Мануал для mazda mpv

Пожалуй начну историю с самого начала.

После покупки у меня сразу возник вопрос по поводу поиска какой-либо документации на машину. Не простой документации, а именно технической(моменты затяжек, диаграммы, сервисная информация и т.п.)
Ест-но я понимал что на правый руль с этой информацией будет сильно сложнее…В сети можно было найти только общую информацию, к примеру, мануал владельца(где какие кнопочки, что где нажать и прочее).

Я не думал что найти сервисную информацию станет настолько сложно! Уж очень хотелось мне электросхемы найти на машину.

И вот в один прекрасный день я нашел на японском сайте minkara.carview.co.jp я нашел пост от автора, в котором он хвастался книжкой с электросхемами

Фото в бортжурнале Mazda MPV III

Электросхемы Mazda MPV, 8 (LY3P)

Я подумал вот, всё! Иероглифы на книжке найдены, дата есть, осталось найти книгу на аукционе Yahoo и купить.

Нифига, не все так просто. Книги эти очень редкие и выпущены в ограниченном тираже. Найти её — все равно что найти иголку в стоге сена, и стог этот, размером с континент.

Начал всех мучать вопросами где Mazda Co. хранит свои сервисные мануалы, никто не мог мне ответить(
Полные сервисные мануалы можно было найти в сети только на Mazda 6. Остальные модели все мимо, что уж тут говорит про праворульный вэн!

Я не переставал искать, изо дня в день искал информацию, лазил по форумам, пробовал разные программы — все безрезультатно!

Тут на днях попробовал снова поискать в японском сегменте сети, вооружился переводчиком и с английского переводил фразы на японский. И тут бац — новый лот на Yahoo аукционе.

Запчасти на фото: 304290. Фото в бортжурнале Mazda MPV III

Полный размер

Mazda MPV, 8 (LY3P) MESI Mazda Electronic Service Information

Тут же лезу на impex, пополняю баланс. Цена лота начиналась с 3000 йен. В итоге добралась до 10500 йен и я так не смог ее перебить!
С учетом доставки вышел бы этот компакт-диск в 8 тысяч рублей.

Я решил пойти другим путём. Начал гуглить что такое MESI, гугл внятного также ничего не отвечает. Но окольными путями я долез до ссылки на сервисный портал. Там же увидел сетку цен для независимых операторов.
Суть в том что любой человек может зарегистрироваться на портале, оплатить и получить доступ ко всем сервисам Mazda Co. А это ни много ни мало 6 штук.

Фото в бортжурнале Mazda MPV III

Полный размер

Mazda Portal и сервисы MESI, BT-support, CEMI, GEPC и другие

Оплатил доступ, получил права, зашел на портал MESI и нашел там Mazda 8(LY) и документацию на неё.
Далее я столкнулся с тем что для просмотра инфы мне нужен Internet Explorer 5, это была вообще отдельная эпопея заставить работать портал у себя на компе.


Фото в бортжурнале Mazda MPV III

Полный размер

Mazda MPV, 8 (LY3P) MESI Mazda Electronic Service Information

Ради поиска данной информации я проделал путь более 5 месяцев…Я уверен на 100500% что этой инфы ни у кого нет и не было до сегодняшнего дня.
В наших условиях крайне затратно иногда мотаться в поисках проблем, т.к. мало того что машина редкая в целом, так еще и нет аналога европейского.

Что мы имеем:
— абсолютно вся информация по диагностике неисправностей
— куча PID’ов для диагностического софта
— моменты затяжек основных резьбовых соединений
— всякие углы и прочая тех информация по кузову
— электродиаграммы
— коннекторы с описанием пинов

В целом 1993 страницы полезной и не только информации, из одного раздела, а их целых 5!

Точно знаю, что в японском MESI есть цветные схемы на машину, но и это целый клондайк!
Если достучусь до японского MESI — обязательно обновлю информацию здесь.

Подписывайтесь 👇🏻

Делюсь со всеми безвозмездно тут ✌🏻
Напомню! Там все полезности и теперь еще полноценный Workshop Manual, единственный в природе на кузов LY 🤪

Пока лазил по японским сайтам нашел каталог моделек Mazda. Называется Goods Collection.
Вдруг кому будет интересно — можно взять тут

Фото в бортжурнале Mazda MPV III

Полный размер

Коллекционные модели Mazda 1:43 1:18 1:64

Training Manual Mazda MPV Facelift.

Учебное пособие на английском языке по автомобилю Mazda MPV второго поколения после рестайлинга.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Mazda Motor Europe
  • Год издания: 2004
  • Страниц: 33
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 1,7 Mb

Wiring Diagram Mazda MPV 1996 г.

Схемы на английском языке электрооборудования автомобиля Mazda MPV 1996 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Mazda Motor Corporation
  • Год издания: 1995
  • Страниц: 104
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 11,6 Mb

Workshop Manual Mazda MPV 1996 г.

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Mazda MPV 1996 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Mazda Motor Corporation
  • Год издания: 1995
  • Страниц: 983
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 37,5 Mb

Workshop Manual Mazda MPV 2005 г.

Мультимедийное руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Mazda MPV 2005 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Mazda Motor Corporation
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц:
  • Формат: HTML
  • Размер: 152,4 Mb

Устройство, ТО и ремонт Mazda MPV 1999-2002 г.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Mazda MPV 1999-2002 годов выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 2,0/2,5 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Легион-Автодата
  • Год издания: 2007
  • Страниц: 398
  • Формат:
  • Размер:

Устройство, ТО и ремонт Mazda MPV 2002-2006 г.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Mazda MPV 2002-2006 годов выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 2,3/3,0 л

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Легион-Автодата
  • Год издания: 2007
  • Страниц: 428
  • Формат:
  • Размер:

Доп информация

Mazda 2003 MPV Owner's Manual

  1. Manuals
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  3. Mazda Manuals
  4. Automobile
  5. 2003 MPV
  6. Owner’s manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Bookmarks

Related Manuals for Mazda 2003 MPV

Summary of Contents for Mazda 2003 MPV

  • Page 1
    2 0 0 3 Form No. 8R21-EA-02G 8R21 (Part No. 9999-95-029C-03)
  • Page 2
    Our nationwide network of Mazda professionals is dedicated to providing you with the best possible service. We assure you that all of us at Mazda have an ongoing interest in your motoring pleasure and in your full satisfaction with your Mazda product.
  • Page 3: How To Use This Manual

    Illustrations complement the words of the manual to best explain how to enjoy your Mazda. By reading your manual, you can find out about the features, important safety information, and driving under various road conditions.

  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 3 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Your Vehicle at a Glance Interior, exterior views and part identification of your Mazda. Essential Safety Equipment Use of safety equipment, including seats, seat belt system, SRS air bags and child-restraint systems.

  • Page 5
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 4 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM…
  • Page 6: Your Vehicle At A Glance

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 1 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Your Vehicle at a Glance Interior, exterior views and part identification of your Mazda. Dashboard Overview … 1- 2 Interior Overview … 1- 3 Exterior Overview … 1- 4 Form No. 8R21-EA-02G…

  • Page 7: Dashboard Overview

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 2 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Your Vehicle at a Glance Dashboard Overview Instrument cluster (page 5-19) Lighting control/Turn signals (page 5-32) TCS OFF switch (page 5-16) Fog light switch (page 5-34) Power window switches (page 3-19) Power window lock switch (page 3-21)

  • Page 8: Interior Overview

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 3 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Sunvisors (page 6-41) Rearview mirror (page 3-32) Front seats (page 2-3) Parking brake (page 5-5) Side air bags (page 2-50) Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Your Vehicle at a Glance Interior Overview Seat belts (page 2-26) Interior light (page 6-41)

  • Page 9: Exterior Overview

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 4 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Your Vehicle at a Glance Exterior Overview High-mount brake light (page 8-32) Rear window defroster (page 5-36) Rear windshield wiper blades (page 8-20) Liftgate (page 3-18) License plate lights (page 8-32) Rear turn signal lights (page 8-32) Reverse lights…

  • Page 10: Essential Safety Equipment

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 1 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Essential Safety Equipment Use of safety equipment, including seats, seat belt system, SRS air bags and child-restraint systems. Seats … 2- 2 Seat Arrangements … 2- 2 Front Seats … 2- 3 Second-Row Seats …

  • Page 11: Seats

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 2 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Essential Safety Equipment Seats Seat Arrangements Road positions (while driving) Non-road positions (Parking/Camping) Form No. 8R21-EA-02G…

  • Page 12: Front Seats

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 3 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Front Seats (Manually operated seats) WARNING Securing the Seats: Adjustable seats and seatbacks that are not securely locked are dangerous. In a sudden stop or collision, the seat or seatback could move, causing injury.

  • Page 13
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 4 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Essential Safety Equipment Seats (Electrically operated seats) To slide the seat, move the slide lifter switch on the outside of the seat to the front or back and hold it. Release the switch at the desired position.
  • Page 14
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 5 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM (Manually operated seats) To change the seatback angle, lean forward slightly while raising the lever. Then lean back to the desired position and release the lever. Make sure the lever returns to its original position and the seatback is locked in place by attempting to push it forward and backward.
  • Page 15
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 6 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Essential Safety Equipment Seats M Seat Tilt (Driver’s Seat) (Manually operated seats) The seat-bottom angle can be adjusted by rotating the dial. Front of seat bottom Down Dial Rear of seat bottom Down Dial Form No.
  • Page 16
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 7 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Height adjustment Raise the seat-bottom by pulling up on the center of the switch. Release the switch at the desired position. Lower the seat-bottom by pressing down on the center of the switch. Release the switch at the desired position.
  • Page 17
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 8 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Essential Safety Equipment Seats M Front Passenger Seat Side Table WARNING Using Seat Side Table While Vehicle is Moving: Using the seat side table while the vehicle is moving is dangerous. Hot liquids could cause scalding if spilled, or objects could fall causing injury.
  • Page 18: Second-Row Seats

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 9 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM WARNING Positioning the Shoulder Belt Over the Armrest: Positioning the shoulder portion of a front seat belt over the armrest is dangerous as it cannot provide adequate protection in a collision and could result in serious injuries.

  • Page 19
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 10 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Essential Safety Equipment Seats WARNING Unlocked Seatback: A seatback plays an important role in your protection in a vehicle. Leaving the seatback unlocked is dangerous as it can allow passengers to be ejected or thrown around and baggage to strike occupants in a sudden stop or collision, resulting in severe injury.
  • Page 20
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 11 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM M Seat Recline WARNING Reclining: Sitting in a reclined position while the vehicle is moving is dangerous because you don’t get the full protection from seat belts. During sudden braking or a collision, you can slide under the lap belt and suffer serious internal injuries.
  • Page 21
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 12 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Essential Safety Equipment Seats Height adjustment To raise a head restraint, pull it up to the desired position. To lower the head restraint, press the stop- catch release, then push the head restraint down.
  • Page 22
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 13 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM M Third-Row Seat Access Access to the third-row seat via the sliding door When the second-row seats are together, move along the path between the sliding door and the side sliding seat. When the second-row seats are separated, pass between them and move to the rear of the vehicle.
  • Page 23
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 14 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Essential Safety Equipment Seats 2. Raise the reclining lever and lower the seatback forward. Make sure the seatback is locked. To return the seatback to the upright position Raise the reclining lever and lift the seatback upright.
  • Page 24
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 15 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM WARNING Lifting the Seat-Anchor Bar: Lifting the seat-anchor bar without firmly supporting the seat with your hand is dangerous. Lifting the seat unlocks the front clamps automatically and could cause the seat to fall.
  • Page 25
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 16 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Essential Safety Equipment Seats 7. The seat is heavier than it looks, carefully pull up and detach the seat. Get assistance to lift it out of the vehicle. Clamp Loops To install the seat 1.
  • Page 26: Third-Row Seat

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 17 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Third-Row Seat WARNING Stacking Cargo: Stacking luggage or other cargo higher than the seatback is dangerous. During a sudden stop or collision, objects can become projectiles that could hit and injure passengers.

  • Page 27
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 18 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Essential Safety Equipment Seats M Head Restraint WARNING Head Restraints Adjustment: Driving with the head restraints adjusted too low or removed is dangerous. With no support behind your head, your neck could be seriously injured in a collision.
  • Page 28
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 19 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM 2. Pull the third-row seat’s flat-folding strap and push the seatback down until it locks. Flat-folding strap M Stowing the Third-Row Seat More storage space can be created by folding away the third-row seat into the rear seat well.
  • Page 29
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 20 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Essential Safety Equipment Seats Stowing the third-row seat 1. Insert the seat belts in the retainers. Retainer 2. Remove the head restraint and set them aside temporarily (page 2-18). 3. Pull strap A and ease the seatback toward the front of the vehicle with your other hand and be sure it locks with a click.
  • Page 30
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 21 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Raising the third-row seat upright for road use 1. Clear the entire cargo floor. 2. Remove the head restraints. 3. Carefully reverse the procedures used to lower the seat into the seat well. Use the handle and ease the combined seatback and seat bottom up to vertical.
  • Page 31
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 22 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Essential Safety Equipment Seats M Third-Row Seat and Open Liftgate Position WARNING Rear Facing Third-Row Seat and a Moving Vehicle: Driving with the third-row seat facing rearward is dangerous because the liftgate cannot be securely closed.
  • Page 32
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 23 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM 6. Remove the support bar from the pocket. Support bar Pocket 7. Set the hook on the support bar in the rear of the seatback. Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Essential Safety Equipment 8.
  • Page 33: Flat Folding

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 24 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Essential Safety Equipment Seats 4. Place the seat belt buckles face up. 2-24 Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Flat Folding The second-row and front seats can be folded down for use as beds when the vehicle is safely parked.

  • Page 34
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 25 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM 5. Raise the recline levers and fold down the front seatbacks rearward until they lock (page 2-4). To return the seats to their road positions, reverse the procedures for folding the second-row and front seats flat.
  • Page 35: Seat Belt Systems

    Using a damaged seat belt is dangerous. An accident could damage the belt webbing of the seat belt in use. A damaged seat belt cannot provide adequate protection in a collision. Have an Authorized Mazda Dealer inspect all seat belt systems in use during an accident before they are used again.

  • Page 36
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 27 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Belt retraction may become difficult if the belts and rings are soiled, so try to keep them clean. M Pregnant Women and Persons with Serious Medical Conditions Pregnant women should wear seat belts. Ask your doctor for specific recommendations. The lap belt should be worn SNUGLY AND AS LOW AS POSSIBLE OVER THE HIPS.
  • Page 37
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 28 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Essential Safety Equipment Seat Belt Systems M Automatic Locking Mode Always use the automatic locking mode to keep the child-restraint system from shifting to an unsafe position in the event of an accident. To get the seat belt into the automatic locking mode, pull it all the way out and connect it as instructed on the child-restraint system.
  • Page 38: 3-Point Type Seat Belt

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 29 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM 3-Point Type Seat Belt M Fastening the Seat Belts 1. Grasp the buckle and tongue. 2. Slowly pull out the lap/shoulder belt. 3. Insert the tongue into the buckle until you hear a click. Tongue Buckle Form No.

  • Page 39
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 30 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Essential Safety Equipment Seat Belt Systems M Unfastening the Seat Belts Depress the button on the buckle. NOTE If a belt does not fully retract, inspect it for kinks and twists. To secure the outboard-rear seat belts when not in use, insert the belts in their seat belt retainers.
  • Page 40: Front Seat Belt Pretensioner And Load Limiting Systems

    If the seat belt pretensioners are not replaced, the risk of injury in a collision will increase. Always have an Authorized Mazda Dealer inspect and replace the seat belt pretensioners after a collision. 2-31…

  • Page 41
    A system malfunction is indicated when the warning light constantly flashes, stays on or doesn’t come on at all. If any of these occur, consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as possible. The system may not work in an accident.
  • Page 42: 2-Point Type Seat Belt

    An air bag/ pretensioner could accidentally activate or become disabled. This could cause serious injuries. Never tamper with the systems and always have an Authorized Mazda Dealer perform all servicing and repairs. Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Essential Safety Equipment Seat Belt Systems…

  • Page 43
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 34 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Essential Safety Equipment • To shorten, pull the loose end of the webbing. Shorten 4. Make sure the lap belt is snugly fitted against your body. WARNING Wearing the Lap Belt: A lap belt worn too high is dangerous.
  • Page 44: Seat Belt Extender

    When ordering an extender, only order one that provides the necessary additional length to fasten the seat belt properly. Please contact your Authorized Mazda Dealer for more information. Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Essential Safety Equipment…

  • Page 45: Seat Belt Warning Light

    ON position, the seat belt warning light will remain on until the belt is fastened. If the system does not operate correctly, consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer. 2-36 Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Seat Belt Warning Beep If the driver’s seat belt is not fastened…

  • Page 46: Child-Restraint Systems

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 37 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Child Restraint Precautions Mazda strongly urges the use of child-restraint systems for children small enough to use them. You are required by law to use a child-restraint system for children in the U.S. and Canada.

  • Page 47
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 38 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Essential Safety Equipment Child Restraint Holding a Child While the Vehicle is Moving: Holding a child in your arms while the vehicle is moving is extremely dangerous. No matter how strong the person may be, he or she cannot hold onto a child in a sudden stop or collision and it could result in serious injury or death to the child or other occupants.
  • Page 48
    To avoid burning yourself or a child, check them before you or your child touches them. NOTE Your Mazda is equipped with LATCH lower anchors for attachment of specially designed LATCH child-restraint systems in the rear seats. When using these anchors to secure a child-restraint system, refer to «LATCH Child-Restraint Systems» (page 2-47).
  • Page 49: Installing Child-Restraint Systems

    Some child-restraint systems now come with tethers and therefore must be installed on the seats that take tethers to be effective. In your Mazda, tethered child-restraint systems can only be accommodated in the three positions on the rear seats.

  • Page 50
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 41 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM 3. To get the retractor into the automatic locking mode, pull the shoulder belt portion of the seat belt until the entire length of the belt is out of the retractor. 4.
  • Page 51
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 42 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Essential Safety Equipment Child Restraint WARNING Child-Restraint Tether Usage: Using the tether to secure anything but a child-restraint system is dangerous. This could weaken or damage the tether or tether anchor and result in injury.
  • Page 52
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 43 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM WARNING Child-Restraint Tether Usage: Using the tether to secure anything but a child-restraint system is dangerous. This could weaken or damage the tether or tether anchor and result in injury. Use the tether and tether anchor only for a child- restraint system.
  • Page 53
    2-44 Form No. 8R21-EA-02G NOTE To check if your Mazda front seats have side air bags: Every Mazda side air bag will have a «SRS-Air Bag» label on the outboard shoulder of the front seats. WARNING Front Passenger’s Seat Position:…
  • Page 54
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 45 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM WARNING Children and Seating Position with Side Air Bag: Allowing anyone to lean over or against the front door is dangerous. If the vehicle is equipped with side air bags, the impact of an inflating side air bag could cause serious injury or death to the person.
  • Page 55
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 46 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Essential Safety Equipment Child Restraint NOTE • Inspect this function before each use of the child-restraint system. You should not be able to pull the shoulder belt out of the retractor while the system is in the automatic locking mode.
  • Page 56: Latch Child-Restraint Systems

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 47 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM LATCH Child-Restraint Systems Your Mazda is equipped with LATCH lower anchors for attachment of specially designed LATCH child-restraint systems in the second-row seats. Both anchors must be used, otherwise the seat will bounce around and put the child in danger. Some LATCH child- restraint systems must also be used in conjunction with a tether to be effective.

  • Page 57
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 48 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Essential Safety Equipment Child Restraint M LATCH Child-Restraint System Installation Procedure (Second- Row Seats) 1. Slide the second-row seat as far back as possible. 2. Raise the reclining lever and lower the seatback forward.
  • Page 58
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 49 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Tether strap position Tether strap WARNING Child-Restraint Tether Usage: Using the tether to secure anything but a child-restraint system is dangerous. This could weaken or damage the tether or tether anchor and result in injury.
  • Page 59: Srs Air Bags

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 50 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Essential Safety Equipment SRS Air Bags Supplemental Restraint Systems (SRS) Precautions Read this owner’s manual carefully to verify what air bags (driver-side air bag, passenger- side air bag, side air bags) are equipped in your vehicle. The front and side supplemental restraint systems (SRS) include 4 air bags (verify «SRS AIR BAG»…

  • Page 60
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 51 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Carefully consider which child-restraint system is necessary for your child and follow the installation directions in this Owner’s Manual as well as the child-restraint system manufacturer’s instructions. Air Bags without Seat Belts: Depending only on the air bags for protection during an accident is dangerous.
  • Page 61
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 52 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Essential Safety Equipment SRS Air Bags Seating Position with Side Air Bags: Sitting too close to the side air bag storage compartments or placing hands on them is extremely dangerous. A side air bag inflates with great force and speed directly out of the outboard shoulder of the front seat and expands along the front door on the side the car is hit.
  • Page 62
    • Should you sell your Mazda, we urge you to tell the new owner of its air bag systems and that familiarization with all instructions about them, from the Owner’s Manual, is important.
  • Page 63: Air Bag System Description

    Gases are produced to inflate the air bags and after the inflation, the air bags quickly deflate. The air bags will function only once. After that, the air bags will not work again and must be replaced. Only an Authorized Mazda Dealer can replace the systems. 2-54 Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Inflators and air bags…

  • Page 64
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 55 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM M Air Bag Activation/Deactivation Front air bag activation A greater than moderate impact will cause the front air bags to inflate in the following cases: Hitting a solid wall straight on at greater than about 22 km/h (14 mph).
  • Page 65
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 56 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Essential Safety Equipment SRS Air Bags Limitations to front air bag activation Depending on the severity of impact, the front air bags may not inflate in the following cases: Impacts involving trees or poles cause severe cosmetic damage but may not have enough impact to activate the air bag.
  • Page 66
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 57 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Non-activation of front air bags Front air bags will not normally inflate in the following cases: Collision from the rear. Impact to the side, but it may deploy a side air bag. Side air bag activation Greater than moderate impact to one side of the vehicle (driver or passenger side areas) will cause a side air bag to inflate, but it will not normally deploy the front air bags.
  • Page 67
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 58 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Essential Safety Equipment SRS Air Bags Limitations to side air bag activation Depending on the severity of impact, a side air bag may not inflate in the following cases: Frontal offset impact may not provide enough side impact to deploy a side air bag.
  • Page 68: Constant Monitoring

    A system malfunction is indicated when the warning light constantly flashes, stays on or doesn’t come on at all. If any of these occur, consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as possible. The system may not work in an accident.

  • Page 69
    If there was a subsequent collision, a damaged sensor would not inflate the air bags. Always have an Authorized Mazda Dealer inspect the air bag systems after a collision. Removing Interior Parts: Removing any components such as…
  • Page 70: Knowing Your Mazda

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 1 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Knowing Your Mazda Explanation of basic operations and controls; opening/closing and adjustment of various parts. Doors and Locks … 3- 2 Keys … 3- 2 Keyless Entry System … 3- 3 Door Locks …

  • Page 71: Doors And Locks

    Also write down the code number and keep it in another safe and handy place, but not in the vehicle. If your key is lost, consult your Authorized Mazda Dealer with the code number ready.

  • Page 72: Keyless Entry System

    To install a new battery, refer to Maintenance (page 3-6). • Additional transmitters can be obtained at an Authorized Mazda Dealer. Up to 3 transmitters can be used with the keyless entry system per vehicle. Bring all transmitters to…

  • Page 73
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 4 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks M Transmitter With power sliding doors Lock button Unlock button Right sliding door button Left sliding door button Panic button Without power sliding doors Lock button…
  • Page 74
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 5 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Sliding door transmitter buttons If your Mazda has power sliding doors (page 3-12), the transmitter can open/ close the sliding doors. WARNING Operating Power Sliding Doors with Transmitter: Opening or closing the power sliding…
  • Page 75
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 6 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks M Transmitter Maintenance CAUTION • Make sure the battery is installed with the correct pole facing upward. Battery leakage could occur if it is not installed correctly.
  • Page 76
    Authorized Mazda Dealer. If your transmitter is lost or stolen, bring all remaining transmitters to an Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as possible for a replacement and to make the lost or stolen transmitter inoperative. CAUTION •…
  • Page 77: Door Locks

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 8 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks Door Locks WARNING Unattended Children and Pets: Leaving a child or an animal unattended in a parked vehicle is dangerous. In hot weather, temperatures inside a vehicle can become high enough to cause brain damage or even death.

  • Page 78
    When locking the doors this way, be careful not to leave the key inside the vehicle. Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks Sliding doors To lock a sliding door from the inside, push down its door-lock button.
  • Page 79
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 10 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks M Power Door Locks Locking, unlocking with key All doors and the liftgate lock automatically when any front door is locked with a key. All doors and the liftgate unlock when the driver’s door is…
  • Page 80: Rear Door Child Safety Locks

    The door can be opened only by lifting the outside handle. Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks If your Mazda has power sliding doors, press the power sliding doors main switch to the OFF position. Refer to Power Sliding Doors (page 3-12) Unlock…

  • Page 81: Power Sliding Doors

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 12 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks M Easy Closure (With Power Sliding Doors) The Easy Closure system automatically closes the doors completely from the near-shut position. This system also operates when the doors are closed manually.

  • Page 82
    Always be sure the doors completely close before you shift into gear and move the vehicle. Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks WARNING Children and the Power Sliding Door Switches: Allowing children to operate the power sliding door switches and the keyless entry system is dangerous.
  • Page 83
    OFF position and the buzzer will stop. Consult your nearest Authorized Mazda Dealer to have the power sliding doors checked. • The power sliding doors will not operate unless they are unlocked, and the power sliding doors main switch is in the ON position.
  • Page 84
    Left and right power sliding door switches Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks NOTE • If a power sliding door switch is pressed again while the buzzer is sounding, the operation can be canceled.
  • Page 85
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 16 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks Left power sliding door switch NOTE • If a rear power sliding door switch is pressed again while the buzzer is sounding, the operation can be canceled.
  • Page 86
    The power sliding doors can be opened/closed manually. Power sliding doors main switch Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks WARNING Child Safety Lock and Power Sliding Doors Main Switch: Leaving the power sliding doors main…
  • Page 87: Liftgate

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 18 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks NOTE • If there is a problem with the power sliding doors and you want to operate them manually, press the power sliding doors main switch to the OFF position and they can be operated manually.

  • Page 88: Power Windows

    Do not slam it. Pull up on the liftgate to make sure it is secure. Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks Power Windows The ignition switch must be in the ON position for the power windows to operate.

  • Page 89
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 20 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks M Operating the Driver’s Side Power Window To open the window, push down the switch. To close the window, pull up the switch. Close Left front window…
  • Page 90
    With the lock switch in the locked position, only the driver’s side power window can be operated. Locked position Unlocked position Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks WARNING Unintentional Window Operation: Unintentional window operation is dangerous. A person’s hands, head, or neck could be caught by the window and result in serious injury.
  • Page 91: Rear Quarter Windows

    CAUTION Always use only a genuine Mazda fuel cap or an approved equivalent, available at Authorized Mazda Dealers. The wrong cap can result in a serious malfunction of the fuel and emission control systems.

  • Page 92
    If the light remains on (even after you have tightened the cap securely, driven, and restarted the engine several times), it may indicate a different problem. Contact an Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as possible. Close Knowing Your Mazda 3-23…
  • Page 93: Hood

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 24 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks Hood M Opening the Hood 1. With the vehicle parked, pull the release handle to unlock the hood. 2. Pull the safety catch up and lift the hood.

  • Page 94: Sunroof

    Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks NOTE After washing your Mazda or after a rain, wipe the water off the sunroof before operating it. M Tilt Operation The rear of the sunroof can be tilted open to provide more ventilation.

  • Page 95
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 26 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Knowing Your Mazda Doors and Locks M Slide Operation To open to any position, press the rear of the slide switch. To close, press the front of the slide switch. Open…
  • Page 96: Security System

    CAUTION Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Mazda could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment. NOTE This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules and with RSS-210 of Industry Canada.

  • Page 97
    If a key is lost, contact an Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as possible. • If you lose a key, an Authorized Mazda Dealer will reset the electronic codes of your remaining keys and immobilizer system. Starting the vehicle with a key that has not been reset is not possible.
  • Page 98: Theft-Deterrent System

    Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Knowing Your Mazda Security System M How to Arm the System 1. Remove the key from the ignition switch.

  • Page 99
    Authorized Mazda Dealer. 3-30 Form No. 8R21-EA-02G M Theft-Deterrent Labels Labels indicating that your vehicle is equipped with a Theft-Deterrent System are in the glove box. Mazda recommends that you affix them to the lower rear corner of the front door windows.
  • Page 100: Steering Wheel And Mirrors

    Tilt wheel release lever After adjusting, push the wheel up and down to be certain it’s locked before driving. Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Knowing Your Mazda Steering Wheel and Mirrors Mirrors M Outside Mirrors Check the mirrors’ angles before driving. WARNING…

  • Page 101
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 32 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Knowing Your Mazda Steering Wheel and Mirrors 2. Depress the perimeter switch in the appropriate direction. Selector switch Perimeter switch After adjusting the mirror, lock the control by moving the selector switch to the middle position.
  • Page 102
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 33 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Knowing Your Mazda Steering Wheel and Mirrors WARNING Blocked View: Cargo stacked higher than the seatbacks is dangerous. It can block your view in the rearview mirror, which might cause you to hit another car when changing lanes.
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    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 34 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM 3-34 Form No. 8R21-EA-02G…
  • Page 104
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 1 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Before Driving Your Mazda Important information about driving your Mazda. Fuel and Engine Exhaust Precautions … 4- 2 Fuel Requirements … 4- 2 Emission Control System … 4- 3 Engine Exhaust (Carbon Monoxide) … 4- 5 Before Starting the Engine …
  • Page 105: Before Driving Your Mazda

    • Never add fuel system additives. Never add cleaning agents other than those specified by Mazda. Other cleaning agents and additives may damage the system. Consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer. Gasoline blended with oxygenates such as alcohol or ether compounds are generally referred to as oxygenated fuels.

  • Page 106: Emission Control System

    • USE ONLY UNLEADED FUEL. • Don’t drive your Mazda with any sign of engine malfunction. • Don’t coast with the ignition switch turned off. • Don’t descend steep grades in gear with the ignition switch turned off.

  • Page 107
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 4 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Before Driving Your Mazda Fuel and Engine Exhaust Precautions NOTE After driving some distance and turning off the engine, the sound of a valve opening and closing can be heard near the lower left part of the driver’s seat or below the driver-side door from the outside, however this does not indicate an abnormality.
  • Page 108: Engine Exhaust (Carbon Monoxide)

    When inhaled, it can cause loss of consciousness and death. If you smell exhaust gas inside your vehicle, keep all windows fully open and contact an Authorized Mazda Dealer immediately. Exhaust Gas in Enclosed Area: Running the engine inside an enclosed area, such as a garage, is dangerous. Exhaust gas, which contains poisonous carbon monoxide, could easily enter the cabin.

  • Page 109: Before Starting The Engine

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 6 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Before Driving Your Mazda Before Starting the Engine Before Getting In • Be sure the windows, outside mirror(s), and outside lights are clean. • Inspect inflation pressures and condition of tires.

  • Page 110: Driving Tips

    No special break-in is necessary, but a few precautions in the first 1,000 km (600 miles) may add to the performance, economy, and life of your Mazda. • Don’t race the engine. • Don’t maintain one constant speed for long.

  • Page 111: Hazardous Driving

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 8 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Before Driving Your Mazda Driving Tips Hazardous Driving WARNING Downshifting on Slippery Surfaces: Downshifting into lower gear while driving on slippery surfaces is dangerous. The sudden change in tire speed could cause the tires to skid.

  • Page 112: Winter Driving

    • Carry emergency gear, including tire chains, window scraper, flares, a small shovel, jumper cables, and a small bag of sand or salt. Ask a Mazda dealer to perform the following precautions: • Have the proper ratio of antifreeze in the radiator.

  • Page 113: Driving In Flooded Area

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 10 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Before Driving Your Mazda Driving Tips M Tire Chains CAUTION • Chains may scratch or chip aluminum wheels. Install tire chains on steel wheels only. • Chains may affect handling. • Don’t go faster than 50 km/h (30 mph) or the chain manufacturer’s…

  • Page 114: Overloading

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 11 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Before Driving Your Mazda Driving Tips Overloading WARNING Vehicle Load Weight: The gross axle weight rating (GAWR) and the gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of your vehicle are on the Motor Vehicle Safety Standard Label on the driver’s door frame.

  • Page 115: Towing

    Never overload vehicle or trailer. Consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer if you need further details. Don’t tow a trailer during the first 1,000 km (600 miles) of your new Mazda. If you do, you may damage the engine, transaxle, differential, wheel bearings, and other power train components.

  • Page 116
    Model With 4-Seasons Package 1,361 (3,000) 3,324 (7,328) Front Rear Trailer load Trailer load × 100 = 10% to 15% Front Rear Before Driving Your Mazda Towing kg (lb) Without 4-Seasons Package 2.97m (32 ft 907 (2,000) 2,871 (6,329) 1,180 (2,601)
  • Page 117: Trailer Hitch

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 14 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Before Driving Your Mazda Towing Tow Loads: Attempting to tow loads greater than those specified is dangerous as it may cause serious handling and performance problems that could result in personal injury or vehicle damage, or both.

  • Page 118
    Using a temporary spare tire on your vehicle when towing a trailer is dangerous as it could result in tire failure, loss of control, and injury to vehicle occupants. Never use a temporary spare when towing. Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Before Driving Your Mazda WARNING CAUTION WARNING…
  • Page 119: Trailer Lights

    Trailer lights must comply with all federal, state, and local regulations. Equip your trailer as required before towing it day or night. Don’t connect a trailer lighting system directly to the lighting system of your Mazda. This may damage your vehicle’s electrical system and lighting systems. Have a recreational vehicle dealer or trailer rental agency connect the system, and inspect the brake lights and turn signals each time before driving.

  • Page 120
    Stop and re-inspect all lights and connections after driving a short distance. Driving • Your Mazda will handle differently with a trailer in tow, so practice turning, backing, and stopping in a traffic-free area. • Take time to get accustomed to the extra weight and length.
  • Page 121
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 18 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Before Driving Your Mazda Towing Passing Plan well ahead to pass other vehicles, and provide plenty of room before changing lanes. Crosswinds from passing vehicles, especially larger ones, and the effects of rough roads will affect handling.
  • Page 122
    4. Have a helper retrieve the wheel blocks. Fuel consumption Trailer towing causes higher fuel consumption. Maintenance If you tow a trailer frequently, have your vehicle serviced as shown in Scheduled Maintenance (page 8-3). Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Before Driving Your Mazda Towing 4-19…
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    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 20 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM 4-20 Form No. 8R21-EA-02G…
  • Page 124: Driving Your Mazda

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 1 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Driving Your Mazda Explanation of instruments and controls. Starting and Driving … 5- 2 Ignition Switch … 5- 2 Starting the Engine … 5- 3 Brake System … 5- 4 Automatic Transaxle Controls … 5- 8 Power Steering …

  • Page 125: Starting And Driving

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 2 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Driving Your Mazda Starting and Driving Ignition Switch M Ignition Switch Positions LOCK The steering wheel locks to protect against theft. Only in this position can the key be removed. WARNING Removing the Key: It’s dangerous to remove the key from…

  • Page 126: Starting The Engine

    6. After starting the engine, let it idle for about 10 seconds. Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Driving Your Mazda Starting and Driving NOTE • In extremely cold weather, below -18°C (0°F), or after the vehicle has…

  • Page 127: Brake System

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 4 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Driving Your Mazda Starting and Driving Brake System M Foot Brake Your Mazda has power-assisted brakes that adjust automatically through normal use. Should power-assist fail, you can stop by applying greater force than normal to the brake pedal.

  • Page 128: Parking Brake

    Lower the handle to the release position while holding in the button. Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Driving Your Mazda Starting and Driving M Brake System Warning Light This warning has the following functions: Parking brake warning…

  • Page 129
    Don’t drive with this light on, and contact an Authorized Mazda Dealer to have the brakes inspected as soon as possible. ABS Warning Light and Brake Warning Light on at the Same Time:…
  • Page 130
    If this occurs, your brakes will function normally as if the vehicle had no ABS. Should this happen, consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as possible. WARNING ABS Warning Light and Brake Warning Light on at the Same Time:…
  • Page 131: Automatic Transaxle Controls

    This causes a screeching noise to warn that the pads should be replaced. When you hear this noise, consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as possible. WARNING Driving with Worn Disc Pads: Driving with worn disc pads is dangerous.

  • Page 132
    • Shifting into a driving gear or reverse when the engine is running faster than idle can damage the transaxle. Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Driving Your Mazda Starting and Driving R (Reverse) In position R, the vehicle moves only backward. You must be at a complete stop…
  • Page 133
    1. Remove the shift-lock override cover with a screwdriver or similar tool. 2. Push the shift-lock override button down. Cover Shift-lock override button 3. Move the shift lever. 4. Take the vehicle to an Authorized Mazda Dealer to have the system checked.
  • Page 134
    CAUTION If the overdrive-off indicator light flashes, the transaxle has an electrical problem. Continuing to drive your Mazda in this condition could cause damage to your transaxle. Consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as possible. M Driving Tips…
  • Page 135: Power Steering

    If the steering feels rigid during normal driving, consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer. CAUTION Never hold the steering wheel to the extreme left or right for more than 5 seconds with the engine running.

  • Page 136: Cruise Control

    M Cruise Set Indicator Light This light comes on when a cruising speed is set. Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Driving Your Mazda Starting and Driving M Activation/Deactivation To activate the system, push the CRUISE MAIN switch. To deactivate the system, push the switch again.

  • Page 137
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 14 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Driving Your Mazda Starting and Driving M To Set Speed 1. Turn on the CRUISE MAIN switch. 2. Accelerate to the desired speed, which must be more than 40 km/h (25 mph).
  • Page 138
    Multiple taps will decrease your vehicle speed 1.6 km/h (1 mph) for each tap. Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Driving Your Mazda Starting and Driving M To Resume Cruising Speed at More Than 40 km/h (25 mph)
  • Page 139: Traction Control System (Tcs)

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 16 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Driving Your Mazda Starting and Driving M To Cancel To turn off the system, use one of these methods: • Press the CRUISE MAIN switch. • Slightly depress the brake pedal.

  • Page 140
    If the light stays on, the TCS may have a malfunction and it may not operate correctly. Take your vehicle to an Authorized Mazda Dealer. NOTE • In addition to the indicator light flashing, a slight lugging sound will come from the engine.
  • Page 141
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 18 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Driving Your Mazda Starting and Driving NOTE • When TCS is on and you attempt to free the vehicle when it is stuck, or drive it out of freshly fallen snow, the TCS will activate.
  • Page 142: Instrument Cluster And Indicators

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 19 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Driving Your Mazda Instrument Cluster and Indicators Meters and Gauges 1 Speedometer …5-20 2 Odometer and Trip Meter …5-20 3 Tachometer …5-21 4 Engine Coolant Temperature Gauge…5-21 5 Fuel Gauge… 5-22 5-19 Form No.

  • Page 143
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 20 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Driving Your Mazda Instrument Cluster and Indicators M Speedometer The speedometer indicates the speed of the vehicle. M Odometer and Trip Meter The display mode can be changed from odometer to trip meter A to trip meter B and then back to odometer by pressing the selector while they are displayed.
  • Page 144
    The engine coolant temperature gauge shows the temperature of the engine coolant. If the needle exceeds normal range toward H, it indicates overheating. CAUTION Driving with an overheated engine can cause serious engine damage (page 7-15). Driving Your Mazda 5-21…
  • Page 145: Dashboard Illumination

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 22 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Driving Your Mazda Instrument Cluster and Indicators M Fuel Gauge The fuel gauge shows approximately how much fuel is in the tank. We recommend keeping the tank over 1/4 full. When the…

  • Page 146: Warning/Indicator Lights And Beeps

    Air Bag/Front Seat Belt Pretensioner System Warning Light Low Fuel Warning Light Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Warning/Indicator Lights and Beeps Warning/Indicator lights will appear in any of the highlighted areas Warning/Indicator Lights Driving Your Mazda Page 5-25 5-26 5-26 5-27 5-27…

  • Page 147
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 24 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Driving Your Mazda Warning/Indicator Lights and Beeps Signal Warning/Indicator Lights Seat Belt Warning Light Door-Ajar Warning Light Immobilizer System Warning/Security Indicator Light Headlight High-Beam Indicator Light O/D OFF Indicator Light Shift Position Indicator Light…
  • Page 148
    If the warning light remains on, or if the brakes do not operate properly, do not drive the vehicle. Have it towed to an Authorized Mazda Dealer. Even if the light goes off, have your brake system inspected as soon as possible.
  • Page 149
    Don’t drive with this light on, and contact an Authorized Mazda Dealer to have the brakes inspected as soon as possible. ABS Warning Light and Brake Warning Light on at the Same Time:…
  • Page 150
    3. Check the light. If the light remains on even after you add oil, have your vehicle towed to the nearest service station or to an Authorized Mazda Dealer. CAUTION Don’t run the engine if oil pressure is low.
  • Page 151
    A system malfunction is indicated when the warning light constantly flashes, stays on or doesn’t come on at all. If any of these occur, consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as possible. The system may not work in an accident.
  • Page 152
    CAUTION If the overdrive-off indicator light flashes, the transaxle has an electrical problem. Continuing to drive your Mazda in this condition could cause damage to your transaxle. Consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as possible. Driving Your Mazda…
  • Page 153: Tcs Off Indicator Light

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 30 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Driving Your Mazda Warning/Indicator Lights and Beeps M Shift Position Indicator Light This indicates the selected shift position when the ignition switch is in the ACC or ON position. M TCS Indicator Light…

  • Page 154: Beeps

    If this happens, press the power sliding doors main switch to the OFF position and the buzzer will stop. Consult your nearest Authorized Mazda Dealer to have the power sliding doors checked. Refer to Power Sliding Doors on page 3- 5-31 Form No.

  • Page 155: Switches And Controls

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 32 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Driving Your Mazda Switches and Controls Lighting Control M Headlights To turn on the lights, turn the knob on the end of the control lever. Lever Position Headlights Taillights Parking lights…

  • Page 156: Turn And Lane-Change Signals

    ON position. NOTE The running lights go off when the parking brake is applied. Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Driving Your Mazda Switches and Controls Turn and Lane-Change Signals M Turn Signal Move the signal lever down (for a left turn) or up (for a right turn) to the stop position.

  • Page 157: Fog Lights

    If this happens, turn off the wiper switch and park off the right-of-way, and remove the snow and ice. After 5 minutes, turn on the switch and the blades should operate normally. If they don’t resume functioning, consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as possible.

  • Page 158: Windshield Washer

    In the OFF or INT position, the wipers will be activated until the lever is released. If the washer doesn’t work, inspect the fluid level (page 8-16). If it’s OK, consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer. Driving Your Mazda MIST 5-35…

  • Page 159: Rear Window Wiper And Washer

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 36 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Driving Your Mazda Switches and Controls Rear Window Wiper and Washer The ignition switch must be in the ON position. M Rear Window Wiper Washer Washer Turn the wiper on by turning the knob.

  • Page 160: Horn

    Horn To sound the horn, press around the mark of the steering wheel. Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Driving Your Mazda Switches and Controls Hazard Warning Flasher The hazard warning lights should always be used when you stop on or near a roadway.

  • Page 161
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 38 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM 5-38 Form No. 8R21-EA-02G…
  • Page 162: Interior Comfort

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 1 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Interior Comfort Use of various features for drive comfort, including climate control and audio system. Climate Control System … 6- 2 Operating Tips … 6- 2 Vent Operation (Front) … 6- 3 Control Panel (Front) …

  • Page 163: Climate Control System

    Have the air conditioner checked before the weather gets hot. Lack of refrigerant may make the air conditioner less efficient. Consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer for refrigerant inspection. The optional air conditioner is filled with HFC134a (R134a), a refrigerant that will not damage the ozone layer.

  • Page 164: Vent Operation (Front)

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 3 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Vent Operation (Front) M Adjusting the Vents Directing airflow You can direct air flow by moving the adjustment knob. Horizontal air flow can be adjusted by pressing the vent left or right. Adjusting the amount of airflow These vents can be opened and closed with wheel.

  • Page 165
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 4 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Interior Comfort Climate Control System M Selecting the Airflow Mode Dashboard Vents Dashboard and Floor Vents Floor Vents Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Defroster and Floor Vents Defroster Vents…
  • Page 166: Control Panel (Front)

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 5 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Control Panel (Front) Temperature control dial Air intake selector switch M Control Switches Temperature control dial Cold This dial controls temperature. Turn it clockwise for hot and counterclockwise for cold. Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Climate Control System Fan control dial A/C switch…

  • Page 167
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 6 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Interior Comfort Climate Control System Mode selector dial Turn the mode selector dial to select airflow mode (page 6-4). A/C switch Push the switch to turn the air conditioner on. An indicator light on the switch will illuminate when the fan control dial is on.
  • Page 168
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 7 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Recirculated air position ( Outside air is shut off. Air within the vehicle is recirculated. This position can be used when driving on a dusty road or in similar conditions. It also helps to provide quicker cooling of the interior.
  • Page 169
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 8 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Interior Comfort Climate Control System 5. Adjust the fan control dial and temperature control dial to maintain maximum comfort. CAUTION When using the air conditioner while driving up long hills or in heavy traffic, closely monitor the temperature gauge (page 5-21).
  • Page 170
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 9 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM 3. Set the fan control dial to the desired speed. WARNING Foggy Windshield: Using the position with the temperature control set to the cold position will cause the outside of the glass to fog up.
  • Page 171: Vent Operation (Rear)

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 10 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Interior Comfort Climate Control System Vent Operation (Rear) Knob M Adjusting the Vents Directing airflow You can direct air flow by moving the adjustment knob. NOTE When using the air conditioner, mist may come out from the vents. This is not a sign of trouble but a result of humid air being suddenly cooled.

  • Page 172
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 11 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Interior Comfort Climate Control System M Selecting the Airflow Mode Floor Vents Roof Vents Roof and Floor Vents 6-11 Form No. 8R21-EA-02G…
  • Page 173: Control Panel (Rear)

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 12 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Interior Comfort Climate Control System Control Panel (Rear) Type A Fan control dial Type B Fan control dial Temperature control dial M Control Switches Rear air-conditioner main switch REAR The air conditioner has front and rear controls.

  • Page 174
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 13 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Fan control dial This dial allows variable fan speeds. 0—Fan off 1—Low speed 2—Medium speed 3—High speed NOTE When the rear air-conditioner main switch is not set to the REAR position, the fan control dial of the rear air- conditioner control panel does not work.
  • Page 175: Audio System

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 14 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Interior Comfort Audio System Antenna M Detachable Type To remove the antenna, turn it counterclockwise. To install the antenna, turn it clockwise. Make sure the antenna is security installed. CAUTION To prevent damage to the antenna, remove it before entering a car wash facility or passing beneath a low overhead clearance.

  • Page 176
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 15 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Signals from an FM transmitter are similar to beams of light because they do not bend around corners, but they do reflect. Unlike AM signals, FM signals cannot travel beyond the horizon. Therefore, FM stations cannot be received at the great distances possible with AM reception.
  • Page 177
    Use a good quality head- cleaning tape or a liquid cleaner cassette tape to remove it. Should the unit not operate normally, consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer. Never attempt to repair it or insert a screwdriver or anything else. Handling the cassette tape player The following precautions should be observed.
  • Page 178
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 17 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM • If the cassette tape is loose, it may produce poor sound or performance during playback. Use a pencil or something similar to remove any slack. • Only cassette tapes that play no longer than 90 minutes should be used.
  • Page 179
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 18 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Interior Comfort Audio System • Store MDs in their cases and away from direct sunlight. • Do not insert fingers or foreign objects in the MD insertion slot as it could damage the MD deck.
  • Page 180
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 19 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM • A new CD may have rough edges on its inner and outer perimeters. If a disc with rough edges is used, proper setting will not be possible and the CD player/changer will not play the CD.
  • Page 181
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 20 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Interior Comfort Audio System • Do not insert cleaning discs in the CD player/changer. • Do not insert any disc with a peel-off or seal on it. 6-20 Form No. 8R21-EA-02G…
  • Page 182: Audio Set

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 21 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM CD Player Cassette Tape Player Power/Volume/Sound Controls … 6-22 Clock … 6-24 Operating the Radio … 6-26 Operating the Cassette Tape Player … 6-28 Operating the Mini Disc (MD) Player … 6-30 Operating the Compact Disc (CD) Player …

  • Page 183
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 22 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Interior Comfort Audio System M Power/Volume/Sound Controls Display Power/Volume knob Power ON/OFF Turn the ignition switch to the ACC or ON position. Press the power/volume knob to turn the audio system on. Press the power/volume knob again to turn the audio system off.
  • Page 184
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 23 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Audio sound adjustment 1. Press the audio control knob to select bass, mid-range, treble, fade or balance control. The selected function will be indicated. 2. Turn the audio control knob to adjust the selected functions as follows: Indication Turn Left…
  • Page 185
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 24 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Interior Comfort Audio System M Clock Display Setting the time The clock can be set at any time when the ignition switch is in the ACC or ON position. 1. To adjust the time, press the clock button ( ) for about 2 seconds until a beep is heard.
  • Page 186
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 25 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Changing the display mode The display on the unit can be changed by pressing the clock button ( alternates the display between time and audio. When the clock mode has been selected, the time will be displayed.
  • Page 187
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 26 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Interior Comfort Audio System M Operating the Radio Band selector buttons Seek tuning: Higher frequency Lower frequency Radio ON Press a band selector button ( ) to turn the radio on. Band selection Choose AM by pressing the AM button ) and FM by pressing the FM1/2…
  • Page 188
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 27 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Seek tuning Pressing the seek tuning button ) will cause the tuner to seek a higher or lower frequency automatically. NOTE If you continue to press and hold the button, the frequency will continue changing without stopping.
  • Page 189
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 28 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Interior Comfort Audio System M Operating the Cassette Tape Player APC button: (next program) (one being played) Dolby NR button Cassette tape insert Insert the cassette tape into the slot, open edge to the right and cassette tape will begin play and «TAPE»…
  • Page 190
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 29 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM * Noise reduction system manufactured under license from Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. Dolby and the double-D symbol trademarks of Dolby Laboratories Licensing Corporation. Ejecting the cassette tape Press the cassette tape eject button ( eject the cassette tape.
  • Page 191
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 30 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Interior Comfort Audio System M Operating the Mini Disc (MD) Player Display Track up button Track down button MD slot Display button Repeat button Inserting the MD Insert the MD, label-side up with the arrow pointed to the slot.
  • Page 192
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 31 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Music scan This feature helps to find a program by playing about the first 10 seconds of each track. Press the scan button ( ) during play to start scan play operation (the track number will flash).
  • Page 193
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 32 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Interior Comfort Audio System M Operating the Compact Disc (CD) Player CD slot Disc-in indicator Track up button Track down button Inserting the CD Insert the CD into the slot, label-side up. The auto-loading mechanism will set the CD and begin play.
  • Page 194
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 33 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Music scan This feature helps to find a program by playing about the first 10 seconds of each track. Press the scan button ( ) during play to start scan play operation (the track number will flash).
  • Page 195
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 34 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Interior Comfort Audio System M Operating the In-Dash CD Changer CD slot Load button Track up button Track down button Disc down button Disc up button Power/Volume knob Inserting the CD The CD must be label-side up when inserting.
  • Page 196
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 35 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Multiple insertion 1. Press and hold the load button ( for about 2 seconds until a beep is heard. 2. When «In» is displayed, insert the CD. 3. When «In» is displayed again, insert the next CD.
  • Page 197
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 36 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Interior Comfort Audio System Disc search Press the disc up button ( ) to skip forward to the beginning of the next CD. Press the disc down button ( skip back to the beginning of the previous Music scan This feature helps to find a program by playing about the first 10 seconds of each…
  • Page 198
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 37 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM M Error Indications If you see an error indication on the display, find the cause in the chart. If you cannot clear the error indication, take the vehicle to an Authorized Mazda Dealer. Indication CHECK MD…
  • Page 199: Audio Control Switch Operation

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 38 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Interior Comfort Audio System Audio Control Switch Operation NOTE Mazda installed this system to help you avoid being too distracted using audio controls on the dashboard. Always make safe driving your first priority. 6-38 Form No.

  • Page 200
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 39 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM M Seek Switch When listening to the radio Press the seek switch ( ) to seek a higher frequency automatically. When playing a cassette tape Press the seek switch ( ), release, and it will advance to the next selection.
  • Page 201: Safety Certification

    Never operate the CD player with the top case of the unit removed. • Changes or modifications not expressly approved by Mazda may void the user’s authority to operate this equipment. NOTE For CD player section: This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules.

  • Page 202: Interior Equipment

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 41 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Sunvisors When you need a sunvisor, lower it for use in front or swing it to the side. Sunvisor M Vanity Mirrors To use the vanity mirror, lower the sunvisor. If your vehicle is equipped with a vanity mirror light, it will illuminate when you pull the cover up.

  • Page 203: Overhead Lights

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 42 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Interior Comfort Interior Equipment M Overhead Lights Front Without sunroof (with overhead console) Without sunroof (without overhead console) DOOR With sunroof DOOR 6-42 Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Light off • Light on when any door or the liftgate is open DOOR •…

  • Page 204: Map Lights

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 43 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM M Map Lights The map lights are switched on or off by pressing the switches. Without sunroof (with overhead console) Map light Without sunroof (without overhead console) Map light Map light With sunroof Map light Form No.

  • Page 205: Lighter

    • Don’t use the lighter socket for plug-in accessories such as shavers and coffee pots. They may damage it or cause electrical failure. Use only a genuine Mazda lighter or the equivalent. • If the lighter doesn’t pop out within 30 seconds, remove it to prevent overheating.

  • Page 206
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 45 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM M Rear CAUTION Using an ashtray removed from its fixed position or not completely inserted is dangerous. Cigarettes could roll around or spill out of the ashtray into the vehicle and start a fire. Moreover, cigarette stubs will not extinguish themselves completely even if the ashtray lid is closed.
  • Page 207: Cup Holder

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 46 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Interior Comfort Interior Equipment Cup Holder WARNING Using Cup Holder: Using a cup holder to hold hot liquids while the vehicle is moving is dangerous. If the contents spill, you could be scalded. Never use a cup holder to hold hot liquids while the vehicle is moving.

  • Page 208: Bottle Holder

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 47 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Seat side table To use the cup holder 1. Raise the table (page 2-8). 2. Pull the cup holder end to extend it rearwards. To collapse the table 1. Push the cup holder back into the table. 2.

  • Page 209: Storage Compartments

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 48 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Interior Comfort Interior Equipment Storage Compartments WARNING Open Storage Boxes: Driving with the storage boxes open is dangerous. To reduce the possibility of injury in an accident or a sudden stop, keep the storage boxes closed when driving.

  • Page 210
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 49 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM M Glove Box To open the glove box, pull the latch toward you. The door has a lock, insert the key and turn it clockwise to lock, counterclockwise to unlock. Unlock M Front Console Pull the latch to open.
  • Page 211: Cargo Securing Loops

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 50 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Interior Comfort Interior Equipment To collapse the table 1. Close the lid on the storage box. 2. Pull the lever under the table, then lower it (page 2-8). After the table is collapsed, press the table surface to lock it in place.

  • Page 212: Accessory Sockets

    3 kg (6.6 lb)) Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Interior Comfort Interior Equipment Accessory Sockets The ignition switch must be in the ACC or ON position. Only use genuine Mazda accessories or the equivalent requiring no greater than 12V—10A. Front Rear 6-51…

  • Page 213
    • Don’t use accessories that require more than 12V—10A. • Don’t use accessories that are not genuine Mazda accessories or the equivalent. • Close the cover when the accessory socket is not in use. • Correctly insert the plug into the accessory socket.
  • Page 214
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 1 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM In Case of an Emergency Helpful information on what to do in an emergency. Parking in an Emergency … 7- 2 Parking in an Emergency … 7- 2 Flat Tire … 7- 3 Spare Tire and Tool Storage …
  • Page 215: In Case Of An Emergency

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 2 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM In Case of an Emergency Parking in an Emergency Parking in an Emergency The hazard warning lights should always be used when you stop on or near a roadway. The hazard warning lights warn other drivers that your vehicle is a traffic hazard and that they must take extreme caution when near it.

  • Page 216: Flat Tire

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 3 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM In Case of an Emergency Flat Tire Spare Tire and Tool Storage Spare tire and tools are stored in the locations illustrated in the diagram. Jack Tool bag Spare tire Spare tire lever Tire clamp Jack lever Vinyl bag…

  • Page 217
    To secure the jack Perform the removal procedure in reverse. M Spare Tire Your Mazda has a temporary spare tire. The temporary spare tire is lighter and smaller than a conventional tire, and is designed only for emergency use and should be used only for VERY short periods.
  • Page 218
    • Don’t use your temporary spare on any other vehicle; it has been designed only for your Mazda. • Do not tow a trailer while using this tire. • Use only one temporary spare tire on your vehicle at the same time.
  • Page 219
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 6 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM In Case of an Emergency Flat Tire 3. Locate the spare tire carrier socket cap on the right, in front of the second-row seat. Unscrew it by turning it counterclockwise. 4. Remove the spare tire lever and lug wrench from the tool bag.
  • Page 220
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 7 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM 8. Rotate the small lever on top of the retaining plate and pull the retaining plate out from the center hole of the tire. To secure the spare tire 1. Place the tire with the outer side facing upward, rotate the small lever on top of the retaining plate and slide the retaining plate through the center hole…
  • Page 221: Changing A Flat Tire

    Have it repaired at an Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as possible. • When the spare tire carrier socket cap is screwed completely tight, the spare tire is locked in the highest position.

  • Page 222
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 9 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM NOTE Make sure the jack is well lubricated before using it. 1. Park on a level surface off the right-of- way and firmly set the parking brake. 2. Shift into Park (P) and turn off the engine.
  • Page 223
    Improper Jack: Using a jack that isn’t designed for your Mazda is dangerous. The vehicle could slip off the jack and seriously injure someone. Use only the jack provided with your Mazda. Placing Objects Under the Jack: Jacking the vehicle with an object under the jack is dangerous.
  • Page 224
    Before removing the lug nuts, make sure your Mazda is firmly in position and that it cannot slip or move. 6. Remove the lug nuts by turning them counterclockwise;…
  • Page 225
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 12 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM In Case of an Emergency Flat Tire To replace the nut 1. Place the key on top of the nut. 2. Place the lug wrench on top of the key, apply pressure, and turn it clockwise. M Mounting the Spare Tire 1.
  • Page 226
    Metric Studs and Lug Nuts: Because the wheel studs and lug nuts on your Mazda have metric threads, using a non-metric nut is dangerous. On a metric stud, it would not secure the wheel and would damage the stud, which could cause the wheel to slip off and cause an accident.
  • Page 227
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 14 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM In Case of an Emergency Flat Tire 6. With the tire facing outward, punch a hole through the vinyl bag and the center hole, using the flat tire securing bolt. Flat tire securing bolt 7.
  • Page 228: Overheating

    If you find a leak or other damage, or if coolant is still leaking, stop the engine and call an Authorized Mazda Dealer. Coolant reservoir Cooling system cap If you find no problems, the engine is cool, and no leaks are obvious, carefully add coolant as required (page 8-11).

  • Page 229
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 16 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM In Case of an Emergency Overheating WARNING Cooling System Cap: When the engine and radiator are hot, scalding coolant and steam may shoot out under pressure and cause serious injury. Don’t remove the cooling system cap when the engine and radiator are hot.
  • Page 230: Emergency Starting

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 17 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Starting a Flooded Engine If the engine fails to start, it may be flooded (excessive fuel in the engine). Follow this procedure: 1. Depress the accelerator all the way and hold it there. 2.

  • Page 231
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 18 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM In Case of an Emergency Emergency Starting 2. If the booster battery is in another vehicle, don’t allow the vehicles to touch. Turn off the engine of the vehicle with the booster battery and all unnecessary electrical loads in both vehicles.
  • Page 232: Push-Starting

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 19 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM In Case of an Emergency Emergency Starting Push-Starting You can’t start a vehicle with an automatic transaxle by pushing it. 7-19 Form No. 8R21-EA-02G…

  • Page 233: Emergency Towing

    In Case of an Emergency Emergency Towing Towing Description We recommend that towing be done only by an Authorized Mazda Dealer or a commercial tow-truck service. Proper lifting and towing are necessary to prevent damage to the vehicle. Government and local laws must be followed.

  • Page 234: Tiedown Hooks

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 21 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Tiedown Hooks CAUTION Don’t use the tiedown hooks under the front and rear for towing. They are designed ONLY for tying down the vehicle when it’s being transported. Using them for towing will damage the bumper.

  • Page 235
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 22 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM 7-22 Form No. 8R21-EA-02G…
  • Page 236: Maintenance And Care

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 1 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Maintenance and Care How to keep your Mazda in top condition. Introduction … 8- 2 Introduction … 8- 2 Scheduled Maintenance … 8- 3 Scheduled Maintenance … 8- 3 Owner Maintenance … 8- 6 Owner Maintenance Schedule …

  • Page 237: Introduction

    Claims against the warranty resulting from lack of maintenance, as opposed to defective materials or authorized Mazda workmanship, will not be honored. Any auto repair shop using parts equivalent to your Mazda’s original equipment may perform maintenance. But we recommend that it always be done by an Authorized Mazda Dealer using genuine Mazda parts.

  • Page 238: Scheduled Maintenance

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 3 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Scheduled Maintenance Follow Schedule 1 if the vehicle is operated mainly where none of the following conditions apply. If any do apply, follow Schedule 2 (Canada and Puerto Rico residents follow Schedule 2). •…

  • Page 239
    According to state and federal regulations, failure to perform maintenance on these items will not void your emissions warranties. However, Mazda recommends that all maintenance services be performed at the recommended time or kilometrage (mileage) period to ensure long-term reliability.
  • Page 240
    According to state and federal regulations, failure to perform maintenance on these items will not void your emissions warranties. However, Mazda recommends that all maintenance services be performed at the recommended time or kilometrage (mileage) period to ensure long-term reliability.
  • Page 241: Owner Maintenance

    The owner or a qualified service technician should make these vehicle inspections at the indicated intervals to ensure safe and dependable operation. Bring any problem to the attention of an Authorized Mazda Dealer or qualified service technician as soon as possible.

  • Page 242: Owner Maintenance Precautions

    Improper owner maintenance during the warranty period may affect warranty coverage. For details, read the separate Mazda Warranty statement provided with the vehicle. If you’re unsure about any servicing or maintenance procedure, have it done by an Authorized Mazda Dealer.

  • Page 243: Engine Compartment Overview

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 8 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance Engine Compartment Overview Automatic transaxle fluid-level dipstick Cooling system cap Engine coolant reservoir Power steering fluid reservoir Windshield washer fluid reservoir Engine oil-filler cap Engine oil dipstick Form No.

  • Page 244: Engine Oil

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 9 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Engine Oil M Recommended Oil Oil container labels provide important information. GASOLINE ENGINES (ILSAC) The quality designation SL or ILSAC must be on the label. Engine oil viscosity, or thickness, has an effect on fuel economy and cold-weather operation (starting and oil flow).

  • Page 245
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 10 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance 5. Pull it out again and examine the level. It’s OK between MIN and MAX. But if it’s near or below MIN, add enough oil to bring the level to MAX. CAUTION Don’t add engine oil over MAX.
  • Page 246: Engine Coolant

    • Use only specified engine oil (page 10-4). Changing oil filter Because you need a special tool to retighten the filter, an Authorized Mazda Dealer should do the work. Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance Engine Coolant…

  • Page 247
    F. CAUTION Radiator coolant will damage paint. Rinse it off quickly. Do not overfill. If new coolant is required frequently, consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer. M Changing Coolant (Without Rear Heater) Change coolant according to Scheduled Maintenance (page 8-3). CAUTION •…
  • Page 248: Brake Fluid

    Inspect the level in the coolant reservoir one more time. M Changing Coolant (With Rear Heater) Have an Authorized Mazda Dealer change the coolant according to the Scheduled Maintenance (page 8-3). Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Maintenance and Care…

  • Page 249: Power Steering Fluid

    Add fluid if necessary; it does not require periodic changing. The level must be kept between MIN and MAX. Visually examine the lines and hoses for leaks and damage. If new fluid is required frequently, consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer.

  • Page 250: Automatic Transaxle Fluid (Atf)

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 15 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Automatic Transaxle Fluid (ATF) M Inspecting Automatic Transaxle Fluid Level The automatic transaxle fluid level should be inspected regularly. Measure it as described below. The volume of fluid changes with the temperature.

  • Page 251: Washer Fluid

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 16 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance CAUTION • Use the cold scale only as a reference. • If outside temperature is lower than about 20°C (70°F), start the engine and inspect the fluid level after the engine reaches operating temperature.

  • Page 252: Body Lubrication

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 17 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Body Lubrication All moving points of the body, such as door and hood hinges and locks, should be lubricated each time the engine oil is changed. Use a nonfreezing lubricant on locks during cold weather.

  • Page 253: Wiper Blades

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 18 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance 2. Separate the air cleaner housing and remove the filter. Air cleaner housing Air filter 3. Wipe inside the air cleaner housing with a damp cloth. 4.

  • Page 254
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 19 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM M Replacing Windshield Wiper Blades When the wipers no longer clean well, the blades are probably worn or cracked. Replace them. CAUTION To prevent damage to the wiper arms and other components, don’t move the wipers by hand.
  • Page 255
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 20 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance CAUTION • Don’t bend the stiffeners. You need to use them again. • If the metal stiffeners are switched, the blade’s wiping efficiency could be reduced. So don’t use the driver’s side metal stiffeners on the passenger’s side, or vice versa.
  • Page 256
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 21 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM 2. Pull down the blade rubber and slide it out of the blade holder. Pull out 3. Remove the metal stiffeners from the blade rubber and install them in new blades. Stiffeners CAUTION Don’t bend the stiffeners.
  • Page 257: Battery

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 22 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance Battery WARNING Battery-Related Lead Materials: Battery posts, terminals and related accessories contain lead and lead compounds, chemicals known to the State of California to cause cancer and reproductive harm.

  • Page 258: Tires

    (radial, bias-belted, bias-type) on all four wheels. Using Wrong-Sized Tires: Using any other tire size than what is specified for your Mazda (page 10-6) is dangerous. It could seriously affect ride, handling, ground clearance, tire clearance, and speedometer calibration.

  • Page 259
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 24 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance NOTE • Warm tires normally exceed recommended pressures. Don’t release air from warm tires to adjust the pressure. • Underinflation can cause reduced fuel economy and poor sealing of the tire bead, which will deform the wheel and cause separation of tire from rim.
  • Page 260: Temporary Spare Tire

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 25 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM M Replacing a Tire WARNING Worn Tires: Driving with worn tires is dangerous. Reduced braking, steering, and traction could result in an accident. Always use tires that are in good condition. If a tire wears evenly, a wear indicator will appear as a solid band across the tread.

  • Page 261
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 26 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance M Replacing a Wheel When replacing a wheel, make sure the new one is the same as the original factory wheel in diameter, rim width, and offset. Proper tire balancing provides the best riding comfort and helps reduce tread wear.
  • Page 262: Light Bulbs

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 27 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance Light Bulbs Overhead lights/Map lights Overhead light Parking lights Headlights Courtesy lights Front turn signal lights/Side-marker lights Fog lights Brake lights/Taillights High-mount brake lights Rear turn signal lights License plate lights Reverse lights Luggage compartment light…

  • Page 263
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 28 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance Your Mazda’s headlights have replaceable halogen bulbs. WARNING Handling Halogen Bulbs: When a halogen bulb breaks, it is dangerous. These bulbs contain pressurized gas. If one is broken, it will explode and serious injuries could be caused by the flying glass.
  • Page 264
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 29 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM 9. Install in the reverse order of removal. NOTE • When reinstalling the sealing cover, make sure faces up. • Use the protective cover and carton of the replacement bulb to dispose of the old bulb promptly out of the reach of children.
  • Page 265
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 30 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance M Replacing a Bulb (Front) To replace the parking light bulbs, contact an Authorized Mazda Dealer. Front turn signal lights/ Side-marker lights 8-30 Form No. 8R21-EA-02G…
  • Page 266
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 31 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance M Replacing a Bulb (Interior) Overhead light/Map lights Overhead light (Without sunroof, with overhead console) Overhead light/Map lights (Without either sunroof or overhead console) Courtesy lights Overhead light/Map lights Luggage compartment light (With sunroof)
  • Page 267
    Form No. 8R21-EA-02G High-mount brake lights An unsecured high-mount brake lights will allow water to leak into the vehicle. Make sure the high-mount brake light is tightly fastened to the vehicle and if water still leaks, consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer.
  • Page 268: Fuses

    If the same fuse blows again, avoid using that system and consult an Authorized Mazda Dealer as soon as possible. M Fuse Replacement If the electrical system doesn’t work, first inspect fuses on the driver’s side.

  • Page 269
    2. Remove the fuse block cover. Fuse block cover 3. If a fuse is blown, replace it with a new one of the same rating. Normal Blown NOTE To replace the MAIN fuse, contact an Authorized Mazda Dealer (page 8-35). 8-34 Form No. 8R21-EA-02G…
  • Page 270: Fuse Panel Description

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 35 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM M Fuse Panel Description Fuse block (Engine compartment) FUSE PROTECTED DESCRIPTION RATING COMPONENT Rear window DEFOG defroster STOP, HAZARD, ROOM, D.LOCK and DRL fuses Antilock brake system, For protection of various circuits FAN1 Cooling fan FAN2…

  • Page 271
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 36 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Maintenance and Care Owner Maintenance Fuse block (Driver’s side) FUSE PROTECTED DESCRIPTION RATING COMPONENT Power windows, P.WIND For protection of various circuits Windshield WIPER wipers and washer Sunroof, SUN ROOF For protection of various circuits Rear window R.WIP…
  • Page 272
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 37 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM FUSE PROTECTED DESCRIPTION RATING COMPONENT Power windows ACC. delay, For protection of DELAY various circuits Instrument METER cluster, INH switch ST.SIGN Starter signal CIGAR Lighter — — — — Form No. 8R21-EA-02G Owner Maintenance —…
  • Page 273: Appearance Care

    Prevention It is necessary to have your Mazda washed and waxed to preserve its finish according to the instructions in this section. This should be done as soon as possible.

  • Page 274
    • In low temperatures a vehicle’s finish hardens. This increases the chance of paint chipping. • Chipped paint can lead to rust forming on your Mazda. Before this happens, repair the damage by using Mazda touch-up paint according to the instructions in this section.
  • Page 275: Exterior Care

    • Cleansers or wax containing abrasives are used. NOTE • Mazda is not responsible for scratches caused by automatic car washes or improper washing. • Scratches are more noticeable on vehicles with darker paint finishes.

  • Page 276
    Exposed metal quickly rusts and can lead to major repairs. CAUTION If your Mazda is damaged and needs metal parts repaired or replaced, make sure the body shop applies anti- corrosion materials to all parts, both repaired and new.
  • Page 277
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 42 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Maintenance and Care Appearance Care CAUTION Don’t use steel wool, abrasive cleaners, or strong detergents containing highly alkaline or caustic agents on chrome-plated or anodized aluminum parts. This may result in damage to the protective coating and cause discoloration or paint deterioration.
  • Page 278: Interior Care

    WARNING Damaged Seat Belt: Using damaged seat belts is dangerous. In a collision, damaged belts cannot provide adequate protection. Have your Authorized Mazda Dealer replace damaged belts immediately. 8-43…

  • Page 279
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 44 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Maintenance and Care Appearance Care M Cleaning the Window Interiors If the windows become covered with an oily, greasy, or waxy film, clean them with glass cleaner. Follow the directions on the container.
  • Page 280: Customer Information

    Importer/Distributor … 9- 7 Distributor in Each Area … 9- 7 Warranty … 9- 8 Warranties for Your Mazda … 9- 8 Outside the United States and Canada … 9- 9 Registering Your Vehicle in A Foreign Country (Except United States and Canada) … 9-10 Add-On Non-Genuine Parts and Accessories …

  • Page 281: Customer Assistance

    M STEP 1: Contact Your Mazda Dealer Discuss the matter with an Authorized Mazda Dealer. This is the quickest and best way to address the issue. If your concern has not been resolved by the CUSTOMER RELATIONS, SALES, SERVICE, or PARTS MANAGER, then please contact the GENERAL MANAGER of the dealership or the OWNER.

  • Page 282: Customer Assistance (Canada)

    Your complete and permanent satisfaction is of primary concern to Mazda. All Authorized Mazda Dealers have both the knowledge and tools to keep your Mazda in top condition. In our experience, any questions, problems, or complaints regarding the operation of your Mazda or any other general service transactions are most effectively resolved by your dealer.

  • Page 283
    If a specific item of concern arises, where a solution cannot be reached between an owner, Mazda, and/or one of it’s dealers (that all parties cannot agree upon), the owner may wish to use the services offered by the Canadian Motor Vehicle Arbitration Plan (CAMVAP).
  • Page 284
    British Columbia & Yukon Territories Alberta & Northwest Territories Saskatchewan Manitoba Ontario Atlantic Canada Quebec M Regional Offices REGIONAL OFFICES MAZDA CANADA INC. WESTERN REGION 8171 ACKROYD ROAD SUITE 2000 RICHMOND B.C. V6X 3K1 (604) 303-5670 MAZDA CANADA INC. CENTRAL/ATLANTIC REGION…
  • Page 285: Customer Assistance (Puerto Rico)

    M STEP 1 Discuss the matter with an Authorized Mazda Dealer. This is the quickest and best way to address the issue. If your concern has not been resolved by the CUSTOMER RELATIONS, SALES, SERVICE, or PARTS MANAGER, then please contact the GENERAL MANAGER of the dealership or the OWNER.

  • Page 286: Mazda Importer/Distributors

    305 Milner Avenue, Suite 400 Scarborough, Ontario M1B 3V4 Canada TEL:1 (800) 263-4680 (in Canada) (416) 609-9909 (outside Canada) M PUERTO RICO Plaza Motors Corp. (Mazda de Puerto Rico) P.O. Box 362722, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00936-2722 TEL: (787) 788-9300…

  • Page 287: Warranty

    • Emission Defect Warranty • Emission Performance Warranty • California Emission Control Warranty (U.S.A. only) • Emission Control Warranty (Canada only) • Replacement Parts and Accessories Limited Warranty • Tire Warranty NOTE Detailed warranty information is provided with your Mazda. Form No. 8R21-EA-02G…

  • Page 288: Outside The United States And Canada

    • Proper repair facilities, tools, testing equipment, and replacement parts may not be available. The Mazda warranty applies only to Mazda vehicles registered and normally operated in the United States, its territories, and Canada. Form No. 8R21-EA-02G…

  • Page 289: Registering Your Vehicle In A Foreign Country (Except United States And Canada)

    Parts, servicing techniques, and tools necessary to maintain and repair your vehicle may be unavailable. There might not be an Authorized Mazda Dealer in the country you plan to take your vehicle. The Mazda warranty is valid only in certain countries.

  • Page 290: Add-On Non-Genuine Parts And Accessories

    Non-genuine parts and accessories for Mazda vehicles can be found in stores. These may fit your vehicle, but they are not approved by Mazda for use with Mazda vehicles. When you install non-genuine parts or accessories, they could affect your vehicle’s performance or safety system;…

  • Page 291: Cell Phones

    Cell Phones Warning Use of Cell Phones and Other Devices by Driver: Although not Mazda products, use of any electrical devices such as cell phones, computers, portable radios, vehicle navigation or other devices by the driver while the vehicle is moving is dangerous. Dialing a number on a cell phone while driving also ties-up the driver’s hands.

  • Page 292: Uniform Tire Quality Grading System (Utqgs)

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 13 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Uniform Tire Quality Grading System (UTQGS) Uniform Tire Quality Grading System (UTQGS) This information relates to the tire grading system developed by the U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration for grading tires by tread wear, traction, and temperature performance.

  • Page 293
    These grades will be added to the sidewalls of passenger vehicle tires over the next several years according to a schedule established by the NHTSA and the tire manufacturers. The grade of tires available as standard or optional equipment on Mazda vehicle may vary with respect to grade.
  • Page 294: Reporting Safety Defects

    Transportation. Washington, D.C. 20590. You can also obtain other information about motor vehicle safety from the Hotline. NOTE If you live in the U.S.A., all correspondence to Mazda Motor Corporation should be forwarded to: Mazda North American Operations 7755, Irvine Center Drive Irvine, California 92618-2922 P.O.

  • Page 295: Wiring Diagram

    Factory-authorized Mazda service publications are available for owners who wish to do some of their own maintenance and repair. When requesting any of our publications through an Authorized Mazda Dealer, refer to the chart below. If they don’t have what you need in stock, they can order it for you.

  • Page 296: Specifications

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 1 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Specifications Technical information about your Mazda. Identification Numbers … 10- 2 Vehicle Information Labels … 10- 2 Specifications … 10- 4 Specifications … 10- 4 Form No. 8R21-EA-02G 10-1…

  • Page 297: Identification Numbers

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 2 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Identification Numbers Vehicle Information Labels M Vehicle Identification Number The vehicle identification number legally identifies your vehicle. The number is on a plate attached to the left top side of the dashboard.

  • Page 298
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 3 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Identification Numbers M Engine Number Front 10-3 Form No. 8R21-EA-02G…
  • Page 299: Electrical System

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 4 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Specifications M Engine Item Type Bore × Stroke Displacement Compression ratio M Electrical System Item Battery Alternator Starter Spark-plug number Spark-plug gap M Lubricant Quality Lubricant Engine oil* Refer to the recommended SAE viscosity numbers on page 8-9. Lubricant Automatic transaxle fluid Power steering fluid…

  • Page 300: Air Conditioner

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 5 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM M Capacities (Approximate Quantities) Item With oil filter replacement Engine oil Without oil filter replacement With rear heater Coolant Without rear heater Automatic transaxle fluid With 4-Seasons package Washer fluid Without 4-Seasons package Fuel tank Check oil and fluid levels with dipsticks or reservoir gauges.

  • Page 301
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 6 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Specifications M Light Bulbs Headlights Front turn signal lights/Side-marker lights Fog lights Parking lights Rear turn signal lights Brake lights/Taillights Taillights High-mount brake light Reverse lights License plate lights Overhead lights/Map lights Overhead light Liftgate light Courtesy lights…
  • Page 302: Index

    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 1 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Index 11-1 Form No. 8R21-EA-02G…

  • Page 303
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 2 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Index Accessory Sockets … 6-51 Add-On Non-Genuine Parts and Accessories … 9-11 Air Bag Systems … 2-50 Air Filter … 8-17 Antenna … 6-14 Anti-Lock Brake System (ABS) … 5-7 Warning light … 5-7 Appearance Care …
  • Page 304
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 3 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Dashboard Illumination …5-22 Daytime Running Lights …5-33 Defroster Rear window …5-36 Dimensions …10-5 Door Locks … 3-8 Driving In Flooded Area …4-10 Driving Tips … 4-7 Automatic transaxle …5-11 Break-in period … 4-7 Driving in flooded area …4-10 Hazardous driving …4-8 Money-saving suggestions …4-7…
  • Page 305
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 4 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Index Hazard Warning Flasher … 5-37 Hazardous Driving … 4-8 Headlights Control … 5-32 Flashing … 5-32 High-low beams … 5-32 On reminder … 5-32 Hood Release … 3-24 Horn … 5-37 Ignition Keys …
  • Page 306
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 5 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Paint Damage …8-38 Parking Brake … 5-5 Parking in an Emergency …7-2 Power Door Locks …3-10 Power Sliding Doors …3-12 Power Steering …5-12 Fluid …8-14 Power Windows …3-19 Push-Starting …7-19 Rear Console …6-50 Rear Door Child Safety Locks …3-11 Rear Quarter Windows …3-22 Rear Window Defroster …5-36…
  • Page 307
    J16L_8R21-EA-02G.book Page 6 Saturday, June 8, 2002 11:16 AM Index Tachometer … 5-21 Temporary Spare Tire … 8-25 Theft-Deterrent System … 3-29 Third-row seat … 2-17 Tiedown Hook … 7-21 Tires Flat tire … 7-3 Inflation pressure … 8-23 Replacement … 8-25 Rotation …

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Mazda MPV repair manual

Mazda MPV

The Mazda MPV (Multi-Purpose Vehicle) is a minivan manufactured by Mazda. Introduced in 1989 as a rear-wheel-drive model with optional selectable four-wheel drive, it was replaced in 2000 with a front-wheel-drive-only version. In 2008, a facelifted version was introduced. External modifications include a new front bumper with new foglights. A five-speed automatic transaxle replaced the four-speed unit used in NA FWD models. Six-speed Automatics remained in the turbo and 4WD models. Over one million MPV models had been produced since its introduction.

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Mazda MPV 2002-2006 / Мазда MPV 2002-2006

  • Цитата

Сообщение nekesha » 21 фев 2015, 19:27

Руководство по эксплуатации, техобслуживанию и ремонту Mazda MPV / Мазда MPV

Выпуск: с 2002 по 2006 год

Язык: Русский
Формат: PDF
Размер: 182 Мб
Russian language
Format: PDF
Size: 182 MB

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alllex » 21 мар 2007, 13:37

я посмотрел, что выложено здесь в FAQ. Это сборник файлов .pdf типа issue, выпущенных в разное время, то есть не нормальный мануал. Нашел, например, информацию, что на МПВ выпуска с такого по такой период нет наклейки о рекомендуемом давлении шин или она неправильная. Это не то. Я имел в виду настоящую инструкцию по эксплуатации. Да, книжку по МПВ я заказал и получил, да только несколько десятков листов там дублированы (одинаковые), соответственно, некоторых листов нет. Кроме того, я привык обращаться к первоисточникам, а не переводам, непонятно как выполненным. Как теперь книгу поменять или претензию выставить — не знаю, далеко до этого инет-магазина да и заниматься не хочется. Да, обошлась она мне примерно в 1000 р., недешево.
но спасибо.

Best regards, alllex
Соболь Баргузин — был,
MPV FS FF urbanbreak silver Japan — есть, Соболь 4х4 — хочу

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