Руководство по ремонту seat altea freetrack

SEAT Altea (код модели: 5P1) 2004 — 2015

SEAT Altea XL (код модели: 5P5) 2007 — 2015

SEAT Altea XL / Freetrack (код модели: 5P5) 2008 — 2015

SEAT Altea XL / Freetrack (код модели: 5P8) 2008 — 2015

SEAT Toledo (код модели: 5P2) 2005 — 2010

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Передняя и задняя подвеска

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Замена ремня ГРМ, роликов и помпы на двигателе BKC 1.9 TDI PD (rus.)
Подробнейший фотоотчет

Пробег моей машины подошел к 120 ткм, которые машина пробежала по разным дорогам за последние 5 лет. Настало время заменить зубчатый ремень ГРМ, его ролики и помпу согласно плану обслуживания в сервисной книжке. О том, как можно самостоятельно выполнить эти работы на двигателе BKC, установливаемым на многие автомобили VAG, этот фото-отчет.

Профилактика воздушной заслонки и клапана EGR на двигателе BKC 1.9 TDI-PD (rus.)

Решил я почистить воздушную заслонку (ВЗ) и клапан рециркуляции отработанных газов (клапан EGR) в профилактических целях при пробеге в 104 тыс.км на четвертом году эксплуатации машины. Меня стал сильно смущать вид ВЗ после того, как я несколько раз снял подходящую к ней секцию воздуховода и увидил состояние последних. Ошибок по ВЗ или клапану EGR в моем случае никаких не было…

Возможные проблемы двигателя 1.8 TSI (CDAB, CDAA) и их решение (rus.)

Серия двигателей EA888 одна из самых распространённых. На сегодняшний день насчитывается уже три поколения этих двигателей. Это моторы с объёмом двигателя 1.8-2 литра оборудованные системой непосредственного впрыска топлива и турбонагнетателем. Помимо распространенности данную серию можно охарактеризовать, как самую проблемную. Если проблема нагарообразования свойственна любому двигателю с непосредственным впрыском топлива, то в данной серии к ней добавляются проблемы цепного привода ГРМ, изменяемой геометрии впускного коллектора, насоса охлаждающей жидкости, масляного голодания и т.д. Список проблем можно перечислять до бесконечности, но главной проблемой является повышенный расход масла. По заводским нормам расход не должен превышать 0.5л на тысячу километров, но в большинстве случаев расход в разы превышает нормы. Различные варианты решения этих проблем в этом фотоотчете.

Двигатель CDAA устанавливался на автомобили SEAT Altea с 2009 по 2014 год.

Замена ремня ГРМ на двигателе 1.6 BSE (rus.)

Наступил пробег — 90000 км, и как только позволила погода заняться обслуживанием, решено было начать с самого сложного-замены зубчатого ремня ГРМ.
Двигатель BSE устанавливался на SEAT Altea (5P) с 2006 по 2011 год.

Замена поршневых колец и маслосъемных колпачков на двигателе BSE (rus.)

Двигатель BSE устанавливался на SEAT Altea (5P) с 2006 по 2011 год.

Двигатель 1.6 BSE — замена прокладки крышки клапанов (rus.)

Двигатель BSE устанавливался на автомобили SEAT Altea (5P).

На 120 тысячах пробега назрела необходимость замены прокладки клапанной крышки, т.к. начала сопливить, а подтяжка болтов не решение проблемы из-за металлических втулок на болтах ограничивающих степень прижимания крышки к головке — только замена прокладки. Для самостоятельной замены потребуется: теплый гараж, инструмент, прокладка, G13 (100 гр), очиститель карбюратора для отмывки дросселя…

Двигатель BSE устанавливался на SEAT Altea (5P) с 2006 по 2011 год.

Доработка штатной защиты картера для двигателя BSE (отверстие для слива масла) (rus.)

Ремонт двигателя 1,9 TDI буквенное обозначение двигателя BXE (rus.)

После встречи с офицалами и жалобами на неравномерную работу двс, автомобиль приехал с пустым блоком под капотом и горой з/ч в багажнике, приговор полный капремонт или замена двигателя (пробег 230 тыс.км.) После осмотра и обмеров блока и поршней, стало понятно что износ в заводских допусках за исключением самого верха цилидра, где происходит перекладка колец, там износ выходил за допуск на пару соток…

Двигатель BXE устанавливался на автомобили SEAT Altea (5P) с 2006 по 2011 год.

Замена заднего сальника коленвала на двигателе BXE (rus.)

Во время замены сцепления в сборе с двухмассовым маховиком от LUK, замечены подтеки в районе сальника коленвала. Но этот самый сальник коленвала, не совсем простой, да и снятие и установка имеет свои особенности. Поэтому, не спешим снимать старый. В нашем случае, задача немного упрощается наличием разобранного двигателя с таким же буквенным обозначением, т.е. такой же конструкции.

Для начала пробуем вооружиться необходимыми знаниями, собираем уже наработанную информацию с нашего форума и т.п. Ответы есть, но не на все вопросы. Суть в том, что при снятии сальника происходит выдавливание с посадочного места задающего ротора датчика коленвала, а при установке ротор должен ставиться только в строго определенном положении…

Замена ремня ГРМ на двигателе BKD 2,0 TDI 16v (rus.)

Двигатель BKD устанавливался на автомобили SEAT Altea (5P) с 2007 по 2011 год.

Cнятие и мойка насос-форсунок на дизельном двигателе BKD (rus.)

Снятие турбины на SEAT Altea (5P) с двигателем BKD (rus.)

Тандемный насос, двигатель 2.0 BKD, измерение давления (rus.)

Двигатель 2.0 FSI Турбо (BWA), снятие ГБЦ (rus.)

Проблема двигателя — расход масла более литра на тысячу км. пробег около 100 тыс.км.

Двигатель устанавливался на автомобили SEAT Altea (5P) с 2007 по 2009 год.

Двигатель BZB 1.8 TSI замена цепи ГРМ (rus.)
Большой фотоотчет

Симптомы: стук, треск, дребезжание в передней части автомобиля при холодном запуске двигателя. Двигатель не запускается,
в комбинации приборов горит лампа Check Engine. В блоке управления двигателя ошибки: 00022 P0016: Ряд 1, датчик положения распредвала G40 / датчик положения коленвала G28, несоответствие сигналов и/или 00808 P0328 Датчик детонации 1 G61, слишком высокий уровень сигнала. Двигатель BZB устанавливался на автомобили SEAT Altea с 2008 по 2010 год.

Двигатель BZB устанавливался на автомобили SEAT Altea (5P) с 2008 по 2010 год.

Не закрываются впускные заслонки 1-го ряда, цилиндров. Ошибка 17506, двигатель BZB 1,8 TFSI (rus.)

Вобщем ошибка такая уже была. Симптомы: машина заводится и сразу глохнет если не держать педаль газа.
Расшифровка ошибки: не закрываются впускные заслонки первого ряда цилиндров. Действительно, в группе 142 при закрытых заслонках показывает 40% открытие! Заменил датчик положения G336, отмыл коллектор… Ошибка исчезла, но прошло 2 месяца и ошибка та же! Симптомы те же! При закрытых заслонках 50% открытия! Решил я таки снять впуской коллектор и поискать причину данной неисправности…

Определение передува турбины по логам, двигатели TDI и др. (rus.)

Самая насущная проблема в турбированных двигателях это возникновение передува. Особенно это актуально для дизельных двигателей т.к. образование сажи в выпускных газах приводит к быстрому накапливанию ее внутри турбины и подклиниванию геометрии. Сначала попробуем разобраться как происходит регулировка давления надува, а затем рассмотрим как выглядит передув в логах…

Устранение течи ОЖ платформа А5, в частности мотор BKD (rus.)

Двигатель CBZB 1.2 TSI замена поршневой группы, ресурс цепи (rus.)

Данный двигатель устанавливался на SEAT Altea (5P) с 2010 по 2015 год. Мое знакомство с этим двигателем началось не с замены масла и свечей, как это обычно бывает, а с замены поршневой группы. При сборке двигателя подготовил небольшой фотоотчет. Двигатель 1,2 TSI пробег 18 тыс.км. Причина обращения — отсутствие компрессии в третьем цилиндре. Каков же ресурс цепи двигателя 1,2 литра TSI?

Seat Leon/Toledo/Altea/Altea XL 2004- : Механическая часть двигателя (rus.)
Обслуживание на автомобиле, двигатель в сборе, кривошипно-шатунный механизм, поршни, головка блока цилиндров, привод клапанов, сервисные данные и спецификация.

Рассмотрены бензиновые и дизельные двигатели: AZV, BMM, BMN, CEGA, CFHC, BKD, BJB, BKC, BLS, BXE, BXF, CMXA, BGU, BSE, BSF, CCSA, BYT, BZB, CDAA, BWA, BWJ, CCZB, CGGB, BXW. 112 страниц. 61 Мб.

Двигатель 1,4 л TSI 16V 92 кВт (rus.)
Устройство и принцип действия. Программа самообучения 118 SEAT.

Буквенные обозначения: Двигатель 1,4 л 92 кВт TDI (CAXC).

На моделях Altea, Toledo и Leon SEAT устанавливается новый бензиновый двигатель TSI рабочим объёмом 1,4 л, с непосредственным впрыском и турбонаддувом. Этот двигатель входит в семейство рядных четырёхцилиндровых двигателей EA 888.
Двигатель разработан в соответствии с концепцией даунсайзинга (от англ. downsizing — уменьшение размеров), заключающейся в максимально возможном уменьшении рабочего объёма при сохранении той же мощности и динамических характеристик двигателя. Такое решение позволяет: — уменьшить расход топлива; — уменьшить вредные выбросы, т. е. выбросы CO2; — улучшить динамику автомобиля и повысить удовольствие от вождения; — и, кроме того, использовать один двигатель на всех рынках, благодаря возможности работы на топливе разного качества. Применение турбонаддува, использующего энергию отработавших газов, в сочетании с непосредственным впрыском топлива обуславливает высокую удельную мощность при низких потерях на внутреннее трение и газообмен, что обеспечивает двигателю великолепную эластичность и тяговые качества.

Содержание: Особенности, Механика, Контур наддувочного воздуха, Система вентиляции картера, Система охлаждения, Контур системы смазки, Система питания, Обзор компонентов системы, Датчики, Исполнительные механизмы, Система впрыска топлива, Система зажигания, Система поддержания оборотов холостого хода, Система адсорбера, Регулятор фаз газораспределения, Регулирование давления наддува, EOBD, Функциональная схема, Самодиагностика.

Двигатель 2,0 / 110 кВт FSI (rus.)
Заводское руководство по ремонту.

Буквенное обозначение двигателя: BLR, BLX, BLY.

Содержание (группы ремонта): 00 – Тexничecкиe дaнныe, 01 – Автоматический контроль, 10 – Удаление и установка двигателя, 13 – Кривoшипнo-шaтунный мexaнизм, 15 – Гoлoвкa блoкa цилиндрoв, клaпaнный мexaнизм гaзoрacпрeдeлeния, 17 – Cмaзoчнaя cиcтeмa, 19 – Cиcтeмa oxлaждeния, 20 – Cиcтeмa питaния, 24 – Пригoтoвлeниe гoрючeй cмecи, впрыcкивaниe, 26 – Cиcтeмa выпуcкa oтрaбoтaвшиx гaзoв, 28 – Cиcтeмa зaжигaния. 200 страниц. 36 Mb.

Дизельный двигатель 2,0 л/125 кВт (rus.)
Устройство и принцип действия. Программа самообучения Skoda.

2,0-литровый двигатель TDI мощностью 125 кВт, буквенные обозначения двигателей: BMR, BRD, BMM, заменяет собой 2,0-литровый двигатель TDI мощностью 103 кВт с 4 клапанами на цилиндр. В этой брошюре приводится описание конструкции и особенностей этого двигателя TDI мощностью 125 кВт с 4 клапанами на цилиндр, при этом особое внимание уделяется его отличиям от 103-сильного агрегата.

Содержание: Введение, Технические характеристики, Механическая часть двигателя, Кривошипно-шатунный механизм, Привод газораспределительного механизма, Головка блока цилиндров, Крышка головки блока цилиндров, Впускной коллектор с изменяемой геометрией, Выпускная система, Система рециркуляции отработавших газов, Турбонагнетатель с обратной связью, Сажевый фильтр, Engine management, Схема системы, Датчики, Датчик положения направляющего аппарата турбонагнетателя G581, Потенциометр системы рециркуляции отработавших газов G212, Конструкция и принцип работы магниторезистивных датчиков, Исполнительные механизмы, Клапан насос-форсунки, цилиндры №№1-4 N240, N241, N242, N243, Электромагнитный клапан ограничения давления наддува N75, Переключающий клапан радиатора системы рециркуляции отработавших газов N345, Электродвигатель привода заслонки впускного коллектора V157, Клапан заслонки впускного коллектора N316, Свечи накаливания №№1-4 Q10, Q11, Q12, Q13, Функциональная схема.

Данный двигатель устанавливался на VW Passat B6 (3C), VW Touran (1T), VW Golf 5 (1K), VW Caddy (2K), VW Eos (1F), Skoda Octavia II (1Z), Audi A4 B6 (8E) и др.

Audi Двигатель 1.2 л TFSI (rus.)
Устройство и принцип действия. Программа самообучения 485 VW/Audi. Буквенное обозначение двигателей: CBZA CBZB.

Экономичность и тяговые характеристики двигателей уменьшенного объёма являются их главным преимуществом — прежде всего в условиях повышенного в наши дни внимания к уровню выбросов CO2. Поэтому Audi последовательно расширяет стратегическую линию развития TFSI и продолжает новым двигателем 1,2 л TFSI (63 или 77 кВт) блестящую историю успеха концепции даунсайзинга в области широко применяемых силовых агрегатов для моделей A1 и A3. При модернизации скромных по рабочему объёму, но мощных двигателей модельного ряда EA111 основной упор делался на последовательном повышении эффективности работы и облегчении конструкции. Новый двигатель с облегчённым алюминиевым блоком цилиндров и новейшей технологией сгорания оптимальным образом совмещает тяговые качества с малым расходом топлива и низкой эксплуатационной стоимостью и будет использоваться в базовых комплектациях моделей Audi.

Сконструированный «с нуля» двигатель 1.2 л TFSI, достигающий в A3 удельной мощности 87,7 л. с. на литр при рабочем объёме 1197 см3, использует те же технические решения, что и его старшие братья — двигатели 1,8 и 2,0 л. Идеальная комбинация турбонаддува и непосредственного впрыска позволяет реализовать степень сжатия 10,0:1. Это высокое значение улучшает термодинамику процессов в камере сгорания, повышает мощность и экономичность. Характерно, что маленький четырёхцилиндровый двигатель эффективен с низких оборотов. Его внушительные 175 Нм крутящего момента (в A3) достигаются уже в диапазоне 1550-4100 об/мин, а 77 кВт (105 л. с.) мощности — при 5000 оборотов. Результатом является спокойный характер движения, с малым числом переключений и низким расходом топлива. Трёхдверный Audi A3 с двигателем 1,2 л TFSI разгоняется с нуля до 100 км/ч за 11,1 секунды (A3 Sportback за 11,3 секунды). Средний расход топлива в A3 и A3 Sportback составляет лишь 5,5 л на 100 км. Выбросы CO2 находятся на уровне всего 127 г/км. По сравнению с предшествующим двигателем (1,6 л MPI) мощностью 75 кВт (102 л. с.) расход топлива снизился более чем на 1 л/100 км.

Содержание: Введение: Технические характеристики, Механическая часть двигателя: Меры по уменьшению массы двигателя, Блок цилиндров, Кривошипно-шатунный механизм, Цепной привод, Головка блока цилиндров, Вентиляция картера, Вакуумная магистраль, Система смазки: Контур системы смазки, Масляный фильтр, Система наддува: Обзор, Контур наддувочного воздуха, Регулятор давления наддува V465 и датчик положения регулятора давления наддува G581, Работа регулирования давления наддува, Система охлаждения: Обзор, Система охлаждения наддувочного воздуха, Система охлаждения двигателя, Система регулирования температуры, Отключаемый насос ОЖ, Система питания: Схема системы, Форсунки N30 — N33, Система управления двигателя: Обзор системы Simos 10 в Audi A3, Блок управления двигателя J623, Режимы, Система зажигания, Обслуживание: Специальный инструмент, Обслуживание автомобиля, Приложение: Словарь специальных терминов, Контрольные вопросы, Итоги, Программы самообучения.

4-cylinder Diesel Engine 1.9 L (eng.)
Заводское руководство по ремонту двигателей. Буквенное обозначение двигателей: BJB, BKC, BRU, BLS, BXE, BXF, BXJ.

Двигатели BJB, BKC, BRU, BLS, BXE, BXF, BXJ устанавливался на следующие автомобили: SEAT Leon Mk2 (1P), SEAT Altea (5P), SEAT Ibiza 3 (6L), SEAT Toledo (5P).

Содержание: 00 — Technical data, 10 — Removing and installing engine, 13 — Crankshaft group, 15 — Cylinder head, valve gear, 17 — Lubrication, 19 — Cooling, 20 — Fuel supply system, 21 — Turbocharging/supercharging, 23 — Mixture preparation — injection, 26 — Exhaust system, 28 — Glow plug system. 207 страниц.

Двигатель TDI 1.6 л с системой впрыска Common Rail (rus.)
Устройство и принцип работы. Пособие по программе самообразования 442 VW/Audi. Буквенное обозначение двигателей: CAYA, CAYB, CAYC.

Данный двигатель 1,6л TDI представляет собой базовый агрегат для всех перспективных четырёхцилиндровых дизельных двигателей. Этот двигатель является представителем нового поколения высокоэффективных, экономичных и динамичных дизелей концерна Volkswagen.

Этот двигатель является эталоном динамики, удовольствия от вождения, экономичности и надёжности. Кроме того, внедрение технологии Common Rail позволило заметно снизить уровень вибраций и улучшить акустический комфорт и соответствие нормам токсичности Евро 5.

Содержание: Введение, Механическая часть двигателя, Схема системы, Функциональная схема, Сервисное обслуживание, Контрольные вопросы.

Дизельный двигатель 1.9 литра (BSW, BLS) система впрыска и зажигания (rus.)
Руководство по ремонту. Снятие установка двигателя, головка блока цилиндров, замена ГРМ, система смазки, система охлаждения, топливная система, система впрыска, выхлопная система.

Установка натяжителя цепи нового образца на двигатели CBFA, CCTA, CCZA, CCZB, CDAA, CDAB (rus.)
Заводское руководство по ремонту.

Двигатели CBFA, CCTA, CCZA, CCZB, CDAA, CDAB устанавливались на автомобили:

SEAT Altea (код модели: 5P1, 5P5, 5P8)

4-cylinder diesel engine 1.9L (eng.)
Workshop Manual.

Руководство по ремонту двигателей. Редакция 08.2010

Двигатели с буквенным обозначением: AVQ, BJB, BKC, BLS, BRU, BXE, BXF, BXJ устанавливались на автомобили:

SEAT Altea (код модели: 5P1, 5P5, 5P8) 2004 — 2015

SEAT Toledo (код модели: 5P2)

Содержание: 00 — Technical data, 10 — Removing and installing engine, 13 — Crankshaft group, 15 — Cylinder head, valve gear, 17 — Lubrication, 19 — Cooling, 20 — Fuel supply system, 21 — Turbocharging/supercharging, 23 — Mixture preparation — injection, 26 — Exhaust system, 28 — Glow plug system.

278 страниц. 7 Mb.

Информация по ремонту двигателей VAG / Engines repair

Данная информация по ремонту двигателей подходит ко всем автомобилям VAG. Для того чтобы быстро найти документацию по Вашему двигателю просто нажмите на клавиатуре Ctrl-F и наберите буквы своего двигателя. Например: 2E или BSE (только на английском языке!)

Система охлаждения, отопления, вентиляции и кондиционирования

(Cooling, Heating, Air Conditioning and Climate Control Systems)

Замена радиатора двигателя на VW Golf Plus (rus.)
Фотоотчет. Процедура применима для автомобилей на платформе A5.

Ремонт системы охлаждения — течь патрубка радиатора, устранение причины (rus.)

Замена датчика температуры охлаждающей жидкости (ДТОЖ) на двигателе AZV (rus.)

Чистка вентилятора печки (rus.)

Если иногда поскирипывает вентилятор печки, например на холодную или на определенных оборотах или же свистит постоянно, как у меня сейчас,
то вам сюда! У меня раньше поскрипывал редко, а потом стало постоянно…

Ремонт вентилятора кондиционера автомобилях построенных на платформе A5 / PQ35 (rus.)

Ремонт кондиционера Climatronic: исполнительные электродвигатели заслонок управления температурой воздуха (rus.)

Ремонт кондиционера Climatronic: замена мотора центральной заслонки V70 (rus.)

Мойка радиаторов охлаждения двигателя на автомобилях построенных на платформе Фольксваген A5 (PQ35) (rus.)

Установка жидкостного отопителя Webasto Termo Top V на автомобили построенные на платформе A5 (PQ35) (rus.)

Замена помпы V55 Webasto Termo Top V на автомобилях построенных на платформе A5 (PQ35) (rus.)

Auxiliary heater, Workshop Manual (eng.)
Руководство по ремонту отопителя Webasto Thermo Top V. Редакция 09.2008

Автономный стояночный отопитель Webasto Thermo Top V устанавливался вместе с двигателями:

на многие автомобили, в том числе на SEAT Altea (5P1, 5P5, 5P8) 2004 — 2015

Содержание (группы ремонта): 82 — Auxiliary heating.

Repairing auxiliary heater Thermo Top V, Removing and installing auxiliary heater Thermo Top V, Connecting auxiliary heater Thermo Top V to coolant circuit, Fuel supply for auxiliary heater Thermo Top V, Regulation of auxiliary heater Thermo Top V, Electric engine preheater, 230V or 115V, Checking connector, Testing safety switch, Removing and installing engine preheater, Connecting engine preheater into cooling circuit — 2.0L FSI, 1.9L TDI, 1.6L MPI.

64 страницы. 1 Mb.

Общая информация по системам охлаждения, отопления и вентиляции

Подходит ко многим автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi

Много информации по системе охлаждения, относящаяся к конкретным типам двигателей, находится в разделе «Двигатели»

Системы впрыска, зажигания

(Injector, ignition system)

Замена свечей зажигания на двигателе 1.6 BSE (rus.)

Для доступа к свечам под коллектором надо отсоединить разъемы форсунок. Для закручивания можно использовать кусок шланга, продев в него любой подходящий по диаметру пруток (для жёсткости), ессно оставив на конце шланга место, чтобы засунуть в него саму свечу…

Замена свечи накала на двигателе BKD (rus.)

При тестировании VAG-COM вылезла ошибка — Замыкание на массу свечи накала первого цилиндра. На незаведенном двигателе при стирании ошибки она появлялась снова. Проблем при заводке не замечал, но заметил, что на холодную двигатель заводится чуть дольше, при этом заметен некий подхват как-бы на двух цилиндрах. Главная трудность — это аккуратно снять клапанную крышку…

Ремонт насос-форсунки на двигателе BKC 1.9 TDI (rus.)

Motronic MED 9.5.10 (rus.)
Устройство и принцип действия Программа самообучения 103 SEAT.

Разработка новой системы управления двигателя MED 9.5.10 потребовалась в связи с переходом на выпуск бензинового двигателя с непосредственным впрыском топлива. Такая система управления должна удовлетворять различным требованиям, обусловленным конструкцией этого двигателя, например:

— Впрыск топлива осуществляется непосредственно в камеру сгорания цилиндра. Для этого в системе питания двигателя предусмотрены два насоса, причём производительность обоих этих насосов может регулироваться блоком управления. Основная идея такого решения — подавать только то количество топлива, которое необходимо в данный момент. Это позволяет снизить до абсолютно необходимого минимума потребляемую насосами мощность, которая подаётся двигателем механически или электрически через генератор. В результате снижается и расход топлива автомобиля

— Система охлаждения имеет электронное управление. Работа вентилятора радиатора и термостата осуществляется через блок управления, в результате чего реализуется гибкое регулирование температуры двигателя в зависимости от режима работы. В результате повышается эффективность работы двигателя (КПД) и его мощность

— Регулируемая система впуска, позволяющая подавать при необходимости воздух в камеру сгорания с завихрением, обеспечивая более полное и эффективное сгорание. Кроме того, используются и уже опробованные ранее функции систем управления двигателем, такие, например, как регулирование фаз газораспределения за счёт изменения положения распредвала, впускной коллектор с изменяемой геометрией и система рециркуляции ОГ.

Содержание: Схема системы, компоненты системы, датчики, исполнительные механизмы, впрыск топлива, система охлаждения, зажигание, система впуска, изменение геометрии впускного коллектора/регулирование фаз грм, усилитель тормозов, электрическая схема, самодиагностика.

Двигатель 1,4 литра (BXW), система впрыска и зажигания (rus.)
Система впрыска Magneti Marelli 4HV

Системы впрыска и зажигания

Данная информация по системам впрыска подходит ко всем автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi.

Общая информация по системам зажигания

Подходит ко многим автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi

Топливная система

(Fuel System)

Замена топливного фильтра на двигателе BSE (rus.)

Информация подходит для следующих автомобилей: SEAT Leon Mk2 (1P), SEAT Altea (5P).

Замена топливного фильтра на двигателях: BLS, BXE, BMP, CBBB, CFFB, CFGB, CLJA, CBAA, CBAB (rus.)

Замена топливного насоса, двигатель AZV (rus.)

Замена датчика температуры топлива G81 на двигателе BKC 1.9 TDI-PD, устройство датчика (rus.)


Замена топливного фильтра на двигателе BKD 2.0 TDI (rus.)

Информация подходит для следующих автомобилей: VW Golf 5 / Jetta 5 (1K), VW Touran (1T), VW Golf Plus (5M), Skoda Octavia A5 (1Z), Skoda Superb 2 (3T), Audi A3 (8P), SEAT Leon Mk2 (1P), SEAT Altea / SEAT Toledo / SEAT Altea XL (5P).

Чистка бензонасоса. Платформа Фольксваген A5 / PQ35 (rus.)

Общая информация по топливным системам

Подходит ко многим автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi

Система выпуска

(Exhaust system)

Замена второго лямбда-зонда на двигателе BSE (rus.)

Простой ремонт клапана рециркуляции EGR, двигатель BKD (rus.)

Снятие и очистка впускного коллектора и заслонки EGR на двигателе BKD (rus.)

Очистка системы отработавших газов, клапана ЕГР и радиатора ОГ на двигателе BKC 1.9 TDI (rus.)

Анализ состояния сажевого фильтра, двигатели 1.6 TDI CR (CAYA, CAYB, CAYC) (rus.)

Управление регенерацией сажевого фильтра, двигатели 1.6 TDI CR (CAYA, CAYB, CAYC) (rus.)

Общая информация по системам выпуска отработанных газов

Подходит ко многим автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi

Передняя и задняя подвеска

(Front and rear suspension)

Ремонт передней подвески. Платформа Фольксваген A5 / PQ35 (rus.)

Замена задних аммортизаторов в автомобилях построенных на платформе A5 (rus.)

Замена передней ступицы на автомобилях построенных на платформе Фольксваген A5 / PQ35 (rus.)

Информация подходит для автомобилей: SEAT Leon Mk2 (1P), SEAT Altea (5P).

Замена задней ступицы Volkswagen Golf 5 (VW Jetta, VW Touran, VW Golf Plus и другие автомобили на платформе A5 / PQ35) (rus.)

Замена подшипников задней ступицы в автомобилях на платформе A5 / PQ35 (rus.)

Увеличение дорожного просвета Seat Altea, подходит для всей платформы PQ35 (rus.)

Устранение трудно диагностируемого стука в подвеске (rus.)

Применимо для всей платформы A5 (PQ35): Seat Altea, Seat Toledo, Seat Leon и др.

Замена отбойников на задних амортизаторах автомобилей построенных на платформе A5 (PQ35) (rus.)

Замена задних сайлентов рычагов в автомобилях построенных на платформе Фольксваген A5 / PQ35 (rus.)

Информация подходит для автомобилей: SEAT Leon Mk2 (1P), SEAT Altea (5P).

Замена задних опор передних нижних рычагов на VW Golf V. Платформа A5 / PQ35 (rus.)

Общая информация по подвеске

Подходит ко многим автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi

Тормозная система

(ABS, EDS, ESP / Brake system)

Замена тормозных дисков и колодок на автомобилях построенных на платформе А5 / PQ35 (rus.)

Замена троса стояночного тормоза (ручника) на платформе Фольксваген А5 / PQ35 (rus.)

Общая информация по тормозным системам, ABS, EDS, ESP и др.

Подходит ко многим автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi

Рулевое управление


Переделка стандартного руля в мультифункциональный (с кнопками) на VW Golf 5, VW Passat B6, VW Touran и др. автомобилях (rus.)

Ремонт электрического усилителя руля (ЭУР) 2 поколения. G269 — датчик момента поворота. Стук рейки (rus.)

Общая информация по рулевому управлению

Подходит ко многим автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi

Коробки передач, сцепление

(Transmission, clutch)

Замена масла в автоматической коробкой передач 09G (Aisin) (rus.)

Замена ATF в 6-ти скоростной коробке-автомат (типтроник). Причины было две: первая — нет веры в пожизненные рабочие жидкости.
Вторая, по сути, подтверждающая первую. Заметил, что коробка начала переключаться с небольшим толчками. Пробег на машине ~95 тысяч миль. Жидкость менялась впервые. Работа из категории: «Просто, грязно, но нужно сделать»…

Замена сцепления на двигателе BSE (rus.)

Эта информация подходит для следующих автомобилей: VW Passat B6 (3C), VW Touran (1T), VW Golf 5 / Jetta 5 (1K),
VW Golf Plus (5M), VW Caddy (2K), Skoda Octavia A5 (1Z), Audi A3 (8P), SEAT Leon Mk2 (1P), SEAT Altea / Toledo (5P).

Замена масла в шестиступенчатой коробке передач типа 02Q (rus.)

Устранние люфта первичного вала 6 ступенчатых коробок передач 02N, 02M, 02Q, 02Z и 0А5 (rus.)

Признаки люфта: Плохая работа сцепления, затрудненное выключение первой передачи и заднего хода. В некоторых случаях невозврат педали сцепления. В основном проблема возникает после того как люди поездят с гремящим маховиком…

Замена масла в коробке передач типа 02E (DSG) (rus.)

Необходимые запчасти: Фильтр 02E 305 051C. Шайба сливной пробки, и O-Ring крышки фильтра.
ATF: G052 182 A2 — 5 литров…

Снятие коробки передач DSG типа 02E (rus.)

6-Speed Dual Clutch Transmission 02E. Repair Manual (eng.)
Руководство по ремонту коробки передач 02Е. Редакция 09.2015

Данная коробка передач устанавливалась на двигатели с буквенными обозначениями: BRM, BPY, CBFA, CCTA, CBEA, CJAA, CPLA, CPPA и др.

Комбинации двигателей и коробок передач 02E:

КПП 02E с кодами: JBT, JPS, KDC, KNF, KPY, KVV, LRC устанавливалась на двигатели 1.4L — 103 kW TSI и 1.4L — 125 kW TSI

КПП 02E с кодами: GPW, GYQ, HLH, HQH, HQQ, HQN, HXU, JPL, KCW, KMZ, KPQ, LQS, MKJ, MLW устанавливалась на двигатели 1.9L — 74 kW TDI и 1.9L — 77 kW TDI

КПП 02E с кодами: HBP, HFQ, HLE, HQF, HQL, HXS, JPJ, KCU, KMW, KMX, KPS, KQC, LQT, LTD, LQV, LTE, MFL, MFM, MSU, MSV, NJK, NLP, PBF, PPY устанавливалась на двигатели 2.0L — 100 kW TDI, 2.0L — 103 kW TDI и 2.0L — 125 kW TDI

КПП 02E с кодами: HBQ, HRW, HUS, HUT, HXW, JPP, KCZ, KNC, KPV, LQZ, LTL, MMA, MSX, MSY, NJL, NJM, NLQ, NVW, PBG, PPZ, PQL устанавливалась на двигатели 2.0L — 147 kW TFSI

Коробка передач DSG с двумя сцеплениями 02E устанавливалась на автомобили:

SEAT Altea (5P1, 5P5, 5P8) 2004 — 2015

SEAT Toledo (5P2) 2005 — 2010

и др.

Содержание (группы ремонта): 00 — General, Technical Data, 30 — Clutch, 34 — Controls, Housing, 35 — Gears, Shafts, 39 — Final Drive, differential.

157 страниц. 6 Mb.

Двухмассовый маховик, рекомендации после проведеной замены маховика (rus.)

Audi, VW Jetta, VW Passat, VW Tiguan, VW Touran — 09G/09M Transmission (eng.)
Подробнейшее руководство по ремонту коробок типа 09G и 09M от компании ATSG.

Японская компания Aisin Co. LTD является производителем и разработчиком 6-ступенчатой, полностью автоматической и электронно управляемой трансмиссии TF-60SN. Инженеры Volkswagen совместно с Aisin, в процессе развития коробки для своих автомобилей, дали ей обозначение 09G / 09M. Компания BMW в своих автомобилях именует эту коробку 6F21WA.

В настоящее время эта коробка используется в: Audi A3, Audi A4, Audi TT, SEAT Altea, SEAT Leon, SEAT Toledo, Volkswagen Beetle, Volkswagen Transporter, Volkswagen Jetta, Volkswagen Passat/Passat Wagon, Volkswagen Passat/Passat Wagon, Volkswagen Tiguan, Volkswagen Touran. 124 стр. 13 Мб.

5-ступенчатая коробка передач 0A4 (rus.)
Заводское руководство по ремонту. Буквенное обозначение коробки передач: GQQ. Данная коробка устанавливалась на следующии автомобили: VW New Beetle (1C), VW Golf 5 (1K), VW Polo (9A), VW Eos (1F), VW Crafter (2F), Skoda Octavia 2 (1Z), Audi A3 (8P), SEAT Leon 2 (1P), SEAT Altea (5P).

5-Speed Manual Transmission 0A4, Repair Manual (eng.)
Руководство по ремонту МКПП 0A4. Редакция 12.2013

Пятиступенчатая коробка передач 0A4 с буквенными обозначениеми: FNE, GQQ, HGR, HDR, GTB, JCT, JCR, JCU, KBL, LHW, LUB, KPF, KQM, KCD, LEA, MJN, MUC устанавливались на автомобили:

SEAT Altea (код модели: 5P1, 5P5, 5P8) 2004 — 2015

Содержание (группы ремонта): 00 — Technical data, 30 — Clutch, 34 — Controls, housing, 35 — Gears, shafts, 39 — Final drive — differential.

284 страницы. 9 Mb.

Gearbox 0A4, Workshop Manual (eng.)
Руководство по ремонту МКПП 0A4. Редакция 07.2014

Пятиступенчатая коробка передач 0A4 с буквенными обозначениеми коробки передач: GQQ, JCR, LHW, KBL, KQM, KJF, LUB, LZY, MDZ, MWW, MWX, MTG, MDM устанавливались на автомобили:

SEAT Altea (5P1, 5P5, 5P8)

SEAT Toledo (5P2)

Содержание (группы ремонта): 00 — Technical data, 30 — Clutch, 34 — Controls, housing, 35 — Gears, shafts, 39 — Final drive — differential.

262 страница. 7 Mb.

5-speed manual gearbox 0A4, Workshop Manual (eng.)
Руководство по ремонту МКПП 0A4. Редакция 04.2010

Пятиступенчатая коробка передач 0A4 с буквенными обозначениеми коробки передач:

SEAT Altea (5P1, 5P5, 5P8) 2004 — 2015

SEAT Toledo (5P2)

Содержание (группы ремонта): 00 — Technical data, 30 — Clutch, 34 — Controls, housing, 35 — Gears, shafts, 39 — Final drive — differential.

319 страниц. 7 Mb.

Gearbox 0AF, Workshop Manual (eng.)
Руководство по ремонту МКПП 0AF. Редакция 09.2013

Пятиступенчатая коробка передач 0AF с буквенными обозначениеми коробки передач:
FVH, GYT, FXQ, JHT, JHW, JHU, LVN, LVP, LEG, NVT, MYE, PKG, PTA устанавливались на автомобили:

SEAT Altea (5P1, 5P5, 5P8)

SEAT Toledo (5P2)

Содержание (группы ремонта): 00 — Technical data, 30 — Clutch, 34 — Controls, housing, 35 — Gears, shafts, 39 — Final drive — differential.

178 страниц. 8 Mb.

6-speed manual gearbox 02S (eng.)
Заводское руководство по ремонту МКПП 02S. Буквенные обозначения коробок передач: FNG, HYG, GQM, GQP, GXV, JAU, JYL, JCL, JCN, JCP, JCQ, JYG, JXP, JXR, KWB.

Ручная 6-ти ступенчатая коробка передач 02S устанавливалась на автомобили: SEAT Altea (5P), SEAT Leon Mk2 (1P), SEAT Toledo (5P).

Содержание: 00 — Technical data, 30 — Clutch, 34 — Controls, housing, 35 — Gears, shafts, 39 — Final drive — differential. 206 страниц.

6-speed manual gearbox 02Q (eng.)
Заводское руководство по ремонту МКПП 02Q.

Ручная 6-ти ступенчатая коробка передач 02Q с буквенными обозначениями коробок передач: GRF, GVT, GXC, HDV, HVS, KNQ, KNS, KNU, KNY, KRM, KXZ, KZS, LHD, LNN, NFN, NFP, MDL устанавливалась на автомобили: SEAT Altea (5P), SEAT Toledo (5P).

Содержание (группы ремонта): 00 — Technical data, 30 — Clutch, 34 — Controls, housing, 35 — Gears, shafts, 39 — Final drive — differential. 246 страниц.

6-Speed Manual Transmission 02Q, Repair Manual (eng.)
Руководство по ремонту МКПП 02Q. Редакция 05.2013

Двигатели с буквенным обозначением: BPY, CCTA, CBFA, CBEA, CJAA, CPLA, CPPA.

Шестиступенчатая коробка передач 02Q с буквенными обозначениеми: GRF, GVT, GXC, HDV, HVS, JLU, JLW, JMA, KDN, KDQ, KDS, KNS, KNU, KNY, KRM, KXX, KXZ, KZS, LHD, MDL, NFN, NFP, PDA (для переднеприводных автомобилей) и FWZ, JLS, JYS, KDX, KNQ, KXV, LNN (для полноприводных автомобилей) устанавливались на автомобили:

SEAT Altea (код модели: 5P1, 5P5, 5P8) 2004 — 2015

Содержание (группы ремонта): 00 — Technical data, 30 — Clutch, 34 — Controls, housing, 35 — Gears, shafts, 39 — Final Drive and Differential.

427 страниц. 11 Mb.

7-speed dual clutch gearbox 0AM (eng.)
Заводское руководство по ремонту КПП 0AM.

7-ми ступенчатая коробка передач со сдвоенным сцеплением 0AM и буквенными обозначениями коробок передач: KHN, LKG, LKM, KUT, LPL, LSU, KHM, LKL, LKF, LQN, LST устанавливалась на автомобили: SEAT Altea (5P), SEAT Leon Mk2 (1P), SEAT Toledo (5P).

Содержание (группы ремонта): 00 — Technical data, 30 — Clutch, 34 — Controls, housing, 35 — Gears, shafts, 39 — Final drive — differential. 127 страниц.

7-Speed Dual Clutch Transmission 0AM. Repair Manual (eng.)
Руководство по ремонту DSG 0AM. Редакция 09.2015

7-ми ступенчатая коробка передач со сдвоенным сцеплением 0AM

с буквенными обозначениеми коробки передач (КПП):
KUC, LWE, MDH, MGK, MGU, MLB, MPH, NAS, NBA, NQA, NQK, NTP, NTZ, PKM, PKW, PMH, PMS устанавливалась на двигатели 1.2 L — 77 kW TSI

с буквенными обозначениеми КПП:
KHN, LKG, LKM, LPJ, LWZ, MGK, MLB, MPH, NAS, NQA, NTP, PKM, PMH устанавливалась на двигатели 1.4L — 90 kW TSI

с буквенными обозначениеми КПП:
KUT, LKP, LPL, LWW, MGM, MLD, MPK, MSL, MUV, NAU, NAZ, NQA, NQJ, NTP, NTX, PKM, PMH, PMQ устанавливалась на двигатели 1.4L — 118 kW TSI

с буквенными обозначениеми КПП:
LKJ, LPN, LSU, MGP, MLF, MPM устанавливалась на двигатели 1.6L — 75 kW MPI

с буквенными обозначениеми КПП:
KHM, LKF, LKL, LPH, LSR, MGJ устанавливалась на двигатели 1.9L — 77 kW TDI PD

с буквенными обозначениеми КПП:
LKQ, LQN, LST, MGN, MLE, MPL, NAV, NQD, NTS, PKP, PMK устанавливалась на двигатели 1.6L — 77 kW TDI Common Rail

Содержание (группы ремонта): 00 — Technical data, 30 — Clutch, 34 — Controls, housing, 35 — Gears, shafts, 39 — Final drive, differential.

221 страница. 14 Mb.

Automatic 6-speed gearbox 09G, Workshop Manual (eng.)
Руководство по ремонту АКПП 09G. Редакция 07.2014

Шестиступенчатая автоматическая коробка передач 09G с буквенными обозначениеми коробки передач:
GSY, HFS, GJZ, HFR, HFT, HTN, HTM, HTP, JUH, JTY, JUG, KGK, KGH, KGJ, KGV, JUF, KGG, MFZ, JUF, KGG, MFZ, QAW, PAL, QNQ, QEM, устанавливалась на автомобили:

SEAT Altea (5P1, 5P5)

Содержание (группы ремонта): 00 — Technical data, 32 — Torque converter, 37 — Controls, housing, 38 — Gears, control, 39 — Final drive — differential.

197 страниц. 5 Mb.

Gearbox 02Q and 0FB, Workshop Manual (eng.)
Руководство по ремонту МКПП 02Q и 0FB. Редакция 06.2014

Шестиступенчатая коробка передач 02Q с буквенными обозначениеми коробки передач: GRF, HDV, GVT, JLU, JLW, JMA, KDN, KDQ, KDS, KNS, KNU, KNY, KXX, KXZ, KZS, LHD, NFP, NFN, FWZ, JLS, JLR, KDX, KDL, KNP, KNQ, KSC, KXU, KXV, LHC, LNN, LNM, NFR, NFQ, NFR, PFL, PFN, NBK, PNN, MRV, PFM, PGS, KNS, NFU, NGD, KNW, KXY, NFM, NFV, NGC, KRN. и шестиступенчатая коробка передач 0FB, с буквенными обозначениеми коробки передач: PDT устанавливались на автомобили:

SEAT Toledo (5P2)

SEAT Altea (5P1, 5P5)

Содержание (группы ремонта): 00 — Technical data, 30 — Clutch, 34 — Controls, housing, 35 — Gears, shafts, 39 — Final drive — differential.

392 страницы. 12 Mb.

Gearbox 0AJ, Workshop Manual (eng.)
Руководство по ремонту МКПП 0AJ. Редакция 05.2014

Шестиступенчатая коробка передач 0AJ с буквенными обозначениеми коробки передач: KRG LHY LHX LNY MHT MYF JPG NBY NBX NBW PRG PRH PRG PRL устанавливались на автомобили:

SEAT Altea (5P1, 5P5)

Содержание (группы ремонта): 00 — Technical data, 30 — Clutch, 34 — Controls, housing, 35 — Gears, shafts, 39 — Final drive — differential.

214 страницы. 7 Mb.

Информация по ремонту коробок передач VAG / Transmission repair

Данная информация по ремонту коробок передач подходит ко всем автомобилям VAG.



Ремонт замка багажника Seat ALTEA, не закрывается багажник (rus.)

Ремонт фары, установка оригинального ремкомплекта фар (rus.)

При несильном ударе в ДТП два из трёх пластмассовых кронштейна фары отвалились, корректор перестал поднимать линзу, погас габарит и слетел хромированный колпак внутри. Его сдёрнула с места полетевшая вперёд линза. Чтобы добраться до фары и заодно посмотреть остальные сюрпризы снимаем решетку радиатора и бампер…

Снятие обшивки двери водителя (rus.)

Общая информация по кузову, шинам и дискам

Подходит ко многим автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi


(Electrical equipment)

Замена реле зарядки генератора Bosch 140А, номер по VAG: 06F 903 023 F (rus.)

Ремонт генератора — нет зарядки, подмигивание лампы генератора (rus.)

Замена шкива генератора с муфтой свободного хода (rus.)

Включение дневных ходовых огней (DRL) на автомобилях Фольксваген с помощью диагностического адаптера (rus.)

Информация подходит для автомобилей: VW Passat B6 (3C), VW Passat CC (357), VW Touran (1T), VW Golf 5 / Jetta 5 (1K), VW Golf 6 (5K),
VW Golf Plus (5M), VW Caddy (2K), VW Scirocco (137), Skoda Octavia A5 (1Z), Audi A3 (8P), Audi TT (8J), SEAT Leon Mk2 (1P), SEAT Altea (5P) и многих других.

Машина глохнет на ходу, гаснет панель приборов — замена реле клеммы 15 (rus.)

Симптомы переодической проблемы: все стрелки на приборной панели падают на 0, машина встает или после поворота ключа в замке зажигания не загорается индикация на панели приборов.

Ремонт передних стеклоочистителей, проблемы и способы их устранения, платформа A5 / PQ35 (rus.)

Замена муфты генератора на двигателе BKD 2.0 TDI, платформа A5 (rus.)

Замена повторителя поворота бокового зеркала, платформа А5 (PQ35). Разборка зеркала заднего вида (rus.)

Установка и активация круиз-контроля. Платформа А5 (rus.)

Установка системы контроля давления в шинах на автомобили платформы А5 (rus.)

Установка ассистента дальнего света и датчика дождя на автомобилях Фольксваген, платформа А5 и выше (rus.)

Ремонт антенны (усилителя) на крыше автомобиля, (платформа PQ35) (rus.)

Установка блока управления Climatronic от VW Golf 6 в автомобили построенные на платформе A5 (PQ35) (rus.)

Ремонт динамиков задних дверей, актуально для платформ А5, А6 и др. (rus.)

Электросхемы SEAT Altea / SEAT Altea XL / Freetrack (rus.)
Подробнейшие цветные электросхемы на русском языке.

Содержание: Базовая комплектация с марта 2009 года, Бензиновый двигатель 1.4 л — BXW, Бензиновый двигатель 1.4 л — CAXC, Бензиновый двигатель 1.6 л — BSE, BSF, CCSA, Бензиновый двигатель 1.8 л — CDAA, Бензиновый двигатель 2.0 л — BVY, BVZ, Бензиновый двигатель 2.0 л — BWA, Дизельный двигатель 2.0 л — AZV, BKD, Дизельный двигатель 1.9 л — BLS, Дизельный двигатель 2.0 л — BMN, Дизельный двигатель 2.0 л — CEGA, Дизельный двигатель 2.0 л — BMM, Система подушек безопасности без задних боковых подушек безопасности, Система подушек безопасности с задними боковыми подушками безопасности, Климатическая установка, Парковочный ассистент спереди и сзади, Подогрев сидений, Дополнительный отопитель, КП DSG 02E (AZV, BKD, BLS, BMM, BWA), Шины CAN и шина LIN, шина CAN-привод, шина CAN-диагностика, шина CAN-комбинация приборов, шина CAN-комфорт, Climatronic, Система контроля давления в шинах для а/м с ABS, EDS, ASR и ESP, Усилитель рулевого управления, Мобильный телефон Bluetooth, Обогреваемые жиклёры омывателя, Ксеноновые фары (биксенон) с автоматическим корректором и динамической системой адаптивного освещения, Система очистки фар, Мультимедийная система RSE (Rear Seat Entertainment), Обогрев ветрового стекла, Головное устройство, Головное устройство с разъёмом AUX-IN, Головное устройство с MEDIA-IN, Датчик дождя и освещенности, Антиблокировочная система (ABS) с электронной блокировкой дифференцила (EDS) и антипробуксовочной системой (ASR), Антиблокировочная система (ABS) с электронной блокировкой дифференциала (EDS), антипробуксовочной системой (ASR) и системой поддержания курсовой устойчивости (ESP), Системы комфорта, Радионавигационная система (RNS-Low), Радионавигационная система (RNS-Low) с разъёмом MEDIA-IN, Вентилятор радиатора, односкоростной, Вентилятор радиатора, двухскоростной, Плавно регулируемые вентиляторы радиатора (слева и справа), с блоком управления, Рулевое колесо с пультом управления аудиосистемой, Многофункциональное рулевое колесо. 21 Mb. 437 страниц!

Электрооборудование Altea (rus.)
Устройство и принцип действия. Программа самообучения 097 SEAT. Электрооборудование Altea представляет собой децентрализованную систему, уже известную по другим моделям SEAT. Заметным нововведением является внедрение шины данных CAN, связавшей информационно-командную систему, комбинацию приборов и диагностический интерфейс, которая дополнила существовавшие ранее шины данных систем привода и комфорта. Это означает, что теперь в системе диагностики задействована шина CAN, в результате чего повышается скорость передачи данных и упрощается связь диагностического интерфейса с разными блоками управления. В дополнение к шине CAN применяется ещё одна однопроводная коммуникационная шина — шина LIN. В данной программе рассматриваются различные электрические системы Altea, некоторые из них с незначительными нововведениями, например, система комфорта или комбинация приборов, а другие — абсолютно новые, такие как блок управления системы распознавания прицепа или блок управления электроники рулевой колонки.

Содержание: электрооборудование, шины передачи данных, шина данных LIN, межсетевой интерфейс, система комфорта, парковочный ассистент, модуль рулевой колонки, система распознавания прицепа, комбинация приборов, аудио- и навигационная система.

SEAT Altea. Бортовая сеть Altea (rus.)
Программа самообучения 101 SEAT. В SEAT Altea установлен новый блок управления бортовой сети, который выполняет больше функций, чем уже знакомый блок управления в Ibiza ’02 и Cordoba ‘ 03. Этот блок управления имеет две новых принципиальных особенности. Во-первых, теперь межсетевой интерфейс является внешним блоком управления, а во-вторых, мощные потребители подключаются через внешнее реле. Из числа новых функций следует, в первую очередь, отметить управление внешними осветительными приборами, стеклоочистителями и сигналами 15, 75 и 50 выключателя зажигания.
Используя обширную сеть электрооборудования Altea, система управления нагрузкой бортовой сети контролирует работу большого числа систем и поддерживает заряд АКБ на оптимальном уровне. В системе диагностики следует особо отметить „длинную кодировку блока управления, которая позволяет адаптировать каждый блок управления в отдельности к конкретной комплектации автомобиля и к индивидуальным особенностям клиента.

Содержание: Введение, общая схема системы, блок управления, предварительное возбуждение генератора, сигналы выключателя зажигания, наружные осветительные приборы, стеклоочиститель, омыватель фар и звуковой сигнал, очиститель заднего стекла и стеклоомыватель, обогреватель заднего стекла, подсветка комбинации приборов, освещение салона, система управления нагрузкой электросети, напорная топливная магистраль, самодиагностика.

Установка штатных противотуманных фар (ПТФ) на автомобили платформы А5 (rus.)
Отчет по ремонту

Ремонт проводки водительской двери SEAT Altea Freetrack (rus.)

Ремонт механизма складывания зеркал Seat Altea (rus.)

Общая информация по электрооборудованию

Подходит ко многим автомобилям VW, Skoda, SEAT, Audi

Магнитолы и радионавигационные системы Volkswagen, Audi, Skoda, Seat

Документация по автомагнитолам и навигации Фольксваген, Ауди, Шкода, Сеат

Общая документация по автомобилю

Seat Altea XL (rus.)
Устройство и принцип действия. Программа самообучения 112 Seat.

Altea XL позиционируется с среднем рыночном сегменте, между MPV (Много Целевой Автомобиль) и Универсалом. Это многоцелевой автомобиль, который в тоже
время, предлагает превосходную динамику, качество, комфорт и характеристики конструкции. Altea XL расширяет ряд автомобилей, которые разделяют технологию
(Altea/Toledo 05/Leon 06). SEAT таким образом облегчает для каждого клиента выбор автомобиля, наиболее удовлетворяющий его потребностям.
С выпуском Altea XL, SEAT представляет новый ряд бензиновых двигателей с прямым впрыском. Эта семья двигателей разработана для обеспечения лучших
механических характеристик, таким образом, совершенствуя использование энергии. Первый двигатель который будет выпущен — это 1.8L TFSI 16V мощностью 118 киловатт
В области безопасности, сейчас возможно получить биксеноновые фары с динамическим светом, это система которая способна автоматически направлять луча света и адаптировать
фокус света в направлении движения при повороте. На автомобилях с матричной панелью управления, водитель имеет возможность персональных настроек работы центрального замка и дистанционного управления.

Содержание: Презентация, размеры, кузов, защита пасажиров, сидения, внутренняя отделка, окна, внешняя отделка, силовая установка, шасси, электрическая система, система комфорта, аудио и навигационное оборудование.

Seat Altea freetrack (rus.)
Устройство и принцип действия. Программа самообучения 115 Seat.

Altea freetrack это компактный SUV с внешним дизайном внедорожника, технические характеристики которого делают его идеальным автомобилем для движения как по трассе и
труднопроходимым дорогам. Выход этой модели на рынок, значит для SEAT вхождение в постоянно растущий сегмент SUV (Sport Utility Vehicle), с целью удовлетворения
потенциальных клиентов данного типа автомобилей.

Из всех новинок, представленных в этой модели, без сомнения, наиболее выдающейся является 2-е поколение муфты Haldex. Она передает крутящий момент к задним колесам,
таким образом, обеспечивая полный привод 4×4 для Altea 4 freetrack. В противном случае, он не смог бы попасть в сегмент SUV. Для клиентов, которые не собираются съезжать с
обычных дорог, возможно, приобрести версию только с передним приводом (2WD).
Внешний дизайн продиктован влиянием линий SEAT Salsa Emocion, таких как внешние отделочные элементы серого цвета. В результате мы получили автомобиль с агрессивным
внешним видом, готовый для движения по бездорожью, но при этом, без утраты своей спортивной природы, что соответствует требованиям Брэнда. Внутреннее пространство характеризуется большим объемом, и различным возможностями загрузки автомобиля.

Содержание: Семейство Altea, Altea freetrack, Размеры, Возможности полного привода, Панели кузова, Защита пассажиров, Внешний дизайн, Внутренний дизайн, Двигателя и коробки передач, Топливная система, Коробка передач 02Q, 4WD, Drivetrain, Тормозная система, Система мультимедиа для задних пассажиров (RSE).

SEAT Altea (eng.)
Устройство и принцип действия. Программа самообучения 096 SEAT.

Содержание: Characteristics, Interior, Bodywork, Occupant Protection, Powertrain, Drivetrain, Brakes, Brake Management, Electrical System, Comfort System, Instrument Panel, Immobiliser Phase IV, Sound System, Self-Diagnosis, Air-Conditioning.

SEAT Altea FR (eng.)
Устройство и принцип действия. Программа самообучения 111 Seat.

Seat Altea FR представляет собой заводскую спортивную версию SEAT Altea.

Содержание: FR concept, Interior design, Drivetrain, Engine, BMN Engine characteristics, BMN Engine mechanics,
BMN Engine synoptic chart, BMN Engine sensors, BMN Actuators, Active particle filter regeneration, BMN Engine electrical wiring diagrams, BMN Engine self diagnosis, BWA Engine characteristics, BWA Engine mechanics, BWA Engine synoptic chart,
BWA Engine sensors, BWA Enginefuel injection, BWA Engine air recirculation, BWA Engine electrical wiring diagrams,
BWA Engine self diagnosis.

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  • Detailed Seat Altea Engine and Associated Service Systems (for Repairs and Overhaul) (PDF)
  • Seat Altea Transmission data Service Manual PDF
  • Seat Altea Brakes and suspension PDF
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Seat ALTEA FREETRACK Owner's Manual

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Summary of Contents for Seat ALTEA FREETRACK

  • Page 1
    ALTEA FREETRACK Owner’s manual…
  • Page 3
    Foreword This Instruction Manual and its corresponding supplements should be read carefully to familiarise yourself with your vehicle. Besides the regular care and maintenance of the vehicle, its correct handling will help preserve its value. For safety reasons, always note the information concerning accessories, modifications and part replace- ments.
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    Radio frequency remote control ….Seat belts …….

  • Page 6
    Table of Contents Trailer towing Technical Specifications ……… Instructions to follow .
  • Page 7: Manual Structure

    Because this is a general manual for the ALTEA FREETRACK, some of the For the sake of the environment equipment and functions that are described in this manual are not included Texts preceded by this symbol contain relevant information concerning envi- in all types or variants of the model or model year;…

  • Page 8: Content

    2. Operating instructions Information about the distribution of controls in the driver position of your vehicle, about the seat adjustment possibilities, about how to create a suit- able climate in the vehicle interior, etc. 3. Practical Tips Advice relating to the driving, caring and maintenance of your vehicle and certain problems you can solve yourself.

  • Page 9: Safety First

    The following list includes most of the safety equipment in your SEAT: safety and for your passengers’ safety.

  • Page 10
    – Assume the correct sitting position. Instruct your passengers al- so to assume a proper sitting position. ⇒  p age 10. – Fasten your seat belt securely. Instruct your passengers also to Before setting off fasten their seat belts properly. ⇒  p age 19.
  • Page 11: Safe Driving

    Safe driving – Always reduce your speed as appropriate for road, traffic and weather conditions. – When travelling long distances, take breaks regularly — at least every two hours. – If possible, avoid driving when you are tired or stressed. WARNING When driving safety is impaired during a trip, the risk of injury and acci- dents increases.

  • Page 12: Proper Sitting Position For Occupants

    ⇒  F ig. steering wheel – Move the driver seat forwards or backwards so that you are able to press the accelerator, brake and clutch pedals to the floor with your knees still slightly angled ⇒  .

  • Page 13
    ● An incorrect sitting position of the driver can lead to severe injuries. – Move the front passenger seat back as far as possible ⇒  . ● Adjust the driver seat so that there is at least 25 cm distance between ⇒  F ig.
  • Page 14
    ● Always keep your feet in the footwell when the vehicle is moving; never rest them on the dash panel, out the window or on the seat. An in- – Always keep both feet in the footwell in front of the rear seat.
  • Page 15
    Active head restraints* Vehicle occupants are pressed into their seats during a rear end collision. The resulting body pressure on the seat backrest activates the active head restraint* on the front seat, which moves rapidly forwards and upwards at the same time. This movement reduces the distance between the occu- pant’s head and the head restraint, thus reducing the risk of head injuries such as brain trauma.
  • Page 16
    The active head restraints* could also be triggered if a vehicle occupant ap- plies a high level of pressure to the seat backrest (e.g. by “falling” back into the seat when entering the vehicle) or if pressure is applied to a front seat head restraint from the rear.
  • Page 17
    – And one position for non-use. duce the protective function of seat belts and increase the risk of injury due to incorrect seat belt position. As the driver, you are re- – To fit the head restraints in position for use, pull on the edges sponsible for all passengers, especially children.
  • Page 18: Pedal Area

    Safe driving ● Never travel without wearing the seat belt. Wearing suitable shoes ● Do not allow anyone to travel in the luggage compartment. Always wear shoes which support your feet properly and give you a good feeling for the pedals.

  • Page 19: Storing Objects

    ● Never transport passengers in the luggage compartment. All vehicle occupants must have their seat belt fastened ⇒  p age 19.  – Place the heavy objects first.

  • Page 20
     ways use appropriate retaining cords which are secured to the fastening rings. ● Never secure a child seat on the fastening rings.  Fastening rings* There can be four fastening rings in the luggage compart- ment for fastening luggage and other objects.
  • Page 21: Seat Belts

    Seat belt warning lamp*  WARNING The control lamp acts as a reminder to the driver to fasten ● If seat belts are worn incorrectly or not at all, the risk of severe inju- the seat belt. ries increases. ● Properly worn seat belts can reduce severe injuries in case of sudden Before starting the vehicle: braking manoeuvres or accidents.

  • Page 22
    30 km/h (20 mph). The warning lamp*  is switched off if the driver seat belt is fastened while the ignition is switched on. …
  • Page 23: Why Wear Seat Belts

    25 km/h (15 mph) to 50 km/h (30 mph), for example, the kinetic energy is multiplied by four. Because the vehicle occupants in our example are not restrained by seat belts, in the case of a head-on collision all of their kinetic energy has to be ⇒ …

  • Page 24
    The airbag system is not a substitute for seat belts. When triggered, airbags provide only additional protection. All occupants (including the driver) must wear seat belts properly at all times during the trip. This will reduce the risk Fig. 9 A driver not wear- of severe injuries in the event of an accident –…
  • Page 25
    Our examples describe frontal collisions. Of course, properly worn seat belts substantially reduce the risk of injury in all other types of accidents. This is why it is so important to fasten seat belts before every trip, even when «just driving around the corner».
  • Page 26
    ● The seat belt should never lie on hard or fragile objects (such as glasses or pens, etc.) because this can cause injuries. ● Do not allow the seat belt to be damaged or jammed, or to rub on any sharp edges.
  • Page 27: Seat Belts

    ● Never put the latch plate in the buckle of another seat. If you do this, the seat belt will not protect you properly and the risk of injury is in- Fig.

  • Page 28
    ● An incorrectly worn seat belt can cause severe injuries in the event of an accident. ● The shoulder part of the seat belt must lie on the centre of the shoul- der, never across the neck. The seat belt must lie flat and snugly on the ⇒ …
  • Page 29
    ● For pregnant women, the lap part of the seat belt must lie as low as possible over the pelvis, never across the stomach, and always lie flat so that no pressure is exerted on the abdomen.
  • Page 30
    WARNING catch on the shoulder belt guide is engaged securely.  Never unbuckle a seat belt while the vehicle is in motion. If you do, you increase the risk of sustaining severe or fatal injuries.  Incorrectly fastened seat belts…
  • Page 31: Seat Belt Tensioners

    The seat belt tensioner can be triggered only once. and refitting of system parts in conjunction with other repair work, must The seat belt tensioners will not be triggered in the event of a light frontal, be performed by a specialised workshop only.

  • Page 32: Airbag System

    ● If you are not wearing a seat belt, if you lean forward or to the side you critical injuries. Therefore, it is essential that all vehicle occupants as- while travelling or assume an incorrect sitting position, there is a sub- sume a correct sitting position while travelling.

  • Page 33
    WARNING ● To reduce the risk of injury from an inflating airbag, always wear the ● If a child seat is secured to the front passenger seat, the risk to the seat belt properly ⇒  p age 19. child of sustaining critical or fatal injuries in the event of an accident in- ●…
  • Page 34
    ● If a malfunction occurred, have the system checked immediately by a The control lamp monitors all airbags and seat belt tensioners in the vehi- specialised workshop. Otherwise, in the event of an accident, the airbag cle, including control units and wiring connections.
  • Page 35
    Airbag system WARNING (Continued) ● To clean the steering wheel or dash panel, you may use only a dry or a water-moistened cloth. Never clean the dash panel and the airbag mod- ule surface with cleaners containing solvents. Solvents cause the surface to become porous.
  • Page 36: Front Airbags

    The airbag system is not a substitute for seat belts, but it is an integral part of the vehicle’s overall passive safety system. Please bear in mind that the…

  • Page 37
    ● there is a rear-end collision ● the vehicle turns over WARNING ● The seat belts and airbags can only provide maximum protection if the occupants are seated correctly ⇒  p age 10, Proper sitting position for occupants. ● If a fault has occurred in the airbag system, have the system checked immediately by a specialised workshop.
  • Page 38
    Airbag system The airbags deploy extremely rapidly, within thousandths of a second, to develop when the airbag deploys. This is normal and it is not an indication provide additional protection in the event of an accident. A fine dust may of fire in the vehicle.
  • Page 39
    ● If you are not wearing a seat belt, if you lean forward or to the side while travelling or assume an incorrect sitting position, there is a sub- stantially increased risk of injury.
  • Page 40: Side Airbags

    Airbag system Side airbags* The airbag system is not a substitute for seat belts, but it is an integral part of the vehicle’s overall passive safety system. Please bear in mind that the airbag system can only work effectively when the occupants are wearing their seat belts.

  • Page 41
    ● Any work carried out to the doors should be made in an authorised specialised workshop. ● The seat belts and airbags can only provide maximum protection if the occupants are seated correctly ⇒  p age 10, Proper sitting position for occupants.
  • Page 42
    ● When children assume an incorrect sitting position, they expose ● If you do not wear a seat belt, if you lean forward, or are not seated themselves to an increased risk of injury in the event of an accident. This…
  • Page 43: Curtain Airbags

    The airbag system operation is monitored electronically. The airbag system is not a substitute for seat belts, but it is an integral part The curtain airbag system will not be triggered if: of the vehicle’s overall passive safety system. Please bear in mind that the airbag system can only work effectively when the vehicle occupants are ●…

  • Page 44
    WARNING ● In order for the side airbags to provide their maximum protection, the prescribed sitting position must always be maintained with seat belts fastened while travelling. ● For safety reasons, the curtain airbag must be disabled in those vehi- cles fitted with a screen dividing the interior of the vehicle.
  • Page 45
    Airbag system WARNING (Continued) not been expressly approved for use in your vehicle may not be attached to the side windows ⇒  p age 217, Accessories, replacement of parts and modifications. ● The built-in coat hooks should be used only for lightweight clothing. Do not leave any heavy or sharp-edged objects in the pockets.
  • Page 46: Deactivating Airbags

    Airbag system Deactivating airbags* Front passenger front airbag deactivation If you fit a rear-facing child seat to the front passenger seat, the front passenger front airbag must be de-activated. Fig. 27 Control lamp for deactivated front passen- ger airbag in centre con-…

  • Page 47
    – Do not use a child seat on the front passenger seat! The front pas- ● You should deactivate the front passenger front airbag only if you senger front airbag could be triggered despite the fact that there is a have to use a rear-facing child seat in exceptional cases.
  • Page 48: Child Safety

    Depending on their age, height and weight, children trav- As the driver, you are responsible for any children you transport in elling on the rear seat must use a child seat or a seat belt. For safety rea- your vehicle.

  • Page 49
    However, if it is necessary, in excep- ● Do not allow the seat belt to become twisted or jammed, or to rub on tional cases, to transport a child in the front passenger seat, the front any sharp edges.
  • Page 50: Child Seats

    Child seats that have been tested and approved under the ECE R44 stand- ard bear the test mark on the seat (the letter E in a circle with the test num- Group 0+: For babies up to about 18 months old and 13 kg in weight the ber below it).

  • Page 51
    We recommend you to always include the manufacturer’s Child Seat Instruc- Children under 7 years of age weighing between 15 and 25 kg are best pro- tion Manual together with the on-board documentation. tected by group 2 child seats together with properly adjusted seat belts. Group 3 child seats WARNING…
  • Page 52
    ● The shoulder part of the seat belt must lie approximately on the cen- tre of the shoulder, never across the neck or the arm. The seat belt must lie close to the upper part of the body. The lap belt part must lie across the pelvis, not across the stomach, and always fit closely.
  • Page 53: Securing Child Seats

    ● When travelling, children must be secured in the vehicle with a re- straint system suitable for age, weight and size. You can secure a child seat to the rear seat or front passenger seat in the ● Never install a child seat facing backwards on the front passenger following ways: seat unless the front passenger airbag has been disabled.

  • Page 54
    32. Observe the manufacturer’s instruc- tions. – Pull on both sides of the child seat to ensure that it is secure. Fig. 31 ISOFIX securing rings Two ISOFIX retaining rings are fitted on each rear seat. In some vehicles, the rings are secured to the seat frame and, in others, they are secured to the rear floor.
  • Page 55
    – this could result in potentially fatal injuries to the child! ● Ensure that the child seat is secured correctly using the “ISOFIX” and Top Tether* securing rings. …
  • Page 56
    Cockpit Fig. 33 Dash panel…
  • Page 57: Cockpit

    Right seat heating button ……..

  • Page 58
    Cockpit Button for opening and closing the front windows ..Safety switch* for the rear windows ……Control* for opening and closing the rear windows .
  • Page 59: Instruments

    Cockpit Instruments Instrument overview The instruments display the vehicle operating status. Fig. 34 Detailed view of the dash panel: instrument panel Detailed view of the dash panel: instrument panel Fuel gauge ⇒  p age 58 Multifunction display Engine coolant temperature gauge ⇒  p age 58 Rev counter ⇒ …

  • Page 60
    Cockpit Fuel gauge  and reserve indicator Engine coolant temperature gauge  This gauge shows the engine coolant temperature. Fig. 35 Instrument pan- el: fuel gauge Fig. 36 Instrument pan- el: engine coolant tem- perature gauge Instrument panel: fuel gauge The fuel tank has a capacity of approx.
  • Page 61
    Cockpit Even if the coolant level is correct do not continue driving. You should ob- Speedometer tain technical assistance. The speedometer is equipped with a digital odometer and a trip recorder, in addition to a service intervals display. WARNING During the running-in period, the instructions shown on ⇒  p age 195 When working in the engine compartment, always observe the safety should be followed.
  • Page 62: Digital Instrument Panel Display

    Cockpit Digital instrument panel display Displayed categories* The display on the instrument panel shows the mileage and Display (without warning or information texts) trip recorder as well as the selector lever position. The display in the instrument panel shows, amongst other things, the mileage and trip recorder as well as the selector lever position.

  • Page 63
    Cockpit Recommended gear display* The right-hand counter registers the short journeys. The last digit indicates steps of 100 metres. The trip recorder counter may be reset by holding This display helps to save fuel. down the reset button for a few seconds. Service interval display Vehicles with Service intervals dependent on time/distance travelled al- ready have certain service intervals set.
  • Page 64
    Technical progress has made it possible to considerably reduce servicing re- The multifunction display (MFI) shows you information on quirements. With the LongLife System, SEAT ensures that your vehicle only the journey and fuel consumption. has an interval service when it is necessary. The length of the Interval Serv- ices (max.
  • Page 65
    Cockpit The multifunction system uses two automatic memories: 1 — Trip Information in the multifunction display (MFI)* memory and 2 — Total memory. The selected memory will be shown in the upper right-hand corner of the display. Selecting a memory ⇒ …
  • Page 66
    Cockpit Memory displays The speed may be altered using the rocker switch in steps of 5 km/h (mph) within 5 seconds of the initial memory value. ● Distance ● Average speed — Journey duration ● Driving speed The display shows the amount of time which has elapsed since the ignition was switched on.
  • Page 67
    Cockpit more than 20 km/h (12 mph) (ice warning). This symbol will flash for about Note 10 seconds and remains lit until the outside temperature rises above +4 °C (+39.2 °F) or +6 °C (+42.8 °F) if it was already lit. In the case of screens without warning or information messages, faults are indicated exclusively by the control lamps.
  • Page 68
    Cockpit If several priority 2 warning messages are detected at the same time, the symbols are displayed one after the other for about 2 seconds at a time. Af- ter a set time, the information text will disappear and the symbol will be shown as a reminder at the side of the display.
  • Page 69: Instrument Panel Menus

    Cockpit Instrument panel menus* Example of menu use All the menus on the instrument panel may be used accord- ing to the following procedure. The instrument panel menus may vary according to the version of the model. Fig. 45 Steering wheel controls: button A to con- firm the menu selection and switch B to change…

  • Page 70
    Cockpit 2. Access the Configuration menu with the steering wheel controls +10 km/h (mph) The set value increases by 10 km/h (mph) ⇒  F ig. 45 – To access the “Configuration” menu, press button -10 km/h (mph) The set value decreases by 10 km/h (mph) until the menu is displayed.
  • Page 71
    Cockpit Main menu Open main menu – Switch the ignition on. The menu provides access to the different display functions (only with the MFI lever). – Press and hold the eject button for at least two seconds. It may be necessary to repeat this operation until the main menu is displayed.
  • Page 72
    In vehicles fitted with a radio navigation sys- tem, this menu is available in the central unit (navi- the journey and fuel consumption. gator) ⇒  B ooklet SEAT Media System. Vehicle condition This menu displays current warning or information texts: “Vehicle status menu”…
  • Page 73
    Cockpit Resetting a memory The maximum display value in both memories is 19 hours and 59 minutes. The memory will automatically be deleted once this value has been – Select the memory where you wish to erase the values. reached. –…
  • Page 74
    Cockpit warning is activated. If the set speed is exceeded, an audible warning is – Press button on the multifunction steering wheel*   heard and a warning message is displayed until the speed is reduced to at ⇒  F ig. 45 until the Vehicle Status menu is displayed.
  • Page 75
    ⇒  p age 70 ● SEAT dealerships are able to programme other functions or change the Convenience This menu allows you to make the settings for existing functions depending upon the vehicle equipment.
  • Page 76
    Cockpit Lights and visibility menu Displayed on the Function screen From this menu it is it possible to alter the vehicle lighting Central locking. One door: individual unlocking activated. settings. Auto lock: The doors are automatically locked when the vehicle is travelling at more than approx 15 km/h (10 mph).
  • Page 77
    Cockpit Note For electronic and vehicle equipment one or more of these menus will be displayed.  Safety First Operating Instructions Practical Tips Technical Specifications…
  • Page 78: Warning Lamps

    Cockpit Warning lamps Overview of the warning lamps The control lamps indicate a number of different functions and possible faults. Fig. 49 Instrument panel warning and control lamps. Some of the items of equipment listed here are fitted only on certain model versions or are optional extras. …

  • Page 79
    If flashing: the Electronic Stability Con-   ⇒  p age 19 ⇒  p age 87 Fasten seat belts! trol (ESC) is working or the ASR is work- ⇒  p age 87 ⇒  p age 167 ⇒  p age 83 …
  • Page 80
    Cockpit If several priority 1 faults are detected at the same time, the symbols will be WARNING displayed one after the other for about 2 seconds at a time and will contin- ue until the fault is corrected. ● Failure to observe control lamps and warning messages can result in serious personal injury or damage to your vehicle.
  • Page 81
    Cockpit Information messages displayed on the screen* Warning: Start-Stop system activated. Switch off the ignition SWITCH OFF when you leave the vehicle. STOP TRANS- Message Description MISSION Warning: Stop the engine. Gearbox overheated. The service interval has ended. Take the vehicle to a Techni- SERVICE TOO HOT cal Service.
  • Page 82
    Cockpit Coolant level*/temperature  WARNING The warning lamp lights up if the coolant temperature is too ● If your vehicle is immobilised for technical reasons, move it to a safe high or if the coolant level is too low. distance from traffic. Turn the engine off, turn the hazard lights on and place the warning triangle.
  • Page 83
    Cockpit For further information on the turn signals, please see ⇒  p age 119. Main beam headlights   This control lamp lights up when the main beams are on. Engine management*  The warning lamp  is switched on once main beams are on or once the headlight flasher is operating.
  • Page 84
    Cockpit Anti-lock brake system (ABS)*  WARNING A control lamp monitors the ABS. ● Before opening the bonnet, read and observe the warnings on ⇒  p age 222, Working in the engine compartment. The control lamp  should light up for a few seconds when the ignition is ●…
  • Page 85
    Cockpit Alternator  Tyre pressure  This warning lamp signals a fault in the alternator. The tyre pressure control system controls the tyre speed and the frequency spectrum of each tyre. The warning lamp  lights up when the ignition is switched on. It should go out when the engine has started running.
  • Page 86
    Cockpit Tyre pressure adjustment Bulb defect  Following the modification to tyre pressure or after changing one or more The warning lamp lights up when a bulb in the vehicle’s ex- ⇒  F ig. 50 wheels, the button must be kept pressed while the ignition is on terior lighting is defective.
  • Page 87
    Cockpit Engine oil pressure  WARNING If this warning lamp is red it indicates that the engine oil ● Before opening the bonnet, read and observe the warnings on pressure is too low. ⇒  p age 222. ● If the brake warning lamp does not go out, or if it lights up when driv- If this warning symbol starts to flash, and is accompanied by three audible ing, the brake fluid level ⇒ …
  • Page 88
    Cockpit Indicator for open doors or rear lid*  For those vehicles fitted with ESC*, the “Steering manoeuvre recommenda- tion” function is included. See ⇒  p age 189.  This warning lamp lights up if one of the doors or the rear lid is open.
  • Page 89
    Cockpit Electronic Stability Control (ESC)*  /  Differential lock fault (EDL)* There are two control lamps for the electronic stability con- The EDL operates along with the ABS in vehicles equipped trol. The  lamp provides information concerning the func- with the Electronic Stability Control (ESC)* tion and the …
  • Page 90
    ⇒  p age 169. The engine can, however, be started if the appropriate coded SEAT genuine key is used. Note A perfect operation of the vehicle is ensured if genuine SEAT keys are used.  Depending on the version of the model.
  • Page 91: General Information

    Steering wheel controls Steering wheel controls General information The steering wheel includes a multifunction module from where it is possi- ble to control the audio, telephone and radio navigation functions, and the automatic gearbox*, without needing to distract the driver. There are three versions of the multifunction module: ●…

  • Page 92: Audio System

    Steering wheel controls Audio system Steering wheel audio version controls Fig. 52 Steering wheel Fig. 51 Controls on the controls (depending on steering wheel version of model) Button Radio CD/MP3/USB*/iPod* Volume up Volume up Volume up Volume down Volume down Volume down Next track Search for next station…

  • Page 93
    Steering wheel controls Next preset Change folder No function specified I b) Change menu on instrument panel Change menu on instrument panel Change menu on instrument panel Previous preset Change folder No function specified J b) Change menu on instrument panel Change menu on instrument panel Change menu on instrument panel Operates on instrument panel…
  • Page 94
    Steering wheel controls Next track Search for next station No function specified No function specified Hold down: Fast forward Previous track Search for last station No function specified No function specified Hold down: Rewind Make call Accept incoming call Access telephone menu on instrument Access telephone menu on instru- Access telephone menu on in- End call…
  • Page 95: Radio Navigation System

    Steering wheel controls Radio navigation system Steering wheel Audio + Telephone controls Fig. 56 Steering wheel Fig. 55 Controls on the controls (depending on steering wheel version of model) Button Radio CD/MP3/USB*/iPod* NAVIGATOR TELEPHONE Volume up Volume up Volume up Volume up Volume up Volume down…

  • Page 96
    Operates on instrument panel panel/No function speci- panel panel fied For a more detailed description of how to use this button, please refer to the Radio navigation System User Handbook (SEAT Media System)  Only if the panel is in Audio menu.
  • Page 97: Central Locking

    Opening and closing Opening and closing Central locking Locking the vehicle* ⇒  F ig. 62 – Press button on the remote control to lock all doors and  the rear lid or turn the key in the door to lock all doors and the rear lid. Basic functions WARNING The central locking system enables you to lock and unlock…

  • Page 98
    Opening and closing The doors can be unlocked and opened from the inside if the deadlock has Note not been activated. You will have to pull the door release lever once. When ● While the driver door is open, the vehicle cannot be locked with the re- the Safe deadlock function is off, the anti-theft alarm* remains active.
  • Page 99
    Opening and closing Automatic speed dependent locking and unlocking system* prevents the vehicle from remaining unlocked if the unlock button is press- ed by mistake.  This is a safety system which prevent the access to the vehi- cle from the outside when it is running (for example, when stopped at a traffic light).
  • Page 100
    Opening and closing Locking the vehicle WARNING (Continued) ⇒  . – Press the button  ● When the vehicle is locked from the outside (with the remote control or the key). Unlocking the doors ● While the ignition is not activated after unlocking the door lock cylin- –…
  • Page 101
    Opening and closing Emergency manual locking Unlocking the manually (emergency) locked driver door Insert the key in the door lock cylinder and rotate anticlockwise for the left This permits mechanical locking of the doors in case of cen- hand side doors and clockwise for the right hand side doors. tral locking system failure.
  • Page 102
    Opening and closing Childproof lock This function is independent of the vehicle electronic opening and locking systems. It only affects rear doors. It can only be activated The childproof lock prevents the rear doors from being and deactivated manually, as described below: opened from the inside.
  • Page 103: Keys

    Opening and closing Keys WARNING ● An incorrect use of the keys can cause serious injuries. Set of keys ● Never leave children or disabled persons in the vehicle. In case of emergency, they may not be able to leave the vehicle or manage on their The set of keys includes a remote control, a key without a re- own.

  • Page 104: Radio Frequency Remote Control

    Opening and closing Radio frequency remote control Locking and unlocking the vehicle The radio frequency remote control key is used to lock and unlock the vehicle from a distance. Fig. 63 Range of the ra- dio frequency remote control ⇒  F ig. 62 Using the button (arrow) on the control, the key blade is released.

  • Page 105
    Opening and closing Changing the battery WARNING If the battery indicator does not flash when the buttons are pushed, the bat- ● An improper use of the key can cause serious injuries. tery must be replaced. ● Never leave children or disabled persons in the vehicle. In case of emergency, they may not be able to leave the vehicle or manage on their own.
  • Page 106: Anti-Theft Alarm System

    Opening and closing Anti-theft alarm system* ● Unfold the key by pressing the button shown by the (arrow). ● Use the lock on the driver door to unlock the vehicle. The anti-theft alarm system remains active, but an alarm is not triggered immediately. Description of anti-theft alarm system* ●…

  • Page 107
    Opening and closing Activation – It is automatically turned on with the anti-theft alarm, when the vehicle is locked mechanically with the key and when the but- on the remote control is used.  Deactivation – Press the button on the remote control twice. Only the volu- …
  • Page 108: Rear Lid

    Opening and closing Rear lid Unlocking and locking The rear lid opening system operates electrically. It is activa- ted by using the handle on the rear lid. Fig. 65 Close-up of the inside trim of the rear lid: hand grip Opening the rear lid ⇒ …

  • Page 109
    Opening and closing Emergency opening WARNING This allows the vehicle to be opened if the central locking ● Always close the rear lid properly. Risk of accident or injury. does not operate (for example, if the battery is flat) ● The rear lid must not be opened when the reverse or rear fog lights are lit.
  • Page 110: Windows

    Opening and closing Windows Buttons on the driver door Button for window in front left door Button for window in front right door Opening or closing the electric windows Buttons for rear windows* The front and rear electric windows can be operated by us- Safety switch for deactivating the electric window buttons in the rear ing the controls on the driver door.

  • Page 111
    Opening and closing ⇒  F ig. 67 The buttons have two levels for opening the window WARNING (Continued) and two for closing it. This makes it easier to open and close windows to the ● The electric windows will work until the key has been removed from desired position.
  • Page 112: Sliding/Tilting Sunroof

    Opening and closing Using the remote control WARNING – Push the lock button on the remote control for about 3 seconds. ● Incorrect use of the electric windows can result in injury. All windows which function electrically will be either opened or ●…

  • Page 113
    Opening and closing Closing the sliding/tilting sunroof WARNING (Continued) ⇒  F ig. 68 ⇒  . – Turn the rotary button to position ● Never leave children or disabled persons in the vehicle, particularly if they have access to the keys. Unsupervised use of a key could mean that Opening the sliding/tilting sunroof the engine is started or that electrical equipment is used (e.g.
  • Page 114
    Opening and closing Roll-back function of the sliding/tilting sunroof* Fig. 69 Roof lining de- scription: sliding/tilting sunroof rotary knob The sliding/tilting sunroof has a roll-back function which prevents larger ob- jects getting trapped when the roof is closed. The roll-back function does not prevent fingers getting pinched against the roof opening.
  • Page 115: Lights And Visibility

    Lights and visibility Lights and visibility Lights Switching on front fog lights* – Pull the switch out of position  or  to the first stop. The symbol  in the light switch lights up. Switching lights on and off  Switching on the rear fog lights (vehicles with front fog lights) –…

  • Page 116
    Lights and visibility ● If you are towing a trailer equipped with a rear fog light on a vehicle with Automatic lighting a factory-fitted towing bracket, the rear fog light on the vehicle will automat- If automatic headlight control is switched on, dipped beam headlights are ically be switched off.
  • Page 117
    Lights and visibility Daytime lights* dipped lights (e.g. on coming out of the tunnel), the daytime lights come back on. The daytime light reduces the risk of accidents by increasing Activating the daytime lights the visibility of the vehicle. The daytime running lights are With the ignition switched off, move the turn signal and main beam lever enabled automatically when the ignition is switched on.
  • Page 118
    Lights and visibility ● the light control is in position  and Note ● the photosensor detects “darkness”. Please observe any relevant legal requirements which may apply in your country. The Leaving Home lighting switches off in the following cases: …
  • Page 119: Light Intensity Regulator For The Instruments And Controls

    Lights and visibility Instrument and switch lighting / Headlight range control same time, by using the correct headlight settings, the driver has the best possible lighting for the road ahead. The headlights can only be adjusted when the dipped beam is switched on. To lower the beam, turn the thumb wheel down from the basic setting 0.

  • Page 120: Hazard Warning Light Switch

    Lights and visibility Dynamic cornering lights* (AFS) Hazard warning lights  The dynamic cornering lights only operate if the vehicle is travelling at more The hazard warning lights are used to draw the attention of than 10 km/h (6 mph) and the dipped headlights are on. When taking a other road users to your vehicle in emergencies.

  • Page 121
    Lights and visibility 7. Always take the vehicle key with you when you leave the vehi- Note cle. ● The battery will run down if the hazard warning lights are left on for a long time, even if the ignition is switched off. Switch on the hazard warning lights to warn other road users, for example: ●…
  • Page 122
    Lights and visibility Signalling a lane change Note – Push the lever up or down to the point where you incur ● The turn signals only work when the ignition is switched on. The corre- resistance and then release it. The turn signal will flash several sponding warning lamp …
  • Page 123: Interior Lights

    Lights and visibility Interior lights Note If not all the vehicle doors are closed, the interior lights will be switched off after approx. 10 minutes, providing the ignition key has been removed and Front interior light type 1 the courtesy light position selected. This prevents the battery from dis- charging.

  • Page 124
    Lights and visibility Interior light switched off O ⇒  F ig. Push the switch to position O Note If not all the vehicle doors are closed, the interior lights will be switched off after approx. 10 minutes, providing the ignition key has been removed and the courtesy light position selected.
  • Page 125: Visibility

    Lights and visibility Rear interior and reading lights* Note If not all the vehicle doors are closed, the interior lights will be switched off after approx. 10 minutes, providing the ignition key has been removed and the courtesy light position selected. This prevents the battery from dis- charging.

  • Page 126: Windscreen Wipers

    Lights and visibility Windscreen wipers The light* in the roof lining will go out when the vanity mirror cover is push- ed back or the sun visor is pushed back up. Front windscreen wipers  Note The roof lamp will turn off about 10 minutes following the removal of the ig- The window wiper lever controls the windscreen wipers and nition key.

  • Page 127
    Lights and visibility Slow wipe WARNING – Move the lever up to position ● Worn and dirty wiper blades reduce visibility and safety levels while driving. Continuous wipe ● In cold conditions, you should not use the wash/wipe system unless –…
  • Page 128
    Lights and visibility ● When the “interval wipe function” is on, the intervals are directly propor- tional to the speed. This way, the higher the vehicle speed the shorter the intervals. ● The wiper will try to wipe away any obstacles that are on the windscreen. The wiper will stop moving if the obstacle blocks its path.
  • Page 129
    Lights and visibility Rear window wiper  – Release the lever. The wiper then wipes for approximately 4 sec- onds, and then in intervals again. The window wiper lever operates the windscreen wiper and – Release the lever. The washer system stops and the wipers the wash and wipe system for the rear window.
  • Page 130: Rear Vision Mirrors

    Lights and visibility main beams are switched on. Clean off stubborn dirt (insects, etc.) from the Automatic anti-dazzle interior mirror* headlights at regular intervals, for instance when filling the fuel tank. The automatic anti-dazzle function can be switched on and off as desired.

  • Page 131: Exterior Mirror Adjustment

    Lights and visibility 3. Turn knob to position R (right exterior mirror). Note 4. Swivel the rotary knob to position the exterior mirror so that you ● The automatic anti-dazzle function will only work properly if the sun have a good view to the rear of the vehicle ⇒  . blind* for the rear window is retracted and there are no other objects pre- venting light from reaching the rear vision mirror.

  • Page 132
    Lights and visibility 2. Turn the rotary knob to position the exterior mirror so that you have a good view to the rear of the vehicle. The right exterior mirror will be adjusted at the same time (synchronised). WARNING ● Convex or aspheric mirrors increase the field of vision however the objects appear smaller and further away in the mirrors.
  • Page 133: Seats And Storage

    ● Always keep your feet on the footwell when the vehicle is moving; Proper seat adjustment optimises the level of protection of- never rest them on the dash panel, out of the window or on the seat. This fered by seat belts and airbags.

  • Page 134: Head Restraints

    Fig. 90 Side view: head restraints and seat belts correctly adjusted – Adjust the head restraint so that the top is at the same level as the top of your head or as close as possible to the same level as ⇒ …

  • Page 135
    Seats and storage Removing or adjusting head restraints – Make sure that the head restraint engages securely in one of its positions ⇒  p age 14. The head restraints can be adjusted by moving them up and down. Angle adjustment (front seats) –…
  • Page 136: Front Seats

    WARNING ● Never adjust the driver or front passenger seat while the vehicle is in motion. While adjusting your seat, you will assume an incorrect sitting position. Risk of fatal accidents. Adjust the driver or front passenger seat only when the vehicle is stationary.

  • Page 137: Left Seat Heating Button

    LED goes out (level 0). The seat heating only works when the ignition is switched on. The left Fig. 93 Thumb wheel for thumb wheel controls the left seat and the right thumb wheel the right seat. the front seat heating CAUTION To avoid damaging the heating elements, please do not kneel on the seat or apply sharp pressure at a single point to the seat cushion and backrest.

  • Page 138: Rear Seats

    This could in- crease the risk of an accident and therefore, injury. ● Do not push the backrests down when the seat is moved, this is to avoid damage to the centre console.

  • Page 139
    In this position the backrest is locked. This is the reason why the loop loca- ted on the side of the seat must be pulled in the direction of the arrow to WARNING open the backrest.
  • Page 140: Storage Compartment

    Seats and storage Storage compartment Centre armrest at front with storage compartment There is a storage compartment in the armrest. Storage compartment on the front passenger side Fig. 100 Front armrest with storage compart- ment Fig. 99 Passenger side: storage compartment –…

  • Page 141
    Stowage areas under the front seats* Folding tray* There is a storage compartment with a cover under each Folding trays are fitted to the rear of the front seat backrests. front seat. Fig. 102 Folding tray on Fig. 101 Storage com-…
  • Page 142
    Seats and storage Roof storage compartment* Storage in the luggage compartment* There are four storage compartments in the roof There is a variable storage compartment* in the luggage compartment floor. Fig. 103 Roof storage Fig. 104 Variable lug- compartments gage compartment floor storage compartment –…
  • Page 143
    Seats and storage – Lift the luggage compartment floor and fold it back all the way Luggage compartment net* ⇒  F ig. 104. There is a storage net in the luggage compartment for secur- ⇒  F ig. – Fit the separator 105, into the side grooves depend- ing objects.
  • Page 144: Cup Holder Compartment

    Seats and storage ● in the side trims of the luggage compartment, Front drinks holders ● in the spare wheel recess in the luggage compartment (only on vehicles with an optional anti-puncture kit*. The clothes hooks are located on the rear roof handles. WARNING ●…

  • Page 145
    Seats and storage Rear drink holder*/ Armrest* – To close, lift the Drink holder*/ armrest* in the direction of the ⇒  F ig. 109 arrow WARNING Ensure that the load in the luggage compartment is correctly secured with the retainer net when travelling with the armrest down ⇒  p age 141. …
  • Page 146
    Multi-purpose mobile storage compartment* — Fitting and Fitting mobile storage compartment removal – Fold down the small section of the rear seat backrest, in order to access the large section of the backrest. This storage compartment may only be placed in the central area of the rear seat –…
  • Page 147
    112. This storage compartment may only be placed in the central Closing area of the rear seat – Push the cover down, until it clips into place. Uses of the mobile storage compartment ● The front open glove compartment may be used to store small objects that will not damage passengers in the event that the objects are flung around the interior of the vehicle.
  • Page 148: Ashtrays*, Cigarette Lighter* And Electrical Sockets

    Seats and storage Ashtrays*, cigarette lighter* and electrical WARNING (Continued) sockets ● When the vehicle is moving, keep the tables stored inside the mobile storage compartment with the cover closed, and likewise when they are not in use Ashtray* ● Never place hot drinks in the cup holders. The drink may spill and cause burns when the vehicle is moving.

  • Page 149
    Seats and storage Cigarette lighter* Electrical sockets Electrical equipment can be connected to any of the 12 volt sockets. Fig. 115 The cigarette lighter is located in the power socket on the front of the centre console ⇒  F ig. 115 to activate it ⇒ …
  • Page 150
    Seats and storage Electrical accessories may be connected to the 12 volt power socket in the Auxiliary audio connection (AUX-IN)* ⇒  F ig. 116 front centre console and in the luggage compartment* ⇒  F ig. 117. The appliances connected to each power point must not exceed a power rating of 120 Watt.
  • Page 151: First-Aid Kit, Warning Triangle, Fire Extinguisher

    Seats and storage AUX RSE connection* MEDIA-IN connector* Fig. 120 Connection in Fig. 119 AUX RSE con- central armrest compart- nection ment This connector may be used as an audio input (red and white connectors) or For information concerning the use of this equipment, please see the Radio audio and video connector (red, white and yellow connectors).

  • Page 152: Luggage Compartment

    Seats and storage Luggage compartment Note ● The warning triangle and the first aid kit do not belong to the standard vehicle equipment. Storing objects ● The first aid kit must comply with legal requirements. All luggage must be securely stowed. ●…

  • Page 153
    Seats and storage CAUTION Hard objects on the shelf could chafe against the wires of the heating ele- ment in the rear window and cause damage. Note The ventilation slots in front of the rear side windows must not be covered as this would prevent stale air being extracted from the vehicle.
  • Page 154
    Roof rack* Please observe the following points if you intend to carry loads on the roof: ● For safety reasons, only luggage racks and accessories supplied by SEAT Official Services should be used. ● It is essential that you follow the assembly instructions included with…
  • Page 155
    Seats and storage ● Distribute the load evenly. A maximum load of 40 kg only is permitted for each roof rack system support bar, the load must be distributed evenly along the entire length. However, the maximum load permitted for the en- tire roof (including the support system) of 75 kg must not be exceeded nor should the total weight of the vehicle be exceeded.
  • Page 156: Air Conditioning

    Air conditioning Air conditioning Heating Operating instructions Fig. 125 Heating controls on the dash panel ⇒  F ig. 125 – Use the knobs and control to set the Heated rear window  temperature, air distribution and blower speed. This function will be switched off automatically approximately 20 mi- nutes after being switched on.

  • Page 157
    Air conditioning Air distribution Control for setting the flow of air in the required direction.  – Air distribution towards the windscreen. If the windscreen air output is on and the air recirculation mode is pressed, this remains active. When the recirculation mode is on, if the air distribution towards the windscreen mode is selected, the recirculation mode is deactivated.
  • Page 158: Climatic

    Air conditioning Climatic* Controls Fig. 126 On the dash panel: Climatic controls – Air recirculation mode ⇒  p age 158 The climatic or semi-automatic air conditioning system only works Button  when the engine is running and the blower is switched on. Air distribution control ⇒ …

  • Page 159
    Air conditioning Heating and cooling the interior Fig. 127 On the dash panel: Climatic controls Interior heating – Use the air distribution control to guide the flow of air in the re- quired direction: (to the windscreen), (to the upper ⇒ …
  • Page 160
    Air conditioning ● The engine is not running. ● The air conditioner fuse is faulty. ● The blower is switched off. ● Another fault in the vehicle. Have the air conditioner checked by a speci- alised workshop.  ● The outside temperature is below +3 °C. ●…
  • Page 161: 2C-Climatronic

    Air conditioning WARNING In air recirculation mode, no cold air from the outside enters the vehicle interior. If the air conditioning system is switched off, the windows can quickly mist over. Therefore, never leave the air recirculation mode switched on for a long time (risk of accident). …

  • Page 162
    Air conditioning – The functions will be switched on when its buttons are pressed. WARNING When these functions are activated, they are indicated on the radio display. In addition, all these functions are lit with LEDs. For road safety all windows must be clear of ice, snow, and condensation. Press the button again to switch off the function.
  • Page 163
    Air conditioning Viewing Climatronic information The LEDs on the Climatronic controls indicate that the selected function has been activated. Information about the Climatronic system can be displayed In addition, the radio or radio and navigation displays mounted at factory on the radio or radio and navigation screen mounted at fac- briefly display the current settings of the Climatronic if any are modified.
  • Page 164
    Air conditioning Climatronic maintains a constant temperature. The temperature of the air Note supplied to the interior, the blower speed and the air distribution are regu- lated automatically. The system also considers the sunlight radiation, so There are two automatic modes: there is no need for manual readjustment.
  • Page 165
    Air conditioning Switching on manual mode When the button is off, the air conditioning system is switched off to save fuel. The temperature continues to self-regulate. The set temperature ⇒  F ig. 132 – To enter manual mode, press one of the buttons can then only be reached if it is higher than the outside temperature.
  • Page 166: General Notes

    Air conditioning With high outside temperatures, the air recirculation increases the effective- comfort for the vehicle occupants and prevents misting of the windows ness of the air conditioning system by cooling the air inside the vehicle when the ambient air humidity is high. rather than the ambient air.

  • Page 167
    Air conditioning ● The air conditioner operates most effectively with the windows and the sliding/tilting sunroof* closed. However, if the temperature inside the vehi- cle is excessive because of the sun, the air inside can be cooled faster by opening the windows for a short time. ●…
  • Page 168: Driving

    The height and reach of the steering wheel can be freely ad- justed to suit the driver. Fig. 134 Proper sitting position for driver – Adjust the driver seat to the correct position. ⇒  F ig. 133 down ⇒  . – Push the lever under the steering column –…

  • Page 169: Safety

    Driving Safety WARNING (Continued) ● Adjust the driver seat or steering wheel so that there is a distance of ⇒  F ig. at least 25 cm between the steering wheel and your chest 134. If Electronic Stability Control (ESC)* you fail to observe the minimum distance, the airbag will not protect you.

  • Page 170: Ignition Lock

    Driving Ignition lock ● When driving with snow chains. ● When driving in deep snow or on loose surfaces. ● When the vehicle is stuck, to rock it backwards and forwards. Position of the ignition key Press the button to switch the ASR back on when you no longer need wheel spin.

  • Page 171: Starting And Stopping The Engine

    The engine is started when the key is in this position. Electrical components with a high power consumption are switched off temporarily. The engine can only be started using a genuine SEAT key with its correct code. Every time the vehicle is started again, the ignition key must be turned to position .

  • Page 172
    If the engine still does not start, the fuel pump fuse should be checked ⇒  p age 258, Fuses. The engine can only be started using a genuine SEAT key with its correct code.
  • Page 173: Start-Stop Function

    Driving temperature increases due to the heat accumulated in the engine compart- WARNING ment or due to its prolonged exposure to solar radiation. ● Never start or run the engine in unventilated or closed rooms. The ex- haust gases contain carbon monoxide, an odourless and colourless poi- WARNING sonous gas.

  • Page 174
    ⇒  F ig. 132 ● If in an increase in airflow is required for more than three presses. ● The driver seat belt must be buckled. ● The bonnet must be closed. ● Temperature setting is selected. ● The engine must be at operating temperature.
  • Page 175
    Driving Activating and deactivating the Start-Stop function Driver messages Fig. 138 Display on the instrument panel during Fig. 137 The Start-Stop Start-Stop function oper- function button. ation. Every time the ignition is switched on, the Start-Stop function is au- When the engine is turned off by the Start-Stop function, this is displayed on the instrument panel.
  • Page 176: Manual Gearbox

    Driving Manual gearbox Engaging the reverse gear – The vehicle should be stationary with the engine idling. Press the clutch down thoroughly. Driving with a manual gearbox – Place the gearbox lever into neutral and push the lever down- wards. –…

  • Page 177: Automatic Gearbox* / Dsg Automatic Gearbox

    Driving Automatic gearbox* / DSG automatic Driving programmes gearbox* The automatic gearbox / DSG automatic gearbox has three programmes. Selector lever positions Fig. 141 Centre console: Fig. 142 Programme se- Selector lever for auto- lection matic gearbox / DSG au- tomatic gearbox Selecting the economy programme –…

  • Page 178
    Driving speeds to use the full power of the engine. This programme is not recom- The lock is only activated when the vehicle is stopped or at a speed of less mended for use on the motorway or in the city. than 5 km/h (3 mph).
  • Page 179
    Driving – Press the button on the selector lever knob (on the left – Do not try to slow the vehicle using another forward gear (en- ⇒  F ig. 144). gine braking). – Select a gear for driving (R, D or S). Descending gradients –…
  • Page 180
    Driving Changing gear in tiptronic mode* WARNING (Continued) ● The footbrake must not be held for a long period of time, not even The tiptronic system allows the driver to select gears man- lightly; continuous braking will cause overheating of the brakes and a re- ually duction or even a loss of braking power and a significant increase in braking distances.
  • Page 181
    Driving Changing gear with the selector lever again, press the right paddle lever towards the steering wheel for ap- + OFF proximately one second. You will also leave tiptronic mode if the paddle lev- – Put the lever in position D and press towards the right to enter ers are not moved for a certain time.
  • Page 182: Handbrake

    Driving Handbrake Always apply the handbrake as far as it will go in order to prevent yourself from driving with the handbrake applied by mistake ⇒  The handbrake warning lamp  lights up when the handbrake is applied Using the handbrake and the ignition switched on.

  • Page 183
    Driving – Apply the handbrake. Hill-start aid* – Select first gear. This function is only included in vehicles with ESC. – Switch the engine off and remove the key from the ignition. Turn This device helps when starting uphill. the steering wheel slightly to engage the steering lock. These are the basic operation conditions: doors closed, brake pedal press- –…
  • Page 184: Parking Aid Acoustic System

    Driving Parking aid acoustic system* Possible faults If a continuous beep sounds for some seconds when the reverse gear is en- gaged, this indicates that there is a fault in the parking aid system. Rear parking aid If the fault continues until the ignition is turned off, the audible warning of The parking aid system will use an audible warning to indi- the fault will not be emitted every time the system is reactivated (by engag- ing the reverse gear).

  • Page 185: Cruise Speed* (Cruise Control System)

    Driving ● Be especially careful when manoeuvring into a corner between two per- WARNING (Continued) pendicular walls. Carefully watch the approach of the wall to the side of the ● Always switch the cruise control system off after using it in order to vehicle (using the mirrors).

  • Page 186
    Driving Switching off the cruise control system When you release the rocker switch, the current speed is set and held con- stant.  – Either push the switch to the right to OFF or turn the ignition off when the vehicle is stationary. When the cruise control is on and a speed is programmed, the indicator …
  • Page 187
    Driving Setting a lower speed Switching off cruise control temporarily* – Press the lower part SET/– of the rocker switch to reduce the speed. The vehicle will automatically reduce its speed for as long as you keep the switch pressed. When you release the switch, the new speed is stored.
  • Page 188
    Driving Complete system deactivation* Fig. 152 Turn signal and main beam headlight lev- er: switch and rocker switch for the cruise con- trol Vehicles with a manual gearbox The system is completely turned off by moving the control all the way to the right hand side (OFF engaged), or when the vehicle is stationary, igni- tion off.
  • Page 189: Practical Tips

    Intelligent technology Practical Tips Intelligent technology Brakes Hydraulic Brake Assist (HBA)* The function (Hydraulic Brake Assist HBA) is only included in Brake servo vehicles with ESC. The brake servo increases the pressure you apply to the brake pedal. It In an emergency, most drivers brake in time, but not with maximum force. works only when the engine is running.

  • Page 190: Anti-Lock Brake And Traction Control Systems M- 124 Abs (Abs And Asr)

    Intelligent technology If you brake hard on a slippery road surface, the best possible control is re- WARNING tained as the wheels do not lock. ● The risk of accident is higher if you drive too fast, if you do not keep However, ABS will not necessarily guarantee shorter braking distances in all your distance to the vehicle in front, and when the road surface is slip- conditions.

  • Page 191: Electronic Stability Control (Esc)

    Intelligent technology The ASR automatically switches on when the engine is started. If necessary, XDS* it may be turned on or off pushing the button on the centre console. Driveshaft differential When the ASR is switched off, the warning lamp will light up. The ASR …

  • Page 192
    Intelligent technology Electronic Stability Control (ESC*) CAUTION The ESC reduces the risk of skidding by braking the wheels individually. ● To ensure that the ESC works correctly, all four wheels must be fitted with the same tyres. Any differences in the rolling radius of the tyres can The system uses the steering wheel angle and road speed to calculate the cause the system to reduce engine power when this is not desired.
  • Page 193
    Intelligent technology To prevent the disc brake of the braking wheel from overheating, the EDL All-wheel drive* cuts out automatically if subjected to excessive loads. The vehicle will con- tinue to function normally without EDL. For this reason, the driver is not in- On all-wheel drive models, the engine power is distributed formed that the EDL has been switched off.
  • Page 194
    Intelligent technology Wet roads or road salt WARNING In certain conditions, such as in heavy rain, or after washing the vehicle or driving through water, the full braking effect can be delayed by moisture (or ● Even with all-wheel drive, you should always adjust your speed to in winter by ice) on the discs and brake pads.
  • Page 195
    Intelligent technology Power steering (servotronic*) WARNING Power steering makes it easier to turn the steering wheel ● Apply the brakes heavily to clean the brake system only in a suitable when the engine is running. traffic situation. Be sure not to inconvenience or endanger other road users.
  • Page 196
    Intelligent technology Note ● If the power steering should fail at any time or the engine is switched off (for instance when being towed), the vehicle can still be steered. However, more effort will be required to turn the steering wheel. ●…
  • Page 197: Driving And The Environment

    Driving and the environment Driving and the environment Running-in Braking capacity and braking distance The braking capacity and braking distance are influenced by Running in a new engine driving situations and road conditions. The engine needs to be run in over the first 1500 km The efficiency of the brakes depends directly on the brake pad wear.

  • Page 198: Exhaust Gas Purification System

    Driving and the environment – For engine oil changes, do not replenish with too much engine WARNING (Continued) oil ⇒  p age 227, Topping up engine oil . ● On steep slopes, if brakes are excessively used, they will overheat. Before driving down a long steep slope, it is advisable to reduce speed –…

  • Page 199: Economical And Environmentally Friendly Driving

    Driving and the environment Diesel engine particulate filter* WARNING The diesel engine particulate filter eliminates soot produced ● The diesel engine particulate filter may reach extremely high temper- by burning diesel. atures; the vehicle should be parked so that the exhaust pipe does not come into contact with flammable materials underneath the vehicle.

  • Page 200
     A badly serviced engine can consume up to 10% more fuel than necessary.
  • Page 201: Driving Abroad

    ● The use of water-soluble paints  Environmental friendliness Environmental protection is a top priority in the design, choice of materials and production of your new Seat. Driving abroad Design measures for economical recycling ● Joints and connections designed for easy dismantling Observations ●…

  • Page 202
    Driving and the environment SEAT importers and distributors will gladly provide information about the technical preparations that you vehicle requires and also about necessary maintenance and repair possibilities.  Adhesive strips for headlights If you have to drive a right-hand drive vehicle in a left-hand drive country, or vice versa, the asymmetric dipped beam headlights will dazzle oncoming traffic.
  • Page 203: Trailer Towing

    Trailer towing Trailer towing Instructions to follow The figures for trailer weights and drawbar loads that are given on the data plate of the towing bracket are for certification purposes only. The correct figures for your specific model, which may be lower than these figures for Your vehicle may be used to tow a trailer when fitted with the correct equip- the towing bracket, are given in the vehicle documentation or in ⇒ …

  • Page 204: Ball Coupling Of Towing Bracket

    Trailer towing Driving tips Note ● Towing a trailer places additional demands on the vehicle. We recom- Driving with a trailer always requires extra care. mend additional services between the normal inspection intervals if the ve- hicle is used frequently for towing a trailer. Weight distribution ●…

  • Page 205: Fitting A Towing Bracket

    Trailer towing Fitting a towing bracket* It is possible to fit a towing bracket to the rear of the vehicle. Fig. 154 Attachment points for towing bracket If a towing bracket is to be fitted after the vehicle is purchased, this must be completed according to the instructions of the towing bracket manufacturer.

  • Page 206
    Trailer towing The attachment points for the towing bracket are on the lower part of the WARNING vehicle. The towing brackets should be fitted at a specialised workshop. The distance between the centre of the ball coupling and the ground should ●…
  • Page 207: Vehicle Maintenance And Cleaning

    Vehicle maintenance and cleaning Vehicle maintenance and cleaning General notes WARNING Regular washing and care help maintain the value of your ● Car-care products can be toxic. Because of this, they must always be kept closed in their original container. Keep them out of the reach of chil- vehicle.

  • Page 208: Care Of The Vehicle Exterior

    Vehicle maintenance and cleaning Care of the vehicle exterior Washing by hand Vehicle washing Automatic car wash tunnel – First soften the dirt and rinse it off with water. The vehicle can normally be washed without problem in an – Clean your vehicle from top to bottom with a soft sponge, a automatic car wash.

  • Page 209
    Vehicle maintenance and cleaning Washing the vehicle with a high pressure cleaner WARNING Be particularly careful when using a high pressure cleaner! ● Wash your vehicle with the ignition switched off. ● Protect your hands and arms from cuts on sharp metal edges when –…
  • Page 210
    Vehicle maintenance and cleaning Vehicle paint maintenance Caring for plastic parts Regular waxing protects the paintwork. Solvents damage plastic parts. You need to apply wax to your vehicle if water does not form small drops If normal washing fails to clean plastic parts, clean them with approved sol- and run off the paintwork when it is clean.
  • Page 211
    Vehicle maintenance and cleaning If possible, use a de-icing spray to remove ice. If you use an ice scraper, Rubber seals maintenance push it in one direction only without swinging it. If rubber seals are well looked after, they will not freeze so Use window cleaner or a silicone remover to clean rubber, oil, grease and quickly.
  • Page 212
    Vehicle maintenance and cleaning Every three months CAUTION – Apply a hard wax compound to the wheels. To prevent scratching chrome surfaces: ● Never use an abrasive cleaning product on chrome. Alloy wheels require regular attention to preserve their appearance. If road ●…
  • Page 213: Vehicle Interior Maintenance

    Introduction The dye used in many modern garments, for example dark jeans, is not al- ways sufficiently colour-fast. Seat upholstery (material and leather), espe- cially when light-coloured, may visibly discolour if the dye comes out of clothing (even when used correctly). This is not an upholstery defect but in- dicates that the dye in the item of clothing is not sufficiently colour-fast.

  • Page 214
    ● Some products may give off harmful vapours during use. Therefore, Checklist they should be used outdoors in well-ventilated places. To treat and maintain your seat upholstery, keep the following in mind ⇒  : ● Never use fuel, turpentine, engine oil, nail-varnish remover or any ¥…
  • Page 215
    ● Consult the checklist and carry out the operations it describes. ● Use a vacuum cleaner (with the brush attachment) on the trim and seat ® fabrics, the Alcantara upholstery of the seats and the carpet.
  • Page 216
    ● After cleaning, regularly apply a conditioner with sun-screen and im- pregnating action. These products nourish the leather, soften it and make it ● If the seat gets soaked, take the vehicle immediately to a specialised more breathable, as well as re-hydrating it. They also provide it with a pro- workshop to be dried and for the system components to be inspected.
  • Page 217
    Vehicle maintenance and cleaning Plastic parts and dash panel cleaning CAUTION ● On no account use solvents, wax polish, shoe cream, stain removers or – Use a clean, damp cloth to clean plastic parts and the dash similar materials on leather. panel.
  • Page 218
    WARNING To clean the radio and/or climate controls, use a soft damp cloth. For more ● Do not use chemical cleaning agents on the seat belts, as this can im- resistant dirt, a neutral soap solution may be used. pair the strength of the webbing. Ensure that seat belts do not come into …
  • Page 219: Accessories, Replacement Of Parts And Modifications

    (e.g. cruise control system or electronically-con- ® cal Service using SEAT Original Spare Parts  trolled suspension) must be approved by SEAT and bear the e mark (the Eu- ropean Union’s authorisation symbol). Safety First Operating Instructions…

  • Page 220: Roof Aerial

    10 watts. Here you will receive information concerning the technical possibilities for retrofitting this equipment. Mobile telephones and two-way radios should be only fitted by a special- ised workshop, for example a SEAT dealership.

  • Page 221: Checking And Refilling Levels

    Checking and refilling levels Checking and refilling levels Refuelling Closing the fuel tank cap – Screw the tank cap to the right, until the point of feeling a The tank flap is released manually. The tank holds approxi- “click”. mately 55 litres. For all-wheel drive vehicles, the tank ca- –…

  • Page 222: Petrol

    Checking and refilling levels For the sake of the environment WARNING Do not try to put in more fuel after the automatic filler nozzle has switched ● Fuel is highly flammable and can cause serious burns and other inju- off; this may cause the fuel to overflow if it becomes warm. …

  • Page 223: Diesel

    Checking and refilling levels Biodiesel* For the sake of the environment Just one full tank of leaded fuel would seriously impair the efficiency of the catalytic converter. CAUTION  ● Your vehicle is not designed to use biodiesel fuel. Never, under any cir- cumstances refuel with biodiesel.

  • Page 224: Working In The Engine Compartment

    All service fluids and consumables, e.g. coolant, engine oil, spark plugs place for a while. and batteries, are under constant development. SEAT provides a constant flow of information to the Technical Services concerning modifications. For this reason, we recommend you to have service fluids and consumables re- CAUTION placed by a Technical Service.

  • Page 225
    Checking and refilling levels WARNING (Continued) WARNING (Continued) ● Never touch the radiator fan. It is temperature controlled and could – Never work near naked flames. start automatically, even when the engine has been switched off and the – Always have a fire extinguisher on hand. key removed from the ignition! ●…
  • Page 226
    Checking and refilling levels Opening the bonnet – To release the bonnet, pull the lever under the dash panel ⇒  F ig. 156 in the direction indicated (arrow). The bonnet will be The bonnet is released from inside the vehicle. released by a spring action ⇒ …
  • Page 227: Engine Oil

    Checking and refilling levels Service intervals WARNING Service intervals can be flexible (LongLife service) or fixed (dependent on time/distance travelled). If the bonnet is not closed properly, it could open while you are driving and completely obscure your view of the road. Risk of accident. If the PR code that appears on the back of the “Maintenance Programme”…

  • Page 228
    Checking and refilling levels Vehicles with diesel particulate filter* Engine oil additives The “Maintenance Programme” states whether your vehicle is fitted with a No type of additive should be mixed with the engine oil. The deterioration diesel particulate filter. caused by these additives is not covered by the warranty. Only VW 507 00 engine oil, with reduced ash formation, may be used in die- Note sel engines equipped with particulate filter.
  • Page 229
    Checking and refilling levels – Briefly run the engine at idle speed until the operating tempera- CAUTION ture is reached and then stop. If the oil level is above the area do not start the engine. This could result in damage to the engine and catalytic converter. Contact a Technical Serv- –…
  • Page 230
    Checking and refilling levels – To avoid over-filling with engine oil, you should top-up using The oil change intervals are shown in the Maintenance Programme. small quantities, wait a while and check the oil level before adding any more oil. WARNING –…
  • Page 231: Coolant

    The original additives should never be mixed with coolants which are not ways be at least 40 %, even in warm climates where anti-freeze protection is approved by SEAT. Otherwise, you run the risk of causing severe damage to not required.

  • Page 232
    Checking and refilling levels Checking the coolant level and topping up  Topping up coolant – Only use new coolant liquid. The correct coolant level is important for fault-free function- ing of the engine cooling system. – Do not fill above the “MAX” mark. Closing the coolant expansion tank –…
  • Page 233: Washer Fluid And Windscreen Wiper Blades

    Checking and refilling levels The windscreen washer and the headlight washers are supplied with fluid CAUTION from the windscreen washer fluid container in the engine compartment. ● When mixed with other additives the colour of G12 will change to brown. The reservoir is located on the right-hand side of the engine compartment.

  • Page 234
    Checking and refilling levels Changing windscreen wiper blades To change the blades it is necessary to change the rest position of the wipers to the service position. If the windscreen wiper blades are in perfect condition, you will benefit from an improved visibility. Damaged wiper Service position (For changing wiper blades) blades should be replaced immediately.
  • Page 235
    Checking and refilling levels Changing the rear wiper blade WARNING A good rear wiper blade is essential for clear rear vision. Do not drive unless you have good visibility through all windows! Damaged wiper blades should be replaced immediately. ● Clean the windscreen wiper blades and all windows regularly. ●…
  • Page 236: Brake Fluid

    Checking and refilling levels Brake fluid WARNING Do not drive unless you have good visibility through all windows! Checking the brake fluid level ● Clean the windscreen wiper blades and all windows regularly. ● The wiper blades should be changed once or twice a year. The brake fluid is checked at the intervals given in the serv- ice schedule.

  • Page 237
    Be sure to always use the correct brake fluid. Only use brake fluid that ex- pressly meets VW 501 14 standards. You can buy VW 501 14 standard brake fluid in a SEAT dealership or SEAT Official Service. If none is available, use only high quality brake fluid that…
  • Page 238: Vehicle Battery

    Checking and refilling levels Vehicle battery WARNING (Continued) ● Fires, sparks, open flames and smoking are prohibited. When han- dling cables and electrical equipment, avoid causing sparks and electro- Warnings on handling the battery static charge. Never short the battery terminals. High-energy sparks can cause injury.

  • Page 239
    The position of the battery is shown in the corresponding engine compart- has special safety features. ment diagram ⇒  p age 281. Genuine SEAT batteries fulfil the maintenance, performance and safety The “magic eye” indicator, located on the top of the battery changes colour, specifications of your vehicle.
  • Page 240
    Checking and refilling levels WARNING ● We recommend you use only maintenance-free or cycle free leak-proof batteries which comply with standards T 825 06 and VW 7 50 73. This standard applies as of 2001. ● Before starting any work on the batteries, you must read and observe the warnings ⇒ …
  • Page 241: Wheels And Tyres

    Wheels and tyres Wheels and tyres Wheels Concealed damage Damage to tyres and rims is often not readily visible. If you notice unusual vibrations or the vehicle pulling to one side, this may indicate that one of General notes the tyres is damaged. The tyres should be checked immediately by a Techni- cal Service.

  • Page 242: Tyre Pressure Monitoring

    The correct tyre pressure is especially important at high speeds. The pres- For optimum performance, use genuine SEAT tyres. In addition, check and sure should therefore be checked at least once a month and before starting adjust tyre pressures regularly.

  • Page 243
    Wheels and tyres Tyre useful life WARNING The useful life of tyres is dependent on tyre pressure, driving ● Never adjust tyre pressure when the tyres are hot. This may damage style and fitting. or even burst the tyres. Risk of accident! ●…
  • Page 244
    Wheels and tyres Wear indicators Incorrect wheel alignment The original tyres on your vehicle have 1.6 mm high “tread wear indicators” Incorrect wheel alignment causes excessive tyre wear, impairing the safety ⇒  F ig. 166, running across the tread. Depending on the make, there will be of the vehicle.
  • Page 245
    Wheels and tyres Run-flat tyres The damaged tyre should be changed as soon as possible. The rim should be checked in a specialised workshop to detect possible damage and re- Run-flat tyres allow you to continue driving even with a place it if necessary.
  • Page 246
    The tyres and wheel rims are an essential part of the vehicle’s design. The On vehicles with all-wheel drive, all four tyres must always be fitted with tyres and rims approved by SEAT are specially matched to the characteris- tyres of the same type, make and tread pattern, as otherwise the driveline tics of the vehicle and make a major contribution to good road holding and can be damaged by continuous differences in the wheel speeds.
  • Page 247
    Risk of accident! If the tightening tor- wheels or tyres which have not been approved by SEAT for use with your que is too high, the wheel bolts and threads can be damaged.
  • Page 248
    Wheels and tyres Winter tyres If you have a flat tyre, please refer to the notes on the spare wheel ⇒  p age 244, New tyres and wheels. Winter tyres will improve the vehicles handling on snow and ice. WARNING The maximum speed for the winter tyres must not be exceeded.
  • Page 249
    Wheels and tyres CAUTION Remove the snow chains to drive on roads without snow. Otherwise they will impair handling, damage the tyres and wear out very quickly. Note ● In some countries, the speed limit for using snow chains is 50 km/h (30 mph).
  • Page 250: Vehicle Tools, Tyre Repair Kit And Spare Wheel

    If and when If and when Vehicle tools, tyre repair kit and spare wheel WARNING (Continued) ● Never start the engine when the vehicle is on the jack. Risk of acci- dent. Vehicle Tools ● If work is to be carried out underneath the vehicle, this must be se- The vehicle tools are located under the floor panel in the cured by suitable stands.

  • Page 251
    If and when How to use the temporary spare wheel WARNING (Continued) Should you ever have a punctured tyre, the temporary spare wheel is only ● Never use more than one temporary spare wheel at the same time, intended for temporary use until you can reach a workshop. The standard- risk of accident.
  • Page 252: Wheel Change

    If and when Wheel change CAUTION If you have to change the tyre on a gradient, block the wheel opposite the wheel being changed by placing a stone or similar object under it to prevent Preparation work the vehicle from rolling away. What you must do before changing a wheel.

  • Page 253
    If and when – Place the wheel with the defective tyre in the luggage compart- Wheel trims ment and secure it. The wheel trims must be removed to gain access to the – Check the tyre pressure of the newly fitted tyre as soon as pos- wheel bolts.
  • Page 254
    If and when Wheel covers* Loosening the wheel bolts The wheel covers must be removed for access to the wheel The wheel bolts must be loosened before raising the vehicle. bolts Removing – Remove the wheel cover using the wire hook. –…
  • Page 255
    If and when WARNING Loosen the wheel bolts only about one turn before raising the vehicle with the jack, otherwise there is a risk of accident. Note ● If the wheel bolt is very tight, you may be able to loosen it by pushing down the end of the spanner carefully with your foot.
  • Page 256
    If and when – Once the cover has been released, it will remain connected to WARNING its strap so that is not lost.  ● Take all precautions so that the base of the jack does not slip. Failure to do so could result in an accident. ●…
  • Page 257: Tyre Repair Kit (Tyre Mobility System)

    It is not necessary to remove the foreign body from the tyre. SEAT Official Services.  Instructions for the sealing product are located on the sealing compound container.

  • Page 258
    If you have to dispose of a sealant can, go to a specialised waste service or – Take the tyre repair kit out of the luggage compartment. to a SEAT Technical Service, where the product can be recycled in an appro- priate waste container.
  • Page 259
    If and when Tyre repair The following sections describe the procedures for repairing a tyre. Using the sealing product – The instructions on the container give detailed information on how to use the sealing product. Inflating the tyre. – Remove the air compressor and hose from the container. –…
  • Page 260: Fuses

    If and when Fuses Fuse cover underneath the steering wheel – Switch off the ignition and the component concerned. Changing a fuse – Identify the fuse corresponding to the damaged electric con- sumer ⇒  p age 260. Blown fuses must be replaced –…

  • Page 261
    ● Always keep some spare fuses in the vehicle. These are available from ically after a few seconds when the overload (caused for example by frozen SEAT Official Services. windows) has been corrected. ● In addition to the fuses listed in the following tables, there are other fuses which must be replaced by the Technical Service Workshop.
  • Page 262
    If and when Fuses on left side of dash panel Number Consumer Amps Volumetric alarm sensor/ Alarm horn Fuses Diagnosis / Rain sensor / Light switch Number Consumer Amps Trailer hook pre-installation assistant Vacant Vacant Vacant Vacuum pump Vacant RSE input (roof screen) Vacant Rear window wiper motor Vacant…
  • Page 263
    If and when Number Consumer Amps Number Consumer Amps Heating controls Radio Heated seats Telephone/TomTom Navigator Sunroof Engine management Headlight washer system Engine management Trailer hook pre-installation assistant Vacant Taxi (taximeter power supply) Electronic control unit Trailer hook pre-installation assistant Petrol injection module supply Taxi (transmitter power supply) Diesel injection module supply…
  • Page 264: Bulb Change

    If and when Main headlights Number Consumer Amps Dipped beam — H7 Electric windows (front and back) Main beam — H1 Electric windows (front) Side — W5W Ignition key Turn signal — PY21W  Ampere rating according to motorisation Xenon /adaptive headlights Dipped and full beam — D1S…

  • Page 265
    If and when Side turn signal Main headlight bulbs Side turn signal — W5W Number plate light Number plate light — C5W Note ● Depending on weather conditions (cold or wet), the front lights, the fog lights, the tail lights and the turn signals may be temporarily misted. This has no influence on the useful life of the lighting system.
  • Page 266
    If and when Turn signal bulbs Dipped lights Fig. 179 Dipped beam Fig. 178 Turn signal bulb headlights – Raise the bonnet. ⇒  F ig. 178 – Turn bulb holder to the left and pull. – Remove the bulb by pressing on the bulb holder and rotating at the same time to the left.
  • Page 267
    If and when ⇒  F ig. 180 – Remove connector from the bulb. ⇒  F ig. 180 – Unclip the retainer spring pressing inwards to the right. – Extract the bulb and fit the replacement so that the rim of the attachment plate is on the reflector cut-out.
  • Page 268
    If and when Side lights – Replace the bulb by pulling it out and inserting the replace- ment. – Installation is done in the reverse order.  Tail lights On the body – Turn signal, side and brake light On the rear lid –…
  • Page 269
    If and when Turn signal, side and brake lights on the body – Remove the blown bulb and change it for a new one. – To refit follow the steps in reverse order, taking special care when fitting the bulb holder. …
  • Page 270
    If and when Position light, fog light and reverse light on the rear lid – Take the bulb holder out pressing on the securing tabs and ex- tract it outwards. – Remove the blown bulb and replace it with another. –…
  • Page 271
    If and when Side turn signals Luggage compartment lights Fig. 190 Luggage com- Fig. 189 Side turn signal partment light – Press the turn signal to the left or to the right to remove the bulb. – Remove the bulb holder from the turn signal. –…
  • Page 272
    If and when ⇒  F ig. – Press the bulb sideways and remove it from the housing – Unscrew the screws to remove the bulb 192. ⇒  F ig. 191.  – Remove the bulb, moving it in the direction of the arrow and ⇒ …
  • Page 273: Jump-Starting

    If and when Sun visor light – Remove the bulb, moving it in the direction of the arrow and ⇒  F ig. outwards 195.  Jump-starting Jump leads The jump lead must have a sufficient wire cross section. If the engine fails to start because of a discharged battery, the battery can be connected to the battery of another vehicle to start the engine.

  • Page 274
    If and when How to jump start: description – Connect one end of the red jump lead to the positive termi- ⇒  F ig. nal of the vehicle with the flat battery 196. – Connect the other end of the red jump lead to the positive ter- minal in the vehicle providing assistance –…
  • Page 275
    If and when Starting WARNING (Continued) 5. Start the engine of the vehicle with the boosting battery and let ● Never use jump leads when one of the batteries is frozen. Danger of it run at idling speed. explosion! Even after the battery has thawed, battery acid could leak and cause chemical burns.
  • Page 276: Towing And Tow-Starting

    If and when Towing and tow-starting General notes Please observe the following points if you use a tow rope: Tow-starting Notes for the driver of the towing vehicle The use of jump leads is preferable to tow-starting. – Drive slowly at first until the tow rope is taut. Then accelerate gradually.

  • Page 277
    If and when Do not pull too hard with the towing vehicle and take care to avoid jerking ● The steering wheel is locked when the vehicle has no electrical power. the tow rope. When towing on an unpaved road, there is always a risk of The vehicle must then be towed with the front wheels raised.
  • Page 278
    If and when Towline anchorage – Remove the rear cover by pressing down on the right hand side. – Screw the towline anchorage as shown by the arrow anticlock- ⇒  F ig. 198 wise to the limit position in the front or rear ⇒ …
  • Page 279: Technical Specifications

    Description of specifications Technical Specifications Description of specifications Important information Abbrevia- Meaning tion Cetane number, indication of the diesel combustion power. Important Research octane number, indication of the knock resistance of petrol. The information in your vehicle’s official documents always …

  • Page 280
    Description of specifications Vehicle identification data Vehicle data The data sticker is placed on the inside of the spare wheel well, in the lug- The most important information is given on the identifica- gage compartment and on the rear cover of the Maintenance Programme. tion plate and the vehicle data sticker.
  • Page 281: Information On Fuel Consumption

    Description of specifications Information on fuel consumption Weights Kerb weight refers to the basic model with a fuel tank filled to 90% capacity Fuel consumption and without optional extras. The figure quoted includes 75 kg to allow for the weight of the driver. The consumption and emission details shown on the vehicle For special versions and optional equipment fittings or for the addition of data sticker differ from one vehicle to another.

  • Page 282
    Description of specifications Drawbar loads The maximum permitted drawbar load on the ball joint of the towing bracket must not exceed 75 kg. In the interest of road safety, we recommend that you always tow approach- ing the maximum drawbar load. The response of the trailer on the road will be poor if the drawbar load is too small.
  • Page 283: Technical Specifications

    Technical specifications Technical specifications Checking fluid levels Overview Further explanations, instructions and restrictions on the technical data are contained as of ⇒  p age 277 From time to time, the levels of the different fluids in the ve-  hicle must be checked. Never fill with incorrect fluids, other- wise serious damage to the engine may be caused.

  • Page 284: Petrol Engine 2.0 155 Kw (211 Ps) Front Wheel Drive

    Technical specifications Petrol engine 2.0 155 kW (211 PS) Front-wheel drive Engine specifications Power output in kW (PS) 155 (211)/ 5300-6200 Maximum torque in Nm at rpm 280/ 1700 — 5200 No. of cylinders/capacity in cm 4/ 1984 Fuel Super 95 RON / Regular 91 RON With a slight power loss Performance Maximum speed…

  • Page 285: Petrol Engine 2.0 155 Kw (211 Ps) All Wheel Drive

    Technical specifications Petrol engine 2.0 155 kW (211 PS) All-wheel drive Engine specifications Power output in kW (PS) 155 (211)/5300-6200 Maximum torque in Nm at rpm 280/ 1700 — 5200 No. of cylinders/capacity in cm 4/ 1984 Fuel Super 95 RON / Regular 91 RON With a slight power loss Performance Maximum speed…

  • Page 286: Diesel Engine 1.6 Tdi Cr 77 Kw (105 Ps) Dpf With/Without Start-Stop

    Technical specifications Diesel engine 1.6 TDI CR 77 kW (105 PS) DPF with/without Start-Stop Engine specifications Power output in kW (PS) 77 (105)/ 4400 Maximum torque in Nm at rpm 250/ 1500 — 2500 No. of cylinders/capacity in cm 4/ 1598 Fuel Min, diesel acc.

  • Page 287: Diesel Engine 2.0 Tdi Cr 103 Kw (140 Ps) Dpf All-Wheel Drive

    Technical specifications Diesel engine 2.0 TDI CR 103 kW (140 PS) DPF All-wheel drive Engine specifications Power output in kW (PS) 103 (140)/ 4200 Maximum torque in Nm at rpm 320/ 1750 — 2500 No. of cylinders/capacity in cm 4/ 1968 Fuel Min, diesel acc.

  • Page 288: Diesel Engine 2.0 Tdi Cr 125 Kw (170 Ps) Dpf All-Wheel Drive

    Technical specifications Diesel engine 2.0 TDI CR 125 kW (170 PS) DPF All-wheel drive Engine specifications Power output in kW (PS) 125 (170)/ 4200 Maximum torque in Nm at rpm 350/1750-2500 No. of cylinders/capacity in cm 4/ 1968 Fuel Min, diesel acc. to DIN EN 590 51 CN Performance Maximum speed in km/h (mph)

  • Page 289: Dimensions And Capacities

    Technical specifications Dimensions and capacities Dimensions Length, width 4493 mm/1778 mm Height at kerb weight 1615 mm Front and rear projection 940 mm/977 mm Wheelbase 2578 mm Turning circle 10,7 Front Rear Track width 1534 mm 1519 mm 1542 mm 1527 mm Capacities Fuel tank…

  • Page 291: Index

    Biodiesel fuel ……221 Adjusting the seat belt height ….28 Antifreeze .

  • Page 292
    Automatic speed dependent locking and Seat upholstery ….. 212 Exterior mirrors ….. . 129 unlocking system* .
  • Page 293
    Driveshaft differential senger seat ……31 control lamp ……87 XDS .
  • Page 294
    Fuses ……. . . 258 Folding the seat backrests down ..137 Engine oil pressure Folding tray* .
  • Page 295
    Index Headlight range control ….117 Instrument panel menu Luggage compartment ….150 Lights and visibility menu .
  • Page 296
    Index Petrol ……. . . 220 Rear window wiper ….. . 127 Driving abroad .
  • Page 297
    Snow chains ……246 Seat belts ……19 Hazard warning lights .
  • Page 298
    Tyres with directional tread pattern ..239 The danger of not using the seat belt ..22 Vehicle washing ……206 Tilting sunroof .
  • Page 299
    ……. . . 13 Why wear seat belts? ….19, 21, 30 Windows .
  • Page 300
    SEAT S.A. is permanently concerned about continuous development of its types and models. For this reason we ask you to under- stand, that at any given time, changes regarding shape, equipment and technique may take place on the car delivered. For this reason no right at all may derive based on the data, drawings and descriptions in this current handbook.

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( Seat ALTEA Каталог деталей и сборочных единиц )

Руководство по ремонту двигателя Seat ALTEA                                                             СКАЧАТЬ 73 Мб
(ремонт двигателя Seat ALTEA своими руками в фотографиях)

Руководство по ремонту трансмиссии Seat ALTEA                                                      СКАЧАТЬ 104 Мб
(ремонт КПП и дифференциала Seat ALTEA своими руками в фотографиях)

Коды неисправностей Seat ALTEA                                                                                   СКАЧАТЬ  15 Мб
( Seat ALTEA коды ошибок инжектора, распиновка, самодиагностика )

Мультимедийное Руководство по тюнингу Seat ALTEA                                                    СКАЧАТЬ  115 Мб
(тюнинг Seat ALTEA своими руками с фотографиями)

ТЕГИ: Руководства по ремонту Seat ALTEA
бесплатно, без регистрации и СМС  Seat ALTEA 
Бесплатно, без регистрации и СМС   Seat ALTEA


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