Руководство по эксплуатации futaba

FUTABA 6J Instruction Manual

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for Futaba 6J-2.4GHz

6-channel, S-FHSS/FHSS

Radio control system

for Airplanes/Helicopters

Futaba Corporation

Technical updates available at: http://www.futaba-rc.com


Entire Contents © Copyright 2011


Related Manuals for FUTABA 6J

Summary of Contents for FUTABA 6J

  • Page 1
    6J-2.4GHz INSTRUCTION MANUAL for Futaba 6J-2.4GHz 6-channel, S-FHSS/FHSS Radio control system for Airplanes/Helicopters Futaba Corporation Technical updates available at: http://www.futaba-rc.com 1M23N24802 Entire Contents © Copyright 2011…
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Usage Precautions: ……….4 Pitch Curve (P-CV)- (ACRO only) ….45 (Helicopter Only Programming) &RQWHQWV DQG 6SHFL¿FDWLRQV ……..4 Introduction to the 6J- 2.4GHz System ….6 Normal throttle curve function (N-TH)- (HELI only)- …………..47 Transmitter controls ……….6 Normal pitch curve (N-PI)-(HELI only) ….48 Radio Installation …………9…

  • Page 3: Introduction

    ([SHULHQFHG PRGHOHUV ZLOO DSSUHFLDWH VRPH RI WKH -¶V DGYDQFHG IHDWXUHV DQG IXQFWLRQV QRUPDOO IRXQG RQ the more advanced radios. In either case, to make the best use of the Futaba 6J system, and to operate it safely, you should carefully read the instructions in their entirety prior to operation.

  • Page 4: Usage Precautions

    This product is to be used for the flying of radio controlled models only. Futaba is not responsible for the results of use of this product by the customer or for any alteration of this product including modification or incorporation into other devices by third parties.

  • Page 5
    Please note that throw might also refer to the distance that a servo arm, wheel, etc. travels. Dual Rate (D/R): On the 6J 2.4GHz the dual rate switch allows you to instantly VZLWFK LQ ÀLJKW EHWZHHQ WZR GLIIHUHQW FRQWURO WKURZV IRU WKH DLOHURQ HOHYDWRU DQG UXGGHU 2IWHQ GLIIHUHQW FRQWURO WKURZV DUH UHTXLUHG IRU GLIIHUHQW WSHV RI ÀLQJ )RU H[DPSOH ³ORZ´…
  • Page 6: Introduction To The 6J- 2.4Ghz System


  • Page 7
    Descriptions: Note: A: indicates functions that are only found when the T6J is in the ACRO (airplane) mode. H: indicates functions that are only found when the T6J is in the HELI (helicopter) mode. If neither an A: or H: is indicated the function is applicable to both ACRO and HELI modes.
  • Page 8
    Liquid Crystal Display: Commonly referred to as LCD, this is the screen of the transmitter that displays the programming modes, values entered, etc. MODE key: Used to scroll through and display the different functions. SELECT key: Used to display the values for the current function. Throttle cut button: This button activates the throttle cut function and is used to fully close the carburetor and shut off the engine.
  • Page 9: Radio Installation

    Doing so will prevent any damage to the wires. ‡ If any servo wires are not long enough to reach the desired connection point, Futaba offers a complete range of servo extensions which may be purchased separately for this application.

  • Page 10: Receiver Installation

    In DGGLWLRQ SHULRGLFDOO FKHFN WKH ZLUH GXULQJ SUHÀLJKW URXWLQH Margin in the lead wire. IMPORTANT: In order to maximize the performance and enjoyment of the Futaba T6J transmitter, please read this section carefully and completely. Receiver Installation: ‡…

  • Page 11
    The two antennas should be placed at 90 degrees to each other. The main purpose of the photo demonstrates how the antenna should be placed. ‡ The receiver contains precision electronic parts. It is the most delicate radio component on-board the model and should be protected from temperature and other extreme conditions.
  • Page 12
  • Page 13
  • Page 14: Receiver And Servo Connections

    RECEIVER AND SERVO CONNECTIONS Connect the servos to the receiver to perform the functions indicated: Receiver Aircraft (ACRO) Helicopter (HELI) output channel $LOHURQRUULJKW ÀDSHURQ ±RU ULJKW Aileron elevon (for tailless models) Elevator –or- left ruddervator (for V-tail models) –or- left elevon (for Elevator tailless models) Throttle…

  • Page 15
    ALARMS AND WARNINGS 7KH 7- RIIHUV VHYHUDO GLIIHUHQW ZDUQLQJV DQG DODUPV WKDW ZLOO VRXQG LI FHUWDLQ VDIHW IDFWRUV DUHQ¶W PHW For example, whether you are in airplane or helicopter mode, should the batteries drop lower than the recommended safe voltage, an alarm will sound. When in the helicopter mode there are several additional warnings/alarms that may sound: stick position, throttle hold and/or idle up activated.
  • Page 16: Charging Nicd/Nimh Batteries

    position alarm mentioned above, the T6J will sound an audible warning and display a visual warning on the screen also. These warning signals will continue until the switch(es) are returned to their off positions. BATTERY CHARGING PROCEDURES AND PRECAUTIONS 7KH 7- WUDQVPLWWHU LV GHVLJQHG WR ZRUN ZLWK HLWKHU IRXU $$ DONDOLQH GU FHOO EDWWHULHV RU D ¿YH FHOO NiCd/NiMH battery pack, both available separately.

  • Page 17
    Note: Charging your batteries with a Futaba A/C battery charger is always safe. However, fast charging with an aftermarket charger is acceptable as long as you know how to properly operate the charger. Never charge at a rate higher than suggested by the manufacturer.
  • Page 18: Liquid Crystal Display (Lcd) And Programming Controls

    LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY (LCD) AND PROGRAMMING CONTROLS THR-CUT MODE DATA INPUT lever — use this MODE key — use to select desired to input numbers or settings function while programming FUNC To open programming menu; DATA Press MODE key for one second. To close programming menu;…

  • Page 19: Programming The T6J-2.4Ghz Radio

    ‘R QRW À when this message is displayed: all programming has been erased and is not available. Return your transmitter to Futaba service. PROGRAMMING THE T6J-2.4GHZ RADIO Anytime you wish to view or change any of the current settings in the transmitter, the programming mode PXVW ¿UVW EH HQWHUHG E RI FRXUVH WXUQLQJ RQ WKH SRZHU WKHQ E SUHVVLQJ DQG KROGLQJ WKH 02′( NH GRZQ…

  • Page 20: Parameter (Para)

    Model type HELI: Parameters- Data Reset / Model Type Select /Mode Select/Throttle Cut/Battery Fail Safe/Model /name, Model Select, Reversing, Dual Rates, Exponentials, End Point Adjustments, Trim, Sub- Trim, Normal Throttle Curve, Normal Pitch Curve, Idle Up Throttle Curve , Idle Up Pitch Curve, Throttle Hold, Throttle Hold Pitch Curve, Revolution Mixing, Gyro Sensitivity, Swash-Throttle Mixing, Swash Ring, Swash/AFR, Delay, Hovering Pitch, Failsafe, Trainer, and Timer.

  • Page 21: Model Name Function

    current, active model will be blinking. Note: If the END key is held down for 0.5 seconds, the transmitter will return to the default screen and will then display the current trim settings. When using the END key, press and release it to scroll through the options.

  • Page 22: Data Reset Function (Rest)

    5) Use the SELECT key to choose the next character. 6) Repeat this procedure for the remaining two spaces. When completed, press and hold the END button. &RQ¿UP WKH PRGHO QDPH RQ WKH KRPH SDJH Data Reset function (REST)- All the data for any model memory can be reset to the original factory defaults. Often this function is SHUIRUPHG WR JHW D ³IUHVK VWDUW´…

  • Page 23: Acro/Heli Model Type Select Function (Type)

    ACRO/HELI Model type select function (TYPE)- The model type (TYPE) select function is used to determine whether the selected model memory will bring forth the airplane or helicopter programming. If, for example, the airplane (ACRO) is selected, the programming features and functions which are available will be airplane-related. If, however, a helicopter (HELI) is selected, the available features and functions will be directly related to helicopters.

  • Page 24: Transmission Mode Selection (Mode)

    Note: HELI indicates that the T6J will utilize the helicopter programming and functionality. ACRO represents the airplane model type selection. Transmission Mode Selection (MODE)- The T6J offers two different mode transmission selections: S-FHSS and FHSS. The R2006GS which accompanies the T6J is compatible with either the S-FHSS or FHSS settings and adjusts automatically to the signals from the transmitter, accordingly.

  • Page 25: Throttle-Cut Function (Tcut)

    Throttle-Cut Function (TCUT)- The Throttle Cut function is intended to be used for shutting off the engine, or disarming the speed control LQ HOHFWULFSRZHUHG PRGHOV 3UHVVLQJ WKH ³7+5 &XW´ EXWWRQ ZLOO VKXW RII WKH HQJLQH RU GLVDUP WKH (6& accordingly. In internal combustion models, the throttle cut feature prevents inadvertently shutting off of the engine when lowering the throttle stick all the way (such as when coming in for a landing).

  • Page 26: Battery F/S Fail Safe (S-Fhss Mode Only)

    3UHVV DQG KROG WKH ‘$7$ ,1387 OHYHU GRZQZDUG WKH 125 ZLOO EHJLQ ÀDVKLQJ rapidly before changing to the ESC Mode. 6) Momentarily press and hold the throttle-cut (THR CUT) button on the left side of the transmitter. The electronic speed control in the model will be disarmed. Note: When the throttle-cut button is released, the electronic speed control will continue to be disarmed.

  • Page 27: Servo Reversing (Revr)

    the DATA INPUT lever upward. The OFF indication will begin to blink rapidly and will soon change to display ON. 5) Press and hold the END button to exit the programming menu. Servo Reversing (REVR)- The servo reversing function is used to change the direction that a servo responds to a control input from the transmitter (stick or switch).

  • Page 28: Dual Rates (Acro)

    Dual Rates/Exponential Settings- Dual Rates/Exponential Settings vary slightly between the airplane (ACRO) mode and the helicopter (HELI) mode. As such, the information pertaining to these functions will be separated into ACRO and HELI sections below. Please adhere to the section that pertains to the model for which you are programming the T6J transmitter.

  • Page 29: Exponential Settings (Expo) — (Acro)

    key until the dual rates (D/R) menu appears on screen. 4) Press the SELECT key three (3) times to scroll past the channel settings to access the switch selection options. 5) Press the DATA INPUT lever either upward or downward until the desired switch selection appears onscreen.

  • Page 30: Dual Rates (Heli)

    7KH DPRXQW RI WUDYHO GHFUHDVH IRU HDFK FRQWURO PD EH VHW EHWZHHQ DQG RI WKH YDOXHV VHW IRU the end points (explained in End Point Adjustment on page 33). To set the exponentials: 1) Turn the transmitter on. 2) Press and hold the MODE button to access the programming mode.

  • Page 31
    The T6J transmitter offers dual rates on the aileron, elevator and rudder channels. The dual rates are assignable to switches A, B or IDL on the transmitter and are simultaneously activated by the dual rate switch selected. The amount of travel decrease for each control may be set between 0% and 140% of the values set for the end points (explained in End Point Adjustment on page 33).
  • Page 32: Exponential Settings (Expo) — Heli

    GRZQ LV LQGLFDWHG E WKH ÀDVKLQJ DUURZ DERYH RU EHORZ WKH FKDQQHO LQGLFDWRU 2) Observing the up/down switch position indicator, change the dual rate value for the respective channel using the DATA INPUT lever until the desired control throw is achieved. Again, if the arrow is pointing upward, the rate is being adjusted for the up position of the switch.

  • Page 33: End Point Adjustment (Epa)

    2) Press and hold the MODE button to access the programming mode. 3) Press either the MODE key OR the END key to scroll through the function menus. Continue pressing the MODE or END key until the exponentials (EXPO) menu appears on screen.

  • Page 34: Trim Settings (Trim)

    connections so the values can be set closer to 100%. When the EPA is set to 100%, the maximum servo throw for channels 1, 2, 3, and 4 is approximately 400 and approximately 550 for channels 5 and 6. Note: 6LQFH FKDQJLQJ WKH ³HQG SRLQWV´ ZLOO DOVR FKDQJH WKH GXDO UDWHV WKH HQG SRLQWV VKRXOG EH VHW SULRU WR VHWWLQJ WKH GXDO UDWHV ,I RX VHW WKH GXDO UDWHV ¿UVW DQG WKHQ JR EDFN DQG FKDQJH WKH HQG SRLQWV WKH GXDO UDWH throws will also change.

  • Page 35
    and the neutral position of the servos will shift. Keep in mind that you should start out with the control VXUIDFHV FHQWHUHG ZKHQ WKH VHUYRV DUH FHQWHUHG DQG WKH WULPV DUH ³]HURHG´ RU QHDU ]HUR 7+(1 RX FDQ adjust the trims once airborne. Each of the trim levers features an audible tone, or beep, that alerts you when the trim is activated.
  • Page 36: Sub-Trims (Strm)

    adjustments for CH1). $GMXVW WKH WULP XVLQJ WKH ‘$7$ ,1387 OHYHU 1RWH WKDW LQLWLDOO WKH YDOXHV FKDQJH LQ LQFUHPHQWV RI ³´ but if the DATA INPUT lever is held long enough the values will change more rapidly. 6) Press the SELECT key to bring forth the trim values for the remaining channels. To change the values for these channels, repeat step 3 above for each channel that requires trim adjustments.

  • Page 37: Programmable Mix 1 And 2 (Pmx 1 And Pmix 2) (Acro Only)

    key until the sub-trims (STRM) menu appears on screen. 4) Press the SELECT button to choose the channel for which you wish to adjust the sub-trims. The channel is indicated on the left side of the LCD screen. 5) Press the DATA INPUT lever to change the sub-trim value for the selected channel. 3OHDVH QRWH WKH WUDYHO GLUHFWLRQ RI WKH VXEWULP DGMXVWPHQW LV LQGLFDWHG E D ÀDVKLQJ ³´…

  • Page 38: Wing Type Selection- (Acro Only)

    &KDQQHO DLOHURQ LQ WKLV ¿JXUH LV DVVLJQHG WR WKH PDVWHU The master channel, as the name suggests, is the channel that will be the controlling channel. The slave channel, which will be determined in the next step, is the channel that will be controlled by the master channel.

  • Page 39: Flaperon Mixing (Flpr)- (Acro Only)

    Normal- The T6J transmitter defaults to the normal wing type (non-selectable). If your model uses a single servo to control the ailerons, there is nothing more to do. If, however, you are using separate servos to control each aileron individually, please activate the Flaperon mixing. Information on how to do so is contained in the section that follows.

  • Page 40
    For example, channel 3 is used as the throttle control in Futaba transmitters. If channel 3 is selected as the left aileron channel, it will not be operational from the throttle stick, only the aileron.
  • Page 41: Flap Trim (Fltr)- (Acro Only)

    7KH ³´GLUHFWLRQ LQGLFDWHV GHFUHDVLQJ DPRXQW RI PRYHPHQW WRZDUG WKH XSZDUG IURP WKH DLOHURQ VXUIDFH ZKLOH ³´ GLUHFWLRQ LQGLFDWHV GHFUHDVLQJ DPRXQW RI PRYHPHQW WRZDUG WKH GRZQZDUG IURP WKH DLOHURQ surface. 7) Once the mix has been activated, move the servos to their full extremes to make certain they are not overdriving the controls.

  • Page 42: V-Tail Mixing (V-Tl)- (Acro Only)

    5) Press the DATA INPUT lever either upward or downward until the desired switch selection appears onscreen. In addition to switches A, B and D, it is also possible to use the rotary knob (VR) to control the ÀDS WULP 6) Press and hold the END button to exit the programming menu.

  • Page 43: Elevon Mixing (Elvn)- (Acro Only)

    percentage of rudder travel rates. The available adjustments are between -100% and 8) Once this mix has been activated, move the servos to their full extremes to make certain they are not overdriving the controls. If necessary, adjust the linkages to achieve the correct control throws.

  • Page 44: Throttle Curve (T-Cv)- (Acro Only)


  • Page 45: Pitch Curve (P-Cv)- (Acro Only)

    3) Press either the MODE key OR the END key to scroll through the function menus. Continue pressing the MODE or END key until the throttle curve (T-CV) menu appears on screen. 4) The right side of the LCD should indicate that the throttle curve is inhibited, as GHQRWHG E WKH ÀDVKLQJ ,1+ $FWLYDWH WKH WKURWWOH FXUYH E SUHVVLQJ DQG KROGLQJ WKH ‘$7$ ,1387 OHYHU XSZDUG 7KH ,1+ VKRXOG EHJLQ ÀDVKLQJ UDSLGO SULRU WR changing to ON.

  • Page 46
  • Page 47: Helicopter Only Programming

    7) Press the SELECT button one time to bring up the point two (2) pitch curve adjustments. Again, use the DATA INPUT lever to adjust the values accordingly. 8) Repeat the steps above as desired for the remaining three points on the pitch curve. 9) Move the assigned throttle/pitch curve switch to the opposite position and program the desired points accordingly.

  • Page 48: Normal Pitch Curve (N-Pi)-(Heli Only)

    3) Press either the MODE key OR the END key to scroll through the function menus. Continue pressing the MODE or END key until the normal throttle curve (N-TH) menu appears on screen. 4) The LCD screen will contain the throttle curve point indication (left side of screen), as well as the current throttle curve value, expressed as a percentage of travel, on the right side of the display.

  • Page 49: Idle Up Throttle Curve Function (I-Th)- (Heli Only)

    To set the normal pitch curve: 1) Turn the transmitter on. 2) Press and hold the MODE button to access the programming mode. 3) Press either the MODE key OR the END key to scroll through the function menus. Continue pressing the MODE or END key until the normal pitch curve (N-PI) menu appears on screen.

  • Page 50
    UHFRPPHQGDWLRQV IRU WKH VWOH RI ÀLJKW GHVLUHG ‡ Point 1 is shown initially which is throttle stick all the way downward (slow) position. ‡ Point 2 is the throttle stick approximately ¼ of the way advanced. ‡ Point 3 is the throttle stick approximately ½ of the way advanced. ‡…
  • Page 51: Pitch Curve Idle Up (I-Pi) — (Heli Only)

    Note: As with all switch selection availability, if the modeler has programmed any other functionality to this switch selection, the idle up throttle curve and the other function will be activated simultaneously. As such, it is imperative to ensure that these desired functions will not negatively impact one another. For example, if the modeler has programmed Switch B to activate the low rates, and then selected Switch B as the activation switch for the idle up curves, moving Switch B will activate both functions simultaneously.

  • Page 52: Throttle Hold Function (Hold)- (Heli Only)

    appears on screen. 4) The LCD screen will contain the pitch curve point indication (left side of screen), as well as the current pitch curve value, expressed as a percentage of travel, on the right side of the display. Note: Point 1 is shown initially which is throttle stick all the way downward (slow) position.

  • Page 53: Pitch Curve Hold (H-Pi)- (Heli Only)

    EHJLQ ÀDVKLQJ UDSLGO SULRU WR FKDQJLQJ WR 21 5) Push the SELECT key to bring up the throttle hold adjustment screen. 2EVHUYLQJ WKH FDUEXUHWRU EDUUHO¶V SRVLWLRQ SXOO WKH WKURWWOH KROG VZLWFK WRZDUGV RX to engage the throttle hold. Press the DATA INPUT lever upward or downward to adjust the throttle hold function accordingly.

  • Page 54: Revolution Mixing (Revo) — (Heli Only)

    6) Press the SELECT button to bring up the point two (2) pitch curve adjustments. Again, use the DATA INPUT lever to adjust the values accordingly. 7) Repeat the steps above as desired for the remaining three points on the pitch curve. 8) Press and hold the END button to exit the programming mode.

  • Page 55: Gyro Mixing Function (Gyro)-(Heli Only)

    9) After both values have been adjusted accordingly, press and hold the END button to exit the programming mode. Gyro mixing function (GYRO)-(HELI only) *URV 8VLQJ HOHFWURQLFV HQDEOHV PRGHOHUV WR WDNH VRPH RI WKH FRPSOH[LW RXW RI VHWXSV DQG ÀLJKW What is a gyro? Gyro is short for gyroscope.

  • Page 56
    To set the GYRO mixing: 3OXJ WKH JUR¶V VHQVLWLYLW DGMXVWPHQW WR FKDQQHO RI WKH UHFHLYHU 1RWH WKLV FKDQQHO LQSXW LV QRW assignable. 2) Prior to adjusting the gyro, ensure that the end point adjustments of channel 5 are set for 100% in both directions.
  • Page 57: Swash To Throttle Mixing (Sw-T)-(Heli Only)

    12) Press and hold the END button to exit the programming mode. Swash to throttle mixing (SW-T)-(HELI only) When idle up is activated, this predetermined mixing function is used to prevent the engine from slowing, or ERJJLQJ GRZQ ZKHQ VZDVKSODWH LQSXWV DUH JLYHQ VSHFL¿FDOO DLOHURQ RU HOHYDWRU FRQWUROV 7KLV IHDWXUH WDNHV D ELW RI ÀLJKW WHVWLQJ WR VHW FRUUHFWO To activate swash to throttle mixing: 1) Turn the transmitter on.

  • Page 58: Swashplate Type Selection And Swash Afr (Swsh) — (Heli Only)

    This is very useful for 3D aerobatics. The Ring function is adjustable from 50-200%. Futaba should create a gimbal stick diagram that depicts the swash ring and value effects. A circle could surround the gimbal. For example, show diagram with 50, 100 and 200% values input.

  • Page 59
    $ QRUPDO VZDVKSODWH LV DOVR NQRZQ DV D ³SXUH IXQFWLRQ´ RU ³VLQJOH VHUYR´ PRVW KHOLFRSWHUV XVH WKLV WSH $ ³VLQJOH VHUYR´ VZDVKSODWH XVHV RQH VHUYR IRU HDFK D[LV DLOHURQ HOHYDWRU FFOLF SLWFK DQG FROOHFWLYH SLWFK Cyclic Collective Pitch Mixing, or CCPM is both simpler and more responsive than the mechanical CCPM. Traditional CCPM systems use three servos working in unison to control the swash.
  • Page 60: Swashplate Afr (Adjustable Function Rate) — (Heli Only)

    To select the swashplate types: 1) Turn the transmitter on. 2) Press and hold the MODE button to access the programming mode. 3) Press either the MODE key OR the END key to scroll through the function menus. Continue pressing the MODE or END key until the swash (SWSH) menu appears on screen.

  • Page 61: Delay (Dely)- (Heli Only)

    WRWDO SLWFK RX GHVLUH +RZHYHU RX¶OO DOVR ZDQW WR DVVXUH WKDW WKH VZDVKSODWH GRHV QRW WUDYHO VR IDU DV WR bind at the top or bottom of its throw. You will also want to repeat this procedure for the cyclic throws. Move the stick left/right, up/down to assure that the linkages do not bind.

  • Page 62: Hovering Pitch (Hovp)- (Heli Only)

    To program the DELY (Throttle and Pitch Delays): 1) Turn the transmitter on. 2) Press and hold the MODE button to access the programming mode. An audible double beep will be heard and the default screen will change. 3) Press either the MODE key OR the END key to scroll through the function menus.

  • Page 63: Fail Safe (F/S)

    1) Turn the transmitter on. 2) Press and hold the MODE button to access the programming mode. An audible double beep will be heard and the default screen will change. 3) Press either the MODE key OR the END key to scroll through the function menus. Continue pressing the MODE or END key until the hovering pitch curve (HOVP) menu appears on screen.

  • Page 64: Trnr Trainer Function

    To set the Fail Safe Function: 1) Turn the transmitter on. 2) Press and hold the MODE button to access the programming mode. 3) Press either the MODE key OR the END key to scroll through the function menus. Continue pressing the MODE or END key until the fail safe (F/S) menu appears on screen.

  • Page 65
    To activate trainer function: 1) Turn the transmitter on. 2) Press and hold the MODE button to access the programming mode. 3) Press either the MODE key OR the END key to scroll through the function menus. Continue pressing the MODE or END key until the trainer (TRNR) menu appears on screen.
  • Page 66
    (control surfaces, etc.) are working correctly in both transmitters. Trainer switch- To utilize the trainer function, the appropriate trainer cord (available separately) and a second Futaba WUDQVPLWWHU XVXDOO SURYLGHG E RXU ÀLJKW LQVWUXFWRU RU 5& FOXE ZLOO EH UHTXLUHG :KHQ WZR UDGLRV DUH FRQQHFWHG ZLWK WKH WUDLQHU FRUG WKH DUH ERWK FDSDEOH RI RSHUDWLQJ WKH PRGHO EXW LW¶V XVXDOO EHVW IRU WKH…
  • Page 67: Timer

    ,I WKH VWXGHQW¶V UDGLR KDV D SOXJLQ 5) PRGXOH UHPRYH WKH PRGXOH ,I WKH VWXGHQW¶V WUDQVPLWWHU LV D 0+] FROODSVH WKH DQWHQQD DFFRUGLQJO 5) With both transmitters off, connect the trainer cord to both radios. (On the T6J-2.4GHz the trainer jack is located in the center of the rear of the case).

  • Page 68
    The countdown and count up timers may be assigned to switches A, B or D (either up or down position), always ON or activated by the throttle stick movement. The countdown and count up timers may be SURJUDPPHG WR WUDFN XS WR PLQXWHV DQG VHFRQGV 7KH PRGHO WLPHU WUDFNV WKH PRGHO¶V WLPH XS WR hours and 59 minutes.
  • Page 69
    8VH WKH ‘$7$ ,1387 OHYHU WR DGMXVW WKH WLPHU¶V PLQXWH LQGLFDWLRQV DFFRUGLQJO 3XVKLQJ XSZDUG ZLOO increase the minute selection, to a maximum of 99 minutes. Pressing downward will decrease the minutes to a minimum of 00. 7) When satisfied, press the SELECT key again to move to the seconds adjustments. The seconds are adjustable from a minimum of 00 to a maximum of 59.
  • Page 70: Flow Chart Acro Mode Functions

    FLOW CHART ACRO MODE FUNCTIONS (1/2) Programming mode Home screen Timer display…

  • Page 71
  • Page 72: Adjustable Length Control Sticks

    This can be done by the Futaba Service Center. (See Page 3). &FOH WKH WUDQVPLWWHU¶V SRZHU RII WR FKDQJH WKH VWLFN PRGH VHOHFWLRQ…

  • Page 73: Flying Safety Guidelines


  • Page 74: Flight Preparation


  • Page 75: Glossary

    GLOSSARY ‡ AFR (Adjustable function rate/high rate) Adjusts the total travel in each direction of a particular function, such as ailerons. For example, used to DGMXVW WRWDO DLOHURQ WUDYHO ZKHWKHU DLOHURQV DUH D VLQJOH VHUYR LQ FKDQQHO RU WZR VHUYRV VHW XS DV ÀDSHURQV elevons, or other programming.

  • Page 76
    ‡ Axis The line around which a body rotates. ‡ BEC (Battery Eliminator Circuitry) Allows receiver to draw power from a main battery pack, eliminating the need for (and weight of) a receiver battery. ‡ Ball Bearing 6HUYR¶V RXWSXW VKDIW LV VXSSRUWHG ZLWK EHDULQJV IRU LQFUHDVHG SHUIRUPDQFH DQG DFFXUDF ‡…
  • Page 77
    FDOOHG ³WDLO ¿UVW´ DLUFUDIW ‡ CAMPac Optional extended data storage module for certain Futaba transmitters. ‡ Carburetor The part of the engine which controls the speed or throttle setting and lean/rich mixture via setting of the needle valve.
  • Page 78
    ‡ Charge Jack The plug receptacle of the switch harness into which the charger is plugged to charge the airborne battery. $Q H[SDQGHG VFDOH YROWPHWHU (69 FDQ DOVR EH SOXJJHG LQWR LW WR FKHFN EDWWHU YROWDJH EHWZHHQ ÀLJKWV ,W is advisable to mount the charge jack in an accessible area of the fuselage so an ESV can be used without removing the wing.
  • Page 79
    ‡ Dialed In 6ODQJ WHUP IRU WKH FRQGLWLRQ LQ ZKLFK WKH PRGHO LV VHW XS WR À VPRRWKO DQG SUHGLFWDEO 7KLV LV WKH VWDWH where the mechanics and electronics work together to produce the best performance. ‡ Differential Uneven movement in each direction of a control surface. Usually used when discussing ailerons or when describing an undesired unevenness in movement of other controls.
  • Page 80
    Epoxy A two-part resin/hardener glue that is extremely strong. It is generally available in 6 and 30-minute formulas. Used for critical points in the aircraft where high strength is necessary. ‡ Expanded Scale Voltmeter (ESV) Device used to read the battery voltage of the on- board battery pack or transmitter battery pack. ‡…
  • Page 81
    ‡ Flare The point during the landing approach in which the pilot gives an increased amount of up elevator to smooth the touchdown of the airplane. ‡ Flight Box $ VSHFLDO ER[ XVHG WR KROG DQG WUDQVSRUW DOO HTXLSPHQW XVHG DW WKH ÀLQJ ¿HOG ‡…
  • Page 82
    ‡ Gain Gyro sensitivity. When too low, the tail will not hold position well. When too high, the surface being dampened by the gyro will tend to wag, or hunt for center. ‡ Glitch Momentary radio problem that never happens unless you are over trees or a swamp. ‡…
  • Page 83
    ‡ Heading Lock Slang term for Heading Hold Gyro. ‡ Helicopter Radio A remote control radio system designed specifically for use with helicopter models. The helicopter UDGLR GLIIHUV IURP DQ DLUFUDIW UDGLR LQ D IHZ ZDV )LUVW WKH KHOL UDGLR QHHGV PL[LQJ IXQFWLRQV VSHFL¿F WR KHOLFRSWHUV DQG XVXDOO D PLQLPXP RI ¿YH FKDQQHOV &ROOHFWLYH PL[LQJ IRU FROOHFWLYH SLWFK KHOLFRSWHUV LV D necessity.
  • Page 84
    ‡ Intake An air inlet on an aircraft. You can have a carburetor intake, cooling intake, air conditioning intake (on full- VL]H DLUFUDIW DQG VR RQ 1DPHG EHFDXVH LW ³WDNHV LQ´ DLU DQG EHFDXVH ³LQWDNH´ LV D EHWWHUVRXQGLQJ ZRUG WKDQ ³WDNHV LQ´ ‡…
  • Page 85
    Drive gears within a servo which are made of one or multiple metal types. Metal gears tend to wear more rapidly than nylon gears when in the same installation, and so require more frequent service to maintain RSWLPXP DFFXUDF KRZHYHU PHWDO JHDUV DUH PRUH GXUDEOH LQ WKH FDVH RI VHYHUH YLEUDWLRQ ÀXWWHU RU SKVLFDO shock.
  • Page 86
    Pitch Curve The programming function of the radio which aids in setting the hover point, and end points of the blade pitch in the collective mix. Pitch to rudder (Heli programming only) Also known as a revolution mix or a tail rotor mix, counters the torque caused by adding pitch with opposite direction rudder command to keep the helicopter from rotating or revolving as a result of the increased torque.
  • Page 87
    propeller/spinner. For helis: Keep in mind that a helicopter has many rotating parts, and they all cause resonance. The helicopter will need to be tuned to reduce the amount of vibration. ‡ Retract Servo 6SHFL¿FDOO XVHG IRU PHFKDQLFDO UHWUDFWV ,W LV D QRQSURSRUWLRQDO VHUYR ZKLFK RQO PRYHV GHJUHHV 7KDW LV WR VD WKLV VHUYR LV HLWKHU ³RII´…
  • Page 88
    effect and is not a critical mix for most helicopters.) Ruddervator Ruddervators are on a v-tail. Both of the ruddervators move up and down for pitch control and both move left or right for yaw control. ‡ Rx Abbreviation for receiver. ‡…
  • Page 89
  • Page 90
  • Page 91
    ‡ Taildragger The nickname of an airplane that sits on its tail with the two main wheels in front and a tailwheel in the rear. ‡ Tailskid On old World War I type aircraft, or pioneer-type aircraft, there was no tailwheel. A wooden skid was used to support the tail of the airplane.
  • Page 92
    ‡ Transmitter (Tx) The hand-held radio controller. This is the unit that sends out the commands that you input. Tricycle Gear The landing gear arrangement where the airplane has main gear and a nose gear. Trim menu Used to memorize current digital trim positions, set trim type, % of trim delay when switching from condition to condition, sound on or off when trimmers used, rate of trim response at 2 different lengths of time held, and having trims affect all conditions or only the current condition.
  • Page 93
    Left or right movement of the nose is the Yaw movement. )87$%$ &25325$7,21 3KRQH )DFVLPLOH 1080 Yabutsuka, Chosei-mura, Chosei-gun, Chiba-ken, 299-4395, Japan ©FUTABA CORPORATION 2011, 02 (1)
  • Page 94
    T6J-2.4 GHz Tech Notice T6J-2.45 GHz Trainer cord- Instructor’s TX Student’s TX Trainer Cord 6J, 4YF 6J, 4YF FUTM4415 14MZ, 12Z, 12FG, 8FG, 10C, 6J, 4YF 9C, 7C, 6EX, 4EX (72MHz or 2.4 GHz FASST) FUTM4405 (both transmitters must be on)

Логотип торговой марки FUTABA

Корпорация Футаба, Futaba Corporation — японская компания, основанная в 1948 году для производства электронных ламп. Шло время, производилось и элементарно. Их официальный webсайт Futaba.com.

Каталог руководств пользователя и инструкций для продуктов Futaba можно найти ниже. Продукция Futaba запатентована и зарегистрирована под торговой маркой Корпорация Футаба.

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Руководство пользователя по обновлению программного обеспечения передатчика T6K Программу вашего передатчика Futaba T6K можно легко обновить онлайн. Когда функции добавляются или улучшаются, обновление file можно скачать с нашего webсайт. Для получения дополнительной информации, проверьте web сайт для часто задаваемых вопросов по обновлению этого продукта. *Экран дисплея является бывшимampле. Экран зависит от…

Подробнее «Руководство пользователя по обновлению программного обеспечения передатчика Futaba T6K»

Пружина колеса Futaba T10PX Натяжение по умолчанию Пружина T10PX Пружина колеса. Существует 3 типа с разным натяжением, поэтому, пожалуйста, замените их в соответствии с вашими предпочтениями. ИНСТРУКЦИЯ ПО УСТАНОВКЕ Удерживая колесо, выкрутите винт. (С помощью шестигранного ключа.) Снимите колесо и адаптер колеса. Снимите крепежный винт кожуха колесной пружины. (С помощью отвертки.) …

Подробнее «Руководство по эксплуатации колесных рессор Futaba T10PX»

Программное обеспечение Futaba 1M23Z03818 для преобразования журнала телеметрии версии 1.10 При использовании этого программного обеспечения для преобразования журнала телеметрии журнал file созданный с помощью передатчика, соответствующий функции журнала телеметрии, можно преобразовать в CSV. Файл CSV можно открыть с помощью программного обеспечения, такого как Microsoft Excel. *Примечание. Программное обеспечение Telemetry Log Converter предназначено для Windows® 11/10/8/7/с использованием …

Подробнее «Руководство пользователя программы Futaba 1M23Z03818 Telemetry Log Converter Ver1.10»

Futaba GYD 470 Rate Gyro для радиоуправляемых дрифт-каров Перед использованием вашего нового гироскопа внимательно прочитайте это руководство и используйте гироскоп правильно и безопасно. После прочтения данного руководства сохраните его в надежном месте. Никакая часть данного руководства не может быть воспроизведена в какой бы то ни было форме без предварительного разрешения. Содержание данного руководства…

Подробнее «Руководство по эксплуатации Futaba GYD 470 Rate Gyro для радиоуправляемых дрифт-каров»

Гироскоп скорости Futaba GY470 для вертолетов Особенности GY470 Функция удаленного усиления и функция переключения режимов Вы можете регулировать усиление с передатчика с помощью функции удаленного усиления. Усиление также можно регулировать с помощью триммера на GY470. Функция переключения режимов позволяет переключать режимы гироскопа AVCS/NORMAL. Интегрированный, компактный и легкий Компактный…

Подробнее «Руководство по эксплуатации гироскопа скорости Futaba GY470 для вертолетов»

Futaba BR-4000 Батарейный сервопривод иamp; Проверка приемника Благодарим вас за приобретение BR-4000. Этот продукт специально разработан для радиоуправляемых устройств, а не для других устройств. Общий объемtagОтображается аккумуляторная батарея, а также гистограмма и процентная диаграмма.tage оставшейся суммы. В случае литиевого аккумулятора с…

Подробнее «Руководство по эксплуатации сервопривода и приемника батареи Futaba BR-4000»

Руководство пользователя по обновлению программного обеспечения T4PM PLUS Пистолетная рукоятка T4PM V1.30 Метод обновления см. в руководстве по эксплуатации T4PM PULS. Совместимость с HPS-CB701 Добавлена ​​поддержка изменения режима SR HPS-CB701. * Режим UR не поддерживается. Если сервопривод установлен в режим UR, измените его на нормальный режим или SR…

Подробнее «Руководство пользователя пистолетной рукоятки Futaba T4PM»

Руководство по эксплуатации универсального радиоуправляемого автомобильного гироскопа GYC470 ПРИМЕЧАНИЕ. Всегда читайте это руководство перед использованием регулятора скорости MC-9130H/A. Перед использованием MC-9130H/A Неправильное обращение с LiPo аккумулятором чрезвычайно опасно. Используйте батарею в соответствии с прилагаемой к ней инструкцией по эксплуатации. Некоторые коммерческие двигатели могут не соответствовать регулировке опережения зажигания и т. д. MC-9130H/A. …

Подробнее «Руководство по эксплуатации универсального радиоуправляемого автомобильного гироскопа Futaba GYC470»

Инструкция Futaba R7003SB 3K HV S.BUS2 FASSTest Благодарим вас за покупку приемника Futaba R7208SB, совместимого с FASSTest-2.4 ГГц. Приемник R7208SB поддерживает двунаправленную связь с передатчиком FASSTest Futaba через порт S.BUS2. Используя порт S.BUS2, можно использовать впечатляющий набор датчиков телеметрии. Он также включает в себя как стандартные выходные порты ШИМ (1-8 каналов), так и …

Подробнее «Руководство пользователя Futaba R7003SB 3K HV S.BUS2 FASSTest»

Futaba R7308SB S BUS Приемник FASSTest12CH(Telemetry OFF) режим Этот режим принудительно отключает передачу телеметрии, чтобы предотвратить коллизию сигналов телеметрии от приемника к передатчику при использовании двойного канала RX в режиме FASSTest12ch. Включите приемник. [Передатчик всегда OFF] Нажмите и удерживайте кнопку SW не менее 5 секунд Мигает…

Подробнее «Руководство пользователя приемника Futaba R7308SB S BUS»

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  • Futaba T6J — 2.4GHz
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  • Page 1
    8FG SUPER 14-CHANNEL RADIO CONTROL SYSTEM FASST-2.4GHz Multi-ch/7-ch mode selectable INSTRUCTION MANUAL 1M23N22218…
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    ●Safety precautions when installing receiver and servos …………… 35 ●Receiver’s antenna installation …… 36 BEFORE USE ……….. 10 ●Features of 8FG SUPER …….. 10 MODEL BASIC SETTING PROCEDURE … 37 ●Contents and technical specifications … 11 ●Airplane/glider basic setting procedure ..37 ●Accessories …………

  • Page 3
    Warning …………77 Swash Mix …………. 128 Data Reset …………78 Throttle Mix ……….129 PIT to RUD (Revolution mix) ….. 130 Gyro (for GY type gyro) ……131 FUNCTIONS OF MODEL MENU ….79 Governor …………133 ●Common Functions ……..79 Servo Monitor (Linkage Menu) APPENDIX …………
  • Page 4: Introduction

    Email: service@futaba-rc.com OUTSIDE NORTH AMERICA Please contact your Futaba importer in your region of the world to assist you with any questions, problems or service needs. Please recognize that all information in this manual, and all support availability, is based upon the systems sold in North America only.

  • Page 5: Application, Export, And Modification

    Any such changes may void the warranty. Compliance Information Statement (for U.S.A.) This device, trade name Futaba Corporation of America, model number R6208SB, complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:…

  • Page 6: Definitions Of Symbols

    To ensure the safety of yourself and others, please observe the following precautions: Have regular maintenance performed. Although your 8FG SUPER protects the model memories with non-volatile EEPROM memory (which does not require periodic replacement) and not a battery, the transmitter still should have regular checkups for wear and tear.

  • Page 7
    Ni-MH/Ni-Cd Battery Charge the batteries! (See Charging the Ni-Cd batteries, for details.) Always recharge the transmitter and receiver batteries before each flying session. A low battery will soon die potentially, causing loss of control and a crash. When you begin your flying session, reset your T8FGS’s built-in timer, and during the session pay attention to the duration of usage.
  • Page 8
    Ni-MH/Ni-Cd Battery Safety and Handling instructions IMPORTANT! Use only the Futaba special charger included with this set or other chargers approved by Futaba to charge the Ni-MH batteries in the T8FGS transmitter included with this set. It is important to understand the operating characteristics of Ni-MH/Ni-Cd batteries.Always read the specifications printed on the label of your Ni-MH/Ni-Cd battery and charger prior to use.
  • Page 9
    At the flying field To prevent possible damage to your radio gear, turn the power switches on and off in the proper sequence: 1. Pull throttle stick to idle position, or otherwise disarm your motor/engine. 2. Turn on the transmitter power and allow your transmitter to reach its home screen. 3.
  • Page 10: Before Use

    BEFORE USE Features FASST-2.4GHz system The T8FGS transmitter is capable of transmitting in both FASST-2.4G 7-ch and Multi-ch modes. Select the desired modulation mode in the Frequency Menu. For complete details on how to do so, please refer to the Frequency Selection section located elsewhere in this manual. The compatibility is dependent upon the receiver selected.

  • Page 11: Contents And Technical Specifications

    (Specifications and ratings are subject to change without notice.) Your 8FG SUPER includes the following components: • T8FGS transmitter for airplanes or helicopters (Suggested Servo for use with your 8FG SUPER system) • R6208SB Receiver Servo S9252 (Digital servo) • HT6F1700B Ni-MH battery & Charger Control system: Pulse width control, 1.52 ms neutral…

  • Page 12: Accessories

    • Governor (GY701) — for helicopter use. Automatically adjusts throttle servo position to maintain a constant head speed regardless of blade pitch, load, weather, etc. • Receivers — various models of Futaba receivers may be purchased for use in other models. (Receivers for FASST-2.4GHz Multi-ch mode and 7-ch mode types are available.) •…

  • Page 13: Transmitter Controls

    Transmitter controls ●Antenna ●Monitor LED ●Carring Handle ●Volume (LD,RD) ●Switch (SA,SB,SE,SF) ●Switch (SC,SD,SG,SH) ●Slide Lever (LS) ●Slide Lever (RS) ●Stick ●Stick (J2) (J3) (J1) (J4) ●Digital Trim (T1,T2) ●Digital Trim (T3,T4) ●SensorTouch (SYS, LNK, MDL, EXIT, RTN) ●LCD Display ●Power Switch ●Neck Strap Attachment <Before Use>…

  • Page 14: Cautions On Handling Antenna

    Monitor LED display Transmitter’s Antenna: The status of the transmitter is displayed by LED As with all radio frequency transmissions, the at the bottom left and right sides of the «T8FG strongest area of signal transmission is from the SUPER» logo. sides of the transmitter’s antenna.

  • Page 15: Volume (Ld, Rd)

    Volume Digital Trim Digital Trim T1, T2, T3 and T4: Volume LD and RD: This transmitter is equipped with four (4) digital The volume LD and RD knobs allow analog trims. Each time you press a trim button, the trim input.

  • Page 16: Touch Sensor

    Touch sensor operation Data input operation is performed using the touch sensor. SensorTouch™ operation Condition Working • Short ‘tap’ If the screen has more than one page. (Ex. P-MIX screen) The cursor moves to the top of next page. If the screen have only one (1) page. The cursor moves to the top of page.

  • Page 17: Stick Adjustment

    Note: Stick Adjustment *Scroll operation: Circle your finger on the outside edge of Adjustment of the stick lever length the RTN button. The sensors may mis-read your touch as a You can adjust the length of stick levers, as you reverse rotation if the circle is smaller, or performed on the inside edge of the RTN button.

  • Page 18: Sd Card

    PC by Windows Explorer, etc. The files must be converted and written by the Futaba File System 2. T u r n o n t h e T 8 F G S p o w e r . W h e n a n software.

  • Page 19: Connector/Plug

    *If you take out the Ni-MH battery HT6F1700B from Saving model data and update files (released the transmitter, you can use the optional quick charger from Futaba) into the SD card, you can then CR-2000 corresponding to Ni-MH battery. transfer those files to your T8FGS transmitter.

  • Page 20: Installation And Removal Of The Battery

    * If there is any problem, the message «Backup Error» will be shown the next time when you turn on the power of the transmitter. Do not use the transmitter as it is. Send it to the Futaba Service Center. <Before Use>…

  • Page 21: Receiver Nomenclature

    Receiver nomenclature Before using the receiver, be sure to read the precautions listed in the following pages. The R6208SB has an S.BUS system output port and a conventional system channel output. It can also be used with conventional system servos, etc. in addition to S.BUS system compatible servos and gyros, etc. In addition, the operating mode (high-speed mode/normal mode) can be selected.

  • Page 22: Basic Operation

    BASIC OPERATION Battery Charging Before charging batteries, read the «Cautions for handling battery and battery charger» in the section «Ni- MH/Ni-Cd Battery Safety and Handling Instructions». How to charge the Ni-MH battery HT6F1700B *Battery charging will not automatically stop. Remove the battery and transmitter from the charger and remove the for the transmitter charger from the wall socket.

  • Page 23: How To Turn On/Off The Transmitter

    How to turn transmitter power ON/OFF Registration of the user’s name When turning on the power, the T8FGS If so desired, the T8FGS transmitter can transmitter will begin emmiting RF automatically indicate the owner’s name. after it confirms the surrounding RF conditions. User’s name setup screen The T8FGS transmitter also offers the ability to 1.

  • Page 24: Home Screen

    Home screen Use the touch sensor to select the following display area to call each setting screen, and touch the RTN button. The setting screen appears. System timer Key lock • This shows the accumulated time since • Touch the S1 button for one second the latest reset.

  • Page 25: User Menu

    User Menu Warning A user menu which allows the user to customize Be sure to confirm the model name before and display frequently used functions has been flying your aircraft. added. Check the battery voltage as often as possible 1.

  • Page 26: Operation Mode Select (R6208Sb)

    Operation Mode Select (R6208SB) The receiver operation mode is on «Normal mode» from factory shipping. To change the mode, please adhere to the following steps: Changing the operation mode Confirming the operation mode Please check the operation mode by observing Link/Mode Button the LED when turning on the receiver.

  • Page 27: S.bus Servo Channel Setting (R6208Sb)

    S.BUS Servo Channel Setting (R6208SB) S.BUS servo channel setting can be performed by using an S.BUS compatible receiver, an SBC-1 channel changer or CIU-2 USB serial interface. To set the channel by using your R6208SB, please adhere to the following steps: Channel setting 1.

  • Page 28: Link Procedure (T8Fgs/R6208Sb)

    Easy Link (T8FGS/R6208SB) Each transmitter has an individually assigned, unique ID code. In order to start operation, the receiver must be linked with the ID code of the transmitter with which it is being paired. Once the link is made, the ID code is stored in the receiver and no further linking is necessary unless the receiver is to be used with another transmitter.

  • Page 29: Range Testing Your R/C System

    Range Testing Your R/C System It is extremely important to range check your models prior to each flying session. This enables you to ensure that everything is functioning as it should and to obtain maximum enjoyment from your time flying. The T8FGS transmitter incorporates a system that reduces its power output and allows you to perform such a range check.

  • Page 30: Receiver And Servo Installation

    RECEIVER AND SERVO INSTALLATION Receiver and servos connection Connect the receiver and servos in accordance with the connection diagram shown below. Always read [Precautions when mounting the receiver and servos] or [Before using]. When mounting the receiver and servos to the fuselage, connect the necessary points in accordance with the model’s instruction manual. Receiver and servos connection diagram Always connect the necessary number of servos.

  • Page 31: Servo Connection By Model Type

    Servo connection by model type The T8FGS transmitter channels are automatically assigned for optimal combination according to the type selected with the Model Type function of the Linkage Menu. The channel assignment (initial setting) for each model type is shown below. Connect the receiver and servos to match the type used. *The set channels can be checked at the Function screen of the Linkage Menu.

  • Page 32
    Ailvator (Dual Elevator) 1AIL (*1) 2AIL (*1) 2AIL+1FLAP (*2) 2AIL+2FLAP (*3) 2AIL+4FLAP (*4) 4AIL+2FLAP (*4) Airplane Glider Airplane Glider Airplane Glider Airplane Glider Airplane Glider Airplane Glider Aileron Aileron Aileron Aileron Aileron Aileron Aileron Aileron Aileron Aileron Aileron Aileron Elevator Elevator Elevator Elevator…
  • Page 33
    Flying wing, Delta wing (Winglet) 2AIL (*1) 2AIL+1FLAP (*1) 2AIL+2FLAP (*2) 2AIL+4FLAP (*3) 4AIL+2FLAP (*3) Airplane Glider Airplane Glider Airplane Glider Airplane Glider Airplane Glider Aileron Aileron Aileron Aileron Aileron Aileron Aileron Aileron Aileron Aileron Rudder2 Rudder2 Rudder2 Rudder2 Rudder2 Rudder2 Aileron2 Aileron2…
  • Page 34
    Helicopter ● Since the ch8 doesn’t work on the 7-ch mode, please RX CH H-4, H4X Swash All Other assign the elevator2 (H-4, H4X) or the needle (all Aileron Aileron other) to 7 channnel if the governor is not used. Elevator Elevator Throttle…
  • Page 35: Safety Precautions When Installing Receiver And Servos

    • Note the small numbers (1, 2, 3, 4) molded into • To prevent the servo lead wires from being each arm on the Futaba 4-arm servo arms. The broken by vibration during flight, provide a slight numbers indicate how many degrees each arm amount of slack or extra so that the wire sticks is “off”…

  • Page 36: Receiver’s Antenna Installation

    Receiver’s Antenna Installation You will note that the R6208SB differs in appearance from the standard Futaba receiver. This receiver incorporate two separate antennas into their design which enables them to receive the radio frequency transmission at two different locations. *Must be kept as straight as possible.

  • Page 37: Model Basic Setting Procedure

    MODEL BASIC SETTING PROCEDURE Airplane/glider basic setting procedure 1. Model addition and selection manual. For a description of the connection method, see the Receiver and Servos Connection. Initially, the T8FGS assigns the first model to Note that even for the same «airplane model-01 in the transmitter.

  • Page 38
    speed of the aileron, elevator, and flap servos can be adjusted. You can also set the Auto Mode, which will link Airbrake to a stick, switch, or dial. A separate stick switch or dial can also be set as the ON/OFF switch.
  • Page 39: Helicopter Basic Setting Procedure

    Helicopter basic setting procedure This section outlines examples of use of the helicopter functions of the T8FGS. Adjust the actual values, etc. to match the fuselage used. 1. Model addition and selection 3. Flight condition addition Initially, the T8FGS assigns the first model to The transmitter offers up to five flight conditions model-01 in the transmitter.

  • Page 40
    4. Servo Connection 5. Throttle/Pitch curve setting Connect the throttle rudder, aileron, elevator, This function adjusts the throttle or pitch pitch, and other servos in accordance with the operation curve in relation to the movement of the kit instruction manual. For a description of the throttle stick for each condition.
  • Page 41
    6. D/R function for each condition. (At initial setting, this function is in the «INH» state. To use it, set it to the «ON» D/R function is used to adjust the throw and state.) operation curve of aileron, elevator and rudder for each condition.
  • Page 42
    12. Throttle mixing setting *If throttle mixing is necessary for a compensation for slowing of engine speed caused by swash plate operation during aileron or elevator operation, please refer to the THROTTLE MIX function, p.129. 13. Other special mixings ●Pitch to Needle mixing This mixing is used with engines with a design which allows needle control during flight (fuel-air mixture adjustment).
  • Page 43: Functions Of System Menu

    SYSTEM MENU The System Menu sets up functions of the transmitter: This does not set up any model data. ● Call the system menu shown below by touching the SYS button twice at the home screen, etc. <SensorTouch™> SYSTEM MENU Scrolling ●…

  • Page 44: Trainer

    TRAINER Trainer system starting and setting When using T8FGS as the student transmitter, The Trainer function makes it possible for the (*1) the trainer function is not used. instructor to choose which functions and channels are to be used for instruction, making it possible to (*1) You can select the operation mode for each channel.

  • Page 45
    ● Select [TRAINER] in the System menu and enter the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button. <SensorTouch™> Scrolling ● Select the function name ● Moving cursor and return to the System ● Selecting mode menu by touching the ●…
  • Page 46
    1. Move the cursor to the [RATE] item of the channel you want to change and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. 2. Adjust the rate by scrolling the touch sensor. «RATE»: Adjust the desired rate. Setting range: 0~100% Initial value: 100% *When you want to reset the value to the initial state, touch…
  • Page 47: Display

    DISPLAY LCD and back-light adjustment LCD contrast, back-light brightness and back- light off-timer adjustment are possible: ● Select [DISPLAY] at the system menu and access the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button. <SensorTouch™> Scrolling ● Select the function name ●…

  • Page 48: User Name

    USER NAME User name registration This function allows the modelers to change the T8FGS user name. *A name of up to 10 characters can be entered as the user name. Please note that a space is also counted as one character.

  • Page 49: Sound

    SOUND Turns off the buzzer. The warning sound and other sound of the T8FGS transmitter can be turned off. *When “WARNING” was set to OFF, the no operation alarm (30 minutes), mixing warning sound, and low battery alarm sounds are turned OFF. ●…

  • Page 50: H/W Setting

    Note: This will not change the throttle ratchet, H/W reverse etc. Those are mechanical changes that This function reverses the operation direction of must be performed by a Futaba service the sticks, switches, trimmer levers, and knobs. center. Note: This setting reverses the actual operation…

  • Page 51
    Stick calibration method *J3 and J4 correction is described below. J3 and J4 correction is performed using the same procedure. 1.Select [CALIBRATION] and access the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button. 2.Move the cursor to the J3-J4 button and touch the RTN button.
  • Page 52: Start Sel

    START SEL. Immediately, a model selection can be performed START SEL is a function which starts and can turned ON. With a few quick touches, it is possible perform a model selection immediately. to change models whereas before it would require a multi-step process.

  • Page 53
    2. With the input next to the desired sensor button two times. Use the SensorTouch™ to highlighted, press the Return (RTN) button one highlight the Start Selection (START SEL.) and time. then press the Return (RTN) button to confirm the selection.
  • Page 54
    1. Turn ON the transmitter, activating the Model Select screen. If Model (MDL) has been selected, please be sure to press the Model (MDL) sensor when powering up the transmitter. *Please note: Even if the Model Select function is active, the Power Mode screen will appear when the transmitter is turned ON while simultaneously pressing the Return (RTN) button.
  • Page 55: Auto Lock

    AUTO LOCK The automatic lock function of two kinds of SensorTouch The Auto Lock function makes it possible to START LOCK automatically lock the transmitter to prevent any Auto Lock functions automatically when the unwanted programming/input when in use. model changes or power is turned on. The auto lock function can be set in two ways.

  • Page 56: Information

    INFO Displays the program version, SD card information, and product ID. The T8FGS system program version information, The language displayed in home, menu, and SD card information (current and maximum setup screen is selectable. number of model data and other files), and product ID are displayed on the Information screen.

  • Page 57: Functions Of Linkage Menu

    FUNCTIONS OF LINKAGE MENU The Linkage Menu is made up of functions The functions which can be selected depend on which perform model addition, model type the model type. A typical menu screen is shown selection, frequency setting, end point setting, and below.

  • Page 58: Servo Monitor

    SERVO MONITOR Servo Test & Graph Display / Displays servo positions. This is used for testing servo movement. In order to prevent any potential difficulties, “Moving Test” (repetition mode) and “Neutral the servo test function will be inoperable, or Test” (fixed position mode) are available. inaccessible, under certain conditions.

  • Page 59: Model Select

    MODEL SELECT The Model Selection function performs model addition, selection, deletion, copy, and model name setting. This function is used to load the settings of the always appears in the display screen. desired model into the T8FGS’s memory. The Copy function is used to copy parameters, The settings may be selected from either the settings, etc.

  • Page 60
    Model deletion the cursor is deleted. [Adding a character] *The model stored in the transmitter memory or an SD card When a character is selected from the can be deleted. character list and the RTN button is touched, *The current model can not be deleted. that character is added at the position 1.
  • Page 61: Model Type

    MODEL TYPE This function selects the model type from among airplane, helicopter, and glider. When changing the helicopter swash type Six swash types are available for helicopters. within the following groups, you can leave Six types of main wings and three types of tail the settings other than the SWASH function.

  • Page 62
    Model type selection (Airplane, Glider) ●Wing type (Normal) ●Wing type (Tailless wing) ●Rudder type ●Tail type Model type selection (Helicopter) ●Swash type <Functions of Linkage Menu>…
  • Page 63: Frequency

    4 virtual CH mode is activated. 7CH: FASST-2.4GHz system 7ch mode Area mode selection (Frequency range) *Select the MLT2 or MULT setting for all Futaba FASST- 2.4G Multi-ch mode receivers, regardless of number of The T8FGS transmitter has been designed channels (e.g., R6208SB/R6108SB/6008HS/R6014HS/…

  • Page 64: Function

    FUNCTION Channel assignment of each function can be changed. Servo Output Channels When you select model and wing (swash) types, you will find that the optimized combinations of For FASST MLT2 mode, you can set 12 linear servo output channels and functions have been channels and two digital channels.

  • Page 65
    [ A T L ] : A T L o p e r a t i o n m o d e . M a x i m u m change near idle or low-stick position, normally used with throttle trim. It is also possible to reverse the travel.
  • Page 66: Sub-Trim

    SUB-TRIM Setting of neutral position of each servo. The Sub-Trim function is used to set the servo neutral position, and may be used to make fine adjustments to the control surface after linkages and pushrods are hooked up. When you begin to set up a model, be sure that the digital trims are set to their center position.

  • Page 67: Servo Reverse

    REVERSE Use to reverse the throw direction. Servo Reverse changes the direction of an to tell whether the servo needs to be reversed or a individual servo’s response to a control input. setting in the function needs to be reversed. See the instructions for each specialized function for further For CCPM helicopters, be sure to read the details.

  • Page 68: Fail Safe

    FAIL SAFE Sets the servos operating position when transmitter signals can no longer be received or when the receiver battery voltage drops. The Failsafe function may be used to set up to fly, land as soon as possible. Remember, if the positions that the servos move to in the case of predefined control suddenly moves to a position radio interference.

  • Page 69: End Point

    END POINT Sets the travel and limit point of each servo. The End Point function adjusts the left and right servo throws, generates differential throws, and will correct improper linkage settings. The travel rate can be varied from 30% to 140% in each direction on channels 1 to 8(12: FASST MLT2 mode).

  • Page 70: Throttle Cut (Air/Heli Only)

    THR CUT Stops the engine safely and easily.(airplane and helicopter only) Throttle cut provides an easy way to stop the *Since conditions are not offered when an Airplane is selected, the Throttle Cut options will vary from the options noted engine.

  • Page 71: Idle Down (Air Only)

    IDLE DOWN Lowers the engine idling speed.(airplane only) The Idle Down function lowers the engine to its idle position. Like Throttle Cut, this is usually accomplished by flipping a switch with the throttle stick at idle. The action is not functional at high throttle to avoid accidental dead sticks.

  • Page 72: Swash Ring (Heli Only)

    SWASH RING Limits the swash plate travel to within a fixed range. (Helicopter only) This function limits the swash travel to a fixed range in order to prevent damaging the swash linkage by simultaneous operation of the ailerons and elevators. It is very useful in 3D aerobatics which use a large travel.

  • Page 73: Swash (Heli Only, Except H-1)

    SWASH Swash AFR and linkage correction function. (helicopter only, except swash type H-1) Neutral Point The following compensation mixing is possible; PIT to AIL, PIT to ELE, AIL to PIT, ELE to AIL, At your linkages, if the servo horn deviates from and ELE to PIT (HR3 mode.) It adjusts the swash- a perpendicular position at neutral, the linkage plate to for proper operation of each control using…

  • Page 74
    Mixing rate setting procedure The HR3 swash-plate type will be used as an example to describe mixing rate setting. The mixing used in other swash modes may be different, however, the setting procedure is the same. *When making the following setting, Move the cursor to the item you want to set and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode.
  • Page 75
    Subtrim setting procedure Subtrim can be set at the last page of the swash setting screen. SWASH SUB-TRIM PITCH ADJ. HIGH NEUTRAL MOVING *The sub-trim value set here is reflected at sub-trim of the linkage menu. Pitch adjustment procedure The pitch adjustment function can be used at the last page of the swash setting screen.
  • Page 76: T1-T4 Setting

    T1-T4 SET. Digital trim settings This function adjusts the digital trim’s step Only the trim displayed on the home screen can amount and operation mode (T1~T4.) be moved to the center position without changing the actual trim’s memory position. When the flight conditions are set, the trim operation can be coupled with the conditions when combination mode is selected.

  • Page 77: Warning

    WARNING Mixing warning normal reset Mixing warning at power ON can be normally Warning display: reset to OFF. Airplane: Throttle cut/Idle down/Throttle position/Snap-roll/Motor position/Airbrake/ Motor Helicopter: Condition/Throttle cut/Throttle position/Throttle Hold Glider: Condition/Motor position/Trim-mix/Motor ● Select [WARNING] in the Linkage menu and access the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button.

  • Page 78: Data Reset

    DATA RESET Model memory setting data reset. This function is designed to allow you to reset All model setting: trim settings or all of the settings saved in the active Resets all Linkage and Model Menu functions model memory. You may individually choose to except for Frequency, Model Select, and Model reset the following data;…

  • Page 79: Functions Of Model Menu

    MODEL MENU (COMMON FUNCTIONS) Note: The T8FG is designed so that the airplane This section describes the D/R, program mixing, and glider (including EP glider) model types and other functions common to all model types. are compatible with aircraft of similar type Before setting the model data, use the Model wings.

  • Page 80: Servo Monitor (Linkage Menu) Condition Select (Glid/Heli Only)

    CONDITION Flight condition’s switch assignment, copy, priority change and condition delay can be set. [except airplane type] This function, in the Model menu, can be used ● A Condition Delay function can be set. Unnecessary fuselage motion which may be to switch the settings of up to 5 flight conditions.

  • Page 81
    Condition delay setting (Setup screen page 2) 1. Select the condition for which you want to set. 2. Move the cursor to the «DELAY» item of the channel you want to set and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Adjust the delay amount by scrolling the touch sensor.
  • Page 82: Dual Rate

    The angle and curve of each stick function can be set. [All model types] DUAL RATE Dual rate function is used to adjust the amount Neutral position of the dual rate curve can be of throw and the operational curve of the stick set.

  • Page 83
    Dual rate setting procedure 5. Neutral position adjustment *Perform the settings below after changing to the circuit # or 1. Function selection condition you want to adjust. Move the cursor to the function selection Move the cursor to the [NT] item and touch item and touch the RTN button to switch to the RTN button to switch to the data input the data input mode.
  • Page 84: Program Mix

    PROG. MIX Program mixing which can be freely customized. Up to five mixings can be used for each model. [All model types] Mixing ON/OFF switch, control or you may choose to Programmable mixing may be used to correct have mixing remaining on all the time. undesired tendencies of the aircraft, and it may also be used for unusual control configurations.

  • Page 85
    ●ON/OFF switch setting ●Trim mode ON/OFF setting Move the cursor to the switch item and 1. When changing the trim mode, move the access the switch setup screen by touching cursor to the [TRIM] item and touch the RTN the RTN button and select the switch and ON button to switch to the data input mode.
  • Page 86: Fuel Mix (Air/Heli Only)

    FUEL MIX Dedicated mixing used to adjust the fuel mixture of applicable engines. [Airplane/helicopter] Note: Initial settings does not assign fuel mix to This function is utilized to refine inflight needle any channel. Prior to utilizing the Fuel Mix adjustments of engines that offer mixture control settings, select an unused channel on your carburetors.

  • Page 87
    Setting method Touch the RTN button to end adjustment and return to the cursor mode. *Before using this function, assign the [FUEL MIX] function *Needle high trim works as high trim based on the center. to an unused channel in the Linkage menu [FUNCTION] (Works like ATL trim.) function.
  • Page 88: Airplane/Glider Functions

    MODEL MENU (AIRPLANE/GLIDER FUNCTIONS) The dedicated mixes, etc. that are applicable position, use the Condition Select function to add when an airplane or glider model type is selected flight conditions. (Up to five conditions can be are displayed in this Model menu functions used) section.

  • Page 89
    [Glider, 4 flaps] AIRBRAKE This function is used when airbrakes are AIL to RUD necessary when landing or when diving, etc. during This mix is used when you want to coordinate flight. (Airplane, 2 ailerons or more) the rudder with aileron operation for banking at shallow angles.
  • Page 90: Pitch Curve (Air Only)

    PIT CURVE [Corresponding model type]: Airplane, general N O T E : W h e n V P P i s n o t a s s i g n e d t o a n y This function adjusts the pitch curve for VPP channel, the pitch curve is not displayed in (Variable Pitch Propeller) airplane.

  • Page 91: Throttle Curve (Air Only)

    THR CURVE [Corresponding model type]: Airplane/glider, general NOTE: If this throttle curve function is activated, This function adjusts the throttle curve for you can not use the THR-EXP function within optimum engine speed from throttle stick input. the DUAL RATE function simultaneously. *When throttle curve is set to ON when there is no throttle function;…

  • Page 92: Throttle Delay (Air Only)

    THR DELAY [Corresponding model type]: Airplane, general THR-DELAY function is used to slow the response of the throttle stick to simulate the slow response of a turbine engine, etc. ● Select [THR DELAY] at the Model menu and access the setup screen shown below by touching the RTN button.

  • Page 93: Ail Differential (Except 1-Ail)

    AIL DIFF. [Corresponding model type]: Airplane/glider, 2 ailerons or more The left and right aileron differential can be adjusted independently. For glider, the differential rate in butterfly mixing can be adjusted. AIL1 AIL 2 (Main Aileron) (Main Aileron) ● Select [AIL DIFF.] at the Model menu AIL 3 AIL 4 and access the setup screen shown…

  • Page 94: Flap Setting (2-Flp And Up)

    FLAP SET. [Corresponding model type]: Airplane/glider, 2 flaps or more The up/down travel of each flap (camber flaps: FLP1/2, brake flaps: FLP3/4) can be adjusted independently for each servo according to the wing type. ● The operation reference point of each flap can be offset The camber flaps of a 4-flap model can FLP 4…

  • Page 95
    AIL to CMBFLP [Corresponding model type]: Airplane/glider, 2 ailerons + 2 flaps or more This mix operates the camber flaps (FLP1/2) in the aileron mode. When the aileron stick is manipulated, the ailerons and camber flaps perform aileron operation simultaneously to significantly improve the roll axis.
  • Page 96: Ail To Camber Flp (2-Ail+2-Flp And Up)95 Ail To Brake Flp (Glid Only, 4-Flp)

    AIL to BRAKEFLP [Corresponding model type]: Glider, 4 flaps This mix operates the brake flaps (FLP3/4) in the aileron mode. When the aileron stick is manipulated, the aileron and brake flaps perform the aileron operation simultaneously and the roll axis is improved. ●…

  • Page 97: Ail To Rud

    AIL to RUD [Corresponding model type]: Airplane/glider, general Use this mix when you want to mix the rudders with aileron operation. This allows the aircraft to bank at a steep angle. ● Mixing during flight can be turned ON/OFF by a AIL1 AIL 2 switch.

  • Page 98: Rud To Ail

    RUD to AIL [Corresponding model type]: Airplane/glider, general This function is used when you want to mix the ailerons with rudder input. It is used when rudder is applied during roll maneuvers such as, knife edge flight. It can be used to turn or bank scale models, large models, etc.

  • Page 99
    ●5-point curve setting (airplane) [Curve rate setting] 1. Move the cursor to the curve rate setting item (left side) you want to adjust and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Adjust the rate by scrolling the touch sensor. Adjustment range: -100%~+100% *When the RTN button is touched for one second, the rate is reset to the initial value.)
  • Page 100: Camber Mix (Except 1-Ail)

    CAMBER MIX [Corresponding model type]: Airplane/glider, 2 ailerons or more This function adjusts the rate of camber ● The up/down side rates of the aileron, flap, and elevator servos can be adjusted. When the mixing operation for the wing camber (ailerons, camber direction is reversed by the linkage, adjustments flaps, brake flaps) in the negative and positive can be made by changing the mixing rate…

  • Page 101
    Setting method When setting a cut switch, move the cursor to the [CUT-SW] item and touch the RTN ●Activate the function button to access the selection screen. Select the switch and set its ON direction. (Always Move the cursor to the [ACT] item and touch ON at «—«…
  • Page 102: Ele To Camber (Except 1-Ail)

    ELE to CAMBER [Corresponding model type]: Airplane/glider, 2 ailerons or more This function is used when you want to mix the ● In-flight mixing can be turned ON/OFF by assigning this to a switch. (Always ON at [—] setting) camber flaps with elevator operation. When used, ●…

  • Page 103
    CMBFLP to ELE [Corresponding model type]: Airplane/glider, 2 ailerons + 1 flap or more When the camber/speed flaps are utilized, the aircraft might experience, a change in pitch. This mix compensates for such changes by incorporating elevator input. ● The elevator servos up/down rates can be FLP 1 FLP 2 adjusted separately.
  • Page 104: Butterfly (Glid Only, Normal Wing 2-Ail And Up, Flying Wing 2-Ail+1Flp And Up)

    BUTTERFLY [Corresponding model type]: Glider, Normal: 2 ailerons or more Flying: 2 ailerons + 1 flap or more This function is utilized to quickly slow the 3. Create more lift toward the center of the wing allowing it to fly at a slower speed aircraft and reduce altitude by simultaneously ●…

  • Page 105
    Setting method ● Elevator compensation curve adjustment Output (Y) Position (X) ●Activate the function Offset point Fixed (0) Fixed (offset Move the cursor to the [ACT] item and touch position) the RTN button to switch to the data input 2- Intermediate point Settable Settable mode.
  • Page 106: Trim Mix (Glid Only, 2-Ail And Up)

    TRIM MIX [Corresponding model type]: Glider, 2 ailerons or more This function adjusts the trim offset rates of the smooth transition between the two conditions. It ailerons, elevators, and flaps (camber flaps, brake is also possible to program a cut switch which flaps) according to the flight status.

  • Page 107
    Setting method Initial value: 0 Adjustment range: 0~27 ●Activate the function *When the RTN button is touched for one second, the servo Move the cursor to the [ACT] item and touch operation position is reset to the initial value.) the RTN button to switch to the data input Touch the RTN button to end the adjustment mode.
  • Page 108: Airbrake (Air Only, 2-Ail And Up)

    AIRBRAKE [Corresponding model type]: Airplane, 2 ailerons or more This function is used to increase the aircraft’s Setting example for F3A and other flaperon specifications drag and is useful for landing or diving, etc. (When 2 ailerons model type selected) The preset elevators and flaps (camber flap, Offset rate: brake flap) offset amount can be activated by a…

  • Page 109
    Setting method ●Servo speed setting Move the cursor to the aileron, flap or ●Activate the function elevator speed item and touch the RTN Move the cursor to the [ACT] item and touch button to switch to the data input mode. the RTN button to switch to the data input Adjust the rate by scrolling the touch sensor.
  • Page 110: Gyro (Air Only, For Gya Type Gyro)

    GYRO [Corresponding model type]: Airplane/glider, general Note: This setting does not assign a sensitivity This function is used when a GYA Series gyro channel. To do so, use the Linkage menu is used to stabilize the aircraft’s attitude. The prior to assigning the sensitivity channel sensitivity and operation mode (Normal mode/ (Gyro/Gyro2/Gyro3), be sure to select an AVCS mode) can be changed via a switch.

  • Page 111
    Adjustment range: 0~100% *When a Futaba GYA gyro is used and [GY] type is selected, *When the RTN button is touched for one second, the the sensitivity set value is directly read in both the AVCS sensitivity is reset to the initial value.)
  • Page 112: V-Tail

    V-TAIL [Corresponding model type]: Airplane/glider, V-tail V-TAIL This function enables adjustments for left and right rudder angle changes during elevator and rudder operation of a V-tail airplane. V-tail is when two servos are used together to control rudder movement as elevators. In addition ELEVATOR to each elevator side moving up and down together, (RUDDER 2)

  • Page 113: Ailevator

    AILEVATOR [Corresponding model type]: Airplane/glider, Ailevator (Effective only when 2 servos used at the elevators) This function improves the performance of the roll axis by operating the elevators as ailerons. Ailevator is where each elevator in a standard (conventional) or v-tail moves independently, like ailerons on a wing.

  • Page 114: Winglet (Flying Wing Only)

    WINGLET [Corresponding model type]: Airplane/glider, Flying wing only This function adjusts the left and right rudder angles of airplanes with winglets. Winglets are used to improve the efficiency of aircraft by lowering the lift-induced drag caused by wingtip vortices. The winglet is a vertical or angled extension located at the tip of each wing.

  • Page 115: Motor

    MOTOR [Corresponding model type]: Airplane/glider, general This function lets you set the speed when the time operation, set the ACT/INH item to [INH] and then reset it to [ON]. motor of an F5B or other EP glider is started via ●…

  • Page 116
    ● ON/OFF direction ● Motor function switch current position Setting method ●Start switch function ● Activate the motor speed function When active, the «START SW» allows the motor’s state to change from OFF to ON. The When using motor speed function, move the motor is ON when the main SW and «START cursor to the [INH] item and touch the RTN SW»…
  • Page 117: Rud To Ele (Air Only)

    RUD to ELE [Corresponding model type]: Airplane, general This function is used when you want to mix ● Mixing during flight can be turned ON/OFF by setting a switch. (Always ON at [—] setting) elevator operation with rudder operation. It is used ●…

  • Page 118: Snap Roll (Air Only)

    SNAP ROLL [Corresponding model type]: Airplane, general This function selects the switch and rate (Example) Setting example for F3A adjustment of ailerons, elevators, and rudder when ● Mode: [Master] a snap roll is performed. ● Safety SW: [SG] (Safety measure) ●…

  • Page 119
    Setting method ●Master/single mode selection Move the cursor to the [MODE] item and touch the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Select the master or single mode by scrolling the touch sensor. *The display blinks. [MASTER]: Master mode [SINGLE]: Single mode Touch the RTN button to select the mode and return to the cursor mode.
  • Page 120: Helicopter Functions

    MODEL MENU (HELICOPTER) This section contains information on the Condition Select screen prior to adjusting the commands that apply to helicopters only. For model’s parameters. (Up to five conditions can be instructions on Airplanes and Sailplanes, refer to used) the sections pertaining to those aircraft. The Dual Rate function and other functions Use the Model Type function in the Linkage common to all model types have already been…

  • Page 121: Pit Curve/Pit Trim

    PIT CURVE/PIT TRIM Pitch Curve This function adjusts the pitch operation curve *A simple curve can be created by reducing the number of input points to two or three, and then entering the specified for each flight condition to optmize the model’s value at the corresponding points.

  • Page 122
    Curve setting examples When actually creating a curve, input the rate The screens shown below are curves created by specified by the model (or the reference value). entering the pitch rate at low, center, and high side (3 points or 5 points) at each condition. ●Pitch Curve (Example) Normal Curve Idle-up 1 Curve…
  • Page 123
    [Low/High pitch trim setting] High Pitch/Low Pitch Trim Setting method High Pitch/Low Pitch Trim is the pitch servo ● Set the function to ACT (ON). high side and low side trim function. ● Select the adjustment knobs. Selection example: LS (high side), RS (low side) ●…
  • Page 124: Thr Curve/Throttle Hover Trim/Throttle

    THR CURVE/THROTTLE HOVER TRIM Throttle Curve Throttle curve function adjusts the throttle accompanying changes in the temperature, operation curve for each condition to optimize the humidity, and other flight conditions can be engine speed to throttle stick movement. trimmed. Adjust the throttle so that rotor rotation is most stable.

  • Page 125
    Curve setting examples condition. When actually creating a curve, enter the The curves shown below are created by inputting parameters specified per the model (or the reference the data of the 5 points 0% (low side), 25%, value). 50% (center), 75%, 100% (high) side for each ●Throttle Curve (Example) Normal Curve Idle-up 1 Curve…
  • Page 126
    Throttle limiter function [Throttle limiter setting] This function limits the high range of the throttle movement by any slider or trimmer. *Control which adjusts the limit point during flight can be set. Setting method •Limiter operating range adjustment control setting *Set at the 3rd page of the throttle curve screen.
  • Page 127: Throttle Hold

    THR HOLD This function sets the throttle cut position for Note: Initially, this setting does not assign the throttle hold switch. Prior to adjusting the auto rotation. The throttle servo operating speed parameters for the throttle hold, we suggest can be adjusted. (Speed) designating a throttle hold switch.

  • Page 128: Swash Mix

    SWASH MIX Example of use The swash mix function is used to correct the ● As an example, use swash mixing to correct swash plate in the aileron (roll) direction and undesirable roll tendencies. elevator (cyclic pitch) corresponding to each ●…

  • Page 129: Throttle Mix

    THROTTLE MIX Setting example This function corrects slowing of engine speed ● AIL to THR mixing counteracts the lag in caused by swash plate operation during aileron engine RPM’s when an aileron input is given or elevator operation. The method of applying to the helicopter.

  • Page 130: Pit To Rud (Revolution Mix)

    PIT to RUD mixing (Revolution mixing) Note: When a GY Series or other heading hold Use this mix when you want to suppress the gyro is used, since correction is performed by reaction torque generated by main rotor pitch and the gyro, this mix is not utilized.

  • Page 131: Gyro (For Gy Type Gyro)

    GYRO mixing This function used to adjust gyro sensitivity. Note: When using the [Gyro2]/[Gyro3] function, assign [Gyro2]/[Gyro3] to any channel on the The sensitivity and operation mode (Normal mode/ function screen. AVCS mode) can be set for each condition. Always set to [—] both (Control) and (Trim) for The gyro sensitivity can be switched with each the [Gyro] function at the Function menu in condition or the switch.

  • Page 132
    Initial value: 0% *When a Futaba GYA gyro is used and [GY] type is selected, Adjustment range: -20~+20% the sensitivity set value is directly read in both the AVCS *When the RTN button is touched for one second, the and NORM modes.
  • Page 133: Governor

    GOVERNOR mixing When using a Futaba GV-1/GY701/CGY750 *When using an independent governor [ON]/[OFF] switch, connect the AUX([ON]/[OFF]) connector of the governor to governor, this function is used to switch the RPM CH8 and set the switch to CH8 (Governor2) at the Function of the helicopter’s rotor head.

  • Page 134
    the RTN button to switch to the data input mode. Select the unit by scrolling the touch sensor. T o u c h t h e R T N b u t t o n t o c h a n g e t h e operation mode and return to the cursor mode.
  • Page 135: Appendix

    TIMER ST1/ST2 Timer setting The Timer function may be set for any desired a long tone at the target time, and continue counting time, i.e. engine run time, specified times for with displaying a minus (-) sign. Count-up timers competitions, etc. Two independent timers are also beep the last twenty and ten seconds, beep the provided for your use.

  • Page 136: Timer St1/St2

    Timer setting Timer operation ● Timer ST1 and ST2 are started/stopped by ●Up timer/down timer setting pre-selected start/stop switch. Move the cursor to the [MODE] item and ● To reset a timer, operate the pre-selected touch the RTN button to switch to the data reset switch, or move the cursor to the [RESET] input mode.

  • Page 137: Switch Setting Method

    Switch Setting Method The various functions used in the T8FG can is, whenever the manual indicates that something is be activated by a switch. For the purposes of this operated via a switch, it is possible for the user to manual, a stick position, VR position, etc.

  • Page 138
    Operation modes Shifting the ON/Off point The operation modes available when stick, trim The ON/OFF point can be shifted. ON/OFF at lever, or knob was selected are described below. a free position can be changed. Linear mode [LIN] ●Black range: OFF range ●White range: ON range [Setting method] This mode sets ON/OFF to the left or right (up…
  • Page 139
    To return to the preceeding screen, move the cursor to the [SWITCH] at the top of the screen and touch the RTN button. FUTABA CORPORATION Phone: +81 475 32 6982, Facsimile: +81 475 32 6983 1080 Yabutsuka, Chosei-mura, Chosei-gun, Chiba-ken, 299-4395, Japan ©FUTABA CORPORATION 2013, 03 (2) <Appendix>…
User Manual Release Date
T16IZS-24G User Manual 1M23N39402_16iZS_ENG_Short 2023-03-17
T16IZS-24G User Manual 1M23N39402_16iZS_ENG_Short 2023-03-17
FEX01T1 User Manual-Rev01-221209 User Manual-Rev01-221209 2022-12-12
FEX02T1 User Manual-Rev01-221209 User Manual-Rev01-221209 2022-12-12
R7208SB-24G User Manual R7208SB Rev01-1122 Users Manual 2022-11-24
R7208SB-24G User Manual R7308SB Rev01-1122 Users Manual 2022-11-24
T10PX-24G User Manual-Part 1 User Manual-Part 1 2021-12-08
T10PX-24G User Manual-Part 2 Users Manual 2021-12-08
R404SBS-24G User Manual-R404SBS-rev01-211008 Users Manual 2021-10-19
R404SBS-24G User Manual-R404SBS-E-rev01-211008 Users Manual 2021-10-19
T16IZ-24G User Manual Rev02-1229 Users Manual 2020-12-30
T16IZ-24G User Manual Rev02-1229 Users Manual 2020-12-30
R7014SB-24G User Manual Users Manual 2020-09-16
FEX02T User Manual-Rev 01-0528 User Manual-Rev 01-0528 2020-05-29
T32MZ-24G User Manual-Part 1-Rev 01-190827 1 indb 2019-09-27
T32MZ-24G User Manual-Part 2 Users Manual 2019-09-27
T32MZ-24G User Manual-Part 1-Rev 01-190827 1 indb 2019-09-27
T32MZ-24G User Manual-Part 2 Users Manual 2019-09-27
T4PM-24G User Manual-Part 1-Rev 01-0107 4PM-E_Cover-01 2019-01-18
T4PM-24G User Manual-Part 2 4PM-E_Cover-01 2019-01-18
T4PM-24G User Manual-Part 3 4PM-E_Cover-01 2019-01-18
R7108SB-24G User Manual User Manual 2018-12-19
CGY760R-24G User Manual User Manual 2018-04-03
CGY760R-24G User Manual User Manual 2018-04-03
T12K-24G User Manual Users Manual 2017-12-28
R3004SB-24G User Manual User Manual 2017-12-24
FEX01T User Manual User Manual 2017-11-21
T7PX-24G User Manual P1-40 User Manual 2017-08-25
T7PX-24G User Manual P41-116 User Manual 2017-08-25
T7PX-24G User Manual P116-192 User Manual 2017-08-25
T7PX-24G User Manual P1-40 User Manual 2017-08-25
T7PX-24G User Manual P41-116 User Manual 2017-08-25
T7PX-24G User Manual P116-192 User Manual 2017-08-25
T16SZ-24G User Manual-Part I User Manual-Part I 2017-08-08
T16SZ-24G User Manual-Part II User Manual-Part II 2017-08-08
T16SZ-24G User Manual-Part III User Manual-Part III 2017-08-08
T16SZ-24G User Manual-Part IV User Manual-Part IV 2017-08-08
T16SZ-24G User Manual-Part I User Manual-Part I 2017-08-08
T16SZ-24G User Manual-Part II User Manual-Part II 2017-08-08
T16SZ-24G User Manual-Part III User Manual-Part III 2017-08-08
T16SZ-24G User Manual-Part IV User Manual-Part IV 2017-08-08
R334SBS-24G User Manual User Manual 2017-08-03
R7014SB-24G User Manual User Manual 2017-06-30
FMR-03-24G User Manual 1 User Manual 1 2017-05-16
FMR-03-24G User Manual 2 User Manual 2 2017-05-16
FMR-03-24G User Manual 3 User Manual 3 2017-05-16
T6L-24G User Manual User Manual 2017-04-19
R324SBS-24G User Manual User Manual 2017-04-12
FMT-03-24G User Manual-Part I-Rev 01 170210 User Manual-Part I-Rev 01 170210 2017-02-16
FMT-03-24G User Manual-Part II User Manual-Part II 2017-02-16
R3001SB-24G User Manual-Rev 01 170118 User Manual-Rev 01 170118 2017-01-24
T4PV-24G User Manual 4PV-Eng-01-P2-3 indd 2016-09-08
FEX01T User Manual-Rev 02 160825 User Manual-Rev 02 160825 2016-08-28
T3PV-24G User Manual-Rev 02 160525 User Manual-Rev 02 160525 2016-05-26
T18MZWC-24G User Manual 1 1 2016-02-05
T18MZWC-24G User Manual 2 User Manual 2 2016-02-05
T18MZWC-24G User Manual 1 1 2016-02-05
T18MZWC-24G User Manual 2 User Manual 2 2016-02-05
R7006SB-24G User Manual User Manual 2016-01-12
T18SZ-24G User Manual-Part I User Manual-Part I 2015-09-24
T18SZ-24G User Manual-Part II User Manual-Part II 2015-09-24
T18SZ-24G User Manual-Part III User Manual-Part III 2015-09-24
T18SZ-24G User Manual-Part I User Manual-Part I 2015-09-23
T18SZ-24G User Manual-Part II User Manual-Part II 2015-09-23
T18SZ-24G User Manual-Part III User Manual-Part III 2015-09-23
R7018SB-24G User Manual User Manual 2015-07-21
T6K-24G User Manual-Part I MANUAL_6K E _0521 2015-07-07
T6K-24G User Manual-Part II MANUAL_6K E _0521 2015-07-07
FRN601U-T1 User Manual-Rev 01 150430 User Manual-Rev 01 150430 2015-05-03
R3006SB-24G User Manual User Manual 2015-04-19
FMT01-24G User Manual 1 User Manual 1 2015-03-16
FMT01-24G User Manual 2 User Manual 2 2015-03-16
T4GRS-24G User Manual Part 1 User Manual Part 1 2015-01-09
T4GRS-24G User Manual Part 2 Users Manual 2015-01-09
T4GRS-24G User Manual Part 3 User Manual Part 3 2015-01-09
FDQ02T2 User Manual-Rev 01 141208 Your FRH set should contain the following 2014-12-11
L35-N4581 user manual I Users Manual 2014-08-06
L35-N4581 user manual II Users Manual 2014-08-06
L35-N4581 user manual III Users Manual 2014-08-06
T4PX-24G User Manual-Part 1 Page 1-51 Users Manual 2014-08-06
T4PX-24G User Manual-Part 2 Page 52-111 Users Manual 2014-08-06
T4PX-24G User Manual-Part 3 Page 112-163 Users Manual 2014-08-06
T4PX-24G User Manual-Part 1 Page 1-51 Users Manual 2014-08-06
T4PX-24G User Manual-Part 2 Page 52-111 Users Manual 2014-08-06
T4PX-24G User Manual-Part 3 Page 112-163 Users Manual 2014-08-06
R3008SB-24G User Manual User Manual 2014-02-09
T10J-24G User Manual-P 38-175 Rev 01 0128 Users Manual 2014-01-29
R304SB-E-24G Users Manual Users Manual 2013-11-06
R304SB-24G User Manual Rev0426 Users Manual 2013-05-07
FHSSBI-24G User Manual 1 Users Manual 2013-05-02
FHSSBI-24G User Manual 2 Users Manual 2013-05-02
T14SG-24G User Manual 1 User Manual 1 2013-02-06
T14SG-24G User Manual 2 User Manual 2 2013-02-06
T14SG-24G User Manual 3 User Manual 3 2013-02-06
T14SG-24G User Manual 1 User Manual 1 2013-02-06
T14SG-24G User Manual 2 User Manual 2 2013-02-06
T14SG-24G User Manual 3 User Manual 3 2013-02-06
FX-20-24G User Manual 7 Instruction manual 2013-01-09
T2PSK1-24G User Manual User Manual 2012-11-20
R7003SB-24G User Manual User Manual 2012-11-08
T2PSK2-24G User Manual-1009 User Manual-1009 2012-10-10
T2PSK-24G User Manual User Manual 2012-06-28
R6308SBT-24G Spec -Rev 01 0516 Spec 2012-05-18
R6308SBT-24G User Manual User Manual 2012-05-18
T8J-24G User s Manual Users Manual 2012-02-19
T18MZ-24G User manual-1 page 1-30 Users Manual 2011-12-07
T18MZ-24G User manual-2 Page 31-100 Users Manual 2011-12-07
T18MZ-24G User manual-3 Page 101-162 Users Manual 2011-12-07
T18MZ-24G User manual-1 page 1-30 Users Manual 2011-12-07
T18MZ-24G User manual-2 Page 31-100 Users Manual 2011-12-07
T18MZ-24G User manual-3 Page 101-162 Users Manual 2011-12-07
R7008SB-24G manual-revised manual-revised 2011-12-05
TMFH-24G Spec Rev 02 Spec 2011-07-25
TMFH-24G User Manual-Rev 02 User Manual-Rev 02 2011-07-25
T2POK-24G User s Manual User s Manual 2011-04-26
T2POK-24G User s Manual-0331 User s Manual-0331 2011-03-31
FHSS3-24G User manual user_manual 2011-03-21
FHSS2-24G User s Manual-Rev user_manual_revised 2010-11-03
FDP03 User s Manual User s Manual 2010-08-05
T2ER72-75A User s Manual Rev 02 -Part 1 A5FEADB6B6C7AF75A643A64C 2010-08-01
T2ER72-75A User s Manual Rev 02 -Part 2 A5FEADB6B6C7AF75A643A64C 2010-08-01
FDP02 User s Manual Rev-02 User s Manual Rev-02 2010-06-13
FHSS1-24G User manual user_manual 2009-11-06
T8FG-24G User manual Instruction of the T14MZ 2009-09-03
T2PL-24G User manual User Manual — User Manual 2009-08-13
RRC-R13 Use Manual REV1 AZPRRC-R13_Use Manual 2009-04-14
RRC-T13 Use Manual REV1 AZPRRC-R13_Use Manual 2009-04-15
T10CG-24G User manual 10CG_ENG_1M23N21005 2009-04-08
TM10-24G User manual TM10_Instruction_Manual 2008-05-29
T4PK-24G User manual User manual 2008-02-17
TM14-24G Users manual Users Manual 2007-11-21
FS006H User Manual I Users Manual 2007-10-25
FS006H User Manual II Users Manual 2007-10-25
FP-PK-FM-75B User Manual I User Manual I 2007-10-19
FP-PK-FM-75B User Manual II User Manual II 2007-10-19
TMSS2-24G Users manual Users Manual 2007-10-09
T3GR-24G Manual 3GR_2 4G_01_ENG 2007-09-07
T2DR-75A User Manual User Manual 2007-08-10
T2PHKA-75A Users Manual Users Manual 2007-08-02
TM78-24G Manual Manual 2007-07-17
T4YBF-72B Users Manual Users Manual 2007-07-13
RRC-R11 User Manual Manual_FCC 2007-06-26
RRC-T11 User Manual Manual_FCC 2007-06-15
T2PG-75A User Manual Users Manual TEC2 2007-05-16
TMSS1-24G User Manual User Manual 2007-01-31
T3PM-24G 2G Manual 2G Manual 2006-11-16
T3PM-24G User Manual 3PM_01_P2_3_ 2 2006-11-16
T2PL-FM-75 Users Manual 2PL_FM_ENG_0 2006-06-30
PK-FSM-24G Users Manual Your FRH set should contain the following 2006-05-22
FDQ02T Users Manual Users Manual 2006-05-22
FX-FM72 Users Manual Users Manual 2006-03-08
T3PN-75 Users Manual I 0_2PL 2006-02-20
T3PN-75 Users Manual II Users Manual II 2006-02-20
T2PIFM-75 Users Manual Users Manual 2006-01-12
FDL01TU Users Manual Users Manual 2005-10-25
T4EX-75 Users Manual Users Manual 2005-09-30
T4EX-72 Users Manual Users Manual 2005-07-08
FRH-SD07TU User Manual Your FRH set should contain the following 2005-04-19
T6EX2-72 Users Manual 6EXAP_01 ai 2005-02-07
TP-FSM-72 User Manual User Manual 2004-12-20
MZ-FM72 User Manual User Manual 2004-11-26
PK-PLL75 User Manual Part 1 User Manual Part 1 2004-11-03
PK-PLL75 User Manual Part 2 PK-FSM_manual 2004-11-03
FDK02TU users manual users manual 2004-07-16
FDK02TU users manual statement users manual statement 2004-07-16
T7C-75 User Manual 7C_manual_low_resolution 2004-04-26
FRN601U-T Users Manual Part 1 Users Manual Part 1 2004-02-20
FRN601U-T Users Manual Part 2 Users Manual Part 2 2004-02-20
T3PM-75 User Manual 3PM_01_P2_3 2004-02-04
T7C-72 User Manual 7C_manual_low_resolution 2004-01-14
PK-AM-75 User Manual Part 1 User Manual Part 1 2003-12-12
PK-AM-75 User Manual Part 2 User Manual Part 2 2003-12-12
PK-AM-75 User Manual Part 3 User Manual Part 3 2003-12-12
T3PM-FSS-75 User Manual 3PM_01_P2_3 2003-12-17
T2PL-75 Users Manual 1 2PL p _ eps 2003-06-25
T2PL-75 Users Manual 2 0_2PL 2003-06-25
T4YBF-72 Users Manual Users Manual 2003-05-20
T3PG-75 Users Manual Users Manual 2003-05-09
T2PI-75 Uses Manual Uses Manual 2003-05-05
T6EXA-72 Users Manual Part 1 6EXA2 qxd 2003-03-19
T6EXA-72 Users Manual Part 2 6EXA2 qxd 2003-03-19
T6EXA-72 Users Manual Part 3 6EXA2 qxd 2003-03-19
T6EXA-72 Users Manual Part 4 Users Manual Part 4 2003-03-19
FP-PK-FM-75 Revised Users Manual Part 1 Revised Users Manual Part 1 2002-11-12
FP-PK-FM-75 Revised Users Manual Part 2 Revised Users Manual Part 2 2002-11-12
T4YBF-72 Users Manual Users Manual 2002-09-18
T4YBF-72 Revisded page of Users Manual Revisded page of Users Manual 2002-09-18
FRH-SD07TU Users Manual Users Manual 2002-06-18
FRD1201U-R3 Users Manual Users Manual 2002-05-17
FS0005H Manual R C Simulator RealFlight 2002-03-24
FP-T3FR-F72 Manual Manual 2002-01-18
T2PHKA-75 Manual Manual 2001-10-10
FP-T3FR-72 Partial manual Partial manual 2001-09-19
T2PG-75 Manual Users Manual TEC2 2001-03-06
FRD1201U-R2 Manual Manual 2001-02-20
FRD1201U-T2 Manual Manual 2001-02-19
T6DA-72 Instruction Manual Instruction Manual 2001-01-02
FRH-SD06TU Manual Manual 2000-10-25
T6YG-72 Users Manual Users Manual 2000-08-28
T2ER72-76 front front 2000-01-11
T2ER72-76 p0 Users Manual p0 2000-01-11
T2ER72-76 p1 Users Manual p1 2000-01-11
T2ER72-76 p2 Users Manual p2 2000-01-11
T2ER72-76 p3 Users Manual p3 2000-01-11
T2ER72-76 p4 Users Manual p4 2000-01-11
T2ER72-76 p5 Users Manual p5 2000-01-11
T2ER72-76 p6 Users Manual p6 2000-01-11
T2ER72-76 p7 Users Manual p7 2000-01-11
T2ER72-76 p8 Users Manual p8 2000-01-11
T2ER72-76 p9 Users Manual p9 2000-01-11
T2ER72-76 p10 Users Manual p10 2000-01-11
T2ER72-76 p11 Users Manual p11 2000-01-11
T2ER72-76 p12 Users Manual p12 2000-01-11
T2ER72-76 p13 Users Manual p13 2000-01-11
T2ER72-76 p14 Users Manual p14 2000-01-11
T2ER72-76 p15 Users Manual p15 2000-01-11
T2ER72-76 p16 Users Manual p16 2000-01-11
T2ER72-76 p17 Users Manual p17 2000-01-11
T6YF-72 8 53482 1998-09-03
FRH-SD03TU2 Futaba User Manual UserManual PDF 1999-06-11
T7YFK-72 Preliminary Instruction Manual Preliminary Instruction Manual 1999-07-28
T7YFK-72 Preliminary Instruction Manual Preliminary Instruction Manual 1999-07-28
T7YFK-72 Preliminary Instruction Manual Preliminary Instruction Manual 1999-07-28
T7YFK-72 Preliminary Instruction Manual Preliminary Instruction Manual 1999-07-28
T2PEKA-75 8 34421 1999-07-14

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