Ниссан патфайндер 2015 руководство по эксплуатации

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В моей машине есть цепь ГРМ. С каким интервалом ее нужно менять? Проверенный
При нормальной эксплуатации цепь ГРМ должна прослужить весь срок службы автомобиля и не нуждается в замене.

Это было полезно (2216)

Почему я не могу открыть одну или несколько дверей изнутри? Проверенный
Вероятно, в машине активирован детский замок. Обычно его можно разблокировать с помощью механизма в двери.

Это было полезно (669)

Как часто следует менять масло? Проверенный
Практически для каждого автомобиля есть свои точные рекомендации, однако в целом масло разумно менять каждые 10 000–15 000 км пробега или один раз в год. Загрязненное масло может со временем серьезно повредить двигатель.

Это было полезно (568)

Когда следует отключать подушку безопасности сбоку от пассажирского сиденья? Проверенный
При движении с ребенком в автокресле на пассажирском сиденье необходимо выключить подушку безопасности с этой стороны. Это также рекомендуется для детей до 12 лет, которые размещаются на пассажирском сиденье. Это необходимо для предотвращения травм в случае аварии.

Это было полезно (536)

Ключи от машины больше не будут открывать машину на расстоянии, почему? Проверенный
Автомобильные ключи, которые можно разблокировать на расстоянии, обычно работают от аккумулятора. Когда он закончится, ключ перестанет работать. Замените аккумулятор и попробуйте еще раз.

Это было полезно (497)

Приведет ли более низкое давление в шинах к большему сцеплению с дорожным покрытием при езде по снегу? Проверенный
Нет, несмотря на то что при снижении давления пятно контакта шин с дорогой увеличивается, автомобиль становится менее устойчивым. Садитесь за руль, только если в шинах правильное давление!

Это было полезно (299)

Я залил в машину не то топливо, что мне делать? Проверенный
Не садитесь за руль! Неважно, заливаете ли вы дизельное топливо в автомобиль с бензиновым двигателем или бензин в автомобиль с дизельным двигателем. В обоих случаях это может привести к повреждению машины и / или других частей автомобиля. Обратитесь в службу технической поддержки на дорогах.

Это было полезно (195)

Где я могу найти VIN-номер моей машины? Проверенный
Это может варьироваться в зависимости от марки и модели, но на многих автомобилях номер VIN можно найти на дверном косяке, под капотом или на металлическом полу переднего сиденья.

Это было полезно (163)

Как часто нужно менять щетки дворников? Проверенный
Желательно заменять щетки стеклоочистителя не реже одного раза в год. Признаками необходимости замены лезвий являются полосы, дымка, шум или отслоение резины.

Это было полезно (148)

Какой номер VIN? Проверенный
VIN означает идентификационный номер автомобиля и является уникальным номером, который есть у каждого автомобиля. Это делает автомобиль не идентифицируемым, например, после аварии или в случае отзыва. Это также позволяет идентифицировать автомобиль в случае отсутствия номерных знаков.

Это было полезно (118)

Сколько миль в одном километре? Проверенный
1 километр равен 0,621 мили. 10 километров равны 6,21 мили. 1 миля равна 1,609 километра. 10 миль равны 16,09 километра.

Это было полезно (117)

Могу ли я использовать дворники, когда на лобовом стекле обледенел? Проверенный
Нет, это не рекомендуется. Лед острый и может повредить резину на щетках стеклоочистителя.

Это было полезно (115)

Руководство Nissan Pathfinder (2015)

Здесь собраны руководства по эксплуатации автомобилей NISSAN. Даже если Ваш Ниссан уже снят с производства, Вы найдете здесь всю необходимую информацию о его возможностях и уходе за ним. Для просмотра руководства выберите модель Вашего NISSAN. Если соответствующего руководства по автомобилю Ниссан не нашлось, мы всегда рады проконсультировать Вас по телефону.

Регламент ТО по моделям:

Руководство по эксплуатации NISSAN Almera

Руководство по эксплуатации NISSAN Sentra

Руководство по эксплуатации NISSAN Juke

Руководство по эксплуатации NISSAN Murano

Руководство по эксплуатации NISSAN Navara

Руководство по эксплуатации NISSAN Note

Руководство по эксплуатации NISSAN Pathfinder

Руководство по эксплуатации NISSAN Teana

Руководство по эксплуатации NISSAN Tiida

Руководство по эксплуатации NISSAN X-Trail

Руководство по эксплуатации NISSAN NP-300

Руководство по эксплуатации NISSAN Patrol

Руководство по эксплуатации NISSAN Qashqai

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Как перевести мили в километры?

Где я могу узнать идентификационный номер транспортного средства Nissan?

Что такое идентификационный номер транспортного средства (VIN)?

Когда транспортному средству Nissan требуется техническое обслуживание?

Когда следует заменять тормозную жидкость на Nissan?

В чем разница между топливом E10 и E5?

Одна или несколько дверей не открываются изнутри. Что мне делать?

Автомобильный радиоприемник не включается, что делать?

Инструкция Nissan Pathfinder (2015) доступно в русский?

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  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 1

    ® 2015 P A T HF IND ER OWN E R’S MAN UAL For y our s af ety , read car efully and keep in this v ehicle. I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y : …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 2

    W elcome to the growing family of new NISSAN owners. This vehicle is delivered to you with confidence. It was produced using the latest techniques and strict quality control. This manual was prepared to help you under- stand the operation and maintenance of your vehicle so that you may enjoy many miles (kilome- ters) of driving pleasure. Please rea …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 3

    For descriptions specified for 4-wheel drive models, a 4WD mark is placed at the beginning of the applicable sections/items. As with other vehicles with features for off-road use, failure to operate 4-wheel drive models correctly may result in loss of control or an accident. Be sure to read “Driving safety precautions” in the “Start- ing and …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 4

    IMPORT ANT INFORMA TION ABOUT THIS MANUAL Y ou will see various symbols in this manual. They are used in the following ways: WARNING This is used to indicate the presence of a hazard that could cause death or serious personal injury. T o avoid or reduce the risk, the procedures must be followed precisely. CAUTION This is used to indicate the presen …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 5

    CALIFORNIA PERCHL ORA TE ADVISOR Y Some vehicle parts, such as lithium batter- ies, may contain perchlorate material. The following advisory is provided: “Perchlorate Material – special handling may apply, See www.dtsc .ca.gov/hazardouswaste/perchlorate/” . BLUETOOTH® is a trademark owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and licensed to Visteon and Cl …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 6

    NISSAN CARE S… Both NISSAN and your NISSAN dealer are dedicated to serving all your automotive needs. Y our satisfaction with your vehicle and your NISSAN dealer are our primary concerns. Y our NISSAN dealer is always available to assist you with all your automobile sales and service needs. However, if there is something that your NISSAN dealer c …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 7

    I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y : …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 8

    T able of Contents Illustrated table of contents Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system Instruments and controls Pre-driving checks and adjustments Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems Starting and driving In case of emergency Appearance and care Maintenance and do-it-yourself T echnical and consumer in …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 9

    I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y : …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 10

    0 Illustrated table of contents Air bags, seat belts and child restraints …………..0 — 2 Exterior front ………………………………..0 — 3 Exterior rear …………………………………0 — 4 Passenger compartment ………………………0 — 5 Instrument panel ……………………………..0 — 6 Engine compartment check …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 11

    1. Supplemental front-impact air bags (P .1-48 ) 2. Occupant classification sensor (weight sensor) (P . 1-48) 3. Seat belts (P . 1-17) 4. Head restraints/headrests (P .1-12) 5. Roof-mounted curtain side-impact and rollover supplemental air bag (P . 1-48) 6. 3rd row bench seat top tether strap anchor (located on bottom of seatback) (P . 1-26 ) 7. Fo …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 12

    1. Front view camera (if so equipped) (P . 4-27) 2. Engine hood (P . 3-22) 3. Windshield wiper and washer switch, wiper blades (P . 2-30, 8-19) 4. Windshield (P . 8-13) 5. Compass display (if so equipped) (P . 2-6) 6. P ower windows (P . 2-52) 7. Door locks, NISSAN Intelligent Key®, remote engine start (if so equipped) , keys (P . 3-5, 3-2, 3-20) …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 13

    1. Antenna (P . 4-103) 2. Rear window wiper and washer switch (P . 2-30) 3. Liftgate release (P . 3-23) 4. Rearview camera (if so equipped) (P .4-21, 4-27) 5. Replacing bulbs (P . 8-25) 6. Fuel-filler cap, recommended fuel (P . 3-28, 9-2 ) 7. Fuel-filler door (P . 3-28) 8. Child safety rear door lock (P . 3-5) See the page number indicated in paren …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 14

    1. Glove box (P . 2-45) 2. Map lights (P . 2-59) 3. Console box (P . 2-45) 4. P ower moonroof (if so equipped)/ panoramic sunshade (if so equipped) (P . 2-54) 5. Luggage hooks (P . 2-45) 6. Cup holders (P . 2-45) 7. Front seats (P . 1-2) 8. Sun visors (P . 3-32) See the page number indicated in paren- theses for operating details. LII2047 P ASSENGE …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 15

    1. V ent (P . 4-37) 2. Headlight/fog light (if so equipped)/turn signal switch (P . 2-33) 3. Control panel and Vehicle Information Display switches (P . 2-18) 4. Instrument brightness control (P . 2-36) 5. Driver supplemental air bag/Horn (P . 1-48, P . 2-38) 6. Meters, gauges, warning/indicator lights and V ehicle Information Display (P . 2-3, 2-1 …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 16

    20. V ehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) OFF switch (P . 2-42) T ow mode switch (P . 2-43) Liftgate release switch (if so equipped) (P . 3-23) Heated steering wheel switch (if so equipped) (P . 2-41) P ower inverter switch (if so equipped) (P . 2-42) P ower liftgate main switch (if so equipped) (P . 3-23) Blind Spot W arning switch (if so equipped) (P . …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 17

    VQ35DE engine 1. P ower steering fluid reservoir (P . 8-12) 2. Engine coolant reservoir (P . 8-7) 3. Drive belt location (P .8-17) 4. Fuse block (P . 8-21) 5. Engine oil filler cap (P . 8-9) 6. Brake fluid reservoir (P . 8-13) 7. Air cleaner (P . 8-18) 8. Fuse block (P . 8-21) 9. Fuse/fusible link box (P . 8-21) 10. Fuse/fusible link box (P . 8-21) …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 18

    W arning light Name Page Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) warn- ing light 2-11 or Brake warning light 2-11 Charge warning light 2-12 Engine oil pressure warning light 2-12 High temperature warning light 2-12 Low fuel warning light 2-12 Low tire pressure warning light 2-12 W arning light Name Page Low windshield- washer fluid warning light 2-14 Master …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 19

    Indicator light Name Page Security indicator light 2-17 Side light and head- light indicator (green) 2-17 Slip indicator light 2-17 T ow mode ON indi- cator light 2-17 T urn signal/hazard indicator lights 2-17 V ehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) off indicator light 2-17 0-10 Illustrated table of contents I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y : …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 20

    1 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system Seats ……………………………………..1 — 2 Front manual seat adjustment (if so equipped) …………………………..1 — 3 Front power seat adjustment (if so equipped) …………………………..1 — 5 2nd row bench seat adjustment ………………1 — 7 3rd row be …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 21

    WARNING ● Do not ride in a moving vehicle when the seatback is reclined. This can be dangerous. The shoulder belt will not be against your body. In an accident, you could be thrown into it and receive neck or other serious injuries. Y ou could also slide under the lap belt and receive serious internal injuries. ● For the most effective protecti …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 22

    FRONT MANUAL SEA T ADJUSTMENT (if so equipped) Y our vehicle seats can be adjusted manually. For additional information about adjusting the seats, refer to the steps outlined in this section. Forward and backward Pull the center of the bar up and hold it while you slide the seat forward or backward to the desired position. Release the bar to lock t …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 23

    Seat lifter (driver’s seat) Pull up or push down the adjusting lever to adjust the seat height until the desired position is achieved. Lumbar support (driver’s seat) The lumbar support feature provides adjustable lower back support to the driver. Move the lever up or down to adjust the seat lumbar area. LRS2202 LRS2132 1-4 Safety—Seats, seat …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 24

    FRONT POWER SEA T ADJUSTMENT (if so equipped) Operating tips ● The power seat motor has an auto-reset overload protection circuit. If the motor stops during operation, wait 30 seconds then reactivate the switch. ● Do not operate the power seat switch for a long period of time when the engine is off. This will discharge the battery . For additio …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 25

    Seat lifter (driver’s seat) Push the front or rear end of the switch up or down to adjust the angle and height of the seat cushion. Lumbar support (driver’s seat) The lumbar support feature provides adjustable lower back support to the driver. Move the lever up or down (manual) or push the front or back end of the switch (power) to adjust the s …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 26

    2ND ROW BENCH SEA T ADJUSTMENT Forward and backward Pull the center of the bar 䊊 1 up and hold it while you slide the seat forward or backward to the desired position. Release the bar to lock the seat in position. Reclining T o recline the seatback, pull up on the lever 䊊 2 and lean back. T o bring the seatback forward, pull the lever 䊊 2 up …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 27

    Multi-mode WARNING When returning the seat to its original position, confirm that the seat and seat- back are locked properly. CAUTION ● Be careful not to pinch your hand or foot or bump your head when operating the walk -in seat. ● Do not drive with the 2nd row seat tipped up. ● Be careful not to allow the 2nd row seat to pinch, hit any part …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 28

    WARNING When returning the seat to its original position, confirm that the seat and seat- back are locked properly. CAUTION Be careful not to pinch your hand or foot or bump your head when operating the walk -in seat. 3RD ROW BENCH SEA T ADJUSTMENT Reclining T o recline the seatback, pull up on the latch located on the outside corner of each seatba …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 29

    ARMRESTS The 2nd row bench seat comes equipped with an armrest. Pull the armrest down until it rests on the seat cushion. FLEXIBLE SEA TING WARNING ● Never allow anyone to ride in the cargo area or on the rear seats when they are in the fold-down position. In a collision, people riding in these areas without proper restraints are more likely to b …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 30

    Folding the 2nd row bench seat T o fold the 2nd row bench seat flat for maximum cargo hauling: 1. Make sure that the head restraints are low- ered or removed. T o remove the head restraint/headrest, push and hold the lock knob while moving the head restraint/headrest in an upward direction. Store the head restraint/headrest properly so it is not lo …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 31

    T o return the 3rd row seats to a seating position: 1. Use the pull straps 䊊 3 to raise each seat- back. Pull back until the seatback latches into position. Make sure to properly raise each seatback to an upright and se- cured position. 2. Do not use the pull strap to return the head restraint/headrest to the upright position. Pull back on the he …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 32

    ● Adjustable head restraints/headrests have multiple notches along the stalk(s) to lock them in a desired adjustment position. ● The non-adjustable head restraints/headrests have a single locking notch to secure them to the seat frame. ● Proper Adjustment: – For the adjustable type, align the head restraint/headrest so the center of your ea …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 33

    REMOVE Use the following procedure to remove the head restraint/headrest: 1. Pull the head restraint/headrest up to the highest position. 2. Push and hold the lock knob. 3. Remove the head restraint/headrest from the seat. 4. Store the head restraint/headrest properly in a secure place so it is not loose in the vehicle. 5. Reinstall and properly ad …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 34

    INST ALL 1. Align the head restraint/headrest stalks with the holes in the seat. Make sure that the head restraint/headrest is facing the correct direction. The stalk with the notch (notches) 䊊 1 must be installed in the hole with the lock knob 䊊 2 . 2. Push and hold the lock knob and push the head restraint/headrest down. 3. Properly adjust th …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 35

    Raise T o raise the head restraint/headrest, pull it up. Make sure the head restraint/headrest is posi- tioned so the lock knob is engaged in the notch before riding in that designated seating position. Lower T o lower, push and hold the lock knob and push the head restraint/headrest down. Make sure the head restraint/headrest is posi- tioned so th …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 36

    WARNING When the seat is returned to the normal seating position, the head restraint/headrest must be returned to the upright position to properly protect ve- hicle occupants. PRECAUTIONS ON SEA T BEL T USAGE If you are wearing your seat belt properly ad- justed and you are sitting upright and well back in your seat with both feet on the floor, you …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 37

    WARNING ● Every person who drives or rides in this vehicle should use a seat belt at all times. Children should be in the rear seats and in an appropriate restraint. WARNING ● The seat belt should be properly ad- justed to a snug fit. Failure to do so may reduce the effectiveness of the entire restraint system and increase the chance or severit …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 38

    WARNING ● Always route the shoulder belt over your shoulder and across your chest. Never put the belt behind your back, under your arm or across your neck. The belt should be away from your face and neck, but not falling off your shoulder. ● Position the lap belt as low and snug as possible AROUND THE HIPS, NOT THE WAIST . A lap belt worn too h …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 39

    SEA T BEL T W ARNING LIGHT Both the driver’s and passenger’s front seats are equipped with a seat belt warning light. The warning light, located on the instrument panel, will show the status of the driver and passenger seat belt. NO TE: The front passenger seat belt warning light will not light up if the seat is not occupied. For additional inf …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 40

    Fastening the seat belts 1. Adjust the seat. For additional information, refer to “Seats” in this section. 2. Slowly pull the seat belt out of the retractor and insert the tongue into the buckle 䊊 2 until you hear and feel the latch engage. ● The retractor is designed to lock dur- ing a sudden stop or on impact. A slow pulling motion permit …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 41

    The ELR mode allows the seat belt to extend and retract to allow the driver and passengers some freedom of movement in the seat. The ELR locks the seat belt when the vehicle slows down rapidly or during certain impacts. The ALR mode (child restraint mode) locks the seat belt for child restraint installation. When the ALR mode is activated, the seat …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 42

    䊊 A Shoulder belt height adjust button Shoulder belt height adjustment (front and rear outboard seats) The shoulder belt anchor height should be ad- justed to the position best for you. For additional information, refer to “Precautions on seat belt usage” in this section. T o adjust, push the button and then move the shoulder belt anchor to t …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 43

    ● 2nd and 3rd row seating position See a NISSAN dealer for assistance with pur- chasing an extender if an extender is required. WARNING ● Only NISSAN seat belt extenders, made by the same company which made the original equipment seat belts, should be used with NISSAN seat belts. ● Adults and children who can use the standard seat belt should …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 44

    There are three basic types of child restraint systems: ● Rear-facing child restraints ● Forward-facing child restraints ● Booster seats The proper restraint depends on the child’s size. Generally , infants up to about 1 year and less than 20 lbs (9 kg) should be placed in rear-facing child restraints. Forward-facing child restraints are av …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 45

    properly , the booster seat should raise the child so that the shoulder belt is properly positioned across the chest and the top, middle portion of the shoulder. The shoulder belt should not cross the neck or face and should not fall off the shoul- der. The lap belt should lie snugly across the lower hips or upper thighs, not the abdomen. A booster …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 46

    – Infants and children should never be held on anyone’s lap. Even the stron- gest adult cannot resist the forces of a collision. – Do not put a seat belt around both a child and another passenger. – NISSAN recommends that all child restraints be installed in the rear seat. Studies show that children are safer when properly restrained in the …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 47

    CAUTION A child restraint in a closed vehicle can become very hot. Check the seating sur- face and buckles before placing a child in the child restraint. This vehicle is equipped with a universal child restraint anchor system, referred to as the LA T CH (Lower Anchors and T ethers for CHildren) sys- tem. Some child restraints include rigid or webbi …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 48

    child restraint. Be sure to follow the child restraint manufacturer’s instructions for installation. The LA T CH lower anchor points are provided to install child restraints in the following positions only: ● 2nd row bench seat – outboard seating positions LA T CH lower anchor WARNING Failure to follow the warnings and instruc- tions for prop …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 49

    Installing child restraint LA T CH lower anchor attachments LA T CH compatible child restraints include two rigid or webbing-mounted attachments that can be connected to two anchors located at certain seating positions in your vehicle. With this sys- tem, you do not have to use a vehicle seat belt to secure the child restraint. Check your child re- …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 50

    T op tether anchor WARNING ● Do not allow cargo to contact the top tether strap when it is attached to the top tether anchor. Properly secure the cargo so it does not contact the top tether strap. Cargo that is not properly secured or cargo that contacts the top tether strap may damage it during a collision. A child could be seriously in- jured o …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 51

    REAR-F ACING CHILD RESTRAINT INST ALLA TION USING LA T CH For additional information, refer to all W arnings and Cautions in the “Child Safety” and “Child Restraint” sections of this manual before install- ing a child restraint. Do not use the lower anchors if the combined weight of the child and the child restraint exceeds 65 lbs (29.5 kg) …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 52

    3. For child restraints that are equipped with webbing-mounted attachments, remove any additional slack from the anchor attach- ments. Press downward and rearward firmly in the center of the child restraint with your hand to compress the vehicle seat cushion and seatback while tightening the webbing of the anchor attachments. 4. After attaching the …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 53

    Do not use the lower anchors if the combined weight of the child and the child restraint exceeds 65 lbs (29.5 kg) . If the combined weight of the child and the child restraint is greater than 65 lbs, (29.5 kg) use the vehicle’s seat belt (not the lower anchors) to install the child restraint. Be sure to follow the child restraint manufacturer’s …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 54

    3. Pull the shoulder belt until the belt is fully extended. At this time, the seat belt retractor is in the ALR mode (child restraint mode) . It reverts to the ELR mode when the seat belt is fully retracted. 4. Allow the seat belt to retract. Pull up on the shoulder belt to remove any slack in the belt. 5. Remove any additional slack from the seat …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 55

    6. After attaching the child restraint, test it be- fore you place the child in it. Push it from side to side while holding the child restraint near the seat belt path. The child restraint should not move more than 1 inch (25 mm) , from side to side. T ry to tug it forward and check to see if the belt holds the restraint in place. If the restraint …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 56

    2. Secure the child restraint anchor attach- ments to the LA T CH lower anchors. Check to make sure the LA T CH attachment is prop- erly attached to the lower anchors. If the child restraint is equipped with a top tether strap, route the top tether strap and secure the tether strap to the tether anchor point. For additional information, refer to ? …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 57

    4. For child restraints that are equipped with webbing-mounted attachments, remove any additional slack from the anchor attach- ments. Press downward and rearward firmly in the center of the child restraint with your knee to compress the vehicle seat cushion and seatback while tightening the webbing of the anchor attachments. 5. Tighten the tether …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 58

    䊊 1 T op tether strap 䊊 2 Anchor point Installing top tether strap The child restraint top tether strap must be used when installing the child restraint with the LA TCH lower anchor attachments. First, secure the child restraint with the LA TCH lower anchors (2nd row bench outboarding seat- ing positions only) . 2nd row bench seat OUTBOARD SEA …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 59

    For additional information, refer to all W arnings and Cautions in the “Child Safety” and “Child Restraint” sections of this manual before install- ing a child restraint. Do not use the lower anchors if the combined weight of the child and the child restraint exceeds 65 lbs (29.5 kg) . If the combined weight of the child and the child restr …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 60

    3. Route the seat belt tongue through the child restraint and insert it into the buckle until you hear and feel the latch engage. Be sure to follow the child restraint manufacturer’s in- structions for belt routing. If the child restraint is equipped with a top tether strap, route the top tether strap and secure the tether strap to the tether anc …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 61

    6. Remove any additional slack from the seat belt; press downward and rearward firmly in the center of the child restraint with your knee to compress the vehicle seat cushion and seatback while pulling up on the seat belt. 7. Tighten the tether strap according to the manufacturer’s instructions to remove any slack. 8. After attaching the child re …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 62

    10. If the child restraint is installed in the front passenger seat, place the ignition switch in the ON position. The front passenger air bag status light should illuminate. If this light is not illuminated refer to “Front passen- ger air bag and status light” in this section. Move the child restraint to another seating position. Have the syst …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 63

    WARNING Child restraint anchorages are designed to withstand only those loads imposed by correctly fitted child restraints. Under no circumstances are they to be used to at- tach adult seat belts, or other items or equipment to the vehicle. Doing so could damage the child restraint anchorages. The child restraint will not be properly installed usin …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 64

    WARNING Child restraint anchorages are designed to withstand only those loads imposed by correctly fitted child restaints. Under no circumstances are they to be used to at- tach adult seat belts, or other items or equipment to the vehicle. Doing so could damage the child restraint anchorages. The child restraint will not be properly installed using …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 65

    Booster seats of various sizes are offered by several manufacturers. When selecting any booster seat, keep the following points in mind: ● Choose only a booster seat with a label certifying that it complies with Federal Motor V ehicle Safety Standard 213 or Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 213. ● Check the booster seat in your vehicle to …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 66

    1. If you must install a booster seat in the front seat, move the seat to the rear- most position. 2. Position the booster seat on the seat. Only place it in a front-facing direction. Always follow the booster seat manufacturer’s in- structions. 3. The booster seat should be positioned on the vehicle seat so that it is stable. If necessary , adju …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 67

    7. If the booster seat is installed in the front passenger seat, place the ignition switch in the ON position. The front passenger air bag status light may or may not illuminate, depending on the size of the child and the type of booster seat being used. For addi- tional information, refer to “Front passenger air bag and status light” in this s …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 68

    WARNING ● The front air bags ordinarily will not inflate in the event of a side impact, rear impact, rollover, or lower severity fron- tal collision. Always wear your seat belts to help reduce the risk or severity of injury in various kinds of accidents. ● The front passenger air bag will not inflate if the passenger air bag status light is lit …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 69

    WARNING ● Never let children ride unrestrained or extend their hands or face out of the window. Do not attempt to hold them in your lap or arms. Some examples of dangerous riding positions are shown in the illustrations. ARS1133 ARS1041 1-50 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y : …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 70

    ARS1042 ARS1043 ARS1044 Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-51 I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y : …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 71

    WARNING ● Children may be severely injured or killed when the front air bags, side air bags or curtain air bags inflate if they are not properly restrained. Pre-teens and children should be properly re- strained in the rear seat, if possible. ● Even with the NISSAN Advanced Air Bag System, never install a rear-facing child restraint in the fron …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 72

    WARNING ● The seat belts, the side air bags and curtain air bags are most effective when you are sitting well back and upright in the seat with both feet on the floor. The side air bag and curtain air bag inflate with great force. Do not allow anyone to place their hand, leg or face near the side air bag on the side of the seatback of the front s …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 73

    WARNING ● When sitting in the 2nd row rear seat, do not hold onto the seatback of the front seat. If the side air bag inflates, you may be seriously injured. Be especially care- ful with children, who should always be properly restrained. Some examples of dangerous riding positions are shown in the illustrations ● Do not use seat covers on the …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 74

    NISSAN Advanced Air Bag System (front seats) 1. Supplemental front-impact air bag modules 2. Air bag Control Unit (ACU) 3. Occupant classification sensor (weight sen- sor) 4. Front seat-mounted side-impact supple- mental air bag modules 5. Roof-mounted curtain side-impact and roll- over supplemental air bags 6. Roof-mounted curtain side-impact and …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 75

    V ehicle damage (or lack of it) is not always an indication of proper front air bag system opera- tion. The NISSAN Advanced Air Bag System has dual stage inflators. It also monitors information from the crash zone sensor and the Air bag Control Unit (ACU) . Inflator operation is based on the severity of a collision and seat belt usage for the drive …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 76

    Front passenger air bag and status light WARNING The front passenger air bag is designed to automatically turn OFF under some condi- tions. Read this section carefully to learn how it operates. Proper use of the seat, seat belt and child restraints is necessary for most effective protection. Failure to follow all instructions in this manual con- ce …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 77

    the passenger air bag OFF in accordance with the regulations. Also, if a child restraint of the type specified in the regulations is on the seat, its weight and the child’s weight can be detected and cause the air bag to turn OFF . Front passenger seat adult occupants who are properly seated and using the seat belt as outlined in this manual shou …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 78

    If a malfunction occurs in the front passenger air bag system, the supplemental air bag warning light , located in the meter and gauges area of the instrument panel, will blink. Have the sys- tem checked by a NISSAN dealer. Normal operation In order for the occupant classification system to classify the right front passenger based on weight, please …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 79

    NO TE: A system check will be performed during which the front passenger air bag status light will remain lit for about 7 seconds initially. If the light is still on after this, the vehicle should be checked by a NISSAN dealer as soon as possible. 2. If the light is ON with an adult occupying the front passenger seat: ● Occupant is a small adult …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 80

    If the vehicle is moving, please come to a stop when it is safe to do so. Check and correct any of the above conditions. Restart the vehicle and wait one minute. NO TE: A system check will be performed during which the front passenger air bag status light will remain lit for about 7 seconds initially. If the light is still OFF after this, the small …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 81

    ● Work on and around the front air bag system should be done by a NISSAN dealer. Installation of electrical equip- ment should also be done by a NISSAN dealer. The Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) wiring harnesses* should not be modified or disconnected. Unau- thorized electrical test equipment and probing devices should not be used on the air …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 82

    The seat belts should be correctly worn and the driver and passenger seated upright as far as practical away from the side air bag. Rear seat passengers should be seated as far away as practical from the door finishers and side roof rails. The side air bags and curtain air bags inflate quickly in order to help protect the occupants. Because of this …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 83

    Seat belts with pretensioners (front seats) WARNING ● If the vehicle becomes involved in a collision but a pretensioner is not acti- vated, be sure to have the pretensioner system checked and, if necessary, re- placed by your NISSAN dealer. ● No unauthorized changes should be made to any components or wiring of the pretensioner system. This is …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 84

    1. SRS Air Bag W arning Labels The warning labels are located on the sur- face of the sun visor. SUPPLEMENT AL AIR BAG W ARNING LABELS W arning labels about the supplemental front- impact air bag system are placed in the vehicle as shown in the illustration. SUPPLEMENT AL AIR BAG W ARNING LIGHT The supplemental air bag warning light, displaying in …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 85

    Repair and replacement procedure The front air bags, side air bags, curtain air bags and pretensioners are designed to inflate on a one-time-only basis. As a reminder, unless it is damaged, the supplemental air bag warning light remains illuminated after inflation has occurred. Repair and replacement of these supplemental air bag systems should be …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 86

    MEMO Safety—Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system 1-67 I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y : …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 87

    2 Instruments and controls Instrument panel ……………………………..2 — 2 Meter and gauges ……………………………2 — 3 Speedometer and odometer …………………2 — 4 T achometer ………………………………2 — 5 Engine coolant temperature gauge ……………2 — 5 Fuel gauge ………………………………2 …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 88

    Seatback pockets ……………………….. 2-46 Glove box ……………………………… 2-46 Console box ……………………………. 2-46 Sunglasses holder ……………………….. 2-47 Cup holders ……………………………. 2-48 Storage tray ……………………………. 2-50 Luggage hooks …………………. …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 89

    1. V ent (P . 4-37) 2. Headlight/fog light (if so equipped)/turn signal switch (P . 2-33) 3. Control panel and Vehicle Information Display switches (P . 2-18) 4. Instrument brightness control (P . 2-36) 5. Driver supplemental air bag/Horn (P . 1-48, P . 2-38) 6. Meters, gauges, warning/indicator lights and V ehicle Information Display (P . 2-3, 2-1 …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 90

    20. V ehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) OFF switch (P . 2-42) T ow mode switch (P . 2-43) Liftgate release switch (if so equipped) (P . 3-23) Heated steering wheel switch (if so equipped) (P . 2-41) P ower inverter switch (if so equipped) (P . 2-42) P ower liftgate main switch (if so equipped) (P . 3-23) Blind Spot W arning switch (if so equipped) (P . …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 91

    SPEEDOMETER AND ODOMETER This vehicle is equipped with a speedometer and odometer. The speedometer is located on the right side of the meter cluster. The odometer is located within the Vehicle Information Display. Speedometer The speedometer indicates vehicle speed. Odometer/T win trip odometer The odometer 䊊 1 and the twin trip odometer 䊊 2 ar …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 92

    T ACHOMETER The tachometer indicates engine speed in revo- lutions per minute (rpm) . Do not rev engine into the red zone 䊊 1 . CAUTION When engine speed approaches the red zone, reduce engine speed. Operating the engine in the red zone may cause serious engine damage. ENGINE COOLANT TEMPERA TURE GAUGE The gauge indicates the engine coolant tempe …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 93

    FUEL GAUGE The gauge indicates the approximate fuel level in the tank. The gauge may move slightly during braking, turning, acceleration, or going up or down hills. The gauge needle returns to 0 (Empty) after the ignition switch is placed in the OFF position. The low fuel warning light comes on when the amount of fuel in the tank is getting low . R …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 94

    COMP ASS DISPLA Y Push the or button for about 1 sec- ond when the ignition switch is placed in the ON position to toggle the compass direction display 䊊 1 on or off. The display will indicate the direction that the vehicle is heading. N: North E: East S: South W: West If the display reads “C” , calibrate the compass by driving the vehicle in …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 95

    Zone variation change procedure The difference between magnetic north and geo- graphical north is known as variance. In some areas, this difference can sometimes be great enough to cause false compass readings. Follow these instructions to set the variance for your particular location if this happens: 1. Press and hold the button for about 8 second …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 96

    2. Calibrate the compass by driving the vehicle in three complete circles at a maximum speed of 5 MPH (8 km/h). 3. After completing the circles, the display should return to normal. CAUTION ● Do not install a ski rack, antenna, etc ., which are attached to the vehicle by means of a magnet. They affect the op- eration of the compass. ● When clea …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 97

    Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) warning light Power steering warning light Overdrive OFF indicator light or Brake warning light Seat belt warning light and chime Security indicator light Charge warning light Supplemental air bag warning light Side light and headlight indicator light (green) Engine oil pressure warning light Continuously Variable T r …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 98

    CHECKING BULBS With all doors closed, apply the parking brake and place the ignition switch to the ON position without starting the engine. The following lights will come on: , or , , , The following lights come on briefly and then go off: , , , , , If any light fails to come on, it may indicate a burned-out bulb or an open circuit in the electrica …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 99

    necessary , repaired by a NISSAN dealer promptly . Avoid high-speed driving and abrupt braking. For additional information, refer to “ Anti- lock Braking System (ABS) warning light” in this section. Charge warning light If this light comes on while the engine is running, it may indicate the charging system is not func- tioning properly. T urn t …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 100

    After the ignition switch is placed in the ON position, this light illuminates for about 1 second and turns off. Low tire pressure warning: If the vehicle is being driven with low tire pressure, the warning light will illuminate. A “Tire Press Low — Add Air” warning also appears in the vehicle information display. When the low tire pressure war …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 101

    ● When a spare tire is mounted or a wheel is replaced tire pressure will not be in- dicated, the TPMS will not function and the low tire pressure warning light will flash for approximately 1 minute. The light will remain on after 1 minute. Con- tact your NISSAN dealer as soon as possible for tire replacement and/or system resetting. ● Replacing …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 102

    The seat belt warning light may also illuminate if the front passenger’s seat belt is not fastened when the front passenger’s seat is occupied . For 7 seconds after the ignition switch is placed in the ON position, the system does not activate the warning light for the front passenger. For additional information, refer to “Seat belts” in th …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 103

    Hill descent control system on indicator light (if so equipped) When the ignition switch is placed in the ON position, this light comes on briefly and then turns off. The light comes on when the hill descent control system is activated. If the hill descent control switch is on and the indicator light blinks, the system is not engaged. If the indica …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 104

    For additional information, refer to “Continuously V ariable T ransmission (CVT)” in the “Starting and driving” section of this manual. Security indicator light This light blinks when the ignition switch is placed in the OFF , L OCK or ACC position. The blinking security indicator light indicates that the security systems equipped on the ve …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 105

    K ey reminder chime A chime sounds if the driver’s door is opened while the ignition switch is placed in the ACC or OFF position or placed in the OFF or L OCK position with the Intelligent Key left in the vehicle. Make sure the ignition switch is placed in the L OCK position, and take the Intelligent K ey with you when leaving the vehicle. Light …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 106

    3. — go back to the previous menu The ENTER and buttons also control audio and control panel functions. For additional infor- mation, refer to “Steering wheel switch for audio control” in the “Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems” section of this manual. ST ARTUP DISPLA Y When the vehicle in placed in the ON or ACC …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 107

    Wiper with Speed The wiper with speed can be set to be ON or OFF . From the Vehicle Settings menu, select “Wiper with Speed” . Use the ENTER button to turn this feature ON or OFF . I-Key Door Lock (if so equipped) From the V ehicle Settings menu, select “I-Key Door Lock” . When this item is turned on, the request switch on the door is activ …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 108

    Main Menu Selection The items that display can be enabled/disabled when the ignition switch is placed in the ON position. T o change the items that display. Use the button to select and the ENTER button to change a menu item: ● T rip Computer ● Tire Pressures ● 4WD (if so equipped) ● Fuel Economy T rip Computer The trip computer can be enab …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 109

    3. Select “Maintenance” using the but- ton and press ENTER. Service This indicator appears when the customer set distance comes for changing the engine oil and filter. Y ou can set or reset the distance for check — ing or replacing these items. For scheduled main- tenance items and intervals, refer to your “NISSAN Service and Maintenance Guid …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 110

    3. T o change the timer amount, use the button and the ENTER button to save the selected time amount. Language The language of the vehicle information display can be changed to: ● US English ● French ● Spanish Use the , , and the ENTER buttons to select and change the language of the vehicle information display . The language of the center di …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 111

    Factory Reset The settings in the vehicle information display can be reset back to the factory default. T o reset the vehicle information display: 1. Press the button. 2. Use the buttons to select “Settings”, and press the ENTER button. 3. Select “Factory Reset” using the but- tons and press the ENTER button. 4. Select “YES” to return a …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 112

    VEHICLE INFORMA TION DISPLA Y W ARNINGS AND INDICA T ORS 1. No K ey Detected 2. Key ID Incorrect 3. Shift to Park 4. Push ignition to OFF 5. Key battery low 6. Engine start operation for Intelligent Key sys- tem 7. Release parking brake 8. Low Fuel 9. Low W asher Fluid 10. Door Open 11. Liftgate Open LIC2557 Instruments and controls 2-25 I n f o r …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 113

    12. Timer Alert – Time for a driver break? 13. Low Outside T emperature 14. Power will turn off to save the battery 15. CVT Error: See Owner’s Manual 16. Reminder: T urn OFF headlights 17. Low Oil Pressure 18. Key Registration Complete 19. Tire Pressure Low — Add Air 20. TPMS Error: See Owner’s Manual 21. Remote Start (if so equipped) 22. Loo …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 114

    Low Washer Fluid This warning illuminates when the windshield- washer fluid is at a low level. Add windshield- washer fluid as necessary. For additional informa- tion, refer to “Windshield-washer fluid” in the “Maintenance and do-it-yourself” section of this manual. Door Open This warning illuminates when a door has been opened when the eng …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 115

    Push to start (if so equipped) This warning appears in the vehicle information display when the vehicle has been started using the remote start function. T o start the vehicle, apply the brake and place the ignition switch in the ON position. Loose Fuel Cap This warning appears when the fuel-filler cap is not tightened correctly after the vehicle h …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 116

    4. Confirm that the security indicator light comes on. The security light stays on for about 30 seconds. The vehicle security sys- tem is now pre-armed. After about 30 sec- onds the vehicle security system automati- cally shifts into the armed phase. The security light begins to flash once every 3 seconds. If, during the 30-second pre-arm time peri …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 117

    Security indicator light The security indicator light blinks whenever the ignition switch is placed in the OFF, LOCK or ACC position. This function indicates the NISSAN Ve- hicle Immobilizer System is operational. If the NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer System is mal- functioning, the light will remain on while the ignition switch is placed in the ON pos …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 118

    SWIT CH OPERA TION The windshield wiper and washer operates when the ignition switch is in the ON position. Push the lever down to operate the wiper at the following speed: 䊊 1 Intermittent (INT) — intermittent operation can be adjusted by turning the knob toward 䊊 A (Slower) or 䊊 B (Faster) . Also, the inter- mittent operation speed varies …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 119

    WARNING In freezing temperatures the washer solu- tion may freeze on the window and ob- scure your vision. Warm the rear window with the defroster before you wash the rear window. CAUTION ● Do not operate the washer continuously for more than 30 seconds. ● Do not operate the washer if the reser- voir is empty. ● Do not fill the windshield-was …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 120

    T o defrost the rear window glass and outside mirrors (if so equipped) , start the engine and push the rear window defroster switch on. The rear window defroster indicator light on the switch comes on. Push the switch again to turn the defroster off. The rear window defroster automatically turns off after approximately 15 minutes. CAUTION When clea …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 121

    HEADLIGHT CONTROL SWIT CH Lighting 䊊 1 When turning the switch to the posi- tion, the front parking, tail, license plate and instrument panel lights come on. 䊊 2 When turning the switch to the posi- tion, the headlights come on and all the other lights remain on. CAUTION Use the headlights with the engine run- ning to avoid discharging the vehi …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 122

    NO TE: Autolight activation sensitivity and the time delay for autolight shutoff can be adjusted. For additional information, refer to “Ve- hicle information display” in this section. T o turn on the autolight system: 1. T urn the headlight switch to the AUT O posi- tion 䊊 1 . 2. T urn the ignition switch to ON. 3. The autolight system automa …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 123

    DA YTIME RUNNING LIGHT S Y STEM (Canada only) The daytime running lights automatically illumi- nate when the engine is started with the parking brake released. The daytime running lights oper- ate with the headlight switch in the OFF position or in the position. T urn the headlight switch to the position for full illumination when driving at night. …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 124

    T urn signal 䊊 1 Move the lever up or down to signal the turning direction. When the turn is com- pleted, the turn signal cancels automatically. Lane change signal 䊊 2 Move the lever up or down until the turn signal begins to flash, but the lever does not latch, to signal a lane change. Hold the lever until the lane change is completed. Move th …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 125

    T o sound the horn, push near the horn icon on the steering wheel. WARNING Do not disassemble the horn. Doing so could affect proper operation of the supplemental front air bag system. T am- pering with the supplemental front air bag system may result in serious personal injury. The front seats are warmed by built-in heaters. 1. Start the engine. 2 …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 126

    ● When cleaning the seat, never use gasoline, benzine, thinner, or any simi- lar materials. ● If any malfunctions are found or the heated seat does not operate, turn the switch off and have the system checked by your NISSAN dealer. WARNING Do not use or allow occupants to use the seat heater if you or the occupants cannot monitor elevated seat …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 127

    The 2nd row seats are warmed by built-in heat- ers. The switches are located on the rear of the front center console and can be operated inde- pendently of each other. 1. Start the engine. 2. Push the L O or HI position of the switch, as desired. The indicator light in the switch will illuminate. The heater is controlled by a thermostat, automatica …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 128

    3. Adjust the desired amount of air using the control knob. The climate controlled seat blower remains on low speed for approxi- mately 60 seconds after turning the switch on or selecting the desired temperature. 4. When the vehicle’s interior is warmed or cooled, or before you leave the vehicle, be sure to turn the control knob to the Off (cente …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 129

    NO TE: If the surface temperature of the steering wheel is above 68°F (20°C) when the switch is turned on, the system will not heat the steering wheel. This is not a malfunction. The vehicle should be driven with the VDC sys- tem on for most driving conditions. If the vehicle is stuck in mud or snow , the VDC system reduces the engine output to r …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 130

    T ow mode should be used when pulling a heavy trailer or hauling a heavy load. Driving the vehicle in the tow mode with no trailer/load or light trailer/light load will not cause any damage. How- ever, fuel economy may be reduced, and the transmission/engine driving characteristics may feel unusual. Press the tow mode switch to activate tow mode. T …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 131

    CAUTION ● The outlet and plug may be hot during or immediately after use. ● Only certain power outlets are designed for use with a cigarette lighter unit. Do not use any other power outlet for an accessory lighter. See your NISSAN dealer for additional information. ● Do not use with accessories that exceed a 12 volt, 120W (10A) power draw. ? …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 132

    120V OUTLET (if so equipped) CAUTION ● The outlet and plug may be hot during or immediately after use. ● Use power outlets with the engine run- ning to avoid discharging the vehicle battery. ● Do not use double adaptors or more than one electrical accessory. ● Avoid using power outlets when the air conditioner, headlights or rear window def …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 133

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 134

    Lower half Pull up on the passenger’s side latch to open the lower half of the console box. A power outlet is located inside the console box and there is stor- age for compact discs. SUNGLASSES HOLDER T o open the sunglasses holder, push and release. Only store one pair of sunglasses in the holder. WARNING Keep the sunglasses holder closed while …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 135

    CUP HOLDERS CAUTION Do not recline the rear seatback when you use the cup holders on the rear armrest. Doing so may cause the beverages to spill over, and if they are hot, they may scald the passengers. Front console LIC2387 Rear door LIC2395 2nd row LIC2212 2-48 Instruments and controls I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y : …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 136

    CAUTION ● Avoid abrupt starting and braking when the cup holder is being used to prevent spilling the drink. If the liquid is hot, it can scald you or your passenger. ● Use only soft cups in the cup holder. Hard objects can injure you in an accident. CAUTION ● Do not use bottle holder for any other objects that could be thrown about in the ve …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 137

    ST ORAGE TRA Y WARNING Do not place sharp objects in the trays to help prevent injury in an accident or sud- den stop. LUGGAGE HOOKS When securing items using luggage hooks lo- cated on the back of the seat or side finisher do not apply a load over more than 6.5 lbs (29 N) to a single hook. The luggage hooks that are located on the floor should hav …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 138

    CARGO AREA ST ORAGE BIN T o access the floor storage area, push down 䊊 1 to raise the handle, then pull up on the handle to lift the luggage board. ROOF RACK (if so equipped) Genuine NISSAN accessory cross bars are avail- able through your NISSAN dealer. Contact an NISSAN dealer for crossbar or other equipment information. Always distribute the l …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 139

    ● Properly secure all cargo with ropes or straps to help prevent it from sliding or shifting. In a sudden stop or collision, unsecured cargo could cause personal injury. CAUTION Always install the cross bars onto the roof side rails before loading cargo of any kind. Loading cargo directly onto the roof side rails or the vehicle’s roof may cause …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 140

    Driver’s side power window switch The driver’s side control panel is equipped with switches to open or close all of the windows. T o open a window, push the switch to the first detent and continue to hold down until the de- sired window position is reached. T o close a window , pull the switch to the first detent and continue to hold up until t …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 141

    Automatic operation (if so equipped) T o fully open a window equipped with automatic operation, press the window switch down to the second detent and release it; it need not be held. The window automatically opens all the way. T o stop the window, lift the switch up while the window is opening. Auto-reverse function The auto-reverse function can be …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 142

    Sliding the moonroof T o fully open or close the moonroof, push the switch to the open 䊊 2 or close 䊊 1 position and release it; it need not be held. The roof will automatically open or close all the way. T o stop the roof, push the switch once more while it is opening or closing. Tilting the moonroof T o tilt up, first close the moonroof, then …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 143

    CAUTION ● Remove water drops, snow, ice or sand from the moonroof before opening. ● Do not place heavy objects on the moonroof or surrounding area. Sunshade Open and close the sunshade by sliding it for- ward or backward. If the moonroof does not close Have your NISSAN dealer check and repair the moonroof. P ANORAMIC SUNSHADE (if so equipped) T …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 144

    ● Do not push the sunshade arm with your hands, etc ., as this may deform it. Improper operation or damage to the sunshade may result. ● Do not put any object into the sunshade inlet port as this may result in improper operation or damage the sunshade. ● Do not hang any object on the arm rail as this may result in improper operation or damage …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 145

    When the ON switch 䊊 1 is pressed, the footwell lights (if so equipped) , step lights (if so equipped) , map lights and rear personal lights will automatically turn on and stay on for a period of time when: ● The doors are unlocked by the Intelligent K ey , a key or the request switch (if so equipped) while all doors are closed and the ignition …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 146

    T o turn on the personal lights, press and release the switch 䊊 1 . T o turn the personal lights off, press and release the switch 䊊 1 . Push the button to turn the map lights on. T o turn them off, press the button again. CAUTION Do not use for extended periods of time with the engine stopped. This could result in a discharged battery. The car …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 147

    CAUTION Do not use for extended periods of time with the engine stopped. This could result in a discharged battery. The HomeLink® Universal T ransceiver provides a convenient way to consolidate the functions of up to three individual hand-held transmitters into one built-in device. HomeLink® Universal T ransceiver: ● Will operate most Radio Fre …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 148

    PROGRAMMING HOMELINK® If you have any questions or are having difficulty programming your HomeLink® buttons, refer to the HomeLink® web site at: www.homelink.com or call 1-800-355-3515. NO TE: Place the ignition switch in the ACC posi- tion when programming HomeLink®. It is also recommended that a new battery be placed in the hand-held transmit …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 149

    4. At the receiver located on the garage door opener motor in the garage, locate the “learn” or “smart” button (the name and color of the button may vary by manufacturer but it is usually located near where the hanging antenna wire is attached to the unit) . If there is difficulty locating the button, reference the garage door opener’s ma …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 150

    PROGRAMMING TROUBLE- DIAGNOSIS If the HomeLink® does not quickly learn the hand-held transmitter information: ● replace the hand-held transmitter batteries with new batteries. ● position the hand-held transmitter with its battery area facing away from the HomeLink® surface. ● press and hold both the HomeLink® and hand-held transmitter butt …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 151

    FCC Notice: For USA: This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the fol- lowing two conditions: (1) This device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference received, in- cluding interference that may cause unde- sired operation. NO TE: Changes or modifications not expressly ap- prove …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 152

    MEMO Instruments and controls 2-65 I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y : …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 153

    3 Pre-driving checks and adjustments K e y s ………………………………………3 — 2 NISSAN Intelligent K ey® . …………………..3 — 2 NISSAN Vehicle Immobilizer System keys ………3 — 4 Doors ……………………………………..3 — 5 Locking with key …………………………..3 — 5 Locking with inside lock knob .. …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 154

    Entry/exit function ……………………….. 3-37 Setting memory function …………………… 3-38 System operation ………………………… 3-38 I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y : …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 155

    1. Intelligent K ey (2 sets) 2. Mechanical key 3. K ey number plate (1 plate) NISSAN INTELLIGENT KEY® Y our vehicle can only be driven with the Intelligent K eys which are registered to your vehicle’s Intel- ligent Key system components and NISSAN V e- hicle Immobilizer System components. As many as 4 Intelligent Keys can be registered and used …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 156

    CAUTION Listed below are conditions or occur- rences which will damage the Intelligent Key: ● Do not allow the Intelligent Key, which contains electrical components, to come into contact with water or salt water. This could affect the system function. ● Do not drop the Intelligent Key. ● Do not strike the Intelligent Key sharply against anoth …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 157

    CAUTION Always carry the mechanical key installed in the Intelligent Key slot. For additional information, refer to “Doors” in this section and “Storage” in the “Instruments and controls” section of this manual. V alet hand-off When you have to leave a key with a valet, give them the Intelligent K ey itself and keep the me- chanical key …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 158

    When the doors are locked using one of the following methods, the doors cannot be opened using the inside or outside door handles. The doors must be unlocked to open the doors. WARNING ● Always have the doors locked while driving. Along with the use of seat belts, this provides greater safety in the event of an accident by helping to prevent pers …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 159

    L OCKING WITH INSIDE L OCK KNOB T o lock the door without the key, move the inside lock knob to the lock position 䊊 1 , then close the door. T o unlock the door without the key, move the inside lock knob to the unlock position 䊊 2 . L OCKING WITH POWER DOOR L OCK SWIT CH T o lock all the doors without a key, push the door lock switch (driver’ …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 160

    4. When activated, the hazard indicator will flash twice. When deactivated, the hazard indicator will flash once. 5. The ignition switch must be placed in the OFF and ON position again between each setting change. When the automatic door unlock system is deac- tivated, the doors do not unlock when the ignition switch is placed in the OFF position. …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 161

    CAUTION ● Be sure to carry the Intelligent Key with you when operating the vehicle. ● Never leave the Intelligent Key in the vehicle when you leave the vehicle. The Intelligent K ey is always communicating with the vehicle as it receives radio waves. The Intel- ligent Key system transmits weak radio waves. Environmental conditions may interfere …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 162

    If an Intelligent K ey is lost or stolen, NISSAN recommends erasing the ID code of that Intelli- gent K ey from the vehicle. This may prevent the unauthorized use of the Intelligent K ey to operate the vehicle. For information regarding the erasing procedure, contact a NISSAN dealer. OPERA TING RANGE The Intelligent Key functions can only be used w …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 163

    DOOR L OCKS/UNL OCKS PRECAUTION ● Do not push the door handle request switch with the Intelligent Key held in your hand as illustrated. The close distance to the door handle will cause the Intelligent Key system to have difficulty recognizing that the Intelli- gent Key is outside the vehicle. ● After locking with the door handle request switch, …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 164

    Locking doors 1. Move the shift lever to the P (Park) position, place the ignition switch in the L OCK posi- tion and make sure you carry the Intelligent K ey with you. 2. Close all doors. 3. Push any door handle request switch while carrying the Intelligent Key with you. 4. All doors and the rear liftgate will lock. 5. The hazard warning lights fl …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 165

    Lockout protection T o prevent the Intelligent Key from being acci- dentally locked in the vehicle, lockout protection is equipped with the Intelligent Key system. When the driver’s side door is open, the doors are locked, and then the Intelligent Key is put inside the vehicle and all the doors are closed; the lock will automatically unlock and t …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 166

    NO TE: Request switches for all doors and liftgate can be deactivated when the I-Key Door Lock setting is switched to OFF in the Ve- hicle Settings of the vehicle information display. For additional information, refer to “V ehicle information display” in the “In- struments and controls” section of this manual. If a door handle is pulled whi …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 167

    Locking doors 1. Place the ignition switch in the L OCK posi- tion. 2. Close all doors. 3. Press the button on the Intelligent Ke y. 4. The hazard warning lights flash twice and the horn beeps once. 5. All doors will be locked. CAUTION After locking the doors using the Intelli- gent Key, be sure that the doors have been securely locked by operating …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 168

    NO TE: The unlocking operation can be changed in Selective door unlock in the Vehicle Set- tings of the vehicle information display. For additional information, refer to “Vehicle in- formation display” in the “Instruments and controls” section of this manual. All doors will be locked automatically unless one of the following operations is p …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 169

    Using the panic alarm If you are near your vehicle and feel threatened, you may activate the panic alarm to call attention by pressing and holding the button on the Intelligent Key for longer than 0.5 seconds. The panic alarm and headlights will stay on for a period of time. The panic alarm stops when: ● It has run for a period of time, or ● An …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 170

    NO TE: If you change the answer back horn and light flash feature with the Intelligent Key, the vehicle information display screen will show the current mode after the ignition switch has been cycled from the OFF to the ON position. The vehicle information dis- play screen can also be used to change the answer back horn mode. For additional in- for …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 171

    TROUBLESHOO TING GUIDE V erify the location of all Intelligent K eys that are programmed for the vehicle. If another Intelligent K ey is in range or inside the vehicle, the vehicle system may respond differently than expected. Symptom Possible Cause Remedy When stopping the engine The Shift to Park warning appears on the display and the inside warn …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 172

    Symptom Possible Cause Remedy When pushing the ignition switch to start the engine The Intelligent Key battery indicator appears on the display. The battery charge is low. Replace the battery with a new one. For additional information, refer to “Battery re- placement” in the “Maintenance and do-it- yourself” section of this manual. The No K …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 173

    The button will be on the NISSAN Intelli- gent K ey® if the vehicle has remote engine start. This feature allows the engine to start from out- side the vehicle. The following features may be affected when the remote start feature is used: ● Vehicles with manual or automatic climate control systems will default to the last used heating or cooling …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 174

    Depress and hold the brake then press the push- button ignition switch to the ON position before driving. For additional information, refer to “Driv- ing the vehicle” in the “Starting and driving” sec- tion of this manual. EXTENDING ENGINE RUN TIME The remote start feature can be extended one time by performing the steps listed in “Remote …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 175

    ● The alarm sounds due to illegal entry into the vehicle. ● T wo remote vehicle starts, or a single remote start with an extension, have already been used. ● The vehicle is not in P (Park) . ● There is a detected registered key already inside of the vehicle. ● The Remote Start function has been switched to the OFF position in V ehicle Set …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 176

    WARNING ● Always be sure the liftgate has been closed securely to prevent it from open- ing while driving. ● Do not drive with the liftgate open. This could allow dangerous exhaust gases to be drawn into the vehicle. For addi- tional information, refer to “Exhaust gas (carbon monoxide)” in the “Starting and driving” section of this manu …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 177

    NO TE: T o open, close or reverse the power liftgate, the shift lever must be in P (Park) . Also, the power liftgate will not operate if battery voltage is low. Power Open: The power liftgate automatically moves from the fully closed position to the fully open position in approxi- matel y5–8s econds. The power open feature can be activated by the …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 178

    Power Close: The power liftgate automatically moves from the fully open position to the secondary position. When the liftgate reaches the secondary posi- tion, the cinching motor engages and pulls the liftgate to its primary latch position. P ower close takes approximatel y7–1 0 seconds. The power close feature can be activated by the switch on t …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 179

    Manual Mode: If power operation is not available, the liftgate may be operated manually . P ower operation may not be available if the power liftgate main switch is in the ON position, if multiple obstacles have been detected in a single power cycle, or if battery voltage is low. If the power liftgate opener switch 䊊 A is pushed during power open …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 180

    LIFT GA TE RELEASE WARNING ● Always be sure the liftgate has been closed securely to prevent it from open- ing while driving. ● Do not drive with the liftgate open. This could allow dangerous exhaust gases to be drawn into the vehicle. For addi- tional information, refer to “Exhaust gas (carbon monoxide)” in the “Starting and driving” s …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 181

    P ower liftgate release (if so equipped) If the liftgate cannot be opened with the instru- ment panel switch, liftgate opener switch or key fob due to a discharged battery, follow these steps: 1. Remove the cover 䊊 A on the inside of the liftgate. 2. Move the lever 䊊 B as illustrated to open the liftgate. Contact a NISSAN dealer as soon as poss …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 182

    FUEL -FILLER CAP WARNING ● Gasoline is extremely flammable and highly explosive under certain condi- tions. Y ou could be burned or seriously injured if it is misused or mishandled. Always stop the engine and do not smoke or allow open flames or sparks near the vehicle when refueling. ● Do not attempt to top off the fuel tank after the fuel pum …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 183

    T o remove the fuel-filler cap: 1. T urn the fuel-filler cap counterclockwise to remove. 2. Put the fuel-filler cap on the cap holder 䊊 1 while refueling. T o install the fuel-filler cap: 1. Insert the fuel-filler cap straight into the fuel- filler tube. 2. T urn the fuel-filler cap clockwise until a single click is heard. Loose Fuel Cap warning …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 184

    WARNING ● Do not adjust the steering wheel while driving. Y ou could lose control of your vehicle and cause an accident. ● Do not adjust the steering wheel any closer to you than is necessary for proper steering operation and comfort. The driver’s air bag inflates with great force. If you are unrestrained, leaning forward, sitting sideways or …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 185

    CAUTION For vehicles with automatic drive posi- tioner: Failure to reset the tilt and tele- scoping functions of the steering wheel, after the vehicle’s battery has been dis- charged, may prevent the steering wheel position from being adjusted. For vehicles with automatic drive positioner: Both the tilt and telescopic steering operation must be r …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 186

    䊊 1 T o block glare from the front, swing down the sun visor. 䊊 2 T o block glare from the side, remove the sun visor from the center mount and swing the visor to the side. 䊊 3 Slide the extension sun visor in or out as needed. CAUTION ● Do not store the sun visor before return- ing the extension to its original position. ● Do not pull th …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 187

    AUT OMA TIC ANTI-GLARE REARVIEW MIRROR (if so equipped) The inside mirror is designed so that it automati- cally dims during night time conditions and ac- cording to the intensity of the headlights of the vehicle following you. The automatic anti-glare feature is activated when the ignition switch is in the ON position. The indicator light will ill …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 188

    OUTSIDE MIRRORS The outside mirror remote control will operate only when the ignition switch is in the ACC or ON position. Move the small switch 䊊 1 to select the left or right mirror. Adjust each mirror to the desired position using the large switch 䊊 2 . WARNING ● Objects viewed in the outside mirror on the passenger side are closer than th …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 189

    The outside mirror surfaces will return to their original position when one of the following con- ditions has occurred: ● The shift lever is moved to any position other than R (Reverse) . ● The outside mirror control switch is set to the neutral or center position. ● The ignition switch is placed in the OFF position. NO TE: If the outside mir …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 190

    system” section of this manual, and “Tilt/T elescopic Steering” and “Outside mir- rors” in this section. 3. Push the SET switch and, within 5 seconds, push the memory switch (1 or 2) . 4. The indicator light for the pushed memory switch will come ON and stay ON for ap- proximately 5 seconds. 5. The chime will sound if the memory has been …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 191

    Restarting the entry/exit function If the battery cable is disconnected, or if the fuse opens, the stored memory positions will be lost and some of the functions will be restricted: 1. Drive the vehicle over 25 MPH (40 km/h). OR 2. Open and close the driver’s door more than two times with the ignition switch in the OFF position. The entry/exit fu …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 192

    4 Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognition systems Control panel buttons — color screen without Navigation System (if so equipped) ………………4 — 4 How to use the NISSAN controller ……………4 — 5 How to select menus on the screen …………..4 — 6 How to use the ST A TUS button ………………4 — 6 How to use the INF …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 193

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 194

    Getting started …………………………. 4-121 List of voice commands ………………….. 4-122 V oice Adaptation (VA) mode ………………. 4-126 Manual control …………………………. 4-128 T roubleshooting guide …………………… 4-129 Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone System with Navigation System (if so equipped) …… …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 195

    WARNING ● Positioning of the heating or air condi- tioning controls and display controls should not be done while driving in or- der that full attention may be given to the driving operation. ● Do not disassemble or modify this sys- tem. If you do, it may result in accidents, fire, or electrical shock. ● Do not use this system if you notice a …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 196

    CAUTION ● The glass display screen may break if it is hit with a hard or sharp object. If the glass screen breaks, do not touch it. Doing so could result in an injury. ● T o clean the display, never use a rough cloth, alcohol, benzine, thinner or any kind of solvent or paper towel with a chemical cleaning agent. They will scratch or deteriorate …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 197

    HOW T O SELECT MENUS ON THE SCREEN V ehicle functions are viewed on the center dis- play screen in menus. Whenever a menu selec- tion is made or menu item is highlighted, different areas on the screen provide you with important information. See the following for details: 1. Header: Shows the path used to get to the current screen (for example, pres …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 198

    Menu Item Result Fuel Economy Displays Fuel Economy menu. Distance to Empty (DTE) Displays an estimation of the distance that the vehicle can be driven before refueling. The DTE is constantly calculated based on the amount of fuel in the fuel tank and actual fuel consumption. The display is updated every 30 seconds. When the fuel level is low , the …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 199

    HOW T O USE THE SETTING BUTT ON Press the SETTING button. This screen displays and adjusts various settings and functions that are available for your vehicle. Use the NISSAN controller to select an item and then press the ENTER button. When the amber indicator next to an item is illuminated, the feature is enabled. Menu Item Result Audio For additi …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 200

    Menu Item Result On-screen Clock T oggles on or off the clock in the upper right corner of the display . Clock Format T oggles between a 12-hour and 24-hour clock. Daylight Savings Time T oggles on or off the daylight savings time. Time Zone Adjusts the time zone. Choose a time zone from the available list. Adjust Clock Manually adjusts the hours a …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 201

    1. Z OOM OUT button* 2. CAMERA button (P . 4-27) 3. DEST (destination) button* 4. ROUTE button* 5. NISSAN controller (P . 4-11) 6. ST A TUS button (P . 4-13) 7. INFO button (P . 4-14) 8. + (brightness control) button (P . 4-18) 9. OFF brightness control button (P . 4-18) 10. — (brightness control) button (P . 4-18) 11. VOICE button (P . 4-143) 12. …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 202

    HOW T O USE THE NISSAN CONTROLLER Use the NISSAN controller to choose an item on the display screen. Highlight an item on the dis- play using the main directional buttons 䊊 2 or the center dial 䊊 5 . Then press the ENTER button 䊊 1 to select the item or perform the action. The BACK button 䊊 4 has two functions: ● Go back to the previous d …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 203

    T ouch-screen operation With this system, the same operations as those for the NISSAN controller are possible using the touch-screen operation. Menu Item Result Selecting the item T ouch an item to select . T o select the “Navigation” key, touch the “Navigation” key 䊊 1 on the screen. Touch the “BACK” key 䊊 2 to return to the previo …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 204

    T ouch-screen maintenance If you clean the display screen, use a dry, soft cloth. If additional cleaning is necessary, use a small amount of neutral detergent with a soft cloth. Never spray the screen with water or de- tergent. Dampen the cloth first, and then wipe the screen. HOW T O SELECT MENUS ON THE SCREEN V ehicle functions are viewed on the …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 205

    HOW T O USE THE INFO BUTT ON Press the INFO button. This screen sets or dis- plays various information that is helpful for using the vehicle. Available items include fuel economy, maintenance, navigation and voice recognition information. Menu Item Result Fuel Economy Displays Fuel Economy menu. Distance to Empty (DTE) Displays an estimation of the …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 206

    Menu Item Result Reset Distance Resets the distance for the selected reminder to 0 mi (km) . Interval Displays the interval for the selected reminder. Select the “+” or “-” keys to adjust the distance up or down. Interval Re- minder Displays status of the selected interval reminder. Select to toggle on or off. If set to “On” , the maint …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 207

    HOW T O USE THE SETTING BUTT ON Press the SETTING button. This screen displays and adjusts various settings and functions that are available for your vehicle. When the amber indicator next to an item is illuminated, the feature is enabled. Menu Item Result Navigation For additional information, refer to the separate Navigation System Owner’s Manu …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 208

    Menu Item Result Display Control Select the “ON” key for either the left of right display to alternately enable or disable the display to the left or right rear passengers. If the display is enabled, select the key (DVD, USB, front AUX or rear AUX) that you wish to have displayed on the corresponding screen. The front AUX set- ting is for devic …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 209

    Menu Item Result V oice Recognition For additional information, refer to “NISSAN Voice Recognition system” in this section. Camera Settings T ouching the Camera key will bring up the Camera settings screen. Image Viewer For additional information, refer to “Image viewer” in this section. OFF BUTT ON T o change the display brightness, press …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 210

    USING THE IMAGE VIEWER When a compatible portable storage device is plugged into the USB connection port located in the center console, compatible image files stored on the device can be viewed on the control panel display . Connecting the portable storage device T o connect a portable storage device to the sys- tem so that images stored on it can …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 211

    Viewing images in a slideshow T o view all of the images on the device in a slideshow , first enter the full screen mode while viewing one of the images. The slideshow control buttons are located on the right side of the screen. Select the play key to begin the slideshow. The images shown on the screen will periodically change at a given interval o …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 212

    When the shift lever is shifted into the R (Re- verse) position, the monitor display shows the view to the rear of the vehicle. WARNING Failure to follow the warnings and instruc- tions for proper use of the RearView Monitor could result in serious injury or death. ● The RearView Monitor is a convenience but it is not a substitute for proper back …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 213

    HOW T O READ THE DISPLA YED LINES Guiding lines which indicate the vehicle width and distances to objects with reference to the vehicle body line 䊊 A are displayed on the monitor. Distance guide lines: Indicate distances from the vehicle body. ● Red line 䊊 1 : approx. 1.5 ft (0.5 m) ● Y ellow line 䊊 2 : approx. 3 ft (1 m) ● Green line ? …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 214

    1. Visually check that the parking space is safe before parking your vehicle. 2. The rear view of the vehicle is displayed on the screen 䊊 A when the shift lever is moved to the R (Reverse) position. 3. Slowly back up the vehicle adjusting the steering wheel so that the predicted course lines 䊊 B enter the parking space 䊊 C . 4. Maneuver the …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 215

    Backing up on a steep uphill When backing up the vehicle up a hill, the dis- tance guide lines and the vehicle width guide lines are shown closer than the actual distance. For example, the display shows 3 ft (1.0 m) to the place 䊊 A , but the actual 3 ft (1.0 m) distance on the hill is the place 䊊 B . Note that any object on the hill is further …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 216

    the hill is the place 䊊 B . Note that any object on the hill is closer than it appears on the monitor. Backing up near a projecting object The predicted course lines 䊊 A do not touch the object in the display. However, the vehicle may hit the object if it projects over the actual backing up course. Backing up behind a projecting object The posi …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 217

    the position 䊊 A if the object projects over the actual backing up course. HOW T O ADJUST THE SCREEN T o adjust the Display ON/OFF , Brightness, Tint, Color, Contrast and Black Level of the RearView Monitor, press the SETTING button with the RearView Monitor on and touch the “Display” key . Select one of the items and change the value by touc …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 218

    With the ignition switch in the ON position, press the CAMERA button or move the shift lever to the R (Reverse) position to operate the Around View® Monitor. The monitor displays various views of the position of the vehicle in a split screen format. Available views ● Bird’s-Eye View The surrounding view of the vehicle from above. ● Front-Sid …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 219

    ● When washing the vehicle with high- pressure water, be sure not to spray it around the cameras. Otherwise, water may enter the camera unit causing wa- ter condensation on the lens, a mal- function, fire or an electric shock. ● Do not strike the cameras. They are precision instruments. Doing so could cause a malfunction or cause damage resulti …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 220

    Front and rear view Guiding lines, which indicate the vehicle width and distance to objects with reference to the vehicle body line 䊊 A , are displayed on the moni- tor. Distance guide lines Indicate distances from the vehicle body: ● Red line 䊊 1 : approximately 1.5 ft (0.5 m) ● Y ellow line 䊊 2 : approximately 3 ft (1 m) ● Green line …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 221

    Bird’s-eye view The bird’s-eye view shows the overhead view of the vehicle, which helps confirm the vehicle po- sition and the predicted course to a parking space. The vehicle icon 䊊 1 shows the position of the vehicle. Note that the size of the vehicle icon on the bird’s-eye view may differ somewhat from the actual vehicle. The areas that …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 222

    Front-side view Guiding lines Guiding lines that indicate the width and the front end of the vehicle are displayed on the monitor. The front-of-vehicle line 䊊 1 shows the front part of the vehicle. The side-of-vehicle line 䊊 2 shows the vehicle width including the outside mirror. The extensions 䊊 3 of both the front 䊊 1 and side 䊊 2 lines …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 223

    the hill is the place 䊊 B . Note that any object on the hill is further than it appears on the monitor. Backing up on a steep downhill When backing up the vehicle down a hill, the distance guide lines and the vehicle width guide lines are shown farther than the actual distance. For example, the display shows 3 ft (1.0 m) to the place 䊊 A , but …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 224

    Backing up near a projecting object The predicted course lines 䊊 A do not touch the object in the display. However, the vehicle may hit the object if it projects over the actual backing up course. There may be a small distance visible between the vehicle and the object in the bird-eye view on the display 䊊 B . Backing up behind a projecting obj …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 225

    the position 䊊 A if the object projects over the actual backing up course. HOW T O SWIT CH THE DISPLA Y With the ignition switch in the ON position, press the CAMERA button or move the shift lever to the R (Reverse) position to operate the Around View® Monitor. The Around View® Monitor can display two split view . Select the “Change View” k …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 226

    ● The system may not detect the follow- ing objects: – Fluffy objects such as snow, cloth, cotton, glass or wool. – Thin objects such as rope, wire or chain. – Wedge-shaped objects. ● If your vehicle sustains damage to the bumper fascia, leaving it misaligned or bent, the sensing zone may be altered causing inaccurate measurement of ob- j …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 227

    VIEW MALFUNCTION When the “!” icon is displayed on the screen, the Around View® Monitor may not be calibrated correctly . This will not hinder normal driving func- tion but the system should be inspected by a NISSAN dealer. OPERA TING TIPS CAUTION ● Do not use alcohol, benzine or thinner to clean the camera. This will cause discoloration. T …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 228

    Adjust air flow direction for the center vents 䊊 1 , driver’s and passenger’s side vents 䊊 2 , and rear vents 䊊 3 by moving the vent slide and/or vent assemblies. Open or close the vents using the dial. Move the dial toward the to open the vents or toward the to close them. LHA2480 VENTS Monitor, climate, audio, phone and voice recognitio …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 229

    1. T emperature control buttons (driver’s side) 2. AUT O climate control ON button 3. (front defroster) button 4. Air recirculation button 5. MODE (manual air flow control) button 6. T emperature control buttons (passen- ger’s side) 7. DUAL (passenger side temperature control) ON/OFF button 8. REAR button 9. (fan speed control) knob/ON/ OFF but …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 230

    NO TE: ● Odors from inside and outside the vehicle can build up in the air conditioner unit. Odor can enter the passenger compartment through the vents. ● When parking, set the heater and air condi- tioner controls to turn off air recirculation to allow fresh air into the passenger compart- ment. This should help reduce odors inside the vehicle …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 231

    Remote start logic V ehicles equipped with automatic climate con- trols and remote start function may go into auto- matic heating or cooling mode when remote start is activated depending on outside and cabin tem- peratures. During this period, the climate control display and buttons will be inoperable until igni- tion switch is turned on. MANUAL OP …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 232

    REAR AUT OMA TIC AIR CONDITIONING S Y STEM 1. (temperature) increase and decrease buttons (driver’s side) 2. AUT O button 3. REAR button 4. ON-OFF button/ (fan speed) control knob 5. A/C button T o control the rear automatic air conditioning system with the front air conditioner control panel, press the REAR button. When the rear automatic air co …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 233

    Rear Heating (A/C off) 1. Press the REAR button to display the Rear Air-conditioning screen on the front display when the rear automatic air conditioning system is on. 2. Press the AUT O button. The AUT O indicator light will illuminate and “ AUT O” will appear on the display . 3. If the A/C indicator light illuminates, press the A/C button. Th …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 234

    Rear control buttons 1. OFF button 2. (fan speed increase) button 3. AUT O button 4. (temperature increase) button 5. (temperature decrease) button 6. Display 7. (fan speed decrease) button The rear seat passengers can adjust the rear automatic air conditioning system using the con- trol switches at the rear of the center console. The rear control …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 235

    The sunload sensor, located on the top driver’s side of the instrument panel, helps the system maintain a constant temperature. Do not put any- thing on or around this sensor. 1. Air recirculation button 2. A/C (air conditioner) ON/OFF button 3. MODE (manual air flow control) button 4. REAR button 5. T emperature control (passenger’s side) knob …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 236

    7. (fan speed control) dial/ON/OFF button 8. (front defroster) button 9. T emperature control (driver’s side) knob/AUT O (automatic) climate control ON button WARNING ● The air conditioner cooling function op- erates only when the engine is running. ● Do not leave children or adults who would normally require the assistance of others alone in …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 237

    ● Do not set the temperature lower than the outside air temperature. Otherwise, the sys- tem may not work properly . ● Not recommended if windows fog up. Dehumidified defrosting or defogging 1. Press the front defroster button on. (The indicator light on the button will come on.) 2. T urn the temperature control dial to set the desired temperat …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 238

    Rear automatic air conditioning system 1. A/C button 2. REAR button 3. ON-OFF button/ (fan speed) control knob 4. AUT O button/temperature control knob (driver’s side) T o control the rear automatic air conditioning system with the front air conditioner control panel, press the REAR button. When the rear automatic air conditioning system control …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 239

    Rear Heating (A/C off) 1. Press the REAR button to display the Rear Air-conditioning screen on the front display when the rear automatic air conditioning system is on. 2. Press the AUT O button. The AUT O indicator light will illuminate and “ AUT O” will appear on the display . 3. If the A/C indicator light illuminates, press the A/C button. Th …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 240

    Rear control buttons 1. OFF button 2. (fan speed increase) button 3. AUT O button 4. (temperature increase) button 5. (temperature decrease) button 6. Display 7. (fan speed decrease) button The rear seat passengers can adjust the rear automatic air conditioning system using the con- trol switches at the rear of the center console. The rear control …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 241

    The sunload sensor, located on the top driver’s side of the instrument panel, helps the system maintain a constant temperature. Do not put any- thing on or around this sensor. The air conditioner system in your NISSAN ve- hicle is charged with a refrigerant designed with the environment in mind. This refrigerant does not harm the earth’s ozone …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 242

    Reception conditions will constantly change be- cause of vehicle movement. Buildings, terrain, signal distance and interference from other ve- hicles can work against ideal reception. De- scribed below are some of the factors that can affect your radio reception. Some cellular phones or other devices may cause interference or a buzzing noise to com …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 243

    AUDIO OPERA TION PRECAUTIONS Compact disc (CD) player (models without Navigation System) CAUTION ● Do not force a compact disc into the CD insert slot. This could damage the CD and/or CD changer/player. ● T rying to load a CD with the CD door closed could damage the CD and/or CD changer. ● Only one CD can be loaded into the CD player at a tim …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 244

    ● This audio system can only play pre- recorded CDs. It has no capability to record or burn CDs. ● If the CD cannot be played, one of the following messages will be displayed. CHECK DISC: ● Confirm that the CD is inserted cor- rectly (the label side is facing up, etc .) . ● Confirm that the CD is not bent or warped and it is free of scratch …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 245

    Disc Read Error: ● Confirm that the CD/DVD is inserted correctly (the label side is facing up, etc .) . ● Confirm that the CD/DVD is not bent or warped and it is free of scratches. Please Eject Disc: This error may be due to the tempera- ture inside the player getting too high. Remove the CD/DVD by pushing the EJECT button, and after a short ti …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 246

    ● This copyright protected technology cannot be used without a permit from Macrovision Corporation. It is limited to personal use, etc ., as long as the permit from Macrovision Corporation is not issued. ● Modifying or disassembling is prohib- ited. ● Dolby digital is manufactured under li- cense from Dolby Laboratories, Inc . ● Dolby and t …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 247

    ● An incorrect song title may appear when the Play Mode is changed while using an iP od® nano (2nd Generation) . ● Audiobooks may not play in the same order as they appear on an iPod®. ● Large video files cause slow responses in an iP od®. The vehicle center display may mo- mentarily black out, but will soon recover. ● If an iP od® auto …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 248

    ● Sampling frequency — Sampling frequency is the rate at which the samples of a signal are converted from analog to digital (A/D conversion) per second. ● Multisession — Multisession is one of the methods for writing data to media. W riting data once to the media is called a single session, and writing more than once is called a multisessio …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 249

    Specification chart Supported media CD, CD-R, CD-RW , USB 2.0 Supported file systems CD, CD-R, CD-RW , ISO9660 LEVEL1, ISO9660 LEVEL2, Romeo, Joliet * ISO9660 Level 3 (packet writing) is not supported. * Files saved using the Live File System component (on a Windows Vista® operating system-based computer) are not supported. UDF Bridge (UDF 1.02 + …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 250

    T roubleshooting guide Symptom Cause and Countermeasure Cannot play Check if the CD/USB device is inserted correctly . Check if the CD is scratched or dirty . Check if there is condensation inside the player. If there is, wait until the condensation is gone (about 1 hour) before using the player. If there is a temperature increase error, the player …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 251

    CD, DVD or USB with Compressed Audio Files (models with Navigation System) The file types supported by this system are MP3, WMA , AAC/M4A and A TRAC3. Explanation of terms ● MP3 — MP3 is short for Moving Pictures Experts Group Audio Layer 3. MP3 is the most well known compressed digital audio file format. This format allows for near “CD quali …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 252

    Playback order Music playback order of a CD, DVD or USB device with compressed audio files is as illus- trated. ● The folder names of folders not containing compressed audio files are not shown in the display . ● If there is a file in the top level of the disc/USB, “Root Folder” is displayed. ● The playback order is the order in which the …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 253

    Specification chart Supported media CD, CD-R, CD-RW , DVD-ROM, DVD±R, DVD±RW, DVD±R DL, USB 2.0 Supported file systems CD, CD-R, CD-RW , DVD-ROM, DVD±R, DVD±RW, DVD±R DL, ISO9660 LEVEL1, ISO9660 LEVEL2, Romeo, Joliet * ISO9660 Level 3 (packet writing) is not supported. * Files saved using the Live File System component (on a Windows Vista® o …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 254

    T roubleshooting guide Symptom Cause and Countermeasure Cannot play Check if the CD/DVD/USB device was inserted correctly . Check if the CD/DVD is scratched or dirty . Check if there is condensation inside the player. If there is, wait until the condensation is gone (about 1 hour) before using the player. If there is a temperature increase error, t …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 255

    Compressed Video Files (models with Navigation System) Explanation of terms ● DivX – DivX refers to the DivX® codec owned by Div, Inc. used for a lossy compres- sion of video based on MPEG-4. ● AVI – A VI stands for Audio Video Interleave. It is standard file format originated by Micro- soft Corporation. A .divx encoded file can be saved i …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 256

    Requirements for Supporting Video Playback Media CD, CD-R, CD-RW , DVD, DVD±R, DVD±RW, DVD±RW DL, USB 2.0 Memory File Systems CD, CD-R, CD-RW , DVD, DVD±R, DVD±RW, DVD±RW DL ISO9660 LEVEL1, ISO9660 LEVEL2, Romeo, Joliet, UDF Bridge (UDF1.02+ISO9660) , UDF1.5, UDF2.0 * ISO9660 Level 3 (packet writing) is not supported. * Files saved using the …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 257

    FM/AM RADIO WITH COMPACT DISC (CD) CHANGER (if so equipped) 1. CD eject button 2. VOL (volume)/ON·OFF control knob 3. Station and CD select (1 — 6) buttons 4. L OAD CD button 5. TUNE/FOLDER and AUDIO control knob (Bass, T reble, Fade, Balance, SSV (if so equipped) , and Beep) 6. AUX IN jack 7. AUX button 8. TRACK button 9. SEEK/CA T button 10. DIS …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 258

    Audio settings Audio Bass Adjusts the bass to the desired level. T reble Adjusts the treble to the desired level. Balance Adjusts the balance to the desired level. Balance adjusts the sound level between the left and right speakers. Fade Adjusts the fade to the desired level. Fade adjusts the sound level between the front and rear speakers. Bass, t …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 259

    CD display mode T o change the text displayed while playing a CD with text, press the DISP/CLOCK button. The DISP/CL OCK button will allow you to scroll through CD text as follows: T rack number and T rack time ←→ Album title ←→ Song title. ● T rack number displays the track number se- lected on the disc. ● T rack time displays the amou …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 260

    1. Choose the radio band AM, FM1 or FM2 using the AM·FM select button. 2. T une to the desired station using manual, SEEK or SCAN tuning. Press and hold any of the desired station memory buttons (1 – 6) until a beep sound is heard. 3. The channel indicator will then come on and the sound will resume. Programming is now complete. 4. Other buttons …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 261

    RPT (repeat)/RDM (random) button When the RPT (repeat)/RDM (random) button is pressed while the compact disc is playing, the play pattern can be changed as follows: CD All Disc Repeat → 1 Disc Repeat → 1 T rack Repeat → All Disc Random → 1 Disc Random → All Disc Repeat MP3/WMA CD All Disc Repeat → 1 Disc Repeat → 1 Folder Repeat → 1 …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 262

    FM/AM/SA T RADIO WITH COMP ACT DISC (CD) PLA YER (if so equipped) 1. CD eject button 2. ON-OFF control knob/VOL (volume) control knob 3. Station select (1–6) buttons 4. AUDIO button/TUNE/FOLDER control knob 5. AUX button* 6. TRACK button 7. SEEK/CA T button 8. DISC button 9. RPT (repeat)/RDM (random) button 10. SCAN button 11. AM-FM button *No sa …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 263

    T urn the VOL/ON·OFF control knob to adjust the volume. This vehicle has Speed Sensitive V olume (SSV) for audio. The audio volume changes as the driv- ing speed changes. Audio settings Audio Bass Adjusts the bass to the desired level. T reble Adjusts the treble to the desired level. Balance Adjusts the balance to the desired level. Balance adjust …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 264

    Clock operation For additional information on setting the clock, refer to “How to use the setting button” in this section. CD/MP3 display mode While listening to a CD or an MP3/WMA CD, certain text might be able to be displayed (when CD encoded with text is being used) . Depending on how the CD or MP3/WMA CD is encoded, the following text might …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 265

    FM/AM/SA T radio operation FM/AM band select Pressing the FM·AM button will change the band as follows: AM → FM1 → FM2 → AM When the FM·AM button is pressed while the ignition switch is in the ACC or ON position, the radio will come on at the station last played. The last station played will also come on when the VOL/ON·OFF control knob is …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 266

    Radio data system (RDS) RDS stands for Radio Data System, and is a data information service transmitted by some radio stations on the FM band (not AM band) . Cur- rently , most RDS stations are in large cities, but many stations are now considering broadcasting RDS data. RDS can display: ● Station call sign, such as “WHFR 98.3”. ● Station n …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 267

    CD with compressed audio files Repeat All → 1 Folder Repeat → 1 T rack Repeat → 1 Disc Random → 1 Folder Random → Re- peat All Repeat All: Normal play mode. All tracks will constantly play in sequential order. 1 Folder Repeat: The folder that is currently being accessed will be repeated. 1 T rack Repeat: The track that is currently playin …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 268

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 269

    FM/AM/SA T RADIO WITH CD/DVD PLA YER (if so equipped) 1. CD eject button 2. PUSH ON·OFF button/VOL (volume) con- trol knob 3. Station select (1 — 6) buttons 4. AUDIO button/TUNE/FOLDER control knob 5. DISC·AUX button 6. TRACK button 7. SEEK/CA T button 8. SA T* button 9. RPT (repeat)/RDM (random) button 10. SCAN button 11. AM·FM button *No satel …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 270

    This vehicle has Speed Sensitive V olume (SSV) for audio. The audio volume changes as the driv- ing speed changes. Audio settings Audio Bass Adjusts the bass to the desired level. T reble Adjusts the treble to the desired level. Balance Adjusts the balance to the desired level. Balance adjusts the sound level between the left and right speakers. Fa …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 271

    CD, DVD or USB with compressed audio files While listening to a CD or compressed audio files, certain text might be able to be displayed (when CD encoded with text is being used) . Depending on how the CD or compressed audio files are encoded, the following text might be displayed: ● Folder displays the name of the current folder being accessed. …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 272

    SEEK/CA T and TRACK tuning buttons For AM or FM: Press the SEEK/CA T button or the TRACK button to tune from high to low or low to high frequencies and stop at the next broadcasting station. For XM: Press the SEEK/CA T button or the TRACK button to go to the first channel of the previous or next category . SCAN tuning Press the SCAN button to stop …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 273

    – T urn the Alert ON to indicate whenever a favorite artist or song is playing on SiriusXM® Satellite Radio. The audio system must be playing SiriusXM® Sat- ellite Radio for this feature to work. – Delete a favorite artist or song. ● Categories — Displays a category list for SiriusXM® Satellite Radio. Select a cat- egory to select the fi …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 274

    TUNE/FOLDER knob While playing a CD with compressed audio files, turn the TUNE/FOLDER knob right or left to play the next or previous folder. CD EJECT button When the button is pressed with the com- pact disc loaded, the compact disc will be ejected. When the button is pressed while the compact disc is being played, the compact disc will eject and …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 275

    AUX settings Select the “Settings” key using the NISSAN con- troller. The display mode can be set to Normal, Wide or Cinema. The volume setting can be set to Low , Medium or High. Additional features For additional information about the iP od® player available with this system, refer to “iPod®* player operation with Navigation System” in …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 276

    ● Do not allow the system to get wet. Excessive moisture such as spilled liq- uids may cause the system to malfunction. ● While playing VIDEO-CD media, this DVD player does not guarantee com- plete functionality of all VIDEO-CD formats. Playing a DVD DISC-AUX button Park the vehicle in a safe location for the front seat occupants to operate the …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 277

    – Select the “Hide” key to hide the opera- tion keys. ● Title Menu (DVD-VIDEO) Some menus specific to each disc will be shown. For additional information, refer to the instructions attached to the disc. ● Title Search (DVD-VIDEO, DVD-VR) The scene with the specified title will be displayed the number of times the “+” or “-” side i …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 278

    USB (Universal Serial Bus) CONNECTION PORT (models without Navigation System) (if so equipped) Connecting a device to the USB connection port WARNING Do not connect, disconnect, or operate the USB device while driving. Doing so can be a distraction. If distracted you could lose control of your vehicle and cause an acci- dent or serious injury. CAUT …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 279

    SEEK/CA T and TRACK buttons Press the SEEK/CA T button while an au- dio file on the USB device is playing to return to the beginning of the current track. Press the SEEK/CA T button several times to skip backward several tracks. Press the TRACK button while an audio file on the USB device is playing to advance one track. Press the TRACK button seve …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 280

    CAUTION ● Do not force the USB device into the USB port. Inserting the USB device tilted or up-side-down into the port may damage the port. Make sure that the USB device is connected correctly into the USB port. ● Do not grab the USB port cover (if so equipped) when pulling the USB device out of the port. This could damage the port and the cove …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 281

    Menu There are some options available during play- back. Select one of the following that are dis- played on the screen, if necessary . Refer to the following information for each item. ● Movie Playback Switch to the movie playback mode. This item is displayed only when the USB memory contains movie files. The shift lever must be in Park (P) with …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 282

    Operation keys T o operate the USB memory, select the desired key displayed on the display screen. ● Pause Select the key to pause the movie file. T o resume playing the movie file, use the key . ● Play Select the key to start playing the movie file or resume the movie file if it has been paused. ● Stop Select the key to stop playing the movi …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 283

    ● 10 Key Search Select the “10 Key Search” key to open the number entry screen. Input the number you want to search for and the specified file or folder will be played. ● Display Adjust the image quality of the screen. ● DRC DRC (Dynamic Range Compression) auto- matically adjusts the soundtrack volume level to maintain a more even sound t …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 284

    While connected to the vehicle, the iPod® can only be operated by the vehicle audio controls. T o disconnect the iPod® from the vehicle, re- move the USB end of the cable from the USB connection port on the vehicle, then remove the cable from the iPod®. * iPod® is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Compatibil …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 285

    Interface The interface for iPod® operation shown on the vehicle center display is similar to the iP od® interface. Use the NISSAN controller and the BACK button to play the iPod® with your favorite settings. The following items can be chosen from the menu list screen. For additional information about each item, refer to the iP od® Owner’s Ma …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 286

    CAUTION ● Do not force the USB device into the USB port. Inserting the USB device tilted or up-side-down into the port may damage the port. Make sure that the USB device is connected correctly into the USB port. ● Do not grab the USB port cover (if so equipped) when pulling the USB device out of the port. This could damage the port and the cove …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 287

    Audio main operation Place the ignition switch in the ACC or ON position. Press the DISC·AUX button repeatedly to switch to the iP od® mode. If the system has been turned off while the iP od® was playing, pressing the VOL/ON·OFF control knob will start the iP od®. DISC·AUX button When the DISC·AUX button is pressed with the system off and th …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 288

    ● Albums ● Songs ● Podcasts ● Genres ● Composers ● Audiobooks ● Shuffle Songs ● Play Mode The following keys shown on the screen are also available: ● MENU: returns to the previous screen. ● : plays/pauses the music selected. Play mode While the iP od® is playing, touch the “Menu” key to display the iP od® menu. T ouch the …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 289

    Scrolling menus While navigating long lists of artists, albums or songs in the music menu, it is possible to scroll the list by the first letter. T o activate letter index- ing, perform one of the following: ● T urn the NISSAN controller quickly. ● Press and hold the up/down directional ar- rows on the NISSAN controller. ● T ouch and hold the …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 290

    4. A screen will appear asking if you are con- necting the device to use with the hands- free phone system. Select the “No” key . 5. Enter a PIN of your choice. It will be needed by your Bluetooth® audio device to com- plete the connection process. For additional information, refer to the Bluetooth® audio device’s owner’s manual. Audio ma …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 291

    Bluetooth® audio settings T o adjust the Bluetooth® audio settings, follow the procedure below: 1. Press the SETTING button on the control panel. 2. T ouch the “Bluetooth” key . 3. T ouch the “Connected Devices” key. 4. T ouch the “ Audio Player” key . 5. A list of the connected Bluetooth® audio players is displayed. Select the name …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 292

    6. The Device Name and Device Address are displayed on the screen. Select the “Select” key to make this device the active Bluetooth® audio player. Select the “Edit” key to edit the details of the player, such as Device Name. Select the “Delete” key to delete the device. CD CARE AND CLEANING ● Handle a CD by its edges. Do not bend the …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 293

    1. (menu control) switch/ENTER button 2. (back) switch 3. SOURCE switch 4. V olume control switch STEERING WHEEL SWIT CH FOR AUDIO CONTROL The audio system can be operated using the controls on the steering wheel. POWER on switch With the ignition switch in the ACC or ON posi- tion, push the SOURCE switch to turn the audio system on. SOURCE select …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 294

    ● Tilt up/down for more than 1.5 seconds to increase or decrease the folder number (if playing compressed audio files) . ● Press the ENTER button to show the CD Menu. DVD (if so equipped) ● Tilt up/down for less than 1.5 seconds to increase or decrease the track number. ● Tilt up/down for more than 1.5 seconds to increase or decrease the ti …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 295

    If your vehicle is equipped with the Dual Head Restraint/Headrest DVD System, you can enjoy playing video files via a DVD, CD or USB memory that provides images and sound both from the front and rear display screens. Y ou can also enjoy compatible auxiliary devices such as video games, camcorders or portable video players through the auxiliary jack …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 296

    The angle of the rear display screen can be adjusted for optimal viewing. Gently apply pressure to the base of the screen where indicated until the screen reached the desired position. When the screen is released, it will remain in the current position. T o return to the screen to the flat position, press the base of the screen in all the way until …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 297

    Headphones The headphones for this system are a wireless type and no cables are necessary . The head- phones can only be used in the rear seat. Power ON/OFF Press the power ON/OFF button to turn the headphones on or off. V olume control T urn the volume control knob to adjust the vol- ume. The headphones will automatically turn off after about 4 mi …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 298

    Channel change When the rear displays are playing different sources, slide the channel select switch to select the sound. “Left” is the sound on the left display. “Right” is the sound on the right display. Remote control The remote control has the following functions: 1. POWER button 2. Display select switch (L or R) T ype A (if so equipped …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 299

    3. MENU button 4. Directional buttons 5. Backlight button 6. SETUP button 7. (next chapter) button 8. (fast forward) button 9. (stop) button 10. V olume control button 11. (reverse) button 12. (play and pause) button 13. (previous chapter) button 14. BACK button 15. ENTER button 16. SOURCE button Select rear displays audio source Slide the display …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 300

    2. Replace both batteries with new ones. ● Recommended battery: Size AA 6 2 (DVD remote control) Size AAA 6 2 (headphones) ● Be careful not to touch the battery termi- nal. ● Make sure that the (+) and (-) ends on the batteries match the markings inside the compartment. 3. Close the lid securely . ● If you will not be using the remote contr …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 301

    Available audio sources The following sources are available to play on each display: Front display ● Radio ● CD/DVD ● USB memory/iPod® ● Bluetooth® audio ● AUX (front) Rear display ● DVD ● USB memory with video files ● AUX (front/rear) PLA YING A DVD (Digital V ersatile Disc) DISC·AUX button Park the vehicle in a safe location fo …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 302

    Adjust front/rear displays Front display T o adjust the front display mode, press the DISP button on the center multi-function control panel. Follow the instructions displayed on the screen. Rear display T o adjust the rear display mode, press the pre- ferred side (L or R) of the DISP button on the remote control. DVD operation keys T o operate the …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 303

    Setting keys Select the “Settings” key with the NISSAN con- troller and press the ENTER button to adjust the following settings. The items indicated with “*” can also be set from the rear display. Press the DVD button on the remote control while a DVD is being played. Select the preferred item using the directional buttons on the remote con …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 304

    Angle (DVD-VIDEO) If the DVD contains different angles (such as moving images) , the current image angle can be switched to another one. Select the “ Angle” key and press the ENTER button. When the “+” side or “ ⫺ ” side is selected, the angle will change. Angle Mark (DVD-VIDEO) When this item is turned on, an angle mark will be shown …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 305

    AUX mode The AUX (auxiliary input jacks) modes can be activated or deactivated individually. T o activate the AUX mode, press the preferred side (L or R) of the AUX button. Press the AUX button again to deactivate the AUX mode and display another mode. V olume T o control the volume level, push the VOL button or . Display Display settings can be se …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 306

    ● It is not possible to switch the source to USB (if so equipped) or DVD using the remote control when the rear display is in the AUX mode. Press the AUX (L)/ AUX (R) button in the remote control and turn off the AUX mode, and then push the preferred mode switch. ● It is not possible to display different video files, such as DVD or video files …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 307

    When installing a CB, ham radio or car phone in your vehicle, be sure to observe the following precautions; otherwise, the new equipment may adversely affect the engine control system and other electronic parts. WARNING ● A cellular phone should not be used for any purpose while driving so full atten- tion may be given to vehicle operation. Some …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 308

    Y our NISSAN is equipped with the Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone System. If you have a com- patible Bluetooth® enabled cellular phone, you can set up the wireless connection between your cellular phone and the in-vehicle phone module. With Bluetooth® wireless technology , you can make or receive a hands-free telephone call with your cellular phone …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 309

    – Y our vehicle is in an area where it is difficult to receive a cellular signal; such as in a tunnel, in an underground parking garage, near a tall building or in a moun- tainous area. – Y our cellular phone is locked to prevent it from being dialed. ● When the radio wave condition is not ideal or ambient sound is too loud, it may be difficu …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 310

    Operating tips T o get the best performance out of the NISSAN V oice Recognition system, observe the following: ● Keep the interior of the vehicle as quiet as possible. Close the windows to eliminate surrounding noises (traffic noises, vibration sounds, etc.) , which may prevent the system from recognizing voice commands correctly . ● Wait unti …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 311

    ● Numbers can be spoken in small groups. The system will prompt you to continue en- tering digits, if desired. Example: 1-800-662-6200 – “One eight zero zero” The system repeats the numbers and prompts you to enter more. – “Six six two” The system repeats the numbers and prompts you to enter more. – “Six two zero zero” ● Say ? …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 312

    PHONE/END While the voice recognition system is active, press and hold the button for 5 seconds to quit the voice recog- nition system at any time. TUNING SWIT CH While using the voice recognition system, tilt the tuning switch up or down to manually control the phone system. GETTING ST ARTED The following procedures will help you get started using …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 313

    Making a call by entering a phone number Main Menu “Call” 䊊 A “Phone Number” 䊊 B Speak the digits 䊊 C “Dial” 䊊 D 1. Press the button on the steering wheel. A tone will sound. 2. Say: “Call” 䊊 A . The system acknowledges the command and announces the next set of available commands. 3. Say “Phone Number” 䊊 B . The syst …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 314

    “Call” Main Menu “Call” (A Name) 䊊 A “Phone Number” (7 or 10 Digits) 䊊 B “Special Number” 䊊 C “Redial” 䊊 D “Call Back” 䊊 E (A Name) 䊊 A If you have stored entries in the phonebook, you can dial a number associated with a name For additional information on how to store entries, refer to “Phonebook” in this sec …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 315

    T o reconnect the call from the cellular phone to the Bluetooth® Hands-Free System, press the button. ● “Mute” — Use the Mute command to mute your voice so the other party cannot hear it. Use the mute command again to unmute your voice. NO TE: If a call is ended or the cellular phone network connection is lost while the Mute feature is on, …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 316

    “List Names” 䊊 C Use the List Names command to hear all the names in the phonebook. The system recites the phonebook entries but does not include the actual phone numbers. When the playback of the list is complete, the system goes back to the main menu. Y ou can stop the playback of the list at any time by pressing the button on the steering …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 317

    “Outgoing” 䊊 A Use the Outgoing command to list the outgoing calls made from the vehicle. “Incoming” 䊊 B Use the Incoming command to list the incoming calls made to the vehicle. “Missed” 䊊 C Use the Missed command to list the calls made to the vehicle that were not answered. “Call Back” 䊊 D Use the Call Back command to dial …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 318

    T raining procedure The procedure for training a voice is as follows. 1. Position the vehicle in a reasonably quiet outdoor location. 2. Sit in the driver’s seat with the engine run- ning, the parking brake on, and the transmis- sion in P (Park) . 3. Press and hold the button for approxi- mately 5 seconds. 4. The system announces: “Press the PH …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 319

    ● dial eight three zero five one ● record name ● four three pause two nine pause zero ● delete redial number ● phonebook list names ● call eight oh five four one ● correction ● connect phone ● dial seven four oh one eight ● previous entry ● delete ● dial nine seven two six six ● call seven six three oh one ● go back ● …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 320

    TROUBLESHOO TING GUIDE The system should respond correctly to all voice commands without difficulty . If problems are en- countered, try the following solutions. Where the solutions are listed by number, try each solution in turn, starting with number 1, until the problem is resolved. Symptom Solution System fails to interpret the command correctly …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 321

    WARNING ● Use a phone after stopping your vehicle in a safe location. If you have to use a phone while driving, exercise extreme caution at all times so full attention may be given to vehicle operation. ● If you are unable to devote full attention to vehicle operation while talking on the phone, pull off the road to a safe location and stop you …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 322

    phone module when the ignition switch is placed in the ON position with the connected cellular phone turned on and carried in the vehicle. Y ou can register up to 5 different Bluetooth® cellular phones to the in-vehicle phone module. However, you can talk on only one cellular phone at a time. NISSAN V oice Recognition system supports the phone com …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 323

    REGULA T OR Y INFORMA TION FCC Regulatory information – CAUTION: T o maintain compliance with FCC’s RF exposure guidelines, use only the supplied antenna. Unauthorized antenna, modification, or attachments could damage the transmitter and may violate FCC regula- tions. – Operation is subject to the following two con- ditions: 1. This device m …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 324

    CONNECTING PROCEDURE Press the SETTING button on the control panel, then touch the “Bluetooth” key on the display . Menu Item Result Bluetooth ON/OFF Allows user to switch Bluetooth on and off. Bluetooth must be on in order to connect device. ON T urns Bluetooth on. OFF T urns Bluetooth off. Connect Bluetooth Upon pressing this button, a popup …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 325

    VEHICLE PHONEBOOK This vehicle has two phonebooks available for your use. Depending on your phone, the system may automatically download your entire cell phone’s phonebook into the “Handset Phone- book” . For additional information on downloading your phonebook, refer to “Handset Phonebook” in this section. If your phonebook does not auto …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 326

    Press the button on the steering wheel and then select the ⬙ Vehicle Phonebook ⬙ key. Next, select the desired entry from the displayed list. Select the ⬙ Edit ⬙ key . Menu Item Result Entry # Changes the displayed number of the selected entry Name Edit the name of the entry using the keypad displayed on the screen Number Edit the phone num …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 327

    HANDSET PHONEBOOK Many phones will support an automatic down- load of the cellular phone’s phonebook. Since this method allows for up to 1,000 numbers to be stored and entries are automatically assigned voice tags by the system, this is a useful function for easy dialing supported by the V oice Recogni- tion system. T ransferring the handset phon …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 328

    MAKING A CALL Press the button on the steering wheel. The ⬙ Phone ⬙ screen will appear on the display. Select one of the following options to make a call: Menu Item Result V ehicle Phonebook Select the name from an entry stored in the vehicle phonebook. Dialing commences immediately. Call History Select the name from the incoming or outgoing ca …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 329

    RECEIVING A CALL When you hear a phone ring, the display will change to phone mode. T o receive a call, follow one of the procedures listed below: Menu Item Result Press the button on the steering wheel Accept an incoming call to talk. ⬙ Answer ⬙ key on the display Accept an incoming call to talk. ⬙ Hold Call ⬙ key on the display Put an inc …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 330

    DURING A CALL There are some options available during a call. Select one of the following displayed on the screen, if necessary: Menu Item Result Hang Up Finish the call. If pressed while another caller is on hold, current call will be ended and user will be able to speak to the caller that was previously on hold. Use Handset T ransfer the call to …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 331

    PHONE SETTINGS T o set up the Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone System to your preferred settings, press the SET — TING button on the control panel and touch the ⬙ Phone ⬙ key on the display . Menu Item Result Edit Vehicle Phonebook For additional information on adding, editing, and deleting contacts in the vehicle phonebook, refer to ⬙ V ehicle P …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 332

    BLUET OO TH® SETTINGS T o set up the Bluetooth® Hands-Free Phone System to your preferred settings, press the SET — TING button on the control panel and touch the ⬙ Bluetooth ⬙ key on the display . Menu Item Result Bluetooth T urn the Bluetooth® system on or off. Connect Bluetooth For additional information about connecting a phone, refer to …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 333

    CALL VOLUME Adjusting the incoming or outgoing call volume may improve clarity if reception between callers is unclear. T o access the volume settings, press the SETTING button, then touch ”Volume and Beeps” . Y ou can also adjust the volume of an incoming voice during a call by pushing the vol- ume control switch on the steering wheel or by tu …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 334

    NISSAN Voice Recognition allows hands-free operation of the systems equipped on this ve- hicle, such as phone and vehicle information. There are two voice recognition modes of opera- tion available. They are: ● Standard Mode ● Alternate Command Mode In Standard Mode (the factory default setting) , commands that are available are always shown on …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 335

    NO TE: Y ou can skip steps 1 to 3 by pressing the button and saying “Help” fol- lowed by “User Guide” . Menu Item Result Getting Started The following message will appear: ⬙ With voice recognition, you can use voice commands to control navigation, audio, phone, and other functions. To start the voice recognition system, push the T ALK swi …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 336

    V oice recognition settings The available settings of the NISSAN V oice Rec- ognition system are described. 1. Press the SETTING button on the control panel 2. T ouch “Others” key 3. T ouch the “Voice Recognition” key Y ou can confirm the page by scrolling the screen using the NISSAN controller. Menu Item Result Command List When Alternate …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 337

    USING THE S Y STEM Initialization When the ignition switch is placed in the ON position, NISSAN Voice Recognition is initialized, which takes a few seconds. When completed, the system is ready to accept voice commands. If the switch is pressed before the initializa- tion completes, voice commands will not be ac- cepted. Please wait until the NISSAN …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 338

    Operating tips ● Say a command after the tone. V oice com- mands cannot be accepted when the icon is . ● Commands that are available are always shown on the display and spoken through voice menu prompts. Commands other than those that are displayed are not accepted. Please follow the prompts given by the sys- tem. ● If the command is not reco …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 339

    Standard Mode command list Category Commands COMMAND ACTION Phone Displays Phone function commands. Navigation Displays Navigation function commands. Information Displays V ehicle Information. Audio Displays Audio commands. Call (name) Makes a call to a contact that is stored in either phonebook. Please say “Call” followed by a stored name. Hel …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 340

    V ehicle Information Commands COMMAND ACTION Fuel Economy Displays Fuel Economy information. Maintenance Displays Maintenance information. T raffic Information T urns the traffic information system on and off. Where am I? Displays current vehicle location. Audio Commands COMMAND ACTION AM Changes the audio system mode to AM radio. FM Changes the au …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 341

    V oice command examples Some basic voice command examples are de- scribed here. For navigation system commands, refer to the separate Navigation System Owner’s Manual. Example 1 — Placing a call to the phone number 800-662-6200: 1. Press the button located on the steer- ing wheel. 2. The system makes an announcement. 3. Say “Phone” . 4. Say …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 342

    ● Do not add a “1” in front of the area code when speaking phone numbers. ● If the system does not recognize your com- mand, please try repeating the command using a natural voice. Speaking too slowly or too loudly may further decrease recognition performance. Example 2 — Placing an international call to the phone number 011-81-111-222-33 …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 343

    Activating Alternate Command Mode 1. Press the SETTING button on the control panel. 2. T ouch the “Others” key on the display . 3. T ouch the “Voice Recognition” key. 4. T ouch the “ Alternate Command Mode” key. 5. The confirmation message is displayed on the screen. Select the “OK” key to activate the Alternate Command Mode. 6. Alt …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 344

    Alternate Command Mode command list Phone Command COMMAND ACTION Dial Number Makes a call to a spoken phone number up to 10 digits. V ehicle Phonebook Makes a call to a contact in the vehicle phonebook. Handset Phonebook Makes a call to a contact in the handset phonebook. International Call Makes an international call by allowing more than 10 digit …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 345

    COMMAND ACTION Planview Map Changes the Map display to a 2-dimensional view . North Up Changes the Map display to keep north pointing up on the screen. Heading Up Changes the Map display to keep the direction of the vehicle pointing up on the screen. Zoom In <1 to 13> Changes the map scale to a smaller number. Zoom Out <1 to 13> Changes …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 346

    Displaying user guide Y ou can confirm how to use voice commands by accessing a simplified User Guide, which con- tains basic instructions and tutorials for several voice commands. 1. Press the INFO button on the control panel. 2. T ouch the “Voice Recognition” key. 3. T ouch the “User Guide” key. 4. T ouch an item. Menu Item Result Getting …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 347

    USING THE S Y STEM Initialization When the ignition switch is placed in the ON position, NISSAN Voice Recognition is initialized, which takes a few seconds. When completed, the system is ready to accept voice commands. If the switch is pressed before the initializa- tion completes, the display will show the mes- sage: “System not ready.” or a b …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 348

    Operating tips ● Say a command after the tone. V oice com- mands cannot be accepted when the icon is . ● If the command is not recognized, the sys- tem repeats the announcement. Repeat the command in a clear voice. ● Say “Back” when prompted to return to the previous screen. ● If you want to cancel the command, press and hold the button …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 349

    Speaker Adaptation Starts a system training procedure to learn the specific sounds of your voice. For additional in- formation, refer to “Speaker adaptation function” in this section. Alternate Command Mode For advanced operation, an Alternate Command Mode is provided. This setting enables control of the audio system as well as additional comma …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 350

    Speaker Adaptation function settings Edit Name Edit the user name using the keypad displayed on the screen. Reset Result Resets the user’s voice that the V oice Recogni- tion system has learned. Continuous Learning When this item is turned to ON, you can have the system learn the voice commands in succession, without selecting commands one by one …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 351

    5 Starting and driving Precautions when starting and driving …………….5 — 2 Exhaust gas (carbon monoxide) ………………5 — 2 Three-way catalyst …………………………5 — 2 Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) ……….5 — 3 On-pavement and off-road driving precautions ………………………………5 — 6 Avoiding collisi …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 352

    Brake system ……………………………… 5-41 Brake precautions ……………………….. 5-41 Anti-lock Braking System (ABS) …………….. 5-42 Brake assist ……………………………. 5-43 V ehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) system …………. 5-43 Rise-up and build-up …………………….. 5-45 Brake force distribution …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 353

    WARNING ● Do not leave children or adults who would normally require the assistance of others alone in your vehicle. Pets should also not be left alone. They could accidentally injure themselves or others through inadvertent operation of the vehicle. Also, on hot, sunny days, temperatures in a closed vehicle could quickly become high enough to ca …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 354

    ● Do not stop or park the vehicle over flammable materials such as dry grass, waste paper or rags. They may ignite and cause a fire. CAUTION ● Do not use leaded gasoline. Deposits from leaded gasoline will seriously re- duce the three-way catalyst’s ability to help reduce exhaust pollutants. ● Keep your engine tuned up. Malfunc- tions in th …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 355

    ● The TPMS will activate only when the vehicle is driven at speeds above 16 MPH (25 km/h). Also, this system may not detect a sudden drop in tire pressure (for example a flat tire while driving) . ● The low tire pressure warning light does not automatically turn off when the tire pressure is adjusted. After the tire is inflated to the recommend …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 356

    ● When a spare tire is mounted or a wheel is replaced, tire pressure will not be indicated, the TPMS will not function and the low tire pressure warning light will flash for approximately 1 minute. The light will remain on after 1 minute. Contact your NISSAN dealer as soon as possible for tire replacement and/or system resetting. ● Replacing ti …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 357

    Operation 1. Add air to the tire. 2. After a few seconds, the hazard indicators will start flashing. 3. When the designated pressure is reached, the horn beeps once and the hazard indica- tors stop flashing. 4. Perform the above steps for each tire. ● If the tire is over-inflated more than ap- proximately 4 psi (30 kPa) , the horn beeps and the h …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 358

    Be attentive at all times, and avoid driving when tired. Never drive when under the influence of alcohol or drugs (including prescription or over- the-counter drugs which may cause drowsi- ness) . Always wear your seat belt as outlined in the “Safety – Seats, seat belts and supplemental restraint system” section of this manual, and also instr …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 359

    3. When appropriate, slowly release the accel- erator pedal to gradually slow the vehicle. 4. Gradually steer the vehicle to a safe location off the road and away from traffic if possible. 5. Lightly apply the brake pedal to gradually stop the vehicle. 6. T urn on the hazard warning flashers and contact a roadside emergency service to change the ti …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 360

    ● Do not shift gears while driving on downhill grades as this could cause loss of control of the vehicle. ● Stay alert when driving to the top of a hill. At the top there could be a drop-off or other hazard that could cause an accident. ● If your engine stalls or you cannot make it to the top of a steep hill, never at- tempt to turn around. Y …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 361

    ● Failure to operate this vehicle correctly could result in loss of control and/or a rollover accident. ● Always use tires of the same type, size, brand, construction (bias, bias-belted, or radial) , and tread pattern on all 4 wheels. Install tire chains on the front wheels when driving on slippery roads and drive carefully. ● Be sure to chec …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 362

    The ignition lock is designed so that the ignition switch position cannot be switched to OFF until the shift lever is moved to the P (Park) position. When the ignition switch cannot be pushed to- ward the OFF position, proceed as follows: 1. Move the shift lever into the P (Park) posi- tion. 2. Push the ignition switch. The ignition switch position …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 363

    ACC (Accessories) This position activates electrical accessories, such as the radio, when the engine is not running. ACC has a battery saver feature that will turn the ignition switch to the OFF position after a period of time under the following conditions: ● All doors are closed. ● Shift lever is in P (Park) . The battery saver feature will b …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 364

    After Step 3 is performed, when the ignition switch is pushed without depressing the brake pedal, the ignition switch position will change to ACC. 4. Push the ignition switch while depressing the brake pedal within ten seconds after the chime sounds. The engine will start. NO TE: ● When the ignition switch is pushed to the ACC or ON position or t …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 365

    1. Apply the parking brake. 2. Move the shift lever to P (Park) or N (Neu- tral) . P (Park) is recommended. The starter is designed not to operate if the shift lever is in any of the driving positions. 3. Push the ignition switch to the ON position. Depress the brake pedal and push the igni- tion switch to start the engine. T o start the engine imm …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 366

    CONTINUOUSL Y V ARIABLE TRANSMISSION (CVT) The Continuously V ariable T ransmission (CVT) in your vehicle is electronically controlled to pro- duce maximum power and smooth operation. The recommended operating procedures for this transmission are shown on the following pages. Follow these procedures for maximum vehicle performance and driving enjoy …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 367

    Shifting Press the button 䊊 A while depressing the brake pedal Press the button 䊊 A to shift Shift without pressing 䊊 A button After starting the engine, fully depress the brake pedal, push and press the shift lever button and move the shift lever from the P (Park) position to any of the desired shift positions. WARNING Apply the parking brak …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 368

    Shift lock release If the battery charge is low or discharged, the shift lever may not be moved from the P (Park) position even with the brake pedal depressed and the shift lever button pushed. T o move the shift lever, perform the following procedure: 1. Place the ignition switch in the OFF or L OCK position. 2. Apply the parking brake. 3. Remove …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 369

    Each time the engine is started, or when the shift lever is shifted to any position other than D (Drive) , the Overdrive off mode will be automati- cally turned off. Accelerator downshift — in D (Drive) position — For passing or hill climbing, depress the accel- erator pedal to the floor. This shifts the transmis- sion down into a lower gear, d …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 370

    T o engage: Firmly depress the parking brake. T o release: 1. Firmly apply the foot brake. 2. Move the shift lever to the P (Park) position. 3. Firmly depress the parking brake pedal and it will release. 4. Before driving, be sure the brake warning light goes out. ● Blind Spot Warning (BSW) system WARNING ● The BSW system is not a replacement f …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 371

    The radar sensors can detect vehicles on either side of your vehicle within the detection zone shown as illustrated. This detection zone starts from the outside mirror of your vehicle and ex- tends approximately 10 ft (3.0 m) behind the rear bumper, and approximately 10 ft (3.0 m) side- ways. The BSW system operates above approximately 20 MPH (32 k …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 372

    When the BSW and Rear Cross T raffic Alert (RCT A) system switch is turned off, the indicator 䊊 1 on the switch is off. The indicator will also be off if the BSW/RCT A is deactivated. How to enable/disable the BSW system Perform the following steps to enable or disable the BSW system. 1. Press the button until “Settings” dis- plays in the veh …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 373

    Action to take: When the above conditions no longer exist, the system will resume automatically. Malfunction When the system malfunctions, it will turn off automatically . The system malfunction warning message with the blind spot indicator (orange) will appear in the vehicle information display . If the BSW system fails, the RCT A system will also …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 374

    BSW DRIVING SITUA TIONS Another vehicle approaching from behind Illustration 1: The Blind Spot Warning indicator light illuminates if a vehicle enters the detection zone from behind in an adjacent lane. However, if the overtaking vehicle is traveling much faster than your vehicle, the indicator light may not illuminate before the detected vehicle i …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 375

    Overtaking another vehicle Illustration 4: The Blind Spot Warning indicator light illuminates if you overtake a vehicle and that vehicle stays in the detection zone for approxi- mately 2 seconds. The radar sensors may not detect slower moving vehicles if they are passed quickly. Illustration 5: If the driver activates the turn signal while another …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 376

    NO TE: Illustration 6: When overtaking several ve- hicles in a row, the vehicles after the first vehicle may not be detected if they are traveling close together. Entering from the side Illustration 7: The Blind Spot Warning indicator light illuminates if a vehicle enters the detection zone from either side. NO TE: The radar sensors may not detect …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 377

    Illustration 8: Illustration 8: If the driver acti- vates the turn signal while another vehicle is in the detection zone the Blind Spot W arning indicator light flashes and a chime will sound twice. NO TE: If the driver activates the turn signal before a vehicle enters the detection zone, the Blind Spot Warning indicator light will flash but no chi …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 378

    Applicable law: Canada 310 This device complies with Industry Canada license-exempt RSS standard(s) . Opera- tion is subject to the following two condi- tions: (1) this device may not cause inter- ference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the de- vice. Frequency of operat …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 379

    If the radar detects a vehicle approaching from the side, the system gives visual and audible warnings RCT A S Y STEM PRECAUTIONS LSD2173 5-28 Starting and driving I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y : …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 380

    WARNING ● Always check surroundings and turn to check what is behind you before back — ing up. The radar sensors detect ap- proaching (moving) vehicles. The radar sensors cannot detect every object such as: – Pedestrians, bicycles, motorcycles, animals or child operated toy vehicles – A vehicle that is passing at speeds greater than approxima …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 381

    NO TE: ● In the case of several vehicles approaching in a row (Illustration 1) or in the opposite direction (Illustration 2) , a chime may not be sounded by the RCT A system after the first vehicle passes the sensors. ● The sonar system chime indicating there is a object behind the vehicle has a higher prior- ity than the RCT A chime (single be …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 382

    2. Select “Driver Aids”, and press the ENTER button. 3. T o set the BSW/RCT A system to on or off, use the buttons to navigate in the menu and use the ENTER button to select or change an item. ● Select “Blind Spot” and press the ENTER button. – T o turn on the warning, use the ENTER button to check box for “BSW/RCT A ” RCT A tempora …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 383

    Do not attach stickers (including transparent ma- terial) , install accessories or apply additional paint near the radar sensors. Do not strike or damage the area around the radar sensors. Consult a NISSAN dealer if the area around the radar sensors is damaged due to a collision. Radio frequency statement This device complies with part 15 of the FC …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 384

    ● If the cruise control system malfunctions, it cancels automatically . The SET indicator light illuminates in the vehicle information display then blinks to warn the driver. For additional information, refer to “V ehicle infor- mation display” in the “Instruments and con- trols” section of this manual. ● If the SET indicator light blin …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 385

    T o reset at a slower cruising speed, use one of the following three methods: ● Lightly tap the brake pedal. When the ve- hicle attains the desired speed, push the COAST/SET switch and release it. ● Push and hold the COAST/SET switch. Re- lease the switch when the vehicle slows to the desired speed. ● Push and release the COAST/SET switch. Ea …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 386

    3. Use Air Conditioning (A/C) at Higher V ehicle Speeds ● Below 40 MPH (64 km/h), it is more efficient to open windows to cool the vehicle due to reduced engine load. ● Above 40 MPH (64 km/h), it is more efficient to use A/C to cool the vehicle due to increased aerodynamic drag. ● Recirculating the cool air in the cabin when the A/C is on red …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 387

    ● Keep your engine tuned up. ● Follow the recommended scheduled main- tenance. ● Keep the tires inflated to the correct pres- sure. Low tire pressure increases tire wear and lowers fuel economy. ● Keep the wheels in correct alignment. Im- proper alignment increases tire wear and lowers fuel economy . ● Use the recommended viscosity engine …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 388

    ● If the 4WD high temperature message is displayed while you are driving, pull off the road in a safe area, and idle the engine. The driving mode will change to 2WD to prevent the 4WD system from malfunctioning. If the warning message turns off, you can drive again. ● If the tire size incorrect message is dis- played while you are driving, pull …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 389

    4WD mode Wheels driven 4WD mode indicator light Use conditions 2WD Front only – This mode is used when driving on a normal road *1 2WD For driving on dry paved roads. AUT O Distribution of torque to the front and rear wheels changes auto- matically depending on road conditions encountered. This re- sults in improved driving stability . AUT O For …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 390

    CAUTION ● Depending on the driving condition, the 4WD mode may automatically change from 2WD to 4WD even when the 2WD mode is selected. If this occurs while driving, the 4WD mode indicator light will not illuminate. ● Do not start the engine with the 4WD mode switch in any mode in the follow- ing cases: – when the vehicle is placed on a fre- …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 391

    WARNING ● Do not stop or park the vehicle over flammable materials such as dry grass, waste paper or rags. They may ignite and cause a fire. ● Safe parking procedures require that both the parking brake be set and the transmission placed into P (Park) . Fail- ure to do so could cause the vehicle to move unexpectedly or roll away and re- sult in …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 392

    WARNING ● If the engine is not running or is turned off while driving, the power assist for the steering will not work. Steering will be harder to operate. ● When the power steering warning light illuminates with the engine running, there will be no power assist for the steering. Y ou will still have control of the vehicle but the steering will …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 393

    WARNING ● While driving on a slippery surface, be careful when braking, accelerating or downshifting. Abrupt braking or accel- erating could cause the wheels to skid and result in an accident. ● If the engine is not running or is turned off while driving, the power assist for the brakes will not work. Braking will be harder. W et brakes When th …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 394

    WARNING Do not pump the brake pedal. Doing so may result in increased stopping distances. Self-test feature The ABS includes electronic sensors, electric pumps, hydraulic solenoids and a computer. The computer has a built-in diagnostic feature that tests the system each time you start the engine and move the vehicle at a low speed in forward or rev …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 395

    When the VDC system operates, the indi- cator in the instrument panel flashes so note the following: ● The road may be slippery or the system may determine some action is required to help keep the vehicle on the steered path. ● Y ou may feel a pulsation in the brake pedal and hear a noise or vibration from under the hood. This is normal and ind …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 396

    ● When driving on extremely inclined sur- faces such as higher banked corners, the VDC system may not operate prop- erly and the indicator may flash or both the and indicator lights may illuminate. Do not drive on these types of roads. ● When driving on an unstable surface such as a turntable, ferry, elevator or ramp, the indicator may flash or …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 397

    ● When driving on an unstable surface such as a turntable, ferry, elevator or ramp, the VDC warning light may illumi- nate. This is not a malfunction. Restart the engine after driving onto a stable surface. ● If wheels or tires other than the NISSAN recommended ones are used, the VDC system may not operate properly and the VDC warning light may …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 398

    WARNING ● Never rely solely on the hill start assist system to prevent the vehicle from mov- ing backward on a hill. Always drive carefully and attentively. Depress the brake pedal when the vehicle is stopped on a steep hill. Be especially careful when stopped on a hill on frozen or muddy roads. Failure to prevent the ve- hicle from rolling backw …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 399

    ● The system is designed as an aid to the driver in detecting large stationary ob- jects to help avoid damaging the ve- hicle. The system will not detect small objects below the bumper, and may not detect objects close to the bumper or on the ground. ● If your vehicle sustains damage to the rear bumper fascia, leaving it mis- aligned or bent, t …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 400

    TIRE EQUIPMENT 1. SUMMER tires have a tread designed to provide superior performance on dry pave- ment. However, the performance of these tires will be substantially reduced in snowy and icy conditions. If you operate your ve- hicle on snowy or icy roads, NISSAN recom- mends the use of MUD & SNOW or ALL SEASON TIRES on all four wheels. Please c …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 401

    WARNING ● Do not use your engine block heater with an ungrounded electrical system or a 2-pronged adapter. Y ou can be seri- ously injured by an electrical shock if you use an ungrounded connection. ● Disconnect and properly store the en- gine block heater cord before starting the engine. Damage to the cord could result in an electrical shock a …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 402

    6 In case of emergency Hazard warning flasher switch ………………….6 — 2 Emergency engine shut off …………………….6 — 2 Flat tire …………………………………….6 — 3 Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) ……….6 — 3 Changing a flat tire ………………………..6 — 3 Jump starting ………………………. …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 403

    Push the switch on to warn other drivers when you must stop or park under emergency condi- tions. All turn signal lights flash. WARNING ● If stopping for an emergency, be sure to move the vehicle well off the road. ● Do not use the hazard warning flashers while moving on the highway unless unusual circumstances force you to drive so slowly that …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 404

    TIRE PRESSURE MONIT ORING S Y STEM (TPMS) This vehicle is equipped with TPMS. It monitors tire pressure of all tires except the spare. When the low tire pressure warning light is lit, and the Tire Pressure Low — Add Air warning appears in the vehicle information display, one or more of your tires is significantly under-inflated. If equipped, the sy …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 405

    WARNING ● Make sure the parking brake is securely applied and the CVT is shifted into P (Park) . ● Never change tires when the vehicle is on a slope, ice or slippery areas. This is hazardous. ● Never change tires if oncoming traffic is close to your vehicle. Wait for profes- sional road assistance. A . Blocks B. Flat tire Blocking wheels Plac …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 406

    2. Remove the jack and tool kit cover by lifting up using the handles. 3. Remove the tool kit 䊊 B . ● T o release the tool kit, release the hook and eye straps 䊊 C . 4. Remove the jack. ● The jack is secured by a fastener 䊊 D .T o release the fastener, assemble the exten- sion 䊊 E into the wheel nut wrench 䊊 F as illustrated and rotat …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 407

    6. Insert the spare tire winch socket 䊊 H to the lowering mechanism nut. 7. T o lower the spare tire, insert the wheel nut wrench 䊊 F to the extension 䊊 E and insert the T-shaped end to the winch socket 䊊 H and rotate counterclockwise. 8. After removing the spare tire from under the vehicle, be sure to crank the cable up to stow it. NO TE: …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 408

    1. Loosen each wheel nut one or two turns by turning counterclockwise with the wheel nut wrench. Do not remove the wheel nuts until the tire is off the ground. 2. Place the jack directly under the jack -up point as illustrated so the top of the jack contacts the vehicle at the jack-up point. The jack -up points are indicated by stamped ar- rows on …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 409

    NO TE: If the lug nut wrench/jack handle contacts the ground while raising the vehicle, disas- semble the lug nut wrench from the jack extension rod, rotate it 90 degrees and re- assemble. 5. Remove the wheel nuts and then remove the tire. Installing the spare tire The spare tire is designed for emergency use. For additional information, refer to ? …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 410

    Adjust tire pressure to the COLD pressure. COLD pressure: After vehicle has been parked for 3 hours or more or driven less than 1 mile (1.6 km) . COLD tire pressures are shown on the tire and loading information label affixed to the driver side center pillar. 5. Securely store the flat tire, tools and jacking equipment in the vehicle. 6. Close the …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 411

    WARNING Always follow the instructions below. Fail- ure to do so could result in damage to the charging system and cause personal injury. 1. If the booster battery is in another vehicle, position the two vehicles to bring their bat- teries near each other. Do not allow the two vehicles to touch. 2. Apply the parking brake. Move the shift lever to P …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 412

    CAUTION ● CVT models cannot be push-started or tow-started. Attempting to do so may cause transmission damage. ● Do not push start this vehicle. The 3-way catalyst may be damaged. WARNING ● Do not continue to drive if your vehicle overheats. Doing so could cause engine damage or a vehicle fire. ● T o avoid the danger of being scalded, never …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 413

    6. After the engine cools down, check the cool- ant level in the engine coolant reservoir tank with the engine running. Add coolant to the engine coolant reservoir tank if necessary. Have your vehicle repaired at a NISSAN dealer. When towing your vehicle, all jurisdictional and local regulations for towing must be followed. Incorrect towing equipme …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 414

    Four-wheel drive models NISSAN recommends that towing dollies be used when towing your vehicle or place the ve- hicle on a flat bed truck as illustrated. CAUTION Never tow 4WD models with any of the wheels on the ground as this may cause serious and expensive damage to the powertrain. LCE2049 In case of emergency 6-13 I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 415

    Front-wheel drive models NISSAN recommends that your vehicle be towed with the driving wheels (front) off the ground or place the vehicle on a flat bed truck as illustrated. WARNING ● Never tow your vehicle with the front wheels on the ground or 4 wheels on the ground (forward or backward) , as this may cause serious and expensive damage to the t …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 416

    If your vehicle is stuck in sand, snow, mud, etc., use a tow strap or other device designed specifi- cally for vehicle recovery . Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the recovery de- vice. Do not use the tie-down hooks for towing or vehicle recovery. Rocking a stuck vehicle WARNING ● Stand clear of a stuck vehicle. ● Do not spin …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 417

    MEMO 6-16 In case of emergency I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y : …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 418

    7 Appearance and care Cleaning exterior …………………………….7 — 2 W ashing ………………………………..7 — 2 W axing ………………………………….7 — 2 Removing spots …………………………..7 — 3 Underbody ………………………………7 — 3 Glass …………………………………..7 — 3 Alumi …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 419

    In order to maintain the appearance of your ve- hicle, it is important to take proper care of it. T o protect the paint surfaces, please wash your vehicle as soon as you can: ● after a rainfall to prevent possible damage from acid rain ● after driving on coastal roads ● when contaminants such as soot, bird drop- pings, tree sap, metal particl …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 420

    REMOVING SPO TS Remove tar and oil spots, industrial dust, insects, and tree sap as quickly as possible from the surface of the paint to avoid lasting damage or staining. Special cleaning products are available at a NISSAN dealer or any automotive accessory store. UNDERBOD Y In areas where road salt is used in winter, it is necessary to clean the u …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 421

    Occasionally remove loose dust from the interior trim, plastic parts and seats using a vacuum cleaner or soft bristled brush. Wipe the vinyl and leather surfaces with a clean, soft cloth damp- ened in mild soap solution, then wipe clean with a dry , soft cloth. Regular care and cleaning is required in order to maintain the appearance of the leather …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 422

    ● Clean oil based stains by patting the surface with a clean soft cloth damp- ened in warm water. Press a clean dry cloth onto the surface to remove as much dampness as possible and then let air dry. FL OOR MA TS WARNING T o avoid potential pedal interference that may result in a collision or injury: ● NEVER place a floor mat on top of an- othe …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 423

    Genuine NISSAN floor mats have been specially designed for your vehicle model. The floor mats have grommet holes incorporated in them. Posi- tion each mat by placing the floor mat bracket hook through the floor mat grommet holes while centering the mat in the floorwell. Periodically check to make certain the mats are properly positioned. SEA T BEL …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 424

    T emperature High temperatures accelerate the rate of corro- sion to those parts which are not well ventilated. Air pollution Industrial pollution, the presence of salt in the air in coastal areas, or heavy road salt use acceler- ates the corrosion process. Road salt also accel- erates the disintegration of paint surfaces. PRO TECT Y OUR VEHICLE FR …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 425

    MEMO 7-8 Appearance and care I n f o r m a t i o n P r o v i d e d b y : …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 426

    8 Maintenance and do-it-yourself Maintenance requirements ……………………..8 — 2 General maintenance …………………………8 — 2 Explanation of general maintenance items ………8 — 2 Maintenance precautions ………………………8 — 5 Engine compartment check locations …………….8 — 6 Engine cooling system ………… …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 427

    Y our NISSAN is designed to have minimum main- tenance requirements with long service intervals to save you both time and money; however, some day-to-day and regular maintenance is essential to maintain your NISSAN’s good mechanical condition as well as its emissions and engine performance. It is the owner’s responsibility to make sure that the …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 428

    Lights* Clean the headlights on a regular basis. Make sure that the headlights, stop lights, tail lights, turn signal lights, and other lights are all operating properly and installed securely . Also check headlight aim. Road wheel nuts (lug nuts)* When checking the tires, make sure no wheel nuts are missing, and check for any loose wheel nuts. Tig …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 429

    Warning lights and chimes Make sure all warning lights and chimes are operating properly. Windshield wiper and washer* Check that the wipers and washer operate properly and that the wipers do not streak. Windshield defroster Check that the air comes out of the defroster outlets properly and in sufficient quantity when operating the heater or air co …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 430

    When performing any inspection or maintenance work on your vehicle, always take care to prevent serious accidental injury to yourself or damage to the vehicle. The following are general precau- tions which should be closely observed. WARNING ● Park the vehicle on a level surface, ap- ply the parking brake securely and block the wheels to prevent …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 431

    VQ35DE engine 1. P ower steering fluid reservoir 2. Engine coolant reservoir 3. Drive belt location 4. Fuse block 5. Engine oil filler cap 6. Brake fluid reservoir 7. Air cleaner 8. Fuse block 9. Fuse/fusible link box 10. Fuse/fusible link box 11. Battery 12. Engine oil dipstick 13. Radiator cap 14. Windshield-washer fluid reservoir NO TE: Engine c …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 432

    The engine cooling system is filled at the factory with a pre-diluted mixture of 50% Genuine NISSAN Long Life Antifreeze/Coolant (blue) and 50% water to provide year-round antifreeze and coolant protection. The antifreeze solution con- tains rust and corrosion inhibitors. Additional en- gine cooling system additives are not necessary . WARNING ● …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 433

    CHECKING ENGINE COOLANT LEVEL Check the coolant level in the reservoir when the engine is cold. If the coolant level is below the MIN level 䊊 1 , add coolant to the MAX level 䊊 2 . If the reservoir is empty , check the coolant level in the radiator when the engine is cold. If there is insufficient coolant in the radiator, fill the radiator with …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 434

    CHECKING ENGINE OIL LEVEL 1. Park the vehicle on a level surface and apply the parking brake. 2. Start the engine and let it idle until it reaches operating temperature. 3. T urn off the engine. Wait more than 10 minutes for the oil to drain back into the oil pan. 4. Remove the dipstick and wipe it clean. Re- insert it all the way . 5. Remove the d …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 435

    CHANGING ENGINE OIL 1. Park the vehicle on a level surface and apply the parking brake. 2. Start the engine and let it idle until it reaches operating temperature, then turn it off. 3. Remove the oil filler cap 䊊 A by turning it counterclockwise. 4. Place a large drain pan under the drain plug 䊊 B . 5. Remove the drain plug 䊊 B with a wrench …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 436

    CHANGING ENGINE OIL FIL TER 1. Park the vehicle on a level surface and apply the parking brake. 2. T urn the engine off. 3. Place a large drain pan under the oil filter 䊊 B . 4. Remove pins 䊊 A from the right engine pro- tector located inside right wheel well, re- move protector. Remove oil filter 䊊 B with an oil filter wrench by turning it c …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 437

    CAUTION ● NISSAN recommends using Genuine NISSAN CVT Fluid NS-3 ONL Y in NISSAN CVT s. Do not mix with other fluids. ● Do not use Automatic transmission fluid (A TF) or Manual transmission fluid in a NISSAN CVT, as it may damage the CVT . Damage caused by the use of flu- ids other than as recommended is not covered under NISSAN’s New Vehicle …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 438

    WARNING ● Use only new fluid from a sealed con- tainer. Old, inferior or contaminated fluid may damage the brake system. The use of improper fluids can damage the brake system and affect the vehi- cle’s stopping ability. ● Clean the filler cap before removing. ● Brake fluid is poisonous and should be stored carefully in marked containers ou …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 439

    Refill the reservoir more frequently when driving conditions require an increased amount of windshield-washer fluid. Recommended fluid is Genuine NISSAN Wind- shield Washer Concentrate Cleaner & Antifreeze or equivalent. CAUTION ● Do not substitute engine antifreeze coolant for windshield-washer fluid. This may result in damage to the paint. …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 440

    ● Keep battery out of the reach of children. ● Do not tip the battery. Keep the vent caps tight and the battery level. 1. Remove the vent caps with a screwdriver as shown. Use a cloth to protect the battery case. 2. Check the fluid level in each cell. If it is necessary to add fluid, add only distilled water to bring the level up to the bottom …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 441

    V ehicles operated in high temperatures or under severe conditions require frequent checks of the battery fluid level. JUMP ST ARTING If jump starting is necessary , refer to “Jump start- ing” in the “In case of emergency” section of this manual. If the engine does not start by jump starting, the battery may have to be replaced. Contact a N …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 442

    1. Drive belt automatic tensioner pulley 2. Generator pulley 3. Air conditioner compressor pulley 4 Crankshaft pulley WARNING Be sure the ignition key is in the OFF or LOCK position before servicing drive belt. The engine could rotate unexpectedly. 1. Visually inspect the belt for signs of unusual wear, cuts, fraying or looseness. If the belt is in …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 443

    WARNING Be sure the engine and ignition switch are off and that the parking brake is engaged securely. CAUTION Be sure to use the correct socket to re- move the spark plugs. An incorrect socket can damage the spark plugs. If replacement is required, see a NISSAN dealer for assistance. Clean and replace the air cleaner filter according to the mainte …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 444

    CLEANING If your windshield is not clear after using the windshield-washer or if a wiper blade chatters when running, wax or other material may be on the blade or windshield. Clean the outside of the windshield with a washer solution or a mild detergent. Y our windshield is clean if beads do not form when rinsing with clear water. Clean each blade …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 445

    If you wax the surface of the hood, be careful not to let wax get into the windshield-washer nozzle 䊊 A . This may cause clogging or improper windshield-washer operation. If wax gets into the nozzle, remove it with a needle or small pin 䊊 B . Rear window wiper blade Contact a NISSAN dealer if checking or replace- ment is required. If the brakes …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 446

    Proper brake inspection intervals should be followed. For additional information regard- ing brake inspections, refer to the appropriate maintenance schedule information in the “NISSAN Service and Maintenance Guide” . ENGINE COMP ARTMENT CAUTION Never use a fuse of a higher or lower amperage rating than specified on the fuse box cover. This cou …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 447

    5. If the fuse is open 䊊 A , replace it with a new fuse 䊊 B . 6. If a new fuse also opens, have the electrical system checked and repaired by a NISSAN dealer. Fusible links If the electrical equipment does not operate and fuses are in good condition, check the fusible links. If any of these fusible links are melted, replace with only Genuine NI …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 448

    Extended storage switch If any electrical equipment does not operate, remove the extended storage switch and check for an open fuse. NO TE: The extended storage switch is used for long term vehicle storage. Even if the ex — tended storage switch is broken it is not necessary to replace it. Replace only the open fuse in the switch with a new fuse. H …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 449

    NISSAN INTELLIGENT KEY® Replace the battery in the Intelligent Key as fol- lows: 1. Remove the mechanical key from the Intelli- gent Key . 2. Insert a small screwdriver 䊊 A into the slit 䊊 B of the corner and twist it to separate the upper part from the lower part. Use a cloth to protect the casing. 3. Replace the battery with a new one. Recom …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 450

    ceived, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Note: Changes or modifications not ex- pressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s au- thority to operate the equipment. For Canada: This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s) . Opera- tion is subject to the followin …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 451

    EXTERIOR AND INTERIOR LIGHTS Item Wattage (W) Bulb No. Headlight assembly* High 60 HB3 Low 55 H11 Park 5 W5W T urn 21 WY21W Sidemarker 5 WY5W Front fog lights (if so equipped) 55 H11 Daytime running lights (Canada only) 19 PS19W Map light* — — Footwell light (if so equipped) 3.4 158 Personal lights 8 P1Y Glove box light* 8 158 Step light (if so …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 452

    1. Headlight assembly 2 Map light 3 Personal light 4. Fog light (if so equipped)/Daytime run- ning light (Canada only) 5. Cargo light 6. Courtesy light 7. License plate light 8. Rear combination light Replacement procedures All other lights are either type A , B, C or D. When replacing a bulb, first remove the lens, lamp and/or cover. Indicates bul …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 453

    Use a cloth to protect the housing and suitable tool 䊊 1 to remove lens. Use a cloth 䊊 1 to protect the housing and suit- able tool to remove lens. Use a cloth 䊊 1 to protect the housing and suit- able tool to remove lens. Personal lights WDI0670 V anity mirror LDI2096 Cargo light WDI0206 8-28 Maintenance and do-it-yourself I n f o r m a t i …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 454

    If you have a flat tire, refer to “Flat tire” in the “In case of emergency” section of this manual. TIRE PRESSURE Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS) WARNING Radio waves could aversely effect electric medical equipment. Those who use a pacemaker should con- tact the electric medical equipment manufacturer for the possible influ- ences be …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 455

    WARNING ● Improperly inflated tires can fail suddenly and cause an accident. ● The Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) is located on the F .M.V.S.S./C.M .V .S.S. certifica- tion label. The vehicle weight ca- pacity is indicated on the Tire and Loading Information label. Do not load your vehicle beyond this capacity. Overloading your ve- hicle ma …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 456

    Tire and loading information label 䊊 1 Seating capacity: The maximum num- ber of occupants that can be seated in the vehicle. 䊊 2 Original tire size: The size of the tires originally installed on the vehicle at the factory. 䊊 3 Cold tire pressure: Inflate the tires to this pressure when the tires are cold. Tires are considered COLD after the …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 457

    Checking tire pressure 1. Remove the valve stem cap from the tire. 2. Press the pressure gauge squarely onto the valve stem. Do not press too hard or force the valve stem side- ways, or air will escape. If the hissing sound of air escaping from the tire is heard while checking the pressure, reposition the gauge to eliminate this leakage. 3. Remove …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 458

    䊊 1 Tire size (example: P215/65R15 95H) 1. P: The “P” indicates the tire is de- signed for passenger vehicles (not all tires have this information) . 2. Three-digit number (215): This num- ber gives the width in millimeters of the tire from sidewall edge to side- wall edge. 3. T wo-digit number (65): This number, known as the aspect ratio, gi …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 459

    䊊 2 TIN (Tire Identification Number) for a new tire (example: DO T XX XX XXX XXXX) 1. DO T : Abbreviation for the “Depart- ment Of T ransportation”. The symbol can be placed above, below or to the left or right of the Tire Identification Number. 2. T wo-digit code: Manufacturer’s identification mark. 3. T wo-digit code: Tire size. 4. Three- …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 460

    Manufacturer or brand name is shown. Other Tire-related T erminology In addition to the many terms that are defined throughout this section, Intended Outboard Sidewall is (1) the sidewall that contains a whitewall, bears white lettering or bears manufacturer, brand, and/or model name molding that is higher or deeper than the same molding on the oth …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 461

    TIRE CHAINS CAUTION Tire chains/cables should not be installed on 235/55R20 size tires. Installation of the tire chains/cables on 235/55R20 size tires will cause damage to the vehicle. If you plan to use tire chains/cables, you should install 235/65R18 size tires on your vehicle. Use of tire chains may be prohibited according to location. Check the …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 462

    Wheel nut tightening torque: 83 ft-lb (113 N·m) The wheel nuts must be kept tight- ened to specifications at all times. It is recommended that wheel nuts be tightened to specification at each tire rotation interval. WARNING ● After rotating the tires, check and adjust the tire pressure. ● Retighten the wheel nuts when the vehicle has been driv …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 463

    Replacing wheels and tires When replacing a tire, use the same size, tread design, speed rating and load carrying capacity as originally equipped. Recommended types and sizes are shown in “Wheels and tires” in the “T echnical and consumer information” section of this manual. WARNING ● The use of tires other than those recom- mended or the …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 464

    If excessive tire wear is found, it is recommended that all four tires be replaced with tires of the same size, brand, construction and tread pattern. The tire pressure and wheel alignment should also be checked and corrected as necessary. Contact a NISSAN dealer. Wheel balance Unbalanced wheels may affect vehicle handling and tire life. Even with …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 465

    CAUTION ● Do not use tire chains on a TEMPO- RAR Y USE ONL Y spare tire. Tire chains will not fit properly and may cause dam- age to the vehicle. ● Because the TEMPORARY USE ONL Y spare tire is smaller than the original tire, ground clearance is reduced. T o avoid damage to the vehicle, do not drive over obstacles. Also, do not drive the vehicl …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 466

    9 T echnical and consumer information Recommended fluids/lubricants and capacities …….9 — 2 Recommended fuel ………………………..9 — 4 Engine oil and oil filter recommendations ……….9 — 6 Air conditioner system refrigerant and oil recommendations …………………………9 — 7 Specifications ……………………………. …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 467

    The following are approximate capacities. The actual refill capacities may be slightly different. When refilling, follow the procedure described in the “Maintenance and do-it-yourself” section to determine the proper refill capacity. Capacity (Approximate) Recommended Fluids and Lubricants US measure Imp measure Liter Fuel 19-1/2 Gal 16-1/4 Gal …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 468

    Capacity (Approximate) Recommended Fluids and Lubricants Differential gear oil — — — • Genuine NISSAN Differential Oil Hypoid Super Semi-Synthetic API GL -5, Viscosity SAE 75W-90 • The use of differential gear oil other than the specified may cause vehicle malfunctions and result in non-warranty vehicle repairs. T ransfer fluid — — ? …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 469

    RECOMMENDED FUEL Use unleaded regular gasoline with an octane rating of at least 87 AKI (Anti-Knock Index) num- ber (Research octane number 91) . CAUTION ● Only vehicles with the E-85 filler door label can operate on E-85. Fuel system or other damage can occur if E-85 is used in vehicles that are not designed to run on E-85. ● Using a fuel othe …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 470

    ● If a methanol blend is used, it should contain no more than 5% methanol (methyl alcohol, wood alcohol) . It should also contain a suitable amount of appro- priate cosolvents and corrosion inhibi- tors. If not properly formulated with ap- propriate cosolvents and corrosion inhibitors, such methanol blends may cause fuel system damage and/or ve- …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 471

    ENGINE OIL AND OIL FIL TER RECOMMENDA TIONS Selecting the correct oil It is essential to choose the correct grade, quality and viscosity engine oil to ensure satisfactory engine life and performance. For additional infor- mation, refer to “Recommended fluids/lubricants and capacities” in this section. NISSAN recom- mends the use of an energy co …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 472

    Y our engine was filled with a high-quality engine oil when it was built. Y ou do not have to change the oil before the first recommended change interval. Oil and filter change intervals depend upon how you use your vehicle. Operation under the following conditions may require more frequent oil and filter changes: ● repeated short distance drivin …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 473

    ENGINE Model VQ35DE T ype Gasoline, 4-cycle, DOHC Cylinder arrangement 6-cylinder, V-block, Slanted at 60° Bore x Stroke in (mm) 3.760 x 3.205 (95.5 x 81.4) Displacement cu in (cm 3 ) 213.45 (3,498) Firing order 1–2–3–4–5–6 Idle speed No adjustment is necessary. CVT (in N (Neutral) position) Ignition timing (degree B.T.D.C. at idle speed …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 474

    WHEELS AND TIRES Wheel type Offset in (mm) Size Aluminum 1.97 (50) 18 x 7.5J 1.97 (50) 20 x 7.5J Spare Wheel — Steel 0.98 (25) 18 x 4T Tire size 235/65R18 235/55R20 Spare tire T165/90D18 DIMENSIONS AND WEIGHTS Overall length in (mm) 197.2 (5,008) Overall width in (mm) 77.2 (1,960) Overall height without roof rack in (mm) 69.6 (1,768) with roof rack …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 475

    When planning to drive your NISSAN ve- hicle in another country, you should first find out if the fuel available is suitable for your vehi- cle’s engine. Using fuel with an octane rating that is too low may cause engine damage. All gasoline vehicles must be operated with unleaded gasoline. There- fore, avoid taking your vehicle to areas where app …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 476

    ENGINE SERIAL NUMBER The number is stamped on the engine as shown. F .M.V .S.S./C.M.V .S.S. CERTIFICA TION LABEL The Federal/Canadian Motor V ehicle Safety Standard (F .M.V .S.S./C.M.V .S.S.) certification la- bel is affixed as shown. This label contains valu- able vehicle information, such as: (GVWR) , (GA WR) , month and year of manufacture, (VIN …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 477

    TIRE AND L OADING INFORMA TION LABEL The cold tire pressure is shown on the Tire and Loading Information Label. The label is located as shown. AIR CONDITIONER SPECIFICA TION LABEL The air conditioner specification label is affixed to the underside of the hood as shown. T o mount the license plate, attach the license plate bracket to the front plast …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 478

    WARNING ● It is extremely dangerous to ride in a cargo area inside a vehicle. In a collision, people riding in these areas are more likely to be seri- ously injured or killed. ● Do not allow people to ride in any area of your vehicle that is not equipped with seats and seat belts. ● Be sure everyone in your vehicle is in a seat and using a se …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 479

    VEHICLE L OAD CAP ACITY Do not exceed the load limit of your ve- hicle shown as “The combined weight of occupants and cargo” on the Tire and Loading Information label. Do not exceed the number of occupants shown as “Seating Capacity” on the Tire and Load- ing Information label. T o get “the combined weight of occu- pants and cargo” , ad …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 480

    Steps for determining correct load limit 1. Locate the statement “The combined weight of occupants and cargo should never exceed XXX lbs or XXX kg” on your vehicle’s placard. 2. Determine the combined weight of the driver and passengers that will be riding in your vehicle. 3. Subtract the combined weight of the driver and passengers from XXX …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 481

    WARNING ● Properly secure all cargo with ropes or straps to help prevent it from sliding or shifting. Do not place cargo higher than the seatbacks. In a sudden stop or col- lision, unsecured cargo could cause personal injury. ● The child restraint top tether strap may be damaged by contact with items in the cargo area. Secure any items in the c …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 482

    WARNING Overloading or improper loading of a trailer and its cargo can adversely affect vehicle handling, braking and perfor- mance and may lead to accidents. CAUTION ● Do not tow a trailer or haul a heavy load for the first 500 miles (805 km) . Y our engine, axle or other parts could be damaged. ● For the first 500 miles (805 km) that you tow …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 483

    T emperature conditions can also affect towing. For example, towing a heavy trailer in high outside temperatures on graded roads can affect engine performance and cause overheating. The engine protection mode, which helps reduce the chance of engine damage, could activate and automati- cally decrease engine power. V ehicle speed may decrease under …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 484

    T owing capacities are calculated assuming a base vehicle with driver and any options required to achieve the rating. Additional passengers, cargo and/or optional equipment, such as the trailer hitch, will add weight to the vehicle and reduce your vehicle’s maximum towing capacity and trailer tongue load. The vehicle and trailer need to be weighe …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 485

    The available towing capacity may be less than the maximum towing capacity due to the passen- ger and cargo load in the vehicle. Remember to keep trailer tongue weight be- tween 10 — 15% of the trailer weight or within the trailer tongue load specification recommended by the trailer manufacturer. If the tongue load becomes excessive, rearrange the …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 486

    T OWING SAFETY T railer hitch Y our vehicle may be equipped with an optional trailer tow package. The trailer tow package in- cludes a receiver-type frame mounted hitch. This hitch is rated for the maximum towing capacity of this vehicle when the proper towing equipment is used. Choose a proper ball mount and hitch ball that is rated for the traile …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 487

    NO TE: A weight-distributing hitch system may af- fect the operation of trailer surge brakes. If you are considering use of a weight- distributing hitch system with a surge brake-equipped trailer, check with the surge brake, hitch or trailer manufacturer to determine if and how this can be done. Follow the instructions provided by the manufac- ture …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 488

    Safety chains Always use suitable safety chains between your vehicle and the trailer. The safety chains should be crossed and should be attached to the hitch, not to the vehicle bumper or axle. The safety chains can be attached to the bumper if the hitch ball is mounted to the bumper. Be sure to leave enough slack in the chains to permit turning co …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 489

    Electric trailer brake controller T railers equipped with electric brakes may re- quire the installation of an aftermarket trailer brake controller. Y our vehicle is equipped with a connector and jumper harness that is specifically designed to be used when installing an aftermarket brake con- troller. T o install the electric trailer brake controll …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 490

    2. Locate the jumper harness connector under the lower portion of the instrument panel. The connector is taped to the wiring harness 䊊 1 as indicated. ● The connector is marked with a white tag with “elec brake conn”. Wire color designation for electric trailer brake controller jumper harness. WIRE COLOR NO TE RED/GREEN Vehicle stop lamp sw …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 491

    ● Always secure items in the trailer to prevent load shift while driving. ● Lock the trailer hitch coupler with a pin or lock to prevent the coupler from inadver- tently becoming unlatched. ● Avoid abrupt starts, acceleration or stops. ● Avoid sharp turns or lane changes. ● Always drive your vehicle at a moderate speed. ● When backing u …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 492

    ● When making a turn, your trailer wheels will be closer to the inside of the turn than your vehicle wheels. T o compensate for this, make a larger than normal turning radius during the turn. ● Crosswinds and rough roads will adversely affect vehicle/trailer handling, possibly caus- ing vehicle sway . When being passed by larger vehicles, be pr …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 493

    T ow mode includes the following features: ● Grade logic — Adjusts transmission shifts when pulling a trailer or hauling a load up a grade. ● Downhill Speed Control (DSC) — automati- cally downshifts when driving down a grade with a trailer or heavy load to help control vehicle speed. Driving the vehicle in the tow mode with no trailer/load …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 494

    DO T (Department of T ransportation) Quality Grades: All passenger car tires must conform to federal safety requirements in addition to these grades. Quality grades can be found where applicable on the tire sidewall between tread shoulder and maximum section width. For example: T readwear 200 Traction A A T emperature A T readwear The treadwear gra …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 495

    Y our NISSAN vehicle is covered by the following emission warranties: For USA 1. Emission Defects Warranty 2. Emissions Performance Warranty Details of this warranty may be found with other vehicle warranties in your Warranty Information Booklet which comes with your NISSAN vehicle. If you did not receive a Warranty Information Booklet, or it is lo …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 496

    https://wwwapps.tc.gc.ca/Saf-Sec-Sur/ 7/PCDB-BDPP/fc-cp.aspx?lang=fra (French speakers) Additional information concerning motor vehicle safety may be obtained from T rans- port Canada’s Road Safety Information Centre at 1-800-333-0371 or online at www .tc.gc.ca/roadsafety (English speak — ers) or www.tc.gc.ca/securiteroutiere (French speakers) . …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 497

    This vehicle is equipped with an EDR. The main purpose of an EDR is to record, in certain colli- sion or near collision-like situations, such as an air bag deployment or hitting a road obstacle, data that will assist in understanding how a vehi- cle’s systems performed. The EDR is designed to record data related to vehicle dynamics and safety sys …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 498

    10 Index 2nd row bench seat adjustment …… 1 — 7 , 1 — 9 A Air bag (See supplemental restraint s y s t e m ) ………………… 1 — 4 8 Air bag system Front (See supplemental front impact air bag system) …………… 1 — 5 5 A i r b a g w a r n i n g l a b e l s…………. 1 — 6 5 A i r b a g w a r n i n g l i g h t ……….. 1 — 6 5 , …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 499

    B r i g h t n e s s / c o n t r a s t b u t t o n …….. 4 — 9 , 4 — 1 8 Brightness control Instrument panel …………… 2 — 3 6 Bulb check/instrument panel ………. 2 — 1 1 Bulb replacement ……………. 8 — 2 6 C Capacities and recommended fuel/lubricants . .9-2 C a r g o a r e a s t o r a g e b i n…………. 2 — 5 1 C a r g o l i g …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 500

    Starting the engine …………. 5 — 1 4 Engine coolant temperature gauge ……. 2 — 5 E n t e r b u t t o n …………….. 4 — 4 , 4 — 1 0 Event data recorders ………….. 9 — 3 2 Exhaust gas (Carbon monoxide) ……… 5 — 2 Explanation of maintenance items …….. 8 — 2 E x t e n d e d s t o r a g e s w i t c h ………… 8 — 2 3 Eyeg …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 501

    Remote keyless entry operation ……. 3 — 1 3 T roubleshooting guide ………… 3 — 1 8 W arning signals …………… 3 — 1 8 I n t e r i o r l i g h t ……………….. 2 — 5 8 i P o d ® P l a y e r …………… 4 — 9 2 , 4 — 9 4 ISOFIX child restraints …………. 1 — 2 8 J Jump starting ……………. 6 — 9 , 8 — 1 6 K K e y … …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 502

    O O c t a n e r a t i n g ( S e e f u e l o c t a n e r a t i n g ) …… 9 — 5 Odometer ………………… 2 — 4 Oil Capacities and recommended fuel/lubricants …………….. 9 — 2 Changing engine oil …………. 8 — 1 0 Changing engine oil filter ………. 8 — 1 1 Checking engine oil level ……….. 8 — 9 Engine oil ……………… …

  • Nissan Pathfinder (2015) — page 503

    Shoulder belt height adjustment …… 1 — 2 3 Three-point type with retractor ……. 1 — 2 0 Seat belt extenders …………… 1 — 2 3 S e a t b e l t w a r n i n g l i g h t ………. 1 — 2 0 , 2 — 1 4 Seats 2nd row bench seat adjustment …. 1 — 7 , 1 — 9 Adjustment ………………. 1 — 2 A r m r e s t s………………. 1 — 1 0 Automat …

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