Мануал на альфа ромео 166

Посмотреть инструкция для Alfa Romeo 166 (2007) бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории Автомобили, 8 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 8.2. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Alfa Romeo 166 (2007) или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

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Как перевести мили в километры?

Где я могу узнать идентификационный номер транспортного средства Alfa Romeo?

Что такое идентификационный номер транспортного средства (VIN)?

Когда транспортному средству Alfa Romeo требуется техническое обслуживание?

Когда следует заменять тормозную жидкость на Alfa Romeo?

В чем разница между топливом E10 и E5?

Одна или несколько дверей не открываются изнутри. Что мне делать?

Автомобильный радиоприемник не включается, что делать?

Инструкция Alfa Romeo 166 (2007) доступно в русский?

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Dear Client,

Thank you for choosing Alfa Romeo.


has been designed to guarantee the safety, comfort and driving pleasure typical of Alfa

Alfa 166


This booklet will help you to get to know the characteristics and operation of your vehicle.

The following pages contain all the indications necessary for you to be able to maintain the high standards of

performance, quality, safety and respect for the environment which characterise this

Alfa 166.


also contains the regulations, the warranty certificate and a guide to the services offered by

Warranty Booklet

Alfa Romeo — services which are essential and precious because, when you purchase an Alfa Romeo you are not

only acquiring a car, but the tranquillity that comes from knowing that an efficient, willing and widespread orga-

nization is at your service for any assistance problems you may have.

What’s more every single component of the

is fully recyclable. At the end of your car’s useful

Alfa 166

lifespan any Alfa Romeo dealer would be pleased to make arrangements for your car to be recycled and nature

benefits in two ways: there’s no pollution from waste disposal, and the demand for raw materials is reduced.

Have a good trip.




Summary of Contents for Alfa Romeo 166

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Мануал на 166 на русском?

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Мануал на 166 на русском?

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Сообщение Добавлено: 31 янв 2011, 13:58 

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Зарегистрирован: 17 май 2010, 20:39
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Авто: Alfa Romeo 166 V6 Turbo

abcdef.86 писал(а):

точно, не сломал) работает)
еще вопросик: расскажите неопытному мне: что такое на климате econ, auto?

ECON — это принудительное отключение кондиционера, зачем — может газу хочешь до упора дать или что то с климатом в салоне мутишь.
AUTO — автоматическое регулирование климатом в салоне, температура стоит какую сам поставишь или выбирается компом самостоятельно, точно не скажу, а вот вентилятор дует по своей логике.

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Мануал на 166 на русском?

Сообщение Добавлено: 31 янв 2011, 22:43 

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Зарегистрирован: 09 янв 2011, 20:53
Сообщения: 155
Откуда: Гомель, Беларусь

Авто: альфа 166 2.0 TS ручка

как печку включить?

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Сообщение Добавлено: 01 фев 2011, 10:23 

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Зарегистрирован: 17 июн 2010, 11:19
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Авто: Alfa Romeo 166 V6TB

поставь температуру выше окружающей среды и будет тебе печка

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Сообщение Добавлено: 01 фев 2011, 20:07 

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Зарегистрирован: 09 янв 2011, 20:53
Сообщения: 155
Откуда: Гомель, Беларусь

Авто: альфа 166 2.0 TS ручка

Так это будет работать печка или климат?

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Мануал на 166 на русском?

Сообщение Добавлено: 02 фев 2011, 09:55 

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Зарегистрирован: 17 май 2010, 20:39
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Авто: Alfa Romeo 166 V6 Turbo

abcdef.86 писал(а):

Так это будет работать печка или климат?

В 166 понятия печки и кондиционера нет — там смешанная система, которая позволяет даже зимой осушать воздух с помощью включённого кондиционера и потом подогревать его радиатором печки — но всё это один агрегат.
Всё зависит от той температуры, которую ты выставляешь и от исправности кондиционера.
Зимой, как правило, когда ставишь уже 17С начинает дуть весьма тёплый воздух в салон при прогретом движке, но это если у тебя всё исправно. Я катаюсь практически всегда с температурой внутри 17-19С, больше становится жарко и хочется спать.
Но тут тоже не всё так просто — ведь летом если поставить 17С то будет далеко не тепло, а скорее очень холодно.
Значит автоматика авто видит температуру за бортом машины, датчик на левом зеркале, снизу и включает эту разницу с каким то хитрым алгоритмом.
Как то так, без премудростей.
Если ставишь градусов 20-22С и дует холодный поток воздуха в салон при прогретом двигателе — в системе охлаждения сидит воздух — пробки.
Но это я так…. 8-)

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Мануал на 166 на русском?

Сообщение Добавлено: 02 фев 2011, 14:08 

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Зарегистрирован: 09 янв 2011, 20:53
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Откуда: Гомель, Беларусь

Авто: альфа 166 2.0 TS ручка

у меня если ставишь 20-22 дует теплый при прогретом. значит все нормально?

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Сообщение Добавлено: 02 фев 2011, 16:23 

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Зарегистрирован: 17 май 2010, 20:39
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Авто: Alfa Romeo 166 V6 Turbo

abcdef.86 писал(а):

у меня если ставишь 20-22 дует теплый при прогретом. значит все нормально?

Я думаю да.
Вообще в системе кондиционирования 166-й много специфики, которую лучше знать, чем ломать зазря.
Например, если на мониторе высвечивается надпись Air condition fall out или как то так, не вспомню, то это ещё не факт, что сдох кондиционер. Такая надпись, например, появляется при неисправности вентилятора салона, самое простое это проблемы с 30А предохранителем, очень часто встречается. Причём из-за дребезга контактов или плохого контакта из-за обгорания предохранителя в разъёме может быть переодическое включение и выключение всей системы. Выключаешь зажигание, включаешь — всё заработало или до ближайшей кочки.
Но есть изощрённее проблема — надпись появляется, а вот вентилятор слышно как дует и через какое то время опять всё работает или при вкл/выкл всё приходит в норму. Тут следующее — если мозги кондиционирования дают команду на управление заслонкой внутри панели, а она не повернулась — на экране надпись, а всё остальное работает. Часто это бывает при сильных морозах и когда авто стоит на улице. Главное тут без вмешательства, особенно в сам кондиционер, при заводке не трогайте включающееся по умолчанию движение воздуха в ноги. (автоматический режим).
Ну и самое главное — чаще менять фильтр салона, дозаправлять кондей (но без фанатизма, особенно маслом, которое дабавляется в фреон, а то гидроудар постигнет вас на выезде из этого заведения или раньше) и не включать вентилятор надолго на максимум интенсивности. Если в сырую погоду очень долго внутри не отпотевает — ищите проблему в кондее, максимум вентилятора это временное решение, потом он накрывается, как правило.
Ну и чистите место, куда вставляется фильтр салона, там тоже внизу собирается грязь.
А вот вопрос со сливом из кондея конденсата — другая тема…

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Мануал на 166 на русском?

Сообщение Добавлено: 03 фев 2011, 14:08 

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Зарегистрирован: 09 янв 2011, 20:53
Сообщения: 155
Откуда: Гомель, Беларусь

Авто: альфа 166 2.0 TS ручка

еще не подскажешь: фильтр салона, где находится, как меняется?

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Мануал на 166 на русском?

Сообщение Добавлено: 03 фев 2011, 14:48 

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Зарегистрирован: 17 май 2010, 20:39
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Авто: Alfa Romeo 166 V6 Turbo

abcdef.86 писал(а):

еще не подскажешь: фильтр салона, где находится, как меняется?

Поищи вот по этой ссылке

http://www.alfisti.ru/phpBB3/viewtopic. … &sk=t&sd=a

Где то там я выкладывал фото, как это делается. На нашем сайте тоже есть эта тема, там тоже много интересного, например замена ремня ГРМ и не только.

Владею и наслаждаюсь Alfa Romeo 166 V6 Turbo

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Мануал на 166 на русском?

Сообщение Добавлено: 03 фев 2011, 20:49 

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Зарегистрирован: 09 янв 2011, 20:53
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Откуда: Гомель, Беларусь

Авто: альфа 166 2.0 TS ручка

Ремень грм и балансировочный я уже поменял. вроде ничего сложного, сам менял.

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Мануал на 166 на русском?

Сообщение Добавлено: 04 фев 2011, 21:59 

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Зарегистрирован: 09 янв 2011, 20:53
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Откуда: Гомель, Беларусь

Авто: альфа 166 2.0 TS ручка

Спасибо Альфа док за ссылку по замене фильтра салона. Думаю поменять его.
еще вопросики: можно как то посмотреть выстреливали ли подушки безопасности? как часто надо менять топливный фильтр?

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Мануал на 166 на русском?

Сообщение Добавлено: 06 фев 2011, 11:30 

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Зарегистрирован: 16 июн 2010, 14:24
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Авто: Alfa Romeo 166 Turbo

топливного фильтра нет …
подушки в проге диагностической можно протестить …

фильтр салона надо поменять …
оригинал угольный меняется достаточно редко…

«У моего папы на машине крестик и гусеничка» © Моя дочь…

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Мануал на 166 на русском?

Сообщение Добавлено: 06 фев 2011, 12:47 

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Зарегистрирован: 17 май 2010, 20:39
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Авто: Alfa Romeo 166 V6 Turbo

v3dmax писал(а):

топливного фильтра нет …
подушки в проге диагностической можно протестить …

фильтр салона надо поменять …
оригинал угольный меняется достаточно редко…

Я угольный фильтр салона меняю раз в год — но он и стоит почти в два раза дороже обычных, это правда.
Топливных фильтров нет, по крайней мере штатных, очистка топлива осуществляется в топливном насосе.
Есть специальная прога для диагностики именно подушек безопасности. Она у меня есть, но я ей не разу не пользовался, если хочешь попробовать — пиши, скину.

Владею и наслаждаюсь Alfa Romeo 166 V6 Turbo

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Мануал на 166 на русском?

Сообщение Добавлено: 06 фев 2011, 13:58 

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Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2010, 00:58
Сообщения: 160
Откуда: Москва

Авто: Alfa Romeo GT

abcdef.86 писал(а):

у меня не турбо. У меня 166 2,0 TS, 2000года с 6 ступеньчатой механикой.

Всегда думал, что на TS не ставили ни круиз, ни 6 ступки. У Тебя наверное, какой то эксклюзив? Откуда она?

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Мануал на 166 на русском?

Сообщение Добавлено: 06 фев 2011, 22:20 

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Зарегистрирован: 09 янв 2011, 20:53
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Откуда: Гомель, Беларусь

Авто: альфа 166 2.0 TS ручка

круиза как оказалось у меня нету. почему эксклюзив. в нете полно 2,0 со 6 ступкой. моя машинка из голландии приехала.
еще вопросик: у меня нету карточек с кодами. можно ли клемму с акб скидывать?

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Мануал на 166 на русском?

Сообщение Добавлено: 07 фев 2011, 06:03 

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Зарегистрирован: 09 сен 2010, 00:58
Сообщения: 160
Откуда: Москва

Авто: Alfa Romeo GT

abcdef.86 писал(а):

круиза как оказалось у меня нету. почему эксклюзив. в нете полно 2,0 со 6 ступкой. моя машинка из голландии приехала.
еще вопросик: у меня нету карточек с кодами. можно ли клемму с акб скидывать?

2.0 бывают разные, у турбы, да, 6 ступка. Клемму можешь скидывать, потом на экране увидишь предложение ввести ics код. климат работать будет, но без отображения на дисплее, остальное: музыка, нави, бк — не будут.
Говорят, код ics выбит на верхней крышке самого блока, то бишь вынимаешь блок с экраном и смотришь сверху 4 циферки.(сам, правда, не проверял)

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Мануал на 166 на русском?

Сообщение Добавлено: 07 фев 2011, 09:45 

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Зарегистрирован: 17 май 2010, 20:39
Сообщения: 788

Авто: Alfa Romeo 166 V6 Turbo

abcdef.86 писал(а):

круиза как оказалось у меня нету. почему эксклюзив. в нете полно 2,0 со 6 ступкой. моя машинка из голландии приехала.
еще вопросик: у меня нету карточек с кодами. можно ли клемму с акб скидывать?

Жестокая у тебя ситуация, без карточки нельзя.
Сделай запрос к официалам по VIN коду на дубликат карточки, особенно той, где код ручного запуска двигателя.
У меня было две ситуации, когда приходилось так заводиться, не говоря уже о простой смене АКБ.

Владею и наслаждаюсь Alfa Romeo 166 V6 Turbo

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Мануал на 166 на русском?

Сообщение Добавлено: 07 фев 2011, 10:02 

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Зарегистрирован: 17 июн 2010, 11:19
Сообщения: 658

Авто: Alfa Romeo 166 V6TB

Gorec писал(а):

2.0 бывают разные, у турбы, да, 6 ступка. Клемму можешь скидывать, потом на экране увидишь предложение ввести ics код. климат работать будет, но без отображения на дисплее, остальное: музыка, нави, бк — не будут.
Говорят, код ics выбит на верхней крышке самого блока, то бишь вынимаешь блок с экраном и смотришь сверху 4 циферки.(сам, правда, не проверял)

на тс с какого-то года ставили тоже 6-ступку, хотя не представляю как она едит, на 5 ступке и так твинспарк не сильно радовал глаз, мот с 6-ступкой он улучшился
на ицс только будет серийник, а по нему в нете некоторые писали что можно сгенерировать серийник, я бы не рекомендовал снимать клемму

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Takumo 2.0

Заголовок сообщения: Re: Мануал на 166 на русском?

Сообщение Добавлено: 09 фев 2011, 02:39 

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uptrance2day писал(а):

на тс с какого-то года ставили тоже 6-ступку

2001 модельный год.

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Заголовок сообщения: Re: Мануал на 166 на русском?

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Авто: альфа 166 2.0 TS ручка

а если акб менять. то как снять старый и не вводя ИЦС?

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Онлайн-руководства по эксплуатации Alfa Romeo 156/147/166

  • Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации 156

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  • Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Alfa Romeo 156

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  • Где можно приобрести р-во по ремонту 147? (DTE, E-learn)

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  • Инструкция по эксплуатации 147 на русском

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  • Alfa 156. Руководство по эксплуатации

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Dear Client,

Thank you for choosing Alfa Romeo.

Your Alfa 166 has been designed to guarantee the safety, comfort and driving pleasure typical of Alfa Romeo.

This booklet will help you to get to know the characteristics and operation of your vehicle.

The following pages contain all the indications necessary for you to be able to maintain the high standards of performance, quality, safety and respect for the environment which characterise this Alfa 166.

The Warranty Booklet also contains the regulations, the warranty certificate and a guide to the services offered by Alfa Romeo — services which are essential and precious because, when you purchase an Alfa Romeo you are not only acquiring a car, but the tranquillity that comes from knowing that an efficient, willing and widespread organization is at your service for any assistance problems you may have.

What’s more every single component of the Alfa 166 is fully recyclable. At the end of your car’s useful lifespan any Alfa Romeo dealer would be pleased to make arrangements for your car to be recycled and nature benefits in two ways: there’s no pollution from waste disposal, and the demand for raw materials is reduced.

Have a good trip.


Any queries concerning servicing should be forwarded to the showroom from which the vehicle was purchased, the subsidiary company or to our branch offices or associated companies.


The Warranty Booklet is delivered together with every new vehicle and contains the regulations tied to the services given by Alfa Romeo Services and to the warranty conditions.

Correctly carrying out the scheduled services specified by the manufacturer is the best way to maintain the performance, safety characteristics and low running costs of your vehicle. It is also necessary to maintain warranty cover.

“Service” guide

This contains the Alfa Romeo Authorized Services. The services can be recognized by the presence of the Alfa Romeo badge and logo.

The Alfa Romeo organization in Italy can be found in the telephone book under the letter “A” Alfa Romeo.

Not all the models described in this booklet are available in all countries. Only some of the fittings described in this booklet are fitted as standard to the vehicle. The list of available accessories should be requested from Alfa Romeo Dealers.




Petrol engines: only use unleaded petrol with no less than 95 R.O.N.

KJTD engines: only use Diesel fuel for motor vehicles that meet European Specification EN590.


Petrol engines with mechanical transmission: engage the handbrake; set the gearshift lever to neutral; fully depress the clutch without pressing the accelerator, then turn the ignition key to AVV and release it as soon as the engine has started.

Petrol engines with automatic electronic transmission (Sportronic): make sure that the handbrake is engaged and that the gearshift lever is at P; keep the brake pedal fully depressed without pressing the accelerator; then turn the ignition key to AVV and release it as soon as the engine has started.

JTD engines with mechanical transmission: engage the handbrake; set the gearshift lever to neutral; fully depress the clutch without pressing the accelerator; turn the ignition key to MAR and wait for the m warning light to go off, then turn the ignition key to AVV and release it as soon as the engine has started.

JTD engines with automatic electronic transmission (Sportronic): make sure that the handbrake is engaged and that the gearshift lever is at P; keep the brake pedal fully depressed without pressing the accelerator; turn the ignition key to MAR and wait for the m warning light to go off, then turn the ignition key to AVV and release it as soon as the engine has started.


While working, the catalyst develops a very high temperature. Do not park the car over grass, dry leaves, pine needles or

any other inflammable materials: risk of fire.



The vehicle is fitted with a system that allows continuous diagnosis of the components correlated with emissions to ensure better respect for the environment.


the battery), contact Alfa Romeo Authorised Services who will assess the overall electrical absorption and check whether the car system is able to withstand the load required.If after purchasing the car you wish to install accessories that need an electrical supply (with the risk of gradually draining


Keep it in a safe place, not in the car. It is advisable to always keep the electronic code on the CODE card with you in case emergency starting is necessary.


Correct maintenance makes it possible to preserve vehicle peformance levels and safety, respect for the environment and low running costs unaltered over the course of time.


…you will find important information, advice and warnings for correct use, driving safety and vehicle maintenance over time. Pay particular attention to the symbols » (personal safety) # (protecting the environment) â (vehicle safety).



The symbols illustrated in these pages show the subjects which should, in particular, be closely studied.







Warning: partially or fully ignoring these rules may lead to serious injury.

This indicates the correct procedures to be followed to prevent the vehicle from damaging the environment.

Warning: partially or fully ignoring these rules may lead to serious damage being caused to the vehicle which, in some circumstances, may cause forfeiture of the warranty cover.



Special coloured labels have been attached near to or actually on some of the components making up your Alfa 166. These labels bear symbols that remind you of the precautions to be taken as regards that particular component.

A list of the symbols to be found on your Alfa 166 is given below, with the name of the component to which it relates at the side of it.

These symbols are divided into the following four categories: danger, prohibition, warning and obligation.



Corrosive fluid.




May cut in automatically when the engine is off.

Expansion tank

Do not remove the cap when the coolant is boiling.


High voltage.


Belts and pulleys

Moving parts; keep limbs and clothing away.

Climate control tubing

Do not open.

Gas under high pressure.


See the owner Handbook.



Keep away from naked flames.


Keep away from children.

Heat shields — belts — pulleys — fan

Do not touch.

Passenger’s Air bag

Do not install a child’s seat on the front passenger’s seat with operational air bag.


Catalytic converter

Do not park over inflammable materials. See paragraph “Protecting emission reducing devices”.

Power steering

Do not exceed the maximum fluid level in the reservoir. Use only the recommended fluid; see table “Specifications of fluids and lubricants”.

Brake circuit

Do not exceed the maximum fluid level in the reservoir. Use only the recommended fluid; see table “Specifications of fluids and lubricants”.



Windscreen wiper

Use only the recommended fluid; see table “Specifications of fluids and lubricants”.


Protect your eyes.


Use only the recommended lubricant; see table

“Specifications of fluids and lubricants”.

Battery — Jack

See the Owner Handbook.

Unleaded petrol vehicle

Use only unleaded petrol with RON 95.

Diesel vehicle


Use only diesel fuel.

Expansion tank

Use only the recommended fluid; see table “Specifications of fluids and lubricants”.






The text, illustrations and specifications given herein are based on the vehicle at the date of going to press.

In our ongoing striving to improve our products, Alfa Romeo may introduce technical changes during production, therefore the specifications and equipment on board may be altered without prior notice. Contact the factory sales network for detailed information.



Sit comfortably in your vehicle and carefully read through the following pages.

You will immediately recognize the parts described and rapidly get to know the controls and devices fitted to your vehicle.




………. 14

THE ALFA ROMEO CODE SYSTEM…………………………………………………………….


ELECTRONIC ALARM………………………………………………………………………………….




IGNITION DEVICE………………………………………………………………………………………




SEATS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


STEERING WHEEL ADJUSTMENT ……………………………………………………………..




POWER WINDOWS ……………………………………………………………………………………


SEAT BELTS …………………………………………………………………………………………………


CARRYING CHILDREN SAFELY………………………………………………………………….


FRONT AND SIDE AIR BAGS…………………………………………………………………….








PARKING SENSORS …………………………………………………………………………………..


INSTRUMENT PANEL …………………………………………………………………………………


CLIMATE CONTROL ……………………………………………………………………………………


CLIMATE CONTROL UNIT ………………………………………………………………………….


ADDITIONAL HEATER………………………………………………………………………………..






INTERNAL FITTINGS ………………………………………………………………………………….


SUNROOF …………………………………………………………………………………………………..


LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT ……………………………………………………………………….


BONNET ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..




ENGINE CONTROL SYSTEM (EOBD) ………………………………………………………..


ABS ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………..


VDC AND ASR SYSTEMS……………………………………………………………………………


SOUND SYSTEM…………………………………………………………………………………………


REFUELLING ………………………………………………………………………………………………


FUEL CUT-OFF SWITCH …………………………………………………………………………….


ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION……………………………………………………………….



Alfa Romeo 166 User Manual



fig. 1


1Air ducts for side window outlets.

2Side air vents.

3Light switch lever (high beam, flashing, direction indicators and controls for Cruise Control (automatically keeping a set speed) (if present).

4Instrument cluster.

5Outlets for windscreen.

6Upper outlet.

7Oddments compartment.

8Centre air vents.

9Passenger’s air bag.

10Manual passenger’s side Air bag deactivation switch.

11Glove box.

12Boot opening button (in glove box).

13Button for rearscreen defrosting, door mirrors and resistances at base of windscreen (if present).

14Button for windscreen/front side windows and door mirrors defrosting, rearscreen heating, resistances at base of windscreen (if present).

15Cigar lighter.

16Alfa Romeo I . C . S . (INTEGRATED CONTROL SYSTEM): RDS radio, computer on board (TRIP), climate control, clock and outside/inside temperature, GSM phone and navigation system (if present).

17Buttons for central locking, fuel flap opening, switching off the ASR function of the VDC system switching on the STR system (if present).

18Rear fog guard switch.

19Front fog light switch.

20Hazard warning light switch.

21Inside temperature sensor.

22Windscreen wiper/washer control lever and rain sensor (if present).

23Ignition switch (ignition device).

24Driver’s air bag and horn.

25Lever for releasing/locking adjustable steering wheel.

26Instrument lighting adjustment.

27Headlamp aiming device control (except versions with gas discharge headlights).

28Outside lights switch.

29Bonnet opening lever.

30Front floor air outlets.




(on request for versions/markets where applicable)

The main audio functions (AUDIO) of the Alfa Romeo I.C.S. system are repeated on the steering wheel, which facilitates control.

A — Mute button

B — Volume highering button

C — Volume lowering button

D — Multifunction key:

Radio: call preset stations (1 to 6)

CD player: select next track

E — Multifunction key:

Radio: call preset stations (6 to 1)

CD player: select previous track

F — Radio frequency range select button (FM-A, FM-B, FM-AS, MW, LW) and available audio sources (Radio – Cassette player –CD player).

Mute key (A)

To turn the Mute function on, briefly press button (A): the volume will lower gradually.

To turn the Mute function off, briefly press button (A) again. The volume will higher gradually returning to the previously set value.

The Mute function is also turned off pressing one of the volume adjustment keys (B) or (C): in this event volume is directly changed.

When the Mute function is on, all the other functions can be used and if traffic information is received the message ignores the Mute function.


Volume adjustment keys (B) and


Press (B) to increase volume and (C) to lower it.

Pressing briefly the key volume change is gradual by steps. Pressing it longer volume change is faster.

If volume is changed during a traffic bulletin, the new value is kept only for the bulletin in progress.

Multifunction keys (D) and (E)

Multifunction keys (D) and (E) shall be used for tuning preset radio stations, for backward rewinding and for selecting next/previous CD track.

Press (D) to select stations from 1 to 6, or to play next CD track.

Press (E) to select stations from 6 to 1, to play previous CD track.

Frequency range and audio source select key (F)

To cyclically select the frequency ranges and audio sources, briefly and repeatedly press key (F).

The frequencies/sources available are: FM — A, FM — B, FM — AS, MW, LW, CC*, CD**.

(*) Only if the cassette is inserted.

(**) Only if a CD is inserted.



To increase protection against attempted theft, the car is fitted with an electronic engine lock system (Alfa Romeo CODE) certified in accordance with EC Directive 95/56 which is activated automatically when the key is removed from the ignition.

In fact the grip of each key contains an electronic device which modulates the radio frequency signal transmitted when the engine is started by a special aerial incorporated in the ignition switch.

This modulated signal is the “password” by which the control unit recognises the key and only in this condition can the engine be started.


The car is provided with the key (A- fig. 4) with metal insert with power-as- sisted opening, remote control for opening the boot and remote control for unlocking/locking the doors and electronic alarm (where applicable).


fig. 4

The key operates:

the ignition

door locks

boot lock

glovebox lock

remote door locking/unlocking sys-


alarm system (optional for versions/ markets where applicable)

deactivation of the passenger’s Air


IMPORTANT In order to ensure the perfect efficiency of the electronic devices contained inside the key, avoid exposing it to direct sunlight.


fig. 5


The CODE card (fig. 5), provided with the key, bears the key codes (both mechanical and electronic code for emergency starting).

The code numbers on the CODE card must be kept in a safe place, not in the car.

The driver should always keep the electronic code given on the CODE card with him in the event of having to carry out emergency starting.

If the car changes ownership the new owner must be given all the

keys and the CODE card.


(optional for versions/markets where applicable)

The key is fitted with:

a metallic insert (A) that can be reclosed in the key grip

button (B) for power-assisted opening of the metallic insert

button (C) for remote opening/closing of the doors and turning the electronic alarm on/off (where fitted)

led (D) that signals the sending of the code to the electronic alarm system receiver


fig. 6

– button (E) for remote boot opening.

The metallic insert (A) of the key operates:

the ignition

front door locks

boot lock

glove box lock

passenger’s Air bag deactivation switch.

To move the metallic insert out of the key grip, press button (B).



When button (B) is pressed, take the utmost care to prevent the metal insert from

causing injury or damage when it comes out. Button (B) must only be pressed when the key is away from the body, in particular the eyes, and from objects that could be spoilt (e.g. clothes).

Never leave the key unattended to prevent anyone, especially children, from holding it and pressing button (B) inadvertently.

To insert the metallic insert in the key grip, keep button (B-fig. 6) pressed and turn the insert on the direction of the arrow until it clicks into place, then release the button (B).

To open/close the doors by remote control, press button (C). On cars fitted with electronic alarm system, pressing button (C) also turns the electronic alarm on/off and the led (D) flashes while the transmitter sends the code to the receiver. This rolling code changes at each transmission.

IMPORTANT If led (D) flashes only once briefly when button (C) is pressed, the battery need changing as described below.

Opening the boot

The boot can be opened by remote control from outside pressing button (E- fig. 6), also when the electronic alarm (where fitted) is on.

In this case the alarm disengages the boot control sensor, the system (with the exception of versions for certain markets) sounds two beeps and the direction indicators light up for about three seconds.

When the boot is closed again the control function is restored, the system (with the exception of versions for certain markets) sounds two beeps and the direction indicators light up for about three seconds.



If pressing the remote control buttons (A or B-fig. 7), the led (C-fig. 7) gives only one brief flash and the alarm system led (where fitted) (A-fig. 8) on the dashboard stays on glowing steadily for about 2 minutes (after turning off the alarm and with the ignition switch off), it is necessary to replace the battery with a new one of the equivalent type to be found c/o normal retailers.

To replace the battery, remove the plastic lid (A-fig. 9), insert the new battery according to the correct polarity and put the lid back on.

For further information contact Authorised Alfa Romeo Services.

Dead batteries constitute a hazard for the environment and must be disposed of in the special con-

tainers as specified by the relative laws.


Each time the ignition key is turned to the STOP position, the Alfa Romeo CODE system deactivates the functions of the engine electronic control unit.

Each time the engine is started, turning the key to the MAR position, the control unit of the Alfa Romeo CODE system sends a recognition code to the engine control unit to deactivate the inhibition of the functions.

The recognition code, which is crypted and variable between over 4 billion combinations, is only sent if the system control unit has recognised the code sent to it by the key, which contains an electronic transmitter, through an aerial in the ignition switch.





This condition is indicated by a brief flash of the warning light ¢ (A-fig. 10) on the check panel.

If the code has not been recognised correctly, the Alfa Romeo CODE system warning light ¢ (A-fig. 10) stays on together with the EOBD/fuel supply-igni- tion system failure warning light (B-fig. 10) U .

In this case, you are recommended to return the key to the STOP position and than back to MAR; if the inhibition persists, try again possibly with the other key provided with the car. If it is still impossible to start the car, carry out the emergency starting procedure described herein and turn to an Alfa Romeo Authorized Service.


fig. 10

IMPORTANT Every electronic key has its own code, which must be memorised by the system control unit. To memorise new keys, up to a maximum of seven, apply solely to Alfa Romeo Authorized Services taking with you all the keys in your possession, the CODE card, a personal identity document and the car’s possession documents.

The codes of the keys not provided during the new memorising proce-

dure are erased from the memory. This is to ensure that any lost or stolen keys can no longer be used to start the car.

IMPORTANT The Alfa Romeo CODE warning light comes on when travelling with the ignition key on MAR:

1) If the warning lamp lights up while the car is moving, it means that the system is running a self-diagnosis (e.g. due to a voltage drop). The first time you stop y- ou can test the system as follows: switch the engine off by turning the ignition key

to STOP; then turn the key back to MAR: the warning lamp will light up and should go out in the space of about one second. If the warning lamp fails to go out, leave the key at STOP for more than 30 seconds and repeat the procedure described previously. If the problem persists, contact your Authorised Alfa Romeo Dealer.

2) If the warning lamp flashes it means that the car is not protected by the immobiliser. Contact your Authorized Alfa Romeo Code Dealer immediately and get them to store the codes of all the keys in the memory.

If after about 2 seconds with the key in the MAR position, the Alfa

Romeo CODE warning light turns on again flashing at appr. half second intervals, this means that the code of the keys has not been memorised, thus the car is not protected by the Alfa Romeo CODE system against attempted theft. In this case, contact an Authorized Alfa Romeo Service to have the key codes memorised.


IMPORTANT In the case of fast starting, turning the key directly from STOP to AVV, the recognition code might not be transmitted completely, preventing the engine from starting: try again more slowly.

IMPORTANT The system is protected by two fuses housed in the main fusebox (see “If a fuse or relay blows” in the chapter “In an emergency”).


If it is not possible to deactivate the engine inhibitor with the ignition key, Alfa Romeo Authorized Services can carry out the emergency procedures using the code of the CODE card, or, you may do this yourself, following the procedure described below.

IMPORTANT You are advised to carefully read the entire procedure before carrying it out.

If a mistake is made during the emergency procedure, the ignition key should be turned to the STOP position and the operations must be repeated from the s- tart (point 1).

1)Read the 5-figure electronic code on the CODE card.

2)Turn the ignition key to the MAR position.

3)Fully depress the accelerator pedal and keep it pressed. The EOBD/fuel sup- ply-ignition system failure warning light U will come on for eight seconds ap-

proximately and will then go out; now release the accelerator pedal.

4)The warning light U begins to flash: after it has flashed for the same number of times as the first digit on the code of the card, press completely and hold down the accelerator pedal until the warning light U comes on (for 4 seconds) and then goes out again; now release the accelerator pedal.

5)The warning light U will begin to flash: after it has flashed for the same number of times as the second digit on the code of the CODE card, press completely and hold down the accelerator pedal.

6)Repeat this procedure in the same way for the other digits on the CODE card code.

7)After entering the last figure, keep the accelerator pedal pressed. The warning light U turns on (for four seconds) and then goes off; now release the accelerator pedal.

8) A quick flash of the warning light U (for appr. 4 seconds) confirms that

the operation has taken place correctly.

9) Start the car turning the ignition key from the MAR position to the AVV position without returning the key to the STOP position.

Conversely, if the warning light U stays on, turn the ignition key to STOP and repeat the procedure starting from point 1).

IMPORTANT After emergency starting it is advisable to turn to an Alfa Romeo Authorized Service, because the procedure described must be repeated each time the engine is started.



(optional for versions/markets where applicable)


The system certified in accordance with EC Directive 95/56 comprises: transmitter , receiver, control unit with siren and volumetric sensors. The electronic alarm is controlled by the receiver and it is turned on and off through the remote control incorporated in the key which sends the crypted, variable code. The electronic alarm monitors: unlawful opening of the doors, bonnet and boot (perimetral protection), operation of the ignition key, battery and emergency key cable cutting, the presence of moving bodies in the passenger compartment (volumetric protection) and operates the central door locking system. Is also makes it possible to cut off volumetric protection and/or the siren.

IMPORTANT The engine inhibitor function is guaranteed by the Alfa Romeo CODE system which is activated automatically when the ignition key is removed from the lock.


The remote control is incorporated in the key and it is fitted with a button (A) and a led (B); the button activates the control, the led flashes while the transmitter sends the code to the receiver. This code (rolling code) changes at each transmission.

IMPORTANT If, when pressing the push-button (A), the led (B) issues just a short flash, replace the batteries as shown in the previous paragraph.


fig. 11

Request for additional remote controls

The receiver can recognise up to 5 remote controls.

If during the life of the car a new remote control is needed for any reason whatsoever, contact Alfa Romeo Authorized services directly, taking with you the CODE card, a personal identity document and the car’s possession documents.



When the doors and boot/bonnet lids are closed and the ignition key is in the STOP position (key removed), point the remote control towards the car and press the button on the ignition key.

With the exception of some markets the system sounds a “BEEP”, the hazard warning lights turn on for appr. three seconds and the door lock is engaged.

Engagement of the alarm is preceded by a self-diagnosis characterised by a change in the frequency at which the led (A-fig. 12) flashes. If an anomaly is detected the system gives off a further “BEEP”.


fig. 12


When the system has been turned on, the led (A-fig. 12) on the dashboard will flash to indicate that the system is in the surveillance mode.

The led ( A) inside the car flashes throughout the whole time the vehicle is under surveillance.

IMPORTANT Operation of the electronic alarm is adapted at the origin to the regulations of the different countries.

Self-diagnosis and monitoring of doors and bonnet/boot

If, after the alarm has been activated, a second acoustic signal is heard, check that all the doors and bonnet/boot are closed properly and engage the system once again.

On the other hand, if a door or bonnet/boot lid is not correctly closed it will not be controlled by the system.

If the control signal is repeated when the doors and bonnet/boot are closed properly this means that the self-diagno- sis function has detected a system operating fault, in which case it is necessary contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services.


To deactivate the alarm press the button on the remote control. The system performs the following (with the exception of some markets):

the direction indicators turn on twice briefly

two beeps are sounded briefly by the siren

the doors are released.

IMPORTANT If the led in the car s- tays on when the system has been deactivated, (maximum of 2 minutes or until the ignition key is moved to MAR) the following should be borne in mind:

if the led stays on permanently, it means that the remote control batteries are flat and need replacing;

if the led continues to flash, but at different intervals than normal, it means that attempts to steal the car have been made, counting the number of flashes it is also possible to identify the type of attempt:

1 flash: right front door

2 flashes: left front door


3 flashes: right rear door

4 flashes: left rear door

5 flashes: volumetric sensors

6 flashes: bonnet

7 flashes: boot

8 flashes: tampering with car starting cables

9 flashes: tampering with battery cables or cutting emergency key cables

10 flashes: at least three causes of alarm.



When the alarm is engaged it will sound when:

One of the doors, the bonnet or the boot is opened.

The battery is disconnected or the electric cables are cut, or the emergency key cables are cut.

Intrusion into the passenger compartment, e.g. window being broken (volumetric protection).

Attempt to start the engine (key at


Depending on the markets, the triggering of the alarm will activate the siren and the hazard warning lights (for about 26 seconds). The methods of operation and the number of cycles may vary depending on the versions/markets. However a maximum number of cycles is foreseen. Once the alarm cycle has come to an end the system will return to its normal monitoring state.


To switch off the alarm, press the remote control button on the key. If the alarm does not turn off due to a flat remote control battery or system fault, open the door after unlocking with the lock key, then place the key in the ignition switch and turn it to MAR.

To turn on the alarm again, turn the key to STOP and remove it, then press the remote control button after leaving the car and shutting the doors. If the alarm does not turn on and the led on the remote control gives only one brief flash while the led on the dashboard stays on glowing steadily for about 2 minutes, the key battery should be replaced by a new one of the equivalent type on sale c/o normal retailers. To change the battery follow the instructions given at paragraph “Key battery change” on previous pages.

If it is not possible to switch on the alarm with a new remote control battery, contact Alfa Romeo Authorised Services to have the system checked.


IMPORTANT If the car is to remain i- nactive for a prolonged length of time (over three weeks) and security conditions permitting, it is advisable to operate central locking turning the key in the door lock to avoid engaging the alarm and draining the battery.


To guarantee correct operation, all the windows and the sunroof (optional for versions/markets where applicable) should be closed. This function can be excluded (for example when leaving animals on-board the vehicle) by performing the following operations in quick succession: when the ignition key is at the MAR position, move the key to the STOP position and then return the key to the MAR and then once again to the STOP position. Remove the ignition key. The led in the vehicle will come on for about 2 seconds to confirm that the function has been excluded.

To restore volumetric protection move the ignition key to the MAR position and hold it in this position for more than 30 seconds.

If requiring to activate an electric control operated by the ignition key at MAR (e.g. electric windows) with the volumetric protection deactivated, turn the ignition key to MAR, operate the control and return the key to STOP within a maximum time of 30 seconds. This way volumetric protection is not restored.


(optional for versions/markets where applicable)

When requiring to dispense with the siren acoustic signalling in the alarm condition, simply keep the remote control button (A-fig. 13) pressed for 4 seconds when engaging the system.

This condition is shown by a series of 5 beeps in quick succession after the normal acoustic/visual signals when the system is operated.

The next time the system is activated, normal operation of the siren is restored automatically.


fig. 13




In keeping with the laws in force in each country on the subject of radio frequency, we point out that:

the separate homologation numbers for each market are given on the last pages of this handbook before the alphabetical index (for some countries also homologation document);

for markets in which the transmitter needs to be marked with the homologation number, this has been stated on the component.

(Depending on the versions/markets, the code may also be marked on the transmitter and/or on the receiver).


The system comprises a receiver and a transmitter (remote control) incorporated in the key (B-fig. 14). To lock/unlock the locks, point the transmitter towards the car, press and release the button (C). If, when pressing the remote control push-button (C), the led (A) issues just a short flash, replace the batteries as described in the “The Alfa Romeo CODE system” paragraph.

IMPORTANT Should it be necessary to programme additional remote controls, contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services.


THE SWITCH (fig. 15)

The switch has four positions:

STOP: engine switched off, key can be removed, engine lock engaged, steering lock engaged, all services excluded a- part from those powered directly (e.g. hazard warning light I.C.S. system (except climate control).

ACC: position for using the cigar lighter and of the I.C.S. system (except climate control).

MAR: drive position. The engine lock is deactivated and all electrical devices are powered.


IMPORTANT Never leave the key in this position when the engine is stationary.

AVV: starting the engine.

IMPORTANT If the engine does not start return the ignition key to the STOP position and repeat the sequence.

The ignition block is fitted with a safety device preventing it from being moved to the AVV position when the engine is already running.


When leaving the vehicle always remove the key from the ignition to prevent any

passenger in the car from inadvertently activating the controls. Never leave children unattended in a car. Remember to engage the handbrake and if the vehicle is facing uphill, first gear and if the vehicle is facing downhill, reverse.

If the ignition device is tampered with (for example during an at-

tempted break-in) have it checked over by Alfa Romeo Authorized Services, before travelling again.


Engaging lock:

– move the key to the STOP position and remove the key lightly turning the steering wheel to facilitate the locking action.

Releasing the lock:

– turn the key to the MAR position and gently rock the steering wheel in both directions.


Never remove the key with the car on the move. The steering wheel would

lock automatically the first time the steering wheel is turned. This also occurs if the car is towed.


It is absolutely forbidden to carry out whatever af- ter-market operation involving steering system or steering column modifications (e.g.: installation of anti-theft Device) that could badly affect performance and safety, cause the lapse of warranty and also result in non-compliance of the car with homologation require-





The automatic door locking function activates automatically when the car speed exceeds 20 km/h.

This function can be deactivated and reactivated by the following procedure, to be carried out with the car at a standstill, key at STOP and doors closed:

turn the key to MAR

keep button (A-fig. 20) on the central console pressed until completing a full centralised door locking cycle (opening and closing or vice versa).


Before opening a door ensure that this can be

done safely.


Front doors

– To open the door, turn the key (clockwise for the driver’s door, counter-clock- wise for the passenger’s door) and then remove the key and pull the handle (A- fig. 16).

IMPORTANT Depending on the versions/markets the lock for the key may only be present on the driver’s door.

– To close the door, turn the key in the opposite direction.

Rear doors

To open the door, only with the inner knob (A-fig. 17) raised, pull the opening handle (B-fig. 18).

To close the door in safety, press the button (A-fig. 17) also with the door open, then close it.




Front doors

To open the door pull the handle (A-fig. 19) regardless of the position of knob (B-fig. 19).

Pull the door to close; then, to prevent the door from being opened from


fig. 19


fig. 20

outside, press the button (A-fig. 20) on the centre console or the knob (B- fig. 19).

Rear doors (fig. 21)


The rear doors can only be opened if the child

safety lock has been released.

To open the door pull handle (B).

To close the door press the knob (A) even when the door is open, and then close it.


fig. 21


This permits centralized locking of all doors, both front and rear.

To operate the centralized locking device the doors must be perfectly closed otherwise the system will not work.

IMPORTANT If one of the doors is not closed properly the led on the relative “door open” display will come on.

For versions/markets where applicable, central locking depends on the complete closing of all the doors and of the boot.

From outside: when the doors are closed, insert and turn the key in the lock of one of the two front doors.

IMPORTANT Depending on the versions/markets the lock for the key may only be present on the driver’s door.


From inside: with the doors closed, press the button (A-fig. 20) on the centre console or one of the knobs (B-fig. 19) on the front doors to engage (lock) central locking.

By pressing the knob (A-fig. 21) on one of the rear doors only that particular door will be locked.

To unlock central locking press the button again (A-fig. 20).

IMPORTANT For the front doors it is not possible to keep the knob ( B — fig. 19) down if the door has not been shut properly.

IMPORTANT If the power supply is interrupted (burnt fuse, battery disconnected etc.) each door can be opened manually from both inside and outside the vehicle.

IMPORTANT The centralized locking system can be deactivated, thus unlocking all doors, by lifting the door opening lever on one of the two front doors.


The rear doors are equipped with a special device which prevents the door being opened from inside.

The device can be engaged when the door is open by acting on the relative control using the ignition key.

Position 1 = Device inactive

Position 2 = Device engaged.

This device should be used when children are in the back seat to prevent them from opening the door whilst the car is moving.


fig. 22

IMPORTANT Do not overlook child safety; the following recommendations should be heeded:

Engage the child safety device.

Do not leave a child alone in the vehi-


Follow the current laws regarding child restraint and safety systems.


After activating the safety device check that it is working correctly by pulling on the

inner lever used to open the door.





Adjustments may be made solely with the car


Manual adjustment controls

Moving the seat backwards or forwards

Lift lever (A-fig. 23) and push the seat backwards or forwards.


fig. 23

IMPORTANT Once you have let go of the lever, check that the seat is firmly locked in the runners by trying to move it back and forth. If the seat is not locked properly, in the case of collision it might move unexpectedly with clearly dangerous consequences.

Adjusting the height of the driver’s seat

To raise the seat, pull the lever (B- fig. 23) taking it upwards, then continue operating the lever (up and down) until reaching the required height. To lower the seat, push the lever (B) downwards, then operate the lever (up and down) until reaching the height required.

IMPORTANT Adjustment must only be carried out when seated in the driver’s seat.


fig. 24

Seat inclination power adjustment

The adjustment is performed by applying pressure on the front or back part of the two-position switch (C-fig. 23).

Seat warming (fig. 24)

(optional for versions/markets where applicable)

The seat warming pad can be switched on and off using switch (A) on the outer side of the seat.

When the warming pad is on, the led on the switch turns on.


Controls for seats with electric adjstment (on request for versions/ markets where applicable)

The position of the seats is adjusted electrically with the controls (A-fig. 2526) and (B-fig. 25-27):

A — Multifunction control:

1 — raising the front of the seat

2 — raising the rear of the seat

3 — vertical movement of the seat

4 — longitudinal movement of the seat.

B — Multifunction control:

5 — seat back rake adjustment

6 — lumbar adjustment of the seat.

C — Seat heating.

Lumbar adjustment of the seat is carried out raising or lowering the control (B- fig. 25-27), until finding the most comfortable position.

Seat heating (fig. 28)

Seat heating is turned on and off using the switch (C) on the outer side of the seat.

When seat warming is on the led on the switch lights up.

Memorising the driver’s seat positions (fig. 29)

The system makes it possible to memorise and call up three different positions of the driver’s seat.

To memorise a seat position, proceed as follows:

1)Adjust the position of the driver’s seat with the controls described in the previous paragraph.

2)Simultaneously press (for about 1 second) the button (MEM-fig. 29) and one of the buttons (1), (2), or (3), each corresponding to a position that can be memorised.

3)Proceed in the same way to memorise the other two positions of the seat.


When memorising a new position of the seat the previous one memorised with the same button is cleared automatically.

Keeping the corresponding button (1), (2), or (3) pressed the positions memorised can be called even if the ignition key is in the STOP position or removed.

IMPORTANT Memorising the positions of the seat does not include turning on the heating.

Adjusting the headrests (fig. 30)

Front headrests are adjustable in height and rake: to adjust the height, move the headrest up or down, then release it and make sure that it is locked on one of the positions provided. To adjust the rake, turn the headrest forwards to the required position.

IMPORTANT The shape of the headrest may vary depending on the version and/or market. The example shown is used only to demonstrate the methods by which it can be adjusted.


Remember that the head restraints must be positioned so that they are supporting

the back of the head and not the neck. They will only be able to provide effective protection in the event of a collision if they are in this position.


Rear pockets (fig. 31)

The front seats are provided with a pocket in the rear of the seat back.

Centre armrest (fig. 32-33)

To raise/lower the armrest, lower it as illustrated. To lower/raise the armrest keep the lock button pressed (A-fig. 32).

To use the armrest, lower it as illustrated.

There is a compartment inside the armrest: to open, lift the cover (fig. 33).



Centre armrest

To use the centre armrest, lower it as illustrated (fig. 34).

Ski compartment

The compartment may be used for carrying long loads. To gain access to this compartment, lower the armrest and then lower the lid (A-fig. 35) onto the armrest.


fig. 34

Pull the handle (A-fig. 36) to open the door from the luggage compartment.


fig. 35


fig. 36

Headrest (fig. 37)

The car is fitted with two headrests for the side rear seats.

The rear headrests are fixed and integrated in the seat back.


fig. 37



ADJUSTMENT (fig. 38)

The steering wheel position is adjustable and may be moved nearer to or further away from the driver and also raised or lowered.

To do this, it is necessary to release lever (A) pulling it towards the steering wheel. After setting the steering wheel in the most appropriate position, lock it pushing the lever forwards fully home.


The steering wheel position must only be adjusted with the vehicle stationary.


fig. 38


It is absolutely forbidden to carry out whatever af- ter-market operation involving steering system or steering column modifications (e.g.: installation of anti-theft Device) that could badly affect performance and safety, cause the lapse of warranty and also result in non-compliance of the car with homologation require-




MIRROR (fig. 39-40)

The mirror, fitted with a safety device which releases it in the event of a violent impact can be moved to two positions operating lever (A-fig. 39): normal or an- ti-glare.

IMPORTANT The configuration of the mirror may vary depending on the vehicle trim level. The figure here is demonstrative only to show how it is adjusted.

For some versions/markets the mirror (fig. 40) automatically sets to the day or night position.



Electrically adjustable (fig. 41)

Select the mirror to be adjusted using switch (A) (right or left).

Press button (B) to one of the four directions and adjust the mirror selected previously.

Position the switch (A) in the intermediate locking position.

The mirror can only be adjusted electrically when the ignition key is in the MAR position.



Curved door mirrors (for

When travelling the door

versions/markets where

mirrors must always be

applicable) slightly alter the per-

position (A).

ception of distance.

Folding (fig. 41-42)

– If necessary (for example when the size of the mirror causes difficulty in narrow paces) the door mirror can be folded in towards the vehicle from position (A- fig. 42) to position (B).

For some versions/markets the mirrors can be folded electrically using a button (C-fig. 41).

Defrosting/demisting (fig. 43)

The electric mirrors can be fitted with heating coils which are operated together with rearscreen heating pressing button (A) which prevent the mirrors from frosting and/or misting.

This function is timed and is deactivated after a few minutes.







Driver’s side (fig. 44)

The driver’s door armrest contains the buttons which, with the ignition key at MAR, operate the following windows:

A — left front window

B — right front window.

Press the button to lower the window. Pull the button to raise it.

IMPORTANT The driver’s power window is fitted with a “continuous automatic operation” device for both lowering and raising the window. A brief press on the upper or lower part of the button will cause the window to move and continue its stroke automatically: the window stops in the position required by pressing either the upper or lower part of the button again.

With the ignition key at STOP or removed, the power windows remain activated for about 2 minutes or until a front door is opened.

Passenger’s side (fig. 45)

Button (A) is used to operate the passenger’s window.

The passenger’s window is fitted with a device for “continuous automatic operation” only for lowering it.

The device works as describes for the driver’s window.



The rear windows are operated by the split controls on the driver’s door and those on each rear door.

With the ignition key on MAR, press the button to lower the window, pull the button or raise it.

Controls on driver’s door (fig. 46)

The following controls are located on the inner driver’s door panel plate:

C — left rear window

D — right rear window

E — rear door window controls inhibitor (with the inhibitor activated the led on the button is lit).

Controls on rear doors (fig. 47)

Each rear door panel plate contains a button (A) for operating the corresponding window.

Do not hold the button down when the window is fully open or fully closed.


Incorrect use of the power windows can be dangerous. Before and during operation of them always make sure that the passengers are not exposed to the risk of harm caused either directly by the windows in motion or by personal objects drawn or knocked by them. When leaving the vehicle always remove the ignition key to prevent passengers (especially children) from being injured by the power win-

dows inadvertently operated.




The belt should be worn keeping the chest straight and rested against the seat back.

Take hold the tongue (A-fig. 48) and insert it into the buckle (B), until hearing the locking click.

At removal, if it jams, let it rewind for a short stretch, then pull it out again without jerking.

To unfasten the seat belts, press button (C).


fig. 48

Guide the seat belt with your hand while it is rewinding, to prevent it from twisting.


Never press button (C) when travelling.

Through the reel, the belt automatically adapts to the body of the passenger wearing it, allowing freedom of movement.

When the car is parked on a steep slope the reel mechanism may block; this is normal. The reel mechanism prevents the webbing coming out when it is jerked or if the car brakes sharply, in a collision or when cornering at high speed.


fig. 49

The rear seat is fitted with inertial seat belts with three anchor points with reel for the side seats and an abdominal belt with two anchor points for the centre (A-fig. 49) seat. For versions/markets where applicable, the centre seat can be fitted with inertial seat belt with three anchor points and reel like side seats (fig. 50).


To offer the highest level of protection, the rear seat belts should be fastened as shown

in fig. 49 and fig. 50.


fig. 49/A



Remember that in the event of a violent collision, back seat passengers not

wearing seat belts also represent a serious danger for the front seat passengers.


fig. 50

REAR CENTRAL ABDOMINAL BELT (fig. 51) (where provided)

Fasten the belt by inserting the tab (A) into the clip (B) until a click is heard.

To adjust the belt, run the tape in the buckle (D) pulling the end (E) to tighten and part (F) to loosen.

Press button (C) to release the belt.

IMPORTANT The belt is adjusted correctly when it adheres to the pelvis.

When the rear seats are not occupied, the appropriate spaces between the backrest and cushion should be used to stow the seat belt clips neatly.



Make the height adjustment when the car is sta-


Always adjust the height of the seat belt to fit the person wearing it.


fig. 52


This precaution could greatly reduce the risk of injury in case of collision.

Correct adjustment is obtained when the belt passes half way between the end of the shoulder and the neck.

4 different adjustments in height are provided.

To adjust the attachment raise or lower the grip (A — fig . 52 ) and ring (B — fig. 52) to one of the set positions.


After adjustment, always check that the slider is anchored in one of the positions provided. To do this, with the button (A-fig. 52) released, exert a further pressure to allow the anchor device to catch if release did not take place at one of the preset



To increase the efficiency of the front seat belts, the ALFA 166 is fitted with pretensioners.

These devices “feel”, through a sensor, that a violent crash is in progress and rewind the seat belts a few centimetres. In this way they ensure that the seat belt adheres perfectly to the wearer before the restraining action begins.

The seat belt locks to indicate that the device has intervened; the seat belt cannot be drawn back up even when guiding it manually.

IMPORTANT To obtain the highest degree of protection from the action of the pretensioning device, wear the seat belt keeping it firmly close to the chest and pelvis.

Front seat pretensioners activate only if front seat belts are properly fitted into buckles.

A small amount of smoke may be produced. This smoke is in no way toxic and presents no fire hazard.

The pretensioner does not require any maintenance or greasing. Anything that modifies its original conditions invalidates its efficiency. If due to unusual natural events (floods, sea storm, etc.) the device has been affected by water and mud, it must necessarily be replaced.


The pretensioner can only be used once. After a collision that has triggered it, have it

replaced at an Alfa Romeo Authorized Services. The validity of the device is 10 years starting from the date of production, the pretensioners should be replaced at an Alfa Romeo Authorized Services as this date approaches.


Operations which lead to knocks, vibrations or localised heating (over

100°C for a maximum of 6 hours) in the area around the pretensioners may cause damage or trigger them. These devices are not affected by vibrations caused by irregularities of the road surface or low obstacles such as kerbs, etc. Contact a Alfa Romeo Authorized Services for any assistance.


The driver must comply with (and have the vehicle occupants follow) all the local legal regulations concerning the use of seat belts.

Always fasten the seat belts before s- tarting.


For maximum safety, keep the back of your seat upright, lean back into it and

make sure the seat belt fits closely across your chest and hips.

Make sure that the seat belts of the front and rear passengers are fastened at all times! You increase the risk of serious injury or death in a collision if you travel with the belts unfastened.


The belt should not be twisted, make sure that it taut and adheres to the passen-

ger’s body. The upper part should pass over the shoulder and cross the chest diagonally. The lower part should adhere to the pelvis and to the abdomen of the passenger, (fig. 53). Do not use any objects (pegs, stoppers, etc.) to keep the belts away from the body.


Under no circumstances should the components of the seat belts and pretensioner be

tampered with or removed. Any operation should be carried out by qualified and authorised personnel. Always contact Alfa Romeo Authorized Services. If the belt has been subjected to heavy stress, for example after an accident, it should be changed completely together with the anchors, anchor fastening screws and the pretensioners. In fact, even if the belt has no visible defects, it could have lost its resilience.


fig. 53



Never travel with a child sitting on the passenger’s lap with a single belt to pro-

tect them both (fig. 54). Do not fasten other objects to the body.

Seat belts are also to be worn by expectant mothers: the risk of injury in the case of accident is greatly reduced for them and the unborn child if they are wearing a seat belt.

Of course they must position the lower part of the belt very low down so that it passes under the abdomen (fig. 55).


1)Always use the belt with the tape taut and never twisted; make sure that it is free to run without impediments.

2)After a serious accident, replace the belt being worn at that time, even if it does not appear damaged. Always replace the seat belts if pretensioners have been activated.

3)To clean the belts, wash by hand with neutral soap, rinse and leave to dry in the shade. Never use strong detergents, bleach or dyes or other chemical substance that might weaken the fibres.

4)Prevent the reels from getting wet: their correct operation is only guaranteed if water does not get inside.

5)Replace the seat belt when showing significant wear or cut signs.




SERIOUS DANGER: Never place cradle child’s seats on the front passenger seat of cars fitted with passenger air bag since the air bag activation could cause serious injuries, even mortal. You

are advised to carry children always on the rear seat, as this is the most protected position in the case of a crash. In any case, children’s seats must absolutely not be fitted on the front seat of car’s with passenger’s air bag, which during inflation could cause serious injury, even mortal, regardless of the seriousness of the crash that triggered it.

Children may be placed on the front seat of cars fitted with passenger’s air bag deactivation. In this case, it is absolutely necessary to check the warning light F on the cluster to make sure that deactivation has actually taken place (see paragraph “Front and side air bags” at item “Passenger’s front air bag”). The front passenger seat shall be adjusted in the most backward position to prevent any contact between child’s seat and dashboard.

For optimal protection in the event of a crash, all passengers must be seated and wearing adequate restraint systems.

This is even more warning for children.

According to 2003/20/EC Directive, this prescription is compulsory for all European Community countries.

Compared with adults, their head is proportionally larger and heavier than the rest of the body, while the muscles and bone structure are not completely developed. Therefore, correct restraint systems are necessary, other then adult seat belts.


The results of research on the best child restraint systems are contained in the European Standard ECE-R44. This Standard enforces the use of restraint systems classified in five groups:

Group 0 0-10 kg in weight

Group 0+ 0-13 kg in weight

Group 1 9-18 kg in weight

Group 2 15-25 kg in weight

Group 3 22-36 kg in weight

As it may be noted, the groups overlap partly and in fact, in commerce it is possible to find devices that cover more than one weight group (fig. 56).

All restraint devices must bear the certification data, together with the control brand, on a solidly fixed label which must absolutely never be removed . Over 481.50 m in height, from the point of view of restraint systems, children are considered as adults and wear the seat belts normally.

Lineaccessori Alfa Romeo offers seats for each weight group, which are the recommended choice, as they have been designed and experimented specifically for Alfa Romeo cars.

GROUP 0 and 0+

Babies up to 13 kg must be carried facing backwards on a cradle seat, which, supporting the head, does not induce stress on the neck in the event of sharp deceleration. The cradle is restrained by the car seat belts, as shown in (fig. 57) and in turn it must restrain the child with its own belts.


Illustration is indicative for assembly only. Assemble the seat according to the

compulsory instructions provided with it. Child’s seat shall not be assembled on the rear central seat.


Starting from 9 kg to 18 kg in weight, children may be carried facing forwards, with seats fitted with front cushion (fig. 58), through which the car seat belt restrains both child and seat.



Illustration is indicative for assembly only. Assemble the seat according to the

compulsory instructions provided with it. Child’s seat shall not be assembled on the rear central seat.


Seats exist which are suitable for covering weight groups 0 and 1 with a rear

connection to the vehicle belts and their own belts to restrain the child. Due to their size, they can be dangerous if installed incorrectly fastened to the car belts with a cushion. Carefully follow the instructions for installation provided with the seat.


Starting from 15 kg to 25 kg in weight, children may be restrained directly by the car belts. The only function of the seat is to position the child correctly in relation to the belts, so that the diagonal part adheres to the chest and not to the neck and that the horizontal part clings to the child’s pelvis and not the abdomen (fig. 59).


Illustration is indicative for assembly only. Assemble the seat according to the

compulsory instructions provided with it. Child’s seat shall not be assembled on the rear central seat.


fig. 59


For children from 22 kg up to 36 kg the size of the child’s chest no longer requires a support to space the child’s back from the seat back.

(Fig. 60) shows proper child seat positioning on the rear seat.

Children taller than 1.50 m can wear seat belts like adults.


fig. 60



Illustration is indicative for assembly only. Assemble the seat according to the

compulsory instructions provided with it. Child’s seat shall not be assembled on the rear central seat.

Below is a summary of the rules of safety to be followed for carrying children:

1) The recommended position for installing children’s seat is on the rear seat, as it is the most protected in the case of a crash.


In cars fitted with passenger air bag never place child’s restraint systems on

the front seat since children shall never be seated on the front passenger seat.

2)If the passenger’s air bag is deactivated always check the warning light F on the cluster to make sure that it has actually been deactivated.

3)Attain to the instructions for fastening the specific child restraint system which you are using. These instructions must be provided by the manufacturer. Keep the child restraint system installation instructions with the car documents and this Handbook. Never use a child restraint system without installation instructions.

4)Always check the seat belt is well fastened by pulling the webbing.

5)Only one child is to be strapped to each retaining system.

6)Always check the seat belts do not fit around the child’s throat.

7)While travelling, do not let the child sit incorrectly or release the belts.

8) Passengers should never carry children on their laps. No-one, however strong they are, can hold a child in the event of a crash.

9)In case of an accident, replace the seat with a new one.



The car, for versions/markets where applicable, complies with the new Directive 2000/3/EC regulating child’s seat assembling on the different car seats according to the following table:


Range of weight


Front passenger

Lateral central

Rear central



Group 0,0+

until 13 kg




Group 1

9 -18 kg




Group 2

15 — 25 kg




Group 3

22 — 36 kg





U= suitable for child restraint systems of the “Universal” category, according to European Standard ECE-R44 for the specified “Groups”

(*) = child’s seat cannot be installed on the rear centre seat



The car is fitted with front Air bags for the driver (fig. 61) and front passenger (fig. 62), side bags (fig. 63) and front window bags.


Description and operation

The front Air bag (driver’s and passenger’s) is a safety device that comes into action in the event of a head-on collision.

It is formed of an instantly-inflating cushion contained in a special recess:

in the centre of the steering wheel for the driver,

in the dashboard with a larger-sized cushion for the passenger.



fig. 61



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