Инструкция по эксплуатации судового deutz sbv 8m 628

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Operation Manual


0297 7945 en

Engine Serial Number:

Please enter engine serial number here. In this way,

questions concerning Customer Service, Repairs and Spare

Parts can be more easily dealt with.

In view of continuos design improvements or changes, the

technical specifications and the illustrations shown in this

Operation Manual are subject to alteration. Reprinting and

reproduction, in part or in whole, are subject to our written




Summary of Contents for Deutz S/BV6/8/9M628



0297 7945 en

Engine Serial Number:

Please enter engine serial number here. In this way, questions concerning Customer Service, Repairs and Spare Parts can be more easily dealt with.

In view of continuos design improvements or changes, the technical specifications and the illustrations shown in this Operation Manual are subject to alteration. Reprinting and reproduction, in part or in whole, are subject to our written approval.

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

This Operation Manual is destined for the following engine:

Engine model:

Type of application:

Name of installation:




/ rpm

Date of commissioning:



Please enter the relevant data here. This you will facilitate dealing with questions concerning customer service, repairs and spare parts.

Give these data to the respective SERVICE dealership whenever you are asking for service performance.


Service engineering

Service documentation

Deutz-Mülheimer Straße 147-149

D — 51057 Köln


(0221) 822 — 0


(0221) 822 — 5358


8812 — 0 khd d


Printed in Germany All rights reserved 3st edition, 10/2001

Order No.: 0297 7945 en

Page II

0297 6153-0112

© 1000

Medium-sized and large engines

Please read all the information contained in this manual, and follow the instructions carefully. You will avoid accidents, retain the manufacturer’s warranty, and will be able to use a fully functional and operational engine.

This engine has been built solely for the purpose appropriate to the scope of delivery concerned, as defined by the equipment manufacturer (intended use). Any other use shall be construed as not intended. The manufacturer shall not be liable for any damage resulting therefrom; all risks involved shall be borne solely by the user.

The term „intended use“ shall also include compliance with the operating, maintenance and repair conditions specified by the manufacturer. The engine may be used, maintained and repaired only by persons who are familiar with the work concerned and who have been properly informed of the risks involved.

Make sure that these operating instructions are available to everyone involved in operating, maintaining, and repairing the engine, and that they have all understood the contents.

Non-compliance with these operating instructions may result in engine malfunctions and even damage or injury to persons; the manufacturer will accept no liability in such cases.

Proper maintenance and repair work depends on the availability of all requisite equipment, tools and special implements, all of which must be in perfect condition.

Engine parts like springs, brackets, elastic holding rings, etc., involve increased risk of injury if not handled properly.

The relevant accident prevention regulations and other generally recognized rules relating to safety engineering and health and safety at work must all be complied with.

Maximized cost-efficiency, reliability and long lifetime are assured only if original parts from DEUTZ AG are used.

Engine repairs must correspond to the intended use. In the event of modification work, only parts approved by the manufacturer for the purpose concerned may be used. Unauthorized changes to the engine will preclude any liability of the manufacturer for resultant damage.

The warranty expires in case of nonobservance of these regulations!


0297 6153-0199

Page III

© 1000


Medium-sized and large engines

Dear customer,

The engines of the DEUTZ brand have been developed for a broad spectrum of applications. A comprehensive range of different variants ensures that special requirements can be met for the individual case involved.

Your engine has been equipped to suit your own particular installation, and accordingly not all of the devices and components described in these operating instructions will actually be fitted to your engine.

We have endeavoured to present the differences involved as clearly as possible, to make it easier for you to find the operating and maintenance instructions you need for your own particular engine.

Please read this manual before you start up your engine, and follow the operating and maintenance instructions meticulously.

If you have any questions, just get in touch with us, and we will be pleased to answer them for you.

Yours sincerely,


Page IV

0297 6153-0199

© 0199

Medium-sized and large engines


DEUTZ engines

are the culmination of long years filled with research and development work. The in-depth know-how thus acquired, in conjunction with high standards of quality, is your guarantee for engines manufactured for long lifetime, high reliability and low fuel consumption. And of course, stringent criteria of environment-friendliness are met as well.

Care and maintenance

are crucial factors in ensuring that your engine satisfactorily meets the requirements involved. Compliance with the specified maintenance intervals and meticulous performance of care and maintenance work are therefore absolutely essential. Special attention must be paid to any more critical operating conditions deviating from the norm.


In the event of malfunctions, or if you need spare parts, please contact one of our responsible service agencies. Our trained and qualified staff will ensure fast, professional rectification of any damage, using original parts. Original parts from DEUTZ AG have always been manufactured to the very latest state-of-the-art.

You will find details of our after-sales service at the end of these operating instructions.

Careful when the engine is running!

Carry out maintenance or repair jobs only when the engine is at a standstill. If you remove any protective features, fit them back in position after completing your work. Always wear tight-fitting clothing if you are working on the engine while it is running.


!You will find this symbol next to all safety instructions. Follow these meticulously. Pass on all safety instructions to your operating staff as well. In addition, comply with the statutory general safety and accident prevention regulations applying in your country.


You will find this symbol next to instructions of a general nature. Follow these instructions carefully.


The seals and gaskets used in this engine are asbestos-free. Please use the appropriate spare parts for maintenance and repair jobs.

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Page V

Medium-sized and large engines

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Page VI

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Inhaltsverzeichnis Indice

Table des matières Indice Inhoudsopgave


Hinweise zur Benutzung der Betriebsanleitung Avvertenze per l‘utilizzo delle istruzioni per l‘uso

Indications relatives à l’utilisation des instructions de service Indicaciones para el manejo de las Instrucciones de Operación Aanwijzingen voor het gebruik van de handleiding

ì͇Á‡ÌËfl ÔÓ ÔÓθÁÓ‚‡Ì˲ ̇ÒÚÓfl˘ÂÈ ì͇Á‡ÌËfl ÔÓ ÔÓθÁÓ‚‡Ì˲ ̇ÒÚÓfl˘ÂÈ

Layout and Description of Engine


Aufbau und Funktion des Motors

Struttura e funzioni del motore

Constitution et fonctionnement du moteur

Construcción y funciones de partes del motor

Samenstelling en werkwijze van de motor

KÓÌÒÚ Û͈Ëfl Ë ÙÛÌ͈Ëfl ‰‚Ë„‡ÚÂÎfl

Technische Angaben Indicazioni tecniche Données techniques Datos técnicos Technische gegevens


Anleitung zum Betrieb des Motors Istruzioni per il servizio del motore Instructions relatives à l’emploi du moteur Instrucciones para la operación del motor

Handleiding betreffende het werken met de motor


Einweisung in die Arbeitssysteme der Motorbetriebsstoffe Introduzioni ai sistemi operativi del materiali di esercizio del motore

Instructions concernant les systèmes opératoires des carburants-moteur Aclaraciones para los sistemas de medios de servicio para el motor Instructies betreffende brandstof-, smeerolieen koelsysteem


Engine Operating Media Treatment


Vorschriften über Betriebsstoffe Prescrizioni relative a mezi di esercizio Prescriptions applicables aux carburants Prescripciones para medios de servicio

Voorschriften inzake brandstof-, smeerolieen koelmiddel


Betriebsstörungen und ihre Beseitigung

Disfunzioni di esercizio e loro eliminazione

Pannes et leurs remèdes

Perturbaciones de servicio y su eliminación

Bedrijffstoringen en het verhelpen daarvan


Maintenance Schedules and List of Job Cards


InstandhaltungsIntervallpläne und Arbeitskartenübersicht

Schemi degli intervalli di manutenzione, visione d‘insieme delle schede di lavoro

Plans des intervalles d’entretien et vue d’ensemble sur les fiches de travail

Tables de mantenimiento periódico y recopilación de fichas de trabajo

Onderhoudsschema en werkkaarten


Job Cards




Schede di lavoro


Cartes de travail


Fichas de trabajo




P‡·ÓóË ͇ Ú˚


Inhaltsverzeichnis Indice

Table des matières Indice Inhoudsopgave


Hinweise zur Benutzung der Betriebsanleitung Avvertenze per l‘utilizzo delle istruzioni per l‘uso

Indications relatives à l’utilisation des instructions de service Indicaciones para el manejo de las Instrucciones de Operación Aanwijzingen voor het gebruik van de handleiding

ì͇Á‡ÌËfl ÔÓ ÔÓθÁÓ‚‡Ì˲ ̇ÒÚÓfl˘ÂÈ ì͇Á‡ÌËfl ÔÓ ÔÓθÁÓ‚‡Ì˲ ̇ÒÚÓfl˘ÂÈ

Layout and Description of Engine


Aufbau und Funktion des Motors

Struttura e funzioni del motore

Constitution et fonctionnement du moteur

Construcción y funciones de partes del motor

Samenstelling en werkwijze van de motor

KÓÌÒÚ Û͈Ëfl Ë ÙÛÌ͈Ëfl ‰‚Ë„‡ÚÂÎfl

Technische Angaben Indicazioni tecniche Données techniques Datos técnicos Technische gegevens


Anleitung zum Betrieb des Motors Istruzioni per il servizio del motore Instructions relatives à l’emploi du moteur Instrucciones para la operación del motor

Handleiding betreffende het werken met de motor


Einweisung in die Arbeitssysteme der Motorbetriebsstoffe Introduzioni ai sistemi operativi del materiali di esercizio del motore

Instructions concernant les systèmes opératoires des carburants-moteur Aclaraciones para los sistemas de medios de servicio para el motor Instructies betreffende brandstof-, smeerolieen koelsysteem


Engine Operating Media Treatment


Vorschriften über Betriebsstoffe Prescrizioni relative a mezi di esercizio Prescriptions applicables aux carburants Prescripciones para medios de servicio

Voorschriften inzake brandstof-, smeerolieen koelmiddel


Betriebsstörungen und ihre Beseitigung

Disfunzioni di esercizio e loro eliminazione

Pannes et leurs remèdes

Perturbaciones de servicio y su eliminación

Bedrijffstoringen en het verhelpen daarvan


Maintenance Schedules and List of Job Cards


InstandhaltungsIntervallpläne und Arbeitskartenübersicht

Schemi degli intervalli di manutenzione, visione d‘insieme delle schede di lavoro

Plans des intervalles d’entretien et vue d’ensemble sur les fiches de travail

Tables de mantenimiento periódico y recopilación de fichas de trabajo

Onderhoudsschema en werkkaarten


Job Cards




Schede di lavoro


Cartes de travail


Fichas de trabajo




P‡·ÓóË ͇ Ú˚


Inhaltsverzeichnis Indice

Table des matières Indice Inhoudsopgave


0 Table of Contents

Inhaltsverzeichnis Indice

Table des matières Indice Inhoudsopgave


Table of contents

1 Guide to this Manual


1.2Trouble — shooting

1.3Planned Mainenance

1.4Identification of Spare Parts

1.5Specification Data

1.6Job Card No.

1.7Standard Tools

1.8Special Tools

1.9Index of DEUTZ Assembly Groups

2 Layout and Description of Engine

2.101 Cylinder Head

2.202 Crankshaft System

2.303 Engine Frame

2.404 Timing System

2.505 Speed Control System

2.606 Exhaust / Turbocharging System

2.707 Fuel System

2.808 Lubricating Oil System

2.909 Cooling Water System

2.1010 Pneumatic System

2.1111 Engine Protective System

2.1212 Engine Auxiliaries

2.1313 Engine Assemblies and Subassemblies

2.1414 Cutaway View of Engine

© 1199





Table of contents


S/BVM 628

3 Specification Data

3.1Model Designation

3.2Designation of Engine Ends and Sides and Related Definitions

3.3Basic Data

3.3.1Design Data

3.3.2Operating Data

3.3.3Setting Data for Saftey Switches

3.4Weights of Main Engine Components

3.5Tightening Specification for Heavy — duty Screwed Joints

3.5.1Tightening Schedule

3.5.2/3. Tightening Instructions

3.5.4Hydraulic Tool for Annular Nuts

3.6List of Compounds ( Sealing, Locking, Lubricating, Heat Conduction )

3.7Use of Liquid Nitrogen

3.8Dye Checking of Metal Surfaces with Distillate Fuel

4 Operating the Engine

4.1Preparatory Work before Operating the Engine with Distillate Fuel

4.1.1Preparatory Work before Operating the Engine with Heavy Fuel or MDF Blend

4.2Running the Engine with Destillate Fuel

4.2.1Running the Engine with Heavy Fuel or MDF Blend

4.3Attendance in Service

4.4Stopping the Engine Running on Destillate Fuel

4.4.1Stopping the Engine Running on Heavy Fuel or MDF Blend


Checking Combustion by Indicator Diagrams


Runin instructions


Drive type ”Fixed-pitch propeller and comparable drives ”


Drive type ”C.P. propeller with shaft generator, electric generators and comparable



Running the Engine with Defective Turbocharger


Emergency Operation


Engine Operating Media Systems

5.1Fuel System

5.2Lubrication Oil System

5.3Cooling Water System

5.4Pneumatic System

5.5Injection Pump Plunger Sealing System

5.6Injection Nozzle Cooling

5.7Symbols Used in Piping Diagrams 0

© 0884

6Engine Operating Media

7Trouble — shooting

7.1Summary of Potential Troubles


7.3Trouble Chart

8 Maintenance Schedules, List of Job Cards and Job Cards

8.1Summary of Maintenance Schedules

8.1.1Initial Maintenance jobs— Engines running in countinuos operation, e.g. marine engines, >300 hour / year— Engines running in standby operation, e.g. emrgency generating sets,

<300 hours / year

8.1.2Daily maintenance jobs

These jobs are described in Section 4.3, as well as in the Brief instructions under Section * ”Monitoring of Engine Operation”.

8.1.3Periodic maintenance jobs for engines running in continuous operation > 300 hours / year, e.g. marine engines.

This schedule forms part of Brief Instructions*

8.1.4Periodic maintenance jobs for engines running in continuous operation < 300 hour / year, wich are exclusively or most of the time in standby mode, e.g. emergency generating


This schedule forms part of Brief Instructions*.

8.2List of Job Cards

by maintenance groups

8.3Job Cards

by maintenance groups

01.00.00Cylinder Head

02.00.00Crankshaft System

03.00.00Engine Frame

04.00.00Timing System

05.00.00Speed Control System

06.00.00Exhaust and Turbocharging System

07.00.00Fuel System

08.00.00Lubricating Oil System

09.00.00Cooling Water System

10.00.00Pneumatic System

11.00.00Engine Protective system

12.00.00Engine Auxiliaries

9 Appendix

Brief Instructions

* The Brief Instructions are attached to this Operating Manual

© 0996



Table of contents




S/BVM 628

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Hinweise zur Benutzung der Betriebsanleitung Avvertenze per l‘utilizzo delle istruzioni per l‘uso

Indications relatives à l’utilisation des instructions de service Indicaciones para el manejo de las Instrucciones de Operació

ì͇Á‡ÌËfl ÔÓ ÔÓθÁÓ‚‡Ì˲ ̇ÒÚÓfl˘ÂÈ ì͇Á‡ÌËfl ÔÓ ÔÓθÁÓ‚‡Ì˲ ̇ÒÚÓfl˘ÂÈ

1 Guide to this Manual

Hinweise zur Benutzung der Betriebsanleitung Avvertenze per l‘utilizzo delle istruzioni per l‘uso

Indications relatives à l’utilisation des instructions de service Indicaciones para el manejo de las Instrucciones de Operació

ì͇Á‡ÌËfl ÔÓ ÔÓθÁÓ‚‡Ì˲ ̇ÒÚÓfl˘ÂÈ ì͇Á‡ÌËfl ÔÓ ÔÓθÁÓ‚‡Ì˲ ̇ÒÚÓfl˘ÂÈ

1 Guide to this Manual


Surely you expect high degrees of reliability and availibility of your DEUTZ engine as prerequisites for its economical application. Great importance was attached to these properties in the course of the engine’s development. However, these properties can be upheld during the engine’s entire lifespan only, if the maintenance and servicing jobs described in this Manual are carried out punctually and fully.

It is therefore essential that you become well acquainted with the contents of this Manual not only before commissioning the new engine, but also to use it as a source of information for maintaining the high value of the machine.

All safety precautions and regulations have been observed in the design, choice of materials, and manufacture of your engine. This high degree of safety and reliability will be maintained, if the servicing jobs are fully performed according to schedule by properly trained personnel, and if all guards and protective devices removed for carrying out work on the engine are afterwards refitted.

When servicing, it is essential to observe the relevant regulations regarding accident prevention and general safety.

The Maintenance Schedules give information concerning the work involved at the prescribed intervals.

The Job Cards (Section 8) give detailed instructions for carrying out the work. The Job Cards are arranged in accordance with Maintenance Groups as per the PLanned Maintenance System 333*. On Page 1-0-05 is an alphabetical Index of DEUTZ Assembly Groups together with the relevant Job Card Nos. and Maintenance Groups.

*Institut für Schiffsbetriebsforschung, Flensburg

© 0884





Guide to this Manual


S/BVM 628


Should troubles and faults of any kind arise on the engine, please refer to Section 7, «Troubleshooting».

The Trouble Chart lists various potential causes for a certain fault, gives brief instructions for providing possible remedies, and refers to the Manual Section concerned and the Job Cards containing further details for carrying out the work involved.

1.3Planned Maintenance

Keep a regular record of the engine’s running hours and observe the schedule for maintenance and servicing accordingly

The Maintenance Schedule contains details of the maintenance work involved and the relevant Job Card Nos.

Carry out the work detailed on the Job Card.

1.4Ordering of Spare Parts

The Spare Parts Catalogue associated with this Instruction Manual contains the Part Nos. for the ordering of parts, and also design details , where necessary.

The Spare Parts Catalogue is arranged in accordance with DEUTZ Assembly Group Nos. These DEUTZ Assembly Group Nos. are also to be found in the Filing No. (not Job Card No.!) in the heading of the Job Cards. The number appearing between the hyphens, for example in the case of 0178-08- 501 1110, the -08-, is the DEUTZ Assembly Group No.

For detailed information on spare parts identification, please refer to the introductory lines of the Spare Parts Catalogue.

1.5Specification Data

Design data, operating data, and setting data for monitoring equipment are not given in the Job Cards. Please refer to Section 3, «Specification Data».

© 0884

1.6Job Card No.

In addition to the Filing No., each card is provided with a Job Card No.

Typical Job Card No.: 01.02.03, where:

01 = Maintenance Group = cylinder head

02 = Subassembly

= rocker arm bearings

03 = Serial No. of card

1.7Standard Tools

Standard tools are those tools which are normally included in a workshop tool box.



1 set of box wrenches

1 set of ordinary wrenches


Small water tube pliers


Combination pliers


Tape rule

Various files

Iron saw

Centre punch


Socket-head wrench

Hex. wrench

Three-square scraper

Non-fraying rags

Wire brush

Grease gun

Rubber mallet

1.8Special Tools

Special fitting tools and devices, normally supplied along with the engine, are listed in the associated Spare Parts Catalogue under the Assembly Group No. 49.

1.8.1These tools are available from your local Deutz distributor.

© 0884



Guide to this Manual


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1.9Index of DEUTZ Assembly Groups as Incorporated in System 333 — Job Cards, Maintenance Groups

Assembly Group

Job Card

Maintenance Group


Big end/-bearing



Crankshaft system









Timing system



Camshaft bearing



Timing system


Charge air cooler



Exhaust / Turbocharging




Charge air system



Exhaust / Turbocharging



Charge air water detector



Engine protective system


Coolant circulation pump



Cooling water system


Cooling water system draining



Cooling water system


Crankcase oil mist detector



Engine protective system


Crankcase relief valve



Engine frame


Crankshaft coupling flange



Timing system


Crankshaft gear



Timing system


Crankshaft gear



Crankshaft system



Crankshaft deflection gauging



Crankshaft system


Cylinder head



Cylinder head




Cylinder liner



Engine frame








Dirt collector



Pneumatic system


Exhaust elbow



Exhaust / turbocharging



Exhaust manifold



Exhaust / turbocharging


© 0885





Guide to this Manual


S/BVM 628

Assembly Group

Job Card

Maintenance Group


Exhaust valve



Cylinder head









Engine protective system


Foundation bolts



Engine frame


Fuel feed pump



Fuel system


Fuel filter



Fuel system



Hydr. governor drive



Speed control system


Hydr. governor linkage



Speed control system


Hydr. speed governor



Speed control system





Inlet valve



Cylinder head






Injection piping



Fuel system



Injection pump



Fuel system




Injection pump removal / refitment



Timing system


Intake air cleaner



Exhaust / turbocharging



Injector removal / refitment



Fuel system




Lube oil centrifuge



Lubricating oil system


PLube oil filter



Lubricating oil system




Lube oil pump



Lubricating oil system


Lube oil pressure-stat



Lubricating oil system


Lube oil system



Lubricating oil system

© 0885

Assembly Group

Job Card

Maintenance Group


Main bearing



Crankshaft system






Oil level float switch



Engine protective system


Overspeed switch



Engine protective system


Piston coolant nozzle



Crankshaft system


Piston pin



Crankshaft system


Piston pin brush



Crankshaft system


Piston / rings



Crankshaft system







Pneumatic system



Pneumatic system


Pressure reducer station



Pneumatic system


Pressure switch



Engine protective system


Rocker arm



Cylinder head



Safety valve



Cylinder head


Starting air master valve



Pneumatic system



Starting pilot air distributor



Pneumatic system


Starting valve



Cylinder head




Temperature switch



Engine protective system





Engine protective system


Timing gear train



Timing system



Timing gear train



Timing system






Exhaust / turbocharging






© 0885





Guide to this Manual


S/BVM 628

Assembly Group

Job Card

Maintenance Group


Valve drive, bottom



Timing system


Valve drive, top



Cylinder head


Valve guide clearance



Cylinder head


Valve rotator



Cylinder head



Valve seat lubrication



Lubricating oil system


Valve seat ring



Cylinder head



Vibration damper



Engine auxiliaries


© 0885

Layout and Description of Engine


Aufbau und Funktion des Motors

Struttura e funzioni del motore

Constitution et fonctionnement du moteur

Construcción y funciones de partes del motor

Samenstelling en werkwijze van de motor

KÓÌÒÚ Û͈Ëfl Ë ÙÛÌ͈Ëfl ‰‚Ë„‡ÚÂÎfl

2 Layout and Description of Engine

Aufbau und Funktion des Motors Struttura e funzioni del motore Constitution et fonctionnement du moteur

Construcción y funciones de partes del motor Samenstelling en werkwijze van de motor

KÓÌÒÚ Û͈Ëfl Ë ÙÛÌ͈Ëfl ‰‚Ë„‡ÚÂÎfl

Layout and Description

of Engine

2 Layout and Description of Engine

2.101 Cylinder Head

The Head iß held down on the crankcase through 4 hydraulically tightened studs.

Fitted in the head are 2 inlet valves, 2 exhaust valves, one fuel injector, a starting valve, an indicator valve and, if required, a relief valve.

The exhaust valves are equipped with rotators, the inlet valves with a seat lubrication to reduce wear. In fact, oil is injected in a metered amount into the charge air, so this seat lubrication requires no servicing. Injector and inlet/exhaust valves plus drive are protected by a rocker chamber cover. Coolant transfer from crankcase to head is made through plugged pipes within the head contour.

2.202 Crankshaft System

The drop-forged crankshaft is fitted in the crankcase in underslung arrangement. Main journals and crankpins are hardened and carried in complex-metal bearing shells. As required by the rated engine spee, the shaft is fitted with balance weights to reduce mass forces.

The bearing caps are secured to the crankshaft by 2 vertical and 2 horizontal bolts, the former ones being tightened jointly by a hydraulic tool.

The flywheel is flanged to the shaft‘s driving end, the flange being fitted on the shaft by hydraulic shrinkage. Power for secundary drives can be taken off from the shaft‘s free end.

The drop-forged connecting rod big end is split in straight (horizontal) arrangement, while the small end is of the stepped type.

The two-piece pistons are fitted with 3 compression rings and one oil control ring. The former rings are located in the steel top, the oil ring in the piston skirt above the full-float piston pin.

2.303 Engine Frame

The crankcase is a single-piece casting. Large doors permit easy access to all motion parts. Some doors may optionally be provided with relief valves safeguarding the engine in the case of crankcase of explosions.

The standard deep ”wet-type” oil sump represents the engine‘s lube oil reservoir, from which oil is forced into the lubricating circuit by a special delivery pump. Where high or low-level tanks are utilized for oil reservoir, use is made of a flat ”dry-type” sump with connections for an oil drain (to the low-level tank) or a special suction pump (to the high-level tank) respectively.

The cylinder liner is located in the crankcase at top and bottom. The liner flange is seated on a highly waer-resistant ring pressed into the crankcase. The water jackets are sealed by one ”watercooled” Viton 0-seals at the bottom. The head/liner gasket is a steel ring.

© 0883



Layout and Description



of Engine


S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

2.4 04 Timing System

ILocated at the engine‘s driving end and driven from a big gear on the crankshaft, the timing gear train drives, through idler gears, the camshaft, injection pumps and governor.

As determined by the engine‘s firing order, the camshaft, carried in bearing bushes, actuates the inlet and exhaust valves as well as the starting pilot air distributor, The shaft is split in two halves and can be pulled out of the engine lengthwise. Cams and bearing points are surface-hardened.

The pump chest at the engine‘s free end can mount, besides the standard lube oil delivery pump, one oil suction pump and 2 cooling water pumps. The pumps are gear-driven, i.e. the oil pumps direct and the coolant pumps through flexible couplings.

2.5 05 Speed Control System

The Engine is controlled by hydraulic governor which, through the injection pump‘s control rod, automatically meters the amount of fuel to be injected as a function of engine load.

Overall engine control is by an engine-mounted panel or seperately installed local or remote control units.

Emergency engine shutdown is possible by an automatic system or manually on the speed governor direct.

2.6 06 Exhaust / Turbocharging System

The non-insulated exhaust manifold running along the engine is lagged by an easily removable and multisplit casing. Only the water-cooled exhaust elbows from cylinder head to manifold are located outside this casing. Being connected through sliding pieces with 0-seals, the water jackets of the exhaust elbows form the cooling water manifold for the engine.

The engines are fitted with BBC turbochargers connected to the engine‘s cooling system. The compressors of these turbochargers are cleaned by a scavenging device. The charge air is cooled by water in special units.

The charge air pipe is divided into single sections for each cylinder. These sections are likewise connected through sliding pieces with 0-seals.

This new concept of exhaust manifold with cooled elbows and integral water manifold, the division of the charge air pipe, the plug-type water transfer pipes between cylinder head and crankcase and, last not least, the use of hydraulic tools for tightening the cylinder head studs/nuts significantly improve the ease in dismantling and refitting components at the engine top.

© 0883

Layout and Description

of Engine

Section: 2

Page: 2-0-03

Engine: S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

2.707 Fuel System (see also 5.1)

The following integral in-line injection pumps are provided:

6 and 8-cylinder models:

2 pumps with 3 and 4 elements respectively

9-cylinder model:

3 pumps with 3 elements each

The type of pumps chosen and the connection of the injection piping to the cylinder head sideways gave the advantage of very short injection piping.

Pump lubrication is connected to the regular motor oil circuit. In the case of engines running on intermediate fuels a sealing-oil system prevents the lube oil from being diluted by fuel.

The multi-orifice injection nozzle is located in the middle of the cylinder head and connected to the latter by a lateral injection line.

The fuel feed pump is mounted on one injection pump. Fuel cleaning is through a change-over type duplex filter.

In the case of engines running on heavy fuel, the feed pump is installed seperately. The changeover duplex filter can be preheated by having the transferred, preheated fuel flow through the filter. If available, the injection nozzles are cooled with engine lube oil or gas oil or — in exceptional cases

— even with engine coolant.

2.808 Lubricating Oil System (see also 5.2)

From the oil sump, or the lowor high-level oil tank, as provided, the engine mounted delivery-type oil pump forces the oil through the oil-cooler, usually also engine-mounted, and the combined oil filter (paper filter followed by edge filter) into the oil gallery integrally cast inside the crankcase.

From this gallery the oil flows on through passages in the crankcase wall to crankshaft journals and crankpins and to the nozzles provided for cooling the pistons. Passages in the crankcase front, wich are connected to the oil gallery, supply the timing gear train.

Additional bypass oil filtration is by two centrifuges attached to the crankcase doors.

Connections are also available for standby oil pumps and the electric priming pump.

2.909 Cooling Water System (see also 5.3)

As requiered by the particular engine application, the following standard systems can be provided:



This circuit serves actual engine plus lube oil and charge air cooler. The

water is cooled in a separate tubular heat exchanger.



One cooling circuit is provided for the engine, a second one for oil and

charge air cooler. The coolant heat dissipated is a separate tubular heat




This system is primarily used for water cooling by radiator. Engine, oil cooler

and charge cooler have a circuit of their own.

Optionally available are various versions of the above two systems

© 1296



Layout and Description



of Engine


S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


10 Pneumatic System (see also 5.4)

The engine is started by compressed air through starting valves in the cylinder heads, the valves

being opened by pilot air from a distributor in the correct firing order. Starting air release is normally

at 30 bar.


11 Engine Protective System

All engine operating media can be monitored by temperature and/or pressure switches which

energize alarm and/or shutdown devices. In addition, all essential temperatures and pressures are

indicated by gauges provided on panels that are either engine-mounted or seperately installed.

The exhaust temperature is indicated either by pointer thermometers or through thermocouples,

which can optionally and locally be connected to a pyrometer system.

If necessary, a crankcase oil mist detector can also be provided.

2.12 12 Engine Auxiliaries

Provided for this engine family is an external vibration damper either of the viscous or rubber type. The 6-cylinder model is also available without this damper.

© 1083

Section: 2

Layout and description of engine

Page: 2-1-01

Engine: S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

2.13Engine Assemblies and Subassemblies (as for the relevant location, please refer

to Section 2.14)

Assy Group No.



Exhaust manifold


Exhaust thermometre


Charge air cooler


Measuring instrument panel


Charge air pipe


Fuel piping


Engine control unit


Fuel filter

09Lube oil filter

10Lube oil filter combination

11Fuel injection pump

12Vibration damper

13Cylinder liner

14Oil dipstick

15Connecting rod


17Speed governor drive

18Oil pan


20Timing gear train


22Starting pilot air distributor


24Air intake silencer

25Exhaust valve


27Exhaust turbocharger


29Cylinder head

30Valve drive

© 1296

Deutz S-BV6-8-9M628 Operation Manual




Layout and description of engine



S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

2.14 Cutaway View of Engine

(8-cyl. engine)
































51452 2

Technische Angaben Indicazioni tecniche Données techniques Datos técnicos Technische gegevens


3 Specification Data

Technische Angaben Indicazioni tecniche Données techniques Datos técnicos Technische gegevens


Specification Data

Page: 3-0-01

Engine: S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

3 Specification Data

3.1Model Designation: S/BV 6/8/9 M 628



Marine (uni-direction)



Water cooled






Generation No.



Four stroke cycle


= Piston stroke in cm



6, 8 or 9 cylinders

3.2Designations of engine sides, cylinders and rotation direction

Viewed towards the drive-side coupling flange of the engine.



Drive side

Coupling side KS



Left side



Free side

Opposite side to coupling KGS



Right side

Cylinder designation

The cylinders are counted and designated from

the drive side «AS»

Rotation direction

The anticlockwise rotation direction is

designated «left rotation» and clockwise is

designated «right rotation».









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© 1199

Specification Data

Section: 3.3

Page: 3-1-01

Engine: S/BV 6/8/9M 628


Basic Data

Power and speed

see acceptance test sheets


240 mm


280 mm

Capacity per cylinder

12,66 litres

Total capacity: 6 cylinder

75,66 litres

8 cylinder

101,28 litres

9 cylinder

113,94 litres

Compression ratio

13 : 1

3.3.1Design Data

01 Cylinder Head

Safety valve opens at

02 Crankshaft System Crankshaft

main jounal dia.

running width of main bearing crankpin dia.

running width of big-end bearings


Material, top skirt

Pin dia.

No.of compression rings

No. of oil control rings

Mean piston speed

Connecting rod


Running width of small-end bush

03 Engine frame

Material Cylinder spacing

170 ± 5 bar

210 mm

70 mm

175 mm

61 mm

heat-treated steel with hardened grooves forget light alloy

105 mm



9,33 m/s a t 1000/min

504 mm

108 mm/56 mm

ductile iron 370 mm

04 Timing system

Firing order

6-cyl. model, CL rotation:

1- 4 — 2 — 6 — 3 — 5

6-cyl. model, CCL rotation:

1- 5 — 3 — 6 — 2 — 4

8-cyl. model, CL rotation:

1- 3 — 2 — 5 — 8

— 6

— 7

— 4

8-cyl. model, CCL rotation:

1- 4 — 7 — 6 — 8

— 5

— 2

— 3

9-cyl. model, CL rotation

1- 3 — 5 — 7 — 9

— 8

— 6

— 4 — 2

9-cyl. model, CCL rotation

1- 2 — 4 — 6 — 8

— 9

— 7

— 5 — 3

Valve Timing (deg. crank angle)

© 0491

Section: 3.3



Specification Data

Engine: S/BV 6/8/9M 628

Inlet valve opens

43,5° KW

p. PMS

0,2 mm clearance, engine cold

Inlet valve closes

23,6° KW

d. PMS

Exhaust valve opens

52,9° KW

p. PMS

0,5 mm clearance, engine cold

Exhaust valve closes

38,9° KW

d. PMS

Starting valve opens



Starting valve closes



05 Speed Control System


Lowest idling speed

801 — 900

901 — 1000/min

at full engine speed




Lowest firing speed


06 Exhaust / Turbocharging System

Charge air cooler see acceptance test sheet

07 Fuel System

Injection lines

10 mm O.D.

4 mm bore


Operating Data

06 Exhaust / Turbocharging System

Turbocharging System

Charge air temperature at engine inlet

see acceptance test sheet

Max. intake resistance

25 mbar (250 mm of water)

Exhaust System

On the 8- and 9-cylinder models, the cylinder next to the turbocharger goes to the multi-pulse unit direct, so the exhaust temperatures of this cylinder are somewhat lower (see acceptance test sheet).

Exhaust teperature after turbine

see acceptance test sheet

Max. backpressure

25 mbar

Perm. deviation of individual temperatu res

from mean value of all cylinders:

+ 25 °C

100 % rated power

75 % rated power

+ 30 °C

50 % rated power

+ 50 °C

© 0491

Specification Data

Section: 3.3

Page: 3-1-03

Engine: S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

07 Fuel System

Fuel grade

See Section 6 . 3

Fuel consumption

See acceptance test sheet

Filter mesh

7 — 60 μm

Fuel pressure at inj. pump inlet at rated speed

3,0 — 4, 5 bar

Fuel temperature at inj. pump inlet

See Section 6

Injection nozzle opening pressure

350 + 10 bar

Type of nozzles

See acceptance test sheet

Combustion pressure

See acceptance test sheet

Permissible deviation of individual indicated firing


from mean value of all cylinders

+ 4 bar

Delivery of separate fuel feed

pump at 5 + 2,5 bar backpressure:

6-cyl. engine: 1,3 + 1,0


8-cyl. engine: 1,8 + 0,6


9-cyl. engine: 2,0 + 0,4


08 Lubricating Oil System

Oil grade

See Section 6 . 2

Filter mesh:

30 μm

paper cartridge

edge filter

50 μm

Oil temperature at engine inlet:

max. 65 °C

(oil cooler preceding charge air cooler)

(charge air cooler preceding oil cooler)

max. 75 °C

Min. oil pressure after filter:

— rated speed, engine hot

3,5 bar

— at lowest idling speed

1,0 bar

Priming pressure after filter:

— before starting regular engine

0,35 bar

— engine (stationary) on

> 0,35 bar (held for 3 minutes

standby duty

every hour)

Min. priming oil pumping at 3 bar




delivery pressure (values in

4 m3/h

5 m3/h

6 m3/h

brackets are possible in case of

(2,5 m3/h)

(3 m3/h)

(3,5 m3/h)

lube oil temperatures below 50° C)

Sealing-oil pressure in injection pumps

min. 1 bar higher than fuel pressure

Delivery pressure of mounted sealing oil pump

min. 5 bar

Separate sealing-oil pump

(with intermediate fuel operation):

Delivery pressure:

9 — 10 bar

Sealing-oil delivery




— min.

0,15 l/h

0,2 l/h

0,25 l/h

— max.



0,6 l/h

0,6 l/h

level tanks:

— distillate, MDF blend




— heavy fuel




Lube oil consumption



Min. oil capacity of

standby engines



© 1186





Specification Data


S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Separate standby oil pump:

— capacity


24 — 30 m3/h


30 — 35 m3/h


35 — 40 m3/h

— Pressure

5 bar

Oil Sump Inclinations and Capacities

Dipstick with

3 marks

Connections for low-level tank


51 201


Max. engine installation angle

α ± = 3°

Max. sump inclination (incl. installation angle)

α ± = 10°

Max. permanent inclination

β ± = 22,5°

Max. temporary inclination

β ± = 30°

(starting 22°, turbocharger will lose some oil)





Top mark

α =






β =



Oil capacity of

α =


deep oil sump (litres) 2)


Medium mark





β =




Bottom mark

α =





β =


*1) Where sump inclinations α ± are below 10°, the oil level can be kept at a corresponding level between the top and medium dipstick mark to ensure maximum oil supply to the engine and hence increase oil change intervals . (1° less inclination allows for approx. 10 mm higher level above medium mark.)

*2) Sump lubrication for heavy fuel requires min. 0,82 lit/kW

*3) Due to inclined dipstick, correct maximum distance can be obtained only with β = 0°.

© 0883

Specification Data

Section: 3.3

Page: 3-1-05

Engine: S/BV 6/8/9 M 628




Drain A or B





for inclinations α ± <

for low-level tank

> 8° — 10°

> 7° — 10°

(«dry» sump)

Drain A and B

for inclinations α ±

Oil Delivery Rate for Valve Seat Lubrication

Rated Engine Speed

Delivery in drops / 4 min

























Admissible deviation ± 4 gocce/4 min


Cooling Water System

Water quality

see Section 6

Engine system capacity


225 litres


275 litres


300 litres

Max. coolant temperature at engine outlet during full-load operation

(In case of 2-stage charge air cooler, measured at cooler inlet)


— with single-circuit cooling system

— with twoand three-circuit cooling system


Temperature difference between full load and idling operation

8 — 12 °C

(at engine outlet)

Temperature difference between cooling water at engine inlet

8 — 12 °C

and engine outlet under full load conditions

(In case of 2-stage charge air cooler, measured at cooler inlet)

Cooling water preheating temperature

50 °C

for standby duty

— for engines starting with blended fuel

— viscosity < 180 mm2/s at 50°C (cSt)

50 °C

— viscosity > 180 mm2/s at 50°C (cSt)

70 °C

— viscosity > 380 mm2/s at 50°C (cSt)

80 °C

— for all other engines

25 °C

Max. coolant temperature at charge air cooler inlet

50 °C

Max. coolant temperature at built-on oil cooler inlet

45 °C

Max. raw water temperature at heat exchanger inlet

32 °C

Max. coolant pressure at engine inlet with built-on or separate pump

~ 4 bar

Coolant temperature at injection nozzle inlet approx.


Min. pressure of separate injection nozzle coolant pump

3 bar

© 0885





Specification Data


S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

10 Pneumatic System

Air receiver capacity

see Classification Societies (min. 125 lit.)

Max. starting pressure

30 bar

Min. starting pressure

10 bar

© 0883

Specification Data

Section: 3.3

Page: 3-1-07

Engine: S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

3.3.3Setting data for monitoring equipment

Minimum equipment

marine propulsion






Data in “bar”

Pressure monitor

engine speed

(referring to dropping pressure)


> 600/min

lube oil pressure:

initial alarm


main alarm (engine stop)





Temperature monitor

Data in „°C“

circ. cool. water temp

circuit I




charge air temp., max.




Other monitors

rated speed

overspeed protection

110 %n1

110 %n1

110 %n1

Further setting data may be obtained from the gauge point list which is included in the engine documentation.



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Specification Data

Section: 3.3

Page: 3-1-09

3.3.4Arrangement of Electrical Equipment

Measuring point No. as per

Function / description of the equipment or

separately supplied list of

of the gauge point

measuring points


Fuel supply pressure


Pme monitoring


Full load (overload) monitoring


Fuel rack travel indicator


Monitoring of shielded injection pipings


Speed switch — pressure monitor bridging


Lube oil pressure n < 600 l/min


Lube oil pressure n > 600 l/min


Lube oil pressure


Lube oil temperature


Min. lube oil temperature


Differential pressure lube oil filter


Level — lube oil pan


Lube oil pressure


Lube oil temperature


Seal oil pressure


Lube oil pressure start inhibitor


Level — lube oil pan, stand-by pump ON


Lube oil temperature


Engine jacket water temperature


Engine jacket water pressure, circuit I


Raw water pressure


Min. engine jacket water temperature


Engine jacket water, circuit II


Speed switch — pressure monitor bridging


Engine jacket water temperature


Engine jacket water temperature


Max. charge air temperature


Min. charge air temperature


Water detector in charge air pipe


Charge air temperature


Exhaust gas temperature per cylinder


Exhaust gas temperature after turbine


Failure crankcase monitoring system


Crankcase monitoring system


Starting air pressure


Control air pressure


Malfunction of start air interlock (engine fails to start)


Switch — speed setting output


Switch — speed setting input


Switch — engine remote control unit (BVM)


Control unit indicator, engine-mounted/remote (SBVM)


Signal lamp — remote control ON


3/2 -way valve change-over safeguard

© 0685

Section: 3.3



Specification Data

Engine: S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Measuring point No. as per

Function / description of the equipment or

separately supplied list of

of the gauge point

measuring points


Tacho-generator monitor


Solenoid — emergency shutdown


Starting solenoid, 3/2-way valve


Pushbutton — delocking emergency stop


Speed control monitor


Pushbutton — stop


Solenoid — emergency shutdown


Solenoid — stop


Electr. 3-way valve (start inhibitor)


Pushbutton — start




Speed indicator

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Specification Data

Section: 3.3

Page: 3-1-11

Engine: S/BV 6/8/9 M 628 Turbocharger at Driving End

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© 0984

Section: 3.3



Specification Data

Engine: S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

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© 0984

Specification Data

Section: 3.3

Page: 3-1-13

Engine: S/BV 6/8/9 M 628 Turbocharger at Free End

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© 0984

Section: 3.3



Specification Data

Engine: S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

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© 0984

Specification Data

Section: 3.4

Page: 3-2-01

Engine: S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

3.4Weight of Engine Components

(approx. kg per unit)







Engine with flywheel





Crankcase w/o main bearing cap




Crankcase w.main bearing cap





Oil tank …(wet sump)




Oil tank …(dry sump)





Cylinder liner





Crankshaft w/o balance weights





Balance weights w. bolts and washers





Flywheel dia.


930 x




252 or



970 x 130





990 x 240


Ø 1140 x 277





Bearing (top and bottom shell)

1 main bearing




1 big end bearing





Connecting rod





Piston without piston rings





Gudgeon pin





Cylinder head (compl.)





Inlet or exhaust valves





Injection valve





Viscous-type vibration damper

Ø 490 x



Ø 620 x 100


Ø 640 x 120



Extra weights (dia. x width)

Ø 538 x 55


Ø 680 x 42,5



Torsional vibration damper, rubber-type (dia. x width)

Ø 675 x 130 –


Ø 680 x 153




Turbocharger VTR 214

w/o intake air silencer



VTR 251



© 1296

Модератор: Breeze

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Может быть у кого-то есть информация по этой машине?
Нигде в интернете не нашел ничего!

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Тип судов: Генеральные грузы

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Deutz сейчас вообще сейчас совместно обьединилось с Wartsila.Работал на SBV12M628 :twisted:Что именно интересует :unknown:

Никому Не Должен!!!

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Интересует все: устройство,обслуживание!
Через неделю на него садиться,а документации нет вообще никакой!
Может быть у Вас что-то найдется?

Должность: Месс бой

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Vikelk 09 июн 2010, 12:16

Работал на MWM TBD 484-8U. Впечатления: простой, надёжный, но довольно редкий. Возможно поэтому ЗИП для него ждёшь довольно долго.

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Откуда: Питер

Должность: Старший механик

Тип судов: Исследовательские суда

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davero 17 окт 2010, 11:51

У кого есть мануалка по DEUTZ SV6M628

Должность: Старший механик

Тип судов: Генеральные грузы

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ges014 28 апр 2012, 17:33

помогите ищу мануал на DEUTZ-MWM-TBD604BV8

Должность: Четвертый механик

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У кого есть мануалка по DEUTZ SV6M628

Повторяю вопрос.Надо :O: !!

Мир принадлежит терпеливым.

Аватара пользователя

Откуда: Йоенсуу-Петрозаводск

Должность: Старший механик

Тип судов: Генеральные грузы

Репутация: 824

  • 5

Коллеги,просьба:много шлангов на дизеле.Та маркировка,которая на шлангах,по утверждению супера,уже устарела.Может кто заказывал новые шланги по новой маркировке,то поделитесь.Мне обещают завтра доставить шланги,которые идут к подогревателю системы охлаждения от котла.Поделюсь.
Мануал не лезет. :( Даже зипованый весит 8 MB.Кому надо,мыло в личку-отправлю.

Мир принадлежит терпеливым.

Аватара пользователя

Откуда: Йоенсуу-Петрозаводск

Должность: Старший механик

Тип судов: Генеральные грузы

Репутация: 824

  • 0

Мдя.С супером друг друга не поняли,не те прислал :( .Вот маркировка на шланги от блока до анализатора масла:»HANSA-FLEX HD208 EN 853 2SN8 WP 350 BAR 3Q13″.

Мир принадлежит терпеливым.

Аватара пользователя

Откуда: Йоенсуу-Петрозаводск

Должность: Старший механик

Тип судов: Генеральные грузы

Репутация: 824

  • 0

Коллеги,надо чертёж,схему(не электрическую),мануал(что угодно) датчика по обрыву топливных трубок.Разобрали,bля… :) Куда теперь этот белый шарик?Над штоком втыкать или под? :D

Мир принадлежит терпеливым.

Аватара пользователя

Откуда: Йоенсуу-Петрозаводск

Должность: Старший механик

Тип судов: Генеральные грузы

Репутация: 824

  • 13

Мир принадлежит терпеливым.

Аватара пользователя

Откуда: Йоенсуу-Петрозаводск

Должность: Старший механик

Тип судов: Генеральные грузы

Репутация: 824

  • 0

jakiem 08 июн 2015, 10:56

Проверил … всё отлично скачалось. Зипованная папка 7.8 Мб.
Спасибо за мануал.Очень пригодится. :beer:

Должность: Моторист

Тип судов: Многоцелевые суда

Репутация: 105

  • 0

ОК.Сомневался…вдруг тока для меня,с остальных начнёт копейку требовать :) Прокляли бы :D

Мир принадлежит терпеливым.

Аватара пользователя

Откуда: Йоенсуу-Петрозаводск

Должность: Старший механик

Тип судов: Генеральные грузы

Репутация: 824

  • 0

jakiem 08 июн 2015, 12:55

Я так понял у Вас опыт на этой модели имеется….
Можете вкратце обрисовать важные нюансы по обслуживанию и эксплуатации?
Может гемор какой есть у этой модели? на что обратить особое внимание при хендовере? Заранее благодарен.


Должность: Моторист

Тип судов: Многоцелевые суда

Репутация: 105

  • 0

Такая.Только на 6 цилиндров.Опишу,что важно,но не сегодня.Трудный день,голова уже не работает.

Мир принадлежит терпеливым.

Аватара пользователя

Откуда: Йоенсуу-Петрозаводск

Должность: Старший механик

Тип судов: Генеральные грузы

Репутация: 824

  • 0

jakiem 08 июн 2015, 16:55

Хорошо…думаю пару-тройку дней у меня есть… :)

Должность: Моторист

Тип судов: Многоцелевые суда

Репутация: 105

  • 9

Дизель надёжен, если его хотя бы каждые 25000 перебирали серьёзные спецы, а не поляки, набранные из-за забора ремонтного завода.
Первое!!!Сепарация масла. Обязательно! У дизеля один бумажный фильтр и три щелевых. Оно конечно спасает. Но как только щелевые забиваются, работает аларм по давлению масла. Работает каждые 2-3 часа. Скажешь фигня? Ага…Ты же сингл…Твой контракт превратиться в кошмар!

Второе. Вот на кой было столько резиновых шлангов на него вешать на системе охлаждения? И не только шлангов но и дюритов, типа компенсаторов вибрации.
Беда в том, что маркировка этих шлангов устарела, Ханса-Флекс их не читает. И мех и супер попу рвут на британский флаг, а заявку сделать не могут или заказывают не то, что надо. СтоЯт эти шланги, конечно долго. По 9-10 лет точно, но всё когда то изнашивается.

Третье. Возможно беда только моего борта. Дизель рассчитан на 900 оборотов.Но компания требует экономить топливо. Потому обороты от 680 до 750.При этих оборотах, если в балласте и против ветра помпаж, что мама не горюй. Или мастер на швартовке резко сбрасывает обороты…ежа рожаешь. Бороться только увеличением оборотов, по хрену уже экономия.

Четвёртое. Топливоподготовка! Топливные фильтра бумажные. Меняются легко даже а ходу .Но топливом надо заниматься.

Вроде всё. А-а-а…утечки масла. Если на Шкоде 275 работал, то не испугаешься. :D

Добавлено спустя 4 минуты 17 секунд:
Про сепарацию масла.У меня стоит простейшая Вестфалия с ременной передачей.4-5 дней на ходу сепарация.Сутки тарелочки отмачиваю,потом отмываю и запускаю по новой.Да-да:24 часа в сутки.На стоянке насос масляного сепаратора использую для прогрева масла.

Добавлено спустя 57 минут 39 секунд:

на что обратить особое внимание при хендовере

Что тут сказать?Стандартная процедура.Запусти дизель.Возьми фонарик.Проверь шланги и дюриты системы охлаждения.Это покажет сразу.Вот на утечки масла надо минут 30 поработать дизелю.Но кто ж те даст аж 30 минут? :)

Мир принадлежит терпеливым.

Аватара пользователя

Откуда: Йоенсуу-Петрозаводск

Должность: Старший механик

Тип судов: Генеральные грузы

Репутация: 824

  • 0

jakiem 10 июн 2015, 18:48

Вообще синглом я уже был один контракт,так что представление специфики работы есть.Убивали меня короткие рейсы… :сдохнуть:
Масло сутками не сепарировал, в ходу — с утра и до вечера,на ночь останавливал.
В общем спасибо, будем глядеть :)
а щелевые не разборные там что ли? :shock:

Должность: Моторист

Тип судов: Многоцелевые суда

Репутация: 105

  • 0

Ну как неразборные…Надо если 4 болта открутил,вытащил,в ведре с солярой прокрутил.Но на ходу этого не сделать,каких то двухходовых пробок просто нет.Их можно провернуть на ходу:рычажок вверх и прокрути,такая вот очистка.

Мир принадлежит терпеливым.

Аватара пользователя

Откуда: Йоенсуу-Петрозаводск

Должность: Старший механик

Тип судов: Генеральные грузы

Репутация: 824

  • 0

DOCK 02 авг 2015, 11:29

У кого есть мануал или ссылка для DEUTZ-MWM-TBD444LB ?

На флоте можно годами с человеком встречаться, здороваться и разговаривать, но не знать ни имени его, ни фамилии.©

Должность: Третий механик

Тип судов: Балкеры

Репутация: 8

  • 0

Коллеги с поиском какая то фигня,поэтому здесь.До переборки реверс-редуктора как то не обращал внимания на его работу.Работает,да и работает.Фильтра менял,масло добавлял.Всё.Вчера при манёврах(Англия,Грувпорт,Хамберриве) запустился аварийный насос.Неприятно.
Поменял фильтр.Ну конечно после оверхола грязноват.Вопрос.
Наблюдаю теперь тщательно за работой.Возможно кратковременное падение давления масла при реверсировании?
Как реверс,давление масла на ноль,за 5-10 секунд опять подымается.Это нормально?При холостых оборотах давление стоит чётко.
Реверс-редуктор-WAF 842.

Мир принадлежит терпеливым.

Аватара пользователя

Откуда: Йоенсуу-Петрозаводск

Должность: Старший механик

Тип судов: Генеральные грузы

Репутация: 824

  • 0

Matvey 01 ноя 2015, 15:19

Как реверс,давление масла на ноль,за 5-10 секунд опять подымается.Это нормально?При холостых оборотах давление стоит чётко.

Это нормально,если алярм не орёть.
У меня,дело прошлого,манометр со шкалой зелёной стоял(нормальное давление 2 bar) при реверсе»проваливался»но,правда не на много.
Масло по верхнему уровню?

Добавлено спустя 5 минут 56 секунд:


Валера,у тебя такой?

Лучше быть хорошим человеком, ругающимся матом, чем тихой, воспитанной тварью. Фаина Раневская

Аватара пользователя

Откуда: 30RUS

Должность: Кадет-механик

Репутация: 1500

  • 0

Масло по верхнему уровню?

Ага.Чуток выше.

Добавлено спустя 1 минуту:

Валера,у тебя такой?

Такой.Только манометр один.С левого борта.

Мир принадлежит терпеливым.

Аватара пользователя

Откуда: Йоенсуу-Петрозаводск

Должность: Старший механик

Тип судов: Генеральные грузы

Репутация: 824

  • 1

Matvey 01 ноя 2015, 18:47

Если реверсируется без аларма-то нормально. Я точно не помню уставки сейчас.
На них WAFax,если я не ошибаюсь,есть регулировочный клапан. Обычно стоит на трубе от поддона до насоса. Регулирует ,как раз-таки всасывание(то есть:что бы насосу было чем запитаться без провала).Если же насос проваливается,значит масло он всасывает( и выдаёт давление )не сразу а с задержкой.
Причина-либо подсос воздуха,либо недостаток масла.Но такие бяки лезут сразу после ремонта.
Если же вылезло в работе не сразу,то могут быть и клапана. Начни с труб(мож затянули хуёво),посмотри клапан(он в виде задвижки сделан с регулировочным винтом).

Лучше быть хорошим человеком, ругающимся матом, чем тихой, воспитанной тварью. Фаина Раневская

Аватара пользователя

Откуда: 30RUS

Должность: Кадет-механик

Репутация: 1500

  • 0

Перезвонились с коллегами.После оверхола частое явления на трудных швартовках.Выход -электро насос р-редуктора в ручной режим на всю швартовку.

Мир принадлежит терпеливым.

Аватара пользователя

Откуда: Йоенсуу-Петрозаводск

Должность: Старший механик

Тип судов: Генеральные грузы

Репутация: 824

  • 0

Коллеги помогите! Нужна инструкция по эксплуатации DEUTZ SBV 8М640.
Заранее благодарен!!!

Должность: Старший механик

Тип судов: Контейнеровозы

Репутация: 5

  • 0

Всем здравствуйте! Нужен мануал по TBD 604BV8.

Должность: Третий механик

Тип судов: Бункеровщики

Репутация: 17

  • 0

Mareks 26 мар 2021, 00:25

после запуска главный двигатель Deutz SBV 6M 628 останавливается и выходить аларм block engine на норисе.давление масла в норме.что может быть.

Должность: Старший механик

Тип судов: Оффшор: вспомогательный флот

Репутация: 20

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Operation Manual


0297 7945 en

Engine Serial Number:

Please enter engine serial number here. In this way, questions concerning Customer Service, Repairs and Spare Parts can be more easily dealt with.

In view of continuos design improvements or changes, the technical specifications and the illustrations shown in this Operation Manual are subject to alteration. Reprinting and reproduction, in part or in whole, are subject to our written approval.

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

This Operation Manual is destined for the following engine: ●

Engine model:

Type of application:

Name of installation:



Date of commissioning:

kW / rpm .


Please enter the relevant data here. This you will facilitate dealing with questions concerning customer service, repairs and spare parts. Give these data to the respective SERVICE dealership whenever you are asking for service performance.

DEUTZ AG Service engineering Service documentation Deutz-Mülheimer Straße 147-149 D — 51057 Köln Tel. (0221) 822 — 0 Fax (0221) 822 — 5358 Telex 8812 — 0 khd d http://www.deutz.de Printed in Germany All rights reserved 3st edition, 10/2001 Order No.: 0297 7945 en

Page II

0297 6153-0112

© 1000

Medium-sized and large engines

● Please read all the information contained in this manual, and follow the instructions carefully. You will avoid accidents, retain the manufacturer’s warranty, and will be able to use a fully functional and operational engine. ● This engine has been built solely for the purpose appropriate to the scope of delivery concerned, as defined by the equipment manufacturer (intended use). Any other use shall be construed as not intended. The manufacturer shall not be liable for any damage resulting therefrom; all risks involved shall be borne solely by the user. ● The term „intended use“ shall also include compliance with the operating, maintenance and repair conditions specified by the manufacturer. The engine may be used, maintained and repaired only by persons who are familiar with the work concerned and who have been properly informed of the risks involved. ● Make sure that these operating instructions are available to everyone involved in operating, maintaining, and repairing the engine, and that they have all understood the contents. ● Non-compliance with these operating instructions may result in engine malfunctions and even damage or injury to persons; the manufacturer will accept no liability in such cases. ● Proper maintenance and repair work depends on the availability of all requisite equipment, tools and special implements, all of which must be in perfect condition. ● Engine parts like springs, brackets, elastic holding rings, etc., involve increased risk of injury if not handled properly. ● The relevant accident prevention regulations and other generally recognized rules relating to safety engineering and health and safety at work must all be complied with. ● Maximized cost-efficiency, reliability and long lifetime are assured only if original parts from DEUTZ AG are used. ● Engine repairs must correspond to the intended use. In the event of modification work, only parts approved by the manufacturer for the purpose concerned may be used. Unauthorized changes to the engine will preclude any liability of the manufacturer for resultant damage. The warranty expires in case of nonobservance of these regulations!

© 0199 1000

0297 6153-0199

Page III


Medium-sized and large engines

Dear customer, The engines of the DEUTZ brand have been developed for a broad spectrum of applications. A comprehensive range of different variants ensures that special requirements can be met for the individual case involved. Your engine has been equipped to suit your own particular installation, and accordingly not all of the devices and components described in these operating instructions will actually be fitted to your engine. We have endeavoured to present the differences involved as clearly as possible, to make it easier for you to find the operating and maintenance instructions you need for your own particular engine. Please read this manual before you start up your engine, and follow the operating and maintenance instructions meticulously. If you have any questions, just get in touch with us, and we will be pleased to answer them for you. Yours sincerely, DEUTZ AG

Page IV

0297 6153-0199

© 0199

Medium-sized and large engines


DEUTZ engines are the culmination of long years filled with research and development work. The in-depth know-how thus acquired, in conjunction with high standards of quality, is your guarantee for engines manufactured for long lifetime, high reliability and low fuel consumption. And of course, stringent criteria of environment-friendliness are met as well. Care and maintenance are crucial factors in ensuring that your engine satisfactorily meets the requirements involved. Compliance with the specified maintenance intervals and meticulous performance of care and maintenance work are therefore absolutely essential. Special attention must be paid to any more critical operating conditions deviating from the norm. DEUTZ AG In the event of malfunctions, or if you need spare parts, please contact one of our responsible service agencies. Our trained and qualified staff will ensure fast, professional rectification of any damage, using original parts. Original parts from DEUTZ AG have always been manufactured to the very latest state-of-the-art. You will find details of our after-sales service at the end of these operating instructions. Careful when the engine is running! Carry out maintenance or repair jobs only when the engine is at a standstill. If you remove any protective features, fit them back in position after completing your work. Always wear tight-fitting clothing if you are working on the engine while it is running.


Safety You will find this symbol next to all safety instructions. Follow these meticulously. Pass on all safety instructions to your operating staff as well. In addition, comply with the statutory general safety and accident prevention regulations applying in your country.

Instruction You will find this symbol next to instructions of a general nature. Follow these instructions carefully.

Asbestos The seals and gaskets used in this engine are asbestos-free. Please use the appropriate spare parts for maintenance and repair jobs.

© 0401 0199

0297 6153-0199

Page V

Medium-sized and large engines

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Page VI

0297 6153-0199

© 0199

Table of Contents


Inhaltsverzeichnis Indice Table des matières Indice Inhoudsopgave Оглавление

Guide to this Manual


Hinweise zur Benutzung der Betriebsanleitung Avvertenze per l‘utilizzo delle istruzioni per l‘uso Indications relatives à l’utilisation des instructions de service Indicaciones para el manejo de las Instrucciones de Operación Aanwijzingen voor het gebruik van de handleiding Указания по пользованию настоящей Указания по пользованию настоящей

Layout and Description of Engine


Aufbau und Funktion des Motors Struttura e funzioni del motore Constitution et fonctionnement du moteur Construcción y funciones de partes del motor Samenstelling en werkwijze van de motor Kонст укция и функция двигателя

Specification Data


Technische Angaben Indicazioni tecniche Données techniques Datos técnicos Technische gegevens Тенические данные

Operating the Engine


Anleitung zum Betrieb des Motors Istruzioni per il servizio del motore Instructions relatives à l’emploi du moteur Instrucciones para la operación del motor Handleiding betreffende het werken met de motor Инст укця по эксплуатации двигателя

Engine Operating Media


Einweisung in die Arbeitssysteme der Motorbetriebsstoffe Introduzioni ai sistemi operativi del materiali di esercizio del motore Instructions concernant les systèmes opératoires des carburants-moteur Aclaraciones para los sistemas de medios de servicio para el motor Instructies betreffende brandstof-, smeerolie- en koelsysteem Пояснения к системаи эксплуатацион-ных мате иалов длв двигателей

Engine Operating Media Treatment


Vorschriften über Betriebsstoffe Prescrizioni relative a mezi di esercizio Prescriptions applicables aux carburants Prescripciones para medios de servicio Voorschriften inzake brandstof-, smeerolie- en koelmiddel П едписания по эксплуатацион мате иалам



Betriebsstörungen und ihre Beseitigung Disfunzioni di esercizio e loro eliminazione Pannes et leurs remèdes Perturbaciones de servicio y su eliminación Bedrijffstoringen en het verhelpen daarvan Hеисп авности и их уст анение

Maintenance Schedules and List of Job Cards


Instandhaltungs- Intervallpläne und Arbeitskartenübersicht Schemi degli intervalli di manutenzione, visione d‘insieme delle schede di lavoro Plans des intervalles d’entretien et vue d’ensemble sur les fiches de travail Tables de mantenimiento periódico y recopilación de fichas de trabajo Onderhoudsschema en werkkaarten Г афик инте валов техобслуживания и обзо абЧих ка т

Job Cards Arbeitskarten Schede di lavoro Cartes de travail Fichas de trabajo Werkkaarten PабоЧие ка ты



Table of Contents


Inhaltsverzeichnis Indice Table des matières Indice Inhoudsopgave Оглавление

Guide to this Manual


Hinweise zur Benutzung der Betriebsanleitung Avvertenze per l‘utilizzo delle istruzioni per l‘uso Indications relatives à l’utilisation des instructions de service Indicaciones para el manejo de las Instrucciones de Operación Aanwijzingen voor het gebruik van de handleiding Указания по пользованию настоящей Указания по пользованию настоящей

Layout and Description of Engine


Aufbau und Funktion des Motors Struttura e funzioni del motore Constitution et fonctionnement du moteur Construcción y funciones de partes del motor Samenstelling en werkwijze van de motor Kонст укция и функция двигателя

Specification Data


Technische Angaben Indicazioni tecniche Données techniques Datos técnicos Technische gegevens Тенические данные

Operating the Engine


Anleitung zum Betrieb des Motors Istruzioni per il servizio del motore Instructions relatives à l’emploi du moteur Instrucciones para la operación del motor Handleiding betreffende het werken met de motor Инст укця по эксплуатации двигателя

Engine Operating Media


Einweisung in die Arbeitssysteme der Motorbetriebsstoffe Introduzioni ai sistemi operativi del materiali di esercizio del motore Instructions concernant les systèmes opératoires des carburants-moteur Aclaraciones para los sistemas de medios de servicio para el motor Instructies betreffende brandstof-, smeerolie- en koelsysteem Пояснения к системаи эксплуатацион-ных мате иалов длв двигателей

Engine Operating Media Treatment


Vorschriften über Betriebsstoffe Prescrizioni relative a mezi di esercizio Prescriptions applicables aux carburants Prescripciones para medios de servicio Voorschriften inzake brandstof-, smeerolie- en koelmiddel П едписания по эксплуатацион мате иалам



Betriebsstörungen und ihre Beseitigung Disfunzioni di esercizio e loro eliminazione Pannes et leurs remèdes Perturbaciones de servicio y su eliminación Bedrijffstoringen en het verhelpen daarvan Hеисп авности и их уст анение

Maintenance Schedules and List of Job Cards


Instandhaltungs- Intervallpläne und Arbeitskartenübersicht Schemi degli intervalli di manutenzione, visione d‘insieme delle schede di lavoro Plans des intervalles d’entretien et vue d’ensemble sur les fiches de travail Tables de mantenimiento periódico y recopilación de fichas de trabajo Onderhoudsschema en werkkaarten Г афик инте валов техобслуживания и обзо абЧих ка т

Job Cards Arbeitskarten Schede di lavoro Cartes de travail Fichas de trabajo Werkkaarten PабоЧие ка ты



Table of Contents Inhaltsverzeichnis Indice Table des matières Indice Inhoudsopgave Оглавление



Table of Contents Inhaltsverzeichnis Indice Table des matières Indice Inhoudsopgave Оглавление

Table of contents







S/BVM 628

Guide to this Manual

1.1 General 1.2 Trouble — shooting 1.3 Planned Mainenance 1.4 Identification of Spare Parts 1.5 Specification Data 1.6 Job Card No. 1.7 Standard Tools 1.8 Special Tools 1.9 Index of DEUTZ Assembly Groups

© 1199


Layout and Description of Engine

2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14

01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14

Cylinder Head Crankshaft System Engine Frame Timing System Speed Control System Exhaust / Turbocharging System Fuel System Lubricating Oil System Cooling Water System Pneumatic System Engine Protective System Engine Auxiliaries Engine Assemblies and Subassemblies Cutaway View of Engine






S/BVM 628

Table of contents


Specification Data


Model Designation


Designation of Engine Ends and Sides and Related Definitions


Basic Data

3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3

Design Data Operating Data Setting Data for Saftey Switches


Weights of Main Engine Components


Tightening Specification for Heavy — duty Screwed Joints

3.5.1 3.5.2 /3. 3.5.4

Tightening Schedule Tightening Instructions Hydraulic Tool for Annular Nuts


List of Compounds ( Sealing, Locking, Lubricating, Heat Conduction )


Use of Liquid Nitrogen


Dye Checking of Metal Surfaces with Distillate Fuel


Operating the Engine


Preparatory Work before Operating the Engine with Distillate Fuel


Preparatory Work before Operating the Engine with Heavy Fuel or MDF Blend


Running the Engine with Destillate Fuel


Running the Engine with Heavy Fuel or MDF Blend

4.3 4.4

Attendance in Service Stopping the Engine Running on Destillate Fuel


Stopping the Engine Running on Heavy Fuel or MDF Blend

4.5 4.6

Checking Combustion by Indicator Diagrams Run- in instructions

4.6.1 4.6.2

Drive type ”Fixed-pitch propeller and comparable drives ” Drive type ”C.P. propeller with shaft generator, electric generators and comparable drives”

4.7 4.8

Running the Engine with Defective Turbocharger Emergency Operation


Engine Operating Media Systems

5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7

Fuel System Lubrication Oil System Cooling Water System Pneumatic System Injection Pump Plunger Sealing System Injection Nozzle Cooling Symbols Used in Piping Diagrams 0 © 0884

Table of contents






S/BVM 628


Engine Operating Media


Trouble — shooting

7.1 7.2 7.3

Summary of Potential Troubles General Trouble Chart


Maintenance Schedules, List of Job Cards and Job Cards


Summary of Maintenance Schedules


Initial Maintenance jobs Engines running in countinuos operation, e.g. marine engines, >300 hour / year Engines running in standby operation, e.g. emrgency generating sets, < 300 hours / year


Daily maintenance jobs These jobs are described in Section 4.3, as well as in the Brief instructions under Section * ”Monitoring of Engine Operation”.


Periodic maintenance jobs for engines running in continuous operation > 300 hours / year, e.g. marine engines. This schedule forms part of Brief Instructions*


Periodic maintenance jobs for engines running in continuous operation < 300 hour / year, wich are exclusively or most of the time in standby mode, e.g. emergency generating sets. This schedule forms part of Brief Instructions*.


List of Job Cards by maintenance groups


Job Cards by maintenance groups

01.00.00 02.00.00 03.00.00 04.00.00 05.00.00 06.00.00 07.00.00 08.00.00 09.00.00 10.00.00 11.00.00 12.00.00

Cylinder Head Crankshaft System Engine Frame Timing System Speed Control System Exhaust and Turbocharging System Fuel System Lubricating Oil System Cooling Water System Pneumatic System Engine Protective system Engine Auxiliaries


Appendix Brief Instructions

* The Brief Instructions are attached to this Operating Manual © 0996






S/BVM 628

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Table of contents

Guide to this Manual Hinweise zur Benutzung der Betriebsanleitung Avvertenze per l‘utilizzo delle istruzioni per l‘uso Indications relatives à l’utilisation des instructions de service Indicaciones para el manejo de las Instrucciones de Operació

Указания по пользованию настоящей Указания по пользованию настоящей



Guide to this Manual Hinweise zur Benutzung der Betriebsanleitung Avvertenze per l‘utilizzo delle istruzioni per l‘uso Indications relatives à l’utilisation des instructions de service Indicaciones para el manejo de las Instrucciones de Operació

Указания по пользованию настоящей Указания по пользованию настоящей

Guide to this Manual


Guide to this Manual








S/BVM 628

Surely you expect high degrees of reliability and availibility of your DEUTZ engine as prerequisites for its economical application. Great importance was attached to these properties in the course of the engine’s development. However, these properties can be upheld during the engine’s entire lifespan only, if the maintenance and servicing jobs described in this Manual are carried out punctually and fully. It is therefore essential that you become well acquainted with the contents of this Manual not only before commissioning the new engine, but also to use it as a source of information for maintaining the high value of the machine. All safety precautions and regulations have been observed in the design, choice of materials, and manufacture of your engine. This high degree of safety and reliability will be maintained, if the servicing jobs are fully performed according to schedule by properly trained personnel, and if all guards and protective devices removed for carrying out work on the engine are afterwards refitted. When servicing, it is essential to observe the relevant regulations regarding accident prevention and general safety. The Maintenance Schedules give information concerning the work involved at the prescribed intervals. The Job Cards (Section 8) give detailed instructions for carrying out the work. The Job Cards are arranged in accordance with Maintenance Groups as per the PLanned Maintenance System 333*. On Page 1-0-05 is an alphabetical Index of DEUTZ Assembly Groups together with the relevant Job Card Nos. and Maintenance Groups.


© 0884

Institut für Schiffsbetriebsforschung, Flensburg






S/BVM 628


Guide to this Manual

Trouble-shooting Should troubles and faults of any kind arise on the engine, please refer to Section 7, «Troubleshooting». The Trouble Chart lists various potential causes for a certain fault, gives brief instructions for providing possible remedies, and refers to the Manual Section concerned and the Job Cards containing further details for carrying out the work involved.


Planned Maintenance Keep a regular record of the engine’s running hours and observe the schedule for maintenance and servicing accordingly The Maintenance Schedule contains details of the maintenance work involved and the relevant Job Card Nos. Carry out the work detailed on the Job Card.


Ordering of Spare Parts The Spare Parts Catalogue associated with this Instruction Manual contains the Part Nos. for the ordering of parts, and also design details , where necessary. The Spare Parts Catalogue is arranged in accordance with DEUTZ Assembly Group Nos. These DEUTZ Assembly Group Nos. are also to be found in the Filing No. (not Job Card No.!) in the heading of the Job Cards. The number appearing between the hyphens, for example in the case of 0178-08501 1110, the -08-, is the DEUTZ Assembly Group No. For detailed information on spare parts identification, please refer to the introductory lines of the Spare Parts Catalogue.


Specification Data Design data, operating data, and setting data for monitoring equipment are not given in the Job Cards. Please refer to Section 3, «Specification Data».

© 0884

Guide to this Manual







S/BVM 628

Job Card No. In addition to the Filing No., each card is provided with a Job Card No.

Typical Job Card No.: 01.02.03, where: 01 = Maintenance Group = cylinder head 02 = Subassembly

= rocker arm bearings

03 = Serial No. of card


Standard Tools Standard tools are those tools which are normally included in a workshop tool box.

Hammer 1 set of box wrenches Screwdriver Nippers Scriber Various files Centre punch Socket-head wrench Three-square scraper Wire brush


Chisel 1 set of ordinary wrenches Small water tube pliers Combination pliers Tape rule Iron saw Mandrel Hex. wrench Non-fraying rags Grease gun Rubber mallet

Special Tools Special fitting tools and devices, normally supplied along with the engine, are listed in the associated Spare Parts Catalogue under the Assembly Group No. 49.


© 0884

These tools are available from your local Deutz distributor.

Section: Page: Engine:

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Guide to this Manual

Guide to this Manual







S/BVM 628

Index of DEUTZ Assembly Groups as Incorporated in System 333 — Job Cards, Maintenance Groups

Assembly Group

Job Card

Maintenance Group

06 Big end/-bearing

02.03.02 02.03.03 02.04.01 02.05.01 02.06.01


Crankshaft system

10 Camshaft

04.05.01 04.06.01


Timing system

10 Camshaft bearing



Timing system

58 Charge air cooler

06.04.01 06.04.02


Exhaust / Turbocharging system

32 Charge air system



Exhaust / Turbocharging system

48 Charge air water detector



Engine protective system

37 Coolant circulation pump



Cooling water system

37 Cooling water system draining



Cooling water system

48 Crankcase oil mist detector



Engine protective system

01 Crankcase relief valve



Engine frame

05 Crankshaft coupling flange



Timing system

05 Crankshaft gear



Timing system

05 Crankshaft gear

02.01.01 03.08.01


Crankshaft system

05 Crankshaft deflection gauging



Crankshaft system

08 Cylinder head

01.04.01 01.08.01 01.09.01


Cylinder head

04 Cylinder liner

01.05.04 03.02.01 03.02.03 03.03.01 03.04.01 03.05.01 03.06.01


Engine frame

32 Dirt collector



Pneumatic system

41 Exhaust elbow



Exhaust / turbocharging system

41 Exhaust manifold



Exhaust / turbocharging system

© 0885






S/BVM 628

Guide to this Manual

Assembly Group

Job Card

Maintenance Group

08 Exhaust valve

01.01.01 01.05.01 01.05.04 01.05.05 01.07.01


Cylinder head

05 Flywheel



Engine protective system

46 Foundation bolts



Engine frame

20 Fuel feed pump



Fuel system

20 Fuel filter

07.03.02 07.10.01


Fuel system

29 Hydr. governor drive



Speed control system

29 Hydr. governor linkage



Speed control system

27 Hydr. speed governor

05.00.01 05.03.11 05.03.12 05.03.14


Speed control system

08 Inlet valve

01.01.01 01.05.01 01.05.04 01.05.05 01.07.01


Cylinder head

21 Injection piping

07.03.01 07.03.02


Fuel system

17 Injection pump

07.01.01 07 Fuel system 07.02.01/03/04/05/06/07 07.05.01

18 Injection pump removal / refitment



Timing system

22 Intake air cleaner



Exhaust / turbocharging system

19 Injector removal / refitment

07.07.01 07.08.01 07.09.01


Fuel system

15 Lube oil centrifuge



Lubricating oil system

15 PLube oil filter

08.09.01 08.10.01 08.20.02


Lubricating oil system

14 Lube oil pump



Lubricating oil system

14 Lube oil pressure-stat



Lubricating oil system

15 Lube oil system



Lubricating oil system

© 0885

Guide to this Manual






S/BVM 628

Assembly Group

Job Card

Maintenance Group

02 Main bearing

02.03.02 02.03.03 02.04.01 02.07.01 02.08.01


Crankshaft system

48 Oil level float switch



Engine protective system

48 Overspeed switch



Engine protective system

07 Piston coolant nozzle



Crankshaft system

07 Piston pin



Crankshaft system

07 Piston pin brush



Crankshaft system

07 Piston / rings

02.09.01 02.10.01 02.10.02 02.10.04 02.11.01 02.14.01


Crankshaft system

32 Pneumatic system



Pneumatic system

32 Pressure reducer station



Pneumatic system

48 Pressure switch



Engine protective system

11 Rocker arm

01.02.02 01.02.03


Cylinder head

31 Safety valve



Cylinder head

32 Starting air master valve

10.03.01 10.03.91


Pneumatic system

30 Starting pilot air distributor



Pneumatic system

31 Starting valve

10.11.01 01.11.02 01.05.04


Cylinder head

48 Temperature switch



Engine protective system

51 Thermocouples



Engine protective system

09 Timing gear train

04.04.01 04.08.01


Timing system

09 Timing gear train

04.04.01 04.13.01


Timing system

43 Turbocharger

06.05.01 06.06.01 06.12.01 06.13.01 06.13.02


Exhaust / turbocharging system

© 0885






S/BVM 628

Guide to this Manual

Assembly Group

Job Card

Maintenance Group

11 Valve drive, bottom



Timing system

11 Valve drive, top



Cylinder head

08 Valve guide clearance



Cylinder head

08 Valve rotator

01.03.01 01.03.02


Cylinder head

16 Valve seat lubrication



Lubricating oil system

08 Valve seat ring

01.07.01 01.03.01


Cylinder head

34 Vibration damper

12.01.01 12.01.02/03


Engine auxiliaries

© 0885

Layout and Description of Engine Aufbau und Funktion des Motors Struttura e funzioni del motore Constitution et fonctionnement du moteur Construcción y funciones de partes del motor Samenstelling en werkwijze van de motor Kонст укция и функция двигателя



Layout and Description of Engine Aufbau und Funktion des Motors Struttura e funzioni del motore Constitution et fonctionnement du moteur Construcción y funciones de partes del motor Samenstelling en werkwijze van de motor Kонст укция и функция двигателя

Layout and Description of Engine


Layout and Description of Engine


01 Cylinder Head






S/BVM 628

The Head iß held down on the crankcase through 4 hydraulically tightened studs. Fitted in the head are 2 inlet valves, 2 exhaust valves, one fuel injector, a starting valve, an indicator valve and, if required, a relief valve. The exhaust valves are equipped with rotators, the inlet valves with a seat lubrication to reduce wear. In fact, oil is injected in a metered amount into the charge air, so this seat lubrication requires no servicing. Injector and inlet/exhaust valves plus drive are protected by a rocker chamber cover. Coolant transfer from crankcase to head is made through plugged pipes within the head contour.


02 Crankshaft System The drop-forged crankshaft is fitted in the crankcase in underslung arrangement. Main journals and crankpins are hardened and carried in complex-metal bearing shells. As required by the rated engine spee, the shaft is fitted with balance weights to reduce mass forces. The bearing caps are secured to the crankshaft by 2 vertical and 2 horizontal bolts, the former ones being tightened jointly by a hydraulic tool. The flywheel is flanged to the shaft‘s driving end, the flange being fitted on the shaft by hydraulic shrinkage. Power for secundary drives can be taken off from the shaft‘s free end. The drop-forged connecting rod big end is split in straight (horizontal) arrangement, while the small end is of the stepped type. The two-piece pistons are fitted with 3 compression rings and one oil control ring. The former rings are located in the steel top, the oil ring in the piston skirt above the full-float piston pin.


03 Engine Frame The crankcase is a single-piece casting. Large doors permit easy access to all motion parts. Some doors may optionally be provided with relief valves safeguarding the engine in the case of crankcase of explosions. The standard deep ”wet-type” oil sump represents the engine‘s lube oil reservoir, from which oil is forced into the lubricating circuit by a special delivery pump. Where high or low-level tanks are utilized for oil reservoir, use is made of a flat ”dry-type” sump with connections for an oil drain (to the low-level tank) or a special suction pump (to the high-level tank) respectively. The cylinder liner is located in the crankcase at top and bottom. The liner flange is seated on a highly waer-resistant ring pressed into the crankcase. The water jackets are sealed by one ”watercooled” Viton 0-seals at the bottom. The head/liner gasket is a steel ring.

© 0883






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


Layout and Description of Engine

04 Timing System ILocated at the engine‘s driving end and driven from a big gear on the crankshaft, the timing gear train drives, through idler gears, the camshaft, injection pumps and governor. As determined by the engine‘s firing order, the camshaft, carried in bearing bushes, actuates the inlet and exhaust valves as well as the starting pilot air distributor, The shaft is split in two halves and can be pulled out of the engine lengthwise. Cams and bearing points are surface-hardened. The pump chest at the engine‘s free end can mount, besides the standard lube oil delivery pump, one oil suction pump and 2 cooling water pumps. The pumps are gear-driven, i.e. the oil pumps direct and the coolant pumps through flexible couplings.


05 Speed Control System The Engine is controlled by hydraulic governor which, through the injection pump‘s control rod, automatically meters the amount of fuel to be injected as a function of engine load. Overall engine control is by an engine-mounted panel or seperately installed local or remote control units. Emergency engine shutdown is possible by an automatic system or manually on the speed governor direct.


06 Exhaust / Turbocharging System The non-insulated exhaust manifold running along the engine is lagged by an easily removable and multisplit casing. Only the water-cooled exhaust elbows from cylinder head to manifold are located outside this casing. Being connected through sliding pieces with 0-seals, the water jackets of the exhaust elbows form the cooling water manifold for the engine. The engines are fitted with BBC turbochargers connected to the engine‘s cooling system. The compressors of these turbochargers are cleaned by a scavenging device. The charge air is cooled by water in special units. The charge air pipe is divided into single sections for each cylinder. These sections are likewise connected through sliding pieces with 0-seals. This new concept of exhaust manifold with cooled elbows and integral water manifold, the division of the charge air pipe, the plug-type water transfer pipes between cylinder head and crankcase and, last not least, the use of hydraulic tools for tightening the cylinder head studs/nuts significantly improve the ease in dismantling and refitting components at the engine top.

© 0883

Layout and Description of Engine







S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

07 Fuel System (see also 5.1) The following integral in-line injection pumps are provided: 6 and 8-cylinder models:

2 pumps with 3 and 4 elements respectively

9-cylinder model:

3 pumps with 3 elements each

The type of pumps chosen and the connection of the injection piping to the cylinder head sideways gave the advantage of very short injection piping. Pump lubrication is connected to the regular motor oil circuit. In the case of engines running on intermediate fuels a sealing-oil system prevents the lube oil from being diluted by fuel. The multi-orifice injection nozzle is located in the middle of the cylinder head and connected to the latter by a lateral injection line. The fuel feed pump is mounted on one injection pump. Fuel cleaning is through a change-over type duplex filter. In the case of engines running on heavy fuel, the feed pump is installed seperately. The changeover duplex filter can be preheated by having the transferred, preheated fuel flow through the filter. If available, the injection nozzles are cooled with engine lube oil or gas oil or — in exceptional cases — even with engine coolant.


08 Lubricating Oil System (see also 5.2) From the oil sump, or the low- or high-level oil tank, as provided, the engine mounted delivery-type oil pump forces the oil through the oil-cooler, usually also engine-mounted, and the combined oil filter (paper filter followed by edge filter) into the oil gallery integrally cast inside the crankcase. From this gallery the oil flows on through passages in the crankcase wall to crankshaft journals and crankpins and to the nozzles provided for cooling the pistons. Passages in the crankcase front, wich are connected to the oil gallery, supply the timing gear train. Additional bypass oil filtration is by two centrifuges attached to the crankcase doors. Connections are also available for standby oil pumps and the electric priming pump.


09 Cooling Water System (see also 5.3) As requiered by the particular engine application, the following standard systems can be provided: 1. Single-Circuit:

This circuit serves actual engine plus lube oil and charge air cooler. The water is cooled in a separate tubular heat exchanger.

2. Double-Circuit:

One cooling circuit is provided for the engine, a second one for oil and charge air cooler. The coolant heat dissipated is a separate tubular heat exchanger.

3. Triple-Circuit:

This system is primarily used for water cooling by radiator. Engine, oil cooler and charge cooler have a circuit of their own.

Optionally available are various versions of the above two systems

© 1296






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


Layout and Description of Engine

10 Pneumatic System (see also 5.4) The engine is started by compressed air through starting valves in the cylinder heads, the valves being opened by pilot air from a distributor in the correct firing order. Starting air release is normally at 30 bar.



Engine Protective System

All engine operating media can be monitored by temperature and/or pressure switches which energize alarm and/or shutdown devices. In addition, all essential temperatures and pressures are indicated by gauges provided on panels that are either engine-mounted or seperately installed. The exhaust temperature is indicated either by pointer thermometers or through thermocouples, which can optionally and locally be connected to a pyrometer system. If necessary, a crankcase oil mist detector can also be provided.



Engine Auxiliaries

Provided for this engine family is an external vibration damper either of the viscous or rubber type. The 6-cylinder model is also available without this damper.

© 1083






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Layout and description of engine


Engine Assemblies and Subassemblies (as for the relevant location, please refer to Section 2.14)

Assy Group No.

© 1296



Exhaust manifold


Exhaust thermometre


Charge air cooler


Measuring instrument panel


Charge air pipe


Fuel piping


Engine control unit


Fuel filter


Lube oil filter


Lube oil filter combination


Fuel injection pump


Vibration damper


Cylinder liner


Oil dipstick


Connecting rod




Speed governor drive


Oil pan




Timing gear train




Starting pilot air distributor




Air intake silencer


Exhaust valve




Exhaust turbocharger




Cylinder head


Valve drive






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Layout and description of engine

Cutaway View of Engine













51452 2 ©

7 25


6 26


5 27


4 28


3 29


2 30

(8-cyl. engine)



Specification Data Technische Angaben Indicazioni tecniche Données techniques Datos técnicos Technische gegevens Тенические данные



Specification Data Technische Angaben Indicazioni tecniche Données techniques Datos técnicos Technische gegevens Тенические данные

Specification Data


Specification Data


Model Designation: S/BV 6/8/9 M 628 S B V 6/8/9


= = = =

Marine (uni-direction) Turbocharged Four stroke cycle 6, 8 or 9 cylinders

M 6 28

= = =


3.1 and 3.2




S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Water cooled Generation No. Piston stroke in cm

Designations of engine sides, cylinders and rotation direction Viewed towards the drive-side coupling flange of the engine.

1 AS

Drive side

2 LS

Left side

3 FS

Free side

4 RS

Right side

Coupling side KS

Opposite side to coupling KGS

Cylinder designation

The cylinders are counted and designated from the drive side «AS»

Rotation direction

The anticlockwise rotation direction is designated «left rotation» and clockwise is designated «right rotation».








4 © 80 060 0

© 1199

Specification Data








S/BV 6/8/9M 628

Basic Data Power and speed Bore Stroke Capacity per cylinder Total capacity: 6 cylinder 8 cylinder 9 cylinder

see acceptance test sheets 240 mm 280 mm 12,66 litres 75,66 litres 101,28 litres 113,94 litres

Compression ratio

13 : 1

Design Data 01 Cylinder Head Safety valve opens at

170 ± 5 bar

02 Crankshaft System Crankshaft main jounal dia. running width of main bearing crankpin dia. running width of big-end bearings

210 mm 70 mm 175 mm 61 mm

Piston Material, top skirt

heat-treated steel with hardened grooves forget light alloy

Pin dia. No.of compression rings No. of oil control rings Mean piston speed

105 mm 3 1 9,33 m/s a t 1000/min

Connecting rod Length Running width of small-end bush

504 mm 108 mm/56 mm

03 Engine frame Material Cylinder spacing

ductile iron 370 mm

04 Timing system

© 0491

Firing order 6-cyl. model, CL rotation: 6-cyl. model, CCL rotation:

1- 4 — 2 — 6 — 3 — 5 1- 5 — 3 — 6 — 2 — 4

8-cyl. model, CL rotation: 8-cyl. model, CCL rotation:

1- 3 — 2 — 5 — 8 — 6 — 7 — 4 1- 4 — 7 — 6 — 8 — 5 — 2 — 3

9-cyl. model, CL rotation 9-cyl. model, CCL rotation Valve Timing (deg. crank angle)

1- 3 — 5 — 7 — 9 — 8 — 6 — 4 — 2 1- 2 — 4 — 6 — 8 — 9 — 7 — 5 — 3






S/BV 6/8/9M 628

Specification Data

Inlet valve opens Inlet valve closes

43,5° KW 23,6° KW

p. PMS d. PMS

0,2 mm clearance, engine cold

Exhaust valve opens Exhaust valve closes

52,9° KW 38,9° KW

p. PMS d. PMS

0,5 mm clearance, engine cold

Starting valve opens Starting valve closes

11° bTDC 40° bBDC

05 Speed Control System Lowest idling speed at full engine speed Lowest firing speed

≤ 800 200

801 — 900 225

901 — 1000/min 250/min


06 Exhaust / Turbocharging System Charge air cooler see acceptance test sheet

07 Fuel System Injection lines


10 mm O.D. 4 mm bore

Operating Data 06 Exhaust / Turbocharging System Turbocharging System Charge air temperature at engine inlet

see acceptance test sheet

Max. intake resistance

25 mbar (250 mm of water)

Exhaust System On the 8- and 9-cylinder models, the cylinder next to the turbocharger goes to the multi-pulse unit direct, so the exhaust temperatures of this cylinder are somewhat lower (see acceptance test sheet). Exhaust teperature after turbine

see acceptance test sheet

Max. backpressure Perm. deviation of individual temperatu res from mean value of all cylinders: 100 % rated power 75 % rated power 50 % rated power

25 mbar + 25 °C + 30 °C + 50 °C

© 0491

Specification Data






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

07 Fuel System Fuel grade Fuel consumption Filter mesh Fuel pressure at inj. pump inlet at rated speed

See Section 6 . 3 See acceptance test sheet 7 — 60 µm 3,0 — 4, 5 bar

Fuel temperature at inj. pump inlet

See Section 6

Injection nozzle opening pressure 350 + 10 bar Type of nozzles See acceptance test sheet Combustion pressure See acceptance test sheet Permissible deviation of individual indicated firing pressure from mean value of all cylinders + 4 bar Delivery of separate fuel feed pump at 5 + 2,5 bar backpressure: 6-cyl. engine: 1,3 + 1,0 m3/h 8-cyl. engine: 1,8 + 0,6 m3/h 9-cyl. engine: 2,0 + 0,4 m3/h

08 Lubricating Oil System Oil grade Filter mesh: — paper cartridge — edge filter Oil temperature at engine inlet: (oil cooler preceding charge air cooler) (charge air cooler preceding oil cooler) Min. oil pressure after filter: — rated speed, engine hot — at lowest idling speed Priming pressure after filter: — before starting regular engine — engine (stationary) on standby duty Min. priming oil pumping at 3 bar delivery pressure (values in brackets are possible in case of lube oil temperatures below 50° C) Sealing-oil pressure in injection pumps Delivery pressure of mounted sealing oil pump Separate sealing-oil pump (with intermediate fuel operation): Delivery pressure: Sealing-oil delivery — min. — max. level tanks: — distillate, MDF blend — heavy fuel Lube oil consumption Min. oil capacity of standby engines

© 1186

See Section 6 . 2 30 µm 50 µm max. 65 °C max. 75 °C 3,5 bar 1,0 bar 0,35 bar > 0,35 bar (held for 3 minutes every hour) 6-cyl. 4 m3/h (2,5 m3/h)

8-cyl. 5 m3/h (3 m3/h)

9-cyl. 6 m3/h (3,5 m3/h)

min. 1 bar higher than fuel pressure min. 5 bar

9 — 10 bar 6-cyl. 0,15 l/h 0,6 l/h

8-cyl. 0,2 l/h 0,6 l/h

min. 0,7 l/kW > 0,82 l/kW 1 g/kWh 0,2


9-cyl. 0,25 l/h 0,6 l/h






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Specification Data

Separate standby oil pump: — capacity

6-cyl.: 24 — 30 m3/h 8-cyl.: 30 — 35 m3/h 9-cyl.: 35 — 40 m3/h 5 bar

— Pressure Oil Sump Inclinations and Capacities

Dipstick with 3 marks Dipstick with 3 marks

Connections for low-level tank © 51 201 0

α ± = 3°

Max. sump inclination (incl. installation angle)

α ± = 10°

Max. permanent inclination

β ± = 22,5°

Max. temporary inclination (starting 22°, turbocharger will lose some oil)

β ± = 30°


Oil capacity of deep oil sump (litres) 2)

oil level


Max. engine installation angle

Top mark

α= β=

0° 0°


Medium mark

α = ±10° β= 0°

*1 *3

Bottom mark

α = ±10° β= 0°













*1) Where sump inclinations α ± are below 10°, the oil level can be kept at a corresponding level between the top and medium dipstick mark to ensure maximum oil supply to the engine and hence increase oil change intervals . (1° less inclination allows for approx. 10 mm higher level above medium mark.) *2) Sump lubrication for heavy fuel requires min. 0,82 lit/kW *3) Due to inclined dipstick, correct maximum distance can be obtained only with β = 0°.

© 0883

Specification Data

Connection for low-level tank («dry» sump)

Drain A or B for inclinations α ± <






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628






> 8° — 10°

> 7° — 10°

Drain A and B for inclinations α ±

Oil Delivery Rate for Valve Seat Lubrication Rated Engine Speed 1/min. 1000 900 800 750 720


Delivery in drops / 4 min 8-cyl.

42 37 34 32 30


56 50 45 42 40

63 56 50 47 45

Admissible deviation ± 4 gocce/4 min 09 Cooling Water System Water quality Engine system capacity

see Section 6 6-cyl.: 225 litres 8-cyl.: 275 litres 9-cyl.: 300 litres

Max. coolant temperature at engine outlet during full-load operation (In case of 2-stage charge air cooler, measured at cooler inlet) with single-circuit cooling system with two- and three-circuit cooling system Temperature difference between full load and idling operation (at engine outlet) Temperature difference between cooling water at engine inlet and engine outlet under full load conditions

80°C 85°C 8 — 12 °C 8 — 12 °C

(In case of 2-stage charge air cooler, measured at cooler inlet) Cooling water preheating temperature for standby duty for engines starting with blended fuel viscosity < 180 mm2/s at 50°C (cSt) viscosity > 180 mm2/s at 50°C (cSt) viscosity > 380 mm2/s at 50°C (cSt) for all other engines

50 °C 70 °C 80 °C 25 °C

Max. coolant temperature at charge air cooler inlet

50 °C

Max. coolant temperature at built-on oil cooler inlet

45 °C

Max. raw water temperature at heat exchanger inlet

32 °C

Max. coolant pressure at engine inlet with built-on or separate pump Coolant temperature at injection nozzle inlet approx. Min. pressure of separate injection nozzle coolant pump

© 0885

50 °C

~ 4 bar 85°C 3 bar






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Specification Data

10 Pneumatic System Air receiver capacity

see Classification Societies (min. 125 lit.)

Max. starting pressure Min. starting pressure

30 bar 10 bar

© 0883

Specification Data







S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Setting data for monitoring equipment

Minimum equipment

marine propulsion engines

auxiliary marine

stationary engines

Data in “bar” Pressure monitor (referring to dropping pressure) lube oil pressure: initial alarm main alarm (engine stop)

engine speed ≤ 600/min

> 600/min

– 1,0

– 2,0

Temperature monitor

2,0 1,8

– 2,0

Data in „°C“

circ. cool. water temp circuit I charge air temp., max.

85 65

Other monitors overspeed protection

85 65

85 65

rated speed 110 %n1

110 %n1

110 %n1

Further setting data may be obtained from the gauge point list which is included in the engine documentation.

Section: Page: Engine:

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Specification Data

Specification Data






S/BV M 628

Arrangement of Electrical Equipment Measuring point No. as per separately supplied list of measuring points

1.3.1 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.3.7 1.3.8 2.3.1 2.3.2 2.3.3 2.3.4 2.3.5 2.3.7 2.3.8 2.3.9 2.4.1 2.4.6 2.4.8 2.4.10 2.4.11 2.6.3 3.3.2 3.3.3 3.3.4 3.3.5 3.3.7 3.3.10 3.4.4 3.6.4 4.3.1 4.3.2 4.3.3 4.6.2 5.4.1 5.4.3 6.3.1 6.4.5 7.3.1 7.3.2 7.3.3 7.3.4 7.3.5 7.3.6 7.3.6 7.3.9 7.3.10

© 0685


Function / description of the equipment or of the gauge point

Fuel supply pressure Pme monitoring Full load (overload) monitoring Fuel rack travel indicator Monitoring of shielded injection pipings Speed switch — pressure monitor bridging Lube oil pressure n < 600 l/min Lube oil pressure n > 600 l/min Lube oil pressure Lube oil temperature Min. lube oil temperature Differential pressure lube oil filter Level — lube oil pan Lube oil pressure Lube oil temperature Seal oil pressure Lube oil pressure start inhibitor Level — lube oil pan, stand-by pump ON Lube oil temperature Engine jacket water temperature Engine jacket water pressure, circuit I Raw water pressure Min. engine jacket water temperature Engine jacket water, circuit II Speed switch — pressure monitor bridging Engine jacket water temperature Engine jacket water temperature Max. charge air temperature Min. charge air temperature Water detector in charge air pipe Charge air temperature Exhaust gas temperature per cylinder Exhaust gas temperature after turbine Failure crankcase monitoring system Crankcase monitoring system Starting air pressure Control air pressure Malfunction of start air interlock (engine fails to start) Switch — speed setting output Switch — speed setting input Switch — engine remote control unit (BVM) Control unit indicator, engine-mounted/remote (SBVM) Signal lamp — remote control ON 3/2 -way valve change-over safeguard






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Measuring point No. as per separately supplied list of measuring points

7.3.14 7.5.8 7.5.9 7.5.10 7.5.12 7.5.14 7.5.15 7.5.16 7.5.17 7.5.20 8.1.1 8.1.2

Specification Data

Function / description of the equipment or of the gauge point

Tacho-generator monitor Solenoid — emergency shutdown Starting solenoid, 3/2-way valve Pushbutton — delocking emergency stop Speed control monitor Pushbutton — stop Solenoid — emergency shutdown Solenoid — stop Electr. 3-way valve (start inhibitor) Pushbutton — start Tacho-generator Speed indicator

© 0685

Specification Data





S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Exhaust Turbocharger at Driving End

25 437 2 ©


© 0984





S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Specification Data

25 438 2 ©


© 0984

Specification Data





S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Exhaust Turbocharger at Free End

25 439 2 ©


© 0984





S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Specification Data

25 440 2 ©


© 0984

Specification Data







S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Weight of Engine Components (approx. kg per unit)





Engine with flywheel





Crankcase w/o main bearing cap Crankcase w.main bearing cap

2080 2310

2617 2920

3700 4030


Oil tank …(wet sump) Oil tank …(dry sump)

365 320

430 380

470 410


Cylinder liner





Crankshaft w/o balance weights





Balance weights w. bolts and washers





Flywheel dia.

199 480 1452

Bearing (top and bottom shell) 1 main bearing 1 big end bearing

2 1

2 1

2 1


Connecting rod





Piston without piston rings





Gudgeon pin





Cylinder head (compl.)





Inlet or exhaust valves





Injection valve





Viscous-type vibration damper Ø 490 x 85 Ø 620 x 100 Ø 640 x 120 Extra weights (dia. x width)


Torsional vibration damper, rubber-type (dia. x width) Ø 675 x 130 – Ø 680 x 153

© 1296


VTR 214 VTR 251


305 505 1572

104 200 255





252 or 1040 or


Ø 930 x 86 Ø 970 x 130 Ø 990 x 240 Ø 1140 x 277


Ø 538 x 55 Ø 680 x 42,5

w/o intake air silencer

90 108

145 —



230 —

230 360







S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Specification Data



ca. kg









EZR 1232

















EZR 1412 EZR 1422 EZR 1712 EZR 1722 EZR 2012 20

Coupling Size

Series 2100








































Rato-S 1811 Rato-S 1812 Rato-S 2011 Rato-S 2012 Rato-S 2211 Rato-S 2212 Rato-S 2411 Rato-S 2412 Rato-S 2521 Rato-S 2522 Rato-S 2611 Rato-S 2612 Rato-S 2721 Rato-S 2722 Rato-S 2811 Rato-S 2812 Rato-S 2921 Rato-S 2922 © 1185

Specification Data



© 1185






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


6-cyl. ca. kg

8-cyl. ca. kg

9-cyl ca. kg

Charge air piping (section per cylinder)




Section: Page:

Specification Data


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© 0491

Specification Data






S/BVM 628


Tightening Specification for Heavy-Duty Screwed Joints



Line No.

Constr. group





Line No.

N. costgroup

Joints tightened by hydraulic tool


Oil pressure bar


Crankcase / cylinder head

M 33 x 2

835 bar

Job 01.09.01

Crankcase / bearing cap (vertical)

M 33 x 2

1030 bar

Section 3.5.2, Job 02.08.01


Preload torque Nm

Tightening torque Nm

Tightening angle °


M 22 x 2

70 Nm

210 °

M 20 x 1,5

70 Nm

240 °

1° phase 90 ° 2° phase 90 ° 3° phase 60 °

Joints tightened by wrench




Crankcase / bearing cap (horizontal)



Big end / cap


Crankshaft / counterwheights

M 27 x 2

130 Nm

90 °



Rocker bracket / cylinder head

M 14 x 1,5

30 Nm

150 °

1° phase 30 ° 2° phase 60 ° 3° phase 60 °



Rocker shaft / rocker bracket / cylinder head

M 16 x 1,5

30 Nm

240 °

1° phase 60 ° 2° phase 90 ° 3° phase 90 °



Timing chest / crankcase

M 14

112 Nm



Injection pump top / base

M 12

30 Nm

90 °



Injection pump: element fastening

M 12

85 Nm

60 °



Injection pump: cramshaft / gear

M 14 x 1,5

30 Nm

60 °

non greased



Injection pump / crankcase

M 12

30 Nm

90 °



Injection pump drive / clutch disc

M 20 x 1,5

130 Nm

90 °



Injection pump

M 14 x 1,5

30 Nm

90 °



Injection pump drive / gear

M 16 x 1,5

30 Nm

90 °


Vibration damper / crankshaft

M 24 x 2

130 Nm

90 °



Water pump / shaft

M 16 x 1,5

50 Nm

120 °



Turbocharger bracket / crankcase

M 16 x 1,5

250 Nm



Crankshaft / gear

M 10

50 Nm



Gear / oil pump drive dell’olio lubrificante

M 16

50 Nm

90 °



Injector fastening

M 16 x 1,5

120 Nm



Flywheel / crankshaft

M30 x 2 x 100

128 Nm

75 °

1° phase 45 ° 2° phase 30 °

M30 x 2 x 200

128 Nm

150 °

1° phase 90 ° 2° phase 60 °

05 06

drive / cramshaft

17 18

© 0992






S/BVM 628

Line No.

Constr. group

Specification Data

Joints tightened by wrench


Preload torque Nm

Tightening torque Nm

Tightening angle )°




Crankshaft / gear

M 12

120 Nm



Drive gear / camshaft

M 10

70 Nm



Camshaft / camshaft

M 10

70 Nm



Crankcase door

M 10 x 30

70 Nm



Pump chest fastening

M 12

75 Nm



Starting control shaft / camshaft

M 14 x 1,5

30 Nm

90 °



Injection line / cap nut

30 Nm

30 °

M 16 x 1,5

250 Nm


Timing chest / crankcase


M 20 x 2

280 Nm


M 16 x 1,5

250 Nm

M 12 x 1,25

108 Nm

M 10

70 Nm


M 10

30 Nm

240 °

1° phase180 ° 2° phase 60 °


M 10

30 Nm

150 °

1° phase 90 ° 2° phase 60 °

M 16 x 1,5

130 Nm

M 20 x 2

280 Nm

EZ 121 S EZ 135 S

M 14

20-30 Nm

60 °

1° phase 30 ° 2° phase 30 °

EZ 142 S EZ 166 S

M 18 x 1,5

40 Nm

90 °

1° phase 30 ° 2° phase 60 °

EZ 171 S EZ 195 S

M 22 x 1,5

69 Nm

120 °

1° phase 60 ° 2° phase 60 °

EZ 201 S

M 27 x 2

128 Nm

60 °

1° phase 30 ° 2° phase 30 ° 1° phase 30 ° 2° phase 60 °




Charge air cooler bracket / crankcase

37 38 22

Air cleaner (long bolts)


40 09

Gear pivot pins

41 42

43 63 44

Flexible coupling (c/w adapter flange) / flywheel





M 30 x 2

128 Nm

90 °



Vibration damper / crankshaft

M 24 x 2

130 Nm

120 °

D. with extra mass



Governor drive / bevel gear

M 24 x 1,5

70 Nm

90 °



Injector / nozzle nut

M 28 x 1,5

120 Nm

EZ 121 S EZ 135 S

M 14

20 -30 Nm

60 °

1° phase 30 ° 2° phase 30 °

EZ 142 S EZ 166 S

M 18 x 1,5

40 Nm

90 °

1° phase 60 ° 2° phase 30 °

EZ 171 S EZ 195 S

M 22 x 1,5

68 Nm

150 °

1° phase 90 ° 2° phase 60 °

EZ 201 S

M 27 x 2

128 Nm

120 °

1° phase 60 ° 2° phase 60 °


52 63 53


Flexible coupling (without adapter flange) / flywheel

© 0883

Specification Data

Line No.




S/BVM 628

Preload torque Nm

Tightening torque Nm

Tightening angle )°


M 10 x 20

60 Nm


M 10 x 25

60 Nm

M 12 x 140

170 Nm


M 14 x 35

220 Nm


M 14 x 50

220 Nm

M 8 x 30

40+5 Nm

M 10

50 Nm


M 14 x 80

125 Nm


M 16 x 40

280 Nm


M 16 x 45

190 Nm


M 16 x 50

280 Nm


M 16 x 80

280 Nm

M 16 x 90

280 Nm


M 16 x 170

280 Nm


M 20x 1,2×45

700 Nm


M 20×1,5×50

430 Nm


M 20×1,5×65

300 Nm


M 20 x 50

380 Nm


M 20 x 160

380 Nm

M 12 x 40

135 Nm

M 27

1000 Nm

M 22 x 1,5

900 +20 Nm


Joints tightened by wrench




Constr. group


Vibration damper / rubber element



Control rod / connecting linkage



Camshaft / guide plate



Turbocharger assembly



Piston cooling oil nozzles



Resilient bearing element / base plate



Crankcase / base plate

© 0599







S/BVM 628


Specification Data

Legend for Items 2 and 3

● Preload studs I and II hydraulically with max. 100 bar. ● Preload studs III and IV mechanically with 70 Nm. ● Tighten studs III and IV alternately through 90° + 90° + 30° = 210°. ● Tighten bolts I and II hydraulically to max. 1030 bar. Screw nuts in place and tighten until aquarely seated. ● Lower hydraulic pressure to 0 bar, so nut will becompletely tight. ● Reincrease pressure to 1030 bar and tighten nuts until squarely seated.

© 51 202 0

© 1187

Specification Data







S/BVM 628

Tightening Procedure Proceed by applying lube oil or other compound to threads according to information given in the job cards. Phase 1: Screw the bolts (screws, nuts) in place Phase 2: Preload the bolts (screws, nuts) ● Torques up to 30 Nm Hold socket wrench with tommy bar, hands being closed together and preload bolts evenly (alternately and crosswise, where applicable). When using a plain or box wrench, the thumb should touch the wrench. ● Torques above 30 Nm Preload bolts by torque wrench to the torque tabulated (crosswise and in stages, where applicable). If a standard tool must be used, see adjoining figure and table below with typical values


Phase 3


● Tighten the bolts (srews, nuts) Tighten bolts evenly to the tabulated angle (alternately and crosswise, where applicable). Use extension, if necessary. Where several bolts are involved and the angle is greater than 60°, tighten in stages of max. 60°.

lever length

© 51 203 0

Preloading torque

© 1187

Lever Length






















S/BVM 628

Specification Data

Do not simply back overtightened bolts, but release them comletely and tighten again as specified. Should necking of shank be found after several tightening procedures, renew bolt.


Information on the Hydraulic Tool for Annular Nuts For equipment design, oil filling and bleeding procedures see Job Card No. 02.16.02, which also gives a list of hydraulic oils recommended.

© 0685

Specification Data

3.6 Designation






S/BVM 628

Sealing, Locking, Lubrication and Heat Conductor Compounds Description

Application condition


1,5 mm thick

lube oil, gas oil

2,0 mm thick

Combustion gases


Equivalent product

Sealing compounds:

It-Ö Asbestos

Asbestos with loil-resistant bonding agent Serpentine type

Gi Deutz 2b

Rubber (natural or synthetic)

Water -20 to +110 °C with anti-freeze and anti-corrosive

Deutz DW 5


0,3 mm thick

Air, water, lube oil, gas oil

Deutz DW 20

Leather board

1,5 mm thick

Water up to 65 °C lube oil, gas oil

Deutz DW 30


Deutz DW 40


Deutz DW 47

Amine-hardening compound

Exhaust system

Deva metal from Deventer

Asbestos w. artif. resin

Exhaust piping

Reinz 4402 or Ferrolastic from Diring

Silicone India rubber

Tough-elastic engine frame joints

Silastik Q3-3305, black from Fa. DOW-CORNING, Düsseldorf

Silicone vulcanisate

Touch-elastic joints

Silastik 732 RTV from Dow-Corning, Brussels and Terrostat 33, black, from Teroson GmbH.,Heidelberg

Deutz DW 48


Deutz DW 49


Deutz DW 50


Liquid seal

Deutz DW 51


Liquid seal

Core hole plugs

Fire risk

Compound No. 54 from Sonderhoff, Cologne

Pump cases etc. Teroson fluid

Fire risk

Curil or

Fire risk

Compound Sigma from Sonderhoff, Cologne

Locking Compounds: Deutz DW 55

Liquid singlecomponent plastics hardening on metal under air exclusion

Low viscosity agent becoming very tight

Threads up to M 16, bearings, bushes gears, pins etc.

Loctite 601

High viscosity agent becoming very tight

Threads from M 10, esp. studs, surfaces

Loctite AVX

Deutz DW 57

Low-viscosity agent easily removable

Threads up to M14 (adjusting screws)

Loctite 221

Deutz DW 59

Medium-viscosity agent becoming very tight

Threads and surfaces

Loctite 270

Deutz DW 60

High-viscosity agent becoming medium tight

Threads and faces hydr. and pneum.

Loctite CVX

Deutz DW 56


Deutz DW 61


Only with DW 56 and DW 60 for non-metallic and surface treated components


Locquic T






S/BVM 628



Specification Data

Application Condition



Equivalent Product

Lubricating Compounds: Deutz S1


Deutz S2

Special compound

Deutz S4

Molybdic sulfide

Prevention of thread seizure (e.g. exhaust system)

„Never Seez“ from P.H. Weidling & Sohn KG

Sliding compound

Hydraulic system sliding seals, waisted bolts / studs

Molycote G-n rapid


Reduces / prevents friction and resultant corrosion of tight-fit components. For temperatures -40 °C to +450 °C.

Compound or spray

Deutz F2

Synthetic silicone compound

Electric insulating compound for plug/socket connections in ignition systems

Deutz F5

Acid-free lubricant

Multi-purpose grease for all bearings, -30 to +120 °C

Extra-high pressure grease, extremely adhesive, good corrosion buona protezione inhibitor

Bearings, splines and couplings for temperatures -25 to +110 °C

MOLYKOTE Longterm 2

Initially clean

components w. peror tri-chlorethylene apply compound very «thin»: some 0,005 mm

DOW-CORNING, Düsseldorf or Van Laar, Ratingen

Molykote special compound G-n rapid

Heat Conductor Compounds: Deutz P1

Cond. compound: copper w. oil-containing bonding agent

Temperature switches

Heat compound from Stein & Sohn, Hamburg

© 0883

Specification Data







S/BVM 628

Use of Liquid Nitrogen Fitment of metal parts with the aid of liquid nitrogen can be carried out only in a workshop.

Beware of liquid nitrogen coming into contact with the skin. Never touch undercooled parts with bare hands. Use pliers or other suitable tool when placing parts into liquid nitrogen.

Application of liquid nitrogen For minor work of short duration it will be sufficient to have two concentric containers of varying diameter placed into each other and to have the clearance between the two containersfilled with the mineral wool, cork meal or sand. To begin with, pour the nitrogen into the special basin and then dip the parts into this liquid. The start of the undercooling process is indicated by heavy «boiling». Bubbles will form until the parts have assumed the nitrogen temperature of — 196° C. Once no more bubbles form, the part is ready for fitment.

Quantity of nitrogen needed Under normal conditions, one kilogram of metal to be cooled from +15° to -196° C requires the following quantity of liquid nitrogen: Steel Aluminium Bronze, copper, brass Cast iron

© 0883

0,60 0,96 0,45 0,66

litres litres litres litres

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Specification Data


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© 0984

Specification Data







S/BVM 628

Dye Checking of Metal Surfaces The dye checking process for detecting metal surface flaws requires the following agents: Detergent (trichlorethylene), Diffusion fluid (red), Developer(white)

Cleaning the part — Apply the detergent at least one hour before applying the diffusion fluid to ensure that any grease is removed from the metal surface and its flaws (cracks, fissures, etc.) (Fig. 1) (see safety instruction, page 3-6-02)

Applying the diffusion Fluid — Apply fluid by spraying gun, hair brush or by dipping part into the directionsfor use (Fig. 2). — Wash off surface by water, so fluid will remain in the flaws only (Fig. 3). — Wipe surface clean with a dry rag.

Applying the developer — Once the surface is dry, apply on a thin film of developer by spray gun or hair brush. — Let developer dry for one or two minutes. — The «blotting paper effect» of the white developer will make the red fluid become visible in the flaws (Fig. 4).

© 0883

© 25 459 1






S/BVM 628

Specification Data

Appraisal —

Red lines in the white film indicate cracks. Red dots indicate pittings or porosity.

Hair cracks may need some hours to become visible. A red dotted line is caused by: ● hair cracks, ● metal fatigue marks, ● non-continuous cracks. Trichlorethylene is toxic. Ensure adequate ventilation of the workshop. Do not inhale vapours. Wear protective clothing (such as goggles, gloves) when working with trichlorethylene.

© 0883

Operating the Engine Anleitung zum Betrieb des Motors Istruzioni per il servizio del motore Instructions relatives à l’emploi du moteur Instrucciones para la operación del motor Handleiding betreffende het werken met de motor Инст укця по эксплуатации двигателя



Operating the Engine Anleitung zum Betrieb des Motors Istruzioni per il servizio del motore Instructions relatives à l’emploi du moteur Instrucciones para la operación del motor Handleiding betreffende het werken met de motor Инст укця по эксплуатации двигателя

Operating the Engine







S/BVM 628

Preparations for Operating the Engine on Distillate Fuel (see also sections 7, 8.2, 8.3 and «Summerized Instructions» hereto) A Commissioning Run-in Engines Following a Brief Idle Period B Commisioning Engines Following Overhaul Including Replacements of Pistons, Cylinder Liner or Bearings C Commisioning New Engines or Run-in Engines Following a Prolonged Idle Period (over 3 months)






Cylinder head



Remove all preserving agent inside and outside of engine Check inlet and exhaust valve clearance


Foundation bolts

Inspect / tighten to the instructions of the building contractor

Speed control system

Check that control rod moves freely Check oil level in hydraulic governor


Exhaust / turbocharging system

● Job 01.01.01 ●

Job 03.07.01

Job 07.01.01

Job 05.03.11

Check oil of hydraulic governor

Job 05.03.11

Bleed hydraulic governor

Job 05.03.12

Job 06.05.01

Job 06.06.01

Check oil level in turbocharger Inspect turbocharger

© 0486

Reference section 6

Check that inlet and exhaust valves move freely in their guides 3







S/BVM 628




Fuel system

Operating the Engine



Top up fuel service tank

Clean fuel filter

Job 07.10.01

Test fuel injectors

Job 07.08.01

Check oil level in sealing oil tank

Drain fuel service tank

Bleed fuel system

Job 07.03.02

Lube oil system ●

Top up lube oil reservoir Check up lube oil reservoir

Service lube oil filter combination



Clean fuel service tank

Open shut-off valve of fuel service tank and switch on fuel feed pump (if installed)



Cooling water system

Job 08.10.01

> 0,35 bar

Switch on priming pump and keep priming pressure for min. 3 minutes

Switch on priming pump (if standby oil pump)

Top up water level Check up water level in header tank Bleed water system, if need be

© 0185

Operating the Engine




Cooling water system






S/BVM 628


Treat water with additives



Open valves in all water pipework and check for correct valve pos.

Pneumatic system

© 0585

Engine protective system

Standby sets: Check that preheating temperature (if provided)

Clean separate raw water filter (if provided)

Check that master and starting valves move freely

Job 01.11.01 Job 10.03.01

Drain condensate from dust coll.

Job 10.03.02

Drain condensate from pressure reducer station

Job 10.06.01

Job 10.03.91

Clean / install running -in screen upstream of master valve


Section 6.4

Switch on water preheater, if provided



Section 3.3.2

Drain water from air receivers

Job 10.01.01

Check pressure in air receivers

Job 10.01.01

Separate pumps: check pressures / temperatures in operating media (fuel etc.)

Test audible and visual alarms

Section: Page: Engine:

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Operating the Engine

Operating the Engine







S/BVM 628

Preparation for Operating the Engine on blended Fuel (heavy Fuel) (see also sections 7, 8.2, 8.3 and «Summarized Instructions» hereto).


Commissioning run-in engines following a brief idle period


Commissioning engines following overhaul including replacements of pistons, cylinder liner or bearings


Commissioning new engines or run-in engines following a prolonged idle period (over 3 months)






Cylinder head



Remove all preserving agent linside and outside of engine

Check inlet and exhaust valve clearance


Foundation bolts

Speed control system

Exhaust / turbocharging system

Inspect / tighten to the instruction of the building contractor Check that control rod moves freely

Job 03.07.01

Job 07.01.01

Job 05.03.11

Change oil in hydraulic governor

Job 05.03.11

Bleed hydraulic governor

Job 05.03.12

Job 06.05.01

Job 06.06.01

Job 06.13.03

Check oil level in turbocharger

Inspect turbocharger

Check scavenging water quantity

© 0486

Section 6.5

Check oil level in hydraulic governor



Job 01.01.01 ●

Check that inlet and exhaust valves move freely in their guides 3







S/BVM 628




Fuel system

Operating the Engine



Lube oil system


Clean fuel service tank



Top up fuel service tank

Clean fuel filter

Job 07.10.01

Test fuel injectors

Job 07.08.01

Check oil level in sealing oil tank

Preheat fuel service tank

Drain fuel service tank

Open shut-off valve of fuel service tank

Switch on sealing oil pump

Switch on fuel feed pump as 6+2 bar sealing oil pressure has been obtained

Heat separate f uel filter if engine has been stopped on heavy fuel

Section 6.3

Inserire l’impianto di regolazione della viscosità.

Section 6.3

Bleed fuel system

Job 07.03.02

Switch on standby oil pump if used for priming pump Top up lube oil reservoir

Section 6.3

Check level in lube oil reservoir

Clean lube oil filter

Switch on priming pump and keep min. 0,35 bar pressure for min. 3 minutes


© 0883

Operating the Engine




Cooling water system






S/BVM 628




Top up water level Check water level in header tank


Bleed water system if necessary

Treat water with additives

Clean separate raw water filter (if provided)

Section 6.4

Open valves in all water pipework and check for correct valve positions

Switch on water preheater

Switch on injection valve water preheater (if provided)

● Section 6.3

Switch on injection valve coolant pump 9

Pneumatic system

Check that master and starting valves move freely

Job 01.11.01 ●

Job 10.03.01

Drain condensate from dust coll.

Job 10.03.02

Drain condensate from pressure reducer station

Job 10.06.01

Job 10.03.91

Clean / install running-in screen upstream of master valve

© 0185

Drain water from air receivers

Job 10.01.01

Check pressure in air receivers

Job 10.01.01






S/BVM 628




Engine protective system

Operating the Engine




Separate pumps: check pressures / temperatures in operating media (fuel etc.)

Test audible and visual alarms


© 0883

Operating the Engine







S/BVM 628

Running the Engine on Distillate Fuel







Open indicator valves


Turn engine over twice by barring gear, but not later than 1 hour after prelubricating, otherwise repeat prelubricating


Place speed control in lowest possible position

Section 3.3.1


Keep assistance ready at the emergency stop drive

Job 05.00.01


With air receivers closed, move engine control lever from «Stop» to «Start» position. Slowly open air shut-off valves and — with indicator valves opened briefly turn engine over. Close air receivers, move control lever back to «Stop» position and close indicator valves



Open air receiver fully


Move local control lever from «Stop» to «Start» position and — when firing speed is attained move on to «Run» position

Section 3.3.1

Section 7

Section 3.3.2





© 0185

Should the engine fail to fire at the end of some 3 seconds, wait for a while and repeat starting attempt. If several such starting attempts are unsuccessful, trace cause of trouble and remedy. Switch off water preheater (if provided) at temperature specified Where the standby lube oil pump is used for priming, switch off pump once idling speed is reached or when the starting inhibitor, if provided, releases Raise engine speed slowly






S/BVM 628




Run in engine


Once working temperature is reached, put engine on load

Operating the Engine





Section 4.6

Acceptance documents

On stationary engines use start and stop button respectively for items 5 and 7.

© 0883

Operating the Engine







S/BVM 628

Running the Engine on Blended Fuel (Heavy Fuel)







Open indicator valves


Turn engine over twice by barring gear, but not later than 1 hour after prelubricating, otherwise repeat prelubricating


Place speed control in lowest possible position

Section 3.3.1


Keep assistance ready at the emergency device

Job 05.00.01


With air receivers closed, move engine control lever from «Stop» to «Start» position. Slowly open air shut-off valves and — with indicator valves opened briefly turn engine over. Close air receivers, move control lever back to «Stop» position and close indicator valves



Open air receiver fully


Move local control lever from «Stop» to «Start» position and — when firing speed is attained move on to «Run» position

Section 3.3.1

Section 7




© 0486

Should the engine fail to fire at the end of some 3 seconds, wait for a while and repeat starting attempt. If several such starting attempts are unsuccessful, trace cause of trouble and remedy. Where the standby lube oil pump is used for priming, switch off pump once idling speed is reached or when the starting inhibitor, if provided, releases Operate engine at high speed with some 25% power, raising to some 60% power






S/BVM 628

Operating the Engine




Run in engine


Switch off coolant preheater (upon attaining appropriate temperature)


Switch off separate preheated filter


Switch off injector preheater (if provided).

Once working temperature is reached, put the engine on load






Section 4.6

Section 3.3.2

Section 3.3.2

On stationary engines use start and stop button respectively for items 5 and 7.

© 0885

Operating the Engine







S/BVM 628

Attendance in Service

Record readings right from the start, unless automatically printed where periodically unattended service is provided. See also section 3.3.


Daily Checks and Servicing Jobs



Reference (Section 8.3)


Listen to running noise Check colour of exhaust

Section 7

Inspect entire engine for leaks, especially external pipework Compare engine operating data with acceptance documents 2


Lube oil temperature at engine inlet

Section 3.3.2

max. 65 °C max. 75° C

Water temperature a t engine outlet

Section 3.3.2

max. 80 °C max. 85 °C

Water temperature differential at engine inlet / outlet Fuel temperature in injection pump



Section 6.3

Charge air temperature at engine inlet (full load)

Acceptance documents

Exhaust temperature at turbine outlet

Acceptance documents

Lube oil pressure at filter outlet (engine hot, rated speed) Sealing oil pressure in injection pumps

© 0885

8 — 12 °C

≥ 3,5 bar

Section 3.3.2






S/BVM 628

Operating the Engine


Daily Check and Servicing Jobs



Reference (section 8.3)

Water pressure at engine inlet

~ 4 bar

Fuel pressure at injection pump inlet Charge air pressure


3,0 + 1,5 bar

Acceptance documents

Starting air pressure, max / min

30/10 bar

Raw water pressure 4

Speed control system

Check oil level in hydraulic governor


Exhaust / turbocharging system

Clean turbocharger air side Check exhaust mean temperatures (differences between cylinders are irrelevant for power output). Check limit temperatures Check oil level in turbocharger


Fuel system


06.12.01 Acceptance documents section 3.3.2


Drain water from fuel tank Check fuel level in service tank Check flow switch for monitoring shielded injection lines (if provided)


Lube oil system


Check oil levels Service wire coil edge-type filter


Check service gauge of oil filter


Inspect valve seat lubrication


© 0185

Operating the Engine


Daily Checks and Servicing Jobs


Cooling system

Check coolant level in hydraulic governor


Pneumatic system

Charge air receivers and drain condensate after cool-down

© 0285






S/BVM 628

Acceptance documents

Drain condensate from dust collector


Drain condensate from pressure reducer station



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Operating the Engine


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© 0984

Operating the Engine







S/BVM 628

Stoppage / Layoff of Engine Running on Distillate Fuel A Short period (Engine remains readily available) B Prolonged Period C Period exceeding 3 months




To prevent heat accumulation, let engine idle for 10 minutes or so before shutting down from prolonged full-load service. Where separate oil and coolant pumps are provided, keep them going for 10 minutes following engine shutdown.





Stop engine


Close shut-off valve of air receiver


Close shut-off valves of fuel service tank


Close shut-off valves before and after water colle


When frost is imminent, switch on water preheater, unless an anti-freeze has been added, or drain all water from engine and attachments (see Job Card 09.00.01)


Drain all water from engine and attachments (see Job Card 09.00.01)

Drain all lubricating oil from engine and attachments (except speed governor)


Preserve engine (section 6.5)


While the engine is out of service, switch on standby lube oil pump once a week, open indicator valves and turn engine over. (This applies only in the case of vibration of the shut-down engine, e.g. due to other engines in service)


© 0185

Section: Page: Engine:

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Operating the Engine

Operating the Engine






S/BVM 628


Stoppage / Layoff of Engine Running on Heavy Fuel or MDF Blend


Short Period (Engine remains readily available)


Prolonged Period


Period exceeding 3 months




When operating with blended fuel < 380 mm2 /s (cSt) / 50 °C , we recommend running the engine for at least 1 hour with distillate fuel before shutdown




When operating with blended fuel > 380 mm2 /s (cSt) / 50° C , the engine must be run for at least 1 hour with distillate fuel before shut-down — longer than 72 hours — until the fuel system is completely filled with distillate fuel. 2

To prevent heat accumulation, let engine idle for 5 minutes or so before shutting it down from prolonged full-load service. Where separate oil and coolant pumps are provided, keep them going for 5 minutes following shut-down.


Stop engine


Switch off viscosity control, injector coolant pump, fuel feed pump and fuel plunger sealing oil pump


Close shut-off valve of air receiver


Close shut-off valve of fuel service tank


Close shut-off valves before and after water cooler


When frost is imminent, switch on water preheater, unless an anti-freeze has been added, or drain all water from engine and attachments (see Job 09.00.01)


© 0885

Drain all water from engine and attachments (see Job 09.00.01)






S/BVM 628

Operating the Engine







Drain lube oil completely from engine, accassories, pipings and fittings (but not from speed governor).


Preserve engine (section 6.5)


When engine is out of service, switch on standby lube oil pump once a week, open indicator valves and turn engine over. (This applies only in the case of vibration of the shut-down engine, e.g. due to other engines in service)

© 0885

Operating the Engine







S/BVM 628

Taking Combustion Indicator Diagrams

Be sure closely to observe the instructions issued by the indicator manufacturer, or readings are liable to be incorrect. The instrument recommended by us is the Mahaik torsionspring indicator, type S, plunger 1/2, with the following springs:

Max. combustion pressure


100 bar

F 100 bar No. 50

120 bar

F 120 bar No. 60

140 bar

F 140 bar No. 70

160 bar

F 160 bar No. 80

Pressures see acceptance records.

Taking Indicator Diagrams Thoroughly blow through the indicator valves to prevent any carbon particles entering the gauge. Then screw indicator firmly in its place. Put indicator paper on the recording drum and draw the zero line. Open indicator valve and slowly turn drum from recording the combustion pressures For recording the compression pressure, cut out injection pump (Job Card 07.01.01) and check that control rod of the injection pump does not abut at its load limit. The following data should be entered upon the diagram: Date, spring scale, cylinder No., corresponding exhaust temperature, control rod position, speed and charge air pressure.

Assessing the Readings Compare readings with the values given in the Acceptance Record.

© 0185

Section: Page: Engine:

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Operating the Engine

Operating the Engine







S/BVM 628

Run-in Instructions Engines which leave the manufacturer’s works have been run in; thus run-in at site is not necessary. Following servicing work on main and big-end bearings, pistons, piston rings and cylinder liners the engine must be run in again. The following run-in programs apply to the different drive types:


Drive type «Fixed-pitch propeller and comparable drives» (Engine load is mainly dependent on speed, n = variable)

● Start engine, sections 4.1 and 4.2, and run at low speed for 5 minutes. ● Stop engine, section 4.4. ● Check bearings and crankshaft. If the engine has warmed up noticeably, the cause must be locked for immediately and remedied. ● Start engine again and r un at low speed for 30 minutes. ● Stop engine again. ● Check bearings and crankshaft. If the engine has warmed up noticeably, the cause must be locked for immediately and remedied. ● Start engine again and increase speed gradually according to the following table.

Run-in time in minutes

Engine speed in % of rated speed















With propeller drives, this part of the



program must not be run with the



vessel tied on!





● Check engine operating data and compare with those of repair / acceptance test record. In case of major deviations cause must be locked for and remedied. During the following 24 hours engine should not be run with control rod set to fuel stop and reduced speed, nor with overload, in order to intensify run-in effect.

© 0996






S/BVM 628


Operating the Engine

Drive type «C.P. propeller with shaft generator, electric generators and comparable drives» (Engine load adjustable independent of speed, n = constant)

● Start engine, sections 4.1 and 4.2, and run at low speed for 5 minutes. ● Stop engine, section 4.4. ● Check bearings and crankshaft. If the engine has warmed up noticeably, the cause must be locked for immediately and remedied. ● Start engine again and r un at low speed for 30 minutes. ● Stop engine again. ● Check bearings and crankshaft. If the engine has warmed up noticeably, the cause must be locked for immediately and remedied ● Start engine again and increase speed gradually according to the following table.

Run-in time in minutes

Engine speed in % of rated speed

Engine power in % of rated power


30 — 50

bis 5



5 — 10



bis 20


30 — 50

bis 5



30 — 40



bis 25

With propeller drives,



50 — 60

this part of the program



20 — 30

must not be run with



80 — 90

the vessel tied on!



30 — 40



80 — 90

● Check engine operating data and compare with those of repair / acceptance test record. In case of major deviations cause must be locked for and remedied. During the following 24 hours engine should not be run with control rod set to fuel stop and reduced speed, nor with overload, in order to intensify run-in effect.

© 0996

Operating the Engine







S/BVM 628

Running the Engine with Defective Turbocharger If blades of the turbocharger rotor are warped or broken (indicated primarily by turbocharger vibration or abnormal noise) or if bearings have run hot, it will be recommendable to take the turbocharger out of service (BBC instruct.). In this case it will be necessary to reduce engine speed / power substantially to make sure that the exhaust temperatures at full load as stated in the acceptance test sheet will not be exceeded. The remaining b.m.e.p will be 4,5 bar only. This applies both to engines with a single turbocharger and engines with several turbochargers where not all rotors have been inactivated. The following table of maximum obtainable speeds / loads as a function of the b.m.e.p. of the rated BRAKE MEAN EFFECTIVE PRESSURE power (Acceptance documents) fixed-pitch propeller.

Max. Obtainable Speeds / Outputs with Inactivated Turbocharger

B.m.e.p. of rated power (Accepted documents) bar

Obtainable speed in % of rated speed approx.

Obtainable power in % of rated power approx.
















Section: Page: Engine:

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Operating the Engine

Operating the Engine






S/BVM 628


Emergency Operation


Engine Operation by Use of the Emergency Operation Device In case of failure of the engine operating device (control console or remote control), the engine can be started and shut down by hand. The specifications as per sections 4.1 to 4.4. are to be observed here. To avoid faulty switchings, the lever at the pressure reducing unit (control console or remote control) is to be put in the position shown in Fig.1.

© 51 204 0

Fig. 1

Starting the Engine Pull out locking device at knurled nut (1) Fig. 2 -, and pull lever down. If the engine does not start after approx. 3 seconds, repeat starting procedure. If the engine fails to start after repeated starting attempts, determine the cause and remedy.

© 25 135 1

Fig. 2

© 0484






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Operating the Engine

Speed Setting The speed is to be set in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions.


Engine Shutdown The engine is shut down by pressing the shutdown button, see the instructions of the governor manufacturer. Furthermore, the engine can be shut down by using an open-end spanner (5) at the lever of the governor shaft (6) which is to be turned in the direction of the driving end. This method can be applied, provided that the governor linkage is set correctly (see Fig. 3).

© 25 281 1

Fig. 3

© 0484

Engine Operating Media Einweisung in die Arbeitssysteme der Motorbetriebsstoffe Introduzioni ai sistemi operativi del materiali di esercizio del motore Instructions concernant les systèmes opératoires des carburants-moteur Aclaraciones para los sistemas de medios de servicio para el motor Instructies betreffende brandstof-, smeerolie- en koelsysteem Пояснения к системаи эксплуатацион-ных мате иалов длв двигателей



Engine Operating Media Einweisung in die Arbeitssysteme der Motorbetriebsstoffe Introduzioni ai sistemi operativi del materiali di esercizio del motore Instructions concernant les systèmes opératoires des carburants-moteur Aclaraciones para los sistemas de medios de servicio para el motor Instructies betreffende brandstof-, smeerolie- en koelsysteem Пояснения к системаи эксплуатацион-ных мате иалов длв двигателей

Engine Media Systems






S/BVM 628


Engine Media Systems


Fuel System

5.1.1 5.1.2 5.1.3

Legend for Piping Diagrams Piping Diagram for Distillate Fuel and MDF Blend Piping Diagram for Heavy Fuel


Lubricating Oil System

5.2.1 5.2.2 5.2.3 5.2.4

Legend for Piping Diagrams Deep («Wet») Sump High-Level Tank («Dry Sump») Low-Level Tank («Dry Sump»)


Cooling Water System

5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.3.4

Legend for Piping Diagrams Single-Circuit System Double-Circuit System Triple-Circuit System


Pneumatic System

5.4.1 5.4.2

Legend for Piping Diagrams Starting / Control / Pilot Air


Sealing Oil System

5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5.3

Legend for Piping Diagrams Fuel Conveyer Pump mounted on the Engine Fuel Conveyer Pump not mounted on the Engine


Injection Nozzle Cooling


Legend for Symbols Used in Piping Diagrams (acc. to DIN)

© 0583

Section: Page:

Engine Media Systems


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© 1185


Engine Media Systems


© 0583

Fuel System





S/BVM 628






S/BVM 628

Engine Media Systems


Fuel System


Legend for Piping Diagrams

Engine Components F 16.2 Piping panel for pressure monitoring *) K 1 Fuel transfer pump K 9 Fuel feed pump *) K 10 Microfilter K 11 Injection pumps *) K 37 Flow switch for shielded injection lines

Engine Pipe Connections H 375 Connection for pressure monitoring *) H 401 Suction pipe on fuel transfer pump *) H 402 Delivery pipe on fuel transfer pump H 404 Suction pipe on feed pump H 405 Overflow pipe, microfilter to injection pump H 406 Return flow from injectors *) H 408 Delivery pipe from standby feed pump *) H 410 Feed to microfilter *) H 413 Feed pipe on injection pump (separate filter) *) H 417 Backleakage pipe from shielded injection pipes *) H 418 Drain from backleakage sump *) optional Legend for symbols see section 5.7

© 0885


Engine Media Systems

Page: Engine:


Piping Diagram for Distillate Fuel

Built-on Fuel Feed Pump

5 5-1-03 S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

© 51 377 0

© 0885

Section: Page: Engine:

5 5-1-04

Engine Media Systems

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


Piping Diagram for Distillate Fuel

Built-on Fuel Feed Pump

© 51 378 0

© 0885


Engine Media Systems

Page: Engine:


Piping Diagram for Blended Fuel (Heavy Fuel)

Fuel System Open

5 5-1-05 S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

© 51 379 0

© 0885

Section: Page: Engine:

5 5-1-06

Engine Media Systems

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


Piping Diagram for Blended Fuel (Heavy Fuel)

Fuel System Closed

© 51 380 0

© 0885

Engine Media Systems


Lubricating Oil System






S/BVM 628






S/BVM 628

Engine Media Systems


Lubricating Oil System


Legend for Piping Diagrams

Engine Components F 16.2 Piping panel for pressure monitoring S 2 Suction pump S 4 Delivery pump S 7 Oil cooler S 8 Edge filter S 22 Oil centrifuge S 33 Microfilter in full flow S 35 Pressure monitor S 37 Thermometer S 40 Temperature monitor S 57 Level sensor S 62 Check valve S 63 Oil distributor



Engine Pipe Connections H 375 Connection for pressure monitoring H 601 Drain from oil sump H 604 Delivery pipe on suction pump H 605 Suction pipe on delivery pump H 608 Inlet into filter from separate cooler H 609 Suction pipe to standby pump H 610 Delivery pipe from standby pump H 617 Suction pipe from pump on separator H 618 Delivery pipe from pump on separator H 620 Delivery pipe to delivery pump H 622 Engine inlet H 627 Suction pipe to priming unit H 628 Delivery pipe to priming unit H 632 From self-cleaning oil filter H 633 To self-cleaning oil filter H 634 Dirty oil drain from combined edge / microfilter H 635 Oil return in oil sump H 644 Connection for removing residual oil H 657 Clean-oil supply



*) *) *) *)

Legend for symbols see section 5.7

© 0686

Engine Media Systems


Oil Sump Lubrication

Built-on Oil Cooler






S/BVM 628

© 51 209 0

© 0686






S/BVM 628

Engine Media Systems

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©␣ 0883

Engine Media Systems


Oil Sump Lubrication

Built-on Oil Cooler






S/BVM 628 Self-Cleaning Filter Incorporated in Engine Oil System

© 51 210 0

© 0686






S/BVM 628

Engine Media Systems

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© 0984

Engine Media Systems


Oil Sump Lubrication

Separate Oil Cooler






S/BVM 628 With or w/o Self-Cleaning Filter Incorporated in Engine Oil System

© 51 211 0

© 0686






S/BVM 628

Engine Media Systems

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© 0883

Engine Media Systems


High-Level Tank («Dry Sump»)

Built-on Oil Cooler






S/BVM 628

© 51 212 0

© 0686






S/BVM 628

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Engine Media Systems

Engine Media Systems


High-Level Tank («Dry Sump»)

Built-on Oil Cooler






S/BVM 628 With Self-Cleaning Filter Incorporated in Engine Oil System

© 51 213 0

© 0686






S/BVM 628

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Engine Media Systems

Engine Media Systems


Low-Level Tank («Dry Sump»)

Built-on Oil Cooler






S/BVM 628

© 51 214 0

© 0686






S/BVM 628

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Engine Media Systems

Engine Media Systems


Low-Level Tank («Dry Sump»)

Built-on Oil Cooler






S/BVM 628 Self-Cleaning Filter Incorporated in Engine Oil System

© 51 215 0

© 0686






S/BVM 628

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Engine Media Systems

Engine Media Systems


Low-Level Tank («Dry Sump»)

Separate Oil Cooler






S/BVM 628 With or w/o Self-Cleaning Filter Incorporated in Engine Oil System

© 51 216 0

© 0686






S/BVM 628

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Engine Media Systems

Engine Media Systems


© 0583

Cooling Water System






S/BVM 628






S/BVM 628

Engine Media Systems


Cooling Water System


Legend for Piping Diagrams

Engine Components A 4 Turbocharger F. 16.2 Piping panel for pressure monitoring L 2 Charge air cooler R 5 Raw water pump S 7 Oil cooler U 1 Water collecting pipe U 2 Water pump U 6 Water distributing pipe U 9 Pressure gauge U 15 Temperature monitor U 16 Bleeder (automatic) U 22 Pressure monitor U 34 CHeck valve U 43 Thermometer

*) *) *)




*) *) *) *) *)


Engine Pipe Connections H 101 Suction pipe on raw water pump H 102 Delivery pipe on raw water pump H 109 Feed to charge air cooler H 110 Discharge from charge air cooler H 117 Breather pipe H 201 Suction pipe on fresh water pump H 202 Delivery pipe on raw water pump H 204 Feed to distributing pipe H 206 Delivery pipe from standby fresh water pump H 207 Discharge from collecting pipe H 209 Breather pipe from engine H 210 Compensation pipe from header tank H 213 Preheating pipe (feed) H 214 Preheating pipe (discharge) H 222 Breather pipe from charge air cooler H 223 Feed to charge air cooler H 224 Discharge from charge air cooler H 226 Feed to injector water cooler H 228 Connection for breather pipe on turbocharger H 234 Suction pipe on L.T. water pump H 235 Delivery pipe from standby L.T. water pump H 237 Breather pipe from L.T. charge air cooler H 238 Discharge from H.T. charge air cooler H 239 Connection: Bypass of L.T. charge air coolers H 240 L.T. compensation pipe H 251 Supply to oil cooler H 252 Discharge from oil cooler H 253 Delivery pipe on L.T. water pump H 375 Connection for pressure monitoring optional Legend for symbols see section 5.7.

© 1186

Engine Media Systems


Single-Circuit Cooling System

Built-On Oil Cooler before Single-Stage Air Cooler






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628 Built-On Coolant Pump, Raw Water Pump can be Mounted

© 25 321 0


© 0686

On SBVM only H 222 On BVM optionally H 222 or U 16






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

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Engine Media Systems

Engine Media Systems


Single-Circuit Cooling System

Built-On Oil Cooler before Single-Stage Charge Air Cooler






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628 Separate Coolant Pump, Raw Water Pump can be Mounted

© 51 381 0


© 0686

On SBVM only H 222 On BVM optionally H 222 or U 16






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

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Engine Media Systems

Engine Media Systems


Single-Circuit Cooling System

Built-On Oil Cooler before Single-Stage Charge Air Cooler






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628 Two Built-On Coolant Pumps

© 51 382 0


© 0686

On SBVM only H 222 On BVM optionallyH 222 or U 16






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

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Engine Media Systems

Engine Media Systems


Double-Circuit Cooling System

Built-On Oil Cooler before Single-Stage Charge Air Cooler






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628 Separate Coolant Pumps

© 51 383 0


© 0686

On SBVM only H 222 On BVM optionally H 222 or U 16






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

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Engine Media Systems

Engine Media Systems






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


Double-Circuit Cooling System

Built-On Oil Cooler behind Two-Stage Charge Air Cooler, with Disconnection of L.T. Circuit Two Built-On Coolant Pumps

© 51 384 0


© 0686

On SBVM only H 222 resp. H 237 On BVM optionally H 222 resp. H 237 or U 16






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

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Engine Media Systems

Engine Media Systems






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


Double-Circuit Cooling System

Built-On Oil Cooler behind Two-Stage Charge Air Cooler, with Disconnection of L.T. Circuit Separate Coolant Pumps

© 51 385 0


© 0686

On SBVM only H 222 resp. H 237 On BVM optionally H 222 resp. H 237 or U 16






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

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Engine Media Systems

Engine Media Systems






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


Double-Circuit Cooling System

Two-Stage Charge Air Cooler, without Disconnection of L.T. Circuit, Separate Oil Cooler Two Built-On Coolant Pumps

© 51 386 0


© 0686

On SBVM only H 222 resp. H 237 On BVM optionally H 222 resp. H 237 or U 16






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

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Engine Media Systems

Engine Media Systems






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


Triple-Circuit Cooling System

Two-Stage Charge Air Cooler, without Disconnection of L.T. Circuit, Separate Oil Cooler Separate Coolant Pumps

© 51 387 0


© 0686

On SBVM only H 222 resp. H 237 On BVM optionally H 222 resp. H 237 or U 16






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

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Engine Media Systems

Engine Media Systems






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


Triple-Circuit Cooling System

Two-Stage Charge Air Cooler, without Disconnection of L.T. Circuit, Separate Oil Cooler Two Built-On Coolant Pumps

© 51 388 0


© 0686

On SBVM only H 222 resp. H 237 On BVM optionally H 222 resp. H 237 or U 16






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

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Engine Media Systems

Engine Media Systems






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


Triple-Circuit Cooling System

Two-Stage Charge Air Cooler, without Disconnection of L.T. Circuit, Separate Oil Cooler Separate Coolant Pumps

© 51 389 0


© 0686

On SBVM only H 222 resp. H 237 On BVM optionally H 222 resp. H 237 or U 16






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

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Engine Media Systems

Engine Media Systems


© 0686

Pneumatic System






S/BVM 628






S/BVM 628


Pneumatic System


Legend for Piping Diagrams

Engine Components D 6 Starting air master valve D 8 Starting pilot air distributor D 54 Quick-release valve F 1 Engine control unit F 5 Governor F 16.1 Piping panel for pneumatic system F 16.2 Piping panel for pressure monitoring F 34 Booster S 56 Crankcase oil mist detector K 11 Injection pump


Engine Media Systems


Engine Pipe Connections H 302 Starting air pipe H 371 Connections for remote control unit H 375 Connections for pressure monitoring H 702.2 Crankcase breather




Legend for symbols see section 5.7.

© 0285

Engine Media Systems


Pneumatic System


Starting / Control / Pilot Air






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

© 51 390 0

© 0285






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

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Engine Media Systems

Engine Media Systems


© 0285

Sealing-Oil System






S/BVM 628






S/BVM 628


Sealing-Oil System


Legend for Piping Diagrams

Engine mounted components F K S S S

16.2 11 28 49 55

Engine Media Systems

Piping panel for pressure monitoring Injection pump Sealing-oil filter Sealing-oil pump Two-way valve

Engine Pipe Connections H 375 H 640 H 641

Connection for pressure monitoring Pressure connection from sealing oil pump Pressure connection from high-level tank (sealing oil)

Legend for symbols see section 5.7.

© 0285

Engine Media Systems


Sealing-Oil System


Fuel Conveyer Pump mounted on the Engine






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

© 51 391 0


Fuel Conveyer Pump not mounted on the Engine

© 51 392 0

© 0285






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

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Engine Media Systems

Engine Media Systems


© 0285

Injection Nozzle Cooling






S/BVM 628






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

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Engine Media Systems

Engine Media Systems







S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Injection Nozzle Cooling List of Engine Pipe Connections H 504 Feed to injectors H 505 Discharge from injectors

© 51 393 0

© ©0285






S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

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Engine Media Systems

Engine Media Systems






S/BV M 628


Symbols Used in Piping Diagrams (Definitions to DIN 30600)



Item .

DIN No. Ser. No.



30600 No.



2481 4.01

Principal Media

Cooling water, lube oil, fuel oil, compressed air


2481 4.01

Direction of flow

Arrow above or incorporated


2481 4.01

Raw water


Control line







Insulated pipe



2481 4.25 2429 1.7

Intersection of two pipes w/o junction


2429 1.8

Intersection of two pipes with junction

e.g. on thermostat






S/BVM 628


DIN No. Ser. No.


Engine Media Systems


30600 No.






Flexible joint



2481 4.32

DRain tundish



2481 4.36

Pipe cross section reduction / expansion piece




Outlet to atmosphere Rain cap




Shut-off Fittings


2481 5.05

Shut-off valve through-way valve


2 . 02

2481 5.07

Angle valve


2 . 03


Three-way valve



2481 5.10

Non-return / through-way valve


Dot at inlet end indicates the non-return (check) function

Engine Media Systems


S ymbol






S/BVM 628


DIN No. Ser. No.

30600 No.



Angled non-return valve




Pressure reducing through-way valve





Angled pressure reducing valve



2481 5.15

Floating-ball valve




Gate valve



2481 5.25




2481 5.26

Angled cock




Three-way change-over cock




Four-way change-over cock


2. 17

2481 5.29

Shut-off flap, not adjustable



2481 5.30

Shut-off flap, infinitely adjustable




Larger cross section = lower pressure






S/BVM 628 Description

Engine Media Systems


DIN No. Ser. No.



2481 5.31




2481 5.34

Drive by hand


2481 5.36

Drive by solenoid


2481 5.36

Drive by motor


2481 5.37

Drive by f luid

e.g. hydraulic or pneumatic


2481 5.40

Drive by weight

Quick.closing valve


2481 5.42

Relief valve spring-loaded

Angular design 2.02


2481 5.58

Shut-off element closed

Shows working condition of system


2481 5.59

Shut-off element opened

Non-return flap

30600 No.



Dot indicates inlet end

Intake strainer with foot valve (flap)


2 27


Engine Media Systems






S/BVM 628


DIN No. Ser. No.


2481 5.65

Flow limiter using restrictor plate (single orifice)



2481 5.67

Flow inspection



24300 page 3 2.3





30600 No.


Two-way valve


2481 5.72




2481 5.79 2429 5.2

Condensate trap



2421 5.1



2429 5.3


3. 05


Filter, single- element


Filter, twin-element


Filter, four-element


Back-flushing filter with treatment of flushing oil




Energy 9.02 or 9.03 B: clean oil






S/BVM 628


DIN No. Ser. No.



Breather valve


Preheater for engine coolant

Engine Media Systems


30600 No.


Energy also 9.05



Preheater for engine coolant and lube oil I: engine coolant II: lube oil




Energy also 9.05


A : from oil reservoir B : to engine C : to oil reservoir

M II 3.12



A : heavy oil inlet B : heavy oil outlet


Energy also 9.05


B 3.13

Separator, manually cleaned




A : B: C : D : E :

dirty oil inlet clean oil outlet water inlet water outlet sludge outlet

E B 3.14


Separator self-cleaning





Sea box


Over- / Under-pressure valve



S : suction end D : delivery end

Engine Media Systems


DIN No. Ser. No.








S/BVM 628

30600 No.









Heavy Exchangers


Surface heat exchanger with media crossing



2431 10.02



2481 10.08

Tank with pipe coil

Zigzag pipe carries heat-absorbing medium






S/BVM 628


DIN No. Ser. No.


Engine Media Systems


30600 No.



A = charging pipe B = discharging pipe E =drain

e.g. turbo charger




Air receiver with valve head




5.7.6 Machinery Driving Machines


2481 11.01




2481 11.11

Diesel engine


6 . 03

2481 11.14

Electric motor




6.05 Driven Machines


2481 11.47

Electric generator


2481 11.22

Centrifugal pump



2481 11.23

Reciprocating pump




Engine Media Systems


DIN No. Ser. No.

6. 09




Gear-type pump







S/BVM 628

30600 No.



Hand-operated pump


2481 11.33

Rotary compressor


e.g. fan


2481 11.34

Reciprocating compressor


e.g. compressor


2481 11.37

Turbo compressor


e.g. turbocharger





Water Heat Exchangers


2481 14.01




Cooling tower







S/BVM 628


DIN No. Ser. No.


Engine Media Systems


30600 No.



Gauge shown alternately with or w/o circle


Measuring and Control


2481 15.01



Code letter F





Code letter L


2481 15.04



Code letter P


2481 15.03



Code letter T


Service gauge



Thermostat (flow divider)


A : from engine B : to pump C : to cooler



Thermostat (blender)


A : blended temp. B : hot C : cold





Energies (shown in drawings only in horizontal position)


2481 16.01

Mechanical energy


Engine Media Systems




S/BVM 628

DIN No. Ser. No.


2481 16.02

Pneumatic energy



2481 16.06

Electric energy



2481 16.07

Hydraulic energy



2431 16.03

Heat energy



2481 16.04

Stream energy









30600 No.


Section: Page: Engine:

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Engine Media Systems

Engine Operating Media Treatment Vorschriften über Betriebsstoffe Prescrizioni relative a mezi di esercizio Prescriptions applicables aux carburants Prescripciones para medios de servicio Voorschriften inzake brandstof-, smeerolie- en koelmiddel П едписания по эксплуатацион мате иалам



Engine Operating Media Treatment Vorschriften über Betriebsstoffe Prescrizioni relative a mezi di esercizio Prescriptions applicables aux carburants Prescripciones para medios de servicio Voorschriften inzake brandstof-, smeerolie- en koelmiddel П едписания по эксплуатацион мате иалам

Operating Media







S/BVM 628

Operating Media For information on the operating media used in your engine please refer to our technical circulars which are consistently kept up-to-date.

Technical circulars currently in force are the following :


TR 0199-99-2082 concerning lube oils for ABB turbochargers


TR 0199-2090

concerning motor oils


TR 0199-2089

concerning fuels


TR 0199-2091

concerning cooling water


TR 0199-99-2116 concerning engine preservation

© 1199






S/BVM 628

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Operating Media

Operating Media






S/BVM 628

Instructions for use of lube oils for ABB turbocharger see TR 0199-99-2082 enclosed.

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S/BVM 628

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Operating Media

Operating Media


Instructions for Use of Motor Oils see TR 0199-2090 enclosed

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S/BVM 628






S/BVM 628

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Operating Media

Operating Media


Instructions for Use of Fuels see TR 0199-2089 enclosed.

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S/BVM 628






S/BVM 628

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Operating Media

Operating Media


Instructions for Colling Water see TR 0199-2091 enclosed

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S/BVM 628






S/BVM 628

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Operating Media

Operating Media


Instructions for Engine Preservation see TR 0199-99-2116 enclosed.

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S/BVM 628






S/BVM 628

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Operating Media

Trouble-shooting Betriebsstörungen und ihre Beseitigung Disfunzioni di esercizio e loro eliminazione Pannes et leurs remèdes Perturbaciones de servicio y su eliminación Bedrijffstoringen en het verhelpen daarvan Hеисп авности и их уст анение



Trouble-shooting Betriebsstörungen und ihre Beseitigung Disfunzioni di esercizio e loro eliminazione Pannes et leurs remèdes Perturbaciones de servicio y su eliminación Bedrijffstoringen en het verhelpen daarvan Hеисп авности и их уст анение





Summary of Potential Troubles






S/BVM 628

Page Engine fails to start


Engine fails to fire or stalls

7-0-03 7-0-05

Engine fails to develop full power


Engine knocks


Power/speed failing off Sluggish governor action

Excessive engine speed


Control lever unable to stop engine Deficient oil pressure Rising oil temperature


Heavy emission of oil mist from crankcase Lube oil contaminated by water Low turbocharging pressure High turbocharging pressure


High charge air pressure Air receiver pressure falling off Starting air pipe getting hot 7-0-09 High engine coolant temperature Black exhaust Poor combustion:

Blue exhaust White exhaust

Secondary alarm released by crankcase oil mist detector

© 1283


7-0-11 7-0-12






S/BVM 628



General Should trouble arise during engine starting or running, be sure to stop the engine immediately and to restart the engine only after the fault has been remedied. The following trouble chart is not exclusive. When opening crankcase, be sure to observe safety precautions (job 02.00.01).


Trouble Chart


Potential Cause


Engine fails to start

Low starting air pressure

Charge air receiver

Incorrect valve clearance *)

Adjust clearance


Leaky inlet or exhaust valves *)

If necessary, regrind valves


Inlet or exhaust valves binding *)

Free valve with a blend of 50% diesel fuel and 50% lube oil; inspect valve springs


Starting pilot air distributor valve binding *)

Recondition distributor


Starting air master valve binding

Recond ition valve


Master valve runningin screen not removed after 250 hours servizio

Remove screen


Leaky starting or relief valves or air piping

If necessary, regrind valves; close pipe leaks


*) Caused by one or several cylinders

Section / Job Card

© 1283



Engine fails to fire or stalls





S/BVM 628

Potential cause


Section / Job Card

Oil pressure switch defective or out of adjustment, so slenoid valve preventing engine start

Adjust switch or replace


Safety feature in starting air pipe defective

Recondition safety device


No fuel supply

Open fuel cock, switch on fuel feed pump and fill up service tank. If necessary, clean piping and filter and bleed.



Air in fuel piping

Inspect L.P. piping for leaks; bleed piping


Water in fuel tank

Drain water from tank, filter, piping and clean. Fill in fresh fuel and bleed system

07.10.01 07.03.02

Poor fuel quality

Use better fuel, clean injection nozzles

Section 6.3

Injection pump not working properly

Replace any defective pump element

07.01.01 07.02.01

Test injector


Preheat fuel service tank and filter. Open bypass pipe to preheat the fuel filter mounted on the engine and close again once a temperature of approx. 50°C is reached on the filter.

Section 4.1.1

No compression

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S/BVM 628



Potential Cause


Section / Job Card

Free the fuel low pressure system, the injection pumps, piping and valves.

Section 6.3

Insufficient engine fluid

Switch on the coolant pre-heating device to preheat.

Section 4.1.1

Faulty injection pump operation

Check injection pump, replace defective pump element, if necessary.


07.02.01 Test injectors

Engine fails to develop full power


Inlet / exhaust valve jammed or has serious leak (no compression), free as required. Check valve shaft for signs of run-out. Regrind valves, if necessary

Check valve springs. Clean valves with a mixture of 50% gas oil and 50% lubricating oil.

Insufficient compression, Piston rings are defective.

Remove piston and clean; replace rings


Injection pump control rod or governor needle binding?

Free as required

05.04.14 07.01.01

Firing speed not reached?

Inspect for defects like seizures of piston or bearings

Low compression. Piston rings damaged.

Replace piston rings, if applicable


Inlet / exhaust valve leaky

Regrind valve


Nozzles blocked by carbon; needles seized

Clean nozzles or replace


Injection pump element seized

Replace element



© 1283



Engine knocks

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S/BVM 628

Potential Cause


Section / Job Card

Fuel feed pump defective

Replace pump


Low charge air pressure

Clean pressure charger, air cleaner and cooler; eliminate air and exhaust gas losses

06.12.01 06.03.11 06.04.02

Air in injection system

Bleed system


Fuel reduction by governor as a function of engine speed, charge pressure

Have checked by Deutz

Injection line restricted in the area of screwed joint

Replace injection line


Piston defective or seized

Stop engine immediately, remove piston and overhaul; inspect cylinder linerl

03.02.01 02.10.01

Run engine again

Section 4.6

Bearing(s) seized

Stop engine; have crankshaft inspected for cracks by Deutz

Excessive big-end bearing clearance

Measure clearance Replace bearing

02.03.03 02.04.01

High combustion pressure of all cylinders

Take indicator diagram, check injection timing

Section 4.5 07.06.01

High combustion pressure of one cylinder

Match pressure to rest of cylinders.

07.06.01 07.08.01

One cylinder overloaded

Check injection pump


Excessive exhaust temperature of one cylinder

Inspect thermocouple and injector; examine exhaust valve. Have injection pump adjusted by Deutz

11.01.05 07.08.01 01.07.01 07.02.01






S/BVM 628


Power / speed falling off

Sluggish governor action


Potential Cause


Section / Job Card

Engine overloaded

Reduce load

Faulty injector operation

Test injectors


Low charge air pressure

Clean pressure charger, air cleaner and cooler; eliminate air and exhaust gas losses

06.12.01 06.03.11 06.04.02

Turbocharger defective

Overhaul charger


Foundation bolts loose

Tighten bolts


Defective valve drive

Recondition valve drive


Several cylinders fail to fire

See «Engine fails to fire»

Page 7-0-03

Poor combustion

See «Poor combustion»

Page 7-0-10

Piston or bearing seizure

See «Engine knocks»

Page 7-0-05

Engine overloaded

Reduce load

Low / high charge air pressure

Clean turbocharger, air cleaner and charge air cooler

06.12.01 06.03.11 06.04.02

Turbocharger defective

Have turbocharger overhauled


Fuel filter blocked

Clean filter


Governor / linkage not working properly

Inspect governor and linkage

05.04.14 07.01.01

Governor linkage binding

Free linkage

05.04.14 07.0.01

© 1283







S/BVM 628


Potential Cause


Section / Job Card

Excessive engine speed

Governor linkage binding or maladjusted

Free linkage or readjust

05.04.14 07.01.01

Control lever unable to stop engine

Injection pump on/off control maladjusted or worn

Stop fuel supply and hence engine, and readjust on/off control


Deficient oil pressure

Low oil level in tank

Top up oil


Oil too thin or diluted by fuel

Test injectors and leak oil barrier of the injection pump.

07.08.01 08.20.01

Renew oil


Oil filter blocked

Clean filter


Oil piping leaky or blocked

Remove leaks or clean

Oil pressure gauge defective

Replace gauge

Oil pump relief valve binding

Free valve


Oil pump worn

Recondition pump or replace


Oil ressurestat dirty or binding

Clean or free valve


Main / big-end bearing clearance excessive

Replace bearing (s)


Oil cooler dirty

Clean cooler Inspect thermostat

Rising oil temperature

© 11283






S/BVM 628



Potential Cause


Heavy emission of oil mist from crankcase

Piston rings seized or defective. Combustion gas is penetrating the crankcase and then visibly emerging at the crank chamber exhaust.

Remove pistons; replace rings and / or overhaul piston

Lube oil contaminated by water

Crankcase, cylinder head or exhaust valve cage cracked

Inspect parts

Liner jacket o-seals defective

Remove liner; replace o-seals

Leaky oil cooler

Subject cooler to pressure test; if necessary, eliminate tube leak(s)

Oil separator works with additional water

Check separator setting

Intake air cleaner or charge air cooler dirty

Clean cleaner or cooler

06.03.11 06.04.02

Charge air pipe leaky

If necessary, renew gaskets


Exhaust gas leaking between engine and turbocharger

Inspect exhaust pipe and expansion joint


Pressure charger dirty

Clean charger


Faulty combustion; turbine dirty

Check injection timing, inspect exhaust valves; clean turbine

07.06.01 01.07.01

Low turbocharging pressure

High turbocharging pressure

Section / Job Card


03.04.01 03.05.01

© 1283







S/BVM 628


Potential Cause


Section / Job Card

High charge air pressure

Charge air cooler dirty

Clean cooler


High intake air temperature

Reduce load (over 45°C temperature rise = 2% reduction in power).

Raw water flow insufficient

Check flow; clean filter, if necessary. Check charge air thermostat

High raw water temperature

Reduce load

Air receiver pressure failing off

Leaky valves on air receiver

Clean valves, regrind seats or renew cones

Starting air pipe getting hot

Leaky starting valves

Remove and regrind valves


High engine coolant temperature

Coolant quantity insufficient

Fill up with fresh water (evaporation losses) or treated water (leakage losses)

Section 6.4

Raw water flow insufficient

Check raw water flow. If necessary, clean filter

Thermostat not working properly

Inspect thermostat

Air in system

Bleed system

Cooler, valves or piping blocked

Clean parts

© 11283






S/BVM 628


The following table specifies the possible causes and remedies for three operating troubles — black, blue and white exhaust.


Potential Cause


Section / Job Card

Poor Combustion: Black Exhaust

Incomplete Combustion

Inspect injectors


Low charge air pressure

Clean intake air cleaner, turbocharger, charge air cooler. Check air piping gaskets,replace if necessary

06.03.11 06.12.01 06.04.02

Injectors defective

Recondition injectors


Engine is run at reduced speed, whereby the injection pump control rod is binding.

Reduce load

Inlet and exhaust valves leaky

Adjust valve clearance, if necessary, regrind valves


Nozzles blocked

Clean and check nozzles


Injection out of timing

Retime injection


Low combustion / compression pressure ratio

Retime injection; check combustion


Unsuitable fuel

Change fuel; clean nozzles

Section 6.3

Engine overloaded (exhaust smoking)

Check injection timing and governing linkage setting



05.04.14 Section 4.5

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S/BVM 628


Potential Cause


Section / Job Card

B. Blue Exhaust (lube oil in exhaust)

Oil control rings sticking or worn

Renew rings


Feed from oil reservoir insufficient

Check oil level

Heavy liner scoring

Service liners


Fuel fails to fire

Check heavy fuel temperature and injection timing

Section 6.3

Injectors defective

Recondition injectors


Engine undercooled

Check temperatures of engine coolant, lube oil and charge air

Section 3.3.2

Fuel contaminated by water

Change fuel; inspect injectors

Section 6.3 07.08.01

Charge air cooler leaky

Recondition cooler


Engine coolant leaking into combustion chambers (e.g. through cracks in cylinder head, liner, exhaust valve cage)

Inspect parts, make pressure tests and replace as necessary


Secondary alarm released by crankcase oil mist detector.

No power supply

Check mains and fuse


Light «Ready» goes out. No signal «main alarm».

Light intensity above some 50% of maximum value due to sensitivity control

Clean windows in test track


C. White Exhaust (fuel or water in exhaust)

© 1283

07 . 06 . 01






S/BVM 628



Potential Cause


No propulsion air

Check air supply

Open cover of measuring unit, e.g. due to cleaning

Close cover

Dirty air cleaner

Clean or replace

Detector leaky

Inspect cover gaskets between measuring unit and mounting plate as well as bellows

Section / Job Card


© 1283

Maintenance Schedules and List of Job Cards Instandhaltungs- Intervallpläne und Arbeitskartenübersicht Schemi degli intervalli di manutenzione, visione d‘insieme delle schede di lavoro Plans des intervalles d’entretien et vue d’ensemble sur les fiches de travail Tables de mantenimiento periódico y recopilación de fichas de trabajo Onderhoudsschema en werkkaarten Г афик инте валов техобслуживания и обзо абЧих ка т



Maintenance Schedules and List of Job Cards Instandhaltungs- Intervallpläne und Arbeitskartenübersicht Schemi degli intervalli di manutenzione, visione d‘insieme delle schede di lavoro Plans des intervalles d’entretien et vue d’ensemble sur les fiches de travail Tables de mantenimiento periódico y recopilación de fichas de trabajo Onderhoudsschema en werkkaarten Г афик инте валов техобслуживания и обзо абЧих ка т

Maintenance Schedules and Job Cards






S/BVM 628


Maintenance Schedules, List of Job Cards and Job Cards


Summary of Maintenance Schedules All fittings, shutoff and control devices of the operating media piping systems as well as of the compressed air piping system not listed in these schedules shall be maintained according to manufacturer’s specifications.


Initial maintenance jobs — Engines running in continuous operation, e.g. marine engines, > 300 hours / year — Engines running in standby operation, e.g. emergency generating sets, < 300 hours / year


Daily maintenance jobs These jobs are described in Section 4.3, as well as in the brief instructions* under Section ”Monitoring of Engine Operation”.


Periodic maintenance jobs for engines running in continuous operation > 300 hours / year, e.g. marine engines. — This schedule forms part of the brief instructions*


Periodic maintenance jobs for engines running in continuous operation < 300 hours / year, which are exclusively or most of the time in standby mode, e.g. emergency generating sets.


List of Job Cards by maintenance groups


Job Cards by maintenance groups


© 0795

The brief instructions are attached to this operation manual.






S/BVM 628

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Maintenance Schedules and Job Cards

Maintenance Schedules






S/BVM 628

8.1.1 Initial Maitenance Jobs

Job … RH after commissioning

Engines running in continuous operation, e.g. marine engines, > 300 hours / year

Job Card No.

Checking and servicing engine coolant containing additives on non-mineral oil basis x1

See Footnotes

X 1

25 RH

Checking inlet and exhaust valve clearances Checking crankweb deflection / gauging axial clearance Cleaning fuel twin filter Servicing centrifugal lube oil filter Inspecting crankcase oil mist detector

01.01.01 02.02.01 07.10.01 08.13.01 11.05.01

— — — — x

50 RH

Checking engine alignment and elastic mounting Analyzing lube oil samples Servicing lube oil paper microf ilter Cleaning strainer in front of master starting valve Cleaning filter for pressure reducer station

03.07.01 08.01.01 08.10.01 10.03.91 10.06.01

x — — — x

100 RH

Changing oil of exhaust turbocharger


125 RH

Checking engine coolant containing anti-corrosive oil according to section 6.4


250 RH

Analyzing lube oil samples Cleaning raw water filter Functional check of starting and control air system Cleaning dirt trap Removing strainer in front of master starting valve

08.01.01 — 10.01.01 10.03.02 10.03.91

— x — — —

1000 RH

Checking engine alignment and elastic mounting



2000 RH

Checking engine alignment and elastic mounting



3000 RH

Checking engine alignment and elastic mounting



4000 RH

Checking engine alignment and elastic mounting



© 1199


Depending on engine type and additive used


Depending on engine type and additive used (intervall to be entered in Maintenance S chedule acc. to Section 6.4 of Operation Manual)






S/BVM 628

Job.. RH after commisioning

Maintenance Schedules

Engines running in continuous operation, e.g. marine engines, > 300 hours / year

Job Card No.

Checking and servicing engine coolant containing additives on non-mineral oil basis

See Footnotes

X 1

50 RH

Checking inlet and exhaust valve clearances Checking crankweb deflection / gauging axial clearance Checking engine alignment and elastic mounting Cleaning fuel twin filter Servicing centrifugal lube oil filter Analyzing lube oil samples Servicing lube oil paper microf ilter Cleaning strainer in front of master starting valve Cleaning filter for pressure reducer station Inspecting crankcase oil mist detector

01.01.01 02.02.01 03.07.01 07.10.01 08.13.01 08.01.01 08.10.01 10.03.91 10.06.01 11.05.01

— — x — — — — — x x


Checking engine alignment and elastic mounting



2 Years

Checking engine alignment and elastic mounting




Depending on engine type and additive used


Depending on engine type and additive used (intervall to be entered in Maintenance S chedule acc. to Section 6.4 of Operation Manual)

© 0795

Maintenance Schedule






S/BVM 628


Daily maintenance jobs, see Section 4.3


Periodic maintenance jobs for engines running in continuous operation, e.g. marine engines > 300 hours / year.

All fittings, shutoff and control devices of operating media systems as well as of compressed air piping system shall be maintained according to manufacturer’s specifications. Ser. No.

Periodic Maintenance Jobs

Job Card No.

Checking and servicing engine coolant containing additives on non-mineral oil basis 1





© 1199

See Footnotes X1

Interval: every 250 engine running hours Inspecting valve rotator Cleaning turbocharger turbine (depending on fuel quality grade) Servicing centrifugal lube oil filter Servicing light barrier of crankcase oil mist detector Inspecting coolant circulation pump

01.03.01 06.13.01 08.13.01 11.05.01 09.07.01

Interval: every 500 engine running hours Jobs as under ser. No. 1 Cleaning fuel twin filter Cleaning filter of pressure reducer station

07.10.01 10.06.01

Interval: every 750 engine running hours Jobs as under ser. No. 1 Checking engine coolant containing anticorrosive oil acc. to Section 6.4

M1/M2/M3 X X



Interval: every 1000 engine running hours Jobs as under ser. Nos. 1 and 2 Checking inlet and exhaust valve clearances Inspecting combustion chamber Changing oil of turbocharger Inspecting injectors Cleaning dirt trap Inspecting crankcase oil mist detector

01.01.01 01.05.04 06.05.01 07.08.01 10.03.02 11.05.01

M3 M3 X5 M3

Interval: every 1500 engine running hours Jobs as under ser. Nos. 1 to 3 Checking inlet and exhaust valve clearances Inspecting combustion chamber Inspecting injectors Analyzing lube oil samples Servicing lube oil paper microf ilter Inspecting temperature monitors for oil, water and air Inspecting pressure monitors for oil, water and air Inspecting flow monitor Inspecting overspeed protection Inspecting oil level float switch Inspecting service-alarm switch for lube oil wire edge filter

01.01.01 01.05.04 07.08.01 08.01.01 08.10.01 11.01.01 11.01.02 11.01.03 11.03.01 11.07.01 11.08.01

D/M1/M2 M1 / M2 M1 / M2


M1/M2/ M3 X X X






S/BVM 628

Ser No.

Periodic Maintenance Jobs







Maintenance Schedule

Job Card No.

See Footnotes

Interval: every 3000 engine running hours Jobs as under ser. Nos. 1 to 5 Inspecting combustion chamber Servicing cylinder head Checking crankweb deflection / gauging axial clearance Inspecting foundation bolts Changing oil of hydr. governor Changing oil of turbocharger Inspecting control linkage of injection pump Inspecting injectors Repairing injectors Servicing lube oil paper microf ilter Checking delivery rate of valve seat lubrication Cleaning lube oil microfilter (lube oil seal)

01.05.04 01.08.01 02.02.01 03.07.01 05.03.11 06.05.01 07.01.01 07.08.01 07.09.01 08.10.01 08.14.01 08.20.02

D M3

Interval: every 4500 engine running hours Jobs as under ser. Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 5 Servicing cylinder head Changing oil of turbocharger Repairing injectors

01.08.01 06.05.01 07.09.01

Interval: every 6000 engine running hours Jobs as under ser. Nos. 1 to 6 Inspecting main running gear Inspecting piston Inspecting governor control linkage Inspecting charge air system Cleaning charge air cooler, air side Repairing injectors Functional check of starting and control air system Inspecting rubber vibration damper

02.01.01 02.10.01 05.04.15 06.02.01 06.04.02 07.09.01 10.01.01 12.01.02

Interval: every 8000 engine running hours Jobs as under ser. Nos. 1, 2 and 4 Servicing the turbocharger


Interval: every 9000 engine running hours Jobs as under ser. Nos. 1 to 7 Inspecting piston Inspecting charge air system

02.10.01 06.02.01

M1 / M2 M1 / M2

Interval: every 12000 engine running hours Jobs as under ser. Nos. 1 to 6 and 8 Servicing cylinder head IF DISTILLED FUEL Inspecting piston Inspecting gear train Inspecting drive for hydr. governor Servicing telescope piece Inspecting charge air system Servicing master starting valve Renew flexible lines, -compensators, rubber tubes

01.08.01 02.10.01 04.08.01 05.04.01 05.04.15 06.02.01 10.03.01 —


X X5 D M3 D

M1 / M2 X5 M1 / M2

M3 X2 M3 D X


© 0101

Maintenance Schedule

Ser.. No.

Periodic Maintenance Jobs


Interval: every 15000 engine running hours Jobs as under ser. Nos. 1 to 6 Inspecting main bearing Inspection of injection pump at DEUTZ SERVICE Replacing viscous-type torsional vibration damper


Interval: every 18000 engine running hours Jobs as under ser. Nos. 1 to 8 and 10 Inspecting main bearing Inspection of injection pump at DEUTZ SERVICE


Interval: every 24000 engine running hours Jobs as under ser. Nos. 1 to 6, 8, 9 and 11 Inspecting main bearing Inspecting piston pin, pin bush and pin bore Servicing cylinder liner Inspecting exhaust elbow crankshaft bearing Inspection of injection pump at DEUTZ SERVICE Servicing lube oil pump Repairing wire edge filter Repairing coolant circulation pump Maintaining plant-specific fittings and control devices



X X1 X2 X3 X4 X5 D M1 M2 M3






S/BVM 628 Job Card No.

See Footnotes


M3 M3 X



M1 / M2 M1 / M2

02.04.01 02.13.01 03.02.03 06.01.03 04.01.01


D 08.04.01 08.09.01 09.07.02 —

X X4

Interval: every 10 years Repairing rubber torsional vibration damper



As required Repairing valve rotator Cleaning turbocharger turbine Cleaning intake air cleaner of turbocharger Cleaning charge air cooler, air side Servicing lube oil filter combination Repairing viscous-type torsional vibration damper

01.03.02 06.13.01 06.03.11 06.04.02 08.10.01 12.01.01

M1/M2/M3 X


Depending on engine type Depending on engine type and additive used (Interval as per Section 6.4, to be entered in MaintenanceSchedule) Annually, at the latest, or after max. 500 start ing manoeuvres After 2 years, at the latest, or after max. 1000 starting manoeuvres Shorter intervals specified by zhe manufcturer of the bought-of-item, if any, must be considered. See Section 6.1 Distillate fuel, Section 6.3 Intermediate fuel, British Standard / Class B2, Section 6.3 Intermediate fuel, British Standard MA 100 / Class M3, CIMAC A 10 / B10 / E25, Section 6.3 Intermediate fuel, CIMAC C10 / D15, Section 6.3 Extension or reduction of intervals The inspections shall be carried out after the running hours quoted in the maintenance schedule. As a result of the inspections the intervals may be extended or reduced, however, to suit local conditions. The maintenance schedules summarise all inspection, servicing and repair jobs, while making reference to the individual sections and job cards of Section 8.

© 1199

Section: Page: Engine:

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Maintenance Schedule

Maintenance Schedules






S/BVM 628


Periodic maintenance jobs for engines running < 300 hours / year, which are exclusively or for the greater part of time in standby mode (DEUTZ minimum requirement). In addition, there exist numerous national and international standards which may also be applied if they do not restrict the specifications given here. All fittings, shutoff and control devices of operating media systems as well as of compressed air piping system shall be maintained according to manufacturer’s specifications.

Ser. No.:

Interval: Job:


Interval: Checking: Draining:



Interval: every three months Jobs as under ser. Nos. 1 and 2 Engine test run for 1/2 hour under max possible load (min. 25% load)

Checking: Inspecting: Servicing: Checking: Checking:

© 0394

daily Starting air pressure Dirt trap

Interval: weekly Jobs as under ser. No. 1 Checking: Circulating lube oil level Checking: Fuel level in service tank Checking: lCoolant level in header tank Servicing: Draining of the compressed air vessel Servicing: Draining leak-oil-tank Inspecting: Engine and operating media piping systems for leaks



Engine ready for operation ?

yes 10.03.02




see Section 4

Operating data, pressures, temperatures, etc. and comparing with acceptance test record — under steady-state conditions about 1/2 hour after start — before stopping the engine Turbocharger turbine slow-down Lube oil system Operating wire edge lube oil filter Temperature monitors Pressure monitors

Interval: every six months Jobs as under ser. Nos. 1 to 3 Analyzing engine coolant

Job Card or Section No.

08.02.02 08.09.01 11.01.01 11.01.02 yes yes

see Section 6.4






S/BVM 628

Maintenance Schedules

Ser. No.:

Interval: Job:


Interval: every year Jobs as under ser. Nos. 1 to 4 Checking: Inlet and exhaust valve clearances Inspecting: Inner crankcase Inspecting: Engine mounting (foundation) Inspecting: Control governor control linkage x1 Cleaning: Air cleaner (w. oil bath or dry air cleaner depending on degree of contamination) Inspecting: Control rod Inspecting: Fuel injector Cleaning: Fuel filter Servicing: Lube oil filter combination (renewing cartridge and cleaning filter combination) Cleaning: Wire edge filter Servicing: Changing oil — Engine — Hydr. governor Inspecting: Overspeed protection Inspecting: Oil level float switch



Interval: after 2 years Jobs as under ser. Nos. 1 to 5 Servicing: Telescopic piece x2 Changing oil of turbocharger X3 Interval: after 4 years Jobs as under ser. Nos. 1 to 6 Servicing: Cylinder head Inspecting: Piston Inspecting: Big-end bearing Servicing: Cylinder liner Servicing: Cleaning charge air cooler Servicing: Replacing wire edge filter elements Servicing: Starting air distr ibutor Servicing: Master starting valve Servicing: Dirt trap Sostituzione: Pressure monitors Riparazione: Engine control unit sostituzione di: — Solenoid valves, pressure reducing valves, control valves — Servicing H.P. filter

Engine ready for operation ?

Job Card or Section No.:


01.01.01 02.01.01 03.07.01 05.04.01 06.03.01

07.01.01 07.08.01 07.10.01 08.10.01 08.09.01 08.02.02 05.03.11 11.03.01 11.07.01

no no

05.04.15 06.05.01


01.08.01 02.10.01 02.04.01 03.02.01 06.04.02 08.09.01 10.02.01 10.03.01 10.03.02 11.01.02

© 1199

Maintenance Schedules

Ser. No.:

Interval: Job:


Interval: Inspecting:







S/BVM 628

Engine ready for operation ? after 7 — 8 years Main bearings (2 pcs) Visual inspection of cams and rollers Visual inspection of gear train Turbocharger Replacing temperature monitors Replacing thermocouples (exhaust pyrometer unit) Renew flexible lines, -compensators, rubber tubes


Job Card or Section No.:

02.04.01 04.02.01 04.08.01 06.06.01 11.01.01 11.01.04 —

Following expiry of the above operating period, please consult a DEUTZ-specialist to determine subsequent maintenance intervals.

In the case of emergency generating sets very high demands are placed on the engine reliability. To meet these requirements, the following actions must be taken to prevent ”early failures”. ● The engine shall be commissioned by a DEUTZ-trained engineer who will check preheating, oil priming and automatic starting and who, during the commissioning run of the engine, will check the indicating, warning and shutdown devices and rectify if necessary. ● The operating instructions of the engine manufacturer shall be observed in respect of cooling water, fuel and lube oil. ● The instructions for operation of the engine given in Section 4 of this manual shall be observed. ● The engines shall be maintained in accordance with the present maintenance schedules and shall regularly undergo the specified test runs. Where the engines are run for substantially more than 300 hours per year, maintenance shall be carried out according to 8.1.3. ● Continuous idle running must not exceed 24 hours. At the end of prolonged idling periods, the engine should always be run with min. 50% load for min. 30 minutes to remove all carbon residues liable to have formed during idling in the combustion chamber and the exhaust system as well as on the valves.

x1 After max. 500 starting manoeuvres, at the latest x2 After max. 1000 starting manoeuvres, at the latest X3 See section 6.1

© 0101

Section: Page: Engine:

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Maintenance Schedules

List of Job Cards







S/BVM 628

List of Job Cards

The Job Cards cover the following work: Inspection

Assy. Group

Job Card No.


Job (see also Maintenance Schedule here to for)

Repairing Mounting

© 0185





Inlet / Exhaust Valve Clearance Checking



Rocker Arm Removal / Refitment



Rocker Arm Bearing Inspection/Repairing



Valve Rotator / Inspecting



Valve Rotator Servicing / Repairing



Cylinder Head Removal



Inlet / Exhaust Valve Removal / Refitment



Inlet / Exhaust Valve Inspection



Valve Spring Removal / Refitment



Valve Guide Inspection / Repairing



Inlet/Exhaust Valve Servicing/Repairing



Cylinder Head Servicing



Cylinder Head Refitment



Starting Valve Inspection / Testing



Starting Valve Servicing



Safety Valve Servicing



Valve-seat Ring

● ● ●

● ● ● ●

● ● ●






S/BVM 628

Assy. Group

Job Card No.

List of Job Cards

Job The Job Cards cover the (see also Maintenance Schedule heretofore) following work: Inspection Servicing Repairing Mounting





Crankshaft System Precautions



Crankshaft System Inspection



Crankweb Deflection Gauging



Bearing Shell Spread Gauging



Bearing Clearance Gauging



Bearing Shell (Wear Pattern) Inspection



Big-end Bearing Removal



Big-end Bearing Refitment



Main Bearing Removal



Main Bearing Refitment



Piston Removal



Piston Inspection / Servicing



SPiston Ring / Groove Gauging



Piston Reconditioning



Piston Ring / Groove Reconditioning



Piston Pin Removal / Refitment



Piston Pin Bush Gauging / Reconditioning



Piston Refitment



Piston Coolant Nozzle Inspection



Hydraulic Tool for Annular Nuts Servicing



Flexible Coupling (Vulkan)

● ● ● ●

© 0785

List of Job Cards

Assy. Group

Job Card No.






S/BVM 628

Job The Job Cards cover the (see also Maintenance Schedule heretofore) following work: Inspection Servicing Repairing Mounting

© 0983





Crankcase Relief Valve Inspection/Servicing



Cylinder Liner Servicing



Cylinder Liner Servicing/Reconditioning



Cylinder Liner Inspection/Gauging



Cylinder Liner Removal



Cylinder Liner Refitment



Cylinder Liner Servicing



Foundation Bolts Inspection



Crankshaft system reconditioning of resiliently mounted engines





Camshaft Bearing Inspection/Recond.



Lower Valve Drive Reconditioning



Timing Gear Train Removal/Refitment



Camshaft Removal



Camshaft Refitment



Valve Timing Checking



Timing Gear Train Inspection/Gauging



Flywheel Removal/Refitment



Crankshaft Gear Removal/Refitment



Water Pump Idler Gear Removal/Refitment



Pump Chest Removal/Refitment



Coupling Flange Removal/Refitment



Filling of Oil Pump

● ● ●

● ●






S/BVM 628

Assy. Group

Job Card No.

List of Job Cards

Job The Job Cards cover the (see also Maintenance Schedule heretofore) following work: Inspection Servicing Repairing Mounting





Speed Control System Safety Precautions



Hydraulic Governor Servicing (Oil Change)



Hydraulic Governor Setting



Electr. Governor Speed Pick-up Rem./Ref.



Hydr. and electr. Governor Serv./Recond.



Governor Drive Inspection



Governor Linkage Setting



Governor Linkage Servicing



Control Linkage

● ● ● ●

● ● ●

● ●

© 0486

List of Job Cards

Assy. Group

Job Card No.






S/BVM 628

Job The Job Cards cover the (see also Maintenance Schedule heretofore) following work: Inspection Servicing Repairing Mounting

© 0885





Exhaust Manifold Inspection



Exhaust Elbow



Charge Air System Inspection



Intake Air Cleaner Servicing



Charge Air Cooler Water Side Servicing



Charge Air Cooler Water Side Servicing



Turbocharger Servicing (Oil Change)



Turbocharger Servicing/Reconditioning



Turbocharger Compressor Servicing



Turbocharger Turbine Servicing



Turbocharger Scavenging Attachm. Serv.



Turbocharger Scavenging Nozzles

● ●






S/BVM 628

Assy. Group

Job Card No.

List of Job Cards

Job The Job Cards cover the (see also Maintenance Schedule heretofore) following work: Inspection Servicing Repairing Mounting





Instructions — Fuel System



Inj. Pump Element Locking Contr. Rod Insp.



Injection Pump Element Removal/Refitment



Idle Stroke Setting



Injection Pump Control Rod Rem./Refitm.



Injection Pump Element Seal Recond.


07. 02. 05

Constant Delivery Setting



Roller Tappet Bush Rem./Refitm.



Firing Pressure and Exhaust Temperature



Removing and Refitting Injection Piping



Fuel System Servicing (Bleeding)



Injection Piping Reconditioning



Injection Pump Removal/Refitment



Injection Pump Camshaft Removal/Refitment



Injection Timing



Injector Removal/Refitment



Injector Testing



Injector Reconditioning



Fuel Duplex Filter Servicing



Fuel Feed Pump Removal/Refitment

● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

● ● ● ● ● ●

© 1284

List of Job Cards

Assy Group

Job Card No.






S/BVM 628

Job The Job Cards cover the (see also Maintenance Schedule heretofore) following work: Inspection Servicing Repairing Mounting





Instructions — lubricating oil System



Oil Sampling



Oil System Inspection



Oil Change



Oil Pump Servicing



Oil Edge Filter Servicing/Reconditioning



Oil Paper Microfilter Servicing



Oil Pressurestat Inspection



Centrifugal Oil Cleaner Servicing



Valve Seat Lubrication Inspection



Two-Way Valve (Sealing Oil System) Serv.



Oil Microf ilter (Sealing Oil System) Serv.

© 0983

● ● ●






S/BVM 628

Assy. Group

Job Card No.

List of Job Cards

Job The Job Cards cover the (see also Maintenance Schedule heretofore) following work: Inspection Servicing Repairing Mounting





Cooling Water System Draining



Coolant Circulation Pump Water and Oil Seals



Coolant Circulation Pump





Pneumatic System



Starting Pilot Air Distributor



Starting Air Master Valve



Dirt Collector



Running-in Screen Start. Air Master Valve



Pressure Reducer Station

● ● ●

© 0185

List of Job Cards

Assy. Group

Job Card No.






S/BVM 628

Job The Job Cards cover the (see also Maintenance Schedule heretofore) following work: Inspection Servicing Repairing Mounting

© 1087





Temperature Switches (Oil, Water, Air)



Pressure Switches (Oil, Water, Air)



Flow Switch



Rem./Refitm. Exhaust Gas Thermocouples



Exhaust Gas Thermocouples



Engine Safety System



Crabnkcase Oil Mist Detector



Charge Air Pipe Condensate Detector



Oil Level Float Switch



Service-warning Switch on Lube Oil Filter





Viscous-type Damper



Rubber-type Damper



Removal/Refitment Rubber-type Damper

● ●

● ●

● ●






S/BVM 628

This page intentionally left blank

List of Job Cards

Job Cards Arbeitskarten Schede di lavoro Cartes de travail Fichas de trabajo Werkkaarten PабоЧие ка ты




Job Cards


Arbeitskarten Schede di lavoro Cartes de travail Fichas de trabajo Werkkaarten PабоЧие ка ты

Job Card No.:


Valve Clearance Checking

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-11-10 1065



Check inlet and exhaust valve clearance and adjust as necessary. Inspect upper valve drive.

Standard tools, Feeler gauge

Excessive clearance causes the valves to open jerkily, so the cams may be damaged; insufficient clearance results in failure of the valves to close completely, so they will be destroyed by the gases streaming out.

Job: Open indicator valves of all cylinders. Unscrew bolts (1) and remove rocker chamber cover (2). Turn crankshaft so the respective piston is in compression TDC and the tappet roller will rest on the cam base circle. Clearance «X» between valve stem (6) and socket (5) should be 0,2 mm (inlet) and 0,5 mm (exhaust) respectively with engine cold. If clearance is not correct, release locknut (3), insert feeler gauge beween stem (6) and socket (5) and turn pressure screw (4) until gauge can only be moved with a slight drag. Retain screw (4) in this position and retighten locknut (3). Recheck clearance. Before refitting cover (2), check that gasket (7) is intact, otherwise renew. Close indicator valves. For ease in determining compression TDC (both valves closed), proceed as follows: Remove inspection cover from injection pump ansd observe respective pump element spring: as the spring starts being compressed while crankshaft is slowly turned, the exact TDC position is obtained.

© 0185

© 50 541 1

Job Card No.:

Valve Clearance Checking Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-11-10 1065

Job Card No.:

Rocker Arm Removal / Refitment

01.02.02 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-11-10 1066


Job Cards:

Observe safety precautions. Open indicator valves. Turn camshaft so in tappet roller of the lower valve drive rests on the cam base circle and the rocker arm is unloaded. Unscrew bolts (5) to remove cover (1).

Removing: Exhaust Rocker with Fulcrum Unscrew bolts (2) with washers (14) and raise rocker (3) with fulcrum (4). Withdraw fulcrum from rocker.

01.01.01 02.00.01

Tools: Standard tools Brass arbor

Removing: Inlet Rocker with Bracket Unscrew bolts (11) and remove rocker (7) with brakket (6). Drive fulcrum out of bracket by brass arbor. The diameter of the fulcrum bearings differ at both ends. The notched end ist thicker Cleaning: Clean all components. Blow through all oil passages in rockers and pressure screws abd check all passages are free. Before reassembly, apply oil to fulcrum and bearing bushes. Clean bracket seat on cylinder head. Be sure no dowel bushes are damaged or lost. Refitting: Inlet Rocker with bracket Hold Rocker (7) in bracket (6) and drive fulcrum (8) into bracket by arbor. Note correct location of notch (9). Place bracket (6) with rocker (7) on cylinder head, threading in dowel bushes (12). Screw in bolts (11) with washers (10) © 50 542 1

Refitting: Exhaust Rocker with Bracket Slip rocker (3) over fulcrum (4) and place on bracket (6), threading in dowel bushes (13). Screw in bolts (2) with washers (14). Tightening Waisted Bolts Tighten bolts (2) as under Section 3.5, item 8 and bolts (11) as under item 7. Be sure to preload the bolts through the torques specified.

© 0185

Job Card No.:

Rocker Arm Removal / Refitment

Engine: Filing No..:

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0178-11-10 1066

Job Card No.:

Rocker Arm Inspection / Reconditioning

01.02.03 Engine:

S/BVM 628

0178-11-10 1067

Filing No.:



Check running clearance and replace bushes if required.

Standard tools, Feeler gauge (or caliper gauge), Brass arbor

Job Card:

Job: Remove arm (Job 01.02.02). Clean all components. Check radial clearance between bush (2) and fulcrum (3) by feeler gauge. Note that the bush bottom zone will present most wear. Note that the bush bottom zone will present the most wear.

New Condition

Wear Limit

0,041 — 0,115




Permissible Clearance: When using a caliper gauge, measure bush bore «D» and fulcrum diameter «d». Clearance = D less d. Inspect adjusting screw (1), thrust pad (4) and faces (6) for wear and replace as necessary.

Reconditioning If wear limit has been reached or other defects are discovered, remove bush (2) by brass arbor of suitable size. Clamp down arm with new bush in a vice and carefully press in new bush with oil hole at bottom. Do not cant bush. Carefully drive in bush farther by arbor up to 1,5 mm before edge as shown. Slip arm over fulcrum (3) and check clearance. When replacing pad (4), check that notch (5) is properly located.


© 0595

© 51 231 0

Job Card No.:

Rocker Arm Inspection / Reconditioning

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-11-10 1067

Job Card No.:

Valve Rotator Inspection

01.03.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-11-10 1797

S/BVM 628



Every 250 hours check while engine is running that exhaust valves rotators move freely.

Standard tools, Lamp, Clock

Job: Unscrew plug (1) and O-seal (2) from rocker chamber cover (3). Check with lamp that rotator (4) moves freely: at 700/min engine speed check time needed for a full revolution by watching cam (5). If this time is more than 40 seconds, replace rotator on the next occasion since rotator will most likely be out of function soon. Where rotator fails to move at all, replace once engine can be stopped. For rotator reconditioning see job 01.03.02. If O-seal (2) is defective, replace. Screw plug with O-seal into rocker chamber cover and tighten moderately.

© 25 466 1

© 1083

Job Card No.:

Valve Rotator Inspection

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-11-10 1797

Job Card No.:

Valve Rotator Reconditioning

01.03.02 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-08-10 1382


Job Cards:

If, upon inspection of valve rotator (Job 01.03.01), the rotator is found to be malfunctioning, renew same.

01.01.01 01.02.02 01.03.01 01.05.05

Tools: —

Standard tools

Job: Remove rocker arm (Job Card 01.02.02) and replace rotator (Job Card 01.05.05). Refitment is made in the reverse order. Check valve clearance (Job Card 01.01.01).

© 0285

Job Card No.:

Valve Rotator Reconditioning

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-08-10 1382

Job Card No.:

Cylinder Head Removal


Page 1 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-08-10 1798

S/BV 6/8/9M 628

Job Cards: —

01.08.01 01.09.01 02.00.01 02.16.02 09.00.01

Tools: —

Standard tools, Puller screw, Hydraulic tool for annular nuts (Section 1.8), Head removing device (Section 1.8) , Wooden support

© 51 394 0

Fig. 1

Job: Observe safety precautions (Job Card 02.00.01). Drain cooling water. Remove rocker chamber cover (4) — fig 1 — and turn engine so that inlet and exhaust valves are closed. Release valve clearance adjusting screws (3) on rocker arms. Disconnect pilot air pipe at the joint above the starting pipe. Release two hex. bolts securing indicator cock and turn cock. If necessary, remove. Release locks (16) — fig 3 — on sliding piece of the charge air piping (5) and move sliding pieces sideways. Disconnect injection piping and main starting air pipe from cylinder head. Unscrew 4 bolts (22) — fig 2 — on exhaust elbow (20). Screw puller screw (19) into exhaust elbow and remove exhaust gasket (21). © 24 814 2

Fig. 2

© 51 233 0

Bild 3 © 0583

Job Card No.:


Cylinder Head Removal

Page 2 of 3


S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-08-10 1798

Releasing Annular Nut (15) — Fig. 4 Assemble hydraulic tool (10) with hoses and pump and fill with hydraulic oil. Clean thread of stud (14) with gas oil acc. to Job Card 02.16.02. Screw stud (12) in place. Position bushes (11) (two pairs — fig. 5) with yoke (7) and tool (19). Make sure that no bush is in contact with an adjacent cylinder. Fit washers (9) and screw together with hex. nuts (8) until tool piston is flush with cylinder. Back nuts (8) through one turn.

© 24 868 1

Fig. 4 Operate pump until pressure is as specified under Section 3.5, item 1. If necessary, raise pressure slowly 10 to 20 bar, so annular nut (15) is actually loose. Introduce pin (13) through aperture in bush (11) into lateral nut holes and turn up nut (15) in 10 stages.

© 51 234 0

Fig. 5 © 0583

Job Card No.:

Cylinder Head Removal


Page 3 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-08-10 1798

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

To avoid jamming *) — fig 4 — of nut (15) by stud (12), be sure not to screw nut (15) against the stud. Unload pressure and disconnect hose. Unscrew hex. nuts (8) and remove tools (10) with bushes (11). Unscrew stud (12) and annular nuts (15). Unscrew hexagon nuts (8) and remove tools (10) with bushes (11). Unscrew stud (12) and annular nuts (15). Mount cylinder head removing device and carefully raise head by hoist, so as not to damage joints or studs (14). Put down head on wooden support. Servicing cylinder head seeJjo Cardb 01.08.01. Refitting cylinder head see Job Card 01.09.01.

© 24 870 3

Fig. 6

© 0583

Job Card No.:

Cylinder Head Removal

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-08-10 1798

Job Card No.:

Inlet Valve Removal / Refitment Filing No.:

01.05.01 Engine:

0178-08-10 1580

S/BVM 628

Job Cards: —

01.01.01 01.04.01 01.05.05 01.07.01

Tools: —

Standard toolsi, Valve removing / refitting device (Section 1.8)

Job: Removing the Valve After removing the cylinder head (see Job Card 01.05.01), remove clamping cone (7) by using removing device (see Job Card 01.05.05). Take down spring cap (6), springs (4) and (5), and spring cap (9). Withdraw valve downwards. Renew O-seal (10). Clean valve components, inlet ducts in head, head base and check valve seats. For reconditioning see Job Card 01.07.01. Refitting the Valve Check that groove for clamping cone (7) and groove (11) for removing / refitting device in the valve stem are absolutely free from burrs to avoid damage to Oseal (10). Install valve (8) with oil and retain at the bottom. Make sure that 0-seal (10) will not become defective. Fit springs (4) and (5) . Next, install cap (6). Mount refitting decvice (see Job Card 01.05.05) and install clamping cone (7). Release and remove refitting device. Be sure clamping cones are located correctly.

© 24 999 1

© 0184

Job Card No.:

Inlet Valve Removal / Refitment

Engine: Filing No.:

This page intentionally left blank

0178-08-10 1580

Job Card No.:

Exhaust Valve Removal / Refitment

01.05.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-08-10 2067

Job Cards: —

01.01.01 01.04.01 01.05.05 01.07.01

Tools: —

Standard tools Valve removing / refitting device (Section 1.8)

Job: Removing the Valve After removing the cylinder head (see job 01.05.01), remove clamping cone (7) by using removing device (see job card 01.05.05). Take down rotor (2), compression springs (4) and (5), and spring cap (3). Withdraw exhaust valve downwards. Renew O-seal (10). Clean valve components, inlet ducts in head, head base and check valve seats. For reconditioning see job card 01.07.01. Refitting the Valve Check that groove for clamping cone (7) and groove (11) for removing / refitting device in the valve stem are absolutely free from burrs to avoid damage to Oseal (10). Install valve (8) with oil and retain at the bottom. Make sure that 0-seal (10) will not become defective. Fit springs (4) and (5) . Next, installrotor (2). Mount refitting decvice (see job card 01.05.05) and install clamping cone (7). Release and remove refitting device. Be sure clamping cones are located correctly.

© 25 220 1

© 1090

Job Card No.:

Exhaust Valve Removal / Refitment

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-08-10 2067

Job Card No.:

Inlet and Exhaust Valves Inspection (by Endoscope)


Page1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-08-10 1660


Job Card:

The use of an endoscope enables both valves (plus cylinder wall) to be inspected without removing the head.

The endoscope with transformer for 110/220 volts a.c., as well as the valve pliers, can be obtained from the Deutz head office.

07. 07. 01

Tools: —

Standard tools, Endoscope and valve pliers (optional)

Job: Refitting Remove rocker arm cover. Turn crankshaft until the relevant piston is in TDC position and the valves to be inspected are fully open. Remove injector (job 07.07.01) and clean injector bore in cylinder head (3). Connect endoscope (2) to transformer (1). Lower endoscope (with weak light) into the injector bore until valve tulips and valve seats are visible. Use endoscope, if possible, with max. 11 volts and no longer than necessary, owing to the high heat development. Never touch lamp nor distort or strike endoscope. Handle carefully !

© 51 235 0

© 0185

Job Card No.:


Inlet and Exhaust Valves Inspection (by Endoscope)

Page 2 of 2


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-08-10 1660

Inspecting the Valves Turn endoscope until valve seat is in full view. Location of stem (6), seat (7) and plate (8): see «X». (Note that endoscope view appears as mirrored image and upside down). Vary light intensity with the regulator on the transformer as required. If you are irritated by a dazzling effect, adjust endoscope level. Pliers (9) enable valve tulips to be rotated for allround inspection. IIf the combustion chamber is in poor condition, servicing as per Job Card 01.08.01 or 03.02.01 should be carried out. In case the valves show drops from the engine coolant, exhaust elbows should be inspected as per Job Card 06.01.03.

© 21 236 0

© 1199

Job Card No.:

Valve Spring Removal / Refitment

01.05.05 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-08-10 1073

When working on cylinder head in fitted condition, the piston must be in TDC.

Job Card: —


Tools: —

Valve removing device

Job: Removing the Springs Push up sleeve (4) and spread with suitable screwdriver. Place removing device on spring cap and let both dogs engage in groove of valve stem. Press sleeve down until removing device is safely secured to valve stem. Do not re-use valves with worn groove. Discontinue use of worn dogs. Replace component (3). Dogs must have a safe grip, or the loaded valve springs may «shoot» the removing device out of place.

Turn nut (1) by wrench so as to compress the springs and take out clamping cone (6). Fully unload springs by releasing nut (1). Push up sleeve (4) to take down the removing device. With the cylinder head fitted, there is no need to remove parts (3) and (4). The spring cap can be slipped over. Refitting the Springs Refitment is made in the reverse order, using again the valve removing device.

© 50 059 1

© 0785

Job Card No.:

Valve Spring Removal / Refitment

Engine: Filing No.:

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Job Card No.:

Valve Guide Clearance Checking / Reconditioning


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-08-10 1799


Job Cards:

When reconditioning valves (Job Card 01.07.01), check the valve stem guide clearance.

01.05.01 01.07.01

Tools: —

Standard tools, Caliper gauge, Brass arbor

Job: Pull valve out of guide bush (1) / (2). Clean both. Measure bore of guide bushes (1) and (2) within a range of up to about 10 mm from the bottom end. If the inside diameter in this zone exceeds 16,2 mm, renew the guide bush.

For Inlet

For Exhaust

Reconditioning Replacing Guides Since inlet and exhaust valve guides are of different length, be sure not to interchange them. Length of valve guides: Inlet — 136 mm, Exhaust — 179 mm. Drive out guide (1) / (2) with a brass arbor without damaging the receiving bore. Smoothen squeezed edges with a scraper. For installation of the valve guides, see page 2.

© 0595

© 51 237 0

Job Card No.:


Valve Guide Clearance Checking / Reconditioning

Page 2 of 2


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-08-10 1799

Refitment of guides is done after undercooling (shrinking) in liquid nitrogen (boiling temperature: -195,8°C) down to between -170°C and -195°C. To ensure that the guides are cooled deep into their cores, check that the nitrogen has stopped boiling (see also Section 3.7). Make also sure that all shrink-fit surfaces are perfectly clean (metallically bright). Introduce valve guide into cylinder head until the dimensions specified (page 1) have been reached. Grind-in and check valve (Job Card 01.07.01). Renew the 0-ring for sealing the valve stem abd push it into its groove with the aid of the valve stem, using a second valve stem to prevent the ring slipping beyond the groove. Install valves (Job Card 01.05.01).

© 51 238 0

© 1084

Job Card No.:

Valve Seat Ring and Valve Cone


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-08-297 6506

Checking and Reconditioning Inlet and Exhaust Valve Cones and Valve Seat Rings Before re-using the valves, these are to be checked and reconditioned, if necessary, as described in the following: Faulty condition of the engine, inadequate preheating and treatment of fuel and cooling water, and non-permissible lugging operation (speed drop with control lever at fuel stop), etc. can — among other causes — bring about premature failure of valves. Observance of the following instructions is prerequisite for an acceptable valve operating life.

Tools: —

Standard tools, Dial gauge, Magnifying glass (min. 4-fold magnification)

Auxiliaries: —

Distillate fuel

Job Cards: —

01-05-01 06.02.01

Job: Preparation ● Remove valves (job 01.05.01) ● Clean off deposits on seating surfaces. ● Remove carbon from valve discs and valve-seat rings with a scraper and wash with distillate fuel. To facilitate removal of water-solulable sulphurous deposits, the used valve cones can be soaked in water for a few hours. Checking valve cones The valve cones can be re-used, if the following preconditions are fulfilled: — Seats free from burnt spots, blow-by, cracks or pounding marks, — no damage on cone clamp groove, — within the zones X and Y (Fig. on page 2) no interrupt of the (bright) chromium layer,

245 Exhaust valve 205 Inlet valve

285 Exhaust valve 215 Inlet valve

befor reworking © 50 659 0

© 1283

Job Card No.:


Valve Seat Ring and Valve Cone

Page 2 of 2


S/BVM 628

0178-08-297 6506

Filing No.:

245 Exhaust valve 205 Inlet valve

285 Exhaust valve 215 Inlet valve

befor reworking © 50 659 0

in the areas X and Y no interruption of the (shiny) chrome layer

between the zones X and Y (Fig on Page 2) — no corrosion pittings deeper than 0,2 mm, — stem diameter at no point < 15,5 mm. Out-of truth (deviation) of the cleaned disc edge relative to stem not exceeding 0,2 mm. To measure place stem on knife-edges at points A and B. On no account straighten valve cones! Renew valve cones, if the out-of-truth is excessive.

The seats of the valve cones are to be reworked if: — the cleaned seat is not free from carbon scars, blow-bys, pittings and other damage (check with magnifying glass) or — the out-of-truth (deviation) of the otherwise perfect seat relative to the stem is > 0,1 mm. Checking valve-seat rings The seat rings can be re-used if the following preconditions are fulfilledi: — Seats free from burnt spots, blow-bys, cracks or pounding marks. The seat surface of the seat rings is to be reworked in installed condition — in the cylinder head — if: — the cleaned surface is not free from carbon scars, blow-bys, pittings, scorning, shoulders (see Fig.), corrosion and other damage (check with magnifying glass) In the case of corrosion damage to the inlet valve seat rings, check also the charge air pipe for salt deposits and corrosion and the charge air cooler for leaks (see Job Card 06.02.01). Reconditioning This reconditioning work may only be done by DEUTZ Service workshops which are especially equipped to carry out such work.

© 51 240 0

© 0484

Job Card No.:

Cylinder Head

01.08.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-08-10 1982


Job Cards:

The cylinder servicing intervals may differ very considerably since they are governed by engine application and load, as well as by fuel and lube oil qualities. To arrive at a rational servicing interval, we suggest that the following method be adopted.

01.04.01 01.05.04 01.09.01

Inspection When using an endoscope all cylinder heads are to be inspected as per Job Card 01.05.04. Should abnormal wear be found, remove one cylinder head per cylinder bank. To avoid any misjudgements, we recommend removal of the cylinder head (Job Card 01.04.01) having the poorest appearance, for checking and maintenance. The removed and dismantled cylinder head serves as comparison. When adopting the above procedure, it is essential to observe the intervals for inspection of the combustion chamber per endoscope, in accordance with the Maintenance Schedule. It should be generell noted, however, that the use of the endoscope serves, firstly, to simplify maintenance work and, secondly to help determine the lifespan of the components, depending on the application concerned. If no endoscope is available, one cylinder head of each cylinder bank (not one of the end cylinder heads) is to be removed (Job Card 01.04.01) for checking and servicing. The cylinder head servicing should be carried out together with the following jobs: ● Rocker Arm Inspection,

Job 01.02.03

● Valve Guide Clearance Checking,

Job 01.06.01

● Valve Seat and Cone Checking,

Job 01.07.01

● Starting Valve Inspection,

Job 01.11.01

● Safety Valve Servicing,

Job 01.12.01

● Exhaust Manifold Inspection,

Job 06.01.01

● Exhaust Elbow Inspection,

Job 06.01.03

If these initial inspections reveal no faults, inspection of the remaining cylinder heads in the manner described can be postponed until the next check becomes due in accordance with the Maintenance Schedule IIf the findings again prove to be positive, maintenance of all of the cylinder heads can be put off again until the next inspection becomes due. However, should it be found during one of these inspections that the dismantled cylinder head has defects, be sure to remove also the remaining heads for inspection and maintenance. For refitting the cylinder head, see Job Card 01.09.01. The Number of running hours up to the time when all cylinder heads must be serviced should be locally entered in the Maintenance Schedule as the regular service interval to be opbserved in future.

© 1199

Job Card No.:

Cylinder Head

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-08-10 1982

Job Card No.:

Cylinder Head Refitment


Page 1 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

0178-08-10 1801

Cylinder Head Refitment

Job Cards: —

01.01.01 02.16.02 06.02.01

Tools: —

Standard tools hoist puller screws special tools (Section 1.8), — Hyrdaulic clamping tool — Cylinder head lifting device

Spare Parts: —

0-seals for plug-in pieces Cylinder head gasket if necessary

Job: Preparation ● Clean all joint faces thoroughly. Watch for corrosion in the area of annular gap between waisted stud shank (8) — Fig. 1 — and crankcase upper part (9). In case slight corrosion, remove and clean waisted stud. In case of more distinct corrosion marks, renew waisted studs, see under «Note». ● Replace 0-seals (1) to (5) on the plug-in pieces (Fig. 1). ● Grease plug-in pieces and insert in crankcase. ● Fit centering pin (7).

© 24 872 2

● Position cylinder head gasket (6) in place.

● Fit lifting device (1) — Fig. 2 -. ● Insert pushrods for valve drive.

Fig. 1

Cylinder Head Refitment


● Position cylinder head in place. — Do not tilt cylinder head. — See to it that plug-in pieces and cen tering pin slide smoothly into the cylin der head. — Check with feeler gauge that between head and crankcase there is an equal distance around the entire periphery. ● Remove lifting device (1).

© 24 870 3

Fig. 2 © 0992

Refitting device

Job Card No.:


Cylinder Head Refitment

Page 2 of 3


S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-08-10 1801

Tightening Annular Nuts (Fig. 3) Apply oil to studs (14). Check that annular nuts (15) turn easily over the entire stud length. Screw nuts in place and tighten by hand. Check by feeler gauge that nuts are squarely seated. Fit hydraulic tool and pump as in job card 01.04.01 (Releasing Nuts) and build up pressure (Section 3.5, item 1). The stud thus having been lengthened as specified, retighten nuts (15) by pin (13) until again squarely seated. Make sure that the number of tightening stages (partial rotations) is equal on all nuts. Slowly release hydraulic pressure, disconnect hoses and remove tool from studs. Push sliding pieces (23) — Fig. 4 — of charge air pipe into their appropriate position.Fit lateral locking pieces (16) and tighten by bolt (18) with lockwasher (17).

© 24 869 1

Fig. 3

© 51 233 1

Fig. 4 © 0784

Job Card No.:

Cylinder Head Refitment


Page 3 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-08-10 1801

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Fit puller screw (19) in exhaust manifold (20) — Fig. 5 — and press off manifold from head until gasket (21) can be fitted in the gap. Screw in two bolts (22), so gasket cannot fall out. Unscrew bolts (19) and securely tighten remaining bolts (22). Connect air and fuel piping. Set valve clearance (Job Card 01.01.01). Bring indicator cock in normal position and tighten bolts. Following functional and lubrication test, fit rocker chamber cover (Job Card 01.01.01). When fitting new studs (14) — Fig. 3 — into the cylinder head, apply Deutz DW 57 locking compound to stud threads. After screwing studs (14) in as far as they will go, tighten through 130 Nm torque. Close annula r gap between stud shaft and crankcase with Deutz DW 48 sealing compound.

© 1083

© 24 809 2

Fig. 5

Job Card No.:

Cylinder Head Refitment

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-08-10 1801

Job Card No.:

Starting Valve Inspection

01.11.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-31-10 1606

S/BVM 628

Inspection Check valve for free movement and freedom from leaks.

Job Cards: —

01.11.02 02.00.01

Tools: —

Standard tools

If the starting air pipe gets hot at the cylinder head when the engine is running, this suggeststhat the associated starting valve is leaky.

Job: Observe safety precautions (job 02.00.01). Checking Valve Stem and Guide Piston from Free Movement Unscrew banjo bolt (58) — Fig. 1 -and press down valve (1) with an arbor. If there is lack of free movement, remove valve and overhaul (Job Card 01.11.02). Checking the Valve for Tightnes Remove banjo bolt (57) at starting air distributor (Fig. 2) and, in its place, fit a hex. bolt, sealing washers (67) and a hex. nut to seal off the starting air line. Turn the engine so that the respective piston is a compression TDC (inlet and exhaust valves closed). Place engine control lever in «Start» position and slowly open shut-off valve on air receiver. If this causes air to come out through the indicator valve, this suggests that the starting valve is leaky. However, before removing valve, check whether carbon deposits or valve binding are the cause of the leak. To do this, unscrew banjo bolt (58) — Fig. 1 — at the air pipe, remove sealing washers (66) and, after unscrewing hex. bolt (10), take off lockwasher (11) and cover (8). Apply a socket wrench to locknut (7) and move valve to and fro to remove any carbon deposizs. If this measure fails to eliminate the leak at the valve seat, remove valve (Job Card 01.11.02).

© 24 971 1

Fig. 1

© 51 563 0

Fig. 2 © 0983

Job Card No.:

Starting Valve Inspection

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-31-10 1606


Starting Valve Servicing

Job Card No.:


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-31-10 1869

S/BVM 628

Servicing When servicing the cylinder head (Job Card 01.08.01) , the starting valve is also due for removal and servicing.

Job Card: —


Tools: —

Valve seat miller (Section 1.8.1), Socket spanner (Section1.8.), Standard tools, Grinding-in paste

Job: Place cylinder head on a wooden support. Unscrew hex. bolt (10) — Fig. 1 — with lockwasher (11), and remove cover (8). Place cylinder head on the side, remove circlip (12) and release locked nuts (7) and (6) as follows: Place a socket on hex. nut (7) and slip socket spanner over it to move hex. nut (6). Piston (3) is loaded by spring (2). Remove washer (5). Dismantle valve. Clean components in gas oil and check for wear. Oil components slightly. Inspect valve seat and, if necessary, recondition with milling tool (Fig. 2), then grind in. To grind in, apply an even film of fine grinding-in paste to seat. Equip starting valve (1) with piston (3) to act as guide when grinding in. Turn valve cone with a screwdriver until the entire periphery of the sealing surface presents a shade of matt-grey. Remove all residues. © 24 923 2

Fig. 1

© 25 054 0

Fig. 2 © 1084

Job Card No.:


Starting Valve Servicing

Page 2 of 2


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-31-10 1869

Installation of the starting valve in the cylinder head is carried out in reverse order. Renew 0-ring (9) and, if necessary, packing rings (4). Tighten hex. nut (6) with socket spanner, while holding the starting valve (1) with a screwdriver in the slot of the valve disc. Counterlock hex. nut (7) with socket and hex. nut (6) by means of the socket spanner. Mount circlip (12). Before placing on cover (8), check starting valve for easy movement. In the case of improper locking of hex. nuts (6) and (7), there is a risk of the nuts loosening and the starting valve falling into the cylinder. This can result in very serious consequential damage. In the case of the V-type engines, starting valves are fitted in one bank of cylinder engine, and B1 to 8 of the 16-cylinder engine. The cylinder banks A1 to 6 and A1 to 8 respectively are provided with blanking plugs.

© 0684

Safety Valve Servicing

Job Card No.:

01.12.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-31-10 1080

S/BVM 628

Servicing When servicing the cylinder head or when a safety valve has become leaky, remove valve, dismantle and, if necessary, regrind.

Tools: —

Standard tools, Fine grinding compound

Aid: —

Asbestos cord, Deutz S1 compound (Section 3.6),

Never try to remove a leak by increasing zhe valve spring loading.


© 51 246 0


Stop engine. Depressurize combustion chamber by opening the indicator valve. Screw safety valve (9) out of cap (12). Release nut (2) and adjusting screw (1). Remove valve (4), spring (5), bushes (7) from body (3). Clean all components and inspect for wear. If necessary, grind valve tulip on its seat in the casing with compound. Therafter remove all traces of compound. Renew washer (13) and asbestos cord (10). Apply oil to all components before reassembly. Introduce valve (4), bushes (7) (proper location see fig. ) and spring (5) into body (3). Screw in adjusting screw (1), set pressure by means of injector testing outfit (job 07.08.01) and lock by nut (2). Apply S1 compound to thread of body (3) position safety valve (9) and screw into cap (12).

© 51 247 0

© 0595

Job Card No.:

Safety Valve Servicing

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-31-10 1080

Job Card No.:

Valve Seat Ring Removal / Refitment


Page 1 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-08-10 1854

In accordance with the engine equipment specificatio — depending on the type of fuel stated when the engine is ordered — the cylinder heads can be provided with cooled or uncooled exhaust valve-seat rings. Inlet valve-seat rings are always uncooled.

Job Cards: —

01.05.01 01.07.01

Tools: —

Standard tools, Puller tool for fitting and removing valve-seat rings (Section1.8). Locking compound Deutz DW 57 (Section 3.6).

Job: First remove valve (Job Card 01.05.01). Removing the Uncooled Valve-Seat Ring — Fig.1 Clean deposits out of the groove between valve-seat ring and cylinder head and insert circlip (6). Place puller bush (5) through inlet or exhaust passage respectively onto the circlip and, from the combustion chamber side, screw plate (7) onto the puller bush. This is necessary to ensure that the circlip is not pressed out of its groove during the pulling operation. Now screw the hex. bolt (4), together with washers (2), bearing (3) and puller support (1) into the puller bush. Pull out the valve-seat ring by tightening the hex. bolt. Clean receiving bore in the cylinder head without damaging it.

© 1084

© 25 138 2

Fig. 1

Job Card No.:


Valve Seat Ring Removal / Refitment

Page 2 of 3


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-08-10 1854

Removing the Cooled Valve-Seat Ring — Fig . 2 Place puller bush (5) through the exhaust passage onto the valve-seat ring. From the combustion chamber side, screw hex. bolt (4), together with washer (2), bearing (3) and puller support (1), into the puller bush. Pull out the valve-seat ring by tightening the hex. bolt. Clean receiving bore in the cylinder head without damaging it. Before fitting, gauge the receiving bore in the cylinder head. If the diameter of the receiving bore in the case of: —

uncooled valve-seat ring is greater than 79,03 mm,

cooled valve-seat ring is greater than 72,03 mm and/or at the bottom is greater than 91,03 mm,

© 25 137 2

Fig. 2 an oversize ring must be fitted. Further details can be obtained from our Deutz Service Departments. Canting or the formation of burrs must be avoided! Hammering-in instead of pulling-in with puller tool is not permisible! Fitting the Uncooled Valve-Seat Ring — Fig. 3 Lightly oil seat ring on outer periphery and push it into the cylinder head. Mount threaded spindle (1), together with hex. nut (6), washers (5), bearing (4) and bush (3). The seat ring is pulled onto its seat by tightening the hex. nut (6). Ensure full seating! A repetition of the pulling-in operation results in a certain enlargement of the receiving bore in the cylinder head, so that an oversize ring may then be necessary.

© 25 140 2

Fig. 3

© 1084

Valve Seat Ring Removal / Refitment

Job Card No.:


Page 3 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-08-10 1854

Fitting the Cooled Valve-Seat Ring — fig. 4 Apply Deutz DW 57 to the entire seat ring receiving bore in cylinder head and to sealing surfaces of the valve-seat ring. Check that coolant passage between cylinder head and valve-seat ring is not blokked. Push seat ring into cylinder head. Mount threaded spindle (1), together with hex. nut (6), washer (5), bearing (4) and bush (3). Screw on sleeve (2). By tightening hex. nut (6), the valve-seat ring is pulled in up to the axial contact surface. A repetition of the pulling-in operation results in a certain enlargement of the receiving bore in the cylinder head, so that an oversize ring may then be necessary. After a waiting period of at least 1 hour, check cylinder head for leaks by subjecting to a pressure test with coolant (see Section 6.4) for at least 5 minutes. Test-pressure: 7 bar. After Fitting: Grind-in valve cone on the valve-seat (Job Card 01.07.01).

© 1084

S/BVM 628

© 25 139 2

Fig. 4

Job Card No.:

Valve Seat Ring Removal / Refitment

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-08-10 1854

Crankshaft System Overhaul Safety Precautions

Job Card No.:

02.00.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-01-10 1081

S/BVM 628

Prior to Work ● ● ● ● ●

Stop engine. Close shut-off valve on air receivers. Bleed air piping to engine. Open indicator valves. Wait 10 minutes before removing crankcase doors and some further minutes, allowing crankcase oil mist to dissipate, before starting work. Remove cover (3) along with oil dipstick (1) and guide tube (2).

During Work Make sure that — No further persons are present before turning the crankshaft. — No tools will interfere with crankshaft turning. — The motion parts will not be put out of balance by removing components. — The propeller shaft, where provided, will be disengaged or otherwise the propeller can turn freely. — The barring gear is properly engaged. — The engine will not turn as the propeller shaft is turned. Before refitting crankcase doors, check that all tools, rags etc. have been removed from the crankcase interior. After the work ● Before refitting the crankcase door, ensure that all tools, rags etc. have been removed from the crankcase interior. ● Replace any defective door gaskets. ● Tighten fastening bolts of crankcase doors. ● Before putting the engine back to service, turn crankshaft with indicator valves open. ● Close indicator valves.


© 25 231 1

Job Card No.:

Crankshaft System Overhaul Safety Precautions

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-01-10 1081

Job Card No.:

Crankshaft System Inspection

02.01.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-05-10 1082


Job Cards:

Inspect system at regular intervals.


02.00.01 02.15.01 04.02.01

Observe safety precautions (Job Card 02.00.01).

Tools: Open indicator valves. 10 minutes after stopping of engine and interruption of oil circulation remove crankcase doors. Touch main and big-end bearings with your hands and check that they have abn even temperature.

Tuning bar (Section. 1.8) Standard tools

Inspect the degree of system soiling, paying particular attention to the presence of bearing metal in the oil sump, to corrosion and water leaks. Carefully inspect liner bores and seals, with the pistons in TDC. Operate oil priming pump and check that oil emerges from each bearing. Check rocker arm bearings likewise, after removing the rocker chamber cover. Turn engine and inspect cam surfaces (Job Card 04.02.01). Smoothen minor scores or high spots with oil stone. When performing the above jobs, be sure not to foul the piston coolant jets (Job Card 02.15.01).

© 0984

Job Card No.:

Crankshaft System Inspection

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-05-10 1082

Job Card No.:

Crankweb Deflection Gauging


Page 1 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628



Job Card: —

In addition to regular gaugings, check deflection whenever this seems necessary.


Tools: —

Dial gauge with extension (web distance 85 mm) Hand mirror with handle

Deflection values consist of: —

absolute amount of deflection, measurable by the difference between greatest and smallest web distance during one cranks haft rotation,

plus or minus sign as shown below.

Normally, gauge readings increase as web distances decrease, and vice versa. Be sure to make readings when the engine is cold, since the values differ according to the engine temperature.


Punch mark Readings should not be taken when the ship is in dock.

Plus Deflection

Distance a4 > a1

Zero Deflection

Distance a4 = a1

© 51 248 0

Minus Deflection

Distance a4 < a1 © 51 249 0

© 1001

Job Card No.:


Crankweb Deflection Gauging

Page 2 of 3


S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Filing No.:


Job: Introduce gauge into marks punched into webs (not beween balance weights) and rotate several times in this position. Set gauge to 25/100 of scale in measuring positions (1) or (2).

Meßstellungen Measuring positions

When using a mirror, check readings especially carefully. For taking readings, turn crankshaft counterclockwise, without touching the gauge. With piston in situ: Take readings in position 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 With piston removed: Take readings in positions 1, 3, 4 and 5.

Measuring position as viewed from the engine’s driving end: Measuring position

Crankpin position




First auxiliary


First horizontal




Second horizontal


Second auxiliary © 51 250 0

For measuring the deflection, turn crankshaft counter-clockwise.

© 1001

Job Card No.:

Crankweb Deflection Gauging


Page 3 of 3


S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


Filing No.:

Typical Gauging Sheet Engine Model:

Engine Serial No.:

Engine hot

Engine stopped for

Engine preheated

Measuring position

hours °C

Water temp

Crankpin position


Cyl. temp.

Reading in Throw of Cylinder No.:


A/B 1




First auxiliary


First horizontal




Second horizontal


Second auxiliary

Vertical deflection ( ∆ „a“)

Pos. 1 min. 4 or Pos. Z1.2+Z1.6 min. Z1.4 2

Horizontal deflection ( ∆ „a“ )

Pos. 3 min. 5

A/B 2

A/B 3

Crankshaft end float:

A/B 4

A/B 5

A/B 6

A/B 7

A/B 8

max. 1,5 mm

Reading declines as distance «a» grows and vice versa Remarks: Max permissible deflection ∆ „a“ (engine hot) = difference between two crankweb positions

No. 1 throw Overhung flywheel

+ 0,00 — 0,10

Flywheel with pedestal bearing, or no flywheel + 0,06 — 0,06

Last throw: Power take-off at free end

Remaining throws

* + 0,03 * — 0,08

+ 0,03 — 0,06

If readings exceed those above, inspect bearings and, if necessary, realign engine. *

© 1001

In the case of radial power take-off at crankshaft — e.g. belt drive — at free end, other deflection readings are permissible (regarding this, please consult the Service Department of Head Office).

Job Card No.:

Crankweb Deflection Gauging

Engine: Filing No.:

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Job Card No.:

Bearing Shell Spread Gauging

02.03.02 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BV M 628

0178-06-10 1603

Gauging Main and big-end bearing shells to be fitted must have sufficient positive spread, so they will have preload in their receiving bores.

Tools: —

Caliper gauge

All new shells have apositive spread unless they have been improperly handled, for instance in transit. İLGİNÇ BİR BİLGİ…

Job: The spread is positive when — measured at room temperature — dimension «a» is larger than «D» which is stamped on the shell back. (If illegible, see table below.)

„D“ stamped here

If a used shell has a negative spread («a» smaller than «D»), this may suggest that the bearing has been strained by overheating and thus has lost preload. Descard shells with negative spread, because the inner edges of such «loose» shells are liable to cut off the oil film on the shaft journal or crankpin respectively.

Main Bearing „D“

Do not perform a correction with own means, as there is a risk that the bearing metal may detach from the support shell or the bearing may become deformed. Damage of this kind may lead to serious operating faults.

© 0595

Nominal size

Ø 220,0

+0,029 0,000


Ø 220,5

+0,029 0,000


Ø 221,0

+0,029 0,000


Ø 221,5

+0,029 0,000


Ø 222,0

+0,029 0,000

© 51 251 0

Big-end Bearing „D“ Ø 182,0

+0,029 0,000

Job Card No.:

Bearing Shell Spread Gauging

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-06-10 1603

Job Card No.:

Bearing Clearance Gauging

02.03.03 Engine:

S/BVM 628

0178-06-10 1085

Filing No.:



Check running clearance in all cases of doubt.

Normally, the running clearance need not be checked, since only new and genuine Deutz bearings may be fitted in new bores and the bolts tightened according to specification.

Dial gauge with magnetic support, Feeler gauge, Square timber of about 2000 mm length

Job Card: —


Job: Measuring the Big-end Bearing Clearance Turn respective crankpin to BDC. Fasten gauge (3) and its support (2) to connecting rod (1). Set gauge (3) to zero position. Raise rod (1) by timber block and read clearance «S» from gauge, making allowance for 0,05 mm oil film thickness (5). Measuring the Main Bearing Clearance Measure clearance above and below shaft journal by feeler gauge or plastic materials. Measuring the Locating Bearing Clearance Remove RH and LH crankcase doors at No. 2 bearing and gauge side clearance between segment and crankshaft flange on both sides.

Running Clearance (mm) Main bearing Big-end bering Side Clearance ( mm) Locating Bearing

New condition

Wear Limit

0,160 — 0,248 0,140 — 0,224

0,3 0,3

0,6 — 0,754


When wear limits are exceeded, never remachine shells or segments but replace.

© 51 252 0

© 0595

Job Card No.:

Bearing Clearance Gauging

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-06-10 1085

Job Card No.:

Bearing Shell Inspection

02.04.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-01-10 1852

S/BVM 628


Job Cards:

Inspection of big-end bearings is required whenever removing pistons. If the wear pattern is unsatisfactory of if deep scoring and/or embedments of foreign particles are discovered.

Inspect one main bearing also, in accordance with the Maintenance Schedule, and, if in bad shape, the rest als. The first bearing to be inspected should be the central one.

02.03.02 02.03.03 02.05.01 (Big-end bearings) 02.06.01 (Big-end bearings) 02.07.01 (Main bearings) 02.08.01 (Main bearings)

Big-end bearings and main bearings which have already been running for 20 000 hours with distillate fuel, 18 000 hours with mixed oil or heavy oil 1 and 15 000 hours with heavy oil 2 must be renewed, even if they are still of good appearance, since they are likely to have lost their running-in properties due to advanced wear and tear at this stage. Renewal of all big-end bearings and main bearings is due at the end of about 40.000 running hours. Bearings to be refitted must be inspected with regard to: ● adequate spread (Job Card 02.03.02), ● correct running clearance (Job Card 02.03.03), ● wear pattern. Depending on the number of running and operating conditions, the wear patterns of bearing shells may differ widely. In all cases of doubt, therefore, it will be advisable to consult a DEUTZ serviceman.

© 1083

Job Card No.:

Bearing Shell Inspection

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-01-10 1852

Job Card No.:

Big-end Bearing Removal

02.05.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-06-10 1087

Job Cards: —

02.00.01 02.06.01

Tools: —

Standard tools, Possibly square timber, Socket spanner (Section 1.8)

Job: Bearing Removal with Piston Removal Observe Safety Precautions given on Job Card 02.00.01. On S/BV12/16M 628 engines use a ben tsokket spanner to loosen the big-end bolts on cylinder A1.

sadece 12/16 cyl V makinelerde

Turn crankshaft so that the big-end bolts (6) can be loosened with tool (piston approx. in TDC). Support cap (5) and unscrew bolts completely. Remove cap (5) out of crankcase. Take bottom shell out of cap (5). Remove top shell when drawing the piston (Job Card 02.09.01). Wrap adhesive tape (no transparent Scotch tape), cleaning rag or oil paper around the crankpin to protect the oil bore against contamination. Without piston removal The top shell can also be removed with the piston fitted. Remove support cap (5) as described under ”Bearing Removal with Piston Removal”. Place square timber underneath piston. Turn crankshaft slowly until the piston lowers onto the square timber revealing the freely hanging connecting rod. Remove top shell. For assessment of shell wear pattern see Job Card 02.04.01.

© 51 253 0


Job Card No.:

Big-end Bearing Removal

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-06-10 1087

Job Card No.:

Big-end Bearing Refitment


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Engine: Filing No.:

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

0178-06-10 1088

Inspect shells for wear pattern and renew, if required (job 02.04.01). Used shells, caps and bolts must always be refitted in their original location. Shells, caps, connecting rods and pistons carry mating Nos. (cylinder No.). Inspect condition of crankpin. It should not be out-of-round for more than 0,1 mm.

Job Cards: —

02.03.03 02.14.01 02.15.01

Tools: —

Standard tools, possibly square timber,

Job: Carefully clean crankpin, top shell (1) and big-end (8). Carefully inspect pin surface and smoothen with an oil stone any pressure marks that may have been produced in removing the bearing. Bearing Refitment with Piston Removed Install piston (Job Card 02.14.01) and lower it until shell can be fitted. Check markings «x» and «y». Apply oil to running surfaces of shell and pin, but keep shell back and joint free from grease and oil to ensure perfect heat transfer. Top and bottom shells being identical, make sure that they are refitted in their original location. Make sure that lugs (3) of top and bottom shells properly engage in the rod/cap grooves. Now slowly lower piston/rod assembly down to crankpin. Ensure that the lugs (3) of the top and bottom shells correctly engage in the rod/cap grooves. Slowly lower connecting rod with the piston onto the crankpin.

© 51 396 0


Job Card No.:


Big-end Bearing Refitment

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S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

0178-06-10 1088

Filing No.:

Bearing Refitment with the Piston not Removed In the case of piston and big-end bearing not being removed, lift and support big-end bearing with square timber, insert bearing shell (1) as described under «Bearing Refitment with Piston Removed», and slowly turn crankpin into head. Remove square timber. Clean cap (5) and shell (4) and apply oil to shell inside. Check that shell back and joints are free from oil or grease, otherwise heat transfer may be affected. Install cap (5) with shell (4). Fix bearing cap in place with prallel pins (2). Screw in connecting rod bolts (6) with washers (7) and tighten crosswise (Section 3.5, item 04). If necessary, measure bearing running clearance (Job Card 02.03.03). The rod side clearance should be as follows: New Condition

Wear Limit

0,40 — 0,64 mm

0,75 mm

Yukarda max 0.3 diyordu,burda kastedilen ne acaba?

For running in new or used bearing shells, see Section 4.6. When performing the job above, be careful not to foul the piston coolant nozzles (Job Card 02.15.01).

© 51 254 0


Job Card No.:

Main Bearing Removal


Page 1 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-01-10 1836

To begin with, make sure that cylinder No. markings are provided on bearing cap fronts and face the engine’s driving end. Provide marks if missing.. Remove only every second bearing at a time, to prevent crankshaft sagging. Support flywheel when removing the bearing next to it.

Job Cards: —

02.00.01 02.16.02 02.04.01

Tools: —

Standard tools, Driving pin (Section 1.8), Hydr. tool assembly (Section 1.8), H.P. pump with pressure gauge (Section 1.8), H.P. hoses and distributor (Section 1.8), Spreader (Section 1.8), Lever (Section 1.8).

Job: Observe safety precautions (Job Card 02.00.01). Unscrew bolts (3) — Fig. 1 — on both engine sides. Fill two hydraulic tools with oil (Job Card 02.16.02) for releasing annular nuts (4) — Fig. 2 — . Procedure for releasing one nut (other side analogous); Screw clamping nut (7) onto stud (2) as far as it will go. Fit bush (8) onto nut (7). Push retainer (12) onto bush (8) and install hydraulic tool (11). By means of bolt (10) and washers (9), screw tool (11) together until the piston is flush with the cylinder end.

© 51 255 0

Fig. 1


Job Card No.:


Main Bearing Removal

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S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-01-10 1836

Back bolt (10) through one turn. Connect hydr. pump with hoses and operate pump to obtain the pressure specified (Section 3.5, item 2). Introduce pin (13) Fig. 3 — through aperture in bush (8). If annular nut (4) still resists turning, slowly raise oil pressure (10 to 20 bar). Check by mirror when pumping that the marking groove (Fig. 2) i n the piston will not project beyond the cylinder. Using pin (13), screw back nut (4) up to a little ahead of clamping nut (7), which requires some (9) strokes in the slot of bush (8) — Fig. 3 -. Take off oil pressure. Disconnect hoses from tools. Remove tools and push piston into cylinder until flush with the end. Fit lever (27) — Fig. 4 -. Unscrew nuts (4) — Fig. 1 -. Lower bearing cap onto a wooden board of about 10 mm thickness in the oil sump. Should cap (17) resist lowering, use spreader (16) Fig. 1 -. In this case, nuts (4) remain in situ. Release f oundation bolts on the engine side having no fitted studs and expand crankcase slightly with spreader (16) by turning nut (18). Unscrew nuts (4) and lower cap with lever (27) — Fig. 4 — onto a wooden board in the oil sump, as described above.

© 51 256 0

Fig. 2

© 51 257 0

Fig. 4

© 51 258 0

Fig. 3 ©0683

Job Card No.:

Main Bearing Removal


Page 3 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-01-10 1836

S/BVM 628

Removing the Shells Take out lower bearing shell and make sure that its lug is provided with a marking on the back. NIf upper shell (14) cannot be pushed out by hand, insert driver pin (15) into oil passage ‘X’ of crankshaft (1) and carefully turn crankshaft in the arrowed direction (Fig. 5) until the flat of pin (15) contacts the joint of upper shell (14). Carefully turn farther until the upper shell can be removed by hand. Inspect upper shell for the lug marking (see job 02.08.01). Provide mark if missing. Remove pin (15). To keep dust, etc., out of the crankshaft oil passage, close the holes with a non-transparent adhesive tape, so that it will be noticed for removal when reassembly is done. DEMEKKİ BİRİLERİ TRANSPARENT KOYUP SONRA UNUTMUŞ © 51 259 0

Shell wear patterns: See Job Card 02.04.01. Fig. 5


Job Card No.:

Main Bearing Removal

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-01-10 1836

Job Card No.:

Main Bearing Refitment


Page 1 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-01-10 1837

S/BVM 628

Job Cards: —

02.03.02 02.03.03

Tools: —

Standard tools, Driving pin (Section 1.8), Hydr. tool assembly (Section 1.8), H.P. pump with pressure gauge (Section 1.8), H.P. hoses and distributor (Section 1.8), Lever (Section 1.8), Deutz S2 compound (Section 3.6)

Inspect bearing shells and renew as necessary (job 02.04.01). Used shells must be refitted in their original location. Unlike bottom shell (5), to shell (14) — Fig. 1 — is provided with oil grooves. New shells, being of the precision type, must not be modified by scraping, etc. Like the old shells, they must be provided on one lug with amarking that is permanent but will not give high spots. The top and bottom shells must always be installed so that the marks will mate. Note marking of cap (17) on its front facing the engine’s driving end. Inspect journal and, if necessary, smoothen by oil stone.

Job: Refitting the Shells Clean all components. Remove protection coverings from oil bores of crankshaft (1) — Fig. 2 -. Apply film of oil to journal and shell running surface, but keep shell back and seat dry. Usually, shell (14) — Fig. 1 — can be fitted by hand. © 51 260 0

Failing this, insert driving pin (15) into oil bore of crankshaft (1) and turn shaft until driving pin (15) is in the appropriate position for turning top shell (14) in place (see Fig. 2).

Fig. 1

© 25 578 1

Fig. 2 ©0185

Job Card No.:


Main Bearing Refitment

Page 2 of 3


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-01-10 1837

Slowly turn crankshaft as arrowed until top shell (14) — Fig. 1 — is equidistant from cap joints. Be sure not to damage the shell lug. Remove driving pin (15) — Fig 2 — and put bottom shell (5) — Fig. 1 — (mark facing driving end) into cap (17). Apply motor oil to threads of studs (2), and check that nuts (4) turn easily over the entire thread length. Install cap (17) with the aid of lever (27) — Fig. 3 — and screw nuts (4) in place hand-tight. To faciliate introduction of cap (17) into lateral guide, the crankcase can be spread at this point by means of tool (16) — Fig. 4 -. To do this, release foundation bolts on the engine side opposite the fitted studs and turn nut (18) — Fig. 4 — for spreading. Cap (17) — Fig 1 — can now be installed and handtightened by means of nuts (4). Remove spreader (16) — Fig. 4 — and retighten foundation bolts as locally specified.

Tightening Annular Nuts Fill two hydraulic tools with oil (job 02.16.02). Screw clamping nuts (7) — Fig. 3 — onto studs (2) as far as they will go. Fit clamping bushes (8) on clamping nuts (7). Slip retainer (12) over bushes (8). Install tools (11) and screw together by hex. bolts (10) and washers (9) until pistons are flush with cylinder ends. Back bolts (10) through one turn. Connect hydraulic pump with hoses. Apply Deutz S2 compound to seats of bolts (3) — see Fig 1 -. After the first expansion of studs (2), screw in bolts (3) together with washers (19). For enture expansion process, see Section 3.5.2. Following fitment of new shells, gauge clearance (Job Card 02.03.03). Attach crankcase doors.

© 51 261 0

Fig. 3

Run in engine, (Section 4.6).

© 51 262 0

Fig. 4 ©0185

Job Card No.:

Main Bearing Refitment


Page 3 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-01-10 1837

Where studs (2) must be renewed, apply Deutz DW 60 compound to length of threads of new studs, screw into crankcase as far as they will go and tighten through 130 Nm (13 kpm). Refit oil sump (if removed) after application of Deutz DW 48 compound as a continuous «bead» (Fig. 5) of 2 — 3 mm width (not more) on the joint face.


© 51 263 0

Fig. 5


Job Card No.:

Main Bearing Refitment

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-01-10 1837

Job Card No.:

Piston Removal

02.09.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-06-10 1091

S/BVM 628

Job Cards: —

01.04.01 02.05.01 03.02.01

Tools: —

Standard tools Piston removing / refitting device (Section 1.8) 2 liner retainers (Section 1.8), Tap M 10 Hoist

Job: Remove cylinder head (job 01.04.01) and big-end bearing cap (Job Card 02.05.01). Place both liner retainers (7) — Fig. 1 — on two opposite studs and tighten annular nut (6) moderately. Firmly screw thrust pad (11) on liner. Turn up piston (5) until bright liner running surface is just blanked off by piston top edge. Close gap between piston top and liner by grease and then scrape off carbon from liner top section without using a grinder. Inspect reversing mark of top ring; if this mark has become so deep that piston rings are liable to catch here, grind mark away (Job Card 03.02.01). Turn up piston to TDC. Clean M 10 tapholes in piston top by means of tap and mount removing/refitting device (1). Carefully raise piston (5) and connecting rod by hoist. Do not remove the layer of carbon on the piston crown until the piston has been removed. During removal, check that rod big end will not foul the piston-cooling oil nozzle.

© 24 969 1

Fig. 1 Remove top shell. Put down piston/rod assembly in wooden rack (9) — Fig. 2 — or between two blocks on a wooden support. Secure rod against rocking. Wrap non-transparent adhesive tape, oil paper or a clean rag around crankpin to protect from dirt or damage.

© 51 264 0

Fig. 2 ©0199

Job Card No.:

Piston Removal

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-06-10 1091

Job Card No.:



Page 1 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-07-297 5843


Tools: —

The piston servicing intervals with regard to «Scheduled Maintenance» are very different, depending on engine application and loading. The following procedure has been established so that efficient servicing intervals can be determined.


Standard tools

Job Cards: —

01.05.04 01.08.01 02.04.01 02.09.01 02.10.02 02.10.04 02.12.01 03.02.01 06.02.01

● When the first piston inspection becomes due according to the maintenance schedule, the condition of pistons and piston rings is checked by inspecting the cylinder liner working surfaces from the combustion chamber using an endoscope (Job Card 01.05.04), or from the crankcase. If the cylinder heads have been removed, inspect as per Job Card 01.08.01. ● Thereafter draw one piston per cylinder bank. Remove that piston whrer the liner working surface appears to be in the worst shape (Job Card 02.09.01), in order to prevent faulty assesment of the piston status.. ● Remove connecting rod as per Job Card 02.12.01. ● Clean cooling spaces, supply and discharge bores in the piston crown and body. ● Carefully remove oil carbon disposits in the piston using a scraper. If the disposit layer is > 3 mm, check piston for consequential damage. ● Measure the combustion chamber contour of the piston. The centre of the piston in the case of motors with a compreesion ratio of e = 11.7 mm it must stand back by 0.8 mm — 1.1 mm e = 13.0 mm it must stand back by 2.3 mm — 2.6 mm ● If — the working surfaces of all cylinder liners are free from bright spots, scores and other defects, see also job 03.02.0, — the drawn pistons are in perfect condition, (in the case of engines, running on HFO, it must be checked whether there are oil carbon deposits in the piston cooling space. For this purpose introduce a screwdriver through the cooling oil discharge bore and check whether there exist any deposits. If a deposit layer is perceivable, i.e. exceeding ca. 0,5 mm, all pistons must be inspected and reconditioned as per Job Card 02.10.04.), — erosions of max. 1 mm in the area of the injection nozzle jets, — all piston rings are free from burned spots (brown/blue), — all piston rings are moving freely and not excessively worn, i.e.: — Running layers still fully intact and without signs of crumbling, no sharp edges, — Chromium plating on the rectangular ring still fully in tact and without cracks, — No running edge on the chamfered oil control ring exceeding 1 mm. the inspection of the remaining pistons may be postponed to the next inspection specified in the Maintenance Schedule. At that time a second inspection is carried out in the way as described above. If the findings are once again in order, servicing of all pistons may be postponed by another inspection interval. ● Should it become obvious during one of these inspections that the drawn piston shows any defects, all other pistons must be removed and serviced. If deviating values are measured, do not re-use piston! It is necessary to consult DEUTZ Service. ● For grater safety, inspect all other liners from the crankcase. The engine running hours up to the time when all pistons must be removed for the first time are considered as regular servicing interval for pistons in accordance with «S cheduled Maintenance». Enter the servicing interval in the Maintenance Schedule.

© 0693

Job Card No.:



Page 2 of 3


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-07-297 5843


Tools: — Piston ring pliers (Section 1.8)

All rings of adrawn piston must be renewed. Only in exceptional cases and after thorough inspection piston rings having run less than 1000 hours may be refitted.

Aid: —

Ground piston ring (100 mm long) Fine emery cloth, No. 250 Carborundum

Spare parts: —

Set of piston ring

Job Card: —


Job: ● Remove piston rings with piston ring pliers (1). ● Free piston from carbon. ● Carefully clean ring grooves, using a ring fragment as scraper. Because of the chamfered face, scrape with the inner side of the ring and be sure not to damage the radii of the grooves and the groove flanks. ● Smoothen minor friction and seizure marks on the piston running surface with fine carborundum. In the case of major defects or heavy scoring, renew piston. ● Before refitting a cleaned piston, gauge the grooves, see job 02.10.02. ● Fit the piston rings, starting with the lowest. Use only piston ring pliers for this work.

© 24 962 1

Fig. 1

Piston ring pliers

“Top” on the piston ring flanks must always point upward.

© 0785

Job Card No.:



Page 3 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-07-297 5843

Ring Pack 1. Rectangular ring 2. Taper-faced compression ring 3. Bevelled-edge oil control ring After removal of piston control big-end bearingr, see Job Card 02.04.01.

© 51 265 0

Fig. 2

Ring pack Dimensions Specified for Piston Rings and Grooves

New Condition


Ring 1

4,925 — 4,940

Groove 1

5,130 — 5,150

Ring 2

4,925 — 4,940

Groove 2

5,100 — 5,120

Ring 3

6,965 — 6,987

Groove 3

7,050 — 7,070

0,190 — 0,225

0,160 — 0,195

0,063 — 0,105

© 1083

Job Card No.:


Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-07-297 5843

Piston ring grooves

Job Card No.:

02.10.02 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-07-10 1093

S/BVM 628

Checking Piston Ring Grooves Following each piston removal renew piston rings and gauge axial clearance «S» between new piston ring and bottom flank or ring groove at 8 points offset by 45°, Fig. 1.

Tools: —

Feeler gauge

Job Cards: —

02.10.01 02.11.01

© 50 618 1

Fig. 1

Measuring points for gauging axial clearances

Job: ● Fit new piston rings as per job 02.10.01. ● Mark the insertion depth of 5 mm on a 0,4 mm feeler gauge, Fig. 2. ● Press new piston ring against groove base in the area of gauge point. ● Introduce feeler gauge at bottom flank of piston ring between piston and ring. If at any location the gauge can be inserted more than 5 mm, the piston must be reconditioned as per Job Card 02.11.01. Reconditioning will also be necessary if it must be expected that the axial clearance «S» is exceeded within the next piston overhaul interval according to the Maintenance Schedule.

© 0392

© 50 696 1

Fig. 2

Measuring procedure for gauging axial clearances

Job Card No.:

Piston ring grooves

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-07-10 1093

Job Card No.:



Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-07-297 5844


Job Cards:

Normally, dismantling of the piston is not necessary. If, however, dismantling is indispensable because of the gauging results, this work may only be carried out by DEUTZ AG or an authorzed workshop.

03.20.02 02.10.02

Auxiliaries: —


Lubricant DEUTZ S2 (Section 3.6)


Removal ● Inspect piston as per Job Card 02.10.01. ● Inspect piston rings grooves as per Job Card 02.10.02. ● Unscrew nuts (4) and take thrust pieces (5) out of piston base (3). ● Separate piston top (1) from base by hammering copper or plastic drift through cooling oil dis charge bore of the piston base. ● Clean all parts.

Standard tools Slide Copper or plastic drift

Do not damage components! No manual or mechanical reworking is per missible on seating surfaces between piston top and base or on centering seats ● Measure dimension «X» of waisted studs with depth gauge. If dimension «X» exceeds 96 mm, renew waisted stud. ● Renew all worn and damaged parts. Reassembly ● Screw waisted studs (6) with 25 Nm into piston top, if necessary. ● Place piston top (1) on its base (3) with dowel pin (2) properly engaged. © 50 627 0

● Slide thrust pieces (5) onto studs so that spherical end faces towards the piston top. ● Apply DEUTZ S2 to threads and contact surfaces of nuts (4).

© 0792

Fig. 1

Reconditioning of piston

Job Card No.:



Page 2 of 2


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-07-297 5844

● Screw nuts (4) onto studs (6). —

Tighten nuts crosswise with 35 Nm. Release nuts. STighten nuts crosswise with 15 Nm. Tighten nuts further through 60° — 90°.

Check: — Tighten nuts with 35 Nm, while doing this the nuts must not continue to turn. Otherwise determine and remedy cause; contact surfaces may be dirty or damaged, etc.

© 50 627 0

Fig. 2

Reconditioning of piston

© 0792

Piston Ring Grooves

Job Card No.:

02.11.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-07-297 5838

S/BVM 628

Reconditioning If it becomes obvious during an inspection of the piston ring grooves that the piston needs to be reconditioned, this can only be done by chromium-plating carried out by DEUTZ AG or by an authorized workshop.

© 0292

Job Card No.:

Piston Ring Grooves

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-07-297 5838

Piston Pin Removal / Refitment

Job Card No.:

02.12.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-07-10 1656

S/BVM 628

Job Cards: —

02.09.01 02.13.01 02.14.01

Tools: —

Circlip pliers Hoist

Remove piston (job 02.09.01). Before removing piston pin, check that respective cylinder No. is marked at piston, shank, and big-end bearing cap (points I, II, and III in adjacent Fig.). Provide marks, if missing. Following pin removal, gauge small-end bush and pin (job 02.13.01).

Job: Removing the Pin Attach rod/piston assembly to hoist, with piston (7) at bottom and carefully place on piston crown. Remove circlips (6) and push out pin (5). Raise rod out of piston by hoist. Clean pin receiving bore, pin, and brush. Replacing one Conrod When replacing a conrod by a new one, make sure that the cylinder No. is marked at the points «II» and «III», before assembling the conrod and the big-end bearing cap (see Fig. 1). Refitting the Pin Install one circlip (6) in piston (7). Position rod by hoist so that, when introducing the rod into the piston, the cylinder Nos. marked on piston (I) and rod (II) are in line one above the other (see Fig. 1). © 51 268 0

Apply oil to pin (5) and bush. Afterwards push in pin and install the second circlip.

Fig. 1

When installing circlips (6), check that their gaps are facing towards the big-end (3) ( see Fig. 2). NEDEN ACABA?

© 51 269 0

Fig. 2 © 1083

Job Card No.:

Piston Pin Removal / Refitment

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-07-10 1656

Piston Pin, Piston Pin Bush, Piston Pin Bore Gauging / Reconditioning

Job Card No.:


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S/BVM 628

0178-07-10 1096

Filing No.:



Measure the bearing clearance.

Job: Remove pin (job 02.12.01). Put rod (3) upright. Introduce cleaned pin (1) into cleaned bush until pin projection «a» is equal at both bush ends.

Feeler gauge, Inside micrometer, Outside micrometer, Removing/Refitting device for big-end bush (Section 1.8.1)

Measure bearing clearance «S» by feeler gauge. Insert piston pin in cleaned piston pin bore and measure clearance. When the specified wear limit has been exceeded, the components must be individually gauged and the worn items renewed.


New Condition

Wear Limit

Pin / Bush

0,09 — 0,155


Pin / Piston Bore

0,01 — 0,03


105,090 to 105,145


Diameter Pin bush inner diameter Piston pin

104,990 to 105,000


Piston pin bore

105,010 to 105,020


Reconditioning Press out old bushes with a suitable tool after applying a saw. Undercool new bush with liquid nitrogen, if available, (see Section 3.7) or by placing the bush in the freezer. Heat small end in oil bath to 80-90°C. Introduce bush by removing/refitting device so that the bush projects the conrod eye evenly on the right and left. Afterwards, check bush for roundness and then check — with the adjoining fixture (4) — that the unparallelism between the small-end/ big-end bearing centre lines is max. 0,04 mm per 100 mm length. If such fixture is not available, proceed as follows:

© 1084

© 51 270 0

Job Card No.:


Piston Pin, Piston Pin Bush, Piston Pin Bore Gauging / Reconditioning

Page 2 of 2


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-07-10 1096

Remove rings from piston (job 02.10.01). Install piston (job 02.14.01), however, without piston rings. Introduce a feeler gauge between piston and liner and check that clearance endwise and crosswise to the engine are identical. If there is no equal clearance or if the unparallelism exceeds the specification, replace rod. Straightening is not alllowed.

© 1084

Job Card No.:

Piston Refitment


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-07-10 1339

To begin with check, maintain and measure rings as under Job Cards 02.10.01 and 02.10.02. Inspect liner (Job Card 03.02.01). Matching of rings to grooves: see Job Card 02.10.01. If piston/rod assembly was dismantled, see Job Card 02.12.01.

Job Cards: —

01.09.01 02.06.01 02.10.01 02.10.02 02.12.01 02.15.01 03.02.01

Tools: —

Suspension device (Section 1.8), Ring compressor (Section 1.8), Ring pliers (Section 1.8), Hoist.

Job: Mount suspension device (1) on piston (5). Make sure that joint of spring in conformable oil control ring is displaced by 180° relative to ring gap. Install rings by pliers, beginning with the oil control ring, and evenly distributing the ring gaps around the piston periphery. Apply ample oil to piston skirt and rings. Fit ring compressor (2) in place and tighten wingnut (6) while knocking the band on alternate sides with the hands. This is to ensure that the rings are properly seated in their grooves. Turn respective crankpin to TDC and remove protective wrapping. Apply an ample amount of oil to liner, crankpin and running surface of top big-end shell. Install shell in big-end. To guide the piston, a pipe can be placed on suspension device (1). Check that big-end marking faces the crankcase door. Introduce piston/rod assembly into liner, taking care that the big rod end will not damage the liner. While introducing piston further into liner, check that ring compressor (2) is squarely seated on the inner liner shoulder, thus preventing breakage of the rings. Lower piston/rod assembly still further until the big-end settles with the top shell on the crankpin. Remove suspension device (1) and compressing tool (2). For big-end bearing assembly, see Job Card 02.06.01. If removed, refit piston coolant nozzles in their original location as marked by their cylinder Nos. Check nozzle alignment by test pin (Job Card 02.15.01). Observe running-in instructions, Section 4.6.

© 24 968 1

© 0983

Job Card No.:


Piston Refitment

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S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

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0178-07-10 1339

Job Card No.:

Piston Coolant Nozzle Inspection

02.15.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-16-10 1980

Inspection To ensure proper piston cooling, check that the coolant jet centrally enters the inlet hole of the piston. Make sure, therefore, the coolant nozzle is properly located.

Tools: —

Pocket lamp, Mirror (Section 1.8), Check pin (Section 1.8), Aligning tool (Section 1.8).

Job: Inspecting the Check Pin Make sure the bottom end of pin (2) is free from defects and the whole pin is straight. Install pin (2) in a spare nozzle and turn by hand. If the upper end is wobbling, straighten the pin. Alignment Test Remove crankcase door. Move piston to TDC. Place mirror (4) so that coolant inlet (1) in piston and coolant nozzle (3) are clearely to be seen. Fix a string to pin (2) and secure string to the engine exterior, to ensure that the pin cannot fall into the sump. Carefully lower the piston by turning the crankshaft by about 30° crank angle, while guiding the pin ends into coolant inlet (1) and coolant nozzle (3). Check that pin can be rotated freely, i.e. without contacting the check valve. Failing this, correct nozzle position with the aid of the aligning tool and the mirror. Remove check pin after test!

© 51 271 0

© 0385

Job Card No.:

Piston Coolant Nozzle Inspection

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-16-10 1980

Job Card No.:

Hydraulic Tool for Annular Nuts Servicing


Page 1 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-49-10 1100


Job Cards:

(Filling and Bleeding)

Although satisfactory operation of this equipment requires complete freedom from air in piping etc., specific bleeding is normally not required since the automatic couplings keep oil in and air out. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Pump Oil reservoir Filler plug Hand lever Retaining spring Hand wheel for shut-off valve

7 8 9 10 11 12

01.04.01 01.09.01 02.07.01 02.08.01

Pressure gauge Hose Distributor Safety half-coupling Ram cylinder Safety half-coupling

© 51 272 0

© 0683

Job Card No.:


Hydraulic Tool for Annular Nuts Servicing

Page 2 of 3


S/BVM 628

0178-49-10 1100

Filing No.:

Design and Function Pump (1) builds up oil pressure which reaches rams (11) through hoses (8). Overpressure is avoided by a relief valve. Gauge (7) is used for setting the oil pressure required for the spec ific screwed joint. Hand wheel (6) is turned to let off pressure afterwards. Safety hose couplings (10) and (12) are used in combination with H.P. hoses (8) and distributor (9). If less than four rams are operated, the unused hoses must be closed with half-coupling (10) and their locking nipples.

Filling and Bleeding The normal working position of pump (1) is horizontal, but the vertical position — hose connection down — is also permissible. Use only one of the following hydraulic oils: BP Energol Hydraulici 50 BV E 100 Heavy- duty oil Esso Zerice 36 Gasolin Special AS

Mobil Hydraulic oil Shell AB 11 oil Viscobil Sera I oil Viscobil oli CL 40 oil

Any other oils are liable to affect sealing materials. Definitely unsuitable are brake fluids, dashpot oils, gas, oil, kerosene or gasoline/petrol.

Job: Fill pump (1) through hole (3) with min. 1,5 litres of oil. Connect pump (1), support for gauge (7), distributor (9) to hoses. Operate pump lever (4) until hoses are bled. Unscrew safety half-coupling (12) from tool. Fill tool with oil and refit half-coupling. Connect hoses. All parts of the hydraulic device must be in perfect shape. This applies in particular to the hoses, which must never be sharply bent or pulled.

© 0583

Hydraulic Tool for Annular Nuts Servicing

Job Card No.:


Page 3 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-49-10 1100

S/BVM 628

If trouble arises, for instance with the build-up or drop of hydraulic pressure, proceed as follows: with pump (1) in vertical position (hose connection down), work lever (4) quickly up and down, while opening and closing shut-off wheel (6). Inspect ball valve in the support of gauge (7) and, if necessary, recondition. Included in the set of reserve parts supplied with the engine is a pressure gauge also fitted with a safety halfcoupling (12) for connection to one of hoses (8); this spare gauge can be used for calibrating regular gauge (7).

© 51 273 0

© 0683

Job Card No.:

Hydraulic Tool for Annular Nuts Servicing

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-49-10 1100

Job Card No.:

Flexible Coupling (Vulkan-type with Flange)


Page 1 of 2


Coupling size:

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

0178-52-10 1608

Filing No.:

EZ 121 S / EZ 135 S EZ 142 S / EZ 166 S

Tools: —

The coupling can be radially removed without affecting engine and driven machine.

Standard tools, Hoist, Puller bolts.

Job: Removing the Coupling Attach coupling to hoist. Mark flanged jacket (4) Fig. 1 — relative to flywheel (6), and coupling flange (9) relative to flanged hub (10). Slacken hex. bolts (1) consecutively in stages through dimension «X».

Coupling size EZ 121 S / EZ 135 S EZ 142 S / EZ 166 S

Dimension„X“ 12 mm 13 mm

Apply light blows to the heads of bolts (1) to work loose cover (2) from rubber element (3) and press it out from the locating seat of jacket (4). In doing so, dowel sleeves (5) remain fixed in jacket (4) and, for piloting, partially in cover (2). Unscrew hex. bolts (7) and take off washers (14). Remove any dowel pins (8) and lockplates (13). Unscrew hex. bolts (11) and remove pin (12). Using puller bolts M 18×50 / M 20×50, press back jacket (4) Fig.2 — from flywheel (6) until the locating seats of flywheel and hub come clear. By means of puller bolts remove hub (10) out of location seat of flange (9). Remove coupling. For element replacement, see Vulkan instructions.

© 51 274 0

Fig. 1

© 0385

Job Card No.:


Flexible Coupling (Vulkan-type with Flange)

Page 2 of 2


S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Filing No.:

Refitting and Coupling Refitment is done in reverse order: after installing the coupling, restore connection between flywheel (6) and jacket (4). Tighten bolts (7) as specified (Section 3.5, Item 42 for couplings EZ 121 S / EZ 135 S, and Item 43 for couplings EZ 142 S / EZ 166 S). Finally, attach flange (9) — Fig. 2 — to hub (10) and secure external element fastenings.

© 51 275 0

Fig. 2

© 0385

Job Card No.:

Flexible Coupling (Vulkan-type w/o Flange)

02.17.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

Coupling Size:

S/BVM 628

0178-52-10 1610

EZ 121 S, EZ 135 S, EZ 142 S, EZ 166 S, EZ 171 S, EZ 195 S, EZ 201 S

Tools: —

Standard tools, Puller bolts.

Elements can be radially removed without affecting engine and driven machine.

Job: Replacing Elements Release hex. bolts (1) consecutively in stages and remove with washers as follows: with the bolts still in cover (2) through half the thread length, apply light blows to the bolt to work loose cover (2) from element (3) and press it out from the location seat of jacket (4). In doing so, dowel sleeves (5) remain fixed in jacket (4). Unscrew hex. bolts (7) with washers (14). Remove any dowel pin (8) and lockplate (13). Press back jacket (4) by puller bolts and remove ring (15). For further element replacement see Vulkan instructions. For refitment, connect jacket (4) to flywheel (6) by fitting dowel pin (8) and lockplate (13) — if any -, tightening bolts (7) with washers (14) — see Section 3.5, Item 51 for couplings EZ 121 S / EZ 135 S, Item 52 for couplings EZ 142 S / EZ 166 S, Item 53 for couplings EZ 171 S / EZ 195 S, and Item 54 for coupling EZ 201 S -.

© 51 276 0

© 0385

Job Card No.:

Flexible Coupling (Vulkan-type w/o Flange)

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-52-10 1610

Job Card No.:

Crankcase Relief Valve

03.01.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-01-10 1101



Inspect gaskets of crankcase doors and test relief valves.

Standard tools

Following removal of doors (1) with valves (4) inspect liner seals between water jackets and crankcase interior. Prime lubricating circuit and check that all bearings are supplied with oil. Clean oil sump from any sludge.

Job: Unscrew hex. bolts (3) and remove door (1) with relief valve (4). Press valve by hand from inside and release. If disk plate (6) jams when pushing or if the screw spring (10) prevents the plate from pressing back against the 0-seal (7), dismantle and clean the relief valve.

Servicing Dismantling the aRelief Valve Unscrew hex. bolts (14) and remove sealing rings (13). Unscrew cheese-head screws (9) and remove round flange gasket (11) and ring carrier (8) with 0-seal (7). Disk plate (6) and spring(10) are beared in relief valve housing (4). Replace any defective part. Before reassembling, check round flange seal (11), gasket (2), and 0-seal (7) and replace, if required. Tighten hex. bolts (3).

© 25 229 1

© 0985

Job Card No.:

Crankcase Relief Valve

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-01-10 1101

Job Card No.:

Cylinder Liner Servicing

03.02.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-04-10 1102


Job Cards:

At every piston inspection, check also liner running surface and cylinder head gsket seat.

Renew heavily scored liners. Remove any slight scores or high spots with emery cloth. Remove any shoulder marks. The nitrided cylinder liners need not to be extra re-roughened.

02.09.01 03.03.01 03.06.01

Tools: —

Standard tools Emery cloth (grain size 200)

Job: Before cleaning the liner, cover up the crankcase interior. Prior to piston removal, any severe top ring TDC reversing marks must be removed, and in any case when installing oversize rings. To avoid damage to the liner running surface in the zone of the reversing mark and below, the following procedure is recommendable: Place a metal plate, 1 mm smaller in diameter than the liner, on the piston. Turn piston high enough so that the ceconditioning work will not affect the running surface below the reversing mark. Before starting the job, close clearance between piston and liner with grease. Remove reversing mark by means of emery cloth. When the job is finished, clean liner thoroughly. After cleaning the liner, gauge the wear (job 03.03.01). Liners are to be roughened whenever pistons are removed (job 03.06.01). © 24 873 1

© 0683

Job Card No.:

Cylinder Liner Servicing

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-04-10 1102

Job Card No.:

Cylinder Liner

03.02.03 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-04-10 1853


Job Cards:

Remove all cylinder liners, check and recondition or renew as necessary.

Any necessary reconditioning of the cylinder liners and possibly of the crankcase must be carried out by DEUTZ Service.

03.02.01 03.03.01 03.04.01 03.05.01 03.06.01 09.00.01

Tools: —

Standard tools

Job: ● Drain off cooling water (Job Card 09.00.01). ● Remove cylinder liner (Job Card 03.04.01) and clean. ● Inspect liner running surface for scores and wear-shoulder; inspect also cylinder head set — see Job Card 03.02.01. ● Gauge inside diameter and ovality (Job Card 03.03.01). ● Check outside of liner for damage, cavitation, corrosion or scale. Corrosion and scale suggest unsuitable coolingwater. Observe instructions given in Section 6. ● Renew 0-rings (for sealing-off the cooling chamber) and sealing ring below the liner collar. ● Install liner (Job Card 03.05.01).

© 1083

Job Card No.:

Cylinder Liner

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-04-10 1853

Job Card No.:

Cylinder Liner

03.03.01 Engine:

S/BVM 628

0178-04-10 2068

Filing No.:

Inspection / Gauging Check (TDC) piston reversing mark. If it exceeds some 0,2 mm, gauge liner. Following installation of a new liner, a check for roundness will be sufficient.

Tools: —

Stadia (fabricated locally), Block gauge

To begin with, carefully clean liner and stadia and cover up the crankcase interior below the liner.

Job: Set micrometer to nominal liner diameter. Suspend stadia (1) in liner (2). Gauge liner axially and radially at the stadia levels provided. To do this, hang stad ia in the respective direction. The gauging levels are provided by 3 holes in the stadia. Record all readings. When the specified limit is exceeded, replace liner. Nominal bore Wear limit (measured at TDC of 1st and 2nd compression ring) Maximum ovality

Ø 240 mm dia.

Ø 241 mm dia. 0,072 mm

If ovality is exceeded, remove liner and trace cause (Job Ca rd 03.04.01). Gauging levels from liner top: a = 60 — 61 mm b= 190 mm c= 340 mm Renew cylinder liners which have almost reached the wear limit after more than 50,00 running hours.

© 51 277 0

© 1090

Job Card No.:

Cylinder Liner

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-04-10 2068

Job Card No.:

Cylinder lining Removal

03.04.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-04-10 1104

Cylinder lining removal

Job Cards:

Remove the cylinder lining once the max. admissible degree of wear or required repair has been reached.

Prior to removing the cylinder lining, take the standard measurement See job card 03.03.01

01.04.01 03.02.01 03.03.01 09.00.01

Tools: —

Removal and refitment tool (section 1.8). Standard tools Straight edge Hoist Scribing iron

Aid: —

Felt pen, water-proof

Job: ● Drain cooling water from the crankcase, job card 09.00.01 ● Remove cylinder head, job card 01.04.01. ● Cover the crank cavity. ● Clean the cylinder lining collar and the crankcase seating surface. ● Place a straight edge on the cylinder lining collar, against 2 special cheese head screws, Fig. 1. ● Mark the refitment position of the cylinder lining in the crankcase along the straight edge using a water-proof felt pen. It may also be marked by means of the scribing iron, however, ensure that the sealing surface is not damaged, i.e., scribe on the outer circumfe rence of the cylinder lining collar. ● Mark the cylinder lining with the cylinder designa tion, e.g. A2 in Fig. 1. ● Fit bridge (2) on crankcase (5), Fig. 2 ● Fit tension rod screw (3) through the hole of the bridge (2) in the cylinder lining. ● Press the pulling bracket (6) against the cylinder lining from the crank cavity. ● Screw tension rod screw (3) into the pulling brac ket (6), and fit hexagon nut (4). ● Tighten hexagon screw (4) until the cylinder lining raises out of the guide. Use a lifting device to pull the cylinder lining vertically out of the crankcase, and deposit on a wooden support. ● Remove the seal (1). ● Check the running surface of the cylinder lining, job card 03.02.01. ● Thoroughly clean the cylinder lining on the outsi de, particularly the grooves in the round seals.

© 51 521 0

Fig. 1

Marking the refitment position

Deposit of boiler scale is an indication of unsuitable coolant, observe the regulations, section 6.4. Decide whether additional linings must be removed on the basis of the findings.

© 50 083 1

Fig. 2 © 0698

Removal and refitment tools

Job Card No.:

Cylinder lining Removal

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-04-10 1104

Job Card No.:

Cylinder liner Refitment

03.05.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

0178-04-10 1105

Gauge new liner after installation max. ovality 0,15 mm. When refitting used liners, inspect reversing marks of upper piston rings (see job 03.02.01).

Job Cards: —

03.02.01 03.03.01 03.06.01

Tools: —

Standard tools, Lubrificant Deutz F5 (Section 3.6), Liner removing / refitting device (Section 1.8) , Hoist, Square timber (70 x 70 x 300)

Job: Cover up crankcase interior and clean wall of water space, seating surface of liner flange, as well as guide surfaces and conical introduction zones for 0seals. Grease Viton 0-seals (7 and 8) (5 and 4 mm Ø) with Deutz F5 and insert into grooves without diatorting them. Be sure to use always new genuine seals. Inspect seal (6), renew when necessary, and insert in the locating seat provided in the crankcase. Mount liner removing/refitting device. For liner protection insert square timber (5) between bridge (1) and liner flange. Attach liner to hoist and let liner slide into crankcase. When exerting slight pressure, the liner slides ontoits seat. Detach liner removing/refitting device (see Job Card 03.03.01). Roughen running surface with a honing device (Job Card 03.06.01), unless this has already been done. If no hoing device is available, use emery cloth No. 200 (see Job Card 03.06.01 concerning roughening direction). When roughening is completed, clean liner thoroughly. Run in engine again. See Section 4.6, run-in instructions.

© 50 081 1

© 0985

Job Card No.:

Cylinder liner Refitment

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-04-10 1105

Honing Cylinder Liner

Job Card No.:

03.06.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-04-10 2063

S/BVM 628

Honing Cylinder Liner A liner must be honed, — upon installation of new piston rings or new piston, — if running surface has become partially or totally bright, i.e. honing grooves are no longer visible, — if grooves are too deep. The honing may only be carried out by DEUTZ AG workshops which are especially equipped to do that job.

© 1192

Job Card No.:

Honing Cylinder Liner

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-04-10 2063

Job Card No.

Foundation Bolts Inspection


0178-46-10 1173

S/BVM 628

Engine: Filing No.:


Job Card: —

The effects of heat and internal stressing may effect the foundation, so make sure that engine foundation bolts are tight (even where piping renders the access difficult).


Tools: —

Standard tools

Inspection is especially important during the initial 50 running hours of the engine.

Job: Strike chocks/shims (2) and (3) respectively with a hammer and check that this will produce a solid metallic sound. Failing this, bolts (4), (5), (6) are liable to be slack and must therefore be retightened as specified by the foundation erector. Thereafter, measure crankweb deflection (job 02.02.01).

Cleanliness is very important, in particular, do not let the foundation come in contact with oil or water.

Rigid Mounting

Resilient Mounting

© 51 278 0

© 1283

Job Card No.:

Foundation Bolts Inspection

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-46-10 1173

Job Card No.:

Crankshaft System — Reconditioning of Resiliently Mounted Engines

03.08.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-46-10 1604



Resiliently mounted engines call for the least possible imbalance of the crankshaft system.

When disassembling the crankshaft system of resilienly mounted engines, make sure that pistons, connecting rods and bearings are marked with the relevant cylinder No. During reassembly, it is necessary — as usual — that pistons, connecting rods and bearings are reinstalled for the same cylinder and in the same paired sets. This is particularly important in the case of resiliently mounted engines, in order to prevent any further imbalance of the crankshaft system.

© 1283

Weighing scale (if required)

Job Card No.:

Crankshaft System — Reconditioning of Resiliently Mounted Engines

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-46-10 1604

Job Card No.:

Camshaft Bearings


Page 1 of 2


0178-10-10 1824

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

Inspection / Gauging

Job Cards:

Measure clearance of accessible bearings. If wear is discovered, examine other bearings also. To do this, remove injection pumps (Job Card 07.04.01).

02.00.01 04.05.01 04.06.01 07.04.01


Replacement of bearing bushes requires camshaft removal (Job Card 04.05.01).

Standard tools, Feeler gauge

Job: Remove cover (1) and fit feeler gauge between camshaft and bearing bush. Nominal clearance: Wear limit:

0,111 — 0,208 mm 0,3 mm

Once 0,3 mm has been reached, bearing replacement is due.

Reconditioning We recommend that reconditioning work be entrusted to a Deutz Service Station. Removing the Bearing Bushes Remove injection pump with drive (Job Card 07.04.01). Detach cover (1) and remove camshaft (Job Card 04.05.01). Either saw through bearing bushes (2) and/or drive out of the crankcase (3) with a brass pin (Ø 0,94 mm), or withdraw with a puller. Fitting New Bearing Bushes Prior to installation, the bearing bushes are to be undercooled (shrunk) in liquid nitrogen down to between 170°C and -196°C (see Section 3.7). Make sure that all shrink-fit surfaces (bushes and their receiving bores in the bushes in crankcase) are perfectly clean, i.e. metallically bright. Be sure to install the bushes in the location shown overleaf, i.e. with the bores in the bushes coinciding with the bores in the crankcase.

© 0985

Job Card No.:


Camshaft Bearings

Page 2 of 2


S/BVM 628

0178-10-10 1824

Filing No.:

Oil bores must coincide !

Detail „X“ © 51 279 0

Detail «X» Install camshaft (Job Card 04.06.01). Refit cover (1), tightening as per Section 3.5, item 28. Finally, mount injection pump (Job Card 07.04.01).

© d0985

Job Card No.:

Lower Valve Drive


Page 1 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-11-10 1346


S/BVM 628

Job Cards: —

Inspect accessible tappet rollers and cams. If wear is found, inspect other tappet rollers and cams. To do this, remove injection pumps (Job Card 07.04.01 ).

01.04.01 01.09.01 07.04.01

Tools: —

Job: Remove accessible covers (10) — Fig. 1 -. Turn engine and check for perfect running of the rollers and that the cams have a perfectly smooth surface. Especially critical defects are:

Standard tools Lamp Prism Hard-wood block or aluminium plate

● scaling and cracks ● blue heat discoloration on the cams If cams and rollers are found to be in perfect order, refit covers (10), tightening fastening bolts as per Section 3.5, item 28.

Reconditioning Reconditioning is primarily required when rollers have become defective or the valve drive is jamming. Depending on the valve drive’s location, it is necessary to remove injection pump drive (see Job Card 07.04.01 ).

© 50 123 1

Fig. 1

© 1285

Job Card No.:


Lower Valve Drive

Page 2 of 3


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-11-10 1346

turned by 90°

© 50 116 1

Fig. 2

Job: Removing the Drive Remove cylinder head (Job Card 01.04.01). Take out pushrods (25) — Fig. 2 — and remove bolts (16) together with spring lock-washers (17). Raise tappet guide (30) by means of a screwdriver inserted into the pocket provided in the flange of the tappet guide. Remove washer and compression spring (if provided). Inspect all parts for wear, especially tappet guide (30), tappet (29), roller (31) and socket (28). Replace any defective parts.

© 1285

Lower Valve Drive

Job Card No.:


Page 3 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-11-10 1346

S/BVM 628

Removing Tappet Roller After removing the complete tappet (29), the roller can be removed. The best way to do this is to use a prism, on which the tappet is placed to press out the roller pin (32) — Fig. 3 -. If no prism is to hand, the tappet can be placed on a hard-wood block (33) or on an aluminium plate provided with a suitable large hole for free passage of the roller pin when being pressed out. Before pressing out the pin by means of a brass drift and a press, place a 0,3 — 0,4 mm-thick plate (34) between both sides of tappet (29), in order to prevent possible deformation of the lower part of the tappet.

© 50 117 1

Fig. 3 Refitting the Drive Clean all drive components, apply some oil and assemble in the reverse order. Check tappet roller (31) for easy rotation. Install tappet guide (30) provided with a new 0-seal (14) along with tappet (29) into crankcase, paying attention to dowel sleeve (15). Slit of dowel sleeve (15) must face longitudinal direction of engine. Screw in bolts (16) provided with lockwashers (17) and tighten securely. Check that tappet (29) moves freely in guide (30). Install pushrods (25) and refit cylinder head (Job Card 01.09.01). Set valve clearance (Job Card 01.01.01) . Hint for Faciliating Removal of Camshaft The cylinder heads can remain in situ. Only the pushrods (25) neeed be removed. By means of weld ing wires, the tappets (29) can be raised and the camshaft removed as perJob Card 04.05.01. At the upper edge of the tappet (29) is a bore-hole, into which a wire can be inserted. Then raise the tappet and suspend it at the top edge of the cylinder head.

© 1285

Job Card No.:

Lower Valve Drive

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-11-10 1346

Job Card No.:

Lower Valve Drive


Page 1 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-11-10 1992


S/BVM 628

Job Cards: —

Inspect accessible tappet rollers and cams. If wear is found, inspect the other tappet rollers and cams. To do this, remove injection pumps (job 07.04.01).

01.04.01 01.09.01 07.04.01

Tools: —

Standard tools Lamp Prism Hard-wood block or aluminium plate

Job Remove accessible covers (10) — Fig. 1 -. Turn engine and check for perfect running of the rollers and that the cams have a perfectly smooth surface. Especially critical defects are: ● scaling and cracks ● blue heat discoloration on the cams If cams and rollers are found to be in perfect order, refit covers (10), tightening fastening bolts as per Section 3.5, item 28.

Reconditioning Reconditioning is primarily required when rollers have become defective or the valve drive is jamming. Depending on the valve drive’s location, it is necessary to remove injection pump drive (see Job Card 07.04.01 ).

© 1285

© 50 123 1

Fig. 1

Job Card No.:


Lower Valve Drive

Page 2 of 3


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-11-10 1992

turned by 90°

© 50 040 1

Fig. 2

Job: Removing the Drive Remove cylinder head (Job Card 01.04.01). Take out pushrods (25) — Fig. 2 — and remove bolts (16) together with spring lock-washers (17). Raise tappet guide (30) by means of a screwdriver inserted into the pocket provided in the flange of the tappet guide. Remove circlip (23). Inspect all parts for wear, especially tappet guide (30), tappet (29), roller (31) and socket (28). Replace any defective parts.

© 1285

Lower Valve Drive

Job Card No.:


Page 3 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-11-10 1992

S/BVM 628

Removing Tappet Roller After removing the complete tappet (29), the roller can be removed. The best way to do this is to use a prism, on which the tappet is placed to press out the roller pin (32) — Fig. 3 -. If no prism is to hand, the tappet can be placed on a hard-wood block (33) or on an aluminium plate provided with a suitable large hole for free passage of the roller pin when being pressed out.

© 50 118 1

Fig. 3 Refitting the Drive Clean all drive components, apply some oil and assemble in the reverse order. Check tappet roller (31) for easy rotation. Install tappet guide (30) provided with a new 0-seal (14) along with tappet (29) into crankcase, paying attention to dowel sleeve (15). Slit of dowel sleeve (15) must face longitudinal direction of engine. Screw in bolts (16) provided with lockwashers (17) and tighten securely. Check that tappet (29) moves freely in guide (30). Install pushrods (25) and refit cylinder head (job 01.09.01). Set valve clearance (job 01.01.01) . Hint for Faciliating Removal of Camshaft The cylinder heads can remain in situ. Only the pushrods (25) neeed be removed. By means of weld ing wires, the tappets (29) can be raised and the camshaft removed as perJob Card 04.05.01. Proceed by slightly bending the welding wires at the lower end. Then push the wires into the oil return bores of the tappets, raise the tappets, and suspend them at the upper edge of the cylinder heads by bending the wires accordingly.

© 1285

Job Card No.:

Lower Valve Drive

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-11-10 1992

Job Card No.:

Timing Gear Train Removal / Refitment


Page 1 of 4

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-09-10 1601

Observe safety precautions (see job 05.00.01). Do not allow any components to fall into the crankcase.

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Tools: —

Standard tools, Removing device for pivot pins (42), (44) and (14), Deutz DW 60 compound (see section 3.6).

Job Cards:

Job: Remove covers (24), (30) and (36).

04.05.01, 04.06.01, 04.06.02, 04.08.01, 05.00.01, 07.04.01, 07.06.01, 10.02.01

Marking cast integral with timing chest © 51 397 0

Fig. 1

© 1283

Job Card No.:


Timing Gear Train Removal / Refitment

Page 2 of 4


S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-09-10 1601

Removing Idler Gear (26) Turn flywheel until its aperture coincides with bolt (39). Unscrew bolts (41) and take down retainer plate (40). Unscrew bolt (39). Using removing device (see section 1.8). Withdraw fulcrum (42) from the centering, while retaining gear (26) and was her (45). Then withdraw fulcrum (42) completely. Remove gear (26) and washer (45) sideways. Clean all components. Inspect gear (26) for wear and bearing bush plus washer (45) for score marks. Inspect O-seals (49) and (51) and renew as required.

© 51 398 0

Fig. 2 Removing Idler Gear (35). Turn flywheel until its aperture coincides with bolt (32). Unscrew cap nut (43). Then proceed as described for removing idler gear (26).

© 50 399 0

Fig. 3 © 1283

Timing Gear Train Removal / Refitment

Job Card No.:


Page 3 of 4

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-09-10 1601

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Removing Injection Pump Drive Gear (8) Remove oil pump with cover and piping (job 07.06.01). Remove screws (9). While retaining gear (8), pull out part (10). Take out gear sideways. Clean all components. Inspect gear (8) for wear and bearing bush for score marks.

Removing Camshaft Gear (5). Take off cover (104) and gasket (52). For further procedure, see job 04.05.01.

Removing Idler Gear (20). Proceed as described for removing idler gear (26).

Refitting Idler Gear (20). Place No. 1 cylinder crankpin in topmast position (compression TDC). Apply light film of oil to fulcrum (14) and bush in gear (20). Push O-seal (16) onto fulcrum (14). Apply grease to washer (19) and stick in recess of gear (20). Position gear (20) in timing chest so that notch (46) agrees with marking (47) — Fig. 1. Install fulcrum (14). Fit retainer plate (18). Screw bolts (17) in place, using DEUTZ DW 60. Fit O-seal (48) onto bolt (15). Insert bolt (15) in fulcrum (14) and screw in place in timing chest. Tighten as specified (section 3.5, item 41).

Refitting Idler Gear (26) — Fig. 2 Turn flywheel until its aperture coincides with bearing hole in timing chest. Apply thin film of oil to fulcrum (42) and bearing bush in gear (26). Apply grease to washer (45) and stick in recess of gear (26). Raise gear (26) in chest and install fulcrum (42) with O-seal (49). Fit retainer plate (40), srew bolt (41) in place with DEUTZ DW 60. Fit O-seal (51) onto bolt (39). Insert bolt (39) in fulcrum (42) and secure in chest, tightening as specified (section 3.5, item 41).

© 51 400 0

Fig. 4 © 1283

Job Card No.:


Timing Gear Train Removal / Refitment

Page 4 of 4


S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-09-10 1601

Refitting Idler Gear (35) — Fig. 3 Turn flywheel until its aperture coincides with bearing hole in timing chest. Apply thin film of oil to fulcrum (44) and bearing bush in gear (35). Apply grease to washer (46) and stick in recess of gear (35). Raise gear (35) in chest and install fulcrum (44) with O-seal (50). Fit retainer plate (34), srew bolt (33) in place with DEUTZ DW 60. Fit O-seal (52) onto bolt (32). Insert bolt (32) in fulcrum (44) and secure by cap nut (43), tightening as specified (section 3.5, item 40).

Refitting Camshaft Gear (5) See job 04.06.01. Mount cover (104) together with gasket (52) (renew gasket if necessary).

Refitting Injection Pump Drive Gear (8) — Fig. 4 Apply thin film of oil to part (10) and bearing bush in flange (12). Install gear (8) in chest and push part (10) into flange (12) and gear (8). Fit screws (9). Time injection (job 07.06.01). After installing the Gears: Check backlash of the gears (job 04.08.01). Inspect gaskets (25), (31) and (37), renewing if necessary. Mount covers (24), (30) and (36), together with gaskets.

© 1283

Job Card No.:

Engine Timing


Page 1 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-10-10 2069

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Camshaft Removal Removal is required when replacing camshaft bearings or repairing the camshaft. If in confined spaces the complete camshaft unit cannot be removed from the crankcase towards driving end («KS») or free end («KGS»), it is separated in the middle, at the flanged connection.

Job Cards: —

01.02.02 04.02.01 07.04.01 10.02.01

Tools: —

Standard tools Straight edge Special tool (Section 1.8) — Torque wrench — Socket insert Special tool (Section 1.8.1) — Guide arbor

© 50 524 2



Auxiliary Material: —

Locking compound DEUTZ DW 55 (section 3.6) Distillate fuel

Job Preparatory work ● Unscrew plug ● Rotate crankshaft until «R» mark or resp. notch (3) on gear (1) coincides with mark on timing chest, at inspection hole centreline. ● If necessary, remove injection pumps, job card 07.04.01. ● If necessary, take assembly cover off crankcase in the area of camshaft. ● Remove rocker arms, job card 01.02.02. ● Lift lower valve gear, job card 04.02.01. ● Take off cover with rotary starting air distributor, job card 10.02.01.

© 50 521 2

Fig. 2

Camshaft drive gear marking

Removing Camshaft towards Engine Free End („KGS“) ● Screw off hex. nuts (13) and unscrew hex. bolts (9). ● Take off cover (14) and gasket (8). ● Bend up locking plate (12). ● Turn out hex. bolt (11). ● Take off guide roller (7) and guide plate (6). ● Remove dowel pin (10).

© 51 278 0

Fig. 3 © 0592

Camshaft fixing «KGS»

Job Card No.:


Engine Timing

Page 2 of 3


S/BV 6/8/9 M 628 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Filing No.:

0178-10-10 2069

Unscrew waisted hex. bolt (5). Take off starting cam (4). Remove dowel pin (6). Remove locking wires of cheese-head bolts (3) and turn out bolts Take off gear (1). Remove dowel pin (2). Screw guide arbor with its short grub screw end into camshaft at engine driving end. Carefully pull out camshaft while turning it. Carfully place camshaft on two wooden supports.

© 50 528 1

Fig. 4

Camshaft drive gear «KS»

Removing camshaft towards engine driving end ● Screw off hex. nuts (13) and unscrew hex. bolts (9). ● Take off cover (14) and gasket (8). ● Bend up locking plate (12). ● Turn out hex. bolt (11). ● Take off guide roller (7) and guide plate (6). ● Remove dowel pin (10). ● Screw guide arbor with its long grub screw end into camshaft at engine free end.

© 50 642 1

Fig. 5 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Camshaft fixing

Unscrew hex. bolt (5). Take off starting cam (4). Remove dowel pin (6). Remove locking wires of cheese-head bolts (3) and turn out bolts Take off gear (1). Remove dowel pin (2). Turn camshaft and pull or resp. push out. Carefully pull out camshaft while turning it.

© 50 528 1

Fig. 6

Camshaft drive gear «KS» © 0592

Job Card No.:

Engine Timing


Page 3 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-10-10 2069

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Camshaft Removal in Confined Spaces ● Remove camshaft, as described above, towards driving or free end of engine, until flanged connection moves beyond bearing zone when pulling our pushing out camshaft; then connection may be detached. Secure first half-camshaft against falling down. ● ● ● ●

Remove locking wire (2). Turn out cheese-head bolts (1). Remove dowel pin (3). Pull out half-shaft and place carefully on two wooden supports. Secure second half-shaft against falling down.

© 50 523 2

Fig. 7

Camshaft flange connection

● Pull out half-shaft and place carefully on two wooden supports. Finishing Work ● Clean all parts with distillate fuel. ● Inspect cam running surfaces; smoothen possible running marks with oil stone; if necessary, consult one of our service agencies. ● Unscrew stud (15) from guide plate (6). ● Check guide plate with straight edge for evenness and guide roller (7) for wear; renew if necessary. ● Screw studs by hand into guide plate using lokking compound DEUTZ DW 55; allow locking compound to cure.

© 50 595 1

Fig. 8

© 0592

Camshaft guide roller, guide plate

Job Card No.:

Engine Timing

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-10-10 2069

Job Card No.:

Engine Timing


Page 1 of 4

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-10-10 2070

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Camshaft Refitment Job Cards: —

01.01.01 01.02.02 04.02.01 04.06.02 04.08.01 07.04.01 10.02.01

Tools: —

Standard tools Special tool (Section 1.8) — Torque wrench — Socket insert Special tool (Section 1.8.1) — Guide arbor

© 50 524 2

Fig. 1


Auxiliary Material: —

Lube oil

Spare parts: —

Locking wire Gasket for cover at engine free end

Job Preparatory work ● Lubricate bearing positions ● Hand-tighten dowel pin (10), guide roller (7), new locking plate (12) and hex. bolt (11), refit. Camshaft must be released, i.e. valve gear is lifted. Crankshaft must be in firing TDC position of cylinder 1, i.e. valves are closed. © 50 643 1

Refitting camshaft from engine free end. ● Screw guide arbour with its short grub screw end into camshaft at engine driving end. ● Push camshaft with guide arbour carefully through camshaft bearings. ● Shortly before reaching end position, insert guide plate (6) into groove of guide roller (7) and push camshaft further into its end position. ● Remove guide arbor.

Fig. 2

Camshaft fixing

Fig. 3

Camshaft drive gear «KS»

Contact surfaces between gear (1) and cams haft must be absolutely clean and free from oil and grease. ● Insert dowel pin (2) into camshaft end. ● Position gear (1) in place. ● Screw in cheese head bolts (3) and tighten according to specification, section 3.5, line 26. ● Lock cheese head bolts with new locking wire. ● Advance camshaft until gear can rotate freely, i. e. it is not engaged with idler gear.

© 0592

© 50 644 1

Job Card No.:


Engine Timing

Page 2 of 4


S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-10-10 2070

● Rotate gear (1) until ”R” mark or resp. notch (3) on gear coincides with mark on timing chest — at inspection hole centreline. ● Mesh gear with idler gear.

© 50 521 2

Fig. 4

Camshaft drive gear marking

● ● ● ● ●

Screw in hex. bolt (11) with new locking plate (12). Tighten hex. bolt (11) an secure locking plate (12). Refit cover (14) with new gasket (8). Screw in hex. bolts (9) and tighten. Tighten hex. nuts (13) according to specification, section 3.5, line 61. ● Measure backlash on camshaft gear, job card 04.08.01.

© 50 645 1

Fig. 5

Camshaft fixing «KGS»

Refitting camshaft from engine driving end Contact surfaces between gear (1) and camshaft must be absolutely clean and free from oil and grease. ● Insert dowel pin (2) into camshaft end. ● Position gear (1) in place. ● Screw in cheese head bolts (3) and tighten according to specification, section 3.5, line 26.

© 50 644 1

Fig. 6

Camshaft drive gear «KS» © 0592

Job Card No.:

Engine Timing


Page 3 of 4

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-10-10 2070

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

● Screw guide arbour with its long grub screw end into camshaft at engine driving end. ● Carefully introduce camshaft through bearing bushes with guide arbour. ● Rotate camshaft with gear until ”R” mark or resp. notch (3) on gear (1) coincides with mark on timing chest sealing surface. ● Mesh gear with idler gear. ● Screw off guide arbour.

© 50 521 2

Fig. 7

Camshaft drive gear marking

● nsert dowel pin (10) and position guide roller (7) with guide plate (6). ● Screw in hex. bolt (11) together with locking plate (12). ● Tighten hex. bolt (11) and secure with locking plate (12). ● Fit cover (14) with new gasket (8). ● Tighten hex. bolts (9). ● Tighten hex. nuts (13) according to specification, section 3.5, line 61. ● Measure backlash of gear, job card 04.08.01.

© 50 642 1

Fig. 8 Finishing Work ● Fit cover with rotary starting air distributor and new gasket as per job card 10.02.01. ● Release lower valve gear, job card 04.02.01. ● Fit rocker arms, job card 01.02.02. ● Adjust valve clearance, job card 01.01.01. ● Check valve timing, job card 04.06.02. ● Fit rocker chamber cover. ● If removed, refit injection pumps, job card 07.04.01. ● If removed, refit crankcase cover in the camshaft area with new gaskets; tighten hex. bolts according to specification, section 3.5, line 28.

© 0592

Camshaft fixing «KGS»

Job Card No.:


Engine Timing

Page 4 of 4


S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-10-10 2070

Refitment in confined spaces The joint faces of the half-camshafts must be absolutely clean and free from oil and grease. ● Introduce first half-shaft with guide arbour and dowel pin (3) into crankcase. ● Introduce second half-shaft and tighten with cheese head bolts (1) according to specification, section 3.5, line 27. ● Lock cheese head bolts with locking wire (2). ● Rotate camshaft by hand at free end and check true run at the overhung end. ● Further refitment from driving or free end of engine and described heretofore. © 50 232 2

Fig. 9

Camshaft flange connection

© 0592

Job Card No..:

Valve Timing Checking

04.06.02 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-10-10 1113

S/BVM 628



Check inlet/exhaust valve timing.

Standard tools Tape rule

A timing check is required following camshaft fitment (Job Card 04.06.01) and when inspecting or working on the timing gears.

Job: Check valve clearance (Job Card 01.01.01). Turn crankshaft in the normal running direction until the valve drive of No. A1/1 and B1/7 or 9 cylinders have frictional contact so inlet/exhaust pushrods are heavy to turn.In this position mark flywheel to agree with the fixed pointer on the crankcase. From this mark to the TDC mark of No. 1 cylinder (in-line engines) or No. A1/B1 cylinder (V-type engines) measure distance «b» on flywheel periphery and flywheel diameter. α


360 x b d x π

where b = distance on periphery and d = diameter. The value obtained for must conform to the timing data (Section 3.3.1) within + 4° crank angle, otherwise inspect upper and lower valve drives (Job Card 04.02.01) and timing gears (Job Card 04.08.01).

Job Card No.:

Valve Timing Checking

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-10-10 1113

Job Card No.:

Timing Gear Train Inspection / Gauging


Page 1 of 2

Engine: F iling No.:

0178-09-10 1114

Inspection / Gauging Inspect and measure backlash of gears in main timing gear train (engine’s driving end) and pump drive (engine’s free end).

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Tools: —

Standard tools

Dial gauge with magnetic holder

While gear fulcrums are connected to the engine’s main lube circuit, the gears themselves are lubricated by oil jet. Although gears normally have a long life, the ingress of foreign particles may cause premature wear and tear.

Job: Inspecting the Gears Remove lateral cover on timing chest and turn engine. Inspect gears, especially tooth flanks, for defects, and check that all bolts are locked where necessary. Operate priming pump and make sure that all gears are properly lubricated. Gauging the Backlash Measure backlash with a dial gauge. To do this, fix one gear by wooden chock and move mating gear in both directions. Read difference from gauge. For moving camshaft gears, release screws for valve clearance adjustment. Renew gears with an unsatisfactory mesh pattern or excessive backlash. If necessary, consult Deutz (Job Card 04.04.01). The following timing gear train diagram below shows agreement of mating marks with the No. 1 piston in compression TDC (both valves closed).

© 0199

Job Card No.:


Timing Gear Train Inspection / Gauging

Page 2 of 2


S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

0178-09-10 1114

Filing No.:

Backlash of drive end gears


1/2 2/3 3/4 5/6 6/7 6/8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Marked tooth at inspection hole centre line

Backlash (mm) 0,130 0,096 0,094 0,060 0,070 0,070

— 0,320 — 0,344 — 0,365 — 0,340 — 0,360 — 0,360

Crankshaft gear Idler gear Idler gear Governor drive gear Idler gear Idler gear Camshaft drive gear Injection pump drive gear

Backlash of free end gears Speed Stage I Gears

9 9 9 12

/ 10 / 11 / 12 / 13

Addendum Ø line (mm)

Backlash (mm)

324 / 147 324 / 132 324 / 183 183 / 123

0,27 — 0,44 0,27 — 0,44 0,28 — 0,48 0,12 — 0,40 © 51 401 0

Speed Stage II Gears

Addendum Ø line (mm)

Backlash (mm)

303 / 168 303 / 153 303 / 183 183 / 129

0,27 — 0,44 0,27 — 0,44 0,28 — 0,48 0,12 — 0,40

9 9 9 12

/ 10 / 11 / 12 / 13

9 10 11 12 13

Crankshaft gear Oil pump gear Oil pump gear Id ler gear Water pump gear

Where two water pumps are provided, backlash 9 / 12 and 12 / 13 applies to both pumps.

© 51 289 0

© 0199

Job Card No.:

Flywheel Removal / Refitment

04.09.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-05-10 1924

Flywheel removal is required for replacement of the crankshaft gear.

S/BVM 628

Tools: —

Standard tools Hoist Eye screw

Job Card —


Job Observe safety precautions (job 05.00.01). Mark position of drive shaft relative to adapter flange or flexible coupling, and of flywheel to crankshaft. Removing the Flywheel Fit eye screw (4) and hold flywheel (1) by hoist. Unscrew bolts (2) and remove along with washers (3). Carefully withdraw flywheel from crankshaft. Refitting the Flywheel Observe markings and refit flywheel in the reverse order. Tightening bolts (2) see section 3.5, item 24.

© 25 406 1

© 0884

Job Card No.:

Flywheel Removal / Refitment

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-05-10 1924

Crankshaft Gear Removal / Refitment

Job Card No.:

04.11.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-15-10 1602

S/BVM 628

Tools: — Standard tools — Wrench with insert for socket-head screws (Section 1.8), — 2 hex. bolts M 8×80 — Deutz DW 57 compound

Job Card: —


Job: Removing the gear Remove coupling flange (job 04.16.01). Unscrew hex. bolts (2) and remove deflector (1). Now remove all socket-head srews (3). In two opposing bores for bolts (2), screw in the two hex. bolts M 8×80 and pull the gear off the crankshaft (note dowel sleeve (4).

© 50 290 0

Refitting the Gear Thoroughly clean joint faces of crankshaft and gear. Fit gear in place, noting dowel sleeve (4). Screw in socket-head screws (3) with Deutz DW 57 and tighten as specified (Section 3.5, item 25. Mount deflector (1) and secure with hex. bolts (2), using Deutz DW 57. Mount coupling flange (job 04.16.01).

© 50 291 0

© 0595

Job Card No.:

Crankshaft Gear Removal / Refitment

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-15-10 1602

Job Card No.:

Water Pump Idler Gear Removal / Refitment


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-14-10 1118

To begin with, remove water pump (job 09.07.02).

Tools: —

Standard tools Deutz DW49 compound (Section 1. 8)

Job Cards: —

04.08.01 09.07.02

Job Removing the gear Disconnect oil pipe to gear. Unscrew nuts (2) and carefully withdraw fulcrum holder (6) with fulcrum (10). Retain gear (8) and washer (9) by hand. Take out components through timing chest aperture (11) of pump. Unscrew bolts (5).

Speed stage l: eccentric at top (as shown) Speed stage ll: eccentric at bottom (Stages see Job Card 04.08.01) © 51 292 0

Fig. 1 © 1283

Section L1 — M1 (see Fig. 2)

Job Card No.:


Water Pump Idler Gear Removal / Refitment

Page 2 of 2


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-14-10 1118

Refitting the Gear Clean gear and inspect for wear. If defective, replace gear (8),fulcrum (10), washer (9), bush (11) . Replace 0seals (4) and (7) in any case. Gear refitment is made in the reverse order, paying attention to correct location of eccentric (Fig. 1). Check gearlash (Job Card 04.08.01).

© 51 293 0

Fig. 2 © 1283

Job Card No.:

Pump Chest Removal / Refitment


Page 1 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-14-10 1119

Prior to pump chest removal, remove oil pump(s) (job 08.04.01), water pump(s) (job 09.07.02), vibration damper (jobs 12.01.01. and 12.01.02) and piping.

S/BVM 628

Tools: —

Standard tools Deutz DW48 compound (Section 1.8) Hoist Crowbar

Job Cards: —

08.04.01 09.07.02 12.01.01 12.01.02 04.08.01

Job Removing the Chest Unscrew nuts (5) and take down oil deflector (4). Unscrew bolts (1) and (6) of chest (3) and bolts (10). Retain chest by hoist with lugs (12) (Fig. 2). Since the chest is secured to crankcase and oil sump by adhesive compound, hold wooden block behind chest at the side and carefully work loose chest by crowbar, until bushes (9) are cleared. Take care not to damage surfaces by crowbar. Raise chest by hoist from oil sump and lower on wooden support. Refitting the Chest Carefully clean all surfaces, removing pressure marks carefully by a smooth file or oil stone. Apply Deutz DW 48 as a continuous bead (11) — Fig. 3 — to all joint faces, but of no more than 3 mm width.

© 51 294 0

Fig. 1 © 1283

Job Card No.:


Pump Chest Removal / Refitment

Page 2 of 3


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-14-10 1119

© 51 296 0

© 51 295 0

Fig. 2

Fig. 3

© 51 298 0

© 51 297 0

Fig. 4

Fig. 5

Locate chest (3) with dowel bushes (9). Install both tubes (8) and screw in all bolts (1) and (6) with washers (9) plus bolts (10). Fit oil deflector. Fit pumps, vibration damper and piping (see pertaining job cards). Gauge backlash (job 04.08.01).

View Z

Section J — K

© 51 299 0

Fig. 6 © 1283

Job Card No.:

Pump Chest Removal / Refitment


Page 3 of 3


0178-14-10 1119

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

© 51 430 0

Fig. 7

Section N — O View

Section P — Q View

© 51 300 0

Fig. 8 © 1283

© 51 301 0

Fig. 9

Job Card No.:

Pump Chest Removal / Refitment

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-14-10 1119

Job Card No.:

Crankshaft Coupling Flange Removal / Refitment


Page 1 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-05-10 1502

This job should preferably be entrusted to Deutz servicemen.

Tools: —

Standard tools Hydraulic flange spreader assy. (Section 1.8.1).

Job Cards: —

04.09.01 04.16.02

Job: Removing the Flange (see also page 3) Normal Procedure Remove flywheel (Job Card 04.09.01). Screw stud (4) into crankshaft jounal. Fit crossbearer (2) and screw nut (3) in place on stud (4). Unscrew plug (11) from connection in flange (12) and screw adapter (6) in place. Fill pump (1) with oil (Job Card 04.16.02), screw into adapter so that pump will not foul crossbearer (2). Tighten bolts between flange (12) and adapter (6) plus bolts between adapter and pump (1) so that the hydraulic oil used for flange spreading will stay in. After releasing valve screw (10) somewhat, operate pump a few times until oil comes out through valve screw (10) free from bubbles. Tighten screw (10). Operate pump up to 2000 bar or so, whereupon flange (12) will normally easily come off the crankshaft journal.

© 50 302 0

The flange must not «shoot off» the crankcase, but come off in stages. To this end make sure that the distance between bearer (2) and retaining nut (3) will not exceed 5 mm in each stage. Exceptional Procedure To assist in the hydraulic action, additionally turn about crossbearer (2) and use puller bolts (7). To secute bearer and flange, screw nut (3) up to bearer. Whenn pulling off flange (12), be sure not to put your hands between flange and crossbearer.

© 0595

Job Card No.:


Crankshaft Coupling Flange Removal / Refitment

Page 2 of 3


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-05-10 1502

Refitting the Flange (see also page 3) Unscrew plug (11) from flange (12). Check that oil passages and groove of flange and joint faces between flange, taper sleeve (8) and crankshaft (13) are perfectly clean, but use only detergents that cause no corrosion. Also check that joint between crankshaft (13) and taper sleeve (8) is completely dry. Put spacer plate (9) on gear (14) and slip sleeve (8) — heated to 100°C or so — over journal (13) as far as it will go. After lubricating inside, fit flange (12) on sleeve (8) so that the identical marks (Nos.) (5) of sleeve and flange mate with punch mark (16) on journal (13) — Fig. 2 -. This agreement must be ensured also when the flange has reached its final position. Screw Stud (4) into cranlshaft (13), fit crossbearer (2) and screw nut (3) in place. Tighten flange (12) with the device comprising items (2), (3) and (4). Screw adapter (6) into flange (12). Fill hydraulic pump (1) with oil (Job Card 04.16.02), screw into adapter (6) and turn with adapter so that pump will not foul crossbearer (2). Tighten bolts between flange (12) and adapter (6) plus bolts between adapter and pump (1) so that the hydraulic oil used for flange spreading will stay in. After releasing valve screw (10) somewhat, operate pump a few times until oil comes out through valve screw free from bubbles. Tighten screw (10). Expand flange by operating pump (1) and turn nut (3) by wrench (5) to pressflange by crossbearer (2) onto taper sleeve (8) as far as it will go. In doing so, keep flange from rotation. Be sure to apply the maximum pressure of 1500 — 2000 bar and hence get a maximum spreading of the flange, so the flange can be mounted smoothly without «seizing» of components.

Repairs of Sleeve (8) and Flange (12) Should scores between sleeve and flange affect hydraulic action, thoroughly smoothen scores and fill up whatever is left with Omni PLUS FE, Spachtelmetall supplied by: Omni Technic GmbH Triebstr. 9, 80993 München 50. Following assembly, bleed pump (1) through valve screw (10) and unscrew pump (1) with adapter (6). Close connection in flange (12) with plug (11). This plug must not be locked and not project from the joint face of the flange (12). Remove crossbearer (2) and stud (4). After allowing oil pressure to be dispersed within min. 1hour. Mount flywheel (Job Card 04.09.01). Following fitment of flange, wait 24 hours before starting up the engine.

Detail «X»

© 51 303 0

Fig. 1 © 0595

Crankshaft Coupling Flange Removal / Refitment

Job Card No.:


Page 3 of 3


S/BVM 628

0178-05-10 1502

Filing No.:

Removing the Flange

Refitting the Flange

Section a — B

Removal in steps of approx. 5 mm

Removing the Flange Normal Procedure

Exceptional Procedure

© 51 304 0

Fig. 2 © 1283

Job Card No.:

Crankshaft Coupling Flange Removal / Refitment

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-05-10 1502

Job Card No.:

Coupling Flange Oil Pump Filling

04.16.02 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-49-10 1501


S/BVM 628

Tools: —

Container for hydraulic fluid

The hydraulic fluid should be SAE 30 motor oil only. To avoid corrosion, no other fluid is permissible. Especially not an aggressive one..

Job: Unscrew reservoir (10) from pump and dip nipple (12) into a fluid container. Pull piston (11) to fill reservoir (10). Hold nipple (12) up and slightly press valve ball (13) in order to bleed any air present. Screwing reservoir (10) into pump will automatically push in ball (13) so as to open the valve.

© 51 305 0

For cleaning the pump body, pull out pin to which the handle is linked and remove piston (11). The remaining components are removed in the following order: valve screws (6) and (8), balls (5) and (7), pin (4), ball (3) and pin (2) through the pump outlet, and finally ball (1) through the cylinder. After cleaning pump body, reassemble components in the reverse order.

© 0595

Job Card No.:

Coupling Flange Oil Pump Filling

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-49-10 1501

Speed Control System Safety Precautions (Barber-Colman Electronic Governor Plus 8)

Job Card No.:

05.02.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-27-10 1590

BVM 628

If work is to be carried out on a speed governor, engine control unit, governing linkage and injection pump, strictly observe the following safety precautions.

Prior to Work Stop engine. Close shut-off valve (2) on air receivers (1). Bleed air supply line (3) to starting air master valve (4). Following Work Open shut-off valves (2) on air receivers (1). Should the engine tend to race on starting, operate main switch (7). © 25 575 1

Provided the linkage is properly adjusted, the engine can also be stopped by turning the lever on governor (terminal) shaft (6) toward the engine’s driving end, using wrench (5) of SW 27 (mm a/fl).

© 50 000 1

© 25 281 1

© 0385

Job Card No.:

Speed Control System Safety Precautions (Barber-Colman Electronic Governor Plus 8)

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-27-10 1590

Speed Control System Safety Precautions (Woodward UG 8 D/L Hydraulic Governor)

Job Card No.:

05.01.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-27-10 1985

S/BVM 628

If work is to be carried out on a speed governor, engine control unit, governing linkage and injection pump, strictly observe the following safety precautions.

Prior to Work Stop engine. Close shut-off valve (2) on air receivers (1). Bleed air supply line (3) to starting air master valve (4). Following Work Open shut-off valves (2) on air receivers (1). Provided the linkage is properly adjusted, the engine can also be stopped (to prevent racing) by turning the lever on governor (terminal) shaft (6) toward the engine’s driving end, using wrench (5) of SW 27 (mm a/fl).

© 25 575 1

With UG 8 D governor engine may also be stopped by setting «Load Limit» button to zero.

© 25 281 1

© 0585

© 50 041 1

Job Card No.:

Speed Control System Safety Precautions (Woodward UG 8 D/L Hydraulic Governor)

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-27-10 1985

Speed Control System Safety Precautions Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor

Job Card No.:

05.00.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-27-10 1987

S/BVM 628

If work is to be carried out on a speed governor, engine control unit, governing linkage and injection pump, strictly observe the following safety precautions.

Prior to Work Stop engine. Close shut-off valve (2) on air receivers (1). Bleed air supply line (3) to starting air master valve (4). Following Work Open shut-off valves (2) on air receivers (1). Should the engine tend to race on starting, press stopping button (5). Provided the linkage is properly adjusted, the engine can also be stopped by turning the lever on governor (terminal) shaft (6) toward the engine’s driving end, using wrench (5) of SW 27 (mm a/fl).

© 25 575 1

© 50 046 1

© 25 281 1

© 0585

© 50 047 1

Job Card No.:

Speed Control System Safety Precautions Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-27-10 1987

Job Card No.:

Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Servicing

05.03.11 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-27-10 1122



(Oil Change) Contaminated oil will lead to governor trouble.

Standard tools

Job Card: Be sure to use fresh oil only as specified by governor manufacturers which will guarantee proper, satisfactory operation and long service life of governor.


The old oil is drained in hot condition. Before filling in new oil check that the containers used are clean. If necessary, wash them in clean diesel fuel. During the oil change the governor may be removed or in position on engine. To change the oil proceed according to the Woodward manual. Observe safety precautions (job card 05.00.01) when restarting the engine and during the test run.. Adjust needle valve (job card 05.03.12) if governor does not function properly..

© 0585

Job Card No.:

Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Servicing

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-27-10 1122

Woodward UG 8 D/L Hydraulic Governor Servicing (Oil Change)

Job Card No.:

05.03.11 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-27-10 1988



(Oil Change) Contaminated oil will lead to governor trouble.

Be sure to use fresh oil only as specified by governor manufacturers which will guarantee proper, satisfactory operation and long service life of governor.

Standard tools

Job Card: —


The old oil is drained in hot condition. Before filling in new oil check that the containers used are clean. If necessary, wash them in clean diesel fuel. During the oil change the governor may be removed or in position on engine. To change the oil proceed according to the Woodward manual. Observe safety precautions (job card 05.00.01) when restarting the engine and during the test run. Adjust needle valve (job card 05.03.12) if governor does not function properly..

© 0585

Job Card No.:

Woodward UG 8 D/L Hydraulic Governor Servicing (Oil Change)

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-27-10 1988

Woodward UG 8 D/L Hydraulic Governor Setting

Job Card No.:

05.03.12 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-27-10 1587



Occasionally or after a governor oil change (job card 05.03.11) the compensation (needle valve) may need adjustment.

Standard tools

Job Card: —


When sudden load changes result in heavy over- or underspeeding and sluggish return to the preset speed, this suggests wrong compensation setting. When engine temperatures and governor oil temperature have reached the normal service values adjust compensation, oreferably at lowest engine load and speed, in accordance with the Woodward manual. Observe safety precautions (job card 05.00.01) when restarting the engine and during the test run.. The governor droop setting is made by the governor manufacturers on the basis of the specific engine application and is then verified during the works accetance test run of the engine. The droop setting may not be changed.

© 0585

Job Card No.:

Woodward UG 8 D/L Hydraulic Governor Setting

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-27-10 1587

Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Setting

Job Card No.:

05.03.12 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-27-10 1989



Occasionally or after a governor oil change (job card 05.03.11) the compensation (needle valve) may need adjustment.

Standard tools

Job Card: —


When sudden load changes result in heavy over- or underspeeding and sluggish return to the preset speed, this suggests wrong compensation setting. When engine temperatures and governor oil temperature have reached the normal service values adjust compensation, oreferably at lowest engine load and speed, in accordance with the Regulateurs Europa Ltd. manual. Observe safety precautions (job card 05.00.01) when restarting the engine and during the test run.. Governor Droop Setting The governor droop setting is made by the governor manufacturers on the basis of the specific engine application and is then verified during the works accetance test run of the engine. The droop setting may not be changed.

© 0585

Job Card No.:

Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Setting

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-27-10 1989

Setting the Magnetic Frequency Generator

Job Card No.:


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-27-10 1591

Setting the magnetic frequency generator

Tools: —

The magnetic frequency generator (Fig. 1) is attached to the gearbox at the height of the intermediate wheel in relation to the speed control drive, Fig. 2. It creates electrical impulses proportionally to the speed of the intermediate wheel by sensing the teeth of the gearwheel moving past the speed generator, and passes these impulses on to the control electronics.

Standard tools

Job card: —

04-08-01 05-04-14

Aid: —


A frequency generator (3) incorrectly set to the intermediate wheel, as well as adhering metal particles on the permanent magnet of the frequency generator influence the impulse output to the control electronics. The frequency generator is factory set, therefore, only remove for an important reason.

Job: Removal ● Loosen knurled screw (1) and disconnect the plug-in connection. ●· Loosen locknut (4). ● Manually remove the frequency generator (3). Check ● Check frequency generator for possibly adhering metal particles or soiling, clean, if necessary. Refitment ● Coat frequency generator (3) and screw-in hole with the DEUTZ DW 66 compound. Screw in the frequency generator. ● Turn the gearwheel (5) until the tip of a tooth is positioned opposite the frequency generator. ● Manually screw the frequency generator down to the tip of a tooth. ● Turn back the frequency generator 180° — 360° (1/2 — 1 revolution) Spacing ”X” between the gearwheel (5) and frequency generator (3) must amount to 0.5….. 1.0 mm. The hole (2) on the frequency generator must be positioned in or opposite the motor rotational direction (6), if necessary, turn back slightly. ● Once the setting has been completed, tighten locknuts (4) (ensure that the position of the frequency generator is not changed). ●· Establish the plug-in connection. ● Retighten knurled nut (1).

1 2 3 4


6 © 51 032 1

Fig. 1

© 0198

Setting the frequency generator

Job Card No.:


Setting the Magnetic Frequency Generator

Page 2 of 2


S/BVM 628

0178-27-10 1591

Filing No.:

BV 6/8/9 M 628

BV 12/16 M 628

© 51 307 0

Fig. 2

Mounting point of the frequency generator

© 0198

Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Servicing / Reconditioning

Job Card No.:

05.03.14 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-27-10 1124

S/BVM 628

Servicing / Reconditioning Any servicing or reconditioning work on the «Europa» governor should be carried out strictly in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions or preferably by the manufacturers themselves. Before removing governor from engine, mark connections. Any loss of oil requiring replenishment more than once a week should be eliminated by replacing governor drive shaft seal (1) according to the manufacturers’ instructions.

© 51 308 0

© 0585

Job Card No.:

Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Servicing / Reconditioning

Engine: Filing No.:

This page intentionally left blank

0178-27-10 1124

Woodward UG 8 D/L Hydraulic Governor Servicing / Reconditioning

Job Card No.:

05.03.14 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-27-10 1589

S/BVM 628

Servicing / Reconditioning IAny servicing or reconditioning work on the «Europa» governor should be carried out strictly in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions or preferably by the manufacturers themselves. Before removing governor from engine, mark connections. Any loss of oil requiring replenishment more than once a week should be eliminated by replacing governor drive shaft seal (1) according to the manufacturers’ instructions.

© 50 042 1

© 0585

Job Card No.:

Woodward UG 8 D/L Hydraulic Governor Servicing / Reconditioning

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-27-10 1589

Barber-Colman Plus 8 Electronic Governor Servicing / Reconditioning

Job Card No.:

05.03.14 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-27-10 1592

S/BVM 628

Servicing / Reconditioning Any servicing or reconditioning work on the «Europa» governor should be carried out strictly in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions or preferably by the manufacturers themselves. Before removing governor from engine, mark connections.

© 0585

Job Card No.:

Barber-Colman Plus 8 Electronic Governor Servicing / Reconditioning

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-27-10 1592

Job Card No.:

Hydraulic Governor Drive Inspection


Page 1 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-27-10 1612

Inspection / Gauging Unscrew governor fastening parts from governor drive. Dismantle drive and inspect for wear.

Before dismantling drive, make sure it turns freely. In addition, gauge backlash between bevel gears. Excessive backlash may be eliminated by shim (9 or 20). IShould the bearings be worn, it will be recommendable to install new bearings and bevel gears.

Tools: —

Standard tools Feeler gauge

Job Card: —

04.08.0 05.00.0 05.04.14

Job: Close shut-off valve on air receivers and exhaust air supply pipe to engine. Remove governi ng linkage (Job Card 05.04.14). Unscrew bolts (8) (Regulateurs Europa LTD) or nuts (1) (Woodward), remove bolts (15) and withdraw governor (32) upwards out of casing (2). Check that shaft (33) in gear (6)does not jam. Remove gasket (31). Unscrew bolts (16) and (34) and pull out drive from timing chest (37). Release locking plate (24) and pull off gear (27). Remove key (26) and bush (28). Unlock bolts (23) and unscrew. Pull out flanged bearing (29) complete and withdraw from casing (2). In doing so, do not lose shims (20) required for correct backlash between bevel gears (6) and (17) when reassembling.

© 50 049 1

© 0585

Job Card No.:


Hydraulic Governor Drive Inspection

Page 2 of 3


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-27-10 1612

For further dimantling of bearing (39), drive shaft of gear (17) out of ball bearings (21) and (36). Drive bearing (21) out of bearing (29) and take out bush (18). Remove outer circlip (30) also . Unscrew bolts (11) and withdraw fulcrum (12) with gear (6). Remove shims(9), which are likewise required for correct backlash of bevel gears (6) and (17). Pull fulcrum (12) out of gear (6). Remove bearing (7), circlip (5) and needle bearing (4). Clean all components in diesel fuel, inspect for wear and, if necessary, replace. Reassembling the Drive Slightly apply oil to all components. Drive Shaft with Bevel Gear (6) Install needle bearing (4) in bevel gear (6). Fit circlip (5). Slip ball bearing (7) onto fulcrum (12) and jointly install in gear (6). Fit shims (9), push fulcrum (12) plus gear (6) into casing (2) and secure by bolts (11). Use shims (9) to obtain 0,6 mm clearance ‘a’ as a basis for setting backlash of bevel gears. Flanged Bearing (29) Install inner circlip (30) and push ball bearing (36). For this purpose be sure to use a sleeve, so the gauging pin of the gear will not be damaged. Fit bush (18) and introduce bearing (21). Install complete flanged bearing with shims (20) into casing (2) and secure by bolts (23). Vary clearances ‘a’ and ‘b’ with shim (29) and (9) respectively until both ‘c’ and ‘d’ are 0,5 + 0,5 mm. For checking ‘d’, unscrew the plug fitted in the casing side. Tighten bolts (23) and lock by wire (22). Screw bush (28) in place and fit key (26). Fit gear (27) and locking plate (24). Screw nut (25) in place, tighten as specified (section 3.5, item 49) and lock by plate (24).

© 0585

Job Card No.:

Hydraulic Governor Drive Inspection


Page 3 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-27-10 1612

Refitting the Drive Place gasket (19) on casing (2). Push casing with driving parts into timing chest and secure by bolts (16) and (34). Ba cklash between gear (27) and idler gear: see job 04.08.01 . Fit gasket (31) and install governor with toothed shaft into drive shaft (6) , taking note of the dowel pin (78). Screw in bolts (8) and tighten. Fit governing linkage (Job Card 05.04.14).

Section A — B

Start engine and check correct functioning of governor. When start ing the engine and during the trial run be sure to observe all safety precautions (Job Card 05.00.01). © 50 056 1

© 0585

Job Card No.:

Hydraulic Governor Drive Inspection

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-27-10 1612

Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 1 of 11

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1806

S/BV 6/8 M 628

Servicing / Setting


For removing the injection pumps, it is necessary to remove the linkage between the pumps and to detach the linkage between pump and governor. After the pumps have been refitted , the linkage has to be checked and adjusted as necessary. After a governor has been remounted, the setting of the linkage between governor and pump has also to be checked and adjusted as necessary.

Standard tools Sealing compound Deutz DW 59 (Section 3.6), Sealing wax red, part No.: 0100 7740

Job Card: —


We recommend that these jobs be entrusted to a DEUTZ specialist, since otherwise the warranty will possibly be affected. Only in emergency may this work be carried out by machine-room personnel. In that case, a DEUTZ specialist should be called in at the next opportunity to check and seal the control linkage.

Job Stop engine and observe safety precautions (Job Card 05.00.01).

Removing the Linkage When Removing Injection Pumps Remove linkage covers,. Remove covers at points A21 and A24 (Fig. 1).

© 24 914 1

Fig. 1 © 0484

Job Card No.:


Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 2 of 11


S/BV 6/8 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1806

Unscrew chees-head screws (60) — Fig. 2 -. Remove gaskets (64). Push covers (59) and bellows (29) towards the middle of links (55). Then undo cheese-head screws (62) and scrap. Remove flat irons (63). Slacken eccentrics (61) and carefully lift links out of the injection pumps.

© 24 924 1

Fig. 2 After undoing the fastening screw A5 (Fig. 1) of the link C1, the injection pumps can be taken down.

© 1084

Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 3 of 11


0178-29-10 1806

Filing No.:

S/BV 6/8 M 628


When Removing Governor Unscrew fastening bolt (*) — Fig. 3), remove link C3 and take down governor.

© 24 925 1

Fig. 3 Refitting the Linkage For following operations, see also Fig. 1. Checking Linkage Settings 1.

Before refitting links C1and C3, check pertaining distance dimensions. They must be as follows:

© 0593

Link C1


310 mm, see Fig. 3

Link C3


86 mm, see Fig. 3

Job Card No.:


Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 4 of 11


S/BV 6/8 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1806

Synchronizing the Injection Pumps 2.

Detach link C1 at point A5 (*) — Fig. 4 -.

© 24 926 1

Fig. 4 3.

Fully screw in stop screw (*) at point A 13 — Fig. 5 -. Record screw setting (**) where linkage is adjusted repeatedly.

© 24 927 1

Fig. 5 4.

Release screw (*) — Fig. 6 — to remove lever on starting fuel allowance stop, point A17.

© 24 928 1

Fig. 6 © 1283

Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 5 of 11

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1806

S/BV 6/8 M 628

© 24 929 1

Fig. 7 5.

Use tools (*) — Fig. 7 — to pull control rods of all injection pumps against the gauges (**) contacting check stops (***) at points A18 and A19. Leave tools (*) mounted for the time being.


Setting the Linkage Mount the linkage in the reverse order as described for «Removing the Linkage when Removing Injection Pumps», but do not yet tighten the new cheese-head screws (***) — Fig. 8 -. First of all, turn the eccentric (**) at the left hand end of the link (*) (pointA21) to the middle position, i.e., with the slit in the eccentric horizontal. Insert new cheese-head screws (***) and tighten according to specification, see «Specification Data», Section 3.5, line 60.

© 0484

Job Card No.:


Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 6 of 11


S/BV 6/8 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1806

© 24 973 3

Fig. 8 Then, at the right-hand end of the link (*) (point A24), adjust the length of the link by means of the eccentric (**) so that the control rods contact the check stops without pressure, with the gauges inserted (see Fig. 7). Insert new cheese-head screws according to tightening specification, see «Specification Data», Section 3.5, line 60. If the setting at the right-hand eccentric is insufficient , rectify at the left-hand eccentric. Having completed the setting, the cheese-head screws have to be lead-sealed.


Remove tools (Fig. 7). Move linkage in the direction «Stop» until one or more stop screws abut at points C12 and C13 (Fig. 9).

© 24 931 1

Fig. 9 © 0589

Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 7 of 11

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1806

S/BV 6/8 M 628

Then adjust distance between stop piston («Stop» position) at point A15 (Fig. 10) and shock absorber. Lock grooved nut (*).

© 24 932 1

Fig. 10 8.

Refit the tools (see under 5.) , then check whether, at operating position of the springloaded cylinder A15 (Fig. 11) and contact of the control rods at the check stops (points A18 and A19), there is a clearance of approx. 15 mm. Secure grooved nut (*) with Deutz DW 59 as specified.

© 24 933 1

Fig. 11

© 0583

Job Card No.:


Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 8 of 11


S/BV 6/8 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1806

Governor link 9. Turn governor output shaft to graduation 5 (midposition) — Fig. 12 -, then fasten lever C11 (*) on output shaft in roughly vertical position.

Governor output shaft

© 24 934 1

Fig. 12 10.

Turn governor to graduation (10) — Fig. 13 — and secure link C1 to point A5 (*). Adjust length of link at point C5 (**) to ensure freedom from internal stressing. Remove tool from all injection pumps (see Fig. 7).

© 24 935 1

Fig. 13

Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 9 of 11

Engine: Filing No.:


S/BV 6/8 M 628

0178-29-10 1806

Adjust linkage at points C8 (*) or C10 (**) Fig. 14 — so as to obtain the settings scheduled in table below. Then tighten all locknuts.

Graduation Governor

Injection Pump




— 2,5 to — 5


approx. 14

Section A — B © 24 937 1

Fig. 14 Typical setting


Injection Pump

© 24 936 1

© 0583

Job Card No.:


Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 10 of11


S/BV 6/8 M 628 12.

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1806

Set stop screw A13 so that load indicator on injection pump points to graduation (14) — Fig. 15.

© 24 938 1

Fig. 15 13.

Check that linkage abuts at stop screw (*) Fig. 16 — when pushed to maximum load (point A13). Upon completion of the setting, lead-seal the engine output (**).

© 24 939 1

Fig. 16 14.

After the engine has been put back to service and final load setting has been made, check that the governor scale gives the following readings: No load Full load

= =

graduation 2 graduation 8

Failing this, adjust linkage (points C8 or C10 under 11.).

© 0583

Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 11 of 11

Engine: Filing No.:


0178-29-10 1806

S/BV 6/8 M 628

Setting the starting fuel limit: While the engine is running at 11 bar b.m.e.p., pressurize air cylinder of fuel limit and adjust refitted lever so that there is contact at point (**) — Fig. 17 — . Tighten screw (*), depressurize air cylinder.

After finally completing the settings, refit the covers at points A21 and A24 — Fig. 1 -, together with new gaskets, if necessary. Remount the linkage covers.

© 24 940 1

Fig. 17

© 0595

Job Card No.:

Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-29-10 1806

Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 1 of 11

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1807

S/BV 9 M 628

Servicing / Setting


For removing the injection pumps, it is necessary to remove the linkage between the pumps and to detach the linkage between pump and governor. After the pumps have been refitted , the linkage has to be checked and adjusted as necessary. After a governor has been remounted, the setting of the linkage between governor and pump has also to be checked and adjusted as necessary.

Standard tools Sealing compound Deutz DW 59 (Section 3.6), Sealing wax red, part No.: 0100 7740

Job Card: —


We recommend that these jobs be entrusted to a DEUTZ specialist, since otherwise the warranty will possibly be affected. Only in emergency may this work be carried out by machine-room personnel. In that case, a DEUTZ specialist should be called in at the next opportunity to check and seal the control linkage.

Job Stop engine and observe safety precautions (Job Card 05.00.01).

Removing the Linkage When Removing Injection Pumps Remove linkage covers,. Remove covers at points A22, A23, A25 and A26 (Fig. 1).

© 24 912 1

Fig. 1 © 0484

Job Card No.:


Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 2 of 11


S/BV 9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1807

Unscrew cheese-head screws (60) — Fig. 2 -. Remove gaskets (64). Push covers (59) and bellows (29) towards the middle of links (55). Then undo cheese-head screws (62) and scrap. Remove flat irons (63). Slacken eccentrics (61) and carefully lift links out of the injection pumps.

© 24 924 1

Fig. 2 After undoing the fastening screw A5 (Fig. 1) of the link C1, the injection pumps can be taken down.

© 1084

Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 3 of 11


0178-29-10 1807

Filing No.:

S/BV 9 M 628


When Removing Governor Unscrew fastening bolt (*) — Fig. 3 -, remove link C3 and take down governor.

© 24 925 1

Fig. 3 Refitting the Linkage For following operations, see also Fig. 1. Checking Linkage Settings 1.

Before refitting links C1and C3, check pertaining distance dimensions. They must be as follows:

© 0583

Link C1


310 mm, see Fig. 3

Link C3


86 mm, see Fig. 3

Job Card No.:


Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 4 of 11


S/BV 9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1807

Synchronizing the Injection Pumps 2.

Detach link C1 at point A5 (*) — Fig. 4 -.

© 24 926 1

Fig. 4 3.

Fully screw in stop screw (*) at point A 13 — Fig. 5 -. Record screw setting (**) where linkage is adjusted repeatedly.

© 24 927 1

Fig. 5 4.

Release screw (*) — Fig. 6 — to remove lever on starting fuel allowance stop, point A17.

© 24 928 1

Fig. 6 © 0484

Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 5 of 11

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1807

S/BV 9 M 628

© 24 929 1

Fig. 7 5.

Use tools (*) — Fig. 7 — to pull control rods of all injection pumps against the gauges (**) contacting check stops (***) at points A18, A19 and A20. Leave tools (*) mounted for the time being.


Setting the Linkage Mount the linkage in the reverse order as described for «Removing the Linkage when Removing Injection Pumps», but do not yet tighten the new cheese-head screws (***) — Fig. 8 -. First of all, turn the eccentric (**) at the left hand end of the link (*) (points A22, A23) to the middle position, i.e., with the slit in the eccentric horizontal. Insert new cheese-head screws (***) and tighten according to specification, see «Specification Data», Section 3.5, line 60.

© 0484

Job Card No.:


Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 6 of 11


S/BV 9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1807

© 24 930 3

Fig. 8 Then, at the right-hand end of the link (*) (point A24), adjust the length of the link by means of the eccentric (**) so that the control rods contact the check stops without pressure, with the gauges inserted (see Fig. 7). Insert new cheese-head screws according to tightening specification, see «Specification Data», Section 3.5, line 60. If the setting at the right-hand eccentric is insufficient , rectify at the left-hand eccentric. Having completed the setting, the cheese-head screws have to be lead-sealed.


Remove tools (Fig. 7). Move linkage in the direction «Stop» until one or more stop screws abut at points C12, C13 and C14 (Fig. 9).

© 24 931 1

Fig. 9 © 0589

Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 7 of 11

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1807

S/BV 9 M 628

Then adjust distance between stop piston («Stop» position) at point A15 (Fig. 10) and shock absorber. Lock grooved nut (*).

© 24 932 1

Fig. 10 8.

Refit the tools (see under 5.) , then check whether, at operating position of the springloaded cylinder A15 (Fig. 11) and contact of the control rods at the check stops (points A18 A19 and A20), there is a clearance of approx. 15 mm. Secure grooved nut (*) with Deutz DW 59 as specified.

© 24 933 1

Fig. 11

© 0583

Job Card No.:


Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 8 of 11


S/BV 9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1807

Governor link 9. Turn governor output shaft to graduation 5 (midposition) — Fig. 12 -, then fasten lever C11 (*) on output shaft in roughly vertical position.

Governor output shaft

© 24 934 1

Fig. 12 10.

Turn governor to graduation (10) — Fig. 13 — and secure link C1 to point A5 (*). Adjust length of link at point C5 (**) to ensure freedom from internal stressing. Remove tool from all injection pumps (see Fig. 7).

© 24 935 1

Fig. 13

Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 8 of 11

Engine: Filing No.:


S/BV 9 M 628

0178-29-10 1807

Adjust linkage at points C8 (*) or C10 (**) — Fig. 14 — so as to obtain the settings scheduled in table below. Then tighten all locknuts.

Graduation Governor

Injection Pump




— 2,5 to — 5


approx. 14

Section A — B © 24 937 1

Fig. 14 Typical setting


Injection Pump

© 24 936 1

© 0583

Job Card No.:


Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 10 of 11


S/BV 9 M 628 12.

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1807

Set stop screw A13 so that load indicator on injection pump points to graduation (14) — Fig. 15.

© 24 938 1

Fig. 15 13.

Check that linkage abuts at stop screw (*) Fig. 16 — when pushed to maximum load (point A13). Upon completion of the setting, lead-seal the engine output (**).

© 24 939 1

Fig. 16 14.

After the engine has been put back to service and final load setting has been made, check that the governor scale gives the following readings: No load Full load

= =

graduation 2 graduation 8

Failing this, adjust linkage (points C8 or C10 under 11.).

© 0583

Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 11 of 11

Engine: Filing No.:


0178-29-10 1807

S/BV 9 M 628

Setting the starting fuel limit: While the engine is running at 11 bar b.m.e.p., pressurize air cylinder of fuel limit and adjust refitted lever so that there is contact at point (**) — Fig. 17 — . Tighten screw (*), depressurize air cylinder. After finally completing the settings, refit the covers at points A22, A25, A23 and A26 — Fig. 1 -, together with new gaskets, if necessary. Remount the linkage covers.

© 24 940 1

Fig. 17

© 0583

Job Card No.:

Regulateurs Europa Ltd. Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-29-10 1807

Woodward UG8D/UG8L Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 1 of 12

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1808

S/BV 6/8 M 628

Servicing / Setting


For removing the injection pumps, it is necessary to remove the linkage between the pumps and to detach the linkage between pump and governor. After the pumps have been refitted , the linkage has to be checked and adjusted as necessary. After a governor has been remounted, the setting of the linkage between governor and pump has also to be checked and adjusted as necessary.

Standard tools Sealing compound Deutz DW 59 (Section 3.6), Sealing wax red, part No.: 0100 7740

Job Card: —


We recommend that these jobs be entrusted to a Deutz specialist, since otherwise the warranty will possibly be affected. Only in emergency may this work be carried out by machine-room personnel. In that case, a DEUTZ specialist should be called in at the next opportunity to check and seal the control linkage.

Job: Stop engine and observe safety precautions (job 05.00.01).

Removing the Linkage When Removing Injection Pumps Remove linkage covers,. Remove covers at points A21 and A24 (Fig. 1).

© 24 914 1

Fig. 1 © 0484

Job Card No.:


Woodward UG8D/UG8L Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

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S/BV 6/8 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1808

Unscrew chees-head screws (60) — Fig. 2 -. Remove gaskets (64). Push covers (59) and bellows (29) towards the middle of links (55). Then undo cheese-head screws (62) and scrap. Remove flat irons (63). Slacken eccentrics (61) and carefully lift links out of the injection pumps.

© 24 924 1

Fig. 2 After undoing the fastening screw A5 (Fig. 1) of the link C1, the injection pumps can be taken down.

© 1084

Woodward UG8D/UG8L Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


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0178-29-10 1808

Filing No.:

S/BV 6/8 M 628


When Removing Governor Unscrew fastening bolt (*) — Fig. 3), remove link C3 and take down governor.

© 24 925 1

Fig. 3 Refitting the Linkage For following operations, see also Fig. 1. Checking Linkage Settings 1.

Before refitting links C1and C3, check pertaining distance dimensions. They must be as follows:

© 0583

Link C1


310 mm, see Fig. 3

Link C3


78 mm, see Fig. 3

Job Card No.:


Woodward UG8D/UG8L Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 4 of 12


S/BV 6/8 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1808

Synchronizing the Injection Pumps 2. Detach link C1 at point A5 (*) — Fig. 4 -.

© 24 926 1

Fig. 4 3.

Fully screw in stop screw (*) at point A 13 — Fig. 5 -. Record screw setting (**) where linkage is adjusted repeatedly.

© 24 927 1

Fig. 5 4.

Release screw (*) — Fig. 6 — to remove lever on starting fuel allowance stop, point A17.

© 24 928 1

Fig. 6 © 1283

Woodward UG8D/UG8L Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 5 of 12

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1808

S/BV 6/8 M 628

© 24 929 1

Fig. 7


Use tools (*) — Fig. 7 — to pull control rods of all injection pumps against the gauges (**) contacting check stops (***) at points A18 and A19. Leave tools (*) mounted for the time being.


Setting the Linkage Mount the linkage in the reverse order as described for «Removing the Linkage when Removing Injection Pumps», but do not yet tighten the new cheese-head screws (***) — Fig. 8 -. First of all, turn the eccentric (**) at the left hand end of the link (*) (pointA21) to the middle position, i.e., with the slit in the eccentric horizontal. Insert new cheese-head screws (***) and tighten according to specification, see «Specification Data», Section 3.5, line 60.

© 0484

Job Card No.:


Woodward UG8D/UG8L Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 6 of 12


S/BV 6/8 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1808

© 24 973 3

Fig. 8 Then, at the right-hand end of the link (*) (point A24), adjust the length of the link by means of the eccentric (**) so that the control rods contact the check stops without pressure, with the gauges inserted (see Fig. 7). Insert new cheese-head screws according to tightening specification, see «Specification Data», Section 3.5, line 60. If the setting at the right-hand eccentric is insufficient , rectify at the left-hand eccentric. Having completed the setting, the cheese-head screws have to be lead-sealed.


Remove tools (Fig. 7). Move linkage in the direction «Stop» until one or more stop screws abut at points C12 and C13 (Fig. 9).

© 24 931 1

Fig. 9 © 0589

Woodward UG8D/UG8L Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 7 of 12

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1808

S/BV 6/8 M 628

Then adjust distance between stop piston («Stop» position) at point A15 (Fig. 10) and shock absorber. Lock grooved nut (*).

© 24 932 1

Fig. 10 8.

Refit the tools (see under 5.) , then check whether, at operating position of the springloaded cylinder A15 (Fig. 11) and contact of the control rods at the check stops (points A18 and A19), there is a clearance of approx. 15 mm. Secure grooved nut (*) with Deutz DW 59 as specified.

© 24 933 1

Fig. 11

© 0583

Job Card No.:


Woodward UG8D/UG8L Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 8 of 12


S/BV 6/8 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1808

Governor link 9.

Governor UG8D (Fig. 12) Turn knob of LOAD LIMIT to scale graduation 10 and output shaft to midposition (arrow).

© 24 954 1

Fig. 12 Governor UG8L (Fig. 13) Turn output shaft to mid-position 5

© 24 955 1

Fig. 13 Thereafter proceed on both models as follows: Secure lever C11 (*) — Fig. 14 — to governor output shaft so that the lever is roughly vertical. Governor output shaft

© 24 958 1

Fig. 14

Woodward UG8D/UG8L Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 9 of 12

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1808

S/BV 6/8 M 628

© 24 950 1

Fig. 15 10.

Turn governor to graduation (10) — Fig. 15 — and secure link C1(Fig. 16) to point A5 (*). Adjust length of link (**) at point C5 to ensure freedom from internal stressing. Remove tool from all injection pumps (see Fig. 7).

© 24 959 1

Fig. 16

© 0583

Job Card No.:


Woodward UG8D/UG8L Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 10 of 12


S/BV 6/8 M 628 11.

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1808

Adjust linkage at points C8 (*) or C10 (**) — Fig. 17 — so as to obtain the settings scheduled in table at right. Then tighten all locknuts.

Graduation Governor

Injection Pump




— 2,5 to — 5


approx. 14

Section A — B © 24 937 1

Fig. 17 Typical setting


Injection Pump

© 24 936 1

© 0583

Woodward UG8D/UG8L Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 11 of 12


0178-29-10 1808

Filing No.:


S/BV 6/8 M 628

Set stop screw A13 so that load indicator on injection pump points to graduation (14) — Fig. 18.

© 24 938 1

Fig. 18 13.

Check that linkage abuts at stop screw (*) Fig. 19 — when pushed to maximum load (point A13). Upon completion of the setting, lead-seal the engine output (**).

© 24 939 1

Fig. 19 14.

After the engine has been put back to service and final load setting has been made, check that the governor scale gives the following readings: No load Full load

= =

graduation 2 graduation 8

Failing this, adjust linkage (points C8 or C10 under 11.).

© 0583

Job Card No.:


Woodward UG8D/UG8L Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 12 of 12


S/BV 6/8 M 628 15.

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1808

Setting the starting fuel limit: While the engine is running at 11 bar b.m.e.p., pressurize air cylinder of fuel limit and adjust refitted lever so that there is contact at point (**) — Fig. 20 — . Tighten screw (*), depressurize air cylinder. After finally completing the settings, refit the covers at points A21 and A24 — Fig. 1 -, together with new gaskets, if necessary. Remount the linkage covers.

© 24 940 1

Fig. 20

© 0583

Woodward UG8D/UG8L Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 1 of 12

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1809

S/BV 9 M 628

Servicing / Setting


For removing the injection pumps, it is necessary to remove the linkage between the pumps and to detach the linkage between pump and governor. After the pumps have been refitted , the linkage has to be checked and adjusted as necessary. After a governor has been remounted, the setting of the linkage between governor and pump has also to be checked and adjusted as necessary.

Standard tools Sealing compound Deutz DW 59 (Section 3.6), Sealing wax red, part No.: 0100 7740

Job Card: —


We recommend that these jobs be entrusted to a Deutz specialist, since otherwise the warranty will possibly be affected. Only in emergency may this work be carried out by machine-room personnel. In that case, a DEUTZ specialist should be called in at the next opportunity to check and seal the control linkage.

Job Stop engine and observe safety precautions (job 05.00.01).

Removing the Linkage When Removing Injection Pumps Remove linkage covers,. Remove covers at points A22, A23, A25 and A26 (Fig. 1).

© 24 912 1

Fig. 1 © 0484

Job Card No.:


Woodward UG8D/UG8L Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 2 of 12


S/BV 9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1809

Unscrew cheese-head screws (60) — Fig. 2 -. Remove gaskets (64). Push covers (59) and bellows (29) towards the middle of links (55). Then undo cheese-head screws (62) and scrap. Remove flat irons (63). Slacken eccentrics (61) and carefully lift links out of the injection pumps.

© 24 924 1

Fig. 2 After undoing the fastening screw A5 (Fig. 1) of the link C1, the injection pumps can be taken down.

© 1084

Woodward UG8D/UG8L Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 3 of 12


0178-29-10 1809

Filing No.:

S/BV 9 M 628


When Removing Governor Unscrew fastening bolt (*) — Fig. 3 -, remove link C3 and take down governor.

© 24 925 1

Fig. 3 Refitting the Linkage For following operations, see also Fig. 1. Checking Linkage Settings 1.

Before refitting links C1and C3, check pertaining distance dimensions. They must be as follows:

© 0583

Link C1


310 mm, see Fig. 3

Link C3


78 mm, see Fig. 3

Job Card No.:


Woodward UG8D/UG8L Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 4 of 12


S/BV 9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1809

Synchronizing the Injection Pumps 2.

Detach link C1 at point A5 (*) — Fig. 4 -.

© 24 926 1

Fig. 4 3.

Fully screw in stop screw (*) at point A 13 — Fig. 5 -. Record screw setting (**) where linkage is adjusted repeatedly.

© 24 927 1

Fig. 5 4.

Release screw (*) — Fig. 6 — to remove lever on starting fuel allowance stop, point A17.

© 24 928 1

Fig. 6 © 0484

Woodward UG8D/UG8L Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 5 of 12

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1809

S/BV 9 M 628

© 24 929 1

Fig. 7 5.

Use tools (*) — Fig. 7 — to pull control rods of all injection pumps against the gauges (**) contacting check stops (***) at points A18, A19 and A20. Leave tools (*) mounted for the time being.


Setting the Linkage Mount the linkage in the reverse order as described for «Removing the Linkage when Removing Injection Pumps», but do not yet tighten the new cheese-head screws (***) — Fig. 8 -. First of all, turn the eccentric (**) at the left hand end of the link (*) (points A22, A23) to the middle position, i.e., with the slit in the eccentric horizontal. Insert new cheese-head screws (***) and tighten according to specification, see «Specification Data», Section 3.5, line 60.

© 0484

Job Card No.:


Woodward UG8D/UG8L Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 6 of 12


S/BV 9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1809

© 24 930 3

Fig. 8 Then, at the right-hand ends of the links (*) (point A25, A26), adjust the length of the link by means of the eccentric (**) so that the control rods contact the check stops without pressure, with the gauges inserted (see Fig. 7). Insert new cheese-head screws according to tightening specification, see «Specification Data», Section 3.5, line 60. If the setting at the right-hand eccentric is insufficient , rectify at the left-hand eccentric. Having completed the setting, the cheese-head screws have to be lead-sealed.


Remove tools (Fig. 7). Move linkage in the direction «Stop» until one or more stop screws abut at points C12, and C13 (Fig. 9).

© 24 931 1

Fig. 9 © 0589

Woodward UG8D/UG8L Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 7 of 12

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1809

S/BV 9 M 628

Then adjust distance between stop piston («Stop» position) at point A15 (Fig. 10) and shock absorber. Lock grooved nut (*).

© 24 932 1

Fig. 10 8.

Refit the tools (see under 5.) , then check whether, at operating position of the springloaded cylinder A15 (Fig. 11) and contact of the control rods at the check stops (points A18 A19 and A20), there is a clearance of approx. 15 mm. Secure grooved nut (*) with Deutz DW 59 as specified.

© 24 933 1

Fig. 11

© 0583

Job Card No.:


Woodward UG8D/UG8L Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 8 of 12


S/BV 9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1809

Governor link 9.

Governor UG8D (Fig. 12) Turn knob of LOAD LIMIT to scale graduation 10 and output shaft to mid-position 5 (arrow).

© 24 954 1

Fig. 12 Governor UG8L (Fig. 13) Turn output shaft to mid-position 5.

© 24 955 1

Fig. 13 Thereafter proceed on both models as follows: Secure lever C11 (*) — Fig. 14 — to governor output shaft so that the lever is roughly vertical. Governor output shaft

© 24 958 1

Fig. 14

Woodward UG8D/UG8L Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 9 of 12

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1809

S/BV 9 M 628

© 24 950 1

Fig. 15 10.

Turn governor to scale graduation 10 — Fig. 15 — and secure link C1(Fig. 16) to point A5 (*). Adjust length of link (**) at point C5 to ensure freedom from internal stressing. Remove tool from all injection pumps (see Fig. 7).

© 24 959 1

Fig. 16

© 0595

Job Card No.:


Woodward UG8D/UG8L Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 10 of 12


S/BV 9 M 628 11.

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1809

Adjust linkage at points C8 (*) or C10 (**) — Fig. 17 — so as to obtain the settings scheduled in table at right. Then tighten all locknuts.

Graduation Governor

Injection Pump




— 2,5 to — 5


approx. 14

Section A — B © 24 937 1

Fig. 17 Typical setting


Injection Pump

© 24 952 1

© 1283

Woodward UG8D/UG8L Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 11 of 12


0178-29-10 1809

Filing No.:


S/BV 9 M 628

Set stop screw A13 so that load indicator on injection pump (Fig. 18) points to graduation 14.

© 24 938 1

Fig. 18 13.

Check that linkage abuts at top screw (*) — Fig. 19 — when pushed to maximum load (point A13). Upon completion of the setting, lead-seal the engine output (**).

© 24 939 1

Fig. 19 14.

After the engine has been put back to service and final load setting has been made, check that governor scale gives the following readings: No load


graduation 2

Full load


graduation 8

Failing this, adjust linkage (points C8 or C10 under 11.).

© 0595

Job Card No.:


Woodward UG8D/UG8L Hydraulic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 12 of 12


S/BV 9 M 628 15.

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1809

Setting the starting fuel limit: While the engine is running at 11 bar b.m.e.p., pressurize air cylinder of fuel limit and adjust refitted lever so that there is contact at point (**) — Fig. 20 — . Tighten screw (*), depressurize air cylinder. After finally completing the settings, refit the covers at points A22, A25, A23 and A26 — Fig. 1 -, together with new gaskets, if necessary. Remount the linkage covers.

© 24 940 1

Fig. 20

© 1283

Barber-Colman plus 8 Electronic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 1 of 12

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1810

S/BV 6/8 M 628

Servicing / Setting


For removing the injection pumps, it is necessary to remove the linkage between the pumps and to detach the linkage between pump and governor. After the pumps have been refitted , the linkage has to be checked and adjusted as necessary. After a governor has been remounted, the setting of the linkage between governor and pump has also to be checked and adjusted as necessary.

Standard tools Sealing compound Deutz DW 59 (Section 3.6), Sealing wax red, part No.: 0100 7740

Job Card: —


We recommend that these jobs be entrusted to a DEUTZ specialist, since otherwise the warranty will possibly be affected. Only in emergency may this work be carried out by machine-room personnel. In that case, a DEUTZ specialist should be called in at the next opportunity to check and seal the control linkage.

Job Stop engine and observe safety precautions (job 05.00.01).

Removing the Linkage When Removing Injection Pumps Remove linkage covers,. Remove covers at points A21 and A24 (Fig. 1).

© 24 914 1

Fig. 1 © 0484

Job Card No.:


Barber-Colman plus 8 Electronic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 2 of 12


S/BV 6/8 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1810

Unscrew chees-head screws (60) — Fig. 2 -. Remove gaskets (64). Push covers (59) and bellows (29) towards the middle of link (55). Then undo cheese-head screws (62) and scrap. Remove flat irons (63). Slacken eccentrics (61) and carefully lift links out of the injection pumps.

© 24 924 1

Fig. 2 After undoing the fastening screw A5 (Fig. 1) of the link C1, the injection pumps can be taken down.

© 1084

Barber-Colman plus 8 Electronic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 3 of 12


0178-29-10 1810

Filing No.:

S/BV 6/8 M 628


When Removing Governor Unscrew fastening bolt (*) — Fig. 3 -, remove link C3 and take down governor.

© 24 925 1

Fig. 3 Refitting the Linkage For following operations, see also Fig. 1. Checking Linkage Settings 1.

Before refitting links C1and C3, check pertaining distance dimensions. They must be as follows:

© 1283

Link C1


310 mm, see Fig. 3

Link C3


78 mm, see Fig. 3

Job Card No.:


Barber-Colman plus 8 Electronic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 4 of 12


S/BV 6/8 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1810

Synchronizing the Injection Pumps 2. Detach link C1 at point A5 (*) — Fig. 4 -.

© 24 926 1

Fig. 4 3.

Fully screw in stop screw (*) at point A 13 — Fig. 5 -. Record screw setting (**) where linkage is adjusted repeatedly.

© 24 927 1

Fig. 5 4.

Release screw (*) — Fig. 6 — to remove lever on starting fuel allowance stop, point A17.

© 24 928 1

Fig. 6 © 1283

Barber-Colman plus 8 Electronic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


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Engine: Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1810

S/BV 6/8 M 628

© 24 929 1

Fig. 7 5.

Use tools (*) — Fig. 7 — to pull control rods of all injection pumps against the gauges (**) contacting check stops (***) at points A18 and A19. Leave tools (*) mounted for the time being.


Setting the Linkage Mount the linkage in the reverse order as described for «Removing the Linkage when Removing Injection Pumps», but do not yet tighten the new cheese-head screws (***) — Fig. 8 -. First of all, turn the eccentric (**) at the left hand end of the link (*) (pointA21) to the middle position, i.e., with the slit in the eccentric horizontal. Insert new cheese-head screws (***) and tighten according to specification, see «Specification Data», Section 3.5, line 60.

© 0484

Job Card No.:


Barber-Colman plus 8 Electronic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 6 of 12


S/BV 6/8 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1810

© 24 973 3

Fig. 8 Then, at the right-hand end of the link (*) (point A24), adjust the length of the link by means of the eccentric (**) so that the control rods contact the check stops without pressure, with the gauges inserted (see Fig. 7). Insert new cheese-head screws (***) and tighten according to specification, see «Specification Data», Section 3.5, line 60. If the setting at the right-hand eccentric is insufficient , rectify at the left-hand eccentric. Having completed the setting, the cheese-head screws have to be lead-sealed.


Remove tools (Fig. 7). Move linkage in the direction «Stop» until one or more stop screws abut at points C12 and C13 (Fig. 9).

© 24 931 1

Fig. 9 © 0491

Barber-Colman plus 8 Electronic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 7 of 12

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1810

S/BV 6/8 M 628

Then adjust distance between stop piston («Stop» position) at point A15 (Fig. 10) and shock absorber. Lock grooved nut (*).

© 24 932 1

Fig. 10 8.

Refit the tools (see under 5.) , then check whether, at operating position of the springloaded cylinder A15 (Fig. 11) and contact of the control rods at the check stops (points A18 and A19), there is a clearance of approx. 15 mm. Secure grooved nut (*) with Deutz DW 59 as specified.

© 24 933 1

Fig. 11

© 0695

Job Card No.:


Barber-Colman plus 8 Electronic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 8 of 12


S/BV 6/8 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1810

Actuator Link 9.

Secure lever C11 (*) (Fig. 12) to actuator so that the lever is roughly vertical when the actuator shaft (Fig. 13) is in mid-position. (Shaft rotation is max. 45°.) Governor output shaft

© 24 958 1

Fig. 12 Mark vertical lever position on external free shaft end (**)




Inc l

fue Middle position

© 24 949 1

Fig. 13

Job Card No.:

Barber-Colman plus 8 Electronic Governor Linkage Setting


Page 9 of 12

Engine: Filing No.:

With governing linkage removed, the actuator shaft will always be in «Stop»position. Turn shaft to maximum fuel (Fig. 14).

x. f u





S/BV 6/8 M 628

0178-29-10 1810

© 24 953 1

Fig. 14 Then secure linkage C1 (Fig. 15) to point A5 (*) and adjust length of link at point C5 (**) to ensure freedom from internal stressing. Remove tools from all injection pumps (see Fig. 7).

© 24 959 1

Fig. 15

© 0695

Job Card No.:


Barber-Colman plus 8 Electronic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 10 of 12


S/BV 6/8 M 628 11.

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1810

Adjust linkage at points C8 (*) or C10 (**) — Fig. 17 — so as to obtain the settings scheduled in table below. Then tighten all locknuts.

Graduation Actuator 9° from Stop

Injection Pump 0

Stop limit position

— 2,5 to — 5

34° from Stop

approx. 14

Section A — B © 24 937 1

Fig. 16 Typical setting


Injection Pump

© 24 951 1

Fig. 17 © 0199

Barber-Colman plus 8 Electronic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 11 of 12

Engine: Filing No.:


0178-29-10 1810

S/BV 6/8 M 628

Set stop screw A13 so that load indicator on injection pump points to graduation (14) — Fig. 17.

© 24 938 1


Check that linkage abuts at stop screw (*) Fig. 18 — when pushed to maximum load (point A13). Upon completion of the setting, lead-seal the engine output (**).

© 24 939 1

Fig. 18

© 1283

Job Card No.:


Barber-Colman plus 8 Electronic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 12 of 12


S/BV 6/8 M 628 14.

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1810

After the engine has been put back to service and final load setting has been made, check that the governor scale gives the following readings: No load Full load

= =

9° rotation 34° rotation

measured from Stop position

Failing this, adjust linkage (points C8 or C10 under 11.).


Setting the starting fuel limit: While the engine is running at 11 bar b.m.e.p., pressurize air cylinder of fuel limit and adjust refitted lever so that there is contact at point (**) — Fig. 19 — . Tighten screw (*), depressurize air cylinder.

After finally completing the settings, refit the covers at points A21 and A24 — Fig. 1 -, together with new gaskets, if necessary. Remount the linkage covers.

© 24 940 1

Fig. 19

Barber-Colman plus 8 Electronic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 1 of 12

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1811

S/BV 9 M 628

Servicing / Setting


For removing the injection pumps, it is necessary to remove the linkage between the pumps and to detach the linkage between pump and governor. After the pumps have been refitted , the linkage has to be checked and adjusted as necessary. After a governor has been remounted, the setting of the linkage between governor and pump has also to be checked and adjusted as necessary.

Standard tools Sealing compound Deutz DW 59 (Section 3.6), Sealing wax red, part No.: 0100 7740

Job Card: —


We recommend that these jobs be entrusted to a DEUTZ specialist, since otherwise the warranty will possibly be affected. Only in emergency may this work be carried out by machine-room personnel. In that case, a DEUTZ specialist should be called in at the next opportunity to check and seal the control linkage.

Job: Stop engine and observe safety precautions (job 05.00.01).

Removing the Linkage When Removing Injection Pumps Remove linkage covers,. Remove covers at points A21 and A24 (Fig. 1).

© 24 912 1

Fig. 1 © 0484

Job Card No.:


Barber-Colman plus 8 Electronic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 2 of 12


S/BV 9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1811

Unscrew chees-head screws (60) — Fig. 2 -. Remove gaskets (64). Push covers (59) and bellows (29) towards the middle of link (55). Then undo cheese-head screws (62) and scrap. Remove flat irons (63). Slacken eccentrics (61) and carefully lift links out of the injection pumps.

© 24 924 1

Fig. 2 After undoing the fastening screw A5 (Fig. 1) of the link C1, the injection pumps can be taken down.

© 1084

Barber-Colman plus 8 Electronic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 3 of 12


0178-29-10 1811

Filing No.:

S/BV 9 M 628


When Removing Governor Unscrew fastening bolt (*) — Fig. 3 -, remove link C3 and take down governor.

© 24 925 1

Fig. 3 Refitting the Linkage For following operations, see also Fig. 1. Checking Linkage Settings 1.

Before refitting links C1and C3, check pertaining distance dimensions. They must be as follows:

© 1283

Link C1


310 mm, see Fig. 3

Link C3


78 mm, see Fig. 3

Job Card No.:


Barber-Colman plus 8 Electronic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 4 of 12


S/BV 9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1811

Synchronizing the Injection Pumps 2.

Detach link C1 at point A5 (*) — Fig. 4 -.

© 24 926 1

Fig. 4 3.

Fully screw in stop screw (*) at point A 13 — Fig. 5 -. Record screw setting (**) where linkage is adjusted repeatedly.

© 24 927 1

Fig. 5 4.

Release screw (*) — Fig. 6 — to remove lever on starting fuel allowance stop, point A17.

© 24 928 1

Fig. 6 © 1283

Barber-Colman plus 8 Electronic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 5 of 12

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1811

S/BV 9 M 628

© 24 929 1

Fig. 7


Use tools (*) — Fig. 7 — to pull control rods of all injection pumps against the gauges (**) contacting check stops (***) at points A18, A19 and A20. Leave tools (*) mounted for the time being.


Setting the Linkage Mount the linkage in the reverse order as described for «Removing the Linkage when Removing Injection Pumps», but do not yet tighten the new cheese-head screws (***) — Fig. 8 -. First of all, turn the eccentric (**) at the left hand end of the link (*) (points A22, A23) to the middle position, i.e., with the slit in the eccentric horizontal. Insert new cheese-head screws (***) and tighten according to specification, see «Specification Data», Section 3.5, line 60.

© 0484

Job Card No.:


Barber-Colman plus 8 Electronic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 6 of 12


S/BV 9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1811

© 24 930 3

Fig. 8 Then, at the right-hand end of the link (*) (points A25, A26), adjust the length of the link by means of the eccentric (**) so that the control rods contact the check stops without pressure, with the gauges inserted (see Fig. 7). Insert new cheese-head screws (***) and tighten according to specification, see «Specification Data», Section 3.5, line 60. If the setting at the right-hand eccentric is insufficient , rectify at the left-hand eccentric. Having completed the setting, the cheese-head screws have to be lead-sealed.


Remove tools (Fig. 7). Move linkage in the direction «Stop» until one or more stop screws abut at points C12, C13 and C14 (Fig. 9).

© 24 931 1

Fig. 9 © 0491

Barber-Colman plus 8 Electronic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 7 of 12

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1811

S/BV 9 M 628

Then adjust distance between stop piston («Stop» position) at point A15 (Fig. 10) and shock absorber. Lock grooved nut (*).

© 24 932 1

Fig. 10 8.

Refit the tools (see under 5.) , then check whether, at operating position of the springloaded cylinder A15 (Fig. 11) and contact of the control rods at the check stops (points A18, A19 and A20), there is a clearance of approx. 15 mm. Secure grooved nut (*) with Deutz DW 59 as specified.

© 24 933 1

Fig. 11

© 1283

Job Card No.:


Barber-Colman plus 8 Electronic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 8 of 12


S/BV 9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1811

Actuator Link 9.

Secure lever C11 (*) (Fig. 12) to actuator so that the lever is roughly vertical when the actuator shaft (Fig. 13) is in mid-position. (Shaft rotation is max. 45°.) Governor output shaft

© 24 958 1

Fig. 12 Mark vertical lever position on external free shaft end (**)




Inc l

fue Middle position

© 24 949 1

Fig. 13

Job Card No.:

Barber-Colman plus 8 Electronic Governor Linkage Setting


Page 9 of 12

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BV 9 M 628

With governing linkage removed, the actuator shaft will always be in «Stop»position. Turn shaft to maximum fuel (Fig. 14).

x. f u





0178-29-10 1811

© 24 953 1

Fig. 14 Then secure linkage C1 (Fig. 15) to point A5 (*) and adjust length of link at point C5 (**) to ensure freedom from internal stressing. Remove tools from all injection pumps (see Fig. 7).

© 24 959 1

Fig. 15

© 1283

Job Card No.:


Barber-Colman plus 8 Electronic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 10 of 12


S/BV 9 M 628 11.

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1811

Adjust linkage at points C8 (*) or C10 (**) — Fig. 17 — so as to obtain the settings scheduled in table at right. Then tighten all locknuts.

Graduation Actuator 9° from Stop

Injection Pump 0

Stop limit position

— 2,5 to — 5

34° from Stop

approx. 14

Section A — B © 24 937 1

Fig. 16 Typical setting


Injection Pump

© 24 951 1

© 1283

Barber-Colman plus 8 Electronic Governor Linkage Setting

Job Card No.:


Page 11 of 12

Engine: Filing No.:


0178-29-10 1811

S/BV 9 M 628

Set stop screw A13 so that load indicator on injection pump points to graduation (14) — Fig. 17.

© 24 938 1

Fig. 17 13.

Check that linkage abuts at stop screw (*) Fig. 18 — when pushed to maximum load (point A13). Upon completion of the setting, lead-seal the engine output (**).

© 24 939 1

Fig. 18

© 1283

Job Card No.:


Barber-Colman plus 8 Electronic Governor Linkage Setting

Page 12 of 12


S/BV 9 M 628 14.

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 1811

After the engine has been put back to service and final load setting has been made, check that the governor scale gives the following readings: No load Full load

= =

9° rotation 34° rotation

measured from Stop position

Failing this, adjust linkage (points C8 or C10 under 11.).


Setting the starting fuel limit: While the engine is running at 11 bar b.m.e.p., pressurize air cylinder of fuel limit and adjust refitted lever so that there is contact at point (**) — Fig. 19 — . Tighten screw (*), depressurize air cylinder. After finally completing the settings, refit the covers at points A22, A25, A23 and A26 — Fig. 1 -, together with new gaskets, if necessary. Remount the linkage covers.

© 24 940 1

Fig. 19

Job Card No.:

Control Linkage


Page 1 of 5

Engine: Filing No.::

0178-29-10 2004


S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


Check function of the telescopic pieces; check link bearings for wear.

Proper condition of the link bearings and of the telescopic pieces is essential for problemfree operation of the engines. This calls for regular inspection and servicing of the telescopes — by greasing — and of the link bearings by checking the degree of wear.

Standard tools Locking compound, Deutz DW 57 and 60 (Section 3.6) Lubricating compound, Deutz S2 (Section 3.6) Sealing compound, Deutz DW 48 (Section 3.6)

Job Cards: —

05.00.01 05.04.14

We strongly recommend having these jobs carried out by our Service Organization. However, should it be necessary for the control linkage to be serviced by the engine operator, it is essential that it be checked and lead-sealed by our Service Organization at the next earliest opportunity.

Inspecting Link Bearings Remove linkage covers between speed governor and injection pumps. Move link rods C1 (Fig. 1) and C3 to and fro. If play is found to exist, the link heads are worn and must be replaced (see «Reconditioning»). Similarly check the play of the link bearings in the bearing block (2) by moving the two levers (5) up and down and to and fro. If necessary, renew the link bearings

© 50 114 1

Fig. 1 © 0199


Job Card No.:


Control Linkage

Page 2 of 5


S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 2004

Inspecting Telescopic Piece C1(Fig. 1) Undo fitted hex. bolt (*) — Fig. 2 -. At the other end of the link, release locking plate and screw out fitted hex. bolt. Take link rod out of forked lever, compress by hand, and release. The resistance thereby occurring should result solely from the compression spring inside the telescopic piece (1) — Fig. 1 -. The link rod should then return to its original position. If not, the telescopic piece must be reconditioned. Reassembly is in the reverse order, the fitted hex. bolt (*) — Fig. 2 — then being inserted with locking compound Deutz DW 57. The sliding surface of the link ends (**) must be absolutely free of locking compound. At the other end of the link rod, secure the fitted hex. bolt with a new locking plate.

© 50 069 1

Fig. 2

Telescopic piece

Reconditioning Renewing Heads of Links C3 — Fig. 1 Release locking plates of the two fitted hex. bolts (*) — Fig. 3 — and remove the bolts. Take link rod C3 out of the forks.

© 50 071 1

Fig. 3

Linkrod © 0199

Control Linkage

Job Card No.:


Page 3 of 5

Engine: Filing No.::

0178-29-10 2004

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Loosen hex. nuts (13) and (15) — Fig. 4 — and turn out link heads (10) and (16). Parts (10) and (13) have left-hand threads. Clean all parts in diesel fuel. Fit new heads and reassemble link rods in the reverse order. Check and set linkage as per job card 05.04.14. Remount as described under «Inspecting Telescopic Pieces». Lead-seal hex. nuts (13) and (15).

© 50 072 1

Fig. 4

Heads of links

Renewing Heads of Link C2 — Fig. 1 Dismantling procedure is analogous to that described under «Inspecting Telescopic Pieces». Loosen hex. nuts (13) — Fig. 5 — and (15) and turn out link heads (10) and (16). Parts (10) and (13) have left-hand threads Clean all parts in diesel fuel. Fit new link heads, check and set linkage as per job card 05.04.14. Refitting procedure is analogous to that described under «Inspecting Telescopic Pieces». Lead-seal hex. nuts (13) and (15). © 50 075 1

Fig. 5

© 0199

Heads of the telescopic piece

Job Card No.:


Control Linkage

Page 4 of 5


S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-29-10 2004

Renewing Link Bearings of Bearing Block (2) Fig. 1 Release link rods C1 and C3 — Fig. 6 — at the levers (5), as described under ”Renewing Link Heads”. Unlock hex. bolts (7) and remove. Take off levers (5) and Woodruff keys (6). Remove Allen-head screws (43), take off bearing block. Carefully drive out shaft (44) with brass drift and remove link bearings (3). Clean all parts in diesel fuel and rub dry with a non-fraying cloth. First, push one link bearing onto shaft (44) as far as the stop, after having applied a film of locking compound DW 57 to the seat of the inner ring and to the seat of the outer ring. The sliding surfaces of the links must be absolutely free of locking compound. Push shaft with link bearing into bearing block. Then fit the second link bearing in similar manner, provided with Deutz DW 57, and push on as far as the stop. When the locking compound has hardened, check shaft for ease of movement. Position the two levers (5) together with the Woodruff keys (6) and push on to butt against the link bearings (3), free of axial play. Screw in hex. bolts (7), tighten and lock with locking plates. Fasten link rods C1 and C3 to levers (5) as described under ”Renewing Link Heads”.

© 50 077 1

Fig. 6

Link bearings of bearing block

© 0199

Control Linkage

Job Card No.:


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Engine: Filing No.::

0178-29-10 2004

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

© 50 073 1

Fig. 7

Reconditioning of the telescopic pieces

Reconditioning Telescopic Pieces Dismantle link rod C1 — Fig. 1 — as described under ”Inspecting Telescopic Piece”. Loosen hex. nuts (15) — Fig. 7 — and remove link heads (16) and (10), the latter together with turnbuckle (14). Carefully screw off union nut (4), which is under pressure of compression spring (9) inside the telescope. Take out connecting piece (7) and compression spring (9). Clean all parts in diesel fuel and check for wear and corrosion, renewing any damaged parts. When re-assembling the telescopic piece (1), fit a new packing ring (6) — wetted completely on the outside with Deutz DW 48 — in the union nut (4). Apply a coating of Deutz S2 to the sliding surfaces between telescopic piece (1) and connection piece (7). Completely coat thread of telescopic piece with Deutz DW 60 for receiving union nut (4). Now insert compression spring (9). Fit union nut over connecting piece (7), screw onto telescopic piece (1), and tighten. Mount the link heads in reverse order as for removal. Check function of telescopic piece as described under ”Inspecting Telescopic Piece”. Check and set the linkage as per Job Card 05.04.14. Lead-seal hex. nuts (15). Mount linkage as described under ”Inspecting Telescopic Piece”. Upon completion of the work, check control linkage in mounted condition for proper operation.

© 0199

Job Card No.:

Control Linkage

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-29-10 2004

Job Card No.:

Exhaust Manifold


Page 1 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BV 6 M 628

0178-41-10 1998



When the cylinder head is due for servicing (job 01.08.01), inspect the manifold for leaks and contamination inside, see also job card 06.01.03. If heavy deposits of soot are inside, remove and clean manifold.

Standard tools Lubricating compound «Deutz S1» (Section 3.6) Brush

Job Cards: —

01.08.01 06.01.03

Job: Check manifold for leaks. Leaks due to cracks or slack bolting are usually indicated by black discolouring or carbon black/soot deposits at the ventilation slots of the legging. Remove part of legging involved for sealing/tightening up leaks and replacing gaskets, expansion joints or manifold sections. Check that all bolts are tight. Where the entire legging has been removed, be sure to refit all cover plates, especially the strip covering the ventilation slot at the top. Failing this, operating media (fuel or oil) may find ingress into the legging, e. g. from leaks of adjacent piping. If the entire exhaust manifold has been removed, it is necessary when re-assembling to observe correct allocation of individual cylinders to the manifold sections, as shown in Fig. 2 and 3. When refitting expansion compensators, observe the direction of flow. The bead-over of the inner pipe and the wide overlap of the flange must be on the flow approach side (see Fig. 1). When reassembling the exhaust manifold, be sure to use the right, partly heat-resistant bolts and nuts, as listed in the spare parts book.

Installed length

© 25 252 1

Fig. 1 © 0885

Job Card No.:


Exhaust Manifold

Page 2 of 3


S/BV 6 M 628

0178-41-10 1998

Filing No.:



© 50 119 1

«KGS» = Free end «KS»

= Driving end


Laid length


88 +1 -4


88 +1 -6

Fig. 3

© 0885

Exhaust Manifold

Job Card No.:


Page 3 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-41-10 1998

S/BV 6 M 628

© 50 043 0

Fig. 4 Mount fillers at the end of the exhaust manifold sections as per Fig. 4. The marking groove is always situated opposite to the exhaust inlet of the upper cross pipe of the Tshaped exhaust bend, as shown. Boltings of the exhaust gas system which are subject to thermal stress loads have to be coated with protective lubricating compound ”Deutz S1” to facilitate later dismantling. To do this, clean boltings thoroughly, then apply thin coat of compound using brush, or, if available, a spray can.

© 0885

Job Card No.:

Exhaust Manifold

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-41-10 1998

Job Card No.:

Exhaust Manifold


Page 1 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-41-10 1986

S/BV 8 M 628



When the cylinder head is due for servicing (job 01.08.01), inspect the manifold for leaks and contamination inside, see also job 06.01.03. If heavy deposits of soot are inside, remove and clean manifold.

Standard tools Lubrificating compound „Deutz S1“ (Section 3.6) Brush

Job Cards: —

Job: Check manifold for leaks. Leaks due to cracks or slack bolting are usually indicated by black discolouring or carbon black/soot deposits at the ventilation slots of the legging. Remove part of legging involved for sealing/tightening up leaks and replacing gaskets, expansion joints or manifold sections. Check that all bolts are tight.

01.08.01 06.01.03

Where the entire legging has been removed, be sure to refit all cover plates, especially the strip covering the ventilation slot at the top. Failing this, operating media (fuel or oil) may find ingress into the legging, e. g. from leaks of adjacent piping. If the entire exhaust manifold has been removed, it is necessary when reassembling to observe correct allocation of individual cylinders to the manifold sections, as shown in Fig. 2 and 3. When refitting expansion compensators, observe the direction of flow. The bead-over of the inner pipe and the wide overlap of the flange must be on the flow approach side (see Fig. 1). When reassembling the exhaust manifold, be sure to use the right, partly heat-resistant bolts and nuts, as listed in the spare parts book.

Installed length

© 25 252 1

Fig. 1 © 0885

Job Card No.:


Exhaust Manifold

Page 2 of 3


S/BV 8 M 628

0178-41-10 1986

Filing No.:

View X



© 50 035 1

Fig. 2 «KGS»


Free end



Driving end


Laid length


88 +1


88 +1 -4


68 +1 -6


68 +1 -2

Fig. 3

© 0885

Exhaust Manifold

Job Card No.:


Page 3 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-41-10 1986

S/BV 8 M 628

© 50 043 1

Fig. 4 Mount fillers at the ends of the exhaust manifold sections as per Fig. 4. The marking groove is always situated opposite to the exhaust inlet of the upper cross pipe of the Tshaped exhaust bend, as shown. Boltings of the exhaust gas system which are subject to thermal stress loads have to be coated with protective lubricating compound ”Deutz S1” to facilitate later dismantling. To do this, clean boltings thoroughly, then apply thin coat of compound using brush, or, if available, a spray can.

© 0885

Job Card No.:


Exhaust Manifold

Page 4 of 3


S/BV 8 M 628

Filing No.:

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0178-41-10 1986

Job Card No.:

Exhaust Manifold


Page 1 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-41-10 1999

S/BV 9 M 628



When the cylinder head is due for servicing (Job Card 01.08.01), inspect the manifold for leaks and contamination inside, see also Job Card 06.01.03. If heavy deposits of soot are inside, remove and clean manifold.

Standard tools „Deutz S1“ compound (Section 3.6) Brush

Job Cards: —

01.08.01 06.01.03

Job: Check manifold for leaks. Leaks due to cracks or slack bolting are usually indicated by black discolouring or carbon black/soot deposits at the venting slots of the legging. For replacement of gaskets, expansion joints or manifold sections, only the associated partial lagging need be removed. Check that all fastening bolts are tight. Where the entire legging has been removed, be sure to refit all cover plates, especially the strip covering the ventilation slot at the top. Failing this, operating media (fuel or oil) may find ingress into the legging, e. g. from leaks of adjacent piping. If the entire exhaust manifold has been removed, it is necessary when re-assembling to observe correct allocation of individual cylinders relative to the exhaust lines, as shown in Fig. 2 and 3. When refitting expansion compensators, observe the direction of flow. The bead-over of the inner pipe and the wide overlap of the flange must be on the flow approach side (see Fig. 1). When re-assembling the exhaust manifold, be sure to use the right, partly heat-resistant bolts and nuts, as listed in the spare parts book.

Installed length

© 25 252 1

Fig. 1 © 0885

Job Card No.:


Exhaust Manifold

Page 2 of 3


S/BV 9 M 628

0178-41-10 1999

Filing No.:

View X



© 25 600 1

Fig. 2


Laid length


88 +1


88 +1 -4


68 +1 -6


68 +1 -2

Fig. 3

© 0885

Exhaust Manifold

Job Card No.:


Page 3 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-41-10 1999

S/BV 9 M 628

© 50 043 1

Fig. 3 Mount fillers at the ends of the exhaust manifold sections as per Fig. 4. The marking groove is always situated opposite to the exhaust inlet of the upper cross pipe of the Tshaped exhaust bend, as shown. Bolting subjected to thermal stressing are to be treated with Deutz S1 compound to facilitate dismantling work. To do this, clean boltings thoroughly, then apply thin coat of compound using brush, or, if available, by a spraying can.

© 0885

Job Card No.:


Exhaust Manifold

Page 4 of 3


S/BV 9 M 628

Filing No.:

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0178-41-10 1999

Job Card No.:

Exhaust Elbow

06.01.03 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-41-297 6504



Check exhaust elbow inside for corrosion damage.

Flashlight Special tool — Ultrasonic tester (see Section 1.8.1)

Initially after 24000 running hours Thereafter every 12000 running hours

Job ● Illuminate elbow inside using flashlight. If corrosion damage (1) is visible inside of elbow, measure wall thickness with an ultrasonic tester. DEUTZ Service will be at your disposal for such purpose. If the wall thickness is < 3 mm, the exhaust elbow must be renewed; otherwise coolant leakage may occur which again may result in water shock.

© 50 647 0

© 0199

Job Card No.:

Exhaust Elbow

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-41-297 6504

Charge Air System

Job Card No.:

06.02.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-87-10 1133

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Inspection When a piston is overhauled, inspect charge air piping inside and clean as necessary.

Tools: —

Standard tools „Deutz F5“ (Section 3.6)

If the water detector in the charge air pipe gives an alarm check charge air cooler (2) for leaks.

© 50 402 0

Fig. 1

Job: Remove covers (3) and (4). For removal of the latter loosen bolts (5) and tilt cover. Inspect pipe inside. When cleaning the pipe, be sure no dirt or detergents will find ingress into the cylinder head inlet. Refit cover (3) with new gasket (6) and cover (4) with O-seal (7). If seal (7) is defective, replace. Install seal with a coat of Deutz F5 compound.

© 50 403 0

Fig. 2 Check that bolts securing charge air cooler to brakket and bolts (8) securing charge air pipe to cylinder heads are tight.

© 50 404 0

Fig. 3 © 0595

Job Card No.:

Charge Air System

06.02.01 Engine:

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Filing No.:

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Job Card No.:

Intake Air Cleaner (Plastics)



Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

178-87-10 1134


Tools: —

This job card refers only to ”Fibroid-elastov 30” filtering mats produced by Delbag. The cleaner consists of two or three segments.

Detergents: —

If removal of a filtering mat from one of the segments during engine service causes the air pressure to rise, service entire air cleaner. It is recommendable always to keep one set of mats in reserve, enabling it to be cleaned while the engine is running.

Standard tools

The detergent chosen should suit the particular type of soiling. A typical detergent should be a mixture of 200g of Henkel P3-T308 with 20 litres of water, the temperature being approx. 50°C. or a detergent of the same quality from a different company.

Job Stop engine. Open clips (1) of one segment and remove one mat (2). Put mat in a vessel filled with detergent and let soak for a few minutes. Wash mat and rinse in fresh water. Let mat drip off and dry. Reinstall mat (2) and tighten clips (1). Never squeeze or fold mats! Insert dry filter mat (2) back into the filter segment and tighten clips (1). Use can also be made of expendable plastics-type Freudenberg Viledon PSB 1290 filter mats, which are temperature-resistant up to approx. 70°C. Being only of 15 mm thickness, two layers of mats must be installed in one segment.

© 51 311 0

© 0595

Job Card No.:

Intake Air Cleaner (Plastics) Servicing

Engine: Filing No.:

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178-87-10 1134

Job Card No.:

Charge Air Cooler Removal / Refitment

06.04.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-58-10 1136

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628



Removing the Cooler Close shut-off valves in water feed and discharge piping. Open drain cock. Disconnect water piping. Retain charge air pipe (1) plus control unit and support to prevent turning sideways. Retain cooler (2) by hoist. Unscrew (6) bolts (7) and remove pipe (5). Unscrew bolts (9) and remove cooler (2).

Standard tools Hoist

Refitting the Cooler Inspect gasket (8) and (10) and replace if defective. Cooler refitment is made in the reverse order. Connect feed and discharge piping as well as breather pipe. Fill up system with a newly prepared coolant (see Section 6.4).

© 51 405 0

Fig. 1 © 0595

Job Card No.:

Charge Air Cooler Removal / Refitment

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-58-10 1136

Job Card No.:

Charge Air Cooler


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

0178-58-10 6509


Cleaning Charge Air Cooler Air Side Engine-Mounted

At the intervals given in the maintenance chart of the Operation Manual, or when the differential pressure at full load has risen through 100 %, the cooler air side is due for cleaning. If time and cost reasons forbid removal of the charge air cooler, air side cleaning of the engine-mounted cooler is possible by pumping-through with detergent.

Standard tools Flashlight Liquid pump Suction strainer with filter screen Shut-off valve PVC hose — NW 8, Approx. 2,5 m length — NW 30, approx. 5 m length Special tools (Section 1.8.1) — for cleaning engine-mounted cooler

Aids: —

Vessel, min. caoacity 50 lit. Detergent — P3T 768 — P3T — 5308 — ACC 9 — Vecom B85 — or similar agent

Job: ● Remove sliding pieces (3/10) and socket flanges (2/4/9) together with gaskets (1/5/8) between charge air pipe and air cooling. ● Remove screw plug (6) together with seal (7).

© 50 683 1

Fig. 1

Removing components

Fig. 2

Mounting special tools

Fit the following parts from the special tools kit: ● Fit cover (1/3) — with pipe elbow — in place of the socket flange. ● Connect pipe (2).

© 50 684 1

© 0199

Job Card No.:


Charge Air Cooler

Page 2 of 2


S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-58-10 6509

● Connect hose, 30 mm dia. (1), to pipe elbow ”water inlet end”. Connect other hose end to delivery side of liquid pump (7). Connect hose pipe with suction strainer (6) to suction side of liquid pump. ● Connect hose, 30 mm dia. (4), to pipe elbow ”water outlet end”. ● Install shut-off valve (3) between ”water out-

let” and end of hose. ● Connect bleed hose, 8 mm dia. (2), to pipe. ● Connect hose to drain valve (5). ● Secure all hose connections by means of hose clips. ● Get vessel in position and fill with fresh water. ● Take hose ends and suction strainer into vessel. ● Close shut-off valve. ● Switch on liquid pump and top up fresh water until fresh water emerges at the bleed hose. ● Open drain valve (5) so far that just a little

© 50 685 1

Fig. 3

Making hose connections

fresh water emerges. ● Open shut-off valve so far that just a little fresh water still emerges at the bleed hose. ● Slowly fill detergent into the vessel with fresh water, while pumping detergent through the cooler. Heating the detergent solution (to approx. 50° C) will improve the cleaning effect. — For this purpose, switch on the engine coolant pre-heating system, if so equip ped. — Eventualmente riscaldare il liquido detergente con un riscaldatore ad immersione o simile — Repeat cleaning process using fresh deter gent solution, if necessary. © 50 690 1

● Switch off liquid pump. ● Drain detergent solution after about one hour and a half and empty cooler completely. Dispose of detergent solution in an ecologically harmless manner. ● Fill vessel again with fresh water and proceed in the same manner as for cleaning, to flush cooler thoroughly. ● Remove hose lines and cover. ● Check all seals for wear and replace as necessary. ● Fit back screw plug, cover, socket flanges and sliding pieces.

Fig. 4

Cleaning process

© 0199

Job Card No.:

Charge Air Cooler

06.04.02 Engine:

F iling No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-58-10 6510

Cleaning Charge Air Cooler Air Side Cooler Removed

Tools: —

Standard tools


At the intervals given in the maintenance chart of the Operation Manual, or when the differential pressure at full load has risen through 100%, the cooler air side is due for cleaning.

Vessel for charge air cooler Cleaning brush of natural or sythetic bristles Detergent, e.g.: P3T 768 P3T — 5308 ACC 9 Vecom B85 or similar agent

Job Card: —


Job: ● Remove charge air cooler from engine, Job Card 06.04.01.


● Remove covers (1), (5).


● Check gaskets (2), (4) for wear and renew as necessary.


● Apply detergent, observing supplier’s instructions. ● Fill detergent into vessel.


● Put cooler core (3) into vessel.

5 © 50 686 0

Fig. 1

Removing covers

Fig. 2

Cleaning cooler air side

● Soften the cake of dirt.

The softening time is dependent on the extent of soiling. ● Clean cooler core with brush. Take care not to damage the fins! ● Clean finned tubes on inside with tube brush if necessary. ● Flush cooler core clean with fresh water. ● Fit gaskets and covers back in place on cooler core. ● Reassemble charge air cooler on engine, Job Card 06.04.02.

© 0193

© 50 678 0

Job Card No.:

Charge Air Cooler

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-58-10 6510

Turbocharger Servicing

Job Card No.:

06.05.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-43-10 1936

S/BVM 628

Servicing ● For lube oil type, viscosity, oil changing intervals, see Section 6.1 and ABB operating instructions. ● For lube oil quantity and oil changing procedure, see ABB operating instructions.

Drain lube oil into a container using a hair sieve, or if unavailable, using a clean, non-linting cloth. If any abraded metal should be found in the sieve or cloth, it is advisable to clean the lube oil spaces (1) and bearings (2) as specified in ABB operating instructions.

© 25 460 1

© 1299

Job Card No.:

Turbocharger Servicing

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-43-10 1936

Job Card No.:

Turbocharger Servicing

06.06.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-43-10 1923

Servicing and Reconditioning

Job Card: —

● Observe safety precautions (job 05.00.01). ● Perform service work on scavenging nozzles (job 06.13.02). ● Carry out work according to ABB instructions or have carried out by ABB Service.

© 0884


Job Card No.:

Turbocharger Servicing

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-43-10 1923

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Job Card No.:

Turbocharger Servicing

06.12.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-43-10 1937



Cleaning of the charger at full load.

Clean fresh water VTR 201/214, 0,3 ltrs. VTR 251/254, 0,5 ltrs.

To prevent a loss in power due to contamination of the charger unit, clean charger during operation — at full load or at least 60% load by injecting clean water into the charger. In this process the water does not serve as a solvent. The dirt build-up is removed by the striking droplets.

Job: ● Loosen turning handle (3) and remove cover (2) with gasket. ● Fill housing (4) with the respective amount of water. ● Refit gasket with cover and fasten turning handle (3). ● Press-in knob (5). Make sure that the whole amount of water is injected from the housing within 4 to 10 seconds.


A success of the cleaning action is indicated either by a raise of the charge air pressure or by a drop of the exhaust gas temperatures.


Wait for min. 10 minutes before repeating the cleaning procedure. ● Wait for at least 5 minutes before running engine under full load.


© 51 313 0

© 1199

Job Card No.:

Turbocharger Servicing

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-43-10 1937

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Job Card No.:

Turbocharger Turbine


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-43-10 2008

Servicing Cleaning the turbine during running of the engine on blended or heavy fuel. Periodic scavenging of the turbine with fresh water prevents the formation of heavy carbon deposits on the turbine blading, and hence excessive engine exhaust temperature, plus increased turbocharger bearing loads due to unbalance. Special attention is therefore to be given to the following servicing instructions.

Tools: —

Standard tools Hose 1/2″

Detergent: —

Fresh water

Job: 1. Reduce engine power until an exhaust gas temperature of 250 — 370°C after cylinder is obtained. 2. To avoid water collecting in the turbine outlet housing, open drain pipe (4) by screwing off cap nut (5), and check that this pipe is free (exhaust gas must emerge). If necessary, push a thick wire through the deposits. Wear gloves as protection against hot exhaust gases. 3. Connect hose (3) between turbine scavenging feed pipe and water pipe and turn on pressure. 4. Slowly open scavenging nozzles (1). Should, directly after release of water supply, no water and/or steam come out of drain pipe (4), stop scavenging at once and check that drain pipe is free and that water passes to the scavenging nozzles. Failing this, water level in turbine housing will rise and reach the bearings, resulting in possible damage. 5. Scavenging time: 5 — max. 10 minutes. 6. Close scavenging nozzles. 7. Disconnect hose (3) at turbine scavenging feed pipe.

© 25 405 2

© 0885

Job Card No.:


Turbocharger Turbine

Page 2 of 2


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-43-10 2008

Be sure to disconnect hose (3) after each scavenging operation, so that water cannot run into the exhaust piping during non-scavenging periods.

8. When no more water or steam comes out of drain pipe (4), close same with cap nut (5). 9. Raise engine load slowly and, where possible, run engine for at least 10 minutes under load in order to prevent possible corrosion. Depending on the quality of cleaning, the interval between scavenging operations can be lengthened or shortened accordingly.

© 0885

Job Card No.:

Scavenging Nozzles

06.13.02 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-43-10 1921



Remove and service the scavenging nozzles (1) (Fig. 1) on turbine side of the exhaust turbocharger.

Standard tools Fine grinding paste Deutz S1compound (Section 3.6)

Job Disconnect water piping from nozzles. Scavenging Nozzle (Fig. 1) Unscrew scavenging nozzle from turbocharger. After taking down hand wheel (1), unscrew hex. nut (2) and spindle nut (3), and remove spindle (5) from casing (4). Clean all components and renew worn items. Grind spindle (5) in nozzle (6) and its top seat in spindle nut (3). Do not damage wall of nozzle (6). Renew joint washers. Apply Deutz S1 compound to spindle thread. Reassemble in the reverse order. Before screwing nozzle into turbocharger, apply Deutz S1 compound to thread.

© 25 051 0

Fig. 1 © 1084

Job Card No.:

Scavenging Nozzles

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-43-10 1921

Job Card No.:

Turbocharger Scavenging Nozzles

06.13.03 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-43-10 2009



Prior to commissioning new engines, and following extensive work on the fresh-water system, it is necessary to measure the quantity of scavenging water at the scavenging nozzles of each turbocharger, correcting as required.

Standard tools Measuring vessel

Either one or two scavenging nozzles may be provided.

Job Undo feed pipe (6) — Fig. 1 — of scavenging nozzle (8) so that the latter can be removed from the turbocharger. Then refit the nozzle to the feed pipe and turn so that the nozzle can spray into a measuring vessel. If necessary, undo pipe clips.

Do not bend scavenging feed pipe.

Connect scavenging feed pipe to fresh-water system. Open scavenging nozzles. Allow some water to run out before beginning to measure. The following approximate quantities in kg/min. per turbocharger should be measured:


VTR 201 VTR 214 VTR 251 VTR 254

Scavenging water quantity ca. 9,0 kg/min. ca. 12,0 kg/min. ca. 14,5 kg/min. ca. 17,0 kg/min.

Should these scavenging water quantities not be attained, find out the cause and remedy accordingly.

© 50 079 1

Fig. 1 © 1199

Job Card No.:

Turbocharger Scavenging Nozzles

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-43-10 2009

Precautions when Working on Fuel System

Job Card No.:

07.00.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-17-10 2050

S/BVM 628

When working on the fuel system, the following safety and environment protection precautions are to be observed: ● Pay particular attention to cleanliness. ● Do not open any pressurized components, e.g. injection lines, etc. ● When carrying out injector tests, do not allow the hands to come into contact with the fuel jet. ● Catch any dripping fuel in a receptacle and dispose of with care for environment. ● Dispose replaced filter cartridges with care for the environment. ● Any work on the fuel injection pumps and on the control linkages between speed governor and injector pumps is permissible in emergency cases only and must be checked at the next earliest opportunity by a Deutz specialist, who will carry out any necessary resettings.

© 1186

Job Card No.:

Precautions when Working on Fuel System

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-17-10 2050

Job Card No.:

Injection Pump Locking Control Rod Inspection


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-17-10 1947


Job Card:

Check injection pump control rod for movement.


Located in the injection pump top are the individual plug-in elements, the plungers of which are driven by the injection pump camshaft via roller follower tappets. Positive plunger/tappet contact is ensured by a spring. The control rod 310 — Fig. 1 — is fitted with a lug (3) which engages with the control pin (21) of the pump element and thus transmits the governor action to the plunger provided with a helical control edge.

Job Checking the Control Rod for Free Movement Observe safety precautions as per Job Card No. 05.00.01. Proceed by moving the rod by hand with the engine stopped and the engine control lever in the ”Run” position. If provided, actuate shutdown button on speed governor and press the control linkage between governor and injection pumps in the direction ”Max. fuel”. Resistance should be offered by the governor only. Should lack of free movement be found, remove cover (1) and press the control linkage again. If all of the control pins (21) move uniformly to and fro, check the control linkage between governor and injection pump, as per Job Card 07.02.03. If a plunger sticks, renew the pump element (Job Card 07.02.01).

© 25 533 1

Fig. 1 © 1284

Job Card No.:


Injection Pump Locking Control Rod Inspection

Page 2 of 2


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-17-10 1947

Locking out Pump Element (actuate lock) ● Engine Running — Press knurled nut (9) — Fig. 2 — against spring pressure until pin (2) is positioned under roller tappet bush (3). —

Turn knurled nut until the arrow points up wards. The lock is now engaged and holds the roller tappet bush in TDC position.

● Engine Stationary — One person must turn the engine by hand. — At the same time, a second person presses the relevant knurled nut (9) — Fig. 2 — against spring pressure until pin (2) is positioned un der roller tappet bush (3). — Stop turning the engine. — Turn knurled nut until arrow points upwards. The lock is now engaged and holds the roller tappet bush in TDC position.

Putting an Element back into Service (open lock) ● Engine Running Turn knurled nut (9) until arrow points down wards. By spring pressure, pin (2) is moved away from under roller tappet bush (3). ● Engine Stationary One person must turn the engine by hand. At the same time, a second person turns the relevant knurled nut (9) until the arrow points downwards. By spring pressure, pin (2) is moved away from under roller tappet bush (3).

© 25 534 1

Fig. 2

© 1284

Job Card No.:

Injection Pump Element Removal / Refitment


Page 1 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-17-10 1953

Should it become necessary to renew a pump element, a basic setting for the idle stroke and for constant delivery has to be carried out prior to installation. Observe strict cleanliness. Use non-fraying rags for cleaning.

Job Cards: —

05.00.01 07.00.01 07.02.02 07.02.04 07.02.05 07.03.01

Tools: —

Standard tools Assembly device (Section 1.8), Parker-O-Lube compound

Job Removal Observe safety precautions as per Job Card 05.00.01 and 07.00.01. Disconnect injection lines (Job Card 07.03.01). Remove injection pump cover (1) — Fig. 1. Removing the Delivery Valve Turn engine by hand until the plunger of the relevant pump element is at bottom and the tappet roller rests on the cam base circle. Remove screws (352) together with lockwashers. Remove clamping plate (307). Take down connector (296) and withdraw spring (45), insert (46), ring (295) and delivery valve (371). Clean all components in diesel fuel and make sure they are in good order.

© 25 543 1

Fig. 1 © 1284

Job Card No.:


Injection Pump Element Removal / Refitment

Page 2 of 3


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-17-10 1953

Removing the Element Removal is initially as described under ”Removing the Delivery Valve”. Then turn engine by hand until the plunger of the relevant pump element is in topmost position, i.e. with the tappet roller resting on the cam peak. Take out screws (303) — Fig. 2 — together with washers (348). Remove plate (298), locking strip (299) and bridge (301).

© 25 544 1

Fig. 2 Screw in pins (4) — Fig. 3 -, place on clamping plate (2) and tighten up with hex. nuts (6) fitted with washers (5). Now complete special tool with threaded piece (3), set screw (7) and nut (8). Turn set screw into plunger (9) and pull element out of injection pump by turning the nut. Take off clamping plate (2). Clean all components in diesel fuel. Renew O-seal (346) — Fig. 1.

Prior to Refitting a Pump Element Set the idle stroke (Job Card 07.02.02) Set constant delivery (Job Card 07.02.05) Refitting the Element Turn engine by hand until the plunger of the relevant pump element is at bottom, i.e. with the tappet roller resting on the cam base circle. Gauge new element seal as per Job Card 07.02.04. To facilitate installation, apply a film of Parker-O-Lube compound to the sealing surfaces of the pump element, the element seal and the O-seal (346) — Fig. 1.

© 25 545 1

Fig. 3

Mount clamping plate (2) and nut (8) as shown in Fig. 4 and carefully insert element into injection pump. Press element onto its seat by turning the nut. Fill space of element seal with grease. When inserting the pump element, make sure that the control pin (21) — Fig. 1 — engages in lug (3).

© 25 546 1

Fig. 4 © 1284

Injection Pump Element Removal / Refitment

Job Card No.:


Page 3 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-17-10 1953

S/BVM 628

Then complete assembly device with bush (7) — Fig. 5 — and fit element seal into position. Place on bush so that locking strip (299) — Fig. 2 — can engage in the cut-out during reassembly. Secure bridge (301) — Fig. 2 -, locking strip (299) and plate (298) by means of screws (303) complete with washers (348). Refitting the Delivery Valve Refitment is carried out in the reverse order as described for ”Removing the Delivery Valve”. Finally, tighten screws (352) — Fig. 1 — as prescribed (Section 3.5, item 11). A tightening torque exceeding that quoted is not permissible and will have no remedial effect for curing any leaks which may occur. Mount injection pump cover (1) — Fig. 1 — complete with gasket. Mount injection lines (Job Card 07.03.01).

© 1284

© 25 547 1

Fig. 5

Job Card No.:

Injection Pump Element Removal / Refitment

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-17-10 1953

Job Card No.:

Idle Stroke Setting


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-17-10 1955

Job Card:


Prior to installing a pump element, it is necessary to carry out a basic setting of the idle stroke.


Tools —

Standard tools Depth gauge

Job Turn engine by barring gear until the relevant tappet roller rests on the cam base circle. To facilitate gauging, insert a bush (b) — Fig. 1. Using depth gauge, measure dimension (a) and calculate dimension (t). t=a-b Now turn the engine until the tappet roller of the relevant pump element rests on the cam peak — Fig. 2. Mount retainer device (1). This retains the support (15). Turn engine further until the roller is again resting on the cam base circle.

© 25 548 1

Fig. 1 © 1284

Job Card No.:


Idle Stroke Setting

Page 2 of 2


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-17-10 1955

The depth dimension (t) of 156 mm — Fig. 1 — is now obtained by means of shim plates (12) of various thicknesses. This results in an idle stroke (X) — Fig. 3 — of 3,5 ± 0,1 mm.

© 25 549 1

Fig. 2 Max. tolerance +/- 0.5 mm for later firing pressure correction, in view of limited free distance between spring cap (41) and pump element (293).

Changing the thickness of the shim plate pack by 0.25 mm corresponds to a change in firing pressure of 3 — 4 bar.

© 25 550 1

Fig. 3

© 1284

Job Card No.:

Injection Pump Control Rod Removal / Refitment


Page 1 of 4

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-17-10 2054

Removal and reinstallation of the plungers require removal of the control rod. This can be done with the fuel injection pump mounted, otherwise remove injection pump as described on Job Card 07.04.01.

S/BV 6/8 M 628

Tools: —

Standard tools Deutz DW 59 locking compound (Section 3.6)

Job Cards: —

07.02.06 05.04.14

Job: Removing Control Rod of Pump No. 1 — Fig. 1 Remove control linkage C1 and connection rod (55) between the pumps No. 1 and No. 2 (Job Card 05.04.14). Remove cover (95) — Fig. 2 — and gasket (94). Then, take down cover (74) with gasket (72). Open lead-seal wire (205), unscrew hex. bolts (320) and carefully withdraw lever (316) from the two clamping bushes (319).

© 25 342 1

Fig. 1 © 1286

Job Card No.:


Injection Pump Control Rod Removal / Refitment

Page 2 of 4


S/BV 6/8 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-17-10 2054

Slacken hex. bolts (57) and lever (313) at the RH and LH sides of the control rod. Unscrew hex. bolts (62) and take down washer (61). Withdraw bush(es) (391) and bush (59), if any. Check pertaining shaft seal (60) and renew, if necessary. Pull out shaft(s) (390) complete with circlip (55), tube (326), washers (227, 228). Remove shaft (328), if any, complete with circlip (55), tube (326), washers (227, 228) and keys (54). Remove sleeves (327) and take out control rod (310) laterally from the injection pump housing. Make sure that no parts are left in the injection pump.

Clean all parts in diesel fuel and check for wear. Replace, if necessary.

© 25 344 2

Fig. 2 © 1286

Injection Pump Control Rod Removal / Refitment

Job Card No.:


Page 3 of 4

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-17-10 2054

S/BV 6/8 M 628

Refitting Control Rod of Pump No. 1 The installation of the control rod is carried out in the reverse order to removal. Introduce the rod into the pump case, seeing to it that the adjusting pins (21) engage in the forks (3) — Fig. 3-.

© 25 345 1

Fig. 3 When fitting the shafts, set clearance to 0,2 +02 mm Fig. 4 — with shims (227, 228). Lead-seal hex. bolts (320) — Fig. 2, if possible. Otherwise have the bolts lead-sealed at the nearest Deutz Service Station. Check the control rod for easy movement.

© 25 346 2

Fig. 4 © 1286

Job Card No.:


Injection Pump Control Rod Removal / Refitment

Page 4 of 4


S/BV 6/8 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-17-10 2054

Removing Control Rod of Pump No. 2 — Fig. 1 Remove connection rod (55) (job 05.04.14). Unscrew plug screw (64) — Fig. 2 — with sealing ring (206). Loosen and remove the cheese head screw (343) — Fig. 5 — underneath in the pump housing. Remove cover (277) and gasket (276). Take off the hex. nut (71) inside housing (345) with lock washer (106), and withdraw housing from the injection pump. Now proceed as described under “Removing Control Rod of Pump No. 1”.

Refitting Control Rod of Pump No. 2 2 The installation of the control rod is carried out in the reverse order to removal. Cheese head screw (343), however, is to be installed with Deutz DW 59 locking compound.

© 25 348 1

Fig. 5

© 1286

Job Card No.:

Injection Pump Control Rod Removal / Refitment


Page 1 of 4

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-17-10 2055

Removal and reinstallation of the plungers require removal of the control rod. This can be done with the fuel injection pump mounted, otherwise remove injection pump as described on Job Card 07.04.01.

S/BV 9 M 628

Tools: —

Standard tools Deutz DW 59 locking compound (Section 3.6)

Job Cards: —

07.02.06 05.04.14

Job: Removing Control Rod of Pump No. 1 — Fig. 1 Remove control linkage C1 and connection rod (55) between the pumps No. 1 and No. 2 (job 05.04.14). Remove cover (95) — Fig. 2 — and gasket (94). Then, take down cover (74) with gasket (72). Open lead-seal wire (205), unscrew hex. bolts (320) and carefully withdraw lever (316) from the two clamping bushes (319).

© 25 341 1

Fig. 1 © 1286

Job Card No.:


Injection Pump Control Rod Removal / Refitment

Page 2 of 4


S/BV 9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-17-10 2055

Slacken hex. bolts (57) and lever (313) at the RH and LH sides of the control rod. Unscrew hex. bolts (62) and take down washer (61). Withdraw bush(es) (391) and bush (59), if any. Check pertaining shaft seal (60) and renew, if necessary. Pull out shaft(s) (390) complete with circlip (55), tube (326), washers (227, 228). Remove shaft (328), if any, complete with circlip (55), tube (326), washers (227, 228) and keys (54). Remove sleeves (327) and take out control rod (310) laterally from the injection pump housing.

Make sure that no parts are left in the injection pump.

Clean all parts in diesel fuel and check for wear. Replace, if necessary.

© 25 344 2

Fig. 2 © 1286

Injection Pump Control Rod Removal / Refitment

Job Card No.:


Page 3 of 4

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-17-10 2055

S/BV 9 M 628

Refitting Control Rod of Pu mp No. 1 The installation of the control rod is carried out in the reverse order to removal. Introduce the rod into the pump case, seeing to it that the adjusting pins (21) engage in the forks (3) — Fig. 3).

© 25 345 1

Fig. 3 When fitting the shafts, set clearance to 0,2 +02 mm Fig. 4 — with shims (227, 228). Lead-seal hex. bolts (320) — Fig. 2, if possible. Otherwise have the bolts lead-sealed at the nearest Deutz Service Station. Check the control rod for easy movement.

© 25 346 2

Fig. 4 © 1286

Job Card No.:


Injection Pump Control Rod Removal / Refitment

Page 4 of 4


S/BV 9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-17-10 2055

Removing Control Rod of Pump No. 2 — Fig. 1 Remove connection rods (55) between the fuel injection pumps (job 05.04.14). Now proceed as described for pump No. 1.

Refitting Control Rod of Pump No. 2 Reinstallation is carried out as described for pump No. 1.

Removing Control Rod of Pump No. 3 — Fig. 1 Remove connection rod (55) (job 05.04.14). Unscrew plug screw (64) — Fig. 2 — with sealing ring (206). Loosen and remove the cheese head screw (343) Fig. 5 — underneath in the pump housing. Remove cover (277) and gasket (276). Take off the hex. nut (71) inside housing (345) with lock washer (106), and withdraw housing from the injection pump.

© 25 348 1

Fig. 5

Now proceed as described under “Removing Control Rod of Pump No. 1”.

Refitting Control Rod of Pump No. 3 The installation of the control rod is carried out in the reverse order to removal. Cheese head screw (343), however, is to be installed with Deutz DW 59 locking compound.

© 1286

Job Card No.:

Injection Pump Element Seal Reconditioning


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-17-10 2053


Tools —

Where leaks are discovered near ring (295) — Fig. 1, renew O-seal (392) — Fig. 2 — and supporting ring (393).

Standard tools Slide gauge Parker-O-Lube compound

Job Cards: —

If a pump element is to be renewed, renew also O-seal (392) and supporting ring (393) of the element sealing pack.

07. 00. 01 07 . 02 . 01

Job: Removing the Seal Remove pump element (Job Card 07.02.01). Remove element seal (34) — Fig. 1 — from barrel. Gauging the Installation Space f or the Element Seal ● Measure distance ”A” — Fig. 3 — between ring (295) and pump element (293). Assemble items (293, 295 and 296) and compress by hand. Ensure that there is contact between ring (295), screw union (296) and pump element (293). Thickness of seal pack = 13 mm — Fig. 2 The total thickness of the individual components is not measured; it is 13mm. ● Select shim (37) of such size that the total thickness of components (392, 393, 394 and 37) is 0 to 0.2mm shorter than distance ”A”.

© 25 551 1

Fig. 1 © 1286

Job Card No.:


Injection Pump Element Seal Reconditioning

Page 2 of 2


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-17-10 2053

Example (assuming A = 13.6 mm): hx = A — 13 hx = 13,8 — 13 hx = 0,8 mm When fitting a shim of 0.3 mm thickness, a clearance of 0.2 mm remains (0.8 — 0.6 = 0.2), which is within the tolerance of = to 0.2 mm. Refitting the Seal Install element (Job Card 07.02.01). Insert seal components as per Fig. 2. Make sure that the groove of supporting ring (393) is positioned on O-seal (392). Apply Parker-O-Lube on all components of the element seal pack to facilitate installation.

Fare attenzione alla posizione di installazione! Ensure correct position!

© 25 553 1

© 25 552 1

Fig. 2

Fig. 3 © 1286

Job Card No.:

Constant Delivery Setting

07.02.05 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-17-10 1960

Job Cards:


Prior to installing a new pump element, it is necessary to set the pump element for constant delivery.

05.00.01 11.01.05

Tools: —

Standard tools

Job Check thermocouples as per Job Card 11.01.05. Slacken locknut (13) — Fig. 1. By means of guide (16) — eccentric — adjust lug (3) so that it is positioned at an angle of 90° relative to the control rod. Tighten locknut. When subsequently checking at low idling, the cylinder related to the renewed element must fire reliably. This can be ascertained from the exhaust temperature, which should be about the same as that of the other cylinders. Refer also to the acceptance documents. If necessary, the injection quantity and thus the exhaust temperature must be corrected by turning the guide (16). Turn clockwise to reduce quantity Turn anti-clockwise to increase quantity We recommend having the injection pump checked at the next opportunity by a DEUTZ Service Station.

© 25 554 1

Fig. 1 © 1284

Job Card No.:

Constant Delivery Setting

Enfgine: Filing No.:

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0178-17-10 1960

Job Card No.:

Valve Tappet Removal / Refitment


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-17-10 1963

Job Cards:

If the tappet bush or roller has become defective, the entire tappet assembly (11) — Fig. 1 must be renewed.

07.02.01 07.02.03

Tools: —

Standard tools Spring assembly device

Job Removing the Tappet Remove pump element (293) (job 07.02.01) and control rod (310) (job 07.02.03). Turn engine by barring gear until roller of relevant tappet rests on cam peak. Insert assembly device Fig. 2 — in injection pump together with screw (3), washer (2) and slotted nut (4). Compress spring (31) by means of screw and hook spanner (1). Turn engine further until tappet roller rests on cam base circle. Remove spring assembly device from pump together with spring. Then remove support (15) and tappet (11). Clean all components in diesel fuel, inspect (renewing as necessary), and apply lube oil.

© 25 555 1

Fig. 1 © 1284

Job Card No.:


Valve Tappet Removal / Refitment

Page 2 of 2


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-17-10 1963

Replacing the Spring Push lower fork (7) — Fig. 3 — into tube (6) and place the spring in tube with device. Push upper fork (7) into tube and turn short screw (3) out of device. Now screw in the longer screw (5) — Fig. 3 — and compress the spring a little. Remove top fork and turn out longer screw. The spring is now unloaded. Spring loading is effected in the reverse order. Refitting the Tappet Refitment is effected in the reverse order to removal. Guide pin (17) — Fig. 2 — into groove of tappet.

© 25 556 0

Fig. 2

© 25 557 0

Fig. 3

© 1284

Firing Pressure and Exhaust Temperature Correcting

Job Card No.:

07.02.07 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-17-10 1961


Job Cards:

After setting the idle stroke and constant delivery, checking and correcting of the firing pressure and exhaust temperature becomes necessary.

07.00.01 07.02.02 07.02.05 11.01.05

Tools: —

Standard tools

Job Check thermocouples (job 11.01.05). Apply full load to engine as described in the acceptance documents. Compare firing pressure and exhaust temperature values quoted in documents with those of engine running under load. If necessary, correct exhaust temperatures as per Job Card 07.02.05, and firing pressures by changing the idle stroke as per Job Card 07.02.02. Changing the thickness of the shim pack by 0.25 mm corresponds to a change in firing pressure of 3-4 bar. A thicker shim pack gives a smaller idle stroke and thus a higher firing pressure, and vice versa. Following correction, recheck the values. We recommend having the injection pump checked at the next opportunity by a DEUTZ Service Station.

© 1284

Job Card No.:

Firing Pressure and Exhaust Temperature Correcting

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-17-10 1961

Job Card No.:

Removing and Refitting Injection Piping

07.03.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-21-10 1812

Mark piping by paint or labels with the associated cylinder No. before removal.

Job Cards: —

07.03.02 07.07.01

Tools: —

Standard tools Dog and socket wrench with tommy bar (Section 1.8)

Job: Removing the Piping — Fig. 1 Stop engine. Release bolt (7), unscrew bolts (12) and take down clip (10). Slacken union screw (1) through one or two turns, so the inner seal will not be damaged. Unscrew union nuts (2) (with dog wrench and tommy bar) and (3) (with open-end wrench), and remove pipe (4). Measure inside diameter of injection piping. If it is less than 3.0 mm, the injection piping must be reconditioned (see Job Card 07.03.03).

Refitting the Piping — Fig. 1 Before mounting the injection piping, check the clamping sleeves (14) — Fig. 2 — for firm seating by means of socket wrench (5) (lefthand thread!). nspect pipe and fittings for cleanliness. Attach pipe to connectors and screw union nuts (2) and then (3) by hand in place until pipe ends are seated, at least through five turns. Should it prove impossible to screw union nut (2) in place by hand, release injector. If this does not help, trace cause and eliminate. If necessary, realign pipe in cold condition or renew.

© 24 964 1

Fig. 1

Now tighten union nut (3) as per Section 3.5, item 31. Bleed pipe (see Job Card 07.03.02). Likewise, tighten nut (2). Slightly tighten union screw (1) and resecure injector, where applicable (Job Card 07.07.01). Now fasten pipe with bolt (12), lockwasher (13), plate (11) and clip (10) to retaining plate (6). Secure retaining plate by means of bolt (7), lockwasher (8) and washer (9). Be sure pipe is free of stress. If necessary, place shims at point I or remachine clip at point II.

© 24 965 1

Fig. 2 © 0199

Job Card No.:

Removing and Refitting Injection Piping

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-21-10 1812

Job Card No.:

Fuel System Bleeding

07.03.02 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-20-10 1847


Tools: —

Before using reconditioned (overhauled) or new injection pumps, or following fitment of fuel piping, filter or overflow valve, the entire fuel system must be filled up with fuel and bled.

Standard tools Claw grip spanner with tommy bar (Section 1.8)

Job Bleeding the Low Pressure System — Fig. 1 Stop engine. Place control rod of injection pump in full-load position. (Engine control lever in ”Run” position.) Open shut-off valve in fuel line to engine. Switch 3-way cock (7) at fuel filter to middle position and unscrewing screws (5). Remove cover (4). Open bleed screws (3) by 1 or 2 threads. With hand pump or standby feed pump prime system until fuel emerges free from bubbles at the bleed screws. Retighten bleed screws. Refit cover and secure by wing screws. Switch 3way cock to right or left position.

© 24 964 1

Fig. 1 Bleeding the High Pressure System — Fig. 2 Loosen union screw (1) by 1 to 2 turns, so that inner seal will not be damaged. Loosen union nut (2) also by 1 or 2 turns, using claw grip spanner and tommy bar. Afterwards, place control level several times briefly to ”Run” position until fuel emerges at the passage of the injection pipe through the cylinder head. Tighten injection pipe connection (see Section 3.5, item 31). Finally, lightly tighten union screw (1).

© 24 965 1

Fig.2 © 1184

Job Card No.:

Fuel System Bleeding

Engine: Filing No.:

This page intentionally left blank

0178-20-10 1847

Job Card No.:

Injection Piping Renewal

07.03.03 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-21-10 2057

Job Card:


If, due to frequent reassembly or excessive tightening, the end of the injection piping has been contracted, i.e. the inside diameter is less than 3.0mm, the piping must be renewed.


Tools: —

Standard tools Socket spanner with tommy bar (Section 1.8)

Job Remove injection piping (job 07.03.01). Screw off clamping sleeves (14) at both ends of the piping by means of socket spanner (5) — Fig. 1. Left-hand thread Withdraw union nuts (2 and 3) from piping — Fig. 2. Undo fully cap screw (1). Renew O-seals (15 and 16), as well as clamping sleeves (14). Assemble new injection piping in the reverse order with screwed union fittings and mount as described for job 07.03.01.

© 24 964 1

Fig. 1

© 24 965 1

Fig. 2 © 0199

Job Card No.:

Injection Piping Renewal

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-21-10 2057

Job Card No.:

Injection Pump Removal / Refitment


Page 1 of 8

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-18-10 2059

The described job sequence must be strictly adhered to and followed for each removal and refitment of injection pump.

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Tools: —

If an injection pump has to be disassembled for repair purposes it has to be brought to a DEUTZ- Service station and calibrated there — following its reassembly — to the same injection quantity and set to maximum fuel stop power. The accessory carrier with attachments will be removed and refitted together with the injection pump.

Standard tools Feeler Gauge Hoist Torque wrench (Section 1.8) 2 Dial gauges (Section 1.8.1)

Job Cards: —

Job: Before removing the injection pumps ● Observe safety regulations as per job card 02.00.01.

02.00.01 05.04.01 05.04.14 07.01.01 07.03.01 07.03.02 07.06.01

● Put all injection pump tappets out of operation by actuating the lifting devices (see job 07.01.01). ● Remove cover from pump drive. ● Remove all fuel and lube oil pipes. ● Remove injection lines (job 07.03.01). ● Remove governing linkage (job 05.04.14) as necessary. ● Remove hydraulic speed governor (job 05.04.01). or ● Remove electronic governor, undo cable connections. ● Remove lube oil pump for valve seat lubrication (job 07.06.01). ● Remove respective timing cover. ● Mark with scriber (18) position of injection pump drive gear (8) — Fig. 1 — relative to shaft section (19). ● Mark (11) position of shaft section (19) relative to shaft (14). ● Loosen bolts (1) and (8) — Fig. 2. ● Loosen cheese head fastening bolts (17) — Fig. 1 of drive gear until the injection pump drive shaft (14) can be turned by hand. The clamping connection must be unclamped but there must be no gap between the two shaft sections (19) and (15), i.e. they should have no play. © 50 287 1

Fig. 1 © 0988

Job Card No.:


Injection Pump Removal / Refitment

Page 2 of 8


S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-18-10 2059

Removing pumps P1, P2, or P3 — fig. 3 ● Unscrew the 4 fitted bolts (1) and (8) — Fig. 2. Remove coupling with washers (9) and (10), coupling disc (5) and bushes (2) and (3). Loosen cheese head bolts (7), remove washers (23) and shaft (14) — pump 1 or (24) pump 2 or 3 — paying attention to dowel sleeve (22).

© 50 288 1

Fig. 2 ● Retain injection pump — Fig. 3 — with hoist. Unscrew hex. bolts (13) and (20) and take out washers (21). Lift off pump from engine and place down carefully. When lifting off pump, pay attention to spacers (25) and parallel pin — between crankcase cover and injection pump. The spacers may be adhered or fastened with countersunk nails.

© 50 289 1

Fig. 3 We recommend to fasten glued-on spacers (25) Fig. 4 — with countersunk nails as well. For that purpose the respective crankcase covers have to be reworked as per Fig. 4. Use countersunk nails to DIN 1477-3 x 10-ST. When beating in the countersunk nails make sure that they do not protrude above the spacers, i.e. they must be completely countersunk. Check with bevelled steel straight edge.

© 50 290 1

Fig. 4 © 0988

Injection Pump Removal / Refitment

Job Card No.:


Page 3 of 8

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-18-10 2059

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Before refitting injection pumps ● Make sure that only genuine DEUTZ gaskets are fitted under crankcase covers — behind injection pumps — and spacers (25) — Fig. 3 — otherwise alignment errors may result.

Refitting pump 1 (6/8/9-cyl. engine) ● Fit shaft (14) — Fig. 2 — by locating it with dowel pin (22) and screw together with washers (23) and cheese head bolts (7) until hand-tight. If the injection pump retainer had been taken off, it should be suspended loosely above the shaft. If not, loosen the four hex. bolts (101) — Fig. 5 — before refitting the pump. ● Insert bushes (2) — Fig. 2 — into shaft (14) and thread fitted bolts (8) provided with bushes (3) through shaft (14). Connect washers (9), coupling disc (5) — recessed side facing towards drive end — and connecting plate (4) with fitted bolts and screw together until hand-tight. ● Make sure that spacers (25) are fitted — Fig. 3. Place injection pump with shaft onto parallel pin in crankcase cover and observe marks (11) — Fig. 5 -. Secure hex. bolts (20) provided with washers (21) hand-tight so that the injection pump rests against the crankcase without any clearance. If space is limited, it is also possible to screw shaft (14) together with the injection pump only when this is already loosely attached to the crankcase.

© 0988

© 50 291 1

Fig. 5

Job Card No.:


Injection Pump Removal / Refitment

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S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-18-10 2059

Axial alignment of shaft and assembly of coupling ● Check whether all tappets of injection pump are out of function (see job card 07.01.01). ● Move shaft to both end positions — drive end and free end — Fig. 6.

© 50 296 1

Fig. 6 ● Gauge in each end position — Fig. 7. Clearance = maximum dimension “C” minus minimum dimension “C”.

© 50 294 1

Fig. 7 ● Determine maximum dimensions “b”. Move shaft into right end position — free end — Fig. 8. ● Determine thickness of shims (10) — Fig. 6: max. dimensions “b” minus half clearance. Select appropriate shims. ● Insert fitted bolts (1) — Fig. 6 — and secure handtight alternately with fitted bolts (8).

© 50 295 1

Fig. 8 © 0988

Injection Pump Removal / Refitment

Job Card No.:


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Engine: Filing No.:

0178-18-10 2059

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Checking easy movement of shaft ● Turn shaft (14) — Fig. 9 — by hand at least one full revolution and check for easy movement.

Reassembling injection pump retainer ● Fasten retainer loosely, but without clearance, with hex. bolts (13) and (101).

© 50 292 1

Fig. 9 ● Check with feeler gauge 0.05mm between: retainer — crankcase, retainer — injection pump — Fig. 10.

© 50 293 1

Fig. 10

© 0988

Job Card No.:


Injection Pump Removal / Refitment

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S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-18-10 2059

Tightening drive shaft bolts ● Make sure that scriber marks on injection pump drive gear (8) — Fig. 1 — and shaft section (19) correspond. Tighten cheese head bolts (17), as specified (Section 3.5, line 16). ● Tighten fitted bolts (1) crosswise — Fig. 11 — and (8), as specified (Section 3.5, line 14). ● Tighten cheese head bolts (7) — Fig. 12 — as specified (Section 3.5, line 15).

© 50 297 1

Fig. 11 Checking alignment and radial runout tolerance ● Fasten dial gauge on shaft. Place feeler of dial gauge on fitted bolt head (1) at centre — Fig. 11. Do not confuse with fitted bolt (8)!

● Fasten dial gauge to crankcase. Position feeler of dial gauge at drive end of injection pump — Fig. 12.

© 50 393 1

Fig. 12 © 0988

Injection Pump Removal / Refitment

Job Card No.:


Page 7 of 8

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-18-10 2059

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

● Turn crankshaft in direction of engine rotation — depending on engine design — two complete revolutions, while recording intensity and direction of dial gauge deflection. Max. permissible dial gauge deflection: — Coupling disc +/- 0.03mm — Injection pump 0.05mm ● Should one of these values be exceeded this may be attributable to the following causes: ● On injection pump ● Deviation from radial run-out tolerance in shaft due to embedded dirt or damaged flange. ●

Deviation from radial or axial run-out tolerances, verifiable by component check of drive shaft Fig. 1, shaft — Fig. 2 — coupling disc, coupling flange at drive end, injection pump camshaft.

● On coupling disc ● Horizontal misalignment, for instance, due to incorrect gaskets behind crankcase covers or incorrect spacers (25) — Fig. 4, improperly countersunk nails (26). ●

Vertical misalignment. For elimination of this error, the weight of the injection pump must be supported by hoist. Make careful vertical re-alignment within bearing clearances. The centering pin in the crankcase is the fulcrum. Be careful not to apply great forces. Bending stresses acting on shafts may cause shaft fractures.

Be sure to adhere to specified tightening sequence. Tightening fastening bolts of injection pump retainer and injection pump ● Lock down hex. bolts (13) — Fig. 9 — until hand-tight. ● Lock down hex. bolts (101) until hand-tight. The hex. bolts must be fitted without any constraint, that means the hex. bolts and the retainer should have no contact within the through-holes; otherwise bores should be reworked. ● Tighten hex. bolts (13). ● Tighten hex. bolts (101) crosswise. ● Tighten hex. bolts (20) — Fig. 3 — as specified (Section 3.5, line 13).

Check after ref itment ● Check coupling disc once again for alignment as described before. The dial gauge deflections must correspond in respect of intensity and direction to the values measured before fastening the injection pump. Deviations of +/- 0.02mm are permissible if the upper limit of +/- 0.03mm is not exceeded. Larger deviations indicate straining of the shafting.

© 0988

Job Card No.:


Injection Pump Removal / Refitment

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S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-18-10 2059

● Check shaft (14) for easy movement. For this purpose loosen cheese head bolts (17) — Fig. 1 — as described under heading “Before removing injection pumps”. Make several crankshaft revolutions by hand and check for smooth and even running. Should one of these checks reveal any inadmissible discrepancy, the injection pump retainer and the pump have to be slackened by loosening the hex. bolts (13) and (101) — Fig. 5, as well as (20) — Fig. 3. ● Repeat refitment and checks as from “Preassembly of injection pump retainer”. If another deficiency is determined after the refitment, components should be checked as described before.

Refitting pump 2 (6/8/9-cyl. engine) — Fig. 3 ● If the coupling flange (6) — Fig. 2 — was removed, remount same to pump 1 by means of cheese head bolts (12), located by dowel pin (15). ● Tighten cheese head bolts (12) as specified (Section 3.5, line 15). ● Then proceed further as described under “Refitting pump 1”.

Refitting pump 3 (9-cyl. engine) — Fig. 3 ● Refitting should be done in a similar way as described under “Refitting pump 2”.

After refitting the injection pumps ● Turn shaft (14) — Fig. 1 — until scriber marks on drive gear (8) and shaft section (19) correspond. ● Lock down cheese head bolts (17) — observing scriber marks — as specified (Section 3.5, line 16). ● Put tappets into operation as per job card 07.01.01. ● Check commencement of delivery and fit lube oil pump for valve seat lubrication as per job card 07.06.01.

Depending on engine design ● Refit electronic governor, fasten cable connections or refit hydraulic governor as per job card 05.04.01. ● Refit timing cover. ● Refit governing linkage as per job card 05.04.14. ● Refit injection lines as per job card 07.03.01. ● Refit all fuel and lube oil pipes. ● Bleed fuel lines as per job card 07.03.02. ● Fasten cover of injection pump drive.

© 0988

Job Card No.:

Injection Pump Camshaft Removal / Refitment


Page 1 of 2

Filing No.: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-17-10 1156

Defective cams etc. will require the entire camshaft to be replaced.

Job: Remove injection pump from engine (job 07.04.01). Lock out all roller tappet bushes.

Job Card: —


Tools: —

Standard tools Dial gauge

Removing the Camshaft Injection Pump without Engine Auxiliaries Unscrew bolts (5 and 15), remove retainer (3) and pull out flanges (2 and 11). Remove circlips (9 and 13) and take down spacers (8 and 12). Pull out camshaft (7) toward either end of pump case (1).

© 50 129 1

Fig. 1

© 0586

Job Card No.:


Injection Pump Camshaft Removal / Refitment

Page 2 of 2


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-17-10 1156

Injection Pump with Engine Auxiliaries (fig. 2) Remove components at the end opposite the auxiliaries as described before. Detach casing 18 for auxiliaries by unscrewing bolts (17), circlip (25) and ring (25). Pull out camshaft toward either end of pump case. Refitting the Camshaft Clean all components in diesel fuel and replace any worn components. Clean oil sump of pump case. Injection Pump without Engine Auxiliaries Push camshaft (7) into pump case in lubricated condition. Fit spacer rings (8 and 12) as well as circlips (9 and 13). Gauging Camshaft End Float 1. With camshaft pushed in up to stop, gauge clearance «a» min. 2. With camshaft pulled out up to stop, gauge clearance «a» max. 3. Set «a» = a min + a max ± 0,2 2 at drive coupling. Clearance ‘a’ may be determined between any part connected to the camshaft and a fixed surface or edge on the engine. Install flanges (2 and 11) with new O-seals (6) and intact shaft seals (14), the flange drain hole being at the bottom. Fit retainer (3) and secure both flanges (2 and 11) with bolts (5 and 15) plus lockwashers (4 and 16). 2. Injection Pump with Engine Auxiliaries Inspect gear (22) for wear and pittings and replace if necessary. Tighten bolt (21) as specified (Section 3.5, item 12). Install camshaft (26) in pump case in lubricated condition. Continue assembling as before. Secure casing (18) for auxiliaries with new O-seal (23) by bolts (17). Check that camshaft moves freely and let down roller tappet bushes. Mount injection pump on engine (job 07.04.01).

© 50 130 1

Fig. 2 © 0586

Job Card No.:

Injection Timing


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-17-10 1157

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Injection Timing


(Setting the Commencement of Injection) Following any work on the injection pump drive, test the commencement of injection on the pump element for the No. 1 cylinder.

Adjusting the commencement of injection and hence the firing pressures is permissible only when the pressures depart from the Acceptance Certificate. Such fault may be due to excessive backlash of the injection pump drive gear, coupling out of adjustment, wear in the injection pump drive, excessive backlash of pump drive gear. An advancement of the commencement of injection raises the firing pressure and vice versa. Prior to any adjustment of the setting, check that injector, injection pipe and injection pump are in good shape and condition.

Standard tools Spill pipe Injector testing outfit (Section 1) Pipe from testing pump to fuel filter Torque wrench

Job Card: —


An adjustment as described hereafter ensures utmost accuracy since the measurement involved considers any wear both in the pump drive and the actual pump.

Job: Setting the Commencement of Injection at the Injection Pump Coupling Stop engine. Place control level in “run” position. Shut off fuel suction line between engine and fuel service tank and between overflow line and injection pump (1). Unscrew bleed plug on fuel filter (2). Fit banjo bolt with pipe (3) (see under “Tools”) to filter and connect pipe (3) to testing pump (4). Disconnect injection line (5) for No. 1 cylinder from injector, connect spill pipe (6) and place container (7) thereunder. Turn engine until roller tappet of No. 1 cylinder rests on the cam base circle. Operate testing outfit until fuel emerges in a vigorous jet. While pumping, slowly turn engine in the normal running direction. Once the fuel jet breaks, stop turning and pumping because at this point the commencement of injection is properly set according to the acceptance documents. Failing this, re-adjust (see page 2). If you continue pumping, this may result in damage to the fuel L.P. system. Measure distance “b” on the flywheel periphery from No. 1 cylinder TDC mark to the fixed arrow on the crankcase. Convert this value to degress crank angle and compare with the Acceptance Certificate.

© 51 406 0

Fig. 1 © 1283

Job Card No.:


Injection Timing

Page 2 of 2


S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-17-10 1157

Conversion to degrees crank angle „ α “ where „d“ = flywheel diameter(810 and 970 mm) α = 360 x b dxı The crank angle «α» thus found must roughly meet the Acceptance Certificate, the engine reaching full load. Following this, adjust the coupling, paying attention to the normal direction of rotation of the injection pump drive. To do so, unscrew plug (11) on cover (8) near the pump drive. Disconnect lines from oil pump (12) and take down pump with cover (12) after unscrewing bolts (13). Remove spring (14). Release screws (9) of shaft section (10). Turn coupling to adjust the timing until the mean value of all cylinders at full load and correct charge air pressure will conform to the acceptance test sheet within +/- 4 bar.

© 51 407 0

Retighten screws (9) by torque wrench as under Section 3.5, item 16. Verify adjustment. Disconnect pipe (3) (page 1) with testing outfit and spill pipe. Tighten injection pipe as in 3.5, item 31 and refit bleed plug. Fit spring (14), mount oil pump (12) and connect piping. Since the pump is preset at the factory for equal fuel deliveries, an adjustment should preferably be performed on a pump testbed of the Deutz Service.

© 51 408 0

© 1283

Injector (Uncooled) Removal / Refitment

Job Card No.:


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-19-10 1637

S/BVM 628

Job Cards: —

07.03.01 07.03.02

Tools: —

Standard tools Injector removing device (Sect. 1.8) Deutz S1 lubricating compound (Sect. 3.6) Deutz F5 lubricating compound (Sect. 3.6)

© 51 317 0

Job Removing the Injector (see also Fig. 3): Stop engine. Open indicator valves. Remove injection piping. Remove rocker chamber cover. Unscrew hex nut (22) and take down clamping pad (23) along with domed washer (24). Screw stud (25) of the injector removing device into cap (31). Place yoke (26) in position. Fit washer( 2)7 and screw on hex. nut (28). Pull injector out of cylinder head by turning the hex. nut (28). take off injector removing device. Remove sealing washer (29) from cylinder head, unless baked on. Carefully clean injector receiving bore in head, especially seat of washer (29), and cover up.

© 51 318 1

© 0784

Job Card No.:


Injector (Uncooled) Removal / Refitment

Page 2 of 2


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-19-10 1637

Refitting the Injector: Apply light film of Deutz S1 heat-resistant lubricating compound to new washer (29) and its seat, as well as to sliding surface of nozzle (15). Fit washer on injector. If necessary, fit new O-seals 2 and apply light film of Deutz F5 compound. Install injector with the aid of dowel pin (30). Clean joints of injection piping. For fitting the injection piping, see job 07.03.01. Then fit clamping pad (23) along with domed washer (24). Next, tighten hex., nut (22) as specified (Section 3.5, item 23). Mount rocker chamber cover, bleed fuel system (job 07.03.02).

© 51 319 0

© 0784

Job Card No.:

Injector (Cooled) Removal / Refitment


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-19-10 1638

Job Cards: —

07.03.01 07.03.02

Tools: —

Standard tools Removing device (Section 1.8) Deutz S 1 lubricating compound (Section 3.6) Deutz F 5 lubricating compound (Section 3.6)

Job Removing the Injector: Stop engine. Open indicator valves. Cut out injector coolant pump. Disconnect injection and coolant piping, paying attention to the seals. Remove rocker chamber cover. Unscrew hex. nut (22) and remove clamp (23) with domed washer (24). Remove screw (21). Screw stud (25) of removing device into adapter (19). Fit crossbar (26), washer (27) and hex. nut (28). Withdraw injector by turning nut (28). Remove device. Be sure to remove washer (29) from cylinder head. Carefully clean injector receiving hole in head, especially seat of washer (29), and cover up.

© 51 320 0

© 0784

Job Card No.:


Injector (Cooled) Removal / Refitment

Page 2 of 2


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-19-10 1638

Refitting the Injector Apply light film of Deutz S1 heat-resistant lubricating compound to new washer (29) and its seat, as well as to sliding surface of nozzle (15). Fit washer on injector. If necessary, fit new O-seals 2 and apply light film of Deutz F5 compound. Install injector with the aid of dowel pin (30). Clean joints of injection piping. For fitting the injection piping, see job 07.03.01. Then fit clamping pad (23) along with domed washer (24). Next, tighten hex. nut (22) as specified (Section 3.5, item 23). Mount rocker chamber cover, bleed fuel system (job 07.03.02).

© 51 321 0

© 0784

Job Card No.:

Injector (Uncooled) Inspection / Testing


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-19-10 1928

Inspection / Testing

Tools: —

Apart from the intervals specified in the Maintenance Schedule, injectors must be inspected and tested whenever they fail to work properly.

Standard tools Injector testing device (Section 1.8)

Aid: —

Changes in normal exhaust colour and exhaust gas temperatures indicate that injectors are not in good working order, which may to be due to blocked nozzle holes, binding nozzle needle or leaky needle seat.

Blotting paper Lubricating compound Deutz F5 (Section 3.6)

Detergents: —

Following removal (or overhaul) of injectors, check these for correct spray pressure, tightness, and spray pattern.

O-seals Gasket

Job Cards: —

As test fuel, use only clean diesel fuel.

01.05.04 07.07.01 07.09.01

Job: Keep your hands from the fuel jet! When it penetrates the skin tissue, blood poisoning may be the result.

● Clean exterior of injector removed. ● Install injector in testing device, clamp down by wing screws, and connect injection line to injector. ● Operate hand lever vigorously several times.

Checking the Injection Spray Pressure © 50 322 0

For setting the pressure observe pressure gauge. ● Force down hand lever slowly until the nozzle opens. Testpressure: 350 bars. ● If the pressure reading at this moment deviates from the specified pressure, correct pressure by means of adjusting screw (10).

© 0199

Fig. 1

Injector testing device

Job Card No.:


Injector (Uncooled) Inspection / Testing

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S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-19-10 1928

Correcting the Injection Spray Pressure ● For this purpose unscrew cap (12) and loosen sleeve (11). ● Adjust pressure with adjusting screw (10) and secure by sleeve (11). ● Check O-seals (2) and gasket (13), and replace, if necessary. ● Apply some lubricating compound Deutz F5 to O-seals. Screw on cap (12). Checking the Nozzle for Tightness: ● Operate hand lever until the gauge reads 35 bars ( 35 kp/cm2) less than the specified pressure. The nozzle is tight, if there is no afterdribble within 10 seconds. Buzzing and Atomizing Tests ● Operate hand lever quickly (one or two downstrokes per second) and check that the nozzle emits a buzzing sound. Jet Test Keep your hands from the fuel jet! ● Keep a sheet of blotting paper in front of the nozzle and check that all nozzle orifices are free so as to produce a regular spray pattern. If any one of the tests is not satisfactory, recondition injector (job 07.09.01).

© 25 451 1

Fig. 2

Injector, uncooled © 0199

Job Card No.:

Injector (Cooled) Inspection / Testing


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-19-10 1929


Inspection / Testing

Apart from the intervals specified in the Maintenance Schedule, injectors must be inspected and tested whenever they fail to work properly.

Standard tools Injector testing device (Section 1.8)

Aids: —

Changes in normal exhaust colour and exhaust gas temperatures indicate that injectors are not in good working order, which may to be due to blocked nozzle holes, binding nozzle needle or leaky needle seat.

Blotting paper Lubricating compound Deutz F5 (Section 3.6)

Detergents: see also Fig. 2 — O-seals — Gasket

Following removal (or overhaul) of injectors, check these for correct spray pressure, tightness, and spray pattern.

Job Cards: —

As test fuel, use only clean diesel fuel.

01.05.04 07.07.01 07.09.01

Job: Keep your hands from the fuel jet! When it penetrates the skin tissue, blood poisening may be the result ● Clean exterior of injector removed. ● Install injector in testing device, clamp down by wing screws, and connect injection line to injector. ● Operate hand lever vigorously several times. Checking the Injection Spray Pressure For setting the pressure observe pressure gauge.

© 51 322 0

Fig. 1 Force down hand lever slowly until the nozzle opens. Test pressure: 350 +1 bars ● If the pressure reading at this moment deviates from the specified pressure, correct pressure. See also «Correcting the Injection Spray Pressure»

© 0199

Injector testing device

Job Card No.:


Injector (Cooled) Inspection / Testing

Page 2 of 2


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-19-10 1929

Correcting the Injection Spray Pressure ● ● ● ● ●

For this purpose turn clamping nut (18) to remove adapter (19) from housing (4). Release sleeve (11). Set correct pressure with hexagon of adjusting screw and retighten sleeve (11). Check 0-seals (2) and gasket (17) and replace, if necessary. Apply some lubricating compound Deutz F5 to 0-seals. Make sure that gasket (17) is in correct position, otherwise coolant openings will be closed.

● Screw clamping nut (18) through one winding on housing (4). ● Lower adapter (19) located by dowel pin (20) down to nut (18) and retain. ● Tighten clamping nut (18). Checking the nozzle for Tightness: ● Operate hand lever until the gauge reads 35 bars ( 35 kp/cm2) less than the specified pressure. The nozzle is tight, if there is no afterdribble within 10 seconds. Buzzing and Atomizing Tests ● Operate hand lever quickly (one or two downstrokes per second) and check that the nozzle emits a buzzing sound. Jet Test Keep your hands from the fuel jet! ● Keep a sheet of blotting paper in front of the nozzle and check that all nozzle orifices are free so as to produce a regular spray pattern. If any one of the tests is not satisfactory, recondition injector (job 07.09.01).

© 25 452 1

Fig. 2

Injector, cooled © 0199

Job Card No.:

Injector (Uncooled) Reconditioning


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-19-10 1926

Reconditioning When injectors are due for reconditioning according to the Maintenance Schedule, replace nozzles.

Job Cards: —

07.07.01 07.08.01

Tools: Exercise utmost cleanliness when reconditioning an injector. Use no metallic tools for cleaning, apart from wire brushes.

Standard tools Deutz S1 compound (Section 3.6) Deutz S2 compound (Section 3.6)

The job should preferably be entrusted to a specialized workshop.

Job: Removing the Nozzle Remove injector as per Job Card 07.07.01. Unscrew cap (12) — Fig. 1 — and remove gasket (13). Release sleeve (11), turn out adjusting screw (10) by a few turns until spring (9) is unloaded. Clamp housing (4) at its flats in a vice. Using wire brush, carefully remove combustion residues from the surface of the nozzle element (15), avoiding damage to the nozzle bores, and remove washer (29). Then lay or suspend the injector in diesel fuel to soak for 24 hours in order to soften the layer of carbon deposit between nozzle nut (7) and nozzle element (24). Do not stand on end, otherwise the nozzle tip may be damaged. When releasing nozzle nut (7), nozzle element (15) must be consistently contacting the flat surface of housing (4), otherwise dowel pin (6) and possibly the bore in nozzle element (15) are liable to be damaged. For this purpose, place a cleaning rag over the nozzle, and press the nozzle with the hand against the housing 4. When released, remove stop bush (5) and nozzle element (15) with needle (16) from housing (4). Clean all components in diesel fuel. Renew any damaged components. To prevent corrosion, be sure to keep your fingers away from the lapped faced of housing (4), nozzle element (15) and needle (16), once cleaning is finished.

© 25 454 1

Fig. 1

© 0585

Job Card No.:


Injector (Uncooled) Reconditioning

Page 2 of 2


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-19-10 1926

Inspecting the Nozzle Introduce needle (16) — Fig. 2 — with diesel fuel into nozzle element(15). When pulled out halfway by its thrust pin, the needle must sink back onto its seat by its own weight. Should the needle (16) bind, it must be renewed as a unit with nozzle element (15). Nozzles may not be reworked. Since new nozzles are supplied in greased condition, clean them in diesel fuel before fitment. Refitting the Nozzle Clamp housing (4) — Fig. 1 — in a vice with flat face at top. If dowel pin (6) presents shear marks, renew pin. Place nozzle element (15) with needle (16) on the carefully cleaned and dried flat surface. Apply Deutz S2 compound to thread of nut (7) and pressure face between nozzle element (15) and nut (7). Tighten nozzle nut (7) as specified (Section 3.6, item 50). Do not tighten the nozzle nut beyond the value specified, otherwise difficulties may be encountered when releasing at a future date. Set injector with testing outfit (Job Card 07.08.01), and check setting. To prevent baking on in the cylinder head, equip injector with new washer (29) and apply heat-resistant Deutz S1 to nozzle element (15) and to seat of injector. Install injector in cylinder head (Job Card 07.07.01). Dismantling the Injector as a Whole Unscrew cap (12). Turn out sleeve (11) and adjusting screw (10). Turn housing (4) upside down to take out spring (9) and plunger (8). Remove nozzle as already described. Clean all components. Renew O-seals( 2) and gasket (13).

© 24 910 1

Fig. 2

Reassembling the Injector as a Whole Introduce plunger (8) and spring (9) into cleaned housing (4). Turn in adjusting screw (10) and sleeve (11) through a few threads. For installing the nozzle and setting of injector, see ”Refitting the Nozzle”.

© 0585

Job Card No.:

Injector (Uncooled) Reconditioning


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-19-10 1927

Reconditioning When injectors are due for reconditioning according to the Maintenance Schedule, renew nozzles. Exercise utmost cleanliness when reconditioning an injector. Use no metallic tools for cleaning, apart from wire brushes.

Job Cards: —

07.07.01 07.08.01

Tools: —

Standard tools Deutz S1 compound (Section 3.6) Deutz S2 compound (Section 3.6)

Job Removing the Nozzle Remove injector as per Job Card 07.07.01. Release clamping nut (18) — Fig. 1 -, thus separating adapter (19) from housing (4). Remove gasket (17). Release sleeve (11) and turn out adjusting screw (10) by a few turns until spring (9) is unloaded. Clamp housing (4) at its flats in a vice. Using wire brush, carefully remove combustion residue from the surface of the nozzle element (15), avoiding damage to the nozzle bores. Remove washer (19) — if not lying in the cylinder head. Then lay or suspend the injector in diesel fuel to soak for 24 hours in order to soften the layer of carbon deposit between nozzle nut (7) and nozzle element (24). Do not stand on end, otherwise the nozzle tip may be damaged. When releasing nozzle nut (7), nozzle element (24) must be consistently contacting the flat surface of housing (4), otherwise dowel pin (6) and possibly the bore in nozzle element (24) are liable to be damaged. For this purpose, place a cleaning rag over the nozzle, and press the nozzle with the hand against the housing (4). When released, remove stop bush (5) and needle (16). Clean all components in diesel fuel. Renew and damaged components. To prevent corrosion, be sure to keep your fingers away from the lapped faces of housing (4), nozzle element (15) and needle (16), once cleaning is finished.

© 25 453 1

Fig. 1

© 0585

Job Card No.:


Injector (Uncooled) Reconditioning

Page 2 of 2


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-19-10 1927

Inspecting the Nozzle Introduce needle (16) (Fig. 2) with diesel fuel into nozzle element (15). When pulled out halfway by its thrust pin, the needle must sink back onto its seat by its own weight. Should the needle (16) bind, it must be renewed as a unit with nozzle element (15). Nozzles may not be reworked. Since the nozzles are supplied in greased condition, clean them in diesel fuel before fitment. Refitting the Nozzle Clamp housing (4) (Fig. 1) in a vice with flat face at top. If dowel pin (6) presents shear marks, renew pin. Place nozzle element (15) with needle (16) and stop bush (5) on the carefully cleaned and dried flat surface. Apply Deutz S2 compound to thread of nut (7) and pressure face between nozzle element (15) and nut (7). Tighten nozzle nut (7) as specified (Section 3.6, item 50). Do not tighten the nozzle nut beyond the value specified, otherwise difficulties may be encountered when releasing at a future date. Set injector with testing outfit (Job Card 07.08.01), and check setting. To prevent baking on in the cylinder head, equip injector with new washer (29) and apply heat-resistant Deutz S1 to nozzle element (15) and to seat of injector. Install injector (Job Card 07.07.01). Dismantling the Injector as a Whole Unscrew clamping nut (18), separate adapter 19 from housing (4). Remove gasket (17). Screw out sleeve (11) and adjusting screw (10). Turn housing (4) upside down to take out spring (9) and plunger (8). Remove nozzle as already described. Clean all components. Renew O-seals (2) and gasket (17).

© 24 911 2

Fig. 2

Reassembling the Injector as a Whole Introduce plunger (8) and spring (9) into cleaned housing (4). Turn in adjusting screw (10) and sleeve (11) through a few threads. For further reassembly and setting of injector, see ”Refitting the Nozzle”.

© 0584

Job Card No.:

Fuel Duplex Filter


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-20-10 2051



Cleaning fuel duplex filter

While the engine is running, only one of the two filter chambers should be operative, lever (7) — Fig. 1 — of the 3-way cock being in the LH or RH position accordingly. Should the fuel pressure fall off, or if a red indicator appears in the window of the pressure differential monitor (30) — Fig. 2 — (if provided), change over to the other filter chamber and clean the soiled one immediately. When running on distillate fuel, a paper filter is used; when running on MDF blend or heavy fuel, a strainer filter is used.

Standard tools Diesel fuel Cleaning brush

The pressure differential monitor indicates the degree of soiling and thus the deadline for cleaning the filter. If the lever (7) of the 3-way cock is at the RH position, the LH chamber is in operation, and vice versa. Interval for Filter Cartridge Change and Cleaning Filter Chamber Changing of the cartridge and cleaning of the filter chamber are due when the window is filled to about 75 % by the red indicator or after 500 running hours at the latest. The following maintenance work is also necessary under certain conditions: ● Change filter cartridge and clean filter chamber about 25 running hours after commissioning new engines or engines which have been shut down for more than 3 months. © 25 053 3

● Change filter cartridge and clean filter chamber about 25 running hours after every major plant repair job involving the fuel system.

Fig. 1

Job: Place lever (7) of 3-way cock in the appropriate position. Open shut-off valve (10) of leakage line and allow filter chamber to drain empty. Undo hex. bolt (2). Take off cover (1).

Allow filter chamber to drain completely, otherwise dirt may pass to the clean side.

© 25 061 1

Fig. 2 © 0289

Job Card No.:


Fuel Duplex Filter

Page 2 of 2


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-20-10 2051

Take out element (6). Wash out any contamination in filter housing with diesel fuel and brush. Clean strainer filter in diesel fuel as well. Renew filter cartridges. By no means refit any damaged paper filter cartridges. Before reassembling, check condition of O-seal (9) and gasket (8) — renew if necessary. Install element (6) and fit cover (1). For bleeding the cleaned chamber, open screw (3) through one or two turns. With the engine running, slowly move cock lever (7) to the intermediate position (both chambers becoming operative) until air noticeably comes out through opening of screw (3). Once fuel free from bubbles comes out, close screw (3) and place lever (7) in the ”clean chamber” position. Then close shut-off valve (10) of the leakage line.

© 0289

Job Card No.:

Fuel Feed Pump Removal / Refitment

07.11.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-20-10 1644


Job Card:

Removing Pump Close shut-off valves from and to daily service tank. Disconnect fuel piping from pump, draining fuel emerging into a suitable receptacle. Unscrew bolts (1) and (2), and carefully remove pump.


Tools: —

Standard tools MOLYCOTE Longterm 2 (Sect. 3.6)

Refitting Pump Prior to refitting the pump, apply ”MOLYCOTE Longterm 2” to splines at both ends of torsion rod (3). Place splines in the correct position. Fit pump with intact gaskets (4) and (5). Connect piping and open shutoff valves. Bleeding Pump For bleeding feed pump, including piping, see job 07.03.02.

© 51 323 0

© 0682

Job Card No.:

Fuel Feed Pump Removal / Refitment

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-20-10 1644

Lubricating Oil System Precautionary Measures

Job Card No.:

08.00.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-16-10 1838

S/BVM 628

When working on the lubricating oil system, the following safety precautions and environment-protective regulations are to be observed: ● Beware of hot oil! ● Prior to any dismantling work, shut down engine (see Section 4.4). Collect any escaping oil in a suitable receptacle and dispose of properly in accordance with anti-pollution regulations. ● When taking oil samples and servicing oil filters, dispose of escaping oil and used filter cartridges in accordance with anti-pollution regulations. ● Service lube oil centrifuges only after engine has been shut down. Dispose of dirt layers and oil in accordance with anti-pollution regulations.

© 0683

Job Card No.:

Lubricating Oil System Precautionary Measures

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-16-10 1838

Job Card No.:

Oil Sampling

08.01.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-15-10 1164


S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Tools: — 1 litre container (sheet metal or plastics)

Regular inspection of the lube oil is essential for determining the engine’s working condition. With the engine running, oil samples should preferably be taken by the same man at some 60°C oil temperature.

Job: Hold a waste container under hose connector (2). Slacken bolt (1) until oil slowly comes out through connector (2). Drain an initial quantity of 5 litres, so any impurities will be removed from the filter body. Then drain about 1 litre into a clean container and send this in completely sealed condition to a laboratory with a tag or label giving the following information: ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Engine model and serial No. Purpose appropriate of the engine Rated power and speed Total engine running hours Oil brand and grade Utilized fuel Oil viscosity Total oil service hours and refill quantity during this period

Along with this sample of used oil, send in a sample of the oil in fresh condition. The analysis results should be taken as a basis for arranging with the oil suppliers a regular oil change period, taking also into consideration the cleanliness of the lube oil system, especially that of the engine’s crankcase. Once the interior is coated with the oil residues, this invariably calls for renewal of the entire oil filling.

© 1283

© 51 409 0

Job Card No.:

Oil Sampling

08.01.01 Engine:

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Filing No.:

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0178-15-10 1164

Job Card No.:

Oil System Inspection

08.02.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-15-10 1165


Tools: —

Standard tools

Carry out inspection and servicing work on the lubricating system. Unsuitable lube oil may cause sticking of piston rings, seizure of pistons, hot running of bearings and increased wear and tear of the entire engine. Be sure, therefore, to use a lube oil meeting the minimum quality requirements specified (Section 6).

Job Make a point of regularly observing oil pressures and temperatures in service and recording the readings every day. Check the following oil levels: ● engine oil sump / tank ● turbocharger ● hydraulic governor, whrere provided Carry out the following additional work: ● Check service gauge for combined filter (job 08.10.01) ● Make sure that all pipe unions and connections are tight. ● At larger intervals, lubricate by hand all bearings not connected to the main lube circuit or to the lubricator. This in particular applies to the governor/injection pump linkage joints. ● During the running-in program following overhaul work, check all accessible bearings for correct temperatures.

© 1283

Job Card No.:

Oil System Inspection

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-15-10 1165

Job Card No.:

Lube Oil Change

08.02.02 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-15-10 1166

Oil Change The oil change period largely depends on the quality of the fuel and lube oil used, the quantity of oil in the engine lubrication system, the operating conditions, the lube oil consumption of the engine, and the efficiency of the filter.

Job Cards: —

08.00.01 08.01.01 08.02.01 08.10.01

Tools: —

Standard tools

For the above reasons, the manufacturer is unable to state standard times for lube oil change. The lube oil should be changed if, on the basis of oil examinations (see Job Card 08.01.01), there is any doubt regarding the further usability of the oil. Lube oil recommendations, dependent on fuel used and engine application, are given in Section 6.

Job: With engine in hot condition, check that valves are properly positioned and drain oil from sump or extra tank, using the priming pump as required. After opening drain and bleed holes, drain oil from filters, cooler and all piping. Change paper microfilter (job. 08.10.01). Clean crankcase interior and oil tanks, as required. For filling in the fresh oil, close all drain and bleed holes, fill in oil to top mark and bleed filters, etc., in the direction of flow. Check oil level while the engine is running and top up as required.

Make sure all piping is tight.

© 0185

Job Card No.:

Lube Oil Change

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-15-10 1166

Job Card No.:

Lube Oil Pump Servicing


Page 1 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-14-10 1814


Tools: —

Dismantling of pump and inspection of gear shafts, bearings and relief valves.

Standard tools Puller Deutz DW 55 compound (Section 3.6) Deutz DW 48 compound (Section 3.6) Deutz DW 50 compound (Section 3.6)

Job Card: —


Job Removing the Pump (Fig. 1) Stop engine. Disconnect suction line (1) and delivery line (2) from pump (3). Remove bleed and filling line (4). Unscrew bolts (5) and remove pump (3) from engine. Dismantling the Pump Unscrew bolt (10) — Fig. 2 — and take off washer (11). Remove driving gear (12) by puller and take out key (22). Unscrew hex. bolts (24) and take off cover (25) Fig. 3 -. Undo cheese-head screws (6) and (7). Take off pump covers (8) and (9) from the pump body (14), paying attention to the two dowel sleeves (13). Remove gears (15) and (16) and inspect. If defective, renew. Clean all components and especially joint faces and oil passages. Inspect bearings (17) for scoring and gears for wear. Check that rotating faces (18) are free from friction marks.

© 51 325 0

Fig. 1


© 51 326 0

Fig. 2 © 1283

Job Card No.:


Lube Oil Pump Servicing

Page 2 of 3


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-14-10 1814

© 51 327 0

Fig. 3 Relief Valve (Fig. 3) Unscrew nuts (20) and remove valve (21). Clean components. Check valve. Reassembling the Pump Install gear (15) (Fig. 3) in pump cover (9). Install key (22) — Fig. 2 — and fit gear (12). Screw bolt (10) with washer (11) in place and tighten with Deutz DW 55 locking compound (Section 3.5, item 22). Apply Deutz DW 50 to sealing face of cover (8) — Fig. 3 -. Put cover (8) on body (14), locating it by dowel sleeves (13), and fit screws (6) with Deutz DW 55 locking compound. Install gear (16) in body (14). Apply Deutz DW 50 to sealing face of cover (9). Place cover(9) with gear (15) on body (14), locating it by dowel sleeves (13), and fit screws (7) with DW 55 locking compound. Turn gear (12) to check that gears (15) and (16) move freely in body. Check also side clearance of gears by moving gear (12) and gearshaft (16) from side to side (after screwing in one hex. bolt). If the side clearance is greater than 0.5 mm, the pump must be exchanged. Install relieve valve(21) with new O-seal (19) in body and tighten by hex. nuts (20).

© 1283

Lube Oil Pump Servicing

Job Card No.:


Page 3 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-14-10 1814

S/BVM 628

Apply a continuous bead of Deutz DW 48 compound (bead not exceeding 3 mm in width for optimum sealing) to cover (8) — Fig. 4 -. Fit cover(25) and tighten by hex. bolts (24).


© 51 328 0

Fig. 4 Refitting the Pump (Fig. 5) Secure pump (3) with new O-seal (23) by hex. bolts (5) to pump chest. Reconnect all piping: Fill pump with oil. Make sure that pump never runs dry. When putting pump back to service, check that it has to leaks.

© 51 329 0

Fig. 5

© 1283

Job Card No.:

Lube Oil Pump Servicing

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-14-10 1814

Job Card No.:

Oil Filter Combination (Non-Backflushing Wire Edge Filter)


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-15-10 6507


Servicing and Repair

Inserted in the lube oil primary flow is a filter combination comprising a paper microfilter preceding the wire edge filter (see also Job 08.10.01). The wire edge filter can be equipped at option with a differential pressure warning system which responds in case of excessive contamination.

Standard tools

Aids: —

Pail Cleaning brush Diesel fuel

Job Card: Servicing


● Daily — Turn rotary knob (5) through about 1 1/2 turns. Repeat this procedure on each edge filter element. ● Clean filter chamber and wire edge filter element: —

10 running hours after engine overhaul; if resistance is felt when turning at the rotary knob; when differential pressure alarm is given. Remove wire edge filter element only if absolutely necessary.

Repair Renew wire edge filter element: ● at the intervals given in the maintenance chart; ● whenever the wire edge filter element is damaged.

Job Removing and refitting wire edge filter element; cleaning filter chamber. ● Stop engine ● Remove drain plug (3) along with joint washer (2). ● Drain oil.

© 0193

© 50 661 1

Fig. 1

Non-backflushing oil filter combination

Job Card No.:


Oil Filter Combination (Non-Backflushing Wire Edge Filter)

Page 2 of 2


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-15-10 6507

● Undo hex. nuts (9) — Fig. 2 — with withdraw edge filter element (14) from filter body. ● Remove square flange gasket (8). To prevent dirty cleaning fluid from getting inside the element, close open end with a cap of 55 mm dia. ● Dip element in diesel fuel, actuate rotary knob (5) alternately and clean element with the brush. ● Remove cap and blow out element from inside with filtered compressed air. If the filter wire is damaged or dented, renew the element. ● Plug up oil outlet hole (4) — Fig. 3 — in filter body. ● Clean filter chamber. Remove plug after cleaning. ● Insert drain plug (3) — Fig. 2 — along with washer (2). ● Refit filter element (14) with new flange gasket (8) in filter body. ● Tighten hex.nuts (9). Introduce filter element (14) in perfectly horizontal position so that it will not be damaged.

© 51 330 0

Fig. 2

Filter element

© 51 331 0

Fig. 3

Lube oil outlet hole © 1083

Job Card No.:

Oil Filter Combination (Backflushing Wire Edge Filter)


Page 1 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-15-10 6508


Servicing and Repair

Inserted in the lube oil primary flow is a filter combination comprising a paper microfilter preceding the wire edge filter (see also Job 08.10.01). The wire edge filter can be equipped at option with a differential pressure warning system which responds in case of excessive contamination.

Standard tools

Aids: —

Pail Cleaning brush Diesel fuel

Job Card: —



● Daily — Turn rotary handle (5) through about 1 _ turns. — Press lever (18) down as far as it will go, and hold. — Turn rotary handle (5) again through about 1-2 turns. — Release lever (18). Repeat this procedure on each wire edge filter element. ● Clean filter chamber and wire edge filter element: —

10 running hours after engine overhaul; if resistance is felt when turning at the rotary handle; when differential pressure alarm is given. Remove wire edge filter element only if absolutely necessary.

Repair: Renew wire edge filter element: ● at the intervals given in the maintenance chart; ● whenever the wire edge filter element is damaged.

© 0193

© 50 662 1

Fig. 1

Turning the wire edge filter

Job Card No.:


Oil Filter Combination (Backflushing Wire Edge Filter)

Page 2 of 3


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-15-10 6508

Job: Removing and refitting wire edge filter element; cleaning filter chamber. ● Stop engine ● Remove drain plug (3) along with joint washer (2). ● Drain oil. ● Remove back flushing line from filter elements. ● Undo hex. nuts (9) and withdraw element (14) from filter body. ● Remove square flange gasket (8). To prevent dirty cleaning fluid from getting inside the element, close open end with a cap of 55 mm dia. ● Dip element in diesel fuel, actuate rotary knob (5) alternately and clean element with the brush.

View at X

● Remove cap and blow out element from inside with filtered compressed air. If the filter wire is damaged or dented, renew the element. ● Plug up oil outlet bore (4) in filter body. ● Clean filter chamber. Remove plug after cleaning. ● Insert drain plug (3)along with washer (2). ● Refit filter element (14) with new flange gasket (8) in filter body.

© 51 330 0

Fig. 2

Backflushing oil filter combination

Introduce filter element (14) in perfectly horizontal position so that it will not touch the body. ● Tighten hex. nuts (9). ● Refit back flushing line.

© 0193

Oil Filter Combination (Backflushing Wire Edge Filter)

Job Card No.:


Page 3 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-15-10 6508

S/BVM 628

© 51 333 0

Fig. 3

© 0193

Oil filter combination

Job Card No.:

Oil Filter Combination (Backflushing Wire Edge Filter)

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-15-10 6508

Combined Lube Oil Filter (with Paper Micro Filter) Servicing

Job Card No.:


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-15-10 1659



The combined full-flow oil filter comprises a wire edge-type filter (job 08.09.01) preceded by a cartridge-type micro filter. Service gauge 17 indicates when the filter cartridge is due for replacement.

Standard tools Pail New filter cartridge Diesel fuel Cleaning brush

Job Card: —


Routine Servicing The filter cartridge is due for renewal and the filter chamber is due for cleaning when the window of service gauge 17 (Fig. 3) has turned fully red with the engine hot. Replacement is in any case due at the end of 3000 running hours or at the end of one year, which ever is earlier. When the engine is still cold and hence the motor oil more viscous, the appearance of the red signal may be disregarded. When the engine has attained normal working temperature, however, the red signal should disappear if the filter cartridge is not yet ready for renewal. The interval between initial appearance of the red signal and the ”full red” stage is about 200 running hours. Change the filter cartridge at this time, if possible.

Additional Servicing ● Change paper filter and clean filter chamber about 50 running hours after commissioning. ● Change paper filter and clean filter chamber at every oil change. ● Change paper filter and clean filter chamber about 10 hours following any major engine overhaul work (for example, after rehoning cylinder liners). ● Change paper filter an clean filter chamber about 10 hours following opening of crankcase in extremely dust or sand-laden air. ● Change paper filter and clean filter chamber about 50 hours following every lubrication system overhaul on equipment not engine-mounted.

© 0185

Job Card No.:


Combined Lube Oil Filter (with Paper Micro Filter) Servicing

Page 2 of 2


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-15-10 1659

Job Change paper filter cartridge (Fig. 3) and clean filter chamber. Stop engine. Place pail beneath hose connector 24 (Fig. 2) and open plug 25 to drain oil from filter. Release hex. nuts 7 (Fig. 3) and work loose cover 12 by lever or screwdriver. Remove O-seal 6 and nut 11. Clamping piece 16 is under spring pressure. Carefully pull out piece 16 and filter cartridge 13. Clean filter chamber, taking care that no dirt will enter the clean space of filter. Following cleaning, refit plug 25 (Fig. 2). Check that seals 15 (Fig. 3) are in good order and properly seated. Carefully install new cartridge 13. Fit clamping piece 16. Screw nut 11 in place and tighten securely. Fit O-seal 6 (renewing if necessary) and secure cover 12 with hex. nuts 7.

© 50 334 1

Fig. 1

Paper filter (sectional view)

© 51 335 0

Fig. 2

Oil draining

© 51 336 0

Fig. 3

Change paper filter © 1083

Job Card No.:

Oil Pressurestat Inspection

08.11.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-16-10 1171

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628



When the oil pressure falls off, inspect pressurestat.

Standard tools Pocket lamp

The pressurestat is not adjustable. With the engine hot, the oil pressure should conform to the acceptance test sheet (see also Specification Data under 3.3.2). Should the oil pressure deviate from the specified value — particularly after an oil change — check whether the lube oil used conforms to the prescribed viscosity class (see Section 6.2).

Job: With engine hot and at full load, read working pressure from gauge. If the pressure is not as specified, stop engine and remove pressurestat. To do this, unscrew hex. bolts (2) and withdraw same together with washers (3). Pull out cover (1) with valve. Clean all components in diesel fuel and inspect for wear, especially the valve spring. Renew components as required. When reassembling, renew O-seal (4). All work on the lube oil system requires utmost cleanliness!

© 51 410 0

© 0199

Job Card No.:

Oil Pressurestat Inspection

08.11.01 Engine:

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Filing No.:

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0178-16-10 1171

Job Card No.:

Centrifugal Oil Cleaner


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

0178-15-10 2010



Clean centrifugal oil cleaner. Inspect valve.

Clean only when engine is stationary or the feed line is isolated. Change paper lining in rotor at regular intervals and clean centrifuge.

Standard tools Cleaning brush Wooden scraper

Job Card: —


Job: Stop engine or close feed line. Remove screw plug (11) — Fig. 1 — together with sealing ring. Take out valve (9) and spring (10). Collect oil in a container. Unscrew nuts (6) and fold down studs. Remove cover (1). Lift rotor (2) carefully out of body lower part. Clamp rotor base at flats in vice. Now loosen fastening nut (13) in rotor upper part with socket wrench. Never counterhold with open-end wrench placed on the flattened collar of the upper part. Separate upper and lower parts of rotor. Check sealing rings (4) and (5) — renew if necessary. Discard soiled lining (3). Remove residual dirt with wooden scraper. Check that valve (9) moves freely and that seats are undamaged. If valve seats are worn, lightly grind valve into body (15), after removing body from engine.

© 0885

© 50 068 1

Fig. 1

Job Card No.:


Centrifugal Oil Cleaner

Page 2 of 2


S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-15-10 2010

Following this, clean all parts and blow out with compressed air, particularly the nozzles and all bores. Install valve (9) complete with spring (10), and screw plug (11) together with sealing ring. Fit new lining (3) Fig. 2. Push rotor upper part carefully over rotor lower part, paying attention to the fixing location of both parts. Tighten fastening nut (13) — Fig. 1. Placeassembled rotor in body and check for smooth running. Mount cover (1) without using force, and tighten nuts (6). After starting engine, make sure that the centrifuge is oil-tight.

© 50 110 1

Fig. 2

© 0885

Job Card No.:

Valve Seat Lubrication System


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

0178-16-10 1640


Tools: —

Standard tools

Inspect the valve seat lubrication system. Check volume of valve seat lubrication.

Job: Visual inspection: View through inspection window of dropper (1). If the valve seat lubrication system is working, drops will form at the valve of the dropper and drip off in slow sequence. If not, find out the cause and remedy.

Turbocharger at engine’s driving end

Turbocharger at engine’s free end

Detail «X»

© 51 411 0

© 0682

Job Card No.:


Valve Seat Lubrication System

Page 2 of 2


S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Filing No.:

Detail «X»

0178-16-10 1640

Detail «Y»

© 51 340 0

Check volume of valve seat lubrication: The delivery volume is measured in drops (1), and is specified in Section 3.3.2. If necessary, correct volume by means of detent screw (2) on oil pump. To increase volume, turn screw clockwise, and vice versa.

© 0682

Job Card No.:

Sealing Oil Two-way Valve Servicing

08.20.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BV M 628

0178-16-10 1154

Servicing Remove two-way valve of injection pump plunger hydraulic seal (Section 5.1.4), dismantle and clean. Following commissioning of a new engine, valve element 3 may bind due to dirt coming from the sealing oil high-level tank. In this case clean not only valve, but also tank and line to valve.

Tools: —

Standard tools, Detergent

Job Card: —


Job: Stop engine. Isolate line from oil high-level tank to two-way valve or, if provided, switch off separate oil pump. Remove valve from oil line. Unscrew connector (1) and plug (7) from valve body (2). Press out valve seats (5) to the right and left respectively. Take out valve element (3). Clean all parts in diesel fuel and check for wear including scoring. Renew O-seals (4) and (8). In the case of a slight seizure of element (3) in body (2), remedy this by extra-fine lapping. Reinstall element (3) and both valve seats (5) with new O-seals (4) and 8 in body (2). Screw in connector (1) and plug (7) with new washers (6). Check free movement of element (3) with an arbor inserted through connections ”A” and ”C”. Reinstall two-way valve in oil line. Open shut-off valve. Check that oil line connections are free from leaks. Reconditioning If element 3 in body 2 has excessive clearance as suggested for instance by a rise of the amount of oil in the high-level tank, replace two-way valve. A from oil tank B to oil passage in injection pump C from oil feed pump in injection pump

© 51 341 0

© 0885

Job Card No.:

Sealing Oil Two-way Valve Servicing

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-16-10 1154

Job Card No.:

Oil Micro Filter Servicing

08.20.02 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-16-10 1170



Replace filter element.

The microfilter is arranged in the oil circuit bypass line ahead of the lubricator to ensure an especially high degree of cleanliness of the oil supplied to the injection pump and, if provided, the air compressor. The air flows through the element outside in and deposits its impurities on the impregnated filter paper perforated with minute holes. Being of the radial-fin type, the filtering surface is very large and hence stays long in service.

Standard tools Gasoil Hair brush Container

Job Close shut-off valve, remove plug (1) and drain oil into a container. Unscrew hex. bolt (2) and remove cover (3), avoiding damage to gasket (7). Withdraw element (4) upwards. Clean body (5) inside, making sure that no coarse dirt particles will settle in the holes of centre tube (6). Refit drain plug (1) and slip new element (4) over centre tube (6). Fill oil into body. Fit basket (7), cover (3) and tighten bolts (2). Start engine and bleed filter by slackening bolt (2).

© 51 342 0

© 0885

Job Card No.:

Oil Micro Filter Servicing

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-16-10 1170

Cooling Water System Draining

Job Card No.:


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-37-10 1549

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

See also Sections 6.4 and 6.5 Jobs on cylinder head, crankcase, turbocharger, heat exchanger, water pump(s), piping, etc., may require the cooling water to be drained partially or entirely. Where the engine is shut down for a major period and frost is imminent, drain all water from engine and attachments, unless an anti-freeze is provided. If the engine is to be shut down for a prolonged period, preservation is necessary (Section 6.5).

Job: ● Shut off all water piping to and from engine. ● Open drain valve (19) at No. 1 cylinder.

© 51 412 0

● Loosen spigot screw (21) on dual valve through 5 to 8 turns.

© 51 413 0

© 0983

Job Card No.:


Cooling Water System Draining

Page 2 of 2


S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Filing No.:

0178-37-10 1549

© 51 414 0

● Unscrew plug(s) (26) from centrifugal pump(s).

© 51 415 0

● Unscrew plug (14) from charge air cooler. ● Drain water from air bottles (job 10.01.01). ● Drain water from pressure reducing stations (job 10.06.01). ● Drain water from all pipe sockets by unscrewing plug. Where no plug is provided, disconnect associated pipe. ● Send an air blast through cooled-type injectors and pressure gauge piping.

Refit plugs, close valves and reconnect piping.

© 0983

Job Card No.:

Coolant Circulation Pump Servicing

09.07.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-37-10 1815



Water leaks at outlet hole ”X” of bearing housing (9) suggest defective seal (31); oil leaks suggest defective seal (25). Replace as necessary.

Standard tools Holding device for impeller (Sect. 1.8) Deutz F2 compound (Sect. 3.6) Deutz S4 compound (Sect. 3.6)

Job Card: —


Job Stop engine. Close shut-off valves in suction and delivery lines of water pump. Drain water by removing plug (26). When replacing water seal (31), disconnect only suction line. For replacing oil seal (25), disconnect delivery line also. Removing Water Seal 31 Remove hex. bolts (2) along with spring lockwashers(3).. Unscrew cap nut (34) (Job Card 09.07.02) and withdraw impeller (5). Take off water seal (31) with backing ring (30), and O-seal (29). Clean all components. Refitting Water Seal (31) Inspect seat of seal on shaft (32) and smoothen shaft if required. Check backing ring (30) for hair-cracks and O-seal (29) for damage. Renew as necessary. Push on backing ring along with O-seal. Apply alight film of Deutz F2 compound to sealing lip of the new water seal (31) and push same into position. The contact surfaces between water seal and backing ring must be absolutely free from dirt and compound. Place on impeller (5), paying attention to dowel sleeve (35). Inspect O-seal (33), renewing if necessary. Fit cap nut (34) — see job 09.07.02 -. Check O-seal (4) — renew if necessary — and secure intake (1) by means of hex. bolts (2) complete with spring washers (3). Connect suction line. Open valves. Fill in water (check its properties as detailed in Section 6.4). During trial run, make sure that pump is free from leaks and water pressure is correct. Removing and Refitting Oil Seal (25) See Job Card 09.07.02. For illustration, see Job Card 09.07.02

© 0683

Job Card No.:

Coolant Circulation Pump Servicing

Engine: Filing No.:

This pag e intentionally left blank

0178-37-10 1815

Job Card No.:

Coolant Circulation Pump Reconditioning


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-37-10 1816



Dismantle coolant circulation pump, clean and inspect. In the case of mounted vibration damper, the coolant circulation pump is partly dismantled on the engine.

Standard tools Circlip pliers Holding device for impeller (Sect. 1.8) Puller for bearing Timber block

The coolant pump is driven via an idler gear from the crankshaft gear. Depending on the engine’s speed, the pump is supplied in two versions with different driving rations.

© 51 347 0

Fig. 1

© 0883

Job Card No.:


Coolant Circulation Pump Reconditioning

Page 2 of 2


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-37-10 1816

Job: Removing the Pump (Fig. 1) Stop engine. Close shut-off valves in suction and delivery lines of pump. Drain water from pump by removing plug (26). Disconnect suction and delivery lines between pump and shut-off valves. Unscrew hex. bolts (2) and take down intake (1). Fasten holding device (lock) (21) — Fig. 2 — by means of bolts (2) to volute casing (6). Turn impeller (5) until the balancing holes coincide with one of the two holes in the lock. Push an M6x70 bolt or a pin of 5 to 6 mm dia. through the lock hole, thus blocking the impeller. Unscrew cap nut (34). Remove lock (21) and withdraw impeller. Take off water seal (31). Undo hex. bolts (7) and take off volute casing. Undo hex. bolts (10). Pull out bearing housing (9), push sideways and tilt so that it can be lifted out behind the vibration damper. Dismantling the Pump (Fig. 1) Carefully drive out shaft (32) by means of hammer and square timber block in downward direction. Remove circlip (17) and withdraw ball bearing (15) by puller. Remove spacer (16). Pull off gear (14) along with bearing bush, plate (19) and coupling assembly (20) from shaft (32). Take out six rollers (13) from coupling spider (12). Remove backing ring (30) and ring (28) with oil seal (25) from bearing housing (9). Clean all components and inspect for wear. Inspect impeller (5), intake 1 and volute casing (6) for erosion, shaft (32) in the zone of seals (25) and (31) for scoring, as well as axial water seal (31) and radial oil seal (25) for tightness. Replace O-seals and any worn parts, especially bearings (15) and (23). Reassembling the Pump (Fig. 1) Install new rollers (13). Slip gear (14) with bearing bush, plate (19) and spider (20) as an assembly onto shaft (32). Fit spacer 16, ball bearing (15) and circlip (17). Install oil seal(25) with ring (28) and O-seal (24) in bearing housing (9). Push shaft (32) with bearing (23) and coupling into bearing housing (9) Install O-seal (22). Refitting the Pump (Fig. 1) Carefully push bearing housing (9) with shaft (32) into pump chest (hole ”X” down) and secure by bolts (10) with lockwashers (11). Fit backing ring (30) and O-seal © 51 348 0 (29). Install O-seal (4) in bearing housing (9). Fit volute casing (6) and secure by bolts (7) plus lockwashers (8). Slightly wet sealing lip of seal (31) with coolant (not with lubricant). Slip seal (31) onto shaft (32). Check that no lubricant or dirt is present between seal (31) and backing ring (30), or between impeller (5) and shaft (32). Insert impeller (5), located by dowel sleeve (35). Install O-seal (33). Mount impeller (5) with stop (21) — Fig. 2 — (see ”Removing the Pump”). Tighten fastening nut as per Section 3.5, item 19. Put intake (1) with new O-seal (4) in place and secure by bolts (2) plus lockwashers (3). Connect water piping. Open shut-off valves. Fill in engine coolant and check its condition. (Section 6.4). During the trial run, check pump for correct water pressure and freedom from leaks.

© 0185

Pneumetic System Testing / Servicing

Job Card No.:

10.01.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-32-10 1185

S/BVM 628

Testing Check entire compressed-air system for correct functioning. To prevent seizure by rust of the system’s control valves, drain water from system including air receivers daily. Drain water from the compressed air receivers after each charging cycle as specified by the Accident Prevention Regulation.

Job Drain water from air receivers. If an automatic drain valve is provided, inspect this. Check that relief valve blows off as 30 bar are exceeded. Check that the system’s control valves work properly.

Servicing Clean air piping.

Job Close shut-off valves on air receivers. Exhaust feed piping. Unscrew connections for control piping and blow out any rust deposits. Refit connections. Perform starting manoeuvre. When starting manoeuvre is completed, check pressure on air receiver and temperature of starting valve (Job Card 01.11.01). When refitting piping, never apply white or red lead or varnish because this will render any subsequent disconnections more difficult. In addition, hardened particles may find ingress into the system and cause damage, in particular to the system’s control valves. For the same reason, be sure to keep trimmings and similar foreign matter out of the piping. When assembling the piping also keep chips and similar foreign matter out of the piping and away from the control equipment. Make sure that all pipe unions and connections are tightened securely, but never with internal stressing. If necessary, align pipes so they fit perfectly. Do this in cold condition, and never fill piping with sand or similar matter. Following pipe bending, clean piping inside from scale etc. and finally blow out.

© 0582

Job Card No.:

Pneumetic System Testing / Servicing

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-32-10 1185

Starting Pilot Air Distributor Inspection

Job Card No.:


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-30-10 1639

S/BVM 628

Tools: —

Standard tools

Job Card: —


The control disc (9) — Fig. 2 — contacts the distributor ring (13) only during the starting procedure. Ring (10) seals off the air passage to the crankcase. At the end of the starting procedure, control disc (9) runs free.

Inspection Remove distributor ring (13) and control disc (9) for inspection.

© 25 217 1

Fig. 1

Job Removing Control Disc (9) Undo coupling (6) — Fig. 1 -. Unscrew hex. bolts (62) and take off nest of tubes (11). Pull off distributor ring (13) — Fig. 2 — and withdraw control disc (9) along with ring (10). Clean all components. Check sliding surfaces of distributor ring (13) and control disc (9). If the surfaces are damaged, renew components. Check ring 10, renew if necessary. Refitting Control Disc (9) Install control disc (9) along with ring (10) to that the punch mark (16) coincides with the hole (17) in shaft (1) — see Fig. 3 -. Check control disc (9) and ring (10) for easy movement. Check O-seal (14) in distributor ring (13), renewing if necessary. Place distributor ring (13) in position so that punch mark (18) on cover (4) coincides with notch (19) in distributor ring (13) — see Fig. 3 -. Secure nest of tubes (11) — Fig. 1 — by means of hex. bolts (62). Connect coupling (6). Removing and Refitting Starting Pilot Air Distributor Removing Starting Pilot Air Distributor Undo coupling (6). Unscrew hex. bolts (62) and take off nest of tubes (11). Pull off distributor ring (13) Fig. 2 — and withdraw control disc (9) along with ring (10). Screw out banjo bolt (57) and remove pipe (5). Undo hex. bolts (8). Take off cover (4) along with gasket (7).

Shaft (1) is quite difficult to withdraw, owing to the lock pin, and should therefore be dismantled only when really essential. © 51 349 0

Fig. 2 © 0585

Job Card No.:


Starting Pilot Air Distributor Inspection

Page 2 of 2


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-30-10 1639

Screw out hex. bolts (2). Withdraw shaft (1). Clean all components. Check seals, control disc and distributor ring, renewing if necessary. Refitting Starting Pilot Air Distributor Make sure that lock pin (3) is present in camshaft and fit shaft (1) located by the lock pin. Screw in hex. bolt (2) and tighten (see Section 3.5, item 30). Place cover (4) and gasket (7) in position and secure by hex. bolts (8). Mount pipe (5) and secure with banjo bolt (57). Install control disc (9) along with ring (10) so that the punch mark (16) on the control disc (9) coincides with the hole (17) in shaft (1). Fit distributor ring (13) with O-seal (14) so that punch mark (18) on cover 4 coincides with notch (19) in distributor ring (13). Position nest of tubes (1) and secure by hex. bolts (62) — Fig. 1 -. Connect coupling (6). Upon completion of the work, start engine several times with compressed air, checking for perfect function and air-tightness of the starting pilot air distributor.

© 51 350 0

Fig. 3

© 0585

Job Card No.:

Starting Air Master Valve Servicing

10.03.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-32-10 1187



Dismantle master valve and clean.

Standard tools Deutz S2 lubricating compound (Section 3.6)

Job Card: —


Job Observe safety precautions (job 05.00.01). Disconnect control air pipe. Remove valve from starting air pipe. Dismantling the Valve Carefully unscrew bolts (1). Cover (3) is spring-loaded. Remove cover (3). Take washer (2), adapter (6), spring (7) and piston (10) out of housing (8). Clean all components in diesel fuel and inspect for wear. Examine especially joint faces between housing (8) and piston (10) and of adapter (6) for corrosion and scoring. Smoothen as required. Replace O-seals (4) and (9). Inspect multi-disc seal (5) and replace if necessary. Reassembling the Valve Apply a thin film of Deutz S2 to sliding faces of (8), (10), (6) and to (4), (9), (5). Install piston (10) with Oseals (4) and (9) plus multi-disc seal (5), spring (7), and adapter (6) in housing (8). Fit washer (2). Secure cover (3) to housing (8) by bolts (1). Following reassembly, start engine several times to check mater valve for proper working and freedom from leaks.

© 51 351 0

© 0582

Job Card No.:

Starting Air Master Valve Servicing

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-32-10 1187

Job Card No.:

Dirt Collector

10.03.02 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-32-10 1866

Servicing Before servicing the dirt collector in the starting air line, make sure that the shut-off valve on the compressed air receiver is closed.

Tools: —

Standard tools, Cleaning agent

Daily: Open shut-off valve (1) on dirt collector and allow condensation water (if any) to drain off. Then reclose shut-off valve. Clean the Sieve as per Maintenance Schedule.

Job: Loosen hex. nuts (3) and take out hex. bolts (2). Take off flange (4) and gasket (5). Remove sieve (6). Clean sieve with a cleaning agent (e.g. cold cleaner) and rinse afterwards with fresh water. Then blow out with compressed air. Renew sieve if damaged. Clean sealing faces of flange and check gasket (5), renewing if necessary. Centre sieve together with retainer (8) in flange (4) and introduce assembly into tube (7), taking care that the sieve also sits in the centring of tube (7).

f no




ec Dir

Now tighten hex. bolts (2) and hex. nuts (3). Close shut-off valve (1), if open.

© 25 234 1

© 0484

Job Card No.:

Dirt Collector

Engine: Filing No.:

This page intentionally left blank

0178-32-10 1866

Starting Air Master Valve Running-in Screen Servicing

Job Card No.:

10.03.91 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-32-10 1817

Servicing Clean screen ahead of master valve. At the end of 250 hours (or later) replace screen by a ring. All new engines are delivered with a screen ahead of the starting air master valve for the purpose of protecting the valve from piping scale or other foreign matter. After 50 running hours the screen must be cleaned or replaced. It can be finally removed at the end of 250 hours, provided the cleaning solution reveals no appreciable dirt.

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Tools: —

Standard tools Detergent

Job Card: —


Following major repairs and prolonged engine shutdown, the screen — if already removed — must be renewed. The above servicing intervals are then also to be observed.

Job: Cleaning the Screen Observe safety precautions (job 05.00.01). Detach pipe and adapter flange (4) from master valve (3). Remove screen (2) and clean with a suitable detergent. Then flush with fresh water and blow out with air. Clean flange joint faces, install screen (2) and connect pipe.

Detail «X»

Finally Removing the Screen Remove screen as above and replace by ring (1). Fit flange (4) and air pipe. Never close vent hole (5). © 51 352 0

© 51 416 0

© 0185

Job Card No.:

Starting Air Master Valve Running-in Screen Servicing

10.03.91 Engine:

S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

Filing No.:

This page intentionally left blank

0178-32-10 1817

Job Card No.:

Pressure Reducer Station Servicing

10.06.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BV M 628

0178-32-10 1383


Tools. —

Standard tools

Drain condensate and clean filter elements. This is possible while the engine is running. In hand lever position I and III, the H.P. lien is connected to the L.P. line through one filter and one pressure reducer each. The low pressure is indicated by gauge (6) direct; it can be adjusted with screws (5). In lever position II, both filters and pressure reducers are connected in the L.P. line. In position IV, the H.P. lien is isolated, while the L.P. line is connected to the atmosphere.

Job Draining Condensate Operate rods (1). Cleaning the Filter Clean only filters not in service: filter(4) in lever position I and filter (3) in position III. With the engine shut down, both filters can be cleaned in position IV. Procedure Unscrew plug and remove filter. After cleaning filter, dry by air blast. Reinstall filter and fit plug with washer.

© 51 353 0

© 1283

Job Card No.:

Pressure Reducer Station Servicing

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-32-10 1383

Job Card No.:

Temperature Switch (OIl, Water, Air) Testing / Reconditioning


Page 1 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-48-10 1189

Testing Check the switch for correct setting and proper functioning. The switch comprises sensor (1) with pocket (2) — test site — and a setting unit (4) — cable terminal box -.

Tools: —

Standard tools Ohmmeter Thermometer Heat conducting compound

Be sure lead (7) between setting unit (4) and sensor (1) will not chafe.

Job Clean sensor (1) externally and check that it is firmly seated.

Setting: Refer to the section 3.3 ”Technical Specifications” for the set point values of the temperature switch trip points. The trip point (see 3.3) is set on dial (3) of unit (4) with an accuracy of 2.5 % over the entire temperature range. a) Testing the Sensor (1) Remove sensor (1) from pocket (2) and dip in hot water. Use and ohmmeter to meet the electrical resistance. By means of curves on sheet (3), compare actual and specified values, or test as under c). b) Testing the Setting Unit (4) Remove unit (4) from terminal box and connect to terminals (3) and (4) of sensor (1) in water by means of two 1.5 mm2 leads. Apply auxiliary voltage of 24 volts to terminals (1) and (2). Connect ohmmeter to terminals (5) and (6). Adjust dial (3) to determine trip point and compare with water temperature. If test result is satisfactory, seal unit with lead, or test as under c). c) Testing Sensor (1) plus Setting Unit (4) as a Whole (alternatively) Use test instrument TP 100/12 supplied by Noris Techometerwerk GmbH & Co., Muggenhofer Str. 95, 8500 Nürnberg, Germany.

© 51 354 0

© 1283

Job Card No.:


Temperature Switch (OIl, Water, Air) Testing / Reconditioning

Page 2 of 3


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-48-10 1189

Reconditioning (Temperature sensor and setting unit cannot be repaired). Replacing the Sensor With engine running, remove screws (6) and take sensor (1) out of pocket (2). Before fitting a new sensor, check that sensor and setting unit are a match, i.e., their model designations must have the same figures. (Example: sensor TH 31 will agree with setting unit RH 31.) Fill pocket 2 with heat compound (5). (Press some 20 mm out of tube.) Secure sensor (1) by screw (6). Air in the pocket is liable to affect the readings. Replacing the Setting Unit: Remove leads and push unit (4) out of terminal bar. Before fitting a new unit, check for agreement with sensor (see above). For setting a new unit, see Section 3.3 or rating plate of the old unit.

© 1283

Temperature Switch (OIl, Water, Air) Testing / Reconditioning

Job Card No.:


Page 3 of 3

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-48-10 1189

S/BVM 628

Switch RH 32 A yellow rating plate with blue dot)

Switch RH 31 (white rating plate)

Sensor TH 32 (yellow dot — yellow sensor head)

Sensor TH 31 (white dot — black sensor head)

Range: 7 — 70°C (minimum temperature limit)

Range: 42 — 120 °C (maximum temperature limit)

© 25 581 1

© 1283

Job Card No.:

Temperature Switch (OIl, Water, Air) Testing / Reconditioning

Engine: Filing No.:

This page intentionally left blank

0178-48-10 1189

Pressure Switch (Oil, Water, Air) Inspection/Testing/Servicing

Job Card No.:

11.01.02 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-48-10 1190

S/BVM 628

Tools: —

Standard tools, testing gauge, setting mandrel Testing hose with standard test flange (Section 1.8) Commercial test pump

Inspection / Testing Inspect and test the switch for proper functioning Pressure switches are available for the following media: lube oil, fuel, raw water, fresh water, injector coolant, control (pilot) air, starting and charge air pressure. Settings are indicated on the switch in bar (kp/ cm2). Check whether setting is to fix minimum (dropping) or maximum (rising) limits. (Terminal 212 / 212 always for rising function).

© 51 355 0

Job: Clean housing (1) externally. Check that all bolts/ screws and stuffing box screwing (2) are tight. Be sure no lead can chafe. Close cock (3). Unscrew cap nut (4) and connect testing hose. Connect test gauge to hose flange. Subject switch to a higher working pressure by a commercial test pump. Check that switch trips as the pressure falls or rises (depending on setting and application). The test gauge indicates the prevailing working pressure. Compare actual tripping point (e.g. for release of an alarm) to the preset tripping point (see Section 3.3).

Servicing Setting the trip point For altering the setting (trip point), loosen fixing screw (6) and turn adjusting screw; clockwise raises pressure, counterclockwise reduces pressure. As the desired setting is obtained, lock adjusting screw (7) by fixing screw (6). Adjusting screws have RH thread. The integral microswitches are of the singlepole quick-action type and must never be removed. Nor must the sensor retaining screws be slackened or removed. Be sure to replace defective pressure switches as a complete unit.

© 51 356 0

© 1283

Job Card No.:

Pressure Switch (Oil, Water, Air) Inspection/Testing/Servicing

Engine: Filing No.:

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0178-48-10 1190

Job Card No.:

Pressure Switch for Oil, Water and Air


Page 1 of 2

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-48-0010 1919

Inspection / Testing


Inspect and test the switch for proper functioning.

Pressure switches are available for the following media: lube oil, fuel, raw water, fresh water, injector coolant, control (pilot) air, starting and charge-air pressure. Settings are indicated on the switch in bar (kp/cm2). Check whether settings is to fix minimum (dropping) or maximum (rising) limits. (Terminal 212/212 always for rising function). Test for proper functioning has to be carried out with the unit operating.

Standard tools, testing gauge, hose with test connection Commercial test pump

Clean housing (1) externally. Check that all bolts/ screws and stuffing box screwing (2) are tight. Be sure no lead can chafe. Close shut-off valve (3). Functional Test For testing functions of the instruments mounted on the pressure switch panel, remove screw plug (4) and connect in place of same the hose with test connection. To this hose can be connected a test gauge or a test pump combined with test gauge. Subject switch to a higher working pressure by a commercial test pump. check that switch trips as the pressure falls or rises (depending on setting and application). The test gauge indicates the prevailing working pressure. Compare actual tripping point (e.g. for release of an alarm) to the preset tripping point (see Section 3.3).

© 25 356 2

© 0185

Job Card No.:


Pressure Switch for Oil, Water and Air

Page 2 of 2


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-48-0010 1919

Servicing Setting the trip point For altering the setting (trip point), remove housing cover (5) and loosen fixing screw (6) located inside the housing. The trip point is set at the adjusting screw (7) with the aid of a screwdriver: clockwise raises pressure, counterclockwise reduces pressure. As the desired setting has been obtained, retighten fixing screw (6) and replace housing cover (5). The built-in micro switches are of single-pole quick-action type. The screws retaining the pressure switch must never be slackened or removed. Be sure to replace defective pressure switches as a complete unit. © 25 357 1

© 0185

Job Card No.:

Pressure Transmitter Noris VD 61 — 2,5

11.01.02 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-48- 297 6502

Inspecting Pressure Transmitter

Tools: —

Pressure transmitters are available for the following media, depending on the scope of monitoring equipment: lube oil, fuel, control air, starting and charge air pressure. Settings are indicated on the pressure transmitter in “bar”. The inspection is carried out during operation according to the intervals specified in the Maintenance Schedule. In the case of pressure transmitters with measuring ranges different from that indicated here, the inspection should be done analogously.

Standard tools Test gauge Test hose with test connection Commercial test pump Ammeter (range 4-20 mA)

Job Preparation ● Clean housing (3). ● Check that all bolts/screws are tight. ● Check stuffing box screw union for possible leak (4). Be sure no lead nor line can chafe!

Inspection ● Close shut-off valve (1) ● Remove screw plug (2), connect hose with test connection. Fit a test gauge respectively a test pump combined with pressure gauge to this hose. ● Connect ammeter. ● Subject pressure transmitter with test pump to a higher working pressure than specified — 6 bar at a maximum, however. Pressure transmitter must indicate on the connected ammeter, depending on the measuring range (e.g. 0-10 bar) 0 bar, corresponding to 4 mA, 6 bar, corresponding to 13,6 mA.

© 50 637 2

Fig. 1

Calibration parameters for VD 61-2,5 Serial-Nr.: 1119202013

Day: 08-01-1992

Calibr.point 1

After Completed Inspection ● Remove test hose.

P1 = 0,000 bar I1 = 4,01 mA

Intermediate measurement 0,5 (P2 — P1) = 1,250 bar

● Detach ammeter. Calibr.point 2

● Turn in screw plug (2). ● Open shut-off valve (1).

© 0185

P2 = 2,500 bar I2 = 19,95 mA

Iout = 11.97 mA

Inp. range: 0…2,5 bar

Output: 4…20 mA

Job Card No.:

Pressure Transmitter Noris VD 61 — 2,5

Engine: Filing No.:

This page intentionally left blank

0178-48- 297 6502

Job Card No.:

Flow Switch (Fuel Injection) Testing

11.01.03 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-48-10 1191

Testing Check that flow switch for shielded injection lines works properly.

Tools: —

Srandard tools Tundish

The switch can work properly only when the fuel back leakage line is installed with consistent gravity feed to the collector tank. Alarm by the flow switch in service may be caused by a broken line or a leaky connection.

Job Clean switch (2) externally and make sure that connections are tight. With the engine in service, unscrew union (1) and take out blanking cone. Put tundish on pipe connection and fill in diesel fuel. The switch (2) should now release an alarm as long as the diesel flow continues. If no alarm is released, eliminate the cause of the trouble or replace the switch.

Injection pump

Check that the electric lead is properly installed so as not to “chafe”.

© 51 357 0

© 1283

Job Card No.:

Flow Switch (Fuel Injection) Testing

Engine: Filing No.:

This page intentionally left blank

0178-48-10 1191

Exhaust Gas Thermocouples Removal / Refitment

Job Card No.:

11.01.04 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-48-10 1841

S/BVM 628

Tools: —

Standard tools

The fastening location point (3) of the coupling socket is the temperature comparison point.

Job Removing the Thermocouple Stop engine. Unscrew bolts (1) and remove cap (2). Pull plug (5) out of socket (4). Undo clamping union (9) and pull out complete thermocouple. If the job has to be done with engine running, the cover tube (11) of the thermocouple must remain in situ. In that case, undo union (6) and withdraw sensor (10). © 51 432 0

Refitting the Thermocouple Secure sensor (10) or complete thermocouple by means of union (6) or (9). Couple up plug (5) to socket (4). Fit cap (2) and secure by bolts (1). When the engine is running, check exhaust temperature reading. If necessary, carry out comparative test (Job Card 11.01.05). Do not bend line (8) sharply.

© 51 358 0

© 0983

Job Card No.:

Exhaust Gas Thermocouples Removal / Refitment

Engine: Filing No.:

This page intentionally left blank

0178-48-10 1841

Job Card No.:

Exhaust Gas Thermocouples Testing

11.01.05 Engine:

S/BVM 628

0178-48-10 1842

Filing No.:


Job Card:

Carry out a comparative measurement if readings between thermocouples differ widely or a thermocouple has entirely failed.


Tools: —

Standard tools mV meter Thermometer

Job Stop engine. Remove thermocouple (job 11.01.04). Carry out a comparative measurement either with a new thermocouple or one that has been removed from an adjacent cylinder. Refit new or used thermocouple (job 11.01.04). Comparative Test (see also Fig. of job 11.01.04) Start engine and run up to working temperature. Pull plug (5) out of socket (4). Connect mV meter to the following point in socket 4: Connection (1): negative lead (green) Connection (3): positive lead (red) Read off mV value. Measure temperature of coupling socket (comparison point) and take mV value from table. Add both mV values together and take exhaust gas temperature from table. If the coupling socket has been removed from the comparison point on engine, measure the temperature of coupling socket and add same to value of exhaust gas temperature. Compare table temperature with that indicated by thermometer. Renew thermocouple if necessary. Refit coupling (Job Card 11.01.04).

© 51 356 0

Conversion Table: mV to °C Using Thermocouple Leads NiCr and Ni to DIN 43710



























































16, 40



17, 67





















24, 91



26 ,19









© 1183


Job Card No.:

Exhaust Gas Thermocouples Testing

Engine: Filing No.:

This page intentionally left blank

0178-48-10 1842

NORIS-KN Safety System

Job Card No.:

11.03.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-48-10 9988

S/BVM 628

NORIS-KN safety system The NORIS-KN safety system is designed for monitoring marine diesel and stationary engines. A description of the operation of the system can be found in the separate manufacturer’s documentation, which is enclosed. Maintenance work must only be carried out by DEUTZ service or by an authorised specialist workshop.

© 0401

Job Card No.:

NORIS-KN Safety System

11.03.01 Engine:

S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-48-10 9988

This page intentionally left blank

© 0401

Crankcase Oil Mist Detector

Job Card No.:

11.05.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

0178-48-10 1971

S/BVM 628

Checking and Servicing ● Cleaning the optical components, initially after 25 hours ● Cleaning the optical components, periodically every 250 hours ● Checking and servicing, periodically every 1000 hours All checking and servicing work should be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer’s operating manual.

© 25 577 1


Job Card No.:

Crankcase Oil Mist Detector

Engine: Filing No.:

This page intentionally left blank

0178-48-10 1971

Job Card No.:

Charge Air Water Detector Testing

11.06.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-48-10 1197


Tools: —

Standard tools

Test water detector for proper functioning. The detector is located beneath the charge air pipe. When water collects in the charge air pipe, due for instance to a charge cooler leak or the temperature not reaching the dew point, the water level will rise in container (4) and release an alarm. In this case be sure to remedy the trouble immediately. Drain water through cock (5).

Job Unscrew plug (3) and fill container (4) with water up to overflow port (2), whereupon sensor (1) should cause an alarm. Failing this, inspect sensor and, if necessary, replace. Following this test, refit plug (3) with a new joint washer.

© 51 369 0

© 1283

Job Card No.:

Charge Air Water Detector Testing

Engine: Filing No.:

This page intentionally left blank

0178-48-10 1197

Job Card No.:

Oil Level Float Switch Testing


Page 1 of 2


S/BVM 628

0178-48-10 1546

Filing No.:



With engine stationary, test switch response.

The switch is provided where required. Where a high-level oil tank is fitted, the switch gives alarm for maximum level; where lubrication is from the regular sump, the switch gives alarm for minimum level.

Standard tools Blunt wooden stick, 8 mm diameter, about 100 mm in length

Job Card: —


Job To begin with, open the following crankcase doors:

S/BV 6 M 628

S/BV 8 M 628

S/BV 9 M 628




S/BV 12 M 628

S/BV 16 M 628

Cyl. bank







Introduce wooden stick (e.g. a pencil) through one of the holes in top/bottom of switch and raise the latter (high-level tank, Fig. 1) or press down (sump, Fig. 2), until alarm is released.

© 1283

Job Card No.:


Oil Level Float Switch Testing

Page 2 of 2


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-48-10 1546

© 51 370 0

Fig. 1

© 51 371 0

Fig. 2

Should no alarm be given, trace cause of defect immediately or replace switch. Never move switch with a pointed tool like a screwdriver and never use brute force. Check that nothing will fall into sump and that switch lead will not chafe.

© 1283

Job Card No.:

Service-warning Switch Checking

11.08.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-48-10 1859



Inspect and test function of the service warning switch on lube oil filter with engine stopped.

In the case of excessive contamination of the lube oil paper microfilter, the service warning switch causes a differential pressure warning to be given.

Standard tools Testing pressure gauge Testing hose (Section 1.8) Standard testing pump

Job Card: —


Job Observe instructions given in Job Card No. 08.00.01 Clean exterior of housing. Check fastening screws for tight seating. Remedy any leaks. Ensure that the connection cables do not chafe. By means of hand wheel or 8 mm open-end spanner, turn cock (1) to test position II. Remove screw plug (2). Connect up testing hose, pressure gauge and testing pump. Actuate pump and read off pressure at gauge. At a pressure of 1± 0.2 bar, the differential pressure warning must be given. Defective service warning switches must be renewed complete. Remove testing hose, refit screw plug (2) complete with seal ring. Finally, turn cock (1) back to operating position I.

© 25 136 1

© 1283

Job Card No.:

Service-warning Switch Checking

Engine: Filing No.:

This page intentionally left blank

0178-48-10 1859

Job Card No.:

Viscous-type Vibration Damper (Version without Auxiliary Drive)

12.01.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-34-10 1198

Replacement of this torsional vibration damper is due at the end of 15,000 running hours. Reconditioning must be made by the manufacturers only.

Tools: —

Standard tools 2 puller bolts M12 x 70 Hoist

Job: Removing the Damper Stop engine. Remove casing. Attach damper (3) to hoist. Remove bolts (1) with washers (2). Use bolts (4) to pull off damper (3) from crankshaft (5). Clean all damper contact faces. Remove any high spots with oil stone. Refitting the Damper Remove puller bolts (4). Fit damper (3) on crankshaft (5). Fit bolts (1) with washers (2) and tighten crosswise as specified (Section 3.5, item 17). Refit casing. The following applies to vibration damper plus extra mass.

© 51 372 0

© 1283

Job Card No.:

Viscous-type Vibration Damper (Version without Auxiliary Drive)

Engine: Filing No.:

This page intentionally left blank

0178-34-10 1198

Job Card No.:

Viscous-type Vibration Damper (Version without Auxiliary Drive)

12.01.01 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-34-10 1337

Replacement of this torsional vibration damper is due at the end of 15,000 running hours. Reconditioning must be made by the manufacturers only.

Tools: —

Standard tools 2 puller bolts M12 x 70 Hoist

Job: Removing the Damper Stop the engine. Remove casing. Attach damper (3) to hoist. Remove bolts (1) with washers (2). Use bolts (4) to pull off damper 3 from crankshaft (5). Clean all damper contact faces. Remove any high spots with oil stone. Refitting the Damper Remove puller bolts (4). Clean crankshaft journal as well as the contact faces of the new damper and balance weights (3) and push balance weights with damper onto the crankshaft journal (5). Ensure that damper and balance weights are centred. Screw in screws (1) with washers (2) fingertight. Tighten screws crosswise as specified (Section 3.5, item 48). Refit casing.

© 51 373 0

© 1283

Job Card No.:

Viscous-type Vibration Damper (Version without Auxiliary Drive)

Engine: Filing No.:

This page intentionally left blank

0178-34-10 1337

Job Card No.:

Viscous-type Vibration Damper (Version with Auxiliary Drive) Filing No.:

12.01.01 Engine:

0178-34-10 1361

Replacement of this torsional vibration damper is due at the end of 15,000 running hours. Reconditioning must be made by the manufacturers only.

S/BVM 628

Tools: —

Standard tools Puller bolt M12 x 70 Hoist

Job Removing the Damper Stop engine. Remove casing. Attach damper (2) to hoist. Remove screws (1) and (4), dowel pins (6) and auxiliary drive shaft (3). Use bolt M 12×70 (7) to pull off damper (2) from crankshaft (8) and carefully put down damper. Clean all damper contact faces. Remove any high spots with oil stone. Refitting the Damper When fitting a new damper, first enlarge both holes for dowel pins (6) to 32 mm diameter. Clean damper contact surfaces. Fit damper on crankshaft (8) so dowel pins (6) can be installed. Mount auxiliary drive shaft (4). Secure plate (5) by screws (4). Fit screws (1) and tighten crosswise as specified (Section 3.5, item 18). Refit casing.

© 51 374 0

© 1283

Job Card No.:

Viscous-type Vibration Damper (Version with Auxiliary Drive)

Engine: Filing No.:

This page intentionally left blank

0178-34-10 1361

Job Card No.:

Rubber-type Vibration Damper Inspection / Reconditioning


Page 1 of 4

Engine: Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-34-10 1849

The torsional vibration occurring in the critical speed range of the engine is absorbed by two or four rubber damping elements secured between fly ring and the plates attached to the crankshaft flange.

Tools: —

Standard tools Pocket lamp

Job Card: —


Keep fuel and lube oil away from rubber elements!

Inspection Inspection is carried out with damper in situ. ● Check air slits (if provided) in damper for cleanliness and free air-passage. If necessary, clear slits with compressed air. ● Where possible, check damper elements for freedom from cracks and for firm connection with the vulcanized-on steel plates. If necessary, recondition damper. ● Check bolts of joints (where accessible) for “hand-tight” seating (torque ca. 30 Nm), without holding the nuts. Any signs of friction indicate loose bolts. If loose bolted joints are found, the damper has to be reconditioned.

Reconditioning The damper must be reconditioned not later than 10 years after date of engine commissioning, irrespective of the hours run. Such reconditioning is required too, if damage or any defects have been ascertained during the inspection. We recommend that reconditioning be entrusted to a DEUTZ-Service workshop.

© 0686

Job Card No.:


Rubber-type Vibration Damper Inspection / Reconditioning

Page 2 of 4


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-34-10 1849

Tools: —

Standard tools Dial gauge Deutz DW 55 locking compound (Section 3.6)


Job Remove vibration damper (Job Card 12.01.03). Dismantling (4-element Damper) Markings provided on the large castings to show relative positionings — Fig. 1.

© 25 112 1

Fig. 1 Remove hex. bolts (8) — Fig. 2 — and hex. plates (1). Now unscrew hex. bolts (13) and take off threaded ring (7). The four damping discs (3) — two of each fastened together to form a pair — can now be removed, and also the ring (2). Screw out hex. bolts (10). Separate damping discs (3) and triangular plates (6). Clean and inspect all components, renewing as necessary. Renew damping discs (3). Do not damage rubber elements of damping discs.

© 25 113 1

Fig. 2 Reassembly (4-element Damper) Equip one pair of damping discs (3) — Fig. 3 — with threaded ring (7) and the other pair with hex. bolts (13) ready for bolting together. Now complete damping discs with triangular plates (6), hex. bolts (10) inserted with Deutz DW 55 — and hex. nuts (11). Align damping discs and tighten hex. nuts (11) (Section 3.5, item 56).

© 25 114 1

Fig. 3 © 0983

Rubber-type Vibration Damper Inspection / Reconditioning

Job Card No.:


Page 3 of 4

Engine: Filing No.:

0178-34-10 1849

S/BVM 628

Insert damping-disc pair complete with threaded ring (7) — Fig. 4 — into end plate (1). Fit hex. bolts (20) provided with Deutz DW 55. Tighten up end plate and damping-disc pair with hex. nuts (15) (Section 3.5, item 58).

© 25 115 1

Fig. 4 Insert ring (2) — Fig. 5 — and disc (14), observing markings as per Fig. 1. Bolt up the two damping-disc pairs and disc (14) by means of hex. bolts (13) inserted with Deutz DW 55 — and c/w threaded ring (7) (Section 3.5, item 59).

© 25 116 1

Fig. 5 Place end plate (1) — Fig. 6 — in position, observing markings as per Fig. 1. Insert hex. bolts (8) and fasten with nuts complete with spring lockwashers. Fit hex. bolts (20), provided with Deutz DW 55. Tighten up end plate and damping-disc pair with hex. nuts (15) (Section 3.5, item 58).

© 25 117 1

Fig. 6 © 0983

Job Card No.:


Rubber-type Vibration Damper Inspection / Reconditioning

Page 4 of 4


S/BVM 628

Filing No.:

0178-34-10 1849

Dismantling (2-element Damper) — Fig. 7 Markings provided on fly ring (22) and disc (18) to show relative positioning. Remove hex. bolts (12) and (15). Take off damping discs (4) and disc (18). Clean and inspect all components, renewing as necessary. Renew damping discs (4). Do not damage rubber elements of damping discs. Reassembly (2-element Damper) — Fig. 7 First, bolt up one damping disc (4) onto fly ring (22) by means of hex. bolts (15) provided with Deutz DW 55. Place on disc (18) and second damping disc (4). Bolt up with hex. bolts (15) and (12) — provided with Deutz DW 55 — and hex. nuts (14). Tighten up hex. bolts (15) (see Section 3.5, item 55) and hex. bolts (12) (Section 3.5, item 59).

© 25 118 1

Fig. 7

Mount vibration damper (job 12.01.03). If an end plate (Fig. 6, item 1) or a fly ring (Fig. 7, item 22) had to be renewed, the damper must be statically balanced. Finally, check for true running as per Figs. 6 or 7.

© 0983

Rubber-type Vibration Damper (Version without Auxiliary Drive) Removal / Refitment

Job Card No.:

12.01.03 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-34-10 1366

Tools: —

Standard tools 2 puller bolts M 12 x 70 Hoist

Job Card: —


Job Removing the Damper Stop engine. Remove casing. Attach damper (2) to hoist. Remove bolts (1) with washers (2). Use bolts (4) to pull of damper (3) from crankshaft (5). Clean all damper contact faces. Remove any high spots with oil stone. Keep fuel and lube oil away from rubber elements! Refitting the Damper Remove puller bolts (4). Clean crankshaft journal as well as the contact faces of the new damper and balance weights (3) and push balance weights with damper onto the crankshaft journal (5). Ensure that damper and balance weights are centred. Screw in screws (1) with washers (2) fingertight. Tighten screws crosswise as specified (Section 3.5, item 17). Refit casing.

Shown here is design for S/BV 8/9/12 M 628

© 51 375 0

© 1283

Job Card No.:

Rubber-type Vibration Damper (Version without Auxiliary Drive) Removal / Refitment

Engine: Filing No.:

This page intentionally left blank

0178-34-10 1366

Rubber-type Vibration Damper (Version with Auxiliary Drive Removal / Refitment

Job Card No.:

12.01.03 Engine:

Filing No.:

S/BVM 628

0178-34-10 1367

Tools: —

Standard tools Puller bolt M12 x 70 Hoist

Job Card: —


Job Removing the Damper Stop engine. Remove casing. Attach damper (2) to hoist. Remove screws (1) and (4), dowel pins (6) and auxiliary drive shaft (3). Use bolt (7) to pull off damper (2) from crankshaft (8) and carefully put down damper. Clean all damper contact faces. Remove any high spots with oil stone. Keep fuel and lube oil away from rubber elements! Refitting the Damper When fitting a new damper, first enlarge both holes for dowel pins (6) to 32mm diameter. Clean damper contact surfaces. Also observe above note for this. Fit damper (2) on crankshaft (8) so dowel pins (6) can be installed. Mount auxiliary drive shaft (4). Secure plate (5) by screws (4). Fit screws (1) and tighten crosswise as specified (Section 3.5, item 18). Refit casing.

Shown here is design for S/BV 8/9/12 M 628

© 51 376 0

© 1283

Job Card No.:

Rubber-type Vibration Damper (Version with Auxiliary Drive Removal / Refitment

Engine: Filing No.:

This page intentionally left blank

0178-34-10 1367



Knowing it‘s DEUTZ. DEUTZ has always stood for excellence in motor construction, pioneering many developments in the industry. As an independent motor manufacturer, we offer — worldwide — a comprehensive range of diesel and gas motors spanning from 4kW to 7,400kW. Our products are perfectly tailored to meet our customers‘ individual requirements. Over 1.4 million DEUTZ motors do their job reliably all over the world. We are determined to preserve the high standard of performance and dependability of our motors, thus keeping our customers satisfied at all times. Therefore we are represented worldwide through a network of highly competent service partners who will meet the needs of our customers, wherever they are. This is why DEUTZ is not only the name for motors which pack a lot of inventive genius. DEUTZ also means reliable service and comprehensive support to enhance your motor‘s performance. This index Sales & Service offers you an overview of the DEUTZ partners in your vicinity, including the products for which they are responsible and the range of services provided. But even when no direct product responibility is mentioned, your DEUTZ partner will be happy to help you with expert advice. The index is constantly updated. Please ask your DEUTZ service partner for the latest edition.

DEUTZ AG — at your service.

Order-No.: 0297 7444

Order-No.: 0297 7445 (CD-ROM)

Obtainable from the local service partner responsible for you or from:

DEUTZ AG Deutz-Mülheimer Str. 147-149 D-51057 Köln Phone: 0049-221-822-0 Telefax: 0049-221-822-5304 Telex: 8812-0 khd d http://www.deutz.de

© 0898

0297 7473-0199



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19-Ноя-2014 22:50

Deutz BV6M628



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21-Сен-2018 14:53

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    Operation Manual

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    Please enter engine serial number here. In this way,questions
    concerning Customer Service, Repairs and SpareParts can be more
    easily dealt with.

    In view of continuos design improvements or changes,
    thetechnical specifications and the illustrations shown in
    thisOperation Manual are subject to alteration. Reprinting
    andreproduction, in part or in whole, are subject to our


  • This Operation Manual is destined for the following engine:

    Engine model:

    Type of application:

    Name of installation:

    Power: kW

    Speed: / rpm

    Date of commissioning: . .

    Please enter the relevant data here. This you will facilitate
    dealing with questions concerning customer service,repairs and
    spare parts.

    Give these data to the respective SERVICE dealership whenever
    you are asking for service performance.

    S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

    Page II 0297 6153-0112 1000

    DEUTZ AGService engineeringService documentationDeutz-Mlheimer
    Strae 147-149D — 51057 KlnTel. (0221) 822 — 0Fax (0221) 822 —
    5358Telex 8812 — 0 khd dhttp://www.deutz.de

    Printed in GermanyAll rights reserved3st edition, 10/2001Order
    No.: 0297 7945 en

  • 0199 0297 6153-0199 Page III

    Medium-sized and large engines

    Please read all the information contained in this manual, and
    follow the instructions carefully. You will avoidaccidents, retain
    the manufacturers warranty, and will be able to use a fully
    functional and operationalengine.

    This engine has been built solely for the purpose appropriate to
    the scope of delivery concerned, as definedby the equipment
    manufacturer (intended use). Any other use shall be construed as
    not intended. Themanufacturer shall not be liable for any damage
    resulting therefrom; all risks involved shall be borne solelyby the

    The term intended use shall also include compliance with the
    operating, maintenance and repairconditions specified by the
    manufacturer. The engine may be used, maintained and repaired only
    bypersons who are familiar with the work concerned and who have
    been properly informed of the risksinvolved.

    Make sure that these operating instructions are available to
    everyone involved in operating, maintaining,and repairing the
    engine, and that they have all understood the contents.

    Non-compliance with these operating instructions may result in
    engine malfunctions and even damage orinjury to persons; the
    manufacturer will accept no liability in such cases.

    Proper maintenance and repair work depends on the availability
    of all requisite equipment, tools and specialimplements, all of
    which must be in perfect condition.

    Engine parts like springs, brackets, elastic holding rings,
    etc., involve increased risk of injury if not handledproperly.

    The relevant accident prevention regulations and other generally
    recognized rules relating to safetyengineering and health and
    safety at work must all be complied with.

    Maximized cost-efficiency, reliability and long lifetime are
    assured only if original parts from DEUTZ AG areused.

    Engine repairs must correspond to the intended use. In the event
    of modification work, only parts approvedby the manufacturer for
    the purpose concerned may be used. Unauthorized changes to the
    engine willpreclude any liability of the manufacturer for resultant

    The warranty expires in case of nonobservance of these


  • Page IV 0297 6153-0199 0199

    Medium-sized and large engines

    Dear customer,

    The engines of the DEUTZ brand have been developed for a broad
    spectrum of applications. A comprehensiverange of different
    variants ensures that special requirements can be met for the
    individual case involved.

    Your engine has been equipped to suit your own particular
    installation, and accordingly not all of the devicesand components
    described in these operating instructions will actually be fitted
    to your engine.

    We have endeavoured to present the differences involved as
    clearly as possible, to make it easier for you tofind the operating
    and maintenance instructions you need for your own particular

    Please read this manual before you start up your engine, and
    follow the operating and maintenance instructionsmeticulously.

    If you have any questions, just get in touch with us, and we
    will be pleased to answer them for you.

    Yours sincerely,DEUTZ AG


  • 0199 0297 6153-0199 Page V

    Medium-sized and large engines General

    DEUTZ enginesare the culmination of long years filled with
    research and development work. The in-depth know-how thusacquired,
    in conjunction with high standards of quality, is your guarantee
    for engines manufactured for longlifetime, high reliability and low
    fuel consumption. And of course, stringent criteria of
    environment-friendlinessare met as well.

    Care and maintenanceare crucial factors in ensuring that your
    engine satisfactorily meets the requirements involved. Compliance
    withthe specified maintenance intervals and meticulous performance
    of care and maintenance work are thereforeabsolutely essential.
    Special attention must be paid to any more critical operating
    conditions deviating fromthe norm.

    DEUTZ AGIn the event of malfunctions, or if you need spare
    parts, please contact one of our responsible service agencies.Our
    trained and qualified staff will ensure fast, professional
    rectification of any damage, using original parts.Original parts
    from DEUTZ AG have always been manufactured to the very latest
    state-of-the-art.You will find details of our after-sales service
    at the end of these operating instructions.

    Careful when the engine is running!Carry out maintenance or
    repair jobs only when the engine is at a standstill. If you remove
    any protectivefeatures, fit them back in position after completing
    your work. Always wear tight-fitting clothing if you areworking on
    the engine while it is running.

    SafetyYou will find this symbol next to all safety instructions.
    Follow these meticulously. Pass on all safetyinstructions to your
    operating staff as well. In addition, comply with the statutory
    general safety andaccident prevention regulations applying in your

    InstructionYou will find this symbol next to instructions of a
    general nature.Follow these instructions carefully.

    AsbestosThe seals and gaskets used in this engine are
    asbestos-free. Please use the appropriate spare partsfor
    maintenance and repair jobs.



  • Page VI 0297 6153-0199 0199

    Medium-sized and large engines

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  • Table of Contents 0InhaltsverzeichnisIndiceTable des

    Guide to this Manual 1Hinweise zur Benutzung der
    BetriebsanleitungAvvertenze per lutilizzo delle istruzioni per
    lusoIndications relatives lutilisation des instructions de
    serviceIndicaciones para el manejo de las Instrucciones de
    OperacinAanwijzingen voor het gebruik van de handleiding

    Layout and Description of Engine 2Aufbau und Funktion des
    MotorsStruttura e funzioni del motoreConstitution et fonctionnement
    du moteurConstruccin y funciones de partes del motorSamenstelling
    en werkwijze van de motorK

    Specification Data 3Technische AngabenIndicazioni tecnicheDonnes
    techniquesDatos tcnicosTechnische gegevens

    Operating the Engine 4Anleitung zum Betrieb des MotorsIstruzioni
    per il servizio del motoreInstructions relatives lemploi du
    moteurInstrucciones para la operacin del motorHandleiding
    betreffende het werken met de motor

    Engine Operating Media 5Einweisung in die Arbeitssysteme der
    MotorbetriebsstoffeIntroduzioni ai sistemi operativi del materiali
    di esercizio del motoreInstructions concernant les systmes
    opratoires des carburants-moteurAclaraciones para los sistemas de
    medios de servicio para el motorInstructies betreffende brandstof-,
    smeerolie- en koelsysteem —

    Engine Operating Media Treatment 6Vorschriften ber
    BetriebsstoffePrescrizioni relative a mezi di
    esercizioPrescriptions applicables aux carburantsPrescripciones
    para medios de servicioVoorschriften inzake brandstof-, smeerolie-
    en koelmiddel

    Trouble-shooting 7Betriebsstrungen und ihre
    BeseitigungDisfunzioni di esercizio e loro eliminazionePannes et
    leurs remdesPerturbaciones de servicio y su
    eliminacinBedrijffstoringen en het verhelpen daarvanH

    Maintenance Schedules and List of Job Cards 8Instandhaltungs-
    Intervallplne und ArbeitskartenbersichtSchemi degli intervalli di
    manutenzione, visione dinsieme delle schede di lavoroPlans des
    intervalles dentretien et vue densemble sur les fiches de
    travailTables de mantenimiento peridico y recopilacin de fichas de
    trabajoOnderhoudsschema en werkkaarten

    Job Cards JCArbeitskarten AKSchede di lavoro SLCartes de travail
    CTFichas de trabajo FTWerkkaarten WKP AK

  • Table of Contents 0InhaltsverzeichnisIndiceTable des

    Guide to this Manual 1Hinweise zur Benutzung der
    BetriebsanleitungAvvertenze per lutilizzo delle istruzioni per
    lusoIndications relatives lutilisation des instructions de
    serviceIndicaciones para el manejo de las Instrucciones de
    OperacinAanwijzingen voor het gebruik van de handleiding

    Layout and Description of Engine 2Aufbau und Funktion des
    MotorsStruttura e funzioni del motoreConstitution et fonctionnement
    du moteurConstruccin y funciones de partes del motorSamenstelling
    en werkwijze van de motorK

    Specification Data 3Technische AngabenIndicazioni tecnicheDonnes
    techniquesDatos tcnicosTechnische gegevens

    Operating the Engine 4Anleitung zum Betrieb des MotorsIstruzioni
    per il servizio del motoreInstructions relatives lemploi du
    moteurInstrucciones para la operacin del motorHandleiding
    betreffende het werken met de motor

    Engine Operating Media 5Einweisung in die Arbeitssysteme der
    MotorbetriebsstoffeIntroduzioni ai sistemi operativi del materiali
    di esercizio del motoreInstructions concernant les systmes
    opratoires des carburants-moteurAclaraciones para los sistemas de
    medios de servicio para el motorInstructies betreffende brandstof-,
    smeerolie- en koelsysteem —

    Engine Operating Media Treatment 6Vorschriften ber
    BetriebsstoffePrescrizioni relative a mezi di
    esercizioPrescriptions applicables aux carburantsPrescripciones
    para medios de servicioVoorschriften inzake brandstof-, smeerolie-
    en koelmiddel

    Trouble-shooting 7Betriebsstrungen und ihre
    BeseitigungDisfunzioni di esercizio e loro eliminazionePannes et
    leurs remdesPerturbaciones de servicio y su
    eliminacinBedrijffstoringen en het verhelpen daarvanH

    Maintenance Schedules and List of Job Cards 8Instandhaltungs-
    Intervallplne und ArbeitskartenbersichtSchemi degli intervalli di
    manutenzione, visione dinsieme delle schede di lavoroPlans des
    intervalles dentretien et vue densemble sur les fiches de
    travailTables de mantenimiento peridico y recopilacin de fichas de
    trabajoOnderhoudsschema en werkkaarten

    Job Cards JCArbeitskarten AKSchede di lavoro SLCartes de travail
    CTFichas de trabajo FTWerkkaarten WKP AK

  • Table of ContentsInhaltsverzeichnisIndiceTable des


  • 0 Table of ContentsInhaltsverzeichnisIndiceTable des

  • Section:



    Table of contents



    S/BVM 628


    1 Guide to this Manual

    1.1 General

    1.2 Trouble — shooting

    1.3 Planned Mainenance

    1.4 Identification of Spare Parts

    1.5 Specification Data

    1.6 Job Card No.

    1.7 Standard Tools

    1.8 Special Tools

    1.9 Index of DEUTZ Assembly Groups

    2 Layout and Description of Engine

    2.1 01 Cylinder Head2.2 02 Crankshaft System2.3 03 Engine
    Frame2.4 04 Timing System2.5 05 Speed Control System2.6 06 Exhaust
    / Turbocharging System2.7 07 Fuel System2.8 08 Lubricating Oil
    System2.9 09 Cooling Water System2.10 10 Pneumatic System2.11 11
    Engine Protective System2.12 12 Engine Auxiliaries2.13 13 Engine
    Assemblies and Subassemblies2.14 14 Cutaway View of Engine

  • Section:



    Table of contents



    S/BVM 628


    3 Specification Data

    3.1 Model Designation

    3.2 Designation of Engine Ends and Sides and Related

    3.3 Basic Data3.3.1 Design Data3.3.2 Operating Data3.3.3 Setting
    Data for Saftey Switches

    3.4 Weights of Main Engine Components

    3.5 Tightening Specification for Heavy — duty Screwed
    Joints3.5.1 Tightening Schedule3.5.2 /3. Tightening
    Instructions3.5.4 Hydraulic Tool for Annular Nuts

    3.6 List of Compounds ( Sealing, Locking, Lubricating, Heat
    Conduction )

    3.7 Use of Liquid Nitrogen

    3.8 Dye Checking of Metal Surfaces with Distillate Fuel

    4 Operating the Engine

    4.1 Preparatory Work before Operating the Engine with Distillate
    Fuel4.1.1 Preparatory Work before Operating the Engine with Heavy
    Fuel or MDF Blend4.2 Running the Engine with Destillate Fuel4.2.1
    Running the Engine with Heavy Fuel or MDF Blend4.3 Attendance in
    Service4.4 Stopping the Engine Running on Destillate Fuel4.4.1
    Stopping the Engine Running on Heavy Fuel or MDF Blend4.5 Checking
    Combustion by Indicator Diagrams4.6 Run- in instructions4.6.1 Drive
    type Fixed-pitch propeller and comparable drives 4.6.2 Drive type
    C.P. propeller with shaft generator, electric generators and

    drives4.7 Running the Engine with Defective Turbocharger4.8
    Emergency Operation

    5 Engine Operating Media Systems

    5.1 Fuel System5.2 Lubrication Oil System5.3 Cooling Water
    System5.4 Pneumatic System5.5 Injection Pump Plunger Sealing
    System5.6 Injection Nozzle Cooling5.7 Symbols Used in Piping
    Diagrams 0

  • Section:



    Table of contents




    S/BVM 628

    6 Engine Operating Media

    7 Trouble — shooting

    7.1 Summary of Potential Troubles7.2 General7.3 Trouble

    8 Maintenance Schedules, List of Job Cards and Job Cards

    8.1 Summary of Maintenance Schedules8.1.1 Initial Maintenance
    jobs8.1.1.1 — Engines running in countinuos operation, e.g. marine

    >300 hour / year8.1.1.2 — Engines running in standby
    operation, e.g. emrgency generating sets,

    < 300 hours / year

    8.1.2 Daily maintenance jobsThese jobs are described in Section
    4.3, as well as in the Brief instructions under Section *Monitoring
    of Engine Operation.

    8.1.3 Periodic maintenance jobs for engines running in
    continuous operation > 300 hours /year, e.g. marine engines.This
    schedule forms part of Brief Instructions*

    8.1.4 Periodic maintenance jobs for engines running in
    continuous operation < 300 hour / year,wich are exclusively or
    most of the time in standby mode, e.g. emergency
    generatingsets.This schedule forms part of Brief Instructions*.

    8.2 List of Job Cardsby maintenance groups

    8.3 Job Cardsby maintenance groups

    01.00.00 Cylinder Head02.00.00 Crankshaft System03.00.00 Engine
    Frame04.00.00 Timing System05.00.00 Speed Control System06.00.00
    Exhaust and Turbocharging System07.00.00 Fuel System08.00.00
    Lubricating Oil System09.00.00 Cooling Water System10.00.00
    Pneumatic System11.00.00 Engine Protective system12.00.00 Engine

    9 AppendixBrief Instructions

    * The Brief Instructions are attached to this Operating

  • Section:



    Table of contents

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    S/BVM 628

  • Guide to this Manual 1Hinweise zur Benutzung der
    BetriebsanleitungAvvertenze per lutilizzo delle istruzioni per
    lusoIndications relatives lutilisation des instructions de
    serviceIndicaciones para el manejo de las Instrucciones de

  • 1 Guide to this ManualHinweise zur Benutzung der
    BetriebsanleitungAvvertenze per lutilizzo delle istruzioni per
    lusoIndications relatives lutilisation des instructions de
    serviceIndicaciones para el manejo de las Instrucciones de

  • Section:



    Guide to this Manual



    S/BVM 628


    1 Guide to this Manual

    1.1 General

    Surely you expect high degrees of reliability and availibility
    of your DEUTZ engine as prerequisites forits economical
    application. Great importance was attached to these properties in
    the course of theengine’s development. However, these properties
    can be upheld during the engine’s entire lifespanonly, if the
    maintenance and servicing jobs described in this Manual are carried
    out punctuallyand fully.

    It is therefore essential that you become well acquainted with
    the contents of this Manual not onlybefore commissioning the new
    engine, but also to use it as a source of information for
    maintai-ning the high value of the machine.

    All safety precautions and regulations have been observed in the
    design, choice of materials,and manufacture of your engine. This
    high degree of safety and reliability will be maintained, ifthe
    servicing jobs are fully performed according to schedule by
    properly trained personnel,and if all guards and protective devices
    removed for carrying out work on the engine areafterwards

    When servicing, it is essential to observe the relevant
    regulations regarding accident prevention andgeneral safety.

    The Maintenance Schedules give information concerning the work
    involved at the prescribedintervals.

    The Job Cards (Section 8) give detailed instructions for
    carrying out the work. The Job Cards arearranged in accordance with
    Maintenance Groups as per the PLanned Maintenance System 333*.On
    Page 1-0-05 is an alphabetical Index of DEUTZ Assembly Groups
    together with the relevant JobCard Nos. and Maintenance Groups.

    * Institut fr Schiffsbetriebsforschung, Flensburg

  • Section:



    Guide to this Manual



    S/BVM 628


    1.2 Trouble-shooting

    Should troubles and faults of any kind arise on the engine,
    please refer to Section 7, «Trouble-shooting».

    The Trouble Chart lists various potential causes for a certain
    fault, gives brief instructions forproviding possible remedies, and
    refers to the Manual Section concerned and the Job Cardscontaining
    further details for carrying out the work involved.

    1.3 Planned Maintenance

    Keep a regular record of the engine’s running hours and observe
    the schedule for maintenance andservicing accordingly

    The Maintenance Schedule contains details of the maintenance
    work involved and the relevant JobCard Nos.

    Carry out the work detailed on the Job Card.

    1.4 Ordering of Spare Parts

    The Spare Parts Catalogue associated with this Instruction
    Manual contains the Part Nos. for theordering of parts, and also
    design details , where necessary.

    The Spare Parts Catalogue is arranged in accordance with DEUTZ
    Assembly Group Nos. TheseDEUTZ Assembly Group Nos. are also to be
    found in the Filing No. (not Job Card No.!) in the headingof the
    Job Cards. The number appearing between the hyphens, for example in
    the case of 0178-08-501 1110, the -08-, is the DEUTZ Assembly Group

    For detailed information on spare parts identification, please
    refer to the introductory lines of theSpare Parts Catalogue.

    1.5 Specification Data

    Design data, operating data, and setting data for monitoring
    equipment are not given in the JobCards. Please refer to Section 3,
    «Specification Data».

  • Section:



    Guide to this Manual



    S/BVM 628


    1.6 Job Card No.

    In addition to the Filing No., each card is provided with a Job
    Card No.

    Typical Job Card No.: 01.02.03, where:

    01 = Maintenance Group = cylinder head

    02 = Subassembly = rocker arm bearings

    03 = Serial No. of card

    1.7 Standard Tools

    Standard tools are those tools which are normally included in a
    workshop tool box.

    Hammer Chisel1 set of box wrenches 1 set of ordinary
    wrenchesScrewdriver Small water tube pliersNippers Combination
    pliersScriber Tape ruleVarious files Iron sawCentre punch
    MandrelSocket-head wrench Hex. wrenchThree-square scraper
    Non-fraying ragsWire brush Grease gun

    Rubber mallet

    1.8 Special Tools

    Special fitting tools and devices, normally supplied along with
    the engine, are listed in the associatedSpare Parts Catalogue under
    the Assembly Group No. 49.

    1.8.1 These tools are available from your local Deutz

  • Section:



    Guide to this Manual

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  • Section:



    Guide to this Manual

    1.9 Index of DEUTZ Assembly Groups as Incorporated in System 333
    — JobCards, Maintenance Groups

    Assembly Group Job Card Maintenance Group

    06 Big end/-bearing 02.03.02 02 Crankshaft

    10 Camshaft 04.05.01 04 Timing system04.06.01

    10 Camshaft bearing 04.01.01 04 Timing system

    58 Charge air cooler 06.04.01 06 Exhaust / Turbocharging06.04.02

    32 Charge air system 06.02.01 06 Exhaust /

    48 Charge air water detector 11.06.01 11 Engine protective

    37 Coolant circulation pump 09.07.01/02 09 Cooling water

    37 Cooling water system draining 09.00.01 09 Cooling water

    48 Crankcase oil mist detector 11.05.01 11 Engine protective

    01 Crankcase relief valve 03.01.01 03 Engine frame

    05 Crankshaft coupling flange 04.16.01 04 Timing system

    05 Crankshaft gear 04.11.01 04 Timing system

    05 Crankshaft gear 02.01.01 02 Crankshaft system03.08.01

    05 Crankshaft deflection gauging 02.02.01 02 Crankshaft

    08 Cylinder head 01.04.01 01 Cylinder head01.08.0101.09.01

    04 Cylinder liner 01.05.04 03 Engine

    32 Dirt collector 10.03.02 10 Pneumatic system

    41 Exhaust elbow 06.01.03 06 Exhaust / turbocharging system

    41 Exhaust manifold 06.01.01 06 Exhaust /



    S/BVM 628


  • Section:



    Guide to this Manual



    S/BVM 628


    Assembly Group Job Card Maintenance Group

    08 Exhaust valve 01.01.01 01 Cylinder

    05 Flywheel 04.09.01 11 Engine protective system

    46 Foundation bolts 03.07.01 03 Engine frame

    20 Fuel feed pump 07.11.01 07 Fuel system

    20 Fuel filter 07.03.02 07 Fuel system07.10.01

    29 Hydr. governor drive 05.04.01 05 Speed control system

    29 Hydr. governor linkage 05.04.14 05 Speed control system

    27 Hydr. speed governor 05.00.01 05 Speed control

    08 Inlet valve 01.01.01 01 Cylinder

    21 Injection piping 07.03.01 07 Fuel system07.03.02

    17 Injection pump 07.01.01 07 Fuel


    18 Injection pump removal / refitment 07.04.01 04 Timing

    22 Intake air cleaner 06.03.11 06 Exhaust /

    19 Injector removal / refitment 07.07.01 07 Fuel

    15 Lube oil centrifuge 08.13.01 08 Lubricating oil system

    15 PLube oil filter 08.09.01 08 Lubricating oil

    14 Lube oil pump 08.01.01 08 Lubricating oil system

    14 Lube oil pressure-stat 08.11.01 08 Lubricating oil system

    15 Lube oil system 08.02.01 08 Lubricating oil system

  • Section:



    Guide to this Manual

    Assembly Group Job Card Maintenance Group

    02 Main bearing 02.03.02 02 Crankshaft

    48 Oil level float switch 11.07.01 11 Engine protective

    48 Overspeed switch 11.03.01 11 Engine protective system

    07 Piston coolant nozzle 02.15.01 02 Crankshaft system

    07 Piston pin 02.12.01 02 Crankshaft system

    07 Piston pin brush 02.13.01 02 Crankshaft system

    07 Piston / rings 02.09.01 02 Crankshaft

    32 Pneumatic system 10.01.01 10 Pneumatic system

    32 Pressure reducer station 10.06.01 10 Pneumatic system

    48 Pressure switch 11.01.02 11 Engine protective system

    11 Rocker arm 01.02.02 01 Cylinder head01.02.03

    31 Safety valve 01.12.01 01 Cylinder head

    32 Starting air master valve 10.03.01 10 Pneumatic

    30 Starting pilot air distributor 01.02.01 10 Pneumatic

    31 Starting valve 10.11.01 01 Cylinder head01.11.0201.05.04

    48 Temperature switch 11.01.01 11 Engine protective system

    51 Thermocouples 11.01.05 11 Engine protective system

    09 Timing gear train 04.04.01 04 Timing system04.08.01

    09 Timing gear train 04.04.01 04 Timing system04.13.01

    43 Turbocharger 06.05.01 06 Exhaust / turbocharging06.06.01



    S/BVM 628


  • Section:



    Guide to this Manual



    S/BVM 628


    Assembly Group Job Card Maintenance Group

    11 Valve drive, bottom 04.02.01 04 Timing system

    11 Valve drive, top 01.02.02 01 Cylinder head

    08 Valve guide clearance 01.06.01 01 Cylinder head

    08 Valve rotator 01.03.01 01 Cylinder head01.03.02

    16 Valve seat lubrication 08.14.01 08 Lubricating oil system

    08 Valve seat ring 01.07.01 01 Cylinder head01.03.01

    34 Vibration damper 12.01.01 12 Engine

  • Layout and Description of EngineAufbau und Funktion des
    MotorsStruttura e funzioni del motoreConstitution et fonctionnement
    du moteurConstruccin y funciones de partes del motorSamenstelling
    en werkwijze van de motorK


  • 2 Layout and Description of EngineAufbau und Funktion des
    MotorsStruttura e funzioni del motoreConstitution et fonctionnement
    du moteurConstruccin y funciones de partes del motorSamenstelling
    en werkwijze van de motorK

  • Section:



    Layout and Descriptionof Engine



    S/BVM 628


    2 Layout and Description of Engine

    2.1 01 Cylinder Head

    The Head i held down on the crankcase through 4 hydraulically
    tightened studs.

    Fitted in the head are 2 inlet valves, 2 exhaust valves, one
    fuel injector, a starting valve, an indicatorvalve and, if
    required, a relief valve.

    The exhaust valves are equipped with rotators, the inlet valves
    with a seat lubrication to reducewear. In fact, oil is injected in
    a metered amount into the charge air, so this seat lubrication
    requiresno servicing. Injector and inlet/exhaust valves plus drive
    are protected by a rocker chamber cover.Coolant transfer from
    crankcase to head is made through plugged pipes within the head

    2.2 02 Crankshaft System

    The drop-forged crankshaft is fitted in the crankcase in
    underslung arrangement. Main journalsand crankpins are hardened and
    carried in complex-metal bearing shells. As required by the
    ratedengine spee, the shaft is fitted with balance weights to
    reduce mass forces.

    The bearing caps are secured to the crankshaft by 2 vertical and
    2 horizontal bolts, the former onesbeing tightened jointly by a
    hydraulic tool.

    The flywheel is flanged to the shafts driving end, the flange
    being fitted on the shaft by hydraulicshrinkage. Power for
    secundary drives can be taken off from the shafts free end.

    The drop-forged connecting rod big end is split in straight
    (horizontal) arrangement, while the smallend is of the stepped

    The two-piece pistons are fitted with 3 compression rings and
    one oil control ring. The former ringsare located in the steel top,
    the oil ring in the piston skirt above the full-float piston

    2.3 03 Engine Frame

    The crankcase is a single-piece casting. Large doors permit easy
    access to all motion parts. Somedoors may optionally be provided
    with relief valves safeguarding the engine in the case ofcrankcase
    of explosions.

    The standard deep wet-type oil sump represents the engines lube
    oil reservoir, from which oil isforced into the lubricating circuit
    by a special delivery pump. Where high or low-level tanks
    areutilized for oil reservoir, use is made of a flat dry-type sump
    with connections for an oil drain (to thelow-level tank) or a
    special suction pump (to the high-level tank) respectively.

    The cylinder liner is located in the crankcase at top and
    bottom. The liner flange is seated on ahighly waer-resistant ring
    pressed into the crankcase. The water jackets are sealed by
    onewatercooled Viton 0-seals at the bottom. The head/liner gasket
    is a steel ring.

    ysemkaSticky NoteMarked set by ysemkaysemkaSticky NoteMarked set by

  • Section:



    Layout and Descriptionof Engine



    S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


    2.4 04 Timing System

    ILocated at the engines driving end and driven from a big gear
    on the crankshaft, the timing geartrain drives, through idler
    gears, the camshaft, injection pumps and governor.

    As determined by the engines firing order, the camshaft, carried
    in bearing bushes, actuates theinlet and exhaust valves as well as
    the starting pilot air distributor, The shaft is split in two
    halvesand can be pulled out of the engine lengthwise. Cams and
    bearing points are surface-hardened.

    The pump chest at the engines free end can mount, besides the
    standard lube oil delivery pump,one oil suction pump and 2 cooling
    water pumps. The pumps are gear-driven, i.e. the oil pumpsdirect
    and the coolant pumps through flexible couplings.

    2.5 05 Speed Control System

    The Engine is controlled by hydraulic governor which, through
    the injection pumps control rod,automatically meters the amount of
    fuel to be injected as a function of engine load.

    Overall engine control is by an engine-mounted panel or
    seperately installed local or remote controlunits.

    Emergency engine shutdown is possible by an automatic system or
    manually on the speedgovernor direct.

    2.6 06 Exhaust / Turbocharging System

    The non-insulated exhaust manifold running along the engine is
    lagged by an easily removableand multisplit casing. Only the
    water-cooled exhaust elbows from cylinder head to manifold
    arelocated outside this casing. Being connected through sliding
    pieces with 0-seals, the water jacketsof the exhaust elbows form
    the cooling water manifold for the engine.

    The engines are fitted with BBC turbochargers connected to the
    engines cooling system. Thecompressors of these turbochargers are
    cleaned by a scavenging device. The charge air is cooledby water in
    special units.

    The charge air pipe is divided into single sections for each
    cylinder. These sections are likewiseconnected through sliding
    pieces with 0-seals.

    This new concept of exhaust manifold with cooled elbows and
    integral water manifold, the divisionof the charge air pipe, the
    plug-type water transfer pipes between cylinder head and
    crankcaseand, last not least, the use of hydraulic tools for
    tightening the cylinder head studs/nuts significantlyimprove the
    ease in dismantling and refitting components at the engine top.

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    Layout and Descriptionof Engine



    S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


    2.7 07 Fuel System (see also 5.1)

    The following integral in-line injection pumps are provided:

    6 and 8-cylinder models: 2 pumps with 3 and 4 elements

    9-cylinder model: 3 pumps with 3 elements each

    The type of pumps chosen and the connection of the injection
    piping to the cylinder head sidewaysgave the advantage of very
    short injection piping.

    Pump lubrication is connected to the regular motor oil circuit.
    In the case of engines running onintermediate fuels a sealing-oil
    system prevents the lube oil from being diluted by fuel.

    The multi-orifice injection nozzle is located in the middle of
    the cylinder head and connected to thelatter by a lateral injection

    The fuel feed pump is mounted on one injection pump. Fuel
    cleaning is through a change-over typeduplex filter.

    In the case of engines running on heavy fuel, the feed pump is
    installed seperately. The change-over duplex filter can be
    preheated by having the transferred, preheated fuel flow through
    the filter.If available, the injection nozzles are cooled with
    engine lube oil or gas oil or — in exceptional cases- even with
    engine coolant.

    2.8 08 Lubricating Oil System (see also 5.2)

    From the oil sump, or the low- or high-level oil tank, as
    provided, the engine mounted delivery-typeoil pump forces the oil
    through the oil-cooler, usually also engine-mounted, and the
    combined oilfilter (paper filter followed by edge filter) into the
    oil gallery integrally cast inside the crankcase.

    From this gallery the oil flows on through passages in the
    crankcase wall to crankshaft journals andcrankpins and to the
    nozzles provided for cooling the pistons. Passages in the crankcase
    front,wich are connected to the oil gallery, supply the timing gear

    Additional bypass oil filtration is by two centrifuges attached
    to the crankcase doors.

    Connections are also available for standby oil pumps and the
    electric priming pump.

    2.9 09 Cooling Water System (see also 5.3)

    As requiered by the particular engine application, the following
    standard systems can be provided:

    1. Single-Circuit: This circuit serves actual engine plus lube
    oil and charge air cooler. Thewater is cooled in a separate tubular
    heat exchanger.

    2. Double-Circuit: One cooling circuit is provided for the
    engine, a second one for oil andcharge air cooler. The coolant heat
    dissipated is a separate tubular heatexchanger.

    3. Triple-Circuit: This system is primarily used for water
    cooling by radiator. Engine, oil coolerand charge cooler have a
    circuit of their own.

    Optionally available are various versions of the above two

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    Layout and Descriptionof Engine




    S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

    2.10 10 Pneumatic System (see also 5.4)

    The engine is started by compressed air through starting valves
    in the cylinder heads, the valvesbeing opened by pilot air from a
    distributor in the correct firing order. Starting air release is
    normallyat 30 bar.

    2.11 11 Engine Protective System

    All engine operating media can be monitored by temperature
    and/or pressure switches whichenergize alarm and/or shutdown
    devices. In addition, all essential temperatures and pressures
    areindicated by gauges provided on panels that are either
    engine-mounted or seperately installed.

    The exhaust temperature is indicated either by pointer
    thermometers or through thermocouples,which can optionally and
    locally be connected to a pyrometer system.

    If necessary, a crankcase oil mist detector can also be

    2.12 12 Engine Auxiliaries

    Provided for this engine family is an external vibration damper
    either of the viscous or rubber type.The 6-cylinder model is also
    available without this damper.

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    Layout and description of engine

    2.13 Engine Assemblies and Subassemblies (as for the relevant
    location, please referto Section 2.14)

    Assy Group No. Description

    01 Exhaust manifold

    02 Exhaust thermometre

    03 Charge air cooler

    04 Measuring instrument panel

    05 Charge air pipe

    06 Fuel piping

    07 Engine control unit

    08 Fuel filter

    09 Lube oil filter

    10 Lube oil filter combination

    11 Fuel injection pump

    12 Vibration damper

    13 Cylinder liner

    14 Oil dipstick

    15 Connecting rod

    16 Crankshaft

    17 Speed governor drive

    18 Oil pan

    19 Flywheel

    20 Timing gear train

    21 Piston

    22 Starting pilot air distributor

    23 Camshaft

    24 Air intake silencer

    25 Exhaust valve

    26 Pushrods

    27 Exhaust turbocharger

    28 Injector

    29 Cylinder head

    30 Valve drive



    S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


  • Section:



    Layout and description of engine

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

    30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 1913 14 15 16 17 18



    S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

    2.14 Cutaway View of Engine(8-cyl. engine)


    2 2

  • Specification DataTechnische AngabenIndicazioni tecnicheDonnes
    techniquesDatos tcnicosTechnische gegevens


  • 3 Specification DataTechnische AngabenIndicazioni tecnicheDonnes
    techniquesDatos tcnicosTechnische gegevens

  • Section:



    Specification Data

    3 Specification Data

    3.1 Model Designation: S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

    S = Marine (uni-direction) M = Water cooledB = Turbocharged 6 =
    Generation No.V = Four stroke cycle 28 = Piston stroke in cm6/8/9 =
    6, 8 or 9 cylinders

    3.2 Designations of engine sides, cylinders and rotation
    directionViewed towards the drive-side coupling flange of the

    1 AS Drive side Coupling side KS

    2 LS Left side

    3 FS Free side Opposite side to coupling KGS

    4 RS Right side

    Cylinder designation The cylinders are counted and designated
    fromthe drive side «AS»

    Rotation direction The anticlockwise rotation direction
    isdesignated «left rotation» and clockwise isdesignated «right

    3.1 and 3.2


    S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


    80 060 0

    1 2 3 41 3



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    Specification Data



    S/BV 6/8/9M 628


    3.3 Basic Data

    Power and speed see acceptance test sheetsBore 240 mmStroke 280
    mmCapacity per cylinder 12,66 litresTotal capacity: 6 cylinder
    75,66 litres

    8 cylinder 101,28 litres9 cylinder 113,94 litres

    Compression ratio 13 : 1

    3.3.1 Design Data

    01 Cylinder HeadSafety valve opens at 170 5 bar

    02 Crankshaft SystemCrankshaftmain jounal dia. 210 mmrunning
    width of main bearing 70 mmcrankpin dia. 175 mmrunning width of
    big-end bearings 61 mm

    PistonMaterial, top heat-treated steel with hardened grooves

    skirt forget light alloy

    Pin dia. 105 mmNo.of compression rings 3No. of oil control rings
    1Mean piston speed 9,33 m/s a t 1000/min

    Connecting rodLength 504 mmRunning width of small-end bush 108
    mm/56 mm

    03 Engine frameMaterial ductile ironCylinder spacing 370 mm

    04 Timing system

    Firing order6-cyl. model, CL rotation: 1- 4 — 2 — 6 — 3 —
    56-cyl. model, CCL rotation: 1- 5 — 3 — 6 — 2 — 4

    8-cyl. model, CL rotation: 1- 3 — 2 — 5 — 8 — 6 — 7 — 48-cyl.
    model, CCL rotation: 1- 4 — 7 — 6 — 8 — 5 — 2 — 3

    9-cyl. model, CL rotation 1- 3 — 5 — 7 — 9 — 8 — 6 — 4 — 29-cyl.
    model, CCL rotation 1- 2 — 4 — 6 — 8 — 9 — 7 — 5 — 3Valve Timing
    (deg. crank angle)

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    Specification Data




    S/BV 6/8/9M 628

    Inlet valve opens 43,5 KW p. PMS 0,2 mm clearance, engine
    coldInlet valve closes 23,6 KW d. PMS

    Exhaust valve opens 52,9 KW p. PMS 0,5 mm clearance, engine
    coldExhaust valve closes 38,9 KW d. PMS

    Starting valve opens 11 bTDCStarting valve closes 40 bBDC

    05 Speed Control SystemLowest idling speed 800 801 — 900 901 —
    1000/minat full engine speed 200 225 250/min

    Lowest firing speed 80/min

    06 Exhaust / Turbocharging SystemCharge air cooler see
    acceptance test sheet

    07 Fuel SystemInjection lines 10 mm O.D.

    4 mm bore

    3.3.2 Operating Data

    06 Exhaust / Turbocharging System Turbocharging System

    Charge air temperature at engine inlet see acceptance test

    Max. intake resistance 25 mbar (250 mm of water)

    Exhaust SystemOn the 8- and 9-cylinder models, the cylinder next
    to the turbocharger goes to the multi-pulseunit direct, so the
    exhaust temperatures of this cylinder are somewhat lower (see
    acceptancetest sheet).

    Exhaust teperature after turbine see acceptance test sheet

    Max. backpressure 25 mbarPerm. deviation of individual temperatu
    resfrom mean value of all cylinders:100 % rated power + 25 C 75 %
    rated power + 30 C 50 % rated power + 50 C

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    Specification Data

    07 Fuel System

    Fuel grade See Section 6 . 3Fuel consumption See acceptance test
    sheetFilter mesh 7 — 60 mFuel pressure at inj. pump inlet at rated
    speed 3,0 — 4, 5 bar

    Fuel temperature at inj. pump inlet See Section 6

    Injection nozzle opening pressure 350 + 10 barType of nozzles
    See acceptance test sheetCombustion pressure See acceptance test
    sheetPermissible deviation of individual indicated firing
    pressurefrom mean value of all cylinders + 4 barDelivery of
    separate fuel feedpump at 5 + 2,5 bar backpressure: 6-cyl. engine:
    1,3 + 1,0 m3/h

    8-cyl. engine: 1,8 + 0,6 m3/h9-cyl. engine: 2,0 + 0,4 m3/h

    08 Lubricating Oil System

    Oil grade See Section 6 . 2Filter mesh:- paper cartridge 30 m-
    edge filter 50 mOil temperature at engine inlet:(oil cooler
    preceding charge air cooler) max. 65 C(charge air cooler preceding
    oil cooler) max. 75 CMin. oil pressure after filter:- rated speed,
    engine hot 3,5 bar — at lowest idling speed 1,0 bar Priming
    pressure after filter: — before starting regular engine 0,35 bar-
    engine (stationary) on > 0,35 bar (held for 3 minutes standby
    duty every hour)

    Min. priming oil pumping at 3 bar 6-cyl. 8-cyl. 9-cyl.delivery
    pressure (values in 4 m3/h 5 m3/h 6 m3/hbrackets are possible in
    case of (2,5 m3/h) (3 m3/h) (3,5 m3/h)lube oil temperatures below
    50 C)Sealing-oil pressure in injection pumps min. 1 bar higher than
    fuel pressureDelivery pressure of mounted sealing oil pump min. 5
    barSeparate sealing-oil pump(with intermediate fuel
    operation):Delivery pressure: 9 — 10 barSealing-oil delivery 6-cyl.
    8-cyl. 9-cyl.- min. 0,15 l/h 0,2 l/h 0,25 l/h- max. 0,6 l/h 0,6 l/h
    0,6 l/hlevel tanks:- distillate, MDF blend min. 0,7 l/kW- heavy
    fuel > 0,82 l/kWLube oil consumption 1 g/kWhMin. oil capacity
    ofstandby engines 0,2 l/kW



    S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


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    Specification Data

    Separate standby oil pump:- capacity 6-cyl.: 24 — 30 m3/h

    8-cyl.: 30 — 35 m3/h9-cyl.: 35 — 40 m3/h

    — Pressure 5 bar

    Oil Sump Inclinations and Capacities

    Dipstick with3 marks

    Max. engine installation angle = 3

    Max. sump inclination (incl. installation angle) = 10

    Max. permanent inclination = 22,5

    Max. temporary inclination = 30(starting 22, turbocharger will
    lose some oil)

    6-cyl. 8-cyl 9-cyl

    Top mark = 0 615 800 895 = 0 *3

    Oil capacity ofdeep oil sump (litres) 2) Medium mark = 10 *1 525
    680 760

    = 0 *3

    Bottom mark = 10 405 525 590 = 0

    *1) Where sump inclinations are below 10, the oil level can be
    kept at a corresponding level between the top andmedium dipstick
    mark to ensure maximum oil supply to the engine and hence increase
    oil change intervals .(1 less inclination allows for approx. 10 mm
    higher level above medium mark.)

    *2) Sump lubrication for heavy fuel requires min. 0,82

    *3) Due to inclined dipstick, correct maximum distance can be
    obtained only with = 0.



    S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


    51 201 0

    oil l






    Connections for low-level tank

    Dipstick with3 marks

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    Specification Data



    S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


    6-cyl. 8-cyl. 9-cyl.

    Drain A or B 10 8% 7Connection for inclinations 8 — 10 > 7 —

    for inclinations

    Oil Delivery Rate for Valve Seat Lubrication

    Rated Engine Speed Delivery in drops / 4 min 1/min. 6-cyl.
    8-cyl. 9-cyl.

    1000 42 56 63 900 37 50 56 800 34 45 50 750 32 42 47 720 30 40

    Admissible deviation 4 gocce/4 min

    09 Cooling Water SystemWater quality see Section 6Engine system
    capacity 6-cyl.: 225 litres

    8-cyl.: 275 litres9-cyl.: 300 litres

    Max. coolant temperature at engine outlet during full-load

    (In case of 2-stage charge air cooler, measured at cooler
    inlet)- with single-circuit cooling system 80C- with two- and
    three-circuit cooling system 85CTemperature difference between full
    load and idling operation(at engine outlet) 8 — 12 CTemperature
    difference between cooling water at engine inletand engine outlet
    under full load conditions 8 — 12 C

    (In case of 2-stage charge air cooler, measured at cooler
    inlet)Cooling water preheating temperature- for standby duty 50 C-
    for engines starting with blended fuel

    — viscosity < 180 mm2/s at 50C (cSt) 50 C- viscosity > 180
    mm2/s at 50C (cSt) 70 C- viscosity > 380 mm2/s at 50C (cSt) 80

    — for all other engines 25 C

    Max. coolant temperature at charge air cooler inlet 50 C

    Max. coolant temperature at built-on oil cooler inlet 45 C

    Max. raw water temperature at heat exchanger inlet 32 C

    Max. coolant pressure at engine inlet with built-on or separate
    pump ~ 4 barCoolant temperature at injection nozzle inlet approx.
    85CMin. pressure of separate injection nozzle coolant pump 3

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    Specification Data



    S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


    10 Pneumatic System

    Air receiver capacity see Classification Societies (min. 125

    Max. starting pressure 30 barMin. starting pressure 10 bar

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    Specification Data



    S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

    3.3.3 Setting data for monitoring equipment

    Minimum equipment marine propulsion auxiliary stationaryengines
    marine engines

    Data in bar

    Pressure monitor engine speed

    (referring to dropping pressure) 600/min > 600/minlube oil
    pressure:initial alarm 2,0 main alarm (engine stop) 1,0 2,0 1,8

    Temperature monitor Data in C

    circ. cool. water temp

    circuit I 85 85 85charge air temp., max. 65 65 65

    Other monitors rated speed

    overspeed protection 110 %n1 110 %n1 110 %n1

    Further setting data may be obtained from the gauge point list
    which is included in the engine documentation.

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    Specification Data

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    Specification Data




    S/BV M 628

    3.3.4 Arrangement of Electrical Equipment

    Measuring point No. as per Function / description of the
    equipment orseparately supplied list of of the gauge pointmeasuring

    1.3.1 Fuel supply pressure1.3.3 Pme monitoring1.3.4 Full load
    (overload) monitoring1.3.7 Fuel rack travel indicator1.3.8
    Monitoring of shielded injection pipings2.3.1 Speed switch —
    pressure monitor bridging2.3.2 Lube oil pressure n < 600
    l/min2.3.3 Lube oil pressure n > 600 l/min2.3.4 Lube oil
    pressure2.3.5 Lube oil temperature2.3.7 Min. lube oil
    temperature2.3.8 Differential pressure lube oil filter2.3.9 Level —
    lube oil pan2.4.1 Lube oil pressure2.4.6 Lube oil temperature2.4.8
    Seal oil pressure2.4.10 Lube oil pressure start inhibitor2.4.11
    Level — lube oil pan, stand-by pump ON2.6.3 Lube oil
    temperature3.3.2 Engine jacket water temperature3.3.3 Engine jacket
    water pressure, circuit I3.3.4 Raw water pressure3.3.5 Min. engine
    jacket water temperature3.3.7 Engine jacket water, circuit II3.3.10
    Speed switch — pressure monitor bridging3.4.4 Engine jacket water
    temperature3.6.4 Engine jacket water temperature4.3.1 Max. charge
    air temperature4.3.2 Min. charge air temperature4.3.3 Water
    detector in charge air pipe4.6.2 Charge air temperature5.4.1
    Exhaust gas temperature per cylinder5.4.3 Exhaust gas temperature
    after turbine6.3.1 Failure crankcase monitoring system6.4.5
    Crankcase monitoring system7.3.1 Starting air pressure7.3.2 Control
    air pressure7.3.3 Malfunction of start air interlock (engine fails
    to start)7.3.4 Switch — speed setting output7.3.5 Switch — speed
    setting input7.3.6 Switch — engine remote control unit (BVM)7.3.6
    Control unit indicator, engine-mounted/remote (SBVM)7.3.9 Signal
    lamp — remote control ON7.3.10 3/2 -way valve change-over

  • Section:



    Specification Data



    S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


    Measuring point No. as per Function / description of the
    equipment orseparately supplied list of of the gauge pointmeasuring

    7.3.14 Tacho-generator monitor7.5.8 Solenoid — emergency
    shutdown7.5.9 Starting solenoid, 3/2-way valve7.5.10 Pushbutton —
    delocking emergency stop7.5.12 Speed control monitor7.5.14
    Pushbutton — stop7.5.15 Solenoid — emergency shutdown7.5.16
    Solenoid — stop7.5.17 Electr. 3-way valve (start inhibitor)7.5.20
    Pushbutton — start8.1.1 Tacho-generator8.1.2 Speed indicator

  • Section:



    Specification Data




    S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

    25 4

    37 2 Exhaust Turbocharger at Driving End

  • Section:



    Specification Data



    S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


    25 4

    38 2

  • Section:



    Specification Data

    25 4

    39 2



    S/BV 6/8/9 M 628

    0984 Exhaust Turbocharger at Free End

  • Section:



    Specification Data



    S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


    25 4

    40 2

  • Section:



    Specification Data



    S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


    3.4 Weight of Engine Components(approx. kg per unit)

    No. Description 6-cyl. 8-cyl. 9-cyl.

    1 Engine with flywheel 9500 11500 13400

    2 Crankcase w/o main bearing cap 2080 2617 3700Crankcase w.main
    bearing cap 2310 2920 4030

    3 Oil tank …(wet sump) 365 430 470Oil tank …(dry sump) 320
    380 410

    4 Cylinder liner 58 58 58

    5 Crankshaft w/o balance weights 790 995 1097

    6 Balance weights w. bolts and washers 23 23 23

    7 Flywheel dia. 930 x 86 199 or 252 or 305 970 x 130 480 or 505
    990 x 240 1040 1140 x 277 1452 or 1572

    8 Bearing (top and bottom shell)1 main bearing 2 2 21 big end
    bearing 1 1 1

    9 Connecting rod 36,5 36,5 36,5

    10 Piston without piston rings 22 22 22

    11 Gudgeon pin 10,8 10,8 10,8

    12 Cylinder head (compl.) 120 120 120

    13 Inlet or exhaust valves 1 1 1

    14 Injection valve 3,3 3,3 3,3

    15 Viscous-type vibration damper 490 x 85 104 620 x 100 200 640
    x 120 255

    16 Extra weights (dia. x width) 538 x 55 90 680 x 42,5 108

    17 Torsional vibration damper, rubber-type (dia. x width) 675 x
    130 145 — — 680 x 153 — 230 230

    18 Turbocharger VTR 214 w/o intake air silencer 230 230 — VTR
    251 — 360 360

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    Specification Data



    S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


    Item Description ca. kg

    19 Coupling Series

    Size 1120 1121 1300 1301

    EZR 1232 133 142 181 188

    EZR 1412217 220 305 307

    EZR 1422

    EZR 1712373 378 479 484

    EZR 1722

    EZR 2012 594 603 736 753

    20 Coupling Series

    Size 2100 2101 2200 2201

    Rato-S 1811141 170 141 178

    Rato-S 1812

    Rato-S 2011169 207 169 216

    Rato-S 2012

    Rato-S 2211205 250 205 261

    Rato-S 2212

    Rato-S 2411275 330 275 346

    Rato-S 2412

    Rato-S 2521318 372 339 394

    Rato-S 2522

    Rato-S 2611334 402 334 420

    Rato-S 2612

    Rato-S 2721387 455 412 481

    Rato-S 2722

    Rato-S 2811421 505 421 530

    Rato-S 2812

    Rato-S 2921478 562 511 597

    Rato-S 2922

  • Section:



    Specification Data

    Item Description 6-cyl. 8-cyl. 9-cylca. kg ca. kg ca. kg

    21 Charge air piping 23 23 23(section per cylinder)



    S/BV 6/8/9 M 628


  • Section:



    Specification Data


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    Specification Data



    S/BVM 628



    02 01 Crankcase / bearing cap (vertical) M 33 x 2 1030 bar
    Section 3.5.2, Job 02.08.01

    Line N. cost- Joints tightened by wrench Thread Preload
    Tightening Tightening RemarksNo. group torque torque angle

    Nm Nm

    03 01 Crankcase / bearing cap (horizontal) M 22 x 2 70 Nm — 210

    04 06 Big end / cap M 20 x 1,5 70 Nm — 240 1 phase 90 2 phase 90
    3 phase 60

    0505 Crankshaft / counterwheights M 27 x 2 130 Nm — 90 —


    07 11 Rocker bracket / cylinder head M 14 x 1,5 30 Nm — 150 1
    phase 30 2 phase 60 3 phase 60

    08 11 Rocker shaft / rocker bracket / M 16 x 1,5 30 Nm — 240 1
    phase 60 cylinder head 2 phase 90

    3 phase 90

    09 09 Timing chest / crankcase M 14 — 112 Nm — —

    10 17 Injection pump top / base M 12 30 Nm — 90 —

    11 17 Injection pump: element fastening M 12 85 Nm — 60 —

    12 17 Injection pump: cramshaft / gear M 14 x 1,5 30 Nm — 60 non

    13 17 Injection pump / crankcase M 12 30 Nm — 90 —

    14 18 Injection pump drive / clutch disc M 20 x 1,5 130 Nm — 90

    15 18 Injection pump drive / cramshaft M 14 x 1,5 30 Nm — 90

    16 09 Injection pump drive / gear M 16 x 1,5 30 Nm — 90 —

    1734 Vibration damper / crankshaft M 24 x 2 130 Nm — 90 —


    19 37 Water pump / shaft M 16 x 1,5 50 Nm — 120 —

    20 43 Turbocharger bracket / crankcase M 16 x 1,5 — 250 Nm —

    21 14 Crankshaft / gear M 10 — 50 Nm — —

    22 14 Gear / oil pump drive M 16 50 Nm — 90 -dellolio

    23 19 Injector fastening M 16 x 1,5 — 120 Nm — —

    24 05 Flywheel / crankshaft M30 x 2 x 100 128 Nm — 75 1 phase 45
    2 phase 30

    M30 x 2 x 200 128 Nm — 150 1 phase 90 2 phase 60

    Line Constr. Joints tightened by hydraulic tool Thread Oil
    pressure RemarksNo. group bar

    01 01 Crankcase / cylinder head M 33 x 2 835 bar Job

    3.5 Tightening Specification for Heavy-Duty Screwed Joints3.5.1

  • Section:



    Specification Data



    S/BVM 628



    Line Constr. Joints tightened by wrench Thread Preload
    Tightening Tightening RemarksNo. group torque torque angle

    Nm Nm

    25 05 Crankshaft / gear M 12 — 120 Nm — —

    26 10 Drive gear / camshaft M 10 — 70 Nm — —

    27 10 Camshaft / camshaft M 10 — 70 Nm — —

    28 01 Crankcase door M 10 x 30 — 70 Nm — —

    29 14 Pump chest fastening M 12 — 75 Nm — —

    30 30 Starting control shaft / camshaft M 14 x 1,5 30 Nm — 90

    31 21 Injection line / cap nut 30 Nm — 30 —

    32 M 16 x 1,5 — 250 Nm — -09 Timing chest / crankcase

    33 M 20 x 2 — 280 Nm — —

    35 M 16 x 1,5 — 250 Nm — —

    36 58 Charge air cooler bracket / crankcase M 12 x 1,25 — 108 Nm
    — —

    37 M 10 — 70 Nm — —

    38 ATL VTR 251 M 10 30 Nm — 240 1 phase180 Air cleaner 2 phase

    22 (long bolts)39 ATL VTR 201 M 10 30 Nm — 150 1 phase 90

    2 phase 60

    40 M 16 x 1,5 — 130 Nm — -09 Gear pivot pins

    41 M 20 x 2 — 280 Nm — —

    42 EZ 121 S M 14 20-30 Nm — 60 1 phase 30 EZ 135 S 2 phase

    43 EZ 142 S M 18 x 1,5 40 Nm — 90 1 phase 30 Flexible coupling
    EZ 166 S 2 phase 60

    63 (c/w adapter flange) /44 flywheel EZ 171 S M 22 x 1,5 69 Nm —
    120 1 phase 60

    EZ 195 S 2 phase 60

    45 EZ 201 S M 27 x 2 128 Nm — 60 1 phase 30 2 phase 30

    47 52 Generator M 30 x 2 128 Nm — 90 1 phase 30 2 phase 60

    48 34 Vibration damper / crankshaft M 24 x 2 130 Nm — 120 D.
    with extra mass

    49 27 Governor drive / bevel gear M 24 x 1,5 70 Nm — 90 —

    50 19 Injector / nozzle nut M 28 x 1,5 — 120 Nm — —

    51 EZ 121 S M 14 20 -30 Nm — 60 1 phase 30 EZ 135 S 2 phase

    52 EZ 142 S M 18 x 1,5 40 Nm — 90 1 phase 60 Flexible coupling
    EZ 166 S 2 phase 30

    63 (without adapter flange) /53 flywheel EZ 171 S M 22 x 1,5 68
    Nm — 150 1 phase 90

    EZ 195 S 2 phase 60

    54 EZ 201 S M 27 x 2 128 Nm — 120 1 phase 60 2 phase 60

  • Section:



    Specification Data



    S/BVM 628



    Line Constr. Joints tightened by wrench Thread Preload
    Tightening Tightening RemarksNo. group torque torque angle

    Nm Nm

    55 M 10 x 20 — 60 Nm — —

    56 M 10 x 25 — 60 Nm — —

    57 34 Vibration damper / rubber element M 12 x 140 — 170 Nm —

    58 M 14 x 35 — 220 Nm — —

    59 M 14 x 50 — 220 Nm — —

    60 29 Control rod / connecting linkage M 8 x 30 — 40+5 Nm —

    61 10 Camshaft / guide plate M 10 — 50 Nm — —

    62 M 14 x 80 — 125 Nm — —

    63 M 16 x 40 — 280 Nm — —

    64 M 16 x 45 — 190 Nm — —

    65 M 16 x 50 — 280 Nm — —

    66 M 16 x 80 — 280 Nm — —

    67 43 Turbocharger assembly M 16 x 90 — 280 Nm — —

    68 M 16 x 170 — 280 Nm — —

    69 M 20x 1,2×45 — 700 Nm — —

    70 M 20×1,5×50 — 430 Nm — —

    71 M 20×1,5×65 — 300 Nm — —

    72 M 20 x 50 — 380 Nm — —

    73 M 20 x 160 — 380 Nm — —

    74 16 Piston cooling oil nozzles M 12 x 40 — 135 Nm — —

    75 47 Resilient bearing element / base plate M 27 — 1000 Nm —

    76 01 Crankcase / base plate M 22 x 1,5 — 900 +20 Nm — —

  • Section:



    Specification Data




    S/BVM 628

    51 202 0

    3.5.2 Legend for Items 2 and 3

    Preload studs I and II hydraulically with max. 100 bar.

    Preload studs III and IV mechanically with 70 Nm.

    Tighten studs III and IV alternately through 90 + 90 + 30 =

    Tighten bolts I and II hydraulically to max. 1030 bar.Screw nuts
    in place and tighten until aquarely seated.

    Lower hydraulic pressure to 0 bar, so nut will becompletely

    Reincrease pressure to 1030 bar and tighten nuts until squarely

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    Specification Data




    S/BVM 628

    51 203 0

    3.5.3 Tightening ProcedureProceed by applying lube oil or other
    com-pound to threads according to informationgiven in the job

    Phase 1: Screw the bolts (screws, nuts) inplace

    Phase 2: Preload the bolts (screws, nuts)

    Torques up to 30 NmHold socket wrench with tommy bar, handsbeing
    closed together and preload boltsevenly (alternately and crosswise,
    whereapplicable).When using a plain or box wrench, thethumb should
    touch the wrench.

    Torques above 30 NmPreload bolts by torque wrench to thetorque
    tabulated (crosswise and in stages,where applicable).If a standard
    tool must be used, see ad-joining figure and table below with

    Phase 3

    Tighten the bolts (srews, nuts)Tighten bolts evenly to the
    tabulated angle(alternately and crosswise, where applica-ble). Use
    extension, if necessary. Whereseveral bolts are involved and the
    angle isgreater than 60, tighten in stages of max.60.

    Preloading Lever Force torque Length

    Nm mm N

    30 500 60

    40 500 80

    70 1000 70

    130 1000 130

    lever length


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    Specification Data



    S/BVM 628


    Do not simply back overtightened bolts, but release them
    comletely and tighten again asspecified.

    Should necking of shank be found after several tightening
    procedures, renew bolt.

    3.5.4 Information on the Hydraulic Tool for Annular Nuts

    For equipment design, oil filling and bleeding procedures see
    Job Card No. 02.16.02, which alsogives a list of hydraulic oils

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    Specification Data



    S/BVM 628

    3.6 Sealing, Locking, Lubrication and Heat Conductor

    Designation Description Application condition Use Remarks
    Equivalent product

    Sealing compounds:

    Asbestos withloil-resistant

    It- bonding agent 1,5 mm thick lube oil, gas oil

    Asbestos Serpentine 2,0 mm thick Combustion gasestype

    Rubber (natural Water -20 toGi Deutz 2b or synthetic) +110 C

    anti-freeze andanti-corrosive

    Deutz DW 5 Paper 0,3 mm thick Air, water, lube oil,gas oil

    Deutz DW 20 Leather board 1,5 mm thick Water up to 65 Clube oil,
    gas oil

    Deutz DW 30 Gasket Exhaust system Deva metal fromDeventer

    Deutz DW 40 Gasket Asbestos w. Exhaust piping Reinz 4402
    orartif. resin Ferrolastic from Diring

    Amine-hardening Silicone Tough-elastic Silastik Q3-3305,
    blackDeutz DW 47 compound India rubber engine from

    frame joints Fa. DOW-CORNING,Dsseldorf

    Silicone Touch-elastic Silastik 732 RTV fromvulcanisate joints
    Dow-Corning, Brussels

    Deutz DW 48 Compound and Terrostat 33,black, fromTeroson

    Deutz DW 49 Compound Core hole plugs Fire risk Compound No. 54
    fromSonderhoff, Cologne

    Deutz DW 50 Compound Liquid seal Pump cases etc. Fire risk Curil
    orTeroson fluid

    Deutz DW 51 Compound Liquid seal Fire risk Compound Sigma
    fromSonderhoff, Cologne

    Locking Compounds:

    Deutz DW 55 Liquid single- Low viscosity Threads up to M 16,
    Loctite 601component agent becoming bearings, bushesplastics
    hardening very tight gears, pins etc.on metal underair

    Deutz DW 56 High viscosity Threads from M 10, Loctite AVXagent
    becoming esp. studs,very tight surfaces

    .Deutz DW 57 Low-viscosity agent Threads up to M14 Loctite

    easily removable (adjusting screws)

    Deutz DW 59 Medium-viscosity agent Threads and surfaces Loctite
    270becoming very tight

    Deutz DW 60 High-viscosity agent Threads and faces Loctite
    CVXbecoming medium tight hydr. and pneum.

    Deutz DW 61 Activator Only with DW 56 and non-corrosive Locquic
    TDW 60 for non-metallic and surface treatedcomponents

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    Specification Data



    S/BVM 628


    Designation Description Application Use Remarks Equivalent

    Lubricating Compounds:

    Heat- Prevention Never Seez fromDeutz S1 resistant Compound of
    thread seizure P.H. Weidling & Sohn KG

    or spray (e.g. exhaust system)

    Deutz S2 Special compound Sliding compound Hydraulic system
    sliding Molycote G-n rapidseals, waisted bolts / studs

    Deutz S4 Molybdic Compound Reduces / prevents Initially clean
    DOW-CORNING,sulfide friction and resultant components w. per-

    corrosion of tight-fit or tri-chlorethylene or Van
    Laar,components. apply compound RatingenFor temperatures very
    «thin»:-40 C to +450 C. some 0,005 mm

    Synthetic silicone Electric insulating com- Molykote
    specialDeutz F2 compound pound for plug/socket con- compound G-n

    nections in ignition systems

    Acid-free Multi-purposeDeutz F5 lubricant grease for all

    -30 to +120 C

    MOLYKOTE Extra-high pressure Bearings, splinesLongterm 2 grease,
    extremely and couplings

    adhesive, good for temperaturescorrosion -25 to +110 Cbuona

    Heat Conductor Compounds:

    Cond. compound: Temperature Heat compound fromDeutz P1 copper w.
    oil-contai- switches Stein & Sohn, Hamburg

    ning bonding agent

  • Section:



    Specification Data

    3.7 Use of Liquid Nitrogen

    Fitment of metal parts with the aid of liquid nitrogen can be
    carried out only in a workshop.

    Beware of liquid nitrogen coming into contact with the skin.
    Never touch undercooled partswith bare hands. Use pliers or other
    suitable tool when placing parts into liquid nitrogen.

    Application of liquid nitrogenFor minor work of short duration
    it will be sufficient to have two concentric containers of
    varyingdiameter placed into each other and to have the clearance
    between the two containersfilled withthe mineral wool, cork meal or

    To begin with, pour the nitrogen into the special basin and then
    dip the parts into this liquid. Thestart of the undercooling
    process is indicated by heavy «boiling». Bubbles will form until
    the partshave assumed the nitrogen temperature of — 196 C. Once no
    more bubbles form, the part is readyfor fitment.

    Quantity of nitrogen neededUnder normal conditions, one kilogram
    of metal to be cooled from +15 to -196 C requires thefollowing
    quantity of liquid nitrogen:

    Steel 0,60 litresAluminium 0,96 litresBronze, copper, brass 0,45
    litresCast iron 0,66 litres



    S/BVM 628


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    Specification Data


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    Specification Data



    S/BVM 628


    25 459 1

    3.8 Dye Checking of Metal Surfaces

    The dye checking process for detectingmetal surface flaws
    requires the followingagents:

    Detergent (trichlorethylene),Diffusion fluid

    Cleaning the part- Apply the detergent at least one hour

    before applying the diffusion fluid toensure that any grease is
    removed fromthe metal surface and its flaws (cracks,fissures, etc.)
    (Fig. 1) (see safety in-struction, page 3-6-02)

    Applying the diffusion Fluid- Apply fluid by spraying gun, hair

    or by dipping part into the directionsforuse (Fig. 2).

    — Wash off surface by water, so fluid willremain in the flaws
    only (Fig. 3).

    — Wipe surface clean with a dry rag.

    Applying the developer- Once the surface is dry, apply on a

    thin film of developer by spray gun orhair brush.

    — Let developer dry for one or two minu-tes.

    — The «blotting paper effect» of the whitedeveloper will make
    the red fluid beco-me visible in the flaws (Fig. 4).

  • Section:



    Specification Data


    — Red lines in the white film indicate cracks.- Red dots
    indicate pittings or porosity.

    Hair cracks may need some hours to become visible.

    A red dotted line is caused by:

    hair cracks,

    metal fatigue marks,

    non-continuous cracks.

    Trichlorethylene is toxic. Ensure adequate ventilation of the
    workshop. Do not inhalevapours. Wear protective clothing (such as
    goggles, gloves) when working with trichlorethy-lene.



    S/BVM 628


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  • Operating the EngineAnleitung zum Betrieb des MotorsIstruzioni
    per il servizio del motoreInstructions relatives lemploi du
    moteurInstrucciones para la operacin del motorHandleiding
    betreffende het werken met de motor


  • 4 Operating the EngineAnleitung zum Betrieb des MotorsIstruzioni
    per il servizio del motoreInstructions relatives lemploi du
    moteurInstrucciones para la operacin del motorHandleiding
    betreffende het werken met de motor

  • Section:



    Operating the Engine



    S/BVM 628


    4.1 Preparations for Operating the Engine on Distillate Fuel

    (see also sections 7, 8.2, 8.3 and «Summerized Instructions»

    A Commissioning Run-in Engines Following a Brief Idle PeriodB
    Commisioning Engines Following Overhaul Including Replacements of
    Pistons, Cylinder Liner

    or BearingsC Commisioning New Engines or Run-in Engines
    Following a Prolonged Idle Period (over 3


    Item Job A B C Reference

    1 Depreservation Remove all preserving section 6agent inside and
    outsideof engine

    2 Cylinder head Check inlet and exhaust Job 01.01.01valve

    Check that inletand exhaust valvesmove freely in their

    3 Foundation Inspect / tighten to thebolts instructions of the
    Job 03.07.01

    building contractor

    4 Speed control system Check that control rodmoves freely Job

    Check oil level inhydraulic governor Job 05.03.11

    Check oil ofhydraulic governor Job 05.03.11

    Bleed hydraulic governor Job 05.03.12

    5 Exhaust / Check oil levelturbocharging system in turbocharger
    Job 06.05.01

    Inspect turbocharger Job 06.06.01

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    Operating the Engine



    S/BVM 628


    Item Job A B C Reference

    6 Fuel systemClean fuel service tank

    Top up fuel service tank

    Clean fuel filter Job 07.10.01

    Test fuel injectors Job 07.08.01

    Check oil level insealing oil tank

    Drain fuel service tank

    Open shut-off valve of fuelservice tank and switch onfuel feed
    pump (if installed)

    Bleed fuel system Job 07.03.02

    7 Lube oil systemTop up lube oil reservoir

    Check up lubeoil reservoir

    Service lube oilfilter combination Job 08.10.01

    Switch on priming pumpand keep priming pressurefor min. 3
    minutes > 0,35 bar

    Switch on priming pump(if standby oil pump)

    8 Cooling water system Top up water level

    Check up water levelin header tank

    Bleed water system,if need be

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    Operating the Engine



    S/BVM 628


    Item Job A B C Reference

    8 Cooling water system Treat waterwith additives Section 6.4

    Open valves in all water pipeworkand check for correct valve

    Switch onwater preheater,if provided

    Standby sets:Check that preheatingtemperature (if provided)
    Section 3.3.2

    Clean separateraw water filter (if provided)

    9 Pneumatic system Check that master andstarting valves Job
    01.11.01move freely Job 10.03.01

    Drain condensate from dust coll. Job 10.03.02

    Drain condensate frompressure reducer station Job 10.06.01

    Clean / install running -inscreen upstream Job 10.03.91of master

    Drain waterfrom air receivers Job 10.01.01

    Check pressurein air receivers Job 10.01.01

    10 Engine protective system Separate pumps: checkpressures /
    temperaturesin operating media(fuel etc.)

    Test audibleand visual alarms

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    Operating the Engine

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    Operating the Engine



    S/BVM 628


    4.1.1 Preparation for Operating the Engine on blended Fuel
    (heavy Fuel)

    (see also sections 7, 8.2, 8.3 and «Summarized Instructions»

    A Commissioning run-in engines following a brief idle period

    B Commissioning engines following overhaul including
    replacements of pistons, cylinderliner or bearings

    C Commissioning new engines or run-in engines following a
    prolonged idle period (over 3months)

    Item Job A B C Reference

    1 Depreservation Remove all preserving agentlinside and
    outsideof engine Section 6.5

    2 Cylinder head Check inlet and exhaust Job 01.01.01valve

    Check that inlet and exhaustvalves move freelyin their

    3 Foundation bolts Inspect / tighten to theinstruction of the
    Job 03.07.01building contractor

    4 Speed control system Check that control rodmoves freely Job

    Check oil level inhydraulic governor Job 05.03.11

    Change oil inhydraulic governor Job 05.03.11

    Bleed hydraulic governor Job 05.03.12

    5 Exhaust / turbocharging Check oil levelsystem in turbocharger
    Job 06.05.01

    Inspect turbocharger Job 06.06.01

    Check scavenging water Job 06.13.03quantity

  • Section:



    Operating the Engine

    Item Job A B C Reference

    6 Fuel systemClean fuel service tank

    Top up fuel service tank

    Clean fuel filter Job 07.10.01

    Test fuel injectors Job 07.08.01

    Check oil level insealing oil tank

    Preheat fuel service tank Section 6.3

    Drain fuel service tank

    Open shut-off valve offuel service tank

    Switch on sealing oil pump

    Switch on fuel feed pump as6+2 bar sealing oil pressure has been

    Heat separate f uel filter if enginehas been stopped on heavy
    fuel Section 6.3

    Inserire limpianto di regolazionedella viscosit. Section 6.3

    Bleed fuel system Job 07.03.02

    7 Lube oil system Switch on standby oil pumpif used for priming

    Top up lube oilreservoir

    Check level in lube oilreservoir

    Clean lube oil filter 08.10.01

    Switch on priming pump andkeep min. 0,35 bar pressure for min. 3



    S/BVM 628


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    Operating the Engine



    S/BVM 628


    Item Job A B C Reference

    8 Cooling water system Top up water level

    Check water levelin header tank

    Bleed water systemif necessary

    Treat water with additives Section 6.4

    Clean separate raw water filter(if provided)

    Open valves in all waterpipework and checkfor correct valve

    Switch on water preheater

    Switch on injection valvewater preheater (if provided)

    Section 6.3Switch on injection valvecoolant pump

    9 Pneumatic system Check that master and Job 01.11.01starting
    valvesmove freely Job 10.03.01

    Drain condensate from dust coll. Job 10.03.02

    Drain condensate frompressure reducer station Job 10.06.01

    Clean / install running-inscreen upstream Job 10.03.91of master

    Drain water fromair receivers Job 10.01.01

    Check pressure inair receivers Job 10.01.01

  • Section:



    Operating the Engine



    S/BVM 628


    Item Job A B C Reference

    10 Engine protective system Separate pumps:check pressures /
    temperaturesin operating media(fuel etc.)

    Test audible andvisual alarms

  • Section:



    Operating the Engine

    Item Procedure A B C Reference

    1 Open indicator valves

    2 Turn engine over twice by barring gear, but not later than 1
    hourafter prelubricating, otherwise repeat prelubricating

    3 Place speed control in lowest possible position Section

    4 Keep assistance ready at theemergency stop drive Job

    5 With air receivers closed, move engine control leverfrom
    «Stop» to «Start» position.Slowly open air shut-off valves and-
    with indicator valves opened -briefly turn engine over. Close air
    receivers, move control lever back to «Stop» positionand close
    indicator valves

    6 Open air receiver fully

    7 Move local control lever from «Stop» to «Start» positionand —
    when firing speed is attained -move on to «Run» position Section

    8 Should the engine fail to fire at the end of some 3
    seconds,wait for a while and repeat starting attempt.If several
    such starting attempts are unsuccessful, Section 7trace cause of
    trouble and remedy.

    9 Switch off water preheater (if provided)at temperature
    specified Section 3.3.2

    10 Where the standby lube oil pump is used for priming,switch
    off pump once idling speed is reachedor when the starting
    inhibitor, if provided, releases

    11 Raise engine speed slowly



    S/BVM 628


    4.2 Running the Engine on Distillate Fuel

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    Operating the Engine

    Item Procedure A B C Reference

    12 Run in engine Section 4.6

    13 Once working temperature is reached, Acceptanceput engine on
    load documents

    On stationary engines use start and stop button respectively for
    items 5 and 7.




    S/BVM 628

  • Section:



    Operating the Engine

    Item Procedure A B C Reference

    1 Open indicator valves

    2 Turn engine over twice by barring gear, but not later than 1
    hourafter prelubricating, otherwise repeat prelubricating

    3 Place speed control in lowest possible position Section

    4 Keep assistance ready at theemergency device Job 05.00.01

    5 With air receivers closed, move engine control leverfrom
    «Stop» to «Start» position.Slowly open air shut-off valves and-
    with indicator valves opened -briefly turn engine over. Close air
    receivers, move control lever back to «Stop» positionand close
    indicator valves

    6 Open air receiver fully

    7 Move local control lever from «Stop» to «Start» positionand —
    when firing speed is attained -move on to «Run» position Section

    8 Should the engine fail to fire at the end of some 3
    seconds,wait for a while and repeat starting attempt.If several
    such starting attempts are unsuccessful, Section 7trace cause of
    trouble and remedy.

    9 Where the standby lube oil pump is used for priming,switch off
    pump once idling speed is reached or when the starting inhibitor,if
    provided, releases

    10 Operate engine at high speed with some 25% power,raising to
    some 60% power




    S/BVM 628

    4.2.1 Running the Engine on Blended Fuel (Heavy Fuel)

  • Section:



    Operating the Engine

    Item Procedure A B C Reference

    11 Run in engine Section 4.6

    12 Switch off coolant preheater(upon attaining appropriate
    temperature) Section 3.3.2

    13 Switch off separate preheated filter

    14 Switch off injector preheater(if provided). Section 3.3.2

    15 Once working temperature is reached,put the engine on

    On stationary engines use start and stop button respectively for
    items 5 and 7.



    S/BVM 628


  • Section:



    Operating the Engine

    Item Daily Checks and Servicing Jobs Reference Reading(Section

    1 General Listen to running noise

    Check colour of exhaust Section 7

    Inspect entire engine for leaks,especially external pipework

    Compare engine operating datawith acceptance documents

    2 Temperatures Lube oil temperature Section max. 65 Cat engine
    inlet 3.3.2 max. 75 C

    Water temperature Section max. 80 Ca t engine outlet 3.3.2 max.
    85 C

    Water temperature differentialat engine inlet / outlet 8 — 12

    Fuel temperature Sectionin injection pump 6.3

    Charge air temperature Acceptanceat engine inlet documents(full

    Exhaust temperature Acceptanceat turbine outlet documents

    3 Pressures Lube oil pressureat filter outlet 3,5 bar(engine
    hot, rated speed)

    Sealing oil pressure Sectionin injection pumps 3.3.2




    S/BVM 628

    4.3 Attendance in Service

    Record readings right from the start, unless automatically
    printed where periodically unattended service isprovided.See also
    section 3.3.

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    Operating the Engine



    S/BVM 628


    Item Daily Check and Servicing Jobs Reference Reading(section

    3 Pressures Water pressure ~ 4 barat engine inlet

    Fuel pressure 3,0 + 1,5 barat injection pump inlet

    Charge air pressure Acceptance documents

    Starting air pressure, max / min 30/10 bar

    Raw water pressure

    4 Speed control system Check oil level 05.03.11in hydraulic

    5 Exhaust / Clean turbochargerturbocharging system air side

    Check exhaust mean temperatures Acceptance(differences between
    cylinders documentsare irrelevant for power output). sectionCheck
    limit temperatures 3.3.2

    Check oil levelin turbocharger 06.05.01

    6 Fuel system Drain water from fuel tank

    Check fuel level in service tank

    Check flow switch formonitoring shielded injection lines(if
    provided) 11.01.03

    7 Lube oil system Check oil levels

    Service wire coil edge-type filter 08.09.01

    Check service gaugeof oil filter 08.10.01

    Inspect valve seat lubrication 08.14.01

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    Operating the Engine

    Item Daily Checks and Servicing Jobs Acceptance

    8 Cooling system Check coolant levelin hydraulic governor

    9 Pneumatic system Charge air receivers anddrain condensate
    after cool-down

    Drain condensate from dust collector 10.03.02



    S/BVM 628


    Drain condensate frompressure reducer station 10.06.01

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    Operating the Engine


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    Operating the Engine

    Item Job A B C

    1 To prevent heat accumulation, let engine idle for 10 minutesor
    so before shutting down from prolonged full-load service. Where
    separate oil and coolant pumps are provided, keepthem going for 10
    minutes following engine shutdown.

    2 Stop engine

    3 Close shut-off valve of air receiver

    4 Close shut-off valves of fuel service tank

    5 Close shut-off valves before and after water colle

    6 When frost is imminent, switch on water preheater,unless an
    anti-freeze has been added,or drain all water from engine and
    attachments(see Job Card 09.00.01)

    7 Drain all water from engine and attachments(see Job Card

    8 Drain all lubricating oil from engine and attachments(except
    speed governor)

    9 Preserve engine (section 6.5)

    10 While the engine is out of service, switch on standby lube
    oil pumponce a week, open indicator valves and turn engine
    over.(This applies only in the case of vibration of the shut-down
    engine,e.g. due to other engines in service)




    S/BVM 628

    4.4 Stoppage / Layoff of Engine Running on Distillate Fuel

    A Short period (Engine remains readily available)

    B Prolonged Period

    C Period exceeding 3 months

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    Operating the Engine

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    Operating the Engine

    Item Job A B C

    1 When operating with blended fuel < 380 mm2 /s (cSt) / 50 C
    ,we recommend running the engine for at least 1 hourwith distillate
    fuel before shutdown

    When operating with blended fuel > 380 mm2 /s (cSt) / 50 C
    ,the engine must be run for at least 1 hour with distillate
    fuelbefore shut-down — longer than 72 hours — until the fuel
    systemis completely filled with distillate fuel.

    2 To prevent heat accumulation, let engine idle for 5 minutesor
    so before shutting it down from prolonged full-load service.Where
    separate oil and coolant pumps are provided,keep them going for 5
    minutes following shut-down.

    3 Stop engine

    4 Switch off viscosity control, injector coolant pump,fuel feed
    pump and fuel plunger sealing oil pump

    5 Close shut-off valve of air receiver

    6 Close shut-off valve of fuel service tank

    7 Close shut-off valves before and after water cooler

    8 When frost is imminent, switch on water preheater,unless an
    anti-freeze has been added,or drain all water from engine and
    attachments(see Job 09.00.01)

    9 Drain all water from engine and attachments(see Job




    S/BVM 628

    4.4.1 Stoppage / Layoff of Engine Running on Heavy Fuel or MDF

    A Short Period (Engine remains readily available)

    B Prolonged Period

    C Period exceeding 3 months

  • Section:



    Operating the Engine



    S/BVM 628


    Item Job A B C

    10 Drain lube oil completely from engine, accassories, pipings
    and fittings (but not from speed governor).

    11 Preserve engine (section 6.5)

    12 When engine is out of service, switch on standby lube oil
    pumponce a week, open indicator valves and turn engine over.(This
    applies only in the case of vibration of the shut-down engine,e.g.
    due to other engines in service)

  • Section:



    Operating the Engine



    S/BVM 628


    4.5 Taking Combustion Indicator Diagrams

    Be sure closely to observe the instructions issued by the
    indicator manufacturer, or readingsare liable to be incorrect.The
    instrument recommended by us is the Mahaik torsionspring indicator,
    type S, plunger 1/2,with the following springs:

    Max. combustion pressure Spring

    100 bar F 100 bar No. 50

    120 bar F 120 bar No. 60

    140 bar F 140 bar No. 70

    160 bar F 160 bar No. 80

    Pressures see acceptance records.

    Taking Indicator DiagramsThoroughly blow through the indicator
    valves to prevent any carbon particles entering the gauge.Then
    screw indicator firmly in its place.

    Put indicator paper on the recording drum and draw the zero

    Open indicator valve and slowly turn drum from recording the
    combustion pressures

    For recording the compression pressure, cut out injection pump
    (Job Card 07.01.01) and checkthat control rod of the injection pump
    does not abut at its load limit.

    The following data should be entered upon the diagram:

    Date, spring scale, cylinder No., corresponding exhaust
    temperature, control rod position, speedand charge air

    Assessing the ReadingsCompare readings with the values given in
    the Acceptance Record.

    ysemkaSticky NoteMarked set by ysemka

  • Section:



    Operating the Engine

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  • Section:



    Operating the Engine

    4.6 Run-in InstructionsEngines which leave the manufacturer’s
    works have been run in; thus run-in at site is not necessary.

    Following servicing work on main and big-end bearings, pistons,
    piston rings and cylinder linersthe engine must b

This is a COMPLETE Operation & Maintenance Manual for the Deutz sbv 6-8-9 M628

This Manual Describes Procedures for Operation, Handling, Lubrication, Maintenance, Checking, and Adjustment. It Will Help The Operator and Maintenance Personnel Realize Peak Performance Through Effective, Economical and Safe Machine Operation and Maintenance.

Table of Contents:
Engine description
Operating media
Servicing and maintenance works
Transport and storage
Technical data


Model Specification: Deutz sbv 6-8-9 M628 Operation Manual
Language: English
File Format: PDF
Requirements: Adobe PDF Reader
Compatible: All Versions of Windows & Mac, APP ISO, Iphone, Ipad, Android etc…


This PDF file is Bookmarked and SEARCHABLE to make what you need easy to find.

All pages are printable, so run off what you need & take it with you into the garage or workshop.

Thanks for visiting!

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