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Get started with .NET Framework

Get started with .NET Framework, which is a runtime execution environment that manages apps. It contains a common language runtime (CLR) and an extensive class library.


.NET Framework, getting started

getting started [.NET Framework]


Get started with .NET Framework

.NET Framework is a run-time execution environment that manages apps that target .NET Framework. It consists of the common language runtime, which provides memory management and other system services, and an extensive class library, which enables programmers to take advantage of robust, reliable code for all major areas of app development.

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What is .NET Framework?

.NET Framework is a managed execution environment for Windows that provides a variety of services to its running apps. It consists of two major components: the common language runtime (CLR), which is the execution engine that handles running apps, and the .NET Framework Class Library, which provides a library of tested, reusable code that developers can call from their own apps. The services that .NET Framework provides to running apps include the following:

  • Memory management. In many programming languages, programmers are responsible for allocating and releasing memory and for handling object lifetimes. In .NET Framework apps, the CLR provides these services on behalf of the app.

  • A common type system. In traditional programming languages, basic types are defined by the compiler, which complicates cross-language interoperability. In .NET Framework, basic types are defined by the .NET Framework type system and are common to all languages that target .NET Framework.

  • An extensive class library. Instead of having to write vast amounts of code to handle common low-level programming operations, programmers use a readily accessible library of types and their members from the .NET Framework Class Library.

  • Development frameworks and technologies. .NET Framework includes libraries for specific areas of app development, such as ASP.NET for web apps, ADO.NET for data access, Windows Communication Foundation for service-oriented apps, and Windows Presentation Foundation for Windows desktop apps.

  • Language interoperability. Language compilers that target .NET Framework emit an intermediate code named Common Intermediate Language (CIL), which, in turn, is compiled at run time by the common language runtime. With this feature, routines written in one language are accessible to other languages, and programmers focus on creating apps in their preferred languages.

  • Version compatibility. With rare exceptions, apps that are developed by using a particular version of .NET Framework run without modification on a later version.

  • Side-by-side execution. .NET Framework helps resolve version conflicts by allowing multiple versions of the common language runtime to exist on the same computer. This means that multiple versions of apps can coexist and that an app can run on the version of .NET Framework with which it was built. Side-by-side execution applies to the .NET Framework version groups 1.0/1.1, 2.0/3.0/3.5, and 4/4.5.x/4.6.x/4.7.x/4.8.x.

  • Multitargeting. By targeting .NET Standard, developers create class libraries that work on multiple .NET Framework platforms supported by that version of the standard. For example, libraries that target .NET Standard 2.0 can be used by apps that target .NET Framework 4.6.1, .NET Core 2.0, and UWP 10.0.16299.

.NET Framework for users

If you don’t develop .NET Framework apps, but you use them, you aren’t required to have specific knowledge about .NET Framework or its operation. For the most part, the framework is completely transparent to users.

If you’re using the Windows operating system, .NET Framework may already be installed on your computer. In addition, if you install an app that requires .NET Framework, the app’s setup program might install a specific version of the framework on your computer. In some cases, you may see a dialog box that asks you to install .NET Framework. If you’ve just tried to run an app when this dialog box appears and if your computer has internet access, you can go to a webpage that lets you install the missing version of .NET Framework. For more information, see the Installation guide.

In general, you shouldn’t uninstall versions of .NET Framework that are installed on your computer. There are two reasons for this:

  • If an app that you use depends on a specific version of .NET Framework, that app may break if that version is removed.

  • Some versions of .NET Framework are in-place updates to earlier versions. For example, .NET Framework 3.5 is an in-place update to version 2.0, and .NET Framework 4.8 is an in-place update to versions 4 through 4.7.2. For more information, see .NET Framework Versions and Dependencies.

On Windows versions before Windows 8, if you do choose to remove .NET Framework, always use Programs and Features from Control Panel to uninstall it. Never remove a version of .NET Framework manually. On Windows 8 and above, .NET Framework is an operating system component and cannot be independently uninstalled.

Multiple versions of .NET Framework can coexist on a single computer at the same time. This means that you don’t have to uninstall previous versions in order to install a later version.

.NET Framework for developers

If you’re a developer, choose any programming language that supports .NET Framework to create your apps. Because .NET Framework provides language independence and interoperability, you interact with other .NET Framework apps and components regardless of the language with which they were developed.

To develop .NET Framework apps or components, do the following:

  1. If it’s not preinstalled on your operating system, install the version of .NET Framework that your app will target. The current versions are .NET Framework 4.8 and .NET Framework 4.8.1. .NET Framework 4.8.1 is available for download on the latest versions of Windows and Windows Server. .NET Framework 4.8 is preinstalled on Windows 10 May 2019 Update, Windows 10 November 2019 Update, Windows 10 May 2020 Update, and Windows 10 October 2020 Update, and it’s available for download on earlier versions of the Windows operating system. For .NET Framework system requirements, see System Requirements. For information on installing other versions of .NET Framework, see Installation Guide. Additional .NET Framework packages are released out of band, which means that they’re released on a rolling basis outside of any regular or scheduled release cycle. For information about these packages, see .NET Framework and Out-of-Band Releases.

  2. Select the language or languages supported by the .NET Framework version that you intend to use to develop your apps. A number of languages are available, including Visual Basic, C#, F#, and C++/CLI from Microsoft. (A programming language that allows you to develop apps for .NET Framework adheres to the Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) specification.)

  3. Select and install the development environment to use to create your apps and that supports your selected programming language or languages. The Microsoft integrated development environment (IDE) for .NET Framework apps is Visual Studio. It’s available in a number of editions.

For more information on developing apps that target .NET Framework, see the Development Guide.

Related articles

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Overview Provides detailed information for developers who build apps that target .NET Framework.
Installation guide Provides information about installing .NET Framework.
.NET Framework and Out-of-Band Releases Describes the .NET Framework out-of-band releases and how to use them in your app.
System Requirements Lists the hardware and software requirements for running .NET Framework.
.NET Core documentation Provides the conceptual and API reference documentation for .NET Core.
.NET Standard Discusses .NET Standard, a versioned specification that individual .NET implementations support to guarantee that a consistent set of APIs is available on multiple platforms.

See also

  • .NET Framework guide
  • What’s new
  • .NET API browser
  • Development guide

The .NET Framework is a set of libraries and a runtime, originally designed by Microsoft. All .NET programs compile to a bytecode called Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL). The MSIL is run by the Common Language Runtime (CLR).

Below you can find several examples of «Hello World» in various languages that support the .NET Framework. «Hello World» is a program that displays «Hello World» on the display device. It’s used for illustrating the basic syntax for constructing a working program. It can also be used as a sanity test to make sure that a language’s compiler, development environment, and runtime environment are all working correctly.

List of languages supported by .NET



Version Release Date
1.0 2002-02-13
1.1 2003-04-24
2.0 2005-11-07
3.0 2006-11-06
3.5 2007-11-19
3.5 SP1 2008-08-11
4.0 2010-04-12
4.5 2012-08-15
4.5.1 2013-10-17
4.5.2 2014-05-05
4.6 2015-07-20
4.6.1 2015-11-17
4.6.2 2016-08-02
4.7 2017-04-05

Compact Framework

Version Release Date
1.0 2000-01-01
2.0 2005-10-01
3.5 2007-11-19
3.7 2009-01-01
3.9 2013-06-01

Micro Framework

Version Release Date
4.2 2011-10-04
4.3 2012-12-04
4.4 2015-10-20

Hello World in C#

using System;

class Program
    // The Main() function is the first function to be executed in a program
    static void Main()
        // Write the string "Hello World to the standard out
        Console.WriteLine("Hello World");

Console.WriteLine has several overloads. In this case, the string «Hello World» is the parameter, and it will output the «Hello World» to the standard out stream during execution. Other overloads may call the .ToString of the argument before writing to the stream. See the .NET Framework Documentation for more information.

Live Demo in Action at .NET Fiddle

Introduction to C#

Hello World in Visual Basic .NET

Imports System

Module Program
    Public Sub Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Hello World")
    End Sub
End Module

Live Demo in Action at .NET Fiddle

Introduction to Visual Basic .NET

Hello World in F#

open System

let main argv = 
    printfn "Hello World" 

Live Demo in Action at .NET Fiddle

Introduction to F#

Hello World in C++/CLI

using namespace System;

int main(array<String^>^ args)
    Console::WriteLine("Hello World");

Hello World in PowerShell

Write-Host "Hello World"

Introduction to PowerShell

Hello World in Nemerle

System.Console.WriteLine("Hello World");

Hello World in Oxygene

namespace HelloWorld;


  App = class
    class method Main(args: array of String);


class method App.Main(args: array of String);
  Console.WriteLine('Hello World');


Hello World in Boo

print "Hello World"

Hello World in Python (IronPython)

print "Hello World"
import clr
from System import Console
Console.WriteLine("Hello World")

Hello World in IL

.class public auto ansi beforefieldinit Program
       extends [mscorlib]System.Object
  .method public hidebysig static void  Main() cil managed
    .maxstack  8
    IL_0000:  nop
    IL_0001:  ldstr      "Hello World"
    IL_0006:  call       void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
    IL_000b:  nop
    IL_000c:  ret

  .method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname 
          instance void  .ctor() cil managed
    .maxstack  8
    IL_0000:  ldarg.0
    IL_0001:  call       instance void [mscorlib]System.Object::.ctor()
    IL_0006:  ret



.NET Framework — это набор библиотек и среда выполнения, первоначально разработанная Microsoft. Все .NET-программы компилируются в байт-код под названием Microsoft Intermediate Language (MSIL). MSIL управляется Common Language Runtime (CLR).

Ниже вы можете найти несколько примеров «Hello World» на разных языках, поддерживающих .NET Framework. «Hello World» — это программа, которая отображает «Hello World» на устройстве отображения. Он используется для иллюстрации базового синтаксиса для построения рабочей программы. Его также можно использовать в качестве теста на здравомыслие, чтобы убедиться, что компилятор языка, среда разработки и среда выполнения работают правильно.

Список языков, поддерживаемых .NET.



Версия Дата выхода
1,0 2002-02-13
1,1 2003-04-24
2,0 2005-11-07
3.0 2006-11-06
3,5 2007-11-19
3.5 SP1 2008-08-11
4,0 2010-04-12
4.5 2012-08-15
4.5.1 2013-10-17
4.5.2 2014-05-05
4,6 2015-07-20
4.6.1 2015-11-17
4.6.2 2016-08-02
4,7 2017-04-05

Компактная структура

Версия Дата выхода
1,0 2000-01-01
2,0 2005-10-01
3,5 2007-11-19
3,7 2009-01-01
3,9 2013-06-01


Версия Дата выхода
4,2 2011-10-04
4,3 2012-12-04
4,4 2015-10-20

Привет, мир в C #

using System;

class Program
    // The Main() function is the first function to be executed in a program
    static void Main()
        // Write the string "Hello World to the standard out
        Console.WriteLine("Hello World");

Console.WriteLine имеет несколько перегрузок. В этом случае строка «Hello World» является параметром, и во время выполнения она выведет «Hello World» в стандартный поток. Другие перегрузки могут вызывать .ToString аргумента перед записью в поток. Дополнительную информацию см. В документации по .NET Framework .

Живая демонстрация в действии на .NET Fiddle

Введение в C #

Hello World в Visual Basic .NET

Imports System

Module Program
    Public Sub Main()
        Console.WriteLine("Hello World")
    End Sub
End Module

Живая демонстрация в действии на .NET Fiddle

Введение в Visual Basic .NET

Hello World in F #

open System

let main argv = 
    printfn "Hello World" 

Живая демонстрация в действии на .NET Fiddle

Введение в F #

Hello World в C ++ / CLI

using namespace System;

int main(array<String^>^ args)
    Console::WriteLine("Hello World");

Привет, мир в PowerShell

Write-Host "Hello World"

Введение в PowerShell

Привет, мир в Nemerle

System.Console.WriteLine("Hello World");

Привет, мир в Oxygene

namespace HelloWorld;


  App = class
    class method Main(args: array of String);


class method App.Main(args: array of String);
  Console.WriteLine('Hello World');


Привет, мир в Бу

print "Hello World"

Hello World в Python (IronPython)

print "Hello World"
import clr
from System import Console
Console.WriteLine("Hello World")

Привет мир в Ил

.class public auto ansi beforefieldinit Program
       extends [mscorlib]System.Object
  .method public hidebysig static void  Main() cil managed
    .maxstack  8
    IL_0000:  nop
    IL_0001:  ldstr      "Hello World"
    IL_0006:  call       void [mscorlib]System.Console::WriteLine(string)
    IL_000b:  nop
    IL_000c:  ret

  .method public hidebysig specialname rtspecialname 
          instance void  .ctor() cil managed
    .maxstack  8
    IL_0000:  ldarg.0
    IL_0001:  call       instance void [mscorlib]System.Object::.ctor()
    IL_0006:  ret


The .NET Framework is a software development framework developed by Microsoft that provides a runtime environment and a set of libraries and tools for building and running applications on Windows operating systems. The framework includes a variety of programming languages, such as C#, F#, and Visual Basic, and supports a range of application types, including desktop, web, mobile, and gaming applications.

  1. The .NET Framework includes two main components: the Common Language Runtime (CLR) and the .NET Framework Class Library. The CLR is responsible for managing the execution of code written in any of the supported languages, while the class library provides a large set of pre-built functions and classes that can be used to create a wide range of applications.
  2. One of the key advantages of the .NET Framework is its support for a variety of programming languages. This means that developers can choose the language that best fits their needs and expertise, while still being able to use the same set of libraries and tools provided by the framework.
  3. Another advantage of the .NET Framework is its support for a variety of application types. The framework includes libraries and tools for creating desktop, web, mobile, and gaming applications, which makes it a versatile choice for developers working on a wide range of projects.
  4. The .NET Framework also provides a number of features that help improve the security, reliability, and performance of applications. These include features such as code access security, automatic memory management, and just-in-time (JIT) compilation, which helps improve the speed of application execution.
  5. The .NET Framework is also designed to integrate with other Microsoft technologies, such as Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft SharePoint, and Microsoft Office, which can make it easier to build applications that work seamlessly with other Microsoft products.

Overall, the .NET Framework is a powerful and versatile development platform that provides a wide range of tools and libraries for building and running applications on Windows operating systems.

.NET is a software framework that is designed and developed by Microsoft. The first version of the .Net framework was 1.0 which came in the year 2002. In easy words, it is a virtual machine for compiling and executing programs written in different languages like C#, VB.Net, etc. 

It is used to develop Form-based applications, Web-based applications, and Web services. There is a variety of programming languages available on the .Net platform, VB.Net and C# being the most common ones. It is used to build applications for Windows, phones, web, etc. It provides a lot of functionalities and also supports industry standards. 

.NET Framework supports more than 60 programming languages of which 11 programming languages are designed and developed by Microsoft. The remaining Non-Microsoft Languages are supported by .NET Framework but not designed and developed by Microsoft. 

There are three significant phases of the development of .NET technology.

  • OLE Technology
  • COM Technology
  • .NET Technology

OLE Technology: OLE (Object Linking and Embedding) is one of the technologies of Microsoft’s component document. Basically, its main purpose is to link elements from different applications with each other.

COM Technology: The technology of the Microsoft Windows family of the operating system, Microsoft COM (Common Object Model) enables various software components to communicate. COM is mostly used by developers for various purposes like creating reusable software components, linking components together to build applications, and also taking advantage of Windows services. The objects of COM can be created with a wide range of programming languages.

.NET Technology: .NET technology of collection or set of technologies to develop windows and web applications. The technology of .Net is developed by Microsoft and was launched in Feb. 2002, by basic definition, Microsoft’s new Internet Strategy. It was originally called NGWS (Next Generation Web Services). It is considered to be one of the most powerful, popular, and very useful Internet Technology available today.

11 Programming Languages which are designed and developed by Microsoft are: 

  • C#.NET
  • VB.NET
  • C++.NET
  • J#.NET
  • F#.NET
  • ASML(Abstract State Machine Language)

Main Components of .NET Framework

Common Language Runtime(CLR): CLR is the basic and Virtual Machine component of the .NET Framework. It is the run-time environment in the .NET Framework that runs the codes and helps in making the development process easier by providing various services such as remoting, thread management, type safety, memory management, robustness, etc. Basically, it is responsible for managing the execution of .NET programs regardless of any .NET programming language. It also helps in the management of code, as code that targets the runtime is known as Managed Code, and code that doesn’t target to runtime is known as Unmanaged code. 

Framework Class Library(FCL): It is the collection of reusable, object-oriented class libraries and methods, etc that can be integrated with CLR. Also called the Assemblies. It is just like the header files in C/C++ and packages in java. Installing the .NET framework basically is the installation of CLR and FCL into the system. Below is the overview of the .NET Framework. 

.NET Framework Components

Is the .NET application platform dependent or platform independent?

The combination of Operating System Architecture and CPU Architecture is known as the platform. Platform-dependent means the programming language code will run only on a particular Operating System. A .NET application is platform-dependent because of the .NET framework which is only able to run on the Windows-based operating system. The .Net application is platform-independent also because of the Mono framework. Using the Mono framework the .Net application can run on any Operating System including windows. Mono framework is a third-party software developed by Novell Company which is now a part of Micro Focus Company. It is a paid framework. 

Release History of .NET Framework and its compatibility with the different Windows version 

.NET Version CLR Version

Development tool

Windows Support
1.0 1.0 Visual Studio .NET XP SP1
1.1 1.1 Visual Studio .NET 2003 XP SP2, SP3
2.0 2.0 Visual Studio 2005 N/A
3.0 2.0 Expression Blend Vista
3.5 2.0 Visual Studio 2008 7, 8, 8.1, 10
4.0 4 Visual Studio 2010 N/A
4.5 4 Visual Studio 2012 8
4.5.1 4 Visual Studio 2013 8.1
4.5.2 4 N/A N/A
4.6 4 Visual Studio 2015 10 v1507
4.6.1 4 Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 10 v1511
4.6.2 4 N/A 10 v1607
4.7 4 Visual Studio 2017 10 v1703
4.7.1 4 Visual Studio 2017 10 v1709
4.7.2 4 Visual Studio 2017 10v 1803
4.8 4 Visual Studio 2019 11
4.8.1 4 Visual Studio 2019 11
6   Visual Studio 2022 11

Important Points: 

  • Visual Studio is the development tool that is used to design and develop .NET applications. For using Visual Studio, the user has to first install the .NET framework on the system.
  • In the older version of Windows OS like XP SP1, SP2, or SP3, the .NET framework was integrated with the installation media.
  • Windows 8, 8.1, or 10 do not provide a pre-installed version 3.5 or later of .NET Framework. Therefore, a version higher than 3.5 must be installed either from a Windows installation media or from the Internet on demand. Windows update will give recommendations to install the .NET framework.

Advantages of .NET Framework:

  1. Multi-language support: The .NET Framework supports a variety of programming languages, including C#, F#, and Visual Basic, which allows developers to choose the language that best fits their needs and expertise.
  2. Cross-platform compatibility: The .NET Framework can run on multiple operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and macOS, which provides flexibility in developing and deploying applications.
  3. Large community: The .NET Framework has a large and active community of developers who have created a wide range of resources, including libraries, tools, and documentation.
  4. Security: The .NET Framework includes a variety of security features, such as code access security and digital signatures, which can help protect applications from malicious attacks.
  5. Productivity: The .NET Framework includes a large set of pre-built libraries and tools that can help developers save time and improve productivity.

Disadvantages of .NET Framework:

  1. Windows dependency: Although the .NET Framework can run on multiple operating systems, it was originally designed for use on Windows operating systems, which means that it may not be the best choice for cross-platform applications.
  2. Large footprint: The .NET Framework has a large installation footprint, which can make it difficult to deploy applications on systems with limited storage or bandwidth.
  3. Licensing: Some versions of the .NET Framework require a license, which can add to the cost of developing and deploying applications.
  4. Performance: While the .NET Framework provides good performance for most applications, it may not be the best choice for high-performance applications that require low-level access to hardware or complex algorithms.
  5. Learning curve: Although the .NET Framework is designed to be easy to use, it still has a learning curve, especially for developers who are new to the platform or to object-oriented programming in general.

Last Updated :
20 Feb, 2023

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Привет, Хабр! Версия ASP.NET Core основана на проектной модели .NET Core, которая поддерживает создание кросс-платформенных приложений в ОС Windows, Mac и Linux. При реализации проекта .NET Core вы также можете выбрать вариант .NET для своего приложения: .NET Framework (CLR), .NET Core (CoreCLR) или Mono. Какой вариант .NET подойдет вам? Кратко рассмотрим плюсы и минусы каждого и поделимся классными курсами по платформам.

.NET Framework

.NET Framework — самая популярная и эффективная среда разработки из всех перечисленных выше. .NET Framework — это зрелая и полнофункциональная платформа, которая поставляется вместе с Windows. Экосистему .NET Framework разработчики используют уже много лет. Она поддерживает разработку современных приложений и обладает высочайшей совместимостью с существующими приложениями и библиотеками.

.NET Framework работает только на Windows. Кроме того, это монолитный компонент с множеством API и длительным циклом выпуска. Хотя код .NET Framework доступен для просмотра, эта платформа не является проектом с открытым исходным кодом.

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Advanced .NET Threading

В этом курсе из серии по продвинутому .NET threading вы сможете изучить основы многопоточного программирования, а также получить информацию о том, что такое потоки, как они работают и как они взаимодействуют.

A Guide to Object-Oriented Practices

Если вы разработчик, который начал изучать объектно-ориентированные методы, и вам нужно больше примеров их применения, этот курс для вас! Исследуйте encapsulation, inheritance, interfaces и многое другое.

Developing Intelligent Bots from Zero to Hero

В этом курсе вы узнаете, как создавать, разрабатывать, отлаживать и развертывать ботов, используя Bot Builder SDK (.NET), Azure Bot Service и Azure Cognitive Services.

Официальная документация по .NET Framework:

  • Руководство по .NET Framework
  • Документация по ASP.NET (Подборка)
  • Справочник по API .NET Framework

.NET Core

.NET Core — это модульная реализация библиотеки и среды выполнения, в состав которой входит поднабор .NET Framework. .NET Core работает на Windows, Mac и Linux. Версия состоит из коллекции библиотек СoreFX и небольшой оптимизированной среды выполнения CoreCLR. .NET Core — проект с открытым исходным кодом, поэтому вы можете наблюдать за его развитием и поддерживать его на GitHub.

Среда выполнения CoreCLR (Microsoft.CoreCLR) и библиотеки CoreFX распространяются через NuGet. Поскольку версия .NET Core представляет собой компонентизированный набор библиотек, вы можете ограничить количество API для своего приложения и использовать только нужные элементы. Кроме того, можно выполнять приложения на базе .NET Core в гораздо более ограниченных средах (например, в ASP.NET Core на Nano Server).

Чтобы улучшить компонентизацию, в .NET Core был обновлен факторинг API. Иными словами, существующие библиотеки для .NET Framework придется перекомпилировать для выполнения в .NET Core. Экосистема .NET Core является относительно новой, но она быстро развивается благодаря поддержке популярных пакетов .NET (JSON.NET, AutoFac, xUnit.net и многие другие).

Полезные ссылки по .NET Core


Если вы хотите больше узнать об ASP.NET Core: где его получить, как его установить, как его использовать и т. д., не пропустите этот курс, состоящий из трех частей.

ASP.NET Core — Beginner

ASP.NET Core — Intermediate

ASP.NET Core — Advanced

Официальная документация по .NET Core:

  • Руководство по .NET Core
  • Начало работы с ASP.NET Core
  • Обзор Entity Framework Core
  • Справочник по API .NET Core
  • Бесплатная электронная книга по построению микросервисной архитектуры для разработчиков .NET.
  • Подборка материалов по созданию веб-приложений на ASP.NET Core.
  • Гайд по юнит-тестированию в .NET Core.


  • Расставим точки над .NET Core и .NET Standard
  • Подборка полезных материалов: Микросервисы на .NET Core
  • ASP.NET Core: Создание справочных страниц веб-API ASP.NET с помощью Swagger

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