Ip атс panasonic kx ncp500ru инструкция

Видео Настройка мини атс Panasonic KX TDA100 (автор: Kvax1986)09:41

Настройка мини атс Panasonic KX TDA100

Видео IP АТС Panasonic KX TDE600RU (автор: Евгений Перфильев)03:33

IP АТС Panasonic KX TDE600RU

Видео Panasonic KX-NCP500/1000 Unified Communications Platform (автор: factoryoutletstore)01:39

Panasonic KX-NCP500/1000 Unified Communications Platform

Видео Мини АТС Panasonic KX NCP500 (автор: Vladimir Lebedinsky)01:26

Мини АТС Panasonic KX NCP500

Видео Panasonic KX NS 500 + Panasonic KX TDE 200 (автор: Statex)06:17

Panasonic KX NS 500 + Panasonic KX TDE 200

Видео KX-NS500 description and PC programming from A~Z ( IN ENGLISH ) (автор: IP-PBX FREE TRAINING ACADEMY)51:16

KX-NS500 description and PC programming from A~Z ( IN ENGLISH )

Видео panasonic ncp500 progrmacion primera (автор: Alfonso martinez torre)14:00

panasonic ncp500 progrmacion primera

Видео kx-ncp500 реализация (автор: Vladimir Lebedinsky)00:56

kx-ncp500 реализация


Благодарим за покупку IP-УATC Panasonic.

Внимательно прочтите это Руководство перед использованием изделия и сохраните его

для будущего использования.

Установку и программирование системы должен выполнять

Авторизованный Установщик.

KX-NCP500/KX-NCP1000: программный файл PBMPR версии 2.0000 или выше

Модель №



Руководство пользователя

УАТС Благодарим за покупку IP...

Основные функции

Связь по IP

Эта УАТС поддерживает связь по IP с помощью

различных IP-телефонов, например, моделей

серии KX-NT300 с автомаркировкой и/или

беспроводными гарнитурами Bluetooth , а также

посредством внутренних SIP-абонентов

(SIP Hardphone/SIP Softphone).

Внутренний SIP-абонент

IP Softphone

Системный IP-телефон


Установка на ПК программного телефона

(IP Softphone Panasonic) позволяет выполнять и

принимать вызовы по интернет-протоколу (IP) и

пользоваться функциями УАТС при отсутствии

аппаратного системного IP-телефона.

IP Softphone

Обратитесь к дилеру.

Обратитесь к дилеру.

Эта УАТС поддерживает сотовые телефоны.

При этом с сотовых телефонов можно выполнять

и принимать вызовы так же, как с аппаратов

зарегистрированных внутренних абонентов.

Функции сотовых телефонов

Эта УАТС дополнительно поддерживает

работу с микросотовыми терминалами (PS).

PS могут использоваться в УАТС наряду

с проводными телефонами.

Система беспроводной связи

Обратитесь к дилеру.

1.8.12 Подключение микросотового терми-
нала параллельно проводному телефону
(Параллельное беспроводное XDP-подклю-
чение) (Cтр. 151)


Руководство пользователя

Основные функции

Основные функции

ENTER Кнопка навигации Диск JOG DIAL Индикатор сообщения…

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Удобное управление

Использование телефона Panasonic,

оборудованного кнопкой навигации/диском

JOG DIAL и дисплеем, позволяет быстро

получить доступ к требуемой функции.

Кроме того, абонент будет

проинформирован о поступлении входящего

вызова или наличии ожидающего

сообщения, если аппарат снабжен

специальным индикатором.

Существует возможность перенаправления

входящих вызовов в ящик сообщений абонента,

чтобы звонящие могли оставлять речевые

сообщения в случае, если абонент не может

подойти к телефону.

Добрый день,

это номер 204.


оставьте ваше


Встроенная система

речевой почты

1.1 Перед началом эксплуатации телефо-
нов (Cтр. 20)

1.6.2 Использование речевых сообщений
(Встроенная система речевой почты [SVM])
(Cтр. 113)

<Пример отчета: входящие вызовы>







Сервер отчетов ACD


Эта УАТС поддерживает системы речевой

почты (VPS) с сервером отчетов ACD.

В дополнение к функциям VPS, сервер

отчетов ACD предоставляет множество

других функций, таких как контроль,

создание отчетов и графиков

производительности, в целях

эффективного управления информацией о


Это приложение позволяет использовать ПК

для получения доступа к функциям УАТС, что

обеспечивает расширенные возможности

по обслуживанию вызовов и гарантирует

эффективную обработку каждого вызова.

ПК (клиент)

ПК (клиент)

Communication Assistant (CA)

Обратитесь к дилеру.

Обратитесь к дилеру.

Руководство пользователя


Основные функции

ENTER Кнопка навигации Диск JOG DIAL Индикатор сообщения...

Эта УАТС поддерживает функцию встроенного

call-центра, а именно, создание групп

распределения входящих вызовов (ГРВВ).

Входящие вызовы, поступающие в группу

распределения входящих вызовов, могут

ставиться в очередь или перенаправляться

на предварительно запрограммированного

адресата, обрабатываться операторами

в порядке приоритетов и контролироваться

с внутренней линии супервизора.






входящих вызовов


Сервер и веб-клиент

CA Call Accounting







Это приложение используется для вычисления

приблизительной стоимости вызовов

и отслеживания операций, связанных с вызовами,

которые выполняются посредством УАТС. Если

установлено программное обеспечение веб-сервера

CA Call Accounting, то пользователь может получить

доступ к приложению CA Call Accounting с любого

ПК с использованием веб-клиента. Веб-клиент

предоставляет возможность сортировки, просмотра,

печати или экспорта информации о вызовах.

1.9 Использование call-центра (Cтр. 153)

Обратитесь к дилеру.

В этом Руководстве

Используются следующие сокращения:

® Аналоговый системный телефон

СТ с дисплеем

® Системный телефон с дисплеем


® Цифровой системный телефон


® Системный IP-телефон


® Микросотовый терминал


® Системный телефон


® Внутренний абонент с протоколом инициирования сеансов


® Аналоговый телефонный аппарат

Во всех номерах моделей опускается суффикс (например, KX-NCP500NE).

Иллюстрации УАТС соответствуют KX-NCP500.

Часто используются следующие значки:






Эта УАТС поддерживает внутренних абонентов, связь с которыми осуществляется по протоколу
SIP (протокол инициирования сеансов). Однако некоторые функции УАТС могут быть недоступны
внутренним SIP-абонентам в зависимости от типа телефона.

При исчезновении электропитания может нарушиться работоспособность подключенных
телефонов. Следует обеспечить наличие отдельного телефона, не требующего подключения к
электросети, для использования в экстренных ситуациях.

Перед подключением этого изделия проверьте, что изделие устанавливается в подходящих для
его эксплуатации климатических условиях. При установке этого изделия не гарантируется

возможность взаимодействия и совместимость со всеми устройствами и системами,
подключенными к этому изделию;


Руководство пользователя

Основные функции


правильное функционирование и совместимость с услугами, которые предоставляются
телекоммуникационными компаниями по подключенным сетям.


В этом Руководстве представлено базовое описание работы с основными функциями и
возможностями УАТС при помощи системных телефонов (СТ), аналоговых телефонных аппаратов
(ТА), микросотовых терминалов (PS) и консолей прямого доступа (DSS). Для получения подробной
информации о каждой функции или параметре обратитесь к дилеру.

В настоящем Руководстве упоминаются различные типы СТ:

системный IP-телефон (IP-СТ);

цифровой системный телефон (ЦСТ);

аналоговый системный телефон (АСТ);

системный телефон с дисплеем (СТ с дисплеем).

Сокращение «СT» является общим термином, обозначающим все эти СТ. Если определенная
функция УАТС поддерживает только некоторые СТ, например, IP-СТ, в тексте указываются
доступные типы телефонов.

IP-СТ/устройства внутренних SIP-абонентов могут находиться в состоянии «занято» или не
позволять выполнять или принимать вызовы в зависимости от состояния сети.

Информация, которая содержится в этом Руководстве, относится к УATC с определенной версией
программного обеспечения, указанной на обложке Руководства. Для получения информации
относительно версии программного обеспечения УАТС обратитесь к дилеру.

Технические характеристики изделий могут быть изменены без предварительного уведомления.

Кнопки и операции для KX-NT400 отличаются от таковых для других СТ. Для получения
дополнительной информации о KX-NT400 необходимо ознакомиться с инструкцией по
эксплуатации устройства KX-NT400.

Примечания для внутренних SIP-абонентов

Внутренние SIP-абоненты должны предварительно ознакомиться со следующими примечаниями.


Для внутренних SIP-абонентов доступны следующие функции:

Выполнение вызовов

Ответ на вызовы

Удержание вызовов

Переадресация вызовов (При этом положить трубку до ответа абонента, на которого
переадресован вызов, невозможно.)


Ограничено число доступных операций с номерами функций. См. типы телефонов, указываемые
сверху слева от каждой операции.


Пользователь KX-HGT100 имеет возможность получения доступа к некоторым функциям УАТС с
помощью номеров функций. Определенные функции доступны только после обновления
микропрограммного обеспечения KX-HGT100 и программного файла MPR УАТС до
соответствующих последних версий. См. раздел «1.15.1 Список операций». Для получения
дополнительной информации обратитесь к дилеру.


Пользователь KX-HGT100 может сохранять и использовать номера для личного пользования при
помощи собственного телефонного аппарата посредством программирования KX-HGT100.


Для внутренних SIP-абонентов недоступны тональные сигналы, перечисленные в
разделе «4.3.1 Что означает этот тональный сигнал?». Тональные сигналы или типы тональных
сигналов могут варьироваться в зависимости от типа используемого телефона. Например, при
помещении вызова на удержание может прослушиваться тональный сигнал, определенный для
данного внутреннего SIP-абонента, либо тональный сигнал может отсутствовать вообще.


Нажатие любых кнопок с цифрами при прослушивании тонального сигнала «занято»/тонального
сигнала «не беспокоить»/тонального прерывистого сигнала «отказ в обслуживании», например,

Руководство пользователя


Основные функции

Примечания, Примечания для внутренних sip-абонентов

набор номера функции для активизации постановки в очередь на…

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набор номера функции для активизации постановки в очередь на занятую линию, будет


Операции для внутренних SIP-абонентов могут отличаться от описанных в настоящем Руководстве
и варьироваться в зависимости от типа используемого телефона.


Руководство пользователя

Основные функции

набор номера функции для активизации постановки в очередь на...

Примечания по безопасности

Во избежание опасности для пользователей или других лиц, а также для предотвращения ущерба
имущества, необходимо следовать настоящим примечаниям по безопасности.
В зависимости от степени серьезности травмы или ущерба, примечания относятся к следующим


Это примечание указывает на то, что неправильное использование
может привести к летальному исходу или серьезным травмам.


Это примечание указывает на то, что неправильное использование
может привести к травмам или повреждению имущества.

Товарные знаки

Слово Bluetooth


и логотипы принадлежат Bluetooth SIG, Inc.; любое использование этих знаков

компанией Panasonic Corporation осуществляется согласно лицензии.

Все другие товарные знаки, используемые в данном документе, являются собственностью их

Руководство пользователя


Основные функции

Примечания по безопасности

Важные инструкции по технике безопасно- сти, Сохраните эти инструкции

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Важные инструкции по технике безопасно-


Во избежание возгорания, поражения электрическим током и получения травм при пользовании
телефонным оборудованием следует соблюдать изложенные ниже основные правила техники

Не используйте изделие в тех местах, где возможно попадание воды (например, рядом с ванной,
раковиной, кухонной мойкой, стиральной машиной, в сырых подвальных помещениях, вблизи

Не пользуйтесь проводными телефонами во время грозы. В этом случае возможно поражение
электрическим током при ударе молнии.

Не пользуйтесь телефоном для передачи сообщения об утечке газа в непосредственной близости
от места утечки.

Инструкции по установке в стойке – в состав инструкций по установке входят следующие или
аналогичные инструкции по установке в стойках:


Повышенная рабочая температура окружающей среды – при установке в закрытой стойке или
стойке для нескольких устройств рабочая температура окружающей среды в стойке может быть
выше, чем температура в помещении. Поэтому оборудование должно эксплуатироваться при
температуре, соответствующей требованиям к максимальной температуре (Tma),
определенным изготовителем.


Надежное заземление – необходимо обеспечить надежное заземление оборудования,
устанавливаемого на стойках. Особое внимание следует уделить соединениям питания, не
являющимся прямыми соединениями с параллельной цепью (например, при использовании
разветвителей питания).



Руководство пользователя

Важные инструкции по технике безопасности

Важные инструкции по технике безопасно- сти, Сохраните эти инструкции

Важная информация




При эксплуатации любого телефонного оборудования

Установка и обслуживание изделия должны выполняться квалифицированным сервисным
персоналом. Изделие должно использоваться в том виде, в котором находилось в момент
приобретения; его разборка и модификация запрещены. Разборка или изменение могут стать
причиной возгорания, поражения электрическим током или повреждения изделия.

Не допускайте попадания на изделие дождя или влаги. Не допускайте воздействия на изделие
воды, масла или других жидкостей. Воздействие этих условий может привести к возгоранию,
поражению электрическим током, а также стать причиной снижения производительности изделия.

Неукоснительно соблюдайте все указания и предупреждения по технике безопасности, нанесенные
непосредственно на изделие.

Не устанавливайте изделие на неустойчивую или неровную поверхность. Падение может привести
к серьезным внутренним повреждениям.

Изделия, требующие наличия источника электропитания, должны подключаться только к тем
источникам электропитания, которые соответствуют типу, указанному в маркировке изделия. При
отсутствии достоверной информации о типе источника электропитания обратитесь к своему дилеру
или в местную энергоснабжающую организацию.

В целях безопасности некоторые изделия оборудованы штепселем с заземлением. При отсутствии
розетки с заземлением следует установить розетку, имеющую заземление. Не пытайтесь обойти
это требование безопасности путем переделки штепселя.

Со шнуром электропитания не должны соприкасаться посторонние предметы. Шнур
электропитания должен быть проложен так, чтобы на него нельзя было наступить при проходе по

Подача питания на несколько устройств, превышающую общую номинальную мощность настенных
электрических розеток или используемых удлинителей, запрещена. Если при использовании
розеток, разветвителей питания, удлинителей и т.д. превышена их номинальная мощность, они
выделяют большое количество тепла, которое может стать причиной возгорания.

Регулярно протирайте пыль с оборудования. Чрезмерная запыленность может привести к
возгоранию или поражению электрическим током, а также снизить производительность изделия.

В указанных ниже случаях следует отключить изделие от электросети и обратиться к дилеру:


Повреждение или изношенность шнура электропитания или вилки.


Попадание жидкости в изделие.


Изделие находилось под дождем или в воде.


Изделие используется с нарушением инструкций по эксплуатации. Пользуйтесь только теми
органами управления, которые описаны в инструкциях по эксплуатации. Неправильная
установка других органов управления может привести к повреждению оборудования, а
восстановление его нормальной работы потребует услуг квалифицированных специалистов.


Изделие подверглось падению или поврежден корпус изделия.


Производительность изделия ухудшилась.

При эксплуатации УАТС

Если при повреждении изделия обнажаются его внутренние детали, немедленно отсоедините шнур
электропитания и верните изделие дилеру.

Руководство пользователя


Важная информация

Важная информация, Сохраните эти инструкции

Если изделие выделяет дым, запах или издает посторонний шум…

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Если изделие выделяет дым, запах или издает посторонний шум, отключите ее от электрической
розетки переменного тока. В противном случае возникает риск возгорания или поражения
электрическим током. Проверьте, что выделение дыма полностью прекратилось, и обратитесь в
авторизованный сервисный центр Panasonic.

Изделие оборудовано штепселем с заземлением. Из соображений безопасности этот штекер
следует подключать к правильно смонтированной электрической розетке, в которой имеется
заземляющий контакт.

Запрещается проталкивать внутрь изделия какие-либо посторонние предметы, поскольку они могут
соприкоснуться с токоведущими частями или элементами, находящимися под напряжением, что
может привести к возгоранию или поражению электрическим током.

Используйте только те шнуры электропитания и батареи, которые указаны в данном Руководстве.
Не бросайте батареи в огонь. Они могут взорваться. Утилизируйте батареи в соответствии с
местными нормами.



При эксплуатации любого телефонного оборудования

Устройство должно эксплуатироваться в чистом и сухом помещении. Температура окружающей
среды не должна превышать 40 °C. Устройство не должно подвергаться вибрации и воздействию
прямых солнечных лучей.

Перед чисткой изделия отключите его от электросети. Корпус изделия следует протирать мягкой
тканью. Для чистки корпуса не следует применять абразивные материалы или химически активные
вещества, такие как бензин или растворитель. Не пользуйтесь жидкими или аэрозольными
чистящими средствами.

При эксплуатации УАТС

Используйте только те монтажные средства для установки в 19-дюймовую стойку (кронштейны,
винты), которые входят в комплект поставки УАТС.

При перемещении оборудования следует сначала отсоединить телекоммуникационные кабели, а
затем кабели электропитания. При установке устройства на новом месте следует сначала
подсоединить кабели электропитания, а затем телекоммуникационные кабели.

Шнур электропитания используется как средство полного отключения электропитания.
Электрическая розетка переменного тока должна находиться рядом с оборудованием, и доступ к
ней должен быть беспрепятственным.

Пазы и отверстия на передней, задней и нижней поверхности изделия предназначены для
вентиляции и защиты аппаратуры от перегрева. Запрещается их закрывать или каким-либо образом
блокировать циркуляцию воздуха через эти вентиляционные отверстия. Поэтому при пользовании
не следует устанавливать изделие на мягкое основание (диван, ковер и т.п.), поскольку это может
привести к блокированию вентиляционных отверстий. Не допускается установка изделия рядом или
над батареей отопления или любым другим источником тепла. Не допускается установка изделия
в замкнутом пространстве, если при этом не обеспечивается соответствующая вентиляция.

Во избежание поломки оборудования из-за воздействия статического электричества не
прикасайтесь к внешним разъемам изделия.

Если данное изделие больше не будет использоваться, его следует демонтировать из стойки.


Для обеспечения безопасного и надлежащего использования УАТС должны соблюдаться приведенные
ниже требования по безопасности. Несоблюдение этих требований может привести к следующим

утеря, утечка, фальсификация или хищение пользовательской информации;


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Если изделие выделяет дым, запах или издает посторонний шум...


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User Manual



Model No.


Thank you for purchasing a Panasonic Pure IP-PBX.

Please read this manual carefully before using this product and save this manual for future use.

KX-NCP500/KX-NCP1000: PBMPR Software File Version 1.0000 or later


Related Manuals for Panasonic KX-NCP500

Summary of Contents for Panasonic KX-NCP500

  • Page 1: User Manual

    User Manual Pure IP-PBX KX-NCP500 Model No. KX-NCP1000 Thank you for purchasing a Panasonic Pure IP-PBX. Please read this manual carefully before using this product and save this manual for future use. KX-NCP500/KX-NCP1000: PBMPR Software File Version 1.0000 or later…

  • Page 2
    This PBX supports IP communication using You can install a software-based telephone a variety of IP telephones, such as the KX-NT300 (Panasonic IP Softphone) on your PC to make series with Self Labelling and/or Bluetooth and receive calls using Internet Protocol (IP)
  • Page 3
    Feature Highlights Easy Operation Built-in Simplified Voice Message If you are using a certain Panasonic telephone You can set incoming calls to be redirected that is equipped with a Navigator Key/Jog Dial to your message box to let callers leave voice…
  • Page 4
    SIP Extension ® Session Initiation Protocol Extension SLT ® Single Line Telephone • The suffix of each model number is omitted. • The illustrations of the PBX are based on the KX-NCP500. • The following icons are used frequently. Hints Conditions Notice •…
  • Page 5: User Manual

    Feature Highlights NOTES • This manual provides basic information on how you can access commonly used PBX functions with proprietary telephones (PTs), single line telephones (SLTs), portable stations (PSs), and DSS Consoles. For detailed information about each feature or setting, consult your dealer. •…

  • Page 6: Safety Notices

    Feature Highlights Safety Notices Please observe the safety notices in this manual in order to avoid danger to users or other people, and prevent damage to property. The notices are classified as follows, according to the severity of injury or damage: WARNING This notice means that misuse could result in death or serious injury.

  • Page 7: Important Safety Instructions

    Important Safety Instructions Important Safety Instructions When using your telephone equipment, basic safety precautions should always be followed to reduce the risk of fire, electric shock and injury to persons, including the following: • Do not use the product near water, for example, near a bathtub, wash bowl, kitchen sink, or laundry tub, in a wet basement, or near a swimming pool.

  • Page 8: Important Information

    Unplug this unit from the AC outlet if it emits smoke, an abnormal smell or makes unusual noise. These conditions can cause fire or electric shock. Confirm that smoke has stopped and contact an authorised Panasonic Factory Service Centre. •…

  • Page 9
    Contact your telephone company. If all SLTs operate properly, there may be a problem with your PBX. Do not reconnect the PBX to the outside lines until it has been serviced by an authorised Panasonic Factory Service Centre. Notes…
  • Page 10
    Attention Attention • When using a Panasonic proprietary telephone (PT), use only the correct Panasonic handset. • For users of PC Phone (Free Licence Version) shipped with KX-T7601 USB Module: All features of the PC Phone software are available for 90 days from the date of installation.
  • Page 11
    Attention area code should either be removed when calling back local numbers, or check with your toll carrier that a charge will not be levied. • All persons using this device for recording telephone conversations shall comply with New Zealand law. This requires that at least one party to the conversation is to be aware that it is being recorded.
  • Page 12: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents 1 Operation ………………..15 Before Operating the Telephones ……………..16 1.1.1 Before Operating the Telephones ………………16 Making Calls ……………………29 1.2.1 Basic Calling ……………………29 1.2.2 Easy Dialling ……………………34 1.2.3 Redial ……………………..38 1.2.4 When the Dialled Line is Busy or There is No Answer ………..39 1.2.5 Accessing the ISDN Service (ISDN Service Access) ………….47 1.2.6…

  • Page 13: User Manual

    1.8.5 Preventing Your Telephone Number Being Displayed on the Caller’s Telephone (Connected Line Identification Restriction [COLR]) …………132 1.8.6 Preventing Your Number Being Displayed on the Called Party’s Telephone (Calling Line Identification Restriction [CLIR]) ……………….133 1.8.7 Preventing Other People from Joining Your Conversation (Executive Busy Override Deny) ……………………..134 1.8.8 Turning on the Background Music (BGM) …………..135…

  • Page 14
    Customising Your System (System Programming) ………..214 3.3.1 Programming Information …………………214 3.3.2 System Programming ………………..217 4 Appendix ………………..221 Troubleshooting ………………….222 4.1.1 Troubleshooting ………………….222 Feature Number Table ………………..226 4.2.1 Feature Number Table ………………..226 What is This Tone? …………………..237 4.3.1 What is This Tone? ………………….237 Index………………….241 User Manual…
  • Page 15: Operation

    Section 1 Operation This chapter shows you step by step how to use each feature. Read this chapter to become familiar with the many useful features of this PBX. User Manual…

  • Page 16: Before Operating The Telephones

    Single Line Telephone (SLT) (e.g., rotary pulse telephone) Which features are available depend on the type of telephone being used. If you are using a Panasonic proprietary telephone with a special feature button such as or a display (Display PT) or both, you can REDIAL follow the operation with the button or display messages for easy programming.

  • Page 17: Your Extension Number

    Tone?» (Appendix). Display In this manual, you will see «the display …». This refers to the display of a Panasonic proprietary telephone. If your telephone is not a Panasonic display proprietary telephone, the message will not be displayed. If you use a Panasonic display proprietary telephone, the display helps you confirm the settings.

  • Page 18
    1.1.1 Before Operating the Telephones Restrictions Some features may be restricted at your extension depending on system programming and the type of telephone being used. Icon Descriptions The following icons show you the feature availability, notes and action to use the features. This feature cannot be used with a Seize an outside line (One of single line telephone.
  • Page 19: Flexible Buttons

    When You Use a Panasonic Proprietary Telephone If you use a Panasonic proprietary telephone and the Console, they may have some of the useful feature buttons described below. For a PS user, refer to «Operating Instructions» for PS. These buttons make operations simple.

  • Page 20
    1.1.1 Before Operating the Telephones AUTO DIAL/STORE: PAUSE: PAUSE Used for System/Personal Used to insert a pause when storing a Speed Dialling or storing pro- telephone number. This button also gramme changes. functions as the PROGRAM button when there is no PROGRAM button on your telephone.
  • Page 21
    1.1.1 Before Operating the Telephones INTERCOM: Soft Buttons: Used to make or receive intercom Used to select the item displayed on the calls. bottom of the display. INTERCOM INT’ MONITOR: AUTO ANS (Auto Answer)/MUTE: MONITOR Used for hands-free dialling. You Used to receive an incoming call in can monitor the party’s voice in hands-free mode or mute the micro-…
  • Page 22
    1.1.1 Before Operating the Telephones TRANSFER: HOLD: Used to transfer a call to another Used to place a call on hold. party. TRANSFER HOLD FLASH/RECALL: CONF (Conference): Used to disconnect the current Used to establish a multiple party con- call and make another call with- versation.
  • Page 23
    1.1.1 Before Operating the Telephones VOICE CALL/MUTE: Call Forwarding (FWD)/Do Not VOICE CALL Disturb (DND): Used to monitor an intercom call MUTE automatically, but it cannot be Used to perform Call Forwarding (FWD) used for hands-free conversa- or Do Not Disturb (DND). tions.
  • Page 24
    1.1.1 Before Operating the Telephones RELEASE: Navigator Key/Jog Dial/Volume RELEASE Key: Used to disconnect the line. Used to adjust the volume and the dis- play contrast or select desired items. Programmable Feature MODE: (PF): MODE Used to shift the display to access vari- (PF) ous features.
  • Page 25
    1.1.1 Before Operating the Telephones Customised Buttons If the term is in parentheses like (Account) in this manual, it means a flexible button has been made into an «Account» button. To customise, refer to «3.1.3 Customising the Buttons». Button Feature Used to access an idle outside line for making outside calls.
  • Page 26
    1.1.1 Before Operating the Telephones Button Feature Log-in/Log-out Used to switch between the log-in and log-out mode. Log-in/Log-out of a specified Used to have a Log-in/Log-out button for another incoming call distribution group group. Log-in/Log-out for all groups Used to have a Log-in/Log-out button for all groups. Used to transfer the longest waiting call in the queue of an incoming call Hurry-up distribution group to the overflow destination.
  • Page 27
    1.1.1 Before Operating the Telephones Button Feature Primary Directory Number Used to make and receive both outside and intercom calls. (PDN) Secondary Directory Number Used to show the current status of another extension, call the extension, (SDN) and pick up or transfer calls to it. How to Follow the Steps An example of system operation is shown below.
  • Page 28
    1.1.1 Before Operating the Telephones Connection Example This diagram shows you a connection example. Private ITSP IP Network Network Telephone Company Router Remote PC (e.g., ADSL Modem) Pure IP-PBX IP-PT IP Softphone, CA Client PC Fax Machine DSS Console SIP Extension Printer Wireless Phone DSS Console…
  • Page 29: Making Calls

    1.2.1 Basic Calling 1.2 Making Calls 1.2.1 Basic Calling – Calling Another Extension – Calling an Outside Party – Making a Call to a Private Network (TIE Line Access) – Using an Account Code (Account Code Entry) Calling Another Extension To call an extension (Intercom Call) PT and SLT PT/SLT/PS/SIP Extn.

  • Page 30
    1.2.1 Basic Calling To call an operator (Operator Call) You can call an extension or a group assigned as the operator. PT/SLT/PS/SIP Extn. Off-hook. Enter 9 or 0. • The operator call number (default) varies depending on country/area. Calling an Outside Party You have to seize an outside line before dialling an outside phone number because external calls are made via your PBX.
  • Page 31
    1.2.1 Basic Calling To select the specified outside line PT and PT/PS outside (S-CO) phone no. Off-hook. Press S-CO. Talk. Dial outside phone number. • Each of the S-CO button or G-CO button light shows the current status as follows: Off: The line is idle.
  • Page 32
    1.2.1 Basic Calling • * Which type of telephone number must be entered depends on the settings of your PBX. To call with one touch PT and SLT PT/PS (NDSS) Talk. Off-hook. Press NDSS. • To start monitoring another PBX extension after customising an NDSS button, go off-hook, press the NDSS button, and go on-hook.
  • Page 33
    1.2.1 Basic Calling • A Panasonic proprietary telephone extension user can enter an account code during a conversation and when hearing reorder tone after the other party hangs up. • Account codes may use the digits «0» through «9». •…
  • Page 34: Easy Dialling

    1.2.2 Easy Dialling 1.2.2 Easy Dialling This is convenient for frequently dialled phone numbers. – With a One-touch Button (One-touch Dialling) – Using Numbers Stored at Your Extension (Personal Speed Dialling) – Using Numbers Stored in the PBX (System Speed Dialling) –…

  • Page 35
    1.2.2 Easy Dialling Using Numbers Stored at Your Extension (Personal Speed Dialling) You can store up to 100 numbers at your extension for your personal use. This feature is also known as Station Speed Dialling. To store a phone number PT/SLT personal speed desired…
  • Page 36
    1.2.2 Easy Dialling • To call using a directory, refer to «1.13.2 Using the Directories». To a Preset Number by Going Off-hook (Hot Line) You can make an outside call simply by going off-hook if you have preprogrammed your phone. This feature is also known as Pickup Dialling.
  • Page 37
    1.2.2 Easy Dialling • To call another party, dial the desired party’s phone number before the preprogrammed number is dialled. • You should assign the intercom line as the seized line when going off-hook. (Preferred Line Assignment—Outgoing) • It is possible to increase the delay before Hot Line is activated through system programming. This can be useful if you require more time after going off-hook to dial another telephone number or extension number.
  • Page 38: Redial

    1.2.3 Redial 1.2.3 Redial This is convenient when calling the same outside party again. – Redialling the Last Number You Dialled (Last Number Redial) Redialling the Last Number You Dialled (Last Number Redial) PT/SLT/PS/SIP Extn. REDIAL Off-hook. Press REDIAL or enter #. •…

  • Page 39: When The Dialled Line Is Busy Or There Is No Answer

    1.2.4 When the Dialled Line is Busy or There is No Answer 1.2.4 When the Dialled Line is Busy or There is No Answer – Reserving a Busy Line (Automatic Callback Busy) – Setting Callback on an ISDN Line (Completion of Calls to Busy Subscriber [CCBS]) –…

  • Page 40
    1.2.4 When the Dialled Line is Busy or There is No Answer To answer the callback ringing from an idle outside line PT/SLT/PS While hearing a callback ringing outside phone no. Off-hook. Talk. Dial outside phone number. • If you do not answer the callback ringing within 10 seconds, this feature will be cancelled. To cancel callback ringing (Automatic Callback Busy Cancel) PT/SLT/PS C.Tone…
  • Page 41
    1.2.4 When the Dialled Line is Busy or There is No Answer To answer while hearing a callback ringing PT/SLT/PS Off-hook. To cancel (CCBS Cancel) PT/SLT/PS C.Tone Off-hook. Enter On-hook. • If you do not answer within a specified time period, this feature will be cancelled. •…
  • Page 42
    1.2.4 When the Dialled Line is Busy or There is No Answer Leaving a Message Waiting Indication/Calling Back the Caller Who Left an Indication (Message Waiting) For a caller When the called extension is busy or does not answer your call, you can leave a notification so that the called party may call you back.
  • Page 43
    1.2.4 When the Dialled Line is Busy or There is No Answer To check the left message and call back PT/PS While on-hook MESSAGE Press MESSAGE Off-hook. Talk. until the desired extension appears. To call back PT/SLT/PS MESSAGE Press MESSAGE or enter 70 and then 2.
  • Page 44
    1.2.4 When the Dialled Line is Busy or There is No Answer Joining an Existing Call (Executive Busy Override) The preprogrammed extension can call someone who is busy on the telephone and establish a three-party conversation. To join an intercom call PT/SLT/PS Party joining the call extension no.
  • Page 45
    1.2.4 When the Dialled Line is Busy or There is No Answer To talk to each party alternately PT/PS During a conversation To continue TRANSFER Talk to the Press TRANSFER. other party. • You can also deny others the possibility of joining your conversation (Default: Allow). Refer to «1.8.7 Preventing Other People from Joining Your Conversation (Executive Busy Override Deny)».
  • Page 46
    1.2.4 When the Dialled Line is Busy or There is No Answer Monitoring Another Extension (Call Monitor) The preprogrammed extension can monitor another extension. To monitor PT/SLT/PS (DSS) (PDN) Monitoring starts B.Tone C.Tone (SDN) Enter 5. Off-hook. extension no. Press red DSS, PDN, or SDN, or dial extension number.
  • Page 47: Accessing The Isdn Service (Isdn Service Access)

    1.2.5 Accessing the ISDN Service (ISDN Service Access) 1.2.5 Accessing the ISDN Service (ISDN Service Access) You can access services provided by the ISDN. To access PT/PS (If all required digits are stored.) (ISDN Service) outside line (Requires to dial service code (ISDN Service) (ISDN Service)

  • Page 48: Alternating The Calling Method (Alternate Calling-Ring/Voice)

    1.2.6 Alternating the Calling Method (Alternate Calling—Ring/Voice) 1.2.6 Alternating the Calling Method (Alternate Calling—Ring/ Voice) The caller can alternate the alerting method, either ring or Ring voice, when making an intercom call. Ring Hello On the other hand, any extension can set the alerting method, either ring or voice, when receiving an intercom call.

  • Page 49: Calling Without Restrictions

    1.2.7 Calling without Restrictions 1.2.7 Calling without Restrictions – Using Your Calling Privileges at Another Extension (Remote COS Access) Using Your Calling Privileges at Another Extension (Remote COS Ac- cess) You can use your calling privileges (Class of Service) at another extension. You may override restrictions which have been set.

  • Page 50: To Access Another Party Directly From Outside (Direct Inward System Access [Disa])

    1.2.8 To Access Another Party Directly from Outside (Direct Inward System Access [DISA]) 1.2.8 To Access Another Party Directly from Outside (Direct In- ward System Access [DISA]) – Calling through DISA Calling through DISA When outside callers access extensions in the PBX, a pre- recorded message greets the caller and gives information about how to access an extension.

  • Page 51: To Call An Outside Party

    1.2.8 To Access Another Party Directly from Outside (Direct Inward System Access [DISA]) To call an outside party PIN: Personal Identification Number From Outside Telephone In No Security Mode DISA outside phone no. phone no. R.B.Tone & DISA message Off-hook. Dial DISA Dial outside phone phone number.

  • Page 52
    1.2.8 To Access Another Party Directly from Outside (Direct Inward System Access [DISA]) WARNING • There is a risk that fraudulent telephone calls will be made using the Outside-to-Out- side Call feature of DISA. The cost of such calls will be billed to the owner/renter of the PBX. To protect the PBX from this kind of fraudulent use, we strongly recommend: Enabling DISA security (Trunk Security or All Security).
  • Page 53: Setting Your Telephone From Another Extension Or Through Disa (Remote Setting)

    1.2.9 Setting Your Telephone from Another Extension or through DISA (Remote Setting) 1.2.9 Setting Your Telephone from Another Extension or through DISA (Remote Setting) You can set the following features on your telephone from another extension or through DISA. • Call Forwarding (FWD)/Do Not Disturb (DND) •…

  • Page 54: Receiving Calls

    1.3.1 Answering Calls 1.3 Receiving Calls 1.3.1 Answering Calls PT/SLT/PS/SIP Extn. Off-hook. Talk. Select one of the following methods: · Lift the handset to receive the preferred line. (Default: Ringing line is selected.) · Press the SP-PHONE button. · Press the flashing CO, INTERCOM, ICD Group, PDN, or SDN button directly. ·…

  • Page 55: Answering Hands-Free (Hands-Free Answerback)

    1.3.2 Answering Hands-free (Hands-free Answerback) 1.3.2 Answering Hands-free (Hands-free Answerback) You can answer an incoming call without going off-hook as soon as the line is connected. When an intercom call arrives, you will hear the caller talking without the phone ringing. When an outside call arrives, you will hear the caller talking after a preprogrammed num- ber of rings.

  • Page 56: Answering A Call Ringing At Another Telephone (Call Pickup)

    1.3.3 Answering a Call Ringing at Another Telephone (Call Pickup) 1.3.3 Answering a Call Ringing at Another Telephone (Call Pickup) – Answering a Call from Another Telephone (Call Pickup) – Denying Other People the Possibility of Picking Up Your Calls (Call Pickup Deny) Answering a Call from Another Telephone (Call Pickup) You can answer an incoming call that is ringing at another extension or group from your phone without leaving your desk.

  • Page 57: Answering A Call Via An External Speaker (Trunk Answer From Any Station [Tafas])

    1.3.4 Answering a Call via an External Speaker (Trunk Answer From Any Station [TAFAS]) 1.3.4 Answering a Call via an External Speaker (Trunk Answer From Any Station [TAFAS]) You can be notified of incoming outside calls through an external speaker. These calls can be answered from any extension.

  • Page 58: Using The Answer/Release Button

    1.3.5 Using the ANSWER/RELEASE Button 1.3.5 Using the ANSWER/RELEASE Button The ANSWER and RELEASE buttons are convenient for operators using headsets. With the ANSWER button, you can answer all incoming calls. With the RELEASE button, you can disconnect the line during or after a conversation, or complete transferring a call.

  • Page 59
    1.3.5 Using the ANSWER/RELEASE Button To transfer an outside call to an extension with a one-touch operation During a conversation The called RELEASE (DSS) party answers. Press DSS. Press RELEASE. The other party is placed on hold and the destination extension is called immediately. To end a conversation During a conversation RELEASE…
  • Page 60: Identifying Malicious Calling Parties (Malicious Call Identification [Mcid])

    1.3.6 Identifying Malicious Calling Parties (Malicious Call Identification [MCID]) 1.3.6 Identifying Malicious Calling Parties (Malicious Call Identifi- cation [MCID]) You can ask your telephone company to trace a malicious calling party during a conversation or after the calling party hangs up. You will receive the information on the malicious call later on.

  • Page 61: During A Conversation

    1.4.1 Transferring a Call (Call Transfer) 1.4 During a Conversation 1.4.1 Transferring a Call (Call Transfer) – Transferring to an Extension in the PBX – Transferring to an Outside Party Using the PBX Service – Transferring a Call Using the ISDN Service (Call Transfer [CT]—by ISDN) •…

  • Page 62
    1.4.1 Transferring a Call (Call Transfer) During a conversation extension no. C.Tone Press Recall/ Dial Talk. On-hook. hookswitch. extension number. This step can be omitted. SIP Extn. During a conversation extension no. HOLD Dial Press HOLD. Talk. On-hook. extension number. •…
  • Page 63: Transferring To An Outside Party Using The Pbx Service

    1.4.1 Transferring a Call (Call Transfer) • System programming is required to use the One-touch Transfer feature during a conversation with an extension. Transferring to an Outside Party Using the PBX Service Some extensions may be restricted from performing this feature. PT/PS During a conversation outside…

  • Page 64
    1.4.1 Transferring a Call (Call Transfer) • * Instead of going on-hook, if you press the HOLD button once or twice (depending on the telephone being used), you can return to the held call, and the call with the transferred party will be disconnected.
  • Page 65
    1.4.1 Transferring a Call (Call Transfer) During a conversation phone no. C.Tone Press Recall/ Dial phone number. Enter Talk. On-hook. hookswitch. This step can be omitted. • To retrieve the held call, press the TRANSFER button, Recall/hookswitch. • Even if you go on-hook while transferring a call, it is transferred. •…
  • Page 66: Holding A Call

    1.4.2 Holding a Call 1.4.2 Holding a Call – Holding – Holding in a System Parking Zone (Call Park) • For users of SIP Extensions: The holding operation for SIP Extension users may differ from the steps in this section, and may vary depending on the type of telephone being used.

  • Page 67
    1.4.2 Holding a Call To retrieve a call (Call Hold Retrieve) PT/SLT/PS At the holding extension (Call Hold Retrieve) (CO) INTERCOM A confirmation tone is heard. Off-hook. Talk. Press flashing CO or INTERCOM, or enter To retrieve an outside call from another extension—only Regular Hold (Call Hold Retrieve–Specified with a held line number) (CO) A confirmation…
  • Page 68
    1.4.2 Holding a Call • The CO or INTERCOM button light shows the current status as follows: – Regular Hold mode Flashing green slowly: Your held call Flashing red: Another extension’s held call – Exclusive Call Hold mode Flashing green moderately: Your held call Red on: Another extension’s held call •…
  • Page 69
    1.4.2 Holding a Call PT/PS During a conversation parking zone no. Specified TRANSFER C.Tone Auto On-hook. Enter a specified parking Press TRANSFER. Enter zone number (2 digits) or press to park at an idle parking zone automatically. If you hear a busy tone, enter another parking zone number or press again.
  • Page 70
    1.4.2 Holding a Call • If a call is parked automatically, confirm the parking zone number on the display. • If a call is not retrieved within a specified time, you will hear an alarm as a reminder (Call Park Recall). If an outside call is not answered within a specified time, it is automatically disconnected.
  • Page 71: Talking To Two Parties Alternately (Call Splitting)

    1.4.3 Talking to Two Parties Alternately (Call Splitting) 1.4.3 Talking to Two Parties Alternately (Call Splitting) When talking to one party while the other party is on hold, you can swap the calls back and forth (alternately). To alternate between the parties leaving one party on hold temporarily PT/PS During a conversation (DSS)

  • Page 72
    1.4.3 Talking to Two Parties Alternately (Call Splitting) During a conversation extension no. C.Tone Press Recall/ Dial the other party’s Talk to the Press Recall/ On-hook. hookswitch. extension number. hookswitch. other party. User Manual…
  • Page 73: Answering Call Waiting

    1.4.4 Answering Call Waiting 1.4.4 Answering Call Waiting – Answering Call Waiting in the PBX – Answering Call Waiting from the Telephone Company Answering Call Waiting in the PBX During a conversation, a call waiting tone or voice announcement through the speaker or the handset occurs when an outside call has been received or another extension is letting you know a call is waiting.

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    1.4.4 Answering Call Waiting While hearing a tone C.Tone Press Recall/hookswitch. Talk to the Enter new party. After talking to the new party (second call), you can disconnect (2.1) or hold (2.2) it and then retrieve the first call. 2.1 To disconnect the second call and then talk to the original party PT/PS (CO) During a conversation…
  • Page 75
    1.4.4 Answering Call Waiting 2.2 To hold the second call and then talk to the original party After holding it, you can talk to the original party. Then, you can disconnect it and then talk to the new party again. PT/PS During a conversation (CO)
  • Page 76
    1.4.4 Answering Call Waiting During a conversation C.Tone Talk to the Press Recall/ Enter hookswitch. original party. C.Tone Talk to the On-hook. Off-hook. Enter new party. • Depending on the type of your telephone, you may be able to talk to the other party using the speaker and the microphone (Off-hook Call Announcement [OHCA]), or you can receive an announcement through the handset (Whisper OHCA), if you are having a conversation using the handset.
  • Page 77
    1.4.4 Answering Call Waiting Answering Call Waiting from the Telephone Company This is an optional telephone company service. You can receive a call waiting tone and the caller’s information. For details, consult your telephone company. PT/PS PT/SLT/PS While hearing a tone While hearing a tone FLASH/ TRANSFER…
  • Page 78: Multiple Party Conversation

    1.4.5 Multiple Party Conversation 1.4.5 Multiple Party Conversation – Adding Other Parties during a Conversation (Conference) – Leaving a Conference (Unattended Conference) – Leaving a Conference (Leaving Three-party Conference) – Letting a Third Party Join Your Call (Privacy Release) – Adding a Third Party during a Conversation Using the ISDN Service (Three-party Conference [3PTY] —by ISDN) Adding Other Parties during a Conversation (Conference)

  • Page 79
    1.4.5 Multiple Party Conversation During a conversation desired phone no. C.Tone Press Recall/ Dial desired Talk to the Press Recall/ Enter 3. hookswitch. phone number. hookswitch. new party. Seize outside line before dialling outside phone number. Talk with multiple parties. To establish a conference call when receiving a call from an outside party during a two-party conversation PT/PS…
  • Page 80
    1.4.5 Multiple Party Conversation To add four or more parties to a conference PT/PS During a conversation To continue desired CONF CONF phone no. C.Tone Press CONF. Dial desired Talk. Press CONF. Talk. phone number. Seize outside line before dialling outside phone number. To add another party on hold to a conference PT/PS During a 3- to 7-party conference…
  • Page 81
    1.4.5 Multiple Party Conversation During a conversation Press Recall/hookswitch. To disconnect one party and then talk to the other in a three-party conversation PT/PS During a conversation (CO) (ICD Group) FLASH/ TRANSFER RECALL (PDN) Press TRANSFER once Press FLASH/RECALL.* Talk. (SDN) or twice to establish a conversation with the…
  • Page 82
    1.4.5 Multiple Party Conversation Leaving a Conference (Unattended Conference) The person who originated a conference can leave the conference, and allow the other parties to continue the conversation. To leave a conference PT/PS During 3- to 7-party conference CONF Press CONF. On-hook.
  • Page 83
    1.4.5 Multiple Party Conversation Leaving a Conference (Leaving Three-party Conference) The person who originated a conference with two other parties can leave the conference, and allow the other parties to continue the conversation. To leave a conference involving at least one other extension PT/SLT/PS During a three-party conference On-hook.
  • Page 84
    1.4.5 Multiple Party Conversation Letting a Third Party Join Your Call (Privacy Release) You can let a third party join your current outside call and establish a three-party con- versation. You can also leave the conversation and then let the two other parties talk. To let a third party join your conversation and establish a three-party conversation PT/PS Your extension (on the outside call)
  • Page 85
    1.4.5 Multiple Party Conversation PT/PS During a conversation desired TRANSFER TRANSFER phone no. C.Tone Enter Talk to the Press TRANSFER. Dial desired Press TRANSFER. phone number. new party. Seize outside line before dialling outside phone number. C.Tone Enter 3. Talk with multiple parties. During a conversation desired phone no.
  • Page 86
    1.4.5 Multiple Party Conversation To complete a conversation PT/SLT/PS During a conversation On-hook. Customising Your Phone • 3.1.3 Customising the Buttons Create or edit an ISDN-Hold button. User Manual…
  • Page 87: Mute

    1.4.6 Mute 1.4.6 Mute You can disable the microphone or the handset to consult privately with others in the room while listening to the other party on the phone through the speaker or the handset. To set/cancel During a conversation AUTO ANS MUTE VOICE CALL…

  • Page 88: Letting Other People Listen To The Conversation (Off-Hook Monitor)

    1.4.7 Letting Other People Listen to the Conversation (Off-hook Monitor) 1.4.7 Letting Other People Listen to the Conversation (Off-hook Monitor) You can let other people in the room listen to the conversation through the speaker while continuing the conversation using the handset. To set/cancel During a conversation using the handset SP-PHONE…

  • Page 89: Using The Headset (Headset Operation)

    1.4.8 Using the Headset (Headset Operation) 1.4.8 Using the Headset (Headset Operation) You can have a conversation using a headset. In this case, you must select «Headset on» in programming mode or set the Headset button on (red) in advance. This feature is also known as Handset/Headset Selection.

  • Page 90
    1.4.8 Using the Headset (Headset Operation) • For KX-NT300 series/KX-DT343/KX-DT346 telephone users: • With the KX-NT300 series/KX-DT343/KX-DT346 telephones, you can use a Bluetooth wireless headset registered on your extension as a headset. • Operating Distance Please keep the telephones with connected Bluetooth Modules, 3 m or more apart from each other.
  • Page 91: Using A Pdn/Sdn Button

    1.5.1 Primary Directory Number (PDN)/Secondary Directory Number (SDN) Extension 1.5 Using a PDN/SDN Button 1.5.1 Primary Directory Number (PDN)/Secondary Directory Num- ber (SDN) Extension Primary Directory Number (PDN) buttons and Secondary Directory Number (SDN) but- tons are useful when extension users will handle calls for other extensions. For example, a secretary or multiple secretaries can handle calls and check the call status of a boss or multiple bosses.

  • Page 92
    1.5.1 Primary Directory Number (PDN)/Secondary Directory Number (SDN) Extension Light Pattern PDN Button Status SDN Button Status Flashing red The PDN extension is receiving an incoming The corresponding PDN extension is re- rapidly call to an incoming call distribution (ICD) ceiving an incoming call.
  • Page 93
    1.5.1 Primary Directory Number (PDN)/Secondary Directory Number (SDN) Extension Call Hold and Call Hold Retrieve You can put calls answered with a PDN or SDN button on hold normally (®1.4.2 Holding a Call). You can also retrieve a call held at your extension/another extension with a simple operation, regardless of the call type.
  • Page 94
    1.5.1 Primary Directory Number (PDN)/Secondary Directory Number (SDN) Extension Call Transfer Using SDN Button You can transfer a call to a PDN extension with a simple operation using a corresponding SDN button. To transfer a call to a PDN extension PT/PS During a conversation (SDN)
  • Page 95: Before Leaving Your Desk

    1.6.1 Forwarding Calls 1.6 Before Leaving Your Desk 1.6.1 Forwarding Calls – Forwarding Your Calls (Call Forwarding [FWD]) – FWD/DND Settings Using Fixed FWD/DND Button – Forwarding Your Calls Using ISDN Service (Call Forwarding [CF]—by ISDN) Forwarding Your Calls (Call Forwarding [FWD]) You can have your incoming calls forwarded to a specified destination.

  • Page 96
    1.6.1 Forwarding Calls To set/cancel PT/SLT/PS Cancel Both Calls All Calls Outside Calls Busy No Answer Intercom Calls Busy/No Answer Off-hook. Enter Enter 0 to 2 as Enter required you desire. number. For «Cancel», go on-hook directly after entering 0. destination extension no.
  • Page 97
    1.6.1 Forwarding Calls To set the timer for «No Answer» and «Busy/No Answer» PT/SLT/PS time C.Tone Enter 713. Enter time On-hook. Off-hook. (seconds [2 digits]). To set/cancel (Call Forwarding [FWD] for your Incoming Call Distribution Group) ICD Group: Incoming Call Distribution Group PT/SLT/PS Both Calls ICD Group…
  • Page 98
    1.6.1 Forwarding Calls • The FWD/DND button light shows the current status as follows: Off: Both features are not set. Red on: FWD mode Flashing red slowly: DND mode • The Group FWD button light shows the current status as follows: Off: No set Red on: FWD mode •…
  • Page 99
    1.6.1 Forwarding Calls FWD/DND Settings Using Fixed FWD/DND Button Using a proprietary telephone (PT), you can easily switch the FWD/DND status, and set the forward destination for outside/intercom calls with the FWD/DND button (fixed button). It is also possible to set outside telephone numbers (e.g., your cellular phone) as forward destinations for up to 4 Virtual PSs* in an Incoming Call Distribution (ICD) Group, to ring together with other ICD Group members for calls to the group.
  • Page 100
    1.6.1 Forwarding Calls • When you switch the FWD/DND status, any FWD destination that was set previously is not cleared. To set and clear FWD/DND for outside/intercom calls While on-hook (when in FWD/DND Setting Mode) Outside Calls AUTO DIAL FWD/DND STORE Intercom Calls Press the fixed…
  • Page 101
    1.6.1 Forwarding Calls • * You can enter the time as a 1–3 digit number. For example, 15 seconds can be entered as «15» or «015». To set forwarding status and outside destinations to ring in parallel for outside calls to an ICD Group While on-hook (when in FWD/DND Setting Mode) Virtual PS 1…
  • Page 102
    1.6.1 Forwarding Calls Forwarding Your Calls Using ISDN Service (Call Forwarding [CF]—by ISDN) All calls are forwarded to an outside party using ISDN. The following types of call forwarding are provided by the ISDN service. – Unconditional (Call Forwarding Unconditional [CFU]) –…
  • Page 103: Using Voice Messaging (Built-In Simplified Voice Message [Svm])

    1.6.2 Using Voice Messaging (Built-in Simplified Voice Message [SVM]) 1.6.2 Using Voice Messaging (Built-in Simplified Voice Message [SVM]) Your PBX can provide you with answering machine service. Your extension is assigned a message box, into which callers can leave voice messages for you. After callers reach your message box, they will hear your personal greeting message.

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    1.6.2 Using Voice Messaging (Built-in Simplified Voice Message [SVM]) Recording a Normal Greeting Message To record PT/SLT/PS C.Tone Off-hook. Record Enter Enter 1. message. Example: «You have reached John. I am sorry I cannot take your call right now. Please leave a message.» AUTO DIAL A confirmation Clear…
  • Page 105
    1.6.2 Using Voice Messaging (Built-in Simplified Voice Message [SVM]) To clear PT/SLT/PS C.Tone Off-hook. Enter Enter 0. On-hook. Recording a Greeting Message for Each Time Mode In addition to a normal greeting message, you can record a specific greeting message for each time mode (day/lunch/break/night).
  • Page 106
    1.6.2 Using Voice Messaging (Built-in Simplified Voice Message [SVM]) To play back PT/SLT/PS Night Lunch C.Tone Break Enter 2. Enter 8. Off-hook. Enter Enter the desired time mode. A confirmation Clear tone is heard. The greeting message is played back. Rerecord On-hook.
  • Page 107
    1.6.2 Using Voice Messaging (Built-in Simplified Voice Message [SVM]) Redirecting Your Calls to Your Message Box You can set incoming calls to be redirected to your own message box so that callers can leave voice messages when you cannot answer the phone. To set/cancel PT/SLT/PS Both Calls…
  • Page 108
    1.6.2 Using Voice Messaging (Built-in Simplified Voice Message [SVM]) Leaving Voice Messages If the extension user you called is not able to answer your call, and your call is redirected to the message box, you will hear the greeting message. Then, you can leave a voice message for that extension. It is also possible to leave a voice message directly in the message box of a desired extension by following the steps below: To leave a voice message directly to another extension’s message box PT/SLT/PS…
  • Page 109
    1.6.2 Using Voice Messaging (Built-in Simplified Voice Message [SVM]) Listening to Voice Messages Left by Callers When a caller leaves a voice message, information about that caller is also recorded as the SVM Log. The SVM Log can be viewed using the display of a PT or PS by pressing the Message button. To listen to voice messages PT/PS While on-hook…
  • Page 110
    1.6.2 Using Voice Messaging (Built-in Simplified Voice Message [SVM]) Operation No. Operations To play back the voice message from the beginning To go to the next voice message To clear the voice message (Press the AUTO DIAL/STORE button or enter 1 to confirm.) To call back the caller who left the voice message To go back to the previous voice message To leave a voice message directly in the message box of another extension…
  • Page 111
    1.6.2 Using Voice Messaging (Built-in Simplified Voice Message [SVM]) To listen to voice messages while your display is locked PT/SLT/PS PIN: Personal Identification Number your extension PIN extension no. extension no. C.Tone & D.Tone Dial your Enter extension PIN Off-hook. Enter extension number.
  • Page 112
    1.6.2 Using Voice Messaging (Built-in Simplified Voice Message [SVM]) Accessing Your Message Box from an Outside Telephone You can remotely access your message box and perform any operations of the SVM feature through an outside line as if you were at your own extension. From Outside Telephone PIN: Personal Identification Number The greeting…
  • Page 113
    1.6.2 Using Voice Messaging (Built-in Simplified Voice Message [SVM]) Accessing the Message Box of Another Extension from Your Extension You can access the message box of another extension (for example, to record a greeting message for that extension) by following the steps below: PT/SLT/PS PIN: Personal Identification Number desired extension no.
  • Page 114: Showing A Message On The Caller’s Telephone Display (Absent Message)

    1.6.3 Showing a Message on the Caller’s Telephone Display (Ab- sent Message) You can show the reason you do not answer, if the caller uses a Panasonic display proprietary telephone. There are eight preprogrammed messages and one for your personal message (16 characters). The selected message is shown on the display of your telephone.

  • Page 115
    1.6.3 Showing a Message on the Caller’s Telephone Display (Absent Message) • Enter the desired value in the «%» positions. You must enter the correct number of characters as represented by the «%» using 0 to 9 or • The preprogrammed messages can be changed through system programming. •…
  • Page 116: Preventing Other People From Using Your Telephone (Extension Dial Lock)

    1.6.4 Preventing Other People from Using Your Telephone (Extension Dial Lock) 1.6.4 Preventing Other People from Using Your Telephone (Ex- tension Dial Lock) You can lock your extension so that other users cannot make unauthorised outside calls. This feature is also known as Electronic Station Lockout. To lock PT/SLT/PS C.Tone…

  • Page 117
    1.6.4 Preventing Other People from Using Your Telephone (Extension Dial Lock) • After you make an outside call, Extension Dial Lock is automatically activated again. User Manual…
  • Page 118: Making/Answering An Announcement

    1.7.1 Paging 1.7 Making/Answering an Announcement 1.7.1 Paging – Group Paging – Paging and then Transferring a Call Group Paging You can make a voice announcement to proprietary telephones or external speakers or both in the preset group simultaneously. To page PT/SLT/PS paging group Wait for an…

  • Page 119
    1.7.1 Paging • After you go on-hook, the caller can talk to the person who answers the page. User Manual…
  • Page 120: Answering/Denying A Paging Announcement

    1.7.2 Answering/Denying a Paging Announcement 1.7.2 Answering/Denying a Paging Announcement To answer C.Tone Talk. Off-hook. Enter To allow/deny a paging announcement (Paging Deny) Deny C.Tone Allow Off-hook. On-hook. Enter 721. Enter 1 or 0. • The following are extensions that cannot receive a paging announcement: –…

  • Page 121: Making An Announcement And Having A Multiple Party Conversation (Broadcasting)

    1.7.3 Making an Announcement and Having a Multiple Party Conversation (Broadcasting) 1.7.3 Making an Announcement and Having a Multiple Party Con- versation (Broadcasting) You can call multiple parties assigned in the group and make a voice announcement. You can also establish a multiple party conversation with called parties.

  • Page 122
    1.7.3 Making an Announcement and Having a Multiple Party Conversation (Broadcasting) To end a conversation with a specific party During a conversation To end a conversation with a specific party (DSS) Press DSS. To end a conversation with the party who joined the conversation last TRANSFER Press TRANSFER.
  • Page 123
    1.7.3 Making an Announcement and Having a Multiple Party Conversation (Broadcasting) For a called extension To send a notification tone to the caller and join a conversation PT/SLT/PS Called Party During an announcement (DSS) Press DSS corresponding to the caller. Wait for reply.
  • Page 124: Setting The Telephone According To Your Needs

    1.8.1 Setting the Alarm (Timed Reminder) 1.8 Setting the Telephone According to Your Needs 1.8.1 Setting the Alarm (Timed Reminder) You can receive an alarm at your telephone to remind you of a meeting, appointment or as a wake-up call. The alarm can occur either once or daily (every day until cancelled) at a preset time.

  • Page 125
    1.8.1 Setting the Alarm (Timed Reminder) To confirm TRANSFER Press TRANSFER several times. • You can also confirm the Timed Reminder by using the soft button. • The alarm keeps ringing for preprogrammed seconds. • If you receive an incoming call during ringback, the ringing starts after the ringback stops. •…
  • Page 126: Refusing Incoming Calls (Do Not Disturb [Dnd])

    1.8.2 Refusing Incoming Calls (Do Not Disturb [DND]) 1.8.2 Refusing Incoming Calls (Do Not Disturb [DND]) – Do Not Disturb (DND) – Switching FWD/DND Status Using Fixed FWD/DND Button Do Not Disturb (DND) You can set this feature to prevent incoming calls from ringing at your extension. This can be useful, for example, when you are in a meeting or busy.

  • Page 127
    1.8.2 Refusing Incoming Calls (Do Not Disturb [DND]) • The FWD/DND button light shows the current status as follows: Off: Both features are not set. Red on: FWD mode Flashing red slowly: DND mode • The system has two modes: (1) FWD/DND Cycle Switch Mode and (2) FWD/DND Setting Mode.
  • Page 128
    1.8.2 Refusing Incoming Calls (Do Not Disturb [DND]) Switching FWD/DND Status Using Fixed FWD/DND Button Using a proprietary telephone (PT), you can easily switch the FWD/DND status for outside/intercom calls without clearing any FWD destination that was set previously. To switch the FWD/DND status for outside calls While on-hook (when in FWD/DND Setting Mode) FWD/DND FWD/DND…
  • Page 129
    1.8.2 Refusing Incoming Calls (Do Not Disturb [DND]) • * This step can be omitted. User Manual…
  • Page 130: Receiving Call Waiting (Call Waiting/Off-Hook Call Announcement [Ohca]/Whisper Ohca)

    1.8.3 Receiving Call Waiting (Call Waiting/Off-hook Call Announcement [OHCA]/Whisper OHCA) 1.8.3 Receiving Call Waiting (Call Waiting/Off-hook Call An- nouncement [OHCA]/Whisper OHCA) During a conversation, you can be informed of a call waiting with a tone or voice announcement through your built-in speaker or handset.

  • Page 131: Displaying Your Telephone Number On The Called Party And Caller’s Telephone (Calling/Connected Line Identification Presentation [Clip/Colp])

    1.8.4 Displaying Your Telephone Number on the Called Party and Caller’s Telephone (Calling/Connected Line Identification Presentation [CLIP/COLP]) 1.8.4 Displaying Your Telephone Number on the Called Party and Caller’s Telephone (Calling/Connected Line Identification Presen- tation [CLIP/COLP]) CLIP: When making an outside call, you can present your preprogrammed telephone number to the called party. COLP: When receiving an outside call, you can present your preprogrammed telephone number to the calling party.

  • Page 132: Preventing Your Telephone Number Being Displayed On The Caller’s Telephone (Connected Line Identification Restriction [Colr])

    1.8.5 Preventing Your Telephone Number Being Displayed on the Caller’s Telephone (Connected Line Identification Restriction [COLR]) 1.8.5 Preventing Your Telephone Number Being Displayed on the Caller’s Telephone (Connected Line Identification Restriction [COLR]) When receiving an outside call, you can select whether the caller can see your telephone number or not. To show/prevent PT/SLT/PS Show…

  • Page 133: Preventing Your Number Being Displayed On The Called Party’s Telephone (Calling Line Identification Restriction [Clir])

    1.8.6 Preventing Your Number Being Displayed on the Called Party’s Telephone (Calling Line Identification Restriction [CLIR]) 1.8.6 Preventing Your Number Being Displayed on the Called Par- ty’s Telephone (Calling Line Identification Restriction [CLIR]) When making an outside call, you can select whether the called party can see your telephone number or not. To show/prevent PT/SLT/PS Show…

  • Page 134: Preventing Other People From Joining Your Conversation (Executive Busy Override Deny)

    1.8.7 Preventing Other People from Joining Your Conversation (Executive Busy Override Deny) 1.8.7 Preventing Other People from Joining Your Conversation (Executive Busy Override Deny) PT/SLT/PS Prevent C.Tone Allow Off-hook. Enter 733. Enter 1 to prevent On-hook. or 0 to allow. •…

  • Page 135: Turning On The Background Music (Bgm)

    1.8.8 Turning on the Background Music (BGM) 1.8.8 Turning on the Background Music (BGM) You can listen to the background music through your telephone speaker while on-hook. An external music source, such as a radio, must be connected. If your extension becomes busy (off-hook, making or receiving a call etc.), the music stops temporarily.

  • Page 136: Protecting Your Line Against Notification Tones (Data Line Security)

    1.8.9 Protecting Your Line against Notification Tones (Data Line Security) 1.8.9 Protecting Your Line against Notification Tones (Data Line Security) You can protect the line against audible notification tones, such as a call waiting tone during a conversation. Set this feature if your extension has a data communication device, such as a PC or fax machine connected to ensure secure data transmission.

  • Page 137: Checking The Time Service Status

    1.8.10 Checking the Time Service Status 1.8.10 Checking the Time Service Status You can check the current status of the Time Service on the display. While on-hook TRANSFER (Time Service (Day/Night/ Lunch/Break)) Press TRANSFER or Time Service (Day/Night/Lunch/Break). • The Time Service (Day/Night/Lunch/Break) button light shows the current status as follows: Off: Day mode Green on: Lunch mode Flashing green: Break mode…

  • Page 138: Setting The Parallelled Telephone To Ring (Parallelled Telephone)

    1.8.11 Setting the Parallelled Telephone to Ring (Parallelled Telephone) 1.8.11 Setting the Parallelled Telephone to Ring (Parallelled Tele- phone) In the case where a single line telephone is connected in parallel to your digital proprietary telephone, you can choose whether the parallelled single line telephone will ring to an incoming call or not.

  • Page 139: Using Your Ps In Parallel With A Wired Telephone (Wireless Xdp Parallel Mode)

    1.8.12 Using Your PS in Parallel with a Wired Telephone (Wireless XDP Parallel Mode) 1.8.12 Using Your PS in Parallel with a Wired Telephone (Wireless XDP Parallel Mode) Your PS can be used in parallel with a PT or SLT. When in this mode, incoming calls to a wired telephone also ring the paired PS.

  • Page 140: Clearing Features Set At Your Extension (Extension Feature Clear)

    1.8.13 Clearing Features Set at Your Extension (Extension Feature Clear) 1.8.13 Clearing Features Set at Your Extension (Extension Feature Clear) You can reset the settings of the following features on your extension to the default settings with one operation. This feature is also known as Station Programme Clear. Features Default Setting Hot Line…

  • Page 141: Utilising The Call Centre

    1.9.1 Leaving an Incoming Call Distribution Group (Log-in/Log-out, Wrap-up) 1.9 Utilising the Call Centre 1.9.1 Leaving an Incoming Call Distribution Group (Log-in/ Log-out, Wrap-up) You can control your status in an incoming call distribution group. When in the Log-out mode, incoming calls to the group will not ring at your extension.

  • Page 142
    1.9.1 Leaving an Incoming Call Distribution Group (Log-in/Log-out, Wrap-up) ICD Group: Incoming Call Distribution Group PT/PS While on-hook ICD Group Specified extension no. (Log-in/Log-out) Enter ICD Group extension number Press Log-in/Log-out. PT/PS While on-hook (Log-in/Log-out of a specified group) Press Log-in/Log-out of a specified group. To enter/leave Not Ready mode PT/SLT/PS Not Ready…
  • Page 143
    1.9.1 Leaving an Incoming Call Distribution Group (Log-in/Log-out, Wrap-up) • * The status will be as follows: Ready Not Ready Not Ready Ready Wrap-up Not Ready • The Log-in/Log-out of a specified group button light shows the current status as follows: Off: Log-in mode Red on: Log-out mode •…
  • Page 144: Monitoring And Controlling The Call Status Of An Incoming Call Distribution Group (Incoming Call Distribution Group Monitor)

    1.9.2 Monitoring and Controlling the Call Status of an Incoming Call Distribution Group (Incoming Call Distribution Group Monitor) 1.9.2 Monitoring and Controlling the Call Status of an Incoming Call Distribution Group (Incoming Call Distribution Group Monitor) – Monitoring the Status of Waiting Calls –…

  • Page 145
    1.9.2 Monitoring and Controlling the Call Status of an Incoming Call Distribution Group (Incoming Call Distribution Group Monitor) To monitor Display PT ICD Group: Incoming Call Distribution Group ICD Group extension no. C.Tone Off-hook. Enter 739. Enter ICD Group On-hook. extension number.
  • Page 146
    1.9.2 Monitoring and Controlling the Call Status of an Incoming Call Distribution Group (Incoming Call Distribution Group Monitor) To change the Log-in /Log-out mode Display PT (DSS) Press desired DSS. • The DSS button light shows the current status as follows: Off: The extension is not in the group.
  • Page 147: Forwarding A Waiting Call (Manual Queue Redirection)

    1.9.3 Forwarding a Waiting Call (Manual Queue Redirection) 1.9.3 Forwarding a Waiting Call (Manual Queue Redirection) When your incoming call distribution group is busy and other outside calls arrive, the arriving calls are put in a waiting queue. Extensions can check the status of the queue with the Hurry-up button light, and forward the longest waiting call in the queue to a preset destination manually.

  • Page 148: Using User-Supplied Equipment

    1.10.1 If a Doorphone/Door Opener is Connected 1.10 Using User-supplied Equipment 1.10.1 If a Doorphone/Door Opener is Connected You can talk to a person at the door through the doorphone. Preprogrammed extensions or an outside party can receive the calls from the doorphone. You can open the door. –…

  • Page 149
    1.10.1 If a Doorphone/Door Opener is Connected Opening a Door (Door Open) Some extensions may be prohibited from using this feature. From a specified extension PT/SLT/PS doorphone no. C.Tone Enter doorphone Enter On-hook. Off-hook. number (2 digits). From any extension while talking to the doorphone PT/SLT/PS C.Tone On-hook.
  • Page 150: If An External Relay Is Connected

    1.10.2 If an External Relay is Connected 1.10.2 If an External Relay is Connected Preprogrammed extensions can switch on a relay (e.g., alarm) connected to the PBX. To switch on the relay PT/SLT/PS relay no. C.Tone Enter relay number Off-hook. Enter On-hook.

  • Page 151: If An External Sensor Is Connected

    1.10.3 If an External Sensor is Connected 1.10.3 If an External Sensor is Connected Preprogrammed extensions can receive an alert call from an external sensor (e.g., security alarm) connected to the PBX. To answer a sensor call PT/SLT/PS D.Tone Off-hook. On-hook.

  • Page 152: If A Host Pbx Is Connected

    1.10.4 If a Host PBX is Connected 1.10.4 If a Host PBX is Connected – Accessing External Services (External Feature Access [EFA]) Accessing External Services (External Feature Access [EFA]) You can access special features (e.g., Call Waiting) offered by a host PBX or telephone company. This feature is only effective for an outside call.

  • Page 153: If A Voice Processing System Is Connected

    You or an outside party can access the Voice Processing System from a telephone. – Call Forwarding to Voice Mail (Voice Mail Integration) If your PBX has a Panasonic Voice Processing System connected (e.g., KX-TVP/KX-TVS series) using digital integration, the following features are also available: –…

  • Page 154
    1.10.5 If a Voice Processing System is Connected To transfer a call to a mailbox PT/PS During a conversation (DSS) (Voice Mail Transfer) desired extension no. Press Voice Mail Press DSS or dial desired extension number. Transfer. To listen to messages PT/SLT/PS MESSAGE voice mail floating…
  • Page 155
    1.10.5 If a Voice Processing System is Connected Screening Calls (Live Call Screening [LCS]) While a caller is leaving a message in your mailbox, you can monitor the call without answering. If you so desire, you can answer the call while monitoring. There are two methods available (Default: Hands-free mode).
  • Page 156
    1.10.5 If a Voice Processing System is Connected Operation Flowchart The operations in the shaded areas can be done hands-free. PT/PS Hands-free Mode Private Mode (Alarm Tone) Monitoring (Hands-free) Monitoring (Handset) Monitoring SP-PHONE MONITOR (Live Call No operation Screening) Press SP-PHONE, MONITOR or Live Call Off-hook.
  • Page 157
    1.10.5 If a Voice Processing System is Connected Recording a Conversation You can record a conversation into a mailbox while talking on the phone. You can select the mailbox each time you record a conversation. To record into your mailbox (Two-way Record) PT/PS During a conversation To stop recording,…
  • Page 158
    1.10.5 If a Voice Processing System is Connected • Note: When you record your Two-way telephone conversations, you should inform the other party that the conversation is being recorded. Customising Your Phone • 3.1.3 Customising the Buttons Create or edit a Two-way Record button, a Two-way Transfer button and a One-touch Two-way Transfer button.
  • Page 159: Administrative Features

    1.11.1 Using the Telephones in a Hotel-type Environment (Hospitality Features) 1.11 Administrative Features 1.11.1 Using the Telephones in a Hotel-type Environment (Hospi- tality Features) In a hotel-type environment, an extension assigned as a hotel operator can be used to view and set the check-in/check-out/cleaned-up (Ready or Not Ready) status of each guest room extension.

  • Page 160
    1.11.1 Using the Telephones in a Hotel-type Environment (Hospitality Features) • After check-in, Remote Extension Dial Lock is deactivated, and the guest can make outside calls from the room extension. (Refer to «2.1.1 Extension Control».) • After check-in, all billing data previously charged to the extension will be cleared automatically. •…
  • Page 161
    1.11.1 Using the Telephones in a Hotel-type Environment (Hospitality Features) To record/edit room charges and check out a room with/without printing an invoice Display PT While on-hook ENTER extension no. minibar charge (Check-out) (DSS) Press Check-out. Dial extension number and then press Enter minibar charge.
  • Page 162: Check Out

    1.11.1 Using the Telephones in a Hotel-type Environment (Hospitality Features) • After check-out, Remote Extension Dial Lock is activated, and outside calls from the room extension are restricted. (Refer to «2.1.1 Extension Control».) • After check-out, wake-up call and Call Log information for the room extension are cleared automatically.

  • Page 163
    1.11.1 Using the Telephones in a Hotel-type Environment (Hospitality Features) Setting a Timed Reminder to a Room Extension (Remote Wake-up Call) The hotel operator can remotely set or cancel a Timed Reminder to a room extension. This allows guests to request wake-up calls without having to program the extension themselves.
  • Page 164
    1.11.1 Using the Telephones in a Hotel-type Environment (Hospitality Features) To confirm Display PT extension no. (DSS) Enter 2. Dial extension number Off-hook. Enter or press desired DSS. The display shows Timed Reminder information. C.Tone On-hook. • Timed Reminder can also be set from the room extension. (For information about setting Timed Reminder, refer to «1.8.1 Setting the Alarm (Timed Reminder)».) The most recent setting will be valid no matter which extension made the setting.
  • Page 165
    1.11.1 Using the Telephones in a Hotel-type Environment (Hospitality Features) Customising Your Phone • 3.1.3 Customising the Buttons Create or edit a Cleaned-up button. User Manual…
  • Page 166: Recording Information Using Preprogrammed Messages (Printing Message)

    1.11.2 Recording Information Using Preprogrammed Messages (Printing Message) 1.11.2 Recording Information Using Preprogrammed Messages (Printing Message) You can record a variety of information from your extension using up to 8 preprogrammed messages. Message information from all extensions is recorded with the PBX. For example, it is possible to use this feature as a time card by selecting preprogrammed «sign in»…

  • Page 167: Exchanging The Settings Between Extensions

    1.12.1 Walking Extension 1.12 Exchanging the Settings between Extensions 1.12.1 Walking Extension You can exchange the settings set at another extension with your own settings. This allows you to use your own settings, including your extension number, on another person’s extension. Settings such as extension number and One-touch Dialling memory are available at the new extension.

  • Page 168: Enhanced Walking Extension

    1.12.2 Enhanced Walking Extension 1.12.2 Enhanced Walking Extension In addition to exchanging the settings between extensions (Walking Extension), you can change the status of your extension to «Service-in» or «Service-out» (Enhanced Walking Extension). Service-in: An extension is in use (normal status). Service-out: Extension Dial Lock (®…

  • Page 169
    1.12.2 Enhanced Walking Extension <Example (b)> When two users share one telephone User A Extn. No. 101 Extn. No. 101 Extn. No. 101 Service-out Service-in Service-out Service-out Extension Service-in Service-out Service-in Status User B Extn. No. 102 Extn. No. 102 Extn.
  • Page 170: Using A Display Proprietary Telephone

    1.13.1 Using the Call Log 1.13 Using a Display Proprietary Telephone 1.13.1 Using the Call Log This is available for display proprietary telephones and portable stations. – Calling with the Incoming Call Log – Calling with the Outgoing Call Log Calling with the Incoming Call Log When you receive an outside call or an external sensor call, call information is recorded automatically in the incoming call log.

  • Page 171
    1.13.1 Using the Call Log To clear the log information Display PT While confirming the log information (Call Log) TRANSFER Press TRANSFER. Press Call Log, or Up or Down until desired party appears. To call Display PT While confirming the log information (Call Log) Off-hook.
  • Page 172
    1.13.1 Using the Call Log Customising Your Phone • 3.1.3 Customising the Buttons Create or edit a Call Log button or Call Log for ICD Group button. Calling with the Outgoing Call Log You can redial using the outgoing call log. To call KX-NT300/KX-DT300/KX-T7600 While on-hook…
  • Page 173: Using The Directories

    1.13.2 Using the Directories 1.13.2 Using the Directories You can call using the directories (Personal Speed Dialling Directory, System Speed Dialling Directory and Extension Number Directory). Only personal directories can be stored, edited or deleted on your extension. If a call arrives while you are using a directory, the display will be replaced with the caller’s information. –…

  • Page 174: Storing Names And Numbers

    1.13.2 Using the Directories Storing Names and Numbers To store a Personal Speed Dialling Directory item Display PT While on-hook PROGRAM name phone no. AUTO DIAL AUTO DIAL PAUSE STORE STORE Press PROGRAM Enter phone number Enter name Press ENTER Press ENTER or PAUSE.

  • Page 175: Entering Characters

    1.13.2 Using the Directories Entering Characters You can enter the following characters. The tables show you the characters available for each button. Table 1 or Table 2 can be programmed. Table 1 (Standard mode) User Manual…

  • Page 176
    1.13.2 Using the Directories Table 1 (Standard mode for RU model) User Manual…
  • Page 177
    1.13.2 Using the Directories Table 2 (Option mode) User Manual…
  • Page 178
    1.13.2 Using the Directories Table 2 (Option mode for CE model) User Manual…
  • Page 179
    1.13.2 Using the Directories Table 2 (Option mode for GR model) User Manual…
  • Page 180
    1.13.2 Using the Directories Table 2 (Option mode for RU model) User Manual…
  • Page 181: Accessing System Features (System Feature Access)

    1.13.3 Accessing System Features (System Feature Access) 1.13.3 Accessing System Features (System Feature Access) You can access a feature with the «Feature Access» menu. To access «Feature Access» menu and select the feature KX-NT300/KX-DT300/KX-T7600 While on-hook Press Right Press ENTER. Press Up or Down four times.

  • Page 182: Using An Ip Proprietary Telephone

    1.14.1 Self Labelling (KX-NT366 only) 1.14 Using an IP Proprietary Telephone 1.14.1 Self Labelling (KX-NT366 only) The KX-NT366 IP-PT has 12 flexible buttons, and a display Page 4 for each button to show what feature, telephone number or Page 3 extension number is assigned to it.

  • Page 183: Manager Operation

    Section 2 Manager Operation This chapter shows the manager how to control the other extensions or the PBX. User Manual…

  • Page 184: Control Features

    2.1.1 Extension Control 2.1 Control Features 2.1.1 Extension Control The manager extension can control the settings of other extensions. – Changing the Settings of Other Extensions Changing the Settings of Other Extensions To lock/unlock other extensions (Remote Extension Dial Lock) This feature is also known as Remote Station Lock Control.

  • Page 185: Time Service Mode Control

    2.1.2 Time Service Mode Control 2.1.2 Time Service Mode Control The manager extension or the preprogrammed extension can change the time mode (Day, Lunch, Break or Night). There are two methods (Automatic or Manual) of changing the time modes. Automatic: enables the time mode for each day of the week to change automatically. You may also change it manually.

  • Page 186
    2.1.2 Time Service Mode Control Customising Your Phone • 3.1.3 Customising the Buttons Create or edit a Time Service (Day/Night/Lunch/Break) button or a Time Service Switching Mode (Automatic/Manual) button. User Manual…
  • Page 187: Restriction Level Control (Dial Tone Transfer)

    2.1.3 Restriction Level Control (Dial Tone Transfer) 2.1.3 Restriction Level Control (Dial Tone Transfer) The manager extension can change the restriction level, permitting an extension to make a call. PT/PS During a conversation with an extension (Toll Restriction/ C.Tone Call Barring) Press Toll Restriction/ On-hook.

  • Page 188: Turning On The External Background Music (Bgm)

    2.1.4 Turning on the External Background Music (BGM) 2.1.4 Turning on the External Background Music (BGM) The manager extension can select and broadcast background music in the office through external speakers. To select and start/stop the background music PT/SLT/PS Start C.Tone Stop Off-hook.

  • Page 189: Recording Outgoing Messages (Ogm)

    2.1.5 Recording Outgoing Messages (OGM) 2.1.5 Recording Outgoing Messages (OGM) The manager extension can record three kinds of greeting messages (OGM) as follows: DISA message: Used to greet and guide callers so that they access an extension user group or outside party without operator assistance. Incoming Call Distribution Group message: Used to greet and guide callers to an incoming call distribution group.

  • Page 190
    2.1.5 Recording Outgoing Messages (OGM) To record from an external BGM (MOH) port OGM floating extension no. Progress Tone & Enter 31. Enter OGM floating Off-hook. Enter C.Tone extension number. AUTO DIAL You hear The message CONF the message. is recorded. C.Tone C.Tone STORE…
  • Page 191: Allowing Users To Seize An Unavailable Outside Line (Trunk Busy Out)

    2.1.6 Allowing Users to Seize an Unavailable Outside Line (Trunk Busy Out) 2.1.6 Allowing Users to Seize an Unavailable Outside Line (Trunk Busy Out) When a problem is found on a certain outside line, the PBX automatically makes it unavailable for use temporarily.

  • Page 192: Releasing Network Direct Station Selection (Ndss) Monitor

    2.1.7 Releasing Network Direct Station Selection (NDSS) Monitor 2.1.7 Releasing Network Direct Station Selection (NDSS) Monitor NDSS buttons can be customised on any extension connected to your PBX. An NDSS button allows an extension user to monitor another extension connected to another PBX in a private network.

  • Page 193: Customising Your Phone & System

    Section 3 Customising Your Phone & System This chapter shows you how to customise your individual telephone or PBX according to your needs. Find the desired setting and program as necessary. User Manual…

  • Page 194: Customising Your Phone (Personal Programming)

    3.1.1 Customising Your Phone (Personal Programming) 3.1 Customising Your Phone (Personal Program- ming) 3.1.1 Customising Your Phone (Personal Programming) You can customise your telephone features. For example, you can change the initial settings or button features according to your needs. –…

  • Page 195
    3.1.1 Customising Your Phone (Personal Programming) To cancel PT/SLT/PS PIN: Personal Identification Number stored extension PIN C.Tone Enter 0. Enter stored Off-hook. Enter 799. extension PIN. On-hook. WARNING There is a risk that fraudulent telephone calls will be made if a third party discovers your password (extension PIN).
  • Page 196: Settings On The Programming Mode

    3.1.2 Settings on the Programming Mode 3.1.2 Settings on the Programming Mode You can programme features using the programming mode. – Setting Features – Clearing Features • To exit at any time, lift the handset. • To enter the programming mode when using a PS, refer to «Operating Instructions» for PS. Setting Features The default settings are shown in bold letters.

  • Page 197
    3.1.2 Settings on the Programming Mode Programming In- Item Selection & Parameter English 2nd Language Display Language Selection Which display language do you 3rd Language prefer? 4th Language 5th Language No—Manual (The display keeps showing all of the outside caller’s information unless you Display Switching Mode change it to the call duration man- Would you like the call duration…
  • Page 198
    3.1.2 Settings on the Programming Mode Programming In- Item Selection & Parameter Calling/Connected Line Iden- Caller ID assigned to your ex- tification Presentation (CLIP/ tension COLP) Which number should be dis- Caller ID assigned on the outside played on the called and calling line being used party’s telephone? No line…
  • Page 199
    3.1.2 Settings on the Programming Mode Programming In- Item Selection & Parameter No—The telephone will not Parallelled Telephone *1*5 ring. Should the single line tele- Yes—The telephone will phone in parallel ring? ring. Forced Answerback Selec- No—Disable tion Do you prefer to answer a call without going off-hook regard- Yes—Enable less of the AUTO ANS button…
  • Page 200
    3.1.2 Settings on the Programming Mode Programming In- Item Selection & Parameter Personal Absent Message Creating your personal mes- message (max. 16 characters) sage Do Not Disturb (DND) FWD/DND + desired no. All—Forward all calls (max. 32 digits) (for both calls) Call Forwarding (FWD)/Do Not Disturb (DND) + desired no.
  • Page 201
    3.1.2 Settings on the Programming Mode Programming In- Item Selection & Parameter Bluetooth Registration To register a Bluetooth wireless Pass key (max. 16 digits) headset on your extension Bluetooth Removal To cancel the registration of a Confirm that the ID of your Bluetooth wireless headset Bluetooth wireless headset on is displayed.
  • Page 202
    3.1.2 Settings on the Programming Mode Programming In- Item Selection & Parameter No—Normal (Any Flexible buttons can be modified.) One-touch Dialling Assign- Yes—Only One-touch dialling ment Mode Selection Do you prefer to set the buttons can be modified. Howev- One-touch dialling only? er, to modify them, there is no need to enter «2»…
  • Page 203
    3.1.2 Settings on the Programming Mode To store the names and numbers in personal speed dialling PROGRAM personal speed dialling no. AUTO DIAL PAUSE STORE Enter personal speed Enter 10 and then press ENTER. Press PROGRAM dialling number (2 digits). Or press STORE.
  • Page 204
    3.1.2 Settings on the Programming Mode To edit the names and numbers of personal speed dialling PROGRAM personal speed dialling no. AUTO DIAL PAUSE STORE Press PROGRAM Enter 10 and then press ENTER. Enter personal speed or PAUSE. Or press STORE. dialling number (2 digits).
  • Page 205
    3.1.2 Settings on the Programming Mode Features Default Setting LCS Mode Set (After Answering) Stop recording Automatic Call Waiting Manual Call Waiting—Intercom Calls Off (No call/No tone) Call Waiting Tone Type Selection Tone 1 Absent Message Personal Absent Message Cleared Call Forwarding (FWD)/Do Not Disturb (DND)—Intercom/Outside Calls Off FWD N/A Timer 15 seconds…
  • Page 206: Customising The Buttons

    3.1.3 Customising the Buttons 3.1.3 Customising the Buttons You can customise the flexible buttons and/or programmable feature (PF) buttons on PTs, Add-on Key Modules, and PSs. They can then be used to make or receive outside calls or as feature buttons. •…

  • Page 207
    3.1.3 Customising the Buttons Button Programming Input Group FWD—Outside calls + Incoming call distribution group extension no. Group FWD—Intercom calls + Incoming call distribution group extension no. Account Conference Terminate External Feature Access (EFA) Call Charge Reference Call Park + Parking zone no. (2 digits) Call Park (Automatic Park Zone) Call Log…
  • Page 208
    3.1.3 Customising the Buttons Button Programming Input Headset *4*7 Time Service Switching (+ Tenant no.) Mode (Automatic/Manual) Network Direct Station Se- + Another PBX extension no. lection (NDSS) Primary Directory Number (PDN) Secondary Directory Number + Extension no. + + delayed ringing time (0–7) (SDN) Check-in Check-out…
  • Page 209
    3.1.3 Customising the Buttons • *1 » «, «#», FLASH/RECALL, PAUSE, Secret (INTERCOM) and TRANSFER can also be stor- If you do not want to display the stored number when making a call, press the Secret (INTER- COM) button before and after the numbers you wish to conceal. If you store an outside party’s number, you should first store a line access number.
  • Page 210
    3.1.3 Customising the Buttons To distinguish the ringing tones for each CO, ICD Group, PDN, SDN, or INTERCOM button (Digital proprietary telephone only) To continue (CO) (CO) (ICD Group) (ICD Group) PROGRAM PROGRAM tone type no. (PDN) (PDN) R.Tone AUTO DIAL (SDN) (SDN) STORE…
  • Page 211: Manager Programming

    Other Extensions Control Available Extension The extension assigned as a manager Required Telephone A Panasonic Proprietary Telephone with display (over 2 lines) (e.g., KX-NT343, KX-DT346, KX-T7636) Manager Password To enter programming mode, the manager password (max. 10 digits) is required. (Default: 1234) WARNING •…

  • Page 212: Manager Programming

    3.2.2 Manager Programming 3.2.2 Manager Programming Changing Call Charges and Extension Control To enter the programming mode To programme To exit PROGRAM To continue PROGRAM manager password programming HOLD PAUSE PAUSE input Follow Press Press PROGRAM Enter Enter manager Press PROGRAM or PAUSE.

  • Page 213
    3.2.2 Manager Programming Item Programming Input + Verification code + PIN (max. 10 digits) Setting the verification code PIN. WARNING There is a risk that fraudulent telephone calls will be made if a third party discovers your password (verification code PIN). The cost of such calls will be billed to the owner/renter of the PBX.
  • Page 214: Customising Your System (System Programming)

    Extension number and name [003]/[004] Available Extension The extension allowed through COS programming Required Telephone A Panasonic Proprietary Telephone with display (over 2 lines) (e.g., KX-NT343, KX-DT346, KX-T7636) System Password To enter programming mode, the system password (max. 10 digits) is required. (Default: 1234) WARNING •…

  • Page 215: Fixed Buttons


  • Page 216
    3.3.1 Programming Information Procedure The basic steps are shown below. Entering the programming mode PROGRAM system password PAUSE Enter Enter system password. Press PROGRAM or PAUSE. Programming You can enter each programme number (3 digits). • To exit the programming mode at any time, lift the handset. Exiting the mode PROGRAM PAUSE…
  • Page 217: System Programming

    3.3.2 System Programming 3.3.2 System Programming Date & Time [000] The proprietary telephones display the current date and time while on-hook. [In 12-hour Format] date year SELECT Enter 000. (AUTO ANS/MUTE, MESSAGE) Press ENTER. Enter year Press SELECT Press Right. Enter date (00 –…

  • Page 218
    3.3.2 System Programming • After changing the desired values, you can press the ENTER button. You do not have to perform the rest of the steps. • The clock starts immediately after the ENTER button is pressed. • You cannot leave a value empty. •…
  • Page 219
    3.3.2 System Programming System Speed Dialling Name [002] You can store the name associated with the speed dialling number. These names are displayed when making calls using the display operation. To enter characters, refer to » Entering Characters». To end system speed name dialling no.
  • Page 220
    3.3.2 System Programming Extension Name [004] You can store the name of an extension user. This is useful if you want to know who is calling, or who you are calling when making an intercom call using the directory. To enter characters, refer to » Entering Characters».
  • Page 221: Appendix

    Section 4 Appendix This chapter provides the Troubleshooting, the Feature Number Table and Tone List. Check the Troubleshooting section before consulting your dealer. User Manual…

  • Page 222: Troubleshooting

    4.1.1 Troubleshooting 4.1 Troubleshooting 4.1.1 Troubleshooting Troubleshooting Problem Remedy The telephone does not work properly. • Confirm with your manager that your set- tings are correct. • If the problem persists, consult your dealer. The telephone does not respond when buttons are •…

  • Page 223
    4.1.1 Troubleshooting Problem Remedy My proprietary telephone does not have a feature • Some models do not have the feature button. button. Change a flexible button to the desired but- ton. ( 3.1.3 Customising the Buttons) Enter the specified feature number instead of the feature button.
  • Page 224
    4.1.1 Troubleshooting Problem Remedy The PC and fax machine communication failed. • An indication tone may have interrupted communication. ( 1.8.9 Protecting Your Line against Notification Tones (Data Line Se- curity)) I do not want to show my telephone number to the •…
  • Page 225
    4.1.1 Troubleshooting Problem Remedy I want to distinguish the tones. • To distinguish the ringing tones for each CO, ICD Group, PDN, SDN, or INTERCOM but- ton (Digital proprietary telephone only), 3.1.3 Customising the Buttons) The MESSAGE button light lit. •…
  • Page 226: Feature Number Table

    4.2.1 Feature Number Table 4.2 Feature Number Table 4.2.1 Feature Number Table Numbers listed below are the default settings. There are flexible feature numbers and fixed feature numbers. If you change the flexible feature numbers, fill in your assigned numbers (new) in the list for future reference. Default Feature (While dial tone is heard) Additional digits/buttons…

  • Page 227
    4.2.1 Feature Number Table Default Feature (While dial tone is heard) Additional digits/buttons (New) 1.2.4 When the Dialled Line is Busy or There is No Answer To cancel callback ringing (Automatic Callback Busy Cancel)/To cancel (CCBS Cancel) Leaving a Message Waiting Indica- tion/Calling Back the Caller Who Left an Indication (Message Waiting) For a caller…
  • Page 228
    4.2.1 Feature Number Table Default Feature (While dial tone is heard) Additional digits/buttons (New) – extension no. Directed Denying Other People the Possibil- ity of Picking Up Your Calls (Call Pickup Deny) – To deny – To allow 1.3.4 Answering a Call via an External Speaker (Trunk Answer From Any Sta- tion [TAFAS]) –…
  • Page 229
    4.2.1 Feature Number Table Default Feature (While dial tone is heard) Additional digits/buttons (New) 1.6.1 Forwarding Calls Forwarding Your Calls (Call For- warding [FWD])/ 1.8.2 Refusing Incoming Calls (Do Not Disturb [DND]) – 0 (Cancel)/ Both Calls – 1 (Do Not Disturb [DND])/ Outside Calls –…
  • Page 230
    4.2.1 Feature Number Table Default Feature (While dial tone is heard) Additional digits/buttons (New) – To record – To play back – To clear Recording a Greeting Message for Each Time Mode – 8 + 0 (Day)/1 (Night)/2 (Lunch)/3 (Break) + To record –…
  • Page 231
    4.2.1 Feature Number Table Default Feature (While dial tone is heard) Additional digits/buttons (New) 1.7.1 Paging paging group no. (2 digits) Group Paging 1.7.2 Answering/Denying a Paging An- nouncement – To answer – To deny – To allow 1.7.3 Making an Announcement and Having a Multiple Party Conversation (Broadcasting) –…
  • Page 232
    4.2.1 Feature Number Table Default Feature (While dial tone is heard) Additional digits/buttons (New) 1.8.6 Preventing Your Number Being Displayed on the Called Party’s Tele- phone (Calling Line Identification Re- striction [CLIR]) – To show – To prevent 1.8.7 Preventing Other People from Joining Your Conversation (Executive Busy Override Deny) –…
  • Page 233
    4.2.1 Feature Number Table Default Feature (While dial tone is heard) Additional digits/buttons (New) 1.9.2 Monitoring and Controlling the ICD Group extension no. Call Status of an Incoming Call Distribu- tion Group (Incoming Call Distribution Group Monitor) 1.10.1 If a Doorphone/Door Opener is Connected doorphone no.
  • Page 234
    4.2.1 Feature Number Table Default Feature (While dial tone is heard) Additional digits/buttons (New) 1.12.1 Walking Extension your extension no. + extension PIN 1.12.2 Enhanced Walking Extension – To set an extension status to Serv- ice-out – + your extension no. + extension PIN To set an extension status to Serv- ice-in 2.1.1 Extension Control…
  • Page 235
    4.2.1 Feature Number Table Default Feature (While dial tone is heard) Additional digits/buttons (New) 3.1.1 Customising Your Phone (Person- al Programming) Assigning an Extension PIN to Your Extension (Extension PIN [Personal Identification Number]) – 1 + extension PIN + # + same extension To set PIN + # –…
  • Page 236
    4.2.1 Feature Number Table Feature (While busy, DND or call tone is heard) Default 1.2.4 When the Dialled Line is Busy or There is No Answer Sending a Call Waiting Notification (Call Waiting) To an Extension Refusing the Call (DND Override) Joining an Existing Call (Executive Busy Override) Leaving a Message Waiting Indication/Calling Back the Caller Who Left an Indication (Message Waiting)
  • Page 237: What Is This Tone

    4.3.1 What is This Tone? 4.3 What is This Tone? 4.3.1 What is This Tone? While on-hook Ring Tones The following tones are program- mable allowing recognition of call type (Outside, Intercom or Door- phone). Tone 1 Tone 2 Tone 3 Tone 4 When going off-hook Dial Tones…

  • Page 238
    4.3.1 What is This Tone? Tone 2 • When there are messages that have previously been listened to and no new messages recorded by the SVM feature. • When any of the following fea- tures are set: • Absent Message •…
  • Page 239
    4.3.1 What is This Tone? Ringback Tones Tone 1 Tone 2 Do Not Disturb (DND) Tone The dialled extension is refusing in- coming calls. While off-hook Indication Tones Tone 1 15 s Call waiting tone Tone 2 15 s A call is on hold longer than the speci- fied time When talking to an outside party Warning Tone…
  • Page 240
    4.3.1 What is This Tone? Tone 2 • Before receiving a page through an external speaker • A call is received in Hands-free mode. Tone 3 • Before the following features acti- vate: • Retrieving a held call • Picking up another call •…
  • Page 241: Index

    Index User Manual…

  • Page 242
    Index Call Park Button 25, 207 Call Park Retrieve Absent Message 114, 199, 230 Call Pickup Accessing System Features (System Feature Access) Call Pickup Deny 56, 228 Accessing the ISDN Service (ISDN Service Access) Call Splitting Account Button 25, 207 Call Transfer 61, 228 Account Code Entry…
  • Page 243
    Index CLIR ® Calling Line Identification Restriction Extension Control 184, 212 COLP ® Connected Line Identification Presentation Extension Dial Lock 116, 201, 230 Extension Feature Clear 140, 232 COLR ® Connected Line Identification Restriction Extension Name [004] Completion of Calls to Busy Subscriber (CCBS) 40, 236 Extension Number [003] CONF (Conference) Button…
  • Page 244
    Index Icon Descriptions 18, 215 Monitoring Another Extension (Call Monitor) Incoming Call Distribution Group (ICD Group) 25, 206 Multiple Party Conversation 78, 121 Incoming Call Distribution Group Monitor 144, 233 Mute Incoming Call Distribution Group, Extension Status Incoming Call Distribution Group, Forwarding Calls Incoming Call Distribution Group, Leaving Names and Numbers, Storing Incoming Call Distribution Group, Monitoring and…
  • Page 245
    Index Programmable Feature (PF) Button System Programming Information Purchase Information System Programming, Icon Descriptions System Speed Dialling 35, 226 System Speed Dialling Name [002] System Speed Dialling Number [001] Quick Dialling TAFAS ® Trunk Answer From Any Station Redial Talking to Two Parties Alternately (Call Splitting) Redial Button Telephone Number, Hiding 132, 133…
  • Page 246
    Index Walking COS Walking Extension 167, 234 Walking Extension, Enhanced 168, 234 Walking Station ® Walking Extension 167, 234 Warning Tone When the Dialled Line is Busy or There is No Answer Whisper OHCA 130, 231 Wireless XDP Parallel Mode 139, 232 Wrap-up Wrap-up Button…
  • Page 247
    Radio & Telecommunications Terminal Equipment (R&TTE) Directive 1999/5/EC. Declarations of Conformity for the relevant Panasonic products described in this manual are available for download by visiting: http://www.doc.panasonic.de…
  • Page 248
    1-62, 4-chome, Minoshima, Hakata-ku, Fukuoka 812-8531, Japan Copyright: This material is copyrighted by Panasonic Communications Co., Ltd., and may be reproduced for internal use only. All other reproduction, in whole or in part, is prohibited without the written consent of Panasonic Communications Co., Ltd.

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KX-NCP500/KX-NCP1000: программный файл PBMPR версии 2.0000 или выше

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Model No.


Panasonic KX-NCP500 KXNCP500 KX NCP500 KX-NCP1000 KXNCP1000 KX NCP1000

Thank you for purchasing a Panasonic Pure IP-PBX.

Please read this manual carefully before using this product and save this manual for future use.

KX-NCP500/KX-NCP1000: PBMPR Software File Version 2.0200 or later

IP Networking Guide


Phone 877-289-2829


Document Version: 2009-12


Summary of Contents for Panasonic KX-NCP500

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