Инструкция по эксплуатации стиральной машины индезит wie 107

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Запуск машины. Программы

Таблица программ

Т к а н ь и с те п е н ь

з а г р я з н е н и я

П р о г р . Т е м п е —

р а тур а

М о ю щ е е

с р е д с тв о

С м яг-


У д ален ие

п ятен /

Отбели ватель

Д ли те ль —

н о с ть

ц и к л а,

м и н .

О п и с а н и е ц и к л а с ти р к и

п р е д в а р .

с т и р к а

о с н о в .

с т и р к а

О б ы ч н ы е п р о гр а м м ы

О чень сильно загрязненное белое

белье (просты ни, скатерти и т.п.)


9 0 °C




1 3 5

П р е д ва р и те л ьн а я с ти р к а , с ти р к а ,

п о л о с к а н и е , п р о м е ж у то ч н ы й и

о к о н ч а те л ьн ы й о тж и м

О чень сильно загрязненное белое

белье (просты ни, скатерти и т.п.)


9 0 °C




О бы чны й

1 2 5

С тирка, полоскание, проме ж уточны й

и окончате льны й отж им

С ильно за грязне н ное бе лое и

устойчивое цве тное бе лье


6 0 °C




О бы чны й

1 1 0

С тирка, полоскание, проме ж уточны й

и окончате льны й отж им

С ильно за грязне н ное бе лое и

линяю щ е е ц ве тн ое б е лье


4 0 °C




О бы чны й

1 0 5

С тирка, полоскание, проме ж уточны й

и окончате льны й отж им

С л а б о за гр я зн е н н о е б е л о е и

л и н я ю щ е е ц ве тн о е б е л ье

(п р о с ты н и , с к а те р ти и т.п .)


4 0 °C




О бы чны й

7 0

С тирка, полоскание, проме ж уточны й

и окончате льны й отж им

С ильно загрязненное устойчивое

цветное белье (детская одежда и пр.)


6 0




Д е л и к а тн ы й

7 5

С ти р к а , п о л о с к а н и е , о с та н о вк а с

во д о й и л и д е л и к а тн ы й о тж и м

С ильно загрязненное устойчивое

цветное белье (детская одежда и пр.)


4 0 °C



Д е л и к а тн ы й

6 0

С ти р к а , п о л о с к а н и е , о с та н о вк а с

во д о й и л и д е л и к а тн ы й о тж и м

Ш е р с ть


4 0 °C



5 0

С ти р к а , п о л о с к а н и е , о с та н о вк а с

во д о й и д е л и к а тн ы й о тж и м

О собо деликатны е ткани и одежда

(занавеси, ш елк, вискоза и пр.)


3 0 °C



4 5

С ти р к а , п о л о с к а н и е , о с та н о вк а с

во д о й и л и с л и в

4 п р о гр а м м ы д л я В а с

С ильно за грязне н ное и

устойчивое цве тное бе лье


6 0 °C



6 5

С тирка, полоскание, проме ж уточны й

и окончате льны й отж им

С л а б о за гр я зн е н н о е б е л о е и

л и н я ю щ е е ц ве тн о е б е л ье

(со р о ч к и , м а й к и и п р .)


4 0 °C



5 5

С тирка, полоскание, проме ж уточны й

и окончате льны й отж им

С л а б о за гр язне нн ое ли няю щ е е

ц ве тн ое бе лье (лю б а я о де ж д а )


4 0




4 5

С ти р к а , п о л о с к а н и е , д е л и к а тн ы й

о тж и м

С л а б о за гр язне нн ое ли няю щ е е

ц ве тн ое бе лье (лю б а я о де ж д а )

1 0

3 0 °C



3 0

С ти р к а , п о л о с к а н и е , д е л и к а тн ы й

о тж и м

С п о р т

С порти вна я обувь


м а к с . 2 п а р ы .


1 1

3 0




5 0

С ти р к а в х о л о д н о й во д е (б е з

м о ю щ е г о с р е д с тва ), с ти р к а ,

п о л о с к а н и е и д е л и к а тн ы й о тж и м

С порти вна я оде ж да (спортивны е

костю мы , ш орты и пр.)

1 2

3 0 °C



6 0

С тирка, полоскание, проме ж уточны й

и окончате льны й отж им


П о зво л я е т вве с ти в п а м я ть м а ш и н ы л ю б у ю п р о г р а м м у с ти р к и

Ч а с т н ы е п р о г р а м м ы

П о л о с к а н и е



О бы чны й

П о л о с к а н и е и о тж и м

О тж и м

С л и в и о тж и м

С л и в

С л и в

Краткие инструкции: Порядок

запуска программы

1. Включите стиральную машину, нажав кнопку .

2. Загрузите белье и закройте дверцу машины.

3. Установите рукоятку программатора на нужную

программу. На дисплее появится прогнозируемая

продолжительность выбранного цикла. Температу-

ра и скорость отжима задаются автоматически в

соответствии с выбранной программой (как изме-

нить их см. на с. 19).

4. Выберите дополнительные функции (см. стр. 19).

5. Добавьте в распределитель моющее средство,

ополаскиватель, отбеливатель (см. с. 20).

6. Запустите программу, нажав кнопку ПУСК/СБРОС


Для отмены запуска держите нажатой кнопку ПУСК/

СБРОС (Start/Reset) в течение 2-х секунд.
По окончании программы на дисплее появится со-

общение END (Конец). Подождите пока на дисплее

погаснет символ блокировки дверцы. Выключите сти-

ральную машину, нажав кнопку

. Откройте дверцу

машины. Вынув белье, оставьте дверцу машины при-

открытой, чтобы дать испариться оставшейся влаге.

Обязательно перекройте кран подачи воды и отклю-

чите машину из сети.


-Рекомендуется, чтобы для программ 7 — 8 загрузка белья не превышала 3,5 кг.

-Для программы 12 рекомендуется, чтобы вес загружаемого белья не превышал 2 кг.

«Остановка с водой»: см. дополнительную функцию «Легкая глажка» на с. 7. Данные в таблице, являются справочны-

ми и могут меняться в зависимости от конкретных условий стирки (объем стирки, температура воды в водопроводной

системе, температура в помещении и др.).

Специальная программа

Повседневная стирка 30′ мин (программа 10 для Синтетических тканей) предназначена для быстрой стирки слабо-

загрязненного белья: цикл длится всего 30 минут, что позволяет сэкономить время и электроэнергию. Установив эту

программу (10 при температуре 30°С), Вы можете стирать различные виды тканей вместе (за исключением шерсти и

шелка) при максимальной загрузке белья 3 кг. Мы рекомендуем использовать жидкое моющее средство.

(см. с. 17).

Инструкция и руководство для
Indesit WIE 107 на русском на английском

72 страницы подробных инструкций и пользовательских руководств по эксплуатации

Видео Замена подшипников в стиральной машине Indesit с клееным баком (автор: Мастер Плюс)58:16

Замена подшипников в стиральной машине Indesit с клееным баком

Видео Коды ошибок стиральной машины Индезит (автор: Vasilii Ivanovih)07:12

Коды ошибок стиральной машины Индезит

Видео Сброс программы индезит WISE8 (автор: Большая стирка)01:49

Сброс программы индезит WISE8

Видео Обзор стиральной машины Indesit WISE10 (автор: Мастерская по ремонту бытовой техники Volna2m™)05:40

Обзор стиральной машины Indesit WISE10

Видео Indesit Wie 107. Мигают все индикаторы. Не сложный ремонт (автор: Ремонт и Сервис)03:07

Indesit Wie 107. Мигают все индикаторы. Не сложный ремонт

Видео Замена амортизаторов Indesit WIE 107/ shockabsorbers replacement (автор: Андрей Б)04:55

Замена амортизаторов Indesit WIE 107/ shockabsorbers replacement

Видео Как разобрать Индезит WISE10 (автор: Большая стирка)15:01

Как разобрать Индезит WISE10





Installation, 2-3

Unpacking and levelling, 2

Electric and water connections, 2-3

The first wash cycle, 3

Technical details, 3

Washing machine description, 4-5

Control panel, 4

Display, 5

“MEMO” Programme, 5

Starting and Programmes, 6

Briefly: how to start a programme, 6

Programme table, 6

Personalisations, 7

Setting the spin cycle, 7

Setting the Delay Timer, 7

Setting the temperature, 7

Functions, 7

Detergents and laundry, 8

Detergent dispenser, 8

Bleach cycle, 8

Preparing your laundry, 8

Special items, 8

Precautions and advice, 9

General safety, 9

Disposal, 9

Saving energy and respecting the environment, 9

Care and maintenance, 10

Cutting off the water or electricity supply, 10

Cleaning your appliance, 10

Cleaning the detergent dispenser, 10

Caring for your appliance door and drum, 10

Cleaning the pump, 10

Checking the water inlet hose, 10

Troubleshooting, 11

Service, 12

Before calling for Assistance, 12


WIE 107

Instructions for use












Contents Installation...

Installation, Unpacking and levelling, Electric and water connections

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Keep this instruction manual in a safe place for

future reference. Should the appliance be sold,

transferred or moved, make sure the instruction

manual accompanies the washing machine to inform

the new owner as to its operation and features.

Read these instructions carefully: they contain vital

information on installation, use and safety.

Unpacking and levelling


1. Unpack the washing machine.

2. Check whether the washing machine has been

damaged during transport. If this is the case, do not

install it and contact your retailer.

3. Remove the 3

protective screws and

the rubber washer with

the respective spacer,

situated on the rear of

the appliance (see


4. Seal the gaps using the plastic plugs provided.

5. Use the plug provided to seal the three holes

where the plug was housed, situated on the lower

right-hand side on the rear of your appliance.

6. Keep all the parts: you will need them again if the

washing machine needs to be moved to another


Packaging materials are not children’s toys.


1. Install the washing machine on a flat sturdy floor,

without resting it up against walls, furniture cabinets

or other.

2. If the floor is not

perfectly level, compen-

sate for any unevenness

by tightening or

loosening the adjustable

front feet (see figure);

the angle of inclination,

measured according to

the worktop, must not

exceed 2°.

Levelling your appliance correctly will provide it with

stability and avoid any vibrations, noise and shifting

during operation. If it is placed on a fitted or loose

carpet, adjust the feet in such a way as to allow

enough room for ventilation beneath the washing


Electric and water connections

Connecting the water inlet hose

1. Insert seal A into the

end of the inlet hose

and screw the latter

onto a cold water tap

with a 3/4 gas threaded

mouth (see figure).

Before making the

connection, allow the

water to run freely until

it is perfectly clear.

2. Connect the other end

of the water inlet hose to

the washing machine,

screwing it onto the

appliance’s cold water

inlet, situated on the top

right-hand side on the

rear of the appliance

(see figure).

3. Make sure there are no kinks or bends in the


The water pressure at the tap must be within the

values indicated in the Technical details table

(on the next page).

If the water inlet hose is not long enough, contact

a specialist store or an authorised serviceman.



Installation, Unpacking and levelling, Electric and water connections












Connecting the drain hose

Connect the drain hose,

without bending it, to a

draining duct or a wall

drain situated between

65 and 100 cm from

the floor;

alternatively, place it

over the edge of a

basin, sink or tub,

fastening the duct

supplied to the tap (see

figure). The free end of

the hose should not be


We advise against the use of hose extensions; in

case of absolute need, the extension must have the

same diameter as the original hose and must not

exceed 150 cm in length.

Electric connection

Before plugging the appliance into the mains

socket, make sure that:

• the socket is earthed and in compliance with the

applicable law;

• the socket is able to sustain the appliance’s

maximum power load indicated in the Technical

details table (on the right);

• the supply voltage is included within the values i

ndicated on the Technical details table

(on the right);

• the socket is compatible with the washing

machine’s plug. If this is not the case, replace

the socket or the plug.

The washing machine should not be installed in an

outdoor environment, not even when the area is

sheltered, because it may be very dangerous to

leave it exposed to rain and thunderstorms.

When the washing machine is installed, the mains

socket must be within easy reach.

Do not use extensions or multiple sockets.

The power supply cable must never be bent or

dangerously compressed.

The power supply cable must only be replaced by

an authorised serviceman.

Warning! The company denies all liability if and when

these norms are not respected.

The first wash cycle

Once the appliance has been installed, and before

you use it for the first time, run a wash cycle with

detergent and no laundry, setting the 90°C

programme without a pre-wash cycle.

65 — 100 cm

Technical details


WIE 107


59.5 cm wide

85 cm high
52.5 cm deep


from 1 to 5 kg



voltage 220/230 Volts 50 Hz

maximum absorbed power 1850 W



maximum pressure 1 MPa (10 bar)

minimum pressure 0.05 MPa (0.5 bar)
drum capacity 46 litres

Spin speed

up to 1000 rpm


according to

IEC456 directive

programme 2; temperature 60°C;

run with a load of 5 kg.

This appliance is compliant with the
following European Community


— 73/23/CEE of 19/02/73 (Low

Voltage) and subsequent amendments

— 89/336/CEE of 03/05/89
(Electromagnetic Compatibility) and

subsequent amendments

The first wash cycle, Technical details



Control panel

Washing machine description

Control knob


Detergent dispenser









Detergent dispenser to add detergent and fabric

softener (see page 8).

SPIN button to adjust the spin speed or exclude it

altogether (see page 7).

DELAY TIMER button to delay the start of the set

programme for a maximum period of 24 hours

(see page 7).

TEMPERATURE button to adjust the wash tempe-

rature (see page 7).

Display to programme the washing machine and

follow the wash cycle progress (see opposite page).

FUNCTION buttons: to select the functions

available. The button corresponding to the function

selected will remain on.

START/RESET button to start the programmes or

cancel any incorrect settings.

START/STOP button to turn the washing machine

on and off.

Control knob to select the wash programmes.

The knob stays still during the cycle.





Washing machine description, Control panel




In addition to being a practical tool to programme your appliance (see page 7), the display provides useful

information concerning the wash cycle.

Once you have pressed the START/RESET button to

start the programme, the display will indicate the

amount of time left until the end of the wash cycle. If

a delayed start has been set (using the Delay Timer,

see page 7), the delay time will be indicated on the











Door lock:

If the symbol is on, the washing machine door is locked to prevent it from being opened accidentally. To avoid

any damages, wait for the symbol to switch itself off before you open the appliance door.

At the end of the programme, the word END is displayed.

In the event of an anomaly, an error code will appear, such as: F-01, which should be communicated to the

Service Centre (see page 12).

«MEMO» Programme

This programme allows you to store your favourite or most-used wash cycle.

All you have to do is set the desired programme and, once it has started, turn the KNOB to position

; the

wash cycle will be stored automatically and the word MEMO appears on the display, flashing for a few seconds.

Subsequently, you can start the «MEMO» cycle by simply turning the KNOB to position

; you will be able to

see the temperature/spin cycle/delay timer values by pressing the corresponding buttons; you will also be able to

modify them but this variation will only be valid for the programme in progress and it will not be stored in the

«MEMO» cycle.

If you want to store a new wash cycle, repeat the above-mentioned operations.


Starting and programmes, Programme table, Briefly: starting a programme

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Type of fabric and

degree of soil

Programmes Tempe-


D etergent



Stain removal


C ycle



D escription of wash cycle


w ash

w ash


Extremely soiled whites

(sheets, tablecloths, etc.)







Pre-wash, wash cycle, rinse cycles,

intermediate and final spin cycles

Extremely soiled whites

(sheets, tablecloths, etc.)








Wash cycle, rinse cycles,

intermediate and final spin cycles

Heavily soiled whites and fast









Wash cycle, rinse cycles,

intermediate and final spin cycles

Heavily soiled whites and

delicate colours








Wash cycle, rinse cycles,

intermediate and final spin cycles

Slightly soiled whites and

delicate colours (shirts,

jumpers, etc.)








Wash cycle, rinse cycles,

intermediate and final spin cycles

Heavily soiled fast colours

(baby linen, etc.)








Wash cycle, rinse cycles, anti-

crease or delicate spin cycle

Heavily soiled fast colours

(baby linen, etc.)







Wash cycle, rinse cycles, anti-

crease or delicate spin cycle

W ool






Wash cycle, rinse cycles



crease and delicate spin cycle

Very delicate fabrics

(curtains, silk, viscose, etc.)






Wash cycle, rinse cycles, anti-

crease or draining cycle

Tim e 4 you

Heavily soiled whites and fast







Wash cycle, rinse cycles,

intermediate and final spin cycles

Slightly soiled whites and

delicate colours (shirts,

jumpers, etc.)






Wash cycle, rinse cycles,

intermediate and final spin cycles

Delicate colours (all types of

slightly soiled garments)







Wash cycle, rinse cycles,

delicate spin cycle

Delicate colours (all types of

slightly soiled garments)






Wash cycle, rinse cycles and

delicate spin cycle


Sports shoes

(MAX. 2 pairs)







Cold wash (without detergents),

wash cycle, rinse cycles, and

delicate spin cycle

Fabrics for sportswear

(Tracksuits, shorts, etc.)






Wash cycle, rinse cycles,

intermediate and final spin cycles


Allows for any wash cycle to be stored






Rinse cycles and spin cycle


Draining and spin cycle



Starting and Programmes

Programme table


-For programmes 7 and 8, we advise against exceeding a wash load of 3.5 kg.

-For programme 12 we advise against exceeding a wash load of 2 kg.
-For the anti-crease function: see Easy iron, opposite page. The information contained in the table is purely indicative.
Special programme

Daily (programme 10 for Synthetics) is designed to wash lightly soiled garments in a short amount of time: it only lasts

30 minutes and allows you to save on both time and energy. By setting this programme (10 at 30°C), you can wash

different fabrics together (except for woollen and silk items), with a maximum load of 3 kg.

We recommend the use of liquid detergent.

Briefly: starting a programme

1. Turn the washing machine on by pressing button


2. Load your laundry into the washing machine and

shut the appliance door.

3. Set the knob to the desired programme. The

estimated duration of the selected programme is

displayed. The temperature and spin speed are

automatically set according to the programme

(to change them, see page 7).

4. Select any functions (see page 7).

5. Add the detergent and any fabric softener

(see page 8).

6. Start he programme by pressing the START/RESET


To cancel it, keep the START/RESET button

pressed for at least 2 seconds.

7. When the programme has ended, the word END is

displayed. Take out your laundry and leave the

appliance door ajar to allow the drum to dry


8. Turn the washing machine off by pressing button


(see page 5).

Starting and programmes, Programme table, Briefly: starting a programme

Personalisations, Setting the spin cycle, Setting the delay timer

Setting the temperature, Functions

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Enabled with




Bleaching cycle

designed to

remove the

toughest stains.

Please remember to pour the bleach into extra compartment 4

(see page 8).

This function is incompatible with the EASY IRON function.

2, 3, 4,

Rinse cycle.

Extra Rinse

Increases the

efficiency of the


Recommended when the appliance has a full load or with large

quantities of detergent.

1, 2, 3, 4, 7,

8, 9, 11, 12,

Rinse cycle.

Easy iron

This option

reduces the

amount of

creasing on

fabrics, making

them easier to


When this function is set, programmes 4, 5, 6 will end, with the

laundry left to soak (Anti-crease), and the relative button flashes:

— to conclude the cycle, press the START/RESET button or the

EASY IRON button;

— to run the draining cycle alone, set the knob to the relative

symbol and press the START/RESET button.

This function is incompatible with the STAIN REMOVAL function.

3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8,

9, Rinse












Setting the spin cycle

If, when the appliance is switched on, the KNOB is positioned on

a programme with a spin cycle, a fixed

appears. Press button

and the maximum spin speed allowed for the programme set

will be displayed, and the

icon flashes. Press it again and the

values lower until they reach OFF, which indicates that the spin

cycle has been excluded (press it again to go back to the

maximum value); stop on the desired speed, after approximately

2 seconds the setting is accepted: the symbol

remains fixed.

The spin cycle setting is enabled with all the programmes except

for 6 and the Draining cycle.

Setting the Delay Timer

Press the button

and you will see the word OFF on the

display, while the relative symbol flashes.

Press the button again and «1h» appears, that is, a delay of one

hour (this can reach up to 24h); stop on the «desired» delay; after

approximately 2 seconds the setting is accepted, following which,

the time for the set programme appears on the display and the

symbol remains on.

If you now press the START/RESET button, the set «delay»

appears; this decreases every hour until the start of the cycle. In

this phase, the «delay» can only be modified by decreasing it.

The Delay Timer regulation is enabled with all programmes.

Setting the temperature

If, when the appliance is switched on, the KNOB is positioned on a programme for which the temperature needs

to be regulated, a fixed appears. Press button and the maximum temperature allowed for the programme set

will be displayed and the icon flashes. Press it again and the temperature lowers until it reaches OFF, which

indicates a cold wash cycle (press it again to go back to the maximum value); stop on the desired value, after

approximately 2 seconds the setting is accepted: the symbol remains fixed.

The temperature adjustment is enabled with all wash programmes.


To enable a function:

1. press the button corresponding to the desired function, according to the table below;

2. the function is enabled when the corresponding button is illuminated.

Note: The rapid flashing of the button indicates that the corresponding function cannot be selected for the

programme set.

If you set a function that is incompatible with another function you selected previously, only the last one selected

will be enabled.

FUNCTION buttons

Personalisations, Setting the spin cycle, Setting the delay timer



Detergent dispenser

Good washing results also depend on the correct

dose of detergent: adding too much detergent won’t

necessarily make for a more efficient wash, and may

in fact cause build up on the interior of your

appliance and even pollute the environment.

Open up the detergent

dispenser and pour in

the detergent and fabric

softener, as follows.

compartment 1: Detergent for pre-wash


Before pouring in the detergent, make sure that

extra compartment 4 has been removed.

compartment 2: Detergent for the wash cycle

(powder or liquid)

Liquid detergent should only be poured in

immediately prior to the wash cycle start.

compartment 3: Additives (fabric softeners, etc.)

The fabric softener should not overflow from the grid.

extra compartment 4: Bleach

Do not use hand wash detergent because it may

form too much foam.

Bleach cycle

Traditional bleach should be used on sturdy

white fabrics, and delicate bleach for coloured

fabrics, synthetics and for wool.

Place extra

compartment 4,

provided, into

compartment 1.

When pouring in the

bleach, be careful not to

exceed the «max» level

indicated on the central

pivot (see figure).

To run the bleach cycle alone, pour the bleach into extra

compartment 4 and set the Rinse programme


To bleach during a wash cycle, pour in the detergent

and fabric softener, set the desired programme and

enable the Stain removal function (see page 7).

The use of extra compartment 4 excludes the

possibility of using the pre-wash cycle. In addition,

the bleach cycle cannot be run with programmes 6

(Silk) and Daily (see page 6).

Preparing your laundry

• Divide your laundry according to:

— the type of fabric/the symbol on the label.

— the colours: separate coloured garments from


• Empty all pockets and check for loose buttons.

• Do not exceed the weight limits stated below,

which refer to the weight when dry:

Sturdy fabrics: max 5 kg

Synthetic fabrics: max 2.5 kg

Delicate fabrics: max 2 kg

Wool: max 1 kg

How much does your laundry weigh?

1 sheet 400-500 g

1 pillow case 150-200 g

1 tablecloth 400-500 g

1 bathrobe 900-1,200 g

1 towel 150-250 g

Special items

Curtains: fold curtains and place them in a pillow

case or mesh bag. Wash them separately without

exceeding half the appliance load. Use programme 6

which excludes the spin cycle automatically.

Quilted coats and windbreakers: if they are

padded with goose or duck down, they can be

machine-washed. Turn the garments inside out and

load a maximum of 2-3 kg, repeating the rinse cycle

once or twice and using the delicate spin cycle.

Wool: for best results, use a specific detergent,

taking care not to exceed a load of 1 kg.

Detergents and laundry





Detergents and laundry

Precautions and advice, General safety, Disposal

Saving energy and respecting the environment

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Precautions and advice










The washing machine was designed and built in

compliance with the applicable international safety

regulations. The following information is provided for

your safety and should consequently be read carefully.

General safety

• This appliance has been designed for non-

professional, household use and its functions must

not be changed.

• This washing machine should only be used by

adults and in accordance with the instructions

provided in this manual.

• Never touch the washing machine when barefoot

or with wet or damp hands or feet.

• Do not pull on the power supply cable to unplug

the appliance from the electricity socket. Pull the

plug out yourself.

• Do not open the detergent dispenser while the

appliance is in operation.

• Do not touch the drain water as it could reach

very high temperatures.

• Never force the washing machine door: this could

damage the safety lock mechanism designed to

prevent any accidental openings.

• In the event of a malfunction, do not under any

circumstances touch internal parts in order to

attempt repairs.

• Always keep children well away from the

appliance while in operation.

• The appliance door tends to get quite hot during

the wash cycle.

• Should it have to be moved, proceed with the

help of two or three people and handle it with the

utmost care. Never try to do this alone, because

the appliance is very heavy.

• Before loading your laundry into the washing

machine, make sure the drum is empty.


• Disposing of the packaging material:

observe local regulations, so the packaging can

be re-used.

• Disposing of an old washing machine:

before scrapping your appliance, cut the power

supply cable and remove the appliance door.

Saving energy and respecting the


Environmentally-friendly technology

If you only see a little water through your appliance

door, this is because thanks to the latest Indesit

technology, your washing machine only needs less

than half the amount of water to get the best

results: an objective reached to respect the


Saving on detergent, water,

energy and time

• To avoid wasting resources, the washing machine

should be used with a full load. A full load instead

of two half loads allows you to save up to 50% on


• The pre-wash cycle is only necessary on

extremely soiled garments. Avoiding it will save on

detergent, time, water and between 5 and 15%


• Treating stains with a stain remover or leaving

them to soak before washing will cut down the

need to wash them at high temperatures. A

programme at 60°C instead of 90°C or one at

40°C instead of 60°C will save up to 50% on


• Use the correct quantity of detergent depending

on the water hardness, how soiled the garments

are and the amount of laundry you have, to avoid

wastage and to protect the environment: despite

being biodegradable, detergents do contain

ingredients that alter the natural balance of the

environment. In addition, avoid using fabric

softener as much as possible.

• If you use your washing machine from late in the

afternoon until the early hours of the morning, you

will help reduce the electricity board’s peak load.

The Delay Timer option (see page 7) helps to

organise your wash cycles accordingly.

• If your laundry has to be dried in a tumble dryer,

select a high spin speed. Having the least water

possible in your laundry will save you time and

energy in the drying process.

Precautions and advice, General safety, Disposal



Care and maintenance

Cutting off the water or electricity


• Turn off the water tap after every wash. This will

limit the wear of your appliance’s water system

and also prevent leaks.

• Unplug your appliance when cleaning it and

during all maintenance operations.

Cleaning your appliance

The exterior and rubber parts of your appliance can

be cleaned with a soft cloth soaked in lukewarm

soapy water. Do not use solvents or abrasives.

Cleaning the detergent dispenser

Remove the dispenser

by pulling it out (see


Wash it under running

water; this operation

should be repeated


Caring for your appliance door and


• Always leave the appliance door ajar to prevent

unpleasant odours from forming.

Cleaning the pump

The washing machine is fitted with a self-cleaning

pump that does not require any maintenance.

Sometimes, small items (such as coins or buttons)

may fall into the pre-chamber that protects the

pump, situated in the lower part of the same.

Make sure the wash cycle has ended and unplug

the appliance.

To access the pre-chamber:

1. using a screwdriver,

remove the cover panel

on the lower front of the

washing machine (see


2. unscrew the lid

rotating it anti-

clockwise (see figure): a

little water may trickle

out. This is perfectly


3. clean the interior thoroughly;

4. screw the lid back on;

5. reposition the panel, making sure the hooks are

securely in place before you push it onto the


Checking the water inlet hose

Check the water inlet hose at least once a year. If

you see any cracks, replace it immediately: during

the wash cycles, water pressure is very strong and

a cracked hose could easily split open.

Never use hoses that have already been used.

Care and maintenance


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Summary of Contents for Indesit WIE 107

  • Page 16
    Äèñïëåé Ðàñïðåäåëèòåëü ìîþùèõ ñðåäñòâ Äèñïëåé…
  • Page 18
    M E M O…
  • Page 23
    Àâòîðèçîâàííûé Ñåðâèñíûé öåíòð…
  • Page 26
    njem, tako da se bo novi lastnik lahko seznanil z delovanjem in ustreznimi opozorili. Pozorno preberite navodila. Našli boste pomembne informacije glede namestitve, uporabe in zagotavljanja varnosti. ko). Pralni stroj namestite na ravna in trda tla. Naj se ne dotika sten, pohištva ipd. pralnega stroja ko).
  • Page 27
    Odsvetuj Ko je pralni st Ne uporabljajte podaljškov in razdelivcev. Kabel naj ne bo prepognjen ali stisnjen. °…
  • Page 29
    Vratca so blokirana:…
  • Page 30
    M E M O 90°C 90°C 60°C 40°C 40°C °C 40°C 40°C 30°C 60°C 40°C °C 30°C °C 30°C…
  • Page 32
    Ne uporabljajte…
  • Page 33
    Ta pralni stroj je izdelan po mednarodnih varnostnih predpisih. Pozorno preberite naslednja opozorila, ki so zap…
  • Page 34
    Ne uporabljajte rabljenih cevi.
  • Page 38
    cioniranju stroja i o upozorenjima koja se na njega odnose. Postav…
  • Page 39
    Ne p Ne smije se pregibati ili pritiskati kabel. °…
  • Page 41
    Vrata blokirana:…
  • Page 42
    M E M O °C °C °C °C °C 60°C °C °C °C °C °C 40°C °C 30°C °C…
  • Page 44
    Nemojte up Tradicionalno sredstvo za izbjeljivanje koristi se za otporne bijele tkanine, a ono blago za obojene tkanine, sintetiku i vunu.
  • Page 46
    Ostavljajte uvijek pritvorena vrata kako bi se izbjeglo stvaranje neugodnih mirisa. na satu d kazaljke…
  • Page 50
    A csomagolóanyag nem gyermekjáték A mosógépet sík és kemény padlóra állítsa, úgy, hogy ne érjen falhoz, bútorhoz vagy máshoz. Illessze az A tömí lennie…
  • Page 51
    Ne használjon hosszabbítót vagy elosztót. Ne legyen a kábel megtörve vagy összenyomva. A hálózati kábelt csak megbízott szakember cserélheti. °C;…
  • Page 53
  • Page 54
    M E M O 9 0 °C 9 0 °C 6 0 °C 4 0 °C 4 0 °C °C 4 0 °C 4 0 °C 3 0 °C 6 0 °C 4 0 °C °C 3 0 °C °C 3 0 °C…
  • Page 57
    A mosógépet a nemzetközi biztonsági szabványok…
  • Page 58
    Az ajtót hagyja mindig résre nyitva, nehogy rossz szagok keletkezzenek. A mosógép öntisztító szivattyúval van felszerelve, melynek nincs szüksége tisztítási és karbant az óra járásával ellentétes irányban forgatva csavarja le a fedelet természetes, hogy egy kevés víz kifolyik; Soha ne alkalmazzon már használt csöveket.
  • Page 60
  • Page 64
    ÅðéëïãÝáò ÈÞêç áðïññõðáíôéêþí ÈÞêç áðïññõðáíôéêþí ÐëÞêôñï åðéëïãÞò Ïèüíç…
  • Page 66
    ME M O…
  • Page 67
    âëÝðå óåë. 68…

This manual is also suitable for:

Wie 127

Instructions for use




Installation, 2-3




Unpacking and levelling, 2

Electric and water connections, 2-3




The first wash cycle, 3

Technical details, 3

Washing machine description, 4-5




Control panel, 4

Display, 5


Magyar,4 9


MEMO Programme, 5

Starting and Programmes, 6

Briefly: how to start a programme, 6

Programme table, 6

Personalisations, 7

Setting the spin cycle, 7

WIE 107

Setting the Delay Timer, 7

Setting the temperature, 7

Functions, 7

Detergents and laundry, 8

Detergent dispenser, 8

Bleach cycle, 8

Preparing your laundry, 8

Special items, 8

Precautions and advice, 9

General safety, 9

Disposal, 9

Saving energy and respecting the environment, 9

Care and maintenance, 10

Cutting off the water or electricity supply, 10

Cleaning your appliance, 10

Cleaning the detergent dispenser, 10

Caring for your appliance door and drum, 10

Cleaning the pump, 10

Checking the water inlet hose, 10

Troubleshooting, 11

Service, 12

Before calling for Assistance, 12



Keep this instruction manual in a safe place for

Levelling your appliance correctly will provide it with


future reference. Should the appliance be sold,

stability and avoid any vibrations, noise and shifting

transferred or moved, make sure the instruction

during operation. If it is placed on a fitted or loose

manual accompanies the washing machine to inform

carpet, adjust the feet in such a way as to allow

the new owner as to its operation and features.

enough room for ventilation beneath the washing


Read these instructions carefully: they contain vital

information on installation, use and safety.

Electric and water connections

Unpacking and levelling

Connecting the water inlet hose


1. Insert seal A into the

1. Unpack the washing machine.

end of the inlet hose

2. Check whether the washing machine has been

and screw the latter

damaged during transport. If this is the case, do not

onto a cold water tap

install it and contact your retailer.

with a 3/4 gas threaded


mouth (see figure).

3. Remove the 3

Before making the

protective screws and

connection, allow the

the rubber washer with

water to run freely until

the respective spacer,

it is perfectly clear.

situated on the rear of

the appliance (see

2. Connect the other end


of the water inlet hose to

the washing machine,

screwing it onto the

appliance’s cold water

inlet, situated on the top

right-hand side on the

4. Seal the gaps using the plastic plugs provided.

rear of the appliance

5. Use the plug provided to seal the three holes

(see figure).

where the plug was housed, situated on the lower

right-hand side on the rear of your appliance.

6. Keep all the parts: you will need them again if the

3. Make sure there are no kinks or bends in the

washing machine needs to be moved to another



The water pressure at the tap must be within the

Packaging materials are not children’s toys.

values indicated in the Technical details table

(on the next page).


If the water inlet hose is not long enough, contact

1. Install the washing machine on a flat sturdy floor,

a specialist store or an authorised serviceman.

without resting it up against walls, furniture cabinets

or other.

2. If the floor is not

perfectly level, compen-

sate for any unevenness

by tightening or

loosening the adjustable

front feet (see figure);

the angle of inclination,

measured according to

the worktop, must not

exceed 2°.


Connecting the drain hose

Do not use extensions or multiple sockets.


Connect the drain hose,

The power supply cable must never be bent or

without bending it, to a

dangerously compressed.

draining duct or a wall

drain situated between

The power supply cable must only be replaced by

65 and 100 cm from

an authorised serviceman.

65 — 100 cm

the floor;

Warning! The company denies all liability if and when

these norms are not respected.

The first wash cycle

Once the appliance has been installed, and before

alternatively, place it

you use it for the first time, run a wash cycle with

over the edge of a

detergent and no laundry, setting the 90°C

basin, sink or tub,

programme without a pre-wash cycle.

fastening the duct

supplied to the tap (see

figure). The free end of

the hose should not be


We advise against the use of hose extensions; in

case of absolute need, the extension must have the

same diameter as the original hose and must not

Technical details

exceed 150 cm in length.

Electric connection


WIE 107

Before plugging the appliance into the mains

59.5 cm wide


85 cm high

socket, make sure that:

52.5 cm deep

the socket is earthed and in compliance with the

applicable law;


from 1 to 5 kg

the socket is able to sustain the appliance’s


voltage 220/230 Volts 50 Hz

maximum power load indicated in the Technical


maximum absorbed power 1850 W

details table (on the right);

maximum pressure 1 MPa (10 bar)


minimum pressure 0.05 MPa (0.5 bar)


the supply voltage is included within the values i

drum capacity 46 litres

ndicated on the Technical details table

(on the right);

Spin speed

up to 1000 rpm


the socket is compatible with the washing


programme 2; temperature 60°C;

machine’s plug. If this is not the case, replace

according to

run with a load of 5 kg.

the socket or the plug.

IEC456 directive

This appliance is compliant with the

The washing machine should not be installed in an

following European Community

outdoor environment, not even when the area is


sheltered, because it may be very dangerous to

— 73/23/CEE of 19/02/73 (Low

ServiceTroubleshootingPrecautions CareProgrammes DetergentsInstallation Description

leave it exposed to rain and thunderstorms.

Voltage) and subsequent amendments

89/336/CEE of 03/05/89

When the washing machine is installed, the mains

(Electromagnetic Compatibility) and

subsequent amendments

socket must be within easy reach.


Indesit WIE 107 Instructions For Use Manual

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Summary of Contents for Indesit WIE 107

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    English, 13 Downloaded From WashingMachine-Manual.com Manuals…
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    (zobacz rysunek). (zobacz rysunek). (zobacz rysunek). (zobacz na s¹siedniej stronie). (zobacz rysunek) . Downloaded From WashingMachine-Manual.com Manuals…
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    zobacz rysunek (zobacz obok); zobacz obok ° Po zainstalowaniu pr Downloaded From WashingMachine-Manual.com Manuals…
  • Page 4
    Pokrêt³o Wyœwietlacz Szufladka œrodków pior¹cych (display) Szufladka na œrodki pior¹ce zobacz str. 8 zobacz str. 7 (zobacz str. 7). Pokrêt³o zobacz str. 7 Wyœwietlacz (display) Downloaded From WashingMachine-Manual.com Manuals…
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    (zobacz str. 7) zobacz str. 7 Zablokowane drzwiczki pralki: (zobacz str. 12). Downloaded From WashingMachine-Manual.com Manuals…
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    zobacz str. 8 zobacz str. 7 (zobacz str. 7). 9 0 °C 9 0 °C 6 0 °C 4 0 °C 4 0 °C °C 4 0 °C 4 0 °C 3 0 °C 6 0 °C 4 0 °C °C 3 0 °C °C…
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    (zobacz str. 8 Downloaded From WashingMachine-Manual.com Manuals…
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    zobacz str. 6 Tradycyjnego delikatnego zobacz rysunek) zobacz str. 7 Downloaded From WashingMachine-Manual.com Manuals…
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    • zobacz str. 7 Downloaded From WashingMachine-Manual.com Manuals…
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    zobacz rysunek ; zobacz rysunek zobacz rysunek : Downloaded From WashingMachine-Manual.com Manuals…
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    zobacz str. 12 zobacz str. 7). zobacz str. 3). zobacz str. 3). zobacz str. 6 zobacz str. 7). zobacz str. 3 zobacz str. 2). zobacz str. 2 zobacz str. 2 zobacz str. 2 zobacz str. 10 zobacz str. 3 Downloaded From WashingMachine-Manual.com Manuals…
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    • zobacz str. 11); Downloaded From WashingMachine-Manual.com Manuals…
  • Page 13: Table Of Contents

    Starting and Programmes, 18 Briefly: how to start a programme, 18 Programme table, 18 Personalisations, 19 Setting the spin cycle, 19 WIE 107 Setting the Delay Timer, 19 Setting the temperature, 19 Functions, 19 Detergents and laundry, 20 Detergent dispenser, 20…

  • Page 14: Installation

    Installation Keep this instruction manual in a safe place for Levelling your appliance correctly will provide it with future reference. Should the appliance be sold, stability and avoid any vibrations, noise and shifting transferred or moved, make sure the instruction during operation.

  • Page 15: The First Wash Cycle

    Technical details exceed 150 cm in length. Electric connection Model WIE 107 Before plugging the appliance into the mains 59.5 cm wide Dimensions 85 cm high socket, make sure that: 53,5 cm deep •…

  • Page 16: Washing Machine Description

    Washing machine description Control panel FUNCTION Buttons START/RESET button START/STOP button Display Control knob Detergent dispenser TEMPERATURE button SPIN DELAY TIMER button button Detergent dispenser to add detergent and fabric FUNCTION buttons: to select the functions softener (see page 20). available.

  • Page 17: Display

    Display In addition to being a practical tool to programme your appliance (see page 19), the display provides useful information concerning the wash cycle. Once you have pressed the START/RESET button to start the programme, the display will indicate the amount of time left until the end of the wash cycle.

  • Page 18: Starting And Programmes

    Starting and Programmes Briefly: starting a programme 5. Add the detergent and any fabric softener (see page 20). 1. Turn the washing machine on by pressing button 6. Start he programme by pressing the START/RESET 2. Load your laundry into the washing machine and button.

  • Page 19: Personalisations

    Personalisations Setting the spin cycle FUNCTION buttons If, when the appliance is switched on, the KNOB is positioned on a programme with a spin cycle, a fixed appears. Press button and the maximum spin speed allowed for the programme set will be displayed, and the icon flashes.

  • Page 20: Detergents And Laundry

    Detergents and laundry Detergent dispenser The use of extra compartment 4 excludes the possibility of using the pre-wash cycle. In addition, Good washing results also depend on the correct the bleach cycle cannot be run with programmes 6 dose of detergent: adding too much detergent won’t (Silk) and Daily (see page 18).

  • Page 21: Precautions And Advice

    If you only see a little water through your appliance not be changed. door, this is because thanks to the latest Indesit technology, your washing machine only needs less • This washing machine should only be used by…

  • Page 22: Care And Maintenance

    Care and maintenance Cutting off the water or electricity Cleaning the pump supply The washing machine is fitted with a self-cleaning • Turn off the water tap after every wash. This will pump that does not require any maintenance. limit the wear of your appliance’s water system Sometimes, small items (such as coins or buttons) and also prevent leaks.

  • Page 23: Troubleshooting

    Troubleshooting Your washing machine could fail to work. Before calling for Assistance (see page 24), make sure the problem can’t easily be solved by consulting the following list. Possible causes/Solution: Problem • The appliance is not plugged into the socket, or not enough to The washing machine won’t make contact.

  • Page 24: Service

    Service 195042001.00 11/2003 — Xerox Business Services Before calling for Assistance: • Check whether you can solve the problem on your own (see page 23); • Restart the programme to check whether the problem has been solved; • If this is not the case, contact an authorised Technical Service Centre on the telephone number provided on the guarantee certificate.

  • Страница 1 из 73

    Instructions for use WASHING MACHINE Contents GB English,1 HR Hrvatski,37 CIS ÐÓÑÑÊÈÉ,13 HU Magyar,49 SL Slovenšèina,25 GR ÅËËÇÍÉÊÁ,61 GB Installation, 2-3 Unpacking and levelling, 2 Electric and water connections, 2-3 The first wash cycle, 3 Technical details, 3 Washing machine description, 4-5

  • Страница 2 из 73

    Installation Keep this instruction manual in a safe place for future reference. Should the appliance be sold, transferred or moved, make sure the instruction manual accompanies the washing machine to inform the new owner as to its operation and features. GB Read these instructions carefully:

  • Страница 3 из 73

    Do not use extensions or multiple sockets. Connecting the drain hose The power supply cable must never be bent or dangerously compressed. The power supply cable must only be replaced by an authorised serviceman. GB Installation 65 — 100 cm Connect the drain hose, without bending it, to a

  • Страница 4 из 73

    Washing machine description Control panel FUNCTION GB Buttons START/RESET button START/STOP button Display Detergent dispenser Control knob TEMPERATURE button SPIN button Detergent dispenser to add detergent and fabric softener (see page 8). SPIN button to adjust the spin speed or exclude it

  • Страница 5 из 73

    Display GB Description Once you have pressed the START/RESET button to start the programme, the display will indicate the amount of time left until the end of the wash cycle. If a delayed start has been set (using the Delay Timer, see page 7), the delay time will be indicated on the display.

  • Страница 6 из 73

    Starting and Programmes Briefly: starting a programme GB 5. Add the detergent and any fabric softener (see page 8). 6. Start he programme by pressing the START/RESET button. To cancel it, keep the START/RESET button pressed for at least 2 seconds. 7. When the programme has ended, the word END is

  • Страница 7 из 73

    Personalisations FUNCTION buttons Setting the spin cycle Programmes Press the button and you will see the word OFF on the display, while the relative symbol flashes. Press the button again and «1h» appears, that is, a delay of one hour (this can reach up to 24h); stop on the «desired» delay; after

  • Страница 8 из 73

    Detergents and laundry Detergent dispenser GB Good washing results also depend on the correct dose of detergent: adding too much detergent won’t necessarily make for a more efficient wash, and may in fact cause build up on the interior of your appliance and even pollute the environment. 4 1 2 3

  • Страница 9 из 73

    Precautions and advice General safety • This appliance has been designed for nonprofessional, household use and its functions must not be changed. • Do not pull on the power supply cable to unplug the appliance from the electricity socket. Pull the plug out yourself. • Do not touch the drain water

  • Страница 10 из 73

    Care and maintenance Cutting off the water or electricity supply GB • Turn off the water tap after every wash. This will limit the wear of your appliance’s water system and also prevent leaks. • Unplug your appliance when cleaning it and during all maintenance operations. Cleaning your appliance

  • Страница 11 из 73

    Troubleshooting Your washing machine could fail to work. Before calling for Assistance (see page 12), make sure the problem can’t easily be solved by consulting the following list. The wash cycle won’t start. • The appliance door is not shut properly (the word DOOR is displayed). button has not

  • Страница 12 из 73

    Service Before calling for Assistance: • Check whether you can solve the problem on your own (see page 11); • Restart the programme to check whether the problem has been solved; • If this is not the case, contact an authorised Technical Service Centre on the telephone number provided on the

  • Страница 13 из 73

    Ðóêîâîäñòâî ïî ýêïóàòàöèè ÑÒÈÐÀËÜÍÀß ÌÀØÈÍÀ Ñîäåðæàíèå CIS ÐÓÑÑÊÈÉ CIS Óñòàíîâêà, 14-15 Ðàñïàêîâêà è âûðàâíèâàíèå, 14 Ïîäêëþ÷åíèå ê âîäîïðîâîäíîé è ýëåêòðè÷åñêîé ñåòè, 14-15 Ïðîáíûé öèêë ñòèðêè, 15 Òåõíè÷åñêèå õàðàêòåðèñòèêè, 15 Îïèñàíèå ñòèðàëüíîé ìàøèíû, 16-17 Ïàíåëü óïðàâëåíèÿ, 16 Äèñïëåé, 17

  • Страница 14 из 73

    Óñòàíîâêà Ñîõðàíèòå äàííîå ðóêîâîäñòâî. Îíî äîëæíî áûòü â êîìïëåêòå ñî ñòèðàëüíîé ìàøèíîé â ñëó÷àå ïðîäàæè, ïåðåäà÷è îáîðóäîâàíèÿ èëè ïðè ïåðååçäå íà íîâóþ êâàðòèðó, ÷òîáû íîâûé âëàäåëåö îáîðóäîâàíèÿ ìîã îçíàêîìèòüñÿ ñ ïðàâèëàìè åãî ôóíêöèîíèðîâàíèÿ è îáñëóæèâàíèÿ. +15 Âíèìàòåëüíî ïðî÷èòàéòå

  • Страница 15 из 73

    Ïîäñîåäèíåíèå ñëèâíîãî øëàíãà Ïî çàâåðøåíèè óñòàíîâêè, ïåðåä íà÷àëîì ýêñïëóàòàöèè íåîáõîäèìî ïðîèçâåñòè îäèí öèêë ñòèðêè ñî ñòèðàëüíûì ïîðîøêîì, íî áåç áåëüÿ, ïî ïðîãðàììå 90°C áåç ïðåäâàðèòåëüíîé ñòèðêè. Òåõíè÷åñêèå õàð àêòåð èñòèêè Ðàçìåðû øèðèíà 59,5 ñì âûñîòà 85 ñì ãëóáèíà 52 ,5 ñì Çàãð óçêà 1

  • Страница 16 из 73

    Îïèñàíèå ñòèðàëüíîé ìàøèíû Ïàíåëü óïðàâëåíèÿ +15 Êíîïêè âûáîðà ÔÓÍÊÖÈÈ Êíîïêà ÏÓÑÊ/ÑÁÐÎÑ (Start/Reset) Êíîïêà ÂÊËÞ×ÅÍÈÅ/ ÂÛÊËÞ×ÅÍÈÅ Äèñïëåé Ðàñïðåäåëèòåëü ìîþùèõ ñðåäñòâ Êíîïêà ÒÅÌÏÅÐÀÒÓÐÀ Êíîïêà ÎÒÆÈÌ Ðàñïðåäåëèòåëü ìîþùèõ ñðåäñòâ äëÿ çàãðóçêè ñòèðàëüíîãî ïîðîøêà è ñìÿã÷èòåëåé (ñì. ñ. 20). Êíîïêà

  • Страница 17 из 73

    Äèñïëåé Äèñïëåé ÿâëÿåòñÿ óäîáíûì ñðåäñòâîì ïðîãðàììèðîâàíèÿ ñòèðàëüíîé ìàøèíû (ñì. ñòð. 19), à òàêæå èñòî÷íèêîì ïîëåçíîé èíôîðìàöèè î âûïîëíÿåìîì öèêëå ñòèðêè. Óñòàíîâêà Îïèñàíèå Ïðè íàæàòèè êíîïêè ÏÓÑÊ/ÑÁÐÎÑ (Start/Reset) äëÿ çàïóñêà ïðîãðàììû íà äèñïëåå ïîêàçûâàåòñÿ ïðèáëèçèòåëüíîå âðåìÿ,

  • Страница 18 из 73

    Çàïóñê ìàøèíû. Ïðîãðàììû +15 Êðàòêèå èíñòðóêöèè: Ïîðÿäîê çàïóñêà ïðîãðàììû 6. Çàïóñòèòå ïðîãðàììó, íàæàâ êíîïêó ÏÓÑÊ/ÑÁÐÎÑ (Start/Reset). Äëÿ îòìåíû çàïóñêà äåðæèòå íàæàòîé êíîïêó ÏÓÑÊ/ ÑÁÐÎÑ (Start/Reset) â òå÷åíèå 2-õ ñåêóíä. Ïî îêîí÷àíèè ïðîãðàììû íà äèñïëåå ïîÿâèòñÿ ñîîáùåíèå END (Êîíåö).

  • Страница 19 из 73

    Ïåðñîíàëèçàöèÿ ñòèðêè Êíîïêè âûáîðà ÔÓÍÊÖÈÈ Óñòàíîâêà ñêîðîñòè îòæèìà Óñòàíîâêà Åñëè, êîãäà ìàøèíà âêëþ÷åíà, Ïðîãðàììàòîð óñòàíîâëåíà íà CIS ïðîãðàììó, ïðåäóñìàòðèâàþùóþ îòæèì, íà äèñïëåå óñòîé÷èâî íà äèñïëåå áóäåò áóäåò ãîðåòü ñèìâîë . Ïðè íàæàòèè êíîïêè îòîáðàæàòüñÿ ìàêñèìàëüíàÿ äîïóñòèìàÿ äëÿ

  • Страница 20 из 73

    Ìîþùèå ñðåäñòâà è áåëüå +15 Ðàñïðåäåëèòåëü ìîþùèõ ñðåäñòâ Õîðîøèé ðåçóëüòàò ñòèðêè çàâèñèò òàêæå îò ïðàâèëüíîé äîçèðîâêè ìîþùåãî ñðåäñòâà: åãî èçáûòîê íå ãàðàíòèðóåò áîëåå ýôôåêòèâíóþ ñòèðêó, íàïðîòèâ ìîæåò ïðèâåñòè ê îáðàçîâàíèþ íàëåòîâ âíóòðè ìàøèíû è çàãðÿçíåíèþ îêðóæàþùåé ñðåäû. 4 1 2 3

  • Страница 21 из 73

    Ïðåäóïðåæäåíèÿ è ðåêîìåíäàöèè Îáùèå ïðàâèëà áåçîïàñíîñòè • Ñòèðàëüíàÿ ìàøèíà äîëæíà èñïîëüçîâàòüñÿ òîëüêî âçðîñëûìè ëèöàìè, ñ îáëþäàþùèìè èíñòðóêöèè, ïðèâåäåííûå â äàííîì ðóêîâîäñòâå. • Íå òÿíèòå çà ïèòàþùèé êàáåëü, ÷òîáû âûíóòü âèëêó èç ðîçåòêè: áåðèòåñü çà âèëêó. • Íå êàñàéòåñü ñëèâàåìîé âîäû, åå

  • Страница 22 из 73

    Îáñëóæèâàíèå è óõîä +15 Îòêëþ÷åíèå âîäû è ýëåêòðè÷åñòâà ×èñòêà íàñîñà • Ïåðåêðûâàéòå âîäîïðîâîäíûé êðàí ïîñëå êàæäîé ñòèðêè. Òàêèì îáðàçîì ñîêðàùàåòñÿ èçíîñ âîäîïðîâîäíîé ñèñòåìû ñòèðàëüíîé ìàøèíû è óñòðàíÿåòñÿ âåðîÿòíîñòü ïðîòå÷åê. Ñòèðàëüíàÿ ìàøèíà èìååò ñëèâíîé íàñîñ ñàìîî÷èùàþùåãîñÿ òèïà,

  • Страница 23 из 73

    Íåèñïðàâíîñòè è ìåòîäû èõ óñòðàíåíèÿ  ñëó÷àå íåóäîâëåòâîðèòåëüíûõ ðåçóëüòàòîâ ñòèðêè èëè âîçíèêíîâåíèÿ íåèñïðàâíîñòåé, ïðåæäå ÷åì îáðàòèòüñÿ â Àâòîðèçîâàííûé Ñåðâèñíûé öåíòð (ñì. ñ. 24), ïðî÷èòàéòå ýòîò ðàçäåë.  áîëüøèíñòâå ñëó÷àåâ Âû ìîæåòå ðåøèòü âîçíèêøèå ïðîáëåìû ñàìè. • Âèëêà íå âñòàâëåíà â

  • Страница 24 из 73

    Ñåðâèñíîå îáñëóæèâàíèå Ïåðåä òåì êàê îáðàòèòüñÿ â Àâòîðèçîâàííûé Ñåðâèñíûé öåíòð: • Óáåäèòåñü, ÷òî âû íå ìîæåòå óñòðàíèòü íåèñïðàâíîñòü ñàìîñòîÿòåëüíî (ñì. ñ. 23). • Çàïóñòèòå ïðîãðàììó ïîâòîðíî äëÿ ïðîâåðêè èñïðàâíîñòè ìàøèíû. •  ïðîòèâíîì ñëó÷àå îáðàòèòåñü â Àâòîðèçîâàííûé Ñåðâèñíûé öåíòð ïî

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    Navodila za uporabo PRALNI STROJ Vsebina SL Slovenšèina SL Namestitev, 26-27 Odstranitev embalaže in izravnavanje, 26 Prikljuèitev na vodovodno in elektrièno napeljavo, 26-27 Prvo pranje, 27 Tehnièni podatki, 27 Opis pralnega stroja, 28-29 Upravljalna plošèa, 28 Prikazovalnik, 29 Program “MEMO”, 29

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    Namestitev Shranite to knjižico, da jo boste lahko po potrebi uporabili. Èe boste pralni stroj prodali, ga nehali uporabljati ali premestili drugam, naj bo knjižica pri njem, tako da se bo novi lastnik lahko seznanil z delovanjem in ustreznimi opozorili. SL Pozorno preberite navodila. Našli

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    Ne uporabljajte podaljškov in razdelivcev. Namestitev odtoène cevi SL Kabel naj ne bo prepognjen ali stisnjen. Namestitev 65 — 100 cm Odtoèno cev, ki ne sme biti prepognjena, prikljuèite na odtoèni sistem ali na odtok na zidu, ki sta v višini 65 100 cm od tal; Elektrièni kabel lahko zamenja

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    Opis pralnega stroja Upravljalna plošèa SL Tipka Tipke FUNKCIJ START/RESET Tipka VKLOP/IZKLOP Prikazovalnik Predal za pralna sredstva Gumb Tipka Tipka CENTRIFUGA Tipka DELAY TIMER Predal za pralna sredstva za odmerjanje detergentov in dodatkov (glej str. 32). Tipke FUNKCIJ: za nastavitev

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    Prikazovalnik SL Prikazovalnik služi za programiranje pranja (glej str. 31), poleg tega pa nas tudi sproti obvešèa o poteku pranja. Namestitev Ko pritisnemo na tipko START/RESET za zagon pralnega programa, se na prikazovalniku pokaže èas, ki bo potreben do konca pranja. Èe je nastavljena zakasnitev

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    Zagon in razlièni pralni programi Na kratko: kako zagnati program pranja SL 4. Izberite funkcije po želji (glej str. 31). 5. Vstavite detergent in dodatke (glej str. 32). 6. Poženite program s pritiskom na tipko START/ RESET. Za preklic držite tipko START/RESET najmanj 2 sekundi. 7. Ob zakljuèku

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    Posebne nastavitve Tipke FUNKCIJ Nastavitev centrifuge Opis Funkcija delay timer SL Namestitev Èe je ob vkljuèitvi pralnega stroja GUMB naravnan na program, ki omogoèa nastavitev hitrosti centrifuge, znak miruje (ne se pokaže maksimalna hitrost utripa). Ob pritisku na tipko centrifuge, ki jo

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    Pralna sredstva in perilo Predal za pralna sredstva SL Dobri uèinki pranja so odvisni tudi od pravilnega odmerjanja pralnih sredstev. Èe z njimi pretiravamo, perilo ni niè bolje oprano, poveèamo pa verjetnost nastajanja usedlin v pralnem stroju in onesnaževanje okolja. 4 1 2 3 Odprite predal za

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    Opozorila in nasveti Varnost Varèevanje in skrb za okolje • Ta naprava je bila zasnovana za uporabo v gospodinjstvu in ne za profesionalno uporabo. Zaradi tega ne smete spreminjati funkcij naprave. Okolju prijazna tehnologija Skozi vratca boste videli le malo vode. Razlog je v novi tehnologiji

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    Vzdrževanje in èišèenje SL Odklop vodovodne in elektriène napeljave Èišèenje èrpalke • Po vsakem pranju zaprite pipo za dotok vode. Tako zmanjšate izrabo vodovodnega sistema v pralnem stroju in prepreèite, da bi voda odtekala. V pralnem stroju je èrpalka, ki se èisti sama in ne potrebuje rednega

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    Motnje in njihovo odpravljanje Lahko se zgodi, da pralni stroj ne deluje. Preden se obrnete na servis (glej str. 36), preverite s pomoèjo naslednjega seznama, èe gre za katero od naštetih lahko odpravljivih motenj. Pralni stroj se ne vkljuèi. • Vtikaè ni vstavljen v vtiènico elektriène napeljave

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    Pomoè Preden poklièete pooblašèeni servis: • Poglejte, èe lahko motnjo odpravite sami (glej str. 35); • Ponovno poženite program, da preverite, ali je bila motnja odpravljena; • V nasprotnem primeru poklièite pooblašèeni servis na telefonsko številko, ki je zapisana na garancijskem listu. SL Ne

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    Upute za uporabu PERILICA RUBLJA Pregled HR Hrvatski HR Postavljanje, 38-39 Raspakiravanje i izravnavanje, 38 Hidraulièni i elektrièni prikljuèci, 38-39 Prvi ciklus pranja, 39 Tehnièki podaci, 39 Opis perilice rublja, 40-41 Kontrolna ploèa, 40 Display, 41 Program “MEMO”, 41 Pokretanje i programi,

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    Postavljanje HR Važno je saèuvati ove upute kako bi ste ih mogli prouèiti u svakom trenutku. U sluèaju prodaje, ustupanja ili seljenja, provjeriti da se nalaze zajedno s perilicom kako bi se novog vlasnika obavijestilo o funkcioniranju stroja i o upozorenjima koja se na njega odnose. Pomno

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    Ne smije se pregibati ili pritiskati kabel. Spajanje cijevi za odvod vode 65 — 100 cm HR Elektrièni kabel smiju promijeniti jedino ovlašteni tehnièari. Postavljanje Spojite odvodnu cijev ne savijajuæi je, na kanalizaciju ili na odvod u zidu, na visini od 65-100 cm od poda; Pozor! Proizvoðaè

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    Opis perilice rublja Kontrolna ploèa HR Tipke FUNKCIJA Tipka START/RESET Tipka UKLJUÈENJE/ ISKLJUÈENJE Display Pretinac za deterdžent Tipka Tipka CENTRIFUGA U pretinac za deterdžent stavljamo deterdžent i aditive (vidi str. 44). Tipkom CENTRIFUGA se podešava brzina centrifugiranja sve do njegovog

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    Display HR Osim što je vrlo koristan za programiranje stroja (vidi str. 43), display pruža podatke o ciklusu pranja. Postavljanje Nakon pritiska na tipku START/RESET u svrhu pokretanja programa, na display-u se prikazuje vrijeme koje nedostaje do završetka ciklusa. Ako postavite kašnjenje

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    Pokretanje i programi Ukratko: pokrenuti program HR 4. Odaberite potrebne funkcije (vidi str. 43). 5. Uspite deterdžent i aditive (vidi str. 44). 6. Pokrenite program pritiskom na tipku START/ RESET. Poništavanje se vrši pritiskom na tipku START/ RESET u trajanju od barem 2 sekunde. 7. Po završetku

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    Osobni izbor Tipke FUNKCIJA Podešavanje centrifugiranja HR Postavljanje Ako se pri ukljuèenju stroja GUMB nalazi na programu koji predviða neæe treptjeti. Pritiskom na tipku centrifugiranje, simbol prikazuje se najveæa dozvoljena brzina centrifugiranja za postavljeni program i simbol trepti.

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    Deterdžent i rublje Pretinac za deterdžent HR Dobar ishod pranja ovisi i o ispravnom odmjeravanju kolièine deterdženta: pretjeranim kolièinama ne pospješujemo uèinak pranja veæ pomažemo stvaranje naslaga na unutarnjim dijelovima perilice i zagaðujemo okolinu. 4 1 2 3 Izvucite pretinac za deterdžent

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    Mjere predostrožnosti i savjeti Opæa sigurnost • Ovaj je uredaj osmišljen i izraden za kucnu, a ne profesionalnu uporabu i zabranjeno je vršiti preinake njegovih funkcija. • Ne dodirujte stroj bosih nogu ni s vlažnim rukama ili stopalima. • Ne otvarajte pretinac za deterdžent dok stroj radi. • Ni u

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    Održavanje i oèuvanje Zatvaranje vode i iskljuèivanje elektriène struje HR • Nakon svakog pranja zatvorite slavinu s vodom. Tako se ogranièava trošenje hidrauliènih instalacija perilice i uklanja opasnost gubitka. • Iskljuèite utikaè iz struje dok èistite perilicu, kao prilikom izvoðenja radova

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    Nepravilnosti i rješenja Može se dogoditi da perilica ne radi. Prije no što telefonirate Servisnoj službi (vidi str. 48), provjerite da se ne radi o problemu kojeg se može lako riješiti uz pomoæ popisa koji slijedi. Ciklus pranja ne zapoèinje. • • • • • Vrata nisu dobro zatvorena (na display-u se

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    Servisna služba Prije pozivanja Servisne službe: • provjerite da li sami možete otkloniti nepravilnost (vidi str. 47); • ponovno pokrenite program da bi ste provjerili da li je problem otklonjen; • U negativnom sluèaju, obratiti se ovlaštenoj Tehnièkoj službi na broj telefona naznaèen na garantnom

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    Használati utasítás MOSÓGÉP Összefoglalás HU Magyar HU Üzembehelyezés, 50-51 Kicsomagolás és vízszintbe állítás, 50 Víz és elektromos csatlakozás, 50-51 Elsõ mosási ciklus, 51 Mûszaki adatok, 51 Mosógép leírása, 52-53 Vezérlõpanel, 52 Kijelzõ, 53 “MEMO” Program, 53 Indítás és Programok, 54 Röviden:

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    Üzembehelyezés HU E kézikönyv megõrzése azért fontos, hogy bármikor elõvehesse, és megnézhesse. Ha a mosógépet eladná, átadná vagy másnál helyezné el, gondoskodjon arról, hogy e használati utasítás a géppel együtt maradjon, hogy az új tulajdonos is megismerhesse a mosógép funkcióit és az ezekre

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    A leeresztõcsõ csatlakoztatása HU Ne legyen a kábel megtörve vagy összenyomva. Üzembehelyezés 65 — 100 cm A leeresztõcsövet csatlakoztassa lefolyóhoz vagy a padlótól 65 és 100 cm közötti magasságban lévõ fali lefolyószifonhoz anélkül, hogy megtörné, Ne használjon hosszabbítót vagy elosztót. A

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    A mosógép leírása Vezérlõpanel FUNKCIÓ billentyûk HU START/RESET billentyû BEKAPCSOLÁS/ KIKAPCSOLÁS billentyû Kijelzõ Mosószeradagoló fiók Tárcsa HÕMÉRSÉKLET billentyû CENTRIFUGA billentyû Mosószeradagoló fiók a mosószerek és adalékszerek betöltésére (lásd 56. oldal). CENTRIFUGA billentyû a

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    Kijelzõ HU Üzembehelyezés A mosógép programozásán kívül (lásd 55. old.), a kijelzõ a mosási ciklussal kapcsolatos információk megjelenítésére szolgál. Az után, hogy a program elindításához megnyomta a START/RESET billentyût, a kijelzõn a ciklus végéig hátlalévõ idõ látható. Abban az esetben, ha az

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    Indítás és Programok Röviden: egy program elindítása 4. A lehetséges funkciók kiválasztása (lásd old. 55). 5. Töltse be a mosószert és az adalékokat (lásd 56. oldal). 6. A START/RESET billentyû megnyomásával indítsa el a programot. A törléshez tartsa nyomva a START/RESET billentyût legalább 2

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    Program módosítások FUNKCIÓ billentyûk Centrifugálás beállítása Ha a mosógép bekapcsolásakor a TÁRCSA olyan programra van állítva, amelynél a centrifugálást be kell állítani, az ikon gomb megnyomásával megjelenik a folyamatosan világít. Az beállított programra vonatkozó maximális centrifugálási

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    Mosószerek és mosandók Mosószeradagoló fiók HU A mosás eredményessége függ a mosószer helyes adagolásától is: ha túl sokat adagol belõle, a mosás nem lesz hatékonyabb, de hozzájárul ahhoz, hogy lerakódás képzõdjön a mosógépben, valamint a környezetet is jobban szennyezi. 4 1 2 3 Húzza ki a

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    Óvintézkedések és tanácsok A mosógépet a nemzetközi biztonsági Általános biztonság • Ezt a készüléket egyfajta háztartási és nem professzionális használatra tervezték, és a funkcióit megváltoztatni nem szabad. • A csatlakozódugót az aljzatból ne a kábelt, hanem a csatlakozót fogva húzza ki. • Ne

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    Karbantartás és törõdés A víz elzárása és az elektromos áram kikapcsolása HU • Minden mosás után zárja el a vízcsapot. Így kíméli a mosógép vízrendszerét, és megszünteti a vízszivárgás kockázatát. • Húzza ki a hálózati csatlakozódugót az aljzatból, amikor a mosógépet tisztítja vagy karbantartást

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    Rendellenességek és elhárírásuk Megtörténhet, hogy a mosógép nem mûködik. Mielõtt felhívná a Szervizt (lásd 60. oldal) ellenõrizze, hogy nem olyan problémáról van szó, amely a következõ lista segítségével egyszerûen megoldható. A mosási ciklus nem indul el. • • • • • Az ajtó nincs jól becsukva (a

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    Szerviz Mielõtt a Szervizhez fordulna: • Gyõzõdjön meg arról, hogy a hibát nem tudja maga is elhárítani (lásd 59. oldal); • Újból indítsa el a programot, hogy lássa, elhárította-e a hibát; • Ellenkezõ esetben forduljon a megbízott Szakszervizhez: a telefonszámot a garanciajegyen találja. HU Soha

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