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Manuals and User Guides for Transas NAVI-SAILOR 4000 ECDIS. We have 2 Transas NAVI-SAILOR 4000 ECDIS manuals available for free PDF download: Installation Manual, Quick Reference Manual

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Инструкция по заказу и обновлению каталога и карт ECDIS Navi Sailor Transas 4000.

Данное руководство применительно исключительно в том случает, если система не имеет прямого доступа в интернет а заказ лицензий на карты производится посредством съемного носителя для дальнейшей отправки сформированных программой Navi Planner файлов на ПК имеющим доступ к электронной почте.

Важно! Данная программа обновляет только те карты на которые действует лицензия и некоторый срок после ее истечения. Это значит что если вы установили новые карты с Base CD или другим способом то в этом случае необходимо повторно произвести установку последнего еженедельного обновления.

Вся информация относится только к картам и каталогу векторных карт!


Предоставленная информация не является судовой процедурой или руководством производителя. Все действия описанные ниже отражают теоретические знания подкрепленные практикой.

Теоретическая часть

Какие действия производятся с картами и каталогом:

Установка каталога карт.

Заказ лицензии карт

Установка лицензии карт.

Установка карт.

Обновление каталога карт.

Обновление карт.

Обновление AIO

Порядок действий при заказе карт будет описан позже

Карты могут иметь статус:

Not installed

Licensed, not installed



Not up to date.

Какие бывают обновления каталога и карт:

Посредством сети интернет (когда станция подключена к сети интернет) – формируется запрос на сервер. (Возможен большой расход трафика)

Через электронную почту – В ответ на отправленное письмо вы получите файлы с обновлениями. (Возможен большой расход трафика)

Base CD – Содержит в себе все карты а так же обновления на момент выхода этого пакета. Производитель утверждает что нет необходимости в установке Base CD если все Weekly Update были установлены ранее без пропусков. Но Вам ничего не мешает в качестве перестраховки установить Base CD. Этот CD вам понадобится далее если статус карт будет “Licensed, not installed”. Некоторые товарищи выписывают номера таких карт, отправляют запрос в поддержку чтобы им в ответ прислали эти карты. Считаю это полным бредом. Все карты и их обновления содержатся на Base CD и Update CD. Если выполните все действия правильно то вам не нужно обращаться в поддержку. О порядке действий расскажу позже.

Update CD – содержит в себе карты, обновления карт, каталог карт и AIO. Данный CD (или его аналог скачанный с интернета) содержит в себе все предыдущие обновления как минимум от Base CD. Это значит что если вы установили карту с Base CD, то после этого нужно повторного сделать обновление только последним Update CD!

Может возникнуть ситуация когда вы пропустили несколько еженедельных Update CD, к примеру

между Base CD WF90 и WF91 а у вас на руках только Base CD WF90 а вышла уже Base CD WF91 а вы скачиваете Update CD который вышел после Base CD WF91, в таком случает возможны пропуски обновлений карт, могут отсутствовать карты и тд.

Из этой ситуации можно выйти двумя способами:

Качать Base CD – дорого

Ждать Base CD от агента ( так же может быть доставлен вместе со снабжением.)

Когда вы получите Base CD необходимо выполнить следующие действия:

Установить Base CD, в диалоговом окне будет предлагаться заменить старые карты на новые или новые на старые – везде жмем Apply to all. После установки Base CD приступаем к установке Update CD, так же в диалоговом окне жмем Apply to all. Все!

Так же забегу наперед что в диалоговом окне текст по замене карт на старые не совсем точный и при установке карт с Base CD жмите Not to all.

Способ заказа лицензий на карты:

Посредством сети интернет (когда станция подключена к сети интернет)

Через электронную почту.

Каким способом можно обновить каталог карт и карты:

Посредством сети интернет (когда станция подключена к сети интернет)

Через электронную почту.

В виде Base CD

В виде Update CD

В виде установки скачанного пакета обновлений с сайта Wartsila. Данный пакет обновлений является аналогом Update CD, отличие лишь в том что его можно скачать с официального сайта.

В виде установки скачанного пакета Base CD с сайта Wartsila. Данный пакет обновлений является аналогом Base CD, отличие лишь в том что его можно скачать с официального сайта.

Внимание! Во избежание чрезмерного потребления трафика рекомендуется скачивать с сайта только Update, AIO и каталог карт. При выходе нового Base CD он будет доставлен в ближайшем порту.

Base CD и Update CD выпускаются в определенной последовательности.

Все Base CD и Update CD а так же график издания доступен для скачивания по ссылке:


Если ссылка не доступна то пишите в гугле — Download TADS wartsila

На данной странице вы скачаете файлы с архивами.

К примеру Update part 1, part 2, part 3. Архивы ECDIS не читает.

Так как пакет состоит из 3 частей то нужно поместить все части в одну папку и разархивировать винраром только part 1, остальные части архиватор найдет сам и соединит все файлы и поместит их в одну папку, ее и качаете на флешку. Так же следует разархивировать все остальные пакеты – AIO и каталог карт.

Практические действия по установке, заказу лицензий и обновлению карт и каталога (через Navi Planner).

Cуществуют и другие способы, но опишу подробно рабочий.

Порядок действий при заказе лицензий на электронные карты

Перед заказом лучше иметь актуальный каталог карт.

Данные действия рекомендуется производить в следующей последовательности(считаем что каталог карт и набор карт установлен поставщиком):

Выбор каталога карт > Выбор карт(By rote)> Жмем License > 3 month > Save on Flash

Выбираем Route> Export>Save on flash

Вынимаем и вставляем флешку на комп с почтой.

Находим отправленное ранее письмо заказа лицензий и корректируем под новый маршрут.

Прикрепляем сформированный файл заказа лицензии и маршрут.

Отправляем письмо.

Если все сделано правильно то по истечению некоторого времени получите письмо с лицензиями на карты (пермиты). Могут быть как в архиве так и без. Если в архиве то нужно разархивировать.

Сохраняем все на флешку и подключаем флешку к экдису.

В разделе карт жмем Browse, выбираем директорию с пермитами и жмем установить.

После установки пермитов делаем отчет по выбранным картам и смотрим все ли в порядке – обновлены ли карты, имеются ли не установленные и тд.

Если карты не установлены:

Берем Base CD (это может быть диск или скачанный на флешку диск). Если Base CD на диске жмем Install, если на флешке то Browse и выбираем нужную директорию и жмем далее.

В появившемся окне выбираем только карты. Выбирать AIO, каталог и Delition не нужно.

Далее появится еще одно окно в котором будет предложено заменить карты, очень важно – жмем NOT TO ALL. В случае если вы нажмете To all то все ваши апдейты карт откатятся до этого Base CD.

По окончанию установки появится окно со списком установленных карт.

Далее берем последний Update CD и устанавливаем его. Когда программа предложит заменить карты то в этом случае жмем APPLY TO ALL.

По окончанию установки появится окно со списком установленных карт и тд.

На этом всё.

Если карты установлены но не обновлены:

Берем последний Update CD и устанавливаем его. Когда программа предложит заменить карты то в этом случае жмем APPLY TO ALL.

По окончанию установки появится окно со списком установленных карт и тд.

На этом всё.

Порядок действий при обновлении каталога, карт, AIO.

Качаем обновления по ссылке выше, загружаем на флешку и подключаем ее к ECDIS.

В нави планере в разделе карт жмем Browse, выбираем директорию с обновлениями и устанавливаем по очередности указанной ниже.

Порядок обновления:




Порядок действий при установке Base CD

Если устанавливать с CD то жмем Install, если с флешки то Browse и выбираем нужную директорию и жмем далее.

В этом случае заменяем все карты.

Если после выхода Base CD есть Update CD то устанавливаем после и его.

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    Monitoring of Navigational Alarms

    Chapter 5. Setting of Safety Parameters 133

    In Prim/Sec diverged line, enter the divergence distance between
    the coordinates fromthe primary and secondary positioning methods.
    Check the activated Prim/Sec diverged checkbox for the alarm to be
    generated when the set value is exceeded.

    The Chart group is used for turning on the monitoring of
    electronic charts underthe own ship.

    Check the Off chart alarm checkbox to enable the alarm
    generation if the ship sailsbeyond the chart boundary with the
    Chart Autoload mode off.

    Anchor watch setting group is used for setting the maximum
    distance (radius)from the anchoring point to the bow and/or stern.
    As the ship moves beyond anyof the formed circles, an alarm is

    In Bow ring line enter the maximum distance (radius) from the
    anchoring point to thebow. Check the Bow alarm checkbox to turn on
    the warning generation as the shipsails beyond the set distance. In
    Stern ring line enter the maximum distance (radius)from the
    anchoring point to the stern. Check the Stern alarm checkbox to
    turnon the warning generation as the ship sails beyond the set

    Check the activated Show anchor watch ring checkbox to show
    anchor watch ringaround the ship position at the time when the Bow
    alarm or the Stern alarm was set.

    Sounder group is used for turning on monitoring of the echo
    sounder readings andcontains the following checkboxes:

    Sounder depth to enable and enter the minimum depth value for an
    alarmgenerated upon the reception of data from the echo

    Sounder alarm to enable/disable Sounder: no input alarm.

    Use Sounder depth line to enter the safety depth value from the
    echo sounder. Checkthe activated Sounder depth checkbox for turning
    on the alarm generation as a depthsmaller than the set one is

  • 7/21/2019 Transas Ns4000 Operation Manual


    Monitoring of Time

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual134


    Open Config panel by selecting the appropriate line of T ASKS
    LIST menuon the Control panel.

    Use the tab in the top part of Config panel, which will open up,
    to switchto General page.

    Setting of End-of-Watch AlertsEnd of Watch Alarm group is
    intended for setting the period of time before the endof the
    current watch when an alert will be generated. The order of watches
    is setin the System Configuration utility (see document N AVI -S
    AILOR 4000/4100ECDIS ( V . 2.00.009). I NSTALLATION G UIDE ,
    Chapter 2 , NS 4000Configuration section, NS 4000/4100 Settings

    Use End of Watch Alarm input line to enter the time before the
    end of the currentwatch when the warning should be generated.

    Setting of the Timer

    Timer Warning group is designed for the control of the timer

    Every setting of the alarm to be generated over the time
    specified in the lineto the right;

    At setting of the alarm to be generated at the time specified in
    the line to the right;

    Off to turn off timer functions.

  • 7/21/2019 Transas Ns4000 Operation Manual


    Monitoring of Time

    Chapter 5. Setting of Safety Parameters 135

    To set the alarm generation over equal time intervals, check
    Every checkbox and entervalue of the alert generation time interval
    in the input line.

    To set the alert generation at the certain time, check At
    checkbox and enter the alert

    generation time (ship time) to the right.

  • 7/21/2019 Transas Ns4000 Operation Manual


  • 7/21/2019 Transas Ns4000 Operation Manual


    Copyright Transas Ltd., 2009

    CHAPTER 6Using Logging Functions

    This chapter describes the procedure used for
    handlinginformation archived in the course

    of the NS 4000 MFD operation.

  • 7/21/2019 Transas Ns4000 Operation Manual


  • 7/21/2019 Transas Ns4000 Operation Manual


    Using Ship Logbook

    Chapter 6. Using Logging Functions 139


    Open Logbook panel by selecting the appropriate line of T ASKS
    LIST menuon the Control panel.

    Use the tab in the top part of Logbook panel, which will open
    up, to switchto Ship LogBook page.

    Ship LogBook page is designed for recording events which
    occurred duringthe ECDIS task operation. The table is a set of rows
    (events) and of columns(event parameters). For the set of events
    which are automatically shown in the ShipLogbook, see N AVI -S
    AILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS ( V . 2.00.009). F UNCTIONALDESCRIPTION ,
    Chapter 6 , section Ship Logbook , paragraph Ship LogbookFomation
    Principes ). Besides, the operator can enter events manually, edit
    eventsand enter comments on the events. The events editing and
    input of comments is

    password protected.Press the Jump to date button and select the
    date which the Ship Logbook entries willbe shown for.

    Note: The Ship LogBook page stores date-by-date events for the
    last 90 days.

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    Using Ship Logbook

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual140

    To manually enter an event in the Ship Logbook, press the Create
    Event button.

    Select the necessary event from the list box.

    The event is shown in the Ship Logbook. The data available in
    the table columns asof the event occurrence time are shown in the
    Ship Logbook automatically.

    To enter comments on the event, select it in the Ship Logbook
    with the cursor andpress the Edit button on the Comment tab.

    In the Logon window which will appear, enter the password (user
    and passwordsettings are made in the System Configuration utility,
    see N AVI -S AILOR 4000/4100ECDIS ( V. 2.00.009). I NSTALLATION G
    UIDE , Chapter 2 , section NS4000Configuration , paragraph Security
    Settings ).

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    Using Ship Logbook

    Chapter 6. Using Logging Functions 141

    Press the OK button. In the Comment tab, enter the necessary
    commentson the event.

    Press the Apply button. Comments will be entered in the Ship

    To view comments entered for the event in question, switch to
    the History list tab.

    For rules for the input and display of comments in the Ship

    see N AVI -S AILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS ( V. 2.00.009). F UNCTIONAL
    DESCRIPTION ,Chapter 6 , section Ship Logbook , paragraph Making
    Corrections and Safety .

    The Ship Logbook enables editing of the event parameters from
    Chart Track toRPM columns only. Use the trackball to position the
    cursor on the cell whichshould be edited and make a double left

    In the Logon window which will appear, select the user and enter
    the password(the users and passwords are set in the System
    Configuration utility,see N AVI -S AILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS ( V.
    2.00.009). I NSTALLATION G UIDE ,Chapter 2 , section NS4000
    Configuration , paragraph Security Settings ).

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    Using Ship Logbook

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual142

    Press the OK button.

    Roll the trackball or use the keyboard to enter the necessary
    value and press the lefttrackball button or the key. To cancel
    input of the correction, press the rightmouse button. To view the
    corrections entered for the given event, switch tothe History list

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    Work with Archive

    Chapter 6. Using Logging Functions 143


    Open Logbook panel by selecting the appropriate line of T ASKS
    LIST menuon the Control panel.

    Use the tab in the top part of Logbook panel, which will open
    up, to switchto Archive page.

    The Archive page is designed for displaying archived Ship
    Logbooks.For the archiving rules see N AVI -S AILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS
    ( V . 2.00.009).F UNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION , Chapter 6 , section Ship
    Logbook , paragraphArchiving Ship Logbook .

    Press the Ship LogBook button and select the necessary archive
    from the list box.

    Note: Each archive stores 90 day records. Archives are named
    after the monthswhose entries are included in them.

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    Ship Logbook Printout

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual144

    The page will display records contained in the archive. Press
    the Jump to date buttonand select the date which the Ship Logbook
    records will be displayed for.

    The table will display Ship Logbook events starting from the
    first event ofthe selected date. It should be noted that on the
    Archive page you can only viewthe Ship Logbook.


    Open Logbook panel by selecting the appropriate line of T ASKS
    LIST menuon the Control panel.

    Use the tab in the top part of Logbook panel, which will open
    up, to switchto Print Settings page.

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    Ship Logbook Printout

    Chapter 6. Using Logging Functions 145

    Enter the following information in the input lines:

    Master captains name;

    Voyage No;

    From port of departure;

    To port of destination.

    In the Orientation group select the text orientation on the page
    during the printout:Portrait or Landscape .

    Select the printout range: Whole logbook, Today or Dates. In the
    case of Dates, useFrom and To input boxes to set the time interval
    for the printout of the Ship Logbook.

    Note: By using the Data filter you can also print out an archive
    Ship Logbook.

    For the Ship Logbook print preview, press the Print preview

    Close the Print Preview window and press the Print button.

    To convert the Ship Logbook to the *.pdf file, press the Export
    to PDF button.

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    Using Electronic System Logbook

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual146


    The Electronic System log is not synchronised in the net among

    Open Logbook panel by selecting the appropriate line of T ASKS
    LIST menuon the Control panel.

    Use the tab in the top part of Logbook panel, which will open
    up, to switchto System Log page.

    System Log page is designed for the recording of events, which
    occurred duringthe ECDIS task operation. The table is a set of
    columns (events) and of rows(event parameters). By default, the
    table reflects the following event parameters:

    Date date of the event; Time time of the event (UTC);

    Event name of the event;

    Primary Sensor primary positioning system; Secondary Sensor
    secondary positioning system; L/L event latitude/longitude
    coordinate; Offset L/L event latitude/longitude offset; Prim/Sec
    Diverge distance and direction to the secondary positioning

    (large distance exceeding the limit set in the safety
    parameters); COG — SOG course and speed values received from the
    positioning system;


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    Using Electronic System Logbook

    Chapter 6. Using Logging Functions 147

    HDG — LOG course and speed values received from the compass and

    Average speed average speed in the last 10 minutes;

    WatchDist-Log distance covered during the watch (by chart by

    DAY DIST-LOG distance covered in 24 hours (by chart by log);

    VOY DIST-LOG summary distance passed (by chart by log);

    Echo Sounder depth from the sounder or entered manually if the
    sounder is notconnected in the System Configuration utility;

    Charts displayed charts loaded for proceeding in Navigation
    Mode, the sourcespecified (ARCS, BSB BSB/NDI, ENC, TRS TX-97, SRF

    Wind direction true wind direction;

    Wind speed true wind speed;

    Water temperature water temperature.

    The following system log fields are filled in by the operator

    Remarks operator notes;

    Wave direction wave direction value entered by the operator;

    Wave Height wave height value entered by the operator;

    Air temperature air temperature value entered by the

    Pressure atmospheric pressure value entered by the operator;

    Visibility visibility range value entered by the operator;

    Engine RPM main engine rpm value entered by the operator.

    To do this, position the free cursor on the necessary cell and
    press the left trackball

    button. Type the necessary message and press the left trackball
    button orthe key:

    To change contents of the electronic system logbook (delete
    unnecessary eventparameters), press Fields button in Settings

    Uncheck checkboxes of the unnecessary event parameters.

    By default, it is only Main group of events which is displayed
    in the system log(see document N AVI -S AILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS ( V .
    2.00.009). F UNCTIONALDESCRIPTION , Chapter 6 , section Electronic
    System Logbook , paragraphElectronic System Logbook Formations
    Principles ). To display other groups ofevents in the system log,
    press Filter button in Settings group.

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    Watch Schedule Editing

    Chapter 6. Using Logging Functions 149


    Open Config panel by selecting the appropriate line of T ASKS
    LIST menuon the Control panel.

    Use the tab in the top part of Config panel, which will open up,
    to switchto Watch Editor page.

    The page displays the watch schedule which was set in the System
    Configurationutility during the installation (see N AVI -S AILOR
    4000/4100 ECDIS ( V. 2.00.009).INSTALLATION G UIDE , Chapter 2 ,
    section NS4000 Configuration , paragraphSystem Settings ).

    Press the Edit button. In the Logon window which will appear,
    select the user andenter the password (users passwords are set in
    the System Configuration utility,see N AVI -S AILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS
    ( V . 2.00.009). I NSTALLATION G UIDE ,Chapter 2 , section NS4000
    Configuration , paragraph Security Settings ).

    Press the OK button. Use cells of the Rank column to enter the
    watch officers rank,in the cell of the Family name column enter
    his/her family name.

    Fill in the rest of table cells. Press the Apply button. The
    watch officers position andname will be shown in the Ship Logbook
    in the End of watch.

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    Own Ship Track in the ECDIS Task

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual150


    Setting Track Display ElementsOpen Monitoring panel by selecting
    the appropriate line of T ASKS LIST menuon the Control panel.

    Use the tab in the top part of Monitoring panel, which will open
    up, to switch

    to Route Monitoring page.

    In Past track settings group of Route Monitoring page, which
    will open up, setthe colour of the track segment, which is being
    formed, by selecting it fromthe offered Track olour palette.

    Press Plot interval button.

    In the list, which will open up, select the track plot interval
    and press the lefttrackball/mouse button.

    Use Own ship track input line to enter the time value which the
    length of the displayedown ship track will correspond to.

    If it is necessary to turn on the display of a track from the
    secondary positioningsystem, check the Show secondary track

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    Own Ship Track in the ECDIS Task

    Chapter 6. Using Logging Functions 151

    Open Logbook panel by selecting the appropriate line of T ASKS
    LIST menuon the Control panel.

    Use the tab in the top part of Logbook panel, which will open
    up, to switchto System Log page. In the left-hand part of System
    Log page, press Filter button.

    Check the checkboxes of the event groups, which are required to
    be displayedon the track.

    These events will be shown in the form of time tags on the set
    own ship track.

    Viewing Archive TracksOpen Monitoring panel by selecting the
    appropriate line of T ASKS LIST menuon the Control panel.

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    Own Ship Track in the ECDIS Task

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual152

    Use the tab in the top part of Monitoring panel, which will open
    up, to switchto Route Monitoring page.

    In Past track settings group of Route Monitoring page, which
    will open up,press Plot interval button:

    In the list, which will open up, select the track plot interval
    and press the lefttrackball/mouse button.

    Press Track history button:

    In the list, which will open up, select the date of the track
    required to be displayed,and press the left trackball/mouse button.
    The selected date track is displayedon the Chart panel.

    To display the entire own ship track for the selected date on
    the Chart panel, pressFocus on Track button.

  • 7/21/2019 Transas Ns4000 Operation Manual


    Copyright Transas Ltd., 2009

    CHAPTER 7Manual Updating

    This chapter describes the procedure used in the handlingof
    updating objects.

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    Turning On/Off the Display of Updating Objects and Their

    Chapter 7. Manual Updating 155


    Point type objects cannot be displayed on scales smaller than

    There are two ways to turn on/off the display of updating
    objects on the ECDIS task screen:

    1. Press Man. Corr. button in the Charts Area window of the
    Control panel.

    2. Open Manual Correction panel by selecting the appropriate
    line of T ASKS LIST menu on the Control panel.

    Press ON button.

    To turn on/off the display of updating objects attributes on the
    ECDIS task screen,press the following buttons:

    Attachments to turn on highlighting of objects with attached

    Deleted to turn on highlighting of deleted objects;

    Colour to turn on orange coloured highlighting of updating

    Show temporary timed objects to turn on the display of temporary
    updatingobjects until the time when they become effective.


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    Creating and Plotting Updating Objects

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual156


    Point type objects cannot be displayed on scales smaller than

    Open Manual Correction panel by selecting the appropriate line
    of T ASKS LIST menuon the Control panel.

    The updating object creating and plotting procedure consists of
    four stages:

    selection of the object category and type;

    assigning of attributes to the object (except attached

    plotting of an object;

    assigning of attached file attribute.


  • 7/21/2019 Transas Ns4000 Operation Manual


    Creating and Plotting Updating Objects

    Chapter 7. Manual Updating 157

    Selection of the Object Category and TypeUse the tab in the
    updating object selection area, to select the updating object

    Symbols category:

    To select the object type in Symbols tab, which will open up,
    press the buttonwith its picture.

    Lines category:

    To select the object type in Lines tab, which will open up,
    press the button withits picture.

    Text category:

    Use the input line of Text tab, which will open up, to enter the
    required text.

    Depth category:

    Use the input line of Depth tab, which will open up, to enter
    the requireddistinctive depth value.

    Circles category:

    To select the necessary object in Circles tab, press the button
    with its picture.

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  • 7/21/2019 Transas Ns4000 Operation Manual


    Creating and Plotting Updating Objects

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual160

    Assigning Attached File AttributeTo assign Attached file
    attribute, the selected object should be plotted on the chart.

    To attach files ( *.txt , *.rtf , *.bmp , *.doc , *gif , *.jpg ,
    *.tif , *.pdf ),press Attachments button in the left bottom part of
    the panel.

    Position the acquisition marker, which will appear, on the
    object and press the lefttrackball/mouse button.

    The screen will display a window with lists of all the files
    available for attaching

    (to view the contents of the selected file, press Viewbutton on
    the appropriate panel).The list of files available for attaching is
    formed in the Data Tool utility.

    To attach a file (group of files) to the updating object, select
    it in Available files groupand press Attach >> button.

    The file (group of files) will move to Attached files group.
    Press Apply button to confirmthe changes you have made.

    To detach a file (group of files), select the necessary files in
    Attached files group andpress

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    Editing Updating Objects

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual164

    The screen will display a window with a list of files available
    for attaching/detaching(to view the contents of the selected file,
    press Viewbutton on the pertinent panel).The list of files
    available for attaching is formed in the Data Tool utility.

    To attach a file (group of files) to the updating object, select
    it in Available files groupand press Attach >> button.

    The file (group of files) will move to Attached files group.
    Press Apply button to confirmthe changes you have made.

    To detach a file (group of files), select the necessary files in
    Attached files group andpress

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    Editing Updating Objects

    Chapter 7. Manual Updating 165

    Editing Line, Area and Circle Type ObjectsOpen Manual Correction
    panel by selecting the appropriate line of T ASKS LIST menuon the
    Control panel.

    Press Edit Object button in the top left corner of the

    Position the acquisition marker, which will appear, on the line
    (object boundary)and press the left trackball/mouse button.

    The acquisition marker will acquire the object and change own

    If the object configuration is required to be changed, move the
    cursor to the requiredcoordinates. Press the left trackball/mouse
    button and repeat this operation untilthe necessary configuration
    is set.

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    Editing Updating Objects

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual166

    Press the right trackball/mouse button. The bottom part of the
    screen will displaya panel for the editing of updating objects.
    Edit the object type and its attributes.

    Change the object type as required in Lines tab; to do this,
    press the button with itspicture in the updating object selection

    In the palette under the object category selection area, select
    the colour of the lineor area type object (Object colour

    Open the attribute area (if not yet displayed on the panel) by
    pressing Attributes button to the right of the palette.

    Edit the necessary attributes of the updating object.

    Set the updating display time (Temporary updating attribute). To
    do this, checkStart checkbox and set the start date and time (UTC)
    of the updating object display.Check End checkbox and set the
    updating object display end date and time.

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    Editing Updating Objects

    Chapter 7. Manual Updating 167

    Enter the required text (Text attribute) in Text input line
    (information will bedisplayed on the chart).

    Enter the required information (Object information attribute) in
    Info field (information

    will not be displayed unless Info function is used).

    Set the required depth value (Object depth attribute) in Depth

    Check Danger checkbox as required (Danger to navigation

    Files are attached/detached (Attached file attribute) in a
    separate step.

    Press Apply button to confirm the changes you have made: Manual
    Correctionpanel will open up.

    To attach files to the updating object (attached file
    attribute), press Attachments button in the left bottom corner of
    the panel.

    Position the acquisition marker, which will appear, on the
    edited objectand press the left trackball/mouse button.

    The screen will display a window with a list of files available
    for attaching/detaching(to view the contents of the selected file,
    press Viewbutton on the pertinent panel).The list of files
    available for attaching is formed in the Data Tool utility.

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    Editing Updating Objects

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual168

    To attach a file (group of files) to the updating object, select
    it in Available files groupand press Attach >> button.

    The file (group of files) will move to Attached files group.
    Press Apply button to confirmchanges you have made.

    To detach a file (group of files), select the necessary files in
    Attached files group andpress

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    Editing Updating Objects

    Chapter 7. Manual Updating 169

    Press Shift Object button in the top left part of the panel.

    Position the acquisition marker which will appear, on the object
    to be shifted(the first character of a text object or a point in a
    line or area type object).

    Press the left trackball/mouse button. Position the marker,
    which will appear,in the new object coordinates within the
    displayed Chart panel.

    Press the left trackball/mouse button: the object will move to
    the specified coordinates.

    Press the right trackball/mouse button to exit from the mode of
    editingof the updating object coordinates.

    Press Save button.

    Deleting Updating ObjectOpen Manual Correction panel by
    selecting the appropriate line of T ASKS LIST menuon the Control

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    Editing Updating Objects

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual170

    Press Delete Object button in the left part of the panel.

    Position the acquisition marker, which will appear, on the
    object to be deleted(the first character of a text object or a
    point in a line or area type object).

    Press the left trackball/mouse button: the presentation of the
    object will be removedfrom the Chart panel.

    Press the right trackball/mouse button to exit from the updating
    object deleting mode.

    Press Save button.

    Restore the Deleted ObjectOpen Manual Correction panel by
    selecting the appropriate line of T ASKS LIST menuon the Control

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    Editing Updating Objects

    Chapter 7. Manual Updating 171

    Press Deleted button in the top part of the panel. The screen
    will displayall the previously deleted objects shown in the grey

    Press Restore Object button in the left bottom part of the

    Position the acquisition marker, which will appear, on the
    deleted object(the first character of a text object or a corner
    point of a line or area type object).

    Press the left trackball/mouse button: Deleted object attribute
    is removed,and the object is highlighted in accordance with the
    previously made settings.

    Press the right trackball/mouse button to exit from the deleted
    object restore mode.

    Press Save button.

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    Search for Updating Objects

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual172


    Point type objects cannot be displayed on scales smaller than

    Open Manual Correction panel by selecting the appropriate line
    of T ASKS LIST menuon the Control panel.

    Use the tab in the bottom part of the panel to switch to Find
    object page.

    Select the required updating object in the left-hand part of the
    page and pressthe left trackball/mouse button. Coordinates of the
    selected object will be displayedin the right-hand part of the


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    Search for Updating Objects

    Chapter 7. Manual Updating 173

    A double click of the left trackball/mouse button on the
    selected object line orits coordinates displays this object in the
    centre of the Chart panel highlightedwith a flashing circle for 10

    With the selection of line or area type objects, the right-hand
    part of the pagedisplays coordinates of all the points, which the
    line/area type object consists of.

    A double click of the left trackball/mouse button on the
    coordinates of any pointwhich the line/area type object consists
    of, displays this point in the centreof the Chart panel highlighted
    with a flashing circle for 10 seconds.

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  • 7/21/2019 Transas Ns4000 Operation Manual


    Copyright Transas Ltd., 2009

    CHAPTER 8Handling of User Charts

    This chapter describes the procedure usedin the handling or user

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    Creating and Saving User Charts

    Chapter 8. Handling of User Charts 177


    Creating and Plotting User Chart Objects

    Point type objects cannot be displayed on scales smaller than

    Open Add Info panel by selecting the appropriate line of T ASKS
    LIST menuon the Control panel.

    In Add Info panel, which will open up, use the tab in the top
    left part of the panelto select A or B active layer window. Press
    ON button to activate it.

    The user chart creating procedure consists of four stages:

    selection of the object category and type; assigning of
    attributes to the object (except Attached files); plotting of an
    object; assigning of file attribute Attached file.


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    Creating and Saving User Charts

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual178

    Selection of the Object Category and Type

    Use the tab in the user chart object selection area, to select
    the object category:

    Symbols category:

    To select the object type in Symbols tab, which will open up,
    press the buttonwith its picture.

    Lines category:

    To select the object type in Lines tab, which will open up,
    press the buttonwith its picture.

    Text category:

    Use the input line of Text tab, which will open up, to enter the
    required text.

    Depth category:

    Use the input line of Depth tab, which will open up, to enter
    the requireddistinctive depth value.

    Circles category:

    To select the necessary object in Circles tab, press the button
    with its picture.

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    Creating and Saving User Charts

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual180

    To set lines and areas, after the plotting of the initial point,
    move the cursorto the next point and press the left button again.
    Repeat the procedure until you setthe required number of point.

    After the input of the last point of the line or area, press the
    right trackball/mousebutton: the cursor will change its form and
    the object will be set in the specifiedcoordinates:

    line by the specified points;

    area by the points, the first and the last of them

    Assigning Attached File Attribute

    To assign Attached file attribute, the selected object should be
    plotted on the chart.

    To attach files ( *.txt , *.rtf , *.bmp , *.doc , *.gif , *.jpg
    , *.tif , *.pdf ) tothe user chart object (attached files
    attribute), press Attachments button in the leftbottom part of the

    Position the acquisition marker, which will appear, on the
    object and press the lefttrackball/mouse button.

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    Creating and Saving User Charts

    Chapter 8. Handling of User Charts 181

    The screen will display a window with lists of all the files
    available for attaching(to view the contents of the selected file,
    press Viewbutton on the appropriate panel).The list of files
    available for attaching is formed in the Data Tool utility.

    To attach a file (group of files) to the user chart object,
    select it in Available files groupand press Attach >>

    The file (group of files) will move to Attached files group.
    Press Apply button to confirmthe changes you have made.

    To detach a file (group of files), select the necessary files in
    Attached files group andpress

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    Editing User Chart Objects

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual182

    Turning On/Off the Display of Updating Objectsand Their

    To turn on/off the display of user chart objects categories on
    the ECDIS task screen,press Show Objects button.

    Check the checkboxes of necessary user chart objects

    To turn on/off the display of user chart objects attributes on
    the ECDIS task screen,press the following buttons:

    Show Attributes to turn on the display of Text and Depth
    attributes(selected from the list);

    Attachments to turn on the highlighting of objects with attached

    Deleted to turn on the highlighting of deleted object;

    Colour to turn on the orange coloured lighting of all the user
    chart objects.


    Editing Point Type Objects

    Point type objects cannot be displayed on scales smaller than

    Open Add Info panel by selecting the appropriate line of T ASKS
    LIST menuon the Control panel.

    In Add Info panel, which will open up, use the tab in the top
    left part of the panelto select A or B active layer window. Press
    ON button to activate it.


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    Editing User Chart Objects

    Chapter 8. Handling of User Charts 183

    Load the user chart containing the object you are going to edit.
    To do this,press Load Chart button and select the chart name from
    the list, which will open up.

    The screen will display presentations of the previously plotted
    user chart objects.Press Edit Object button in the top left corner
    of the panel.

    Position the acquisition marker, which will appear, on the
    object (in case of text objects,the acquisition point is the first
    character) and press the left trackball/mouse button.

    The bottom part of the screen will display a panel for editing
    user chart objects.

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    Editing User Chart Objects

    Chapter 8. Handling of User Charts 185

    Enter the required information (Object information attribute) in
    Info field (informationwill not be displayed unless Info function
    is used).

    Set the required depth value (Object depth attribute) in Depth

    Files are attached/detached (Attached file attribute) in a
    separate step.

    Press Apply button to confirm the changes you have made: Add
    Info panel will open up.

    To attach files to the user chart object (Attached file
    attribute), press Attachmentsbutton in the left bottom corner of
    the panel.

    Position the acquisition marker, which will appear, on the
    edited object and pressthe left trackball/mouse button.

    The screen will display a window with a list of files available
    for attaching/detaching(to view the contents of the selected file,
    press Viewbutton on the appropriate panel).The list of files
    available for attaching is formed in the Data Tool utility.

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    Editing User Chart Objects

    Chapter 8. Handling of User Charts 187

    The screen will display presentations of the previously plotted
    user chart objects.Press Edit object button in the top left corner
    of the panel.

    Position the acquisition marker, which will appear, on the line
    (object boundary)and press the left trackball/mouse button.

    The cursor will acquire the object and change own form.

    If the object configuration is required to be changed, move the
    cursor to the requiredcoordinates. Press the left trackball/mouse
    button and repeat this operation until

    the necessary configuration is set.

    Press the right trackball/mouse button. The bottom part of the
    screen will displaya panel for the editing of user chart objects.
    Edit the object type and its attributes.

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    Editing User Chart Objects

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual188

    Change the object type as required in Lines or Circles tab; to
    do this,press the button with its picture in the user chart object
    selection area.

    In the palette under the object category selection area, select
    the colour of the lineor area type object (Object colour

    Open the attribute area (if not yet displayed on the panel) by
    pressingAttributes button to the right of the palette.

    Edit the necessary attributes of the user chart object.

    Enter the required text (Text attribute) in Text input line
    (information will bedisplayed on the chart).

    Enter the required information (Object information attribute) in
    Info field(information will not be displayed unless Info function
    is used).

    Set the required depth value (Object depth attribute) in Depth

    Files are attached/detached (Attached file attribute) in a
    separate step.

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    Editing User Chart Objects

    Chapter 8. Handling of User Charts 189

    Press Apply button to confirm the changes you have made: Add
    Info panel willopen up.

    To attach files to the user chart object (Attached file
    attribute), pressAttachments button in the left bottom corner of
    the panel.

    Position the acquisition marker, which will appear, on the
    edited object and press

    the left trackball/mouse button.

    The screen will display a window with a list of files available
    for attaching/detaching(to view the contents of the selected file,
    press Viewbutton on the pertinent panel).The list of files
    available for attaching is formed in the Data Tool utility.

    To attach a file (group of files) to the user chart object,
    select it in Available files groupand press Attach >>

    The file (group of files) will move to Attached files group.
    Press Apply button to confirmthe changes you have made.

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    Editing User Chart Objects

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual190

    To detach a file (group of files), select the necessary files in
    Attached files group andpress

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    Editing User Chart Objects

    Chapter 8. Handling of User Charts 191

    Press the left trackball/mouse button. Position the marker,
    which will appear,in the new object coordinates within the
    displayed Chart panel.

    Press the left trackball/mouse button: the object will move to
    the specified coordinates.

    Press the right trackball/mouse button to exit from the mode of
    editing of the userchart object coordinates.

    Deleting the User Chart ObjectOpen Add Info panel by selecting
    the appropriate line of T ASKS LIST menuon the Control panel.

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    Editing User Chart Objects

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual192

    In Add Info panel, which will open up, use the tab in the top
    left part of the panelto select A or B active layer window. Press
    ON button to activate it.

    Load the user chart containing the object you are going to
    delete. To do this, pressLoad chart button and select the chart
    name from the list, which will open up.

    The screen will display presentations of the previously plotted
    user chart objects.Press Delete Object button in the left part of
    the panel.

    Position the acquisition marker, which will appear, on the
    object to be deleted(the first character of a text object or a
    point in a line or area type object).

    Press the left trackball/mouse button: the presentation of the
    object will be removedfrom the Chart panel.

    Press the right trackball/mouse button to exit from the user
    chart object deleting mode.

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    Editing User Chart Objects

    Chapter 8. Handling of User Charts 193

    Restore the Deleted User Chart ObjectOpen Add Info panel by
    selecting the appropriate line of T ASKS LIST menuon the Control

    In Add Info panel, which will open up, use the tab in the top
    left part of the panelto select A or B active layer window. Press
    ON button to activate it.

    Load the user chart containing the object you are going to
    restore. To do this, pressLoad chart button and select the chart
    name from the list, which will open up.

    The screen will display presentations of the previously plotted
    user chart objects.

    Press Deleted button in the top part of the panel. The screen
    will displayall the previously deleted objects shown in the grey

    Press Restore Object button in the left bottom part of the

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    Merging Two User Charts

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual194

    Position the acquisition marker, which will appear, on the
    deleted object(the first character of a text object or a corner
    point of a line or area type object).

    Press the left trackball/mouse button: Deleted object attribute
    is removed,and the object is highlighted in accordance with the
    previously made settings.

    Press the right trackball/mouse button to exit from the deleted
    user chart objectrestore mode.


    Open Add Info panel by selecting the appropriate line of T ASKS
    LIST menuon the Control panel.

    In Add Info panel, which will open up, use the tab in the top
    left part of the panelto select A active layer window. Press ON
    button to activate it.

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    Merging Two User Charts

    Chapter 8. Handling of User Charts 195

    Load the user chart containing objects, which will be copied to
    another chart. To do this,press Load chart button and select the
    chart name from the list, which will open up.

    The screen will display presentations of the previously plotted
    user chart objects.

    Use the tab in the top part of the panel to select B active
    layer window.Press ON button to activate it.

    Load the user chart. To do this, press Load Chart button and
    select the chart namefrom the list, which will open up.

    The screen will display presentations of the previously plotted
    user chart objects.B layer user chart has the appearance as shown

    As B layer is shown simultaneously with A layer, you will see
    the followingpresentation on the Chart panel.

    Press Merge button in the top left part of the panel. A layer
    chart merges with B layerchart, and a new chart is formed in the
    active layer (which marked with the tab).

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    Deleting User Charts

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual196

    Enter the name of the new user chart in the name input line and
    press Save buttonwhich will be activated.

    The user chart will be saved, and Load Chart button will display
    the saved chart name.


    Open Add Info panel by selecting the appropriate line of T ASKS
    LIST menuon the Control panel.

    In Add Info panel, which will open up, press Delete chart

    Select the chart name from the list, which will open up.

    Press the left trackball/mouse button.

    In the window, which will appear, press Yes button to confirm
    the deletingof the user chart. The chart will be deleted.

  • 7/21/2019 Transas Ns4000 Operation Manual


    Search for User Chart Objects

    Chapter 8. Handling of User Charts 197


    Point type objects cannot be displayed on scales smaller than

    Open Add Info panel by selecting the appropriate line of T ASKS
    LIST menuon the Control panel.

    In Add Info panel, which will open up, use the tab in the top
    left part of the panelto select A or B active layer window. Press
    ON button to activate it.

    Load the user chart containing the object required to be found.
    To do this, pressLoad chart button and select the chart name from
    the list, which will open up.

    The screen will display presentation of the previously plotted
    user chart objects.

    Use the tab in the bottom part of the panel to switch to Find
    object page.


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    Search for User Chart Objects

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual198

    Select the required user chart object in the left-hand part of
    the page and pressthe left trackball/mouse button. Coordinates of
    the selected object will be displayedin the right-hand part of the

    A double click of the left trackball/mouse button on the
    selected object line or itscoordinates displays this object in the
    centre of the Chart panel highlightedwith a flashing circle for 10

    With the selection of line or area type objects, the right-hand
    part of the pagedisplays coordinates of all the points, which the
    line/area type object consists of.

    A double click of the left trackball/mouse button on the
    coordinates of any pointwhich the line/area type object consists
    of, displays this point in the centreof the Chart panel highlighted
    with a flashing circle for 10 seconds.

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    Copyright Transas Ltd., 2009

    CHAPTER 9Handling of Routes

    This chapter describes the procedure usedin the handling of
    routes and schedules.

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    Creating a Route

    Chapter 9. Handling of Routes 201


    Open Route Editor panel by selecting the appropriate line of T
    ASKS LIST menuon the Control panel.

    Use the tab in the right part of Route Editor panel to switch to
    Extra page.

    The following buttons for turning on the display of Waypoint
    options on the ECDISscreen are pressed by default:

    XTD to display on the electronic chart safety lines for the
    active route;

    Arrival Circle to display on the electronic chart change-of-WPT
    circlefor the active route;

    Turns to display on the electronic chart the turn radius arc for
    the active route.

    If necessary, press Name button to turn on the display of
    waypoints nameson the ECDIS screen.

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    Creating a Route

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual204

    If the cursor is positioned beyond the Chart panel boundaries,
    it will be re-drawnautomatically so that there is always a chart
    from the chart folio under the cursor(provided Chart Autoload
    function is ON).

    After the setting of the last point of the planned route, double
    click the righttrackball/mouse button: the cursor will exit from
    the route planning and editingmode and will assume the form of the
    ECDIS task free cursor.

    The generation of the route is completed. To save the route,
    enter its namein the name input line in the top right part of the

    Press Save button which has been activated. The networked route
    will be saved in allthe WSs.

    Use of Additional Graphic CursorUse the tab in the top part of
    Route Editor panel, which will open up, to switch

    to Options page.

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    Creating a Route

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual206

    Setting Wheel Over Point

    Where it is necessary to plot waypoints taking into account the
    ships turn radius,check Wheel over checkbox in the Set point

    Setting of Reference Point on the Chart Panel

    To set a base point on the ECDIS task Chart panel, which will be
    used in the plottingand editing of routes, press Set button in
    Anchor group. Position the cursoron the necessary point on the
    ECDIS task Chart panel and press the lefttrackball/mouse button.
    The base point symbol (anchor) will appear in the basepoint,
    whereas Anchor group coordinate boxes will display its

    To cancel the display of the base point, press Clear button in
    Anchor group .

    Tabular Method After a press on the New button, a graphic cursor
    will appear on the Chart panel.Click the right trackball/mouse
    button: the cursor will exit from the route planning andediting
    mode and will assume the form of the ECDIS task free cursor.

    Use the tab in the right-hand part of the panel to switch to
    Extra page and pressColumns button:

    In the list, which will open up, select lines with the names of
    required route elements.The corresponding columns will remain the
    route element table.

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    Creating a Route

    Chapter 9. Handling of Routes 207

    Enter the route start point (0 row). To do this, perform the
    procedures detailed below:

    position the cursor on Name element cell; double clickthe left
    trackball/mouse button to activate the cell;

    enter the WPT name; press key;

    position the cursor on LAT element cell. Double clickthe left
    trackball/mouse button to activate the cell;

    enter the latitude coordinate and press the righttrackball/mouse

    press Apply button to confirm the changes you have made;

    position the cursor on LON element cell; double click the
    lefttrackball/mouse button to activate the cell;

    enter the longitude coordinate and press the
    righttrackball/mouse button;

    press Apply button to confirm the changes you have made;

    position the cursor on RL/GC element cell; double click the
    lefttrackball/mouse button to activate the cell;

    press the button in the right-hand part of the cell and
    selectthe sailing type from the list which will open up;

    press the left trackball/mouse button to confirm the changesyou
    have made;

    there is no editing of course and range cells;

    position the cursor on PORT XTD element cell; double click the
    lefttrackball/mouse button to activate the cell;

    edit XTD value to the left of the route leg; press the
    lefttrackball/mouse button;

    position the cursor on STBD XTD element cell; double click the
    lefttrackball/mouse button to activate the cell;

    edit XTD value to the right of the route leg; press the left

    trackball/mouse button;

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    Route Loading and Unloading

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual208

    position the cursor on Arrival Circle element cell; double
    clickthe left trackball/mouse button to activate the cell;

    enter the radius value for the WPT change circle; press the
    lefttrackball/mouse button;

    position the cursor on Turn Radius element cell; double clickthe
    left trackball/mouse button to activate the cell;

    enter the radius for the arc of the suitable ship trackon the
    turning circle; press the left trackball/mouse button.

    The remaining cells are filled in at the time when the schedule
    is drawn.

    Enter the rest of the WPTs.

    The route generation is completed. To save the route, enter its
    name in the nameinput line in the top part of the panel.

    Press Save button, which has been activated. The networked route
    will be savedin all the WSs.


    Open Route Editor panel by selecting the appropriate line of T
    ASKS LIST menuon the Control panel.

    In Route Editor panel, press Load Route button to activate

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    Route Loading and Unloading

    Chapter 9. Handling of Routes 209

    In the list, which will open up, select the route required to be
    loaded in edition mode,and press the left trackball/mouse

    Several routes can be loaded simultaneously in the editing mode.
    As a buttonwith route name is pressed, the route becomes active and
    can be edited in the tableor on the ECDIS task screen by using the
    graphic editor.

    To quick load the necessary route to monitoring mode, select it
    from the routesloaded in edition mode and press Activate Route
    Monitor button (see also paragraphNavigational Tasks , item Loading
    of Route and Schedulein the Navigation Mode ):

    To unload the route, press Unload Route button:

    In the list, which will open up, select the route required to be
    unloaded, and pressthe left trackball/mouse button.

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    Fast Route Search

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual210


    Open Route Editor panel by selecting the appropriate line of T
    ASKS LIST menuon the Control panel.

    In Route Editor panel, load the necessary route.

    Press Focus on Route button. The Chart panel will display the
    entire routeon the suitable scale chart.

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    Route Editing

    Chapter 9. Handling of Routes 211


    Graphic Route Editing MethodOpen Route Editor panel by selecting
    the appropriate line of T ASKS LIST menu

    on the Control panel.

    In Route Editor panel, load the necessary route.

    Press WPT Editor button. An acquisition marker will appear in
    the Chart panel,whereas the right bottom part of the ECDIS task
    screen will display Edit Route information window.

    Edit Route window displays marker coordinates.

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    Route Editing

    Chapter 9. Handling of Routes 213

    Press the left trackball/mouse button: a new WPT will be set.
    The marker willacquire the new WPT and change own form.

    Move the acquired WPT to the necessary place.

    As the WPT coordinates change, the adjacent route legs will
    change, too. Pressthe left trackball/mouse button. The new WPT will
    be set in the specifiedcoordinates.

    Deleting a WPT

    Position the acquisition marker on the WPT to be deleted.

    Press the left trackball/mouse button: the marker will acquire
    the WPT and changeown form.

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    Route Editing

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual214

    Press the right trackball/mouse button. The point will be
    deleted, and the adjacentroute legs will be combined to form

    Press the right trackball/mouse button to exit from the editing
    mode. The marker willassume the shape of the ECDIS task free

    Save the route as required by pressing Save button in the top
    right part of the panel.

    Tabular Method of Route Editing

    Open Route Editor panel by selecting the appropriate line of T
    ASKS LIST menuon the Control panel.

    In Route Editor panel, load the necessary route.

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    Route Editing

    Chapter 9. Handling of Routes 215

    Edit the existing route by using the following procedures.

    Changing Coordinates and Route Elements for an Existing WPT
    position the cursor on Name element cell; double

    click the left trackball/mouse button to activatethe cell;

    edit the WPT name; press key;

    position the cursor on LAT element cell; double clickthe left
    trackball/mouse button to activate the cell;

    edit the latitude coordinate and press the righttrackball/mouse

    press Apply button to confirm the changes you have made;

    position the cursor on LON element cell; double click the
    lefttrackball/mouse button to activate the cell;

    edit the longitude coordinate and press the righttrackball/mouse

    press Apply button to confirm the changes you have made;

    position the cursor on RL/GC element cell; double click the
    lefttrackball/mouse button to activate the cell;

    press the button in the right-hand part of the cell and
    selectthe sailing type from the list which will open up;

    press the left trackball/mouse button to confirm the changesyou
    have made;

    there is no editing of course or range cells;

    position the cursor on PORT XTD element cell; double click the
    lefttrackball/mouse button to activate the cell;

    edit XTD value to the left of the route leg; press the
    lefttrackball/mouse button;

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    Route Editing

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual216

    position the cursor on STBD. XTD element cell; double click the
    lefttrackball/mouse button to activate the cell;

    edit XTD value to the right of the route leg; press the
    lefttrackball/mouse button;

    Position the cursor on Arrival Circle element cell; double
    clickthe left trackball/mouse button to activate the cell;

    edit the radius value for the WPT change circle; press the
    lefttrackball/mouse button;

    position the cursor on Turn Radius element cell; double clickthe
    eft trackball/mouse button to activate the cell;

    edit the radius for the arc of the suitable ship trackon the
    turning circle; press the left trackball/mouse button.

    Edit other WPTs.

    Setting a New WPTPosition the cursor on the cell with the number
    of the WPT before which a new WPTis required to be added, press the
    left trackball/mouse button. This WPT linewill be highlighted in

    Press key of the computer keyboard or press the right
    trackball/mousebutton and select NEW context menu item. A new line
    containing the same data asthe old one will be displayed, whereas
    the old line will be assigned the next number.

    Edit the route element value.

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    Route Editing

    Chapter 9. Handling of Routes 217

    Deleting a WPT

    Position the cursor on the cell with the number of the WPT
    required to be deleted,press the left trackball/mouse button. This
    WPT line will be highlighted in colour.

    Press key on the computer keyboard or press the right
    trackball/mousebutton and select DELETE WPT context menu item. The
    selected line will be deleted,those following it will be

    All the changes in the table will be reflected accordingly on
    the graphic screen.

    Save the route as required by pressing Save button in the top
    right part of the panel.

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    Route Approval and Protection

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual218


    Open Route Editor panel by selecting the appropriate line of T
    ASKS LIST menuon the Control panel.

    In Route Editor panel load the necessary route.

    Protecting Route from EditingUse the tab in the top part of
    Route Editor panel to switch to Extra page.

    Press Protect button in Protection Control group. The route will
    be protected fromediting, and the letter [P] will be added to its

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    Route Approval and Protection

    Chapter 9. Handling of Routes 219

    Route ApprovalUse the tab in the top part of Route Editor panel
    to switch to Extra page.

    For the route to be approved, it should be checked for dangers
    to navigationon Check page of Route Editor panel.

    Press Activate button in Protection Control group. The route
    will be approved,and the letter [A] will be added to its name.


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    Merging Routes

    Chapter 9. Handling of Routes 221


    Open Route Editor panel by selecting the appropriate line of T
    ASKS LIST menuon the Control panel.

    In Route Editor panel, load the route to whose last point
    another routeshould be connected.

    Use the tab in the right-hand part of the panel to switch to
    Extra page,and press Link to button.

    In the list, which will open up, select the route, which will be
    connected to the lastpoint of the loaded route. Press the left
    trackball/mouse button.

    WPTs of the connected route will be added to the table of route

    All the changes in the table will be shown accordingly on the
    Chart panel.

    Save the route as required by pressing Save button in the top
    right part of the panel.

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    Deleting a Route

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual222


    Open Route Editor panel by selecting the appropriate line of T
    ASKS LIST menuon the Control panel.

    Use the tab in the right-hand part of Route Editor panel, which
    will open up,to switch to Extra page.

    In the opened Extra page, press Delete button.

    Select the route, which should be deleted, from the list and
    press the lefttrackball/mouse button.

    In the window, which will appear, confirm the deleting. The
    route will be deleted.

    The route can not be deleted until it is loaded into monitoring
    or editing mode.


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    Transmitting Route to an External Device

    Chapter 9. Handling of Routes 223


    For the route to be transmitted to an external device
    (UPLOAD_ROUTE port),the external device is required to be connected
    in the System Configuration utility.(see document N AVI -S AILOR
    4000/4100 ECDIS ( V. 2.00.009). I NSTALLATIONG UIDE , Chapter 2 ,
    section NS 4000 Configuration , paragraph Sensors Settings ).

    Open Route Editor panel by selecting the appropriate line of T
    ASKS LIST menuon the Control panel.

    Use the tab in the right-hand part of Route Editor panel, to
    switch to Extra page.

    In the opened Extra page, press Upload Route button.

    Select the route required to be transmitted and press the left
    trackball/mouse button.The route will be passed to the external


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    Checking and Editing the Route Taking into Account Dangers to

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual224


    The check of a route for the availability of objects
    representing danger to navigation,is made by using the safety
    parameters set in Navigational Alarms page ofMonitoring panel.

    Open Route Editor panel by selecting the appropriate line of T
    ASKS LIST menuon the Control panel.

    In Route Editor panel load the route, which should be checked
    for the availabilityof dangers to navigation.

    Use the tab in the right-hand part of the panel to switch to
    Check page.


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    Checking and Editing the Route Taking into Account Dangers to

    Chapter 9. Handling of Routes 227

    After the route leg editing is completed, press the left
    trackball/mouse button.The edited route legs will be checked, and
    the next danger to navigationwill be backlighted on the Chart

    If no dangers to navigation are identified on the edited route
    leg, an appropriatemessage will be displayed in Check page.

    Press Accept button: there will be a check of the following
    route legs. Performthe editing until the end of the route. If there
    are no dangers to navigationon the route, Check page will display
    an appropriate message.

    To exit from the check mode, press Accept button.

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    Displaying Route Parameters as Excel Table

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual228


    This function is not available unless the station has
    appropriate software (MS Excel).

    Open Route Editor panel by selecting the appropriate line of T
    ASKS LIST menuon the Control panel.

    In Route Editor panel load the route, which should be converted
    to Excel.

    Use the tab in the right-hand part of the panel to switch to
    Extra page,and press Route to Table button.

    The screen will display Excel table containing the selected
    route parameters.


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    Drawing Schedules

    Chapter 9. Handling of Routes 229

    This table will be automatically saved in the ECDIS task memory
    in the formof Excel file ( *.xls ). These files are handled via the
    Data Tool utility in Route Excel group.


    Open Route Editor panel by selecting the appropriate line of T
    ASKS LIST menuon the Control panel.

    In Route Editor panel load the route, which the schedule will be
    drawn for.

    Use the tab in the right-hand part of the panel to switch to
    Extra page, and pressColumns button.

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    Drawing Schedules

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual230

    In the list, which will open up, select lines with the names of
    the required scheduleelements. The corresponding columns will
    appear in the table on Route Editor panel.

    Use the tab in the right-hand part of the panel to switch to
    Schedule page,and press Clear button.

    To draw a new schedule, press New button.

    Enter the schedule elements for the WPTs. To do this, perform
    the proceduresdetailed below:

    position the cursor on Time Zone element cell; double clickthe
    left trackball/mouse button to activate the cell;

    enter the time zone set in this WPT and press the
    righttrackball/mouse button;

    press Apply button to confirm the changes

    you have made;

  • 7/21/2019 Transas Ns4000 Operation Manual


    Drawing Schedules

    Chapter 9. Handling of Routes 231

    position the cursor on ETA element cell(not set for the route
    start point). Double clickthe left trackball/mouse button to
    activate the cell;

    enter ETA for this WPT and press the righttrackball/mouse

    press Apply button to confirm the changesyou have made;

    position the cursor on Stay element cell; double clickthe left
    trackball/mouse button to activate the cell;

    enter the time of stay at this WPT and press the
    righttrackball/mouse button;

    press Apply button to confirm the changesyou have made;

    position the cursor on ETD element cell (not setfor the route
    end point); double click the lefttrackball/mouse button to activate
    the cell;

    enter ETD for the WPT and press the righttrackball/mouse

    press Apply button to confirm the changesyou have made;

    there is no editing of TTG, Total Time, UKC or Average Speed

    position the cursor on Draught element cell; double clickthe
    left trackball/mouse button to activate the cell;

    enter the draught value on the route leg; press the
    lefttrackball/mouse button;

    position the cursor on Speed element cell; double clickthe left
    trackball/mouse button to activate the cell;

    enter the speed value on the route leg; press the
    lefttrackball/mouse button.

    For the route start point, ETD value should always be specified.
    For the end point,it is necessary to specify ETA or speed of
    proceeding along the route legs.

    For the current conditions to be taken into account in the
    schedule calculations,check Tidal Current, Surface Current and
    Calculate UKC checkboxes.

    Press Calculate button: the schedule will be calculated.


  • 7/21/2019 Transas Ns4000 Operation Manual


    Drawing Schedules

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual232

    The schedule calculation process is reflected in the display
    window. In the table,empty cells will be filled in with the
    calculated schedule elements.

    A schedule line has been created. To save the schedule, enter
    its name in the nameinput line in Schedule page.

    Press Save button, which has been activated.

  • 7/21/2019 Transas Ns4000 Operation Manual


    Editing a Schedule

    Chapter 9. Handling of Routes 233


    Open Route Editor panel by selecting the appropriate line of T
    ASKS LIST menuon the Control panel.

    In Route Editor panel load the route, which the schedule will be
    drawn for.

    Use the tab in the right-hand part of the panel and press the
    button with the nameof the loaded schedule in the top part of the
    Schedule page.

    In the list which will open up, select the schedule which should
    be edited, and pressthe left trackball/mouse button. The selected
    schedule will be loaded in the table.In Schedule page, Tidal
    Current, Surface Current and Calculate UKC checkboxes willbe
    checked/unchecked like at the time when the selected schedule was

  • 7/21/2019 Transas Ns4000 Operation Manual


    Editing a Schedule

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual234

    To edit schedule elements, perform the procedures detailed
    below. With a changein any of the elements, all the cells
    containing calculated data are cleared(data entered by the operator
    when the schedule was drawn, will remain):

    position the cursor on Time Zone element cell; double clickthe
    left trackball/mouse button to activate the cell;

    edit the time zone which will be set in the given WPTand press
    the right trackball/mouse button;

    press Apply button to confirm the changesyou have made;

    position the cursor on ETA element (not set for the routestart
    point); double click the left trackball/mouse buttonto activate the

    edit ETA for the WPT and press the right

    press Apply button to confirm the changesyou have made;

    position the cursor on Stay element cell; double clickthe left
    trackball/mouse button to activate the cell;

    edit the time of stay in the given WPT and press the
    righttrackball/mouse button;

    press Apply button to confirm the changes you have made;

    position the cursor on ETD element cell (not set for the
    endWPT); double click the left trackball/mouse button to
    activatethe cell;

    edit ETD for this WPT and press the right

    press Apply button to confirm the changesyou have made;

    there is no editing of TTG, Total Time, UKC or Average Speed

    position the cursor on Draught element cell; double click

    the left trackball/mouse button to activate the cell; enter the
    draught value on the route leg; press the left

    trackball/mouse button;

    position the cursor on Speed element cell; double clickthe left
    trackball/mouse button to activate the cell;

    edit the speed value on the route leg; press the
    lefttrackball/mouse button.

    For the route start point, ETD value should always be specified.
    For the end point,it is necessary to specify ETA or speed of
    proceeding along the route legs.


  • 7/21/2019 Transas Ns4000 Operation Manual


    Editing a Schedule

    Chapter 9. Handling of Routes 235

    Check/uncheck checkboxes in Schedule page as required for the
    tidal and surfacecurrents to be taken into account.

    Press Calculate button. The schedule will be re-calculated.

    The schedule re-calculation process is reflected in the display
    window. In the table,empty cells will be filled in with new
    schedule element values.

    Editing of the schedule is completed. The edited schedule is
    saved automaticallyunder its old name. To save the schedule under a
    new name, enter it in the nameinput line in Schedule page.

    Press Save button, which has been activated.

    The schedule will be saved.

  • 7/21/2019 Transas Ns4000 Operation Manual


    Deleting Schedules

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual236


    Open Route Editor panel by selecting the appropriate line of T
    ASKS LIST menuon the Control panel.

    In Route Editor panel load the route, which the schedule will be

    Use the tab in the right-hand part of Route Editor panel to
    switch to Schedulepage, and press Delete Schedule button.

    Note: The schedule to be deleted should not be loaded, otherwise
    load anotherschedule (see the previous item).

    Select the schedule, which should be deleted, from the list and
    press the lefttrackball/mouse button.

  • 7/21/2019 Transas Ns4000 Operation Manual


    Quick Distance Calculator

    Chapter 9. Handling of Routes 237


    Open Route Editor panel by selecting the appropriate line of T
    ASKS LIST menuon the Control panel.

    In Route Editor panel, load the necessary route.

    Use the tab in the right-hand part of the panel to switch to
    Schedule page.

    In the bottom part of the page there is Quick distance
    calculator group.

    Use From drop-down list to select the number of the waypoint
    which calculationsof the desired distance are started at.

    Use To drop-down list to select the number of the waypoint where
    calculationsof the desired distance are ended. Distance window will
    display a value of the routesegment length between the two

  • 7/21/2019 Transas Ns4000 Operation Manual


  • 7/21/2019 Transas Ns4000 Operation Manual


    Copyright Transas Ltd., 2009

    CHAPTER 10Handling Radar Information

    and Target Designation UnitsThis chapter describes the procedure
    used in the handlingof radar information and target designation

  • 7/21/2019 Transas Ns4000 Operation Manual


  • 7/21/2019 Transas Ns4000 Operation Manual


    Radar Overlay

    Chapter 10. Handling Radar Information and Target Designation
    Units 241


    Work with Radar Overlay

    To select a scanner, press the TX button in the Sensors and
    Network windowof the Control panel.

    Select the necessary scanner.

    To turn on the radar picture, press Overlay button.

    A radar picture will appear on the Chart panel.

    Press the button with the name of the set display in the Display
    Panel windowof the Control panel.

    In the list, which will open up, select Radar Settings line and
    press the lefttrackball/mouse button.

  • 7/21/2019 Transas Ns4000 Operation Manual


    Radar Overlay

    NAVI-SAILOR 4000/4100 ECDIS (v. 2.00.009). User Manual242

    In Radar Settings display which will open up, set the range
    scale. To do this,use the buttons to the right of Range input

    Turn on display of range rings as required. To do this, press
    Show button to the right

    of Rings window.

    Set the required brightness, gain, suppression of rain and sea
    clutter by usingthe buttons on the sides of level indicators.

    To enter the required transparency value, use the buttons (from
    0 opaqueto 3 almost transparent) in Transparency group.

    To set the required rectangular area of the radar picture
    display, press Set buttonin Overlay window group.

    A graphic cursor will appear in the chart screen area. Position
    the cursor in the initialpoint of the area and press the left
    trackball/mouse button. Set the required radarpicture area by
    moving the cursor, keeping the left trackball/mouse button

  • 7/21/2019 Transas Ns4000 Operation Manual


    Radar Overlay

    Chapter 10. Handling Radar Information and Target Designation
    Units 243

    Press the trackball/mouse button again. The area will be

    Turn on and adjust the scan-to-scan correlation function as
    required. To do this,

    press the button in Accumulation group.

    In the list, which will open up, select the necessary value
    (from 20 to 100) or None to switch the function off. Press the left
    trackball/mouse button to confirm selection.

    Press the required colour button in Echo colour button group to
    set the colourof the radar picture.

    The adjustment of the radar picture is completed.

    Distance and Bearing Offset

    Distance and Bearing Offset is only made on the WS which the RIB
    is installed on.


    Adjustment of the RIB in azimuth, i.e. an offset to the fixed
    azimuth errors of the radarantenna. The magnitude of the offset is
    determined as

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