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7 часов назад, vl_cnc сказал:

Никак. Чтобы изменить язык данной стойки, нужно полностью переустанавливать системный софт, заказывается у Окумы. Софта с русским языком для этих стоек не существует.

Понял(! Спасибо за информацию. 

03.07.2018 в 14:22, Di-Ko сказал:

Добрый день.

Станок OKUMA OSP 7000L при начальной загрузка выскакивает сообщение 903 ALARM-P SVP error  1888 400

мануала нет , только коды ошибок, но там только общая информация. :help: :worthy:

Я не спец . Но чем богаты.

Откройте электро шкаф  включите станок. 

Посмотрите на блоки драйвера приводов(серво усилителей) сравните сигналы светодиодов с соседними. Скорее всего какой-то либо вообще не работает. (Ничего не светится) 

Либо индикация отличается от соседних. 

Как правило выходят из строя кондецаторы . 

Снимаете плату , отпаиваете кандеры и проверяете. как(смотреть в интернете) ) 

Не исправные под замену (не перепутайте полярность + с — . )

повторюсь я не спец , потому если кондеры живы , свозите плату к тем кто отличает транзистор от диода. 

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Руководство по программированию
(2-е издание)
Рег. № 4197-Е-R1

Меры предосторожности 5

1. Безопасная установка станка. 5

2. Перед включением питания. 5

3. Меры предосторожности при работе станка в ручном режиме и в непрерывном режиме. 6

4. Окончание работы. 6

5. Меры предосторожности при техобслуживании и появлении неисправности. 7

6. Общие меры предосторожности. 8

7. Символы, используемые в настоящем руководстве. 8

Введение. 9

Раздел 1. Обзор. 10

Раздел 2. Типы и конфигурации программ. 12

1. Имя файла. 13

2. Имя программы. 14

3. Последовательное имя. 14

4. Формат программы. 15

Раздел 3. Формат файла программы. 16

1. Формат файла. 17

2. Код ленты. 18

3. Установка специальных кодов. 18

4. Контроль по четности. 19

Раздел 4. Системы координат. 21

1. Системы и значения координат. 22

2. Система координат кодера. 22

3. Система координат станка. 22

4. Система координат программы. 22

Раздел 5. Координаты и команды, относящиеся к координатам. 24

1. Управляемая ось. 25

2. Команды в дюймовой системе. 26

3. Положение десятичного знака. 27

4. Абсолютные и инкрементные команды. 28

5. Диаметральные и радиальные команды. 29

Раздел 6. Функции математических действий. 30

Раздел 7. Исключение блока. 33

Раздел 8. Функция комментариев. 35

Раздел 9. Объем памяти для хранения программ. 37

Раздел 10. Две револьверные головки. 39

Раздел 11. Границы перемещения. 41

Раздел 12. Определение скорости подачи для выполнения резания по оси С. 43

1. Резание с использованием только оси С. 44

2. Резание с использованием оси С и оси Z. 45

3. Резание с использованием оси С и оси Х. 46

4. Резание с использованием одновременно трех осей (X, Z и С). 47

Раздел 13. Математические функции и команды перемещения осей. 49

1. Позиционирование (G00). 50

2. Линейная интерполяция (G01). 50

3. Круговая интерполяция (G02, G03). 51

4. Винтовое резание (дополнительно). 54

5. Автоматическое снятие фасок. 55

6. Предельное значение крутящего момента и функция контроля значения крутящего момента. 61

Раздел 14. Функции предварительной подготовки. 66

1. Выдержка времени (G04). 67

2. Смещение нуля/установка максимальной скорости шпинделя (G50). 67

3. Контроль значения сдвига. 68

4. Подача на оборот (G95). 69

5. Подача в минуту (G94). 69

6. Контроль постоянной скорости (G96/G97). 70

Раздел 15. Функция смещения. 72

1. Функция компенсации радиуса режущей кромки инструмента. 73

2. Функция компенсации радиуса резца. 105

Раздел 16. Функции S, Т и М. 110

1. Функции S (функции шпинделя). 111

2. Функция кода SB. 111

3. Функции Т (функции инструмента). 112

4. Функции М. (дополнительные функции). 113

5. Команды инструментального шпинделя М. 118

6. Функция контроля превышения времени выполнения STM. 121

Раздел 17. Постоянные циклы. 123

1. Постоянные циклы нарезания резьбы. 124

2. Непостоянный цикл нарезания резьбы (G34, G35). 128

3. Меры предосторожности для программирования циклов нарезания резьбы. 128

4. Сложный цикл нарезания резьбы (G71/G72). 134

5. Сложный постояный цикл нарезания каналов (пазов)/сверления. 150

6. Сложный постоянный цикл нарезания резьбы метчиком. 153

7. Применение сложного постоянного цикла. 155

8. Сложный постоянный цикл. 157

Раздел 18. Функция автоматического программирования токарного станка (LAP4). 189

1. Обзор. 190

2. Классификация функций. 190

3. Формат программы. 196

4. Режим выполнения LAP. 198

5. Объяснения функций LAP и программ. 202

6. Меры предосторожности. 245

7. Применение функции LAP. 249

Раздел 19. Создание контура. 252

1. Функция программирования для создания контура (торцевой поверхности). 253

2. Функция программирования создания контура (боковая грань). 262

Рис. 19-1 Рис. 19-2 262

Рис. 19-3 Рис. 19-4 262

Раздел 20. Преобразование системы координат. 265

Раздел 21. Программирование для одновременного резания по 4 осям (мод. 2S). 269

1. Программирование. 270

2. Формат программирования. 273

3. Предостережения для программирования одновременного резания по 4 осям. 275

4. Пример программирования. 277

Раздел 22. Функция зеркального изображения (мод. с 2 револьверными головками). 279

1. Основные принципы функций зеркального изображения. 280

2. Операции. 281

3. Программирование движения оси. 282

4. Прочее. 285

Раздел 23. Задачи пользователя. 286

1. Общий обзор. 287

2. Типы функции задач пользователя. 289

3. Основные функции задачи пользователя. 291

4. Дополнительная информация о программах задач пользователя. 316

5. Примеры программ. 320

Раздел 24. Прочие функции. 329

1. Автоматическое ускорение и замедление. 330

2. Проверка на последующую ошибку. 330

3. Команда прямого угла конусности. 331

4. Функция проверки барьера. 333

5. Функция уменьшения времени обработки. 335

6. Команда разжима револьверной головки (для спецификации револьверной головки с ЧПУ). 336

Раздел 25. Программа график. 337

1. Блок PSELECT. 339

2. Блок переходов. 341

Приложение. 342

1. Таблица кодов EIA/ISO. 343

2. Список G кодов. 345

3. Список М кодов. 349

4. Список системных переменных. 356

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(3rd Edition)

Pub No. 5238-E-R2 (LE33-013-R3) Aug. 2007


Related Manuals for Okuma OSP-P200L

  • Control Systems Okuma OSP-E100 Instruction Manual

Summary of Contents for Okuma OSP-P200L

  • Page 1
    CNC SYSTEM OSP-P200L/P20L OSP-P200L-R/P20L-R PROGRAMMING MANUAL (3rd Edition) Pub No. 5238-E-R2 (LE33-013-R3) Aug. 2007…
  • Page 2: Safety Precautions

    This instruction manual and the warning signs attached to the machine cover only those hazards which Okuma can predict. Be aware that they do not cover all possible hazards. Precautions Relating to Installation (1) Please be noted about a primary power supply as follows.

  • Page 3
    5238-E P-(ii) SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Precautions Relating to Manual/Continuous Operation (1) Follow the instruction manual during operation. (2) Do not operate the machine with the front cover, chuck cover, or another protective cover removed. (3) Close the front cover before starting the machine. (4) When machining the initial workpiece, check for machine operations, run the machine under no load to check for interference among components, cut the workpiece in the single block mode, and then start continuous operation.
  • Page 4
    5238-E P-(iii) SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Precautions during Maintenance Inspection and When Trouble Occurs In order to prevent unforeseen accidents, damage to the machine, etc., it is essential to observe the following points when performing maitenance inspections or during checking when trouble has occurred.
  • Page 5
    5238-E P-(iv) SAFETY PRECAUTIONS (11) Periodic Inspection of the Control Enclosure Cleaning the cooling unit The cooling unit in the door of the control enclosure serves to prevent excessive temperature rise inside the control enclosure and increase the reliability of the NC unit. Inspect the following points every three months.
  • Page 6
    5238-E P-(v) SAFETY PRECAUTIONS Symbols Used in This Manual The following warning indications are used in this manual to draw attention to information of particular importance. Read the instructions marked with these symbols carefully and follow them. DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.
  • Page 7
    5238-E P-(i) INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Thank you very much for purchasing our numerical control unit. Before using this NC unit (hereafter simply called NC), thoroughly read this programming manual (hereafter called this manual) in order to ensure correct use. This manual explains how to use and maintain the NC so that it will deliver its full performance and maintain accuracy over a long term.
  • Page 8: Table Of Contents

    5238-E P-(i) TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 1 PROGRAM CONFIGURATIONS ………….1 1. Program Types ……………………1 2. Program Name ……………………2 3. Sequence Name ……………………3 4. Program Format……………………4 4-1. Word Configuration………………….4 4-2. Block Configuration ………………….4 4-3.

  • Page 9
    5238-E P-(ii) TABLE OF CONTENTS 4-3. Automatic Any-Angle Chamfering ……………… 34 5. Torque Limit and Torque Skip Function…………….. 36 5-1. Torque Limit Command (G29) ………………36 5-2. Torque Limit Cancel Command (G28)…………….36 5-3. Torque Skip Command (G22) ………………37 5-4.
  • Page 10
    5238-E P-(iii) TABLE OF CONTENTS 2-1. Overview……………………. 90 2-2. Programming ……………………90 2-3. Operations ……………………92 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES ………………96 1. Fixed Cycle Functions ………………….96 2. Fixed Thread Cutting Cycles ………………..97 2-1. Fixed Thread Cutting Cycle: Longitudinal (G31, G33)………… 97 2-2.
  • Page 11
    5238-E P-(iv) TABLE OF CONTENTS 8-16.Repeat Function ………………….156 8-17.Tool Relieving Command in Deep-hole Drilling Cycle for Chip Discharge….156 8-18.Drilling Depth Setting (Only for drilling cycles) …………157 8-19.Selection of Return Point………………… 160 8-20.M-tool spindle Interlock Release Function (optional)……….. 161 8-21.Other Remarks ………………….
  • Page 12
    5238-E P-(v) TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION 11PROGRAMMING FOR SIMULTANEOUS 4-AXIS CUTS (2S Model) ………………..255 1. Programming ……………………255 1-1. Turret Selection ………………….255 1-2. Synchronization Command (P Code) …………….256 1-3. Waiting Synchronization M Code (M100) for Simultaneous Cuts……… 257 2.
  • Page 13
    5238-E P-(vi) TABLE OF CONTENTS 2-1. General Description …………………. 323 2-2. Chuck Barrier and Tailstock Barrier…………….323 3. Operation Time Reduction Function ………………326 4. Turret Unclamp Command (for NC Turret Specification)…………. 326 5. SPINDLE SPEED VARIATION CONTROL FUNCTION…………327 5-1.
  • Page 14: Program Types

    SECTION 1 PROGRAM CONFIGURATIONS SECTION 1 PROGRAM CONFIGURATIONS Program Types For OSP-P200L, three kinds of programs are used: schedule programs, main programs, and subprograms. The following briefly explains these three kinds of programs. Schedule Program When more than one type of workpiece is machined in continuous operation using a bar feeder or other equipment, multiple main programs are used.

  • Page 15: Program Name

    SECTION 1 PROGRAM CONFIGURATIONS Program Name With the OSP-P200L, programs are called and executed by designating the program name or program number assigned to the beginning of individual programs. This simplifies programs. A program name that contains only numbers is called a program number.

  • Page 16: Sequence Name

    5238-E P-3 SECTION 1 PROGRAM CONFIGURATIONS Sequence Name All blocks in a program are assigned a sequence name that begins with address character «N» followed by an alphanumeric sequence. Functions such as a sequence search function, a sequence stop function and a branching function can be used for blocks assigned a sequence name.

  • Page 17: Program Format

    5238-E P-4 SECTION 1 PROGRAM CONFIGURATIONS Program Format 4-1. Word Configuration A word is defined as an address character followed by a group of numeric values, an expression, or a variable name. If a word consists of an expression or a variable, the address character must be followed by an equal sign «=».

  • Page 18: Programmable Range Of Address Characters

    5238-E P-5 SECTION 1 PROGRAM CONFIGURATIONS 4-4. Programmable Range of Address Characters Programmable Range Address Function Remarks Metric Inch Program name 0000 to 9999 same as left Alphabetic characters available Sequence name 0000 to 9999 same as left Preparatory function 0 to 999 same as left Coordinate values ±99999.999 mm…

  • Page 19: Mathematical Operation Functions

    5238-E P-6 SECTION 1 PROGRAM CONFIGURATIONS Mathematical Operation Functions Mathematical operation functions are used to convey logical operations, arithmetic operations, and trigonometric functions. A table of the operation symbols is shown below. Operation functions can be used together with variables to control peripherals or to pass on the results of an operation. Category Operation Operator…

  • Page 20
    5238-E P-7 SECTION 1 PROGRAM CONFIGURATIONS Logical Operations «a», «b», and «c» represent corresponding bits. • Exclusive OR (EOR) c = a LE33013R0300300080001 If the two corresponding values agree, EOR outputs 0. If the two values do not agree, EOR outputs 1. •…
  • Page 21: Block Delete

    5238-E P-8 SECTION 1 PROGRAM CONFIGURATIONS • Arc tangent (1) (ATAN) LE33013R0300300080005 θ = ATAN [b/a] Arc tangent (2) (ATAN2) θ = ATAN2 [b/a] • Integer implementation (ROUND, FIX, FUP) Converts a specified value into an integer by rounding off, truncating, or raising the number at the first place to the right of the decimal point.

  • Page 22: Program Storage Memory Capacity

    5238-E P-9 SECTION 1 PROGRAM CONFIGURATIONS Program Storage Memory Capacity The NC uses memory to store machining programs. The memory capacity is selectable depending on the size of the machining program. For execution, a program is transferred from the memory to the operation buffer (RAM).

  • Page 23: Determining Feedrate For Cutting Along C-Axis

    5238-E P-10 SECTION 1 PROGRAM CONFIGURATIONS Determining Feedrate for Cutting along C-Axis 10-1. Cutting by Controlling the C-axis Only Although it is possible to machine a workpiece by controlling the C-axis, tool movement distance in unit time (one minute) differs according to the diameter of the position to be machined because the feedrate is specified in units of deg/min.

  • Page 24: Cutting By Controlling Both C-Axis And Z-Axis Simultaneously

    5238-E P-11 SECTION 1 PROGRAM CONFIGURATIONS 10-2. Cutting by Controlling Both C-axis and Z-axis Simultaneously Example: Point A coordinate value X = 80 90° Z = 100 C = 120 Point B coordinate value X = 80 Z = 50 C = 210 LE33013R0300300140001 When cutting the spiral from A to B with a two-flute end mill under the following cutting conditions,…

  • Page 25: Cutting By Controlling Both C-Axis And X-Axis Simultaneously

    5238-E P-12 SECTION 1 PROGRAM CONFIGURATIONS Calculate the cutting time, T, on the basis of the cutting conditions indicated above to feed the axes along the slot. (Feed per tooth) x (Number of teeth) x (min -1 ) 0.05 × 2 × 400 = 2 (min) LE33013R0300300140003 Inside the computer, the distance L3 between A and B is calculated in the following manner.

  • Page 26
    5238-E P-13 SECTION 1 PROGRAM CONFIGURATIONS Procedure : Calculate the distance between A and B. = 44.7 mm LE33013R0300300150002 Calculate the cutting time, T, on the basis of the cutting conditions indicated above to feed the axes along the slot. (Feed per tooth) ×…
  • Page 27: Cutting By Simultaneous 3-Axis Control Of X-, Z-, And C-Axis

    5238-E P-14 SECTION 1 PROGRAM CONFIGURATIONS 10-4. Cutting by Simultaneous 3-axis Control of X-, Z-, and C-axis Example: 90° Point A coordinate value X = 80 Point B coordinate value X = 40 Z = 50 Z = 100 C = 120 C = 210 LE33013R0300300160001 •…

  • Page 28
    5238-E P-15 SECTION 1 PROGRAM CONFIGURATIONS Calculate the actual distance between A and B from L2 calculated in (1). 44.7 + 50 = 67.1 Z-axis travel LE33013R0300300160003 Calculate the cutting time T for distance L4: (Feed per tooth) x (Number of teeth) x (min 67.1 0.05 ×…
  • Page 29: Coordinate Systems

    5238-E P-16 SECTION 2 COORDINATE SYSTEMS AND COMMANDS SECTION 2 COORDINATE SYSTEMS AND COMMANDS Coordinate Systems 1-1. Coordinate Systems and Values To move the tool to a target position, the reference coordinate system must be set first to define the target position, and the target position is defined by coordinate values in the set coordinate system.

  • Page 30
    5238-E P-17 SECTION 2 COORDINATE SYSTEMS AND COMMANDS Although the origin of a program coordinate system (program zero) can be set at any position, it is usually set on the centerline of a workpiece for the X-axis and at the left end face of workpiece for the Z-axis.
  • Page 31: Coordinate Commands

    5238-E P-18 SECTION 2 COORDINATE SYSTEMS AND COMMANDS Coordinate Commands 2-1. Controlled Axis • The following table lists the addresses necessary for axis control. Address Contents Controlled axis in the direction parallel to the workpiece end face Linear axis Controlled axis in the direction parallel to the workpiece longitudinal direction.

  • Page 32
    5238-E P-19 SECTION 2 COORDINATE SYSTEMS AND COMMANDS Two-saddle NC lathe X-axis Turret A (upper turret) Z-axis Z-axis Turret B (lower turret) X-axis Infeed X-axis direction Directions of turret motion: Longitudinal Z-axis direction LE33013R0300400050002 C-axis coordinate system C90˚ Negative direction Positive direction C90˚…
  • Page 33: Commands In Inch System

    5238-E P-20 SECTION 2 COORDINATE SYSTEMS AND COMMANDS 2-2. Commands in Inch System If the inch/metric switchable specification is selected, it is possible to specify dimensions in the inch unit system. Even if dimensions are specified in the inch system values in a part program, the NC processes the data on the basis of metric system values.

  • Page 34
    5238-E P-21 SECTION 2 COORDINATE SYSTEMS AND COMMANDS 2-3-2. Inch System (Inch/metric switchable specification): • 1/10000 inch • 1 inch Unit Data Table (Value for data «1») Metric System Inch System Dimension 1 µm 10 µm 1 mm 1/10000 inch 1 inch Length: X, Z, I, K, D, H, L,…
  • Page 35: Absolute And Incremental Commands (G90, G91)

    5238-E P-22 SECTION 2 COORDINATE SYSTEMS AND COMMANDS • Feedrate of 0.23456 mm/rev. F234.56 [Supplement] For F words, numerical data smaller than the selected unit system is effective if it consists of up to eight digits. F1.2345678 ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅Acceptable F100.000001⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅Alarm (9 digits) LE33013R0300400090001 2-4.

  • Page 36: Diametric And Radial Commands

    5238-E P-23 SECTION 2 COORDINATE SYSTEMS AND COMMANDS 2-5. Diametric and Radial Commands In a turning operation, the workpiece is rotated while being is machined. Due to the nature of the turning operation, the tool cuts a circle with a radius equivalent to the distance from the center of rotation to the tool nose position.

  • Page 37: Positioning (G00)

    5238-E P-24 SECTION 3 MATH FUNCTIONS SECTION 3 MATH FUNCTIONS Positioning (G00) [Function] Each axis moves independently from the actual position to the target position at its own rapid feedrate. At the start and end of axis movement, it is automatically accelerated and decelerated. [Programming format] G00 X__ Z__ C__ X/Z/C : Indicates the target position for positioning operation.

  • Page 38
    5238-E P-25 SECTION 3 MATH FUNCTIONS [Supplement] 1) The feedrate becomes zero when the NC is reset. 2) The feedrate for each axis is indicated below. (Calculate feedrate for X and Z-axes as incremental values.) G01 XxZzFf Calculation of feedrates: X-axis feedrate FX = Z-axis feedrate FZ = where…
  • Page 39: Circular Interpolation (G02, G03)

    5238-E P-26 SECTION 3 MATH FUNCTIONS Circular Interpolation (G02, G03) [Function] Circular interpolation can be used to generate a cutting path which follows an arc. [Programming format] X__ Z__ I__ K__ (G03) LE33013R0300500030001 G02 : Direction of rotation : Sets clockwise rotation G03 : Direction of rotation : Sets counterclockwise rotation X, Z : G90 mode…

  • Page 40
    5238-E P-27 SECTION 3 MATH FUNCTIONS For I and K, signed incremental values are used regardless of the mode, G90 or G91. X(I) X(I) Arc center Arc end point Arc end point φ φ Arc start point center Arc start point Z(K) Z(K) G02: Both I and K values are positive…
  • Page 41
    5238-E P-28 SECTION 3 MATH FUNCTIONS • Direct Radius Command It is possible to execute circular interpolation by specifying the X and Z coordinate values of the target point and the radius of the arc instead of using I and K commands. [Supplement] •…
  • Page 42
    5238-E P-29 SECTION 3 MATH FUNCTIONS [Supplement] 1) If I or K is omitted, I0 or K0 applies. 2) I and K values should be specified as radii. 3) An arc extending into two or more quadrants can be specified by the commands in a single block.
  • Page 43: Automatic Chamfering

    5238-E P-30 SECTION 3 MATH FUNCTIONS Automatic Chamfering When cutting a workpiece, it is often necessary to chamfer a sharp edge (either straight-line chamfering (C-chamfering) or rounding). Although such chamfering can be accomplished using conventional interpolation commands (G01, G02, G03), the automatic chamfering function permits chamfering to be done with a simple program.

  • Page 44
    5238-E P-31 SECTION 3 MATH FUNCTIONS • The automatic chamfering program is effective in: Tool nose radius compensation mode [Program example] 90.00 60.00 40.00 10.00 N101 F0.1 N102 F0.05 N103 X100 N104 N105 X160 N106 LE33013R0300500050002…
  • Page 45: Rounding (G76)

    5238-E P-32 SECTION 3 MATH FUNCTIONS 4-2. Rounding (G76) (X120.00, Z115.00) (X120.00, Z50.00) C (X120.00, Z120.00) B (X110.00, Z120.00) A (X50.00, Z120.00) LE33013R0300500060001 To cut the contour shown above along the points A, B, D and E, program as follows: G76 G01 X120 L-5 FDD CR after positioning the cutting tool at point A.

  • Page 46
    5238-E P-33 SECTION 3 MATH FUNCTIONS [Program Example] 90.00 60.00 40.00 10.00 N101 F0.1 N102 F0.05 N103 X100 N104 N105 X160 N106 LE33013R0300500060002…
  • Page 47: Automatic Any-Angle Chamfering

    5238-E P-34 SECTION 3 MATH FUNCTIONS 4-3. Automatic Any-Angle Chamfering When cutting a workpiece, it is often necessary to chamfer the sharp (C-chamfer or R-chamfer) corners and edges. If chamfering is required on edges having an angle other than 90°, programming chamfering using G01, G02 and G03 commands is not easy.

  • Page 48
    5238-E P-35 SECTION 3 MATH FUNCTIONS (2) R-Chamfering (G76) J (X100, Z30) I (X100, Z73.884) H (X92, Z80.762) 120˚ (X60, Z114) (X70, Z87.113) C (X60, Z120) (X60, Z90) (X60, Z95.774) B (X48, Z120) A (X20, Z120) ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ N100 Z120 N110…
  • Page 49: Torque Limit And Torque Skip Function

    5238-E P-36 SECTION 3 MATH FUNCTIONS [Supplement] 1) Both G75 and G76 are effective only in the G01 mode and if they are designated in a mode other than G01an alarm occurs. 2) If the axis movement amount is smaller than the chamfering size, an alarm occurs. 3) Chamfering is possible only at corners between two lines.

  • Page 50: Torque Skip Command (G22)

    5238-E P-37 SECTION 3 MATH FUNCTIONS 5-3. Torque Skip Command (G22) [Programming format] G22 Z__ D__ L__ F__ PZ =__ : Target point (mm) : Distance between the target point and the approaching point as an incremental value (mm) : Distance between the target point and the virtual approaching point as an incremental value (mm) : Feedrate (mm/min or mm/rev) : Preset torque value (%)

  • Page 51: Parameter Setting

    5238-E P-38 SECTION 3 MATH FUNCTIONS 5-4. Parameter Setting (1) Torque skip torque monitoring delay time If motor torque monitoring is started at the start of torque skip feed designated by G22, the preset torque value could, in some cases, be exceeded on starting up the motor. To avoid this, set the torque monitoring delay time t for a parameter.

  • Page 52: Program Example

    5238-E P-39 SECTION 3 MATH FUNCTIONS 5-5. Program Example This is a program example for transferring a workpiece to the sub spindle chuck. G29 PW=30⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅Limits the maximum torque of the sub spindle feed motor (W-axis motor). (30 %) G94 G22 W50 D5 L10 F1000 PW=25⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅Pushes the sub spindle chuck against the workpiece end face by torque skip G29 PW=5⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅Lowers the W-axis motor torque.

  • Page 53: Dwell (G04)

    5238-E P-40 SECTION 4 PREPARATORY FUNCTIONS SECTION 4 PREPARATORY FUNCTIONS G codes are used to specify particular functions which are to be executed in individual blocks. Every G code consists of the address «G» plus a 3-digit number (00 to 399) •…

  • Page 54: Zero Shift/Max. Spindle Speed Set (G50)

    5238-E P-41 SECTION 4 PREPARATORY FUNCTIONS Zero Shift/Max. Spindle Speed Set (G50) 2-1. Zero Shift [Function] With the G50 code, zero offset value is automatically calculated and zero setting is carried out according to the calculated value. This feature is effective when cutting a workpiece on which the same contour is repeated. [Programming format] G50 X__ Z__ C__ X/Z/C : Specify the coordinate value to be taken as the actual position data after zero shift.

  • Page 55: Max. Spindle Speed Set

    5238-E P-42 SECTION 4 PREPARATORY FUNCTIONS 2-2. Max. Spindle Speed Set [Function] Sometimes the spindle speed must be clamped at a certain speed due to the restrictions on the allowable speed of a chuck, influence of centrifugal force on workpiece gripping force, imbalance of a workpiece, or other factors.

  • Page 56: Feed Per Revolution (G95)

    5238-E P-43 SECTION 4 PREPARATORY FUNCTIONS Feed Per Revolution (G95) [Function] Specify G95 to control tool movement (feedrate) in terms of «distance per spindle revolution» for turning operations. [Programming format] G95 F__ : Specify movement distance per spindle revolution. The unit of setting is determined according to the setting for the optional parameter (UNIT) [Details] •…

  • Page 57: Constant Speed Control (G96/G97)

    5238-E P-44 SECTION 4 PREPARATORY FUNCTIONS Constant Speed Control (G96/G97) [Function] When the constant speed cutting function is selected, cutting at a constant cutting speed is possible. This feature can reduce cutting time and also assure stable finish in end face cutting operations. Constant Speed Cutting Command [Programming format] G96 S__…

  • Page 58: S Functions (Spindle Functions)

    5238-E P-45 SECTION 5 S, T, AND M FUNCTIONS SECTION 5 S, T, AND M FUNCTIONS This section describes the S, SB, T, and M codes that specify the necessary machine operations other than axis movement commands. : Spindle speed SB : Spindle speed of M-tool spindle : Tool number, tool offset number, tool nose radius compensation number : Miscellaneous function to control machine operation…

  • Page 59: T Functions (Tool Functions)

    5238-E P-46 SECTION 5 S, T, AND M FUNCTIONS • To rotate the M-tool spindle, the SB command must be specified in a block that precedes the block containing the M-tool spindle start command or in the same block. [Supplement] 1) For the machine equipped with the transmission gears for driving the M-tool spindle, the required gear range should be selected by a corresponding M code.

  • Page 60: M Functions (Auxiliary Functions)

    5238-E P-47 SECTION 5 S, T, AND M FUNCTIONS M Functions (Auxiliary Functions) [Function] The M codes are used for miscellaneous ON/OFF control and sequence control of the machine operation such as spindle start/stop and operation stop at the end of program. The programmable range for M codes is from 0 to 511.

  • Page 61
    5238-E P-48 SECTION 5 S, T, AND M FUNCTIONS (12) M32, M33, M34 (thread cutting mode; straight, zigzag, straight (reversed)) These M codes are used to specify the thread cutting mode in the compound fixed cycle and LAP; M32 for infeed along one side of the thread face to be cut (straight), M33 for zigzag infeed, and M34 for straight infeed along the opposite thread face from the one in the M32 mode (straight (reversed)).
  • Page 62
    5238-E P-49 SECTION 5 S, T, AND M FUNCTIONS (22) M109, M110 (C-axis connection ON, OFF) These M codes are used to select the spindle control mode for the multiple-process machining specification models. By specifying M110, the spindle is controlled in the C-axis control mode and by specifying M109, the control mode is returned to the spindle control mode.
  • Page 63
    5238-E P-50 SECTION 5 S, T, AND M FUNCTIONS (30) M164, M165 (slide hold and single block ignore OFF, ON) These M codes are used to specify whether or not the slide hold ON and single block ON statuses, set by the switches on the machine operation panel, are valid; in the M165 mode, if the slide hold or single block function is set ON with the corresponding switch on the machine operation panel, these functions are made invalid, and in the M166 mode, if the slide hold or single block function is set ON by the corresponding switch on the machine operation panel,…
  • Page 64: M-Tool Spindle Commands

    5238-E P-51 SECTION 5 S, T, AND M FUNCTIONS (37) M241, M242 (rotary tool spindle speed range, LOW, HIGH) These M codes are used to select the spindle speed range of the rotary tool spindle for the multiple-process specification models; low-speed range (M241), high-speed range (M242). M-tool Spindle Commands 5-1.

  • Page 65: M Codes Used For C-Axis Operation

    5238-E P-52 SECTION 5 S, T, AND M FUNCTIONS 5-2. M Codes Used for C-axis Operation The following codes are necessary for programming C-axis movements. Code Details Used to designate the spindle to be controlled in the C-axis control mode. M110 When programming C-axis commands, first specify M110 in a block without other commands.

  • Page 66
    5238-E P-53 SECTION 5 S, T, AND M FUNCTIONS To drill two 15 mm dia. holes, create a program as indicated below: Designates the spindle as the C-axis. Continued from turning operation program Indexes C-axis in the positive direction. N099 X1000 Z1000 The spindle indexes at the 90°…
  • Page 67: Stm Time Over Check Function

    5238-E P-54 SECTION 5 S, T, AND M FUNCTIONS STM Time Over Check Function The duration of S, T, M cycle time is measured and if the measured time exceeds the parameter-set cycle time, an alarm occurs. 6-1. Check ON Conditions •…

  • Page 68: Timing Chart Example

    5238-E P-55 SECTION 5 S, T, AND M FUNCTIONS 6-3. Timing Chart Example (1) Parameter setting Parameter: ON STM time over check start Parameter: OFF STM time over check end STM operation in progress Parameter Parameter-set cycle time Time over check Alarm B LE33013R0300700110001 (2) M Codes…

  • Page 69: Tool Nose Radius Compensation Function (G40, G41, G42)

    5238-E P-56 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION Tool Nose Radius Compensation Function (G40, G41, G42) 1-1. General Description The tool tip point radius of most cutting tools used in turning operation is the cause of inconsistencies between the designated tool paths and the actually finished workpiece contour. With the tool radius compensation function, such geometric error is automatically compensated for by simple programming.

  • Page 70: Compensation Operation

    5238-E P-57 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION 1-3. Compensation Operation Geometrical Cutting Error due to Tool Nose Radius If cutting along paths A-B-C-D-E in the figure below is intended but the tool nose radius compensation function is not activated, the shaded portions will remain uncut and cause geometrical errors.

  • Page 71
    5238-E P-58 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION Compensation Movement With the tool nose radius compensation function activated, the error in the tool path described in (1) is compensated for as shown below to finish the workpiece to the dimensions specified in a program.
  • Page 72: Nose Radius Compensation Commands (G, T Codes)

    5238-E P-59 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION 1-4. Nose Radius Compensation Commands (G, T Codes) The programming commands — G and T codes, used to activate the tool nose radius compensation function, are detailed in this section. G Codes G40 : Used to cancel the tool nose radius compensation mode. G41 : Tool nose radius compensation — Left Used when the tool moves on the left side of the workpiece.

  • Page 73: Data Display

    5238-E P-60 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION [Supplement] To change the tool offset during the execution of tool nose radius compensation, designate the tool nose radius compensation number and the tool number. Example: ..T010101 ..T110111 LE33013R0300800040004 Entry of only the tool offset No. (T01 or T11) in G code command (1) or (2) will cancel the nose radius compensation amount.

  • Page 74: Buffer Operation

    5238-E P-61 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION 1-6. Buffer Operation The NC usually operates in the 3-buffer mode. While the positioning command from point A to point B is being executed, the positioning point data of points C, D and E are read and stored in the buffer. This is called the 3-buffer function.

  • Page 75: Tool Nose Radius Compensation Programming

    5238-E P-62 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION (1) To obtain point N2’ when the center of the tool nose R is at point N1’, proceed as follows: • Draw a straight line parallel to the direction of tool advance, N1 — N2, offset in the specified direction, (to the right since G42 is specified), by the tool nose radius compensation amount.

  • Page 76
    5238-E P-63 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION 1-8-2. Behavior on Entering Tool Nose Radius Compensation Mode TΟΟΟΟΟΟ LE33013R0300800090001 The following example uses the program above to perform OD cuts with an OD turning tool. ( Z0c, X0c ) Starting point N0 ( Z0, X0 ) ( Z2c, X2c ) ( Z1c, X2c ) N1 ( Z1, X1 )
  • Page 77
    5238-E P-64 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION • Example of an ideal program for entry into the compensation mode: X100 Z100 S1000 T010101 F0.2 LE33013R0300800090004 In this program, the G42 block contains only a Z word, and points N2, N3 and N4 are all positioned on the same straight line.
  • Page 78
    5238-E P-65 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION • If the same point as in the start-up block is specified in the succeeding block, an alarm will result if the successive two blocks after that do not have dimension words, X and Z. Faulty program example 1: Z100 F0.2 S1000…
  • Page 79
    5238-E P-66 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION • I and K command with G41 and G42 In the block containing G41 and G42, by entering I and K words that specify the imaginary point, along with X and Z words that specify the nose radius compensation start-up, unnecessary axis motion required in conventional start-up program is eliminated.
  • Page 80
    5238-E P-67 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION 1-8-3. Behavior in Tool Nose Radius Compensation Mode The tool nose radius compensation function provides the means to automatically compensate for the tool nose radius in continuous cutting. Since such compensation is performed automatically, there are some restrictions in programming when the tool nose radius compensation function is used.
  • Page 81
    5238-E P-68 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION N2′ N3′ N1′ LE33013R0300800100002 The axis movements above are possible by the special processing for the tool nose radius compensation function. Let’s consider the operation in this program in the light of section 1-7. «Path of Tool Nose «R»…
  • Page 82
    5238-E P-69 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION Example of faulty program 1 (completion of cutting): X100 Z100 F0.2 S1000 T010101 X300 Z300 M05 Portion left uncut LE33013R0300800100004 With the program above, the programmer expected to cut up to point N2, (i.e., up to Z50) allowing a slight uncut portion on the sharp corner due to tool nose R.
  • Page 83
    5238-E P-70 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION necessary for the tool tip circle to fit in. In addition, because X words are expressed as diameters, the X word data has to be doubled. That is, the numerical value in such an X word must be larger than four times the tool nose R.
  • Page 84
    5238-E P-71 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION Example program for the path above: X100 Z300 S1500 T010101 Z100 F0.2 ……..[ > 100 + 4 × (nose R) ] X104 X200 Z300 S1000 LE33013R0300800100008 It is advantageous to improve the program and eliminate a positioning sequence to a distant point through commands in the N3 block.
  • Page 85
    5238-E P-72 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION • Two lines forming a right angle X100 Z100 F0.2 S1000 T010101 X150 LE33013R0300800100011 There are no particular problems in this case. • Command of identical point If a block without axis movement commands is programmed during the tool nose radius compensation mode, the path of the tool nose R is the same as the one generated when there is no such block.
  • Page 86
    5238-E P-73 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION Program 1: Z100 F0.2 S1000 T010101 LE33013R0300800100013 A program like this might cause overcutting as shown below: N 3, N2 Overcut portion LE33013R0300800100014 Depending on the contour to be cut, the unexpected motion may not result in overcut, as in program 2.
  • Page 87
    5238-E P-74 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION Straight line to arc cutting (arc to straight line cutting) • Arc within one quadrant In a program where the cutting tool moves continuously from a straight line to an arc, the movement of the cutting tool is handled in the same way as in a case where the movement is from a straight line to a straight line.
  • Page 88
    5238-E P-75 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION • Arc in two quadrants Case where the arc radius is greater than «2 x nose R»: X100 Z100 F0.2 S1000 T010101 X140 LE33013R0300800100017 The tool position determined by the commands in the N2 block is the point where the tool nose R comes into contact with line N1 — N2 at point N2.
  • Page 89
    5238-E P-76 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION When the radius of the programmed arc equals twice the tool nose R, the cutting tool is located at the point where the tool nose R comes into contact with both the extension of arc N2 — N3 and the extension of straight line N3 — N4, after the execution of the commands in N3 block (see the figure in «1)»…
  • Page 90
    5238-E P-77 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION • Arc in three quadrants X100 Z100 F0.2 S1000 T010101 X120 X160 LE33013R0300800100020 Positioning by the commands in block N2 is to the point where the tool nose R comes into contact with both the extension of straight line N1 — N2 and the extension of arc N2 — N3. Other axis motions of the cutting tool are identical to those for cutting an arc in two quadrants.
  • Page 91
    5238-E P-78 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION Arc to arc cutting Arc to arc cutting can be programmed in the same manner as straight line to arc cutting. The tool path is generated so that the tool nose R is brought into contact with each arc or its extension.
  • Page 92
    5238-E P-79 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION Switching from G41 to G42 or from G42 to G41 Before switching the tool nose radius compensation mode from G41 to G42 or from G42 to G41, it is advisable to cancel the compensation mode by specifying G40. If a switch-over is to be done with the compensation mode active, carefully check the movement of the cutting tool resulting from the switch-over.
  • Page 93
    5238-E P-80 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION • Switch-over in arc to straight line cutting Again, the concept is the same as for straight line to straight line cutting. LE33013R0300800100024 • Switch-over in arc to arc cutting Once again, the concept is the same as for straight line to straight line cutting. LE33013R0300800100025…
  • Page 94
    5238-E P-81 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION 1-8-4. Behavior on Cancelation of the Tool Nose Radius Compensation Mode G40 given with X- or Z-axis motion command To cancel the tool nose radius compensation mode, the G40 code is used. It is essential to understand the cutting tool movements that result from the cancelation of the compensation mode in order to avoid unexpected trouble.
  • Page 95
    5238-E P-82 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION The tool path generated in the above program is shown by solid lines. Positioning fort programmed point N3 is carried out at the point where the tool nose R comes into contact with point N3, and that for programmed point N4 is carried out at point O4; the same point reached by the program in which the tool nose radius compensation function is not activated.
  • Page 96
    5238-E P-83 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION • Eliminating possible overcutting along Z-axis, see the program below: Portion left uncut due to round tip X100 Z100 F0.2 S1000 T010101 X120 X130 Z20 X300 Z300 LE33013R0300800110005 I and K words specified in the G40 block allow the tool to move to the point where the tool nose R is brought into contact with both line N3 — N4 and line N4 — N5.
  • Page 97
    5238-E P-84 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION If block N5 containing G40 has no I and K words, positioning of the cutting tool by the commands in block N4 is executed so that the tool nose R comes into contact with line N3 — N4 at designated point N4 and then moves along the path indicated by broken lines toward point N5.
  • Page 98
    5238-E P-85 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION Original contour and associated program (program 1): LE33013R0300800120001 Program 1: X100 Z100 F0.2 S1500 T010101 X120 S1000 LE33013R0300800120002 The original contour comprises: straight line — slope — straight line. Program 2 The contour is the same as in program 1, but the cutting tool is relieved at point N3 in the +X direction to change the spindle speed, then continuous cutting is intended.
  • Page 99
    5238-E P-86 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION N3, N31 and N32 lie on the same straight line. From N3 to N31, the positioning is on the right hand side of the line. Commands in block N32 position the cutting tool at the point where the tool nose R is brought into contact with straight lines N31 — N32 and N3 — N4 on the right side of the direction of tool advance.
  • Page 100
    5238-E P-87 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION Program 4 Imaginary shape LE33013R0300800120007 Program 4: In this program, a tool looping similar to that performed in program 3 is executed with the numeral values modified to avoid overcutting. X100 Z100 F0.2 S1500 T010101 X120 X126…
  • Page 101
    5238-E P-88 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION Program 5: X100 Z100 F0.2 T010101 X120 X124⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅( > 120 + 4 × (nose R) ) S1000⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅( > 40 + 2 × (nose R) ) X120 LE33013R0300800120010 In this looping path, the tool nose R moves inside the programmed rectangle, N3 — N31 — N32 — N33. Therefore, axis behavior can be easily expected if only these respective sides are longer than twice the tool nose R (four times on the X-axis).
  • Page 102
    5238-E P-89 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION [Supplement] 1) If either the X- or Z-axis exceed its soft-limit, a «Limit Alarm» results. 2) During the tool nose radius compensation mode, commands that do not cause axis motion, although dimension words are present, (zero offset by G code for instance, or thread cutting fixed cycle (G31, G32 and G33)) cannot be specified.
  • Page 103: Cutter Radius Compensation Function

    5238-E P-90 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION Cutter Radius Compensation Function 2-1. Overview This function automatically offsets the tool paths to generate the required shape in multi-processing just by programming the final shape. Using this function, cutters of different diameters can be used to machine workpieces of the same shape without modifying the program.

  • Page 104
    5238-E P-91 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION Cutter radius compensation values [Function] The cutter radius compensation values are designated using a 6-digit T command. T Ο Ο ∆ ∆ Ο Ο : Tool nose radius compensation number ∆ ∆ : Tool number : Tool offset number LE33013R0300800140001 [Details]…
  • Page 105: Operations

    5238-E P-92 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION 2-3. Operations Tool motion in the G17 and G119 modes with the cutter radius compensation function active, is illustrated below. LE33013R0300800150001 a : Programmed path (final shape) b : Tool path in the G42 mode c : Tool path in the G41 mode In the cutter radius compensation OFF (G40) state, the cutter center moves along the path «a».

  • Page 106
    5238-E P-93 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION [Supplement] • If the tool paths calculated in the G102 or G103 mode with the cutter radius compensation active, create an arc having a center angle of greater than 180°, the arc which has the center angle of «360°…
  • Page 107
    5238-E P-94 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION [Supplement] Target point obtained using the cutter radius compensation function Start point Programmed target point Cutter Radius Compensation for Contour Generation (Side) (2/2) In the G00 and G01 modes, the direction of rotation follows the designated command (M15, M16). In the G101, G102, and G103 modes, the direction of rotation is automatically determined by the control.
  • Page 108
    5238-E P-95 SECTION 6 OFFSET FUNCTION [Supplement] To avoid such a problem, it is necessary to change the program as shown in the figure below. Tool paths after compensation Programmed tool paths Example of Programmed Escape • An alarm occurs if the X position is changed during the cutter radius compensation on the G119 plane (C-X-Z plane).
  • Page 109: Fixed Cycle Functions

    5238-E P-96 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES Fixed Cycle Functions Using G31, G32, G33, G34, and G35, it is possible to cut a variety of threads — straight thread, taper thread, thread on an end face, and variable lead thread.

  • Page 110: Fixed Thread Cutting Cycles

    5238-E P-97 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES Fixed Thread Cutting Cycles For details on writing thread cutting programs, refer to «Precautions when Programming Thread Cutting Cycles». 2-1. Fixed Thread Cutting Cycle: Longitudinal (G31, G33) [Programming format] I __ G33 X__ Z__ (E__) F__ (K__)(L__)(J__)(C__) (G31) LE33013R0300900030001…

  • Page 111
    5238-E P-98 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES Example Program: Constant Lead Taper Thread 1/3 taper, lead 1.5 mm I = 7 mm N001 Positioning to the thread cutting starting point, X = 40 mm (in dia.) and Z = 96 mm, at a rapid feedrate.
  • Page 112: Fixed Thread Cutting Cycle: End Face (G32)

    5238-E P-99 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES 2-2. Fixed Thread Cutting Cycle: End Face (G32) [Programming format] G32X__ Z__ (E___)(I__)(L__)(J__)F__(C__) LE33013R0300900040001 : Coordinate value of thread end point in X-axis direction : Coordinate value of thread cutting pass in Z-axis direction : Thread lead (F/J if a J word specified.) : Difference between starting point and end point for taper thread cutting (When no K word is specified, the control assumes K=0.)

  • Page 113
    5238-E P-100 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES Example Program: Variable Lead Thread 7 6 5 4 3 N001 Positioning to thread cutting starting point X0, Z0 at a rapid feedrate. N002 F2.5 • With an E word in G33 block, variable lead thread cutting cycle is performed along the paths indicated in the drawing above.
  • Page 114
    5238-E P-101 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES [Supplement] When determining the F word value, use the following equation: n × E D = n × (F where, D : displacement after «n» revolutions, (mm) n : number of revolutions required for displacement D, min {rpm} : thread lead at start of thread cutting cycle E : lead variation amount per revolution…
  • Page 115: Non-Fixed Thread Cutting Cycle (G34, G35)

    5238-E P-102 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES Non-Fixed Thread Cutting Cycle (G34, G35) [Function] Used for a variety of special thread cutting, such as parts combining a straight thread with a taper thread, or a variable lead thread and straight thread. [Programming format] G34 X__ Z__ (E__) F__ (C__) (J__) : Thread lead…

  • Page 116: Precautions When Programming Thread Cutting Cycles

    5238-E P-103 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES Precautions when Programming Thread Cutting Cycles Observe the following points when programming thread cutting cycles: • The G codes commanding thread cutting (G31 to G35) cannot be designated in the G96 (constant peripheral speed cutting ON) mode. •…

  • Page 117
    5238-E P-104 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES θ Amount of one lead Equal to one lead when no L command is given LE33013R0300900060002 The feedrate used for chamfering in the X-axis direction is set at Feedrate of chamfering in thread cycle of optional parameter (OTHER FUNCTION 1). Parameter setting (µ) 60×10 (msec)
  • Page 118
    5238-E P-105 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES • Extra Length in Thread Cutting Program Since a certain length of incomplete thread is usually produced near the start and end point of the cut, it is necessary to add appropriate amounts δ1 and δ2 at the start and end of the thread to be cut in order to cut the proper thread shape.
  • Page 119
    5238-E P-106 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES Example: For the LU300, with a peripheral speed of 100 m/min, a 10 mm diameter and a thread lead of 1.5 mm, the spindle speed and feedrate are calculated as follows. Spindle speed N = 100 × 10 = 3183 (rev/min) 10π…
  • Page 120
    5238-E P-107 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES [Operation] • When the SLIDE HOLD pushbutton is pressed during a thread cutting cycle: Chamfering equivalent to one lead length or the length specified by an L command is performed. The X-axis returns to the thread cutting cycle starting point. The Z-axis returns to the thread cutting cycle starting point.
  • Page 121
    5238-E P-108 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES • Designation of Phase Difference (Angle) for Multi-thread Thread Cutting Multi-thread thread can be programmed easily by designating the thread cutting start point. For G33 cycle: First thread Second thread Start point for the first thread Start point for the second thread LE33013R0300900060010 Thread cutting is carried out by shifting the thread phase by the amount (angle) specified by the…
  • Page 122: Thread Cutting Compound Cycle (G71/G72)

    5238-E P-109 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES Thread Cutting Compound Cycle (G71/G72) 5-1. Longitudinal Thread Cutting Cycle (G71) [Function] In G71 mode thread cutting cycle as shown below is performed: Starting point of thread cutting cycle LE33013R0300900070001 [Programming format] G71X__ Z__ B__D__U__H__L__E__F__J__M__Q I __ LE33013R0300900070002…

  • Page 123
    5238-E P-110 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES : Chamfering distance in final thread cutting cycle (Effective in M23 mode; if no L word is designated in the M23 mode, L is assumed to be the distance equivalent to one lead.) : Lead variation rate per lead for variable lead thread : Thread lead (F/J if a J word specified.) : Number of threads within a distance specified by F word (When no J word is designated, the control assumes J=1.)
  • Page 124: Transverse Thread Cutting Compound Fixed Cycle (G72)

    5238-E P-111 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES Example 2: Using M33 (zigzag cutting mode) and M74 (infeed pattern 2) Depth of cut in first thread cutting cycle 60° N0001 G71 X28 I11 B60 D1.1 U0.2 H7.8 E0.2 F6 LE33013R0300900080003 5-3. Transverse Thread Cutting Compound Fixed Cycle (G72) [Function] In the transverse thread cutting compound fixed cycle, the thread cutting cycle shown below is performed.

  • Page 125: M Code Specifying Thread Cutting Mode And Infeed Pattern

    5238-E P-112 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES [Programming format] G72 X__ Z__ B__D__ W__H__L__E__F__J__M__Q__ LE33013R0300900090002 : X coordinate of end point of thread : Z dimension of final thread cutting cycle : Taper angle : Distance between starting point and end point for taper thread For taper thread, use either an A or K word.

  • Page 126
    5238-E P-113 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES 5-4-1. M Codes Specifying Thread Cutting Mode The thread cutting mode is specified with an M code. The correspondence between modes and M codes is as follows: M32 : Straight infeed along thread face (on left face) M33 : Zigzag infeed M34 : Straight infeed along thread face (on right face) When none of these M codes is specified, the control automatically selects the M32 mode.
  • Page 127
    5238-E P-114 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES • When M33 is designated ≥ {H — (H — U (W)) The thread cutting cycle is repeated with the cutting point at each even numbered thread cutting path being «D» until the cutting point of «H — U (W)» is reached. In each odd numbered tool paths, the cutting point is calculated as;…
  • Page 128
    5238-E P-115 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES 5-4-3. Longitudinal Thread Cutting Cycles • M32 + M73 Mode Cutting edge ∆D is remainder of (H-U)/D ∆D/2 D/16 D/16 LE33013R0300900160001 • M33 + M73 Mode Cutting edge (D+∆D)/4 (D+∆D)/4 3D/16 3D/16 D/16 D/16 LE33013R0300900160002…
  • Page 129
    5238-E P-116 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES • M34 + M73 Mode Cutting edge ∆D/2 D/16 D/16 LE33013R0300900160003 • M32 + M74 Mode Cutting edge ∆D/2 LE33013R0300900160004…
  • Page 130
    5238-E P-117 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES • M33 + M74 Mode Cutting edge ∆D/4 ∆D/4 LE33013R0300900160005 • M34 + M74 Mode Cutting edge ∆D/2 LE33013R0300900160006…
  • Page 131
    5238-E P-118 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES • ≥ {H M32 + M75 Mode (infeed pattern 3 D — (H — U (W)) Cutting edge 1st cycle 2st cycle 3rd cycle (H-U)/2 «n»th cycle LE33013R0300900160007 • M32 + M75 Mode (infeed pattern 3 D <…
  • Page 132
    5238-E P-119 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES • ≥ {H M33 + M75 Mode (infeed pattern 3 D — (H — U (W)) Cutting edge 1st cycle 2nd cycle (H-U)/2 «n»th cycle LE33013R0300900160009 • M33 + M75 Mode (infeed pattern 3 D — {H — (H — U (W)) } or infeed pattern 4)
  • Page 133
    5238-E P-120 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES 5-4-4. Transverse Thread Cutting Cycles • M32 + M73 Mode ∆D is the remainder of (H-W)/D Cutting edge ∆D LE33013R0300900170001 • M33 + M73 Mode Cutting edge 3D/8 (D+∆D)/2 3D/8 (D+∆D)/2 LE33013R0300900170002…
  • Page 134
    5238-E P-121 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES • M34 + M73 Mode ∆D Cutting edge LE33013R0300900170003 • M32 + M74 Mode Cutting edge ∆D LE33013R0300900170004…
  • Page 135
    5238-E P-122 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES • M33 + M74 Mode Cutting edge ∆D/2 ∆D/2 LE33013R0300900170005 • M34 + M74 Mode W ∆D Cutting edge LE33013R0300900170006…
  • Page 136
    5238-E P-123 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES • ≥ {H M32 + M75 Mode (infeed pattern 3 D — (H — U (W)) Cutting edge (H-W) LE33013R0300900170007 • M32 + M75 Mode (infeed pattern 3 D < {H — (H — U (W)) } or infeed pattern 4) dn/2 = Cutting point for «n»th cycle Cutting edge…
  • Page 137
    5238-E P-124 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES • ≥ {H M33 + M75 Mode (infeed pattern 3 D — (H — U (W)) Cutting edge (H-W) LE33013R0300900170009 • M33 + M75 Mode (infeed pattern 3 D < {H — (H — U (W)) } or infeed pattern 4) dn: Cutting point for «n»th cycle Cutting point…
  • Page 138: Multi-Thread Thread Cutting Function In Compound Fixed Thread Cutting Cy Cle

    5238-E P-125 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES 5-5. Multi-thread Thread Cutting Function in Compound Fixed Thread Cutting Cycle In the thread cutting cycle called by G32, G33, etc., a multi-thread thread cutting cycle is designated by designating the phase difference with a C command. In the compound fixed thread cutting cycle, multi-thread cutting can be designated by simply designating the number of threads with a Q command.

  • Page 139: Grooving/Drilling Compound Fixed Cycle

    5238-E P-126 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES Grooving/Drilling Compound Fixed Cycle 6-1. Longitudinal Grooving Fixed Cycle (G73) [Function] In the G73 mode, a grooving cycle is performed as shown below. T when positioning T when positioning to the coordinates to the coordinates of the start point of the target point Start point…

  • Page 140: Example Program For Longitudinal Grooving Compound Fixed Cycle (G73)

    5238-E P-127 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES : Tool offset number determining the tool offset amount when target point on the Z-axis is reached. (If no T word is specified, the tool offset number selected on positioning to the starting point of the grooving cycle is selected.

  • Page 141: Transverse Grooving/Drilling Fixed Cycle (G74)

    5238-E P-128 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES 6-3. Transverse Grooving/Drilling Fixed Cycle (G74) In the G74 mode, a grooving cycle is performed as shown below. T when positioning to the coordinates of the target point End point Starting point T when positioning to the coordinates of the starting point α…

  • Page 142: Example Program For Transverse Grooving/Drilling Fixed Cycle (G74)

    5238-E P-129 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES 6-4. Example Program for Transverse Grooving/Drilling Fixed Cycle (G74) Example: Drill cycle program N0001 N0002 N0003 LE33013R0300900220001 [Supplement] A Z coordinate must always be specified in the G74 block. 6-5. Axis Movements in Grooving/Drilling Compound Fixed Cycle (1) The axis moves the amount specified by «I (K)»…

  • Page 143: Tapping Compound Fixed Cycle

    5238-E P-130 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES Tapping Compound Fixed Cycle 7-1. Right-hand Tapping Cycle (G77) [Function] The compound cycle called out by G77 executes a tapping cycle like the one illustrated below. (Actual Example) (Diagram) LE33013R0300900240001 [Programming format] G77 X__ Z__ K__ F__ G77 : G code to call out tapping compound fixed cycle.

  • Page 144: Left-Hand Tapping Cycle (G78)

    5238-E P-131 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES 7-2. Left-hand Tapping Cycle (G78) [Function] The compound cycle called out by G78 executes a tapping cycle like the one illustrated below. (Actual Example) (Diagram) LE33013R0300900250001 [Programming format] G78 X__ Z__ K__ F__ G78 : G code to call out tapping compound fixed cycle. Specify this G code immediately after a sequence number (name).

  • Page 145: Compound Fixed Cycles

    5238-E P-132 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES Compound Fixed Cycles 8-1. List of Compound Fixed Cycle Commands Programming Code Cycle Name Remarks Format Drilling Cycle G181, X, Z, C, R, G181 Used for drilling operation. (With repeat function) I(K), F, Q, E Used for boring operation Boring Cycle G182, X, Z, C, R,…

  • Page 146: Basic Axis Motions

    5238-E P-133 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES [Supplement] 1) In the G185, G186, G187, and G188 fixed cycle modes, feedrates can be programmed only in the G95 (mm/rev) mode. In this case, an F command indicates the feed per C-axis revolution. 2) In the modes G181 through G184, G189, and G190, feedrates can be programmed only in the G94 (mm/min) mode.

  • Page 147
    5238-E P-134 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES Side Machining (With I command) Starting point Cutting starting C90° Program zero point C0° (Actual Example) (Diagram) LE33013R0300900280002 Face Machining (With K command) Side Machining (With I command) Positioning of X- and C-axis at the Positioning of Z- and C-axis at the rapid feedrate rapid feedrate…
  • Page 148
    5238-E P-135 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES This M code is cleared by the reset operation and it is effective only in the specified block. An M code is given priority over the optional parameter setting. When no M code is designated, the optional parameter setting becomes effective. •…
  • Page 149
    5238-E P-136 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES • C-axis clamp effective/ineffective command When the workpiece is cut using a small-diameter drill in the compound fixed cycle, or when the material to be cut is soft, the C-axis does not need to be clamped during cutting. When M141 (C-axis clamp ineffective) is designated, C-axis clamp motion is eliminated, resulting in a reduced cycle time.
  • Page 150
    5238-E P-137 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES Face Machining (With K command) Side Machining (With I command) Positioning of C-axis at the rapid Positioning of C-axis at the rapid feedrate feedrate Positioning of Z-axis at the point Positioning of X-axis at the point «Q — K»…
  • Page 151
    5238-E P-138 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES 8-2-3. G185, G186, G187, and G188 modes In these modes, the following cycle is carried out in a single block of commands. Longitudinal Thread Cutting (G185 and G187) C90° Program zero C0° (Actual Example) (Diagram) LE33013R0300900300001 Transverse Thread Cutting (G186 and G188)
  • Page 152: Address Characters

    5238-E P-139 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES 8-3. Address Characters : For cutting on an end face and longitudinal thread cutting, «X» indicates the X-coordinate of the cycle starting point. For cutting on an OD and transverse thread cutting as well as key way cutting, «X» indicates the X-coordinate of the end point of the cycle.

  • Page 153: Drilling Cycle (G181)

    5238-E P-140 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES 8-5. Drilling Cycle (G181) Cutting starting point LE33013R0300900330001 [Program format] N100 N101 N102 G181 N103 G180 LE33013R0300900330002 Cycle operation : The axes are positioned in the G00 mode at the point specified by (X ), and the C command value.

  • Page 154: Boring Cycle (G182)

    5238-E P-141 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES 8-6. Boring Cycle (G182) Cutting starting point LE33013R0300900340001 [Program format] N100 N101 N102 G182 N103 G180 LE33013R0300900340002 Cycle operation : The axes are positioned in the G00 mode at the point specified by (X ) and the C command value.

  • Page 155: Deep Hole Drilling Cycle (G183)

    5238-E P-142 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES 8-7. Deep Hole Drilling Cycle (G183) Cutting starting point α/2 α/2 α/2 LE33013R0300900350001 [Program format] N100 N101 N102 G183 N103 G180 LE33013R0300900350002…

  • Page 156
    5238-E P-143 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES Cycle operation : The axes are positioned in the G00 mode to the point specified by (X ) and the C command value. After the completion of positioning, the M-tool spindle starts rotating in the forward direction.
  • Page 157: Tapping Cycle (G184)

    5238-E P-144 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES 8-8. Tapping Cycle (G184) Cutting starting point LE33013R0300900360001 [Program format] N100 N101 N102 G184 N103 G180 LE33013R0300900360002 Cycle operation : The axes are positioned in the G00 mode at the point specified by (X ) and the C command value.

  • Page 158: Longitudinal Thread Cutting Cycle (G185)

    5238-E P-145 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES 8-9. Longitudinal Thread Cutting Cycle (G185) Starting point LE33013R0300900370001 [Program format] N100 N101 N102 G185 N103 G180 LE33013R0300900370002 Cycle operation : The axes are positioned in the G00 mode at the point specified by (X — K) and the C command value.

  • Page 159: Transverse Thread Cutting Cycle (G186)

    5238-E P-146 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES 8-10. Transverse Thread Cutting Cycle (G186) LE33013R0300900380001 [Program format] N100 N101 N102 G186 N103 G180 LE33013R0300900380002 Cycle operation : The axes are positioned in the G00 mode to the point specified by (X — I, Z ) and the C command value.

  • Page 160: Longitudinal Straight Thread Cutting (G187)

    5238-E P-147 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES 8-11. Longitudinal Straight Thread Cutting (G187) Starting point + I, Z + I, Z LE33013R0300900390001 [Program format] N100 N101 N102 G187 N103 N104 G180 LE33013R0300900390002 Since the G187 cycle contains only Q and Q cycles, repeated designation of G187 in succession as in the program above can cut threads continuously.

  • Page 161: Transverse Straight Thread Cutting (G188)

    5238-E P-148 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES 8-12. Transverse Straight Thread Cutting (G188) Starting point + K) + K + K LE33013R0300900400001 [Program format] N100 N101 N102 G188 N103 N104 G180 LE33013R0300900400002 Since the G188 cycle contains only Q and Q cycles, repeated designation of G188 in succession as in the program above can cut threads continuously.

  • Page 162: Reaming/Boring Cycle (G189)

    5238-E P-149 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES 8-13. Reaming/Boring Cycle (G189) Cutting starting point LE33013R0300900410001 [Program format] N100 N101 N102 G189 N103 G180 LE33013R0300900410002 Cycle operation : The axes are positioned in the G00 mode to the point specified by (X ) and the C command value.

  • Page 163: Key Way Cutting (G190)

    5238-E P-150 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES 8-14. Key Way Cutting (G190) Side Key Way Cutting Start point (X Cutting starting point α/2 α/2 α/2 LE33013R0300900420001 [Program format] N100 N101 N102 G190 I D U E M211 M213 N103 G180 LE33013R0300900420002…

  • Page 164
    5238-E P-151 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES Face Key Way Cutting Start point (X α α Cutting starting point α LE33013R0300900420003 [Program format] N100 N101 N102 G190 K D W E F M211 M213 N103 G180 LE33013R0300900420004 Cycle operation : The X and Z axes are positioned at the designated position on the C-axis in the G00 mode. After the completion of positioning, the M-tool spindle starts rotating in the forward direction.
  • Page 165
    5238-E P-152 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES Key Way Cutting Modes In key way cutting cycles, it is possible to select the cutting direction and cutting method with M codes. (1) Selection of cutting direction (M211, M212) One-directional Cutting Mode (M211) Zigzag Cutting Mode (M212) Cutting in one direction Cutting direction changes…
  • Page 166: Synchronized Tapping Cycle

    5238-E P-153 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES • When the called fixed cycle mode is canceled, the control is in the M146 and M13 mode. Specify M147 and M12, if necessary. • The block right after the one canceling the fixed cycle mode must contain both X- and Z-axis commands.

  • Page 167
    5238-E P-154 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES [Supplement] When the one-point clutch specification is not selected for the M-tool spindle clutch, its start point is not guaranteed even when a D command is designated. : Number of threads Whenever the number of threads per inch is specified with inch taps, it is convenient to use J as an indicator, to avoid confusion with metric measurements.
  • Page 168
    5238-E P-155 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES : After the C-axis had been clamped, the M-tool spindle is synchronized with the Z-axis to point Z while being rotated in the forward direction. Axis motion is suspended at point Z until the M-tool spindle and the Z-axis come within the droop.
  • Page 169: Repeat Function

    5238-E P-156 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES 8-16. Repeat Function When cutting equally spaced holes, the use of the repeat function simplifies programming G183 G180 Specify the number of holes to be drilled. LE33013R0300900460001 The repeat function allows repeated designation in two blocks. Note that the repeat function is effective for G178, G179 and G181 through G184 and G189, G190 cycles.

  • Page 170: Drilling Depth Setting (Only For Drilling Cycles)

    5238-E P-157 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES Cycle start point Cycle start point α/2 α/2 α/2 α/2 With L command Without L command When L is programmed as 0, an alarm results. LE33013R0300900470002 8-18. Drilling Depth Setting (Only for drilling cycles) For the drilling cycles called by G178, G179, G181, G182, G183, G184, and G189, the drill hole depth may be specified by an R command (see below) from the position shifted to by I or K, instead of specifying the end point of the drilling cycles.

  • Page 171
    5238-E P-158 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES The direction of drilling is determined by the plus or minus sign of the R command. If R27 were specified instead of R-27 in the program above, the direction of the drilling cycle would be as indicated below.
  • Page 172
    5238-E P-159 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES Side Machining (With I command) C90° Program zero C0° (Actual Example) (Diagram) LE33013R0300900480005 Face Machining (With K command) Side Machining (With I command) Positioning of X- and C-axis at the Positioning of Z- and C-axis at the rapid feedrate rapid feedrate Positioning of Z-axis to the point…
  • Page 173: Selection Of Return Point

    5238-E P-160 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES 8-19. Selection of Return Point In the G178, G179, G181 through G184, G189 and G190 cycles, the return point after the completion of cutting can be selected by setting at Multi cycle return point of optional parameter (MULTIPLE MACHINING).

  • Page 174: M-Tool Spindle Interlock Release Function (Optional)

    5238-E P-161 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES 8-20. M-tool spindle Interlock Release Function (optional) Usually, an attempt to rotate the M-tool spindle while the C-axis is not in the joined state causes an alarm. However, using the M-tool spindle interlock release M code in the optional operation time reduction function allows rotation of the M-tool even if the C-axis is not in the joined state.

  • Page 175: Program Examples

    5238-E P-162 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES 8-22. Program Examples Example 1: Tool No. : T0101 ø15 hole Tool : ø15 drill 120φ C180 Command point Program zero 60φ SB = 400 min C270 LE33013R0300900520001 When drilling the four 15 mm dia. holes shown above, program as below using G181 for the drilling cycle.

  • Page 176
    5238-E P-163 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES [Supplement] • Tool rotation, and C-axis clamp and unclamp commands need not be designated in blocks N103 through N106 as they are generated automatically. • In block N104, which calls out the drilling cycle at the second hole, program only the commands differing from those specified in the previous block N103.
  • Page 177
    5238-E P-164 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES The deep-hole drilling cycle is executed in the peck feed mode. D word : peck feed stroke (mm) E word : duration of dwell motion (seconds) In the program shown above, peck feed in 10 mm increments (diameter value) is repeated until the programmed depth is reached, where dwell motion is executed for one second.
  • Page 178
    5238-E P-165 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES When cutting a thread having a width of 5 mm and 60 mm long as shown above, program as below using G185 to call out the thread cutting fixed cycle. The spindle indexes to the 0° position. Continued from turning operation program After the end mill is positioned to X95 at the rapid feedrate, it starts rotating…
  • Page 179
    5238-E P-166 SECTION 7 FIXED CYCLES When cutting a key way having a width of 5 mm and 20 mm long as shown above, program as below using G190 to call out the key way cutting fixed cycle. 1. The spindle is indexed Continued from turning operation program to the 90°…
  • Page 180: Overview

    5238-E P-167 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) Overview LAP (Lathe Auto-Programming) is a function to make full use of high-speed processing capability which characterizes the NC. With this function, the control automatically generates a tool path to produce the required part contour.

  • Page 181: G Codes Used To Designate Cutting Mode (G80, G81, G82, G83)

    5238-E P-168 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) G Codes Used to Designate Cutting Mode (G80, G81, G82, G83) There are five cutting modes available for the lathe automatic program (LAP) function: AP Mode I : for bar turning AP Mode II : for copy turning AP Mode III : for thread cutting AP Mode IV : for high-speed bar turning (LAP4 only)

  • Page 182: List Of Cutting Modes

    5238-E P-169 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) List of Cutting Modes In LAP, longitudinal or transverse mode can be designated for each of the AP modes I through V. The modes that can be used with LAP are summarized in the table below. Longitudinal Mode Transverse Mode e II…

  • Page 183
    5238-E P-170 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) (1) AP Mode I, Longitudinal Cutting Mode (G85 + G81 + G80) LE33013R0301000030011 Cutting is executed while shifting the cutting level by the depth of cut. A part program can be created by simply designating the finish contour data. (2) AP Mode II, Longitudinal Cutting Mode (G86 + G81 + G80) LE33013R0301000030012 Cutting is executed along the finish contour.
  • Page 184
    5238-E P-171 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) (4) AP Mode IV, Longitudinal Cutting Mode (G85 + G83 + G81 + G80) (LAP4 only) LE33013R0301000030014 The area between the blank material shape and the finish contour is cut. The cutting tool moves at the rapid feedrate in other areas.
  • Page 185
    5238-E P-172 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) (7) AP Mode II, Transverse Cutting Mode (G86 + G82 + G80) LE33013R0301000030017 (8) AP Mode III, Transverse Cutting Mode (G88 + G82 + G80) LE33013R0301000030018 (9) AP Mode IV, Transverse Cutting Mode (G85 + G83 + G82 + G80) (LAP4 only) LE33013R0301000030019…
  • Page 186
    5238-E P-173 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) (10) AP Mode V, Transverse Cutting Mode (G86 + G83 + G82 + G80) (LAP4 only) LE33013R0301000030020…
  • Page 187: Code And Parameter Lists

    5238-E P-174 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) Code and Parameter Lists The G codes, M codes, and parameters used with LAP are summarized below. G Codes G Code Description End of contour definition Start of contour definition, longitudinal Start of contour definition, transverse Start of blank shape definition (LAP4 only) Change of rough turning conditions, bar turning Bar turning rough turning cycle…

  • Page 188
    5238-E P-175 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) Data Setting Parameter Description Default Range X coordinate of rough turning condition No change of cutting |XB| ≤ 99999.999 change point B conditions at point B Z coordinate of rough turning condition No change of cutting |ZA| ≤…
  • Page 189: Bar Turning Cycle (G85)

    5238-E P-176 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) Bar Turning Cycle (G85) [Program format] N0103 NAT01 Sequence number Change of rough turning conditions Stock removal in finish turning cycle, Z component Stock removal in finish turning cycle, X component Feedrate in rough turning cycle Depth of cut in rough turning cycle Enter either tab or space code.

  • Page 190: Change Of Cutting Conditions In Bar Turning Cycle (G84)

    5238-E P-177 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) Change of Cutting Conditions in Bar Turning Cycle (G84) [Program format] • • • • • • XA = (ZA =) DA = FA = XB = (ZB =) DB = FB = Specifies the point where Feedrate after cutting cutting conditions are changed.

  • Page 191: Copy Turning Cycle (G86)

    5238-E P-178 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) Copy Turning Cycle (G86) [Program format] NO123 NAT02 Sequence number Stock removal in finish turning cycle, Z component Stock removal in finish turning cycle, X component Feedrate Depth of cut Enter either tab or space code. Sequence name in the first block of contour defining blocks G code calling out copy turning cycle To be designated right after sequence number (name).

  • Page 192: Finish Turning Cycle (G87)

    5238-E P-179 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) Finish Turning Cycle (G87) [Program format] NO203 NAT03 Sequence number Stock removal in finish turning cycle, Z component Stock removal in finish turning cycle, X component Enter either tab or space code. Sequence name in the first block of contour defining blocks G code calling out finish turning cycle To be designated right after sequence number (name).

  • Page 193: Continuous Thread Cutting Cycle (G88)

    5238-E P-180 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) Continuous Thread Cutting Cycle (G88) [Program format] N0143 NAT04 M32 (M33, M34) M73 (M74, M75) Sequence Cutting mode Cutting mode number Stock removal in finishing cycle, Z component Stock removal in finishing cycle, X component Tip point angle of thread cutting tool Height of thread to be cut Depth of cut…

  • Page 194: Ap Modes

    5238-E P-181 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) • In the M73 pattern, «H — U» must be greater than or equal to «D». H — U ≥ 0 If not, an alarm occurs. AP Modes AP modes I through V are explained here. You are advised to refer also to the «precautions» in section 10-5-5.

  • Page 195
    5238-E P-182 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) Contour definition ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ NAT01 Start of longitudinal contour definition G code N0001 N0002 N0003 Finish contour definition blocks N0004 N0005 N0006 N0007 N0008 ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ End of contour definition G code Rough Turning Cycle N0101 Tool change position N0102…
  • Page 196
    5238-E P-183 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) 10-1-2. Tool Path and Program — Transverse Cutting Tool change position (Zt, Xt) AP starting point (Zs, Xs) (Za, Xa) (Zb, Xb) (Zc, Xc) (Zd, Xd) (Ze, Xe) (Zf, Xf) (Zg, Xg) LE33013R0301000130001…
  • Page 197
    5238-E P-184 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) Contour definition G82 ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ NAT01 Start of transverse contour definition G code N0011 N0012 N0013 N0014 Finish contour definition blocks N0015 N0016 N0017 ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ End of contour definition G code N0018 Rough Turning Cycle Tool change position N0111 Starting point of AP, S, T, and M for rough turning cycle…
  • Page 198
    5238-E P-185 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) (3) The NAT01 command in block N0103 causes the control to search for the program assigned the program name NAT01. A rough turning cycle in the bar turning mode is performed with this program.
  • Page 199
    5238-E P-186 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) (5) Cutting is performed in the G01 mode up to point B where the straight line parallel to the Z-axis and passing through point A intersects the final contour of the rough turning cycle. The feedrate in this cutting cycle is the one selected by the F word when the rough turning cycle was called out.
  • Page 200
    5238-E P-187 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) (8) This completes the final rough turning cycle. The Z-axis returns to Zp as determined in step (4) at the rapid feedrate and then the X axis returns to Xp. Z-axis return A ( Zp, Xp ) ( Za, Xa ) LE33013R0301000140004…
  • Page 201
    5238-E P-188 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) (11) Subsequently, steps (6) and (7) are repeated. The Z-axis then returns to the point where cutting along the X-axis was started in the G01 mode in step (10). After the completion of Z- axis positioning, the X-axis is positioned at the point where the previous cutting cycle was started.
  • Page 202
    5238-E P-189 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) (13) The steps described above are repeated until the X-axis reaches the level where a tool path is generated below the «Xa + U» level. When this level is reached, the final rough turning is carried out along the contour up to point B.
  • Page 203: Ap Mode Ii (Copy Turning)

    5238-E P-190 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) Finish bar turning cycle — longitudinal cutting (example A) (1) The commands in block N0201 position the axes at the tool change position. (2) With the commands in block N0202, the S, T, and M commands for the finish turning cycle are selected.

  • Page 204
    5238-E P-191 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) 10-2-1. Tool Path and Program — Longitudinal Cutting AP starting point (Zs, Xs) Tool change position (At, Xt) (Zg, Xg) (Zd, Xd) (Zc, Xc) (Zf, Xf) (Ze, Xe) (Za, Xa) (Zb, Xb) LE33013R0301000160001 Contour Definition …………….
  • Page 205
    5238-E P-192 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) 10-2-2. Tool Path and Program — Transverse Cutting Tool change position (Zt, Xt) AP starting point (Zs, Xs) (Za, Xa) (Zb, Xb) (Zc, Xc) (Zd, Xd) (Ze, Xe) (Zf, Xf) (Zg, Xg) LE33013R0301000170001 Contour Definition …………….
  • Page 206
    5238-E P-193 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) 10-2-3. Outline of Copy Turning Cycle Rough turning cycle in the longitudinal direction (example A) (1) The commands in block N0121 position the axes at the tool change position. (2) With the commands in block N0122, S, T, and M commands for the rough turning cycle are selected, then the axes are positioned at the AP starting point.
  • Page 207
    5238-E P-194 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) (5) Cutting is started from (Xp, Zp) to the target point (*1) calculated by the OSP. *1: The target point is the point obtained by offsetting the points commanded in the contour definition by XOFF + U + ZOFF + W), parallel to the respective axis directions.
  • Page 208
    5238-E P-195 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) (7) This completes the first rough cutting cycle. The new XOFF and ZOFF are calculated and steps (4) through (6) are repeated. The positions for the Nth cycle are calculated as follows. Xp = Xs –…
  • Page 209: Ap Mode Iii (Continuous Thread Cutting Cycle)

    5238-E P-196 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) Finish cut cycle — longitudinal cutting (example A) (1) The commands in block N0221 position the axes at the tool change position. (2) With the commands in block N0222, the S, T, and M commands for the finish turning cycle are selected.

  • Page 210: Ap Mode Iv (High-Speed Bar Turning Cycle)

    5238-E P-197 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) Contour definition …………….NAT40 Longitudinal contour definition N0401 N0402 N0403 N0404 …………….N0405 End of contour definition Programming Calling for Thread Cutting Cycle N0141 N0142 N0143 NAT40 M32(M33, M34) M73(M74, M75) B H D U LE33013R0301000190002 Outline of Continuous Thread Cutting Cycle in the Longitudinal Direction (1) The commands in block N0141 select the S, T, and M commands for thread cutting.

  • Page 211
    5238-E P-198 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) 10-4-1. Tool Path and Program — Longitudinal Cutting AP starting point (Zs, Xs) (Zn, Xn) (Zg, Xg) (Zk, Xk) (Zj, Xj) DA/2 23 20 DA/2 (Zm, Xm) (Zl, Xl) (Zh, Xh) (Zi, Xi) (Zd, Xd) DA/2 DA/2…
  • Page 212
    5238-E P-199 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) Contour Definition …………….NAT60 1) Blank material shape definition start G code N0601 N0602 N0603 N0604 2) Blank material shape definition blocks N0605 N0606 N0607 …………….N0608 3) Finish contour definition start G code N0609 N0610 N0611…
  • Page 213
    5238-E P-200 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) 10-4-2. Tool Path and Program — Transverse Cutting AP starting point (Zs, Xs) (Zh, Xh) (Za, Xa) (Zi, Xi) (Zb, Xb) (Zj, Xj) (Zc, Xc) (Zd, Xd) (Ze, Xe) (Zf, Xf) (Zg, Xg) LE33013R0301000220001…
  • Page 214
    5238-E P-201 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) Contour Definition …………….NAT70 1) Blank material shape definition start G code N0701 N0702 2) Blank material shape definition blocks N0703 …………….N0704 3) Finish contour definition start G code N0705 N0706 N0707 4) Finish contour definition blocks N0708…
  • Page 215
    5238-E P-202 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) The entries in programs A and B are described in 1) through 7) below. (1) Blank material shape definition start G code (G83) • This code declares the start of blank workpiece shape definition. •…
  • Page 216
    5238-E P-203 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) (7) Calls for finish turning cycle Finish turning cycle is carried out by designating G87 and calling for the finish contour definition blocks starting with G81 or G82. [Supplement] 1) The blank material shape definition must always come before the blocks defining the finish contour.
  • Page 217
    5238-E P-204 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) If M85 is designated in this block, tool retraction to the AP starting point at the completion of rough turning can be canceled. This eliminates unnecessary tool motion which is generated when the same tool is used in the next machining process. To change the cutting conditions during the rough turning cycle, designate the following commands with G84.
  • Page 218
    5238-E P-205 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) (5) The cutting is performed in the G01 mode up to point B where the straight line parallel to the Z- axis and passing through point A intersects the final contour of the rough turning cycle. The feedrate in this cutting cycle is as selected by the F word when the rough turning cycle is called out.
  • Page 219
    5238-E P-206 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) (6) After point B is reached, the final contour of the rough turning cycle is cut up to the point whose X coordinate is Xb + D. If G80, indicating the end of contour definition, is found before this point is reached, the final rough turning contour is cut up to the point specified in the block preceding the G80 block.
  • Page 220
    5238-E P-207 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) (8) This completes the first rough turning cycle. The Z-axis returns to the next infeed point at the rapid feedrate and then the X-axis to Xs. The next infeed starting point is the point distanced from the point of intersection between the blank material shape and the line which is parallel to the Z-axis and whose X-coordinate is «the X-coordinate of the first infeed line — D»…
  • Page 221
    5238-E P-208 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) Steps (4) through (8) are repeated up to the cutting condition change point. After that point, the same cycle is repeated with the depth of cut (D) and feedrate (F) changed. Feedrate F DA/2 Feedrate FA DA/2…
  • Page 222
    5238-E P-209 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) (10) Steps (10) and (11) are repeated until the most recessed section along the X-axis is cut. After it has been cut, both the X- and Z-axis retract by 0.1 mm (radius value for the X-axis), and the X- axis is positioned at the point whose coordinate value is «the first cutting level along the descending slope D + 0.2″…
  • Page 223
    5238-E P-210 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) (12) At the completion of step (13), the axes return to the AP starting point (Xs, Zs). There are two patterns of axis return motion: The two axes return to the AP starting point simultaneously when G00 is designated in the first block of the contour definition program (the block following the one containing either G81 or G82).
  • Page 224
    5238-E P-211 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) 10-4-4. Precautions when Performing High-speed Bar Turning Finish contour end point In AP Mode IV, the portion beyond the Z-coordinate (X-coordinate in the transverse direction) of the finish contour end point (final rough turning contour when stock removal is designated using the U or W command) is not cut even when the blank material shape for that portion has been designated.
  • Page 225
    5238-E P-212 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) • X-coordinate of the infeed line ≤ Bsp (X) For cutting from the finish contour start point Bsp along the finish contour, the cutting tool is first positioned in the G00 mode at the rapid feedrate at «Bsp (Z) + Lc, Bsp (X)», which is distanced from point Bsp by the LAP clearance amount (Lc), and it is then positioned at point Bsp at a cutting feedrate in the G01 mode.
  • Page 226
    5238-E P-213 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) • X-coordinate of the infeed line ≥ Bsp (X) When cutting from finish contour start point Bsp along the finish contour, the cutting tool is directly positioned at point Bsp (Z, X) at the rapid feedrate. AP starting point (Zs, Xs) Blank material shape Workpiece shape after the tool nose radius…
  • Page 227: Ap Mode V (Bar Copying Cycle)

    5238-E P-214 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) 10-5. AP Mode V (Bar Copying Cycle) [Function] In AP Mode V, the blank material shape data is input in addition to the finish contour shape data. The blank material shape is programmed in the blocks starting with G83. Cutting is parallel to the designated blank material shape.

  • Page 228
    5238-E P-215 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) Contour Definition …………….NAT80 1) Blank material shape definition start G code N0801 N0802 N0803 N0804 N0805 2) Blank material shape definition blocks N0806 N0807 N0808 N0809 …………….N0810 3) Finish contour definition start G code N0811 N0812 N0813…
  • Page 229
    5238-E P-216 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) 10-5-2. Tool Path and Program — Transverse Cutting AP starting point (Zs, Xs) (Zh, Xh) (Za, Xa) (Zi, Xi) 1713 (Zb, Xb) (Zj, Xj) (Zc, Xc) (Zd, Xd) 18 6 (Ze, Xe) (Zf, Xf) (Zg, Xg) LE33013R0301000280001…
  • Page 230
    5238-E P-217 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) Contour Definition …………….NAT90 1) Blank material shape definition start G code N0901 N0902 N0903 2) Blank material shape definition blocks N0904 N0905 …………….N0906 3) Finish contour definition start G code N0907 N0908 N0909…
  • Page 231
    5238-E P-218 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) (3) Finish contour definition start G code • This code declares the start of finish contour definition. • The blocks following the G81 or G82 block and followed by the G80 block define the finish contour.
  • Page 232
    5238-E P-219 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) [Supplement] 1) The blank material shape definition must always come before the blocks defining the finish contour. 2) The blank material shape must be defined in the same direction as the finish contour is defined. 3) There are cases in which the NC changes the first element data of the blank material shape to shorten cycle time.
  • Page 233
    5238-E P-220 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) 10-5-3. Outline of Bar Copying Cycle Rough turning cycle in the longitudinal direction (example A) (1) The commands in block N0181 position the axes at the tool change point. (2) With the commands in block N0182, S, T, and M commands for rough cut cycle are selected, and then the axes are positioned at the LAP starting point.
  • Page 234
    5238-E P-221 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) • The LAP clearance amount (Lc) is set for the optional parameter (OTHER FUNCTION 1) in units of µ. Blank material shape (Zj, Xj) AP starting point (Zs, Xs) Finish contour (Zc, Xc) (Zh, Xh) (Za, Xh) (Zi, Xi) LcA»…
  • Page 235
    5238-E P-222 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) 0.1mm 0.1mm LE33013R0301000290003 (7) This completes the first rough turning cycle. The cutting tool is then positioned at the next infeed starting point B at the rapid feedrate. When the X-coordinate at the completion of the first rough turning cycle is smaller than the largest X- coordinate of the next cutting level, the cutting tool moves up to the point «largest X-coordinate + 0.2 mm»…
  • Page 236
    5238-E P-223 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) (8) When the «Xh — 2D» value is smaller than the Xa value, the finish contour start point is taken as the next infeed starting point B. When a U or W command has been designated, the final rough turning contour is taken as the next infeed starting point B.
  • Page 237
    5238-E P-224 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) In rough turning cycles in AP Mode IV, the axes return to the point where cutting along the shifted blank material has been started according to the following procedure: • The X-axis is positioned at the point «largest X-coordinate in that cutting cycle + 0.2 mm (0.008 in.) (diameter value)».
  • Page 238
    5238-E P-225 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) (11) After the completion of step (10), the axes return to the AP starting point (Zs, Xs). There are two patterns of axis return motion: • The two axes return to the AP starting point simultaneously when G00 is designated in the first block of the contour definition program (the block following the one containing either G81 or G82).
  • Page 239
    5238-E P-226 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) 10-5-4. Precautions when Executing a Bar Copying Cycle When the direction to define the blank material shape or finish contour is opposite to the cutting direction, an alarm occurs. In such cases, define the shape again or divide the machining process. Cutting direction Blank material shape End point…
  • Page 240
    5238-E P-227 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) 10-5-5. Precautions • Be sure to designate the contour defining sequence name right after the G code calling for execution of a LAP program: G85, G86, G87 and G88 • The G83 (G81 or G82) code used to indicate the start of contour definition must be assigned a proper sequence name.
  • Page 241
    5238-E P-228 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) • The maximum programmable number of descending slopes in AP Mode I and AP Mode IV is ten (10). LE33013R0301000310002 • For the shape illustrated above, the number of descending slopes is five. •…
  • Page 242
    5238-E P-229 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) (1) ID machining The cutting tool may interfere with the workpiece. Correct the program as necessary, for example, change the AP starting point. From AP Mode IV to AP Mode I AP starting point AP starting point In AP Mode IV In AP Mode I…
  • Page 243
    5238-E P-230 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) (2) Copy turning in descending slope In the AP Mode II, the diameter must be largest at the end point of the contour definition portion (must be smallest in ID turning). Otherwise, the cutting tool interferes with the workpiece. From AP Mode V to AP Mode II In AP Mode V In AP Mode II…
  • Page 244
    5238-E P-231 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) For ID cutting: Zs > Za, Xs < Xa (Za, Xa) (Zs, Xs) LE33013R0301000310006 For OD cutting: Zs > Za, Xs > Xa (Zs, Xs) (Za, Xa) LE33013R0301000310007 Bear the above relationships in mind when designating the AP starting point and the cutting start point.
  • Page 245: Application Of Lap Function

    5238-E P-232 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) Application of LAP Function 1.5C LE33013R0301000320001…

  • Page 246
    5238-E P-233 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) Machining Example using the AP Mode I Program Example: O0001 NAT1 N001 Z102 N002 Z100 F0.2 N003 N004 N005 N006 N007 E0.4 (Contour Definition) N008 N009 E0.45 N010 N011 Z53.5 E0.4 N012 N013 E0.45 N014…
  • Page 247
    5238-E P-234 SECTION 8 LATHE AUTO-PROGRAMMING FUNCTION (LAP) Machining Example using the AP Mode IV Program Example: O0002 NAT1 N001 Z102 N002 X122 N003 N004 N005 Z102 N006 Z100 F0.2 N007 N008 N009 (Contour Definition) N010 N011 E0.4 N012 N013 E0.45 N014 N015…
  • Page 248: Contour Generation Programming Function (Face)

    5238-E P-235 SECTION 9 CONTOUR GENERATION SECTION 9 CONTOUR GENERATION Contour Generation Programming Function (Face) 1-1. Function Overview The contour generation function can cut straight lines or arcs on the end face of a workpiece by simultaneous two-axis interpolation of the C- and X-axes on multi-machining models. Note that simultaneous three-axis control of X, Z, and C axes is possible for straight line cutting on a plane.

  • Page 249: Programming Examples

    5238-E P-236 SECTION 9 CONTOUR GENERATION 1-3. Programming Examples Straight line cutting (G101) Example 1: End point B = 100, Z = 160 = 60 Direction of C-axis rotation C180 = 100, Z = 120 = 300 C270 Section View of Point A′ Front View A′…

  • Page 250
    5238-E P-237 SECTION 9 CONTOUR GENERATION Example 2: Direction of C-axis rotation = 100 = 90 = 100 = 100 = 180 = 100 = 270 LE33013R0301100030004 Program: ..N101 M110 C-axis join ..N102 M146 C-axis unclamp ..N103 X100 T0101 SB = 250…
  • Page 251
    5238-E P-238 SECTION 9 CONTOUR GENERATION Arc cutting (G102, G103) Example 1: G102 = 100 G102 End point B = 30 Direction of C-axis rotation C180 = 100 Start point A = 330 C270 LE33013R0301100030006 Program: ..N101 M110 C-axis join ..
  • Page 252
    5238-E P-239 SECTION 9 CONTOUR GENERATION Example 2: G103 = 100 = 90 = 100 = 150 G102 = 100 = 30 G103 C180 = 100 = 330 = 100 = 210 Direction of C-axis rotation = 100 C270 = 270 LE33013R0301100030008 Program: ..
  • Page 253
    5238-E P-240 SECTION 9 CONTOUR GENERATION Example 3: G103 = 80 = 120 = 180 C180 = 120 C270 LE33013R0301100030010 Program: ..N101 M110 C-axis join ..N102 M146 C-axis unclamp ..N103 X120 T0101 SB = 250 Positioning ..N104 Z120 Start point A…
  • Page 254
    5238-E P-241 SECTION 9 CONTOUR GENERATION Combination with Coordinate System Conversion Function Example 1: Start point A Point B R (Cutter radius) C180 Point D Point C Direction of C-axis rotation C270 LE33013R0301100030012 V1 = R (cutter radius) The cutter radius value should be set for common variable V1 in advance. Program: ..
  • Page 255
    5238-E P-242 SECTION 9 CONTOUR GENERATION Example 2: r = radius of arc to be cut ç = depth of cut Data to be θ = angle designated: R = cutter radius Start point A D = workpiece diameter The X and Y coordinate values of the start End point B point can be calculated as follows: X = (r — R) sinA…
  • Page 256
    5238-E P-243 SECTION 9 CONTOUR GENERATION Program: ..N101 M110 C-axis join ..N102 M146 C-axis unclamp ..N103 G137 Start of coordinate system conversion N104 X[200-V1]∗SIN[35] Y220+60-[200-V1]∗COS[35] T0101 SB=250 ..N105 Z100 Positioning at start point A N106 G102 X-[200-V1]∗SIN[35] Y220+60-[200-V1]∗COS[35] ..
  • Page 257: Supplementary Information

    5238-E P-244 SECTION 9 CONTOUR GENERATION 1-4. Supplementary Information Special operation in the G101 mode If the tool paths commanded without the cutter radius compensation function or the tool paths calculated as a result of activation of the cutter radius compensation function are straight lines passing through the center of the X-C coordinate, the following special operation occurs.

  • Page 258
    5238-E P-245 SECTION 9 CONTOUR GENERATION (4) When the start and end points lie at the opposite sides of the C-axis center with the C-axis commands at these points 180° apart: C = 90° Start point C = 0° End point LE33013R0301100040004 In this case, first only the X-axis moves until it reaches «0».
  • Page 259
    5238-E P-246 SECTION 9 CONTOUR GENERATION • In the G101, G102, and G103 mode, the direction of C-axis rotation is determined by the control according to the programmed shape, regardless of M15 or M16. • An alarm occurs if a C-axis command is designated in the M109 or M147 mode. •…
  • Page 260: Contour Generation Programming Function (Side)

    5238-E P-247 SECTION 9 CONTOUR GENERATION Contour Generation Programming Function (Side) 2-1. Overview This function carries out arc-form machining on the periphery (side face) of a workpiece on a multiple machining model by feeding the Z-axis while rotating the C-axis. Programming is performed on the plane which is obtained by developing the cylindrical surface.

  • Page 261: Programming Format

    5238-E P-248 SECTION 9 CONTOUR GENERATION The circular interpolation direction, tool nose radius compensation direction, and other factors are determined based on the selected plane. 2-2. Programming Format Circular interpolation (CW) on side : G132 Z C L F face Z, C : Coordinates of end point for circular interpolation (CW) on contour generation side…

  • Page 262
    5238-E P-249 SECTION 9 CONTOUR GENERATION • For circular interpolation between two points A and B on the side face, there are two possible paths which have the same radius and a center angle of less than 180° since the C-axis is a rotary axis and the coordinate values are continuous in 360 degree cycles.
  • Page 263
    5238-E P-250 SECTION 9 CONTOUR GENERATION • Designating the Side Contour Generation Programming Mode The system enters the side contour generation programming mode when G119 is designated and the mode is turned off when G119 is canceled. Although G119 is originally used for the designation of the Z-C plane as the offset plane in the nose R compensation mode, it is also used to call out the side contour generation programming mode when this function is used.
  • Page 264: Function Overview

    5238-E P-251 SECTION 10 COORDINATE SYSTEM CONVERSION SECTION 10 COORDINATE SYSTEM CONVERSION Function Overview Multiple-machining models have a function to convert the program commands designated in the Cartesian coordinate system into X and C-axis data in the polar coordinate system on-line. This function simplifies programming when a hole on the end face of a workpiece is not specified by the angle but by the vertical distance from a radius vector.

  • Page 265: Conversion Format

    5238-E P-252 SECTION 10 COORDINATE SYSTEM CONVERSION Conversion Format The radius vector and C-axis angle after coordinate conversion are calculated with the formula below. X′ θ C = 0° Radius vector, X′ = (Y/X) + θ Angle, C = tan LE33013R0301200020001 Program Examples G137 is effective until G136 is designated.

  • Page 266
    5238-E P-253 SECTION 10 COORDINATE SYSTEM CONVERSION Example 2: G01 mode machining at P N011 G137 N012 X-10 Y-50 N013 N014 Z125 N015 Z150 N016 G136 20° C = 0° LE33013R0301200030002 Note: Use X and Y words only for positioning.
  • Page 267: Supplementary Information

    5238-E P-254 SECTION 10 COORDINATE SYSTEM CONVERSION Supplementary Information When creating the orthogonal coordinate system by the coordinate system conversion command, it is possible to select whether or not the C-axis zero shift is included by the setting at the following parameter: C-axis zero shift in G137 of optional parameter (MULTIPLE MACHINING) [Supplement]…

  • Page 268: Programming

    5238-E P-255 SECTION 11 PROGRAMMING FOR SIMULTANEOUS 4-AXIS CUTS (2S Model) SECTION 11 PROGRAMMING FOR SIMULTANEOUS 4- AXIS CUTS (2S Model) This section describes the programming for operations where a single workpiece is machined with two tools at the same time. Programming 1-1.

  • Page 269: Synchronization Command (P Code)

    5238-E P-256 SECTION 11 PROGRAMMING FOR SIMULTANEOUS 4-AXIS CUTS (2S Model) 1-2. Synchronization Command (P Code) [Function] In simultaneous 4-axis operation, although two turrets can be operated independently, there are operations that require synchronized control of two turrets; spindle rotation during cutting using tools in both turrets is an example that requires such control.

  • Page 270: Waiting Synchronization M Code (M100) For Simultaneous Cuts

    5238-E P-257 SECTION 11 PROGRAMMING FOR SIMULTANEOUS 4-AXIS CUTS (2S Model) 1-3. Waiting Synchronization M Code (M100) for Simultaneous Cuts Waiting synchronization of turrets A and B during simultaneous cuts can be commanded with M100. X800 S250 T0101 X132 M100 F0.35 X800 Z200…

  • Page 271: Programming Format

    5238-E P-258 SECTION 11 PROGRAMMING FOR SIMULTANEOUS 4-AXIS CUTS (2S Model) Programming Format Selects N0000 turret A N0001 Commands Cutting program for turret A here apply to turret A N0049 Selects N0050 turret B N0051 Commands Cutting program for turret B here apply to turret B N0100…

  • Page 272
    5238-E P-259 SECTION 11 PROGRAMMING FOR SIMULTANEOUS 4-AXIS CUTS (2S Model) • The blocks dominated by the respective G codes, G13 and G14, are continuous as a program. That is, N0101 directly follows N0049 and N0151 follows N0099. Therefore, when the S, T, and M commands in these blocks are the same as designated in N0001 and N0051, respectively, they can be omitted.
  • Page 273: Precautions On Programming Simultaneous 4-Axis Cuts

    5238-E P-260 SECTION 11 PROGRAMMING FOR SIMULTANEOUS 4-AXIS CUTS (2S Model) * If the P number in block N0002 is made, for example, P200, i.e., if the P number does not match, the control first executes the commands in N0001 for turret A and those in N0101 for turret B.

  • Page 274
    5238-E P-261 SECTION 11 PROGRAMMING FOR SIMULTANEOUS 4-AXIS CUTS (2S Model) • Determine the cutting conditions so that a total of the cutting power required by the two turrets will not exceed the capacity of the machine. Other considerations • The use of the INDIVIDUAL switch allows the turrets to be operated independently, facilitating checking of trial cuts.
  • Page 275: Programming Example

    5238-E P-262 SECTION 11 PROGRAMMING FOR SIMULTANEOUS 4-AXIS CUTS (2S Model) Programming Example <Workpiece Dimensions> Material : S45C (JIS, carbon steel) Stock : 3mm (in radius) Part to be cut with tools on rear turret Program zero Part to be cut with tools on front turret LE33013R0301300070001 <Tooling and Cutting Conditions>…

  • Page 276
    5238-E P-263 SECTION 11 PROGRAMMING FOR SIMULTANEOUS 4-AXIS CUTS (2S Model) The net cutting time per piece is 68 seconds when the part is cut in 4-axis simultaneous cut mode. It is 131 seconds (= 68 + 63) if the part is cut in the conventional manner. This means that simultaneous 4-axis cut yields nearly a 48% saving on cutting time.
  • Page 277: Program Process Sheet

    5238-E P-264 SECTION 11 PROGRAMMING FOR SIMULTANEOUS 4-AXIS CUTS (2S Model) 4-1. Program Process Sheet The program below performs simultaneous end face cutting and OD turning by turret A and ID turning by turret B. Program name O100 Selection of turret A N000 N001 X800…

  • Page 278: Section 12User Task

    5238-E P-265 SECTION 12 USER TASK SECTION 12 USER TASK Overview Operations and functions constructed as one group of instructions are stored in the memory when assigned a program name like a subprogram. The stored subprogram can be accessed from the main program by specifying the program name, which represents a group of instructions, and the operations and functions in that program can be executed.

  • Page 279: Types Of User Task Function

    5238-E P-266 SECTION 12 USER TASK • Parts with similar contours When dimensions of points where circular arcs intersect or a circular arc and a tapered segment intersect each other are not indicated on a part drawing but can be calculated with a number of expressions, a user task program for these parts can be programmed using expressions.

  • Page 280
    5238-E P-267 SECTION 12 USER TASK Function and Contents User Task 1 User Task 2 Main program Main program Subprogram Usable programs Schedule program Schedule program System subprogram ‘GOTO statement’ ‘IF statement’ ‘CALL statement’ ‘GOTO statement’ ‘RTS statement’ Control statement function ‘IF statement’ ‘MODIN statement’ ‘MODOUT statement’…
  • Page 281: Fundamental Functions Of User Task

    5238-E P-268 SECTION 12 USER TASK 2-3. Fundamental Functions of User Task The basic user task functions are largely classified into the following three functions: Control Statement Function This function allows you to control the execution order of programmed sequences using the statements such as IF, GOTO, and CALL.

  • Page 282: User Task

    5238-E P-269 SECTION 12 USER TASK User Task 1 The basic functions of User Task 1 (control statement function, variable function, arithmetic operation function) are described here. 3-1. Control Statement Function 1 The User Task can use the following eight control statements. Of these, the GOTO statement and the IF statement are User Task 1 functions.

  • Page 283
    5238-E P-270 SECTION 12 USER TASK 3-1-1. GOTO Statement (Unconditional Branch) [Programming format] GOTO Indicates the sequence name of the block that is the jump destination (mandatory). Indicates a «GOTO» statement. Sequence name of this block (can be omitted) LE33013R0301400070001 [Function] Program execution jumps unconditionally to the block indicated by N1 and that block is executed.
  • Page 284
    5238-E P-271 SECTION 12 USER TASK [Function] • When the conditional expression is true (Example 1) or when the local variable is defined (Example 2), sequence execution jumps to sequence N1. • When the conditional expression is false (Example1) or when the local variable is not defined (Example 2), the following sequence is executed.
  • Page 285: Variables

    5238-E P-272 SECTION 12 USER TASK 3-2. Variables Three types of variable are used: • Common variables • Local variables • System variables These three types of variable differ in their uses and characteristics. 3-2-1. Common Variables The term «common» in «common variables» can be literally understood as common; they can be used in common for main and subprograms.

  • Page 286
    5238-E P-273 SECTION 12 USER TASK 3-2-2. Local Variables As is apparent from the term «local», local variables are the variables that a user can set as desired with meaningful names assigned to them. Up to 127 local variables each can be used for the A and B saddles.
  • Page 287
    5238-E P-274 SECTION 12 USER TASK • When new data is assigned to a local variable already registered with other data, that old data is updated. Main program N0010 DIA1 = 160 In N0010, numerical data «160» is assigned to local variable name «DIA1», and this data remains effective up to sequence N0049.
  • Page 288
    5238-E P-275 SECTION 12 USER TASK • When using local variables in a called subprogram, and there are several local variables with the same name registered in the memory, the data of the local variable which last had that name registered is used. The local variables set in the block containing the CALL statement are all cleared when the RTS statement in the called subprogram is executed.
  • Page 289
    5238-E P-276 SECTION 12 USER TASK • When a local variable is newly set in a subprogram, its name and numerical data are registered in the memory. They are effective only in the subprogram in which they are set, and are cleared when the RTS statement in that subprogram is executed.
  • Page 290
    5238-E P-277 SECTION 12 USER TASK 3-2-3. System Variables A system variable is a variable specific to a particular system and its name is fixed. The system variables are not cleared when the control is reset. The system variables available are: •…
  • Page 291
    5238-E P-278 SECTION 12 USER TASK Zero offset variables ..VZOFZ Zero OFfset of Z-axis Zero OFf set Z-axis ..VZOFX Zero OFfset of X-axis ..VZOFC Zero OFfset of C-axis (for multi-machining model) LE33013R0301400140001 Set variables in the following manner: VZOFZ = 12364.256. Zero shift variables ..
  • Page 292
    5238-E P-279 SECTION 12 USER TASK Variable soft limit variables ..VPVLZ PositiVe Limit on Z-axis PositiVe Limit Z-axis ..VPVLX PositiVe Limit on X-axis ..VNVLZ NegatiVe Limit on Z-axis NegatiVe Limit Z-axis ..VNVLX NegatiVe Limit on X-axis LE33013R0301400180001 Set variables in the following manner: VPVLZ = 2352.168.
  • Page 293
    5238-E P-280 SECTION 12 USER TASK Droop variables ..VINPZ Droop amount on Z-axis IN Position Z-axis IN Position Z-axis ..VINPX Droop amount on X-axis IN Position X-axis ..VINPC Droop amount on C-axis IN Position C-axis LE33013R0301400200001 Pitch error compensation variables These variables are only effective when the pitch error compensation specification function is featured.
  • Page 294
    5238-E P-281 SECTION 12 USER TASK Alarm comment variables ..VUACM User alarm comments of up to 16 characters can be designated. VUACM[1] ~ VUACM[16] This variable is cleared when the NC is reset. User Alarm CoMment LE33013R0301400230001 For the alarm variable, a character-string or a hexadecimal code (prefixed by the $ symbol) in quotation marks (’…
  • Page 295
    5238-E P-282 SECTION 12 USER TASK Program example 3: ..corresponds to PART N101 VUACM [1] = ‘ -L ^ K]’ ..=GEAR N102 VUACM [5] = ‘ = GEAR’ N103 VDOUT [992] = 1000 LE33013R0301400230005 After the execution of the program above, an alarm with a comment can be generated in N103. Screen display 2288 Alarm B User reserve code…
  • Page 296
    5238-E P-283 SECTION 12 USER TASK 3-2-4. I/O read variables The I/O read variables are the system variables used to read the status of panel inputs and outputs or EC inputs and outputs. These system variables are read-only. [Command format] •…
  • Page 297
    5238-E P-284 SECTION 12 USER TASK <Method of obtaining logical I/O address> Reading an input status Procedure : Search for the I/O signal that you want to refer to from the I/O bit table, and check its label. If, for example, you want to check «Door close confirmation», find the label «iDRCL». Activate the I/O monitor and press the function key «Srch»…
  • Page 298
    5238-E P-285 SECTION 12 USER TASK Reading an output status Procedure : Search for the I/O signal that you want to refer to from the I/O bit table, and check its label. If, for example, you want to check «Machine lock», find the label «opMLCK». Search for «opMLCK»…
  • Page 299: Arithmetic Operation Function 1

    5238-E P-286 SECTION 12 USER TASK 3-3. Arithmetic Operation Function 1 This function allows arithmetic operation using variables. The programming can be done in the same way as for general arithmetic expressions. [Program format] Address character, Extended address character, Variable = Expression The expression on the right-hand side, requesting an arithmetic operation, is made up of constants, variables, comparison expressions, and operators.

  • Page 300: User Task

    5238-E P-287 SECTION 12 USER TASK User Task 2 User Task 2 allows the use of more functions than are provided by User Task 1, including I/O variables, boolean operations, function operations, and control statements such as the CALL statement, MODIN/MODOUT statements, and PUT/GET statements. 4-1.

  • Page 301
    5238-E P-288 SECTION 12 USER TASK 4-1-2. RTS Statement — End of Subprogram [Program Format] Indicates an RTS statement The sequence name of this block (can be omitted) LE33013R0301400310001 [Function] This RTS statement must always be specified at the end of a subprogram. Executing the RTS block ends the called subprogram and the execution sequence jumps to the block right after the one containing the CALL statement.
  • Page 302
    5238-E P-289 SECTION 12 USER TASK Example 2: Main Program N1000 CALL O1234 XP1 = 150 ZP1 = 10 N1001 Subprogram O1234 N001 N050 LE33013R0301400320003 When block N1000 in the main program is executed, sequence execution jumps to subprogram O1234. The subprogram is executed from N001 and when the control reads the RTS statement in N050, sequence execution then jumps back to N1001 of the main program and the commands in that block and subsequent blocks are executed.
  • Page 303
    5238-E P-290 SECTION 12 USER TASK 4-1-4. MODOUT Statement [Program Format] MODOUT Designates a MODOUT statement Sequence name of this block (can be omitted) LE33013R0301400340001 [Function] This is the statement to cancel the MODIN mode. • The MODIN mode must be canceled by a MODOUT statement designated in the same program.
  • Page 304
    5238-E P-291 SECTION 12 USER TASK Nesting and effective range of MODIN/MODOUT mode The permissible nesting level in MODIN/MODOUT mode is eight. Example: Two nesting levels Main Program Subprogram O1000 N001 MODIN O1000 N1001 N010 MODIN O2000 N1010 N011 N012 O2000 N2001 N020…
  • Page 305
    5238-E P-292 SECTION 12 USER TASK 4-1-5. READ/WRITE Statement READ and WRITE statements are used for communications with external devices through the RS232C interface. They are used in conjunction with the GET/PUT statement described in (6) below. [Program format] READ Channel designation for RS232C interface n =0⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅CN0 : or TT :…
  • Page 306
    5238-E P-293 SECTION 12 USER TASK [Supplement] • The following situations during data transmission will cause Alarm B. • The number of characters of transmission data exceeds 160. • Transmission of data through RS232C interface stops for more than determined period of time.
  • Page 307
    5238-E P-294 SECTION 12 USER TASK [Function] GET statement : This reads out the numerical data (JlS8 code) from the read area where the data has been stored by the READ statement and sets it for the variable designated. PUT statement : This stores the numerical data and character string of the set variable in the write area output by the WRITE statement.
  • Page 308
    5238-E P-295 SECTION 12 USER TASK The concept is illustrated in the figure below. External READ Common variable device, Read area System Puncher, variable Local Printer, WRITE variable etc. Input/output variable Write area RS232C interface Programming LE33013R0301400380003 [Program examples] Example 1. Program using READ/WRITE statements and GET/PUT statements READ 0⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅Data is read from CN0:.
  • Page 309
    5238-E P-296 SECTION 12 USER TASK Transmission data A Compensation Yes/No = 1 Offset No. = OX = 0.02 OZ = -0.31 LE33013R0301400380005 The result of the preceding program: V1 = 1 V2 = 3 VTOFX [3] = 0.02 VTOFZ [3] = -0.31 LE33013R0301400380006 Example 2.
  • Page 310: I/O Variables

    5238-E P-297 SECTION 12 USER TASK 4-2. I/O Variables I/O variables are the variables used for sending and receiving I/O signals between the control and peripheral equipment. • Input variables: The variables representing signals inputted from peripheral equipment such as the operation panel, the post-process gauging unit, the tool gauging system and the touch sensor.

  • Page 311: Arithmetic Operation Function 2

    5238-E P-298 SECTION 12 USER TASK 4-2-2. Output Variables ⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅ Represents an output variable VDOUT [Output variable no.] Left bracket Right bracket Data OUTput LE33013R0301400410001 The output variable numbers are tabled below. Output Variable Output Contents of Data Equipment 1 ~ 8 Bit data: 0 (OFF), 1 (ON) Panel output 1 byte data in which data of variables #1 through #8 correspond…

  • Page 312
    5238-E P-299 SECTION 12 USER TASK Boolean Expressions Operator Meaning Example Rule Logical sum VDKN [11] OR VDIN [12] Logical product VDIN [11] AND VDIN [12] Provide a space on either side of the operator. Exclusive OR VDIN [11] EOR VDIN [12] Negation Functions Function…
  • Page 313
    5238-E P-300 SECTION 12 USER TASK Combination of Operations • The operations and functions explained in the previous page can be combined as needed. X = V1 + V2 — V3 + V4 ∗ COS [30] LE33013R0301400420001 • Designating operator precedence with square brackets [ ] Operator precedence can be determined by using square brackets.
  • Page 314: Supplemental Information On User Task Programs

    5238-E P-301 SECTION 12 USER TASK Supplemental Information on User Task Programs 5-1. Sequence Return in Program Using User Task Basically, sequence return can be performed in the same manner as in a conventional program and there are no restrictions on activating the sequence return function. When variables are set in a block preceding the one where the sequence return is executed, the set data are all registered in the memory.

  • Page 315: Types/Operation Rules Of Variables And Evaluation Of Their Values

    5238-E P-302 SECTION 12 USER TASK 5-3. Types/Operation Rules of Variables and Evaluation of Their Values 5-3-1. Variable type and evaluation When setting a variable, an assignment statement is used: Example: V = e where, V = variable name e = constant, variable name, expression, and function With this setting, the value of «e»…

  • Page 316
    5238-E P-303 SECTION 12 USER TASK 5-3-2. Rules of Operation Expression and Evaluation of Values Example: Expression C = A ∗ B Element 2 Calculation result Element 1 LE33013R0301400470001 Type of Result Type of Type of Type of Operator Meaning of Operation Expression Element 1 «A»…
  • Page 317
    5238-E P-304 SECTION 12 USER TASK 5-3-3. Function Operation Rules and Evaluation of Value Example: Expression C = SINA ∗ B Element 2 Calculation result Element 1 LE33013R0301400480001 Function Type of Type of Type of Result Meaning Unit System Name Element 1 Element 2 of Operation…
  • Page 318: Examples Of User Task Programs

    5238-E P-305 SECTION 12 USER TASK Abbreviations: [l] ……Integer type [R] …….Real type [I] ….Change to integer type [R] ….Change to real type LE33013R0301400480002 Examples of User Task Programs Three typical program examples are provided in the following pages. Please refer to these examples and the programming methods used so that you can make the most of the User Task function.

  • Page 319
    5238-E P-306 SECTION 12 USER TASK The elements (dimensions) used to define the contour, and the tool numbers and the cutting speeds, are expressed using the local variables and the common variables, respectively. V1 = Roughing tool DX1 = Diameter DX1 V2 = Finishing tool DX2 = Diameter DX2 V3 = Cutting speed in roughing cycle…
  • Page 320
    5238-E P-307 SECTION 12 USER TASK • Main Program The cutting program is made up of three types of main program for each workpiece. Workpiece A $SHAFT-A. MIN % O100 N101 X800 Z400 N102 CALL O1000 V1=0101 V2=0202 V3=100 V4=120 LZ1=200 LZ2=150 LZ3=80 $ DX1=30 DX2=50 DX3=80 WLZ1=0.1 UDX1=0.2 XS=100 ZX=210…
  • Page 321
    5238-E P-308 SECTION 12 USER TASK [Supplement] • File name of the cutting program (main program) Prefix the file name with $. If the program is on tape, punch the machining program (main program) in the following order: $, program name, MlN, feed holes, %, CR, LF. •…
  • Page 322
    5238-E P-309 SECTION 12 USER TASK [Program Sequence] (1) With enlarging section A, have the control calculate the points of intersection using the variables and the operation function of the user task. The points that must be calculated are Z-coordinate of point a and X- and Z-coordinates of point b.
  • Page 323
    5238-E P-310 SECTION 12 USER TASK • Subprogram RADIUS-TAPER. SUB % ORT01 N1000 XD2=XD1+2∗ [V11-DIS2] ZL2=ZL3+DIS4 $ ZL1=AL2+DIS3 N1001 Z=ZL1 N1002 X=XD2 Z=ZL2 L=V11 N1003 X=XD3 Z=ZL3 N1004 LE33013R0301400490010 • Main program (cutting program) FRANGE-1. MIN % O100 N101 V10=15 V11=16 XD1=110 XD3=90 ZL3=32 N102 X800 Z300…
  • Page 324
    5238-E P-311 SECTION 12 USER TASK [Supplement] • Variables are set in block N1000. • The Z coordinate of point «a» is commanded in block N1001. • The X and Z coordinates of point «b» and arc radius are commanded in block N1002. •…
  • Page 325
    5238-E P-312 SECTION 12 USER TASK [Program Sequence] (1) Assume that there are a number of pulleys with a similar contour, shown as above. To simplify the programs of these pulleys, express the contour of part A using variables. Variable Numerical Value for Contents Name…
  • Page 326
    5238-E P-313 SECTION 12 USER TASK • Subprogram $ PULL-PTTN1. SUB % OPP1 Z=- [ZW1/2] + [TW1/2] X=-XD1+0.2 X=- [XH1∗2] -0.2 F0.05 X= [XH1∗2] +XD1 Z=ZW2 X=-XD1 X=- [XH1∗2] Z=-ZW2 X= [XH1∗2] +XD1 Z=-ZW2 T030313 X=-XD1 X=- [XH1∗2] Z=-ZW2 X= [XH1∗2] +XD1 Z=-ZW2-DK-0.3 X=-XD1 X=- [1-D1] ∗2…
  • Page 327
    5238-E P-314 SECTION 12 USER TASK (3) The program for cutting one pulley groove was created in step (2). Using this subprogram, the program to cut the pulley shown in Fig. 3-1 can be prepared. Make this program as a main program: Program file name is «PULLY-1.MlN». •…
  • Page 328: Section 13Schedule Programs

    5238-E P-315 SECTION 13 SCHEDULE PROGRAMS SECTION 13 SCHEDULE PROGRAMS Overview Schedule programs permit different types of workpieces to be machined continuously without any operator intervention by using a bar feeder, loader, or other automation equipment. • Several main programs can be selected and executed in the specified order by a schedule program.

  • Page 329: Pselect Block

    5238-E P-316 SECTION 13 SCHEDULE PROGRAMS PSELECT Block [Function] A PSELECT block selects and executes main programs for a workpiece to be machined. • This function searches a specified main program file for a specified main program to be selected as a machining program. The function also searches a specified subprogram file, or system subprogram file, and manufacturer subprogram file for the required subprograms and selects them automatically.

  • Page 330
    5238-E P-317 SECTION 13 SCHEDULE PROGRAMS fs: Subprogram file name Entries enclosed by [ ] may be omitted. :] [ ] [. 3 characters Within 16 characters 3 characters Device name Extension File name LE33013R0301500020004 • Entry of «fs» may be omitted when: •…
  • Page 331: Branch Block

    5238-E P-318 SECTION 13 SCHEDULE PROGRAMS Branch Block The branching function of the schedule program, which is identical to SECTION 13, «Control Statement Function 1», is made possible by GOTO and IF blocks, which provide unconditional branching and conditional branching, respectively. GOTO Block [Function] The GOTO block unconditionally changes program sequences.

  • Page 332: Schedule Program End Block

    5238-E P-319 SECTION 13 SCHEDULE PROGRAMS Schedule Program End Block [Function] At the end of a schedule program, an «END» block must always be specified. All blocks specified following the «END» block are invalid. [Programming format] Program Example The procedure to create a schedule program is explained below. Assume that the NC lathe is equipped with a bar feeder and three different workpieces are machined according to the programmed schedule.

  • Page 333
    5238-E P-320 SECTION 13 SCHEDULE PROGRAMS Use common variables as counters to count the number of machined parts. Variable for part A V1 Variable for part B V2 Variable for part C V3 Schedule program $ SHAFT-1. SDF SHAFT-1. SDF File name of the schedule program Set variable V1 (V1 = 1).
  • Page 334: Section 14Other Functions

    5238-E P-321 SECTION 14 OTHER FUNCTIONS SECTION 14 OTHER FUNCTIONS Direct Taper Angle Command In conventional programming, taper cutting called for by G01, G34, and G35 is programmed using the coordinates of the target point. However, by using this feature the command is given simply by entering either the X or Z coordinate point of the end point of the taper along with the angle referenced to the Z-axis (measured in the counterclockwise direction).

  • Page 335
    5238-E P-322 SECTION 14 OTHER FUNCTIONS • The angle is measured on the Z-X plane taking positive direction of Z-axis as 0 deg. It is positive when measured in the counterclockwise direction and negative in the clockwise direction. In the figure below, the angle is expressed as A135 in 1 mm unit system control since the angle is measured in the counterclockwise direction.
  • Page 336: Barrier Check Function

    5238-E P-323 SECTION 14 OTHER FUNCTIONS Barrier Check Function 2-1. General Description The barrier check function permits a chuck/tailstock barrier (a specific machine area into which any cutting tool entry is prohibited) to be established in the vicinity of a chuck/tailstock on the basis of data in a program or entered through MDI switches.

  • Page 337
    5238-E P-324 SECTION 14 OTHER FUNCTIONS Symbol Description Method Chuck jaw length Chuck jaw size Gripping length of chuck jaw Chuck/tailstock axis Chuck jaw gripping face width Chuck gripping diameter Distance from programming zero For details of the procedure to establish the chuck barrier, refer to SECTION 4, PARAMETER SETTING in DATA OPERATION of OPERATION MANUAL.
  • Page 338
    5238-E P-325 SECTION 14 OTHER FUNCTIONS 2-2-3. Tool Movements and Alarm Once the chuck barrier is established, it is activated or deactivated by programming the appropriate M code: M25 Chuck barrier ON M24 Chuck barrier OFF M21 Tailstock barrier ON M20 Tailstock barrier OFF If the cutting tool is commanded to enter inside the barrier while the chuck and/or the tailstock barrier function is active, an alarm occurs and the machine stops.
  • Page 339: Operation Time Reduction Function

    5238-E P-326 SECTION 14 OTHER FUNCTIONS Operation Time Reduction Function Refer to the Operation Manual for details of the operation time reducing function II. Turret Unclamp Command (for NC Turret Specification) The NC simultaneously unclamps the turret and causes axis travel on receiving the M203 command.

  • Page 340: Spindle Speed Variation Control Function

    5238-E P-327 SECTION 14 OTHER FUNCTIONS SPINDLE SPEED VARIATION CONTROL FUNCTION 5-1. Outline The spindle speed variation control function changes the spindle speed periodically to prevent chattering generated during machining of a thin-wall and large-diameter workpiece. 5-2. Method of Spindle Speed Variation Control 5-2-1.

  • Page 341
    5238-E P-328 SECTION 14 OTHER FUNCTIONS 5-3-2. Parameters The following parameters are added to allow the settings of amplitude (Q), cycle (P), and interval timer (R). (1) Spindle speed variation amplitude (Q) Sets an amplitude of spindle speed variation. Parameter word No.114 Setup unit 1[%]…
  • Page 342
    5238-E P-329 SECTION 14 OTHER FUNCTIONS 5-3-4. Specification Limitation When you use this control, be careful for the followings. (1) When the spindle speed under variation control exceeds the maximum spindle speed (including maximum spindle speed command), the speed hits the peak at the maximum spindle speed. Be careful of this matter sufficiently when you give a command.
  • Page 343: Programming Example

    5238-E P-330 SECTION 14 OTHER FUNCTIONS 5-4. Programming Example G50 S2000 G00 X1000 Z1000 M03 S1000 M695 ←Spindle speed variation control ON ←Spindle speed variation control OFF M696…

  • Page 344: G Code Table

    5238-E P-331 SECTION 15 APPENDIX SECTION 15 APPENDIX G Code Table ✩ : Optional Others : Standard G Code Contents Positioning Linear interpolation Circular interpolation (CW) Circular interpolation (CCW) Dwell ✩ Turret selection: Turret A ✩ Turret selection: Turret B Cutter radius compensation: X-Y plane ✩…

  • Page 345
    5238-E P-332 SECTION 15 APPENDIX G Code Contents ✩ M-tool spindle — feed axis synchronized feeding (forward) ✩ M-tool spindle — feed axis synchronized feeding (reverse) Cutter radius compensation: Cancel Cutter radius compensation: Left Cutter radius compensation: Right Zero shift, Maximum spindle speed designation ✩…
  • Page 346
    5238-E P-333 SECTION 15 APPENDIX G Code Contents ✩ End of shape designation (LAP) ✩ Start of longitudinal shape designation (LAP) ✩ Start of transverse shape designation (LAP) ✩ Start of blank material shape definition (LAP) Change of cutting conditions in bar turning cycle (LAP) ✩…
  • Page 347
    5238-E P-334 SECTION 15 APPENDIX G Code Contents ✩ G124 Chuck A origin effective ✩ G125 Chuck B origin effective ✩ G126 Slope machining mode OFF command ✩ G127 Slope machining mode ON command G128 M/C machining mode OFF command ✩…
  • Page 348
    5238-E P-335 SECTION 15 APPENDIX G Code Contents ✩ G168 G code macro function MODIN ✩ G169 G code macro function MODIN ✩ G170 G code macro function MODIN ✩ G171 G code macro function CALL G172 G173 G174 G175 G176 G177 ✩…
  • Page 349
    5238-E P-336 SECTION 15 APPENDIX G Code Contents ✩ G212 G code macro function CALL ✩ G213 G code macro function CALL ✩ G214 G code macro function CALL…
  • Page 350: Table Of Mnemonic Codes

    5238-E P-337 SECTION 15 APPENDIX Table of Mnemonic Codes ✩ : Optional Others : Standard M Code Contents Program stop Optional stop End of program Work spindle start (CW) [Rotates the work spindle counterclockwise when viewed from the workpiece.] Work spindle start (CCW) [Rotates the work spindle clockwise when viewed from the workpiece.] Spindle stop ✩…

  • Page 351
    5238-E P-338 SECTION 15 APPENDIX M Code Contents ✩ Loader gripper Z slide advance ✩ Loader arm retract ✩ Loader arm advance to unloading position ✩ Loader arm advance to chuck position Spindle gear range neutral Spindle gear range 1 or low-speed winding selection Spindle gear range 2 or high-speed winding selection Spindle gear range 3 Spindle gear range 4…
  • Page 352
    5238-E P-339 SECTION 15 APPENDIX M Code Contents ✩ Overcut advance ✩ Overcut retract Chuck clamp Chuck unclamp ✩ No return to the cutting starting point after the completion of rough turning cycle (LAP) Turret indexing direction: Clockwise (reverse) Cancel of M86 Air blower OFF Air blower ON ✩…
  • Page 353
    5238-E P-340 SECTION 15 APPENDIX M Code Contents ✩ M124 STM time over check ON ✩ M125 STM time over check OFF ✩ M126 Additional air blower 3 OFF ✩ M127 Additional air blower 3 ON M128 Tailstock swing retract ✩…
  • Page 354
    5238-E P-341 SECTION 15 APPENDIX M Code Contents ✩ M166 Ignoring tailstock spindle advance/retract interlock OFF ✩ M167 Ignoring tailstock spindle advance/retract interlock ON ✩ M168 Ignoring M-tool spindle constant speed answer ✩ M169 C-axis not clamped M170 M171 ✩ M172 Robot inside the lathe interlock release OFF ✩…
  • Page 355
    5238-E P-342 SECTION 15 APPENDIX M Code Contents M210 ✩ M211 Keyway cutting cycle: Uni-direction cutting M-tool spindle on the 3rd turret stop, or ✩ M212 Keyway cutting cycle: Zigzag pattern M-tool spindle on the 3rd turret stop, or ✩ M213 Keyway cutting cycle: Designated depth infeed M-tool spindle on the 3rd turret stop, or…
  • Page 356
    5238-E P-343 SECTION 15 APPENDIX M Code Contents ✩ M251 Work pusher advance ✩ M252 Laser interferometer data write ✩ M253 Laser interferometer data verify ✩ M254 Program stop M255 M256 M257 M258 M259 M260 M261 M262 M263 M264 Cancel of M265 M265 apid traverse cancel during pulse handle control mode M266…
  • Page 357
    5238-E P-344 SECTION 15 APPENDIX M Code Contents M295 M296 Time constant switching (for less cut marks) M297 Time constant switching (for efficient shaping) M298 M299…
  • Page 358: Table Of System Variables

    5238-E P-345 SECTION 15 APPENDIX Table of System Variables Variables Contents Setting Range Suffix VZOFZ Z-axis zero offset VZOFY Y-axis zero offset VZOFX X-axis zero offset VZOFC C-axis zero offset VZOFW W-axis zero offset None VZSHZ Z-axis zero shift 0 to ±99999.999 VZSHY Y-axis zero shift VZSHX…

  • Page 359
    5238-E P-346 SECTION 15 APPENDIX Variables Contents Setting Range Suffix VTLCA Actual tool wear amount for tool life 0 to 9999.999 VTLOA Tool offset number (group 1) 0 to 32 VTLOB Tool offset number (group 2) 0 to 64 0 to 96 VTLOC Tool offset number (group 3) 1 to 12…
  • Page 360
    5238-E P-347 SECTION 15 APPENDIX Variables Contents Setting Range Suffix VTHRZ Thread phase matching amount in the Z-axis direction 0 to ±99999.999 None VTHRX Thread phase matching amount in the X-axis direction VLMON Load monitoring axis command 0 to 127 1 to 64 VEINT Interruption permitted axis command…
  • Page 361
    5238-E P-348 SECTION 15 APPENDIX Variables Contents Setting Range Suffix Z-axis command target point (program coordinate VSIOZ system) Y-axis command target point (program coordinate VSIOY system) X-axis command target point (program coordinate VSIOX None system) C-axis command target point (program coordinate VSIOC system) VAPAZ…
  • Page 362
    5238-E P-349 SECTION 15 APPENDIX Variables Contents Setting Range Suffix VSKFA Gauging feedrate 2 1 to 500 VSKFB Gauging feedrate 1 VCHKL Chuck jaw dimension L1 0 to 9999.999 VCHKD Chuck jaw dimension D1 VCHKZ Chuck jaw position CZ 0 to ±9999.999 None VCHKX Chuck jaw position CX…
  • Page 363
    5238-E P-350 SECTION 15 APPENDIX (Example) VZOFW : W-axis zero offset (available only for the programmable tailstock specification) VZOFC : C-axis zero offset (available only for the multi-machining specification) VPFVZ : Z-axis pitch error compensation value(available only for the pitch error compensation specification)
  • Page 364
    This manual may be at variance with the actual product due to specification or design changes. Please also note that specifications are subject to change without notice. If you require clarification or further explanation of any point in this manual, please contact your OKUMA representative.

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