Toyota Kluger (XU20, Mark I, платформа Toyota K, Kluger V 2000-2003, Kluger L 2003-2007, Highlander все страны кроме Австралии и Японии) с бензиновыми двигателями рабочим объёмом и мощностью: 2AZ-FE 2.4 л (2362 см³) 160 л.с./118 кВт и 1MZ-FE 3.0 л (2994 см³) 213-220 л.с./157-162 кВт; Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту. Технические характеристики, электросхемы, устройство, диагностика, особенности конструкции. Производственно-практическое издание легковой автомобиль повышенной проходимости J-класса Тойота Клюгер (праворульный Хайлендер) среднеразмерный кроссовер с цельнометаллическими несущими кузовами пятидверный универсал повышенной вместимости задне- и полноприводные модели первого поколения выпуска с 2000 по 2007 год
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Видео Toyota Kluger XU20 замена подшипников ступицы и нижнего рычага передней подвески (Тойота Клюгер 00-07)
Toyota Kluger V общая информация (Тойота Клюгер 2000-2007)
1. Поддомкратьте автомобиль и снимите переднее колесо.
Момент затяжки: 103 Нм
2. Снимите суппорт и тормозной диск.
а) Отверните болты крепления скобы суппорта.
б) Подвесьте суппорт на проволоке.
в) Снимите тормозной диск.
Примечание: перед снятием тормозного диска нанесите установочные метки на диск и ступицу.
3. Проверьте осевой зазор подшипника и биение ступицы.
а) Используя стрелочный индикатор, проверьте осевой зазор подшипника около центра ступицы.
Максимальный зазор:
модели до августа 2003 года: 0.05 мм
модели с августа 2003 года: 0.00 мм
Если зазор не соответствует норме, замените подшипник.
б) Используя индикатор, проверьте биение ступицы.
Максимальное биение:
модели до августа 2003 года: 0.07 мм
модели с августа 2003 года: 0.05 мм
Если биение не соответствует норме, замените подшипник.
1. Поддомкратьте автомобиль, снимите переднее колесо.
2. Отверните контргайку приводного вала.
3. Отверните болт и снимите датчик частоты вращения (ABS).
4. Отверните 2 болта и отсоедините тормозной суппорт от поворотного кулака.
Примечание: подвесьте тормозной суппорт на проволоке.
5. Снимите тормозной диск.
Примечание: не наносите смазку на поверхность диска.
6. Отсоедините наконечник рулевой тяги от поворотного кулака.
7. Отсоедините нижнюю шаровую опору от нижнего рычага.
8. Снимите поворотный кулак в сборе со ступицей.
а) Постукивая по торцу приводного вала пластиковым молотком, отсоедините приводной вал от ступицы.
Примечание: при необходимости используйте съемник для отсоединения приводного вала.
б) Потяните ступицу от себя и отсоедините приводной вал.
— Тяните ступицу только в случае
— Будьте осторожны, не повредите зубцы ротора датчика частоты вращения (ABS) на приводном валу.
— Оберните чехол шарнира ветошью.
— Подвесьте приводной вал.
в) Отверните болты крепления нижней опоры амортизатора к поворотному кулаку и снимите поворотный кулак со ступицей.
1. Снимите нижнюю шаровую опору.
а) Снимите шплинт и отверните гайку.
б) Используя съемник, снимите нижнюю шаровую опору.
2. Используя отвертку, снимите пыльник.
3. При помощи специнструмента снимите стопорное кольцо.
4. Снимите ступицу.
а) Зафиксируйте поворотный кулак в тисках.
Примечание: используйте накладки из мягкого металла.
б) Используя специнструмент, снимите ступицу с поворотного кулака.
в) Используя специнструмент и пресс, выпрессуйте внутреннее кольцо подшипника со ступицы.
5. Отверните четыре болта и снимите грязезащитный щиток.
6. Снимите подшипник с поворотного кулака.
а) Установите ранее снятое внутреннее кольцо на подшипник.
б) Используя специнструмент и пресс, выпрессуйте подшипник.
1. Используя специнструмент и пресс, запрессуйте новый подшипник в поворотный кулак.
2. Установите грязезащитный щиток и затяните 4 болта.
Момент затяжки: 8 Нм
3. Используя специнструмент и пресс, запрессуйте ступицу.
4. Установите новое стопорное кольцо.
5. Используя специнструмент и молоток, установите новый пыльник.
Примечание: совместите отверстия под датчик частоты вращения (ABS) в пыльнике и поворотном кулаке.
6. Установите нижнюю шаровую опору.
а) Установите нижнюю шаровую опору и затяните гайку.
Момент затяжки: 123 Нм
б) Установите новый шплинт.
Примечание: при установке шплинта возможен доворот гайки на угол не более 60°.
1. Установите поворотный кулак.
а) Подсоедините поворотный кулак к амортизатору и затяните два болта.
Момент затяжки:
модели до августа 2003 года: 210 Нм
модели с августа 2003 года: 230 Нм
Примечание: нанесите на резьбу болтов моторное масло.
б) Подсоедините нижнюю шаровую опору к нижнему рычагу.
2. Подсоедините наконечник рулевой тяги к поворотному кулаку.
3. Установите тормозной диск.
4. Установите суппорт тормозного механизма и затяните два болта.
Момент затяжки: 107 Нм
5. При нажатой педали тормоза затяните контргайку приводного вала.
6. Установите датчик частоты вращения (ABS).
7. Установите переднее колесо и опустите автомобиль.
Момент затяжки: 103 Нм
8. После установки проверьте углы установки передних колес и работу антиблокировочной системы тормозов (ABS).
№ | Спецификация / Specs | Данные |
Габариты (мм/mm) и масса (кг/kg) / Dimensions and Weight | ||
1 | Длина / Length | 4685 |
2 | Ширина (без/с зеркалами) / Width | 1825 |
3 | Высота (загружен/пустой) / Height | 1665/1720 с багажником на крыше |
4 | Колёсная база / Wheelbase | 2715 |
5 | Дорожный просвет (клиренс) / Ground clearance | 180 |
6 | Снаряжённая масса / Total (curb) weight | 1730 |
Полная масса / Gross (max.) weight | 2005 | |
Двигатель / Engine |
7 | Тип / Engine Type, Code | Бензиновый, жидкостного охлаждения, четырехтактный, 1MZ-FE VVT-i |
8 | Количество цилиндров / Cylinder arrangement: Total number of cylinders, of valves | 6-цилиндровый, V-образный, 24V, DOHC с верхним расположением двух распределительных валов |
9 | Диаметр цилиндра / Bore | 87.5 мм |
10 | Ход поршня / Stroke | 83.0 мм |
11 | Объём / Engine displacement | 2994 см³ |
12 | Система питания / Fuel supply, Aspiration | Распределенный впрыск топлива EFI |
Атмосферный | ||
13 | Степень сжатия / Compression ratio | 10.5:1 |
14 | Максимальная мощность / Max. output power kW (HP) at rpm | 162 кВт (220 л.с.) при 5800 об/мин |
15 | Максимальный крутящий момент / Max. torque N·m at rpm | 304 Нм при 4400 об/мин |
Трансмиссия / Transmission |
16 | Сцепление / Clutch type | Гидротрансформатор с блокировкой / Torque Converter |
17 | КПП / Transmission type | U151F АКПП 5 Автоматическая, пятиступенчатая, гидромеханическая, адаптивная, с двухступенчатой раздаткой и блокировкой межосевого дифференциала |
О Книге
- Название: Toyota Kluger Модели 2WD/4WD 2000-2007 Руководство по ремонту и техническому обслуживанию
- Бензиновые двигатели: 2AZ-FE 2.4 л (2362 см³) 160 л.с./118 кВт и 1MZ-FE 3.0 л (2994 см³) 213-220 л.с./157-162 кВт
- Выпуск с 2000 года
- Серия: «Автолюбитель»
- Год издания: 2008
- Автор: Коллектив авторов
- Издательство: «Ассоциация независимых издателей»
- Формат: PDF
- Страниц в книге: 547
- Размер: 101.45 МБ
- Язык: Русский
- Количество электросхем: 62
- Администратор
- Сообщения: 1668
- Зарегистрирован: 17 дек 2014, 03:43
- Благодарил (а): 2 раза
- Поблагодарили: 6 раз
Toyota Kluger V 2000-2008 / Тайота Клюгер Ви 2000-2008
Руководство по эксплуатации, техобслуживанию и ремонту Toyota Kluger V / Тайота Клюгер Ви
Operation, Maintenance and Repair Manual Toyota Kluger V
- Года выпуска: 2000-2008
Year of release: 2000-2008
Бензиновые двигатели: 2AZ-FE, 1MZ-FE
Gasoline engines: 2AZ-FE, 1MZ-FE
- Язык: Русский
Формат: PDF
Размер: 200,9 Мб
Russian language
Format: PDF
Size: 200.9 MB
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Summary of Contents for Toyota Kluger
Page 3
Pictorial index Search by illustration For safety Make sure to read through them and security Instrument How to read the gauges and meters, the variety of cluster warning lights and indicators, etc. Operation of Opening and closing the doors and windows, each component adjustment before driving, etc. -
Page 4: Table Of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS For your information …….6 Operation of each Reading this manual…..10 component How to search ……11 Pictorial index …….12 3-1. Key information Keys ……..98 For safety and security 3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors Side doors ……104 1-1.
Page 5: Table Of Contents
4-5. Using the driving Driving support systems Cruise control ….226 Dynamic radar cruise 4-1. Before driving control ……231 Driving the vehicle …..170 Cargo and luggage ….179 (Lane Departure Alert) ..245 Trailer towing …..182 All-wheel drive lock 4-2. Driving procedures switch ……
Page 6: Table Of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS 5-2. Using the interior Maintenance and care lights Interior lights list….299 • Interior lights ….300 6-1. Maintenance and care • Personal lights ….300 Cleaning and protecting the vehicle exterior..324 5-3. Using the storage features Cleaning and protecting the vehicle interior…
Page 7: Table Of Contents
When trouble arises Vehicle specifications 8-1. Specifications 7-1. Essential information Emergency flashers …382 Maintenance data (fuel, oil level, etc.) ..450 If your vehicle has to be stopped Fuel information ….461 in an emergency ….383 8-2. Customization 7-2. Steps to take Customizable features ..
Page 8: For Your Information
Accessories, spare parts and modification of your Toyota A wide variety of non-genuine spare parts and accessories for Toyota vehi- cles are currently available in the market. Using these spare parts and acces-…
Page 9
●Anti-lock brake system ●SRS airbag system ●Seat belt pretensioner system Be sure to check with your Toyota dealer for precautionary measures or spe- cial instructions regarding installation of an RF-transmitter system. Further information regarding frequency bands, power levels, antenna posi- tions and installation provisions for the installation of RF-transmitters, is avail- able on request at your Toyota dealer. -
Page 10: Driving
EDR. ● Disclosure of the EDR data Toyota will not disclose the data recorded in an EDR to a third party except when: • An agreement from the vehicle’s owner (or the lessee for a leased vehi- cle) is obtained •…
Page 11
Be sure to have the systems of the SRS airbag and seat belt pretensioner removed and disposed of by a qualified service shop or by your Toyota dealer before you scrap your vehicle. -
Page 12: Reading This Manual
Reading this manual WARNING: Explains something that, if not obeyed, could cause death or serious injury to people. NOTICE: Explains something that, if not obeyed, could cause damage to or a malfunction in the vehicle or its equipment. 1 2 3 Indicates operating or working procedures.
Page 13: How To Search
How to search ■ Searching by name • Alphabetical index ..P. 480 ■ Searching installation position • Pictorial index….P. 12 ■ Searching by symptom or sound • What to do if… (Troubleshooting) ..P. 474 ■ Searching by title •…
Page 14: Pictorial Index
Pictorial index Pictorial index ■ Exterior Doors ……… . . P. 104 Locking/unlocking .
Page 15
Pictorial index Windshield wipers ……. . . P. 216 Precautions against winter season ….. P. 271 Fuel filler door . -
Page 16: Instrument Panel
Pictorial index ■ Instrument panel Engine switch ……. . P. 191, 194 Starting the engine/changing the modes .
Page 17
Pictorial index Parking brake……..P. 206 Applying/releasing . -
Page 18
BSM (Blind Spot Monitor) main switch ….P. 266 Toyota parking assist-sensor switch LDA (Lane Departure Alert) switch ….P. 245 Automatic High Beam switch . -
Page 19
Pictorial index Inside lock buttons ……. . P. 108 Driving position memory switches . -
Page 20
Pictorial index Type A Type B Talk switch Audio remote control switches “DISP” switch ……..P. 83 Cruise control switch Cruise control . -
Page 21
Pictorial index Type A Type B All-wheel drive lock switch ……P. 251 “DAC” switch ……..P. 258 “SNOW”… -
Page 22
Pictorial index ■ Interior SRS airbags ……..P. 33 Floor mats . -
Page 23
Pictorial index Inside rear view mirror ……P. 157 Sun visors ……..P. 314 Vanity mirrors . -
Page 24
Pictorial index… -
Page 25
For safety and security 1-1. For safe use Before driving…….24 For safety drive ….26 Seat belts……28 SRS airbags……33 Safety information for children ……42 Child restraint systems ..43 Installing child restraints ..54 Exhaust gas precautions ..67 1-2. Theft deterrent system Engine immobilizer system …….68 Alarm ……..70… -
Page 26: For Safe Use Before Driving
1-1. For safe use Before driving Floor mat Use only floor mats designed specifically for vehicles of the same model and model year as your vehicle. Fix them securely in place onto the carpet. Insert the retaining hooks (clips) into the floor mat eyelets. Turn the upper knob of each retaining hook (clip) to secure the floor mats in place.
Page 27
When installing the driver’s floor mat ● Do not use floor mats designed for other models or different model year vehicles, even if they are Toyota Genuine floor mats. ● Only use floor mats designed for the driver’s seat. ●… -
Page 28: For Safety Drive
1-1. For safe use For safety drive For safe driving, adjust the seat and mirror to an appropriate position before driving. Correct driving posture Adjust angle seatback so that you are sitting straight up and so that you do not have to lean forward to steer.
Page 29
1-1. For safe use Adjusting the mirrors Make sure that you can see backward clearly by adjusting the inside and outside rear view mirrors properly. (→P. 157, 159) WARNING Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury. ●… -
Page 30: Seat Belts
1-1. For safe use Seat belts Make sure that all occupants are wearing their seat belts before driving the vehicle. Correct use of the seat belts ● Extend the shoulder belt so that it comes fully over the shoulder, but does not come into contact with the neck or slide off the shoulder.
Page 31
1-1. For safe use Adjusting the seat belt shoulder anchor height (front seats) Push the seat belt shoulder anchor down while pressing the release button. Push the seat belt shoulder anchor up. Move the height adjuster up and down as needed until you hear a click. -
Page 32
If the vehicle is involved in multiple collisions, the pretensioner will activate for the first collision, but will not activate for the second or subsequent collisions. ■ Seat belt regulations If seat belt regulations exist in the country where you reside, please contact your Toyota dealer for seat belt replacement or installation. -
Page 33
Each seat belt should be used by one person only. Do not use a seat belt for more than one person at once, including children. ● Toyota recommends that children be seated in the rear seat and always use a seat belt and/or an appropriate child restraint system. ●… -
Page 34
● Ensure that the belt and plate are locked and the belt is not twisted. If the seat belt does not function correctly, immediately contact your Toyota dealer. ● Replace the seat assembly, including the belts, if your vehicle has been involved in a serious accident, even if there is no obvious damage. -
Page 35: Srs Airbags
1-1. For safe use SRS airbags The SRS airbags inflate when the vehicle is subjected to certain types of severe impacts that may cause significant injury to the occupants. They work together with the seat belts to help reduce the risk of death or serious injury. ◆…
Page 36
1-1. For safe use SRS airbag system components Side impact sensors (rear) Front passenger airbag Side impact sensors (front) Front impact sensors Side airbags Airbag sensor assembly Front passenger’s seat belt Driver’s knee airbag buckle switch Driver’s seat belt buckle Curtain shield airbags switch Driver airbag… -
Page 37
An infant or child who is too small to use a seat belt should be properly secured using a child restraint sys- tem. Toyota strongly recommends that all infants and children be placed in the rear seats of the vehicle and properly restrained. The rear seats are… -
Page 38
1-1. For safe use WARNING ■ SRS airbag precautions ● Do not sit on the edge of the seat or lean against the dashboard. ● Do not allow a child to stand in front of the SRS front passenger airbag unit or sit on the knees of a front passenger. -
Page 39
1-1. For safe use WARNING ■ SRS airbag precautions ● Do not attach anything to or lean any- thing against areas such as the dash- board, steering wheel pad and lower portion of the instrument panel. These items can become projectiles when the SRS driver, front passenger and driver’s knee airbag deploy. -
Page 40
Modification and disposal of SRS airbag system components Do not dispose of your vehicle or perform any of the following modifications without consulting your Toyota dealer. The SRS airbags may malfunction or deploy (inflate) accidentally, causing death or serious injury. -
Page 41
1-1. For safe use ■ If the SRS airbags deploy (inflate) ●Slight abrasions, burns, bruising etc., may be sustained from SRS airbags, due to the extremely high speed deployment (inflation) by hot gases. ●A loud noise and white powder will be emitted. ●Parts of the airbag module (steering wheel hub, airbag cover and inflator) as well as the front seats, parts of the front and rear pillars, and roof side rail, may be hot for several minutes. -
Page 42
1-1. For safe use ■ Types of collisions that may not deploy the SRS airbags (SRS front airbags) The SRS front airbags do not generally inflate if the vehicle is involved in a side or rear collision, if it rolls over, or if it is involved in a low-speed frontal collision. -
Page 43
When to contact your Toyota dealer In the following cases, the vehicle will require inspection and/or repair. Con- tact your Toyota dealer as soon as possible. ●Any of the SRS airbags have been inflated. ●The front of the vehicle is damaged or… -
Page 44: Safety Information For Children
1-1. For safe use Safety information for children Observe the following precautions when children are in the vehi- cle. Use a child restraint system appropriate for the child, until the child becomes large enough to properly wear the vehicle’s seat belt.
Page 45: Child Restraint Systems
General installation instructions are provided in this manual. (→P. 54) ● If child restraint system regulations exist in the country where you reside, please contact your Toyota dealer for the child restraint sys- tem installation. ● Toyota recommends that you use a child restraint system which…
Page 46
1-1. For safe use Types of child restraints Child restraint systems are classified into the following 5 groups according to the regulation ECE No.44: Group 0: Up to 10 kg (22 lb.) (0 — 9 months) Group 0 : Up to 13 kg (28 lb.) (0 — 2 years) Group I: 9 to 18 kg (20 to 39 lb.) (9 months — 4 years) Group II:… -
Page 47
1-1. For safe use Child restraint system suitability for various seating positions Information provided in the table shows your child restraint system suitability for various seating positions. Seating position Second seat Third Front passenger seat Out- seat Center board Mass groups Up to 10 kg (22 lb.) Never put (0 — 9 months) -
Page 48
1-1. For safe use : Adjust the front seatback to the most upright position. Move the front seat to the rearmost position. If the head restraint interferes with your child restraint system, and the head restraint can be removed, remove the head restraint. If the passenger seat is equipped with a vertical height adjuster, it must be placed in the upper most position. -
Page 49
1-1. For safe use Child restraint system list Mass groups Child restraint systems Category TOYOTA G 0+, Up to 10 kg (22 lb.) Universal BABYSAFE PLUS (0 — 9 months) TOYOTA G 0+, Up to 13 kg (28 lb.) Universal… -
Page 50
1-1. For safe use Child restraint system suitability for various seating positions (with ISOFIX rigid anchors) Information provided in the table shows your child restraint system suitability for various seating positions. Vehicle ISOFIX positions Mass groups Size class Fixture Outboard second seat ISO/L1 Carrycot… -
Page 51
1-1. For safe use Key of letters inserted in the above table: IUF: Suitable for ISOFIX forward-facing child restraint systems of uni- versal category approved for use in this mass group. Suitable for child restraint systems shown in the ISOFIX child restraint system list. -
Page 52
1-1. For safe use ISOFIX child restraint system list ISOFIX Child Size Mass groups Fixture restraint Category class systems Semi-univer- ISO/R1 TOYOTA MINI Up to 10 kg (22 lb.) Semi-univer- ISO/R1 TOYOTA MIDI (0 — 9 months) Semi-univer- ISO/R1 TOYOTA MINI Semi-univer- ISO/R1… -
Page 53
1-1. For safe use ■ When installing a child restraint system on the front passenger seat When you have to use a child restraint system on the front passenger seat, adjust the following: ●The seatback to the most upright posi- tion. -
Page 54
● Toyota strongly urges the use of a proper child restraint system that con- forms to the size of the child, installed on the rear seat. According to acci- dent statistics, the child is safer when properly restrained in the rear seat than in the front seat. -
Page 55
1-1. For safe use WARNING ■ Child restraint precautions ● Do not allow the child to lean his/her head or any part of his/her body against the door or the area of the seat, front and rear pillars or roof side rails from which the SRS side airbags or SRS curtain shield airbags deploy even if the child is seated in the child restraint system. -
Page 56: Installing Child Restraints
1-1. For safe use Installing child restraints Follow the child restraint system manufacturer’s instructions. Firmly secure child restraints to the seats using a seat belt or ISOFIX rigid anchors. Attach the upper anchorage strap when installing a child restraint. Seat belts equipped with a child restraint locking mechanism…
Page 57
1-1. For safe use Installing child restraints using a seat belt (child restraint lock function belt) Rear-facing Baby seat (infant seat)/child seat (convertible ■ seat) Fold the seatback while pull- ing the lever. Return the seatback and secure it at the lock position (most… -
Page 58
1-1. For safe use While pushing child restraint system down into the rear seat, allow the shoulder belt to retract until the child restraint system is securely in place. After the shoulder belt has retracted to a point where there is no slack in the belt, pull the belt to check that it cannot be extended. -
Page 59
1-1. For safe use Forward-facing Child seat (convertible seat) ■ Fold the seatback while pull- ing the lever. Return the seatback and secure it at the lock position (most upright position). Move the seat as far back as possible. Place the child restraint sys- tem on the seat facing the front of the vehicle. -
Page 60
1-1. For safe use While pushing child restraint system down into the rear seat, allow the shoulder belt to retract until the child restraint system is securely in place. After the shoulder belt has retracted to a point where there is no slack in the belt, pull the belt to check that it cannot be extended. -
Page 61
1-1. For safe use ■ Junior seat (booster seat) Fold the seatback while pull- ing the lever. Return the seatback and secure it at the lock position (most upright position). Move the seat as far back as possible. Place the child restraint system on the seat facing the front of the vehicle. -
Page 62
1-1. For safe use Removing a child restraint installed with a seat belt Push the buckle release button and fully retract the seat belt. -
Page 63
1-1. For safe use Installation with ISOFIX rigid anchors Fold the seatback while pulling the lever. Return the seatback and secure it at the 1st lock position (most upright position). Move the seat as far back as possible. If your child restraint system inter- feres with a head restraint and can- not be installed properly, install the child restraint system after remov-… -
Page 64
1-1. For safe use Using the child restraint anchor fitting Raise the head restraint so that the upper anchorage strap can easily be passed between the head restraint and seatback. If your child restraint system inter- feres with a head restraint and can- not be installed properly, install the child restraint system after remov- ing the head restraint. -
Page 65
You need a locking clip to install the child restraint system. Follow the instruc- tions provided by the manufacturer of the system. If your child restraint sys- tem does not provide a locking clip, you can purchase the following item from your Toyota dealer: Locking clip for child restraint system (Part No. 73119-22010) WARNING ■… -
Page 66
1-1. For safe use WARNING ■ When installing a child restraint system ● Extreme Hazard! Do not use a rearward facing child restraint on a seat protected by an airbag in front of it! This is because the force of the rapid inflation of the front passenger airbag can cause death or serious injury to the child. -
Page 67
When installing a child restraint system ● If child restraint system regulations exist in the country where you reside, please contact your Toyota dealer for the child restraint system installation. ● When installing a child restraint system on the second center seat, adjust both seat cushions to the same position and align both seatbacks at the same angle. -
Page 68
1-1. For safe use WARNING ■ To correctly attach a child restraint system to the anchors When using the lower anchors, be sure that there are no foreign objects around the anchors and that the seat belt is not caught behind the child restraint system. -
Page 69: Exhaust Gas Precautions
Exhaust pipe The exhaust system needs to be checked periodically. If there is a hole or crack caused by corrosion, damage to a joint or abnormal exhaust noise, be sure to have the vehicle inspected and repaired by your Toyota dealer.
Page 70: Engine Immobilizer System
1-2. Theft deterrent system Engine immobilizer system The vehicle’s keys have built-in transponder chips that prevent the engine from starting if a key has not been previously regis- tered in the vehicle’s on-board computer. Never leave the keys inside the vehicle when you leave the vehi- cle.
Page 71
1-2. Theft deterrent system ■ System maintenance The vehicle has a maintenance-free type engine immobilizer system. ■ Conditions that may cause the system to malfunction ●If the grip portion of the key is in contact with a metallic object ●If the key is in close proximity to or touching a key to the security system (key with a built-in transponder chip) of another vehicle NOTICE ■… -
Page 72: Alarm
1-2. Theft deterrent system Alarm The alarm The alarm uses light and sound to give an alert when an intrusion is detected. The alarm is triggered in the following situations when the alarm is set: ● A locked door is unlocked or opened in any way other than using the entry function (vehicles with smart entry &…
Page 73
1-2. Theft deterrent system Deactivating or stopping the alarm Do one of the following to deactivate or stop the alarm: ● Unlock the doors. ● Vehicles without a smart entry & start system: Turn the engine switch to the “ACC” or “ON” position, or start the engine. (The alarm will be deactivated or stopped after a few seconds.) Vehicles with a smart entry &… -
Page 74
1-2. Theft deterrent system ■ Triggering of the alarm The alarm may be triggered in the following situations: (Stopping the alarm deactivates the alarm system.) ●A person inside the vehicle opens a door or the hood, or unlocks the vehicle using a inside lock button. -
Page 75: 2. Instrument Cluster
Instrument cluster Instrument cluster Warning lights and indicators ……74 Gauge and meters ….80 Multi-information display (with monochrome display) ……83 Multi-information display (with color display)…..87 Eco Driving Indicator….92 Fuel consumption information……94…
Page 76: Warning Lights And Indicators
2. Instrument cluster Warning lights and indicators The warning lights and indicators on the instrument cluster and center panel inform the driver of the status of the vehicle’s vari- ous systems. For the purpose of explanation, the following illustration dis- plays all warning lights and indicators illuminated.
Page 77
2. Instrument cluster Warning lights Warning lights inform the driver of malfunctions in the indicated vehi- cle’s systems. 1, 2, 3 Brake system warning Pre-crash safety system light (→P. 396) warning light (→P. 397) 1, 2 Charging system warn- Slip indicator (→P. 397) ing light (→P. -
Page 78
There may be a mal- function in a system if a light does not come on, or if the lights do not turn off. Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. : If equipped : The light flashes to indicate a malfunction. -
Page 79
Cruise control indicator Security indicator (→P. 226) (→P. 68, 70) 1, 9 Cruise control “SET” Eco Driving Indicator indicator (→P. 226) (→P. 92) 2, 3 Toyota parking assist Snow mode indicator indicator (→P. 201) 1, 4 Slip indicator (→P. 254) -
Page 80
If the BSM outside rear view mirror indicators do not illuminate or do not turn off, there may be a malfunction in the system. If this occurs, have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. : This light illuminates on the outside rear view mirrors. -
Page 81
Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer immedi- ately if this occurs. -
Page 82: Gauge And Meters
2. Instrument cluster Gauge and meters The displayed content may differ depending on the type of meter. Vehicles with monochrome display Vehicles with color display…
Page 83: Multi-Information Display
2. Instrument cluster Tachometer Displays the engine speed in revolutions per minute. Multi-information display Presents the driver with a variety of driving-related data. Speedometer Fuel gauge Trip meter reset knob Switches the trip information. Outside temperature Odometer and trip meter display Shift position and shift range Displays the selected shift position or selected shift range.
Page 84
2. Instrument cluster Instrument panel light control The brightness of the meter panel lights can be adjusted. Pressing the button will adjust the brightness of the meter panel lights. The brightness level of the meters when the surroundings are bright (day mode) and dark (night mode) can be adjusted individually. -
Page 85
2. Instrument cluster Multi-information display (with mono- chrome display) Display contents The multi-information display presents the driver with a variety of driving-related data. ● Drive information ● Warning messages (→P. 401) ● Eco Driving Indicator Zone Dis- play (→P. 92) Drive information Items displayed can be switched by pressing the “DISP”… -
Page 86
2. Instrument cluster ● Current fuel consumption Displays the current rate of fuel consumption. Average fuel economy (after reset Displays the average fuel economy since the function was reset respectively Use the displayed average fuel economy as a reference. ● Distance (driving range) Displays the estimated maximum distance that can be driven with the quantity of fuel remaining and the distance driven after the func- tion was reset respectively… -
Page 87
2. Instrument cluster Settings display ■ Changing the settings Press the “DISP” switch to display the setting display while the vehicle is stopped, and then press and hold the “DISP” switch to display the customize mode display. Press the “DISP” switch to select the item to be set, then press and hold the “DISP”… -
Page 88
2. Instrument cluster ■ Customizable items ● Eco Driving Indicator Light Select to activate/deactivate the Eco Driving Indicator Light. ● Language Select to change the language on the display. ● Units Select to change the unit of measure for fuel consumption. Settings can be changed. -
Page 89
2. Instrument cluster Multi-information display (with color dis- play) Display contents Drive information Select to display various drive data. (→P. 89) Navigation system- linked display equipped) Select to display the following navigation system-linked information. • Route guidance • Compass display (north-up display/heading-up display) Audio system-linked display Select to enable selection of an audio source or track on the meter using the meter control switches. -
Page 90
2. Instrument cluster Warning message display Select to display warning messages and measures to be taken if a malfunction is detected. (→P. 401) Settings display Select to change the meter display settings. (→P. 90) ■ Operating the meter control switches Enter/Set/Reset Select an item/change pages Return… -
Page 91
2. Instrument cluster Drive information ● Current fuel consumption Displays the current rate of fuel consumption ● Average fuel economy (after reset /after start/after refuel) Displays the average fuel economy since the function was reset, the engine was started, and the vehicle was refueled, respectively Use the displayed average fuel economy as a reference. -
Page 92
2. Instrument cluster Settings display ■ Changing the settings Select using the meter control switches. Select an item and then set it with the center button. ■ Customizable items ● Language Select to change the language on the display. ● Units Select to change the unit of measure for fuel consumption. -
Page 93
2. Instrument cluster ■ Pop-up display In some situations, such as when a switch operation is performed, a pop-up display, such as the operating cruise control switch, will be temporarily dis- played on the multi-information display. The pop-up display function can be set on/off. ■… -
Page 94: Eco Driving Indicator
2. Instrument cluster Eco Driving Indicator Eco Driving Indicator Light During Eco-friendly acceleration operation (Eco driving), Eco Driv- ing Indicator Light will turn on. When the accelerator pedal is depressed excessively, and when the vehicle is stopped, the light turns off. Eco Driving Indicator Zone Display Suggests Zone of Eco driving and Eco driving ratio based on accel-…
Page 95
2. Instrument cluster ■ Operation of Eco Driving Indicator Eco Driving Indicator will not operate in the following conditions: ●The shift lever is anything other than D. ●The vehicle speed is approximately 130 km/h (80 mph) or higher. ■ Eco Driving Indicator Light customization Monochrome display →P. -
Page 96: Fuel Consumption Information
2. Instrument cluster Fuel consumption information Fuel consumption information can be displayed on the audio system screen. Audio system…
Page 97
2. Instrument cluster Trip information Press the “APPS” button. Touch “ECO” on the “Apps” screen. If the “Past Record” screen is displayed, select “Trip Informa- tion”. Resetting the consumption data Fuel consumption in the past 15 minutes Average vehicle speed since the engine was started. -
Page 98
2. Instrument cluster Past record Press the “APPS” button. Touch “ECO” on the “Apps” screen. If the “Trip Information” screen is displayed, select “Past Record”. Resetting the past record data Best recorded fuel consump- tion Average fuel consumption Previous fuel consumption record Updating the average fuel consumption data The average fuel consumption history is divided by color into past averages and the average fuel consumption since the last… -
Page 99
Operation of each component 3-1. Key information Keys……..98 3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors Side doors……104 Back door……112 Glass hatch……126 Smart entry & start system ……131 3-3. Adjusting the seats Front seats……139 Rear seats ……141 Driving position memory ..148 Head restraints ….152 3-4. -
Page 100: Keys
3-1. Key information Keys The keys The following keys are provided with the vehicle. Vehicles without a smart entry & start system Keys Operating the wireless remote con- trol function (→P. 99) Valet key Key number plate Vehicles with a smart entry & start system Electronic keys •…
Page 101
(→P. 105) Unlocks the doors (→P. 105) Opens the windows and moon roof (→P. 105) Opens and closes the power back door (if equipped) (→P. 113) Sounds the alarm (→P. 100) : This setting must be customized at your Toyota dealer. -
Page 102
3-1. Key information Using the mechanical key (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) To take out the mechanical key, push the release button and take the key out. The mechanical key can only be inserted in one direction, as the key only has grooves on one side. -
Page 103
■ If you lose your keys New genuine keys can be made by your Toyota dealer using master key (vehicles without a smart entry & start system) or the other key (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) and the key number stamped on your key num- ber plate. -
Page 104
Confirmation of the registered key number (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) The number of electronic keys already registered to the vehicle can be con- firmed. Ask your Toyota dealer for details. ■ If a wrong key is used (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) The key cylinder rotates freely to isolate inside mechanism. -
Page 105
When an electronic key is lost (vehicles with a smart entry & start sys- tem) If the electronic key remains lost, the risk of vehicle theft increases signifi- cantly. Visit your Toyota dealer immediately with all remaining electronic keys that was provided with your vehicle. -
Page 106: Locking The Doors Side Doors
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors Side doors Unlocking and locking the doors from the outside ◆ Entry function (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) Carry the electronic key to enable this function. Front doors Grip the handle to unlock all the doors.
Page 107
Press and hold to close the win- dows and moon roof. (→P. 163, 166) Unlocks all the doors Press and hold to open the win- dows and moon roof. (→P. 163, 166) : This setting must be customized at your Toyota dealer. -
Page 108
Turn and hold to open the win- dows. : This setting must be customized at your Toyota dealer. Vehicles with a smart entry & start system The doors can also be locked and unlocked with the mechanical key. (→P. 437) ■… -
Page 109
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ■ Power back door reservation lock (vehicles with a power back door) If the wireless remote control is used to lock the doors while the power back door is closing with all side doors fully closed, a buzzer will sound and the emergency flashers will flash to indicate that the reservation lock is activated. -
Page 110
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors Unlocking and locking the doors from the inside ◆ Door lock switch Locks all the doors Unlocks all the doors ◆ Inside lock buttons Locks the doors Unlocks the doors The driver’s door can be opened by pulling the inside handle even if the lock button is in the lock position. -
Page 111
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors Rear door child-protector lock The door cannot be opened from inside the vehicle when the lock is set. Unlock Lock These locks can be set to prevent children from opening the rear doors. Push down on each rear door switch to lock both rear doors. -
Page 112
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ■ Switching the door unlock function (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) It is possible to set which doors the entry function unlocks using the wireless remote control. Turn the engine switch off. When the indicator light on the key surface is not on, press and hold for approximately 5 seconds while pressing and holding The setting changes each time an operation is performed, as shown below. -
Page 113
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ■ Conditions affecting the operation of the smart entry & start system or wireless remote control Vehicles without a smart entry & start system →P. 101 Vehicles with a smart entry & start system →P. -
Page 114: Back Door
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors Back door The back door can be locked/unlocked and opened/closed by the following procedures. Locking and unlocking the back door ■ Door lock switch →P. 108 ■ Entry function (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) →P.
Page 115
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors Opening the back door from outside the vehicle ◆ Back door opener Vehicles without a power back door Raise the back door while pressing up the back door opener switch. Vehicles with a power back door When back… -
Page 116
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors Power back door switch (vehicles with a power back door) Quickly press and release the switch to close the back door. Pressing the switch while the back door is opening/closing stops the operation. To operate the back door again, quickly press and release the switch. -
Page 117
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors Canceling the power back door system (vehicles with a power back door) Turn the main switch in the glove box off to disable the power back door system. On (enabled) Off (disabled) Adjusting the open position of the back door (vehicles with a power back door) The open position of the power back door can be adjusted. -
Page 118
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ■ Luggage compartment light The luggage compartment light turns on when the back door or glass hatch is opened with the luggage compartment light switch on. Type A When the engine switch is turned off, the light will go off automatically after 20 min- utes. -
Page 119
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ■ If the back door opener is inoperative The back door can be unlocked from the inside. Remove the cover on the back door trim. Use a cloth to prevent scratches. Move the lever for the back door motor. Vehicles without a power back door Vehicles with a power back door ■… -
Page 120
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ■ Power back door operation (vehicles with a power back door) ●A buzzer sounds and the emergency flashers flash twice to indicate that the back door is opening/closing. ●The back door can be opened and closed manually even when the power back door main switch is off. -
Page 121
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors WARNING Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury. ■ Before driving ● Make sure that the back door is fully closed. If the back door is not fully closed, it may open unexpectedly while driving and hit near-by objects or luggage in the luggage compartment may be thrown out, causing an acci- dent. -
Page 122
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors WARNING ■ Operating the back door Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may cause parts of the body to be caught, resulting in death or serious injury. ● Remove any heavy loads, such as snow and ice, from the back door before opening it. -
Page 123
When installing an accessory part to the back door, using a genu- ine Toyota part is recommended. ■ Back door closer (vehicles with a power back door) ●… -
Page 124
When installing an acces- sory part to the back door, ask your Toyota dealer for details. -
Page 125
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors WARNING ■ Jam protection function (vehicles with a power back door) Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may cause death or serious injury. ● Never use any part of your body to intentionally activate the jam protection function. -
Page 126
Do not touch the damper stay rod with gloves or other fabric items. ● Do not attach any accessories other than genuine Toyota parts to the back door. ● Do not place your hand on the damper stay or apply lateral forces to it. -
Page 127
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors NOTICE ■ To prevent back door closer malfunction (vehicles with a power back door) Do not apply excessive force to the back door while the back door closer is operating. ■ To prevent damage to the power back door (if equipped) ●… -
Page 128: Glass Hatch
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ∗ Glass hatch Opening the glass hatch The glass hatch can be opened using the glass hatch opener. When back door unlocked: Press the button to pop up the glass hatch. When the back door is locked: While carrying the electronic key on your person, press the button to pop up the glass…
Page 129
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ■ Luggage compartment light →P. 116 ■ The glass hatch can be opened when The back door is closed. ■ Opening and closing the glass hatch ●Open the glass hatch slowly and carefully. ●Make sure that the rear window wiper is switched off. -
Page 130
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors WARNING Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury. ■ Before driving ● Make sure that the glass hatch is fully closed. If the glass hatch is not fully closed, it may open unexpectedly while driving and hit near-by objects or luggage in the luggage compartment may be thrown out, causing an acci- dent. -
Page 131
● Do not attach any accessories other than genuine Toyota parts to the glass hatch. Such additional weight on the glass hatch may cause the glass hatch to suddenly shut again after it is opened, resulting in death or serious injury. -
Page 132
Do not touch the damper stay rod with gloves or other fabric items. ● Do not attach any accessories other than genuine Toyota parts to the glass Damper stays hatch. ● Do not place your hand or foot on the damper stay or apply lateral forces… -
Page 133: Smart Entry & Start System
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ∗ Smart entry & start system The following operations can be performed simply by carrying the electronic key on your person, for example in your pocket. The driver should always carry the electronic key. ●…
Page 134
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ■ Effective range (areas within which the electronic key is detected) When locking or unlocking the doors The system can be operated when the electronic key is within about 0.7 m (2.3 ft.) of an outside front door handle. -
Page 135
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ■ Battery-saving function The battery-saving function will be activated in order to prevent the electronic key battery and the vehicle battery from being discharged while the vehicle is not in operation for a long time. ●In the following situations, the smart entry &… -
Page 136
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ■ Conditions affecting operation The smart entry & start system uses weak radio waves. In the following situa- tions, the communication between the electronic key and the vehicle may be affected, preventing the smart entry & start system, wireless remote control and engine immobilizer system from operating properly. -
Page 137
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ■ Note for the entry function ●Even when the electronic key is within the effective range (detection areas), the system may not operate properly in the following cases: • The electronic key is too close to the window or outside door handle, near the ground, or in a high place when the doors are locked or unlocked. -
Page 138
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ●Touching the door lock or unlock sensor while wearing gloves may prevent lock or unlock operation. Remove the gloves and touch the lock or unlock sensor again. ●When the lock operation is performed using the lock sensor, recognition sig- nals will be shown up to two consecutive times. -
Page 139
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ■ When the vehicle is not driven for extended periods ●To prevent theft of the vehicle, do not leave the electronic key within 2 m (6 ft.) of the vehicle. ●The smart entry & start system can be deactivated in advance. (→P. 462) ■… -
Page 140
(→P. 131) The radio waves may affect the operation of such devices. If necessary, the entry function can be disabled. Ask your Toyota dealer for details, such as the frequency of radio waves and timing of the emitted radio waves. -
Page 141
3-3. Adjusting the seats Front seats Adjustment procedure Manual seat Seat position adjustment lever Vertical height adjustment lever (driver’s side only) Seatback angle adjustment lever Power seat Seat position adjustment Vertical height adjustment switch switch (driver’s side only) Seatback angle adjustment Seat cushion length adjust- switch ment switch (driver’s side… -
Page 142
3-3. Adjusting the seats WARNING ■ When adjusting the seat position ● Take care when adjusting the seat position to ensure that other passen- gers are not injured by the moving seat. ● Do not put your hands under the seat or near the moving parts to avoid injury. -
Page 143: Rear Seats
3-3. Adjusting the seats Rear seats Adjustment procedure ■ Second seats Seat position adjustment lever Seatback angle adjustment lever Pull the lever until the lock is completely released. ■ Third seats Seatback angle adjustment strap…
Page 144
3-3. Adjusting the seats Moving a second seat for third seat access ■ Getting in the vehicle Pull the lever and tilt the seatback forward. Move the seat to the front-most position. ■ Getting out of the vehicle Pull the lever on the side of the seatback and tilt the seatback forward. -
Page 145
3-3. Adjusting the seats Folding down the second seats ■ Before folding down the second seats Stow the armrest. (→P. 321) Stow the second seat belt buckles. Pass the outer seat belts through the seat belt hangers and secure the seat belt plates. -
Page 146
3-3. Adjusting the seats Pull the lever to unlock the seatback. The seatback will be folded down. ■ After folding down the second seats Slide the folded second seats backward until they lock. ■ Returning the second seats Lift up the seatbacks until they lock. -
Page 147
3-3. Adjusting the seats Folding down the third seats ■ Before folding down the third seats Stow the third seat belt buck- les. Pass the seat belts through the seat belt hangers and secure the seat belt plates. This prevents the shoulder belts from being damaged. -
Page 148
3-3. Adjusting the seats ■ Returning the third seats From inside From outside Lift up the seatbacks until they Pull the straps and raise the lock. seatbacks until they lock. After using either strap, use the Velcro on the end of the strap to attach it to the seatback. -
Page 149
3-3. Adjusting the seats WARNING ■ When folding the rear seatbacks down Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury. ● Do not fold the seatbacks down while driving. ● Stop the vehicle on level ground, set the parking brake and shift the shift lever to P. -
Page 150: Driving Position Memory
3-3. Adjusting the seats ∗ Driving position memory This feature automatically adjusts the driver’s seat and outside rear view mirrors to make entering and exiting the vehicle easier or to suit your preferences. Driving position memory Your preferred driving position (the position of the driver’s seat and outside rear view mirrors) can be recorded and recalled by pressing a button.
Page 151
3-3. Adjusting the seats ■ Recall procedure Check that the shift lever is in P. Turn the engine switch to IGNITION ON mode. Press one of the buttons for the driving position you want to recall until the buzzer sounds. ■… -
Page 152
3-3. Adjusting the seats Memory recall function Each electronic key can be registered to recall your preferred driving position. ■ Registering procedure Record your driving position to button “1” or “2” before performing the following: Carry only the key you want to register, and then close the driver’s door. -
Page 153
3-3. Adjusting the seats ■ Cancelation procedure Carry only the key you want to cancel and then close the driver’s door. If 2 or more keys are in the vehicle, the driving position cannot be canceled properly. Check that the shift lever is in P. Turn the engine switch to IGNITION ON mode. -
Page 154: Head Restraints
3-3. Adjusting the seats Head restraints Head restraints are provided for all seats. Front seats Pull the head restraints up. Down Push the head restraint down while pressing the lock release button. Lock release button Second seats Pull the head restraints up. Down Push the head restraint down while pressing the lock release button.
Page 155
3-3. Adjusting the seats ■ Removing the head restraints Front seats Pull the head restraint up while pressing the lock release button. Lock release button Second seats Pull the head restraint up while pressing the lock release button. Lock release button Third seats Pull the head restraint up while pressing the lock release button. -
Page 156
3-3. Adjusting the seats Second seats Align the head restraint with the installa- tion holes and push it down while press- ing the lock release button. Lock release button Third seats Align the head restraint with the installa- tion holes and push it down while press- ing the lock release button. -
Page 157
3-4. Adjusting the steering wheel and mirrors Steering wheel Adjustment procedure Hold the steering wheel and push the lever down. Adjust to the ideal position by moving the steering wheel hori- zontally and vertically. After adjustment, pull the lever up to secure the steering wheel. -
Page 158
3-4. Adjusting the steering wheel and mirrors WARNING ■ Caution while driving Do not adjust the steering wheel while driving. Doing so may cause the driver to mishandle the vehicle and cause an acci- dent, resulting in death or serious injury. ■… -
Page 159: Inside Rear View Mirror
3-4. Adjusting the steering wheel and mirrors Inside rear view mirror The rear view mirror’s position can be adjusted to enable suffi- cient confirmation of the rear view. Adjusting the height of rear view mirror The height of the rear view mirror can be adjusted to suit your driving posture.
Page 160
3-4. Adjusting the steering wheel and mirrors Auto anti-glare inside rear view mirror Responding to the level of brightness of the headlights of vehicles behind, the reflected light is automatically reduced. Changing automatic anti-glare function mode ON/OFF When the automatic anti-glare function is in ON mode, the indica- tor illuminates. -
Page 161: Outside Rear View Mirrors
3-4. Adjusting the steering wheel and mirrors Outside rear view mirrors Adjustment procedure To select a mirror to adjust, turn the switch. Left Right To adjust the mirror, move the switch. Right Down Left Folding the mirrors Push the mirror back in the direc- tion of the vehicle’s rear.
Page 162
3-4. Adjusting the steering wheel and mirrors ■ Mirror angle can be adjusted when Vehicles without a smart entry & start system The engine switch is in the “ACC” or “ON” position. Vehicles with a smart entry & start system The engine switch is in ACCESSORY or IGNITION ON mode. -
Page 163
3-5. Opening and closing the windows Power windows Opening and closing procedures The power windows can be opened and closed using the switches. Operating the switch moves the windows as follows: Models available with one touch opening/closing on the front side windows Closing One-touch closing (front side… -
Page 164
3-5. Opening and closing the windows Window lock switch Press the switch to lock the pas- senger window switches. Use this switch to prevent children from accidentally opening or clos- ing a passenger window. Models available with one touch opening/closing on the front side windows: If the lock switch is on, the passenger window switches on the driver’s side are also locked. -
Page 165
If you release the switch while the window is moving, start again from the beginning. If the window continues to close but then re-open slightly even after perform- ing the above procedure correctly, have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. ■… -
Page 166
3-5. Opening and closing the windows WARNING Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury. ■ Closing the windows ● The driver is responsible for all the power window operations, including the operation for the passengers. In order to prevent accidental operation, especially by a child, do not let a child operate the power windows. -
Page 167: Moon Roof
3-5. Opening and closing the windows ∗ Moon roof Use the overhead switches to open and close the moon roof and tilt it up and down. ■ Opening and closing Opens the moon roof The moon roof stops slightly before the fully open position to reduce wind noise.
Page 168
●The moon roof can be opened and closed using the mechanical key. (→P. 437) ●The moon roof can be opened and closed using the wireless remote con- trol. (→P. 105) : These settings must be customized at your Toyota dealer. -
Page 169
Check to make sure that the moon roof is completely closed and then release the switch. If the moon roof does not fully close even after performing the above proce- dure correctly, have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. ■ Moon roof open warning buzzer The buzzer sounds and a message is shown on the multi-information display in the instrument cluster when the engine switch is turned off and the driver’s… -
Page 170
3-5. Opening and closing the windows WARNING Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may cause death or serious injury. ■ Opening the moon roof ● Do not allow any passengers to put their hands or heads outside the vehi- cle while it is moving. -
Page 171
Driving 4-1. Before driving 4-4. Refueling Driving the vehicle …..170 Opening the fuel tank cap……..222 Cargo and luggage ….179 4-5. Using the driving Trailer towing …..182 support systems 4-2. Driving procedures Cruise control…..226 Engine (ignition) switch Dynamic radar cruise (vehicles without a smart control……231 entry &… -
Page 172: Driving The Vehicle
4-1. Before driving Driving the vehicle The following procedures should be observed to ensure safe driving: Starting the engine →P. 191, 194 Driving With the brake pedal depressed, shift the shift lever to D. (→P. 200) Release the parking brake. (→P. 206) Gradually release the brake pedal and gently depress the accelera- tor pedal to accelerate the vehicle.
Page 173
●The vehicle is judged to be driving uphill or downhill ●When the accelerator pedal is released ■ Breaking in your new Toyota To extend the life of the vehicle, observing the following precautions is recom- mended: ●For the first 300 km (186 miles): Avoid sudden stops. -
Page 174
Your vehicle has a drum-in-disc type parking brake system. This type of brake system needs bedding-down of the brake shoes periodically or whenever the parking brake shoes and/or drum are replaced. Have your Toyota dealer per- form the bedding down operation. -
Page 175
4-1. Before driving WARNING Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury. ■ When driving the vehicle ● Use engine braking (downshift) to maintain a safe speed when driving down a steep hill. Using the brakes continuously may cause the brakes to overheat and lose effectiveness. -
Page 176
4-1. Before driving WARNING Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury. ■ When shifting the shift lever ● Do not let the vehicle roll backward while the shift lever is in a driving posi- tion, or roll forward while the shift lever is in R. -
Page 177
■ If you hear a squealing or scraping noise (brake pad wear indicators) Have the brake pads checked and replaced by your Toyota dealer as soon as possible. Rotor damage may result if the pads are not replaced when needed. -
Page 178
4-1. Before driving WARNING Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury. ■ When the vehicle is parked ● Do not leave glasses, cigarette lighters, spray cans, or soft drink cans in the vehicle when it is in the sun. Doing so may result in the following: •… -
Page 179
4-1. Before driving WARNING Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury. ■ When braking ● When the brakes are wet, drive more cautiously. Braking distance increases when the brakes are wet, and this may cause one side of the vehicle to brake differently than the other side. -
Page 180
Short in electrical components ● Engine damage caused by water immersion In the event that you drive on a flooded road and the vehicle is flooded, be sure to have your Toyota dealer check the following: ● Brake function ●… -
Page 181: Cargo And Luggage
4-1. Before driving Cargo and luggage Take notice of the following information about storage precau- tions, cargo capacity and load: WARNING ■ Things that must not be carried in the luggage compartment The following things may cause a fire if loaded in the luggage compartment: ●…
Page 182
Roof luggage carrier precautions (vehicles with roof rails) To use the roof rails as a roof luggage carrier, you must fit the roof rails with two or more genuine Toyota cross rails or their equivalent. When you load cargo on the roof luggage carrier, observe the following: ●… -
Page 183
4-1. Before driving WARNING ■ When installing cross rails (vehicles with roof rails) Make sure the cross bars are installed securely by pushing them forward and rearward. Failure to do so may cause an unexpected accident. NOTICE ■ When loading cargo (vehicles with moon roof) Be careful not to scratch the surface of the moon roof. -
Page 184: Trailer Towing
Toyota warranties do not apply to damage or malfunction caused by towing a trailer for commercial purposes. For towing purposes, Toyota recommends the use of the follow- ing parts: ● When towing a caravan trailer etc., use a distributing hitch.
Page 185
4-1. Before driving ◆ Gross axle weight The load on either the front or rear axle resulting from distribution of the gross vehicle weight on both axles must not exceed the follow- ing: Front: 1340 kg (2954 lb.) Rear 2WD models: 1545 kg (3406 lb.) AWD models: 1590 kg (3505 lb.) ◆… -
Page 186
4-1. Before driving Hitch Trailer hitch assemblies have different weight capacities established by the hitch manufacturer. Even though the vehicle may be rated for towing a higher weight, the operator must never exceed the maximum weight rating specified for the trailer hitch. Selecting a trailer ball Use the correct trailer ball for your application. -
Page 187
■ Break-in schedule Toyota recommends that you do not use a new vehicle or a vehicle with any new power train components (engine, transmission, differential, wheel bear- ings, etc.) to tow a trailer for the first 800 km (500 miles) of driving. -
Page 188
4-1. Before driving WARNING ■ To avoid accident or injury ● The total trailer weight (trailer weight plus the weight of cargo) must not exceed 2000 kg (4409 lb.). ● Do not exceed the trailer hitch assembly weight, gross vehicle weight, gross axle weight and trailer tongue load capacities. -
Page 189
■ When installing a trailer hitch ● Use only the position recommended by your Toyota dealer. Do not install the trailer hitch on the bumper; this may cause body damage. ● Do not use axle-mounted hitches, as they can cause damage to the axle housing, wheel bearings, wheels or tires. -
Page 190
4-1. Before driving Trailer towing tips Your vehicle will handle differently when towing a trailer. In order to avoid accident, death or serious injury, keep the following in mind when towing: ● Before starting out, check the trailer lights and the vehicle-trailer connections. -
Page 191
4-1. Before driving ● Crosswinds and rough roads will adversely affect handling of your vehicle and trailer, causing sway. Periodically check the rear to pre- pare for being passed by large trucks or buses, which may cause your vehicle and trailer to sway. If swaying occurs, firmly grip the steering wheel, reduce speed immediately but gradually, and steer straight ahead. -
Page 192
4-1. Before driving ● Always place wheel blocks under both the vehicle and the trailer wheels when parking. Apply the parking brake firmly, and put the transmission in P. Avoid parking on a slope, but if unavoidable, do so only after performing the following: Apply the brakes and keep them applied. -
Page 193: Engine (Ignition) Switch
4-2. Driving procedures Engine (ignition) switch (vehicles without a smart entry & start system) Starting the engine Check that the parking brake is set. Check that the shift lever is set in P. Firmly depress the brake pedal. Turn the engine switch to the “START” position to start the engine. Changing the engine switch positions “LOCK”…
Page 194
“LOCK” position. ■ If the engine does not start The engine immobilizer system may not have been deactivated. (→P. 68) Contact your Toyota dealer. ■ When the steering lock cannot be released When starting the engine, the engine switch may seem stuck in the “LOCK”… -
Page 195
Do not crank the engine for more than 30 seconds at a time. This may overheat the starter and wiring system. ● Do not race a cold engine. ● If the engine becomes difficult to start or stalls frequently, have your vehi- cle checked by your Toyota dealer immediately. -
Page 196
4-2. Driving procedures Engine (ignition) switch (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) Performing the following operations when carrying the elec- tronic key on your person starts the engine or changes engine switch modes. Starting the engine Check that the parking brake is set. Check that the shift lever is set in P. -
Page 197
4-2. Driving procedures Stopping the engine Stop the vehicle. Shift the shift lever to P. Set the parking brake. (→P. 206) Press the engine switch. Release brake pedal and check that “ACCESSORY” or “IGNITION ON” on the multi-information display is off. Changing engine switch modes Modes can be changed by pressing the engine switch with brake pedal released. -
Page 198
If the engine does not start ●The engine immobilizer system may not have been deactivated. (→P. 68) Contact your Toyota dealer. ●Check that the shift lever is securely set in P. The engine may not start if the shift lever is displaced out of P. -
Page 199
10 seconds, the steering lock motor will resume functioning. ■ When “Check Entry & Start System” is displayed on the multi-informa- tion display The system may be malfunctioning. Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer immediately. ■ If the electronic key battery is depleted →P. 359 ■… -
Page 200
4-2. Driving procedures WARNING ■ When starting the engine Always start the engine while sitting in the driver’s seat. Do not depress the accelerator pedal while starting the engine under any circumstances. Doing so may cause an accident resulting in death or serious injury. ■… -
Page 201
Do not race a cold engine. ● If the engine becomes difficult to start or stalls frequently, have your vehi- cle checked by your Toyota dealer immediately. ■ Symptoms indicating a malfunction with the engine switch If the engine switch seems to be operating somewhat differently than usual, such as the switch sticking slightly, there may be a malfunction. -
Page 202: Automatic Transmission
4-2. Driving procedures Automatic transmission Shifting the shift lever Vehicles without a smart entry & start system: While the engine switch is in the “ON” position, depress the brake pedal and move the shift lever. When shifting the shift lever between P and D, make sure that the vehicle is completely stopped.
Page 203
4-2. Driving procedures Shift position purpose Shift position Objective or function Parking the vehicle/starting the engine Reversing Neutral Normal driving S mode driving (→P. 202) : Shifting the shift lever to D allows the system to select a gear suitable for the driving conditions. -
Page 204
4-2. Driving procedures Selecting shift ranges in the S position To enter S mode, shift the shift lever to S. Shift ranges can be selected by operating the shift lever, allowing you to drive in the shift range of your choosing. The shift range can be selected by the shift lever. Upshifting Downshifting The selected shift range, from 1 to… -
Page 205
S This may indicate a malfunction in the automatic transmission system. Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer immediately. (In this situation, the transmission will operate in the same manner as when the shift lever is in D.) -
Page 206
When the warning message goes out, the vehicle can be driven again. If the warning message does not go out after waiting a while, have your vehi- cle inspected by your Toyota dealer. ■ AI-SHIFT The AI-SHIFT automatically selects the suitable gear according to driver per- formance and driving conditions. -
Page 207: Turn Signal Lever
4-2. Driving procedures Turn signal lever Operating instructions Left turn Lane change to the left (move the lever partway and release The left hand signals will flash 3 times. Lane change to the right (move the lever partway and release The right hand signals will flash 3 times.
Page 208: Parking Brake
4-2. Driving procedures Parking brake Operating instructions To set the parking brake, fully depress the parking brake pedal with your left foot while depress- ing the brake pedal with your right foot. (Depressing pedal again releases the parking brake.) ■ Parking brake engaged warning buzzer →P.
Page 209
4-3. Operating the lights and wipers Headlight switch The headlights can be operated manually or automatically. Operating instructions Turning the end of the lever turns on the lights as follows: The headlights, day- time running lights (→P. 208) and all the lights listed below turn on and off automatically. -
Page 210
4-3. Operating the lights and wipers Turning on the high beam headlights With the headlights on, push the lever away from you to turn on the high beams. Pull the lever toward you to the center position to turn the high beams off. -
Page 211
4-3. Operating the lights and wipers ■ Automatic headlight leveling system (vehicles with LED headlights) The level of the headlights is automatically adjusted according to the number of passengers and the loading condition of the vehicle to ensure that the headlights do not interfere with other road users. -
Page 212: Automatic High Beam
4-3. Operating the lights and wipers ∗ Automatic High Beam The Automatic High Beam uses an in-vehicle camera sensor to assess the brightness of streetlights, the lights of oncoming and preceding vehicles, etc., and automatically turns the high beam on or off as necessary. Activating the Automatic High Beam system Push the lever away from you with the headlight switch in the…
Page 213
4-3. Operating the lights and wipers High beam automatic turning on or off conditions When all of the following conditions are met, high beam will be auto- matically turned on (after approximately 1 second): ● Vehicle speed is above approximately 30 km/h (19 mph). ●… -
Page 214
4-3. Operating the lights and wipers Turning the high beam on/off manually ■ Switching to low beam Pull the lever to original posi- tion. The Automatic High Beam indi- cator will turn off. Push the lever away from you to activate the Automatic High Beam system again. -
Page 215
• The driver believes that the high beam may be causing problems or dis- tress to other drivers or pedestrians nearby. ■ If the Automatic High Beam indicator turns to yellow It may indicate a malfunction in the system. Contact your Toyota dealer. -
Page 216
Do not install a parking tag or any other accessories near or around the camera sensor. ● Do not overload the vehicle. ● Do not modify the vehicle. ● Do not replace windshield with non-genuine windshield. Contact your Toyota dealer. -
Page 217: Fog Light Switch
4-3. Operating the lights and wipers Fog light switch The fog lights secure excellent visibility in difficult driving con- ditions, such as in rain and fog. Turns the front fog lights Turns the front fog lights ■ Fog lights can be used when The headlights or the front position lights are turned on.
Page 218: Windshield Wipers And Washer
4-3. Operating the lights and wipers Windshield wipers and washer Operating the wiper lever The wiper operation is selected by moving the lever as follows. Intermittent windshield wiper with interval adjuster Intermittent windshield wiper operation Low speed windshield wiper operation High speed windshield wiper operation Temporary operation…
Page 219
4-3. Operating the lights and wipers Rain-sensing windshield wipers With “AUTO” selected, the wipers will operate automatically when the sensor detects falling rain. The system automatically adjusts wiper timing in accordance with rain volume and vehicle speed. Rain-sensing windshield wiper operation Low speed windshield wiper operation High speed windshield… -
Page 220
4-3. Operating the lights and wipers ■ The windshield wiper and washer can be operated when Vehicles without a smart entry & start system The engine switch is in the “ON” position. Vehicles with a smart entry & start system The engine switch is in IGNITION ON mode. -
Page 221
Do not operate the switch continually as the washer fluid pump may over- heat. ■ When a nozzle becomes blocked In this case, contact your Toyota dealer. Do not try to clear it with a pin or other object. The nozzle will be damaged. -
Page 222: Rear Window Wiper And Washer
4-3. Operating the lights and wipers Rear window wiper and washer Operating instructions The wiper operation is selected by moving the lever as follows: Intermittent window wiper operation Normal window wiper operation Washer/wiper dual operation The wiper will automatically oper- ate a couple of times after the washer squirts.
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Do not operate the switch continually as the washer fluid pump may over- heat. ■ When a nozzle becomes blocked In this case, contact your Toyota dealer. Do not try to clear it with a pin or other object. The nozzle will be damaged. -
Page 224: Opening The Fuel Tank Cap
4-4. Refueling Opening the fuel tank cap Perform the following steps to open the fuel tank cap: Before refueling the vehicle ● Vehicles without a smart entry & start system Turn the engine switch to the “LOCK” position and ensure that all the doors and windows are closed.
Page 225
4-4. Refueling WARNING ■ When refueling the vehicle Observe the following precautions while refueling the vehicle. Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury. ● After exiting the vehicle and before opening the fuel door, touch an unpainted metal surface to discharge any static electricity. -
Page 226
4-4. Refueling Opening the fuel tank cap Press the opener switch. Turn the fuel tank cap slowly to remove it and hang it on the back of the fuel filler door. ■ When the fuel filler door cannot be opened by pressing the inside switch Remove the cover inside the luggage compartment and pull the lever. -
Page 227
WARNING ■ When replacing the fuel tank cap Do not use anything but a genuine Toyota fuel tank cap designed for your vehicle. Doing so may cause a fire or other incident which may result in death or serious injury. -
Page 228: Cruise Control
4-5. Using the driving support systems ∗ Cruise control Summary of functions Use the cruise control to maintain a set speed without depressing the accelerator pedal. Indicators Cruise control switch : Vehicles with monochrome display : Vehicles with color display ∗…
Page 229
4-5. Using the driving support systems Setting the vehicle speed Press the “ON-OFF” button to activate the cruise control. Cruise control indicator will come or will be displayed on the multi-information display Press the button again to deacti- vate the cruise control. Accelerate or decelerate the vehicle to the desired speed, and push the lever down to set… -
Page 230
4-5. Using the driving support systems Adjusting the set speed To change the set speed, operate the lever until the desired set speed is obtained. Increases the speed Decreases the speed Fine adjustment: Momentarily move the lever in the desired direc- tion. -
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If the cruise control speed cannot be set or if the cruise control cancels imme- diately after being activated, there may be a malfunction in the cruise control system. Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. -
Page 232
4-5. Using the driving support systems WARNING ■ To avoid operating the cruise control by mistake Switch the cruise control off using the “ON-OFF” button when not in use. ■ Situations unsuitable for cruise control Do not use cruise control in any of the following situations. Doing so may result in loss of control and could cause an accident resulting in death or serious injury. -
Page 233: Dynamic Radar Cruise Control
4-5. Using the driving support systems ∗ Dynamic radar cruise control Summary of functions Dynamic radar cruise control supplements conventional cruise control with a vehicle-to-vehicle distance control. In vehicle-to-vehicle dis- tance control mode, the vehicle automatically accelerates or deceler- ates in order to maintain a set following distance from vehicles ahead. Vehicle-to-vehicle distance but- Display Set speed…
Page 234
4-5. Using the driving support systems Setting the vehicle speed (vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode) Press the “ON-OFF” button to activate the cruise control. Radar cruise control indicator will be displayed. Press the button again to deacti- vate the cruise control. Accelerate or decelerate the vehicle to the desired speed, and push the lever down to set… -
Page 235
4-5. Using the driving support systems Adjusting the set speed To change the set speed, operate the lever until the desired set speed is displayed. Increases the speed Decreases the speed Fine adjustment: Momentarily move the lever in the desired direc- tion. -
Page 236
4-5. Using the driving support systems Changing the vehicle-to-vehicle distance Pressing the button changes the Preceding vehicle vehicle-to-vehicle distance as fol- mark lows: Long Medium Short The vehicle-to-vehicle distance is set automatically to long mode when the engine switch is turned to IGNITION ON mode. -
Page 237
4-5. Using the driving support systems Canceling and resuming the speed control Pulling the lever toward you cancels the cruise control. The speed setting is also canceled when the brakes are applied. Pushing the lever up resumes the cruise control and returns vehicle speed to the set speed. -
Page 238
4-5. Using the driving support systems Driving in vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode This mode employs a radar sensor to detect the presence of vehicles up to approximately 120 m (400 ft.) ahead, determines the current vehicle-to-vehicle following distance, and operates to maintain a suit- able following distance from the vehicle ahead. -
Page 239
4-5. Using the driving support systems Example of follow-up cruising When following a vehicle driving slower than the set speed The system continues follow-up cruising while adjusting for changes in the speed of the vehicle ahead in order to maintain the vehicle-to-vehicle dis- tance set by the driver. -
Page 240
4-5. Using the driving support systems Selecting conventional constant speed control mode When constant speed control mode is selected, your vehicle will main- tain a set speed without controlling the vehicle-to-vehicle distance. Select this mode only when vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode does not function correctly due to dirt etc. -
Page 241
“AUTO” mode or the high speed wiper operation position). ●When snow mode is set. If vehicle-to-vehicle distance control driving is automatically canceled for any other reason, there may be a malfunction in the system. Contact your Toyota dealer. ■… -
Page 242
4-5. Using the driving support systems ■ Radar sensor and grille cover Always keep the sensor and grille cover clean to ensure that the vehicle-to- vehicle distance control operates properly. (Some obstructions, such as snow, ice and plastic objects, cannot be detected by the obstruction sensor.) Dynamic radar cruise control is canceled if an obstruction is detected. -
Page 243
4-5. Using the driving support systems WARNING ■ Before using dynamic radar cruise control Do not overly rely on vehicle-to-vehicle distance control. Be aware of the set speed. If automatic deceleration/acceleration is not appropriate, adjust the vehicle speed, as well as the distance between your vehicle and vehicles ahead by applying the brakes etc. -
Page 244
4-5. Using the driving support systems WARNING ■ To avoid inadvertent cruise control activation Switch the cruise control off using the “ON-OFF” button when not in use. ■ Situations unsuitable for dynamic radar cruise control Do not use dynamic radar cruise control in any of the following situations. Doing so may result in inappropriate speed control and could cause an acci- dent resulting in death or serious injury. -
Page 245
4-5. Using the driving support systems WARNING ● Motorcycles traveling in the same lane ● When water or snow thrown up by the surrounding vehicles hinders the detecting of the sensor ● When your vehicle is pointing upwards (caused by a heavy load in the luggage compartment, etc.) ■… -
Page 246
● Do not attach accessories or stickers to the sensor, grille cover or sur- rounding area. ● Do not modify or paint the sensor and grille cover. ● If the radar sensor needs to be replaced, contact your Toyota dealer. -
Page 247
4-5. Using the driving support systems ∗ LDA (Lane Departure Alert) Summary of function While driving on a road that has lane markers, this system recognizes the lane markers using a camera as a sensor to alert the driver when the vehicle deviates from its lane. -
Page 248
4-5. Using the driving support systems Operating conditions ● When the vehicle speed is approximately 50 km/h (32 mph) or more ● When the lane width is more than approximately 2.5 m (8.2 ft.) ● When driving on a straight road or through a curve with a radius of more than approximately 100 m (328 ft.) Indication on the multi-information display When the inside of both lane lines… -
Page 249
4-5. Using the driving support systems ■ Temporary cancelation of the LDA system functions If any of the following occurs, the LDA system functions will be temporarily canceled. The functions will resume after the necessary operating conditions have returned. ●The turn signal lever is operated. ●The vehicle speed deviates from the operating range of the LDA system functions. -
Page 250
4-5. Using the driving support systems ■ Conditions in which the function may not operate correctly In the following situations, the camera sensor may be unable to recognize lane markers causing the lane departure warning function to operate incor- rectly. However, this does not indicate a malfunction. ●When driving through an area with no lane markers, such as a tollbooth, a crossing or before a ticket checkpoint ●When driving on a sharp curve… -
Page 251
4-5. Using the driving support systems WARNING ■ Before using the LDA system Do not rely solely on the LDA system. The LDA system does not drive the vehicle automatically, nor does it reduce the amount of care you need to take. -
Page 252
Do not install or place anything on the hood or the grille. Also, do not install a grille guard (bull bars, kangaroo bar etc.). ● If your windshield needs repairs, contact your Toyota dealer. ■ Camera sensor Observe the following to ensure that the LDA system functions correctly. -
Page 253: All-Wheel Drive Lock Switch
4-5. Using the driving support systems All-wheel drive lock switch (AWD models) All-wheel drive lock mode can be used when a large amount of drive power needs to be applied to all the wheels, such as when the vehicle gets stuck in mud and you need to free it. Press the switch.
Page 254: Driving Assist Systems
4-5. Using the driving support systems Driving assist systems To help enhance driving safety and performance, the following systems operate automatically in response to various driving situations. Be aware, however, that these systems are supple- mentary and should not be relied upon too heavily when operat- ing the vehicle.
Page 255
4-5. Using the driving support systems ◆ Dynamic Torque Control AWD system (AWD models) Automatically switches from front-wheel drive to all-wheel drive (AWD) according to the driving conditions, helping to ensure reli- able handling and stability. Examples of conditions where the sys- tem will switch to AWD are when cornering, going uphill, starting off or accelerating, and when the road surface is slippery due to snow, rain, etc. -
Page 256
4-5. Using the driving support systems When the TRC/VSC systems are operating The slip indicator light will flash while the TRC/VSC systems are operating. Disabling the TRC system If the vehicle gets stuck in mud, dirt or snow, the TRC system may reduce power from the engine to the wheels. -
Page 257
TRC has been disabled even if has not been pressed TRC, hill-start assist control and downhill assist control cannot be operated. Contact your Toyota dealer. ■ Sounds and vibrations caused by the ABS, brake assist, TRC, VSC and hill-start assist control systems ●A sound may be heard from the engine compartment when the brake pedal… -
Page 258
4-5. Using the driving support systems ■ Reduced effectiveness of the EPS system The effectiveness of the EPS system is reduced to prevent the system from overheating when there is frequent steering input over an extended period of time. The steering wheel may feel heavy as a result. Should this occur, refrain from excessive steering input or stop the vehicle and turn the engine off. -
Page 259
The ABS, TRC and VSC systems will not function correctly if different tires are installed on the vehicle. Contact your Toyota dealer for further information when replacing tires or wheels. ■ Handling of tires and the suspension Using tires with any kind of problem or modifying the suspension will affect the driving assist systems, and may cause a system to malfunction. -
Page 260: Downhill Assist Control System
4-5. Using the driving support systems Downhill assist control system (AWD mod- els) With the downhill assist control system, the vehicle is able to descend a steep hill, maintaining a constant low speed of about 5 km/h (3 mph) without brake pedal operation. ■…
Page 261
(There is no problem with continuing to drive normally.) ■ If the slip indicator comes on It may indicate a malfunction in the system. Contact your Toyota dealer. WARNING ■ Conditions which may affect the downhill assist control system opera- tion ●… -
Page 262: Pcs (Pre-Crash Safety System)
4-5. Using the driving support systems ∗ PCS (Pre-Crash Safety system) When the radar sensor detects that a frontal collision is highly likely or even unavoidable, safety systems such as the brakes and seat belts are automatically engaged to lessen impact as well as vehicle damage.
Page 263
4-5. Using the driving support systems Disabling pre-crash safety system Enabled Disabled The pre-crash safety system warn- ing light comes on when pre-crash safety system is disabled. Radar sensor The radar sensor detects vehi- cles or other obstacles on or near the road ahead and determines whether a collision is imminent based on the position, speed, and… -
Page 264
4-5. Using the driving support systems ■ Conditions that may trigger the system even if there is no danger of a collision In any of the following situations where the frontal area of the radar sensor is interrupted, the radar sensor may detect possibility of a frontal collision and the system may be activated. -
Page 265
4-5. Using the driving support systems ■ Obstacles not detected The sensor cannot detect plastic obstacles such as traffic cones. There may also be occasions when the sensor cannot detect pedestrians, animals, bicy- cles, motorcycles, trees, or snowdrifts. ■ Situations in which the pre-crash safety system does not function prop- erly The system may not function effectively in situations such as the following: ●On roads with sharp bends or uneven surfaces… -
Page 266
● Do not attach accessories or stickers to the sensor, grille cover or sur- rounding area. ● Do not modify or paint the sensor and grille cover. ● If the radar sensor needs to be replaced, contact your Toyota dealer. -
Page 267
4-5. Using the driving support systems WARNING ■ Cautions regarding the assist contents of the system By means of alarms and brake control, the pre-crash safety system is intended to assist the driver in avoiding collisions through the process of LOOK-JUDGE-ACT. -
Page 268
4-5. Using the driving support systems ∗ BSM (Blind Spot Monitor) The Blind Spot Monitor is a system that assists the driver in making the decision to change lanes. The system uses radar sensors to detect vehicles that are traveling in an adjacent lane in the area that is not reflected in the outside rear view mirror (the blind spot), and advises the driver of the vehicle’s existence via the outside rear view mirror indicator. -
Page 269
4-5. Using the driving support systems The Blind Spot Monitor detection areas The blind spot that vehicles can be detected in are outlined below. The range of the detection area extends to: Approximately 3.5 m (11.5 ft.) from the side of the vehicle The first 0.5 m (1.6 ft.) from the side of the vehicle is not in the detection area… -
Page 270
4-5. Using the driving support systems ■ Conditions under which the Blind Spot Monitor may not function cor- rectly ●The Blind Spot Monitor may not detect vehicles correctly in the following conditions: • During bad weather such as heavy rain, fog, snow etc. •… -
Page 271
4-5. Using the driving support systems ■ The outside rear view mirror indicators visibility When under strong sunlight, the outside rear view mirror indicator may be dif- ficult to see. ■ When there is a malfunction in the system If a system malfunction is detected due to any of the following reasons, warn- ing messages will be displayed: (→407, 408) ●There is a malfunction with the sensors ●The sensors have become dirty… -
Page 272
If the sensor moves even slightly off position, the system may mal- function and vehicles that enter the detection area may not be detected. If the sensor or surrounding area is subject to a strong impact, always have the area inspected by your Toyota dealer. ● Do not disassemble the sensor. -
Page 273
4-6. Driving tips Winter driving tips Carry out the necessary preparations and inspections before driving the vehicle in winter. Always drive the vehicle in a man- ner appropriate to the prevailing weather conditions. Preparation for winter ● Use fluids that are appropriate to the prevailing outside tempera- tures. -
Page 274
4-6. Driving tips Before driving the vehicle Perform the following according to the driving conditions: ● Do not try to forcibly open a window or move a wiper that is frozen. Pour warm water over the frozen area to melt the ice. Wipe away the water immediately to prevent it from freezing. -
Page 275
4-6. Driving tips Selecting tire chains Use the correct tire chain size when mounting the tire chains. Chain size is regulated for each tire size. Side chain: 3 mm (0.12 in.) in diameter 10 mm (0.39 in.) in width 30 mm (1.18 in.) in length Cross chain: 4 mm (0.16 in.) in diameter 14 mm (0.55 in.) in width… -
Page 276
4-6. Driving tips WARNING ■ Driving with snow tires Observe the following precautions to reduce the risk of accidents. Failure to do so may result in a loss of vehicle control and cause death or serious injury. ● Use tires of the specified size. ●… -
Page 277: Utility Vehicle Precautions
4-6. Driving tips Utility vehicle precautions This vehicle belongs to the utility vehicle class, which has higher ground clearance and narrower tread in relation to the height of its center of gravity. Utility vehicle feature ● Specific design characteristics give it a higher center of gravity than ordinary passenger cars.
Page 278
4-6. Driving tips Off-road driving Your vehicle is not designed to be driven off-road. However, in the event that off-road driving cannot be avoided, please observe the fol- lowing precautions to help avoid the areas prohibited to vehicles. ● Drive your vehicle only in areas where off-road vehicles are permit- ted to travel. -
Page 279
4-6. Driving tips NOTICE ■ To prevent water damage Take all necessary safety measures to ensure that water damage to the engine or other components does not occur. ● Water entering the engine air intake will cause severe engine damage. ●… -
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4-6. Driving tips… -
Page 281: 5-1. Using The Air Conditioning
Interior features 5-1. Using the air conditioning 5-4. Using the other system and defogger interior features Front manual air Other interior features..314 conditioning system ..280 • Sun visors……314 Front automatic air • Vanity mirrors ….314 conditioning system ..285 • Conversation mirror..315 Rear manual air •…
Page 282: Front Manual Air Conditioning System
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ∗ Front manual air conditioning system Air conditioning controls ■ Adjusting the temperature setting To adjust the temperature setting, turn clockwise (warm) or counterclockwise (cool). is not pressed, the system will blow ambient temperature air or heated air.
Page 283
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ■ Changing airflow modes To change the airflow mode, press Air flows to the upper body. Air flows to the upper body and feet. Air flows to the feet. Air flows to the feet and the windshield defogger operates. Other functions ■… -
Page 284
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ■ Defogging the rear window A defogger is used to defog the rear window. Press The defogger will automatically turn off after a period of time. Air outlets ■ Location of air outlets The air outlets and air volume change according… -
Page 285
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger Front side outlets Direct air flow to the left or right, up or down. Closes the vent Slide the knob to the most out- ward position. Opens the vent ■ Fogging up of the windows ●The windows will easily fog up when the humidity in the vehicle is high. -
Page 286
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ■ Ventilation and air conditioning odors ●To let fresh air in, set the air conditioning system to the outside air mode. ●During use, various odors from inside and outside the vehicle may enter into and accumulate in the air conditioning system. -
Page 287: Front Automatic Air Conditioning System
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ∗ Front automatic air conditioning system Air outlets and fan speed are automatically adjusted according to the temperature setting. Air conditioning controls ■ Adjusting the temperature setting To adjust the temperature setting, turn clockwise to increase the temperature and counterclockwise to decrease the tempera- ture.
Page 288
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ■ Fan speed setting ∧ ” on To adjust the fan speed, press to increase the fan “ ∨ ” to decrease the fan speed. speed and “ Press to turn the fan off. ■… -
Page 289
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger Other functions ■ Switching between outside air and recirculated air modes Press The mode switches between outside air mode (indicator off) and recir- culated air mode (indicator on) each time is pressed. ■… -
Page 290
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger Air outlets ■ Location of air outlets The air outlets and air volume change according selected airflow mode. ■ Adjusting the position of and opening and closing the air out- lets Front center outlets Direct air flow to the left or right, up or down. -
Page 291
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger Closes the vent Slide the knob to the most out- ward position. Opens the vent ■ Using automatic mode Fan speed is adjusted automatically according to the temperature setting and the ambient conditions. Therefore, the fan may stop for a while until warm or cool air is ready to flow immediately after is pressed. -
Page 292
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ■ Air conditioning filter →P. 357 ■ Customization Settings (e.g. A/C auto switch operation) can be changed. (Customizable features →P. 462) WARNING ■ To prevent the windshield from fogging up ● Do not use during cool air operation in extremely humid weather. -
Page 293: Rear Manual Air Conditioning System
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ∗ Rear manual air conditioning system Air conditioning controls ■ Adjusting the temperature setting To adjust the temperature setting, press “ ∧ ” on to increase the temperature and “ ∨ ” to decrease the temperature. ■…
Page 294
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ■ Changing airflow modes To change the airflow mode, press outlets used switched each time the button is pressed. Air flows to the upper body. Air flows to the upper body and feet. Air flows to the feet. -
Page 295
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ■ Adjusting the position of and opening and closing the air out- lets Direct air flow to the left or right, forward or backward. Closes the vent Slide the knob to the rear-most position. -
Page 296: Rear Automatic Air Conditioning System
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ∗ Rear automatic air conditioning system Air outlets and fan speed are automatically adjusted according to the temperature setting. Air conditioning controls ■ Adjusting the temperature setting To adjust the temperature setting, press “ ∧ ” on to increase the temperature and “…
Page 297
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ■ Changing airflow modes To change the airflow mode, press outlets used switched each time the button is pressed. Air flows to the upper body. Air flows to the upper body and feet. Air flows to the feet. -
Page 298
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger Air outlets ■ Location of air outlets The air outlets and air volume change according selected airflow mode. ■ Adjusting the position of and opening and closing the air out- lets Direct air flow to the left or right, forward or backward. -
Page 299
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ∗ ∗ Seat heaters /seat ventilators The seat heaters and ventilators heat the seat and maintain good airflow by blowing air from the seats. ■ Seat heaters Turns the seat heater on The indicator light comes on. -
Page 300
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ■ The seat heaters and seat heaters/ventilators can be used when The engine switch is in IGNITION ON mode. ■ When not in use Seat heaters Turn the dial fully backward. The indicator light will turn off. Seat heaters/ventilators Set the knob at “0”. -
Page 301: Interior Lights List
5-2. Using the interior lights Interior lights list Rear interior/rear personal lights (→P. 300) Ambient lights (if equipped) Front interior light/front personal lights (→P. 300) Outer foot lights (if equipped) Engine switch light (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) Front door courtesy lights…
Page 302: Interior Lights
5-2. Using the interior lights Interior lights Turns the lights on/off Turns the lights linked to door position on/off Personal lights Turn the light on/off Front Rear…
Page 303
5-2. Using the interior lights ■ Illuminated entry system Vehicles without a smart entry & start system The lights automatically turn on/off according to the engine switch position, whether the doors are locked/unlocked, and whether the doors are open/ closed. Vehicles with a smart entry &… -
Page 304: Features List Of Storage Features
5-3. Using the storage features List of storage features Cup holders (→P. 305) Open tray (→P. 308) Bottle holders (→P. 304) Auxiliary boxes (→P. 307) Glove box (→P. 303) Console box (→P. 303) WARNING ● Do not leave glasses, lighters or spray cans in the storage spaces, as this may cause the following when cabin temperature becomes high: •…
Page 305: Glove Box
5-3. Using the storage features Glove box Unlock with the master key (vehicles without a smart entry & start system) or mechanical key (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) Lock with the master key (vehi- cles without a smart entry & start system) or mechanical key (vehicles with a smart entry &…
Page 306: Bottle Holders
5-3. Using the storage features ■ Tray in the console box The tray slides forward/backward and can be removed. Bottle holders ■ Front ■ Rear…
Page 307: Cup Holders
5-3. Using the storage features ■ When using the bottle holder ●When storing a bottle, close the cap. ●The bottle may not be stored depending on its size or shape. WARNING Do not place anything other than a bottle in the bottle holders. Other items may be thrown out of the holders in the event of an accident or sudden braking and cause injury.
Page 308
5-3. Using the storage features ■ Rear (third seats) ■ Removing the cup holder insert (front cup holder) The cup holder insert may be removed for cleaning. WARNING Do not place anything other than cups or aluminum cans in the cup holders. Other items may be thrown out of the holders in the event of an accident or sudden braking, causing injury. -
Page 309: Auxiliary Boxes
5-3. Using the storage features Auxiliary boxes Overhead Driver’s side instrument panel Push the lid. Pull the tab to open. WARNING ■ Items unsuitable for storing (overhead) Do not store items heavier than 0.2 kg (0.4 lb.). Doing so may cause the auxiliary box to open and the items inside may fall out, resulting in an accident.
Page 310: Open Tray
5-3. Using the storage features Open tray ■ Cable pass through The open tray is provided with a hole that allows cables to be passed through the tray from the USB/AUX port or power outlet. Remove the cover. WARNING ■ Items unsuitable for the open tray Observe the following precautions when putting items in the open tray.
Page 311: Luggage Compartment Features
5-3. Using the storage features Luggage compartment features Cargo hooks Cargo hooks are provided for securing loose items. Grocery bag hooks NOTICE Do not hang any object heavier than 3 kg (6.6 lb.) on the grocery bag hooks.
Page 312
5-3. Using the storage features Auxiliary boxes ■ Center deck under tray Pull the strap upwards to open the center deck board. To secure the center deck board, remove the hook on the backside of the center deck board and attach the hook to the head restraint on the third seats as shown. -
Page 313
5-3. Using the storage features Luggage cover ■ Installing the luggage cover → Fold down the third seats. ( P. 145) To take out the luggage cover unit, lift and remove the center deck board and → side deck board. ( P. -
Page 314
5-3. Using the storage features ■ Removing the luggage cover Release the cover from the left and right anchors and allow it to react. Compress the end of the lug- gage cover and lift up the luggage cover up. ■ Stowing the luggage cover →… -
Page 315
5-3. Using the storage features WARNING ■ When installing/stowing the luggage cover Make sure that the luggage cover is securely installed/stowed. Failure to do so may result in serious injury in the event of sudden braking or a collision. ■ Caution for the luggage cover ●… -
Page 316: Features Other Interior Features
5-4. Using the other interior features Other interior features Sun visors To set the visor in the forward position, flip it down. To set the visor in the side posi- tion, flip down, unhook, and swing it to the side. To use the side extender, place the visor in the side position, then slide it backward.
Page 317: Conversation Mirror
5-4. Using the other interior features Conversation mirror Push the lid. Push the lid back up half way. ■ To use the overhead console from the conversation mirror state Fully close the lid, then open it again. (→P. 307)
Page 318: Clock
5-4. Using the other interior features Clock The clock can be adjusted by pressing the buttons. Adjusts the hours Adjusts the minutes ■ The clock is displayed when Vehicles without a smart entry & start system The engine switch is in the “ACC” or “ON” position. Vehicles with a smart entry &…
Page 319: Outside Temperature Display
Vehicles with color display If the outside temperature is 3°C (37°F) or less, the ice warning indicator flashes 10 times, and then illuminates. ■ When “—” and “E” is displayed The system may be malfunctioning. Take your vehicle to your Toyota dealer.
Page 320: Power Outlets
5-4. Using the other interior features Power outlets The front power outlet alone can be used for 12 V accessories that run on less than 10 A. Additionally, the console box and rear power outlets can be used for 12 V accessories that run on less than 10 A combined.
Page 321
5-4. Using the other interior features ■ The power outlets can be used when Vehicles without a smart entry & start system The engine switch is in the “ACC” or “ON” position. Vehicles with a smart entry & start system The engine switch is in ACCESSORY or IGNITION ON mode. -
Page 322: Rear Sunshades
5-4. Using the other interior features Rear sunshades (if equipped) Pull the tab up. Hook the sunshade on to the anchors. To lower the sunshade, pull the tab up slightly to unhook the shade from the anchors, and lower it slowly.
Page 323: Armrest
5-4. Using the other interior features Armrest Fold down the armrest for use. NOTICE To prevent damage to the armrest, do not apply too much load on the arm- rest. Coat hooks Coat hooks are provided on the rear assist grips. WARNING Do not hang coat hangers or other hard or sharp objects on the hook.
Page 324: Assist Grips
5-4. Using the other interior features Assist grips An assist grip installed on the ceil- ing can be used to support your body while sitting on the seat. WARNING Do not use the assist grip when getting in or out of the vehicle or rising from your seat.
Page 325
Maintenance and care 6-1. Maintenance and care Cleaning and protecting the vehicle exterior ..324 Cleaning and protecting the vehicle interior …328 6-2. Maintenance Maintenance requirements….331 6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Do-it-yourself service precautions ……333 Hood ……..336 Positioning a floor jack..338 Engine compartment..339 Tires……..349 Tire inflation pressure ..353 Wheels…….355… -
Page 326: The Vehicle Exterior
6-1. Maintenance and care Cleaning and protecting the vehicle exterior Perform the following to protect the vehicle and maintain it in prime condition: ● Working from top to bottom, liberally apply water to the vehicle body, wheel wells and underside of the vehicle to remove any dirt and dust.
Page 327
6-1. Maintenance and care ■ When using a car wash (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) If the door handle becomes wet while the electronic key is within the effective range, the door may lock and unlock repeatedly. In that case, follow the fol- lowing correction procedures to wash the vehicle: ●Place the key in a position 2 m (6 ft.) or more separate from the vehicle while the vehicle is being washed. -
Page 328
■ Precaution regarding the rear bumper with Blind Spot Monitor (if equipped) If the paint of the rear bumper is chipped or scratched, the system may mal- function. If this occurs, consult your Toyota dealer. -
Page 329
6-1. Maintenance and care NOTICE ■ To prevent paint deterioration and corrosion on the body and compo- nents (aluminum wheels etc.) ● Wash the vehicle immediately in the following cases: • After driving near the sea coast • After driving on salted roads •… -
Page 330: Cleaning And Protecting The Vehicle Interior
6-1. Maintenance and care Cleaning and protecting the vehicle interior The following procedures will help protect your vehicle’s interior and keep it in top condition: Protecting the vehicle interior Remove dirt and dust using a vacuum cleaner. Wipe dirty surfaces with a cloth dampened with lukewarm water.
Page 331
6-1. Maintenance and care ■ Caring for leather areas Toyota recommends cleaning the interior of the vehicle at least twice a year to maintain the quality of the vehicle’s interior. ■ Shampooing the carpets There are several commercial foaming-type cleaners available. Use a sponge or brush to apply the foam. -
Page 332
6-1. Maintenance and care NOTICE ■ Cleaning detergents ● Do not use the following types of detergent, as they may discolor the vehi- cle interior or cause streaks or damage to painted surfaces: • Non-seat portions: Organic substances such as benzene or gasoline, alkaline or acidic solutions, dye, and bleach •… -
Page 333: Maintenance Requirements
■ Where to go for maintenance service? It makes good sense to take your vehicle to your local Toyota dealer for main- tenance service as well as other inspections and repairs. Toyota technicians are well-trained specialists receiving the latest service information through technical bulletins, service tips, and in-dealership training programs.
Page 334: Maintenance
●Engine coolant temperature continually higher than normal If you notice any of these clues, take your vehicle to your Toyota dealer as soon as possible. Your vehicle may need adjustment or repair.
Page 335: Do-It-Yourself Service Precautions
• Baking soda • Grease Battery condition (→P. 345) • Conventional wrench (for terminal clamp bolts) • “Toyota Super Long Life Coolant” or a similar high quality ethylene glycol-based non-silicate, non- amine, non-nitrite and non-borate coolant with long- Engine coolant…
Page 336
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance WARNING The engine compartment contains many mechanisms and fluids that may move suddenly, become hot, or become electrically energized. To avoid death or serious injury, observe the following precautions. ■ When working on the engine compartment ● Keep hands, clothing and tools away from the moving fan and engine drive belt. -
Page 337
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance NOTICE ■ If you remove the air cleaner filter Driving with the air cleaner filter removed may cause excessive engine wear due to dirt in the air. ■ If the fluid level is low or high It is normal for the brake fluid level to go down slightly as the brake pads wear or when the fluid level in the accumulator is high. -
Page 338: Hood
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Hood Release the lock from the inside of the vehicle to open the hood. Pull the hood lock release lever. The hood will pop up slightly. Pull up the auxiliary catch lever and lift the hood. Hold the hood open by inserting the support rod into the slot.
Page 339
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance WARNING ■ Pre-driving check Check that the hood is fully closed and locked. If the hood is not locked properly, it may open while the vehicle is in motion and cause an accident, which may result in death or serious injury. ■… -
Page 340: Positioning A Floor Jack
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Positioning a floor jack When using a floor jack, follow the instructions in the manual provided with the jack and perform the operation safely. When raising your vehicle with a floor jack, position the jack cor- rectly. Improper placement may damage your vehicle or cause injury.
Page 341: Engine Compartment
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Engine compartment Washer fluid tank (→P. 348) Engine coolant reservoir (→P. 343) Fuse boxes (→P. 362) Battery (→P. 345) Engine oil filler cap (→P. 341) Electric cooling fans Engine oil level dipstick Condenser (→P. 344) (→P. 340) Radiator (→P.
Page 342
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Engine oil With the engine at operating temperature and turned off, check the oil level on the dipstick. ■ Checking the engine oil Park the vehicle on level ground. After warming up the engine and turning it off, wait more than 5 minutes for the oil to drain back into the bottom of the engine. -
Page 343
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ Adding engine oil If the oil level is below or near the low level mark, add engine oil of the same type as that already in the engine. Make sure to check the oil type and prepare the items needed before adding oil. -
Page 344
Dispose of used oil and filters only in a safe and acceptable manner. Do not dispose of used oil and filters in household trash, in sewers or onto the ground. Call your Toyota dealer, service station or auto parts store for information concerning recycling or disposal. ●… -
Page 345
If the coolant level drops within a short time of replenishing Visually check the radiator, hoses, engine coolant reservoir caps, drain cock and water pump. If you cannot find a leak, have your Toyota dealer test the cap and check for leaks in the cooling system. -
Page 346
Radiator and condenser Check the radiator and condenser and clear away any foreign objects. If either of the above parts is extremely dirty or you are not sure of their condition, have your vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. WARNING ■… -
Page 347
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Battery Check the battery as follows: ■ Battery exterior Make sure that the battery terminals are not corroded and that there are no loose connections, cracks, or loose clamps. Terminals Hold-down clamp ■ Before recharging When recharging, the battery produces hydrogen gas which is flammable and explosive. -
Page 348
Take extra care when con- necting the battery if the engine switch mode prior to the battery being dis- connected is unknown. If the system will not start even after multiple attempts, contact your Toyota dealer. WARNING ■… -
Page 349
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance WARNING ■ Where to safely charge the battery Always charge the battery in an open area. Do not charge the battery in a garage or closed room where there is insufficient ventilation. ■ How to recharge the battery Only perform a slow charge (5 A or less). -
Page 350
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Washer fluid If any washer does not work or the warning message appears on the multi-information display, washer tank may be empty. Add washer fluid. WARNING ■ When adding washer fluid Do not add washer fluid when the engine is hot or running as washer fluid contains alcohol and may catch fire if spilled on the engine etc. -
Page 351: Tires
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Tires Replace or rotate tires in accordance with maintenance sched- ules and treadwear. Checking tires Check if the treadwear indicators are showing on the tires. Also check the tires for uneven wear, such as excessive wear on one side of the tread.
Page 352
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Tire rotation Rotate the tires in the order shown. 2WD models: To equalize tire wear and help extend tire life, Toyota recom- mends that tire rotation is carried out approximately every 10000 km (6000 miles). AWD models:… -
Page 353
●A tire goes flat repeatedly or cannot be properly repaired due to the size or location of a cut or other damage If you are not sure, consult with your Toyota dealer. ■ Tire life Any tire over 6 years old must be checked by a qualified technician even if it has seldom or never been used or damage is not obvious. -
Page 354
Do not mix tires of different makes, models or tread patterns. Also, do not mix tires of remarkably different treadwear. ● Do not use tire sizes other than those recommended by Toyota. ● Do not mix differently constructed tires (radial, bias-belted or bias-ply tires). -
Page 355: Tire Inflation Pressure
●Reduced tire life due to wear ●Reduced safety ●Damage to the drive train If a tire needs frequent inflating, have it checked by your Toyota dealer. ■ Instructions for checking tire inflation pressure When checking tire inflation pressure, observe the following: ●Check only when the tires are cold.
Page 356
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance WARNING ■ Proper inflation is critical to save tire performance Keep your tires properly inflated. If the tires are not properly inflated, the following conditions may occur which could lead to an accident resulting in death or serious injury: ●… -
Page 357: Wheels
● Used wheels ● Bent wheels that have been straightened Aluminum wheel precautions ● Use only Toyota wheel nuts and wrenches designed for use with your aluminum wheels. ● When rotating, repairing or changing your tires, check that the wheel nuts are still tight after driving 1600 km (1000 miles).
Page 358
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance WARNING ■ When replacing wheels ● Do not use wheels that are a different size from those recommended in the Owner’s Manual, as this may result in a loss of handling control. ● Never use an inner tube in a leaking wheel which is designed for a tube- less tire. -
Page 359: Air Conditioning Filter
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Air conditioning filter The air conditioning filter must be changed regularly to maintain air conditioning efficiency. Removal method Vehicles without a smart entry & start system: Turn the engine switch to the “LOCK” position. Vehicles with a smart entry & start system: Turn the engine switch off.
Page 360
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Remove the filter cover. Remove the air conditioning fil- ter and replace it with a new one. The “↑UP” marks shown on the fil- ter should be pointing up. ■ Checking interval Inspect and replace the air conditioning filter according to the maintenance schedule. -
Page 361: Wireless Remote Control Electronic Key Battery
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Wireless remote control/electronic key battery Replace the battery with a new one if it is depleted. You will need the following items: ● Flathead screwdriver ● Small flathead screwdriver ● Lithium battery CR2016 (vehicles without a smart entry & start sys- tem), or CR2032 (vehicles with a smart entry &…
Page 362
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Open the case cover using a coin protected with tape etc. and remove the depleted bat- tery using a small flathead screwdriver. Insert a new battery with the “+” terminal facing up. Vehicles with a smart entry & start system Take out the mechanical key. -
Page 363
Use a CR2016 (vehicles without a smart entry & start system) or CR2032 (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) lithium battery ●Batteries can be purchased at your Toyota dealer, local electrical appliance shops or camera stores. ●Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manu- facturer. -
Page 364: Checking And Replacing Fuses
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Checking and replacing fuses If any of the electrical components do not operate, a fuse may have blown. If this happens, check and replace the fuses as nec- essary. Vehicles without a smart entry & start system: Turn the engine switch to the “LOCK”…
Page 365
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Under the passenger’s side instrument panel Remove the cover and then remove the lid. Remove the fuse with the pull- out tool. Only type A fuses can be removed using the pullout tool. -
Page 366
Type A and B: Replace the blown fuse with a new fuse of an appropriate amperage rat- ing. The amperage rating can be found on the fuse box lid. Type C: Contact your Toyota dealer. Type A Type B Type C… -
Page 367
After a fuse is replaced ●If the lights do not turn on even after the fuse has been replaced, a bulb may need replacement. (→P. 366) ●If the replaced fuse blows again, have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. ■… -
Page 368: Light Bulbs
As there is a danger that components may be damaged, we recommend that replacement is carried out by your Toyota dealer. Preparing for light bulb replacement Check the wattage of the light bulb to be replaced. (→P. 460) Turning off the power back door main switch (if equipped) →P.
Page 369
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Bulb locations ■ Front Headlight high beam Front fog light Front position light Front turn signal light Headlight low beam (halo- gen headlights) ■ Rear Tail light Back-up light Stop/tail light License plate lights Rear turn signal light… -
Page 370
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Replacing light bulbs ■ Headlight low beams (vehicles with halogen headlights) right side only: Remove the washer fluid tank opening. Turn the bulb base counter- clockwise. Unplug the connector while pressing the lock release. Replace the light bulb, and install the bulb base. -
Page 371
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Turn and secure the bulb base. Shake the bulb base gently to check that it is not loose, turn the headlight low beams on once and visually confirm that no light is leaking through the mounting. For the right side only: Install the washer fluid tank. ■… -
Page 372
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Unplug the connector while pressing the lock release. Replace the light bulb, and install the bulb base. Align the 3 tabs on the light bulb with the mounting and insert. Turn and secure the bulb base. Shake the bulb base gently to check that it is not loose, turn the headlight high beams on once and visually confirm that… -
Page 373
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ Front position lights Turn the cover counterclock- wise. Remove the bulb base. Remove the light bulb. Install by conducting with the directions reversed. Install the cover. -
Page 374
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ Front turn signal lights Remove the 2 clips and remove the side cover. Turn the bulb base counter- clockwise. Remove the light bulb. Install by conducting with the directions reversed. Install the side cover and then install the 2 clips. -
Page 375
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ Front fog lights Remove the 3 screws and partly remove the fender liner. Unplug the connector while pressing the lock release. Turn the bulb base counter- clockwise. Install a new light bulb. Align the 3 tabs on the light bulb with the mounting and insert. -
Page 376
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Turn clockwise and secure the bulb base. Install the connector. Shake the connector gently to check that it is not loose, turn the front fog lights on once and visually confirm that no light is leaking through the mounting. When installing the fender liner, install by conducting with the directions reversed. -
Page 377
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ Stop/tail lights and rear turn signal lights Open the back door and remove the 2 screws, and remove the lamp assembly by pulling it directly backward from the rear of the vehicle. Remove the wire harness. Turn the bulb base counterclockwise. -
Page 378
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Remove the light bulb. Stop/tail lights Rear turn signal lights When installing the light bulb, install by conducting with the directions reversed. Install the lamp assembly and then install the 2 screws. Align the guide ( ) and pin ) on the lamp assembly with the mounting when installing it. -
Page 379
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ Tail lights and back-up lights Open the back door and remove the cover. Insert a flathead screwdriver or similar into the hole at the top of the cover and remove it as shown in the illustration. To prevent damaging the vehi- cle, wrap the flathead screw- driver with a tape. -
Page 380
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ License plate lights Remove the lens. Insert a properly sized screwdriver into the hole of the lens on the inner side and disengage the claw and pry the lens toward the outer side as shown in the illustration. To prevent damaging the vehicle, wrap the tip of the screwdriver with tape. -
Page 381
Temporary condensation build-up on the inside of the headlight lens does not indicate a malfunction. Contact your Toyota dealer for more information in the following situations: ●Large drops of water have built up on the inside of the lens. ●Water has built up inside the headlight. -
Page 382
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance… -
Page 383
When trouble arises 7-1. Essential information Emergency flashers …382 If your vehicle has to be stopped in an emergency ….383 7-2. Steps to take in an emergency If your vehicle needs to be towed ……385 If you think something is wrong ……394 Fuel pump shut off system ……395 If a warning light turns… -
Page 384: Emergency Flashers
7-1. Essential information Emergency flashers The emergency flashers are used to warn other drivers when the vehicle has to be stopped in the road due to a breakdown, etc. Press the switch. All the turn signal lights will flash. To turn them off, press the switch once again.
Page 385: To Be Stopped In An Emergency
7-1. Essential information If your vehicle has to be stopped in an emergency Only in an emergency, such as if it becomes impossible to stop the vehicle in the normal way, stop the vehicle using the follow- ing procedure: Steadily step on the brake pedal with both feet and firmly depress it. Do not pump the brake pedal repeatedly as this will increase the effort required to slow the vehicle.
Page 386
7-1. Essential information WARNING ■ If the engine has to be turned off while driving ● Power assist for the brakes and steering wheel will be lost, making the brake pedal harder to depress and the steering wheel heavier to turn. Decelerate as much as possible before turning off the engine. -
Page 387: If Your Vehicle Needs To Be Towed
If your vehicle needs to be towed If towing is necessary, we recommend having your vehicle towed by your Toyota dealer or commercial towing service, using a wheel-lift type truck or flatbed truck. Use a safety chain system for all towing, and abide by all state/ provincial and local laws.
Page 388
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Towing with a sling-type truck Do not tow with a sling-type truck to prevent body damage. Towing with a wheel-lift type truck From the front (2WD models) From the front (AWD models) Release the parking brake. Use a towing dolly under the rear wheels. -
Page 389
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Using a flatbed truck If your vehicle is transported by a flatbed truck, it should be tied down at the locations shown in the illustration. If you use chains or cables to tie down your vehicle, the angles shaded in black must be 45°. -
Page 390
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Emergency towing If a tow truck is not available in an emergency, your vehicle may be temporarily towed using cables or chains secured to the emergency towing eyelets. This should only be attempted on hard surfaced roads for at most 80 km (50 miles) at under 30 km/h (18 mph). -
Page 391
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Emergency towing procedure Take out the towing eyelet. (→P. 419) Remove the eyelet cover using a flathead screwdriver. To protect the bodywork, place a rag between the screwdriver and the vehicle body as shown in the illustration. -
Page 392
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Securely attach cables or chains to the towing eyelet. Take care not to damage the vehicle body. Vehicles without a smart entry & start system: Enter the vehicle being towed and start the engine. If the engine does not start, turn the engine switch to the “ON”… -
Page 393
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency WARNING Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury. ■ When towing the vehicle 2WD models: Be sure to transport the vehicle with the front wheels raised or with all four wheels raised off the ground. -
Page 394
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency WARNING ■ While towing ● When towing using cables or chains, avoid sudden starts, etc. which place excessive stress on the towing eyelets, cables or chains. The towing eye- lets, cables or chains may become damaged, broken debris may hit peo- ple and cause serious damage. -
Page 395
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency NOTICE ■ To prevent damage to the vehicle when towing using a wheel-lift type truck ● Vehicles without a smart entry & start system: Do not tow the vehicle from the rear when the engine switch is in the “LOCK” position or the key is removed. -
Page 396: If You Think Something Is Wrong
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency If you think something is wrong If you notice any of the following symptoms, your vehicle proba- bly needs adjustment or repair. Contact your Toyota dealer as soon as possible. Visible symptoms ● Fluid leaks under the vehicle.
Page 397: Fuel Pump Shut Off System
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Fuel pump shut off system To minimize the risk of fuel leakage when the engine stalls or when an airbag inflates upon collision, the fuel pump shut off system stops the supply of fuel to the engine. Follow the procedure below to restart the engine after the system is activated.
Page 398: On Or A Warning Buzzer Sounds
If the light turns off after the parking brake is fully released the system is operating normally. → Immediately stop the vehicle in a safe place and con- tact your Toyota dealer. Continuing to drive the vehi- cle may be dangerous. Charging system warning light Indicates a malfunction in the vehicle’s charging system…
Page 399
SRS warning light Indicates a malfunction in: • The SRS airbag system; or • The seat belt pretensioner system → Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer immediately. ABS warning light Indicates a malfunction in: • The ABS; or •… -
Page 400
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Warning light Warning light/Details/Actions 2, 5 Open door warning light (warning buzzer) Indicates that one or more of the doors, the back door or the glass hatch is not fully closed → Check that all the doors, the back door and the glass hatch are closed. -
Page 401
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency : Parking brake engaged warning buzzer: →P. 406 : Vehicles with monochrome display : Vehicles with color display : If equipped : Open door warning buzzer: →P. 403 : Driver’s and front passenger’s seat belt buzzer: The driver’s and front passenger’s seat belt buzzer sounds to alert the driver and front passenger that his or her seat belt is not fastened. -
Page 402
If the fuel tank is empty, refuel the vehicle immediately. The malfunction indicator lamp will go off after several trips. If the malfunction indicator lamp does not go off, contact your Toyota dealer as soon as possible. ■… -
Page 403: If A Warning Message Is Displayed
Multi-information display If any of the warning message or indicator comes on again after the following actions have been performed, contact your Toyota dealer.
Page 404
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Warning message and warning buzzer list Warning message Details/Actions Color display only Indicates that: • There is a high possibility of a frontal collision; • The pre-crash braking function is operating A buzzer also sounds. →… -
Page 405
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Warning message Details/Actions Monochrome display Alerts the driver that the vehicle has deviated from the lane (while the LDA [Lane Departure Alert] system is operating) The lane line on the side the vehicle has devi- Color display ated from flashes. -
Page 406
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Warning message Details/Actions Monochrome display Indicates that the hood is not fully closed If the vehicle reaches a speed of 5 km/h (3 mph), flashes and a buzzer sounds to indicate that the hood is not yet fully closed. Color display →… -
Page 407
→ Close the glass hatch. (If equipped) Monochrome display Indicates a malfunction in the Toyota parking assist-sensor The assist-sensors flash. Color display A buzzer also sounds. → Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. -
Page 408
Indicates a malfunction in the EPS (Electric Power Steering) system A buzzer also sounds. → Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. Indicates that the vehicle is being driven at 5 km/h (3 mph) or more with the parking brake still engaged A buzzer also sounds. -
Page 409
Indicates a malfunction in the vehicle’s charging Color display only system. → Immediately stop the vehicle in a safe place and contact your Toyota dealer. Continuing to drive the vehicle may be dangerous. Color display only Indicates that the radar sensor is dirty or covered with ice A buzzer also sounds. -
Page 410
A buzzer also sounds. (If equipped) → Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. Indicates a malfunction in the LDA (Lane Depar- ture Alert) system A buzzer also sounds. -
Page 411
Details/Actions Indicates that the automatic transmission fluid temperature is too high A buzzer also sounds. → Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. Indicates a malfunction in the AWD system A buzzer also sounds. → Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. -
Page 412
Monochrome display Indicates a malfunction in the brake override sys- A buzzer also sounds. Color display → Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. Indicates a malfunction in: • The automatic headlight leveling system; • The Automatic High Beam system; or •… -
Page 413
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Warning message Details/Actions Monochrome display Indicates that the accelerator and brake pedal Color display are being depressed simultaneously → Release the accelerator or brake pedal. (Flashes) Indicates that the washer fluid level is low →… -
Page 414
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Warning message Details/Actions Color display only Indicates that, since the VSC (Vehicle Stability Control) system was turned off, the pre-crash brake system operation is stopped → Turn the VSC on. (→P. 255) (If equipped) Color display only Indicates that the PCS (Pre-Crash Safety sys- tem) is not currently functional because the grille… -
Page 415
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Have the malfunction repaired immediately. (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) After taking the specified steps to correct the suspected problem, check that the warning message and light go off. Interior Exterior Warning message Details/Actions… -
Page 416
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Interior Exterior Warning message Details/Actions buzzer buzzer The driver’s door was opened and closed while the electronic key was not in the vehicle, the shift lever was in P and the engine switch was not turned off. -
Page 417
→ Press the engine switch Once while depressing the brake pedal moving (Flashes) steering wheel left and right. Indicates a malfunction in the smart entry & start system Once → Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. (Flashes) -
Page 418
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Interior Exterior Warning message Details/Actions buzzer buzzer • When doors were unlocked with the mechanical key and then the engine switch was pressed, the elec- tronic could detected in the vehicle. • The electronic key could not … -
Page 419
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Interior Exterior Warning message Details/Actions buzzer buzzer The engine switch has been turned off with the shift lever in Once a position other than P. → Shift the shift lever to P. (Flashes) After the engine switch has been turned off with the shift… -
Page 420
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency If you have a flat tire Your vehicle is equipped with a spare tire. The flat tire can be replaced with the spare tire. For details about tires: →P. 349 WARNING ■ If you have a flat tire Do not continue driving with a flat tire. -
Page 421
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Location of the spare tire, jack and tools Spare tire Towing eyelet Jack handles Jack Wheel nut wrench Adapter socket… -
Page 422
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency WARNING ■ Using the tire jack Observe the following precautions. Improper use of the tire jack may cause the vehicle to suddenly fall off the jack, leading to death or serious injury. ● Do not use the tire jack for any purpose other than replacing tires or install- ing and removing tire chains. -
Page 423
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Taking out the jack Pull the strap upwards to open the center deck board. To secure the center deck board, remove the hook on the backside of the center deck board and attach the hook to the head restraint on the third seats as shown. -
Page 424
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Taking out the spare tire Pull the strap upwards to open the center deck board. To secure the center deck board, remove the hook on the backside of the center deck board and attach the hook to the head restraint on the third seats as shown. -
Page 425
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Attach the adapter socket to the spare tire clamp bolt. Assembling the jack handle. Remove the jack handle and assemble it by following these steps. Loosen the screw. Assemble the jack handle and tighten the screw. Check that the screw is firmly tightened. -
Page 426
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Pull out the spare tire and stand it against the bumper. Remove the inside spare tire cover. Fully depress the secondary latch (A) and remove the hold- ing bracket (B) from the hoist assembly (C). -
Page 427
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Tilt the holding bracket (B) so that it can easily be passed through the wheel opening. After passing holding bracket through wheel opening, remove hoist assembly (C). Remove the outside spare tire cover. -
Page 428
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Replacing a flat tire Chock the tires. Flat tire Wheel chock positions Left-hand side Behind the rear right-hand side tire Front Right-hand side Behind the rear left-hand side tire Left-hand side In front of the front right-hand side tire Rear Right-hand side In front of the front left-hand side tire… -
Page 429
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Raise the vehicle until the tire is slightly raised off the ground. Remove all the wheel nuts and the tire. When resting the tire on the ground, place the tire so that the wheel design faces up to avoid scratching the wheel surface. -
Page 430
Then turn it counter- clockwise at least 2 turns to lower the spare tire. If the spare tire still cannot be lowered, the wire cable may be severed. Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. -
Page 431
• If there are any cracks or deformations in the bolt screws, nut threads or bolt holes of the wheel, have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. • When installing the wheel nuts, be sure to install them with the tapered ends facing inward. -
Page 432
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Installing the spare tire Remove any dirt or foreign mat- ter from the wheel contact sur- face. If foreign matter is on the wheel contact surface, the wheel nuts may loosen while the vehicle is in motion, causing the tire to come off. -
Page 433
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Stowing the flat tire, jack and all tools Remove the center wheel ornament by pushing from the reverse side. Be careful not to lose the wheel ornament. Stand the spare tire against the bumper with the inner surface facing toward you and install the outside spare tire cover. -
Page 434
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Lay the tire on the ground with the outer surface (valve stem) facing up. When stowing the tire, make sure that the hoist assembly is Valve stem placed perpendicular to the wheel opening. Using the jack handle and adapter socket, tighten the spare tire clamp bolt by turning it clockwise until the tire is in the correct posi- tion and two clicks are heard as the jack handle skips. -
Page 435
If the spare tire clamp bolt has been turned without a tire on the hoist assembly and the wire cable cannot be raised or lowered, contact your Toyota dealer. -
Page 436: If The Engine Will Not Start
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency If the engine will not start If the engine will not start even though correct starting proce- dures are being followed (→P. 191, 194), consider each of the fol- lowing points: The engine will not start even though the starter motor operates normally.
Page 437
● The battery may be discharged. (→P. 440) ● There may be a malfunction in the steering lock system. Contact your Toyota dealer if the problem cannot be repaired, or if repair procedures are unknown. Emergency start function (vehicles with a smart entry & start… -
Page 438: If The Shift Lever Cannot Be Shifted From P
(a sys- tem to prevent accidental operation of the shift lever). Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer immediately. The following steps may be used as an emergency measure to ensure that the shift lever can be shifted: Set the parking brake.
Page 439: If The Electronic Key Does Not Operate Properly
Closes the windows and moon roof (turn and hold) (→P. 163, 166) Unlocks all the doors Opens the windows and moon roof (turn and hold) (→P. 163, 166) : If equipped : This setting must be customized at your Toyota dealer.
Page 440
Vehicles with color display: Check that and a message are shown on the multi-information dis- play. Press the engine switch. In the event that the engine still cannot be started, contact your Toyota dealer. -
Page 441
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency ■ Stopping the engine Shift the shift lever to P and press the engine switch as you normally do when stopping the engine. ■ Replacing the key battery As the above procedure is a temporary measure, it is recommended that the electronic key battery be replaced immediately when the battery is depleted. -
Page 442: If The Vehicle Battery Is Discharged
The following procedures may be used to start the engine if the vehicle’s battery is discharged. You can also call your Toyota dealer or a qualified repair shop. If you have a set of jumper (or booster) cables and a second vehicle with a 12-volt battery, you can jump start your vehicle by following the steps below.
Page 443
IGNITION ON mode, then start the vehicle’s engine. Once the vehicle’s engine has started, remove the jumper cables in the exact reverse order from which they were connected. Once the engine starts, have the vehicle inspected at your Toyota dealer as soon as possible. -
Page 444
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency ■ Starting the engine when the battery is discharged The engine cannot be started by push-starting. ■ To prevent battery discharge ●Turn off the headlights and the audio system while the engine is off. ●Turn off any unnecessary electrical components when the vehicle is running at a low speed for an extended period, such as in heavy traffic. -
Page 445
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency WARNING ■ Avoiding battery fires or explosions Observe the following precautions to prevent accidentally igniting the flam- mable gas that may be emitted from the battery: ● Make sure each jumper cable is connected to the correct terminal and that it is not unintentionally in contact with any other than the intended terminal. -
Page 446: If Your Vehicle Overheats
(radia- tor) for any leaks. Radiator Cooling fans If a large amount of coolant leaks, immediately contact your Toyota dealer. The coolant level is satisfactory if it is between the “FULL” and “LOW” lines on the reservoir. Reservoir “FULL”…
Page 447
(The fans may not operate in freezing temperatures.) If the fans are not operating: Stop the engine immediately and contact your Toyota dealer. If the fans are operating: Have the vehicle inspected at the nearest Toyota dealer. -
Page 448
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency NOTICE ■ When adding engine coolant Add coolant slowly after the engine has cooled down sufficiently. Adding cool coolant to a hot engine too quickly can cause damage to the engine. ■ To prevent damage to the cooling system Observe the following precautions: ●… -
Page 449: If The Vehicle Becomes Stuck
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency If the vehicle becomes stuck Carry out the following procedures if the tires spin or the vehicle becomes stuck in mud, dirt or snow: Stop the engine. Set the parking brake and shift the shift lever to P. Remove the mud, snow or sand from around the front wheels.
Page 450
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency WARNING ■ When attempting to free a stuck vehicle If you choose to push the vehicle back and forth to free it, make sure the surrounding area is clear to avoid striking other vehicles, objects or people. The vehicle may also lunge forward or lunge back suddenly as it becomes free. -
Page 451
Vehicle specifications 8-1. Specifications Maintenance data (fuel, oil level, etc.)…450 Fuel information ….461 8-2. Customization Customizable features ..462 8-3. Initialization Items to initialize ….472… -
Page 452
8-1. Specifications Maintenance data (fuel, oil level, etc.) Dimensions Overall length 4865 mm (191.5 in.) Overall width 1925 mm (75.8 in.) Overall height 1730 mm (68.1 in.) Wheelbase 2790 mm (109.8 in.) Front tread 1635 mm (64.4 in.) Rear tread 1630 mm (64.2 in.) : Unladen vehicles… -
Page 453
The vehicle identification number (VIN) is the legal identifier for your vehicle. This is the primary identification number for your Toyota. It is used in registering the ownership of your vehicle. This number is stamped under the right-hand front seat. -
Page 454
8-1. Specifications Engine Model 2GR-FE Type 6-cylinder V type, 4-cycle, gasoline 94.0 × 83.0 mm (3.70 × 3.27 in.) Bore and stroke Displacement 3456 cm (210.9 cu. in.) Valve clearance Automatic adjustment Drive belt tension Fuel Fuel type Unleaded gasoline only Research Octane 91 or higher Number… -
Page 455
■ Engine oil selection “Toyota Genuine Motor Oil” is used in your Toyota vehicle. Use Toyota approved “Toyota Genuine Motor Oil” or equivalent to satisfy the following grade and viscosity. Oil grade: 5W-30 and 10W-30: API grade SL “Energy-Conserving”, SM “Energy-Conserving”… -
Page 456
8-1. Specifications Recommended viscosity (SAE): SAE 5W-30 is the best choice for good fuel economy and Preferred good starting in cold weather. If you use SAE 10W-30 or a higher viscosity engine oil in extremely low temperatures, the engine may become difficult Temperature range anticipated before next oil change to start, so SAE 5W-30 engine… -
Page 457
8-1. Specifications How to read oil container labels: Either or both API registered marks are added to some oil contain- ers to help you select the oil you should use. API Service Symbol Top portion: “API SERVICE SN” means the oil quality designa- tion by American Petroleum Institute (API). -
Page 458
8-1. Specifications Cooling system Capacity (reference) 11.9 L (12.6 qt., 10.5 Imp. qt.) Use either of the following: • “Toyota Super Long Life Coolant” • Similar high-quality ethylene glycol-based non- Coolant type silicate, non-amine, non-nitrite, and non-borate coolant with long-life hybrid organic acid technol- Do not use plain water alone. -
Page 459
NOTICE ■ Automatic transmission fluid type Using automatic transmission fluid other than “Toyota Genuine ATF WS” may cause deterioration in shift quality, locking up of your transmission accompanied by vibration, and ultimately damage the automatic transmis- sion of your vehicle. -
Page 460
Toyota Genuine Differential Gear Oil LT Oil type and viscosity 75W-85 GL-5 or equivalent Your Toyota vehicle is filled with “Toyota Genuine Differential Gear Oil” at the factory. Use Toyota approved “Toyota Genuine Differential Gear Oil” or an equivalent of matching quality to satisfy the above specification. Please contact your Toyota dealer for further details. -
Page 461
8-1. Specifications Steering Free play Less than 30 mm (1.2 in.) Tires and wheels Type A Tire size 245/60R18 105T Tire inflation pres- Front wheel Rear wheel sure kPa (kgf/cm or bar, psi) kPa (kgf/cm or bar, psi) (Recommended cold tire inflation 240 (2.4, 35) -
Page 462
8-1. Specifications Light bulbs Light bulbs Type Halogen headlights High beam Low beam LED headlights High beam Front turn signal lights Front position lights Exterior Front fog lights Rear turn signal lights Back-up lights Stop/tail lights 21/5 Tail lights License plate lights Vanity lights 1.26 Front interior/front personal lights… -
Page 463: Fuel Information
■ Use of ethanol blended gasoline in a gasoline engine Toyota allows the use of ethanol blended gasoline where the ethanol content is up to 10%. Make sure that the ethanol blended gasoline to be used has a Research Octane Number that follows the above.
Page 464: Customization Customizable Features
Your vehicle includes a variety of electronic features that can be personalized to your preferences. The settings of these features can be changed by the meter control switches, on the audio sys- tem screen or at your Toyota dealer. Customizing vehicle features ■…
Page 465
Customizable features Some function settings are changed simultaneously with other func- tions being customized. Contact your Toyota dealer for further details. Settings that can be changed on the audio system screen Settings that can be changed by the meter control switches Settings that can be changed by your Toyota dealer Definition of symbols: O = Available, —… -
Page 466
8-2. Customization Customized set- Function Default setting ting Current fuel — O — consumption Drive information 1 Average fuel economy (after — O — reset) Distance (driv- — O — ing range) Drive information 2 Average fuel economy (after — O — refueling) Driving dis- tance (after… -
Page 467
8-2. Customization ■ Door lock (→P. 104, 112, 437) Customized set- Function Default setting ting Driver’s door All doors unlocked in one Unlocking using a key unlocked in step, all doors — — O one step unlocked in two steps ■… -
Page 468
8-2. Customization ■ Smart entry & start system (→P. 104, 112, 131) Customized set- Function Default setting ting Smart entry & start sys- O — O Number of consecutive As many as 2 times — — O door lock operations desired : If equipped ■… -
Page 469
8-2. Customization ■ Driving position memory (→P. 148) Customized set- Function Default setting ting Selecting the door linking driving position memory Driver’s door All doors — — O with door unlock opera- tion If equipped ■ Power windows and moon roof (→P. -
Page 470
8-2. Customization ■ Moon roof (→P. 165) Customized set- Function Default setting ting Automatic operation — — O Linked operation of com- ponents when mechani- Slide only Tilt only — — O cal key is used (open only) Linked operation of com- ponents when wireless Slide only Tilt only… -
Page 471
Time elapsed before headlights automatically Standard Long — — O turn on ■ Toyota parking assist-sensor (Refer to “Navigation and Multi- media System Owner’s Manual”) Customized set- Function Default setting ting Detection distance of the Near O — O rear center sensor… -
Page 472
8-2. Customization ■ Illumination (→P. 299) Customized set- Function Default setting ting Time elapsed before the 15 seconds 7.5 seconds O — O interior lights turn off 30 seconds Operation after engine switch is turned — — O Operation when —… -
Page 473
8-2. Customization ■ Vehicle customization ●When the smart entry & start system is off, the entry unlock function cannot be customized. ●When the doors remain closed after unlocking the doors and the timer acti- vated automatic door lock function activates, signals will be generated in accordance with the operation buzzer volume and operational signal (Emer- gency flashers) function settings. -
Page 474: Initialization Items To Initialize
8-3. Initialization Items to initialize The following item must be initialized for normal system opera- tion after such cases as the battery being reconnected being performed on the vehicle: Item When to initialize Reference • After reconnecting or chang- Power back door ing the battery P.
Page 475: Index
Index What to do if… (Troubleshooting) …..474 Alphabetical index ……480…
Page 476
You lose your keys ● If you lose your keys or mechanical keys, new genuine keys or mechanical keys can be made by your Toyota dealer. (→P. 101) ● If you lose your keys or electronic keys, the risk of vehicle theft increases significantly. -
Page 477
What to do if… (Troubleshooting) If you think something is wrong The engine does not start (vehicles without a smart entry & start system) ● Is the shift lever in P? (→P. 191) ● Is the steering wheel unlocked? (→P. 191) ●… -
Page 478
What to do if… (Troubleshooting) The shift lever cannot be shifted from P even if you depress the brake pedal ● Vehicles without a smart entry & start system: Is the engine switch in the “ON” position? If you cannot release the shift lever by depressing the brake pedal with the engine switch in the “ON”… -
Page 479
What to do if… (Troubleshooting) The engine switch is turned off automatically (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) ● The auto power off function will be operated if the vehicle is left in ACCES- SORY or IGNITION ON mode (the engine is not running) for a period of time. -
Page 480
What to do if… (Troubleshooting) A warning buzzer sounds when leaving the vehicle (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) ● Is the electronic key left inside the vehicle or the moon roof open? Check the message on the multi-information display. (→P. 401) A warning light turns on or a warning message or indicator is displayed ●… -
Page 481
What to do if… (Troubleshooting) When a problem has occurred If you have a flat tire ● Stop the vehicle in a safe place and replace the flat tire with the spare tire. (→P. 418) The vehicle becomes stuck ● Try the procedure for when the vehicle becomes stuck in mud, dirt, or snow. -
Page 482: Alphabetical Index
Alphabetical index Alphabetical index Airbags ……..33 Airbag operating conditions ..39 Airbag precautions for Air conditioning filter….357 your child ……35 Front automatic air Airbag warning light ….397 conditioning system …. 285 Correct driving posture … 26 Front manual air Curtain shield airbag conditioning system ….
Page 483
Alphabetical index Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) ……..252 Back door ……… 112 Function …….. 252 Back-up lights Warning light ……397 Replacing light bulb ….366 Armrest ……..321 Wattage …….. 460 Assist grips ……322 Battery ……..345 Audio input Battery checking …. -
Page 484
Alphabetical index Child safety …….. 42 Airbag precautions….35 Care……..324, 328 Back door precautions ..119 Aluminum wheels….325 Battery precautions..346, 443 Exterior……..324 Child restraint system ….. 43 Interior……..328 Glass hatch precautions ..128 Seat belts ……329 How your child should wear Cargo hooks…… -
Page 485
Alphabetical index Clock ……… 316 Coat hooks ……. 321 DAC (Downhill Assist Condenser …….. 344 Control system)….258 Console box ……303 Daytime running light Conversation mirror ….315 system……..208 Cooling system ……343 Deck board ……. 310 Engine overheating ….444 Defogger Cruise control Outside rear view mirrors.. -
Page 486
Alphabetical index Doors Back door……112 Eco Driving Indicator ….92 Door lock……. 104 EDR (Event data recorder)..8 Door windows ……. 161 Electric Power Steering Open door warning buzzer..132 (EPS)……..253 Open door warning Function …….. 253 light ……398, 403 Warning light…… -
Page 487
Alphabetical index Engine……..452 “ACC” position……. 191 Flat tire……..418 ACCESSORY mode ….. 195 Floor mats ……..24 Compartment ……339 Fluid Engine switch….191, 194 Automatic transaxle ….457 Hood ……..336 Brake ……..458 How to start the Washer ……… -
Page 488
Alphabetical index Front seats ……. 139 Adjustment ……139 Hands-free system Cleaning…….. 328 (for cellular phone) Correct driving posture….26 Head restraints ……152 Driving position memory ..148 Headlights …….. 207 Head restraints…… 152 Automatic High Beam Seat heaters……297 system …….. -
Page 489
Alphabetical index Identification ……451 Keyless entry Smart entry & start system … 104 Engine……..451 Wireless remote Vehicle ……..451 Ignition switch control……105, 113 (engine switch) ….191, 194 Keys ……….98 Illuminated entry system..301 Battery-saving function ..133 Immobilizer system ….68 Electronic key …… -
Page 490
Alphabetical index Maintenance Lane Departure Alert (LDA) ..245 Do-it-yourself maintenance… 333 Language (multi-information Maintenance data ….450 display)……. 85, 90 Maintenance LDA (Lane Departure Alert) ..245 Lever requirements …… 331 Auxiliary catch lever ….336 Malfunction indicator lamp..396 Hood lock release lever .. -
Page 491
Alphabetical index Multi-information display (with color display)….87 Navigation system Audio system-linked….87 Drive information…..89 Dynamic radar cruise Odometer……..80 control……… 231 Off-road precautions ….275 LDA (Lane Departure Alert) ……..245 Differential oil ……458 Navigation system-linked ..87 Engine oil ……453 Settings display…….90 Opener Switching the display …. -
Page 492
Alphabetical index Parking brake ……206 Radar cruise control (dynamic radar cruise control) ….. 231 Operation ……206 Radiator ……..344 Parking brake engaged warning buzzer … 396, 406 Radio Parking brake engaged Radio Data System (RDS) warning message ….406 Rear automatic air conditioning system ….. -
Page 493
Alphabetical index Replacing Seats ……… 139, 141 Electronic key battery…. 359 Adjustment….139, 141 Fuses ……..362 Adjustment Light bulbs……366 precautions….140, 147 Tires ……..418 Child seats/child restraint Wireless remote control system installation ….54 battery……… 359 Cleaning…….. 329 Roof rails …….. -
Page 494
Alphabetical index Shopping bag hooks ….309 Stuck Side airbags …….33 If the vehicle becomes Side mirrors……159 stuck ……..447 Adjusting and folding….. 159 Sun shade BSM (Blind spot monitor) ..266 Rear ……..320 Mirror position memory ..148 Roof …….. -
Page 495
“SNOW” button ….. 201 Rotating tires……350 Talk switch Size……..459 Telephone switches Snow tires ……274 Toyota parking assist-sensor Spare tire ……418 Vehicle-to-vehicle distance Tools ……… 419 button……..231 Top strap ……..62 VSC OFF switch ….254 Toyota parking assist-monitor Window lock switch…. -
Page 496
Alphabetical index Traction Control (TRC) …. 252 Trailer towing ……182 Warning buzzers Transmission ……200 Brake system ……396 Automatic transmission..200 Downshifting ……203 If the shift lever cannot Electric power steering be shifted from P ….436 system …….. -
Page 497
Alphabetical index Warning messages ….401 Washer……216, 220 Checking ……. 348 Preparing and checking before winter……. 271 Switch ……216, 220 Washing and waxing ….324 Wheels ……..355 Replacing ……355 Size ……..459 Window glasses……. 161 Window lock switch….162 Windows …….. -
Page 498: Gas Station Information
72.0 L (19.0 gal., 15.8 Imp. gal.) (Reference) Fuel type Unleaded gasoline only P. 452 Cold tire inflation P. 459 pressure Engine oil capacity (Drain and refill — P. 453 reference) “Toyota Genuine Motor Oil” or equivalent Engine oil type P. 453…
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Руководство по ремонту Toyota kluger в фотографиях
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— более 2000 фотографий
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Автор: Коллектив авторов
Год: 2011
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Каталог деталей и сборочных единиц Toyota kluger
— полное технические описание
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— каталог деталей Toyota kluger
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Автор: Коллектив авторов
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— полное описание электрооборудования Toyota kluger
— подробно описан алгоритм поиска неисправностей Toyota kluger
— подробная схема электрооборудования Toyota kluger ( электро схема )
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Автор: Коллектив авторов
Год: 2011
Язык: русский
Формат: RAR
Качество: отличное
Размер: 25 Мб
Руководство по ремонту двигателя Toyota kluger
— полные технические характеристики двигателя
— особенности конструкции и ремонта двигателя Toyota kluger
— устранение неисправностей Toyota kluger
— подробное описание процессов разборки, дефектовки и сборки двигателя с фотографиями
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Автор: Коллектив авторов
Год: 2011
Язык: русский
Формат: RAR
Качество: отличное
Размер: 104 Мб
Руководство по ремонту коробок передач КПП Toyota kluger
— полные технические характеристики КПП
— особенности конструкции и ремонта КПП Toyota kluger
— устранение неисправностей КПП Toyota kluger
— подробное описание процессов разборки, дефектовки и сборки КПП с фотографиями
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Автор: Коллектив авторов
Год: 2011
Язык: русский
Формат: RAR
Качество: отличное
Размер: 262 Мб
Секреты ремонта Toyota kluger
— подробное описание особенностей ремонта Toyota kluger
-особенности эксплуатации Toyota kluger
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Коды неисправностей Toyota kluger
— коды ошибок инжектора Toyota kluger
— алгоритм поиска неисправностей инжектора Toyota kluger
— симптомы неисправных датчиков инжектора
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Мультимедийное Руководство по тюнингу Toyota kluger
(тюнинг Toyota kluger своими руками с фотографиями, тюнинг двигателя, тюнинг подвески, тюнинг трасмиссии, тюнинг кузова)
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Page 3
Pictorial index Search by illustration For safety Make sure to read through them and security Instrument How to read the gauges and meters, the variety of cluster warning lights and indicators, etc. Operation of Opening and closing the doors and windows, each component adjustment before driving, etc. -
Page 4: Table Of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS For your information …….6 Operation of each Reading this manual…..10 component How to search ……11 Pictorial index …….12 3-1. Key information Keys ……..98 For safety and security 3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors Side doors ……104 1-1.
Page 5: Table Of Contents
4-5. Using the driving Driving support systems Cruise control ….226 Dynamic radar cruise 4-1. Before driving control ……231 Driving the vehicle …..170 Cargo and luggage ….179 (Lane Departure Alert) ..245 Trailer towing …..182 All-wheel drive lock 4-2. Driving procedures switch ……
Page 6: Table Of Contents
TABLE OF CONTENTS 5-2. Using the interior Maintenance and care lights Interior lights list….299 • Interior lights ….300 6-1. Maintenance and care • Personal lights ….300 Cleaning and protecting the vehicle exterior..324 5-3. Using the storage features Cleaning and protecting the vehicle interior…
Page 7: Table Of Contents
When trouble arises Vehicle specifications 8-1. Specifications 7-1. Essential information Emergency flashers …382 Maintenance data (fuel, oil level, etc.) ..450 If your vehicle has to be stopped Fuel information ….461 in an emergency ….383 8-2. Customization 7-2. Steps to take Customizable features ..
Page 8: For Your Information
Accessories, spare parts and modification of your Toyota A wide variety of non-genuine spare parts and accessories for Toyota vehi- cles are currently available in the market. Using these spare parts and acces-…
Page 9
●Anti-lock brake system ●SRS airbag system ●Seat belt pretensioner system Be sure to check with your Toyota dealer for precautionary measures or spe- cial instructions regarding installation of an RF-transmitter system. Further information regarding frequency bands, power levels, antenna posi- tions and installation provisions for the installation of RF-transmitters, is avail- able on request at your Toyota dealer. -
Page 10: Driving
EDR. ● Disclosure of the EDR data Toyota will not disclose the data recorded in an EDR to a third party except when: • An agreement from the vehicle’s owner (or the lessee for a leased vehi- cle) is obtained •…
Page 11
Be sure to have the systems of the SRS airbag and seat belt pretensioner removed and disposed of by a qualified service shop or by your Toyota dealer before you scrap your vehicle. -
Page 12: Reading This Manual
Reading this manual WARNING: Explains something that, if not obeyed, could cause death or serious injury to people. NOTICE: Explains something that, if not obeyed, could cause damage to or a malfunction in the vehicle or its equipment. 1 2 3 Indicates operating or working procedures.
Page 13: How To Search
How to search ■ Searching by name • Alphabetical index ..P. 480 ■ Searching installation position • Pictorial index….P. 12 ■ Searching by symptom or sound • What to do if… (Troubleshooting) ..P. 474 ■ Searching by title •…
Page 14: Pictorial Index
Pictorial index Pictorial index ■ Exterior Doors ……… . . P. 104 Locking/unlocking .
Page 15
Pictorial index Windshield wipers ……. . . P. 216 Precautions against winter season ….. P. 271 Fuel filler door . -
Page 16: Instrument Panel
Pictorial index ■ Instrument panel Engine switch ……. . P. 191, 194 Starting the engine/changing the modes .
Page 17
Pictorial index Parking brake……..P. 206 Applying/releasing . -
Page 18
BSM (Blind Spot Monitor) main switch ….P. 266 Toyota parking assist-sensor switch LDA (Lane Departure Alert) switch ….P. 245 Automatic High Beam switch . -
Page 19
Pictorial index Inside lock buttons ……. . P. 108 Driving position memory switches . -
Page 20
Pictorial index Type A Type B Talk switch Audio remote control switches “DISP” switch ……..P. 83 Cruise control switch Cruise control . -
Page 21
Pictorial index Type A Type B All-wheel drive lock switch ……P. 251 “DAC” switch ……..P. 258 “SNOW”… -
Page 22
Pictorial index ■ Interior SRS airbags ……..P. 33 Floor mats . -
Page 23
Pictorial index Inside rear view mirror ……P. 157 Sun visors ……..P. 314 Vanity mirrors . -
Page 24
Pictorial index… -
Page 25
For safety and security 1-1. For safe use Before driving…….24 For safety drive ….26 Seat belts……28 SRS airbags……33 Safety information for children ……42 Child restraint systems ..43 Installing child restraints ..54 Exhaust gas precautions ..67 1-2. Theft deterrent system Engine immobilizer system …….68 Alarm ……..70… -
Page 26: For Safe Use Before Driving
1-1. For safe use Before driving Floor mat Use only floor mats designed specifically for vehicles of the same model and model year as your vehicle. Fix them securely in place onto the carpet. Insert the retaining hooks (clips) into the floor mat eyelets. Turn the upper knob of each retaining hook (clip) to secure the floor mats in place.
Page 27
When installing the driver’s floor mat ● Do not use floor mats designed for other models or different model year vehicles, even if they are Toyota Genuine floor mats. ● Only use floor mats designed for the driver’s seat. ●… -
Page 28: For Safety Drive
1-1. For safe use For safety drive For safe driving, adjust the seat and mirror to an appropriate position before driving. Correct driving posture Adjust angle seatback so that you are sitting straight up and so that you do not have to lean forward to steer.
Page 29
1-1. For safe use Adjusting the mirrors Make sure that you can see backward clearly by adjusting the inside and outside rear view mirrors properly. (→P. 157, 159) WARNING Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury. ●… -
Page 30: Seat Belts
1-1. For safe use Seat belts Make sure that all occupants are wearing their seat belts before driving the vehicle. Correct use of the seat belts ● Extend the shoulder belt so that it comes fully over the shoulder, but does not come into contact with the neck or slide off the shoulder.
Page 31
1-1. For safe use Adjusting the seat belt shoulder anchor height (front seats) Push the seat belt shoulder anchor down while pressing the release button. Push the seat belt shoulder anchor up. Move the height adjuster up and down as needed until you hear a click. -
Page 32
If the vehicle is involved in multiple collisions, the pretensioner will activate for the first collision, but will not activate for the second or subsequent collisions. ■ Seat belt regulations If seat belt regulations exist in the country where you reside, please contact your Toyota dealer for seat belt replacement or installation. -
Page 33
Each seat belt should be used by one person only. Do not use a seat belt for more than one person at once, including children. ● Toyota recommends that children be seated in the rear seat and always use a seat belt and/or an appropriate child restraint system. ●… -
Page 34
● Ensure that the belt and plate are locked and the belt is not twisted. If the seat belt does not function correctly, immediately contact your Toyota dealer. ● Replace the seat assembly, including the belts, if your vehicle has been involved in a serious accident, even if there is no obvious damage. -
Page 35: Srs Airbags
1-1. For safe use SRS airbags The SRS airbags inflate when the vehicle is subjected to certain types of severe impacts that may cause significant injury to the occupants. They work together with the seat belts to help reduce the risk of death or serious injury. ◆…
Page 36
1-1. For safe use SRS airbag system components Side impact sensors (rear) Front passenger airbag Side impact sensors (front) Front impact sensors Side airbags Airbag sensor assembly Front passenger’s seat belt Driver’s knee airbag buckle switch Driver’s seat belt buckle Curtain shield airbags switch Driver airbag… -
Page 37
An infant or child who is too small to use a seat belt should be properly secured using a child restraint sys- tem. Toyota strongly recommends that all infants and children be placed in the rear seats of the vehicle and properly restrained. The rear seats are… -
Page 38
1-1. For safe use WARNING ■ SRS airbag precautions ● Do not sit on the edge of the seat or lean against the dashboard. ● Do not allow a child to stand in front of the SRS front passenger airbag unit or sit on the knees of a front passenger. -
Page 39
1-1. For safe use WARNING ■ SRS airbag precautions ● Do not attach anything to or lean any- thing against areas such as the dash- board, steering wheel pad and lower portion of the instrument panel. These items can become projectiles when the SRS driver, front passenger and driver’s knee airbag deploy. -
Page 40
Modification and disposal of SRS airbag system components Do not dispose of your vehicle or perform any of the following modifications without consulting your Toyota dealer. The SRS airbags may malfunction or deploy (inflate) accidentally, causing death or serious injury. -
Page 41
1-1. For safe use ■ If the SRS airbags deploy (inflate) ●Slight abrasions, burns, bruising etc., may be sustained from SRS airbags, due to the extremely high speed deployment (inflation) by hot gases. ●A loud noise and white powder will be emitted. ●Parts of the airbag module (steering wheel hub, airbag cover and inflator) as well as the front seats, parts of the front and rear pillars, and roof side rail, may be hot for several minutes. -
Page 42
1-1. For safe use ■ Types of collisions that may not deploy the SRS airbags (SRS front airbags) The SRS front airbags do not generally inflate if the vehicle is involved in a side or rear collision, if it rolls over, or if it is involved in a low-speed frontal collision. -
Page 43
When to contact your Toyota dealer In the following cases, the vehicle will require inspection and/or repair. Con- tact your Toyota dealer as soon as possible. ●Any of the SRS airbags have been inflated. ●The front of the vehicle is damaged or… -
Page 44: Safety Information For Children
1-1. For safe use Safety information for children Observe the following precautions when children are in the vehi- cle. Use a child restraint system appropriate for the child, until the child becomes large enough to properly wear the vehicle’s seat belt.
Page 45: Child Restraint Systems
General installation instructions are provided in this manual. (→P. 54) ● If child restraint system regulations exist in the country where you reside, please contact your Toyota dealer for the child restraint sys- tem installation. ● Toyota recommends that you use a child restraint system which…
Page 46
1-1. For safe use Types of child restraints Child restraint systems are classified into the following 5 groups according to the regulation ECE No.44: Group 0: Up to 10 kg (22 lb.) (0 — 9 months) Group 0 : Up to 13 kg (28 lb.) (0 — 2 years) Group I: 9 to 18 kg (20 to 39 lb.) (9 months — 4 years) Group II:… -
Page 47
1-1. For safe use Child restraint system suitability for various seating positions Information provided in the table shows your child restraint system suitability for various seating positions. Seating position Second seat Third Front passenger seat Out- seat Center board Mass groups Up to 10 kg (22 lb.) Never put (0 — 9 months) -
Page 48
1-1. For safe use : Adjust the front seatback to the most upright position. Move the front seat to the rearmost position. If the head restraint interferes with your child restraint system, and the head restraint can be removed, remove the head restraint. If the passenger seat is equipped with a vertical height adjuster, it must be placed in the upper most position. -
Page 49
1-1. For safe use Child restraint system list Mass groups Child restraint systems Category TOYOTA G 0+, Up to 10 kg (22 lb.) Universal BABYSAFE PLUS (0 — 9 months) TOYOTA G 0+, Up to 13 kg (28 lb.) Universal… -
Page 50
1-1. For safe use Child restraint system suitability for various seating positions (with ISOFIX rigid anchors) Information provided in the table shows your child restraint system suitability for various seating positions. Vehicle ISOFIX positions Mass groups Size class Fixture Outboard second seat ISO/L1 Carrycot… -
Page 51
1-1. For safe use Key of letters inserted in the above table: IUF: Suitable for ISOFIX forward-facing child restraint systems of uni- versal category approved for use in this mass group. Suitable for child restraint systems shown in the ISOFIX child restraint system list. -
Page 52
1-1. For safe use ISOFIX child restraint system list ISOFIX Child Size Mass groups Fixture restraint Category class systems Semi-univer- ISO/R1 TOYOTA MINI Up to 10 kg (22 lb.) Semi-univer- ISO/R1 TOYOTA MIDI (0 — 9 months) Semi-univer- ISO/R1 TOYOTA MINI Semi-univer- ISO/R1… -
Page 53
1-1. For safe use ■ When installing a child restraint system on the front passenger seat When you have to use a child restraint system on the front passenger seat, adjust the following: ●The seatback to the most upright posi- tion. -
Page 54
● Toyota strongly urges the use of a proper child restraint system that con- forms to the size of the child, installed on the rear seat. According to acci- dent statistics, the child is safer when properly restrained in the rear seat than in the front seat. -
Page 55
1-1. For safe use WARNING ■ Child restraint precautions ● Do not allow the child to lean his/her head or any part of his/her body against the door or the area of the seat, front and rear pillars or roof side rails from which the SRS side airbags or SRS curtain shield airbags deploy even if the child is seated in the child restraint system. -
Page 56: Installing Child Restraints
1-1. For safe use Installing child restraints Follow the child restraint system manufacturer’s instructions. Firmly secure child restraints to the seats using a seat belt or ISOFIX rigid anchors. Attach the upper anchorage strap when installing a child restraint. Seat belts equipped with a child restraint locking mechanism…
Page 57
1-1. For safe use Installing child restraints using a seat belt (child restraint lock function belt) Rear-facing Baby seat (infant seat)/child seat (convertible ■ seat) Fold the seatback while pull- ing the lever. Return the seatback and secure it at the lock position (most… -
Page 58
1-1. For safe use While pushing child restraint system down into the rear seat, allow the shoulder belt to retract until the child restraint system is securely in place. After the shoulder belt has retracted to a point where there is no slack in the belt, pull the belt to check that it cannot be extended. -
Page 59
1-1. For safe use Forward-facing Child seat (convertible seat) ■ Fold the seatback while pull- ing the lever. Return the seatback and secure it at the lock position (most upright position). Move the seat as far back as possible. Place the child restraint sys- tem on the seat facing the front of the vehicle. -
Page 60
1-1. For safe use While pushing child restraint system down into the rear seat, allow the shoulder belt to retract until the child restraint system is securely in place. After the shoulder belt has retracted to a point where there is no slack in the belt, pull the belt to check that it cannot be extended. -
Page 61
1-1. For safe use ■ Junior seat (booster seat) Fold the seatback while pull- ing the lever. Return the seatback and secure it at the lock position (most upright position). Move the seat as far back as possible. Place the child restraint system on the seat facing the front of the vehicle. -
Page 62
1-1. For safe use Removing a child restraint installed with a seat belt Push the buckle release button and fully retract the seat belt. -
Page 63
1-1. For safe use Installation with ISOFIX rigid anchors Fold the seatback while pulling the lever. Return the seatback and secure it at the 1st lock position (most upright position). Move the seat as far back as possible. If your child restraint system inter- feres with a head restraint and can- not be installed properly, install the child restraint system after remov-… -
Page 64
1-1. For safe use Using the child restraint anchor fitting Raise the head restraint so that the upper anchorage strap can easily be passed between the head restraint and seatback. If your child restraint system inter- feres with a head restraint and can- not be installed properly, install the child restraint system after remov- ing the head restraint. -
Page 65
You need a locking clip to install the child restraint system. Follow the instruc- tions provided by the manufacturer of the system. If your child restraint sys- tem does not provide a locking clip, you can purchase the following item from your Toyota dealer: Locking clip for child restraint system (Part No. 73119-22010) WARNING ■… -
Page 66
1-1. For safe use WARNING ■ When installing a child restraint system ● Extreme Hazard! Do not use a rearward facing child restraint on a seat protected by an airbag in front of it! This is because the force of the rapid inflation of the front passenger airbag can cause death or serious injury to the child. -
Page 67
When installing a child restraint system ● If child restraint system regulations exist in the country where you reside, please contact your Toyota dealer for the child restraint system installation. ● When installing a child restraint system on the second center seat, adjust both seat cushions to the same position and align both seatbacks at the same angle. -
Page 68
1-1. For safe use WARNING ■ To correctly attach a child restraint system to the anchors When using the lower anchors, be sure that there are no foreign objects around the anchors and that the seat belt is not caught behind the child restraint system. -
Page 69: Exhaust Gas Precautions
Exhaust pipe The exhaust system needs to be checked periodically. If there is a hole or crack caused by corrosion, damage to a joint or abnormal exhaust noise, be sure to have the vehicle inspected and repaired by your Toyota dealer.
Page 70: Engine Immobilizer System
1-2. Theft deterrent system Engine immobilizer system The vehicle’s keys have built-in transponder chips that prevent the engine from starting if a key has not been previously regis- tered in the vehicle’s on-board computer. Never leave the keys inside the vehicle when you leave the vehi- cle.
Page 71
1-2. Theft deterrent system ■ System maintenance The vehicle has a maintenance-free type engine immobilizer system. ■ Conditions that may cause the system to malfunction ●If the grip portion of the key is in contact with a metallic object ●If the key is in close proximity to or touching a key to the security system (key with a built-in transponder chip) of another vehicle NOTICE ■… -
Page 72: Alarm
1-2. Theft deterrent system Alarm The alarm The alarm uses light and sound to give an alert when an intrusion is detected. The alarm is triggered in the following situations when the alarm is set: ● A locked door is unlocked or opened in any way other than using the entry function (vehicles with smart entry &…
Page 73
1-2. Theft deterrent system Deactivating or stopping the alarm Do one of the following to deactivate or stop the alarm: ● Unlock the doors. ● Vehicles without a smart entry & start system: Turn the engine switch to the “ACC” or “ON” position, or start the engine. (The alarm will be deactivated or stopped after a few seconds.) Vehicles with a smart entry &… -
Page 74
1-2. Theft deterrent system ■ Triggering of the alarm The alarm may be triggered in the following situations: (Stopping the alarm deactivates the alarm system.) ●A person inside the vehicle opens a door or the hood, or unlocks the vehicle using a inside lock button. -
Page 75: 2. Instrument Cluster
Instrument cluster Instrument cluster Warning lights and indicators ……74 Gauge and meters ….80 Multi-information display (with monochrome display) ……83 Multi-information display (with color display)…..87 Eco Driving Indicator….92 Fuel consumption information……94…
Page 76: Warning Lights And Indicators
2. Instrument cluster Warning lights and indicators The warning lights and indicators on the instrument cluster and center panel inform the driver of the status of the vehicle’s vari- ous systems. For the purpose of explanation, the following illustration dis- plays all warning lights and indicators illuminated.
Page 77
2. Instrument cluster Warning lights Warning lights inform the driver of malfunctions in the indicated vehi- cle’s systems. 1, 2, 3 Brake system warning Pre-crash safety system light (→P. 396) warning light (→P. 397) 1, 2 Charging system warn- Slip indicator (→P. 397) ing light (→P. -
Page 78
There may be a mal- function in a system if a light does not come on, or if the lights do not turn off. Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. : If equipped : The light flashes to indicate a malfunction. -
Page 79
Cruise control indicator Security indicator (→P. 226) (→P. 68, 70) 1, 9 Cruise control “SET” Eco Driving Indicator indicator (→P. 226) (→P. 92) 2, 3 Toyota parking assist Snow mode indicator indicator (→P. 201) 1, 4 Slip indicator (→P. 254) -
Page 80
If the BSM outside rear view mirror indicators do not illuminate or do not turn off, there may be a malfunction in the system. If this occurs, have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. : This light illuminates on the outside rear view mirrors. -
Page 81
Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer immedi- ately if this occurs. -
Page 82: Gauge And Meters
2. Instrument cluster Gauge and meters The displayed content may differ depending on the type of meter. Vehicles with monochrome display Vehicles with color display…
Page 83: Multi-Information Display
2. Instrument cluster Tachometer Displays the engine speed in revolutions per minute. Multi-information display Presents the driver with a variety of driving-related data. Speedometer Fuel gauge Trip meter reset knob Switches the trip information. Outside temperature Odometer and trip meter display Shift position and shift range Displays the selected shift position or selected shift range.
Page 84
2. Instrument cluster Instrument panel light control The brightness of the meter panel lights can be adjusted. Pressing the button will adjust the brightness of the meter panel lights. The brightness level of the meters when the surroundings are bright (day mode) and dark (night mode) can be adjusted individually. -
Page 85
2. Instrument cluster Multi-information display (with mono- chrome display) Display contents The multi-information display presents the driver with a variety of driving-related data. ● Drive information ● Warning messages (→P. 401) ● Eco Driving Indicator Zone Dis- play (→P. 92) Drive information Items displayed can be switched by pressing the “DISP”… -
Page 86
2. Instrument cluster ● Current fuel consumption Displays the current rate of fuel consumption. Average fuel economy (after reset Displays the average fuel economy since the function was reset respectively Use the displayed average fuel economy as a reference. ● Distance (driving range) Displays the estimated maximum distance that can be driven with the quantity of fuel remaining and the distance driven after the func- tion was reset respectively… -
Page 87
2. Instrument cluster Settings display ■ Changing the settings Press the “DISP” switch to display the setting display while the vehicle is stopped, and then press and hold the “DISP” switch to display the customize mode display. Press the “DISP” switch to select the item to be set, then press and hold the “DISP”… -
Page 88
2. Instrument cluster ■ Customizable items ● Eco Driving Indicator Light Select to activate/deactivate the Eco Driving Indicator Light. ● Language Select to change the language on the display. ● Units Select to change the unit of measure for fuel consumption. Settings can be changed. -
Page 89
2. Instrument cluster Multi-information display (with color dis- play) Display contents Drive information Select to display various drive data. (→P. 89) Navigation system- linked display equipped) Select to display the following navigation system-linked information. • Route guidance • Compass display (north-up display/heading-up display) Audio system-linked display Select to enable selection of an audio source or track on the meter using the meter control switches. -
Page 90
2. Instrument cluster Warning message display Select to display warning messages and measures to be taken if a malfunction is detected. (→P. 401) Settings display Select to change the meter display settings. (→P. 90) ■ Operating the meter control switches Enter/Set/Reset Select an item/change pages Return… -
Page 91
2. Instrument cluster Drive information ● Current fuel consumption Displays the current rate of fuel consumption ● Average fuel economy (after reset /after start/after refuel) Displays the average fuel economy since the function was reset, the engine was started, and the vehicle was refueled, respectively Use the displayed average fuel economy as a reference. -
Page 92
2. Instrument cluster Settings display ■ Changing the settings Select using the meter control switches. Select an item and then set it with the center button. ■ Customizable items ● Language Select to change the language on the display. ● Units Select to change the unit of measure for fuel consumption. -
Page 93
2. Instrument cluster ■ Pop-up display In some situations, such as when a switch operation is performed, a pop-up display, such as the operating cruise control switch, will be temporarily dis- played on the multi-information display. The pop-up display function can be set on/off. ■… -
Page 94: Eco Driving Indicator
2. Instrument cluster Eco Driving Indicator Eco Driving Indicator Light During Eco-friendly acceleration operation (Eco driving), Eco Driv- ing Indicator Light will turn on. When the accelerator pedal is depressed excessively, and when the vehicle is stopped, the light turns off. Eco Driving Indicator Zone Display Suggests Zone of Eco driving and Eco driving ratio based on accel-…
Page 95
2. Instrument cluster ■ Operation of Eco Driving Indicator Eco Driving Indicator will not operate in the following conditions: ●The shift lever is anything other than D. ●The vehicle speed is approximately 130 km/h (80 mph) or higher. ■ Eco Driving Indicator Light customization Monochrome display →P. -
Page 96: Fuel Consumption Information
2. Instrument cluster Fuel consumption information Fuel consumption information can be displayed on the audio system screen. Audio system…
Page 97
2. Instrument cluster Trip information Press the “APPS” button. Touch “ECO” on the “Apps” screen. If the “Past Record” screen is displayed, select “Trip Informa- tion”. Resetting the consumption data Fuel consumption in the past 15 minutes Average vehicle speed since the engine was started. -
Page 98
2. Instrument cluster Past record Press the “APPS” button. Touch “ECO” on the “Apps” screen. If the “Trip Information” screen is displayed, select “Past Record”. Resetting the past record data Best recorded fuel consump- tion Average fuel consumption Previous fuel consumption record Updating the average fuel consumption data The average fuel consumption history is divided by color into past averages and the average fuel consumption since the last… -
Page 99
Operation of each component 3-1. Key information Keys……..98 3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors Side doors……104 Back door……112 Glass hatch……126 Smart entry & start system ……131 3-3. Adjusting the seats Front seats……139 Rear seats ……141 Driving position memory ..148 Head restraints ….152 3-4. -
Page 100: Keys
3-1. Key information Keys The keys The following keys are provided with the vehicle. Vehicles without a smart entry & start system Keys Operating the wireless remote con- trol function (→P. 99) Valet key Key number plate Vehicles with a smart entry & start system Electronic keys •…
Page 101
(→P. 105) Unlocks the doors (→P. 105) Opens the windows and moon roof (→P. 105) Opens and closes the power back door (if equipped) (→P. 113) Sounds the alarm (→P. 100) : This setting must be customized at your Toyota dealer. -
Page 102
3-1. Key information Using the mechanical key (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) To take out the mechanical key, push the release button and take the key out. The mechanical key can only be inserted in one direction, as the key only has grooves on one side. -
Page 103
■ If you lose your keys New genuine keys can be made by your Toyota dealer using master key (vehicles without a smart entry & start system) or the other key (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) and the key number stamped on your key num- ber plate. -
Page 104
Confirmation of the registered key number (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) The number of electronic keys already registered to the vehicle can be con- firmed. Ask your Toyota dealer for details. ■ If a wrong key is used (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) The key cylinder rotates freely to isolate inside mechanism. -
Page 105
When an electronic key is lost (vehicles with a smart entry & start sys- tem) If the electronic key remains lost, the risk of vehicle theft increases signifi- cantly. Visit your Toyota dealer immediately with all remaining electronic keys that was provided with your vehicle. -
Page 106: Locking The Doors Side Doors
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors Side doors Unlocking and locking the doors from the outside ◆ Entry function (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) Carry the electronic key to enable this function. Front doors Grip the handle to unlock all the doors.
Page 107
Press and hold to close the win- dows and moon roof. (→P. 163, 166) Unlocks all the doors Press and hold to open the win- dows and moon roof. (→P. 163, 166) : This setting must be customized at your Toyota dealer. -
Page 108
Turn and hold to open the win- dows. : This setting must be customized at your Toyota dealer. Vehicles with a smart entry & start system The doors can also be locked and unlocked with the mechanical key. (→P. 437) ■… -
Page 109
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ■ Power back door reservation lock (vehicles with a power back door) If the wireless remote control is used to lock the doors while the power back door is closing with all side doors fully closed, a buzzer will sound and the emergency flashers will flash to indicate that the reservation lock is activated. -
Page 110
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors Unlocking and locking the doors from the inside ◆ Door lock switch Locks all the doors Unlocks all the doors ◆ Inside lock buttons Locks the doors Unlocks the doors The driver’s door can be opened by pulling the inside handle even if the lock button is in the lock position. -
Page 111
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors Rear door child-protector lock The door cannot be opened from inside the vehicle when the lock is set. Unlock Lock These locks can be set to prevent children from opening the rear doors. Push down on each rear door switch to lock both rear doors. -
Page 112
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ■ Switching the door unlock function (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) It is possible to set which doors the entry function unlocks using the wireless remote control. Turn the engine switch off. When the indicator light on the key surface is not on, press and hold for approximately 5 seconds while pressing and holding The setting changes each time an operation is performed, as shown below. -
Page 113
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ■ Conditions affecting the operation of the smart entry & start system or wireless remote control Vehicles without a smart entry & start system →P. 101 Vehicles with a smart entry & start system →P. -
Page 114: Back Door
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors Back door The back door can be locked/unlocked and opened/closed by the following procedures. Locking and unlocking the back door ■ Door lock switch →P. 108 ■ Entry function (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) →P.
Page 115
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors Opening the back door from outside the vehicle ◆ Back door opener Vehicles without a power back door Raise the back door while pressing up the back door opener switch. Vehicles with a power back door When back… -
Page 116
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors Power back door switch (vehicles with a power back door) Quickly press and release the switch to close the back door. Pressing the switch while the back door is opening/closing stops the operation. To operate the back door again, quickly press and release the switch. -
Page 117
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors Canceling the power back door system (vehicles with a power back door) Turn the main switch in the glove box off to disable the power back door system. On (enabled) Off (disabled) Adjusting the open position of the back door (vehicles with a power back door) The open position of the power back door can be adjusted. -
Page 118
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ■ Luggage compartment light The luggage compartment light turns on when the back door or glass hatch is opened with the luggage compartment light switch on. Type A When the engine switch is turned off, the light will go off automatically after 20 min- utes. -
Page 119
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ■ If the back door opener is inoperative The back door can be unlocked from the inside. Remove the cover on the back door trim. Use a cloth to prevent scratches. Move the lever for the back door motor. Vehicles without a power back door Vehicles with a power back door ■… -
Page 120
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ■ Power back door operation (vehicles with a power back door) ●A buzzer sounds and the emergency flashers flash twice to indicate that the back door is opening/closing. ●The back door can be opened and closed manually even when the power back door main switch is off. -
Page 121
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors WARNING Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury. ■ Before driving ● Make sure that the back door is fully closed. If the back door is not fully closed, it may open unexpectedly while driving and hit near-by objects or luggage in the luggage compartment may be thrown out, causing an acci- dent. -
Page 122
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors WARNING ■ Operating the back door Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may cause parts of the body to be caught, resulting in death or serious injury. ● Remove any heavy loads, such as snow and ice, from the back door before opening it. -
Page 123
When installing an accessory part to the back door, using a genu- ine Toyota part is recommended. ■ Back door closer (vehicles with a power back door) ●… -
Page 124
When installing an acces- sory part to the back door, ask your Toyota dealer for details. -
Page 125
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors WARNING ■ Jam protection function (vehicles with a power back door) Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may cause death or serious injury. ● Never use any part of your body to intentionally activate the jam protection function. -
Page 126
Do not touch the damper stay rod with gloves or other fabric items. ● Do not attach any accessories other than genuine Toyota parts to the back door. ● Do not place your hand on the damper stay or apply lateral forces to it. -
Page 127
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors NOTICE ■ To prevent back door closer malfunction (vehicles with a power back door) Do not apply excessive force to the back door while the back door closer is operating. ■ To prevent damage to the power back door (if equipped) ●… -
Page 128: Glass Hatch
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ∗ Glass hatch Opening the glass hatch The glass hatch can be opened using the glass hatch opener. When back door unlocked: Press the button to pop up the glass hatch. When the back door is locked: While carrying the electronic key on your person, press the button to pop up the glass…
Page 129
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ■ Luggage compartment light →P. 116 ■ The glass hatch can be opened when The back door is closed. ■ Opening and closing the glass hatch ●Open the glass hatch slowly and carefully. ●Make sure that the rear window wiper is switched off. -
Page 130
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors WARNING Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury. ■ Before driving ● Make sure that the glass hatch is fully closed. If the glass hatch is not fully closed, it may open unexpectedly while driving and hit near-by objects or luggage in the luggage compartment may be thrown out, causing an acci- dent. -
Page 131
● Do not attach any accessories other than genuine Toyota parts to the glass hatch. Such additional weight on the glass hatch may cause the glass hatch to suddenly shut again after it is opened, resulting in death or serious injury. -
Page 132
Do not touch the damper stay rod with gloves or other fabric items. ● Do not attach any accessories other than genuine Toyota parts to the glass Damper stays hatch. ● Do not place your hand or foot on the damper stay or apply lateral forces… -
Page 133: Smart Entry & Start System
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ∗ Smart entry & start system The following operations can be performed simply by carrying the electronic key on your person, for example in your pocket. The driver should always carry the electronic key. ●…
Page 134
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ■ Effective range (areas within which the electronic key is detected) When locking or unlocking the doors The system can be operated when the electronic key is within about 0.7 m (2.3 ft.) of an outside front door handle. -
Page 135
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ■ Battery-saving function The battery-saving function will be activated in order to prevent the electronic key battery and the vehicle battery from being discharged while the vehicle is not in operation for a long time. ●In the following situations, the smart entry &… -
Page 136
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ■ Conditions affecting operation The smart entry & start system uses weak radio waves. In the following situa- tions, the communication between the electronic key and the vehicle may be affected, preventing the smart entry & start system, wireless remote control and engine immobilizer system from operating properly. -
Page 137
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ■ Note for the entry function ●Even when the electronic key is within the effective range (detection areas), the system may not operate properly in the following cases: • The electronic key is too close to the window or outside door handle, near the ground, or in a high place when the doors are locked or unlocked. -
Page 138
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ●Touching the door lock or unlock sensor while wearing gloves may prevent lock or unlock operation. Remove the gloves and touch the lock or unlock sensor again. ●When the lock operation is performed using the lock sensor, recognition sig- nals will be shown up to two consecutive times. -
Page 139
3-2. Opening, closing and locking the doors ■ When the vehicle is not driven for extended periods ●To prevent theft of the vehicle, do not leave the electronic key within 2 m (6 ft.) of the vehicle. ●The smart entry & start system can be deactivated in advance. (→P. 462) ■… -
Page 140
(→P. 131) The radio waves may affect the operation of such devices. If necessary, the entry function can be disabled. Ask your Toyota dealer for details, such as the frequency of radio waves and timing of the emitted radio waves. -
Page 141
3-3. Adjusting the seats Front seats Adjustment procedure Manual seat Seat position adjustment lever Vertical height adjustment lever (driver’s side only) Seatback angle adjustment lever Power seat Seat position adjustment Vertical height adjustment switch switch (driver’s side only) Seatback angle adjustment Seat cushion length adjust- switch ment switch (driver’s side… -
Page 142
3-3. Adjusting the seats WARNING ■ When adjusting the seat position ● Take care when adjusting the seat position to ensure that other passen- gers are not injured by the moving seat. ● Do not put your hands under the seat or near the moving parts to avoid injury. -
Page 143: Rear Seats
3-3. Adjusting the seats Rear seats Adjustment procedure ■ Second seats Seat position adjustment lever Seatback angle adjustment lever Pull the lever until the lock is completely released. ■ Third seats Seatback angle adjustment strap…
Page 144
3-3. Adjusting the seats Moving a second seat for third seat access ■ Getting in the vehicle Pull the lever and tilt the seatback forward. Move the seat to the front-most position. ■ Getting out of the vehicle Pull the lever on the side of the seatback and tilt the seatback forward. -
Page 145
3-3. Adjusting the seats Folding down the second seats ■ Before folding down the second seats Stow the armrest. (→P. 321) Stow the second seat belt buckles. Pass the outer seat belts through the seat belt hangers and secure the seat belt plates. -
Page 146
3-3. Adjusting the seats Pull the lever to unlock the seatback. The seatback will be folded down. ■ After folding down the second seats Slide the folded second seats backward until they lock. ■ Returning the second seats Lift up the seatbacks until they lock. -
Page 147
3-3. Adjusting the seats Folding down the third seats ■ Before folding down the third seats Stow the third seat belt buck- les. Pass the seat belts through the seat belt hangers and secure the seat belt plates. This prevents the shoulder belts from being damaged. -
Page 148
3-3. Adjusting the seats ■ Returning the third seats From inside From outside Lift up the seatbacks until they Pull the straps and raise the lock. seatbacks until they lock. After using either strap, use the Velcro on the end of the strap to attach it to the seatback. -
Page 149
3-3. Adjusting the seats WARNING ■ When folding the rear seatbacks down Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury. ● Do not fold the seatbacks down while driving. ● Stop the vehicle on level ground, set the parking brake and shift the shift lever to P. -
Page 150: Driving Position Memory
3-3. Adjusting the seats ∗ Driving position memory This feature automatically adjusts the driver’s seat and outside rear view mirrors to make entering and exiting the vehicle easier or to suit your preferences. Driving position memory Your preferred driving position (the position of the driver’s seat and outside rear view mirrors) can be recorded and recalled by pressing a button.
Page 151
3-3. Adjusting the seats ■ Recall procedure Check that the shift lever is in P. Turn the engine switch to IGNITION ON mode. Press one of the buttons for the driving position you want to recall until the buzzer sounds. ■… -
Page 152
3-3. Adjusting the seats Memory recall function Each electronic key can be registered to recall your preferred driving position. ■ Registering procedure Record your driving position to button “1” or “2” before performing the following: Carry only the key you want to register, and then close the driver’s door. -
Page 153
3-3. Adjusting the seats ■ Cancelation procedure Carry only the key you want to cancel and then close the driver’s door. If 2 or more keys are in the vehicle, the driving position cannot be canceled properly. Check that the shift lever is in P. Turn the engine switch to IGNITION ON mode. -
Page 154: Head Restraints
3-3. Adjusting the seats Head restraints Head restraints are provided for all seats. Front seats Pull the head restraints up. Down Push the head restraint down while pressing the lock release button. Lock release button Second seats Pull the head restraints up. Down Push the head restraint down while pressing the lock release button.
Page 155
3-3. Adjusting the seats ■ Removing the head restraints Front seats Pull the head restraint up while pressing the lock release button. Lock release button Second seats Pull the head restraint up while pressing the lock release button. Lock release button Third seats Pull the head restraint up while pressing the lock release button. -
Page 156
3-3. Adjusting the seats Second seats Align the head restraint with the installa- tion holes and push it down while press- ing the lock release button. Lock release button Third seats Align the head restraint with the installa- tion holes and push it down while press- ing the lock release button. -
Page 157
3-4. Adjusting the steering wheel and mirrors Steering wheel Adjustment procedure Hold the steering wheel and push the lever down. Adjust to the ideal position by moving the steering wheel hori- zontally and vertically. After adjustment, pull the lever up to secure the steering wheel. -
Page 158
3-4. Adjusting the steering wheel and mirrors WARNING ■ Caution while driving Do not adjust the steering wheel while driving. Doing so may cause the driver to mishandle the vehicle and cause an acci- dent, resulting in death or serious injury. ■… -
Page 159: Inside Rear View Mirror
3-4. Adjusting the steering wheel and mirrors Inside rear view mirror The rear view mirror’s position can be adjusted to enable suffi- cient confirmation of the rear view. Adjusting the height of rear view mirror The height of the rear view mirror can be adjusted to suit your driving posture.
Page 160
3-4. Adjusting the steering wheel and mirrors Auto anti-glare inside rear view mirror Responding to the level of brightness of the headlights of vehicles behind, the reflected light is automatically reduced. Changing automatic anti-glare function mode ON/OFF When the automatic anti-glare function is in ON mode, the indica- tor illuminates. -
Page 161: Outside Rear View Mirrors
3-4. Adjusting the steering wheel and mirrors Outside rear view mirrors Adjustment procedure To select a mirror to adjust, turn the switch. Left Right To adjust the mirror, move the switch. Right Down Left Folding the mirrors Push the mirror back in the direc- tion of the vehicle’s rear.
Page 162
3-4. Adjusting the steering wheel and mirrors ■ Mirror angle can be adjusted when Vehicles without a smart entry & start system The engine switch is in the “ACC” or “ON” position. Vehicles with a smart entry & start system The engine switch is in ACCESSORY or IGNITION ON mode. -
Page 163
3-5. Opening and closing the windows Power windows Opening and closing procedures The power windows can be opened and closed using the switches. Operating the switch moves the windows as follows: Models available with one touch opening/closing on the front side windows Closing One-touch closing (front side… -
Page 164
3-5. Opening and closing the windows Window lock switch Press the switch to lock the pas- senger window switches. Use this switch to prevent children from accidentally opening or clos- ing a passenger window. Models available with one touch opening/closing on the front side windows: If the lock switch is on, the passenger window switches on the driver’s side are also locked. -
Page 165
If you release the switch while the window is moving, start again from the beginning. If the window continues to close but then re-open slightly even after perform- ing the above procedure correctly, have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. ■… -
Page 166
3-5. Opening and closing the windows WARNING Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury. ■ Closing the windows ● The driver is responsible for all the power window operations, including the operation for the passengers. In order to prevent accidental operation, especially by a child, do not let a child operate the power windows. -
Page 167: Moon Roof
3-5. Opening and closing the windows ∗ Moon roof Use the overhead switches to open and close the moon roof and tilt it up and down. ■ Opening and closing Opens the moon roof The moon roof stops slightly before the fully open position to reduce wind noise.
Page 168
●The moon roof can be opened and closed using the mechanical key. (→P. 437) ●The moon roof can be opened and closed using the wireless remote con- trol. (→P. 105) : These settings must be customized at your Toyota dealer. -
Page 169
Check to make sure that the moon roof is completely closed and then release the switch. If the moon roof does not fully close even after performing the above proce- dure correctly, have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. ■ Moon roof open warning buzzer The buzzer sounds and a message is shown on the multi-information display in the instrument cluster when the engine switch is turned off and the driver’s… -
Page 170
3-5. Opening and closing the windows WARNING Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may cause death or serious injury. ■ Opening the moon roof ● Do not allow any passengers to put their hands or heads outside the vehi- cle while it is moving. -
Page 171
Driving 4-1. Before driving 4-4. Refueling Driving the vehicle …..170 Opening the fuel tank cap……..222 Cargo and luggage ….179 4-5. Using the driving Trailer towing …..182 support systems 4-2. Driving procedures Cruise control…..226 Engine (ignition) switch Dynamic radar cruise (vehicles without a smart control……231 entry &… -
Page 172: Driving The Vehicle
4-1. Before driving Driving the vehicle The following procedures should be observed to ensure safe driving: Starting the engine →P. 191, 194 Driving With the brake pedal depressed, shift the shift lever to D. (→P. 200) Release the parking brake. (→P. 206) Gradually release the brake pedal and gently depress the accelera- tor pedal to accelerate the vehicle.
Page 173
●The vehicle is judged to be driving uphill or downhill ●When the accelerator pedal is released ■ Breaking in your new Toyota To extend the life of the vehicle, observing the following precautions is recom- mended: ●For the first 300 km (186 miles): Avoid sudden stops. -
Page 174
Your vehicle has a drum-in-disc type parking brake system. This type of brake system needs bedding-down of the brake shoes periodically or whenever the parking brake shoes and/or drum are replaced. Have your Toyota dealer per- form the bedding down operation. -
Page 175
4-1. Before driving WARNING Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury. ■ When driving the vehicle ● Use engine braking (downshift) to maintain a safe speed when driving down a steep hill. Using the brakes continuously may cause the brakes to overheat and lose effectiveness. -
Page 176
4-1. Before driving WARNING Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury. ■ When shifting the shift lever ● Do not let the vehicle roll backward while the shift lever is in a driving posi- tion, or roll forward while the shift lever is in R. -
Page 177
■ If you hear a squealing or scraping noise (brake pad wear indicators) Have the brake pads checked and replaced by your Toyota dealer as soon as possible. Rotor damage may result if the pads are not replaced when needed. -
Page 178
4-1. Before driving WARNING Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury. ■ When the vehicle is parked ● Do not leave glasses, cigarette lighters, spray cans, or soft drink cans in the vehicle when it is in the sun. Doing so may result in the following: •… -
Page 179
4-1. Before driving WARNING Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury. ■ When braking ● When the brakes are wet, drive more cautiously. Braking distance increases when the brakes are wet, and this may cause one side of the vehicle to brake differently than the other side. -
Page 180
Short in electrical components ● Engine damage caused by water immersion In the event that you drive on a flooded road and the vehicle is flooded, be sure to have your Toyota dealer check the following: ● Brake function ●… -
Page 181: Cargo And Luggage
4-1. Before driving Cargo and luggage Take notice of the following information about storage precau- tions, cargo capacity and load: WARNING ■ Things that must not be carried in the luggage compartment The following things may cause a fire if loaded in the luggage compartment: ●…
Page 182
Roof luggage carrier precautions (vehicles with roof rails) To use the roof rails as a roof luggage carrier, you must fit the roof rails with two or more genuine Toyota cross rails or their equivalent. When you load cargo on the roof luggage carrier, observe the following: ●… -
Page 183
4-1. Before driving WARNING ■ When installing cross rails (vehicles with roof rails) Make sure the cross bars are installed securely by pushing them forward and rearward. Failure to do so may cause an unexpected accident. NOTICE ■ When loading cargo (vehicles with moon roof) Be careful not to scratch the surface of the moon roof. -
Page 184: Trailer Towing
Toyota warranties do not apply to damage or malfunction caused by towing a trailer for commercial purposes. For towing purposes, Toyota recommends the use of the follow- ing parts: ● When towing a caravan trailer etc., use a distributing hitch.
Page 185
4-1. Before driving ◆ Gross axle weight The load on either the front or rear axle resulting from distribution of the gross vehicle weight on both axles must not exceed the follow- ing: Front: 1340 kg (2954 lb.) Rear 2WD models: 1545 kg (3406 lb.) AWD models: 1590 kg (3505 lb.) ◆… -
Page 186
4-1. Before driving Hitch Trailer hitch assemblies have different weight capacities established by the hitch manufacturer. Even though the vehicle may be rated for towing a higher weight, the operator must never exceed the maximum weight rating specified for the trailer hitch. Selecting a trailer ball Use the correct trailer ball for your application. -
Page 187
■ Break-in schedule Toyota recommends that you do not use a new vehicle or a vehicle with any new power train components (engine, transmission, differential, wheel bear- ings, etc.) to tow a trailer for the first 800 km (500 miles) of driving. -
Page 188
4-1. Before driving WARNING ■ To avoid accident or injury ● The total trailer weight (trailer weight plus the weight of cargo) must not exceed 2000 kg (4409 lb.). ● Do not exceed the trailer hitch assembly weight, gross vehicle weight, gross axle weight and trailer tongue load capacities. -
Page 189
■ When installing a trailer hitch ● Use only the position recommended by your Toyota dealer. Do not install the trailer hitch on the bumper; this may cause body damage. ● Do not use axle-mounted hitches, as they can cause damage to the axle housing, wheel bearings, wheels or tires. -
Page 190
4-1. Before driving Trailer towing tips Your vehicle will handle differently when towing a trailer. In order to avoid accident, death or serious injury, keep the following in mind when towing: ● Before starting out, check the trailer lights and the vehicle-trailer connections. -
Page 191
4-1. Before driving ● Crosswinds and rough roads will adversely affect handling of your vehicle and trailer, causing sway. Periodically check the rear to pre- pare for being passed by large trucks or buses, which may cause your vehicle and trailer to sway. If swaying occurs, firmly grip the steering wheel, reduce speed immediately but gradually, and steer straight ahead. -
Page 192
4-1. Before driving ● Always place wheel blocks under both the vehicle and the trailer wheels when parking. Apply the parking brake firmly, and put the transmission in P. Avoid parking on a slope, but if unavoidable, do so only after performing the following: Apply the brakes and keep them applied. -
Page 193: Engine (Ignition) Switch
4-2. Driving procedures Engine (ignition) switch (vehicles without a smart entry & start system) Starting the engine Check that the parking brake is set. Check that the shift lever is set in P. Firmly depress the brake pedal. Turn the engine switch to the “START” position to start the engine. Changing the engine switch positions “LOCK”…
Page 194
“LOCK” position. ■ If the engine does not start The engine immobilizer system may not have been deactivated. (→P. 68) Contact your Toyota dealer. ■ When the steering lock cannot be released When starting the engine, the engine switch may seem stuck in the “LOCK”… -
Page 195
Do not crank the engine for more than 30 seconds at a time. This may overheat the starter and wiring system. ● Do not race a cold engine. ● If the engine becomes difficult to start or stalls frequently, have your vehi- cle checked by your Toyota dealer immediately. -
Page 196
4-2. Driving procedures Engine (ignition) switch (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) Performing the following operations when carrying the elec- tronic key on your person starts the engine or changes engine switch modes. Starting the engine Check that the parking brake is set. Check that the shift lever is set in P. -
Page 197
4-2. Driving procedures Stopping the engine Stop the vehicle. Shift the shift lever to P. Set the parking brake. (→P. 206) Press the engine switch. Release brake pedal and check that “ACCESSORY” or “IGNITION ON” on the multi-information display is off. Changing engine switch modes Modes can be changed by pressing the engine switch with brake pedal released. -
Page 198
If the engine does not start ●The engine immobilizer system may not have been deactivated. (→P. 68) Contact your Toyota dealer. ●Check that the shift lever is securely set in P. The engine may not start if the shift lever is displaced out of P. -
Page 199
10 seconds, the steering lock motor will resume functioning. ■ When “Check Entry & Start System” is displayed on the multi-informa- tion display The system may be malfunctioning. Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer immediately. ■ If the electronic key battery is depleted →P. 359 ■… -
Page 200
4-2. Driving procedures WARNING ■ When starting the engine Always start the engine while sitting in the driver’s seat. Do not depress the accelerator pedal while starting the engine under any circumstances. Doing so may cause an accident resulting in death or serious injury. ■… -
Page 201
Do not race a cold engine. ● If the engine becomes difficult to start or stalls frequently, have your vehi- cle checked by your Toyota dealer immediately. ■ Symptoms indicating a malfunction with the engine switch If the engine switch seems to be operating somewhat differently than usual, such as the switch sticking slightly, there may be a malfunction. -
Page 202: Automatic Transmission
4-2. Driving procedures Automatic transmission Shifting the shift lever Vehicles without a smart entry & start system: While the engine switch is in the “ON” position, depress the brake pedal and move the shift lever. When shifting the shift lever between P and D, make sure that the vehicle is completely stopped.
Page 203
4-2. Driving procedures Shift position purpose Shift position Objective or function Parking the vehicle/starting the engine Reversing Neutral Normal driving S mode driving (→P. 202) : Shifting the shift lever to D allows the system to select a gear suitable for the driving conditions. -
Page 204
4-2. Driving procedures Selecting shift ranges in the S position To enter S mode, shift the shift lever to S. Shift ranges can be selected by operating the shift lever, allowing you to drive in the shift range of your choosing. The shift range can be selected by the shift lever. Upshifting Downshifting The selected shift range, from 1 to… -
Page 205
S This may indicate a malfunction in the automatic transmission system. Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer immediately. (In this situation, the transmission will operate in the same manner as when the shift lever is in D.) -
Page 206
When the warning message goes out, the vehicle can be driven again. If the warning message does not go out after waiting a while, have your vehi- cle inspected by your Toyota dealer. ■ AI-SHIFT The AI-SHIFT automatically selects the suitable gear according to driver per- formance and driving conditions. -
Page 207: Turn Signal Lever
4-2. Driving procedures Turn signal lever Operating instructions Left turn Lane change to the left (move the lever partway and release The left hand signals will flash 3 times. Lane change to the right (move the lever partway and release The right hand signals will flash 3 times.
Page 208: Parking Brake
4-2. Driving procedures Parking brake Operating instructions To set the parking brake, fully depress the parking brake pedal with your left foot while depress- ing the brake pedal with your right foot. (Depressing pedal again releases the parking brake.) ■ Parking brake engaged warning buzzer →P.
Page 209
4-3. Operating the lights and wipers Headlight switch The headlights can be operated manually or automatically. Operating instructions Turning the end of the lever turns on the lights as follows: The headlights, day- time running lights (→P. 208) and all the lights listed below turn on and off automatically. -
Page 210
4-3. Operating the lights and wipers Turning on the high beam headlights With the headlights on, push the lever away from you to turn on the high beams. Pull the lever toward you to the center position to turn the high beams off. -
Page 211
4-3. Operating the lights and wipers ■ Automatic headlight leveling system (vehicles with LED headlights) The level of the headlights is automatically adjusted according to the number of passengers and the loading condition of the vehicle to ensure that the headlights do not interfere with other road users. -
Page 212: Automatic High Beam
4-3. Operating the lights and wipers ∗ Automatic High Beam The Automatic High Beam uses an in-vehicle camera sensor to assess the brightness of streetlights, the lights of oncoming and preceding vehicles, etc., and automatically turns the high beam on or off as necessary. Activating the Automatic High Beam system Push the lever away from you with the headlight switch in the…
Page 213
4-3. Operating the lights and wipers High beam automatic turning on or off conditions When all of the following conditions are met, high beam will be auto- matically turned on (after approximately 1 second): ● Vehicle speed is above approximately 30 km/h (19 mph). ●… -
Page 214
4-3. Operating the lights and wipers Turning the high beam on/off manually ■ Switching to low beam Pull the lever to original posi- tion. The Automatic High Beam indi- cator will turn off. Push the lever away from you to activate the Automatic High Beam system again. -
Page 215
• The driver believes that the high beam may be causing problems or dis- tress to other drivers or pedestrians nearby. ■ If the Automatic High Beam indicator turns to yellow It may indicate a malfunction in the system. Contact your Toyota dealer. -
Page 216
Do not install a parking tag or any other accessories near or around the camera sensor. ● Do not overload the vehicle. ● Do not modify the vehicle. ● Do not replace windshield with non-genuine windshield. Contact your Toyota dealer. -
Page 217: Fog Light Switch
4-3. Operating the lights and wipers Fog light switch The fog lights secure excellent visibility in difficult driving con- ditions, such as in rain and fog. Turns the front fog lights Turns the front fog lights ■ Fog lights can be used when The headlights or the front position lights are turned on.
Page 218: Windshield Wipers And Washer
4-3. Operating the lights and wipers Windshield wipers and washer Operating the wiper lever The wiper operation is selected by moving the lever as follows. Intermittent windshield wiper with interval adjuster Intermittent windshield wiper operation Low speed windshield wiper operation High speed windshield wiper operation Temporary operation…
Page 219
4-3. Operating the lights and wipers Rain-sensing windshield wipers With “AUTO” selected, the wipers will operate automatically when the sensor detects falling rain. The system automatically adjusts wiper timing in accordance with rain volume and vehicle speed. Rain-sensing windshield wiper operation Low speed windshield wiper operation High speed windshield… -
Page 220
4-3. Operating the lights and wipers ■ The windshield wiper and washer can be operated when Vehicles without a smart entry & start system The engine switch is in the “ON” position. Vehicles with a smart entry & start system The engine switch is in IGNITION ON mode. -
Page 221
Do not operate the switch continually as the washer fluid pump may over- heat. ■ When a nozzle becomes blocked In this case, contact your Toyota dealer. Do not try to clear it with a pin or other object. The nozzle will be damaged. -
Page 222: Rear Window Wiper And Washer
4-3. Operating the lights and wipers Rear window wiper and washer Operating instructions The wiper operation is selected by moving the lever as follows: Intermittent window wiper operation Normal window wiper operation Washer/wiper dual operation The wiper will automatically oper- ate a couple of times after the washer squirts.
Page 223
Do not operate the switch continually as the washer fluid pump may over- heat. ■ When a nozzle becomes blocked In this case, contact your Toyota dealer. Do not try to clear it with a pin or other object. The nozzle will be damaged. -
Page 224: Opening The Fuel Tank Cap
4-4. Refueling Opening the fuel tank cap Perform the following steps to open the fuel tank cap: Before refueling the vehicle ● Vehicles without a smart entry & start system Turn the engine switch to the “LOCK” position and ensure that all the doors and windows are closed.
Page 225
4-4. Refueling WARNING ■ When refueling the vehicle Observe the following precautions while refueling the vehicle. Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury. ● After exiting the vehicle and before opening the fuel door, touch an unpainted metal surface to discharge any static electricity. -
Page 226
4-4. Refueling Opening the fuel tank cap Press the opener switch. Turn the fuel tank cap slowly to remove it and hang it on the back of the fuel filler door. ■ When the fuel filler door cannot be opened by pressing the inside switch Remove the cover inside the luggage compartment and pull the lever. -
Page 227
WARNING ■ When replacing the fuel tank cap Do not use anything but a genuine Toyota fuel tank cap designed for your vehicle. Doing so may cause a fire or other incident which may result in death or serious injury. -
Page 228: Cruise Control
4-5. Using the driving support systems ∗ Cruise control Summary of functions Use the cruise control to maintain a set speed without depressing the accelerator pedal. Indicators Cruise control switch : Vehicles with monochrome display : Vehicles with color display ∗…
Page 229
4-5. Using the driving support systems Setting the vehicle speed Press the “ON-OFF” button to activate the cruise control. Cruise control indicator will come or will be displayed on the multi-information display Press the button again to deacti- vate the cruise control. Accelerate or decelerate the vehicle to the desired speed, and push the lever down to set… -
Page 230
4-5. Using the driving support systems Adjusting the set speed To change the set speed, operate the lever until the desired set speed is obtained. Increases the speed Decreases the speed Fine adjustment: Momentarily move the lever in the desired direc- tion. -
Page 231
If the cruise control speed cannot be set or if the cruise control cancels imme- diately after being activated, there may be a malfunction in the cruise control system. Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. -
Page 232
4-5. Using the driving support systems WARNING ■ To avoid operating the cruise control by mistake Switch the cruise control off using the “ON-OFF” button when not in use. ■ Situations unsuitable for cruise control Do not use cruise control in any of the following situations. Doing so may result in loss of control and could cause an accident resulting in death or serious injury. -
Page 233: Dynamic Radar Cruise Control
4-5. Using the driving support systems ∗ Dynamic radar cruise control Summary of functions Dynamic radar cruise control supplements conventional cruise control with a vehicle-to-vehicle distance control. In vehicle-to-vehicle dis- tance control mode, the vehicle automatically accelerates or deceler- ates in order to maintain a set following distance from vehicles ahead. Vehicle-to-vehicle distance but- Display Set speed…
Page 234
4-5. Using the driving support systems Setting the vehicle speed (vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode) Press the “ON-OFF” button to activate the cruise control. Radar cruise control indicator will be displayed. Press the button again to deacti- vate the cruise control. Accelerate or decelerate the vehicle to the desired speed, and push the lever down to set… -
Page 235
4-5. Using the driving support systems Adjusting the set speed To change the set speed, operate the lever until the desired set speed is displayed. Increases the speed Decreases the speed Fine adjustment: Momentarily move the lever in the desired direc- tion. -
Page 236
4-5. Using the driving support systems Changing the vehicle-to-vehicle distance Pressing the button changes the Preceding vehicle vehicle-to-vehicle distance as fol- mark lows: Long Medium Short The vehicle-to-vehicle distance is set automatically to long mode when the engine switch is turned to IGNITION ON mode. -
Page 237
4-5. Using the driving support systems Canceling and resuming the speed control Pulling the lever toward you cancels the cruise control. The speed setting is also canceled when the brakes are applied. Pushing the lever up resumes the cruise control and returns vehicle speed to the set speed. -
Page 238
4-5. Using the driving support systems Driving in vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode This mode employs a radar sensor to detect the presence of vehicles up to approximately 120 m (400 ft.) ahead, determines the current vehicle-to-vehicle following distance, and operates to maintain a suit- able following distance from the vehicle ahead. -
Page 239
4-5. Using the driving support systems Example of follow-up cruising When following a vehicle driving slower than the set speed The system continues follow-up cruising while adjusting for changes in the speed of the vehicle ahead in order to maintain the vehicle-to-vehicle dis- tance set by the driver. -
Page 240
4-5. Using the driving support systems Selecting conventional constant speed control mode When constant speed control mode is selected, your vehicle will main- tain a set speed without controlling the vehicle-to-vehicle distance. Select this mode only when vehicle-to-vehicle distance control mode does not function correctly due to dirt etc. -
Page 241
“AUTO” mode or the high speed wiper operation position). ●When snow mode is set. If vehicle-to-vehicle distance control driving is automatically canceled for any other reason, there may be a malfunction in the system. Contact your Toyota dealer. ■… -
Page 242
4-5. Using the driving support systems ■ Radar sensor and grille cover Always keep the sensor and grille cover clean to ensure that the vehicle-to- vehicle distance control operates properly. (Some obstructions, such as snow, ice and plastic objects, cannot be detected by the obstruction sensor.) Dynamic radar cruise control is canceled if an obstruction is detected. -
Page 243
4-5. Using the driving support systems WARNING ■ Before using dynamic radar cruise control Do not overly rely on vehicle-to-vehicle distance control. Be aware of the set speed. If automatic deceleration/acceleration is not appropriate, adjust the vehicle speed, as well as the distance between your vehicle and vehicles ahead by applying the brakes etc. -
Page 244
4-5. Using the driving support systems WARNING ■ To avoid inadvertent cruise control activation Switch the cruise control off using the “ON-OFF” button when not in use. ■ Situations unsuitable for dynamic radar cruise control Do not use dynamic radar cruise control in any of the following situations. Doing so may result in inappropriate speed control and could cause an acci- dent resulting in death or serious injury. -
Page 245
4-5. Using the driving support systems WARNING ● Motorcycles traveling in the same lane ● When water or snow thrown up by the surrounding vehicles hinders the detecting of the sensor ● When your vehicle is pointing upwards (caused by a heavy load in the luggage compartment, etc.) ■… -
Page 246
● Do not attach accessories or stickers to the sensor, grille cover or sur- rounding area. ● Do not modify or paint the sensor and grille cover. ● If the radar sensor needs to be replaced, contact your Toyota dealer. -
Page 247
4-5. Using the driving support systems ∗ LDA (Lane Departure Alert) Summary of function While driving on a road that has lane markers, this system recognizes the lane markers using a camera as a sensor to alert the driver when the vehicle deviates from its lane. -
Page 248
4-5. Using the driving support systems Operating conditions ● When the vehicle speed is approximately 50 km/h (32 mph) or more ● When the lane width is more than approximately 2.5 m (8.2 ft.) ● When driving on a straight road or through a curve with a radius of more than approximately 100 m (328 ft.) Indication on the multi-information display When the inside of both lane lines… -
Page 249
4-5. Using the driving support systems ■ Temporary cancelation of the LDA system functions If any of the following occurs, the LDA system functions will be temporarily canceled. The functions will resume after the necessary operating conditions have returned. ●The turn signal lever is operated. ●The vehicle speed deviates from the operating range of the LDA system functions. -
Page 250
4-5. Using the driving support systems ■ Conditions in which the function may not operate correctly In the following situations, the camera sensor may be unable to recognize lane markers causing the lane departure warning function to operate incor- rectly. However, this does not indicate a malfunction. ●When driving through an area with no lane markers, such as a tollbooth, a crossing or before a ticket checkpoint ●When driving on a sharp curve… -
Page 251
4-5. Using the driving support systems WARNING ■ Before using the LDA system Do not rely solely on the LDA system. The LDA system does not drive the vehicle automatically, nor does it reduce the amount of care you need to take. -
Page 252
Do not install or place anything on the hood or the grille. Also, do not install a grille guard (bull bars, kangaroo bar etc.). ● If your windshield needs repairs, contact your Toyota dealer. ■ Camera sensor Observe the following to ensure that the LDA system functions correctly. -
Page 253: All-Wheel Drive Lock Switch
4-5. Using the driving support systems All-wheel drive lock switch (AWD models) All-wheel drive lock mode can be used when a large amount of drive power needs to be applied to all the wheels, such as when the vehicle gets stuck in mud and you need to free it. Press the switch.
Page 254: Driving Assist Systems
4-5. Using the driving support systems Driving assist systems To help enhance driving safety and performance, the following systems operate automatically in response to various driving situations. Be aware, however, that these systems are supple- mentary and should not be relied upon too heavily when operat- ing the vehicle.
Page 255
4-5. Using the driving support systems ◆ Dynamic Torque Control AWD system (AWD models) Automatically switches from front-wheel drive to all-wheel drive (AWD) according to the driving conditions, helping to ensure reli- able handling and stability. Examples of conditions where the sys- tem will switch to AWD are when cornering, going uphill, starting off or accelerating, and when the road surface is slippery due to snow, rain, etc. -
Page 256
4-5. Using the driving support systems When the TRC/VSC systems are operating The slip indicator light will flash while the TRC/VSC systems are operating. Disabling the TRC system If the vehicle gets stuck in mud, dirt or snow, the TRC system may reduce power from the engine to the wheels. -
Page 257
TRC has been disabled even if has not been pressed TRC, hill-start assist control and downhill assist control cannot be operated. Contact your Toyota dealer. ■ Sounds and vibrations caused by the ABS, brake assist, TRC, VSC and hill-start assist control systems ●A sound may be heard from the engine compartment when the brake pedal… -
Page 258
4-5. Using the driving support systems ■ Reduced effectiveness of the EPS system The effectiveness of the EPS system is reduced to prevent the system from overheating when there is frequent steering input over an extended period of time. The steering wheel may feel heavy as a result. Should this occur, refrain from excessive steering input or stop the vehicle and turn the engine off. -
Page 259
The ABS, TRC and VSC systems will not function correctly if different tires are installed on the vehicle. Contact your Toyota dealer for further information when replacing tires or wheels. ■ Handling of tires and the suspension Using tires with any kind of problem or modifying the suspension will affect the driving assist systems, and may cause a system to malfunction. -
Page 260: Downhill Assist Control System
4-5. Using the driving support systems Downhill assist control system (AWD mod- els) With the downhill assist control system, the vehicle is able to descend a steep hill, maintaining a constant low speed of about 5 km/h (3 mph) without brake pedal operation. ■…
Page 261
(There is no problem with continuing to drive normally.) ■ If the slip indicator comes on It may indicate a malfunction in the system. Contact your Toyota dealer. WARNING ■ Conditions which may affect the downhill assist control system opera- tion ●… -
Page 262: Pcs (Pre-Crash Safety System)
4-5. Using the driving support systems ∗ PCS (Pre-Crash Safety system) When the radar sensor detects that a frontal collision is highly likely or even unavoidable, safety systems such as the brakes and seat belts are automatically engaged to lessen impact as well as vehicle damage.
Page 263
4-5. Using the driving support systems Disabling pre-crash safety system Enabled Disabled The pre-crash safety system warn- ing light comes on when pre-crash safety system is disabled. Radar sensor The radar sensor detects vehi- cles or other obstacles on or near the road ahead and determines whether a collision is imminent based on the position, speed, and… -
Page 264
4-5. Using the driving support systems ■ Conditions that may trigger the system even if there is no danger of a collision In any of the following situations where the frontal area of the radar sensor is interrupted, the radar sensor may detect possibility of a frontal collision and the system may be activated. -
Page 265
4-5. Using the driving support systems ■ Obstacles not detected The sensor cannot detect plastic obstacles such as traffic cones. There may also be occasions when the sensor cannot detect pedestrians, animals, bicy- cles, motorcycles, trees, or snowdrifts. ■ Situations in which the pre-crash safety system does not function prop- erly The system may not function effectively in situations such as the following: ●On roads with sharp bends or uneven surfaces… -
Page 266
● Do not attach accessories or stickers to the sensor, grille cover or sur- rounding area. ● Do not modify or paint the sensor and grille cover. ● If the radar sensor needs to be replaced, contact your Toyota dealer. -
Page 267
4-5. Using the driving support systems WARNING ■ Cautions regarding the assist contents of the system By means of alarms and brake control, the pre-crash safety system is intended to assist the driver in avoiding collisions through the process of LOOK-JUDGE-ACT. -
Page 268
4-5. Using the driving support systems ∗ BSM (Blind Spot Monitor) The Blind Spot Monitor is a system that assists the driver in making the decision to change lanes. The system uses radar sensors to detect vehicles that are traveling in an adjacent lane in the area that is not reflected in the outside rear view mirror (the blind spot), and advises the driver of the vehicle’s existence via the outside rear view mirror indicator. -
Page 269
4-5. Using the driving support systems The Blind Spot Monitor detection areas The blind spot that vehicles can be detected in are outlined below. The range of the detection area extends to: Approximately 3.5 m (11.5 ft.) from the side of the vehicle The first 0.5 m (1.6 ft.) from the side of the vehicle is not in the detection area… -
Page 270
4-5. Using the driving support systems ■ Conditions under which the Blind Spot Monitor may not function cor- rectly ●The Blind Spot Monitor may not detect vehicles correctly in the following conditions: • During bad weather such as heavy rain, fog, snow etc. •… -
Page 271
4-5. Using the driving support systems ■ The outside rear view mirror indicators visibility When under strong sunlight, the outside rear view mirror indicator may be dif- ficult to see. ■ When there is a malfunction in the system If a system malfunction is detected due to any of the following reasons, warn- ing messages will be displayed: (→407, 408) ●There is a malfunction with the sensors ●The sensors have become dirty… -
Page 272
If the sensor moves even slightly off position, the system may mal- function and vehicles that enter the detection area may not be detected. If the sensor or surrounding area is subject to a strong impact, always have the area inspected by your Toyota dealer. ● Do not disassemble the sensor. -
Page 273
4-6. Driving tips Winter driving tips Carry out the necessary preparations and inspections before driving the vehicle in winter. Always drive the vehicle in a man- ner appropriate to the prevailing weather conditions. Preparation for winter ● Use fluids that are appropriate to the prevailing outside tempera- tures. -
Page 274
4-6. Driving tips Before driving the vehicle Perform the following according to the driving conditions: ● Do not try to forcibly open a window or move a wiper that is frozen. Pour warm water over the frozen area to melt the ice. Wipe away the water immediately to prevent it from freezing. -
Page 275
4-6. Driving tips Selecting tire chains Use the correct tire chain size when mounting the tire chains. Chain size is regulated for each tire size. Side chain: 3 mm (0.12 in.) in diameter 10 mm (0.39 in.) in width 30 mm (1.18 in.) in length Cross chain: 4 mm (0.16 in.) in diameter 14 mm (0.55 in.) in width… -
Page 276
4-6. Driving tips WARNING ■ Driving with snow tires Observe the following precautions to reduce the risk of accidents. Failure to do so may result in a loss of vehicle control and cause death or serious injury. ● Use tires of the specified size. ●… -
Page 277: Utility Vehicle Precautions
4-6. Driving tips Utility vehicle precautions This vehicle belongs to the utility vehicle class, which has higher ground clearance and narrower tread in relation to the height of its center of gravity. Utility vehicle feature ● Specific design characteristics give it a higher center of gravity than ordinary passenger cars.
Page 278
4-6. Driving tips Off-road driving Your vehicle is not designed to be driven off-road. However, in the event that off-road driving cannot be avoided, please observe the fol- lowing precautions to help avoid the areas prohibited to vehicles. ● Drive your vehicle only in areas where off-road vehicles are permit- ted to travel. -
Page 279
4-6. Driving tips NOTICE ■ To prevent water damage Take all necessary safety measures to ensure that water damage to the engine or other components does not occur. ● Water entering the engine air intake will cause severe engine damage. ●… -
Page 280
4-6. Driving tips… -
Page 281: 5-1. Using The Air Conditioning
Interior features 5-1. Using the air conditioning 5-4. Using the other system and defogger interior features Front manual air Other interior features..314 conditioning system ..280 • Sun visors……314 Front automatic air • Vanity mirrors ….314 conditioning system ..285 • Conversation mirror..315 Rear manual air •…
Page 282: Front Manual Air Conditioning System
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ∗ Front manual air conditioning system Air conditioning controls ■ Adjusting the temperature setting To adjust the temperature setting, turn clockwise (warm) or counterclockwise (cool). is not pressed, the system will blow ambient temperature air or heated air.
Page 283
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ■ Changing airflow modes To change the airflow mode, press Air flows to the upper body. Air flows to the upper body and feet. Air flows to the feet. Air flows to the feet and the windshield defogger operates. Other functions ■… -
Page 284
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ■ Defogging the rear window A defogger is used to defog the rear window. Press The defogger will automatically turn off after a period of time. Air outlets ■ Location of air outlets The air outlets and air volume change according… -
Page 285
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger Front side outlets Direct air flow to the left or right, up or down. Closes the vent Slide the knob to the most out- ward position. Opens the vent ■ Fogging up of the windows ●The windows will easily fog up when the humidity in the vehicle is high. -
Page 286
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ■ Ventilation and air conditioning odors ●To let fresh air in, set the air conditioning system to the outside air mode. ●During use, various odors from inside and outside the vehicle may enter into and accumulate in the air conditioning system. -
Page 287: Front Automatic Air Conditioning System
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ∗ Front automatic air conditioning system Air outlets and fan speed are automatically adjusted according to the temperature setting. Air conditioning controls ■ Adjusting the temperature setting To adjust the temperature setting, turn clockwise to increase the temperature and counterclockwise to decrease the tempera- ture.
Page 288
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ■ Fan speed setting ∧ ” on To adjust the fan speed, press to increase the fan “ ∨ ” to decrease the fan speed. speed and “ Press to turn the fan off. ■… -
Page 289
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger Other functions ■ Switching between outside air and recirculated air modes Press The mode switches between outside air mode (indicator off) and recir- culated air mode (indicator on) each time is pressed. ■… -
Page 290
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger Air outlets ■ Location of air outlets The air outlets and air volume change according selected airflow mode. ■ Adjusting the position of and opening and closing the air out- lets Front center outlets Direct air flow to the left or right, up or down. -
Page 291
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger Closes the vent Slide the knob to the most out- ward position. Opens the vent ■ Using automatic mode Fan speed is adjusted automatically according to the temperature setting and the ambient conditions. Therefore, the fan may stop for a while until warm or cool air is ready to flow immediately after is pressed. -
Page 292
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ■ Air conditioning filter →P. 357 ■ Customization Settings (e.g. A/C auto switch operation) can be changed. (Customizable features →P. 462) WARNING ■ To prevent the windshield from fogging up ● Do not use during cool air operation in extremely humid weather. -
Page 293: Rear Manual Air Conditioning System
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ∗ Rear manual air conditioning system Air conditioning controls ■ Adjusting the temperature setting To adjust the temperature setting, press “ ∧ ” on to increase the temperature and “ ∨ ” to decrease the temperature. ■…
Page 294
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ■ Changing airflow modes To change the airflow mode, press outlets used switched each time the button is pressed. Air flows to the upper body. Air flows to the upper body and feet. Air flows to the feet. -
Page 295
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ■ Adjusting the position of and opening and closing the air out- lets Direct air flow to the left or right, forward or backward. Closes the vent Slide the knob to the rear-most position. -
Page 296: Rear Automatic Air Conditioning System
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ∗ Rear automatic air conditioning system Air outlets and fan speed are automatically adjusted according to the temperature setting. Air conditioning controls ■ Adjusting the temperature setting To adjust the temperature setting, press “ ∧ ” on to increase the temperature and “…
Page 297
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ■ Changing airflow modes To change the airflow mode, press outlets used switched each time the button is pressed. Air flows to the upper body. Air flows to the upper body and feet. Air flows to the feet. -
Page 298
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger Air outlets ■ Location of air outlets The air outlets and air volume change according selected airflow mode. ■ Adjusting the position of and opening and closing the air out- lets Direct air flow to the left or right, forward or backward. -
Page 299
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ∗ ∗ Seat heaters /seat ventilators The seat heaters and ventilators heat the seat and maintain good airflow by blowing air from the seats. ■ Seat heaters Turns the seat heater on The indicator light comes on. -
Page 300
5-1. Using the air conditioning system and defogger ■ The seat heaters and seat heaters/ventilators can be used when The engine switch is in IGNITION ON mode. ■ When not in use Seat heaters Turn the dial fully backward. The indicator light will turn off. Seat heaters/ventilators Set the knob at “0”. -
Page 301: Interior Lights List
5-2. Using the interior lights Interior lights list Rear interior/rear personal lights (→P. 300) Ambient lights (if equipped) Front interior light/front personal lights (→P. 300) Outer foot lights (if equipped) Engine switch light (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) Front door courtesy lights…
Page 302: Interior Lights
5-2. Using the interior lights Interior lights Turns the lights on/off Turns the lights linked to door position on/off Personal lights Turn the light on/off Front Rear…
Page 303
5-2. Using the interior lights ■ Illuminated entry system Vehicles without a smart entry & start system The lights automatically turn on/off according to the engine switch position, whether the doors are locked/unlocked, and whether the doors are open/ closed. Vehicles with a smart entry &… -
Page 304: Features List Of Storage Features
5-3. Using the storage features List of storage features Cup holders (→P. 305) Open tray (→P. 308) Bottle holders (→P. 304) Auxiliary boxes (→P. 307) Glove box (→P. 303) Console box (→P. 303) WARNING ● Do not leave glasses, lighters or spray cans in the storage spaces, as this may cause the following when cabin temperature becomes high: •…
Page 305: Glove Box
5-3. Using the storage features Glove box Unlock with the master key (vehicles without a smart entry & start system) or mechanical key (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) Lock with the master key (vehi- cles without a smart entry & start system) or mechanical key (vehicles with a smart entry &…
Page 306: Bottle Holders
5-3. Using the storage features ■ Tray in the console box The tray slides forward/backward and can be removed. Bottle holders ■ Front ■ Rear…
Page 307: Cup Holders
5-3. Using the storage features ■ When using the bottle holder ●When storing a bottle, close the cap. ●The bottle may not be stored depending on its size or shape. WARNING Do not place anything other than a bottle in the bottle holders. Other items may be thrown out of the holders in the event of an accident or sudden braking and cause injury.
Page 308
5-3. Using the storage features ■ Rear (third seats) ■ Removing the cup holder insert (front cup holder) The cup holder insert may be removed for cleaning. WARNING Do not place anything other than cups or aluminum cans in the cup holders. Other items may be thrown out of the holders in the event of an accident or sudden braking, causing injury. -
Page 309: Auxiliary Boxes
5-3. Using the storage features Auxiliary boxes Overhead Driver’s side instrument panel Push the lid. Pull the tab to open. WARNING ■ Items unsuitable for storing (overhead) Do not store items heavier than 0.2 kg (0.4 lb.). Doing so may cause the auxiliary box to open and the items inside may fall out, resulting in an accident.
Page 310: Open Tray
5-3. Using the storage features Open tray ■ Cable pass through The open tray is provided with a hole that allows cables to be passed through the tray from the USB/AUX port or power outlet. Remove the cover. WARNING ■ Items unsuitable for the open tray Observe the following precautions when putting items in the open tray.
Page 311: Luggage Compartment Features
5-3. Using the storage features Luggage compartment features Cargo hooks Cargo hooks are provided for securing loose items. Grocery bag hooks NOTICE Do not hang any object heavier than 3 kg (6.6 lb.) on the grocery bag hooks.
Page 312
5-3. Using the storage features Auxiliary boxes ■ Center deck under tray Pull the strap upwards to open the center deck board. To secure the center deck board, remove the hook on the backside of the center deck board and attach the hook to the head restraint on the third seats as shown. -
Page 313
5-3. Using the storage features Luggage cover ■ Installing the luggage cover → Fold down the third seats. ( P. 145) To take out the luggage cover unit, lift and remove the center deck board and → side deck board. ( P. -
Page 314
5-3. Using the storage features ■ Removing the luggage cover Release the cover from the left and right anchors and allow it to react. Compress the end of the lug- gage cover and lift up the luggage cover up. ■ Stowing the luggage cover →… -
Page 315
5-3. Using the storage features WARNING ■ When installing/stowing the luggage cover Make sure that the luggage cover is securely installed/stowed. Failure to do so may result in serious injury in the event of sudden braking or a collision. ■ Caution for the luggage cover ●… -
Page 316: Features Other Interior Features
5-4. Using the other interior features Other interior features Sun visors To set the visor in the forward position, flip it down. To set the visor in the side posi- tion, flip down, unhook, and swing it to the side. To use the side extender, place the visor in the side position, then slide it backward.
Page 317: Conversation Mirror
5-4. Using the other interior features Conversation mirror Push the lid. Push the lid back up half way. ■ To use the overhead console from the conversation mirror state Fully close the lid, then open it again. (→P. 307)
Page 318: Clock
5-4. Using the other interior features Clock The clock can be adjusted by pressing the buttons. Adjusts the hours Adjusts the minutes ■ The clock is displayed when Vehicles without a smart entry & start system The engine switch is in the “ACC” or “ON” position. Vehicles with a smart entry &…
Page 319: Outside Temperature Display
Vehicles with color display If the outside temperature is 3°C (37°F) or less, the ice warning indicator flashes 10 times, and then illuminates. ■ When “—” and “E” is displayed The system may be malfunctioning. Take your vehicle to your Toyota dealer.
Page 320: Power Outlets
5-4. Using the other interior features Power outlets The front power outlet alone can be used for 12 V accessories that run on less than 10 A. Additionally, the console box and rear power outlets can be used for 12 V accessories that run on less than 10 A combined.
Page 321
5-4. Using the other interior features ■ The power outlets can be used when Vehicles without a smart entry & start system The engine switch is in the “ACC” or “ON” position. Vehicles with a smart entry & start system The engine switch is in ACCESSORY or IGNITION ON mode. -
Page 322: Rear Sunshades
5-4. Using the other interior features Rear sunshades (if equipped) Pull the tab up. Hook the sunshade on to the anchors. To lower the sunshade, pull the tab up slightly to unhook the shade from the anchors, and lower it slowly.
Page 323: Armrest
5-4. Using the other interior features Armrest Fold down the armrest for use. NOTICE To prevent damage to the armrest, do not apply too much load on the arm- rest. Coat hooks Coat hooks are provided on the rear assist grips. WARNING Do not hang coat hangers or other hard or sharp objects on the hook.
Page 324: Assist Grips
5-4. Using the other interior features Assist grips An assist grip installed on the ceil- ing can be used to support your body while sitting on the seat. WARNING Do not use the assist grip when getting in or out of the vehicle or rising from your seat.
Page 325
Maintenance and care 6-1. Maintenance and care Cleaning and protecting the vehicle exterior ..324 Cleaning and protecting the vehicle interior …328 6-2. Maintenance Maintenance requirements….331 6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Do-it-yourself service precautions ……333 Hood ……..336 Positioning a floor jack..338 Engine compartment..339 Tires……..349 Tire inflation pressure ..353 Wheels…….355… -
Page 326: The Vehicle Exterior
6-1. Maintenance and care Cleaning and protecting the vehicle exterior Perform the following to protect the vehicle and maintain it in prime condition: ● Working from top to bottom, liberally apply water to the vehicle body, wheel wells and underside of the vehicle to remove any dirt and dust.
Page 327
6-1. Maintenance and care ■ When using a car wash (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) If the door handle becomes wet while the electronic key is within the effective range, the door may lock and unlock repeatedly. In that case, follow the fol- lowing correction procedures to wash the vehicle: ●Place the key in a position 2 m (6 ft.) or more separate from the vehicle while the vehicle is being washed. -
Page 328
■ Precaution regarding the rear bumper with Blind Spot Monitor (if equipped) If the paint of the rear bumper is chipped or scratched, the system may mal- function. If this occurs, consult your Toyota dealer. -
Page 329
6-1. Maintenance and care NOTICE ■ To prevent paint deterioration and corrosion on the body and compo- nents (aluminum wheels etc.) ● Wash the vehicle immediately in the following cases: • After driving near the sea coast • After driving on salted roads •… -
Page 330: Cleaning And Protecting The Vehicle Interior
6-1. Maintenance and care Cleaning and protecting the vehicle interior The following procedures will help protect your vehicle’s interior and keep it in top condition: Protecting the vehicle interior Remove dirt and dust using a vacuum cleaner. Wipe dirty surfaces with a cloth dampened with lukewarm water.
Page 331
6-1. Maintenance and care ■ Caring for leather areas Toyota recommends cleaning the interior of the vehicle at least twice a year to maintain the quality of the vehicle’s interior. ■ Shampooing the carpets There are several commercial foaming-type cleaners available. Use a sponge or brush to apply the foam. -
Page 332
6-1. Maintenance and care NOTICE ■ Cleaning detergents ● Do not use the following types of detergent, as they may discolor the vehi- cle interior or cause streaks or damage to painted surfaces: • Non-seat portions: Organic substances such as benzene or gasoline, alkaline or acidic solutions, dye, and bleach •… -
Page 333: Maintenance Requirements
■ Where to go for maintenance service? It makes good sense to take your vehicle to your local Toyota dealer for main- tenance service as well as other inspections and repairs. Toyota technicians are well-trained specialists receiving the latest service information through technical bulletins, service tips, and in-dealership training programs.
Page 334: Maintenance
●Engine coolant temperature continually higher than normal If you notice any of these clues, take your vehicle to your Toyota dealer as soon as possible. Your vehicle may need adjustment or repair.
Page 335: Do-It-Yourself Service Precautions
• Baking soda • Grease Battery condition (→P. 345) • Conventional wrench (for terminal clamp bolts) • “Toyota Super Long Life Coolant” or a similar high quality ethylene glycol-based non-silicate, non- amine, non-nitrite and non-borate coolant with long- Engine coolant…
Page 336
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance WARNING The engine compartment contains many mechanisms and fluids that may move suddenly, become hot, or become electrically energized. To avoid death or serious injury, observe the following precautions. ■ When working on the engine compartment ● Keep hands, clothing and tools away from the moving fan and engine drive belt. -
Page 337
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance NOTICE ■ If you remove the air cleaner filter Driving with the air cleaner filter removed may cause excessive engine wear due to dirt in the air. ■ If the fluid level is low or high It is normal for the brake fluid level to go down slightly as the brake pads wear or when the fluid level in the accumulator is high. -
Page 338: Hood
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Hood Release the lock from the inside of the vehicle to open the hood. Pull the hood lock release lever. The hood will pop up slightly. Pull up the auxiliary catch lever and lift the hood. Hold the hood open by inserting the support rod into the slot.
Page 339
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance WARNING ■ Pre-driving check Check that the hood is fully closed and locked. If the hood is not locked properly, it may open while the vehicle is in motion and cause an accident, which may result in death or serious injury. ■… -
Page 340: Positioning A Floor Jack
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Positioning a floor jack When using a floor jack, follow the instructions in the manual provided with the jack and perform the operation safely. When raising your vehicle with a floor jack, position the jack cor- rectly. Improper placement may damage your vehicle or cause injury.
Page 341: Engine Compartment
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Engine compartment Washer fluid tank (→P. 348) Engine coolant reservoir (→P. 343) Fuse boxes (→P. 362) Battery (→P. 345) Engine oil filler cap (→P. 341) Electric cooling fans Engine oil level dipstick Condenser (→P. 344) (→P. 340) Radiator (→P.
Page 342
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Engine oil With the engine at operating temperature and turned off, check the oil level on the dipstick. ■ Checking the engine oil Park the vehicle on level ground. After warming up the engine and turning it off, wait more than 5 minutes for the oil to drain back into the bottom of the engine. -
Page 343
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ Adding engine oil If the oil level is below or near the low level mark, add engine oil of the same type as that already in the engine. Make sure to check the oil type and prepare the items needed before adding oil. -
Page 344
Dispose of used oil and filters only in a safe and acceptable manner. Do not dispose of used oil and filters in household trash, in sewers or onto the ground. Call your Toyota dealer, service station or auto parts store for information concerning recycling or disposal. ●… -
Page 345
If the coolant level drops within a short time of replenishing Visually check the radiator, hoses, engine coolant reservoir caps, drain cock and water pump. If you cannot find a leak, have your Toyota dealer test the cap and check for leaks in the cooling system. -
Page 346
Radiator and condenser Check the radiator and condenser and clear away any foreign objects. If either of the above parts is extremely dirty or you are not sure of their condition, have your vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. WARNING ■… -
Page 347
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Battery Check the battery as follows: ■ Battery exterior Make sure that the battery terminals are not corroded and that there are no loose connections, cracks, or loose clamps. Terminals Hold-down clamp ■ Before recharging When recharging, the battery produces hydrogen gas which is flammable and explosive. -
Page 348
Take extra care when con- necting the battery if the engine switch mode prior to the battery being dis- connected is unknown. If the system will not start even after multiple attempts, contact your Toyota dealer. WARNING ■… -
Page 349
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance WARNING ■ Where to safely charge the battery Always charge the battery in an open area. Do not charge the battery in a garage or closed room where there is insufficient ventilation. ■ How to recharge the battery Only perform a slow charge (5 A or less). -
Page 350
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Washer fluid If any washer does not work or the warning message appears on the multi-information display, washer tank may be empty. Add washer fluid. WARNING ■ When adding washer fluid Do not add washer fluid when the engine is hot or running as washer fluid contains alcohol and may catch fire if spilled on the engine etc. -
Page 351: Tires
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Tires Replace or rotate tires in accordance with maintenance sched- ules and treadwear. Checking tires Check if the treadwear indicators are showing on the tires. Also check the tires for uneven wear, such as excessive wear on one side of the tread.
Page 352
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Tire rotation Rotate the tires in the order shown. 2WD models: To equalize tire wear and help extend tire life, Toyota recom- mends that tire rotation is carried out approximately every 10000 km (6000 miles). AWD models:… -
Page 353
●A tire goes flat repeatedly or cannot be properly repaired due to the size or location of a cut or other damage If you are not sure, consult with your Toyota dealer. ■ Tire life Any tire over 6 years old must be checked by a qualified technician even if it has seldom or never been used or damage is not obvious. -
Page 354
Do not mix tires of different makes, models or tread patterns. Also, do not mix tires of remarkably different treadwear. ● Do not use tire sizes other than those recommended by Toyota. ● Do not mix differently constructed tires (radial, bias-belted or bias-ply tires). -
Page 355: Tire Inflation Pressure
●Reduced tire life due to wear ●Reduced safety ●Damage to the drive train If a tire needs frequent inflating, have it checked by your Toyota dealer. ■ Instructions for checking tire inflation pressure When checking tire inflation pressure, observe the following: ●Check only when the tires are cold.
Page 356
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance WARNING ■ Proper inflation is critical to save tire performance Keep your tires properly inflated. If the tires are not properly inflated, the following conditions may occur which could lead to an accident resulting in death or serious injury: ●… -
Page 357: Wheels
● Used wheels ● Bent wheels that have been straightened Aluminum wheel precautions ● Use only Toyota wheel nuts and wrenches designed for use with your aluminum wheels. ● When rotating, repairing or changing your tires, check that the wheel nuts are still tight after driving 1600 km (1000 miles).
Page 358
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance WARNING ■ When replacing wheels ● Do not use wheels that are a different size from those recommended in the Owner’s Manual, as this may result in a loss of handling control. ● Never use an inner tube in a leaking wheel which is designed for a tube- less tire. -
Page 359: Air Conditioning Filter
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Air conditioning filter The air conditioning filter must be changed regularly to maintain air conditioning efficiency. Removal method Vehicles without a smart entry & start system: Turn the engine switch to the “LOCK” position. Vehicles with a smart entry & start system: Turn the engine switch off.
Page 360
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Remove the filter cover. Remove the air conditioning fil- ter and replace it with a new one. The “↑UP” marks shown on the fil- ter should be pointing up. ■ Checking interval Inspect and replace the air conditioning filter according to the maintenance schedule. -
Page 361: Wireless Remote Control Electronic Key Battery
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Wireless remote control/electronic key battery Replace the battery with a new one if it is depleted. You will need the following items: ● Flathead screwdriver ● Small flathead screwdriver ● Lithium battery CR2016 (vehicles without a smart entry & start sys- tem), or CR2032 (vehicles with a smart entry &…
Page 362
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Open the case cover using a coin protected with tape etc. and remove the depleted bat- tery using a small flathead screwdriver. Insert a new battery with the “+” terminal facing up. Vehicles with a smart entry & start system Take out the mechanical key. -
Page 363
Use a CR2016 (vehicles without a smart entry & start system) or CR2032 (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) lithium battery ●Batteries can be purchased at your Toyota dealer, local electrical appliance shops or camera stores. ●Replace only with the same or equivalent type recommended by the manu- facturer. -
Page 364: Checking And Replacing Fuses
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Checking and replacing fuses If any of the electrical components do not operate, a fuse may have blown. If this happens, check and replace the fuses as nec- essary. Vehicles without a smart entry & start system: Turn the engine switch to the “LOCK”…
Page 365
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Under the passenger’s side instrument panel Remove the cover and then remove the lid. Remove the fuse with the pull- out tool. Only type A fuses can be removed using the pullout tool. -
Page 366
Type A and B: Replace the blown fuse with a new fuse of an appropriate amperage rat- ing. The amperage rating can be found on the fuse box lid. Type C: Contact your Toyota dealer. Type A Type B Type C… -
Page 367
After a fuse is replaced ●If the lights do not turn on even after the fuse has been replaced, a bulb may need replacement. (→P. 366) ●If the replaced fuse blows again, have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. ■… -
Page 368: Light Bulbs
As there is a danger that components may be damaged, we recommend that replacement is carried out by your Toyota dealer. Preparing for light bulb replacement Check the wattage of the light bulb to be replaced. (→P. 460) Turning off the power back door main switch (if equipped) →P.
Page 369
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Bulb locations ■ Front Headlight high beam Front fog light Front position light Front turn signal light Headlight low beam (halo- gen headlights) ■ Rear Tail light Back-up light Stop/tail light License plate lights Rear turn signal light… -
Page 370
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Replacing light bulbs ■ Headlight low beams (vehicles with halogen headlights) right side only: Remove the washer fluid tank opening. Turn the bulb base counter- clockwise. Unplug the connector while pressing the lock release. Replace the light bulb, and install the bulb base. -
Page 371
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Turn and secure the bulb base. Shake the bulb base gently to check that it is not loose, turn the headlight low beams on once and visually confirm that no light is leaking through the mounting. For the right side only: Install the washer fluid tank. ■… -
Page 372
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Unplug the connector while pressing the lock release. Replace the light bulb, and install the bulb base. Align the 3 tabs on the light bulb with the mounting and insert. Turn and secure the bulb base. Shake the bulb base gently to check that it is not loose, turn the headlight high beams on once and visually confirm that… -
Page 373
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ Front position lights Turn the cover counterclock- wise. Remove the bulb base. Remove the light bulb. Install by conducting with the directions reversed. Install the cover. -
Page 374
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ Front turn signal lights Remove the 2 clips and remove the side cover. Turn the bulb base counter- clockwise. Remove the light bulb. Install by conducting with the directions reversed. Install the side cover and then install the 2 clips. -
Page 375
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ Front fog lights Remove the 3 screws and partly remove the fender liner. Unplug the connector while pressing the lock release. Turn the bulb base counter- clockwise. Install a new light bulb. Align the 3 tabs on the light bulb with the mounting and insert. -
Page 376
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Turn clockwise and secure the bulb base. Install the connector. Shake the connector gently to check that it is not loose, turn the front fog lights on once and visually confirm that no light is leaking through the mounting. When installing the fender liner, install by conducting with the directions reversed. -
Page 377
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ Stop/tail lights and rear turn signal lights Open the back door and remove the 2 screws, and remove the lamp assembly by pulling it directly backward from the rear of the vehicle. Remove the wire harness. Turn the bulb base counterclockwise. -
Page 378
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance Remove the light bulb. Stop/tail lights Rear turn signal lights When installing the light bulb, install by conducting with the directions reversed. Install the lamp assembly and then install the 2 screws. Align the guide ( ) and pin ) on the lamp assembly with the mounting when installing it. -
Page 379
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ Tail lights and back-up lights Open the back door and remove the cover. Insert a flathead screwdriver or similar into the hole at the top of the cover and remove it as shown in the illustration. To prevent damaging the vehi- cle, wrap the flathead screw- driver with a tape. -
Page 380
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance ■ License plate lights Remove the lens. Insert a properly sized screwdriver into the hole of the lens on the inner side and disengage the claw and pry the lens toward the outer side as shown in the illustration. To prevent damaging the vehicle, wrap the tip of the screwdriver with tape. -
Page 381
Temporary condensation build-up on the inside of the headlight lens does not indicate a malfunction. Contact your Toyota dealer for more information in the following situations: ●Large drops of water have built up on the inside of the lens. ●Water has built up inside the headlight. -
Page 382
6-3. Do-it-yourself maintenance… -
Page 383
When trouble arises 7-1. Essential information Emergency flashers …382 If your vehicle has to be stopped in an emergency ….383 7-2. Steps to take in an emergency If your vehicle needs to be towed ……385 If you think something is wrong ……394 Fuel pump shut off system ……395 If a warning light turns… -
Page 384: Emergency Flashers
7-1. Essential information Emergency flashers The emergency flashers are used to warn other drivers when the vehicle has to be stopped in the road due to a breakdown, etc. Press the switch. All the turn signal lights will flash. To turn them off, press the switch once again.
Page 385: To Be Stopped In An Emergency
7-1. Essential information If your vehicle has to be stopped in an emergency Only in an emergency, such as if it becomes impossible to stop the vehicle in the normal way, stop the vehicle using the follow- ing procedure: Steadily step on the brake pedal with both feet and firmly depress it. Do not pump the brake pedal repeatedly as this will increase the effort required to slow the vehicle.
Page 386
7-1. Essential information WARNING ■ If the engine has to be turned off while driving ● Power assist for the brakes and steering wheel will be lost, making the brake pedal harder to depress and the steering wheel heavier to turn. Decelerate as much as possible before turning off the engine. -
Page 387: If Your Vehicle Needs To Be Towed
If your vehicle needs to be towed If towing is necessary, we recommend having your vehicle towed by your Toyota dealer or commercial towing service, using a wheel-lift type truck or flatbed truck. Use a safety chain system for all towing, and abide by all state/ provincial and local laws.
Page 388
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Towing with a sling-type truck Do not tow with a sling-type truck to prevent body damage. Towing with a wheel-lift type truck From the front (2WD models) From the front (AWD models) Release the parking brake. Use a towing dolly under the rear wheels. -
Page 389
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Using a flatbed truck If your vehicle is transported by a flatbed truck, it should be tied down at the locations shown in the illustration. If you use chains or cables to tie down your vehicle, the angles shaded in black must be 45°. -
Page 390
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Emergency towing If a tow truck is not available in an emergency, your vehicle may be temporarily towed using cables or chains secured to the emergency towing eyelets. This should only be attempted on hard surfaced roads for at most 80 km (50 miles) at under 30 km/h (18 mph). -
Page 391
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Emergency towing procedure Take out the towing eyelet. (→P. 419) Remove the eyelet cover using a flathead screwdriver. To protect the bodywork, place a rag between the screwdriver and the vehicle body as shown in the illustration. -
Page 392
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Securely attach cables or chains to the towing eyelet. Take care not to damage the vehicle body. Vehicles without a smart entry & start system: Enter the vehicle being towed and start the engine. If the engine does not start, turn the engine switch to the “ON”… -
Page 393
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency WARNING Observe the following precautions. Failure to do so may result in death or serious injury. ■ When towing the vehicle 2WD models: Be sure to transport the vehicle with the front wheels raised or with all four wheels raised off the ground. -
Page 394
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency WARNING ■ While towing ● When towing using cables or chains, avoid sudden starts, etc. which place excessive stress on the towing eyelets, cables or chains. The towing eye- lets, cables or chains may become damaged, broken debris may hit peo- ple and cause serious damage. -
Page 395
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency NOTICE ■ To prevent damage to the vehicle when towing using a wheel-lift type truck ● Vehicles without a smart entry & start system: Do not tow the vehicle from the rear when the engine switch is in the “LOCK” position or the key is removed. -
Page 396: If You Think Something Is Wrong
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency If you think something is wrong If you notice any of the following symptoms, your vehicle proba- bly needs adjustment or repair. Contact your Toyota dealer as soon as possible. Visible symptoms ● Fluid leaks under the vehicle.
Page 397: Fuel Pump Shut Off System
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Fuel pump shut off system To minimize the risk of fuel leakage when the engine stalls or when an airbag inflates upon collision, the fuel pump shut off system stops the supply of fuel to the engine. Follow the procedure below to restart the engine after the system is activated.
Page 398: On Or A Warning Buzzer Sounds
If the light turns off after the parking brake is fully released the system is operating normally. → Immediately stop the vehicle in a safe place and con- tact your Toyota dealer. Continuing to drive the vehi- cle may be dangerous. Charging system warning light Indicates a malfunction in the vehicle’s charging system…
Page 399
SRS warning light Indicates a malfunction in: • The SRS airbag system; or • The seat belt pretensioner system → Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer immediately. ABS warning light Indicates a malfunction in: • The ABS; or •… -
Page 400
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Warning light Warning light/Details/Actions 2, 5 Open door warning light (warning buzzer) Indicates that one or more of the doors, the back door or the glass hatch is not fully closed → Check that all the doors, the back door and the glass hatch are closed. -
Page 401
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency : Parking brake engaged warning buzzer: →P. 406 : Vehicles with monochrome display : Vehicles with color display : If equipped : Open door warning buzzer: →P. 403 : Driver’s and front passenger’s seat belt buzzer: The driver’s and front passenger’s seat belt buzzer sounds to alert the driver and front passenger that his or her seat belt is not fastened. -
Page 402
If the fuel tank is empty, refuel the vehicle immediately. The malfunction indicator lamp will go off after several trips. If the malfunction indicator lamp does not go off, contact your Toyota dealer as soon as possible. ■… -
Page 403: If A Warning Message Is Displayed
Multi-information display If any of the warning message or indicator comes on again after the following actions have been performed, contact your Toyota dealer.
Page 404
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Warning message and warning buzzer list Warning message Details/Actions Color display only Indicates that: • There is a high possibility of a frontal collision; • The pre-crash braking function is operating A buzzer also sounds. →… -
Page 405
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Warning message Details/Actions Monochrome display Alerts the driver that the vehicle has deviated from the lane (while the LDA [Lane Departure Alert] system is operating) The lane line on the side the vehicle has devi- Color display ated from flashes. -
Page 406
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Warning message Details/Actions Monochrome display Indicates that the hood is not fully closed If the vehicle reaches a speed of 5 km/h (3 mph), flashes and a buzzer sounds to indicate that the hood is not yet fully closed. Color display →… -
Page 407
→ Close the glass hatch. (If equipped) Monochrome display Indicates a malfunction in the Toyota parking assist-sensor The assist-sensors flash. Color display A buzzer also sounds. → Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. -
Page 408
Indicates a malfunction in the EPS (Electric Power Steering) system A buzzer also sounds. → Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. Indicates that the vehicle is being driven at 5 km/h (3 mph) or more with the parking brake still engaged A buzzer also sounds. -
Page 409
Indicates a malfunction in the vehicle’s charging Color display only system. → Immediately stop the vehicle in a safe place and contact your Toyota dealer. Continuing to drive the vehicle may be dangerous. Color display only Indicates that the radar sensor is dirty or covered with ice A buzzer also sounds. -
Page 410
A buzzer also sounds. (If equipped) → Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. Indicates a malfunction in the LDA (Lane Depar- ture Alert) system A buzzer also sounds. -
Page 411
Details/Actions Indicates that the automatic transmission fluid temperature is too high A buzzer also sounds. → Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. Indicates a malfunction in the AWD system A buzzer also sounds. → Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. -
Page 412
Monochrome display Indicates a malfunction in the brake override sys- A buzzer also sounds. Color display → Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. Indicates a malfunction in: • The automatic headlight leveling system; • The Automatic High Beam system; or •… -
Page 413
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Warning message Details/Actions Monochrome display Indicates that the accelerator and brake pedal Color display are being depressed simultaneously → Release the accelerator or brake pedal. (Flashes) Indicates that the washer fluid level is low →… -
Page 414
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Warning message Details/Actions Color display only Indicates that, since the VSC (Vehicle Stability Control) system was turned off, the pre-crash brake system operation is stopped → Turn the VSC on. (→P. 255) (If equipped) Color display only Indicates that the PCS (Pre-Crash Safety sys- tem) is not currently functional because the grille… -
Page 415
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Have the malfunction repaired immediately. (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) After taking the specified steps to correct the suspected problem, check that the warning message and light go off. Interior Exterior Warning message Details/Actions… -
Page 416
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Interior Exterior Warning message Details/Actions buzzer buzzer The driver’s door was opened and closed while the electronic key was not in the vehicle, the shift lever was in P and the engine switch was not turned off. -
Page 417
→ Press the engine switch Once while depressing the brake pedal moving (Flashes) steering wheel left and right. Indicates a malfunction in the smart entry & start system Once → Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. (Flashes) -
Page 418
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Interior Exterior Warning message Details/Actions buzzer buzzer • When doors were unlocked with the mechanical key and then the engine switch was pressed, the elec- tronic could detected in the vehicle. • The electronic key could not … -
Page 419
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Interior Exterior Warning message Details/Actions buzzer buzzer The engine switch has been turned off with the shift lever in Once a position other than P. → Shift the shift lever to P. (Flashes) After the engine switch has been turned off with the shift… -
Page 420
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency If you have a flat tire Your vehicle is equipped with a spare tire. The flat tire can be replaced with the spare tire. For details about tires: →P. 349 WARNING ■ If you have a flat tire Do not continue driving with a flat tire. -
Page 421
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Location of the spare tire, jack and tools Spare tire Towing eyelet Jack handles Jack Wheel nut wrench Adapter socket… -
Page 422
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency WARNING ■ Using the tire jack Observe the following precautions. Improper use of the tire jack may cause the vehicle to suddenly fall off the jack, leading to death or serious injury. ● Do not use the tire jack for any purpose other than replacing tires or install- ing and removing tire chains. -
Page 423
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Taking out the jack Pull the strap upwards to open the center deck board. To secure the center deck board, remove the hook on the backside of the center deck board and attach the hook to the head restraint on the third seats as shown. -
Page 424
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Taking out the spare tire Pull the strap upwards to open the center deck board. To secure the center deck board, remove the hook on the backside of the center deck board and attach the hook to the head restraint on the third seats as shown. -
Page 425
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Attach the adapter socket to the spare tire clamp bolt. Assembling the jack handle. Remove the jack handle and assemble it by following these steps. Loosen the screw. Assemble the jack handle and tighten the screw. Check that the screw is firmly tightened. -
Page 426
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Pull out the spare tire and stand it against the bumper. Remove the inside spare tire cover. Fully depress the secondary latch (A) and remove the hold- ing bracket (B) from the hoist assembly (C). -
Page 427
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Tilt the holding bracket (B) so that it can easily be passed through the wheel opening. After passing holding bracket through wheel opening, remove hoist assembly (C). Remove the outside spare tire cover. -
Page 428
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Replacing a flat tire Chock the tires. Flat tire Wheel chock positions Left-hand side Behind the rear right-hand side tire Front Right-hand side Behind the rear left-hand side tire Left-hand side In front of the front right-hand side tire Rear Right-hand side In front of the front left-hand side tire… -
Page 429
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Raise the vehicle until the tire is slightly raised off the ground. Remove all the wheel nuts and the tire. When resting the tire on the ground, place the tire so that the wheel design faces up to avoid scratching the wheel surface. -
Page 430
Then turn it counter- clockwise at least 2 turns to lower the spare tire. If the spare tire still cannot be lowered, the wire cable may be severed. Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. -
Page 431
• If there are any cracks or deformations in the bolt screws, nut threads or bolt holes of the wheel, have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer. • When installing the wheel nuts, be sure to install them with the tapered ends facing inward. -
Page 432
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Installing the spare tire Remove any dirt or foreign mat- ter from the wheel contact sur- face. If foreign matter is on the wheel contact surface, the wheel nuts may loosen while the vehicle is in motion, causing the tire to come off. -
Page 433
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Stowing the flat tire, jack and all tools Remove the center wheel ornament by pushing from the reverse side. Be careful not to lose the wheel ornament. Stand the spare tire against the bumper with the inner surface facing toward you and install the outside spare tire cover. -
Page 434
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency Lay the tire on the ground with the outer surface (valve stem) facing up. When stowing the tire, make sure that the hoist assembly is Valve stem placed perpendicular to the wheel opening. Using the jack handle and adapter socket, tighten the spare tire clamp bolt by turning it clockwise until the tire is in the correct posi- tion and two clicks are heard as the jack handle skips. -
Page 435
If the spare tire clamp bolt has been turned without a tire on the hoist assembly and the wire cable cannot be raised or lowered, contact your Toyota dealer. -
Page 436: If The Engine Will Not Start
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency If the engine will not start If the engine will not start even though correct starting proce- dures are being followed (→P. 191, 194), consider each of the fol- lowing points: The engine will not start even though the starter motor operates normally.
Page 437
● The battery may be discharged. (→P. 440) ● There may be a malfunction in the steering lock system. Contact your Toyota dealer if the problem cannot be repaired, or if repair procedures are unknown. Emergency start function (vehicles with a smart entry & start… -
Page 438: If The Shift Lever Cannot Be Shifted From P
(a sys- tem to prevent accidental operation of the shift lever). Have the vehicle inspected by your Toyota dealer immediately. The following steps may be used as an emergency measure to ensure that the shift lever can be shifted: Set the parking brake.
Page 439: If The Electronic Key Does Not Operate Properly
Closes the windows and moon roof (turn and hold) (→P. 163, 166) Unlocks all the doors Opens the windows and moon roof (turn and hold) (→P. 163, 166) : If equipped : This setting must be customized at your Toyota dealer.
Page 440
Vehicles with color display: Check that and a message are shown on the multi-information dis- play. Press the engine switch. In the event that the engine still cannot be started, contact your Toyota dealer. -
Page 441
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency ■ Stopping the engine Shift the shift lever to P and press the engine switch as you normally do when stopping the engine. ■ Replacing the key battery As the above procedure is a temporary measure, it is recommended that the electronic key battery be replaced immediately when the battery is depleted. -
Page 442: If The Vehicle Battery Is Discharged
The following procedures may be used to start the engine if the vehicle’s battery is discharged. You can also call your Toyota dealer or a qualified repair shop. If you have a set of jumper (or booster) cables and a second vehicle with a 12-volt battery, you can jump start your vehicle by following the steps below.
Page 443
IGNITION ON mode, then start the vehicle’s engine. Once the vehicle’s engine has started, remove the jumper cables in the exact reverse order from which they were connected. Once the engine starts, have the vehicle inspected at your Toyota dealer as soon as possible. -
Page 444
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency ■ Starting the engine when the battery is discharged The engine cannot be started by push-starting. ■ To prevent battery discharge ●Turn off the headlights and the audio system while the engine is off. ●Turn off any unnecessary electrical components when the vehicle is running at a low speed for an extended period, such as in heavy traffic. -
Page 445
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency WARNING ■ Avoiding battery fires or explosions Observe the following precautions to prevent accidentally igniting the flam- mable gas that may be emitted from the battery: ● Make sure each jumper cable is connected to the correct terminal and that it is not unintentionally in contact with any other than the intended terminal. -
Page 446: If Your Vehicle Overheats
(radia- tor) for any leaks. Radiator Cooling fans If a large amount of coolant leaks, immediately contact your Toyota dealer. The coolant level is satisfactory if it is between the “FULL” and “LOW” lines on the reservoir. Reservoir “FULL”…
Page 447
(The fans may not operate in freezing temperatures.) If the fans are not operating: Stop the engine immediately and contact your Toyota dealer. If the fans are operating: Have the vehicle inspected at the nearest Toyota dealer. -
Page 448
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency NOTICE ■ When adding engine coolant Add coolant slowly after the engine has cooled down sufficiently. Adding cool coolant to a hot engine too quickly can cause damage to the engine. ■ To prevent damage to the cooling system Observe the following precautions: ●… -
Page 449: If The Vehicle Becomes Stuck
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency If the vehicle becomes stuck Carry out the following procedures if the tires spin or the vehicle becomes stuck in mud, dirt or snow: Stop the engine. Set the parking brake and shift the shift lever to P. Remove the mud, snow or sand from around the front wheels.
Page 450
7-2. Steps to take in an emergency WARNING ■ When attempting to free a stuck vehicle If you choose to push the vehicle back and forth to free it, make sure the surrounding area is clear to avoid striking other vehicles, objects or people. The vehicle may also lunge forward or lunge back suddenly as it becomes free. -
Page 451
Vehicle specifications 8-1. Specifications Maintenance data (fuel, oil level, etc.)…450 Fuel information ….461 8-2. Customization Customizable features ..462 8-3. Initialization Items to initialize ….472… -
Page 452
8-1. Specifications Maintenance data (fuel, oil level, etc.) Dimensions Overall length 4865 mm (191.5 in.) Overall width 1925 mm (75.8 in.) Overall height 1730 mm (68.1 in.) Wheelbase 2790 mm (109.8 in.) Front tread 1635 mm (64.4 in.) Rear tread 1630 mm (64.2 in.) : Unladen vehicles… -
Page 453
The vehicle identification number (VIN) is the legal identifier for your vehicle. This is the primary identification number for your Toyota. It is used in registering the ownership of your vehicle. This number is stamped under the right-hand front seat. -
Page 454
8-1. Specifications Engine Model 2GR-FE Type 6-cylinder V type, 4-cycle, gasoline 94.0 × 83.0 mm (3.70 × 3.27 in.) Bore and stroke Displacement 3456 cm (210.9 cu. in.) Valve clearance Automatic adjustment Drive belt tension Fuel Fuel type Unleaded gasoline only Research Octane 91 or higher Number… -
Page 455
■ Engine oil selection “Toyota Genuine Motor Oil” is used in your Toyota vehicle. Use Toyota approved “Toyota Genuine Motor Oil” or equivalent to satisfy the following grade and viscosity. Oil grade: 5W-30 and 10W-30: API grade SL “Energy-Conserving”, SM “Energy-Conserving”… -
Page 456
8-1. Specifications Recommended viscosity (SAE): SAE 5W-30 is the best choice for good fuel economy and Preferred good starting in cold weather. If you use SAE 10W-30 or a higher viscosity engine oil in extremely low temperatures, the engine may become difficult Temperature range anticipated before next oil change to start, so SAE 5W-30 engine… -
Page 457
8-1. Specifications How to read oil container labels: Either or both API registered marks are added to some oil contain- ers to help you select the oil you should use. API Service Symbol Top portion: “API SERVICE SN” means the oil quality designa- tion by American Petroleum Institute (API). -
Page 458
8-1. Specifications Cooling system Capacity (reference) 11.9 L (12.6 qt., 10.5 Imp. qt.) Use either of the following: • “Toyota Super Long Life Coolant” • Similar high-quality ethylene glycol-based non- Coolant type silicate, non-amine, non-nitrite, and non-borate coolant with long-life hybrid organic acid technol- Do not use plain water alone. -
Page 459
NOTICE ■ Automatic transmission fluid type Using automatic transmission fluid other than “Toyota Genuine ATF WS” may cause deterioration in shift quality, locking up of your transmission accompanied by vibration, and ultimately damage the automatic transmis- sion of your vehicle. -
Page 460
Toyota Genuine Differential Gear Oil LT Oil type and viscosity 75W-85 GL-5 or equivalent Your Toyota vehicle is filled with “Toyota Genuine Differential Gear Oil” at the factory. Use Toyota approved “Toyota Genuine Differential Gear Oil” or an equivalent of matching quality to satisfy the above specification. Please contact your Toyota dealer for further details. -
Page 461
8-1. Specifications Steering Free play Less than 30 mm (1.2 in.) Tires and wheels Type A Tire size 245/60R18 105T Tire inflation pres- Front wheel Rear wheel sure kPa (kgf/cm or bar, psi) kPa (kgf/cm or bar, psi) (Recommended cold tire inflation 240 (2.4, 35) -
Page 462
8-1. Specifications Light bulbs Light bulbs Type Halogen headlights High beam Low beam LED headlights High beam Front turn signal lights Front position lights Exterior Front fog lights Rear turn signal lights Back-up lights Stop/tail lights 21/5 Tail lights License plate lights Vanity lights 1.26 Front interior/front personal lights… -
Page 463: Fuel Information
■ Use of ethanol blended gasoline in a gasoline engine Toyota allows the use of ethanol blended gasoline where the ethanol content is up to 10%. Make sure that the ethanol blended gasoline to be used has a Research Octane Number that follows the above.
Page 464: Customization Customizable Features
Your vehicle includes a variety of electronic features that can be personalized to your preferences. The settings of these features can be changed by the meter control switches, on the audio sys- tem screen or at your Toyota dealer. Customizing vehicle features ■…
Page 465
Customizable features Some function settings are changed simultaneously with other func- tions being customized. Contact your Toyota dealer for further details. Settings that can be changed on the audio system screen Settings that can be changed by the meter control switches Settings that can be changed by your Toyota dealer Definition of symbols: O = Available, —… -
Page 466
8-2. Customization Customized set- Function Default setting ting Current fuel — O — consumption Drive information 1 Average fuel economy (after — O — reset) Distance (driv- — O — ing range) Drive information 2 Average fuel economy (after — O — refueling) Driving dis- tance (after… -
Page 467
8-2. Customization ■ Door lock (→P. 104, 112, 437) Customized set- Function Default setting ting Driver’s door All doors unlocked in one Unlocking using a key unlocked in step, all doors — — O one step unlocked in two steps ■… -
Page 468
8-2. Customization ■ Smart entry & start system (→P. 104, 112, 131) Customized set- Function Default setting ting Smart entry & start sys- O — O Number of consecutive As many as 2 times — — O door lock operations desired : If equipped ■… -
Page 469
8-2. Customization ■ Driving position memory (→P. 148) Customized set- Function Default setting ting Selecting the door linking driving position memory Driver’s door All doors — — O with door unlock opera- tion If equipped ■ Power windows and moon roof (→P. -
Page 470
8-2. Customization ■ Moon roof (→P. 165) Customized set- Function Default setting ting Automatic operation — — O Linked operation of com- ponents when mechani- Slide only Tilt only — — O cal key is used (open only) Linked operation of com- ponents when wireless Slide only Tilt only… -
Page 471
Time elapsed before headlights automatically Standard Long — — O turn on ■ Toyota parking assist-sensor (Refer to “Navigation and Multi- media System Owner’s Manual”) Customized set- Function Default setting ting Detection distance of the Near O — O rear center sensor… -
Page 472
8-2. Customization ■ Illumination (→P. 299) Customized set- Function Default setting ting Time elapsed before the 15 seconds 7.5 seconds O — O interior lights turn off 30 seconds Operation after engine switch is turned — — O Operation when —… -
Page 473
8-2. Customization ■ Vehicle customization ●When the smart entry & start system is off, the entry unlock function cannot be customized. ●When the doors remain closed after unlocking the doors and the timer acti- vated automatic door lock function activates, signals will be generated in accordance with the operation buzzer volume and operational signal (Emer- gency flashers) function settings. -
Page 474: Initialization Items To Initialize
8-3. Initialization Items to initialize The following item must be initialized for normal system opera- tion after such cases as the battery being reconnected being performed on the vehicle: Item When to initialize Reference • After reconnecting or chang- Power back door ing the battery P.
Page 475: Index
Index What to do if… (Troubleshooting) …..474 Alphabetical index ……480…
Page 476
You lose your keys ● If you lose your keys or mechanical keys, new genuine keys or mechanical keys can be made by your Toyota dealer. (→P. 101) ● If you lose your keys or electronic keys, the risk of vehicle theft increases significantly. -
Page 477
What to do if… (Troubleshooting) If you think something is wrong The engine does not start (vehicles without a smart entry & start system) ● Is the shift lever in P? (→P. 191) ● Is the steering wheel unlocked? (→P. 191) ●… -
Page 478
What to do if… (Troubleshooting) The shift lever cannot be shifted from P even if you depress the brake pedal ● Vehicles without a smart entry & start system: Is the engine switch in the “ON” position? If you cannot release the shift lever by depressing the brake pedal with the engine switch in the “ON”… -
Page 479
What to do if… (Troubleshooting) The engine switch is turned off automatically (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) ● The auto power off function will be operated if the vehicle is left in ACCES- SORY or IGNITION ON mode (the engine is not running) for a period of time. -
Page 480
What to do if… (Troubleshooting) A warning buzzer sounds when leaving the vehicle (vehicles with a smart entry & start system) ● Is the electronic key left inside the vehicle or the moon roof open? Check the message on the multi-information display. (→P. 401) A warning light turns on or a warning message or indicator is displayed ●… -
Page 481
What to do if… (Troubleshooting) When a problem has occurred If you have a flat tire ● Stop the vehicle in a safe place and replace the flat tire with the spare tire. (→P. 418) The vehicle becomes stuck ● Try the procedure for when the vehicle becomes stuck in mud, dirt, or snow. -
Page 482: Alphabetical Index
Alphabetical index Alphabetical index Airbags ……..33 Airbag operating conditions ..39 Airbag precautions for Air conditioning filter….357 your child ……35 Front automatic air Airbag warning light ….397 conditioning system …. 285 Correct driving posture … 26 Front manual air Curtain shield airbag conditioning system ….
Page 483
Alphabetical index Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) ……..252 Back door ……… 112 Function …….. 252 Back-up lights Warning light ……397 Replacing light bulb ….366 Armrest ……..321 Wattage …….. 460 Assist grips ……322 Battery ……..345 Audio input Battery checking …. -
Page 484
Alphabetical index Child safety …….. 42 Airbag precautions….35 Care……..324, 328 Back door precautions ..119 Aluminum wheels….325 Battery precautions..346, 443 Exterior……..324 Child restraint system ….. 43 Interior……..328 Glass hatch precautions ..128 Seat belts ……329 How your child should wear Cargo hooks…… -
Page 485
Alphabetical index Clock ……… 316 Coat hooks ……. 321 DAC (Downhill Assist Condenser …….. 344 Control system)….258 Console box ……303 Daytime running light Conversation mirror ….315 system……..208 Cooling system ……343 Deck board ……. 310 Engine overheating ….444 Defogger Cruise control Outside rear view mirrors.. -
Page 486
Alphabetical index Doors Back door……112 Eco Driving Indicator ….92 Door lock……. 104 EDR (Event data recorder)..8 Door windows ……. 161 Electric Power Steering Open door warning buzzer..132 (EPS)……..253 Open door warning Function …….. 253 light ……398, 403 Warning light…… -
Page 487
Alphabetical index Engine……..452 “ACC” position……. 191 Flat tire……..418 ACCESSORY mode ….. 195 Floor mats ……..24 Compartment ……339 Fluid Engine switch….191, 194 Automatic transaxle ….457 Hood ……..336 Brake ……..458 How to start the Washer ……… -
Page 488
Alphabetical index Front seats ……. 139 Adjustment ……139 Hands-free system Cleaning…….. 328 (for cellular phone) Correct driving posture….26 Head restraints ……152 Driving position memory ..148 Headlights …….. 207 Head restraints…… 152 Automatic High Beam Seat heaters……297 system …….. -
Page 489
Alphabetical index Identification ……451 Keyless entry Smart entry & start system … 104 Engine……..451 Wireless remote Vehicle ……..451 Ignition switch control……105, 113 (engine switch) ….191, 194 Keys ……….98 Illuminated entry system..301 Battery-saving function ..133 Immobilizer system ….68 Electronic key …… -
Page 490
Alphabetical index Maintenance Lane Departure Alert (LDA) ..245 Do-it-yourself maintenance… 333 Language (multi-information Maintenance data ….450 display)……. 85, 90 Maintenance LDA (Lane Departure Alert) ..245 Lever requirements …… 331 Auxiliary catch lever ….336 Malfunction indicator lamp..396 Hood lock release lever .. -
Page 491
Alphabetical index Multi-information display (with color display)….87 Navigation system Audio system-linked….87 Drive information…..89 Dynamic radar cruise Odometer……..80 control……… 231 Off-road precautions ….275 LDA (Lane Departure Alert) ……..245 Differential oil ……458 Navigation system-linked ..87 Engine oil ……453 Settings display…….90 Opener Switching the display …. -
Page 492
Alphabetical index Parking brake ……206 Radar cruise control (dynamic radar cruise control) ….. 231 Operation ……206 Radiator ……..344 Parking brake engaged warning buzzer … 396, 406 Radio Parking brake engaged Radio Data System (RDS) warning message ….406 Rear automatic air conditioning system ….. -
Page 493
Alphabetical index Replacing Seats ……… 139, 141 Electronic key battery…. 359 Adjustment….139, 141 Fuses ……..362 Adjustment Light bulbs……366 precautions….140, 147 Tires ……..418 Child seats/child restraint Wireless remote control system installation ….54 battery……… 359 Cleaning…….. 329 Roof rails …….. -
Page 494
Alphabetical index Shopping bag hooks ….309 Stuck Side airbags …….33 If the vehicle becomes Side mirrors……159 stuck ……..447 Adjusting and folding….. 159 Sun shade BSM (Blind spot monitor) ..266 Rear ……..320 Mirror position memory ..148 Roof …….. -
Page 495
“SNOW” button ….. 201 Rotating tires……350 Talk switch Size……..459 Telephone switches Snow tires ……274 Toyota parking assist-sensor Spare tire ……418 Vehicle-to-vehicle distance Tools ……… 419 button……..231 Top strap ……..62 VSC OFF switch ….254 Toyota parking assist-monitor Window lock switch…. -
Page 496
Alphabetical index Traction Control (TRC) …. 252 Trailer towing ……182 Warning buzzers Transmission ……200 Brake system ……396 Automatic transmission..200 Downshifting ……203 If the shift lever cannot Electric power steering be shifted from P ….436 system …….. -
Page 497
Alphabetical index Warning messages ….401 Washer……216, 220 Checking ……. 348 Preparing and checking before winter……. 271 Switch ……216, 220 Washing and waxing ….324 Wheels ……..355 Replacing ……355 Size ……..459 Window glasses……. 161 Window lock switch….162 Windows …….. -
Page 498: Gas Station Information
72.0 L (19.0 gal., 15.8 Imp. gal.) (Reference) Fuel type Unleaded gasoline only P. 452 Cold tire inflation P. 459 pressure Engine oil capacity (Drain and refill — P. 453 reference) “Toyota Genuine Motor Oil” or equivalent Engine oil type P. 453…