Руководств по эксплуатации элантра

Вся представленная на сайте информация, касающаяся автомобилей и сервисного
обслуживания, носит информационный характер и не является публичной офертой,
определяемой положениями ст. 437 (2) ГК РФ. Все цены, указанные на данном
сайте, носят информационный характер и являются максимально рекомендуемыми розничными
ценами по расчётам дистрибьютора (ООО «Хендэ Мотор СНГ»). Для получения
подробной информации просьба обращаться к ближайшему официальному дилеру ООО «Хендэ
Мотор СНГ». Опубликованная на данном сайте информация может быть изменена в любое
время без предварительного уведомления.

Автосервис Москва, Авиамоторная

Автосервис ЮВАО, ВАО — метро Авиамоторная:

Автосервис Серп и Молот | Автосервис Красноказарменная | Автосервис Лефортово

Ближайшие станции метро — Авиамоторная, Площадь Ильича, Шоссе Энтузиастов, Чкаловская, Бауманская, Семеновская. Ближайшие для подъезда улицы — третье транспортное кольцо (ТТК), проезд завода Серп и Молот, Лефортовский вал, Красноказарменная улица.

Автосервис Москва, Октябрьское поле

Автосервис СЗАО, САО — метро Октябрьское поле, станция Зорге МЦК (район Щукино, Хорошёво—Мнёвники)

Ближайшие станции метро — Октябрьское поле, Полежаевская. Станция Московского Центрального Кольца — Зорге. Ближайшие для подъезда улицы — Маршала Бирюзова, Берзарина, Народного ополчения, Зорге, Куусинена, Расплетина.

Автосервис Москва, Измайлово

Автосервис ВАО — метро Соколиная гора (район Измайлово)

Ближайшие станции метро — Соколиная гора, Партизанская, Измайлово, Шоссе Энтузиастов, Черкизовская. Ближайшие для подъезда улицы — Вернисажная, Шоссе Энтузиастов, проспект Будённого, Северо-Восточная хорда, Щербаковская улица, Большая Черкизовская улица.

Автосервис Москва, Щелковская

Автосервис ВАО — метро Щелковская (район Гольяново)

Ближайшие станции метро — Щелковская, Черкизовская, Бульвар Рокоссовского, Первомайская, Партизанская, Измайловская. Ближайшие для подъезда улицы — Щелковское шоссе, Амурская, Сиреневый бульвар, Монтажная улица, Байкальская улица, Открытое шоссе.


Франшиза автосервиса, Вакансии автосервиса

Ремонт (сервис) корейских автомобилей. Специализированный техцентр (автосервис) в Москве. Copyright © 2000-2023. Все права сохранены. Обращаем Ваше внимание на то, что данный сайт носит исключительно информационный характер и ни при каких условиях не является публичной офертой, определяемой положениями Статьи 437 (2) Гражданского кодекса Российской Федерации.

Компания «АвтоМиг» является НЕОФИЦИАЛЬНЫМ техническим центром по обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей марок KIA и HYUNDAI. Никакого отношения ни к официальным представителям (дилерам), ни к самим производителям транспортных средств автосервис не имеет! Все упоминания торговых знаков (марок автомобилей) на данном сайте носят исключительно ИДЕНТИФИЦИРУЮЩИЙ характер (используются не в качестве средства индивидуализации), указывают, какие именно автомобили обслуживает техцентр (в соответствии со ст. 1474, 1487 Гражданского Кодекса РФ).

На любую машину, которой владею, собираю техническую документацию. Не обошло это и нынешний автомобиль, собрал самую полную коллекцию электронных книг и документов на Hyundai Elantra и ещё на АКПП, магнитолу, сигнализацию, ну и в довесок — электрические схемы Kia Ceed, которые могут быть полезны и владельцам Elantra, так как платформы и начинка у машин практически идентичны.

Итак начну:

1. Руководство по эксплуатации 2006 г. на русском языке в формате pdf.

2. Руководство по эксплуатации 2008 г. на русском языке в формате pdf.

Руководство 2008 года имеет другой перевод и больше страниц с информацией, 377 против 306 страниц в 2006 году.

3. Руководство по кузовному ремонту. Все зазоры, точки замеров, панели, элементы и пр. на английском языке в формате pdf.

Фото в бортжурнале Hyundai Elantra (4G)

4. Цветная книга по ремонту и обслуживанию Hyundai Elantra IV в фотографиях на русском языке в формате pdf.

5. АКПП марки a4af3 и a4bf2, устанавливаемые в Hyundai Elantra HD, каталог деталей и инструкция по ремонту на русском языке в формате pdf.

6. Интерактивный каталог на английском языке, самая полная техническая документация Hyundai Elantra J4, полнее не бывает. Каталог выполнен в виде образа CD диска в двух самых распространённых расширениях, iso и mdf. Подробно о запуске каталога в файле ReadMe. Для работы каталога требуется операционная система Windows XP, в других операционках каталог не работает!

7. Учебные руководства по устройству, обслуживанию и ремонту автомобилей Hyundai на английском языке, спасибо dentaku, за ссылку на документ. Для Elantra HD в формате ppt и продолжение в формате doc.
Для других марок Hyundai:
Список моделей
Accent/Verna (MC)
Centennial/Equus (VI)
Centennial (lZ)
i10/Atos (PA)
i20 (PB)
i30/NEOS (FD)
ix35 (EL), он же Tucson (LM)
H-1 (TQ)
SantaFe (CM)
Sonata (NF)
Sonata (YF)

В качестве бонуса:
a. Электрические схемы Kia Ceed
b. 2Din магнитола Intro CHR в штатное место Hyundai Elantra, две инструкции для разных моделей
c. Сигнализация Excellent от дилера, установленная у меня, все руководства к ней.

Ну и все инструкции в одном месте, общая ссылка.

Много инструкций

Hyundai Elantra AD (2015 — 2019)

Данная инструкция на русском языке предназначена для автомобиля
Hyundai Elantra AD (2015 — 2019)
, описывает принцип работы и основные моменты эксплуатации устройства.

Производитель настойчиво рекомендует перед включением автомобиля
внимательно изучить настоящую инструкцию.

Инструкция для автомобиля
представлена в формате PDF. Все современные браузеры уже поддерживают данный формат и сложностей с открытием файла возникнуть не должно.

Но если открыть инструкцию все же не удается, то необходимо установить на компьютер программу для чтения PDF файлов, например, Acrobat Reader. Если у вас возникли сложности с открытием инструкции на смартфоне под управлением Android, нужно установить, например, Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Комментарии (0)

Комментарии про другие Автомобили

Другие Автомобили Hyundai

Видео Это что Ауди?/Новая Hyundai Elantra 2019/Большой Тест Драйв (автор: Большой тест-драйв)15:05

Это что Ауди?/Новая Hyundai Elantra 2019/Большой Тест Драйв

Видео ВСЕ ПЕРЕПУТАЛИ! ELANTRA 2019. Тест-драйв и обзор Хендэ Элантра 2019 (рестайл) (автор: Павел Блюденов)20:10

ВСЕ ПЕРЕПУТАЛИ! ELANTRA 2019. Тест-драйв и обзор Хендэ Элантра 2019 (рестайл)

Видео Новая Hyundai Elantra (2021): уже не седан! Все подробности о новинке (автор: Auto News)05:11

Новая Hyundai Elantra (2021): уже не седан! Все подробности о новинке

Видео Hyundai Elantra First DRIVE! | Let’s drive the all new 2021 Hyundai Elantra (AKA Hyundai Avante) (автор: Asian Petrolhead)15:30

Hyundai Elantra First DRIVE! | Let’s drive the all new 2021 Hyundai Elantra (AKA Hyundai Avante)

Видео 2021 HYUNDAI ELANTRA | Detailed Review | Technologies, Specs, Design (автор: YOUCAR)23:46

2021 HYUNDAI ELANTRA | Detailed Review | Technologies, Specs, Design

Видео Hyundai Elantra - First Look! | Let’s meet the all new 2021 Hyundai Elantra in PERSON! (автор: Asian Petrolhead)49:18

Hyundai Elantra — First Look! | Let’s meet the all new 2021 Hyundai Elantra in PERSON!

Видео Больше не похожа на СОЛЯРИС. Hyundai Elantra 2020 (обзор и тест-драйв) (автор: AUTONEWS)07:09

Больше не похожа на СОЛЯРИС. Hyundai Elantra 2020 (обзор и тест-драйв)

Видео ХЕНДАЙ ЭЛАНТРА 2019 ТЕСТ ДРАЙВ и ОБЗОР (автор: ProDrive)20:32


Вся информация, содержащаяся в этом руководстве, верна на день его публикации.
Однако фирма Х¨НДАЙ оставляет за собой право вносить изменения в конструкцию
и технические характеристики этого автомобиля в целях улучшения его качества.

Данное руководство предназначено для всех выпускаемых в настоящее время моде-
лей автомобилей Х¨НДАЙ и включает в себя технические характеристики и описа-
ние как стандартного, так и дополнительного оборудования. Поэтому некоторые
положения данного руководства не будут соответствовать оборудованию, имеюще-
муся на Вашем автомобиле.





Вся информация, содержащаяся в этом руководстве, верна на де...

Не допускается внесение изменений в Ваш автомобиль Х…

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Не допускается внесение изменений в Ваш автомобиль Х¨НДАЙ. Внесение таких изменений может нега-
тивно повлиять на безопасность, долговечность и рабочие характеристики Вашего автомобиля Х¨НДАЙ.
Внесение изменений в автомобиль может лишить Вас гарантии изготовителя.



Внесение изменений в автомобиль может лишить Вас гарантии изготовителя


Ваш автомобиль оборудован системой впрыска топлива с электронным управлением и другими электро-
нными системами. Неправильно установленная радиостанция или сотовый телефон могут негативно
повлиять на электронные системы Вашего автомобиля. По этой причине, мы рекомендуем Вам следовать
инструкциям изготовителя приемопередающей радиоаппаратуры или проконсультироваться у Вашего
официального дилера Х¨НДАЙ по вопросам мер предосторожности или в целях получения специальных
указаний, в случае если Вы предпочитаете устанавливать такое оборудование самостоятельно.

Не допускается внесение изменений в Ваш автомобиль Х...


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Обозначает интересную или полезную информацию.

В настоящем руководстве встречаются заголовки “ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ”, “ВНИМАНИЕ” и
Эти слова указывают на следующее:

Указывает на большую вероятность тяжелого травмирования себя и других

людей, если не соблюдаются рекомендации данной инструкции. Следуйте сове-

там, указанным в этих предупреждениях.

Означает опасные действия, которые могут привести к легкому травмированию

себя и других людей или к повреждению автомобиля или какого-либо оборудова-

ния автомобиля. Следуйте советам, указанным под заголовком ВНИМАНИЕ.



ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Благодарим Вас за то, что в качестве своей ново…

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Благодарим Вас за то, что в качестве своей новой машины Вы выбрали автомобиль Х¨НДАЙ. Мы рады приветствовать
Вас в числе особых людей, владельцев автомобилей Х¨НДАЙ. Мы гордимся техническим совершенством и высоким
качеством изготавливаемых нами автомобилей марки Х¨НДАЙ.

Настоящее руководство по эксплуатации поможет Вам лучше понять и полностью реализовать многочисленные достои-
нства Вашего нового автомобиля Х¨НДАЙ. Рекомендуем Вам тщательно ознакомиться с настоящим руководством,
поскольку оно содержит информацию о том, как следует эксплуатировать и обслуживать Ваш автомобиль, чтобы его вож-
дение доставляло Вам удовольствие.

Фирма изготовитель также рекомендует Вам производить техническое обслуживание и ремонт Вашего автомобиля только
у официального дилера Х¨НДАЙ. Дилеры Х¨НДАЙ специально подготовлены для обеспечения высококачественного
обслуживания, ремонта и любой другой помощи, которая может Вам потребоваться.


ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ: Поскольку последующему владельцу автомобиля тоже понадобится это руководство, пожалуй-

ста, оставьте данное руководство в автомашине в случае ее перепродажи.


При использовании некачественных топлива и смазочных материалов возможны серьезные

повреждения двигателя и трансмиссии. Используйте только высококачественное топливо и сма-

зочные материалы в соответствии со спецификацией на стр. 9-4 настоящего Руководства.

Авторское право 2006 Х¨НДАЙ МОТОР КОМПАНИ. Все права защищены.

ПРЕДИСЛОВИЕ Благодарим Вас за то, что в качестве своей ново...







1. Что такое оригинальные запас-

ные части Х¨НДАЙ?

Оригинальные запасные части Х¨НДАЙ
— это такие же детали, которые использу-
ются фирмой Х¸ндай Мотор Компани при
производстве автомобилей. Они разра-
ботаны и изготовлены с таким расче-
том, чтобы Ваш автомобиль сохранял
свои высокие эксплуатационные качес-

2. Почему Вы должны использо-

вать оригинальные запасные части


Оригинальные запасные части Х¨НДАЙ
разработаны и изготовлены, чтобы отве-
чать высоким требованиям произ-
водителя автомобилей. Применение
запасных частей другого производите-

ля, поддельных или бывших в употреб-
лении запасных частей лишает Вас
права на гарантийное обслуживание
новых автомобилей Х¨НДАЙ или прав
на любое другое гарантийное обслужи-
вание автомобилей Х¨НДАЙ.
Более того, любые повреждения или
неисправности оригинальных запасных
части Х¨НДАЙ, вызванные установкой
запасных частей другого производите-
ля, поддельных или бывших в употреб-
лении запасных частей не покрываются
гарантией предоставляемой фирмой
Х¸ндай Мотор Компани.

3. Как определить подлинность ори-

гинальных запасных частей


Проверьте наличие логотипа оригиналь-
ных запасных частей Х¨НДАЙ на упа-
ковке (см. рисунок внизу).

Экспортные характеристики пишутся
только на Английском языке.
Оригинальные запасные части Х¨НДАЙ
продаются только через сеть официаль-
ных дилеров Х¨НДАЙ.



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РЕКОМЕНДУЕМОЕ ТОПЛИВО……………………………………………………………………………….. 1 — 3


1 2



Данное Руководство может оказать Вам
помощь во многих случаях. Мы настоятельно
рекомендуем Вам изучить данное Руководство.

Чтобы снизить вероятность несчастно-
го случая, просим Вас обратить особое
внимание на информацию под заголовками
разделах данного Руководства.

В данном Руководстве представлены иллюс-
трации, которые вместе с приведенной инфор-
мацией, помогут Вам лучше узнать Ваш авто-

Читая это руководство, Вы узнаете об особен-
ностях автомобиля, о системах безопасности,
правилах эксплуатации и технического обслу-
живания, что окажет Вам максимальную
помощь в различных дорожных ситуациях.

Полный список разделов руководства Вы най-
дете в Оглавлении. С него лучше всего начать
знакомство с Вашим автомобилем.

Данное Руководство состоит из девяти разде-
На первой странице каждого раздела приведе-
но краткое содержание раздела со ссылками на
страницы, которое поможет Вам быстро найти
ту информацию, которая Вас интересует.

В данном Руководстве представлена очень
важная информация под заголовками


МЕЧАНИЕ. Эта информация служит для обес-

печения Вашей безопасности. Настоятельно
рекомендуем Вам внимательно изучить дан-
ную информацию, а так же неукоснительно
выполнять требования и рекомендации, приве-
денные под заголовками




Обозначает интересную или полезную



Указывает на большую вероятность тяже-

лого травмирования себя и других людей,

если не соблюдаются рекомендации дан-

ной инструкции.


Означает опасные действия, которые могут

привести к легкому травмированию себя и

других людей или к повреждению автомо-

биля или какого-либо оборудования авто-


1 3


o В некоторые страны поставляются автомо-

били, имеющие возможность работать на
этилированном топливе. Если Вы собирае-
тесь использовать этилированное топливо,
проконсультируйтесь у официального диле-
ра Х¨НДАЙ о возможности применения эти-
лированного топлива на Вашем автомоби-

o Октановое число неэтилированного и эти-

лированного бензина идентично.

На автомобилях Х¨НДАЙ необходимо исполь-
зовать неэтилированный бензин с октановым
числом 91 RON (по исследовательскому мето-
ду, «Normal») или выше.

Для обеспечения максимальной мощности дви-
гателя Вашего автомобиля и снижения токсич-
ности выхлопных газов используйте ТОЛЬКО


Неэтилированный бензин

Для автомобилей с безиновым двига-



Использование этилированного бензина

приведет к выходу из строя каталитичес-

кого нейтрализатора отработавших

газов (ОГ) и к неисправности систем сни-

жения токсичности.

Никогда не добавляйте в топливо чистя-

щих реагентов, которые не одобрены

для использования официальным диле-

ром Х¨НДАЙ.


о При заправке топливом на АЗС не

вынимайте заправочный пистолет из

горловины топливного бака сразу

после отключения подачи топлива.

Подождите 5-10 секунд.

о После окончания заправки, убеди-

тесь в том, что пробка топливного

бака плотно закрыта, этим Вы пред-

отвратите утечку топлива.

Этилированный бензин (дополнительное

На Вашем автомобиле Х¨НДАЙ не допус-
кается использование топлива, содержа-
щего метанол (древесный спирт). Топлива
такого типа могут снизить технические
характеристики двигателя и повредить
детали топливной системы.

Не используйте метанол


Гарантия на новый автомобиль Х¨НДАЙ

не покрывает повреждения топливной

системы и снижение технических харак-

теристик двигателя вызванные исполь-

зованием метанола или топлива, содер-

жащего метанол.

Рекомендуемое топливо

1 4


Поездки за рубеж
Если Вы собираетесь отправиться на Вашем
автомобиле Х¨НДАЙ в другую страну:

o Соблюдайте все правила регистрации и


o Узнайте о доступности применяемого топ-


Бензин с пониженной токсичностью
С целью уменьшения загрязнения воздуха,
рекомендуется применение бензина, обрабо-
танного специальными присадками, в резуль-
тате чего предотвращается образование отло-
жений в двигателе. Такой тип бензина обеспе-
чит более чистую работу двигателя и эффек-
тивную работу системы понижения токсичнос-
ти выхлопа.

Для автомобилей с дизельным двига-


На автомобилях Х¨НДАЙ необходимо исполь-
зовать высококачественное дизельное топли-
во. Из-за кристаллизации парафина вязкость
дизельного топлива существенно повышается
при снижении температуры. Поэтому применя-
ется дизельное топливо двух типов: “летнее” и


o При температуре выше -5 С используйте

“летнее” дизельное топливо.


o При температуре ниже -5 С используйте

“зимнее” дизельное топливо.

Следите за уровнем топлива в баке. Если авто-
мобиль заглох вследствие прекращения топли-
воподачи, то для возможности последующего
запуска двигателя необходимо удалить воздух
из системы топливоподачи.


Не допускайте попадания бензина или

воды в топливный бак. Если это прои-

зошло, то необходимо слить из бака бен-

зин или воду и прокачать систему топли-

воподачи, чтобы избежать засорения

ТНВД и повреждения двигателя.




Формально для Вашего нового автомобиля не
требуется никаких специальных операций для
обкатки автомобиля. Однако Вы можете спосо-
бствовать продлению срока службы, а также
улучшению топливной экономичности и сохра-
нению высоких эксплуатационных качеств
Вашего нового автомобиля Х¨НДАЙ, соблю-
дая следующие правила на протяжении пер-
вых 2000 км пробега.

o Не превышайте скорость движения 90 км/ч.
o Во время движения поддерживайте работу

двигателя с частотой вращения между 2000
и 4000 об/мин (оборотами в минуту).

o Не допускайте резкого ускорения. Избегай-

те резкого трогания с места при полностью
нажатой педали акселератора.

o Избегайте резкого торможения в течение

первых 300 км пробега.

o Не перегружайте двигатель (другими слова-

ми, избегайте медленной езды при вклю-
ченной слишком высокой передаче, вклю-
чите пониженную передачу).

o Избегайте продолжительного движения с

постоянной скоростью.

o На автомобилях, оборудованных каталити-

ческим нейтрализатором отработавших
газов, не допускайте работы двигателя на
холостом ходу более 3-х минут.

o Воздерживайтесь от буксировки прицепа во

время первых 2000 км пробега.

Рекомендации по обкатке вашего нового автомобиля


Hyundai ELANTRA 2021 Owner's Manual

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  5. ELANTRA 2021
  6. Owner’s manual

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Bookmarks

Related Manuals for Hyundai ELANTRA 2021

Summary of Contents for Hyundai ELANTRA 2021

  • Page 1
    M0BO-EU0OA 2021 Owner’s Manual ELANTRA…
  • Page 2
    This Owner’s Manual should be considered a part of the car and remain with it when it is sold for the use of the next owner. RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTENANCE The maintenance requirements for your new HYUNDAI are OWNER’S INFORMATION found in Section 9. As the owner, it is your responsibility to see that all maintenance operations specified by the manufacturer are carried out at the appropriate intervals.
  • Page 3
    Maintenance Specifications All information in this Owner’s Manual is current at the time of publication. However, HYUNDAI reserves the right to make changes at any time so that our policy of continual product improvement may be carried out. This manual applies to all HYUNDAI models and includes descriptions and explanations of optional as well as standard equipment.
  • Page 4
    Introduction CAUTION: MODIFICATIONS TO YOUR HYUNDAI Your HYUNDAI should not be modified in any way. Such modifications may adversely affect the performance, safety or durability of your HYUNDAI and may, in addition, violate conditions of the limited warranties covering the vehicle. Certain modifications may also be in violation of regulations established by the U.S.
  • Page 5
    HYUNDAI VEHICLE OWNER PRIVACY POLICY Your Hyundai vehicle may be equipped with technologies and services that use information collected, generated, recorded or stored by the vehicle. Hyundai has created a Vehicle Owner Privacy Policy to explain how these technologies and services collect use and share this information.
  • Page 7: Table Of Contents

    Table of Contents Foreword Vehicle Information Seats & Safety System Instrument Cluster Convenient Features Driving your vehicle Driver assistance system Emergency situations Maintenance Index…

  • Page 8: Foreword

    Foreword 1. Foreword Introduction………………… 1-2 Hyundai Motor America …………….. 1-2 Guide to Hyundai Genuine Parts …………..1-3 How to Use This Manual ……………..1-4 Safety Messages …………………1-4 Fuel Requirements ………………1-5 Gasoline containing alcohol or methanol ………….1-6 Using Fuel Additives (except Detergent Fuel Additives) ……..1-6 Gasoline containing MMT ………………1-6…

  • Page 9: Introduction

    Your Owner’s Manual will introduce you to the features and operation of your new HYUNDAI. To become familiar with your new HYUNDAI, so that you can fully enjoy it, read this Owner’s Manual carefully before driving your new vehicle.

  • Page 10: Guide To Hyundai Genuine Parts

    In addition, any damage to or failure of HYUNDAI Genuine Parts caused by the installation or failure of an imitation, counterfeit or used salvage part is not covered by any HYUNDAI Warranty. 3. How can you tell if you are purchasing HYUNDAI Genuine Parts? Look for the HYUNDAI Genuine Parts Logo on the package (see below).

  • Page 11: How To Use This Manual

    Foreword How to use tHIs Manual safety MessaGes We want to help you get the greatest Your safety, and the safety of others, possible driving pleasure from your is very important. This Owner’s vehicle. Your Owner’s Manual can assist Manual provides you with many safety you in many ways.

  • Page 12: Fuel Requirements

    DANGER indicates a hazardous other than what has been specified. situation which, if not avoided, will Consult an authorized HYUNDAI dealer result in death or serious injury. for additional information. WARNING WARNING WARNING indicates a hazardous •…

  • Page 13: Gasoline Containing Alcohol Or Methanol

    MMT (Methylcyclopentadienyl exceeding 15 percent. Manganese Tricarbonyl). HYUNDAI does not recommend the use NOTICE of gasoline containing MMT. To prevent damage to your vehicle’s This type of fuel can reduce vehicle…

  • Page 14: Operation In Foreign Countries

    VeHIcle ModIfIcatIons Detergent Fuel Additives • This vehicle should not be modified. Modification of your vehicle could HYUNDAI recommends that you use affect its performance, safety or good quality gasolines treated with durability and may even violate detergent additives such as TOP TIER…

  • Page 15: Vehicle Data Collection And Event Data Recorders

    Foreword VeHIcle data collectIon and eVent data WARNING recorders CALIFORNIA PROPOSITION 65 WARNING This vehicle is equipped with an event data recorder (EDR). The main purpose Items contained in motor vehicles or of an EDR is to record, in certain crash emitted from them are known to the or near crash-like situations, such as State of California to cause cancer and…

  • Page 16: Vehicle Information

    Vehicle Information 2. Vehicle Information Exterior Overview ………………2-2 Interior Overview ………………. 2-4 Instrument Panel Overview …………….2-5 Engine Compartment ………………2-6 Dimensions ………………….2-7 Engine specification ………………2-7 Bulb Wattage ………………..2-8 Tires and Wheels ……………….. 2-9 Volume and Weight ………………2-10 Air Conditioning System …………….2-10 Recommended Lubricants and Capacities ……….2-11 2-12…

  • Page 17: Exterior Overview

    Vehicle Information ExtErior ovErviEw „ Front view „ The actual shape may differ from the illustration. OCN7010001 1. Hood …………. 5-59 5. Sunroof ……….5-55 2. Headlamp ……….9-51 6. Front windshield wiper blades ….9-22 3. Tires and wheels ……..9-27 7. Windows ……….5-51 4.

  • Page 18
    „ Rear view „ The actual shape may differ from the illustration. OCN7010002N 9. Door handle ……….. 5-31 13. Defroster / Glass antenna ..5-108/5-118 10. Fuel filler door ……..5-66 14. High mounted stop lamp ….. 9-57 11. Rear combination lamp……9-54 15.
  • Page 19: Interior Overview

    Vehicle Information intErior ovErviEw The actual shape may differ from the illustration. OCN7010003N 1. Inside door handle …….. 5-33 9. ISG (Idle Stop & Go) OFF button ..6-38 2. Side view mirror control switch … 5-50 10. Lane Safety button …….. 7-31 3.

  • Page 20: Instrument Panel Overview

    instrumEnt PanEl ovErviEw The actual shape may differ from the illustration. OCN7010004N 1. Instrument cluster ……..4-4 9. Glove box ……….5-110 2. Driver’s front air bag ……3-37 10. Manual transmission/ Intelligent variable transmission …6-12/6-15 3. Engine start button……… 6-8 11.

  • Page 21: Engine Compartment

    Vehicle Information EnginE ComPartmEnt „ Smartstream G 2.0 Atkinson „ The actual engine room in the vehicle may differ from the illustration. OCN7080064L 1. Engine coolant reservoir …….9-16 6. Windshield washer fluid reservoir ..9-19 2. Brake fluid reservoir ……9-18 7. Fuse box ……….9-40 3.

  • Page 22: Dimensions

    DimEnsions in. (mm) Items 184.1 (4,675) Overall length 72 (1,825) Overall width Overall height 55.7 (1,415) 195/65 R15 62.7 (1,593) Front tread 205/55 R16 62.4 (1,585) 225/45 R17 62.2 (1,579) 195/65 R15 63.1 (1,604) Rear tread 205/55 R16 62.8 (1,596) 225/45 R17 62.6 (1,590) Wheelbase…

  • Page 23: Bulb Wattage

    Vehicle Information BulB wattagE Light bulb Bulb type Wattage High Headlamp Type A Daytime running lamp (DRL)/Parking lamp High Headlamp Type B Front Daytime running lamp (DRL)/Parking lamp Bulb type Side marker LED type Turn signal lamp PY21W Side repeater lamp (Outside mirror) Stop lamp P21W/5W Type A…

  • Page 24: Tires And Wheels

    tirEs anD whEEls Inflation pressure kPa (psi) Wheel lug nut torque Item Tire Size Wheel Size kgf·m (lbf·ft, N·m) Front Rear 195/65 R15 6.0Jx15 235 (34) 215 (31) Full size tire 205/55 R16 6.5Jx16 235 (34) 215 (31) 11~13 225/45 R17 7.0Jx17 235 (34) 215 (31)

  • Page 25: Volume And Weight

    M/T : Manual transmission, IVT : Intelligent variable transmission air ConDitioning systEm Item Weight of Volume Classification Refrigerant 17.6±0.88 (500±25) R-1234yf oz. (g) Compressor lubricant 3.4 ± 0.3 (100 ± 10g) PAG (FD46XG) oz. (g) Contact an authorized HYUNDAI dealer for more details. 2-10…

  • Page 26: Recommended Lubricants And Capacities

    4.54 US qt. SAE OW-20, API SN PLUS/SP or G 2.0 Atkinson (4.3 ℓ) ILSAC GF-6 * Intelligent variable transmission 6.87 US qt. Hyundai genuine SP-CVT1 fluid (6.5 ℓ) Mixture of antifreeze and water 7.82 US qt. Coolant (Phosphate-based Ethylene glycol (7.4 ℓ) coolant for aluminum radiator) 0.74~0.85 US qt.

  • Page 27: Recommended Sae Viscosity Number

    Vehicle Information Recommended SAE Viscosity Engine oil viscosity (thickness) has an effect on fuel economy and cold weather Number operating (engine start and engine oil flowability). Lower viscosity engine oils CAUTION can provide better fuel economy and cold weather performance, however, Always be sure to clean the area around higher viscosity engine oils are required any filler plug, drain plug, or dipstick…

  • Page 28: Vehicle Identification Number (Vin)

    vEhiClE iDEntifiCation vEhiClE CErtifiCation Number (viN) laBEl „ Frame number „ OCN7010005N OCN7010006 The vehicle identification number (VIN) is The vehicle certification label attached the number used in registering your car on the driver’s side center pillar gives the and in all legal matters pertaining to its Vehicle Identification Number (VIN).

  • Page 29: Tire Specification And Pressure Label

    Vehicle Information tirE sPECifiCation anD EnginE numBEr PrEssurE laBEl OCN7010007L The engine number is stamped on the OCN7010009L engine block as shown in the drawing. The tires supplied on your new vehicle are chosen to provide the best performance for normal driving. The tire label located on the driver’s side center pillar gives the tire pressures recommended for your car.

  • Page 30: Consumer Information

    This consumer information has been prepared in accordance with regulations issued by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration of the U.S. Department of Transportation.Your HYUNDAI dealer will help answer any questions you may have as you read this information. HYUNDAI motor vehicles are designed and manufactured to meet or exceed all applicable safety standards.

  • Page 31: Reporting Safety Defects

    If you believe that your vehicle has a defect which could cause a crash or could cause injury or death, you should immediately inform the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) in addition to notifying HYUNDAI MOTOR AMERICA. To contact NHTSA, you may call the Vehicle Safety Hotline toll-free at 1-888-327-4236 (TTY: 1-800-424-9153);…

  • Page 32: Seats & Safety System

    Safety System 3. Seats & Safety System This chapter provides you with important information about how to protect yourself and your passengers. It explains how to properly use your seats and seat belts, and how your air bags work. Additionally, this chapter explains how to properly restrain infants and children in your vehicle. Important Safety Precautions ……………

  • Page 33: Important Safety Precautions

    Seats & Safety System Important Safety precautIonS You will find many safety precautions Drivers can become distracted when and recommendations throughout this they take their eyes and attention off section, and throughout this manual. the road or their hands off the wheel to The safety precautions in this section are focus on activities other than driving.

  • Page 34: Seats

    SeatS „ Driver’s Side „ Passenger’s Side „ „ • Manual • Manual • Power The actual layout of the vehicle may differ from the illustration. OCN7030001 Driver’s seat Front passenger’s seat (1) Forward and rearward (1) Forward and rearward (2) Seatback angle (2) Seatback angle (3) Seat cushion height…

  • Page 35: Safety Precautions

    Seats & Safety System Safety Precautions • NEVER place anything or anyone between the steering wheel and the Adjusting the seats so that you are sitting air bag. in a safe, comfortable position plays an • Do not allow the front passenger to important role in driver and passenger place feet or legs on the dashboard safety together with the seat belts and…

  • Page 36: Front Seats

    Front Seats Manual adjustment (if equipped) The front seat can be adjusted by using the levers located on the outside of WARNING the seat cushion. Before driving, adjust Take the following precautions when the seat to the proper position so that adjusting your seat: you can easily control the steering wheel, foot pedals and controls on the…

  • Page 37
    Seats & Safety System Seat belts must be snug against your hips and chest to work properly. When the seatback is reclined, the shoulder belt cannot do its job because it will not be snug against your chest. Instead, it will be in front of you. During an accident, you could be thrown into the seat belt, causing neck or other injuries.
  • Page 38
    Power adjustment (if equipped) The front seat can be adjusted by using the control switches located on the outside of the seat cushion.Before driving, adjust the seat to the proper position so that you can easily control the steering wheel, foot pedals and controls on the instrument panel.
  • Page 39
    Seats & Safety System Reclining seatback Sitting in a reclined position when the vehicle is in motion can be dangerous. Even when buckled up, the protection of your restraint system (seat belts and air bags) is greatly reduced by reclining your seatback.
  • Page 40
    Seatback pocket (if equipped) OCN7030008 Lumbar support OCN7030016N (for driver’s seat, if equipped) The seatback pocket is provided on the The lumbar support can be adjusted back of the front seatbacks. by pressing the lumbar support switch. Press the front portion of the switch (1) WARNING to increase support or the rear portion of the switch (2) to decrease support.
  • Page 41: Rear Seats

    Seats & Safety System Rear Seats Folding the rear seat (if equipped) The rear seatbacks can be folded to facilitate carrying long items or to increase the luggage capacity of the vehicle. WARNING • Never allow passengers to sit on top of the folded down seatback while OCN7030022 the vehicle is moving.

  • Page 42: Head Restraints

    Armrest (if equipped) WARNING When returning the rear seatback from a folded to an upright position, hold the seatback and return it slowly. Ensure that the seatback is completely locked into its upright position by pushing on the top of the seatback. In an accident or sudden stop, an unlocked seatback could allow cargo to move forward with great force and enter the passenger…

  • Page 43
    Seats & Safety System Front seat head restraints OLF034072N • Adjust the head restraints so the OCN7030064L middle of the head restraint is at the Both the driver’s and passenger’s front same height as the height of the top seat are equipped with adjustable head of the eyes.
  • Page 44
    „ Type A „ OCN7030009 OCN7030012 „ Type B „ Forward and rearward adjustment (if equipped) The head restraint can be adjusted forward to 3 different positions by pulling the head restraint forward to the desired detent. To adjust the head restraint to it’s furthest rearwards position, pull it fully forward to the farthest position and release it.
  • Page 45
    Seats & Safety System Rear seat head restraints „ Type A „ OCN7030014 „ Type B „ OCN7030065L The rear seats are equipped with head restraints in all the seating positions for the passenger’s safety and comfort. OCN7030015 To reinstall the head restraint: 1.
  • Page 46: Seat Warmers

    Seat Warmers WARNING Front seat warmers (if equipped) NEVER place anything on the seat Seat warmers are provided to warm the that insulates against heat when the seats during cold weather. seat warmer is in operation, such as a blanket or seat cushion. This may cause the seat warmer to overheat, causing a WARNING burn or damage to the seat.

  • Page 47
    Seats & Safety System • Automatic temperature control The seat warmer starts to automatically control the seat temperature in order to prevent low-temperature burns after being manually turned ON. → HIGH ( ↑ ↓ 30 MIN LOW ( ← MIDDLE ( 60 MIN OCN7030024 While the engine is running, push either…
  • Page 48: Seat Belts

    Seat BeltS This section describes how to use the • Do not latch the seat belt into the seat belts properly. It also describes buckles of other seats. some of the things to avoid when using • NEVER unfasten the seat belt seat belts.

  • Page 49: Seat Belt Warning Light

    Seats & Safety System Seat belt warning light Seat Belt Restraint System Seat belt warning WARNING „ Instrument cluster „ (Driver and front passenger’s seat) Improperly positioned seat belts may increase the risk of serious injury in an accident. Take the following precautions when adjusting the seat belt: • Position the lap portion of the seat…

  • Page 50
    NOTICE Seat Belt-Driver’s 3-point system with emergency locking retractor If you are not able to smoothly pull enough of the seat belt out from the retractor, firmly pull the seat belt out and release it. After release, you will be able to pull the belt out smoothly.
  • Page 51
    Seats & Safety System To fasten your seat belt: Pull the seat belt out of the retractor and insert the metal tab into the buckle. There will be an audible “click” when the tab locks into the buckle. When not securing a child restraint, the seat belt operates in the same way as the driver’s seat belt (Emergency Locking Retractor Type).
  • Page 52
    Rear center seat belt Pre-tensioner seat belt (Driver and front passenger) OCN7030027L When using the rear center seat belt, the OHI038143L buckle with the “CENTER” mark must be Your vehicle is equipped with driver’s used. and front passenger’s Pre-tensioner Seat Belts (Retractor Pre-tensioner). The purpose of the pre-tensioner is to make WARNING sure the seat belts fit tightly against the…
  • Page 53
    SRS air bag is not malfunctioning. If the warning light does not illuminate, stays illuminated or illuminates when the vehicle is being driven, have an authorized HYUNDAI dealer inspect the pre-tensioner seat belts and SRS air bags as soon as possible.
  • Page 54: Additional Seat Belt Safety Precautions

    NOTICE Additional Seat Belt Safety Precautions • Both the driver’s and front passenger’s pre-tensioner seat belts Seat belt use during pregnancy may be activated in certain frontal or The seat belt should always be used side collisions or rollovers. during pregnancy. The best way to • When the pre-tensioner seat belts protect your unborn child is to protect are activated, a loud noise may be…

  • Page 55
    Always have the LATCH system vehicle. inspected by your authorized HYUNDAI dealer after an accident. An accident can damage the LATCH system and may not Small children are best protected properly secure the child restraint.
  • Page 56: Care Of Seat Belts

    Additional questions concerning the rear seat or if the front or rear seats seat belt operation should be directed to are in a reclined position. an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. WARNING • NEVER ride with a reclined seatback when the vehicle is moving.

  • Page 57: Child Restraint System (Crs)

    Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS 213). • After an accident, have a HYUNDAI dealer check the child restraint Child restraint systems are generally system, seat belts, tether anchors designed to be secured in a vehicle seat and lower anchors.

  • Page 58: Selecting A Child Restraint System (Crs)

    Selecting a Child Restraint System (CRS) When selecting a CRS for your child, always: • Make sure the CRS has a label certifying that it meets applicable Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS 213). • Select a child restraint based on your child’s height and weight.

  • Page 59: Installing A Child Restraint System (Crs)

    Seats & Safety System Installing a Child Restraint System (CRS) WARNING Before installing your child restraint system always: • Read and follow the instructions provided by the manufacturer of the child restraint. • Read and follow the instructions OCN7030030 regarding child restraint systems in Forward-facing child restraints this manual.

  • Page 60
    After selecting a proper child seat Lower Anchors and Tether for for your child, check to make sure it Children (LATCH System) fits properly in your vehicle. Follow The LATCH system holds a child restraint the instructions provided by the during driving and in an accident.
  • Page 61
    Seats & Safety System OCN7030033 OCN7030034N [A]: Lower Anchor Position Indicator LATCH anchors have been provided in [B]: Lower Anchor the left and right outboard rear seating positions. Their locations are shown The lower anchor position indicator in the illustration. There are no LATCH symbols are located on the left and right anchors provided for the center rear rear seat backs to identify the position…
  • Page 62
    • Always have the LATCH system anchor. inspected by your authorized HYUNDAI dealer after an accident. Child restraint hook holders are located An accident can damage the LATCH on the rear of the seatbacks.
  • Page 63
    Seats & Safety System OCN7030031 OHI038145 To install the tether anchor: Automatic locking mode 1. Route the child restraint tether strap Since all passenger seat belts move over the child restraint seatback. freely under normal conditions and Route the tether strap under the only lock under extreme or emergency head restraint and between the head conditions (emergency locking mode),…
  • Page 64
    To install a child restraint system on the rear seats, do the following: 1. Place the child restraint system on a rear seat and route the lap/ shoulder belt around or through the child restraint, following the restraint manufacturer’s instructions. Be sure the seat belt webbing is not twisted.
  • Page 65
    Seats & Safety System If your CRS (child restraint system) manufacturer instructs or recommends you to use a tether anchor with the lap/ shoulder belt, refer to the previous pages for more information. Information When the seat belt is allowed to retract to its fully stowed position, the retractor will automatically switch from the “Automatic Locking”…
  • Page 66: Air Bag — Advanced Supplemental Restraint System

    aiR Bag — advanCed supplemental RestRaint system The actual air bags in the vehicle may differ from the illustration. OCN7030060L 1. Driver’s front air bag 2. Passenger’s front air bag 3. Side air bag 4. Curtain air bag 3-35…

  • Page 67
    Seats & Safety System This vehicle is equipped with an Advanced Supplemental Air Bag System for the driver’s seat and front passenger’s seats. The front air bags are designed to supplement the three-point seat belts. For these air bags to provide protection, the seat belts must be worn at all times when driving. You can be severely injured or killed in an accident if you are not wearing a seat belt.
  • Page 68: Where Are The Air Bags

    Where Are the Air Bags? „ Driver’s front air bag „ Driver’s and passenger’s front air bags Your vehicle is equipped with an Advanced Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) and lap/shoulder belts at both the driver and passenger seating positions. The SRS consists of air bags which are located in the center of the steering wheel, in the driver’s side lower crash OCN7030036…

  • Page 69
    Seats & Safety System Side air bags WARNING „ Front seat „ To reduce the risk of serious injury or death from inflating front air bags, take the following precautions: • Seat belts must be worn at all times to help keep occupants positioned properly.
  • Page 70
    ON position as this may cause the to deploy in all side impact or rollover side air bags to inflate. situations. • If the seat or seat cover is damaged, have the vehicle checked and repaired by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. 3-39…
  • Page 71: How Does The Air Bag System Operate

    Seats & Safety System How Does the Air Bag System WARNING Operate? To reduce the risk of serious injury or death from an inflating curtain air bag, take the following precautions: • All seat occupants must wear seat belts at all times to help keep occupants positioned properly.

  • Page 72
    • The light blinks when the engine is conjunction with the seat belts. running. • To help provide protection, the air Have an authorized HYUNDAI dealer bags must inflate rapidly. The speed inspect the SRS as soon as possible if of air bag inflation is a consequence any of these conditions occur.
  • Page 73
    Seats & Safety System • There are even circumstances under „ Driver’s front air bag (1) „ which contact with the air bag can cause fatal injuries, especially if the occupant is positioned excessively close to the air bag. You can take steps to help reduce the risk of being injured by an inflating air bag.
  • Page 74: What To Expect After An Air Bag Inflates

    • Always have an authorized HYUNDAI dealer replace the air bag WARNING immediately after deployment. Air To prevent objects from becoming bags are designed to be used only dangerous projectiles when the once.

  • Page 75: Occupant Classification System (Ocs)

    Seats & Safety System Occupant Classification System Noise and smoke from inflating air (OCS) When the air bags inflate, they make a loud noise and may produce smoke and powder in the air inside of the vehicle. This is normal and is a result of the ignition of the air bag inflator.

  • Page 76
    For example, if a child restraint of the The OCS may not function properly if the type specified in the regulations is on the passenger takes actions which can affect seat, the occupant classification sensor the classification system. These include: can detect it and cause the air bag to • Failing to sit in an upright position.
  • Page 77
    Seats & Safety System Condition and operation in the front passenger Occupant Classification System Indicator/Warning light Devices Condition detected by the “PASSENGER SRS warning Front passenger occupant classification system AIR BAG OFF” light air bag indicator light 1. Adult Activated 2.
  • Page 78
    WARNING Riding in an improper position or placing weight on the front passenger’s seat when it is unoccupied by a passenger adversely affects the OCS. To reduce the risk of serious injury or death: • NEVER put a heavy load in the front seat or seatback pocket, or hang any items on the front passenger seat.
  • Page 79
    • Do not place any items under the front passenger seat. • When changing or replacing the seat or seat cover, use original items only. The OCS has been developed based on using original HYUNDAI car seats only. Altering or changing the authentic parts may result in system malfunction and increase risk of injury when in collision.
  • Page 80
    WARNING NEVER allow an adult passenger to ride in the front passenger seat when the “PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF” indicator is illuminated. During a collision, the air bag will not inflate if the indicator is illuminated. Have your passenger reposition themselves in the seat. If the “PASSENGER AIR BAG OFF”…
  • Page 81: Why Didn’t My Air Bag Go Off In A Collision

    • Do not install bumper guards or replace the bumper with a non- • Always properly restrain children in an appropriate child restraint in the genuine HYUNDAI parts. This may adversely affect the collision and air rear seat of the vehicle. bag deployment performance.

  • Page 82
    Air bag collision sensors OCN7030045/OCN7030046/OCN7030047/OCN7030048/OCN7030062 1. SRS control module/Rollover sensor 2. Front impact sensors 3. Side impact sensors (acceleration) 4. Side impact sensors (pressure) 3-51…
  • Page 83
    Seats & Safety System Air bag inflation conditions Side and curtain air bags Side and curtain air bags are designed to inflate when an impact is detected by side collision sensors depending on the severity of impact resulting from a side impact collision.
  • Page 84
    OCN7030052 OCN7030053 Front air bags are not designed to inflate In an angled collision, the force of impact in rear collisions, because occupants may direct the occupants in a direction are moved backward by the force of the where the air bags would not be able to impact.
  • Page 85: Srs Care

    HYUNDAI dealer. Improper handling of occupants. the SRS system may result in serious However, side and curtain air bags may personal injury.

  • Page 86: Additional Safety Precautions

    Modifications to accommodate disabilities. If you require modification to your vehicle to accommodate a disability, contact the HYUNDAI Customer Connect Center at 800-633- 5151. Adding equipment to or modifying your air bag equipped vehicle If you modify your vehicle by changing your vehicle’s frame, bumper system,…

  • Page 87: Instrument Cluster

    Instrument Cluster 4. Instrument Cluster Instrument Cluster ………………4-4 Instrument Cluster Control ………………4-5 Adjusting instrument cluster illumination …………4-5 Gauges and Meters ………………..4-5 Speedometer ………………….4-5 Tachometer ………………….4-5 Engine coolant temperature gauge …………..4-6 Fuel gauge ………………….4-6 Outside temperature gauge ……………… 4-7 Odometer …………………..4-8 Range ……………………4-8 Transmission shift indicator ………………4-9…

  • Page 88
    Cruise Indicator Light ……………….4-18 SPORT Mode Indicator Light …………….4-18 SMART Mode Indicator Light …………….4-18 Icy Road Warning Light ………………4-19 LCD Display Messages ………………..4-19 Shift to P or N to start engine (for smart key system) ……..4-19 Shift to P (for smart key system and intelligent variable transmission) ….4-19 Low key battery (for smart key system)……………4-19 Press brake pedal to start engine (for smart key system and intelligent variable transmission)……………….4-19…
  • Page 89
    4. Instrument Cluster LCD Display (Type A) ………………4-25 LCD Display Control ………………..4-25 LCD display modes………………..4-26 Trip computer mode ……………….. 4-27 Turn By Turn (TBT) mode ………………4-27 Driving Assist mode ………………… 4-27 Master warning mode ………………4-28 User settings mode ………………..
  • Page 90
    Instrument Cluster Instrument Cluster „ Conventional cluster (Type A) „ „ Full LCD cluster (Type B) „ OCN7040001N/OCN7040080N 1. Tachometer 4. Fuel gauge 2. Speedometer 5. Warning and indicator lights 3. Engine coolant temperature gauge 6. LCD display (including trip computer) The actual cluster in the vehicle may differ from the illustration.
  • Page 91: Instrument Cluster Control

    Instrument Cluster Control Gauges and Meters Adjusting instrument cluster Speedometer illumination „ Type B „ Type A „ „ OCN7040004L OCN7040005N OCN7040081N The speedometer indicates the speed of When the vehicle’s parking lamps or the vehicle and is calibrated in miles per headlamps are on, press the illumination hour (MPH) and/or kilometers per hour control button to adjust the brightness of…

  • Page 92: Engine Coolant Temperature Gauge

    Instrument Cluster Engine coolant temperature gauge Fuel gauge „ Type A „ Type A „ „ OCN7040008 OCN7040010 „ Type B „ Type B „ „ OCN7040009 OCN7040011 This gauge indicates the temperature This gauge indicates the approximate of the engine coolant when the ignition amount of fuel remaining in the fuel tank.

  • Page 93: Outside Temperature Gauge

    Outside temperature gauge WARNING Running out of fuel can expose vehicle „ Type A „ occupants to danger. You must stop and obtain additional fuel as soon as possible after the warning light comes on or when the gauge indicator comes close to the «E (Empty)»…

  • Page 94: Odometer

    Instrument Cluster Odometer Range „ Type B „ Type B „ Type A „ „ Type A „ „ „ OTMA048183 OCN7040015N OCN7040084N OCN7040016N • The range is the estimated distance The odometer indicates the total the vehicle can be driven with the distance that the vehicle has been remaining fuel.

  • Page 95: Transmission Shift Indicator

    • The air bag warning light will remain illuminated if there is a malfunction with the Safety Restraint System (SRS) air bag operation. In this case, have the vehicle inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI OCN7040013N dealer. This indicator displays which shift button position is selected.

  • Page 96: Parking Brake & Brake Fluid Warning Light

    In this case, have the vehicle inspected 2. With the engine stopped, check by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. the brake fluid level immediately and add fluid as required (For more information, refer to «Brake Fluid» in chapter 9).

  • Page 97: Anti-Lock Brake System (Abs) Warning Light

    ABS. In this case, have the vehicle inspected by Note that the hydraulic braking an authorized HYUNDAI dealer as soon system will still be operational even if as possible. there is a malfunction with the ABS.

  • Page 98: Auto Hold Indicator Light (If Equipped)

    In this case, have the vehicle inspected • Whenever there is a malfunction with by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer as the EPS. soon as possible. If this occurs, have the vehicle inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.

  • Page 99: Charging System Warning Light

    In this case: Have the vehicle inspected by an 1. Stop the vehicle as soon as it is authorized HYUNDAI dealer as soon as safe to do so. possible. 2. Turn off the engine and check the oil level.

  • Page 100: Master Warning Light

    TPMS. in any of the following systems: In this case, have the vehicle inspected — Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer as system malfunction (if equipped) soon as possible. — Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist For more information, refer to «Tire radar blocked (if equipped) Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)»…

  • Page 101: Electronic Stability Control (Esc) Off Indicator Light

    This indicator light blinks: For more information, refer to “Electronic Stability Control (ESC)” in • When there is a malfunction with the chapter 6. immobilizer system. If this occurs, have the vehicle inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. 4-15…

  • Page 102: Immobilizer Indicator Light (With Smart Key)

    Exterior Light Warning Light vehicle cannot detect the smart key. (if equipped) In this case, have the vehicle inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. This warning light illuminates: • When one of the exterior bulbs This indicator light blinks: (headlamp, DRL, turn signal lamp,…

  • Page 103: Led Headlight Warning Light

    LED headlight. If this occurs, we recommend that you have your vehicle inspected by an This indicator light illuminates: authorized HYUNDAI dealer. When the tail lights or headlamps are on. NOTICE High Beam Assist indicator Continuous driving with the LED…

  • Page 104: Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist Warning Light

    • [Yellow] When there is a malfunction with Lane Keeping Assist system. In this case, have your vehicle inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. For more information, refer to «Lane Keeping Assist (LKA)» in chapter 6. 4-18…

  • Page 105: Icy Road Warning Light

    Icy Road Warning Light (if LCD Display Messages equipped) Shift to P or N to start engine (for smart key system) This indicator light illuminates: This warning message is displayed if you try to start the engine with the shift This warning light is to warn the driver the road may be icy.

  • Page 106: Key Not In Vehicle (For Smart Key System)

    Key not detected removing the non-factory electrical (for smart key system) accessories, have the vehicle inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. This warning message is displayed if the smart key is not detected when you press Press START button with key the Engine Start/Stop button.

  • Page 107: Door, Hood, Trunk Open Indicator

    Door, Hood, Trunk Open Indicator Low Pressure OCN7040017 OCN7040026L This warning is displayed if any door or This warning message is displayed if the the hood or the liftgate is left open. The tire pressure is low. The corresponding warning will indicate which door is open tire on the vehicle will be illuminated.

  • Page 108: Wiper

    Instrument Cluster Wiper Low fuel This warning message is displayed if the fuel tank is almost out of fuel. When this message is displayed, the low fuel level warning light in the cluster will come on. It is recommended to look for the nearest fueling station and refuel as soon as possible.

  • Page 109: Check Headlight (Low)

    LED headlight. Have the vehicle inspected by Check brake light (if equipped) an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. This warning message is displayed if the stop lamps are not operating properly. A lamp may need to be replaced.

  • Page 110: Check Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist System

    Blind-Spot an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. Collision Warning. Have the vehicle For more details, refer to “Smart Cruise inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI Control (SCC)” in chapter 6. dealer. For more details, refer to “Blind-Spot Collision Warning (BCW)”…

  • Page 111: Lcd Display (Type A)

    LCD DispLay (TypE a) LCD Display Control OCN7040023L The LCD display modes can be changed by using the control buttons. : MODE button for changing modes : MOVE switch for changing items 3. OK : Push the SELECT/RESET button for setting or resetting the selected item Information When the infotainment system is applied, only the User’s Setting mode on the infotainment system is supported but the User’s Setting mode on the instrument cluster is…

  • Page 112: Lcd Display Modes

    Instrument Cluster LCD display modes Modes Symbol Explanation This mode displays driving information such as the tripmeter, Trip fuel economy, etc. Computer For more details, refer to «Trip Computer» in this chapter. Turn By This mode displays the state of the navigation. Turn (TBT) — Smart Cruise Control (SCC) — Lane Keeping Assist (LKA)

  • Page 113: Trip Computer Mode

    Trip computer mode Driving Assist mode OCN7040040N OCN7060074N SCC/LKA The trip computer mode displays information related to vehicle driving This group displays the state of the Smart parameters including fuel economy, trip Cruise Control, Lane Keeping Assist. meter information and vehicle speed. For more details, refer to each function For more information, refer to «Trip information in chapter 7.

  • Page 114: Master Warning Mode

    Instrument Cluster Master warning mode ODN8049019L Tire Pressure OIG059097L This mode displays information related to This warning light informs the driver the Tire Pressure. following situations. For more information, refer to «Tire — Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)» in system malfunction (if equipped) chapter 8.

  • Page 115: User Settings Mode

    User settings mode Shift to P to edit settings / Engage parking brake to edit settings This warning message illuminates if you try to select an item from the User Settings mode while driving. • Intelligent variable transmission For your safety, change the User Settings after parking the vehicle, applying the parking brake and moving the shift level to P(Park).

  • Page 116
    Instrument Cluster 1. Driver Assistance Items Explanation • Highway Driving Assist: The function assists the driver to maintain the set speed, keep a safe distance with a vehicle ahead and keep Driving the vehicle inside of the lane while driving on the highway. Assist For more details, refer to the «Highway Driving Assist (HDA)»…
  • Page 117
    Items Explanation • Parking Distance Warning Auto ON • Rear Cross-Traffic Safety To Activate or deactivate the Rear Cross-Traffic Collision-Avoidance Parking Assist function. Safety • Active Assist/Warning Only/Off For more details, refer to “Rear Cross-Traffic Collision-Avoidance Assist (RCCA)” in chapter 7. 4-31…
  • Page 118
    Instrument Cluster 2. Door Items Explanation • Enable on Shift: All doors will be automatically locked if the shift lever is moved from the P (Park) position to the R (Reverse), N (Neutral), or D (Drive) position. (Only when the engine is running) Auto Lock • Enable on Speed: All doors will be automatically locked when the vehicle speed exceeds 15km/h (9.3mph).
  • Page 119
    4. Sound Items Explanation Cluster Voice To adjust the cluster voice guidance volume. Guidance Volume Welcome To activate or deactivate the welcome sound. sound 5. Convenience Items Explanation • Off: The seat easy access function is deactivated. • Normal/Extended: When you turn off the engine, the driver’s seat Seat Easy will automatically move rearward short (Normal) or long (Extended) Access…
  • Page 120
    Interval Information To use the service interval menu, consult an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. If the service interval is activated and the time and distance is adjusted, messages are displayed in the following situations each time the vehicle is turned on.
  • Page 121
    8. Other Items Explanation • Off: The average fuel economy will not reset automatically whenever refueling. • After ignition: When the engine has been OFF for 4 hours or longer the average fuel economy will reset automatically. Fuel Econ. Reset • After refueling: The average fuel economy will reset automatically after adding 6 liters (1.6 gallons) of fuel or more and after driving speed exceeds 1 km/h (1 mph).
  • Page 122: Trip Computer

    Instrument Cluster Trip Computer The trip computer is a microcomputer- controlled driver information system that displays information related to driving. Information Some driving information stored in the trip computer (for example Average Vehicle Speed) resets if the battery is disconnected. ODN8A069203 To change the trip mode, toggle the “…

  • Page 123: Accumulated Info Display

    Manual reset Accumulated Info display To clear the average fuel economy manually, press the OK button on the steering wheel for more than 1 second when the average fuel economy is displayed. Automatic reset To automatically reset the average fuel economy after refueling, select the «Fuel Econ.

  • Page 124: Drive Info Display

    Instrument Cluster Drive Info display Digital speedometer OCN7040086N OIK047151N This display shows the trip distance (1), The digital speedometer display shows the average fuel economy (2), and the the speed of the vehicle. total driving time (3). Auto Stop accumulated time The information is combined for each ignition cycle.

  • Page 125: Smart Shift

    Smart shift ODN8059274L This mode displays the currently selected drive mode. For more information, refer to «Drive Mode Integrated Control System» in chapter 6. 4-39…

  • Page 126: Lcd Display (Type B)

    Instrument Cluster LCD DispLay (TypE B) LCD Display Control OCN7040023L The LCD display modes can be changed by using the control buttons. Function Switch Operation MODE button for changing view modes MOVE switch for changing items SELECT/RESET button for setting the selected item SELECT/RESET button for retrieving assist information or Tap and hold resetting the selected item…

  • Page 127: View Modes

    View modes View Modes Explanation The Utility group displays driving information such as the trip Utility group distance, fuel economy and etc. Driving assist group The Driving Assist mode displays the driving status. Navigation group This mode displays the state of the navigation. Display for 4 seconds when the vehicle mode changes from Driving info.

  • Page 128
    Instrument Cluster Utility group Accumulated Information The vehicle information such as trip The Utility group displays information distance, fuel economy (undisplayed related to vehicle driving parameters item in fuel economy: driving speed) including fuel economy and trip distance and trip time is displayed after manual information.
  • Page 129: Navigation Group

    Driving Assist group Driving info. group OCN7040082N OCN7040083N SCC/LFA/HDA Driving information summary (1) This group displays the state of Smart The current operation conditions of the Cruise Control, Lane Following Assist and Cruise Control mode, Smart Highway Driving Assist. Cruise Control and Highway Driving For more details, refer to each function Assist modes.

  • Page 130: Warning Message Group

    Instrument Cluster Shift to P to edit settings / Engage parking Warning message group brake to edit settings When the warning message light appears, check the detailed information This warning message illuminates if in warning message group. you try to select an item from the User Settings mode while driving.

  • Page 131
    1. Driver Assistance Items Explanation • Highway Driving Assist: The function assists the driver to maintain the set speed, keep a safe distance with a vehicle ahead and help Driving keep the vehicle inside of the lane while driving on the highway. Assist For more details, refer to the «Highway Driving Assist (HDA)»…
  • Page 132
    Instrument Cluster Items Explanation • Rear Cross-Traffic Safety To Activate or deactivate the Rear Cross-Traffic Collision-Avoidance Assist function. Parking Safety • Active Assist/Warning only/Off For more details, refer to “Rear Cross-Traffic Collision-Avoidance Assist (RCCA)” in chapter 7. 4-46…
  • Page 133
    2. Door Items Explanation • Enable on Shift: All doors will be automatically locked if the shift lever is moved from the P (Park) position to the R (Reverse), N (Neutral), or D (Drive) position. (Only when the engine is running) Auto Lock • Enable on Speed: All doors will be automatically locked when the vehicle speed exceeds 15km/h (9.3mph).
  • Page 134
    Instrument Cluster 4. sound Items Explanation Cluster Voice To adjust the cluster voice guidance volume. Guidance Volume Welcome To activate or deactivate the welcome sound. sound 5. Convenience Items Explanation • Off: The seat easy access function is deactivated. • Normal/Extended: When you turn off the engine, the driver’s seat Seat Easy will automatically move rearward short (Normal) or long (Extended) Access…
  • Page 135
    To activate or deactivate the service interval function. Interval To use the service interval menu, consult an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. If the service interval is activated and the time and distance is adjusted, messages are displayed in the following situations each time the vehicle is turned on.
  • Page 136
    Instrument Cluster 8. Other Items Explanation • At vehicle start : This displays the average fuel economy after restarting. Reset fuel • After refueling : This displays the average fuel economy after economy refueling. • Manually : You can calculate the accumulated average fuel economy manually.
  • Page 137: Convenient Features

    Remote Key ………………….. 5-4 Smart Key ……………………5-7 Immobilizer System ………………..5-14 Hyundai Digital Key ………………..5-15 Operating Door Locks from Outside the Vehicle ……….5-31 Operating Door Locks from Inside the Vehicle ………… 5-33 Automatic Door Lock and Unlock Features …………5-35 Child-Protector Rear Door Locks …………….

  • Page 138
    High Beam Assist (HBA) …………….5-72 Detecting sensor (Front view camera) …………..5-72 Function settings …………………5-72 Function operation ………………..5-73 Function malfunction and limitations …………..5-73 Interior Lights ………………..5-75 Interior lamp AUTO cut ……………….5-75 Front lamps ………………….5-75 Rear lamp …………………… 5-76 Luggage compartment lamp ……………..5-77 Vanity mirror lamp ………………..5-77 Welcome system ………………..
  • Page 139
    5. Convenient Features Interior Features ………………. 5-111 Cup Holder ………………….5-111 Sunvisor ……………………5-112 Power Outlet ………………….5-112 USB Charger ………………….5-113 Wireless Cellular Phone Charging System …………5-114 Clock ……………………5-116 Clothes Hanger …………………. 5-116 Infotainment System ……………….5-117 USB Port ……………………5-117 Antenna ……………………5-118 Steering wheel audio control …………….
  • Page 140: Accessing Your Vehicle

    Unlocking your vehicle To unlock your vehicle: OIG046001 1. Press the Door Unlock button (2) on Your HYUNDAI uses a remote key, which the remote key. you can use to lock or unlock the driver 2. The driver’s door will unlock. The and passenger doors or the rear trunk.

  • Page 141
    If you have a • Avoid dropping or throwing the problem with the remote key contact an remote key. authorized HYUNDAI dealer. • Protect the remote key from extreme temperatures.
  • Page 142
    NOTICE contact an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. Keep the remote key away from electromagnetic materials that block Information electromagnetic waves to the key An inappropriately disposed surface.
  • Page 143: Smart Key

    5. Make sure the doors are locked by pulling the door outside handle. OCN7050005 Information Your HYUNDAI uses a smart key, which The door handle button will only operate you can use to lock or unlock a door (and when the smart key is within 28~40 inches trunk) and even start the engine even just (0.7~1 m) from the outside door handle.

  • Page 144
    Convenient Features Locking your vehicle CAUTION (Touch sensor type) (if equipped) When you leave your vehicle with the smart key, make sure to press the button on the front door handle or touch the touch sensor on the front door handle to lock the doors after closing all of the doors, the hood and the trunk.
  • Page 145
    Unlocking your vehicle Unlocking your vehicle (When the Two Press Unlock feature (When the Two Press Unlock feature is off) is on) 1. Make sure you have the smart key in „ Button type „ your possession. 2. Press the Door Unlock button (2) on the smart key, press the button on the front door handle or touch the door unlock sensor inside of the front door…
  • Page 146
    Convenient Features Two Press Unlock Feature Trunk opening The priority for unlocking the driver door To open: only, or unlocking all the doors with 1. Make sure you have the smart key one press may be adjusted in the User in your possession and either press Settings mode in the cluster LCD display.
  • Page 147
    Remote start (if equipped) CAUTION You can start the engine and turn on the • The remote start will not work if you climate system by pressing the remote exceed the operating distance limit start button (5) outside the vehicle. (about 10 m).
  • Page 148
    HYUNDAI dealer or tow the vehicle, if necessary. Smart key precautions The smart key may not work if any of the following occur: • The smart key is close to a radio…
  • Page 149
    HYUNDAI dealer. Information An inappropriately disposed battery can be harmful to the environment and human health.
  • Page 150: Immobilizer System

    1. This device may not cause harmful recommended that you contact your interference. HYUNDAI dealer. 2. This device must accept any Do not attempt to alter this system interference received, including or add other devices to it. Electrical…

  • Page 151: Hyundai Digital Key

    Digital Key Application You can use the Digital Key NFC (Near Field Communication) function after To use Hyundai Digital Key mobile app, turning on your smartphone function in you should install Hyundai digital key the NFC settings. And you should unlock application.

  • Page 152
    The saving process will begin ODN8A059240 automatically. Hyundai Digital Key (Smartphone) 5. Once the digital key save is complete, Pairing a message will be shown on the 1. Turn the vehicle on with the Smart key infotainment screen or cluster.
  • Page 153
    • If the infotainment or instrument ODN8A059130 Hyundai Digital Key (Smartphone Key) cluster screen is changed during Deletion enrollment, the saving process will be cancelled. 1. Turn the vehicle on with the Smart • If the vehicle is turned off during…
  • Page 154
    Convenient Features Set up main vehicle Note that you cannot lock your vehicle when you contact NFC antenna in the You can manage multiple digital keys smartphone to the door handle pad if from the Digital key app. From the list of any of the following occurs: digital keys you own, select the vehicle you want to make your priority vehicle.
  • Page 155
    Start-up with Digital Key Information 1. After placing your registered After reconnecting the vehicle battery smartphone onto the interior power supply or charging the battery, it authentication pad (wireless charger), may take time to operate due to remote step on the brake and press the renewal of security information.
  • Page 156
    Note that you cannot lock your vehicle the function might not work. using the Hyundai digital key app if any • If the remote control operation of the following occurs: is executed where the mobile • The POWER button is in ACC or ON…
  • Page 157
    • When the shift lever of your vehicle If you change your smartphone or delete is in P (Park) and all of the doors the Hyundai Digital Key App, please refer including trunk and hood is locked to the following to set up your Digital…
  • Page 158
    (smartphone) or card key in the CAUTION vehicle, a message appears on the instrument cluster and informs you • Hyundai digital key app on the that the key is registered. smartphone and card key may not (Message: Digital key(s) active.) work if any of the following occurs: • If you buy a used vehicle, you should…
  • Page 159
    HYUNDAI Digital key (Card key) save customer web site to use the digital key app. 1. Install Hyundai digital key app in main user’s smartphone and register à If the vehicle owner changes the digital key (smartphone). Please…
  • Page 160
    Convenient Features 3. Register the NFC card key on the User’s Settings menu after turning on the vehicle. Ã With Navigation screen : From the infotainment screen menu, go to [Setup] — [Vehicle] — [Digital Key] — [Card Key] then select the [Save] from submenu.
  • Page 161
    • To delete the saved digital key (card key), the smart key must be exist inside the vehicle. • The deleted digital key (card key) can be re-registered before registering a new digital key (card key). • If you try to register a new digital key (card key), the previously registered digital key (card key) cannot be used again.
  • Page 162
    Convenient Features Start-up with Card key If the digital key (card key) does not work, please detach the key around After placing your registered card key 4 inches (0.1 m) from the handle onto the interior authentication pad authentication pad and retry to contact. (wireless charger), step on the brake and The card key may be damaged by the press the Engine Start/Stop button.
  • Page 163
    „ Type A „ CAUTION If you uncheck Enable digital keys, it is impossible to lock or unlock the doors or start up the vehicle with digital keys such as smartphone and card key. If you check Enable digital keys again, the registered digital keys(smartphone and card key) are available.
  • Page 164
    Convenient Features Profile link/unlinked PRECAUTION for vehicle profile link and unlink Profile link When you link or unlink the profile of 1. Select Setup → User Profile → digital key, you should be careful of the Profile Settings → Link Digital Key following. (Smartphone) on the infotainment system menu. • Profile link is possible to use with the digital key.
  • Page 165
    Vehicle personalization operation Precaution for digital key profile link and unlink The personalization function linked with digital key works as following conditions: Profile operation according to door lock/ unlock system is as follows. • Contact the driver’s door handle with the profile linked smart phone to lock Personalization or unlock the doors (Personalization…
  • Page 166
    Convenient Features Vehicle personalization with digital key The available personalization function in the vehicle is as follows. System Personalization Item Position adjustment of image, Information display selection, Size and color of speedometer Lamp Blink number of one-touch signal lamps Information display on the cluster, Voice volume, Cluster Welcome sound Door…
  • Page 167: Operating Door Locks From Outside The Vehicle

    Door locKs Operating Door Locks from Information Outside the Vehicle Be careful when locking the door by Mechanical key mechanical key operation, only the driver’s door can be locked/unlocked. When all doors are locked with the mechanical key, lock all doors by using the central door lock switch inside the vehicle.

  • Page 168
    Convenient Features Remote key Smart key ODN8059279L OCN7050078 To lock the doors, press the button on To lock the doors, press the Door Lock the outside door handle while carrying button (1) on the remote key. the smart key with you or press the door To unlock the doors, press the Door lock button on the smart key.
  • Page 169: Operating Door Locks From Inside The Vehicle

    Operating Door Locks from With the central door lock switch Inside the Vehicle „ Driver’s door „ With the door handle OCN7050011 „ Front passenger’s door „ OCN7050010 Front door If the inner door handle is pulled when the door is locked, the door will unlock and open.

  • Page 170
    Convenient Features WARNING WARNING • The doors should always be fully If you stay in the vehicle for a long time closed and locked while the while the weather is very hot or cold, vehicle is in motion. If the doors there are risks of injuries or danger to are unlocked, the risk of being life.
  • Page 171: Automatic Door Lock And Unlock Features

    Automatic Door Lock and Unlock Child-Protector Rear Door Locks Features Impact sensing door unlock system (if equipped) All doors will be automatically unlocked when an impact causes the air bags to deploy. You can activate or deactivate the Auto Door Lock/Unlock features from the User Settings Mode on the LCD display.

  • Page 172: Rear Occupant Alert (Roa) System

    Convenient Features Rear Occupant Alert (ROA) System This function helps prevent the driver from leaving a passenger in the rear seats. If your vehicle is equipped with additional navigation, please refer to the infotainment system manual separately supplied. OCN7050135L NOTICE When the driver turns off the engine and opens the driver’s door after opening and closing a rear door, a…

  • Page 173
    ThefT-AlArm SySTem This system helps to protect your vehicle Information and valuables. The horn will sound and • Do not lock the doors until all the hazard warning lights will blink passengers have left the vehicle. If the continuously if any of the following remaining passenger leaves the vehicle occur: when the system is armed, the alarm…
  • Page 174: Steering Wheel

    However, it is a temporary condition so vehicle operation, have the system that it will return to normal condition checked by an authorized HYUNDAI after charging the battery. dealer. • A click noise may be heard from the…

  • Page 175: Tilt Steering / Telescope Steering

    Tilt Steering / Telescope Steering When adjusting the steering wheel to a comfortable position, adjust the steering wheel so that it points toward your chest, not toward your face. Make sure you can see the instrument cluster warning lights and gauges. After locking the lever, push the steering wheel both up and down to be certain it is locked in position.

  • Page 176: Horn

    Convenient Features Horn OCN7050016 To sound the horn, press the area indicated by the horn symbol on your steering wheel (see illustration). The horn will operate only when this area is pressed. NOTICE Do not strike the horn severely to operate it, or hit it with your fist.

  • Page 177: Mirrors

    mirrorS Inside Rearview Mirror Day/night rearview mirror (if equipped) Before driving your vehicle, check to see that your inside rearview mirror is properly positioned. Adjust the rearview mirror so that the view through the rear window is properly centered. WARNING Make sure your line of sight is not obstructed.

  • Page 178
    Convenient Features Automatic-Dimming Night Vision Safety™ Electrochromic mirror (ECM) with (NVS ) Mirror (if equipped) HomeLink® system (if equipped) ® The NVS® Mirror automatically helps reduce glare by monitoring light levels in the front and the rear of the vehicle. Any object that obstructs either light sensor will degrade the automatic dimming control feature.
  • Page 179
    Programming WARNING To program most devices, follow these Before programming HomeLink® to a instructions: garage door opener or gate operator, make sure people and objects are out of the way of the device to prevent potential harm or damage. Do not use the HomeLink®…
  • Page 180
    Convenient Features 7. Return to the vehicle and firmly press, hold for two seconds and release the HomeLink button up to three times. Do not press the HomeLink button rapidly. At this point programming is complete and your device should operate when the HomeLink button is pressed and released.
  • Page 181
    Gate operator & Canadian programming During programming, your handheld transmitter may automatically stop transmitting. Continue to press the Integrated HomeLink® Wireless Control System button while you press and re- press (“cycle”) your handheld transmitter every two seconds until the frequency signal has been learned.
  • Page 182
    Convenient Features Two Way Communication Programing Information 1. Complete the HomeLink This device complies with Part 15 of the “Programming” first. FCC Rules. 2. Before the first 10 times HomeLink Operation is subject to the following three button is pressed after the conditions: programming, the following steps 1.
  • Page 183
    OCN7050089N OCN7050088N 5. If the both indicator (4) and (5) are Operating Two Way Communication flashing rapidly for about 5 seconds, 1. Press and release (1), (2) or (3) button. the two way synchronization is completed. Information Some newer garage door openers provide two-way communication synchronizing when programming the original transmitter.
  • Page 184
    Convenient Features Recalling Garage Door Status Homelink mirror with two way communication provides a way to view the last stored message from the garage door opener. In order to recall the last known status of the last activated device, press the buttons “1 and 2” OR “2 and 3” simultaneously.
  • Page 185: Side View Mirrors

    Side View Mirrors WARNING Do not adjust or fold the side view mirrors while driving. This may cause loss of vehicle control resulting in an accident. NOTICE • Do not scrape ice off the mirror face; this may damage the surface of the glass.

  • Page 186
    Convenient Features Side View Mirror Adjustment Folding the side view mirrors OCN7050020 OCN7050022 1. Press either the L (left side) or R (right To fold the side view mirrors, grasp the side) button (1) to select the side view housing of the mirror and then fold it mirror you would like to adjust.
  • Page 187: Windows

    WinDoWs OCN7050025N (1) Driver’s door power window switch (5) Window opening and closing (2) Front passenger’s door power (6) Automatic power window window switch (7) Power window lock switch (3) Rear door (left) power window switch (4) Rear door (right) power window switch 5-51…

  • Page 188: Power Windows

    Convenient Features Power Windows Window opening and closing The ignition switch must be in the ON position to be able to raise or lower the windows. Each door has a Power Window switch to control that door’s window. The driver has a Power Window Lock switch which can block the operation of passenger windows.

  • Page 189
    If the power windows do not operate properly after resetting, have the system checked by an authorized HYUNDAI OCN7050026 dealer. If a window senses any obstacle while it…
  • Page 190
    Convenient Features NOTICE WARNING Do not install any accessories on the • NEVER leave the keys in your vehicle windows. The automatic reverse with unsupervised children, when feature may not operate. the engine is running. • NEVER leave any child unattended in Power window lock switch the vehicle.
  • Page 191: Sunroof

    Sunroof (if equipped) WARNING • Never adjust the sunroof or sunshade while driving. This could result in loss of control and an accident that may cause death, serious injury, or property damage. • Make sure heads, other body parts or objects are out of the way before using the sunroof.

  • Page 192: Sunroof Opening And Closing

    Convenient Features Sunroof opening and closing Automatic reverse (if equipped) ODH043039 OCN7050031 If an object or part of the body is To open or close the sunroof(manual detected while the sunroof glass is slide feature), push the sunroof control closing automatically, it will reverse the lever backward or forward to the first direction, and then stop.

  • Page 193: Tilting The Sunroof

    Tilting the sunroof Sunshade OCN7050030 OCN7050029 Tilt the sunroof open: The sunshade will open automatically with the sunroof when the glass panel Push the sunroof control lever upward moves. If you want it closed, move the until the sunroof moves to the desired sunshade manually.

  • Page 194: Resetting The Sunroof

    • If the sunroof does not reset when the vehicle battery is disconnected or discharged, or related fuse is blown, the sunroof may not operate normally. • For more detailed information, we recommend that you contact an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. 5-58…

  • Page 195: Hood

    hooD Opening the hood OCN7050035 5. Hold the hood open with the support OCN7050033 rod (3). 1. Park the vehicle and set the parking brake. WARNING 2. Pull the release lever to unlatch the hood. The hood should pop open Support rod slightly.

  • Page 196
    Convenient Features Closing the hood WARNING 1. Before closing the hood, check the • Before closing the hood, ensure following: all obstructions are removed from • All filler caps in engine around the hood opening. compartment must be correctly • Always double check to be sure that installed.
  • Page 197: Trunk

    trunK Opening the trunk „ Inside „ 1. Make sure the shift lever is in P (Park, for automatic transmission/Intelligent variable transmission) or first gear or R (Reverse, for manual transmission) and set the parking brake. „ Outside „ OCN7050037 — Use the trunk release lever.

  • Page 198: Emergency Trunk Safety Release

    Convenient Features Emergency trunk safety release WARNING • You and your passengers must be aware of the location of the Emergency Trunk Safety Release lever in this vehicle and how to open the trunk in case you are accidentally locked in the trunk. • NEVER allow anyone to occupy the trunk of the vehicle at any time.

  • Page 199: Smart Trunk Release

    Smart Trunk release 1. Setting (if equipped) To activate the Smart Trunk release, go to User Settings Mode and select Smart Trunk on the LCD display. For more details, refer to “LCD Display” in this chapter. If your vehicle is equipped with additional navigation, please refer to the infotainment system manual separately supplied.

  • Page 200: Driving Your Vehicle

    Convenient Features How to deactivate the Smart Trunk release function using the smart key „ Type A „ OCN7050041L 3. Automatic opening The hazard warning lights will blink and OCN7050004 chime will sound 6 times and then the „ Type B „…

  • Page 201
    Detecting area Information • If you press the door unlock button (2), the Smart Trunk release function will be deactivated temporarily. But, if you do not open any door for 30 seconds, the smart trunk function will be activated again. • If you press the trunk open button (3) for more than 1 second, the trunk opens.
  • Page 202: Fuel Filler Door

    Convenient Features Fuel Filler Door Opening the fuel filler door Information If the fuel filler door does not open because ice has formed around it, tap lightly or push on the door to break the ice and release the door. Do not pry on the door.

  • Page 203
    • If the fuel filler cap requires • Use only approved portable plastic replacement, use only a genuine fuel containers designed to carry and HYUNDAI cap or the equivalent store gasoline. specified for your vehicle. An incorrect fuel filler cap can result • Do not use matches or a lighter and…
  • Page 204: Exterior Lights

    Convenient Features exterior lights Lighting control To operate the lights, turn the knob at the end of the control lever to one of the following positions: OCN7050055 AUTO headlamp position The parking lamp and headlamp will be turned ON or OFF automatically depending on the amount of daylight as ODN8A059200 measured by the ambient light sensor on…

  • Page 205: High Beam Operation

    High beam operation ODN8A059202 Parking lamp position ( ODN8A059205 The parking lamp, license plate lamp and To turn on the high beam headlamp, instrument panel lamp are turned ON. push the lever away from you. The lever will return to its original position. The high beam indicator will light when the headlamp high beams are switched To turn off the high beam headlamp, pull…

  • Page 206: Turn Signals And Lane Change Signals

    Convenient Features Turn signals and lane change signals ODN8A059204 To flash the high beam headlamp, pull the lever towards you, then release the ODN8A059207 lever. The high beams will remain ON as To signal a turn, push down on the lever long as you hold the lever towards you.

  • Page 207: Battery Saver Function

    Battery saver function Headlamp delay function (if equipped) The purpose of this feature is to help prevent the battery from being If you place the ignition switch in the discharged. The system automatically ACC or OFF position with the headlamps turns off the parking lamp when the ON, the headlamps (and/or parking driver turns the vehicle off and opens the…

  • Page 208: High Beam Assist (Hba)

    Convenient Features high BeAm ASSiST (hBA) (if equipped) NOTICE Always keep the front view camera in good condition to maintain optimal performance of High Beam Assist. For more details on the precautions of the front view camera, refer to “Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist (FCA)”…

  • Page 209: Function Operation

    High Beam Assist, low beam illuminate on the cluster. Take your will be on and the system will turn vehicle to an authorized HYUNDAI dealer off. and have the function checked. — If the headlamp switch is placed…

  • Page 210
    Convenient Features Limitations of the function WARNING High Beam Assist may not work properly • At times, High Beam Assist may not in the following situations: work properly. It is the responsibility • Light from a vehicle is not detected of the driver for safe driving because of lamp damage, or because practices and always check the road…
  • Page 211: Interior Lights

    interior lights Front lamps WARNING Do not use the interior lights when driving in the dark. The interior lights may obscure your view and cause an accident. NOTICE Do not use the interior lights for extended periods when the vehicle is turned off or the battery will discharge.

  • Page 212: Rear Lamp

    Convenient Features Rear lamp Front Door Lamp ( The front or rear room lamps come on when the front or rear doors are opened if the engine is running or not. When doors are unlocked by the remote key or smart key, the front and rear lamps come on for approximately 30 seconds as long as any door is not opened.

  • Page 213: Luggage Compartment Lamp

    Luggage compartment lamp Vanity mirror lamp (if equipped) OCN7050059 OCN7050058 The luggage compartment lamp comes Push the switch to turn the light on or off. on when the trunk is opened. • : The lamp will turn on if this button is pressed.

  • Page 214: Welcome System

    Convenient Features Welcome system (if equipped) You can activate or deactivate the Welcome Light from the User Settings Welcome light Mode on the LCD display. For more details, refer to “LCD Display” in chapter 4. If your vehicle is equipped with additional navigation, please refer to the infotainment system manual separately supplied.

  • Page 215: Wipers And Washers

    WiperS And WASherS Windshield Wipers Operates as follows when the ignition switch is in the ON position. MIST: For a single wiping cycle, push the lever upward and release. The wipers will operate continuously if the lever is held in this position. OFF: Wiper is not in operation.

  • Page 216: Windshield Washers

    Convenient Features NOTICE Windshield Washers • To prevent possible damage to the washer pump, do not operate the washer when the fluid reservoir is empty. • To prevent possible damage to the wipers or windshield, do not operate the wipers when the windshield is dry.

  • Page 217: Manual Climate Control System

    mAnuAl ClimATe ConTrol SySTem (if equipped) „ Type A „ OCN7050100N „ Type B „ OCN7050101N 1. Fan speed control knob 2. Temperature control knob 3. Mode selection knob 4. Front windshield defroster position 5. Rear window defroster button 6. Air intake control button 7.

  • Page 218: Heating And Air Conditioning

    Convenient Features Heating and Air Conditioning 1. Start the engine. 2. Set the mode to the desired position. To improve the effectiveness of heating and cooling, select the mode according to the following: — Heating: — Cooling: 3. Set the temperature control to the desired position.

  • Page 219
    Mode selection OCN7050134N 5-83…
  • Page 220
    Convenient Features Floor & Defrost (A, C, D, E) Most of the air flow is directed to the floor and the windshield with a small amount directed to the side window defrosters. Defrost-Level (A, D) Most of the air flow is directed to the OCN7050102 windshield with a small amount of air The mode selection knob controls the…
  • Page 221
    Instrument panel vents Air intake control „ Type A „ OCN7050107 OCN7050106 „ Type B „ Instrument panel vents The instrument panel vent air flow can be directed up/down or left/right using the vent adjustment lever. To close the vent, push the air vent lever in the opposite direction of the passenger.
  • Page 222
    Convenient Features Recirculation mode WARNING When Recirculation mode • Continued use of the climate control is selected, air from the system operation in Recirculation passenger compartment will mode for a prolonged period of be recirculated through the time may cause drowsiness to the system and heated or cooled occupants in the cabin.
  • Page 223
    Fan speed control Air conditioning (if equipped) OCN7050108N OCN7050109 Turn the knob to the right to increase Press the A/C button to turn the air the fan speed and airflow. Turn the knob conditioning system on (indicator light to the left to decrease fan speed and will illuminate).
  • Page 224: System Operation

    Air conditioning 4. Set the fan speed control to the desired speed. HYUNDAI Air Conditioning Systems are filled with R-1234yf refrigerant. 5. If desired, turn the air conditioning ON with the temperature control knob set 1. Start the vehicle.

  • Page 225
    Information Information • When using the air conditioning system, monitor the temperature gauge closely while driving up hills or in heavy traffic when outside temperatures are high. Air conditioning system operation may cause engine overheating. Continue to use the blower fan but turn the air conditioning system off if the temperature gauge indicates engine overheating.
  • Page 226: System Maintenance

    • Use the air conditioning system Have the cabin air filter replaced by an every month only for a few minutes authorized HYUNDAI dealer according to to ensure maximum system the maintenance schedule. If the vehicle performance.

  • Page 227
    Overfilling also reduces the performance of the air conditioning system. Therefore, if abnormal operation is found, have the system inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. OCN7050060 Air conditioning refrigerant label NOTICE You can find out which air conditioning…
  • Page 228: Automatic Climate Control System

    Convenient Features AuTomATiC ClimATe ConTrol SySTem (if equipped) OCN7050110L 1. Driver’s temperature control knob 2. Passenger’s temperature control knob 3. AUTO (automatic control) button 4. SYNC button 5. OFF button 6. Front windshield defroster button 7. Air conditioning button 8. Air intake control button 9.

  • Page 229: Automatic Heating And Air Conditioning

    Automatic heating and air When you select the temperature to HI or LO in AUTO mode, the wind strength is conditioning set to ‘HIGH’. „ Driver’s seat „ Passenger’s seat „ „ OCN7050112 OCN7050114 1. Press the AUTO button 2. Turn the temperature control knob The modes, fan speeds, air intake and to set the desired temperature.

  • Page 230: Manual Heating And Air Conditioning

    Convenient Features Manual heating and air conditioning The heating and cooling system can be controlled manually by pushing buttons other than the AUTO button. In this case, the system works sequentially according to the order of buttons selected. When pressing any button except the AUTO button while using automatic operation, the functions not selected will be controlled automatically.

  • Page 231
    Mode selection OCN7050103N 5-95…
  • Page 232
    Convenient Features Bi-Level (B, C, D, E) Air flow is directed towards the face and the floor. Floor-Level (A, C, D, E) Most of the air flow is directed to the floor, with a small amount of the air being directed to the windshield and side OCN7050115 window defrosters.
  • Page 233
    Temperature control „ Driver’s seat „ Passenger’s seat „ „ OCN7050116 Defrost-Level (A, D) OCN7050114 Most of the air flow is directed to the The temperature will increase by turning windshield with a small amount of air the knob to the right. directed to the side window defrosters.
  • Page 234
    Convenient Features Temperature conversion If the battery has been discharged or disconnected, the temperature mode display will reset to Centigrade. To change the temperature unit from °C to °F or °F to °C : — Automatic climate control system Press the AUTO button for 3 seconds while pressing the OFF but ton.
  • Page 235
    Fan speed control Information Operating the system primarily in Fresh mode is recommended. Use Recirculation mode temporarily only when needed. Prolonged operation of the heater in Recirculation mode and without the A/C ON can cause fogging of the windshield. In addition, prolonged use of the A/C ON in Recirculation mode may result in excessively dry, dehumidified air in the cabin and may promote formation of…
  • Page 236: System Operation

    Convenient Features System operation Air conditioning Ventilation 1. Select the Face Level mode. 2. Set the air intake control to fresh mode. 3. Set the temperature control to the desired position. 4. Set the fan speed control to the desired speed. Heating OCN7050119 1.

  • Page 237
    NOTICE Air conditioning HYUNDAI Air Conditioning Systems are • The refrigerant system should only filled with R-1234yf refrigerant. be serviced by trained and certified technicians to insure proper and safe 1. Start the vehicle. operation. 2. Push the air conditioning button.
  • Page 238: System Maintenance

    • Use the air conditioning system Have the cabin air filter replaced by an every month only for a few minutes authorized HYUNDAI dealer according to to ensure maximum system the maintenance schedule. If the vehicle performance.

  • Page 239
    Overfilling also reduces the performance of the air conditioning system. Therefore, if abnormal operation is found, have the system inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. ODN8A079026 Air conditioning refrigerant label NOTICE You can find out which air conditioning…
  • Page 240: Windshield Defrosting And Defogging

    Convenient Features WinDshielD DeFrosting AnD DeFogging Manual climate control system WARNING To defog inside windshield Windshield heating Do not use the position during cooling operation in extremely humid weather. The difference between the temperature of the outside air and that of the windshield could cause the outer surface of the windshield to fog up, causing loss of visibility.

  • Page 241: Automatic Climate Control System

    Automatic climate control To defrost outside windshield system To defog inside windshield OCN7050123N [A] : Type A, [B] : Type B 1. Set the fan speed to the highest OCN7050124L setting (knob rotated all the way to 1. Select desired fan speed. the right).

  • Page 242: Defogging Logic

    Convenient Features Defogging logic (if equipped) To defrost outside windshield To help reduce the probability of fogging up the inside of the windshield, the air intake or air conditioning are controlled automatically according to certain conditions such as position. To cancel or return the defogging logic, do the following Manual climate control system…

  • Page 243: Auto Defogging System (Only For Automatic Climate Control System)

    Auto defogging system (only To cancel or reset the Auto Defogging System for automatic climate control system, if equipped) Press the front windshield defroster button for 3 seconds when the ignition switch is in the ON position. When the Auto Defogging System is canceled, defrost button indicator will blink 3 times.

  • Page 244: Defroster

    Convenient Features Defroster Information • If there is heavy accumulation of snow NOTICE on the rear window, brush it off before operating the rear defroster. To prevent damage to the conductors bonded to the inside surface of the rear • The rear window defroster window, never use sharp instruments or automatically turns off after window cleaners containing abrasives…

  • Page 245: Climate Control Additional Features

    ClimATe ConTrol AddiTionAl feATureS Sunroof inside air recirculation Automatic ventilation (if (if equipped) equipped) When the sunroof is opened, outside The system automatically selects the (fresh) air will be automatically selected. fresh mode when the climate control At this time, if you press the air intake system operates over a certain period of control button, recirculated air position time (approximately 30 minutes) in low…

  • Page 246: Storage Compartment

    Convenient Features STorAge CompArTmenT Center console storage WARNING Never store cigarette lighters, propane cylinders, or other flammable/explosive materials in the vehicle. These items may catch fire and/or explode if the vehicle is exposed to hot temperatures for extended periods. WARNING ALWAYS keep the storage compartment covers closed securely while driving.

  • Page 247: Interior Features

    interior FeAtures Cup Holder (if equipped) WARNING Front • Avoid abrupt starting and braking when the cup holder is in use to prevent spilling your drink. If hot liquid spills, you could be burned. Such a burn to the driver could cause loss of vehicle control resulting in an accident.

  • Page 248: Sunvisor

    Convenient Features Sunvisor Power Outlet OIG046437 OCN7050068 To use a sunvisor, pull it downward. The power outlet is designed to provide power for mobile telephones or other To use a sunvisor for a side window, pull devices designed to operate with vehicle it downward, unsnap it from the bracket electrical systems.

  • Page 249: Usb Charger

    NOTICE USB Charger To prevent damage to the Power Outlets: • Use the power outlet only when the engine is running and remove the accessory plug after use. Using the accessory plug for prolonged periods of time with the engine off could cause the battery to discharge.

  • Page 250: Wireless Cellular Phone Charging System

    Convenient Features Wireless Cellular Phone To charge a cellular phone Charging System (if equipped) The wireless cellular phone charging system charges only the Qi-enabled cellular phones. Read the label on the cellular phone accessory cover or visit your cellular phone manufacturer’s website to check whether your cellular phone supports the Qi technology.

  • Page 251
    • When charging some cellular phones Information with a self-protection feature, For some manufacturers’ cellular phones, the wireless charging speed may the system may not warn you even though decrease and the wireless charging the cellular phone is left on the wireless may stop.
  • Page 252: Clock

    Convenient Features Clock Clothes Hanger WARNING Do not attempt to adjust the clock while driving. Doing so may result in distracted driving which may lead to an accident involving personal injury or death. For more information, please refer to the manual that was supplied with your vehicle.

  • Page 253: Infotainment System

    infoTAinmenT SySTem NOTICE USB Port • If you install an aftermarket HID head lamp, your vehicle’s audio and electronic devices may not function properly. • Prevent chemicals such as perfume, cosmetic oil, sunscreen, hand cleaner, and air freshener from contacting the interior parts because they may cause damage or discoloration.

  • Page 254: Antenna

    Convenient Features Antenna WARNING • Do not clean the inside of the rear window glass with a cleaner or scraper to remove foreign deposits as this may cause damage to the antenna elements. • To prevent damage to the rear glass antenna, never use sharp instruments or window cleaner containing abrasives to clean the…

  • Page 255: Steering Wheel Audio Control

    Steering wheel audio control RADIO mode • It will function as the AUTO SEEK select switch. It will SEEK until you release the switch. MEDIA mode • It will function as the FF/REW switch. If the SEEK/PRESET toggle switch is moved up or down, it will function in the following modes.

  • Page 256: Infotainment System

    Convenient Features Infotainment system (if equipped) Bluetooth® Wireless Technology hands-free (if equipped) If your vehicle is equipped with additional navigation, please refer to the infotainment system manual separately supplied. Voice recognition (if equipped) OCN7050075 OCN7050081 A wide range of infotainment functions can be commanded with voice recognition.

  • Page 257: How Vehicle Radio Works

    How vehicle radio works AM (MW, LW) reception FM reception OJF045309L AM broadcasts can be received at OJF045308L greater distances than FM broadcasts. AM and FM radio signals are broadcast This is because AM radio waves are from transmitter towers located around transmitted at low frequencies.

  • Page 258
    Convenient Features FM radio station These can result in certain listening conditions which might lead you to believe a problem exists with your radio. The following conditions are normal and do not indicate radio trouble : OJF045310L FM broadcasts are transmitted at high frequencies and do not bend to follow the earth’s surface.
  • Page 259
    Using a cellular phone or a twoway radio When a cellular phone is used inside the vehicle, noise may be produced from the audio system. This does not mean that something is wrong with the audio equipment. In such a case, use the cellular phone at a place as far as possible from the audio equipment.
  • Page 260
    6. While Driving Before Driving ………………..6-4 Before Entering the Vehicle ………………6-4 Before Starting ………………….6-4 Ignition Switch ………………..6-5 Key Ignition Switch ………………..6-5 Engine Start/Stop Button ………………6-8 Intelligent variable transmission …………..6-12 Intelligent variable transmission operation …………6-12 Parking ……………………6-17 Good driving practices ………………..6-18 Brake System ………………..
  • Page 261
    Winter Driving ………………… 6-46 Snow or Icy Conditions ………………6-46 Winter Precautions ………………..6-47 Vehicle load limit………………6-49 Tire Loading Information Label …………….6-50 Trailer Towing ………………..6-54…
  • Page 262
    If you hear a change in the sound of the exhaust or if you drive over something that strikes the underneath side of the vehicle, have the exhaust system checked as soon as possible by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. Do not run the engine in an enclosed area.
  • Page 263: While Driving

    While Driving Before Driving Before Entering the Vehicle WARNING • Be sure all windows, outside mirror(s), To reduce the risk of SERIOUS INJURY or and outside lights are clean and DEATH, take the following precautions: unobstructed. • ALWAYS wear your seat belt. All • Remove frost, snow, or ice.

  • Page 264: Ignition Switch

    ignition Switch Key Ignition Switch (if equipped) WARNING NEVER turn the ignition switch to the WARNING LOCK or ACC position while the vehicle is in motion except in an emergency. To reduce the risk of SERIOUS INJURY or This will result in the engine turning DEATH, take the following precautions: off and loss of power assist for the • NEVER allow children or any person…

  • Page 265
    While Driving Key ignition switch positions Switch Action Notice Position To turn the ignition switch to the LOCK position, put the key in at the ACC position and turn the key LOCK towards the LOCK position. The ignition key can be removed in the LOCK position.
  • Page 266
    Starting the engine Information • It is best to maintain a moderate engine WARNING speed until the vehicle engine comes Always wear appropriate shoes when up to normal operating temperature. operating your vehicle. Avoid harsh or abrupt acceleration or deceleration while the engine is still Unsuitable shoes, such as high heels, cold.
  • Page 267: Engine Start/Stop Button

    While Driving Engine Start/Stop Button WARNING (if equipped) • NEVER press the Engine Start/Stop button while the vehicle is in motion except in an emergency. This will result in the engine turning off and loss of power assist for the steering and brake systems.

  • Page 268
    Engine Stop/Start button positions Button Action Notice Position To turn off the engine, press the Engine Start/Stop button with shift button in P (Park). When you press the Engine Start/ Stop button without the shift button in P (Park), the Engine Start/ Stop button does not turn to the OFF position, but turns to the ACC position.
  • Page 269
    While Driving Starting the engine Vehicle with intelligent variable transmission: 1. Always carry the smart key with you. WARNING 2. Make sure the parking brake is • Always wear appropriate shoes when applied. operating your vehicle. 3. Make sure the shift lever is in P (Park). Unsuitable shoes, such as high heels, 4.
  • Page 270
    NOTICE To prevent damage to the vehicle: • If the engine stalls while you are in motion, do not attempt to move the shift button to the P (Park) position. If traffic and road conditions permit, you may put the shift button in the N (Neutral) position while the vehicle is still moving and press the Engine Start/Stop button in an attempt to…
  • Page 271: Intelligent Variable Transmission

    While Driving IntellIgent varIable transmIssIon (If equIpped) „ Left-hand drive „ Right-hand drive „ „ OCN7060006 OCN7060006R Depress the brake pedal and press the shift button while moving the shift lever. Press the shift button while moving the shift lever. The shift lever can freely operate.

  • Page 272
    Transmission ranges WARNING The indicator in the instrument cluster To reduce the risk of serious injury or displays the shift lever position when the death: ignition switch is in the ON position. • ALWAYS check the surrounding areas near your vehicle for people, P (Park) especially children, before shifting a Always come to a complete stop before…
  • Page 273
    While Driving R (Reverse) D (Drive) Use this position to drive the vehicle This is the normal driving position. The backward. transmission will automatically shift, providing the best fuel economy and power. For extra power when passing NOTICE another vehicle or driving uphill depress Always come to a complete stop before the accelerator pedal further until you shifting into or out of R (Reverse);…
  • Page 274
    OCN7060007 OCN7060008 DS mode (Drive Sporty) Manual shift mode • To shift into Ds mode, move the shift Whether the vehicle is stationary or in lever from D (Drive) to the center of motion, manual shift mode is selected by the manual shift mode.
  • Page 275
    While Driving Shift-lock system Information For your safety, the Intelligent variable • Only the six forward gears can be transmission has a shift-lock system selected. To reverse or park the vehicle, which prevents shifting the transmission move the shift lever to the R (Reverse) from P (Park) into R (Reverse) unless the or P (Park) position as required.
  • Page 276: Parking

    (1) with a tool (e.g. flathead screw-driver). If you need to use the shift-lock release, we recommend that the system be inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer immediately. CAUTION Be careful not to damage the trim beside of the shift lever while removing the shift lever boots.

  • Page 277: Good Driving Practices

    Do not depend on Instead, slow down before pulling placing the transmission in P (Park) to back into the travel lanes. keep the vehicle from moving. • HYUNDAI recommends you follow all posted speed limits. 6-18…

  • Page 278: Brake System

    Brake SyStem Power Brakes • Wet brakes may impair the vehicle’s ability to safely slow down; the Your vehicle has power-assisted brakes vehicle may also pull to one side that adjust automatically through normal when the brakes are applied. usage. Applying the brakes lightly will If the engine is not running or is turned indicate whether they have been…

  • Page 279: Parking Brake

    While Driving Parking brake (if equipped) Releasing the parking brake Applying the parking brake OCN7060010 To release: OCN7080008 Always set the parking brake before Firmly depress the brake pedal. leaving the vehicle, to apply: While pressing the release button (1), Firmly depress the brake pedal.

  • Page 280
    Check the Parking Brake WARNING Warning Light by placing • Whenever leaving the vehicle or the ignition switch to the parking, always come to a complete ON position (do not start the stop and continue to depress the engine). brake pedal. Move the shift lever into This light will be illuminated when the P position, then apply the parking parking brake is applied with the ignition…
  • Page 281: Electronic Parking Brake (Epb)

    While Driving Electronic Parking Brake (EPB) Releasing the parking brake (if equipped) Applying the parking brake OCN7060013 To release the EPB (Electronic Parking Brake), press the EPB switch in the OCN7060013 following condition: To apply the EPB (Electronic Parking • Place the ignition switch in the ON Brake): position.

  • Page 282
    • If you try to drive with the EPB system be checked by an authorized applied, a warning will sound and a HYUNDAI dealer. message will appear. • Do not drive your vehicle with the • If the driver’s seat belt is unfastened EPB applied.
  • Page 283
    While Driving WARNING • Whenever leaving the vehicle or parking, always come to a complete stop and continue to depress the brake pedal. Shift the gear into the P (Park) position, press the EPB switch, and set the ignition switch to the OFF position.
  • Page 284
    EPB may have malfunctioned. If this occurs, have the system checked by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. The EPB malfunction indicator may illuminate when the ESC indicator comes on to indicate that the ESC is not working properly, but it does not indicate a malfunction of the EPB.
  • Page 285: Auto Hold

    If you continuously notice a noise or will be in the standby position. burning smell when the EPB is used for emergency braking, have system checked by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. When the EPB (Electronic Parking Brake) does not release…

  • Page 286
    To cancel : • CLUSTER „ OCN7060017 2. When you stop the vehicle OCN7060018 completely by depressing the brake 1. Depress the brake pedal. pedal, the Auto Hold maintains the 2. Press the [AUTO HOLD] switch. brake pressure to hold the vehicle stationary.
  • Page 287
    NOTICE If there is a malfunction with the driver’s door or engine hood open detection system, the Auto Hold may not work properly. Contact an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. 6-28…
  • Page 288: Anti-Lock Brake System (Abs)

    Anti-lock Brake System (ABS) WARNING An Anti-Lock Braking System (ABS) or an Electronic Stability Control (ESC) system will not prevent accidents due to improper or dangerous driving maneuvers. Even though vehicle control is improved during emergency braking, always maintain a safe distance between you and objects OCN7060154L ahead of you.

  • Page 289
    To reduce the risk of serious brakes. Depress your brake pedal as hard injury or death, contact your HYUNDAI as possible. dealer as soon as possible. When you apply your brakes under…
  • Page 290: Electronic Stability Control (Esc)

    Electronic Stability Control (ESC) ESC operation (if equipped) ESC ON condition When the ignition switch is in the ON position, the ESC and the ESC OFF indicator lights illuminate for approximately three seconds. After both lights go off, the ESC is enabled. When operating When the ESC is in operation, the ESC indicator light blinks:…

  • Page 291
    ESC system. When this warning light illuminates have your vehicle checked by If the ignition switch is placed to the an authorized HYUNDAI dealer as soon LOCK/OFF position when ESC is off, ESC as possible. remains off. Upon restarting the engine, the ESC will automatically turn on again.
  • Page 292: Vehicle Stability Management (Vsm)

    ESC OFF usage WARNING When Driving Take the following precautions when The ESC OFF mode should only be used using the Vehicle Stability Management briefly to help free the vehicle if stuck in (VSM): snow by temporarily stopping operation • ALWAYS check the speed and the of the ESC to maintain wheel torque.

  • Page 293: Hill-Start Assist Control (Hac)

    Move the shift button into P vehicle checked by an authorized (Park) position, then apply the parking HYUNDAI dealer as soon as possible. brake, and place the ignition switch in the LOCK/OFF position. Driving with wheels and tires with…

  • Page 294: To Activate The Isg System

    ISG system meets operating conditions, we The engine is automatically started upon recommend that the system be inspected satisfying the starting conditions. by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. The ISG system is always active, when the engine is running. Auto stop…

  • Page 295
    While Driving When the system is deactivated: Auto start To restart the engine in the auto stop mode Release the brake pedal. — When Auto Hold is activated, if you release the brake pedal, the engine will be in the auto stop state. However, if you depress the accelerator pedal, the engine will start again.
  • Page 296: To Deactivate The Isg System

    2nd position. If the ISG OFF button indicator illuminates. ISG OFF button indicator remains • Press the ISG OFF button again to ON, contact an authorized HYUNDAI reactivate the ISG system. Then, the dealer. ISG OFF button indicator turns OFF.

  • Page 297: Battery Sensor Deactivation

    HYUNDAI dealer. OCN7060158N NOTICE [A] : Battery sensor • Use only a genuine HYUNDAI The battery sensor is deactivated, when Absorbent Glass Mat (AGM) battery the battery is disconnected from the for replacement. If not, the ISG negative pole for maintenance purpose.

  • Page 298: Drive Mode Integrated Control System

    drIve mode Integrated Control system (If equIpped) Drive Mode When NORMAL mode is selected, it is not displayed on the instrument cluster. • NORMAL mode : NORMAL mode provides smooth driving and comfortable riding. • SPORT mode : SPORT mode provides sporty but firm riding The drive mode will change to NORMAL mode when the engine is restarted.

  • Page 299
    While Driving SPORT mode SMART mode SMART mode selects the SPORT mode manages the proper driving mode among driving dynamics by ECO, NORMAL, and SPORT automatically adjusting the by judging the driver’s driving steering effort, the engine habits (i.e. Economic or and transmission control Aggressive (Sportive)) from the logic for enhanced driver…
  • Page 300
    Various driving situations, which you may • The driving mode automatically encounter in SMART mode changes to SMART SPORT mode only in harsh driving situations. In • The driving mode automatically most of the normal driving situations, changes to SMART ECO mode after the driving mode sets to be either a certain period of time, when you in SMART ECO mode or in SMART…
  • Page 301: Smart Shift On Trip Computer

    While Driving Smart shift on trip computer (if Driver’s style gauge in SMART mode equipped) Select the Trip Computer mode ( on the instrument cluster LCD display and move to the smart shift screen. Then, the driver can see the drive mode selected and the drive mode which is automatically switched by the SMART mode.

  • Page 302: Special Driving Conditions

    speCIal drIvIng CondItIons Hazardous Driving Conditions WARNING When hazardous driving elements If the vehicle is stuck and excessive are encountered such as water, snow, wheel spin occurs, the temperature ice, mud and sand, take the below of the tires can increase very quickly. suggestions: If the tires become damaged, a tire • Drive cautiously and keep a longer…

  • Page 303: Smooth Cornering

    While Driving Smooth Cornering Driving in the Rain Avoid braking or gear changing in Rain and wet roads can make driving corners, especially when roads are wet. dangerous. Here are a few things to Ideally, corners should always be taken consider when driving in the rain or on under gentle acceleration.

  • Page 304: Driving In Flooded Areas

    Driving in Flooded Areas Information Avoid driving through flooded areas Never over-inflate your tires above the unless you are sure the water is no maximum inflation pressure, as specified higher than the bottom of the wheel hub. on your tires. Drive through any water slowly.

  • Page 305: Winter Driving

    Snow tires HYUNDAI vehicle. WARNING Be sure to follow the guidelines and installation instructions provided from Snow tires should be equivalent in size the tire chain manufacturer.

  • Page 306: Winter Precautions

    NOTICE WARNING When using tire chains: The use of tire chains may adversely • Wrong size chains or improperly affect vehicle handling: installed chains can damage your • Drive less than 20 mph (30 km/h) vehicle’s brake lines, suspension, or the chain manufacturer’s body and wheels.

  • Page 307
    8. The level of charge in your underneath battery can be checked by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer or a service station. Under some conditions, snow and ice can build up under the fenders and Check spark plugs and ignition interfere with the steering.
  • Page 308: Vehicle Load Limit

    vehicle loaD limit Two labels on your driver’s door sill show GAWR (Gross Axle Weight Rating) how much weight your vehicle was This is the maximum allowable weight designed to carry: the Tire and Loading that can be carried by a single axle (front Information Label and the Certification or rear).

  • Page 309: Tire Loading Information Label

    While Driving Tire Loading Information Label Vehicle capacity weight 849 lbs. (385 kg) „ Type A „ Vehicle capacity weight is the maximum combined weight of occupants and cargo. If your vehicle is equipped with a trailer, the combined weight includes the tongue load.

  • Page 310
    Steps for determining correct load WARNING limit Do not overload the vehicle as there 1. Locate the statement «The combined is a limit to the total weight, or load weight of occupants and cargo should limit, including occupants and cargo, never exceed XXX kg or XXX lbs.»…
  • Page 311
    While Driving ≥ Example 1 Maximum Load Passenger Weight Cargo Weight (1400 lbs.) (150 lbs. × 2 = 300 lbs.) (1100 lbs.) (635 kg) (68 kg × 2 = 136 kg) (499 kg) ≥ Example 2 Maximum Load Passenger Weight Cargo Weight (1400 lbs.) (150 lbs.
  • Page 312
    Certification label WARNING Overloading • Never exceed the GVWR for your vehicle, the GAWR for either the front or rear axle and vehicle capacity weight. Exceeding these ratings can affect your vehicle’s handling and braking ability, and cause an accident. • Do not overload your vehicle.
  • Page 313: Trailer Towing

    While Driving trailer towing We do not recommend using this vehicle for trailer towing. 6-54…

  • Page 314: Driver Assistance System

    Driver assistance system 7. Driver assistance system Driving Safety Forward Collision–Avoidance Assist (FCA) (front view camera only) ….7-2 Forward Collision–Avoidance Assist (FCA) (sensor fusion) ……..7-14 Lane Keeping Assist (LKA) ………………7-30 Blind-Spot Collision Warning (BCW) …………..7-36 Blind-Spot Collision-Avoidance Assist (BCA) …………7-45 Safe Exit Warning (SEW) ………………7-58 Manual Speed Limit Assist (MSLA) ……………..7-63 Intelligent Speed Limit Assist (ISLA) …………..7-66…

  • Page 315
    • If the detecting sensor have been replaced or repaired, we recommend that you have your vehicle inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. OCN7C070051 • NEVER install any accessories or Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist is stickers on the front windshield, or designed to help detect and monitor the tint the front windshield.
  • Page 316
    The driver can monitor Forward Collision- Avoidance Assist ON/OFF status from the Settings menu. If the warning light remains ON when the system is ON, we recommend that you have the function inspected by an HYUNDAI dealer.
  • Page 317
    Driver assistance system OTM070140N OTM070141N Warning Timing Warning Volume With the engine on, select ‘Driver With the engine on, select ‘Driver Assistance → Warning Timing’ from the Assistance → Warning Volume’ from the Settings menu to change the initial Settings menu to change the Warning warning activation time for Forward Volume to ‘High’, ‘Medium’ or ‘Low’ for Collision-Avoidance Assist.
  • Page 318
    Function operation Basic function Function warning and control The basic feature of Forward Collision- Avoidance Assist is to help warn and control the vehicle depending on collision level: ‘Collision Warning’, ‘Emergency Braking’ and ‘Stopping vehicle and ending brake control ’. OCN7070029L Emergency braking • To warn the driver that emergency braking will occur, the ‘Emergency Braking’ warning message will appear on the cluster and an audible warning will sound.
  • Page 319
    Driver assistance system • Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist does not operate in all situations or cannot avoid all collisions. • The driver should hold the responsibility to control the vehicle. Do not solely depend on Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist function. Rather, maintain a safe braking distance, and, if necessary, depress the brake pedal to reduce driving speed or to stop the vehicle.
  • Page 320
    We recommend that the function be inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. Information In a situation where collision is imminent, braking may be assisted by Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist when braking is insufficient by the driver.
  • Page 321
    • Your vehicle is being towed material) is removed, we recommend • The surrounding is very bright that the system be inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. • The surrounding is very dark, such as in a tunnel, etc. WARNING • The brightness changes suddenly, for…
  • Page 322
    • Driving through steam, smoke or • You are departing or returning to the shadow lane • Only part of the vehicle, pedestrian or • Unstable driving cyclist is detected • You are on a roundabout and the • The vehicle in front is a bus, heavy vehicle in front is not detected truck, truck with a unusually shaped • You are continuously driving in a circle…
  • Page 323
    Driver assistance system • There is a group of pedestrians or a WARNING large crowd in front • Driving on a curve • The pedestrian is wearing clothing that easily blends into the background, making it difficult to detect • The pedestrian is difficult to distinguish from the similar shaped structure in the surroundings • You are driving by a pedestrian,…
  • Page 324
    • Driving on a slope OADAS006 OADAS005 Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist OADAS009 may detect a vehicle or pedestrian in the next lane or outside the lane when driving on a curved road. If this occurs, the system may unnecessarily warn the driver and control the brake.
  • Page 325
    Driver assistance system • Changing lanes OADAS033 [A] : Your vehicle, OADAS032 [B] : Lane changing vehicle, [A] : Your vehicle, [C] : Same lane vehicle [B] : Lane changing vehicle When a vehicle in front of you When a vehicle moves into your lane merges out of the lane, Forward from an adjacent lane, it cannot Collision-Avoidance Assist may not…
  • Page 326
    • Detecting vehicle • Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist may not operate normally if interfered by strong electromagnetic waves. • Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist may not operate for 15 seconds after the vehicle is started, or the front view camera is initialized. Information This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules.
  • Page 327
    Driver assistance system Forward Collision–avoidanCe assist (FCa) (sensor Fusion) (iF equipped) Basic function Detecting sensor OJX1070255L OCN7060030 Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist is designed to help detect and monitor the vehicle ahead or help detect a pedestrian or cyclist in the roadway and warn the driver that a collision is imminent with a warning message and an audible warning, and if necessary, apply…
  • Page 328
    We • Never disassemble the detecting recommend that the vehicle be sensor or sensor assembly, or apply inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI any impact on it. dealer. • If the detecting sensors have been • Use only genuine parts to repair or…
  • Page 329
    The driver can monitor Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist ON/OFF status from the Settings menu. If the warning light remains ON when the system is ON, we recommend that the system be inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. 7-16…
  • Page 330
    OTM070140N OTM070141N Warning Timing Warning Volume With the engine on, select ‘Driver With the engine on, select ‘Driver Assistance → Warning Timing’ from the Assistance → Warning Volume’ from the Settings menu to change the initial Settings menu to change the Warning warning activation time for Forward Volume to ‘High’, ‘Medium’ or ‘Low’ for Collision-Avoidance Assist. Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist.
  • Page 331
    Driver assistance system Function operation Basic function Function warning and control The basic function for Forward Collision- Avoidance Assist is to help warn and control the vehicle depending on the collision level: ‘Collision Warning’, ‘Emergency Braking’ and ‘Stopping vehicle and ending brake control’. OCN7070029L Emergency Braking • To warn the driver that emergency braking will be assisted, the ‘Emergency Braking’ warning message will appear on the cluster…
  • Page 332
    Junction Turning function (if equipped) Function warning and control Junction Turning function will help warn and control the vehicle depending on the collision level: ‘Collision Warning’, ‘Emergency Braking’ and ‘Stopping vehicle and ending brake control’ OCN7070030L Stopping vehicle and ending brake control • When the vehicle is stopped due to emergency braking, the ‘Drive carefully’ warning message will appear on the cluster.
  • Page 333
    Driver assistance system OCN7070098L OCN7070030L Emergency Braking Stopping vehicle and ending brake control • To warn the driver that emergency • When the vehicle is stopped due braking will be assisted, the to emergency braking, the ‘Drive ‘Emergency Braking’ warning carefully’ warning message will message will appear on the cluster appear on the cluster.
  • Page 334
    • Depending on the road and driving WARNING conditions, Forward Collision- Take the following precautions when Avoidance Assist may warn the driver using Forward Collision-Avoidance late or may not warn the driver. Assist: • During Forward Collision-Avoidance • For your safety, change the Settings Assist operation, the vehicle may after parking the vehicle at a safe stop suddenly injuring passengers…
  • Page 335
    Forward warning lights will illuminate on the Collision-Avoidance Assist when braking cluster. We recommend that the function is insufficient by the driver. be inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. 7-22…
  • Page 336
    • Driving in heavy rain or snow, or thick that the function be inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. • The field of view of the front view camera is obstructed by sun glare • Street light or light from an oncoming…
  • Page 337
    Driver assistance system • Your vehicle is being towed • Driving through a tunnel or iron bridge • The surrounding is very bright • Driving in large areas where there are few vehicles or structures (i.e. desert, • The surrounding is very dark, such as meadow, suburb, etc.) in a tunnel, etc.
  • Page 338
    • The pedestrian or cyclist is not • The pedestrian or cyclist is wearing fully detected, for example, if the clothing that easily blends into the pedestrian is leaning over or is not background, making it difficult to fully walking upright detect • The pedestrian or cyclist is wearing • The pedestrian or cyclist is difficult to…
  • Page 339
    Driver assistance system WARNING • Driving on a curve OADAS015 OADAS014 OADAS017 OADAS019 Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist may detect a vehicle, pedestrian or cyclist in the next lane or outside the OADAS016 OADAS018 lane when driving on a curved road. Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist may not detect other vehicles, If this occurs, the system may pedestrians or cyclists in front of you…
  • Page 340
    • Driving on a slope • Changing lanes OADAS012 OADAS030 OADAS010 OADAS011 [A] : Your vehicle, Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist [B] : Lane changing vehicle may not detect other vehicles, When a vehicle moves into your lane pedestrians or cyclists in front of from an adjacent lane, it cannot you while driving uphill or downhill be detected by the sensor until it…
  • Page 341
    Driver assistance system • Detecting vehicle OTM070147 If the vehicle in front of you has cargo that extends rearward from the cab, or when the vehicle in front of you has higher ground clearance, additional special attention is required. Forward Collision- Avoidance Assist may not be able to detect the cargo extending from the vehicle.
  • Page 342
    WARNING Information This device complies with Part 15 of the • When you are towing a trailer or FCC rules. another vehicle, we recommend that Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist is Operation is subject to the following three turned off due to safety reasons. conditions: • Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist 1.
  • Page 343
    Driver assistance system lane Keeping assist (lKa) Function settings Lane Keeping Assist is designed to help detect lane markings (or road edges) Setting while driving over a certain speed. The system will warn the driver if the vehicle leaves the lane without using the turn signal, or will automatically assist the driver’s steering to help prevent the vehicle from departing the lane.
  • Page 344
    Turning the function On/Off (Lane Safety Turning the function On/Off (Lane button) Driving Assist button) OCN7060033 OCN7060087 With the engine on, press and hold With the engine on, press and hold the the Lane Safety button located on Lane Driving Assist button located on the the instrument panel to turn on Lane steering wheel to turn on Lane Keeping Keeping Assist.
  • Page 345
    Driver assistance system Function operation Function warning and control Lane Keeping Assist will help warn and control the vehicle with Lane Departure Warning and Lane Keeping Assist. „ Left „ Right „ „ OTM070141N Warning Volume With the engine on, select ‘Driver Assistance → Warning Volume’ from the Settings menu to change the Warning Volume to ‘High’, ‘Medium’ or ‘Low’ for…
  • Page 346
    Lane Keeping Assist WARNING • To warn the driver that the vehicle • The steering wheel may not be is departing from the projected lane assisted if the steering wheel is held in front, the green indicator very tight or the steering wheel is light will blink on the cluster, and the steered over a certain degree.
  • Page 347
    ‘Check Lane Keeping Assist (LKA) system’ warning message will appear and the yellow indicator light will illuminate on the cluster. If this occurs, we recommend that the system be inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI OCN7060034 OCN7060035 dealer. „ Lane detected „ • Type A •…
  • Page 348
    • There are more than two lane • If the vehicle is driven at high speed, markings (or road edges) on the road the steering wheel will not be controlled. The driver must always • The lane number increases or follow the speed limit when using decreases, or the lane markings (or the system.
  • Page 349
    Driver assistance system Blind-spot Collision warning (BCw) (iF equipped) Blind-Spot Collision Warning is designed to help detect and monitor approaching vehicles in the driver’s blind spot area and warn the driver of a possible collision with a warning message and audible warning. OHY059002 Blind-Spot Collision Warning helps detect and informs the driver that a vehicle is approaching at high speed from the blind spot area.
  • Page 350
    ‘Driver Assistance → Blind-Spot Safety’ that the vehicle be inspected by an from the Settings menu to set whether or authorized HYUNDAI dealer. not to use each function. • If there is impact on the rear — If ‘Warning Only’ is selected, the corner radar or near the radar,…
  • Page 351
    Driver assistance system OTM070097N OTM070140N Warning Timing When the engine is restarted with the system off, the ‘Blind-Spot Safety System With the engine on, select ‘Driver is Off’ message will appear on the Assistance → Warning Timing’ from the cluster. Settings menu to change the initial If you change the setting from ‘Off’ to warning activation time for Blind-Spot ‘Warning Only’, the warning light on the Safety system.
  • Page 352
    Function operation Function warning OTM070141N Warning Volume With the engine on, select ‘Driver OCN7060116 Assistance → Warning Volume’ from the Vehicle detection Settings menu to change the Warning • To warn the driver a vehicle is Volume to ‘High’, ‘Medium’ or ‘Low’ for detected, the warning light on the Blind-Spot Safety system. outside rearview mirror will illuminate.
  • Page 353
    Driver assistance system WARNING WARNING • The detecting range of the rear Take the following precautions when corner radar is determined by the using Blind-Spot Safety system: standard road width, therefore, on a • For your safety, change the Settings narrow road, the system may detect after parking the vehicle at a safe other vehicles in the next next lane…
  • Page 354
    HYUNDAI dealer. OTM070100N When the outside rearview mirror warning light is not working properly, the ‘Check side view mirror warning light’ warning message will appear on the cluster. We recommend that the system be inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. 7-41…
  • Page 355
    Driver assistance system • There is a fixed object near the WARNING vehicle, such as sound barriers, • Even though the warning message guardrails, central dividers, entry does not appear on the cluster, Blind- barriers, street lamps, signs, Spot Safety system may not properly tunnels, walls, etc.
  • Page 356
    Blind-Spot Safety system may not WARNING operate normally, or the system may • Driving on a curve operate unexpectedly when the following objects are detected: • A motorcycle or bicycle is detected • A vehicle such as a flat trailer is detected • A big vehicle such as a bus or truck is detected…
  • Page 357
    Driver assistance system • Driving where the road is merging/ • Driving where the heights of the dividing lanes are different OHY059010 OCN7060050 Blind-Spot Safety system may not Blind-Spot Safety system may not operate properly when driving where operate properly when driving where the road merges or divides.
  • Page 358
    Blind-spot Collision-avoidanCe assist (BCa) (iF equipped) Blind-Spot Collision-Avoidance Assist is designed to help detect and monitor approaching vehicles in the driver’s blind spot area and warn the driver of a possible collision with a warning message and audible warning. In addition, if there is a risk of collision when changing lanes or driving forward out of a parking space, the system will help avoid a collision by applying the…
  • Page 359
    • If there is impact on the rear corner radar or near the radar, even though the warning message does not appear on the cluster, Blind-Spot Safety system may not operate properly. We recommend that the system be inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. 7-46…
  • Page 360
    • If the rear corner radars have been replaced or repaired, we recommend Setting that the vehicle be inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. • Use only genuine parts to repair the rear bumper where the rear corner radar is located.
  • Page 361
    Driver assistance system OTM070097N OTM070140N Warning Timing When the engine is restarted with the system off, the ‘Blind-Spot Safety System With the engine on, select ‘Driver is Off’ message will appear on the Assistance → Warning Timing’ from the cluster. Settings menu to change the initial If you change the setting from ‘Off’ to warning activation time for Blind-Spot ‘Active Assist’ or ‘Warning Only’, the Safety system.
  • Page 362
    Function operation Function warning and control OTM070141N Warning Volume With the engine on, select ‘Driver OCN7060116 Assistance → Warning Volume’ from the Vehicle detection Settings menu to change the Warning • To warn the driver a vehicle is Volume to ‘High’, ‘Medium’ or ‘Low’ for detected, the warning light on the Blind-Spot Safety system.
  • Page 363
    Driver assistance system Collision Warning • Collision warning will operate when the turn signal is turned on in the direction of the detected vehicle. • If ‘Warning Only’ is selected from the Settings menu, the collision warning will operate when your vehicle approaches the lane the blind spot vehicle is detected.
  • Page 364
    WARNING • Collision-Avoidance Assist will be canceled under the following circumstances: — Your vehicle enters the next lane by a certain distance — Your vehicle is away from the collision risk — The steering wheel is sharply steered OCN7060043N — The brake pedal is depressed Collision-Avoidance Assist (while — Forward Collision-Avoidance Assist departing)
  • Page 365
    Driver assistance system WARNING Take the following precautions when using Blind-Spot Safety system: • For your safety, change the Settings after parking the vehicle at a safe location. • If any other system’s warning message is displayed or audible warning is generated, Blind-Spot Safety system’s warning message OCN7060086L may not be displayed and audible…
  • Page 366
    — ESC (Electronic Stability Control) is engaged in a different function OTM070100N When the outside rearview mirror warning light is not working properly, the ‘Check side view mirror warning light’ warning message will appear on the cluster. We recommend that the system be inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. 7-53…
  • Page 367
    • Driving in large areas where there are authorized HYUNDAI dealer. few vehicles or structures (i.e. desert, meadow, suburb, etc.) WARNING • Driving through a narrow road where trees or grass are overgrown • Even though the warning message…
  • Page 368
    • The speed of the other vehicle is very Braking control may not work, driver’s fast that it passes by your vehicle in a attention is required in the following short time circumstances: • Your vehicle passes by the other • The vehicle severely vibrates while vehicle driving over a bumpy road, uneven road or concrete patch…
  • Page 369
    Driver assistance system • Driving where the road is merging/ WARNING dividing • Driving on a curve OHY059010 OHY059008 Blind-Spot Safety system may not Blind-Spot Safety system may not operate properly when driving where operate properly when driving on the road merges or divides. The a curved road.
  • Page 370
    • Driving where the heights of the Information lanes are different This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following three conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
  • Page 371
    Driver assistance system saFe exit warning (sew) (iF equipped) Detecting sensor OHY050024 After the vehicle stops, when an OCN7060046 approaching vehicle from the rear area is The rear corner radars are sensors detected as soon as a passenger opens located inside the rear bumper to help a door, Safe Exit Warning will warn the detect the side and rear areas.
  • Page 372
    Function settings Setting OCN7070093L Warning Timing With the engine on, select ‘Driver OCN7070042L Assistance → Warning Timing’ from the Safe Exit Assist Settings menu to change the initial With the engine on, select ‘Driver warning activation time for Blind-Spot Assistance → Blind-Spot Safety → Safe Exit Safety system. Assist (SEA)’ from the Settings menu to When the vehicle is first delivered, turn on Safe Exit Warning and deselect to Warning Timing is set to ‘Normal’. If you turn off the function.
  • Page 373
    Driver assistance system Function operation Warning and control OCN7070027L Warning Volume With the engine on, select ‘Driver OCN7070043L Assistance → Warning Volume’ from the Collision warning when exiting vehicle Settings menu to change the Warning • When an approaching vehicle from Volume to ‘High’, ‘Medium’, or ‘Low’ for the rear is detected, the ‘Watch for Blind-Spot Safety system.
  • Page 374
    When Safe Exit Warning is not working properly, the ‘Check Blind-Spot Safety system’ warning message will appear on the cluster, and the system will turn off automatically or the system will be limited. We recommend that the system be inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. 7-61…
  • Page 375
    If the function does not operate normally after it is removed, we recommend that the system be inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. WARNING • Even though the warning message does not appear on the cluster, Safe Exit Warning may not properly operate.
  • Page 376
    Manual speed liMit assist (Msla) (iF equipped) System operation To set speed limit OTM070111L (1) Manual Speed Limit Assist enabled indicator OCN7060060 (2) Set speed 1. Press and hold Driving Assist You can set the speed limit when you do ) button at the desired not want to drive over a specific speed.
  • Page 377
    Driver assistance system OTM070203L OCN7060143 3. The set speed limit will be displayed on the cluster. If you would like to drive over the preset speed limit, depress the accelerator pedal beyond the pressure point to activate the kickdown mechanism. The set speed limit will blink and chime will sound until you return the vehicle speed within the speed limit.
  • Page 378
    To temporarily pause the system To turn off the system OCN7060063 OCN7060060 [A] : Type A, [B] : Type B Press the Driving Assist ( ) button to turn Manual Speed Limit Assist off. Push the switch to temporarily The Manual Speed Limit Assist enabled pause the set speed limit.
  • Page 379
    Driver assistance system intelligent speed liMit assist (isla) (iF equipped) Function settings Intelligent Speed Limit Assist uses information from the detected road sign Setting and navigation system to inform the driver of the speed limit and additional information of the current road. Also, the function helps the driver to maintain within the speed limit of the road.
  • Page 380
    Speed Limit Offset Function operation With the engine on, when ‘Driver Function warning and control Assistance → Speed Limit → Speed Limit Intelligent Speed Limit Assist will warn Offset’ is selected, the Speed Limit Offset and control the vehicle by ‘Displaying can be changed. Speed Limit Warning speed limit’, ‘Warning overspeed’ and and Speed Limit Assist will operate by ‘Changing set speed’.
  • Page 381
    Driver assistance system WARNING • If the Offset is set over ‘0’, the set speed will change to a higher speed than the speed limit of the road. If you want to drive below the speed limit, set the Offset under ‘0’ or use the –…
  • Page 382
    If this occurs, we recommend If this occurs, the ‘Speed limit system that the function be inspected by an disabled. Camera obscured’ warning authorized Hyundai dealer. message will appear on the cluster. The function will operate normally when snow, rain or foreign material is removed.
  • Page 383
    Driver assistance system Limitations of the function WARNING Intelligent Speed Limit Assist may • Intelligent Speed Limit Assist is a not operate normally, or the system supplemental system that helps the may operate unexpectedly under the driver to comply with the speed limit following circumstances: on the road, and may not display the • The road sign is contaminated or…
  • Page 384
    driver attention warning (daw) (iF equipped) Function settings Basic function Driver Attention Warning can help Setting determine the driver’s attention level by analyzing driving pattern, driving time, etc. while vehicle is being driven. The system can recommend a break when the driver’s attention level falls below a certain level.
  • Page 385
    Driver assistance system System operation Basic function System display and warning The basic function of Driver Attention Warning is to inform the driver of their ‘Attention Level’ and to warn the driver to ‘Consider taking a break’. Attention level „ System off „ Standby/Disabled „ „ OTM070140N Warning Timing With the engine on, select ‘Driver Assistance → Warning Timing’ from the Settings menu to change the initial warning activation time for Driver…
  • Page 386
    • The driver’s attention level is displayed CAUTION on the scale of 1 to 5. The lower the • Driver Attention Warning may level is, the more inattentive the driver suggest a break depending on the driver’s driving pattern or habits, • The level decreases when the driver even if the driver doesn’t feel does not take a break for a certain fatigued.
  • Page 387
    If this occurs, we recommend that the system be inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. WARNING • If any other system’s warning Limitations of the system message is displayed or audible…
  • Page 388
    Leading Vehicle Departure Alert feature • When the vehicle ahead sharply steers • When the vehicle cuts in OADAS034SD [A] : Your vehicle, [B] : Front vehicle OADAS021SD If the vehicle in front makes a sharp turn, such as to turn left or right or make a U-turn, etc., Leading Vehicle Departure Alert may not operate properly.
  • Page 389
    Driver assistance system • When a pedestrian or bicycle is • When driving at a tollgate or between you and the vehicle ahead intersection, etc. OADAS025 OADAS026SD If there is a pedestrian(s) or bicycle(s) If you pass a tollgate or intersection in between you and the vehicle in with lots of vehicles or you drive front, Leading Vehicle Departure Alert…
  • Page 390
    Cruise Control (CC) (iF equipped) Function operation To set speed 1. Accelerate to the desired speed, which must be more than 20 mph (30 km/h). OTM058156E (1) Cruise indicator (2) Set speed Cruise Control will allow you to drive at speeds above 20 mph (30 km/h) without OCN7060060 depressing the accelerator pedal.
  • Page 391
    Driver assistance system To increase speed To decrease speed OCN7060143 OCN7060144 • Push the + switch up and release it • Push the — switch down and release it immediately. The cruising speed will immediately. The cruising speed will increase by 1 mph (1 km/h) each time decrease by 1 mph (1 km/h) each time the switch is operated in this manner.
  • Page 392
    To temporarily pause the function To resume the function OCN7060063 OCN7060145 Cruise Control will be paused when: Push the +, — switch or button. • Depressing the brake pedal. If you push the + switch up or — switch down, vehicle speed will be set to the • Pushing the button.
  • Page 393
    Driver assistance system To turn off the function WARNING Take the following precautions when using Cruise Control: • Always set the vehicle speed to the speed limit in your region. • Keep Cruise Control off when the system is not in use, to avoid inadvertently setting a speed.
  • Page 394
    sMart Cruise Control (sCC) (iF equipped) Smart Cruise Control is designed to CAUTION detect the vehicle ahead and help Always keep the front view camera and maintain the desired speed and front radar in good and clean condition minimum distance between the vehicle to maintain optimal performance of ahead.
  • Page 395
    Driver assistance system Function settings Setting OCN7060069 [A] : Type A, [B] : Type B To set vehicle distance OCN7060060 Each time the button is pressed, the [A] : Type A, [B] : Type B vehicle distance changes as follows: To turn on the function • Press the Driving Assist button to turn Distance 4…
  • Page 396
    OCN7060061 OCN7060062 To increase speed To decrease speed • Push the + switch up and release it • Push the — switch down and release it immediately. The cruising speed will immediately. The cruising speed will increase by 1 mph (1 km/h) each time decrease by 1 mph (1 km/h) each time the switch is operated in this manner.
  • Page 397
    Driver assistance system WARNING Check the driving condition before using the switch. Driving speed may sharply increase or decrease when you press the switch. OCN7060120 [A] : Type A, [B] : Type B To temporarily cancel the function Press the switch or depress the brake pedal to temporarily cancel Smart Cruise Control.
  • Page 398
    Function operation Operating conditions Smart Cruise Control will operate when the following conditions are satisfied. Basic function • The gear is in D (Drive) • The driver’s door is closed • EPB (Electronic Parking Brake) is not applied OTM070142N • Your vehicle speed is within the Smart Cruise Reaction operating speed range With the engine on, select ‘Driver…
  • Page 399
    Driver assistance system Overtaking Acceleration Assist Function display and control Overtaking Acceleration Assist will Basic function operate when the turn signal indicator is You can see the status of the Smart turned on to the left while Smart Cruise Cruise Control operation in the Driving Control is operating, and the following Assist mode on the cluster.
  • Page 400
    To temporarily accelerate OCN7060123N • When temporarily canceled OCN7060159N indicator is displayed. If you want to speed up temporarily (2) The previous set speed is shaded. when Smart Cruise Control is on, depress (3) Vehicle ahead and distance level are the accelerator pedal.
  • Page 401
    Driver assistance system Function temporarily canceled WARNING When the function is temporarily canceled, distance with the front vehicle will not be maintained. Always have your eyes on the road while driving, and if necessary, depress the brake pedal to reduce your driving speed in order to maintain a safe distance.
  • Page 402
    In traffic situation Warning road conditions ahead OCN7070054L OCN7070055L In the following situation, the ‘Watch for In traffic, your vehicle will stop if the surrounding vehicles’ warning message vehicle ahead of you stops. Also, if the will appear on the cluster, and an audible vehicle ahead of you starts moving, your warning will sound to warn the driver of vehicle will start as well.
  • Page 403
    Driver assistance system Collision Warning WARNING Take the following precautions when using Smart Cruise Control: • Smart Cruise Control does not substitute for proper and safe driving. It is the responsibility of the driver to always check the speed and distance to the vehicle ahead.
  • Page 404
    • If any other system’s warning cluster. We recommend that the function message is displayed or warning be inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI sound is generated, Smart Cruise dealer. Control warning message may not be displayed and warning sound may not be generated.
  • Page 405
    Driver assistance system Function disabled Limitations of the function Smart Cruise Control may not operate normally, or the system may operate unexpectedly under the following circumstances: • The detecting sensor or the surroundings are contaminated or damaged • Washer fluid is continuously sprayed, or the wiper is on • The camera lens is contaminated due to tinted, filmed or coated windshield,…
  • Page 406
    • Only part of the vehicle is detected • The vehicle in front is bent out of shape • The vehicle in front has no tail lights, tail lights are located unusually, etc. • The front vehicle’s speed is fast or slow • The brightness outside is low, and the tail lamps are not on or are not bright • With a vehicle in front, your vehicle changes lane at low speed…
  • Page 407
    Driver assistance system • Driving on a curve • Driving on a slope OADAS014 OADAS012 On curves, Smart Cruise Control may During uphill or downhill driving, the not detect a vehicle in the same lane, Smart Cruise Control may not detect and may accelerate to the set speed.
  • Page 408
    • Changing lanes • Detecting vehicle OHI058321L In the following cases, some vehicles in your lane cannot be detected by the sensor: — Vehicles offset to one side — Slow-moving vehicles or sudden- decelerating vehicles — Oncoming vehicles — Stopped vehicles — Vehicles with small rear profile, such as trailers OADAS030…
  • Page 409
    Driver assistance system OCN7060105 OHI058308L In the following cases, the vehicle • When a vehicle in front of you merges in front cannot be detected by the out of the lane, Smart Cruise Control sensor: may not immediately detect the new vehicle that is now in front of you.
  • Page 410
    Information This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following three conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
  • Page 411
    Driver assistance system navigation-Based sMart Cruise Control (nsCC) (iF equipped) Function settings Navigation-based Smart Cruise Control can help automatically adjust vehicle Setting speed when driving on highways (or motorways) by using road information from the navigation system while Smart Cruise Control is operating. Information • Navigation-based Smart Cruise Control is available only on controlled access…
  • Page 412
    Function operation • Function operating Operating conditions Navigation-based Smart Cruise Control is ready to operate if all of the following conditions are satisfied: • Smart Cruise Control is operating • Driving on main roads of highways (or motorways) Information For more details on how to operate Smart OCN7060084N Cruise Control, refer to “Smart Cruise If temporary deceleration is required in…
  • Page 413
    Driver assistance system • If Highway Set Speed Auto Change Information function has changed to the standby Highway Curve Zone Auto Slowdown and state by depressing the brake pedal Highway Set Speed Auto Change function or pressing the switch on the uses the same symbol.
  • Page 414
    Limitations of the function • The vehicle enters a service station or rest area Navigation-based Smart Cruise Control • The speed limit of some sections may not operate normally under the changes according to the road following circumstances: situations • The navigation is not working properly • Android Auto or Car Play is operating • Speed limit and road information in • The navigation cannot detect the…
  • Page 415
    Driver assistance system OCN7070107N OCN7070108N [1] : Set route, [2] : Branch line, [3] : Driving route, [1] : Set route, [2] : Branch line, [3] : Driving route, [4] : Main road, [5] : Curved road section [4] : Main road, [5] : Curved road section • When there is a difference between • When there is a difference between the navigation set route (branch line)
  • Page 416
    WARNING • Navigation-based Smart Cruise Control is not a substitute for safe driving practices, but a convenience function. Always have your eyes on the road, and it is the responsibility of the driver to avoid violating traffic laws. • The navigation’s speed limit information may differ from the actual speed limit information on the OCN7070109N…
  • Page 417
    Driver assistance system • After you pass through a tollgate on a Information highway (or motorway), Navigation- This device complies with Part 15 of the based Smart Cruise Control will FCC rules. operate based on the first lane. If you enter one of the other lanes, the Operation is subject to the following three system may not operate properly.
  • Page 418
    lane Following assist (lFa) Function settings Lane Following Assist is designed to help detect lane markings and/or vehicles on Setting the road, and assists the driver’s steering to help center the vehicle in the lane. Detecting sensor OCN7060087 Turning the function ON/OFF With the engine on, shortly press the Lane Driving Assist button located on the OCN7060030 steering wheel to turn on Lane Following…
  • Page 419
    Driver assistance system Function operation Warning and control „ «Driving Assist „ mode» selected OTM070141N Warning Volume With the engine on, select ‘Driver OCN7060088N OCN7060089N Assistance → Warning Volume’ from the Lane Following Assist Settings menu to change the Warning If the vehicle ahead and/or both lane Volume to ‘High’, ‘Medium’ or ‘Low’ for markings are detected and your vehicle Hands-off warning.
  • Page 420
    WARNING • Lane Following Assist does not operate at all times. It is the responsibility of the driver to safely steer the vehicle and to maintain the vehicle in its lane. • The hands–off warning message may appear late depending on road conditions.
  • Page 421
    When Lane Following Assist is not working properly, the ‘Check Lane Following Assist (LFA) system’ warning message will appear on the cluster. If this occurs, we recommend that the function be inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. OCN7060039 OCN7060037 WARNING • If lane markings are not detected,…
  • Page 422
    HigHwaY driving assist (Hda) (iF equipped) Basic function Detecting sensor Highway Driving Assist is designed to help detect vehicles and lanes ahead, and help maintain distance from the vehicle ahead, maintain the set speed, and help center the vehicle in the lane while driving on the highway (or motorway).
  • Page 423
    • If there is a problem with the function(s), the settings cannot be changed. We recommend that the system be inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. • If the engine is restarted, the function(s) will maintain the last setting. WARNING…
  • Page 424
    Function operation (2) Set speed is displayed. Basic function (3) Lane Following Assist indicator displayed. System display and control (4) Whether there is a vehicle ahead and You can see the status of the Highway the selected vehicle distance are Driving Assist operation in the Driving displayed.
  • Page 425
    Driver assistance system • Restarting after stopping • Hands-off warning OCN7070054L OCN7070035L When Highway Driving Assist is If the driver takes their hands off the operating, your vehicle will stop if the steering wheel for several seconds, vehicle ahead of you stops. Also, if the the ‘Place hands on the steering vehicle ahead of you starts moving wheel’ warning message will appear…
  • Page 426
    We recommend that may collide with the vehicle may that the function be inspected by an not be detected. authorized HYUNDAI dealer. • Highway Driving Assist will turn off automatically under the following situations: — Driving on roads that the system does not operate, such as a rest area, intersection, junction, etc.
  • Page 427
    Driver assistance system • Highway Driving Assist may Limitations of the function inadvertently operate or turn off Highway Driving Assist may not operate depending on road conditions normally, or may not operate under the (navigation information) and following circumstances: surroundings. • The map information and the • Lane Following Assist function may actual road is different because the…
  • Page 428
    Information This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following three conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
  • Page 429
    Driver assistance system rear view Monitor (rvM) Detecting sensor OCN7050046 OCN7050046L [1] : Rear view camera Refer to the picture above for the detailed location of the detecting sensor. OCN7050047 Rear View Monitor will show the area behind the vehicle to assist you when parking or backing up.
  • Page 430
    Function settings Function operation Camera settings Rear view Operating conditions You can change Rear View Monitor settings by pressing the setup icon • Shift the gear to R (Reverse), the ) on the screen while the system is image will appear on the screen. operating, or select ‘Driver Assistance →…
  • Page 431
    Driver assistance system When operating Driving rear view • If the gear is shifted to R (Reverse), while Driving rear view is displayed on the screen, the screen will change to rear view with parking guidance. • When Driving rear view is displayed on the screen, an icon ( ) will appear on the upper right side of the screen indicating that the rear view is being…
  • Page 432
    When Rear View Monitor is not working properly, or the screen flickers, or the camera image does not display normally, we recommend that the system be inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. Limitations of the function When the vehicle is stopped for a long…
  • Page 433
    Driver assistance system rear Cross-traFFiC Collision warning (rCCw) (iF equipped) Detecting sensor Rear Cross-Traffic Collision Warning Assist is designed to help detect vehicles approaching from the left and right side while your vehicle is reversing, and warn the driver that a collision is imminent with a warning message and an audible warning.
  • Page 434
    Function settings Setting OTM070140N Warning Timing With the engine on, select ‘Driver OCN7070063N Assistance → Warning Timing’ from the Rear Cross-Traffic Safety Settings menu to change the initial With the engine on, select ‘Driver warning activation time for Rear Cross- Assistance → Parking Safety → Rear Cross- Traffic Safety system. Traffic Safety’ from the Settings menu to When the vehicle is first delivered, turn on Rear Cross-Traffic Safety system Warning Timing is set to ‘Normal’. If you…
  • Page 435
    Driver assistance system Function operation Function warning Rear Cross-Traffic Safety system will warn the driver when a collision is imminent. OTM070141N Warning Volume With the engine on, select ‘Driver Assistance → Warning Volume’ from the Settings menu to change the Warning Volume to ‘High’, ‘Medium’ or ‘Low’ for OCN7060116 Rear Cross-Traffic Safety system. If you change the Warning Volume, the Warning Volume of other Driver Assistance systems may change.
  • Page 436
    • The function will operate when all the WARNING following conditions are satisfied: Take the following precautions when — The gear is shifted to R (Reverse) using Rear Cross-Traffic Safety system: — Vehicle speed is below 5 mph (8 • For your safety, change the Settings km/h) after parking the vehicle at a safe — The approaching vehicle is within…
  • Page 437
    Safety system disabled. Radar blocked’ limited. We recommend that the system warning message will appear on the be inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI cluster. dealer. The system will operate normally when such foreign material or trailer, etc. is removed.
  • Page 438
    WARNING WARNING • Even though the warning message • Driving near a vehicle or structure does not appear on the cluster, Rear Cross-Traffic Safety system may not operate properly. • Rear Cross-Traffic Safety system may not operate properly in an area (for example: open terrain), where any substance are not detected after turning ON the engine.
  • Page 439
    Driver assistance system • When the vehicle is in a complex • When the vehicle is parked parking environment diagonally OHY059018 OHY059019 [A] : Vehicle Rear Cross-Traffic Safety system may detect vehicles which are parking Rear Cross-Traffic Safety system or pulling out near your vehicle (for may be limited when backing up example: a vehicle leaving beside diagonally, and may not detect the…
  • Page 440
    • Pulling into the parking space where • When the vehicle is parked rearward there is a structure OHY059020 OHY059022 Rear Cross-Traffic Safety system may [A] : Structure, [B] :Wall detect vehicles passing by behind you when parking in reverse into Rear Cross-Traffic Safety system a parking space.
  • Page 441
    Driver assistance system rear Cross-traFFiC Collision-avoidanCe assist (rCCa) (iF equipped) Detecting sensor Rear Cross-Traffic Collision-Avoidance Assist is designed to help detect vehicles approaching from the left and right side while your vehicle is reversing, and warn the driver that a collision is imminent with a warning message and an audible warning.
  • Page 442
    Function settings Setting OTM070140N Warning Timing With the engine on, select ‘Driver OTM070194N Assistance → Warning Timing’ from the Rear Cross-Traffic Safety Settings menu to change the initial With the engine on, select ‘Driver warning activation time for Rear Cross- Assistance → Parking Safety → Rear Cross- Traffic Safety system. Traffic Safety’ from the Settings menu to When the vehicle is first delivered, turn on Rear Cross-Traffic Safety system Warning Timing is set to ‘Normal’. If you…
  • Page 443
    Driver assistance system Function operation Function warning and control Rear Cross-Traffic Safety system will warn and control the vehicle depending on collision level: ‘Collision Warning’, ‘Emergency Braking’ and ‘Stopping vehicle and ending brake control’. OTM070141N Warning Volume With the engine on, select ‘Driver Assistance → Warning Volume’ from the Settings menu to change the Warning Volume to ‘High’, ‘Medium’ or ‘Low’ for Rear Cross-Traffic Safety system.
  • Page 444
    • The function will operate when all the following conditions are satisfied: — The gear is shifted to R (Reverse) — Vehicle speed is below 5 mph (8 km/h) — The approaching vehicle is within approximately 82 ft. (25 m) from the left and right side of your vehicle — The speed of the vehicle approaching from the left and right…
  • Page 445
    Driver assistance system • The function will operate when all the following conditions are satisfied: — The gear is shifted to R (Reverse) — Vehicle speed is below 5 mph (8 km/h) — The approaching vehicle is within approximately 5 ft. (1.5 m) from the left and right side of your vehicle — The speed of the vehicle approaching from the left and right…
  • Page 446
    • The driver should hold the WARNING responsibility to control the vehicle. Take the following precautions when Do not solely depend on Rear using Rear Cross-Traffic Safety system: Cross-Traffic Safety system. Rather, maintain a safe braking distance, and • For your safety, change the Settings if necessary, depress the brake pedal after parking the vehicle at a safe to reduce driving speed or to stop…
  • Page 447
    Safety system disabled. Radar blocked’ limited. We recommend that the system warning message will appear on the be inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI cluster. dealer. The system will operate normally when such foreign material or trailer, etc. is removed.
  • Page 448
    WARNING CAUTION • Even though the warning message For more details on the limitations of does not appear on the cluster, Rear the rear corner radar, refer to “Blind- Cross-Traffic Safety system may not Spot Collision-Avoidance Assist (BCA)” operate properly. section in chapter 7.
  • Page 449
    Driver assistance system • When the vehicle is in a complex • When the vehicle is parked parking environment diagonally OHY059018 OHY059019 [A] : Vehicle Rear Cross-Traffic Safety system may detect vehicles which are parking Rear Cross-Traffic Safety system or pulling out near your vehicle (for may be limited when backing up example: a vehicle leaving beside diagonally, and may not detect the…
  • Page 450
    • Pulling into the parking space where • When the vehicle is parked rearward there is a structure OHY059020 OHY059022 Rear Cross-Traffic Safety system may [A] : Structure, [B] :Wall detect vehicles passing by behind you when parking in reverse into Rear Cross-Traffic Safety system a parking space.
  • Page 451
    Driver assistance system Information This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following three conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
  • Page 452
    reverse parKing distanCe warning (pdw) (iF equipped) System settings Reverse Parking Distance Warning can warn the driver if an obstacle is detected Warning Volume when the vehicle is moving forward or With the Engine Start/Stop button in the backward at low speeds. ON position, select ‘Driver Assistance →…
  • Page 453
    Distance Warning If it still does not work properly, we recommend that the system be from object sound Driving inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI rearward dealer. 24~48 in. Buzzer beeps • The audible warning does not sound. (60~120 cm) intermittently • The buzzer sounds intermittently.
  • Page 454
    — The surface of the sensor is needs repair, we recommend that the scratched with a sharp object system be inspected by an authorized — The sensors or its surrounding HYUNDAI dealer. area is directly sprayed with high pressure washer 7-141…
  • Page 455
    Driver assistance system reverse parKing Collision-avoidanCe assist (pCa) (iF equipped) Detecting sensor Reverse Parking Collision-Avoidance Assist can warn the driver or can assist with braking to help reduce the possibility of collision with a pedestrian or an object when backing up. WARNING • ALWAYS look around your vehicle to make sure there are no pedestrians…
  • Page 456
    HYUNDAI dealer. — If ‘Rear Warning Only’ is selected, the • Do not spray the rear view camera or function will warn the driver when…
  • Page 457
    Driver assistance system OTM070140N OTM070141N Warning Timing Warning Volume With the Engine Start/Stop button in the With the Engine Start/Stop button in the ON position, select ‘Driver Assistance → ON position, select ‘Driver Assistance → Warning Timing’ from the Settings menu Warning Volume’ from the Settings menu to change the initial warning activation to change the Warning Volume to ‘High’, time for Reverse Parking Collision- ‘Medium’, ‘Low’ or ‘Off’ for Reverse Avoidance Assist.
  • Page 458
    Function operation Active Assist Operating conditions • If the function detects a risk of collision with a pedestrian or an If ‘Active Assist’ or ‘Warning Only’ is set object, the system will warn the driver from the Settings menu, Reverse Parking with an audible warning, steering Collision-Avoidance Assist will be in wheel vibration and warning message the ready status when the following on the cluster.
  • Page 459
    We recommend km/h), the system will provide that the function be inspected by an collision avoidance assist only when authorized HYUNDAI dealer. pedestrians are detected. Always look around and pay attention when backing up your vehicle. 7-146…
  • Page 460
    Function disabled „ Rear view camera „ Rear ultrasonic „ „ sensor OCN7060127N OCN7060128N OCN7050046 The ‘Rear camera error or blockage’ The rear view camera is used as a or ‘Parking sensor error or blockage’ detecting sensor to detect pedestrians. If warning message will appear on the the camera lens is covered with foreign cluster if the following situations occur: material, such as snow or rain, it may — The rear view camera is covered with…
  • Page 461
    Driver assistance system Limitations of the function • The pedestrian is near the rear edge of the vehicle Reverse Parking Collision-Avoidance • The pedestrian is not standing upright Assist may not assist braking or warn the driver even if there are pedestrians • The pedestrian is either very short or or objects under the following very tall for the system to detect…
  • Page 462
    Reverse Parking Collision-Avoidance Assist may unnecessarily warn the driver or assist with braking even if there are no pedestrians or objects under the following circumstances: • Any non-factory equipment or accessory is installed • Your vehicle is unstable due to an accident or other causes • Bumper height or rear ultrasonic sensor installation has been modified…
  • Page 463
    Driver assistance system deClaration oF ConForMitY (iF equipped) The radio frequency components (Rear Corner Radar) complies: OANATEL124 7-150…
  • Page 464: Emergency Situations

    Emergency Situations 8. Emergency Situations Hazard Warning Flasher …………….8-2 In Case of an Emergency While Driving …………8-2 If the Engine Stalls While Driving …………….8-2 If the Engine Stalls at a Crossroad or Crossing …………8-2 If you Have a Flat Tire While Driving …………… 8-3 If the Engine Will not Start …………….

  • Page 465: Hazard Warning Flasher

    • Turn on your hazard warning flasher. • Try to start the engine again. If your vehicle will not start, contact an authorized HYUNDAI dealer or seek other qualified assistance. OCN7070001 The hazard warning flasher serves as…

  • Page 466: If You Have A Flat Tire While Driving

    Check the fuel level and add fuel if • When changing a flat tire, follow the necessary. instructions provided later in this If the engine still does not start, have chapter. your vehicle checked by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer.

  • Page 467: Jump Starting

    Emergency Situations Jump startIng Jump starting can be dangerous if done If acid gets into your eyes, flush your incorrectly. Follow the jump starting eyes with clean water for at least 15 procedure in this section to avoid serious minutes and get immediate medical injury or damage to your vehicle.

  • Page 468
    In this event please seek qualified assistance. If the cause of your battery discharging is not apparent, have your vehicle checked by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. OCN7070002 Disconnect the jumper cables in the 4. Connect the jumper cables in exact reverse order you connected them: the exact sequence shown in the 1.
  • Page 469: If The Engine Overheats

    If there is no visible an authorized HYUNDAI dealer for loss of engine coolant and no steam, assistance. leave the engine running and check…

  • Page 470
    Then, if coolant has been lost, recommend the system be checked carefully add coolant to the reservoir by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. to bring the fluid level in the reservoir • When the engine overheats from up to the halfway mark.
  • Page 471: Tire Pressure Monitoring System (Tpms)

    Emergency Situations Tire Pressure MoniToring sysTeM (TPMs) Check tire pressure OCN7070020 OCN7080056N • You can check the tire pressure in the Assist mode on the cluster. • Refer to the “LCD Display Modes” in chapter 4. • Tire pressure is displayed after a few minutes of driving after initial engine start up.

  • Page 472: Tire Pressure Monitoring System

    Tire pressure monitoring system Please note that the TPMS is not a substitute for proper tire maintenance, and it is the driver’s responsibility to WARNING maintain correct tire pressure, even if under-inflation has not reached the level Over-inflation or under-inflation can to trigger illumination of the TPMS low reduce tire life, adversely affect vehicle tire pressure telltale.

  • Page 473: Low Tire Pressure Position And Tire Pressure Telltale

    Emergency Situations NOTICE Low tire pressure telltale If any of the below happens, have the system checked by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. Low tire pressure position and 1. The Low Tire Pressure Telltale/ TPMS tire pressure telltale Malfunction Indicator does not…

  • Page 474
    If either telltale illuminates, immediately CAUTION reduce your speed, avoid hard cornering In winter or cold weather, the Low Tire and anticipate increased stopping Pressure Telltale may be illuminated if distances. You should stop and check the tire pressure was adjusted to the your tires as soon as possible.
  • Page 475: Tpms (Tire Pressure Monitoring System) Malfunction Indicator

    HYUNDAI It is recommended that you do not use a dealer. puncture-repairing agent not approved by a HYUNDAI dealer to repair and/or inflate a low pressure tire. Tire sealant NOTICE not approved by a HYUNDAI dealer may If there is a malfunction with the TPMS, damage the tire pressure sensor.

  • Page 476
    HYUNDAI dealer. and/or TPMS malfunctions. Tampering You may not be able to identify a tire with, modifying, or disabling the Tire with low pressure by simply looking at it.
  • Page 477: If You Have A Flat Tire (With Spare Tire)

    Emergency Situations if you Have a flaT Tire (WiTH sPare Tire) WARNING Changing a tire can be dangerous. Follow the instructions in this section when changing a tire to reduce the risk of serious injury or death. CAUTION Be careful as you use the jack handle to stay clear of the flat end.

  • Page 478: Changing Tires

    Changing Tires Follow these steps to change your vehicle’s tire: WARNING 1. Park on a level, firm surface. 2. Shift the shift button into P (Park). A vehicle can slip or roll off of a jack causing serious injury or death to you or 3.

  • Page 479
    Double-check each lug nut until they are tight. After changing tires, have an authorized HYUNDAI dealer tighten the lug nuts to their proper torque as soon as possible. The wheel lug nut should be tightened to 79~94 lbf·ft (11~13 kgf·m).
  • Page 480
    If the cap wheel is properly secured to the hub. is not replaced, air may leak from the Consult an authorized HYUNDAI dealer tire. If you lose a valve cap, buy another for assistance. and install it as soon as possible. After…
  • Page 481
    Emergency Situations When driving with the compact spare tire CAUTION mounted to your vehicle: To prevent damaging the compact • Check the tire pressure after installing spare tire and your vehicle: the compact spare tire. The compact • Drive slowly enough for the road spare tire should be inflated to 60 psi conditions to avoid all hazards, such (420 kPa).
  • Page 482
    Jack label „ Example „ OHYK065011 The actual Jack label in the vehicle may differ from the illustration. For more detailed specifications, refer to the label attached to the jack. 1. Model Name 8. Shift into Reverse gear on vehicles with manual transmission or move the 2.
  • Page 483: Towing

    Use a wheel lift or flatbed equipment. OCN7070010 If emergency towing is necessary, we recommend having it done by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer or a commercial tow-truck service. Proper lifting and towing procedures are necessary to prevent damage to OCN7070011 the vehicle.

  • Page 484: Emergency Towing

    If towing is necessary, we recommend secured. you have it done by an authorized 4. Remove the towing hook and install HYUNDAI dealer or a commercial tow the cover after use. truck service. 8-21…

  • Page 485: Emergency Towing

    If towing is necessary, we recommend frequently. you have it done by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer or a commercial tow • Before emergency towing, check that truck service. the hook is not broken or damaged. If towing service is not available in • Fasten the towing cable or chain…

  • Page 486
    NOTICE To avoid damage to your vehicle and vehicle components when towing: • Always pull straight ahead when using the towing hooks. Do not pull from the side or at a vertical angle. • Do not use the towing hooks to pull a vehicle out of mud, sand or other conditions from which the vehicle cannot be driven out under its own…
  • Page 487: Maintenance

    Maintenance 9. Maintenance Engine Compartment ………………9-3 Maintenance Services ……………….9-4 Owner’s Responsibility ………………..9-4 Owner Maintenance Precautions …………….9-4 Owner Maintenance ………………9-5 Owner Maintenance Schedule …………….9-5 Scheduled Maintenance Services …………..9-7 Normal Maintenance Schedule (Smartstream G2.0 Atkinson) ……9-8 Maintenance Under Severe Usage Conditions …………. 9-11 Explanation of Scheduled Maintenance Items ………..9-13 Engine Oil ………………….9-15 Checking the Engine Oil Level …………….9-15…

  • Page 488
    Tires and Wheels ………………9-27 Tire Care ……………………9-27 Recommended Cold Tire Inflation Pressures …………9-27 Check Tire Inflation Pressure …………….. 9-28 Tire Rotation ………………….9-29 Wheel Alignment and Tire Balance ……………9-30 Tire Replacement ………………..9-30 Wheel Replacement ………………..9-32 Tire Traction ………………….9-32 Tire Maintenance………………..
  • Page 489: Engine Compartment

    EnginE CompartmEnt „ Smartstream G2.0 „ The actual engine compartment in the vehicle may differ from the illustration. OCN7080064L 1. Engine coolant reservoir 6. Windshield washer fluid reservoir 2. Brake fluid reservoir 7. Fuse box 3. Air cleaner 8. Battery 4.

  • Page 490: Maintenance Services

    HYUNDAI’s high service quality authorized HYUNDAI dealer with special standards and receives technical support tools. from HYUNDAI in order to provide you Your vehicle should not be modified with a high level of service satisfaction. in any way. Such modifications may adversely affect the performance, safety Owner’s Responsibility…

  • Page 491: Owner Maintenance

    The following lists are vehicle checks and WARNING inspections that should be performed Performing maintenance work on a by the owner or an authorized HYUNDAI vehicle can be dangerous. If you lack dealer at the frequencies indicated to sufficient knowledge and experience or…

  • Page 492
    Maintenance While operating your vehicle: At least twice a year: (i.e., every Spring and Autumn) • Note any changes in the sound of the exhaust or any smell of exhaust fumes • Check radiator, heater and air in the vehicle. conditioning hoses for leaks or damage.
  • Page 493: Scheduled Maintenance Services

    • More than 50% driving in heavy city traffic during hot weather above 90°F (32°C). • Engine oil usage which is not recommended (mineral type, lower grade spec, etc.) For additional information or assistance see your authorized HYUNDAI dealer. NOTICE After 10 years or 100,000 miles, we recommend to use severe maintenance schedule.

  • Page 494
  • Page 496
    Maintenance 9-10…
  • Page 497: Maintenance Under Severe Usage Conditions

    Maintenance Under Severe Usage Conditions The following items must be serviced more frequently on cars mainly used under severe driving conditions. Refer to the chart below for the appropriate maintenance intervals. R : Replace I : Inspect and if necessary, adjust, correct, clean or replace Maintenance Driving Maintenance item…

  • Page 498
    Maintenance Severe driving conditions A. Repeatedly driving short distance of less than 5 miles (8 km) in normal temperature or less than 10 miles (16 km) in freezing temperature B. Extensive engine idling or low speed driving for long distances C.
  • Page 499: Explanation Of Scheduled Maintenance Items

    Air Cleaner Filter Fuel Filter A genuine HYUNDAI air cleaner filter A clogged-up fuel filter may limit the is recommended when the filter is vehicle driving speed, damage the replaced. emission system, and cause the hard starting.

  • Page 500
    We recommend that the Intelligent and ball joints for deterioration, cracks, variable transmission fluid is changed by or damage. an authorized HYUNDAI dealer according to the maintenance schedule. Replace any damaged parts. Brake Hoses and Lines Drive Shafts and Boots…
  • Page 501: Engine Oil

    5. Pull the dipstick out, wipe it clean, and re-insert it fully. „ Smartstream G2.0 „ Have engine oil and filter changed by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer according OCN7080066L to the Maintenance Schedule at the 6. Pull the dipstick out again and check beginning of this chapter.

  • Page 502: Engine Coolant

    If the coolant level is low, add enough distilled (deionized) water to bring the level to the F mark, but do not overfill. If frequent additions are required, see an authorized HYUNDAI dealer for a cooling system inspection. WARNING OCN7080005 1.

  • Page 503: Changing Engine Coolant

    Changing Engine Coolant 35% antifreeze, which would reduce the effectiveness of the solution. Have coolant changed by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer according to the Maintenance Schedule at the beginning For mixing percentage, refer to the of this chapter. following table:…

  • Page 504: Brake Fluid

    If the fluid level is excessively low, we can damage system parts. recommend that the system be checked • To maintain the best braking by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. performance and ABS/ESC performance, we recommend that Information you use genuine brake fluid that conform to specifications.

  • Page 505: Washer Fluid

    If the stroke is more or less than specified, we recommend that the system be serviced by an authorized WARNING HYUNDAI dealer. To prevent serious injury or death, take Stroke : 6~8 “clicks’’ at a force of 44 lbs the following safety precautions when…

  • Page 506: Air Cleaner

    (1) and open the cover. enter the air intake, or damage may result. • Use HYUNDAI genuine parts. Use of non-genuine parts could damage the engine. OCN7090012N 2. Replace the air cleaner filter.

  • Page 507: Cabin Air Filter

    CaBin air filtEr Filter Inspection The cabin air filter should be replaced according to the Maintenance Schedule. If the vehicle is operated in severely air-polluted cities or on dusty rough roads for a long period, it should be inspected more frequently and replaced earlier.

  • Page 508: Wiper Blades

    Maintenance wipEr BladES Blade Inspection Blade Replacement Contamination of either the windshield When the wipers no longer clean or the wiper blades with foreign matter adequately, the blades may be worn or can reduce the effectiveness of the cracked, and require replacement. windshield wiper functionality.

  • Page 509
    Front windshield wiper service positions OGSR076067 1. Raise the wiper arm. OCN7080015 This vehicle has a “hidden” wiper design which means that the wipers cannot be lifted when they are in their bottom resting position. 1. Within 20 seconds of turning off the engine, lift and hold the wiper lever up to the MIST position for about 2 seconds until the wipers move to the…
  • Page 510: Battery

    Maintenance BattEry If acid gets into your eyes, flush your WARNING eyes with clean water for at least 15 To prevent SERIOUS INJURY or DEATH minutes and get immediate medical to you or bystanders, always follow attention. If acid gets on your skin, these precautions when working near thoroughly wash the area.

  • Page 511: For Best Battery Service

    Never use unauthorized  The actual battery label in the vehicle may differ devices. from the illustration. 1. AGM70L-DIN: The HYUNDAI model For Best Battery Service name of battery 2. 12V : The nominal voltage 3. 70Ah (20HR): The nominal capacity (in Ampere hours) 4.

  • Page 512: Battery Recharging

    • Auto up/down window (See chapter 5) the positive battery terminal. • Sunroof (See chapter 5) • Always use a genuine HYUNDAI • Trip computer (See chapter 4) approved battery when you replace • Climate control system (See chapter 5) the battery.

  • Page 513: Tires And Wheels

    tirES and whEElS Tire Care WARNING For proper maintenance, safety, and Tire failure may cause loss of vehicle maximum fuel economy, you must control resulting in an accident. To always maintain recommended tire reduce risk of SERIOUS INJURY or inflation pressures and stay within the DEATH, take the following precautions: load limits and weight distribution • Inspect your tires monthly for proper…

  • Page 514: Check Tire Inflation Pressure

    If a missing, install a new one as soon as tire frequently needs refilling, have it possible. checked by an authorized HYUNDAI If you overfill the tire, release air by dealer. pushing on the metal stem in the • Over-inflation produces a harsh ride,…

  • Page 515: Tire Rotation

    Tire Rotation „ Without a spare tire „ To equalize tread wear, HYUNDAI recommends that the tires be rotated according to the maintenance schedule or sooner if irregular wear develops. During rotation, check the tires for correct balance. When rotating tires, check for uneven wear and damage.

  • Page 516: Wheel Alignment And Tire Balance

    Maintenance Wheel Alignment and Tire Tire Replacement Balance Tread wear indicator Tread wear indicator The wheels on your vehicle were aligned and balanced carefully at the factory to give you the longest tire life and best overall performance. In most cases, you will not need to have your wheels aligned again.

  • Page 517
    The they are not being used. Regardless compact spare tire is for emergency of the remaining tread, HYUNDAI use only. Do not operate your vehicle recommends that tires be replaced over 50 mph (80 km/h) when using the after six (6) years of normal service.
  • Page 518: Wheel Replacement

    Maintenance Wheel Replacement When replacing the metal wheels for any reason, make sure the new wheels are equivalent to the original factory units in diameter, rim width and offset. Tire Traction Tire traction can be reduced if you drive on worn tires, tires that are improperly inflated or on slippery road surfaces.

  • Page 519
    Wheel size designation 3. Checking tire life (TIN : Tire Identification Number) Wheels are also marked with important information that you need if you ever Any tires that are over six years old, have to replace one. The following based on the manufacturing date, explains what the letters and numbers in (including the spare tire) should be the wheel size designation mean.
  • Page 520
    Maintenance Tread wear 5. Maximum permissible inflation pressure The tread wear grade is a comparative rating based on the wear rate of the tire This number is the greatest amount when tested under controlled conditions of air pressure that should be put in on a specified government test course.
  • Page 521: Tire Terminology And Definitions

    Temperature A, B & C Tire Terminology and Definitions The temperature grades are A (the Air Pressure highest), B and C representing the tire’s resistance to the generation of heat The amount of air inside the tire pressing and its ability to dissipate heat when outward on the tire.

  • Page 522
    Maintenance Curb Weight Load ratings This means the weight of a motor vehicle The maximum load that a tire is rated to with standard and optional equipment carry for a given inflation pressure. including the maximum capacity of fuel, Load Index oil and coolant, but without passengers and cargo.
  • Page 523
    Traction The friction between the tire and A layer of rubber-coated parallel cords. the road surface. The amount of grip Pneumatic tire provided. A mechanical device made of rubber, Tread chemicals, fabric and steel or other The portion of a tire that comes into materials, that, when mounted on an automotive wheel provides the traction contact with the road.
  • Page 524: All Season Tires

    Maintenance All Season Tires Radial-Ply Tires HYUNDAI specifies all season tires Radial-ply tires provide improved tread on some models to provide good life, road hazard resistance and smoother performance for use all year round, high speed ride. The radial-ply tires used including snowy and icy road conditions.

  • Page 525: Low Aspect Ratio Tires

    • If the tire is subjected to a severe impact, have the tire and wheel inspected by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. • Inspect the tire condition and pressure every 1,800 miles (3,000km).

  • Page 526: Fuses

    Normal Blown Avoid using the system involved and immediately consult an authorized ■ Cartridge type HYUNDAI dealer. WARNING NEVER replace a fuse with anything but another fuse of the same rating. • A higher capacity fuse could cause damage and possibly cause a fire.

  • Page 527: Instrument Panel Fuse Replacement

    If it fits loosely, consult an suspected fuse location. authorized HYUNDAI dealer. In an emergency, if you do not have a spare fuse, use a fuse of the same rating from a circuit you may not need for operating the vehicle.

  • Page 528: Engine Compartment Panel Fuse Replacement

    6. Reinstall in the reverse order of the clips. If it fits loosely, consult an removal. authorized HYUNDAI dealer. Information If the multi fuse is blown, consult an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. 9-42…

  • Page 529: Fuse/Relay Panel Description

    Fuse/Relay Panel Description Information Instrument panel fuse panel Not all fuse panel descriptions in this manual may be applicable to your vehicle; the information is accurate at the time of printing. When you inspect the fuse box on your vehicle, refer to the fuse box label. OCN7080024 Inside the fuse/relay box cover, you can find the fuse/relay label describing fuse/…

  • Page 530
    Maintenance Driver’s side fuse panel Fuse Rating Circuit Protected Fuse Name Instrument Cluster, A/C Controller, A/C Control Module, MEMORY1 DRV/PASS Folding Outside Mirror SRS Control Module AIR BAG2 Lane Keeping Assist Unit (LINE), Crash Pad Switch, IBU, Parking Collision Avoidance Assist Unit, A/T Shift Lever MODULE4 Indicator, Front Console Switch Parking Collision Avoidance Assist Unit, IAU, Rear Seat…
  • Page 531
    Driver’s side fuse panel Fuse Rating Circuit Protected Fuse Name E/R Junction Block (Power Outlet Relay), AMP, IBU, IAU, Audio, Power Outside Mirror Switch, Parking MODULE2 Collision Avoidance Assist Unit, DC-DC Converter, A/V & Navigation Head Unit SRS Control Module, Passenger Occupant Detection AIR BAG1 Sensor A/T Shift Lever Indicator, Front Wireless Charger, A/C…
  • Page 532
    Maintenance Engine compartment fuse panel Information Not all fuse panel descriptions in this manual may be applicable to your vehicle; the information is accurate at the time of printing. When you inspect the fuse panel in your vehicle, refer to the fuse panel label.
  • Page 533
    Engine compartment fuse panel Fuse Rating Circuit Protected Type Fuse Name [G4NS-W/O AMS2] Alternator, (Fuse — ABS1, 150A ABS2, EOP1, POWER OUTLET1) MULTI 180A [G4FP/G4NS-WIth AMS2] Alternator, (Fuse — FUSE-3 ABS1, ABS2, EOP1, POWER OUTLET1) MDPS Unit MDPS1 PCB Block (Engine Control Relay, Fuse — ECU3, ECU4, HORN, WIPER, A/C) ICU Junction Block (IPS2/IPS5/IPS6/IPS7/ IPS14)
  • Page 534
    Maintenance Engine compartment fuse panel Fuse Rating Circuit Protected Type Fuse Name POWER Front Power Outlet OUTLET2 POWER Not Used OUTLET3 COOLING Cooling Fan FAN1 Not Used DCT1 Not Used DCT2 REAR Rear glass heated HEATED ICU Junction Block (Fuse — AIR BAG2, IBU1, BRAKE SWITCH, DOOR LOCK, IAU, MODULE1, SUNROOF,Power Window Relay) FUSE…
  • Page 535
    Engine compartment fuse panel Fuse Rating Circuit Protected Fuse Name Wiper Motor WIPER PCM/ECM ECU4 [G4FM] A/C Compressor Horn HORN Ignition Coil #1~#4 IGN COIL PCM/ECM ECU3 E/R Junction Block (Fuel Pump Relay) SENSOR3 Not Used ECU2 [G4NS] Variable Intake Solenoid Valve, Oil Pump Solenoid Valve, Oil Control Valve #1/#2, Canister Close Valve, Purge Control Solenoid Valve, SENSOR2…
  • Page 536: Light Bulbs

    Maintenance light BulBS Consult an authorized HYUNDAI dealer WARNING to replace most vehicle light bulbs. It is • Prior to replacing a lamp, depress difficult to replace vehicle light bulbs the foot brake, move the shift button because other parts of the vehicle must…

  • Page 537: Headlamp, Parking Lamp, Daytime Running Light, Turn Signal Lamp And Side Marker

    Headlamp, Parking Lamp, Daytime Running Light, Turn Signal Lamp and Side Marker OLMB073042L Headlamp (Halogen bulb) OCN7090015N WARNING • Handle halogen bulbs with care. Halogen bulbs contain pressurized gas that will produce flying pieces of glass that could cause injuries if broken.

  • Page 538
    Parking lamp (LED type) If the lamp (LED) does not operate, have the system checked by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. The LED lamps cannot be replaced as a single unit because it is an integrated unit. The LED lamps have to be replaced with the unit.
  • Page 539
    If the LED lamp does not operate, have the socket and rotating it until it locks the vehicle checked by an authorized into place. HYUNDAI dealer. 6. Install the socket in the assembly by aligning the tabs on the socket with the slots in the assembly.
  • Page 540: Side Repeater Lamp Replacement

    (1) Stop lamp If the LED lamp (1) does not operate, have the vehicle checked by an (2) Tail lamp (LED or bulb) authorized HYUNDAI dealer. (3) Turn signal lamp (4) Reverse lamp (5) Rear side marker (LED or bulb)

  • Page 541
    Tail/Stop lamp/Turn signal lamp/ Side marker (Outer lamp) (Bulb type) 1. Open the trunk lid. OCN7080075L OCN7080045 2. Remove the service cover by pulling out the service cover. OCN7090019N [A] : Tail/Stop lamp, [B] : Turn signal lamp, [C] : Rear side marker 5.
  • Page 542
    7. Reinstall the trunk lid cover by pushing in the screw. Stop/Tail lamp and rear side marker (LED type) If the LED lamp does not operate, we recommend that you have the vehicle checked by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. 9-56…
  • Page 543: High Mounted Stop Lamp Replacement

    High mounted stop lamp License Plate Light Bulb replacement Replacement OCN7080035 OCN7080032 1. Using a flat-blade screwdriver gently pry the lens cover from the lamp housing. 2. Remove the bulb by pulling it straight out. 3. Install a new bulb. 4.

  • Page 544: Interior Light Bulb Replacement

    Maintenance Interior Light Bulb Replacement „ Map lamp „ Sunvisor lamp „ „ OCN7080033 OCN7050058 „ Room lamp „ Trunk room lamp „ „ OCN7080034 OCN7050059 1. Using a flat-blade screwdriver, gently pry the lens from the interior lamp housing. 2.

  • Page 545: Appearance Care

    appEaranCE CarE Exterior Care Protecting your vehicle’s finish Exterior general caution Washing It is very important to follow the label To help protect your vehicle’s finish from directions when using any chemical rust and deterioration, wash it thoroughly cleaner or polish. Read all warning and and frequently at least once a month caution statements that appear on the with lukewarm or cold water.

  • Page 546
    Maintenance WARNING After washing the vehicle, test the brakes while driving slowly to see if they have been affected by water before getting on the road. If braking performance is impaired, dry the brakes by applying them lightly while maintaining a slow forward speed. NOTICE ODN8A089039 • Do not use strong soap, chemical…
  • Page 547
    • Do not use steel wool, abrasive an authorized HYUNDAI dealer. Take cleaners, or strong detergents extreme care, as it is difficult to restore containing highly alkaline or the quality after the repair.
  • Page 548
    Maintenance Underbody maintenance Aluminum wheel maintenance Corrosive materials used for ice and The aluminum wheels are coated with a snow removal and dust control may clear protective finish. collect on the underbody. If these materials are not removed, accelerated NOTICE rusting can occur on underbody parts • Do not use abrasive cleaner, such as the fuel lines, frame, floor pan…
  • Page 549
    By using the most advanced design For example, corrosion is accelerated and construction practices to combat by high humidity, particularly when corrosion, HYUNDAI produces vehicles temperatures are just above freezing. In of the highest quality. However, this is such conditions, the corrosive material is only part of the job.
  • Page 550
    Maintenance To help prevent corrosion Keep your garage dry Keep your vehicle clean Don’t park your vehicle in a damp, poorly ventilated garage. This creates The best way to prevent corrosion is a favorable environment for corrosion. to keep your vehicle clean and free of This is particularly true if you wash your corrosive materials.
  • Page 551: Interior Care

    Interior Care Cleaning the upholstery and interior trim Interior general precautions Vinyl (if equipped) Prevent caustic solutions such as perfume and cosmetic oil, from Remove dust and loose dirt from vinyl contacting the interior parts because with a whisk broom or vacuum cleaner. they may cause damage or discoloration.

  • Page 552
    Maintenance Leather (if equipped) • Caring for the leather seats • Features of seat leather — Vacuum the seat periodically to remove dust and sand on the seat. It — Leather is made from the outer skin will prevent abrasion or damage of of an animal, which goes through a the leather and maintain its quality.
  • Page 553
    Cleaning the seat belt webbing Clean the belt webbing with any mild soap solution recommended for cleaning upholstery or carpet. Follow the instructions provided with the soap. Do not bleach or re-dye the webbing because this may weaken the seat belt. Cleaning the interior window glass If the interior glass surfaces of the vehicle become hazy (that is, covered…
  • Page 554: Emission Control System

    The vehicle inspected and maintained ORVR system is designed to allow the by an authorized HYUNDAI dealer in vapors from the fuel tank to be loaded accordance with the maintenance into a canister while refueling at the gas schedule in this manual.

  • Page 555
    3. Exhaust Emission Control • Do not operate the engine in confined or closed areas (such as garages) any System more than what is necessary to move The Exhaust Emission Control System is the vehicle in or out of the area. a highly effective system which controls • When the vehicle is stopped in an exhaust emissions while maintaining…
  • Page 556
    It may present a fire risk adjustments must be made by an under certain conditions. authorized HYUNDAI dealer. • Avoid driving with extremely low fuel level. If you run out of gasoline, it could cause the engine to misfire and result in excessive loading of the catalytic converter.
  • Page 557: California Perchlorate Notice

    California pErChloratE notiCE Perchlorate Material-special handling may apply, See: www.dtsc.ca.gov/hazardouswaste/perchlorate. Notice to California Vehicle Dismantlers: Perchlorate containing materials, such as air bag inflators, seatbelt pretensioners and keyless remote entry batteries, must be disposed of according to Title 22 California Code of Regulations Section 67384.10 (a). 9-71…

  • Page 558: Index

    Index Index…

  • Page 559
    Index Accessing Your Vehicle ………………5-4 Automatic Door Lock and Unlock Features …………5-35 Child-Protector Rear Door Locks …………..5-35 Hyundai Digital Key ………………5-15 Immobilizer System ………………5-14 Operating Door Locks from Inside the Vehicle……….5-33 Operating Door Locks from Outside the Vehicle ……….5-31 Rear Occupant Alert (ROA) System …………..5-36 Remote Key ………………….5-4…
  • Page 560
    Battery …………………….9-24 Battery capacity label ………………9-25 Battery Recharging ……………….9-26 For Best Battery Service ………………9-25 Reset items …………………..9-26 Before Driving …………………..6-4 Before Entering the Vehicle …………….6-4 Before Starting ………………..6-4 Blind-Spot Collision Warning (BCW) …………..7-36 Function malfunction and limitations …………..7-41 Function operation ………………..7-39 Function settings ………………..7-37 Blind-Spot Collision-Avoidance Assist (BCA) ……….7-45 Function malfunction and limitations …………..7-54…
  • Page 561
    Index Cabin Air Filter ………………..9-21 California Perchlorate notice …………….9-71 Child Restraint System (CRS) …………….3-26 Children Always in the Rear …………….3-26 Installing a Child Restraint System (CRS) …………3-28 Selecting a Child Restraint System (CRS) …………3-27 Climate Control Additional Features …………..5-109 Auto comfort control (for driver’s seat) …………5-109 Automatic ventilation ………………5-109 Sunroof inside air recirculation …………..5-109 Consumer Information ………………2-15…
  • Page 562
    Fuses ……………………9-40 Engine Compartment Panel Fuse Replacement ……….9-42 Fuse/Relay Panel Description …………….9-43 Instrument Panel Fuse Replacement …………..9-41 Guide to Hyundai Genuine Parts …………….1-3 Hazard Warning Flasher ………………8-2 High Beam Assist (HBA) ……………….5-72 Detecting sensor (Front view camera) ………….5-72 Function malfunction and limitations …………..5-73 Function operation ………………..5-73…
  • Page 563
    Index Highway Driving Assist (HDA) …………….7-109 Function malfunction and limitations …………7-113 Function operation ………………7-111 Function settings ……………….. 7-110 Hood ……………………5-59 How to Use This Manual ………………1-4 If the Engine Overheats ………………8-6 If the Engine Will not Start ………………8-3 If the Engine Doesn’t Turn Over or Turns Over Slowly ……..8-3 If the Engine Turns Over Normally but Doesn’t Start ……..8-3 If you Have a Flat Tire (With spare tire) ………….8-14…
  • Page 564
    Instrument Cluster ………………..4-4 Gauges and Meters …………………4-5 Instrument Cluster Control ……………..4-5 LCD Display Messages ………………4-19 Transmission shift indicator …………….4-9 Warning and Indicator Lights …………….4-9 Instrument Panel Overview ……………….2-5 Intelligent Speed Limit Assist (ISLA) …………..7-66 Function malfunction and limitations …………..7-69 Function operation ………………..7-67 Function settings ………………..7-66 Intelligent Variable Transmission …………….6-12 Good driving practices ………………6-18…
  • Page 565
    Index Jump Starting ………………….8-4 Lane Following Assist (LFA) …………….7-105 Function malfunction and limitations …………7-108 Function operation ………………7-106 Function settings ………………..7-105 Lane Keeping Assist (LKA) …………….7-30 Function malfunction and limitations …………..7-34 Function operation ………………..7-32 Function settings …………………7-30 LCD Display (Type A) ………………4-25 LCD Display Control ………………4-25 LCD display modes ………………4-26 Trip Computer ………………..4-36…
  • Page 566
    Manual Climate Control System ……………..5-81 Heating and Air Conditioning …………….5-82 System Maintenance ………………5-90 System operation ………………..5-88 Manual Speed Limit Assist (MSLA) …………..7-63 System operation …………………7-63 Mirrors …………………….5-41 Inside Rearview Mirror ………………5-41 Side View Mirrors ………………..5-49 Navigation-Based Smart Cruise Control (NSCC) ……….7-98 Function operation ………………..7-99 Function settings ………………..7-98 Limitations of the function …………….7-101…
  • Page 567
    Index Recommended Lubricants and Capacities …………2-11 Recommended SAE Viscosity Number …………2-12 Reporting Safety Defects ………………2-16 Reverse Parking Collision-Avoidance Assist (PCA) ………7-142 Function malfunction and limitations …………7-146 Function operation ………………7-145 Function settings ………………..7-143 Reverse Parking Distance Warning (PDW) …………7-139 Function malfunction and precautions …………7-140 Function operation ………………7-140 System settings ………………..7-139 Safe Exit Warning (SEW) ……………….7-58…
  • Page 568
    Special Driving Conditions ……………..6-43 Driving at Night ………………..6-44 Driving in Flooded Areas ……………..6-45 Driving in the Rain ……………….6-44 Hazardous Driving Conditions ……………..6-43 Highway Driving ………………..6-45 Rocking the Vehicle………………6-43 Smooth Cornering ………………..6-44 Steering Wheel …………………5-38 Electric Power Steering (EPS) ……………..5-38 Horn ……………………5-40 Tilt Steering / Telescope Steering …………..5-39 Storage Compartment ………………
  • Page 569
    Index Tire Care ………………….9-27 Tire Maintenance ………………..9-32 Tire Replacement …………………9-30 Tire Rotation …………………9-29 Tire Sidewall Labeling ………………9-32 Tire Terminology and Definitions …………..9-35 Tire Traction …………………9-32 Wheel Alignment and Tire Balance …………..9-30 Wheel Replacement ………………9-32 Towing …………………….8-20 Emergency towing ………………..8-22 Emergency Towing ………………8-21 Removable towing hook ……………….8-21 Towing Service ………………..8-20 Trailer Towing …………………6-54…
  • Page 570
    Washer Fluid ………………….9-19 Checking the Washer Fluid Level …………..9-19 Windows ………………….5-51 Power Windows ………………..5-52 Windshield Defrosting and Defogging …………..5-104 Auto defogging system (only for automatic climate control system) ….5-107 Automatic climate control system …………..5-105 Defogging logic …………………5-106 Defroster ………………….5-108 Manual climate control system …………..5-104 Winter Driving …………………6-46 Snow or Icy Conditions ………………6-46 Winter Precautions ……………….6-47…

Body Repair Manual Hyundai Elantra Neos.

Руководство на английском языке по кузовному ремонту автомобилей Hyundai Elantra Neos и Hyundai i30 2008 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Hyundai Motor Company
  • Год издания: 2007
  • Страниц: 173
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 15,6 Mb

Body Repair Manual Hyundai Elantra.

Руководство на английском языке по кузовному ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Elantra 2007 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Hyundai Motor Company
  • Год издания: 2006
  • Страниц: 116
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 9,4 Mb

Haynes Repair Manual Hyundai Elantra 1996-2001 г.

Руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Elantra 1996-2001 годов выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Haynes Publishing
  • Год издания: 2002
  • Страниц: 275
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 57,9 Mb

Shop Manual Hyundai Elantra HD 2007 г.

Мультимедийное руководство на английском языке по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Elantra HD 2007 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: GSW
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц:
  • Формат: ISO
  • Размер: 117,2 Mb

Ремонт в дороге, ремонт в гараже Hyundai Elantra 1990-2005 г.

Руководство по ремонту автомобилей Hyundai Elantra и Hyundai Lantra 1990-2005 годов выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: СверчокЪ
  • Год издания: 2005
  • Страниц: 249
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 23,8 Mb

Руководство по ремонту и ТО Hyundai Elantra III 2000-2010 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту + каталог расходных запчастей автомобиля Hyundai Elantra 2000-2006 годов выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 1,6/1,8/2,0 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Легион-Автодата
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 512
  • Формат:
  • Размер:

Руководство по ремонту и ТО Hyundai Elantra с 2000 г.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Elantra с 2000 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Hyundai Motor Company
  • Год издания: 2002
  • Страниц:
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 22,7 Mb

Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Hyundai Elantra HD с 2006 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Elantra с 2006 года выпуска с бензиновыми и дизельными двигателями.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 380
  • Формат:
  • Размер:

Руководство по ремонту и эксплуатации Hyundai Elantra MD.

Руководство по эксплуатации и ремонту автомобилей Hyundai Avante и Hyundai Elantra MD с 2010 года выпуска с бензиновыми двигателями объемом 1,6/1,8 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц: 374
  • Формат:
  • Размер:

Руководство по эксплуатации Hyundai Elantra 2004 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации автомобиля Hyundai Elantra 2004 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Hyundai Motor Company
  • Год издания: 2004
  • Страниц: 235
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 9,0 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации Hyundai Elantra 2011 г.

Руководство по эксплуатации автомобиля Hyundai Elantra 2011 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Hyundai Motor Company
  • Год издания: 2011
  • Страниц: 469
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 7,2 Mb

Руководство по эксплуатации Hyundai Elantra HD.

Руководства по эксплуатации автомобиля Hyundai Elantra HD.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Hyundai Motor Company
  • Год издания: 2006/2008
  • Страниц: 306/377
  • Формат: PDF
  • Размер: 13,0 Mb

Устройство, обслуживание, ремонт Hyundai Elantra 2000-2004 г.

Мультимедийное руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Elantra 2000-2004 годов выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство:
  • Год издания:
  • Страниц:
  • Формат:
  • Размер: 169,4 Mb

Устройство, ТО и ремонт Hyundai Elantra HD с 2006 г.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Elantra с 2006 года выпуска с бензиновым двигателем объемом 1,6 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Легион-Автодата
  • Год издания: 2011
  • Страниц: 405
  • Формат:
  • Размер:

Устройство, ТО и ремонт Hyundai Elantra XD 2000-2010 г.

Руководство по техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Hyundai Elantra 2000-2010 годов выпуска с двигателями объемом 1,6/1,8/2,0 л.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Легион-Автодата
  • Год издания: 2011
  • Страниц: 522
  • Формат:
  • Размер:

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