Руководство по эксплуатации fluxus f704




Fluxus F704 — cтационарный прибор для установки на стену или для закрепления на трубе

  • Характеристики
  • Сертификаты
  • Инструкции
  • ПО
  • Отзывы
  • Истории успеха



  • Ультразвуковой расходомер с 1-м или 2-мя измерительными каналами
  • Установка не прерывая работу, во время эксплуатации
  • Минимальные затраты на ввод в эксплуатацию и на обслуживание
  • Стабильные и надежные результаты измерения, даже при неблагоприятных условиях, благодаря уникальной адаптивной обработке сигнала
  • Приспосабливаемые входы и выходы
  • Расширенные информация о состоянии
  • Интегрированный счетчик тепла и потока
  • Продается также в исполнении для эксплуатации во взрывоопасной зоне ATEX 2
  • Обширный банк данных, встроенный в расходомер, содержащий все параметры многих материалов труб и сред
  • Идеальный прибор для расчета теплового потока и измерения энергии

Технические данные

  • Измерительные каналы: 1 либо 2
  • Рабочая температура преобразователя: -10°C … 60°C
  • степень защиты: IP65
  • Functional Safety (acc. to IEC / DIN EN 61508): SIL2
  • Доступные опасные области классификации (опционально): ATEX, IECEx Zone 2 либо FM Class I, Div. 2
  • Выходы: A variety of combinations are available from the following: current (0/4 mA … 20 mA), voltage, frequency, pulse, alarm
  • Входы: Maximum 4, Available are: Temperature (PT 100 4-wire), current, voltage
  • Коммуникационный протокол: HART либо Foundation Fieldbus либо ModBus RTU либо RS485 либо BACNet
  • Температура среды: -40°C … +200°C (-190°C … +600°C с системой WaveInjector)
  • Диапазон диаметров труб: 6 мм … 12.000 мм
  • Диапазон скорости потока: 0,01 м/с … 25 м/с
  • Погрешность измерения: ±(2(1)* % ± 1/V) (для V < 0.5 м/с), ±(1(0.5)* %) (для V ≥ 0.5 м/с)
  • Дополнительные примечания: отклонение измеряемого значения по метрологическому сертификату № 54513







Истории успеха



Порт Приморск – крупнейший российский нефтеналивной порт на Балтик…


• Диапазон измерений скорости потока 0,01…25 м/с
• Погрешность измерений ±1 % (опция: ± 0,5 %)
• Метод измерений: время-импульсный корреляционный метод и «зондирующий» (доплеровский), функция автоматического переключения между методами измерений
• Рабочие среды: Все звукопроводящие жидкости: вода, нефть, бензин, гидравлическое масло, конденсат, суспензии, кислоты, продукты нефтехимического производства с содержанием газообразных и твердых включений до 10 % от объема
• Материалы труб: все звукопроводящие материалы: стали, пластик, стекло и др.

• Измерение расхода питьевой и технологической воды
• Измерение расхода канализационных стоков
• Измерение расхода нефтепродуктов в процессах переработки нефти
• Измерение расхода агрессивных и ядовитых жидкостей: кислот, реагентов, в том числе в пластиковых и стеклянных трубах
• Измерение расхода питательной воды на АЭС при температурах до 400 °С
• Измерение количества тепла в процессах повышения энергетической эффективности крупных зданий и сооружений

Основные технические характеристики

Масса 2,8 кг
Электропитание 100…240 В 50/50 Гц, 18…36 В пост. тока
Рабочая температура Блока электроники: -10 °С…+60 °С
Накладных датчиков: -40 °С…+200 °С (в зависимости от типа)
Измерительные каналы 1 или 2 канала
Степень пылевлагозащиты IP65
Аналоговых входов и выходов Basic: выходы: 1× токовый, 3× реле
выходы: 0/4…20 мА, 0…1 (10) В, 0…1 (10) кГц, оптореле
Интерфейс связи Modbus RTU (по интерфейсу RS485), HART
Маркировка взрывозащиты 2ExnAIIT6…T4
Накладные ультразвуковые датчики диаметр трубы от 6 мм до 6500 мм, взрывоопасные зоны 1 или 2
Регистрационный номер Госреестра СИ РФ

56831-14, межповерочный интервал 4 года

Комплект поставки: расходомер жидкости F704, выбранные накладные датчики, акустическая паста/фольга/изоляционные маты, крепления датчиков на трубопровод, руководство по эксплуатации на русском языке, копии всех сертификатов, копии разрешительных документов.

Download Operation & user’s manual of Flexim FLUXUS F704**-A2 Series Measuring Instruments for Free or View it Online on All-Guides.com. This version of Flexim FLUXUS F704**-A2 Series Manual compatible with such list of devices, as: FLUXUS F704**-A2 Series, FLUXUS F705**-F2 Series, FLUXUS F706**-A2 Series, FLUXUS F706**-F2 Series, FLUXUS F706**-NN Series

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User Manual


Ultrasonic Flowmeter

for Liquids


FLUXUS F704**-A2

FLUXUS F704**-F2


FLUXUS F706**-A2

FLUXUS F706**-F2


FLUXUS F705**-A2

FLUXUS F705**-F2



Die Sprache, in der die Anzeigen auf dem Messumformer erscheinen, kann eingestellt

werden (siehe Abschnitt 8.5).

The transmitter can be operated in the language of your choice (see section 8.5).

Il est possible de sélectionner la langue utilisée par le transmetteur à l’écran (voir sec-

tion 8.5).

El caudalímetro puede ser manejado en el idioma de su elección (ver sección 8.5).

De transmitter kan worden gebruikt in de taal van uw keuze (zie paragraaf 8.5).

Имеется возможность выбора языка информации, отображаемой на экране пре-

образователя (смотри подраздел 8.5).

UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01


1301/1301139-fluxus_f704nn_series.pdf file (10 Feb 2023)

Accompanying Data:

Flexim FLUXUS F704**-NN Series Measuring Instruments PDF Operation & User’s Manual (Updated: Friday 10th of February 2023 03:28:54 PM)

Rating: 4.8 (rated by 76 users)

Compatible devices: FLUXUS F601, FLUXUS F808, FLUXUS ADM 8027, FLUXUS G800, PIOX R400, FLUXUS ADM 5 07 Series, FLUXUS F60 Series, FLUXUS G809.

Recommended Documentation:

Flexim FLUXUS F704**-NN Series: Text of Operation & User’s Manual

(Ocr-Read Version Summary of Contents, UPD: 10 February 2023)

  • 138, FLUXUS F70x 15 SuperUser Mode 138 UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 Total digits = Fixed to x digit The number of decimal points is constant. The max value of the totalizer is reduced with each additional decimal place. For setting the behavior of the totalizers when the max. value is reached see section 11.2.1. 15.8 Temperature-Based Heat Flow Cut-Off With the temperature-based heat flow …

  • 132, FLUXUS F70x 14 Settings 132 UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 14.3 Measurement Settings Select Special Funct.SYSTEM settingsMeasuring. Press ENTER. Note! The settings of the menu item Measuring will be stored at the end of the dialog. If the menu item is quit before the end of the dialog, the settings will not be effective. This menu item will only be displayed if a WaveInjector is in the scope of…

  • 37, 6 Installation FLUXUS F70x UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 37 Quick release clasp • Insert the tension strap into tension strap clamp 1 and the metal spring (see Fig. 6.29 and Fig. 6.27). • Place the tension strap around the pipe and insert it into the clasp. • Place the metal spring on the opposite side of tension strap clamp 1. • Tighten the tension strap. • Tighten …

  • 7, Table of Contents FLUXUS F70x UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 7 15 SuperUser Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 15.1 Activation/Deactivation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . …

  • 74, FLUXUS F70x 7 Connection 74 UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 Temperature probe • Remove the blind plug for the connection of the temperature probe (see Fig. 7.34). • Open the cable gland of the temperature probe (see Fig. 7.35 and Tab. 7.12). The compression part remains in the cap nut. • Push the cable of the temperature probe through the cap nut and the compression part. • Prepare…

  • 187, C Reference FLUXUS F70x UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 187 C.2 Typical Roughnesses of Pipes The values are based on experience and measurements. C.3 Typical Properties of Selected Media at 20 °C and 1 bar material absolute roughness [mm] drawn pipes of non-ferrous metal, glass, plastics and light metal 0…0.0015 drawn steel pipes 0.01…0.05 fine-planed, polis…

  • 25, 5 Selection of the Measuring Point FLUXUS F70x UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 25 5.3 Selection of the Measurement Arrangement Taking onto Account the Measuring Range and the Measuring Conditions Diagonal arrangement with 1 beam Reflection arrangement with 1 beam • wider flow velocity and sound speed range compared to the reflection arrangement • use in the presence …

  • 148, FLUXUS F70x 17 Inputs 148 UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 17.2.2 Selection of the Temperature Probe If necessary, select the temperature probe for Input T2…T4 accordingly. 17.2.3 Assignment of Other Inputs to the Measuring Channels Select the list items for ext.Input(2)…(4) of measuring channel A and the other activated channels accordingly. 17.2.4 Activation of the Inputs The activat…

  • 106, FLUXUS F70x 11 Advanced Measuring Functions 106 UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 11.8.1 Characteristics of the Calculation Channels In the program branch Parameter, the measuring channels to be used for the calculation and the calculation function have to be entered. A calculation channel cannot be attenuated. The damping factor has to be set separately for each meas…

  • 77, 7 Connection FLUXUS F70x UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 77 7.4 Outputs FLUXUS F704, F705, F706 For the connection of the output cable to the transmitter, see box Cable connection S. 75, Fig. 7.1 or Fig. 7.2, Fig. 7.39 or Fig. 7.40 and Tab. 7.19 . FLUXUS F709 • Prepare the output cable. • Connect the output cable to the terminals of the transmitter (see Fig. 7.4, Fig. 7.41 and Tab. 7.19). …

  • 26, FLUXUS F70x 5 Selection of the Measuring Point 26 UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 Diagonal arrangement with 4 beams and 2 planes Reflection arrangement with 4 beams and 4 planes • same features as diagonal arrangement with 2 beams • influences of the flow profile are compensated for becau- se the measurement takes place in 2 planes • same features as reflec…

  • 3, FLUXUS F70x UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 Die Sprache, in der die Anzeigen auf dem Messumformer erscheinen, kann eingestellt werden (siehe Abschnitt 8.5). The transmitter can be operated in the language of your choice (see section 8.5). Il est possible de sélectionner la langue utilisée par le transmetteur à l’écran (voir sec- tion 8.5). El caudalímetro puede ser manejado en…

  • 170, FLUXUS F70x A Menu Structure 170 UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 SYSTEM settings selection of Special Funct.SYSTEM settings SYSTEM settingsSet Clock selection of the displays for the input of the date and the time SYSTEM settingsLibraries selection of the displays for the management of the material and medium scroll lists SYSTEM settingsLibrariesMaterial list se…

Flexim FLUXUS F704**-NN Series: Recommended Instructions


  • ®®AN ISO 9001:2008 COMPANYMODEL — KM 63ADIGITAL VIBRATION METEROPERATION MANUALG 17, Bharat Industrial Estate, T. J. Road, Sewree (W), Mumbai — 400 015. INDIA. (022) 24156638Sales Direct : (022) 24124540, 24181649. (022) 24149659Tel. : Fax : [email protected] Email :www. Website : kusamelectrical.com www.kusam-meco.co.in®LIST OF PRODUCTS Digital Mul …

    KM 63A 10

  • Robert Bosch GmbHPower Tools Division70745 Leinfelden-EchterdingenGermanywww.bosch-pt.com2 609 141 026 (2013.07) O / 368 EUROGLM 100 C Professionalde Originalbetriebsanleitungen Original instructionsfr Notice originalees Manual originalpt Manual originalit Istruzioni originalinl Oorspronkelijke gebruiksaanwijzingda Original brugsanvisningsv Bruksanvisning i originalno Ori …

    GLM 100 C Professional 19

  • Products Solutions ServiceOperating InstructionsSoliphant T FTM20, FTM21DE- GrenzschalterEN- Point Level Switch FR — Détecteur de niveau ES — Detector de nivel IT — Interruttore di livello NL- NiveauschakelaarKA00227F/00/A6/14.1771368902AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR:InstrumentsAndControl.comHouston, Texas [email protected] …

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  • www.rosemount.com¢00809-0300-4727h¤Manual Supplement00809-0300-4727, Rev AAJune 2005Rosemount 8700 SeriesStep 1: Disassembling the Tube and TransmitterStep 2: Preparing the FlowtubeStep 3: Preparing the TransmitterStep 4: Wiring the Tube and TransmitterStep 5: Perform a Loop TestStartEndIntegral Mount to Remote Mount Conversion0300-4727 Supplement.fm Page 1 Tuesday, June 7, 2005 9:27 AM …

    Rosemount 8700 Series 6

  • Assisting the automationindustry since 1986 User manualRATEMETERSTI-638•Firmware: v.1.0 or higher•Input type: pulse•Rotational / linear speed control, Wall-mounted case IP 67Read the user’s manual carefully before starting to use the unit or software. Producer reserves the right to implement changes without prior notice. 2018.12.18 STI-638_INSSXEN_v.1.0 …

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  • HVAC Meter PCE-360INSTRUCTION MANUALTES ELECTRICAL ELECTRONIC CORP.PCE Americas Inc.711 Commerce Way Suite 8 JupiterFL-33458USAFrom outside US: +1Tel: (561) 320-9162Fax: (561) [email protected]/englishwww.pce-instruments.comPCE Instruments UK Ltd.Units 12/13 Southpoint Business Park Ensign wayHampshire / SouthamptonUnited Kingdom, SO31 4RFFrom outside UK: +44Tel …

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  • www.janitza.com Doc No. 1.021.020.k Doc No. 1.021.020.kJanitza electronics GmbHVor dem Polstück 1D-35633 LahnauSupport Tel. +49 6441 9642-22Fax +49 6441 9642-30e-mail: [email protected]: http://www.janitza.comw Key 2M Universal Measuring DeviceUMG 96Operating instructionsBrief instructi …

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  • quick installation guideBattery monitor2 32 34 5Method BMethod ABMV-700 & BMV-702 Ø 52-53 mm 52 mm 62,4 mm 31 mm17FIRST TIMERSIn case of Li-Ion batteries, several settings may have to be changed after the setup wizard is completed.Please refer to the manual.The BMV will automatically adjust itself to the nominal voltage of commonly used battery systems.Please refer to the manual. …

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  • SWR Site AnalyzerVersion 1.10Quick Start GuideThis Quick Start Guide is applicable to SWR Site Analyzer. The VNA Site Analyzer has a separate Quick Start GuideSWR Site AnalyzerThis model has both SWR & Return Loss meters and a Frequency Domain Reflectometer (FDR).GeneralFrequency range 100KHz to 1.5GHz, user customizable color LCD, powered by 8AA NIMH rechargeable c …

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  • Panel meter for DC voltages and DC currents. Measure category in CAT-III up to 300Vdc and CAT-II up to 600Vdc. Current signal ranges for 5Adc and 1Adc. Reduced size 72x36mm. Reading with 4 digits. Maximum and minimum display memory, scalable reading, lters, steps, signal autocorrection, “measure” function, peak&hold, alarms with double setpoints, 5 levels of brightnes …

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Table of Contents for Flexim FLUXUS F704**-NN Series:

  • FLUXUS F70x 13 Libraries 124 UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 Enter only the parameters needed for the measuring task. The dependence of the material/medium parameters on the temperature and pressure can be described • as constants • as linear function • with polynomials of grade 1 to 4 • with customized interpolation functions In most cases, constants or a linear function are sufficient. If, e.g., the temperature fluctuations at the measuring point are low compared to the temperature dependence of the mate- rial parameters, the linearization or t

  • 6 Installation FLUXUS F70x UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 39 • Put the covers with the transducers on the rail. • Correct the transducer distance, if necessary (see section 9.6.1 and 9.6.2). • Tighten the screws of the cover (see Fig. 6.36). 6.4.4 Mounting with Variofix C When measuring in reflection arrangement, one transducer mounting fixture is mounted on the side of the pipe (see Fig. 6.37). When measuring in diagonal arrangement, two transducer mounting fi

  • 8 Start-up of the Transmitter FLUXUS F70x UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 87 8 Start-up of the Transmitter 8.1 Switching on 8.2 Initialization During an initialization (INIT) of the transmitter, the settings in the program branches Parameter and Output Options and some of the settings in the program branch Special Funct. are reset to the default settings of the manufacturer. For INIT-resistant settings, see annex A. Proceed as foll

  • FLUXUS F70x 18 Outputs 152 UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 18.1.1 Output Range 18.1.2 Error Output In the following dialog, an error value can be defined which is to be output if the source item cannot be measured, e.g., if there are gas bubbles in the medium: During the configuration of an analog output, the output range is defined. Select a list item or other range… to enter the output range manually. If other r

  • FLUXUS F70x 7 Connection 80 UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 7.5 Inputs Attention! Observe the «Safety Instructions for the Use in Explosive Atmosphere» (see document SIFLUXUS). Attention! The inputs can only be connected to a low voltage circuit (max. 30 V AC or 42 V DC against earth). Fig. 7.42: Transmitter FLUXUS F704 Fig. 7.43: Transmitter FLUXUS F705, F706) (example with FLUXUS F705) Fig. 7.44: Transmitter FLUXUS F709 AVSAV AGN ARS AR BVSBV BGN BRS BR SA1 SA2 SA3 SA4 SB1 S

  • 9 Basic Measurement FLUXUS F70x UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 91 9 Basic Measurement The pipe and medium parameters are entered for the selected measuring point (see chapter 5). The parameter ranges are limited by the technical characteristics of the transducers and of the transmitter. 9.1 Input of the Pipe Parameters 9.1.1 Outer Pipe Diameter/Pipe Circumference It is possible to enter the pipe circumference inst

  • A Menu Structure FLUXUS F70x UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 169 input of the lowest/highest measured value to be expected for the current output The values are assigned to the lower/upper limit of the output range. These displays will only be indicated if Current Loop is activated. input of the error value delay, i.e. of the time interval after which the value en- tered for the error output will be transmitted to the output if no valid measured values are available This display will only b

  • 7 Connection FLUXUS F70x UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 65 • Fix the cable gland by screwing the cap nut onto the basic part. • Connect the transducer cable to the terminals of the junction box (see Fig. 7.20 or Fig. 7.21 and Tab. 7.9). Tab. 7.9: Terminal assignment (KL1) terminal (JBP2, JBP3) terminal (JB01) connection TV V transducer (core) TVS VS transducer (shield) TRS RS transducer (shield) TR R transducer (core) Fig. 7.18: Cable gland Fig. 7.19: Connection of the transducer cable with plastic

  • A Menu Structure FLUXUS F70x UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 175 Input of the limit for the temperature difference. All temperature differences between the supply and return line that are lower than this value will be set to zero. range: 0…5.0 °C 0: no temperature-based heat flow cut-off This display will only be indicated if the SuperUser mode is activated and Ther- mal low cut = on is selected. x Activation of the manual reset of the totalizers. This display will only be i

  • FLUXUS F70x C Reference 188 UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 ISO VG 32 ISO VG 32 1 487 78.0 0.8690 ISO VG 46 ISO VG 46 1 487 126.7 0.8730 ISO VG 68 ISO VG 68 1 487 201.8 0.8750 Methanol methanol 1 119 0.7 0.7930 Milk milk 1 482 5.0 1.0000 Mobiltherm 594 Mobiltherm 594 1 365 7.5 0.8730 Mobiltherm 603 Mobiltherm 603 1 365 55.2 0.8590 caustic soda 10% caustic soda, 10% 1 762 2.5 1.1140 caustic soda 20% caustic soda, 20% 2 061 4.5 1.2230 Paraffin 248 paraffin 248 1 468 195.1 0.8450 R134 Freon R134 Freon 522 0.2 1.2400 R22 Freon R22 Freon 55

  • 13 Libraries FLUXUS F70x UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 121 13 Libraries The internal material database of the transmitter contains parameters for pipe and lining materials as well as for media. It can be extended with user-defined materials or media. User-defined materials and media will always be displayed in the scroll lists of the program branch Parameter. User-defined materials and media can be stored in an integrated coefficient memory (user area). The coefficient memory has to be partitioned first (see section 13.1). The parameters of us

  • A Menu Structure FLUXUS F70x UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 171 SYSTEM settingsLibrariesExtended Library selection of the displays for the activation of the extended library activation of the extended library x SYSTEM settingsDialogs/Menus selection of the displays for the activation/deactivation or setting of the menu items in the other program branches activation of the menu item for the input of the pipe circumference in the pro- gram branch Parameter x activation of the menu item for the input of t

  • FLUXUS F70x 18 Outputs 150 UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 18 Outputs If the transmitter is equipped with outputs, they have to be installed and activated before they can be used: • assign a measuring channel (source channel) to the output (if the transmitter has more than one measuring channel) • assign the physical quantity (source item) to be transmitted to the output by the source channel, and the properties of the signal • define the behavior of the output in case no valid meas

  • 13 Libraries FLUXUS F70x UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 125 Material parameters Enter the material’s: • transversal sound speed • longitudinal sound speed 1…5 values depending on the selected function have to be entered. Press ENTER after each input. If an already defined material is edited, for each parameter there will be a request whether it is to be edited. Select yes or no. Press ENTER. Change the values, if necessary. Medium parameters Enter the medium’s: • longit

  • 7 Connection FLUXUS F70x UMFLUXUS_F7V4-6-2EN, 2017-10-01 73 FLUXUS F705, F706 • Remove the second blind plug on the right for the connection of the extension cable (see Fig. 7.27). • Open the cable gland of the extension cable. The compression part remains in the cap nut (see Fig. 7.28 and Tab. 7.12). • Push the extension cable through the cap nut, the compression part, the basic part, the reducer and the gasket ring. (Sealing ring: only for cable gland M20, not for cable gland 1/2 NPS.) • Prepare the extension cable. • In

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