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BOMBARDIER Sea-Doo GTX Operator's Manual

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Includes Safety, Watercraft and

Maintenance Information



/ Wake





Read this guide thoroughly.

It contains important safety information.

Minimum recommended operator’s age: 16 years old.

Keep this Operator’s Guide in the watercraft.

2 1 9

0 0 1

8 7 8

Original Instructions


Related Manuals for BOMBARDIER Sea-Doo GTX

Summary of Contents for BOMBARDIER Sea-Doo GTX

  • Page 1
    2018 OPERATOR’S GUIDE Includes Safety, Watercraft and Maintenance Information / GTX / Wake † SERIES Read this guide thoroughly. It contains important safety information. Minimum recommended operator’s age: 16 years old. Keep this Operator’s Guide in the watercraft. 2 1 9 0 0 1 8 7 8 Original Instructions…
  • Page 2
    4-TEC iControl Sea-Doo T.O.P.S. D.E.S.S. Rotax ® WAKE PRO 230 219001878 en LG ®™ and the BRP logo are trademarks of Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. or its affiliates. ©2017 Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. and BRP US Inc. All rights reserved.
  • Page 3: Foreword

    FOREWORD Dieses Handbuch ist möglicherweise in Ihrer Landessprache Deutsch verfügbar. Bitte wenden Sie sich an Ihren Händler oder besuchen Sie: www.operatorsguides.brp.com This guide may be available in your language. Check with your dealer or English go to: www.operatorsguides.brp.com Es posible que este manual esté disponible en su idioma. Consulte a su Español distribuidor o visite: www.operatorsguides.brp.com Ce guide peut être disponible dans votre langue.

  • Page 4: Safety Messages

    FOREWORD About this Operator’s Failure to follow the warnings con- tained in this Operators’ Guide can Guide result in serious injury or death. This Operator’s Guide has been pre- BRP highly recommends that you take pared to acquaint the owner/operator a safe boating course.

  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    TABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD …………….1 Know Before you Go .

  • Page 6
  • Page 7
    TABLE OF CONTENTS OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS (cont’d) How to Engage and Use Reverse……….91 How to Engage and Use Braking.
  • Page 8
  • Page 9: Safety Information


  • Page 10: General Precautions

    GENERAL PRECAUTIONS Avoid Carbon Monoxide flame many feet away from the en- gine. To reduce the risk of fire or explo- Poisoning sion, follow these instructions: All engine exhaust contains carbon – Use only an approved red gasoline monoxide, a deadly gas. Breathing car- container to store fuel.

  • Page 11
    GENERAL PRECAUTIONS See your authorized Sea-Doo dealer for available accessories for your wa- tercraft. ________ ________ SAFETY INFORMATION…
  • Page 12: Special Safety Messages

    SPECIAL SAFETY MESSAGES Reminders Regarding Safe When operating an iBR equipped wa- tercraft, be aware that other boats fol- Operation lowing or operating in close proximity The performance of this watercraft may not be able to stop as quickly. may significantly exceed that of other When at speed and the brake is first watercrafts you may have operated.

  • Page 13
    SPECIAL SAFETY MESSAGES TO STEER WATERCRAFT Avoid riding in very rough waters or in the ERATING INSTRUCTIONS practicing extreme maneuvers like section and WARRANTY jumping wakes or waves. section contained in this Operator’s Guide. The brake feature of the iBR system cannot prevent your PWC from drift- Engine exhaust…
  • Page 14
    SPECIAL SAFETY MESSAGES cluding the possibility of broken bones Ensure there is enough fuel on board or more serious bodily injuries. Re- for the planned trip. Always verify fuel main flexible and avoid sharp turns. level before use and during the ride. Apply the principle of 1/3 of the fuel PWCs are not designed for night-time to reach your destination, 1/3 to re-…
  • Page 15
    SPECIAL SAFETY MESSAGES Do not start the engine or operate the If the throttle lever is depressed while watercraft if anyone is in the water braking, the iBR system will disable the nearby, or near the rear of the water- throttle command by the user.
  • Page 16: Water Sports (Towing With The Watercraft)

    SPECIAL SAFETY MESSAGES – Always carry an observer when WARNING pulling a tube, skier or wakeboarder Alcohol consumption and boat- to observe the person being towed ing do not mix! Operating with and inform the operator about the the use of drugs or alcohol endan- participants’ hand signals.

  • Page 17
    SPECIAL SAFETY MESSAGES – Use a tow rope of sufficient length – Do not drive the watercraft directly and size and make sure it is ade- behind a water skier, tuber or wake- quately secured to your watercraft. boarder. At 40 km/h (25 MPH) per Always store tow rope when not hour, the watercraft will overtake a in use.
  • Page 18: Hypothermia

    SPECIAL SAFETY MESSAGES Hypothermia Safe Boating Courses Hypothermia, the loss of body heat Many countries recommend or require resulting in a subnormal body temper- a boating safety course. Check with ature, is a significant cause of death in your local competent authorities. boating accidents.

  • Page 19: Active Technologies (Icontrol)

    ACTIVE TECHNOLOGIES (iCONTROL) Introduction – ECO mode – Cruise mode (if equipped) NOTE: Some functions or features de- scribed in this section may not apply to – Slow speed mode (if equipped with every PWC model, or may be available cruise mode) as an option.

  • Page 20: Ibr (Intelligent Brake And Reverse System)

    ACTIVE TECHNOLOGIES (iCONTROL) iBR (intelligent Brake and As you proceed under a constant cruis- ing speed setting, hold the throttle Reverse System) lever fully depressed in order to keep This watercraft uses an electronically your full attention to maintaining good controlled braking and reverse system situational awareness.

  • Page 21
    ACTIVE TECHNOLOGIES (iCONTROL) WARNING – It is important to inform the operator of a watercraft who intends to follow in a convoy formation, of the braking and maneuvering capability of your PWC, what the plume of water indicates, and that a greater dis- tance must be maintained be- tween watercraft.
  • Page 22: Safety Equipment

    SAFETY EQUIPMENT Required Safety Recommended Protection Gears Equipment The operator and passenger(s) of PWCs must wear protective gear, in- The operator and the passenger(s) cluding: must wear an approved Personal Flota- tion Device (PDF) that is suitable for – A wet suit bottom, or thick tightly PWC use.

  • Page 23
    SAFETY EQUIPMENT A PFD provides buoyancy to help keep ability of quick rescue such as in areas the head and face above the water, and where other people are commonly in- to help maintain a satisfactory body po- volved in water activities. sition while in the water.
  • Page 24: Additional Recommended Equipment

    SAFETY EQUIPMENT Weighing the Risks vs Benefits In order to decide whether or not you should wear a helmet, it is best to con- sider the particular environment you will be riding in, as well as other fac- tors such as personal experience. Will there be a lot of traffic on the water? What is your riding style? The Bottom Line…

  • Page 25: Practice Exercises

    PRACTICE EXERCISES It is always a good idea to practice and Avoiding an Obstacle get familiar with all controls, functions Practice obstacle avoidance (choose a and handling characteristics of your virtual point on the water) by steering watercraft before venturing on the wa- watercraft and maintaining throttle.

  • Page 26: Important Factors Not To Neglect

    PRACTICE EXERCISES Important Factors Not to Neglect In addition, always remember that the following conditions have a direct im- pact on how your watercraft will be- have and respond to different inputs: – Loads – Currents – Wind – Water conditions. Make sure to be alert to these condi- tions, and adapt accordingly.

  • Page 27: Navigation Rules

    NAVIGATION RULES Operating Rules Operating a watercraft can be com- pared with driving on unmarked high- ways and roads. To prevent collisions or avoid other boaters, a system of op- erating rules must be followed. It’s not only common sense, it’s the law! smo2012-003-200 Generally keep to your right and safely TYPICAL…

  • Page 28
    NAVIGATION RULES buoy, or to which channel you can con- When operating an iBR equipped wa- tinue. They may also indicate whether tercraft, be aware that other boats fol- you are entering a restricted or con- lowing or operating in close proximity trolled area such as a no wake or low may not be able to stop as quickly.
  • Page 29: Fueling

    FUELING Fueling Procedure WARNING Fuel is flammable and explosive under certain conditions. Always work in a well ventilated area. Do not smoke or allow open flames or sparks in the vicinity. 219001878-002_a Turn off engine. FUEL TANK CAP LOCATION WARNING WARNING Always stop the engine before re- fueling.

  • Page 30: Fuel Requirements

    FUELING After refueling always remove the seat – Inspect frequently for the presence and ensure there is no gasoline vapor of fuel leaks or other fuel system odor inside the engine compartment. abnormalities if you suspect the presence of alcohol in gasoline ex- ceeds the current government reg- WARNING ulations.

  • Page 31: Trailering Information

    TRAILERING INFORMATION NOTICE NOTICE The span of the trailer Do not route ropes or wood bunks including bunk width tie-downs over the seat or grab should be adjusted to provide sup- handle as they could be perma- port throughout the full length of the nently damaged.

  • Page 32: Important On-Product Labels

    IMPORTANT ON-PRODUCT LABELS Hang Tag This PWC comes with hang tags and la- bels containing important safety infor- mation. Any person who rides this vehicle should read and understand this in- formation before riding. EN-219905280-DEC 219904038 300 ENGINE MODELS Watercraft Safety Labels These labels are affixed to the vehicle for the safety of the operator, passengers (2 and 3-UP) or bystanders The labels illustrated on the following pages are on your watercraft.

  • Page 33
    IMPORTANT ON-PRODUCT LABELS 219001878-005_a ALL GTX, RXT AND WAKE PRO 219001878-006_a WAKE PRO SPECIFIC EN-219905300-DEC LABEL 1 ________ ________ SAFETY INFORMATION…
  • Page 34
  • Page 35
  • Page 36
    IMPORTANT ON-PRODUCT LABELS EN-219905032-DEC LABEL 5 EN-219905035-DEC LABEL 6 smo2009-002-109_a LABEL 9 F00A2TY LABEL 7: TYPICAL smo2009-002-110_aen LABEL 10 219903301 LABEL 8 _______ ________ SAFETY INFORMATION…
  • Page 37
    IMPORTANT ON-PRODUCT LABELS WARNING Never carry passengers on rear platform, always use the rear seat to carry passengers. EN-219904804-DEC LABEL 11 EN-FR-219905271-DEC LABEL 13 EN-219905037-DEC LABEL 12 EN-219905036-DEC LABEL 14 NOTICE (from 1-1/2 to 2 minutes) 219904387 LABEL 15 EN-219905272-DEC LABEL 16 ________ ________…
  • Page 38: Compliance Labels

    IMPORTANT ON-PRODUCT LABELS EN-219905277-DEC LABEL 20 — WAKE PRO MODELS ONLY EN-219905297-DEC LABEL 17 EN-219905276-DEC LABEL 21 — WAKE PRO MODELS ONLY Compliance Labels 219903177 LABEL 18 219902679 LABEL 22 219903228 LABEL 19 — WAKE PRO MODELS ONLY _______ ________ SAFETY INFORMATION…

  • Page 39
  • Page 40
    IMPORTANT ON-PRODUCT LABELS Watercraft Inside North-America Watercraft Outside North America GTX, GTX LTD, RXT, RXT-X, and GTX, GTX LTD, RXT, RXT-X, and Wake Pro Wake Pro 570 Montagne, Valcourt, Qc, CA, JOE 2LO Skaldenstraat 125, Gent, 9042, BE (YDV) MAXIMUM CAPACITIES ABOVE INFORMATION ALSO U.S.A.
  • Page 41: Molded Safety Pictogram

    IMPORTANT ON-PRODUCT LABELS Molded Safety Pictogram WARNING Never put gasoline in ski py- lon hole. Gasoline is extremely flammable and highly explosive. Fuel vapors can spread and be ig- nited by a spark or flame many feets away. 219001878-708 LABEL 25 ________ ________ SAFETY INFORMATION…

  • Page 42: Pre-Ride Inspection

    PRE-RIDE INSPECTION We encourage you to have an Annual Safety Inspection of your vehicle. Please contact an authorized BRP dealer for further details. Though not required, it is recommended that an authorized BRP dealer performs the preseason preparation of your vehicle. Each visit to your authorized BRP dealer is a great opportunity for your dealer to verify if your vehicle is included in any safety campaign.

  • Page 43
    PRE-RIDE INSPECTION ✓ ITEM OPERATION Check operation. (Depress and release the lever to check for freedom of iTC lever movement. If any friction is felt, the lever must be taken apart, cleaned, inspected for wear and lubricated) Check operation. (Depress and release the lever to check for freedom of iBR lever movement.
  • Page 44
    PRE-RIDE INSPECTION Drain Plugs To access the engine compartment, re- move the seats. Secure bilge drain plugs. To remove the seats, push on the two release buttons and lift the back end of the seat. 219001878-004_a BILGE DRAIN PLUG LOCATIONS 1.
  • Page 45
    PRE-RIDE INSPECTION WARNING CAUTION When operating the engine with the watercraft out of Check iBR lever operation before the water, the engine and heat ex- starting the engine. If any friction changer in the ride plate may be- is felt in the iBR lever, refer to an come very hot.
  • Page 46: What To Do After Launching The Watercraft

    PRE-RIDE INSPECTION What to Do After WARNING Launching the Watercraft caution with skier/wake- Check the items listed in the follow- boarder in tow as tow rope may ing table after launching the watercraft backlash to watercraft when re- and before going for a ride. leased.

  • Page 47
    PRE-RIDE INSPECTION WARNING Always ensure proper iBR system operation before taking the water- craft out for a ride. Variable Trim System (VTS) With the engine running in forward thrust, use the VTS system to move the jet pump nozzle up, and then down alternately to check VTS operation.
  • Page 48
    PRE-RIDE INSPECTION This page is intentionally blank _______ ________ SAFETY INFORMATION…
  • Page 49
    WATERCRAFT INFORMATION _______________…
  • Page 50: Controls

    CONTROLS NOTE: Some vehicle safety labels are not shown on illustrations. For information WATERCRAFT SAFETY LABELS on vehicle safety labels, refer to 219001878-010_a GTX/GTX LIMITED/RXT/WAKE PRO 219001878-009_a RXT-X NOTE: Some indications, functions and features described in this section may not apply to every PWC model, or may be available as an option.

  • Page 51: Handlebar

    CONTROLS 1) Handlebar 3) iBR Lever (intelligent Brake and Reverse) The handlebar controls the direction of the watercraft. During forward opera- The iBR lever on the LH handlebar can tion, turning the handlebar to the right electronically command: steers the watercraft to the right and –…

  • Page 52: Engine Cut-Off Switch

    CONTROLS WARNING If throttle lever is still pulled in when releasing the iBR lever, for- ward movement will be initiated after a short delay. If forward ac- celeration is not desired, release the throttle lever. NOTE: The neutral position can be fine tuned by trimming the iBR system.

  • Page 53: Engine Start/Stop Button

    CONTROLS To have a key programmed to your For more information on learning keys, OPERATING MODES watercraft, see your authorized BRP refer to section. Sea-Doo dealer. 5) Engine START/STOP RF D.E.S.S. Key Recognition Button Two short beeps indicate the system The engine START/STOP button is lo- is ready to allow engine starting.

  • Page 54: Vts (Variable Trim System) Button

    CONTROLS the LOW BATTERY indicator lamp will light up and the electrical system will shut down after 75 seconds. NOTE: If the START/STOP button is pressed and held without the tether cord installed, the information cen- ter displays will stay on as long as the START/STOP button is held.

  • Page 55: Eco Button

    CONTROLS 8) ECO Button The ECO button is located on the LH handlebar. 219001878-015_a TYPICAL 1. MODE 2. UP button 3. DOWN button 4. SET button 219001878-014_c 1. ECO button 10) Cruise Button It is used to activate or deactivate ECO The Cruise button is located on the RH mode.

  • Page 56: Information Center (Gauges)

    INFORMATION CENTER (GAUGES) WARNING Do not adjust the display while riding, you could lose control. 219001695-201_a TYPICAL — GTX 155 A. Multifunction gauge ______________…

  • Page 57: A) Multifunction Gauge Features

    INFORMATION CENTER (GAUGES) 219001695-203_a TYPICAL — ALL EXCEPT GTX 155 A. Multifunction gauge B. Analog speedometer C. Analog tachometer D. Indicator lights A) Multifunction Gauge Features 219001694-204 TYPICAL MULTIFUNCTION GAUGE See table for features applicable to your model. Features are explained below. _______________…

  • Page 58
    INFORMATION CENTER (GAUGES) GTX 155 LIMITED 230 WAKE RXT-X GTX 230 LIMITED 300 1) Multifunction Display 2) Numerical Display 3) Fuel level gauge 4) VTS position indication 5) Water depth indication 6) Lake Water N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. Temperature 7) Hour meter display 8) iBR position indicator 9) Compass indicator…
  • Page 59: Multifunction Display

    INFORMATION CENTER (GAUGES) 1) Multifunction Display The multifunction display is used to: – Display the WELCOME message on power up. – Display the KEY recognition mes- sage. – Provide various indications as se- lected by the operator. – Activating and setting various func- tions and modes of operation.

  • Page 60
    INFORMATION CENTER (GAUGES) The available indications are dependent on the watercraft model or option in- stalled. LIMITED AVAILABLE INDICATIONS IN 155, 230, WAKE RXT-X NUMERICAL DISPLAY LIMITED Watercraft speed Indication by default Engine RPM Engine temperature Lake water temperature N.A. N.A.
  • Page 61: Fuel Level Gauge

    INFORMATION CENTER (GAUGES) 4) VTS Position The VTS position indication located in the bottom LH side of the digital screen RPMgal/h shows the riding attitude of the water- craft. A single segment of a bar gauge type indicator is turned on to indicate the rel- ative position of the watercraft bow.

  • Page 62: Temperature

    INFORMATION CENTER (GAUGES) NOTE: The water depth indication is 8) iBR Position only available when a depth sounder is Provides an indication of the iBR gate installed and detected. position. – N (neutral) WARNING – F (forward) Never use the depth sounder as a –…

  • Page 63: Touring Mode Indicator

    INFORMATION CENTER (GAUGES) RPMgal/h RPMgal/h COMPASS (ALL MODELS EXCEPT TOURING MODE INDICATOR RXT-X) For more information on the touring 1. Compass indication OPERATING MODES mode, refer to 2. Compass active indicator 11) Sport Mode Indicator mBAR PSI BOOST RPMgal/h COMPASS (RXT-X MODELS) SPORT MODE INDICATOR 1.

  • Page 64: B) Analog Speedometer

    INFORMATION CENTER (GAUGES) OPERATING MODES 12) Boost Gauge Refer to for de- tailed instructions. 14) CRUISE Mode Indicator mBAR PSI BOOST The cruise mode indicator comes ON when: – CRUISE MODE has been activated. – SLOW SPEED MODE has been acti- vated.

  • Page 65: C) Analog Tachometer

    INFORMATION CENTER (GAUGES) The speed indication is based on a GPS (Global Positioning System) incorpo- rated within the information center. If for some reason the GPS signal is lost, a default mode is used whereby, the speed is calculated using infor- mation received from other systems to provide an estimated watercraft speed.

  • Page 66: D) Indicator Lights / Icons

    INFORMATION CENTER (GAUGES) D) Indicator Lights / Icons Indicator lights or icons (LCD), inform you of a selected function or a system anom- aly. An indicator light may be accompanied by a scrolling message in the multifunction display. MONI- See the following table for information on the usual pilot lamps. Refer to TORING SYSTEM for details on malfunction pilot lamps.

  • Page 67: Navigating The Multifunction Display

    INFORMATION CENTER (GAUGES) Navigating the Selecting Functions Multifunction Display When operating at speed, the multi- function display normally provides an When the electrical system is pow- indication of the compass direction and ered up and the cluster has completed azimuth the watercraft is traveling. its self test function, a WELCOME ABOARD SEA-DOO scrolling mes- To select the various functions avail-…

  • Page 68
    INFORMATION CENTER (GAUGES) RPMgal/h RPMgal/h MESSAGE DISPLAYED MESSAGE DISPLAYED: LAP TIMER LAP TIME 1. Total time 2. ALL is displayed here 2. Press the SET button to enter the function, the lap timer will be acti- To reset the lap timer and lap counter, vated and visible in the display.
  • Page 69: Changing Numerical Display Indication

    INFORMATION CENTER (GAUGES) To display the watercraft fuel con- VTS Mode sumption, carry out the following: The VTS MODE function is used to 1. Press the MODE button repeatedly manually set the VTS or change VTS OPERAT- until FUEL CONSUMPTION is visi- PRESET settings.

  • Page 70: Resetting Numerical Display Indication

    INFORMATION CENTER (GAUGES) Resetting Numerical 2. Press the SET button to enter the DISPLAY function. Display Indication 3. Press the UP or DOWN button until The following numerical display indica- the preferred available indication ap- tions can be reset: pears. –…

  • Page 71
    INFORMATION CENTER (GAUGES) To change the units of measurement or to change the language displayed in the multifunction gauge, see your authorized Sea-Doo dealer. RPMgal/h FUNCTION SELECTED — CLOCK 1. CLOCK message 2. Time 3. Press the SET button to enter the function.
  • Page 72: Equipment

    EQUIPMENT NOTE: Illustrations may not be accurate for every model and are only provided as a visual guide. NOTE: Some vehicle safety labels are not shown on illustrations. For information WATERCRAFT SAFETY LABELS on vehicle safety labels, refer to 219001878-041_a TYPICAL 219001878-042_a WAKE PRO MODELS…

  • Page 73
    EQUIPMENT NOTE: Due to variation in smartphone sizes and cases styles, ensure there is no pressure on connector and/or phone when closing the lid. Some models are equipped with a USB port used for charging. When using the USB port to charge a smartphone, always make sure to route the cable such that there is no pressure on either ends of the cable to prevent damage to…
  • Page 74: Storage Bin

    EQUIPMENT – Make sure nothing gets pinched be- Storage Bin Organizer Bag (If tween cover and box when closing equipped) compartment. – Always close the compartment completely using the 2 latches. After use: – Remove smartphone from compart- ment. – The USB charging port’s integrated rubber cap should be installed to cover the connector.

  • Page 75: Fire Extinguisher Holder

    EQUIPMENT WARNING Never leave any heavy or break- able objects loose in the front stor- age bin. Do not overload. Never operate the watercraft with any storage compartment cover open or unproperly secured cargo. 3) Fire Extinguisher 219001878-019_b Holder 1. Safety Kit NOTE: Fire extinguisher is sold sepa- rately.

  • Page 76: Passenger Handholds

    EQUIPMENT Seat Removal Insert the forward part of the rear seat into the retainers. To remove the seat, push on the two release buttons and lift the back end of the seat. 219001878-032_b 1. Seat retainers 219001878-022_a Align the seat latch with the latch pin RELEASE BUTTONS and firmly press down on the rear por- tion of the seat to lock it in place.

  • Page 77: Boarding Step (If Equipped)

    EQUIPMENT NOTICE Never use the molded grab handle to tow anything or to lift the watercraft. 219001878-025_a 1. Boarding step in lowered position NOTICE – Never use the step for boarding a 219001878-024_a watercraft that is out of water. PASSENGER HANDHOLDS –…

  • Page 78: Front And Rear Eyelets

    EQUIPMENT Front Eyelet CAUTION Always install ski pylon hole cover when ski pylon is not installed. 219001878-031_a TYPICAL 1. Front eyelet 219001878-027_a 1. Boarding platform Rear Eyelets 2. Spotter foot rests 3. LinQ attachments 4. ski pylon hole cover 219001878-030_a TYPICAL 1.

  • Page 79: 11) Bilge Drain Plugs

    EQUIPMENT 219001878-028_a 219001878-004_a TYPICAL TYPICAL 1. Mooring cleats 1. Drain plugs 2. Tighten 3. Loosen NOTICE Ensure drain plugs are properly secured prior to launching the watercraft in water. 12) Retractable Ski Pylon (WAKE Pro model) Pull up on the knob to extend the pylon. Ensure both sections of pylon are fully extended and properly locked before 219001878-029_a…

  • Page 80
    EQUIPMENT WARNING Always install the passenger seat when the ski pylon is installed. NOTICE The ski pylon is designed for towing a skier or wakeboarder with a maximum weight of 114 kg (250 lb). 219001878-034 Always have one person other than the SKI PYLON EXTENDED operator as an observer.
  • Page 81: Wakeboard Rack (Wake Pro Model)

    EQUIPMENT 219001878-046_a 219001878-043_a 1. Ski pylon cover 1. LinQ lever When not in use, safely store the pylon Tilt the support toward the front and and support in an appropriate location. lift. Never ride without the rear seat in- stalled. The installation is the reverse of the re- moval procedure.

  • Page 82
    EQUIPMENT 3. When installing a wakeboard on the rack, position wakeboard fin(s) outward with the heel of the boots facing down near freeboard of the PWC. 4. Secure wakeboard using bungee cords. WARNING To avoid possible injuries and cuts 219001878-035_a from the wakeboards fin(s), al- RETAINING BRACKETS FOR WAKEBOARD RACK…
  • Page 83: 14) Steering Tilt Handle

    EQUIPMENT 14) Steering Tilt Handle NOTICE The rack is designed to hold one wakeboard. Do not use to The handlebar position can be adjusted hold more than one wakeboard or to suit rider preferences. to transport skis or any other object. To perform this adjustment, pull on the Do not use rack(s) as mooring points release handle at the base of the steer-…

  • Page 84: Brp Audio Premium System (If Equipped)

    EQUIPMENT start blinking to indicate it’s in pairing mode. Search for BRP REMOTE from your device’s Bluetooth menu. NOTE: All previously paired devices nearby must be turned OFF. When paired, select a playlist or other source of music from your smart- phone.

  • Page 85
    EQUIPMENT 219001878-060_a 1. USB charging port NOTE: Music is transferred via Blue- 219001878-700_b tooth only. The USB port is used for 1. Play/Pause/Power charging purpose only. 2. Volume UP 3. Volume DOWN 4. Previous track CAUTION Prolonged exposi- 5. Next track tion to loud music can damage your Play/Pause/Power hearing.
  • Page 86: Break-In Period

    BREAK-IN PERIOD Operation During Break-In Period A break-in period of 10 operating hours is required before running the water- craft at sustained full throttle. During this period, maximum throttle should not exceed 1/2 to 3/4 opening. However, brief full acceleration and speed variations contribute to a good break-in.

  • Page 87: Operating Instructions

    OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Boarding from Shallow Water WARNING In shallow water, board the watercraft PRE-RIDE IN- Always perform the from either the side or the rear. SPECTION before operating this watercraft. Be sure to read the WARNING SAFETY INFORMATION and the WATERCRAFT INFORMATION sec- –…

  • Page 88
    OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS WARNING Watercraft with iBR system: – Be aware of the iBR gate move- ment when starting the engine, shutting down the engine or us- ing the iBR lever. Automatic movement of the gate may squeeze fingers or toes of peo- ple taking a hold on the back or your PWC.
  • Page 89
    OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Reach forward with one hand and take hold of the molded handle behind the seat, then stand on the boarding step. smo2009-002-145 TYPICAL Sit astride the seat. Models with a Boarding Step smo2009-002-142 TYPICAL Swim to the rear of the watercraft. NOTE: If cargo is properly secured on Using one hand, lower the boarding the boarding platform, it can be used…
  • Page 90
    OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Take hold of the seat strap to help main- tain your balance and step forward onto the footboards on either side of the seat. smo2009-002-147 TYPICAL — MODEL WITH BOARDING STEP SHOWN smo2009-002-145 TYPICAL Sit astride the seat. Operator with a Passenger The operator climbs on the watercraft in the same way as explained previ-…
  • Page 91: How To Start Engine

    OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS How to Start Engine NOTICE In the event the engine does not start right away, do not hold START/STOP button more than WARNING 10 seconds to avoid starter over- Before starting the engine, the op- heating. A rest period should be ob- erator and passenger(s) should al- served between the cranking cycles ways:…

  • Page 92: How To Steer The Watercraft

    OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS switch, the electrical power will shut The watercraft behaves differently off after approximately 60 minutes to with a passenger and requires greater prevent battery discharge. skill. The passenger(s) should always grip the seat strap, the molded grab handle, or the waist of the person How to Steer the ahead of them.

  • Page 93: How To Engage Forward

    OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS NOTE: The throttle lever must be fully To engage forward thrust from re- released for the iBR gate to move to verse, release the iBR lever while ap- the neutral position when the iBR lever plying throttle moderately. is released.

  • Page 94: How To Engage And Use Braking

    OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS How to Engage and Use WARNING Braking Only use reverse at slow speed and for the shortest time possible. WARNING Always ensure the path behind is clear of objects, obstacles and – The engine must be running to people.

  • Page 95: How To Use The Variable Trim System (Vts)

    OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS may cause the operator of a following CAUTION When braking, rid- watercraft to momentarily loose sight ers must brace themselves against of your PWC. the deceleration force to prevent from moving forward on the water- WARNING craft and losing balance. The oper- ator should always keep both hands –…

  • Page 96
    OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS When first using the watercraft, the NOTE: VTS position is indicated on a operator should become familiar with bar gauge in the information center. the use of the variable trim system (VTS) at varying speeds and water con- ditions.
  • Page 97
    OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS Trimming the VTS Using the VTS NOTE: If the VTS UP or Down button Button is pressed and held, the pump nozzle will keep moving until the button is Nine trim positions are available. released at the desired trim attitude With the watercraft operating in for- or the maximum trim position (up or ward thrust, proceed as follows.
  • Page 98
    OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS RPMgal/h FUNCTION SELECTED — PRESET 1 219001878-015_a TYPICAL 1. PRESET 1 message 1. MODE 2. VTS setting number 2. UP button 3. DOWN button 3. VTS position indicator at setting 1 4. SET button (bow down) 6. Press the SET button to save PRE- SET 1 and display PRESET 2.
  • Page 99: General Operating Recommendations

    OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS If both trim positions are identical, both buttons will have the same trim set- tings. RPMgal/h Launch Control (If equipped) The Launch Control is an automatic adjustment of the VTS to achieve op- timum acceleration. When the speed is below 20 km/h (12 MPH), the VTS lowers to it’s lowest position and the MESSAGE DISPLAYED…

  • Page 100
    OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS The passenger must grip the hand- holds with both hands and keep both feet on the footboards. Reduce speed. Always be prepared to steer and main- tain your balance as necessary. When going over waves, raise your body slightly off the seat to absorb the shocks with your legs.
  • Page 101
    OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS NOTICE Riding the watercraft in WARNING shallow water may result in damage It is important to inform the oper- to the impeller, iBR components, ator of a watercraft who intends to or other jet pump components. Al- follow in a convoy formation of the ways shut off the engine before wa- braking and maneuvering capabil- ter is less than 90 cm (3 ft) deep and…
  • Page 102: Operating Modes

    OPERATING MODES LIMITED OPERATING MODE GTX 155, 230, WAKE RXT-X AVAILABLE GTX 230 LIMITED Touring mode Sport mode ECO mode Cruise mode Slow speed mode Ski mode Learning key mode X = Indicates a standard feature — = See a Sea-Doo dealer for availability. N.A.

  • Page 103
    OPERATING MODES A scrolling SPORT MODE ACTIVATED WARNING message will momentarily confirm When activating sport mode, be that sport mode has been activated. sure to maintain situational aware- ness of other watercrafts, obsta- cles, or persons in the water. RPMgal/h 1.
  • Page 104: Eco Mode (Fuel Economy Mode)

    OPERATING MODES WARNING When deactivating sport mode, be sure to maintain situational RPMgal/h awareness of other watercrafts, obstacles, or persons in the water. 1. Depress and hold the SPORT but- ton. TOURING MODE INDICATOR (ALL MODELS EXCEPT RXT-X) ECO Mode (Fuel Economy Mode) How to Activate ECO Mode 1.

  • Page 105: Cruise Mode

    OPERATING MODES Once the maximum cruise speed is set, the operator can vary the water- craft speed from idle speed up to the set cruise speed using the throttle RPMgal/h lever. The set cruise speed will not be exceeded even if the throttle lever is fully depressed.

  • Page 106
    OPERATING MODES To activate and preset CRUISE MODE at idle speed in forward thrust: 1. Press and hold the cruise button un- til the following message appears in the multifunction display. RPMgal/h 219001878-015_b 1. CRUISE button You will hear a beep indicating that you are now in cruise mode, and a CRUISE indicator light will be lit.
  • Page 107: Slow Speed Mode

    OPERATING MODES NOTE: If the throttle lever is not fully released when the cruise button is pressed to deactivate cruise mode, the BEEP will not be heard and the cruise RPMgal/h light will remain on. The speed limiting function of cruise mode will stay active until the throttle is fully released, then the BEEP will be heard and the cruise light will go out.

  • Page 108
    OPERATING MODES The default slow speed setting of 1 will also come on for a few seconds in the numerical display. RPMgal/h 219001878-015_b TYPICAL 1. CRUISE button SLOW SPEED MODE INDICATION The CRUISE indicator will come on in the speedometer or multifunction dis- 1.
  • Page 109: Ski Mode

    OPERATING MODES Changing Set Slow Speed To increase or decrease the set slow speed, press the UP/DOWN button on RPMgal/h the RH handlebar once, or repeatedly. RPMgal/h MESSAGE DISPLAYED SLOW SPEED MODE ACTIVE The displays will revert back to their previous indication a few seconds after MESSAGE DISPLAYED the last activation of the UP or DOWN…

  • Page 110
    OPERATING MODES RAMP Function 2. Press the MODE button repeatedly until SKI MODE is visible in the mul- The RAMP function offers a pre-pro- tifunction display. grammed setting for launching and accelerating the PWCr. RAMP 1 provides: – Slowest launch (smoothest) –…
  • Page 111
    OPERATING MODES FIRST SETTING AVAILABLE — RAMP SECOND SETTING AVAILABLE — TARGET SPEED 1. RAMP message 1. TARGET SPEED message 2. Ramp setting 2. Target speed setting 4. To change the RAMP setting, press the UP/DOWN button until the de- 6.
  • Page 112: Learning Key Mode

    OPERATING MODES MESSAGE DISPLAYED 219001878-015_c TYPICAL SKI MODE 1. Hold throttle lever in ACTIVE_PRESS_MODE_AND 2. Press UP button to increase speed RETURN TO IDLE TO CANCEL 3. Press DOWN button to decrease speed NOTE: The SKI MODE indicator will NOTE: If the throttle is partly released also come ON and blink when ski mode during a ski run, the SKI MODE indica- becomes active.

  • Page 113
    OPERATING MODES Changing Learning Key Speed Settings NOTE: Changing key settings is only RPMgal/h available when the engine is not run- ning. To change learning key settings, carry out the following: 1. Press the START/STOP button to wake up the electrical system and FUNCTION SELECTED — LEARNING install the NORMAL key on the en- gine cut-off switch.
  • Page 114: Special Procedures

    SPECIAL PROCEDURES Jet Pump Water Intake and If the aforementioned method does not work, the following can be per- Impeller Cleaning formed: – With engine running and before ap- WARNING plying throttle, pull the iBR lever in Keep away from intake grate while to select reverse operation and vary engine is running.

  • Page 115
    SPECIAL PROCEDURES NOTICE Inspect water intake grate Activating iBR Override Function for damage. Refer to an authorized To activate the iBR override function, Sea-Doo dealer for repair as neces- carry out the following step. sary. 1. Power up the electrical system by For ease of access to the jet pump pressing the START/STOP button.
  • Page 116: Capsized Watercraft

    SPECIAL PROCEDURES 7. Remove the tether cord from the WARNING engine cut-off switch. When watercraft is capsized, do not attempt to restart the engine. WARNING Operator and passengers should If it is necessary to reach in to re- always wear approved personal move any foreign object caught flotation devices.

  • Page 117: Submerged Watercraft

    SPECIAL PROCEDURES NOTICE NOTICE If the engine does not The longer the delay be- crank, do not attempt to start it any- fore you have the engine serviced, more. Otherwise, the engine could the greater the damage to the en- be damaged.

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    SPECIAL PROCEDURES This page is intentionally blank ______________…
  • Page 119: Maintenance

    MAINTENANCE ______________…

  • Page 120: Maintenance Schedule

    MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE Maintenance is very important for keeping the watercraft in a safe operating con- dition. The watercraft should be serviced as per the maintenance schedule. A repair shop or person of the owner’s choosing may maintain, replace, or re- pair emission control devices and systems.

  • Page 121
    MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE EVERY YEAR AT PRESEASON OR 100 HOURS OF OPERATION (WHICHEVER COMES FIRST) Check for fault codes Perform all items indicated in the Pre-Ride Inspection and Post Operation Care Replace engine oil and filter Inspect engine rubber mounts Inspect the cooling system (coolant level, hoses and fasteners for leaks) Inspect and lubricate throttle body Inspect the air intake for damage on hoses and clamps.
  • Page 122: Maintenance Procedures

    MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES This section includes instructions for Engine Oil Level basic maintenance procedures. NOTICE Operating engine with an improper level may severely WARNING damage engine. Turn off the engine and follow these maintenance procedures CAUTION Many components when performing maintenance. in the engine compartment may be If you do not follow proper main- very hot.

  • Page 123
    MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES 219001878-050_a 219001878-050_a TYPICAL 1. Oil dipstick 1. Oil dipstick 2. Oil filler cap 2. Oil filler cap NOTE: Every time oil is added in the 6. Reinstall dipstick, push in com- engine, the complete procedure ex- pletely. plained in this section must be carried out again.
  • Page 124: Engine Coolant

    MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES Engine Coolant Remove seats. Locate the expansion tank cap. Recommended Engine Coolant RECOMMENDED COUNTRY COOLANT LONG LIFE Finland, Norway ANTIFREEZE(F) and Sweden (P/N 619 590 204) LONG LIFE ANTIFREEZE All other countries (P/N 219 702 685) If the recommended 219001878-051_a coolant is not…

  • Page 125: Ignition Coils

    MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES NOTE: A cooling system that fre- quently requires coolant is an indica- tion of leaks or engine problems. See an authorized Sea-Doo dealer. Engine Coolant Replacement Coolant replacement should be per- formed by an authorized Sea-Doo dealer. Ignition Coils Ignition Coil Access 1.

  • Page 126: Exhaust System

    MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES Spark Plug Installation WARNING Prior to installation, ensure the contact Never remove an ignition coil from surfaces of the cylinder head and spark a spark plug without disconnect- plug are free of grime. ing it from the wiring harness. Flammable vapors may be present 1.

  • Page 127
    MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES ical products present in water. It will help to clean up sand, salt, shells or other particles in water jackets (ex- haust system, intercooler (super- charged engines) and hoses). Exhaust system flushing should be performed when the watercraft is not expected to be used further the same day or when the watercraft is stored for any extended time.
  • Page 128
    MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES Ensure water flows out of jet pump while flushing. Close the water tap, run the engine at 5000 rpm for 5 seconds and then stop the engine. NOTICE Always close the water tap before stopping the engine. Disconnect the garden hose and the flushing connector adapter (if used).
  • Page 129: Ride Plate And Water Intake Grate

    MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES Ride Plate and Water Intake CAUTION Certain compo- Grate nents in the engine compartment may be very hot. Direct contact may Ride Plate and Water Intake Grate result in skin burn. Do not touch Inspection any electrical parts or jet pump area when engine is running.

  • Page 130: Ski/Wakeboard Pylon (Wake)

    MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES Wipe off all excess grease and reinstall pylon. Extend and retract several times to dis- tribute the lubricant. Fuses Fuse Removal and Installation Use the fuse remover/installer in- cluded in the fuse box to ease fuse removal. 219001878-068_a 1.

  • Page 131
    MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES Remove seats. FUSE RATING DESCRIPTION 30 A Battery 15 A Diagnostic Tool 2 Diagnostic Tool 1, 15 A Accessory connector 219001878-055_a 1. Fuse box To remove a fuse box cover, squeeze locking tabs together, hold and pull fuse box cover to open. NOTE: Fuse ratings and positions are illustrated on the fuse box cover.
  • Page 132: Watercraft Care

    WATERCRAFT CARE Remove the watercraft from the water marine organisms from engine and/or every day. hull. Apply non-abrasive wax such as silicone wax. Post-Operation Care NOTICE Never clean fiberglass and plastic parts with strong deter- Exhaust System Flushing gent, degreasing agent, paint thin- The exhaust system should be flushed ner, acetone, or other strong chemi- daily when watercraft is used in salt or…

  • Page 133: Storage And Preseason Preparation

    STORAGE AND PRESEASON PREPARATION Storage Fuel System Fuel System Protection WARNING XPS FUEL STABILIZER (P/N 413 408 Because fuel 601) (or equivalent) should be added in flammable, should have the fuel tank to prevent fuel deteriora- an authorized Sea-Doo dealer, tion and fuel system gumming.

  • Page 134
    STORAGE AND PRESEASON PREPARATION 3. Loosen the clamp retaining the in- tercooler inlet hose. 4. Remove the intercooler inlet hose from the intercooler. NOTE: This hose feeds the hot, com- pressed air from the engine super- charger to the intercooler inlet. 219001878-054_a 1.
  • Page 135: Preseason Preparation

    STORAGE AND PRESEASON PREPARATION 7. Apply anti-seize lubricant on spark NOTE: The seat should be removed plug threads, then reinstall them during storage. This will prevent en- MAINTE- in the engine. Refer to gine compartment condensation and NANCE PROCEDURES possible corrosion. 8.

  • Page 136
    STORAGE AND PRESEASON PREPARATION NOTE: Though not required, it is recommended that an authorized Sea-Doo dealer perform preseason maintenance preparation at the same time that any safety-related factory campaigns are performed by the au- thorized Sea-Doo dealer. WARNING Only perform procedures as de- MAINTENANCE tailed SCHEDULE…
  • Page 137: Technical Information

    TECHNICAL INFORMATION ______________…

  • Page 138: Watercraft Identification

    WATERCRAFT IDENTIFICATION The main components of the water- craft (engine and hull) are identified by different serial numbers. It may some- times become necessary to locate these numbers for warranty purposes or to trace the watercraft in the event of theft. Hull Identification Number The Hull Identification Number (HIN) is located on footboard at the rear of wa-…

  • Page 139: Rf D.e.s.s. Key

    RF D.E.S.S. KEY This device complies with FCC Part 15 and Industry Canada license exempt RSS standard(s). Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

  • Page 140: Engine Emissions Information

    ENGINE EMISSIONS INFORMATION Manufacturer’s EPA Emission Regulations Responsibility All 1999 and more recent Sea-Doo watercraft manufactured by BRP are Beginning with 1999 model year en- certified to the EPA as conforming to gines, PWC manufacturers of marine the requirements of the regulations for engines must determine the exhaust the control of air pollution from new emission levels for each engine horse-…

  • Page 141: Specifications

    SPECIFICATIONS 1503 NA 4-TEC and 1500 HO ACE engines ENGINE ROTAX ® 1503 NA 4-TEC™, Engine type 4-stroke, Single Over Head Camshaft (SOHC) 106 kW @ 7500 RPM Declared Power 169 kW @ 8000 RPM Naturally-Aspirated Induction Supercharged intercooled Number of cylinders 12 valves with hydraulic lifters Number of valves (no adjustment)

  • Page 142
    SPECIFICATIONS COOLING SYSTEM Type Closed loop cooling system LONG LIFE ANTIFREEZE(F) Finland, Norway and (P/N 619 590 204) Sweden LONG LIFE ANTIFREEZE (P/N 219 702 685) or low silicate, Coolant extended life ethylene-glycol All other countries premixed coolant (50%-50%) specifically formulated for internal combustion aluminum engines.
  • Page 143
    SPECIFICATIONS PROPULSION Jet pump Type Axial flow single stage Drive shaft Coupling type Crowned splines, direct drive IBR AND VTS Electronically-controlled through VTS system the VTS control button with 2 preset positions WEIGHT AND LOADING CAPACITY GTX 155 348 kg (768 lb) GTX 230 365 kg (805 lb) GTX LTD…
  • Page 144
    SPECIFICATIONS DIMENSIONS Overall length 345.1 cm (135.9 in) Overall width 125.5 cm (49.4 in) GTX LTD Overall height 114 cm (44.9 in) WAKE MATERIALS Impeller material Stainless steel Impeller housing/stator Aluminum/aluminum ______________…
  • Page 145
    SPECIFICATIONS 1630 ACE engines ENGINE ROTAX ® 1630 ACE™ , 4-stroke, Engine type Single Over Head Camshaft (SOHC) Declared Power 217 kW @ 8000 RPM Induction Supercharged intercooled Number of cylinders 12 valves with hydraulic lifters Number of valves (no adjustment) Bore 100 mm (3.9 in) Stroke…
  • Page 146
    SPECIFICATIONS FUEL SYSTEM Multipoint fuel injection with iTC (intelligent Throttle Control). Fuel injection type Single throttle body (60 mm (2.36 in)) with an actuator Inside North America 91 or higher ((RON + MON)/2) Fuel type Outside North 95 or higher America (RON) Fuel tank capacity (including reserve) 60 L (16 U.S.
  • Page 147
    SPECIFICATIONS WEIGHT AND LOADING CAPACITY Limited 385 kg (849 lb) Dry weight RXT-X 300 376 kg (828 lb) Limited Number of passenger (driver incl.) RXT-X 300 Limited Load limit (passenger and luggage) 272 kg (600 lb) RXT-X 300 Limited Storage capacity 102.5 L (27 U.S.
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    SPECIFICATIONS This page is intentionally blank ______________…
  • Page 149: Troubleshooting

    TROUBLESHOOTING ______________…

  • Page 150: Troubleshooting Guidelines

    TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDELINES ENGINE WILL NOT START 1. Tether cord removed. – Press START/STOP button. – Install tether cord cap over engine cut-off switch within 5 seconds after de- pressing the START/STOP button. – After double «beep», press START/STOP button. 2. ECM does not recognize the D.E.S.S. key. –…

  • Page 151
    TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDELINES ENGINE TURNS NORMALLY BUT WILL NOT START (cont’d) 2. Fouled/defective spark plugs. – Replace. 3. Blown fuse. – Check wiring then replace fuse(s). 4. Water-flooded engine. – Refer to WATER-FLOODED ENGINE in SPECIAL PROCEDURES. 5. Engine management system fault detected (check engine pilot lamp is ON).
  • Page 152
    TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDELINES ENGINE SMOKE (cont’d) 2. Water ingestion, coolant leak or damaged cylinder head gasket. – Seek service from an authorized Sea-Doo dealer, repair shop, or person of your own choosing for maintenance, repair, or replacement. Please refer to the US EPA EMISSIONS-RELATED WARRANTY contained herein for information about warranty claims.
  • Page 153
    TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDELINES ENGINE LACKS ACCELERATION OR POWER (cont’d) 8. Clogged injectors. – Seek service from an authorized Sea-Doo dealer, repair shop, or person of your own choosing for maintenance, repair, or replacement. Please refer to the US EPA EMISSIONS-RELATED WARRANTY contained herein for information about warranty claims.
  • Page 154
    TROUBLESHOOTING GUIDELINES iBR WILL NOT RETURN TO NEUTRAL POSITION (IBR INDICATOR LIGHT OFF) 1. Throttle lever not fully released during operation. – Release throttle lever fully to ensure iBR gate returns to neutral. 2. Throttle lever does not fully return to null when released. –…
  • Page 155: Monitoring System

    MONITORING SYSTEM A system monitors the electronic com- code. The dealer will then advise the ponents of the EMS (engine manage- operator on the steps to take to solve ment system) iBR, and other compo- the problem, or to stop using the wa- nents of the electrical system.

  • Page 156: Indicator Lights And Message Display Information

    MONITORING SYSTEM RPMgal/h APPLICABLE FAULT CODE IS DISPLAYED HERE Indicator Lights and Message Display Information The indicator lights (pilot lamps) and messages displayed in the information center will inform you of a particular condition or if an anomaly occurs. INFORMATION CENTER For information on usual indicator lights, refer to (GAUGE) INDICATOR…

  • Page 157
    MONITORING SYSTEM MESSAGE DISPLAY INFORMATION RIGHT KEYPAD ERROR Gauge control button malfunction LOW OIL PRESSURE Engine low oil pressure detected HIGH EXHAUST TEMPERATURE High exhaust temperature detected HIGH TEMPERATURE High engine temperature detected Engine system malfunction or CHECK ENGINE maintenance required HIGH BATTERY VOLTAGE High battery voltage detected LOW BATTERY VOLTAGE…
  • Page 158: Beeper Code Information

    MONITORING SYSTEM Beeper Code Information BEEPER CODES DESCRIPTION Bad D.E.S.S. system connection. Reinstall tether cord cap correctly on the engine cut-off switch. Wrong D.E.S.S. key. Use a tether cord that has been programmed for the watercraft. 1 long beep Defective D.E.S.S. key. (while installing tether Use another tether cord with programmed D.E.S.S.

  • Page 159: Warranty

    MONITORING SYSTEM BEEPER CODES DESCRIPTION High engine temperature coolant. ENGINE OVERHEATING High exhaust temperature. Seek service from an authorized Sea-Doo dealer, repair shop, or person of your own choosing for maintenance, US EPA repair, or replacement. Please refer to the EMISSIONS-RELATED WARRANTY contained herein Continuously beeps…

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    MONITORING SYSTEM This page is intentionally blank ______________…
  • Page 161: Warranty

    WARRANTY ______________…

  • Page 162: Brp Limited Warranty — Usa And Canada: 2018 Sea-Doo

    ® PERSONAL WATERCRAFT 1. SCOPE Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (“BRP”)* warrants its model-year 2018 Sea-Doo personal watercraft sold by authorized BRP Dealers (as defined below) in the United States of America (“USA”) and in Canada from defects in material or workmanship for the period and under the conditions described below. This…

  • Page 163
    – Damage resulting from accident, submersion, fire, theft, vandalism or any act of God; – Operation with fuels, oils or lubricants which are not suitable for use with the product (see the Operator’s Guide); – Damage from rust, corrosion or exposure to the elements; –…
  • Page 164
    5. CONDITIONS REQUIRED FOR WARRANTY COVERAGE This limited warranty coverage is available only if each of the following conditions has been fulfilled: – The 2018 Sea-Doo personal watercraft must be purchased as new and unused by its first owner from a BRP dealer authorized to distribute Sea-Doo personal watercraft in the country in which the sale occurred;…
  • Page 165
    * In the USA, products are distributed and serviced by BRP US Inc. © 2017 Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. All rights reserved. ® Registered trademark of Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. or its affiliates. ______________…
  • Page 166: Us Epa Emission-Related Warranty

    US EPA EMISSION-RELATED WARRANTY Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (“BRP”)* warrants to the ultimate pur- chaser and each subsequent purchaser that this new engine, including all parts of its exhaust emission control system and its evaporative emission control system, meets two conditions: 1.

  • Page 167
    Components Covered The emission-related warranty covers all components whose failure would in- crease an engine’s emissions of any regulated pollutant, including the following listed components: 1. For exhaust emissions, emission-related components include any engine parts related to the following systems: –…
  • Page 168
    Limited Applicability As a certifying manufacturer, BRP may deny emission-related warranty claims for failures that have been caused by the owner’s or operator’s improper main- tenance or use, by accidents for which the manufacturer has no responsibility, or by acts of God. For example, an emission-related warranty claim need not be honored for failures that have been directly caused by the operator’s abuse of the engine/equipment or the operator’s use of the engine/equipment in a manner for which it was not designed and are not attributable to the manufacturer in any way.
  • Page 169: California And New York Emission Control Warranty

    CALIFORNIA AND NEW YORK EMISSION CONTROL WARRANTY STATEMENT FOR MODEL YEAR 2018 SEA-DOO ® PERSONAL WATERCRAFT For California and New York, your 2018 Sea-Doo personal watercraft has a special environmental label required by the California Air Resources Board. The label has 1, 2, 3 or 4 stars.

  • Page 170: Your Emission Control Warranty Rights And Obligations

    Your Emission Control Warranty Rights and Obligations The California Air Resources Board, the New York State Department of Environ- mental Conservation and Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (“BRP”) are pleased to explain the emission control system warranty on your Model Year 2018 Sea-Doo personal watercraft.

  • Page 171
    ® Parts covered for a Model Year 2018 Sea-Doo personal watercraft: Idle bypass valve Air intake adapter Throttle position sensor Spark plugs Intake manifold air pressure sensor Ignition coils Intake manifold air temperature sensor Air box Engine temperature sensor Intake and exhaust valve and seals Knock sensor Intake manifold Engine control module ECM…
  • Page 172
    BRP Dealer you should contact the Customer Assistance Center at 1 715 848-4957. © 2017 Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. All rights reserved. ® Registered trademark of Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. or its subsidiaries. ______________…
  • Page 173: California Evaporative Emissions Control System Warranty

    Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. cannot deny warranty solely for the lack of receipts. As the personal watercraft owner, you should however be aware that Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. may deny you warranty coverage if your personal wa- tercraft or a part has failed due to abuse, neglect, improper maintenance or unap- proved modifications.

  • Page 174
    30 calendar days. If you have question regarding your warranty coverage, you should contact Bombardier Recreational Products at 1-888-272-9222. ______________…
  • Page 175: Brp International Limited Warranty: 2018 Sea-Doo

    ® PERSONAL WATERCRAFT 1. SCOPE OF THE LIMITED WARRANTY Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (“BRP”)* warrants its 2018 SEA-DOO PERSONAL WATERCRAFTS («personal watercraft») sold by distributors or deal- ers authorized by BRP to distribute Sea-Doo Personal watercrafts («Sea-Doo Distributor/Dealer») outside of the fifty United States, Canada, member states of the European Economic Area (which is comprised of the member states of the European Union plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) («EEA»), member…

  • Page 176
    – Damage caused by negligence or failure to provide proper maintenance and/or storage, as described in the Operator’s Guide; – Damage resulting from removal of parts, improper repairs, service, main- tenance, modification or use of parts or accessories not manufactured or approved by BRP which in its reasonable judgment are either incompatible with the product or adversely affect its operation, performance and durability, or resulting from repairs done by a person that is not an authorized servicing…
  • Page 177
    would contravene that law, or cause any part of these terms and conditions to be void. The benefits given to you under this limited warranty are in addition to other rights and remedies that you have under Australian law. Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law.
  • Page 178
    * For the territory covered by this limited warranty, products are distributed and serviced by Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. or its affiliates. © 2017 Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. All rights reserved. ® Registered trademark of Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. ______________…
  • Page 179: Brp Limited Warranty For The European Economic Area, The Commonwealth Of The Independent States, Turkey: 2018 Sea-Doo Personal Watercraft

    ® PERSONAL WATERCRAFT 1. SCOPE OF THE LIMITED WARRANTY Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. (“BRP”)* warrants its 2018 SEA-DOO PERSONAL WATERCRAFT («personal watercraft») sold by distributors or deal- ers authorized by BRP to distribute Sea-Doo personal watercrafts («Sea-Doo Distributor/Dealer») in member states of the European Economic Area (which is comprised of the member states of the European Union plus Norway, Iceland and Liechtenstein) («EEA»), in member states of the Commonwealth of the Indepen-…

  • Page 180
    – Routine maintenance parts and services, including but not limited to tune ups, adjustments, oil, lubricant and coolant changes, spark plug replacement, water pumps and the like; – Damage caused by negligence or failure to provide proper maintenance and/or storage, as described in the Operator’s Guide; –…
  • Page 181
    5. CONDITIONS TO HAVE WARRANTY COVERAGE This warranty coverage is available only if each of the following conditions has been fulfilled: – The 2018 Sea-Doo personal watercraft must be purchased as new and unused by its first owner from a Sea-Doo Distributor/Dealer authorized to distribute Sea- Doo personal watercrafts in the country in which the sale occurred;…
  • Page 182
    * In the EEA, products are distributed and serviced by BRP European Distribution S.A. and other affiliates or subsidiaries of BRP. © 2017 Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. All rights reserved. ® Trademark of Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. or its affiliated.
  • Page 183
    ADDITIONAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR FRANCE ONLY The following terms and conditions are applicable to products sold in France only: The seller shall deliver goods that are complying with the contract and shall be re- sponsible for defects existing upon delivery. The seller shall also be responsible for defects resulting from packaging, assembling instructions or the installation when it is its responsibility per the contract or if accomplished under its responsibility.
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  • Page 185: Customer Information

    CUSTOMER INFORMATION ______________…

  • Page 186: Privacy Information

    PRIVACY INFORMATION BRP wishes to inform you that your coordinates will be used for safety and war- ranty related purposes. Furthermore, BRP and its affiliates may use its customer list to distribute marketing and promotional information about BRP and related products.

  • Page 187: Contact Us

    CONTACT US South America www.brp.com Rua James Clerck Maxwell, 230 North America TechnoPark Campinas SP 13069-380 Brazil 565 de la Montagne Street Valcourt (Québec) J0E 2L0 Asia Canada Sturtevant, Wisconsin, U.S.A. 15/F Parale Mitsui Building,8 10101 Science Drive Higashida-Cho, Kawasaki-ku Sturtevant, Wisconsin Kawasaki 210-0005 53177…

  • Page 188: Change Of Address/Ownership

    CHANGE OF ADDRESS/OWNERSHIP If your address has changed or if you are the new owner of the boat, be sure to no- tify BRP by either: – Notifying an authorized Sea-Doo dealer. – North America Only: calling at 1 888 272-9222. –…

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    CHANGE OF ADDRESS/OWNERSHIP This page is intentionally blank ______________…
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    CHANGE OF ADDRESS/OWNERSHIP This page is intentionally blank ______________…
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Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo модели 5802. 

  • Год издания: 1989
  • Страниц: 173
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 30,9 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей 5803-5810 (GT). 

  • Год издания: 1989
  • Страниц: 194
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 27,5 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей 5804 SP, 5811 GT и 5850 XP. 

  • Год издания: 1991
  • Страниц: 224
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 31,6 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей SP 5805/GTS 5812/XP 5851/GTX 5860. 

  • Год издания: 1992
  • Страниц: 286
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 45,5 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей SP 5806/SPX 5807/SPI 5808/GTS 5813/Explorer 5820/XP 5852/GTX 5861. 

  • Год издания: 1993
  • Страниц: 305
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 53,1 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей GTS 5814/Explorer 5821/XP 5854/GTX 5862/SP 5870/SPX 5871/SPI 5872. 

  • Год издания: 1994
  • Страниц: 320
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 67,3 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей GTS 5815/XP 5857/GTX 5863/SP 5873/SPX 5874/SPI 5875. 

  • Год издания: 1995
  • Страниц: 618
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 58,3 Mb

Сборник руководств на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей GSX 5620/GTX 5640/GTS 5817/GTI 5865/GTI 5866/SP 5876/SPX 5877/SPI 5878/HX 5881. 

  • Год издания: 1996
  • Страниц: 39/316
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 20,3 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей GS 5621/GSI 5622/GSX 5624/GTI 5641/GTX 5642/SPX 5661/XP 5662/GTS 5818/SPX 5834/SP 5879/HX 5882. 

  • Год издания: 1997
  • Страниц: 372
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 51,4 Mb

Сборник руководств на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей GS 5626/GS 5844/GSX Limited 5629/GSX Limited 5845/GTI 5836/GTI 5841/GTS 5819/GTX 5837/GTX 5842/GTX RFI 5666/GTX RFI 5843/SPX 5636/SPX 5839/XP 5665/XP5667. 

  • Год издания: 1998
  • Страниц: 47/56/426
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 102,4 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей GS 5846/GS 5847/GSX Limited 5848/GSX Limited 5849/GSX RFI 5637/GSX RFI 5638/GTS 5883/GTX Limited 5888/GTX Limited 5889/GTX RFI 5886/GTX RFI 5887/SPX 5636/SPX 5828/XP Limited 5868/XP Limited 5869. 

  • Год издания: 1999
  • Страниц: 496
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 85,7 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей GS 5644/GSX RFI 5645/GTI 5647/GTX 5653/GTX RFI 5648/GTX RFI 5515/XP 5651. 

  • Год издания: 2000
  • Страниц: 456
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 57,7 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей GTX DI 5649/RX 5513/RX DI 5646.

  • Год издания: 2000
  • Страниц: 351
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 50,2 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей GS 5519/GTI 5523/GTS 5521/GTX 5527/GTX 5538/GTX DI 5529/GTX DI 5541/GTX RFI 5525/GTX RFI 5555/RX 5533/RX 5543/RX DI 5535/RX DI 5537/XP 5531.

  • Год издания: 2001
  • Страниц: 561
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 75,3 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей GTI 5558-5559/GTI California 6116/GTI LE 5560-5561/GTI LE California 6117/GTX 5587-5588/GTX 4-TEC 5573-5574, 5593-5594/GTX DI 5563-5564, 5595-5596/GTX RFI 5565-5566/LRV DI 5460/RX 5579-5582/RX DI 5583-5586, 5591-5592/XP 5577-5578.

  • Год издания: 2002
  • Страниц: 557+505
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 69,0 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей GTI/GTI LE/GTI LE RFI/GTX 4-TEC/GTX DI/LRV DI/RX DI/XP DI.

  • Год издания: 2003
  • Страниц: 779
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 52,3 Mb

Сборник руководств на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей 3D RFI/GTI/GTI LE/GTI LE RFI/GTX 4-TEC/GTX Supercharged/GTX Limited Supercharged/GTX Wakeboard Edition/RXP 4-TEC Supercharged/XP Di.

  • Год издания: 2004
  • Страниц: 89/801
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 68,0 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo с двухтактными двигателями.

  • Год издания: 2005
  • Страниц: 391
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 39,5 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей 4-TEC.

  • Год издания: 2005
  • Страниц: 314
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 27,0 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту двигателей Rotax моделей 717 и 787 RFI гидроциклов Sea-Doo.

  • Год издания: 2005
  • Страниц: 117
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 6,9 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту двигателей Rotax модели 1503 4-TEC гидроциклов Sea-Doo.

  • Год издания: 2005
  • Страниц: 124
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 19,6 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей 4-TEC.

  • Год издания: 2006
  • Страниц: 403
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 94,9 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей 4-TEC.

  • Год издания: 2007
  • Страниц: 407
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 50,9 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей 4-TEC.

  • Год издания: 2008
  • Страниц: 555
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 50,9 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей GTX Limited IS 255 и RXT IS 255.

  • Год издания: 2009
  • Страниц: 555
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 43,2 Mb

Дополнение к руководству на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей 4-TEC.

  • Год издания: 2009
  • Страниц: 60
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 19,8 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и катеров  Sea-Doo моделей Challenger, Speedster и Sportster. 

  • Год издания: 1996
  • Страниц: 274
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 14,5 Mb


4-я Красноармейская, 2А
Санкт-Петербург, 190005
Email: info@lenmoto.ru
Телефон: +7 (921) 930-81-18
Телефон: +7 (911) 928-08-06

Компания ЛенМото

Запчасти, аксессуары, экипировка, тюнинг для мотоциклов, скутеров, квадроциклов, снегоходов, багги, гидроциклов, катеров и лодочных моторов.

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Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo модели 5802. 

  • Год издания: 1989
  • Страниц: 173
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 30,9 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей 5803-5810 (GT). 

  • Год издания: 1989
  • Страниц: 194
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 27,5 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей 5804 SP, 5811 GT и 5850 XP. 

  • Год издания: 1991
  • Страниц: 224
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 31,6 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей SP 5805/GTS 5812/XP 5851/GTX 5860. 

  • Год издания: 1992
  • Страниц: 286
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 45,5 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей SP 5806/SPX 5807/SPI 5808/GTS 5813/Explorer 5820/XP 5852/GTX 5861. 

  • Год издания: 1993
  • Страниц: 305
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 53,1 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей GTS 5814/Explorer 5821/XP 5854/GTX 5862/SP 5870/SPX 5871/SPI 5872. 

  • Год издания: 1994
  • Страниц: 320
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 67,3 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей GTS 5815/XP 5857/GTX 5863/SP 5873/SPX 5874/SPI 5875. 

  • Год издания: 1995
  • Страниц: 618
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 58,3 Mb

Сборник руководств на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей GSX 5620/GTX 5640/GTS 5817/GTI 5865/GTI 5866/SP 5876/SPX 5877/SPI 5878/HX 5881. 

  • Год издания: 1996
  • Страниц: 39/316
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 20,3 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей GS 5621/GSI 5622/GSX 5624/GTI 5641/GTX 5642/SPX 5661/XP 5662/GTS 5818/SPX 5834/SP 5879/HX 5882. 

  • Год издания: 1997
  • Страниц: 372
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 51,4 Mb

Сборник руководств на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей GS 5626/GS 5844/GSX Limited 5629/GSX Limited 5845/GTI 5836/GTI 5841/GTS 5819/GTX 5837/GTX 5842/GTX RFI 5666/GTX RFI 5843/SPX 5636/SPX 5839/XP 5665/XP5667. 

  • Год издания: 1998
  • Страниц: 47/56/426
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 102,4 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей GS 5846/GS 5847/GSX Limited 5848/GSX Limited 5849/GSX RFI 5637/GSX RFI 5638/GTS 5883/GTX Limited 5888/GTX Limited 5889/GTX RFI 5886/GTX RFI 5887/SPX 5636/SPX 5828/XP Limited 5868/XP Limited 5869. 

  • Год издания: 1999
  • Страниц: 496
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 85,7 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей GS 5644/GSX RFI 5645/GTI 5647/GTX 5653/GTX RFI 5648/GTX RFI 5515/XP 5651. 

  • Год издания: 2000
  • Страниц: 456
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 57,7 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей GTX DI 5649/RX 5513/RX DI 5646.

  • Год издания: 2000
  • Страниц: 351
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 50,2 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей GS 5519/GTI 5523/GTS 5521/GTX 5527/GTX 5538/GTX DI 5529/GTX DI 5541/GTX RFI 5525/GTX RFI 5555/RX 5533/RX 5543/RX DI 5535/RX DI 5537/XP 5531.

  • Год издания: 2001
  • Страниц: 561
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 75,3 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей GTI 5558-5559/GTI California 6116/GTI LE 5560-5561/GTI LE California 6117/GTX 5587-5588/GTX 4-TEC 5573-5574, 5593-5594/GTX DI 5563-5564, 5595-5596/GTX RFI 5565-5566/LRV DI 5460/RX 5579-5582/RX DI 5583-5586, 5591-5592/XP 5577-5578.

  • Год издания: 2002
  • Страниц: 557+505
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 69,0 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей GTI/GTI LE/GTI LE RFI/GTX 4-TEC/GTX DI/LRV DI/RX DI/XP DI.

  • Год издания: 2003
  • Страниц: 779
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 52,3 Mb

Сборник руководств на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей 3D RFI/GTI/GTI LE/GTI LE RFI/GTX 4-TEC/GTX Supercharged/GTX Limited Supercharged/GTX Wakeboard Edition/RXP 4-TEC Supercharged/XP Di.

  • Год издания: 2004
  • Страниц: 89/801
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 68,0 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo с двухтактными двигателями.

  • Год издания: 2005
  • Страниц: 391
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 39,5 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей 4-TEC.

  • Год издания: 2005
  • Страниц: 314
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 27,0 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту двигателей Rotax моделей 717 и 787 RFI гидроциклов Sea-Doo.

  • Год издания: 2005
  • Страниц: 117
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 6,9 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту двигателей Rotax модели 1503 4-TEC гидроциклов Sea-Doo.

  • Год издания: 2005
  • Страниц: 124
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 19,6 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей 4-TEC.

  • Год издания: 2006
  • Страниц: 403
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 94,9 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей 4-TEC.

  • Год издания: 2007
  • Страниц: 407
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 50,9 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей 4-TEC.

  • Год издания: 2008
  • Страниц: 555
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 50,9 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей GTX Limited IS 255 и RXT IS 255.

  • Год издания: 2009
  • Страниц: 555
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 43,2 Mb

Дополнение к руководству на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту гидроциклов Sea-Doo моделей 4-TEC.

  • Год издания: 2009
  • Страниц: 60
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 19,8 Mb

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и катеров  Sea-Doo моделей Challenger, Speedster и Sportster. 

  • Год издания: 1996
  • Страниц: 274
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 14,5 Mb


4-я Красноармейская, 2А
Санкт-Петербург, 190005
Email: info@lenmoto.ru
Телефон: +7 (921) 930-81-18
Телефон: +7 (911) 928-08-06

Компания ЛенМото

Запчасти, аксессуары, экипировка, тюнинг для мотоциклов, скутеров, квадроциклов, снегоходов, багги, гидроциклов, катеров и лодочных моторов.

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Руководства и инструкции по ремонту и обслуживанию гидроциклов

BRP Sea-Doo

  • BRP Sea-Doo 2-stroke 4-TEC Технические характеристики гидроциклов    (скачать PDF, 450 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo Технические и сервисные данные гидроциклов    (скачать PDF, 5,1 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC Спец. инструмент для ремонта гидроциклов    (скачать PDF, 1,3 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC диагностика-ремонт системы водомета    (скачать PDF, 5,1 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC диагностика-ремонт топливной системы 2-stroke, 4-TEC    (скачать PDF, 3,3 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC диагностика-ремонт системы управления гидроциклом    (скачать PDF, 3,8 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC таблица регламентного технического обслуживания    (скачать PDF, 64 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC промывка и консервация мотора    (скачать PDF, 1,3 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC ремонт-диагностика общая информация    (скачать PDF, 628 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC ремонт-диагностика поиск неисправностей    (скачать PDF, 92 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC диагностика-ремонт электронной информационной системы 2-stroke, 4-TEC    (скачать PDF, 449 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC Электрические бортовые схемы гидроциклов    (скачать PDF, 984 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC диагностика-ремонт электростартера 2-stroke, 4-TEC    (скачать PDF, 740 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC диагностика-ремонт системы зарядки АКБ 2-stroke, 4-TEC    (скачать PDF, 806 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC диагностика-ремонт разъемов электропроводки гидроцикла    (скачать PDF, 907 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC диагностика-ремонт, компоненты и комплектующие корпуса гидроцикла    (скачать PDF, 11,1 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC Технические данные    (скачать PDF, 150 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo RXP SC, GTX SC 4-TEC Техническое устройство    (скачать PDF, 10,8 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTX, RXP 4-TEC Инструкции и техническая информация для пользователей    (скачать PDF, 9,5 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTX 4-TEC Supercharged Инструкции и техническая информация для пользователей    (скачать PDF, 5 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, XP 2-stroke Инструкции и техническая информация для пользователей    (скачать PDF, 10,4 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI DI, GTI RFI, XP DI Техническое устройство    (скачать PDF, 6,9 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo 3D RFI Инструкции и техническая информация для пользователей    (скачать PDF, 8 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo 3D RFI Техническое устройство    (скачать PDF, 8,1 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo 3D RFI Сервисная информация, поиск неисправностей    (скачать PDF, 10,1 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo Диагностика-ремонт системы DI 2-stroke    (скачать PDF, 2,2 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo Диагностика-ремонт системы RFI 2-stroke    (скачать PDF, 864 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI диагностика-ремонт системы DESS управления двигателем   (скачать PDF, 167 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI диагностика-ремонт системы зажигания двигателя 2-stroke   (скачать PDF, 643 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo XP DI диагностика-ремонт системы амортизации сидения    (скачать PDF, 317 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI диагностика двигателей 2-stroke    (скачать PDF, 599 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI диагностика-ремонт масляной системы двигателя 2-stroke    (скачать PDF, 1,3 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI диагностика-ремонт системы охлаждения двигателя 2-stroke    (скачать PDF, 1,4 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI ремонт двигателя 2-stroke    (скачать PDF, 4,9 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI ремонт-диагностика выпускной системы 2-stroke    (скачать PDF, 1,6 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI ремонт-диагностика генератора 2-stroke    (скачать PDF, 1,5 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI снять — установить двигатель 2-stroke    (скачать PDF, 811 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC диагностика двигателя 4-TEC    (скачать PDF, 233 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC диагностика-ремонт выпускной системы двигателя 4-TEC    (скачать PDF, 1 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC диагностика-ремонт системы охлаждения двигателя 4-TEC    (скачать PDF, 2,4 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC диагностика-ремонт турбокомпрессора и впускной системы двигателя 4-TEC    (скачать PDF, 1,9 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC диагностика-ремонт электросистемы управления двигателем 4-TEC    (скачать PDF, 2,3 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC ремонт двигателя 4-TEC    (скачать PDF, 3,9 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC снять — установить двигатель 4-TEC    (скачать PDF, 840 КБ)


  • YAMAHA Спец.инструмент для ремонта гидроциклов и подвесных лодочных моторов    (скачать PDF, 6,8 МБ)
  • YAMAHA XLT 1200 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 14,6 МБ)
  • YAMAHA XLT 800 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 16,7 МБ)
  • YAMAHA XL 800 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 9,2 МБ)
  • YAMAHA XL 760 & XL 1200 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 10,1 МБ)
  • YAMAHA XL 700 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 2,2 МБ)
  • YAMAHA WVT 700, 1100 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 3,9 МБ)
  • YAMAHA WB 800 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 6,8 МБ)
  • YAMAHA WB 760 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 6,3 МБ)
  • YAMAHA VX 110 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 17,6 МБ)
  • YAMAHA SUV, SV 1200 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 9,9 МБ)
  • YAMAHA Super Jet 700A сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 2,4 МБ)
  • YAMAHA RA 760 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 2 МБ)
  • YAMAHA RA 700, 700A, 1100 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 4,8 МБ)
  • YAMAHA GP 1300 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 16,7 МБ)
  • YAMAHA GP 1300 техническая информация    (скачать PDF, 1,4 МБ)
  • YAMAHA GP 1200R сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 10,8 МБ)
  • YAMAHA GP 800R сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 11,8 МБ)
  • YAMAHA GP 760 & GP 1200 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 4,4 МБ)
  • YAMAHA FX 140 Cruiser техническая информация    (скачать PDF, 4,9 МБ)
  • YAMAHA FX140,FX140 CRUISER сервис, ремонт (скачать PDF, 24,39Mb)

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Заголовок сообщения: МАНУАЛЫ БОМБАРДЬЕ выкладываем тут

СообщениеДобавлено: 16 апр 2009, 22:03 

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Зарегистрирован: 14 авг 2008, 15:24
Сообщения: 2116

Имя: Дмитрий

Техника: BRP XP

Откуда: Москва. Волгоградский проспект. Белая Дача.

Поблагодарили: 3 раза

Качайте на здоровье!


Ценность жизни не в том,какое количество вдохов ты сделал,а в том,сколько раз у тебя перехватило дыхание.

Последний раз редактировалось КватрОвый 27 июн 2011, 20:00, всего редактировалось 2 раза.

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СообщениеДобавлено: 16 апр 2009, 22:08 

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Зарегистрирован: 14 авг 2008, 15:24
Сообщения: 2116

Имя: Дмитрий

Техника: BRP XP

Откуда: Москва. Волгоградский проспект. Белая Дача.

Поблагодарили: 3 раза

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Заголовок сообщения:

СообщениеДобавлено: 22 апр 2009, 19:43 

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Зарегистрирован: 14 авг 2008, 15:24
Сообщения: 2116

Имя: Дмитрий

Техника: BRP XP

Откуда: Москва. Волгоградский проспект. Белая Дача.

Поблагодарили: 3 раза

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Заголовок сообщения:

СообщениеДобавлено: 02 дек 2010, 02:06 

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Зарегистрирован: 31 июл 2008, 14:48
Сообщения: 3379

Имя: Андрей

Техника: Yamaha Super Jet

Откуда: Москва

Благодарил (а): 7 раз
Поблагодарили: 1 раз

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Заголовок сообщения:

СообщениеДобавлено: 18 янв 2011, 09:45 

Зарегистрирован: 18 янв 2011, 09:42
Сообщения: 8

А на Bombardier XP 2002 года на русском нет мануала? (На английском у меня уже есть)

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Заголовок сообщения:

СообщениеДобавлено: 01 мар 2011, 14:05 

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Зарегистрирован: 18 фев 2011, 09:31
Сообщения: 341

Имя: Вячеслав

Техника: Гидроцикл — SEADOO HX
Гидроцикл — SEADOO GTX
Катер — SEA RAY 180
Квадроцикл — KYMCO KRX 250 (600 cc)

Откуда: Кишинев

Дополнения к мануалу по моделям SEA DOO HX и XP800 1995 года, на английском языке. Если надо пишите вышлю на маил (не знаю как на сайте разрешение pdf выставлять).

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Заголовок сообщения:

СообщениеДобавлено: 01 мар 2011, 23:43 

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Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 31 июл 2008, 14:48
Сообщения: 3379

Имя: Андрей

Техника: Yamaha Super Jet

Откуда: Москва

Благодарил (а): 7 раз
Поблагодарили: 1 раз

высылай мне info@ как сайт

С уважением, администрация клуба


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Александр Владимирович

Заголовок сообщения:

СообщениеДобавлено: 20 май 2011, 20:14 

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Старшина 1 статьи
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Зарегистрирован: 09 ноя 2010, 09:46
Сообщения: 472

Откуда: Астрахань

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Александр Владимирович

Заголовок сообщения:

СообщениеДобавлено: 27 май 2011, 09:47 

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Зарегистрирован: 09 ноя 2010, 09:46
Сообщения: 472

Откуда: Астрахань

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Константин GTI 130

Заголовок сообщения:

СообщениеДобавлено: 20 июн 2011, 20:48 

Зарегистрирован: 20 июн 2011, 20:39
Сообщения: 2

Откуда: г. Магнитогорск Челябинская обл.

Товарисщи :) доброго времени суток! Будьте добры подгоните мануал на русском на GTI 130

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Заголовок сообщения:

СообщениеДобавлено: 23 июн 2011, 20:42 

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Зарегистрирован: 10 мар 2011, 08:44
Сообщения: 4462

Имя: Юрий

Техника: катамаран «Янтарь»

Откуда: г.Рязань

Благодарил (а): 9 раз
Поблагодарили: 75 раз

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Заголовок сообщения:

СообщениеДобавлено: 24 июн 2011, 21:54 

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Главком флота
Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 31 июл 2008, 14:48
Сообщения: 3379

Имя: Андрей

Техника: Yamaha Super Jet

Откуда: Москва

Благодарил (а): 7 раз
Поблагодарили: 1 раз

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Заголовок сообщения:

СообщениеДобавлено: 27 июн 2011, 20:04 

Не в сети
Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 14 авг 2008, 15:24
Сообщения: 2116

Имя: Дмитрий

Техника: BRP XP

Откуда: Москва. Волгоградский проспект. Белая Дача.

Поблагодарили: 3 раза

Ценность жизни не в том,какое количество вдохов ты сделал,а в том,сколько раз у тебя перехватило дыхание.

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Заголовок сообщения:

СообщениеДобавлено: 06 июл 2011, 01:06 

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Старший матрос
Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 12 июн 2011, 04:27
Сообщения: 63

Имя: Георгий

Техника: YAMAHA WB 800

Откуда: Москоу СИТИ СВАО Алтуфьево

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Руководства по ремонту гидроциклов

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Руководство по ремонту гидроцикла BRP RXT и GTX

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Руководства и инструкции по ремонту и обслуживанию гидроциклов

BRP Sea-Doo

  • BRP Sea-Doo 2-stroke 4-TEC Технические характеристики гидроциклов    (скачать PDF, 450 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo Технические и сервисные данные гидроциклов    (скачать PDF, 5,1 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC Спец. инструмент для ремонта гидроциклов    (скачать PDF, 1,3 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC диагностика-ремонт системы водомета    (скачать PDF, 5,1 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC диагностика-ремонт топливной системы 2-stroke, 4-TEC    (скачать PDF, 3,3 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC диагностика-ремонт системы управления гидроциклом    (скачать PDF, 3,8 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC таблица регламентного технического обслуживания    (скачать PDF, 64 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC промывка и консервация мотора    (скачать PDF, 1,3 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC ремонт-диагностика общая информация    (скачать PDF, 628 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC ремонт-диагностика поиск неисправностей    (скачать PDF, 92 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC диагностика-ремонт электронной информационной системы 2-stroke, 4-TEC    (скачать PDF, 449 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC Электрические бортовые схемы гидроциклов    (скачать PDF, 984 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC диагностика-ремонт электростартера 2-stroke, 4-TEC    (скачать PDF, 740 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC диагностика-ремонт системы зарядки АКБ 2-stroke, 4-TEC    (скачать PDF, 806 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC диагностика-ремонт разъемов электропроводки гидроцикла    (скачать PDF, 907 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC диагностика-ремонт, компоненты и комплектующие корпуса гидроцикла    (скачать PDF, 11,1 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI, GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC Технические данные    (скачать PDF, 150 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo RXP SC, GTX SC 4-TEC Техническое устройство    (скачать PDF, 10,8 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTX, RXP 4-TEC Инструкции и техническая информация для пользователей    (скачать PDF, 9,5 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTX 4-TEC Supercharged Инструкции и техническая информация для пользователей    (скачать PDF, 5 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, XP 2-stroke Инструкции и техническая информация для пользователей    (скачать PDF, 10,4 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI DI, GTI RFI, XP DI Техническое устройство    (скачать PDF, 6,9 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo 3D RFI Инструкции и техническая информация для пользователей    (скачать PDF, 8 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo 3D RFI Техническое устройство    (скачать PDF, 8,1 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo 3D RFI Сервисная информация, поиск неисправностей    (скачать PDF, 10,1 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo Диагностика-ремонт системы DI 2-stroke    (скачать PDF, 2,2 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo Диагностика-ремонт системы RFI 2-stroke    (скачать PDF, 864 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI диагностика-ремонт системы DESS управления двигателем   (скачать PDF, 167 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI диагностика-ремонт системы зажигания двигателя 2-stroke   (скачать PDF, 643 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo XP DI диагностика-ремонт системы амортизации сидения    (скачать PDF, 317 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI диагностика двигателей 2-stroke    (скачать PDF, 599 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI диагностика-ремонт масляной системы двигателя 2-stroke    (скачать PDF, 1,3 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI диагностика-ремонт системы охлаждения двигателя 2-stroke    (скачать PDF, 1,4 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI ремонт двигателя 2-stroke    (скачать PDF, 4,9 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI ремонт-диагностика выпускной системы 2-stroke    (скачать PDF, 1,6 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI ремонт-диагностика генератора 2-stroke    (скачать PDF, 1,5 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTI, GTI RFI, XP DI снять — установить двигатель 2-stroke    (скачать PDF, 811 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC диагностика двигателя 4-TEC    (скачать PDF, 233 КБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC диагностика-ремонт выпускной системы двигателя 4-TEC    (скачать PDF, 1 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC диагностика-ремонт системы охлаждения двигателя 4-TEC    (скачать PDF, 2,4 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC диагностика-ремонт турбокомпрессора и впускной системы двигателя 4-TEC    (скачать PDF, 1,9 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC диагностика-ремонт электросистемы управления двигателем 4-TEC    (скачать PDF, 2,3 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC ремонт двигателя 4-TEC    (скачать PDF, 3,9 МБ)
  • BRP Sea-Doo GTX 4-TEC SC, LTD SC, WE, RXP 4-TEC SC снять — установить двигатель 4-TEC    (скачать PDF, 840 КБ)


  • YAMAHA Спец.инструмент для ремонта гидроциклов и подвесных лодочных моторов    (скачать PDF, 6,8 МБ)
  • YAMAHA XLT 1200 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 14,6 МБ)
  • YAMAHA XLT 800 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 16,7 МБ)
  • YAMAHA XL 800 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 9,2 МБ)
  • YAMAHA XL 760 & XL 1200 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 10,1 МБ)
  • YAMAHA XL 700 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 2,2 МБ)
  • YAMAHA WVT 700, 1100 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 3,9 МБ)
  • YAMAHA WB 800 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 6,8 МБ)
  • YAMAHA WB 760 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 6,3 МБ)
  • YAMAHA VX 110 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 17,6 МБ)
  • YAMAHA SUV, SV 1200 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 9,9 МБ)
  • YAMAHA Super Jet 700A сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 2,4 МБ)
  • YAMAHA RA 760 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 2 МБ)
  • YAMAHA RA 700, 700A, 1100 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 4,8 МБ)
  • YAMAHA GP 1300 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 16,7 МБ)
  • YAMAHA GP 1300 техническая информация    (скачать PDF, 1,4 МБ)
  • YAMAHA GP 1200R сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 10,8 МБ)
  • YAMAHA GP 800R сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 11,8 МБ)
  • YAMAHA GP 760 & GP 1200 сервис, ремонт    (скачать PDF, 4,4 МБ)
  • YAMAHA FX 140 Cruiser техническая информация    (скачать PDF, 4,9 МБ)
  • YAMAHA FX140,FX140 CRUISER сервис, ремонт (скачать PDF, 24,39Mb)

Руководства по ремонту гидроциклов

Руководство по ремонту гидроцикла BRP GSX 1996

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BRP (Bombardier)

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Руководство по ремонту гидроцикла BRP RXT и GTX

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Заголовок сообщения: МАНУАЛЫ БОМБАРДЬЕ выкладываем тут

СообщениеДобавлено: 16 апр 2009, 22:03 

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Зарегистрирован: 14 авг 2008, 15:24
Сообщения: 2116

Имя: Дмитрий

Техника: BRP XP

Откуда: Москва. Волгоградский проспект. Белая Дача.

Поблагодарили: 3 раза

Качайте на здоровье!


Ценность жизни не в том,какое количество вдохов ты сделал,а в том,сколько раз у тебя перехватило дыхание.

Последний раз редактировалось КватрОвый 27 июн 2011, 20:00, всего редактировалось 2 раза.

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СообщениеДобавлено: 16 апр 2009, 22:08 

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Зарегистрирован: 14 авг 2008, 15:24
Сообщения: 2116

Имя: Дмитрий

Техника: BRP XP

Откуда: Москва. Волгоградский проспект. Белая Дача.

Поблагодарили: 3 раза

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Заголовок сообщения:

СообщениеДобавлено: 22 апр 2009, 19:43 

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Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 14 авг 2008, 15:24
Сообщения: 2116

Имя: Дмитрий

Техника: BRP XP

Откуда: Москва. Волгоградский проспект. Белая Дача.

Поблагодарили: 3 раза

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Заголовок сообщения:

СообщениеДобавлено: 02 дек 2010, 02:06 

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Главком флота
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Зарегистрирован: 31 июл 2008, 14:48
Сообщения: 3379

Имя: Андрей

Техника: Yamaha Super Jet

Откуда: Москва

Благодарил (а): 7 раз
Поблагодарили: 1 раз

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Заголовок сообщения:

СообщениеДобавлено: 18 янв 2011, 09:45 

Зарегистрирован: 18 янв 2011, 09:42
Сообщения: 8

А на Bombardier XP 2002 года на русском нет мануала? (На английском у меня уже есть)

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Заголовок сообщения:

СообщениеДобавлено: 01 мар 2011, 14:05 

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Старшина 1 статьи
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Зарегистрирован: 18 фев 2011, 09:31
Сообщения: 341

Имя: Вячеслав

Техника: Гидроцикл — SEADOO HX
Гидроцикл — SEADOO GTX
Катер — SEA RAY 180
Квадроцикл — KYMCO KRX 250 (600 cc)

Откуда: Кишинев

Дополнения к мануалу по моделям SEA DOO HX и XP800 1995 года, на английском языке. Если надо пишите вышлю на маил (не знаю как на сайте разрешение pdf выставлять).

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Заголовок сообщения:

СообщениеДобавлено: 01 мар 2011, 23:43 

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Главком флота
Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 31 июл 2008, 14:48
Сообщения: 3379

Имя: Андрей

Техника: Yamaha Super Jet

Откуда: Москва

Благодарил (а): 7 раз
Поблагодарили: 1 раз

высылай мне info@ как сайт

С уважением, администрация клуба


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Александр Владимирович

Заголовок сообщения:

СообщениеДобавлено: 20 май 2011, 20:14 

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Старшина 1 статьи
Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 09 ноя 2010, 09:46
Сообщения: 472

Откуда: Астрахань

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Александр Владимирович

Заголовок сообщения:

СообщениеДобавлено: 27 май 2011, 09:47 

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Старшина 1 статьи
Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 09 ноя 2010, 09:46
Сообщения: 472

Откуда: Астрахань

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Константин GTI 130

Заголовок сообщения:

СообщениеДобавлено: 20 июн 2011, 20:48 

Зарегистрирован: 20 июн 2011, 20:39
Сообщения: 2

Откуда: г. Магнитогорск Челябинская обл.

Товарисщи :) доброго времени суток! Будьте добры подгоните мануал на русском на GTI 130

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Заголовок сообщения:

СообщениеДобавлено: 23 июн 2011, 20:42 

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Зарегистрирован: 10 мар 2011, 08:44
Сообщения: 4462

Имя: Юрий

Техника: катамаран «Янтарь»

Откуда: г.Рязань

Благодарил (а): 9 раз
Поблагодарили: 75 раз

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Заголовок сообщения:

СообщениеДобавлено: 24 июн 2011, 21:54 

Не в сети
Главком флота
Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 31 июл 2008, 14:48
Сообщения: 3379

Имя: Андрей

Техника: Yamaha Super Jet

Откуда: Москва

Благодарил (а): 7 раз
Поблагодарили: 1 раз

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Заголовок сообщения:

СообщениеДобавлено: 27 июн 2011, 20:04 

Не в сети
Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 14 авг 2008, 15:24
Сообщения: 2116

Имя: Дмитрий

Техника: BRP XP

Откуда: Москва. Волгоградский проспект. Белая Дача.

Поблагодарили: 3 раза

Ценность жизни не в том,какое количество вдохов ты сделал,а в том,сколько раз у тебя перехватило дыхание.

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Заголовок сообщения:

СообщениеДобавлено: 06 июл 2011, 01:06 

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Старший матрос
Аватара пользователя

Зарегистрирован: 12 июн 2011, 04:27
Сообщения: 63

Имя: Георгий

Техника: YAMAHA WB 800

Откуда: Москоу СИТИ СВАО Алтуфьево

СПАСИБО! Я всё нашёл.

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