Мануал на русском для ямаха драг стар 1100


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Видео 2003 Yamaha XVS1100 V-Star (автор: Kaplan Cycles New England Motorcycle Museum)14:33

2003 Yamaha XVS1100 V-Star

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Мотоцикл Yamaha Drag Star 1100 Classic / V-Star 1100 — #ОБЗОР

Видео Разгромный обзор мотоцикла Yamaha Drag Star XVS 1100 - Ямаха драгстар 1100, драг стар (автор: Макс Мото)10:01

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[Докатились] Обзор Yamaha V-star / Drag Star 1100. Знатный утюг.

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Когда очень пытаешься быть похожим на харлей. Yamaha Drag Star 1100

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Yamaha Drag Star 1100 Classic обзор тест-драйв отзыв.

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Yamaha XVS 1100 Classic Drag Star

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2003/05/22, 15:22


Мотоциклы Yamaha


2003/05/22, 14:54



Добро пожаловать в мир мотоциклов Ямаха !

Как владелец мотоцикла XVS1100/ XVS1100A, Вы получили возможность воспользоваться
огромным опытом и новейшими технологиями фирмы Ямаха в области разработки и изготов-
ления высококачественных изделий, благодаря которым Ямаха имеет репутацию надежной

Пожалуйста, найдите время внимательно прочитать это Руководство, чтобы полностью ис-
пользовать возможности вашего мотоцикла модели XVS1100/ XVS1100A. Это Руководство
для владельца не только предоставит Вам инструкции по эксплуатации, осмотрам и уходу
за Вашим мотоциклом, но и научит Вас, как избежать неприятностей или травм для Вас и
для окружающих.

Кроме того, советы, приведенные в этом Руководстве, помогут Вам всегда содержать мото-
цикл в наилучшем состоянии. Если у Вас возникают какие-либо вопросы, пожалуйста, не стес-
няйтесь обращаться к Вашему дилеру фирмы Ямаха.

Сотрудники фирмы Ямаха желают Вам много безопасных и приятных путешествий. Итак, пом-
ните о безопасности !




2003/05/22, 15:18




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Особо важная информация в этом Руководстве обозначается следующим образом:

Значок, относящийся к безопасности, означает : ВНИМАНИЕ ! БУДЬТЕ ОС-

Пренебрежение инструкциями под заголовками ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ может
вести к серьезным травмам или к гибели водителя мотоцикла, окружающих
или лиц, производящих осмотр или ремонт мотоцикла.

Заголовок ОСТОРОЖНО обозначает специальные меры предосторожности,
которые необходимо принимать для предупреждения повреждения мотоцик-


Под заголовком ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ содержится информация, облегчающая или
поясняющая выполнение операций.



Это Руководство следует считать неотъемлемой частью мотоцикла и долж-
но оставаться с ним, даже если в последствии он будет продан.


Фирма Ямаха постоянно внедряет усовершенствования в конструкцию мото-
цикла и повышает качество своих изделий. Поэтому, хотя это Руководство и
содержит самую последнюю информацию об изделии, имеющуюся на момент
его издания, Ваш мотоцикл может незначительно отличаться от приведенных
в Руководстве описаний. Если у Вас возникают какие-либо вопросы, касающие-
ся этого Руководства, пожалуйста, обращайтесь к Вашему дилеру фирмы Яма-



2003/05/22, 15:18







2003/05/22, 15:18


Важная информация об этом руководстве





© 2001 авторские права принадле-

жат фирме Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd.

1-е Издание Апрель 2001 г.

Все права защищены.

Любая перепечатка или несанкцио-

нированное использование без

письменного разрешения фирмы

Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. строго запре-


Отпечатано в Японии.


2003/05/22, 15:18

































2003/05/22, 15:18




2003/05/22, 14:54




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БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ ПРЕЖДЕ ВСЕГО …………………………………………… 1-1


2003/05/22, 15:19



Q Q Q Q Q БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ ПРЕЖДЕ ВСЕГО Мотоцикл является замеч…

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Мотоцикл является замечательным транспортным средством, способным дать Вам ни с чем не срав-
нимое ощущение мощности и свободы. Однако, он также налагает и определенные ограничения, кото-
рым Вы должны подчиняться, поскольку даже самые лучшие мотоциклы подчиняются законам физи-

Регулярный уход и техническое обслуживание очень важны для сохранения достоинств и работоспо-
собности Вашего мотоцикла. Более того, что справедливо для мотоцикла, то также справедливо и
для водителя: высокая работоспособность зависит от хорошей формы. Езда на мотоцикле под воздей-
ствием лекарств, наркотиков и алкоголя, конечно абсолютно исключена. Водитель мотоцикла — го-
раздо в большей степени, чем водитель автомобиля — всегда должен быть в наилучшей интеллекту-
альной и физической форме. Под воздействием даже незначительной дозы алкоголя появляется тен-
денция к неоправданному риску.

Защитная одежда также важна для водителя мотоцикла, как и ремни безопасности для водителя
автомобиля и его пассажиров. Всегда надевайте полный мотоциклетный костюм (изготовленный из
кожи или из износостойких синтетических материалов с защитными вставками), прочные ботинки,
мотоциклетные перчатки и хорошо подогнанный шлем.
Однако, оптимальная защитная одежда не должна провоцировать безрассудство. Хотя полностью
закрытый шлем и костюм создают ощущение абсолютной безопасности и защищенности, мотоцик-
лист всегда остается уязвимым. Водители, у которых отсутствует критический самоконтроль, склон-
ны к риску высоких скоростей и к надежде на удачу. Это особенно опасно в сырую погоду. Хороший
мотоциклист всегда ездит безопасно, предсказуемо и ответственно — избегая любых опасностей, вклю-
чая те, которые представляют окружающие.

Приятных Вам поездок !



2003/05/22, 15:19


 Q Q Q Q Q БЕЗОПАСНОСТЬ ПРЕЖДЕ ВСЕГО Мотоцикл является замеч...


Мотоциклы Yamaha Drag Star XVS1100 2003 — инструкция пользователя по применению, эксплуатации и установке на русском языке. Мы надеемся, она поможет вам решить возникшие у вас вопросы при эксплуатации техники.

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Yamaha XVS1100 Drag Star Classic

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Для Yamaha XVS1100 Drag Star

  • Руководство пользователя (Owners Manual) на Yamaha XVS1100M/AM
  • Руководство пользователя (Owners Manual) на Yamaha XVS1100V/AWV/ATV
  • Сервисный мануал (Service Manual) для Yamaha XVS1100 Drag Star

Обзор модели

  • Yamaha XVS1100 Drag Star

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Related Manuals for Yamaha DRAG STAR XVS1100A

Summary of Contents for Yamaha DRAG STAR XVS1100A

  • Page 1
    OWNER’S MANUAL XVS1100A 5YS-28199-ER…
  • Page 2
    EAU26941 DECLARATION of CONFORMITY Company: MORIC CO., LTD. Address: 1450-6 Mori Mori-Machi Shuchi-gun Shizuoka 437-0292 Japan Hereby declare that the product: Kind of equipment: IMMOBILIZER Type-designation: 5SL-00, 5VS-00, 5VX-00, 3HT-00, 5UX-00, 5UX-10, 5KS-00 and 5KS-10 is in compliance with following norm(s) or documents: R&TTE Directive(1999/5/EC) EN300 330-2 v1.1.1(2001-6), EN60950(2000) Two or Three-Wheel Motor Vehicles Directive(97/24/EC: Chapter 8, EMC)
  • Page 3
    EAU10100 Welcome to the Yamaha world of motorcycling! As the owner of the XVS1100A, you are benefiting from Yamaha’s vast experience and newest technology regarding the design and manufacture of high-quality products, which have earned Yamaha a reputation for dependability.
  • Page 4: Important Manual Information

    This manual should be considered a permanent part of this motorcycle and should remain with it even if the motorcycle is subsequently sold. Yamaha continually seeks advancements in product design and quality. Therefore, while this manual contains the most current product information available at the time of printing, there may be minor discrepancies between your motorcycle and this manual.

  • Page 5
    IMPORTANT MANUAL INFORMATION EAU10200 XVS1100A OWNER’S MANUAL ©2005 by Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. 1st edition, March 2005 All rights reserved. Any reprinting or unauthorized use without the written permission of Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. is expressly prohibited. Printed in Japan.
  • Page 6: Table Of Contents

    TABLE OF CONTENTS SAFETY INFORMATION ….1-1 PRE-OPERATION CHECKS ….. 4-1 Spoke wheels ……6-15 Pre-operation check list ….4-2 Adjusting the clutch lever free DESCRIPTION ……..2-1 play ……….. 6-15 Left view ……….2-1 OPERATION AND IMPORTANT Adjusting the brake lever free Right view ……..2-2 RIDING POINTS………

  • Page 7
    TABLE OF CONTENTS Replacing the auxiliary light bulb ………..6-28 Supporting the motorcycle ….6-28 Troubleshooting ……6-29 Troubleshooting chart ….6-30 MOTORCYCLE CARE AND STORAGE ……….7-1 Care ……….7-1 Storage ………..7-3 SPECIFICATIONS ……8-1 CONSUMER INFORMATION…..9-1 Identification numbers ….9-1…
  • Page 8: Safety Information

    SAFETY INFORMATION EAU10251 AND/OR WHEN MADE NECES- • Ride where other motorists can SARY BY MECHANICAL CONDI- see you. Avoid riding in another MOTORCYCLES SINGLE TIONS. motorist’s blind spot. TRACK VEHICLES. THEIR SAFE USE Many motorcycle accidents in- AND OPERATION ARE DEPENDENT Safe riding volve inexperienced operators.

  • Page 9
    Modifications made to this motorcycle other motorists can see you. the single most critical factor in the pre- not approved by Yamaha, or the re- The posture of the operator and vention or reduction of head injuries. moval of original equipment, may ren- passenger is important for proper Always wear an approved helmet.
  • Page 10
    Maximum load: been specifically designed for use on create instability due to improper 197 kg (434 lb) this motorcycle. Since Yamaha cannot weight distribution or aerody- test all other accessories that may be namic changes. If accessories When loading within this weight limit,…
  • Page 11
    SAFETY INFORMATION tor and may limit control ability, Always turn the engine off before eyes, see your doctor immediately. therefore, such accessories are leaving the motorcycle unattended If any gasoline spills on your skin not recommended. and remove the key from the main or clothing, immediately wash the Use caution when adding electri- switch.
  • Page 12: Description

    DESCRIPTION EAU32220 Left view 1. Shift pedal (page 3-7) 2. Fuel cock (page 3-10) 3. Shock absorber assembly spring preload adjusting ring (page 3-14) 4. Helmet holder (page 3-13) 5. Storage compartment (page 3-13) 6. Owner’s tool kit (page 6-1) 7.

  • Page 13: Right View

    DESCRIPTION EAU32230 Right view 1. Battery (page 6-23) 2. Main fuse (page 6-24) 3. Main switch/steering lock (page 3-2) 4. Air filter element (page 6-10) 5. Brake pedal (page 3-8)

  • Page 14: Controls And Instruments

    DESCRIPTION EAU10430 Controls and instruments 1. Clutch lever (page 3-7) 2. Left handlebar switches (page 3-6) 3. Starter (choke) lever (page 3-11) 4. Speedometer unit (page 3-5) 5. Fuel tank cap (page 3-8) 6. Right handlebar switches (page 3-6) 7. Throttle grip (page 6-12) 8.

  • Page 15: Instrument And Control Functions

    Do not expose any key to exces- a Yamaha dealer to have them re-reg- sively high temperatures. istered. Do not use the key with the red Do not place any key close to bow for driving.

  • Page 16: Main Switch/Steering Lock

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU10471 EAU10570 To lock the steering Main switch/steering lock All electrical circuits are supplied with power; the meter lighting, taillight and auxiliary light come on, and the engine can be started. The key cannot be re- moved.

  • Page 17: Indicator And Warning Lights

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS To unlock the steering EAU10920 EAU11002 (Parking) Indicator and warning lights The steering is locked, the taillight and auxiliary light are on, and the hazard light can be turned on, but all other electrical systems are off. The key can be removed.

  • Page 18
    NOTE: engine is defective. When this occurs, have a Yamaha dealer check the self- This model is also equipped with a self- diagnosis system. EAU11120 diagnosis device for the immobilizer Oil level warning light “…
  • Page 19: Speedometer Unit

    3. If one or both of the standard keys do not start the engine, take the vehicle, the code re-registering key and both standard keys to a Yamaha dealer and have the stan- dard keys re-registered. 1. “TRIP” button 2. Odometer/tripmeter…

  • Page 20: Handlebar Switches

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU12343 Right position. To cancel the turn signal Handlebar switches lights, push the switch in after it has re- turned to the center position. Left EAU12500 Horn switch “ ” Press this switch to sound the horn. EAU12660 Engine stop switch “…

  • Page 21: Clutch Lever

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU12731 EAU12820 EAU12880 Hazard switch “ ” Clutch lever Shift pedal With the key in the “ON” or “ ” posi- tion, use this switch to turn on the haz- ard light (simultaneous flashing of all turn signal lights).

  • Page 22: Brake Lever

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU12890 EAU12941 EAU13120 Brake lever Brake pedal Fuel tank cap 1. Brake lever 1. Brake pedal 1. Fuel tank cap lock cover 2. “ ” mark The brake lever is located at the right The brake pedal is on the right side of 3.

  • Page 23: Fuel

    Your Yamaha engine has been de- signed to use regular unleaded gaso- line with a research octane number of 91 or higher. If knocking (or pinging) oc-…

  • Page 24: Catalytic Converter

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS or premium unleaded fuel. Use of un- EAU13440 EAU13550 Catalytic converter Fuel cock leaded fuel will extend spark plug life This vehicle is equipped with a catalytic The fuel cock supplies fuel from the and reduce maintenance costs. converter in the muffler.

  • Page 25: Starter (Choke) Lever

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS This indicates reserve. With the fuel EAU13610 Starter (choke) lever “ ” cock lever in this position, the fuel re- serve is made available. Turn the fuel cock lever to this position if you run out of fuel while riding.

  • Page 26: Seats

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU14201 Tightening torque: Seats Passenger seat nut: 21 Nm (2.1 m·kgf, 15 ft·lbf) Passenger seat To remove the passenger seat Remove the nut and washer, and then pull the passenger seat up. 1. Bolt To install the rider seat 1.

  • Page 27: Helmet Holder

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 2. Install the passenger seat. EAU14281 EAU14481 Helmet holder Storage compartment NOTE: The storage compartment is located on Make sure that the seats are properly the left side of the vehicle. secured before riding. To open the storage compartment 1.

  • Page 28: Adjusting The Shock Absorber

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS EAU14871 Adjusting the shock absorber assembly The shock absorber assembly is locat- ed under the rider seat and is equipped with a spring preload adjusting ring. ECA10100 CAUTION: Never attempt to turn an adjusting mechanism beyond the maximum or 1.

  • Page 29
    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS 3. Pull the ignitor unit panel out to the 5. To increase the spring preload and Spring preload setting: right. thereby harden the suspension, Minimum (soft): turn the adjusting ring in direction Standard: (a). To decrease the spring pre- load and thereby soften the sus- Maximum (hard): pension, turn the adjusting ring in…
  • Page 30: Luggage Strap Holders

    Yamaha’s ignition circuit cut-off formance. system has been designed to assist Always have a Yamaha dealer the operator in fulfilling the respon- service the shock absorber. sibility of raising the sidestand be- fore starting off. Therefore, check…

  • Page 31: Ignition Circuit Cut-Off System

    INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL FUNCTIONS below and have a Yamaha dealer re- EAU15311 Ignition circuit cut-off system pair it if it does not function proper- The ignition circuit cut-off system (com- prising the sidestand switch, clutch switch and neutral switch) has the fol- lowing functions.

  • Page 32
    5. Push the start switch. Does the engine start? The neutral switch may be defective. The motorcycle should not be ridden until checked by a Yamaha dealer. With the engine still running: 6. Move the sidestand up. 7. Keep the clutch lever pulled.
  • Page 33: Pre-Operation Checks

    PRE-OPERATION CHECKS EAU15591 The condition of a vehicle is the owner’s responsibility. Vital components can start to deteriorate quickly and unexpectedly, even if the vehicle remains unused (for example, as a result of exposure to the elements). Any damage, fluid leakage or loss of tire air pressure could have serious consequences.

  • Page 34: Pre-Operation Check List

    • Check vehicle for oil leakage. Final gear oil • Check vehicle for oil leakage. • Check operation. • If soft or spongy, have Yamaha dealer bleed hydraulic system. • Check lever free play. • Adjust if necessary. Front brake •…

  • Page 35
    • Make sure that operation is smooth. • Check cable free play. Throttle grip 6-12, 6-19 • If necessary, have Yamaha dealer adjust cable free play and lubricate cable and grip housing. • Make sure that operation is smooth. Control cables 6-19 •…
  • Page 36: Operation And Important Riding Points

    Become thoroughly familiar following conditions must be met: Yamaha dealer check the electrical cir- The transmission is in the neutral with all operating controls and cuit. position. their functions before riding.

  • Page 37: Starting A Warm Engine

    “ON”, then go off, have a EAU16640 Starting a warm engine check the engine oil level and Yamaha dealer check the elec- Follow the same procedure as for start- the vehicle for oil leakage. If trical circuit. ing a cold engine with the exception necessary, add engine oil, and 6.

  • Page 38: Shifting

    OPERATION AND IMPORTANT RIDING POINTS EAU16671 ECA10260 EAU16800 Shifting Tips for reducing fuel CAUTION: consumption Even with the transmission in Fuel consumption depends largely on the neutral position, do not your riding style. Consider the following coast for long periods of time tips to reduce fuel consumption: with the engine off, and do not Turn the starter (choke) off as…

  • Page 39: Engine Break-In

    Do not park on a slope or on soft during the engine break-in period, tle operation or any condition that might ground, otherwise the vehicle immediately have a Yamaha dealer result in engine overheating must be may overturn. check the vehicle.

  • Page 40: Periodic Maintenance And Minor Repair

    Yamaha dealer certain maintenance work correctly. do it for you. NOTE: If you do not have the tools or experi- ence required for a particular job, have a Yamaha dealer perform it for you.

  • Page 41: Periodic Maintenance And Lubrication Chart

    The annual checks must be performed every year, except if a kilometer-based maintenance is performed in- stead. From 50000 km, repeat the maintenance intervals starting from 10000 km. Items marked with an asterisk should be performed by a Yamaha dealer as they require special tools, data and technical skills. ODOMETER READING (× 1000 km)

  • Page 42
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR ODOMETER READING (× 1000 km) ANNUAL ITEM CHECK OR MAINTENANCE JOB CHECK √ √ √ √ √ • Check for cracks or damage. 9 * Brake hoses • Replace. Every 4 years • Check runout, spoke tightness and for damage. √…
  • Page 43
    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR ODOMETER READING (× 1000 km) ANNUAL ITEM CHECK OR MAINTENANCE JOB CHECK • Change. √ √ √ √ √ √ Engine oil • Check oil level and vehicle for oil leakage. √ √ √ 23 * Engine oil filter element • Replace. √…
  • Page 44: Removing And Installing The Panel

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR EAU18751 EAU19551 Removing and installing the Checking the spark plugs panel The spark plugs are important engine components, which are easy to check. The panel shown needs to be removed Since heat and deposits will cause any to perform some of the maintenance spark plug to slowly erode, the spark jobs described in this chapter.

  • Page 45
    Do not attempt to diagnose such problems yourself. Instead, have a Yamaha dealer check the vehicle. 3. Check each spark plug for elec- trode erosion and excessive car- bon or other deposits, and replace 1.
  • Page 46: Engine Oil

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR EAU19822 NOTE: Engine oil NOTE: If a torque wrench is not available when The engine oil should be between the The engine oil level should be checked installing a spark plug, a good estimate minimum and maximum level marks. before each ride.

  • Page 47
    Oil change quantity: If the oil level warning light flickers 3.00 L (3.17 US qt) (2.64 Imp.qt) or remains on, immediately turn the engine off and have a Yamaha dealer ECA11620 CAUTION: check the vehicle. In order to prevent clutch slip- 7.
  • Page 48: Final Gear Oil

    If any 3. Install the final gear oil drain bolt, NOTE: leakage is found, have a Yamaha deal- and then tighten it to the specified The oil level should be at the brim of the er check and repair the vehicle.

  • Page 49: Cleaning The Air Filter Element

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR 6. Check the final gear case for oil EAU20670 Cleaning the air filter element leakage. If oil is leaking, check for The air filter element should be cleaned the cause. as follows at the intervals specified in the periodic maintenance and lubrica- tion chart.

  • Page 50: Adjusting The Carburetors

    The engine should never be op- Yamaha dealer, who has the neces- periodic maintenance and lubrication erated without the air filter ele- sary professional knowledge and expe- chart.

  • Page 51: Adjusting The Throttle Cable Free Play

    The valve clearance changes with use, resulting in improper air-fuel mixture and/or engine noise. To prevent this from occurring, the valve clearance must be adjusted by a Yamaha dealer at the intervals specified in the periodic maintenance and lubrication chart. 1. Throttle stop screw Engine idling speed: 950–1050 r/min…

  • Page 52: Tires

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR EAU33390 passenger, cargo, and accesso- Tire air pressure (measured on cold Tires ries does not exceed the speci- tires): To maximize the performance, durabil- fied maximum load for the 0–90 kg (0–198 lb): ity, and safe operation of your motor- Front: vehicle.

  • Page 53
    It is not recommended to patch DUNLOP/D404F glass fragments in it, or if the sidewall is a punctured tube. If unavoid- Rear tire: cracked, have a Yamaha dealer re- able, however, patch the tube Size: place the tire immediately. very carefully and replace it as…
  • Page 54: Spoke Wheels

    Yamaha dealer check the internal regarding the specified wheels. clutch mechanism. The wheel rims should be checked for cracks, bends or warpage, and the spokes for looseness or dam- age before each ride.

  • Page 55: Adjusting The Brake Lever Free Play

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR EAU22092 system. If there is air in the hy- Adjusting the brake lever free draulic system, have a Yamaha play dealer bleed the system before operating the motorcycle. Air in the hydraulic system will dimin-…

  • Page 56: Adjusting The Rear Brake Light Switch

    If a brake pad has worn to the point that the wear indicator groove has almost disappeared, have a Yamaha dealer replace the brake pads as a set. 1. Rear brake light switch 2. Rear brake light switch adjusting nut 1.

  • Page 57: Checking The Brake Fluid Level

    However, if the Use only the recommended quality brake fluid level goes down sud- 1. Minimum level mark brake fluid, otherwise the rubber denly, have a Yamaha dealer Rear brake seals may deteriorate, causing check the cause. leakage and poor braking perfor- mance.

  • Page 58: Changing The Brake Fluid

    EAU23100 EAU23110 Changing the brake fluid Checking and lubricating the Checking and lubricating the Have a Yamaha dealer change the cables throttle grip and cable brake fluid at the intervals specified in The operation of all control cables and The operation of the throttle grip should…

  • Page 59: Checking And Lubricating The Brake And Shift Pedals

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR EAU23131 EAU23140 Recommended lubricant: Checking and lubricating the Checking and lubricating the Lithium-soap-based grease (all-pur- brake and shift pedals brake and clutch levers pose grease) The operation of the brake and clutch levers should be checked before each ride, and the lever pivots should be lu- bricated if necessary.

  • Page 60: Checking And Lubricating The Sidestand

    2. While applying the front brake, If the sidestand does not move up push down hard on the handlebars and down smoothly, have a Yamaha several times to check if the front dealer check or repair it. fork compresses and rebounds smoothly.

  • Page 61: Checking The Steering

    Securely support the vehicle so that fork does not operate smoothly, there is no danger of it falling over. have a Yamaha dealer check or re- pair it. 2. Hold the lower ends of the front fork legs and try to move them for- ward and backward.

  • Page 62: Checking The Wheel Bearings

    If there is play in the wheel burns. Avoid any contact with hub or if the wheel does not turn skin, eyes or clothing and al- smoothly, have a Yamaha dealer check ways shield your eyes when the wheel bearings. working near batteries. In case of contact, administer the fol- lowing FIRST AID.

  • Page 63: Replacing The Fuses

    To charge the battery for the individual circuits, is located in- battery damage. Have a Yamaha dealer charge the bat- side the storage compartment. (See To charge a sealed-type (MF) tery as soon as possible if it seems to page 3-13.)

  • Page 64
    6. Turn the key to “ON” and turn on the electrical circuit in question to check if the device operates. 7. If the fuse immediately blows again, have a Yamaha dealer check the electrical system. 6-25…
  • Page 65: Replacing The Headlight Bulb

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR 8. Place the ignitor unit panel in the EAU23792 Replacing the headlight bulb original position and install the This model is equipped with a quartz quick fasteners. bulb headlight. If the headlight bulb NOTE: burns out, replace it as follows. To install a quick fastener, push its pin 1.

  • Page 66: Replacing A Turn Signal Light Bulb Or The Tail/Brake Light Bulb

    1. Do not touch the glass part of the bulb. 1. Screw 5. Install the headlight bulb cover, and then connect the coupler. 6. Install the headlight unit by install- ing the screws. 7. Have a Yamaha dealer adjust the headlight beam if necessary. 1. Screw 6-27…

  • Page 67: Replacing The Auxiliary Light Bulb

    PERIODIC MAINTENANCE AND MINOR REPAIR EAU33411 EAU24350 Replacing the auxiliary light Supporting the motorcycle bulb Since this model is not equipped with a centerstand, follow these precautions If the auxiliary light bulb burns out, re- when removing the front and rear place it as follows.

  • Page 68: Troubleshooting

    However, should your motorcycle require any repair, take it to a Yamaha dealer, whose skilled technicians have the necessary tools, experience, and know-how to service the motorcycle properly.

  • Page 69: Troubleshooting Chart

    Remove the spark plugs and check the electrodes. The engine does not start. Have a Yamaha dealer check the vehicle. Check the battery. 4. Battery The engine turns over The battery is good.

  • Page 70: Motorcycle Care And Storage

    MOTORCYCLE CARE AND STORAGE EAU26060 ucts onto seals, gaskets and wheel thinner, fuel (gasoline), rust re- Care axles. Always rinse the dirt and de- movers or inhibitors, brake flu- While the open design of a motorcycle greaser off with water. id, antifreeze or electrolyte.

  • Page 71
    MOTORCYCLE CARE AND STORAGE After normal use ECA10790 5. Touch up minor paint damage CAUTION: Remove dirt with warm water, a mild caused by stones, etc. detergent, and a soft, clean sponge, 6. Wax all painted surfaces. Do not use warm water since it in- and then rinse thoroughly with clean 7.
  • Page 72: Storage

    Always store your motorcycle in a cool, NOTE: into the fuel tank. dry place and, if necessary, protect it Consult a Yamaha dealer for advice on 4. Fill up the fuel tank and add fuel against dust with a porous cover. what products to use.

  • Page 73
    MOTORCYCLE CARE AND STORAGE EWA10950 °C (90 °F)]. For more information WARNING on storing the battery, see page To prevent damage or injury from 6-23. sparking, make sure to ground the NOTE: spark plug electrodes while turning Make any necessary repairs before the engine over.
  • Page 74: Specifications

    SPECIFICATIONS Dimensions: Engine oil: Fuel tank capacity: 17.0 L (4.49 US gal) (3.74 Imp.gal) Overall length: Type: Fuel reserve amount: 2460 mm (96.9 in) SAE10W30 or SAE10W40 or SAE15W40 4.5 L (1.19 US gal) (0.99 Imp.gal) Overall width: or SAE20W40 or SAE20W50 Carburetor: 945 mm (37.2 in) Overall height:…

  • Page 75
    SPECIFICATIONS Gear ratio: Loading: Recommended fluid: 1st: DOT 4 Maximum load: 40/17 (2.353) Rear brake: 197 kg (434 lb) 2nd: (Total weight of rider, passenger, cargo and Type: 40/24 (1.667) accessories) Single disc brake 3rd: Tire air pressure (measured on cold Operation: 36/28 (1.286) Right foot operation…
  • Page 76
    SPECIFICATIONS Headlight: Signaling system fuse: 10.0 A Bulb type: Ignition fuse: Halogen bulb 10.0 A Bulb voltage, wattage x quantity: Parking lighting fuse: Headlight: 12 V, 60 W/55.0 W × 1 10.0 A Carburetor heater fuse: Tail/brake light: 12 V, 5.0/21.0 W × 1 15.0 A Ignitor unit fuse: Front turn signal light:…
  • Page 77: Consumer Information

    Record the key identification number, vehicle identification number and mod- el label information in the spaces pro- vided below for assistance when ordering spare parts from a Yamaha dealer or for reference in case the vehi- cle is stolen. KEY IDENTIFICATION NUMBER: 1.

  • Page 78
    1. Model label The model label is affixed to the frame under the rider seat. (See page 3-12.) Record the information on this label in the space provided. This information will be needed when ordering spare parts from a Yamaha dealer.
  • Page 79
    INDEX Fuel …………3-9 Periodic maintenance and Fuel cock……….3-10 lubrication chart ……..6-2 Air filter element, cleaning ….6-10 Fuel consumption, tips for reducing ..5-3 Pre-operation check list ……4-2 Auxiliary light bulb, replacing ….6-28 Fuel tank cap………..3-8 Fuses, replacing……..6-24 Rear brake light switch, adjusting ..
  • Page 80
    INDEX Turn signal light bulb or tail/brake light bulb, replacing ….. 6-27 Turn signal switch ……..3-6 Valve clearance, adjusting ….6-12 Vehicle identification number ….9-1 Wheel bearings, checking….. 6-23 Wheels ……….6-15…
  • Page 82

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