Plane maker x plane 11 инструкция на русском

Можно в нем создавать подвижные части самолёта (Анимацию)?


Можно ли совсем обойтись без Plane-Maker?

Нет и да. Даже если делать 3д модель, пользовательские знания по нему нужны.

Подключать объект нужно будет через ПМ и регулировать тоже.

А также для анимации нужны данные которые есть только в ПМ и в симе.

Впрочем за вас это могут сделать и другие.

Как я понял из Plane-Maker она составляет одно целое с каркасом самолёта.

Нет. Интерьер и экстерьер раздельно, но могут быть и вместе.

Но! Кнопки панели, ручки и прочие кликабельные вещи обязаны быть в файле интерьера.

В файлах экстерьера может быть всё что угодно, кроме кликабельных частей панели.

То есть я допустим могу рисовать в 3D Studio Max фюзеляж и одновременно в нем делать интерьер, так?

Да. Это всё относится к внешним 3д объектам самолёта и не относится к аэродинамической модели.

Маленькие секреты симера…


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« Обновления для Boeing X737 v.4.3

Видео — создание модели в программе Blender »

По Plane Maker для X-Plane есть полезное видео. Посмотрите его, чтобы знать, какими же действительно возможностями обладает эта программа.

Смотреть здесь.

This entry was posted on 25.09.2011, 13:20 and is filed under Моделирование. You can follow any responses to this entry through RSS 2.0.

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X-Plane 11 мой разбор для начинающих игроков

X-Plane 11 наверное один из самых мною любимых авиасимуляторов. Разбираюсь в нем я самостоятельно, поэтому прошу не ругать, так сказать, все для новичков.

Начнем с улучшайзеров, а именно с плагинов которые сделают игру лучше:

Better Pushback — лучший буксировщик для X-Рlane.
Terrain radar + Vertical Situation Display — радар поверхности под летящим самолетом.
Ground Handling Deluxe — запускает обслуживающий транспорт.
X-Life Deluxe — добавляет воздушный трафик
Advanced Rendering Options plugin for X-Plane — улучшайзер графики
Airport Navigator Plugin — навигатор по аэропортам
X-RAAS: Runway Awareness and Advisory System — голосовой помощник

Плагины устанавливаются путем их распаковки в папку с игрой X-Plane 11Resourcesplugins
Полезная ссылка с плагинами.

Еще нам понадобится навигационная база данных AIRAC. Найти ее можно вбив в поисковик Navigraph, AIRAC navigation data, скачать, найти в скаченном архив или папку xplane11_native_1803 или более позднюю, найти в ней файлы и папку CIFP и скопировать их в папку X-Plane 11Custom Data.

Теперь об управлении:

Flight Controls

Pitch Trim Up


Pitch Trim Down


Flaps Up (Закрылки вверх)


Flaps Down (Закрылки вниз)


Speed Brakes Up One (Воздушный тормоз)


Speed Brakes Down One (Воздушный тормоз)


Rudder Trim Left


Rudder Trim Center


Rudder Trim Right


Aileron Trim Left


Aileron Trim Center


Aileron Trim Right


Landing Gear Down (Шасси убрать)


Landing Gear Up (Шасси выпустить)


Landing Gear Toggle (Шасси)


Brakes Toggle Regular (Тормоз)


Brakes Toggle Max (Стояночный тормоз)


Tailhook Down


Tailhook Up


Smoke Toggle


Canopy Open


Canopy Close



Throttle Down (Уменьшить тягу)


Throttle Up (Увеличить тягу)


Prop Down


Prop Up


Mixture Down


Mixture Up


Mixture Minimum


Mixture Maximum


Carb Heat On


Carb Heat Off


Carb Heat Toggle


Idle High/Low Toggle


TOGA Power


Beta Toggle


Thrust Reverse Toggle



Engage Starter 1

CTRL + 1

Engage Starter 2

CTRL + 2

Engage Starter 3

CTRL + 3

Engage Starter 4

CTRL + 4

Engage Starter 5

CTRL + 5

Engage Starter 6

CTRL + 6

Engage Starter 7

CTRL + 7

Engage Starter 8

CTRL + 8


Weapon Target Down


Weapon Target Up



Panel Brightness Down


Panel Brightness Up


HUD Brightness Toggle



NAV1 Standby Flip

CTRL + 9

NAV2 Stanby Flip

CTRL + 0

COM1 Standby Flip

CTRL + —

COM2 Standby Flip

CTRL + =




Quicktime Record




Ground Speed Change 


Flight-model Speed Change (Ускорить время)


Time Down


Time Up


Time Down Lots


Time Up Lots


Contact ATC


Fail System


Cycle Dump


Make Panel Previews


Create Snap Marker


Test Data Ref

CTRL + .

Slider 01-16

SHIFT + F1-F16

Replay Toggle


View Commands

Free Camera


Forward With Panel (Камера из кабины)


Forward With HUD


Forward With Nothing


Linear Spot


Still Spot










Track Weapon




Cockpit Command Look


Cinema Verite




Night Vision


3D Path Toggle


3D Path Reset


Show Physics Model


Quick Look 0-9


Quick Look Mem 0-9


















Left Fast


Right Fast


Up Fast


Down Fast


Forward Fast


Backwards Fast


Zoom-in Fast


Zoom-out Fast


Left Slow


Right Slow


Up Slow


Down Slow


Forward Slow

CTRL + .

Backwards Slow

CTRL + ,

Zoom-in Slow

CTRL + =

Zoom-out Slow

CTRL + —

Rot Up


Rot Down


Rot Left


Rot Right


Rot Up Fast


Rot Down Fast


Rot Left Fast


Rot Right Fast


Rot Up Slow


Rot Down Slow


Rot Left Slow


Rot Right Slow




Лично я меняю реверс на клавишу ` (~) которая находится перед клавишей 1. Для этого открываем настройки управления, и ищем Thrust Reverse Toggle.

Еще управление: < > приблизить или отдалить камеру.

Не забудьте переключить клавиатуру на раскладку EN

Теперь построим наш маршрут полета, X-Plane не умеет автоматически их строить как это делает FlightGear, для этого необходимо воспользоваться, сервисами или, маршруты мы строим для X-Plane 11. По аналогии с  FlightGear я построил прямой маршрут из EDDT в EDDV и сохранил его в папку X-Plane 11OutputFMS plans  строил сервисом который указан первым.

Теперь все готово, запускаем игру. Начинаем новый полет, выбираем доступный Boeing 737-800, указываем аэропорт EDDT, можем сразу стать на полосу 26L, или не становиться. И начинаем полет.

После загрузки, откройте меню Plugins, переместив мышку вверх или нажав ESC и убедитесь, что все нужные вам плагины включены в Plugin Admin — Enable/Disable. Если вы находитесь не на полосе, воспользуйтесь плагином Better Pushback что бы отбуксировать самолет в сторону рулежки, Airport Navigator Plugin поможет найти полосу 26L, ее можно так же определить меняя вид камеры Shift + 1..9 смотрите таблицу управление.

Подготовка к полёту. Считаем, что двигатели у нас запущены и все проверки пройдены. На панели перед собой, включаем F/D ON, устанавливаем скорость IAS/MACH на 200, и правее высоту ALTITUDE 10000. Опускаем взгляд вниз находим табло NAV и в поле STAND BY устанавливаем частоту маяка 108,9.

Загружаем карту полета. Ранее мы ее создали и загрузили в X-Plane 11OutputFMS plans На панели FMS жмем кнопку INIT REF, затем на табло ищем ROUTE MENU, затем выбираем CO ROUTE LIST в нем откроются все наши сохраненные в папке планы полета, переключать листы можно кнопками PREV PAGE и NEXT PAGE. Находим наш план и выбираем его, он автоматически отобразится на табло навигации.

Снимаемся со стояночного тормоза «b», немного добавляем тяги клавиша F2 и катимся к полосе, если мы не на ней. Я не спец и не знаю норм, по этому выставляю положение закрылок на взлет в положение 1 (клавиши 1 и 2)

Начинаем взлет. Добавляем тягу F2, и на скорости 160 тянем штурвал на себя, взлетаем, убираем шасси. На 500ft можно включить автопилот, и автомат тяги. На панели жмем LNAV и кнопку CMD, самолет ложится на план полета. Жмем A/T и SPEED включается автомат тяги. Продолжаем набирать высоту, нажимаем V/S теперь устанавливаем 2500 и видим как наш самолет набирает нужную высоту. Убираем закрылки.

Для того, что бы полет приходил быстрее жмем CTRL+T.

После прохождения последней точки начинаем снижение. Переключаемся на 108,9. Выставляем  4200ft жмем V/S устанавливаем -2500 снижаемся, где то за 20NM  жмем VOR LOC когда мы попадем в зону маяка самолет начнет выравниваться на полосу при этом на табло отображается 2 розовых ромба, ромб на горизонтальной плоскости выравнивается по центру шкалы, это означает, что самолет находится перед полосой, продолжаем снижение до 2000 — 2200ft одновременно сбрасываем скорость до 140 — 160, на 190 выпускам закрылки в первое положение на 160 во второе на 140 в третье. Можно использовать воздушный тормоз (клавиши 3 и 4 чтобы сбросить скорость). И наблюдаем за ромбом в вертикальной плоскости, когда ромб начнет приближаться к центру шкалы жмем APP, в правом верхнем углу автопилота будет гореть G/S, теперь мы снижаемся по глиссаде на полосу. Выпускаем шасси. В принципе все, самолет может сам сеть. Включаем автоматическое торможение «b» при необходимости запустить реверс. Выключаем автомат тяги, на отметке 40-30 можно чуть приподнять нос, уменьшаем тягу F1. Садимся, когда почти остановились отключаем тормоза. Рулим на рулёжку к аэропорту.


In this tutorial, you will learn how to create basic conventional aircraft for X-Plane by using Plane-Maker.

Conditions and Assumptions

When this tutorial was made, it was made based on X-Plane 9’s Plane-Maker with Windows Vista 32 operating system. It is also assumed that you already have your own aircraft design, ready to be modelled on X-Plane. If you haven’t had your own aircraft design, it is recommended that you read the other tutorial, Creating Ample the Example Plane with Plane-Maker, to get a brief understanding in how to use Plane-Maker.


Before taking a further steps in this tutorial, you should prepare the items/data listed below. It is important that you have them all completely, so, you can go through all part of this tutorial without any obstacle. Note that all required data below must be expressed in british unit for Plane-Maker (ft for length, lbs for mass and force).

Airfoil (afl files) for all aircraft’s lifting surfaces, rotor, and propeller (see How to Create Airfoil with Airfoil-Maker tutorial for the instructions about how to create airfoil for X-Plane).

Planform parameter for all lifting surfaces (If your planform geometry is complex, divide it into several simple trapezoidal planform section), which includes span, root and tip chord length, incidence angle, dihedral angle, twist angle.

HLD and control surface parameter, such as its spanwise location, its chord fraction, and its type.

Aircraft fuselage and other non-lifting bodies’ drawing, which includes the three view drawing and cross-section drawing at several station.

Aircraft’s engine specification data which includes thrust value, thrust point location (the location where thrust force is applied), SFC, compressor area, etc.

Aircraft’s weight and balance data which includes empty weight, MTOW, fuel weight, and CG location (most aft, most forward, and default CG location), etc.

Aircraft’s landing gear parameter, which includes gear type and position, wheel dimension, strut dimension, etc.

1. Introduction to Plane-Maker

Plane-Maker is one of the three X-Plane’s supplemental programs. This program is used to create custom aircraft for X-Plane. Aside from aircraft, you can also created other flying vehicles such as airships and rockets or non-flying vehicle such as cars (although the simulation may be inaccurate). However, as the name suggest, Plane-Maker is actually intended to create custom airplanes or helicopters.

In Plane-Maker, creating custom aircraft is done by constructing your aircraft model inside Plane-Maker and also inputting your aircraft’s parameter. Optionally, several third party 3D models can be imported into Plane-Maker as parts of your aircraft.

2. Plane-Maker User Interface

Plane-Maker’s interface consists of a toolbar, a main window showing your custom aircraft, and a few textboxes at the bottom of the main window. The toolbar consist of six main buttons: ‘about’ button, ‘file’ button, ‘standard’ button, ‘advanced’ button, and ‘background’ button. The ‘about’ button is used to check your version of Plane-Maker, the ‘file’ button to open or save your aircraft (acf), the ‘standard’ button for standard aircraft building, the ‘advanced’ button for advanced aircraft building, the ‘background’ button for view editing, and the ‘background’ button for miscellaneous function.

Figure 1: Plane-Maker main window

The main window of Plane-Maker shows you the appearance of your custom aircraft. Here, you can see how the your aircraft look like and how the change on any parameter that you made affect your aircraft appearance. In this window, You change the view of your aircraft by using several  keyboard shortcut keys. Use directional buttons to pan the view of your aircraft, +/- buttons to zoom your view in or out, W/S/A/D to rotate your aircraft, and space bar to switch from wireframe view to solid view, and vice versa.

Whenever you select any options/button from Plane-Maker toolbar, a new window will appear, completely blocking you from your main window. These new window will have different appearance and function, according to what buttons that you choose from your toolbar. However, all of them contains a lot of input boxes and a close button at the upper right corner. Keep in mind that in all window, a pop-up box will appear whenever you hover your mouse for a while on an input box, which contains an explanation regarding what value that should be inputted into that input box.

3. Creating acf file and folder structures

Before you start creating your aircraft, it is recommended that you create a folder named by your custom aircraft name somewhere inside your X-Plane directory. I would recommend that you put it inside X-PlaneAircraft directory. This is important because your custom aircraft will requires other files (such as picture files for the aircraft paint and cockpit panel, additional object, and so on) so that it can be flown in X-Plane perfectly. If you are not doing this, your custom aircraft may become incomplete after being moved to another location.

Inside your custom aircraft folder, you can create several folders according to your need. The following section shows the folders that can be created inside a custom aircraft folder along with its use. Note that the creation of all these folders below are not compulsory. If you are not going to use custom sound for your aircraft, you don’t have to create the ‘sounds’ folder, and so on.

‘airfoils’ – contains all afl (airfoil) files for your custom aircraft’s lifting surfaces.

‘cockpits’ – contains all bitmaps files for your custom aircraft’s cockpit object

‘liveries’ – contains all texture files for your custom aircraft’s external painting

‘objects’ – contains all 3D model (in obj format) for your custom aircraft.

‘sounds’ – contains all sound files for your custom aircraft.

‘weapons’ – contains all weapons files for your custom aircraft.

4. Constructing aircraft’s wings and other lifting surfaces

Constructing aircraft’s wings and other lifting surfaces is the most important things to do in Plane-Maker because your aircraft won’t be able to fly without wings (except if you are creating an airship). To construct aircraft’s wings and other lifting surface, click standard>wings and an editing window will appear as shown in figure 2. In this window, you can create and modify up to 4 wings, 1 horizontal stabilizer, and 2 vertical stabilizers. If this are not enough, you can create and modify more wings by clicking standard>miscwings.

Figure 2: Plane-Maker lifting surface editing window

The lifting surface editing window (for both standard>wings and standard>miscwings) consists of tabs (most upper), foil spec box (upper left), element spec box (lower left), texture box (upper right), and the preview of your aircraft (lower right). The upper tabs show which lifting surface that you are currently editing, while foil spec box, element spec box, and texture box consists of several input boxes that will define your lifting surface planform geometry. Note that in this window, you can use the keyboard shortcut stated in section 2 to change the view of your aircraft (inside the preview box).

The foil spec box consist of input boxes for your lifting surface’s planform parameters, such as semi-length, root chord, tip chord, etc. The use of foil spec box is to modify your lifting surface planform parameters. Insert these input boxes with your lifting surface planform parameters to create your lifting surface. However, keep in mind that all planform parameters value that you inserted must be measured relative to the lifting surface’s quarterchord line instead of the lifting surface’s leading edge. So, the position of the lifting surface (long arm, lat arm, and vert arm) must be filled with the position of your lifting surface’s root airfoil’s quarterchord point and the angular parameters (sweep and dihedral) must be measured from quarterchord line. Keep in mind also that the semi-lenght box must not be filled your lifting surface’s semi-span because semi-length is not semi-span. Semi-length is the half length of lifting surface’s quarterchord line and can be calculated simply with the formula below.

semi-length = ((semi-span)/cos(sweep))/cos(dihedral)

The element spec box consists of several columns of check boxes. The use of element spec box is to define control surfaces into your lifting surface. The most left input box of the element spec box is used to define the number of subsection that your lifting surface has (the lifting surface subsections are generated by dividing your current lifting surface uniformly in spanwise direction), while columns of check boxes (and an input box for incidence angle) to its right are used to define what control surface is installed in each lifting surface subsection (the most left column is the root subsection and the most left column). Note that when you modify the number in the subsection input box, the number of column of checkboxes will change accordingly and your wing’s appearance (its spanwise station) in wireframe view will also change accordingly. To define one or more control surface on your lifting surface, simply check the control surface’s check box at the its corresponding subsection column. For example, if you have wing section with span of 15ft and your wing has aileron located from 10m to 12.5m spanstation, simply divide your wings into 6 subsections and check the aileron1 check box on the fifth column from left. After you define your control surface, you may notice that no change was made in your lifting surface appearance because the control geometry of your control surface is not yet defined. See the section 6 for instruction in defining your control geometry.

Other than control surfaces, in the element spec box, you can also modify your lifting surface subsection’s incidence angle from the input boxes at the top of control surfaces’ checkboxes. The incidence angle value that you filled must be the incidence angle at the middle of the corresponding subsection. Keep in mind that when you add an incidence angle to a subsection, the rotation is done around the quarterchord location instead of leading edge.

Still in the element spec boxes, you can switch to customize chord mode by checking the customize chord box at the upper right corner of element spec box. In this mode, you can modify each lifting surface’s chord on the corresponding spanwise station. Use the first row input boxes to scale each chord (from its quarterchord) and the second row input boxes to move each chord forward or backward. Remember that you can always switch back to control surface mode by unchecking the customise chord box.

The texture box consist of several input boxes for aircraft texturing/painting. See the other tutorial, How to paint your aircraft, for the instruction for this box.

Remember the instructions about foil spec box and element spec box above applies for all lifting surface such as wings, horizontal tails, vertical tails, misc wings, and engine pylons (use standard>enginepylons to open lifting surface editing window for engine pylons). The only differences that you should keep in mind between each lifting surfaces are the following:

Wings and horizontal tails are automatically generated with its left side and right side planforms (symmetric).

Misc wings are defaulted to be in the right side only. However you can change it to be  in the  left side by checking the check box at the upper left of element spec box. So remember to always create a pair of misc wing (one for left side and one for right side) if you are using misc wing as the component of your main wing.

Vertical tails and engine pylons are defaulted to have a dihedral value of 90 degrees.

Note also that if you are creating a lifting surface with complex planform, you can use more than one lifting surfaces (for example, wing 1 and wing 2, or wing 1 and misc wing 1, etc) and connect it by using ‘snap to’ dropbar button at the upper left of lifting surface editing window. For more advanced tutorial in constructing lifting surfaces n Plane-Maker, see How to Construct Lifting Surface in Plane-Maker.

5. Assigning airfoils

After you have finished constructing your lifting surface, the next thing to do is to assign airfoils to all of your lifting surface (and propellers). Assigning airfoils can be done by clicking expert>airfoils to access airfoil assignment window as shown in figure 3 below. In this window, you can assign airfoils for all lifting surfaces that you have created previously and also add several feature to your lifting surface such as variable sweep.

Figure 3: Plane-Maker airfoil assignment window

Airfoil assignment window consist of  tabs (upper) and several boxes (lower) that labelled with a name of of a lifting surface. The upper tabs show which group of lifting surfaces to which airfoil assignment will be made, while the labelled boxes consist of input boxes for airfoil assignment. Note that these labelled boxes will show no input boxes in it if the corresponding lifting surface is not created yet.

In each labelled box, there will be four input boxes for airfoil assignment. The first two input boxes on the left are for root airfoil while the last two input boxes on the right are for tip airfoil. You can browse which afl file to be assigned in each input box by clicking the small square box locate at the left side of each input box. Notice that both root and tip airfoils, you must enter two afl files. One afl file for airfoil’s performance in high Reynolds number and one afl file for low Reynolds number. This is necessary because an afl file only contains a certain airfoil’s aerodynamic performance for a certain Reynolds number, while airfoil’s aerodynamics performance changes as Reynold number changes and an aircraft always operate at wide range of Reynolds number. Thus, two afl files (one for aerodynamics performance at low Reynolds number and one for aerodynamics performance at high Reynolds number) is needed by X-Plane to estimate lifting surface’s aerodynamic performance over a wide range of aircraft’s operating Reynolds number.

Beside four input boxes, there are also four checkboxes at the right-side of each labelled box. These check boxes are used to allow variable-swept, variable-dihedral, variable-incidence, and retractable features on your lifting surfaces. By checking each checkbox, an input box will appear at the right side of checkbox for specifying the amount of variable angles (for swept, dihedral, and incidence) and/or the ratio of retractable part of the lifting surfaces that will be applied. Note that for lifting surface with variable angles, the default value of angle used for initial configuration is the value given in the lifting surface editing window, thus, only insert the amount of variable range (angle range) in this input boxes. Keep in mind that these variable angles are always measured from the quarterchord line.

6. Defining control surfaces

After you have successfully created your lifting surface and assigned airfoils for it, the last thing to do with lifting surface is to define the control surfaces. To define control surfaces for your lifting surface, click standard>controlgeometry and an editing window will appear as shown in figure 4. In this window, you can define the geometry and characteristics of all of your control surfaces.

Figure 4: Plane-Maker control surface editing window

The control surface editing window consists of 4 window selection tabs and the editing window for the selected tabs. The contents of this editing window will change depending on the tab that is currently selected. If ‘controls’ tab is selected, the editing window will appear as shown in figure 4 above, which is consist of control size box on the left and flap spec box on the right.

7. Constructing aircraft’s fuselage and other non-lifting bodies

8. Constructing aircraft’s engine

9. Constructing aircraft’s landing gear

Special Controls is a fun part of Plane Maker that can be used to add a variety of unrelated technologies and gimmicks to your aircraft.

to do… can we make the article content wrap around the table of contents, so the TOC is on the left, and the article begins immediately upper-right?

Jet assisted take-off[]

Jet assisted take-off or JATO is actually a strange military term for single-use rockets that are fired (typically) on take-off to reduce the ground run. These are usually solid-propellant rockets, but historically liquid-fueled rockets have been used, too.

The data fields are:

  • For geometry JATO long arm, JATO vert(ical) arm, JATO angle
  • JATO thrust
  • JATO duration
  • JATO specific weight

Note on the geometry: You should make sure that the thrust line of the JATO unit runs approximately through the centre-of-gravity of your aircraft! Else lighting and burn-out of the JATO rocket will introduce a trim change — the more powerful the rocket, the worse the trim change.

Note on the weight: Duration is in seconds, specific weight is in pounds per pound-force per hour. If you know that a JATO unit delivers 4400 lb(f) (=pound-force) of thrust and burns for 6 seconds, and that its weight is 73.3 lbs, you can calculate the specific weight as follows:

  • 73.3 lbs / (4400 lb(f) * 6 s/3600) = 10.0 lbs/(lb(f)*s) — after all, there are 3600 seconds in an hour
  • Alternative method: Enter something remotely sensible for specific weight, then check the resulting JATO weight as indicated on the Weight and Balance sheet, then go back to Special Controls and make a better guess …

Don’t forget to add a JATO button on the Panel, too!

Equipment Options[]

Tick any checkbox here to add a certain type of equipment to the aircraft.

Auto speedbrake on touchdown[]

This enables the aircraft to deploy the aerodynamic brakes automatically on landing gear ground contact, if the automatic deployment is armed by putting the Speed Brake handle in the full-up ‘ARMED’ position. The Speed Brake handle (han_sbrake2) has to be added on the Panel in order to use this feature.

Auto wheelbrake on touchdown[]

This enables the aircraft to use the wheelbrakes automatically to achieve certain hard-coded decelerations, depending on the position of the Auto Brake switch that has to be added on the Panel in order to use this feature.

The Auto Brake switch has the following positions:

  • RTO: Rejected Take-Off
  • Off: Nothing happens
  • 1: deceleration -0,124 G
  • 2: deceleration -0,155 G
  • 3: deceleration -0,224 G
  • Max: deceleration -0,37 G or -0,43 G

Rejected Take-Off: Autobrakes armed to RTO will engage the wheelbrakes when a significant drop of thrust occurs. On a rejected take-off, that drop of thrust would of course be caused by the pilot pulling back the throttles!

Auto reverse on touchdown[]

This enables the aircraft to employ reverse thrust automatically on touch-down. To use auto-reverse in the simulation, it has to be enabled using the Auto Reverse selector on the Panel. There are also three required settings in PlaneMaker:

  1. The Auto-Reverse Switch button must be added to the Panel.
  2. The max reverse throttle setting under Engine Specs must be set to a value other than 0
  3. The all engines reverse-thrust available checkbox under Special Equipment must be selected.

Gear extend protect[]

This will prevent the aircraft from extending the landing gear at speeds exceeding the Maximum Landing Gear Extended Speed (VLE) defined on the Viewpoint screen.

Flap extend protect[]

This will cause the aircraft to prevent flap deployment at speeds exceeding the maximum defined on the Viewpoint screen.

Flap Retract Protect[]

This will cause the aircraft to retract flaps if the maximum speed defined on the Viewpoint screen is exceeded.

Auto-lock tailwheel elevator fully aft[]

This simulates automatic tail wheel locking, as for example used by the North American P-51 Mustang or the Dornier Do 217. It allows locking the tail wheel to the center if the stick is aft of the center position.

Note: In X-Plane 8.xx and early 9.xx versions, the tail wheel was locked only with the stick fully aft. The current version X-Plane 9.67 has been fixed and works as desired.

Auto wing-sweep with flaps and flops[]

Auto wing-sweep with vector[]

Auto flaps with gear[]

Auto flaps with vector[]

Auto slats near stall[]

This causes the slats to be deployed at a certain angle of attack. The angle of attack at which the slats are deployed depends on the value entered as stall warning angle on the Viewpoint screen. If the stall warning angle is too close to the actual stall angle, there will be no benefit from auto slats, so a certain margin between warning and actual stall is required.

If a slat extension greater than 0.0 is set in the Control Geometry menu, this overrides auto slat deployment when the flaps are deployed. (ToDo: Find out if it also overrides when the flaps are not deployed.)

To have freely operating slats with the flaps deployed, the slat figure on the Control Geometry screen has to be set to 0.0. This configuration was for example used by the Messerschmitt Me 262 jet fighter.

To have the slats locked open with the flaps deployed, the slat figure on the Control Geometry screen has to be set to a figure greater than 0.0. This configuration was for example used by the Savoia-Marchetti S.M.79 trimotor bomber.

Auto flaps near stall[]

This causes the flaps to be deployed at a certain angle of attack. The angle of attack at which the flaps are deployed depends on the value entered as stall warning angle on the Viewpoint screen. If the stall warning angle is too close to the actual stall angle, there will be no benefit from auto flaps, so a certain margin between warning and actual stall is required.

Auto-trim pitch loads[]

This is used for gradually and automatically loading helicopter pitch trim upon application of joystick pitch such as on the Comanche helicopter.  It is not for fixed-wing aircraft. 09:12, November 29, 2020 (UTC)Reticuli

Anti-ice equipped[]

(ToDo: Find out if this is necessary at all if the appropriate switches are on the panel.)

Arresting gear equipped[]

This makes the aircraft capable of performing arrested landings on an aircraft carrier. To activate the arresting gear, push the arrestor gear button that has to be added on the Panel to make this work.

Note: There is no visible indication of the arrestor gear being deployed. To create a visible tailhook, you’d have to use Objects. Simulating the hook with extra landing gear legs or Misc Bodies is not recommended as it changes the geometry of the landing gear and does not represent the tailhook status accurately anyway.

See also: Carrier Operations

Gear warning horn equipped[]

This will sound a warning signal if the throttle is retracted beyond a certain point when the gear is not extended. (ToDo: Does it really work that way in X-Plane, or does it require a minimum altitude or flap deployment as well?)

Transonic warning horn equipped[]

Lo-rotor RPM warning horn equipped[]

Hi-rotor RPM warning horn equipped[]


This will equip the aircraft with a parachute. The most common use is as a brake chute for landing (sometimes referred to as a drogue parachute), but some plane builders have also used it to simulate a Ballistic Recovery System or a dive brake. The parachute activation requires a button on the Panel.

Note: In X-Plane, the parachute can be recovered and re-used in flight. Brake chutes usually can be used only once and at the end of the landing run are separated from the aircraft and recovered by the ground crew. However, some aircraft had chutes capable of in-flight recovery, for example the Dornier Do 217 which used a parachute as dive brake.

The data fields for the parachute are:

  • Parachute longitudinal arm
  • Parachute vertical arm
  • Parachute front area

Tip: When including a parachute for use as a landing brake chute, be sure that the longitudinal arm is at a location greater than (further aft of) the aircraft’s center of gravity (CG), and preferably near or below the vertical CG.

Special Control Deflections[]

This section serves to generate control deflections beyond the traditional control of «stick lateral = aileron, stick longitudinal = elevator, rudder pushed = rudder».

The tickbox «additive control deflections can go beyond basic deflections» refers to the basic deflections as defined in the Control Geometry menu.

Differential elevator & stabilator with roll[]

Here the maximum deflection for tail surfaces in response to aileron input is entered. This feature is also sometimes called «taileron» and used by many modern jet fighters. Some jet fighters like the English Electric Lightning use taileron in combination with the «aileron cut-out» feature described below.

Differential elevator & stabilator with yaw[]

Here the maximum deflection for tail surfaces in response to rudder input is entered. This feature is required for V-tails to work.

Ailerons with pitch[]

This deflects the ailerons symmetrically (like flaps) when the stick is pulled back to increase the camber of the wing and thus generate more lift. While Plane Maker states Austin Meyer is not aware of any aircraft to use this, the Hirth Acrostar aerobatic aircraft actually used this for symmetric flight behaviour under positive and negative G’s.

Two data fields are provided, one for each set of ailerons as defined in Control Geometry.

Ailerons with flaps[]

This lowers the ailerons when the flaps are deployed so that they serve as auxiliary flaps. This feature is for example used by the Messerschmitt Me 109E and also on the Bell XV-15, both of which lower the ailerons by about half the flap deflection angle for landings.

Two data fields are provided, one for each set of ailerons as defined in Control Geometry.

Rudder with aileron[]

This feature deflects the rudder when the ailerons are deflected in an attempt to maintain coordinated flight automatically. This feature was for example used by the first Wright Flyer and was part of the original patents of the Wright brothers.

Cutout speeds[]

To switch off certain sets of ailerons or roll spoilers above a certain speed, enter the cutout speed here. This feature is used for example by the English Electric Lightning to switch off aileron control at high speeds in order to avoid overstressing the thing wing — roll control is then achieved by taileron alone.

Differential Thrust for Maneuvering[]

This section serves to configure the use of engine thrust for flight control.

Thrust vector with pitch/roll/yaw input[]

These three data fields describe how far the thrust vector of the engines is tilted when the respective control is fully deflected.

The tick box «full on at 0°» makes thrust vectoring fully active when the thrust vector is aligned with the aircraft design axis.

The tick box «full on at 90°» makes thrust vectoring fully active when the thrust vector is perpedicular to the aircraft design axis.

The two tick boxes can be used to make thrust vectoring effective either in forward flight or in VTOL mode, or under both circumstances. (ToDo: Someone who has more experience with VTOLs should check this  :-)

Note: Typically, roll control by thrust vectoring requires at least two engines, with the one on the downgoing side tilting its thrust axis upwards and the other one tilting it downwards.

Throttle with pitch/roll/yaw input[]

These three fields describe by how much thrust is modulated to achieve flight control. This is typcially used by VTOLs. An example for the use differential thrust is the Dornier Do 31 VTOL transport, which uses its wing-pod lift engines to achieve roll control while in hover.

Wing tilt for maneuverering[]

This section describes how far the wing can be tilted for achieve control. Ultralight trikes often use wing tilt for control.

There are two data fields, one for lateral control and one for longitudinal control.


This section describes automatic control deflections that are usually used to trim the aircraft on a configuration change.

The field «stabilizer with flaps» typically serves to counteract the trim change induced by lowering or raising the flaps. An example for this feature is the Messerschmitt Bf 110.

Note: Only the default horizontal stabilizer will move through the angle specified. If other wings are used to emulate the horizontal stabilizer, this feature will not work.

The field «rudder with engine failure» serves to counteract the trim change induced by the loss of an engine that is laterally off the centreline of the aircraft.

Dynamic flap actuation[]

This section serves to re-use the flaps for manoevering purposes.

The two data fields «Flaps with pitch input» are used to deflect the the two sets of flaps when the stick is pulled back to increase the camber of the wing and thus generate more lift.

The two data fields Flaps with roll input» are used to deflect the the two sets of flaps asymmetrically in response to aileron input to roll the plane.

Each tick box «hi-dep» restricts the use of flaps of the respective feature to control inputs above 50% of the maximum, letting the flaps cut in only at high deflections.

Note: Dynamic flap actuation is not subject to damage even if the flaps are deflected at speeds exceeding the limit set on the Viewpoint screen. However, if the flaps are damaged by exceeding that speed while they are used as standard flaps, dynamic flap actuation can make the aircraft uncontrollable on landing. It’s recommended that you set a very high speed limit for flap damage to avoid this effect.

Данное обновление предназначено для использования с моделью Л-410 от
KSGY для x-plane 11, не является самостоятельным продуктом
и распостраняется «as is».

Let L 410 «Turbolet» — универсальный девятнадцатиместный двухмоторный самолет для региональных воздушных линий. Самолет с сокращенными взлетно-посадочными свойствами (УВП в названии L410 UVPE20 означает русскую аббревиатуру «Укороченный взлет и посадка») разработан конструкторским бюро Let завода . Предназначался для эксплуатации на травяных, грунтовых, снежных неподготовленных площадках, а также в аэропортах с короткими полосами. Другие наименования: Турболет, Лет, Л410, Лет Л410, разговорные — Элка, Чебурашка.
Проектирование самолёта началось в 1966 году. Впервые опытный самолёт, снабженный ТВД Pratt&Whitney РТ6А27 (2х715л.с.), прошел лётные испытания 16.04.1969. Регулярное использование самолётов Л410А открыла первой в конце 1971 года чехословацкая авиационная компания «Слов Эйр» (Братислава), котоаря обслуживала местные авиационыне линии — к началу 1974 года она приобрела двенадцать самолётов, а в 1973 году первые два самолета переданы в Советский Союз. Самолёты получили регистрационные советские номера СССР67251 — СССР67255.

В 1973 году стартовали лётные проверки самолёта L410M, снабженного чешскими ТВД Вальтер М601А. L410M стал второй серийной вариацией «Турболета». Всего до конца 1978 для Министерства гражданской авиации Советского Союза поступило сто самолётов Л410М/МУ.

В 1979 году стартовало производство улучшенной модификации Л410УВП, которая стала главной серийной моделью. Этот самолёт от предшествующих вариантов отличался более длинным фюзеляжем, большими размерами вертикального оперения и крыла, использованием интерцепторов и ТВД Вальтер М601В (2х730л.с.). Данный самолёт прошёл в СССР программу сертификации и был взят в использование «Аэрофлотом». Дальнейшим развитием был вариант L410UVPE с более мощными ТВДМ601Е. Первый полёт такого самолёта состоялся 30.12.1984. Он имеет улучшенные взлётно-посадочные характеристики и уменьшенный уровень шума в кабине. В 1986 сертифицирован в Советском Союзе. Разработана модификация Л420 с мощными ТВДМ601 °F (2х778л.с.), большей взлетной массой (6,8т) и улучшенными лётными свойствами (лётные испытания самолёта стартовали в 1993 году).

В настоящее время самолет используется в военных и гражданских летных училищах для предварительного обучения будущих пилотов военно-транспортной и дальней авиации.

После развала Советского Союза и СЭВ в 1990-х годах, упал спрос на самолёты Л410, и темпы их производства снизились более чем в десять раз (с 50 самолетов в год до двух-пяти). Ситуация улучшилась значительно с 2008 года, когда 51 процент акций Let Kunovice (Aircraft Industries) выкупило российское общество «Уральская горно-металлургическая компания». Темп выпуска в 2010—2012 годах составил восемь-десять самолетов в год. Планируют довести ежегодный темп выпуска до 16—18 самолетов.

В 2013 году производилась модификация L410 UVPE20, оборудованная аналоговой или цифровой авионикой (на выбор), системой TCAS, автопилотом. L410 UVPE20 имеет сертификат типа АРМАК.

ОАО «Уральская горно-металлургическая компания» в сентябре 2013 года приобрело 49 процентов акций компании LetKunovice (Aircraft Industries). УГМК таким образом стала единственным собственником Aircraft Indistries, доведя пакет акций до 100 процентов»

Подробнее на:

Представленный update модели самолета предназначен для использования с моделью Л-410 от KSGY для x-plane 11 и не является самостоятельным продуктом. Это обновление включает в себя:
— апгрейд динамики летной модели самолета и расхода топлива,
— изменена логика запуска двигателей, согласно РЛЭ,
— изменена работа амортизаторов стоек шасси и управления передней опорой,
— дополнены/доработаны системы самолета,
— добавлены/анимированы/ АЗС, переключатели, кнопки, добавлены/анимированы некоторые светосигнальные табло, добавлена необходимая логика, в частности — переключение управления ПОШ, противообледенительной системы, посадочных и рулежных фар, освещение кабины экипажа, антиюз и т.д.
— изменена логика включения и работы обогрева ПВД и статических приемников, добавлена логика отказа приемников с соответствующими последствиями и логика отказа самого обогрева при перегреве,
— добавлена возможность изменения регистрационного номера из скрипта без необходимости запуска Plane Maker,
— изменена логика электропитания самолета,
и некоторые другие изменения.


распаковать содержимое папки L_410_Update в папку с моделью и согласится с заменой

При желании возможно изменить регистрационный номер самолета, отображаемый
над панелью приборов. Для этого необходимо открыть файл regnum.lua, расположенный в папке
Custom Avionics любым тектстовым редактором и в стоке local t_number = » » между кавычками
вписать желаемый регистрационный номер. Файл сохранить и закрыть.

Вносить какие-либо иные изменения в файлы, расположенные в указанной папке не рекомендуется
поскольку модель может потерять работоспособность.

Сам самолет можно скачать на сайте автора:


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