Nokia lumia 925 руководство

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Руководство по эксплуатации

Nokia Lumia 925


Выпуск 2.0 RU

Руководство по эксплуатации

Nokia Lumia 925


Выпуск 2.0 RU


Это руководство еще не все, что имеется…
В телефоне есть руководство, которое всегда с Вами и доступно при необходимости. Проведите

влево на рабочем столе и коснитесь элемента Nokia Care.
Посмотрите видеоклипы по адресу
Информация об условиях услуг Nokia и о Политике конфиденциальности по адресу

© 2013 Nokia. Все права защищены.


Техника безопасности

Ознакомьтесь с перечисленными ниже правилами техники безопасности. Нарушение этих

правил может быть опасным или незаконным.

Выключайте устройство в местах, где его использование запрещено, опасно либо может

вызвать помехи, например в самолете, в больницах или рядом с медицинским

оборудованием, в местах хранения топлива, химических веществ или взрывоопасных

материалов. Следуйте всем инструкциям в местах с ограничениями на использование.

Строго соблюдайте местное законодательство. Не держите в руке мобильное

устройство за рулем движущегося автомобиля. Помните о том, что безопасность

дорожного движения имеет первостепенное значение.

Любые беспроводные устройства подвержены воздействию радиопомех, которые могут

ухудшить качество связи.
Работы по настройке и ремонту изделия должны проводить только квалифицированные


Используйте только совместимые аккумуляторы, зарядные устройства и аксессуары,

рекомендованные корпорацией Nokia для данного устройства. Зарядные устройства

сторонних производителей, которые отвечают требованиям стандарта IEC/EN 62684 и

которые можно подсоединить к разъему Micro USB устройства, могут быть совместимы. Не

подключайте несовместимые устройства.

Данное устройство не является водонепроницаемым. Оберегайте его от попадания

Экран устройства изготовлен из стекла. Это стекло может разбиться в случае падения

устройства на жесткую поверхность или в результате значительного удара. Если стекло

разбилось, не прикасайтесь к стеклянным частям устройства и не пытайтесь извлечь разбитое

стекло из устройства. Не пользуйтесь устройством до замены стекла квалифицированным


Длительное прослушивание при максимальной громкости может привести к

повреждению слуха. Старайтесь не подносить устройство близко к уху при включенном


© 2013 Nokia. Все права защищены.


Начало работы

Вводная информация, позволяющая быстро приступить к использованию телефона.

клавиши и компоненты

Ознакомьтесь с клавишами и компонентами своего нового телефона.

Держатель микро-SIM-карты


Разъем micro-USB


Разъем для наушников и

громкоговорителей (3,5 мм)

Второй микрофон


Передняя камера


Датчик расстояния/освещенности


Клавиши громкости


Клавиша включения/блокировки


Клавиша камеры

10 Клавиша возврата
11 Начальная клавиша
12 Клавиша поиска
13 Микрофон
14 Динамик
15 Вспышка камеры
16 Задняя камера
17 Разъемы для беспроводной зарядки
18 Громкоговоритель

Клавиши возврата и поиска, начальная клавиша

Клавиша возврата, начальная клавиша и клавиша поиска предназначены для навигации на

• Для переключения между открытыми программами нажмите и удерживайте нажатой клавишу

, проведите пальцем влево или вправо и выберите необходимую программу.

© 2013 Nokia. Все права защищены.


• Для возврата к предыдущему экрану нажмите . Телефон запоминает все программы и веб-

сайты, которые Вы посетили с момента последней блокировки экрана.

• Для перехода к рабочему столу нажмите клавишу . Программа, которую Вы использовали,

продолжает работать в фоновом режиме.

• Для управления телефоном с помощью голосовых команд нажмите и удерживайте клавишу

и произнесите голосовую команду.

Для некоторых языков эта функция не предусмотрена. Дополнительную информацию о

доступности функций и услуг см. в разделе «How-to» (Инструкции) на веб-сайте

• Для выполнения поиска в Интернете нажмите .

Расположение антенн

Узнайте о том, где находятся антенны телефона, чтобы обеспечить оптимальную

Не следует без необходимости прикасаться к антенне во время ее использования.

Прикосновение к антеннам ухудшает качество связи и может привести к сокращению времени

работы от аккумулятора из-за повышения мощности излучаемого сигнала.
Области антенн выделены.

Установите SIM-карту.

Информация об установке SIM-карты в телефон.

Важное замечание: В вашем устройстве используются SIM-карты типа mini-UICC (микро-

SIM-карты). Использование несовместимых SIM-карт или адаптеров SIM-карт может

привести к повреждению самой карты и устройства, а также порче информации,

записанной на карте.
Совет: Чтобы разблокировать лоток для SIM-карты, воспользуйтесь ключом для шторки

SIM-карты. Если ключ потерян, можно воспользоваться скрепкой для бумаг.

© 2013 Nokia. Все права защищены.


Перед установкой SIM-карты телефон должен быть включен.
1. Вставьте ключ в отверстие и нажмите до освобождения лотка, а затем откройте лоток.

2. Повернув SIM-карту контактами вверх, поместите ее в лоток.

3. Вставляя лоток для SIM-карты в телефон, нажмите на него до фиксации.

© 2013 Nokia. Все права защищены.


Извлечение SIM-карты

Получили новую SIM-карту? Информация об извлечении предыдущей карты из телефона.
1. Выключите телефон.

2. Вставьте ключ SIM-карты в отверстие и нажимайте, пока держатель не будет высвобожден, а

затем откройте держатель.

3. Извлеките карту из держателя.

Зарядка телефона

Информация о зарядке телефона.

Зарядка телефона с помощью зарядного устройства USB
Аккумулятор поставляется частично заряженным, однако перед первым включением телефона

может потребоваться перезарядка аккумулятора.
Для зарядки телефона используйте совместимое зарядное устройство USB.
1. Сначала подключите кабель USB к зарядному устройству, вставьте зарядное устройство в

настенную розетку, затем подключите разъем micro-USB кабеля к телефону.

© 2013 Nokia. Все права защищены.


2. После полной зарядки аккумулятора отключите зарядное устройство от телефона, а затем от

сетевой розетки.

Необязательно заряжать аккумулятор в течение какого-либо определенного времени. Во время

зарядки телефон можно использовать.
Когда Вы начинаете зарядку полностью разряженного аккумулятора, начальная клавиша

мигает до тех пор, пока не активируется экран и не отобразится ход выполнения зарядки.
Если аккумулятор полностью разряжен, он может заряжаться до 20 минут перед тем, как вы

можете вновь пользоваться телефоном. В это время индикатор уровня заряда может не


Совет: Если нет электр. розеток, для зарядки устр-ва можно исп. USB-кабель. Во время

зарядки устр-ва можно передавать данные. Эффект-сть зарядки через USB-кабель

значительно ниже. Процесс зарядки, достат. для запуска и начала работы устр-ва, может

занять продолж. время.
Убедитесь, что компьютер включен.
Сначала подключите кабель USB к компьютеру, а затем к телефону. После полной зарядки

аккумулятора сначала отключите кабель USB от телефона, а затем от компьютера.

Аккумулятор можно заряжать и разряжать сотни раз, однако при этом он постепенно

изнашивается. Если время работы в режиме разговора и в режиме ожидания значительно короче

нормальных значений, обратитесь в ближайший авторизованный сервисный центр для замены


Беспроводная зарядка телефона
Не обязательно распутывать кабели. Просто поместите телефон на беспроводное зарядное

устройство, и он сразу же начнет заряжаться.

© 2013 Nokia. Все права защищены.


  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Quick Links

User Guide

Nokia Lumia 925

Issue 1.1 EN-US


Related Manuals for Nokia Lumia 925

Summary of Contents for Nokia Lumia 925

  • Page 1: User Guide

    User Guide Nokia Lumia 925 Issue 1.1 EN-US…

  • Page 2
    Psst… This guide isn’t all there is… Check out the videos at For info on Nokia Service terms and Privacy policy, go to © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Watch and listen SkyDrive FM radio Nokia account Nokia Music Store Sync music and videos between your People & messaging phone and computer Calls Games Contacts Office Social networks Microsoft Office Mobile Messages Write a note © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 4
    Keep your phone up to date Wi-Fi Bluetooth Memory and storage Copy content between your phone and computer Security Wallet Access codes Troubleshooting and support Find your model number and serial number (IMEI) Product and safety information © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 5: Safety

    Only qualified personnel may install or repair this product. BATTERIES, CHARGERS, AND OTHER ACCESSORIES Use only batteries, chargers, and other accessories approved by Nokia for use with this device. Third-party chargers that comply with the IEC/EN 62684 standard, and that can connect to your device micro USB connector, may be compatible.

  • Page 6: Get Started

    Volume keys Power/Lock key Camera key Back key Start key Search key Microphone Earpiece Camera flash Back camera Wireless charging connectors Speakerphone Some of the accessories mentioned in this user guide may be sold separately. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 7: Back, Start, And Search Key

    SIM card adapters, may damage the card or the device, and may corrupt data stored on the card. Tip: Use the SIM door key to unlock the SIM holder. If you lose the key, you can use a paperclip. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 8
    1. Push the key into the hole until the holder is released, and pull the holder open. 2. Make sure the contact area is facing up, and put the card in the holder. 3. Push the holder back into your phone until it locks into place. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 9: Remove The Sim Card

    Make sure you use a compatible USB charger to charge your phone. 1. First connect the USB cable to the charger, and plug the charger into a wall outlet, then connect the micro-USB end of the cable to your phone. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 10
    No need for hassle with cables, just pop your device on a wireless charger, and it immediately starts charging. The charging areas on the phone and the charger need to touch, so make sure you align the phone and charger properly. Not all phone models fit in all chargers. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 11
    You need a Nokia wireless charging cover CC-3065, marked with the Qi logo inside the cover, for wireless charging to work. The cover may be included in the sales box, or it may be sold separately. Only use original Nokia wireless charging covers.
  • Page 12: First Start-Up

    Take good care of your battery, it’s the life force of your phone. Your phone has an internal, non-removable, rechargeable battery. Use only Nokia approved chargers designated for this phone. You can also use a compatible USB cable to charge your phone (included).

  • Page 13
    Keep track of and lock your lost phone with Find My Phone • Get feeds from social networking services to your People hub To learn more about Microsoft account and what can you do with it, go to © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 14
    To create a Microsoft account later, open a Microsoft app or service on your phone. Or on the start screen, swipe left, and tap Settings > email+accounts > add an account. To create your account on the internet, or to reset your password, go to © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 15: Lock The Keys And Screen

    If your contacts are written in a language that is not supported by your new phone, the contact info may not be shown correctly. Lock the keys and screen Want to avoid accidentally making a call when your phone is in your pocket or bag? Press the power key. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 16: Connect The Headset

    Connect the headset Enjoy your favorite music, or free your hands for other things when in a call. Connect the headset to your phone. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 17: Change The Volume

    Do not connect products that create an output signal, as this may damage the device. Do not connect any voltage source to the audio connector. If you connect an external device or headset, other than those approved by Nokia for use with this device, to the audio connector, pay special attention to volume levels.

  • Page 18
    The type of mobile network you’re currently connected to may be shown with a single letter, a combination of letters, or a combination of letters and numbers. For example, , depending on your network service provider. The icons may vary depending on your region or network service provider. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 19: Basics

    Tip: You can also search inside an app, such as Store. Switch between views If you don’t have all the apps you need on your start screen, you can find them from the apps menu. Simply swipe left or right between the views. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 20
    2. To open further options, place your finger on an item until the menu opens. Tip: You can even use your phone while wearing gloves. On the start screen, swipe left, and tap Settings > display+touch. Swipe to touch, and switch Touch sensitivity to High. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 21
    Tap and hold to drag an item Place your finger on the item for a second or two, and slide your finger across the screen. Swipe Place your finger on the screen, and slide your finger in the desired direction. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 22
    To stop the scrolling, tap the screen. Zoom in or out Place two fingers on an item, such as a map, photo, or web page, and slide your fingers apart or together. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 23
    Switch Screen magnifier to On , and double-tap the screen with two fingers. When using the magnifier, use two fingers to move around the screen. To stop magnification, double-tap the screen with two fingers. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 24
    This feature is not available in all languages. For info on the supported languages, go to 1. Press and hold 2. Say a voice command into your phone. Example: To check your schedule, say Open calendar. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 25: Personalize Your Phone

    Pin a website Go to a website, and tap > pin to start. Move a tile Tap and hold the tile, drag and drop it to the new location, and tap the screen. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 26
    2. Switch Glance to Always on. Tip: It’s easy to wake up your phone even when the power key is not easily accessible, for example, while your phone is cradled in a car holder. Simply double-tap the screen. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 27
    On your own lock screen, swipe left, and on the kid’s lock screen, swipe up. Switch the kid’s start screen off On your start screen, swipe left, tap Settings, and switch kid’s corner to Off © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 28
    You can select the best sounds for your phone. 1. On the start screen, swipe left, and tap Settings > ringtones+sounds. 2. Select the type of ringtone or alert you want to change, and select the sound. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 29
    When you switch silent mode on, all ringtones and alert tones are muted. Use this when you are, for example, at the theater or in a meeting. 1. Press a volume key to see the volume status bar at the top of the screen, and tap © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 30: Take A Screenshot

    When your phone goes into battery saver mode, you may not be able to change the settings of all apps. Tip: You can choose when you want battery saver mode to be activated. Tap advanced. To save power, you can also do the following: © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 31
    Use a Wi-Fi connection to connect to the internet, rather than a mobile data connection. Tip: To keep the Wi-Fi connection on even when the phone screen switches off, on the start screen, swipe left, tap Settings > Wi-Fi > © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 32: Save On Data Roaming Costs

    Set your phone to check for new mail less frequently, or even by request only. In every mailbox you have, tap > settings > sync settings, and change the setting for Download new content. Write text Learn how to write text quickly and efficiently with your phone’s keyboard. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 33
    Settings > keyboard > add keyboards. 2. Select the languages you want to write in. Tip: To remove a pre-installed keyboard, tap and hold the language you don’t want to use, and tap remove. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 34: Scan Codes Or Text

    Translate or search for text on the web Point the camera at the text, tap scan text and the words you want, and tap translate or search. This feature may not be available in all languages. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 35: Clock

    You can set your phone to update the time, date, and time zone automatically. Automatic update is a network service and may not be available depending on your region or network service provider. On the start screen, swipe left, and tap Settings > date+time. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 36: Skydrive

    You can upload files saved on your phone to SkyDrive for easy access from your phone, tablet, or computer. You need a Microsoft account to connect to SkyDrive. 1. Tap Photos, and browse to a photo or video. 2. Tap > save to SkyDrive. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 37: Nokia Account

    Nokia account Your Nokia account is the key to Nokia services. With your Nokia account, you can, for example: • Access Nokia services with a single username and password on your computer or phone. • Buy music from Nokia Music •…

  • Page 38: Store

    The availability of payment methods depends on your country of residence and your network service provider. Using services or downloading content may cause the transfer of large amounts of data, which may result in data costs. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 39
    Tip: If you need to, for example, temporarily close your internet connection, tap and hold the downloading item, and tap pause. To resume downloading, tap resume. Pause pending items individually. If a download fails, you can re-download the item. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 40
    1. On the start screen, swipe left, tap and hold the app, and tap rate and review. 2. Rate the app, and write your review. Tip: You can rate and review your other items in the same way. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 41: People & Messaging

    Tap and hold the phone number, and tap copy, and in a text box, tap View your call history To remove a call record, tap and hold the call record, and tap delete item. To remove all the call records, tap > delete all. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 42
    2. To make a call to another person, press , and make the call in the normal way. 3. When the new call is answered, tap . Add another person to the call , call another person, and tap . © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 43
    Switch text reply on or off > > settings, and switch Text reply to On or Off Edit a pre-written text message On the start screen, tap > > settings > edit replies, and edit the reply you want. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 44: Contacts

    Delete a contact Tap the contact and > delete. The contact is deleted both from your phone and, with some exceptions such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, from the online service where it’s stored. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 45
    You can link multiple contacts so that their info is in a single contact card. People, and swipe to all. 1. Tap the main contact you want to link to and 2. Tap choose a contact and the contact to be linked. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 46
    . Tap the contact to remove and remove from group. Rename a group Tap the group and > rename, and write the new name. Delete a contact group Tap the group and > delete. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 47: Social Networks

    Tip: When you sign in to an account, contacts in the account are automatically imported. The social networking services are third-party services and not provided by Nokia. Check the privacy settings of the social networking service you are using as you may share info with a large group of people.

  • Page 48
    3. Tap your photo again, and in the Photos hub, tap a new photo. 4. Drag the photo around to adjust the cropping, and tap 5. To set where to update your photo, tap Post to, tap or clear the check boxes, and tap 6. Tap © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 49: Messages

    In the messaging settings, you can set your phone to back up your messages to SkyDrive. If you change to a new Windows Phone device, you can get your messages to your new phone during the setup. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 50
    You can see on the start screen when you’ve received a message. You can view the messages between you and a contact in one conversation thread. The thread can contain text messages, multimedia messages, and chats. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 51
    Need to send a message to a group of people? Create a group in the People hub, and you can reach them all with a single message or mail. 1. Tap People. 2. Tap the group and text or send email, and write and send your message. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 52
    This feature is not available in all languages. For info on the supported languages, go to To use this feature, you must be connected to the internet. 1. Press and hold 2. Say Text and the contact’s name. 3. Say your message, and follow the instructions you hear. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 53: Mail

    If you didn’t sign in to your Microsoft account during the first start-up, you can do it now. When you add a Microsoft account to your phone, a mail account is added automatically. 1. On the start screen, tap © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 54
    Open mail from the start screen With live mail tiles you can open mail directly from the start screen. From the tiles, you can see the number of unread mails and if you’ve received new mail. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 55
    Read mail Waiting for important news? Use your phone to read your mail instead of checking them only when you’re at your desk. You can see when you have new mail on the start screen. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 56
    Is your mailbox overflowing? Delete some mails to free up space in your phone. 1. In your mailbox, tap to the left of the mails you want to delete. 2. Tap the check boxes that appear next to the mails, and tap © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 57
    Tip: To remove a recipient, tap the name and Remove. 4. Tap Subject: > , and say your subject. 5. Tap the message box and , and say your message. 6. Tap to send the mail. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 58
    Delete a mailbox If you don’t want to use a mailbox anymore, you can delete it from your phone. 1. Swipe left, and tap Settings > email+accounts. 2. Tap and hold the mailbox, and tap delete. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 59: Camera

    4. To take the photo, press the camera key down fully. Tip: Need to capture a moment quickly? To switch on the camera when your phone is locked, press and hold the camera key for a couple of seconds. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 60
    Take a self-portrait To take a self-portrait easily, use the front camera of your phone. 1. To switch the camera on, press the camera key. 2. Tap 3. To take the photo, press the camera key. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 61
    To zoom in or out, place two fingers on the screen, and slide your fingers apart or together. • To change camera settings, such as aspect ratio, scene mode, and white balance, tap photo settings… or video settings…, and tap the setting you want. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 62: Advanced Photography

    The phone takes a sequence of photos and shows you everything you can do with them. Set Nokia Smart Camera as default camera > settings > set default camera, and switch Pressing the camera button opens to Nokia Smart Cam.

  • Page 63
    Did someone have a great facial expression that you’d like to have in your photo? If you took a photo using Nokia Smart Camera, you can pick the faces you like best and put them in your group photo. 1. Take a photo using Nokia Smart Camera.
  • Page 64
    Download Nokia Lenses from Store Would you like to make your camera even better and find new fun ways to take great photos? Download Nokia Lenses apps from Store. 1. To switch the camera on, press the camera key. 2. Tap >…
  • Page 65: Photos And Videos

    To find your photos and videos easily, mark your favorites, or organize them into albums. View photos Relive those important moments – view the photos on your phone. Tap Photos. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 66
    Photos hub. 1. Tap Photos. 2. Tap > choose background. 3. Select the photo, and tap Tip: You can also set your phone to periodically change the photo automatically. Tap > shuffle background. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 67
    If your computer is a Mac, install the Windows Phone app from the Mac App Store. 1. Connect your phone to a compatible computer with a compatible USB cable. 2. On your computer, open a file manager, such as Windows Explorer or Finder, and browse to your phone. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 68
    3. Tap the photo you want to show on the screen. 4. On the PhotoBeamer web page, scan the QR code with your phone. 5. Swipe left or right to show other photos in the same folder. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 69: Maps & Navigation

    Write a review for a place, or take a photo and upload it for everyone to see, either on their phone or at Contents of digital maps may sometimes be inaccurate and incomplete. Never rely solely on the content or the service for essential communications, such as in emergencies. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 70
    Using services or downloading content may cause the transfer of large amounts of data, which may result in data costs. Some content is generated by third parties and not Nokia. The content may be inaccurate and is subject to availability.
  • Page 71
    When the nearby places are shown on the map, swipe up from the bottom of the screen, and tap show categories and a category. The nearby places in the category are shown in a list. To see them on the map, tap the map. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 72
    Want to find your way easily? Get directions for walking, driving, or using public transportation – use your current location or any other place as the starting point. 1. On the start screen, swipe left, and tap HERE Maps. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 73
    Tip: You can also pin a place to the start screen for easy access. When the place is shown on the map, tap the info bubble and View a saved place In the main view, tap © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 74
    Sync your saved places Have your favorite places always backed up and at hand – sync your favorites with your Nokia account. On the start screen, swipe left, and tap HERE Maps. You can plan a trip on your computer at, sync the saved places with HERE Maps on your phone, and access the plan on the go.
  • Page 75: Here Drive

    2. Tap your destination and drive to. 3. If you want to avoid tunnels and ferries, or certain types of roads, such as unpaved roads, tap the route options toolbar, and switch road types on or off. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 76
    2. Write search words, such as a street address or place name. 3. Tap a place from the list. 4. Tap The place is saved to your Nokia account. If you’re not signed in to your Nokia account, you are asked to sign in. Sync your saved places If you’re signed in to your Nokia account, your favorites are synced to your account automatically every time you open HERE Drive+.
  • Page 77
    To download maps on your phone, you need to be connected to a Wi-Fi network. 1. Tap 2. Select the country or region. Remove a map Tap and hold the map, and tap delete. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 78
    > Settings > Map features, and switch place categories on or off. Switch between remaining distance, time of arrival, or remaining time view In the navigation view, tap the remaining distance and an option. Hide prominent buildings and attractions > Settings, and switch Landmarks to © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 79: Here Transit

    Scheduling your journey using trolleys, trains, and buses can be hard — why not let your phone do the planning? 1. On the start screen, swipe left, and tap HERE Transit > journey planner. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 80
    No need to search for a frequent destination again and again, you can travel there with a simple tap. On the start screen, swipe left, and tap HERE Transit. The destinations you search for are automatically saved to the HISTORY view, so you can use them again. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 81: Here City Lens

    Using services or downloading content may cause the transfer of large amounts of data, which may result in data costs. Some services may not be available in all countries, and may be provided only in selected languages. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 82
    Tap This feature may not be available in all areas. View places in a list Hold your phone in portrait mode. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 83
    Save favorites Save your favorite places and have them backed up and at your disposal on all HERE services, such as HERE Maps. 1. On the start screen, swipe left, and tap HERE City Lens. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 84: Check Nearby Events And Places With Local Scout

    View a saved place In the main view, tap favorites. Sync a saved place When you’re signed in to your Nokia account, your favorites sync automatically every time you open HERE City Lens. Check nearby events and places with Local Scout Want to see what’s going on in a given neighborhood, and explore the world around you? With Local Scout, you can check for nearby restaurants and bars, events and attractions, and shops.

  • Page 85: Internet

    On the start screen, swipe left, tap Settings > cellular, and switch Data roaming options to roam. Tip: You can also follow your data usage with the data sense app. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 86: Connect Your Computer To The Web

    4. Tap Tip: To search the internet, write a search word in the address bar, and tap Zoom in or out Place two fingers on the screen, and slide your fingers apart or together. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 87
    Go to a favorite website > favorites and a website. Tip: To quickly access your favorites, add the favorites icon to the address bar. Tap > settings > Use address bar button for > favorites. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 88: Search The Web

    Save your battery by closing internet connections that are open in the background. You can do it without closing any apps. 1. On the start screen, swipe left, and tap Settings > Wi-Fi. 2. Switch Wi-Fi networking to Off © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 89
    Close a mobile data connection On the start screen, swipe left, and tap Settings > cellular, and switch Data connection to off . © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 90: Entertainment

    Tip: You can improve the quality of the sound by changing the equalizer settings. On the start screen, swipe left, and tap Settings > audio. Pause or resume playback To play songs in a random order, tap Fast-forward or rewind Tap and hold © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 91: Fm Radio

    You need a Nokia wireless charging cover, marked with the Qi logo inside the cover, for wireless charging to work. The cover may be included in the sales box, or it may be sold separately. Only use original Nokia wireless charging covers.

  • Page 92: Nokia Music

    To save the station that you are listening to, tap View your saved stations list Remove a station from the list Nokia Music With Nokia Music on Windows phone, you can download songs on your phone and compatible computer. On the start screen, swipe left, and tap Nokia Music.

  • Page 93
    If you do, all these will be lost. Mix Radio The easiest way to check out new artists and songs in different genres is to stream music from Nokia Mix Radio. You can stream hand-picked mixes from different artists and genres and save them on your phone to listen to offline.
  • Page 94: Sync Music And Videos Between Your Phone And Computer

    You will only be entitled to use music downloaded or streamed from Nokia Music in accordance with the restrictions on use that apply to that particular piece of music as set out under «Rights» on the product pages of Nokia Music.

  • Page 95: Games

    2. Browse the selection in Store, and tap the game you want. 3. To download a free game, tap install. 4. To try a game for free, tap try. 5. To buy a game, tap buy. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 96
    Store, you can either download a trial version or buy it right away. Resume playing a game When you return to a game, there may be a resume icon in the game itself. If not, tap the screen. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 97: Office

    In the Office hub, you can view Microsoft Office documents, such as Word documents, Excel workbooks, or PowerPoint presentations. 1. Tap Office. 2. Swipe to places, and tap the location of the file you want to view. 3. Tap a Word, Excel, or PowerPoint file. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 98
    SharePoint site. 1. Tap Office, and swipe to places. 2. Tap the location of the file. 3. Tap the Excel file you want to edit. 4. To move to another worksheet, tap and a worksheet. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 99
    You can attend a meeting on the go and watch a PowerPoint presentation broadcast over the internet on your phone. Open the mail containing the link to the broadcast presentation, and tap the link. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 100: Write A Note

    1. When working on an Office document, tap > save as..2. Tap Save to > SkyDrive. 3. Tap save. You can now open the document from SkyDrive on another device and continue where you left off. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 101: Calendar

    Tip: Swipe up or down to go to the next or previous month. To jump to a specific month, select the month at the top of the screen. View a specific day In the day or agenda view, tap and the day. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 102: Make A Calculation

    Most company accounts include a policy. A company policy allows your company to add safeguards to your phone, often to protect confidential or sensitive information. To set up your company account, tap Settings > company apps. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 103: Tips For Business Users

    Tips for business users Use your phone efficiently at work. For more info on Nokia’s offering for businesses, go to Nokia Expert Centre at https:// Work with mail and calendar on your phone and PC You can use different mail addresses for business and leisure. You can add several mailboxes to your phone and use the same mail account both on your phone and on your PC, be it Outlook, Office 365, or any other mail account.

  • Page 104
    You can use your phone to make Skype-to-Skype calls or send Skype-to-Skype instant messages. With Skype global rates, you can also call landlines or other mobile phones, and pay as you go with your credit card or get a monthly subscription for the best rates. Download the app to your Nokia Lumia phone.
  • Page 105: Phone Management & Connectivity

    Warning: If you install a software update, you cannot use the device, even to make emergency calls, until the installation is completed and the device is restarted. Make sure that the device battery has enough power, or connect the charger before starting the update. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 106: Wi-Fi

    After the update, go to to get your new user guide. Update your phone software No computer needed – update your phone software wirelessly for new features and improved performance. Before starting the update, make sure your phone has enough battery power.

  • Page 107: Nfc

    Pay with your phone, if supported by your network service provider The NFC area is on the back of your phone, near the camera. Tap other phones, accessories, tags, or readers with the NFC area. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 108
    Tap the NFC area of the accessory with the NFC area of your phone, and follow the instructions on the screen. Accessories, such as the Nokia Purity Pro wireless stereo headset by Monster, are sold separately. The availability of accessories varies by region.
  • Page 109
    1. To activate the service, contact your network service provider. 2. To make a payment, tap the reader with the NFC area of your phone. Your service provider may ask you to confirm the payment. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 110: Bluetooth

    4. You can see the Bluetooth phones within range. Tap the phone you want to connect to. 5. If the other phone needs a passcode, type in or accept the passcode. The passcode is only used when you connect to something for the first time. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 111: Memory And Storage

    To check the details of your phone memory, tap phone. If you’re running out of space, first check for and remove things you no longer need: • Text, multimedia, and mail messages • Contact entries and details • Apps © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 112: Copy Content Between Your Phone And Computer

    For info on which app works with which computer, see the following table: Windows Windows Windows Windows Phone app Phone app for Phone app for Explorer desktop Windows 8 Windows 8 RT Windows 7 © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 113: Security

    Additional charges may apply, and all the personal data in your phone may be deleted. For more information, contact Nokia Care or your phone dealer. Unlock your phone Press the power key, drag the lock screen up, and type in your security code.

  • Page 114
    Make your phone ring, even if silent mode is switched on • Lock your phone, and set it to show a message, so it can be returned to you • Delete all data from your phone remotely The available options may vary. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 115: Wallet

    Your phone asks for the PIN code you defined every time you access Wallet. Tip: To protect your Store purchases, tap the Use Wallet PIN to protect music, app, and in-app purchases check box. Defining a PIN code for Wallet does not prevent using NFC for payments. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 116: Access Codes

    If you forget the code and your phone is locked, your phone will require service. Additional charges may apply, and all the personal data in your phone may be deleted. For more information, contact Nokia Care or your phone dealer. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 117
    This is used to identify valid phones in the network. The number can also be used to block, for example, stolen phones. You may also need to give the number to Nokia Care services. To view your IMEI number, dial *#06#. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 118: Troubleshooting And Support

    Settings > about > reset your phone. If your issue remains unsolved, contact your network service provider or Nokia for repair options. Before sending your phone for repair, always back up your data, as all personal data in your phone may be deleted.

  • Page 119
    Tip: If you need to identify your phone, to view the unique IMEI number of the phone, dial *#06#. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.
  • Page 120: Find Your Model Number And Serial Number (Imei)

    Find your model number and serial number (IMEI) If you need to contact Nokia Care or your service provider, you may need info, such as the model number and the serial number (IMEI). To see the info, tap Settings > about.

  • Page 121: Product And Safety Information

    During extended operation, the device may feel warm. In most cases, this is normal. To avoid getting too warm, the device may automatically slow down, close apps, switch off charging, and if necessary, switch itself off. If the device is not working properly, take it to the nearest authorized service facility. © 2013 Nokia. All rights reserved.

  • Page 122: About Digital Rights Management

    Always return your used electronic products, batteries, and packaging materials to dedicated collection points. This way you help prevent uncontrolled garbage disposal and promote the recycling of materials. All materials of the device can be recovered as materials and energy. Check how to recycle your Nokia products at About Digital Rights Management When using this device, obey all laws and respect local customs, privacy and legitimate rights of others, including copyrights.

  • Page 123: Additional Safety Information

    If you have any questions about using your wireless device with an implanted medical device, consult your health care provider. Accessibility solutions Nokia is committed to making mobile phones easy to use for all individuals, including those with disabilities. For more information, visit the Nokia website at

  • Page 124: Operating Environment

    The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) published statements and questions and answers concerning mobile telephones and health. Nokia encourages you to visit these websites for updated information. You can access the FDA website at RadiationEmittingProductsandProcedures/HomeBusinessandEntertainment/CellPhones/default.htm and the FCC website at…

  • Page 125: Copyrights And Other Notices

    To provide the service described above, your mobile phone number, the serial number of your phone, and some identifiers of the mobile subscription may be sent to Nokia when you use the phone for the first time.

  • Page 126
    © 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows and the Windows logo are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies. The Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth SIG, Inc. and any use of such marks by Nokia is under license. Dolby and the double-D symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.

Руководство по эксплуатации

Nokia Lumia 925


Техника безопасности 5

Сообщения 55

Начало работы 7

Почта 60

Клавиши и компоненты 7

Камера 66

Клавиши возврата и поиска, начальная

Основы использования камеры 66

клавиша 8

Дополнительные возможности

Расположение антенн 8

фотосъемки 69

Установите SIM-карту. 8

Фотографии и видео 71

Извлечение SIM-карты 10

Карты и навигация 76

Зарядка телефона 10

Включение служб определения

местоположения 76

Первый запуск 13

HERE Maps 76

Блокировка клавиш и экрана 16

HERE Drive+ 82

Подключение минигарнитуры 17

Методы определения местоположения 87

Изменение громкости 18

Интернет 89

Значки, отображаемые на телефоне 18

Определение интернетсоединений 89

Основные сведения 20

Подключение компьютера к

Интернету 90

Знакомство с телефоном 20

Эффективное использование

Индивидуальная настройка телефона 26

тарифного плана 90

Выполнение снимка экрана 31

Веббраузер 90

Увеличение уровня заряда 32

Поиск в Интернете 92


расходов на передачу

Закрытие всех интернетсоединений 93

данных в роуминге 34

Развлечения 94

Ввод текста 35

Просмотр и прослушивание 94

Сканирование кодов или текста 39

FM-радио 95

Часы 39

Музыка Nokia 96

SkyDrive 41

Синхронизация музыки и видео между

Учетная запись Nokia 42

телефоном и компьютером 97

Магазин 43

Игры 98

Контакты и сообщения 46

Офис 100

Вызовы 46

Microsoft Office Mobile 100

Контакты 50

Создание заметки 103

Социальные сети 53

© 2013 Nokia. Все права защищены.


Продолжение работы с документом на

другом устройстве 104

Календарь 104

Выполнение расчетов 105

Использование рабочего телефона 105

Советы корпоративным

пользователям 106

Управление телефоном и соединение 109

Регулярное обновление телефона 109

Использование высокоскоростного

соединения 111

Wi-Fi 111

NFC 112

Bluetooth 115

Память и хранение 116

Копирование содержимого между

телефоном и компьютером 118

Защита 119

Кошелек 120

Коды доступа 122

Устранение неполадок и поддержка 124

Местонахождение номера модели и

серийного номера (номера IMEI) 126

Информация о

продукции и технике

безопасности 127

© 2013 Nokia. Все права защищены.


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