Мотолэнд 200 квадроцикл мануал

  • #1

Зима кончилась снегоход в гараже. На лето купил китайца «квадроцикл» , а вернее скутер на 4-х колесах Motoland ATV 200 ALL ROAD. Ни инструкции , ни электросхемы. Может есть у кого?

  • #2

Вообще снегоходная часть форума демократичней, там куча дешевых китайцев.

  • #3

Вообще снегоходная часть форума демократичней, там куча дешевых китайцев.

Фуух…еле нашла вашу тему.
Расскажите, что за чудо очередное, где и почем? Муж у меня тоже скучает

  • #4

Хорошая Вы жена, моя вздохнула , дочь укоризненно взглянула, папа тратит деньги на всякую ерунду..

  • #5

Народ помогите, сразу решил поменять масло. В движке без проблем. В редукторе сливное вроде нашел, а вот куда заливать и сколько? Только не надо гадать, пишите кто точно знает.


  • #6

Фуух…еле нашла вашу тему.
Расскажите, что за чудо очередное, где и почем? Муж у меня тоже скучает

Что написать, самый дешевый китай. Брутальный вид обеспечен пластиком. Без пластика тележка.
Зато легкий, можно толкать в одиночку. Заводится стартером, ручного пуска нет. Заводится пока с полтыка, батарея вроде держится не плохо.
Вибрация конечно ощутима очень, но не больше чем на снеже. Зато глушитель получше глушит. Поезжу напишу.

  • #7

Здравствуйте , у вас варик или мкпп?

  • #8

Здравствуйте , у вас варик или мкпп?


  • #9

В любом мужчине, где то глубоко спит пацан.
Мой проснулся сегодня! На все мои вопли «Осторожней, аккуратней!», он отвечал воплем «Й-Й-Й-о-хо-хо». Хорошо, что до того как он проснулся, я успел одеть шлем …
На улице весна, огромные лужи и грязь, в общем в душ потом можно было идти не раздеваясь.

Да простят меня матерые гонщики на квадроциклах, сегодня только впечатления, технические подробности завтра.



  • #10

Зима кончилась снегоход в гараже. На лето купил китайца «квадроцикл» , а вернее скутер на 4-х колесах Motoland ATV 200 ALL ROAD. Ни инструкции , ни электросхемы. Может есть у кого?

Есть мысль, что у вас такой же двигатель на квадре ,как и на вашем снежике, посмотрите внимательно , если так, то можно воспользоваться мануалом по ирбису -150.На Ютубе по ирбису куча видео как и что менять. Я три или четыре года назад менял масло в кпп, заливал обычную трансмиссионку от авто.Сложностей никаких нет.

  • #11

Есть мысль, что у вас такой же двигатель на квадре ,как и на вашем снежике, посмотрите внимательно , если так, то можно воспользоваться мануалом по ирбису -150.На Ютубе по ирбису куча видео как и что менять. Я три или четыре года назад менял масло в кпп, заливал обычную трансмиссионку от авто.Сложностей никаких нет.

К сожалению у меня 200 и на 150 снеже ничего похожего (иначе я и не спрашивал бы.)

  • #12

Самое интересное , чо в найденных мной инструкциях на 200-тые упоминается только замена масла в движке, редукторе (КПП) ни слова.

  • #13

А теперь о технике:
1. Он легкий, по сравнению со снегоходом, его легко толкать одному, высоко расположенные трубчатые багажники для этого очнь удобны.
2. Привод на задние колеса (цепь), но широкие с тракторными шишками колеса делают его довольно таки проходимым. Сейчас весна , по лесным дорогам есть все и сухой песок и огромные грязные лужи и снег. Проехал куда хотел, в одной с ледяными краями луже забуксовал , слез поднял задницу ему и вытолкнул сильно не напрягаясь. см п.1
3.Вибрация от движка сильная, но ее хорошо ощущаешь по ровной дороге, По бездорожью не до вибрации.
4. Подвеска жесткая она предохраняет квадр, а не вашу задницу, поэтому на колдобинах лучше привстать на ноги.
5.Купите специальную одежду или найдите дома то что скоро все равно выкидывать, На багажники ствте вещи только непромокаемых сумках. Грязь от него летит во все стороны .
7. Купите шлем, он мне пригодился в первые же покатушки.
8. Стоит крохотный топливный фильтр и это радует.
9. Топливный кран ручной, все время забываю его открывать. Самый прикол, что закрытым краном квадр спокойно заводится и ездит еще минут 5. После того как глохнет, вы матерясь толкаете его обратно домой см.п.1 и там вдруг обнаруживаете, что забыли открыть кран.
10. Ручной заводки нет, только стартер. Батарея в комплекте неплохая, во всяком случае мои попытки завести квадр с закрытым топливным краном она выдержал играючи..
11. Бардачка нет. Просто нет. Готовьтесь все размещать на внешних багажниках.

Хватит пока, завтра продолжу.

  • #14

12. Руль туговат и руками приходится поработать. Один раз на бездорожье руль я даже не удержал. Есть регулировка (конструктивно ) схождения и развала , так как инструкции нет, придется методом тыка, так как курс он не держит приходится все время подруливать.
13. Горловина бака высокая, но расположена близко к рулю и чтобы залить бензин нужна воронка с хоботом . Крышка имеет маленькое отверстие в центре. Кода я один раз завалился набок из него ударила тоненькая но плотная струйка бензина, хорошо что я тут же вскочил и поставил квадр на колеса. Но вполне можно представить ситуацию когда это будет довольно опасно.
14. Главный недостаток полное отсутствие мануала. Те инструкции , что прислал мне продавец и те что я нашарил в инете отличаются жуткой неконкретностью. Практически ни одной цифры. Например после обкатки предписывается отрегулировать клапана, а какие ставить зазоры ни слова, и так по любому вопросу.
15. Ни тахометра ни спидометра нет. Есть лампочки D-N-R и счетчик моточасов.
16. Бензин ест даже экономней чем снегоход.
17. Он точно сделан для одного. Пассажира наверное можно посадить, пока не пробовал. Но явно будет тесно и неудобно, а главное очень опасно.
18 . Курок газа лучше чем на снеже, он смещен вниз от оси рукоятки. Гораздо меньше опасность, при рывке, крепче сжав руль прибавить газу.
19 . Защита звездочки вполне работает. Не знаю выдержит ли она пенек . Но я сел ей на песчаный бугор, так что задние колеса крутились в воздухе. Пришлось слезть и см п.1

В общем как утилитарное транспортное средство он не очень пригоден, если есть Нива или даже кроссовер, на рыбалку лучше ездить на них.
Преимущество только в легкости, вытолкать его в одиночку досточно просто. Может вы где то не проедете и вернетесь но не сядете на мертво это точно.
Зато как не странно все удовольствия экстрима на нем можно получить вполне. Тем более, что не крутая конструкция требует не просто давить на газ но думать головой.А цена и легкость, позволяют экспериментировать смело.

  • #15

Вообще все квадры этой категории похожи как близнецы. Поменять что ли название темы на «ATV 200, задний привод, цепь»

  • #16

К стати я тут обнаружил, что не во всем виноваты китайцы. Оказывается многое зависит от продавца.
Когда я пришел к продавцу оказалось, что квадр из торгового зала уже продан, а другой только начали собирать из транспортных ящиков. Мы зашли в мастерскую и я с удивлением увидел россыпь деталей и узлов. В сборе был только движок. Так что если у вас раскручиваются гайки тд и тп то виноват скорее не далекий китаец , а наш родной российский сборщик. К моему я пока претензий не имею.

  • #17

Не могу найти масляный фильтр, похоже его и нет.

  • #18

Решил проверить давление в шинах, и меня чуть столбняк не стукнул. При отсутствии внешних предпосылок одном колесе 100кПа в другом 10 кПа , внешне ни какой разницы (см фото выше) , а сколько надо? Нашел в инструкции на похожий квадр 32-38кПа на автомобильном насосе это зона нечувствительности. как проконтролировать? Накачал по манометру глядя через лупу. Проехался, внешне разницы ни какой, на асфальте стал идти повязче, зато по кочкам стал гораздо мягче, попе по бездорожью гораздо приятнее. Завтра возьму насос с собой, буду экспериментировать.

  • #19

Решил проверить давление в шинах, и меня чуть столбняк не стукнул. При отсутствии внешних предпосылок одном колесе 100кПа в другом 10 кПа , внешне ни какой разницы (см фото выше) , а сколько надо? Нашел в инструкции на похожий квадр 32-38кПа на автомобильном насосе это зона нечувствительности. как проконтролировать? Накачал по манометру глядя через лупу. Проехался, внешне разницы ни какой, на асфальте стал идти повязче, зато по кочкам стал гораздо мягче, попе по бездорожью гораздо приятнее. Завтра возьму насос с собой, буду экспериментировать.

Накачивайте 0,3-0,4 ,это рекомендованное давление для таких квадров.Можно спустить воздух до нуля и тоже можно будет ездить, покрышки до земли не просядут , но могут начать проворачиваться на ободе .

  • #20

Самое интересное , чо в найденных мной инструкциях на 200-тые упоминается только замена масла в движке, редукторе (КПП) ни слова.

В таком случае может быть что картер кпп и двигателя это одно целое(как на мотоциклах ).

  • #21

А вот и неприятности начались. Сегодня начала на ходу вырубаться скорость вперед. Думал все приехали. Включаю R потом снова D , метров 10-100 едет и снова вырубается (рычаг на месте). Делать нечего надо как то домой ехать. Так рывками иногда со скрежетом проехал около 2 км, Выбрался на нормальную грунтовку, остановился. От рычага к КПП (редуктору) идет хитрая тяга. Отломил палку, одним концом под плечо КПП к которому тяга о рычага идет. На другой давлю ногой. Едет не вырубается! Ура! Периодически правд палка соскакивает и все повторяется. Пытался изменить длину тяги , но набор ключей (китайских в комплекте) надо было сразу выкинуть. Так живописно, с метровым дрыном торчащим из движка я и доехал до дому. Буду надеяться что достаточно будет отрегулировать тягу и не придется разбирать КПП.
Я не расстраиваюсь это входит в программу развлечений.

  • #22

Сегодня устранял неисправность.Вывесил Задний мост. Снял кожух подножки. Отсоединил тягу от плеча (не знаю как назвать коротенький рычаг торчащий из редуктора) редуктора. Проворачивая колесо и перемещая плече посмотрел в каких положениях плеча находятся D-N-R. D оказалось в крайнем до упора положении, так как D наиболее используемая передача плясал от нее. Поставил рычаг на D , удлинил тягу по максимуму (ключ 11 придерживать тягу когда ослабляешь или затягиваешь контргайку ключом на 10.) а так при регулировке крутишь рукой. Присоединил тягу обратно еще нужен ключ на 8. Рычагом попереключал передачи и вращая колесо убедился , что все переключатся правильно. Проверил все на ходу. Поставил кожух . Вообще регулировка этой тяги должна делаться периодически, так как щелчков фиксатора положений в редукторе я не услышал не почувствовал. Т.е положение шестерен в том числе при движении определяется положением рычага и длинной тяги.

Наконец то поменял масло в редукторе, но это другая история.

  • #23

В таком случае может быть что картер кпп и двигателя это одно целое(как на мотоциклах ).

Нашел заливное отверстие! И масло уже поменял.

  • #24

Наконец нашел заливное отверстие редуктора. Сливное снизу срзу нашел, а заливное не видно было пока не снял кожух подножки со стороны вариатора. Головка сливного и заливного болтов на 12, заливной болт расположен сбоку вплотную к пластмассовой крышке вариатора и помечен зеленой краской. Крышка очень мешает подлезть к нему ключом или головкой. Специально купил накидной ключ на12 и обточил на наждаке. Масло залил шприцом без иглы (масло надо залить меньше стакана пока не польется обратно). Масо залил Лукойл минералку ТМ-5 (SAE 80W-90

  • #25

Наконец нашел заливное отверстие редуктора. Сливное снизу срзу нашел, а заливное не видно было пока не снял кожух подножки со стороны вариатора. Головка сливного и заливного болтов на 12, заливной болт расположен сбоку вплотную к пластмассовой крышке вариатора и помечен зеленой краской. Крышка очень мешает подлезть к нему ключом или головкой. Специально купил накидной ключ на12 и обточил на наждаке. Масло залил шприцом без иглы (масло надо залить меньше стакана пока не польется обратно). Масо залил Лукойл минералку ТМ-5 (SAE 80W-90

ТМ-5 SAE 80W-90 — это же масло для грузовиков, или это не важно? Может лучше использовать что-нибудь для мотоциклов, типа Ликви моли Motorbike Gear Oil 75W-90?

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Квадроцикл Motoland 200 WILD TRACK X

Максимальная скорость ~ 70 км/ч
Размер (ДхШхВ) 180х110х115 см.
Нагрузка 200
Привод Задний
Сиденье Кожаное
Кол-во мест 1
Вес 155 кг
Производитель (Бренд) Motoland
Рекомендуемый возраст ≤ 14 лет
Освещение передняя фара — линзованная (ближний, дальный свет)
Колеса Штампованные
Дорожный просвет 280 мм
Тормоз задние/передние дисковые
Подножка есть
Модули и комплекты Ручной стартер
Двигатель бензиновый
Мощность двигателя (л.с) 16
Охлаждение двигателя воздушное
Объем двигателя (см3) 200
Цилиндров в двигателе 1
Высота по седлу (мм) 830
Число тактов 4
Цепь 428
Трансмиссия (коробка передач) вариатор+реверс
Кол-во передач 1
Тип топлива 92 бензин
Передняя подвеска независимая 2-х рычажная, на шаровых опорах с 2-я амортизаторами
Задняя подвеска маятниковая с моноамортизатором
Колесная база 1250 мм
Передние шины 10″
Задние шины 10″
Карбюратор SHENG WEY для двигателя 161 QMK

Свет фарЗвуковые эффектыБагажникКлаксон (сигнал)Автозапуск двигателя Чека аварийной остановки двигателяLCD панельСчетчик моточасовФаркоп

* Производитель оставляет за собой право без уведомления дилера менять характеристики, внешний вид и комплектацию товара. Указанная информация не является публичной офертой. Всю информацию уточняйте у менеджеров.
Вес упаковки: 155 кг.Объем упаковки : 2.28 м3

Motoland 200 WILD TRACK X — квадроцикл, сочетающий в себе удобство, простоту обслуживания и хорошую проходимость в разных условиях использования. Отлично подойдет как подросткам, так и взрослым.

  • Максимальная скорость: 70 км/ч.
  • Максимальная нагрузка: 200 кг.
  • Размер собранной модели: 1800х1100х1150 мм.


  • Комфортное управление и передвижение за счет отлично настроенной подвески.
  • Мощный 4-хтактный двигатель объемом 200 см3.
  • Колеса на 10 дюймов, которые легко справятся с любыми неровностями дороги.
  • Панель приборов, линзованная оптика с диодными ДХО и люстрой, литые диски, ручной стартер.

Обеспечьте безопасность

Шлем — необходимый элемент экипировки! Он защищает голову, лицо и глаза от повреждений и травм.

Перчатки защитят ваши руки от повреждений и травм при возможных падениях, согреют в холодную погоду.

Мотозащита обеспечит безопасность при падениях, минимизирует вероятность травм, убережет в неблагоприятную погоду.

Чехол защищает поверхность и детали квадроцикла от загрязнений и неблагоприятной погоды.

Защита рук — полезный аксессуар, который убережет ваши руки от ветра и сильных ударов, и сведет к минимуму получение травм.

Наколенник служит надежной защитой колена от травм, ушибов, переломов и предметов, которые отскакивают от колес.


Cамовывоз из магазина по адресу: ул. Фучика 8 пом. 121.

При самовывозе действуют дополнительные акции, бонусы и подарки, подробности уточняйте у менеджеров.

Бесплатная курьерская доставка товаров до 10кг. в пределах города и в пределах КАД. Обращаем внимание, что при бесплатной доставке разгрузка осуществляется силами клиента. Для расчета стоимости подъема и сроков доставки можно обратиться к менеджерам по любому телефону, указанному на сайте магазина.

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Александр Медведев

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ATV 200 Service Manual

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Summary of Contents for ATV 200

  • Page 2
    BRIEF INTRODUCTION TO FOUR-WHEELED CROSS-COUNTRY VEHICLE MODEL 200 ATV Four-wheeled cross -country vehicle, model 200 ATV is a full road condition vehicle which can be driven on every kinds of road conditions such as sand beach, grassland, forest, village,construction site country road , This maintenance manual of four-wheeled vehicle model 200ATV (Hereafter called cross -country vehicle for short) compiled by Chongqing Industries Co., Ltd is specially provided for saler and technical staff of our Group.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    (2) Lubrication diagram ………………….27 Section 9 Lubrication point and type of lubricants …………….29 (1) Lubrication point and type of lubricants(ATV body) …………29 (2) Lubrication point and type of lubricants(Engine) …………… 30 Chapter II Maintenance and adjustment of vehicle …………….31 Section 1 Periodic maintenance/ lubrication ………………

  • Page 4
    (IV) Front fender ……………………37 Section 3 Maintenance and adjustment of vehicle body …………..39 (I) Wear inspection of front and rear brake …………….39 (II) Adjustment of front brake ………………..39 (III)Adjustment of free clearance of left lever and rear brake pedal ……… 40 (IV) Position adjustment of steering lever …………….
  • Page 5
    (VII) Installation ……………………75 Section 2 Front wheel and front brake ………………..76 (I) Disassembly ……………………76 (II) Inspecting procedures …………………. 78 (III) Installation procedures ………………..81 Section 3 Rear wheel/Rear brake/Rear wheel axle …………….84 (I) Removal steps ……………………85 (II) Inspection steps …………………..
  • Page 6
    (III) If the HB indicated lamp is out of work …………….141 Chapter V Engine ……………………..142 Section 1 Disassembly of engine ………………….. 142 (I) Remove the engine from finished ATV …………….142 (II) Disassembly of engine …………………. 145 section 2 Inspection and maintenance of engine …………….155 Section 3 Assembly and adjustment of engine ………………
  • Page 7: Chapter I General Description

    15.Front luggage carrier 16.Clutch handle 17.Main switch lock 18.Throttle grip 19.Right lever of front brake 20. Left switch unit Caution: The ATV you purchased maybe slightly differ from the pictures in the manual due to improvement or other changement. — 1 -…

  • Page 8: Section 2 Special Tools, Instruments & Meters

    Section 2 Special tools, instruments and meters (I) Special tools Special tools is the necessary tools used for accurately adjustment and assembly, it is helpful to prevent the maintenance defects and components damage caused by using im- proper tools. 1.Wrench for valve adjustment mainly used for adjusting valve clearance. Specification: 3mm 90890-01311 2.Puller for piston pin, mainly used of removing piston pin.

  • Page 9: (Ii) Instruments & Meters

    (II) Instruments and meters The following instruments and meters can be selected with reference to the same type of vehicle. speedometer of engine multimeter (90890-03113) Ignition timing meter spark tester of spark plug (90890-03141) barometer ignition checker measuring tool of gasolining dial indicator (90890-01312) — 3 -…

  • Page 10: Section 3 Identification Code, And Engine No

    3.1 When disassembling to maintain the other people. engine, in order to ensure that the reassembled 1.4 When disassembling the ATV, put the engine have good sealing and connecting part mated components, such as gear pairs, is fixed and reliable, all the oil seal, shim, o- cylinder, piston and other “mated”…

  • Page 11
    4. Clip 4.1Before assembling, be sure to check all the clips carefully.Use a new one after re- moving the clip of piston pin. When mounting clip ring ¢Ùmake the sharp face ¢Úon the op- posite position of impacted face ¢Ûof clip. (see left fig) 5.Locking washer /shim and location pin 5 .
  • Page 12
    7.Check of electric parts 7.1 Check the rust, dirt and moisture etc. of connector, if there is moisture, please blow it dry and clear the rust and dirt. 7.2 The electrolyte inside the battery is a kind of corrosive, when operating exercise shall be taken not to let the electrolyte splash on the body.
  • Page 13
    b. If joint is slack, bend the plug pin upward, then connect with connector plug(see fig7.5) 7.6 Before mounting new fuse, check if the load of fuse of components is right, espe- cially for the portion being burned broken regularly, then mount the fuse having proper current value.
  • Page 14: Section 5 Specification

    Section 5 Specification (I) How to use conversion table of unit (1)How to use conversion table All the specified documents in this manual are taken SI and Metric as unit. With the following conversion table, metric unit could be conversed into imperial unit. METRIC MULTIPLY IMPERIAL…

  • Page 15: Ii.basic Specification

    II.Basic specification Item Specification Specification Item Shifting type Dimension: Overall length 1940mm 1st speed 2.769 Overall width 1050mm 2nd speed 1.882 Overall height 1160mm 3rd speed 1.400 Height of cushion 810mm 4th speed 1.130 Axle base 1160mm 5th speed 0.960 Front wheel distance 785mm Reverse gear…

  • Page 16: Iii.atv Body

    III.ATV body Item Standard Limit Steering system Powder metallurgic sliding bearing Type of steering bearing Spoke rim, tubeless tire Type Steel plate Material of rim Front AT 23 ¡Á7-10 Size of tire wheel AT 10 ¡Á5.5 Size of rim Radial runout of rim 2.0mm…

  • Page 17: Iv.electric System

    Item Standard Limit 10N/mm/0-117mm Elastic coefficient of spring K1 Front Free length of suspending spring 293mm suspen- sion Stoke of shock absorber 117mm system Pre-tension force of spring is Can’t adjustable adjsutable or not 49N/mm/0-85mm Elastic coefficient K2 Rear Free length of suspending spring 263mm suspen- sion…

  • Page 18
    Item Standard Limit At 20¡æ(68 F),189-231¦¸ Blue black Resistance of induction coil/colour Magneto Resistance of source coil /colour At 20¡æ(68 F),470-530¦¸ Yellow/green-red Type of C.D.I Electric capacity contactless type 14.1-14.9V No-loading adjusting voltage Rectifier Voltage-resisting value 200V A.C magneto Type Charging Rated ouput voltage At 2000r/min 14-15V…
  • Page 19: Maintenance Specification Of Engine

    V.Maintenance specification of engine Item Limit Standard Axle drive Meshing clearance of last end gear 0.1-0.2mm Meshing clearance of middle gear(forward) 0.1-0.2mm Meshing clearance of middle gear(backword) 0.10-0.25mm Lubrication system: Wire filtering net Type of filtering oil Rotor type,pressure splash type lubrication Type of oil pump 0.05mm Clearance of side…

  • Page 20
    Standard Valve spring Outside spring: Free length:intake/exhaust 37.2mm Setting length when valve is closed: 32.0mm Compressing pressure when asembling:intake/exhause 162.8-200.1N Limit value of squareness:intake/exhaust 2.5¡ã/1.6mm Twisting direction of spring(top view):intake/exhaust Clockwise Valve,Valve seat,valve guide Valve clearance(it s cold):intake 0.05-0.09mm exhaust 0.11-0.15mm…
  • Page 21
    Item Standard Limit value Piston -0.01 §¶6 3 -0.03 Piston size”D” 11.5mm Measuring point’H”(from bottom line of piston’s lower portion) 0.5mm Piston offset Inward Direction of piston offset 0.035mm 0.06mm Clearance between piston and cylinder §¶1 5 -0.006 Outside diameter of piston pin 16.002-16.013mm Inside diameter of pin hole +0.01…
  • Page 22: Section 6 Wiring Diagram Of Atv

    Section 6 Wiring diagram of ATV (I)Technical explanation and requirement, details of relative component. 1.Technical explanation 14 and No.15.don’t need to put through the A Main switch wire, indicator wire, mile- guide clip of holding seat of steering bar.(see age meter wire (mounting digital mileage fig.E-E)

  • Page 23
    Vent-pipe of battery 2.Technical requirement SSA4-230000-0 Vent-pipe of front ¢ÙIn the drawing, the wiring condition and position for all kinds of wires on the ATV body Wire of headlight is marked. When assembling the finished ATV, SSA4-230000-0 Rear brake cable…
  • Page 24: (Ii) Wiring Diagram(1)

    (II)Wiring diagram(1) Fig.1 Fig.2 — 18 -…

  • Page 25: (Iii) Wiring Diagram(2)

    (III)Wiring diagram(2) Fig.3 Fig.4 View F — 19 -…

  • Page 26: (Iv) Wiring Diagram(3)

    (IV)Wiring diagram(3) View C View A — 20 -…

  • Page 27: Section 7 Requirements For Torque Of Fastener

    (I)ATV body Torque value of fastener Tightening torque of Remark Name of Size of Locking component and fastener of ATV body Q’ty location of ATV body component thread Nm m.kg ft.lb Front wheel rim and front brake hub M10 ¡Á1.25 Front brake hub and steering vertical post units M12 ¡Á1.25…

  • Page 28
    Tightening torque of Remark Name of Size of Locking component and fastener of ATV body Q’ty location of ATV body component thread Nm m.kg ft.lb Bolt M8 ¡Á16 Bolt Rear fender and rear luggage carrier M6 ¡Á20 Bolt M10 ¡Á22 Left&right foot rest and frame…
  • Page 29: Engine

    (II) Engine Torque value of fastener Tightening torque of Name of Size of Locking component and fastener of ATV body Q’ty Remark location of ATV body component thread Nm m.kg ft.lb Observing screw hole of cylinder head Cap shaped nut…

  • Page 30
    Tightening torque of Locking component and Name of Size of fastener of ATV body Q’ty Remark location of ATV body component thread Nm m.kg ft.lb Bolt Exhaust pipe Screw Crankcase(closing case) Screw Left side cover Screw Left crankcase cover Screw…
  • Page 31: General Torque Specification

    Tightening torque of Name of Size of Locking component and fastener of ATV body Q’ty Remark component thread location of ATV body Nm m.kg ft.lb Shift pedal Bolt Magneto stator Screw Neutral switch Reverse gear switch Hand-started driving disc Screw pin…

  • Page 32: Section 8 Lubrication

    Section 8 Lubrication Standard Item (I) Lubrication oil way :Pressure :Splashing oil Piston/cylinder Piston pin Connecting rod Valve Crank Camshaft Rocker Automatic centrifugal clutch Bearing Spindle Fine filter Branch valve Sprocket chamber Driving shaft Oil pump Middle gearbox Rough filter — 26 -…

  • Page 33: Lubrication Diagram

    (II) Lubrication diagram 1. Oil draining plug 8. Oil pump driving gear 2. O-ring 9. Camshaft 3. Compressing spring 10. Crankcase 4. Rough filter 11. Crank 5. Oil pump washer 12. Spindle 6. Oil pump assy 13. Driving shaft 7. Oil pump driven gear 14.

  • Page 34
    1. Single-direction valve 8. Single-direction bearing(automatic centrifu- 2. Engine oil fine filter gal clutch) 3. Engine oil filter cover 9. Crank pin 4. O-ring 10. Crank pin 5. Clip 11. Spindle 6. camshaft 12. Driving shaft 7. Rocker — 28 -…
  • Page 35: Section 9 Lubrication Point And Type Of Lubricants

    Section 9 Lubrication point and type of lubricants (I)Lubrication point and type of lubricants(ATV body) Lubrication point Type of lubricants Lip of oil seal (full) Light lithium-base grease O-ring (full) Light lithium-base grease Steering shaft(upper end,lower end) Light lithium-base grease…

  • Page 36: Lubrication Point And Type Of Lubricants(Engine)

    (II)Lubrication point and type of lubricants(Engine) Lubrication point(name of component) Type of lubricant Lip of oil seal Light lithium-base grease (Crank,shift gear shaft,spindle,shift gear operation shaft) All bearing Lubricating-oil (Crank spindle main shaft, driving shaft, output shaft, balancing shaft,shift gear camshaft, pneumatic camshaft) O-ring Light lithium-base grease (Contact position of o-ring)

  • Page 37: Chapter Ii Maintenance And Adjustment Of Vehicle

    Chapter II MAINTENANCE AND ADJUSTMENT OF VEHICLE Note: The correct maintenance and adjustment are necessary to ensure vehicles, normal driving.The repair personnel should be familiar with the contents of this article. Section 1 Periodic Maintenance/Lubrication Every Every time Item Requirement month month month…

  • Page 38: Section 2 Disassembly And Assembly Of Cushion, Fender And Fuel Tank

    Section 2 Diassembly and assembly of Cushion, Fender and Fuel tank (1) Cushion 1.Disassembly ¢Ù (1) Place the vehicle on the horizontal ground. (2) Disassemble the cushion ¢Ù Pull the cushion lock lever ¢Úupward, then raise the tail part of cushion. By that, you can disassemble the cushion.

  • Page 39: (Ii) Rear Fender

    (II) Rear fender 1.Disassembly (1)Place the vehicle on the horizontal ground. (2)Disassemble the rear luggage carrier ¢Ù ¢Ù (3)Disassemble the cushion (see the centents of cushion disassembly in this section) (4)Disconnect the negative wire ¢Ýand posi- tive wire ¢Ü of battery. ¢à…

  • Page 40
    2.Installation Operate according to reverse procedure of “Disassembly”.Pay attention to the following points: (1)Install: Rear fender Bolt ¢Ù (rear fender and frame).The torsion is 7N.m. Bolt ¢Ùand rubber hood of protecting plate (rear fender and frame).The torsion is 7N.m. ¢Ù (2)Install: a.Battery ¢Ù…
  • Page 41: (Iii)Fuel Tank

    (III)Fuel tank 1.Disassembly (1)Place the vehicle on the horizontal ground. (2)Disassemble the cushion (see“Cushion disassembly”of this section) (3)Remove the air hose ¢Ùon the fuel tank cover. (4)Remove: ¢Ù a.Bolt¢Ú, flat washer 30, installing bushing of upper cover of fuel tank, washer and rubber hood 2 of fuel tank.

  • Page 42
    2.Installation Operate according to reverse procedure of “Disassembly”,and pay attention to the follow- ing points: (1)Install the fuel tank (2)Connect a.Air inlet pipe and hose b.Supporting pad of air pipe and air rubber pipe Caution The convex part on the ring should be forward when installing the Supporting pad of air pipe.
  • Page 43: (Iv)Front Fender

    (IV)Front fender 1.Disassembly: (1)Place the vehicle on the horizontal ground. (2)Disassemble the front luggage carrier ¢Ù. ¢Ù (3)Disassemble the front guarding plate ¢Ú. ¢Ú (4)Cut off the connecting wire¢Û of headlight. (from connecting point) (5)Disassemble the bumper ¢Ü. ¢Ü ¢Û (6)Disassemble the front fender ¢Ý.

  • Page 44
    2.Installation: ¢Û Operate according to reverse procedures of “Disassembly”. (1)Install: a.Front fender ¢Û b.Bolt. The fastening torque is 7N.m c.Bolt. rubber hood of protecting plate:The fastening torque is 7N.m (2)Install the bumper ¢Ü. The fastening torque of bolt (bumper and frame)is 16N.m.
  • Page 45: Section 3 Maintenance And Adjustment Of Vehicle Body

    Section 3 Maintenance and Adjustment of Vehicle Body (I)Wear inspection of front&rear brake 1.Check the front brake (1)Brake the vehicle with front brake (2)Check: .Wear indication ¢Ù .If the wear indication reach the wear limit mark ¢Ú ,replace the brake shoe assy. Refer to section“Front wheel and front brake”in chapter VII.

  • Page 46: (Iii)Adjustment Of Free Clearance Of Left Lever And Rear Brake Pedal

    2.Adjustment Adjusting procedure of free clearance of right lever: .Loosen the locking nut ¢Ù,and rotate the cable adjusting screw ¢Úclockwise to reduce the tension of front brake cable. .Check the cable joint ¢Üof balancer¢Û to ex- amine the balance. .If unbalanced. rotate the two adjusting nuts ¢Ý…

  • Page 47
    2.Adjust .Free clearance of rear brake pedal Adjusting procedure: Caution Before adjusting, tread the rear brake pedal 2-3times. .Loosen the locking nut completely, and screw in the cable adjusting screw completely. .Loosen the adjusting nut of rear brake cable and adjusting nut of rear brake pedal. .Tighten up the adjusting nut of rear brake pedal until gaining correct clearance: Free clearance (rear brake pedal ): 20-30mm.
  • Page 48: (Iv)Position Adjustment Of Steering Lever

    (IV)Position adjustment of steering lever .Position adjusting procedure of steering lever. .Place the vehicle on the flat ground. .Change the shift to the 1st gear, and pull the steering lever to reverse gear position. .Loosen the locking nut .Screw in or out the adjusting nut of steering lever until the middle line of the tension rod plate aims at the alignment mark…

  • Page 49: (Vi)Replacement Of Engine Oil Of Rear Driving Gear Case

    (VI)Replacement of engine oil of rear driving gear case. 1.Place the vehicle on the flat ground. 2.Place an oil catcher under the rear driving gear case. 3.Remove: .Below cover of gear case. .oil filling screw plug .oil draining screw plug Drain out the engine oil of the rear driving gear case.

  • Page 50: (Vii) Rubber Sleeve Inspection Of Rear Wheel Fork

    (VII) Rubber sleeve inspection of rear wheel fork Check .Rubber sleeve If damaged or worn, replace it. Refer to the 6th section “Rear shock absorber and rear wheel fork” of chapter3. (VIII)Inspection of steering system 1.Place the vehicle on the flat ground 2.Check: .Clamp seat of steering vertical column and sliding bearing on the lower end of steering…

  • Page 51: (Ix)Adjustment Of Toe-In Of Front Wheel

    (IX)Adjustment of toe-in of front wheel 1.Rest the motorcycle on the flat ground 2.Measurement: .Toe-in .Adjust if out of specification .Adjustment steps of toe-in. .Mark the centers of tire thread of two front wheels. .Lift the front end of motorcycle to keep the front wheel from force.

  • Page 52: (X) Inspection Of Front/Rear Shock Absorber

    (X)Inspecion of front/rear shock absorber 1.Rest the motorcycle on the flat ground 2.Inspection: .Ball joint assy (Upper part of front shock ab- sorber ). If broken/damaged. replace the front shock absorber. .Rear shock rod(Rear shock absorber) If scraped/damaged. replace the rear shock absorber .Oil leakage If the heavy oil leakage of front /rear shock…

  • Page 53: (Xii) Inspection Of Tire

    .Tire characteristics 1)Quality characteristics of tire will affect the driving reliability of ATV. The following types of tires reliability by our company be used safely by this motorcycle. If adopt other tires it will cause the disadvantageous effect.So they are out of recommendation.

  • Page 54: (Xiii)Inspection Of Rim

    1.Measurement .Tire pressure(normal atmospheric temperature): If out of specification, adjust. Caution .The manometer of tire belongs to spare parts of the motorcycle(Never use the high pressure). .If the foreign matters such as dust, etc. are ab- sorbed in the tire pressure manometer, the read- ing of the meter will be not correct, at the moment, the second measurement should be conducted and the second measurment reading…

  • Page 55: Section 4 Maintenance And Adjustment Of Electrical Appliance

    Section 4 Maintenance and Adjustment of Electrical Appliance (I)Inspection of battery Warning: The electrolyte is dangerous article, which in- cludes sulphuric acid, so it is poisonous and corrosive. .Please operate by the following steps: a.Avoid the body touching the electrolyte so as to protect the eye from burn or damage.

  • Page 56: (Ii)Inspection Of Fuse

    5.Inspection of battery If damaged, replace it 6.Installment of battery ¢Û 7.Connect .Battery electrode(positiove electrode ¢Ù negative electrode ¢Ú ) First connect the positive electrode ¢Ù ¢Ú 8.Installment: ¢Û ¢Ù ¢Ü a.Battery clamp plate ¢Ü b.Cushion (II)Inspection of fuse Caution Close the main switch when checking or re- placing the fuse, otherwise, it will cause the short circuit.

  • Page 57: (Iii)Replacement Of Headlight Lamp

    2.Replacement of fused fuse Replacement steps: .Cut off ignition and circuit. .Install the qualified fuse .Start the power for electrical appliance inspection. .If the fuse fused, inspect the system again Refer to “Elelctrical Appliance”of Chapter Four 3.Installment of fuse cover (III)Replacement of headlight lamp 1.Cut off .Connecting wire terminal of headlight ¢Ù…

  • Page 58
    a l l Ù ( ¢ Ú i Û ¢ ¢ a t . e l . t i n i l l l i f i t y b i l l i g e . I Ù ¢ t i v a t .
  • Page 59: Section 5 Maintenance And Adjustment Of Engine

    Section Five Maintenance and Adjustment of Engine (I)Adjustment of clutch Adjustment steps: a.Loosen the locking nut b.Turn the adjusting screw rod counterclock- wise slowly up to be unable to turn,then turn1/ 8 clockwise, and fasten the adjusting screw rod to this position and tighten up the locking nut with the torque of N.m.

  • Page 60
    3.Remove a.Air filter core ¢Ù b.Foam supporting cylinder¢Ú Caution Never start the engine without filter, other- wise the piston and cylinder will be overworn. 4.Inspect a.Air filter core ¢Ù b.Form supporting cylinder¢Ú If damaged, replace it. 5.Clean foam supporting cylinder. Clean off the dust on the inner surface of the foam sup- porting cylinder with compressed air.
  • Page 61: (Iii)Inspection Of Spark Plug

    (III)Inspection of spark plug 1.Rest the vehicle on the flat ground and clean the spark plug with compressed air to avoid the dust entering the engine. 2.Remove the spark plug ¢Ù The standard spark plug type: D8EA, If not correct, replace it. 3.Inspection of spark plug ¢Ù…

  • Page 62: (Iv)Adjustment Of Idle Speed

    (IV)Adjustment of idle speed 1.Rest the vehicle on the flat ground 2.Start the engine and preheat it at the speed of 1000-2000r/min, after several minutes, in- crease the engine speed to 4000-5000r/min. 3.Set the specified idle speed through adjust- ing the throttle adjusting screw ¢Ù , Screw in to increase the engine speed and screw out to decrease the speed.

  • Page 63: (Vi)Adjustment Of Speed Limitator

    (VI)Adjustment of speed limitator: The speed limitator can limit the throttle in full opening condition when the throttle grip is pulled to the Max position, screwing the ad- juster inward can stop increasing the speed. 1.Adjust speed limiting length@ Adjustment steps: ¢Ù…

  • Page 64: (Vii)Adjustment Of Valve Clearance

    (VII)Adjustment of valve clearance. Caution The valve clearance should be adjusted only after the engine is cold, the valve clearance should be adjusted when the piston is at the end point position of compress stroke. 1.Removal: 1)Rest the vehicle on the flat ground 2)Remove a.Cushion (Refer to section two “Cushion Removal”of this chaper)

  • Page 65
    b.Make the mark“T”on the rotor is align with the mark on the crankcase. When it is done that is the piston lies ties in top dead center (TDC) c.Inspection of top dead center in pressure stoke: (i)When the mark on the rotor is align with the mark on the crankcase,the two arms must have clearance.
  • Page 66: (Viii)Adjustment Of Timing Chain Tension

    3.Installation: Carry out it according to opposite steps of “Removal”. (1)Mount: a.Valve cap (Side of outlet door) b.Valve cap (Side of inlet door) Caution (i)Project of valve cap ¢Ù ¢Úshould be up ¢Û when mounting. (ii)Check if O-ring ¢Üis damaged. if any, re- place it immediately.

  • Page 67: (Ix)Inspection Of Ignition Timing

    (IX)Inspection of ignition timing Notice: Before checking the correct timed ignition adjust the engine idle speed and free clear- ance of throttle grip to correct position. 1.Put the vehicle on the flat ground. 2.Start the engine for pre-heating ,and then stop the engine.

  • Page 68: (X)Measuring Of Compressive Force

    (X)Measuring of compressive force Caution Inadequate compressive force will reduce the engine performance. Before measuring compressive force. Valve clearance should be adjusted first (refer to “Ad- justment of valve clearance section). 1.Put the vehicle on the flat ground. 2.Take off spark plug. 3.The following is steps of measuring com- pressive force: a.Install pressure gauge and change connector.

  • Page 69: (Xi) Inspection Oil Quantity Of Engine

    d.If the pressure is lower than the min,value: (i)Drop some oil to action cylinder. (ii)Measure the pressure again Compression force(The machine oil has been filled in the cylinder) Compressure read Reason Piston or piston ring is Read is highter than one before filling worn or damaged Piston ring, throttle…

  • Page 70: (Xii)Replacement Of Engine Oil And Inspection Of Oil Flow

    b.Turn out the dipstick entirely, and clean it, then insert it back into oil hole. c.Take out the dipstick to check if the oil level is between the Max. value and the Min. value. d.If the oil quantity is too small, fill some en- gine oil to make the oil quantity get to proper quantity.

  • Page 71
    t i o Ù , r t s ¢ Ü i f i l Û , f f i l ¢ ¢ i l t Û , f t e r f i l Ú , ¢ ¢ f i l Ý…
  • Page 72
    11.Mount dipstick 12.Preheat engine for 5 minutes or more, and then stop. 13.Check the oil flow Inspection steps: a.Loosen the bolt of cylinder head lightly. b.Start the engine for racing until the machine oil squeeze out from oil tunnel. If there is no machine oil out for one minute, stop the en- gine at once for avoiding the engine is damaged.
  • Page 73: Chapter Iii Repair And Maintenance Of Vehicle Body

    Chapter III Repair and Maintenance of Vehicle body Section 1Rear Driving Gear Case and Driving Shaft (I)Trouble .Trouble judging guidance Performance Possible reason 1.When the vehicle accelerates, decelerates or is in idle A.Damaged bearing start, there appears stop or irregular run-out with abnormal B.Improper clearance noise (pay attention not to confuse with trouble of engine) C.Damaged gear…

  • Page 74: (Iii)Trouble-Shooting Table

    to check the rust of bearing which will cause jam. Caution A little metal corpuscle in oil is normal. 3. Check the oil leakage Check according to following procedures. a.Clean the whole vehicle totally, then wipe and dry it. b.Paint inspecting solvent of oil leakage or dry powder on the transmission shaft c.Only enough examining distance (Suggestion ¡Ý…

  • Page 75: (Iv)Disassembly

    (IV)Disassembly Warning Support the vehicle firmly and ensure no turn- over 1.Drain the oil: The oil of rear driving gear case Refer to 3rd section“Replacement of engine oil of rear driving gear case”of chapter2. 2.Disassemble 1)Cushion 2)Rear luggage carrier 3)Rear fender Refer to 2nd section“rear fender”of chapter 3.Disassemble 1)Rear wheel(left)

  • Page 76
    1.disassembly ¢Ù a.Remove bolt¢Ù M6 bolt ¢ÚM8 ¢Ú Caution Remove the bolts alternately. Loosen each bolt by 1/4 circle, and remove them after all of them are loosened. b. Disassemble: ¢Ù 1)Rear driving gear case body ¢Ù 2)Annular gear pad ¢Ú 3)Shift gear ¢Û…
  • Page 77
    d.Disassemble Tap the main driving gear lightly with soft hammer,and remove the main driving gear¢Ù (with thrust pad ¢Úand bearing ¢Û) Caution If it is necessary to replace the gear, should remove the main driving gear firstly. Do not use the original bearing thrust pad. Replace them.
  • Page 78: (V)Inspection

    (V)Inspection 1.Check the gear teeth of bevel gear pair ¢Ù Cave/scratch /wear ¡úreplace the main driv- ing gear and shift gear in set 2.Check oil seal ¢Ú 3.Check O-ring ¢Û If damaged, replace it. 4.Check the bearing ¢Ü If damaged, replace it. Caution The bearing can be used repeatedly.

  • Page 79: (Vi)Pad Choice Of Main Driving Gear And Shift Gear

    (VI)Pad choice of main driving gear and shift gear 1.Choice of main driving gear pad: Work out the main driving gear pad thickness“A”= =84 add or subtract the number engraved on the main driving =83.5 add or subtract the number engraved on the driving gear case body.

  • Page 80
    2.Choice of shift gear pad Shift gear pad ¢Ù Choosing procedures: Work out the pad thickness “B”front follow- ing formula “B”= =45.5adds or subtracts the number en- graved on the driving gear case body. =1 adds or subtracts the number engraved on the driving gear case cover.
  • Page 81: (Vii)Installation

    (VII)Installation: T h e p r o c e d u r e i s t h e r e v e r s a l o f “disassembly”.But pay attention to following points: 1.Install the needle bearing(small)on main driv- ing gear: Procedures:a.Warm the case body to 150¡æ…

  • Page 82: Section 2 Front Wheel And Front Brake

    Section 2 Front wheel and Front Brake Technical Parameter Item Parameter Ser No. Tire specification AT23 ¡Á7-10 Rim dimension 5.5 ¡Á10 Standard value 20KPa(Standard value) Tire air pressure(normal Min value 17KPa(Min value) temperature) Max value 23KPa(Max value) Radia runout Runout End face runact Tire wear limit value Wear limit value of friction wafer…

  • Page 83
    3)Disassemble split pin¢Ù , slotted nut¢Ú,plain washer ¢Û,front brake ¢Ü and gasket ¢Ý . 4)Disassemble adjusting nut¢Ù, pin¢Ú, spring ¢Û , circlip ¢Ü spring ¢Ýand circlip¢Þ. 5)Remove the front brake cable and front brake air pipe. ¢Ú 6)Disassemble brake shoe assy ¢Ùand front cover assy ¢Ú…
  • Page 84: Ii.inspecting Procedures

    II.Inspecting procedures 1.Check Front wheel:refer to “Tire inspection”and “Hub inspection”of chapter2. 2.Measure Radial runout of front wheel:If exceeding the specified limit, replace the front wheel or check the bearing clearance(¢Ùin figure) Attached:Rim runout limit: Radial runout 2.0mm(¢Úin figure) End face runout 2.0mm(¢Ûin figure) 3.Check: Tire surface:If worn or damaged, replace it.

  • Page 85
    4.Check Friction wafer:polish the surface needing polishment with rough sand paper. 5.Measure Thickness of friction wafer of brake: if it does not conform to specified thickness, replace it . Attached: Thickness of friction wafer of brake:4.0mm Wear limit :2.0mm Caution ¢Ù…
  • Page 86
    9.Check ¢ÙIf the bearing ¢Ùof front brake hub runs out in brake hub or front wheel runs out when rotating, replace the bearing. ¢ÚIf the oil seal ¢Úis worn or damaged, re- place it. ¢ÙReplacing procedures of front wheel bear- ing and oil seal Wash the outer side of brake hub ¢ÚRemove the oil seal ¢Ùwith plain screw…
  • Page 87: (Iii)Installation Procedures

    (III)Installation procedures: The installation procedure is the riversal of “Disassembly ”.But pay attention to the fol- lowing points: 1.Lubrication:as shown in figure: ¢ÙDust-proof seal ¢ÚBearing ¢ÛCam shaft ¢ÜRotating pin seat ¢Ý“O”sealing ring Attached:use lithium base grease Warning When installing the cam shaft and rotating pin seat, should apply a little grease firstly.

  • Page 88
    4.Install Brake shoe assy Do not apply lubricating grease on brake fric- tion wafer. 5.Connect a.front brake air pipe. b. connect the front brake cable with brake cover. 6.Install (as shown in figure) ¢ÙCirclip ¢ÚSpring ¢ÛCirclip ¢ÜSpring ¢ÝPin ¢ÞAdjusting nut 7.Install(as shown in figure) ¢ÙFront brake hub ¢ÚGasket, O-ring 17 ¡Á1.8G…
  • Page 89
    9.Installment: When installing the front wheel¢Ù , the fasten- ing torque of connecting nut¢Úof front and rear wheels is 55N.m. The rotation direction of front wheel (A) is the arrow direction marked on the tire. 10.Adjustment Free clearance of front brake cable R e f e r t o t h e “…
  • Page 90: Section 3 Rear Wheel/Rear Brake/Rear Wheel Axle

    Section 3 Rear wheel/rear brake/rear wheel axle Technical Parameter Item Parameter Ser No. Tire specification AT22¡Á10-10 Rim dimension 8.5 ¡Á10 Standard value 25KPa(Standard value) Tire air pressure(normal Min value 22KPa(Min vlaue) temperature) Max value 28KPa(Max value) Radia runout Runout End face runout Wear limit of tire Wear limit of friction disk Rear brake hub wear limit…

  • Page 91: (I)Removal Steps

    (I)Removal steps 1.Loosen the connecting nuts of front and rear wheels. 2.Stop up the front wheel with wood, then put a proper supporting article under the frame so as to lift the rear wheel and make the rear wheel leave the earth. ¢Ù…

  • Page 92
    8.Removal:(the ser.No as shown on the drawing) ¢ÙAdjusting nut, pin and spring of rear brake arm and rear brake tension rod assy. 9.Removal: ¢ÚRear brake cable ¢ÛRear brake tension rod assy ¢ÜAir pipe of rear brake 10.Removal: ¢ÙRear brake bearing block ¢ÚRear brake hub 11.Removal: ¢ÙTension spring…
  • Page 93: (Ii)Inspection Steps

    (II)Inspection steps: 1.Inspection When inspecting the real wheel, refer to “tire Inspection”,“Rim inspection”Section of chap- ter Two. 2.Measurement: a.radial runout of rim b.tire surface Refer to“Front wheel and Front Brake Inspection”Section of this chapter 3.Inspection ¢ÙRear wheel connection plate ¢Ù ,If cracks or damage is found, replace it.

  • Page 94
    8.Inspection(The Ser.No as shown on the drawing) ¢ÙInner surface of rear brake hub If there is some engine oil or scraped markings, remove it and treat it ,the method of treat is as the follows. Removal of engine oil:Clean with cloth dipped in volatile diluent or volatile solvent.
  • Page 95
    13.Measurement The radial runout of the position @on the rear wheel axle is:0.2, if out of specification, repalce it. Attached:The radial runout limit of rear wheel axle:0.5mm Warning If the axle is bent, do not straighten it forcefully. 14.Inspection: ¢ÙBearing on the rear wheel axle Rotate the rear wheel axle, if the axle shakes left and right in the bearing or runout axially, It indicated that the bearing is heavily worn…
  • Page 96: (Iii)Installment Steps

    (III)Installment steps: The reversal steps of “removal steps”,that is installment steps.Pay attention to the follow- ing points when installing: 1.Lubrication part ¢ÙOil seal lip of rear wheel axle. ¢ÚBearing of rear wheel axle. The corresponding spline tooth of rear wheel axle.

  • Page 97
    5.Installment ¢ÙCam shaft of rear brake ¢Ù ¢ÚIndicating plate of brake ¢Ú ¢ÛRear brake arm assy ¢Û Caution When installing the brake indicating plate ¢Ú to rear brake can shaft ¢Ù,be sure to align the projective part@of brake indicating plate ¢Ú with the concave part of rear brake cam shaft ¢Ù…
  • Page 98
    8.Installment Brake shoe assy 9.Lubrication Dust-proof seal Lubrication oil for dust-proof seal:lithium base grease. Warning The lubrication oil is not allowed to be used for brake shoe assy, the lithium base grease is used for rear brake hub spline groove. Warning The lubrication oil is not allowed to be used for spline on the right end of rear wheel axle,…
  • Page 99
    15.Installment split pin4 ¡Á30 ¢Ù Caution After fastening the forque, the nut on the rear wheel axle is not allowed to be loose. If the nut concave groove is not align with the split hole on the screw rod, make it by tightening up the nut.
  • Page 100: Section 4 Steering Operation System

    Section 4 Steering Operation System (I)Removal steps of steering bar 1.Removal Front luggage carrier Bumper Front fender Refer to chapterTwo.Section Two 2.Removal Main switch lock wire “Neutral”indicating light wire “Reverse”indicating light wire “High beam”indicating light wire Clutch switch wire 3.Removal ¢Ù…

  • Page 101: (Ii)Removal Steps Of Steering Vertical Column Welding

    (II)Removal steps of steering vertical column welding 1.Plain move ¢ÙThe locking part of locking pad as shown 2.Removal ¢ÚBolt M8 ¡Á60 ¢ÛLocking washer ¢ÜClip assy 3.Removal Install the steering vertical column with split 2.25 ¡Á24 Nut M10 Washer 10 4.Removal Split pin Nut M12 ¡Á1.25 Tension rod…

  • Page 102: (Iii)Inspection Content

    (III)Inspection content 1.Check if the steering bar is cracks bent, is bent or damaged. If it is, replace it. 2.Inspect if the steering vertical column weld- ing assy is bent or damaged. if it is, replace it Warning In order to avoid decreasing the performance of steering vertical column, if it is bent do not straighten it forcefully.

  • Page 103: (Iv)Installment Steps

    6.Adjustment Assembly length of tension rod Adjustment steps of tension rod assembly length Loosen the connecting nut (A).(B) Adjusting the assembly length of tension rod by rotating the tension rod. Attached:Tension rod assembly length @: 297mm (A)Right-hand thread (B)Left-hand thread Connect (C)position to the steering vertical col- umn welding assy.

  • Page 104
    2.Lubricate the steering vertical column holder ¢Ùand seal ring ¢Úduring installing the steer- ing vertical column welding. 3.Installment Install the seal ring ¢Ùto the steering vertical column welding, then install bushing¢Ú, finally install the steering vertical column holder¢Û. Caution: Never damage the seal ring when installing. 4.Installment When installing the steering vertical column holder and steering vertical column welding take…
  • Page 105
    7.Mounting split pin¢Ù Caution Don’t loosen the nut after the torque is fixed. If the nut recess is not correspondence with split pin hole on the double -screw bolt, tighten the nut to align them. Warning Always use new split pin 8.Tighting After mounting the washer,nut, split pin under the steering vertical column.
  • Page 106: (V)Installation Steps Of Steering Bar

    (V)Installation steps of steering bar 1.Install the lower holding seat¢Ù , steering tube ¢Ú and upper holding seat ¢Û . Warning When tightening the bolt of holding seat, make ensure the even of clearance Attached:bolt torque:20Nm 2.Install the throttle grip unit Caution The projection of throttle grip must correspond to the sunken part on the right lever seat when…

  • Page 107: Section 5 Front Shock Absorber And Front Wheel Fork

    Section 5 Front shock absorber and Front wheel fork (I)Disassembly: 1.Take off front luggage carrier, bumper, front fender. Refer to the second section of chapter2 Disassemble the front wheel front brake hub. brake shoe unit and front brake cap unit Refer to “Dischargement of front wheel and front brake”of this chapter 2.Take off split pin¢Ù, nut¢Ú…

  • Page 108
    7.Check the free clearance of left/right front wheel fork Inspection step: a:Check the parts ¢Ù of let/right front wheel fork on the frame, if it is bend, crack or worn repair or replace the frame. b:Check the torque value of locking nut on the left/right front wheel fork Attached:Nut torque value:45Nm c:Move the left/right front wheel fork from one…
  • Page 109: (Ii)Inspection Steps

    (II)Inspection steps 1.Check the front shock absorber. If it is leak- age ,replace it .Check the universal joint.If it is crack or damaged,replace the front shock absorber. Check spring, if it is fatigue or damage, re- place the front shock absorber.(When checking,move the spring up and down) 2.Check the front seat assy of front brake, if it is crack sunk or damaged, replace it.

  • Page 110: (Iii)Installment Steps

    (III)Installment steps The opposite steps of “Disassembly”is the mounting steps. The following must be paid attention when mounting: 1.Lubricate the inner surface of bushing sub- assembly ¢Ù .(Lubrication oil is lithium base grease). 2.Fix nut Nut torque:45Nm Caution Must ensure the correction of bolt mounting direction of left /right front wheel fork, bolt head position is the position showing on the drawing¢Ùfront, behind¢Ú…

  • Page 111
    5.Mount the split pin ¢Û Caution Don’t loosen the nut after marking the stan- dard torque.If the recess on the nut is not cor- respondence with split pin hole on the bolt, correct it by tightening the nut. Warning Must use new split pin. 6.Mount: Front shock absorber ,front shock absorber nut ¢Ý,bolt ¢Þunder the front shock absorber.
  • Page 112
    Caution Don’t loosen the nut after marking the stan- dard torque.If the recess on the nut is not cor- respondence with the split pin on the bolt, cor- rect it by fixing the nut. Warning Must use new split pin ¢Û 10.Mount front brake cap assy brake shoe assy front brake hub and front wheel.
  • Page 113: Section 6 Rear Shock Absorber And Rear Wheel Fork

    Section 6 Rear shock absorber and Rear wheel fork (I)Disassembling steps 1.Take off left rear wheel, rear wheel joint plate right rear wheel rear brake hub, rear brake and rear wheel axle. Refer to “Disassembly of rear wheel/rear brake and rear wheel axle”section in this chapter.

  • Page 114
    5.Take off nut ¢Ùon the rear shock absorber, bolt ¢Ú ,rear shock absorber ¢Û. 6.Take off rear brake tension spring ¢Ù 7.Take off dusty cap on rear arm axle (¢Ù.¢Ú point) 8.Check the free clearance of rear wheel fork checking steps. a:Check the torque value of rear arm joint bolt ¢Ùand the torque value of rear arm bolt ¢Ú…
  • Page 115: (Ii)Checking Steps

    9.Take off rear bush ¢Ù 10.Take off driving axle clamp assy(front)¢Ù, rear arm nut (right side)and rear arm joint bolt. 11.Take off rear wheel fork assy ¢Ù . (II)Checking steps 1.Check a:If rear shock absorber is leakage, if any , replace it.

  • Page 116
    2.Check if the rear wheel fork assy is crack bend and damaged, if any, replace it. Check if the rear wheel bush is crack, bend and damaged. If there is one of these prob- lems replace it. 3.Check the gear case lower cap, if there is one of crack bend and damaging problems, re- place this part.
  • Page 117: (Iii)Mounting Steps

    Take off bearing ¢Û with usually bearing tool The reverse step of “bearig and oil sealing re- placing step”is the mounting step of new bear- ing and new oil sealing. Caution Use a pressure tooling ¢Ü which is match with outer diameter of bearing race ¢ß…

  • Page 118
    3.Fix the rear arm joint bolt ¢Ù(left),rear arm joint bolt¢Ú(right)and bush¢Û . Fixing steps: a:Fix the left rear arm joint bolt¢Ù by standard torque. b:Fix the right rear arm joint bolt¢Úuntil it con- tact with its bush ¢Û . Attached:Bolt torque :6Nm c:Fix right rear arm nut ¢Ü…
  • Page 119
    8.Mount the rear driving gear case sub-assem- bly ¢Ù Refer to “Installation of rear driving gear case sub-assembly and driving shaft ”section of this chapter. 9.Mount the rear wheel axle, rear brake, rear ¢Ù brake hub, right rear wheel, rear wheel joint plate and left rear wheel.
  • Page 120: Chapter Iv Electrical Appliance

    Chapter IV Electrical Appliance Section 1 Inspect switch (I)Inspect switch Inspect if the circuit between wire end is on with pocket multimeter. If there is any failure ,replace the switch. Pocket multimeter Remark .Adjust the multimeter to “O”before inspect- .Adjust the multimeter to “ ¦ ¸ ¡ Á 1”when in- specting the circuit.

  • Page 121: Section 2 Check Lamp(Headlight)

    Section 2 Check Lamp (headlight) Check the lamp condition 1.Remove the lamp Caution Pay attention to support the lamp seat. Don’t pull the lead wire, otherwise it wil be broke. Warning When the headlight light up, please remove the inflammable and your hand from the lamp.Because it will be very hot,you can touch it only until it is cool.

  • Page 122
    — 116 -…
  • Page 123: Section 3 Troubleshooting The Ignition System Failure

    Section 3 Troubleshooting the ignition system failure If the ignition system does not work(no spark or spark stops) Step Check 1.Spark plug 6.Main switch 2.Ignition park clearance 7.Resistance value of triggering coil 3.Resistance value of spark plug cap 8.Resistance value of charge coil 4.Resistance value of ignition coil 9.Circuit connection (whole ignition system) 5.Engine stop switch…

  • Page 124
    2.Ignition spark clearance .Remove the spark plug cap from spark plug .Connect as shown in figure ¢ÙSpark testing instrument ¢ÚSpark plug cap ¢ÛSpark plug .Rotate the main switch to “ON” .Check the ignition spark clearance. .Press down the starting switch to start the engine. And increase the spark clearance until the engine can not be started.
  • Page 125
    .Inspect if the resistance of primary coil con- forms to specification Primary coil resistance 20¡æ(68¡ã F)0.43~0.5 ¦¸ .Connect the multimeter£¨¦¸¡Á1K£©to ignition coil .Inspect if the secondary coil resitance conforms to specification Not conforming to specification Secondary coil resistance 20¡æ(68¡ãF)4.6-7.6K ¦¸ Replace ignition coil All conform to specification Abnormal…
  • Page 126
    8.Resistance value of charge coil .Remove the corresponding connector of charge coil from cable. .Connect the multimeter( ¡Á100 ) to wire end ¦¸ of charge coil Multimeter pen (+) ¡ú yellow/green wire end ¢Ù Multimeter pen (-) ¡ú yellow/green wire end ¢Ú Inspect if the resistance value conform to speci- Not conforming to specification fication…
  • Page 127
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  • Page 128: Section 4 Running Of Starting Circuit

    Section 4 Running of starting circuit The starting circuit of this vehicle include start- ing motor, cut-off relay, rear brake switch and neutral switch. If the main switch is in position, the starting motor could be operated only at the following conditions: .Driving device is at neutral position(neutral switch is closed) .Tension brake switch (rear brake is closed)

  • Page 129: Section 5 Troublshooting Electric Starting System

    Section 5 Troubleshooting electric starting system If starting motor doesn’t work 6.Main switch 7.Neutral switch 8.Rear brake switch 9.Starting 10.Circuit connection(Whole starting system) Pocket-multimeter Remark .Remove the following parts before troubleshooting 1)Cushion 2)Front frame 3)Front fender .Use the following special tool to troubleshoot No electrification 1.Safety Refer to “check of switch”…

  • Page 130
    No rotation Repair or replace starting motor 4.Power off relay .Remove the relay from cable .Connect portable multimeter (¦¸¡Á1)and battery (12V) to wire end of power off relay Battery end(+)¡úred/white wire end ¢Ù Battery end(-)¡úgreen/yellow wire end ¢Ú Multimeter pen(+)¡úred/white wire end ¢Ù Multimeter pen(-)¡úblue/white wire end ¢Û…
  • Page 131
    Incorrect 6.Main switch Refer to “Check switch” Replace main switch Correct Incorrect 7.Neutral switch Refer to “Check switch” Replace neutral switch Correct Incorrect 8.Rear brake switch Refer to “Check switch” Replace rear brake switch Correct Incorrect 9.Starting switch Refer to “Check switch” Replace handlebar switch (left) Correct Incorrect…
  • Page 132: Section 6 Check Starting Motor

    Section 6 Check starting Motor 1.Check .Reverser Not clean ¡úClean with #600 sand paper 2.Ensure .Reverser diameter @ Not conforming to specification ¡úchange the starting motor Outer diameter 28mm(1.10in) (Wear range) 27mm(1.06 in) 3.Measure .Mica cut sheet Not conform to specification ¡úScrape the mica with square scraper Mica cut sheet:0.7mm(0.028 in) Remark…

  • Page 133
    5.Measure .Length @of brush (every one) Out of specification ¡úreplace it Length of brush:10mm(0.39 inches) Range of wear:<6mm(0.14 inches)> 6.Measure .Brushing spring force Fatigue/out of specification ¡ú replace whole device Brushing spring force:326~970g(3.2~3. 7.Check .Oil sealing .Bushing .O-ring Wear/damage ¡úrepalce it Installation of starting motor: 1.Mount .Magnetic steel…
  • Page 134
    — 128 -…
  • Page 135: Section 7 No Charging In The Battery

    Section 7 No charging in the Battery Steps Check: 4.Stator coil 1.Safety 5.Coupling of circuit 2.Battery (Whole charging system) 3.Charging voltage Coil tachometer Remark Engine tachometer .Remove some parts before maintenance 1)Cushion Pocket multimeter .Repair with following special toolings NO electrification 1.Safety Refer to “Inspection of switch”…

  • Page 136
    .Start the engine and accelerate to 2000r/m or so. Meet specification Charging voltage:14-15V at 2000r/m Remark: Use battery with full capacity No failure on charging circuit Oil of specification 4.Resistance value for stator coil .Take out the lighting coil of AC magneto from inserter .Connect pocket multimeter to stator coil(¦…
  • Page 137
    — 131 -…
  • Page 138: Section 8 Troubleshooting

    Section 8 Troubleshooting If the headlight or taillight is not work Steps Check: 1.Safety 4.Lamp switch 2.Battery 5.Coupling of wires(for entire lighting system) 3.Main switch Pocket multimeter:P/N YU-03112 Remark: 90890-03112 .Remove out the following parts before main- tenance of troubleshooting 1)Cushion 2)Front luggage carrier 3)Front covering parts…

  • Page 139
    Incorrect 4.Switch for lamps Refer to “Inspection of switch” Correct If the lamp switch is failure replace the switch of handle(left) 5.Coupling of wires .Check the wire coupling of whole lighting sys- Poor coupling Refer to “Diagram” Correct Connect whole lighting system correctly. Check the returning condition of each lighting system.
  • Page 140: Section 9 Inspection Of Lighting System

    Section 9 Inspection of Lighting system (I)If the headlight is out of work 1.Bulb and bulb socket No electrification .Check the bulb and bulb socket condition Replace bulb and bulb socket 2.Voltage: Connect multimeter to the coupler of head- light socket(DC,20V) Multimeter(+)¡úgreen terminal ¢Ù…

  • Page 141: (Ii)If The Taillight Is Out Of Work

    (II)If the taillight is out of work No electricfication 1.Bulb and bulb socket .Check if the bulb and bulb socket is correct Meet specification Replace bulb and bulb socket 2.Voltage .Connect the pocket multimeter (DC 20V)to the terminal of taillamp. Multimeter (+)¡úblue terminal ¢Ù…

  • Page 142
    — 136 -…
  • Page 143: Section 10 Troubleshooting

    Section 10 Troubleshooting (I)If indicated lamp is out of work Steps Check: 1.Safety 4.Coupling of wires 2.Battery Pocket multimeter (Whole signal system) 3.Front switch Remark: . R e m o v e t h e f o l l o w i n g p a r t s b e f o r e troubleshooting.

  • Page 144
    Incorrect 3.Main switch Refer to “Inspection of switch” Correct Replace main switch 4.Coupling of wires .Check the coupling of whole signal system wires Poor connection Refer to “Diagram of wires” Correct Connect it correctly Check each signal system condition Refer to“Inspection of signal system” — 138 -…
  • Page 145: Section 11 Inspection Of Signal System

    Section 11 Inspection of Signal system (I)If the neutral indicated lamp is out of work No electrification 1.Bulb and bulb socket .Check if bulb and bulb socket circuit is cor- rect Replace bulb and/bulb socket Correct No electrification 2.Neutral switch Refer to “Inspection of switch”…

  • Page 146: (Ii)If The Reverse Indicated Lamp Is Out Of Work

    (II)If the reverse indicated lamp is out of work No electrification 1.Bulb and bulb socket .Check if bulb and bulb socket is correct Replace bulb and bulb socket Pass No electrification 2.Reverse switch Refer to “Inspection of switch” Replace reverse switch Pass 3.Voltage .Connect pocket multimeter (DC 20V)to the…

  • Page 147: (Iii)If The Hb Indicated Lamp Is Out Of Work

    (III)If the HB indicated lamp is out of work No electrification 1.Bulb and bulb socket .Check if bulb and bulb socket circuit B are correct. Replace bulb and bulb socket Pass No electrification 2.Reverse switch Refer to “Inspection of switch” Pass Replace handlebar switch(left) 3.Voltage…

  • Page 148: Chapter V Engine

    Chapter V Engine Section 1 Disassembly of engine (I)Remove the engine from finished ATV 1.Remove .Cushion .Front luggage carrier .Front bumper .Front fender .Rear luggage carrier .Rear fender The disassembling method refers to “Fender, fuel tank disassembly” of chapter II.

  • Page 149
    2)Remove .Connecting plate of sharting motor¢Ú .Starting motor ¢Û 5.Rear brake cable and footrest 1)Remove .Adjusting nut ¢Ù .Pin ¢Ú .Spring ¢Û ¢Ü .Rear brake cable and tension rod¢Ü (Remove ¢Û ¢Ú ¢Ù from rear brake arm) 2)Remove .Left footrest .Shift pedal .Supporting rod of front fender 3)Remove…
  • Page 150
    6.Rear driving unit and rocker(rear wheel fork and shock absorber) 1)Remove .Remove the air ¢Ù(air case of last grade and rear brake hub)from the clip on the frame. .Fix the front wheel and raise up the rear wheel (place the supporter on the frame) 2)Remove .Bolt ¢Ù…
  • Page 151: (Ii) Disassembly Of Engine

    (II) Disassembly of engine 1.Remove ¢Ù 2.Remove .Screw .Reverse controlling bar unit .Washer Pay attention not to lose washer 3.Remove .Sprocket cabinet cover ¢Ù ¢Ù 4.Remove .Spark plug .Upper valve cap(intake) .Lower valve cap(exhaust) — 145 -…

  • Page 152
    5.Remove .Chain tensioner Caution: Before removing the chain tensioner, loosen the screw firstly. 6.Remove .Bolt Timing sprocket Caution: .When loosening the bolt, it is needed to fix the hand starting ratchet .Grasp the metal wire to avoid the timing chain to drop into crankcase.
  • Page 153
    9.Remove .Screw (cylinder body) .Cylinder body assy .Cylinder body pad .Location pin .O-ring 10.Remove .Circlip .Piston pin .Piston unit .Before disassembling the piston pin circlip, cover the crankcase with a clean cloth to avoid the circlip to drop into case suddenly. .Before disassembling the piston pin, remove the burr of circlip groove and pistion pin.
  • Page 154
    13.Remove .Gasket of left crankcase cover .Location pin .Intermediate gear shaft .Washer .Duplex intermediate gear(starting motor) 14.Remove .Magneto Caution: Disassemble the magneto rotator with special tool 15.Remove .Semicircle key .Electric starting gear assy .Washer 16.Remove .Upper guide plate(air intake side) .Timing chain — 148 -…
  • Page 155
    17.Remove .Fine filter cover of engine oil .Fine filter of engine oil .O-ring .Right crankcase cover .Location pin .Gasket of right crankcase cover 18.Remove .Main clutchnut Caution Loosen the locking pad before removing the nut, and fix the main clutch shoe with spe- cial tool, then remove the nut.
  • Page 156
    20.Remove .Locking washer .Clutch hub assy .Friction wafer .Clutch piece .Compressing plate .Spline washer .Clutch gear assy 21.Remove .Right connecting case .Location pin .Gasket of right connecting case 22.Remove .Oil pump unit .Pad — 150 -…
  • Page 157
    23.Remove .Shift lever unit .Washer .Limit torsion spring .Limit lever unit Caution Pull the limit lever unit and shift lever unit along the arrow direction, then you can remove them from the star-shaped gear. 24.Remove .Star-shaped gear (on shift cam) Caution .The location pin is easy to drop down.
  • Page 158
    26.Remove .All the closing case screw. Caution Loosen every screw1/4 circle with cross-slot screwdriver, then remove all of them 27.Remove .Left crankcase .Location pin Caution .Disassemble the left crankcase with crank- case separator. .Tighten up the screw of separator, and must keep th separator body parallel with crank- case face.
  • Page 159
    29.Remove .Main shaft assy and driving shaft unit .Washer(driving shaft unit) 30.Remove .Circlip .Balance shaft driving gear .Crankshaft .Semicircle key Caution .Press out the crank shaft with pressure device. 31.Remove .Stop plate .Pressing plate Caution Knock the locking part of stop plate flat be- fore removing the stop plate.
  • Page 160
    33.Remove .Valve lock clip Caution .Disassemble the valve lock clip with valve spring compressing device. 34.Remove .Valve spring cover .Valve outer spring .Valve inner spring .Valve .Oil seal of valve rod .Spring seat of valve Caution .Pay attention to position of each component for installation to original position.
  • Page 161: Section 2 Inspection And Maintenance Of Engine

    Section 2 Inspection and Maintenance of Engine 1.Cylinder cover 1)Clean .Carbon deposit Use circular scraper Caution Please do not use sharp tool to avoid scraping .Nut of spark plug .Valve seat ring .Bottom face of cylinder 2)Measure .Flatness of cylinder cover bottom face Recorrect the bottom face or replace if unquali- fied Flatness of cylinder bottom face is less than 0.

  • Page 162
    3)Measure .Rod part runout of valve rod Replace it if unqualified The rod part runout of valve rod is less than (0.03mm0.0012in) 4)Measure .Clearance between valve rod and valve guide pipe Clearance=A-B Inner diameter of valve guide pipe A Valve rod diameter B Replace the valve or valve guide pipe if unqualified.
  • Page 163
    3)Install .Circlip ¢Ù (new) .Valve guide pipe ¢Ú (new) Use the installing and disassembling device of valve guide pipe 4)Ream the inner diameter of valve guide pipe to get proper valve rod clearance. Caution Regrind the valve race after installing valve guide pipe 4.Valve race 1).Clean…
  • Page 164
    .Press the valve through valve guide pipe to leave clear trace on the valves. .Remove the valve from cylinder cover .When the valve contacts with valve race, the red lead is marked on the valve from vavle race, Then can measure the contacting width of valve and valve race.
  • Page 165
    The contacting part B is the middle of valve face. But the width is too narrow Reamer assy of valve race Result Get unified contacting width Reamer 45¡ã 1.0mm(0.04 in) The contacting part C is too narrow, and on the upper edge of valve face Reamer assy of valve race Result Make the contacting part in…
  • Page 166
    .Paint molybdenum disulfide oil on the valve rod part. Apply molybdemum .Place the valve into the cylinder cover disulfide oil .Rotate the valve to grind in with seat fully on the valve face, then clean the dirty .repeat procedure until the contacting width of valve face and valve seat In order to get the best grinding quality, you may slap the valve lightly when rotating the…
  • Page 167
    2)Measure .Installing pressure of valve spring Installation length If unqualified, replace the inner and outer spring totally. Installing pressure of valve spring When it is 30.5mm(1.2 in),the Inner spring(intake/ p r e s s u r e 8 . 4 ~ 1 0 . 2 k g ( 1 8 . 5 ~ 2 2 . exhaust) 5pods) When it is 32.0mm(1.26 in),the…
  • Page 168
    Caution Must install the long pitch end of all valve spring upward. 2)Check the valve seal If there is leakage on the valve face, repair again and regrind or replace the valve and regrind. Inspecting procedure of valve seal .Inject the clean solvent into intake way and exhaust way respectively.
  • Page 169
    Limit value “B” of Limit value “A” of distribution cam distribution cam 36.437mm 30.031mm Intake cam (1.435 in) (1.182 in) 36.482mm 30.152mm (1.436in) Exhaust cam (1.187 in) 8.Valve rocker and rocker shaft 1)Check .Rocker hole .Contacting surface with distribution cam If over worn, replace it 2)Check .Rocker shaft surface…
  • Page 170
    .Substract the outer diameter of rocker shaft from inner diameter of valve rocker hole to calculate the clearance. Clearance between rocker hole and shaft=@- Inner diameter of valve rocker hole@ Outer diameter of rocker shaft Replace a set if unqualified Clearance between rocker shaft and hole: 0.009-0.037mm(0.0004-0.0031 in) Limit:…
  • Page 171
    2)Check Flexibility of chain tensioner Checking procedure .Press the tensioner pushing rod lightly with finger, and rotate it clockwise with thin screw- driver to screw it in. .Press the pushing rod lightly with finger and remove the screwdriver, then the pushing rod screws out stably .If the operation is unflexible, replace chain tensioner.
  • Page 172
    If out of specification, rebore or replace the cylinder and piston (Replace in a set) .Measure the diameter “P”of piston lower part with micrometer, is the measuring position is 4mm away from piston bottom(0.16 in) Piston lower part diameter “P” Standard 62.94~62.96mm If out of specification.
  • Page 173
    Clearance between piston ring and ring groove Limit Standard 0.03-0.07mm 0.12mm First ring (0.001-0.003 in) (0.005 in) 0.02-0.06mm 0.12mm Second ring (0.008-0.024 in) (0.005 in) ring 2)Measurement .Closed clearance of piston ring .Install the piston ring to the cylinder,pull for- ¡ý…
  • Page 174
    Piston pin 1)Inspection .If the color is changed, or indent is found,re- place piston pin, then inspect the Lubrication system. 2)Measurement: .Outer diameter @ (Piston pin) Out of specification,replace it Outer diameter(piston pin):14.994~15mm 3)Measurement: .Inner diameter of piston pin Out of specification,replace it Inner diameter of piston pin hole 15.002~15.01mm 4)Measurement…
  • Page 175
    16.Crankshaft 1)Measurement .Dimension A of crankshaft assy If out of specification replace it or repair it Dimension of crankshaft assy 55~55.05mm .Runout C If out of specification replace it or repair it Runout Limit C1:0.03mm C2:0.03mm .Side clearance D of big head of connecting If out of specification, replace it or repair it Max side clearance 0.1~0.35mm…
  • Page 176
    Main points of reassembly of crankshaft: The oil traces on crankshaft and crank pin should be connected correctly, the malposition of two oil traces should be with in 1mm(0.04 17.Driving gear of balance shaft and gear of balance shaft Inspection: .Driving gear of balance shaft .Gear of balance shaft If worn or damaged, replace two gears at the…
  • Page 177
    .Inspection .Bolt(overrunning clutch) Loosen ¡úreplace with new one and apply fastening agent Caution: Fastening torgue of bolt (overrunning clutch) is 30Nm(3.0m.kg 22ya.pound). Apply the fastening agent on the bolt 19.Main clutch Clutch case 1)Inspection: .Clutch case assy(inner surface) Ablation,wear or darmage,replace it .Single direction(inside the clutch case assy) If scraped,worn or damaged,replace it.
  • Page 178
    Clutch hub assy and pressing plate Inspection .Tooth groove on the clutch hub .Tooth groove on the pressing plate If there is scraped,worn or damaged,replace the clutch hub or pressing plate. Friction plate 1)Inspection .Friction plate ¢Ù If damaged ,worn replace a set of friction plate 2)Measurement: .Friction plate thickness .Measure four positions…
  • Page 179
    Clutch spring 1)Inspection .Clutch spring If worn damaged,replace it 2)Measurement .Free length of clutch spring@ If not of specification replace a set of spring Min Limit of clutch spring length 32.9mm(1.30 in) Clutch operartion rocker assy Inspection .Operation rocker assy .Adjusting screw .O-ring If cracks,wear or damage replace it…
  • Page 180
    22.Shift fork and fork shaft 1)Inspection .Fork Connection surface to gear and shift cam If worn,scraped,bent or damaged,replace it. 2)Inspection .Fork shaft (Roll the fork shaft on a plane) If bent replace it. Warning Never attempt to straight a bent fork shaft 3)Inspection .Movement of fork on the fork shaft ¢Ù…
  • Page 181
    2)Inspection .Gear (refer to shift mechanism and output gear) .Engaging jaw position If cracks ,damage,wear,replace it. Caution When replacing the output gear,be sure to ad- just the adjusting washer of output gear 3)Inspection .Movement of gear(shift mechanism) If not smooth in operation,replace it. 25.Shift shaft and limit lever 1)Inspection .Shift shaft…
  • Page 182
    27.Bearing and oil seal 1)Inspection .Bearing If jammed in operation or there are pits and dammagd,replace it. 2)Inspection .Oil seal If damaged or worn replace it. 28.Circlip and washer Inspection: .Circlip .Washer If damaged loose,bent replace it. 29.Crankcase 1)Clean crankcase with soft agent completely 2)Clean all sealing surfaces and closing sur- faces completely 3)Inspection:…
  • Page 183
    30.Hand operated mechanism 1)Inspection If cracks beat,damaged,replace it. .Driving jaw .Compressing spring .Torsion spring(Driving jaw position) Wear/cracks/damage,replace it. 2)Inspection: .Rolling spring(Starting) Wear/cracks/damage,replace it. .Tension wire Wear/cracks/damage,replace it. .Driving plate assy Cracks/damage,replace it. 31.Output mechanism 1)Inspection .All gears If pressing mark/abrasion/wear is found,replace .Connecting jaw If pressing mark/abrasion/wear is found,replace .Driving shaft…
  • Page 184
    4)Inspection .Reverse fork If wear/abrasion/bend/damage is found on the surface connecting with connecting jaw and re- verse operating shaft,replace it. .Compressing spring If the elasticity is lost,or worn replace it .Steel ball If wear,damage,or scratch marks is found,re- place it 5)Inspection: Reverse fork shaft Roll the reverse fork shaft on the flat surface,…
  • Page 185: Section 3 Assembly And Adjustment Of Engine

    Section 3 Assembly and adjustment of Engine (I) Closing assembly of left & right crankcase 1.Installment .Crankshaft (Install to right crankcase) Caution: When installing the crankshaft, fasten the con- necting rod to the installing hole of cylinder with hand. 2.Installment Spindle assy and driving shaft assy 3.Installment .Balance shaft…

  • Page 186: (Ii) Assembly Of Right Crankcase

    (II) Assembly of right crankcase 4. Applying Applying seal agent ¡¤ Seal agent Apply the seal agent on the closing surface of left crankcase. Seal agent: Letai 518 anaerobic plane seal glue. 5. Installment: ¡¤ Location pin 6. Install the left crankcase to the right cankcase. Beat with soft hammer slightly.

  • Page 187
    1. Balance shaft gear and driving gear 1) Installment ¡¤ Semicircle key ¡¤ Driving gear of balance shaft ¡¤ Circlip Caution Use the gear puller. 2) Installment: ¡¤ Balance shaft gear(be driven) ¡¤ Flat key Caution The mark of driving gear should align with the mark of driven gear.
  • Page 188
    2. Shift shaft and oil pump 1)Installment: ¡¤ Star gear ¢Ù ¡¤ Locating pin ¢Ú (long) ¡¤ Shift pin ¢Û (short) Caution Install the location pin ¢Ú(long) to the filting mark ¢Ü position. ¢Ú 2) Installment: ¢Ù ¡¤ Star gear (install to shift cam) Caution The hole of shift cam should be align with the location pin ¢Ú…
  • Page 189
    6) Applying engine oil ¡¤ 4-stroke engine oil (Apply the parts inside the oil pump) 7)Installment: ¡¤ Oil pump seat ¢Ù ¡¤ Outer rotor ¢Ú ¡¤ Inner rotor ¢Û ¡¤ Locating pin ¢Ü ¡¤ Oil pump gear assy ¢Ý ¡¤ Driving pin ¢Þ ¡¤…
  • Page 190
    4. Main, vice clutch 1) Installment: ¡¤ Clutch gear assy(secondary) ¡¤ Spline washer ¢Ú 2) Installment: ¡¤ Friction plate ¢Ù ¡¤ Clutch plate ¢Ú (Install to clutch hub ¢Û ) Caution Install the clutch plate and friction plate to the clutch hub alternately, from friction plate to fric- tion plate.
  • Page 191
    6 N m 6) Bend the locking plate ¢Ýof locking washer. ¢Ü ¢Û ¢Ú 7) Installment: ¡¤ Clutch spring ¢Ù ¢Ù ¡¤ Pressure cover ¢Ú ¡¤ Bearing ¢Û ¡¤ Clutch post rod ¢Ü 8) Installment: ¡¤ Output gear ¢Ù ¢Ù ¡¤…
  • Page 192
    11) Installment ¡¤ Washer ¡¤ Main clutch case assy ¡¤ Washer ¡¤ Clutch shoe assy Caution ¡¤ There are two indents on the vice clutch case. When installing the main clutch case, one of the indents should align with the main clutch gear. 12) Installment: ¡¤…
  • Page 193
    5. Clutch disengaging mechanism and right case cover 1)Installment: ¡¤ Lower cam plate ¡¤ Steel ball stand assy ¡¤ Upper cam plate assy ¡¤ Compressing spring Caution ¡¤ The locating notch ¢Ýof lower cam plate should align with convex block ¢Þof shift shaft. ¡¤…
  • Page 194
    (III) Assembly of left crankcase 1. Reverse operation system 1) Mount: ¡¤ Reverse operation shaft ¢Ù ¡¤ Operation plate ¢Ú ¡¤ Reverse control lever ¢Û ¡¤ Circlip ¢Ü Mount the above on the rear driving cover. 2) Mount: ¡¤ Compressing spring ¢Ù (on reverse gear fork ¢Ü) ¡¤…
  • Page 195
    2. Output shaft assy 1) Mount ¡¤ Bearing ¢Ù (to rear cover) ¡¤ Nut collar ¢Ú ¢Ù Caution ¢Ú Use the nut collar spanner ¢Ûto tighten the ¢Û collar. 3) Mount Washer ¢Ù ¢Ü ¡¤ Reverse gear ¢Ú ¢Û ¢Ú ¢Ù…
  • Page 196
    7) Mount: ¡¤ Output shaft ¢Ù ¡¤ Connecting claw ¢Ú ¢Ú ¢Ý ¡¤ Front splice ¢Û ¢Ù ¡¤ Washer ¢Ü ¢Ü ¢Û ¡¤ N u t ¢Ý 8)Fasten ¡¤ N u t ¢Ý Caution ¢Ù ¡¤ Fix the front splice ¢Ûwith universal joint holder and connect the locking nut ¢Ý.
  • Page 197
    7. Electric starting system ¢Ú 1)Mount ¡¤ Timing chain ¢Ù ¡¤ Up guide plate ¢Ú ¢Ù Caution Tight the shaft wire ¢Û of timing chain for avoiding it is dropped into the crankcase. ¢Û 2) Mount ¢Ù ¡¤ Washer ¢Ù ¡¤…
  • Page 198
    4) Mount: 7 N m ¡¤ Left crankcase cover ¢Ù ¡¤ Fasten screw (8 pieces) 5) Mount: ¢Ù ¡¤ Starting click pulley assy ¢Ù Caution ¡¤ Fix the click pulley with rotor seat and tighten the bolt. ¡¤ Before mounting the starting click pulley, apply grease on oil sealing ¢Ú…
  • Page 199
    A =a-b B =d-c-e-f C =d-g-h-i D =j+c-e-B-k-1-0.25 ¢ÙLeft crankcase ¢ÚOutput gear ¢ÛForward shift gear ¢ÜOutput shaft ¢ÝReverse gear ¢ÞRear cover Changed parts Washer needed to be adjusted Crankcase Output gear Forward gear Reverse gear Rear cover Output shaft 2. Choose washer ¡¤…
  • Page 200
    Washer selection table range of A Selected washer 0.5 ¡ÜA ¡Ü0.32 0.35 £¼A ¡Ü0.42 0.42 £¼A ¡Ü0.52 0.52 £¼A ¡Ü0.62 0.62 £¼A ¡Ü0.72 0.72 £¼A ¡Ü0.75 The washer thickness is 0.57mm, by calculation, the washer thickness should select 0.60mm ac- cording to above table.
  • Page 201
    Washer selection table range of B Selected washer 0.25 ¡ÜB ¡Ü0.28 0.28 £¼B ¡Ü0.38 0.38 £¼B ¡Ü0.48 0.48 £¼B ¡Ü0.58 0.58 £¼B ¡Ü0.68 0.68 £¼B ¡Ü0.75 The washer thickness is 0.54mm, by calculation, the washer thickness should select 0.50mm ac- cording to above table.
  • Page 202
    5. Select Washer D When replacing left crankcase forward gear, reverse gear, rear cover and output shaft, washer of output shaft needed to be adjusted. 1) Calculate the washer thickness of output shaft by following formula Washer thickness of output gear: d + j — e — B-k-1-0.25 is the value engraved on left crankcase is the value engraved on rear cover…
  • Page 203
    6. Installtion of adjusting washer 1) Washer A Mount ¡¤ Washer A ¢Ù ¡¤ Bearing ¢Ú Caution This step is carried out before assembly with closing case. Mount: ¡¤ Clamp plate ¢Ù Caution This step is carried out before assembly with case.
  • Page 204
    3) Washer C Mount: ¡¤ Washer ¡¤ Reverse gear ¡¤ Special-shaped left-handed nut Caution ¡¤ The special-shaped left-handed nut left-handed thread, so tighten it in counterclockwise direction. ¡¤ Use special-shaped nut wrench ¢Ü . 4) Washer D Mount: ¡¤ Washer ¢Ù ¢Ù…
  • Page 205: (Iv) Assembly Of Cylinder Head

    (IV) Assembly of cylinder head ¢Ú 1. Mount: ¡¤ Double end bolt ¢Ù ¡¤ Mount: ¡¤ Piston ¢Ù ¡¤ Piston pin ¢Ú ¡¤ Circlip ¢Û Caution ¡¤ Arrow ¢Üon the piston must point to the for- ward of engine ¡¤ Before mounting the piston pin, cover Crankcase hole with cleaning towel or clothes for avoiding circlip and other small parts drop- ping into crankcase.

  • Page 206
    ¢Û (with slot ¢Ü at the side of inlet.) ¡¤ The slot ¢Ü direction, need to be adjusted when mounting inlet rocker shaft, to make the slot align with hole of cylinder cover bolt ¢Ý — 200 -…
  • Page 207
    10. Mount: ¢Ù ¡¤ Valve cam ¢Ù ¢Û Caution The driving pin ¢Ú on the end of valve cam ¢Ú must align to the timing mark ¢Û on the cyl- inder cover. 9. Mount: ¢Û ¡¤ Bearing ¢Ù (to valve cam) ¢Ú…
  • Page 208
    14. Mount: ¡¤ Lower guide plate ¢Ù ¡¤ Oil sealing ¢Ú ¡¤ Locating pin ¢Û ¡¤ Cylinder cover washer assy ¢Ü ¡¤ Cylinder head ¢Ý ¡¤ Washer ¢Þ ¡¤ Cylinder head nut ¢ß ¡¤ Washer ¢à ¡¤ Screw ¢á Caution ¡¤…
  • Page 209
    ¡¤ Turn the crank until the mark TDC ¢Û is cor- ¢Ú respondence with the mark on the crankcase cover ¢Ü . ¡¤ Mount the timing chain to the timing sprocket ¢Ý pulley. ¡¤ Mount the timing sprocket pulley to the cam shaft for ensuring the mark of timing sprocket pulley ¢Ý…
  • Page 210
    ¡¤ Insert the small screwdriver ¢Û into the ¢Ü groove of tension rod, and turn the screwdriver by clockwise, at same time to press tension rod until the screwdriver can’t be turned. ¢Û ¡¤ Hold the screwdriver at this position, and mount the tensioner assy ¢Ú…
  • Page 211
    20. Mount: ¡¤ Valve cover ¢Ù (mount o-ring in the sealing groove of throttle cover first) ¡¤ Valve cover ¢Ú (mount o-ring in the sealing groove of throttle cover first) ¡¤ Spark plug ¢Û Caution Check the o-ring, if it is deformed or damaged, replace it.
  • Page 212: (V) Manual Starting Mechanism And Others

    (V) Manual starting mechanism and others 1. Mount: ¡¤ Coil spring backboard assy ¢Ù Caution Hang the coil spring hook hanger ¢Ú into the split of spring backboard, and wind the coil spring in counterclockwise. ¢Ú 2. Install: ¡¤ Washer ¢Ù ¡¤…

  • Page 213
    6. Mount: ¢Þ ¢Û ¡¤ Torsion spring (starting ratchet pawl)¢Ù ¢Ú 12Nm ¢Ù ¡¤ Starting ratchet pawl ¢Ú ¢Ý ¢Ü ¡¤ Hog ring ¢Û ¢Û ¡¤ Compress spring ¢Ü ¢Ú ¢Ù ¡¤ Guide plate ¢Ý ¡¤ Screw pin ¢Þ Caution When mounting torsion spring (starting ratchet pawl), make the end ¢ßof torsion spring align to groove on the drive disc.
  • Page 214: (Vi) Mount The Engine On The Finished Vehicle

    9. Mount: ¡¤ Washer ¢Ù ¡¤ Washer ¢Ú ¡¤ Reverse lever system ¢Ü Caution Coat sealing gum on the bolt ¢Û 10. Mount: ¡¤ Manual starting system ¢Ù ¢Ù 7 N m 6 places (VI) Mount the engine on the finished vehicle Its steps is opposed to steps of “Engine Dis- assembly”…

  • Page 215
    3. Mount: ¡¤ Drive assy of rear wheel and rear wheel fork Assembly steps: 1) Lubricate following parts before mounting the rear wheel fork ¡¤ Bearing ¢Ù ¡¤ Oil sealing ¢Ú ¡¤ Bushing ¢Û ¡¤ Coupling bolt of rear arm ¢Ü ¡¤…
  • Page 216
    7. Fasten: ¡¤ Bolt (Installation position of engine-rear lower) ¡¤ Bolt(Installation position of engine-rear lower) ¡¤ Bolt(Installation position of engine-front) ¡¤ Bolt(Installation position of engine-top) ¡¤ Coupling bolt of rear arm(Rear arm shaft- left) ¡¤ Coupling bolt of rear arm (Rear arm shaft- ring) ¡¤…
  • Page 217
    11. Mount: ¡¤ Starting motor ¢Ù ¡¤ Coupling plate ¢Úof starting motor ¡¤ Wire of starting motor ¢Û Caution Lubricate o-ring before mounting the starting motor. 12. Mount: ¡¤ Spring ¢Ù ¡¤ Foot rest ¢Ú (right) Bolt(foot rest) 65Nm(6.5m.47ft.lb) Bolt(shifting pedal): 10Nm(1.m.7.2ft.lb) Bolt(foot rest) 65Nm(6.5m.47ft.lb)
  • Page 218
    16. Mount: ¡¤ Exhaust pipe ¢Ù ¡¤ Silencer ¢Ú 17. Fill oil : ¡¤ Crankcase Total:2.2L Refer to relevant part in section 5 of chapter 18. Adjust: ¡¤ Free clearance of plunger(clutch) 19. Adjust: ¡¤ Position of drive selection lever Refer to relevant part in section 5 of chapter 20.
  • Page 219: Chapter Vi Vecicle Ordinary Trouble And Its Judgement

    ChapterVI Vehicle Ordinary Trouble and Judgement Trouble .Spark plug is polluted Caution: .wrong spark plug heat value The following trouble, not including all .Inefficient spark plug cap possible troubles, is a help for trouble guide .Please refer to relevent contents for the ( 2 )Ignition coil inspection, adjustment and replacement of…

  • Page 220: (Ii)Poor Idle Speed Performance

    (1)Carburetor ( 2 )Piston and piston ring .Wrong needle valve position .Improper piston ring installation .Piston ring is worn and out of elas- .Main jet is clogged or loosened ticity .Fuel is deteriorated or polluted .Piston is damaged or crack .Wrong float chamber oil level (2)Air filter ( 3 )Valve, camshaft and crank shaft…

  • Page 221: (V) Clutch Slips

    (4) Driving system (2) Fuel system ¡¤ Claw of gear end is worn ¡¤ Main jet of carburetor is wrong ¡¤ Improper oil level ¡¤ Core of air filter is clogged (V) Clutch slips (1) Clutch (3) Cylinder system ¡¤ Improper adjustment of clamp plate release ¡¤…

  • Page 222: (X) Lighting System

    ¡¤ Improper installation of steering pillar bear- ¡¤ Battery failure ings ¡¤ Rectifier failure ¡¤ Holding seat of steering pillar or sealing ring ¡¤ Wrong connection of ground ¡¤ Main switch or lighting switch failure is damaged ¡¤ Rod is bent ¡¤…

Компания MotoLand вышла на рынок мототехники более 20 лет назад. В настоящее время MotoLand входит в число лидирующих российских компаний, занимающихся продажей мототехники, запчастей и аксессуаров. Сегодня наша компания предлагает более 150 моделей мототехники для путешествий, развлечений и занятий экстремальными видами спорта. Мы предлагаем технику высокого качества, с современной комплектацией и дизайном.

Весь модельный ряд мототехники производится на лучших заводах Китая. Компания MotoLand является одним из крупнейших поставщиков запчастей и аксессуаров для мототехники.

Всегда в наличии более 12000 наименований запчастей для ремонта, сервисного обслуживания и тюнинга мотоциклов, мопедов, ATV и велосипедов

Все запчасти и аксессуары производятся на ведущих заводах Китая и Тайваня.

В последние годы наша компания стала представителем на территории России велосипедов брендов GTX , KROSTEK, всегда в наличии полный модельный ряд данных линеек.

С 1997  года  наша компания является представителем на территории России лодок и лодочных моторов ZONGSHEN-SELVA и BREESE. Ежегодно мы участвуем в выставках, на которых присутствуют представители данных заводов.

С 2014 года наша компания является представителем на территории России лодок и лодочных моторов ZONGSHEN-SELVA и BREESE.

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