Мультиварка тефаль с индукционным нагревом инструкция по применению

Индукционная мультиварка Tefal RK805E32

Содержание обзора:

  • Плюсы и минусы мультиварки
  • Технические характеристики
  • Описание автоматических программ
  • Описание ручного режима
  • Обзор мультиварки
  • Видеорецепты
  • Полезные материалы
  • Комментарии и отзывы





Среднерыночная цена:
15600 руб.

Основные характеристики:   Мощность 1200 Вт., 7-мислойная сферическая чаша с 2-хслойным антипригарным покрытием объемом 5 литров, двухэтапный ручной режим Мультиповар (Мультишеф), 69 режимов приготовления (включая 15 автоматических программ и ручной режим), тепловая обработка без давления, съемная внутрення крышка, отсрочка старта до 24 часов, автоподогрев без возможности предварительного отключения, монохромный ЖК-дисплей.

Особенности : Индукционный нагревательный элемент, семислойная чаша толщиной 3 мм с повышенной теплопроводностью и износостойким антипригарным покрытием.

  • Двухэтапный ручной режим Мультишеф (Мультиповар Plus)
  • Индукционный нагревательный элемент
  • Таймер отсрочки старта до 24 часов
  • Функция поддержания тепла до 24 часов
  • Ручка для переноски
  • Энергонезависимая память (2 секунды)
  • Гарантия 2 года
  • Качественная чаша
  • Съемная внутрення крышка
  • Книга рецептов в комплекте
  • Нет контейнера для сбора конденсата
  • Нет предварительного отключения автоподогрева
  • Баночек для йогурта нет в комплекте
  • Чаша не оснащена ручками
  • Отстутствуют часы
  • Инструкция далека от идеала

Технические характеристики

Бренд Tefal
Модель RK805E32
Тип мультиварки мультиварка
Мощность, Вт 1200
Тип нагрева
  • Индукционный
Объем чаши, л 5,0
Тип покрытия чаши Антипригарное
Автоматические программы, кол-во 15
Ручная программа (мультиповар) Есть
Отложенный старт до 24 часов
Размеры (ШxВxГ), см 32x31x42
Вес, кг 6,4

Описание автоматических программ (режимов)

Программа Описание

Температура, °C: 100-160

Время, мин: 50 (5-120)

По умолчанию время приготовления в программе составляет 50 минут (Мясо), Птица (40), Рыба (10), Овощи (20). Возможна ручная установка времени приготовления в диапазоне от 5 минут до 2 часов с шагом в 5 минут. Диапазон ручной регулировки температуры в программе составляет 100-160°С с шагом в 5°С.


Температура, °C: 100-160

Время, мин: 20(5-90)

По умолчанию время приготовления в программе составляет 20 минут. Возможна ручная установка времени приготовления в диапазоне от 5 минут до 2 часов с шагом в 5 минут. Диапазон ручной регулировки температуры в программе составляет 100-160°С с шагом в 5°С. Отсрочка старта не предусмотрена.


Время, мин: 60 (10-180)

По умолчанию время приготовления в программе составляет 60 минут (Мясо), Птица (30), Рыба (25), Овощи (20). Возможна ручная установка времени приготовления в диапазоне от 10 минут до 3 часов с шагом в 5 минут.


Температура, °C: 90-100

Время, мин: 40 (20-9часов)

По умолчанию время приготовления в программе составляет 40 минут (Мясо), Птица (30), Рыба (25), Овощи (20). Возможна ручная установка времени приготовления в диапазоне от 20 минут до 9 часов с шагом в 5 минут. Диапазон ручной регулировки температуры в программе составляет 90-100°С.


Время, мин: 35 (5-180)

По умолчанию время приготовления в программе составляет 35 минут (Мясо), Птица (25), Рыба (20), Овощи (10). Возможна ручная установка времени приготовления в диапазоне от 5 минут до 3 часов с шагом в 5 минут.


Автоматическая программа


Автоматическая программа


Время, мин: 40 (5-240)

По умолчанию время приготовления в программе составляет 40 минут. Возможна ручная установка времени приготовления в диапазоне от 5 минут до 4 часов с шагом в 5 минут. Диапазон ручной регулировки температуры в программе составляет 100-160°С с шагом в 5°С.

Молочная каша

Время, мин: 10 (5-120)

По умолчанию время приготовления в программе составляет 10 минут. Возможна ручная установка времени приготовления в диапазоне от 5 минут до 2 часов с шагом в 5 минут.


Время, мин: 30 (5-120)

По умолчанию время приготовления в программе составляет 30 минут. Возможна ручная установка времени приготовления в диапазоне от 5 минут до 2 часов с шагом в 5 минут.


Время, мин: 40 (30-120)

По умолчанию время приготовления в программе составляет 40 минут. Возможна ручная установка времени приготовления в диапазоне от 30 минут до 2 часов с шагом в 5 минут.


Время, мин: 20 (10-60)

По умолчанию время приготовления в программе составляет 20 минут. Возможна ручная установка времени приготовления в диапазоне от 10 минут до 1 часа с шагом в 5 минут. Диапазон ручной регулировки температуры в программе составляет 85-100°С.


Время, мин: 8 часов (1-24)

По умолчанию время приготовления в программе составляет 8 часов. Возможна ручная установка времени приготовления в диапазоне от 1 до 24 часов с шагом 30 минут. После приготовления с использованием данной функции режим подогрева не активируется.


Время, мин: 25 (10-120)

По умолчанию время приготовления в программе составляет 25 минут. Возможна ручная установка времени приготовления в диапазоне от 10 минут до 2 часов с шагом в 1 минуту.


Время, мин: 24 часа

Для всех программ, кроме «Жарки» и «Мультишефа» возможна установка отложенного старта до 24 часов.

Описание мультиварки

Сферическая чаша мультиварки Тефаль

Tefal представляет серию мультиварок с чашей уникальной сферической формы, которая позволяет приготовить блюда в лучших традициях русской кухни – как из настоящей печи! В коллекцию новой для бренда категории вошли сразу три модели с инновационной чашей, не имеющей аналогов в мире.
Толстостенная сферическая чаша обеспечивает круговую циркуляцию воздуха, благодаря чему тепловая обработка ингредиентов происходит равномерно со всех сторон. Такой тип нагрева дает новым мультиваркам еще одно преимущество: он позволяет с высокой точностью автоматически выдерживать заданную температуру. Семи- или шестислойная (в зависимости от модели) чаша мультиварок Tefal превосходно сохраняет тепло, а ее антипригарное покрытие отличается высокими антикоррозийными свойствами и устойчивостью к механическим повреждениям. Просто сложите продукты в чашу мультиварки и спустя некоторое время наслаждайтесь результатом. Сочный гуляш, сытный борщ или витаминное рагу – теперь вы будете в восторге от каждого блюда!

Сферическая форма чаши для оптимальной круговой циркуляции воздуха

Индукционная мультиварка Tefal RK805E32 укомплектована семислойной сферической чашей с двухслойным антипригарным покрытием толщиной три миллиметра.

Индукционная мультиварка Tefal RK805E32

Предложение мультиварок с индукционным принципом нагрева на рынке довольно ограничено. «Бюджетные» варианты в диапазоне цен от 10 до 20 тысяч рублей (например, Redmond RMС-IH300 или Zigmund & Shtain MC-DS42IH) несколько превосходят по функционалу Tefal RK805E32. Но Тефаль комплектуется чашей близкой по характеристикам к чашам Cuckoo, чьи мультиварки-скороварки почти в два раза дороже. Поэтому если у вас появилась идея («Тефаль. Без твоих идей не обойтись») приобрести индукционную мультиварку с отличной чашей, то стоит подумать («Tefal. Ты всегда думаешь о нас») о Tefal RK805E32. Для тех, кто опасается главного недостатка индукционных мультиварок — слабой ремонтнопригодности в постгарантийный период, есть вариант с шестислойной сферической чашей толщиной 2,5 мм с двумя слоями антипригарного покрытия — Tefal RK812132.


Гарантия: 2 года
Страна-производитель: Китай
Модельный год: 2015 (лето)

Видео-рецепты для мультиварки Tefal RK805E32

Полезные материалы

15 июня 2015


















13, 14






4 5












13, 14






4 5


10 cups


Fig.1 Fig.2 Fig.3 Fig.4

Fig.5 Fig.6 Fig.7 Fig.8

Fig.14 Fig.15 Fig.16



Fig.9 Fig.11Fig.10 Fig.12












h i j




























1 Steam basket

2 Removable inner pot

2a Water level graduation for

rice cooking

3 Measuring cup

4 Rice Spoon

5 Soup spoon

6 Lid

7 Removable inner lid

8 Lid opening button

9 Stirring accessory

a bottom connector

b support ring

c stirring paddle

d cleaning tool

10 Power cord connector

11 Power cord

12 Product body

13 Control Panel

a MENU selection key

b “Stirring” ON/OFF Key (when


c DIY mode selection key

d Auto Clean function

e “ — “ time & temperature

adjustment key

f “ + “ time & temperature

adjustment key

g Cancel / Keep Warm

h Temperature selection key

i Timer selection key

j Delayed Start key

k START / setting selection key

14 Program description

a Jam

b Rice/Cereal

c Porridge

d Pilaf/Risotto

e Yogurt

f Pasta

g Bread Rising

h Sous-Vide

i Dessert

j Reheat

k Cottage Cheese

l Defrost


m1 Vegetables

m2 Fish

m3 Poultry

m4 Meat










Read and follow the instructions for use. Keep

them safe.

This appliance is not intended to be operated by

means of an external timer or a separate remote

control system.

This appliance can be used by children aged

from 8 years and above if they have been

given supervision or instruction concerning

use of the appliance in a safe way and if they

understand the hazards involved. Cleaning and

user maintenance shall not be made by children.

Keep the appliance and its cord out of reach of

children aged less than 8 years.

Appliances can be used by persons with reduced

physical, sensory or mental capabilities or lack

of experience and knowledge if they have been

given supervision or instruction concerning use

of the appliance in a safe way and understand

the hazards involved.

Children shall not play with the appliance.

This appliance is not intended for use by

persons (including children) with reduced

physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack

of experience and knowledge, unless they have

been given supervision or instruction concerning



use of the appliance by a person responsible for

their safety.

As this appliance is for household use only, it is

not intended for use in the following applications

and the guarantee will not apply for:

Sta kitchen areas in shops, oces and other

working environments

Farm houses

By clients in hotels, motels and other residential

type environments

Bed and breakfast type environments

If your appliance is tted with a removable

power cord: if the power cord is damaged,

it must be replaced by a special cord or unit

available from a authorised service centre.

If your appliance is tted with xed power

cord: if the power supply cord is damage, it

must be replaced by the manufacturer, the

manufacturers after-sales service department or

similarly qualied person in order to avoid any


The appliance must not be immersed in water or

any other liquid.

Use a damp cloth or sponge with diswashing

liquid to clean the accessories and parts in

contact with foodstu. Rince with a damp cloth

or sponge. Drying accessories and parts in

contact with food with a dry cloth.

If the symbol is marked on the appliance, this

symbol means “ Caution: surfaces may become


hot during use ”.

Caution: the surface of heating element is subject

to residual heat after use.

Caution: risk of injury due to improper use of the


Caution: if your appliance has a removable power

cord, do not spill liquid on the connector.

Always unplug the appliance:

immediately after use

when moving it

prior to any cleaning or maintenance

if it fails to function correctly

Burns can occur by touching the hot surface of

the appliance, the hot water, steam or the food.

During cooking, the appliance gives out heat

and steam. Keep face and hands away.

Cooking appliances should be positioned in

a stable situation with the handles (if any)

positioned to avoid spillage of the hot liquids.

Do not get face and hands close to the steam

outlet. Do not obstruct the steam outlet.

For any problems or queries please contact our

Customer Relations Team or consult our web site.

The appliance can be used up to an altitude of

2000 m.

For your safety, this appliance complies with the safety regulations and

directives in eect at the time of manufacture (Low-voltage Directive,

Electromagnetic Compatibility, Food Contact Materials Regulations,


Check that the power supply voltage corresponds to that shown on the

appliance (alternating current).



Given the diverse standards in eect, if the appliance is used in a

country other than that in which it is purchased, have it checked by an

approved service centre.

Connecting to the power supply

Do not use the appliance if:

the appliance or the cord is damaged

the appliance has fallen or shows visible damage or does not work


In the event of the above, the appliance must be sent to an approved

Service Centre. Do not take the appliance apart yourself.

Do not leave the cord hanging

Always plug the appliance into an earthed socket.

Do not use an extension lead. If you accept liability for doing so, only

use an extension lead which is in good condition, has an earthed plug

and is suited to the power of the appliance.

Do not unplug the appliance by pulling on the cord.

Allways disconnect the appliance from the supply if it is left unattended

and before assembling, disassembling or cleaning.


Use a at, stable, heat-resistant work surface away from any water


Do not allow the base of the appliance to come into contact with water

Never try to operate the appliance when the bowl is empty or without

the bowl.

The cooking function/knob must be allowed to operate freely. Do not

prevent or obstruct the function from automatically changing to the

keep warm function.

Do not remove the bowl while the appliance is working.

Do not put the appliance directly onto a hot surface, or any other source

of heat or ame, as it will cause a failure or danger.

The bowl and the heating plate should be in direct contact. Any object

or food inserted between these two parts would with the correct


Do not place the appliance near a heat source or in a hot oven, as

serious damage could result.

Do not put any food or water into the appliance until the bowl is in


Respect the levels indicated in the recipes.


Should any part of your appliance catch re, do not attempt to put it

out with water. To smother the ames use a damp tea towel.

Any intervention should only be made by a service centre with original

spare parts.

Protect the environment

Your appliance has been designed to run for many years. However,

when you decide to replace it, remember to think about how you can

contribute to protecting the environment.

Before discarding your appliance you should remove the battery

from the timer and dispose of it at a local civic waste collection centre

(according to model).

Environment protection rst!

Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or


Leave it at a local civic waste collection point.




Unpack the appliance

Remove the appliance from the packaging and unpack all the

accessories and printed documents.

Open the lid by pushing the opening button on the housing – g.1.

Read the Instructions and carefully follow the operation method.

Clean the appliance

Remove the bowl – g.2, the inner lid – g.3.

Clean the bowl, and the inner lid with a sponge and washing up liquid.

Wipe the outside of the appliance and the lid with a damp cloth.

Dry o carefully.

Put all the elements back in their original position. Install the inner lid in

the right positions on the top lid of machine. Install the detachable cord

into the socket on the cooker base.


Carefully wipe the outside of the bowl (especially the bottom). Make

sure that there are no foreign residues or liquid underneath the bowl

and on the heating element – g.4.

Place the bowl into the appliance, making sure that it is correctly

positioned – g.5.

If you wish to use the stirring function, assemble the paddle with the

bottom connector, the support ring, and the stir paddle — g.6 and

place it into the bowl — g.7.

Make sure that the inner lid is correctly in position.

Close the lid in place so you hear a click”.

Install the power cord (item 11) into the socket of multicooker base

(item 10) and then plug into the power outlet. The appliance will ring a

long sound «Beep», all the indicators on the control box will light up for

an instant. Then the screen display will show «—-», and all the indicators

will switch o. The appliance enters into standby mode, you can select

the menu functions as you wish.

Do not touch the heating element when the product is plugged in or

after cooking. Do not carry the product in use or just after cooking.


This appliance is only intended for indoor use.

Never place your hand on the steam vent during cooking, as there is

a danger of burns – g.11.

After start the cooking, if you wish to change the selected cooking

menu because of an error, press «KEEP WARM/CANCEL» key and re-

choose the menu you want.

Only use the inner pot provided with the appliance.

Do not pour water or put ingredients in the appliance without the

bowl inside.

The maximum quantity of water + ingredient should not exceed the

highest mark inside the bowl — g.10.



Programs Food Type

Cooking Time

Stirring paddle

Delayed Start Temperature Lid Position



Default time Range Adjustable Range Adjustable Default (°C) Range (°C) Closed Open

Jam 1h 5min-2h 5min Normally on up to 24h 5min 100 °C 90/100/110 °C

Porridge 25min 5min-2h 5min Normally on up to 24h 5min 100 °C 90/95/100 °C

Yogurt 8h 1h-12h 15min Possible No 40 °C

Bread rising 1h 10min-2h 5min No No 40 °C

Dessert (baked) 45min 30min-1h30min 5min Possible up to 24h 5min 160 °C 130/140/150/160 °C

Cottage Cheese 45min 30min-4h 5min No No 80 °C

Rice/Cereals Automatic Automatic Possible up to 24h 5min Automatic

Pilaf/Risotto Automatic Automatic Possible up to 24h 5min Automatic

Pasta 10min 3min-3h 1min Possible up to 24h 5min 100 °C

Sous vide 30min 15min-20h 1min No up to 24h 5min 58°C 1°C step from 58°C to 90°C

Reheat 25min 5min-1h 5min Possible up to 24h 5min 100 °C 80/100°C

Defrost 1h30min 10min-4h 5min No No 70°C


Vegetable 35min

5min-4h 5min Possible up to 24h 5min 160 °C 140/150/160 °C

Fish 20min

Poultry 40min

Meat 50min


Vegetable 40min

10min-4h 5min Possible up to 24h 5min 100 °C

Fish 45min

Poultry 50min

Meat 60min


Vegetable 35min

5min-3h 5min No up to 24h 5min 100 °C

Fish 25min

Poultry 45min

Meat 55min

Stew (Slow Cook)

Vegetable 30min

20min-9h 5min Normally on up to 24h 5min 100 °C 80/100/120°C

Fish 40min

Poultry 50min

Meat 1h20min


Vegetable 12min

5min-1h30m 1min Normally on No 160 °C


140 /150/160 °C

Fish 10min

Poultry 15min

Meat 20min

DIY 30min 5min-9h 5min Possible up to 24h 5min 100 °C 40/50……150/160 °C

Auto-rinse 10min 1min-20min 1min Normally on No 100 °C

Delayed Start




When starting your multicooker, press the “MENU” selection key to go

through the dierent programs.

The menus will be scrolled following this order:

Jam Porridge Yogurt Bread rising Dessert Cottage

cheese Rice /Cereals Pilaf/Risotto Pasta Sous-vide

Reheat Defrost Baking Soup Steam Stew/Slow

cook Crust/Fry

When you enter into menus [Baking], [Soup], [Steam], [Stew], [Crust/

Fry], you can choose an ingredient.

The screen displays the default cooking time of each function (except

Rice/Cereals, Pilaf/Risotto). If available for the chosen program, “Keep

warm and “Stir” indicators ashes. “Start button light ashes and the

linked function lights up.


Press «Menu» key to select function «Jam». The screen displays the default

cooking time, the light of «Start» will ash.

Press «Timer» key to activate the time setting function and then press «<»

and «>» to change the cooking time. Press «Temperature» to change the

temperature by pressing «<» and «>».

The light of “Stir is ON by default. It means the “Stir” function is activated

by default. Press the «Stir» key to turn OFF the “Stir” function. Press again to

activate. If no action is done before starting the cooking, the stirring function

will be on. Do not forget to place the stirring paddle inside the cooking pot

(g. 6 & g.7) if you activate the “Stir function. You may prefer to place the

paddle in the pot before placing all the ingredients, in order to facilitate the


Press «Start» key. The multicooker will start the Jam” cooking program and

the “Start light will remain ON. The screen will display the remaining cooking


At the end of cooking, the multicooker will “beep” three times.

Note: No keep warm function for this function




Press «Menu» key to select function «Porridge». The screen displays the

default cooking time, the light of «Start» will ash.

Press «Timer» key to activate the time setting function and then press

«<» and «>» to change the cooking time.

Press «Temperature» key to activate the temperature setting function

and then press «<» and «>» to change the cooking temperature.

The light of “Stir is ON by default. It means the “Stir” function is activated

by default. Press the “Stir” key to turn OFF the “Stir function. If the “Stir

icon does not light up it means the function will be OFF. Do not forget

to place the stirring paddle inside the cooking pot (g.6 & g.7) if you

activate the “Stir” function.

Press «Start» key. The multicooker will start the “Porridge cooking

program and the “Start light will come on. The screen will display the

remaining cooking time.

At the end of cooking, the multicooker will “beep” three times and

begin the keep warm program, the “Keep Warm indicator will come on

and the screen will display the time for which the keep warm function

has been active.


Press «Menu» key to select function «Yogurt». The screen displays the

default cooking time «08:00», the light of «Start» will ash.

Press «Timer» key to activate the time setting function and then press

«<» and «>» to change the cooking time.

Press «Stir» key and the light of “Stir lights up. Press again and

the “Stir” function will be o. If no action is done before starting the

cooking, the stirring function will be o. For this function, if the paddle

is activated, it will only stir during the last 15 min of the cooking time in

order to do mixed yogurt.

Press «Start» key. The multicooker will start the Yogurt” cooking

program and the “Start light will remain ON. The screen will display the

remaining cooking time.

At the end of cooking, the multicooker will “beep” three times.

Note: No keep warm function for this function




What milk should you use?

All our recipes (unless otherwise stipulated) are prepared using cow’s

milk. You can use plant milk such as soya milk for example as well as

sheep or goat’s milk but, in this case, the rmness of the yogurt may vary

depending on the milk used. Raw milk or long-life milks and all the milks

described below are suitable for your appliance:

Long-life sterilised milk: UHT whole milk results in rmer yogurt.

Using semi-skimmed milk will result in less rm yogurt. However, you

can use semi-skimmed milk and add one or two pots of powdered milk.

Pasteurised milk: this milk gives a more creamy yogurt with a little bit

of skin on the top.

Raw milk (farm milk): this must be boiled. It is also recommended to let

it boil for a long time. It would be dangerous to use this milk without

boiling it. You must then leave it to cool before using it in your appliance.

Culturing using yogurt prepared with raw milk is not recommended.

Powdered milk: using powdered milk will result in very creamy yogurt.

Follow the instructions on the manufacturers box.

Choose a whole milk, preferably long-life UHT.

Raw (fresh) or pasteurised milk must be boiled then cooled and

needs the skin removing.

The ferment

For yogurt

This is made either from:

One shop-bought natural yogurt with the longest expiry date

possible; your yogurt will therefore contain more active ferment for a

rmer yogurt.

From a freeze-dried ferment. In this case, follow the activation time

specied on the ferment instructions. You can nd these ferments in

supermarkets, pharmacies and in certain health product stores.

From one of your recently prepared yogurt – this must be natural and

recently prepared. This is called culturing. After ve culturing processes,

the used yogurt loses active ferments and therefore risks giving a less

rm consistency. You then need to start again using a shopbought

yogurt or freeze-dried ferment.

If you have boiled the milk, wait until it has reached room temperature

before adding the ferment.



Too high a heat may destroy the properties of your ferment.

Fermentation time

Your yogurt will need between 6 and 12 hours of fermentation,

depending on the basic ingredients and the result you are after.


6h 7h 8h 9h 10h 11h 12h


Sweet Acidic

Once the yogurt cooking process is nished, the yogurt should be

placed in a refrigerator for at least 4 hours and it can be kept max 7 days

in refrigerator.


This function is to rise bread dough at 30 °C or 40°C after manual kneading

and before baking.

Press «Menu» key to select function «Bread rising». The screen displays

the default cooking time “01:00” , the light of «Start» will ash.

Press «Timer» key to activate the time setting function and then press

«<» and «>» to change the cooking time.

Press «Start» key. The multicooker will start the “Bread Rising” cooking

program and the “Start light will come on. The screen will display the

remaining cooking time.

At the end of cooking, the multicooker will “beep” three times.

Note: No keep warm function for this function

Recommendations Dough proong (Bread rising):

To prepare the dough separately and put it in the inner bowl, close the

lid and select «Bread rising» function.

Once your dough is ready, you can use “Baking” function at 160°C

to bake for 20-23 minutes. Then turn it on other side for another 23

minutes approximate (depending on quantity of ingredients).


This function is to make Cottage Cheese. Ker is used as the basis for

cottage cheese. The ratio of ker: cottage cheese is approximately 4: 1.

Press «Menu» key to select function «Cottage cheese». The screen

displays the default cooking time «45.00» mins, the light of «Start» will


Press «Timer» key to activate the time setting function and then press

«<» and «>» to change the cooking time.

Press «Start» key. The multicooker will start the “Cottage cheese

cooking program and the “Start light will come on. The screen will

display the remaining cooking time.

At the end of cooking, the multicooker will “beep” three times.

Note: No keep warm function for this function



Pour the required quantity of rice into the bowl using the measuring

cup provided (item 3).

Fill with cold water up to the corresponding “CUP” mark printed in the

bowl – g.9.

Close the lid.

Note: Always add the rice rst otherwise you will have too much


Press «Menu» key to select function «Rice/Cereals». The screen displays

« », the light of «Start» will ash, then press «Start» key. The muticooker

will start the “Rice/Cereals cooking programand the “Start light will

come on, the screen ickers « ». The cooking time and temperature are

determined automatically by the appliance, depending on the number of


At the end of cooking, the multicooker will “beep” three times and

begin the keep warm program, the “Keep Warm indicator will come on

and the screen will display the time for which the keep warm function

has been active.




Press «Menu» key to select function «Pilaf/Risotto». The screen displays

« », the light of «Start» will ash.

The light of “Stir ashes. It means you have the possibility to activate

this function. Press the “Stir key. The light will stop ashing but remain

ON. It means you have selected the “Stir” function for this menu. If you

press the key until the icon light turns OFF, it means the “Stir function

will be deactivated for this menu. Do not forget to place the stirring

paddle inside the cooking pot (g.6 & g.7) if you activate the “Stir


Press «Start» key. The muticooker will start the “Pilaf/Risotto cooking

program and the “Start light will come on, the screen ickers « ».

The cooking time and temperature are determined automatically by

the appliance, depending on the number of ingredients.

At the end of cooking, the multicooker will “beep” three times and

begin the keep warm program, the “Keep Warm indicator will come on

and the screen will display the time for which the keep warm function

has been active.


Pilaf/Risotto functions)

Before cooking, measuring the rice with measuring cup and rinse it

except risotto rice.

1 cup =

~150g raw rice

Put the rinsed rice well distributed around the whole surface of the bowl.

Fill it with water to the corresponding water level (The graduations in


For example, if you are cooking 5 cups of rice, put your washed rice

evenly inside the cooking pot, then add water up to level 5 – g.9.

When the rice is ready, when the “Keep Warm indicator light is on, stir

the rice and then leave it in the multicooker for a few minutes longer in

order to get perfect rice with separated grains.

This table below gives a guide to cook rice:



Quantity of raw


( in number of


Quantity of raw


(equivalent in


Water level in

the bowl (+ rice)


2 300 g 2 cup mark 3per. – 4per.

4 600 g 4 cup mark 5per. – 6per.

6 900 g 6 cup mark 8per. – 10per.

8 1200 g 8 cup mark 13per. – 14per.

10 1500 g 10 cup mark 16per. – 18per.

The time and temperature are automatic for rice cooking.

Please note that there are 7 steps:

Preheat => Water absorb => Temperature quick rise => Keep boiling =>

Water evaporation => Braise rice => Keep warm.

The cooking time depends on the quantity and type of rice.


It is important to wait until the water reaches good temperature before

adding pasta.

Press «Menu» key to select function «Pasta». The screen displays the

default cooking time, the light of «Start» will ash.

Press «Timer» key to activate the time setting function and then press

«<» and «>» to change the pasta cooking time.

Press “Stir key and the “Stir light will come on. Press again and the stir

function will be o. If no action is done before starting the cooking, the

stirring function will be o.

Press «Start» key. The muticooker will start the “Pasta cooking program

and the “Start light will come on. The screen displays « ».

The Multicooker ring when the water is at good temperature. Put pasta

into the water and press again start to start timer. Until user do not

press start, cooking time do not start and multicooker keep water at

good temperature. During the pasta cooking, the lid must be open.

At the end of cooking, the multicooker will “beep” three times.

Note: No keep warm function for this function


: www.tefal.com

This product is repairable by TEFAL/TFAL*, during and after the guarantee period.

Accessories, consumables and enduser replaceable parts can be purchased, if locally available, as described on the

TEFAL/TFAL internet site www.tefal.com

The Guarantee**: TEFAL/TFAL guarantees this product against any manufacturing defect in materials or workmanship during

the guarantee period within those countries*** as stated in the attached country list, starting from the initial date of purchase

or delivery date.

The international manufacturers guarantee covers all costs related to restoring the proven defective product so that it

conforms to its original specifications, through the repair or replacement of any defective part and the necessary labour. At

TEFAL/TFALs choice, a replacement product may be provided instead of repairing a defective product. TEFAL/TFALs sole

obligation and your exclusive resolution under this guarantee are limited to such repair or replacement.

Conditions & Exclusions: TEFAL/TFAL shall not be obliged to repair or replace any product which is not accompanied by a valid

proof of purchase. The product can be taken directly in person or must be adequately packaged and returned, by recorded

delivery (or equivalent method of postage), to a TEFAL/TFAL authorised service centre. Full address details for each countrys

authorised service centres are listed on TEFAL/TFAL website (www.tefal.com) or by calling the appropriate consumer service

centre set out in the attached country list. In order to offer the best possible aftersales service and constantly improve

customer satisfaction, TEFAL/TFAL may send a satisfaction survey to all customers who have had their product repaired or

exchanged in a TEFAL/TFAL authorised service centre.

This guarantee applies only for products purchased and used for domestic purposes and will not cover any damage which

occurs as a result of misuse, negligence, failure to follow TEFAL/TFAL instructions, or a modification or unauthorised repair of

the product, faulty packaging by the owner or mishandling by any carrier. It also does not cover normal wear and tear,

maintenance or replacement of consumable parts, or the following:

damages or poor results specifically due to wrong voltage or frequency as stamped on the product ID or specification

using the wrong type of water or consumable

mechanical damages, overloading

ingress of water, dust or insects into the product (excluding appliances with features specifically designed for insects)

scaling (any descaling must be carried out according to the instructions for use)

damage as a result of lightning or power surges

damage to any glass or porcelain ware in the product

accidents including fire, flood, etc

professional or commercial use

Consumer Statutory Rights: This international TEFAL/TFAL guarantee does not affect the Statutory Rights a consumer may

have or those rights that cannot be excluded or limited, nor rights against the retailer from which the consumer purchased

the product. This guarantee gives a consumer specific legal rights, and the consumer may also have other legal rights which

vary from State to State or Country to Country. The consumer may assert any such rights at his sole discretion.

***Where a product purchased in a listed country and then used in another listed country, the international TEFAL/TFAL

guarantee duration is the one in the country of usage, even if the product was purchased in a listed country with different

guarantee duration. The repair process may require a longer time if the product is not locally sold by TEFAL/TFAL. If the product

is not repairable in the new country, the international TEFAL/TFAL guarantee is limited to a replacement by a similar or

alternative product at similar cost, where possible.

*TEFAL household appliances appear under the TFAL brand in some territories like America and Japan. TEFAL/TFAL are

registered trademarks of Groupe SEB.

Please keep this document for your reference should you wish to make a claim under the guarantee.

**For Australia only: Our goods come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. You are

entitled to a replacement or refund for a major failure and compensation for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage.

You are also entitled to have the goods repaired or replaced if the goods fail to be of acceptable quality and the failure does not

amount to a major failure.

**For India Only: Your Tefal product is guaranteed for 2 years. The guarantee covers exclusively the repair of a defective

product, but at TEFALs choice, a replacement product may be provided instead of repairing a defective product. It is mandatory

that the consumer, to have his product repaired, has to log a service request on the dedicated Smartphone application TEFAL

SERVICE APP or by calling TEFAL Consumer Care Center at 18602001232, Opening hours MonSat 09 AM to 06 PM. Products

returned by Post will not be covered by the guarantee. As a proof of purchase consumer needs to provide both this stamped

guarantee card and cash memo.

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