Руководство по засыпанию манга

манга Руководство по засыпанию (Guide to falling asleep: Rushui zhinan) 28.05.22

манга Руководство по засыпанию (Guide to falling asleep: Rushui zhinan) 28.05.22

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Нин Ивэй — молодой гений-физик, который с детства знает властного президента Лян Чуна. Пока они росли вместе, Лян Чун постепенно влюбился в Нин Ивэй, но у Нин Ивэя были высокий IQ и эмоциональная замкнутость. Он полностью полагался на Лян Чжуна, но никогда не думал о причине. Лян Чун всегда сдерживал свои чувства и защищал Нин Ивэя, чтобы он жил мирно и счастливо. Однако по мере того, как конфликт между Нин Ивэем и сыном его наставника Кун Яном продолжал усиливаться, тайна жизненного опыта для Нин Ивэя приоткрывалась, и он всё же начал понимать, что его чувства к Лян Чуну были необычными…

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#немой (#muted)








Джаспер встречает Кая, парня, который не может говорить… Удалено по запросу автора.

1 сантиметр неопытных нас (1cm Inexperienced Us: 1cm Misukan Uri)


1 сантиметр неопытных нас


1cm Inexperienced Us




ГГ мужчина

Образцовый ученик элитной школы Чхвеган Ли Хэ Мин перевёлся в старшую школу Чхвеха — полную противоположность школе Чхвеган. А причиной этому стали поиски парня!

100 способов лечения психопата (100 Ways to Heal a Psychopath: Zhengjiu jingfen de yibai zhong fangfa)


100 способов лечения психопата


100 Ways to Heal a Psychopath





ГГ мужчина

Чтобы стать бессмертным, Тан Дон Бао не мог не согласиться на это задание: спасти одного очень сильного и нереально грубого Шан Сяо и от психопатии. Однако тот немедленно избавился от помощника. И как же нашему герою спасти шизика и закончить задание?

100% пленник (No Escape, My Captive: Fulu Baifenbai)

100% пленник


No Escape, My Captive





Президент компании, страдающий от редкого заболевания, из-за которого он не может распознавать чувства других людей, вынужден идти по бесконечному потоку различных сюжетов: демоны и рабы, вампиры и священники… Выдумка или реальность? Фантастический садистский сюжет полностью опутывает оковами красной нити судьбы главного героя и сплетает прошлое с настоящим!

12 шпилек из Цзиньлина (Twelve beauties of Jinling: Jinling twelve banana)

12 шпилек из Цзиньлина


Twelve beauties of Jinling






Чжоу Шэньин, внук знаменитости, заложил в ломбард 12 золотых шпилек для волос, которые когда-то принадлежали его ныне покойному дедушке, чтобы выплатить свой долг. Неделю спустя неожиданный звонок вынуждает его вернуть шпильки назад, но их уже продали. Готов ли Шэньин заплатить любую цену за то, чтобы получить драгоценные шпильки обратно у их 12-ти новых владельцев?








ГГ мужчина

Ки Тхэ и Сон У решили провести свою первую новогоднюю ночь вместе. Однако по некоторой причине Ки Тхэ опаздывает 31 декабря. Смогут ли эти двое действительно преодолеть все невзгоды и повзрослеть?

214 (Boku no Hero Academia dj - 214)





Boku no Hero Academia dj — 214



ГГ мужчина

Пейринг: Шото Тодороки × Катсуки Бакуго

4 c половиной станции (Four-way Stop: 4-wa 2-bun-ui 1 jeong-gajang)

4 c половиной станции


Four-way Stop




Можно ли назвать «лучшим временем» то, что происходит единственный раз в жизни? Четыре привлекательных парня появляются в жизни одного обычного. Можно выбрать только одного из четверых? Слишком тяжело!

41 самый лучший день (Haikyuu!! dj – 41 Best Day Ever)



41 самый лучший день


Haikyuu!! dj – 41 Best Day Ever




Пейринг: Бокуто Котаро х Куроо Тецуро Обмен кольцами — это так волнительно. Спойлер: в конце книжки в качестве поздравления добавлены по несколько страничек от пяти приглашенных соавторов, в том числе 3 странички от Гусари.

Animal X dj - Уверен в тебе (Animal X dj - Sure of You)



Animal X dj — Уверен в тебе


Animal X dj — Sure of You




Пейринг: Минато/Юуджи. Небольшая додзя по AnimalX. Действие происходит после конца 4-ого тома AragaminoIchizoko. Серия состоит из трех частей: 1. Animal X: Aragami no Ichizoku (4 тома) a) dj — Уверен в тебе 2. Animal X: Daichi no Okite (2 тома) 3. Animal X: Genshi Sairai (10 томов)

BL-артбук Сайто Тихо. "Пока мне велит безжалостный владыка." (Saitou Chiho BL Artworks: Mujihi na Ou no Oose no mama ni)


BL-артбук Сайто Тихо. «Пока мне велит безжалостный владыка.»


Saitou Chiho BL Artworks: Mujihi na Ou no Oose no mama ni





Первый яойный артбук Сайто Тихо! Она рисует любовные истории с участием монархов со всех уголков мира! Это сборник из манги, опубликованной в журнале Be Boys Gold: Арабские Эмираты, Япония, Европа, Древний Рим, Монголия, начало периода Хэйан и многое другое — в иллюстрациях и коротких комиксах о королевских семьях! Этот сборник, помимо оригинальной манги, которую нельзя прочитать больше нигде, также включает в себя эксклюзивное интервью Сайто Тихо.








Все носят маски. Выставленное напоказ, зачастую, очень далеко от истинны. И в случае с Кортлэндом Хантом, это утверждение подходит как нельзя кстати. Готово ли Иэн Таннер узнать правду? «Breaks» — это история о двух запутавшихся в себе подростках, которые всеми силами пытаются разобраться в том, кем они были, кто есть и кем хотят стать. Это история о любви… но очень неправильная.

Cгорая от стыда (Hidden in Shame: Wudizirong)

Cгорая от стыда


Hidden in Shame




По мотивам романа

До встречи с Лу Сяо, Чу И не раз представлял себе, как бы выглядел его идеальный партнёр. Красивый, элегантный, образованный… Или же смышлёный и сексуальный… Однако в то время он ещё не знал, что чувства нельзя подогнать под свои стандарты. Но после встречи с Лу Сяо, Чу И понял, что его прежние фантазии больше не имеют никакого значения. Ведь он осознал, что нашёл того самого.

Durarara!! dj - Hive


Durarara!! dj — Hive








Сборник разных историй по пейрингу Сидзуо x Идзая. (некоторые истории выходили отдельно в 2010, но потом были собраны в один сборник). Содержание: • This Moment • Kemono ga Hito ni Kaeru Koro • 110100 (перевод на ридманге) • Wagamama no Neko to Kurasuni wa • Saisho de Saigo no Kedamono no Sugata • Other — Raijinshounen

Durarara!! dj - NEL



Durarara!! dj — NEL




Пейринг: Шизуо х Изая Что значит любовь? Иногда для её проявления достаточно просто засыпать в объятьях друг друга…

Количество закладок

В процессе: 121

Прочитали: 11

В любимых: 9

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Guide to falling a sleep

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Руководство по засыпанию

Guide to falling asleep / 入睡指南

Guide to falling asleep



Bilibili Comics

Статус перевода

Статус тайтла


Загружено глав 6

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Веб, В цвете


Нин Ивэй — молодой гений-физик, который с детства знает властного президента Лян Чуна. Когда они росли вместе, Лян Чун постепенно влюбился в Нин Ивэй, но у Нин Ивэя был высокий IQ, но он не был эмоционально открытым. Он полностью полагался на Лян Чжуна, но никогда не думал о причине. Лян Чун всегда сдерживал свои чувства и защищал Нин Ивэй, чтобы он жил мирно и счастливо. Однако по мере того, как конфликт между Нин Ивэй и сыном его наставника Кун Яном продолжал усиливаться, тайна жизненного опыта Нин Ивэя постепенно всплывала на поверхность, и он также начал понимать, что его чувства к Лян Чуну были необычными …

Вы находитесь на странице манги Руководство по засыпанию / Guide to falling asleep. Относится к жанрам романтика, сёнэн-ай. Выпускается с 2021 года, статус манги — Онгоинг. Загружено глав — 6.

A Guide to Falling Asleep is a completed manhua at sixty six chapters. It is written by Ka Bi Qiu and illustrated by Qi Lan. First released in 2021, it has been published by Bilibili and in English by Bilibili Comics.


Ning Yiwei is a physics genius, and he has known the handsome and powerful businessman Liang Chong since they were young. The two of them grew up together, and Liang Chong eventually fell in love with Ning Yiwei. Ning Yiwei’s IQ is extremely high, but when it comes to feelings of affection, he is unable to comprehend them; he relies wholeheartedly on Liang Chong without ever thinking of the reason why. Liang Chong has always held back his feelings, protecting Ning Yiwei so that he could live his life happily and peacefully. Regardless, as Ning Yiwei’s mysterious background is slowly revealed, along with the intense conflicts that arise continuously between him and a tutor’s son, Kong Zong, he also started to be aware that the feelings he has for Liang Chong aren’t as simple as they seem…


Ning Yiwei[]

Yiwei - A Guide to Falling Asleep.png

Seeking out Chong at hospital, Yiwei assured him his father will be fine. Presently, Yiwei attends physics lectures. Commanding Zong to say what his problem is, Yiwei angrily signs the withdrawal paper reasoning that it is just that. Feeling what happened cannot be done, Yiwei intends to email professor Kong and tell him what really transpired. Agreeing with his friend Zirui’s direction to wait, Yiwei keeps his thoughts to himself how nothing has gone his way since Zong as joined the project group. Thinking why Chong did not tell him he was coming to campus, Yiwei is particularly irate that he would offer to carry Zong’s backpack. Hiding, Yiwei does not want Chong to see him. His thoughts concern whether they are friends, as having known Chong for years he has never done this for him. Affected quite deeply that a person he has known for years would be so accommodating to someone whose behaviour he resents, Yiwei reflects how he finally understands why some people like to go out and drink their sorrows away. When Chong did not want him to go to a bar, it just made Yiwei want to go even more. Asked by Zirui why he wanted to come to the club they are at, Yiwei just wanted to see what it was like. Although answering he is not still mad, Yiwei thinks how of course he is. After Zirui showing it, Yiwei is keen to see details on the Lattice QCD Method. Enduring a head injury, Yiwei is startled at thumping noises because he knows what they concern, and immediately calls to Zirui on how he told Chong having also inferred that. Telling Chong that he cannot scold him, Yiwei exaggerates how his injuries are extremely severe and he cannot be overstimulated. Confronted by the man who hit him when reaching for Yiwei, he is relieved it was just a dream. Mentioning the experience to Chong, the opportunity is used to share how he saw the way Chong was treating Zong, before insisting that was the troubling dream. Clear that he hates Zong, he seeks Chong who appears to like him as support.

Character Article: Ning Yiwei[]

Liang Chong[]

Chong - A Guide to Falling Asleep.png

In his junior year of college, Chong heard his father had become ill where his mother was absent. Considering how other people find comfort in a location, Chong finds his in Yiwei. As long as he was there, Chong felt he was complete and stable. Later, Chong pulls up to pick up Zong, and to himself wonders if Yiwei is at school today. During his third year of university, he told a friend to not be a bad influence on Yiwei. Driving with Zong, yet heading to hospital after hearing Yiwei has been injured, Chong checks his condition. Thanking Zirui for helping him, Chong mentions his assistant, Laila is downstairs and would he be okay with her driving him home. Questioning the doctor why Yiwei needs to be kept hospitalized, upon learning he had a blood transfusion, Chong arranges for him to be moved to a private hospital. Although Chong can be blunt in saying no, such as when stating Yiwei cannot go to his lecture as he needs to rest, he does accommodate what Yiwei wants. Additionally, Chong listens and acts on his concerns. Requesting that Yiwei message him when his class is done, Chong replies he will leave a meeting early to pick him up.

Character Article: Liang Chong[]

Chong’s Father[]

He works at a company, and is taken to hospital after falling unconscious.

Chong’s Mother[]

She was abroad when her husband fell ill.

Zhou Zirui[]

Zirui - A Guide to Falling Asleep.png

Beside Yiwei, he learns they have been removed from physics related group meetings. Stuttering as he speaks and asking whether it was because they changed the dates, Zirui states professor Cui told Zong to tell them if this were to happen. Angered at being called a stutterer, Zirui says that he has never seen someone so shameless. Attempting to have Yiwei forget it when considers contacting the professor. Explaining how they are still in the group right now, Zirui is concerned professor Kong will think badly of them if they say anything about his son. Happy at Yiwei’s change of mind, Zirui says for him to not be mad and for them to go eat ice cream. Finding it so tasty, Zirui is also impressed when a luxury car pulls up. Accompanying Yiwei to a club, Zirui questions how much longer are they going to be here for. Wondering whether Yiwei is still not mad about all that Zong stuff from earlier, Zirui then alerts him to an article in the reviews of modern physics. Feeling mobile pay is not safe, Zirui would rather pay by cash or card. Troubled at someone acting confrontational, Zirui contacts Chong after Yiwei is injured. Unaware of Yiwei’s blood condition, Zirui shares his is also type o. Sat next to Yiwei in Zhu’s lecture, after Zong’s conduct, Zirui says that bully is beneath him and he is just jealous. Agreeing the distance between them is vast, Zirui says he and Yiwei have to widen that distance so he cannot catch up.

Kong Zong[]

Zong - A Guide to Falling Asleep.png

Sharing what his father professor Kong said, even if he is not there, Zong mentions professor Cuihe will still enforce the removal of group members for non-attendance. Addressing Zirui as fatty after saying he is always stuttering, Zong produces a withdrawal form for him and Yiwei to sign. Skipping class, Zong heads to be picked up by Chong. Pleased to be transported with him, Zong is fine with Chong taking a detour to pick up a friend. Seeing no fault with his own aggravating behaviour, yet incensed when Yiwei challenges his rudeness, Zong escalates his situation even further. Pouring soup over Yiwei in the cafeteria, Zong lies to a staff member that he accidentally tripped. It is only after Yiwei, along with Zirui, and other students around point out that he did it on purpose does Zong reluctantly admit it was his fault before saying sorry.

Kong Shenfeng[]

Professor Kong said that students who miss the weekly meetings without a reason will be automatically removed from the group. Accepting a donation from Chong, he then mentions how he was already planning to recruit Yiwei into his research team.


Professor Cuihe is mentioned by students.

Chong’s Friend[]

When Chong was at university, he was there when Yiwei was also present. Since they had no classes this afternoon, he suggested to Chong that they go to a bar. Mentioning how someone has been waiting for Chong everyday, when Yiwei expressed curiosity at who it was, he said to leave it up to him to share the details.


Evidently having overheard Yiwei and Zirui’s plight about being short on cash, he speaks to them how their bar takes mobile payment.


Driving Chong, she is asked what the company «Heaven Entertainment Management Co. LTD» deals in. If she recalls correctly, Laila knowledgeably answers that it is that FXV club firm over on Bei Street. Calling Chong, she speaks how Professor Kong would like to know what he will be donating this time.


Grabbing Yiwei’s shoulder and addressing him as Chong’s little servant, he points to a scar on his head while stating it looks like he still remembers this gift he gave him. Told he has the wrong person, he feels he could recognize him a mile off before smashing a bottle across Yiwei’s head.


Tending to Yiwei’s head injury, she asks Zirui whether he has any problems with blood coagulation.


Asked whether Yiwei could go home tonight, he replies no since he has a blood disorder so it is necessary for them to observe his condition. Sharing that Yiwei’s injuries are not that severe, the doctor says he will be fine after a bit of rest. Questioned by Chong why Yiwei needs to be in hospital, he reveals he needed a blood transfusion.


Director Chen is called by Chong concerning a patient that needs to be transferred to a private hospital.


Speaking how Yiwei’s injury is okay now, she advises him to try making smaller movements when he turns over in bed.


A leader in the plasma physics field within China, Professor Zhu teaches a class Yiwei attends. There, Zhu asks what happened to Yiwei having noticed the bandage on his ear.


Yiwei joins Chong at hospital after his father was taken in ill

At a hospital emergency room, Mr. Liang is said to have suddenly fainted in the office. Mrs. Liang is out of the country right now, and their only son is Liang Chong who stands nearby. It is discussed how young master Liang still has not graduated from college so the family will not have a head of the house for a while. When Ning Yiwei arrived, Chong considered how for some people their special place is a warm, cozy room, where others like a balcony growing all types of flowers. Resting his head on his shoulder, Chong felt Yiwei was his place.[1]

After class, discussing with Zirui how Zong has undermined them

Some time later, within the university’s physics teaching centre, Yiwei kicks the door before demanding to know what Kong Zong’s problem is. Since they have missed a meeting as the date was changed, Zong hands them a withdrawal form even though professor Cuihe told him to inform them of the change. Signing the withdrawal paper, Yiwei leaves with his friend Zhou Zirui. Aggrieved, Yiwei means to email professor Kong to detail what happens, yet Zirui says to forget about it. They remain in the group and Zirui is concerned Zong’s father will think badly of them. After Yiwei agrees and decides to wait until he comes back then decide, Zirui is content. Since it is so hot, Zirui says for them to go get ice cream.

Outside an ice cream parlour, Zong is seen skipping his class

Inside an ice cream parlour, Yiwei cannot eat anymore yet Zirui is happy to receive it. Feeling nothing has gone his way since Zong joined the research project group, Yiwei thinks so what if he is the professor’s son as all he knows how to do it boss the group around and bully everyone. Deeming him an idiot who handed in an empty test paper on differentials, Yiwei judges Kong Zong’s maths skills as being worse than a kindergartener’s. When Zirui points out a luxury car, Yiwei and him see Zong heading past. Zirui remarks that Zong did so badly on the advanced math test yet still wants to skip class, before Yiwei sees Chong is there.

Witnessing Chong picking him up

While Zirui is against this stranger helping carry Zong’s backpack, Yiwei aware of who he is glares intently at the scene. As Zirui speaks whether Chong is a chauffeur, Yiwei’s thoughts are on the connection between him and Zong. Where Chong is opening the car door for him, Yiwei considers how he has known Chong for years yet he has never acted like this around him. As Yiwei contemplates whether he could call Chong, he is notably dispirited which Zirui notices. Zirui Rui if he wants to go to a bar, Yiwei thinks he finally understands why some people drink their sorrows away.[2]

Heading to a bar and thinking of what he saw

During Chong’s third year of university, a friend mentioned to him how someone was waiting at a bar for him, who Yiwei asked about. Presently at a nightclub, Yiwei registers how seeing Chong pick up Zong today suddenly reminded him of that for some reason. The champagne set came with fries and fruit, so when Zirui asks how long they are going to be here for, Yiwei replies that they need to finish that first to not let it go to waste. When Zirui questions why he wanted to go to a bar all of a sudden, Yiwei answers he just wanted to see what it was like. After Zirui wonders if he is still mad from earlier, Yiwei insists he isn’t, but inwardly is. As Yiwei sees a review of the Lattice QCD Method on Zirui’s phone, it is currently 10:30pm.

Recalling that Chong gave him a card to use

Asking Zirui to wake up and asking whether he brought any money, Yiwei forgot to being the card his parents left him. Short on cash, although a waiter shares the bar accepts mobile payments, Yiwei recalls that Chong gave him his card. After that is used, Chong is notified of it on his phone while he is being driven. Pleased Yiwei has used it, Chong then asks his driver, Laila if she is familiar with what «Heaven Entertainment Management Co. LTD» deals in. Laila knows that it is that FXV club firm over on Bei Street. Asking him where he is over the phone, Chong finds that Yiwei has hung up on him. Speaking to Laila to ask they go on a quick detour, Chong says for them to go to Bei Street. Zong is in the back of the car with Chong as he shares that he needs to pick up a friend of his. On his phone, Zirui holds Yiwei who is unconscious.[3]

Half an hour ago, Zirui was thirsty so Yiwei said for them to go and buy some water. A man who was acquainted with Yiwei and regarded him as Chong’s servant hassled him. The thug ended up smashing a bottle over his head. Zirui had contacted Chong over the phone. In hospital, a nurse questions whether Yiwei has problems with blood coagulation. Sharing he has a hereditary condition, Yiwei and Zirui mention how their blood is o type. Due to Yiwei’s coagulation disorder, the doctor shares they will be keeping him in to monitor.

Hearing a noise, Yiwei knows who it is and tells the newly arrived Chong that he cannot scold him. Detailing that he is staying at the hospital overnight, Yiwei is conscious of Chong’s reaction so feigns symptoms of dizziness. Thanking Zirui for his help, Chong checks if it is okay if he has his assistant take him home. Questioning the doctor why Yiwei has been hospitalized and hearing he had a blood transfusion, Chong calls Chen to arrange a transfer. After speaking his name, Chong grasps his arm and Yiwei wonders what he should do in response to his anger.

Saying for Yiwei to get on his back, Chong then asks would he prefer to be carried. Choosing to get on his back, Yiwei holds Chong tight as he is carried.[4] Within a night sky like environment, with many doors levitating around, Yiwei floats in his pyjamas and wonders where he is. Seeing Chong with his back turned, Yiwei reaches for him as he heads through an open door. Although Yiwei manages to grab Chong, once he turns it is the man who struck him with a bottle.

Waking from the dream, Yiwei finds Chong sleeping on the couch next to his hospital bed. Thinking how Chong always acts like a prince, Yiwei finds it so weird to see him lying on a couch. His thoughts turning to why Chong would willingly work for Zong, he then decides to go back to sleep but finds his injury hurts. Something that Chong picks up on, after a nurse visits, Chong proceeds to clean Yiwei’s hand. Noting his anger, Yiwei speaks how Chong is hurting him a little. Having already had 200ml of blood transfused, Yiwei mentions he is not bleeding a lot right now so it is not going to affect him that much.

Bluntly saying for him to go to sleep, Chong is asked to wait. After Yiwei reveals he cannot fall asleep because he had a bad dream, Chong asks what was it about. The opportunity presenting itself, Yiwei rants how he dreamt that Chong came to his school yesterday to pick up this person he really hates. Furthermore, he even took his bag and opened the door for him, like a total gentleman. When Chong assumes he saw him, Yiwei pouts no, he dreamt it. Patting his head, Chong reveals that Kong Zong is his cousin. Yesterday was his grandmother’s birthday, so he went to pick him up. If Yiwei saw him, Chong asks why did he not come say hello. Yiwei replies it is because he hates Zong.[5]

After Chong tries to conceal laughter, Yiwei wonders what is so funny about this. Thinking, Yiwei feels compared to the Chong everyone finds perfect, this Chong is healthier. Remembering how they first met when Yiwei was ten, Chong was felt back then to be friendly and polite. Considered prim and proper, but not seeming like he was above anyone else, Yiwei felt Chong had changed overnight. It was not like he was rude or anything, Yiwei considers Chong just did not seem that perfect anymore. Watching him give lectures, and Chong fighting, growing up, Yiwei thinks he did not have the easy life he appeared to have. On his part, for Yiwei’s choices, more or less every one had something to do with Chong.

In his hospital bed, Yiwei reiterates that he hates Zong and next time he can call an Uber. Answering okay, Chong sides with Yiwei and is fine with his cousin taking an Uber instead of being driven by him. Chong then questions Yiwei why he went to that bar. Not having a simple answer for that, Yiwei then asks how is the dude that hit him. Answering that he is being detained at the police station, Chong assures Yiwei that he need not worry about him. Once Chong turns back to the matter of the bar, Yiwei suddenly feels tired. Where Chong chooses to let him sleep then, with it 04:30 on the clock, Yiwei requests that he contact his parents to say he will be staying here rather than head home over the weekend.

Yiwei asks if he and Zong are close, to which Chong answers no and caresses his hair. Detailing how he is not a great guy, Yiwei divulges that Zong tried to sabotage him and Zirui yesterday. Recommending that Chong not talk to him, Yiwei adds that Zong is very stupid. Although Chong has heard he was smart, Yiwei insists Zong is stupid. Getting it, Chong says for Yiwei to not move around too much. Suggesting he sleep, and moving to leave, Chong is asked to stay with Yiwei. Addressing how the couch is very small, Yiwei mentions this bed can fit both of them and is also more comfortable.[6]


Yiwei awaiting Chong - A Guide to Falling Asleep

Yiwei happy with Chong - A Guide to Falling Asleep

Pleased he is so good at lying


  1. Prologue
  2. Chapter 1
  3. Chapter 2
  4. Chapter 4
  5. Chapter 4
  6. Chapter 5

Wiki Link[]

  • An overview article on the entire series, Create the A Guide to Falling Asleep Wiki! for total coverage details!

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