Pft g4 штукатурная станция инструкция по эксплуатации

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Инструкция по эксплуатации штукатурной станции PFT G4 Smart

Инструкция по эксплуатации PFT G4 Smart

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Инструкция по эксплуатации штукатурной станции PFT G4

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Инструкция по эксплуатации штукатурной станции PFT G54E
Для устранения неисправностей и поиска запчастей.

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Инструкция по обслуживанию и эксплуатации штукатурной станции PFT G5 Super.
Для подбора подходящих запчастей для штукатурных станций PFT из каталога.

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Инструкция по эксплуатации штукатурной станции PFT Ritmo XL 230/400
Обслуживание, технические характеристики, список запчастей для штукатурных станций PFT

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Инструкция PFT Ritmo-L для обслуживания, эксплуатации и список запасных частей.

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Лист неисправностей (неполадок) при работе штукатурной станции.
Для самостоятельного ремонта штукатурной машины и поиска неисправностей.

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Использование стола для резки и фрезеровки гипсокартона (ГКЛ), сфера применения.

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Инструкция по эксплуатации штукатурной станции 220В PFT Ritmo M

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Описание и инструкция по ремонту компрессора Delta 2, устанавливаемого на штукатурных станциях 220В, таких как Ritmo XL, G4x FU и других.

(pdf, 2030.2 Кб)

PFT  G4 Operating Manual

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Operating Manual

Mixing Pump


Article number of this Operating Manual: 00 10 20 92

Article number of the machine’s parts list: 00 00 23 38

Doc ID: Knau-5991

Read this Operating Manual before starting work


Related Manuals for PFT PFT G4

Summary of Contents for PFT PFT G4

  • Page 1
    Table of contents 2007-09-05 Operating Manual Mixing Pump PFT G4 Article number of this Operating Manual: 00 10 20 92 Article number of the machine’s parts list: 00 00 23 38 Doc ID: Knau-5991 Read this Operating Manual before starting work…
  • Page 2
    This Operating Manual provides important instructions for working with the Knauf Mixing Pump PFT G 4 (hereinafter also referred to as the “machine”). For your own and the safety of others always strictly follow these instructions. Inform yourself about local accident prevention guidelines and general safety regulations.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Table of contents General…………5 Transport, packing, and storage….32 Explanation of symbols and signal Instructions for transport ….32 words ……….. 5 Transport inspection……32 Disclaimer ……….7 Packaging………..33 Warranty terms ……..7 Transport ……….34 Copyright ……….8 Operation………….35…

  • Page 4
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Table of contents Dismantling……….71 11 Appendix ………… 94 Safety……….71 11.2 Check list for annual expert inspection (copy template) ….96 Dismantling of the machine ….72 Disposal ……….72 Index …………..97 10 Replacement part lists……. 73 10.1 Material container and frame …..
  • Page 5: General

    General Pos: 1.1 /KN2006-SM/Allgemeines/100 1 Allgemeines_Titel @ 8mod_1142088318714_293361.doc @ 293366 1 General Pos: 1.2 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Allgemeines/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Symbolerklärung_ANSI @ 35mod_1176467337081_293361.doc @ 435035 1.1 Explanation of symbols and signal words Safety messages in this Operating Manual can be identified by a safety alert symbol and/or signal words (see below).

  • Page 6
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 General «NOTICE» is used to address practices not related to moderate injury but to property damage: Safety message text. Safety message text. Safety message NOTICE text. Safety message text. Safety message text. NOTICE! Safety message text. Safety message text. Safety message text.
  • Page 7: Disclaimer

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 General Pos: 1.4 /KN2006-SM/Allgemeines/130 1.1 Haftungsbeschränkung @ 8mod_1142091543501_293361.doc @ 293376 1.2 Disclaimer All information and instructions in this Operating Manual are provided with due consideration of applicable guidelines, the current state of the art, and our many years of experience within the industry.

  • Page 8: Copyright

    Any violation of the manufacturer’s copyright and other intellectual property rights will be prosecuted. Pos: 1.10 /KN2006-SM/nL———- Abschnittsende ———- @ 8mod_1141997892953_0.doc @ 293763 Pos: 1.11 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Allgemeines/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Ersatzteile_ANSI @ 35mod_1176470713605_293361.doc @ 435164 1.5 Replacement parts Injury hazard if non-OEM parts are used!

  • Page 9: Safety

    Pos: 2.1 /KN2006-SM/Sicherheit/001 1 Sicherheit_Titel @ 8mod_1142425976781_293361.doc @ 293586 2 Safety Pos: 2.2 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Sicherheit/Mischpumpe PFT G4/001 1.0 Einführung (Maschine) @ 43mod_1184929476207_293361.doc @ 515072 This section provides an overview of all the important safety aspects for the protection of personnel and third parties, and for safe and trouble-free operation of the machine.

  • Page 10: Personnel Requirements

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Safety Pos: 2.7 /KN2006-SM/Sicherheit/004 Personal/004 1.1 Personalanforderungen_Titel @ 8mod_1142431816578_293361.doc @ 293391 2.2 Personnel requirements Pos: 2.8 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Sicherheit/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1.0 Bedienpersonal Standardtext_ANSI @ 35mod_1176471145299_293361.doc @ 435212 2.2.1 Requirements with regards to personnel Danger of injury without sufficient qualification! WARNING Improper handling can cause death, serious injury or property damage.

  • Page 11: Unauthorized Persons

    When in doubt, speak to these persons and instruct them to leave the work area. Interrupt work as long as unauthorized persons are in the work area. Pos: 2.9 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Sicherheit/Mischpumpe PFT G4/Überprüfung @ 13mod_1152630730927_293361.doc @ 298784 2.2.3 Inspection The machine must be inspected annually by a PFT representative (contact your local PFT dealer for further information).

  • Page 12: Intended Use

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Safety Pos: 2.11 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Sicherheit/Mischpumpe PFT G4/Bestimmungsgemäße Verwendung_ANSI @ 35mod_1176471681195_293361.doc @ 435236 2.3 Intended use The machine is designed and constructed exclusively for the following intended use: The machine is to be used exclusively for the use of factory pre- mixed and machine processable dry mortar up to a grain size of 3 mm (0.12 inches).

  • Page 13: Personal Protective Equipment

    Follow the instructions that have been posted in the work area. Pos: 2.14 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Sicherheit/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1.0_1 Grundsätzlich zu tragen_Titel (Maschine) @ 43mod_1184934760511_293361.doc @ 515396 Always wear For all tasks always wear the following protective equipment when working with the machine: Pos: 2.15 /KN2006-SM/Sicherheit/006 Persönliche Schutzausstattung/Arbeitsschutzkleidung @ 8mod_1143362598709_293361.doc @ 293403…

  • Page 14: Specific Dangers

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Safety Pos: 2.23 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Sicherheit/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1.0_2 Bei besonderen Arbeiten zu tragen_Titel (Maschine) @ 43mod_1184935407141_293361.doc @ 515544 For special tasks wear Special protective equipment is required when executing special tasks. Separate reference is made to this equipment in the specific chapters of this Operating Manual.

  • Page 15
    Wear light respiratory protection for all tasks in the danger zone. Pos: 2.36 /KN2006-SM/nL———- Abschnittsende ———- @ 8mod_1141997892953_0.doc @ 293763 Pos: 2.37 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Sicherheit/Mischpumpe PFT G4/Schmutz und herumliegende Gegenstände_ANSI @ 35mod_1176473939372_293361.doc @ 435502 WARNING! There is a danger of stumbling due to fouling and Fouling and loose objects loose objects! Fouling and loose objects on the ground pose slipping and stumbling hazards and can cause severe injuries.
  • Page 16: Safety Devices

    See chapter «4 Structure and function» of this Operating Manual for more information on the location of the safety devices. Pos: 2.42 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Sicherheit/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1.0 Folgende Sicherheitseinrichtungen sind installiert: (Maschine) @ 43mod_1184938429953_293361.doc @ 515712 The following safety devices are installed on the machine: Pos: 2.43 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Sicherheit/Mischpumpe PFT G4/Hauptschalter als Not-Aus_ANSI @ 35mod_1176474709905_293361.doc @ 435574…

  • Page 17: Behavior In The Event Of Danger Or Accident

    Call for rescue service. Keep entry ways clear for rescue vehicles. Pos: 2.48 /KN2006-SM/nL———- Abschnittsende ———- @ 8mod_1141997892953_0.doc @ 293763 Pos: 2.49 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Sicherheit/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Umweltschutz_ANSI @ 35mod_1176475310154_293361.doc @ 435622 2.8 Environmental protection Environmental hazard due to incorrect handling! NOTICE…

  • Page 18: Labeling

    Pos: 2.52 /KN2006-SM/nL———- Abschnittsende ———- @ 8mod_1141997892953_0.doc @ 293763 Pos: 2.53 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Sicherheit/Mischpumpe PFT G4/Nicht in die laufende Maschine greifen Mischrohr @ 12mod_1152262615284_293361.doc @ 298779 Injury hazard due to moving parts! Do not reach into the machine when it is running! There is a danger that extremities could be crushed, pulled in, or injured in some manner.

  • Page 19
    Neglecting this warning may lead to severe injury or even death. Pos: 2.68 /KN2006-SM/nL———- Abschnittsende ———- @ 8mod_1141997892953_0.doc @ 293763 Pos: 2.69 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Sicherheit/Mischpumpe PFT G4/Schutzhandschuhe (Struktur nach ANSI) @ 43mod_1184942833460_293361.doc @ 515752 Protective gloves Wear protective gloves in areas that are identified by this label to protect the hands from friction, abrasion, puncture wounds, or deeper injuries as well as from contact with hot surfaces.
  • Page 20
    Pos: 2.74 /KN2006-SM/nL———- Abschnittsende ———- @ 8mod_1141997892953_0.doc @ 293763 Pos: 2.75 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Sicherheit/Mischpumpe PFT G4/Nicht in laufende Maschine greifen @ 12mod_1152259609889_293361.doc @ 298781 Running machine Do not reach into the machine when it is running. Be sure to switch the machine off and secure it against switching on before reaching into areas that are marked in this manner.
  • Page 21: Technical Data

    Pos: 3.1 /KN2006-SM/Technische Daten/001 1 Technische Daten_Titel @ 8mod_1143124628960_293361.doc @ 293599 3 Technical data Pos: 3.2 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Technische Daten/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Allgemeine Angaben_Mixing Pump_Titel @ 43mod_1184946478631_293361.doc @ 515790 3.1 General mixing pump data Pos: 3.3 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Technische Daten/Mischpumpe PFT G4/Allgemeine Angaben @ 12mod_1152017574205_293361.doc @ 298790…

  • Page 22: Power And Water Supply

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Technical data Pos: 3.7 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Technische Daten/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Anschlusswerte_Titel @ 43mod_1184947694693_293361.doc @ 515814 3.2 Power and water supply Pos: 3.8 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Technische Daten/Mischpumpe PFT G4/Wasseranschluß @ 12mod_1152018923271_293361.doc @ 298800 Water connection Specification Value Unit Operating pressure, min.

  • Page 23: Operating Conditions

    20 min Pos: 3.16 /KN2006-SM/nL———- Abschnittsende ———- @ 8mod_1141997892953_0.doc @ 293763 Pos: 3.17 /KN2006-SM/Technische Daten/004 1.1 Leistungswerte_Titel @ 9mod_1143989691026_293361.doc @ 293606 3.4 Performance values Pos: 3.18 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Technische Daten/Mischpumpe PFT G4/Leistungswerte Pumpenleistung @ 12mod_1152019154537_293361.doc @ 298796 Pump capacity Specification Value Unit Delivery rate, approx.

  • Page 24: Dimension Drawing

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Technical data Pos: 3.23 /KN2006-SM/Technische Daten/007 1.1 Maßblatt_Titel @ 9mod_1143990330418_293361.doc @ 293612 3.6 Dimension drawing Pos: 3.24 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Technische Daten/Mischpumpe PFT G4/Maßblatt @ 12mod_1152267218000_293361.doc @ 298797 29.5 » 51 » Ca.750 mm Ca.1300 mm Fig. 4: Dimension drawing Pos: 3.25 /KN2006-SM/nL———- Abschnittsende ———- @ 8mod_1141997892953_0.doc @ 293763…

  • Page 25: Structure And Function

    Pos: 4.5 /KN2006-SM/Aufbau und Funktion/003 1.1 Kurzbeschreibung_Titel @ 9mod_1144048508654_293361.doc @ 293621 4.2 Brief description Pos: 4.6 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Aufbau und Funktion/Mischpumpe PFT G4/Kurzbeschreibung Text @ 12mod_1152022663054_293361.doc @ 298813 The PFT G4 Mixing Pump is a continuous operation mixing pump for factory pre-mixed dry mortar. It can be filled with mortar delivered in bags as well as via transfer hood or injection hood.

  • Page 26: Module Description

    Structure and function Pos: 4.8 /KN2006-SM/Aufbau und Funktion/004 1.1 Baugruppenbeschreibung_Titel @ 9mod_1144046217018_293361.doc @ 293622 4.3 Module description Pos: 4.9 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Aufbau und Funktion/Mischpumpe PFT G4/Baugruppenbeschreibung Text @ 12mod_1152023193560_293361.doc @ 298810 The PFT G4 Mixing Pump consists of the following major components: Pos: 4.10 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Aufbau und Funktion/Mischpumpe PFT G4/Baugruppen @ 12mod_1152023931951_293361.doc @ 298806…

  • Page 27
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Structure and function Control panel: 1 Selector switch cellular wheel Manual-0-Automatic 2 Selector switch water pump Manual-0-Automatic 3 Indicator light «sense of rotation» 4 Main reverse switch, is concurrently an Emergency-Stop switch 5 Indicator light red, motor protection switch tripped 6 Button «water flow»…
  • Page 28
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Structure and function Water/air fitting: 1 Water connection 2 Manometer water operating pressure 3 Pressure switch – water 4 Pressure switch – air 5 Air for the sprayer 6 Manometer – air operating pressure 7 Air from pressure controller –…
  • Page 29: Connections

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Structure and function Pos: 4.12 /KN2006-SM/Aufbau und Funktion/005 1.1 Anschlüsse_Titel @ 9mod_1144394868217_293361.doc @ 293623 4.4 Connections Pos: 4.13 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Aufbau und Funktion/Mischpumpe PFT G4/Anschlüsse @ 12mod_1152025303460_293361.doc @ 298804 1 Main circuit connection 2 Water connection 3 Mortar hose connection Fig.

  • Page 30: Operating Modes

    Structure and function Pos: 4.14 /KN2006-SM/Aufbau und Funktion/009 1.1 Betriebsarten_Titel @ 9mod_1144503262733_293361.doc @ 293630 4.5 Operating modes Pos: 4.15 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Aufbau und Funktion/Mischpumpe PFT G4/Betriebsarten Zellenrad @ 12mod_1152027474447_293361.doc @ 298812 Cellular wheel The cellular wheel can be operated in three different modes: «O»…

  • Page 31: Accessories

    PFT transfer hood with no-load safeguard for G 4 (Item number 20 60 05 00) The PFT transfer hood is used for charging the PFT G 4 Mixing Pump with dry material directly from the silo / container. If there is an empty signal in the material container the mixing pump is switched off via the remote control socket.

  • Page 32: Transport, Packing, And Storage

    Pos: 5.2 /KN2006-SM/Transport, Verpackung und Lagerung/002 1.1 Sicherheitshinweise für den Transport_Titel @ 9mod_1144048644190_293361.doc @ 293649 5.1 Instructions for transport Pos: 5.3 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Transport, Verpackung und Lagerung/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1.0 Warnung! Lebensgefahr durch schwebende Lasten_ANSI @ 36mod_1177402705688_293361.doc @ 446932 Life-threatening hazard due to suspended loads!

  • Page 33: Packaging

    Transport, packing, and storage Pos: 5.10 /KN2006-SM/Transport, Verpackung und Lagerung/005 1.1 Verpackung_Titel @ 9mod_1144054971395_293361.doc @ 293656 5.3 Packaging Pos: 5.11 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Transport, Verpackung und Lagerung/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1.0 Umgang mit Verpackungsmaterialien_ANSI @ 37mod_1177403266189_293361.doc @ 447020 Improper disposal may cause environmental damage. NOTICE Packaging materials are valuable raw materials and in many cases they can be reused or effectively treated and recycled.

  • Page 34: Transport

    Fig. 15: Attachment points Pos: 5.17 /KN2006-SM/nL———- Abschnittsende ———- @ 8mod_1141997892953_0.doc @ 293763 Pos: 5.18 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Transport, Verpackung und Lagerung/Mischpumpe PFT G4/Transport der bereits im Betrieb befindlichen Maschine_ANSI @ 37mod_1177403741188_293361.doc @ 447056 DANGER! Injury hazard due to ejecting mortar! Transport of a machine that is already in operation Face and eyes can be severely injured.

  • Page 35: Operation

    Pos: 6.1 /KN2006-SM/Bedienung/001 1 Bedienung_Titel @ 9mod_1144402040153_293361.doc @ 293686 6 Operation Pos: 6.2 /KN2006-SM/Bedienung/002 1.1 Sicherheit_Titel @ 9mod_1144402036547_293361.doc @ 293687 6.1 Safety Pos: 6.3 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Bedienung/Mischpumpe PFT G4/Persönliche Schutzausrüstung @ 12mod_1152093337254_293361.doc @ 298835 Personal protective equipment Wear the following protective equipment for all operating tasks: Protective work clothing…

  • Page 36: Preparation

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Operation Pos: 6.7 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Bedienung/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Vorbereitungen_Titel @ 36mod_1177339531198_293361.doc @ 445806 6.2 Preparation Pos: 6.8 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Bedienung/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Vorbereitung_ANSI @ 37mod_1177404276344_293361.doc @ 447139 Prior to operating the machine execute the following work steps in preparation. DANGER! Running cellular wheel! Danger of serious injury when reaching into the running cellular wheel.

  • Page 37
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Operation 5. Ensure that the water inlet sieve (Fig. 20/1) is clean. Fig. 20: Water inlet sieve 6. Clean and vent the water hose. 7. Connect the water hose on the water hose connection and on the water inlet (Fig.
  • Page 38
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Operation Compaction by watering For heavy and dispersion-combined materials we recommend «compaction by watering» to enable easier pump start up. 9. If necessary have water on hand for compaction by watering: a) Remove the blind cover (Fig. 23/4) from the lower water duct (Fig.
  • Page 39
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Operation 11. Charge the machine with factory pre-mixed dry mortar. Charging can be executed with goods shipped in bags, with the transfer hood, or the injection hood, depending on the equipment. If charging with dry motar shipped in bags: WARNING! Sharp edges on the bag opener pose an injury hazard! Act carefully and wear safety gloves.
  • Page 40: Switching On And Starting Up

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Operation Pos: 6.10 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Bedienung/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Einschalten und in Betrieb nehmen_Titel @ 36mod_1177339967392_293361.doc @ 445833 6.3 Switching on and starting up Pos: 6.11 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Bedienung/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Einschalten und in Betrieb nehmen @ 36mod_1177340180513_293361.doc @ 445848 Switching on 1.

  • Page 41
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Operation Check the mortar consistency 5. Position the selector switch for cellular wheel (Fig. 30/1) «Manual-O-Auto» to «AUTO». 6. Switch on the machine via the green pushbutton (Fig. 30/2). The mortar will run out of the material connection.
  • Page 42
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Operation Connecting the sprayer 16. Switch off the machine via the «Operation OFF» pushbutton. 17. Connect the sprayer (2) to the mortar hose (1). Fig. 33: Connecting the sprayer 18. Ensure that the air cock ( /3) on the sprayer is closed.
  • Page 43: Applying Mortar

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Operation Pos: 6.13 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Bedienung/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Mörtel auftragen_Titel @ 36mod_1177340371179_293361.doc @ 445860 6.4 Applying mortar Pos: 6.14 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Bedienung/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Mörtel auftragen_ANSI @ 37mod_1177405297545_293361.doc @ 447253 Injury hazard due to ejecting mortar! Ejecting mortar can DANGER cause severe eye and face injuries.

  • Page 44: Switching Off

    Operation Pos: 6.16 /KN2006-SM/Bedienung/006 1.1 Ausschalten_Titel @ 9mod_1144405011820_293361.doc @ 293692 6.5 Switching off Pos: 6.17 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Bedienung/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Ausschalten @ 36mod_1177340654631_293361.doc @ 445888 Position the selector switch «Manual-O-Auto» to «O». Pump out residual material until water escapes. Close air cock (Fig. 37/arrow) on the sprayer.

  • Page 45: Cleaning

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Operation Pos: 6.19 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Bedienung/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Reinigen_Titel @ 36mod_1177341260047_293361.doc @ 445924 6.6 Cleaning Pos: 6.20 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Bedienung/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Reinigen_ANSI @ 37mod_1177405397896_293361.doc @ 447266 Damage due to improper cleaning after operation! NOTICE Always clean the machine on a daily basis after your work is completed.

  • Page 46
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Operation 5. Take the mixing pipe cleaner out of the retaining fixture ( Fig. /1). Fig. 41: Retaining fixture 6. Insert the cleaner shaft and mixing pipe cleaner ( /1) into Fig. 42 the mixing pipe with the scraper down.
  • Page 47
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Operation Removing the mortar hose 14. Remove the mortar hose ( /1) with the mortar pressure Fig. 44 manometer ( /2). Fig. 44 Fig. 44: Removing the mortar hose Rinse out the pump 15. Remove the blind cover ( /1) from the lower water duct Fig.
  • Page 48
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Operation 21. Insert the rinsing hose into the pressure flange and rinse out remaining deposits ( Fig. 47 Fig. 47: Rinsing out deposits Cleaning the mortar hose 22. Connect the plaster component (Fig. 48/1) to the mortar pressure connection (Fig.
  • Page 49
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Operation 25. Remove air nozzle pipe (Fig. 50/3) and fine plaster nozzle (Fig. 50/1) from the sprayer (Fig. 50/2). 26. Open the water removal valve until the sponge ball escapes at the fine plaster device. Repeat this process until the hose is clean.
  • Page 50: Measures If There Is Danger Of Freezing

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Operation Pos: 6.22 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Bedienung/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Maßnahmen bei Frostgefahr_Titel @ 12mod_1152191843426_293361.doc @ 298834 6.7 Measures if there is danger of freezing Pos: 6.23 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Bedienung/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Maßnahmen bei Frostgefahr_ANSI @ 37mod_1177406548654_293361.doc @ 447360 Damage due to freezing!

  • Page 51
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Operation Remove air hose (Fig. 54/3) on the sprayer. Fasten the hose on the water inlet (Fig. 54/1) and on the outlet of the air fitting (Fig. 54/2). 10. Close all water valves. 11. Switch on the machine (main switch on position «I»).
  • Page 52: Shutdown In Emergency Situations

    Pos: 6.25 /KN2006-SM/Bedienung/007 1.1 Stillsetzen im Notfall_Titel @ 9mod_1144405047456_293361.doc @ 293693 6.8 Shutdown in emergency situations Pos: 6.26 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Bedienung/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Stillsetzen im Notfall, Anlage_ANSI @ 37mod_1177407045808_293361.doc @ 447434 In case of an emergency, machine movements must be stopped immediately and the energy supply must be switched off.

  • Page 53: Troubleshooting

    2 of this Operating Manual. Pos: 7.2 /KN2006-SM/Störungen/002 1 Sicherheit_Titel @ 9mod_1144439648502_293361.doc @ 293704 7.1 Safety Pos: 7.3 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Störungen/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1.0 Personal —> Standard (Betriebsanleitung) @ 43mod_1185106843413_293361.doc @ 544537 The troubleshooting described herein can be executed by the Personnel operator unless otherwise indicated within this Operating Manual.

  • Page 54
    Prior to starting work switch off the machine and safeguard it from being switched on again. Pos: 7.11 /KN2006-SM/nL———- Abschnittsende ———- @ 8mod_1141997892953_0.doc @ 293763 Pos: 7.12 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Störungen/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1.0 Verhalten bei Störungen (Maschine) @ 43mod_1185116899898_293361.doc @ 544567 Troubleshooting guidelines The following always applies:…
  • Page 55: Fault Indications

    Pos: 7.15 /KN2006-SM/Störungen/004 Störungsanzeigen/004 1.1 Störungsanzeigen_Titel @ 9mod_1144443150354_293361.doc @ 293699 7.2 Fault indications Pos: 7.16 /KN2006-SM/Störungen/004 Störungsanzeigen/004 1.1.0 Folgende Einrichtungen zeigen Störungen an: @ 9mod_1144443189413_293361.doc @ 293700 The following devices indicate operational issues: Pos: 7.17 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Störungen/Mischpumpe PFT G4/Störungsanzeigen @ 13mod_1152713650675_293361.doc @ 298841 Fault indications Pos. Warning signal…

  • Page 56: Troubleshooting Table

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Troubleshooting Pos: 7.19 /KN2006-SM/Störungen/005 1.1 Störungstabelle_Titel @ 9mod_1144442349705_293361.doc @ 293711 7.3 Troubleshooting table Pos: 7.20 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Störungen/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Störungstabelle @ 12mod_1152526292830_293361.doc @ 298842 Problem Possible cause Corrective action to be corrected by Machine does Insufficient water pressure…

  • Page 57
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Troubleshooting Problem Possible cause Corrective action to be corrected by Machine does Too much thickened material in Empty half of the hopper and start Operator supply the hopper or mixing zone up the machine again mortar…
  • Page 58
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Troubleshooting Problem Possible cause Corrective action to be corrected by Machine does Air pressure safety switch is Adjust or replace the air pressure Service not switch off incorrectly adjusted or defective safety switch technician Air pressure hose defective or…
  • Page 59
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Troubleshooting Problem Possible cause Corrective action to be corrected by Mortar flow Clamp clip defective (oval) Replace clamp clip Service «thick-thin» technician Inner wall of the mortar hose is Replace mortar hose Operator defective Rotor is too deep in the pressure…
  • Page 60: Troubleshooting Work

    Troubleshooting Pos: 7.22 /KN2006-SM/Störungen/006 1.1 Arbeiten zur Störungsbehebung_Titel @ 9mod_1144442554841_293361.doc @ 293713 7.4 Troubleshooting work Pos: 7.23 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Störungen/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1.1 Beseitigen von Schlauchverstopfern_ANSI @ 37mod_1177408303165_293361.doc @ 447744 7.4.1 Eliminating hose blockage To be performed by a service technician only. Additionally required protective equipment:…

  • Page 61: Measures In The Event Of Power Failure

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Troubleshooting Pos: 7.25 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Störungen/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1.1 Maßnahmen bei Stromausfall_ANSI @ 37mod_1177408601419_293361.doc @ 447759 7.4.2 Measures in the event of power failure To be performed by a service technician only. DANGER! Excess pressure on the machine! When opening machine components these components can unexpectedly fly open and seriously injure the operator.

  • Page 62: Maintenance

    Protective work clothing Protective goggles Protective gloves Safety footwear Pos: 8.5 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Wartung/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1.0 Elektrische Anlage_ANSI @ 37mod_1177409893009_293361.doc @ 447800 Life-threatening danger due to electric shock! DANGER There is a danger to life when touching or coming into contact with live components. Running electrical components can move unexpectedly and can cause serious injuries or possibly death.

  • Page 63: Cleaning

    Only clean the exterior machine parts with a damp cloth. Pos: 8.13 /KN2006-SM/nL———- Abschnittsende ———- @ 8mod_1141997892953_0.doc @ 293763 Pos: 8.14 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Wartung/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Wartungsplan_Titel (Betriebsanleitung) @ 43mod_1185118787001_293361.doc @ 544582 8.3 Maintenance schedule Maintenance tasks that are required for optimal and trouble-free operation are described in the sections below.

  • Page 64: Maintenance Tasks

    Fig. 63: Brass sieve in the water inlet Pos: 8.20 /KN2006-SM/nL———- Abschnittsende ———- @ 8mod_1141997892953_0.doc @ 293763 Pos: 8.21 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Wartung/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1.1 Filter des Kompressors reinigen @ 36mod_1177346697691_293361.doc @ 446046 8.4.2 Clean the compressor filter To be performed by the operator.

  • Page 65: Clean The Debris Collector Sieve

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Maintenance Pos: 8.23 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Wartung/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1.1 Schmutzfängersieb reinigen @ 36mod_1177346898000_293361.doc @ 446059 8.4.3 Clean the debris collector sieve To be performed by the operator. 1. Unscrew the pressure reducer’s screw plug (Fig. 65/1). 2. Take out the debris collector sieve (Fig. 65/2) and clean it 3.

  • Page 66: Check The Set Values Of The Pressure Switch

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Maintenance Pos: 8.25 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Wartung/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1.1 Einstellwerte Druckschalter prüfen @ 36mod_1177347068497_293361.doc @ 446072 8.4.4 Check the set values of the pressure switch To be performed by a service technician. If problems occur at an increasing rate the pressure switch should be readjusted.

  • Page 67: Check Pressure And Set Values

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Maintenance Pos: 8.27 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Wartung/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1.1 Drücke und Einstellwerte prüfen @ 36mod_1177348092466_293361.doc @ 446098 8.4.5 Check pressure and set values Pressure reducer valve Adjust a pressure of 1.9 bar (27.6 psi) at maximum passage on the pressure reducer valve (Fig. 70).

  • Page 68: Check Delivery Pressure And Back Pressure

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Maintenance Pos: 8.29 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Wartung/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1.1 Kontrollieren des Förder- und Rückstaudruckes @ 13mod_1152625868222_293361.doc @ 298847 8.4.6 Check delivery pressure and back pressure To be performed by the operator. Special tools required: PFT pressure tester with coupling and drain cock (to be order under the item no.

  • Page 69: Measures After Successful Maintenance

    Pos: 8.30 /KN2006-SM/nL———- Abschnittsende ———- @ 8mod_1141997892953_0.doc @ 293763 Pos: 8.31 /KN2006-SM/Wartung/009 1.1 Maßnahmen nach erfolgter Wartung_Titel @ 9mod_1144438930025_293361.doc @ 293737 8.5 Measures after successful maintenance Pos: 8.32 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Wartung/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1.0 Maßnahmen nach erfolgter Wartung (Knauf) @ 43mod_1185128215392_293361.doc @ 544597 Injury hazard posed by incomplete maintenance work! WARNING Improperly executed maintenance and repair work may result in property damage, serious injury or even death.

  • Page 70: Dismantling

    Only certified electricians should perform work on the electrical equipment. Pos: 9.6 /KN2006-SM/nL———- Abschnittsende ———- @ 8mod_1141997892953_0.doc @ 293763 Pos: 9.7 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Demontage/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1.0 Grundlegendes_ANSI (Maschine) @ 37mod_1177411192715_293361.doc @ 447866 Improper dismantling poses an injury hazard! WARNING Stored residual energy, sharp-edged components, points and corners on and in the machine, or on the necessary tools can cause serious injuries.

  • Page 71: Dismantling Of The Machine

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Dismantling Pos: 9.11 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Demontage/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Demontage (Maschine) @ 36mod_1177398355245_293361.doc @ 446722 9.2 Dismantling of the machine For sorting, clean the machine and dismantle it in compliance with applicable industrial safety and environmental protection guidelines. Prior to disassembling: Switch off the machine and safeguard it from being restarted.

  • Page 72: Replacement Part Lists

    Pos: 10.1 /KN2006-SM/Ersatzteilliste/001 1 Ersatzteillisten_Titel @ 43mod_1185130043210_293361.doc @ 544642 10 Replacement part lists Pos: 10.2 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Ersatzteilliste/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Ersatzteilzeichnung/liste Materialbehälter und Rahmen @ 13mod_1152693513115_293361.doc @ 298859 10.1 Material container and frame Fig. 74: Replacement part drawing – material container and frame…

  • Page 73
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Replacement part lists Pos. Quantity Item no. Designation 20 20 78 19 Hex bolt M8 x 16 with collar 00 00 21 13 Protective grill with tubular steel frame 00 00 13 40 Anti-dust sheet G 4 RAL 2004…
  • Page 74
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Replacement part lists Pos: 10.4 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Ersatzteilliste/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Ersatzteilzeichnung/liste Zellenrad @ 13mod_1152694851765_293361.doc @ 298861 10.1.1 Cellular wheel Fig. 75: Replacement part drawing – cellular wheel 2007-09-05…
  • Page 75
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Replacement part lists Pos. Quantity Item no. Designation 00 07 27 90 Cellular wheel nut M24 galvanized 20 10 15 00 Cellular wheel G 4 20 10 18 10 Cellular wheel fastening plate 20 20 91 10…
  • Page 76: Mixing Pipe And Gear Motor

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Replacement part lists Pos: 10.6 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Ersatzteilliste/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Ersatzteilzeichnung/liste Mischrohr und Getriebemotor @ 13mod_1152695346171_293361.doc @ 298863 10.2 Mixing pipe and gear motor Fig. 76: Replacement part drawing mixing pipe and gear motor 2007-09-05…

  • Page 77
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Replacement part lists Pos. Quantity Item no. Designation 00 04 76 21 Tilt flange G 54 with pipe bracket RAL2004 00 04 80 15 Sealing cap PVC 1″ (round, black) 00 05 36 36 Gear motor ZF38 5.5kW 381 rpm 60Hz RAL2004 20 42 41 22 Motor connection cable 1.9 m CEE connector 4x 32A 9h blue…
  • Page 78: Pump Unit And Mortar Pressure Manometer

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Replacement part lists Pos: 10.8 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Ersatzteilliste/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Ersatzteilzeichnung/liste Pumpeneinheit @ 13mod_1152695790861_293361.doc @ 298864 10.3 Pump unit and mortar pressure manometer Fig. 77: Replacement part drawing — pump unit 2007-09-05…

  • Page 79
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Replacement part lists Pos. Quantity Item no. Designation 00 08 94 32 Suction flange D-pump with O-ring L=200 galvanized 20 10 42 30 O-ring 117 x 5 for suction flange 00 08 94 31 Suction flange D-pump for O-ring L=200 galvanized, yellow…
  • Page 80: Control Panel

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Replacement part lists Pos: 10.10 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Ersatzteilliste/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Ersatzteilzeichnung/liste Schaltschrank @ 36mod_1177399473233_293361.doc @ 446756 10.4 Control panel Fig. 78: Replacement part drawing 1 control panel 2007-09-05…

  • Page 81
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Replacement part lists Pos. Quantity Item no. Designation 20 41 90 21 Microfuse 5 x 20, 2.0 A 20 41 90 30 Microfuse 5 x 20, 0.5 A 00 02 22 25 Foam rubber block for fuses…
  • Page 82
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Replacement part lists Fig. 79: Replacement part drawing 2 control panel 2007-09-05…
  • Page 83
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Replacement part lists Pos. Quantity Item no. Designation 00 00 22 51 Indicator light, receptacle red without bulb, front install 00 05 38 35 Contact element 1 [NOC] normally open contact, M22 00 05 38 34…
  • Page 84: Water Fitting

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Replacement part lists Pos: 10.12 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Ersatzteilliste/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Ersatzteilzeichnung/liste Wasserarmatur @ 13mod_1152697171106_293361.doc @ 298860 10.5 Water fitting Fig. 80: Replacement part drawing – water fitting 2007-09-05…

  • Page 85
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Replacement part lists Pos. Quantity Item no. Designation 20 44 76 00 Pressure switch type FF4-4 0.22-4 bar 20 20 37 10 Double nipple hex 3/8″ no. 280 galvanized 20 10 25 00 Water/air distributor pipe 20 20 38 00 Bracket 1/2″…
  • Page 86
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Replacement part lists Pos. Quantity Item no. Designation 20 20 29 00 Hose clamp 28-31 PU=10 pc. 20 20 30 05 Hose kink protection for 3/4″ water/air hose 580 mm 20 21 36 19 Water/air hose 3/4″ x 22.83 inch 20 19 04 42 Hose coupling 1/2″…
  • Page 87
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Replacement part lists Pos: 10.14 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Ersatzteilliste/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Ersatzteilzeichnung/liste Kompressor @ 13mod_1152697718427_293361.doc @ 298862 10.6 Compressor K2 Fig. 81: Replacement part drawing — compressor K2 2007-09-05…
  • Page 88
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Replacement part lists Pos. Quantity Item no. Designation 20 20 20 00 EWO coupling M-part 1/4″ OT non blocking 20 13 47 00 Seal ring 13 x 20 x 2 20 13 01 06 Distributor for pressure switch off 20 20 37 12 Threaded union 1/4″…
  • Page 89: Compressor Console And Rubber Apron

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Replacement part lists Pos: 10.16 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Ersatzteilliste/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Ersatzteilzeichnung/liste Kompressorkonsole und Gummischürze @ 36mod_1177401328798_293361.doc @ 446793 10.7 Compressor console and rubber apron Fig. 1: Replacement part drawing – compressor K2 2007-09-05…

  • Page 90
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Replacement part lists Pos. Quantity Item no. Designation 20 10 33 11 Compressor console RAL2004 20 20 99 85 Tubular steel bracket M8 x 3/4″ x 43 galvanized 20 20 72 00 Locknut M8 DIN 985 galvanized…
  • Page 91: Booster Pump Av 4

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Replacement part lists Pos: 10.18 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Ersatzteilliste/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Ersatzteilzeichnung/liste Druckerhöhungspumpe @ 36mod_1177401438945_293361.doc @ 446816 10.8 Booster pump AV 4 Fig. 1: Replacement part drawing – booster pump AV 4 2007-09-05…

  • Page 92
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Replacement part lists Pos. Quantity Item no. Designation 20 47 60 10 Booster pump AV 4 230V 60Hz 20 20 16 81 Suction high-pressure coupling 3/4″ OT with seal 20 20 17 00 Seal Geka coupling (PU=50 pcs.) 20 20 36 01 Angle 3/4″…
  • Page 93: Appendix

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Appendix Pos: 11.1 /KN2006-SM/Anhang/001 Anhang_Titel @ 9mod_1144444578277_293361.doc @ 293759 11 Appendix Pos: 11.2 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Anhang/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Schaltpläne @ 13mod_1152699465100_293361.doc @ 298869 11.1 Circuit diagrams 2007-09-05…

  • Page 94
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Appendix 2007-09-05…
  • Page 95: Check List For Annual Expert Inspection (Copy Template)

    Appendix Pos: 11.3 /KN2006-SM/nL———- Abschnittsende ———- @ 8mod_1141997892953_0.doc @ 293763 Pos: 11.4 /KN2006-Projekte/Knauf/Anhang/Mischpumpe PFT G4/1.1 Checkliste für jährliche Sachkundigen-Prüfung @ 13mod_1152699823584_293361.doc @ 298868 11.2 Check list for annual expert inspection (copy template) The expert inspection must be executed once a year in accordance with applicable rules and regulations.

  • Page 96: Index

    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Index Index Connections …………29 Accessories…………31 Contacts …………… 8 Adjustments Control panel…………80 air nozzle pipe ……….49 Copyright………….. 8 water quantity ……….40 Customer service ……….8 Applying mortar……….43 Danger zone…………17 Back pressure ………… 68 Delivery pressure ……….

  • Page 97
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Index Main switch…………16 Replacement parts……….8, 72 securing …………16 Protective equipment ……….13 Maintenance …………62 Material container and frame……72 Safety…………..9 Mixing pipe …………76 Safety devices …………16 Set values …………67 Noise………….15, 23 Signal words …………5 Signs …………..18 Operating conditions………..23 Specialized personnel………10…
  • Page 98
    Mixing Pump PFT G4 Index 2007-09-05…
  • Page 99
    WE KEEP THINKS MOVING Knauf PFT GmbH & Co.KG P.O. Box 60 97343 Iphofen Germany Einersheimer Straße 53 97346 Iphofen Phone: 0 93 23/31-760 Fax: 0 93 23/31-770…


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