Инструкция по эксплуатации мерседес cls 350

    Компактный седан

    Компактный седан











    Shooting Brake

    Shooting Brake

    Shooting Brake

    Shooting Brake



    Универсал / All-Terrain

    Универсал / All-Terrain



















    Седан, длиннобазная модификация

    Седан, длиннобазная модификация

    Седан Maybach

    Седан Maybach









    Black Series

    Black Series



    Купе GT R

    Купе GT R

    Родстер GT R

    Родстер GT R

    4-дверное купе

    4-дверное купе

    Крупногабаритный седан

    Крупногабаритный седан





    Marco Polo / Marco Polo Horizon

    Marco Polo / Marco Polo Horizon

    Marco Polo Activity

    Marco Polo Activity

    Sprinter 906

    Sprinter 906

    Sprinter 907 / 910

    Sprinter 907 / 910


Das folgende PDF-Dokument für dieses Fahrzeugmodell bezieht sich in allen

Sprachversionen nur auf die Fahrzeuge, die für den deutschen Markt bestimmt

sind und die den deutschen Vorschriften entsprechen. Bitte wenden Sie sich an

Ihren autorisierten Mercedes-Benz Servicestützpunkt, um ein gedrucktes Exemplar

für andere Fahrzeugmodelle und Fahrzeugmodelljahre zu erhalten.

Dieses PDF-Dokument stellt die aktuelle Version dar. Mögliche Abweichungen zu

Ihrem konkreten Fahrzeug könnten nicht berücksichtigt sein, da Mercedes-Benz

seine Fahrzeuge ständig dem neuesten Stand der Technik anpasst, sowie

Änderungen in Form und Ausstattung vornimmt. Bitte beachten Sie daher, dass

dieses PDF-Dokument in keinem Fall das gedruckte Exemplar ersetzt, das mit

dem Fahrzeug ausgeliefert wurde.


All language versions of the following PDF document for this vehicle model

relate solely to vehicles intended for sale on the German market and which

correspond to German regulations.

Please contact your authorised MercedesBenz Service Centre to obtain

a printed version for other vehicle models and vehicle model years. This PDF

document is the latest version. Possible variations to your vehicle may not

be taken into account as MercedesBenz constantly updates their vehicles to

the state of the art and introduces changes in design and equipment. Please

therefore note that this PDF document in no way replaces the printed version

which was delivered with your vehicle.


The following version of the Owner‘s Manual describes all models, series and

special equipment of your vehicle. Country-specific language variations are

possible. Please note that your vehicle might not be equipped with all the

described functions. This also affects safety-relevant systems and functions.

Please contact your authorised Mercedes-Benz dealership if you would like

to receive a printed Owner‘s Manual for other vehicle models and vehicle

model years.

The online Owner‘s Manual is the current and valid version. It is possible that

deviations affecting your specific vehicle could not be taken into account

as Mercedes-Benz constantly adapts its vehicles according to the latest

technology and makes changes to the form and the equipment.

Please also read the printed Owner‘s Manual, supplementary documents and

the digital Owner‘s Manual in the vehicle.


All rights reserved. All texts, images and graphics are subject to copyright

and other laws for the protection of intellectual property. They may not be

copied or changed for any commercial use or for the purpose of being passed

on nor used on other webistes.

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Sommer Corporate Media AG
Bild in der Größe
215×70 mm einfügen
Operator’s Manual
Order No. 6515 1429 13 Part No. 219 584 98 81 USA Edition A 2008

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CLS 550 CLS 63 AMG

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Our company and staff congratulate you Please read this manual carefully, then on the purchase of your new return it to your vehicle where it will be Mercedes-Benz. handy for your reference. Your selection of our product is a demon- Please follow the recommendations stration of your trust in our company contained in this manual. They are de- name. Furthermore, it exemplifies your signed to acquaint you with the opera- desire to own an automobile that will be as tion of your Mercedes-Benz.

Краткое содержание страницы № 4

Contents Introduction…………………………………… 9 At a glance …………………………………… 21 Getting started…………………………….. 35 Product information………………………….. 9 Exterior view………………………………….. 22 Unlocking ……………………………………… 36 Operator’s Manual…………………………. 10 Cockpit…………………………………………. 24 Unlocking with the SmartKey ……… 3

Краткое содержание страницы № 5

Contents Memory function …………………………. 123 Safety and Security ……………………… 63 Controls in detail…………………………. 99 Storing positions into memory….. 124 Occupant safety…………………………….. 64 Locking and unlocking………………….. 100 Recalling positions from memory. 124 Air bags …………………………………… 66 SmartKey ………………………………. 100 Storing exterior rear view mirror Occupant Classi

Краткое содержание страницы № 6

Contents Menus …………………………………… 142 Good visibility………………………………. 183 Power windows ……………………………. 205 Standard display menu ……………. 145 Headlamp cleaning system* ……… 183 Opening and closing AMG menu …………………………….. 145 Rear view mirrors…………………….. 183 the windows …………………………… 205 AUDIO menu ………………………….. 148 Sun visors ………………

Краткое содержание страницы № 7

Contents Useful features ……………………………. 243 At the gas station ………………………… 283 Operation ………………………………….. 269 Storage compartments…………….. 243 Refueling……………………………….. 283 The first 1000 miles (1500 km)……… 270 Cup holders……………………………. 246 Check regularly and before a Driving instructions………………………. 271 Ashtrays ………………………………… 248 lo

Краткое содержание страницы № 8

Contents Maximum tire inflation pressure .. 320 Flat tire……………………………………….. 412 Practical hints ……………………………. 343 Uniform Tire Quality Grading Preparing the vehicle ……………….. 412 What to do if … …………………………….. 344 Standards (U.S. vehicles) …………. 321 Mounting the spare wheel ………… 412 Lamps in instrument cluster ……… 344 Tire ply material ……………………… 323 MOExtended system*……..

Краткое содержание страницы № 9

Contents Fuels, coolants, lubricants etc. ………. 448 Technical data……………………………. 431 Index…………………………………………. 457 Capacities ……………………………… 448 Parts service ……………………………….. 432 Engine oils……………………………… 450 Warranty coverage……………………….. 433 Engine oil additives …………………. 450 Loss of Service and Warranty Air conditioning refrigerant ………. 4

Краткое содержание страницы № 10

Introduction Product information Product information Please observe the following in your own We are unable to make an assessment for Genuine Mercedes-Benz Parts as well as best interest: other products and therefore cannot be conversion parts and accessories held responsible for them, even if in indi- approved by us are available at any We recommend using Genuine vidual cases an official approval or authori- authorized Mercedes-Benz Center where Mercedes-Benz Parts as well as conversion

Краткое содержание страницы № 11

Introduction Operator’s Manual This Operator’s Manual contains a great We continuously strive to improve our Service and warranty information deal of useful information. We urge you to product, and ask for your understanding The Service and Warranty Information read it carefully and familiarize yourself that we reserve the right to make changes Booklet contains detailed information with the vehicle before driving. in design and equipment. Therefore, infor- about the warranties covering your

Краткое содержание страницы № 12

Introduction Operator’s Manual Important notice for California retail (1) the same substantial defect or mal- (3) the vehicle is out of service by reason buyers and lessees of Mercedes-Benz function results in a condition that is of repair of the same or different sub- automobiles likely to cause death or serious bodily stantial defects or malfunctions for a injury if the vehicle is driven, that de- cumulative total of more than Under California law you may be entitled to fect or malfunction

Краткое содержание страницы № 13

Introduction Operator’s Manual Maintenance Roadside Assistance Change of address or ownership The Maintenance Booklet describes all the The Mercedes-Benz Roadside Assistance If you change your address, be sure to necessary maintenance work which should Program provides factory trained technical send in the “Change of Address Notice” be performed at regular intervals. help in the event of a breakdown. Calls to found in the Service and Warranty the toll-free Roadside Assistance number Informati

Краткое содержание страницы № 14

Introduction Operator’s Manual Operating your vehicle outside the USA Certain Mercedes-Benz models are avail- or Canada able for delivery in Europe under our Euro- pean Delivery Program. For details, consult If you plan to operate your vehicle in for- an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center or eign countries, please be aware that: write to: service facilities or replacement parts In the USA: may not be readily available, Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC unleaded gasoline for vehicles with cat- European

Краткое содержание страницы № 15

Introduction Where to find it This Operator’s Manual is designed to pro- Controls in detail Technical data vide comprehensive support information for you, the vehicle operator. Each section Here you will find detailed information All important technical data for your vehi- has its own reference color. about the equipment installed in your vehi- cle can be found in this section. cle. This section expands on the “Getting started” section and also describes techni- At a glance Indexes cal innova

Краткое содержание страницы № 16

Introduction Symbols Symbols Trademarks: This symbol points to instructions for Warning! G you to follow. ® ® ESP and PRE-SAFE are registered trademarks of DaimlerChrysler. A number of these symbols appearing Warning notices draw your attention to haz- in succession indicates a multiple-step ® HomeLink is a registered trademark ards that may endanger your health or life, procedure. of Prince, a Johnson Controls or the health or life of others. Company. page This symbol tells you

Краткое содержание страницы № 17

Introduction Operating safety Proper use of the vehicle Warning! G Warning! G Proper use of the vehicle requires that you Work improperly carried out on electronic Heavy blows against the vehicle underbody are familiar with the following information components and associated software could or tires/wheels, for example when running and rules: cause them to cease functioning. Because over an obstacle, road debris or a pothole, the safety precautions in this manual the vehicle’s electronic c

Краткое содержание страницы № 18

Introduction Problems with your vehicle Problems with your vehicle If you should experience a problem with your vehicle, particularly one that you believe may affect its safe operation, we urge you to immediately contact an authorized Mercedes-Benz Center to have the problem diagnosed and corrected if required. If the matter is not handled to your satisfaction, please discuss the problem with the Mercedes-Benz Center management, or if necessary contact us at one of the following addresses:

Краткое содержание страницы № 19

Introduction Reporting safety defects For the USA only: The following text is published as required of manufacturers under Title 49, Code of U.S. Federal Regulations, Part 575 pursuant to the “National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966”. Reporting safety defects If you believe that your vehicle has a defect which could cause a crash or could cause injury or death, you should immediately inform the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in addition to notifying Merced

Краткое содержание страницы № 20

Introduction Vehicle data recording Vehicle data recording Information regarding electronic recording devices (Including notice pursuant to California Code § 9951) Please note that your vehicle is equipped with devices that can record vehicle systems data and, if equipped with the Tele Aid system, may transmit some data in certain accidents. This information helps, for example, to diagnose vehicle systems after a collision and to continuously improve vehicle safety. DaimlerChrysler may acc

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