Мультиварка sapir sp 1985 a5 инструкция

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Multifunctional Cooker



Cooking with this multifunctional cooker is extremely simple and does not require special skills and

knowledge as microchip sets the time and temperature in accordance with the chosen function. And

result – excellent taste, useful substances are as much as possible kept in groats at a minimum of time

spent by you. New fuzzy system controls cooking temperature in all points and supports an optimal

temperature mode. You can place food at night, set the programme and have freshly cooked breakfast in

the morning. The choice of dishes for this cooker is huge and nearly each recipe can be adapted to it. In

the small device with big inner pot can be cooked the whole dinner for big family. The cooker can cook

dietary and baby food and it is capable to cook even tough meat.

The multifunctional cooker replaces the following machines:

• Electric Stove

• Deep Fryer

• Yoghurt Maker

• Steam Cooker

• Slow Cooker

• Electric oven

It can help you save time and money.


• Read the entire instruction manual before using the appliance for the first time and save it for

future reference.

• Before connecting the appliance to the power source, ensure that the voltage in your wall outlet

is the same as the one indicated on the rating label.

• Fire may occur if the appliance is covered or touching flammable material such as curtains,

draperies etc. Do not cover the appliance.

• Use only the enclosed power cord.

• Keep the power cord and plug always clean and dry.

• Never immerse the appliance, cord and plug into water.

• If the appliance fells down into water, unplug it immediately and do not hurry to take it out.

• Never use the appliance on a damp floor.

• Do not let children play or use the appliance.

• Do not use any abrasive, chemical, alcohol-contained cleaners and hard brushes for cleaning the


• This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical,

sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given

supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their



Summary of Contents for Sapir SP-1985-A5


• Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance.

1) The appliance has 11 programmes: Rice/Pilaw, Boil, Quick cooking, Soup, Reheat, Steam,

Cake/bread, deep fry, stew, porridge and sterilization.

2) Whatever programme you have chosen, after cooking process has been finished, you’ll here sound

signal and the appliance will enter into keeping warm mode automatically, the display shows «bb».

Keeping warm mode continues for maximum of 24 hours.

3) Press the «Cancel» button to stop the wrong operation.

4) Cooking table:


Rice/ Pilaw


Quick Cooking





Deep Fry





1. Standard Operation

Press «Menu» button to select the desired programme. The display shows the default cooking time.

When the corresponding indicator lamp of the programme you wanted lights up, press the button «Start»

to confirm. The cooking has been started. The cooking time will be counted down. After the cooking is

finished, you will hear a sound signal and the cooker will enter into keeping warm mode automatically,

the display shows «bb».

2. Adjust cooking time

Press «Menu» button to select the desired programme. The display shows the default cooking time. Now

press the «Timer» button to adjust the cooking time.



Cooking Time


55 minutes


140 ℃

40 minutes


35 minutes

50 minutes


30 minutes


40 minutes


40 minutes


30 minutes


2 hours


60 minutes


15 minutes



Range of

Range of preset

cooking time for

























  • 1, _English_ Multifunctional Cooker SP-1985-A5 INSTRUCTION MANUAL Cooking with this multifunctional cooker is extremely simple and does not require special skills and knowledge as microchip sets the time and temperature in accordance with the chosen function. And result – excellent taste, useful substances are as much as possible kept in groats at a minimum of time …

  • 2, _English_ safety. • Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. GENERAL INSTRUCTION 1) The appliance has 11 programmes: Rice/Pilaw, Boil, Quick cooking, Soup, Reheat, Steam, Cake/bread, deep fry, stew, porridge and sterilization. 2) Whatever programme you have chosen, after cooking process has been fini…

  • 3, _English_ For programme STEW, pressing the “Timer” button each time will add 1 hour, the display shows “01:00: 02:00, 03:00…..10:00”, and then returns to 01:00 again. For programme STERILIZATION, the cooking time can not be adjusted for safety. For the rest of programmes, pressing the “Timer” button each time will add 5 minutes, the display shows “00:10, 00:1…

  • 4, _English_ • Never use hard brushes, scrubs to clean the inner pot to avoid damage of the coating. • Take the hot inner pot out with kitchen gloves or clip only or let it cool down before taking it out. • Before cooking make sure the inner pot is in full contact with the heating plate, by turning round.

  • 5, _Polski_ Kuchenka wielofunkcyjna SP-1985-A5 INSTRUKCJA OBSŁUGI Gotowanie z użyciem tej wielofunkcyjnej kuchenki jest bardzo prosta i nie wymaga specjalnych umiejętności ani wiedzy, gdyż mikroprocesor ustawia czas i temperaturę zgodnie z wybraną funkcją. A wynik — doskonały smak, witaminy i mikroelementy są w miarę możliwości zachowywa…

  • 6, _Polski_ • Dzieci powinny być nadzorowane, aby nie bawiły się urządzeniem ani używały go samodzielnie. OGÓLNE INSTRUKCJE 1) Urządzenie posiada 11 programów: ryż/pilaw, gotowanie, szybkie gotowanie, zupa, podgrzewanie, para, ciasto/pieczywo, frytkownica, duszenie, owsianka oraz sterylizacja. 2) Bez względu na program, który wy…

  • 7, _Polski_ wyświetlacz pokazuje “01:00: 02:00, 03:00…..10:00”, a potem powraca ponownie do 01:00. W programie STERYLIZACJA, czas gotowania nie może być regulowany ze względu na bezpieczeństwo. Dla pozostałych programów, naciskając klawisz “Timer” każdorazowo dodajesz 5 minut, wyświetlacz pokazuje “00:10, 00:15…..02:3…

  • 8, _Polski_ KONSERWACJA GARNKA WEWNĘTRZNEGO • Używaj garnka wewnętrznego wyłącznie z kuchenką wielofunkcyjną, nie należy używać go z innymi urządzeniami. • Nie należy myć garnka wewnętrznego w zmywarce. • Nigdy nie należy używać twardych szczotek, zmywaków, aby oczyścić garnek wewnętrzny, unikniemy wówczas uszkodzenia jego pow…

  • 9, _Български_ Мултифункционален Уред за Готвене SP-1985-A5 РЪКОВОДСТВО ЗА УПОТРЕБА Готвенето с този мултифункционален уред е изключително лесно и не се изискват специални умения и знания, тъй като времет�…

  • 10, _Български_ физически, сетивни и умствени способности, или от такива без опит и знания, освен ако не са надзиравани и напътствани от други лице, отговорно за тяхната безопасност. • Не допускайте …

  • 11, _Български_ готвене. Натиснете бутона “Timer”, за да настроите времето за готвене. За програма ЗАДУШАВАНЕ, при всяко натискане на бутона “Timer” ще се добавя по 1 час, екранът ще показва “01:00: 02:00, 03:00…..10:00�…

  • 12, _Български_ ПОДДРЪЖКА НА КОНТЕЙНЕРА • Използвайте контейнера само с мултифункционалния уред за готвене, не го използвайте с други уреди. • Не поставяйте контейнера в съдомиялната машина. • Никога не изпол�…

Table of Contents for Sapir SP-1985-A5:

  • _Polski_ • Dzieci powinny być nadzorowane, aby nie bawiły się urządzeniem ani używały go samodzielnie. OGÓLNE INSTRUKCJE 1) Urządzenie posiada 11 programów: ryż/pilaw, gotowanie, szybkie gotowanie, zupa, podgrzewanie, para, ciasto/pieczywo, frytkownica, duszenie, owsianka oraz sterylizacja. 2) Bez względu na program, który wybrałeś, kiedy proces gotowania zostanie zakończony, usłyszysz sygnał dźwiękowy o tym informujący a urządzenie wejdzie w tryb automatycznego utrzymywania ciepła, na wyś

  • _English_ • Never use hard brushes, scrubs to clean the inner pot to avoid damage of the coating. • Take the hot inner pot out with kitchen gloves or clip only or let it cool down before taking it out. • Before cooking make sure the inner pot is in full contact with the heating plate, by turning round.

  • _Български_ Мултифункционален Уред за Готвене SP-1985-A5 РЪКОВОДСТВО ЗА УПОТРЕБА Готвенето с този мултифункционален уред е изключително лесно и не се изискват специални умения и знания, тъй като времето за готвене и температурата се ре�

  • _Polski_ wyświetlacz pokazuje “01:00: 02:00, 03:00…..10:00”, a potem powraca ponownie do 01:00. W programie STERYLIZACJA, czas gotowania nie może być regulowany ze względu na bezpieczeństwo. Dla pozostałych programów, naciskając klawisz “Timer” każdorazowo dodajesz 5 minut, wyświetlacz pokazuje “00:10, 00:15…..02:30”, a potem powraca do 00:10. Potem naciśnij klawisz “Start” w celu potwierdzenia. Czas wyświetlania wystartuje. 3. Funkcja opóźni

  • _Български_ готвене. Натиснете бутона “Timer”, за да настроите времето за готвене. За програма ЗАДУШАВАНЕ, при всяко натискане на бутона “Timer” ще се добавя по 1 час, екранът ще показва “01:00: 02:00, 03:00…..10:00”, след което ще се вър�

  • _Български_ физически, сетивни и умствени способности, или от такива без опит и знания, освен ако не са надзиравани и напътствани от други лице, отговорно за тяхната безопасност. • Не допускайте деца да си играят с уреда.

  • _English_ safety. • Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. GENERAL INSTRUCTION 1) The appliance has 11 programmes: Rice/Pilaw, Boil, Quick cooking, Soup, Reheat, Steam, Cake/bread, deep fry, stew, porridge and sterilization. 2) Whatever programme you have chosen, after cooking process has been finished, you’ll here sound signal and the appliance will enter into keeping warm mode automatically,

  • _Български_ ПОДДРЪЖКА НА КОНТЕЙНЕРА • Използвайте контейнера само с мултифункционалния уред за готвене, не го използвайте с други уреди. • Не поставяйте контейнера в съдомиялната машина. • Никога не използвайте твърди четки, кухненски телчета и др. за почистване на контейнера, защото това ще повр

  • _Polski_ Kuchenka wielofunkcyjna SP-1985-A5 INSTRUKCJA OBSŁUGI Gotowanie z użyciem tej wielofunkcyjnej kuchenki jest bardzo prosta i nie wymaga specjalnych umiejętności ani wiedzy, gdyż mikroprocesor ustawia czas i temperaturę zgodnie z wybraną funkcją. A wynik — doskonały smak, witaminy i mikroelementy są w miarę możliwości zachowywane w jedzeniu przy minimalnym czasu poświęconym przez Ciebie. Nowy system kontroluje temperaturę gotowanie we wszystkich punktach i wspiera tryb optymalnego wyboru

  • _English_ For programme STEW, pressing the “Timer” button each time will add 1 hour, the display shows “01:00: 02:00, 03:00…..10:00”, and then returns to 01:00 again. For programme STERILIZATION, the cooking time can not be adjusted for safety. For the rest of programmes, pressing the “Timer” button each time will add 5 minutes, the display shows “00:10, 00:15…..02:30”, and then returns to 00:10 again

  • _Polski_ KONSERWACJA GARNKA WEWNĘTRZNEGO • Używaj garnka wewnętrznego wyłącznie z kuchenką wielofunkcyjną, nie należy używać go z innymi urządzeniami. • Nie należy myć garnka wewnętrznego w zmywarce. • Nigdy nie należy używać twardych szczotek, zmywaków, aby oczyścić garnek wewnętrzny, unikniemy wówczas uszkodzenia jego powłoki. • Aby wyjąc gorący garnek wewnętrzny użyj do tego koniecznie rękawic kuchennych albo uchwytów, lub też pozwól mu ostygnąć przed wyjęciem go. �

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    7.000 кг

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Мултифункционален уред за готвене SP 1985 A5

  • Мощност: 860 W
  • Вместимост на мазнина: 5 литрa
  • Цветен LED екран с таймер за 24 часа.
  • Умно управление с 11 функции: Ориз/Пилаф, Варене, Пържене, Каша, Претопляне, Сладкиш/Хляб, Супа, Пара, Стерилизация, Задушаване и Паста.
  • Голяма, дeмoнтираща се решетка за пара.
  • Функция за поддържане на топлината.
  • Регулиране времето за готвене.
  • Регулиране на мощността
  • Термостат
  • Таймер
  • Автоматично изключване: защита против прегряване
  • Лесен за употреба и почистване.
  • Вместимост: 5.0 литра
  • Книжка с рецепти в комплекта.
  • Пълен набор аксесоари: решетка за пара , черпак ,  мерителна чаша.

Ръководство за употреба

Специална оферта

Изпрати ни съобщение с модела на уреда (по Viber или го продиктувай на 0888 44 22 99) и наш сътрудник ще ти отговори на каква цена може да го получиш.

Искам да искажа мой те благодарности към техника бг. Поръчах си този уред за готвене и още на следващия ден пристигна. Прегледах много сайтове, но се спрях на този защото е наистина коректен и цените са нормални. :)

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