Launch x431 pro инструкция на русском по использованию

Привет друзья! В этой статье хочу показать как и где выбирать нужные параметры при диагностике автомобиля через мультимарочный сканер Launch X431Pro, и вообще рассказать что и где находится.
Сама программа диагностики:

Зайдя в нее попадаем в меню:

У меня выбрано дополнительные функции, но о них позже, если посмотреть вверху изображения есть выбор рынка производителя, заходим в соответствующий раздел и выбираем марку автомобиля. Показываю на своем автомобиле не было под рукой другого, и выбираю я Hyundai (вы свой автомобиль).

Вверху видим версию вот они и обновляются, внизу выбираем подтверждение:

Далее выбираем распиновку, разъем OBD2 как правило всегда 16pin и опять подтверждаем:

Считались данные по автомобилю выбираем OK:

Далее нам дает выбор действий:
a) Быстрое тестирование
b) Выбор системы (для того что-бы не терять время на полную диагностику если например нужен только двигатель или что то другое)
c) Специальные функции (этот раздел так же есть для каждого узла отдельно, о нем походу рассказа)

Далее видим опять возможность выбора:
a) Выбор в ручную (какой либо из узлов автомобиля)
b) Автоматический поиск (сразу начинается сканирование авто и всех установленных узлов)

У меня ошибок нету и скрин к сожалению не сделал, ну ладно это не столь важно. Ну вот и подобрались к возможностям отдельного выбора необходимых нам параметров, после того как сканирование завершено выбираем нужный вам раздел ДВС, трансмиссия, электроника, кондиционер и т.д., выбирайте что интересно вам, я выбрал двигатель и при переходе в раздел видим опять меню:

Ну первые три варианта они понятны их разбирать не будем сразу пойдем дальше и выбираем «поток данных», данный раздел есть абсолютно для всех узлов автомобиля будь это двигатель, трансмиссия или панель приборов вообщем для всех, вот именно здесь то и находятся все самые важные параметры и данные которые можно увидеть и сравнить с нормами для каждого параметра, я не стал выбирать все потому что это очень долго для примера и так будет понятно. Выбрали, пошло считывание возможных параметров которые автомобиль позволяет проверить:

После считывания выбираем интересные нам параметры:

И нажимаем подтверждение, получаем данные по выбранным параметрам, так же можем внизу увидеть возможность выбора отображения в виде графиков, при необходимости сравниваем данные показатели с нормами (при неисправности):

С этим разделом разобрались, теперь переходим к пункту «тестирование привода», здесь смысл простой, выбираем нужный нам параметр и он приводится в действие для проверки работоспособности, простой пример вентилятор не работает ищем выбираем и нажимаем OK:

Таким же путем можно посмотреть информацию по ключам и как утверждает производитель при необходимости обучить (прописать) ключ зажигания, лично я этого не делал никогда поэтому что то утверждать не могу.Заходим в нужный раздел поток данных и видим инфу:

Следующий параметр «специальные функции», как я уже писал в начале статьи выбор этого раздела есть как в самом начале подключения так и в каждом выбранном узле автомобиля, вот с этим разделом не так все однозначно как с предыдущими, например если у меня солярис скажем так пустоватый то в то время когда я подключался к MB C180 w205 там просто сумасшедший список функций, а при подключении к VW Jetta в среднем исполнении больше функций чем у меня но в то же время меньше чем у «заряженных телег», простым языком чем «жирнее» исполнение у автомобиля тем больше набор функций но я настоятельно рекомендую очень внимательно отнестись к каким либо действиям, прежде чем что то исполнить поинтересуйтесь и найдите информацию потому что последствия могут быть плачевными… Вот что можно сделать в моем автомобиле.

По поводу отдельного раздела который называется «Сброс Параметров»

Здесь такие возможности как: сброс сервисных интервалов, разведение колодок, обучение ключей и т.д. по ним есть переводы не буду мусолить одно и то же, лично я им не пользуюсь, я предпочитаю делать это через специальные функции какого либо узла, например скидывал сервис обслуживания на volvo через спец функции, адаптацию ДЗ так же через спец функции в соответствующем разделе, и так далее, для меня удобнее и надежнее делать так. Если нужно произвести адаптацию АКПП заходим в узел трансмиссии-спец функция нажимаем либо сброс адаптаций либо обучение везде по разному, в Civic наоборот нет такого понятия как сброс или обучение там уже не помню как точно называется, по латинице написано не помню., но нужно учитывать тот факт что не все АКПП можно Адаптировать некоторые АКПП например на camry 3.5 самообучаемая, на VW Polo так же меня не пропускал не Launch ни VCDS, по каждому аппарату свои нюансы…
В итоге что получаем, если нужно посмотреть параметры в реальном времени или другие показатели значит заходим в нужный нам узел-поток данных-ищем что надо, если нужно привести в привод какой либо узел для проверки работоспособности заходим в нужный узел-тестирование привода-ищем что надо, если нужно провести адаптацию или развести элетро ручник либо адаптировать ДЗ и т.д., заходим в нужный узел-спец функция-выбираем что нужно… Такая последовательность по любому всегда и везде одинаковая, отличие только в возможностях самого исполнения автомобиля.
Еще раз повторюсь будьте внимательны и рассудительны при выполнении каких либо действий особенно пиратским ПО, у лицензии есть такой плюс что при выполнении какой либо спец функции он вам предоставляет помощь и подсказки что и как делать, не знаю возможно и пиратки дают я с ними не работаю…
Вот пример в демо режиме:

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Launch X-431 PRO Series User Manual

  1. Manuals
  2. Brands
  3. Launch Manuals
  4. Tablet
  5. X-431 PRO Series
  6. User manual

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Version: V1.00.001

Revised date: 10-15-2019

Statement: LAUNCH owns the complete intellectual property rights for the

software used by this product. For any reverse engineering or cracking actions

against the software, LAUNCH will block the use of this product and reserve the

right to pursue their legal liabilities.


Related Manuals for Launch X-431 PRO Series

Summary of Contents for Launch X-431 PRO Series

  • Page 1
    Statement: LAUNCH owns the complete intellectual property rights for the software used by this product. For any reverse engineering or cracking actions against the software, LAUNCH will block the use of this product and reserve the right to pursue their legal liabilities.
  • Page 2
    LAUNCH is not responsible for any use of this information as applied to other units. Neither LAUNCH nor its affiliates shall be liable to the purchaser of this unit or third parties for damages, losses, costs, or expenses incurred by purchaser or…
  • Page 3
    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Important Safety Precautions Important: To avoid personal injury, property damage, or accidental damage to the product, read all of the information in this section before using the product.  Never collide, throw, or puncture the tool, and avoid falling, extruding and bending it.
  • Page 4
    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual while testing.  Keep the tool dry, clean, free from oil, water or grease. Use a mild detergent on a clean cloth to clear the outside of the equipment as necessary.  Do not drive the vehicle and operate the tool at the same time. Any distraction may cause an accident.
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Table of Contents 1 Introduction ………………… 1 1.1 Product Profile ………………. 1 1.2 Features ………………..1 1.3 Knowledge of X-431 PRO …………….. 2 1.3.1 X-431 PRO V3.0 Tablet …………..2 1.3.1 X-431 PRO V4.0 Tablet …………..3 1.3.2 X-431 PRO V3.0 VCI Connector (Only applies to 12V cars) ….

  • Page 6
    5.3.1 Interface Layout …………….32 5.3.2 Add Friends………………33 5.3.3 Start Instant Messaging …………..35 5.3.4 Launch Remote Diagnosis (Device-To-Device) ……36 5.3.5 Launch Remote Diagnosis (Device-To-PC) ……..39 5.4 How to feedback diagnostic logs? …………42 5.5 How to view diagnostic history? ………….. 43 6 Special (Reset) Function …………….
  • Page 7
    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual 9 User Info ………………….56 9.1 My Report ………………..56 9.2 VCI ………………….59 9.3 VCI Management ………………59 9.4 Immobilizer Programmer …………….. 59 9.5 Activate VCI ……………….. 59 9.6 Firmware Fix ………………. 60 9.7 Profile ………………….
  • Page 8: Introduction

    Data Stream, Special Functions etc.  Remote Diagnosis: This option aims to help repair shops or technicians launch instant messaging and remote diagnosis, making the repair job getting fixed faster.  Reset: All kinds of common maintenance and reset items including Oil lamp reset, DPF regeneration, ABS bleeding can be done.

  • Page 9: Knowledge Of X-431 Pro

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual analysis and troubleshooting.  golo Business Manager: On this platform, you can provide nearby car owners with attentive service to develop new business opportunities, manage technicians and golo customers more efficiently, monitor customer’s vehicle running status in real-time manner and perform remote assistance anywhere etc.

  • Page 10: X-431 Pro V4.0 Tablet

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual VOLUME +/- Key To adjust the volume. In Off mode, press it for 3 seconds to turn the handset on. In On mode:  Press it to activate the LCD if the LCD is off.

  • Page 11
    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Fig. 1-1 Display tablet Microphone  To connect to AC outlet for charging. USB/Charging Port  To connect to PC for data exchange. In Off mode, press it for 3 seconds to turn the handset on.
  • Page 12: X-431 Pro V3.0 Vci Connector (Only Applies To 12V Cars)

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual 1.3.2 X-431 PRO V3.0 VCI Connector (Only applies to 12V cars) The VCI connector works as a vehicle communication interface device, which is used to connect to the vehicle’s DLC (Data Link Connector) socket directly or via OBD II extension cable to read the vehicle data and then send it to the tablet via Bluetooth.

  • Page 13: X-431 Pro V4.0 Vci Connector (Only Applies To 12V Cars)

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual This port is temporarily disabled and reserved for USB port subsequent function extension. 1.3.2 X-431 PRO V4.0 VCI Connector (Only applies to 12V cars) Fig. 1-2 VCI device OBD-16 diagnostic To connect on vehicle’s OBD II DLC.

  • Page 14
    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Memory Storage 16GB 8 inch high-definition capacitive touch screen Screen with a resolution of 1280 x 800 pixels Camera Rear-facing 5.0MP camera  Wi-Fi (802.11 b/g/n) Connectivity  Bluetooth 4.0 Working temperature 0℃ ~ 50℃…
  • Page 15: Package List

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual ≤ Average working current 128mA ≤ Standby current 50mA Working temperature 0℃ ~ 50℃ Storage humidity <80% Working humidity <60% X-431 PRO V4.0 VCI device: Working voltage 9 ~18V Working temperature 0℃ ~ 50℃…

  • Page 16
    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Power adaptor For charging the tablet via AC outlet. To supply power to the non-16pin Cigarette lighter connector from the vehicle’s cigarette (Optional) cable lighter receptacle. Battery clamps To supply power to the non-16pin…
  • Page 17: Preparations

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual 2 Preparations 2.1 Charging the tablet 1. Plug one end of the included charging port of the tool, and the other end to the power adaptor. 2. Connect the other end to the AC outlet.

  • Page 18: Tips On Finger Operations

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual 2.4 Tips on finger operations Single-tap: To select an item or launch a program. Double-tap: To zoom in so that the text on a webpage appears in a column that fits your device’s screen.

  • Page 19: Adjust Brightness

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Shows the connection status of the VCI device. Connection Status Tap it to capture the current screen. Screenshot Tap it to return to the previous screen. BACK 2.6 Adjust brightness Tips: Reducing the brightness of the screen is helpful to conserve the battery power.

  • Page 20: Network Setup

    The tablet has built-in Wi-Fi that can be used to get online. Once you’re online, you can register your tool, surf the Internet, get apps, send email, launch the remote diagnosis, and check for software updates etc. 3.1 Connect to a Wi-Fi network 1.

  • Page 21: Initial Use

    Select test system Fig. 4-1 4.2 User Registration, VCI Activation & Diagnostic Software Download 4.2.1 User registration Tap the application icon on the home screen to launch it, and then tap “Login” to enter the login interface of diagnosis software.

  • Page 22
    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Fig. 4-2 (If you are a new user, follow to proceed.) (If you have registered to be a member, go to to login the system directly.) (In case you forgot password, refer to to reset a new password.) A.
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    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Fig. 4-4 In Fig. 4-4, input the Serial Number and Activation Code, which can be found in the password envelope. Product SN Product SN Activation code Fig. 4-5 *Note: To exit and activate it later, tap “Skip”. In this case, you can activate your VCI module by tapping “Activate VCI”…
  • Page 24
    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Fig. 4-6 To download the diagnostic software, tap “Yes” to enter the update page. Tap “No” to download and install it later. On download page, tap “Update” to start downloading. To pause downloading, tap “Stop”. To resume it, tap “Continue”. Once download is complete, the system will install the software package automatically.
  • Page 25: Job Menu

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual 4.2.2 Job menu It mainly includes the following items: Name Description This module allows you to obtain vehicle data from the cloud server to perform quick test via reading VIN, Intelligent which provides a perfect solution to various defects Diagnosis resulting from step-by-step menu selection.

  • Page 26: Diagnostics Toolbar

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual platform developed exclusively for repair shops, on which you can develop new business, manage golo customers, monitor customer’s vehicle real-time status, consult vehicle issues and provide remote assistance etc. It is unquestionably beneficial to increase customer’s retention and boost shop revenue.

  • Page 27: Dlc Location

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual 4.3.2 DLC location The DLC (Data Link Connector or Diagnostic Link Connector) is typically a standard 16-pin connector where diagnostic code readers interface with the vehicle’s on-board computer. The DLC is usually located 12 inches from the center of the instrument panel (dash), under or around the driver’s side for most…

  • Page 28: Communication Setup

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual charging port of the tablet, and the other end to AC outlet. B. Internal battery pack For non-OBDII vehicle, proceed as follows: 1. Locate vehicle’s DLC socket. 2. Select the corresponding non-16pin connector. 3. Plug the non-16pin end of the connector into the DLC socket, then connect the other end to the OBD I adaptor, and then tighten the captive screws.

  • Page 29
    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual By default, the Bluetooth ID is 98********00 (where ******** stands for 8 digits.). If the Bluetooth pair request pops up on the screen, enter the request pin code (default code: 0000 or 1234). Once the connector is paired with the tablet, “Paired”…
  • Page 30: Diagnosis

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual 5 Diagnosis 5.1 Intelligent Diagnosis Through simple Bluetooth communication between the display tablet and VCI, you can easily get the VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) information of the currently identified vehicle. Once the VIN is successfully identified, the system will retrieve it from the remote server and then guide you to vehicle information page without the necessity of step-by-step manual menu selection.

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    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Fig. 5-1 Note: If the VCI is not paired up with the tablet before doing this step, a prompt message box will appear: Fig. 5-2 Fig. 5-3 Check all the possible reasons of Bluetooth connection failure carefully, and then tap “Confirm”…
  • Page 32
    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Fig. 5-4 2. Once pairing is complete, the handset starts reading the vehicle VIN. A. If the VIN can be found from the remote server database, a screen similar to Fig. 5-5 displays: Fig. 5-5 •…
  • Page 33
    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual records available, it will be listed on the screen in sequence of date. If no records exist, the screen will show “No Record”. Fig. 5-6 • Tap “View record” to view the details of the current diagnostic report.
  • Page 34
    X-431 PRO Series User Manual Fig. 5-7 • Tap “Diagnostic” to launch the Local Diagnosis module and start a new diagnostic session. Refer to Chapter 5.2 for detailed diagnostic operations. • Tap “Scan VIN”, a screen similar to the following appears: Fig.
  • Page 35: Local Diagnosis

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual vehicle’s dashboard. Other locations include the driver’s door or post, and the firewall under the hood. • If you have scanned the VIN of the vehicle, tap to choose it from the record list.

  • Page 36
    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Fig. 5-10 On-screen Buttons: Testable models: Tap to view the vehicle models that the current diagnostic software covers. Update instruction: Tap to view the optimized items and enhancements. Software introduction: Tap to check the software function list.
  • Page 37
    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Fig. 5-11 Tap “Scan” to start searching for the VCI. Once it is found, tap it to start pairing. If the tablet has paired with the VCI, it will enter Step 2 directly. OK: Tap it to go to next step.
  • Page 38: Health Report (Quick Test)

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual 5.2.1 Health Report (Quick Test) This function varies from vehicle to vehicle. It enables you to quickly access all the electronic control units of the vehicle and generate a detailed report about vehicle health.

  • Page 39
    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Fig. 5-14 In Fig. 5-14, the tested system with fault code appears in red and the system with OK displays in black (normally). On-screen Buttons: Clear DTC: Tap to clear the existing diagnostic trouble codes.
  • Page 40: System Scan

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Fig. 5-15 Input the required information, and then tap “OK” to save it. Alternatively you can also set the workshop information in “User Info” -> “Settings” -> “Print Information”. Once you configured the information, it will be automatically generated every time you saved the diagnostic report.

  • Page 41: System Selection

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Fig. 5-16 Tap the desired system to advance to the test function selection page. For detailed operations on test function, please refer to Chapter 5.2.3. 5.2.3 System Selection This option allows you manually select the test system and function step by step.

  • Page 42
    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Fig. 5-17 Swipe the screen from the bottom to view the vehicle system on the next page. Tap the desired system (take “ECM” for example) to jump to the test function page. Fig. 5-18…
  • Page 43
    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Note: Different vehicle has different diagnostic menus. A. Version Information This function is used to read the version information of system mode, vehicle VIN, software and ECU. B. Read Fault Code This function displays the detailed information of DTC records retrieved from the vehicle’s control system.
  • Page 44
    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual On-screen Buttons: Freeze Frame: When an emission-related fault occurs, certain vehicle conditions are recorded by the on-board computer. This information is referred to as freeze frame data. Freeze frame data includes a snapshot of critical parameter values at the time the DTC is set.
  • Page 45
    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual D. Read Data Stream This option lets you view and capture (record) real-time Live Data. This data including current operating status for parameters and/or sensor information can provide insight on overall vehicle performance. It can also be used to guide vehicle repair.
  • Page 46
    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual On-screen Buttons: Select Page: Tap it to select all items of the current page. Select All: Tap it to select all items. To select certain data stream item, just check the box before the item name.
  • Page 47
    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual next/previous page. There are 3 types of display modes available for data viewing, allowing you to view various types of parameters in the most suitable way.  Value – this is the default mode which displays the parameters in texts and shows in list format.
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    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Fig. 5-24 • Combine: This option is mostly used in graph merge status for data comparison. In this case, different items are marked in different colors (maximum 4 items can be displayed on the same screen simultaneously).
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    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Fig. 5-25 Report: To save the current data in text format. All reports are saved under the tab “Diagnostic Report” in “My Report” from “Personal Center” menu. For details on report operations, please refer to Chapter 9.1 “My Report”.
  • Page 50: Remote Diagnosis

    “Completed” displays. 5.3 Remote Diagnosis This option aims to help repair shops or technicians launch instant messaging and remote diagnosis, making the repair job getting fixed faster. Tap “Remote Diagnosis” on the Job menu, the screen appears blank by default.

  • Page 51: Interface Layout

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual 5.3.1 Interface Layout Fig. 5-27 Home button Tap it to navigate to the Job menu screen. Directly input the registered username of the tool to start Search bar searching, and then tap the desired one to add it into your friend list.

  • Page 52: Add Friends

    In the search bar, input the partner’s username and tap “Search” button next to the search bar to starts searching from Launch’s golo business database. The partner must be the users who have registered their Launch’s diagnostic tools. They may be the following: …

  • Page 53
    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Fig. 5-28 Tap the desired name from the list, the following screen appears: Fig. 5-29 Tap “Add friend”, a dialog box pops up: Fig. 5-30 Tap “CONFIRM” to send your request. Once the partner receives the request, a beep will sound. Tap the “Message”…
  • Page 54: Start Instant Messaging

    Fig. 5-31 5.3.3 Start Instant Messaging *Note: The I/M (Instant Messaging) function is open to all users who had Launch’s diagnostic tool equipped with this module. After adding your friends, tap the desired one’s photo to enter a screen similar to the following: Fig.

  • Page 55: Launch Remote Diagnosis (Device-To-Device)

    5.3.4 Launch Remote Diagnosis (Device-To-Device) The tool is allowed to initiate remote diagnosis with other diagnostic tools (including but not limited to the X-431 PRO) of Launch family, which are equipped with this module. * Note: Before performing this operation, please make sure the following no matter which side sends the remote request: …

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    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Actions Results Request to control the partner’s device remotely to help him diagnose the vehicle. *Notes:  Remote diagnosis has the same diagnostic steps as manual diagnosis.  In process of remote diagnosis, tap the button to send a voice message.
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    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual of “My Reports” in “User Info”. Tap “Invite remote diagnostic assistant” Choose the desired diagnostic software Wait for partner’s confirmation Start connecting after request confirmed Start Diagnosis Generate diagnostic report Cancel To cancel this operation.
  • Page 58: Launch Remote Diagnosis (Device-To-Pc)

    X-431 PRO Series User Manual 5.3.5 Launch Remote Diagnosis (Device-To-PC) Except that the remote diagnosis can be done between different Launch’s diagnostic tools that come loaded with the module, user also can ask for remote control from PC client technician.

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    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Fig. 5-36 1. Slide the switch “Allow device to be connected to the WEB client remote diagnostic device” to ON so that the partner can find and connect to this device while using the PC.
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    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Fig. 5-37 3. Tell the partner to input his own official technician account and password, and then tap “Login” to navigate to the following figure. Fig. 5-38 4. Tell the partner to check the box “Serial number” and enter the Serial Number…
  • Page 61: How To Feedback Diagnostic Logs

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual remotely. In process of remote diagnosis, please note the following things: 1) You are not suggested to execute any actions. 2) The partner is not allowed to save any diagnostic reports or records on your handset.

  • Page 62: How To View Diagnostic History

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Tap it to display all diagnostic feedback logs which have not been submitted successfully due to network failure. Once the handset gets a stable network signal, it will be uploaded to the remote server automatically.

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    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual • To delete certain diagnostic history, select it and then tap “Delete”. To delete all historical records, tap “Select All” and then tap “Delete”. • Tap “Quick access” to directly navigate to the function selection page of…
  • Page 64: Special (Reset) Function

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual 6 Special (Reset) Function In addition to amazing & powerful diagnostic function, the tool also features various service functions. The most commonly performed service functions contain:  Oil Reset Service  Electronic Parking Brake Reset …

  • Page 65: Oil Reset Service

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Figure 6-1 6.1 Oil Reset Service This function allows you to perform reset for the engine oil life system, which calculates an optimal oil life change interval depending on the vehicle driving conditions and climate.

  • Page 66: Tire Pressure Monitor System Reset

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual 1. When the ABS contains air, the ABS bleeding function must be performed to bleed the brake system to restore ABS brake sensitivity. 2. If the ABS computer, ABS pump, brake master cylinder, brake cylinder, brake line, or brake fluid is replaced, the ABS bleeding function must be performed to bleed the ABS.

  • Page 67: Injector Coding

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual start a car’s engine, usually the ignition or the fuel supply. This is accomplished by radio frequency identification between a transponder in the ignition key and a device called a radio frequency reader in the steering column. When the key is placed in the ignition, the transponder sends a signal with a unique identification code to the reader, which relays it to a receiver in the vehicle’s computer control…

  • Page 68: Diesel Particulate Filter (Dpf) Regeneration

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual accurately, which can avoid an error message displaying on the instrument panel. 6.10 Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) Regeneration DPF regeneration is used to clear PM (Particulate Matter) from the DPF filter through continuous combustion oxidation mode (such as high temperature heating combustion, fuel additive or catalyst reduce PM ignition combustion) to stabilize the filter performance.

  • Page 69: Software Update

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual 7 Software Update This module allows you to update the diagnostic software & App and set frequently used software. If you did not download the software in process of product registration or a pop-up message prompting you that some new software can be updated, you may use this option to download it or keep it synchronized with the latest version.

  • Page 70: Set Frequently Used Software

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual To pause downloading, tap “Stop”. To resume it, tap “Continue”. If network connection failure occurs, tap “Retry” to try again. Once download is finished, the software packages will be installed automatically. 7.2 Set Frequently Used software To easily locate and quickly update some frequently used software, you can use the “Common Software”…

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    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual renew your subscription and a “Renew” button will appear on the bottom of the update page. Tap “Renewal” to navigate to the payment screen. There are two ways available for you to make payment: PayPal and Subscription Renewal Card (*need to buy it from the local dealer where you purchased the tool).
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    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Fig. 7-3 Fig. 7-4 3. Input the 24-digit pin code of Subscription Renewal Card and then tap “Submit” to finish the renewal. 4. Go to update center to update the diagnostic software.
  • Page 73: Golo Business Manager

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual 8 golo Business Manager This module is an individual business management application specially developed for repair shops. Before using it, you need to download the application and register a golo business account. On this platform, you can provide nearby car owners with attentive service to develop new business opportunities, manage technicians and golo customers more efficiently, monitor customer’s vehicle running status in real-time manner…

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    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Fig. 8-2 Fill in the required items:  To upload the shop picture, tap the + logo to choose the desired photo.  To locate company address, tap the GPS location icon to obtain it automatically.
  • Page 75: User Info

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual 9 User Info This function allows users to manage personal information and VCI. 9.1 My Report This option is used to view, delete or share the saved reports. Tap “My Report”, there are total 3 options available.

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    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual tap “Select All”. To deselect all, tap “Unselect”. • To share the report with others, select the desired one and then tap “Share”. • Select the desired report and then tap “Delete” to delete it.
  • Page 77
    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Fig. 9-3 On-screen Buttons: Graph – displays the parameters in waveform graphs. Value – this is the default mode which displays the parameters in texts and shows in list format. Combine – this option is mostly used in graph merge status for data comparison.
  • Page 78: Vci

    9.4 Immobilizer Programmer X-PROG Immobilizer programmer is available to read and write vehicle key chip data, clone and produce exclusive keys. It only works together with LAUNCH diagnostic tool to accurately read and write the data in a quick and reliable manner.

  • Page 79: Firmware Fix

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Fig. 9-5 Input the Serial Number and Activation Code, and then tap “Activate” to activate the connector. For details on how to obtain Activation Code, tap the link below to get help. 9.6 Firmware Fix Use this item to upgrade and fix diagnostic firmware.

  • Page 80: Change Password

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual software. 9.8 Change password This item allows you to modify your login password. 9.9 Settings It enables you to make some application settings and view software version information etc. 9.9.1 Units of Measurement It is designed to configure the measurement unit. Metric System and English System are available.

  • Page 81
    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Fig. 9-8 A. If it is the first time you have operated this printer, please proceed the following: 2. For initial use, you are suggested to reset the printer: Press and hold [MODE] & [FEED] for 8 seconds, the following resetting command will be printed out:…
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    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual Fig. 9-9 Step 1: Connect the printer: Tap “Scan” to start scanning and select the desired printer hotspot named with X-431PRINTER-XXXX (XXXX stands for 4 characters), and then tap “Connect” to enter Step 2.
  • Page 83: About

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual to Step 2 for details) and check whether the current device and the printer are on the same LAN. B. If you have configured the Wi-Fi printer to the LAN: 2. Tap “Connect to Printer”: a).

  • Page 84: Others

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual 10 Others 10.1 Synchronization You can transfer media files and APK between the PC and the tablet. 10.1.1 Connect to PC 1. Use the USB cable to connect the tablet to your PC. 2. Swipe from the top, a message “Connected as a media device” appears.

  • Page 85: Faq

    LAUNCH X-431 PRO Series User Manual 11 FAQ 1. How to save power?  Please turn off the screen while the tool keeps idle.  Set a shorter standby time.  Decrease the brightness of the screen.  If WLAN connection is not required, please turn it off.

  • Page 86
    B. If you have activated a VCI device before, but bought a new VCI one due to the loss or other reasons, please follow the below steps to activate: 1. Tap the application icon on the home screen to launch it. 2. Tap «User Info» -> «Activate VCI».
  • Page 87
    8. How to retrieve the login password? Please follow below steps to proceed in case you forgot the login password: 1. Tap the application icon on the home screen to launch it. 2. Tap [Login] button on the upper right corner of the screen.
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    The exclusive remedy for any automotive meter found to be defective is repair or replacement, and LAUNCH shall not be liable for any consequential or incidental damages.
  • Page 89
    Launch website: http://www. Statement: LAUNCH reserves the rights to make any change to product designs and specifications without notice. The actual object may differ a little from the descriptions in the manual in physical appearance, color and configuration. We…

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