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Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту двигателя Isuzu 6SD1T. Рекомендуем перед

Схемы электрооборудования на английском языке Isuzu Rodeo 1999-2003 годов выпуска. Рекомендуем перед началом ремонта

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Isuzu KB TF140 1993-1996 годов

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Isuzu Elf серий NKR/NPR/NQR 2000

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Isuzu Trooper 1995 года выпуска.

Руководство на английском языке по ремонту электрооборудования Isuzu Trooper 1995-2001 годов выпуска. Рекомендуем перед

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту Isuzu Trooper 2000 года выпуска.

Схемы электрооборудования на английском языке Isuzu VehiCross 2000-2001 годов выпуска. Рекомендуем перед началом ремонта

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту двигателя Isuzu 4JG1. Рекомендуем перед

Руководство на английском языке по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию двигателя Isuzu 6BG1. Рекомендуем перед

  1. Руководства по ремонту
  2. Руководство по ремонту Исузу Трупер 1989-1995 г.в.

Руководство по ремонту Isuzu Trooper / Исузу Трупер

Общая информация об автомобиле.

Isuzu Trooper 1989-1995

Один из лидеров по продажам на рынке автомобилей для загородного отдыха. Все модели Trooper имееют теперь обнавленное рулевое управление с усилением, у которого улучшена стабильность в прямолинейном движении. Они получили и полноразмерные подушки безопасности плюс преднатяжители ремней передних сидений. В модельном ряду на Isuzu Trooper устанавливают: бензиновый 3,2-литровый 24-клапанный V-образный мотор мощностью 177 л.с. и 116-сильный четырехцилиндровый турбодизель рабочим объемом 3,1л.

Оба в состоянии буксировать 3,3-тонный трейлер, оснащенный тормозами. Максимальная скорость автомобиля, оснащенного бензиновым двигателем, составляет 170км/ч, и разгон до 100км/ч занимает 11,9 с, тогда как турбодизель обеспечивает максимальную скорость в 151 км/ч и разгон до 100 км/ч за 16,6 с.

Длиннобазный Trooper — быть может, один из самых популярных автомобилей такого типа. Новый Trooper получил полноразмерные подушки безопасности для водителя и пассажира , преднатяжители ремней, механизм включения/отключения полного привода на ходу, улучшенный рычаг переключения передач, улавливающий цветочную пыльцу фильтр в стандартной комплектации и иммобилайзер, отсекающий топливный насос при попытке несанкционированного пуска двигателя.

↓ Комментарии ↓

1. Введение

1.0 Введение
1.1 Панель приборов
1.2 Замок зажигания
1.3 Комбинированный переключатель
1.4 Аварийная световая сигнализация
1.5 Переключатели панели приборов
1.6 Круиз-контроль
1.7 Приборы и контрольные лампы
1.8 Рычаги управления
1.9 Окна и стеклоподъемники
1.10 Освещение салона
1.11 Электрические цифровые часы
1.12. Органы управления отоплением и вентилятором или кондиционером
1.13. Управление автомобилем
1.14 Выпуск воздуха из топливной системы
1.15 Опорожнение водоотделителя
1.16. Регулярные проверки
1.17 Обслуживание воздушного фильтра
1.18 Замена моторного масла
1.19 Блок предохранителей
1.20 Технические характеристики

2. Данные по идентификации автомобиля

2.0 Данные по идентификации автомобиля
2.1 Общие данные двигателей
2.2. ТО автомобилей Trooper/ Bighorn с дизельным двигателем
2.3. Указания по уходу

3. Двигатели

3.0 Технические данные двигателя и регулировочные работы
3.1. Бензиновый двигатель
3.3. Дизельный двигатель 2,8 литра

4. Системы автомобиля

4.0 Введение
4.1 Система вентиляции картера
4.2 Система улавливания паров бензина
4.3 Система рециркуляции
4.4 Система ускоренного испарения топлива на ранних стадиях пуска двигателя
4.5 Система автоматического поддержания состава горючей смеси (TCA)
4.6 Система доокисления выхлопных газов
4.7 3-компонентный каталитический нейтрализатор
4.8 Проверка выхлопной системы

5. Меры предосторожности

5.0 Меры предосторожности
5.1 Порядок разгерметизации топливной системы
5.2 Механический топливный насос
5.3 Электрический топливный насос
5.4 Снятие и установка насоса, смонтированного в топливном баке
5.5 Регулировка карбюратора
5.6 Снятие и установка карбюратора
5.7. Системы впрыска топлива
5.8. Система питания дизелей

6. Механическая КПП

6.0 Механическая КПП
6.1. Выключатель сигнала заднего хода
6.2. Автоматическая трансмиссия
6.3. Ходовая часть

7. Передняя подвеска

7.0 Передняя подвеска
7.1. Торсион
7.2 Углы установки колес
7.3. Задняя подвеска
7.4. Рулевое управление

8. Регулировка барабанных тормозов

8.0 Регулировка барабанных тормозов
8.1 Педаль
8.2 Выключатель сигнала торможения
8.3 Главный цилиндр тормозов
8.4 Вакуумный усилитель тормозов
8.5 Дозирующие клапаны
8.6 Шланги тормозов
8.7 Удаление воздуха из гидропривода тормозов
8.8 Дисковые тормоза
8.9 Суппорт тормоза
8.10 Диск тормоза
8.11 Барабанные тормоза
8.12. Антиблокировочная система тормозов задних колес
8.13 Технические данные тормозов

9. Двери

9.0 Двери
9.1 Капот
9.2 Задняя крышка (крышка грузового отсека или люка)
9.3 Бамперы
9.4 Декоративная решетка
9.5 Наружные зеркала заднего вида
9.6 Антенна
9.7. Салон

10. Система подогрева и кондиционирования воздуха

10.0 Система подогрева и кондиционирования воздуха
10.1. Дополнительный электродвигатель блока кондиционирования
10.2 Приемник
10.3 Электродвигатель стеклоочистителя ветрового стекла, тяги привода щеток
10.4 Электродвигатель стеклоочистителя заднего стекла
10.5. Приборы и переключатели
10.6 Круиз-контроль
10.7 Деблокирующее устройство
10.8. Устройства защиты от перегрузок

11. Основные неисправности сцепления

11.0 Основные неисправности сцепления
11.1 Основные неисправности механической КПП
11.2 Основные неисправности карданного вала
11.3 Основные неисправности рулевого управления и подвески
11.4 Основные неисправности рулевого механизма
11.5 Основные неисправности рулевого механизма с гидроусилителем
11.6 Основные неисправности тормозов
11.7 Характерные неисправности двигателя и способы устранения
11.8 Характерные неисправности в системе охлаждения двигателя
11.9 Характерные неисправности ремня привода с гофрированным профилем
11.10 Характерные неисправности системы питания (карбюраторные двигатели)
11.11 Характерные неисправности сигналов поворота и аварийной остановки

12. Обозначения и сокращения

12.0 Обозначения и сокращения
12.1 Электросхема 1
12.2 Электросхема 2
12.3 Электросхема 3
12.4 Электросхема 4
12.5 Электросхема 5
12.6 Электросхема 6
12.7 Электросхема 7
12.8 Электросхема 8
12.9 Электросхема 9
12.10 Электросхема 10
12.11 Электросхема 11
12.12 Электросхема 12
12.13 Электросхема 13
12.14 Электросхема 14
12.15 Электросхема 15
12.16 Электросхема 16
12.17 Электросхема 17
12.18 Электросхема 18
12.19 Электросхема 19

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It is not for nothing that the founder of the automobile company Isuzu named the leadership of one of the most powerful industrial enterprises of Japan in the early 20th century
— Tokyo Ishikawajima Shipbuilding and Engineering. It was under the auspices of this organization that a company was established whose specialization was the production of heavy automotive
equipment using mainly diesel engines, the history of which by that time was only a few dozen years old.

Isuzu FRR 33L F-Series Truck
Isuzu FRR 33L F-Series Truck

The debut step made by representatives of the company, which in the future became known as Isuzu, was the signing in 1918 of an agreement with the British company Wolseley Motors on the assembly
of trucks by the Japanese under license from the British. Already four years later, in 1922, a truck of the A-9 model was presented. And the first own development, made at the Ishikawajima
Automotive Works corporation, representatives of the future Isuzu was demonstrated in 1928. In 1933 Ishikawajima Automotive Works merged with another successful automotive company from Japan —
Dot Automobile Manufacturing.

As a result of the transformation, the organization was named Automobile Industries. The following year became even more important for the formation of future success. Having received an order
from the Ministry of Trade and Industry, the company within its framework produced and produced the Isuzu model, named after one of the Japanese rivers. In the same year, the young corporation
created a unit, which was to deal with research in the field of diesel engines. Three years later, after another restructuring, a new name for the firm was announced — Tokyo Automobile
Industries. And in 1938, the first two trucks of the TX40 model came off the production line in Kawasaki.

ISUZU NPR 275 Medium Truck
ISUZU NPR 275 Medium Truck

40th years of the twentieth century became no less successful than the previous decade. Already in 1941, Tokyo Automobile Industries received permission from the Japanese government to
manufacture cars equipped with diesel power units, becoming the only such company throughout the country. In 1945, the postwar production of the TX40 truck was resumed, and the active sales of
the TU60 also began. And in 1949 the company was renamed to Isuzu Motors Limited. The only negative factor was the separation of Hino Works, one of the parts of the corporation,
and the subsequent establishment of an independent company Hino Heavy Industries in 1942.

The beginning of the next decade was marked by the successful development of the diesel V-shaped 8-cylinder engine with water cooling, which received the index DA80. In early 1953, Isuzu
Corporation presented the first ever company, made in cooperation with the British firm Rootes, a Hillman car, which became a copy of the British car of the same name. By October of the same
year, Hillman entered the conveyor production. And in October 1959 was marked by the beginning of the conveyor assembly of the truck Elf LT, equipped with an extremely economical diesel engine

In the early 60’s, a real production boom occurred, as a result of which representatives of the Isuzu company were presented to the public by a diesel engine for a DL201 car, the volume of which
was 2 liters. Approximately at the same time, a new plant was opened in the city of Fujisawa, and new models of cars, the WASP truck and the Bellel and Bellet cars, were also on sale. In the
second half of the decade, the new products were a large truck TM, as well as passenger cars 117 Coupe and Florian.

Isuzu Giga
Isuzu Giga

The next decade also began with major presentations: in 1970, the Isuzu Forward cargo models were presented, as well as the Isuzu Elf 350 (KS). One of the most important events
in the history of Isuzu was the signing of an agreement on cooperation with the American automobile magnate General Motors, which in 1971 became the owner of 35% of the shares of the Japanese
company. The results of joint labor did not take long. Already in 1974, the assembly line for a Gemini passenger car developed within the framework of cooperation between Isuzu and General Motors
began. Over the next few years, the company’s lineup was also updated.

So in 1977, the production of Isuzu Florian started with a diesel engine, and in 1979 debuted the diesel version of Gemini. A few years earlier, in 1975, the Isuzu North American division, Isuzu
Motors America, was opened, whose prospects, in view of cooperation with General Motors, looked extremely serious. And in the very end of the 70s, the construction of a testing range for the
Japanese automaker in Hokkaido was completed. Later, in May 1984, in the same Hokkaido, a new plant was opened. The beginning of the 80s of the 20th century foreshadowed new successes. The main
confirmation of this is the rapid upgrade of the lineup.

First, in 1980, a series of commercial Fargo minibuses entered the conveyor assembly, which were almost immediately widely used in Japan. Almost immediately, in the first half of 1981, the
passenger car Piazza and SUV Rodeo Bighorn debuted, in 1983 Florian Aska model was put on the conveyor, after half a year celebrating the victory in the British RAC rally. And already in 1985
they introduced the FF Gemini car. In the same year 1985, the first representative office of Isuzu in China was opened, which was originally considered as the most important market.

Isuzu ELF Truck
Isuzu ELF Truck

1987 was a landmark in the history of the company in connection with the founding of the joint venture Isuzu Motors and General Motors, which was named IBC Vehicles. Two years later, the fruit of
common labor was presented — the debut SUV MU (Amigo), which launched a new class of «heavy passenger cars». At the same time, a joint venture with Subaru was founded. In the same year 1989,
Isuzu became the world leader in the production of medium and heavy trucks. After the successful development in 1990 of the world’s first electromagnetic brake in cooperation with Sumitomo Metal
Industries, a joint venture with Subaru launched a new model of the Rodeo SUV, which in early 1991 was already in the US.

A very important role in the history of development of Isuzu was played by the Charter of Environmental Protection, which was adopted in mid-1992, and according to which the company carried out
its further activities. All decade passed under the sign of new developments and improvements. In 1991, debuted an updated SUV Trooper. In 1993, the first representative of the Isuzu N series of
commercial vehicles came off the assembly line. Next year, a series of commercial cars F, C and E were presented. In 1997, Isuzu showed the public another novelty developed specifically for
off-road — VehiCross, and in 1998 it was marked The release of a truck Elf CNG, working on gas.

At the same time, the 90s were remembered by the fans of Isuzu’s developments and major successes at various competitions. So in 1994, the car Trooper won in two races Paris-Dakar rally, and two
years later, the first place in the Australian safari took the model Holden Jackaroo. In addition, the organization received many awards for its innovative developments. And in 1999, the fate
again brought Isuzu Motors with the company Hino, as a result of which was established joint production of buses. The beginning
of the XXI century marked the receipt by the company representatives of new awards for successful development.

Isuzu C-Series
Isuzu C-Series

In particular, 2001 was marked by the presentation of the diesel engine Duramax 6600, which was called one of the best powertrains in the history of the automotive industry. At the same time, the
Japanese actively worked in foreign markets. At the same time, not only the USA and Asian countries, such as Indonesia, Thailand or Japan, received dividends from this work. The company Isuzu
Motors gradually entered the European market. In 2002, a 3-year business plan of the Japanese automaker was adopted, which was supposed to minimize costs and make the company’s revenue more
solid. According to this plan, by January 2003 the share of ownership of Isuzu shares by the automobile giant General Motors had decreased to 12%.

At the same time, these companies continued active cooperation. It should be noted the establishment of another joint venture, whose goal was the development of transmissions. According to the
new business plan of the company, calculated from April 2005 to March 2008, Isuzu was to become the world leader in the production of diesel engines, as well as commercial vehicles and buses. It
should be noted that the company did it. An important role in the development of Isuzu Motors as a world giant was played by the company’s unique developments. In particular, debuted in mid-2005
truck Elf Hybrid with a mixed engine.

After the introduction of new environmental standards in Japan in the same year of 2005, the very important step was the development of the Isuzu Giga truck, which became the first Japanese car
in its class to meet these standards. After the dissolution of the alliance between Isuzu Motors and General Motors in 2006, these companies have set up a joint venture, which is already
preparing for the presentation its new products, which, according to the plan, will pleasantly surprise the whole world.

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