Мануал на опель антара 2008

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Инструкция по эксплуатации

Посмотреть инструкция для Opel Antara (2008) бесплатно. Руководство относится к категории Автомобили, 8 человек(а) дали ему среднюю оценку 8.5. Руководство доступно на следующих языках: английский. У вас есть вопрос о Opel Antara (2008) или вам нужна помощь? Задайте свой вопрос здесь

Не можете найти ответ на свой вопрос в руководстве? Вы можете найти ответ на свой вопрос ниже, в разделе часто задаваемых вопросов о Opel Antara (2008).

Как перевести мили в километры?

Где я могу узнать идентификационный номер транспортного средства Opel?

Что такое идентификационный номер транспортного средства (VIN)?

Когда транспортному средству Opel требуется техническое обслуживание?

Когда следует заменять тормозную жидкость на Opel?

В чем разница между топливом E10 и E5?

Одна или несколько дверей не открываются изнутри. Что мне делать?

Автомобильный радиоприемник не включается, что делать?

Инструкция Opel Antara (2008) доступно в русский?

Не нашли свой вопрос? Задайте свой вопрос здесь


Инструкция по эксплуатации

Введение ……………………………….. 2
Коротко …………………………………… 6
Ключи, двери и окна ……………… 22
Сиденья, системы защиты …….. 40
Места для хранения ………………. 62
Приборы и средства

управления …………………………… 84
Освещение …………………………. 121
Климат-контроль …………………. 131
Вождение и управление

автомобилем ………………………. 139
Уход за автомобилем ………….. 174
Сервис и техническое

обслуживание ……………………… 222
Технические данные ……………. 226
Информация о клиенте ………… 237
Предметный указатель ………… 240




Технические данные


Запишите параметры Вашего авто‐

мобиля на предыдущей странице и

храните их в легко доступном

месте. Найти эту информацию

можно в разделах «Техническое об‐

служивание» и «Технические дан‐

ные», а также на типовой табличке



Ваш автомобиль — это оптимальное

сочетание передовой технологии,

безопасности, экологичности и эко‐

Настоящее Руководство пользова‐

теля содержит всю необходимую

для уверенного и эффективного

управления Вашим автомобилем

Кроме Вас, и пассажиры тоже

должны знать о возможных при не‐

правильной эксплуатации автомо‐

биля несчастных случаях и трав‐

мах. Расскажите им об этом.

Обязательно выполняйте дей‐

ствующие законы и предписания

той страны, в которой находитесь.

Соответствующее законодатель‐

ство может отличаться от приве‐

денной в настоящем Руководстве

При необходимости посещения

станции техобслуживания, мы ре‐

комендуем обращаться в автори‐

зованный сервисный центр Opel.
Все авторизованные сервисные

центры Opel предложат Вам пер‐

воклассный сервис по умеренным

ценам. Опытные специалисты,

прошедшие обучение на фирме

Opel, обслужат Ваш автомобиль,

руководствуясь оригинальными

технологическими инструкциям

Пакет с литературой для клиента

должен всегда находиться в авто‐


Как пользоваться



■ В настоящем руководстве содер‐

жатся описания всех опций и

функций, доступных для этой мо‐

дели. Некоторые описания,

включая функции дисплея и

меню, могут не относиться к

вашему автомобилю по причине

выбранного варианта модели,

технических характеристик

страны поставки, наличия

специального оборудования или


■ Предварительный обзор Вы най‐

дете в главе «Кратко».

■ В содержании в начале данного

руководства и в каждом разделе

указано местоположение инфор‐


■ Конкретную информацию можно

найти с помощью Алфавитного


■ В настоящем Руководстве поль‐

зователя описаны автомобили с

левым расположением рулевого



колеса. Обслуживание автомо‐

билей с правым рулевым коле‐

сом выполняется аналогично.

■ В Руководстве пользователя ис‐

пользованы заводские обозначе‐

ния двигателя. Соответствую‐

щие торговые обозначения при‐

ведены в разделе «Технические


■ Указания направления,

например, влево — вправо или

вперед — назад всегда приво‐

дятся относительно направле‐

ния движения.

■ Экранные дисплеи автомобиля

могут не поддерживать конкрет‐

ный язык пользователя.

■ Сообщения, отображаемые на

дисплее, а также надписи внутри

салона приводятся жирным



Предупреждение и


9 Опасность

Текст, отмеченный

9 Опасность, содержит инфор‐

мацию, связанную с риском

смертельного исхода. Прене‐

брежение этими сведениями

может оказаться опасным для


9 Предупреждение

Текст, помеченный

9 Предупреждение, содержит

информацию, связанную с рис‐

ком несчастного случая или

травмы. Пренебрежение этими

сведениями может стать причи‐

ной травмы.


Текст, помеченный Внимание,

информирует о том, что автомо‐

биль может быть поврежден.

Пренебрежение этой информа‐

цией может привести к повреж‐

дению автомобиля.


Ссылки на страницы обозначаются

с помощью 3. 3 означает «см. стр.».
Желаем Вам счастливого пути.
Adam Opel AG




Исходные сведения,

необходимые при


Отпирание автомобиля

Чтобы отпереть двери и багажное

отделение, нажмите на кнопку q.

Откройте двери, потянув за ручки.

Чтобы открыть заднюю дверь ба‐

гажного отделения, нажмите

кнопку над номерным знаком.
Пульт дистанционного управления


23, центральный замок 3 24,

багажное отделение 3 27.

Регулировка сидений

Установка сиденья в

требуемое положение

Потяните ручку, сдвиньте сиденье,

отпустите ручку.
Положение сиденья 3 41, регули‐

ровка сиденья 3 42.



9 Опасность

Чтобы избежать травмирования

во время срабатывания по‐

душки безопасности, не придви‐

гайтесь к рулевому колесу

ближе чем на 25 см.

Спинки сидений

Потяните рычаг, отрегулируйте на‐

клон и отпустите рычаг. Спинка си‐

денья должна зафиксироваться в

новом положении с характерным

щелчком. Во время регулировки не

опираться на спинку сиденья.
Положение сиденья 3 41, регули‐

ровка сиденья 3 42, складывание

сиденья 3 44.

Высота сиденья

Для изменения высоты сидения

выполните рычагом качающие дви‐

вверх = поднять сиденье

вниз = опустить сиденье
Положение сиденья 3 41, регули‐

ровка сиденья 3 42.



Электрический привод

регулировки сидений

Используйте выключатели.
Положение = сдвиньте клавишу

переднего выклю‐

чателя вперед/на‐






= сдвиньте перед‐

ний край клавиши

переднего выклю‐

чателя вверх/вниз





= сдвиньте задний

край клавиши пе‐

реднего выключа‐

теля вверх/вниз




= сдвиньте всю кла‐

вишу переднего




= сдвиньте верхнюю

часть клавиши

заднего выключа‐

теля вперед/назад

Положение сиденья 3 41, элек‐

трический привод регулировки си‐

дений 3 44.



Нажмите кнопку фиксатора, отре‐

гулируйте высоту и заблокируйте

Подголовники 3 40.


Jet Li


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  • МОЯ Antara::C105 3.2 AT5 Cosmo Premium Plus
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Jet Li

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  • МОЯ Antara::C105 3.2 AT5 Cosmo Premium Plus
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Отправлено 26 января 2012 — 22:09

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  • МОЯ Antara::C105 3.2 AT5 Cosmo Premium Plus
  • Пол:мужской
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Отправлено 09 марта 2012 — 21:56

Весь архив по ремонту Captiva С100, можно скачать одним архивом без дробления. Ссылка.

Теперь доступна On-Line версия по ремонту Captiva С100 привязанная к форуму. Ссылка.

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Отправлено 02 мая 2012 — 17:11

Мультимедийные издания

Opel. Ремонт и эксплуатация.rarСкачать
Opel Astra, Zafira 1998-2004. Ремонт и эксплуатация.isoСкачать
Opel Astra, Zafira с 1998. Устройство, обслуживание, ремонт.rarСкачать
Opel Astra 1991-1998. Инструкция по эксплуатации.rarСкачать
Opel Astra 1991-1998. Ремонт и эксплуатация.rarСкачать
Opel Astra H. Руководство по ремонту.rarСкачать
Opel Corsa-B, Combo, Tigra 1993-2000. Устройство, обслуживание, ремонт.rarСкачать
Opel Corsa B, Combo, Tigra 1993-2000. Устройство, обслуживание и ремонт.rarСкачать
Opel Corsa C. Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту.rarСкачать
Opel Frontera 1992. Устройство, обслуживание, ремонт.rarСкачать
Opel Kadett E 1984-1991. Ремонт и эксплуатация.rarСкачать
Opel Kadett E 1984-1991. Ремонт и эксплуатация автомобиля.rarСкачать
Opel Omega 1993-1999. Ремонт и эксплуатация.rarСкачать
Opel Omega 1993-1999. Ремонт и эксплуатация автомобиля.rarСкачать
Opel TIS 2000. Каталог с документацией по ремонту. 2010.isoСкачать
Opel Vectra-B. Ремонт и обслуживание.rarСкачать
Opel Vectra 1988-1995. Mультимедийные руководства по ремонту.isoСкачать
Opel Vectra 1988-1995. Ремонт и эксплуатация автомобилей.isoСкачать
Opel Vectra 1988-1995. Ремонт и эксплуатация автомобиля.rarСкачать
Opel Vectra B. Мультимедийное руководство.rarСкачать
Opel Vectra c 1995. Ремонт и эксплуатация автомобиля.rarСкачать


Opel. Ремонт и техническая эксплуатация.rarСкачать
Opel. Справочники,таблицы,утилиты. Компютерная диагностика, ошибки, коды, неисправности.rarСкачать
Opel Agila. Руководства по ремонту и обслуживанию.rarСкачать
Opel Agila с 1997. Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации.rarСкачать
Opel Ascona. Ремонт и эксплуатация.pdfСкачать
Opel Ascona C 1981-1988. Руководство по ремонту и техническому обслуживанию.djvuСкачать
Opel Astra, Zafira. Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту.pdfСкачать
Opel Astra, Zafira 1998-2000. Пособие по ремонту и обслуживанию.rarСкачать
Opel Astra, Zafira с 1998. Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации.pdfСкачать
Opel Astra. Ремонт и техническая эксплуатация.pdfСкачать
Opel Astra. Устройство, ремонт, техническое обслуживание.pdfСкачать
Opel Astra F, Astra Classic до 1991. Ремонт и эксплуатация.pdfСкачать
Opel Astra G, Zafira A 1998-2006. Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации.rarСкачать
Opel Astra G and Zafira Diesel 1998-2000. Пособие по ремонту и обслуживанию.pdfСкачать
Opel Astra H, Zafira В. Устройство, обслуживание, ремонт, эксплуатация.pdfСкачать
Opel Astra H Zafira В. Устройство обслуживание ремонт эксплуатация.pdfСкачать
Opel Blitz. Руководство по ремонту.pdfСкачать
Opel Calibra 1990-1998. Руководство по ремонту и обслуживанию.rarСкачать
Opel Corsa. Haynes S&R Manual.zipСкачать
Opel Corsa 1997-2000. Руководство по ремонту.rarСкачать
Opel Corsa C, Combo, Meriva. Устройство, обслуживание, ремонт.pdfСкачать
Opel Corsa C, Combo, Meriva 2000-2006. Руководство по ремонту.pdfСкачать
Opel Corsa C 2000–2003. Руководство по обслуживанию и ремонту.zipСкачать
Opel Corsa D. Инструкция по эксплуатации.pdfСкачать
Opel Corsa D. Инструкция по эксплуатации.rarСкачать
Opel Frontera. Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту с фото.rarСкачать
Opel Frontera B с 1999. Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации.pdfСкачать
Opel Kadett D. Руководство по эксплуатации, обслуживанию и ремонту.rarСкачать
Opel Kadett D. Устройство, обслуживание, ремонт.rarСкачать
Opel Kadett E. Руководство по ремонту, инструкция по эксплуатации.pdfСкачать
Opel Kadett E 1984-1991. Руководство по обслуживанию и ремонту.pdfСкачать
Opel Omega, Senator 1986-1994. Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту.pdfСкачать
Opel Omega 1993-1999. Схемы электрооборудования.rarСкачать
Opel Omega 1994-1999. Руководство по обслуживанию и ремонту.pdfСкачать
Opel Omega B 1993-1999. Электрические схемы.rarСкачать
Opel Omega B 1999-2003. Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации.pdfСкачать
Opel Record E. Ремонт и эксплуатация.rarСкачать
Opel Rekord C,D,E. Руководство по обслуживанию и ремонту.pdfСкачать
Opel Senator с 1981. Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации.rarСкачать
Opel Sintra, Sintra 1997-2002. Ремонт, электрические схемы.rarСкачать
Opel Vectra. Инструкция по эксплуатации.rarСкачать
Opel Vectra 1988-1995. Инструкция по эксплуатации.rarСкачать
Opel Vectra 1988-1995. Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации.djvuСкачать
Opel Vectra A. Service and repair manual.rarСкачать
Opel Vectra C, Opel Signum c 2002. Устройство, обслуживание, ремонт.rarСкачать
Opel Vectra C, Signum c 2002. Руководство по ремонту, обслуживанию и эксплуатации.rarСкачать
Opel Vectra Calibra. Техническое обслуживание.rarСкачать
Opel Vectra Calibra. Устройство, обслуживание, ремонт.docСкачать
Opel Vivaro. Инструкция по ремонту и обслуживанию.rarСкачать
Opel Vtctra A, Calibra. Руководство по ремонту.pdfСкачать

Если кому может нужно по другим опелям- пользуйтесь

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Отправлено 29 мая 2012 — 01:38

Руководство по эксплуатации автомобиля Opel Antara — 2012 (рус)

Прикрепленные файлы

  • Прикрепленный файл
     om_antar5.pdf   6,03МБ
      7194 Количество загрузок:

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Jet Li

Jet Li


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  • 3 143 сообщений
  • МОЯ Antara::C105 3.2 AT5 Cosmo Premium Plus
  • Пол:мужской
  • Город::МО г.Мытищи

Отправлено 29 января 2014 — 09:14

Новое заводское on-line издание по ремонту и обслуживания новой Captiva/Antara С140/С145 до 2011 г.

Короткий кузов — это Antara с кузовом C105/C145.
Прикрепленный файл
 Chevrolet_Captiva.pdf   3,52МБ
  5527 Количество загрузок:

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  • Форумчане
  • 328 сообщений
  • МОЯ Antara::C145 2.2D AT6 Cosmo
  • Пол:мужской
  • Город::Санкт-Петербург

Отправлено 09 октября 2014 — 12:22

обновленное руководство на Антару версия 14.5

Прикрепленный файл
 antara_14.5.pdf   6,08МБ
  5667 Количество загрузок:

Тоже самое руководство, только с видимыми изменениями по сравнению с версией 13.5

выделенное голубым — добавлено,

выделенное розовым — изменено, при двойном щелчке открываются варианты изменений.

Прикрепленный файл
 Сравнить с новым antara_14.5 со старым 13.5.pdf   12,87МБ
  4927 Количество загрузок:

Сообщение отредактировал denklu: 09 октября 2014 — 12:31

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    У меня сейчас залито масло Addinol 0537

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  • МОЯ Antara::C105 3.2 AT5 Cosmo Premium Plus
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Отправлено 20 декабря 2015 — 02:48

Доброго всем.
Кто может дать ссылку для скачивания Пособия по ремонту Антарки.
Как то не могу найти…


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Смотреть руководство для Opel Antara (2008) ниже. Все руководства на ManualsCat.com могут просматриваться абсолютно бесплатно. Нажав кнопку «Выбор языка» вы можете изменить язык руководства, которое хотите просмотреть.


Вопросы и ответы

У вас есть вопрос о Opel Antara (2008), но вы не можете найти ответ в пользовательском руководстве? Возможно, пользователи ManualsCat.com смогут помочь вам и ответят на ваш вопрос. Заполните форму ниже — и ваш вопрос будет отображаться под руководством для Opel Antara (2008). Пожалуйста, убедитесь, что вы опишите свои трудности с Opel Antara (2008) как можно более детально. Чем более детальным является ваш вопрос, тем более высоки шансы, что другой пользователь быстро ответит на него. Вам будет автоматически отправлено электронное письмо, чтобы проинформировать вас, когда кто-то из пользователей ответит на ваш вопрос.

Задать вопрос о Opel Antara (2008)

Antara (2008)
Тип файла:
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Сопутствующие товары Opel Antara (2008)

Инструкция по эксплуатации Opel Antara.

Сборник руководств по эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию автомобиля Opel Antara 2012-2015 годов выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Adam Opel AG
  • Год издания: 2012-2014
  • Страниц:
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 24,1 Mb

Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Opel Antara с 2006 г.

Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Chervrolet Captiva, Opel Antara, Daewoo Winstorm, Saturn VUE и GMC Terrain с 2006 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 464
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Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Opel Antara с 2006 г.

Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации автомобилей Chervrolet Captiva, Opel Antara, Daewoo Winstorm, Saturn VUE и GMC Terrain с 2006 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями

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  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 374
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Лично мне Антара клуб не нравится: информацию надо лопатить часами, поиск жуткий, а читать бестолковую (и очень часто почти бесконечную) переписку по ветвям /в стиле пепелац чёта не едет; гена не заряжает, хотя на улице не темно/ не хочу. Когда-то нашел там хорошую инструкцию по замене ремней/роликов ГРМ, — пришло время менять, не могу найти хоть убей). Менял так, потом нашел подсказки на этом ресурсе, скоро постараюсь выложить картинки и инструкцию.

я там и зарегистрирован 3 года)… Толку мало). Поиск бестолковый, читать 98% бреда надоело).

Отличная ссылка ! Спасибо

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OPEL Antara

Operation, Safety, Maintenance


  • Table of Contents

  • Locks, Doors, Windows Replacement Keys

  • 36 Seats, Interior Seats, Interior

  • 70 In Struments, Controls Instruments, Controls

  • 94 Ligh Ting Lighting

  • 104 Climate C Ontrol Climate Control

  • Driving and Operation/Autom Atic Transm Ission 3

  • 172 Self-Help, Vehicle Care Self-Help, Vehicle Care 9 Warning


Related Manuals for Opel Antara

Summary of Contents for Opel Antara

  • Page 1
    OPEL Antara Operation, Safety, Maintenance…
  • Page 2: Engine Oil

    Data specific to your vehic le Please enter your vehicle’s data here to keep it ea sily accessible. This information is available under the section «Technical da ta » as well as on the identification plate. Fuel Designati on Engine oil Gra de Viscosity Tyre pressure…

  • Page 3
    Bla ck arrows in the illustrations ind icate a an Opel Service Pa rtner. All O pel S ervice reaction or a second a ction to b e Partners offer first-c la ss service at performed.
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Contents In b rief …………6 Locks, doors, windows ……21 S eats, interior ……….. 36 Instrum ents, controls .

  • Page 6: In Brief

    In brief In brief To unlock and open the vehic le: To unlock an d open the tailgate: Press button q, pull door handle Press button q on remote c ontrol, operate bu tto n above 6 Door locks — see pages 30, 72, lic ense plate key s — see page 21, electronic im mobiliser — see page 22,…

  • Page 7
    In brief Fro nt seat adjustment: Adjusting fron t seat bac krests: Adjusting the lu mbar support 3: Pull han dle, slide seat , Lift release lever on outboard side Turn handwheel release handle of seat Adjust lum bar sup port to suit personal requirements.
  • Page 8
    In brief Adjusting seat height 3: Adjusting head restraint height: Fitting seat belt: Raise or lower lever on outboard Press release button, D raw seat belt smoothly fro m side of seat adjust height, then release inertia reel, guide over shoulder and engage in buckle Lever pumping ac tion 6 Head restraints — see page 39,…
  • Page 9
    In brief To adjust interior mirror: Electrically adjustable exterior Fold in exterior mirrors: Swivel mirror housing mirrors: Manually: press lightly . Four way switc h in driver’s door Swiv el lev er on underside of mirror housing Electrically 3: with ignition sw itch in to red uce daz zle a t nig ht.
  • Page 10
    In brief…
  • Page 11
    In brief Page Pa ge Page Side air v ents ……..105 Centre air vents ……. 105 17 Accelerator pedal ……128 Door window defroster v ents ..
  • Page 12
    In brief Control indicato rs Elec tronic im mobil iser: Wa ter in diesel fuel filter 3: see pages 22, 72. see pages 73, 195. ABS (Anti-lock Brak e S ystem): Door open: Change engine oil 3 : see p age 149. see page 72.
  • Page 13
    In brief Steering column lock and ignition: Steering wheel adju stment: Exterior lamps Turn key to position ACC. Mo ve lever down, Turn ligh t switch: To release lock, adjust height and distance, = Off rotate steerin g wheel slightly move lever up and engage = Sidelights Positions:…
  • Page 14
    In brief Headlamp flash, main and Turn signal lamps: Hazard warning lamps: dipped beam: Lever in rest po sitio n Press ¨ Headlamp = Pull lever Upwards Right turn Press ¨ again flash towards Downwards = Left turn 6 Hazard warning la mps — see page 97. st eering wh eel 6 Turn signal la mps — see page 95.
  • Page 15
    In brief Activate horn j: Windscreen wipers: Automatic wiping with rain Press either side o f the Mo ve lever upwards sensor 3: steering wheel Move lever to automatic wiping with rain sensor position $ The horn will sound regardless of ignition Timed interval wipe switch position.
  • Page 16
    In brief Operating windscreen and Tailgate wiper and washer Heated rear window, headlamp washer systems 3: systems: heated exterior mirrors 3: Pull lever towards steering wheel Wipers on = Push lever fo rward Press Ü = On 6 Windscreen and head la mp washer Wipers off = Pull lever back Press Ü…
  • Page 17
    In brief Drying misted up or iced up To set automatic mode of Man ual transmission: windows: Electronic Climate Control 3: 1 to 5 = 1st to 5th gear Set air distribution to po sition l, Press AUTO button, = Reverse gear set the temperature rotary knob set temperature using O nly engage reverse gear when the vehicle…
  • Page 18: Manual Mode

    In brief Before starting-off, check: z Tyre pressures and condition. z Engine oil level a nd fluid levels in engine compartment (see pa ge 193). z All windows, mirrors, exterior lig hting and license plates are free from dirt, snow and ice a nd are operationa l. z Objects are securely located and will not be thrown forward in the event of sudden braking.

  • Page 19
    In brief Start attem pts should not last longer than 15 seconds. If engine does not start, w ait 10 seconds before repeating starting proc edure. The inc reased engine speed automatically returns to normal idling speed as the engine temperature rises. Driv e at a moderate speed, especially in cold weather, until norm al engine op erating temperatures have been…
  • Page 20
    That was the most important information for your first drive in z Always ap ply hand brak e firmly and as your Antara in brief. firmly a s p ossible on slopes. z Push k ey into ignition sw itc h before…
  • Page 21: Locks, Doors, Windows

    The key is a c onstituent of the electronic immobiliser. In c ase of loss, replacement key s can be ordered from y our Opel S ervice Pa rtner by q uoting the key number and Vehicle Identifica tion N um ber (VIN).

  • Page 22: Electronic Immobiliser

    Lo cks, doors, windows Not e The immobiliser does not lock the doors. Therefore, after leaving the vehicle, always lock it and switch on the anti-theft alarm system 3 — see pag es 25, 27. Electronic immo biliser Control i nd icator o for i mmobi liser The control indica tor illuminates w hen the The sy stem checks whether the vehicle m ay ignition is switc hed on, then extinguishes.

  • Page 23: Radio Frequency Remote Control

    Loc ks, do ors, windo ws Treat the remote control unit with care: C entra l lock ing system it should be protected aga inst moisture, see page 25. kept out of direct sunlight and should not Mechanic al anti -theft locki ng system 3 be operated unnecessa rily .

  • Page 24
    Lo cks, doors, windows Fault K ey with fix ed key section: If the central locking system cannot be insert a small screwdriver in the notch on opera ted with the remote c ontrol, this may the cover a nd prise it open. be due to the follow ing reasons: Remove used b attery, tak ing ca re to avoid z The rem ote control is out of range.
  • Page 25: C Entral Locking System

    Loc ks, do ors, windo ws To unl oc k: Press b utton q on remote control — or — Press centra l locking switch m in driver’s door. If no door is op ened within a pprox. 30 seconds after the vehicle has been unlocked v ia the remote control, the vehicle is relocked autom atically and anti-theft alarm 3 is reactivated.

  • Page 26: Tailgate

    Lo cks, doors, windows Warning Ensure there are no obstruc tions and that there is adeq ua te clearance w hen opening the tailgate. Do not drive with tailgate open or ajar, e.g. w hen transporting bulky objects, sinc e toxic exhaust gases could penetrate the vehic le interior.

  • Page 27: Mechanical Anti-Theft Locking

    Loc ks, do ors, windo ws Mechanical anti-theft locking Anti-theft alarm system 3 To unlock: Press b utton q on remote control system 3 The sy stem monitors: — or — z Front and rear doors. Warning Turn key in driver’s door lock towards front of vehicle, then turn it back to the vertical z Tailgate, bonnet.

  • Page 28
    Lo cks, doors, windows Warning Do not use the system if there are passengers in the vehic le. The doors cannot be unlocked from the inside when the alarm is ac tiv ated. The remote control unit is used to operate the a nti-theft a la rm system.
  • Page 29
    Loc ks, do ors, windo ws To dea ctiv ate Ala rm Press b utton q on remote control While the alarm system is switched on, the — or — alarm can be triggered, indicated by : Unlock driver’s door by turning key in d oor z an acoustic signal (horn) a nd lock towards front of v ehicle, then turn it z a visual sig nal (exterior la mps).
  • Page 30: Child Safety Locks

    Lo cks, doors, windows Child safety lo cks Exterior mirrors Fold in exterior mirr ors Manually: the exterior m irrors can be Electri cally adj usta ble exterior m irrors Warning folded in by pressing lightly on the outside Ad just with the four way switch in driver’s of the mirror housing.

  • Page 31: Interior Mirror

    Loc ks, do ors, windo ws Interio r mirror For the safety of pedestrians, the exterior Automat ic anti- dazzle ext eri or mirrors 3 mirrors will swing out of their normal Dazzle is a utoma tica lly red uced. To adjust interior mirror, swivel mirror mounting position in the event of a n housing.

  • Page 32: Electric Windows

    Lo cks, doors, windows Electric win dows Warning C are m ust be taken when operating the electrically operated door windows. There is a risk of injury, particularly for children, and a d anger tha t articles could become tra pped. Vehicle passengers must be informed acc ordingly.

  • Page 33
    Loc ks, do ors, windo ws Safety func tion 3 If the window g lass enc ounters resistanc e above the midd le of the window during autom atic closing, it will stop immediately and will be opened again. In the event of difficulty due to frost or the lik e, press the relevant window switch several tim es until the window is closed.
  • Page 34: Sun Visors

    Lo cks, doors, windows To open Press sw itc h rearwards; it w ill op en automatically unless the switch is pressed aga in in a nother direction, or released. To close Press and hold switch forw ards. Release switch when sun roof reaches desired position.

  • Page 35
    Loc ks, do ors, windo ws Note z If the top of the sun roof is wet, tilt it to allow water to run off before opening the sun roof. z When carrying a roof load, check the clearance of the sun roof, to avoid damage.
  • Page 36: Seats, Interior

    Seats, interior Seats, interior Front sea ts ………. 36 Rear seats……….41 Seat belts……….42 Child restraint systems 3 .

  • Page 37
    Seats, interior Electrica lly a djustabl e front seat 3 Warnin g Care must be ta ken when operating electric ally adjustable seats. There is a risk of injury, p artic ularly for children and a danger that articles could become tra pped .
  • Page 38
    Seats, interior S eat position Adjust driver’s sea t such that, w ith the driver sitting upright, the steering w heel is held in the area of its upper spokes with the driver’s arms slig htly bent. S lid e front passenger’s seat as far back as it will g o.
  • Page 39
    Seats, interior Ac tiv e head restraints 3 In the event of a rear-end impact, the active head restraints automatically tilt forwards. The head is more effectively supported by the head restraint and the danger of hyperextension in the area of the cervical vertebra is reduced.
  • Page 40
    Seats, interior Removing the head restraints Insert a suitable tool into the sm all hole in the side of the guide sleeve without the release button and depress the lock. Press the release button on the other guide sleeve and pull up the head restraint. Stow head restraints securely in lugg age compartment.
  • Page 41: Rear Seats

    Seats, interior To raise the seat, lift back rest release lever and push backrest to up right p osition. Push and pull on seat back rest to ensure it is locked , thus av oiding ex cessiv e forward movement in the ev ent of a c ollision. Warning If longer objec ts, e.g.

  • Page 42: Seat Belts

    Seats, interior Seat belts Warning Three- sta ge restr aint system The sy stem comprises: When folding the backrest, use caution — z Three-point seat b elts. beware of moving p arts. z Belt tensioners, with load lim iters, on the front seats.

  • Page 43
    Seats, interior z The airbag system is additionally Three-point seat b el ts In the ev ent of an accident, persons not trigg ered in the event of a serious The front and rear seats are equipped with wearing seat belts endanger their fellow accident involving a frontal impact, a nd three-point seat b elts with autom atic occupants and them selves.
  • Page 44
    Seats, interior Belt force limiters Actuation of belt tensioners Loa d limiters on the front sea ts reduce the The belt tensioners actuate only onc e and impac t on the seat occupant’s body from a must be replac ed b y a work shop after tensioning b elt, in the ev ent of a sev ere activa tion.
  • Page 45
    Seats, interior The system’s integ ra ted self-diagnostics z The belt tensioner and airbag sy stem allow s faults to be quickly remedied. control electronics can be found in the centre console area. In order to av oid Important malfunctions, do not store mag netic z Accessories not released for your v ehicle objects in this a rea.
  • Page 46
    Seats, interior Front p assenger’s seat belt rem inder k 3 Using the belts Warning Fitting the belt Illuminates for app rox . 4 seconds when Pull the belt out evenly from the retractor ignition is switched on. O n pregnant women in particular, and guide it over the shoulder, m aking When the engine is running, if the front the lap b elt must be positioned as low a s…
  • Page 47: Child Restraint Systems 3

    O pel child restra int system s a re desig ned spec ifically for your vehicle and thus provide optimum safety for your child in the event of an impact. The use of an Opel child restraint system is therefore recommended.

  • Page 48
    Antara: child safety seat. z O nly allow children to enter and exit the Group, weight and ag e…
  • Page 49
    Seats, interior Permissible opti ons for fi tting a child safety sea t Universal suitab ility in c onjunction with the three-point seat belt. Weight and age class On front passenger’s O n outboard rear On c entr e rear seat seat seats Vehicle seat with ISO FI X mounting…
  • Page 50
    Seats, interior IS OFIX child restra int systems 3 Size c lass Descri ption D — ISO /R2: Rear-facing The instructions ac com panying the IS OFIX A — ISO /F3: Forward-fac ing child restraint system for child restraint system are to be expressly child restraint sy stem for smaller child ren in the follow ed.
  • Page 51
    Seats, interior Permissible opti ons for fi tting a n ISO FI X c hi ld safety seat Weight and age class Si ze class Fixt ur e On fr ont passenger’s O n outboar d rear On cent re rear seat seat seats up to 10 kg…
  • Page 52: Airbag Systems

    Seats, interior Airbag systems Mounting brack et s for ISO FI X c hild Anchors for Top-Tet her c hild restraint restraint syst em s systems Front airb ags The brackets located betw een the backrest The top tether anchors located on the rear The front airba g system is identified b y the and sea t cushion are used for mounting of the b ackrests are designed to hold child…

  • Page 53
    Seats, interior When trigg ered, the driver’s and front The front airbag sy stem will not be passenger’s airbags inflate in m illiseconds triggered in the ev ent of: and form sa fety cushions for the driver a nd z the ignition being switched off, front passenger.
  • Page 54
    Seats, interior When triggered, the side a irb ag infla tes in milliseconds a nd forms a safety cushion for the driver a nd /or front passenger in the respective door area. The risk of injury to the upper b od y and pelvis in the event of a side impact is thereby substa ntially reduc ed.
  • Page 55
    Seats, interior The sid e airbags w ill not be trigg ered in the event of: z the ignition b eing switched off, z frontal collisions, z accidents in whic h the vehicle overturns, if la teral impa ct is insufficient for side airb ag deployment, z collisions involving a rear im pact, z collisions involving a side impact outside…
  • Page 56
    Seats, interior When trigg ered , the curtain airbag inflates The curta in airba gs will not be triggered in in milliseconds and provides a safety the event of: barrier in the head area on the respective z the ig nition being sw itched off, side of the vehicle.
  • Page 57
    Seats, interior Imp or tant z Use only a dry cloth or interior c leaner to Warning z Accessories not released for your v ehicle clean the steering wheel, instrument type and other objects must not be panel, front seat backrests, roof fra me Have the cause of the fault remedied by affixed or placed in the area in which the and seat a rea of the front seats.
  • Page 58
    Seats, interior z After airbags deflate, y ou may notice a z We recommend having the steering burning smell, sm oke and white powd er wheel, the instrument panel, all panelling in the interior, which is normal. Although parts, the door seals, handles and the they m ay cause skin or eye irrita tion, front seats removed by a workshop.
  • Page 59: Storage

    Seats, interior Notes on loading the vehicle: See pag e 63. Warning Do not place any hea vy or sharp objects on the c ov er. Loose objects in the lugga ge compa rtm ent should b e secured safely. Storage To remove O pen luggag e com partment cover.

  • Page 60
    Seats, interior Safety net 3 The safety net can b e mounted behind the rea r seats or, if the rear seat backrests are folded, in front of the rear seats. Passeng ers must not b e transported behind the safety net. Fitting In front of and behind the rear seats on There a re four installation openings in the…
  • Page 61
    Seats, interior Designed for carrying small, light items Warning only, the luggage floor net 3 helps keep loads from moving during sharp turns or Do not stack loads higher tha n the upper quick starts and stops. end of the safety net. To insta ll: attach the four net hooks to the Av oid applying excessive force to the lashing ey es mounted on the lug gage…
  • Page 62
    Seats, interior FlexOr ganizer 3 Variable partition net Hooks and m esh pocket Flexible system for div iding the luggage Insert an adapter in ea ch rail: fold up Insert the hooks in the desired position in compartment or securing loads. ha ndle plate, insert adap ter in upper and the rails: insert the hook in the upper low er groove of rails, move to desired…
  • Page 63
    Seats, interior Not es on load ing the vehicl e z Heav y objects in the luggage compartment should be placed as far forwa rd as possible. If objects a re to be stack ed, the hea vier objects should be placed at the bottom .
  • Page 64
    Seats, interior z Close the luggage compa rtm ent cover to z The load m ust not obstruct the operation prevent the objects from being reflected of the pedals, hand brake and gearshift in the rear wind ow . lever or hinder the freedom of m ov ement of the driver.
  • Page 65
    Seats, interior Sunglasses holder Console box in front armrest 3 C onsole b ox in rear armrest 3 To open: push the rear p art of the front To op en: pull up lower lev er and lift the lid. To open: pull up lid of rear centre armrest.
  • Page 66
    Seats, interior Console net 3 Front passenger’s seat undertray 3 S torage compa rtm ent 3 Loc ated in the front p assenger’s footwell. Pull up on front of tra y then pull it forw ards. Located in rear of centre console. Push the tray towards the seat to return it To open: press button above the stora ge to its original position.
  • Page 67: Drink Holders

    Seats, interior Ca rd hold er Ashtrays 3 Loc ated below instrument panel on driver’ s To be used only for ash and not for side. Insert a card into the slot for comb ustible rubb ish. convenient use. Warnin g Coin storage O pen by pulling hand le on coin stora ge Disregard of these instruc tions may lead…

  • Page 68: Warning Triangle

    Seats, interior Warning triangle ¨ First aid kit Your first aid kit and wa rning triangle can be accomm od ated below the floor cov er in the luggage compartment. Power outlets Portable front ashtray 3 Loc ated in front drink holder. C igarette lig hter ) With ignition switch in positions AC C or O N, To open: gently lift up lid .

  • Page 69: Assist Grips

    Seats, interior Assist grips Accessory sock et s The max imum power requirement of Loc ated in the rea r centre console between electrica l accessories must not exceed Located above the driver’s door 3, the the front seats and in the rig ht-hand side of 120 watts.

  • Page 70: Instruments, Controls

    In struments, controls Instruments, controls Control indicators ……. 70 Instrument display ……75 Information display ……76 Display of current ty re pressure 3 ..91 Check control 3 …

  • Page 71
    Instru men ts, c ontrols Park pilot 3 AWD (All Wheel Drive) 3 Autom atic head lamp range Illuminates in yellow when ig nition is Illum inates in yellow when ignition is a d justment 3 switched on, then ex tinguishes. switched on, then extinguishes.
  • Page 72
    In struments, controls Elec tronic im mobil iser Ta ilgat e op en Turn signal lamp s Illuminates in red when ignition is Illum inates in red w hen ignition is The relev ant control indicator flashes in switched on, then ex tinguishes. switched on, then extinguishes.
  • Page 73
    Instruments, controls > Front fog lamps Change engine oil 3 Cruise control 3 Illuminates in green when front fog lamps Illuminates in yellow when ignition is see page 141. are switched on — see page 96. switched on, then extinguishes. Illuminates to indicate that engine oil Engine oil level 3 needs changing within approx.
  • Page 74
    In struments, controls Warning Anti-t heft alarm system act ivat ion Exhaust emi ssions wi thout monitori ng of passenger Illuminates in y ellow when ignition is When the engine is off, consid erably com partm ent and vehicl e t ilt 3 switched on.
  • Page 75: Instrument Display

    Instru men ts, c ontrols Instrum ent display Speedometer O dometer Indicates the vehicle speed . The odometer indica tes how far the vehicle Tachom eter has been driven. Making use of the tachometer helps to save fuel; it indicates the engine speed in Trip odometer rev olutions per m inute (rp m).

  • Page 76: Information Display

    In struments, controls 11:25 °C Range [ TP] Information display Fuel g auge Tr ansm issi on display 3 Indicates fuel level when the ignition is on. Display of the selected gear or mode with Board informat ion displa y autom atic transmission 3 .

  • Page 77: Outside Temperature

    Instru men ts, c ontrols The type of inform ation a nd how it is display ed depends on the equip ment of the vehicle and the settings of the trip computer 3 and Infota inm ent system. 11:25 Some information app ears on the display °C in an abbreviated form.

  • Page 78
    In struments, controls 11:25 °C Slippery road Range -2, 5°C 257km In vehicles with graphical information Board inform ation di sp lay, S elec t m enu items using the arrow buttons: display 3 or colour information display 3, selecting functions O K b ut ton S elect marked item, a warning message appears on the display…
  • Page 79
    Instru men ts, c ontrols The functions are displayed in the following order: z Time synchronisation z Time, setting hours 11:25 z Time, setting minutes °C z Date, setting day z Date, setting month System z Date, setting yea r z Ignition logic z Language selection z Setting units of measure…
  • Page 80
    In struments, controls The automatic setting is indicated by } in the display. To correct tim e with the help of RDS, select the menu item for time synchronisation 11:25 11:25 from the Sett ings menu. °C °C Make the desired setting. Clo ck Sync.On English Setting da te and tim e…
  • Page 81
    Instru men ts, c ontrols Board inform ation di sp lay, trip c omputer 3 The trip computer provides information on driving data, which is continually recorded 11:25 11:25 and ev alua ted electronically. °C °C Ac cess trip computer v ehicle data by pressing the BC button on the Infotainment Unit E urope-SI Inst .
  • Page 82
    In struments, controls Average consumption Resetting trip computer information Display of av erage consumption. The following trip com puter inform ation The m easurement can be restarted at any can b e reset (restart measurements): time – see «R esetting trip computer z Average consum ption 11:25 inform ation».
  • Page 83: Stop Watch

    Instru men ts, c ontrols Interruption of power sup ply If the power supply has been interrup ted or if the battery voltage has dropped too low, the values stored in the trip computer will 11:25 be lost. °C Range Stop Watch Aver.

  • Page 84
    In struments, controls To select using the arrow buttons: To select using the m ultifunction k nob: To select using the left ad juster w heel on the steering wheel: Select menu item s via menus and with Turn Mark menu items or the b uttons on the Infotainm ent system.
  • Page 85
    Instru men ts, c ontrols 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Settings 19,5° 19:36 Time, Date 19,5° 19:36 [TP] C Din Time, Date 19:36 Time 19:36 Language 90.6 Units 10 . 07 . 2004 Date 10 . 07 . 2004 Contrast Day / Night Synchron.
  • Page 86
    In struments, controls Correcting time 3 With the nav igation system, d ate and time are set automatically upon receipt of a 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 satellite signal. If the displayed time 13 Languages 19,5° 19:36 Settings 19,5°…
  • Page 87
    Instru men ts, c ontrols S etting display m od e 3 The display can be adjusted to suit the lig ht conditions: black or c oloured text on a light 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 bac kground or w hite or coloured tex t on a Contrast 19,5°…
  • Page 88
    In struments, controls Ü Board Computer 19,5° 19:36 BC 1 All values Range BC 2 257.0 Range Timer Aver. Consump. Ltr./100km Ø 33 km km/ h Tyres Inst. Consumpt. Ltr./100km 31.0 Lt r. 8 8 8 8 Ø Lt r. /100km 19,5°…
  • Page 89
    Instru men ts, c ontrols Dista nce travelled Displays num ber of k ilom etres (miles) driven. The mea surem ent can be restarted Ü at any time — see «Resetting trip computer Ü Reset BC 1 19,5° 19:36 Board Computer 19,5°…
  • Page 90
    In struments, controls Interruption of power sup ply If the power supply has been interrup ted or if the battery voltage has dropped too low, Ü Ü the values stored in the trip computer will Reset BC 1 19,5° 19:36 Board Computer 19,5°…
  • Page 91: Display Of Current Ty Re Pressure 3

    Instru men ts, c ontrols The d esired stop watch d isplay can be Check control 3 selected from the Op tions menu 3: In v ehicles with tyre pressure monitoring system 3, if ty re pressure is too low, the Driving Time ex cl.

  • Page 92: Warning Buzzers

    In struments, controls Warning buzzers While driving: z when operating the turn signals. z if driv er’s or passenger’ s seat belt 3 is not engaged when the seat is occupied and vehicle speed exceeds approx . 22 km /h (14 m ph). When the vehicle is parked and driver’s door is opened: z with exterior lamps sw itc hed on.

  • Page 93
    Instru men ts, c ontrols Autom atic w iping with ra in sensor 3 Wi nd sc reen and head lamp washer Tail gate wi per and wa sher systems To activate, m ov e lever upwards to systems 3 Activate wipers a nd washer as follow s: automatic wiping with ra in sensor To activate, pull lev er towards steering…
  • Page 94: Lighting

    Ligh ting Lighting Daytim e running lamps 3 C om e on automatically when engine is started. They will turn off w hen the sidelig hts or dipp ed beam are on, or when the engine is stopped. Main beam, headlam p flash ….. 95 Follow the regula tions of the country in Autom atic dipped beam a ctivation which you are driving w hen using da ytime…

  • Page 95: Main Beam, Headlamp Flash

    Lightin g Main beam, headlamp flash Automatic dipped beam Turn sign al lamps activation 3 To switch from dipped beam to m ain To activa te, press lever up or down lightly. beam, p ush lev er forwards. Light switch to AUTO ; dipped b eam comes Lev er up Right turn on a utoma tica lly when the engine is…

  • Page 96: Front Fog Lam Ps

    Ligh ting Reversing lamps C om e on when reverse gear is engaged and ig nition is sw itched on. Centre high-mounted stop lamp C om es on when the brakes are ap plied, acting as a third stop lamp, to supplem ent the brake lamps.

  • Page 97: Parking Lights

    Lightin g Headlamp range adju stment q Parking lights Hazard warning lamps When the vehicle is parked, the p arking To switch on, p ress b utton ¨. Ma nua l hea dlam p range ad justment 3 lights on one sid e can be a ctiv ated: With dipped beam switched on, adjust To switch off, press button ¨…

  • Page 98: Peripheral Lighting

    Ligh ting Vehi cles w ith level cont rol system z Front seats occupied z All seats occ upied z All seats occ upied and loa d in lugga ge c om partment z Driv er’s seat occupied and load in lugga ge c om partment Autom atic headl amp range adj ust ment 3…

  • Page 99: Interior Courtesy Lam Ps

    Lightin g Interior courtesy lamps Courtesy lamp s ca n be turned off Front reading lamp s immed iately by pressing button Left and rig ht reading lam ps a re Front reading lamps, rear interior lamp s individually op erable. With ignition on: and luggage c om partment lamps function as courtesy lighting and illuminate when = Press b utton…

  • Page 100
    Ligh ting Front door l amps C om e on when a door is opened. O nce all doors are closed, the front door lamp s extinguish after approx. 10 seconds. If the doors a re left open, the lamps will stay on for approx .
  • Page 101: Battery Discharge P Rotection

    Lightin g Battery discharge protectio n To prevent battery from becoming discharged, the external la mps turn off automatically approx. 10 m inutes after the ignition is switched off. Battery discharge protection will not work if the la mps are turned on 10 minutes after the ignition has been switched off;…

  • Page 102: Infotainment System

    In fo tain men t system Infotainment system Radio reception 3 The radio is opera ted as describ ed in the op erating instructions supplied . Vehicle radio reception will differ from that ob tained with domestic radios. As the v ehicle antenna is relatively near the Radio reception 3 ..

  • Page 103
    Info tainment system Mobile telephones and radio Obtain ad vice on p redetermined Warnin g equipment (CB) 3 installation loc ations for the external antenna and equipment holder and way s The O pel installation instructions and the When used in the v ehicle interior, mobile of using dev ices w ith transmission power of opera ting guid elines provided by the telephones a nd radio eq uipm ent (CB)
  • Page 104: Climate Control

    Climate c ontrol Climate control Heating and ventila tion system, air conditioning system ….104 Electronic Climate Control (EC C) 3 … 104 Air vents ……….105 Heated rear window, heated ex terior mirrors 3 …

  • Page 105: Air Vents

    Climate control Door w indow defroster vents Air distrib ution rotary knob set to l or J ; cooled or heated air will b e directed onto the windscreen and onto the door w indows (mainly in the area of the exterior m irrors). Rear a ir vents O perational when air distribution rotary knob is set to L, K or J.

  • Page 106: Heated Rear Window

    Climate c ontrol Heated rear window, Heated front seats 3 Glove com partment cooling 3 heated exterior m irrors 3 Operational only in ignition switch C ooled air is fed into the glove positions AC C or O N. compa rtm ent through an air opening, O perational only in ignition switch when the air conditioning is turned on.

  • Page 107: Heating And Ventila Tion System

    Climate control Heatin g and ventilation system Central r ot ary k nob: Temperat ure Rig ht-hand rot ary k nob: Air flow To red = Warm Four fan speeds: Left -hand rota ry k nob : Air d istributi on To blue = Cold To head area via adjustable air vents = Off…

  • Page 108
    Climate c ontrol Hea ting To obtain a temperature for a » cool head The amount of heat is depend ent on the and w arm feet» effect: engine temperature and is thus not fully z Turn air recirculation m ode 4 off. attained until the engine is warm.
  • Page 109
    Climate control z Set fa n to 4. z Close centre air v ents. z Open adjustable side air vents and direct them towards door windows. z Switch on heated rear window Ü. For sim ultaneous warming of the footw ell, set a ir distribution rota ry knob to J .
  • Page 110: Air Recirculation Mode

    Climate c ontrol Air recircula tion mode should only be used for b rief periods, d ue to gradual deterioration in air quality and an increase in humidity , causing windows to mist up. Driv ing with air recirculation mode on for extended periods may cause vehicle oc cup ants to feel drowsy.

  • Page 111
    Climate control Once activated, the air conditioning sy stem is operated via the norm al heating and ventilation controls. Even with air conditioning on, if temperature rotary knob is set to wa rm , the vehicle will still prod uce warm air in the passenger compa rtm ent.
  • Page 112: Electronic Climate Control (Ec C) 3

    Climate c ontrol Electronic Climate Control (ECC) 3 Provides the greatest amount of com fort in the vehicle interior, regardless of the weather, outside tem perature or season. To ensure a constant and comfortable climate in the vehic le, the tem perature of the inflow ing air, the a ir flow rate, air distribution mode, air rec irculation mode and air conditioning a re automatically…

  • Page 113
    Climate control Temperat ur e p reset The c entral rota ry knob can be used to set the temperature; 22 °C , 24 °C a nd 26 °C app ear on the rotary knob. I ntermed ia te settings are possible. The selected tem perature is m ainta ined.
  • Page 114
    Climate c ontrol Air recirculation mode 4 is autom atically switched off. Air c onditioning n switches To switch off wind ow demisting and defrosting, press button V aga in, press AUTO button, adjust fan speed or a ir distribution rotary knob . Manual sett ings Wi nd ow demi st ing and d efrosting Under certain circumstances (e.
  • Page 115: Air Intake

    Climate control Note Maintenance If the windscreen mists up in damp To ensure c ontinuously effic ient weather, tem pora rily set the sy stem as performa nc e and prolong the life of the air described und er «Window demisting and conditioning sy stem, it must be switched on defrosting»…

  • Page 116: Driving And Operation

    Drivin g and operatio n Driving and operation Automatic tran smission 3 Warnin g The automatic transmission perm its manual gea rshifting (m anual m ode) or autom atic gea rshifting (a utomati c mode) Disregard of these instruc tions may with fully autom atic clutch control.

  • Page 117
    Driving and o peration S elec tor lever can only be moved out of P or N with the ignition switched on and the foot brake depressed (selector lever lock). To eng age P or R, press selector lever button. N ever shift to P or R while the vehicle is mov ing.
  • Page 118
    Drivin g and operatio n When up shifting in manual mode, take heed of preva iling road conditions, keeping engine sp eed below the red zone. Dow nshifts must be made in accordance with vehicle sp eed. Gears can be skipped by moving the selector lever repea tedly at short interva ls.
  • Page 119
    Driving and o peration Engine bra king a ssista nc e St opping t he v ehi cle Automatic mode The selector lever can be left in the current The automatic transmission autom atically drive range when the engine is running. selects the d riv ing programs with the best In automatic or manual mode, once the possible braking effect.
  • Page 120
    Drivin g and operatio n Park ing Rocking the vehicle Before leav ing the vehicle: If it becomes necessary to rock the vehicle to free it from water, ice, sa nd, mud, snow z Depress and hold foot brake, or a dip, observe the follow ing : z Ap ply hand brak e, z Move selector lev er to position P, Check there are no objects or people in the…
  • Page 121
    Driving and o peration If the cause of the interruption to the power supply is not a discharged battery, release selector lever: 1. Turn off ignition and rem ove key . 2. Dep ress and hold foot bra ke. 3. Rem ove cap on console with a suitable screwdriver.
  • Page 122: All Wheel Driv E 3

    Drivin g and operatio n All Wheel Drive 3 O n-road dr iving The increased traction of All Wheel Drive All Wheel Driv e (AWD) is an active-on- vehicles offers greater driving control in demand system that engages adv erse road cond itions, particularly automatically, with no action required by hea vy snow and ice.

  • Page 123
    Driving and o peration Always exerc ise caution when in slip pery Off-road driv ing Prepara tion conditions (caused by sand, gravel, water, During off-road driving, you will encounter The dura tion, distance and conditions of snow or ice on the road), in order to a variety of driving conditions and the off-road a ctiv ity determine the extent maintain vehicle control.
  • Page 124
    A tow rope should be carried, to allow the recovery vehicle to b e plac ed c lear of any adverse ground. Your Opel Service Partner will assist you in assessing any spec ia l requirem ents. Ensure that ty res (including the sp are) are…
  • Page 125
    Driving and o peration The g round clearance, ramp a ngle, angle Dr iving through wat er Avoid wa ter entering the air inta ke system . of approach and depa rture and wading Do not exceed the ma ximum wa ding Warnin g depth need to be considered, especially in depth.
  • Page 126
    Drivin g and operatio n Self-help Clea ning C lean and c heck the mecha nica l parts of Recovery and towing Clea n the vehicle thoroughly and as soon the vehicle, particularly the following When rec ov ering or towing a v ehicle as possible after driving off-road.
  • Page 127
    Driving and o peration Mai nt ena nc e All Wheel Dri ve sum mary Don’t Certain maintenance operations, e. g. z Do not venture off-road unless you are changes of engine oil, oil filter, air clea ner z C heck fuel and tyres, water and oil levels certain that the cond itions are capable element and brake pads, are required before venturing off-roa d.
  • Page 128: Driving Hints

    Drivin g and operatio n Driving hints Brake servo unit Driv ing in ext rem e conditions With the engine not running, the brak e When driving in haza rd ous conditions, e. g. The first 1000 km (600 mi les) servo unit is no longer effective once the in snow , ice, mud, sand or water, drive Drive your vehicle at v arious speeds.

  • Page 129
    Driving and o peration Sw itching off t he engine Engine rpm C lutch operati on 3 If the engine temperature is v ery high, e.g. Und er all d riv ing cond itions, drive in a Alway s d epress the c lutch pedal hard to after driv ing in mountainous terrain: allow fa vourab le engine speed range.
  • Page 130: Save Fuel, Protect The Environment

    Trend-set ting technology vehicles is av ailable at www.opel.com. fuel emission, the a mount of pollutant in When dev eloping and manufac turing your the exhaust a nd the am ount of noise.

  • Page 131
    Driv ing with an ey e on the tachom eter z Roof racks can increase fuel Opel Service Partner. saves fuel. I f possib le, drive a t low rev s in consump tion by approx. 1 l/100 km Extr em e d riving conditions each gear and a t a consta nt speed.
  • Page 132: Fuels, Refuelling

    Drivin g and operatio n Fuels, refu elling Fuel for petrol engi nes Fuel for diesel engi nes Commercially av ailable high-quality fuels Diesel engines m ust be operated only on Fuel c onsum ption are suitable (see pag e 221). Fuel quality comm ercially av ailable diesel fuel meeting O ptional equipment (e.g.

  • Page 133
    Driving and o peration Fuel filler cap C orrect refuelling is largely dependent on If replacing the fuel filler cap, be sure to use correc t operation of the dispensing pump: the origina l fuel filler cap for your model, to z Insert dispensing pump as far as it will go ensure full func tionality.
  • Page 134: Catalytic Converter, Exhaust Emissions

    Drivin g and operatio n Damage to the ca talytic converter or the C atalytic c onverter for diesel eng ines vehicle may result if the follow ing points Dama ge to the catalytic conv erter or the are not observed: vehicle m ay result if the following points are not observed : z If the engine misfires or runs roughly…

  • Page 135
    Driving and o peration Cont rolling exha ust em ission Control indica tor for exhaust emissions C ontrol indicator for engine electronics Through d esign-related mea sures, Control indica tor Z illuminates for a few C ontrol indicator 3 illum ina tes for a few primarily in the fuel injec tion and ig nition second s w hen the ignition is switched on.
  • Page 136
    The system contains a self-cleaning Engine exhaust gases contain poisonous your Opel Service Partner, who has proper function at certain intervals. The filter is carbon monoxide, which has no colour or equipment and trained personnel cleaned by burning the soot particles at odour and can be lethal if inhaled.
  • Page 137: Electronic Stability Control (Esc)

    Driving and o peration Drive control systems When the ESC comes into action, control indica tor flashes in the instrument panel. Electronic Stability Co ntro l (ESC) Some noise or v ibration m ay be app arent. The Electronic Sta bility Control improves The vehic le is now in a critical situation;…

  • Page 138
    Drivin g and operatio n ES C N ot Rea dy control indicator Switching off Turn off ESC function to allow engine rpm The c ontrol indicator illumina tes in yellow Control indicator J illuminates in y ellow for to increa se, by pressing button J . C ontrol for approx.
  • Page 139: Dcs (Desc Ent Control System)

    Driving and o peration Hydraulic Brake Assist (HBA) When the ESC function comes into a ction and recognises a ny em ergenc y situations req uiring hard b ra king, it automatically delivers increased braking pressure to the wheels. Acti ve Rollov er Protect ion (AR P) If the v ehicle moves in a n unstable m anner, this function helps the v ehicle maintain normal stability.

  • Page 140
    Drivin g and operatio n To deactivate Flashing or illumination of the yellow DCS Press DCS button ag ain. The green DC S control indicator 5 reminds the driver that control indica tor 5 will extinguish. the friction material needs to cool down: drive the vehicle without b ra king as much Dep ressing the foot b ra ke or accelerator as possible.
  • Page 141: Cruise Control 3

    Driving and o peration Cru ise co ntro l 3 Do not use cruise control if it is not advisable to maintain a constant speed Cruise control can store and maintain (e.g. in situations p resenting a danger to speeds over a pprox. 40 km/h (25 mph). yourself and other road users, in hea vy Dev iation from the stored speed may occur tra ffic or on winding, slippery or greasy…

  • Page 142
    Drivin g and operatio n Increase speed To deactivate With cruise control active, press and hold S witc h off cruise control when not needed, button and relea se it when the to av oid accidental activation. desired vehicle sp eed is reached. Press button to turn cruise control off.
  • Page 143: Park Pilot 3

    Driving and operation Park pilot 3 Deactivation switch Activation switch The system is functional whenever the The system must be activated manually. The park pilot makes parking easier by ignition is switched on, a forward or reverse Press button on the instrument panel. measuring the distance between the gear is engaged and the hand brake is The symbol in the button will illuminate…

  • Page 144: Autom Atic Lev El Control 3

    Driving and operation Control indicator for park pilot Warning If control indicator illuminates continuously while driving there is a fault in Under certain circumstances, various the system. If the acoustic signal sounds reflective surfaces on objects or clothing 3 times when there are no obstacles near as well as external noise sources may the front or rear bumper, there is a fault in cause system to fail to detect obstacles.

  • Page 145: Tyre Pressure Monitoring System

    Driving and o peration Tyre pressure mo nitoring Warning system 3 The ty re pressure m onitoring system The tyre pressure monitoring system does Ü Board Computer continually checks the pressure of all four not replac e m anual checks with a wheels while driving.

  • Page 146: Brake System

    Drivin g and operatio n Brake system The effectiveness of the brakes is an important factor for traffic sa fety. Ü Ü Board Computer Board Computer In the interest of effectiveness, do not brak e unnecessarily hard during the first Attention! 200 k m (125 miles) a fter new disc brake Tyre pressure…

  • Page 147
    Driving and o peration Foot b rake In order to utilise the full pedal travel, The brake system comprises two separate particularly in the ev ent of a b ra ke circ uit brake circuits. fault, there must b e no mats in the area of the peda ls — see p age 129.
  • Page 148
    Drivin g and operatio n If the control indicator stays lit, the brakes do not operate a s normal or leaks are found in the brake sy stem, do not attem pt to drive the vehicle. Have the vehic le towed to a work shop for insp ection and repair.
  • Page 149: Anti-Lock Brake System (Abs) U

    Driving and o peration Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) If control indicator u illum ina tes during driving a long with brake sy stem control The ABS continually monitors the v ehicle’s indicator 4, there is a serious fault in the brake system and prevents the wheels from brak e system.

  • Page 150: Wheels, Tyres

    Drivin g and operatio n Wheels, tyres Vehicles wit h tyre pr essure monitoring S om e brands of ty res hav e a beaded edge system 3 for alloy w heels, to protect against See page 227 for suitable tyres a nd When using winter tyres, or when switching dam age.

  • Page 151
    Driving and o peration Tyre p r essure After having chec ked the tyre pressures, Tyre c ond ition, w heel cond ition Check ty re pressures when cold, at least securely tighten the valv e ca ps. Driving over sha rp edg es can lead to every 14 da ys and prior to any long hidden tyre damage and w heel d amage Incorrect infla tion pressures will imp air…
  • Page 152
    Drivin g and operatio n General inform ation N ote that the d anger of aquap la ning is greater if the ty res are worn and if the tyre pressures are not correct. Tyres age, ev en if they are used only very little or not at all.
  • Page 153
    Wheel trim s 3 If the wheel trims and ty res used are not Opel-approved, make sure the t y res do not ha ve a beaded edge — see pa ge 150. Va ries from cou ntry to co untry on a ccou nt o f…
  • Page 154: Roof Racks 3

    Drivin g and operatio n Always use fine-linked chains tha t add no Tem porary sp are wheel Roof racks more than 15 mm to the tyre tread and the The temporary spare wheel is designed for Warnin g inboard sides (including chain lock). use on your vehicle only.

  • Page 155: Flex-Fix System 3

    Driving and o peration Flex-Fix system 3 Extend Fl ex-Fi x system C om pletely pull out the Flex -Fix sy stem Open tailgate — see page 26. until you hear it engage. The Flex -Fix sy stem allows up to two bicy cles to be attached to a pull-out carrier Ensure that it is not possible to push in the Warning…

  • Page 156
    Drivin g and operatio n Pull up license p la te holder a nd fully insert Install t he t ail la mps O pen out the lam p support on the ba ck of the holder supports into the reta iners. Remove the left tail lam p (1), then the right the tail lamp a ll the way .
  • Page 157
    Driving and o peration Push the clamping lever and insert the Check the cable and lamp position to make Lock t he Flex-Fix system lamp support into the retainer until it hits sure these are correctly installed and are S wivel the left clamp ing lever (1) outwards the stop.
  • Page 158
    Drivin g and operatio n Unfold p ed al cra nk recesses Remove the peda l crank mounts from the Ad apting the Flex- Fix system to a bicycle Fold one or both pedal crank recesses pedal crank rec esses. With the rotary lever on the pedal crank upwards until the diagonal support recess, roughly adapt the adjustable pedal…
  • Page 159
    Driving and o peration If the bicycle has curv ed peda l cranks, Press the release lev er and withd ra w the Push the release lever on the strap retainer screw in the pedal crank unit all the way wheel recesses.
  • Page 160
    Drivin g and operatio n Prepare the bicycle for at tachment Attac hi ng a bicycle to the Flex-Fix system Insert pedal crank mount into outer rail of Rotate the left pedal (opp osite the chain Put on the bicycle. The peda l crank here each pedal crank recess from above and cog) vertically downward s.
  • Page 161
    Driving and o peration Attach the p edal cra nk by rotating the Plac e the wheel recesses such that the Align the bicycle in the longitudina l attachment screw on the p edal crank bicycle is more or less horizontal. Here, the direction of the vehicle: mount.
  • Page 162
    Drivin g and operatio n Tighten the attachment screw for the pedal Rem oving a bicycle from t he Flex-Fix Retra cting t he Flex-Fix system bearing mount to its m aximum p oint. system Push the pedal crank m ounts into the Und o strap retainers on both bicycle tyres.
  • Page 163
    Driving and o peration Secure the strap retainer a nd pull tightly Press release lever and slide in w heel Disengage the lock ing lever on the downwards as far as possible. recesses all the way as fa r as they w ill go. diag onal support and fold both pedal crank recesses down.
  • Page 164
    Drivin g and operatio n Swiv el first the right clamp ing lever (1), Push the clamping lever and pull both lam p Fold in the lam p sup ports on the backs of inwards, followed by the left clam ping lev er supports out of the recesses.
  • Page 165: Towing Eq Uipm Ent 3

    Driving and o peration Towing equipment 3 If the vehicle is not equipped with a trailer hitch, we rec om mend hav ing this retrofitted by a workshop, who will advise y ou on any possible towed load increases. The work shop has instructions on how to insta ll the trailer hitch and making any changes to the vehicle that are needed that affect the cooling system, heat shields…

  • Page 166
    Drivin g and operatio n Towing eq ui pment wi th detacha ble coupli ng ball bar 3 Stowage of coupling ball b ar The c oupling ba ll bar is kept in a ba g, fastened with a strap and is stowed below the floor cover in the luggag e compartment.
  • Page 167
    Driving and o peration I mporta nt C heck tha t the coupling ball bar is correctly attached: z Green marking must be visible on lever. z Coupling ball ba r must b e sea ted firmly in coup ling housing. C oupling b all bar must be locked and key must be remov ed.
  • Page 168: Towing

    Drivin g and operatio n Towing S ince engine power decreases as altitud e increa ses b ecause of the air becoming Cara van/trail er l oads thinner, therefore reducing climb ing ability, The permissible caravan/trailer loads are it may not be possible for permissible trailer vehicle-dependent and eng ine-dependent loads to be fully utilized in mountainous maximum values which must not be…

  • Page 169
    Driving and o peration Coup ling socket l oa d Rea r axle load duri ng towing The c oupling socket load is the load When the carav an/trailer is coupled and exerted by the carav an/trailer on the the towing vehic le fully loaded (including coupling ball.
  • Page 170
    Drivin g and operatio n Driv ing chara cteristics, tow ing tip s In the case of caravans/trailers w ith low When coupled to a ca ra van/trailer, the In the case of carav ans/tra ilers with directional stab ility , it is a dvisa ble to use a vehicle requires more braking effort when brakes 3, a tta ch the breakaway stopp ing friction-type sta biliz er to da mp rolling…
  • Page 171
    Driving and o peration Block the wheels of both the carav an/trailer and the vehicle when p arking and alway s apply the hand brak e firmly. If possible, do not park on slopes. Warning Have someone p rov id e assistance when removing block s.
  • Page 172: Self-Help, Vehicle Care

    Self-help, vehicle care Self-help, vehicle care Warning Disregard of the instructions may lead to injuries or endanger life. Vehicle passengers must be informed accordingly. Diesel fuel system, bleeding ….172 Bonnet ……….172 Diesel fuel system , bleeding Starting ..

  • Page 173: Starting

    Self-help, vehicle care Starting Starting the engine with jump leads 3 Do not st art w ith quic k charg er This prevents damag e to electronic A vehicle with a d ischarged battery ca n be components. started using jump leads and the battery of another v ehicle.

  • Page 174
    Self-help, vehicle care z Use aux iliary battery with same voltage (12 v olts). Its cap acity (Ah) must not b e consid erably less than that of the discharged battery. Voltag e and capa city inform ation c an be found on the batteries.
  • Page 175: Towing

    Self-help, vehicle care Place gearshift lev er in neutral. Switch on Warning the ignition to release the steering column lock and to perm it operation of the brak e Care must b e tak en to ensure that the lamp s a nd windscreen wip ers. leads do not inadvertently contact metal Drive off slowly and avoid jerky surfaces within the com partment area.

  • Page 176
    Self-help, vehicle care Keep tow rope 3 clear of front b um per, Tow ing service and ensure it is securely fixed to the towing Entrust y our v ehicle only to the towing eye at both ends. Pull on the tow rope 3 to service of your choice and obta in a n check .
  • Page 177: Jack And Vehicle Tools

    Self-help, vehicle care Sc rew the rear towing eye attachment anti- clockwise until it is firmly in p la ce. Warning Nev er lift vehicle using the towing eye. Drive off slowly and avoid jerky movements. I mpermissible tractive forces could dam age the vehic les.

  • Page 178: Warning Triangle

    Self-help, vehicle care Warning triangle General inform ation ¨ First aid kit If y ou use winter tyres 3, the sp are wheel ma y still be fitted with a summer tyre. Your first aid kit a nd warning tria ngle can be a ccommodated b elow the floor cover in If y ou use the spare wheel when it is fitted the lugga ge c om partment.

  • Page 179: Wheel Changing

    Self-help, vehicle care Notes on tempor ary spa re wheel Notes on directional tyres 3 Wheel changing z Using a temporary spa re wheel m ay Ty res with a p rescrib ed rotating direction In order to reduce the cha nce of possible cha nge the driving behav iour of the can only achiev e their maxim um injuries, mak e the following preparations…

  • Page 180
    Self-help, vehicle care z Remove wheel trim 3. z Do not raise the vehicle more tha n is necessary to change a wheel. z Slacken wheel nuts one turn only before ra ising the vehicle, but do not totally z No people or animals may be in the unscrew or remove the nuts until the vehicle when it is jacked -up.
  • Page 181
    Self-help, vehicle care 3. The location of front a nd rear jack ing 4. Before p ositioning the jack, set it to the 5. Attach wrench to eye of threaded rod points is indicated by notches on the necessary heig ht b y rotating the eye by and turn crank to raise vehicle.
  • Page 182: Electrical System

    Self-help, vehicle care Electrical system 11. S tow replaced wheel in luggage comp artm ent. Warnin g 12. S tow the jacking equipment and Electronic ignition system s generate very warning triangle 3 — see pag es 177, hig h voltages. Do not touch the ignition 178.

  • Page 183: Fuses And The Most Important C Ircuits

    Self-help, vehicle care Only install fuses of the sp ecified rating . Each fuse has its rating written on it, in addition the fuses are c olour coded. Fuses, Fuses, C olour Rating Grey Light brown Dark brow n 7.5 A 10 A Light blue 15 A…

  • Page 184
    Self-help, vehicle care No. C ircuit Rat ing Windscreen washer 10 A Exterior m irror heating 15 A Instrum ent cluster 10 A Ig nition 10 A Airbag 10 A S teering wheel remote Folding mirrors 10 A C igarette lighter 20 A Some circuits m ay be protected by severa l Passenger’…
  • Page 185
    Self-help, vehicle care Some circuits may be protected by sev eral Eng ine compar tment fuse box No. C ircuit Rat ing fuses. The fuse box is located next to the coolant reserv oir in the engine compartment. C ooling fan a ux ilia ry 30 A No.
  • Page 186: Bulb Replacement

    Self-help, vehicle care Bulb replacement No. C ircuit Rati ng Before replacing a bulb, switch off ignition Electric seat 30 A and relevant switch. Battery 60 A Only hold new bulbs at base! Do not touch Defogg er 30 A the bulb glass with bare hands, otherwise Dipped beam (left side) 15 A…

  • Page 187: Halogen Headlamp System

    Self-help, vehicle care Halogen headlamp system Sidelight s Front turn signa l lamp s 1. Remove headlam p assembly — 1. Remov e headlamp assem bly — Dipp ed and ma in beam see page 186. see page 186. Main beam 1 (inner bulbs) and dip ped beam 2 (outer bulbs).

  • Page 188
    Self-help, vehicle care Xenon headlamp system 3 Sidelight s Front turn signa l lamp s 1. Remove headlam p assembly — 1. Remov e headlamp assem bly — Halogen headlam ps A can be identified see page 186. see page 186. from Xenon headla mps B by the different lens layout.
  • Page 189
    Self-help, vehicle care Front fog la mps Side repeater lam ps Rear brak e, tai l, turn signal, reverse lamp s 1. Remove 2 screws from panel on 1. Using a suita ble screwdriver, pry lam p and fog tai l lamp underside of vehic le below front fog assembly away from wing.
  • Page 190
    Self-help, vehicle care 6. Replace lamp assembly b y guiding lugs Lic ense plat e l amps Front reading lamp s on lam p assembly into their holes (see 1. Remove 4 screw s (arrowed) and remov e 1. Using a suitable screwdriver, pry lamp black arrows in illustration).
  • Page 191
    Self-help, vehicle care Rear int erior lamp s Lugg age comp artment l amps 3 Front door l amps 1. Using a suitable sc rewdriver, pry lamp 1. Using a suitable sc rewdriver, remove lens 1. Using a suitable screwdriver, pry lamp lens away from roof lining.
  • Page 192: O Pel Genuine Parts And Acc Essories

    , y ou may endanger yourself a nd ac cessories other road users. We recommend the use of “ Opel genuine Checking and topping u p fluids parts and acc essories” and conv ersion To aid identification, the engine oil filler…

  • Page 193
    Self-help, vehicle care Engine oil Information on engine oils — see page 216. Eng ine oi l level and consum ption It is normal for every engine to consume som e oil, and it is som etimes necessary to check and top up the engine oil lev el between oil chang es.
  • Page 194
    Self-help, vehicle care Top up if the engine oil level has dropped When replenishing , attem pt to use the C apacities — see pa ge 229. to the » add oil» low er ma rk (or MIN mark). sam e typ e of eng ine oil as used at the last A stabilization of the engine oil oil cha nge.
  • Page 195: Diesel Fuel Filter

    The engine oil life m onitor lets y ou k now left of the filter housing, anti-clockw ise We rec om mend that you use genuine Opel when to change the oil. Ba sed on driving using a suitab le screwd riv er, to drain off oil filters.

  • Page 196
    — see p age 73. Drain the engine d amage. We therefore strongly water immediately . recommend the use of antifreeze that has been approved by Opel. Warning C ool ant level Hard ly any losses occur since the c ooling…
  • Page 197: Brake Fluid

    Self-help, vehicle care Coolant tem perature Warning Control indica tor W illum inates when coolant temperature is too hig h. Check Allow engine to cool d ow n before coolant level: removing coolant filler c ap. If stea m is z C oolant level low : visible, mov e aw ay from the vehicle until Top up coolant.

  • Page 198
    Self-help, vehicle care The b ra ke fluid level in the reservoir must Brake fluid change not be higher than the MAX mark or lower As brak e fluid is hygroscopic, it ab sorbs than the MI N m ark. water.
  • Page 199: Windscreen Wipers

    MIN mark, consult a work shop. Smearing wiper blades can be c leaned with nea r the top of the windscreen. a soft cloth and Opel Clea ning Solvent and Antifreeze. Wiper blades whose lips ha ve become ha rd ened, cracked or covered with silicone must b e replaced .

  • Page 200: Windscreen Washer System

    Self-help, vehicle care In cold weather, do not fill the windscreen washer fluid reservoir more than three- quarters full, to allow enoug h room for expansion if the fluid freez es, and to prevent d amage to the reservoir. In freezing conditions, use windsc reen washer fluid with sufficient antifreezing properties.

  • Page 201: Battery

    Self-help, vehicle care Lay ing up the v ehicle for m ore than Warnin g 6 weeks can lead to battery discharge, whic h may reduce the service life of the Ensure there is adequate ventilation battery. Disconnect battery from on-board when charging the battery.

  • Page 202: Protection Of Electronic Com Ponents

    Self-help, vehicle care Di sc onnecti ng/connect ing the bat ter y Vehicle care from/to the elec trica l system In ca ring for y our vehicle, observe all Disconnect the battery from the v ehicle national environmental regulations, electrica l sy stem before charging: particularly w hen washing your vehicle.

  • Page 203
    Self-help, vehicle care Vehi cle care aids 3 Wa shing C lean edges and folds on opened doors Vehicle wash: The p aintwork of your vehicle is ex posed to and flaps as well as the a reas they cover. z Car S ham poo environmental influences, e.g.
  • Page 204
    Paintwork polish w ith silicone forms Ap plicator or Opel Sp ra y and Touch-up a p rotective film , mak ing waxing Pa int b efore rust can form. I f rust has unnecessary.
  • Page 205
    Self-help, vehicle care Plastic and rubb er p arts Av oid over-exposure to va pours from Seat belts For additiona l cleaning of plastic and cleaning agents and other chem icals when Alway s k eep seat b elts clean a nd dry. rubber parts, use a cleaner suitable for cleaning.
  • Page 206
    Self-help, vehicle care Windscreen wiper bl ades Engine com partm ent Underbod y Wax, such as that used in car wa shes, c an Areas of the engine compa rtm ent that are Y our v ehicle ha s a factory -applied PVC cause streak s to form on the windsc reen painted in the sa me c olour as the vehicle undercoating in the wheel arches…
  • Page 207: Service, Maintenance

    Service, m ainten ance Service, maintenance European service intervals Confirmatio ns Engine oil c hange — Z 24 XE onl y C onfirmation of Service is recorded in the Due every 15,000 km (10, 000 miles). spaces p rov ided in the Service and Warranty Booklet.

  • Page 208
    Service, maintenanc e Euro pean service schedule (Antara Z 20 DM, Z 20 DMH, Z 24 XE, Z 32 SE) O per ations by y ear km ( x 1000) miles ( x 1000) Controls, lighting, signalling equipment a nd airbags: visual chec k…
  • Page 209
    Service, m ainten ance O per ations by y ear km ( x 1000) miles ( x 1000) Ribbed V-belt: visual check Toothed belt and tension roller: v isual check ⊕ Toothed belt and tension roller: replace — Z 24 XE Every 8 years/120 000 k m/80 000 miles Toothed belt and tension roller: replace — Z 20 DM, Z 20 DMH Ev ery 6 y ears/90 000 km /60 000 miles…
  • Page 210
    Service, maintenanc e O per ations by y ear km ( x 1000) miles ( x 1000) Front and rear wheel bra kes: check visually Annual service check if annual m ileage ex ceeds 20 000 km (13 000 miles) Annually ⊕…
  • Page 211
    Service, maintenance International service schedule (All except Z 24 XE) Operations by year km ( x 1000) miles ( x 1000) Controls, lighting, signalling equipment and airbags: visual check steering lock and ignition lock: check Remote control batteries: replace Every 2 years Windscreen wipers, windscreen washer system: check, correct Coolant level and antifreeze: check, correct Record antifreeze concentration in Service and Warranty Booklet…
  • Page 212
    Service, maintenance Operations by year km ( x 1000) miles ( x 1000) Diesel fuel filter: drain water If relative humidity is high and/or fuel is of lower quality Agreement with customer ⊕ Fuel filter: replace and drain water — diesel (grade EN 590) Every 2 years/60 000 km/40 000 miles Parking brake: check and adjust Wheel mounting and suspension front and rear, brake lines, brake pressure…
  • Page 213
    Service, maintenance International service schedule (Antara Z 24 XE) Operations by month km ( x 1000) miles ( x 1000) Controls, lighting, signalling equipment and airbags: visual check steering lock and ignition lock: check Remote control batteries: replace Every 2 years…
  • Page 214
    Service, maintenance Operations by month km ( x 1000) miles ( x 1000) Parking brake: check and adjust Wheel mounting and suspension front and rear, brake lines, brake pressure Every 2 years/60 000 km/40 000 miles hoses, fuel lines and exhaust system: visual check Corrosion protection: check and record in Service and Warranty Booklet Front and rear wheel brakes: check visually Every 2 years/60 000 km/40 000 miles…
  • Page 215: Additional Servicing

    Service, m ainten ance Additional servicing Police vehic les, taxis and d riv ing school Reco mmended fluids and vehicles a re also classified as operating lubrican ts Add itional op era tions ⊕ under severe c onditions. Additional w ork is work tha t is not req uired O nly use products that have been tested every service but can be performed in Und er sev ere operating conditions, it may…

  • Page 216
    Service, maintenanc e Engine oil International sp ec ificati ons Topp ing up engine oil O ils of different m anufacturers and bra nds AC EA-A3: Petrol eng ines Engine oil is identified b y its quality and can b e m ix ed as long as you comply with also its viscosity.
  • Page 217: Coolant And Antifreeze

    Service, m ainten ance Eng ine oi l add itives Coolant and antifreeze The use of engine oil additives could cause Use antifreeze of recomm ended dam age and invalidate the warranty. spec ification: silicate-free LLC (Long Life C oolant). Eng ine oi l viscosity SAE 0W-30, 0W-40, 5W-30 or 5W-40 The sy stem is factory-filled with coolant…

  • Page 218: Brake And Clutch Fluid

    Service, maintenanc e Brake and clutch fluid Brake fluid should be stored in a sealed container to avoid wa ter absorption. O nly use DO T4 brak e fluid. Ensure it does not become conta mina ted Warning with fluids containing mineral oil (oil, petrol, cleaner) as this can dama ge the Bra ke fluid is poisonous! seals and sleev es of the b ra ke system .

  • Page 219: Technical Data

    Technical data Technical data Vehicle docum ents, identification plate……219 Coolant, b ra ke fluid, oils ….220 Engine data……… 221 Performance……..222 Fuel consump tion, CO emissions ..

  • Page 220
    Tec hnic al data Coo lant, brake fluid, oils Engine oils Information on engine oils is availab le on Use approved fluids only . pag e 216. Use of unsuitab le fluids could cause serious damage to the vehicle. The Vehicle Identification Numb er (VIN) is also engrav ed on the top rig ht-hand side of the b ulkhead near the centre of the engine firewall.
  • Page 221: Engine Data

    Technical data Engine data Sales designation 2.4 Petrol 3. 2 V6 Petrol 2.0 Diesel 2.0 Diesel Engine sta mp Z 24 SE 10 HM Z 20 S Z 20 S Eng ine identifier code Z 24 XE Z 32 SE Z 20 DM H Z 20 DM Numb er of cylinders…

  • Page 222
    Tec hnic al data Performance (approx. km/h / mph) All Wheel Drive Eng ine Z 24 XE Z 32 SE Z 20 DMH Z 20 DM Max imum speed Manual tra nsmission 175/109 181/112 176/109 Automatic transmission 170/106 203/126 178/111 Sa les desig nation — see pa ge 221 .
  • Page 223
    Technical data Fuel consumption, CO emissio ns The direc tiv e is oriented to actual driving The figures given m ust not be taken as a practices: Urba n driving is rated at guarantee for the actual fuel consumption Directive 80/1268/EEC (last c hanged approx.
  • Page 224: Fuel Consumption

    Tec hnic al data Fuel consumption emission (approx. l/100 km ) (app rox . g/km) All Wheel Drive Eng ine Z 24 XE Z 32 SE Z 20 DM H Z 20 DM Manual transm ission/Autom atic transmission urban 13.3/14. 1 — /16.

  • Page 225
    Technical data Weights, payload and roof load The combined total of front a nd rear ax le Roof loa d loa ds must not exceed the perm issible The maximum permissible roof load The p ayload is the difference between the Gross Vehicle Weight.
  • Page 226
    Tec hnic al data 1) 2 ) Weights Kerb weights (kg), Eng ine All Wheel Driv e Front Wheel Drive Ma nua l transmi ssion/Automa tic tr ansm ission M anual tra nsm issi on/Autom atic transmission Z 24 XE 1805/1825 1730/- Z 32 SE…
  • Page 227: Winter Tyres

    We rec om mend the use of O pel-tested currently meet the structural requirem ents. fine-mesh tyre chains that a dd no more We recommend that you consult a n Opel than 15 mm to the tyre trea d and the Service Partner concerning suitab le tyre inboard sides (including chain lock).

  • Page 228
    Tec hnic al data Tyre pressures in kPa/bar Tyre pressure for loa d of The ty re pressures given are valid for cold Tyre pressure for full load tyres. The increased tyre p ressure resulting up to 4 persons from extensive driving must not be Engine Tyres Front…
  • Page 229
    Technical data Electrical system Eng ine Z 24 XE Z 32 SE Z 20 DMH Z 20 DM Battery Voltage 12 V 12 V 12 V 12 V Amp hours 60 Ah or 70 Ah 70 Ah 90 Ah 90 Ah Battery for radio frequenc y CR 2032 or C R 2032 or…
  • Page 230
    Tec hnic al data Dimensions O verall length (mm) 4576 Width (mm) 1850 O verall height with roof rails (mm) 1747 Wheelb ase (mm) 2707 Track w idth (m m): Front 1562 Rear 1572 Turning c ircle diam eter, wall to wall (m ) 12.78 Max imum wading depth (mm ) (at 5 km/h (3 mph))
  • Page 231
    Technical data Mounting dimensions of caravan/ trailer towing equipment Dimension 1039 F (fully laden) G (at k erb w eight) Warning Only use towing eq uipm ent approved for your vehicle. We recommend entrusting fitting of towing equip ment at a later date to a workshop.
  • Page 232: Index

    In dex Index Automatic anti-dazz le interior mirror … 32 Automatic dipped b eam activation ..95 AB S …………149 Automatic level control ….98, 144 Ac cessories ..

  • Page 233
    Index C ontrol indicators ……12, 70 ABS ……….70, 149 Battery ………… 201 Capacities .
  • Page 234
    In dex Control indicators ……12, 70 Descent C ontrol Sy stem ……139 Eng ine oil ……..193, 216 Transmission electronic s ..
  • Page 235
    Index Flex-Fix system ……..155 Headlamp s ……..13, 94 FlexO rganizer ………. 62 Bulb replacement ..
  • Page 236
    In dex Luggage compartment Bulb replacement ……191 Identification plate …….. 219 Key …………21 FlexO rg aniz er ..
  • Page 237
    Index Mechanica l anti-theft loc king sy stem ..27 Restoring backrests ……42 Mirrors ……9, 16, 30, 31, 106 Rear window washer system ..16, 93, 200 Pa intwork damage ..
  • Page 238
    In dex Elec tric seat adjustm ent …… 37 Starting on inc lines …….. 171 Tools …………177 Folding passenger’…
  • Page 239
    Index Xenon head lamp system ….98, 188 Units of m easure ……. 81, 87 Warning buzzers ……..92 Bulb replacement ……188 Unlead ed fuel ..

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