Инструкция по эксплуатации honda cr v 4 поколения

Посмотреть инструкция для Honda CR-V (2013) бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории Автомобили, 25 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 8.3. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: русский. У вас есть вопрос о Honda CR-V (2013) или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

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Как перевести мили в километры?

Где я могу узнать идентификационный номер транспортного средства Honda?

Что такое идентификационный номер транспортного средства (VIN)?

Когда транспортному средству Honda требуется техническое обслуживание?

Когда следует заменять тормозную жидкость на Honda?

В чем разница между топливом E10 и E5?

Одна или несколько дверей не открываются изнутри. Что мне делать?

Автомобильный радиоприемник не включается, что делать?

Инструкция Honda CR-V (2013) доступно в русский?

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Руководство по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию SUV Honda CR-V Mark IV (RM1/RM3/RM4) с бензиновыми двигателями: R20A 2.0 л (1997 см³) 155 л.с./114 кВт, K24Z/K24W 2.4 л (2354 см³) 188-190 л.с./138-140 кВт и турбодизельными N22B 2.2 л (2199 см³) 150 л.с./110 кВт; Инструкция пользователя для всех модификаций и вариантов комплектации легковой автомобиль компактный кроссовер Хонда СР-В с цельнометаллическими несущими кузовами пятидверный универсал повышенной вместимости передне- и полноприводные модели четвёртого поколения выпуска с ноября 2011 по 2016 год

ЕСЛИ ВЫ ВИДИТЕ ОШИБКУ 406 Not Acceptable и не видите документ, то скорей всего у Вас IP РФ и его надо сменить, на любой другой страны, с помощью VPN ( Scribd и SlideShare блокируют посетителей с Российским IP).

Хонда СиэР-Ви видео замена моторного масла/ oil change and how to replace the oil filter и фильтра салона (Honda CR-V 11-16)

Honda CR-V Mark IV общая информация (Хонда СиэР-Ви 2011-2016)

Honda CR-V Mark IV (Хонда СР-В 2011-2016)

Рекомендуемое топливо
Неэтилированный бензин с октановым числом 91 или выше (по исследовательскому методу)
Емкость топливного бака 58 л
Аккумуляторная батарея Емкость и тип 48AH(5)/60AH(20)
Жидкость омывателя 4,5 л Емкость бачка 4,8 л:
Автомобили без омывателей фар
Лампы Фары (ближний и дальний свет) 60/55 Вт (HB3/H11)
Противотуманные фары 55 Вт (H11)
Передние указатели поворота 21 Вт (желтая)
Дневные ходовые огни Светодиод
Габаритные фонари Светодиод
Боковые повторители указателей поворота (на наружных зеркалах заднего вида) Светодиод
Стоп-сигналы/задние габаритные фонари Светодиод
Задние габаритные фонари Светодиод
Задние указатели поворота 21 Вт (желтая)
Фонари заднего хода 21 Вт
Индикатор заднего противотуманного фонаря 21 Вт
Центральный верхний стоп-сигнал Светодиод
Фонари освещения заднего регистрационного знака 5 Вт
Освещение салона
Плафоны местного освещения 8 Вт
Потолочный плафон 8 Вт
Плафоны освещения косметических зеркал 2 Вт
Плафон освещения багажного отделения 8 Вт
Плафон освещения перчаточного ящика 3,4 Вт
Для некоторых вариантов исполнения автомобиля.

Тормозная жидкость и рабочая жидкость гидравлического привода сцепления
Рекомендуемая жидкость Тормозная жидкость DOT 3 и DOT 4
Рабочая жидкость автоматической коробки передач
Рекомендуемая жидкость Honda ATF DW-1 (рабочая жидкость для автоматических коробок передач)
Заправочная Емкость
Замена 2,6 л
Рабочая жидкость механической коробки передач Рекомендуемая жидкость
Рабочая жидкость механической коробки передач Honda
Заправочная емкость
Замена 1,9 л 2,2 л: Для моделей с приводом на одну ось: Автомобили с полным приводом (4WD)
Моторное масло
Автомобили, оснащенные системой предупреждения о техническом обслуживании Оригинальное моторное масло Honda, ACEA A3/B3, A5/B5 или выше 0W-20.
Автомобили для европейского рынка без системы предупреждения о техническом обслуживании Рекомендуемое моторное масло Оригинальное моторное масло Honda, ACEA A1/B1, A3/B3, A5/B5 или выше 0W-20 Кроме автомобилей для европейского рынка без системы предупреждения о техническом обслуживании Оригинальное моторное масло Honda, удовлетворяющее требованиям спецификаций API, категории SM или выше с вязкостью 0W-30, 0W- 40, 5W-30, 5W-40, 10W-30, 10W-40, 15W-40 Заправочная Замена 3,5 л емкость Замена с фильтром 3,7 л
Рабочая жидкость главной передачи заднего моста
Рекомендуемая жидкость Honda Dual Pump Fluid II
Полная емкость 1,488 л
Заправочная емкость Замена 1,247 л
Охлаждающая жидкость двигателя
Рекомендуемая жидкость Honda All Season Antifreeze/Coolant Type2
Пропорция смеси Смесь в равных долях с дистиллированной водой 6,03 л (замена с учетом жидкости, оставшейся в расширительном бачке 0,62 л)) 5,93 л (замена с учетом жидкости, оставшейся в расширительном бачке 0,62 л)) Заправочная емкость 6,04 л (замена с учетом жидкости, оставшейся в расширительном бачке 0,62 л)) 5,94 л (замена с учетом жидкости, оставшейся в расширительном бачке 0,62 л): Автомобили с правосторонним управлением: Автомобили с левосторонним управлением: Автомобили с автоматической коробкой передач: Автомобили с механической коробкой передач

Шины 225/65R17 102T Шина полноразмерного колеса
Размер 225/60R18 100H Диск малоразмерного запасного
Давление воздуха
См. табличку в проеме водительской двери Размер T155/90D17 101M
Давление воздуха, колеса Размер колесного диска кПа (бар) 420 (4,2 [60])
Полноразмерный диск 17 x 6 1/2J 18 x 7J Диск малоразмерного 17 x 4T запасного колеса *1: Для автомобилей, оснащенных малоразмерным запасным колесом Домкрат Тип Honda, тип E

Рулевое управление
Тип Реечный рулевой механизм с электрическим усилителем
Тормозная система
Тип С усилителем Передних колес Дисковые, вентилируемые
Задних колес Дисковые
Стояночная тормозная система Механическая

Honda CR-V Mark IV салон (Хонда СР-В 2011-2016)Габаритные размеры Хонда СР-В 2011-2016 (dimensions Honda Honda CR-V Mk 4)Габаритные размеры Хонда СР-В четвёртого поколения (dimensions Honda Honda CR-V Mark IV)

Основные технические характеристики (General technical specifications) Honda CR-V Premium 2013 с мотором 2.4 литра Real Time 4WD

Спецификация / Specs Данные
Габариты (мм/mm) и масса (кг/kg) / Dimensions and Weight
1 Длина / Length 4550
2 Ширина (без/с зеркалами) / Width 1820/2095
3 Высота (загружен/пустой) / Height 1685
4 Колёсная база / Wheelbase 2620
5 Дорожный просвет (клиренс) / Ground clearance 185⇒165
6 Снаряжённая масса / Total (curb) weight 1569-1608
Полная масса / Gross (max.) weight 2070

Двигатель / Engine

7 Тип / Engine Type, Code Бензиновый, жидкостного охлаждения, четырехтактный и системой регулирования фаз газораспределения VTEC, K24Z
8 Количество цилиндров / Cylinder arrangement: Total number of cylinders, of valves 4-цилиндровый, рядный, 16V, DOHC с верхним расположением двух распредвалов
9 Диаметр цилиндра / Bore 87.0 мм
10 Ход поршня / Stroke 99.0 мм
11 Объём / Engine displacement 2354 см³
12 Система питания / Fuel supply, Aspiration Распределенный впрыск топлива PGM-FI
13 Степень сжатия / Compression ratio 10.0:1
14 Максимальная мощность / Max. output power kW (HP) at rpm 140 кВт (190 л.с.) при 7000 об/мин
15 Максимальный крутящий момент / Max. torque N·m at rpm 220 Нм при 4300 об/мин

Трансмиссия / Transmission

16 Сцепление / Clutch type Гидротрансформатор с блокировкой / Torque Converter
17 КПП / Transmission type АКПП 5 Автоматическая, пятиступенчатая, гидромеханическая, с электронным управлением

О Книге

  • Название: Honda CR-V руководство по эксплуатации
  • Бензиновые двигатели: R20A 2.0 л (1997 см³) 155 л.с./114 кВт, K24Z/K24W 2.4 л (2354 см³) 188-190 л.с./138-140 кВт и турбодизельными N22B 2.2 л (2199 см³) 150 л.с./110 кВт
  • Выпуск с 2011 года
  • Серия: «Owner Guide»
  • Год издания: 2012
  • Автор: Коллектив авторов
  • Издательство: «Honda Motor Co., Ltd»
  • Формат: PDF
  • Страниц в книге: 462
  • Размер: 104.95 МБ
  • Язык: Русский
  • Количество электросхем: 1

Honda CR-V Руководство по эксплуатации

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Summary of Contents for Honda CR-V 2017

  • Page 1
    2017 OWNER’S GUIDE…
  • Page 2
    DISCLOSURES Devices That Emit Radio Waves Event Data Recorders The following products and systems on your vehicle emit radio waves when in This vehicle is equipped with an event data recorder (EDR). The main purpose of operation: an EDR is to record, in certain crash or near crash-like situations, such as an air bag deployment or hitting a road obstacle, data that will assist in understanding how a •…
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    To request a copy, visit owners.honda.com (U.S.) On/Off Indicators …………30 iPod …………..82 ® and create or log in to your account. In Canada, please request a copy from your Honda Information Display* ……….31 USB Flash Drive ………..83 dealer. Driver information interface (DII)* ……32 Bluetooth Audio ……….84…

  • Page 4: Visual Index

    Multi-View Rear Camera ……..124 Frequently Asked Questions/Troubleshooting 165 Blind Spot Information (BSI)*……126 Contact Us ………….166 Refueling …………..127 Honda Roadside Assistance ……167 Warranty Coverages ……….167 HANDLING THE UNEXPECTED ……128 EPA Contact Information ……..167 Smart Entry Remote Battery Strength* ….128 Shift Lever Does Not Move ………128 VOICE COMMAND INDEX ……..168…

  • Page 5: Dashboard Controls

    VISUAL INDEX QUICK START PHONE PAIRING QUICK START Dashboard Controls y z { | You must connect (pair) your smartphone to the vehicle to use the vehicle’s hands-free phone function. Pairing can be done only when the vehicle is stopped. Follow these steps to pair the first phone (no other phones have been paired).

  • Page 6: Hands-Free Phone Quick Start

    QUICK START QUICK START HANDS-FREE PHONE QUICK START VOICE RECOGNITION QUICK START Once a phone has been paired and its phonebook imported (see page 3), use audio- Depending on how your vehicle is equipped, you can use voice recognition to place unit controls, steering-wheel controls or voice recognition to operate the HandsFreeLink phone calls, adjust the audio and climate-control systems, work with the available (HFL) phone system.

  • Page 7: Safety Information

    SAFETY SAFETY SAFETY INFORMATION Important Handling Information Your vehicle has higher ground clearance than a Your safety—and the safety of others—is very important, and operating this vehicle passenger vehicle designed for use only on pavement. safely is an important responsibility. While we strive to help you make informed Higher ground clearance has many advantages for off- decisions about safety, it is not practical or possible to warn you about all the hazards highway driving.

  • Page 8: Seat Belts

    SAFETY SAFETY Seat Belts Seat Belt Inspection Regularly check the condition of your seat belts as follows: A seat belt is your best protection in all types of collisions. Airbags are designed to supplement seat belts, not replace them. So even though your vehicle is equipped with 1.

  • Page 9
    SAFETY SAFETY Fastening a Seat Belt Seat Belt with Detachable Anchor Adjust your seat to the proper position (see page 54), and then follow the steps The seat belt for the rear center seat is located in the ceiling. Pull out below.
  • Page 10: Airbags

    SAFETY SAFETY Airbags Side Airbags The side airbags help protect the upper torso and pelvis of the driver or a front Your vehicle is equipped with three types of airbags: front airbags, side airbags, and side passenger during a moderate-to-severe side impact. They are housed in the outside curtain airbags.

  • Page 11
    SAFETY SAFETY Important Facts About Your Airbags Passenger Airbag Off indicator U.S. Canada Always wear your seat belt properly, and sit upright and as far back from the The indicator comes on to alert you that the front steering wheel as possible while allowing full control of the vehicle. A front passenger’s front airbag has been turned off.
  • Page 12
    If it is necessary to remove or modify a front seat to 4. An electronic control unit that, when the vehicle is on, continually monitors accommodate a person with disabilities, contact a Honda dealer. For U.S. vehicles, information about the various impact sensors, seat and buckle sensors, airbag call Honda Automobile Customer Service at (800) 999-1009.
  • Page 13: Child Safety

    SAFETY SAFETY Child Safety WARNING Each year, many children are injured or killed in vehicle crashes because they are either Allowing a child to play with a seat belt or wrap one around their neck unrestrained or not properly restrained. In fact, vehicle collisions are the number one can result in serious injury or death.

  • Page 14
    SAFETY SAFETY Installing a LATCH-Compatible Child Seat WARNING A LATCH-compatible child seat can be installed in any of the rear seats. A child seat Placing a forward-facing child seat in the front seat can result in serious is attached to the lower anchors with either the rigid or flexible type of connectors. injury or death if the front airbag inflates.
  • Page 15
    SAFETY SAFETY Installing a Child Seat with a Lap/Shoulder Seat Belt Adding Security with a Tether Two tether anchorage points are provided behind the rear outer seating positions 1. Place the child seat on the vehicle seat. and one in the ceiling for the rear center. If you have a child restraint system that comes with a tether but can be installed with a seat belt, the tether may be used for 2.
  • Page 16: Safety Label Locations

    SAFETY SAFETY Safety Label Locations Protecting Larger Children When a child is too big for a child seat, secure the child in a rear seat using the lap/ Safety labels are in the locations shown. They warn you of potential hazards that can shoulder seat belt.

  • Page 17: Reporting Safety Defects

    In Canada If you believe that your vehicle has a defect which could cause a crash or could cause injury or death, you should immediately inform Honda Canada, Inc., and you may also inform Transport Canada. Models with Driver Information Interface…

  • Page 18: Condition Indicators

    INSTRUMENT PANEL INSTRUMENT PANEL Low oil pressure All Wheel Drive (AWD)* Engine oil pressure is low. Stop in a safe place. Open the hood. Check the oil There is a problem with the AWD system. If the indicator blinks, the system level, and add oil if necessary (see page 148).

  • Page 19: On/Off Indicators

    INSTRUMENT PANEL INSTRUMENT PANEL Maintenance Minder Information Display* Scheduled maintenance for your vehicle is due. Consists of several displays that provide you with useful information. Low tire pressure Stop in a safe place, check tire pressures, and inflate tire(s) if necessary. If the indicator remains on after tire inflation, you need to the system (see page TRIP knob 134).

  • Page 20: Driver Information Interface (Dii)

    INSTRUMENT PANEL INSTRUMENT PANEL Driver information interface (DII)* Trip Computer Use the TRIP knob to change the trip computer displays. Consists of several displays that provide you with useful information. Display/information Trip A Odometer Trip B button Outside temperature Main Displays Press the display/information and t / u buttons to change main displays.

  • Page 21: Customized Features

    INSTRUMENT PANEL INSTRUMENT PANEL Customized Features Driver Attention Monitor If your driving behavior suggests you are tired, the system alerts you and suggests a Customize certain features, such as the display, the trip computer, and door locking/ break. The system operates at speeds between 25–112 mph (40–180 km/h). unlocking.

  • Page 22: Vehicle Controls

    INSTRUMENT PANEL VEHICLE CONTROLS VEHICLE CONTROLS Customization Example: Door Lock/Unlock Settings Models with driver information interface Learn about the various controls necessary for operating and driving the vehicle. To customize the door lock/unlock settings, follow the steps below when the vehicle Using the Key or Remote Transmitter is stopped and the power mode is ON.

  • Page 23: Smart Entry System

    VEHICLE CONTROLS VEHICLE CONTROLS Smart Entry System* Walk Away Auto Lock When you walk away from the vehicle while carrying the remote transmitter, the When you carry the remote transmitter (for example, in a pocket or purse) and it is doors and trunk can automatically lock if the following conditions are met: outside the vehicle and within range (about 32 inches or 80 cm), you can lock or unlock the doors and tailgate without handling the transmitter.

  • Page 24: Customizing Door Lock Settings

    VEHICLE CONTROLS VEHICLE CONTROLS Door Operation Customizing Door Lock Settings You can customize the auto door locking/unlocking setting to your liking using the Use several methods to lock or unlock the doors. master door lock switch.. Using the Lock Tab Models with information display To unlock: Pull the lock tab rearward.

  • Page 25: Tailgate Operation

    VEHICLE CONTROLS VEHICLE CONTROLS Tailgate Operation* WARNING Use these methods to operate the tailgate. Closing the power tailgate while anyone is in the path of the tailgate can cause serious injury. Opening the Tailgate Make sure everyone is away from the tailgate before closing it. Press the tailgate release button and lift up the tailgate to open it.

  • Page 26: Power Window Operation

    VEHICLE CONTROLS VEHICLE CONTROLS Power Window Operation Power Moonroof Operation* The power windows can be opened and closed when the vehicle is on by using the The moonroof can be opened and closed when the vehicle is on by using the switch on switches on the doors.

  • Page 27: Panoramic Glass Roof

    VEHICLE CONTROLS VEHICLE CONTROLS Panoramic Glass Roof* Center Console Box The glass roof can be opened and closed when the vehicle is on by using the switch on Adapt the center console to your storage needs. the ceiling. Slide the tray forward or back. The tray is handy for storing small items or a phone.

  • Page 28: Interior And Exterior Lights

    VEHICLE CONTROLS VEHICLE CONTROLS Interior and Exterior Lights Cargo Area Lights Located on the rear ceiling in front of the tailgate. Operate interior and exterior lights when the vehicle is on or off. ON position: Cargo area lights are on when the tailgate Brightness Control is open.

  • Page 29: Auto High-Beam System

    VEHICLE CONTROLS VEHICLE CONTROLS Auto High-Beam System* If you find the timing of beam changes inconvenient for driving, change the beams manually. Automatically changes the low beam headlights to high beam headlights when For the system to work properly: necessary. •…

  • Page 30: Wiper Operation

    VEHICLE CONTROLS VEHICLE CONTROLS Wiper Operation Automatic (AUTO) Intermittent Wipers The windshield wipers and washers can be used when the vehicle is on. When you move the lever to the AUTO position while driving in rainy weather, the wipers operate based on Front Wipers the amount of detected rainfall.

  • Page 31: Adjusting The Seats

    VEHICLE CONTROLS VEHICLE CONTROLS Adjusting the Seats Manual seats* Make seat adjustments before driving to ensure the best comfort and safety. Height adjustment (Driver’s seat only) Pull up Adjusting the Front Seats or push down the lever to raise or lower the seat. Adjust the driver’s seat as far back as possible while allowing you to maintain full control of the vehicle.

  • Page 32: Rear Seats

    VEHICLE CONTROLS VEHICLE CONTROLS Adjusting the Head Restraints WARNING Your vehicle is equipped with head restraints in all seating positions. Head restraints Failure to reinstall, or correctly reinstall, the head restraints can result in are most effective for protection against whiplash and other rear-impact crash severe injury during a crash.

  • Page 33: Load Floor

    VEHICLE CONTROLS VEHICLE CONTROLS Load Floor Driving Position Memory System* The load floor height is adjustable. Set the floor panel in the lower position for maximum You can use the buttons on the driver’s door to store two driver’s seat positions into floor-to-ceiling height, or in the upper position for a flat cargo floor.

  • Page 34: Adjusting The Mirrors

    Training complete. To retrain a button or erase codes, see the Owner’s Manual on the Owner Information CD or at owners.honda.com (U.S.) or www.myhonda.ca (Canada). If you need help, visit www.homelink.com or call (800) 355-3515. *if equipped…

  • Page 35: Climate Control System

    VEHICLE CONTROLS VEHICLE CONTROLS Climate Control System Heated Windshield Button** The automatic climate control system can maintain your preferred interior temperature Press the heated windshield button to deice the by selecting the proper mix of heated or cooled air and fan speed. Use the buttons on windshield when the vehicle is on.

  • Page 36: Setting The Clock

    VEHICLE CONTROLS AUDIO AND CONNECTIVITY AUDIO AND CONNECTIVITY Setting the Clock Adjust the time using the steps described for your vehicle type. Learn how to operate the vehicle’s audio system. Models with color audio system Basic Audio Operation Use the selector knob to make and enter selections. Connect audio devices and operate the audio system.

  • Page 37
    AUDIO AND CONNECTIVITY AUDIO AND CONNECTIVITY Steering Wheel Controls Steering Wheel Controls (continued) You can operate certain functions of the audio system using the steering wheel Models with Driver Information Interface (continued) controls. p / q buttons: Cycle through available audio modes, or scroll through audio options Models with information display in the Driver Information Interface SOURCE button: Cycle through available audio modes.
  • Page 38: Models With Color Audio System

    AUDIO AND CONNECTIVITY AUDIO AND CONNECTIVITY Models with Color Audio System Adjusting the Sound Adjust various sound settings. Color Audio System Models with color audio system Use the buttons to control the display and audio system. Sound 1. Use the selector knob to make and enter button selections.

  • Page 39: Fm/Am Radio

    AUDIO AND CONNECTIVITY AUDIO AND CONNECTIVITY Models with color audio system Models with color audio system FM/AM Radio iPod ® Play FM or AM radio stations. Play and operate an iPod through the vehicle’s audio system. Connect your device to the USB port (see page 65).

  • Page 40: Usb Flash Drive

    AUDIO AND CONNECTIVITY AUDIO AND CONNECTIVITY Models with color audio system Models with color audio system USB Flash Drive Pandora ® Play and operate a USB flash drive through the vehicle’s audio system. Connect your Play and operate Pandora from your compatible phone through the vehicle’s audio device to the USB port (see page 65).

  • Page 41: Bluetooth ® Audio

    AUDIO AND CONNECTIVITY AUDIO AND CONNECTIVITY Models with color audio system Models with Display Audio Bluetooth Audio ® Display Audio Operation Play streaming or stored audio from your compatible phone through the vehicle’s audio Use simple gestures—including touching, swiping, and scrolling—to operate certain system.

  • Page 42: Hondalink

    6. Select the phone you want to connect to the system. BBBBB CCCCC Messages from Honda: Display helpful and important information from Honda. If you If the phone you want to connect does not appear, DDDDD have a new message, a yellow envelope icon appears at the top of the screen and a EEEEE select Scan.

  • Page 43: Apple Carplay

    See your Owner’s Manual on the Owner Information CD or at owners. you to do so safely. See your Owner’s Manual on the Owner Information CD or at owners.honda.com honda.com (U.S.) or myhonda.ca (Canada) for further license and warranty terms.

  • Page 44: Fm/Am Radio

    To learn about additional features—such as multi-channel preset, replay, or SportsFlash—see your Owner’s Manual on the Owner Information CD or visit owners. honda.com (U.S.) or myhonda.ca (Canada). Available in the U.S. and Canada, except Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico. is a registered trademark of Sirius XM Radio, Inc.

  • Page 45: Ipod

    AUDIO AND CONNECTIVITY AUDIO AND CONNECTIVITY Models with Display Audio Models with Display Audio iPod USB Flash Drive ® Play and operate an iPod through the vehicle’s audio system. Connect your device to the Play and operate a USB flash drive through the vehicle’s audio system. Connect your USB port (see page 65).

  • Page 46: Bluetooth ® Audio

    AUDIO AND CONNECTIVITY AUDIO AND CONNECTIVITY Models with Display Audio Models with Display Audio Bluetooth ® Audio Pandora ® Play streaming or stored audio from your compatible phone through the vehicle’s audio Play and operate Pandora from your compatible phone through the vehicle’s audio system.

  • Page 47: Bluetooth Handsfreelink ® (Hfl)

    BLUETOOTH HANDSFREELINK BLUETOOTH HANDSFREELINK BLUETOOTH HANDSFREELINK (HFL) ® Models with color audio system Pairing a Phone Learn how to operate the vehicle’s hands-free calling system. To use hands-free phone and streaming audio functions, you must first pair your phone Models with color audio system to the system.

  • Page 48: Making A Call

    BLUETOOTH HANDSFREELINK BLUETOOTH HANDSFREELINK Models with color audio system Models with Display Audio Making a Call Basic HFL Operation You can make a call using several methods. Make and receive phone calls using the vehicle’s audio system, without handling your phone.

  • Page 49: Pairing A Phone

    BLUETOOTH HANDSFREELINK BLUETOOTH HANDSFREELINK Models with Display Audio Phone: From the Pairing a Phone HOME screen, display the phone To use hands-free phone and streaming audio functions, you must first pair your phone screen. to the system. This can only be done when the vehicle is stopped. Use the touchscreen Settings: Select Phone from the to make and enter selections.

  • Page 50: Making A Call

    BLUETOOTH HANDSFREELINK BLUETOOTH HANDSFREELINK Models with Display Audio Storing Speed Dial Entries Store up to 20 numbers for quick dialing. Making a Call 1. From the Home screen, select Phone. You can make a call using several methods. 2. Select MENU. Dialing a Number 3.

  • Page 51: Sms Text Messaging And E-Mail

    Activate Siri through your vehicle when an iPhone is paired to the system. Visit handsfreelink.com (U.S.) or handsfreelink.ca (Canada) to check phone compatibility. handsfreelink.com (U.S.) or honda.ca/siri (Canada) to check phone compatibility. Standard message rates apply with your phone service provider. This feature is limited while the vehicle is moving.

  • Page 52: Navigation

    NAVIGATION NAVIGATION NAVIGATION* Navigation Display and Controls Touch icons on the screen to enter information and make selections. Learn how to enter a destination and operate the navigation system. Basic Navigation Operation A real-time navigation system uses GPS and a map database to show your current Search icon Traffic incident location and help guide you to a desired destination.

  • Page 53: Entering A Destination

    NAVIGATION NAVIGATION Entering a Destination Place Category Enter a destination using a point of interest or landmark. Use several methods to enter a destination. 1. From the map screen, select the Search icon. Home Address 2. Select Categories. Store your home address in the system so you can easily route to it. 3.

  • Page 54: Routing

    NAVIGATION NAVIGATION Routing Saved Places Save locations so you can quickly route to them. After a destination is set, you can alter or cancel your route. Saving a location Map Legend 1. From the map screen, select the Search icon. 2.

  • Page 55: Driving

    NAVIGATION DRIVING DRIVING Traffic View traffic flow and incidents in major metro areas. Traffic alerts are accompanied Learn about preparation for driving, as well as other features. by an audible beep. Pop-up messages and traffic information can be viewed when you are on the map screen.

  • Page 56: Maximum Load Limit

    Consult the Owner’s Manual on the Owner Follow all instructions and guidelines in this guide. Information CD or at owners.honda.com (U.S.) or myhonda.ca (Canada) to determine how this reduces the available cargo and luggage load capacity Keep your speed low, and don’t drive faster than conditions permit.

  • Page 57: Improving Fuel Economy And Reducing Co

    Your vehicle can tow a trailer if you carefully observe the load limits, use the proper equipment, and follow the towing guidelines. See the Owner’s Manual on the Owner Example1 Information CD or at owners.honda.com (U.S.) or www.myhonda.ca (Canada) for more information. Max Load…

  • Page 58: Remote Engine Start

    DRIVING DRIVING Remote Engine Start* Starting to Drive Start your vehicle’s engine using the remote transmitter before you enter the vehicle. Turn on the vehicle and start the engine to begin driving. Before Starting the Engine Lock button Check that the shift lever is in Park (P), then press the Brake Pedal brake pedal.

  • Page 59: Braking

    DRIVING DRIVING Shifting Parking Brake Change the shift position based on your driving needs. To apply: Pull up the switch. The BRAKE indicator appears in the instrument panel. Hold the switch up Park (P): Used for parking or starting/stopping the for emergency braking while moving.

  • Page 60: Vehicle Stability Assist (Vsa®)

    DRIVING DRIVING Vehicle Stability Assist (VSA®) Automatic Brake Hold Maintains rear brake hold even after the brake pedal is released. Make sure the Also known as Electronic Stability Control (ESC), VSA helps to stabilize the vehicle vehicle is on and your seat belt is fastened when operating this feature. during cornering if the vehicle turns more or less than what was intended.

  • Page 61: Cruise Control

    DRIVING DRIVING Cruise Control* Adaptive Cruise Control (ACC) with Low Speed Follow (LSF)* Maintain a constant vehicle speed without having to keep your foot on the accelerator Helps maintain a constant vehicle speed and a set following interval behind a vehicle pedal.

  • Page 62: Button

    DRIVING DRIVING Adjusting the Following Interval When in Operation If a vehicle is detected ahead of you when ACC is turned on, the system maintains, Press the INTERVAL button to change the following accelerates, or decelerates your vehicle’s set speed to keep the vehicle’s set interval.

  • Page 63: Lane Keeping Assist System (Lkas)

    DRIVING DRIVING Lane Keeping Assist System (LKAS)* WARNING Exiting a vehicle that has been stopped while the ACC with LSF system is A camera mounted between the windshield and the operating can result in the vehicle moving without operator control. rearview mirror determines if your vehicle begins to move Beep away from the center of a detected lane while driving…

  • Page 64: Road Departure Mitigation (Rdm)

    DRIVING DRIVING Road Departure Mitigation (RDM)* Collision Mitigation Braking System™ (CMBS™)* Alerts and helps to assist you if the system determines a possibility of your vehicle Can alert you when a potential frontal collision with a vehicle or pedestrian is unintentionally crossing over detected lane markings while driving between 45–90 mph determined and reduce your vehicle speed when a collision is deemed unavoidable to (72–145 km/h).

  • Page 65: Lanewatch

    DRIVING DRIVING Cross Traffic Monitor* LaneWatch™* Alerts you if a detected vehicle is approaching from a rear corner when your vehicle is Check the passenger-side rear areas in the upper display when the right turn signal is in Reverse (R) at speeds of 3 mph (5 km/h) or lower, which can be helpful when backing activated.

  • Page 66: Multi-View Rear Camera

    DRIVING DRIVING Multi-View Rear Camera Changing Camera Settings Turn the guidelines on or off. When you shift into Reverse (R), a real-time image of the area behind your vehicle is shown in the display, along with helpful parking guidelines. Models with color audio system 1.

  • Page 67: Blind Spot Information (Bsi)

    Use of unleaded gasoline of 87 octane or higher is recommended. When your turn signal is on and a vehicle is detected, the • Honda recommends TOP TIER Detergent Gasoline where available. blind spot indicator blinks and a beep sounds until the area Blinks •…

  • Page 68: Handling The Unexpected

    HANDLING THE UNEXPECTED HANDLING THE UNEXPECTED HANDLING THE UNEXPECTED Jump Starting Turn off the power to electric devices, such as audio and lights. Turn off the engine, then Learn about what to do in critical or emergency situations. open the hood. Smart Entry Remote Battery Strength* 1.

  • Page 69: Overheating

    HANDLING THE UNEXPECTED HANDLING THE UNEXPECTED Overheating After the Engine Starts Once your vehicle’s engine has started, remove the jumper cables in the following If the temperature gauge needle is at the H mark, the engine suddenly loses power, or order: steam or spray comes out from under the hood, your engine is overheating.

  • Page 70: Refueling From A Portable Fuel Container

    HANDLING THE UNEXPECTED HANDLING THE UNEXPECTED Refueling from a Portable Fuel Container Emergency Engine Stop* If you need to refuel your vehicle from a portable fuel container, use the funnel provided The ENGINE START/STOP button may be used to stop the engine due to an emergency with your vehicle.

  • Page 71: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (Tpms)

    HANDLING THE UNEXPECTED HANDLING THE UNEXPECTED Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) — Required Federal Explanation Monitors the tire pressure while you are driving. U.S. models only If your vehicle’s tire pressure becomes significantly low, the low tire pressure indicator Each tire, including the spare (if provided), should be checked monthly when comes on.

  • Page 72: Changing A Flat Tire

    HANDLING THE UNEXPECTED HANDLING THE UNEXPECTED Changing a Flat Tire Setting Up the Jack If a tire goes flat while driving, grasp the steering wheel firmly and brake gradually to 1. Place the jack under the jacking point closest to reduce speed.

  • Page 73: Fuse Locations

    HANDLING THE UNEXPECTED HANDLING THE UNEXPECTED Fuse Locations Replacing the Flat Tire 1. Remove the wheel nuts and flat tire. If any electrical devices are not working, turn the vehicle off and check to see if any applicable fuse is blown. Fuse locations are shown on the fuse box cover. Locate the 2.

  • Page 74
    HANDLING THE UNEXPECTED HANDLING THE UNEXPECTED Interior Fuse Box Inspecting and Changing Fuses Located under the dashboard. 1. Turn the vehicle off, including all lights and Combined fuse accessories. Circuit Protected Amps Fuse Label Circuit Protected Amps Trailer* 15 A Front Driver’s Lumber 2.
  • Page 75: Maintenance

    MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE Maintenance Minder ™ Reminds you when indicated maintenance service is due. Learn about basic maintenance that you can perform on the vehicle yourself, as well as information about how to best maintain the vehicle. Models with information display When maintenance is due, the Maintenance Minder indicator comes on and a message Safety Precautions appears on the display every time you turn the vehicle on.

  • Page 76
    MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE Canadian models Maintenance Minder Service Codes These codes indicate what services are due on your vehicle. CODE Maintenance Main Items U.S. models Replace engine oil* Replace engine oil* and oil filter CODE Maintenance Main Items *1: If a Maintenance Minder message does not appear more than 12 months after the display is reset, Replace engine oil* change the engine oil every year.
  • Page 77: Under The Hood

    MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE Under the Hood Opening the Hood 1.5 L engine models 1. Park the vehicle on a level surface, and set the Hood Release Handle parking brake. Engine oil dipstick (orange) 2. Pull the hood release handle under the lower left Engine oil fill cap corner of the dashboard.

  • Page 78: Turbocharger* Precautions

    Engine Oil Park the vehicle on level ground, and wait approximately three minutes after turning the Use Honda Genuine Motor Oil or another commercial engine off before you check the oil. engine oil of suitable viscosity for the ambient temperature as shown.

  • Page 79: Engine Coolant

    If you change or replace the vehicle’s engine oil yourself, you must reset the engine Park the vehicle on level ground. Check the reserve tank and the coolant level in the oil life. radiator. Use Honda Long Life Antifreeze/Coolant Type 2. Models with information display Checking the Reserve Tank 1.

  • Page 80: Checking The Battery

    Brake Fluid The fluid level should be between the MIN and MAX Reserve tank marks on the side of the reservoir. Use Honda Heavy Duty Brake Fluid DOT 3. Pour the fluid carefully. If the fluid level is at or below the MIN mark, have a dealer inspect for leaks or worn brake pads as soon as possible.

  • Page 81: Changing Wiper Blades

    MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE Changing Wiper Blades Changing the Rear Wiper Blade Rubber Dirty wiper blades may leave streaks across the windshield. Cleaning them with a paper 1. Lift the wiper arm off the window. Wiper Arm towel or soft cloth and wiper fluid often improves their performance. If the wiper blade rubber has deteriorated, you should change the wiper blades.

  • Page 82: Tire Information

    MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE Tire Information WARNING To safely operate your vehicle, your tires must be of the proper type and size, in good Using tires that are excessively worn or improperly inflated can cause a condition with adequate tread, and properly inflated. crash in which you can be seriously hurt or killed.

  • Page 83: Tire Labeling

    MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE Tire Labeling Tire Service Life The life of your tires is dependent on many factors, including driving habits, road The tires that came on your vehicle have a number of markings. Those you conditions, vehicle loading, inflation pressure, maintenance history, speed, and should be aware of are described below.

  • Page 84: Dot Tire Quality Grading

    MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE Glossary of Tire Terminology DOT Tire Quality Grading Cold Tire Pressure – The tire air pressure when the vehicle has been parked The tires on your vehicle meet all U.S. Federal Safety Requirements. All tires are also for at least three hours or driven less than 1 mile (1.6 km). graded for treadwear, traction, and temperature performance according to Department of Transportation (DOT) standards.

  • Page 85: Air Conditioning Maintenance

    MAINTENANCE MAINTENANCE Testing of Readiness Codes Temperature The temperature grades are A (the highest), B, and C, representing the tire’s Your vehicle has readiness codes as part of the onboard self-diagnostic system. resistance to the generation of heat and its ability to dissipate heat when tested Some states use these codes for testing to verify whether your vehicle’s emissions under controlled conditions on a specified indoor laboratory test wheel.

  • Page 86: Specifications

    SPECIFICATIONS CUSTOMER INFORMATION SPECIFICATIONS CUSTOMER INFORMATION Learn about information specific to you as a Honda customer and how to get help. Vehicle Light Bulbs Frequently Asked Questions/Troubleshooting 55 W (H11)* Model Honda CR-V Headlights (Low Beam) LED* No. of Passengers:…

  • Page 87: Contact Us

    Bella International limitations. P.O. Box 190816 Your vehicle’s original tires are covered by their manufacturer. Tire warranty information can be found on the Owner Information CD or at owners.honda.com (U.S.) or San Juan, PR 00919-0816 myhonda.ca (Canada). Tel: (787) 620-7546 EPA Contact Information U.S.

  • Page 88: Voice Command Index

    VOICE COMMAND INDEX VOICE COMMAND INDEX VOICE COMMAND INDEX Audio Commands* The system accepts these commands on most screens. Audio volume levels cannot Learn about all available voice commands to help you operate the vehicle. The system be controlled using voice commands. recognizes only the commands listed here.

  • Page 89: Index

    Street Address …………98 Talk Button Tips …………90 HondaLink…………..76 Traffic …………..102 HondaLink Assist…………77 Turn-by-turn directions ……..101 Honda Roadside Assistance ……… 167 One-Touch Turn Signal ……….49 Hood …………….146 On/Off Indicators …………30 Ignition …………..109 Overheating………….. 131…

  • Page 90
    INDEX Pairing a Phone ……….. 87, 91 Song By Voice Commands ……..169 Pandora …………..73, 85 Sound …………….68 Pandora Commands ……….169 Specifications …………164 Panic button …………… 37 Speed Dial …………88, 93 Parking Brake ………… 29, 111 SRS (Supplemental Restraint System) Indicator 14, Passenger Airbag Off Indicator ……
  • Page 91
    (U.S.) myhonda.ca (Canada) 31TLAG01 OG05272 2017 Honda CR-V Owner’s Guide 00X31-TLA-G010 ©2017 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. — All Rights Reserved Printed in U.S.A…

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