Руководство по эксплуатации мерседес бенц актрос

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту грузовых автомобилей Mercedes-Benz Actros 1996-2007 годов выпуска.

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Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту грузовых автомобилей Mercedes-Benz Actros третьего поколения 2008-2011 годов выпуска.

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Каталог технической документации Mercedes-Benz Actros.

Сборник руководств по диагностике, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Mercedes-Benz Actros первого поколения.

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Руководство по ремонту Mercedes-Benz Actros new.

Руководство по ремонту автомобиля Mercedes-Benz Actros с 2003 года выпуска.

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  • Издательство: Терция
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Руководство по эксплуатации, ремонту и ТО Mercedes-Benz Actros 1.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Mercedes-Benz Actros 1996-2003 годов выпуска в кузовах W950/W952/W953/W954.

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  • Издательство: Арго-Авто
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Схемы электрооборудования грузового автомобиля Mercedes-Benz Actros.

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  • Издательство: Терция
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Руководство по эксплуатации, ремонту и ТО Mercedes-Benz Actros 2,3.

Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту автомобиля Mercedes-Benz Actros 2003-2011 годов выпуска в кузовах W930/W932/W933/W934.

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  • Издательство: Арго-Авто
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Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту грузовых автомобилей Mercedes-Benz Actros с 2012 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
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Руководство по эксплуатации, техническому обслуживанию и ремонту грузовых автомобилей Mercedes-Benz Actros с 2012 года выпуска.

  • Автор:
  • Издательство: Монолит
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Summary of Contents for Mercedes-Benz Actros

This manual is also suitable for:


1. Техническая информация автомобиля

Заводская табличка автомобиля / нагрузки на мосты

Заводская табличка автомобиля и идентификационный номер автомобиля (VIN)

Заводская табличка автомобиля и идентификационный номер автомобиля Mercedes Actros с 2012 года

Заводская табличка автомобиля (1) находится на раме двери на стороне переднего пассажира. Идентификационный номер автомобиля (VIN) (2) выштампован на лонжероне рамы в правой колесной арке.

Данные на заводской табличке автомобиля

Данные на заводской табличке автомобиля Mercedes Actros с 2012 года

1. Изготовитель автомобиля («Даймлер АГ»). 2. Номер разрешения на эксплуатацию ЕС (только в исполнении для определенных стран). 3. Идентификационный номер автомобиля (VIN). 4. Полная нормативная масса (кг) / Полная нормативная масса автопоезда (кг). 5. Нормативные нагрузки на мосты 1–4 (кг). 6. Нормативная нагрузка на группу мостов T (кг). 7. Коэффициент дымности отработавших газов. 8. Передаточное число заднего моста. 9. Базовая установка угла наклона фар. 10. Тип автомобиля или модификация автомобиля.
Технически допустимую полную нормативную массу автопоезда Вы можете найти на заводской табличке автомобиля или в сертификате соответствия COC. Учитывайте, что при эксплуатации автомобиля для перевозки опасных грузов (ДОПОГ) технически допустимая полная нормативная масса автопоезда определяется действием постоянного тормоза автомобиля. Данное значение Вы найдете в разрешении на перевозку опасных грузов (ДОПОГ).
При возникновении дополнительных вопросов всегда обращайтесь в пункт ТО «Мерседес-Бенц».

Заводская табличка двигателя

Заводская табличка двигателя Mercedes Actros с 2012 года

Двигатель OM 471 (пример)

Заводская табличка двигателя (1) находится слева по направлению движения, сзади на блок-картере двигателя.
Заводская табличка двигателя (1) содержит следующую информацию:
— Изготовитель.
— Тип двигателя.
— Модификация двигателя.
— Номер двигателя.

Эксплуатационные материалы

Важные указания по технике безопасности

Эксплуатационные материалы могут быть ядовитыми и вредными для здоровья. Существует опасность травмирования! При применении, хранении и удалении эксплуатационных материалов учитывайте предупреждения на наклейках на соответствующих оригинальных емкостях. Всегда храните эксплуатационные материалы в закрытых оригинальных емкостях. Не подпускайте детей к эксплуатационным материалам.

— Для допущенных эксплуатационных материалов не требуются или не допускаются специальные присадки, за исключением допущенных присадок к топливу. Присадки могут повлечь за собой повреждения агрегатов. Поэтому не примешивайте присадки к эксплуатационным материалам. За применение присадок ответственность всегда несете Вы.
— Удаляйте эксплуатационные материалы в строгом соответствии с требованиями охраны окружающей среды!
Эксплуатационными материалами являются:
— Концентрат стекломоющего средства.
— Топливо, например, дизельное топливо.
— AdBlue®, восстановитель системы нейтрализации отработавших газов BlueTec®.
— Смазочные материалы, например, моторные и трансмиссионные масла, консистентные смазки.
— Гидравлические масла.
— Охлаждающая жидкость.
— Хладагент системы кондиционирования воздуха.
Допущенные эксплуатационные материалы отвечают высшим стандартам качества и указаны в «Предписаниях «Мерседес-Бенц» по эксплуатационным материалам». Поэтому используйте только допущенные для Вашего автомобиля эксплуатационные материалы.
Информацию о допущенных эксплуатационных материалах Вы можете получить в любом пункте ТО «Мерседес-Бенц».
Допущенные «Мерседес-Бенц» эксплуатационные материалы распознаются по следующей надписи на емкости:
— MB-Freigabe (допуск «Мерседес-Бенц», например, Freigabe228.51)
— MB-Approval (допуск «Мерседес-Бенц», например, MB-Approval228.51).
Другие обозначения и рекомендации, указывающие на степень качества или спецификацию, не во всех случаях допущены «Мерседес-Бенц».
Дальнейшую информацию Вы получите в любом пункте ТО «Мерседес-Бенц».
Спецификация смазочных материалов и наличие их в продаже могут измениться. Отдельные смазочные материалы, особенно для старых автомобилей, могут не иметься в продаже.
Информацию по этому вопросу можно получить в любом пункте ТО «Мерседес-Бенц».

Моторные масла

Указания по моторным маслам

Использование моторных масел другой степени качества, кроме степени качества, предписанного в данном «Руководстве по эксплуатации», не допускается.

Моторные масла Mercedes Actros с 2012 года

Качество моторных масел имеет решающее значение для работоспособности и срока службы двигателя. На основе сложных и дорогостоящих испытаний «Мерседес-Бенц» постоянно производит выдачу сертификатов допуска для моторных масел в соответствии с новейшим уровнем техники.
Для автомобилей BlueTec®6 используйте только моторные масла, соответствующие «Предписаниям «Мерседес-Бенц» по эксплуатационным материалам» согласно листу №228.51 или 228.31.
Для автомобилей BlueTec®6 с пакетом Fuel Efficiency Package (FE1) используйте моторные масла согласно листу №228.61, 228.51 или 228.31.
Для всех других автомобилей Вы можете использовать моторные масла согласно листу №228.5, 228.51, 228.3 или 228.31. Используйте преимущественно моторные масла согласно листу №228.5 или 228.3.
Моторные масла согласно листу №228.51 отличаются высоким качеством и благоприятно сказываются на:
— длительности интервала замены масла,
— параметрах износа двигателя,
— расходе топлива,
— выбросах отработавших газов.
На емкости для масла Вы найдете степень качества, например лист №228.51, и вязкость, например предписанный по SAE класс 5W-30.

Области применения

Всесезонные моторные масла согласно листам №228.51 или 228.31 можно использовать круглый год.
В зависимости от качества топлива (серосодержание или топливо FAME (метилэфир жирной кислоты)) интервалы замены масла сокращаются.

Замена масла

— При смешивании моторных масел различного качества интервалы замены моторного масла по сравнению с моторными маслами одинакового качества сокращаются. По этой причине смешивайте моторные масла различного качества только в исключительных случаях.
— Если залитое моторное масло предписанного по SAE класса (вязкости) не подходит для продолжительных низких температур наружного воздуха ниже -20 ºС, то это может привести к повреждению двигателя. Указания температуры предписанного по SAE класса относятся к свежим маслам. При эксплуатации автомобиля моторное масло стареет из-за попадания в него сажи и топливных осадков. В результате свойства моторного масла значительно ухудшаются, особенно при низкой температуре наружного воздуха. «Мерседес-Бенц» настоятельно рекомендует Вам при температуре наружного воздуха ниже -20 ºС использовать моторные масла предписанного по SAE класса 5W‑30 или 0W‑30. Пользуйтесь только всесезонными моторными маслами.
— Указание по охране окружающей среды: в случае эксплуатации автомобиля на топливе FAME (метилэфире жирной кислоты) (биодизельном топливе) соблюдайте специальные требования и национальные предписания по утилизации моторных масел. Информацию по этому вопросу Вы можете получить в любом пункте ТО «Мерседес‑Бенц».

Интервалы замены масла зависят от:
— условий эксплуатации автомобиля,
— качества залитого моторного масла,
— вида топлива, например топлива FAME (метилэфира жирной кислоты).
Выбирайте предписанный по SAE класс (вязкость) в соответствии с температурой наружного воздуха. Данные о предписанных по SAE классах и о диапазонах температуры наружного воздуха Вы найдете в листе сортов масла №224.2 в «Предписаниях «Мерседес-Бенц» по эксплуатационным материалам».
Максимальный интервал замены масла достигается только при использовании моторных масел, отвечающих высшему стандарту качества согласно листу №228.51 «Предписаний «Мерседес-Бенц» по эксплуатационным материалам». В бортовом компьютере автоматически индицируется срок очередной замены масла.

Заливка или доливка моторного масла

Превышение максимального уровня масла грозит повреждением катализатора и двигателя. Откачайте излишнее моторное масло.
«Мерседес-Бенц» рекомендует доливать моторные масла того же качества и предписанного по SAE класса, которые были использованы при последней замене масла.
Проверьте уровень масла в бортовом компьютере перед доливкой моторного масла.

Смешиваемость моторных масел

Вследствие смешивания сортов масла преимущества высококачественных моторных масел уменьшаются.
Моторные масла различаются по:
— марке моторного масла,
— степени качества (номер листа),
— предписанному по SAE классу (вязкости).
Если в исключительном случае Вы не располагаете залитым в двигатель моторным маслом, долейте другой сорт допущенного «Мерседес-Бенц» моторного масла.
Установка качества масла
Если на дисплее бортового компьютера появляется символ
Контрольная лампа Mercedes Actros с 2012 года
, соблюдайте при доливке указанного объема масла следующие требования:
— При заливке или доливке моторного масла более низкого качества установите более низкое качество (номер листа) в бортовом компьютере.
— При заливке или доливке моторного масла более высокого качества не устанавливайте лучшее качество (номер листа) в бортовом компьютере.
Установите номер листа (степень качества) моторного масла на дисплее бортового компьютера.

Трансмиссионные масла

Общие указания

В заводской комплектации в ведущие мосты и коробку передач залито высококачественное синтетическое масло.
В ведущие мосты с планетарными колесными передачами залито минеральное масло.
Используйте для:
— автоматической коробки передач только трансмиссионные масла согласно листу № 236.91.
— автоматизированной механической коробки передач только трансмиссионные масла согласно листу № 235.11.
Замена синтетического масла минеральным трансмиссионным маслом может привести к повреждению агрегата. Перед заменой масла проверьте, допущено ли применение минерального масла. Информацию по этой теме Вы можете получить в любом пункте ТО «Мерседес‑Бенц».

Качество трансмиссионного масла

Степень качества (номер листа) залитого трансмиссионного масла может быть проверена на дисплее бортового компьютера.

Охлаждающая жидкость

— Контакт антифриза с горячими деталями в моторном отсеке может привести к воспламенению. Существует опасность пожара и травмирования! Перед доливкой антифриза дайте двигателю охладиться. Следите за тем, чтобы антифриз не проливался рядом с наливной горловиной.
— Перед запуском двигателя тщательно очищайте загрязненные антифризом детали.
На заводе автомобиль заправляется охлаждающей жидкостью, обеспечивающей защиту от замерзания и коррозии двигателя, а также другие важные защитные функции.

Охлаждающая жидкость представляет собой смесь воды и антифриза с антикоррозионными присадками.
Антифриз с антикоррозионными присадками в охлаждающей жидкости обеспечивает:
— теплопроводность,
— защиту от коррозии,
— защиту от кавитации (защиту от сквозной коррозии),
— защиту от замерзания,
— повышение точки кипения.
Оставляйте охлаждающую жидкость в системе охлаждения двигателя круглогодично— также и в странах с высокой температурой наружного воздуха.
Раз в полгода проверяйте концентрацию антифриза с антикоррозионными присадками в охлаждающей жидкости.
Пользуйтесь при этом только допущенными антифризами с антикоррозионными присадками согласно листу № 325.5. Это позволит Вам избежать повреждений системы охлаждения двигателя.
При замене охлаждающей жидкости следите за тем, чтобы охлаждающая жидкость содержала 50 объемн.% антифриза с антикоррозионными присадками. Это соответствует защите от замерзания до -37 ºС.
Не превышайте долю 55 объемн.% (защита от замерзания примерно до -45 ºС. В противном случае могут ухудшиться теплоотвод и защита от замерзания.
В случае утечки доливайте не только воду, но и в требуемой пропорции допущенный антифриз с антикоррозионными присадками.
Вода в охлаждающей жидкости должна удовлетворять определенным требованиям, которым часто отвечает питьевая вода. Если качество воды не соответствует определенным требованиям, то воду необходимо подготовить.
Смешайте воду и антифриз с антикоррозионными присадками вне контура охлаждающей жидкости. Только после этого влейте смесь в расширительный бачок охлаждающей жидкости.
Избегайте смешивания различных антифризов с антикоррозионными присадками.
Учитывайте «Предписания «Мерседес-Бенц» по эксплуатационным материалам» согласно листу №310.1.
Дальнейшую информацию об эксплуатационной надежности и безопасности движения Вашего автомобиля Вы можете получить в любом пункте ТО «Мерседес-Бенц».


Важные указания по технике безопасности

Система кондиционирования воздуха Вашего автомобиля заправлена хладагентом R-134a и содержит фторированный парниковый газ.
Указательная табличка используемого типа хладагента находится за крышкой для техобслуживания.
Допускается применение только хладагента R‑134a, а также допущенного «Мерседес‑Бенц» масла для кондиционера. Разрешенное масло для кондиционера нельзя смешивать с другими, не допущенными к использованию с хладагентом R‑134a, маслами для кондиционера. В противном случае может быть повреждена система кондиционирования воздуха.
Сервисные работы, например заливка хладагента или замена элементов и деталей, должны производиться только в специализированной мастерской с квалифицированным персоналом. При этом должны быть соблюдены все действительные предписания, касающиеся этого, а также стандарт SAEJ639.
Всегда поручайте выполнение всех работ на системе кондиционирования воздуха специализированной мастерской с квалифицированным персоналом.

Указательная табличка хладагента

Автомобиль Mercedes Actros с 2012 года

Указательная табличка хладагента (пример):
1. Символы предупреждений об опасности и о необходимости проведения ТО. 2. Заправочный объем хладагента. 3. Эквивалент CO 2 используемого хладагента. 4. Действующие стандарты. 5. Номер изделия для полиалкиленгликолевого масла (PAG). 6. Потенциал глобального потепления (Global Warming Potential) используемого хладагента. 7. Тип хладагента.
Символы (1) указывают на:
— возможные опасности,
— проведение сервисных работ в специализированной мастерской с квалифицированным персоналом.

Указания для качества топлива

При смешивании дизельного топлива с бензином точка воспламенения топливной смеси ниже, чем у чистого дизельного топлива. При работающем двигателе элементы системы выпуска ОГ могут незаметно перегреться. Существует опасность пожара! Никогда не заправляйтесь бензином. Никогда не примешивайте бензин к дизельному топливу.
Уже небольшие количества неправильного топлива могут привести к повреждениям системы питания, двигателя и системы нейтрализации ОГ.

— Заправляйте автомобиль только обычным дизельным топливом, соответствующим требованиям Европейского стандарта EN 590 (или сопоставимым национальным стандартам топлива).
— Автомобили с сажевым фильтром: в странах, в которых отсутствует бессернистое дизельное топливо, заправляйте Ваш автомобиль только малосернистым дизельным топливом с содержанием серы менее 50 мд. В противном случае возможно повреждение системы нейтрализации ОГ.

Автомобиль Mercedes Actros с 2012 года

Знак совместимости для всех автомобилей с дизельным двигателем.

Автомобиль Mercedes Actros с 2012 года

Знак совместимости только для автомобилей с технологией BlueTec® с двигателем OM471 (кодM0W).
Вы найдете знаки совместимости на стяжной ленте топливного бака и на топливораздаточной колонке или на пистолете раздаточной колонки автозаправочной станции:
— B7: для дизельного топлива с максимальным значением 7 объемн. % биодизельного топлива (метилэфир жирной кислоты).
— B10: для дизельного топлива с максимальным значением 10 объемн. % биодизельного топлива (метилэфир жирной кислоты).
— B20: для дизельного топлива с максимальным значением 20 объемн. % биодизельного топлива (метилэфир жирной кислоты).
— B30: для дизельного топлива с максимальным значением 30 объемн. % биодизельного топлива (метилэфир жирной кислоты).
— B100: для дизельного топлива с максимальным значением 100 объемн. % биодизельного топлива (метилэфир жирной кислоты).
— XTL: для парафинового дизельного топлива согласно стандарту EN 15940.
Указания, касающиеся низкой температуры наружного воздуха:
В начале зимнего периода по возможности полностью заправьте Ваш автомобиль зимним сортом дизельного топлива.
Перед переходом на зимний сорт дизельного топлива топливный бак должен быть как можно более пустым. Уровень топлива в топливном баке при первой заправке зимним сортом дизельного топлива должен быть низким, например соответствовать минимальному резерву. При следующей заправке топливом топливный бак снова можно заправлять как обычно.
Дополнительную информацию о топливе Вы найдете:
— на автозаправочной станции,
— в специализированной мастерской с квалифицированным персоналом.

Сорта дизельного топлива согласно европейскому стандарту EN 590

Важные указания по технике безопасности

Топливо – легковоспламеняющийся продукт. При ненадлежащем обращении с топливом существует опасность пожара и взрыва! Обязательно избегайте применения огня, открытого пламени, искрообразования и курения. Следите за тем, чтобы топливо не попадало на горячие элементы системы выпуска ОГ. Перед началом работ на системе питания выключите зажигание и систему дополнительного отопления. Всегда работайте в защитных перчатках.

При заправке автомобиля топливом из бочек или канистр заливайте топливо только через фильтр. Это позволит Вам предотвратить неисправности системы питания, вызываемые загрязнениями топлива.
Автомобили BlueTec®6: заправляйте автомобиль только обычным бессернистым дизельным топливом согласно европейскому стандарту EN 590 по состоянию на 2010 год с серосодержанием не более 0,001 вес. % (10млн-1).

Следующие виды топлива не допускаются:
— Топливо с серосодержанием более 0,001 вес.%.
— Судовое дизельное топливо.
— Авиационное турбинное топливо.
— Котельное топливо.
— Топливо FAME (метилэфир жирной кислоты) (биодизельное топливо).
Эти виды топлива наносят необратимый ущерб двигателю и системе нейтрализации отработавших газов BlueTec®6 и в значительной степени сокращают ожидаемый срок службы.
Автомобили BlueTec®4 и BlueTec®5: дизельное топливо должно соответствовать Европейскому стандарту EN 590. Таким образом двигатели достигают указанные показатели по мощности, а также предписанные законодательством значения ОГ согласно экологическим классам Евро-4 и Евро-5.
Использование топлива с серосодержанием более 0,005 вес. % (50млн-1) сокращает срок службы двигателя и системы выпуска ОГ.
Следующие виды топлива не допускаются:
— Топливо с серосодержанием более 0,05 вес. % (500млн-1).
— Судовое дизельное топливо.
— Авиационное турбинное топливо.
— Котельное топливо.
— Топливо FAME (метилэфир жирной кислоты) (биодизельное топливо) ˃ 7 объемн.%.
Автомобили без системы нейтрализации ОГ BlueTec®: заправляйте автомобиль только обычным бессернистым дизельным топливом согласно европейскому стандарту EN 590 по состоянию на 2010 год или согласно аналогичному национальному стандарту качества топлива.
Таким образом двигатели достигают указанные показатели по мощности, а также предписанные законодательством значения ОГ согласно экологическому классу Евро-3.
Следующие виды топлива не допускаются:
— OM 473: топливо с серосодержанием более 0,1 вес. % (1000млн-1).
— Судовое дизельное топливо.
— Авиационное турбинное топливо.
— Котельное топливо.
— Топливо FAME (метилэфир жирной кислоты) (биодизельное топливо) ˃ 7 объемн.%.
Высокое серосодержание топлива ускоряет процесс старения моторного масла, а также может повредить двигатель и систему выпуска ОГ.
В автомобилях без системы нейтрализации ОГ BlueTec® серосодержание топлива установлено в соответствии с типичными показателями в стране эксплуатации автомобиля. Если Вы заправляете дизельное топливо с другим серосодержанием, установите новое значение серосодержания на бортовом компьютере. Если Вам неизвестно серосодержание используемого дизельного топлива, то установите в бортовом компьютере наиболее высокое значение серосодержания.
Информацию об актуальном специфичном для определенной страны серосодержании топлива Вы можете получить в любом пункте ТО «Мерседес-Бенц» или в «Предписаниях «Мерседес-Бенц» по эксплуатационным материалам» согласно листу № 136.1 или 136.2.
В некоторых странах предлагаются сорта дизельного топлива с различным серосодержанием. Дизельное топливо с низким серосодержанием в некоторых странах предлагается под названием «Евродизель».

Дизельное топливо при низкой температуре

При нагревании элементов системы питания, например при помощи пистолета горячего воздуха или открытого огня, возможно повреждение этих элементов. Это может привести к выходу на поверхность топлива и его воспламенению. В зависимости от вида повреждения выход топлива может произойти только при работающем двигателе. Существует опасность пожара и взрыва! Никогда не нагревайте элементы системы питания. Для устранения неисправности обратитесь в специализированную мастерскую с квалифицированным персоналом.
При низкой температуре наружного воздуха текучесть дизельного топлива может быть недостаточной вследствие кристаллизации парафина.
Поэтому в зимний период во избежание перебоев в работе двигателя предлагаются сорта дизельного топлива с улучшенной текучестью.
В Федеративной Республике Германия и других среднеевропейских странах зимнее дизельное топливо обеспечивает надежную эксплуатацию примерно до -22 ºС. При обычной в этом регионе температуре наружного воздуха текучесть дизельного топлива для бесперебойной эксплуатации в большинстве случаев вполне достаточна.
Автомобиль может быть оснащен устройством предварительного подогрева топлива. Устройство предварительного подогрева топлива подогревает топливо, таким образом улучшая его текучесть.

Присадки к топливу

Не используйте присадок к топливу. Присадки к топливу могут привести к нарушениям функций и повреждениям двигателя. Не примешивайте к дизельному топливу бензина, керосина или средств для улучшения текучести. Такие средства для улучшения текучести ухудшают смазочные свойства дизельного топлива. Это может привести к повреждениям, например, в системе впрыскивания.
Виды биодизельного топлива согласно стандарту DIN EN 14214
UCOME (Used Cooking Oil Methyl Ester)
Запрещается эксплуатировать автомобиль на биодизельном топливе, допущенном к применению согласно стандарту EN14214, произведенном из использованного пищевого растительного масла / пищевого жира = UCOME (Used Cooking Oil Methyl Ester).
Топливо FAME (метилэфир жирной кислоты) (Fatty Acid Methyl Ester)
Эксплуатация на топливе FAME (метилэфир жирной кислоты) допускается только для автомобилей BlueTec® с двигателем OM471 (код M0W). В этих автомобилях двигатель должен быть дополнительно оснащен фильтром предварительной очистки топлива (код M8Y). Информацию на эту тему Вам предоставит любая специализированная мастерская с квалифицированным персоналом.
Обязательно учитывайте указания по технике безопасности, касающиеся эксплуатационных материалов.
При эксплуатации автомобиля используйте чистое топливо FАME (метилэфир жирной кислоты) согласно стандарту DIN EN 14214. Также допускается эксплуатация автомобиля на смеси обычного дизельного топлива согласно европейскому стандарту EN 590 с топливом FAME (метилэфиром жирной кислоты).
Соблюдайте требования, касающиеся эксплуатации на топливе FAME (метилэфире жирной кислоты), согласно листу номер135 «Предписаний «Мерседес-Бенц» по эксплуатационным материалам».
При движении на топливе FAME расход топлива немного возрастает.

При использовании топлива FAME соблюдайте следующие указания:
— Интервалы замены масла, а также топливных и масляных фильтров значительно сокращаются.
— При каждой замене масла производите замену топливного или масляного фильтра. Проводите замену масла, масляных и топливных фильтров в указанных интервалах, не позднее чем каждые шесть месяцев:
• Замена топливного фильтра каждые 30000 км.
• Замена масла и масляного фильтра каждые 60000 км
— Используйте только топливо FAME, отвечающее стандарту DIN EN 14214. Присадки к топливу или топливо, не отвечающее стандарту DIN EN 14214, могут привести к нарушениям работы или к повреждению двигателя.
— Топливо FAME разъедает лакированные поверхности. Поэтому не допускайте воздействия топлива FAME на лакокрасочное покрытие. Немедленно смывайте топливо FAME водой.
— При длительной стоянке топливо FAME может привести к залипанию конструкционных элементов системы питания. Поэтому перед длительным простоем двигателя израсходуйте весь запас топлива FAME. Заполните топливный бак обычным дизельным топливом и дайте двигателю поработать, прежде чем выключить его.
— Топливо FAME подвергается естественному процессу старения. «Мерседес-Бенц» рекомендует не заправлять автомобили с длительными периодами простоя, например пожарные автомобили, топливом FAME.

Низкая температура наружного воздуха

При температуре наружного воздуха ниже 5 ºС «Мерседес-Бенц» рекомендует не использовать топливо FAME (метилэфир жирной кислоты), а использовать обычное дизельное топливо.
В зависимости от сырья и процесса производства топлива FAME (метилэфира жирной кислоты) интервал замены топливного фильтра может значительно сократиться. Помимо этого, также ухудшается способность холодного двигателя к пуску.
Альтернативные виды дизельного топлива согласно стандарту DIN EN 15940
Обязательно учитывайте указания по технике безопасности, касающиеся эксплуатационных материалов.
Альтернативные виды дизельного топлива согласно стандарту DIN EN 15940 могут быть произведены из:
— гидрированного растительного масла (HVO – Hydrotreated Vegetable Oils),
— биомассы (BtL – Biomass-to-Liquid),
— природного газа (GtL – Gas-to-Liquid),
— угля (CtL – Coal-to-Liquid).
Вы можете использовать альтернативные виды дизельного топлива согласно стандарту DIN EN 15940 для следующих двигателей:
— OM470.
— OM471.
— OM473.
— OM936.
Допускается эксплуатация автомобиля с чистыми альтернативными видами дизельного топлива согласно стандарту DIN EN 15940 или на смеси обычного дизельного топлива с альтернативными видами дизельного топлива согласно стандарту DIN EN 15940.

Восстановитель AdBlue®

Указания по восстановителю AdBlue®

Используйте исключительно восстановитель AdBlue® / DEF согласно стандарту DIN 70070/ISO 22241. Не используйте присадки. В случае попадания восстановителя AdBlue® / DEF при заправке на лакированные или алюминиевые поверхности, немедленно обильно промойте поверхность чистой водой.
Если бак восстановителя AdBlue® еще в достаточной степени заполнен восстановителем AdBlue®, то при открывании пробки бака может произойти выравнивание давления. При этом возможен выход восстановителя AdBlue®. Поэтому осторожно вывинтите пробку бака восстановителя AdBlue®. При выходе восстановителя AdBlue® немедленно смойте его большим количеством воды.
Восстановитель AdBlue® представляет собой негорючую, нетоксичную, бесцветную, растворимую в воде жидкость без запаха.
При открывании бака восстановителя AdBlue® в небольших количествах возможен выход паров аммиака.
Аммиачные пары имеют резкий запах и действуют раздражающим образом, прежде всего, на:
— кожу,
— слизистые оболочки,
— глаза.
Вследствие этого может появиться жжение в глазах, носу и горле, а также кашель и слезотечение.
Не вдыхайте выступающие аммиачные пары. Производите заправку бака восстановителя AdBlue® только в хорошо вентилируемых помещениях.
Не допускайте попадания восстановителя AdBlue® на кожу, в глаза, на одежду или в организм. Не подпускайте детей к восстановителю AdBlue.
При контакте с восстановителем AdBlue® учитывайте следующее:
— Немедленно смойте восстановитель AdBlue® с кожи водой и мылом.
— При попадании восстановителя AdBlue®в глаза немедленно промойте их большим количеством чистой воды. Немедленно обратитесь к врачу.
— При проглатывании восстановителя AdBlue® немедленно промойте рот водой и выпейте большое количество воды. Немедленно обратитесь к врачу.
— Немедленно смените загрязненную восстановителем AdBlue® одежду.

Высокая температура наружного воздуха

При длительном нагревании восстановителя AdBlue® до температуры выше 50 ºС, например, под воздействием прямого солнечного излучения, возможно разложение восстановителя AdBlue®. При этом происходит выделение паров аммиака.

Низкая температура наружного воздуха

Восстановитель AdBlue® замерзает при температуре примерно -11 ºС. Система снабжения автомобиля восстановителем AdBlue® оснащена полностью автоматизированной системой подогрева восстановителя. Вследствие этого эксплуатация в зимний период обеспечена также при температуре ниже -11 ºС.

Присадки, водопроводная вода

Не примешивайте какие-либо присадки к восстановителю AdBlue®. Не разбавляйте восстановитель AdBlue® водопроводной водой. Вследствие этого возможно разрушение системы нейтрализации отработавших газов BlueTec®.


Емкости из нижеследующих материалов непригодны для хранения восстановителя AdBlue® / DEF:
— алюминий,
— медь,
— медесодержащие сплавы,
— нелегированная сталь,
— оцинкованная сталь.
При хранении в емкостях из таких металлов частицы этих металлов могут отделиться и вызвать разрушение системы нейтрализации отработавших газов BlueTec®.
Используйте для хранения восстановителя AdBlue® только емкости из нижеследующих материалов:
— Хромоникелевая сталь согласно стандарту DIN EN 10 088-1/2/3.
— Хромоникелемолибденовая сталь согласно стандарту DIN EN 10 088-1/2/3.
— Полипропилен.
— Полиэтилен.


Удаляйте восстановитель AdBlue® в соответствии с требованиями охраны окружающей среды!
При утилизации восстановителя AdBlue® соблюдайте законодательные нормы страны, в которой Вы в данный момент находитесь.


Загрязнения восстановителя AdBlue®, например, другими эксплуатационными материалами, чистящими средствами, пылью, ведут к:
— повышению значений эмиссии,
— повреждению катализатора,
— повреждению двигателя,
— нарушениям работы системы нейтрализации отработавших газов BlueTec®.
Во избежание нарушений работы системы нейтрализации отработавших газов BlueTec® постоянно следите за обеспечением чистоты восстановителя AdBlue®.
В случае слива восстановителя AdBlue® из бака, например, при ремонте, его повторная заливка в бак запрещена. Иначе чистота продукта при этом больше не обеспечена.

Эксплуатационные параметры

Пневматическое оборудование

Минимальное давление в барах
1-й тормозной контур 6,8
2-й тормозной контур 6,8
3-й тормозной контур 5,5
Контур коробки передач/ сцепления 5,5
Давление отпускания в тормозном цилиндре с пружинным энергоаккумулятором 6,5

Давление воздуха в ресиверах в барах
Рабочий тормоз 10,5–13,6
Пневмоподвеска 10,5–15,5
Внешний источник сжатого воздуха (заполнение пневматической системы) 11,0–12,5
Прочие пневматические контуры 7,0–8,7


Двигатель OM 936 с объемом 7698 cм³:

Частота вращения холостого хода примерно 600об/мин
Моторный тормоз (диапазон действия) примерно 1000–3000 об/мин
Диапазон частоты вращения максимального крутящего момента двигателя примерно 1200–1600 об/мин
Частота вращения максимальной мощности двигателя примерно 2200об/мин

Двигатели OM 470 с объемом 10667cм³ и OM 471 с объемом 12809cм³:

Частота вращения холостого хода примерно 500–550 об/мин
Моторный тормоз (диапазон действия) примерно 1000–2300 об/мин
Частота вращения максимального крутящего момента двигателя примерно 1100 об/мин
Частота вращения максимальной мощности двигателя примерно 1600 — 1800 об/мин

Двигатель OM 473 с объемом 15569 см³:

Частота вращения холостого хода примерно 500об/мин
Моторный тормоз (диапазон действия) примерно 1000–2300 об/мин
Частота вращения максимального крутящего момента двигателя примерно 1100 об/мин
Частота вращения максимальной мощности двигателя примерно 1600об/мин

Рабочая температура

OM 936
Нормальные условия эксплуатации примерно 80–100 ºС
Максимально допустимая температура охлаждающей жидкости во время эксплуатации автомобиля до 103 ºС
Автоматически уменьшенная мощность двигателя от 103 ºС

OM 470, OM 471, OM 473
Нормальные условия эксплуатации примерно 85– 105 ºС
Максимально допустимая температура охлаждающей жидкости во время эксплуатации автомобиля до 110 ºС
Автоматически уменьшенная мощность двигателя от 110 ºС

Давление воздуха в шинах

Допустимая разница давления в шинах одного моста 20 кПа (0,2 бар, 3 пси)
Максимально допустимое давление воздуха для накачивания шин 1000 кПа (10,0 бар, 145 пси)

Моменты затяжки гаек крепления колес

Моменты затяжки гаек крепления колес идентичны для легкосплавных и стальных колесных дисков.

Гайки крепления колес с нажимными дисками (центровка по центральному отверстию) M22x1,5 для колес с диаметром 20″, 22,5″ и 24″. Крепление с десятью отверстиями 600Н∙м
Гайки крепления колес с нажимными дисками (центровка по центральному отверстию) M18x1,5 для колес с диаметром 17,5″. Крепление с шестью отверстиями 400Н∙м
Гайки крепления колес со сферическим пружинным кольцом 450Н∙м
Соединительный фланец при сдвоенных шинах 14.00R20 450Н∙м
Колпачки гаек крепления колес 60Н∙м

Пружинный энергоаккумулятор

Крутящий момент при отпускании винта отпускания тормозного цилиндра с пружинным энергоаккумулятором не более70Нм
Момент затяжки винта отпускания тормозного цилиндра с пружинным энергоаккумулятором не более35Нм
Давление отпускания (давление внешнего источника сжатого воздуха) не менее 6,5бар

Система регулирования дорожного просвета

Заполнение пневмоподвески воздухом через штуцер28 электронного блока подготовки воздуха не более 12,5бар

Ресивер сжатого воздуха

Информация о ресивере для сжатого воздуха

Для первичных покупателей, потребителей и пользователей:
Сопроводительная документация в соответствии с директивой 2009/105/EG Европейского парламента и Совета ЕС и техническим стандартом EN 286-2.
1) Предназначен исключительно для использования в тормозных системах с пневматическим приводом и вспомогательных устройствах автомобилей, а также их прицепов и только для приема сжатого воздуха.
2) Для идентификации маркирован заводским номером и наименованием изготовителя ресивера, а также основными эксплуатационными параметрами и знаком ЕС, см. заводскую табличку или обозначения непосредственно на корпусе ресивера.
3) Изготовлен согласно «Сертификату соответствия» в соответствии со статьей 12 директивы ЕС 2009/105/EG.
4) Крепится на автомобиле крепежными лентами (хомутами).
Конструкция контактных поверхностей алюминиевых ресиверов должна исключать появление коррозии и механических повреждений. Стяжные ремни следует закрепить так, чтобы они не соприкасались с соединительными швами оснований, а ресивер не подвергался напряжениям, снижающим эксплуатационную надежность.
Покрытия алюминиевых ресиверов не должны содержать свинца, а лаки должны наноситься только с соответствующей грунтовкой. Стальные резьбовые соединения алюминиевых ресиверов должны иметь антикоррозионное покрытие:
— Обрабатывайте алюминиевые ресиверы только чистящими средствами, не содержащими щелочей.
— Производите внутренний визуальный контроль через резьбовые отверстия.
— Во избежание скопления конденсата регулярно сливайте его (кольцо на спускном вентиле расположено в самой нижней точке ресивера).
5) Не требует техобслуживания при соблюдении пункта «4)».
6) Не допускается проведение на находящихся под давлением стенках ресивера (оболочке, днищах, резьбовых кольцах) сварочных работ, термической обработки или прочих работ, способных повлиять на безопасность.
7) Кратковременные пики давления в ресивере не должны более чем на 10 % превышать максимально допустимое избыточное рабочее давление Ps.

Заводские таблички ресиверов для сжатого воздуха

Алюминиевые ресиверы

Автомобиль Mercedes Actros с 2012 года

Заводская табличка на алюминиевом ресивере (пример):
1. Изготовитель: фирма SAG (Австрия). 2. Номер изделия «Мерседес-Бенц». 3. Максимальное рабочее давление (бар). 4. Емкость (л). 5. Код испытательной службы. 6. Год выпуска.

Стальные ресиверы

Автомобиль Mercedes Actros с 2012 года

Заводская табличка на стальном ресивере (пример):
1. Изготовитель: Фирма frauenthal automotive / Фирма Erhard. 2. Номер изделия «Мерседес-Бенц». 3. Максимальное рабочее давление (бар). 4. Емкость (л). 5. Год выпуска. 6. Код испытательной службы.

Mercedes-Benz Actros 2017 Operating Instructions Manual

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Related Manuals for Mercedes-Benz Actros 2017

Summary of Contents for Mercedes-Benz Actros 2017

  • Page 1
    Actros, Arocs, Antos Operating Instructions Mercedes-Benz…
  • Page 2
    Symbols WARNING Warning notes make you aware of dangers which could pose a threat to your health or life, or to the health and life of others. Environmental note Environmental notes provide you with infor- mation on environmentally aware actions or disposal.
  • Page 3
    You can also use the smartphone App, Mercedes-Benz Guide: Please note, the Mercedes-Benz Guide App may not yet be available in your country. The technical documentation team at Daimler AG wishes you safe and pleasant motoring.
  • Page 4
    Operating safety and vehicle registra- Overview of climate control system tion …………29 functions ……….116 Genuine Mercedes-Benz parts ….33 Switching the cooling with air dehu- Data stored in the vehicle …… 33 midification function on/off ….118 Setting climate control to automatic … 119 Setting the temperature ……
  • Page 5
    Contents FleetBoard Support ……202 Wind deflector ……..331 Winter operation ……..336 DispoPilot.guide …….. 204 Working mode ……..341 Important safety notes ……204 Note on the Brief Instructions ….. 204 Useful information ……. 341 Declaration of conformity ….204 Power take-offs ……..
  • Page 6
    Index Refuelling ……..318 1, 2, 3 … Service product ……425 9 gear transmission Storage ………. 425 General notes …….. 252 ® AdBlue tank ……..318 9-speed transmission Additional axle Change shift range ……252 Leading axle ……..300 16-speed transmission Leading/trailing axle (steerable) ..
  • Page 7
    Index Audio system Setting (heating/air condition- ing) ……….121 ® Bluetooth settings ……. 224 Alarm General notes …….. 214 Operating (on-board computer) ..140 Important safety notes ….214 Ambient lighting Operating system (overview) ..216 Switching on/off ……90 Selecting an audio source ….
  • Page 8
    Index Berths in the M cab see Berths in an M cab BAS (Brake Assist) ……246 Bi-xenon headlamps Battery Notes on replacing bulbs ….91 Charging ……..206 Bleeding the fuel system Inserting ……..206 Bleeding with the hand pump Replacing ……..
  • Page 9
    Index Bulbs Hill holder ……..249 Independent trailer brake ….247 Spare bulbs ……..370 Buttons Releasing the spring-loaded park- ing brake ……..400 see On-board computer Brakes, axle 1 Maintenance due immediately Yellow display message ….167 Braking Electrohydraulic cab tilting sys- ABS ……….
  • Page 10
    Index Turn signal lamp (headlamp) …. 96 Cleaning the camera (Lane Keep- Turn signals (rear lamp cluster) ..97 ing Assist and ATTENTION Changing a wheel ASSIST) ………. 352 Fitting a wheel ……. 385 Cleaning the exterior ….. 349 Important safety notes ….380 Cleaning the interior ……
  • Page 11
    Index Clutch under heavy strain Fuel ……….313 Continuous brake Grey display message ….153 Yellow display message ….164 Activating/deactivating ….250 Clutch/transmission circuit Important safety notes ….250 Control unit Checking the supply pressure ..241 Coarse filter, heating and climate Level control ……..
  • Page 12
    Index Diesel particle filter full Deactivating ……..278 Driving ……….. 277 Red display message ….. 176 Driving tips ……..277 Yellow display message ….158 Diesel particle filter: fluid level Functions and conditions for acti- increased vation ……….277 Important safety notes ….276 Yellow display message ….
  • Page 13
    Index Driving mode Important safety notes ….278 Increasing/reducing speed …. 281 Differential locks ……268 Overview ……..279 Idling speed ……..274 Particular driving situations … 287 Notes on axle and wheel loads ..266 Pulling away and stopping the Stability Control Assist ….
  • Page 14
    Index Drive functions ……256 Checking the oil level (on-board Electrical fuses computer) ……..148 see Fuses Consumption ……… 313 Electromagnetic compatibility Filler neck ……..356 Declaration of conformity ….30 Miscibility ……..420 Emergency braking finished Multi-grade engine oils ….419 Grey display message ….
  • Page 15
    Foglamp Generator is not charging battery Replacing bulbs (variant 1) ….96 Yellow display message ….173 Replacing bulbs (variant 2) ….97 Genuine Mercedes-Benz parts … 33 Foglamps Green light Switching on/off ……87 see Nightlight Folding ladder ……..318 Grey display message Folding table ……..
  • Page 16
    Index Hydrodynamic clutch Electrical system and key ….155 Engine and cooling ……157 General notes …….. 264 Semitrailer ……..156 Hydromove ……..265 Service products and mainte- Manoeuvring mode ……265 nance ……….157 Pulling away ……..264 Hydromove Transmission and clutch ….
  • Page 17
    Index Language Automatic control system (on- board computer) ……149 Setting (on-board computer) ..150 Dimming ………. 89 Laptop holder ……..114 Nightlight (button) ……90 Leading axle ……..300 Nightlight (on-board computer) ..149 Leading/trailing axle (steerable) ..301 Notes on replacing bulbs ….
  • Page 18
    Stopping ……..259 headlamp cleaning system Transmission mode selection ..256 washer fluid ……..356 Mercedes star Maintenance system (WS) Switching the illumination on/off ..91 Due date (on-board computer) ..355 Mercedes-Benz Service Centre Introduction ……..354 see Qualified specialist workshop…
  • Page 19
    Index Minimum tyre tread depth ….402 Switching on ……..225 Navigation lights Mirrors Replacing bulbs ……. 94 see Exterior mirrors Nightlight Mobile device Switching on/off (button) ….90 Truck-App ……..112 Mobile devices Switching on/off (on-board com- puter) ……….149 Authorising (registering) ….
  • Page 20
    Index Adjusting the headlamp range ..149 Operation and maintenance Alarm ……….140 menu ……….143 Areas in the display ……. 134 Overview of warning and indicator Audio and communications menu .. 140 lamps ……….187 Blocking diesel particle filter Setting delayed switch-off, exte- regeneration ……..
  • Page 21
    Index Declaration of conformity ….30 Preselecting working speed … 342 Notes on operating the vehicle ..29 Transmission-driven ……. 341 Qualified specialist workshops ..31 Transmission-independent ….. 341 Power windows Registering your vehicle ….31 Operating system see Side windows Power-steering assistance over- see On-board computer Operating temperature (coolant…
  • Page 22
    Index Radio Rear lamp cluster Adjusting the volume ….. 142 Changing a bulb ……. 97 Rear lamps Anti-theft protection …… 215 Changing the audio source or Replacing bulbs ……. 97 Rechargeable battery title/station ……..142 Function overview ……223 Replacing (multifunction key) ..65 Red display message General notes ……..
  • Page 23
    Index Interior lighting …….. 98 Roller sunblind ……..71 Licence plate lamp ……97 Roof position marker lamps Main-beam headlamps ….. 95 Switching on/off ……91 Navigation lights ……94 Rotating beacon ……..91 Perimeter/side marker lamps ..97 Route Rear foglamps ……..
  • Page 24
    Index Cleaning the cover ……349 Service brake ……..244 Correct driver’s seat position … 73 Service products Function seat ……..76 ® AdBlue ……… 425 Important safety notes ….73 Coolant ………. 420 Luxury suspension seat ….74 Diesel fuel ……..422 Selecting a menu item Engine oil ……..
  • Page 25
    Index Smoke detector Starting Function test ……… 106 see Starting (engine) General information ……. 106 Starting (engine) …….. 240 Starting-off aid Replacing the battery ….. 107 Temporarily deactivating ….106 Operation ……..300 Snow chains Starting-off aid active Checking the tyre clearance ..337 Yellow display message ….
  • Page 26
    Index Driver’s workstation ……43 Wheel nuts ……..428 Tilting system Multifunction lever ……48 Multifunction steering wheel …. 47 Electrohydraulic cab tilting sys- Switch units above the wind- tem ……….374 screen ……….45 Mechanical-hydraulic cab tilting Swivel angle ……..321 system ………..
  • Page 27
    Index Transmission/clutch reserve pres- Information on tractor/trailer syn- sure too low chronisation ……..321 Swivel angle ……..321 Yellow display message ….162 Trailer tow hitch Trip computer see Separate operating instructions Calling up/resetting (on-board Trailer/semitrailer computer) ……..137 Notes about trailer/semitrailer Trip data (on-board computer) ..
  • Page 28
    Index Tyre pressure monitor faulty Loading/unloading when the igni- Yellow display message ….175 tion is switched off (level control) .. 298 Tyre pressure monitor in spare Locking/unlocking the doors … 60 wheel faulty Operating safety ……29 Grey display message ….156 Parking up ……..
  • Page 29
    Index Wheel brake overloaded Yellow display message ….166 Yellow display message Wheel chock ……..372 ® BlueTec 5 exhaust gas aftertreat- Wheel loads ……..266 ment ……….158 Wheel nuts ® BlueTec 6 exhaust gas aftertreat- For light-alloy disc wheels ….385 ment ……….
  • Page 30
    Do not attempt to modify the wiring as well as your vehicle’s original purchase agreement. electronic components or their software. Contact a Mercedes-Benz Service Centre if you Always have work on electrical and electronic have any questions about equipment or opera- components carried out at a qualified special- tion.
  • Page 31
    Introduction WARNING Operating conditions Gases and liquids from substances that con- avoid short trips as these increase fuel con- stitute a health hazard or react aggressively sumption. can escape, even from securely closed con- make sure that the tyre pressures are tainers.
  • Page 32
    Introduction Jack such as leaves, grass or twigs can gather between the underbody and the underbody pan- Transcript and translation of the original decla- elling. If these materials come in contact with ration of conformity: hot parts of the exhaust system for an extended EC Declaration of conformity 2006/42/EC period, they can catch fire.
  • Page 33
    Vehicle registration Any tampering with the engine management system in order to increase the engine power Mercedes-Benz may ask its Service Centres to output will lead to the loss of warranty entitle- carry out technical inspections on certain vehi- ments.
  • Page 34
    Other emissions- Mercedes-Benz in the event of deviations relevant malfunctions, e.g. dosage malfunctions from approved body/equipment mounting or sensor errors, are also detected and logged.
  • Page 35
    Mercedes-Benz. Electronic control units contain data memories This could lead to malfunctions in safety-rele- that can temporarily or permanently store tech- vant systems, e.g.
  • Page 36
    Introduction the vehicle’s technical states, is used to help in There is no additional interaction between the finding faults and improving quality and is sent smartphone and the vehicle, particularly active to the manufacturer where necessary. In addi- access to vehicle data. The type of additional tion, the manufacturer is subject to product lia- data processing is determined by the provider of bility.
  • Page 37
    Introduction For this reason, please ask the service provider for information about the type, extent and pur- pose of the collection and use of personal data when services are provided by third parties.
  • Page 38
    Cockpit Cockpit Overview, left-hand-drive vehicle Function Page Function Page Switch units Folding table Air vents 24 V socket Light switch Parking brake Instrument cluster Main fuse carrier covering Multifunction steering wheel Trays Multifunction lever Ashtray Climate control panel Cup holder Radio and/or navigation Ignition lock on the dash- device…
  • Page 39
    Cockpit Overview, right-hand-drive vehicle Function Page Function Page Switch units Instrument cluster Air vents Light switch Folding table Multifunction lever Stowage spaces Horn (air horn) Climbing aids Ignition lock on the dash- board (example) Lane Keeping/ATTENTION ASSIST camera and rain/ Adjusts the multifunction light sensor steering wheel…
  • Page 40
    Overhead control panel Overhead control panel Overview, left-hand-drive vehicle Function Page Function Page Two-way radio, see the sepa- Stowage compartments rate operating instructions Smoke detector Digital tachograph, see the separate operating instruc- Stowage spaces tions Switch units ® FleetBoard DIN slot for:…
  • Page 41
    Overhead control panel Overview, right-hand-drive vehicle Function Page Function Page Digital tachograph, see the Smoke detector separate operating instruc- tions Stowage compartments ® FleetBoard DIN slot for: Radio, see the separate oper- Switch units ating instructions Stowage spaces Two-way radio, see the sepa- rate operating instructions…
  • Page 42
    Instrument cluster Instrument cluster Displays Example: instrument cluster Function Page Function Page Speedometer Total distance and trip dis- tance On-board computer Clock and outside tempera- Rev counter ture display ® AdBlue level (Vehicles with Fuel level ® BlueTec exhaust gas after treatment) Reservoir pressure of brake circuits (vehicles without…
  • Page 43
    Instrument cluster Indicator lamps Example: instrument cluster Function Page Function Page Warning and indicator À ASR (acceleration skid con- lamps in the speedometer trol system) ; Engine diagnostics ! ABS (Anti-lock Braking Sys- tem) º Cab tilt lock J Brake malfunction ¸…
  • Page 44
    Instrument cluster Function Page Function Page U Side lamps X Hydrodynamic clutch puter can be found under «On-board com- An overview of the warning and indicator puter and displays» ( page 187). lamps in the status area of the on-board com-…
  • Page 45
    Switch units Switch units Cockpit Driver’s workstation Function Page Function Page Switch panel n Coolbox Ó FleetBoard with driver card: þ Battery isolator switch Service Call q Anti-lock braking system ã Active Brake Assist â Rotation chains (see the sep- m Lane Keeping Assist arate Operating Instructions) Ø…
  • Page 46
    Switch units Function Page Function Page i Differential locks D Loading tailgate (see the sep- arate Operating Instructions) â Leading/trailing axle i Working-area lamp (switches å Starting-off aid off automatically after pulling away) Õ Steerable additional axle ¥ Level control: raises the * Reverse warning device chassis frame À…
  • Page 47
    Switch units Above the windscreen Driver’s door Function Page Function Page Switch panels Switch panel ¤ Opens the left-hand roller | Exterior mirror, left sunblind ~ Exterior mirror, right ¥ Closes the left-hand roller Í Adjusts the exterior mirrors sunblind z Exterior mirror heating ¦…
  • Page 48
    Switch units Co-driver’s door Berth Function Page Switch panel p Co-driver’s reading lamp c Interior lamps Function Page W Opens/closes co-driver’s side window Reading lamp: bed/berth Ë Locks the doors Switch panel: bed/berth Ì Unlocks the doors ÷ Auxiliary heating Æ…
  • Page 49
    Multifunction steering wheel Multifunction steering wheel Right-hand button group on the multifunction steering wheel Left group of buttons on the multifunction steering Function Page wheel Operating the driving sys- Function Page tems: Operating the on-board computer: é Selects cruise control Selecting the distance con- u To select the next main trol assistant…
  • Page 50
    Combination switch and multifunction lever Combination switch and multifunction lever Function Page Function Page Combination switch Automatic gearshift – trans- mission mode selection Main-beam headlamps off (when dipped-beam head- Automatic drive program lamps are switched on) with the economy, power, fleet, offroad, heavy, Main-beam headlamps on municip…
  • Page 51
    Mercedes-Benz recommends that you use a Mercedes-Benz Service Centre. The components of the restraint system work in conjunction with each other. They can only offer protection if all vehicle occupants always:…
  • Page 52
    There is an increased Always secure the child in a child restraint system suitable for this Mercedes-Benz vehi- risk of injury, possibly even fatal. cle. The child restraint system must be appro-…
  • Page 53
    Mercedes-Benz recommends that you use seat Also ensure that no objects are placed belts that have been specifically approved for between a person and the seat. e.g. a cush- the relevant vehicle type by Mercedes-Benz.
  • Page 54
    Occupant safety The 7 seat belt warning lamp goes out and the warning tone ceases as soon as the driver has fastened the seat belt. Airbag Introduction The driver’s airbag installation location is iden- tified by the label AIRBAG. An airbag supplements a correctly fastened seat belt.
  • Page 55
    Mercedes-Benz recommends that you have the no accessories are attached to the vehicle vehicle towed to a qualified specialist workshop within the deployment area of an airbag, e.g.
  • Page 56
    Particular attention must be paid to always secure the child in a child restraint children. system suitable for Mercedes-Benz vehicles. The child restraint system must be appropri- Observe the safety notes on the seat belt ate to the age, weight and size of the child.
  • Page 57
    Children in the vehicle Child restraint system Immediately replace child restraint systems that have been damaged or subjected to a WARNING load in an accident. Have the child restraint If the child restraint system is incorrectly fit- securing systems checked in a qualified spe- ted on the seat position suitable for this pur- cialist workshop before fitting a child restraint pose, it cannot perform its intended protec-…
  • Page 58
    Pets in the vehicle You can obtain child restraint systems and infor- mation about the correct child restraint system from any Mercedes-Benz Service Centre. Pets in the vehicle WARNING If you leave animals unsupervised or unse- cured in the vehicle, they may push a button or a switch, for example.
  • Page 59
    If a vehicle key is lost, obtaining a replace- Useful information ment is a time-consuming process. This can only be done through a Mercedes-Benz Ser- These Operating Instructions describe all the vice Centre. models and standard and optional equipment of…
  • Page 60
    Locking system Multifunction key You can use the % and & buttons to oper- ate the central locking and the convenience opening and closing functions ( page 62). Operating the multifunction key The remote control works regardless of the direction in which it is pointed. You can lock/ unlock the vehicle from a distance of up to approximately 30 m.
  • Page 61
    Locking system The display fades out if you do not press any ß Vehicle check buttons on the multifunction key before the set standby time has elapsed. The multifunc- The display shows Ä. The lamp check tion key then deactivates itself if no buttons assists you in making your departure checks are pressed before the set switch-off time has and helps you identify defective bulbs.
  • Page 62
    Locking system â Operation ä Multifunction key settings The display shows i. The working area The display shows Ç. The brightness of the lamp can be switched on/off. key display can be adjusted. The display shows õ. If the ignition lock is The display shows È.
  • Page 63
    Locking system External door lock and hold both remote control buttons simul- taneously for approximately 30 seconds. If you have selected the function that only Unlocking and locking using the key unlocks the driver’s door, you can unlock the co-driver’s door by pressing the % button again.
  • Page 64
    Locking system Convenience closing: insert the integrated Enhanced central locking system key into driver’s door in lock position 2, then turn it to position 3 and hold it there. WARNING When the convenience closing feature is oper- Vehicles without ATA: press and hold the ating, parts of the body could become trapped &…
  • Page 65
    Locking system ATA monitors: Close the exterior flaps. Detach/remove any loose objects in the cab, on the tractor vehicle: e.g. mascots or coat hangers. the doors the exterior flaps Priming and deactivating ATA the power supply the cab tilt lock Priming ATA with interior motion sensor the vehicle interior (can be deactivated) WARNING…
  • Page 66
    Locking system Triggering and deactivating the panic alarm Press & on the key with remote control or the multifunction key. WARNING All turn signals flash three times and the indi- cator lamp in the , button flashes. The Limbs could get trapped if they are in the vehicle is locked.
  • Page 67
    Locking system Replacing the battery Battery and rechargeable battery of the key Important safety notes WARNING Batteries contain toxic and corrosive substan- ces. If batteries are swallowed, it can result in severe health problems. There is a risk of fatal injury.
  • Page 68
    Remove battery tray :. matically via the ignition lock. A new recharge- Lift battery = at the back and remove it from able battery can be ordered at a Mercedes-Benz battery tray :. Service Centre. Insert new battery = first at the front and Remove integrated key ;…
  • Page 69
    Side windows WARNING If you close a side window again immediately after it has been blocked or reset, the side window closes with increased or maximum force. The reversing function is then not active. Parts of the body could be trapped in the closing area in the process.
  • Page 70
    Roof Convenience closing (vehicles with the enhanced central locking system): pull button : or ; past the point of resistance. The corresponding side window closes com- pletely. If the side window is obstructed while closing, the automatic re-opening function halts its movement. If the side window is obstructed and you pull and hold corresponding button : or ;, the window closes without the automatic re-…
  • Page 71
    Roof Closing the sliding sunroof manually Reset the sliding sunroof after a malfunction or voltage supply interruption ( page 70). Vehicles with ClassicSpace/Compact- Sun screen/insect screen Space cab Vehicles with ClassicSpace cab Example, sliding sunroof: roller blinds The pop-up roof and the sliding sunroof are equipped with an insect screen :.
  • Page 72
    Roof Pass Allen key = through the opening and If necessary, press the blinds against the roof insert it into the actuator. frame and fit Allen key A through opening ? on the actuator motor. Turn Allen key = clockwise until the sliding sunroof is completely closed.
  • Page 73
    Roller sunblind Vehicles with BigSpace/StreamSpace/ Roof hatch GigaSpace cab You can open the roof hatch at one end (at the Vehicles with BigSpace/StreamSpace/GigaSpace front or rear) or at both ends (at the front and rear). Remove flat-blade screwdriver (blade width Push the roof hatch up or pull it down by han- 4 mm) from the vehicle tool kit.
  • Page 74
    Roller sunblind To retract: briefly push the ¤ or ¦ button upwards. The roller sunblinds are retracted to the extreme position. Push the ¤ or ¦ button upwards until the corresponding roller sunblind has reached the desired position. If an error has occurred and you press the button, the roller sunblind carries out a refer- ence run.
  • Page 75
    Seats Useful information Adjust the seat properly before beginning your journey. Always ensure that the backrest These Operating Instructions describe all the is in an almost vertical position and that the models and standard and optional equipment of shoulder section of your seatbelt is routed your vehicle that were available at the time of across the centre of your shoulder.
  • Page 76
    Seats Also observe the safety notes on the airbag sys- To prevent damage to the seats and the seat tem ( page 52) and on children in the vehicle heating, observe the following notes: page 54). Do not pour any fluid on the seats. If fluid is If your vehicle is equipped with a suspension poured on the seats, dry it as quickly as seat, always use the EASY-ENTRY/EXIT feature…
  • Page 77
    Seats Release lever ?. To set the upper portion of the backrest: pull lever K on the rear of the backrest upward and hold it. Tilt the upper portion of the seat backrest to the desired position. Release lever K. To adjust the seat height: pull lever A up or push it down one level.
  • Page 78
    Seats To use the EASY-ENTRY/EXIT feature: Press button M. press button D. The side contour increases. The seat is lowered completely. Press button O. Press the D button again. The side contour decreases. The seat returns to the previously set height. To set to the rest position: pull lever E Function seat upwards and hold it.
  • Page 79
    Beds in an L cab Beds in an L cab Only use the bed when the vehicle is station- ary. Overview Make sure that the bed does not hit the The following beds may be fitted in the L cab: seats when you fold it up or down.
  • Page 80
    Beds in an L cab under the berth and re-clip it at the other end Lower bed of the bed. The air bubble in the spirit level must always be between the lines. Lower bed Release release button ;. Folding the bed up/down Retaining straps : engage automatically and the bed is held in position at that angle.
  • Page 81
    Beds in an L cab Setting up the safety net backrest can hit the seat and damage both components. WARNING When resetting the seat position, make sure A vehicle occupant cannot be restrained if the that the adjustable backrest of the lower bed vehicle occupant is on the bed while the vehi- is lowered completely.
  • Page 82
    Beds in an L cab Lower berth WARNING If the seat cushion is not locked in the seat position, it could move. The seat belt cannot perform its intended protective function. There is an increased risk of serious or even fatal injuries.
  • Page 83
    Beds in an L cab Upper berth Clip belt tongues B into seat belt buckles A on the right and left. Folding the seat backrest up to the fully Folding the seat backrest down to the reclined position upright position Lift up backrest ;…
  • Page 84
    Beds in an L cab Only use the bed when the vehicle is station- ary. Make sure that the bed does not hit the seats when you fold it up or down. Swing or fold the backrests of the driver’s and co-driv- er’s seats forward or adjust the seats further forward.
  • Page 85
    Berths in an M cab Standard berth, lower/padded stow- age space WARNING A vehicle occupant on the berth while the vehicle is in motion cannot be restrained. There is a risk of injury, possibly even fatal. Only use the berth when the vehicle is sta- tionary.
  • Page 86
    Adjusting the multifunction steering wheel Turn hook : 90° and hook it into wall Lower standard berth, split bracket ;. WARNING Push front berth section ? against rear berth section = until locking catch A engages. A vehicle occupant on the berth while the vehicle is in motion cannot be restrained.
  • Page 87
    Adjusting the exterior mirrors To adjust: step on and hold down yellow but- Adjusting the exterior mirrors ton :. The steering column is unlocked. Adjust the multifunction steering wheel height and angle. Remove your foot from button :. The steering column is locked. Adjusting the exterior mirrors Important safety notes WARNING…
  • Page 88
    Lighting system swing the exterior mirror into the previously Make sure that the vehicle is safeguarded at set manoeuvring position. the rear in accordance with national legal To swing the exterior mirrors into the requirements, e.g. with a warning triangle. driving position: press the Ï…
  • Page 89
    Lighting system where vehicles drive on the opposite side of When it is dark or foggy, turn the light switch the road to the country where the vehicle is from c to L in good time. The headlamps registered, there is a danger of oncoming traf- may otherwise be switched off temporarily.
  • Page 90
    Lighting system Push the combination switch in the direction Cornering lights of arrow ; and engage. Vehicles with foglamps and LED daytime run- The K indicator lamp in the instrument ning lamps: cluster lights up. When the dipped-beam headlamps are switched To use the headlamp flasher: briefly pull the on, the cornering lights improve the illumination combination switch in the direction of…
  • Page 91
    Lighting system Interior lighting Interior lighting switch Switch panel, bed/berth with reading lamp (exam- ple: lower berth) To switch on/off or to dim the driver’s read- ing lamp Switch panel above the windscreen (variant 1) To switch on/off or to dim the interior light To switch on/off or to dim the ambient light (blue) To switch the automatic control of the inte-…
  • Page 92
    Lighting system Automatic control of the interior light- Switching the bed/berth reading lamp on/off Depending on the equipment, switch the auto- matic control system of the interior lighting on/ off: Lighting using the menu window in the ä menu settings ( page 149) using button ? as described in the following To switch on/off using the button: press…
  • Page 93
    Lighting system Observe the legal requirements for the country Illuminated Mercedes star you are currently in when operating the vehicle with the rotating beacon. If the required field of vision is obscured by trailers, special bodies or other attachments, make the vehicle safe by using additional lights.
  • Page 94
    You must therefore ensure that all bulbs are functioning at all times. Main-beam head- H1 24 V Mercedes-Benz recommends that if a dipped- lamps beam headlamp or main-beam headlamp bulb Daytime driving lights H 21 W 24 V fails, the corresponding bulb in the other head- lamp should be replaced at the same time.
  • Page 95
    Mercedes-Benz recommends that you have headlamp bulbs replaced at a qualified spe- cialist workshop. Unscrew screws with grey washers =. Do not turn headlamp adjustment screws ?.
  • Page 96
    Lighting system Do not turn headlamp adjustment screws A. Do not rest on the headlamp when it has The headlamp must otherwise be readjusted. been swung out. Swing the headlamp out in the direction of the Swinging out the headlamps: variant 2 arrow.
  • Page 97
    Lighting system Main-beam headlamps Daytime driving lights Headlamp, variant 1 Headlamp, variant 1 Headlamp, variant 2 Headlamp, variant 2 Observe the notes on replacing bulbs Observe the notes on replacing bulbs page 91). page 91). Swing out the headlamps – variant 1 Swing out the headlamps –…
  • Page 98
    Lighting system Turn signal lamps Observe the notes on replacing bulbs page 91). Pull lamp : back d and unclip at the front by turning e. Turn the bulb holder anti-clockwise, applying light pressure, and remove it. Turn the bulb anti-clockwise, applying light pressure, and remove it.
  • Page 99
    Lighting system Unscrew the bulb from the reflector anti- Roof position marker lamps clockwise. Insert the new bulb and turn it clockwise into the reflector. Foglamp: variant 2 Roof position marker lamps Remove screws :. Remove lamp lens ;. Turn the bulb anti-clockwise, applying light pressure, and remove it.
  • Page 100
    Lighting system Replacing bulbs Turn the bulb anti-clockwise, applying light pressure, and remove it. Insert the new bulb and turn clockwise, apply- ing light pressure. Interior lighting Interior lighting/reading lamp Six-chamber lamp cluster, rear left (example: plat- form truck) Observe the notes on replacing bulbs page 91).
  • Page 101
    Lighting system Additional bulbs Side marker lamps Turn bulb ; with cable connector = upwards and remove it. Press the retainers on cable connector = together and hold in this position. Side marker lamps (example: platform truck) Disconnect cable connector =. Observe the notes on replacing bulbs Replace bulb ;.
  • Page 102
    Halogen headlamps must be masked in accord- ance with the following Mercedes-Benz specifi- cations as close to the border as possible before crossing into one of these countries. Use a com- mercially available opaque adhesive tape.
  • Page 103
    Good visibility Good visibility Windscreen wipers Vehicles with rain/light sensor: In dry weather conditions, switch the wind- screen wipers off. Otherwise, dirt or optical effects may cause undesired windscreen wiper sweeps. This could then damage the windscreen wiper blades or scratch the wind- screen.
  • Page 104
    Voltage supply sensitive than in the Ä position, causing the Windscreen heating windscreen wipers to wipe more frequently. If the rain and light sensor fails, the wiper auto- matically switches to the wiping interval corre- sponding to the position of the switch. Windscreen washer system The windscreen heating is operational when the engine is running and deactivates automatically…
  • Page 105
    Voltage supply event window in the on-board computer. Move may therefore be restricted or unavailable, the ignition lock to position 0 and remove the e.g. power steering, lighting system and ABS. key from the ignition lock. On vehicles with a The compressed-air supply fails.
  • Page 106
    Voltage supply Sockets Overview Example: 24 V socket Example: power sockets on the dashboard Example: power socket by the bed/berth Cigarette lighter 5 A (max. 120 W) or 24 V socket 15 A (max. 360 W) 24 V socket 15 A (max. 360 W), circuit 1 Example: power socket in the stowage compart- 24 V socket 15 A (max.
  • Page 107
    600 W (25 A). To use The voltage transformer is supplied perma- 24 V power socket B Mercedes-Benz recom- nently on vehicles without the J button. mends that you have adapter plug C fitted at a qualified specialist workshop.
  • Page 108
    Practical tips Cigarette lighter Smoke detector General notes WARNING You can burn yourself if you touch the hot heating element or the socket of the cigarette lighter. In addition, flammable materials can ignite if: the hot cigarette lighter falls a child holds the hot cigarette lighter to objects, for example There is a risk of fire and injury.
  • Page 109
    Practical tips Press and hold button :. WARNING If the smoke detector is working correctly, the If the maximum permissible load of the stow- alarm sounds. The smoke detector is deacti- age compartment is exceeded, the cover can- vated for approximately 20 minutes after the not restrain the objects.
  • Page 110
    Practical tips Drawer/coolbox under the berth To open: pull handle : and swing the lid upwards. The stowage compartment lighting comes on Drawer automatically. To close: swing the lid downwards and engage it in the lock. The stowage compartment lighting switches off automatically.
  • Page 111
    Practical tips Installation position of the waste container To switch on: press the upper section of the n switch. Place the waste container in position d or e The indicator lamp in the switch comes on. only. Otherwise, the waste container is not secure and could fall over during the journey.
  • Page 112
    Practical tips Always comply with the maximum permissible load of the folding table. Do not place more than 15 kg on the folding table. Stowage compartment exterior flap Release lever for the stowage compartment exterior flap Release lever for the tool kit compartment exterior flap Tool kit compartment exterior flap Folding out the folding table…
  • Page 113
    Practical tips Folding table on the co-driver’s side Folding in the folding table Fold folding table half ? forward. Fold upper cover : upwards and hold it in place. Swing folded folding table = forward as far as it will go into the stowage compartment. Fold upper cover : down.
  • Page 114
    Communications Truck-App Always hold the compressed-air pistol away from your body. Never aim the compressed- The Truck-App can be purchased in the Google air pistol towards other people. Play Store and in the Apple App Store and allows you to access the vehicle’s network (Wi-Fi). You Do not clean the air filter with the can operate various vehicle functions and call compressed-air pistol.
  • Page 115
    H button. Operating the audio system (radio) General notes Telephone If you have fitted Mercedes-Benz audio equip- Important safety notes ment, you can operate your audio equipment: WARNING using the buttons on the multifunction steer-…
  • Page 116
    To charge the Bluetooth Front mobile phone in the vehicle, you need a suitable charger bracket. These are available from retail- ers of Mercedes-Benz accessories. You can operate the mobile phone using the 6 and ~ buttons on the multifunction steering wheel ( page 141).
  • Page 117
    Communications Using upper clip A, hook the laptop holder onto a grab handle on the upper part of the doors. Using upper clip A and lower clip C, hook the laptop into the sidewall stowage compart- ment of the lower bed or lower berth.
  • Page 118
    Overview of climate control system functions Useful information Overview of climate control system functions These Operating Instructions describe all the Heating models and standard and optional equipment of your vehicle that were available at the time of going to print. Country-specific differences are possible.
  • Page 119
    Overview of climate control system functions Air-conditioning system Heating/air-conditioning system with auxiliary heating K Sets the airflow ( page 121) ¿/Á Switches the cooling or cooling K Sets the airflow ( page 121) with air dehumidification function on/off Display page 118), Á switches residual ù…
  • Page 120
    Switching the cooling with air dehumidification function on/off Only use demisting mode until the misted can also control an auxiliary heating system windscreen is clear again. and/or an auxiliary air-conditioning system. Only use air-recirculation mode briefly, e.g. if Recommendations for optimal climate control: there are unpleasant odours or in dusty con- Switch on automatic mode.
  • Page 121
    Setting climate control to automatic Dual-stage function Condensation may appear on the underside of the vehicle in cooling mode. To activate: press the Á button . The indicator lamp in the button lights up green and the display appears briefly. The Air-conditioning system «cooling»…
  • Page 122
    Adjusting the air vents To deactivate: press both of the à but- centre air vent in the driver’s workstation all the way to the top. tons . Set the airflow ( page 121) and the air dis- Centre air vents tribution ( page 121).
  • Page 123
    Demisting the windscreen and windows Side air vents Heating/air-conditioning system with auxiliary heating Set air-distribution control for heating/air conditioning ? to the corresponding symbol page 116). Automatic climate control Set air-distribution control B to the corre- sponding symbol ( page 116). Press one of the Ã…
  • Page 124
    Switching the auxiliary ventilation on/off cially at low outside temperatures. Only switch Heating/air-conditioning system air-recirculation mode on for a short time. Only use the following settings until the wind- Switch the flow of fresh air off temporarily and screen and windows are clear again. switch on air-recirculation mode if there are unpleasant odours or in dusty conditions.
  • Page 125
    Electrical auxiliary air conditioning in the cab before and while using the auxiliary Note that the battery may discharge if the air conditioning. auxiliary ventilation is left running. If you close the curtains and move the backrests forwards, less heat will enter the cab and the Electrical auxiliary air conditioning auxiliary air conditioning will be more effective.
  • Page 126
    Electrical auxiliary air conditioning Press the ù button . Immediate cooling mode Display shows the selected climate control systems, the Æ auxiliary air conditioning, the y auxiliary heating and the ü engine preheating. Press the s or r button to select the Æ…
  • Page 127
    Auxiliary heating using fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) fuel Auxiliary heating using conventional diesel fuel with the addi- Important safety notes tion of more than 10 % fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) fuel DANGER The auxiliary heating system operates inde- If the exhaust pipe is blocked or sufficient pendently of the engine and complements the ventilation is not possible, toxic exhaust…
  • Page 128
    Auxiliary heating Immediate heating mode Setting the switch-on time DANGER If you have preselected a switch-on time, the auxiliary heating system switches on auto- matically. Toxic exhaust fumes may accumulate if there is insufficient ventilation, carbon monoxide in particular. This is the case in enclosed spaces, for example.
  • Page 129
    Auxiliary heating the operating time does not overlap with the The engine preheating and auxiliary heating sys- operating time of the auxiliary air condition- tems switch off automatically after approx- ing. imately 2 hours. The auxiliary heating runs on for approximately 2 minutes after shutdown.
  • Page 130
    Instrument cluster stop immediately, paying attention to the road Useful information and traffic conditions. These Operating Instructions describe all the models and standard and optional equipment of Rev counter your vehicle that were available at the time of going to print. Country-specific differences are If you exceed the maximum permissible possible.
  • Page 131
    Instrument cluster In engine braking mode, use yellow engine ® ® BlueTec 4 vehicles and BlueTec 5 vehicles: speed range ;. The highest engine braking if you do not observe the yellow event window effect will be achieved just before red over- ®…
  • Page 132
    Instrument cluster Menu menu window within the ä settings menu Clock and outside temperature page 149). Odometer Instrument cluster (example: display in speedom- eter) You should pay special attention to road condi- tions when temperatures are around freezing Instrument cluster (example: display in rev coun- point.
  • Page 133
    Instrument cluster ® ® BlueTec 4 vehicles and BlueTec 5 vehicles Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The ; indicator lamp If there are no malfunctions, the indicator lamp lights up briefly during lights up, then goes off the instrument cluster’s display check and then goes out after the again after starting the engine starts.
  • Page 134
    Instrument cluster Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The ; indicator lamp An emissions-related malfunction has been detected. lights up. Follow the instructions in the event window. The on-board computer ® Have the BlueTec exhaust gas aftertreatment checked immedi- shows an event window ately at a qualified specialist workshop.
  • Page 135
    On-board computer ® BlueTec exhaust gas aftertreatment ditions. You could then lose control of the status indicator vehicle. There is a risk of an accident. Only operate these devices if road traffic con- ® Only on BlueTec 6 vehicles, the status of the ditions permit.
  • Page 136
    On-board computer Whilst you are driving, the on-board computer To save a favourite menu window: call up provides information about: the desired menu window and press the Ú button for approximately 2 seconds. fuel consumption A tone sounds and the menu window is saved. trip time To display the favourite menu window: operating conditions…
  • Page 137
    On-board computer For the following driving systems, status area = page 137) Trip data ß displays the following corresponding informa- tion: Since reset Displays/resets trip data — all since Reset — all Cruise control: the é symbol and the set 85 km/h speed, e.g.
  • Page 138
    On-board computer Audio and com- page 140) Monitoring info page 148) munications á ã Reserve pres‐ Displays the reservoir Audio Controls the volume sure pressure in brake circuits Displays the audio and ^ source Changes the audio Coolant Displays the coolant tem- source, title, station or perature frequency…
  • Page 139
    On-board computer To reset the trip meter: press 9. page 149) Settings ä The input window displays the message Reset trip meter? No/Yes. Service prod‐ Displays/sets service ucts product values Use the r button to select the menu bar and press the u or 9 button to con- Systems Starts or blocks regen- firm.
  • Page 140
    On-board computer To display performance and level data: Driving mode menu press the 9 button. Consumption menu window shows Speed menu window the average total fuel consumption Use the u or t button to scroll to à the average fuel consumption while driving driving mode.
  • Page 141
    On-board computer If you often reduce the vehicle speed by If you exceed the air filter maintenance rolling, you receive a positive evaluation. due date, you receive a negative evalua- tion. Stop The on-board computer evaluates the braking phases that lead to the vehicle Press the r or s button to select the category.
  • Page 142
    The input window shows: Alarm clock menu window for reverse gear for neutral If your vehicle is equipped with Mercedes-Benz for the slow gear, 2nd gear audio equipment, you can set the radio as an for the fast gear, 6th gear alarm in alarm mode.
  • Page 143
    The input window shows: ® Bluetooth can be obtained: Alarm clock 1/Alarm the alarm clock at your Mercedes-Benz Service Centre clock 2 on the Internet at http://www.mercedes- Audio/Buzzer/Off the alarm mode benz.com/connectivity the hour of the alarm time, e.g.
  • Page 144
    Audio menu window Audio source, title/station/frequency, MP3 browser Audio menu window is available on vehicles with Mercedes-Benz audio equipment. Switch on the audio equipment ( page 216). Use the u or t button to scroll to á audio and communications.
  • Page 145
    On-board computer menu. To do this, the Truck-App must be instal- To remove all authorised devices, use the led on the mobile device. All devices r or s button to select and confirm with the 9 button. Further information on the «Remote Online» The input window shows the confirmation function and on the Truck-App can be found Are you sure you want to…
  • Page 146
    On-board computer Tyres Setting the axle load indicator menu window is available on vehicles with the tyre pressure monitor system. You can adjust the axle load indicator if there is The tyre pressure monitor is a convenience sys- a notable difference between the axle load indi- tem that: cator and the weighbridge results.
  • Page 147
    On-board computer Trailer tored and displayed in the menu the tyre pressures and temperatures for the tyres on this axle window ( page 147). depending on the equipment If radio transmitting equipment (e.g. cordless the specified pressure for the tyres on headphones, two-way radios) is operated inside the vehicle or in the vicinity of the vehicle, this this axle (at 20 †)
  • Page 148
    On-board computer vehicle heights for the country you are currently Set the driving level before pulling away. It is necessary to raise/lower the chassis to pick up/set down demountable bodies or semitrail- ers. If you continue a journey after having changed the chassis height, it is necessary to lower/raise the chassis to driving level.
  • Page 149
    Use the u or t button to scroll to â If the maintenance work is carried out at a operation and maintenance. Mercedes-Benz Service Centre, the fact that the Using the r or s button, scroll to the work has been carried out professionally will be Trailer menu window.
  • Page 150
    On-board computer Rear axle If you call up the oil level too early or while Not available the engine is running, Transmission appears in the menu window. Brakes, axle 1/2/3/4/5 Use the u or t button to scroll to ã Air filter monitoring info.
  • Page 151
    You can obtain further information from any set the delayed switch-off of the exterior light- Mercedes-Benz Service Centre. ing (dipped-beam headlamps and foglamp) Use the u or t button to scroll to ã for the surround lighting monitoring info.
  • Page 152
    On-board computer Change the setting with the u or t Information on installing more languages can be button. obtained from any Mercedes-Benz Service s, the If you set the delayed switch-off to Centre. surround lighting is switched off. Use the u or t button to scroll to ä…
  • Page 153
    312) Set the oil grade of the engine oil used according Starting manual regeneration ( page 312) to the Sheet Numbers of the Mercedes-Benz You will find information about the drive func- Specifications for Service Products under Engine Oil grade.
  • Page 154
    On-board computer event window Observe the instructions in the event window. On-board computer event window Immediately stop the vehicle while paying attention to the traffic conditions and contact Notes on events a qualified specialist workshop. If the quali- Messages include operating information, error fied specialist workshop determines it is pos- messages or warnings that the on-board com- sible to continue driving, adapt your driving…
  • Page 155
    On-board computer event window ® BlueTec exhaust gas aftertreatment Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The «HC burn-off» feature reduces deposits of hydrocarbons in the  catalytic converter. This is done by increasing the engine speed. The Engine speed process cannot be cancelled once the message has appeared.
  • Page 156
    On-board computer event window Driving systems Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions ABS may be switched off. There may be a fault in Active Brake Assist È or a fault with the vehicle’s brake system. Active Brake Assist WARNING cannot be activated If Active Brake Assist cannot be activated, you will not receive any collision warnings.
  • Page 157
    On-board computer event window Electrical system and key Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The engine is switched off and the battery charge level is low. The following electrical consumers are automatically deactivated: Consumer shutoff audio equipment active 24 V power sockets 12 V socket cigarette lighter seat heating…
  • Page 158
    On-board computer event window Tyres Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions ÛCheck and correct tyre pressure Additional text In addition to the event window, the h indicator lamp lights up in Tyre pressure in grey in the status area of the on-board computer. The tyre pressure of spare wheel too low the spare wheel is too low.
  • Page 159
    On-board computer event window Service products and maintenance Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The washer fluid level in the washer fluid reservoir for the windscreen ¥ washer/headlamp cleaning system has fallen to approximately 1 litre. Refill the washer fluid reservoir ( page 357).
  • Page 160
    On-board computer event window Yellow event window Notes Important safety notes If you ignore warning and indicator lamps and the event window, you will not be able to recognise failures and malfunctions in components or systems. Driving/braking characteristics may be affec- ted and the operating and road safety of your vehicle may be limited.
  • Page 161
    On-board computer event window ® BlueTec Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Please top up AdBlue. Supplementary text Û: Ø ® The AdBlue level has dropped to approximately 10%. AdBlue reserve ® Top up the AdBlue tank immediately ( page 318).
  • Page 162
    On-board computer event window Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Please top up with AdBlue Risk of Supplementary text Û: · limit speed Engine power reduced Additionally, the on-board computer displays the · indicator lamp ® in the status area. The AdBlue level has dropped to approximately 2.5%.
  • Page 163
    On-board computer event window Diesel particle filter Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Please start regeneration Please Supplementary text Û:  observe Operating Instructions Diesel part. fil‐ The  indicator lamp also lights up yellow in the instrument cluster. ter: fluid level The diesel particle filter is in need of regeneration.
  • Page 164
    On-board computer event window Compressed-air system, engine and cooling system Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The compressed-air dryer is malfunctioning. Have the compressed-air dryer checked at a qualified specialist Condensation in workshop. compressed-air res‐ ervoir The reservoir pressure in the transmission/clutch is too low. WARNING Transmission/ clutch reserve pres‐…
  • Page 165
    On-board computer event window Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The coolant temperature is too high. Engine power output is auto- matically reduced. Engine protection: Reduce the speed. engine power reduced Shift to a lower gear. Stop the vehicle, paying attention to road and traffic conditions. Switch off the engine.
  • Page 166
    On-board computer event window Transmission and clutch Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Visit workshop. Supplementary text Û: Ú WARNING Transmission faulty The transmission gearshift system is malfunctioning. The journey can be continued, but with restrictions. Have the transmission checked at a qualified specialist workshop. Visit workshop.
  • Page 167
    On-board computer event window Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Visit workshop Supplementary text Û: Ø WARNING Clutch faulty The clutch is malfunctioning. The journey can be continued, but with restrictions. Have the clutch checked at a qualified specialist workshop. The permissible operating temperature of the clutch has been Ô…
  • Page 168
    On-board computer event window Trailers/semitrailers Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Adapt your driving style Supplementary text Û: The temperature of one of the drum brakes/disc brakes on the tractor Wheel brake overload vehicle is too high. The drum brake/disc brake may overheat. WARNING The vehicle’s driving and braking characteristics may change.
  • Page 169
    On-board computer event window Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The ï indicator lamp lights up yellow in the instrument cluster as ñ well as in the event window. The level control of the trailer/semitrailer Note trailer height is not at driving level. WARNING The vehicle’s driving and braking characteristics may change when driving.
  • Page 170
    On-board computer event window Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Adapt your driving style Supplementary text Û: The temperature of one of the disc brakes on the tractor vehicle is too Braking effect limi‐ high. WARNING The disc brake may overheat. Driving/braking characteristics may change.
  • Page 171
    On-board computer event window Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Please have rectified at Example: supplementary text Û: È next maintenance Active Brake Assist Active Brake Assist is not available. not available WARNING If Active Brake Assist is not available, you will not receive any collision warnings.
  • Page 172
    On-board computer event window Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Visit workshop Lane Keeping Assist Supplementary text Û: Ô and ATTENTION ASSIST not available Lane Keeping Assist Lane Keeping Assist and ATTENTION ASSIST are malfunctioning. faulty WARNING If Lane Keeping Assist and ATTENTION ASSIST are unavailable, you will not receive any warnings from Lane Keeping Assist or ATTENTION ASSIST.
  • Page 173
    On-board computer event window Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Do not steer when the vehicle is Supplementary text Û: at a standstill. Steer carefully when the vehicle is Steering character‐ moving at walking pace Please have rectified at next istics changed maintenance The power-steering function has detected a malfunction.
  • Page 174
    On-board computer event window Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The # indicator lamp lights up yellow supplemented by s in the ¯ status area of the on-board computer. Brakes, axle 1 The service work due has not been performed. Maintenance due The wear limit of the brake pads/linings and/or brake discs has been immediately…
  • Page 175
    On-board computer event window Lighting system, electrical system and key Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Please have rectified at next Supplementary text Û: maintenance Battery charge sta‐ The measured values for the battery charge level are unavailable. You tus not available will not be warned when the battery charge level is critical.
  • Page 176
    On-board computer event window Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The entire exterior lighting of the vehicle is electronically monitored. When the event window is shown, a bulb has failed. The event window contains information about fault location and fault assistance, e.g. Replace light bulb.
  • Page 177
    On-board computer event window Tyres Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The h indicator lamp lights up yellow in the status area of the on- board computer as well as in the event window. The tyre pressure Tyre pressure moni‐ monitor is faulty.
  • Page 178
    On-board computer event window Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions ÛCheck and correct tyre pressure Supplementary text The h indicator lamp lights up yellow in the status area of the on- Tyre pressure too board computer as well as in the event window. The tyre pressure in one or more of the tyres is too low.
  • Page 179
    On-board computer event window Compressed-air system Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions In addition, the J warning lamp lights up red in the instrument cluster. Brake sup‐ Example: The reservoir pressure in brake circuit 1 or 2 ^ is too low. ply pressure in cir‐…
  • Page 180
    On-board computer event window Engine and cooling Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Stop vehicle. Switch off engine. Supplementary text Û: The 5 indicator lamp lights up red in the status area of the on- Engine oil pressure board computer as well as in the event window. The engine oil pres- too low sure is too low.
  • Page 181
    On-board computer event window Transmission and clutch Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Stop vehicle. Contact service Supplementary text Û: Ø centre. Clutch faulty WARNING The transmission no longer changes gear. The reservoir pressure in the transmission/clutch may be too low. Stop the vehicle at once, paying attention to road traffic conditions.
  • Page 182
    On-board computer event window Semitrailers Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The £ indicator lamp lights up red in the status area of the on- £ board computer as well as in the event window. Open semitrailer If the on-board computer displays a warning and a warning tone coupling sounds: the semitrailer coupling pin was detected during coupling/decou-…
  • Page 183
    On-board computer event window Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The ¤ indicator lamp lights up red in the status area of the on- ¤ board computer as well as in the event window. Check semitrailer If the on-board computer displays a warning and a warning tone coupling sounds, the sensor-monitored semitrailer coupling is engaged and the semitrailer was not correctly detected.
  • Page 184
    On-board computer event window Braking and driving systems Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions · WARNING Active Brake Assist warns you of a risk of colliding with the vehicle in front. There is a risk of an accident. When an automatic collision warning is being given, you must brake the vehicle using the service brake if: the on-board computer displays the ·…
  • Page 185
    On-board computer event window Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Vehicles with a programmable special module: the parking brake is not applied. Engage parking brake The parking brake has not been applied before engaging power take- off. WARNING The parked vehicle could roll away. You could endanger yourself and others.
  • Page 186
    On-board computer event window Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Stop vehicle Check hydraulic Supplementary text Û: steering during shunting Consult service centre Power steering: In addition, the D warning lamp lights up red in the instrument function not assured cluster.
  • Page 187
    On-board computer event window Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Stop vehicle. Switch off engine. Supplementary text Û: In addition, the D warning lamp lights up red in the instrument Power-steering cluster. assistance overhea‐ The steering gear has overheated. Stop the vehicle immediately, paying attention to road and traffic conditions.
  • Page 188
    On-board computer event window Tyres Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Change tyre Supplementary text Û: The h indicator lamp lights up red in the status area of the on- Flat tyre board computer as well as in the event window. The tyre pressure has suddenly dropped in one or more tyres.
  • Page 189
    Indicator lamps in the status area of the display Display messages Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions Stop the vehicle. Pay attention to the traffic conditions. Check wheel position and release blockage if necessary. Indicator lamps in the status area of Warning and indicator lamps the display Driver’s airbag (…
  • Page 190
    Indicator lamps in the status area of the display Warning and indicator lamps Warning and indicator lamps Sensor-monitored semitrailer cou- ABS equipment ! shown with î pling malfunction ( page 180) s, r or u for tractor vehi- cle and/or trailer/semitrailer Semitrailer coupling, refill grease page 245) reservoir (see separate Operating…
  • Page 191
    Indicator lamps in the status area of the display Red warning/indicator lamp Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The Û indicator lamp Risk of accident in the status area of the The trailer’s/semitrailer’s brake system is malfunctioning or the on-board computer trailer/semitrailer is automatically braked.
  • Page 192
    Board can be operated, e.g. a service contract. For more information, please contact Fleet- Board Support, see contact details in the publi- cation details. You can obtain information on FleetBoard from any Mercedes-Benz Service Centre. FleetBoard vehicle management enables unlimi- ted access to consumption figures and informa-…
  • Page 193
    LED indicator lamp flashes three times when the message has been successfully sent. The roadside assis- tance data is now available to Mercedes-Benz Service. Switch the ignition lock to position 0. Contact Mercedes-Benz Service (Customer Avoid touching the contact surface points of Assistance Centre or national organisation).
  • Page 194
    FleetBoard vehicle computer with integrated card reader If a longer warning tone sounds over the loud- The FleetBoard DriverCard is used to identify the speaker and the red LED indicator lamp flashes driver for driver-related evaluation. three times, the message has not been sent: Avoid touching the contact surface points of memory chip with your fingers.
  • Page 195
    FleetBoard vehicle computer with integrated card reader Driver card read-out error Problem Possible causes/consequences and M Solutions The LED indicator lamp The FleetBoard vehicle computer has not detected a valid driver card. lights up green and you There could be several reasons for this: hear a continuous warn- an invalid driver card has been inserted.
  • Page 196
    You can obtain information on imately 4 seconds. The roadside assistance FleetBoard from any Mercedes-Benz Service data is now available to Mercedes-Benz Ser- Centre. vice. FleetBoard vehicle management enables unlimi- Switch the ignition lock to position 0.
  • Page 197
    FleetBoard vehicle computer with driver card transmitted from the FleetBoard vehicle com- Reading out the driver card and send- puter to the FleetBoard Service Centre. Once ing the data the data has been transmitted, the central fleet office can download the data from the Fleet- Board Service Centre via the Internet.
  • Page 198
    FleetBoard Truck Data Center 6 (DTCO) Safety notes on electromagnetic fields Free and open source software The FleetBoard vehicle computer receives and Information on licences for the free and open transmits radio waves when in operation. The source software used in your device can be FleetBoard vehicle computer was constructed found on this website: and manufactured so that it does not exceed the…
  • Page 199
    It allows ded in the scope of delivery.) for remote readout of the vehicle fault memory throughout Europe by Mercedes-Benz Service Trailer services links data on the truck and 24h. trailer to one another.
  • Page 200
    LED indicator lamp lights up green for approx- LED indicator lamp Meaning imately 4 seconds. The roadside assistance data is now available to Mercedes-Benz Ser- Flashes green The FleetBoard vehi- vice. cle computer starts Turn ignition lock to position u.
  • Page 201
    Protection (ICNIRP) for exposure to radio waves. what is shown in some of the descriptions and Notes on radio malfunctions and interferen- illustrations. Contact a Mercedes-Benz Service Centre if you have any questions about equip- Radio malfunctions can be caused by any device ment or operation.
  • Page 202
    FleetBoard Truck Data Center 6 (FB Card) Transmitter frequencies Mobile communications 3G UMTS/HSDPA/HSUPA 2G GSM/GPRS/EDGE 5-band support: 4-band support: Band I 2100 MHz GSM 850 MHz Band II 1900 MHz E-GSM 900 MHz Band V 850 MHz DCS 1800 MHz Band VI 800 MHz PCS 1900 MHz Band VII 900 MHz…
  • Page 203
    FleetBoard Truck Data Center 6 (FB Card) Time recording provides an overview of the current driving and rest periods of drivers. Messaging facilitates communication between the driver and logistics via DispoPi- lot.guide (DispoPilot.guide is not included in the scope of delivery). Trailer services links data on the truck and trailer to one another.
  • Page 204
    The roadside assis- tance data is now available to Mercedes-Benz Switch the ignition lock to the drive position. Service. When the green LED on the FleetBoard vehi- Turn the ignition to position g.
  • Page 205
    FleetBoard Support Telephone Germany/ +49 711 17 91 999 International Austria +43 1 36 02 77 30 24 Belgium +32 2 62 00 453 Czech Republic +420 22 53 76 440 Denmark +45 35 15 80 32 (in English) Finland +358 98 17 10 433 (in English) France…
  • Page 206
    Internet at diverted from the traffic conditions. You could www.mercedes-benz.de/betriebsanleitung-lkw then lose control of the vehicle. There is a risk or in the Operating Instructions on the DispoPi- lot.
  • Page 207
    Transmitter frequencies mum distance of 15 cm to avoid cardiac pace- makers experiencing any malfunctions. Transmitter frequencies Serial number Mobile communications WCDMA/HSDPA/HSUPA/ Class 3 (23.5 dBm) @ Class 3 (+24 dBm +1/-3 dB) HSPA+ Power Class: 900/2100 MHz for UMTS 2100, WCDMA FDD Class 3 (+24 dBm +1/-3 dB) for UMTS 1900, WCDMA FDD BdII…
  • Page 208
    First steps Serial number IEEE hrs 802.11n (HT40) 16 dBm ® Bluetooth 2.4 GHz ® 3 dBm 3 dBm Bluetooth Classic 3 dBm 3 dBm ® Bluetooth Low Energy NFC 13.56 MHz -3 dBµA/m @ 3 m 12 dBµA/m @ 3 m Operation restriction Inserting and removing DispoPi- lot.guide…
  • Page 209
    Overview Overview Operating system To switch DispoPilot.guide on/off Slot for Kensington lock DispoPilot.guide serial number Micro USB port (only for charging the rechargeable battery) Card slot for microSD card Homepage Connection status overview FleetBoard portal homepage Vehicle computer and FleetBoard Server connected Status indicator (GPS status, connection status, time, GSM status, charge status)
  • Page 210
    Basic functions This allows you to navigate through lists or The connection status in the display shows menus or move the map. whether DispoPilot.guide is connected to the vehicle computer and FleetBoard Server. If there is no connection to the FleetBoard Rapid view change Server, no messages or orders can be trans- mitted.
  • Page 211
    Navigation Opening the menu Zooming out of the map Place two fingers a larger distance apart on Press and hold the touch-sensitive surface the touch-sensitive surface. with one finger until the menu opens. Slide your fingers together. The map will zoom out. Rapidly zooming in on the map Navigation Important safety notes…
  • Page 212
    Navigation Calling up the submenu For example, if the routing or the direction of a one-way street has been changed. For this reason, you must always observe road and traffic rules and regulations during your journey. Traffic regulations always take prece- dence over the navigation system’s recommen- dations.
  • Page 213
    Navigation along the route. To specify a stopover: enter the desired stopover. near the destination. The destination appears on the map. Add to «Current route». Select Example of selecting a destination with Stopovers are added to the route in the order the address: they are entered.
  • Page 214
    Navigation Display during route guidance (route destinations and traffic messages on the route. Only the next 50 km will be displayed view) for roads longer than 50 km. To display the entire route, the progress bar can be moved. Lane recommendations To switch between 2D and 3D view Next change of direction and distance to change of direction…
  • Page 215
    +31 20 72 19 232 Dispose of rechargeable batteries in an envi- ronmentally responsible manner at a special- Address Daimler FleetBoard GmbH, ist workshop, a Mercedes-Benz Service HPC: Z400, 70546 Stuttgart, Ger- Centre or a collection point. many Internet http://www.fleetboard.com DispoPilot.guide is only available with a pre-…
  • Page 216
    General notes Important safety notes WARNING If you handle or operate mobile audio/video WARNING sources while driving, your attention may be diverted from the traffic conditions. You could The CD/DVD drive is a class 1 laser product. then lose control of the vehicle. There is a risk If you open the housing of the CD/DVD drive, of an accident.
  • Page 217
    Anti-theft protection Please switch on ignition. Disabled, www.mercedes-benz.de/betriebsanleitung-lkw or in the Digital Operating Instructions (radio/ please switch on ignition BLOCKED navigation system only). appears in the audio system display. Switch on the ignition. You can now use the audio system.
  • Page 218
    Operating system Operating system Radio/navigation system overview Function Page Function Page Display Turn 3 the controller: To select a station Number pad To select a list item To set a station via the sta- To adjust the map scale tion presets To change the adjustment To store stations manually value…
  • Page 219
    Operating system Function Page Function Page :9 Vertical arrow F Press briefly: buttons: To select stations using the To select a function from the station search function submenu To select the next track To move the map vertically F Press and hold: (in full-screen display) Fast forward To select a DVD menu item…
  • Page 220
    Operating system Main function navigation ¡ Radio/navigation system display ¢ Basic display with map overview £ Destination entry ¤ Trip entry ¥ Traffic announcements m Navigation settings Main function telephone w x Basic display with keypad Phone book Unanswered calls Accepted calls Dialled numbers Main function video t…
  • Page 221
    Operating system CD radio overview Function Page Function Page Press V the controller: Display To confirm your selection Number keypad: To display stored stations To set a station via the sta- To display playback options tion presets =; Horizontal arrow To store stations manually buttons: To enter a passkey…
  • Page 222
    Operating system Function Page Function Page 8/8 Press the mute/ Mini USB socket and AUX eject button briefly: jack To mute Disc slot: To switch off traffic To insert CDs announcements To remove CDs 8/8 Press and hold: o Turn: To eject a CD To adjust the volume F Press briefly:…
  • Page 223
    Operating system Main function settings ä CD radio menu overview Language Main function radio ´ Display brightness Switching FM stations/traffic announcement ® Bluetooth settings priority on/off System settings Switching automatically stored FM stations/ traffic announcement priority on/off Switching between AM stations/wavebands Radio/navigation system and CD Switching between automatically stored AM radio controller…
  • Page 224
    Operating system Radio overview Function Page Function Page SRC source button: To select a menu To select an audio source In CD/USB mode: to switch Press and hold: A‑STORE to the track time display To mute the current traffic announcement To select the sound menu 8 Mute button: To end the current traffic…
  • Page 225
    Audio mode Function Page Function Page üû Arrow buttons q Press the control knob: In radio mode: To switch audio equipment on/off Press briefly: to start station search q Turn: Press and hold: manual sta- To adjust the volume tion search In CD/USB mode: Press briefly: to skip to the next/previous track…
  • Page 226
    -capable mobile follows (visible by the symbol): phones with the audio system can be obtained: no symbol devices within range from your Mercedes-Benz Service Centre or which have not yet on the Internet at http://www.mercedes- been authorised benz.com/connect Ï greyed out / devices out of range Ï…
  • Page 227
    Navigation ® If the desired Bluetooth device is not in the list, Navigation you must update the list. Important safety notes Turn 3 the controller to select Update. Press V the controller. WARNING ® The audio system searches for Bluetooth Operating the integrated information systems devices within range.
  • Page 228
    Navigation Turn 3 the controller to select the desired Showing/hiding the menu country. To hide the menu: press V the controller. To confirm your selection: press V the The map appears in the full-screen display. controller. To show the menu: press the % back The character entry menu for entering the button when the map is shown in full-screen.
  • Page 229
    Digital Operating Instructions Starting route guidance Change of direction In the address input menu, turn 3 the con- Introduction Start route guidance. troller to select Changes of direction have three phases: To confirm your selection: press V the preparation phase controller.
  • Page 230
    Digital Operating Instructions Opening the Digital Operating Instruc- tions Press the = or ; button until n (Digital Operating Instructions) is selected in the main function bar. The entry screen appears. Turn V the controller to select More. To confirm your selection: press V the controller.
  • Page 231
    Digital Operating Instructions Press the 9 or : button to select s Operating the Digital Operating (quick access) in the menu of the Digital Oper- Instructions ating Instructions. The display shows a list of keywords for quick To change the submenu: press the 9 access to the corresponding contents of the or : button.
  • Page 232
    Important safety notes Important safety notes Only handle a disc when the vehicle is sta- tionary. WARNING Bear in mind that, at a speed of only 50 km/h If you operate information and communica- your vehicle is covering a distance of nearly tion equipment integrated in the vehicle when 14 m per second.
  • Page 233
    These brief instructions only describe the basic operation of your multimedia system. All further information on the individual func- tions can be found on the Internet at www.mercedes-benz.de/betriebsanleitung- lkw. Press the touch-sensitive surface with one finger until the point of resistance is reached.
  • Page 234
    Screen operation Overview To switch on and off To select a waveband To call up the radio menu Time To call up the telephone display ® To select/connect Bluetooth equipment To call up the homepage To switch on the voice control system To call up settings To select an App To call up MirrorLink™…
  • Page 235
    Screen operation To do so, the following conditions must be met: Select :. ® A list of Bluetooth devices that are already mobile phones must support Hands Free Pro- authorised appears. file 1.0 or above device. Select ® the Bluetooth device must be located inside The multimedia system is visible for other the vehicle in the vicinity of the multimedia…
  • Page 236
    Screen operation Telephone menu Radio menu ® To select a waveband To select an authorised Bluetooth device/ ® to connect a Bluetooth device To call up the previous media display Call lists (dialled, accepted and missed calls) To call up the previous telephone display Status line (connected mobile phone, To call up the previous Apps display charge status)
  • Page 237
    Screen operation Select the desired waveband ( page 234). To change the frequency in increments: select :. To start automatic station search: select ;. The next available station is played. Storing a station Select the desired waveband ( page 234). Select the desired station ( page 234).
  • Page 238
    Driving Useful information These Operating Instructions describe all the models and standard and optional equipment of your vehicle that were available at the time of going to print. Country-specific differences are possible. Bear in mind that your vehicle may not be equipped with all the functions described.
  • Page 239
    Driving Visual and function check in the vehicle trailer/semitrailer with the help of a second person. General notes Check the vehicle lighting using the multi- Please note that all electronic systems in the vehicle only serve to assist you. They do not function key ( page 58).
  • Page 240
    Driving Switch positions of the electronic igni- When leaving the vehicle, always take the key tion lock with you and lock the vehicle. Never leave children unattended in the vehicle. WARNING If you attach heavy or large objects to the key, the key could be unintentionally turned in the ignition lock.
  • Page 241
    Driving Engine run-on When key = is inserted and Start/Stop but- ton :: WARNING is pushed in all the way, the ignition lock is switched to position 3 and the engine starts When using the engine run-on function, the vehicle may start to roll if crawler mode is is pushed in to the first switching threshold, the ignition lock is switched to the next posi- activated and the pulling-away gear is…
  • Page 242
    Driving Observe the information and instructions on this loads against slipping or tipping before the event window in the «On-board computer and journey. displays» section ( page 178). Depress the brake pedal or apply the parking WARNING brake. Objects in the driver’s footwell can impede Switch the ignition lock to the drive position.
  • Page 243
    Driving If the engine fails to start: rectify the cause of Checking the reservoir pressure in the the poor starting characteristics. transmission/clutch circuit Possible causes of poor starting characteristics WARNING are, for example: If there is a loss of pressure or insufficient a blocked fuel filter reservoir pressure in the transmission/clutch an empty fuel tank (…
  • Page 244
    Driving Pulling away Do not pull away as soon as the engine starts. Let the engine run in neutral for a short time after starting, until there is sufficient engine oil pressure. Do not drive at high engine speeds when the engine is cold. This will prevent excessive wear and possible engine failure.
  • Page 245
    Driving idling speed. You can find information on In the control position, check whether the crawler mode in the «Automated manual trans- parking brake alone can hold the entire vehi- mission» section ( page 257). cle. The tractor unit and trailer/semitrailer Vehicles with a hydrodynamic clutch: always should normally be secured using the parking pay attention to the information about pulling…
  • Page 246
    Brakes Let the engine idle for approximately 2 minutes Hill holder before switching it off, if: BAS (Brake Assist) the vehicle has been driven for a prolonged The electronic control is able to relieve the load period with the hydrodynamic clutch in oper- on the service brake by activating the continu- ation ous brake, depending on the vehicle load and…
  • Page 247
    Brakes slippery, ABS intervenes even if you only brake Have the compressed-air system repaired at a gently. qualified specialist workshop. Vehicles with engaging four-wheel drive Do not let anyone enter or exit the vehicle during (VG 3000): always deactivate ABS when driv- the test.
  • Page 248
    Brakes Deactivating/activating ABS As a result, you could lose control of the vehi- cle and cause an accident. WARNING Always adapt your driving style to the prevail- If ABS is deactivated, the wheels may lock ing road and weather conditions and maintain when braked.
  • Page 249
    Brakes Braking using BAS: semitrailer is achieved. Hold the lever in this position. Keep the brake pedal firmly depressed until To release the independent trailer brake: the emergency braking situation has passed. let go of the independent trailer brake lever. ABS prevents the wheels from locking when The independent trailer brake lever returns to this occurs.
  • Page 250
    Brakes vehicle, e.g. when carrying out rescue opera- secure the tractor vehicle and trailer/semi- tions using the winch. trailer with chocks. You can find further information about the park- Move parking brake lever ? from control ing brake on the trailer/semitrailer in the man- position 3 back to fully applied position 2 ufacturer’s operating instructions.
  • Page 251
    Brakes Hill holder vehicle could roll away. There is a risk of an accident. WARNING Always brake the vehicle to a standstill using If you brake in wintry road conditions with the the service brake in order to activate the fre- hill holder activated, the wheels can lock quent-stop brake.
  • Page 252
    Brakes Vehicles with manual transmission: if you do Do not activate the continuous brake and do not depress the accelerator, clutch or brake not shift to a lower gear in order to increase pedal while the vehicle is stationary and the hill the engine’s braking effect on a slippery road holder is active, a warning tone sounds.
  • Page 253
    Manual transmission Retarder If the à indicator lamp flashes in the instru- ment cluster, the retarder’s braking power is reduced. Shift down in good time. The engine braking effect and the engine cool- ing effect are increased. Manual transmission Important safety notes Example: multifunction lever ®…
  • Page 254
    Manual transmission Changing the shift range In order to support a fuel-efficient driving style, the on-board computer displays a gearshift rec- Observe the following maximum permissi- ommendation in the form of an arrow. Shift up Z ble speed when changing shift range from the or down ¬…
  • Page 255
    Automated transmission Selecting the splitter group The shift ranges of the transmission are divided into: the low shift range «L» with gears 1 to 4 and reverse gear k the high shift range «H» with gears 5 to 8 the splitter groups with the switch on the front side of the gear lever Gearshift options You can shift gears:…
  • Page 256
    Automated transmission Gear indicator Multifunction lever and gear indicator General notes Mercedes PowerShift is equipped with 8, 12 or 16 forward gears and 2 or 4 reverse gears. When driving, the transmission control controls clutch and gear operation, e.g. when: Pulling away Manoeuvring changing gear…
  • Page 257
    Automated transmission road can be activated using the í button Drive programs and drive functions page 257). Crawler mode can be deactivated Systems and activated using the menu window Automatic in the ä settings menu ( page 151). The transmission control shifts gears depending In the heavy gearshift program, the transmis- on a number of factors including: sion is not automatically shifted up when you…
  • Page 258
    Automated transmission Drive program selection gram, the transmission control automatically shifts to the standard gearshift program with lower fuel consumption. EcoRoll mode EcoRoll mode allows an economic driving style. If you do not depress the accelerator pedal when driving, the transmission control shifts to neu- tral, depending on driving conditions.
  • Page 259
    Automated transmission Crawler mode tuned for road driving can be deactivated and Systems activated using the menu window in the ä settings menu ( page 151). General notes In the offroad gearshift program, the crawler Crawler mode enables the vehicle to crawl for- mode adapted for road driving is always deacti- wards automatically when the service brake is vated.
  • Page 260
    Automated transmission Activating or deactivating rocking-free If you do not pull away immediately after pressing the button, the indicator lamp in the using the button (all-wheel drive vehicles) í button lights up again. Crawler mode then remains deactivated. To deactivate: press the lower section of the í…
  • Page 261
    Automated transmission Automatic neutral position can be changed manually, depending on the vehicle load. If the vehicle is stationary for approximately Release the brake pedal or parking brake and 9 minutes with a gear engaged and the engine depress the accelerator pedal. running, a warning tone will sound.
  • Page 262
    Automated transmission Kickdown gearshifting Pull the multifunction lever up briefly (to shift up) : or push it down briefly (to shift Use kickdown for maximum acceleration of the down) ;. vehicle. The transmission control shifts up or down You can increase performance when pulling 1 gear.
  • Page 263
    Automated transmission Shifting gears Reverse gear and changing direction quickly Pull the multifunction lever up briefly (to shift up) : or push it down briefly (to shift Multifunction lever down) ;. To pull away, you can only shift from neutral to The transmission control shifts up or down the 1st or 2nd reverse gear.
  • Page 264
    Automatic transmission or if the driving speed is too high. The selected Touch-key gearshift and gear indica- reverse gear is not engaged. The transmission control only selects permissible reverse gears. If you bring the vehicle to a halt in 2nd, 3rd or 4th reverse gear, the transmission control shifts to 1st reverse gear.
  • Page 265
    Automatic transmission If the Ü indicator lamp goes out in the Drive position instrument cluster, release the brake pedal. The automatic transmission auto- Depress the accelerator pedal. matically shifts all five or six forward If the automatic transmission is cold (trans- gears.
  • Page 266
    Operation Depress the accelerator pedal past the pres- If the event window and warning tone persist: sure point to the stop. Brake the vehicle and stop, paying attention The automatic transmission shifts down to a to road and traffic conditions. lower gear depending on the engine speed.
  • Page 267
    Operation Apply the parking brake or activate the hill To slow down and stop: continue to depress holder. the accelerator. Switch on automatic mode. Driving back up uphill gradients: depress The electronics change the gears quickly and the accelerator further. accurately.
  • Page 268
    Operation Select a suitable pulling-away gear based on ASR (acceleration skid control) the gross train weight. All pulling-away gears are available. Driving with ASR Release the brake pedal. ASR can neither reduce the risk of an accident The vehicle is, depending on the load and gra- nor override the laws of physics if the driver dient, either held or will roll down the uphill does not pay attention when pulling away or…
  • Page 269
    Operation laws of physics. Stability Control Assist is only an aid, and you are always responsible for the distance to the vehicle in front, for vehicle speed and for braking in good time. Always adapt your driving style to the prevailing road and weather conditions and maintain a sufficient, safe dis- tance from other road users.
  • Page 270
    Operation ASR is also deactivated. Activate Stability Con- Disengage the differential locks immediately trol Assist as soon as the situations previously on a firm, high-traction surface. described are no longer present. If you drive with more than two trailers/ WARNING semitrailers, you must switch off Stability If ABS is deactivated, the wheels may lock Control Assist.
  • Page 271
    Operation dot in the display is flashing, the differential lock has not yet engaged/disengaged. The condi- tions for engaging/disengaging have not been fulfilled, e.g. due to differing wheel rotational speeds. The differential lock is automatically engaged as soon as all gearshift conditions have been fulfilled.
  • Page 272
    Operation inter-axle lock can lead to a pressure surge and a noticeable jerk in the cab. Even different tyre diameters between the front and rear axle can lead to a pressure surge when disengaging the inter-axle lock. Avoid a difference of more than 3% between the tyre diameters of the front and rear axle.
  • Page 273
    Operation Press the upper section of the m switch. be engaged/disengaged when all conditions for engaging/disengaging are fulfilled. When all engagement conditions are met, the off-road gear is engaged and the m symbol When you engage the front axle, the transfer is shown in the display.
  • Page 274
    Operation Activating/deactivating WARNING ® ® If you deactivate ESP , ESP no longer sta- bilises the vehicle. There is an increased risk of skidding and an accident. ® Only deactivate ESP in the situations descri- bed in the following. Depending on the switch and drive program selection, the hydraulic additional drive system drives the front axle up to a maximum speed of 25 km/h as required.
  • Page 275
    Operation Function display lights up and the F indicator lamp in sta- tus area ; of the on-board computer lights Indica- Indicator Description up white. The hydraulic additional drive sys- tor lamp lamp in tem is in standby mode. in but- status When the front axle is being driven, the F ton :…
  • Page 276
    Driving systems Pull out the oil dipstick again, check the oil For the OM 470, OM 471 and OM 473 engines, level and correct if necessary. the engine idling speed can be set between approximately 500 and 800 rpm. For the OM Insert the oil dipstick, replace the cap and 936 engine, the engine idling speed can be set tighten it as far as it will go.
  • Page 277
    Driving systems With the right-hand button group on the multi- The È symbol in the on-board computer function steering wheel, you can switch shows the status of the speed limiter by colour: between the speed limiter, cruise control and Grey symbol: the speed limiter is selected, but distance control assistant driving systems.
  • Page 278
    Driving systems desired speed is shown in the on-board com- Do not exceed the maximum speed of the puter. individual gears. Keep an eye on the rev coun- ter. To adjust in 5 km/h increments: press and If you fail to adapt your driving style or fail to pay hold the q or Ñ…
  • Page 279
    Driving systems Setting the speed and speed tolerance The é symbol in the on-board computer shows the status of cruise control in colour: Increasing/reducing the speed grey symbol: cruise control is selected, but not activated You can change the speed setting while driving. white symbol: cruise control is activated and Activate cruise control.
  • Page 280
    Driving systems The vehicle is braked by the continuous brake Distance control assistant automatically if: Important safety notes cruise control is activated and the vehicle speed exceeds the set speed by WARNING more than the upper speed tolerance Distance control assistant does not respond When the continuous brake is activated and you activate cruise control, the continuous brake regulates the set speed on downhill slopes.
  • Page 281
    Driving systems Overview In particular, be aware of the following driving situations: cornering, entering and exiting bends your own vehicle driving on a different line or vehicles in front of you driving on a different line other vehicles changing lane vehicles turning off overtaking winding stretches of road…
  • Page 282
    Driving systems and 90 km/h. If a vehicle is detected in front, it The distance control assistant remains activa- operates in the speed range between 0 and ted if: 90 km/h. you decelerate using the continuous brake If the distance control assistant detects a vehi- it decelerates the vehicle using the continu- cle in front driving at a slower speed, your vehi- ous brake/service brake and you simultane-…
  • Page 283
    Driving systems Apply the parking brake or the service brake. Stopping Select the distance control assistant. WARNING Briefly press the q button. If you leave the driver’s seat, although the The distance control assistant is activated vehicle is only being braked by the distance and the last stored speed is set.
  • Page 284
    Driving systems Deactivating Setting a specified distance to the vehicle in front The speed remains stored if you deactivate the distance control assistant. Press the o button. When the distance control assistant acceler- ates the vehicle, depress the brake pedal. The on-board computer shows the É…
  • Page 285
    Driving systems PPC is active if: Speed tolerance in the driving sys- tems it has been activated in the settings menu cruise control or the distance control assis- Overview tant is active GPS reception is available map data is available PPC is limited if: you set the speed in cruise control or the dis- tance control assistant…
  • Page 286
    Driving systems ted, the speed limiter brakes the vehicle by Active Brake Assist 4 km/h by applying the continuous brake. Important safety notes Lower speed tolerance The term, Active Brake Assist, used in the fol- lowing sections applies to Active Brake Assist 4. The Å…
  • Page 287
    Driving systems risk persists, Active Brake Assist automatically Active Brake Assist may unexpectedly issue initiates partial braking of the vehicle. If you do warnings or brake your vehicle: not react to the partial brake application, Active in car washes Brake Assist automatically initiates an emer- to stationary obstacles inside a tunnel gency braking manoeuvre.
  • Page 288
    Driving systems Activating and deactivating Active Active Brake Assist is deactivated automatically Brake Assist there is a malfunction ABS is deactivated or there is a malfunction in the brake system of the vehicle To deactivate: press the l button. When the l indicator lamp in the instru- ment cluster lights up, Active Brake Assist is deactivated.
  • Page 289
    Driving systems Particular driving situations Warning (Active Brake Assist) The · symbol appears in the red event win- Cornering, entering and exiting bends dow in the on-board computer. An intermittent warning tone sounds. Partial braking (Active Brake Assist) The · symbol appears in the red event win- dow in the on-board computer.
  • Page 290
    Driving systems Other vehicles changing lane Vehicles turning off The ability of Active Brake Assist and the dis- The ability of Active Brake Assist and the dis- tance control assistant to detect vehicles pulling tance control assistant to detect vehicles turn- into your lane is limited.
  • Page 291
    Driving systems On winding stretches of road, Active Brake Stationary objects Assist and the distance control assistant cannot detect which lane the vehicle in front is driving in. Active Brake Assist and the distance control assistant may unexpectedly issue warnings or brake your vehicle.
  • Page 292
    Driving systems tions into account, nor the prevailing traffic sit- Lane Keeping Assist uation. Lane Keeping Assist is only an aid. You are responsible for the distance to the vehicle in Important safety notes front, for vehicle speed, braking in good time and remaining in lane.
  • Page 293
    Driving systems road surface, it warns you that you may be leav- ASSIST is not a substitute for a well-rested and ing your lane unintentionally. attentive driver. Lane Keeping Assist is ready to issue warnings: ATTENTION ASSIST may be impaired or inoper- ative: above approximately 60 km/h if there is low visibility, e.g.
  • Page 294
    Driving systems Functions and activation conditions and changing into the right-hand lane. A warning lamp in the warning element on the right-hand A- ATTENTION ASSIST assesses your level of fati- pillar informs you that an object has been detec- gue or lapses in concentration by taking the fol- ted in the monitored area.
  • Page 295
    Driving systems Monitoring range of the sensors Assistance menu window of the on-board computer. If you have not coupled up a trailer/ semitrailer, the grey indicator lamp Assistance lights up in the menu window of the on-board computer. If you have switched off the trailer monitoring of Sideguard Assist, the grey Assis‐…
  • Page 296
    Driving systems the A-pillar lights up. In addition, the Assis‐ indicator lamp lights up yellow in the tance menu window of the on-board computer. When changing lane, a moving object is located in the danger zone. There is a risk of collision. If you indicate or steer to the right, the red warn- ing lamp in the A-pillar flashes for approximately There is a moving object in the monitoring range…
  • Page 297
    Level control Use the u or t button to scroll to ä When loading/unloading the vehicle with the settings. ignition switched off, observe the information in the section «Loading and unloading the vehicle Use the r or s button to scroll to the when the ignition is switched off»…
  • Page 298
    Level control Press briefly: to call up memory position û M1 or M2 for chassis height Press and hold: to store memory position M1 or M2 for chassis height You can operate the level control when the vehi- cle is stationary or when the vehicle is in motion up to approximately 30 km/h.
  • Page 299
    Level control Raising or lowering the chassis with the control panel WARNING People’s limbs may become trapped if they are located underneath the vehicle or between the vehicle body and the tyres when the vehicle is lowering. There is a danger of injury.
  • Page 300
    Level control Run the engine until the pressure regulator Setting the driving level cuts out. Press and hold the T button on the control panel or the ¤ button on the instrument panel. Switch off the engine. Remove the key from the key slot. Release the T button on the control panel or the ¤…
  • Page 301
    Level control To activate: press the upper section of the Shunting level ë button. The indicator lamp in the ë button flashes and the function is preselected. Engage power take-off ( page 341). The ë symbol and an event message appear in the display.
  • Page 302
    Additional axles ment panel or the T button on the control Additional axles panel of the level control ( page 298). Starting-off aid The starting-off aid is only intended for Leading/trailing axle short-term use for spinning wheels on snow and ice-covered roads. If you activate the Environmental note starting-off aid, the rear axle load increases.
  • Page 303
    Additional axles When loading or unloading the vehicle, lower restarted, the steering function of the additional the leading/trailing axle. axle is re-activated automatically. To raise/lower: press the â button. Start the engine. When the leading/trailing axle is raised, the To centre manually: press the upper section ¡…
  • Page 304
    Driving tips Driving tips Parts required for vehicle transfer General notes on driving WARNING If you switch off the ignition while the vehicle is in motion, safety-relevant functions are restricted or not available. This can affect the power steering function and the brake boost- ing effect, for example.
  • Page 305
    Driving tips Collapsible underride guard – tipper Underride guard with steel suspension General notes WARNING If the underride guard is folded up, in a colli- sion with the vehicle in front this vehicle could become trapped underneath the frame. There is a risk of fatal injury for the occupants of the vehicle in front.
  • Page 306
    Driving tips Collapsible underride guard – tipper Road paver operation with air suspension Preparing for road paver operation Example: mud flap, left-hand side of vehicle Set the underride guard to the road paver operation position. Swing both mud flaps ; up over the licence plate holder.
  • Page 307
    Driving tips Notes on the road paver – tipper with air Driving off-road suspension Important safety notes WARNING WARNING When the underride guard is pressed against the tyres, persons could become trapped When driving off-road, your body is subject to between the tyres and the underride guard.
  • Page 308
    WARNING always reach your destination safely. If you drive over obstacles or in ruts, the steer- Mercedes-Benz recommends that you practice ing wheel may jerk out of your grip, causing driving off-road in less demanding terrain. When injury to your hands.
  • Page 309
    Drive slowly and smoothly. It may often be If in doubt, or in the case of special-purpose necessary to drive at walking pace. vehicles, consult a Mercedes-Benz Service Make sure that the wheels remain in contact Centre before a possible fording.
  • Page 310
    Driving tips Permissible fording depths for fording with all- Switch off the regeneration block wheel-drive vehicles: page 312). After ending off-road driving, observe the with 13 R 22.5 tyres, up to 700 mm without checklist for after off-road driving fording equipment page 308).
  • Page 311
    Driving tips Fold down the mud flaps. axles Observe the notes on cleaning after driving brakes off-road or on construction sites. spring elements chassis Cleaning after driving off-road or on licence plate construction sites engine engine radiator Only direct the compressed-air, steam or transmission water jet towards the radiator surface in a oil cooler (transmission)
  • Page 312
    Driving tips Operating conditions Check the tyre pressure at regular intervals page 405). The following operating conditions affect fuel tyre type, e.g. summer or winter tyres, single consumption: or twin tyres topography, e.g. driving on level routes or in tyre tread and tyre width, e.g. coarse tyre mountainous terrain treads such as those on winter tyres increase outside temperature and weather conditions…
  • Page 313
    Driving tips Do not warm up the engine while stationary. manual regeneration ( page 158). Manual regeneration lasts approximately 30 minutes up Switch off the engine when waiting in station- to a maximum of 60 minutes ( page 312). ary traffic. Avoid frequent and heavy acceleration.
  • Page 314
    Driving tips Regeneration block Starting manual regeneration If you need to avoid the increased emission tem- peratures that occur during regeneration, you can disable regeneration, for example, when you are: entering a hazardous area performing work which causes intense build- up of dirt on the vehicle, involving dry or flam- mable materials Automatic and manual regeneration can then no…
  • Page 315
    Driving tips When regeneration is finished: For these reasons, exact figures about any indi- vidual vehicle’s fuel consumption cannot be pro- the É indicator lamp in the instrument vided. cluster goes out Information and notes on how to keep fuel con- the engine speed is reduced to idling speed sumption to a minimum can be found in the Regeneration is automatically interrupted if you:…
  • Page 316
    Driving tips are switched on when reverse gear is Reverse warning device engaged. WARNING To set the reverse warning device to quiet/loud: briefly press the * button. Other road users may ignore or fail to hear the If the reverse warning device is set to quiet, warning tone of the reverse warning feature.
  • Page 317
    Refuelling you do not depress the brake pedal when the Refuelling hill holder is activated and the vehicle is sta- tionary ® Fuel/AdBlue tank the vehicle is stationary for approximately 9 minutes with the engine running and a gear selected you select the reverse gear you shift the ignition lock to the 0 position or remove the key when the frequent-stop brake…
  • Page 318
    Refuelling heating oils Avoid fire, naked flames, smoking and the FAME fatty acid methyl ester (bio-diesel creation of sparks. Make sure that fuels do fuel) > 7% by volume not come into contact with a hot exhaust sys- tem. Before carrying out work on the fuel sys- ®…
  • Page 319
    Refuelling Before filling the tank Use truck fuel pump nozzles to refuel. If you use a passenger vehicle fuel pump nozzle, the If you are using drums or canisters to refuel flap in the filler neck could be damaged. the vehicle, you should filter the fuel before If you have to use a passenger vehicle fuel adding it.
  • Page 320
    Refuelling Folding ladder (Arocs road sweeper) To fold out and lock: press release knob B on detachable locking mechanism A and detach the locking mechanism. Pull locking mechanism ? from the catch and hold it. Fold out the ladder in the direction of the arrow.
  • Page 321
    Trailers/semitrailers ® ® When opening the AdBlue tank, small amounts You can recognise AdBlue tank ; by blue of ammonia vapours could escape. ® cap :. If AdBlue tank ; still contains suffi- ® Ammonia vapours have a pungent smell and are cient AdBlue , pressure compensation may particularly irritating to:…
  • Page 322
    Trailers/semitrailers Driving tips for trailers/semitrailers General notes Always observe the following safety instruc- tions for driving with trailers and semitrailers: only attach a trailer/semitrailer at an appropriate trailer/semitrailer coupling. ensure there is adequate clearance between the trailer/semitrailer and the tractor vehicle. if the vehicle is being driven without a load, only a trailer without a load may be coupled do not exceed the permissible axle loads.
  • Page 323
    Trailers/semitrailers When driving over depressions or elevations, please be aware that the articulation angle at front ; or rear : changes. If the tractor/trailer combination jack- knifes, the clearance between the tractor vehicle and the trailer/semitrailer is reduced. The articulation angles are dependent on the particular tractor vehicle and trailer or semi- trailer.
  • Page 324
    Trailers/semitrailers Information on semitrailer coupling The sensor-monitored semitrailer coupling has sensors which, during the attaching/detaching process or once the ignition has been switched Important safety notes on, perform the following: WARNING monitor the semitrailer, the semitrailer cou- If the semitrailer coupling is damaged or not pling pin and the clasp correctly engaged, you could lose the semi- display the status of the locking mechanism…
  • Page 325
    Trailers/semitrailers Release rubber retainers = of mudguard centre parts ? on the left and the right-hand side of the vehicle. Remove mudguard centre parts ?. Coupling up with vehicles with a sensor-moni- tored semitrailer coupling: Drive slowly under the semitrailer plate. Raise the vehicle level or lower the semitrailer until the on-board computer displays the grey Coupling level reached…
  • Page 326
    Trailers/semitrailers Park the vehicle on a firm and level surface. qualified specialist workshop as soon as pos- Apply the parking brake. sible. Chock the trailer/semitrailer’s wheels to secure it against rolling away. Longitudinal play cannot be checked at the cou- pling jaw.
  • Page 327
    Trailers/semitrailers WARNING The cover of the silencer can get very hot when driving. You could burn your foot if, for example, you step on this cover in order to connect/disconnect the cables and compressed-air lines. There is a risk of injury. Never step on the cover of the silencer.
  • Page 328
    Trailers/semitrailers Semitrailer tractor vehicle: connect ABS/BS With dual coupling head: push down and hold (5/7 pin) connecting cable plug = to the the lever at dual coupling head B. trailer. With dual coupling head: remove the Platform truck: attach the connecting cable compressed-air lines.
  • Page 329
    Trailers/semitrailers Before operating a tipper semi-trailer, be sure WARNING that: If you drive off with the tipper body raised, it the semi-trailer hydraulic system’s operating could get caught on buildings, bridges or pressure does not exceed the maximum per- trees, for example. There is a risk of an acci- mitted operating pressure for the trailer dent.
  • Page 330
    Trailers/semitrailers Connecting Operating lever Tipper valve Make sure that the trailer hydraulic system’s operating pressure matches that of the semi- trailer hydraulic system. Hydraulic connections Select the high or low pressure setting on the changeover unit for the operating pressure Connecting or disconnecting hydraulic page 327).
  • Page 331
    The further forward you push the control Only use hydraulic fluid which has been lever, the faster the speed of the lowering checked and approved by the Mercedes-Benz movement. Specification for Service Products for the When the tipper body is fully lowered, the semi-trailer hydraulic system.
  • Page 332
    Parking up the vehicle Combination tank with fuel tank on the left-hand side of the vehicle In addition to the special measures according to Mercedes-Benz Specifications for Service Prod- ucts Sheet 382.0, a change of hydraulic fluid ? Max. fill level A Distance must be carried out.
  • Page 333
    Wind deflector Hydraulic fluid reservoir Loading platform approach aid Combination tank with fuel tank on the WARNING left-hand side of the vehicle The loading platform approach aid cannot Maximum tank content 140 l detect persons or moving obstacles. There is therefore a risk of accident even with the Maximum used fluid quantity 128 l…
  • Page 334
    Using determined adjustment detent A, adjust the adjustment rails on holder ;. Example: wind deflector adjustment Screw in bolts :. Mercedes-Benz recommends that you have the wind deflector adjusted at a qualified specialist workshop. Diagrams Example: semitrailer tractor vehicle/platform truck, ClassicSpace cab…
  • Page 335
    Wind deflector Example: semitrailer tractor vehicle/platform truck, CompactSpace cab S = 50 — 700 mm: semitrailer tractor vehicle/platform truck with CompactSpace cab and an add-on height of 420, 600 or 765 mm S = 580 — 700 mm: semitrailer tractor vehicle with CompactSpace cab, side air deflector and an add- on height of 420, 600 or 765 mm Example: semitrailer tractor vehicle/platform truck, StreamSpace cab S = 50 — 700 mm: semitrailer tractor vehicle/platform truck with StreamSpace cab and an add-on…
  • Page 336
    Wind deflector Example: semitrailer tractor vehicle/platform truck, StreamSpace cab S = 50 — 700 mm: semitrailer tractor vehicle/platform truck with Stream or BigSpace cab and an add-on height of 765 mm, total vehicle height up to 4,060 mm S = 580 — 700 mm: semitrailer tractor vehicle with Stream or BigSpace cab, side air deflector and an add-on height of 765 mm, total vehicle height up to 4,060 mm Example: semitrailer tractor vehicle, StreamSpace cab S = 580 — 700 mm: semitrailer tractor vehicle with Stream or BigSpace cab, side air deflector and an…
  • Page 337
    Wind deflector Example: platform truck, StreamSpace cab S = 50 — 700 mm: semitrailer tractor vehicle with Stream or BigSpace cab and an add-on height of 765 mm Example: semitrailer tractor vehicle/platform truck, GigaSpace cab S = 50 — 700 mm: semitrailer tractor vehicle/platform truck with GigaSpace cab and an add-on height of 765 mm S = 580 — 700 mm: semitrailer tractor vehicle/platform truck with GigaSpace cab, side air deflectors and an add-on height of 765 mm…
  • Page 338
    Winter operation Pull side panelling : out of the holders on the Winter operation clasp and swing them outwards. Winter driving Remove snow and ice from between side pan- elling : and the chassis frame. Before the journey Swing side panelling : back and press into the holders on the clasp.
  • Page 339
    Apply the parking brake. Fit snow chains in accordance with the fitting Mercedes-Benz recommends that you fit instructions of the chain manufacturer. snow chains to all drive wheels. If your vehicle has permanent all-wheel drive and you do not Start the engine.
  • Page 340
    Mercedes-Benz Specifications for Service Products. The use of the hydraulic fluid is not permitted in vehicles with a steered leading/trailing axle. A list of approved service products can be found in the Mercedes-Benz Specifications for Service Products.
  • Page 341
    Switch the ignition lock to position 0. the engine will start, even with the cold climate Repeat the starting procedure after approx- package. Mercedes-Benz advises against park- imately 1 minute. ing the vehicle outdoors at outside tempera- After three starting attempts, wait approx- tures of below −30 †.
  • Page 342
    Winter operation Observe the additional instructions and infor- mation on batteries ( page 366).
  • Page 343
    Power take-offs The display of the on-board computer shows the Useful information activation state of power take-off: / Power take-off disengaged These Operating Instructions describe all the models and standard and optional equipment of 0 Power take-off engaged your vehicle that were available at the time of Vehicles with a power take-off on the going to print.
  • Page 344
    Power take-offs Preselecting the working speed Engaging power take-off General notes General notes On vehicles with a transmission-driven power take-off it is possible to preselect the working speed. Vehicles with Mercedes PowerShift You can preselect the working speed using the multifunction lever.
  • Page 345
    Power take-offs Press the upper section of switch I of the Press the lower section of the I switch of power take-off. the power take-off. If power take-off is engaged, the 0 acti- When power take-off is disengaged, / vation status indicator is shown in the display appears in the display of the on-board com- of the on-board computer.
  • Page 346
    Power take-offs Switch off the ignition. Take the adapter, wrench, screwdriver and hammer out of the vehicle tool kit. Remove covering cap : with a screwdriver and a hammer. Place the adapter and wrench at position 2 on the shaft. Turn the wrench to position 4.
  • Page 347
    Tipper operation Engine speed setting Constant engine speed You can set the idling speed and the working When the constant engine speed function is speed. activated, the set working speed for power take- off is controlled by the electronic management To operate auxiliary equipment, e.g.
  • Page 348
    Tipper operation Check and secure the pins on the tipper body; road users to fail to recognise the vehicle in see the manufacturer’s separate operating time. There is a risk of an accident. instructions. Make sure that the vehicle is safeguarded at The tipper body must always be secured with the rear in accordance with national legal pins on a side to which the load is to be tipped.
  • Page 349
    Tipper operation The following functions are examples and are Unlock claw-type locks displayed on a sticker next to the controls in the Lock claw-type locks driver’s entrance/exit. For the actual function, Control knob observe the tipper or body manufacturer’s oper- ating instructions.
  • Page 350
    Regular care helps to maintain the value of the Heavy soiling: use a mild washing solution or vehicle. care and cleaning products recommended Mercedes-Benz recommends that you only use and approved by Mercedes-Benz. care products that have been approved for Mercedes-Benz. You can obtain these care…
  • Page 351
    Vehicles with leather upholstery: use Observe the following notes on cleaning the leather care agents recommended and seat belts: approved by Mercedes-Benz after cleaning. remove any stains or dirt immediately. This will avoid residue or damage. Cleaning the seat covers do not bleach or dye the seat belts.
  • Page 352
    Wash your vehicle more frequently if it gets This increases the safety of your footing. dirty more often. Steps, front If the vehicle has Mercedes-Benz protective chassis sealing: Ensure that you do not step too low when using the lowest access steps. Otherwise, you do not use high-pressure cleaners or pul- sating circular-jet nozzles.
  • Page 353
    Cleaning and care access to grab handles :, use recesses ; To fold down: push step ; up a little, pull out when ascending. retainer : and swing step ; down to the stop. Small folding step, front To fold up: pull retainer : and swing step ; If you drive the vehicle with the step folded upwards until it engages.
  • Page 354
    Clean the plastic covers of the exterior light- TION ASSIST and of rain/light sensor ; ing with a wet sponge and a mild cleaning could be restricted agent, e.g. Mercedes-Benz car shampoo or have the windscreen replaced at a qualified cleaning cloths. specialist workshop…
  • Page 355
    If your vehicle has Mercedes-Benz protec- Sideguard Assist sensors tive chassis sealing, do not use a high-pres- Regularly clean the sensor cover :. In this way, sure cleaner. You could otherwise damage you will avoid malfunctions.
  • Page 356
    Only use wax-based protective agents for frequency of maintenance work mainly depend engines that comply with Sheet No. 385.4 on the operating conditions, which can differ of the Mercedes-Benz Specifications for widely. Service Products. You must secure the vehicle on axle stands of…
  • Page 357
    Maintenance A qualified specialist workshop can program Air filter the first message to appear between 0 to Do not clean the filter elements of the 30 days before the due date. engine air cleaner. Knocking, blowing out or When the maintenance due date has been washing the filter medium could cause struc- reached or exceeded, the on-board computer tural changes and damage.
  • Page 358
    Maintenance The release levers are under the side panelling Observe the instructions on the respective above the headlamps. original container when using, storing and dis- To unlock and open: press release lever ; posing off service products. Always store ser- on the left and right, one after the other in the vice products in the sealed original container.
  • Page 359
    The hydraulic fluid for the clutch actuation sys- Switch off the engine. tem must meet the specifications in Sheet No. 345.0 of the Mercedes-Benz Specifications for Vehicles with coolant expansion tank under Service Products. the maintenance flap: open the maintenance flap ( page 355).
  • Page 360
    Add a washer fluid concentrate according to air filter in dusty conditions. Mercedes-Benz Specifications for Service Prod- Dust particles escape from the inlet port on ucts Sheet No. 371.0 throughout the entire extraction valves : to reduce clogging of the air year.
  • Page 361
    Maintenance The coarse filter is clearly marked on the WARNING upper side with the letter «B». If the windscreen wipers begin to move while Maintain a distance of at least 20 cm between you are changing the wiper blades, you can be the air jet and the filter when blowing with trapped by the wiper arm.
  • Page 362
    Maintenance Topping up the engine oil Only use oils which have been approved for the vehicle and with the prescribed SAE clas- sification. Do not add too much oil. If you add too much oil, the engine or the exhaust system could be damaged.
  • Page 363
    Maintenance Only check the oil level when the automatic Code Meaning transmission is at normal operating tempera- ture. oL HI The oil level in the transmission is too high. Checking the oil level in the display The number subsequently dis- played indicates the transmission Starting oil level measurement oil quantity that must be drained or…
  • Page 364
    Code Meaning Remedy qualities. oL SH The vehicle is Stop the vehi- All Mercedes-Benz cabs have body cavity pro- rolling. cle. tection. Apply the park- Check the vehicle regularly for corrosion ing brake. damage, particularly the compressed-air…
  • Page 365
    Operat- ing Instructions when handling the battery. For safety reasons, Mercedes-Benz recom- Example: batteries in the chassis mends that you only use batteries that have been tested and approved for your vehicle by…
  • Page 366
    Maintenance It is particularly important to observe the described order when connecting and dis- connecting the jump leads. Never connect or disconnect the battery terminals while the engine is running. On vehicles with a battery sensor, the neg- ative terminal clamp forms part of the battery sensor.
  • Page 367
    Maintenance Removing/fitting batteries Unscrew bolt ; from lower securing frame Important safety notes Remove lower securing frame =. Remove the lower battery and the lower bat- On vehicles with a battery sensor, the neg- tery carrier. ative terminal clamp forms part of the battery sensor.
  • Page 368
    Long battery service life can be achieved by vehicle overnight, recharging the battery may keeping the batteries adequately charged. be required after several days. Mercedes-Benz recommends the following Example: when replacing the batteries: If the coolbox consumes approximately 1 A in…
  • Page 369
    Maintenance If you use another type of battery, have the Charge the batteries when the outside temper- battery type set with a diagnostic tester by a ature is above 0 †. The optimal outside tem- qualified specialist workshop. perature is between 10 † and 25 †. use batteries of the same age Remove the batteries.
  • Page 370
    Only clean the battery housing with commer- cially available cleaning agents. Parking up the vehicle When parking up the vehicle, special measures according to Mercedes-Benz Specifications for Service Products Sheet No. 382.0 need to be taken. You can obtain detailed information from any…
  • Page 371
    191). the right-hand side until you hear it engage in If you activate telediagnosis and do not the lock. notify Mercedes-Benz Service 24h, the data is The tool kit compartment lighting goes out deleted after 72 hours. automatically. Vehicle tool kit and emergency equip-…
  • Page 372
    Where will I find…? materials, environmental protection measures, work safety and accident prevention regula- tions. Overview Stowage compartments and tool kit compartment (example: tractor/semitrailer combination with L cab) The vehicle tools and emergency equipment are divided into two packages: Spare bulbs Towing eye Fire extinguisher Spare wheel spacer…
  • Page 373
    Where will I find…? On vehicles with 2 fire extinguishers, the second fire extinguisher may be in the following storage locations, depending on the vehicle version: in stowage compartment : on the co-driver’s side in tool kit compartment = ( page 369) in a protective box on the exterior of the rear wall on the driver’s side On the L cab as car transporter: with lowered berth or seat/berth combination, the fire extinguisher…
  • Page 374
    Wheel chock Tilting area of the cab (example: Actros) Before tilting the cab, carry out the following Example: tractor/semitrailer combination, wheel steps: chock For safety reasons, keep the area in front of Depending on the vehicle version and equip- the cab unobstructed. ment, the storage location of the wheel chocks Apply the parking brake.
  • Page 375
    Tilting the cab back into the driving Make sure the coupling pin of the front cou- pling jaw is secure and that the coupling jaw is position covered ( page 398). WARNING Use chocks to safeguard the vehicle against rolling away. If the cab is not locked, the following danger- ous situations could arise when the vehicle decelerates:…
  • Page 376
    Swing up the flap on the right-hand side of the Electrohydraulic cab tilting unit door frame. Tilting the cab forwards Check the direction of rotation of the valve lever on the instruction sticker in the door frame. Swing the valve lever on the cab tilting pump to position 2.
  • Page 377
    In the cab, press the lower section of the C not go out, repeat the process and tip the cab button. back again. The indicator lamp in the C button goes out. Make sure that the º indicator lamp in the instrument cluster goes out after you start the engine.
  • Page 378
    Engine Shift into neutral. Engine Tilt the cab forwards (electrohydraulic Starting and stopping the engine with page 374) or mechanical hydraulic the cab tilted page 373) cab tilt system). Starting the engine WARNING Press external engine start/engine stop : There are moving components in the engine until the engine starts.
  • Page 379
    Engine Bleeding the fuel system without fuel prefilter on chassis frame (OM 470/471/473 only) Do not bleed the fuel system with several starting procedures. You could otherwise damage the starter motor. Apply the parking brake. Switch the ignition lock to the drive position. Shift into neutral.
  • Page 380
    Engine If the engine starts: leave the engine running at an increased engine speed. If the engine does not start: repeat the pro- cedure. Tilt the cab forwards (electrohydraulic page 374) or mechanical hydraulic page 373) cab tilt system). Tighten the fuel tank filler cap. Mount covering :.
  • Page 381
    Engine Upper air regulation system 20 seconds and, if necessary, repeat after approximately one minute. After three start- ing procedures wait for approximately three minutes. Once the engine starts normally, release the Start/Stop button or the key in the ignition lock and depress the accelerator pedal sev- eral times.
  • Page 382
    Flat tyre To open and lock: to open slats ; of the The locking screw must be turned a Õ turn lower air regulation system, carefully fold up on both sides of the lower air regulation sys- one of the middle slats. tem.
  • Page 383
    Flat tyre Only position the jack at the appropriate jack- To prevent risks: ing point of the vehicle. The base of the jack you should therefore adapt your driving must be positioned vertically, directly under style and drive carefully. the jacking point of the vehicle. never fit more than one spare wheel that differs from the wheel to be replaced.
  • Page 384
    Flat tyre The permissible axle load can be found on the 385/55 R 22.5 vehicle identification plate. 385/65 R 22.5 the jack is designed only to raise the vehicle You could otherwise damage the wheel or the for a short time, e.g. while a wheel is being spare wheel bracket.
  • Page 385
    Flat tyre Lower the spare wheel using spare wheel Flat tyre on the left-hand side of the vehicle: hoist :, completely unwinding cable ;. turn the steering wheel to the left as far as it will go. Pull the spare wheel out to the side or to the rear.
  • Page 386
    Flat tyre Air-sprung rear axle Steered trailing axle Example: steered trailing axle Position jack under the jacking point on the air suspension support. Position the jack so that the jack plunger is centrally located under the axle carrier. Air-sprung leading axle Removing a wheel Example: air-sprung leading axle Position the jack under the axle tube,…
  • Page 387
    Flat tyre Fitting a steel wheel Unscrew the remaining wheel nuts. Remove the wheel. Single tyres: fit the wheel in place and screw Vehicles with 14.00 R 20 twin tyres: remove on 2 to 3 wheel nuts. the wheel nuts for the inner wheel from the Single tyres: screw on the remaining wheel connecting flange and then remove the con- nuts together with the wheel nut cover.
  • Page 388
    Fuses with the same fuse rating are the same colour. Retightening the wheel nuts You can obtain further information from any Mercedes-Benz Service Centre. WARNING The fuse allocation chart is on the inside of the The wheels could work loose if the wheel nuts main fuse carrier cover.
  • Page 389
    Electrical fuses Removing the main fuse carrier cover Consumer Illuminated 10 A Mercedes star Torch socket 10 A Non-MB body elec- 15 A trical system Windscreen heating 25 A Windscreen heating 25 A Open fasteners ; and remove cover :. Transfer case oil 10 A cooler…
  • Page 390
    Electrical fuses Consumer Consumer ADR for England 12 V voltage trans- 25 A former Interior lighting for Distribution 25 A low roof (terminal 30) CB radio Coolbox 20 A Radio/navigation 15 A Auxiliary heating 20 A Electrical auxiliary 12 V voltage trans- 20 A air conditioning former…
  • Page 391
    Electrical fuses Consumer Consumer LSVA 15 A Body manufacturer 10 A (terminal D+) Steering angle sen- 15 A Fuel prefilter heater 10 A with water separator Level control 25 A ® BlueTec exhaust gas aftertreatment Hydrodynamic 25 A Roller sunblind clutch (turbo retarder clutch) Trailer coupling (low-…
  • Page 392
    Electrical fuses Consumer Consumer Programmable spe- 10 A Unassigned cial module Electronic air pro- 20 A (terminal 15) cessing unit Engine management 10 A (terminal 30) (terminal 15) Transmission con- 15 A Reversing camera 10 A trol (terminal 30.2) Driver assistance 10 A Fuses in base module (GM) for SSAM: system…
  • Page 393
    Electrical fuses Consumer Consumer CB radio 15 A Hydrodynamic 25 A clutch (turbo retarder clutch) Heating 10 A Body manufacturer 10 A (terminal 30) Driver assistance 10 A system Transmission con- 15 A trol (terminal 30.1) Reading lamp 10 A (terminal 30) Trailer ABS 10 A…
  • Page 394
    Electrical fuses Consumer Consumer Unassigned Driver assistance 10 A system Unassigned Reversing camera 10 A Roof stowage com- 10 A partment lamp Engine management 10 A Remote output volt- (terminal 15) age transformer Exchange dropside 10 A 24 V power sockets 25 A body (terminal 15) Transmission con-…
  • Page 395
    Electrical fuses Consumer Consumer Hydraulic additional drive Bi-stable relay system (HAD) shutoff Bi-stable relay Radio 12 V (terminal 58) Unassigned Radio 12 V (terminal 15R) Relays in base module (GM) for SSAM: Subwoofer Consumer Auxiliary headlamps Unassigned (terminal 58) Amplifier (terminal D+) Interior lighting for low roof Transmission oil cooling Interior lighting for low roof…
  • Page 396
    Charging the compressed-air system Checking and replacing a safety fuse Charging the compressed-air system Pull the fuse out of the module using the pliers If the supply pressure of the external and carry out a visual inspection. compressed-air source is under 11 bar it can- If the fuse wire has melted, replace the blown not be guaranteed that you will be able to fill fuse with a spare fuse.
  • Page 397
    Jump-starting, tow-starting and towing away If you fill the compressed-air system via con- WARNING nection 28 ; on the electronic air processing During charging and jump-starting, explosive unit, the pressure circuit of the air suspension is gases can escape from the battery. There is a also filled.
  • Page 398
    Jump-starting, tow-starting and towing away Vehicles without a jump-starting con- Vehicles with a jump-starting connec- nection point tion point Vehicles without a jump-starting connection point (example: platform truck) Connecting the jump lead Remove the battery compartment cover page 363). First, connect the positive terminal clamp of the jump lead to the positive terminal of the other vehicle’s battery and then to the q positive terminal of the starter battery.
  • Page 399
    You can obtain further information from any If the rear of the vehicle is raised for towing Mercedes-Benz Service Centre. away, fold back the wind deflectors. Drive carefully and anticipate road and traffic conditions. Observe the maximum clearance Manoeuvring/tow-starting and tow- of underpasses.
  • Page 400
    Jump-starting, tow-starting and towing away Coupling jaw result of a loss of compressed air, the brakes may overheat and be damaged. Charge the compressed-air system or dis- engage the spring-loaded parking brake manually. For vehicles with air suspension, check the driving level during towing/tow-starting and correct it if necessary.
  • Page 401
    The person towing away the vehicle should bring one with them or you can purchase one at a Warning Mercedes-Benz Service Centre. The vehicle can thus be raised and towed away. If you lift the vehicle onto towing eyes that…
  • Page 402
    Jump-starting, tow-starting and towing away Positioning on the rear axle(s) Releasing the spring-loaded parking brake Arrangement of the spring-loaded park- — ing brake cylinders — 6×2 /2 — 6×2 /4 — 8×4 ENA 8×4/4 Spring-loaded parking brake cylinder (exam- 8×6 /4 ple: platform truck) 8×8/4 The positioning of the spring-loaded parking…
  • Page 403
    Jump-starting, tow-starting and towing away Moving the spring-loaded parking brake cylinder to the driving position Tighten the release bolt up to a torque of 35 Nm. Do not use an impact wrench. You could otherwise damage the spring-loaded parking brake cylinder. Reset all spring-loaded parking brake cylinders to the drive position.
  • Page 404
    404) carefully. tyre tread tyre condition A tyre dealer, a qualified specialist workshop or a Mercedes-Benz Service Centre will be able to provide further you with information about the: tyre load-bearing capacity (LI, Load Index) tyre speed rating tyre age…
  • Page 405
    These requirements may stipulate a specific tyre type for your vehicle. In addition, the use of specific tyre types may be advisable for certain regions and areas of operation. A tyre dealer, a qualified specialist workshop or a Mercedes-Benz Service Centre will be able to…
  • Page 406
    Observe A tyre dealer, a qualified specialist workshop or the mounting instructions and information on a Mercedes-Benz Service Centre will be able to the tyre pressure monitor when changing a tyre provide you with further information.
  • Page 407
    Tyre pressures altered driving stability Observe the recommended tyre pressure and increased fuel consumption check the tyre pressure of all the tyres includ- Excessive tyre pressure leads to: ing the spare wheel: an increased braking distance at least once a month a deterioration in tyre traction when the load changes increased tyre wear…
  • Page 408
    Tyre pressure table for single tyres Determine permissible axle load = by check- For specific tasks, e.g. during winter mainte- ing the vehicle identification plate. nance, a maximum vehicle axle load rating for fitting approved attachments may be increased. Select the tyre pressure table which corre- In such cases, the speed of the vehicle is limited.
  • Page 409
    Tyre pressure table for single tyres Load bearing index 164 Axle load 6,300 kg: 450 kPa (4.50 bar/65 psi) Axle load 6,700 kg: 475 kPa (4.75 bar/69 psi) Axle load 7,100 kg: 525 kPa (5.25 bar/76 psi) Axle load 7,500 kg: 575 kPa (5.75 bar/83 psi) Axle load 8,000 kg: 625 kPa (6.25 bar/91 psi) Axle load 9,000 kg: 700 kPa (7.0 bar/102 psi) Axle load 9,500 kg: 750 kPa (7.5 bar/109 psi)
  • Page 410
    Tyre pressure table for single tyres Load bearing index 152 Axle load 6,300 kg: 750 kPa (7.5 bar/109 psi) Axle load 6,700 kg: 800 kPa (8.0 bar/116 psi) Axle load 7,100 kg: 850 kPa (8.5 bar/123 psi) Load bearing index 154 Axle load 6,300 kg: 675 kPa (6.75 bar/98 psi) Axle load 6,700 kg: 750 kPa (7.5 bar/109 psi) Axle load 7,100 kg: 800 kPa (8.0 bar/116 psi)
  • Page 411
    Tyre pressure table for single tyres Axle load 7,100 kg: 775 kPa (7.75 bar/112 psi) Axle load 7,500 kg: 825 kPa (8.25 bar/120 psi) Load bearing index 156 Axle load 6,300 kg: 650 kPa (6.5 bar/94 psi) Axle load 6,700 kg: 700 kPa (7.0 bar/102 psi) Axle load 7,100 kg: 750 kPa (7.5 bar/109 psi) Axle load 7,500 kg: 800 kPa (8.0 bar/116 psi) Axle load 8,000 kg: 850 kPa (8.5 bar/123 psi)
  • Page 412
    Tyre pressure table for single tyres Load bearing index 160 Axle load 6,300 kg: 600 kPa (6.0 bar/87 psi) Axle load 6,700 kg: 625 kPa (6.25 bar/91 psi) Axle load 7,100 kg: 675 kPa (6.75 bar/98 psi) Axle load 7,500 kg: 725 kPa (7.25 bar/105 psi) Axle load 8,000 kg: 800 kPa (8.0 bar/116 psi) Axle load 9,000 kg: 900 kPa (9.0 bar/131 psi) Tyres 385/65 R 22.5…
  • Page 413
    Tyre pressure table for twin tyres Load bearing index 169 Axle load 9,500 kg: 725 kPa (7.25 bar/105 psi) Axle load 10,000 kg: 750 kPa (7.5 bar/109 psi) Axle load 10,500 kg: 800 kPa (8.0 bar/116 psi) Axle load 11,500 kg: 900 kPa (9.0 bar/131 psi) Tyres 12 R 24 Load bearing index 160 Axle load 6,300 kg: 550 kPa (5.5 bar/80 psi…
  • Page 414
    Tyre pressure table for twin tyres Axle load 12,600 kg: 500 kPa (5.0 bar/72 psi) Axle load 13,000 kg: 525 kPa (5.25 bar/76 psi) Axle load 13,400 kg: 550 kPa (5.5 bar/80 psi) Axle load 16,000 kg: 675 kPa (6.75 bar/98 psi) Load bearing index 160 Axle load 9,500 kg: 350 kPa (3.5 bar/51 psi) Axle load 10,000 kg: 375 kPa (3.75 bar/54 psi)
  • Page 415
    Tyre pressure table for twin tyres Axle load 12,000 kg: 775 kPa (7.75 bar/112 psi) Axle load 12,300 kg: 800 kPa (8.0 bar/116 psi) Axle load 12,600 kg: 825 kPa (8.25 bar/120 psi) Axle load 13,000 kg: 850 kPa (8.5 bar/123 psi) Axle load 13,400 kg: 875 kPa (8.75 bar/127 psi) Load bearing index 151 Axle load 9,500 kg: 550 kPa (5.5 bar, 80 psi)
  • Page 416
    Tyre pressure table for twin tyres Axle load 10,500 kg: 725 kPa (7.25 bar/105 psi) Axle load 11,500 kg: 800 kPa (8.0 bar/116 psi) Load bearing index 148 Axle load 9,500 kg: 600 kPa (6.0 bar/87 psi) Axle load 10,000 kg: 650 kPa (6.5 bar/94 psi) Axle load 10,500 kg: 700 kPa (7.0 bar/102 psi) Axle load 11,500 kg: 775 kPa (7.75 bar/112 psi) Axle load 12,000 kg: 800 kPa (8.0 bar/116 psi)
  • Page 417
    Tyre pressure table for twin tyres Load bearing index 148 Axle load 9,500 kg: 650 kPa (6.5 bar/94 psi) Axle load 10,000 kg: 675 kPa (6.75 bar/98 psi) Axle load 10,500 kg: 725 kPa (7.25 bar/105 psi) Axle load 11,500 kg: 825 kPa (8.25 bar/120 psi) Axle load 12,000 kg: 850 kPa (8.5 bar/123 psi) Axle load 12,300 kg: 875 kPa (8.75 bar/127 psi) Axle load 12,600 kg: 900 kPa (9.0 bar/131 psi)
  • Page 418
    Tyre pressure table for twin tyres Axle load 12,600 kg: 800 kPa (8.0 bar/116 psi) Axle load 13,000 kg: 825 kPa (8.25 bar/120 psi) Axle load 13,400 kg: 850 kPa (8.5 bar/123 psi) Tyres 12 R 24 Load bearing index 156 Axle load 9,500 kg: 450 kPa (4.5 bar/65 psi) Axle load 10,000 kg: 475 kPa (4.75 bar/69 psi) Axle load 10,500 kg: 500 kPa (5.0 bar/72 psi)
  • Page 419
    You will find this value in your ADR certification. If you require further assistance, consult a Vehicle identification number (VIN) and vehicle Mercedes-Benz Service Centre. identification plate (example: Actros cab with flat floor) Vehicle identification plate : is located in the door frame on the co-driver’s side.
  • Page 420
    On vehicles with the OM 460 engine, the You can recognise service products approved by engine data plate is located on the crankcase Mercedes-Benz by the following inscription on on the right-hand side when viewed in the the container: direction of travel.
  • Page 421
    Information on the SAE classes and outside Scope of use temperature ranges can be found in Sheet No. 224.2 in the Mercedes-Benz Specifica- Multi-grade engine oils that comply with Sheet tion for Service Products. No. 228.51 or 228.31 can be used all year…
  • Page 422
    SAE viscosity class If, in exceptional circumstances, the type of Coolant engine oil currently used is not available, another engine oil approved for Mercedes-Benz WARNING may be used. If antifreeze comes into contact with hot com- Setting the oil grade ponents in the engine compartment, it may ignite.
  • Page 423
    GWP (global warming potential) of the refrig- Service Products, Sheet No. 310.1. erant used Further information about operational and road Refrigerant type safety can be obtained from any Mercedes-Benz Service Centre. Symbols : advise you about: possible dangers having service work carried out at a qualified…
  • Page 424
    Service products B20: for diesel fuel with a maximum of twenty WARNING % bio-diesel (fatty acid methyl ester) by vol- If you mix diesel fuel with petrol, the flash point of this fuel mixture is lower than that of B30: for diesel fuel with a maximum of thirty pure diesel fuel.
  • Page 425
    Information regarding the current country-spe- cific sulphur content can be obtained from any European standard EN 590. This enables the Mercedes-Benz Service Centre or found in the engines to attain the specified performance Mercedes-Benz Specification for Service Prod- as well as legally prescribed emission levels of ucts, Sheet No.
  • Page 426
    FAME fatty acid methyl ester fuels. The cold start ability is also reduced. Observe the specifications in accordance with Sheet No. 135 of the Mercedes-Benz Specifica- tions for Service Products for operation with FAME fatty acid methyl ester fuel. Alternative diesel fuels in accordance…
  • Page 427
    Service products Alternative diesel fuels in accordance with The vapours may cause a burning sensation in DIN EN 15940 may be manufactured from: the eyes, nose and throat as well as irritation of the throat and watering eyes. hydrotreated vegetable oils (HVO – Hydro- Avoid inhaling ammonia vapours.
  • Page 428
    Operating data unalloyed steel Operating data galvanised steel Compressed-air system ® If AdBlue is stored in these types of con- tainer, constituents of these metals may dis- Minimum pressures in bar ® solve and damage the BlueTec exhaust gas aftertreatment beyond repair. Brake circuit 1 Only use containers made of the following mate- Brake circuit 2…
  • Page 429
    Operating data OM 460 engine with 12816 cm Operating temperature Idling speed Approx- OM 936 imately 560 — 800 rpm Normal operation Approx- imately 80 — Engine brake (operating Approx- 100 † range) imately 1500 — 2500 rpm Maximum permissible cool- Up to 103 †…
  • Page 430
    Compressed-air reservoir The reservoir is: Wheel nut tightening torques a – only intended for use in compressed-air The tightening torques for the wheel nuts are systems and auxiliary equipment on motor identical for light-alloy and steel wheels. vehicles and their trailers, and is only to be used to hold compressed air.
  • Page 431
    Compressed-air reservoir Compressed-air reservoir identifica- tion plates Aluminium reservoir Example: identification plate on the aluminium res- ervoir Manufacturer: SAG (Austria) MB part number Maximum operating pressure (bar) Volume (litres) Testing establishment code number Year of construction Steel reservoir Example: identification plate on the steel reservoir Manufacturer: frauenthal automotive Erhard…
  • Page 435
    Publication details Internet Further information about Mercedes-Benz vehi- cles and about Daimler AG can be found on the following websites: http://www.mercedes-benz.com http://www.daimler.com FleetBoard Support If you have questions concerning your Fleet- Board vehicle computer, contact FleetBoard Support: Telephone +49 711 17 91 999…
  • Page 436
    É9605849581FËÍ 9605849581 Order no. 6462 9533 02 Part no. 960 584 95 81 Edition 09b-17…

There’re some MERCEDES Benz Actros Truck Service Manuals, Parts Catalog PDF above the page.

The first MERCEDES ACTROS was released in 1996. A few years before the debut of the advanced family, the German trucks manufacturer was thinking about updating the line of
heavy vehicles.

The SK series is outdated in many ways. The indestructible truck began to lose in demand, and the manufacturer needed something fundamentally new. As a result, the
Mercedes Actros family appeared.

The developers went a revolutionary way. From a simple predecessor in the design, there was practically nothing left. The model has noticeably changed, and a lot of electronics have appeared
inside. This had a positive effect on the quality of work and the level of comfort, but reliability decreased slightly.

The car received the standard appearance and design for heavy truck models — a large rectangular cabin and a robust chassis. Mercedes did not forget about the corporate identity.

The front part of the truck cabin was decorated with a powerful radiator grill, characteristic of the brand’s products, and a large company icon.



  • #3

Обнуление сервиса на MB Actros

Уважаемые друзья,

Кто может помочь с обнулением сервиса на панели Actros?
Произвели самостоятельно замену масла и фильтров, а лампочку потушить не можем.
Может кто сталкивался?

  • #4

Re: Обнуление сервиса на MB Actros

Уважаемые друзья,

Кто может помочь с обнулением сервиса на панели Actros?
Произвели самостоятельно замену масла и фильтров, а лампочку потушить не можем.
Может кто сталкивался?

Лучше начинать вопросы с VIN Вашего автомобиля. Actrosы бывают разные.
Сброс сервиса и изменения в блоке WS о проведённых работах можно только с помощью StarDiagnosis.
Можете подьехать к любому официалу, сделают «короткий тест» (0,3 нормочаса — примерно 600 руб.) и внесут изменения в блок WS(если он есть — VIN ?).

  • #5

Re: Обнуление сервиса на MB Actros

Дело в том, что машина находится в 700 км от ближайшего официала.
Ехать туда ради сброса сервиса как-то тяжело.

А VIN такой: WDB9301431L302109

  • #6

Re: Обнуление сервиса на MB Actros

Дело в том, что машина находится в 700 км от ближайшего официала.
Ехать туда ради сброса сервиса как-то тяжело.

А VIN такой: WDB9301431L302109

Вечером посмотрю в WIS как это возможно сделать с кнопок на руле. Это возможно, но только в том случае если этот доступ не был закрыт.

  • #7

Re: Обнуление сервиса на MB Actros

Дело в том, что машина находится в 700 км от ближайшего официала.
Ехать туда ради сброса сервиса как-то тяжело.

А VIN такой: WDB9301431L302109


  • Telligent.pdf

    53,1 КБ

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  • #8

Re: Обнуление сервиса на MB Actros

Спасибо большое,

Попробую, надеюсь получится)
По результатам сообщу.

  • #9

К сожалению не получилось((

  • #10

Не подскажете актрос вин WDB9301831L370767
не подойтет книжка по по ремонту, эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию указанная ниже?
судя по всему у меня модельный ряд 930… а там написано для 950-954 моделей. Не подскажете где можно найти аналогичный для моей модели?

  • #11

Не подскажете актрос вин WDB9301831L370767
не подойтет книжка по по ремонту, эксплуатации и техническому обслуживанию указанная ниже?
судя по всему у меня модельный ряд 930… а там написано для 950-954 моделей. Не подскажете где можно найти аналогичный для моей модели?

Много что подойдёт, но не всё. Аналогичной книги по 930 нет.

  • #12

кто подскажет как сбросить меж сервис на актрос 2010 гв

  • #13

Моменты затяжек маховика и компрессора Актрос

Подскажите пожалуйста моменты затяжек болтов маховика и болта шестерни компрессора (одно цилиндрового). Двигатель OM 501 Актрос 2000г.в.

Последнее редактирование: 15 Сен 2013


  • #14

Добрый день, есть вопрос. Интересует схема на Актрос 2005-2008г
Есть возможность как то за получить её. Возможна за ₽ или $. Или спасибо…

  • #15

Добрый день . У меня проблемка с Mersedes-Benz Actros 3341 AS vin: WDB9341821L512258 .Проблема с пневмосистемой ,воздух накачивает до 8 очей и сбрасывает .

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