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Инструкция для NcStudio 5 будет полезна при освоении правильной работы на фрезерном станке ЧПУ китайского производства. Сам контроллер очень давно был выпущен компанией Weihong, которая является одной из наиболее продвинутых и востребованных области производства контроллер управления движением для лазерных и фрезерных станков и другого оборудования. На данный момент производитель поддерживает только NcStudio 8, 10. Поддержку пятой версии нцстудии он прекратил и на его сайте вы не найдете никакой информации, как и программного обеспечения. 

Контроллер производитель силами сторонних производителей, не имеющих ничего общего с производителем. На каких условиях идет производство не известно. 

В целом на момент 2021 года практически весь бюджетный сегмент фрезерных станков идет именно с данным устройством. Все работает стабильно и правильно, конечно учитываю сегмент данных фрезерных станков и их направленность.

Исполнение контроллера NcStudio 5

Контроллер устанавливается в PCI плату персонального компьютера и по средством кабеля подключается к станку, которым управляет. За счет такой схемы управление не «грузит» центральный процессов в сравнении с Mach3 и в целом схема работает стабильно и отзывчиво. 

Прочитав инструкцию NcStudio 5 на русском языке Вам будет гораздо проще понять логику его работы и, справится со сбоями и ошибками в работе. Описание основных проблем можно найти на форумах, но надо искать и не факт, что написавший там человек писал правильно. 

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Where there is motion control

there is WEIHONG


Summary of Contents for WEIHONG ELECTRONIC Ncstudio

  • Page 1
    Ncstudio PC-BASED NUMERIC CONTROLLER PROGRAMMING MANUAL Where there is motion control there is WEIHONG…
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Thank you for choosing our products! This manual will help you acquaint with our products and learn the information about programming command system. This manual makes a detailed introduction to the thought of system software programming and the command system of programming, as well as to system software support of PLT, CAM, and DXF.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Contents 1 New Functions ……………………… 1 2 Summarization of CNC Programming ………………2 2.1 Summarization of CNC Programming ………………2 2.2 Summarization of CNC Machine Tool ………………2 3 Structure of Machining File …………………. 5 3.1 Address Symbols and Functions ………………..

  • Page 4: New Functions

    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 1 New Functions New command M802 P458752 is used for clearing the external offset. For detailed information please refer to chapter 4.4. New command G921 is used for specifying the workpiece coordinates of current point in the current coordinate system.

  • Page 5: Summarization Of Cnc Programming

    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 2 Summarization of CNC Programming 2.1 Summarization of CNC Programming Definition of Machining File Composed of a series of instructions written in a programming language which is specially used for CNC device, a machining file will be translated into motion actions to control the machine tool by CNC device.

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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. are denoted by X, Y and Z, which are normally referred as basic coordinate axes. The correlation of X, Y and Z axes follows ―the Right Hand Rule‖, as shown in Fig. 2-2. The thumb points in the +X direction, the index finger points in the +Y direction, and the middle finger points in the +Z direction.
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Machine Origin (MO) and Machine Reference Point (REFER) of Machine Coordinate System (MCS) MCS is the intrinsic coordinate system of machine tool. Known as machine origin or machine zero point, or home position, the origin of MCS is confirmed and fixed after designing, manufacturing and tuning of machine.
  • Page 8: Structure Of Machining File

    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 3 Structure of Machining File A machining file is a group of instructions and data transmitted to the CNC device, and it is composed of program blocks which follow a certain structure, syntax and format rule, while each program block is composed of command words.

  • Page 9: Format Of Program Block

    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Address B: Basic Function Description Symbol O: Optional Function Arc radius designation Spindle speed in r/min Tool function X axis coordinate value designation Y axis coordinate value designation Z axis coordinate value designation 3.2 Format of Program Block A program block defines a line of instructions to be executed by CNC device.

  • Page 10: Programming Instruction System

    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 4 Programming Instruction System 4.1 Spindle Function (S), Feed Function (F) &Tool Function (T) Spindle Function S Command Format: S_ Description: S command is used to control the spindle speed. Its subsequent numerical value denotes the rotate speed of spindle in rpm.

  • Page 11: Miscellaneous Function M Code

    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. compensation register. Although T command is a non-modal instruction, the value of tool compensation invoked is effective until a new value is invoked for the next tool change. 4.2 Miscellaneous Function M Code Miscellaneous function is composed of address word M and its subsequent number of one to three digits.

  • Page 12
    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.  Modal G function: a group of G functions that can be cancelled mutually; a G function remains in effect until another G function in the same group appears to cancel it. Commands Related to Coordinate System and Coordinates…
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. machining, the WCS should be learnt by the CNC system so as to link up the WCS with the MCS by setting the coordinates of cutter beginning point in the MCS. G92 command can set the REFER point; it can also create a WCS by setting the relative position of tool beginning point (tool measurement point) to origin of WCS to be created.
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. G28 Auto Back to Reference Position Command Format: G28 X_Y_Z_ Description: X_Y_Z_: coordinates of the middle position (Workpiece Coordinates) A machine tool returns to REFER point (machine origin) through the middle point, as shown in Fig.
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. G992 X0 Y0 O3456 3. Add the following contents at the end of the processing file: G00 G90 X=#1 G906 G992 X0 Method two: G992 I_J_K 1. Delete M30 command in the processing file.
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. G54~G59 WCS Selection Command Format: G54/G55/G56/G57/G58/G59 Description: G54~G59 are 6 WCSs prepared by the system (as shown in Fig. 4-4). Any one of them can be selected. G54 Workpiece Coordinate System G59 Workpiece Coordinate System…
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. G53: using MCS and disabling zero offset of WCS. It is a non-modal instruction which is only valid in the current program block. G17, G18, G19 Coordinate Plane Selection Command format: G17/G18/G19 Description: G17: XY plane selection…
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. G51 is scaling on, while G50 is scaling off (Default: G50). The range of scaling: 0.000001-99.999999 For example: I0.666666 denotes that X is scaled down to 0.666666 times of the original dimension, while J3 denotes that Y is scaled up to 3 times of the original dimension.
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Description: X_Y_Z_: the center of rotation R_: rotation angle in degree. Negative value is clockwise while positive value counterclockwise. The instruction can be used for rotary contour machining by making the selected machining contour rotates degrees specified by R around the center in the specified plane. G68 is rotation on, while G69 rotation off.
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. The instruction can be nested: ’………A G68 X_Y_Z_R_ … ’………B G68 X_Y_Z_R_ … ’………C G68 X_Y_Z_R_ … ’………C’ ’………B’ ’………A’ Rotation that appears earlier will influence the following rotation instruction. The subsequent rotation center is not the one in the machining file, but the position after transformation due to the previous rotation.
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Fig. 4-9 Processing Outcome after Rotation G50.1/G51.1 Mirror Image Function Command Format: G51.1 X_Y_Z_ G50.1 X_Y_Z_ Description: X_Y_Z_: For G51.1, specifying mirror image center; for G50.1, specifying the invalid axes of mirror image function.
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. plane motion to ensure safe movement. For Z-axis upward motion, Z axis motion is before plane motion, otherwise, plane motion first. The machine data specifies the maximum rapid moving speed of each coordinate axis; a coordinate axis will run at this speed in rapid traverse.
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. direction. When R is negative, a circular arc is larger than a semicircle (i.e. a major arc); when positive, a circular arc is smaller than or equal to a semicircle (i.e. a semicircle or a minor arc). When the value…
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Start point End point End point Start point (10,10) (10,10) Fig. 4-10 G02/ G03 Programming Fig. 4-11 A Full Circle Interpolation Programming Example: A full circle interpolation, see Fig. 4-11. Solution 1: G00 X0 Y0…
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Program with G91: G00 X30 Y0 G91 G17 F300 End point G03 X-30 Y30 R30 Z10 Program with G90: G00 X30 Y0 G90 G17 F300 G03 X0 Y30 R30 Z10 Start point Fig. 4-12 Helical Programming K can also be used to specify the pitch in Fig.
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Tool Commands G40, G41, G42 Cutter Radius Compensation Command Format: G41 D_ G42 D_ Description: G40: cutter radius compensation cancel G41: left cutter compensation (the cutter offsets radius distance on the left side of cutter moving…
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Cutter, G40 X,Y(10,10) Center Fig. 4-14 Cutter Radius Compensation Programming Example: See Fig. 4-14 Cutter Radius Compensation. G17 G01 G41 (G42) X_ Y_ F_ D_ ’executes linear interpolation and cutter radius compensation G02 X_ Y_ I_ J_ ’circular interpolation…
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Description: G49: tool length compensation off G43: compensation along positive direction (end point value of compensation axis adds offset value) G44: compensation along negative direction (end point value of compensation axis subtracts offset value) H_: parameter of G43/G44, i.e.
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. If P is omitted, it indicates setting tool offset value for the current tool. Programming Example (the cutter lifting program in Public.dat) M802 P196609 M801 MSG»|D| wait for tool calibration signal» G904 FZ-60 PZ=#CALIBRATION_SW LZ1 M801 MSG»»…
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Drilling Operation at bottom of Retraction G Code Application operation hole operation Boring cycle of dwell at Cutting feed Dwell Cutting feed bottom of hole Notes: G76, G87, and G88 commands are not supported for the time being.
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Point R Plane Point R plane is also named R REFER plane; it is a plane where the cutter moves at a speed from rapid traverse rate (G00) to cutting workpiece speed (GXX). The distance between workpiece surface and point R, generally within 2~5mm, mainly varies with the dimension of workpiece surface.
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Z_: the position of point Z in the hole bottom plane (absolute programming); the distance from point R to point Z in the hole bottom plane (incremental programming) R_: the position of point R (absolute programming); the distance from the initial point to point R…
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. K_: number of repeats Hole-machining process is as shown in Fig. 4-19. It is easy to break and remove chips by intermittent feeding in Z-axis. Q specifies each time cutting depth, and ―‖ is set by the parameter (G73_G83 retract amount).
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Y25. ’hole 3 G98 X5. ’hole 4, and setting to return to the initial point X10. Y10. Z-20. ’hole 5, and setting a new point Z as -20 M05 ’drill stop G74 Left Tapping Cycle Command Format: G74 X_Y_Z_R_P_F_K_;…
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 3. Taps down to point Z at the bottom of the hole in G01; 4. Drill CW after P; 5. Retracts to point R in G01; 6. Drill CCW after P; 7. Retracts to the initial point (G98) or point R (G99) in G00.
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (X,Y) (X,Y) Initial Point Initial Point Spindle CCW Spindle CCW δ δ Fig. 4-21 G76 Machining Process Tool δ Offset (Oriented Spindle Stop) Fig. 4-22 Oriented Spindle Stop (OSS) Demonstration Process Description: 1. The cutter moves to the specified hole position (X, Y) in G00;…
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Programming Example: F1200 S600 M03 ’spindle CW on G00 X0 Y0 Z10 ’moving to the initial point G90 G99 ’Specifying the coordinates of point R, point Z and hole 1, with the displacement at the bottom of hole as 2.0, dwell time as 5s, and machining speed as 800…
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Description of Machining Process: 1. The cutter moves to the specified hole position (X, Y) in G00; 2. Moves down to the specified point R in G00; 3. Moves down to point Z at the bottom of the hole in G01;…
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (X,Y) (X,Y) Initial Point Initial Point Fig. 4-24 G82 Machining Process Process Description: 1. The cutter moves to the specified hole position (X, Y) in G00; 2. Moves down to the specified point R in G00;…
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (incremental programming) Q_: the peck depth each time(positive and incremental, minus mark will be ignored) F_: feed speed, even if the canned cycle is cancelled, this modal data is still effective in the subsequent machining.
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Programming Example: F1200. S600 M03 ’spindle CW on G00 X0. Y0. Z10. ’moving to the initial point G90 G99 ’Specifying the coordinates of point R, point Z and hole 1, with peck depth as 3.0, cutting speed as 800 G83 X5.
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Process Description: 1. The cutter moves to the specified hole position (X, Y) in G00; 2. Moves down to the specified point R in G00; 3. Taps down to point Z at the bottom of the hole in G01;…
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. (X, Y) Initial Point (X, Y) Initial Point Fig. 4-27 G85 Machining Process Process Description: 1. The cutter moves to the specified hole position (X, Y) in G00; 2. Moves down to the specified point R in G00;…
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. F_: feed speed, even if the canned cycle is cancelled, this modal data is still effective in the subsequent machining. K_: number of repeats (repeated movement and drilling, effective in G91 incremental mode) (X, Y)
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Command Format: G87 X_Y_Z_R_Q_P_F_K_; Description: X_Y_: hole position data (absolute/incremental coordinate) Z_: the position of point Z at the bottom of hole (absolute programming); the distance from point R to point Z at the bottom of the hole (incremental programming) R_: the position of point R (absolute programming);…
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 5. Retracts to point Z in G01; 6. After P, offsets Q distance in a direction opposed to previous offset; 7. Retracts to the initial point in G00; 8. Offsets Q distance after spindle CW.
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. P_: the dwell time at the bottom of the hole, in ms, with no decimal point F_: feed speed, even if the canned cycle is cancelled, this modal data is still effective in the subsequent machining.
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. G89 Boring Cycle of Dwell at the Bottom of Hole Command Format: G89 X_Y_Z_R_P_F_K_; Description: X_Y_: hole position data (absolute/incremental coordinate) Z_: the position of point Z at the bottom of the hole (absolute programming); the distance from point R to point Z at the bottom of the hole (incremental programming) R_: the position of point R (absolute programming);…
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. X25. ’hole 2 Y25. ’hole 3 G98 X5. ’hole 4, and setting to return to the initial point M05 ’spindle stop Special Canned Cycle Description: Unit of length: millimeter (mm) Unit of angle: degree…
  • Page 50
    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. G34 Bolt Hole Circle Command Format: G34 Xx Yy Ir Jθ Kn Description: Drills a circular pattern of a specified number of holes. X, Y: the center position of this cycle (G90/91 is influential) I: circle radius r J: θ, the included angle between X-axis and the point to be drilled first…
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. N001 G91 G81 G99 Z5 R6 F500 K1 N002 G35 X-10 Y5 I10 J60 K8 The machine tool moves from initial point to position 1, and then drills holes sequentially from position 1 until to position 5.
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. G37 Chessboard Hole Cycle Command Format: G37 Xx Yy IΔx Pnx JΔy Kny Description: Chessboard hole cycle. X, Y: the first position to be drilled (G90/91 is influential) I: hole interval in X axis…
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Programming Example: 37 Φ 10 Through hole δ =10 Fig. 4-37 Repeated Canned Cycle Machining Take a repeated canned cycle to drill holes as shown in Fig. 4-37. Programming is as following: N01 G90 X0. Y0. Z100.
  • Page 54: Advanced Functions

    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. PX[_], PY[_], PZ[_]: PLC address of to-be triggered latch signals of X, Y and Z axes LX_, LY_, LZ_: Signal status to trigger latch of X, Y and Z axes Programming Example: G916 PX[00000]LX0;…

  • Page 55
    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. These specific programs are defined as public subprograms which have the same format as a subprogram. O»9002″ Operation & control G65 P9002 L2 instructions (User-defined of variable Variable) M17; Fig. 4-38 Subprogram Call Instruction G65 Fig.
  • Page 56
    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. G905 enables feed speed specified by F command temporarily, instead of the default speed. When the parameter ―Use default speed‖ is set as valid, this instruction disables the default speed and forces to use the programmed speed temporarily, commonly used in functions of backing to reference point and tool measurement, and so on.
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. under rotary axis mode. M801 String Information Command Command Format: M801_ Description: This instruction is used for transferring message between modules. Programming Example: M801 ―Hello‖ ’transferring ―hello‖ M802 Integer Message Command Command Format: M802 Pxxxx Description: This instruction is used to transfer integer message.
  • Page 58: Expressions Used In Program Instructions

    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 4.5 Expressions Used in Program Instructions Current Definition for Expression: All positions behind the address characters that are taken up by numbers can be replaced by assignment expressions. No characters of space type are allowed to exist in the expression, including Space, Tab and Enter, etc.

  • Page 59: Comments In Program

    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Note: Radian is the unit for the numbers in the brackets which are behind sin, cos, tg, ctg, asin, acos, atg. For example: sin (5), 5 represents 5 radians. Application of Expression in Program Instructions: Instance one: B=1+2;…

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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. N02 G91 G00 X50 Y50 M03 S600 M08 ’incremental mode selected, the tool moves X50 Y50 at rapid traverse rate, spindle CW at 600 rpm, and coolant on ’rapid traverse 17mm downward in Z axis, length compensation on N03 G43 Z-17 H01 ’linear interpolation 16mm downward at 400mm/min in Z-axis…
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Example 3 Programming for the Workpiece Shown in Fig. 4-41 Fig. 4-41 Workpiece Machining Sketch ’workpiece coordinates system establishment N01 G92 X0 Y0 Z0 N02 G91 G41 G00 X40 Y30 D01 M03 S600 M08 ’incremental coordinates adopted, cutter radius compensation on, rapid traverse to X40, Y30, spindle CW at 600 rpm, and coolant on N03 G17 G01 X0 Y70 F800 ’linear interpolation to X40, Y100, feed speed 800mm/min…
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Example 4 Programming for the Workpiece Shown in Fig. 4-42 (CCW tapping) Fig. 4-42 Workpiece Machining Sketch ’workpiece coordinates system establishment N01 G92 X0 Y0 Z0 N02 G91 G00 X-35 Y15 M04 S600 M08 ’Incremental coordinates adopted, rapid traverse to X-35, Y15, spindle CCW at 600 rpm, and…
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. N02 G91 M03 S800 M08 ’incremental coordinates adopted, spindle CW at 800 rpm, coolant on ’subprogram 9001 call, executed six times N03 G65 P9001 L6 ’rapid traverse to X0, Y0, Z0, spindle stop, coolant off, end of…
  • Page 64: G Command Appendix

    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. N13 G01 X1 Z1 F600 N14 G02 X0 Y0 I9 J0 F600 N15 G01 X1 Z1 F600 N16 G02 X0 Y0 I8 J0 F600 N17 G01 X1 Z1 F600 N18 G02 X0 Y0 I7 J0 F600…

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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. G code Function G code Function Line at angle drilling cycle Tapping cycle Arc drilling cycle Drilling cycle Chessboard hole cycle High speed drilling cycle Cancel cutter radius Fine Back boring cycle compensation Left cutter radius…
  • Page 66: Named Parameters

    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 5 Named Parameters For a common user, the machining workpiece operations and other basic operations provided by the controller can meet his demands, such as: tool calibration, center calibration, canned cycle, etc. While for an advanced user who needs to modify some operating details, write operating programs and customize canned cycles, the controller provides a group of fast and convenient named parameters.

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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. G91 G00 Z=#FC50 G91 G00 Z=-#FC50 G91 G01 Z=-ABS (#FC5) F=#FC7 The variables defined in the canned cycle and their meanings: X—#FC1—- X-coordinate of the hole center Y—#FC2—- Y-coordinate of the hole center Z—#FC3—- workpiece coordinate of Z plane (hole depth, negative) R—#FC4—- workpiece coordinate of R plane (changing from the rapid traverse speed to the cutting speed in R plane, >0)
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    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Parameter Parameter Name Type Remarks 0:angle (unit: radian) Programming unit of UNIT.YR 1: surface distance of rotary rotary axis workpiece (unit: millimeter) Whether to stop spindle AUTOSTOPSPIN Spindle stop when BOOL automatically after machining…
  • Page 69
    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Parameter Parameter Name Type Remarks The speed at the The feed speed of Y-axis in BKREF_F1.Y coarse positioning DOUBLE coarse positioning stage when stage (Y-axis) backing to the reference point The speed at the The feed speed of Z-axis in BKREF_F1.Z…
  • Page 70
    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Parameter Parameter Name Type Remarks The difference between the MO difference double-driving shafts when they DD_BKREF_DELT between arrive the machine origin after the DOUBLE double-driving shaft adjustment of the transom (MO: Machine Origin) (Y-axis), (only used in the…
  • Page 71: Customize And Extend Command M

    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 6 Customize and Extend Command M The user can customize command M and G code by writing subprograms in public.dat. Subprogram no. 200~999 is used by internal interpreter engine. The code range of command M is 200~599, while that of G code is 600~999.

  • Page 72: Plt Support

    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 7 PLT Support At present, the system supports PLT instructions as below: //PU Pen Up PU [ X,Y [,…]] [;] //PD Pen Down PD [ X, Y [,…]] [;] //PA Plot Absolute PA [X, Y [,…]] [;]…

  • Page 73: Dxf Support

    上海维宏电子科技股份有限公司 Weihong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. 8 DXF Support At present, the system supports Entities as below: LINE LWPOLYLINE CIRCLE ELLIPSE SPLINE Prompt: Save the figure drawn with Auto CAD as DXF format, and then perform ―Open and Load‖ and ―Simulation Mode‖…

  • Page 74
    RMB: 21.00…





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Отправлено 14 Ноябрь 2008 — 16:56

Мужики, кто подскажет насчет документации, описаний, мануалов к китайскому чуду MJT-0609D в комплекте с NC STUDIO v8.76, буду очень благодарен. Сел на концевик по Z, как снять — ……..

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  • Пол:Мужчина
  • Из:Мир-CNC

Отправлено 15 Ноябрь 2008 — 13:27

Вот руководство по работе с программой NC-Studio v5.4.50
Прикрепленный файл
 manual_cnc.pdf   763,51К
  17771 скачиваний

и здесь дополнительная ссылка.

Сел на концевик по Z, как снять — ……..

Если произошел «перескок» через датчик, то необходимо отключить питание и в ручную откатить каретку.

  • Наверх




Отправлено 29 Сентябрь 2009 — 14:33

Сел на концевик по Z, как снять — ……..

или зайти в operations и нажать swich limits off.

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  • Из:Одесса

Отправлено 26 Март 2012 — 05:38

Сел на концевик по Z, как снять — ……..

Operations/Disable Mehanical Limits и не закрывая предупреждающего окна появится возможность управления станком в ручном режиме, что позволит съехать с датчиков.

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  • Пол:Мужчина
  • Из:СССР

Отправлено 25 Май 2014 — 13:48

Привет А есть у кого Мануал на русском NCstudio 10

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Андрей Кулагин

Андрей Кулагин

  • Пол:Мужчина
  • Город:Ярославль
  • Интересы:По профессии я фрезеровщик — универсал 5 разряда
    По образованию инженер- механик
    Мое хобби ремонт станков ЧПУ
  • Из:Ярославля(до Москвы 3,5 часа лету)

Отправлено 28 Май 2014 — 12:55

8 версии Нц на русском они с 10 очень похожи

  • 0

Жизнь надо прожить так, чтобы Дьявол был доволен, а Бог особых претензий не имел.
Теперь я freelancer , кому что нужно — стучитесь в скайп ingener20092

  • Наверх





  • Пол:Мужчина
  • Из:Россия , Ковров

Отправлено 21 Декабрь 2014 — 01:02

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  • Пол:Мужчина
  • Из:тамбов

Отправлено 06 Июнь 2018 — 01:02

Прикрепленный файл
 NC_Studio_PCIMC-3G_Руководство_пользователя_1.pdf   727,73К
  1673 скачиваний может кому пригодиться, ncstudio 3G

Сообщение отредактировал zhora_tmb: 06 Июнь 2018 — 01:02

  • 6

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  • Пол:Мужчина
  • Город:Санкт-Петербург
  • Из:Санкт-Петербург

Отправлено 06 Июнь 2018 — 12:18

может кому пригодиться, ncstudio 3G

Достойный трактат. Можно слить в Библиотеку.

Не то контекстное меню вкладки «AUTO» показано.

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