Руководство по adobe captivate

Устранение неполадок и справка

При создании кнопки для остановки слайда убедитесь в том, что в качестве одного из свойств кнопки выбран параметр Stop Slide Audio When Paused. Узнайте больше об интерактивных кнопках и свойствах кнопки.

Чтобы восстановить поврежденный проект, используйте файл резервных копий проектов и очистите кэш проекта. В этой статье представлены сведения о том, как восстановить поврежденный проект.

Вы можете установить приложение Captivate не более чем на два компьютера. Если вы хотите установить приложение на третий компьютер, потребуется деактивировать его на одном из двух предыдущих компьютеров. Узнайте больше об активации и деактивации приложений Adobe.

Войдите в свою учетную запись Adobe. В разделе Пароль выберите Изменить для параметра Текущий пароль, а затем следуйте инструкциям на экране.

Забыли пароль? Узнайте, как его сбросить.

Вы можете аннулировать подписку, обратившись в Службу поддержки Adobe. После отказа от подписки вы больше не сможете использовать программное обеспечение. Дополнительные сведения приведены в документе «Часто задаваемые вопросы о Captivate» в разделе «Сведения о подписке и ее стоимость».

Время на прочтение
2 мин

Количество просмотров 5.2K

В этой статье приводится последовательное описание работы в Adobe Captivate на примере разработки «модели бортового компьютера» для ролевой игры живого действия: создание проекта, выбор и добавление объектов, настройка кнопок, добавление полей ввода и так далее.

Для работы в Adobe Captivate необходимо установить демо-версию на 30 дней, скачав ПО с соответствующего сайта.

* или же версию Adobe Captivate 6 можно найти на просторах всемирной паутины

Создание проекта

Для создания нового проекта необходимо выполнить следующие действия:

  1. Открыть меню «File».
  2. Выбрать «New Project»:«Blank Project».

  3. Задать высоту и ширину нового проекта в окне «New Blank Project».

  4. Выбрать стиль оформления.

  5. Для добавления надписи необходимо на панели действий, расположенной слева, щелкнуть по значку «Insert Text Caption», либо перейти в меню «Insert»:«Standard Objects»:«Text Caption».
  6. Для добавления поля ввода необходимо на панели действий, расположенной слева, щелкнуть по значку «Insert Text Entry Box», либо перейти в меню «Insert»:«Standard Objects»:«Text Entry Box».

  7. В секции справа на вкладке «Properties» производятся настройки объектов, например, в блоке «Action» можно задать переходы к разным слайдам после подтверждения ввода (в поле Shortcut зададим клавишей ответа Enter).

    Например, в выпадающем списке «On Success» можно задать действие «Jump to slide» и номер слайда с продолжением квеста (можно задавать количество попыток в поле Attempts).

    В блоке «Character»:

    • поле Family – позволяет выбрать шрифт текста надписи;
    • выпадающий список Style – позволяет выбрать стиль текста надписи;
    • поле Size – позволяет выбрать размер текста надписи;
    • поле Format – позволяет выбрать формат текста;
    • поле Color – позволяет выбрать цвет текста надписи;
    • поле Highlight – позволяет выбрать цвет для выделения текста надписи.

  8. Для того чтобы игра продолжалась, давалось 3 попытки для ввода пароля. В случае неуспеха при первой попытке, осуществлялся переход к слайду такого вида.

    Для продолжения необходимо нажать кнопку «Далее».

    Объект Кнопка добавляется с панели действий, расположенной слева, по значку «Insert Button» либо через меню «Insert»:«Standard Objects»:«Button».

    В блоке «Action» в выпадающем списке «On Success» следует задать действие «Go to the next to slide».

  9. В блоке «Timing» в поле Appear after можно установить задержку перед появлением кнопки, в поле Pause after можно задать время отображения слайда, по прошествии которого ролик замораживается до нажатия кнопки.

  10. В случае неуспеха в поле Last Attempt можно задать переход к финальному слайду, который символизирует провал миссии.

    В блоке «Action» следует выставить во всех полях действие «No action».

  11. На финальный слайд в случае успеха миссии выводится сообщение и картинка с картой и координатами.
    Я сохранила подходящую картинку из интернета и добавила ее на слайд, нажав правой клавишей мыши на область ввода, выбрав в выпадающем меню «Object»:«Image».

Публикация созданного проекта

Для публикации созданного проекта, например, в формате *.exe, необходимо выполнить следующие действия:

  1. Открыть меню «File» и выбрать в выпадающем списке пункт «Publish».
  2. В открывшемся окне задать следующие параметры публикации:
    • открыть раздел Media;
    • выбрать тип выгружаемого файла (в нашем случае это *.exe);
    • ввести название;
    • выбрать папку, в которую будет выгружен итоговый файл;
    • задать версию flesh-плеера.

  3. Нажать кнопку Publish.

Проект будет опубликован в формате *.exe и готов к бою!

  • Contents

  • Table of Contents

  • Troubleshooting

  • Bookmarks

Related Manuals for Adobe 65029940 — Captivate — PC

Summary of Contents for Adobe 65029940 — Captivate — PC

  • Page 1
  • Page 2
    The content of this guide is furnished for informational use only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment by Adobe Systems Incorpo- rated.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Chapter 2: Exploring the workspace About Adobe Captivate views …………. 7 About the timeline .

  • Page 4
    CONTENTS Chapter 4: Adding text captions About adding text captions …………. . 89 Adding plain text to a slide .
  • Page 5
    …………… . 143 About animation in Adobe Captivate .
  • Page 6
    …………..190 Controlling Adobe Captivate projects with variables .
  • Page 7
    About branching in Adobe Captivate projects ……..
  • Page 8
    …………..296 Chapter 14: Creating a menu of Adobe Captivate projects About creating MenuBuilder projects .
  • Page 9
    Troubleshooting Adobe Captivate output ……..
  • Page 10
  • Page 11: Chapter 1: Getting Started

    Note: For more information, see the Read Me file on the installation DVD. Activate the software If you have a single-user retail license for your Adobe software, you will be asked to activate your software; this is a simple, anonymous process that you must complete within 30 days of starting the software.

  • Page 12: Adobe Help

    CHAPTER 1 Getting started For more information on product activation, see the Read Me file on your installation DVD, or visit the Adobe website at www.adobe.com/go/activation. If the Activation dialog box isn’t already open, choose Help > Activate. Follow the on-screen instructions.

  • Page 13: Customer Support

    Visit the Adobe Support website, at www.adobe.com/support, to find troubleshooting information for your product and to learn about free and paid technical support options. Follow the Training link for access to Adobe Press books, a variety of training resources, Adobe software certification programs, and more.

  • Page 14: Adobe Design Center

    Visit Adobe Labs at www.adobe.com/go/labs. Adobe Design Center Adobe design center offers articles, inspiration, and instruction from industry experts, top designers, and Adobe publishing partners. New content is added monthly. You can find hundreds of tutorials for design products, and learn tips and techniques through videos, HTML tutorials, and sample book chapters.

  • Page 15: What’s New

    What’s new Top new features of Adobe Captivate 3 Adobe® Captivate™ 3 software enables anyone to rapidly create powerful and engaging simulations, scenario-based training and assessments without programming or multimedia skills. Based on the industry-leading Adobe Flash® platform, Adobe Captivate 3 automatically generates interactive, Flash Player compatible content for easy online distribution and access.

  • Page 16
    Branching view enhancements, such as slide grouping and zooming • New choices for adding captions and buttons Install Adobe Captivate 3 on Windows Vista and Microsoft® Windows Vista™ and Microsoft Office 2007 support import PowerPoint (PPT) files from Office 2007, or create handouts or step-by-step procedures with the…
  • Page 17: Chapter 2: Exploring The Workspace

    Chapter 2: Exploring the workspace Adobe® Captivate™ is designed so that you can create a project easily. The following is an overview of the Adobe Captivate work environment. About Adobe Captivate views Adobe Captivate has three main views: Storyboard, Edit (with the Thumbnail), and Branching. Click the view tabs at the top of the project window, or press Control+Tab to navigate between views.

  • Page 18: About The Timeline

    Using the Branching view, you can easily make changes to the branching design. You can export the branching view of an existing Adobe Captivate project into a BMP, JPEG, or JPG file. About the timeline The Timeline is a visual representation of all objects on slides.

  • Page 19: Customizing The Work Environment

    (for example, showing/hiding toolbars, toolbar location, and so on) for a given view are located in the View menu. Tip:For maximum editing space, open a project and click F11 to display Adobe Captivate in full-screen edit mode. Customizing the work environment You can change and customize certain elements of the Adobe Captivate work environment to suit your work style.

  • Page 20: Displaying And Docking Toolbars

    Displaying and docking toolbars Adobe Captivate contains many toolbars that provide easy access to commonly used features. You have a great deal of flexibility in selecting which toolbars are displayed and where they are located in the Adobe Captivate program window.

  • Page 21
    In the Text Caption settings area, click Restore to Default. Moving toolbars to a different location You can dock toolbars on any edge of the program window or you can disconnect a toolbar from the Adobe Captivate program window and have the toolbar float in its own separate window.
  • Page 22: Using The Filmstrip

    Exploring the workspace To move a toolbar: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Click the left or top edge of a toolbar until a four-point arrow appears. Drag the toolbar to an edge of the program window where it can dock, or to the middle of the program window where it can float.

  • Page 23: Using The Library

    The Library toolbar appears at the top of the main Library pane, below the Library preview pane. Use the following toolbar options to perform their corresponding actions. • Opens another Adobe Captivate project’s Library. This allows you to reuse any item from that Open Library project’s Library in your current project.

  • Page 24: Displaying Confirmation Messages

    Note: If you do not see the Library toolbar, select View > Show Library. Displaying confirmation messages Confirmation messages appear when you perform important, and often permanent, actions in Adobe Captivate. The confirmation messages give you an opportunity to change your mind when deleting information or changing key attributes.

  • Page 25
    • Select this option to have a confirmation message appear before changing the frame rate. Frame rate change • Select this option to have a confirmation message appear when exporting an Adobe FLA export instructions Captivate project into Flash. •…
  • Page 26: Using Shortcut Keys

    Exploring the workspace Using shortcut keys Shortcut keys provide an easier and quicker way to navigate and use Adobe Captivate. They let you use keyboard key combinations instead of a mouse or program menu. Shortcut keys are commonly accessed by using a keyboard function key, Alt, Control, and Shift in conjunction with a single letter or number.

  • Page 27
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide Shortcut key Action Control+N Move to Slide Notes pane Control+O Open project Control+P Align selected object with playhead on Timeline (Edit view only) Control+Q Insert Random Question Slide Control+R Print the project (through the Publish dialog box)
  • Page 28: Magnification Shortcuts

    CHAPTER 2 Exploring the workspace Shortcut key Action Shift+Control+E Insert new zoom area (Edit and Storyboard views only) Shift+Control+F Insert Flash Video (Edit and Storyboard views only) Shift+Control+G Show the Go to Slide dialog box Shift+Control+H Hide/Show slide Shift+Control+I Decrease indent (selected object in Edit view) Shift+Control+J Insert blank slide (Edit and Storyboard views only) Shift+Control+K…

  • Page 29: Undoing And Redoing Actions

    Tip:When the Undo command is unavailable (dimmed), you cannot undo the previous action. Tip:Adobe Captivate tracks actions from the time you open a project until the time you close the project. Therefore, you can undo as many times as you need to, as long as the project remains open.

  • Page 30: About The Bandwidth Monitor

    About the bandwidth monitor Adobe Captivate allows you to view how much bandwidth a selected project requires. You can see how much bandwidth each slide requires and how well the slides stream over a variety of connections. With this knowledge, you can make project adjustments as necessary.

  • Page 31
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide • The size of any included audio. Audio (KB) This tab reveals how the project streams across time for different modem and broadband speeds. You Graph can view high-bandwidth frames and note how they appear on common connection types.
  • Page 32
    CHAPTER 2 Exploring the workspace…
  • Page 33: Chapter 3: Creating Projects

    You can overwrite the existing project or create a new project; you cannot open the new Adobe Captivate project with an older version of Adobe Captivate. RoboDemo 5 projects use the .rd or .fcz file extension. When you open RoboDemo projects in Adobe Captivate, Adobe Captivate automatically converts them and gives them the new Adobe Captivate .cp file extension.

  • Page 34: About Planning Projects

    Creating projects About planning projects You can start recording Adobe Captivate projects right away using the default settings, but it may be helpful to do a little planning and customize some recording settings. Using Adobe Captivate, you can create a simple project quickly or you can create a more sophisticated project with images, background music, animation, Flash Videos, voice-over narration (with closed captioning), and detailed captions.

  • Page 35
    Right-click the file, and select Run as Administrator. The User Account Control (UAC) dialog box appears. Click Allow. Recording tricks and tips The following tips and tricks can help you create Adobe Captivate projects quickly and easily, while also giving you professional, high-quality results. Tip 1 — Consider auto-recording Adobe Captivate lets you create projects in two ways.
  • Page 36
    (in the lower right corner of your computer) flash when a web page is fully loaded and Adobe Captivate takes a screenshot. Wait for the shutter sound before moving the mouse and taking another action.
  • Page 37
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide If your demonstration will be viewed by general web users, remember that their monitors may be set as low as 640 x 480, with some of that screen space occupied by the web browser user interface. For these users, a good low- resolution setting for capturing projects is 512 x 384.
  • Page 38
    Recording and re-recording techniques Adobe Captivate gives you a variety of options that help you create a new project. You can have many processes take place automatically, use a combination of automatic and manual options, or retain greater control by recording manually.
  • Page 39
    Text captions are generated for various actions such as selecting a menu or pressing a button. For example, if you record the action of selecting the File menu, Adobe Captivate automatically adds a text caption that reads “Select File menu” on the same slide. After the text captions are created and placed on slides, you can edit the text or change formatting at any time.
  • Page 40
    If you automatically record a project or slides, Adobe Captivate can automatically create a highlight box for any area on which a mouse click is performed. If you have an existing project, you can add highlight boxes manually.
  • Page 41
    In general, you should set recording options before recording a new project, so the most appropriate options are in place. This can save you valuable time by reducing the amount of editing you must do to make your Adobe Captivate projects sound great.
  • Page 42
    Adobe Captivate icon that is displayed in the system tray in the lower-right corner of the computer screen. If you need to record that area of the computer screen, but do not want the Adobe Captivate icon to be displayed in your project, this option lets you hide the icon.)
  • Page 43
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide • Automatically adds a caption with a hint for the user. By default, this option is selected only in Hint caption the Training Simulation mode. • Automatically adds a caption with a success message for the user. For example, a success Success caption caption may read, “Yes, that is correct.
  • Page 44
    Click OK to return to the recording window. Configuring object settings for different recording modes After selecting multiple modes for generating an Adobe Captivate project, you can also configure the objects that you want to automatically add to the project during the capture.
  • Page 45
    For example, if you select the File menu, Adobe Captivate adds a caption that reads “Select File Menu” on the same slide. By default, this option is selected in the Demonstration mode. You can select this option for other recording modes.
  • Page 46
    Hearing camera sounds during recording Adobe Captivate can play a “camera shutter” sound when you take a screenshot while recording. This feature, which tells you exactly when a screenshot is captured, can be especially helpful when you use the auto-recording…
  • Page 47
    Click OK. Pausing while recording projects You can pause while recording an Adobe Captivate project. This may be necessary if you are recording a project and need to change the location of the recording area. To pause while recording a project: Open Adobe Captivate and begin recording a new project or slide.
  • Page 48
    Setting the capture area for recording When you are recording a project, the screen capture area is the area on your screen that Adobe Captivate uses to create slides. For example, suppose your monitor is set to 1024 x 768 pixels and you select a screen capture area of 800 x 600 pixels.
  • Page 49: Using Full Motion Recording

    Captivate SWF file. This results in a more realistic experience for users. If you enable the full motion feature, Adobe Captivate starts to capture frames at a higher rate when you click an object or perform mouse wheel actions while auto-recording a new project or slides. You know that full motion recording has begun when you see the Adobe Captivate icon in the system tray (lower-right corner of your computer screen).

  • Page 50
    CHAPTER 3 Creating projects When you finish recording, Adobe Captivate generates the slides that comprise the project and displays them in Adobe Captivate Storyboard view. Any drag-and-drop or mouse wheel scrolling actions that you recorded as full motion slides are displayed in Storyboard view with a movie camera icon in the lower-right corner of the slide.
  • Page 51: About Recording And Creating New Projects

    Project wizard. Alternatively, you can start from a blank project, or by importing image or PowerPoint files. Adobe Captivate makes creating a new project easy. When you record an Adobe Captivate project, you use the application or website you want to demonstrate as you would normally—by moving the mouse, using the keyboard, and navigating through menus.

  • Page 52
    Blank Project project and then import images or slides from other projects. Provides you with an easy way to create an Adobe Captivate project made up of images. When Image Project users view the published project, it looks like a slide show. The selected images are used as background on the…
  • Page 53: Recording Software Simulations

    Recording a new application project You can use Adobe Captivate to record or simulate all actions of a running software application in a scenario simulation project. You can start any type of application such as a word processing program, a graphics program, a spreadsheet program, or any kind of software you have and record the action that takes place within the appli- cation.

  • Page 54
    CHAPTER 3 Creating projects Click Snap to fit if you want to quickly change the size of the window you are recording to match the size of the red capture area. Select Recording Mode(s), and choose one or more of the following options: •…
  • Page 55
    Adobe Captivate begins recording the onscreen action. If you are automatically recording (that is, you selected the Enable auto recording), Adobe Captivate automatically captures a screenshot every time you perform an action, such as selecting a menu, clicking a button, or typing text.
  • Page 56
    For example, you may need to record a specific size so you can generate an Adobe Captivate SWF file that will be incorporated into a window on a website. If you choose this option, set a custom size in the Width and Height boxes or select a commonly used size from the Preset Size pop-up menu.
  • Page 57
    The Recording window appears. Adobe Captivate uses a default capture area of 640 x 480 pixels. To change the size, type new numbers into Width and Height or use the arrows to enter new numbers. You can also click Preset sizes and select a commonly used size from the pop-up menu.
  • Page 58
    Adobe Captivate begins recording the onscreen action. If you are automatically recording (that is, you selected the Enable auto recording), Adobe Captivate automat- ically captures a screenshot every time you perform an action, such as selecting a menu, clicking a button, or typing text.
  • Page 59
    Use the full screen recording option to record all actions that take place on your computer screen. This option is useful if you need to record actions in two or more applications within one Adobe Captivate project. For example, if you need to record how a user would copy information from a word processing program into a spreadsheet…
  • Page 60
    CHAPTER 3 Creating projects Adobe Captivate contains a special feature called “full motion recording” that automatically captures frames at a higher frame rate when you record any drag-and-drop actions. To record a new full screen project: Open Adobe Captivate. On the Start page, click Record or create a new project.
  • Page 61
    Adobe Captivate begins recording the onscreen action. If you are automatically recording (that is, you selected the Enable auto recording), Adobe Captivate automat- ically captures a screenshot every time you perform an action, such as selecting a menu, clicking a button, or typing text.
  • Page 62
    (Optional) Re-recording Script Click OK. The slides are generated and your new project appears in the Adobe Captivate Storyboard view. If you recorded any drag-and-drop actions and created any full motion slides, you see the full motion slides displayed in Story- board view with a movie camera icon in the lower-right corner of the slide.
  • Page 63
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide Adobe Captivate allows trainers and authors to simultaneously create software simulation projects in the Demon- stration, Training, and Assessment modes. You can maintain the different files created for the different modes as templates. To create a software simulation project in multiple modes: Open the application you want to record.
  • Page 64
    When you finish setting options, click Record. Adobe Captivate begins recording the onscreen action. When you finish recording, press the End key (or the designated key) to end the recording.
  • Page 65: Re-Recording Software Simulations

    When changes are introduced into a software application, or when you need to create separate projects in multiple languages, you can use the re-recording feature in Adobe Captivate. To do this, you must select the option to generate re-recording information when you create a new Adobe Captivate project. As a result, a script file (.cprr) is created…

  • Page 66
    CHAPTER 3 Creating projects • Change editable content or translate localizable terminology by editing terms defined within <trans-unit> tags. When you insert the <BREAK> and </BREAK tags in the script file, the re-recording script automatically stops running when it encounters these tags and skips all operations between these tags. However, Captivate records all manual operations that you perform in the running client while the script waits.
  • Page 67
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide To generate re-recording information while creating an Adobe Captivate project: Open the application you want to record. Open Adobe Captivate. On the Start page, click Record or create a new project. The New project options dialog box appears.
  • Page 68
    When you finish setting options, click Record. Adobe Captivate begins recording the onscreen action. When you finish recording, press the End key (or the designated key) to end the recording.
  • Page 69
    To use the re-recording script file to create an Adobe Captivate project: Open the application you want to re-record. Open Adobe Captivate.
  • Page 70
    Select the recording mode in which the project was created. This project is opened automatically Project to Open after Adobe Captivate has saved all the project files. (Optional) Type a unique name for the script file in the Re-recording Script field.
  • Page 71: Recording Scenario Simulations

    Such a project can contain training content, and questions. Also, you can build an assessment module into the scenario simulation feature to help assess the performance of the trainees. This feature of Adobe Captivate fosters self-help on the part of the trainee.

  • Page 72
    Adding slides using the project wizard In the Add slides area, you must specify the types of slides that Adobe Captivate must add to the new presentation. You must add one or more of the following types of slides in the interactive training project you are creating using the Project wizard: •…
  • Page 73
    Adobe Captivate begins recording the onscreen action. If you are automatically recording the project (that is, you selected the Enable auto recording option) Adobe Captivate automatically captures a screenshot every time you perform an action, such as selecting a menu, clicking a button, or typing text.
  • Page 74: Recording Other Types Of Projects

    The Blank project dialog box appears. Adobe Captivate uses a default capture area of 640 x 480 pixels. To change the size, select User defined (custom) and enter new numbers in the Width and Height text boxes, or use the arrows to specify new numbers. You can also select Preset size, and then choose a commonly used size from the pop-up menu.

  • Page 75
    The project is generated and appears in Adobe Captivate Storyboard view. Creating a new image project You can easily create an Adobe Captivate project made up of images. This option is useful if you need to create an Adobe Captivate project that looks like a slide show.
  • Page 76
    Creating a new project by importing PowerPoint slides You can easily import slides from previously created PowerPoint presentations. To create a new image project: Open Adobe Captivate. On the Start page, click Record or create a new project. The New project options dialog box appears.
  • Page 77
    Creating projects with a template You can use Adobe Captivate templates to create a new project. Templates are other projects that you have created and saved as a template with the .cptl file extension. Because templates can be used many times, they save you time and help you maintain consistency.
  • Page 78
    Recording additional slides in existing projects There may be cases in which you create an Adobe Captivate project and begin working at the slide level only to realize that you need to record a few more slides. In this case, you probably don’t want to re-record the entire project but just a few actions.
  • Page 79: Linking Adobe Captivate Projects

    Note: You can also import slides from other Adobe Captivate projects or PowerPoint files. Linking Adobe Captivate projects You can inter-link Adobe Captivate projects, or link them to other files when using the following features: • Interactive objects: Text Entry Box, Click Box, and Button.

  • Page 80
    Delete the system path, if any, to make sure only the filename is displayed in the URL/Project field. To link Adobe Captivate projects to other projects or files using the skin editor: Open an Adobe Captivate project in Edit view.
  • Page 81: About Using Project Templates

    About using project templates After you have created a project in Adobe Captivate, you can save the project as a project template. This can save you time and help you maintain consistency. You can reuse the template numerous times and ensure that all of your projects have the same framework.

  • Page 82: Using Full Motion Recording

    If you enable the full motion feature, Adobe Captivate starts to capture frames at a higher rate when you click an object while auto-recording a new project or slides. You know that full motion recording has begun by looking at the Adobe Captivate icon in the system tray (lower-right corner of your computer screen).

  • Page 83
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide When you finish recording, Adobe Captivate generates the slides that comprise the project and displays them in Adobe Captivate Storyboard view. Any drag-and-drop actions that were recorded as full motion slides are displayed in Storyboard view with a movie camera icon in the lower-right corner of the slide. Full motion slides are saved and included in projects as animation slides.
  • Page 84
    Click OK. About full motion slides Using Adobe Captivate, you can record full motion movies (also known as “drag-and-drop recording”) in SWF format that show detailed motion such as drawing/painting features and drag/drop operations. The Full Motion Recording option is a powerful and flexible tool that can be used in numerous ways. You can include as many full…
  • Page 85
    Note: It is important to set the correct frame rate before creating full motion slides. The default setting is 30 flash frames per second and is appropriate in most cases. You may need to change the rate if you are embedding your Adobe Captivate SWF in another SWF file that has a frame rate different than 30.
  • Page 86
    Note: It is important to set the correct frame rate before creating full motion slides. The default setting is 30 flash frames per second and is appropriate in most cases. You may need to change the rate if you are embedding your Adobe Captivate SWF in another SWF file that has a frame rate different than 30.
  • Page 87
    Print Screen button (or other designated capture key) to capture screenshots. • If you are automatically recording the project (that is, you selected the Enable auto recording option), Adobe Captivate automatically captures a screenshot every time you perform an action, such as selecting a menu, clicking a button, or typing in text.
  • Page 88
    Creating projects Note: While you are in full motion recording mode, the Adobe Captivate icon displays with a red border in the system tray in the lower right corner of your computer desktop. When you finish full motion recording, the standard Adobe Captivate icon displays again.
  • Page 89: Creating Accessible Projects

    Captivate returns to standard capture mode so you can continue recording slides, if necessary. Note: While you are in full motion recording mode, the Adobe Captivate icon displays with a red border in the system tray in the lower right corner of your computer desktop.When you finish full motion recording, the standard Adobe Captivate icon displays again.

  • Page 90
    Screen readers are software programs designed to navigate through a website and read the web content aloud. Visually impaired users often rely on this technology. Those viewing your Adobe Captivate projects must have Flash Player 6 or later, and Internet Explorer on Windows 2000 or later.
  • Page 91
    • Playback controls (function of each button is read by screen readers) • Password protection (if an Adobe Captivate SWF file is password protected, the prompt for a password is read by screen readers) • Question slides (title, question, answers, button text, and scoring report are read by screen readers)
  • Page 92
    Adding slide accessibility text Adobe Captivate contains an easy way to add text to a slide that is specifically designed to be read by a screen reader. You can create custom text for each slide. (The text will only be read if the 508 compliance option is selected.)
  • Page 93
    If a name and description are given for visual elements, Adobe Captivate can send the information to the user through the screen reader. Be aware of audio in your Adobe Captivate projects that might interfere with a user being able to listen to the screen reader.
  • Page 94
    • Accessibility in Adobe Captivate movies works better when all the slides have interactive content. If you are using JAWS 6.1 or later, JAWS may not clear the Microsoft Active Accessibility (MSAA) tree. This might cause the content of previous slides to be repeated in the case of continuous slides.
  • Page 95: Localizing Captivate Projects

    You may need to adjust the timing or resize the captions so that Adobe Captivate displays all of the translated text correctly.

  • Page 96
    Select File > Export > Project captions and closed captions. By default, the Word (DOC) file is saved to your My DocumentsMy Adobe Captivate Projects folder. You can change the location if you want. If the project file has been saved, the location of the default Word file, named [ProjectName] Captions.doc is same directory as the one in which the project has been saved.
  • Page 97
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide The new, localized text captions and closed captions are imported into the project and all formatting is retained. A dialog box appears showing a successful import message. Click OK. Test the new text captions by opening different slides in Edit view and reading the new caption text.
  • Page 98
    CHAPTER 3 Creating projects…
  • Page 99: Chapter 4: Adding Text Captions

    It is easy to add text captions to slides manually, but to create text captions very quickly you can have Adobe Captivate automatically generate text captions based upon what is recorded. For example, if you record the mouse clicking the Edit menu, Adobe Captivate can automatically create a text caption that says “Select the Edit menu”…

  • Page 100
    CHAPTER 4 Adding text captions Click the pop-up menu to select a font color for the caption text. Color Click the pop-up menu to select a font color for the highlighted text. Highlight Click one of the five text caption types. Many of the text caption styles contain text captions with Caption style directional callouts so you can select a text caption that points in the most appropriate direction.
  • Page 101: Adding Plain Text To A Slide

    There is an easy trick you can use to add plain text to a slide: simply add the text as a transparent text caption. To create a transparent text caption: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Select the slide to which you want to add a transparent text caption. Select Insert > Text Caption.

  • Page 102: Adding Text Captions Automatically

    When you record projects, or additional slides for projects, Adobe Captivate can automatically create text captions based upon the action recorded. For example, if you record the action of selecting the File menu, Adobe Captivate can automatically add a text caption that reads “Select File menu” on the same slide.

  • Page 103
    To edit caption text, select a text caption. To add text captions automatically when recording additional slides: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Select File > Record/Create > Additional Slides.
  • Page 104: Adding Rollover Captions

    Adding text captions The new slides are generated and are displayed in Storyboard view. Select one of the recorded slides to view the slide and read the text captions that Adobe Captivate automati- cally added. To edit caption text, double-click a caption.

  • Page 105: Changing The Rollover Area

    Rollover captions and rollover images consist of a caption or image and a rollover area (the “hot” area). The rollover area defines where the mouse needs to be for the caption or image to appear. To edit the rollover area: Open an Adobe Captivate project. In Storyboard view, select the slide containing the rollover caption or image. •…

  • Page 106: Converting Tooltips To Rollover Captions

    When you record a new project or record additional slides for an existing project, you can set a recording option that requires Adobe Captivate to convert tooltips to rollover captions. When this option is selected, Adobe Captivate creates a rollover caption for every tooltip that is selected during the recording process.

  • Page 107: Adding A Language For Text Captions

    RDL files to record text captions in a desired language. To record text captions in another language: Open Windows explorer, and navigate to the \Program FilesAdobeAdobe Captivate 3 directory. Copy a file with a .RDL extension. Paste the file in the same location, and rename it according to the new language. For example, if you want to record in Polish, rename the file CaptureTextTemplates_Polish.rdl.

  • Page 108
    CHAPTER 4 Adding text captions In the Object Name, and Event Name tags, change the text for DefaultTemplate and Template attributes to the specified language. Refer to “To type text in another language:” to do this. Save the file. Open the Recording dialog box by selecting File > Record/Create > New Project. The Recording dialog box appears.
  • Page 109: Localizing Text Captions

    Select File > Export > Project captions and closed captions option. By default, the Word (DOC) file is saved to your My DocumentsMy Adobe Captivate Projects folder. Change the location if you want. Also, the Word file is named [ProjectName] Captions.doc. You can change the name of the file, if necessary, by clicking directly in the File name text box and entering a new name (retain the .doc file…

  • Page 110: Editing Text Captions

    Creating custom text caption styles You can create custom text caption styles for your Adobe Captivate projects with a graphics program, such as Adobe’s Adobe® Fireworks® or Adobe® Photoshop®. Custom text captions must be in BMP (bitmap) format. In general, each Adobe Captivate text caption has five associated bitmap images.

  • Page 111
    Brightblue5.bmp an image with a callout to the lower left Storing custom text caption styles You must store all of the bitmap images for a custom text caption style in the Adobe Captivate Captions folder (located in C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Captivate 3GalleryCaptions). After you add the five new bitmaps to the captions folder, Adobe Captivate recognizes the bitmap files as a new text caption style.
  • Page 112
    FCM files. To change text alignment on a custom text caption: Using Windows Explorer, navigate to C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Captivate 3GalleryCaptions. All of the text caption BMP and corresponding FCM files are located in this folder. Right-click the exact FCM file you need to edit, and select Open with.
  • Page 113: Moving And Resizing Text Captions

    To automatically resize text captions: Adobe Captivate can automatically resize a text caption according to the amount of text in the text caption. If you edit the text, the text caption changes size to match the new amount of text. This is an easy way to keep your text captions looking balanced and proportional.

  • Page 114: Copying And Pasting Text Captions

    Importing text captions You can import text captions from a DOC file. First, you export the text captions from your Adobe Captivate project. Adobe Captivate creates a DOC file that preserves all of the formatting from the text captions. While the text captions are in DOC format, you can make text and formatting changes in a word processing program.

  • Page 115: Exporting Text Captions

    Exporting text captions You can export text captions from an existing Adobe Captivate project into a DOC file if you have Microsoft Word installed on your computer. All formatting done in Adobe Captivate is preserved when the text captions open as a DOC file.

  • Page 116: Changing Text Caption Order

    Changing text caption order Adobe Captivate lets you add multiple captions to each slide. You specify the order in which these captions appear using the Timeline. The Timeline enables you to precisely adjust the timing of all objects, including captions, on a slide.

  • Page 117: Deleting Text Captions

    Deleting text captions Deleting a text caption removes it from the slide and the project. To delete a text caption: Open an Adobe Captivate project. In Storyboard view, select a slide that contains text captions. Right-click a text caption and select Delete.

  • Page 118
    CHAPTER 4 Adding text captions…
  • Page 119: Chapter 5: Adding Audio And Video

    Chapter 5: Adding audio and video You can add a wide variety of sounds to your Adobe Captivate projects. You can also add Flash Video (FLV) files. About adding audio Adobe Captivate lets you add narration, music, step-by-step instructions, or almost any sound to your projects.

  • Page 120: Equipment For Recording Audio

    The Import Audio dialog box appears. Note: Adobe Captivate contains a gallery that has buttons, sounds, and animations (in SWF format) for you to use in your projects. By default, the gallery is stored in the following location when you install Adobe Captivate: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Captivate 3Gallery.

  • Page 121: Tips For Recording Audio

    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide Note: In Microsoft Windows operating systems, you can usually find speaker (sound) settings by clicking Start in the lower left corner and selecting Settings > Control Panel > Sounds. Headphones are important because when the microphone is on, speakers can cause distracting Headphones feedback.

  • Page 122: Setting Audio Recording Options

    Creating audio in Adobe Captivate is essentially a two-part process. You record audio in WAV format, and then Adobe Captivate converts the WAV file into an MP3 file. When files are in WAV format, they have a degree of flexibility. You can edit and adjust them “downward, ” compressing them into MP3 files uniquely tailored to their…

  • Page 123
    User Guide When working with audio, keep your users in mind. If a user is likely to access the Adobe Captivate project by using a dial-up modem, use a higher compression/lower sampling rate, such as 56 Kbps. However, if you are distributing the project on a CD-ROM, you can use a lower compression/higher sampling rate, such as 144 Kbps.
  • Page 124
    Click to display the Calibrate microphone dialog box. You are prompted to read a sentence into Calibrate input the recording device. Adobe Captivate uses the sample recording to detect optimal recording sensitivity levels. It is important to calibrate your recording device for optimal sound quality.
  • Page 125: Calibrating Microphones For Recording

    Note: Adobe Captivate must be able to detect a recording device before trying to calibrate. Check that a microphone or recording device using “line in” is connected to your computer properly and is turned on before calibrating.

  • Page 126: Recording Audio While Creating A Project

    When you finish, click OK. Recording audio while creating a project Adobe Captivate lets you record an audio track at the same time you record a new Adobe Captivate project. This can be a very efficient way to create a full-featured project quickly.

  • Page 127
    • If you are automatically recording the project (that is, if you selected the Enable auto recording), Adobe Captivate automatically captures a screenshot every time you perform an action, such as selecting a menu, clicking a button, or typing text.
  • Page 128: Creating Background Audio

    Background audio can be music, sound effects, or almost any kind of sound you can import or record. You can use background audio together with individual slide audio for a truly professional effect. Adobe Captivate provides an option to lower the volume of background audio when a slide with audio assigned plays. For example, you can import a music file and set it to loop continuously as background audio.

  • Page 129: Using A Custom Keyboard Tap Sound

    Note: Before overwriting the file, you may want to copy and place the original KeyClick.mp3 file in a backup folder so it can be used again if necessary. Copy the new keyboard tap sound from the location in step 3 above, and paste it into the Adobe Captivate sound effects folder.

  • Page 130: Adding Silence To An Audio File

    Adding silence to an audio file You can add a period of silence to any audio file that is part of an Adobe Captivate project. This feature is partic- ularly useful if you have imported an audio file and need to synchronize the audio with objects and slides. By adding silent periods, you can make the existing audio file work in an Adobe Captivate project without having to edit the audio extensively.

  • Page 131: Adjusting Audio Volume

    Insert Silence dialog box. Adjusting audio volume You can adjust the volume of audio files included in your Adobe Captivate projects. To adjust the volume of audio files: Open an Adobe Captivate project that contains audio files.

  • Page 132: Adding Existing Audio To Objects

    When you finish, click OK. To select an audio file from the Library: Note: To select an audio file from the Library, the Adobe Captivate project must contain one or more audio files. If a project has no audio files, this option is unavailable.

  • Page 133: Recording Audio For Objects

    Note: You can also add existing audio to boxes and buttons. To record an audio file: Open an Adobe Captivate project. In the Storyboard view, double-click the slide that contains the button or box to which you want to add audio.

  • Page 134: Setting Keyboard Tap Sounds

    Editing audio files You can edit the audio files in your Adobe Captivate project at any time. Using the Edit Audio dialog box, you can listen to an audio file, insert silence, adjust volume, and change numerous other options.

  • Page 135: Editing Audio Timing

    Editing audio timing Adobe Captivate lets you edit the timing of audio files after you record or import them. Having control over the timing of audio files gives you the ability to use audio files of different lengths and incorporate them smoothly…

  • Page 136
    The Edit Audio Timing dialog box appears. Audio files in the Adobe Captivate project are displayed as waveforms. Slide numbers are shown along the top of the waveform so you can see exactly how the audio files are currently distributed across the slides.
  • Page 137: Viewing Audio Details

    Viewing audio details You can view all audio details in one convenient location in Adobe Captivate. This is an easy way to see the playing time, size, and other attributes of all the audio files in a single project.

  • Page 138: Adding Closed Captions

    The option that enables Closed Captioning is available in the Skin Editor dialog box. For more information, see “Slides” on page 193. To add closed captions to an audio file: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Select Audio > Advanced Audio. The Advanced Audio Management dialog box appears.

  • Page 139: Previewing Audio

    After you add an audio file, you can preview the audio to test it. There are two methods for previewing audio. First, you can preview the entire Adobe Captivate project and listen to the audio associated with an object, a slide, or the background. This lets you see exactly where the audio begins and ends in the project and enables you to experience the audio as your users will.

  • Page 140: Exporting Audio

    In the Category panel, expand Project, and select Background Audio. Click Play to listen to the audio file. When you finish, click OK. Exporting audio You can export any audio file in your Adobe Captivate projects. To export an audio file: Open an Adobe Captivate project.

  • Page 141: Deleting Audio

    Removing an audio file from a slide is an easy task. You can also remove any sound files that are used as background audio. To remove audio from a slide: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Do one of the following: •…

  • Page 142: About Adding Video

    Click OK. About adding video Flash Video (FLV) files add realism and depth to your Adobe Captivate project. You can insert FLV files so that they play from any slide in your project. You can include three types of FLV files in your project:…

  • Page 143: Adding A Video File

    You can easily add an existing Flash Video files to your project. Note: Only Flash Video files with metadata will play in Adobe Captivate projects. If the inserted file does not have metadata, use a third-party software like FLVMDI to add metadata to the file.

  • Page 144: Setting Video Options

    If you selected Streaming Video or Flash Video Streaming Service, you must enter a number in the Buffer time text box. (Buffer time is the amount of video that must be loaded before the video plays in the Adobe Captivate project.

  • Page 145: Setting Audio Options For The Video

    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide If you want the video to synchronize with your Adobe Captivate project, click the Synchronize with project option. In the Transition area, click the type of transition effect you want to use for the video, and the duration of the transition.

  • Page 146
    CHAPTER 5 Adding audio and video To set position options for your video: If you have already inserted the video, on the slide right-click the video frame and select Properties from the pop-up menu. The Flash Video dialog box appears. In the Flash Video dialog box, click the Position tab.
  • Page 147: Chapter 6: Adding Images And Animation

    You can add a wide variety of images and animations to your Adobe Captivate projects. Adding images Images can add a new dimension to Adobe Captivate projects. There are a variety of ways to incorporate images into projects, including using them as logos, splash screens, pointers, backgrounds, buttons, and more.

  • Page 148
    This option lets you define nonrectangular images by making their background color Transparent background transparent. For example, you can add round buttons to an Adobe Captivate project using this option. Displays the image. If you make changes, such as edited the transparency number, the preview will Preview reflect the changes.
  • Page 149: Adding Rollover Images

    You can use the same type of graphics for rollover images that you use for traditional images. You can also customize the location, outline, and size of the rollover area for rollover images. To add a rollover image: Open an Adobe Captivate project.

  • Page 150
    CHAPTER 6 Adding images and animation In Storyboard view, double-click the slide to which you want to add a rollover image. Select Insert > Rollover Image. The Open dialog box appears. Select an image from the list or browse to a new location for a different image. Click Open. The New Rollover Image dialog box appears.
  • Page 151
    Click to open the Library. The Library lists all audio files that are already part of the Select audio from library currently open Adobe Captivate project. Click to open the Audio settings dialog box to specify audio settings such as input source, quality level, Settings and calibration.
  • Page 152: Inserting Images As Slides

    Inserting images as slides You can insert existing images (JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP, ICO, EMF, POT, or WMF) as slides in Adobe Captivate projects. Image slides can be useful in many types of projects, especially in overviews of a product or website.

  • Page 153: Changing Jpeg Quality

    Position the image on the slide as required. Changing JPEG quality Adobe Captivate automatically sets the quality of JPEG images in projects. However, you can adjust this setting depending upon the images used in your project. Higher percentage values allow for high-quality images but this also increases file size.

  • Page 154: About Animation In Adobe Captivate

    Adding animations If you already have animation files in SWF, AVI, GIF, or FLA format, you can add them to Adobe Captivate slides. You can add animation files to slides the same way that you add other content. You can edit slides containing an…

  • Page 155
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide Tip:Adobe Captivate contains a gallery that has buttons, sounds, and animations (in SWF format) for you to use in your projects. By default, the gallery is stored in the following location when you install Adobe Captivate: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Captivate 3Gallery.
  • Page 156
    Click to open the Library. The Library lists all audio files that are already part of the Select audio from library currently open Adobe Captivate project. Click to open the Audio settings dialog box to specify audio settings such as input source, quality level, Settings and calibration.
  • Page 157: Adding Animated Text

    The animation is added to the slide. Note: Device fonts are not displayed in Adobe Captivate. If you import an animation file containing text created with device fonts, the animation appears in Adobe Captivate, but the text will not. For animations that will be imported into Adobe Captivate, try to use embedded fonts for text.

  • Page 158
    CHAPTER 6 Adding images and animation The New Text Animation dialog box appears. Click the Text Animation tab. In the Text box, enter the text to animate. The text appears in the preview window. Select the Effect pop-up menu and select an animation effect. Select different effects to preview them in the preview window on the left.
  • Page 159
    Click to open the Library. The Library lists all audio files that are already part of the Select audio from library currently open Adobe Captivate project. Click to open the Audio settings dialog box to specify audio settings such as input source, quality level, Settings and calibration.
  • Page 160: Adding Animation Slides

    Adding animation slides If you have a SWF, AVI, FLA, or animated GIF file, you can add the file to your Adobe Captivate project as a new slide. This is a fast and easy way to make your project more informative using content you have already created.

  • Page 161: Chapter 7: Adding Boxes And Buttons

    Chapter 7: Adding boxes and buttons Adobe Captivate lets you add a variety of buttons and boxes to slides. Some types are interactive, enabling users to participate actively in the learning process. You can add the following types of buttons and boxes: Highlight boxes These boxes highlight areas in a slide.

  • Page 162: Adding Highlight Boxes

    Adding highlight boxes Adobe Captivate lets you add highlight boxes to spotlight areas within a slide. You can think of a highlight box as the online equivalent of a highlighter pen used on paper. Add highlight boxes to show users where to focus attention or enter data, or simply as emphasis.

  • Page 163
    Click to open the Library. The Library lists all audio files that are already part of the Select audio from library currently open Adobe Captivate project. Click to open the Audio settings dialog box. You can change audio settings such as input source, Settings quality level, and calibration.
  • Page 164: Adding Click Boxes

    Adding boxes and buttons Adding click boxes Adobe Captivate lets you add another level of interactivity to projects by using click boxes. Click boxes are clickable boxes that you can size and position. You can use click boxes to demonstrate an application’s function- ality, for example, by requiring users to click a menu or button.

  • Page 165
    Note: If you select the Open URL or file option and specify a URL, the URL is visible when you edit the slide in Adobe Captivate. However, it will not be visible to the user. To show the URL, create a simple image with the URL text on the image, add the image to your slide, and place a click box over the image.
  • Page 166
    This is an optional parameter. If the click box question is related to an objective set in your Objective ID learning management system, enter the objective here. If you want the Adobe Captivate project to send tracking information to your learning Interaction ID management system, you must use the interaction ID specified by your learning management system.
  • Page 167: Adding Text Entry Boxes

    Adding text entry boxes Text entry boxes let you increase Adobe Captivate project interaction quickly and easily. For example, you can use text entry boxes to ask simple quiz questions. After you add a text entry box to your project, you can view and edit the object’s properties in the Advanced Interaction dialog box by selecting Project >…

  • Page 168
    Continue, Go to previous slide, Go to next slide, Jump to slide, Open URL or file, Open other project, Send e-mail to, Execute JavaScript, or No Action. Note: Refer to “Linking Adobe Captivate projects” on page 69 for more information on linking projects. The following options are in the If the user enters the text incorrectly area:…
  • Page 169
    User Guide Note: If you select the Open URL or file option and specify a URL, the URL is visible when you edit the slide in Adobe Captivate. However, it won’t be visible to the user. To show the URL, create a simple image with the URL text on the image, add the image to your slide, and place a click box over the image.
  • Page 170
    Click to open the Audio Library. The Library lists all audio files that are already part Select audio from library of the currently open Adobe Captivate project. Click to open the Audio settings dialog box. You can change audio settings such as input source, Settings quality level, and calibration.
  • Page 171
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide If you want the Adobe Captivate project to send tracking information to your learning Interaction ID management system, you must use the interaction ID specified by your learning management system. Enter a number or use the arrows to give the question a point value. Maximum is 100 points, minimum Points is 0.
  • Page 172: Adding Buttons

    Adding boxes and buttons Adding buttons You can increase the interactivity of your Adobe Captivate projects by adding clickable buttons. To quickly add a button, use the default button style (a plain, white rectangle) or import custom button images you have created.

  • Page 173
    Go to next slide, Jump to slide, Open URL or file, Open other project, Send e-mail to, Execute JavaScript, or No Action. Note: Refer to “Linking Adobe Captivate projects” on page 69 for more information on linking projects. The following options are in the If the user clicks outside the button area:…
  • Page 174
    Note: If you select the Open URL or file option and specify a URL, the URL is visible when you edit the slide in Adobe Captivate. However, it will not be visible to the user. To show the URL, create a simple image with the URL text on the image, add the image to your slide, and place a click box over the image.
  • Page 175
    This is an optional parameter. If the button question is related to an objective set in your learning Objective ID management system, enter the objective here. If you want the Adobe Captivate project to send tracking information to your learning Interaction ID management system, you must use the interaction ID specified by your learning management system.
  • Page 176: Modifying Buttons On Question Slides

    To automatically resize buttons: Adobe Captivate can automatically resize a button according to the amount of text in the button. If you edit the text, the button changes size to match the new amount of text. This is an easy way to keep your buttons looking balanced and proportional.

  • Page 177
    Select keys displayed to the left of the button. Tip:If your Adobe Captivate project will be displayed in a browser, set shortcut keys that won’t conflict with common browser shortcuts. To define the exact pixel size or location of the button, click the Size and Position tab. Select from the following options to enter pixel values: The position of the left border of the object.
  • Page 178: Adding Javascript To Boxes And Buttons

    Adding JavaScript to boxes and buttons You can add JavaScript to click boxes, text entry boxes, and buttons in Adobe Captivate projects. The JavaScript can run when a user clicks inside or outside the box or button. Using JavaScript gives you the opportunity to extend projects in numerous ways while adding interactivity.

  • Page 179: Adding Existing Audio To Boxes And Buttons

    When you finish, click OK. To select an audio file from the Library: Note: To use the Library option, the Adobe Captivate project must contain one or more audio files. If the project has no audio files, the Library option is unavailable.

  • Page 180: Deleting Buttons And Boxes

    Deleting a button or box removes it from the project. You can remove buttons, highlight boxes, click boxes, and text entry boxes by using the following method. To delete a button or box: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Open the slide containing the button or box to delete. Do one of the following: •…

  • Page 181: Chapter 8: Editing Mouse Movement

    You can, however, select a mouse pointer to use for an entire project. Open an Adobe Captivate project in Storyboard view or Edit view. From the Slide menu, select Mouse >…

  • Page 182: Changing Mouse Pointer Size

    Mouse size is set on a slide-by-slide basis, so you choose exactly the slides that require the larger mouse size. To change the mouse pointer size: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Open the slide you want in Edit view. Select Slide > Mouse > Properties.

  • Page 183: Setting Mouse Click Effect

    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide To change the mouse click sound on an individual slide: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Open the slide you want in Edit View. Select Slide > Mouse > Properties. The Mouse Properties dialog box appears.

  • Page 184: Changing Mouse Movements

    To change the start or end point of mouse movement: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Open the slide you want in Edit View. Using your mouse, move your pointer over the end of the mouse line on the slide until your pointer turns into a hand.

  • Page 185: Aligning Mouse Paths

    In cases like this, it is difficult to manually position the mouse pointer correctly. Adobe Captivate can solve the problem by automatically aligning the mouse pointer to exactly the same position as the previous or next slide in the project.

  • Page 186: Hiding The Mouse Pointer

    You can hide the mouse pointer on an individual slide or in the entire project. To hide the mouse pointer on an individual slide: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Open the slide you want in Edit view. Do one of the following: •…

  • Page 187: Creating Mouse Over Effects Using A Rollover Slidelet

    Creating mouse over effects using a rollover slidelet In Adobe Captivate, a rollover slidelet is a space on a slide that displays an associated slidelet (a slide within a slide) when the mouse is moved over the space. You can insert and display objects in the slidelet using the same procedure as that for the slides.

  • Page 188
    Clicking an area outside the slidelet, or on the filmstrip, reverts the timeline to that for the corresponding slide. To create a rollover slidelet: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Double-click a slide to open it in Edit view. Select Insert > Rollover Slidelet. The New Slidelet dialog box appears.
  • Page 189
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide Stop the sound file. Stop Delete the sound file. Delete Edit an existing sound file. Edit Record a sound file. Record New Import an existing file on the system. Import Import an audio file from the library.
  • Page 190
    Note: You cannot insert a rollover slidelet, mouse, text entry box, click box, or button within a slidelet. Changing the properties of a rollover slidelet You can change the properties of a rollover slidelet using the various options provided by Adobe Captivate. To change the properties of a rollover slidelet: Right-click the Rollover Slidelet, and select Properties from the pop-up menu.
  • Page 191
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide • Open the default mail browser. Send E-mail To • When you select this option, a new dialog box appears. Click browse (…), and enter the Execute JavaScript JavaScript you would like to execute. The following option is in the Set Shortcut Key area: Click and use the options to specify a shortcut key for clicking inside the rollover slidelet.
  • Page 192
    CHAPTER 8 Editing mouse movement Import an existing file on the system. Import Import an audio file from the library. Select Audio From Library: Set recording preferences. Settings Tip:For more information on recording preferences, see “Adding audio and video” on page 109. Set the time (in seconds) for the fading effects by typing a value.
  • Page 193: Chapter 9: Changing Timing

    Change the zoom level Note: Adobe Captivate remembers the position of the Timeline (location and size), so if the Timeline is displayed when Adobe Captivate closes, the Timeline appears in the same location the next time Adobe Captivate is opened.

  • Page 194
    Drag the Timeline slightly to the left. Release the mouse. The Timeline should appear in a new window above the main Adobe Captivate application window. To hide the Timeline: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Double-click any slide to open Edit view.
  • Page 195: Changing The Order Of Object Layers

    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide To change the zoom level: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Double-click on any slide to open Edit view and the Timeline. (If the Timeline does not appear, click the View menu and select Show Timeline.) •…

  • Page 196: Hiding And Locking Object Layers

    To hide or show an object layer: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Double-click a slide. If it is not open already, display the Timeline by clicking the splitter bar. To expand the Timeline, click the display arrow.

  • Page 197: Previewing A Slide Using The Playhead

    2 seconds, and so on), so you see exactly when objects appear. To preview a slide using the playhead: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Double-click a slide. If it is not open already, show the Timeline by clicking the splitter bar. To expand the Timeline, click the display arrow on the Timeline bar.

  • Page 198: Changing Slide Timing

    Slide object until the resize pointer appears, click and hold down the mouse button and drag the edge to the left or right. Adobe Captivate shows the amount of time the slide will appear, in parentheses, next to the word Slide.

  • Page 199: Changing Keystroke Speed

    Use the Timeline to change keystroke speed. To change keystroke speed: Open an Adobe Captivate project that contains keystrokes. Double-click a slide that contains keystrokes. If the Timeline is not already displayed, expand it by clicking the display arrow to the left of the word Timeline.

  • Page 200: Changing Object Timing

    You can change object timing by setting object display time or using the Timeline. To change object timing by setting object display time: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Double-click a slide that contains objects. Double-click the object you want to time.

  • Page 201: Controlling Adobe Captivate Projects With Variables

    Controlling Adobe Captivate projects with variables You can control Adobe Captivate projects with variables that you can set on the Timeline. Controlling a project with variables is useful if you want to create custom SWF playback control or if you are putting a project into a Flash FLA file.

  • Page 202
    (goes from 1 to rdinfoFrameCount when you play the project) rdinfoCurrentSlide slide currently playing (zero based) rdinfoSlideCount number of slides in the project (not including hidden slides) rdIsMainMovie can be used to identify whether the SWF corresponds to the main Adobe Captivate project…
  • Page 203: Chapter 10: Slides

    You can combine any number of slides to create a project. Much of the work you do in Adobe Captivate is done at the slide level. In fact, after you establish certain project preferences and options and record the onscreen action, you will probably work nearly exclusively at the slide level until you are ready to preview and publish your project.

  • Page 204
    The newly recorded slides are inserted into your project in the specified location. Importing slides Adobe Captivate allows you to import slides from one Adobe Captivate project into another. This can save you valuable development time. To import slides from one Adobe Captivate project into another: Open the Adobe Captivate project to which you want to add existing slides.
  • Page 205
    Tip:You can select multiple slides by pressing Shift or Ctrl on the keyboard while clicking on the desired slides. To select all slides press Ctrl+A or from the Edit menu, choose Select All Slides. To copy a slide from another project: Open the Adobe Captivate project containing the slide you want to copy.
  • Page 206
    To paste a slide from another project: Open the Adobe Captivate project to which you want to add the slide that you copied in the previous steps. Right-click the slide after which you want the new slide(s) to appear. (For example, if you want to paste the copied slide in as Slide 6 of your project, click the slide currently labeled Slide 5.)
  • Page 207
    Adding animation slides If you have a SWF, AVI, or animated GIF file, you can add the file to your Adobe Captivate project as a new slide. This is a fast and easy way to make your project more informative using content you have already created.
  • Page 208: Grouping Slides

    (Storyboard, Edit, and Branching), but it doesn’t show when the project is run. To create a slide group: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Click a slide that you want to group, and use Ctrl-click or Shift-click to select the other slides for the group.

  • Page 209: Editing Slides

    Copying slides to the clipboard Adobe Captivate provides an easy way to copy a slide to the clipboard. You can then paste the slide into a graphics editing program (for example, Fireworks or Photoshop), edit the slide, and then paste the slide back into Adobe Captivate.

  • Page 210
    Fireworks, “erase” the information in the address field by painting over it with the color white, save the slide as an image (e.g., JPEG), and then from Adobe Captivate, paste the image back into the project.
  • Page 211
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide To change slide order with the Filmstrip in Edit view: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Click the Edit tab. Click a slide in the Filmstrip that you want to move and hold the left mouse button down.
  • Page 212
    For example, if you set the background color of a project, all new blank slides you add are assigned the background color. You can change the color of a slide using slide properties. To change slide color: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Double-click the slide whose background color you want to change. Select Slide > Properties.
  • Page 213
    You can add and edit slide notes in the slide notes window, which is available in the Storyboard, Edit, or Branching view, at the bottom of the Adobe Captivate window. To open the slide notes pane, select View > Show Slide Notes.
  • Page 214
    There is an easy trick you can use to add plain text to a slide: simply add the text as a transparent text caption. To create a transparent text caption: Open an Adobe Captivate project. In Storyboard view, double-click the slide to which you want to add a transparent text caption. Select Insert > Text Caption.
  • Page 215
    Screen readers are used by people with disabilities, particularly visual impairment. A screen reader can read aloud text that appears on the computer screen. In Adobe Captivate, you can write text for individual slides that can be read by a screen reader.
  • Page 216: Adding Transitions

    Adding transitions Transitions are a special effect that you can be set to appear between slides in Adobe Captivate projects. Transi- tions can, depending on the content of your project, create a smoother flow from one slide to the next. Try adding a transition and then previewing your project to see how it looks.

  • Page 217
    After you add a zoom area, you can add timing, transition, and audio options to the zoom effect. To add a zoom area: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Select the slide to which you want to add a zoom area.
  • Page 218
    CHAPTER 10 Slides Note: If you change the settings in this dialog box, they become the default settings and any subsequent slides that you create use the new settings. Click Apply to view your changes without closing the dialog box. Click OK to accept changes and close the dialog box.
  • Page 219
    Click to open the Library. The Library lists all audio files that are already part of the Select audio from library currently open Adobe Captivate project. Click to open the Audio settings dialog box to define audio settings such as input source, quality level, Settings and calibration.
  • Page 220
    Click OK to accept changes and close the dialog box. Compressing slide data Adobe Captivate provides you with the option of compressing slide data that is shared between slides. This option reduces overall file size and it is the default setting.
  • Page 221
    ABC, and Slide B uses color palette XYZ, and the two palettes are radically different, Slide B might resort to using palette ABC. Most of these problems can be fixed by changing the video quality of the slide. Adobe Captivate provides four levels of video quality, even though only the Standard option is suggested for most uses.
  • Page 222: Changing How A Project Starts And Ends

    To select all slides press Ctrl+A or from the Edit menu, choose Select All Slides. Changing how a project starts and ends You can define how a project starts and ends. Adobe Captivate provides many options, including fade in, fade out, looping the project, and displaying a load screen.

  • Page 223
    User Guide Note: Adobe Captivate includes several loading screen images you can use, or you can create a custom image. To make a custom image available as a loading screen option, use Windows Explorer to copy and paste the image into the following folder: ProgramFilesAdobeAdobe Captivate 3GalleryPreloaders.
  • Page 224: Adding Skins

    Insert the image as a slide or add a graphic to a blank slide. • Add sound. Adobe Captivate makes it easy to add sound to projects, and sound is very powerful in an intro- duction. You can add existing sound files or record your own voice-over. You can include a welcome message or play some appropriate music.

  • Page 225
    Note: When you create an Adobe Captivate project using the Full Screen option, you should select a playback control style that contains a Close button as a courtesy to users. This lets users close the project and access other applications quickly and easily.
  • Page 226
    CHAPTER 10 Slides To create a SWF theme for your project: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Select Project > Skin. The Skin Editor dialog box appears. From the Skin pop-up menu, select Default SWF Theme. Note: If you have previously created and saved SWF themes, they will appear in the pop-up menu and you can reuse them or modify them to create new themes.
  • Page 227
    Playback Control tab. Creating custom playback controls Users control Adobe Captivate projects with playback control buttons such as Play or Pause. These buttons allow users to set the pace of the project as necessary. For example, if a project contains step-by-step instructions, a Pause button lets users pause the project until they have finished reading and processing the necessary information.
  • Page 228
    To create custom BMP playback controls: Create new buttons using a graphics software package such as Fireworks or Adobe Photoshop. Save the buttons as separate bitmap (BMP) images. Use the naming conventions outlined above when you name and save your bitmap images.
  • Page 229
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide Using Windows Explorer, place the bitmap images in the Adobe Captivate playback controls folder located in C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Captivate 3GalleryPlaybackControlsBmpBars. Open your project in Adobe Captivate and add the BMP playback control to your project.
  • Page 230
    Name of the button (“play”) Localize the Flash playbar English is the default language for Flash playbars. Adobe Captivate also installs localized Flash playbars in French, German, Italian, Spanish and Japanese. These Flash playbars are stored in C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Captivate 3GalleryPlaybackControlsSwfBarsLocalisation.
  • Page 231
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide To add a border to your project: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Select Project > Skin. The Skin Editor dialog box appears. Click the Borders tab. Select Show Borders. Note: When you select the Show Borders options, the borders will appear outside the boundary of your project. When you clear the Show borders option, the borders may overlap some of the project content.
  • Page 232
    You can create menu and sub-menu items that appear throughout your project. Menu items can have several types of destinations; they can jump to a specific slide in the project, open a different Adobe Captivate project, open a file outside of the project, take users to a URL, execute a JavaScript, or launch an e-mail.
  • Page 233
    Skin Editor dialog box. It is important to set global preferences if you are creating a 508-compliant accessible project. To add project information: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Select Project > Skin. The Skin Editor dialog box appears. On the Info tab, type information in the following fields: Enter a distinctive and descriptive name for your project.
  • Page 234: Securing Slides

    Securing slides You can lock or hide individual slides in an Adobe Captivate project. This is useful if others are reviewing a first draft of a project.

  • Page 235
    Hiding slides Adobe Captivate allows you to hide an individual slide in a project; the slide stays in the project but is hidden from view when the project is played. This option is useful in several situations, such as if others are reviewing the project, but information on certain slides is changing so you want to hide the slides until they are correct.
  • Page 236
    CHAPTER 10 Slides…
  • Page 237: Chapter 11: Adding And Managing Objects

    Flash Videos performance. Note: Only import FLV files with metadata into Adobe Captivate. If you import an FLV file that does not have any metadata, the Flash Video will not play correctly in your project. Adding animations is an easy way to add content and interest to Adobe Captivate projects using Animations information you already have.

  • Page 238: Importing Objects

    Note: If you want to reuse individual media objects from another Adobe Captivate project, you can open that project’s Library from within your current project Library and drag objects directly onto a slide or into the current project Library for easy reuse.

  • Page 239: Using The Library

    (After you have selected an editing program for a specific file type, Adobe Captivate defaults to that editing program the next time you open that file type for edit.) You can float the Library outside the program window, or move it to a different location in the window.

  • Page 240
    Note: After you copy the object to the slide, editing the properties of the object won’t affect that object in other slides. To reuse an object listed in a different Adobe Captivate project’s Library: In Edit view, select the slide to which you want to add the object.
  • Page 241: Managing Objects With The Stage Toolbar

    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide Note: After you open another Adobe Captivate project’s Library, that project will stay in the Open Library menu so you can quickly access that project’s Library at any time. Library toolbar The Library toolbar appears at the top of the main Library pane, below the Library preview pane. The toolbar contains the following options: Select this option to open another Adobe Captivate project’s Library.

  • Page 242: Duplicating Objects

    Note: To reuse media objects that appear in the Library, simply drag the object from the Library onto the slide. To duplicate an object: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Double-click on the slide that contains the object you want to duplicate.

  • Page 243: Copying And Pasting Objects From Other Projects

    Note: If you want to reuse media objects from another Adobe Captivate project, you can open that project’s Library from within your current project Library and drag objects directly onto a slide or into the current project Library for…

  • Page 244: Aligning Objects

    Tip:You can also import an object or multiple objects from another project. Aligning objects If you have multiple objects on a slide, Adobe Captivate can automatically and perfectly align the objects for you. This is an easy way to create precise and professional-looking project slides.

  • Page 245: Aligning Objects On The Timeline

    Tip:The x (horizontal) and y (vertical) coordinates of the mouse are automatically displayed in the lower-right corner of the Adobe Captivate project window as you move the mouse. Knowing exact coordinates can help you place objects in a precise location on a slide. When aligning objects, it can be helpful to display the grid.

  • Page 246: Changing Object Display Order

    Changing object display order Adobe Captivate lets you to add multiple objects, such as captions, highlight boxes, animations, or images to slides. You specify the order in which objects appear. The Timeline lets you precisely adjust the timing of all objects on a slide.

  • Page 247: Changing The Size Of Multiple Objects

    The objects can be sized to an exact measurement or relative to one another. To change the size of multiple objects: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Open a slide that contains more than one object, such as two captions. You can also open a slide and add more than one object to the slide.

  • Page 248: Aligning Objects With The Grid

    Tip:The x (horizontal) and y (vertical) coordinates of the mouse are automatically displayed in the lower-right corner of the Adobe Captivate project window as you move the mouse. Knowing exact coordinates can help you place objects in a precise location on a slide.

  • Page 249: Adjusting Object Size And Position By Pixel

    Tip:The x (horizontal) and y (vertical) coordinates of the mouse are automatically displayed in the lower-right corner of the Adobe Captivate project window as you move the mouse. Knowing exact coordinates can help you place objects in a precise location on a slide.

  • Page 250: Merging Objects Into A Slide

    To merge an object into a slide: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Double-click the slide that contains the object you want to merge. Right-click the object that you want to merge into the slide for example, an image, caption, or click box.

  • Page 251
    This option allows the interactive object to carry a score for the overall project quiz. If you select Track score this option, Adobe Captivate will add the score from the object to the overall score. (Selecting this option selects the Include in Quiz option on the Reporting tab of the object’s properties dialog box.)
  • Page 252
    CHAPTER 11 Adding and managing objects When you’re done reviewing and changing the interactive object properties, click Close.
  • Page 253: Chapter 12: Editing Projects

    Navigate to the location of the Adobe Captivate project or template (see default save locations listed previously). Right-click the project or template and select Delete. Note: Up to ten project names can appear in the Open a recent project list on the Adobe Captivate Start page.

  • Page 254: Hiding Projects

    Note: Up to ten project names can appear in the Open a recent project list on the Adobe Captivate Start page. Previewing projects As you create an Adobe Captivate project, you can preview it. You can see your project the way your users see it. To preview a project: Open Adobe Captivate.

  • Page 255: Renaming Projects

    User Guide Note: When you publish projects, you can select which version of Flash that Adobe Captivate uses to generate the SWF file. However, for previews, Adobe Captivate automatically uses the Active X Flash version that you have installed on your computer.

  • Page 256
    Crop Area dialog box where you can define a crop area. Select this option to have Adobe Captivate automatically Rescale captions, highlight boxes, and other objects rescale all objects in your project such as captions, highlight boxes, click boxes, and text entry boxes to the new, smaller size.
  • Page 257: Setting The Background Color

    You can set the background color of the project. Depending upon the type of slide and how a screenshot is captured, the background color may or may not appear on all slides. To set the background color: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Select Edit > Preferences. The Preferences dialog box appears.

  • Page 258
    (…) to select an image. Note: Adobe Captivate includes several loading screen images you can use, or you can create a custom image. To make a custom image available as a loading screen option, use Windows Explorer to copy and paste the image into the following folder: C:Program filesAdobeAdobe Captivate 3GalleryPreloaders.
  • Page 259
    (SWF) that makes it easier to integrate the project into Adobe Connect Server. The embedded data links the Adobe Captivate CP file to the SWF file when you publish the project to Connect server and makes it easier for the Adobe Captivate output file to be found during searches done in the Adobe Connect Server.
  • Page 260
    Server, you can clear the option and decrease the size of the finished project file (SWF). However, if there is the possi- bility that the output file (SWF) may be used in the Adobe Connect Server, it is a good idea to select the Include metadata option.
  • Page 261: Adding A Loading Screen

    Click to open the Audio Library. The Library lists all audio files that are already part Select audio from library of the currently open Adobe Captivate project. Click to open the Audio settings dialog box to define audio settings such as input source, quality level, Settings and calibration.

  • Page 262: Setting Project Properties

    Program FilesAdobeAdobe Captivate 3GalleryPreloaders. You can also create a SWF file to use as a loading screen. In the Adobe Captivate Preloaders folder, there is a sample SWF file and FLA file (locate the files using Windows Explorer) named DefaultPreloader. You can use these files as templates to create your own SWF file.

  • Page 263: Using A Custom Keyboard Tap Sound

    Using a custom keyboard tap sound Adobe Captivate includes a feature that records a keyboard tap sound whenever you press keys on the keyboard while recording a project. You can include or exclude the tap sounds. You can also create a custom keyboard tap sound to use.

  • Page 264: Checking Spelling In Adobe Captivate Projects

    Note: Before overwriting the file, you may want to copy and place the original KeyClick.mp3 file in a backup folder so it can be used again if necessary. Copy the new keyboard tap sound from the location in step 3, and paste it into the Adobe Captivate Sound Effects folder.

  • Page 265
    Setting spell check options Adobe Captivate lets you check spelling in most places where text occurs in your projects, including captions, slide notes, slide names, text animations, and quizzes. Before using the spell checking feature, you may want to review and change spell check options.
  • Page 266: Changing Spell Check Dictionary

    Searching slides and replacing content You can use the numerous options available in the Adobe Captivate Find feature to search for information on your slides. Besides text, you can locate different kinds of objects, such as text animation or a rollover image.

  • Page 267
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide Note: The Find field is enabled for All Controls, Text Entry, Button, and Text Animation searches only. (Optional) In the Replace field, enter the text that should replace what is found. Note: The Replace option is enabled for All Controls, Text Entry, Button, and Text Animation searches only.
  • Page 268
    CHAPTER 12 Editing projects…
  • Page 269: Chapter 13: Creating Elearning Content

    You can create smart and sophisticated branching in your Adobe Captivate projects. In this section, you learn a few easy ways to add branching to a project. All of these options include the capability to score the results so they can be used individually or in combination with each other.

  • Page 270: About Editing Branching In Adobe Captivate Projects

    “Incorrect, you have one more try left, ” and after the third “Sorry, incorrect. Move on to the next question. ” Adobe Captivate also makes it easy to add an error message for wrong answers and a retry message such as “Please try again.

  • Page 271: Going To A Slide In The Branching View

    Note: You can zoom to a maximum of 400%. Exporting Branching view You can export the branching view of an existing Adobe Captivate project into a BMP, JPEG, or JPG file. To export a branching view: Open an Adobe Captivate project whose branching view you want to export in Branching view.

  • Page 272: Creating Question Slides

    (such as “Open URL or file”) when a user supplies an incorrect answer. This is commonly called branching. Note: Refer to “Linking Adobe Captivate projects” on page 69 for more information on linking projects. Measure student performance by using the reporting feature with any type of quiz. Track number of attempts, track correct and incorrect responses, and send pass and fail data to your learning management system (LMS).

  • Page 273
    Rating scale (likert) Quizzing tricks and tips The quizzing functionality in Adobe Captivate is flexible and gives you many design options as you create projects that contain e-learning content. For example, quizzes can be simple and straightforward or more sophisticated with detailed branching.
  • Page 274
    CHAPTER 13 Creating eLearning content Tip:If you are creating many of the same type of question in a single project, enter unique names for each so that they can be distinguished from one another easily. In Question, type the multiple choice question, exactly as you want it to appear on the slide, into the text box. Enter a number or use the arrows to give the question a point value.
  • Page 275
    If the quiz question is related to an objective set in your LMS, enter the objective ID. Objective ID If you want the Adobe Captivate project (SWF file) to send tracking information to your LMS, Interaction ID enter the Interaction ID specified by your LMS.
  • Page 276
    Select this option to create a question that users must determine is either true or false. To create a True/False question slide: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Select the slide after which you want to insert a question slide. For example, if you want the new question slide to be slide 7 in the project, click slide 6.
  • Page 277
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide Click the desired action or destination to follow the user’s last attempt. You can choose from the Action following options: • Project continues playing. Continue • Project returns to the previous slide. Go to previous slide •…
  • Page 278
    If the quiz question is related to an objective set in your LMS, enter the objective ID. Objective ID If you want the Adobe Captivate project (SWF file) to send tracking information to your LMS, Interaction ID enter the Interaction ID specified by your LMS.
  • Page 279
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide In the Phrase text box, type in the sentence or phrase that will contain a blank space to be filled in by users. Select a word or phrase in the Phrase text box and click Add Blank.
  • Page 280
    If the quiz question is related to an objective set in your LMS, enter the objective ID. Objective ID If you want the Adobe Captivate project (SWF file) to send tracking information to your LMS, Interaction ID enter the Interaction ID specified by your LMS.
  • Page 281
    Select this option to create a question that users must answer with a word or phrase. To create a short answer question slide: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Select the slide after which you want to insert a question slide. For example, if you want the new question slide to be slide 7 in the project, click slide 6.
  • Page 282
    CHAPTER 13 Creating eLearning content If you would like the Clear, Back, and Skip buttons to appear on the question slide so it is easier for users to navigate, select these options. Complete the If correct answer area. The following are the options: Click the desired action or destination to follow the user’s last attempt.
  • Page 283
    This is an optional parameter. If the quiz question is related to an objective set in your LMS, enter Objective ID the objective in this field. If you want the Adobe Captivate project (SWF file) to send tracking information to your LMS, Interaction ID you must use the Interaction ID specified by your LMS.
  • Page 284
    Select this option to create a question that provides users with two lists of items that must be correctly matched. To create a matching question slide: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Select the slide after which you want to insert a question slide. For example, if you want the new question slide to be slide 7 in the project, click slide 6.
  • Page 285
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide From the Style pop-up menu, select Drag Drop if you want users to drag answers, or select Drop Down if you want users to select answers from pop-up menus. In Numbering, click the pop-up menu and select uppercase letters, lowercase letters, or numbers.
  • Page 286
    If the quiz question is related to an objective set in your LMS, enter the objective ID. Objective ID If you want the Adobe Captivate project (SWF file) to send tracking information to your LMS, Interaction ID enter the Interaction ID specified by your LMS.
  • Page 287
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide Select the slide that should precede the new question slide. For example, click slide 6 to make the new question slide be slide 7. Select Quiz > Question Slide. The Question Types dialog box appears.
  • Page 288
    If the quiz question is related to an objective set in your LMS, enter the objective ID. Objective ID If you want the Adobe Captivate project (SWF file) to send tracking information to your LMS, Interaction ID enter the Interaction ID specified by your LMS.
  • Page 289
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide Note: To edit messages you’ve selected to show to the user, select Edit > Preferences. The Preferences dialog box appears. In the Quiz menu, select Default Labels. Setting hotspot properties You can change the properties of a hotspot area and its location on the slide.
  • Page 290
    Note: Sequence questions are not 508 compliant. To create a new sequence slide: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Select the slide that should precede the new question slide. For example, click slide 6 to make the new question slide be slide 7.
  • Page 291
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide • Project continues playing. Continue • Project returns to the previous slide. Go to previous slide • Project proceeds to the next slide. Go to next slide • Another box appears where you specify a destination slide in the project.
  • Page 292
    Select this option to create a statement to which users specify their level of agreement. For example, a user may be given the statement, “This Adobe Captivate project provided me with valuable information” and given a range of responses to choose from: disagree, somewhat disagree, are neutral, somewhat agree, or agree.
  • Page 293
    This is an optional parameter. If the quiz question is related to an objective set in your LMS, enter Objective ID the objective in this field. If you want the Adobe Captivate project (SWF file) to send tracking information to your LMS, Interaction ID you must use the Interaction ID specified by your LMS.
  • Page 294
    Note: If you select AICC or SCORM options for the project, the full screen publishing option cannot be applied. Note: If you select the full screen option (in the Publishing dialog box), Adobe Captivate generates two HTML files that accommodate Windows XP Service Pack 2. Use both HTML files with the SWF file so that when you publish your project users won’t receive an SP2 warning message.
  • Page 295
    Click OK. Note: To enable Adobe Connect Enterprise tracking for a project that contains only interactive objects included in the quiz, ensure that the result slide is added to the project.
  • Page 296
    CHAPTER 13 Creating eLearning content Note: When working with question pool slides, the view in the Filmstrip changes to Question Pools Slides. To revert to the main project, click the Slides tab on the Filmstrip. You can use the following features to make your work easier and faster when working with question pools: •…
  • Page 297
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide • The project jumps to a specific URL on the Internet or to a local file. Click the browse (…) Open URL or file button to choose any local file. Click the down arrow to select the window in which the URL should appear; select Current or New.
  • Page 298
    To import questions from question pools in other projects Select File > Import > Question Pools. The Import Adobe Captivate Project dialog box appears. Select the project to import, and click Open. The Import Question Pools dialog box appears. The question pools appear in the left panel, and their corre- sponding questions appear in the right panel.
  • Page 299: Setting Elearning Pass Rate

    For example, setting a pass of 80% requires users to get 80% of questions correct in order to pass. To set eLearning pass rate: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Select Quiz > Quiz Preferences. The Preferences dialog box appears.

  • Page 300
    CHAPTER 13 Creating eLearning content • Another box appears where you specify a destination slide in the project. Jump to slide • The project jumps to a specific URL on the Internet or to a local file. Click the browse (…) Open URL or file button to choose any local file.
  • Page 301
    Setting eLearning scoring display You access all eLearning support options using Quiz Preferences. To set eLearning scoring display: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Select Quiz > Quiz Preferences. The Preferences dialog box appears. In the Category panel, expand Quiz, and select Settings.
  • Page 302: Creating Question Review Messages For Quizzes

    To change the color or font of your review messages, just double-click on a message and change the format as you prefer. Adobe Captivate provides default text for question review messages, but you can edit the text at any time. To customize question review messages to a question slide: Open an Adobe Captivate project.

  • Page 303
    When you finish, click OK. To customize review feedback messages: You can customize the feedback message to users after they complete the quiz. Open an Adobe Captivate project. Select a Question slide. Double-click the Review area. The Review Area dialog box appears.
  • Page 304: Creating A Manifest File

    Creating a manifest file Adobe Captivate contains an important eLearning feature that creates a manifest file. This is useful if you want to package an Adobe Captivate project to be an e-learning course that can be administered and launched from a SCORM 1.2 or 2004 compliant LMS.

  • Page 305
    (Required field) The title can be viewed by students using the LMS. A default title based on the name of Title your Adobe Captivate project is automatically added to this field. You can change the title at any time by selecting the text and typing in new text.
  • Page 306: Creating A Pif

    CHAPTER 13 Creating eLearning content Note: If necessary, you can create a package interchange file (PIF) that packages the Adobe Captivate project output files and manifest file (with additional files if you are using the SCORM 2004 option) together. Creating a PIF Adobe Captivate includes support for creating a package interchange file (PIF).

  • Page 307
    This option ensures the project is compatible with Questionmark Perception. Adobe Questionmark Perception Captivate automatically generates a QML file so you can quickly import Adobe Captivate simulations into Perception. This option does not support Random Question slides. This option automatically sends scoring results to a specified e-mail address. Type a complete e-mail E-mail address directly into the text box (for example, name@mycompany.com).
  • Page 308
    CHAPTER 13 Creating eLearning content Specifies whether users receive results as a score (for example, 8 out of 10) or a Report score to LMS as percentage (for example, 80% correct). Determines whether the score, or score and interaction information are reported to the LMS. Reporting Level When you select Report Interactions and score, every interaction is reported to the LMS, such as the question type, and which option the user selected.
  • Page 309
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide Shows users which question number they are currently working on within the quiz. Show progress Select Pass or Fail from the Quiz menu, and choose from the following options: The maximum number of points is the sum of all weighted points. The «#»…
  • Page 310
    CHAPTER 13 Creating eLearning content • Project returns to the previous slide. Go to previous slide • Project proceeds to the next slide. Go to next slide • Another box appears where you specify an exact destination. Jump to slide •…
  • Page 311
    Select PENS in the Quiz menu. In the Package area, choose from the following options: Note: PENS allows for streamlined coordination between Adobe Captivate and eLearning publishing and management systems. PENS allows you to automate the notification, transfer, and delivery of content packages between Adobe Captivate and LMS systems.
  • Page 312
    CHAPTER 13 Creating eLearning content…
  • Page 313: Chapter 14: Creating A Menu Of Adobe Captivate Projects

    MenuBuilder is a unique component of Adobe Captivate. This tool provides a convenient way to showcase a set of Adobe Captivate projects. Whether you publish your projects over the web or on a CD, you can use MenuBuilder to create a single, central location for users to access multiple projects.

  • Page 314
    When you link to a Adobe SWF file (Flash content), MenuBuilder automatically creates a link to the related HTM file. Every SWF file requires an associated HTM file. This file contains information that is necessary for the SWF file to play correctly.
  • Page 315
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide Creating blank MenuBuilder projects If you do not want to use the MenuBuilder wizard to create a project, you can create a blank project and edit it. To create a blank project: Open Adobe Captivate.
  • Page 316
    CHAPTER 14 Creating a menu of Adobe Captivate projects To select a template: Open Adobe Captivate. Select File > Record/Create > Menubuilder Project. The MenuBuilder window appears. Select File > New Project. The MenuBuilder Wizard appears. Under Templates, select a template for your project.
  • Page 317
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide If you want to edit the item properties, double-click the item. Undoing and redoing actions in MenuBuilder You can reverse the last action taken by using the Undo command in MenuBuilder. You can also reverse the action of the Undo command by using the Redo command.
  • Page 318
    CHAPTER 14 Creating a menu of Adobe Captivate projects Printing projects in MenuBuilder You can print a MenuBuilder project at any time. Printing a MenuBuilder project can be useful if you need others to review the contents or if you need to create handouts.
  • Page 319: About Using Text In Menubuilder

    Select Insert > Text. In the Style pop-up menu, select a text style. Adobe Captivate imports the listed styles.om to create a new style. From the Font pop-up menu, select the font you want. Choose size and style options as well.

  • Page 320
    URL. When you link to an Adobe SWF file, MenuBuilder automatically creates a link to the related HTM file. Every SWF file requires an associated HTM file. This file contains information that is necessary for the SWF file to play correctly.
  • Page 321
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide Moving text in MenuBuilder You can move text items in MenuBuilder by dragging. To move a text item: Open the MenuBuilder project. Select the text item to move and drag it to a new location.
  • Page 322
    CHAPTER 14 Creating a menu of Adobe Captivate projects The following options are in the Vertical area: Select this option to make no change. No change Select this option to align items along their top sides. Tops Select this option to align items along their centers.
  • Page 323: Using Images In Menubuilder Projects

    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide To order text items: Open the MenuBuilder project. Right-click on the text whose stacking order you want to change and select Bring to Front or Send to Back. Viewing pixel location in MenuBuilder You can view the precise location (in pixels) of click boxes, images, and text items in MenuBuilder.

  • Page 324
    When you link to an Adobe SWF file, MenuBuilder automatically creates a link to the related HTM file. Every Adobe SWF file requires an associated HTM file. This file contains information that is necessary for the SWF file to play correctly.
  • Page 325
    Link box. For example, if you select Web Address, enter the appropriate URL in this box. When you link to an Adobe SWF file, MenuBuilder automatically creates a link to the related HTM file. Every Adobe SWF file requires an associated HTM file. This file contains information that is necessary for the SWF file to play correctly.
  • Page 326
    CHAPTER 14 Creating a menu of Adobe Captivate projects Tip:You can move multiple images at the same time by pressing the Shift key while clicking different images. Drag the images to the new location. Tip:You can also move an image by pixels. Select the image to move. Hold down the Ctrl key and an arrow key. The image moves a single pixel in the direction you want.
  • Page 327
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide Select this option to space items equally vertically. Space equally Select this option to center items vertically. Center in window Click OK. Copying images in MenuBuilder You can copy and paste images in MenuBuilder quickly and easily.
  • Page 328
    CHAPTER 14 Creating a menu of Adobe Captivate projects To view location in pixels: Open the MenuBuilder project. Select an item. In the Details bar (left side), the item’s coordinates are shown. The coordinates are pixel values for the upper left point of the item.
  • Page 329
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide Note: You can also size a selected image by dragging its sizing handles. This sizing technique is less precise than using the Sizing dialog box, but it is often more convenient. To reset an image size to its original size: Create an image in MenuBuilder.
  • Page 330: About Using Click Boxes In Menubuilder Projects

    CHAPTER 14 Creating a menu of Adobe Captivate projects Select Transparency to make the image itself transparent. Select a value from 0% to 100%. (0% is completely opaque and 100% is completely transparent.) Click Apply to view your changes without closing the dialog box, or click OK to accept the changes and close the dialog box.

  • Page 331
    User Guide When you link to an Adobe SWF file, MenuBuilder automatically creates a link to the related HTM file. Every Adobe SWF file requires an associated HTM file. This file contains information that is necessary for the SWF file to play correctly.
  • Page 332
    CHAPTER 14 Creating a menu of Adobe Captivate projects Click Apply to view your changes without closing the dialog box, or click OK to accept changes and close the dialog box. Moving click boxes in MenuBuilder You can move click boxes in MenuBuilder by dragging.
  • Page 333
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide Select this option to space items equally horizontally. Space equally Select this option to center items horizontally. Center in window The following options are in the Vertical area: Select this option to make no change.
  • Page 334: About Changing Menubuilder Project Options

    CHAPTER 14 Creating a menu of Adobe Captivate projects Changing stacking order consists of moving objects to the back and front of the “stage. ” The key point to remember is that objects at the back of the stage appear behind other objects.

  • Page 335
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide Setting MenuBuilder project options If you use the MenuBuilder Wizard to create a new project, you can set options such as the project dimensions, title, and background transparency. However, you can also set more project options once a project is open.
  • Page 336
    CHAPTER 14 Creating a menu of Adobe Captivate projects Click Apply to view your changes without closing the dialog box, or click OK to accept changes and close the dialog box. Associating icons with MenuBuilder projects MenuBuilder allows you to associate icons with MenuBuilder projects. This is especially useful when you export projects as EXE files.
  • Page 337
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide To make a project transparent when you first create it: Create a project using the MenuBuilder wizard. In the third wizard screen, use the pop-up menu to select a trans- parency value. (0% is opaque and 100% is completely transparent.) To make an existing project transparent: Open the MenuBuilder project.
  • Page 338
    CHAPTER 14 Creating a menu of Adobe Captivate projects Resizing MenuBuilder projects as you work Ordinarily you determine the size of your MenuBuilder project in the Preferences dialog box (this determines the default project size) or in the MenuBuilder Project Options dialog box (this determines an individual project’s size).
  • Page 339
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide To set preferences: Open MenuBuilder. Select Options > Preferences. The Preferences dialog box appears. Click the Preferences tab and adjust the options. The following options are in the Grid options area: Select this option to display a grid in MenuBuilder. This grid does not appear in the final project; it Show Grid is used during development to position and align text and images.
  • Page 340
    Project directory folder appear in the initial MenuBuilder dialog box, allowing you to see existing MenuBuilder projects without navigating. By default, this folder is My DocumentsMy Adobe Captivate Projects. To select a different folder, click More. This option refers to the folder that contains background images. Background images Background directory usually refer to the background graphics of templates.
  • Page 341: About Exporting Menubuilder Projects

    This option refers to the folder that contains MenuBuilder templates. These templates are Template directory MenuBuilder templates, not PowerPoint templates. By default, this folder is My DocumentsMy Adobe Captivate ProjectsTemplates. To select a different folder, click More. This option refers to the folder that contains MenuBuilder images. By default, this folder is My Image directory DocumentsMy Pictures.

  • Page 342
    CHAPTER 14 Creating a menu of Adobe Captivate projects In the Filename text box, accept the default name or enter a new name. In the Directory text box, accept the default path or enter a new path and folder in which to save the exported project.
  • Page 343
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide To export a project as an HTML file: Create or open the MenuBuilder project. Select File > Export. If you have not saved the file, the Save As dialog box appears. Save the file. The MenuBuilder Export dialog box appears.
  • Page 344
    CHAPTER 14 Creating a menu of Adobe Captivate projects Exporting MenuBuilder projects for Macintosh When you export a project as a Macintosh projector file, MenuBuilder creates an HQX file. To export a project as a Macintosh projector file: Create or open the MenuBuilder project.
  • Page 345: Chapter 15: Publishing Projects

    Chapter 15: Publishing projects After you create a project, you publish your project so others can view it. Adobe Captivate contains many publishing options and you can publish the project in as many different formats as you require. • Publishing projects as EXE files •…

  • Page 346: Publishing Projects To Adobe Connect Enterprise

    Adobe® Acrobat® Connect™ Professional or Adobe Presenter. You can easily share online meetings, presentations, and training courses over the Internet. By publishing Adobe Captivate projects to Adobe® Connect™ Enterprise, you can present training to multiple learners at once.

  • Page 347: Publishing Projects As Flash Files

    Publishing projects as Flash files You can publish Adobe Captivate projects as SWF files in Flash 7, 8, or 9. After publishing your project as a SWF file, you can use these SWF files independently or include them in web pages.

  • Page 348
    Note: If you select AICC or SCORM options for the project, the full screen publishing option cannot be applied. Note: If you select the full screen option, Adobe Captivate generates two HTML files to accommodate the Windows XP Service Pack 2 release. Use both HTML files with the SWF so that when you publish your project users won’t receive an SP2 warning message.
  • Page 349: Publishing Projects As Printed Word Output

    You can publish Adobe® Captivate® projects as handouts in Microsoft Word format. An Adobe Captivate project is published into a Word document showing all the slides as they would appear with the options you choose. Note: Microsoft Word must be installed on the same computer as Adobe Captivate in order to publish projects as handouts.

  • Page 350
    If you want to change or remove the information in the header or footer, you can edit the DOT file by opening it in Word. When you install Adobe Captivate, the AdobeCaptivate.dot template is automatically placed in the program folder: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Captivate 3.
  • Page 351
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide Note: Microsoft Word must be installed on the same computer as Adobe Captivate in order to publish projects as handouts. To publish an Adobe Captivate project as a lesson: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Select File > Publish.
  • Page 352
    (e.g., buttons, links, and so on). Note: Microsoft Word must be installed on the same computer as Adobe Captivate in order to publish projects as Step by Step guidelines.
  • Page 353
    Note: If the project has a quiz and you choose Storyboard output, the answers are shown next to the question. There is no Answer Key. Note: Microsoft Word must be installed on the same computer as Adobe Captivate in order to publish projects as storyboards.
  • Page 354: Publishing Projects To The Web Using Ftp

    Servers dialog box. Note: You will not have to create a separate FTP server list for every project because Adobe Captivate saves changes made to the FTP list automatically. These changes are also captured when you import and export preferences.

  • Page 355: Sending Projects Using E-Mail

    Sending projects using e-mail You can send Adobe Captivate projects in a variety of formats through e-mail. You can choose to send an Adobe Captivate file (CP), a Windows executable file, a SWF file (to bypass many firewall protection systems), or an XML file (XLIFF file).

  • Page 356: Publishing An Aicc Content Or A Scorm Package

    XML File Note: Instead of publishing an Adobe Captivate project as an XML file, you can export the project content to the XML format and use the XML file to edit and localize to the required language. You can then import the localized XML file to the relevant Adobe Captivate project.

  • Page 357
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide As a result of supporting PENS, Adobe Captivate lets you upload an AICC or SCORM package at a specified URL. After Adobe Captivate publishes the package (ZIP content) successfully, it sends a PENS notification to the LMS server to collect the content package.
  • Page 358: Exporting Text Captions

    Exporting text captions You can export text captions from an existing Adobe Captivate project into a DOC file if you have Microsoft Word installed on your computer. All formatting done in Adobe Captivate is preserved when the text captions open as a DOC file.

  • Page 359: Exporting Adobe Captivate Project Content To Xml

    Import the text captions back into the Adobe Captivate project. Note: You can also export closed captions to Microsoft Word for editing and then import them back into your Adobe Captivate project. For more information about creating closed captioning, see information about adding audio to your project.

  • Page 360
    Quiz Preferences To export the content of an Adobe Captivate project to XML: Open an Adobe Captivate project and save it with a new file name for a new language. Select File > Export > To XML. In the Save As dialog box, enter a filename for the new XML file.
  • Page 361: Importing Adobe Captivate Project Content From Xml

    You can also zip the XML file and send it by e-mail. Ensure that the Adobe Captivate project file is completely edited before exporting the XML file. Tip:You can use the Alt+F+I+P shortcut key to export a file to XML.

  • Page 362: Importing And Exporting Project Preferences

    CHAPTER 15 Publishing projects The content from the XML file is imported into the Adobe Captivate project. A dialog box appears, confirming that the XML import was successful. Click OK. The localized project for the required language is ready. Note: If the XML file was sent to you by e-mail, open the e-mail message, save the XML file in the required directory, and translate its contents to the required language.

  • Page 363
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide…
  • Page 364
    CHAPTER 15 Publishing projects…
  • Page 365: Chapter 16: Adobe Captivate And Other Software Applications

    You can also add Adobe Captivate projects into PowerPoint presentations. Adobe Captivate and Adobe Flash If you are a Flash developer, you can use Adobe Captivate to easily record a SWF file and then use the powerful features of Flash to edit the file.

  • Page 366
    Click Import. The selected Adobe Captivate project (CP) file is imported into the Flash project. When you finish, you must save the project as a Flash project (FLA file). Now you can begin editing your Adobe Captivate project in Flash.
  • Page 367
    Select this option to include hint boxes with instructions and the hint layer in Flash (Hints are a Flash Hints feature, not an Adobe Captivate element that is imported into Flash. Hints are not included in the project SWF file.) Select this option to import the playback controls into Flash.
  • Page 368
    The Flash Library panel shows all objects created for the Adobe Captivate project, organized logically into folders. Most elements in your projects are converted so they look and operate the same in Flash as in Adobe Captivate, but here are a few exceptions: •…
  • Page 369
    • In the Library panel, a folder named Adobe Captivate Objects contains all slides and objects in the project. (You can ignore the objects listed with the prefix “xrd”; these objects are images and sounds that are used in other objects.) Edit your project by double-clicking a library item and making a change to the item.
  • Page 370: Adobe Captivate And Adobe Acrobat Connect Professional

    Captivate projects. You can also put the project into a ZIP file for easier uploading. With Acrobat Connect Profes- sional integration, you can also update video files easily. Note: You can use Adobe Captivate with Acrobat Connect version 4.1 or later. You can use the tracking option only with Acrobat Connect version 5 or later.

  • Page 371
    Information.) (Optional) If you want to publish the Adobe Captivate project file (CP file) to Adobe Connect along with the project SWF file, select Publish project files. This can be helpful if you want to make the CP file, not just the SWF file, available to others.
  • Page 372
    Acrobat Connect Professional.) • Publish the Adobe Captivate project to create a .zip file stored on your computer and then add the .zip file to an Acrobat Connect Professional meeting. Note: The Sync button in Acrobat Connect Professional will not be displayed if the Adobe Captivate project contains the _skin file.
  • Page 373
    Select Pods menu > Share > Select from My Computer. Navigate to the Adobe Captivate SWF file, select the file, and click Open. The upload message appears. When the SWF file has been uploaded, click the Play button on the Adobe Captivate playbar to start the project.
  • Page 374
    Note: The Include Adobe Connect metadata option is on by default. This option increases the size of the project. If you are not going to use the project with Adobe Connect, you can clear the option and decrease the size of the finished project file (SWF).
  • Page 375: Adobe Captivate And Robohelp

    All of the options are easy to set up, but one may work better than another, depending upon your specific project and RoboHelp project. You can place an Adobe Captivate project directly into a RoboHelp topic so when the topic appears, the project automatically appears and begins playing.

  • Page 376
    You can place an Adobe Captivate project in a new RoboHelp topic and then link to that topic from any other topics in the help system. If you select the option to open the project topic in an auto-sizing pop-up window, the size of the window adjusts to accommodate the height and width of the project.
  • Page 377
    You can place an Adobe Captivate project in a new RoboHelp topic and then link to that topic from any other topics in the help system. If you select the option to open the topic in the same slide, the project topic replaces the original topic in your user’s viewer.
  • Page 378: Adobe Captivate And Microsoft Powerpoint

    Preview the topic to see what the project looks like, or generate and view your help system to see how the project looks. Note: You can edit the SWF file you have inserted in RoboHelp only if you have the associated Adobe Captivate project saved on your computer.

  • Page 379
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide Note: Adobe Captivate does not support new file formats in Office 12 like pptx, docx. To import PowerPoint slides created using office 12, save the presentation in an earlier version of PowerPoint before importing it.
  • Page 380
    Automatically Select a size for the new Adobe Captivate project. Specify an exact width and height for the project in the User defined (custom) area, or select the Preset size option and choose a commonly used project size from the pop-up menu.
  • Page 381
    You can insert Adobe Captivate projects in Microsoft PowerPoint presentations with a few simple steps. First, you create an Adobe Captivate project and save it as a Flash (SWF) file. Then you open a PowerPoint presentation and insert the Adobe Captivate project into a slide.
  • Page 382
    Adobe Captivate and other software applications • Set Embed Movie to True to ensure that the Adobe Captivate project is always included with the PowerPoint presentation. When you finish setting options, click the Close button (the small red X) in the top-right corner of the Properties dialog box.
  • Page 383: Chapter 17: Troubleshooting

    When you start Adobe Captivate, the Start page displays information on the right-hand bottom portion of the panel asking the user to look up information on Adobe Captivate. This information is a SWF file that is loaded by Adobe Captivate using the value set for the ConnectToInternetOnStartUp key. For values other than zero, Adobe Captivate searches the Internet for the SWF file.

  • Page 384: Troubleshooting Application Distortion When Recording

    After the page is fully loaded, you will hear the shutter sound of Adobe Captivate. In case you do not hear the shutter sound when the page is fully loaded, press the Print Scrn key, which will take the screenshot manually.

  • Page 385: Troubleshooting Capture Of Elevated Applications In Windows Vista

    ABC, and Slide B uses color palette XYZ, and the two palettes are radically different, Slide B might resort to using palette ABC. Most of these problems can be fixed by changing the video quality of the slide. Adobe Captivate provides four levels of video quality, even though only the Standard option is suggested for most uses.

  • Page 386: Troubleshooting Fonts On Transparent Captions

    CHAPTER 17 Troubleshooting To change video quality in a slide: Open an Adobe Captivate project. Double-click the slide containing the colors you want to correct. From the Slide menu, select Video Quality and one of the video options: Standard The default format for slides. Standard is the most efficient choice for the majority of screenshots because it uses 256 optimized colors.

  • Page 387: Troubleshooting Adobe Captivate Output

    Troubleshooting Adobe Captivate output Adobe Captivate was built with low bandwidth in mind. A typical project with sound (some narration) and a modest screen size of 512 x 384 streams at approximately 2–3 kilobytes per second. Your viewers can play this project using a 56K (or slower) dial-up modem without waiting more than a few seconds for the project to start.

  • Page 388: Troubleshooting Video Errors

    Troubleshooting text viewed in a browser If text in a project is not displaying properly in a browser, the problem could be that a link is calling the Adobe Captivate project SWF file instead of the HTM file that corresponds to the SWF file. If you are adding your project to a web page, do not link directly to the SWF file.

  • Page 389: Troubleshooting Font Size In Text Entry Boxes

    Captivate. This is because of a bug in Captivate 1 and Flash Player. The font used while editing and publishing the SWF file was not the same as the original font. This bug has been fixed in Adobe Captivate. However, Captivate 1 projects will continue to have large font in Text Entry Boxes when the projects are upgraded to Adobe Captivate.

  • Page 390: Troubleshooting The Number Of Slides In A Project

    Troubleshooting the number of slides in a project Technically, there is no maximum number of slides allowed in an Adobe Captivate project. The number of slides depends on the amount of RAM you are using. Some projects created on a 256 MB computer have had more than 300 slides.

  • Page 391: Troubleshooting Exporting Projects To Flash

    JavaScript does not appear while previewing Adobe Captivate output. If the Execute JavaScript option is selected in the Project end options of the Project Preferences dialog box, Adobe Captivate may not display an error message when the JavaScript is previewed. This is because the Show Borders option as set to On (enabled), by default.

  • Page 392: Troubleshooting The Skin Editor

    The skin preview will always show the first slide of the project which is not hidden. Uninstalling Adobe Captivate It is relatively simple to uninstall Adobe Captivate. When you uninstall Adobe Captivate, all of the files you have saved in your My DocumentsMy Adobe Captivate Projects are retained.

  • Page 393: Security Warning With Flash Player 8

    Security warning with Flash Player 8 A security warning appears when you launch an external file from an SWF created in Adobe Captivate. The same security warning appears when you launch FlashHelp created in either RoboHelp HTML or RoboHelp for Word.

  • Page 394
    CHAPTER 17 Troubleshooting…
  • Page 395: Index

    115 bandwidth 377 adding 144 recording tips 111 Adobe Connect defined 227 recording while creating a and Adobe Captivate 360 project 116 slides 150, 197 publishing Adobe Captivate silence, adding 120 troubleshooting 373 movies to 360 software for recording 111…

  • Page 396
    INDEX troubleshooting text 378 toolbars 11 AVI files buttons transparent 91, 204 about 144 adding 145 about 151, 228 troubleshooting 376 animation slides 150, 197 adding to projects 162 troubleshooting fonts 376 audio, adding to 122, 169 capture area 38 deleting 170 capture keys, changing 19 background (movies) 247…
  • Page 397
    248 scoring display 291 caption styles 100 Exporting e-learning keyboard taps 119, 253 Adobe Captivate projects to Adobe Connect tracking 364 playback controls 217 Flash 356 branching 259, 260 Timeline 183 exporting 349 creating question slides 262…
  • Page 398
    150 positioning 135 variables 191 floating Flash Library 13 handouts Adobe Captivate toolbars 11 conversion 358 hidden slides 225 focusing attention 207 Adobe Captivate movies in 359 publishing projects as 339 fonts, troubleshooting transparent converting projects 358 captions 376…
  • Page 399
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide See also training hardware acceleration, troubleshooting 374 ICO files 137 interactive objects headphones 111 icons See also buttons; click boxes; height, projects text entry boxes associating with MenuBuilder projects 326 capture area 38 managing 240…
  • Page 400
    358 exporting as HTML 332 Connect Enterprise Server 249 navigating projects 359 exporting as Word file 333 Flash video (FLV) files 132 magnification shortcuts exporting for Macintosh 334 microphone Adobe Captivate 18 image options 314 audio equipment 110…
  • Page 401
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide background color 247 calibrating 115 objects deleting 243 placement 112 about 227 Microsoft PowerPoint editing in Flash 358 aligning 234, 235, 238, 239 about 368 expiration date 248 copying and pasting 232, 233 importing slides 368…
  • Page 402
    62 changing icons 171 AICC content or SCORM Project wizard 42, 61 package 347 hiding 176 projects to Adobe Connect server 360 mouse properties 227 See also publishing; recording publishing projects movements, changing 174 accessibility 79 about 335…
  • Page 403
    RoboHelp 365 true-false 266 tips 25 rollover captions Quiz Manager 296 troubleshooting choppy See also objects Adobe Connect tracking 364 motion 375 adding 94 options 284 troubleshooting distortion 374 converting tooltips to 96 pass rate, setting 289 troubleshooting video cards 374…
  • Page 404
    245 short answer question slides 271 full motion recording 74, 76 scenario simulations 61 shortcut keys hiding 225 recording 61 Adobe Captivate 16 image projects 65 scenario-based training 42, 61 MenuBuilder 328 images as 142, 196 See also training shortcuts…
  • Page 405
    243 bout 151 dictionary 256 MenuBuilder 305, 306, 308 deleting 170 options 255 simulations 42 font problem after upgrading to Adobe Captivate 2.1 379 using 254 text JavaScript 168 spelling adding to slides 204 managing all interactive checking 254…
  • Page 406
    2.1 382 zoom level 185 question review messages 292 uninstalling Captivate 2.1 382 timing rating scale question slides 282 upgrading to Adobe Captivate 2.1 animations, scoring display 291 troubleshooting 373 font problem in text entry short answer question slides 271…
  • Page 407
    ADOBE CAPTIVATE 3 User Guide video cards, troubleshooting 374 XML 349 views 7 converting for editing and volume, audio files 121 localizing 349 XML file importing 351 wallpaper, desktop 27 watermark images 142 WAV files zoom areas See also audio…
  • Page 408

Adobe Captivate – мощная программа для создания электронных учебников. Текущая версия Adobe Captivate – восьмая. Но 8-ю версию я не смог найти, поэтому скринкасты будут по мотивам версии 5.5, 6 и 7.  Светлана Коваленко указывает, что есть бесплатный ЛЕГАЛЬНЫЙ ключик к Adobe Captivate  версии 1 здесь. А Alexandre Scherbyna был очень любезен, предоставив возможность скачать этот самый Captivate версии 1 (зеркало для скачивания здесь) . Кстати здесь можно легально и бесплатно скачать продукты Adobe более ранних версий; только вот красная надпись вверху наводит на тоску…

Только вот интерфейс Adobe Captivate версии 5 был существенно переработан, так что мои скринкасты могут вам и не очень помочь в освоении версии 1. 

Итак, Adobe Captivate – программа для создания eLearning курсов. Здесьподробно описано, почему Adobe Captivate не стал популярным в России и почему он еще долго не будет популярным в России. Adobe Captivate  — тот продукт, который требует команды для создания электронного учебника:

  • Педагога, который создает сценарий (сценарий проще делать в PowerPoint – так лучше будет понятна структура в Adobe Captivate;
  • Художника, который создает «графический обвес»;
  • Диктора – фишка многих современных электронных учебников – закадровый дикторский голос;
  • Программиста, который создает единичные анимационные ставки (как и все Adobe-ское, Adobe Captivate поддерживает ActionScript).

Основные виды проектов Adobe Captivate следующие:

  • Blank Project – создание проекта «с нуля»;
  • Software Simulation – режим симуляции работы с ПО. Хитрость данного режима заключается в том, что вы записываете не видео с экрана, а некоторую последовательность действий. Программа фиксирует скриншоты после каждого щелчка мыши и разбивает их по отдельным слайдам – то есть сколько раз вы кликнули мышкой, столько слайдов и получите. Помимо скриншотов запоминаются точки клика и набор символов на клавиатуре.

Есть еще возможность вставит тесты куда угодно. Кроме того, у Adobe Captivate имеется:

  • From Microsoft PowerPoint – создание проекта на базе перезентации PowerPoint;
  • Image Slidershow – создание слайд-шоу;
  • Project Template – создание шаблона для проекта, что-то вроде создания шаблона в PowerPoint;
  • From Template – создание проекта на основе созданного ранее шаблона.

Начнем, мы пожалуй, с проекта «с нуля», далее перейдем к созданию тестов в Captivate, потом изучим  Software Simulation и на последок все остальное. Кстати, группа называется «Изучаем Adobe Captivate вместе» — я не очень большой специалист, просто хотел поделиться знаниями с другими. 

Adobe Captivate – мощная программа для создания электронных учебников. Текущая…

Adobe Captivate – программа для создания электронного образовательного контента. Готовый электронный ресурс, созданный в программе, можно опубликовать для использования напрямую в браузере, либо импортировать в любую современную LMS (систему управления образовательным контентом).


Краткая история

Что такое Adobe Captivate?

Принципы создания контента в Adobe Captivate

Возможности Adobe Captivate

Линейная презентация

Презентация из PowerPoint

Тесты и опросы

Захват видео

Симулятор программного обеспечения

VR (виртуальная реальность)

Ресурсы Adobe Captivate

Итоговый продукт, созданный в Adobe Captivate

Где приобрести Adobe Captivate?


Краткая история

Программа Captivate имеет солидную историю. Началось все с утилиты для записи экрана под названием Flashcam.

В 2002 году на основе Flashcam компанией eHelp, которая приобрела Flashcam, был создан инструмент RoboDemo. Его назначение — создание учебного контента.

В 2004 году eHelp приобрела компания Macromedia, а RoboDemo получила дальнейшее развитие.

В 2005 году Adobe Systems приобрела Macromedia, а продукт получил современное название Adobe Captivate.

Программа Adobe Captivate сменила несколько версий. На момент написания статьи (ноябрь 2021 года) актуальная версия — Adobe Captivate 2019.

Что такое Adobe Captivate?

Adobe Captivate – это компьютерная программа, которая позволяет создавать мультимедийные интерактивные ресурсы. Готовый ресурс может представлять собой как линейные слайды, наподобие презентации, сделанной в PowerPoint, так и сложнейшие сценарии, которые могут включать интерактивное видео, тесты, виртуальную реальность.

В программе можно подключать внешние объекты, размещенные в интернет.

Готовый электронный модуль, созданный в программе Captivate, может запускаться в любом современном браузере. Ну а если при разработке заложить имеющиеся возможности делать отзывчивый дизайн, то готовый курс будет подстраиваться под используемое устройство.

Далее познакомимся с различными возможностями программы.

Принципы создания контента в Adobe Captivate

Adobe Captivate - принципы создания контента

Рабочей областью в программе является слайд.

На слайде размещаются объекты: текст, изображения, видео.

Каждый объект может иметь различные свойства. Например, длительность показа, перемещение, анимация и т. п.

К каждому объекту могут применяться сценарии: действия по клику мыши, наведение указателя мыши и т. д.

Объекты на слайде могут размещаться слоями, то есть один объект может расположиться под другим объектом. И так далее.

Также на страницы электронного ресурса могут подгружаться внешние данные из Интернет. Например, данные с сервера, веб-страница.

Наконец, для объектов и отдельных слайдов можно задавать логику действий. Для этого применяется встроенный язык программирования.

Управление временем действий объектов осуществляется с помощью линии времени (timeline).

Используя все доступные в программе инструменты, можно создавать любые учебные, игровые и даже маркетинговые приложения, которые подстраиваются под размеры монитора компьютера или экрана мобильного устройства!

Возможности Adobe Captivate

Рассмотрим различные варианты применения программы Adobe Captivate.

Линейная презентация

Adobe Captivate - линейная презентация

Это самый простой варрант использования программы. На слайдах размещается необходимый контент. После публикации проекта пользователь последовательно изучает материал, представленный на слайдах.

Презентация из PowerPoint

 Adobe Captivate - импорт из powerpoint

Adobe Captivate предоставляет возможность импорта презентаций, созданных в программе PowerPoint. При этом сохраняются все настройки импортированных слайдов. Ну а с импортированной презентацией можно создавать любые сценарии работы, которые есть у Captivate.

Таким образом, презентацию PowerPoint за несколько кликов можно превратить в интерактивный учебный ресурс.

Тесты и опросы

Adobe Captivate - создание тестов

На слайды можно размещать задания, которые требуют реакции пользователя в виде выбора ответов (кликом, перетаскиванием) или ввода информации.

Виды вопросов для теста в Adobe Captivate:

  • Множественный выбор
  • Верно/Неверно
  • Заполнить пропуски
  • Короткий ответ
  • Сопоставление
  • Активная область (hotspot)
  • Определение правильной последовательности (Sequence)
  • Шкала Ликерта (Rating Scale (Likert) Questions)
  • Случайный вопрос

Захват видео

Данный режим позволяет произвести запись всего экрана, выбранного участка экрана или любого запущенного приложения.

С полученным видео можно произвести любые манипуляции, например:

  • наложить пояснительный текст, изображения, звук;
  • обрезать лишние фрагменты видео;
  • добавить эффекты панорамирования (перемещения по объекту) или зума (приближения/удаления);
  • добавить различные эффекты, переходы между фрагментами видео.

То есть в руках у разработчика есть неплохие возможности для монтажа видео.

Итоговый продукт можно сохранить на локальный диск или опубликовать на Ютуб. При сохранении доступно несколько форматов на выбор.

Полученное видео можно загрузить в проект, добавить в него интерактивные сценарии. На выходе мы получим интерактивное видео.

Этот режим полезен для создания демонстрационного учебного видео. Например, при обучении работе с компьютерной программой.

Симулятор программного обеспечения

Adobe Captivate - симулятор программного обеспечения

Данный режим позволяет записать действия, происходящие на экране, в виде слайдов. А затем обработать каждый слайд (добавить «горячие» точки, запрограммировать реакции на действия пользователя).

Программа предлагает несколько режимов работы:

  • демонстрация, когда записывается видео с экрана;
  • обучение, когда фиксируются все действия (перемещение, клик мыши);
  • оценка, при которой фиксируются все действия, а обучающийся должен их затем воспроизвести;
  • пользовательский – режим, при котором можно настроить собственный сценарий работы программы.

Этот режим полезен для создания интерактивного ресурса, который позволяет обучить практическим навыкам работы с каким-либо программным инструментов или проверить знания с использованием симулятора.

VR (виртуальная реальность)

Данный режим позволяет создать проект виртуальной реальной при помощи панорамных изображений 360 градусов.

На загруженное панорамное изображение добавляются сценарии действий пользователя, «горячие точки», предназначенные для перемещения по «пространству» и другие действия пользователя.

Режим VR полезен для создания виртуальных экскурсий, пространственных тренажеров.

Ресурсы Adobe Captivate

При создании проекта программа предлагает на выбор большое количество предустановленных шаблонов. Есть шаблоны двух типов.

Во-первых, при старте программы предлагается выбрать шаблон проекта. Это может быть «чистый» проект, где все настраивается индивидуально разработчиком. Можно выбрать адаптивный проект, в котором все настроено так, что на выходе получится проект, который подстраивается под устройство: большой монитор, планшет, мобильное устройство. Или один из рассмотренных ранее вариантов – симулятор ПО, захват экрана, импорт из PowerPoint.

Adobe Captivate - тип проекта

Второй тип шаблонов – это готовые проекты, которые можно модернизировать и настраивать под свои задачи. И здесь есть хоть и не большой, но тоже выбор. Можно выбрать проект симулятора ПО, виртуальной реальности, теста и некоторые другие.

Adobe Captivate - ресрусы

Наконец, в процессе работы над проектом, автору курса доступны медиа ресурсы (assets). Среди доступных ресурсов изображения (в том числе панорамные), иконки, кнопки, видео, звуковые файлы, шаблоны проектов. Доступны десятки тысяч файлов.

Adobe Captivate - хранилище медиаобъектов

Итоговый продукт, созданный в Adobe Captivate

Обычно готовый продукт публикуется в формате html5 и воспроизводится в любом современном браузере. Если проект создан в адаптивном формате, то он будет подстраиваться под размеры окна используемого конечным пользователем устройства.

Программа предоставляет ряд вариантов итогового ресурса. Результат будет зависеть от задач. 

Доступные и некоторые другие форматы.

Adobe Captivate - публикация проекта

Отметим, что программа Adobe Captivate позволяет экспортировать результаты работы в форматы, совместимые с популярными системами для организации электронного обучения, например, Moodle LMS. Для этого предусмотрен Scorm, AICC, xAPI.

Adobe Captivate - экспорт в LMS

Где приобрести Adobe Captivate?

Adobe Captivate на сайте Adobe: https://www.adobe.com/products/captivate.html.

Если с приобретением на официальном сайте возникнут сложности, то продукт можно приобрести в интернет-магазинах здесь или здесь.


Adobe Captivate – комбайн, который предоставляет автору фантастические возможности для создания учебных курсов. Программа станет эффективным инструментом в создания новых электронных курсов, а в также модернизации имеющихся курсов.

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