school project. Her objectives are to exonerate Sal, whom she is convinced was falsely accused of killing Andie Bell, and to uncover the true perpetrator, whom Pip believes is still at large.


Five years ago, a tragic murder-suicide rocked the small town of Little Kilton (or Fairview in the US edition) when school girl Andrea «Andie» Bell was brutally murdered and her boyfriend, Salil «Sal» Singh, was ultimately accused before seemingly taking his own life. But 17-year-old Pippa «Pip» Fitz-Amobi, a brilliant and determined student, is convinced that the real killer is still out there, lurking in the shadows. Using her wit and cunning, she launches a secret investigation, posing as a student working on a school project about media involvement in the case, and teams up with Sal’s younger brother Ravi to uncover the truth and clear Sal’s name.

As they dig deeper, Pip and Ravi embark on a thrilling journey of discovery, interviewing key players and unearthing shocking new evidence. But they soon realize that they’re not the only ones hunting for the truth, and they must race against time to stay ahead of the killer, who will stop at nothing to keep their secrets buried.

Through sheer determination and unwavering courage, Pip and Ravi manage to crack the case and bring the real killer to justice, not only solving Andie’s murder but also uncovering a web of lies and corruption that had been hiding in plain sight. Their findings not only clear Sal’s name but also puts the actual killer behind bars. As their project goes public and the media’s attention is drawn, the town is shocked by the revelation of the true story behind the tragic event, and the characters are hailed as heroes for their bravery and persistence in the face of danger.


A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder was named one of the best books of 2020 by Barnes and Noble[1] and received the following accolades:

  • American Library Association’s Amazing Audiobooks for Young Adults (2021)[2]
  • Goodreads Choice Award Nominee for Young Adult Fiction (2020)[3]
  • YA Book Prize shortlist (2020)[4]
  • British Book Awards Children’s Fiction Book Winner of the Year (2020)[5]

Sequels and prequel[edit]

Good Girl, Bad Blood (2020)[edit]

The novel picks up where the first book left off, with Pippa «Pip» Fitz-Amobi hailed as an amateur detective online after creating a podcast called A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder, based on the events that took place in the previous novel. However, Pip has promised herself that she will never take on another case again after nearly getting killed and losing her beloved dog Barney. But when her friend Connor’s brother Jamie goes missing, Pip begins to suspect Jamie’s disappearance is related to her previous case and becomes certain that Jamie could be in deep trouble.

Pip starts digging into Jamie’s past and present, conducting interviews and piecing together clues. But as she gets closer to the truth, she realises that Jamie’s case is connected to a dark and dangerous criminal ring involved in illegal activities like drug trafficking and human trafficking. Not only that, but it seems like somebody is always one step ahead of her and trying to stop her from uncovering the truth.

As she delves deeper into the investigation, Pip finds herself in the crosshairs of a ruthless killer who seems to know her every move and will stop at nothing to keep the truth buried. The danger is real, and Pip’s life is on the line as she races against time to find Jamie and put a stop to the criminal activities.

Good Girl, Bad Blood was shortlisted for the YA Book Prize in 2021.[6]

As Good As Dead (2021)[edit]

Following the events of Good Girl, Bad Blood, Pip has been left psychologically traumatised and unable to sleep at night. Her life already at an all time low, things take a turn for the worse when she becomes the target of a relentless, anonymous stalker. The stalker sends her constant messages, asking her the same question «Who will look for you when you’re the one that disappears?» At first, Pip tries to brush off the threats, hoping it is just an internet troll, but as the messages become more frequent and the stalker’s presence looms closer and closer to her home, she begins to realise that the danger is real, imminent, and inescapable. Despite her desperate pleas, the police refuse to take her seriously, leaving Pip to face the stalker alone.

Now armed with a past experience in solving murders and uncovering the truth, Pip starts to dig deeper into the mystery, using her own resource and contacts, interviewing people and following leads, but the further she goes, the more she realises that the stalker is someone who is closely tied to her past cases and have a vendetta against her. The stalker seems to know everything about her, every move, every thought, and as Pip finds herself being constantly watched, she begins to feel like there’s no escape.

As the investigation progresses, Pip discovers that the stalker is a dangerous serial killer who has been active for years, targeting bright young women like herself. The killer seems to be one step ahead at all times, leaving Pip to feel like she’s always being watched and that there’s no escape. The stakes are higher than ever, and she realises that this time, she’s not just trying to solve a case — she’s trying to save herself from becoming the killer’s next victim.

As Good As Dead received a positive review from The Guardian, who named the book «a taut, compulsively readable, elegantly plotted thriller.»[7]

Kill Joy (2021)[edit]

Kill Joy is a prequel novella set a little while before the first book in the series. It follows the events taking place at a friend’s birthday party, which is set up to be a 1920’s themed murder mystery dinner. At first, Pip is not excited about the idea of a mock murder investigation, and would much rather stay home and work on her school project for the upcoming academic year, but she decides to attend for the sake of her friends.

But as the night wears on, Pip finds herself drawn into the investigation surrounding the fictional murder case of Reginald Remy. Using her sharp intellect and keen eye for detail to piece together the clues, she is soon caught up in this game of intrigue and deception and finds herself becoming more and more invested in the case, determined to be the one to crack it open and uncover the truth.

As the night comes to a close, Pip is left with the realisation that she is unable to resist the pull of the unknown, and that perhaps this game is not just a game, but a prelude to a bigger, more important real-life investigation into a locally infamous tragic murder-suicide that she could perhaps try her hand at solving.


In September 2022, it was revealed BBC Three had commissioned a television adaptation of A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder from Moonage Pictures penned by Poppy Cogan.[8]


  1. ^ «The Best Books of 2020». Barnes & Noble. Archived from the original on 2020-11-05. Retrieved 2021-09-16.
  2. ^ «2021 Amazing Audiobooks for Young Adults». Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA). 2021-01-04. Archived from the original on 2021-01-04. Retrieved 2021-09-15.
  3. ^ «A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder (A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder, #1)». Goodreads. Retrieved 2021-09-15.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  4. ^ «YA Book Prize 2021 Winner». Waterstone’s. Archived from the original on 2020-04-26. Retrieved 2021-09-15.
  5. ^ «The British Book Awards 2021 Winners». Waterstone’s. Archived from the original on 2019-07-23. Retrieved 2021-09-15.
  6. ^ «YA Book Prize 2021 Winner». Waterstone’s. Archived from the original on 2020-04-26. Retrieved 2021-09-15.
  7. ^ «As Good As Dead — A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder Book 3 (Paperback)». Waterstone’s. Archived from the original on 2021-05-29. Retrieved 2021-09-15.
  8. ^ Goldbart, Max (5 September 2022). «‘The Pursuit of Love’ Producer Moonage Pictures To Adapt New York Times Bestseller ‘A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder’ For BBC Three». Deadline. Retrieved 5 September 2022.
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«Руководство хорошей девочки по убийству» Холли Джексон, краткое содержание 489 слов читать ~3 мин.

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«Руководство хорошей девочки по убийству» (A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder) – роман для молодых читателей с элементами тайны и преступления. Написанный Холли Джексон, он был опубликован в 2019 году.

Пиппа «Пип» Фиц-Амоби – подросток в Фэрвью, штат Коннектикут. Летом перед выпускным классом средней школы она начинает работать над своим проектом – расследованием, цель которого – доказать невиновность Салила «Сала» Сингха в обвинении, что он убил Андреа «Энди» Белл и избавился от её тела за пять лет до этого. В своём расследовании Пип объединяется с младшим братом Сэла – Рави.

В книгу включены периодические записи в журнале, которые Пип использует для отслеживания информации, относящейся к делу. Она определяет, что, исходя из известных фактов дела, то, что случилось с Энди, произошло в пятницу, 18 апреля 2014 года, между 22:40 и 12:45. Несколько дней спустя, после долгих разбирательств с полицией, Сэл был найден мёртвым в лесу, предположительно покончив жизнь самоубийством – особенно после того, как он отправил признание по СМС, которое укрепило его вину, казалось бы, в сознании всех, кроме Пип.

В ходе интервью с различными людьми из жизни Энди Пип узнает несколько фактов, касающихся Энди: у неё была тайная связь с пожилым мужчиной, она покупала наркотики у человека по имени Хоуи Бауэрс и продавала их на домашних вечеринках, а также запугивала девочку по имени Нат да Сильва, чтобы та бросила школу.

Также начинают появляться несколько подозреваемых, и все они кажутся взаимосвязанными сложным образом. Например, у мистера Уорда, отца лучшей подруги Пип и её учителя истории, были напряжённые отношения с Энди; у Макса есть фотография обнажённой Энди; машину Энди обнаружили на улице Хоуи Бауэрса. Все участники этой истории имели возможность и мотив быть причастными к исчезновению Энди.

В ходе своего расследования Пип предпринимает множество опасных попыток, например, сталкивается с опасными персонажами и работает под прикрытием, а также получает несколько записок с угрозами, в которых её просят прекратить расследование. В какой-то момент даже похищают собаку Пип и находят её мёртвой, когда она продолжает игнорировать эти предупреждения.

В кульминационный момент Пип узнает, что у мистера Уорда была тайная связь с Энди, и когда Энди стала воинственно настроена и угрожала погубить его в ту роковую ночь, он попытался удержать её, и она ударилась головой о его стол.

Будучи, вероятно, контуженной, она исчезла, и мистер Уорд опасался, что если её найдут, его секреты будут раскрыты. Поэтому он подставил Сэл в её убийстве и создал видимость, что Сэл умерла в результате самоубийства. Позже мистер Уорд заметил девушку, которую он принял за Энди, идущую по дороге в растерянности. Он забрал её и спрятал на чердаке своего старого дома, где она находилась последние пять лет. Мистера Уорда арестовывают, но Пип быстро понимает, что девушка, которую он держал в плену, на самом деле не Энди Белл, а кто-то, кого он с ней перепутал.

После упорного расследования Пип выясняет, что сестра Энди Бекка убила её и выбросила в септик на старой ферме. Когда Бекка сталкивается с ним, она пытается убить Пипа, но Пипа спасают Рави и её отец. Роман завершается презентацией Пип, в которой она обвиняет сообщество Фэйрвью в том, что они осудили Сэл до выяснения всех обстоятельств.

В книге используется стилистический приём журналистского расследования, чтобы помочь Пип докопаться до сути того, что на самом деле произошло с Энди Белл и Салом Сингхом. В романе также поднимается несколько тем, которые переплетаются на протяжении всего текста, такие как общественный позор, самобытность, опасность и обман, связанные с тем, как далеко готов зайти Пип, чтобы узнать правду.

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Title details for A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson - Wait list

A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder


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THE MUST-READ MULTIMILLION BESTSELLING MYSTERY SERIES• Everyone is talking about A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder! With shades of Serial and Making a Murderer this is the story about an investigation turned obsession, full of twists and turns and with an ending you’ll never expect.
Everyone in Fairview knows the story.
Pretty and popular high school senior Andie Bell was murdered by her boyfriend, Sal Singh, who then killed himself. It was all anyone could talk about. And five years later, Pip sees how the tragedy still haunts her town.
But she can’t shake the feeling that there was more to what happened that day. She knew Sal when she was a child, and he was always so kind to her. How could he possibly have been a killer?
Now a senior herself, Pip decides to reexamine the closed case for her final project, at first just to cast doubt on the original investigation. But soon she discovers a trail of dark secrets that might actually prove Sal innocent . . . and the line between past and present begins to blur. Someone in Fairview doesn’t want Pip digging around for answers, and now her own life might be in danger.
And don’t miss the sequel, Good Girl, Bad Blood!
«The perfect nail-biting mystery.» —Natasha Preston, #1 New York Times bestselling author

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THE MUST-READ MULTIMILLION BESTSELLING MYSTERY SERIES• Everyone is talking about A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder! With shades of Serial and Making a Murderer this is the story about an investigation turned obsession, full of twists and turns and with an ending you’ll never expect.
Everyone in Fairview knows the story.
Pretty and popular high school senior Andie Bell was murdered by her boyfriend, Sal Singh, who then killed himself. It was all anyone could talk about. And five years later, Pip sees how the tragedy still haunts her town.
But she can’t shake the feeling that there was more to what happened that day. She knew Sal when she was a child, and he was always so kind to her. How could he possibly have been a killer?
Now a senior herself, Pip decides to reexamine the closed case for her final project, at first just to cast doubt on the original investigation. But soon she discovers a trail of dark secrets that might actually prove Sal innocent . . . and the line between past and present begins to blur. Someone in Fairview doesn’t want Pip digging around for answers, and now her own life might be in danger.
And don’t miss the sequel, Good Girl, Bad Blood!
«The perfect nail-biting mystery.» —Natasha Preston, #1 New York Times bestselling author

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    Random House Children’s Books

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    ISBN: 9781984896384

    Release date: February 4, 2020

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    ISBN: 9781984896384

    Release date: February 4, 2020

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    ISBN: 9781984896384

    File size: 16545 KB

    Release date: February 4, 2020

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    ATOS Level: 5.4

    Lexile® Measure: 700

    Interest Level: 9-12(UG)

    Text Difficulty: 3-4

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Описание книги

The New York Times No.1 bestselling YA crime thriller that everyone is talking about!THE WINNER OF THE BRITISH BOOK AWARD’S CHILDREN’S BOOK OF THE YEAR 2020SHORTLISTED FOR THE WATERSTONES CHILDREN’S BOOK PRIZE 2020The case is closed. Five years ago, schoolgirl Andie Bell was murdered by Sal Singh. The police know he did it. Everyone in town knows he did it.But having grown up in the same small town that was consumed by the crime, Pippa Fitz-Amobi isn’t so sure. When she chooses the case as the topic for her final project, she starts to uncover secrets that someone in town desperately wants to stay hidden. And if the real killer is still out there, how far will they go to keep Pip from the truth … ?Perfect for fans of One of Us Is Lying, Gone Girl, We Were Liars and RiverdaleHolly Jackson started writing stories from a young age, completing her first (poor) attempt at a novel aged fifteen. She lives in London and aside from reading and writing, she enjoys playing video games and watching true crime documentaries so she can pretend to be a detective. A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder is her first novel. You can follow Holly on Twitter and Instagram @HoJay92

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370 стр. 32 иллюстрации
HarperCollins Publishers

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A Good Girl's Guide to Murder

Holly Jackson

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