Инструкция по эксплуатации audi q7 2021

Четыре года гарантии на Ауди внушают оптимизм в завтрашнем дне. Другой вопрос — какие будут цены на новые Ауди, когда эта гарантия закончится ?! )) Я тут было погорячился в блоге и поделился своей идеей. www.drive2.ru/b/586521009893441196/

Однако трезвый анализ того, что происходит в России, показывает, что в 2023-24 году купить новый немецкий авто будет гораздо сложнее, чем сейчас. Поэтому решил, на всякий пожарный, собрать в этом посте всю доступную информацию по авто, которые есть сейчас. С возможностью редактирования, обновлений и дополнений.

Полезный ролик, особенно для домохозяек, но мужикам-то интереснее копнуть поглубже ))

SSP Q7 4M (Russian): Двигатель 3.0 л V6 TDI (поколение 2)

632: Audi Q7 (модель 4M). Введение.

Руководство по эксплуатации AUDI Q7 4M.pdf

Manual Q7 2020 (USA)

Итого: можно сделать вывод, что документации по эксплуатации дорестайлинговых Q7 4M — в избытке, а вот Мануала рестайлингового Q7 на русском языке пока нигде не видно. Ведь неплохо иметь его в смартфоне или памяти авто…Всегда может пригодиться, имхо.



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Руководство (мануал) по ремонту и эксплуатации Audi Q7. В электронной книге рассмотрены автомобили второго поколения 2015 — 2022 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

Характеристики автомобиля

Годы выпуска: 

2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022





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Содержание мануала
Главы (по алфавиту)
1 Автоматическая коробка передач
2 Ежедневные проверки и определение неисправностей
3 Инструкция по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию
4 Кузов
5 Механическая часть двигателя (бензиновые двигатели)
6 Механическая часть двигателя (дизельные двигатели)
7 Основные инструменты, измерительные приборы и методы работы с ними
8 Подвеска
9 Предостережения и правила техники безопасности при выполнении работ на автомобиле
10 Приводные валы и главная передача
11 Расходные материалы для проведения технического обслуживания
12 Рулевое управление
13 Система впуска и выпуска
14 Система кондиционирования, вентиляции и отопления
15 Система охлаждения
16 Система пассивной безопасности
17 Система питания
18 Система смазки
19 Система управления двигателем
20 Тормозная система
21 Эксплуатация автомобиля в зимний период
22 Электрооборудование двигателя
23 Электрооборудование и электросистемы автомобиля
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Audi Q7 2017 Manual

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eSelf Study Program 970363

The 2017 Audi Q7 Occupant Protection

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Summary of Contents for Audi Q7 2017

  • Page 1
    Study Program 970363 The 2017 Audi Q7 Occupant Protection and Infotainment System…
  • Page 2
    All rights reserved. Information contained in this manual is based on the latest information available at the time of printing and is subject to the copyright and other intellectual property rights of Audi of America, LLC., its affiliated companies and its licensors. All rights are reserved to make changes at any time without notice.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    MMI Radio plus …………………………43 MMI Navigation plus ……………………….. 44 Audi connect …………………………..45 Control panel …………………………..46 Display mechanism …………………………. 50 Audi music interface ………………………… 53 Network system …………………………54 Sound systems …………………………. 56 Antenna overview …………………………62 Self-Study Programs ……………. 64 Knowledge assessment …………..

  • Page 5: Introduction

    Z axis of the vehicle. MMI navigation plus also includes the feature Audi connect, which connects the Audi Q7 to the Internet via the LTE Communication with other control modules is now done standard. Rear passengers can surf via the WiFi hotspot via the FlexRay data bus.

  • Page 6: Passive Safety

    Passive safety Overview Driver airbag Front passenger airbag Front side airbag Components • Front inertia-reel safety belts with pyrotechnic belt tensioners. • Airbag Control Module. • Adaptive driver airbag. • Front inertia-reel safety belts with electrical belt tensioners. • Adaptive front passenger airbag •…

  • Page 7
    Front side airbag Side curtain airbag, Rear side airbag driver and front passenger side Rear side airbag 637_007…
  • Page 8: System Overview

    System overview 637_009b…

  • Page 9
    Key to figure on page 4: Seat Belt Indicator Lamp Driver Seat Belt Switch Airbag Indicator Lamp Front Passenger Seat Belt Switch K145 Front Passenger Airbag -disabled- Indicator Lamp F390 Driver Side Second Row Seat Belt Switch Driver Airbag Igniter F391 Center Second Row Seat Belt Switch F392…
  • Page 10: Center Crash Sensor For X/Y Axis G858

    Center Crash Sensor for X/Y Axis G858 Center Crash Sensor for X/Y Axis G858 is for measuring the movement (both acceleration and de-acceleration) of the vehicle along the X/Y axes. It is used to validate the plausibility of defined crash situations. 637_010 Installation location It is located on the center body tunnel near the cross…

  • Page 11
    Measurement of longitudinal vehicle movement in X, Y and Z directions The sensors for the measurement of longitudinal vehicle movement in X, Y and Z directions work on the «seismic mass» principle. 637_013 Design of the sensor A moveable mounted mass (seismic mass) is integrated in An acceleration force acting on the sensor changes the the sensor at a defined distance to a stationary capacitor position of the seismic mass relative to the stationary…
  • Page 12
    Measurement of vehicle rotation about the X and Z axes The sensors for the measurement of vehicle rotation about the X and Z axes work on the «Coriolis force» principle. 637_088 The Coriolis force acts on all bodies that move within a rotating reference system.
  • Page 13
    Activation of the electrically reversible safety belt tensioners From the topology chart When corrective adjustments are made by Audi pre-sense, Airbag Control Module J234 initiates tensioning of the safety belts via Left and Right Front Seat Belt Tensioner Data Bus On Board Control Modules J854 and J855.
  • Page 14: Safety Belts

    J234 over a sub-bus system. J854 and J855 have no “intelli- gence but are actuators of the airbag control module. When Audi pre-sense basic detects specific driving situa- tions, corresponding signals are placed on the data bus. The airbag control module evaluates these signals and if…

  • Page 15
    Push rod tensioner Design Piston (2) with: • seal Plugged electrical connection (1) with: • stopper • igniter • spacer • pyrotechnic propellant charge Guide tube/pressure chamber (3) Braking wedge 5-piece flexible push rod made of plastic «Snake» (5) Belt retractor shaft as torsion bar spring (6) Gear (7) Guide (8)
  • Page 16
    Function Pyrotechnic pro- When J234 instructs the safety belt to deploy, the propel- pellant charge (1) lant charge (1) ignites and there is a sudden rise of pres- sure inside the guide tube/pressure chamber (3). The pres- Piston (2) sure moves the piston (2) and the “Snake” (5) downward. Guide tube/pres- sure chamber (3) «Snake»…
  • Page 17
    Because the safety belt is connected to the belt retractor shaft (6), the belt is retracted and tensioned. Piston (2) To help ensure the belt force exerted on the occupants stays within a defined range, it is limited by the retractor shaft (6) which is a torsion bar spring.
  • Page 18: Lap Belt Tensioner With Buckle

    Lap belt tensioner with buckle The Audi Q7 is equipped with lap belt tensioners, Driver Overview Seat Belt Tensioner Igniter 2 N297 and Front Passenger Seat Belt Tensioner Igniter 2 N298 on the driver and front passenger sides. When lap belt tensioners are installed, the safety belt of the automatic belt retractor has a buckle.

  • Page 19
    The result is a load path for the thorax region and a load path for the pelvic region, with all the aforementioned benefits for the occupants. 637_048 Reference For further information about the function of the lap belt tensioner and buckle, please see eSelf-Study Program 990143, The 2015 Audi A3 Introduction.
  • Page 20: Active Safety

    Active safety Audi pre-sense Audi pre-sense is able to initiate actions that protect occu- Please note that Audi pre sense cannot prevent collisions. pants and other road users in certain critical situations. It serves only to assist the driver and it can reduce the severity of the collision.

  • Page 21
    Switch Module E256 E592 • If Audi drive select is set to «dynamic» or «lift / offroad», the safety belts are not partially tensioned. • If Audi pre sense is switched off in the MMI, the safety belts are not partially tensioned either. 637_019…
  • Page 22
    A message indicating that Audi pre sense is • If Audi pre sense is switched off in the MMI, the safety active appears in the instrument cluster. No audible belts are not partially tensioned either.
  • Page 23: Pre Sense Rear

    Based on the information supplied by ABS Control Module J104, the vehicle knows its own speed. The Audi side assist J533 forwards these signals to Airbag Control Module J234. J234 in turn decides on the basis of the information which…

  • Page 24
    If the driver in the following vehicle reacts during this 637_020 phase, for example, brakes or takes evasive action, and Audi lane assist control modules J769 and J770 no longer detect a critical situation, then no further action is taken. Phase 2 1.
  • Page 25
    If a trailer is detected, the engine is running and the vehicle If a trailer is detected coupled to the vehicle using a dealer- installed tow bar, Audi pre sense rear is not active. has reached a speed of about 4.9 mph (8.0 km/h), the 1st display appears in the instrument cluster.
  • Page 26: Pre Sense Front

    Turn assist • Collision avoidance assistance. • Switching on the emergency warning flashers If the vehicle is equipped with Audi pre sense front, it also has the following equipment and auxiliary functions. • ACC (Adaptive Cruise Control). • Front camera for driver assistance systems.

  • Page 27
    The radar sensors continuously scan the area ahead of one’s J104, the vehicle knows its own speed. On the basis of this own vehicle. Audi pre sense front is active even if the ACC information, J428 and J850 compute the speeds of the system is not active.
  • Page 28
    If Audi pre sense front detects that an accident is likely to Depending on how attentive the driver is considered to be, be unavoidable, ABS Control Module J104 can initiate…
  • Page 29
    (E) were now to continue the turning maneuver and move off, Audi pre sense front would detect this based on Audi pre sense front also knows that the driver is planning the information provided by the speed sensors of ABS to turn left (from the actuation of the indicator).
  • Page 30
    Audi pre sense front computes a suitable evasion line based on various items of information, The following action was taken by Audi pre sense front: such as one’s own speed and the lane in which the vehicle ahead in driving.
  • Page 31
    Deactivating collision avoidance • Collision avoidance assistance does not provide steering If Audi pre sense is switched off in the MMI, collision avoid- assistance unless the driver is actively steering the ance assistance is not available. The system can be reacti- vehicle.
  • Page 32: Pre Sense City

    Depending on the severity of the critical driving situations, pre sense city, therefore, Driver Assistance Systems Front Audi pre sense city can warn the driver first and then, if Camera R242 must be installed. The front camera continu- necessary, initiate braking. The system can, under certain ously monitors the traffic ahead of the vehicle.

  • Page 33
    • pre sense city is active upwards of a speed of about 6.2 mph (10 km/h). Audi pre sense Collision warning phase If the vehicle is traveling at a speed of about 6.2 mph (10 km/h) and a pedestrian crosses the lane in front of the…
  • Page 34
    Warnings against a possible collision These warnings are given within a certain time frame ahead If driver does not respond to the warnings, however, J104 of the last braking opportunity for braking or collision generates an acute warning by jolting the brakes. The avoidance before the actual collision occurs.
  • Page 35
    Towing mode If a trailer is detected, the engine is running and the vehicle If a trailer is coupled to the dealer installed tow bar, Audi has reached a speed of about 3.1 mph (5 km/h), the 1st pre sense city will only be available to a limited extent or display appears in the instrument cluster.
  • Page 36: Settings And Displays

    The displays differ depending on equipment level. The Q7 depending on the model: there is the conventional displays in the section of this eSelf-Study Program for Audi analog display and the optional Audi virtual cockpit. pre-sense are from a system with an analog display on a vehicle with ACC, MMI and MMI Navigation plus.

  • Page 37
    Switching off Audi pre sense Audi pre sense can be switched off in the MMI. Specific func- The effect of switching off Audi pre sense on the individual tions of the overall system are deactivated. This means that pre sense functions is explained in the relevant sections of no individual functions of Audi pre sense can be deactivated:…
  • Page 38
    Activating Audi pre sense If Audi pre sense is off, it can be re-activated in the MMI. If the ignition is turned off and on again, Audi pre sense is All functions of Audi pre sense are re-activated. automatically re-activated if off. Settings in the CAR menu…
  • Page 39
    Restricted stability 637_032 637_033 Limitations The functions of Audi pre sense are restricted until the following conditions are met: • The ESC mode «offroad» is deactivated using the ASR/ ESP Button E256. • The ignition is turned off and on again because ESC is re-activated when the ignition is turned on.
  • Page 40
    ASR/ESP Button E256 If ESC is set to «off» using ASR/ESP Button E256, the various functions of Audi pre sense will be limited. 637_019 If the ESC is set to «off» mode with pre sense basic, If the vehicle is equipped with pre sense city and a further pre sense rear or pre sense front, the first two displays…
  • Page 41
    Selection Switch Convenience Functions Module E592 E791 If the vehicle is equipped with adaptive air suspension, and Audi drive select is set to «lift / offroad» in the MMI or with Driving Profile Selection Switch Module E592, the availability of the various Audi pre sense functions will be limited. 637_019…
  • Page 42
    Display in «lift / offroad» mode The Audi drive select «lift / offroad» mode is active until it is deactivated. Settings of Audi drive select Audi drive select lift / offroad allroad efficiency comfort auto dynamic individual 637_039 Display in instrument cluster If Audi drive select is set to «lift / offroad», the adjacent message is displayed to the driver for about 5 seconds in…
  • Page 43
    In this case, the Audi pre sense are impaired. This problem can be caused functions of Audi pre sense rear and the braking interven- by, for example, a faulty sensor. An audible signal also tion function of Audi pre sense city are deactivated. An sounds.
  • Page 44
    This driver message is displayed if the following conditions temporarily failed. This subsystem could for example be are met: ESC. An audible signal also sounds. • Audi pre sense was switched off in the MMI or is not ready. • The «lift / offroad» mode was set with Audi drive select.
  • Page 45
    This driver information is displayed for about 10 seconds after turning on the ignition because pre sense city is unavailable during this time. The reason is that the Driver Assistance Systems Front Camera R242 is required for about 10 seconds until the camera is ready. 637_076 Head-up displays In the MMI, the driver can select whether the pre sense…
  • Page 46: Infotainment

    Infotainment The infotainment systems of the Audi Q7 have been completely revised compared to the previous model. The Audi Q7 features a new operating concept first rolled out in the Audi TT. Overview of versions Two versions of the MMI are available on the Audi Q7: From a technical point of view, MMI Radio plus is identical to the second-generation MIB Standard.

  • Page 47: Mmi Radio Plus

    MMI Radio plus MMI Radio plus has the following features: • Audi music interface with 2 fully functional USB data connections (UE7). • Bluetooth interface for HFP and A2DP . • Speech dialogue system. • Internal audio amplifier for Audi sound system rated at 195 watts (9VD).

  • Page 48: Mmi Navigation Plus

    J794 for MIB Navigation plus with Audi connect Note: With Generation 2 Audi connect, the SIM slot on the front of Information Electronics Control Module 1 J794 is not functional. Instead a SIM (referred The following optional equipment can be ordered for MMI to as an eSIM) is imbedded on the circuit board of J794.

  • Page 49: Audi Connect

    (country dependent) can be updated online for the first five six-month updates. Audi connect: Navigation options menu 637_063 Note The PR number for the ex-works Audi connect package is IT1. If the vehicle has the PR number IT0, it was ordered without the Audi connect package.

  • Page 50: Control Panel

    Control panel (multimedia system operating unit E380) Depending on the MMI version, two different control units are installed in the Audi Q7: • Standard control unit. • MMI touch. The on/off switch and The on/off switch and Driver Volume Control E67 are identical in both variants. E67 is connected to Multimedia System Control Head E380 via a LIN bus.

  • Page 51
    The new touch sensitive and large real glass touchpad on the The following menus can be activated with the left rocker Audi Q7 provides, for the first time, both tactile and acoustic switch: feedback which gives the user the feel of pushing a button.
  • Page 52
    Button combinations for service System reset To restart (reset), the following buttons must be briefly pressed at the same time: • NAV/MAP (or CAR). • Rotary pushbutton. • RADIO. Screenshot When a screenshot is taken, only the image transmitted by the MMI is saved.
  • Page 53
  • Page 54: Display Mechanism

    Display mechanism A new display mechanism is used on the Audi Q7. Both display versions have the same mechanism. The display versions have the following features: • 7.0“ TFT color monitor with 800 x 480 pixel resolution. • 8.3“ TFT color monitor with 1024 x 480 pixel resolution.

  • Page 55
    Display Opening/Closing Motor V301 Display -Open- Stop Switch F330 Springs Guide pin Spring Display -Closed- Stop Switch F331 Guide pin 637_072…
  • Page 56
    Protection against mechanical damage To protect the mechanism against mechanical damage due to faulty operation, there are two safeguards: 1. Automatic lowering. 2. Slipping clutch. If pressure is applied to the display from above and F330 is operated, the display is lowered at a steady speed. If the pressure applied to the display from above exceeds a defined value, a slipping clutch decouples the drive motor from the lifting arm in an effort to protect the drive against…
  • Page 57: Audi Music Interface

    Smartphones often do not support the requisite protocol. Note If no Audi music interface is installed on the Audi Q7, at least one AUX IN jack and one 5 V USB charging port is available. Reference For more information about the coupling antenna, please refer to eSelf-Study Program…

  • Page 58: Network System

    Network system J794 is connected to J533 via the infotainment CAN bus in all infotainment versions. The infotainment CAN bus is a Infotainment topology high-speed bus with a max. data transfer rate of 500 kbit/s. The following control units may also be connected to the infotainment CAN depending on trim level: •…

  • Page 59
    Digital Sound System Control Module J525 DVD changer R161 Information Electronics Instrument Cluster Control Module 1 Control Module J794 J285 Windshield Projection Selector Lever Sensor Head up Display System Control Module Control Module J587 (head-up display) J898 Data Bus On Board Diagnostic Interface Rearview Camera J533 System Control Module…
  • Page 60: Sound Systems

    Sound systems The Audi Q7 marks the premiere in 2015 of Audi’s latest No special music format is required to experience 3D technology — 3D sound. The 3D sound is an integral part of sound. both the Bang & Olufsen Advanced Sound System an Bose Surround Sound.

  • Page 61
  • Page 62
    Bose Sound System with 3D sound (9VS) The BOSE Sound System with 3D sound has 19 speakers. The 15-channel amplifier has a power output of 558 watts. Four of these speakers are installed high up in the vehicle and produce the third dimension of the 3D sound. Right Front Treble Speaker 2 R221…
  • Page 63
    Right Front Midrange Right Front Bass Speaker Speaker R104 Right Rear Treble Speaker Right Rear Bass Speaker Right Effects Speaker R210 Left Effects Speaker R209 Subwoofer R211 Digital Sound System Control Module J525 637_082…
  • Page 64
    Bang & Olufsen Advanced Sound System with 3D sound (8RF) The Bang & Olufsen Advanced Sound System with 3D sound Newly developed speakers and a new 1920 watt amplifier has 23 speakers. Six of these are positioned higher up in guarantee musical enjoyment on the highest level. the vehicle.
  • Page 65
    Right Front Midrange Right Front Bass Speaker Speaker R104 Right Rear Treble Speaker Right Rear Midrange Speaker R106 Right Rear Bass Speaker Right Rear Treble Speaker 2 R218 Right Effects Speaker R210 Left Effects Speaker R209 Subwoofer R211 Digital Sound System Control Module J525 Left Rear Midrange…
  • Page 66: Antenna Overview

    Antenna overview Antennas are installed on the Audi Q7 in the following The amplifier antenna locations to Information Electronics locations: Control Module 1 J794 are dependent on the vehicle speci- fication. Only connections which are actually needed are • Roof. installed.

  • Page 67
    connection Antenna Amplifier Side window, rear right Antenna Amplifier 3 R112 connection FM1 antenna 637_095 637_096…
  • Page 68: Self-Study Programs

    Self-Study Programs For more information about the technology of the Audi Q7, please refer to the following eSelf-Study Programs. eSelf Study Program 970143 eSelf Study Program 990143 SSP 970143 SSP 990143 The 2015 Audi A3 Introduction Modular Infotainment Platform (MIB) The 2015 Audi A3 Introduction…

  • Page 69: Knowledge Assessment

    • Click on the Course Catalog Search and select “970363 — The 2017 Audi Q7 Occupant Protection and Infotainment System” Please submit any questions or inquiries via the Academy CRC Online Support Form which is located under the “Support” tab or the “Contact Us” tab of the Academy CRC.

  • Page 70
    All rights reserved. Technical specifications are subject to change without notice. Audi of America, LLC 2200 Ferdinand Porsche Drive Herndon, VA 20171…

Audi Q7 - Новые вспомогательные системы.

Программа самообучения 375 на русском языке: Ассистент сманы полосы движения. Оптический парковочный ассистент (OPS). Камера заднего вида.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Audi AG
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 40
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 1,5 Mb

Audi Q7 - Трансмиссия/раздаточная коробка 0AQ.

Программа самообучения 363 на русском языке.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Audi AG
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 36
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 4,0 Mb

Audi Q7 - Ходовая часть.

Программа самообучения 362 на русском языке.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Audi AG
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 48
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 5,2 Mb

Audi Q7 - электрооборудование.

Программа самообучения 364 на русском языке.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Audi AG
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 60
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 2,2 Mb

Audi Q7.

Программа самообучения 361 на русском языке.

  • Автор:
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  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 75
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 8,1 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации Audi Q7.

Руководство по эксплуатации Audi Q7.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Audi AG
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 409
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 69,6 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации, ремонту и обслуживанию Audi Q7 с 2006 г.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей Audi Q7 с 2005 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Арус
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 396
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Руководство по эксплуатации, ремонту и обслуживанию Audi Q7 с 2006 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, ремонту и техническому обслуживанию Audi Q7 с 2006 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Арго-Авто
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 856
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Audi Q7 с 2006 г.

Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Audi Q7 с 2006 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 484
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Audi Q7 с 2006 г.

Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Audi Q7 с 2006 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 492
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Audi Q7 с 2015 г.

Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Audi Q7 с 2015 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 568
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